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RWBY Kink Prompts


A series of short kink prompts for all sorts of expansion-based fics, all 500 words or less, probably not connected to one another and all definitely not safe for work

Latest Chapter: Weiss stops herself from thinking about expansion for good. She starts thinking about expansion for evil.


Me and some friends over on Discord decided to do a weekly prompt thing with our kink fics and write 500 word one shots. They didn't keep it up, but I did (even if it's not weekly), so here you go.

Chapter 1: Surprise Shower Size-up


The prompt for this one was "Blake Belladonna Rapid Expansion". Other folks seemed to like it, hopefully you guys will to. This one contains off screen weight gain.

Chapter Text

Blake didn’t usually take this long to shower, Yang thought as she moved towards the bathroom. She knocked before speaking.

“Hey, Blakey, you okay in there?” Yang asked with her ear up to the door. There was a short silence, Yang couldn’t even hear the shower running.

“N-no, I’m not,” replied Blake’s voice, low and quiet, pitifully sad, before being interrupted by a sneeze. Yang wasn’t sure how to respond to that.

“Uh, mind if I come in and help?” Yang asked, her hand slowly closing around the door handle, waiting for an answer.

“Are Ruby and Weiss out there?” Blake asked cautiously.

“No, just me. If it’s something bad, don’t worry, I won’t tell them,” Yang reassured.

“Okay, you can come in, but promise not to freak out,” Blake asked. Yang turned the door handle and opened the door.

“Relax, what could it possibly…” Yang started before an unexpected sight met her. It was Blake, that was for sure, but it was very different from the Blake that Yang saw less than fifteen minutes ago. Yang only recognised Blake’s face, a task slightly more difficult than usual due to it becoming softer and being paired with a double-chin, but her nude body was completely different. Most prominent were Blake’s hips, which looked about three times as wide as they used to be. Her widened hips supported a big, soft belly that hung down like an apron over her crotch, along with thick thighs with prominent cellulite. Her chest hadn’t grown quite as much as the rest of her, but it was no slouch, growing to become even larger than Yang’s as they rested on her fat belly. Yang’s frozen silence said everything it needed to for Blake.

“I… I don’t know what happened. I had my shower, and after I finished I sneezed and I started growing, and every time I sneeze I…” As if right on cue, Blake turned and sneezed, making sure to avoid sneezing on her partner. As she sneezed, her whole body grew plumper in the blink of an eye, her hips widening, her thighs growing larger, her belly jutting out further.

“Right, I get it,” Yang said, pausing for a moment. “Okay, actually I don’t get it, but I’ll get you some bigger clothes and we’ll get you to the nurse, okay?” Yang offered.

“That sounds like a good idea, but… well…” Blake said, gesturing between her and the door. Yang realised what Blake was trying to say, as she noticed that Blake was wider than the door.

“Oh, oops, right. Um… I’ll run to the nurse, see if they can come to you. I’ll be right back, just try not to sneeze too much until then,” Yang said quickly, before turning and shooting out of the dorm room. While she waited, Blake sat her massive rear down on the edge of the tub. Then, she let out a sneeze as her rear expanded, pushing her up a bit more.

“Oh no.”

Chapter 2: Pink Lemonade and Pancakes


This time the prompt was 'Unusual Ships' and my multishipper ass was just like that eyes glow 'real shit' meme. It was hard to pick a ship, but I got there in the end. My time has come, y'all should be shipping YangXNora, they'd be great together and you just don't know it yet, and this pairing is definitely gonna be in a future fic of some kind. Also, less than 500 words, hopefully quality over quantity.

This chapter contains stuffing and everything that comes along with it

Chapter Text

When Yang offered to take Nora out for all-you-can-eat pancakes, all she had in mind was a cute breakfast date with her cute girlfriend. Of course, that was not to be, as Yang discovered when she got there.

“Hey, uh, babe, that’s a lot of pancakes,” Yang said with a nervous chuckle as Nora returned to their table with a plate of pancakes stacked taller than she was.

“Boo, you know my love of pancakes is the only thing that comes close to how much I love you and Ren, right? Even though I love you two for different reasons, obvs,” Nora asked, as if she already knew the answer and was just hoping the right one would come out of Yang’s mouth.

“Yeah, I know that, but…”

“No ‘buts’! Except yours, it’s pretty cute,” Nora interrupted. Before the lightly blushing Yang could try to press the issue further, Nora was already tearing through her tower of pancakes like a woman possessed. All Yang could do was enjoy her comparatively miniscule stack of pancakes and hope Nora didn’t over do it. Yang was glad that Nora had a different outfit that her normal battle gear on, as it didn’t take long for the mountain of pancakes to start filling her belly. The pink tank top she wore under her navy-blue bomber jacket started to ride up as her belly began demanding more room as it grew and grew. Once Yang finished her pancakes all she could do was watch Nora stuff her face. She knew Nora was a big eater, but this display was well beyond anything Yang could manage. Yang could even feel a hint of jealousy for her girlfriend’s eating ability.

Before Yang knew it, Nora’s pancakes were defeated and Nora sat there, triumphant and with a belly looking like she was days away from having a baby. Nora’s belly churned and gurgled loudly as it worked on digesting the mountain of food that she had stuffed into it.

“Jeez, Nora, didn’t know you had it in you,” Yang said in disbelief.

“Yang, c’mon, you know I’m the queen of pancakes,” Nora bragged, “in addition to being queen of your heart.” Yang snickered quietly.

“Yeah, yeah, your highness. I reckon we should get out of here before the staff start planning regicide,” Yang replied as she spotted the staff staring at the couple.

“Fine, but we can come back later, right?” Nora asked, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. A soft smile sprung onto Yang’s face.

“Of course, sweetie,” Yang answered, before scooping Nora up and carrying her out.

“Thanks, my wonderful queen-consort,” Nora cheered, before letting out a groan. Yang shifted the way she carried Nora and went to rub her belly, making Nora let out a moan of enjoyment. “Ooh, that feels good.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Yang said. Nora leant up to place a quick kiss on Yang’s cheek.

“Love you Yang,” Nora chirped.

“Love you too Nora.”

Chapter 3: Weiss Isn't Flat


Our discord chat skipped last week's prompt because they were all super busy with stuff, but we're back. This week's prompt was 'Rivalry expansion'.

This chapter contains breast expansion, something that apparently isn't super common here

Chapter Text

“This should silence that blonde brute,” Weiss grumbled to herself as she pulled a little glass bottle from her uniform jacket pocket. She uncorked it and down the lavender coloured liquid in one go. She set the bottle down on the edge of the bathroom sink and waited. She could feel the warmth pooling in her chest, a sign that something was about to happen. Then, in one sudden moment, her breasts surged forward. Nothing could stop them, not Weiss’ bra, nor her blouse, each of them giving out under the power of Weiss’ rapidly expanding breasts. Weiss’ bra hook snapped, opening and hanging uselessly, letting her breasts be free of what would have been some noticeable strain. The buttons on her uniform shirt burst and tore off her shirt, flying across the room and bouncing off the walls. Weiss reached under her shirt and with some agile manoeuvring she extracted her ruined bra. She then slipped her hands back under her shirt to cup her newly improved breasts. Each one filled a hand and then some, their considerable weight causing Weiss’ hands to sink in to the soft flesh and spill over the sides. They each jutted out so far that when Weiss looked down her view of her own feet was obscured by them, her pale skin and deep cleavage filling too much of her field of view. Weiss delighted in the wonderful jolts of pleasure that shot through her body as she squeezed and massaged her expanded breasts, with even the slightest, quietest moans squeaking past her lips.

After a few minutes of enjoying herself Weiss turned and marched proudly out of the team’s bathroom and back into the dorm room. The only head that turned initially was Ruby’s, but she had quite the reaction to Weiss and her almost exposed breasts.

“Woah, Weiss, what happened to you?” Ruby exclaimed, catching the attention of the rest of the team. As Blake and Yang looked at Weiss their jaws literally dropped.

“Jeez, Weiss, I think they’re bigger than mine,” Yang commented, her eyes flicking down to Weiss’ chest almost subconsciously.

“I know they are,” Weiss stated with full confidence. “I also know that no one will be calling me ‘flat’ again, isn’t that right Yang?” she added rather pointedly. It took a moment for it to land, but when it did the realisation was plain on Yang’s face.

“You… you did this all because I called you flat?” a very baffled Yang asked. “I-I didn’t realise it bothered you that much, I’m so…”

“No need to apologise. After all, I’m very satisfied with my new body. Of course, it looks like you have some catching up to do,” Weiss teased.

“You’re on, Weiss. By the time I’m done, you’re gonna look flat again compared to me,” Yang bragged. Blake facepalmed beside Yang.

“This might be the stupidest rivalry ever,” Blake deadpanned.

“You won’t be saying that once you start perving on the sexiest rivals in Beacon,” Yang teased.

Chapter 4: Super Size Schnee


Another entry into the Discord prompt thingy, this time we did 'Fast Food'. I wanted to try something a little different, some slight weight gain and minor slob stuff, just to say I can do it. Also, still under 500 words, go me!

Chapter Text

When the rest of Team RWBY got back from staying as the Xiao Long home, they didn’t expect to see this sight. The first thing that struck them was the amount of litter around Weiss’ bed, pizza boxes, burger wrappers, empty fried chicken buckets filled with stripped bones, all signs of what must have been a near constant fast food binge. What then struck them was the transformation Weiss had undergone. Gone was the petite young woman they knew, in her place was a bloated fat mess of a woman. Weiss’ belly was round enough that it was difficult to tell whether she had grown a pot belly during the semester break or if she was still stuffed from the feeding frenzy that had put her in the food coma that she was currently in. Her thighs and rear stretched out the lacy baby blue panties Weiss wore, those being the only thing she was wearing. Fat softened up a lot of the rest of her features, from her face and shoulders all the way to her knees and ankles, everything had a small, yet noticeable, layer of fat on them. Around her mouth was a visible sheen of grease and sauce, clear evidence that Weiss had given in to shameless messy gluttony. The food coma Weiss had put herself in was so deep that she didn’t even notice her team return and gawk at her. The rest of her team quickly discussed amongst themselves before electing Yang to wake Weiss up. Yang crept across the room, careful not to put her boot in Weiss’ rubbish as she made her way to Weiss’ bedside.

“Weiss, wakey wakey,” Yang said softly as she put a hand on Weiss’ sloped shoulder to gently shake her awake.

“Nuh… wha…” Weiss groggily got out as her bleary eyes slowly opened. When she realised what she was looking at she was wide awake in the blink of an eye. “Th-this isn’t what it looks like!” Weiss nearly shrieked.

“Really?” Yang said incredulously. “Because it looks like you ate nothing but fast food since we left. What happened to ‘Fast food is garbage barely worth feeding to animals’?” Yang mocked, doing her worst Weiss impression. There was a moment of silence in the room as the rest of the team considered the possibility that Yang had overdone it, before Weiss eventually responded.

“I was wrong,” Weiss murmured.

“What was that, Weiss? Speak up,” Yang teased.

“I was wrong!” Weiss admitted. “It’s great, and I shouldn’t have badmouthed it. I never expected it to ruin my self-control like this!” This was enough for Yang to dial it back a bit.

“Hey, I mean, this stuff’s meant to be addictive. But don’t worry, we’ll have you back in huntsman shape in no time, as long as you don’t mind training with Nora,” Yang reassured. Whether it worked or not, Weiss still let out a groan.

“Tell Nora to be gentle.”

Chapter 5: Blake's Grimm Gains


Another week or so, another discord prompt. This week's one was 'Weight Gain Caused By Grimm'. I'll be honest, this is about as close to vore as I'm wanting to get, it's part of why it happened "off screen", since I'm not super sure how to categorise 'eating a Grimm that's made of chocolate'. If any of you lot know, I'd appreciate the advice. Also, it's based off this one game I played a while ago, but I can't remember the name of it. It was one of those RPGMaker weight gain turn-based RPG thingies and there were monsters that would feed themselves to your characters to fatten them up and beat them.

Also, don't think about this story too hard. I certainly didn't.

Chapter Text

Blake licked her lips as she crouched in a tree above an unusual Beowolf. Instead of the standard black bodies with white bone protrusions, this Grimm was a chocolate brown with protrusions similar to white chocolate. Yang watched at Blake prepared to pounce.

“Do you mind not watching? This is gonna be… undignified,” Blake whispered to Yang. Yang shot Blake a quick thumbs up and turned her head away. Yang heard the tree rustle as Blake leapt from the tree. Then she heard the Beowolf growl and struggle, matching Blake’s growling and struggling. She then heard the Beowolf start yelping like a puppy and the sound of tearing, leaving Yang with very vivid mental images. Before long, the Emerald Forest was silent again, only to be broken by Blake again. “Yang, I’m done,” Blake purred. Yang turned her head and the sight that met her was jaw-dropping. The lithe form of Blake Belladonna was replaced by a mound of pale flesh. She sported hips wide enough that two or three Yangs would be about as wide. Her rear jutted out about half a meter, looking like beachballs with how smooth and round they were. Her breasts were the size of basketballs, weighing down heavily on her chest and held up only by her belly. Her belly poured down over her body, despite sticking out almost as far as her rear did, and managed to cover her core. However, that didn’t stop her from looking indecent, as her clothes had all been torn to shreds by Blake’s massive and almost instant growth. All of her clothes were in a tattered pile around her ankles, leaving her completely nude, with all of her fat on display for everyone to see. Every breath made her pillowy bosom rise and fall slowly as she looked up at Yang, chocolate surrounding her mouth and covering her hands.

“Holy… Blake, you’re huge,” Yang gasped as her face flushed red. She slowly made her way down the tree and approached Blake, making her look even bigger up close.

“My only disappointment is that this wears off after a while,” Blake purred as she sashayed towards Yang. When they met, Yang reached out and sunk her hands into Blake’s soft, spongy belly, a lustful, lecherous grin on her face.

“Someday Blakey, someday,” Yang said wistfully.

“Well, in the meantime, why don’t we enjoy this?” Blake said in a husky voice, her arousal barely contained. Yang’s grin turned predatory, and what happened after that could be heard all the way back at Beacon. Fortunately, by the time Blake could feel her legs again, the Grimm’s fattening effects had worn off and she was small enough to fit into the spare clothes that they’d brought with them.

“So, same time next week?” Yang asked.

“Gods yes. But next week, it’s your turn,” Blake stated.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Yang flirted as she shot Blake a wink.

Chapter 6: After Arslan and Reese's Adventurous Evening


Another one for the Discord prompt thingy. This one being 'Minor Characters'. Man, RWBY puts a surprising amount of effort into their minor characters. Also, these things are good warmups, especially when it's been a few days since I last wrote because of work and I'm feeling a little rusty.

Also, if anyone can help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Info is here:

Chapter Text

As Reese pulled a tank top on, it struggled to cover her achingly full belly. That, along with her shorts sitting low on her hips, made it very obvious what she and Arslan had just been doing, as her belly poked out, contrasting strongly with the rest of her slim body. Speaking of Arslan, when Reese finished getting changed and getting ready for bed, she stepped back into their team’s temporary Beacon dorm room and saw Arslan laying in bed, her dark-skinned, muscular nude form on full display. Reese was the only one who got to see Arslan like this, and she couldn’t be more grateful.

“Sleeping nude again, babe?” Reese teased. Arslan’s eyes refocused as she stopped spacing out and looked at Reese.

“Why not? The boys are early risers, so we’ll have the room to ourselves. I’m just saving time,” Arslan explained, a hint of smugness slipping into her voice. Reese slipped in under the sheets and into Arslan’s arms, her back pressed against Arslan’s ample chest and chiselled abs.

“Mmm, warm,” Reese hummed as she snuggled in close to Arslan.

“It’s a shame I can’t give you the extra insulation we both want you to have,” Arslan said quietly as she patted Reese’ belly. Reese let out a groan in response to the teasing. “Once you retire from being a huntsman, I’m going to make you so fat,” Arslan pressed on, making Reese groan more.

“Baby, please,” Reese whined.

“What’s wrong dear? I thought you liked hearing about our future, especially the part where you’re too heavy for your hoverboard,” Arslan teased, rubbing Reese’ taut and round belly.

“I’m blaming any wet dreams I have tonight on you,” Reese warned. From the grin on Arslan’s face, she didn’t seem to mind.

“Please do. Make sure you remember them, I want to hear all about them tomorrow morning,” Arslan purred. Reese could already feel the heat pooling between her legs.

“Ugh, you’re the worst,” Reese whined. Arslan’s hand stopped rubbing Reese’ belly.

“Was that too much?” Arslan asked, genuine concern in her voice. Reese softly smiled.

“That’s the Arslan I fell in love with. Being teased by Horny Arslan’s fun and all, but I like how sweet you are normally,” Reese murmured, just loud enough for Arslan to hear. Arslan responded with a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Unfortunately, I’m struggling to think of wholesome ways to talk about how fat I’ll make you,” Arslan said.

“Well, you’ve got all night. Good night babe,” Reese said dreamily as she took Arslan’s hand and gently kissed it.

“Good night, dearest.”

Chapter 7: Untitled Stuckage Story


Here's another Discord Prompt story, with this time period's prompt being 'Stuckage', in case the title didn't give it away. No, I couldn't come up with a better name, but I'm committing to it unless someone comes up with a good alternative. Also, I just realised that this is the first prompt fill I've done with a dude as part of it, even if they're not the one gaining. What are the odds?

Chapter Text

Nora woke with a lazy yawn, the warm afterglow of uncountable orgasms still radiating through her massively obese, completely nude body. She took a moment to admire it, how the belly extended out so far that she couldn’t see her feet, how her soft, pillowy breasts extended out so far out that she could barely see her belly without looking around them, and how her plush rear extended out so far that she had to sleep on her side. Her whole body was smooth with fat filling in everywhere, with very few rolls making her look as overstuffed as she felt. She was taking this time because she knew that she would be back to her normal small and skinny self within a few hours, so she wanted to savour the time that she had, and enjoy it. The sex she had with Ren was a very good way to do that, but even this nap with him helped, as Ren rested his head on Nora’s belly, using it as a pillow as he slumbered with an angelic smile on his lips. Nora carefully lifted Ren off of her and popped him down on the bed, before hauling herself to her feet, an act that almost made Ren shoot off of the mattress. Without her immense weight on it, Ren wasn’t at risk of rolling into the sinkhole caused by Nora. Nora waddled to the dorm’s bathroom, the floor creaking beneath her as she moved, jiggling as she went. She opened the door and went to enter. Then, suddenly, she stopped. Looking around herself, the cause was obvious. She had gotten her girth stuck in the door. Nora shouldn’t have been surprised that this had happened, and she wasn’t. Ren had measured her when she was at her biggest, which she was still close to. Nora very distinctly remembered her hips measurement being quite a bit more than her height, and it didn’t help that her waist measurement wasn’t too far off her hips’ measurement. Unfortunately, she didn’t remember that until she was already stuck. She tried to push through, but that failed. She tried to push herself back out, with similar results. There was one other option.

“Renny! I’m stuck! Again,” Nora called out to her sleeping significant other. Her cry for help immediately woke Ren up, his eyes widening as he saw what had happened to Nora. He slipped out of bed, still nude.

“I thought you’d be smaller by now,” Ren commented.

“I did take way more than last time, so that’s probably why I’m still so big,” Nora mentioned. Ren pressed up close against Nora, bending her over in the door frame. Nora could feel Ren’s erect cock pressing against her globular rear and had a good idea of what was about to happen. “So, what’s the plan, Renny?” Nora flirted, fluttering her eyes at Ren.

“This.” Ren then immediately thrust her cock into Nora’s eager core.

This wasn’t so bad after all, Nora emphatically thought.

Chapter 8: Big Beautiful Yang


Another prompt fill, this one for 'Body Positivity', just fatties looking good and knowing it. I like stories like this, I'm not so big on WG where they don't want to be fat or aren't enjoying it.

Chapter Text

Yang Xiao Long was not a skinny girl. Words like ‘thick', ‘chunky’ or ‘stocky' would be fair descriptions of her. ‘Fat' might have been a bit unfair, but not by much, and probably not for much longer. However, that didn’t stop her from kicking ass and stealing hearts, not her tree trunk thighs rubbing together, not her body usually spilling out of her clothes, not having a chest that could make short work of most tops, nothing.

Therefore, it was hardly a surprise when she got up early on Valentine’s Day to sneak in a pre-breakfast run and found opening the door let a stack of gifts and cards pour in, leaving a blushing Nora stood in the doorway, a box of chocolates and a card in her hand, ready to join the mountain of other sweets and cards until Nora’s cover was blown.

“Oh, hey Nora!” Yang chirped cheerily. With how little her lycra shorts and sports bra left to the imagination, especially as her soft belly and love handles spilled out of her shorts and her chest strained her bra, Yang was surprised at how well Nora was doing mostly maintaining eye contact.

“Oh, uh, hey Yang. Funny seeing you here,” Nora said with nervous laughter.

“I mean, it’s my team’s dorm room, be pretty funny if I didn’t wake up here. Of course, it'd mean someone got very lucky,” Yang teased, leaning in close to try to get a rise out of Nora.

“Ha ha, oh Yang, you’re so funny,” Nora said as she set her gifts for on the pile. “Oh, uh, I gotta go see... something. Bye!” And with that, Nora dashed off with speed that only Ruby could beat.

“Huh, she did better than I expected,” Yang heard Blake say from behind her. Yang turned to see Weiss, somewhat unhappily, handing over some Lien.

“She did better than you two did the first time I wore this,” Yang pointed out. “But, I don’t blame you guys. It’s hard to think straight around a total babe like me,” she teased as she posed, flaunting her full figure and making Blake and Weiss go red. Yang couldn’t help but laugh at their reactions. It looked like her run would have to wait, as her impressive stack of gifts needed to come inside.

It wasn’t easy being a big, beautiful woman, but Yang could manage it with her adoring secret and not-so-secret admirers.

Chapter 9: Goldilocks and the Three Stools


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been years since Yang had last been to Junior’s Club. The good things about that were that her sister Ruby was finally old enough to legally go drinking and that everyone there had, for the most part, forgiven or forgotten what she’s done previously. The bad news was that she had put on some weight since her last visit, a lot of weight. She more than outweighed the rest of her team combined, as anyone could see as she led her team in, all of whom were hidden behind her wide body. Her brown jacket was open, letting her massive belly hang out and pour over her strained belt and dangerously taut shorts, which were working hard to contain her huge hindquarters and titanic thighs.

She sashayed up to the bar, her blobby body swinging like a pendulum. The other girls took their stools by the bar as Yang enthusiastically greeted a nervous-looking Junior and sat. However, the cheery grin on Yang quickly disappeared as she went through the stool as if there was nothing there. There definitely was something there, however, as the poor stool’s remains were under Yang as she fell flat, the wooden legs poking her pudgy back. She hopped back up onto her feet, her eyes a fiery red as her team braced for impact.

“What the hell Junior!? That stool’s way too weak!” Yang complained.

“Uh, h-hang on, we’ll get you another,” Junior said, knowing from experience to quickly calm Yang as he called out to his staff to get the ‘special stool’ right away. There were comments Yang’s teammates could’ve made, like Yang being the heaviest person in the club, or that they were all sitting on their stools just fine.

A minute later, another stool was ready. This one was all metal, looking ludicrously reinforced, like it could survive anything, and it was heavy enough that the staff seemed to break a sweat to move it. As they set it down and took a few steps back, Yang took her seat. Unlike the previous stool, this one didn’t instantly give out on her, and it barely creaked. However, despite Yang’s extra padding, she couldn’t find a way to sit comfortably. Being all hard metal, and about half as wide as Yang needed, It wasn’t going to work.

“Ugh, this is no good, it’s way too hard. I have an idea,” Yang said as she hopped back off her seat. She shoved the stool aside easily, making Junior nervous as she went to the normal stools. This time she brought back two of them, setting them next to each other. “This is usually what I have to do,” Yang commented as she sat. The stools creaked enough to make Junior wince, but they seemed to hold. Even better, Yang was only a few centimeters too wide for these stools, rather than the metre for the previous stools.

“There we go, just right!” Yang cheered, now that she could properly enjoy her night.


So, my writer discord group I'm in decided to do a contest to see who could do the best furniture breaking story. I decided to challenge myself to do it in 500 words, even though the challenge was for 1500 words. So, technically, this counts for my 500 words discord prompt thing.

Chapter 10: Comfy Ruby


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Guys, c’mon, it’s 8:55, you’ll be late for class!” Yang called out to her teammates as she left the dorm. However, they didn’t listen. They could’ve if they wanted to, but they’d rather not.

Ruby had a belly like a yoga ball in shape and size, except much softer. Her uniform top barely covered it. Even with all that weight, she could’ve gotten up. However, with Weiss and Blake resting on her pillowy belly, faces buried in it as they snuggled, Ruby wasn’t going anywhere until they moved. Not that she particularly wanted to move from this comfy spot.


Did some drabbles on Discord for some friends of mine as a warm-up, decided to post them in here so that I don't spam the tag with my drabbles

Chapter 11: Coco Pops (Out of her Outfit)

Chapter Text

Coco’s corset and belt had long since given out on her, as her overstuffed gut surged out further and further. Even her pants gave up on containing her, as the button popped open and the fly unzipped itself. Her gut grew large enough to push her top up, revealing her taut, round belly. With the amount of chocolate that Velvet had fed her, Coco couldn’t have expected anything less than this, and she loved all of it. As she lay in bed, with Velvet rubbing her belly, there was only one thing coming to her mind.

“More. Give me more.”

Chapter 12: Big Boss Raven

Chapter Text

Raven was glad that she switched her throne for a pile of pillows. At her size, a throne was just too impractical, as she was prone to get stuck in anything small enough to be moved with the rest of the tribe.

The reason for these gains were clear, her tribe was very effective at raiding, and, as chief, she got the lion’s share of the loot. She made sure to take as much food for herself, leading to her weight tripling. Now that she was truly queen-sized, she knew one thing for sure.

“It’s good to be the chief.”

Chapter 13: Mega Mom-adonna

Chapter Text

Hugs from Kali were a magical thing. Not literally, obviously, but no one could deny how great they felt. It was hardly a secret why that was the case, anyone could tell just from looking at her. Her arms, her belly, her chest, all of her was so soft that it was like hugging a feather-filled pillow. It also helped that Kali put all of her motherly warmth into her hugs.

Still, there was too much of a good thing, as Blake was finding out.

“Mom, need air,” Blake quickly let out, hoping Kali’s body didn’t muffle her too much.

Chapter 14: Yang v.s. Pants

Chapter Text

Yang was in a precarious position. She had crammed herself into her only clean pants, but they were old, from well before she got big enough to get stuck in doorways. Still, miraculously, she got into them, and even did up the button, even if everything creaked constantly.

“Okay, easy now,” she said as she slowly let out the breath she was holding in. Her belly poured over the waistband before blowing out the button and undoing the fly. She sighed angrily and sat down, setting off the tearing seams all over.

“Ugh, why do I even bother with pants?”

Chapter 15: Comfy Weiss

Chapter Text

Weiss let out a long, low groan, much like her overstuffed belly and overworked prom dress did. Her belly, laden with party snacks and punch, was firm and round, almost pregnant-looking. Beside her were Ruby and Blake, with Weiss’ arms around her lovers to help get Weiss back to the team’s dorm. Those two were taking full advantage of this, rubbing Weiss’ bloated belly, especially where the dress’s cutouts left bare skin. Following behind was her third girlfriend, Yang, who, with a soft smile on her lips, had only one thing to say.

“I hope you do this more often.”

Chapter 16: Comfy Blake

Chapter Text

The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and Blake’s enormous belly was bare, soaking in all the light and warmth. Her head rested on Ruby’s lap as she purred quietly. This intimate moment between the couple was so comfortable, it didn’t matter that Blake was twice as wide as the bench she lay on. After all, if the two of them had their way, it wouldn’t be long until Blake was three-times as wide, or more.

As Blake’s massive dome-like belly rumbled, reminding them of that, Ruby leant down to gently kiss on Blake’s forehead.

“Let’s go fill you up.”

Chapter 17: Comfy Yang

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Yang was fat, sure, but she wasn’t so fat that she needed Weiss’ help to shower. That didn’t stop her from enjoying her help, from enjoying the way Weiss’ hands were so thorough, reaching between every roll, scrubbing deeply against all of Yang’s plump body, and following all that with a rinse and a kiss where Weiss had just cleaned.

Maybe Yang should get so fat that she needed Weiss’ help, Yang thought. With how handsy and intimate Weiss was being, Yang doubted Weiss would mind. After all, Weiss had definitely helped with getting Yang so fat to begin with.

Chapter 18: RWBY & JNPR's Big Night Drabbles


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Ruby cradled her massive, full, heavy belly as she waddled along next to Jaune. It pressed so tightly against her clothes that her navel was clearly outlined. Jaune could barely reach around his wide, blubbery lover as he helped her along.


“Jaune, am I getting… too big for you?” Ruby asked between shallow breaths, trying not to upset her stuffed belly.


“There’s no such thing,” Jaune dismissed. “I’ll love you no matter how big you get.”


“Oh, well, that’s good. ‘Cause… well… I wanna get big. Really big,” Ruby quietly admitted.


“Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll help ya,” Jaune eagerly agreed.

Pyrrha and Yang lay in bed together, nude and with bellies stuffed, like they had both swallowed basketballs, contrasting their toned, lithe bodies. They held each other in a sensual embrace, bathing in post-coital bliss.


“So, Pyrrha, what do you think?” Yang purred as she rubbed slow, gentle circles on Pyrrha’s belly.


“This was… eye-opening,” Pyrrha admitted, a grin on her lips.


“You liked it?” Yang asked. Pyrrha nodded and snuggled in closer.


“I would love to do this again sometime,” Pyrrha said sleepily.


“Me too,” Yang said with a yawn. “Just gotta be careful not to get too big.”

Nora rested her hands atop her yoga ball belly, a satisfied grin on her face. Weiss sneakily slipped her hand under Nora’s pretty pink dress, hiding from the rest of the restaurant.


“Well, you’ve put a sizable dent in my allowance tonight,” Weiss purred.


“Hey, I gotta take advantage when the SDC is sponsoring my obesity,” Nora bragged as she patted her blubbery belly.


“Not too loud, please,” Weiss whispered, before leaning in to kiss Nora’s chubby cheek.


“So, no handing out tickets for the gun show?” Nora jokingly asked as she flexed her flabby arms.


“Not yet, my dear.”

Blake was a dozen cookies in as she and Ren sat together, reading quietly in Team RWBY’s dorm as Blake’s ample potbelly hung out.


“I’m surprised you’re not like the others,” Blake commented.


“... I am. I just… didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable,” Ren shyly admitted. Blake popped open her vest button, revealing her belly in all it’s pudgy glory, before undoing her shorts and letting it spill forth onto her wide lap.


“Do you want to touch it?” Blake offered.


“Yes please,” Ren murmured. He sunk his hand deep into Blake’s fat belly. Not much reading happened after that.


Just a fun little warm up from last night. It really worked wonders, cause I ended up writing 1-2k words on one of the stories I'm working on.

These rarer pairings are nice. I doubt I'll convert too many people with these drabbles, but they're fun to write, and the target audience enjoys them (the target audience is me).

Chapter 19: Schnee's Losing Control


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Weiss was utterly mortified as she heard the sudden pop, followed by the clatter in the mostly quiet classroom. Not even the reduction in pressure around her belly was enough to distract from how deafeningly loud it seemed to her in her bout of panic. Professor Goodwitch’s lecture came to a sudden stop, making Weiss go red as she realised that the professor had heard it too.

Silently, Weiss cursed her recently collapsed restraint when it came to food, as that had been, without a doubt, the cause of this current embarrassment. It had started innocently enough, with Weiss accepting Ruby and Yang’s offers of extra snacks, just so that they would stop thinking of her as uptight. That then led to her indulging in various sweet and savoury snacks through her own initiative, with the quantities of snacks slowly rising over time, as did her weight. After that, her regular meals also increased in size, with larger portions and second servings, and, of course, she too increased in size.

It wasn’t much of a change, and she was certainly not massive now, mostly thanks to how slim she had been beforehand and how active she had to be at Beacon. That didn’t stop her from gaining a sizeable pillowy potbelly, round, soft, just big enough to start to rest on her lap and big enough to strain her uniform until her jacket button popped. That lap of hers had also gotten a share of the gains, thickening until her thigh gap was gone, making those thighs rub together whenever Weiss didn’t spread her legs. Her rear had also plumped up a little bit, making most of her panties into thongs as they disappeared between her pudgy cheeks. Her chest hadn’t seen much of the fat, only going up one or two cup sizes, only just enough for Weiss to notice, but not enough for Weiss to make upsizing her bras a priority. Beyond that, there had only been slight changes, slightly thicker arms, slightly less slender fingers, a slightly softer jawline. All of that, however, was being blown up to ludicrous proportions in Weiss’ worried mind. In her mind, she may as well have been the size of a blimp.

As Professor Goodwitch shrugged off the sound and returned to her lecture, Weiss wasn’t put at ease by the lack of reaction. With that button gone, Weiss knew that she wouldn’t be able to do up her jacket, meaning the tight vest around her belly would have been on full display, a scarlet letter signifying Weiss’ irresponsible gluttony, lack of restraint, and ignorance to her own growing body.

If there was ever a sign to do something about it, this was it, Weiss thought. She knew she needed to cut back on the snack, reduce her meal portions, get things back under control. She only hoped that what was left of her willpower would be enough to manage it.


Oh boy, haven't done one of these in a while. Figured I'd do one while I'm working on other stuff for other people, just for fun. The prompt for this one was 'Clothing Damage', although I guess the damage was pretty minor in this one.

Chapter 20: Schnee's Lost Control


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Turns out that popping that button was only the beginning of Weiss’s weight gain. She couldn’t lay off the food no matter how she tried. Every attempt at such only led to her rebounding and eating more to catch up, all in a vicious cycle that made her eat more and more. Needless to say, this only ended with her weight escalating, making her the fattest student at Beacon and ruining her fitness to the point where she only scraped through Beacon graduation on the back of amazing test grades. After that, with the shame and humiliation that came from her complete lack of control, she retreated to one of the Schnee family’s holiday homes, claiming it as a refuge for herself.

There, she spent all of her time, eating until her stomach was too sore and full to eat more, then resting until she could eat again. This wasn’t just a lack of control now, she was fully out of control now, with nothing on her mind but food, and it had the expected effect.

Weiss widened dramatically, filling out a queen-sized bed all on her own, with hips carrying excessive saddle bags of fat and a cellulite-ridden ass like a pair of feathery soft couch cushions while being supported rolling thighs that were bigger than she was back when she popped her first button. Her belly extended out well past her reach and spent most of its time resting on her expansive lap or her bed’s mattress, and on the rare occasion that she was out of bed it flowed all the way down to rest and drag along the floor as she waddled about, with little perkiness or roundness to it. Her breasts were equally lacking in perkiness, hiding the fact that each of them were about the size of watermelons as they lay atop her belly. Her barely useful arms carried enormous bingo wings that jiggled like jelly as her sausage fingers shovelled food into her hungry mouth. Her neck was swallowed up by the cascading fat chins rolling down it, which were emphasised by her beyond pudgy cheeks.

In all, Weiss was an immense woman, as to be expected from a woman waited on by an army of servants and who stayed in bed, eating at every waking moment. And why would she do anything else? This was what she was good at, this was what she enjoyed. She wouldn’t have gotten so massive if that wasn’t the case, she realised. After that revelation, all that time she wasted trying to cut back, holding herself back, she was going to make up for that, and then some. She was going the live the life she was meant for with no regrets. It was just a shame that not enough people appreciated it quite as she did.


A follow-up to Schnee's Losing Control, the previous chapter here.

I got the prompt 'Future Fat' from my little prompt wheel, and it just fit a follow-up too well. Originally, this was gonna have a darker ending, cause I wanted to try something different (like with writing Weiss at such an extreme size), but I didn't really dig it all that much. So yeah, hope you guys like this, all 500 words of it.

Chapter 21: Tubby in a Hot Tub


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Sun knew Ruby was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the way she looked now, her massive body crammed into a slightly-less-than-massive vibrant red bikini and her round face beaming at him, only confirmed that.

Her belly, round and big as a yoga ball, was tucked into her high-waisted bikini, although everything above her navel bulged out slightly, as her bikini compressed her fat belly. Her upper belly’s bulge was aided by the incredible meal she had crammed into it earlier, leaving that part of her belly taut and red thanks to overeating. Her bikini’s rear had been swallowed by her couch cushion behind, wobbling with each step and supported by tree-trunk thighs and door-jamming hips, which her bikini bottom was digging into. It was just the couple in the backyard tonight, so Ruby wasn’t concerned about decency. It’s also why she was fine with the areolas of her basketball-sized breasts, which were resting atop her gargantuan belly, peeking out from her top.

As Ruby peered over her heart-shaped red sunglasses, she had a lecherous grin on her double-chinned face that made it clear that she’d spent time with Coco recently.

“Are your shorts also a gun, or are you just happy to see me?” Ruby said, trying to sound lewd, even as she struggled to keep a straight face. Sun, on the other hand, wasn’t struggling at all, as he immediately burst into laughter.

“And you say my lines are corny,” he teased as he sauntered over to Ruby.

“It’s why we’re such a good fit,” Ruby said, beaming at Sun. “Well, that, and one other thing,” she added, rubbing her reddened belly. Sun got the point quickly as he joined in rubbing her belly.

“I know, lucky us, right?” he said in a low voice before leaning in to kiss Ruby on the cheek. However, Ruby was quick enough to catch Sun with her lips. As Sun sunk his hands into Ruby’s belly and behind, Ruby pulled him in close, making his whole body sink into her softness. Before they could go much further Ruby broke for air.

“Did you get the steps set up?”

“Sure did, babe,” Sun assured her. With that, she waddled towards the hot tub.

As she reached the steps, Sun held her steady as she climbed up, step by step, until she heaved her leg over the wall of the tub, before sinking her massive leg in, followed by her other leg. She took so long sitting down that Sun was already sitting down opposite her by the time she was seated.

“Ooh, I’m almost too big for this tub,” Ruby bragged as squeezed her hands between her well-padded hips and the tub’s walls.

“Especially with how you eat,” Sun added as he massaged Ruby’s overstuffed belly. Ruby let out a content hum as she sat back, letting Sun’s hands, the hot water, and the jet streams soothe her. Outgrowing this hot tube couldn’t come soon enough.


Gonna be real with you, I don't remember if there was a prompt here or if I was just in the mood for a hot tub scene. Either way, I did this a while ago and posted it on DA, forgot to post it here though, oops.

Chapter 22: Pyrrha's Lazy Days


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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It was hard for Pyrrha to be the Invincible Girl, four-time winner of the Mistral Regional Tournament, all the time. The pressure, the expectations, the responsibilities, she often wanted to get away from it all. When she did, her teammates and lovers had something to turn her temporarily into Pyrrha Nikos, lazy blubber ball, waited on hand and foot.

On these lazy days, Pyrrha was transformed into an immensely fat woman, wide enough to fill her dorm bed, although her flared hips spilt over the sides. Her rolling belly spilt down, covering her core and creating the mother of all love handles. Her thighs did something similar, as they needed to be very wide apart for them to not rub together. Pyrrha could only see this when she was propped up at the head of her bed, as her watermelon-sized breasts would block her view otherwise, even when flattened somewhat by gravity. Her ham hock arms made it impossible to press her arms tight against her wide sides, making it a good thing she didn’t use them much. Her second and third chins completely swallowed her neck and made her face look small on such a round and fat head.

Being nude on days like these, and laying atop her sheets, meant that she and her lovers were able to fully admire such an immense body, one built for the gluttony and hedonism Pyrrha gladly partook in, and one that her lovers could barely keep their hands off of.

On Pyrrha’s lazy days, she was flanked by her scantily clad lovers. Nora peppered her beyond-girthy body with kisses, Ren kneaded her doughy body, and Jaune had a very special role. He went out and collected a stack of pizzas as tall as he could manage and hauled them to Beacon. The smell immediately made Pyrrha drool as soon as he opened the door, and she was squirming with excitement as he set them next to the bed.

“Reckon that’ll be enough for you?” Jaune asked, knowing the answer. The four of them knew that the same thing that made Pyrrha massively obese also gave her a bottomless stomach. This would be no issue for her.

“Well, why don’t you strip for me, feed me, and we’ll find out,” Pyrrha purred.

“You got this, Pyrrha!” Nora cheered her on, while Ren shuffled down and began massaging her belly.

“I doubt you need the help, but we’ll help you finish this,” Ren assured.

“As long as you help me get more food. Turn me into a blimp, then we can have some fun,” Pyrrha teased. That was more than enough to get her lovers excited, and for her to get fed and pampered to a point most could only dream of. If only this was permanent, Pyrrha lamented, before delicious pizza could distract her.


Hey, do you have a minute to talk about our lord and saviour, Poly JNPR? If not, how about a fat Pyrrha?

Either way, here's a nice little fic to tide you guys over while I work on other stuff, another one to add to the "Under 500 words" club. The prompt I had for this one was Lazy Days, which I added to the title in case the theme wasn't obvious enough.

Chapter 23: Bewildering Bathtime Bloat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After getting a worrying text message from Nora while she was bathing, Ren put his lock-picking skills to use to get into the bathroom, which was somewhat flooded at the moment. Fortunately, the others were away, so there was no need to explain this to them. As he opened the door, the sight in front of him made it even better that Jaune and Pyrrha were out at the moment.

Nora’s message said she was stuck in the tub, but Ren still did not anticipate how massive she suddenly had gotten. She was as wide as the tub, if not wider, and her belly soared high enough to be visible over the sides of the tub, with parts of her soft belly squishing against and resting on the tub’s rim. Nora’s breasts, which were fully exposed, didn’t quite rise to such a size, but they were still undoubtedly massive, bigger than any Ren had ever seen, even with gravity working against them. They appeared to be bigger than Nora’s head, which seemed to have grown too, even if it was just chubbier cheeks, a rounded double chin, and a softened jawline making it appear bigger. Ren couldn’t see Nora’s lower body from his position at the door, but he could only imagine how big Nora’s thunder thighs had gotten.

He was still gawking somewhat when red-faced Nora spoke up.

“Hey, Ren, need a little help here,” Nora said in a small, soft voice, before turning away and letting out a sneeze that seemed to pump all of her up in size all at once.

“What happened to you?” Ren asked, genuinely concerned.

“I dunno. I was having a bath and I started sneezing, and when I sneezed I got bigger, and now I’m too big to get outta the tub,” Nora explained. “And now you’re totally staring at my gazongas, aren’t you?” Ren saw the hint of a cheeky grin on Nora’s face and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Nora would be just fine.

“Let’s get you out of there,” Ren said, rolling his eyes as he carefully stepped across the sodden floor. “Is there any more water to spill out of there?”

“Nope, I got the plug out with my toes,” Nora said, bragging. “I’d show you, but… uh… yeah,” she added, gesturing to herself with her free hand as she was squirming between the tub’s walls as one of her arms was pinned to her side. As Ren examined the situation, including Nora’s enormous thighs squeezed between the tub’s walls and each other, Ren pursed his lips in thought.

“I think I’m going to need help, and maybe something to loosen you up with,” Ren mused aloud.

“Ooh, good idea! Oil me up and I oughtta slide right out,” Nora confidently asserted.

“I’ll go find Jaune and Pyrrha then, and maybe a nurse so we can figure this out,” Ren said before shooting off, unaware of similar scenes happening across Beacon right now.


So, do you guys remember Surprise Shower Size-up? It's the first chapter of this collection if you need the reminder.

Anyway, I decided to do a little follow-up to it with Nora getting got by whatever this is (still haven't completely figured that part out yet, but someone's definitely up to no good). Hope you guys like it.

Chapter 24: How To Reward an Ace-Op

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Harriet felt like the queen of the world as she strutted through Atlas’ military headquarters. She was to be personally rewarded for her services to Atlas by Specialist Schnee herself. Without her team around to judge her, she let herself get excited. Sure, she doubted her feelings towards Winter were going to be reciprocated, but she let herself get caught up in the fact that it was Winter rewarding her, not Ironwood, nor anyone else.

As Harriet entered the meeting room where she was to meet with Winter, she found Winter there alright, but the sight was not one that Harriet had prepared for.

Winter was dressed in an ice blue dress with a neckline that plunged down to just above her navel and a slit on the side that ran all the way up to her hip, with stringy straps holding the dress up as they crossed in front of her neck and over her shoulders to the back of the dress. As always, Winter had been meticulous with her makeup and hair in a way that stole Harriet’s breath.

“W-Win… I mean, Specialist Schnee!” Harriet barked, standing at attention.

“At ease, dear. You’re just in time,” Winter purred.

“In time for what?” Harriet asked as she relaxed her stance.

“This.” In front of Harriet’s very eyes, Winter’s breasts began to grow and grow. The dress already left plenty to the imagination, but as Winter’s breasts expanded, more and more pale flesh was revealed. Winter went from her respectable endowments to bigger than her head, with only her rosy peaks still being concealed by her dress. Even peeks of her areolas were visible around the sheer fabric. Harriet could not tear her eyes away, even as she worried that Winter was about to slap her for staring.

“Wh-what’s happening?” asked Harriet, slackjawed as she struggled to look Winter in the eyes.

“Your reward, dear,” Winter said in a low, husky voice as she stepped towards Harriet, her massive breasts bouncing, threatening to escape the confines of her outfit with each step. Harriet was frozen in place as Winter approached, tensing up as Winter’s hands graced her. Winter took a firm grasp of Harriet’s generous and toned rear, pulling her in close, while her other hand held the back of Harriet’s head and gently guided her between her breasts. As Harriet’s head was engulfed by Winter’s cavernous cleavage, Harriet caressed Winter as Winter gently stroked Harriet’s mohawk. “Good girl,” Winter whispered as Harriet nestled in as close as possible. “Keep up this hard work, and I’ll have a more thorough reward for you.” With that, Harriet perked up as her mind raced, filling with all sorts of lewd imagery for possible rewards. If Winter was going to keep to her word, then Harriet was going to make herself the star of the Atlas military. Sure, it wasn’t the most selfless of motivations, but Harriet wasn’t going to self-critique while buried deep in Winter’s soft, warm bosom.

Chapter 25: Don't Worry, It's Just a Costume

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Weiss was utterly aghast as she entered the dorm room. She found Ruby sitting on the bottom bunk, Weiss’ bed, looking utterly enormous. Ruby had somehow fattened herself to ludicrous proportions, enough so that she almost looked round. Her gut looked even more spherical crammed into an arctic blue tracksuit, which was almost skin tight on her. Her sleeves were like sausage casings containing her ham hock arms, her pants were pulled tight by her incredibly wide hips and her enormous thighs, her whole outfit creaked almost as much as Weiss’ bed. Even her fingers looked pudgy, wrapped around a little brush that Weiss took a long moment to notice.


As Ruby heard the door open, she turned to Weiss, revealing her round, double-chinned face, as well as the small patch of violet body paint on and around her nose.


“Oh, hey Weiss, sorry for not asking to use your mirror, but I couldn’t fit through the bathroom door,” Ruby said, awkwardly rubbing the back of her head.


“Ruby Rose, what on Remnant have you done to yourself?!” Weiss shrieked, recoiling somewhat.


“It’s for the costume party tonight, silly,” Ruby casually dismissed. “What, have you never seen Chartreuse and The Chocolate Factory?” Ruby could almost literally see the cogs turning in Weiss’ head as she processed this information, her face slowly morphing from shock to confusion.


“Char… what?”


“Yeah, there’s this girl in it that has some bubblegum, except it’s all weird and turns her into a human blueberry. It’s why I’ve got the paint,” Ruby explained, pointing to the brush in her hand.


“O-oh… I see… I’m sorry for overreacting, I’d forgotten about the party tonight,” Weiss responded sheepishly, before a realisation hit her. “Wait, then how are you so big?”


“Bought some dust online. Should only last a couple hours, I tested it last weekend when you three were out,” Ruby mentioned.


“Right, right, I see…”


“Oh, Weiss, could you could help with the paint? I gotta do my face and hands, but it’s easier if someone else does it. Then, maybe, I can help with yours,” Ruby offered, making Weiss cringe as she realised something else.


“I… don’t actually have a costume for tonight,” Weiss admitted. Ruby pursed her lips in thought for a moment before she lit up like a lightbulb.


“Ooh, I’ve got an idea! I have a spare Violet costume, we can match!”



A few hours later, the duo was at the party, both immensely fat, crammed into their tracksuits, their skin painted purple. Weiss felt like the costume didn’t work as well on her as it did on Ruby, as Ruby had that massive, round belly, whereas Weiss had a massive rear and chest and a comparatively modest belly, even if it was still the second largest in the room by a long shot. However, it beat the embarrassment of no costume, and she saw the appeal of being so soft. Maybe she should order some of this dust for herself, she thought.

Chapter 26: Blake the Bed Breaker


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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Fresh out of the shower and changed into her recently upsized yukata, blubbery Blake was just about ready for bed. All this newly-added extra heft may have done wonders for her Aura capacity and strength, but it was tiring to lug around and she was eager for some sleep. She sat down heavily on her bed and immediately her sensitive cat ears could tell something was wrong. There was a quiet cracking that grew louder and louder, giving Blake enough warning to know the bed was giving out under her considerable weight. Unfortunately, that weight, which Blake hadn’t fully adjusted to yet, kept her from acting fast enough and the bed fell apart. One of the legs detached, snapping from the wooden frame and sending Blake tumbling to the ground as the rest of the bed crashed down. Her weight may have put her in this situation, but Blake didn’t complain about the extra padding, which absorbed some of the impact along with her enhanced Aura. Most helpful was her rear, which was like a pair of sofa cushions in size but was much softer. Her rolling belly also helped, as it stuck out far enough to keep her from faceplanting or from squishing her sensitive breasts.

As Blake rolled onto her back, her rear propping her extra-wide hips up and her belly and breasts blocking her view down her body, she heard the shower shut off about a second before nearly-spherical Ruby burst out of the bathroom still dripping wet with just a towel to cover her ponderous breasts. Her massive globe of a belly hung down far enough to maintain her decency, although her relationship with Coco was probably the main thing that made her confident enough to move about almost naked.

“Blake, are you okay?” Ruby asked as she moved towards Blake with speed that had always caught Blake off-guard.

“I’m more embarrassed than hurt,” Blake complained before letting out a groan as she sat up, with Ruby putting out a hand to help her.

“Yeah, it takes some getting used to, but someday, you’ll see it as something to be proud of, like me!” Ruby chirped, trying to sound reassuring as her round, triple-chinned face beamed and she patted her mammoth belly to emphasise her point.

“I hope so,” Blake said with a sigh. As Ruby helped Blake up, Blake’s cat ears picked up another crash, this time from across the hallway. “Sounds like I’m not the only bed breaker tonight,” she said, breaking into a slight grin despite everything.

“See? Happens to everyone that gets this big,” Ruby added. “Once I’m less nakey, I’ll fix and reinforce your bed, then I might see if they need some help. I wonder if it’s Nora breaking another bed, or if one of the others decided to go big.”

“Thanks, Ruby.” Blake blushed, realising that this was her life now and that bed was only the beginning of a life of being big and breaking furniture.


This is kinda, sorta a sequel, or at least something in the same universe, to Piling on Aura Storage (Which can be found here:, although I dunno how canon this’ll all be so I didn't want to post it to that story. This’ll probably be mostly canon, I’m just not sure if Blake’s gonna get big, since her agile fighting style might not work super well at that size. Nora, though, she definitely got bed-breakingly big ASAP and I might do a full-sized chapter on that someday, along with some Ruby/Coco stuff and anyone else that I wanna have go big.

Chapter 27: Almost Too Hot to Handle


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blake had given plenty of attractive women massages in her time at this spa, but none of them took her breath away like Yang Xiao Long and her radiant beauty. No wonder she was the top plus-sized model in Vale. Her full figure pushed her purple strapless bikini top and high rise thong to their limits, showing off almost all of her practically glowing, flawless skin. She strutted into Blake’s beachside massage hut with the kind of confidence Blake both envied and admired. She slipped off her sandy sandals and heaved her heavy self up onto the massage bench, making it creak under her weight and making her belly slap against her chunky thighs.

“Phew, the buffet here’s just too good,” Yang said, leaning back as she patted her belly.

“Y-yeah, the resort does good food,” Blake responded, moving around to try to not let Yang see her blush.

“Do I take my top off for this, or what?” Yang asked, hooking her thumbs under her bikini top, digging into her fat somewhat.

“Th-that… yeah, do that,” Blake struggled to get out as she tried to calm herself. As Yang slipped her top up over her head, it decompressed her breasts, making them seem like they’d gone up a cup size in an instant, something Blake was very, very aware of. Blake caught a glimpse of Yang’s massive bare mammaries before Yang was laying on her front. That left her wide rear on almost full display, her body filling and almost spilling over the sides of the bench.

“Hoo boy, I better be careful, or I’m not gonna fit on here by the end of my trip,” Yang said with a chuckle. Blake nervously chucked along, glad that Yang was face-down and unable to see her go bright red, both from Yang’s words and Yang’s colossal ass displayed prominently in front of her.

Blake’s shaking hands began to oil up Yang’s bare back and started her massage, her hands sinking into Yang’s blubber. It wasn’t long before Yang was humming with pleasure, making Blake’s blush spread from her face and making Blake glad that Yang wasn’t wanting her to hold a conversation. She didn’t trust her mouth to say anything appropriate right now. It didn’t get any better when Blake’s hands had to move down to Yang’s rear, thighs, and calves.

Fortunately, eventually, Blake pulled herself together, just in time for Yang’s scheduled time to end. Yang sat up and stretched while Blake turned away to wash the massage oil off her hands while making sure not to look at Yang putting her top back on. As she turned back, she saw Yang waiting for her.

“Girl, you’ve got some amazing hands. I’m definitely going to be seeing more of you, and you’re gonna be seeing more of me, maybe in more than one way,” Yang said with a grin, winking and patting her belly. As Yang sashayed out of the room, Blake went red again, silently awaiting Yang’s return.


Oh boy, been a bit since I did one of these. If I wasn't so busy with other stuff, I'd be posting bigger, longer stuff.

Chapter 28: RWBY/JNPR drabbles


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Jaune gulped and took a deep breath to calm himself before stepping up onto the scale. With Weiss’ icy blue eyes bearing down on his huge form and the massive breakfast in him, his nerves felt even worse. When the scale let out a beep, he saw Weiss look down, before her eyes widened and a smile crept onto her lips.


“402. An excellent start,” Weiss purred, making Jaune’s heart race.




“Of course. Now you’re ‘big enough’, but there’s always room for improvement,” Weiss teased, rubbing Jaune’s fat gut. Jaune sure hoped he was ready for this big life.



Nora looked good with a beer gut, Yang decided, especially when her top untucked from her skirt and let her belly sneak out. Yang would happily pay for all the beer Nora could drink, and it was a lot, almost outdoing her eating abilities. Even so, Nora ate plenty, happily scoffing down the various bar snacks Yang bought for her, and the rest of her body got a nice boost in plumpness too, giving a nice, soft body that jiggled like jelly when they hit the dancefloor together.


Getting to bridal carry cuddly Nora back afterwards was just a bonus.



No one had ever pampered Pyrrha like Blake had, with regular boxes of chocolates being fed to her and plenty of dinner dates, along with all of the other somewhat cliche romantic situations that the pair were total suckers for. As Pyrrha plumped up, she was surprised to find that the pampering increased, rather than decreased. Blake didn’t need to say why, as Pyrrha quickly figured out that Blake liked her fuller figure. Obviously, what Pyrrha had to do was work to gain more weight by herself.


That was how she ended up with Blake practically worshipping her bed-filling body.



“Open wide, Ren,” Ruby cooed as she held a thick chocolate chip cookie in front of Ren’s lips. Silently, he leant forward and took a big, slow bite of the cookie. Ruby’s other hand was busy massaging Ren’s rolling belly, which spilt across his ultra-thick thighs. 


Who could’ve known Ren was hiding such a major sweet tooth? Ruby certainly didn’t, but she was glad he did, as she felt her heart flutter as Ren smiled softly, his mouth and belly full of cookies Ruby made for him. Seeing that, she just had to pepper his cute, chubby face with kisses



Blake knew, the moment she found out Jaune was a knot-tying expert, that she had to date him. She didn’t expect him to break out the snacks once he had her tied up, nor did she expect to enjoy being force-fed while in bondage.


As this became a regular thing, she grew fatter and fatter, feeling the ropes dig into her growing body as her blubber oozed around her confines. It wasn’t long before she had tripled her weight, making Jaune buy more snacks and stronger ropes. Well, except for that time he let her burst out of the ropes.



“More pancakes?” Nora asked, sweeter than sugar, to the ball of a girl she was dating. Ruby looked up at the forkful of pancake Nora waved in front of her. Nora had well and truly corrupted Ruby, turning her into a pancake addict and making her as round as she was tall.


“More, always more,” Ruby said, almost moaning with ecstasy as she leant up and cleared Nora’s fork, sending that food down to join the rest of the mountain in her stomach.


“Mmm, I love when you say that,” Nora flirted, before planting a kiss on Ruby’s pudgy cheek.



“Ren! Does this make my ass look fat?” Yang asked, shaking her double beachball ass in front of an attentive Ren. Her black bikini bottoms had been almost entirely swallowed, both from behind and from above, with her back rolls and love handles covering the rest, and the cause of Yang’s enormity was getting a front-row view.


“Yes, it does. Bigger than usual, in fact,” Ren answered, caressing Yang’s colossal rear. Yang turned her head and flashed a cheeky grin to her boyfriend before catching his hands and making them sink into her pillowy posterior.


“That’s what I wanna hear.”



Pyrrha couldn’t help but feel guilty, taking advantage of Weiss’ feeling for her to indulge in her fetishes. Would Weiss have agreed to do this if she knew Pyrrha was a feeder in advance? She probably would have, Pyrrha thought, judging by the quiet moans from Weiss as Pyrrha slipped an eclair into her mouth and rubbed her belly.


“Would you like more, Weiss?” Pyrrha inquired.


“Yes, make me your plump lover,” Weiss moaned, nuzzling up against Pyrrha.


“What if… I make you go past ‘plump’?”


“Do it. Make me as big as possible,” demanded Weiss in a husky tone.



Jaune and Yang really pushed their reinforced bed to the limit, having both quadrupled in weight since they started dating. Yang loved Jaune’s blimp-like belly, plush moobs, and couch cushion ass, while Jaune loved Yang’s rounded face, watermelon-sized breasts, and tree trunk thighs.


The underwear-clad couple, with Yang on top of Jaune’s chunky thighs, held their drinking tubes to their lips, ready to fill their bellies with gainer shake.


“Ready Big Boy?” Yang purred, patting Jaune’s mountainous gut.


“Ready Big Girl,” Jaune assured. As Yang fired up the milkshake dispenser, the two hoped their bed would need more reinforcing soon.



One of the downsides to Blake’s weight ballooning to catch up and overtake her girlfriend Nora’s was that she could no longer use Nora’s enormous belly as a mattress, having to settle for using it as a pillow. However, being mattress-sized herself now, Blake could now be used as a mattress by Nora. Seeing Nora’s triple-chinned face light up as her massive ball of a body sunk deep into Blake’s pillowy mass of a gut, however, made it all worthwhile. That, and, of course, having Nora on top of her to feed her snacks and help her grow even more.



Why should Weiss not be able to treat her man, she regularly thought when people mentioned Ren’s weight gain. Sure, he was constantly catching his wide, padded hips as he waddled through doorways, and sure, he alone outate the average team as he strained the cafeteria benches and his uniform, but, coming from so little, Weiss wholeheartedly believed that he deserved every morsel of food, every pound of fat, in order to make up for all of that, and she would happily provide it for the man she loved.


Plus, he needed to catch up to her own resplendent massiveness.



Pyrrha expected to gain a little bit of relationship weight when she started dating Ruby, but not this much. Her potbelly blocked her view of her feet and pushed out her prom dress enough that her navel created a divot. Still, she could definitely be bigger, as Ruby showed shortly later.


“Hey, Pyrrha, are you ready to… oof,” Ruby said, distracting Pyrrha as she turned and saw Ruby in her dangerously tight prom dress, wedged in the doorway.


“Did someone get nervous and stuff themselves?” Pyrrha cooed, rubbing Ruby’s taut belly.


“Well, I’m not so nervous now that you’re here.”


Wrote me some very self-indulgent drabbles as a little birthday present to myself. That, and also to challenge me with some more unusual pairings.

Also also, this is your regular reminder that I'm very bisexual and will write about fat dudes. I'd probably write about 'em more if I had the time for it.

Chapter 29: Eating Like A Huntress


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ahh, ain’t it great eating like a Huntress?” Coco bragged as she slipped a hand under her fat gut and loosened off her belt a few notches, not that anyone would have noticed with her belly flowing over and covering her belt. She was pushing her dress shirt and waistcoat to their limits thanks to her stuffed belly, making them groan about as much as the two chairs her colossal ass was planted on. She was approaching her limits, but she hid it well, keeping up her cool, confident image in front of Ruby, something Ruby was very much not doing right now.

“D-do you eat like this a lot?” Ruby groaned as she leaned back in her double chairs, rubbing circles in her overstuffed globular belly in an attempt to soothe it. The slinky scarlet dress Coco had bought for her and crammed her into was already a tight fit, and with all the food she had stuffed into her gut, she was shocked that something that felt so snug wasn’t bursting seams yet.

“Gotta eat big if you want those nice, fat Aura stacks,” Coco said with a smirk as she patted her belly. “Plus, it’s fun to say I can clear a menu. Oh, speaking of which, we gotta get through the desserts. You’re gonna be a good girl and eat them all for me, aren’t you?” Coco cooed, making Ruby as red as her namesake.

“G-g-good gi… uh, yes, yes I am! I’ll finish, oof, finish it all,” Ruby eagerly responded as she struggled to sit up. Coco let out a low chuckle as she leaned forward as much as her fat belly and the table would allow.

“How’s that dress holding up on its first date?” Coco said quietly to help Ruby maintain what little composure she still had.

“I-it’s good, a little tight though.”

“Looks good on ya,” Coco added, putting on a sly grin that had Ruby expecting something lewd. Ruby leant in as close as she could manage, hoping Coco would keep nice and quiet, and listened. “It’ll look even better on the floor next to my bed.” Coco shot Ruby a wink and leant back, leaving Ruby looking like a cherry, red and round, as she sat there, processing Coco’s advance. All she could do in response was nod quickly and heave herself back upright, as she didn’t trust her mouth to say anything. Seeing Ruby’s flustered reaction, Coco couldn’t help but let out a haughty laugh. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered, and even cuter when you’re full.”

“Th-thanks,” Ruby struggled to get out as she tried not to embarrass herself. That settled it, Ruby was going to clear this restaurant’s menu. All she had to get through was the desserts, and she always seemed to have room for dessert, she just hoped that that would keep up now.


Today, I bring no joke, goofs, or gaffs, just a story in the vaguely defined Aura Bulking AU. Turns out those extra three years Coco had to build her stomach capacity gave her an advantage over Ruby.

Once I get more free time and don't have anything else I need to work on, I plan on putting together a full 2nd chapter in the Aura Bulking AU, either focusing on someone new bulking up (and I've already decided on who's gonna be bulking and who won't in this AU), or on Coco getting bulked-up Ruby a new outfit.

Chapter 30: Weiss Really Isn't Flat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since Yang and Weiss started their breast-based rivalry, Yang had noticed a lot more eyes on her than there used to be. She was hardly surprised, as those eyes seemed to mostly be on her burgeoning bouncing bosom, which was growing by the day thanks to the concoction Yang found online. At the moment, they were each about the size of a basketball, and her custom-made bra helped them appear to be roughly the same shape, at least when they were properly supported. Sure, they were heavy, and sure, they bounced around very distractingly at even the slightest provocation, and sure, they meant that literally every top Yang wore had to be customised to accommodate her massive breasts, but those issues meant nothing in comparison to the real benefit from all of this, beating Weiss.

At least, until now.

As Yang strode into Team RWBY’s dorm room, she was met by Weiss, pinned to the ground by yoga-ball-sized breasts, although between Weiss resting her torso against her bean bag breasts and her breasts pressing against the ground, they certainly weren’t as round as a yoga ball. The buttons of her uniform top had scattered across the room while her uniform hung open at her side with no hope at all of ever closing around such colossal mammaries. Weiss’ face was bright red, even before she saw Yang peeping at her, and she looked as if she was trying her hardest to keep her cool, and failing, becoming a flustered mess.

“Uh, Weiss, are you okay?” Yang asked cautiously. Weiss immediately perked up and turned to Yang, giving her a smug grin that didn’t fully hide how hot and bothered she was.

“Ooh, Yang, it looks like I’m winning now,” Weiss responded, her voice dripping with lust.

“I… think this might be going a little too far,” Yang mentioned, kneeling in front of Weiss.

“Are you giving u-ah!” Weiss started, trying to be snarky and immediately being silenced as Yang thrust her hands out, sinking into Weiss’ sensitive bosom and making Weiss’ eyes roll back and her tongue loll out.

“Seriously, you can barely even think straight, how are you gonna be a huntress if you’re this big?” Yang interrogated. Weiss had enough dignity left to look a little ashamed.

“Can… can I at least keep them for tonight?” Weiss asked in a small voice.

“Hey, they don’t have to go back to your old size, they could even stay about my size,” Yang suggested, bouncing her brimming breasts for emphasis. “Just, y’know, bring ‘em down to a size where touching them doesn’t short-circuit your brain.”

“That… that sounds good…” Weiss murmured, right before dozing off, falling asleep in her own canyon of cleavage. Tempting as the alternative was, Yang decided to let Weiss rest. Yang let out a little chuckle to herself as she set about getting Weiss covered up for Ruby’s sake, and ordering what she needed in order to bring Weiss’ cup size back into single letters.


So, this is kinda sorta a follow-up to Weiss Isn't Flat. Don't worry if you haven't read that one, it's not really an in-depth plot that you gotta know all the lore for, it's just a story about some girls with huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers.

Chapter 31: Burger Hog Lite


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Velvet was really regretting picking up that summer job at Burger Hog. It was just meant to be a way to get some extra Lien while Beacon was on break, but she seriously underestimated how unhealthy the food there was. She realised, with hindsight, that all of her co-workers except for her manager being obese should have been a hint, since every employee ate for free. The fact that the recipes and ingredients lists were mostly blanked out also should have been a warning, but it was far, far too late, and Velvet really needed the money, as Hard Light Dust wasn’t cheap.

In the two months she worked at Burger Hog, she had ballooned in weight. Her belly had picked up a lot of new fat, growing big and round like a medicine ball beneath her shirt, big enough to block her view of her feet, while also hanging over the belt of her uniform pants and building up thick love handles. Her uniform top, the tight brown button-up shirt she had to wear tucked into the uniform’s black shorts, helped her belly retain its rounded shape as it strained the buttons. It also hugged her chunkier arms and her expanding chest, which had gone through half a dozen cup sizes while she had worked here. Speaking of going up sizes, Velvet needed to speak to her manager about getting bigger shorts, again, as her ballooning bubble butt, widening hips, and thighs that bloomed out of the constricting hems of her shorts all made abundantly clear.

If there was one upside, it was that it paid shockingly well, enough that Velvet was legitimately considering coming back next summer, assuming she could work off some of this weight. She could only imagine how much bigger she would end up after that next summer, though, as working at Burger Hog had seriously ramped up her appetite and stomach capacity.

On her last day at Burger Hog, she was manning the tills, trying to ignore the way the counter dug into her belly if she wanted to reach the register and trying to ignore how, despite having just finished her lunch break, her stomach still demanded more. She noticed a customer approaching and launched into her store-mandated greeting.

“Welcome to Burger Hog, how can I fill your… C-Coco?!” Velvet recoiled as she noticed her team leader standing before her.

“Jeez, V, I heard this place was good, but you must really like it,” Coco teased, reaching over the counter to prod at Velvet’s underbelly.

“Coco, I’m working,” Velvet whined as she went bright red.

“I know, I know. Lemme get a… actually, I’ll have two Belt Busting Cheeseburger combos, a large and a small,” Coco requested. Velvet’s eyes widened.

“Y-you know how much food that is, right?” Velvet asked, quietly hoping Coco would reconsider.

“I know. The large is for you,” Coco said with a sly wink that had Velvet going red again. Maybe this extra weight wasn’t going anywhere after all.


This was written as a gift for Songbird567, ‘cause it’s that time of the uni year where everything is due all at once (or there’s a ton of exams), and as a recovering uni student, I know that feeling, so I decided to write something for him, and, of course, my prompt wheel gave me ‘Fast Food Job’, so, like, of course, I had to write about his Burger Hog idea and add to the vaguely defined Burger Hog canon, except this is, like, the weird scaled-back canon that you can ignore if you want since it’s not by the original creator.

Also, he came up with the title, cause he figured it served as sort of a prequel to his Burger Hog story, and honestly it's better than anything I was coming up with.

Chapter 32: Emerald and Ruby Make It Work


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Emerald hadn’t expected switching sides to go smoothly, but she still wanted to try to smooth things over with Ruby. She found a quiet moment before the group was meant to go out and save Mantle and Atlas and stop Ironwood, and asked Ruby to come with her somewhere private. Curious but cautious, Ruby followed.

“Look, Ruby, I know I haven’t exactly earned your trust yet, but if there’s anything I can do to, I dunno, change your mind, tell me,” Emerald laid out, her hands on her wide hips. Ruby went red as an idea when to her head, but she tried to shake it out. “No, no, whatever you were thinking of, I’ll do it. I’m serious.”

“But you’ll think I’m a pervert,” Ruby explained in a quiet voice, wrapping her cloak around her in a way that highlighted her prodigious rear, like a pair of basketballs in her shorts, a rear that only Emerald outdid.

“What if I go first?” Emerald purred as she sashayed up to Ruby. Then, in one quick movement, trained from Emerald’s pickpocket days, she reached for Ruby’s rear and got two big handfuls of her plump cheeks. “Mmm, you got thick since Beacon,” Emerald teased as she bounced Ruby’s bubble butt in her hands, making Ruby moan quietly.

“Y-yeah. I had a crush on you back then, a-and then I realised that I didn’t just wanna touch your butt, I wanted a butt like yours,” Ruby admitted quietly. Emerald snickered, a reaction that made Ruby go even redder.

“All this time and you’re still adorable,” Emerald cooed as she moved a hand to stroke Ruby’s red cheek. “But hey, might be a bit late, but now you can do both.” Ruby nodded nervously and reached her hands up to Emerald’s enormous ass. As she sunk her hands in, she found more resistance from Emerald’s white denim than her rear, which was feather-soft. Ruby’s silver eyes gleamed from excitement as she held Emerald as close as she could, pressing her corset against Emerald’s trim, exposed midriff.

“It’s even better than I hoped,” Ruby whispered, awe clear in her voice.

“And once you’re done saving the day, I’ll let you see even more,” Emerald offered flirtatiously. Ruby’s eyes went wide as she looked up at Emerald.


“Sure. I know you’re a goody-two-shoes and don’t need motivation like this, but I’m sure even a hero like you could do with a little ass from time to time,” Emerald teased.

“Uh, promise not to tell the others?” Ruby squeaked out.

“Your secret’s safe with me,” Emerald promised, sealing it with a kiss on Ruby’s cheek before she drifted away, each step seemingly orchestrated to make her massive ass bounce and wobble perfectly in her tight jeans.

Emerald was right, Ruby didn’t need the extra motivation, but it certainly helped get Ruby ready to save the day, with the promise of a long-dreamed-of reward awaiting her afterwards.


No real prompt here, I just had an idea involving Emerald, Ruby, and big butts. I had some other ideas, but I'll probably come back to those later.

Chapter 33: Pyrrha's Nora


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

With how much padding she had back there, Nora didn’t mind being pinned to the dorm’s wall by Pyrrha. The taller girl was well inside Nora’s personal space and kneading her soft belly.

“You’ve been eating well,” Pyrrha said in a low, lusty voice as her hands ran down to sink into Nora’s thick, thunderous thighs, each of which was as thick as Pyrrha’s torso and filled her pajama shorts to their limits.

“Mmmhmm, and working out plenty. Lucky you, huh?” Nora teased, lacing her hands behind her head as a blush seeped onto her freckled face.

“Very lucky,” Pyrrha growled as her hands raced up over Nora’s voluptuous curves and grabbed Nora’s extra plump breasts. Nora let out a keening whine as Pyrrha began kneading, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her brain. She knew that her overfilled hourglass figure drove Pyrrha wild, but even then, she could still be caught off guard by how dominant Pyrrha could be.

“We’re really keeping the boys waiting, huh?” Nora said lightheartedly, before being interrupted by Pyrrha’s eager hands running back down to cup her bountiful booty. Nora let out a yelp as Pyrrha lifted her up, the amazon having no trouble with hefty little Nora. Holding Nora up, Pyrrha pushed Nora against the wall and leaned in, her armoured outfit squishing against Nora’s softness.

“Let them wait, I need you,” Pyrrha whispered, her lips gracing Nora’s neck as she spoke. Nora wrapped her strong arms around Pyrrha’s broad shoulders as Pyrrha began peppering her neck with kisses. Pyrrha shifted her grip to allow her to hold Nora up with one arm, giving her a free hand to roam. Her first stop was beneath the hem of Nora’s pajama shirt, with the stretched-out ‘Boop’ on the front. Pyrrha’s dexterous fingers felt even better against Nora’s soft skin, fondling Nora’s belly fat. To stop herself from making noises the neighbouring dorms might complain about, Nora moved in to kiss Pyrrha wherever she could reach. It’d been good timing, as Pyrrha’s hand then roamed up to Nora’s breast, bare beneath her shirt. Pyrrha ran a thumb over Nora’s erect, rosy peak as she played with the feathery soft heft of Nora’s breast. Nora could feel herself heating up, and could feel the arousal and energy welling within, filling her to bursting, before…

“Hey, guys, are you coming to breakfast?” Jaune called out from the hallway, his voice muffled by the door. Pyrrha stopped in her tracks, letting out an annoyed growl before taking a calming breath.

“Nora was just helping me with something, I’ll be right out!” Pyrrha responded as she set flustered Nora down on the ground, her voice saccharine sweet. “See you at breakfast,” Pyrrha cooed before giving Nora’s booty a smack that made it wobble like jelly. As Pyrrha strode off, cool as ice, Nora wished she could keep a secret like Pyrrha could. As far as Nora knew, no one else knew that Pyrrha had such great taste in women.


You ever seen something so good it made you wanna make a thing? Because I saw @bluueygooey's Nora art on Twitter, and hoo boy, I had to make a thing immediately.

Chapter 34: Big Booty Baddies


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ugh, Neo, you need to stop stealing ice cream,” Cinder complained as she struggled to do up her pants around her recently grown potbelly and widened hips, pants that she had already been rough to pull up past her plumper thighs and rear. She knew this was already an issue when she had to work hard to do up her chest wrapping over her larger chest, but at least that was possible. Her pants were looking concerningly like an insurmountable obstacle.

“I-I think you look good,” Emerald interjected, trying to reassure Cinder. It was hard for Cinder to take Emerald seriously when Emerald completely failed to get her pants up past her thighs. Her mint green panties were swallowed by her shelf booty, love handles, and her hanging belly, making her look much heftier than Cinder.

Over on the bed, Neo was bulging out of her black and white costume, not even bothering to use her Semblance to hide her size. Her expansive pale body was almost on full display, her belly hanging out and her chest straining her buttoned top, while her smug grin made her cheeks and double chin much more visible. She was tapping out a quick message on her scroll to respond to Cinder.

“Nah, don’t wanna stop, you should stop eating my ice cream, fatty,” said Neo’s message, earning an annoyed sigh from Cinder.

“Well, at the very least share your ice cream with the other teams instead of just Emerald and me,” Cinder said through gritted teeth, really straining herself to do up her pants. Neo pursed her lips in overacted thought for a moment, before tapping out another message.

“Hell yeah, I can make more thick chicks!” Neo’s message enthusiastically declared as she beamed at Cinder. Cinder let out a groan and looked at Emerald.

“Emerald, please sit on Neo for me until she’s less horny,” Cinder ordered.

“Uh, Cinder, that might not work,” Emerald pointed out as she watched Neo suggestively waggle her eyebrows at her.

“Fine, I guess I’ll have to do it myself,” Cinder griped. She stepped over to Neo’s bed, pushed the lardy lady over, and sat atop Neo’s high-rising belly. As Cinder put all of her weight down onto Neo, she felt herself sinking deep into Neo’s pillowy blubber, bringing a realisation to her mind. “Hmm, actually, maybe this isn’t so bad. In fact, I think we can use this. Neo, change of plans, steal as much ice cream for us as possible!”

“U-us?!” Emerald yelped.

“Of course. Your proportions are perfect for doing this,” Cinder explained, gesturing to her sitting on Neo. “Wouldn’t you agree?” Cinder added, asking a flushed and flustered Neo. Neo quickly and enthusiastically nodded, making Cinder smugly smirk as she sat atop her throne of fat. She hadn’t planned to literally throw her weight around, but it was much easier than reining in her gluttony and resisting Neo’s ice cream.


Don't worry, I've got a follow-up to this story very loosely planned. Don't know when I'll actually write it, but it'll happen.

Chapter 35: Not-So-Sneaky Velvet


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Maybe Velvet did have a problem, she realised as she staggered into her dorm room, her belly round and taut with sweet bakery treats she had gorged herself on while she was out. This weekly binge of hers hadn’t had any noticeable effect on her waistline, and she had only put on about a kilo, all thanks to the healthy diet she followed for the rest of the week and her Huntsman’s training helping to burn calories, but she knew that she would balloon if it wasn’t for those two things.

She cradled the gurgling mass of her belly as she shuffled off to bed, despite the sun having barely gone down. She kicked off her shoes, not wanting to upset her stuffed gut by trying to bend over, and slipped in under the sheets. After stuffings like this, she always found herself wanting a nap, and with everyone going to dinner, she usually could have that nap and be ready to go before everyone got back. This time, however…

“Jeez, way to ignore me,” Coco teased as she moved over to Velvet’s bed, leaning over it and looming over Velvet, who was going red. She couldn’t believe that she had somehow missed Coco being in the dorm room and, worse, that she had let Coco see her in such a state. She let out an embarrassed groan as she buried her face in the pillow. “Relax, V. I’m not gonna tell anyone, and I’ll make sure the boys stay out for a little longer than usual, on one condition.”

“Wh-what’s that?” Velvet asked, her mind a confusing mix of embarrassed and horny, with the former possibly fueling the latter, not that she would be able to tell that right now. Coco leant in and gave Velvet’s rounded belly a gentle slap through the sheets, making a dull thud out as her hand impacted Velvet’s belly and making Velvet struggle to muffle a moan.

“I’ll get you a serving of dinner, and you’ll make your plate spotless. Send me a pic when you’re done. Got it?” Coco ordered. Velvet’s heart raced as she nodded her head. “Good girl,” Coco said, sounding dangerously sweet as she patted Velvet on the head, before spinning on her heels and making for the door. “See you soon!” Coco lilted as she left, leaving Velvet in bed with her raging hormones. Finding out that Coco was as into this stuff as she was was a very pleasant surprise. She expected Coco to be dominant about it, but she didn’t expect to be so into it.

Needless to say, she made to lick the plate clean and make sure there wasn’t a calorie left uneaten, even as her stomach groaned and grumbled loudly. With how enthusiastic Coco’s response was, Velvet had the feeling this was going to become a regular thing too, hopefully not any more regular than her own binges, otherwise she was going to need bigger clothes.


Another product of my prompt wheels, with it giving me 'Hiding Fat' and Velvet to write about. This was a nice warm-up.

Chapter 36: Fastball Blubberball Ruby


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“You sure this is a good idea, Ruby?” Yang asked as she stretched her chunky arms, glad she was in a tank top and not trapped by sleeves for this workout. “Just ‘cause it worked in a comic doesn’t mean it’s gonna work in real life.”

“But it’ll look so cool if it works!” Ruby enthused, her excitement clear on her round, double-chinned face as she jumped up and down, her blubbery body threatening to spill out of her own lycra shorts and sports bra. “If you don’t wanna do it, though, I’m sure Nora wouldn’t mind, and I know she’s strong enough for it,” she added, trying to play coy and look oh so innocent, even if her voice had a hint of teasing in it. Yang pursed her lips at Ruby’s words and tone.

“Did Coco teach you that trick?” Yang asked, letting out an annoyed sigh. “Whatever, let’s give this a go, hop on,” she then said, putting out her hand nice and low. Ruby let out a cheer and stepped on, curling into a ball, or at least as much of a ball as her massively obese body allowed. With a grunt of exertion, Yang lifted rotund Ruby up with one hand. “Jeez, are you getting heavier?” Yang lightheartedly teased, to which Ruby responded with a chuckle.

“What’s wrong, sis? You worried I’m gonna be the big sister?” Ruby said smugly as she gave her exposed globular belly a meaty smack.

“Pfft, as if. I’ve still got room to grow,” Yang retorted, patting her large keg of a belly, not that Ruby could see her do so past her clothing-straining chest. “Anyway, you ready?”

“Heck yeah!” Ruby cheered as her silver eyes laser-focused on the poor, unsuspecting training dummy a fair distance away.

“Alright, 3, 2, 1, here you go!” Yang called out as she wound her arm back, before taking a few steps forward and hurling Ruby with all her might. Ruby did a forward roll in the air before spreading her limbs like a starfish, ready to bodyslam the dummy. When she impacted the dummy, she and it fell to the ground with a thunderous sound. Yang ran up to Ruby, who was rolling over onto her back.

“Woohoo! That was fun!” Ruby celebrated. Yang’s sprint slowed to a jog as she heard Ruby.

“Sounds like you’re alright,” Yang said, before looking over to the dummy, or, more accurately, the indent in the ground that the dummy was stuck in. “Ooh, good thing we didn’t get a person to stand there.” Ruby looked over and winced.

“Yeah, that worked even better than I hoped, but I might wanna save that move for the Grimm,” Ruby agreed. With a grunt of exertion, Ruby started heaving herself back onto her feet, although about halfway through she ended up needing Yang’s help. “But, hey, that worked! You know what that calls for?”

“Is it ‘lots of food’?” Yang asked teasingly.

“So much food,” Ruby said, drooling slightly.


You ever heard of the 'fastball special'? Well, now you have. Of course, it's usually Wolverine being thrown by Colossus (or She-Hulk at least once), but hey, what if it was someone a bit (or a lot) heavier?

Also, yeah, this is also another little snippet of the Aura Bulking AU, so don't worry about Ruby, she's got plenty of Aura and didn't get hurt.

Chapter 37: Emerald's Starter Belly


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ever since Emerald noticed Cinder’s eyes wandering towards larger ladies, she had committed to gaining weight, and today, she had hit a real noticeable milestone. Today was the day she saw her belly grow out past her breasts. It felt even more like an achievement to her, as she had noticed her breasts growing too as she put on weight, filling and spilling out of her bras and pushing her tops to the limits of decency. Sure, she had to absolutely stuff herself senseless in order to accomplish this, but she had pulled it off. It may have only been a starter belly for now, but she had high hopes for her gains. Her belly already hung over her increasingly tight pants, pants that she could no longer do up the button on, no matter how hard she tried. She was glad that her outfits left her midriff exposed, partly for her own comfort and partly in the hopes that her exposed rounded belly would draw Cinder’s attention.

As Emerald staggered into her team’s dorm room after a very, very big breakfast, she realised that that part of her mission had been accomplished too.

“Oh, Emerald, are you hungry?” Cinder asked as she sashayed towards Emerald, her eyes bouncing down to Emerald’s belly. Emerald did her best to play it cool and not just collapse into a blushing, overexcited mess.

“I… could eat,” Emerald said coyly. It wasn’t strictly wrong, even if she did feel full. That didn’t matter, though. Cinder, the woman Emerald was doing this for, was finally giving Emerald the attention she craved.

“Good, let’s get you something nice and big to eat,” Cinder purred. Cinder slipped her hand around Emerald’s back, resting atop the little muffin top Emerald had back there as she got Emerald moving back out of the dorm room. Emerald took long, slow breaths to try and relax, hoping she wouldn’t make a fool of herself. Unless it was her bursting out of her clothes, that was something she didn’t mind.


Gonna be honest, I mostly wrote this to make sure the fat admirers following me didn't miss out, since I'm also posting a muscle fic today (specifically, part 2 of Big Saps).

Also, this was another product of the wheel o' prompts, giving me 'Starter Belly'. It does mean it's not at big as some would probably like, but hey, nothing wrong with going a little smaller from time to time. I do have at least one story with some chonky girls in it solidly planned, and, of course, there'll be plenty more bigguns later down the line.

Chapter 38: Too Much of a Good Belly


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, uh, not gonna lie, I didn’t expect Pyrrha to be this into your belly,” Nora admitted to the voluptuous Yang, who was currently having her expansive, rolling belly massaged and groped and peppered with kisses by a wild-eyed Pyrrha.

“I mean, I can’t exactly blame her,” Yang defended as she shrugged her sloped, padded shoulders. “I remember the euphoria I felt the first time I used that dust, the first time I saw myself this big,” she added, grabbing and slowly jiggling her hefty belly as Pyrrha played with it. “I’m pretty I was playing with my belly non-stop until it wore off.”

“I wasn’t much better my first time with you either, was I?” Nora agreed as she snuggled into Yang’s soft side, under her chunky arm. Pyrrha’s hands drifted up Yang’s belly until they started to graze Yang’s exposed underboob. Yang’s chest was big, bigger than anyone else’s in Beacon by a long shot, but it only barely stuck out further than her belly. Still, that was enough for her to be barely contained by her pyjama tank top, something that Pyrrha was very much preparing to take advantage of right now, before Yang grabbed Pyrrha by both wrists.

“Whoa there Pyrrha, you haven’t even taken me to dinner yet,” Yang lightheartedly teased. When Pyrrha’s lust-addled brain finally processed what was going on, she ceased the flurry of kisses on Yang’s belly and looked up at the blubbery blonde with desperation clear in her emerald eyes.

“Wh-where do you want to go? I’ll take you anywhere, pay for all of it, as much as you want to eat,” Pyrrha pleaded, prompting Yang and Nora to share a concerned look.

“This seems familiar, doesn’t it?” Yang teased.

“Y-yeah, it does,” suddenly bashful Nora responded. “Is it time for her to go into time-out?”

“I think so. At least this time you can see what it looks like from the outside,” Yang assured as Nora shifted away, eagerly awaiting the impending scene. “Alright Pyrrha, time for you to chill out,” Yang said in an almost motherly tone. All Pyrrha had time for was a raised eyebrow before Yang picked her up and put her on her back on the mattress. Then, Yang crawled so that she was on her hands and knees on top of Pyrrha, her fat belly grazing Pyrrha’s pyjama top buttons. As soon as Yang was in position, she dropped, squashing Pyrrha between the mattress and Yang’s blubber and burying Pyrrha’s face in her cavernous cleavage. Nora gasped excitedly as Pyrrha immediately wrapped her arms as far around supersized Yang as she could manage, which was only a bit over halfway.

“Y’know, if she’s the same kind of pervert I am, she’s probably into this,” Nora theorised as she moved in closer for a better look.

“Hey, I can still squash your pretty self if you ask nicely,” Yang cooed.

“Aww, you’re too kind,” Nora said sweetly as she gently smooched Yang’s pudgy cheek.


I'll admit, this was mostly done because I'm also about to post an update to Big Saps, but hey, I thought it was a cute idea, and I figured I might as well write it. So, yeah, if you like fat and don't like muscle, here's something for you today. If you like muscle, stick around, I've got more for you shortly.

Chapter 39: Ruby Measures Up


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Down to just her plain red underwear, Ruby’s heart was racing. The rotund huntress-in-training felt as if Coco’s eyes were burning into her as the fat fashionista ran her tape measure across Ruby’s expansive body.

“Y’know, Red, you get more accurate measurements when you’re… naked,” Coco purred, looking up to make sure she got Ruby’s reaction. And what a reaction it was, with Ruby’s face going as red as her namesake. At that sight, Coco could not help but burst into laughter.

“Coco, you’re so mean,” Ruby whined as she hugged herself, trying to cover up and compress her fat body.

“Sorry, sorry, I just don’t get many chances to do this, especially with Velv not wanting to go for the fattest aura stacks,” Coco explained, still letting out the last remnants of her laughing fit.

“Does her fighting style not work well with extra fat?” Ruby queried as she relaxed her stance and Coco got back to her measurements.

“Eh, it’s complicated. She’s got a lot of fighting styles, but she says she wants to keep her options open, so she can’t commit to getting big,” Coco clarified. “And speaking of getting big, I think I’m gonna need the big girl tape for your belly and butt,” Coco added as she tugged on the ends of the tape as it had wrapped around Ruby’s waistline with plenty of space between the ends, even as Coco tugged a little harder to emphasise her point.

“The… big girl tape?” Ruby asked, raising an eyebrow as Coco stepped over to the nearby desk.

“Yeah, this tape only goes up to sixty inches. Good for most people, but not for supersized babes like us,” Coco bragged, giving her belly a hearty slap and letting the jelly-like mass wobble for a moment.

“O-oh,” was all Ruby got out as she blushed again, though not quite as hard as before.

“Yep, we’ve got so much aura that we need the big girl tape. All the hottest babes gotta use it, and I only take girls on dates if they need the big girl tape,” Coco said, shooting Ruby a wink, just as if Ruby needed to blush harder. “Besides, if I’m gonna take a pretty girl to dinner, I gotta make sure she fits in the nice dress I’m making her.”

“You’re making me a dress?” Ruby asked, her voice going higher as she got excited.

“Well, not just a dress, but that’s a good start. Gonna take a lot of work to get you looking as good as me, especially with a seventy-inch waist and a seventy-five-inch booty,” Coco said, making Ruby realise that Coco had kept on measuring as they talked.

“Th-those measurements sound big.”

“They are big. You’ve almost got as much ass as me,” Coco flirted as she gave Ruby a pat on the butt. “But don’t worry, big beautiful women are my specialty.”


Felt like writing another short thing, and I wanted to do more in my Aura Bulking AU, so when the Wheel of Prompts gave me 'Measurements', this seemed like a good choice. This story is kinda sorta a prequel to Eating Like A Huntress, but it's not required reading to understand that story, it's just something fun to add to it. Plus, who doesn't like seeing tubby Ruby getting teased?

Chapter 40: Ruby's Super Cincher


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As Blake knelt in front of Ruby, her face level with Ruby’s waist, her eyes were carefully examining the red strings keeping Ruby’s waist cincher done up.


“You sure you’re okay with me doing this?” Blake asked as her hands slowly moved up from her sides to rest on Ruby’s hips. Ruby nodded slowly, even as Blake expected her to take the easy option out of this situation.


“You’re my girlfriend, you’d find out about this someday,” Ruby reasoned as she wrung her hands behind her back.


“I guess I would’ve,” Blake quietly agreed as her hands ran across the black leather of the cincher and her fingers worked their way to the knot. “Well, here I go.” With that, Blake’s dexterous fingers made short work of a very thorough knot. She loosened it off enough to bring it down past Ruby’s hips and legs before Ruby stepped out of it and Blake set it aside. With the waist cincher out of the way, Blake saw Ruby’s waistline expand a touch, as she would have expected. What happened next, however, was far from expected.


All of Ruby’s body started to grow, her belly expanding with fat further and further. Two distinct rolls began to form. The lower roll was thick, heavy, and hung low, low enough that it snuck out past the hem of her combat skirt. The top roll, which started just above Ruby’s navel, was like an orb of blubber that stretched her clothes and gave her breasts, which grew about three cup sizes, something to rest on. Her pillowy upper arms filled her sleeves like meat in a sausage casing before folding over her elbows. That led down to her chunky forearms which were just starting to create a fold at her wrists and her pudgy hands. Her thighs were each as wide as Blake’s waist, leading up to hips that were about twice as wide as Ruby’s had been before and a rear that was like a pair of throw pillows, creating a notable shelf. Running down from there were Ruby’s knee and ankle folds as her tights were stretched to the point of becoming see-through, even though they still held.


Looking up, Ruby looked bashful as a light blush dusted her puffy cheeks even as she smiled, a smile that looked even softer on her rounded face and with her second chin having just formed from her fat neck.


“So, uh, this is the real me, all three hundred and forty-five pounds of it,” Ruby quietly announced. “It’s not, y’know, too much, is it?” Blake gently shook her head.


“As long as you’re still the brave, kind woman I love, there’s no such thing as too much,” Blake passionately declared, before leaning in to place a soft kiss on the exposed belly fat. “And I mean it. I’ll love you no matter your size.” Ruby let out an excited gasp as she covered her red face.


“Ooh, Blake, you’re the best girlfriend ever!”


Wrote a little something as a warm-up, and with how long it's been since I've actually gotten a decent amount of writing done, I figured I should at least post something.

Anyway, yeah, if you're wondering how Ruby's cincher is supposed to work here, basically, it's magic or something so don't worry about it too much.

Chapter 41: Thunder Thighs Prepares to Save the Day


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was a quiet Sunday morning in the city of Vale. At least, it had been, right up until sirens pierced the quiet and reminded the denizens of Vale that crime doesn’t take a break. Fortunately, neither do its heroes.

Nora Valkyrie heard the sirens and, reluctantly, dropped her utensils and tore herself away from her pancake breakfast.

“Keep ‘em warm for me, will ya?” Nora asked her long-suffering boyfriend Ren. As Ren nodded, Nora curled her arms down in front of her torso and flexed. Then, all of a sudden, her body exploded with fat. Her grey track pants and black t-shirt were demolished in seconds, revealing a sleeveless pink leotard with white trim around the arm and leg holes and a white lightning bolt over her enormous chest. The leotard stretched flawlessly over her dome of a belly even as her belly reached out as far as her arm’s reach and a touch further than her breasts. The lack of sleeves and leggings meant that her chunky arms and gargantuan thighs were fully exposed and her double-wide rear was only barely concealed. Her face, jawline, and neck gained so much fat that her face was practically unrecogniseable, yet no less confident than before. As she strode towards her black and pink high-top boots and the couple’s apartment’s balcony, the copious amounts of fat she was laden with bounced and wobbled.

“Do you have to do that every time?” Ren said, sighing as he scanned his eyes over the tattered shreds of Nora’s former clothes all over the floor.

“You know you love it,” Nora teased, shooting Ren a flirty smirk as she gave her supersized booty a smack, making it jiggle and making Ren go bright red as he averted his gaze.

“Stay safe out there,” Ren said softly. As Nora slipped her boots on, having to do it blind as there was no way she could see her feet beneath her belly and breasts, she stepped over to Ren even faster than a normal person a fraction of her size could manage and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

“With all this protective padding, it’s hard to take down Thunder Thighs,” Nora bragged. She then turned, stepped out onto the balcony, and leapt into the sky, high enough to rise above the city’s rooftops. The moment she found the villains, she was ready to strike like lightning from the skies. It was times like this when she loved her powers and loved her job.


Oh boy, it's been way too long since I last updated this. Anyway, this was just a fun little AU idea I had. More expansion/weight gain superhero stuff would be fun, and I'd love to do something a little more fleshed out when I've got more time for it.

Chapter 42: All Nora Can Eat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Nora, you have to stop doing this,” Ren implored as he stood, staring at Nora as she sat, stuck in the buffet booth by her massively overstuffed belly. The enormous orb had been pushed up and mostly rested on the table, basically covering the whole thing and requiring Ren to evacuate, lest he be crushed by the boulder that was Nora’s taut stomach or trapped in his seat. Even with most of the belly resting on the table, Nora was still stuck, as a good portion of it was wedged between the rest of her body and the table, an impressive feat considering how petite Nora was if you ignored her belly. However, no one was going to be able to ignore the pale orb that was about the same size as the rest of Nora.

“But Ren,” Nora whined, “the sign said ‘all you can eat’, so I had to eat all I can eat. It was a challenge for… urrrrp… for my honour!”

“It’s not…” Ren began, before being reminded of the last half a dozen times he tried to explain this to Nora. “Never mind. I sent a few messages and help should be here soon.”

“Someone needs saving again?” said a familiar cocky voice from behind the pair. Turning, the pair saw Coco strutting over with a red-eyed Yang in tow.

“Hiya! I maintained my warri-urrp-or’s honour and vanquished another buffet,” Nora cheered, her words giving Yang’s eye a twitch.

“Uh, hey, Blondie, you good?” Coco asked.

“I’m fine,” Yang said flatly through her teeth. “Just helping out a friend who can eat literally everything at a buffet several times and never gain weight. Totally fine.” Coco nodded silently and subtly shifted away from Yang slightly. She then took off her sunglasses and handed them to Ren, who took them with a nod of acknowledgement.

“Welp, time to get to work.” With that, Coco reached past Nora’s small frame to pull from the other side while Yang grabbed Nora’s arm. After a quick countdown, the pair of rescuers pulled. Yang’s rough work earned a few complaints from Nora, but it ended up worth it. After a moment of pulling, Nora was freed with a pop as her belly was dislodged from the gap in the buffet. It happened so fast, in fact, that it lead to all three girls topping over, with Nora at one end and Coco and Yang lined up next to her as her belly crashed down onto Coco’s face and Yang’s torso. There was a moment of silence before Yang’s hair ignited and she slammed her fist into the buffet’s plain tile floor.

“That’s it! You’re getting yourself out of this mess next time!” Yang barked at Nora. She then heaved Nora’s belly, rolling the overstuffed girl over and revealing Coco’s stunned face. As Yang stormed out, Nora slowly hauled herself back onto her feet, propping herself up with her belly part of the way.

“So, any more buffets wanna challenge me?”


Unfortunately, all of the stories that people have asked me to write reduce my brain to just the Windows Error Sound, but I can write this little thing based on a thing I saw on Twitter that had me like "what if this was a feederism thing?" Man, I should do more of these.

Chapter 43: Pyrrha's Grimm Gains


Not sure how to tag whatever someone eating a Grimm made of chocolate counts as, but I feel like that could do with a heads-up.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As Pyrrha sat at the bottom of the tree, her cheeks were red from exertion and embarrassment, both of which were caused by the same event. While training in the Emerald Forest, a chocolate Beowolf ambushed the pair pouncing at Jaune. In midair, Pyrrha leapt into action, tackling the confectionary beast to the ground. After that, Pyrrha seemed to be in a trance, acting on primal instinct as she tore into the chocolate monster and, handful by handful, devoured it.

As each mouthful of chocolate hit her stomach, she didn’t fill up. Instead, she grew fatter by the second, not that she cared. Her belly and breasts blew out her armoured corset, sending the plated firing as the strings snapped, followed shortly by her strapless bra. Her bronze greaves met a similar fate while failing to contain her growing thighs and calves. Her sash undid itself shortly after her belt buckle buckled and shortly before the seam in her miniskirt split open and her panties snapped at the hip. Her long gloves were stretched to the point of uselessness well before she tore through them, and the bracer on her left arm gave out in a similar fashion to her corset and greaves while the bronze bracelet around her left bicep snapped like her belt buckle. Her neck popped her bronze gorget, completing her strip by gluttony and weight gain, leaving her with only her circlet on.

Her face had grown round, almost unrecognisable apart from her shining emerald eyes, with thick jowls and a second chin that almost morphed into her neck, which had been swallowed by fat. Her padded shoulders showed no definition, creating a smooth curve up to her neck. Her upper arms bulged with fat, folding over her elbows, while her forearms did the same, folding over her wrists and making her pudgy hands look small. Her breasts were like fat teardrops as they rested atop her rounded belly. Her breasts stuck out a foot in front, while her belly went a foot further. Her belly hung to the ground, supported by a fold by Pyrrha’s hips, which had tripled in width. The fold made love handles that were more than a handful. By comparison, her thighs and rear seemed small, but they would have been massive on someone who wasn’t pushing a quarter of a ton, with each thigh as wide as her torso had been before she fattened up and with clear folds at the knees and elbows.

Pyrrha held her hands over the rosy peaks on her breasts, maintaining what little dignity she had left as she breathed heavily.

“S-sorry you had to see that,” she murmured to Jaune, who was holding his shield over his crotch.

“It’s okay. Thanks for saving me,” Jaune replied, very much not looking at Pyrrha. There was an awkward silence, punctuated by Pyrrha’s heavy breathing.

“So… wanna touch?” Pyrrha purred as she made her offer, causing Jaune to faint with a small red trickle from his nose.


Wrote this little thing for fun last night. Set in the same alternate universe as Blake's Grimm Gains which itself was based on 'Unnamed Stuffing RPG' (

As for Pyrrha's temporarily expanded figure, I based it off of MetalForever's Pyrrha here:

Chapter 44: Barbell-adonna Hip Thrusts


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yang was surprised that she didn’t slip mid-thrust as Blake strolled into the gym in a skimpy workout outfit that hadn’t fit properly since 30 lbs ago. Yang did her best not to focus too much on Blake while the hefty barbell rested on her hips, before rechecking her grip and making sure her shoulders were still in the right place. Then, it was back to her workout.

Blake had to stand a fair distance from Yang to see her, as the curve of her belly and breasts made seeing things on the ground too close impossible. She struggled to see her many thigh folds or her knee and ankle folds without a mirror, and seeing her feet was well out of the question.

“Hey Yang,” Blake purred, the tone immediately alerting Yang that her girlfriend had mischief on her mind.

“Uh, heya Blake. Need help with your workout?” Yang offered, hoping to disarm Blake’s attempted hijinks.

“Nah, I’m good for now,” Blake responded, faking nonchalance as she silently counted the weight Yang was thrusting with a sausage finger. “400lbs? Impressive,” Blake cooed. The appeal to Yang’s ego worked so well, Yang was unaware that it even happened. The compliment from her girlfriend wiped all concerns from her mind and replaced them with the bright, fluffy feelings of being complimented for something you really care about.

“Aw, thanks! It’s my new PB,” Yang beamed, although the big bright smile was at least partly her gritting her teeth as she thrusted the weight.

“I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that that’s how much you’re lifting after my weigh-in this morning, right?”

Yang looked up and spotted the smug grin on Blake’s lips, like the cat that got the heavy cream, and knew that Blake had her beat. There was no way out of this, Yang knew. Instead, Yang went with it.

“Actually, it’s not a coincidence,” Yang admitted, shooting Blake a quick eyebrow flash and a grin.

“Oh? What else did you plan on lifting like that?” Blake questioned, knowing the answer and just waiting for Yang to say it. Yang lowered herself to the ground and moved the barbell aside and patted her now free lap. Picking up on the silent invite, Blake sat on Yang’s lap, her hips twice as wide as Yang’s and her thighs each as thick as Yang’s torso. Then, as Yang put her hands on Blake’s hips, Yang carefully thrust upwards, lifting blubbery Blake off the ground with a satisfied grin, one that quickly turned sheepish as she quickly realised that, yes, other people were watching this public display of more than affection.

“Yeah, get it, Blake!” Coco called out from across the gym, earning a smack on the arm from Velvet.

“More like ‘get a room, Blake’,” Weiss protested from the treadmills. “Not our room, though, Ruby’s still there.”

With that, Yang’s face’s journey to a bright-red blush was complete, while Blake’s double-chinned face showed that she had reached dangerously high levels of smugness.


Hey, sorry it's been so long since I posted anything. Been dealing with a fierce writer's block. Fingers crossed this is me getting back to writing and posting regularly.

Also, yes, that's a real work out, it's supposed to be good for the glutes. Don't think it's meant to be done with a person as the barbell, but I can't imagine too many people reading this not digging the mental image there.

Chapter 45: Too Much Taste Testing


@songbird567 asked for Pyrrha fats and I needed a warm-up, so here's a win-win.

Chapter Text

“Pyrrha, you know you don’t have to eat the whole thing when you taste test, right?” Jaune queried, looking down at Pyrrha and the basically empty dish that previously contained a shepherd’s pie large enough for a whole family. Pyrrha looked back up at him, a small ring of mince and sauce around her lips, though nothing else marred her pudgy face.

“But Jaune, your food is so good, I just can’t stop eating until it’s all gone!” Pyrrha declared as she patted her round, fat belly, evidence that she was telling the truth. Even after sizing her pyjamas all the way up to an XXXL, her belly still pushed against the flannel top enough that there were visible gaps between the buttons for her pale skin to peek through. Her flabby arms filled her sleeves like sausages filling their casings and her hands poked out past the cuffs to reveal the beginnings of her wrist folds and her now stubby fingers. It was a similar story for her pyjama pants, only to an even more extreme degree, as they needed an extra X in their size to be merely skin-tight on her. Her rear needed two seats to support it, and she still spilled over both sides of the pair of chairs. Her thighs were each wider than Jaune’s whole body and had more fat on each of them than Jaune’s whole body too.

“I think you might be enjoying this too much,” Jaune murmured, averting his gaze.

“I think you’re not enjoying this enough,” Pyrrha teased as she stretched her arms up. Her top began to ride up, revealing the spare tire of fat spilling over the overstressed elastic waistband of her pants. Then, suddenly, the buttons of her top began to pop, firing off like a machine gun as Jaune ducked for cover. When the volley was complete, Pyrrha was left with just one button, and it was very clear that that button was all that was keeping her decent. Realising this, she waited for Jaune to peek back out from cover before shooting him a smug grin. Then, she brought her arms back, making her top creak under the pressure, before firing off the last button. With that button out of the way, her shirt was open and she was flashing Jaune her now-bare massive breasts. “Oh no, I’ve outgrown yet another shirt. You’ll just have to come over here and measure me for another one. Oh, and you’ll have to lift me up out of my seat because I’m too fat and heavy,” Pyrrha overacted, struggling to keep a straight face.

“If you wanted me to do that, you could’ve just asked,” blushing Jaune responded as he made his way over to his girlfriend.

“But this way’s more fun,” Pyrrha purred, giving Jaune the hint that there would be more than just measuring in his immediate future.

Chapter 46: Blake's Solo Party


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

As the rest of Team RWBY strolled into their dorm room, disregarding Blake’s request for some ‘quiet time’ this evening, they were shocked to find her, obese and nude on her bed, while surrounded by half a dozen shadow clones in variations of a lewd maid outfit.


The mass of pale blubber that was Blake filled and spilled out of her bed, though only barely. The soaring rolls of her belly and her massive mammaries meant that when Blake looked at her teammates intruding on her private time, her teammates could only see her face from her eyes up. Even with such a limited view, they could tell that quite a bit of fat had settled on her newly-pudgy face. Less obstructed were her hammy arms and chubby hands, which had formed folds at the wrists and elbows. Despite the mass on them, they were still partially hidden by the torso fat that they sunk into as Blake kneaded her own soft fat along with four of her clones. Her thighs and hips were even wider than her torso, spilling noticeably further out of her bed. Her rear clearly had a generous layer of padding on it, as it made her hips rise as she lay on her bed, enough that the small of Blake’s back didn’t touch the mattress. Her thighs were so thick that the smaller half of Team RWBY would likely struggle to put their arms around them, and being pressed together meant that they covered Blake’s core well enough. The knee and ankle folds completed Blake’s display of corpulence, making it clear that she was buried under a mountain of fat.


Right up until Blake had noticed the rest of her team enter, the two clones that weren’t fondling her fat had been feeding her more cake than anyone could possibly consume on their own. This was clearly not normal cake, however, as the rest of the team could see Blake plump up a touch as she swallowed the last bite of cake before she spotted the trio.

“So, uh…” Yang began as she put a hand over a stunned Ruby’s eyes.


“It’s my birthday, I’m not defending myself. Besides, I warned you guys,” Blake preempted.


“Yeah, yeah you did,” Yang reluctantly concurred.


“I’ll endeavour to forget this as soon as possible,” Weiss stated, her gaze about as averted as her neck would allow without turning away from Blake.


“I mean, I won’t say ‘no’ if you guys wanna join in,” Blake said, shrugging her padded shoulders. Ruby drew breath to speak, but Yang got in ahead of her.


“Nope, uh, we’ll just leave you to it!” Yang said loudly.


“But Yang, I…” Ruby tried to say, before being guided out of the room by Weiss and Yang.


“We’re going. See ya later Blake!” Yang called out, trying to drown out Ruby and sound chirpy as usual. Blake just shrugged it off. With her privacy regained, she had a lot of cake to eat.


It's just a little late, it's still good, it's still good

Real talk, I'm not sure why this idea doesn't get used more often.

Chapter 47: A Very Menagerie Holiday


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

With the world saved from Salem and the forces of Grimm, Menagerie had become a downright pleasant place to vacation. That was why Blake had decided to invite her teammates down to the island to turn their Nondescript Winter Holiday into Nondescript Summer Holiday. However, Blake, like her mother, had a tendency to overfeed her guests, leading to the four of them piling on plenty of weight.

Weiss was the smallest, merely doubling her weight as she became almost all belly. The soft orb, contained by a grey-blue one-piece swimsuit, bounced with each step and stuck out so far that she had to work if she wanted to see her feet past it. Other than that, there was little noticeable change in her physique, if one ignored her losing her thigh-gap and gaining a boxy rear that swallowed fabric with ease.

Ruby, on the other hand, had noticeable changes everywhere. She had grown stocky as she got within striking distance of 300lbs. Her boxy frame expanded evenly in almost every direction except in one very noticeable factor. Her breasts ballooned, taking on far more fat than expected as they strained her red bikini top far more than her rear and thighs strained her black and red boardshorts.

Yang, keeping Ruby from becoming the bustiest member of Team RWBY by a single cup-size, was in a comfortable second place overall. Everything about her stuck out and bounced as she waddled along. Her doughy mass of a belly, which was starting to turn into a double-belly thanks to a faint fold near her navel, covered her stringy dark purple bikini bottoms from the front while her wide, rounded rear swallowed the rear, making her appear bottomless. That, plus her M-cup breasts spilling out of her equally stringy bikini top, put her at the edge of decency, not that she was worried on this private beach.

Blake, now Team RWBY’s quarter-ton behemoth, was far and away the biggest in almost every regard. She may have been the 3rd bustiest, but her enormous round belly hung down to her knees while sticking out an arm’s length, her saddlebag hips were almost as wide as Ruby and Yang combined, and her shelf booty was big enough to actually be used as a shelf to help carry some of their upcoming barbeque banquet. Her thick love handles and cellulite-riddled fold-covered legs jiggled wildly with each lumbering waddle, the fastest she could manage due to being motivated by a need for food as the team made their way for the barbeque.

“I am… huff… so glad we don’t… huff… have to fight Grimm… huff… anymore,” Blake commented as she hauled her hefty body along.

“Agreed, this is much more relaxing,” Weiss concurred, absentmindedly rubbing her potbelly.

“Bet I can eat more today, sis!” Ruby called out, upping the pace slightly.

“In your dreams!” Yang retorted, trying to match Ruby’s speed.

Sure, the Nondescript Holidays ended a long while ago, but the holiday gluttony didn’t have to, yet.


The prompt wheel gave me 'Barbeque', and I gotta admit, I wandered away from the theme a little. Maybe a little too much focus on the characters and not enough focus on the event. Ah well, guess that happens when you try to describe 4 different characters.

Chapter 48: Pillow Talk with a Pillowy Gal


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

[Contains weight gain and referenced sexual content]

[Characters: Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren]

As Nora and Ren lay in the shattered remains of Nora’s bed they were naked, sweaty, exhausted, but they couldn’t be happier. The wild few hours they just had together had probably been the best of their lives, and it was all thanks to Nora’s Aura-bulking.

Nora, who was splayed out half on the mattress and half on the floor, was three times as wide as Ren at her hips and thighs before curving up to about half that width at her padded shoulders. Her thick arms were surprisingly firm as one was wrapped around Ren and the other rested on the floor, brushing aside the chunks of demolished bed frame. Her double-rolled belly rose up so high as she lay on her back that she could see nothing past it, and her breasts were so large, even with gravity working against them, that they almost achieved the same thing, only allowing a small sliver of belly to be visible either over the top or through the deep cleavage.

Ren was still as slim as ever, which was probably the only reason he still fit on the small slice of mattress that Nora wasn’t occupying, although he had to lie on his side in order to fit. He was mostly covered by the bedsheets, although with his shoulders and up exposed the couple could still see his Aura gently flicker.

“Hoo boy. That. Was. Amazing!” Nora cheered, punching up in excitement with her free hand. “You were like some kind of wild animal. I didn’t know you had it in ya!” Nora teased as she pulled Ren in closer, the boy sinking into Nora’s soft side.

“N-neither did I,” Ren admitted, going bright red. He rested his head on Nora’s padded shoulder and looked up at her round face, which looked almost cherubic, very much in contrast to her behaviour over the last few hours.

“We gotta do this again sometime,” Nora insisted. “But maybe we should try and do something about that Aura of yours. You went as hard as I did, but my Aura’s still almost fully stacked.”

“I can’t do the same thing as you, that’d require me to alter my fighting style too much. I’ll try and figure out some other method instead,” said Ren. “Can… can you promise not to tell the others about this?”

“Aww, but I wanna brag about my amazing boyfriend,” Nora playfully whined, a big grin forming on her extra-pudgy face. “Fiiiine, I guess I can keep quiet about the greatest sex ever, just promise to give your girl a little PDA from time-to-time, ‘kay? I know you’re loving this as much as I am,” she added, grabbing her belly and giving it a jiggle.

“I suppose I can agree to that,” Ren said, softly smiling as he nuzzled in closer.

“Oh, by the way, I think Jaune and Pyrrha’ll figure it out on their own.” Ren’s blush intensified at those words.

“Yeah, I guess we did break the bed. Oops.”


This was a little warm-up I did that I'm putting somewhere vaguely in my Aura Bulking AU. Don't worry about the details too much.

Anyway, man, these two are just a great feeder/feedee couple, aren't they?

Chapter 49: Bigger Booty Baddies


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Cinder’s plan had hit a roadbump, not that she particularly cared. Her days were spent barely-dressed and gorging on ice cream. Neo was in the same position, though that was just her natural state. Emerald, meanwhile, still had her wits about her, and enough gumption to actually speak out.


“Cinder, I think this is going too far!” Emerald stated, more confidently than she expected to be when standing up to Cinder. Cinder’s response was a raised eyebrow and a modicum of attention from the voluptuous vixen, as the rest of her attention was still on the ice cream tub she was digging through as it rested atop her enormous breasts, which was, in turn, resting atop a belly that extended out past her knees and spilled over the sides of her bed. “We’re getting too big! I have to go sideways to fit my fat ass through the door, Neo’s so fat she’s gotta leave through the window to steal more ice cream, and… well… you haven’t left in ages, but you’re bigger than both of us!” Cinder spared a glance over to Neo’s bed, finding the roll-laden lardass on her hands, knees, and belly, licking her way through her third ice cream tub this morning as she barely fit on her bed. Cinder stopped for a moment, not shovelling more ice cream into her mouth for the first time in ages. This was it, Emerald hoped, this was Cinder finally realising what was happening. Those hopes were quickly dashed as Cinder shot her a devilish smirk.


“Good, but we can do better,” she purred, that tone sending a shiver up Emerald’s spine. Emerald had been trying to keep her attraction to the rapidly growing Cinder in check, but this was not making it easier. It got even worse when Cinder pulled her in closer and put an arm around her waist, only barely reaching the other side. “I’m surprised that you have complaints about this, considering all the attention you and your fine ass were getting last time I was out with you,” Cinder teased as her hand drifted down, over the overstretched strip of fabric that was a pair of panties pushed to their limits, and onto the dark orb that was Emerald’s large, perky ass cheek. Cinder then grabbed it and gave it a small jiggle, pulling a moan from Emerald’s throat even as she tried to stifle it. “Unless, of course, you just want to save it for me?” Cinder lilted as she brought her hand back and gave Emerald’s booty a smack, the sea of fat rippling from the impact. Emerald couldn’t hide the moan this brought forth, nor could she hide the lustful look on her face or her racing heart and breath. “Now, have some more ice cream. Make it bigger for me. We’ll put our plan into action soon.” Emerald knew that last part was a lie. They were just going to keep gorging themselves. Though, maybe she should give in too.


You ever had to tell your boss that their plan is bad, only for them to turn around and say "it's great, actually, and you're kinda horny for it"? No? Just Emerald in this story? Yeah, nah, that makes sense.

Anyway, this is a follow-up to Big Booty Baddies, back in chapter... uh... (checks notes)... 34! But don't worry, even if you didn't read that one, you should still understand what's going on here. Then again, if you got this far, I'd be surprised if your reading this but haven't read that yet.

Chapter 50: Check the Tapes


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ugh, Yang, I thought you said you were doing something about your poor memory!” Weiss chided as she followed Yang back to the team’s dorm after yet another detention for late homework.

“I was, I swear! For the last month I’ve been listening to these tapes while I sleep that are supposed to improve my memory, but I guess they’re not working,” Yang whined as she turned around, almost clocking Weiss in the face with her shirt-straining chest. Neither of them were ready to mention it, but over the last month Yang’s chest had ballooned in size. They were already a very respectable size but now they were bigger than her head. Yang had gone through multiple bra and shirt sizes, and was clearly on the verge of needing another upsize, as gaps were appearing between her buttons and her breasts were spilling out of the cups of her bra.

As Yang turned, Weiss had taken enough well-padded blows to the face that she knew to step back and stay back as momentum kept Yang’s breasts swinging for a few seconds, long enough to distract most people, but not Weiss, mainly through some serious focus and determination but also partially due to her annoyance at Yang.

“What tapes?”

“Hang on, let me grab ‘em.” Yang turned around again, prompting Weiss to step back again to avoid Yang’s wide turning radius. As Yang headed over to the shelves, she held her boobs down with one hand and grabbed the tapes with the other, just to make sure she could get close enough without risking wedging them in one of the shelves or knocking things over. “Here you go! Those are the memory enhancement tapes I was using,” Yang chirped as she handed the tapes over.

“Good grief, the writing on these is tiny!” Weiss squinted and brought the tapes up to her face in an attempt to read the labels. While it was a successful attempt, it led to Weiss’ face falling, frustration clear as day, especially in her furrowed brow. “Yang, these say ‘mammary enhancement’, not ‘memory enhancement’.” There was a moment of silence before Yang let out an awkward laugh.

“That… uh… that explains a few things…”

“Like those enormous udders you have now?”

“Hey! They’re tits, thank you very much!” Yang protested as she tried to fold her arms over her chest, before having to settle for folding them under her breasts. The slight lift they got was enough for a button to shoot over Weiss’ shoulder and bounce off the wall behind her. “Heh, oops…” Weiss sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose after the surprise wore off. “Uh, would a faceful of boobs cheer you up?” Yang offered cautiously.

“Maybe, if I can keep the tapes.”

“Deal!” With that, Weiss immediately buried her face in Yang’s exposed cleavage while grabbing and squeezing Yang’s breasts, making short work of the other buttons. Maybe this situation wasn’t all bad, and maybe it could improve for Weiss too.


Sorry it's been so long since I've posted anything, been super busy with work and I've been having serious writer's block on the stuff I owe to others. I've been trying, but it's not been going well. At least I managed to get something out.

Chapter 51: Large Cup of Espresso


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Ugh, look at this,” Coco grumbled to her reflection. Indeed, it was hard not to look at her expanded figure, especially all the pale exposed sideboob and underboob escaping around the chocolate brown triangles of fabric that covered her areolas and not much else. The crosshair clasp bridged the gap across her canyon of cleavage and pulled tight against the fabric, distorting both triangles. Swinging her hips around, her bubble butt came perilously close to bouncing off of the mirror. Momentum kept it moving, clapping as it slowly swung to a stop. The pale cheeks swallowed up most of the fabric at the rear, leaving just a small triangle leading up to the waistband visible. That waistband was struggling to stay fitted around her hips and the crosshair clasps on each side were in similarly dire straits to the one on her bikini top.


“Seriously, this is definitely a porn star’s body.” Coco turned so she was side on with the mirror, seeing that her chest and her rear both stuck out as far as each other, and matched the thickness of her torso. “It’s gonna be a nightmare getting clothes to fit all of this that actually look good. Probably gonna have to custom-make it, that’s not gonna be cheap,” she sighed, before a thought came to her. “Y’know, I’d look damn good doing porn. I’d make so many girls come, way more than doing it the old-fashioned way,” she said with a smirk. She put a hand forward, as if it were resting on an invisible girl’s hip, and began to roll her hips forward and back at a steady pace. Her rear bounced with each lewd movement, making it hard to look away from her own reflection. Her core heated up and her rosy peaks hardened against her bikini top. Her mind began to wander, finding images of all of the fine asses that had developed from that quick dip in the body-altering water. Even if they weren’t going to be on camera making money, Coco wouldn’t have minded a few rounds with any of them, or all of them if she was lucky.


Before her mind could continue its descent into the gutter, Coco heard a door close in the hallway. Whoever that was, and whatever they were doing, was irrelevant. On its own it was more than enough to bring Coco back into reality.


“Ugh, damn it,” Coco groaned as she dropped to her knees, then her front, before rolling onto her back when resting all of her weight on her boobs proved too uncomfortable. Even then, the sensation was weird, being so high up like she was sitting on overstuffed pillows even when it was her ass that was propping her hips way up. She rubbed her face and let out another groan. “I’m supposed to be the senior here, not some horny useless lesbian. I bet the others are handling this way better,” Coco assumed, unaware of how wrong she was.


Sorry it's been so long since I posted anything, haven't been following my own advice and writing stuff for myself. Gotta remember to do that more often.

Chapter 52: A Bun's Buns


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Why’d I have to let Coco talk me into wearing something more ‘daring’?” Velvet lamented to herself as she looked in the mirror, mostly at her hips. The thick waistband of her warm chestnut brown bikini bottom rose high, as they were meant to, but over hips that had nearly doubled in width they were starting to feel quite uncomfortable as they created an exaggerated v-shape framing her navel. Not helping the discomfort was something Velvet didn’t have to see to notice, her cheeks swallowing enough fabric to make the bikini bottoms look like a g-string. The hint of side and under boob and the touch of digging into her titflesh that her twist-front matching-colour bikini top barely mattered in comparison to her newly expanded ass. That all of this had happened after such a brief dip into the body-altering water of the hot springs had Velvet worried, but there was something else going on in Velvet’s mind, a thought she would only indulge in the privacy of her room.

“I look ready to breed,” Velvet moaned to her reflection as her hands drifted down, gliding over her hips and grabbing handfuls of ass, forcing a lewd gasp from her mouth. More lewd noises joined it as Velvet continued to grope and squeeze her own booty, with the occasional self-inflicted smack joining the chorus. It was a quick trip to the gutter for her mind, imagining a breeder behind her doing the groping, preparing to knock her up. That breeder was a kaleidoscope of the seven girls who were also at the hot pools, now in their expanded forms. The logical part of Velvet’s brain knew that they could never breed her, no matter how hard Velvet tried, and Velvet would be trying like her life depended on it. That was how desperate Velvet was feeling right now. She felt like she had a need to breed, and was desperate to satisfy that need.

“Breed me. Breed me. Breed me,” came the whispered chant from Velvet’s lips. Her thumbs hooked onto her bikini’s waistband, preparing to pull them down so she could give herself some well-needed pleasure, when she heard a noise from outside her room. She froze, and all the obscene thoughts running through her head were silenced, letting her realise that that sound was a door closing, most likely to one of the other rooms. Rooms in which Velvet assumed the other girls were worrying about their own changes. Now in control of herself again, but still cognizant of what she felt just before, Velvet collapsed into a burning blush.

“Nooooo, Velvet, get it together,” Velvet wailed, muffled as she hid behind her hands. “The other girls are counting on you to be their responsible senior, and Coco’s way too horny to be thinking straight right now.” Velvet didn’t know if she could be that responsible senior, but she’d try her best and hope her need to breed didn’t rear its alluring head before the trip was over.


Remember that idea I started showing you lot with Large Cup of Espresso? Well, here's some more of it! This time it's Velvet dealing with her new bod. I'll eventually try and turn this into a proper story some day, but, y'know, I've got stuff I promised I'd write for folks (which are almost done, I think).

Anyway, yeah, hope you're doing well, hope you enjoy this, and hope you're looking forward to seeing the other RWBY gals who'll be getting this treatment.

Chapter 53: Blake Enjoys Herself

Chapter Text

As soon as Blake was in the privacy of her room, she felt something pull her to the bed. Once she could regain her bearings, she realised it was one of her shadow clones, now looking up at her with a blank expression as it lay on its back under Blake, and it was just as busty and bottom-heavy as she was. Being able to see it on someone, or something, else made it all the more obvious what that water had done to her body. Her simple black and dark purple bikini was barely maintaining her decency, with the waistband of the bikini bottoms digging into her… their hips, and the bikini top covering the bare minimum it needed to on breasts that were currently touching as Blake was on her hands and knees above her shadow clone.

When the shadow clone reached up, it buried its hand in Blake’s hair and pulled her in for a kiss that very, very quickly devolved into a sloppy makeout session. Blake was far too aroused to consider any of the questions this brought up, all she could think about was that arousal and the incredible body her clone had. Blake’s hands quickly began to wander, drifting down around the wide curve of her clone’s hips and squeezing her clone’s extra thick thighs, before drifting back up to the massive melons barely concealed under the bikini top.

Just as Blake wished to up the intensity, she felt a sudden impact and a sting on her own massive ass, barely any of which was concealed by her bikini bottoms anymore. The pleasure and pain pulled a quiet moan from her lips as she held her clone close.

“Harder,” Blake breathed out. Immediately, the clone followed her order, raining a heavier blow onto the incredibly padded cheek and forcing another moan from Blake before her brain found enough restraint to close her mouth and try not to let the seven other girls hear the state she was in. Still, though, it wasn’t enough for Blake, not after this taste. “More.” The word spilled from Blake’s mouth, the syllable drowning in lust. Sure enough, Blake got more, forcing her to bite down on the uncomplaining clone’s shoulder as she moaned deeply and huskily while her eyes rolled back in her head. Then, as her fingers teased the edges of her clone’s bikini top…

A slam of a door, a sound Blake’s enhanced hearing couldn’t help but pick up, even if she felt like she was in some bodice-ripper and not the resort. The sudden focus on that noise meant focus drawn away from her clone, and when it returned, all Blake found was its dissipating form. Blake immediately fell breasts-first a few inches down to the mattress. There, with her face buried in the duvet, she let out an annoyed groan.

“Just… just gotta make it to tonight, then I can finish what I started,” Blake assured herself, in too deep to pull herself out.

Chapter 54: Ruby's Not a Pipsqueak Anymore


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ruby had been 18 for just over a month now, but she’d never really felt much more adult than before. That was until her time in the hot springs. With this expanded body, Ruby felt much more mature and thought she looked more mature too. Even though her sports-bra-like swimming top was likely being stretched into uselessness by breasts the size of coconuts and her sporty little swimming shorts were riding up her plump, perky booty and giving her a wedgie, Ruby liked the look for the grown-up figure looking back at her. She liked it so much, in fact, that she found herself inspired to do some posing, which she thought was a clear sign that she had a very mature body.

First, she put her arms up and ran her hands through her choppy short hair, looking at her reflection with bedroom eyes and what she hoped was an alluring lip bite. With her arms out of the way her chest could really be shown off.

Then, she bent forwards at the hips, giving her reflection an impish smile and a cheeky look as she hooked her finger, gesturing to some theoretical suitor to follow her for a good time. Bent over, all Ruby could see was her face, her thick thighs, and her deep cleavage, and swaying her shoulders could make her breasts swing hypnotically.

After that, she straightened up and turned around. Looking over her shoulder she began to shake her hips and watched her plump cheeks wobble and jiggle. The sight of it made Ruby giggle quietly, and the thought of her friends watching and blushing like Pyrrha did when all of this kicked off excited her.

Ruby was about to reach for one of her cheeks to give it a squeeze and a jiggle when she heard a door closing nearby. That snapped her out of her thoughts and gave rise to a new one. Ruby realised that, despite looking more mature, she wasn’t really acting any more maturely. That had her turning around and pouting at her reflection. She was meant to be a team leader, but she wasn’t exactly doing a whole lot of leading right now, she was just goofing off, being silly. After everything that happened, especially with Nora fighting to stay in the pool, she needed to step up. Sure, Coco was here too, but Ruby didn’t want Coco to have to have that burden all to herself. At dinner time, if it was brought up, Ruby was going to try and take charge. Actually, scratch that, she was going to take charge, not just try to, she insisted to herself. All she needed now were some more comfortable bottoms to wear, as she doubted anyone was going to take her seriously with her big fat butt out for everyone to see.


My money's on people liking this one. People seem to like Ruby. Also, yes, this mentions that she's 18 in this, because, once I actually write out the whole thing, this story is going to be set in Team RWBY and JNPR's 3rd year and Team CFVY's 4th year, specifically around December of that year, so Ruby's 18, Coco and Velvet are 21, and the rest of the girls are 20. Also, I'm sticking with my headcanon (which may be wrong) that Beacon's school year runs from end of January/start of February until some time in December, which is basically what school was like for me.

This is all gonna get mentioned in the actual full story, so don't worry if you don't thing you can remember this.

Chapter 55: Busty Little Dragon


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Yang always thought her tits were pretty great, but now, as her black and yellow stringy bikini top gave up and fell off, she thought they were incredible. They were each the size of medicine balls and they had a similar weight to them, except much softer and more appealing to touch, to fondle, to squeeze, and to watch bounce while bare. The weight and the way they spilled out of Yang’s hands felt so satisfying. The only thing that could improve this, Yang thought, was if they were spilling out of someone else’s hands, or maybe even a few peoples’ hands at once if Yang had her lewdest hopes become reality. That brief time in the hot springs water had done wonders for the bodies of her friends and she wouldn’t mind any of them, barring Ruby, getting their hands all over her newly-improved body, and getting her hands all over theirs. She would have been very, very tempted to listen to Nora and stay in the water if the more sensible members of the group hadn’t made it clear that they weren’t allowing it. It was the safe option, Yang had to admit, as they had no idea why it had happened or how long it’d affect them for, but she couldn’t help but wonder how big she could get and how good it would feel.

Speaking of Nora, turning around in the mirror and seeing how much her ass had grown, Yang was certain that, as she and Nora were the first into the pool, they’d ended up the biggest. While Yang won the battle up top, Nora almost certainly won down below. Yang couldn’t complain too loudly, however, as she still had one hell of an ass, one that swallowed her bikini bottoms entirely and would likely swallow the seat of Bumblebee if she got the chance to test that out. To take her new booty for a test drive, Yang crouched and bounced her hips to the beat of a booty jam she remembered hearing at Junior’s bar, making her ass ripple and clap alluringly. Oh, what she’d give to do this for an audience, Yang thought.

Yang was lost in her bootylicious daydreams when she heard a door outside of her room, probably from a neighbouring room. That most likely meant Pyrrha’s or Nora’s. Yang remembered Nora’s defiance at being ejected from the pool and Pyrrha’s utter embarrassment, and those both took the fun out of what she was doing right now. Maybe she could enjoy it later, on her own, and maybe she could sneak in a little more hot spring time, get a little bigger, a little bouncier. Yang liked that idea. If only she could convince her friends to allow it, then they could all have a great time together, Yang was sure of it. Until dinner, Yang had some time to try and come up with an argument or, more likely, an escape plan so she could enjoy it herself.


Told you I had Yang's ready to go. Don't have any others ready to go yet, though. Not sure who to do next (either Weiss or Pyrrha, but not Nora, though, for plot reasons). Either that, or I can just get a move-on with the whole thing.

Chapter 56: Weiss' Gargantuan Glyphs


This is set in same Aura Bulking AU as a few of the other chapters, but you probably don't need to read those to understand this one.

Chapter Text

Weiss couldn’t believe that Ruby had managed to convince her to put on so much weight. Sure, that was the intended purpose of Beacon Academy, but Weiss had expected to maintain her speed and agility to at least some degree. Now, though, that was well and truly replaced with ludicrous bulk.

From breasts like a stack of pancakes to a low-hanging double belly and thighs and hips as wide as the average door, there was no arguing that she was huge. The real argument was where she fit in among other students. She was on the larger side, for sure, but there were a few students, such as Ruby and Coco, who were bigger than her all over.

Speaking of Ruby, she had just finished setting up the training dummy and was waddling over to Weiss.

“Phew, that was so difficult, you definitely owe me an entire cookie cake to make up for that,” Ruby said, sounding so overdramatic that Weiss couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

“I doubt a blubberball like you will lose too many calories from something as simple as that,” Weiss scoffed. Ruby shrugged her padded shoulders in response.

“Eh, worth a try. Now, c’mon, let’s see you put that bulk to use,” Ruby cheered as she grabbed one of Weiss’ belly rolls and gave it a quick jiggle, moving her hand away before Weiss’ pudgy hand could swat at it.

With a fiery look in her otherwise icy blue eyes, Weiss performed a flourish with Myrtenaster before kneeling and stabbing it into the training room’s concrete floor. Weiss tried to ignore the way her belly flowed around her rolling thighs, or how much easier it was to put her rapier into the ground as she focused on summoning her glyph. In a moment, a round snowflake sigil in bright red appeared under the training dummy, and a moment later a torrent of fire burst forth, creating a pillar of flame that reached all the way up to the ceiling. The power and fury of the fire made Weiss flinch, but she still managed to dismiss the glyph properly and pull her rapier from the ground. As she did so, Ruby let out a loud, excited gasp.

“Weiss! That! Was! Awesome!” Ruby celebrated.

“I thought it was…” Weiss began before looking up at the training dummy. Actually, she looked at where the training dummy had been. There, she saw a sooty scorch mark on the ground, a matching one on the roof, and a distinct lack of a training dummy. “... a bit much.”

“Psh, it’s fine, you’ll get used to it,” Ruby dismissed with a wave of her chunky hand. “I barely run into anything now with my speed.” Weiss grumbled quietly, unconvinced, before letting out a yelp as a padded hand smacked her massive booty. “Anyway, good hustle, Weiss! Let’s go eat!”

“Ugh, Ruby, you spend too much time with Coco!” Weiss protested as she followed behind her lardy leader towards the cafeteria.

Chapter 57: Lost in the Muscles


In a 'Almost all the Huntsmen are super buff' AU, Pyrrha's having a very nice workout before being interrupted


In case the Chapter Summary didn't give it away, this is a muscle-focused chapter. Skip it if that's not your thing, I'll be back to irregularly scheduled fats and other expansion sooner or later.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

[Contains muscles]

[Characters: Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Weiss Schnee]

Pyrrha knew she was one of Beacon’s most muscular, but the new mirrors installed in the gym really showed that to her. With a good pump going, she looked huge. Her bulging muscles and engorged veins were a sight to behold, especially when the light caught on the sheen of sweat she was building up just right, and Pyrrha happily beheld them as she did her barbell curls in front of the mirror. While these muscles had very obvious practical benefits, Pyrrha had a secret appreciation for her muscles. It felt good, lifting what others struggled with, her beefy chest and buttocks filling out her extra-large sports bra and shorts, and the feeling of power coursing through her body. She would say she could get addicted to these feelings, but it was too late for that. She was addicted, and she knew she wanted more. She also knew she wasn’t alone in appreciating her body, but there was one very specific person she wanted to appreciate her, and she didn’t even seem to spare Pyrrha a single lustful glance, or at least not one Pyrrha noticed. Clearly, Pyrrha’s beloved had refined tastes, and Pyrrha needed to work harder if she was to meet them. She felt she was close, though, to finally gaining that attention.

“I’m not just eye candy,” Pyrrha told her reflection, “I’m the whole eye candy store.” Hearing that line out loud suddenly made Pyrrha glad she was alone tonight as her cheeks matched her hair colour. Maybe she didn’t have the suave lines that some of Beacon’s studs, especially her friend Yang, had, but with a body like this, Pyrrha hoped that maybe she wouldn’t need them.

“Heeeey Pyrrha!” called out the voice of Nora. Pyrrha immediately stiffened up and straightened out her form, being snapped out of her trance and carefully bringing the barbell down to her thick corded lap. Pyrrha saw burly Nora, squeezed into her shirt and shorts, with her beefy arm around Weiss, whose trim but toned figure was even more obvious in surprisingly revealing blue and white lycra shorts and sport bra. “Whatcha up to?” Nora asked in a teasing tone.

“Oh, just… checking my form. Very important at my size,” Pyrrha awkwardly lied.

“Checkin’ somethin’ alright,” Nora replied under her breath before speaking up. “Anyway, I helped Weiss get this nice new workout set and wanted to help her work out, but then I remembered my workouts are too intense for her. Wanna be a pal and help Weiss out?” Nora rambled as she nudged Weiss, the slender woman staring up at Pyrrha with barely-concealed awe.

“Um… I-I suppose I could…”

“‘Kay, thanks, bye!” Nora quickly interrupted before racing off. At the gym door, Nora paused to shoot Pyrrha a wink and blow her a kiss, just in case her intentions weren’t obvious enough. They were, in fact, obvious enough, and Pyrrha was unsure whether to curse Nora or thank her for leaving her alone with her greatest crush.


If you got this far, I hope you enjoyed what you read. If you've got more ideas for these 500 word fics, whether muscle-focused, weight-gain-focused, or other expansion types I've got in this collection, let me know.

Chapter 58: The Breast Boss


Weiss stops herself from thinking about expansion for good. She starts thinking about expansion for evil.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Weiss may have been indignant about the changes to her figure earlier, but that was just a snap reaction. Now that she had time to think and a mirror to better examine herself, there was a little thought in her head telling her that this was actually a good thing. It was an indecent, downright dirty idea, but Weiss didn’t dismiss it immediately, instead allowing it to linger in her mind.

This figure, with breasts so big her faded dark blue one-piece swimsuit was ready to burst and a posterior so large that the swimsuit disappeared between the large, heavy cheeks, could be used to her advantage. She knew the world was full of despicable perverts, being friends with someone with a decent bust like Yang, even before hers ballooned during this trip, told her that. They were the kind of people who would grovel, bargain, and beg if it let them see a figure like this, the kind of people this idea would take advantage of. She could demand that they treat her like royalty, pledge their undying servitude to her, and they would thank her for it, so long as she strung these deviants along with just enough indecency to keep them hooked, waiting for more.

In the mirror, Weiss’ mouth curled into a cruel grin as she imagined herself seated upon a throne in the SDC’s head office, dressed in a suit and pencil skirt that was right on the line of decency, waited on hand and foot by her loyal servants. She was so caught up in this idea she barely noticed when her thoughts shifted, and the girls she came to Kiwi Valley Hot Springs with became those servants. Her feet rested on Ruby’s plump posterior while Blake massaged her feet and Velvet massaged her shoulders. Her attention flicked back and forth from Coco designing more formal but barely decent outfits to Yang and Nora providing the most indecent of entertainment for her as they put their ludicrous hourglass figures to work.

When the sound of a door closing in the hall snapped Weiss out of that filthy dream, she was almost relieved.

“I-I can’t believe I let my mind wander like that,” Weiss chided herself. In her mindless state, Weiss realised that her hands had sunk as deep into her breasts as her taut swimsuit allowed. Weiss pulled them away like they had been burned on a hot stove. “S-so indecent, that hot spring will turn me into a degenerate if I’m not careful,” Weiss warned. “But… maybe… I could just… enjoy it just long enough to get it out of my system. Maybe,” she bargained. Of course, that line of thinking was dangerous and she knew it. It was something she would have to consider carefully, and hope she didn’t distract herself by being even more perverted than the people her immoral thoughts hoped to make useful.


Remember those other hot spring hourglass expansion stories I wrote for Coco, Velvet, Blake, Ruby, and Yang? Well, I didn't until now. Starting thinking about boobs and butts again and then remembered this and thought "Hey, I should write more of it".

Do y'all want the excerpts from Pyrrha and Nora's section of this story scattered randomly between the other stuff I gotta write for people before I write the full thing out (when I finish that other stuff), or would y'all rather wait and read the whole thing with those included?

Chapter 59: What To Do With An Hourglass Figure


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Pyrrha was neither blind or deaf enough to miss people calling her attractive. If only those people could see her now. If only he could see her now, the only man she wanted to look at her like that, to talk about her like that. She wanted him to tear off her two piece maroon swimsuit, inspired by the togas of ancient Argus, and sink his hands into her obscenely large breasts, running his thumbs around her hard-as-diamond rosy peaks. She wanted him to grab and squeeze her massive ass, which was so big that she might as well have not even been wearing her bikini bottoms, and judging from the creaking of the waistband it wouldn’t survive long if Jaune tried tearing it off. And then, once her lewd body was stripped bare, she would…

She would…

What would she do? She’d never had the chance to be in such a situation, and she didn’t know the first thing about that kind of intimacy. Sure, she was aware in theory, but in practice? No way. To make matters worse, her ludicrous new proportions were really hampering her agility, to the point where she was worried she might not be able to be as agile and dexterous as she usually was, and probably not enough to manage anything seductive enough that she had seen. What was Pyrrha to do? As she looked at herself in the mirror and mulled it over, a thought crept into her mind.

“The other girls… they might know,” she quietly mused. She ran her hands through her hair and bit her lip. “They could… show me, and I could practice with them.” Her heart pounded in her chest as her bosom heaved in her bikini band. “Their bodies are just as incredible as mine,” she said in a low, husky voice, running her hands down over the distant horizon of her bust, over her toned stomach, and around her wide hips to her huge ass. “It… would just be practice, it wouldn’t mean anything, they would just be teaching me how to please Jaune,” she said, as if she wasn’t thinking of the way Nora looked at her like she was undressing her with her eyes, or how flustered Ruby, Weiss, and Velvet were when their gazes bounced from her to the other mind-blowingly attractive women here. She told herself this was for Jaune, but she could lie to herself if she needed to.

Hearing a door close next door, probably Nora’s, reminded her that the others needed to agree to teaching her this debaucherous lesson.

“They wouldn’t say no, surely,” she purred to her reflection. The moment they said yes, Pyrrha would become an eager student, learning this lesson all night long, before teaching Jaune for as long as their bodies could manage. Pyrrha just needed a calm facade for now, something she had plenty of practice at, and needed to find the perfect moment to let the mask drop.


pyrrha's so right here, a lesbian orgy with seven of your friends is definitely the way to learn to please your man

Anyway, yeah, making progress on writing. These 500 word things are way easier to write than the full stories I gotta write for people. Thanks to those people for being so patient.

Chapter 60: Nora's Double Dip


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Nora thought she had thunder thighs before, but now she had the whole storm. What she didn’t get was why everyone else didn’t enjoy it as much as she did. Maybe she caught glimpses of the others subtly enjoying their enhanced figures, or maybe she was just projecting her own enjoyment onto them, who’s to say? Maybe there was a way to push the others into not just accepting but enjoying their larger figures.


With tits bigger than her head and an ass so fat she almost had to go through her door sideways, all pouring out of her cute pink swimming shorts and bikini top, both stretching  Nora loved what she saw in the mirror, but that only reminded her that she could’ve had more . If the others hadn’t dragged her out, how big could she have gotten. Maybe she could’ve gotten hips wide enough to get jammed in the doorway. Maybe her boobs might have gotten so big that she would’ve been just as wide if she turned to her side, if not moreso. Nora put her hands on her flushed cheeks and let out a shuddering wistful sigh, her breath hot as it grazed past her hands as she began to imagine not just herself but the others with similar enhancements.


Between the eight of them, they could fill the cozy hot pool entirely, their tits all pressing against each other, with hard rosy peaks poking into the soft flesh. Meanwhile their massive asses all meant they were cheek-to-cheek with each other, the slightest movement sending a ripple through all of the girls.


That settled it for Nora.


“I need to get bigger, big enough for them to understand . Yes, they’ll all understand soon enough,” Nora said with wild eyes before breaking into a low, maniacal laugh. She raced for the door, before remembering how the others stopped her before. Not wanting to be caught and have the others lie to themselves about this not being the greatest thing ever, Nora slowly and carefully opened the door and peeked outside. Satisfied that no one was going to emerge from their rooms, Nora shot out and let the door close behind her. The feeling of her heavy tits bouncing and her giant ass wobbling as she ran was enough that she didn’t even care if the door was a little loud. The only thing that did stop her was a quick trip to the shared fridge to snag one of the six-packs of beer she was going to split with Coco and Yang before heading for the pools. She had plenty of growing to do, as she might as well treat herself to make up for being so rudely interrupted earlier.


Welp, that's all 8 girls with shorts for this thing, whenever I get around to writing the full thing. I sure hope I can write the full thing, I think it'll be fun

Chapter 61: RWBY's Oversized Weapons Platform


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

There weren’t many Huntsmen the size of a small car, but Ruby made it work by becoming a human weapons platform.

Her ass was so fat it created a shelf large enough for Yang and Weiss to sit on while they fired their weapons. Weiss was sceptical but after her first ride, she changed her tune. Ruby’s enormous, round and heavy gut stuck out further than her arms could reach and hung past her knees. It may not have been the steadiest firing position, especially when Ruby moved, but Blake had enough room to kneel when she fired her pistol. The ‘main cannon’, as Ruby called it, was Crescent Rose, braced against her wide, well-padded side as she fired it one-handed at nearby targets, making the soft blubber hanging from her arm and covering her broadside ripple like the ocean with each shot.

The set-up worked much, much better than anyone expected, except for Ruby, who was fully confident the whole time. Each member of the team had their quadrant covered and had enough free movement to cover for a teammate who needed to reload. There were only two downsides to this plan. One was the lack of speed but that was to be expected when someone as heavy as her was lugging along three teammates as well, no matter how strong her titanic thighs were. The other issue was one that most modern weapons platforms had, a reliance on fuel. For Ruby, her fuel was stashed on saddlebags that hung from her belt over her hips.

“Yaaang, I need fuel!” Ruby whined as she waddled through the Emerald Forest. Blake took that as a sign to cover everything in front of Ruby with her aim while Weiss did the same for the rear.

“Got it! Fuel, coming up!” Yang acknowledged as she retracted her weapons. She reached over to Ruby’s hip, requiring a bit of a stretch but nothing unmanageable, and undid the velcro strap. She reached inside and plucked out a cookie bigger than her hand. “Here it comes!”

“Thanks Yang!” Ruby cheered before leaving her mouth open and saying ‘ah’. Yang fed the whole thing into Ruby’s mouth, making Ruby’s chubby cheeks bulge out a touch more as she chewed on it. With how fat Ruby’s face was as a whole, along with her double chin and almost hidden neck, it was very easy to miss.

“Feeling better?” Yang asked. Ruby nodded as she swallowed, the smile on her face looking cherubic thanks to her pudgy cheeks.

“This engine’s still fired up!” Ruby cheered, with Yang letting out a cheer with her. Not even Blake or Weiss could stop themselves from smiling slightly, their leader and human weapons platform’s enthusiasm rubbing off on them. They both made an internal note to treat Ruby after this mission for her hard work and definitely not because of any other thoughts that they were doing their best to ignore, especially while on the battlefield. Their team tank deserved it.


Whoops, forgot to post this here, my bad. Hope y'all enjoy it, even if you already saw it almost 2 weeks ago on DA.