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Ranboo tiredly blinks. After a moment of seeing me, he realizes what’s going on and sits up really fast. He’s all panicked, wings going up more, looking startled and scared as sh*t. I can’t decide whether I should feel worried that he’s scared or lost ‘cause he literally has f**king wings.


Ranboo grows wings and has to figure out why, while the fairies are trying to keep their existence unknown to humans. What happens when he meets someone dealing with the same thing? What happens when they both cross paths with the fairies?


I won't be shipping any characters, and if any of the cc's are uncomfortable with the fanfic, I'll take it down ofc. There's no smut or shipping or anything, there is some swearing and a slight pain mention, though. It's Ranboo/Tubbo-centric, with a couple of chapters centered around Aimsey or Dream as well. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments! This is my first fanfic, so I'm definitely open to criticism (pls don't be too mean about it tho)

enjoy! :D

Chapter 1: Prologue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


(Ranboo pov)

I’d consider myself a pretty average person.. Okay, so maybe I’m a lot taller than most people, but we don’t talk about it. I have dirty-blonde hair, grey eyes (ok, maybe a rare eye colour), and my current life consists of school, hanging out with Tommy or Purpled, and gaming. Nothing too special, and it’s not usually too eventful. Not gonna lie, it can get pretty boring or stressful whenever I’m not hanging out with my friends.




I finish solving a physics problem about electromagnetism, and move on to the next question, tapping my pencil on the table. ‘I don’t even get how to solve this one- how-’ I slump back in my chair, wishing I could be doing literally anything but this right now. Heck, I gotta finish this and my biology assignment, study for a functions quiz for tomorrow(I don't like functions), cook dinner, and take care of the dog. Plus my parents are on vacation, and they said to have the house mostly clean by the time they get back, which I really don’t feel like doing right now. I look back at the homework, trying to figure out how to solve the question. ‘Wait, so would that be the voltage number?? Ugh, why is my teacher so bad at explaining things, like, I swear the class average is way lower than all my other classes. I don’t wanna bother Tommy about it though, and searching it up still isn't helping. Man, I really want a break... Yeah, I should do that real quick.’


I put my pencil down, go downstairs, and head out to the forest behind my house, feeling instantly peaceful; the alliums adding to the serenity. It always helps pull my thoughts away from homework or stress, to just walk out to the forest and be there for a bit. It’s a weirdly calming place. It’s like every time I come here, the forest is asking me to stay, in a way? I dunno, there’s just- there’s sort of a magical feeling to it, if that even makes sense- but I mean, it’s not like magic is actually real, of course. But yeah, it helps to be here whenever I’m too stressed, I much prefer the flowers over doing homework.


It feels nice to sit in the silence; being surrounded by pretty leaves, alliums and tulips, a few sticks here and there, and a beautiful sky. Just being in the gentle fall breeze and the perfect weather. I sit for a moment, breathing in the fresh air, and looking at the different flowers. It helps pull my thoughts away from the stress, even if only for a minute or so.


It’s been a few minutes now. ‘I should probably go back in.’ I sigh and stand up, walking over leaves, crunching them with each step. I look to my door, about to reluctantly walk inside when I hear a faint rustle to my left. I assume it’s a bird or something, but I can’t help but look anyway. After a quick glance, I see a dim yellow glow in one of the tulips. ‘What is- huh, it’s probably just a firefly or something.’ I shake off my thoughts and head back inside. Sighing, I sit back in my chair and pick up my pencil again. I still don't really get the question, so I just skip over it for now. 'Ok, this one's easy!' I continue writing homework questions and move on to biology, doing the same routine of homework, chores, dinner, walking the dog, then bed for the umpteenth time. 'I wish I could have a proper break from this.'




(Tubbo pov)

I’m in my underground cabin, where my brother Dream and I live. Dream’s reading a book, and I leave for a bit to help the flowers. I always make sure there’s no one outside first, though. It’s been an unspoken rule for years that fairies can’t make their existence known to humans because the few times it’s happened before, the fairies have ended up missing, or chased down by them. Not good.


I open the latch of the doorway, peeking through it, and then push aside the leaves covering the cabin; it’s hidden well, blending in with the dirt, so it’s probably safe. After peeking through the door to make sure no one's here, my enhanced hearing can’t pick anything up either, so I think I’m ok. I fly up to the tulips, giving each of them some fairy dust so that they bloom properly. Fairies have different jobs, but mainly keeping the plants and forests healthy. Obviously, the sun and water and stuff are mostly what makes them grow, but it’s our job to keep the plants healthy for longer.


I’m in the middle of sprinkling fairy dust over another tulip, when I hear a door creak and footsteps. ‘Oh shit, they’re back again, uhhh-’ I rush to hide inside a half-closed tulip, trying to be as quiet as possible. Fairy wings tend to glow slightly in the dark, so I really hope mine aren’t right now. ‘ I wonder what it’s like to go outside whenever you want without having to hide. It’d be so nice to be outside without that constant worry, I wish I could have that! Man, humans are lucky.’


I wait till they start walking away, and once they sound far enough, I carefully leave the tulip. I’m about to head back to the cabin when I notice a few weird leaves around one of the rocks. I wait ‘till their door clicks closed, then I fly over to it. There are 7 leaves that are half-red and half-green, and a couple more with red splotches amidst the green. ‘What- I don’t get how that many of them look split like that at once... I guess it’s just a coincidence. That’s so cool, though! I’ve never seen that happen before. Huh.’ I head back to the cabin, close the door, and flick my hand so that the leaves move back over it.


    “That one was kinda close, honestly.” I leave out the whole leaf thing, ‘cause I can just show him later.


    “Please say they didn’t notice you-”


    “I’m sure they didn’t. They walked away, anyway.”


He still looks unsure but relaxes slightly at that.


    “Oh also, can we hang out with Niki and Jack later?” Niki and Jack are also fairies, they help the animals more so than the plants. They live close by, so we hang out with them a lot. We usually wait till it’s night though, ‘cause then it’s easy to blend in with the fireflies, so it’s easier to travel then.


    “Yeah, sure! We can go after dinner.”




He smiles, then goes back to reading.


I walk back to my bed by the fireplace and take out my ukulele. I start strumming mindlessly, no song in particular. The sound of the crackling fireplace and the music both fill the room, as I rest my back against the pillow. It’s really peaceful.



I thought it would be funny to make Jack a fairy so he's a fairy now lmao (mayhaps George too, later on👀)

Chapter 2: wings?


Ranboo finds himself with a new unexpected issue, and he also spends some time with Tommy and Purpled.:D Also, cw/mention of panic attacks, and again, slight pain mention.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Ranboo pov)

I’m in the middle of brushing my teeth when my back starts aching. Nothing too bad, but regardless, it’s still there. I try cracking my back, but that doesn’t help. ‘Great.’ After finishing my teeth and putting pj’s on, I lie down in my bed, my back starting to hurt a lot more now. “Ow-” I attempt falling asleep, trying to ignore the immense pain. It takes a lot longer to, but my eyes eventually drift shut after passing out.


I find myself in the same forest again, but it’s a mix between first-person view and 3rd-person view in a way? Ok, so definitely a dream. I start slowly walking towards the rock I was sitting on earlier, and I pick up a leaf. It’s split perfectly down the middle, half green and half-red, and below me, there’s a few more that look the exact same. ‘ Weren't they green earlier?...huh.’ I can hear a quiet strumming sound. I can’t tell if it’s a guitar or a ukulele. It sounds really good, I’m not sure what song it is though. I start to walk towards the source of the sound, and I look down at another patch of leaves. ‘Why am I looking down at more leaves?’ The music stops, but before anything else can happen, I find myself awake again.


I yawn, taking a second to process being awake, much less what my dream means. To be fair, most of my dreams don’t make any sense. A few seconds later, my alarm goes off, and it’s so loud . ‘Why is it so loud?! Did I turn the volume up last night?’ My hand reaches over and sluggishly hits the off button, my other hand covering my ear. The phone brightness blinds my eyes, so I squint, eyes adjusting to the light, and my alarm is still set to the same volume as always. ‘Why was that actually deafening-’ I turn my phone off and sit up slowly, and I swear I can hear more than usual. ‘Why is everything so loud?’ I figure it’s some sort of sensory overload, so I lie down for a few more seconds before making myself get up. It doesn’t seem to help, so I guess I gotta go to school this way; hope it stops before then. 


I’m picking a shirt to put on for the day, and there’s a gleam that I notice in the corner of my eyes. The mirror’s in front of me, and when I look up, I’m met by the sight of two wings behind me. Two wings. Wings. ‘Wait, why do I have- hOly, I have wings! What the hell?’ I turn around and they’re attached to my back, still glimmering in the light of the room. I pinch myself, cause this has to be another dream. “Ow!” ‘ok, so not a dream, great… what the actual fuck?’


After taking a second to process the fact that I suddenly have wings with no explanation, I decide to look at them. They actually look really pretty! They’re clear with swirly patterns on them. They sorta remind me of the ones Tinkerbell has, but only covering about a fifth of my back, very small. I don’t really know how, but they move at my own will. I try to flap them a few times, and they follow. ‘Woahhh, that’s cool- wait, I’m gonna have to hide these, uh oh… I hope they don’t grow more or I won’t be able to. Hmmm… Yeah, I guess this shirt will cover them for now. Alright. “ *sigh*” I should probably get going, it’s- oh I gotta leave in 15 minutes-’


I finish getting dressed and run downstairs, eating some toast, then I finish getting ready and put my shoes on. Everything’s still loud, but I don’t have the time to worry about that right now. I pick up my bag, and it hurts to press it against my wings, so I keep a mental note to carry it over my shoulder instead, hoping it doesn’t fall off. Sighing, I open the door and head for the bus, making sure not to press my back too much against the bus seat once I get on. ‘This is gonna be a long day.’




It's 20 minutes before the end of the second period, and let me tell you, the sound of pencils and people talking all day has not been helpful. I’m trying to focus on my write-up for biology, but I just can’t. I somehow managed fine in functions class, but I don’t remember how I tuned the sound out. Do I have super-hearing or something? Is that what this is.. no, that’s stupid.. but like, I wouldn’t be too surprised, honestly, considering I just casually have wings now. Either that, or I somehow damaged my ears, but I doubt that since I didn’t do anything to hurt them. I’m not really sure which one makes more sense at this point. I pick up my pencil again, and the wings start to lift slightly under my shirt, against my will. My back feels really sore again, but I have to force the wings back down, ignoring the ache.


I write a couple more sentences and check the time, hoping to get out soon. 4 minutes. Perfect.


I figure I’m too tall to hide and stretch my wings out without being noticed, so I get my lunch and walk straight to the cafeteria.


Usually Tommy’s at one of the tables near the front, but I can’t find him. I walk around a bit before I hear “Ranboob!”; yep, found him. He’s sitting at a table closer to the back. Purpled does tennis, so we don’t really hang out at lunch much.




“Heyyy… Do you have those Sour Patch gummies today?”


“Yeah, I brought you an extra pack! Here.”


“Ayyy! Thanks, big man, you’re the best!”


I smile slightly. “Heh, thanks… yeah, I got plenty at home, I don’t really care if you take a few.”


“Does that mean I can have them all when I come over?”


“Yea, you can- wait, don’t take them all though, that’s not what I meant-”


“I’m going to take all of them, Ranboo.” he grins mischievously.


“NO, please, I- you can have some of them, but you can’t just take all of them.”


“Ha, you can’t stop me, bitch!”


“Watch me. Raccoon.


“HEY! I am not a raccoon!”


“Dude, you literally have an entire collection of snacks you already stole from me.”


“But- ugh, fine, you win.”


We both laugh some, and I start eating my sandwich. ‘I wanna tell Tommy, but he’s too talkative, I feel like he’d accidentally tell Purpled or Wilbur. Wait, actually, could I tell Purpled? I feel like maybe I could trust him. But then what if other people find out? I don’t wanna be in the middle of some stupid science experiment or get weird looks if people find out, but like- I gotta tell someone, right?  I could at least tell Purpled and Tommy... Maybe I shouldn’t-’


“You okay, man? You just went all quiet.”


‘Dang it, I should’ve just continued talking to Tommy. Uhhh’ “Yyyeah, I just- sorry, I was just thinking about something, um- yeah, I’m fine.”


“You sure?”


I pause, debating whether telling him would help. I decide not to for the time being. I might have to tell him later, though.


“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”


“O- ok, then.” He smiles slightly but I can tell that he’s slightly concerned. ‘I’ll tell him eventually.’




It’s a couple of hours after school ended, and it’s a Friday, so Tommy and Purpled are both over, and we start playing Smash Bros. Purpled mains as Pikachu, Tommy’s usually Dark Samus, and I like to play as Rob, Mewtwo or Sonic, depending on my mood.


After a few rounds on regular maps, we decide to switch to one of the few cursed custom maps Tommy made. It’s named “beans >:D”. He named it that out of spite after I questioned why he eats beans with everything. Anyway, it’s been on there for a while so we’ll usually play on it for a bit. It has portals everywhere and randomly placed lava, the whole map screaming absolute chaos.  


I throw Purpled into a portal, then Tommy throws a mini bomb at me, and I dodge it. After a few seconds, Purpled goes back through the portal and shoots lightning at Tommy, almost knocking him off.


Hey! You can’t do that, bitch!”


“Ha, I just did.”


I aim for Purpled, but he ends up hitting me before I can use the shield, and I fall onto lava for a few seconds.




He laughs a bit, but stays mostly quiet, focused on the game. I hop up to where Tommy now is, and we land a few hits on each other, so I eventually get to use my power-up.




“Ohhh no- don’t do it”


“I’m gonna -”


“Ranboo, my best bud, you wouldn’t hurt me! You-”


I use the powerup and he’s already high on health so he dies and is down a life.


“Hey, that’s rude-”




We all laugh some and then get back into it.


I teleport up to the platform above me, then jump through the portal, hitting Purpled, but he gets me back and knocks me in lava again, making my damage go way up. He’s really good at the game, so I need to find a way to win….  ‘OH, perfect, Tommy’s got him for a bit.’ I take the time to load up a smaller powerup, and then right before either of them can hit me, I hit Purpled with the attack, making him fall off and lose a life.


“Woah, I didn’t see that coming.. Shit, that’s smart.” he laughs nervously.


“Ooh, Tommy, what if we both shoot him at once?”


“Wait, no! I’ll help you get Ranboo if you don’t help him kill me.”


“Mmm yeah, but it's more fun to kill you.”


“Well good luck with that!” He grins, hopping down.


We both hit/shoot at him, and he uses his shield, then hits me with a lightning ball. Tommy gets him from behind, but then we both get hit. ‘oH-’ While we’re stuck, he makes Pikachu do a little spin a few times before we get back into it. Tommy shoots him, accidentally hitting me a few times.


“Oh, sorry, mate”


“It’s ok, I have an idea.”


Purpled starts to hop around, trying to avoid whatever I’m gonna do, shooting lighting. I go through a portal, then teleport down to him, confusing him for a second, then I throw him into lava, making his damage really high. Out of nowhere, my back starts to hurt really bad. I wince and hiss in pain, trying my best to ignore it, dropping my controller.


“Ow-” I clench my fists.


“Woah, you ok, man?”


“You good?” They pause and put their controllers down, concerned.


“I- ow- yeah, I dunno, my back just hurts a lot, umm- I’m gonna go use the washroom really quick.”


They both share a worried look, before hesitantly saying “ok”.


I run to the bathroom, and sit on the floor, pulling at my hair. ‘Why does this hurt so much- ow- what’s wrong with me? Ohhh no, what if I have to deal with this every night… ohhhh no, this is bad… now Tommy and Purpled are probably worried, I’m gonna have to tell them. But I can’t- what do I do, I have to go back! ow..’ I realize I’m hyperventilating and need to calm down. ‘Great, now I’m having a panic attack… dang, I’m not ok. Just breathe.. In 2 3 4, out 2 3 4, in..’ It takes a minute for me to calm down, but I eventually end up breathing normally again. I’m still in a lot of pain and I grab a towel to squeeze so I don’t accidentally hurt myself more. I sit there for what feels like an hour, but maybe it was 10 minutes, who knows- and then I hear a knock on the door.


‘Oh shoot, they’re here-’


“Are you ok? You’ve been in there for a while.” It’s Tommy.


“Y-yeah, I’m ok. Maybe I should go to bed though, you two can play if you want.” They’re sleeping over so it's not like I’ll have to be awake to say bye or wait for them to leave.


“You sure, mate?”


I pause for a moment, the pain is still really bad. “Yeah, I’m kinda tired anyway. You- don’t worry about me, I’ll be f-fine.”


“...ok, if you say so.” Tommy definitely sounds worried, but I hear footsteps leaving anyway, and that’s good enough for me. After sitting there a bit longer, I use the washroom and go to bed. I let my wings out a bit, but I face the wall so they don’t notice when they walk in later. I struggle to fall asleep. It's a difficult task right now, but after long enough, I manage. Hope the pain's gone by the morning.


A sleepover surely can't go wrong here
definitely not

Chapter 3: Sleepover


Purpled and Tommy are worried for Ranboo, and try to figure out what's wrong (Purpled pov)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Purpled pov)

Ranboo walks away in pain, which is weird cause he was fine a few seconds ago.


We both look at each other concerned, before I say anything.


“What’s going on?”


“I honestly don’t know.”


I look back to the washroom, hoping he’s ok.


“He was acting off earlier today, too.”


‘Oh, great.’ “What do you mean?”

“I dunno, he just- he went all quiet and shit, and I know he’s not loud like me, but- he wasn’t talking, like at all , just staring off into space, and that’s not like him. And then when I asked him about it, he pushed it aside like he hadn’t just spaced out for 3 minutes straight. Maybe I’m overthinking, but I feel like something’s off. Plus, he was kinda like that for most of the day.”


“Huh, that does sound a little off. I don’t wanna push him though, if there is something going on, but I really hope he’s ok. Should we check on him?”


“Maybe give him a few minutes. He probably wants to be alone, considering he left.”


“Ah, true.. I guess we should finish this round and play a few more, and then we’ll check on him.”




I end up winning this round. We play a few more games, me winning 3 and Tommy winning 2.


“He’s still not back. Should we-?”


“Yeah, we should.”


We turn the Nintendo off and Tommy knocks on the door. “Are you ok? You’ve been in there for a while.”


He’s quiet for a bit, and I hear a faint noise from the other side of the door.


“Y-yeah, I’m ok. Maybe I should go to bed though, you two can still play if you want.”


We both exchange worried looks.


“You sure, mate?”


He takes a few seconds to answer.


“Yeah, I’m kinda tired anyways. You- don’t worry about me, I’ll be f-fine.” He definitely doesn’t sound fine. 


“...ok, if you say so.”


As much as I want to go in and figure out what’s wrong, I don’t wanna invade his privacy, so I motion for Tommy to leave the door and let him be. He hesitantly steps away, looking as nervous and confused as I am. We walk back downstairs, not really feeling the need to talk much, and we both sit there for a bit. We eat a couple snacks, talk a bit more, and then head up to bed ourselves. It’s really dark, so I can’t see much, but there’s a dim glow from a night light behind Ranboo, so I manage to find my sleeping bag. I fall asleep sooner or later.




I wake up, and Tommy’s also awake, tiredly scrolling on his phone. Ranboo’s still asleep. ‘ I hope he’s ok now.’ Turning my phone on, it’s really bright so I let my eyes adjust, and it’s 10:44. I yawn, get up quietly, and go to use the washroom. I come back, and after a bit of checking discord, ask Tommy if I should wake Ranboo up. He’s fast asleep, and we planned to hangout more before leaving, so he can’t sleep in too long! Plus, I wanna know he’s ok. Tommy nods, so I step over him and lightly nudge Ranboo. 


“Hey, it’s almost 11:00, you should probably get up.”


He hums, slowly opening his eyes and stretching, but as he does, I swear there’s something behind him. ‘ Wait, what is that.. it- woah, are those- wings ?? What- the fuck…’ I notice the glimmering patterns in the sunlight, over some half-hidden fairy shaped wings. ‘Is this why his back hurt last night?? Holy-’


Ranboo tiredly blinks. After a moment of seeing me, he realizes what’s going on and sits up really fast. He’s all panicked, wings going up more, looking startled and scared as shit. I can’t decide whether I should feel worried that he’s scared or lost ‘cause he literally has fucking wings .


Apparently Tommy just looked up, because I hear “Ranboo?!... wha-” from behind me.


He looks really nervous, clearly he wasn’t expecting us to see them. I wasn’t either.


“How long have you had those-”


He looks at a loss for words. He literally just woke up, so he probably needs a second to think. Fair enough.


“I, uhhhm- I- I’ve had them for 2 days, um- I don’t really know why or how though.” He blushes in embarrassment. ‘Oh, so he basically just got them. But how, though? Fairies aren’t real… Right? Right??! Plus the wings are pretty big, considering it’s only been 2 days! Dang, I really hope Ranboo’s ok.’ Tommy says something in response, but I’m too lost in thought to hear what. ‘Am I dreaming? There’s no way this actually happened..’ I pinch myself just to double check. ‘Yeah ok, I’m not dreaming.. shit.’


Ranboo stands up and walks to the mirror, eyes widening when he looks at the wings.




“You good?”


He flaps them a few times slowly, inspecting them. They go a little above his head in length. “They weren’t this big yesterday. Like, at all. Ohhh this is so bad, how am I supposed to hide them? My parents come home in a few days, and I have school still, and-”


“Hey, it’s ok, we can- we can help? I mean, I don’t really- know what I’m doing , but I guess we can try, ummm.. Do you want us to stay till tomorrow? I can text my parents that I’m staying longer.” I’m trying really hard not to freak out over it still.


“Wait, can you?”


“Yeah! I don’t really have any plans this weekend so I don’t mind. How about you, Tommy?”


“Yeah, I can stay! I’ll just have to let Phil know, he’ll probably be fine with it.”


“Thanks so much. I do sorta need help figuring out what’s going on.”


“...Can you fly?” Tommy asks, still bewildered.


I didn’t really think of the question, and now I’m wondering if he can.


“I- haven’t tried it. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to, though, ‘cause of the wing size compared to my weight.”


‘He’s probably right… I feel like it’d be painful to hide those under a shirt all day. Maybe he should- oh, but I don’t wanna ruin his shirts though. Maybe if we take one he doesn’t wear much and cut holes in it, he can keep his wings out until his parents come back. Yeah.’


“Do you have any old shirts you don’t usually wear?”


“Yeah, why?”

“Well, no-one else is coming back here till next week, right? I was thinking, we could take a shirt you don’t wear a lot and cut holes in the back for your wings, so that you don't have to hide them all day. I can imagine it’d be uncomfortable.”


He smiles, realizing my idea, and goes over to grab a shirt and some scissors. “Yep, that’s a good idea.” It’s a grey t-shirt with a half-worn off school logo. He hands me the scissors, and I measure where the wings are on his back, cutting 2 holes in the shirt. I put the extra fabric on his desk for now.


“Do you have anything I could sew with? Just so the shirt doesn’t rip more”


“Ummm- hold on, I think it’s the other room, one sec.” He leaves the room, and I’m left standing there holding a cut shirt, while Tommy’s next to me sitting on his sleeping-bag still.


“This feels like a fever dream.” I look over to Tommy, and I couldn’t agree more.


“It really does. I don’t really know what’s happening, honestly.”


“I don’t either… oh right, we should probably text our parents really quick, I almost forgot!”


“True, I should do that now.” I pick up my phone and text my mom, then Ranboo walks in a minute later with a needle and grey thread.


“I found it!”


“Oh, thanks!” I take the needle, thread the string through it, and quickly sew the edges of the 2 holes. I hand it back to him, and he changes shirts, the wings fitting perfectly through the holes.


He looks at the wings in the mirror again, flapping them happily. “That's so much more comfortable than hiding them under a shirt, thank you!” I smile up at him.


Tommy’s still in awe, admiring the pretty wings.


He tries flapping them fast enough to fly, but to no avail. I guess he was right, that makes sense.


“Yeah, I can’t fly.”


“That’d be so cool, though! Imagine..  also, I just remembered, is that what was glowing behind you last night? I thought it was a nightlight.”


“Nah,I don’t use a nightlight.. Wait, they were glowing?”


“Yeah, it was a dim glow! Hold on..” I go to turn the lights off again and close the door and blinds, making it as dark as I can, and they glow a faint yellow colour, acting as a light.


“Oh, you’re right … woahhh, that’s really cool actually!”


We all just stay there for a moment, admiring the pretty wings; still beyond confused nonetheless, but it’s peaceful.


“Do you-” Tommy breaks the silence. “Can you do, like, magic shit, or is it just the wings?”


Ranboo laughs a bit at the idea of it. “You really think- there’s no way! I doubt it.” 


‘Can he? That’d be so sick!’ “I mean, you did just grow fucking wings out of nowhere that can glow in the dark, I guess it could be possible.”


“Yeah, but how- well, what powers would I even have if, like- nothing’s happened yet other than the wings.”


“I dunno.. Try waving your hand or something, see if anything happens!” Tommy says.


“Ok?...” He slowly lifts his hands up like he's about to do something. Not gonna lie, I’m kinda scared at this point. I’m really hoping nothing bad will happen. Oh boy.


Thanks so much for the kudos! Also, the next chapter will prob be out in the next week or so :D

Chapter 4: New Abilities


Tommy and Purpled are still over, and things start to get weirder, as magic is introduced into the situation.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Ranboo pov)

“I dunno.. try waving your hand or something, see if anything happens!” Tommy says, excited.




It's weird to think that anything I try would even remotely work, but it’s also crazy that I have wings, and those are real, so I might as well try. I lift my hand up nervously, focusing on the blinds in front of me. I sigh, and flick my hand upwards, expecting nothing of course. There's immediately a ruffling sound, and the sun's now shining brightly through the blinds. 




 I jump back, staring at them for a moment, despite the bright sunlight. They opened. “What the hell?” The sun’s kinda blinding, so I switch to looking down at my hands. '...Did I just do that??'


“Did you just-” I turn around slowly, and Purpled is still standing behind me. They’re both staring at the blinds.


I look down at my hands again, and then up out of curiosity. 'There's actually no way… no… can I??' I lift my hand up and hesitantly try moving my phone this time. It lifts off the bed, albeit shakily, and there’s a slight pulling feeling in my hand. It’s just floating . My phone’s floating. 'Hoooo ok, this is real, I’m actually doing it… don't freak out, don't freak out, don't- ohhh man.' I bring the phone to myself slowly and catch it in my hands. It was on my bed a few seconds ago. It's in my hands now. 'Well, that… worked. That actually worked! Ummm…' I stare down at my hands, the phone still just there . Luckily, it turns on from a notification, so the magic didn't manage to ruin my phone.


“How did you do that??” Tommy asks, laughing incredulously. I have no idea, honestly.


“...what the fuck just happened??" Purpled looks as confused as I feel, but you can basically see the gears turning in Tommy's brain as if something just clicked.


" Shit! Ranboo, you have powers, man!... whhhat the fuck-" ok, so it definitely did happen then.


"Oook, this is real, um-” Purpled mumbles. “Are you sure nothing else happened, other than the wings, and well, now this?"


"Well, there was one thing, but I didn’t really think it was a power before. Everything was super loud on and off for a few hours yesterday when I figured out I had wings… oh sorry, I said earlier I had them for 2 days, didn’t I? I meant like- today’s the second day with them. But yeah, that happened.”


“Oh, so it hasn’t even been 2 days yet, damn… I mean, it could be super hearing, considering everything else.”


“Do you think.. Dude, I’m already kinda freaked out, if this works-”


They both stand there watching out of curiosity, so I unfocus my eyes so I can think a bit better. I try to make myself hear more. Nothing happens for a second, but then I hear the swoosh of a car passing by, and I can hear a radio playing quietly. ‘ Woahh!… Ooh, that person has a good taste in music!’ There are footsteps, some crunching leaves, and one more car drives by right before I make myself snap out of it. My sight comes to focus again, and they’re both gaping at me.


“Dude, your eyes just changed colours-”


“Wait, really??


“Yeah, they were red and green!” Tommy chimes in.


‘How?!.. wait-’ I turn around to face the mirror, and I try it again. Crunch crunch crunch, chirp chirp- my eyes start slowly changing colours, my left eye red and my right eye green. Woosh, chirp chirp, crunch crunch- my eyes are now 2 completely different colours, and there’s no grey. Chirp, chirp chirp- They’re slightly glowing too, but barely, so it’s hard to tell. ‘How does that happen? I mean, it’s cool, but like- holy. My moms don’t have wings, I know that. Is this some rare gene thing, or like- how?’ I look back at my eyes, and they’re normal again.


“You ok?” Tommy asks.


I step back from the mirror. “I don’t know.” I look down at my hands again, and they’re really shaky. “That was a lot at once.


“Yeah, it was... hmm.. Should we go eat or something, I feel like we need a break from this.”

“Yeah, we should probably eat.. yeah. Also, are you guys ok too? I mean, a lot just happened.”


“Not gonna lie mate, I am very confused right now. I think I'll be alright though.”


“Yeah, same” Purpled agrees.


“Ok, that’s good.”


We go downstairs and Tommy makes us some waffles. The tension in the room is a bit higher than before, since we’re all still processing everything, but at least the food tastes good though! That sorta helps. Yeah.


We go back to just hanging out as normally as we can after that. It doesn’t feel the same as when we were hanging out last night, but it still helps some. We avoid talking about it for the rest of the day. I’m scared, honestly. I don’t know what’s happening to me, and I hate to think about it. I’ll just get through today; maybe if my friends are here, it’ll be alright.


We head up to bed again after playing Risk for a bit- Tommy won that time- and I fall asleep easier tonight. My back’s not in too much pain, so it’s a lot easier to sleep. 


I find myself in the forest again, and the same leaves are there, but something else catches my eye. There are a couple of moving glimmers of light. I step closer, squinting my eyes, and there are 4 bugs- oh wait no, they’re fairies- flying around. There’s one brunette, two blondes, and one with a buzz cut. It’s darker out this time, so their wings are glowing, and they’re playing tag, I think? I can’t really hear them, but it kinda looks that way anyway. They look so free just chasing each other. The shorter blonde one tags the brunette, then two of them fly away from the others. ‘Wait, this is really close to my house... And there’s the other pile of leaves- oh, there’s- there’s a small door there.’ I walk towards the door near where they're standing, and hear a small voice, a British one, surprisingly.


“Can we sleep over with Niki and Jack?”


‘Niki and Jack? Are those the other 2 fairies’ names?’


“Yeah, sure!” This fairy sounds more American.


“Yayyy, thank you bossman!”


 “We should probably cover the door though, in case someone sees it. I think the human has their friends over, so we gotta be extra careful. We can’t risk anyone seeing the house, I really don’t wanna lose you or Jack and Niki.”


“Oh true, we should do that.”


The brunette fairy flies over to who I’m gonna guess is Niki and Jack, and I can’t hear what they say, but then they fly towards the little door and flick their hand. The leaves and sticks nearby move to cover it. It actually blends in pretty well with everything!


After a moment of thought, I wonder if I could talk to the fairies in my dream. 


“Hello?” I try to say to the brunette fairy.


They pause, looking around frantically. Their eyes momentarily land close to where I’m standing. They don’t seem to see me, but it’s like they heard the sound. Did they hear me??... The next thing I know, Tommy’s laughing loudly with Purpled, and I’m awake, facing my wall. I sigh and sit up, turning to face them both, and after a moment they look over.


“Oh, you’re awake- morning!”


“Good morning, Ranboob!” they both giggle at the name. I’d usually laugh along with them, but now I have too many questions that I want the answer to. I gotta know if any of what I saw is actually there. I reply with “morning”, just so they don’t question me. Wait, maybe I should tell them. I yawn and decide it's best to mention it. 


"I um- I need to go check something.”


“Why, what happened?”


“I just had a dream, and I know this sounds crazy , but I wanna know if any of it is real. I- there were these small fairies in my dream, about 4 of them, and they were all in that forest bit behind my house. I just wanna know if they're there, ‘cause it’s the second night where my dreams have been in that place, and it has to mean something , right?”


“So you’re saying there’s more of them?” Tommy asks.


"There might be, honestly. Like, it wouldn't be a huge stretch from what happened yesterday."


"What if they don't want us to see them, though? They're probably great at hiding if they are somehow there."


"Oh, true- I did also wanna check another thing, though. There were some weird leaves in my dream both times, I'm curious if they're actually there."


“Ooh, what’d they look like?” Purpled asks.


"Kinda the same way my eyes do, they're all split-half green and half red."


“...Yeah, we should check.”


“Ok.” Purpled walks up to the door and opens it. I yawn once more, and hop up off the bed, following. We all head downstairs and go out to my backyard. 


We walk along the path with leaves, crunching them with each step, in the cool morning breeze. As soon as I see the rock, my heart skips a beat. Those leaves are right there. They’re there. I pick one up, the other 2 walking around to see it. I look more carefully, and some of the leaves around me are very slowly turning the same design. I step away, then bend down again. I hold my hand up to a leaf on a tree, and it slowly changes colour. ‘Woahhh, that’s cool!... how am I-’ I try to stop it from happening, and it takes a minute, but it stops.


"I didn't know you could do that!" I hear Tommy's voice from behind me.


"I didn't know either."


"That's so fucking cool, man!"


I remember the door from my dream and move over to the patch of leaves. ‘Welp, here goes nothing.’ I brush the leaves aside gently, and there’s a half-hidden door. It’s very small, but it’s still there. I can’t help but wonder if those 2 fairies are still at the other fairies’ house if they’re real. They have to be, right? Their names slip my mind, but I remember there being 4 of them.


“Are the fairies there… ?” Tommy asks.


“I didn’t see any; I may have just found one of their houses, though!


“Wait, what?!!” They say in unison, running over. We all crouch down, looking at the door that’s there. I pull it open, and there are tiny designs inside; 2 beds, a counter, I’m gonna assume that’s a fireplace, a ukulele?, and a few more tiny doorways to different rooms.


I look up at them both, bewildered, and I decide to close the door again.


“They’re real- whattt the fuck” Purpled says, staring at the door.


“That’s so cool!... I don’t get how any of this is possible. Like, you grow wings, then you somehow can do magic, and now there are more fairies?”


“No, yeah, I’m just as confused as you are, honestly. I’ve never known anyone in my family who had wings or anything, so it’s kinda a lot to take in at once.”


“Yeah that’s fair… maybe it’s some really rare gene or something!” Tommy suggests.


“But then why would the other fairies be so tiny?” That’s a good point.


“Do you think I'm some sort of human-fairy hybrid? Or maybe there are different species of them… dang, I dunno!”


“Oh, maybe.”


“Yeah, you could be a hybrid, now that I think about it. I’m gonna stick with that for now anyway, I feel like that makes sense.”


“Yeah, alright… ohhh, that’s so weird to think about!”


We eventually decide to go back inside, since we can’t find the fairies or anything else. There are a couple of quiet rustles, but I really can’t tell where from, so after a second of looking around, I follow the other 2 inside. We hang out a bit longer, and everything passes by in a blur. The next thing I know, we’re back in my room, and they’re both packing away their things. We chat a bit longer before heading downstairs, and they put their shoes on.


“Are you sure you’re ok, mate?”


“I- don’t know. I guess I’ll have to get used to it though, heh… thank you so much for staying an extra day though, it really means a lot.”


“Yeah, of course! It’s a lot of unknowns at once, for sure.”


He pulls me into a hug, Purpled following suit, and we stay there briefly. I sink into the hug while it lasts; I didn’t know I needed one, but it really helps.


“You’ll be ok, king.”


“Yeah… and just- remember to shoot us a text if you need anything. Plus, we’ll see you again tomorrow at school!”


“Ohhh no, how will I hide these at school, they’re way too big now! And I’ll have to hope nothing else happens while I’m there, geez… Do you both promise to not tell anyone? Not even Wil or your parents?”


“Oh yeah, I won’t tell anyone. I got you.”


“Yeah, I won’t tell Wil or Tech or anyone, promise! And you can probably wear a longer hoodie to cover them!”


“Alright, thanks so much. Yeah, I guess I could do that! Please don’t tell them.” They both nod.


“Alright, well bye Ranboo!”


“Bye! See you!”


“See ya, mate!”




They both leave, and Tommy clicks the door shut.


I fall against the wall, slumping forward.




Thank you so much for all the kudos! :D I'm gonna be really busy with dance competitions and school for the next few weeks, so the next chapter will probably take longer to come out, but I'll still try to get it out as soon as I can!

New pov's next chapter? 👀 maybe

Chapter 5: Aimsey


Just a short chapter introducing Aimsey, Eryn and Freddie :D


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Aimsey pov)


My life lately has been sort of… strange to say the least. You see, it was going normal for quite a bit, nothin’ too crazy, but then I somehow grew wings a week ago and got super-hearing, and now I’m here, debating whether it’s ok to tell anyone yet. You probably don’t believe me of course, ‘cause how could a human just grow wings, right? Well, I don’t get why or how, but it definitely happened to me. They’re similar to Tinkerbell’s wings if I had to compare them to anything, and they’re pretty big at this point. I couldn’t fly the last time I tried, but I haven’t tried since, either. They’re kinda hard to hide, so I've been wearing long hoodies and shirts all week. Now I’m walking with Freddie and Eryn to the cafeteria, and well- I can only hope nothing goes wrong.


“Um Aimsey, we kinda wanted to ask you about something,” Freddie says. ‘It’s ok, they’ll just ask about the bio project, right? Yeah, it’s fine.’


“Yeah, what’s up?”


“Is everything alright? Like- I dunno, I just feel like you’ve been talking a lot less, just making sure you’re ok.” Oh … should I tell them?? I mean, I gotta tell someone eventually, right?’


“Uhhh- yeah, I’m fine! I just…” I take a second to think before continuing. “Can I trust you two to keep a secret?” They stop walking, looking at me confused.


“Yeah… why, what happened?” Eryn replies. They're both waiting for me to say something.


“Um... I probably shouldn’t say it here. We should go outside where there are less people around.”


They look confused but follow anyway. “Ok?”


We go outside, and I make sure no one is near us before I say anything.


“Why do we have to hide from other people, is everything alright?” Freddie asks.


It takes a moment for me to figure out how to word it, but I eventually just resort to taking the hoodie off. I have holes cut in my shirt for the wings for when I get home, so you can see the wings once I take the hoodie off. I turn around and lift them up slowly.


"WOAHHH, woah… what the hell?!” Eryn says, backing into Freddie a bit.


“What… oh shit, wait, Aimsey-”


I turn back around, and they both look stunned.


"Surprise?" They don't respond for a moment too long, and I start to overthink it. 'I just scared them, didn't I… why aren't they responding… ohh, I shouldn't have shown them, I shouldn't-'


"How long have you had those?" Freddie asks, his voice wavering.


"Um, I've had them for about a week, um… I just really needed to tell someone, cause I really need help figuring out what's going on. I guess you were gonna find out sooner or later, anyway."


"How is that possible?" Eryn mutters under their breath.


"I don’t know… also not to confuse you more, but I'm pretty sure I have super-hearing too. I don't fully know how it works though."


"Wait, hold on, super hearing?"




" I dreaming?? This feels like a fever dream." Freddie says.


"No, no I promise you’re not dreaming, um... I’m still trying to figure out what’s happening myself. But it’s definitely real though."


"Holy shit."


"Is there anyone else, or just you?" Eryn asks.


"Well, if there's anyone else, they haven't told me anything!"


I suddenly hear some footsteps, but it sounds like they're coming from inside the school. I hear someone say “Ranboob!” followed by 2- no, 3 people giggling. “Have you figured anything else yet?” one of them asks.


“No, I wish . It is getting kind of harder to hide them though, I might need help figuring that out.” ‘ Wait, what are they hiding- and who is this, what-’ After a moment, I re-focus again on the conversation I accidentally eavesdropped on, more curious now by what they meant. “Yeah, Saturday works! Are we just sleeping over again?” a different voice says.

“We might as well. My moms are back home now though, so try not to mention it around them, ‘cause I haven’t really told them yet.” I can’t control my super hearing, but I feel like I shouldn’t be hearing this, so I try to force myself to stop listening. After a bit, it stops. Freddie and Eryn are both staring at my eyes, I forgot they both turn red whenever I use super hearing. I figured that out ‘cause I saw in my phone reflection when I first figured out I could do it… anyway. I explain it to them, and we start heading back to the cafeteria. They’re definitely trying to process everything still, talking less than usual. They agreed to help me out though, so I think it’s good that I told them. I really hope so.



Chapter 6: AUTHOR'S NOTE

Chapter Text

Ok, so this isn't a new chapter, but I just wanna mention real quick- I was reading this through lately and I realised how badly written and badly paced it is, so just as a lil update! For anyone who was interested in the story, I think I'm gonna rewrite it. Not sure yet if I'm gonna change it all on here or just as a new uploaded story, but I figured I could do a lot better, so stay tuned for that! If I end up uploading a new version, I'll still keep this one on my account for anyone who wants it.

I'm also gonna be writing 2 different mermaid-type sbi fics, as well as maybe a spiderman one and a few others with my own characters? I'll have to see, but yeah, I'll post some of them soon!

Another edit: Just figured out recently that Wilbur is an actual piece of shit so I won't be writing about him if I can avoid it, but I'm still gonna try to write the stories I said I would with maybe Purpled or an oc or someone instead of Wil!

~E ❤️