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Endless Possibilities


The newest monster that Emil has made a pact with turns out to be a lot more than he expected.


I really went off the rails with this one lmao

Since tentacles are such a versatile medium, I added in a little of this and that. Emil's physiology gives a lot of liberty for suspension of disbelief. In short, I did it because I could.☆

There's two routes that give a fair implication of what direction each will go with (for Emil, at least) since everything is in the tags anyway. A part of me wishes I could have left more things to surprise, but that would be detrimental to any readers either trying to seek out or avoid certain tags. With the advent of knowledge comes spoilers, I suppose. 😔  But spoilers still beat untagged squick, so that's fine.

Chapter 1: Main Story


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Emil had made a pact with an odd monster.

Strictly speaking, it wasn't even necessary for Emil to run around making pacts anymore, but sometimes it just turned out that way. With how short his initial journey had been, it was natural that he would end up encountering monsters that he hadn't seen before. So just the fact that it was a new sight wasn't necessarily unusual. What was unusual was its behavior. Rather than the fight or flight reaction that other monsters had, this one just seemed curious. From its amorphous body had sprouted several long tendrils that would have been reminiscent of vines had they not appeared to be composed of a more opaque version of what made up the bodies of slime-type monsters. While Richter was wary of their approach; all the monster did was poke at Emil.

After it seemed to have finished with its inquiring touches, the appendages had disappeared back into the monster's body as if they had never been there. Emil and Richter had intended to be on their way, but the monster had followed after them. So, despite not having bested it in battle, Emil tried to make a pact. It worked.

Emil had already become versed in the behaviors of many different monsters which, when combined with the pact bond, could approximate something that was almost like language. After awakening as a Spirit, there was even less of a communication barrier. There were even monsters that he could understand as if they were able to actually talk, thanks to pulling from Ratatosk's memories a bit.

This new one, though, may as well have been speaking gibberish. Emil could sense a vague feeling of something it was sending to him, but he couldn't place it. With monster varieties that Emil had never pacted before, it sometimes took a while before their bond was at a wavelength that Emil could parse accurately.

Since monsters had a much easier time communicating with other monsters, when it was time for some of them to be fed, Emil had asked one of his other companions for help. Especially since the new one had refused the food Emil had offered it. Although it wasn't a necessity to feed monsters nearly as often as a normal animal or person might require, most of them thrived much better on a full stomach.

The polwigle Emil had chosen bounced over to the new recruit and chirped at it. There was what appeared to be a rather animated conversation between the two. It was a while before Emil's polwigle returned to him and did its best to relay what had been said.

Richter had lost interest early on; there wasn't much point in listening to a conversation he couldn't understand. He had instead taken to brushing one of the catlike monsters after it had finished its food. It rolled over onto its back and purred at the attention. At least until they were both startled by Emil's sudden exclamation:

"It's what!?"

The chimera voiced a displeased meow about its pampering time getting interrupted. Richter scratched it under its chin absentmindedly. His attention was on Emil now.

For some reason, he looked flustered. "Um, could you say that again, just to be sure?" The polwigle made a series of carefully articulated peeps and trills. Emil mouthed something to himself afterwards; an unfamiliar word (or words?) that Richter couldn't understand from his attempt to read Emil's lips. A moment later, Emil thanked it with a pat on the head.

With the brush abandoned on the grass (a tragedy, if anyone thought to ask the chimera), Richter then approached Emil. "Did you learn something?"

"W-well," Emil attempted, "I found out its species, but…"

The hesitance puzzled Richter, so when silence fell between them he urged a continuation. "What is it? Is it dangerous?" Even though the lazily shifting violet blob seemed harmless enough, Richter knew for a fact that there were many things to be found in this world that looked safe while being anything but.

Emil shook his head. "No, it's not bad or anything. This…there's no word for it in the current language that people use, but the best way to describe it would be, uh," Emil fidgeded a bit and averted his eyes. "It would be something like 'lust beast.' "

That, at the very least, had thrown Richter for a loop. However, his mind worked quickly in the scant few seconds that were devoid of words. Richter could tell where this conversation was going, but as he looked at Emil's face, he decided to prompt for an explanation anyway. "Elaborate?"

The expression Emil had was best described as an embarrassed pout—surely those two words should have painted a clear enough picture. "Many monsters eat regular foods just the same way that most other living things do, but this one is different. It feeds off of the type of energy given off from s-sexual gratification."

Richter allowed a moment's silence. With one smooth, unhurried motion, he then reached over to hold Emil's chin and tilted it up. "Well said."

The slight tug at the corners of Richter's mouth was a dead giveaway. Emil flushed darker than he already had been. "Did you make me say it on p—!?" Before Emil could finish the accusation, Richter leaned down and kissed him. Emil couldn't help but lean into the contact. It was unfair that Richter could tease with a straight face but Emil hadn't actually been mad at him for that. But even if he had been mad, Richter's kisses always made him weak.

They parted just barely enough for Richter to speak. "Did you want to look for somewhere more private to get acquainted with your new friend?" he whispered.

Emil swallowed heavily. Richter had gotten right to the point without hesitation. He was sure he had never brought up this particular fantasy out loud. Was he making some kind of incriminating expression?

Unable to find trust in his own voice, Emil nodded silently.

If Emil was completely honest with himself, this kind of conclusion was what he had wanted. Some time ago he had seen some rather risqué interpretations of tentacle monsters in a fine arts exhibit that had stirred some thoughts within him at the time. But he hadn't encountered many monsters that had any, neither during his time spent as a human nor afterwards. The only ones to immediately come to mind were ropers, which weren't particularly impressive or erotic in the way the artworks had been. Besides that, not all monsters were willing to engage in that kind of activity outside of their own species, and some weren't even capable at all. The idea had been left to fade to the back of his mind and collect dust. Until now.

So for this one to be much more than willing had Emil brimming with a restless energy. The new monster seemed to sense this shift in mood, and extended a single tendril from its body that it loosely coiled up Emil's forearm.

"N-not yet," Emil stuttered. His nerves were getting the better of him, though not in a negative way. He stroked it gently to coax it to release its hold. "Soon, okay?"

It drew in on itself and wiggled in a way that was similar enough to a common slime's body language that Emil could recognize as agreement, reinforced by what he could feel through their pact. One by one, Emil recalled the other monsters that had been summoned once they had finished their meals. When only the new one remained, Emil comforted it with a reassuring "I'll call you back out when we find a better spot, alright?" before it, too, disappeared into the void where pacted monsters went when they weren't active.

Richter mentioned that he had spotted what had looked like the mouth of a cave a ways back in the direction they had come from, so the two of them backtracked until they reached it again. It had taken a little more searching than anticipated since it was only visible from the road at a certain angle.

Rather than a proper cave, it was more like a recessed overhang gouged into the cliffside. Probably an abandoned monster den. It was just deep enough and hidden by the surrounding foliage to allow for some privacy, but exposed enough at this time of day that enough sunlight reached it to not need an artificial light source.

"This seems to be secluded enough. What do you think? " Richter asked, and received a nod. They hadn't run into many other travelers in this region, but taking precautions was better than being discovered out in the open.

There was a shy dusting of pink on Emil's cheeks as he looked around, but when he felt arms encircle his waist he relaxed back into them. It was an odd mix of peace and excitement; the embrace was calming, but the thoughts that swirled in Emil's head about the imminent encounter made him want to squirm in anticipation. In addition to that…

Richter was becoming hard against Emil's backside.

This made it somewhat difficult to concentrate—it was tempting to turn around and let things heat up between the two of them, but that was not what had been promised. Though reluctantly, Emil stepped away then closed his eyes and took a breath to steady himself. He concentrated on the presence of that one unusual monster and gave it a mental tug, and within seconds it appeared from a burst of mana. He knelt down beside it. "We're here. I still need to get undressed, so you can, uh, make yourself comfortable?" Emil offered and gestured to the spot they had decided on.

The monster shifted its body in the direction indicated. Once it had settled itself right in the middle of the den, it reared up and expanded as if it had inhaled a massive breath, then deflated a moment later. Instead of going back to its previous shape, as its form lowered back down it spread out over the floor of the cave. When it reached the walls it climbed up those too, all the way to the ceiling until it met itself in the middle and reconnected in a loop. The sight was like watching water spill upside-down in slow motion. Emil had frozen in the middle of taking off his shirt to stare in silence. The end result looked like the entire inside of the recessed area had been coated in a smooth layer of midnight purple jelly. Emil had become confused about what that was supposed to accomplish, but then all at once numerous tentacles sprouted from the otherwise even surface.

Emil felt something hot stir within him imagining where some of those would be going. Or at least where he hoped they'd be going. "It looks like you're ready before me," he told the monster. It was mostly just to fill the silence. After he had wiggled out of his pants and underwear and set them aside with the rest of his clothes, he stepped across the cool grass. After a moment's hesitation, he put one foot forward onto the portion of the monster that covered the floor. When it didn't seem like that had been uncomfortable for it, he followed with the other foot and allowed himself to put his weight on it. It felt soft and spongy with the tiniest bit of a bounce beneath his feet. "I feel kind of bad for stepping on y—wah!" Emil let out a shout when the tentacle that had just curled around his ankle pulled him off balance. His arms flailed to brace for an impact that didn't come; the monster had caught him in its many tendrils and held him suspended in the air. One had secured itself around each upper arm, two around his torso, and one around either leg near the knee. Once he realized that he wasn't going to fall, Emil laughed a little. "Haha, that's a pretty neat trick. It's kind of like a hammock." A moment later he tilted his head to the side to turn his attention away from himself and the monster. Richter leaned against the mouth of the cave with his arms crossed. He had removed his overcoat and not much else. "Richter-san, you're not going to join?"

Richter made a noncommittal noise while he idly eyed the gelatinous form that had spread out all over with little consideration for its original mass. "I'll sit this one out," he answered. "You go ahead and have fun."

"Oh. Okay," Emil responded. He couldn't help the twinge of disappointment in his heart, even though this wasn't the first time Richter had declined to take part in some of Emil's 'fun' with a monster.

But Richter's refusals typically happened in prelude to aftercare, which suggested that he anticipated Emil would be experiencing something intense. Emil must have not been able to keep that revelation off his face, because the look Richter gave him in response a moment later had a knowing—and very much interested—aspect to it.

For a moment Emil was left to lean back against the cradle of tentacles without quite knowing what to do. Then one tendril reached out to poke his cheek, and he felt two more sliding up his legs. They were unhurried in their exploration and instead moved at a slow pace that made Emil feel like he was being teased. The glide of them over his skin was so smooth that it gave the impression that they were slick with something, yet they didn't leave even a drop of wetness in their wake.

By the time the two that had been working their way up had reached his inner thighs, Emil spread his legs further on his own. Much to his disappointment, they both ignored that clear invitation and traced lightly over his hip bones. Emil could tell this monster was purposefully taking its sweet time with him and couldn't help the quiet sound of discontent that rose from his throat. In compensation, the one that had been lightly stroking his face brought its tip to his lips. It pressed once, gently, and Emil realized right away what it was asking permission for. He opened up for it without a second thought. With the way it felt around inside his mouth—across his palate and against the insides of his cheeks and tangled with his tongue—it almost felt like he was being kissed. When it reached in further it just barely brushed the back of his throat. The light touch was vaguely ticklish; not in the sense of an imminent cough, but rather in a way that made him want a more tangible contact.

Emil was so lost in the feeling that he was barely aware of the other two as they slid up his sides and across his chest, to the point where he squeaked and jumped in their grasp when they flicked over his nipples. The exact sensation was something right in between what he would have felt from a tongue and a finger: it lacked the warm wetness of the former (or cold—Richter had tried things on him with ice before and that had certainly been an experience) but it wasn't as bound to a specific shape when compared with the latter. They were quite deft, and once Emil had overcome the surprise he found himself arching his back to push his chest against them more. The very tip of each tentacle was tapered into a much thinner width that allowed them to grasp and tug at the small peaks in alteration with the comparatively gentler brushes. The attention from those in addition to the one in his mouth gradually caused a flush to spread across his skin. Emil wanted more; wanted it deeper in his throat, but to his disappointment it exited his mouth with a wet pop a moment later instead.

Emil would have complained. Almost did, if it hadn't then caressed past the side of his neck and then traced along his spine. It was wet not only from his saliva but it also had begun to secrete some kind of clear substance of its own that left a slick trail down his back.

"Nnh…" Emil was a few sounds short of whispering a 'please' as he felt it circle around the edge of where he wanted it the most. This monster was an unbearable tease; Emil had reached the conclusion that it was being this slow on purpose. He didn't consider himself to be above getting on his knees and begging for it. It wouldn't be the first time. But he hadn't quite reached that level of frustration yet, and the fact that it still held him aloft made doing that considerably difficult in the first place.

Although Richter had meant to let the monster have its way with Emil and had been enjoying the view of it doing so, the needy look on Emil's face had caused Richter to step forward without being conscious of it. He stood at the very edge of where the ground met with the monster and reached out. Emil seemed startled by the touch as he was pulled in for a kiss, but the familiar press of lips calmed him soon after. The tentacle was still taking its time, but Richter let go of Emil's face to slide his hand down his front instead. He gave Emil's arousal a jerk with a firm squeeze halfway up and then followed it with a more merciful handling.

But Emil was grateful for that single moment of roughness. Even though it had been brief it was the break Emil had needed from the otherwise light touches between his legs. The texture of Richter's gloves on his bare skin excited him.

A couple of the monster's limbs extended from the wall to poke Richter curiously but he ignored them in favor of deepening the kiss with Emil. Their tongues entangled the instant Richter went past Emil's parted lips. He could feel the growing impatience behind Emil's movements and did his best to offer a distraction.

Though the moan was muffled between their mouths, Richter recognized the moment that the tentacle must have finally pushed inside and he felt himself throb in kind with that knowledge. Richter finally parted from Emil and instead took a small step back to watch. As if it was purposefully trying to show off, the monster shifted to tilt Emil's body further back to offer a full view of the penetration. That was a sight Richter wouldn't forget anytime soon. Emil looked good with legs spread wide and his hips elevated over the rest of his body. Emil seemed somewhat embarrassed about being put on display like this, but made no attempt to fight it.

Even though at this point it had just barely gone inside, the tendril's capability of prehensile movement along with how long he had waited for it made Emil very receptive to the attention. The end of it curled into a hook-like shape to stimulate his rim from the inside. The tugging was almost like how a knot felt, just not all the way around at once. It twisted around to give the entire circumference the same amount of treatment. Emil's inner muscles clenched down on it to feel it even the slightest bit more.

When it began to thrust shallowly, Emil reached out toward Richter. The monster obliged the request and readjusted Emil so that he was able to lean forward instead of back. He immediately put his hands on Richter's shoulders to facilitate some physical contact between the two of them. This meant that Richter could no longer see what exactly was going on below, but he found Emil's face to be just as captivating.

While the unique way it moved around was certainly stimulating in ways Emil hadn't ever experienced before, there was a nagging sensation in the back of Emil's mind that something about it wasn't enough, though he couldn't pinpoint what.

⠀⠀ Select


















I wonder which path you chose…? Either way, both will probably eventually result in Emil waking up one morning in the near future to Richter getting railed by their new friend. 😏  He does have some things he wants Emil to see, after all~

Even though this fic was meant to be about Emil experiencing unrealistic kinks, I couldn't help but push Richter further into intense things too. lol
The impossibility is what makes it appealing.(?)

That being said, this took me absolute ages to finish because certain things are only interesting to me for about one or two days a month while the rest of the time I'll be "eh, no thanks" at best or "wtf am I even writing and why??"

(I also spent a ridiculous amount of time and effort on the stupid choice box. It was originally supposed to reveal the ending when the respective choice was clicked on the same page rather than separate chapters, but I could get the coding to work right. But I wanted to keep the box anyway, because once I get an idea I'm stubborn about sticking with it. Yes, even for a weird porn fic.)

Chapter 2: Ending 1

Chapter Text

Just as he had thought that, the two tentacles ceased their actions at his chest and slid into him one after the other. "Ooh." These were noticeably slimmer than the first one, but his body still reacted positively to having his most intimate place stretched even just a little wider and couldn't help but moan from it.

Regardless of their size, all of them had the same exploratory behavior and made sure everywhere they touched was well cared for. When Richter reached down to stroke him again, the persistence was eventually enough to finally draw an orgasm out of Emil, and by that point his nerves had been wound so tight by the aggravating slowness that he cried out with relief at finally getting to release everything that had been pent up since the moment he learned what kind of monster this was. Thick white spurts escaped him, and it was only by sheer luck that none of it ended up on Richter's clothes at this proximity.

The monster lowered Emil onto his knees in preparation to add some of the appendages that had been holding him up to the ones already in him. Richter followed him down. These were closer in size to the first one, so a fourth took Emil's breath away when it immediately went deeper to pioneer a path for the rest. Another teased him from the outside by drawing slow circles around the combined circumference of the others.

Then it ceased, and instead started to try to squish itself in too. Emil shivered both inside and out.

"Nnn, I can't," Emil protested softly. "That many won't fit…" His words were completely at odds with his enraptured expression and tone of voice, as well as the fact that he lifted his hips higher in invitation.

Richter raised one eyebrow along with a slight smile with equal parts fondness and disbelief of how insatiable Emil could get when he was in this kind of mood. "If you really couldn't handle any more, you wouldn't be trying to tempt it like that," Richter stated. He briefly slipped one finger from either hand alongside the tentacles to illustrate his point that there was still room for more. "You're not satisfied with just this much, are you?"

Emil looked sheepish at being called out so blatantly. "I wanted to try that kind of line once," he mumbled, almost too quietly for Richter to hear. "Saying that it won't fit, a-and then having it pushed inside anyway."

"What the hell have you been reading…" Richter muttered to himself out of his own curiosity rather than an actual question. But those words had turned Emil very, very red with an expression that looked like he had been scolded. "It's alright," Richter said. He stroked over Emil's lower abdomen and felt the squirming tentacles begin to bulge against the palm of his hand. Despite their flexibility and the fact that they weren't nearly as deep as other things Emil had previously had in him, the sheer girth of all of them combined made Emil's body stretch to fit around them. "I'll keep watching you, so take in as many as you want."

Show me what your real limits are, is what Richter left unsaid. He had already been prepared to accept everything about Emil a long time ago.

Emil felt a rush of embarrassment at the watery prostate fluid that squirted out in immediate response to those words. That kind of swift ejaculation usually only happened when he was overstimulated after he had already come a few times, but the tentacle that had been on the outside had pushed its way in at the exact same instant. The pressure against his insides had been too intense and forced the release out of him at the slightest opportunity. He wasn't sure which kind of emphasis had set his body more alight—the thought of Richter watching him or the thought of Richter watching him. It might be a draw.

Though Richter initially hadn't intended to get involved, it soon became clear that the monster had other ideas when it slipped one limb underneath his shirt. The smoothness of it was pleasant against his skin. He wondered if the ticklish sensation as it glided across his chest was stimulating because he was already partially aroused or if the monster had a natural ability to seek out the areas that gave a positive reaction. Given the monster's nature, the latter didn't seem too farfetched.

When one tried to go down the back of his pants, Richter addressed the monster directly. "I get it. Wait a moment."

Richter hoped that it understood regular mortal language. When Emil spoke to monsters his voice seemed to gain something more to it that Richter couldn't describe. He had asked Emil about it before, but had only been met with confusion. Apparently it was something that Emil did without even realizing.

Luckily for Richter, both of the tentacles that had been touching him halted, and he took that chance to stand back up. Emil had thrown him a puzzled look at first, but got his answer moments later when Richter stripped down right in front of him. Clothes were haphazardly tossed just outside the radius of the cave. When he kneeled back down the monster slackened its hold on Emil to let him return to leaning on Richter. Though Emil was distracted by his own pleasure, all of what was left of his focus went towards Richter. Emil wanted to see him have a good time too.

A single tendril wrapped around Richter's torso in a vaguely vine-like fashion; it looped around his chest just beneath his arms and coiled around lower and lower in a loose spiral until it dipped between his thighs. The very end of it had become coated in something slick and viscous by the time it reached behind him and had started to push.

Richter made a low sound when it breached him. He hadn't planned for this to happen so the feeling of it opening him up in a single motion was more impactful than it would have been if he had gradually warmed up to it; he had already started to throb just by having it pushed in.

Emil would have loved to take his time to watch his most important person get intimate with his newest companion, but his own body's senses were making it harder and harder to concentrate. The two thinnest ones had taken the place of Richter's fingers for holding him open, and another one went in, then another, until finally—finally—no more would fit. Emil's breathing came in thin puffs; there simply wasn't opportunity for anything else. The tentacles, even with their flexibility and slickness, were unable to properly thrust right away from how tightly they were packed. To make up for this, the ends wiggled with abandon in every direction they could. Emil whimpered. They were hitting places he didn't know he had from sheer girth alone. "I feel like they're hollowing out my insides…"

That phrasing certainly didn't sound like it felt good, but Emil sometimes had the most bizarre word choice when he was being fucked within an inch of his life. It was more important to pay attention to tone and body language in cases like this. The sweetness in Emil's voice suggested this was far from an unpleasant experience.

With one hand atop Emil's stomach, Richter reached around with the other and traced along Emil's rim. It was taut around the entire circumference from the many tentacles that vied for room. Richter was certain that their combined bulk was thicker than anything he had ever seen him take—if Emil had been human then it surely would have hurt or even caused injury from how thin the muscle had been stretched. With every new inch that sunk in, more and more of Emil's internal passage widened to fit them. The tentacles pushed outwards instead of up at the depth at which the majority of them had reached in order to have more space within his abdomen and made it swell obscenely in contrast with his lithe frame. The intensity of it all made Emil's legs tremble. If it wasn't for the monster that held his upper body aloft from the back and Richter from the front, he would have been too overwhelmed to support himself even when he was already kneeling.


It wasn't that Richter particularly cared about what anyone else would think, but he did occasionally wonder which one of them had fallen into greater sexual depravity; Emil for loving acts that would otherwise be physically impossible or Richter for loving to see him that way.

Emil had become noisy with how thoroughly the monster was caring for him; sounds escaped him with nearly every breath. "It's so good," he nearly sobbed. "I want Richter-san to get stretched like this too…"

Amused, Richter gave a good-natured huff. "I'm pretty sure that much isn't possible." He pressed his forehead against Emil's and spoke in a low voice. "…But I could take a little more. For you." He didn't miss the flicker of heat that crossed Emil's eyes for a split second.

At this point Richter was certain that this monster was among the variety that could understand speech, because right after that admission he saw one withdraw from Emil so that it could push its way into himself instead. This turned out to be beneficial for both of them—Richter got to make good on his promise and the ones in Emil were able to move better because of the free space. He focused on the feeling and rolled his hips into it. A deep groan resonated from his throat. He wasn't usually vocal during sex, but if Emil wanted to see him filled up that badly, then Richter would make sure to enjoy it thoroughly.

Richter had…indulged a bit. Mostly with some of the smaller monsters. He still couldn't handle any more than the very tip of Emil's fenrir. It was incredibly hot to watch Emil take something that huge all the way in, but Richter's own body needed much more time and experience to train up to that kind of size. That one seemed to be Emil's favorite anyway, so it wasn't as if the large wolflike monster wasn't being properly satisfied just because it had to hold back with Richter.

This, though, he could handle. It was a bit of a different feeling to have more than one of something in him at the same time, but the size itself wasn't a problem. The monster's soft body meant that the stretch wasn't forced to the full width all at once; it could easily squish down until Richter was pliant enough for it to decompress.

As he raised and lowered his body to ride the twin appendages, a drip of precome fell to the 'floor' that was really just more of the monster. The first tentacle had stayed shallow so that it could focus a massage-like motion against Richter's prostate, whereas the second worked itself further in. It hit the place that usually ached when Richter tried to take something that was too long for his body to accept comfortably. But due to how flexible this monster was, the tentacle was able to adjust itself to the S-shaped curve of Richter's insides instead of the other way around. Richter froze in place and gasped when he felt it slip beyond where anything else of that length had caused too much discomfort to continue.

It didn't hurt.

It turned out that being entered this far inside wasn't even uncomfortable when the thing penetrating him wasn't trying to straighten out a path for itself. As Richter felt the appendage probe against places that had never been touched before, he began to understand why Emil had grown to be so enthusiastic about depth play. It was electric—a pleasurable fullness combined with the carnal spark of sex.

Considering the glassy sheen of rapture that had settled in Emil's eyes, it was uncertain whether he even noticed that new possibilities were being awakened in Richter right in front of him, but that was alright. It meant that Richter might be able to surprise him later.

Unlike Emil, Richter didn't seem to have any one spot further in that was drastically more sensitive than the rest. The stimulation was all equally distributed along the expanse of how deep the monster had reached. Richter didn't dare look down at himself; he was positive that it had reached far enough in to show and he was sure the sight would push him right over the edge before he could have the chance to savor it.

His restraint was for naught, because watching Emil being ravished right in front of him made the tight coil of desire within him snap only moments later.

Instead of each individual tentacle continuing to move independent of one another, at some point they had twisted together to thrust as a single thick mass. Emil's abdomen expanded and contracted with every push and pull. Ultimately, this sight was what did Richter in. His orgasm hit him so hard that no sound came out—only what little breath was in his lungs in that moment.

Emil barely felt the splash of Richter's ejaculate against him due to how far gone he was. He didn't even have the chance to feel empty between thrusts before the monster pushed all the way in again and again and again. What if his body didn't go back to normal after this? Or his mind, for that matter? What if this experience was finally the one that went too far for even an existence like his to handle and broke something in him?

Soon even those thoughts became nothing against the constant pleasure. The monster had halved how much it pulled out during each thrust in exchange for being able to move twice as fast right up against Emil's stomach.

But just as he felt like he would lose himself, the bulk of the tentacles shivered and did something he didn't expect—they started to withdraw.

A throaty whine passed through Emil's lips. "Don't take them out—" his cry was cut short when the portion of each individual tentacle that remained inside went rigid and then pulsed one after the other. They were pumping something into him. A lot of something. Emil could see the part of their lengths that were outside his body expand and contract from the fluid flowing through them. Next to him, Richter made a noise. It seemed that he was getting a similar treatment, albeit a vastly smaller one since there weren't anywhere near as many in Richter in comparison.

As the pressure built up within, Emil was pushed over the edge. He came hard and his release shot out across Richter's lower abdomen and the surface of the monster beneath the two of them. Due to the sheer volume of the emission, by the time the monster's release had trickled to a stop Emil's stomach was left just as full as when the tentacles had been at their deepest in him. Maybe even more. A part of him wished he could keep it inside even though it would undoubtedly gush out as soon as the tentacles were no longer in the way. Had Emil not been certain it was impossible, he wouldn't have been surprised if he had been filled with enough liquid for it to make it all the way up and out his mouth. Emil himself wasn't sure how to feel about such an outlandish delusion. Although, he thought to himself, for most people willingly getting fucked by monsters was just as fantastical. He had initially worried that Richter would be repulsed by it and counted himself lucky that he hadn't. That in and of itself had been a blessing. It had turned into something else entirely when he had realized Richter was into it.

By the time Emil was able to parse any kind of external stimulus from his other senses, the first thing that he saw and felt was that Richter had reached out to gently caress his torso atop of where the tentacles had been pounding into him. Since the experience had been enough to make Emil's posture wobbly even when on his knees, the liquid that distended his abdomen sloshed around inside even though Richter was only rubbing it lightly. He was so full…the feeling sent such a sated warmth through Emil's body that he whined out a 'no' when the monster finally pulled out of him completely. He had been stretched so wide that he was powerless to prevent whatever the monster had filled him with from spilling out. He clung tightly to Richter as it poured out of him.

When it reached the point where it seemed that whatever remained was too far in to immediately leak out, Richter ceased the calming circles he had been caressing over Emil's stomach and reached around and under to trace a finger around Emil's rim. It was just as soft to the touch as his insides were from how thoroughly it had been worked open. Richter kneaded the tired muscle with the pads of his fingers even though Emil hadn't shown any indication of discomfort. Despite Emil's natural talent for adjusting to things that would be extreme for a normal person, it wasn't bad to check for injury anyway. The copious amount of…ejaculate—Richter supposed that's what it was since it was more or less similar in color and consistency—made it hard to see much of anything. However, Richter concluded that there was no red mixed in with the white, so he was satisfied with the inspection.

…Really, Richter could probably keep slowly fingering him like this if he chose to and be met with no objection. Or even something much more than fingering, considering how wide open Emil was. His hand could probably slide right in…but despite the slight twitch that thought had sent to his groin, Richter saw that Emil's eyelids had begun to droop and decided against it. He withdrew his fingers and rubbed the slick liquid back onto the monster in the absence of anything proper to wipe it off on. He hoped that wasn't offensive to it. Almost as much as he hoped there was some place to wash off once they regained enough wit about them to continue their travels. He didn't want to resort to an arte to condense the water in the air; it would take an effort to maintain long enough to wash properly. Not that he had the energy right now to get up and look around anyway, but that was beside the point.

The monster's form had receded from the walls and ceiling of the cavern, but remained beneath the two and settled down again. It felt a bit weird to just use a living thing as a cushion, but it was better than laying on the bare ground, Richter supposed.

Having Emil curled up against him wasn't helping his thought process either, so he left that problem for his future self to deal with.

- - -

"I'm surprised you managed to find one of these," Ratatosk said. Emil had come to visit him in the Ginnungagap (with Richter reluctantly in tow) and Ratatosk had sensed that there was a new pacted monster since the last visit, so Emil had brought out the latest addition. "They were rare even before I was asleep for several thousand years. Didn't think there were any still around."

Emil's emotions could spill over into Ratatosk and vice versa when they were at a close proximity. Because of this, Ratatosk got an awful grin on his face when he picked up on nervous embarrassment. "Judging by that reaction, I'm sure you've become well acquainted with this little guy."

Emil made a strangled-sounding noise. His skin burned from how red he went.

From across the room, Richter muttered, "Why even make something like that…"

Though Richter probably hadn't been actually addressing Ratatosk at all, he answered anyway. "An early design. The idea of converting sexual energy into mana wasn't a bad one in theory."

In spite of himself, Richter had become curious about the explanation. "In theory?" he repeated.

"Hah!" Ratatosk laughed as if there had been some unheard joke. "It turned out that these were too good at their job. Birthrate dropped all across the board. Had to isolate the lot of them after that, but these guys are resilient little bastards." Ratatosk kneeled down by the monster and gave it a hearty pat. It jiggled from the force but bounced happily at the attention.

Emil wasn't sure if Ratatosk was insulting it or praising it. His own face bore an awkward smile given the subject matter. "I…I can see how that would turn into a problem."

Ratatosk gave a thoughtful hum. "To be honest, these are closer to being lesser spirits than monsters. They don't reproduce, and unless they're completely drained of their mana they don't die of natural causes."

Something about that struck Emil as odd. "They don't reproduce? Then what did…"

"What, you got filled up?" Ratatosk teased. Emil immediately regretted wondering that aloud. His shame did not deter Ratatosk in the slightest. "That's just a byproduct of it trying to absorb too much at once. It usually stores excess energy in the form of a liquid within its body while it converts it into mana. But you're not human, so anything that comes from you is already packed full of mana even before conversion. Basically it just took the stuff it needed and gave the rest back to you. Felt good, didn't it?"

"It—" Emil's first instinct was to deny, but that was pretty pointless for him to do considering their mess of same-but-different existence. He gave up. "…It did, yeah." A mix of humiliation and defeat rolled around in Emil's head. At least that explained why both he and Richter had awoken feeling unexpectedly refreshed despite how physically taxing the encounter should have been. There was a notion in the back of his mind that the level of assuredness that Ratatosk had spoken with meant that at some point he had done the same thing himself, and Emil wasn't sure if that made things better or worse.

It definitely painted Emil's seemingly innate knowledge of monster reproduction in a very different light.

While Emil was working out that internal conflict, Ratatosk had gone back to petting the monster. "You sure you don't want to leave this one with me? If you get hooked, there won't be anyone to give attention to mister stick-up-the-ass over there," Ratatosk said and momentarily inclined his head in Richter's direction.

The look on Richter's face was the embodiment of the word 'unimpressed.'

Though he didn't seem to take it to heart, Emil's already overloaded state of mind had him taking offense to that and began to bicker with Ratatosk (who seemed more amused by this outcome than anything else).

Richter just stood back and wondered how seeing two nearly identical people who also looked like his dead best friend arguing with each other wasn't the weirdest thing in his life.

Chapter 3: Ending 2

Chapter Text

Just as he had thought that, the tentacle ventured further into him. It was still slow in its exploration but in exchange it was thorough and took its time to stimulate each new inch that it touched. Eventually it angled slightly off center and breached into an area that was usually only reachable by larger monsters, and the feeling made Emil shiver with elation. He loved being teased there and this new monster seemed to be able to tell judging by how much it was lavishing attention on that section.

Richter had seen this happen enough to know approximately where it was touching even if he hadn't been able to see a faint shifting outline of the appendage's movements. He traced the path with his fingertips and felt a push against them from the other side. "Good spot?" he asked, though the question was rhetorical at this point. The way Emil moaned and leaned his weight on Richter and slotted his head into the space between his neck and shoulder was all the answer that was necessary. Though that didn't stop Richter from murmuring into his ear, "You're really weak to having things deep, aren't you?" The shiver and hitch in Emil's breath turned up the heat for both of them.

Red-faced, Emil's unsuccessful attempts at words were breathless with the slightest hint of a whine to them. His voice cracked when the tentacle flexed and curled inside.

Though his eyes were dark with desire, Richter's voice was gentle. "Come," he urged softly. "I've got you."

The gentle encouragement and the dexterous movement inside him brought Emil to his first orgasm. In the steady grip of both the monster and Richter, he rode out the waves of pleasure that washed over his entire body. It was only by some miracle that none of it ended up on Richter's clothes in the process. With that in mind, Richter stripped down after he was certain Emil wouldn't fall over without his extra support. He knew this wouldn't end with just one round and he wasn't about to test his luck again.

It seemed that the monster didn't intend to give Emil any rest save for retracting the ones from his chest, since even after the final spurt of the ejaculation he continued to squirm and mewl from the ceaseless motion inside him. The tentacle was more soft and flexible than anything Emil had ever taken, so as it gradually explored further in it wasn't deterred even by what he had thought to be an insurmountable bend at which a typical sexual organ would have been stopped by. A surprised yet pleased cry escaped him in reaction to having something enter him that far for the first time. With all the noise Emil was making, the enthusiastic plea for more that passed his lips once he was able to react verbally may as well have been a formality at this point.

There were plenty of things that Richter could do with Emil that monsters couldn't, but sometimes Richter couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the ones that were able to make Emil feel things that Richter couldn't replicate. That, however, was not mutually exclusive with the fact that he was hard from seeing Emil like this. Richter hadn't intended to participate beyond helping Emil get off or intervene if something was too much, but it seemed that the monster had other plans when it noticed that he was aroused. The tentacles that had wound around Emil's upper arms for support shifted slightly to one side so that Emil wasn't completely covering Richter's front. A much smaller tendril that wasn't even half the thickness of his little finger slithered into the space created between their bodies to coil itself around Richter's erection. It began to stroke languidly, and it was only when the touch had forced him to acknowledge it that Richter finally realized just how turned on he had become. That was unexpectedly thoughtful of it, given that it was already sufficiently occupied with Emil. Maybe this kind of monster had been able to pick up on Richter's predicament?

A drawn-out moan that pitched up at the end escaped Emil. "Mmmh! It's," he spoke between trembling breaths, "going even deeper…!"

While he arched his back and squirmed from his insides being played with, Richter tried to track the wild tangle of movement visible beneath Emil's stomach. Up, across, down…? That was impressive, Richter thought. It seemed that the monster's limb was long enough that it had traversed the entirety of the lower intestine. Richter became distracted wondering what the measurement would be if it was laid out straight. The thought was more arousing than he expected it to be. Either Emil's fetishes were contagious or they had awakened something that had been there to begin with.

Emil removed one of his arms from around Richter so he could feel the long tentacle shift around deeper and deeper against his own palm. "It feels like it's reaching somewhere it shouldn't…" Despite the alarming nature of that statement, Emil's eyes shone with an intense pleasure that was complemented by the sweet cries that escaped him.

"Ghk…!" Richter didn't get the chance to think about those words anyway. The slim tentacle had been focusing some much-needed attention on his slit, but Richter's focus had been divided to at least try to concentrate on what was going on with Emil. As such, he had no time to anticipate when it pressed more and pushed down into it.

The tentacle's natural slickness meant that it didn't hurt, but the shock of having such a sensitive place entered made Richter want to back away from it. If he hadn't been trapped within both the monster's and Emil's grasp, he probably would have. The most he could do was shift his hips around, which didn't accomplish anything. Since he had no frame of reference with this, every little sensation was entirely new. He wondered if having something enter him there was making even more of a mental impact than a physical one. His eyes were glued to the sight of it stretching his urethra just enough to allow itself passage. It moved in and out without hesitation as if that was a normal place for someone to be fucked. Richter was aware that, from the average person's view, a number of things that he and Emil got up to were beyond 'normal,' but that was beside the point.

With each thrust, more of its length slid into Richter. It was such a miniscule fraction each time that it progressed without him realizing it, until his breath hitched when the end of it probed against a spot that made him see stars. Richter had certainly experienced prostate stimulation before, but it had never been from this angle nor had it been this direct. The thrusting motion ceased once his sweet spot had been found and instead the tentacle began a merciless assault with its tip that caused Richter to tense and jolt almost to the point that he may as well have been convulsing from it.

This was bad. That place wasn't even meant to accommodate anything that wasn't liquid, but he could end up getting addicted to this kind of feeling. It was so, so tempting to give into the urge to buck his hips up but Richter was held back by the fear that it would push too hard and damage something within the delicate passage. The tentacle didn't need any help with making him lose his mind anyway. It brought the tension in his groin near to a peak at an alarmingly fast rate and kept him there by stopping just barely a hair short of release. Each time he was sure he would be brought over the edge, and each time he was wrong.

Just when Richter felt that he would go mad from being denied again and again, it finally allowed him solace. It was a strange feeling to reach orgasm while there was no room for his semen to escape, but the relief was still raw enough to choke him up. By the time his spasms had stopped he was left panting for air. As he slumped back into the hold of the bigger tentacles, his heartbeat sounded so loud in his ears that he wondered if all of his blood had rushed straight up from his groin to his head. He definitely felt disoriented enough for that to be the case. There were even spots that danced at the edges of his vision, as if he had passed out—or was about to. Richter had the vague impression that it was probably a while before he became anything close to coherent again. He couldn't even pinpoint when the small tentacle had withdrawn, but he could eventually feel semen sluggishly dripping out of him. With his eyes closed for better focus, he transitioned into breathing carefully through his nose until he could feel his pulse begin to slow down. Then something outside of his own bubble of existence caught his attention.

Emil had made a strange sound—vocally similar to a thin whine that had been abruptly halted halfway through. It was difficult for Richter to come down from the orgasmic high that had clouded the forefront of his mind, but when his eyes landed on Emil he froze and was thrown into a startling lucidity. At first he didn't understand what he was seeing. Even though it was right in front of him he couldn't comprehend it.

Emil's lips were parted, and the tip of the tentacle that had gone into him had now managed to slide a short distance out.

The first response that Richter had was to be filled with panic as terrible thoughts wracked his mind. His upper body pushed forward out of the support the monster had provided and he grabbed Emil by the shoulders.

But Emil's expression was one of bliss.

It was only then that Richter's logic caught up with the rest of him. It was still so easy to forget that Emil wasn't human. The tense nerves and the knot in his stomach were akin to melting ice—the moment of pure dread had passed, but left cold in its wake that would take time to recover.

Emil's head was tilted back slightly to allow for a straighter path up, but due to the difference in height and posture he still ended up looking up at Richter. There was still enough awareness for recognition in Emil's eyes, and his throat made a series of sounds that would have been Richter's name had they been able to pass his lips.

"Are you alright?" Richter asked. There was hesitation in his voice that hung on every syllable—he knew better than most people that Spirit biology was different from other living things, but even while taking that into account this seemed like too much. Yet Emil only made a soft pleased noise and nodded. Richter still frowned. "Doesn't that hurt, not being able to breathe?" This time Richter was answered with a sound that could only be a question, and much to Richter's surprise Emil made a point to exaggerate a brief inhale and exhale through his nose. This led to Richter's brow creasing even more than it already was, albeit for a different reason. "You can breathe?" he couldn't help but ask aloud despite the clear demonstration. Since the tentacle had traveled through Emil's esophagus on its way up, it should have completely blocked off his airway. Differences or not, Richter still hadn't expected that at all. It was one matter for Emil's anatomy to make something possible, but the fact that he seemed to be enjoying it…

Silence fell for a few moments, punctuated only by Emil's occasional muffled utterances whenever the tentacle shifted. Richter stared at the spectacle that was happening right before his eyes. It was a gradual process, but warm relief finally began to flow through Richter's body. While Emil had held his gaze the best he could, Richter noticed some kind of conflict in those wonderful green eyes. They were…jittery? Some emotion that seemed akin to nerves or even guilt, but why?

More sounds that would have been speech escaped Emil the best they could. Together with the expression, Richter pieced together what the hesitant tone and pause halfway through was trying to convey.

'Is this gross?'


Richter wasn't quite sure what he felt about this. Startled and concerned for Emil's safety, absolutely. But not disgusted. Never disgusted. So to see Emil searching for approval like that, as if this hinged on needing permission to take pleasure from it…

Richter determinedly held eye contact right up until he was too close to Emil to see anything but a blur. He lowered his head and licked a stripe up the short portion of the tentacle that had made its way out of Emil's mouth. Emil made a soft noise at the gesture and threaded their fingers together. Richter gave his hand a squeeze and smiled at the way Emil's shoulders relaxed along with the tender contact. Against his better judgement, he let the tip of it settle on his own tongue. The appendage wasted no time once the invitation was offered and lurched down Richter's throat in one go. His gag reflex kicked in far too late to do anything besides tighten around its length.

Yet to his absolute astonishment, after he got over the shock of having so much shoved in all at once, he found that he also was still able to breathe just the same as Emil was. It hadn't been weird Spirit biology at work after all. This phenomenon was even intriguing enough to want to ask Ratatosk about. After Emil had worked tirelessly to discover an alternative to burning mana for a millenia to keep the door in check, it was unheard of for it to be Richter's idea to pay a visit to the Ginnungagap and the Spirit who called it home, but this monster's abilities had made him curious.

As Richter pondered it, the tentacle slowly undulated more of itself into him in an almost rhythmic motion. It seemed unhurried after it had established its position in the first place. Richter swallowed around it, more out of reflex than anything else. The soft and slick appendage actually felt what Richter could only describe as good against the inside of his throat; enough that it drew a muted moan from him. That was probably just as perplexing as the breathing aspect. While Emil could (and often did) get off to giving oral, Richter had always assumed that was a psychological thing. But if what Emil felt like all the time when he sucked off Richter (or a lucky monster) was anything like this, that theory had just been turned completely on its head. Besides, that didn't explain why Richter was suddenly able to feel pleasure from it. Some kind of aphrodisiac, perhaps with a numbing agent that prevented it from being uncomfortable?

This wasn't the first time Richter had wished that he could empty out his mind and just enjoy it.

Eventually there was a brief sensation of pressure before the feeling of something giving in, and Richter noted that the tentacle had become able to move more freely further down. Richter wasn't quite sure how to mentally cope with the fact that it had reached his stomach, but once again he found that there wasn't any discomfort. Though still more of it entered him, it didn't seem to be trying to work itself any further along than that and instead coiled around in itself to occupy the open space as it squirmed within him. That irregular swirling motion was enough to make Richter feel just the smallest bit queasy, but honestly he was turned on enough from everything else that its influence was like a single drop of rain in a lake.

Emil's pleasure peaked sometime right in the middle of all this happening, and it was all Richter could do to have enough presence of mind to hold Emil, who keened around the tentacle that had managed to map out his entire insides. The monster reacted in kind to Emil's internal muscles tightening around it and began to move with vigor. Emil's toes curled as the swift change in stimulation made his orgasm intensify.

Both Emil and Richter felt it halt and tense, and then Richter became aware of the unmistakable sensation of something filling him. Had it not already been in Richter's stomach, he wouldn't have been able to swallow fast enough to stop the hot liquid that it had gushed from overflowing. If this was how much just one produced, what would more of them do…?

After it seemed that the monster had spent everything it had to offer, the tentacle went lax. It was only held in place by how much of it was seated deep within both of them. It sluggishly began to retract after a minute of rest. Despite the fact that it hadn't interfered with oxygen intake, Richter couldn't help but sigh deeply when the last of it finally left his mouth. Apparently Emil felt similar, since he did the same a moment later.

It wasn't just the active tentacle that had lost its vigor; the ones that had been holding the two of them had gone slack as well. Without the extra support, both of them toppled over onto the 'floor' that was really just more of the monster. At this point it felt like a chore to even move. Richter did though; reached a hand over to rest on Emil's cheek. Emil's eyes peered open and he smiled while he put his own hand over Richter's. He still occasionally shifted and twitched weakly, probably because the slow pace the monster moved at meant that there was still some of it left inside. This hypothesis was eventually confirmed when Emil made a soft noise when the last of it finally slipped out. It wobbled in the air for a moment and then disappeared back into the rest of the monster's body.

Richter didn't know what to think about anything anymore. His entire understanding of how human (or at least humanoid) bodies were supposed to work had been left in disarray.

Emil had noticed the troubled expression on his face, and his hand left Richter's in favor of mirroring the gesture by putting his own hand on Richter's cheek. "You're thinking too hard."

He was.

Though tiredness hung over him like a heavy blanket, Emil maneuvered himself into a position where he could comfortably lean in to kiss Richter.

Richter would sooner be a dead man than refuse a kiss from Emil.

It was slow and gentle. The intertwining of their tongues was a welcome substitute to fill in the empty feeling that came with the loss of the tentacle that had been inside both of them. It felt oddly chaste for such a deep kiss. Maybe they were debauched enough from the whole experience that anything seemed tame in comparison right now.

Emil was eventually able to prop himself up on one elbow, and after doing so he gently cupped between Richter's legs. Richter was still half-hard from when the long tentacle had been down his throat, and despite the fact that he had already come once it didn't show any signs of going down soon. If anything, it responded to Emil's feather-light touch by becoming stiffer. Enough for Richter to finally break their kiss.

"It…went into here too, didn't it?" Emil asked now that his mouth was free. His voice had a deceptively shy tone that didn't match how wide his pupils were blown. "How was it?"

Richter's mind drew a complete blank at that question, so he just shook his head incredulously. It wasn't like Emil's hand on him was making it any easier to think, either. "I don't even know how to answer that. I can't compare it to anything I've felt before."

"Did you like it?" Emil asked while he brushed his thumb along the underside of the shaft. Though his touch was light, it prevented Richter from responding as Emil worked him back up to full hardness. The movement of Emil's hand was slow, like their kiss had been. As if mesmerized by it, Emil stared down at the pulsing organ for a long moment, then bent down and lapped at the slit.

Right now even just the slightest touch to that spot was electrifying. "Wai…t, it's still sensitive there," Richter gasped out in protest as Emil purposefully attacked only the head with his tongue. Just like the monster had, he was going right for the places that were the weakest as if it was instinctual. But Emil's actions came from practice, not instinct. He knew Richter felt it best at the tip to begin with even when it wasn't at the mercy of oversensitivity. "St— I'll—!!" Richter's every muscle tensed; he came so fast and hard that by the time it was over his balls ached from the emptiness. Emil happily swallowed it all till the last drop.

It was only after Richter's body went slack that Emil took his mouth off him. His eyes had an uncharacteristically impish glint while he licked his lips. "Thank you for the meal."

As he laid flat on his back and tried to catch his breath, Richter managed to say, "You're unbelievable." The tone of the words wasn't readable with how breathy they were, but Richter wore a fond expression, albeit a tired one. Out of all the people Richter had ever met, he hadn't once thought that Emil would develop such enthusiasm for worldly desires, nor that Richter himself would have any part or interest in granting them.

When Emil leaned over his face, Richter used all the strength he could muster to pull him down and kiss him thoroughly. Emil's mouth had a slightly salty flavor to it—this wasn't the first time Richter had tasted himself on Emil's tongue and it wouldn't be the last.

Despite his occasional jealousness over sharing Emil with his monster companions, Richter remembered to be grateful in times like this since he was almost certain Emil would wring him dry otherwise.

Not that that would be a bad way to go.

This monster, though…it would definitely be seeing a repeat performance once they learned more about it.

- - -

"Oh, that?" Ratatosk asked as if it was a question about something as mundane as the weather. "That monster has…ugh, what did humans call it…metaphysical properties," he said, though he didn't seem certain of the word choice. "Its existence isn't entirely bound to just one plane of reality," he explained. "In other words," Ratatosk approached Richter and poked the front of his throat, "you get the physical sensations without the physical consequences."

Despite the touch only grazing him, Richter's Adam's apple bobbed in reflex. He batted away Ratatosk's hand. Even with the same appearance and shared existence, his demeanor towards the two Spirits was like night and day. Though he wouldn't actually admit that he was impressed, he couldn't help but wonder at the creation of such a being.

"I wouldn't try what Emil did, though," Ratatosk continued while oblivious to Richter's thoughts. He put his palm flat against Richter's stomach. "You've got more durability than a human thanks to your elven blood, but your mortal insides are still probably too fragile to take that kind of treatment. Bet Emil would have loved to see it though."

Emil went beet red and tried to say several words at once, which resulted in gibberish.

With an exasperated sigh, Richter took a deliberately large stride away from the oddly touchy Ratatosk and returned to Emil's side. He was about to suggest that they leave…but while his vision trailed along Emil's flushed cheeks an idea occurred to him. He leaned over and spoke in a low voice so that only Emil would hear. "Even if it's not all the way, I'll work at it so I can take it nice and deep, just for you." Emil's resulting squeak was exactly what Richter had been after.

"Gross," Ratatosk droned from across the room. "Save the dirty talk for when you're alone." He hadn't actually been able to hear what Richter had said, but nobody else needed to know that. Especially not when it got a rise out of both of his guests. Rewriting the laws of the world could get incredibly boring, after all. He had been due for some entertainment.