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Grumpy Sunshine Drabbles


Grumpy Sunshine Drabbles with a hint of outtakes from Two Sides of The Same Coin

Chapter 1: Affection


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"What are you doing?" Bucky asks, bewildered eyes looking down at your arms wrapping around his waist.

"It's a hug," you playfully explain. "I'm showing you affection."

"Affection? I hate it."

"Oh," you shrug, pulling away from him. "Sorry."

He takes another step forward, putting himself back in your embrace. "Do it again."


I'm back... I gave myself a few days off for the first time since I started posting. I touched grass, didn't hunch over my computer like a gremlin, even talked to other people irl. So exciting.

It's time to clear the drafts. This collection is mostly for drabbles (I know it's technically anything under 100 words, but for this purpose it's anything that can stand on its own as a one-shot) and outtakes that I've held onto from Two Sides of The Same Coin. I hope you guys enjoy, and please let me know what you think!

Chapter 2: Alpine


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I'm telling you, you're lucky you've never met that cat," Sam cautions, walking right on your heels. "It's a viscous, little-"

"Watch it," Bucky curtly warns, unlocking the door to his room. He closes the door behind you and Sam and sets his jacket on his small couch. "Alpine, where are you? I've got someone for you to meet."

You scan the room until your eyes fall onto a white cat leisurely stretching out on the window sill before hopping onto the counter in front of Bucky. 

"How's my best girl?" Bucky coos, gently stroking the cat behind the ears. When he sees you smirking at him with an eyebrow slightly raised, he immediately backtracks, "After you, of course."

You shake your head, playfully scoffing, "Of course."

"Well, I hope you're ready to apologize," Sam huffs to the cat, who takes a large swipe at Sam the second he gets close to him. "You see?! Vicious!"

"'s okay," you coo to the cat, slowly moving your hand closer to the counter. "Was Sam mean to you?"

Alpine hesitantly sniffs at your hand, but doesn't back away nor does she try to scratch at you. "See? You were just defending yourself, weren't you?"

"Excuse me?" Sam scoffs.

"Nobody appreciates you. Do they?" you continue as she runs herself against your hand.

"She's a bad cat," Sam insists. 

"She's nothing but a sweetheart," you say, lightly stroking her back.

"Maybe she's just a good just of character," Bucky chuckles.

"I've actually heard that before!" you add. 

"Thanks for that," Sam sarcastically remarks, shaking his head at Alpine. 


In my days away from my computer, I did two things.

One searched myself, online, not like existentially. Anyway, I searched my username and one of you guys tweeted this series. Like, what?! If you by chance see this, thank you so much!

Second, I rejoined Tumblr. This is a shameless self-promo, so if you're not interested that's okay, I'll still be plenty active on AO3. I'm not really sure why, I just remembered how much fun I used to have there. I'm still getting reacquainted with it, but if you guys want to, feel free to go, link is in my profile! Might be a mistake, but I've got my Q+A open and messages for requests or whatever!

Chapter 3: The Interrogation


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Okay, exactly how long is this going to go on?”

You tear your eyes away from Bucky to look at an exasperated Sam, who at some point walked into the conference room without you or Bucky ever noticing. “What do you mean?”

“I mean this!” Sam frantically gestures between the two of you. “You’re acting like a bunch of high schoolers. The puppy eyes. The blushing, the flirting, the longing stares. You’re driving me crazy!”

“You are insane,” Bucky grunts to Sam. At least you think he's talking to Sam, it's a little hard to tell considering he's barely looked away from you and still wryly smirking in your direction. 

“Am I? Because something happened, something neither of you will talk about, and I’m not putting up with it anymore.”

“Nothing happened,” you insist, though you and Bucky share a fleeting, anxious look. 

“What did you do?” Sam demands, staring at Bucky.

“What makes you think I did anything?”

“What did you do?” Sam repeats. 

“Sam,” you interject, shaking your head. 

“Fine, if you two won’t tell me - I know someone else who knows. FRIDAY, can you call Steve to the conference room?”

“Why are you calling Steve?" Bucky questions, though his voice wavers in conviction. "Don’t start involving other people in your weird conspiracies.”

“Weird conspiracies?” Sam scoffs, his accusations cemented after hearing the anxiety and trepidation in the way you and Bucky are speaking. “For almost an entire month, I’ve watched you two watch each other. When I don’t catch him staring at you, you’re staring at him, you two don’t talk anymore, you’re both weird and giggly when you are in the same room. Obviously something happened.”

"Hey...guys," Steve starts, faltering when he feels the strange atmosphere in the room.

"Steve, take a seat," Sam gently urges, gesturing to the seat right beside him. 

“I...I actually have to go. I should go - do that thing,” Steve nervously stammers.

“And I've got a debrief that won't write itself," you lie, abruptly standing up out of your seat. 

“I’ll go help you,” Bucky eagerly offers, fumbling to get out of his seat. 

“Everyone sit,” Sam demandingly orders. All three pairs of eyes remain downcast like petulant children as you all take your seats around the conference table. “Good, now will someone tell me what’s going on?”

Steve, looking particularly uncomfortable, opens his mouth to spill every single detail he has.

“Steve,” Bucky warns, swiftly kicking him in the shin. “Don’t even think about it.”

“Steve,” Sam gently encourages, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder. “It's okay. Just tell me what’s going on and all this will be over.”

Keeping your eye contact with Steve, you subtly shake your head, mouthing, "Don't do it."

“Look at what you’re doing to poor Steve, he’s dripping sweat. How could you do that to Steve?” Sam asks, gesturing to Steve with anxiety literally seeping out of his pores. Your mouth twists as you try to stop yourself from putting Steve out of his misery. “So I’m going to have to pull out the big guns, huh? What about rule number one?”

“Aww…” you groan, clutching the sides of your seat. “Don’t ‘rule number one’ me. It’s not what you think.”

“What’s rule number one? Don’t set things on fire,” Bucky quips, trying to break the frantic, tense atmosphere. 

“No,” Sam states, still pointedly eyeing you to let the guilt trip break your resolve. “It’s honesty. Don’t lie to me, don’t omit things, even if she thinks it’s something that I don’t want to hear. And I give her the same respect.”

"You're not getting anything out of me," you huff, crossing your arms as you sit further back in your seat. 

Sam nods, walking away from you and back to Steve. "A chain is only a strong as it's weakest link. Fold, Steve."

"Don't you dare, Steve," Bucky warns.

"Fold, Steve."

"He's got nothing, Steve! Don't listen to him," you insist. 

"Fold," Sam repeats.

“They kissed! I saw them kissing!” Steve blurts.

"Dude," Bucky winces, throwing his hands up in frustrated defeat. 

"I'm sorry!" Steve sputters. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!"

"It's because you're weak, Steve. Weak," Sam enunciates, leaning over Steve's seat. 


I can't believe that it's finally me and you, you and me, just us...and your friend Steve 🎶🎶

There were like three or four different 'Sam finds out scenes' this one was my second favorite.

Chapter 4: Superhero Landing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Ten bucks says he does it," Sam quietly mutters to you. 

"I'll bet you fifteen he does it with the shield," Bucky adds.

"20 if he lands on his knee with the shield in front of him," you offer in return.

"All three? When was the last time he did all three?" Sam scoffs.

"Take it or leave it."

"You've got yourself a deal," Sam smugly murmurs, looking up to carefully watch Steve's next move. 

You three watch as Steve finally jumps from the elevated platform. Each filled with anticipation, Steve lands on the ground, one knee bent down, and with the shield proudly displayed in front of him. 

"Damn it," Sam hisses.

"Told you, superhero landing," you snicker. 

"I think I need to work on the landing," Steve says, standing up to shake off the landing. 

"No, Steve," you interject, holding your hand behind your back as Sam and Bucky reluctantly hand you your wager. "It was perfect."


You just know that everyone messes with Steve about his superhero landings. You just know it.

Another thing I wanted to Talk about: the ending of the grumpy sunshine series, just Wait, hold on, this isn't an announcement or anythIng. I just wanted to say that I promise I'll let you guys kNow. I've gotten what Feels like quite a few comments and messages about that. It wilL be clear that it's ending. It won't be vAgue or just taper off... and I think you'll see it coming. I proMise this series won't just stop. That's not how I want it to go and it wouldn't fEel right leaving it like that. So let's not worry about that, and enjoy this series for the tooth-rotting fluff it is. Thank you for coming to my ted-talk.

*that was me being cryptic and leaving you guys little hints about what's coming next*

Chapter 5: On Your Left


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Just leave me here to die," you groan, your forearm thrown over your eyes to block out the blinding light.

"Can you please stand up?" Bucky sighs.

"No, he's gonna make me run again."

Bucky's about to speak when he hears Steve's familiar call, "On your left."

"We get it, Steve!" you angrily shout, still splayed out on the grass. 

"People need to see this side of you more often," Bucky quips, watching you glare as Steve laps you again. "Sunshine, my ass."

"I hate you guys," you tiredly exhale. 

"How about we make this fun?"

"How?" you reply, propping yourself up on your elbow. 

5 minutes later...

"On your left," you call.

Sam's eyes snap over his shoulder to possibly the funniest and most infuriating sight he's ever seen. Bucky running with the most smug smile Sam's ever seen, and you slung on Bucky's back with a shit-eating grin to taunt him after he dragged you out of bed for a run. "That's cheating!"

"No one likes a sore loser, Sam," you call over your shoulder, Bucky already leading him by several meters. "Work smarter, not harder!"


I forgot who mentioned the running scene and how Bucky would absolutely mess with Sam if the three of them went running, but yeah... This was that.

Chapter 6: Your Worst Nightmare


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"And who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare," you quickly respond, giving the villain your best stoic expression. The second the words leave your mouth, you sigh, your shoulders slumping. You press you hand to the earpiece. "Okay, no, you were right, Sam. It's corny."

"I told you! No one can pull that off. It's a stupid line," Sam bitterly huffs.

"He's only mad because he tried the line and he couldn't pull it off either," Bucky chuckles over the comms.

"Guys," Steve interjects. "Focus."


I've cracked. This is my descent into madness character arch. Someone intervene, or don't depending on if you like these little drabbles.

Chapter 7: The Bake Sale Outtake


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Are those potato chips?" Sam asks, his eyes suspiciously narrowed at the little plastic containers proudly displayed on MJ's bake sale table.

"They're kitchen sink cookies," MJ languidly shrugs. 

"But what's in them?" Sam reiterates. 

"They're kitchen sink cookies," she repeats with a monotone inflection. 

"But-" Sam starts, only to shake his head as though he's given up asking. "Never mind."


Honestly, I wasn't planning on posting today, but I have been sick all week, which means I have not been writing as much as I would've liked to. Here's a cute little scene that I cut out of The Bake Sale as my way of telling you guys I might not post until later this week. Hope you're all having a great weekend and thanks for understanding!

Chapter 8: Flying


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"You know, sometimes I wish I could fly," you audibly wonder, flipping through the channels in the common room.

"What? Why?" Sam scoffs, reaching across the large bowl of popcorn between the two of you to take the remote from you. 

"I dunno," you shrug, holding the remote just out of Sam’s reach. "I just think it'd be cool."

"Because having powers isn't already cool?"

"But I think flying would be really cool."

"There's a literal cartoon about a kid with your powers," Sam deadpans, an increasingly annoyed look on his face as he tries for the remote again.

"I'm not seeing your point."

"Flying is my thing," he states.  "Stick with your own gimmick."

"Fine," you deeply sigh, your shoulders slumping. The silence remains for a moment, but then you break it again, "Hey, Sam?"


"Can I have a cartoon?"

"No,” he huffs, finally grabbing the remote as you’re distracted. “But maybe someone will write a book about you or something."

"Yeah, okay," you mock in clear disbelief. "Who would read an entire book about us?"


*Insert fourth wall break here*

Chapter 9: Peter

Chapter Text

"Sam?" you call, slowly creeping through the eerie abandoned warehouse. "James?"

You continue walking, the small flame in your hand your only source of light as you scan the area, still alone after somehow being separated. "Peter?"

You suddenly stop, chuckling to yourself, "I don't even know a Peter."

Chapter 10: Affection (Part 2)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Nice haircut," Sam chuckles, ruffling Bucky's newly cut hair.

Bucky swats Sam’s hand away, turning to glare at him. "Don't touch me."

"Jeez, touchy," Sam grumbles, clutching his smacked hand to his chest  

"I just don't like people touching me."

That's when you walk in.

The first thing you do after almost a week away from the Compound is greet Sam with a hug, then you turn all of your attention to Bucky. You practically throw yourself on the couch, curling yourself up next to him, and pecking him on the cheek.

He wrinkles his nose, though the slight smile and faint blush on his face defy the annoyed expression he tries to keep on his face. 

Still curled into Bucky, you take a large deep breath of relief. You reach over running your hand through Bucky's hair. "I like your haircut. Looks nice."

"Thanks," Bucky mutters, quietly relishing in the praise. 

"You know, Bucky doesn't like-" Sam begins.

Bucky abruptly cuts Sam off, shooting a glare over his shoulder. "Shut up, Sam."


Alright, so I must apologize for the very short update this week. I’ve been spending time outside *gasp* and enjoying some birthday celebrations. (And also TS10 announcement celebrations!) I’ll see you guys next week!

Chapter 11: Flufftober: "You've told your parents?"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"So you and Barnes?" the random SHIELD agent whose name keeps evading you asks. "You're like together together?"

"Yeah," you nod, shoving the rest of your gear into your locker. "Sounds about right."

"Like, how serious? Like 'you've told your parents' serious?" A quick, inadvertent snicker leaves your mouth at the agent's question. The agent frowns, clearly unhappy at your reaction to his question, "What?"

You clear your throat, trying your best to stifle laughter. "Sorry, it's really not that funny."

"What?" the agent insists. "Maybe I'll think it's funny."

You highly doubt he will. 

"Orphan," you explain, pointing to yourself. Then you point to Bucky across the room. "Born in 1917. No parents to tell. We did tell Sam though!"

"Who's Sam?"

"What about Sam?" Bucky asks, unsubtly staking his claim by snaking his arm around your waist. 

You roll your eyes at Bucky before turning back to the agent whose name you still can't remember, "Wait, what was your question again?"

"Oh, er... nothing," the agent sheepishly mutters. 

"Alrighty then..." you excessively nod. "Nice talking to you..."

"Tim," the agent supplies, a incredulous look on his face. 

"I knew that," you scoff. 

"Right," the agent murmurs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walks away with a uncomfortable smile and tip of his head. 

"Who the hell was that?" Bucky humorlessly chuckles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 

"Honestly? I have no idea."


Surprise, Flufftober drabble! I'm not going to commit myself to all 31 days, but I thought this was funny. (I will also acknowledge that this prompt was for October 2nd not the 3rd)

Chapter 12: Flufftober: Supporting Silly Quirks/Hobbies


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You were so close to making it back undiscovered.

So, so close.

It was really only because you loved him that you were willing to go such dramatic measures to keep the secret of one of Bucky's favorite pastimes. But just as you're in the home stretch, the hallway leading to your room now in sight, you run right into Sam. Or reason one of two Bucky wanted to keep this secret. 

"Whatcha got there?" Sam asks, nudging his head to the plastic bag you haphazardly tucked behind your back when you saw him approaching you in the hallway. 

Despite knowing exactly what he's talking about, you lift up the clear plastic cup in your right hand. "A smoothie."

He frowns, his eyes narrowing at you. "What are you hiding?"

"Nothing," you guiltily scoff. 

"Alrighty then..." he suspiciously nods. 

Okay," you agree, sidestepping Sam as he stands in the middle of the corridor. "Good talking to you."

Just as you're about to pass him, he quickly grabs the bag from behind your back. "Ah-ha!" He throws the bag open, quickly examining the contents. His eyes flicker back to you, his expression stuttering as he looks at the innocuous balls of yarn in the plastic bag. "It's... yarn? Since when do you know how to knit?"

"Yes..." you slowly agree, nodding your head. "The knitting supplies are for me."

"Everyone in this Compound is so boring now," he groans. "There's nothing to do."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

He shrugs, handing your bag back to you. "Probably."

"Okay... well, I should be going," you awkwardly excuse yourself, jutting your thumb in the direction of your room. You hold up the bag again, "Got lots of knitting to do. Very exciting."

"Call me when you decide to be fun again!" Sam teasingly calls after you.

"Will do!" you shout over your shoulder, quickly scurrying back to your room. 

You've barely unlocked your door when Bucky throws the door open, quickly scanning both sides of the hallway for anyone that might be lurking nearby. "Did anyone see you?"

"God, you're so paranoid," you guffaw, rolling your eyes as you step into your room. "But on a completely unrelated note, you might have to knit Sam a sweater."


Does this count as the babygirlification of Bucky Barnes? Domestification of Bucky Barnes? I don't even know, but I do know this made me laugh harder than it should've.

Chapter 13: Flufftober: "Oh no, you're a Morning person!"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey," Bucky whispers, gently stirring you. You groan, cracking a bleary eye open, the light streaming in through the sheer curtains is enough to get you to shut your eyes again. "Come on. We gotta get up."

"Oh no," you groan, turning out of Bucky's embrace.

He huffs as though you've insulted him by leaving his embrace. "What?"

"You're a morning person," you groggily whine, tossing the comforter over your face.

"It's 11 o'clock," Bucky corrects, tugging the comforter off of your face.

"Still technically morning."

He snorts, brushing your unruly hair out of your face. "Or maybe you're tired because we were up half the night binge watching Friends."

"I'm not seeing your point."


I swear I'm not going to post everyday of Flufftober. I know what it looks like, but I'm not.

Chapter 14: Flufftober: "Shooting Stars"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Wow," you awe looking at the shooting star streaks across the night sky. "You know, apparently, if you wish on a shooting star it'll come true."

The two of you lay side by side on the Compound roof. Bucky sweetly hums, still tracing little stars onto the palm of your hand.

"What do I need to make a wish for?" he asks, watching you more than the meteor shower illuminating the night sky above you. "I've already got everything I want." 

"Aww..." you coo, tenderly stroking his cheek. "You're so lucky no one else was here to witness that corniness."

He rolls his eyes, scoffing, "Please, you love it."

You playfully scrunch your nose, "Yeah. I do."


This physically pained me to write. Physically pained me.

(P.S. This is the prompt for the 8th, but I spent the majority of yesterday without internet, so you get it today!)

Chapter 15: Flufftober: Accidents Don't Happen Accidentally


The thrilling sequel to Secret Moments in a Crowded Room

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Sam!" Bucky bellows down the corridor. 

Your shoulders slump as you hear the commotion barreling down the hallway. You pinch the bridge of your nose, murmuring to yourself, "Not this again."

"Hide me, hide me, hide me," Sam quickly pleads as he bolts into the conference room. 

"He still mad at you?" you wryly guess as he scrambles around the circular table for a place to hide.

"Sam!" Bucky shouts, his voice now just around the corner.

"Definitely," Sam yelps, ducking behind you. "You won't let him kill me, right?" 

"Honestly, I'm surprised he didn't find you earlier," you chuckle over your shoulder. "He was pretty mad last night."

"I already told you-" Sam starts, ducking back behind you as Bucky storms into the room. 

Bucky's eyes narrow, watching as Sam uses you as his human shield. "You've gotta hide behind my girlfriend, Sam? Take it like a man."

"Like a man?" you scoff. "Have you met the women in this Compound?"

"Yeah," Sam agrees, poking his head from over your shoulder. "Stop being sexist, Bucky!'

"Maybe don't mess with him right now, Sam?" you quietly advise. 

"Probably a good idea."

"I'm gonna kill him," Bucky swears. "Let me get my hands on you, Sam."

"I already told you it was an accident!" Sam desperately exclaims. 

"That accident didn't just happen accidentally, Sam!" Bucky fumes. 

"But it did! It was an accident, I swear!" Sam implores, still holding you as his human shield in front of him. 

"Let's look at the evidence, shall we?" Bucky rhetorically asks, pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He unlocks his phone, dramatically tapping away at the screen. "You mean to tell me that, not only did you pick a picture that only you have, you typed 'My OTP', you added heart emojis, and a grumpy sunshine hashtag, all on accident?"

"Okay, see, that I did on purpose," Sam reluctantly admits. 

Bucky accusingly points at Sam. "So we have a confession!" 

"No!" Sam shouts. "I was goofing around after you guys left me and Steve at that stupid gala, I didn't mean to post it!"

"Well, why the hell would you do that?" Bucky counters. "That doesn't even make sense!"

"I don't know, I thought it was funny at the time!" 

Bucky grimaces, glaring at Sam. "I swear to God, Sam, if people start thinking I'm approachable-"

Sam cuts him off with a humorous snort, "No chance of that."

You sigh, looking over your shoulder to glance at Sam, "I thought you didn't want him to kill you?"


I am, once again, back with the Flufftober prompt a day late. Oops. Hope you guys enjoy!

Chapter 16: Flufftober: 'I hate you' - 'I love you too'


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Wait," Bucky falters, standing on the edge of an enemy plane, ready to jump at a moment's notice. Everything on this mission had gone to plan so far, now all that remained was his extraction. "Did you say on three or after three?"

"On three," you definitively reply, watching Bucky's mission from the truck trailing him. 

"After three," Sam replies simultaneously.

"You guys don't know when I'm jumping?" Bucky incredulously demands. 

You scoff through the comm device, "Of course we do!" 

You both cover the small microphone's on your communication devices. With wide eyes Sam quietly hisses, "You don't know when he's jumping?" 

"It was your turn to listen to Steve!" you exclaim in a hushed tone.

"No, it was your turn! I listened to him the last time!"

"Guys!" Bucky shouts, wind swirling around him as he waits for his cue for a safe landing. "I'm on a little bit of a time crunch!"

You and Sam look at each other with winces painting your faces. 

"After three," you both decide, pulling up to the location of Bucky's landing. 

"You sure?" Bucky cautiously questions.

"Of course we're sure!" Sam assures him, though his voice is calm and full of reassurance, you both continue exchanging nervous glances.

"Okay, I see the lake," Bucky informs, silently counting down to ensure he lands in his designated landing zone.

Sam winces as the jet passes above the two of them. The two of you watch as Bucky jumps, completely missing the landing zone prepared for him and diving straight into the frosty lake. "It was before three, wasn't it?" 

"I told you!" you exclaim, dramatically throwing your hands up in the air. You continue watching as Bucky splashes down into the water, you jut your thumb in the direction of the lake, "We should go get him."

Sam nods, slightly bemused, slightly cringing, "Probably."

You briskly walk down the short trail that leads to the large body of water. By the time you both make it to the edge of the lake, you see Bucky furiously storming out of the water, his clothes and gear sloshing with every movement. 

Sam claps a hand over his mouth to suppress his laughter as Bucky passes the both of you with a silent, seething glare. 

"I hate you," Bucky grumbles, fully drenched from head to toe.

"Love you too!' you call after him.


Two in one day? I'm on a roll.

Chapter 17: Flufftober: All The Hugs


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You sling your small backpack over your shoulder, lightly pecking Bucky on the lips as he knits on the couch. "Alright, be back in a few hours."

"Ahem," Bucky loudly clears his throat, dropping his knitting needles. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

You think about it for a moment, patting your hand on each of your back pockets. "Phone, keys, er... I don't think so?"

He stands up off the couch with a confused, furrowed look on his face. "Are we in a fight that I don't know about?"

"No!" you guffaw. "Of course not."

"Are you mad at me or something?"


"Okay, then what's going on?"

"Trying to figure that out myself!" you retort. "Why do you think we're in a fight?"

"Um... maybe because you were trying to leave for a mission like that!" he exclaims like it should be obvious to you. 

You rack your brain about to figure out what you did so differently that Bucky thinks you're upset with him.

Normally, you'd pack your bag an hour before you had to leave. It always drove him crazy, because according to him, if you failed to plan you were planning to fail. He'd warn you that you were going to forget something vital one of these days.

After you were done packing, you'd sit with Bicky for a little, waiting until the absolute last minute you could spare without being late. Then, you'd grab all your things, bag, phone, keys, and place them by the door. 

With a placating smile, you would pad over to where Bucky would always remain pouting on the couch. After a sweet, parting kiss, you'd wrap your arms around him, never wanting to leave his warm embrace. 

"Like wha-" you abruptly stop. An ear to ear grin grows on your face when you finally put it all together. "Hold on, are you, James Buchanan Barnes, asking me if I'm mad at you because you didn't get a hug today?"

"Yes," he scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest with a pouting huff. "Was that not clear?"

"Aww..." you coo, extending your arms out to Bucky. "C'mere, I'll give you all the hugs."


Wow, I'm finally posting one of these on its designated day. I needed to write something extra toothing rotting after the emotional rollercoaster Taylor Swift made me endure this weekend.

Chapter 18: Flufftober: Blankets


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Do you guys really have to do that when I'm right here?" Sam groans, side-eyeing the both of you.

"What?" you innocently ask, not seeing anything particularly wrong with the current movie night set-up.

Sam gestures to the two of you on the other side of the couch. Your legs are thrown over Bucky's lap, your head resting on his chest as the three of you enjoy a quiet movie night.

Bucky's arms are looped around your waist as you both nuzzle as closely together as humanly possible under a blanket that was much too small for two fully grown adults, let alone both you and a super soldier.

And Sam couldn't even see Bucky's hands tracing little patterns on your upper thigh trailing all the way up to your waist.


"We're cold!" you defend. 

"So you both have to be under the same blanket?"

"Our other blanket just disappeared so we only have two blankets. And you're using the other one," you point out, gesturing to the blanket thrown over Sam's head, completely encompassing his body except for his face. 

"Then get another blanket!"

"Oh, I have a solution: Leave!" Bucky sarcastically exclaims, hoping you won't listen to Sam's complaints and buy another blanket after the last one had disappeared under slightly ambiguous circumstances. 

Now, you were only left with two blankets in your shared apartment. The first blanket, that was actually more of a throw, that you were both currently snuggled underneath. And the other a much larger king sized fleece that Sam always laid claim to for movie nights. 

You swat Bucky's shoulder, rolling your eyes at the two of them as Sam continues complaining, "Or- Or you could buy a bigger blanket! And don't even get me started on this whole 'we' thing. It's always 'we' this, 'we' that."

"We're getting annoyed," Bucky mutters under his breath.

The secret Bucky would take to his grave was that the elusive third blanket hadn't gone missing, he knew exactly where it resided, on the back of the highest shelf in the small linen closet where you'd never be able to see it. 

What could he say? He really liked sharing a blanket with you. 


Posting twice today because I hit 400 on Tumblr and 10,000 likes!

Chapter 19: Flufftober: Falling Asleep Together


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Coming back from missions was always particularly difficult for Bucky.

Adrenaline was usually still thrumming in his veins. His muscles still tense, on guard and ready to attack or defend at a moment's notice. His mind raced with what-if's, raked over the mistakes he made on a loop.

He was always keyed up, rattled.

And that was if the mission was successful.

The journey home was never a good time for him. It didn't matter if the jet ride was an hour or 18 hours, it was always grueling, like being forced to run a race after running a marathon.

His shoulders would ache from tension by the time they made it back, his jaw would be sore from clenching his teeth, sometimes he'd find small fingernail marks in the palm of his hand if it was bad enough. 

Most of his team-mates slept.

He could never understand how any of them could go from being in life or death situations to peacefully dozing off into a restful slumber. He envied that about them, he had certainly never been able to do that. He desperately wished that could be him.

Sometimes they'd go on about their excitement of returning home, to their loved one's, prattling on about plans and events that welcomed them.

For a long time, Bucky didn't have that. He didn't have anything to anticipate, to welcome him back.

Even after you'd entered his life, even though he knew if you weren't with him, you'd be waiting for him at the jet hangar with a warm smile and embrace, the return home was arduous at best, downright agonizing at worst.

Most of the time, Bucky sat and stared. He'd focus on the loud roar of the engine just to give him something else to think about. He'd mentally recite the service number on his dog tags on a loop. Count the lightbulbs flickering above and then count them again. 

Tonight, after a mission gone awry, he's especially anxious. Even as you finish bandaging up Sam and Nat with a lighthearted smile, he's unnerved.

It just never gets easier.

He can tell himself over and over that everything and everyone is okay. It doesn't make a difference.

Not the fact that he can see you standing there, sharing laughs and quips.

Not the fact that no one is severely injured.

Not the fact mission was technically successful.

It seems like a purgatory specially reserved for him.

The lights dim in the back of the jet as they prepare for an almost 8 hour journey back to the Compound.

You offer a small smile, not uttering a single word as you sidle up in the seat next to him. You don't ask him if he's okay. You don't make small talk. You don't say anything as though you know any words he'll offer will be for the sole purpose of humoring you.

He almost jolts when he feels your warm hand reach for his, your fingers lacing with his. 

He looks down at your hand, your thumb rubbing small circles into the back of his hand. 

It takes him a moment, but slowly he feels himself physically relax. You rest your head on his shoulder, slotting perfectly in the crook of his shoulder and neck. And to his surprise, he finds himself resting his head on top of yours.

You continue drawing small circles on his hand, each movement slow and soft, keeping a gentle, steady rhythm.

He doesn't even really register his eyelids slowly dropping, his breathing synchronizing to the slow pace of your fingers. 

You breathing slows, each slow inhale and exhale lulling him to sleep.

His eyelids droop, watching as yours do the same.

And with one last exhausted smile, you're both fast asleep.

At ease.

At peace.


Flufftober is almost done *sigh*

Chapter 20: Flufftober: Dear Diary


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was wrong.

So, so wrong.

He shouldn't even been thinking about it.

You'd been so faithful, so honest, and so open with him throughout the entirety of your relationship. 

The two of you were just shy of a year, and it was taunting him at this point.

You were gone, off on an assignment. He was all alone. He couldn't really be blamed for what he was about to do, could he? 

The worst part is that he knew he could get away with it. You would never know. It would be so easy. 

Surely, some boundaries shouldn't be crossed. Some actions couldn't be taken back. 

It was a bad idea. A terrible idea. Temptation at its most cruel. 

But he was so desperate at this point. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to do it. It was just one moment of weakness, right? 

It would be fine. You would be none the wiser. Things could continue as normal after the betrayal he couldn't stop himself from committing on this quiet, lonely night. 

He was pacing the bedroom, right in front of the bed the two of you slept in each night. He was almost wearing a path into the floor as he tried to rationalize what he was about to do. 

"Screw it," he decides, reaching for the very source of his temptation.

Dear diary....

Hello, James. 

He freezes, almost dropping your journal where he stands in complete shock.

At this very moment, he was cursing Sam for even putting the idea in his head. He was cursing himself for listening in the first place, especially after he told Sam that reading your journal was an egregious violation of privacy. 

He just wanted to find the perfect gift for you. To find something you wanted so badly for your approaching anniversary. 

He was sick of his gifts looking lousy in comparison to whatever magically perfect gift you got. It wasn't just him either, it was everyone.

For Sam's birthday a few months ago, you called his sister to find out what his most cherished childhood possession was. It was some toy that had been discontinued decades ago, and yet, you tracked down the last one in existence from a collector and gave it to him. Sam could still be caught playing with the stupid thing. 

For Bucky's birthday, you tracked down an old book of his mother's recipes. Bucky choked up at the mere sight of his mother's handwriting. And then you surprised him with a dinner consisting of near identical recreations of his favorite dishes.  

Bucky considered himself a pretty thoughtful person, but his gifts were always so exponentially inferior to yours.

Of course, you never told him that. You would gleam and glisten at whatever he gifted, but he knew, he knew.

Lost in his desperation, he sunk so low that he listened to Sam. He actually took Sam's terrible advice: just a quick glimpse in to your journal to get an idea of something that would take your breath away.

He looks back down at the page, clearly addressed to him: 

I knew Sam would break you.

He hangs his head, a groan of defeat leaving his mouth as he braces himself to face whatever words awaited him next.

You should know that I'm not actually upset. Mostly because I know you're going to beat yourself up for listening to Sam in the first place.

Steve told me you were having a hard time finding a gift for me. (He really can't keep a secret, so I'm not sure why you told him.)

Anyway, please know that I loved all the gifts you've ever given me.

(Steve also told me that you thought I was just being nice. Seriously, stop telling him secrets.) 

It's the thought that counts. I love them because they came from you. Stop worrying, it's not a contest.

P.S. Wouldn't it be funny if you actually didn't follow Sam's advice and this letter was for nothing? 

P.P.S. If it were a contest, I would win. But it's not!

Love you! 

He loudly groans. Though your words were comforting, he was still at square one and now even more determined to out-gift you. And now, you were onto him. "Damn it." 


I feel like a villain after writing things like this, that first part...

This is me soft launching me hitting a year on AO3 next month! Can you guys believe this series isn't even a year old?! I haven't even been on AO3 an entire year? Can you tell? *yes, yes, you can*

Chapter 21: Flufftober: Slow Dancing


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

He knew that no one would believe him if he told them it was one of his favorite things in the world.

Perhaps it was simply because he was a man from the 40's.

Maybe it just reminded him of a simpler time in his life. A time before all the hurt, before his mind was tainted with all the ugliness he'd seen in the world, before his heart was painted blue. 

But he didn't think that was it.

No, he likes the way the warmth of your palms radiate through his shirt.

He likes that he can hear the way your heart rate slightly spike in anticipation when he dropped the needle onto a chosen vinyl record, just for it to slow as you rest your head against his shoulder.

Sometimes he doesn't even follow the rhythm of the music, but the steady thump of your beating heart.

He likes holding his hand out to you. He's giddy when he sees that shy smile on your face when you look up at him, a faint flush appearing on your face every time without fail.

He likes the all encompassing warmth that envelopes him as you secure your arms around him. He likes that he can feel your breath dance just above the collar of his shirt.

And the way your thumb will stroke his cheek, trailing down to his jawline.

He likes the way his breath catches in his throat when you press your lips to his shoulder, sometimes you'll press the most gentle of kisses just beneath his jaw, on his neck.

He'll never get enough of the goosebumps that erupt all over his skin when you do that. 

He likes that he'll never have to doubt that your hand will hold his. No words need to be shared. That for just a few moments, all the worries of the world seem to disappear. That nothing else matters in that moment except you and him. 

No one would ever believe him if he told them that it was one of his favorite things in the world.

But it was.

It really was. 


On the last day of flufftober...

Chapter 22: Halloween


(Pre-Established Grumpy x Sunshine)

Chapter Text

"This is a stupid idea," Bucky deadpans, shoving the garment bag back in Steve's hand. 

"What?" Steve playfully exclaims, having spent the last thirty minutes in the common room trying to convince Bucky of their group costume. This was the only year Steve had even come close to getting Bucky to be a part of the group costume - and Steve knew it was for one very specific reason. "Come on! This is great, it'll be amazing!"

"We have very different definitions of amazing."

"It's the Three Musketeers," Steve continues, holding up his own costume. "That's a great costume!"

"It's really not."

"Shame that you think so," Steve dramatically sighs. 

Bucky's known Steve far too long to not be able to hear the meddling, masterminding undertone in Steve's words. Bucky quietly groans, his head thrown to the side. "And why is that Steve?"

"Nothing. I just - I might've heard that a certain someone is looking forward to seeing all the different costumes tonight. Maybe a special someone's costume."

And there it was. He didn't even need to look at Steve to see the insinuating smirk on his face. "Don't start."

"I also heard that she couldn't believe it when someone told her you were not only dressing up, but in a group costume too."

Bucky can almost picture it. The way your face would light up when you'd see him in this stupid costume. You'd laugh with him. You'd probably be so excited that he was making more of an active effort to be a real part of the team. Even more excited at the prospect of seeing him in a silly costume.

"And who would've said all that, Steve?" Bucky grumbles.

"I mean - I don't - I wouldn't know," Steve stiltedly lies.

"You're a terrible liar, you know that?"

"I may have heard that a few times," Steve quips.

Bucky takes another look at the costume, picturing the amount of embarrassment he'd have to endure wearing that atrocity. But not just an atrocity, a group atrocity, "No, no, I'm not! I'm not doing it!"

"Fine," Steve dramatically shrugs. "Imagine her disappointment when you're the only one that didn't dress up for the costume party. That you left Sam and me hanging."

And then he pictures the stutter in your smile when you realize that he's not going to be in costume like Steve so clearly told you he would be. He knows you probably wouldn't even say anything, you certainly wouldn't make him feel bad about it.

But he really wants to see that first image he had in his head. 

"Hey guys!" you greet, suddenly walking into the room with your own garment bag in hand. You nudge your head to the two opaque bags, "Getting ready for the costume party? I'm so excited, I've never celebrated Halloween before!"

"We're so excited," Steve eagerly replies, nudging Bucky with his elbow. "Aren't we, Buck?"

Bucky does his best to give a smile, but it ends up looking more like a pained cringe. He gives you a weak thumbs up, "So excited."

"What are you guys going as?" you quickly ask. Then you shake your head, retracting your previous question, "No, no, on second thought, don't tell me. Sam told me it's pretty cool though."

"So cool," Bucky reluctantly agrees, wanting the floor to swallow him whole. 

"Wanda's helping me get ready, but I'll see you guys tonight," you promise, waving at the two of them as you leave the common room.

Steve cheekily grins, "So?"

Even if he has to look incredibly stupid right next to Sam and Steve for a few hours, Bucky decides if he even sees a fraction of that excitement on your face, there's no way he can't not do it. Especially after he told you he would. 

He snatches the costume back from Steve's hand, ignoring the cheeky smirk on Steve's face. "Fine."

Chapter 23: Flufftober: A Sweet Treat (Halloween Pt. 2)


(Established Grumpy x Sunshine)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"This is going to be so much fun," you tell Sam, carrying a large bowl of candy to the front of the Tower. 

"Where is Bucky anyway? No way he's ditching us, if we have to suffer, we suffer together," Sam pointedly remarks. 

"Handing out candy is suffering?" you guffaw, placing the bowl of candy on the small side table you set up earlier. 

"I just don't understand how we got stuck with trick or treating duty," Sam grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. 

You roll your eyes, repeating the reasoning for what felt like the dozenth time, "Nat, Wanda, and Vision are on assignment. Tony and Clint are with their own kids. And this is punishment for that whole armory thing a couple weeks ago, remember? And the only reason Steve isn't here is because he's going to children's hospitals tonight."

"I still maintain that we did nothing wrong. It was all Steve and Bucky."

"What's so bad about this anyway? We got to put up some cool decorations," you say, gesturing to the fake spider webs that cover the entryway, the glowing jack o' lanterns each member of the team had carved, along with the flickering lights the three of you had spent all day putting up, "And we get to hand out sweet treats to kids, sounds like a good night to me."

"I guess," Sam sighs. His begrudged expression dropping as he takes in the sight of your matching costumes, "Pretty good costumes too."

"Right!" you excitedly agree, looking down to your matching costumes.

Sam was wearing a Thing 1 costume, while you matched him wearing a Thing 2 costume. The both of you wearing fuzzy little blue caps to match the ensemble. 

It was a funny little nod to the day Tony had assigned you three with trick or treat duty when he offhandedly called you two Thing 1 and Thing 2 with the amount of trouble you and Sam always found yourselves in. 

You both exchanged knowing looks in the conference room, silently agreeing on your costumes right then and there. 

Bucky was not as agreeable about tonight.

He didn't want to dress up, much less go out and have to find a costume. You solved that by offering to get a costume for him. Something nice. Something you knew everyone would love. 

He just didn't think to look in his costume bag until you and Sam were already dressed and out the door. He pulled it on, and had refused to step outside since. 

"Seriously, where is he?" Sam demands again.

"I'm right here," Bucky grumbles from the other side of the door. 

"Well, what are you doing? Get out here!" 

"I'm not stepping outside in this."

"What's wrong with it?" you innocently ask.

"I can not be seen like this," Bucky firmly declines. "I will never live it down."

"Please," you gently plead, still speaking through the door. "I really wanted to see your costume."

"Do it for the children," Sam taunts.

"If Sam says one word," Bucky threatens. "I will not be held responsible for what the children see me do to you."

"It's not like we're not dressed up too," Sam retorts, adjusting the blue fur hat on his head. 

"Come on, I thought it was a great costume!" you cajole. "Pretty please?"

Bucky shuts his eyes, steeling himself for the teasing he knows he's going to face after this. He takes one last deep breath, opening the front door to reveal his costume.

More specifically, his full length Cat In The Hat costume. 

"Oh my God," Sam slowly exclaims, his mouth literally dropping in glee when he finally sees Bucky in full costume.

"You look so great!" you marvel. "But where's the nose?"

Bucky frowns deeply, pulling at the chin strap that holds the long, red and white striped hat up, "I can where the nose or the hat. Not both."

"You did this to him?" Sam laughs, his eyes watering and laughter racking through his entire body. "Thank you, thank you so much!"

"What?" you innocently shrug, turning away from Sam to put a gentle arm around a particularly grumpy Bucky. "He didn't want to be one of the Things, but I wanted to stick with the theme."

"This is the best Halloween ever!" Sam decides, still unable to cease his overzealous laughter. 


A surprise addition to close out Flufftober, 2 Halloween drabbles!

Chapter 24: Fury Finds Out


Anonymous request from Tumblr: "What are some moments with sunshine, Bucky, and nick fury? Like when fury found out about them, he seeing some pda? And/Or what about sunshine and nick? Like it was nick’s birthday and sunshine gave him a present and cake."


I want to preface this with usually these things are very planned out. Like intricately planned out. There's an entire Google Doc of my babbling ideas.
Every time I think there isn't going to be more to explore, you guys flip another stone and boom, a dozen more ideas just like that. So thank you so much for sharing!
This is very off the cuff, and I may or may not explore this more, but this scene played out in my head and I thought it was funny, so... Here you go!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"No," Sam hisses into the phone, turned away from the conference room table as more of your team-mates filter into the conference room. "I'm not covering for you again. Fury's gonna be here today so you both need to get your asses here."

"Please?" you plead. "We're already in the city. We won't even make it back in time. Please?"


"Please, please, please?" you implore.

"No. No-"

"Okay, thank you so much, Sam. Love you! Bye!"

"I-" Sam starts, only to be cut off by the little beep of a dead line. He angrily exhales at the dark phone screen. "Damn it."

Clint chuckles at Sam's expression. "They're not coming, are they?"

"No," Sam huffs. "They're not."

"Have fun explaining that to Fury," Clint snickers.

"Do not make this worse for me," Sam warns, already dreading telling Nick Fury that half the team hadn't even shown up for this meeting.

But he, the responsible Avenger that showed up prepared and 15 minutes early, was now going to have to answer for his truant teammates.

"Come on," Clint guffaws. "Doesn't matter what I say. Fury's got massive blindspots when it comes to anything about his golden child. "

"Do not make this meeting any worse for me, Clint," Sam pointedly repeats.

Clint continues, brushing off Sam's comment with another teasing remark. "You're telling me that he doesn't? The man is the literal director of SHIELD. He knows what happens in this Compound before the thought even occurs to anyone, and he hasn't figured out that his golden child has now moved in with Bucky?"

"Don't start," Sam sighs, not meeting Clint's probing gaze.

Clint knowingly gasps, his new realization lighting up his entire face. "Oh my God, he doesn't even know they're together, does he?"

Sam falters for a moment, silently cursing both you and Bucky for what he was going to have to put up with today. "But that's none of our business and we most certainly aren't going to say anything about it before they can!"

"But they're not here now, are they?" Clint challenges, a mischievous grin firmly planted on his face. "This is gonna be an amazing meeting. I can feel it already."

Sam leans over the table, planting both his hand on either side of him. "Please, Clint. I beg you to keep your mouth shut."

Clint shrugs, nonchalantly settling back in his chair. "You're just lucky Steve's not here. He'd fold the second Nick asked where they are."

"Where who is?" Nick questions, striding into the room.

"Um... it looks like a few of our fellow teammates will not be here today," Sam reluctantly informs, once again, silently cursing you and Bucky for making him cover for the two of you. Again. "They send their regards."

It wasn't that Sam was scared of Nick Fury, but he definitely didn't like the grimace already forming on Fury's face before he's even spoken.

And the thing was, Sam already knew that Nick Fury had an undeniable soft spot reserved for you. That soft spot undoubtedly came with perks, but that also meant Fury was very protective over you. Nick Fury being Nick Fury would never truly admit it, but he cared immensely about you.

Sam didn't really think you were deliberately hiding your relationship from Nick, you didn't see Nick very often and when you did it was usually in passing. One thing Sam did know, is that today of all days, in a meeting about an extremely important upcoming mission, and from Clint of all people, would be a terrible way to break that news to Nick Fury.

Nick opens his mouth to speak, but Sam cuts him off, quickly adding, "But I will relay any and all information to them."

"You could probably just tell Bucky, they're very close these days," Clint teases, using his hand to cover his suggestive smirk.

Sam isn't sure whether Clint's insinuation really does just go over Nick's head or if he's just choosing to ignore Clint, but Nick turns back to Sam with a frown. "And why isn't the entire team present?"

"Steve and Natasha believe they found a new lead in their assignment, so they are currently leading a recon mission. They'll be back later today," Sam informs, avoiding the subject of you and Bucky.

"And?" Clint prompts, a wicked grin on his face that tells Sam that he's enjoying the torment he's causing far too much to stop.

Sam clears his throat, biting back the obscenities he desperately wants to hurl at Clint. Sam gestures to the two glaringly open seats where you and Bucky both usually sit, "And they have both decided to take a personal day."

"At the same time?" Clint muses. "Isn't that strange?"

Sam sucks in an angry breath, sharply kicking Clint's shin underneath the table.

Nick cuts Clint off with the wave of his hand. "What she, or any of the other team for that matter, does on their off time is none of my concern."

"More like who."

"Clint," Sam sharply admonishes.

And with Clint's little snide comment, it all suddenly clicks into place for Fury, the realization hitting him like a truck. "Motherfu-"


I emerge from my Ticketmaster queue depression once again with a request from Tumblr. Let me know what you guys think!

Chapter 25: Comfortember: Exhaustion


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey," Bucky gently coaxes. He stands behind your seat, lowering himself to wraps both his arms around you. He kisses the top of your head, speaking lowly, "It's late. Come to bed."

You sleepily hum, wanting nothing more than a good night's sleep. Still, you were desperate to prove yourself and even more determined to have the perfect plan all drawn up for tomorrow's mission. Your first one as mission leader.

It all needed to go perfectly. So here you sat, at the kitchen table, papers covering every inch of the table, the dim room only lit by the small lamp to the side of you and the string lights above you.  

You slowly exhale, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder. "Just running through this again."

"It's late," he reminds you as you look up at him with a tired smile. "And you're exhausted."

"I just want to make sure everything goes right tomorrow."

"And it will," Bucky promises. 

"But what if it doesn't?"

"But it will."


He closes the file in front of you. "It will."

He moves from behind you to stand in front of you, forcing you to meet his striking gaze. "Tell me why you're so nervous."

You rest your head against him, the exhaustion weighing on you even more with every passing moment. "No one ever trusts me with anything. And if I mess up, no one ever will again."

Bucky gently strokes your head, still rested up against his abdomen. "That's not true. I trust you. And I don't trust anyone."

"You don't count. You love me too much."

He softly chuckles, still stroking the back of your crestfallen head. "Can you please look at me?' You reluctantly look up off the floor with a defeated sigh. His heart almost breaks at the exhaustion etched into your face, the glassiness of your eyes from stress and lack of sleep. "They gave you this mission because you're the best person for it. Because you're smart, quick on your feet, and because they trust you implicitly. And you're going to kick ass tomorrow. I promise."

You sigh, "I know it's silly-"

"It's not silly. It's perfectly normal to be nervous, but your plan is Sam-proof. I'd tell you if it wasn't."

"Don't you mean idiot-proof?"

"Same thing," he quips, relishing in the feeling of finally getting a small chuckle out of you after so many stress-filled days of planning. "Now, can we please go to bed? I miss you."

"You are such a softie, you know that?" 

"Just don't tell anyone else, I've got a reputation to uphold," he retorts. "Now let's get some sleep."


You place your hand in his, allowing him to pull you up off your desk chair. You smile up at him as he drags you to where a peaceful slumber awaits, feeling particularly thankful that somehow all the stars and planets aligned, and fate had brought you to Bucky, to your person.


I bet you've asked yourselves why didn't I do comfortember? (literally no one asked) BUT I DID. I was saving them for this very occasion.

The biggest problem with these prompt challenges is that a lot of the time the prompts are things I've already explored in the series. I didn't do all of the days, but it was still a lot of fun. I hope you guys enjoy!

P.S. before anyone gets on me about not abiding to my break, I am. Usually I don't pre-write author's notes, but these are. So there, I'm still MIA (missing in authoring) I'll let you guys know when I'm back 💛

Chapter 26: Comfortember: Anxiety Attack


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

People had a lot of misconceptions about Bucky. They had a lot of misconceptions about mental health. It really only made sense that they had a lot of misconceptions about Bucky's mental health.

People often thought of anxiety attacks as rocking back and forth, tears streaming down flushed cheeks, a heart beating so fast that it felt like it would break free from its cage, and a lot of other actions that were generally untrue for Bucky. 

He sat and stared most of the time. Completely motionless, unblinking, unmoving, like the smallest motion would break him into a million little pieces. 

His heart raced, but it didn't feel like it raced. It was like his heart had been ripped out before him. He couldn't feel its beat. Sometimes, he was truly convinced that his heart no longer beat. It was the only thing that could explain the numb, lifeless, soul-killing feeling that took root in the marrow of his bones. 

It was like his exterior had to freeze in order to keep up with his racing interior.

His eyes naturally fall on a blank spot on the wall. He sits and stares so intently that the wall loses all characteristics, all noises sound so distant they can't reach his muddled mind, he's nothing and everything in this moment. 

In the distance, he hears you chirp a greeting as you throw the front door open. 

He wants it to faze him, for the sound to snap it out of him, but it doesn't. He's trapped within himself.


"Honey?" you call.

He can hear your footsteps getting closer. In this state of mind, he wonders if this will be the time you've finally had enough of him. That you can't take it when he gets like this. That you need a person who isn't so... fucked in the head. 

"Oh," you quietly breathe. 

He waits for it.

For the inevitable to happen.

Maybe you'll be kind about it, suggest he get more help.

Maybe you'll tell him that you can still be friends.

Maybe, one day, if he wasn't too late, he'd become worthy of calling himself yours.

But it's not an 'oh' of disappointment, not one of frustration, of sadness, and God forbid, not one of pity.

It's just an 'oh'.

A sound of acceptance and understanding. 

You don't touch him. You don't speak. You don't do anything. 

You take a seat next to him on the couch, just close enough that he can feel the warmth of your proximity, just enough to let him know that you're right there with him. 

And just like all those times before, he slowly finds his way back to himself, back to you. 


You know what's real progress? Writing this and realizing that it's been so long since I've had a panic or anxiety attack that I had to really think about it because it feels like it's so far away.

Anyway... are we enjoying Comfortember? Is it comforting anyone?

Chapter 27: Comfortember: Lost


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Well, it's official, we're lost," you declare, you and Bucky off standing to the side of his car that he pulled over just moments ago. 

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Bucky sarcastically remarks, the two of you looking in the direction you were just aimlessly heading down.

"Oh, come on, lighten up," you tease, grabbing Bucky's arm to place it around your shoulders. He rolls his eyes, but still pulls you closer into his embrace. "There's no one I'd rather be lost with."

He playfully grunts, raising his eyebrow slightly. "Thanks for that."

"I'm serious," you exclaim. "Look at this view! Got a super soldier to keep me toasty warm. This is great."

"It has been a great day," Bucky wistfully agrees. He takes a moment to enjoy how nice of a day it's actually been. Cruising all around upstate New York. No calls. No missions. No assignments looming around the corner. Watching from his peripheral as you sang and danced in the passenger seat. Holding the steering wheel with one hand, holding your hand with the other. It was a perfect day. It was more than either of you usually got in your line of work. Bucky sighs deeply, sparing one last kiss to the top of your head before removing his arm from around your shoulders. "Guess we should figure out our way back."

"Why?" you wonder.


You languidly shrug, truly unbothered at the thought of being lost. "Why do we have to figure out our way back right now? We've both got the weekend off, no place to be, nothing that needs our immediate attention. Why do we have to go back right this second?"

Bucky ponders your words for a moment. And honestly, he can't think of a good reason. You're right, it's not a bad place to be lost. The fall leaves were still brightly colored instead of a dull browns and yellows, they dusted the road, rhythmically falling on the windshield as you coasted down the long, winding roads without a care in the world. The sun was setting along the horizon, giving everything in sight a nice golden glow. 

"So what do you suggest?"

You look up at him with a warm smile and an adoring gleam in your eye. "That we just keep driving."


I was absolutely not listening to ATWTMVTVSGAVRALPS while writing this. Because that wouldn't make sense. Like at all.

Chapter 28: Comfortember: Comfort Item


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sam sighs deeply at the sight of your triumphant grin. "I said you could bring one thing to the stakeout! One thing! Like a comfort item or a blanket or literally anything else!"

"I did bring a comfort item," you state, a mischievous grin on your face as you gesture to Bucky. "He's my comfort item."

"I hate you guys," Sam mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"So he can stay?"

"Just get in the car!"


One of my favorite parts of this series, is that there's not one specific member of the trio that's 'the idiot'. They all take turns having that role. Between the three of them exists exactly one brain cell, constantly being rotated in and out.

Chapter 29: Comfortember: Cold

Chapter Text

"Did you mess with the thermostat or something?" you question, curling further into Bucky's your sweater as you walk out of your bedroom. "It's freezing in here."

"Hmm..." Bucky audibly thinks, theatrically tapping his chin in hopes it'll sell his bold-faced lie. "Nope. Not that I can think of."

"Okay, let me just-" you start, taking a step towards the thermostat. 

"But," Bucky quickly interjects, halting your steps, "Tony did say something about maintenance today."

"Maintenance on the thermostats?" you repeat, a doubtful, furrowed expression on your face. 

"I mean, it is what it is," Bucky shrugs, lifting the big, fuzzy blanket off of his lap in a gesture for you to join him. "But I am more than willing to just sit on the couch and cuddle under a blanket. For the sake of being warm, of course."

You furrow your eyebrows again, a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth. "Of course."

You join Bucky on the couch, swinging your legs over his lap. He wears a proud grin, fairly confident his masterminding schemes have gone undetected as he throws the blanket over the both of you. 

He sighs in contentment as his arms snake around you. "This is nice."

You allow him one singular moment to believe that you bought his silly little lie before you turn to him, placing your arms around his shoulder to give him a knowing look. "You messed with the thermostat, didn't you?"

"What?" he guiltily guffaws. "Me? Mess with the thermostat? I would never." You turn to look at him with a disbelieving look, stopping his attempts to sell his story. "Okay, my hand might've slipped and accidentally turned off the thermostat."

"Accidentally?" you tease with an eyebrow raised.

"Accidentally. On purpose. Semantics, really."

You chuckle, rolling your eyes as you settle your head against his chest again. "You're so lucky I love you and your dorky little schemes."

He sleepily hums, his eyes shutting as you both nuzzle closer together, "Yeah, I am."

Chapter 30: Comfortember: Self-Care


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, did you guys-" Sam starts, bursting through your front door to see Bucky jolt as he sits on the couch faced away from him. 

"Sam," Bucky awkwardly states, still facing away from Sam. "How'd you get in here?"

Sam falters from the entryway. "I, uh, I have a key. Is everything okay?"

Bucky uncomfortably clears his throat. "Everything's great. Just didn't know we gave you a key."

"We? No. Your girlfriend, yeah." Sam takes another step toward the couch, seated in the middle of the apartment. "Are you... wearing a headband?"

"It's a sweat band," Bucky grunts, angling himself further away from Sam's view. 

Sam takes another step forward, craning his neck to look at Bucky. "Sweat bands aren't fuzzy."

In that moment, as Sam rounds the couch, Bucky decides there are two ways he can play this: One, he can go on the defensive. Or, he could own the self care day you and him were currently enjoying. He turns around to face Sam with an unimpressed frown, though that hardened expression is mostly covered by a freshly placed face mask. "It's called self care, Sam. You should try it sometime."

"Oh, hey, Sam!" you greet, suddenly walking into the room. "Wanna do face masks with us?"  

Sam blithely shrugs. "Okay!"


notice in this drabble that Sam completely forgot why he came to Bucky and Sunshine's apartment for, and instead does face masks with them.

Chapter 31: Comfortember: Flowers


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

One of the hallmarks of your presence was flowers.

You kept them everywhere in your apartment. 

Now, Bucky wasn't a plant person. He didn't have a green thumb. He could barely keep the little cactus on the windowsill alive. 

Very little of it made sense to him. Scientific names of flowers, why different plants needed different climates to survive, how you could tell the difference.

He could, however, listen to you talk about flowers and plants and all that other nature stuff all day, but it had very little to do with any interest in starting a plant nursery and everything to do with the way you'd glisten and gleam with your entire face lit up as you told him about your newest addition to your garden. 

It was a little comical to Bucky. You didn't think you were very smart. He only wished that you could see yourself from his point of view when you rattled off dozens of scientific names of plants and flowers he had no idea existed, or when you would start explaining the long history of flowers being used as symbols in literature like it was common knowledge. 

To be fair, it was easier for you. To keep a plant alive didn't take all that much effort for you, and on the very slim chance a plant died on your watch, you could always bring it back with a wave of your hand. 

Because of that, you'd told Bucky that he didn't have to watch over your plants a million times. You told him that it wasn't a big deal and you didn't want to add another responsibility to his normal routine. 

And usually, that was fine for Bucky. You normally were only gone a few days. 

This time, he was going on day 22.

It happened every once in a while. A mission that wouldn't go right in spite of everyone's best efforts. You called him whenever you got a minute to yourself to keep him posted on how you were doing and how the assignment was progressing, but the separation was always taxing.  

He knew you would always come back. In that he had faith. There really wasn't another choice but to have faith, he wouldn't and couldn't accept any other fate.

But it was always a little sad when the plants that adorned your apartment started to wilt, slowly drooping down day by day, going limp with lifelessness. Instead of walking by a windowsill filled with little reminders of you, he was haunted by the absence of you. 

He noticed it on day 7. The slight drooping of leaves and stems as he walked around the apartment, your two pets following him around as he took in the slightly depressing sight.

His heartstrings were already strained from the absence of his person. And watching as one of the things you loved most in the world slowly wither away, he couldn't take it. But especially on day 10, when one of your more fickle plants, some kind of orchid or something, started losing its petals. 

He didn't care about plants. Not in the slightest. But when he woke that morning to see orchid petals on the floor, horror struck in his heart as he gasped with sorrow. 

All of day 10 and 11, he spent asking anyone who would listen about reviving an orchid. 

He dragged Sam into his apartment, citing an emergency. And when they got to the apartment, Bucky gestured to the flower petals on the floor. He was so desperate, he asked Sam how he should fix it, figuring Sam had learned a thing or two about plants when you two lived together. Instead of anything remotely helpful, Sam looked at him strangely. "Don't you just water it?"

"No," Bucky sighs like Sam should already know this. "You can't just water an orchid."

"Why not?"

"I don't know." 

"Look at you," Sam teases, nudging Bucky with his elbow as Bucky stares at all your slowly dying plants. "All domestic now, watering plants, massacring orchids." 

"Why do I even bother asking you for help?"

"Honestly, no idea."

On day 12, he got to researching. Bucky still wasn't very good at the whole Internet, smartphone thing, but for you he was willing to try. He spent hours trying to identify your plants, writing down how each one needed to be cared for. 

And he had to hand it to you, because you made it look so easy. 

Bright and early on day 13, he got to work. Working his way through each and every plant in the apartment, cross-referencing his scribbled notes. He spent almost an entire day hunched over, checking the humidity points in the apartment, misting plants, drenching others, shifting pots so they faced the sun correctly. 

His heart almost shattered when another petal fell that day. But he persevered, following his researched methods to a T.  

And finally, when he woke on day 14, he noticed some slight improvements. 

And by day 24, things were looking pretty good. Except maybe for an annoyed dog and cat that were looking at him like an obsessive crazy person. And Bucky could concede that maybe they had a point. 

And he was so glad he was a slightly obsessive crazy person, because on day 25 you called with the best news he'd heard in the last 25 days: you were finally coming back home. 

13 hours later, you were bounding into Bucky's tight embrace, chucking your bag on the floor to greet him, Alpine, and Max. He scooped you up into an overzealous hug that quite literally swept you off your feet. When he reluctantly put you down, you immediately caught sight of Bucky's hard work.

"Oh." You clutch your chest, your heart swelling with the sweetness and thoughtfulness of Bucky tending to all of the plants around the apartment. You knew firsthand how tricky, especially your lovely orchid. "You didn't have to do that."

"Ah," he dismissively waves his hand with a noncommittal grunt. "Was nothing."


alright, this one, i'll admit it, i really liked this one.

Chapter 32: Comfortember: Game Night


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You hold your breath, desperate to remain hidden in the dark labyrinth.

You're not accustomed to using a gun, and it certainly doesn't help that the one in your hand feels so heavy.

You hear loud, heavy footsteps on the other side of the maze wall. It's so dark, practically pitch black, and you can't see a thing. You clap a hand over your mouth to smother the sounds of your labored breathing as you start shuffling backwards to put as much distance between yourself and the footsteps circling you.

You're halfway through a sigh of relief when you hear a familiar voice behind you, "Nothing personal, kid."

A breath gets caught in your throat as you prepare to accept your fate.

But instead of a shot to the back, you hear another familiar voice, "I wish I could say the same."

Before you or Sam can whirl around, two quick shots fire into his back.

Sam indignantly gasps, the two of you spinning around to see Bucky standing there with the most smug of smirks and a freshly fired paintball gun.

"You asshole!" Sam angrily exclaims, bending his back to reach the spot he was just shot in. "I was so close to finally winning - You're not even on the same team!"

The lights come on and Tony's voice echoes over the training room, elaborately set up for a more extreme version of the Avengers game night, "Come on. No one likes a sore loser, Sam."

"He isn't even in this round!" Sam argues.

"He wasn't eliminated last round either," Steve reminds him, a large orange splatter on his forehead from his own earlier round.

Still rubbing the sore spot on his back, Sam looks up at the viewing room where Tony had been playing referee for the entire game night, "Can we go back to Pictionary?"

Tony presses on the intercom looking incredibly pleased with how the night was going, "You were the one that wanted different games."

"Well, getting shot in the back changes a person's mind, Tony!"

"Aww...." You step around Sam, putting both your arms around Bucky. "You saved me."

"Saved you and shot Sam, a pretty good night for me," Bucky smugly remarks.

You take a step back, stepping just out of Bucky's embrace. You look up at him, smiling brightly, "I just wanted to say thanks again."

He smiles down at you. "Of-"

"And that I'm sorry." Before Bucky can even ask what you're talking about, he feels a paintball shot into his vest. Bucky gasps, his jaw dropped as he processes the fact that you just shot him to win game night. "And just like that, I win game night!"

"Okay," Sam calls up to Tony, a giant grin now adorning his face. "I change my mind again. I love game night!"


someone stop me. that's it. that's the author's note.

Chapter 33: Comfortember: Frozen


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Okay, I'm just going to say it. I have to say it!" Sam decides, taking advantage of your momentary absence. 

Bucky sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as the end credits to Frozen run on the screen. "Please don't."

"Frozen is so much better than Tangled," Sam confidently declares. 

You stand at the doorway, a freshly popped bowl of popcorn in your hands. You dramatically gasp at Sam's statement. "How could you even say that?"

"I-" Sam starts stammering. He shakes his head, stopping himself from retracting his statement. "You know what, I said it because it's true!"

You point to the door with your unoccupied hand, "Get out."


seriously. someone take my keyboard privileges away. what is this?

Chapter 34: The Friends We Made Along The Way


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"But maybe," you brightly interject, a beaming grin on your face. "Maybe the real mission was the friends we made along the way."

"What?" Tony sharply exhales, both his words and expression coated in complete and utter disbelief. "Because I was under the impression that the mission was retrieving old SHIELD files without blowing up a HYDRA base."

"In our defense-"

"Nothing good has ever come after those words, Sam," Tony angrily states, cutting Sam off.

"Tony's right," Bucky solemnly agrees. "But in our defense-"

Tony frustratedly throws his hands up. "That's it. I give up!" 


Okay, this isn't Comfortember but I still thought it was funny and no one is here to stop me. (someone stop me). Thanks for being patient and so understanding with my short little break, I'll be back soon! 💛

Chapter 35: A Quiet Moment


Writing prompt from @yourdailywritingprompt on TikTok: Write a scene between two of your characters with no dialogue. Make it a quiet, private moment where we see what they're like together when no one else is around.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

He takes a deep breath of relief as the door quietly clicks shut, he leans down placing his duffle bag on the floor as quietly as possible. Bucky had his suspicions that you'd fallen asleep waiting up for him, in spite of his insistences that you didn't have to, given that your responses to his text updates suddenly tapered off about an hour ago.

The space is quiet. The only source of light is the warm glow of the sting lights you made him hang around the room and all across the ceiling as a beautifully intricate pattern of lights weaving all across the ceiling.

He creaks open the bedroom door to find you splayed out on your side of the bed, glasses still on, book in hand. It's clear to him that you really tried to wait up for him. 

Bucky softly chuckles at the sight of you dozed off in the middle of reading a book. He leaves the door slightly ajar as he keeps working his way through his nightly routine.

He slowly creaks open the fridge, immediately noticing the Tupperware put front and center of the middle shelf. He smiles to himself at the sight of the pink post it note that read 'welcome home' with small hearts all around the words. 

He decides that he's more interested in sleep than eating right now in the dead of night. He closes the fridge, ready for a least a few hours of sleep next to his person.

Bucky unplugs the lights, the apartment now completely dark except for the little lamp on your nightstand. 

He creeps over to your side of the bed, gently prying the book from your hands. He freezes when you incrementally stir, a sleepy hum leaving your lips. When your slow, even breaths continue, he carefully lifts your glasses off your face. He reaches out to flick your lamplight off, the only light now the soft moonlight streaming through the sheer curtains. 

He takes the comforter, now strewn to the side, and pulls it back up around your shoulders. He takes another moment, watching you as you sleep to simply appreciate what he has to come back to.

Through all the hectic schedules, the chaos, through it all, he always has something to come back to. And for it to be someone who understands him and unconditionally loves and accepts him, it's more than he ever thought he'd get in this life.

He pads over to his side of the bed. Bucky's own routine is regimented, the exact same procedure every single night. He unlaces his boots, neatly tucking each one in the shoe rack where yours are haphazardly thrown.

The rest of his regiment passes without much thought, it’s muscle memory at this point.

But one thing that he always stops to appreciate, to relish in, is crawling into the warm bed next to you.

Though you're not entirely awake, you turn towards him as he slides underneath the comforter, curling yourself into his open embrace.

Bucky tucks your head beneath his chin, relishing in the feeling of the quiet reunion. 

In the feeling of home.


And maybe one more just for the fun of it.
i hope you guys enjoyed and this satiated some of your tooth rotting fluff needs. thanks again 💛

Chapter 36: First Draft of the Grumpy Sunshine Series


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I don't understand how you don't like her. She's literally the most like-able person to ever exist. I think she's the actual embodiment of cotton candy and cupcakes."

"So tooth-rotting fluff?"

You hear this, but take a deep breath before saying anything. You know Bucky's just trying to rile you up, but you refuse to let him. "There's nothing wrong with a little fluff, James. It's good for the soul. Plus, fluff is the best part of any book!"

"I don't think that's true," he grumbles.

"Sure it is! That moment that everyone just gets to just be is awesome."

"Is everything awesome to you?" he snarks.

"Pretty much," you nod, laughing a little bit.

"You know, if you're nice she'll make cinnamon rolls for breakfast."

"It's alright, Sam," you turn around and start walking backwards. "Even if James isn't nice, I'll make the cinnamon rolls."

Sam gestures to you, silently asking Bucky how it is that he just couldn't get along with you. "I'm not five, I don't eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast."

"You're missing out," you call again before turning back around. You continue walking until you hear the rumble of a car further down the road. As the car pulls up, you see a vaguely familiar face: John- the New Captain America. You knew Bucky and Sam weren't pleased with the whole situation, but you only offered an ear to listen. You'd never admit it, but for once you didn't have anything nice to say, so you opted to say nothing.

He offers you three a ride, and you're about to respond when Bucky declines for you three. You watch them go back and forth for a few minutes, when you decide that this is going no where. "It couldn't hurt, could it?"

"It actually could," Bucky remarks, but you're already climbing into the vehicle. You remain silent in the vehicle, content to look out and watch the scenery.

Bucky remains silent, finding no amusement in you. He's not sure what it is about you, why you set him off. You just do. He knows literally everyone loves you, that no one has ever had an unkind word to say about you. You'd gotten along great with Steve. In fact, Steve used to get a real kick out of you, out of your demeanor, and your ability to toe that fine line of a strong Avenger and a human ball of sunshine flawlessly. But something about you bothered Bucky, it made him uneasy. You were too kind, too bubblegum to be an Avenger, to wield the kind of power you wielded. It didn't make sense to him.

When you three make it back to your apartment that evening, Sam reluctantly leaves you two alone. He's warned Bucky plenty of times to be nice to you. You three had been working together for weeks and every day Bucky got progressively more curt and agitated with you. Sometimes he was downright mean, but you always deflected it. You'd say something about how you admired his honesty, his brashness. Or you'd try to validate his feelings. Then the next day, you'd do something nice for Bucky to apologize for upsetting him. It only made him even angrier.


I was supposed to post this yesterday... oops. In exactly one week (more like 5 days now) the Grumpy Sunshine series will be one year old. And it might be a little cringe to celebrate that, but cringe is dead and I don't care.

I cannot believe that I'm showing you guys this, (I did not edit a single word, okay, just one, but it was a typo) but I am. This is how the series started - like this was the first thing I ever wrote and I just... scrapped the whole thing. But if you squint, the last paragraph was actually the introduction to the first one shot.

If you've been here awhile, you know that this started as a TFATWS-centered series, and it's made so many twists and turns since then. Even the characters seem so different (but also not really?) I just thought this would be fun to show you guys.

P.S. the shit you guys have let me get away with in this series, seriously, the angst, the fluff, the (questionable) humor, the borderline crackfics, you're all so amazing and you've all encouraged me so much, thank you 💛

Chapter 37: Christmas Tree Farm


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"In my heart is a Christmas Tree Farm," you quietly hum to yourself from the passenger seat. 

"You've never even been to a Christmas Tree Farm," Sam grumbles under his breath from the back seat. 

You whirl around to face Sam with an arched eyebrow and challenging expression. "And?"

"So how can a Christmas Tree Farm be in your heart if- "

"We're here," Bucky announces to you both, purposefully cutting off your bickering before it spirals out of control. 

"Great!" you beam, quickly opening the door and stepping onto the lot filled with the most beautiful Christmas tree farm you've ever seen. Even if it was the only one you'd ever seen.

Lights are strung above the extensive lot of trees, each one lined up row by row. Snow lightly dusts the ground as the chilly winter air bites at your cheeks. 

You hear the sound of the car door slam behind you as Sam steps out of the car, not entirely enthused to being tasked with picking the tree. 

You roll your eyes at him as Bucky sidles up on the right side of you, Sam on your left. "Will you lighten up? This is gonna be fun!"

"Sure," Sam agrees, crossing his arms over his chest in a huff. "But you know they only gave us tree duty because no one else wanted to do it."

"You know, I don't really get why. You guys make it sound terrible, but this isn't so bad," you offer, nonchalantly shrugging your shoulders as you three amble through the parking lot and to the wooden fence with a faded entrance sign. 

"Why?" Sam guffaws. "Do you know how hard it is to impress a room full of superheroes? They're mean, they're picky, and last year they made fun of the tree that I picked out!"

"Because it was a terrible tree," Bucky mumbles under his breath. 

What followed were hours of Bucky and Sam picking trees that for one reason or another were terrible choices: too small, too big, too many branches, too sparse, didn't have the right Christmas feel.

Each time, you sighed and nestled closer into the crook of Bucky's arm for warmth. 

"Guys, it's been three hours. We still have to get back and actually put the tree up," you point out, practically zipped up in Bucky's coat with him at this point.

"What about this one?" Bucky asks, grabbing one of the branches of an already browning tree. 

"Because you want a tree for the ghost of Christmas past?" Sam sarcastically asks.

"So what? It gives it character!"

"Yeah, that'll be fun, watching the team Christmas tree die before we even make it to Christmas," Sam sarcastically remarks. "I'm sure that'll put everyone in the holiday spirit."

"Like you could do any better," Bucky scoffs, letting the tree branch go.

"This one," Sam decides, gesturing to a tree down the aisle. "This one's perfect."

You tilt your head at the crooked tree Sam just chose. "Um... it's a tree?"

"Are you joking?" Bucky grimaces.

"What? What's wrong with it?"

"It leans about 30 degrees too far to the right is what's wrong with it!"

"No, it doesn't!"

"Yes, it does!" 

"You're just jealous that you keep picking bad trees."

"You keep picking bad trees!"

"There's no such thing as bad trees, guys, only unique trees," you placatingly offer. "And maybe we shouldn't be insulting the trees in front of the tree farm people?"

"Okay, Linus," Sam snorts, rolling his eyes. "Tell us about the true meaning of Christmas too, why don't you?"

"I mean, I can try if you want, alright the true meaning-"

"It was a joke," Sam cuts you off. "Remind me to add Charlie Brown to your movie list."

"Hey, you were the one that asked," you remind him.

"And I regret it already," Sam quips. 

"What about this one?" you ask the two of them, pointing to the tree just to the side of you, tucked in the very corner of the aisle, a large evergreen that didn't look like it was browning, nor had large bald spots, and didn't look like it was going to tip over at any given moment. 

"You know for a man that claims not to trust us, he sure is putting a lot of faith in us with this tree," Sam bitterly remarks. 

"Didn't Tony tell you? We're only picking the tree for the common room."

Sam's lips purse as he begins his through examination of your choice. He nods slowly like it all makes sense to him now, "Ohhh... see? That makes so much more sense."

"Yeah, Pepper's already got people to decorate the big one in the Compound," you explain as he continues his inspection by slowly circling the tree.

"There's people for that?" Bucky asks you.

"There's people for everything," Sam replies, though you can't see him from the other side of the dense tree. 

"So then why did we need to pick the tree?"

"No idea." You blithely shrug, still looking up at the tree. "Before we get this one, don't you think this one'll be too big?"

Sam cranes his neck up to look at the top of the tree. His mouth twists as he mulls over your words. After a very short second, he definitively shakes his head, dismissively waving his hand at you. "Nah, it'll be fine."


I haven't posted since last year!

Moving on...
So...I was supposed to post this a week ago. And then I got sick right after the new year, so here it is now! I know it's not Christmas anymore, and I initially had more planned, but life happens. Hope you guys enjoy a little Christmas fluff.

Chapter 38: O, Christmas Tree, O, Christmas Tree


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Not to state the obvious, guys, but I think that the tree might be a little too big," you decide, wincing at the sight of the very top of the tree bending against the ceiling as Sam and Bucky try to get it to stand entirely upright. 

"You think?" Sam sarcastically asks, wedging the tree as far upright as it'll go. 

"Do you think we have time to go back before they get here?" you ask, cringing when they both take a step back to look at the tree that was clearly several feet too tall for the common.

"I don't think so, they're supposed to be back in an hour."

"Maybe we can just cut off the bottom," Bucky wryly suggests. 

"That is the worst idea I've ever heard," Sam deadpans.

"Maybe we can cut a hole in the ceiling. It'll be like a skylight!" you enthusiastically offer.

"Okay, never mind, that was the worst idea I've ever heard," Sam amends. 

"I don't hear you suggest anything," Bucky argues.

"Because I didn't even want to be on tree duty!"

"Guys," you try interjecting. "Guys!"

"And? Aren't you the one-" 

"Oh my God..." Steve over-enunciates as he walks into the room, cutting off Sam and Bucky's bickering.

"Uh, like I was trying to say, I think the team got back early," you state, jutting your thumb to your team mates slowly filtering into the common room from the doorway behind you. 

"I gave you three one job! One job while we were gone."

"So, really, if you think about it, you only have yourself to blame," you tease, clapping your hand on Tony's shoulder.  


Like I said, I had more planned, but life happened. I hope you guys enjoyed a little Christmas fluff, I think I'm going to do a couple more winter fics but I don't have anything set in stone yet. Let me know what you think!

Chapter 39: Pal-entine's Day


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Making the most of your day off, Pinkie?" Tony asks, nudging his head towards the box in your hands. 

"Well, Palentine's only happens once at year," you quip, placing the box on the common room coffee table.

Tony dramatically sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I know I'm going to regret asking, but what?"

"Palentine's Day," you state matter of factly. "It's a thing."

"It's definitely not a thing," Steve agrees.

"Of course it is," you retort, dismissively waving at the both of them. "Why else would me and Sam, every year on the day after Valentine's, go look for all the leftover candy that's on sale. After that, we go have lunch and discuss the rest of you."

"You talk about the rest of us when we're not there?" Tony indignantly guffaws.

"Can I just add how nice you look today?" Steve quickly compliments.

"Duly noted, Steve. I will take that into consideration."

"Alright, this year I know I've got you beat-" Sam starts as he walks into the room with an oversized box in his arms, only to stop when he sees Steve and Tony also in the common room. "Oh, hey, Steve, Tony."

"What's in the box, Sam?" Tony deeply sighs. "A gift for a holiday that no one has ever heard of?"

"Someone's exceptionally bitter today," Sam quips. 

"Well, when two of my colleagues take the day off for a made up holiday it tends to put you in a bad mood," Tony sarcastically remarks.

"Aren't most holidays just made up?" Sam counters.

Tony opens his mouth, only to close it when he realizes he doesn't have an adequate rebuttal. 

"Oh, you should open mine first!" you eagerly insist, gesturing to the box in front of you. 

"Aw... you didn't have to get me -," Sam stops mid-sentence as he pops off the top of the gift box. He softly gasps at the sight of the glass bottle securely tucked into the box. He lifts it closely examine the contents: a miniature replica of his family's boat. "How did even you do this?" 

"I asked your sister for several very detailed pictures of the boat. And getting it in a bottle? That's for me to know."

"This is so cool," Sam marvels, still holding the bottle an inch away from his face. "Looks just like my family's boat in Louisiana."

"Your family has a boat?" Tony questions.

"You're from Louisiana?" Steve simultaneously asks.

Sam shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he puts the bottle back in the box. "Okay, okay, your turn."

"Alright," you excitedly agree. You tear through the tissue paper of Sam's gift bag to reveal a giant, green, plush animal inside. It's only when you pull the plush out of the bag that you see that the gift is an oversized plush chameleon, just like the sidekick in your favorite movie. "Oh my God, this is amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"It's a chameleon..." Steve awkwardly lilts. "Because you're adaptable?"

"Or like the sidekick from her favorite movie," Sam corrects with a sigh. Sam's head turns slightly, his voice dropping slightly, "You didn't invite them, did you?"

"You know, we're right here. We can hear you," Tony points out. 

Sam drops his voice even lower, leaning in closer to you, "You didn't-"

"This is not normal," Tony interjects. "This is a very weird thing to do with your friends."

"You mean your friends don't get you giant, plush versions of your favorite cartoon characters?" you pose.

Tony fervently shakes his head. "No!" 

"Then you guys need better friends," Sam mutters under his breath. 

"Tell me about it," you mumble. 


I imagine Sunshine taking part in all sorts of 'made up' holidays. Galentine's Day? Absolutely. She'd be the Leslie Knope of holidays and gift giving. And Sunshine and Sam would absolutely participate in Treat Yourself Day too.

Chapter 40: Remember Your Training


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Uh, Steve, what are you doing?" you call over the loud winds that swirl around the Quinjet.

"Just remember your training," he cryptically replies, jumping off the plane a split second later.

"But I don't have any training!" you shout after him.


Well, this is... something. It's definitely something. Tumblr's the only writing adjacent app I have on my phone, and let me tell you the ideas I get in passing, it's things like this. Exactly like this. My drafts are overflowing.

Chapter 41: Question...?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" you ask Bucky, the two of you sitting across from each other. Bucky puts down his book with a curious expression. "It's something I've wanted to ask since I've known you actually."

Bucky freezes, his curious expression morphing into an anxious one. "Uh, sure..."

The seconds slow as his mind races with all the things you could want to ask him. His time in HYDRA. His time as a fugitive. Anything having to do with the Winter Soldier was usually enough to send people running. Maybe even worse, his body count - and that was either iteration of that question.

"Is your jacket sleeve detachable or do you resew it after every mission? Because I gotta be honest, that seems like a lot of work."


I swear I'm going to get back on my normal posting schedule. I promise, I am. I'm not abandoning you guys (let's be honest, I don't think I could even if I wanted to) Life just sort of happened (and won't stop happening). It's nothing bad, just busy.

Chapter 42: Dad


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"And we landed back at the Compound at 11:57. Perfectly on time," you finish, smilingly proudly at the work you'd done for your first assignment as mission leader.

"Excellent work," Nick Fury comments.

"He doesn’t even tell me good job," Clint bitterly mutters under his breath.

"Thanks, Dad," you quickly thank, placing your debrief back into its manila envelope. The room silence as all eyes snap back to you. It takes you a moment to feel the pointed stares of your team mates. You look up, "Why is everyone staring at me?"

"You just called Fury 'dad'," Sam tells you.

"What?" you huff in disbelief. "No, I didn't."

"You definitely did."

"And it all makes sense now," Clint boisterously comments.

"Shut up, Clint," you quip.

"Shut it, Barton," Nick reprimands simultaneously.

"Wow..." Sam teases. "Like father, like daughter."


Something I didn't anticipate was so many people being interested in Sunshine and Fury's dynamic. It's actually been a lot of fun to write.

Chapter 43: The Monologue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"And you will never - " 

"Oh," you interrupt with a raised hand. 


"Are you about to do the monologue thing? Is there any way would could like fast forward through this part?" 

"What?" the villain tersely exhales. 

"You know, like the monologue thing. Do you mind if we just skip it today?" 

"Skip it?" the villain repeats, crossing his arms in a huff.

"Yeah, I'm just - I'm already going to have to write all of this in the debrief and from what it looks like it's going to be a pretty long one. Plus, I have dinner plans tonight," you meekly explain. 

"I'm sorry, am I intruding on your personal life? Plotting to end the world isn't important enough to cancel dinner plans?" 

"No, of course it is! But we've sort of had these plans for like 3 months, which is technically longer than we've known about you."

"I just think it's bad manners, rude even," the villain chides. "I work really hard on those monologues."

"It's not personal or anything," you quickly assure him. "I'm sure they're great monologues. I'm so convinced of your villainy."

"Really?" the villain hopefully asks. "You're not just saying that?"

"Of course not! In fact, I'd love to hear your evil monologue," you insist. 

"Well, if you insist. And you and your Avengers will never - No, you see, now it's too late. The moment's gone," the villain throws his hands up in defeat. 

"If it makes you feel any better, I really liked the first part," you offer. "I almost called for backup and everything."

"Really? Because I was worried it was too much-"

"No! Not at all, I think it adds character, you know?"

Just then, your comms device crackles to life in your ear, "Everything okay? Bad guy apprehended yet?"

"Oh, I almost forgot about that part," you mutter to yourself.


See? The drafts are getting out of hand. I'm just always jotting little ideas down. Anyway, I'm sorry all I'm posting is some drabbles. We'll be back to our regularly scheduled angst very soon.

P.S. I just noticed there's another iteration of this very drabble also in the drafts I guess I wrote it twice. Don't know how that happened. Someone needs to take away my draft privileges lol.

Chapter 44: An Order

Chapter Text

"And that was an order," Steve commands in his best Captain voice.

Not even a split second later, a laugh slips from Bucky's lips. He covers his mouth with his curled up fist. "Sorry, that was an order. Got it."

Bucky can barely finish the sentence with an even tone. You stare down at the floor, doing your best to hold in your laugh, though you're only spurred on by Bucky's infectious laughter. Giggles flood your mouth, spilling out of your squeezed shut mouth, "Sorry-"

Your sentence is cut off by Sam's laughter from beside you, "That was an order."

"Guys," Steve grumbles like a petulant child. "I'm in charge."

Chapter 45: You're My Best Friend


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Bucky sighs, shaking his head, "I think you broke her."

With your fingers plugging your ears, you shake your head and loudly sing, "F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for-"

"Just answer the question!" Sam demands.

"Make new friends, but keep the old -"

"It is not that difficult! Just tell Bucky that I'm your best friend."

"You've got a friend in me -"

"Answer the question," Sam shouts over you.

You forcefully remove your fingers from your ears, "No! You can't make me."

You weren't quite sure how long had passed since this whole interrogation started. All you knew was that one second you were sitting at the table in the common room, enjoying a book you'd spent weeks trying to finish in one of the few quiet moments you got to yourself. It seemed like every time you picked up the book, there was something that needed your attention.

And then, just as you were finally settled in and finally making progress on the book , Sam and Bucky came barreling in rambling and bickering about some hypothetical situation of who you would save first should the choice come down to it.

Sam's argument was that the best friend would be saved first. To which Bucky let out a boisterous laugh and informed Sam that Bucky was your best friend.

Your book had long since been forgotten as they tried to force an answer out of you.

"Just tell him, 'Sam's my best friend. I'd save him first'," Sam implores.

"Or - or she'll tell the truth and say that she'd save me and that I'm her best friend," Bucky counters with equal fervor.

"You're the boyfriend, you can't be the best friend," Sam vehemently objects.

"Why can't I have more than one best friend?" you question, rubbing your temples in exasperation, wanting nothing more than to go back to your book.

"Because that negates being a 'best' friend."

"Guys-" you start.

"She just doesn't want to hurt your feelings," Sam interrupts with a huff. "Everyone knows I'm her best friend."

"My feelings?" Bucky scoffs. "Try again."

"Guys..." you sigh.

"You're so jealous, you know that?" Sam continues rambling. "You can't handle that-"

"Guys!" you shout over the both of them, abruptly standing from the table and snatching up your long forgotten and still unfinished book. "I love you both, alright! I love you both. Sam, you're my best friend. James, you're my person. You're both equally important in my life and equally driving me nuts right now."

"Even when she's mad, she's nice," Sam quietly mutters to Bucky.

"I know, I don't know whether to be flattered or offended," Bucky quietly agrees.

"Now, I'm going to go finish my book and you two are going to stop picking up fights over things that aren't even real," you order, spinning on your heels to storm away from the two of them. After only a few steps, you turn on your heels again, back to the two of them to finish your exasperated rant, "And you know what, if we ever were in a situation were I would have to save the both you, I'd also have to save myself because I always get roped into your terrible plans!"


It's everyone's least (most?) favorite time of the year! DRAFT CLEARING TIME. Would anyone care to guess just how many I have sitting in my drafts? It's sort of gotten out of hand 😅

Chapter 46: Advice


Anonymous request from Tumblr: "New to tumblr, please bear with me😭🙏 I love Bucky x sunshine fics and read them religiously on ao3! Wondering if u could do one where Peter/sunshine are hanging out a lot bc he feels safe with her/looks up to her. Bucky is craving sunshine’s attention so he flirts with sunshine but she just doesn’t really pick up on the ques, and the team is teasing them bc they’re all assuming she understands. Bucky progressively flirts more obviously to try to get her to notice but it’s not working."

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Can I ask you for your advice?"

Peter's voice comes from the other side of the common room where he'd been working on homework. It was a common enough occurrence. Today, it was just you and Peter, but there were plenty of times that MJ and Ned also joined him.

You look around the room to find no one else besides you and Peter. You turn back to him pointing at yourself, "You're asking me?"


"Er... I don't think I'm supposed to be giving advice. That's Steve and Sam territory."

"Nah," Peter disagrees. "I want to hear what you think. Besides if I ask them, Steve'll start calling me 'son' again, and Sam's still pretending I'm invisible."

"Again?" you sigh, shaking your head. Peter wordlessly nods. You dismissively wave your hand, "Don't worry about it, I'll talk to Sam."

"Wait, that wasn't what I needed your advice on! Please?"

"Oh.. sure!" you shrug.

"Well, I guess, I'm sorta having a hard time with the superhero thing. Sam told me that you've never, you know," Peter hesitates, tugging at his collar as an insinuation. "Killed anyone."

You frown, "Oh."

"I mean, I just - I wanted to know how you do it."

"How I don't kill people?"

"No - I mean - Sorta. Sam told me that you hold back a lot," Peter sheepishly explains. "And I guess, I sorta knew that already. I mean you could kill us all if you wanted to. Not that I thought you would do that or anything, but like even with bad guys. And you're just like so happy all the time!"

You take a moment to process Peter's rambling. Your mouth twists apologetically, "Pete, I won't lie to you, I don't think there was a question there."

"You seem decently happy with Mr. Bucky, not that I can really tell because he's always frowning at me. But you are. You're happy. You have a life. I just wanna know how you do it."

"You want to know how I have a life?"

"Is that a stupid question? It's a stupid question, isn't it?"

"No!" you assure Peter. "Of course not! I'm glad you came to talk to me, I'm very wisdomous."


"Oh, right..." Your mouth twists as you think about Peter's question for a long moment. "I dunno, that was a choice that I made when I was thrown into this. I didn't want to be someone other people were scared of. I want to be good. I want to believe that people are good."

"Even when they're not?"

You chuckle, "I didn't say it was easy. I forget that sometimes too. That's why you surround yourself with good people. They'll remind you when you forget."

"That's really it?"

"And I listen to a lot of Taylor Swift."

Peter nods in agreement, "Already do that."


It's at about eighty btw. Things started getting lost and I accidentally wrote the same thing twice because it got lost in the draft box.

Anyway...hope you guys enjoy!

Chapter 47: The Cooking Conflict


Request from Tumblr from the lovely toomanyfanficsbruh: "Hey!! I had ideas! 1! Bucky and Sunshine baking together (possibly making something unexpectedly from Bucky's childhood or somethin…) and

2! Halloween! I wanna see everyone in really bad costumes of each other and the kids who come for trick or treating have better costumes (a light up Mjolnir possibly?)

It must be known that i love you loads!! (thought I'd give you some lighter ideas <333 Have a great day!)"

A.N. So I've done Halloween but if I think of anything else, I'll definitely let you know!

The baking one I've done too, but there is something that I just thought of that is sort of a call back from such a long time ago that you made me think of, pertaining to the baking, of course. If you're looking for the callback you can find it here! I hope you enjoy!

Chapter Text

"Come on... Please?" Bucky pleads, the sweet smell of some sort of pastry cooking in the oven wafting through the air and taunting him.

He just wanted to sit in the kitchen with you. That's all, he swore. Your ban offered no such lenience.

You vehemently shake your head. "No, absolutely not."

You didn't have very many strict boundaries with people, least of all with Bucky, but this was one you were not going to back down on.

He looks at you with his best pleading expression, "It wasn't even that bad. I swear I've learned my lesson."

"I can guarantee you haven't learned your lesson," you quip.

Bucky crosses his arms over his chest, puffing it out slightly, "You know, if I wanted to I could force myself into the kitchen. I won't, but I could."

You condescendingly pat his shoulder, "I think it's really cute that you think so."

His arms drop in a huff, "Come on, it was an accident. I'll just stand there, I won't touch anything, swear!"

"Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you were allowed into the kitchen? Because you'd think the burn marks on the wall would be a good enough reminder."

Chapter 48: In The Noon Of Night


Request from @buckybarnes-hoe on Tumblr: "hi! i love your work, and was wondering if you could make a readerxbucky fic for me? specifically for a reader who is really scared of the dark. something along the lines of one night reader is pissing in the middle of the night and on their way back to their room their fear gets so bad that they end up having a small panic attack and require (bf) buckys help to calm down. plus cuddles at the end ofc!"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

One thing that was rarely talked about was how fickle triggers truly were. There was no real way to tell what could be triggering.

All you knew it one moment, you were fine.

The next, you were crumbling in on yourself. Coping skills forgotten. Unresponsive. Unreachable.

Sometimes, it was a smell wafting through the air.

Touching metal that felt too close to the steel door that once held you captive.


Darkness was universal.

It was the same everywhere.

So you really thought nothing of crawling out of your warm bed to grab a drink of water. It wasn't unusual to stir awake, a little too warm from the super soldier sized radiator that slept beside you.

Without much conscious thought or effort, your feet instinctually guided you through your apartment to your kitchen.

Grabbing a glass. Pouring water. Taking a large gulp.

There was nothing unordinary or unsettling about any of it. You closed the refrigerator door behind you.

With the room no longer illuminated by the refrigerator light, it was now pitch black, your eyes strained trying to adjust to the dark room.

Purely by happenstance, the streetlights were out, not even remotely visible from your front window.

Still bleary eyed, you blinked once. Twice. Over and over, trying to make out any shape or shadow.

Perhaps it was your mind muddled by sleep. Perhaps it was just bad luck.

All you saw was darkness. A vast, unending void.

There was nothing.

Suddenly, the tile beneath your feet felt less like sleek ceramic tile and more like your old concrete prison.

The silence became a loneliness you'd thought you'd left behind long ago.

The cold floor sent a chill radiating up your spine that echoed and reverberated through your bones.

It was as though all your years of happiness and freedom were some delusions of grandeur developed as a coping mechanism. In the moment of intense vulnerable remembrance, it makes complete sense to you.

Found families were not so easily found, certainly not ones that incredible. There was not and never would be a person that knew you like you knew yourself. And certainly not one that loved you so wholly and fiercely.

It was more than being back in captivity. It was losing everything all at once.

The sounds of sobs being ripped from your throat tear Bucky from his sleep. He's on his feet before he even realizes it.

He's immediately on guard and alert as he bolts through the apartment toward the sounds of distress.

He smacks the light switch, suddenly illuminating the room. His frantic eyes wildly rake over the room. What he sees, tears his heart into a million little pieces.

The thing was, Bucky understood better than most. He knew what it was to wake in a cold sweat, chest rising and falling with panicked heaves.

He knew what it felt like, for even the shortest of moments, to think that all the light, love, and freedom was a figment of your imagination. It wasn't enough that the memories would live with you for the rest of your life, sometimes, you relived them. He did too. It was its very own trauma in and of itself.

He scrambles over to you. Your figure crumpled on the floor, huddled in on yourself as your tightly embrace yourself.

"Hey," Bucky drops to the floor with a second thought. You're huddled so tightly, he can't pull you out of the flashback. He shakes you, "Hey, hey, you're okay."

"I don't want to go back," you plead with Bucky, tears staining your flushed cheeks. "Please, I don't want to go back."

"Shhh..." he tries to console you, his hands cup each side of your face, finally pulling your eyes away from the floor and onto him. Your eyes are squeezed shut, shaking your head in desperation. "You're not going back. You're home."

"You're home. You're safe," he repeats in a whispered tone over and over again.

Your head sinks down onto his shoulder. After several long moments of kneeling on the floor with you, you relax enough for Bucky to slip you into his arms, locking you in his embrace.

"I don't want to lose you," you whimper into his shoulder.

"Never," he promises.

"You're okay," Bucky softly murmurs, stroking your hair while never breaking his secure embrace. The warmth of the words and the care slowly envelope you, seeping into your frozen, fear stricken heart. You can almost feel it start to beat again. "You're safe. I promise. You'll always be safe with me."


I never want to hear another comment about how I don't want these characters to be happy or let them know peace. At this point, it's not me. You guys want this. If there's one thing I've learned it's that readers only want love if it's torture. (And I'm more than happy to provide.) Thank you so much for the request! 💛

Chapter 49: The Jar


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I could do this all day."

"Jar!" Sam shouts, sitting beside you as you watch Steve and Peter in the middle of a training session.

"What?" Steve squawks, stepping off the training mat. "No! That's like the third time this week!"

"Well, maybe you should think about the things you say," Sam retorts.

"Jar?" Peter questions, looking to you and Sam.

"Hero jar," you explain.

"For when someone does something heroic?"

"For when we start acting like hero stereotypes, Steve," Sam pointedly remarks, gesturing to the jar in the corner of the training room. Steve grumbles something under his breath, before pulling out his wallet and trudging over to the jar, "That includes catchphrases!"

"Just for saying catchphrases?" Peter asks.

"No." You shake your head, wondering how you could explain the jar to Peter, "It's like...Like when Sam starts talking about Redwing like he's a real person. Or when James complains about Redwing. When Nat does that pose in the middle of a mission."

"Or when Mr. Stark makes a sarcastic joke when he's getting beat up?" Peter guesses.


"So what's your thing?" Peter wonders, turning to you.

"Me? Pfft.. I don't do anything like that," you scoff, dismissively waving your hand.

"Oh, please," Sam humorously snorts. "You're just as bad as everyone else."

You indignantly huff, crossing your arms, "I am not!"

"You absolutely are!" Sam turns to Peter, "Her thing is when she tries to make friends with the bad guys. Or when she goes on and on about seeing the humanity in everyone-"

"Or when she wears obscenely bright clothes on missions," Steve adds. "Do you know how hard it is to camouflage yellow?"

"Or when-"

"Alright, alright, Peter gets it!" you interject.

"Wait, so why do I never have to put money in the jar?" Peter asks the room.

Steve claps a hand on Peter's shoulder, "Oh, you do, but Tony usually does it for you."

"Sam didn't think it was fair, but Tony puts in 100's for you and we're saving it for a vacation," you explain. 

"And with how often Steve has to put money in the jar, we should be there any day now," Sam teases.


I will confess, this is deeply inspired by New Girl (iykyk). In the midst of writing soul crushing angst, this scene played out in my head and I needed to be rid of it so here it is. Hope it makes you giggle like it made me giggle.

Chapter 50: Awesome


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Oh, awesome,” Bucky replies, after Steve finally finishes his long winded story of his personal best mile while they waited for you and Sam to return.

Steve quirks his head, unused to the newest addition to Bucky's vocabulary. “What did you just say?”

“I said that’s awesome," Bucky repeats, a confused expression painting his face, "Do you need to get your hearing checked or something?”

“Or something,” Steve mutters under his breath.

"Hey, guys!" you greet.

"How'd it go?" Bucky asks.

You shrug, "Sam got in trouble."

"Hey, you got in trouble too!" Sam points out.

"Yeah, but you got in more trouble," you cheekily counter.

"Whatever," Sam bitterly mutters, crossing his arms in a huff.

"What about you guys?" you ask Bucky and Steve. "Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

"Well, I just shaved off another 7 seconds off my run time. Getting closer to a mile a minute."

“Oh, awesome!” you reply. 

Steve opens his mouth, his eyes flickering between you and Bucky. He closes it a moment later, opting not to say anything.

You jut your thumb over to Steve, quietly asking Bucky, "What's up with him?"

Bucky shrugs, "Dunno, he's been weird all day."


I'm such a sucker for tropes, if you couldn't tell. I love when people (or characters in this case) start picking up other their loved ones vocabulary and mannerisms, it's so cute. I love it.

Chapter 51: Jealous Girl


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Can I talk to you?" Bucky questions the moment he walks into your apartment.

"Yes... just give me one second," you mumble, trying to at least finish the chapter of the book that you were reading.

"It's kinda important," Bucky urges.

You place the book down on the table with a tight smile, "It always is."

"Okay, this time is actually is! I swear."

You narrow your eyes at him. The last time he said that it was actually important it was just for you to be the deciding vote for some silly, hypothetical question between him and Sam.

Despite your overwhelming desire to finish your book, you place your bookmark on your page and shut the book, "You have my undivided attention."

"Do you know how we tell each other everything?"


"I have to tell you something."

"Alright..." you suspiciously agree.

"I want to make it clear that nothing happened and I immediately shut it down," Bucky anxiously rambles. "Immediately."


"Well, I was in the conference room for a debrief and then some random SHIELD agent walked in, and I swear I have never met this lady in my life before, but she just sort of started flirting with me. And I swear that nothing happened and nothing would've ever happened, I told her I had a girlfriend! And honestly, I don't think I've ever said girlfriend so many times in a single sentence," Bucky rants, almost all in a single breath. He pulls out a slip of paper from his folder, "But she did sort of slip her number into my folder. I swear I never would've taken it otherwise."

The thing was, you believed him. Wholeheartedly, you believed and trusted Bucky.

Still jealousy burned in the pit of your stomach and the green eyed monster twinkled in your eye, "Oh."

Bucky winces at your uncharacteristically quiet reaction. "Are you mad?"

"Mad?" you dramatically scoff. You theatrically wave your hand at him, "I'm good. I'm totally fine. Not a problem. Problem? Not here. Not me."

"Your eye is twitching a little," Bucky points out.

"Can I just -" You pluck the card out of his hand, setting it on the table. Bucky looks confused for a moment before it spontaneously combusts into flames.

"Oh my God."

You sigh in relief, brightly smiling, "Now I feel better."

"Come on," Bucky playfully groans, wrapping his arms around you. "You know you're the only one for me."


I feel like we need to see this side of Sunshine more often. I like when she's a little unhinged about the people she loves.

Chapter 52: Even In A Burning Building


Based on this post by @/hcnnibal as requested by the lovely @toomanyfanficsbruh

(Pre-established relationship)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

You prop Bucky up against the wall of the burning building. You admonish him as he tries to push your hands away from his wound, "You are so stubborn!"

Bucky angrily sucks in a breath, the smoke filled air getting caught in his throat. It doesn't stop him from continuing this argument with you, "Me?"

"This is going to hurt, just hold still," you warn before taking a piece of Bucky's shirt and pressing into the stab wound.

You knew the serum would help heal him, you just needed to make sure he didn't bleed out before it did.

Bucky gasps, groaning in pain, "Damn it!"

"I told you it was going to hurt!" you shout back.

"No, damn it that you're stuck here with me!"

"Okay, I know we're fighting, but you'd really rather be stuck here alone than with me?" you ask, a little offended by Bucky's frustration with you.

Only a few minutes ago, you were faced with a decision that sealed your fate. You both knew you could've gotten out, but you would've had to leave Bucky behind.

He begged you. He ordered you. He shouted, bargained, did everything to convince you to leave him. You wouldn't hear it.

And now, you were stuck here with him. Sealed off in one of the few rooms that were still standing.

He hated himself for it.

"I'm mad because all I wanted was for you to be safe!" Bucky fumes. "I'm mad because now the love of my life is trapped inside this burning building with me!"

Your hands still firmly planted on his side, your head whips up to look at him. You softly exhale, "What?"

His unbloodied hand, rests underneath your chin. There's a tenderness that shouldn't be in the eyes of someone very literally standing in a burning building, "Why do you think I took that knife for you?"

"Why do you think I'm standing here in a burning building with you?" Your eyes flutter shut as you lean into the feeling of Bucky's calloused fingertips trailing your cheekbones. You open your eyes and look at him with all the sincerity and adoration that you feel for him, "Because the thought of leaving you here, the thought of leaving you hurt, of you alone for just one second, is worse than the thought of being stuck in a burning building."

You lean forward, resting your forehead against Bucky's. "Damn, you're good."

"I know," you chuckle. "Now, that's enough of that. We should probably figure out how to get out of here."

"I thought we agreed that it was useless."

"Well, that was before you said you had feelings for me! We can't just die now, it just got good!"


Sometimes, I'm like, I need to give these guys some peace. I need to let them be happy already. But you guys don't want that. You want me to keep traumatizing this trio over and over again. And who am I to deny you guys that?

Chapter 53: Fury Finds Out (Part 2)


Anonymous request from Tumblr: "I’m missing fury and sunshine interactions 🙏🙏 was wondering if you could write smth abt our dynamic duo (father daughter even tho they won’t acknowledge it)"

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sam bolts down the hallway in a desperate attempt to reach Bucky before Nick Fury does.

He barely escapes the sounds of Nick's voice bellowing down the hall when he finds you and Bucky standing in the common room.

"Oh, hey, Sam, I -"

"Hey, so you remember how I did you that favor and covered for you guys because you wanted to go to Coney Island instead of going to the very important meeting that I told you guys you had to be at?" Sam rants in one long winded breath, steam rolling over your words. "Without me, might I add?"

A little stunned by the frantic tone of Sam's voice, all that leaves your mouth is, "Uh... yeah?"

Sam keeps looking over his shoulder in a panic, "So, by that logic, you guys owe me one right?"

"What did you do?" you suspiciously ask.

Sam doesn't have a chance to answer before you three hear a familiar voice reverberate through the hallways, "Where the hell is he? Barnes!"

Sam winces at the shout, "Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and call in that favor right... about now. Clint was being an asshole and sorta told Nick that you guys were together."

"What?" you shriek.

"And that you're living together," Sam cringes. "And he might just be looking for Bucky."

Bucky groans, pinching the bridge of his nose, "On a scale of one to ten, how screwed am I?"

You reassuringly wrap your arm around Bucky's waist, "It's probably not that ba-"

Suddenly, Nick appears in the doorway of the common room, "Barnes!"

"12," Sam states. "Definitely screwed."

"Maybe he's just mad that we missed the meeting?" you halfheartedly suggest, wincing as Nick storms over to Bucky.

"Okay, you guys have fun with that. My work here is done for the day," Sam quips, making his way to out.

As he leaves, he crosses paths with Nick, Sam shrinks, jolting away from Nick's warpath.

Nick glares at Bucky for a moment. His eyes trail over to you, then to your arm wrapped around Bucky. Bucky gently moves your hand, "Maybe you shouldn't touch me right now?"

"How's it going, Nick?" you greet, ignoring his furious expression.

His nostrils flare as he breaks his glare at Bucky. "How's it going?"

"Have a good meeting?" you ask, your voice trailing off as anger literally rolls off of him.

"No," Nick enunciates, glaring at Bucky. "And you know why?"

"I think we can guess," Bucky mutters under his breath.

"I don't like being blindsided. I don't like not knowing. I know everything. Do you like pissing me off, Barnes?"

"No - no, of course not," Bucky stammers, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Not knowing things, pisses me off. Not knowing important things, pisses me off even more."

"I meant to tell you, Nick. I swear-"

Nick continues speaking over Bucky, still glaring at him with a rage you'd never seen before, "Trying to pull a fast one, Barnes?"

"That was not my intention."

"So what were your intentions?"

Bucky was not usually scared of Nick Fury. Not in the slightest. But that was Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.

This was Nick Fury, the person who rescued you from captivity, the closest thing to a father figure in your life.

If he was a little less terrified of what Nick might do to him, he might've cracked a smile at Nick asking him what his intentions were with you.

"Wait, wait, wait!" you interject, "It was my fault, I wanted to tell you myself, but I just got back and we wanted to spend some time together before I left again. Bucky wanted to tell you months ago."

"This has been going on for months!?" Nick fumes.

You cringe, anxiously twisting your fingers, "I get the sense that you didn't know that."

Nick grits his teeth, his nostril flaring as he glares at Bucky. "I didn't know that."

Just as Nick's hands start curling into fists, you step in front of Bucky, who stands tense and ready to take a punch to the face.

"Please don't kill him, Nick," you ask, your voice filled with hope. "For me?"

Nick angrily sucks in a breath, only hesitating at your request.

For a moment, you're not sure if you actually convinced him to leave Bucky alone. He slowly exhales, still incredibly pissed off. He narrows his eyes slightly, he turns to Bucky, speaking softly, "I want you to know that I know hundreds of ways for you to disappear without a trace."

Bucky anxiously nods, "I don't doubt that, sir."

"Consider yourself warned."

"Yes, sir."

Nick turns to you after a moment of intensely glaring at Bucky. He points at you with an admonishing finger, "We'll discuss this later."

You nod with a wide grin, "I'll look forward to it."

"Oh my God," Bucky sighs in relief, his shoulders dramatically slumping after Nick walks out of the room.

"I think that went well!"


I giggled my whole way through this drabble. This was so funny to me.

Chapter 54: Happy To Be Here


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"I'm telling you, I've spent way too much time in the air, it's physically impossible for me to get motion sickness," Sam repeats himself, bracing himself on the wheelie chair you stole from the conference room. "I'll bet you another twenty that I don't even get dizzy."

"You're on," you accept, ready to spin the chair. You abruptly stop at the sound of Nick Fury calling your name.

"Ohh, you're in trouble," Sam teases.

You guiltily laugh as you walk over to where he stands. His eyes flicker over to Sam, then back to you, "Having fun, aren't we?"

"Well, the mission Sam and I were going on got pushed for a few days," you sheepishly explain. "A week, tops."

"And none of your other team mates needed your assistance?"

"Already checked with them, nope."

"Hmm," Fury muses. "You know, I think Maria might need a hand or two on her case, should only take a day or two, perfect if you're looking for something to do."

You halfheartedly smile, "Great. I'll go find her right now."

"And," Nick stops you before you walk away, "Take Wilson with you. He looks way too happy to be here."



Guess where this is from? (who am I kidding, you guys guess everything lol)

Chapter 55: Famous Last Words


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

You turn to Sam, an expression of half fear, half amusement, "Famous last words?"

"Um," Sam falters, standing at the edge of the Quinjet. "Damn it, famous last words, famous last words..."

"Just go already!" Bucky groans, lightly shoving Sam off the plane.

"I hate you," Sam shouts, his voice mostly carried away by the winds violently swirling around you.

"Love you," Bucky smirks at you, winking, "My famous last words."



What would Sunshine's famous last words be? (asking for a friend)

Chapter 56: The Fun Police

Chapter Text

Bucky looks at you. Then, at Sam. Then, back at you. He shakes his head, hands on his hips with an admonishing look on his face. He opens his mouth to speak, but remains too dumbfounded to string together a response.

"So I'm taking that as a no on the prank?" Sam asks. He turns to you, quietly hissing, "I told you we shouldn't have asked him!"

Bucky's eyes snap over to Sam, his nostrils flaring, "That's an absolutely no! Not in a million years! And you know why we won't be doing that?"

"Because you hate fun?" you guess.

"Yes - wait, what? No, I do not hate fun!"

"You definitely don't like fun," Sam agrees.

Chapter 57: Public Approval

Chapter Text

"Alright, and for the last order of business," Tony claps his hands, pacing the front of the conference room. "Pepper has asked me to walk you through your public approval ratings. She thinks the reminder will give some sort of motivation for a more concerted effort into our public image." Tony dramatically sighs, crossing his arms over his chest, "I am not as optimistic, but then again, Pepper has never had to corral you animals into a conference room."

"Do you ever have anything nice to say to us?" Sam questions.

"Considering I am the person that has to corral you animals into a conference room, no, I don't."

"That's probably fair," Sam concedes.

"Sure," Bucky sarcastically mutters, rolling his eyes, "We save the world all the time, but we don't smile and wave at people and they decide to hate us for the week. That sounds fair."

"Are you done being bitter?" Tony rhetorically asks. "I'd like to get this over with."

Bucky nonchalantly shrugs, "For now."

"It's okay." You wrinkle your nose at Bucky, squeezing his hand, "You'll always have my approval."

"Gross," Sam mutters.

Tony rolls his eyes, making a show of walking around the circular table and bestowing your approval ratings on each and everyone of you, "Natasha, 50%."

A smile tugs on the corner of Nat's mouth, "Just where I want it."

"Wanda, 47%, getting better every week."

She nods, "Thank you."

Tony takes a large gulp of air, only to let out a defeated sigh, "Sam, so far, you are my favorite, 67%. I hate to say this, but not bad."

"You hear that, I'm the favorite now!" Sam proudly exclaims.

"Never mind," Tony almost immediately backtracks, placing a hand on the back of your chair. "You're not the favorite. Pinkie Pie, my PR prodigy, sitting pretty at 89%."

Your smile melts into a deep frown as you shake your head. An intensity floods your tone as you speak, "Don't worry, Tony. I promise I'm working on that other 11%. I'll find them, I'll make them love me."

"Barnes," Tony prompts, his eyes comically wide.

"I won't let her stalk anyone. Don't worry," Bucky promises, dismissively waving Tony away.

"Thank you, and whatever you're doing is working, you're finally at 50%."

Bucky quirks an eyebrow at Tony, "So there's an equal chance that people love me or hate me?"

"Or you could see it as a glass half full?" Tony suggests. "There was a 100 percent chance that people hated you before!"

Bucky frowns, "That makes me feel so much better."

"Steve, for shame, 42%."

"What?" Steve squawks in disbelief. "No! That would mean that Bucky-"

"That would mean that Bucky what?" Sam antagonizes. "That Bucky's approval rating is better than yours, is that what you were going to say?"

"No! That's not what I was going to say! I just - There's no way-"

"That people like Bucky better than you?" Sam finishes. He juts his thumb in your direction, "If you were smart, you'd be best friends with the most likable of all of us. Too bad that position has been filled."

"It's not a contest, Sam!" Steve retorts.

"Because you'd be losing?"

"It's certainly not a close contest," Bucky mutters under his breath.

"And now that the pot has been sufficiently stirred, you're all free to go!"

Chapter 58: Mjolnir


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Oh, Thor! There you are!" you call after him.

"Rainbow Sunshine, what a pleasant surprise!"

"I just wanted to give this to you," you explain, holding out Mjolnir. "Alpine was pawing at it and I didn't want it to get scratched or anything."

Thor's face falls, his jaw dropping. He looks around the room to see if there's suddenly anyone else witnessing this. "Did you - you just -"

"Well, I gotta go but say hi to Loki for me!" He takes Mjolnir from you, staring down at it in shock. You chuckle, tilting your head slightly, "You know, I always thought it would be heavier than it is. Weird."


It's draft clearing time! I don't have that many (just 98!!) but here's one that I keep getting asked about. So can Sunshine wield Mjolnir? Of course she can. And she does it with her *impeccable* sense of humor. I stand by that.

Chapter 59: Mjolnir - Part 2

Chapter Text

"I need my file! Fury will have my ass if I don't finish this debrief," Sam groans in defeat. "I mean, seriously, who the hell leaves a hammer on the coffee table?"

"Don't know what to tell you," Steve shrugs. "You've pretty much asked everyone, no one can lift it. I barely got it to move."

"It's just bad manners," Sam rants, "There's a million other places to put hammers, but on top of my case file is not one of them!"

"Will you quit complaining?" Bucky interjects. "You're just gonna have to wait until Thor comes back. You shouldn't have left it there in the first place."

"You're telling me there's not a single person in this Compound that's worthy?" Sam rhetorically asks the room. "Earth's mightiest heroes, my ass."

"Hey, guys, have you seen-" You stop in the doorway, craning your neck. "Oh, there it is!"

You sigh in relief, lifting Mjolnir to get one of the books pinned beneath it. You grab the book and place the hammer back down on top of Sam's case.

Sam's jaw drops, staring at you with comically wide eyes. Bucky beams with a proud, sly grin, "Can't believe that's my girl."

Steve looks at you in shock, "Do you realize what you just did?"

"Oh, right!" You playfully slap your forehead and pick up Mjolnir again, taking it off the coffee table, "Sorry, bad manners."

Chapter 60: F is For Friends Who Do Stuff Together


Anonymous request from Tumblr: "Hi!! Just wanna say I love your writing sm! And could you please tell how the friendship between loki and sunshine blossomed? I just love how sunshine is with people btw - 🌻"


Okay, okay, that's such a good question, like we already know how Sunshine and Loki met and we've seen a few glimpses into their friendship, but we don't know how they actually became friends. And that is an injustice. So allow me to recount how exactly Sunshine and Loki became friends.

Chapter Text

Loki smirks to himself. He wasn't going to do anything too awful, perhaps a little mischievous but why would anyone expect anything else from him?

It was their fault really. Leaving their newest addition all alone while he was lurking around the Compound. You're low hanging fruit ripe for the picking.

He didn't even have any real plans for you.

Perhaps he'd take you to Asgard for long enough for Thor to come looking. Long enough to frighten you, certainly. In truth, he was just bored and looking to stir up a little bit of chaos - and they made it far too easy for him.

After all, you're completely oblivious to him looming behind you. It was almost too easy.

He creeps up slowly, watching as you tend to a bouquet of flowers in the common room.

You're not even in within arm's reach when, without ever looking over your shoulder, you chirp, "Hi, Loki!"

He freezes, completely caught off guard, his plans entirely derailed, "How did you-"

You turn around with a bright smile, "How did I what?"

"How did you know I was there?"

You shrug, "I heard you."

"Impossible." It disturbs him more than it should. He was a god. Not just a god, but the god of deception and trickery. You were just the strange newcomer.

"Maybe you're not as sneaky as you think you are."

Despite how deeply unsettling this turn of events is, he smirks to himself. He knows you're completely unaware of the challenge you just issued.

So he tries. Again. And again. And again.

And each time, "Hi, Loki!" or "You almost got me that time!" or, worst of all "You're getting better everyday!"

It was maddening. Infuriating, even. He even scared Thor a few times just to make sure he hadn't somehow lost his touch. But no, his brother fell for the old snake in the common room trick every time without fail.

For three months, you held his attention. It was a new record for Loki. Every chance he got to catch you off guard, he took. And none of them ever worked.

One day, he swears he's finally done it. You're talking so enthusiastically to the SHIELD agent before you that there's no way you know he's lurking around the corner.

"Hold on," you tell the SHIELD agent you're speaking to whose name Loki hasn't bothered to learn. You turn around to find Loki a foot away from you, "Hi, Loki."

"What the hell was that?" the SHIELD agent demands.

"Oh, it's just this game me and Loki play." You dismissively wave your hand. "He tries to sneak up on me and I find him before he does. It's sort of like a very intense game of hide and seek."

"I think he's trying to kidnap you."

"It's alright. He's my friend."

Loki falters just as he's about to storm away, "I beg your pardon?"


"What did you just say?"

"I said that it's alright because you're my friend," you casually repeat.

"That! Right there!" Loki explains, gesturing between you and him. "When did we become friends?"

"Umm... I don't know. We've been playing this game for like three months, so like three months ago, I guess."

Loki's eyebrows furrow together. He's not quite sure if it's the most endearing or the most disturbing thing he's ever heard. Worst of all, you don't seem to be afraid of him. "I've been trying to abduct you for three months and you call me your friend?"

"Well, I know you'd bring me back eventually. Plus, I've always wanted to visit another realm, it's on my bucket list!"

"What gave you the impression that I'd return you?"

You shrug, "I'm not worried about it, I trust you."

Your words strike a chord deep within Loki. He can't remember the last time someone trusted him, but you did. You did because you considered him a friend. "You trust me because I am your friend?"

You nod repeatedly, "Pretty much."

The corner of Loki's mouth twists upward, "Huh..."


"I think I might need to find someone new to wreak havoc on."

"Oooh, we should play a prank on Sam!"

Loki smile mischievously at you, "I think we'll get along just fine."

Chapter 61: I Don't Like You

Chapter Text

The first mistake you made was not paying attention during a team meeting, especially one that was dividing up assignments for the next month.

The second mistake you made was listening to Sam.

And if you listened to Bucky, arguably, the third mistake you made was being friends with Sam in the first place.

You don't have a clue what's going on until you hear your name being called. Your head snaps up to Tony, who seems acutely aware that no one is paying attention to him, "Huh?"

"Just say yes," Sam whispers from beside you.

"Uh, yes! That's fine!"

"Perfect! Thank you for volunteering!"

You quirk an eyebrow, "Volunteering?"

"To take Sam's place on the mission next week?"

The mission that no one wanted, the one Sam was desperately trying to get out of but couldn't unless someone volunteered. You turn to Sam with a glare that would most definitely make Bucky proud, "I do not like you right now."

Sam brightly smiles and pats you on the shoulder, "And I’m okay with that."

Chapter 62: Training


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey!" Sam whines. "Aren't you two supposed to be training right now?"

You and Peter glance at each other, then at Sam, "We are training."

"You're quite literally not." Sam frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're sitting there watching TV."

"We're watching an informative TV show."

"You're watching a cartoon."

"No, no, the main character has powers just like me, so we're taking notes," you explain.

Sam gestures to the table covered in snacks in front of you, "There's not a single note in front of either of you."

"We're taking mental notes," you sheepishly chuckle. "Just watch and you'll see!"

Sam doesn't really need anymore convincing than that. He plops himself down on the couch beside you and Peter. "Maybe just one episode, but if anyone asks, this was all your idea."


Several Hours Later...

"We've been waiting in the training room for hours! What are you guys doing?" Steve demands.



I always get comments comparing Sunshine to ATLA and, as always, you're so right.

Chapter 63: Meeting The Parents


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey, doll? Can I talk to you about something?"

You manage to tamp down the mildly annoyed sigh at yet another interruption from your book. You snap the book shut, haphazardly tossing it to the side, “Go for it.”

“Right, well, saying it out loud sounds kind of silly but I want to start off by saying how important this is to me," Bucky vaguely begins, talking with his hands in a way he only did when he was anxious about something.

Your annoyance softens the moment you see his rambling. You reach out and grab his hand, squeezing it tightly, “If it’s important to you then it’s important to me.”

“I should just come out and say it.”

You nod, “Most definitely.”

“I want you to meet my parents.”

“No!" You vehemently shake your head, standing up off the couch. "No way! I love you but there is no way I’m time traveling ever again.”


“What?" you quickly repeat. Your face furrows, shaking your head, "I didn't - I've never - what were you saying?"

“When did you - you know what? I don’t want to know," Bucky decides. "I meant their graves, I know where they’re buried. Sometimes, I go to see them. I want you to come with me.”

“Oh…" you lilt. "Then, yes! Of course, I would love that.”

Bucky sighs in relief, smiling brightly, “Thanks, Doll. This really means a lot to me, you know?”

“Anything for you.”

“I was planning on going first thing tomorrow, is that alright?”

“Works for me.”

He smiles, standing up, but before he leaves, he turns back around, his eyebrow quirking at you, “When did you - No, nope, still don’t want to know.”

“That’s a very good choice!" you call after him. "You definitely do not want to know!”


at this point, i fear sunshine is never going to finish her book...

Chapter 64: Meeting The Parents (Part 2)

Chapter Text

You stand side by side, watching him carefully. You've known Bucky a long time, you've spent a long time loving him, and yet, you've never seen him like this. Quiet and pensive in a different way than his normal stoicism.

This was the man from the 1940's, the boy from Brooklyn, the son that woke from his time as the Winter Soldier to find his parents and sister buried.

There's been nothing but silence since Bucky first pulled into the cemetery on this warm, sunny day. His jaw is tense, his eyes fixed on the spot where his mother is buried. "Are you alright?"

"I don't come here very often," Bucky speaks softly. He shakes his head with a shaky exhale, "This part doesn't ever get any easier. Knowing my mom is here, my sister, my dad..."

"You don't talk about him much."

"My father..." Bucky sighs. "He was - it was complicated, you know? He was a hard-ass, he had one hell of a temper, but he loved my Ma, he took care of us, and he - he was my dad."

You squeeze his hand, "I understand."

"They would have loved you."

You smile up at him, "Thanks."

"I left the flowers in the car, I'll go grab them," you tell him after a long moment of pensive, thick silence.

Both you and Bucky know it's less about grabbing flowers than it is you giving him a moment alone with his parents. You squeeze his hand one last time before you walk off.

"Hey, Ma." Bucky speaks, but only after he's watched you walk out of earshot. He smiles down at his mother's gravestone. He reaches down into his pocket, pulling out the small ring box to show her. "I, uh, I managed to track down your rings. Sam helped me out. Steve, well, you know Steve. It's been 70 years and he still can't keep a secret. I haven't told him yet, probably won't until after I've popped the question. You'd love her. She's perfect. Let's just hope she says yes."

Only moments later, you return with three bouquets, one for each of headstone. "Thank you for bringing me here, for trusting me with this."

"I think you're one of the only people that I trust with this," he confesses, his voice thick with grief. He wasn't sure that there would ever be a time that he would stop grieving the loss of his family. All he could really do was turn to the family he'd built in this time. "It makes me nervous, you know? With everything, that's - that's why I don't come here very often. I feel terrible, but I know I'd feel worse if people came here, if they-"

He doesn't have to finish his sentence. You know what he means. Bucky Barnes is a man that appreciates his privacy, not by choice, but to protect himself. The public perception of him improved day by day, but you know there's people out there that would come here only to hurt Bucky.

"You've never told me that before."

"Maybe I'm just paranoid."

Though you believed in the good of people, you understood why he didn't. You'd seen firsthand the visceral reactions people had to him. It wasn't fair to him in the slightest.

You squeeze his hand. "I understand. I don't think you're paranoid. You just... want to protect them."

It chokes him up. You're right. He wants to protect them. He wants to protect them the way he couldn't when they were still alive. Though the rational part of him knew it wasn't his fault, he'd always blamed himself for not being there for them.

He clears his throat. "I'm just - I'm gonna go talk to the groundskeeper real quick."

It's his way of telling you that he needs a minute. You nod, giving his hand an extra squeeze before you let go. "Okay."

You watch as he walks away with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Um...Mrs. Barnes?" you hesitantly speak to the headstone. "I know you don't know me, but I sorta feel like I know you. James still talks about you all the time. And I guess, I just - I wanted you to know that your son means the world to me. And I'll spend the rest of my life taking care of him. You raised a good man. You raised my person, and I'll never be able to say thank you enough for that."

Chapter 65: Let Me Help You

Chapter Text

You knew something was off with Bucky the moment he came home. He kept rubbing his left shoulder, a deep grimace on his face.

You asked him what was wrong and he brushed it off saying it was just a tough mission. You didn't want to push him, so you let it go. You curled into his side on the couch, reading a book as he played with your hair.

And then he winced. Once. Twice. You've just about had it when he winces again. For the third time.

You snap your book shut. "Alright, that's it!"


"Take off your shirt," you order.

Bucky quirks an eyebrow, a smirk slightly tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Really?"

"What? No!" You playfully swat his chest. "You're obviously in pain!"

“Aw…” Bucky dismissively waves his hand at you. "It's not that bad."

"It's been bugging you since you got back."

"I just overdid it a little. I'm fine." Even as the words leave his mouth, you can tell he's fighting back another wince.

"It's hard to see you like this."

"It's fine."

"It's not fine!" you insist. "I know you don't like other people seeing your arm, and I know you've said no to trying physical therapy, so if you're not going to go ask for help then just let me try to help you. Please?"

He deeply sighs, but considering that even the small rise and fall of his shoulders is sending pain radiating all through his shoulder, he's pretty sure he does need your help. "Fine..."

Your fingers trail over the metal plate holding his arm in place. As you flip the release trigger, he grits his teeth, a huff of relief leaving his lips as the vibranium arm detaches from the joint.

"Baby..." Your voice wavers slightly. It makes you want to cry for him. "It's really swollen. This had to have been bothering you."

"I'm used to it," he grumbles.

Your heart clenches for him. That was the problem. He was used to it. Far too used to pain. Far too used to dealing with it on his own. "I'm gonna go grab you some ice."

You return with an ice pack in hand moments later. He hisses as the coolness presses against his scarred flesh.

"You okay?"

"Yeah," he nods. "Thank you."

"All I did was grab an ice pack."

He grabs your unoccupied hand, kissing your palm, "No, thank you for caring. Sometimes, I forget that I'm not alone anymore."

"You'll never be alone. Not as long as I'm here." You press a gentle, feather light kiss to his shoulder, "From now on, promise you'll tell me when your arm's bothering you?"

He hums as your hand gently kneads his shoulder blade, soothing away the radiating ache and pain, "I promise."

Chapter 66: Close To You


Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? And why do stars fall out from the sky every time you walk by? Turns out, it's the same reason that Bucky is so grumpy, they long to be close to you.

Chapter Text

You can't ignore the dramatic pout on his face anymore than you can ignore him. You look up from your book with furrowed eyebrows and a mostly playful sigh. "Why are you pouting?"

He twists a stand of your hair between his fingers. "You're not close enough."

You're not quite curled into his side anymore, but leaning against his vibranium arm with a pillow cushioning the unyielding metal arm. Though you wanted to be closer to him, after some time, the metal can get just a tad uncomfortable. "I can't be any closer to you."

"Well, I don't accept that." He doesn't like that. Not in the slightest. And it's in his state of touch starved desperation, he gets an idea. "Can you just sit up for a second?"

You oblige, quirking an eyebrow at him, "What are you doing?"

"Getting closer to you."

You don't really know what he means until you hear a metallic clink against the coffee table. You look beside you to see his arm, now removed and giving you space to be closer to him. Instead of saying anything, you just smile at his silly, if not entirely endearing antics, as you scoot closer to him. "Better?"

He nods with a content smile and continues to play with your hair, "Much better."

Chapter 67: Every Part of You


A.N. - Alright, I've been asked to write about Bucky and Sunshine's first time many, many times. And the thing is, like sure, I could write that, but also I want us to take a moment to consider trying to build up to that. There's so many firsts buried in there that I think need to be navigated through before they even get there. This is one of those firsts. Like the first time you see Bucky's shoulder.

Chapter Text

"You're just -" You stop speaking, searching for his lips again. Though you're breathless, you can't bring yourself to pull away from him, "You're so pretty."

You shudder as you feel his hand slip under your sweater. The occasional graze of the cool metal on your skin enough to send shivers down your spine.

His lips trail down, nipping at your jaw, "I'm not pretty."

Your hands, winded in the hair at the nape of his neck, glide down his neck, to clutch the fabric of his henley. The moment he feels your fingers toy with the collar of his shirt, his heart hammers against his ribcage. Not in the sort of way that he usually feels in these moments with you. He feels a sense of dread, of panic. It wraps around his spine like a python. It feels like he can't breathe.

"You're so -"

He wrenches away from you, his chest heaving, "Stop, stop, stop."

You freeze, immediately dropping your hands. Panic starts creeping up your throat, coating your words. "Did I - did I do something wrong?"

He gulps, silently shaking his head. It takes him a moment to regain his composure, to regain the ability to speak clearly, "No, no, you're - you're perfect."

Guilt starts to eat at him. He can see you doing your very best to keep your own feelings off your face. He can see the sting of his rejection in the way your lips press together in a tight line. The embarrassment in the pallor of your once flushed cheeks.

You two have worked so hard to overcome your own personal issues and traumas, to build trust in each other, moments like these hadn't come easy. And he so callously pushed you away, it makes him feel worse. And what makes his heart ache even more, he sees nothing but concern for him shining in your eyes. You just look so worried for him.

Your hands rest in your lap. You twist and untwist your fingers. "If you don't want to, we don't - we don't have to do anything. I'm really sorry -"

"No, no, please don't be sorry." He reaches for you, gently squeezing your hand. It soothes him as much as it does you. "I want to. You don't know how much I want to."


His eyes squeeze shut. He can't bring himself to meet your eyes. "You haven't seen it before - my arm, my shoulder."


He drops your hand. That feeling takes over him again. It feels like there's not enough air in the room. He slides away from you, closer to the edge of the tiny couch in your apartment. "It's - I am not pretty."

It breaks your heart, watching him pull away from you. You can only imagine how many people have turned away from him before. "James..."

He fervently shakes his head, refusing to open his eyes, "No, no, I know what you're gonna say, but it's bad. A lot worse than you're thinking."

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"It's bad," he insists. "I see it every day and I can barely - it's just bad, okay?"

You take his hand, squeezing it tightly. "It's okay if you don't want me to see it. I understand."

He finally opens his eyes again as his eyebrows pull together. He still doesn't meet your eye. "No, no, I want to - I trust you with this, I do. I just - I want you to be prepared."

In that moment, you realize that it's not really about preparing you. Not at all.

He thinks you're going to react badly. He thinks that this will make you turn away from him for the first time ever. He's worried that the love and adoration in your eyes will turn to disgust and repulsion.

It's less about preparing you for the scarred flesh, and more about warning you that he couldn't take a bad reaction. He's not sure he could take it if you turned away from him too.

"I love you," you promise him. "There's nothing that you could show me that would change that. I hope you know that."

There is no response to that. And you know that he won't believe it until he sees it. It takes him a moment. His hand toys with the hem of his shirt. His hand grips the hem, only to let it go.

"I love you," you remind him.

He takes a large gulp of air, pulling off his shirt with one quick movement.

You weren't really sure what you were expecting. You knew the story. You knew how Bucky lost his arm. He even confided the bits and pieces he remembered from getting his vibranium arm.

Your eyes trail over his skin. The shoulder is scarred, scars jut in every direction. Each scar is etched into his skin. It's clear it was a painful, violent experience for him. The metal plate protrudes from the scar tissue in a way that you're sure was painful when first placed. You look on with curiosity, you're not really sure how this, a sign of survival, a badge of resilience, could ever make anyone turn away from him.

He's as breathtaking as you could ever imagined.

Your eyes flicker up at him. He looks at the blank wall of your apartment, scared to watch your facial expressions as you take it in. "Can I?"

He nods, barely able to look you in the eyes. He sucks in a breath when your fingers make contact with the scar tissue surrounding the metal plate.

You immediately pull your fingers back, worried you've accidentally hurt him. "Does it hurt?"

"No," he answers reflexively.

You know he's lying. "I've seen you holding your shoulder before - holding it like it hurts."

"Sometimes," he amends. "The doctor said there's a lot of nerve damage. Things they can't fix."

"Does it hurt now?"


You run your hand over the plate, over his scars, down to his shoulder blade.

"Still think I'm pretty?" he sarcastically remarks.

You press a gentle kiss to his bare shoulder. "I'll always think you're pretty. Every part of you."