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Wishing For A Soulmate


What happens when you ask the eternal dragon to grant your wish for love? Do you find a lover, settle down, and have a happy life.. or do you end up becoming the pet of an all powerful alien who makes you fear for your life?


I'm excited to write this story! I currently do not have a chapter posting schedule, they’ll just be posted as I write them. The aspects in this story of making a wish and being Frieza's pet are inspired by the story "Galaxy" by KuronekoGrimm. Please check it out!

Chapter Text

The sky above you turned a shade that was somehow darker than the night sky. Lighting bolts were shooting out from the ground in front of you, aided by glowing lights surrounding the dragon balls you had spent several months collecting. The journey was quite a long and tedious one, but you knew it would all be worth it in the end if the eternal dragon could grant your only wish in life.

Suddenly the mythical creature shot out of the dragon balls as if by magic, towering over you and arising into the vast atmosphere that had only changed moments ago. Droplets of sweat rolled down your forehead as you nervously looked up above, revealing your anxiousness in light of being prepared for anything.

The creature had finished his show of arrival, conquering the space around you so that all you could see ahead was his twisted body. His large, yellow scales shone next to his green ones, bright enough to where they almost looked like plates of gold.

"I am Shenron, and I shall grant you any wish. Speak quickly so that I may return to my slumber." His mighty voice came down, loud enough to hear the annoyance in his speech.

"Yes, of course.. I'm not sure if you will be able to grant it, but I would at least like to try."

"You're testing my patience. What is it that you desire?"

Desire was one way to put it. Your life felt unfulfilled, no matter how hard you strived to meet your goals and obtain many achievements. Nothing ever felt like it was truly enough to satisfy your aspirations. What you wanted was more than a desire, it was a necessity, for you at least.

"Shenron, I would like for you to send me to my soulmate, my one true love in life, no matter who or where they are." You spoke with bravery as you looked up to the horned creature, unsure if he would be able to complete your request.

Were soulmates even real? This was the question you had been pondering your entire life. Many attempts at dating had failed, no one ever truly peaking your interest. It's not that you had high standards; that was far from the truth. You just did not want to settle with someone who you didn't feel you truly belonged with. After a while, hope had been lost, so you left everything behind and decided that this long, tiring adventure was the only way you could get an answer.

The thoughts roaming inside your mind were interrupted when the mighty being spoke once again.

"Your wish shall be granted."

Before your eyes could even widen in shock, suddenly you were in a different location entirely. You quickly realized that you were in someone else's bedroom, but to call it extravagant would be an understatement. The dimly lit area was made entirely of rich color schemes, letting you know that whoever lived here put a lot of thought into their appearance. Folded drapes covered the large window in the room, and beneath those drapes was a large round mattress wrapped in blankets and pillows of deep purple colors.

A small gasp let out your lips as you suddenly noticed that there was an unknown creature sitting at the end of the bed, their eyes just as wide in confusion as yours were. The reptilian looking stranger jolted up from their position, standing still in indication that they were powerful enough to not need a fighting stance for self defense. Seeing as you just randomly blipped into their living quarters, you weren't surprised to hear vocal wariness as they spoke.

"Who the hell are you?"