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Besteverfics, Harry Potter Smut, Deliciously Dark HP, Porn12345, Deadest of Doves - I’m going to hell, Darkfics for a Stormy Day

Wife Swapping


A lovely beach night confessions and naughty ideas between the golden trio and their spouses reveals that some deserves something more while the others are getting not much.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter Text

In the dimly lit potions laboratory of the Ministry of Magic, Hermione Granger meticulously measured out ingredients, her brow furrowed in concentration. Beside her, Luna Lovegood floated dreamily between cauldrons, her silvery eyes alight with an otherworldly glow.

Hermione sighed, stirring the cauldron thoughtfully. "Luna, I believe we're onto something with this new Wolfsbane potion. We just need that one elusive ingredient to make it perfect."

Luna twirled a strand of her blonde hair absentmindedly. "Yes, Hermione, the key ingredient is still missing. I had an interesting thought, though. What if we need the essence of a healthy alpha male?"

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Alpha male? Luna, this is potion-making, not a discussion on werewolf pack dynamics."

Luna giggled, her eyes sparkling. "No, really, Hermione. I read about it in an ancient magical herbalist's journal. It suggested that the essence of a strong, healthy alpha male could enhance the potion's effectiveness."

Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes. "Well, I've already tested Draco's... essence, and it seems he's not the alpha male we're looking for."

Luna's gaze drifted to the ceiling, lost in thought. "Perhaps we should wait for a more... diverse collection from the infirmary. You never know who might surprise us."

"Oh god!" Hermione groaned "Don't tell me we have to taste those samples too". The semen samples will be mixed into another solution which alter their original essence, hightening their tastes.

"At least you had no problem in tasting Draco's semen" Luna giggled.

Hermione shook her head, "It's disgusting enough we have to take a pinch of these semen everytime, now we have to ask more from infirmary. They are going to take us for some crazy semen hungry witches".

Luna nodded reluctantly, and they continued their work, waiting for the missing piece to fall into place.

As the bubbling cauldron filled the room with an earthy aroma, Luna turned to Hermione with a dreamy smile. "Speaking of surprises, Hermione, have you made any plans for the summer vacation?"

Hermione sighed, momentarily distracted from her potion-making. "Yes, actually. Draco and I, along with Scorpius, are planning a family vacation. We're going to Fiji with Harry, Daphne, and their kids, as well as Ron, Pansy, Rose, and Hugo."

Luna's eyes widened in excitement. "A grand gathering of the Golden Trio and their families! How splendid! What made you decide on Fiji?"

Hermione's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Well, we thought it would be a great opportunity to spend quality time together. We've all been so busy lately, and it's been ages since the three families had a proper vacation. Plus, it's a chance for Scorpius to bond with Albus, James, Lily, Rose, and Hugo."

Luna nodded sagely. "A magical family vacation, how enchanting. I'm sure the beach in Fiji will be filled with laughter and magical adventures."

Hermione smiled, imagining the scene. "Exactly, Luna. It's essential for us to create these memories, not just as friends but as a magical family. Our children deserve to experience the joy of camaraderie and shared magical moments."

The cauldron emitted a soft hum, signaling that their potion was almost complete. Luna clasped her hands together. "I do hope we can wrap up this potion before your vacation. It would be a wonderful achievement to present to the Ministry."

Hermione nodded, determination in her eyes. "Agreed. Let's focus on perfecting the potion, and then we can enjoy our well-deserved vacation in Fiji, creating memories that will last a lifetime."

And with renewed determination, Hermione and Luna returned to their potion-making, the promise of a magical summer vacation fueling their efforts.

A few hours later, without any success in their potion making, Hermione walked into her home, tired but content after a long day at the Ministry. The sight that greeted her in the living room, however, was less comforting. Draco lounged on the couch, reading a wizarding newspaper, while Scorpius played a game on his muggle device.

"Hey Darling," Draco greeted her without looking up.

Hermione surveyed the scene, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Did you two have a productive evening?"

Scorpius glanced up, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hi, Mum. How was work?"

Ignoring the question, Hermione turned her attention to Draco. "Why aren't the dishes done? You've been home for hours."

Draco looked up from his newspaper, a smirk playing on his lips. "Darling, that's your department, isn't it? I don't recall signing up for kitchen duty."

Hermione sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "It's not just my responsibility. We live in this house together."

Draco nonchalantly snapped his fingers, and a house-elf appeared with a pop. "Winky, take care of the dishes, would you?"

Hermione's disappointment lingered, but she decided to choose her battles. "Fine," she muttered, turning away from the scene.

As she headed towards the stairs, Scorpius spoke up. "Mum, do you want me to help with the cleaning? I can do some chores."

Hermione couldn't help but smile at her son's offer. "Thank you, Scorpius, but it's alright. I've got it covered."

Scorpius shrugged, returning to his game. "Just trying to be helpful."

Draco, having witnessed the exchange, grinned as Hermione ascended the stairs. "Of course, he is a Malfoy. You're raising a responsible young man, Granger."

Hermione, now standing on the staircase, shot him a reproachful look. Draco chuckled and got up from the couch. He approached her, planting a quick kiss on her cheek. "You worry too much, love. We've got everything under control."

Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Under control, huh? I'll believe it when I see it."

Draco smirked, taking her hand. "Speaking of control, we need to pack for our vacation. The kids are excited, and I don't want to keep Harry and Ron waiting."

Hermione sighed but couldn't deny the anticipation of a family-friendly vacation. "Alright, let's get this done. But we're discussing chores when we get back."

Draco chuckled. "As you wish, Mrs. Malfoy. Now, let's make this a memorable vacation."



The portkey office buzzed with anticipation as Hermione, Draco, and Scorpius eagerly awaited the arrival of their friends. The air was charged with excitement for the family-friendly vacation to Fiji. Suddenly, Harry, Daphne, Albus, James, and Lily appeared in a whirlwind of colors, landing gracefully near the portkey office.

Hermione couldn't contain her joy and rushed towards Harry and Daphne. "Harry! Daphne!" she exclaimed, enveloping them in warm hugs. Draco, ever composed, extended his hand to Harry. "Potter," he greeted with a nod.

Meanwhile, Scorpius, at 11 years old, mirrored his father's poise as he approached Albus and James. "Hey Scorpius!" Albus greeted with a grin, and Scorpius responded with a handshake, acknowledging both boys.

The arrival of Ron, Pansy, Rose, and Hugo added a touch of hilarity to the scene. Rose and Pansy strolled forward, chatting animatedly, while Ron struggled with two heavy bags in his hands. The muscles in his arms bulged, veins popping, showcasing a humorous display of strength.

However, the real amusement came when seven-year-old Hugo sat atop Ron's head, gripping onto his father's fiery red hair. Laughter erupted from the group as they witnessed this comical sight. Harry and Draco, quick to lend a hand, each took one of Ron's bags, lightening the load on his burly shoulders.

Pansy gently took Hugo off Ron's head, her laughter blending with the others. Hermione, unable to contain her amusement, approached Ron with a wide grin. "Ron, you never fail to entertain," she teased, giving him a playful punch on the arm before jumping up and hugging him tightly.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie as the group prepared for their tropical adventure. Draco, with a smirk, couldn't resist a jab at Ron. "Need a hand with those muscles, Weasley?" he quipped, earning a chuckle from Harry.

As the families gathered, discussing their upcoming vacation plans, Hermione couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the enduring friendships that had developed since their school days at Hogwarts. The bonds formed during those tumultuous years had withstood the test of time, evolving into a close-knit group that now shared not only magical adventures but also the joys of family life.

With their bags in tow and laughter echoing through the portkey office, the group set off on another chapter of their lives—this time, an enchanting family vacation to Fiji.

The sun hung low in the Fiji sky, casting a warm glow over the idyllic landscape as the group of friends made their way to the cottage-villa for their much-anticipated vacation. Laughter and chatter filled the air, blending with the soothing sounds of waves lapping against the shore.

Hermione walked alongside Draco, their hands entwined, while their son Scorpius skipped ahead, eager to explore. Harry and Daphne trailed behind, with Albus and James engaged in a lively discussion about Quidditch. Ron and Pansy followed with their children, Rose and Hugo, in tow.

The cottage-villa appeared in the distance, surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers. As they approached, the group couldn't help but admire the breathtaking view of the ocean stretching out before them.

Harry grinned, "This place is incredible. Perfect for a family getaway."

Draco, however, raised an eyebrow, "It's lovely, but I hope it's equipped with some basic magical amenities."

Ron nodded in agreement, "Yeah, not everyone is fond of living like Muggles."

They entered the cottage, finding a cozy living room and a quaint kitchen. Hermione inspected the rooms, "It's charming, but where's the magical touch?"

Draco grumbled, "No magic? What kind of holiday is this?"

Ron added, "And no electrical gadgets! How are we supposed to survive without them?"

The lack of magical conveniences puzzled the group, but they decided to make the best of it. After settling the kids in a room with bunk beds, each couple claimed a cottage for themselves.

As they explored their new living quarters, Harry chuckled, "Well, it's a chance to embrace the simpler side of life."

Draco rolled his eyes, "Simpler for Muggles, perhaps."

That evening, the adults, having left the kids to bond, made their way to the beach. The sun cast an orange glow on the sand as they strolled along the shoreline in swimsuits. The men were usually Handsome with the usual muscular structure, Ron had a more peculiar one since with his Weasley genes he had more height and muscled bulk.

Daphne has developed into a hot vixen. Her blonde hair, blue eyes forming her angel face. Her enormous, round, slightly sagging bust, thick thighs and pert ass, along with her toned stomach from years of muggle fitness practise. Her body shaped perfect at her classic appearance in these fics: 36-24-36, DD-Cups with a nice, big, round ass and great legs. Blonde haired, blue eyed, basically a goddess. Harry is lucky.

Pansy's measurements were 36C, 28, and 38. Ron found her to be the ideal milf to fuck every day. She had jiggling butt cheeks and a bust that was attempting to escape from any clothing she was wearing. She had to-die-for big thighs, silky, delicate legs, and toes that the redhead enjoyed sucking and licking.

Hermione possessed the largest 38DD spherical boobs without even a slight sag that spilled milk even after years of being pregnant, and she was the busty of all. She usually worked out, so she had a flat stomach like the other two and a plum ass in the shape of a heart.

The group reached the water, and laughter filled the air as they splashed around. The men, with their toned bodies, and the women, in fashionable bikinis, enjoyed the warm evening. The sunlight reflected in the water, creating a magical ambiance.

Hermione chuckled as she spread a beach towel on the sand. "Well, this is a fantastic getaway, isn't it?"

Draco, grinning, nodded. "Absolutely. A break from the wizarding world does wonders."

Harry and Daphne approached, their children happily playing in the background. "Kids are settled," Harry said, plopping down next to Draco. "Time for some relaxation."

Ron and Pansy joined the group, laughter echoing. "The cottage is kid-proofed," Ron declared. "Now, who's up for a swim?"

The group headed to the water, the tropical breeze carrying their laughter. Emerging from the sea, the men flexed their muscles, drawing appreciative glances from their wives.

Daphne smirked. "Looking good, boys."

As they settled on the beach, the sun dipping below the horizon, a bonfire crackled to life. They shared stories, reminiscing about their Hogwarts days.

The Fijian breeze played with the flames of the crackling campfire as Hermione, Draco, Harry, Daphne, Ron, and Pansy settled onto the sandy beach, their laughter mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves. The children were safely tucked away in a nearby cottage, the three couples were ready for a night of relaxation under the starlit sky.

Draco, his blonde hair glinting in the firelight, leaned back on his palms. "This vacation was long overdue. I can't believe we finally managed to get away from work."

Daphne, her blonde hair flowing freely, grinned. "It's great to have some adult time. No Quidditch matches, no magical mishaps—just sun, sea, and good company."

Ron, stretching his arms, nodded in agreement. "And Fijian sunsets, can't forget those. They're bloody brilliant. Muggles are kind of more romantic"

Amidst the warmth of the fire, the conversation shifted. "You know, in the Muggle world," Daphne began, "some couples are into open relationships."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Open relationships?"

Daphne chimed in, "Yeah, like where partners agree to be with other people."

Harry, his glasses glinting, raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, some of them are into this open relationship thing. I don't quite get it, but they seem happy."

Pansy, her locks cascading down her shoulders, added, "It's all about communication and trust, they say. But it's not something I'd consider."

Draco, smirking, chimed in. "Well, we're wizards, not Muggles. Our world operates differently."

Daphne, her face catching the firelight, shrugged. "True, but it's interesting to see how relationships evolve. It's not just about tradition anymore."

As the night progressed, the conversation took an unexpected turn. Harry, with a mischievous glint in his eye, broached the topic of wife swapping. "You guys ever hear about those parties where couples switch partners for the night? It's a Muggle thing, apparently."

"Can we just switch the subject? Your horny bunch?" Pansy chuckled nervously. "But, yeah, I've heard of it too, but I don't think it's our cup of tea."

Ron, his brow furrowed, added, "It's a personal choice, but it seems like it could complicate things. What if feelings get involved?"

Draco, tossing a stick into the fire, smirked. "Well, it's not like we need any help spicing up our love lives. We're a pretty adventurous bunch."

Daphne rolled her eyes playfully. "Adventurous, yes. But there's a difference between a tropical vacation and, you know, partner swapping. After all we're almost family."

As the fire crackled and the conversation flowed, the couples delved into the pros and cons of such unconventional practices. Laughter and serious contemplation danced in the air.

Ron, shaking his head, said, "I don't know, it just seems like a recipe for disaster. Imagine the aftermath!"

Pansy, her gaze fixed on the flames, agreed. "Feelings are fragile. I wouldn't want to risk our relationships for a temporary thrill."

Hermione, looking at Draco, smiled. "But everyone has their own ways of keeping things exciting, right?"

Draco pointing out to his wife answered, "Absolutely. No need for drastic measures."

Ron chuckled, "Sounds complicated."

Harry nodded, "Well, it's not for everyone, but some make it work." he then added, "They say communication is key. Honesty about your feelings and boundaries."

The crackling flames cast a flickering light on their faces as the night deepened. Daphne leaned back, glancing at the others. "What if we tried something like that? We're practically family."

Hermione grinned mischievously. "Are you suggesting an open relationship Daph?"

The air hung with a moment of contemplation before Ron burst into laughter. "No way"

Harry smirked, "Well, it's definitely an interesting idea to explore."

As they bantered about the pros and cons, the discussion took an unexpected turn into the realm of curiosity. Hermione looked at Ron, a playful glint in her eyes. "Imagine the scandal if the wizarding world found out."

Draco scoffed, "A scandal we'd be at the center of."

Hermione, always the voice of reason, interjected, "We should be careful. We have kids, and this could get messy."

Pansy nodded, "He's right. It's not just about us."

Ron, gesturing to the dark sea, mused, "Maybe we're better off enjoying the waves of Fiji than navigating this sea of complications."

Daphne exchanged a curious glance with Hermione, while Ron looked intrigued. Harry took a deep breath. "What if we, just for fun, swap partners for a night? You know, to break the routine and have a memorable vacation experience."

The beach was momentarily silent as everyone processed Hermione's proposal. Then, Pansy burst into laughter. "You're joking, right? Swap partners?"

Hermione chuckled nervously. "I can't do that with Harry. He's like my brother, for Merlin's sake!"

Harry laughed, "Who knows, you may like it in the near future Hermione. No offense, Draco."


"That leaves only Ron...." Draco smirked, leaning in to whisper in Hermione's ear. "Funny you say that, considering you had a little crush on Ron during our Hogwarts years."

Hermione blushed, shooting Draco a warning glance. Ron's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what? You had a crush on me?"

Draco nodded, still grinning. "Oh, she did. It was quite adorable, really. But we're all adults now, aren't we? How about we make this vacation truly memorable?"

Ron scratched his head, looking at Hermione with a newfound curiosity. "You had a crush on me, and I didn't know? Why didn't you say anything?"

Hermione stammered, "It was ages ago, Ron! And besides, we're happily married now."

Draco interrupted, "Exactly! So, how about we make tonight interesting? Just one time. Hermione with Ron, Pansy with Harry, and Daphne with me. It's just for fun, no strings attached."

Daphne looked at Draco, eyes playfully. "Are you seriously suggesting this?"

Draco grinned. "Why not? We're in Fiji, living in the moment. What happens in Fiji stays in Fiji."

The group exchanged glances, the beach embracing the flickering flames and the murmurs of the ocean. After a moment of hesitation, pansy shrugged. "Fine, but this better not become a regular thing."

Ron nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Just not tonight though for tomorrow night, maybe, let's try something different."

And so, under the starlit sky, the three couples came to a deal for a one time exchanging partner, and a vacation memory they would forever share. The waves whispered their secrets, and the campfire crackled, echoing the joy of an adventurous night in Fiji.