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Part 1 of A Case of Ladybug Luck and Related Works

A Case of Ladybug Luck


Marinette doesn't think she can keep living like this. She never told Alya her secret, and her life is in shambles. Adrien is the only one who has noticed and tried to help, but he isn't enough. Lila has them both trapped in a web of lies they can't escape from, and their friends are all taking her side, unwilling to listen to either of them. She's losing hope. At least Chat Noir noticed. She still had her partner. But when an oppurtunity presents itself to Marinette, the perfect chance to get away from this hellish existence and start brand new, she takes it, leaving Paris to deal with the consequences of her actions...

WARNING: This fic contains discussions of faking suicide, guilt, trauma, abuse, harasment and heavy angst in general. Please read the tags before entering, and do not read if those topics make you uncomfortable. Thank you, and again, mind the tags!

Note: Due to innapropriate and hateful behavior from the guest known as "Lila" I'm enabling comment moderation on this fic. Please don't let this dissauade you from commenting, all opinions are accepted! Enjoy the story and again mind the tags and warnings in the beggining notes of each chapter!


Hello there everyone! Welcome back to another fic! My apologies for being gone for so long, I’ve had a pretty tough year. Academics and real-life responsibilities ate up all my time, I tried to push myself to write but couldn’t manage anything I liked, or of real quality if I’m honest. So, I had to leave AO3 be for a little while. I’m sorry for not uploading a message to inform anyone, but I honestly didn’t know when I’d be back. If I have to guess, this is being uploaded in late spring or early summer.

Anyways, I wanted to get back into writing with a story I’d be passionate about, and while I hold a lot of love for my old projects, I don’t have the motivation to go back and re-write at the moment, but the Discord-Inspired Fic series will continue to be updated, since I love writing smaller pieces and one-shots, and inspiration generally hits me when I’m with my friends there! I do have a story in mind which I absolutely adore and have wanted to write ever since last year, but I’m holding off on it for now until I can get a consistent upload schedule and do it justice, if I decide to write it in the end. We’ll see. It’s kind of my secret project and I wanna write it well!

To give you the story behind this fic, it’s quite simple really! I was re-reading my old works, hoping that would spark some inspiration to write a sequel or continue one of them, and stumbled onto “In Rain I Loved and In Rain I Mourned”. Yes, the single angst fic I’ve ever written. Because of course I was inspired by that one!

This story doesn’t necessarily take place in the same universe, I’m not ruling it out completely because I haven’t decided if I want to end this fic with a final battle against Hawkmoth or focus more on interpersonal relationships between characters, but for now feel free to imagine it as a companion piece to this fic if you’d like!

Right! Well, I hope you guys enjoy it! And also, I’d like to ask a favor. Since I haven’t posted in ages, it would mean the world if you guys could give me some feedback for the fic! Not only to improve my writing, but also because I love responding to comments, and I’ll be happy to talk to you guys! Now, without further ado… Prepare to Cry!

Chapter 1: End of the Line


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Marinette, I’m your very best friend. You can tell me anything.”, Alya’s voice echoed in Marinette’s head. She stirred in her bed, sleep eluding her.

She remembered her voice cracking as she put her words together, and broke Alya’s heart. “I- Als…I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you.”

“Luka…the truth is the one thing I can’t tell you…”

Alya’s eyes had softened, she’d wrapped her arms around Marinette and given her the warmest hug she’d ever had. Marinette didn’t need to be a superhero to see the hurt in Alya’s eyes, and she tried! She tried to open her mouth, to take it back, to tell her…but the words wouldn’t come.

Alya had pulled away slowly, removed her arms ever so softly and smiled at Marinette, who’d made a sound, something akin to a low wail. Her best friend said nothing, turned away, and descended the ladder to Marinette’s room.

She’d felt Tikki nudge her cheek, she thought. Wayzz sat on her shoulder, trying to hug her. Sass had tried to nuzzle into her palm, but Marinette had remained perfectly still, unmoving for what seemed like an eternity. When she did finally snap out of her daze, something inside the young Ladybug broke, shattered into a billion pieces never to be put back together. Not even the Cure could fix it. Like a door had just been slammed in her face, leaving Marinette in a pitch-black room, with no escape.

That had been…three, four? Maybe five months ago, Marinette thought, fluffing her pillow again. Absentmindedly, her hand went to Tikki’s usual spot, but she was gone. Well, in the Miracle Box because she’d wanted to talk to the Kwami, but still. Not with her. As the Guardian, she knew it was important, but as Marinette, she wanted her friend. It felt cold without Tikki next to her. Sighing, she pulled off her blanket and got out of bed. Did two hours of sleep really matter, when there’d been at least one Akuma every night for the past two months? In hindsight, probably.

Marinette didn’t care. She didn’t. She was fine. She missed Alya. She missed Rose. She was okay, really, it was fine! She missed her friends. She was Ladybug. She had Chat Noir. She was the Guardian. A chill went down her spine, a sob threatened to escape her, but she took a deep breath and sat down at her sewing machine, turning on her desk light and getting to work.

Taking commissions amidst this whole mess was not a good idea, she knew that. It was also the only thing that made her happy. Sewing, embroidery, crafting, making things. Dresses, shirts, earrings, bracelets, whatever she had the materials for. At Max’s recommendation and with his help, she’d even made a website for her stuff! MDC Fashions. He didn’t know the name, nobody did. This was her project. Her hours, her creations, her responsibilities.


Marinette decided what commission to take, she sorted through messages from potential clients, and (with some slight help from Jagged, who’d insisted on helping) had set up a bank account for the money to go into. It was technically his, but she’d been pressured into changing the passcodes to something he wouldn’t know, unless of course she’d prefer if he started advertising her stuff to every designer and studio he knew, because she was that good in his eyes. “Those totally rock sunglasses speak for themselves Marinette! You make wicked stuff!”, he’d said.

And because Marinette didn’t want him to do any of those things for her, beforehand, she’d insisted on helping him with something in exchange. So Jagged had requested something utterly bizarre, help with getting to know Luka and Juleka. That had been an interesting experience. But Marinette smiled, remembering how happy they all looked in the photos she’d been sending her -had stopped sending her because it was too painful for Marinette to write back, because Marinette should have written back, she should have said something but never replied- and got back to work. A modified version of her own outfit, black blazer instead of grey, dark blue blouse with no floral pattern, but a seam running from one shoulder to the other, seeming to almost separate the two shades of blue, darker below and slightly lighter right above, just underneath the neckline.

It went well with her earrings, if she said so herself, and honestly…a part of her was really happy to experiment with something new, was tempted to iron out the details tonight and put it on first thing in the morning, to show her fr…her classmates. Right, she had school tomorrow.

Marinette pointedly ignored the thought of Lila Rossi, just like she ignored her friends most days. And that thought left a bad taste in her mouth. She needed some water. Later, when she was done. Shaking her head

Her newly designed dark grey jean shorts -last week’s project-, with dark blue accents on the knees for aesthetic -as Tikki had said, and who was Marinette to argue with the kwami of creation?- was sitting somewhere to her right, she thought, neatly folded. At the crack of dawn, it’s matching blouse and blazer were finally complete! Neatly folded, perfectly designed, not a seam out of place!

Marinette laughed, despite the morning hell that waited for her. It was really satisfying to see a personal project through. She loved the outfit already. It was…freeing. Yes, freeing! To have something of hers, to make something not for her friends, but to finally finish a personal project of her own! To have the time to make something for herself despite her responsibilities! Besides, who needed sleep? Two years of wearing her Miraculous had given her endurance to fight crazy supervillains! She’d been eaten by a dinosaur! She’d survived Scarlet Moth! She’d fought a giant mecha in Shanghai! She’d stopped Hawkmoth from launching every missile in the United States! She was Ladybug! She was a freaking superhero! She could go a day or two without sleep!

Suddenly, a step sounded on the second floor of the bakery, like thunder on a cloudless night. Unexpected, and very dangerous. Oh, fuck. If her parents learned she’d stayed up again, Mama would kill her! Marinette thanked every god under the sun that she’d already folded her new clothes up, scooted a box out from under bed, and put them in amidst her other personal creations, the stuff that she shouldn’t have had any time to make, nor the money to buy materials for! Thank Kwami for Jagged and his help!

She practically threw herself into bed, and pulled a blanket over herself, curling up into a ball. She didn’t see Sabine’s head pop out from her trapdoor, but she heard the footsteps in her room. Sabine moved to her desk, shut off her light and stood still for a moment. Staring at her. Probably suspicious.

“Marinette…what am I going to do with you…”, Sabine mused inwardly. “She probably stayed up late again. Why does she keep working herself to the bone like this? I need to talk to her…” But she couldn’t, not really. Sabine knew all too well that something was wrong with her daughter. Her friends couldn’t be busy at all times, Alya wasn’t always working on her blog, and Adrien definitely didn’t have a pet tiger to feed. Gabriel Agreste wouldn’t let his son near a house fly, a tiger was just ridiculous.

Tom and Sabine had both heard Marinette sometimes, crying in her room. And yet whenever they approached, even if they knocked on her door right in the thick of it, her daughter’s voice always sounded pleasant, warm, if a tad startled. She always wore a sunny smile on her face, wished them a nice day and left with a pep in her step every morning to go to school. But…

Neither of them knew that her shoulders slouched the second she turned the block, that her steps grew smaller the closer she got to the building, that a chill ran up her spine at exactly 8:10 am in the morning, every morning as the school bell rang. And Marinette was never going to let it show, she was never going to let Lila win. She hadn’t told Alya, how could she tell her parents when her best friend didn’t know? Well, second best friend. Chat, by some miracle, had seen it when others did not.

Marinette remembered that night as if it was yesterday. He’d looked straight in the eye exactly 64 days ago -and yes, she was keeping count-, had taken a sunny smile brighter than the sun directly to the face, and instead of swooning of being fooled, gave her a look. Marinette had never had a more intense conversation, than the day where one wasn’t needed.

He'd hugged her as tightly as he could, and they’d stayed like that well past the end of their night patrol. She remembered it was raining when she finally pulled away, because Chat looked so serene, so utterly happy with sitting on a cold rooftop at night, in the middle of a thunderstorm, just because of her. He’d looked at her like she’d hung up all the stars in the sky, like he’d only needed the light of her eyes to guide him through this moonless night. He’d stood up, offered her a paw, and slowly helped her to her feet.

“Ladybug…I know what it’s like.”, he’d said, his voice devoid of any of the usual charm, the humor and laughter that had become synonymous with Chat Noir’s very existence in her mind. He looked her in the eyes, more serious than she’d ever seen him. “I’ll always be here for you My Lady, I promise.”, he’d said, softly, voice so low it was almost lost to the wind.

Marinette believed him in a heartbeat. As impossible as it would be to think that Chat Noir of all people was being crushed under the weight of responsibility and expectation, she believed him. Chat had smiled at her, that understanding, compassionate smile that told her he’d keep his word, and tapped a button on his baton. A little umbrella extended from the top, and he handed it to her, his claws lingering on her fingers for just a second too long.

“Here, so you don’t get wet.”, he joked, cheeky demeanor back in place. They were both already soaked to the bone.

Ladybug had found a laugh escaping her. She wiped tears from her eyes, happy tears, for the first time in a while, and quipped back. “But kitty, I’m not made out of sugar!”, she’d mock-protested.

Chat looked stunned, like he’d just realized. “Well, my bad then. I forgot you’re far sweeter…”, he’d quipped, letting his voice go when he saw her smiling again. His mouth made a little o shape. He looked like he’d just unlocked the secrets of the universe. “Bugaboo, I’ll do anything for that smile of yours.”, he’d whispered under his breath, just loud enough to hear. The “I love you” went unspoken, but she knew. He knew that she knew.

He shook his head, cat ears and all, saluted her, and backflipped onto the nearest rooftop. It wasn’t funny. It was silly. It was…Chat. It was so Chat Noir that Ladybug’s laugh had lit up the sky that night, a single ray of moonlight shinning on her face as a pair of green eyes gazed back at her from across the skyline. She’d taken his umbrella, jumped home, and had the first sleep without nightmares in months. She’d never felt happier.

Marinette snapped out of the memory, and felt something wet. Oh, she’d been crying again. The blanket wasn’t covering her anymore, Mama was running a hand through her hair, whispering a lullaby like she was a kid.

“Marinette…”, her mother soothed, but she was ignored. Marinette stayed like that for a moment, basking in the warmth that she didn’t deserve. She’d been lying to them for two years now, constantly. She’d probably told them more lies than truth, at this point. And she could never tell them. Her eyes drifted to the skylight; she saw the sun was lighting up her room. Had Mama stayed with her? But…

“Mom…what time is it?”, she asked, a sudden chill freezing Marinette down to her core.

Sabine didn’t respond for moment, content with soothing her daughter, but Marinette’s eyes opened fully, darting around in panic! “Mom! Please tell me I’m not late!”, she asked, no, she begged, but Mama didn’t comply.

“Marinette…I called your school, told them you’re not well today. It’s well past noon.”, she said, and her daughter froze. Her eyes locked directly onto a picture on her desk, one with her, Kagami and Adrien. Tears threatened to burst out of her again, but Marinette took a shaky breath and sternly refused to let them.

Abruptly, she pulled herself up despite her mom’s protest. She walked to it, just looking at the smile on her own face. It had been maybe the week after the Gang of Secrets incident, that Adrien showed up at her house with a bouquet of pink roses, because he admired her, he’d said. She’d been shell-shocked when she opened the door, to find him standing there, boldly announcing that he was taking her out on that Saturday afternoon. Her heart had, oddly enough, not swooned at the prospect of the date, that came after. He left the roses with her parents, they took a croissant each for the way, and he led her to the park.

Marinette had been suspicious at first, Adrien had never acted like this before. This wasn’t Felix, she knew him well enough to not be fooled, but could it be…an intervention? She’d asked him where he was going, and Adrien had given her this determined look, the ghost of a cheeky smile on his face. “Why Marinette, I have a fencing lesson with Kagami! Clearly, I’m right where I should be!”

Marinette was baffled, until she saw Kagami sitting on a bench, the one that Adrien was leading them both towards. For a moment, her brain stopped. Didn’t they just break up? Then Kagami walked over to them, and pulled her a fierce hug. Marinette realized. They’d done this for her. They’d put aside their entire breakup to hang out with her, because they saw she was upset.

Tears of joy almost left her then and there, and she recoiled, only to them both in for a bigger hug! Adrien had laughed, Kagami had even giggled!

“Thank you, thank you so much!”, she’d said to them, and they’d both smiled.

Kagami was first to respond, Adrien looked too touched to utter a word. “Marinette, you are my friend. I do not know what troubles you, but my relationship with Adrien means nothing in the face of a friend in need. Warriors stick together, after all.” She then struck a pose, holding an imaginary sword out in her defense.

Marinette cracked up at that, the other two followed. That day…that day had been wonderful. She’d even…been happy to be around them, they’d had a lot of fun walking around the city, especially after a quick stop back at her place for a pair of horrid disguises, so the two famous kids of Paris wouldn’t be recognized. But…it was also the last she’d seen of Kagami.

Tomoe and Gabriel had discovered their children’s “insubordination”, and they were both forbidden from “wasting time with frivolous activities when the future is at stake”. Gabriel couldn’t of course do that unless he pulled Adrien out of school, but he there on Monday, back to normal, if unwilling to discuss what happened with his father. Kagami on the other hand…Adrien still saw her in his fencing lessons, and sometimes she also managed to sneak a peak at her so Marinette could wave at her, but that Saturday had been the last time they’d spoken.

For some reason, Marinette was okay leaving it that way. She was even more of a mess now than she was back then, Kagami would be disappointed that she was letting Lila defeat her like this. And Adrien…she’d left him alone with her. She was apparently the only person to notice that he was uncomfortable with how Lila Rossi was acting towards him, as if her classmates were anything but enchanted by her stories at this point.

Every day Lila would come up with something new to say, some new little lie to spread or some fake concern to imply about her, having people always think the worst either of or about her. Adrien was the only one who Marinette knew that had given her any support. Ladybug thanked God for Chat Noir; Marinette thanked God for Adrien Agreste.

Today, Adrien was alone with her, probably squirming under an “innocent”, “friendly” touch while she wasn’t there to take the heat off him. Marinette cursed her Mama. She had to be there, they were there for each other, that was the promise they’d made! She didn’t notice that she’d cursed out loud, nor that Sabine had heard her daughter. Marinette simply -politely- told her that she wanted to go out to the park for a walk, and Sabine obliged her, leaving quietly. Her worries about Marinette however, only became louder.

With a new change of clothes, her original, “Marinette” outfit that she hadn’t changed in years, and Tikki in her pink purse, Marinette rushed out of her house, beelining it to school. She saw Adrien and Nino outside, talking intensely. Adrien seemed exasperated; Nino seemed to be laughing him off.

“Dude c’mon, you don’t have to hide it. It’s okay to be over Ladybug you know. Besides, Lila’s great! You already work together, why’s it a problem to date?”, Nino voiced in a joking tone.

The contents of Adrien’s stomach nearly saw the light of day. And the pavement below. “NINO! Please for everything that our friendship means to you, shut up! I. Don’t. Like. Lila! Okay?”, he begged, and Nino seemed to falter for a moment.

The DJ considered the point, then nodded. “Okay dude. I swear on the bro code, I’ll stop and never bring your crush up again.”, he said, mock-serious. Adrien got the idea to punch him. He refrained.

Just when it seemed to be over, just when it was clear for Marinette to approach and help, because she knew Adrien hated Lila more than he hated Hawkmoth, Alya jumped directly into her view. And Adrien was again squarely in the line of fire.

“ADRIEN, WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?”, she screamed in excitement. “Congratulations Sunshine! Way to go!”, she yelled again. Nino put a hand on her shoulder and she cleared her throat awkwardly, voice returning to manageable decibels.

Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Thank you?”, he said, confused.

Oh no…

Alya shook him by the shoulders, barely managing not to scream. “Why didn’t you tell me you’re dating Lila? Why’d you hide the scoop?”

As soon as the words registered in Marinette’s brain, she felt viciously sick. No, no, no! For all that has every been holy, someone tell her that Gabriel didn’t force Adrien to date that snake!

“Dude? Dude, what’s wrong?”, Nino asked, looking at Adrien. He’d gone pale, eyes filled with sheer existential terror. He pinched himself as hard as he could, thinking this was a nightmare. The temptation to Cataclysm Lila Rossi, ever present and simmering in the back of his head, rose to full height, dwarfing logical thought.

“…Adrien? Sunshine, are you okay?”, Alya asked, noticing that he looked sick. Adrien didn’t respond, his eyes darting around hopelessly for the one person who always knew what to do, who could somehow fix this mess, but she wasn’t here to-

Something slammed into him, nearly knocking him down. Adrien dared to open his eyes, a familiar smell of fresh bread encouraging him…and there she was. Marinette, his savior!


“Dude, what the fuck?”

Adrien blinked. He’d never heard Nino swear before. Marinette was hugging him. She was…hugging him! She was here. Adrien felt himself relax.

“Oh thank God!”, he breathed out, looking at her face.

Marinette slowly pulled herself off him, and gave him another hug, tighter than the last. “Adrien, you’re okay. She’s not here, I promise. We got this.”, she said softly, and he pulled himself together.

“R-right, we’re in this together.”, he said, leaning into Marinette.

Alya did a double take. Twice. Nino just blinked at them. Adrien breathed deeply, and spoke up.

“Okay, I need you to listen to me.”, he said, serious. “I do not care what Lila Rossi says, I am not dating her. I’d rather let my father pull me out of school than date her.”, Adrien said, with such conviction that Alya and Nino could only nod in silence.

Alya was the first to speak up. “But…she showed us your texts! And the ring you bought her! And the fox necklace from your dad’s line that you gifted her!”, Alya protested in Lila’s defense. She narrowed her eyes. Why did Adrien always get like this when Marinette was around? She was practically attached to the hip with him when they were at school, and he always defended her from anything Lila said. But…there was evidence, and very clear evidence that Lila hadn’t lied.

“Um. Look dude, I get that Marinette and Lila have beef, but it doesn’t extend to you, you know that right?”, Nino said hesitantly. “And seriously, what is even up with you two? What was that?”

An absolute nightmare, Adrien wanted to say. He held his tongue. Alya’s eyes suddenly widened, her body went stiff. “Wait…wait wait wait!”, she breathed. “Marinette?”, she turned to the bluenette.

Marinette. Not Mari or gurl or any variation of those, her full first name. As always, these past few months. She knew where Alya was going with this. Marinette scoffed. “Let me guess, Lila told you I’m going to dangle Adrien over a vat of crocodiles in supervillain lair.”

Alya’s eyes narrowed, she assumed an aggressive stance, Nino mimicked her on instinct for a moment, they shared a look, he switched to defensive. Of Adrien. From her. Not again…

Alya finally spoke, and Marinette wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry, scream, throttle her or go home. “Lila said that you’ve been following Adrien around everywhere. Like, everywhere. She even saw you after a shoot, pulling him away. Look. I know that you’re… fond of him, but this getting ridiculous. It’s beyond obsession at this point. And you’re always sticking way too close, you’re being possessive. Lila fears you might be taking advantage of him. And…she sent those texts in the class groupchat. So maybe she did lie, but she was lying to you. She’s worried about Adrien, we all are, with how you’re acting. Please Marinette, what’s happened to you? Where did my best friend go?”, she asked, pleaded.

Nino gave her a sympathetic smile, like he wanted to help, but he was on Alya’s side. Adrien moved out from behind him. “Alya, wait. Marinette hasn’t been bothering me. It’s okay, you don’t have to do this. It’s easy to edit screenshots, it’s easy to buy a 5 euro ring, and the necklace is from Lila’s grandmother”, he tried, but Alya just shot him a sad look.

“Sunshine… Adrien, we know you’re too polite to say no. You’ve been defending Chloe, for God’s sake. It’s okay.”

Nino finally came forward, and spoke up. “Dude, she lied to help you. C’mon. Even if you don’t like her, she still tried to help! And…sorry about before, I should’ve known you think of her as a sister, you know, the way you always help her out and stuff.”

Marinette had decided. It was the latter two. She wanted to throttle Lila, and then go home.

Adrien tried to speak again, but Nino just pulled him into a soft hug, trying to comfort him and ushering him away. Adrien tried of course, to resist, Marinette saw him desperately trying to pull away, but…Nino held firm. “It’s okay man, we’ll work this out. I promise.”

She gave Adrien a nod. Go, she thought, and he nodded. Adrien held back tears, put on his fakest smile, the one that looked so wrong on his face it was enough to make her think he might be Felix, and smiled at Nino, ever so slightly. Lila came running towards them, but Adrien didn’t recoil. He trusted Marinette, and looked at her again. She nodded, and he readied himself to play along.

Marinette looked back at Alya, who was still talking to her. She let out a deep sigh, and attentively listened to the bullshit. “-listening to me? No, of course not! You never listen to me Marinette, not anymore! What happened to you?”, she asks, sounding desperate this time.

She decided to bite the bullet. Might as well give Alya a last shot. Not like she’d believe her, but…Ladybug believed in second chances. And third, and fourth if need be. And even though Alya was well past her twenty fifth, and even though Marinette said “fuck it” and stopped bothering with keeping track, she’d be a bit surprised if Alya hadn’t reached triple digits at this rate.

Marinette gave a look which practically screamed at Alya to listen. For the first time in months, the blogger nodded slowly and stopped talking. “I…honestly don’t want to say it more than once. Adrien hates Lila. He despises her. She keeps leaning into his personal space, touching him when they’re modeling, making implications. Nobody notices, or nobody cares. I don’t care which of those is the truth. I was just trying to protect him. She’s lying, Alya. I swear on my life! She’s been lying about everything ever since she stepped foot inside this school! We’re the only ones who know the truth, so we stuck together. All Lila sees in Adrien are the euro signs and the good looks. She doesn’t give a shit. And I don’t know what she did, but Lila has Gabriel’s good graces, and I’m only trying to help him!”, she said, screaming the last sentence.

Alya nodded silently…contemplating. She stood there for a moment, deep in thought. Was she…was she actually? Finally? No, no fucking way, she was considering it! Marinette’s heart fluttered with anticipation! Come on Alya, just agree to hear this out! Just say that you’ll look into it! Please! Please don’t go away!

“Mari. I get it now, and I’m sorry. I really am.”, she said, but Alya just looked somber. The righteous fury directed at Lila that Marinette wanted, the slightest hint that Alya was finally going take her side for once, the hope she was hopelessly hoping for…was absent.

“I’m sorry, but…if that’s how you see it…I- I’ve seen all my evidence Marinette. Where is yours?”, Alya asked, crestfallen. She didn’t believe her.

She didn’t. Trust her. No. No…

Marinette wanted to do many things. She wanted to throttle Lila, to transform into Ladybug and impale her onto the Eiffel Tower, she wanted to call Jagged and have him tell Alya that he never had a stupid kitten, she wanted to show Alya that the “charities” that fucking bitch was busying herself with didn’t even exist! She wanted to call Clara and ask her who Lila was, so she’d say they’d never worked together! She wanted to tell Rose to call Prince Ali so he’d say the same! She wanted to tell Alya to open up a fucking Google Page!

Marinette Dupain Cheng screamed. A sound of absolute fury escaped her lungs, months of pain and out of tears to cry, that scream almost broke her. Alya was left looking at her in complete shock, frozen to the spot.

Marinette seethed. She nearly screamed again, a blazing inferno engulfing her heart, but suddenly she focused inwards…and turned it into ice.

“Alya…you’re a joke of a reporter. I hate you.”, she said, looking her former friend in the eye like she was going to kill her then and there. Alya stared.

A moment passed. Another. Neither moved. Marinette registered some of her classmates nearby, that had heard her, but the world was at a standstill. The sad part, if Alya said sorry even now, even without meaning it at all, even with a knife in her hand and planning to stab her in the back, Marinette would still hug her and cry.

Alya blinked, having processed what happened. She looked close to tears. “Then I guess you’re not my friend anymore. You never were.”, she spat out, and ran inside, presumably back to Nino and Lila. Marinette turned away, and walked back home, numbly registering that it had started to drizzle.

She came through the door, waved at Sabine, who tried to approach, but Marinette had gone up to her room by the time the shock of seeing her daughter like that, so…so broken, with dark circles under her eyes and looking so pained that she must be in agony.

Tom closed up the bakery in the next five minutes, Sabine rushed upstairs only to find the trapdoor locked. She knocked ever so lightly, and Marinette’s voice came through. She’d half expected to cry if she heard that calm, warm and pleasant tone. Marinette didn’t respond. They tried for half an hour, painstakingly waiting for a few seconds between each knock on the trapdoor, silently begging for a response.

After the hundredth time, Tom howled. “Marinette! Are you alright?”, he yelled, ignoring Sabine’s look. He knew she needed space, that’s what they’d been giving her this whole time!

Marinette sobbed on the other end. “I’m fine! Just tired, that’s all!”, came the assurance, neatly scripted, but the pleasant tone was gone. She sounded tired. Sabine didn’t know how long she and Tom had stayed there, taking shifts. She went to cook dinner and ended up ordering a pizza, not finding the strength to stray from her daughter’s room. Tom was the one who went to get it, tipping the delivery boy a hefty 20 Euros and quickly remembering to change the door sign to “Closed”. In his rush, he’d forgotten before. They left the whole thing right next to the trapdoor. Both their appetites had been drowned by worry.

Upstairs, in Marinette’s room, she was nearly catatonic. Laying on her bed, barely moving except to breath or sob or scream, Tikki standing guard over her. The skylight was open, and the Akuma had wandered near for a fifth time now. The Kwami was using her powers to block out Marinette’s emotions, to make her appear completely numb to Hawkmoth, and the Akuma would wander outside when she did. Her control was not perfect, but it was enough. And Tikki would not stop until he gave up. She was a Goddess. This was her holder. Her charge. She. Would. Protect. Her.


Marinette let out another wail of agony, thoughts and memories playing in her head like a broken video, flooding her with more emotions she couldn’t understand, much less process. And then…it stopped. For a single moment, a single memory hit squarely in the face.

“My life as Marinette is too difficult, I should just be Ladybug all the time!”

Clarity washed over her, and the hopeless abyss that she’d been trapped in suddenly lit up with an idea. It was a bad idea, but what did Marinette have that Ladybug did not? Marinette had no friends. She’d practically told Adrien to play along, trusting him to spin it in a way that didn’t let Lila go near him again. That gave him a reason to not like what she does. And Nino, bless his heart, had done exactly that. She had every confidence in Adrien, he would manage it.

Nino himself was…a question mark. She didn’t necessarily blame him, now that she could think, Marinette knew he was trying to protect Adrien, he’d just been tricked. And she trusted Adrien to spin that to his advantage as awful as it would make him feel.

Her classmates had long abandoned her, leaving her behind for a newer, shinier, more impressive “do-gooder”. They were no friends of hers. Even Chloe had made more of an effort. Not that she cared, but she didn’t like Lila either. And Marinette couldn’t go back after that display. It would be torment, to have to exist in the same space as them.

Marinette was nobody. An ordinary girl with an ordinary life. Marinette was perfect. Always excelling, always attentive, always supportive, always happy to do anything for anyone so long as they asked her nicely. Marinette could not say no. To anyone, even when she should. Pressure had been destroying her for a long time now, she thought absentmindedly.

Tikki was perched on her cat pillow now, looking ready to collapse. Still, Marinette saw her kwami smile supportively. Marinette’s life had gone far from “too complicated”. It was Hell. And Hell was not for living people.  

Ladybug was someone she herself had looked up to. How she wished she could be confident, self-assured, playful, funny, brave in real life. Perfection didn’t matter to Ladybug, despite what some people might say. She had flaws, she knew them, and she worked to fix them. Something Marinette couldn’t do. Ladybug had Tikki, Wayzz, the other kwami, she had Chat Noir. And so…

“Tikki?”, Ladybug nudged her kwami. The little goddess looked at her, tired, but paid attention all the same. “I have a very bad idea.”


I’m sorry for the cliffhanger, okay? I really am! But tell, did you enjoy? I’m trying to portray this realistically, not just turn everyone into mindless salt machines (which is okay, I’m not judging if that’s your thing). Also, I’d like to clear up a few things about this AU:

It is fully canon compliant up until Gang of Secrets. The deviation is that Marinette never got Alya’s support, and Alya never learned that Lila was lying. Marinette shied away from her friends, and they slowly elected to leave her alone.

The feats mentioned during Marinette’s inner rant before she finishes her design (new outfit, anyone?) just mentioned Seasons 1-3 and the Shanghai and New York specials. In case you forgot, Hawkmoth did threaten to launch missiles in New York. Why he would risk starting WW3 I don’t know, but Gabriel is an idiot.

Adrien, even though he doesn’t like it, is his father’s son. And a model, which requires him to act a lot in his daily life, so that the image of “perfection” isn’t disproven. Therefore, he is capable of lying for something as serious as getting Lila to leave him alone. He just doesn’t like using it, or his father’s status because he’s not that kind of person.

Also, about the timeline. I know that apparently all of Miraculous takes place in about a year or so, or at least so has been said officially (if I’m not mistaken?), but I honestly don’t want to bother with the timeline. So, for the purposes of this fic, it’s been a little over 2 years since Marinette and Adrien because superheroes. I assume this because surely Akuma attacks didn’t happen every single day, and I added a good couple months that have passed since Gang of Secrets. Marinette isn’t keeping track, and neither will I because it doesn’t really matter. All you need to know is that they’re both 16 years old.

Finally, a tidbit about the next chapter. We’ll get to see Marinette’s plan come into fruition, and the preparation for her final act. I think that while you might be able to guess what she’s going to do (mostly from the tags), the ending might surprise you a little! Oh, and feel free to give me your thoughts on the story! I’d love to hear what you guys have to say!

Chapter 2: Last Night in Paris


Marinette has a plan to finally focus on her responsibilies as Ladybug full-time, but she'll need help to dissapear. Someone who won't ask questons, who won't try to find her, who trusts her enough to believe that she'd dead serious about all of this. And she knows just who to call...


Hello there everyone! And welcome to chapter 2! For the record, I’m writing this before posting chapter 1, since I won’t be posting for a while until late spring at least, which is when you guys will see this fic. Anyways, welcome back to this wild ride! In case anyone did go and read “In Rain I Loved and In Rain I Mourned”, then yes I will keep Marinette’s new name from there. Also, I haven’t decided if I’ll tackle the “Adrien is a Sentimonster” subject in this fic, even tho I personally think he is one. I haven’t watched all of Season 5 yet, but it seems that way? Regardless, I’ll be deciding on that way later in the story!

Also, I need to issue a warning for this chapter.

WARNING: In this chapter, Marinette talks about herself and her civilian life as if they no longer matter, as she no longer wants to exist outside of the identity of Ladybug. I please ask that if you are bothered by detrimental and derogatory self-description, of near-suicidal thoughts, please do not read this chapter. Even though suicide is not committed, others will believe it has, and despite the nature of this fanfiction, I take these kinds of subjects very seriously. Again, it is mainly the first part of the chapter that this applies to, but context will be given in the remainder of the story. If you are bothered, please do not read. I will provide context in the next chapters. Additionally, if this topic is too heavy for someone, that is perfectly okay, but I would recommend switching to a different fanfic, because this one features many discussions regarding Marinette’s “death”, which almost everyone believes to be true, plus explicitly featuring her “death”, and the guilt related to those who believe themselves responsible. If you like my works, there are many others with a much lighter tone for you to explore. This fanfiction and it’s companion piece mentioned above are the only angst fics I’ve written. Alternatively, there are many other works on Ao3 which are an absolute blast to read, and many talented creators are in this fandom. I’d recommend trying to find a different work.

Apologies for the slight rant, but the warning was needed. Please enjoy the angst, heed the above warning, and feel free to leave a comment!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tikki looked at her holder, exhaustion washing over her small form. The determination in Marinette’s eyes usually signaled the solution to a problem, a creative “out” of a metaphorical (and often literal) trap they’d found themselves in. This time, it was accompanied by a tone of finality. As if this would be the last thing she’d ever see through, Paris and the world be damned.

Despite the fatigue that plagued her, Tikki looked into Marinette’s eyes as the girl, her poor little girl who was too young for any of this, whose pain made her want to go to Plagg and tell him to get rid of that foul excuse of a “human” hurting her charge, and she understood.

“You don’t want to be Marinette anymore? Is that it?”, she asked softly, afraid of hurting her charge further.

Marinette actually laughed, even though it seemed to pain her still. “I think that if that was complicated, I was an idiot. Or maybe I was right. But…it’s gone beyond that, now. Marinette’s life is over, and she overstayed her welcome. I should have grown out of letting people peer pressure me a long time ago Tikki. Marinette Dupain Cheng is done.”

The Kwami considered her words, the absolute tone with which she spoke. Mari- Ladybug’s mind wasn’t going to change. And despite her optimism, Tikki wasn’t blind. She knew how her holder had been treated, how much worse it’s gotten recently. So…slowly, carefully, she considered. Mari- Ladybug gave her an inquisitive look, passing Tikki a cookie from her purse, and leaving the Kwami to her thoughts. She sat down at her desk, and pulled out her sketchbook. She needed to relax. She needed to not panic, because she was not going to spiral like that again. She refused to cry again, to waste more energy because of Marinette’s existence. She was gone to her, and soon to everyone else.

Except...Chat Noir. She was friends with Chat, in her civilian form. She…maybe she loved him. Adrien…she didn’t want to think about her best friend right now, she’d sort that mess out later. Maybe she’d even approach him, someday. But Chat Noir…he was her partner. Her other half, she had to tell him. And she was the guardian. She could tell him, it was her call. And…he understood her. Chat had said so. Maybe…maybe she’d ask him if he wanted to know? Ladybug wasn’t sure, she just hoped he wouldn’t be angry.

“Mar- uh…Ladybug?”, Tikki perked up, wiping crumbs off her face.

Ladybug sighed. “Tikki…you can call me Mari, if you want. You and Chat.”

Tikki nodded in thanks. “Okay, Mari.”, she giggled. “I…don’t think this is necessary. But if it’s what you want, I fully support you! To be honest…I don’t want you to be around those people either.”, she sighed, flying onto Ladybug’s shoulder.

Ladybug patted her on the head, then put down the sketchbook she’d been examining, and picked up her phone. This was going to suck, but he was the only person who could be trusted to not ask questions. And besides, apparently, she was owed a favor.

The phone rang. Once. Twice. Three times. Ladybug waited.

“Marinette! Hi! How’s my honorary niece doing?”, came the voice from the other end.

Ladybug sighed, preparing herself. “Hey Jagged.”, she said, trying to sound casual. She just sounded as tired as she felt.

“Woah. Hey, what’s wrong kiddo? Did that Chloe girl do something? Do I need to call in a favor with the mayor?”, he asked her, worried.

Ladybug took a deep breath. “Chloe didn’t do anything, no. But…remember when you said you owed me big time? For the thing with Luka and Juleka? Jagged, I’m really sorry, but I need to cash that in.”, she said, ignoring the crack in her own voice.

The rockstar went silent for a moment, then she heard him sigh over the phone. “I just had to say ‘No questions asked!’ didn’t I? …Alright, I know you. You didn’t want so much as payment for the glasses you made, not so much as a 5 Euro bill. Something’s up.”

“Yeah, shit’s hit the fan. I need your help, okay?”, she admitted, not wanting to leave the man with nothing.

Jagged swore. “I- you’re saying that…fuck, okay. No questions asked. What do you need?”

Tikki flew to Mari’s other shoulder, next to the phone so she could hear better. “I need an apartment, stat. Keys, roof over my head, and a new ID.”, she said, the words leaving her mouth despite how dry Marinette’s throat felt.

“…Why?”, Jagged asked after a moment of silence.

Tikki quickly pointed to a white butterfly right outside her skylight. Ladybug got an idea. “You swear not to tell a soul?”, she asked him. Jagged affirmed.

“I swear on Fang’s life. And my career. No matter what.”


“What?”, Jagged demanded from the other end. “What do you mean Hawkmoth?”

Ladybug paused for a moment. She didn’t want to lie to him. Then… “I’m looking into him. I found someone who works for him, and I need to disappear. She…she ruined my life, I need to leave.”, she said. Lila was always reason enough to vacate the premises, and if her old theory about Volpina was right…

Jagged swore again, in eight separate languages. “I shouldn’t have asked. You’re lucky I’m at his hotel for a show tomorrow, I’ll go talk to him. You want the ID custom or a spoof?”

If she wasn’t as determined to go through with this, Ladybug would honestly take a moment to ask why he had spoofed IDs lying around.

“Hey! It’s to avoid attention! I don’t wanna be followed everywhere I go!”

“I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

Yes. How soon can you get here?”

She considered it for a moment. Her parents weren’t by her trapdoor anymore. She couldn’t hear them. “What time is it?”, she asked quickly.

“It’s 12am. Do you want to wait until tomorrow?”, Jagged asked her, nearly out of breath. He was definitely worried sick.

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”, Ladybug decided.

Jagged went silent for a moment. “Wait across the street, I’ll be down in 15’. I need to go talk to our Mayor.”

“Be right there.”, Marinette said, and hung up the phone.

Tikki looked at her, puzzled. “…Do I even want to know why you knew to call him?”

Ladybug laughed. “Hey, he said no questions asked! Now come on, I need to change and go!”


Marinette just hung up on him. Great. Fuckin’ great! It’s always the innocent-looking ones, Jagged thought. Of course his son’s ex-girlfriend and his own honorary niece had to get mixed up with a freaking supervillain! Why not investigate the terrorist that’s been leveling Paris to the ground every other week?

Ugh…Marinette! Just be glad I was awake! Not that he wasn’t going to help, but fucking hell he expected the favor to be like, twenty free tickets for a concert, or a private show for a party! Not a fake ID and an apartment! He didn’t know whether to be proud she had it in her or annoyed because it happened!

Still, that was the life of a rockstar! Excitement. Adventure. Long Nights. Massive Parties. And of course, helping your honorary niece hide from a multi-national terrorist! Because why not?

Ignoring all security, Jagged banged on Andre’s door again and again. Thank God he had blackmail material because of his daughter’s antics. Jagged Stone didn’t think he was going to say this, but thank God he’d held off on suing Chloe Bourgeois!

Andre opened the door, looking disheveled and only half awake. “What is- …Jagged? The concert isn’t until tomorrow afternoon, what is it?”, he said, pausing to yawn.

Jagged leveled him the deadliest stare he’d ever experienced in his life. The exact look Anarka had once given him after their breakup. He refrained from shuddering at the thought, and said in an assured voice. “Andre. Remember that favor you owe me?”

The mayor froze, then deflated. “Really? Right now?”, he inquired, still drowsy from sleep.

“Yesterday. I want it done ten minutes ago, capiche?”

Sleep deprivation left Andre, and he nodded somberly. “Just tell me what you need.”

“There we go. Now we’re talking.”

Jagged proceeded to lay it out in simple terms. A friend of his was going to be waiting outside the Hotel, across the street. The bouncer would bring her in, Andre would log in the police’s civilian identity system and let her make herself a new ID. She’d go get it at 11am from Roger’s precinct tomorrow, no questions asked. And they’d do the concert, and nobody was going to check the ID delivery, nor even remember this happening, because it didn’t. That was the deal. Or Andre was going to have a lawsuit on his hands. And when elections are approaching…it was an easy decision to make.

Jagged called Marinette again, she was already outside. Did she call him while on the way? …He decided it was better to honor his word and not ask. She told him to address her by “Tikki” and that she was wearing a bright red hoodie and torn jeans. Yeah, she probably was already on the way, nobody can get ready and run that fast.

The hood covered her face, Andre did his part, she was logged in. Jagged tried to see what she was writing, but she stopped him. “He can read minds, remember?”, she asked him, and he backed away. The sensation of having a charming voice inside your head, twisting all your inner thoughts and turning you into a monstrous version of yourself…was not something he needed to be reminded of. His whiskey budget was already running low after that mess with Anarka and their first record a few weeks back.

What name she gave herself, he didn’t know. He let her in hotel room, to his computer, and quickly let her buy an apartment. Was it responsible to let a 16-year-old girl do this on her own without anyone knowing where she’d go or how to find her? Not at all. Would he do it if there wasn’t a terrorist apparently hellbent on hunting said kid down? Absolutely not. Would Marinette lie to him about something this serious? Pfff! She’d have more luck trying to convince him that she was Ladybug!

“Tikki”, got things done quickly enough, he told her where to go for the new ID, and Andre avoided a lawsuit. Jagged decided to walk her out and invited himself along before she could protest. It was dead silent until they walked out of the hotel. She went turn away, but he reached a hand out to stop her.

“Marinette, wait.”

She paused, and turned to look at him. “Look I know this was sudden, but-”, she went to explain, but he cut her off.

“Kid, that’s not it. I won’t tell a soul about this, I promised you. But…stay safe, alright?”, he tried. Jagged cursed himself, he was never good at goodbyes.

Marinette nodded at him, pulling her hoodie tighter. “Jagged, for what it’s worth you’ve been a great uncle. I don’t think my real one would do this for me. And…thank you. I don’t know if I can be safe from Hawkmoth, but I’ll try. I- I’ll come see you next week, if I’m- if I’m still alive. And if- just…be there for Luka and Juleka. Okay? I know I’m going to hurt them, but I don’t have a choice.”, she tried to comfort him. Ladybug wasn’t okay, by any means, but she would be. In a few days, maybe.

Jagged ran a hand over his hair, sweating. “I gotta ask. How the fuck are you so good at this? I’d thought you’d be terrified!”, he tried to joke, if only to end things on a good note.

He saw Marinette pause, thinking. “I think…I think I’m just used to being in pain. School was no different.”, she said. Really it wasn’t, not for Marinette. “School” and “classmates”, were just reminders of friendships that had been lost, that she would never get back. It was…it just hurt, being there. She’d already left everyone else, what were Marinette’s parents, and Marinette’s best friends? Ladybug didn’t know these people except in passing.

Ladybug had Chat Noir, and Tikki, and the other Kwami. She had responsibilities, but they’d be downright manageable if she didn’t need to deal with the mess of a “civilian life” she also had on her plate. Really, she was just getting rid of some unneeded responsibilities is all. Making her life easier. Who was Marinette, again? Okay, no, too far. But still, the point stood. Just getting rid of the clutter. Easy as that.

Jagged had stayed silent, lost in his own thoughts and not paying attention. “I’m just used to being in pain. School was no different.” Okay. Okay. Jagged Stone made the executive decision that the day after tomorrow, the morning right after his concert, he was going to that school to figure out what the fuck happened that hurt his niece like this, that made a kid say leaving their family and friends behind was just the usual. That she was used to the pain.

But…no. He couldn’t get angry. Hawkmoth, the crazy bastard, was after his niece. Honorary, but screw that! He was not going to help him find her! Absolutely not! Not with what he knew!

Jagged nodded to himself, deciding he’d take this to the grave. As much as he liked Tom and Sabine, he would do it, because Marinette was a kid who did not deserve that shit in her life. And maybe if this went well and Hawkmoth was thrown in jail or off a cliff, she’d decide to come back and tell them herself.

“Kid. Next week, come check on me, okay? I just want to make sure.”, he found himself saying, and he saw Marinette nod. She shook his hand, and for a moment he saw her differently, felt the same handshake as when he’d looked at the starstruck sprout of a girl who’d delivered him a pair of sunglasses he wasn’t expecting to receive, and refused payment for them. Seeing her now, somber like this…this didn’t happen in a day. And Jagged Stone was going to find the person who ruined Marinette Dupain Cheng’s life, and throttle them.

Jagged put a smile on his face, the most rockstar he could manage. “Goodbye kid. I’ll be seeing ya!”, he said, and turned heel to go back inside. He needed a hefty bottle of whiskey and a bucket of ice for that to go with, he decided as he watched her walk away. Marinette’s form turned the block, and Jagged Stone went back up to his hotel room, tipping the bellboy a good 50 Euro so he’d keep his mouth shut. Not that he’d keep his job if he talked, not that Jagged wouldn’t sue him out of existence, but still. He could spare a 50.

Entering his room, he went over to his computer and found the payment confirmation email for the apartment. The…payment confirmation…email… the notification he’d set so Penny would know when he brought something more than a quarter million. Fuck.

Skipping over the details like location, street and building address, he found the sum. 639.000 Euros. He did one double take, then a second. How did Marinette find a penthouse worth only that in Paris? That would have taken Penny maybe a month, but for Marinette…

Deleting the email, he decided to chalk it up to luck, poor girl needed it. And he needed a stiff drink. Maybe he could afford a bottle of the good whiskey after all…


Ladybug landed through her skylight, right on top of her bed. She lost her transformation and opened Marinette’s purse, tossing Tikki a cookie as she went to pick through her phone, finding countless messages from her contacts. Some of those were her classmates, telling her that she come to school tomorrow so they could “figure out what’s been going on” and “talk things out”.  A single message from Nino. A long block of text that changed it’s tone every sentence or so, seemingly unable to decide his own thoughts. She skimmed it over, stopping to properly read the last few sentences.

“Look Mari…I know things didn’t go well with Alya. But you two have been friends for years, and she told me what happened, that you thought Lila was taking advantage of Adrien. We cleared things up with her, I promise. Just…you’re my friend. Please come back Monday and apologize to Alya, I’ll help you convince her that you were just saying things because you were angry. Okay?”

She left him on read.

Lila had sent her a couple messages too, insults and petty jabs at how she’d finally won, and that nobody would care about Marinette to even miss her, that if she dared to come back, she’d regret it…

Well, Ladybug paused her scrolling, quickly made sure no reality-bending Akuma were around…and thanked Lila Rossi. Because this was just perfect! Unable to stifle a laugh, Ladybug showed Tikki, and the kwami’s features morphed into concern, until she was her holder’s grin. She didn’t find it that funny, but they did share a victory fist bump! 

Still, she’d be leaving the phone behind. Right after calling Adrien, she’d switch over to Lila’s messages, and let Karma do the rest. Not like there weren’t literal months of the same thing taking up her phone space.

Part of her hoped Alya would find it, part of her hoped nobody did. Wasn’t it good advice to move on from the past? She’d heard something like that anyways. She left her social media open on that page, and called Adrien’s cellphone number instead of video calling him over chat. Hopefully, he was awake. Hopefully he was going to pick up. Hopefully she could say a proper goodbye.

The phone rang once. Twice. Before the second ring had even finished, Adrien picked up on the other end.

“Marinette!”, he breathed out in sheer relief. “Oh, thank God! You’re okay! I was so worried about you!”

The sheer joy in his voice made her blush a tad. “H-hey. Sorry I didn’t call you…I was busy.”, she tried, and she could practically feel the understand nod on his end.

“No worries, I’m alright. I- I dealt with Lila, managed to reject her without her spinning it. Bless Nino, am I right?”, he joked. Despite everything, Marinette found herself giggling.

For a moment, once perfect moment, she was a normal girl, chatting with her friend well past midnight and nothing else mattered. “Hey, Mari? Tomorrow is Saturday you know. I could…call Kagami, we could go out again, the three of us. What do you say?”, he asked hesitantly. Adrien’s voice was barely above a whisper, trying and failing to hold up a dimming hope that it would be okay. Marinette felt terrible for what she was about to say.

“I- I’m sorry, I won’t be able to come tomorrow. Or the days after. I’m…busy.”, she said, and it was silent for a moment. Adrien’s even breathing wavered, that’s how she knew he was upset, and within a flash, it was back to normal.

For a moment he didn’t say anything, but Marinette knew he was just thinking of how to convince her. “Say, Mari? Is it okay if I bring you more flowers?  I know you liked the pink roses, and such a great girl deserves the best!”, he proposed, determination filling his voice, even if he was whispering in the dead of night.  

Marinette found herself giggling. That was…that was so Adrien it wasn’t even funny! He really was such a sweet person. She- she didn’t want to lose him. But Marinette couldn’t exist anymore, there was nothing left for her here. So…maybe Ladybug would pay him a visit? Check on him, to see that he was okay? It was the least she could do, after tonight.

“Sure. I like the roses. Pink is the color of admiration, you know! It’s nice to be admired by a model!”, she teased him, and Adrien’s laughter filled her ears.

“I’ll bring you a mountain’s worth, okay? We can pluck out the thorns, and you’ll make a dress out of the petals! Deal?”

“…yeah, deal. Just…make sure to put right beside me, alright? You know how I am; I don’t want to lose your gift…”

“Happily! We can find a good time tomorrow, and I’ll come over, schedule be damned! Maybe we can finally convince your dad to let us make cookies again! They’ll go great with the good news I have for you!”

“Did you forget we nearly started a fire last time, monsieur?”

“Hey, you were watching the oven! It wasn’t my fault!”

“Sure, sure! Tell Papa about it, he’ll take my side!”

Adrien laughed so hard he almost snorted.

“I’ll ask him tomorrow! And he’ll take my side, mademoiselle!”

Silence. Marinette felt herself stiffen, her throat go dry, her eyes water again.


“I’m here”, he soothed gently, “are you sure you’re okay? You can always talk to me Mari. I’m here for you.”, he tried to comfort her, but really it had always gone both ways. She knew, he knew that she knew.

“I know.”, she managed to say before her voice failed her, tears threatening to leak for the millionth time since all this started.

“Adrien, I-”, she tried again. The words got stuck in her throat.

I’ll miss you. Take care of yourself. Thank you. I love you.

“It’s okay Mari. It’s going to be okay, I promise.”, he said, gently voicing the words, the care, the bond between them.

“I know.”, she affirmed, because she had to. She had to be sure he knew that she knew. Adrien sighed on the other end of the line.

“Goodnight, Mari. Sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight, Adrien.”

She ended the call. The screen switched to Lila’s messages.

“Goodbye, Adrien.”

The phone fell from her hand, face down onto the floor. Ladybug heard the screen crack, but she didn’t dare move it. Instead, she looked to Tikki, and the little goddess nodded somberly. She felt…she didn’t know how to feel. Over five thousand years of existence, many, many lost Bugs. It hadn’t prepared her for this. Absentmindedly, Tikki noticed Marinette pulling cardboard boxes from underneath her loft. Inside, her designs. Her things. T-Shirts and jeans and shorts and skirts and blouses and jackets and sweaters and bracelets that she’d wanted to wear, that she’d wanted to geek over with Alya when by some miracle things would become normal again. It was her new clothes. The red, unmarked hoodie and black torn jeans were still wet, her skylight open wide, letting rain in. Of course it was raining. At least it was only hitting Marinette’s pillows. That was…alright, she thought. Let it pour.

Ladybug removed sketch pads, the ones with new designs that she and Adrien had looked over. She released the diary from its secret spot and with a glimmer of superhuman strength, she tore the pages apart, leaving the battered, broken remains of Marinette’s history to crumble in the downpour. She gathered all her things near her desk, and took a deep breath. This was it.

MDC’s bank account had more than enough money for the occasional materials and the occasional thrift shop purchase, if she saw something she wanted to modify. Her hoodie was one of those, in fact. An originally horribly bright red, Adrien had joked that it was “perfect”. And he, clearly, knew about perfection, so she’d smirked at him and bought it right off the mannequin.

The next time he’d seen it, she’d made a few alterations, using bad cleaning supplies to take away some of the color, making it look like a dark maroon in some places, but still mostly a bearable red. She’d patched up the seams, fixed up the edges, replaced the inner fabric for the hood because it was itchy…and she’d made this. It did come in handy, all things considered.

She hadn’t actually checked her account in almost three months, she didn’t ever have the need. She barely went out anymore, so what did it matter? But…speaking of…how would she get stuff out of here? They’d get soaked, and she was proud of those sketches.

“Hey Marinette? You should probably put those in your yoyo, so they don’t get wet. Just say the words!”, Tikki encouraged her, and Mari- and Ladybug smiled at her kwami. She removed the Miracle Box from its hiding spot, and transformed. Energy she didn’t know she needed washed over her, and Ladybug placed the Box into the yoyo’s white ray. It went in! Soon, her boxes of clothing and her sketchpads followed. Nabbing a few of her good pencils, Adrien’s gift to her as a pick-me-up, she placed them inside, right on the top. Ladybug shut her yoyo, and for a minute just…looked.

She looked at her posters, Adrien and Luka and Kitty Section smiling at her, and she found herself smiling back, somber as the mood seemed to be. The moonlight didn’t help. Ladybug sighed deeply. De-transforming and motioning for Tikki to wait in her room, Marinette unlocked her trapdoor and scaled her ladder, reaching the second floor. The floorboards seemed to creak at the slightest provocation, but she went on, reaching the stairs to the bakery. She snuck a glance at her parents’ room, and saw Papa leaning against the hallway, lightly snoring.

Forcing herself to move, Marinette made the trip down to the store, and quickly nabbed a few cookies for Tikki. Chocolate chip, her favorite. She wasn’t going to let her friend starve. But…that wasn’t why she was here. Sneaking quietly, she found her target. There, right behind the counter, was her mother’s notebook. She just used it to jot down orders during rush hour, but Marinette didn’t think she’d mind.

Her mother was asleep right on said counter, a cup of coffee right next to her, long gone cold. She was still in her work clothes, like Papa had been. They were probably waiting for her. Marinette didn’t know how to feel about that. She didn’t want to know.

Grabbing the attached pen, she wrote something quickly. It wasn’t enough, it wouldn’t do for them. She knew that. Nothing was ever enough, no matter how well Marinette tried to hide. They’d known something was wrong. But that wasn’t enough to ask, to listen, to believe her. They hadn’t believed her when she’d been expelled, not really, why would they now?

Nothing Marinette ever said would be enough. But maybe…maybe this would be okay.

She gently placed the pen back in its spot, and spotted Tikki’s form at the top of the staircase. Right, she’d been taking too long. Tikki flew to her side, and Marinette made her way to the door. She gently unlocked it with Papa’s key, still on the lock, and slipped out.

The street was dark, empty. A few florescent lights were all she could see; she’d never been out so late. Not on the ground. The jingle of the bell echoed in her head. Marinette forced herself to move, but Tikki tugged on her pigtail.

“Marinette…wait. I’ll be right back”, she said, and then flew up to her room. She could just make out the kwami’s form zipping through her skylight, and then back out, dragging something twice her size. Marinette saw Tikki struggle, but the little goddess didn’t give up, and was soon right at her side again. Once it was secured in her holder’s hands, Tikki let go of it.

It was the picture. Of her, Kagami and Adrien. Smiling together, happy. Marinette let out a sob, and looked at her home…no, at the bakery, for the last time. This…wasn’t home anymore. It wasn’t safe anymore. But still, she stared. And two pairs of eyes stared right back.

“MARINETTE! WAIT!”, Tom screamed, his voice shattering the nightly silence, breaking this…illusion of peace, that she was trying to hold onto for a moment longer. Marinette ran.

“Marinette! Wait! Stop!”, Sabine’s voice yelled alongside her husband, but Marinette stopped for nothing. She sprinted through the part, throwing herself over a bench, slipped into an alleyway, and made way for the river. If she could get to the bridge before them, she could drop something and slip away! They’d assume…they’d stop chasing her.

Sabine rushed into the alley like the wind, but her daughter was gone. Tom caught up to her, eyes darting across the streets and awake solely by panic. They heard a loud noise, a metal trash can tipping over, and dove after the source in a frenzy. Thunder tore the skies open, another one went flying just a block away.

Ahead, Marinette reached the bridge, heaving herself onto the railing. Her heart was pounding, drowning out the world. The sound banged against her ears, erupted and exploded all around her, Lila’s smirking face was grinning at her from the shadows, mocking her because she was running away…Adrien was crying, hunched over a gravestone. It was raining. Her heart shattered.

“Marinette!”, came Tikki’s warning for her to move, but she could scarcely breathe and-

An Akuma. Marinette’s eyes flew wide open with sheer desperation, whatever was left of her heart crumbled to ashes at the thought that Hawkmoth would make her hurt Chat, that she would fight him, and she felt herself collapse. Tikki dove after the butterfly and engulfed it with cleansing magic, the photo of her friends clattered on the stone pavement, Sabine’s scream deafened her ears, the sky lit up with lightning, Marinette fell.

Tikki zoomed in after her, braving the current and threw herself into Ladybug’s Miraculous. Power washed over Marinette, she hit her arm on something, it cut her. The suit finally came on, Ladybug’s eyes darted open and she opened her yoyo, using it as a rebreather. She crashed against something else, forced every bit of herself to focus, and swam away.

A clear white butterfly perched right on the spot where Marinette had stood, right onto the railing of the bridge. Sabine’s scream of agony died in her throat, Tom bashed his hand onto the metal, nearly denting it. They screamed into the night…and then they noticed the blood. Coloring the water a deep crimson, was Marinette’s blood.

By the time Police and Emergency Services were called, nobody could make heads or tails of where the current could have taken her, during a thunderstorm.



Two out of two is probably a horrible record for cliffhangers… I swear I’m not doing this on purpose! I’ll try to avoid this becoming a theme. I’m also going to try and keep Author’s Notes short for the most part, since I don’t like to ramble.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that you won’t yell at me for putting Tom and Sabine in so much pain. They really don’t deserve it, and neither does Marinette. Personally, I’d write them a good family fluff piece, they’ve earned it. The Angst, unfortunately, demands otherwise.

Feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll see you guys next time! Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 3: The Butterfly Effect


Gabriel Agreste was known as many things. Fashion Designer. Strict and cold parent. Unforgiving employer. Privately, he was first Hawkmoth, then Shadowmoth, the scourge of Paris. He's felt many, many negative emotions ever since Stoneheart. But...none quite like this. None quite like Princess Justice.

When Shadowmoth takes an oppurtunity to go after the girl who got away, he finds himself reeling with foreign emotions, thoughts that he should not listen to, that made him weak, and the consequences of his persisitence. A butterfly flutters weakly, the heavy downpour of rain almost enough to rip off it's wings. Will Hawkmoth be able to fly again?


Hello there, welcome to chapter three! I assume you haven’t fully forgiven me for the cliffhangers, so I’d like to apologize again. This’ll end up being a theme…

Anyways, today is a slightly shorter piece, from a surprise perspective. Consider it an interlude, but it wouldn’t stop bugging me and I want to flesh out all the important characters in this AU. Given the amount of times Marinette would’ve gotten Akumatized if not for Tikki, I figured we should investigate the Agreste household, and check on Hawkmoth for a minute. Also, I should probably give a heads up. This chapter portrays Gabriel in a way that (I think) explains his actions in canon. It’s just my personal theory and interpretation, but also canon in terms of this AU. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gabriel hadn’t quite felt something like this before. Studying his design teams newest ideas on his standing desk, it wouldn’t be the first time his Miraculous had glowed with the presence of a negative emotion. It would be the hundredth soon, he was keeping count. Adrien was up in his room, upset about something. He knew. He’d known from the moment the boy had returned home this afternoon.

Admittedly, a part of Gabriel had considered that perhaps his son, with the right motivation, might help him. If he could convince Adrien to… no. No, he wouldn’t stoop so low. Adrien was his son, he was Emilie’s son, for Kwami’s sake! Besides, the emotion wasn’t strong enough. It seemed…muted, a fierce protectiveness casting a bubble over his negative thoughts. Just what or who was he so focused on, Gabriel wondered. He pondered it for a moment, but decided he’d simply ask at dinner. Nathalie was right. It was about time he had a meal with his son.

Gabriel turned his attention back to the piece he was considering. The design wasn’t anything extraordinary, but it was just a rough draft, that was the point. For him to check and see if he liked the style of it before wasting money on further research, not to mention the material costs for getting a piece made and ready for the next line.

He…paused. Nooroo had squirmed. Duusu had flinched, visibly. Only exceptionally powerful negative emotions had ever invoked those reactions, he remembered from the Scarlet Moth attack and Miracle Queen. Abandoning the design, Gabriel rushed to his lair, and before he so much as took a breath, he shouted the words.

“Nooroo, Duusu, transform me!”

He didn’t make it one step forward before falling flat on his face, every nerve inside his body burning with pain. Shadowmoth grunted, stabbed his cane into the ground, and with great effort, hauled himself to his feet, and summoned an Akuma. He made to pluck a feather from his fan, but held off on it.

This…emotion. This person was in so much excellent, magnificent, wonderful pain! Now that he could work through it, Shadowmoth sorted through his head for a moment, and located his target.

Marinette Dupain Cheng

The same girl that had eluded him twice now, the Princess Justice to be, had miss Rossi been successful. The girl he knew would be his most wondrous creation yet! Ignoring the pain that still attacked him, residue from her broken mental stake no doubt, he channeled his power into the butterfly, and let out a manic cackle.

“Fly away my little Akuma, and find Marinette Dupain Cheng! Princess Justice will destroy Ladybug, I just know it, finally! My victory is at hand!”

Gabriel was overcome by sadistic, intoxicating glee at the very thought that he would finally do it, finally destroy the very pests which had long vexed him, and he cackled, watching the Akuma fly across the skyline with a mad glint in his eye.

He felt her pain, her agony at the betrayal of her friends. He basked in it. He breathed in the pain, the loss of trust, the guilt for abandoning a dear friend, the cracks that were breaking her heart more, pulling her apart by the seams. It was intoxicating, it was power!

The closer his Akuma got, the more detailed the emotions became. Hatred, for Lila Rossi. Anger at Lady Wi-Fi, who ran the Ladyblog. A sliver of resigned forgiveness for Bubbler, hopelessly lost in a battle the boy couldn’t know he was fighting. And fear. Delicious, delectable terror. For a person. For the one she loved.

Gabriel was overcome by waves of maddened laughter as the Akuma fluttered ever closer, drawing nearer with every flap of its wings. Finally! At last Rossi had actually done her job and…and broken a child.


Where did that thought come from?

It hadn’t been Nooroo. Duusu couldn’t, even if she wanted to. Where…

No matter, he’d have his victory! The Miraculous were at last his! Victory, dominion, was so close, so very close, he could almost taste it! He could almost feel Emilie whispering in his ear, eagerly cheering him on, awaiting her return!

But. There was a but. Emilie had been…kind. Loving. She’d been perfect. Perfect for him, perfect for Nathalie, perfect for Adrien. The perfect wife, the perfect friend, the perfect mother.

Would she want this? Would she cheer him on? Was she?

The sharp, burning pain came back. Wails of agony and torment, a mind that couldn’t comprehend its own pain, scattered images of friendships lost and memories that meant nothing to anyone except…

He’d broken a child.

What…what…WHAT was he doing?

Gabriel’s head was pounding. It was killing him. Then, silence. Marinette had faded. She wasn’t slowly coming down from anger, no. She just couldn’t even process it anymore. He couldn’t feel her anymore. Shadowmoth smashed his cane into the floor, seething. He’d been close, so very close and-

It was back. The sobbing, the heartbreak, the wondrous pain that signaled him to inch ever closer, like a moth to the flame. He felt the Akuma flutter to her. The pain went away. Gabriel’s eyes were foggy, he was breathing slowly, deeply, to savor the air. What was this? What was this? Why was a child in such pain?

…Why wasn’t she Akumatized yet? If he focused, he could feel it now. Yeeeeessssss…it was back. A broken sob echoed through his lair. The girl was crying now. She had been crying, he realized. How had Lila Rossi caused her such pain? Could she repeat it? If this was what her victims looked like, then he’d have an army! An army of powerful Akuma to rule the world, with Emilie at his side! She would understand. Adrien would understand. He was doing this all for them. For his family.

Worry and concern filled his vision, two other presences nearby. Her parents. Were-Dad and…he didn’t know. He didn’t know her name.

Gabriel thought. He considered it. Sa…bine? Right! Sabine Cheng! What had her name been, when Scarlet Moth attacked? Ahh…yes! Yes, Verity Queen! Of course! How could he forget her? It was downright foolish of him!

Verity Queen and Were-Dad, worried for Princess Justice. What a perfect target they would all make, in such delicious pain! But maybe, just this once, his original target would suffice. Perhaps he shouldn’t take so many risks.

Adrien nearly died the last time. He’d Akumatized the Bodyguard, he recalled. The pain had gone silent. Adrien had nearly died. Because he’d thought his son was Chat Noir. Ridiculous, why had he ever even come up with that plan? Hadn’t he promised himself to not put his son in danger again?

Agony filled his senses. This wasn’t his son. It was just a girl. One who had escaped him, who would be his Akuma, because he would have the Miraculous! Yes, he would! She would not be allowed to escape!

The pain lulled. Would he really go through with it? Wha- of course he would! He’d do anything for Emilie! For his family! Would he do it if it was them? If it was Nathalie, Emilie and Adrien, and he was hurting?

Where was this coming from? He was Hawkmoth! Shadowmoth! The holder of two Miraculous, the most powerful things in all of history! He has the Grimoire, he has Kwami! Besides, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, because Ladybug’s cure always put things back together. And if it didn’t, the world wouldn’t exist long enough for anyone to care.

But. But he wanted Emilie. He wanted his family. The pain blurred his vision, it became too much. Like scrambled radio signals, the thoughts turned to static, into white noise. He would have his family.

Why break a child?

Emilie’s voice in the back of his head, that had always given him strength to go on, to not give up, to try again and again no matter the ludicrous and ridiculous defeats…was silent. Had been silent, before she’d asked him.

Would you do this to our son?

No! No of course not! Adrien was…Adrien was his! He was his son! Why would Shadowmoth, why would Gabriel do this to him?

Why them? What did Marinette do?

He’d broken a child. Gabriel had felt it. The noise stopped, his legs stilled, finally stopped shaking. He hadn’t noticed. He couldn’t stand. What was happening? What the fuck was happening to him?

His transformation had fallen. Nooroo and Duusu were hovering close by, shooting him looks of concern. He scowled at them, they flinched and backed away. Gabriel fed on their fear. He stood up.

“Master…are you alright?”, Nooroo perked up, tried to speak. Gabriel cut him off with a flick of his finger. He was fine. He. Was. Fine. That had been…a fluke. Yes, he would get them next time. Princess Justice was in so much pain…it was only natural for it to flare up again. Soon. Soon…

“Mister Gabriel, I- I’m worried…”, said Duusu. “You don’t look okay…”, she murmured under her breath, almost inaudible.

Gabriel’s eyebrow twitched. He felt the urge to throttle the darn thing for questioning him! Who was she, to question him?

Duusu helped make-

He ignored the voice. He ignored it. “Silence, both of you.”, he barked. “I’m going to see Nathalie. Go to the kitchen, eat something, and come back here to hide. Do not bother me.”

The Kwami looked somber. Sad, even. Good, they should know to listen. Gabriel’s head hurt. He’d…take a break from screens. Read a book. He had a book somewhere in this house. Surely. He took the elevator upstairs and just before he could open the door to reach the rest of the house, Adrien knocked on it. He could feel the boy’s worry. For his friend. That was a new detail.

Oh. Adrien was speaking to him. “Uh, yes! Right, of course.”, he cut him off, having no idea what he’d even responded to. “Shall we get our dinner?”, he asked, maintaining an indifferent tone, but trying to be inviting. Trying to care. Why did he have to? It…shouldn’t be hard, should it? This was his son.

Adrien seemed to light up at the suggestion, regardless of his father’s tone. Sha- Gabriel. He was Gabriel right now. Gabriel shook his head, trying to rid himself of this…fatigue he suddenly felt. Being transformed was much better, he never had to worry about things like sleep. If only he could stay transformed, he could stop bothering himself with things like sleep. So inconsiderate of him, while Emilie was left waiting.

“Father? Are you alright?”, Adrien asked, and Gabriel bit down his irritation. They hadn’t even moved in inch, why was- …oh. Oh, they were in the dinning room. He was supposed to sit down. He…did that, looking at his meal. Mashed potatoes with an excellent stake, from the finest cook in France. Somehow it didn’t feel appetizing. Shouldn’t he be looking for…for someone too…

“Father? I- Are you sure you’re alright?”, Adrien asked again, concerned. Gabriel felt it.

Clearing his throat, Gabriel pushed his glasses closer to his eyes. “Yes, of course I am. What did you say you needed?”, he said, an air of indifference hanging around him. Better to not let the boy see his fatigue. He’d rest…later. After he resolved the Princess Justice issue.

Adrien seemed to hesitate now. “Well…it’s about Lila. I- Father, something happened at school today.”

“Then perhaps you’d learn better here, without these…distractions. I can tell you’re upset.”, came the automatic, near thoughtless response.

Adrien froze. Gabriel sighed under his breath. Right. Adrien was a person. Gabriel spoke to people, he gave suggestions, he made recommendations, he couldn’t order Emilie’s son around.

“Perhaps…I should rephrase. I was quick to speak, my apologies. What happened, exactly?”, he asked, trying to mix curiosity in his tone. That was appropriate. His son was telling him about his day. Something was troubling his son. Gabriel should be interested; he should know these things.

Adrien sighed, and seemed…almost resigned. As if he thought Gabriel wouldn’t listen. But, of course he would, he always spoke with his at dinner. In fact, the last dinner was…it was…huh.

“Adrien? When did we last have dinner together?”, Gabriel found himself asking, out of curiosity.

His son seemed startled, but nonetheless answered him. It’s been…six months, father. If you remembered, it was a couple of days before the Miracle Queen incident with Chloe. You’ve…been busy, sir. I understand.”, he tried to placate.

Gabriel should have been shocked. He…had no idea it had been six entire months! Surely not! Surely…surely, he hadn’t left Adrien alone for so long. Because…of Ladybug! That damned pest was taking up all of his time, her and that pet, Chat Noir!  He would-

Deep breath.

He would respond to Adrien. He would engage in conversation. Nathalie was right. He should be doing this. Emilie would be happy he was spending time with Adrien. Yes, good. That was good.

“I see… My apologies, the work must have taken a toll on me. I’m…sorry, Adrien.”, Gabriel tested the words in his mouth. They didn’t feel right.

Startled, his son was quick to accept the apology. “Right! Don’t worry, I understand! Thank you! For…for letting me know!”

Silence. Awkward, still silence.

Gabriel cut a piece of stake with his knife, and stabbed his fork on it. “So…what was it that happened at school?”, he asked as Adrien swallowed his food. The boy, for but a moment, struggled to do so. His sudden fear was… wrong. It was wrong. Why was his son afraid? Was he afraid of Gabriel? No, no that was ridiculous! Of course not! But if someone had touched his son, if they’d harmed him, Hawkmoth would- …Gabriel would deal with them. Permanently.

 “Well…it’s about Lila.”

Ahh…yes. Miss Rossi. Volpina. He remembered her. And Chameleon, of course. And now she was causing such delightful pain!

“Yes, Adrien? What about miss Rossi?”

Adrien shivered. Gabriel hadn’t yelled. Why was his son acting like this? Unless… “Son…has she done something to you?”, he asked, a lower growl to his tone, akin to the end of Hawkmoth’s manic speeches.

Adrien froze up completely.


A pause. Gabriel tried to use his Miraculous to project an warm, inviting feeling, to let Adrien know that he could talk to him, that he would listen. It came out slightly more demanding than intended. Adrien didn’t seem surprised, so perhaps it went over his head?

“She’s been invading my personal space, father. She gets too close. Way too close, whenever she can. I’ve told Lila I’m not interested in her, but she persists. Even a few people from my photography team are starting to get worried. They’ve asked me if I’m alright, they tried to subtly and then obviously tell Lila to keep her hands to herself…but she doesn’t listen. Today…she crossed a line. I can’t just tolerate it anymore! And I know she tells you about my life, so I didn’t…know if you would believe me...”, Adrien said, ignoring the feeling of wrongness that was emanating from the mere mention of Lila.

He was looking Gabriel right in the eye, a cold, dead stare gazing back at the boy. Hawkmoth threatened to blow his cover. Nooroo was barely a room away, Gabriel could feel it. He knew where Rossi lived, he should transform and run her through with his cane for touching his son! Why, he ought to destroy her for daring to lie to him!

He was the Master of emotions! Of manipulation! People listened to him! And she’d dared make his own son think he would never be heard amidst her pathetic stories and innocent demeanor? Gabriel stood up abruptly, dinner forgotten. Nothing else mattered except annihilating Lila Rossi. He would destroy her! He swore it!


Adrien’s voice. Gabriel blinked through the fog in his eyes. Adrien looked terrified. Of him. That was…wrong. It was wrong on so many levels that Gabriel could barely comprehend it much less react, but he managed. He always managed. He was Hawkmoth. He controlled emotions, bended them to his every whim until whoever held feelings was nothing more than his servant. He would not falter to his emotion. That was simply disrespectful to himself.

“Adrien… Go speak with Nathalie. Tell her to find me the best prosecutor in France. I will deal with miss Rossi myself!”, he roared the last part in fury, and Adrien hurried to comply, fleeing the room as fast as humanly possible, if not faster. Gabriel was proud of himself. He smiled. Emilie would be proud of him, for defending their son.

He turned his back on the table, his chair fallen on the floor, cutlery long thrown onto the marble tiles and a visible crack right next to his previous spot. Yes, Hawkmoth had done quite well, if he said so himself. Shadowmoth. Whatever, he was still the same person. Nothing had changed. And he wasn’t hurting Adrien, he was protecting his son. From Lila Rossi.

…right. He should make a few calls. First to terminate her contract, then to his lawyers and his security teams to gather as much evidence as humanly possible, perhaps superhumanly, should there be a need. And. And. Lady Wi-Fi knew Adrien. They went to the same school. The same class as Bubbler, Game, Dark Cupid, Antibug…yes, she was a reporter. Well, an idiot child playing at having an actual job, but she was right where he needed. And if he terminated her contracts and hacked her payment apart, as well as argue that she should be sued for every bit of money her entire bloodline had in their collective pockets…

She could scream it from atop the Eiffel Tower, and they could investigate the house all they wanted. He’d just leave the Miraculous downstairs for a few hours, if it came to that. Shadowmoth and Emilie would both be safe, his secrets secure. Adrien would be secure. Yes, exactly! For the first time in her entire life, Lila Rossi would say nothing but the truth, and nobody would believe her.

Gabriel an insane grin overtake his features, he figured he’d earned a good laugh at her expense. Now…to first organize a massive photoshoot with Lila, but with no Adrien. Let her work with someone else for a change, after all hectic rescheduling is part of the industry. But how would he make the little blogger do the work for him? Should he encourage Adrien to tell his friends? Would the children believe him?

No matter, the opportunity would arise in due time. He mentally went through a list. Hmm…yes. Fabian was good enough. Looking for better pay, certainly, and sure to cause a fuss if Lila overstepped more than…oh, even once would be enough! The kid was always a good judge of character, it said so right on his resume! Is…that why Fabian always seemed uncomfortable around him? Ah, nonsense! Shadowmoth had bigger issues to concern himself with. And so he made his calls as Gabriel Agreste, sent Adrien to his room with the warmest assurance he could manage, and wished Nathalie the same.

For her, she seemed to light up instead of shying away. Hmm…Adrien was just shaken. Miss Rossi had overstepped her bounds, his son had reacted, if perhaps a tad too late. Still, he’d done all he could for today as Gabriel Agreste. It would be…dealt with, yes, he would deal with this tomorrow.

Now it was well past midnight, and Shadowmoth stood in his lair, waiting. Barely any moonlight lit up his lair, but he did not mind. The mood was quite perfect for the emotions he could feel. Yes! He’d known the opportunity would arise again! He was sure!

“Ahh…a soul broken beyond repair by betrayal and deception! A shattered friendship and a heart in torment! Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize Marinette Dupain Cheng! Let us give Princess Justice the justice she so craves!”

His insane laugher echoed through the lair, but not a sound escape into the outside world. Here, he was alone. Here, he was powerful. Here, he was a king! And soon, so very soon, his dear Emilie would be joining him! At long last!

He could sense Nooroo in the back of his head. Always preaching caution, warning, advising him to stop, just for a day. Duusu was faintly present also, but she was barely a whisper. He ignored them. The Kwami had never wanted him to use their powers, but even if it had been an evil cause he was working towards, what consequence could that possible have on him?

He’d taken the legal precautions, he almost never left his lair, his home. Ladybug and Chat Noir would never find him. The Grimoire, the two Miraculous were his. What was the consequence? Nothing more than Nooroo’s feeble attempt to protect himself, as if it would ever make a difference! As if! Nothing would stop him! Nothing could stop him! He was Hawkmoth, he was the scourge of Paris! He was… he was…

Who was he?

What was he?

What was happening to him?

Shadowmoth shook his head, sharply turning to the skyline. No matter. The Akuma edged ever closer; he could see it! Through the butterfly’s senses, he felt the world around him. Rain pouring down from the sky, slamming against his wings. Desperation, worry and despair from two souls who ran amok in the dead of night, searching. Pain. Heartbreaking, endless pain from his target.

There she is…

A vivid image entered his mind. Princess Justice, wet to the bone, standing on the railing of a bridge, the waters below bashing against the stone and nearly escaping to the streets. The turned suddenly, and looking directly at the Akuma. At him.

He heard her scream in fear, or maybe he felt her panic spike. The others were drawing closer. It was not or never. Thoughts were running through her head endlessly, creating a myriad of wonderful negativity that he would use to destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir!

Lila, she’s laughing at me. She- she’s won.

A-Adrien, I’m sorry!




He saw her form begin to lean over, he heard the sound of shattered glass, he sensed her despair. His connection with the Akuma snapped. He couldn’t feel Princess Justice anymore. Ladybug wasn’t there. She couldn’t have reached the butterfly. Impossible. Then-

Then Princess Justice was dead.

Princess Justice was dead.


Shadowmoth’s transformation fell, his mind too exhausted to keep up. Gabriel tried to lean on a cane that wasn’t there, and fell to his knees. The last thing he had felt…was fear. Absolute existential terror, at the mere idea that he would get to her. That he would make her fight her loved ones. That he would make her hurt them. He’d seen her jump.

He just killed someone.

Gabriel’s glasses fell from his face. He needed to breath. He needed air. He needed air, now!

“Nooroo, transform me!”, he called, and used his cane to stand. “Duusu, Nooroo, unify!”, he felt himself shout, but it was distant. The voice wasn’t his. Whose was it? Who had done this? What was happening?

Gabriel didn’t know. But what he did know was…

He just killed a child.

Shadowmoth threw himself out of his window, ignoring the searing pain of slamming himself through a wall of glass, and jumped. He knew where this was. He knew that river. Was it from Glaciator? Riposte? Copycat? Sapotis? He didn’t know. He didn’t care. Shadowmoth ran, throwing himself across the rooftops, banging into chimneys, slipping on the wet tiles. It didn’t matter.

He’d never killed before. His Akuma had; he knew that. He made a point to never think about it. To never think about what he gave people the powers to do. About Siren, who’d drowned half of Paris underwater. About Stormy Weather and those frozen in ice, those melted away by her volcano. It didn’t matter. Those people were fine. Ladybug had fixed it. He would have fixed it, if he’d won those days. Of course he would have.

He couldn’t fix this. Neither could Ladybug. Shadowmoth jumped again. What was happening? What had he done? No, surely, he didn’t kill someone.

He’d seen the girl jump. The one thought in her mind was please no, not him! She’d been terrified. Police sirens echoed from below. She’d been terrified…of him. For the first time in two years, that didn’t sit right with him. She’d jumped because of him. Gabriel saw it.

The river was close. The bridge was close. Surely, she’d flailed or slipped. Surely, Verity Queen was helping her out. He’d sensed her close by. Aren’t they related? Gabriel jumped from the rooftop, landing in an alleyway. Shadowmoth ignored the searing pain of bright red and blue lights assaulting his retinas. Police were close. They could never harm him, it didn’t matter.

The river was red. Blood. Blood was there, and rapidly being washed away by the raging current. Thunder shattered the sky in pieces, his cane hit the trashcan to his left. Verity Queen turned. Looked at him. Saw him. Gabriel felt everything.

Agony. Suffering. Anger. Self-hate. Pain. So much pain.

He clenched his teeth. Verity Queen stood, motionless. Not making a sound. Lightning illuminated her, and he saw her hand was stuck on the railing. On the spot where Princess Justice had been. His Akuma, pure white now, was withering in this weather. Verity Queen had lost her daughter.

He’d just killed a child.

The thought was dizzying, it nearly made him hurl. But Gabriel gripped his cane as tightly as he could, recalled the butterfly, and looked to the ground. He could sense focus, commitment, sadness from the people milling about. Police officers, investigating. They should be arresting him. Didn’t they see him? Didn’t they know? He’d done this. He felt that he’d done this.

Princess Justice was Adrien’s friend. She’d…won a competition? Yes, Mister Pigeon! What was her name? Her name, what was it? What was it?

Gabriel drew a blank.

The butterfly could barely fly, but fluttered it’s wings as hard as it could to reach him. No one else noticed. Verity Queen was locked in place. Unable to utter a single word. She was looking right at him, she was seeing him, she was trying to scream, but the words did not reach his ears. Nor anyone else’s. No response. He opened up his cane, and let the butterfly in. He wouldn’t let it die. He would not. Why? Shadowmoth shouldn’t care. It didn’t matter. He would re-write the world anyways. She will never have died. He should send out an Akuma. He feels so much pain, he should send one out.

Gabriel Agreste hated his thoughts. He smashed his free hand into the wall as hard as he could, cracking it. His hand didn’t hurt. He felt numb. His legs were shaking again. He couldn’t falter. Not here. Not now.

Shadowmoth reached out with his senses. For something, anything resembling a desire to live. Mimicking Princess Justices’ emotions from before. All he could feel was her family’s agony. It burned. He felt like he was on fire. The rain poured, did nothing to dowse the flames. Verity Queen was still looking. He hung his head, shut his cane to secure the butterfly. Surely, there would be another opportunity. There had to be! Nobody ever died in this city, not because of him! That was the rule! That was the way things always were! Surely, they would find her.

He'd killed someone.

If she ever found out, Emilie would kill him.

He ran away. By the time Gabriel returned to his lair, dawn was about to crack from beyond the skyline. He didn’t know how long he’d been running for. Streets, roofs, alleys, it had all looked the same to him from above. He felt dizzy. He was in his lair. The window was broken. The floor was wet. He had to…Gabriel didn’t know.

The transformation fell. Shadowmoth was gone. He was Gabriel again. Gabriel knew nothing of this. Gabriel was still asleep. What time was it? He looked at his wristwatch. 6am. Gabriel felt something in him snap. He was in pain. He could feel the girl’s pain, still. Nooroo saw him as he stumbled out of his lair, the window closing, leaving them in darkness.

Emilie’s portrait was serene, he noted once he was upstairs. Why? Didn’t she know? Hadn’t she felt what he had done? Had he not told her? Gabriel always told his wife everything. Could he tell her this? Could he tell Nathalie? She would despise him. Shadowmoth, and Hawkmoth before him, thrived off despair, hate, darkness. He was a tall, powerful master of the shadows, and no one could oppose me. Gabriel felt like a child, and suddenly he was terrified of the dark. Nooroo tried to approach him, tried to comfort him, but Gabriel’s collar was too tight. He couldn’t breathe. He tore off the Miraculous. He tried to move; his legs shook violently.

They protested. Why should he get to walk away when Princess Justice fell? Because-

Because he was-

…he was a murderer.

He had killed someone.  

This time he did hurl. Gabriel could smell it. Their agony. He still felt it, in the back of his mind, burning him. He ignored it. He had to move. He needed to breathe. He needed air. He needed Nathalie! She always knew what to do! Yes, he would go to her and she would help him!

Gabriel stumbled into the hallway, threw himself on the railing to help himself climb up the stairs, and pulled himself upwards. He slammed into the wall, overdoing it. His glasses were broken. He couldn’t see. When did he break them? Gabriel found Nathalie’s room by muscle memory alone. He leaned against the door to open it, fell when it caved in.

The alarm clock next to her bed was flashing. Blue. Where was the red? He wasn’t supposed to be here. He was still there. Where had the sirens gone? When did he stop hearing them. It read 6:15am. Hawkmoth felt himself collapse. The thud woke Nathalie. He heard her shout. He heard Verity Queen cry. He heard the sirens and the shouting and the pain

“Nathalie…help.”, he felt himself say, but the words didn’t reach his own ears. He tried to look at her, he really did. Darkness crept into his vision, and Gabriel’s head hit the floor. At 6:20am that Saturday, Nathalie Sancoeur called an ambulance. Exactly 5 hours later, down to the dot, Samantha Fae entered her new penthouse through the window, ID card in hand. Today…was a new day.




Oh…brother. I feel like I did Gabriel dirty here, but let’s be honest he probably deserves it. Now, I’ve given plenty of context clues, but let me quickly explain what’s going on with our resident supervillain. Does any remember in Origins where Nooroo says there are terrible consequences to using the Miraculous for selfish and evil goals? Well, I feel like most of Gabriel’s behavior in the latter half of the show can be explained quite well with Tunnel Vision. His time using the Butterfly Miraculous made him ignore the world around him, slowly but surely. It corrupted him slowly, making him create bigger and more powerful Akuma, at the cost of his sanity. All Gabriel wants, all he cares about, is his family. He would do anything to have Emilie back.

But so much contact with negative emotions he wasn’t supposed to be feeling corrupted his love for them, and now victory, dominion, his personal ambition itself is more important than the goal. Of course, he wants to bring Emilie back. He’s always wanted that, he’d tell you. But when at first his goal was to heal her with the Wish, now he wants to use the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous to destroy this world, the world which took her from him, and replace it with one that did not, no matter the price. Hurting people along the way is just collateral damage, and it’s easy to ignore, since Ladybug brings everyone back. And he’s not some common mugger in the streets. He’s never killed anyone. Gabriel can see those people still milling about, going through their daily lives. Nobody has been hurt, and it someone, or an entire city’s worth of someone does get hurt, well, Ladybug will just fix it.

He has a clear assurance that if he fails, nothing is permanent, so what he does will never matter. If he wins, the world won’t exist long enough for anything he does, any damage that Ladybug cannot fix, to matter. Gabriel will just erase it anyways; he isn’t hurting anyone. All that matters to him is the mission, the goal of defeating Ladybug and Chat Noir. At first, they were just the two unfortunate people who he needed to target, for the Miraculous. Now, they are his vicious enemies that he needs to annihilate and destroy.

Yeah, I think you guys get it. I feel like this characterization of Gabriel plays in nicely with the consequences that canon just conveniently forgot about, and also his canon character arc. This might also be why he was willing to risk Adrien when he suspected that he was Chat Noir, but then immediately regretted it. It might be why when he was certain of Adrien’s identity, Chat Blanc happened without a moment’s hesitation. Misusing the Miraculous has corrupted him, and it’s getting bad, especially the longer it goes on. Thankfully for Gabriel, and unfortunately for his mental health, perhaps this incident with Marinette will serve as a wake-up call? We’ll have to wait and see…

I’ll you guys in the next chapter, in which we see the morning after everything that happened. Until then, stay Miraculous!

Chapter 4: Perfection's Shattering


As Samantha Fae settles into her new life and adjusts to her new life, Nino, Alya and Adrien try to adjust to life without Marinette Dupain Cheng. Gabriel Agreste casts a shadow over the world, and plans are made to expose a lair, from both heroes and villains alike.


Hello there everyone, and welcome back! I’m writing this after posting the first three chapters, and I’m so happy that the reviews I’ve gotten so far are positive! I’m glad you’re enjoying the pain I’m putting these people through! Also, just a tiny thing I forgot to mention. I won’t have a consistent update schedule for this fic until after mid-June due to academic reasons, but I will update occasionally until then. I’ll let you guys know what updates are going to look like after that, when I’m sure of what time I have. For now, please enjoy this chapter! Let’s see how our favorite furry is doing!

Note: Just fixing up one slight inconsistency. Marinette has a digital version of the Grimoire in S4 if I’m not mistaken. I didn’t mention her taking it in chapter 2, but please assume that she did on like, a tablet or something. Just this one chapter. For the sake of continuity.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Adrien woke up, he groggily opened his eyes, only to be hit squarely in the face by beaming rays of sunlight. He instantly snapped them closed again. Plagg was still snoring next to him, no surprises there. But why was it so bright? His alarm hadn’t gone off yet, or he would be hearing it. And if he’d overslept, Nathalie or his father would come to make sure he was awake. So what gives?

Adrien shifted to his side, to get the sun out of his line of sight. Slowly, he creaked one eye open, ignoring the urge to lay back down and continue his dream. It had been a good one, he was pretty sure. He and Ladybug were playing tag around the Eiffel Tower, he’d made the usual bet of her agreeing on a date if he won. She laughed at him at the beginning, but then when they were playing, she’d smiled at him, and threw the fight, instead saying that she’d been wondering when he’d bring it up again, that she’d love to.

Yeah…it had been a good dream. Adrien smiled to himself, feeling his heart flutter at the thought. If only his Lady would agree to it in real life! He’d have shaken his head if he wasn’t still so groggy, but Adrien decided he should figure out what was going on. Glancing around the room, nothing seemed out of place. His computer was shut off, just the way he’d left it, his phone was on his nightstand, the alarm clock-

The alarm clock said 11:40am. He’d overslept. Oh God he’d overslept! Father was going to kill him!

Adrien hadn’t moved faster in his entire life as a civilian. The way he darted around the room to throw off his Pajamas and put on his normal clothes was akin to superhuman, and before he knew it, he was rushing out of the room, hair combed to perfection, teeth well brushed, shirt with no wrinkles in sight. Good, just like Father said it should be. He didn’t want to make him angry today. Not after yesterday night. That…was an experience Adrien did not want to repeat. Father had looked like he was ready to kill.

Well, it was in his defense, and to be fair he also got the urge to Cataclysm Lila every couple of days, but Gabriel looked like he was actually going to go through with it. Adrien suppressed a shudder. No, this was good news. Father had listened to him! He’d listened! And he’d promised to take care of Lila! He had to go by Marinette’s place to tell her! Finally, their days of torment were officially over!

Five minutes later, Adrien would curse himself at the irony. But for now, he sprinted downstairs, expecting to find Nathalie at her desk and if not, he’d go to her room, or his father hunched over his own desk, looking at new designs. What he found instead…well, it certainly surprised him.

Nathalie was curled up on the couch, definitely asleep. She looked pale, the same way Marinette would pale when she was worried about him. Like she’d literally been worried sick. His father was sitting in an armchair beside her, reading a book. Gabriel didn’t notice his approach. One of them had wheeled out a TV from the guest rooms down the hall, and it was tuned in on…the news? TVI, it looked like, and they were on an add break. Adrien took a deep breath to steady himself, to throw the image of his seething father almost breaking the dinner table with his fist, right out of his mind.

Gabriel glanced at the screen, stared at the advertisement, something about a new hair product, and went back to his book. It had a full black cover, Adrien noted as he approached. Gabriel heard his footsteps, used a bookmark to not lose the page he was on, and shut the book, placing it next to him on the chair. For a moment, Adrien saw the title. “The Illusion of Living.” Wow. Macabre, much?

“G-good morning father.”, Adrien tried as a greeting. This…was weird. He wasn’t used to seeing his father relax…or at all, to be honest. He looked uninterested, indifferent. Gabriel glanced at the TV, saw the news hadn’t come on yet, and turned to face his son.

“Ah, Adrien. Did you sleep well?”, he asked, seeming genuinely curious. Oddly, Adrien noticed his father wasn’t wearing his tie clip. The empty white spot where it should be drew his eye, but Adrien reigned himself in and nodded an affirmative.

“Yes. But…father, I don’t mean to disrespect you but…don’t I have a photoshoot today? Two hours ago?”, he asked, hesitant.

Gabriel’s expression shifted from his calm. Like a porcelain mask, the façade cracked, and for a single second Adrien thought he saw guilt and sadness in his father’s eyes. He looked so…forlorn. Defeated, even. Guilty.

He nodded, seeing that his father wasn’t going to say anything else. Adrien glanced at Nathalie, concerned. His father’s assistant, always a stern but constant presence…looked so frail. She looked like mom- like she desperately needed the rest. Gabriel sighed when he caught him staring.

“Nathalie is fine, son. She’s just tired. We had an…interesting morning.” A morning that nearly cost Gabriel his sanity, and some pocket change to top things off. Some 50.000 thousand euros to ensure the silence of the hospital staff and discharge him as soon as he was stable. He was fine, really. The problem wasn’t physical. Dizziness overcame him, suddenly. Emilie had said the same thing, once.

Adrien nodded again, not knowing what else to do. “I…Am I free for the day, then?”, he asked his father.

Gabriel didn’t even pretend to consider it. “Yes, free for the week. I’ve cancelled all your lessons and photoshoots. You’re…welcome to stay home, if you’d like. I’ve delegated my own duties for today, so if you require anything…please come talk to me.”, he said, sounding like the words struggled to leave his mouth.

“Adrien, remember. You are my son. I am your father. It’s my responsibility to make sure you are well. I will be there when you need me.”, Gabriel tried, testing the words. They sounded…right, this time. An odd sense of numbness washed over him again, and he turned back to the television. “You should go to your room, sleep some more. It’s been a long week for you, I’m sure.”, he added as an afterthought, his tone monotonous and dry. Almost robotic.

“…Right. I- I’ll go and lay down, then. Good morning, father.”

Gabriel blinked, as if the time was news to him. Right, the night was over. It was a new day, now. He didn’t feel like it. He barely felt like anything at all. “Of course, son. Now go.”, he insisted, eyes glued to the final, fading advertisement, before the screen switched to Nadja Chamack. Adrien obeyed and began to ascend the stairs again, and Gabriel unmuted the broadcast.

“Welcome back, Paris. As I said before, there have been no further news on the case. Poor weather conditions lasted all throughout the night, and police have had no luck finding any trace of…”

Adrien stopped in his tracks, midway up the staircase. He breathed deeply. “Father…did something happen?”, he asked hesitantly. Something had to have happened. This…couldn’t all be because of Lila, could it?

Gabriel’s eyes seemed to glance back at him, even though his head didn’t move an inch.

“We’re standing by for news on any new developments, and are hoping for the best. Please wait for more information.”

“Not to me. I’m fine.”, he said coldly, the air of indifference returning to his tone. Adrien hoped it wouldn’t be followed by another outburst. He hung his head, and obeyed his father’s order, going back to his room. Maybe he could mess around with his piano? Last they’d met, Luka had given him some inspiration for a song. Hadn’t he said something about…masks? Adrien would have to text him, see if he remembered.

Plagg was there when Adrien opened the door, hovering over his unlocked phone. He looked…sad. Making a face of realization the same way Adrien would do when he could guess that more photoshoots would be added to his schedule. Like an inevitability had just come true. The kwami spun to face him when he came in, but Plagg’s face betrayed nothing of what Adrien had just seen.

“Hey kit! Morning! Wow, good thing your pops let us sleep in today huh? Say, I’m full of energy! How about we go for a run, huh? Get your muscles going?”, Plagg said, looking frantic and desperately pretending to be happy and excited. Adrien knew a thing or two about playing pretend.

Plagg never lied to him. Not unless something was very wrong, not after the Sandman incident. He’d promised. Plagg hadn’t lied to him since. Adrien let the worry he felt for Plagg show on his face. Words weren’t needed between them sometimes, and he didn’t think he should say what he could show. Plagg tried to keep his smile up. Adrien saw him strain himself, the widening of his eyes to look restless, the same expression he’d make when he got bored of flying around his room.

Adrien stared at him. Plagg stared back, a pleading look to please pretend he was oblivious, go along with it. After a moment, the Kwami faltered, and his mask broke.

“K-kid.”, he tried to speak, voice cracking as if his throat had been hit by a Cataclysm. “Do me a favor.”, Plagg begged him. Adrien had already opened his mouth to agree when his phone rang. “Don’t answer that. Please.”, Plagg insisted.

Adrien checked the caller ID. It was Nino. He shot Plagg a look. The cell rang again. Adrien ignored it to swipe down on the screen and check his notifications. 37 missed calls from Nino. 2096 unread messages. Half of those from Alya. What the fuck? The ringing seemed to get louder. Plagg’s whiskers dropped, his face fell.

Adrien reached out a hand to pet him, to offer comfort for whatever was wrong, but Plagg retracted. “Kit…I’m so sorry.”, he offered meekly, and flew up to his spot, curling up in a ball. Adrien thought he heard him sobbing. He picked up the phone, worried and confused. Why was his father acting like that? Why was Plagg acting like that?

Nino’s voice sounded horrible. Like he’d been crying. “A-Adrien?”, he asked, stuttering in near disbelief. “Thank fuck, are you okay? No, sorry, stupid question. How are you…holding up, dude?”

Okay, now Adrien knew something was very, very wrong. He tried to mask his fears with confusion. “Nino? What happened? I just woke up, are you okay?”, Adrien asked with genuine concern, trying not to panic. He’d kept himself together while fighting supervillains, he could get through one conversation without letting his worries eat him up.

Nino sobbed on the other end. Went silent. Adrien heard Alya’s voice, just barely, as if they’d moved the phone away from them.

“Nino…do we tell him?”, she asked, sounding frightened.

Nino failed to hold back a sob. “Babe…we have to.”

Nino moved the phone closer. “Uh…dude. You might want to check the news…”, he said awkwardly. Adrien was downright panicked now. He didn’t respond to Nino, he rushed back downstairs to his father, to the broadcast. What was happening? Why were his friends walking on eggshells around him? Had he done something? Did Lila do something?

“Please hold on, we’ve just received a statement from Officer Raincomprix. Stand by for-”

Gabriel had the book in his lap, reading calmly. Miss Chamack’s voice didn’t seem to bother him. She paused mid-sentence, and moved off screen.   

She came back into frame, looking like she was about to cry. Her professionalism was in shambles, Adrien saw the way her face twitched with silent tears, holding back the urge to sob.

“I- I regret to inform everyone that we’ve received official word from the Parisian Police Department. Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”



Adrien went still. The phone slipped from his fingers. The room was spinning. He couldn’t breathe. He heard himself shout. What? How? Why? A firm hand gently squeezed his shoulder, Nino’s voice echoed from the phone, incomprehensible. Words were all jumbled, mixing with each other to make sounds that he couldn’t understand. Adrien’s legs gave out on him. Gabriel reached out to steady him, dragged him to the couch next to Nathalie’s. He…he was crying on his father’s shirt, Adrien registered. A hand was on his back, holding him tightly in place.

The world all went away. Sounds eluded him, Adrien’s heart was pounding. The phrase echoed in his ears, booming in his head.

“Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”

Marinette was…she was- no. No, it couldn’t be. He was still asleep; he was having a nightmare. She’d promised! She was…not here. Gone. D- Dea-

Like mom.

Adrien felt himself latch onto his father, and he screamed.


“Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”, came Nadja’s voice from the TV. Samantha Fae stretched on her new couch, raven blue hair let loose, covering the back of her dark green Chat Noir hoodie as she yawned, groggy. That was the best nap she’d gotten in years. Oh, right. Well, the first nap, since today was her first day on Earth. All in all, it had started great!

Her new apartment had everything she could possibly need without ever leaving through the front door! It came fully furnished, with a soft, luxurious couch, a wooden, black coffee table, a kitchenette nearly the size of her old room, a bathroom with a marble floor and all that! Really, part of her felt horrible to casually lounge in something this expensive, especially since she’d bought it with Jagged’s money. But then again, after the hell Lila had put her through for so long, she felt like she deserved a treat. It was…actually amazing, to have a whole place to herself. Three bedrooms for the whole place, the “apartment”. Really, it was basically a penthouse, on the top floor of the building, with a spacious balcony and a heated pool. How they had this up here, she didn’t know, and Samantha didn’t care either. It was prime real estate! And being a good floor above most other houses in the neighborhood, it was perfect for Ladybug to go in and out as she pleased. Only problem was… she couldn’t go out. Not looking like Marinette. So, Ladybug had pulled the coffee table right next to her spot on the couch, laid out her notes on the Grimoire’s Lore, and brewed Tikki and herself a nice cup of room temperature sink water. She had to get tea as soon as possible, Samantha thought.

“Guardian, good morning! Did you sleep well?”, came the voice of Wayzz, who was currently half-awake on a potted (plastic) plant in the corner of the living room.

She smiled at him. It was…so weird to smile. Ladybug had only smiled when Chat Noir was around, and Marinette couldn’t, not anymore. “Yes, I’m feeling great! You mind telling me where Tikki ran off to? She was supposed to come help me with this translation.”, she asked him, waving her hand to said pages. Her voice had a tone of happiness to it. Okay, this was weird.

Wayzz nodded, enthusiastic. “Yes, she’s in your design room! Trying to guess how you’ll organize it!”

The Design Room in question was technically the third bedroom of the penthouse. She’d taken the middle one for herself, and since there was an adjacent door to the left one, she’d marked her territory by unboxing her clothes and taking a few minutes to figure out where everything would go. She needed to go out and actually bye a sewing machine, needles, pins, new pencils and fabrics, but that could wait until she figured out how to actually leave her place without blowing her cover. Hmm…

Wayzz noticed she was deep in thought, and went to fetch Tikki. The other Kwami were in the Box, and despite some slight protest, didn’t really mind not being out anymore. Mari- Uh, Ladybug was the Guardian, they just did what they were told. And she was right when she said it was way too risky, because she had no way of explaining it to the other tenants, who she didn’t even know. These people weren’t her pa- these people weren’t Sabine and Tom, a flimsy excuse wouldn’t work here.

Ladybug rose from her spot, moving to the window. Well, more like the glass wall that led to the balcony. She gazed out to Paris, her city, her thoughts flying adrift. Taking a deep breath, she steadied herself for a moment, and for a moment, was content with looking out into the skyline.

Wayzz flew back to her, Tikki in tow. The Goddess of Creation skimmed over the pages that Marinette had open, which detailed the Glamor of the Miraculous. It described how the effect worked, and of how unless someone was consciously aware of a Miraculous Holder’s identity, they wouldn’t be able to notice the similarities between their transformed and civilian forms, if only in passing and as a surface thought.

Tikki hummed in thought as Samantha moved away from the window, leaping onto the couch and falling onto the massive pillows. She stretched again, then sat up, sipped her water, and decided to get to work.

It wasn’t too difficult to figure out the basic rules for how glamor worked, Sam figured. Amidst all the mystical jargon of the book, this section was surprisingly simple, and even held some annotations from Master Fu. Her heart didn’t appreciate the mention of her mentor, and flashed a memory of a tearful goodbye, Hawkmoth having gotten away, Miracle Box and new responsibilities shoved onto her plate as if the rest wasn’t enough-

Glamor worked rather simply. Unless directly staring at a Miraculous Holder, or, in this day and age, a clear, close-up picture of them, recalling small details about their face was practically impossible. Or, doing so without constantly second guessing yourself, at least.

Did Ladybug have freckles? What color were her eyes? If they were blue, what shade? Was her hair black? It was difficult to tell, unless someone was looking. While strong enough conviction could override the compulsion to ignore the (sometimes obvious) similarities, it was far more likely to happen when someone was not in range of a Miraculous Holder or a person using glamor than when they were close by, the effect being stronger the shorter the distance away. And it wasn’t terribly difficult to do. With Tikki’s help, she quickly made sense of the text, and Wayzz assisted by reading Master Fu’s scribbles for her.

If she was right about how this worked…then…

Samantha focused. She’d always been able to feel Tikki, more so ever since getting her Kwatagama. It had been new, then, a symbol of affection between them, and ever since discovering the storage space in her yoyo, she’d put it there for safekeeping. Better there than for Lila to steal it somehow. Tikki nodded at her encouragingly, and she said the words.

“Tikki, transform me!”, she said, the power of her miraculous washing over her in a soft pink glow. Ladybug stepped out of it, confident and proud. She took a deep breath and walked over to her bathroom. She found the mirror. Ladybug stared. It…it worked!

The magic had altered her, the details on her face! Her freckles were gone, her eyes were just a tad darker blue than before, her hair didn’t glimmer blue, but a raven black stared back at the heroine as she ran a hand through it. Her face hadn’t changed almost at all, but already she could see someone new in the mirror.

Ladybug took a deep breath, closing her eyes to focus. A second glow blasted out of her earrings, as she took the Kwatagama out of her yoyo. She put it on, and it sank into her suit, making a calming noise, almost like someone humming a lullaby. Samantha didn’t feel different, but there was something, in there. Something that she knew would keep her secret safe.

“Tikki, spots off.”, she said quietly, and Ladybug’s costume faded away. She looked at the face in the mirror, and for the first time in as long as she could remember, Marinette Dupain Cheng did not look back. This…this was Samantha, now. She looked similar, yes, but still so different! Her eyes were darker, she stared in a sharp way, as if figuring out a puzzle. Like Ladybug would when she examined her lucky charms. The remaining freckles from Marinette’s early teens had faded away, her hair was jet black now, with a tiny raven glow in the right lighting.

Sam walked into her bedroom, scooped up her handmade purse, slung it over her shoulder, and put her new credit card inside. Turns out, she’d “lost” her old one, along with her ID. Sabrina’s dad was helpful like that, when Mayor Bourgeois wanted him to be. Still, her nerves hadn’t fully calmed down yet. Worries flew around her mind, unrestrained. Samantha looked to her bed and expected to find a pink cat pillow, for just a moment she even saw it there. Tikki hovered over her shoulder, big eyes and a smile that gave her courage, as always.

“Come on Tikki, time to go shopping.”, Samantha decided, and they moved out to the balcony. Wayzz bid them goodbye and went back into the box, which she’d have to hide again somehow. For now, it was hidden in the small safe in her in her design room’s wall, but she’d remedy that later. Samantha walked up to the railing, shared a smile with Tikki, and leaped off the building.

Ladybug’s yoyo zipped around a chimney not half a second later, and she flew off into the city. She jumped and flipped around the rooftops, feeling the air on her face. It was…freeing! This was amazing! Was this what Chat meant, when he said he loved going on patrol? If so, her kitty was right!

Ladybug somersaulted off a chimney and backflipped onto another building, slid down the wall and rolled to break her fall into an alleyway. Samantha got up from said roll, and brushed off a bit of dust from her jeans. She turned the corner, having already spotted her target. Walking with an unstoppable pep in her step, she paid other people no mind as she approached it. The large, automatic doors slid open, welcoming her. Today was the best day of her life!


Nino and Alya stood before the massive metal gates to the Agreste Mansion, holding each other to try and shake off the feeling of emptiness that lurked in the corner of their minds. Today was the worst day of their lives, undoubtedly. Struggling to keep his hand steady, Nino rang the doorbell. The space above slid open to reveal a speaker and a camera.

Gabriel Agreste’s voice crackled from the speaker, sounding…somber. “Ah, mister Lahiffe. And miss Cesaire. What can I do for you?”, he asked slowly, as if awkwardly reading from a script. He’d paused on their names, like he’d forgotten.

Alya spoke first, Nino didn’t trust himself to utter a word without breaking down. “We…we’re her to see Adrien. Is he okay?”, she asked, voice shaking. Nino ran a hand through her disheveled hair, trying to comfort her.

Gabriel’s voice didn’t respond immediately. Then, the intercom crackled to life. “No, I’m afraid he is not. Please, come inside. I think your presence will be…beneficial to him.”, he said. A loud buzz echoed through Nino’s skull, and the gates split to allow them in. They didn’t feel particularly welcome here. Alya smelled something rotten in the air. She shivered, holding Nino close.

The camera and speaker were again hidden behind metal. Alya squeezed his arm, trying to smile. “C’mon babe, we should go. Right?”, she whispered to Nino. Alya didn’t trust her voice either, it seemed. Not now that the obstacle was out of their way.

Nino’s breath hitched in his throat. “Right.”, he said, trying to smile back. “Adrien needs us, let’s not waste time.” They took deep breaths, and walked inside. The metal doors banged against the walls are they shut behind the duo, leaving them trapped inside.

Gabriel was waiting for them, holding the doors to the mansion open. The slipped in, and he let the doors seal themselves back up. It was dead silent. He cleared his throat. “Perhaps…you’d like a refreshment. I was making tea for Adrien.”, Gabriel proposed. It wasn’t really a matter of if they agreed.

Alya nodded dumbly, taking in the sight of the man standing before her. He seemed unnaturally tall to her; she didn’t recall ever seeing him in person. Maybe she was wrong. Alya didn’t care. Gabriel Agreste had a presence around him and his shadow was almost separate from the others on the wall, like they were hiding from him. He was missing his “candy cane tie” that Nino and Adrien regularly laughed at whenever the subject of Sunshine’s father came up, the empty spot was evident, like a proclamation. What he was trying to say, she didn’t know.

Monsieur Agreste strode past them and into presumably the kitchen, motioning for them to sit onto the nearby couch. Nino shook her shoulder, and they complied. Maybe it was the day, maybe it was the news they were reeling with, but something about this man felt so wrong it almost made them hurl. The clock on the wall ticked. Tic-Tak. Tic. Tak.

He came back with the tea, a full teapot and three cups on a tray with…cookies. He caught her staring. “Oatmeal”, Gabriel offered as way of explanation. “I take health matters very seriously.”

Was that why the other couch looked slept on? Why Gabriel himself looked pale and his eyes kept darting to the TV in the room? Had he wheeled that in from somewhere? It wasn’t even on! The man looked like he was either about to eat them alive, or break down and let the earth swallow him. Like he couldn’t decide.

Nino quickly took the tray from Gabriel’s hands, and they hovered near the stairs. Gabriel looked at them quizzically, as if questioning if they knew the way. Nino nodded, and the man turned away. They were halfway up to Adrien’s room when they heard a phone ring. Gabriel gave them one last, long look, and turned the corner to pick up.

“WHAT? WHAT DO YOU WANT?”, he screamed into his cell. The tray almost fell from Nino’s hands, the shadows on the wall shook in terror. Adrien lived in this house?

Monsieur Agreste cleared his throat, loudly. “Ah, Jasmine. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I assume you’re calling with news from the legal team?”, Gabriel’s voice said, sounding pleasant and warm. It freaked Nino out. Badly. How did Adrien live with him? How?

“Hmm…yes, I see. Very well. Schedule a photoshoot with miss Rossi and Fabian, tomorrow at 12am. If she tries something, don’t stop her. You said the termination notice is coming Monday, did you not?”

Termination notice? And Lila? Alya’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. Nino caught her look and bumped his shoulder into hers. The one thing they shouldn’t do, was investigate Gabriel Agreste. He hated them enough as things were now. Getting thrown out would not be a good thing. Adrien was the important person here, not his asshole of a father.

“Oh, don’t apologize! I know I said immediately, but it’s alright! I’m very glad, actually! Besides, we aren’t legally required to provide one on a Sunday! The office is supposed to be empty! Thank you, Jasmine! Take Wednesday off and call Nathalie for a pay raise! Plus 20% on your next check! You’ve helped me more than you could ever know!”, he said a good-natured laugh. He sounded…pleased.


The second Alya and Nino saw Gabriel’s shoe rounding the corner, they bolted to Adrien’s room and she slammed the room behind them. No footsteps followed them. Thank fuck.

Sunshine was laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He didn’t say a word. Nino placed the tray on his desk, moving the keyboard to the side so it would fit. Alya approached.

“Adrien? You okay?”, she nudged him in the shoulder.

No response. Adrien just breathed deeply, and ignored her.

“Dude? We…came to see you. Are you…there?”, Nino asked, hesitant. Only once before had he seen Adrien like this, unresponsive. Mother’s Day last year. And he’d sworn on the Bro Code to forget it ever happened. Alya poured a cup of tea and brought it over to Adrien.

“Your dad made tea. Do you want any?” Again, no response. Rays of sunlight were pouring from the windows, right onto his face. Adrien didn’t seem to mind.

Nino let out a long sigh, and his defense, his façade of “chill dude”, shattered completely. He clutched Adrien’s arm tightly, and kneeled next to him. “Dude! Dude c’mon, don’t be like this now, okay? Adrien, please talk to us. I’m begging you man!”, he croaked out, and Alya’s eyes met the floor. She felt…

She didn’t know how to feel. Guilty? Regretful? Sad? Like she wanted to throw yesterday’s Alya off a cliff? Probably all of that. Adrien twitched. He slowly sat up; Nino moved to help him. Adrien got off his bed, and scooped the teacup from Alya’s hand. He sipped the drink, and seemed to calm down.

“She called me last night.”, Adrien managed to say, voice cracking. He took another sip, and Nino politely ignored the tear marks on his pillow. “Marinette called me, to say goodnight. I- I’m sorry! I didn’t realize-”, he tried, but the words got caught in his throat, and so Adrien trailed off, lost in thought.

Nino shot Alya a look. He wanted to figure out what the fuck happened too, but right now their job was to comfort Adrien, not interrogate him. She nodded, trying not to cry. She knew why did reminded her, but she wasn’t heartless. Or maybe, after yesterday…after what she said…maybe she was.

Adrien took a deep, shaking breath. “Marinette told me to bring her flowers today. The…the pink roses. She likes them. Liked. I…I don’t know.”, he said, and Alya felt her heart shrivel. Part of her was angry, fuck, she was furious at Marinette for saying something so morbid to the sweetest, most innocent guy she knew, to the boy Mari was supposed to be in love with! How could she hurt him like this?

“I think-”, Adrien’s voice cut through her rage. “I think she was trying to say goodbye…”



Oh…oh God, what was she doing? Why was she blaming her best friend, again? She just kept on blaming Marinette, like there was something wrong with her, like she was always angry with Mari, like…

“You never listen to me Marinette, not anymore! What  happened  to you?”

Was she not? Did Marinette ever cut her off? No… Alya…she was the one who always chalked Marinette’s dislike of Lila to- to some jealousy over Adrien. But…

“R-right, we’re in this together.”

Adrien had sounded so unsure of himself. He’d looked like he was about to collapse when she congratulated him. She’d thought they might’ve kept it a secret, later he said that he thought of Lila like a sister. But Marinette…she’d kept him close as he tried not to shake, softly, trying to comfort him. She was trying to help. How- how didn’t Alya see it before?

Why hadn’t she listened?


Nino’s voice. A hand on her shoulder, squeezing softly.

“Babe, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”

Marinette’s voice echoed in Adrien’s head. The forlorn response she’d given, like she’d planned it. She probably had. The “I know” boomed in his head. He guided Alya to his bed, Nino helped her sit down. Adrien sobbed.

Alya’s whole body shook, and she lost her composure. Nino held her close, and she cried on his shoulder, barely managing to suppress a wail of guilt. What had she done? Why hadn’t she listened to Mari? They were best friends!

Marinette’s icy glare was all she could see, the searing pain in the bluenette eyes turning into clear hatred. “Alya…you’re a joke of a reporter. I hate you.”

Her own response, playing inside her head with Marinette’s voice, the same tone of dripping venom that had shocked Alya to her core. “Then I guess you’re not my friend anymore. You never were.” A viciousness that Alya didn’t know Mari’s voice was even capable of. That must be how she had heard Alya’s words. Her heart throbbed, almost broke.

None of them knew how long they sat there, Alya crying in Nino’s arms, her boyfriend desperately holding onto her for comfort, and Adrien staring at them with tears in his own eyes. When Alya finally gathered the courage to open her eyes, the tea had long gone cold. Adrien was looking at his phone. At his texts with Marinette.

Nino craned his neck before he could stop himself. Adrien certainly didn’t stop him.

Chatlog- Mari and Sunshine. Last Opened: Two days ago.

Mari: “I swear, I’m going to throttle her! Adrien, I promise if she tries to touch you again, I’m calling Chat Noir and grabbing Papa’s biggest butter knife!”

Sunshine: “Mari, please calm down. I’m, I’m fine, Jean called her out. And Louis took his time getting my makeup removed. I’m alright.”

Mari: “Adrien, this isn’t right! She can’t keep doing this to you! You should…you know.”

Sunshine: “LMAO! Father is probably going to tell me I’m being stupid, that I have to get used to working with people I dislike. It’s part of the industry and all that.”

Mari: “Hey, come on. Look, we both know how he is, but if you phrase it right…well, if Lila is a threat to his business, if multiple employees see that the brand is defending or not acting against people like her…it’s bad for business, right?”

Sunshine: “Hmm…”

Mari: “Adrien, please. At least try. For me?”

Sunshine: “…okay, fine. Let’s hope I don’t get pulled out of school.”

Mari: “Don’t worry, I’ll come break you out! Not like I haven’t snuck inside your house before!”

Sunshine: “Thanks Mari! Wait…wait what?”


Sunshine: “Don’t run away! Wait, what do you mean you’ve snuck in before?”

Sunshine: “Mari! Mari, it’s not funny! If there’s a way out, I want to know!”

Sunshine: “…fine then, keep your secrets. See you tomorrow!”

She’d left him on read. Adrien shook his head fondly, remembering the sheer panic he’d felt when she joked about that. Oh, how he wishes she could sneak in, whenever she wanted! But…Marinette took that secret with her. To the- To wherever she is now.

The three teens stood still. Silence.

“I told you she was a stalker.”, Alya said weakly. The moment the words left her mouth, she slapped a hand over it, in utter shock. Nino looked at her like she’d grown a second head.

Adrien cackled. Like, outright shook with laughter, falling to the floor and clutching his stomach. Nino and Alya snapped their heads to him, and tried to ask if he was okay. They ended up laughing along with him.

Adrien eventually pulled himself together after a good minute or two, happy tears in his eyes. He stood up. “Thanks, Alya. I really needed that.”, he managed to say. Alya nodded at him, not trusting that she wouldn’t break out in more giggles. Nino wasn’t as smart. It took another couple minutes for the three to pull themselves together, and Adrien finally sat on the bed with them, taking a deep breath.

Alya was sandwiched between the boys, and she quickly opened up her phone. The Notepad app, to be specific. Seeing it, Adrien rushed to his closet, rummaging through a stack of perfectly folder shirts…and pulling out a detective hat. He placed it on her head, and Nino snorted.

“Man, you still have that thing?”, he dared to ask.

Adrien shrugged; all the sadness gone from his eyes. “Hey, I needed some reminder of that time we threw a massive party and almost set the house on fire!”

“Dude, if this mansion is what you call a house, I’d hate to see what you consider luxury!”

Alya stifled a laugh of her own. “Oh, yeah! That day was crazy! I remember we went crazy on Juleka’s Houseboat! Shit really hit the fan!”, she found herself saying, laughing despite it all.

There was a lull in conversation, and silence descended upon the teens. Nino was the first to break it, slowly turning to Adrien. “Dude…I don’t need to be a detective to figure out that something is up with Lila? Uh, care to share?”, he asked.

In response, Adrien scooped the hat up from Alya’s head and placed it on Nino. She scoffed in mock-offense. “Hey! I thought I was the reporter in this room?”

“Sorry babe! Looks like I’ve got you beat!”, Nino laughed, receiving a punch to the shoulder in way of a reply. Adrien sighed. Deeply.

“Lila…has been bothering me. She kept getting close to me, touching my arms and stuff. Despite what I said, she wouldn’t stop. And during shoots it only got worse. To be honest that was on me, that was the deal for her to tell the principal that Marinette hadn’t pushed her down the stairs. So she’d be let back into school. But she just kept touching. And I hate it! Fuck, sometimes I just want to throttle her until she learns the word no!”, Adrien snarled, and then cleared his throat. He looked sorry.

Nino blinked in shock, and then suddenly slammed his hand into the bedframe so hard he almost broke it. “You’re telling me she’s been harassing you? For real? And I didn’t even notice! Fuck’s sake, I teased you about crushing on her! I- …I’m sorry, Adrien.”, he said, taking a deep breath, for his friend’s sake. He didn’t want Adrien to think he had upset him.

“You swore.”, Alya noted. “Adrien, that’s the first time I’ve heard you…swear. Oh, shit. It was that bad? Fuck, that explains why you looked like you were having a nightmare yesterday! I’m sorry, Sunshine!”, she rambled, and forced herself to stop at the look on Adrien’s face.

Adrien looked surprised…as if he’d expected them to defend her. Alya ignored the part of her that was insulted. Why would they ever defend Lila Rossi? Alya, Nino, Adrien and Marinette always looked out for each other! The four of them were… oh, fuck. They had defended Lila.

Nino seemed to realize it too, and rushed to wrap Adrien in a hug, almost shoving Alya off the bed in the process. “Dude!”, he shouted, as if it would convey every word, every apology, every single feeling of support that he was offering. Adrien reciprocated, and hugged Nino back.

“Dude.”, he said calmly. Apparently, it did. Apparently, it was enough. It wasn’t okay, far from it, but for now, it was enough.

Alya waited for them to finish, and then asked Adrien what he wanted to do about it, told him that they’d stick to his side no matter what. He nodded in appreciation, almost tearing up. His dad was taking care of it, he said. Alya, reluctantly, pressed him on it. And so, Adrien explained. He told her that he’d begged Nathalie to make sure his father would not skip out on their scheduled dinner yesterday. Alya ignored the “scheduled dinner” part. Nino couldn’t help but swear at Gabriel. Loudly. Adrien paused to make sure his father hadn’t heard. No footsteps. Good.

He told them about how Mari had kept encouraging him, how she’d helped him write a speech, even, with points about bad it would be for the company and the brand if anyone saw Lila doing what she did and took it to the press, that it would be a disaster. He told them she’d offered to make him a Power Point presentation if need be. Adrien had declined, and ended up foregoing the speech. But he did tell his father. Then and there, Alya realized Marinette hadn’t changed at all. With her friends, she was still the same, sweet girl. It was the list of said friends that had changed. And they’d been erased from it.

Gabriel had raged, hard. Had stood up so fast that his chair fell over, had slammed his hand into the table so hard that he actually cracked it. Nino shuddered, and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. Adrien nodded in thanks. He continued, refusing to elaborate on his father’s tone, who had commanded him to go and speak with Nathalie, and relay that she was meant to call up their entire legal department, costs be damned. Adrien’s voice slowed down when he described the way his father had seethed in front of him, Gabriel’s face morphing as if he was actually imagining murdering Lila right then and there. As if he would do it.

He was quick to correct that it was only his imagination, and that Gabriel wouldn’t. Alya wasn’t so sure, Nino absolutely thought Gabriel had probably killed someone already. To be that eager. He didn’t voice it, but the thought stuck with him.

Alya relayed their own information, and Adrien amended that Fabian was a slightly older guy than him, who’d supposedly been harassed by another female model before he came to work for his father. That was “supposedly” the reason. Legally speaking. Everyone who’d worked with him knew it to be true, and knew to be careful. Adrien knew Fabian wouldn’t hold his tongue, would most likely make a scene. That was probably the point, he thought.

Nino and Alya both agreed with him. Gabriel had probably busied his legal team with burning Lila’s contracts to the ground and then burying her in more lawsuits than she could shake a stick at, this was to ruin her reputation with something big and obvious. She had to give it to him, Gabriel was smart. And she definitely didn’t want to get on his even worse side.

Adrien took a deep breath when he was done, Alya tapped at her phone, jotting down notes like a woman possessed. Nino handed Adrien his tea, which was cold and had lost some of its taste. He downed it in one go.

“Uh, dudes? What do we do about it? I mean, as much as I hate him, Monsieur Asshole has it all figured out.”, Nino remarked, and Alya looked like she wanted to throttle something.

We need to figure out what else she’s done. Adrien said that Lila lied to get Marinette back into school. I won’t open that can of worms, but she was likely also the one who lied to get Mari thrown out to begin with. If she’s been messing with my girl, I’ll kick her ass all the way to Tokyo! Let me just call Mari and we can…”, Alya trailed off, lost in her own thoughts.

Nino shot her a forlorn look. Adrien looked like he’d been shot. Straight to the heart. Alya called. It went to voicemail. She froze, it hit her again and all at once, and slowly, with shaking hands, dropped the phone in her lap.


Nino shut his eyes, nodded his head in agreement. Really, there was no better word.

“I- uh…”, Adrien spoke up. “I’m not going to school on Monday. Father gave me the whole week off. Maybe we could…investigate tomorrow? We could go to the bakery. Check on her parents. We should, right?”, he asked, and Nino nodded. He wasn’t too sure about what Marinette had told them, if she’d said that they weren’t her friends anymore, if- …it didn’t matter. Investigation or no, they should go and check on them. It was the decent thing to do.

Alya’s face morphed into a determined stare, she would get to the bottom of this. “For Marinette.”, she whispered, voice so low she barely realized she’d even said it.

Adrien stilled, then nodded sharply. He’d heard. “For Marinette.”, he agreed.

“For Marinette!”, Nino yelled. “Let’s teach Lila what it means to mess with our friend!”

“FOR MARINETTE!”, they cheered, together. The shout echoed throughout the mansion. She might not be here with them, but she deserved to be avenged. Lila certainly had it coming. They’d figure out the truth; they wouldn’t just leave their friend’s memory in the dark! They would bring it all into the light, and let the sun’s rays burn Lila Rossi like the ugly witch she was!

They shook hands with each other, and Adrien initiated a group hug. Alya and Nino sunk into it. When they pulled apart, Adrien bothered to check his alarm clock. 14:31pm. An idea struck him.

Quickly, he shoved Nino and Alya out, and rummaged through his closet, pulling out a new outfit (the exact same one, just clean), and changed in record time. Then, he grabbed his black jacket, which Father didn’t know about, but what he didn’t know he couldn’t critique, and Marinette’s last gift to him didn’t deserve his father’s ire. Putting it on, he snatched his wallet and ran downstairs, dragging Alya and Nino by the arms.

Gabriel was sitting in his chair, half collapsed. Adrien didn’t seem to notice that he was unwell, and rushed to speak with him.

“Father! Father!”, he shouted in excitement. Nino clenched his teeth, suddenly getting a bad feeling about this.

Gabriel had a book in his lap. Its cover was pitch black. Gabriel produced a bookmark from his front pocket, white as his suit, and marked his page. He shut the book, placing it on its back on the left armrest. Alya caught a glimpse of the title. “The Illusion of Living.” Her anger spiked. He couldn’t be serious.

Monsieur Agreste gave no reaction, only mildly perplexed as he seemed to finally notice Adrien shouting in his face. “Hmm? Oh, hello Adrien.”, he said, false calm in his tone. Adrien took a step back and cleared his throat.

“Uh, hello father. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I was wondering if we could…go out for lunch? Please?”, Adrien half-begged. Gabriel didn’t even pretend to consider it. “Yes, you may. So long as you stay away from anywhere with poor hygiene. Be back in three hours, and don’t forget your keys.”, he said, and Adrien nodded excitedly, rushing back upstairs to get them.

Nino gaped like a fish. Gabriel Agreste…was letting his son go out for lunch? What alternate universe had they stepped into, and could they swap him with the real one, please?

“…Nino, was it?”, Gabriel asked as he caught him staring. He nodded, nervous. “I see you’ve acquired a new hat.”, he said coldly. Nino felt the Detective Cap still on his head. Flushing in embarrassment, he flew up the stairs to go and put it back.

Alya was left alone with Gabriel. Something caught her eye. His tie was back. “Miss Cesaire”, he paused for a moment, staring into the wall behind her. “…my condolences. If it helps, I’m sure you weren’t the reason.”, he said, addressing her worst thoughts so directly that she almost yelped in shock. “From what I understand, Pri- miss Dupain Cheng was quite troubled, if miss Rossi’s behavior with my son was any indication. If you attempt to investigate, then I suggest you be careful. I suspect she is responsible for far worse than the things Adrien is aware of…”, he trailed off, letting his voice drop.

With every syllable, the room had been growing chillier. Alya felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up, pointedly refused to acknowledge how cold his eyes seemed. How dead his voice sounded. She concurred with Nino, Alya decided. Gabriel Agreste has absolutely capable of murder. She felt like she was about to be his next victim.

“T-Thank you. Sir. Of course, I’ll be careful.”, she managed to croak out.

Gabriel seemed to be deep in thought. He reached for a sheet of paper on the coffee table. “Perhaps we could help each other, then?”, he said, offering it. “This, is miss Rossi’s schedule of photoshoots, which have all been confirmed by my staff.” Alya reached out and slowly pried it from his grasp, careful to not touch his hand. Monsieur Agreste seemed comfortable waiting, so she made sure to apply extra caution. The second she grabbed it, his hand retracted, leaving the paper in Alya’s possession. “I hope it unveils whatever it is you hope to find, miss Cesaire.”

She was about to offer another thanks and bolt, but her mind hitched on his words. He wanted something in exchange. “And…how may I help you, sir?”, she forced out the words.

Gabriel’s expression changed in a flash. His eyes gleaned with a murderous fire, a hatred so deep routed that nothing could destroy it, a desire to see someone burn. “It’s quite simple, miss Cesaire. While I drag miss Rossi though court, you will destroy her. And end the threat she presents to my son. Is that understood?”, he bit out, as if she mere mention of Lila was enough to make him want to bring the whole manor down.

Alya did not let her breath hitch. She nodded, said she understood. The boys finally came back down, and she practically ran out of the door along with them. Gabriel’s voice made them all freeze.

“Oh. And have fun! You never know what discoveries one can make in Paris! I’m sure you’ll find something to occupy you!”, he said, tone completely changed into a warm, if slightly indifferent politeness.

Adrien beamed at him, seemingly oblivious to what had just happened, and what the fuck had just happened? Nino however, noticed her distress. He nudged Adrien, and they fled the mansion. The gates seemed to slam behind them as they took to the streets, sealing whatever Gabriel was inside. Alya knew, today was the single worst day of her life. When they all sat down for lunch, she didn’t eat a single bite.


Blocks away, Samantha Fae exited her kitchenette, having just put together some fine noodles for her and Tikki. Her grocery run had been successful, and the fridge and cupboards were fully stocked! In the afternoon, she got the idea to bake some cookies for Tikki. Chocolate chip, her friend’s favorite. She set the noodles down on the kitchen table, and while they cooled, quickly took care of the dishes. When they both sat down to eat, Ladybug made sure to savor every bite. She knew, today was the single best day of her life.


Oh…brother! That hurt to write! I didn’t think I could manage to fit a single bit of fluff and happiness in this fic, but I managed it! Also, Gabriel is really hard to write, now that he’s trying. I know Alya didn’t see it like that, but we’ll be getting the resident supervillain’s point of view next chapter. Somebody, give this man a metal! He’s trying! Finally!

And so, we have a few different plot points to explore! Of course, our Detective Trio of Alya, Nino and Adrien, possibly to grow to a quartet. The “Murder Lila Rossi 2k23” squad, consisting of Plagg, Ladybug, Gabriel Agreste, and Kagami, when she finds out about all this. Sabine and Tom are obviously the president and vice president once they realize what she’s done to Marinette. Speaking of, Marine- I mean Samantha is out there living her best life and storming grocery stores with Tikki! Maybe she’ll bump into a certain someone (or a certain group) sometime soon?

Additionally, I need to go and send Sabine Cheng a preemptive apology letter for what’s going to happen when the Detective Squad gets there. If you’ll excuse me, I should get on with that. And hope she doesn’t decide to yeet a frying pan at me. Also also, someone should really check on Nooroo. The poor Kwami is not allowed to be away from Gabriel Agreste, which should be a federal offense, by the way.

In conclusion, I have a lot of things to do! I’ll be seeing you all next chapter, but until then, Stay Miraculous!

P.S. Anyone who knows where Gabriel’s book is from is officially allowed to give Alya a hug.

Chapter 5: The Illusion of Living


The last thing Gabriel remembered was calling out for Nathalie to help him. Now, he awakens with bright lights filling his vision, and the consequences of his actions waiting for him at home. Will he able to reconcile with his choices, and what will he discover about his life as Hawkmoth?


Hello there everybody! Welcome back to the angst train, how are you doing today? Ready to see Gabriel have another mental breakdown? …Why do I always give this man breakdowns? Anyways, short author’s note today, we have an entire chapter’s worth of stuff to cover! For now, Gabriel awakens in the hospital, is promptly confused, and Nathalie needs a raise, preferably yesterday. Nooroo…well, he’s not sure if he should be happy or extremely concerned.

Note: My apologies for the medical inaccuracies in this chapter. Please do not consult fanfiction for medical advice, nor take a fictional doctor seriously. Thank you and please proceed to the chapter.

Without further ado, please enjoy the chapter! And if anyone finds Gabriel’s sanity, please return to Shadowmoth, in the basement of [insert Agreste Manor address here]. Thank you and have a nice day, dear reader.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Gabriel awoke, florescent white light blinded him. He slammed his eyes shut, and tried to move. He couldn’t. The last thing he remembered was…getting back home. He’d been…out, and he went to Nathalie, she was going to help him! He remembered asking her to help. Then…darkness. Where was she? Where was Mayura? Where was…

“N-…Nathalie? Where-”, he tried to speak, but his voice refused to cooperate. Gabriel gasped for air. Something pushed oxygen into his lungs. There was a mask on his face, he felt it.

He moved his face as far to the right as he could, and opened his right eye. The light was hitting at an angle, and he could make out something next to him. A metal…stand, with a plastic bag and fluids? Oh. Oh, he was in the hospital. That must be an IV stand. But where was Nathalie?

He heard the door open, and wheels, a soft buzz on…maybe a carpet. A voice, strange and unfamiliar, echoed in his ears.

“Monsieur Agreste, you’re awake! Good, good!”, someone spoke, a man that he couldn’t see. The lights dimmed slightly, and Gabriel blinked to adjust his eyes. He could see just fine now. Well, his vision was blurry and he felt like he’d been run over by his own private jet, but he was fine.

Finally, he saw the speaker. An older-looking man wearing glasses and a doctor’s uniform was hovering over him. He had almost no hair, what was left being whiter than bone, with a large mustache of the same coloration. It covered half his mouth. “Better?”, he asked. Gabriel stared him in the eye. The man seemed to sweat. “Ah, where are my manners? I’m Doctor Hans Moretti, chief medical officer of this here Hospital! You scared us quite badly monsieur Agreste!”, he laughed. Gabriel did not find it funny. His eyes explored the room. White, undecorated, bland. He didn’t see any windows. Discreet, then. Good.

His eyes feel on Nathalie, who was in a wheelchair across from him. Where was her- oh, right. Experimental movement-assistance exoskeletons weren’t widely available to the public. And they’d signed a non-disclosure agreement with Tomoe. He’d forgotten about that. Nathalie looked at him, worry and restlessness evident on her face.

“How are you feeling, Gabriel?”, she said ever so gently, as if speaking to a lo- a dear friend. Which they were. She’d always stood by him, of course they were friends.

He leveled her with a falsely offended look. “Why, don’t you see? I haven’t been better!”, he exclaimed. Nathalie had the audacity to laugh at him. He tried to laugh back.

Doctor Moretti cleared his throat. Twice. “Perhaps, you could tell me how you ended up with a fever, fractured left arm, nearly missed a severe pneumonia case and managed to end up with an almost empty stomach? I’d be very glad to know what you should not be doing, monsieur.”

Gabriel tried to speak, to level with him with words colder than ice, but Nathalie was ahead of him already. “Doctor Moretti, I recall I assured you of a donation to this hospital so long as we acquired your discretion? This does not feel very discreet, I have to say.”

The elderly gentleman visibly nervous, mustache twitching. “Of course, madam Sancoeur! My apologies! Let me just brief your employer on our work, and you’ll be free to go!”, he insisted, seemingly terrified. The man was spineless, Nathalie had only leveled him with a medium stare of impatience. Clearly, this man had never met someone like her. Gabriel could always appreciate a good stare from Nathalie.

Doctor Moretti turned back to Gabriel. “Now, my good man, let’s see here! Well, your fever is gone completely, that fracture in your arm is mostly fine, but I would recommend and insist upon avoid strenuous work! Thankfully, you’ve avoided a rather serious case of pneumonia, monsieur. Please, try to keep warm for a few days! I’d recommend that you remain here at least a day for observation, but miss Sancoeur here is insisting you’re quite busy!”, he tried to joke, mostly to himself. His humor fell flat on his face.

Sighing at the lack of response, Moretti asked him to stay still and began removing the IV lines and oxygen mask. Precautions, he said, for his health. Considering the type of man he seemed to be, Gabriel was positively certain it was for the new numbers that would find their way into his bank account.

Within the hour, Gabriel Agreste was back at his mansion, driven there by an unmarked black limousine a little past 9am. Very discreet, he cursed himself, but it had been he who suggested getting home as fast as possible. After all, he couldn’t afford to delay, not one moment! His Miraculous had not been on his person, and Nathalie did not have them! He had to find them, lest Shadowmoth’s career end before a victory! Unthinkable!

Gabriel had helped Nathalie out of the car and quickly deactivated the internal cameras of the house. They were all hidden, and wired to a separate system than the outer network. One only he and Nathalie had access to, with visibility everywhere in the house except for Adrien’s room, giving the boy his privacy. Nathalie had insisted she was fine, but Gabriel was not stupid. Nor was he fooled by her placating tone. He helped her lay down on the couch in the living room, unwilling to put her through the ordeal of climbing upstairs. A hazy memory came forth in that moment, of having to physically pull himself upwards using the railing, his own legs failing him.

Once his friend- his assistant was secured, Gabriel rushed into his office space. And nearly threw up. It smelled rancid in here. Like someone had hurled all over his carpet! …oh. Someone had. The pool of bile right in the middle of his thousand-dollar carpet was certainly enough to annoy him, perhaps even to infuriate him if he wasn’t missing his Miraculous!

Considering the source of the smell a problem for his future self, Gabriel used his good hand to open up every window in the room, and began his search. Nothing under his desk. The elevator to his lair was sealed shut. His head was spinning. His back was killing him. He was fine. Where was his Miraculous?

He needed his Miraculous! He’d been away for too long, he knew it! After last night, after the delectable suffering that he’d felt, surely there was another opportunity today, to akumatize Princess Justice! Surely, she still suffered! A flash of memory, a frail, broken girl falling from the railing, terrified of him-

Surely, she was still alive.

“Nooroo! Duusu! Where are you?”, he yelled in desperation as his hurt mind began to remember last night’s events. It seemed surreal, like a nightmarish fever dream where he’d crossed a line he never wanted to- no. No, he had not. The child was alive, he was not. A. Killer. He couldn’t be. He was Hawkmoth. Such panic was beneath him. He was without a Miraculous. He was Gabriel Agreste. He was a father.

Gabriel paused. The image of a large man in a semi-professional outfit, there for the day where Adrien had modeled Princess Justice’s hat. Were-Dad. Tom Dupain.

He too, was a father.

Sweat ran down his forehead. It felt far too hot in here, hadn’t he just opened the windows? It smelled horrible, purely awful. Like someone had died last night. Gabriel’s legs faltered, he slipped. His knees slammed directly into the floor, and as he tried to get up, he hit his head on the underside of his desk.

It hurt. Everything hurt, all of a sudden. It felt like-

Something was shinning on the floor, reflecting sunlight. Two somethings. Abandoning all logic, Gabriel dove across the room, sliding his good side onto the marble floor and extending his good arm to grab them! The Miraculous!

He’d gotten them back! He saw them, shimmering in the morning light, in his hand! …There was something else in his hand. A crushed, broken corpse of a pure white butterfly. Gabriel’s features fell, the manic grin he didn’t realize had overtaken them released its hold. This was the Akuma meant for Princess Justice. It was…dead. Like she was.

He’d killed a child. Oh God, what had he done?

Gabriel grit his teeth. He finally had his power back! And now he would use it! He would still be able to sense her, and prove to himself that he was no murderer! Feelings like guilt, shame, desperation, those were beneath him! He was Hawkmoth!

The Miraculous glowed, camouflage mode activating again. He pinned them back onto his suit. He should go change, it was dirty and disheveled. Wrinkly and wrong. It betrayed weakness. Nooroo and Duusu appeared above his head. Duusu looked frantic, fearful. Nooroo just looked tired. That…confused him.

Nooroo looked at his Master. “Oh, hello Master. A-are you well?”, he asked, stifling a shudder. Good, he should be afraid.

Nooroo had been there since the beginning.

Nooroo was his, he was Nooroo’s holder, his Master!

Duusu ran her eyes across the room, flying over to the bile on the floor. She made a face of disgust and backed away. Gabriel ignored her.

“Nooroo, what-”, he found himself asking, without meaning to. “What happened last night?”

The Kwami of Transmission leveled with a look of utter disappointment. Like he hadn’t expected him to fall this low. A tiny, sheltered part of Gabriel could agree. He looked so unkept; it wasn’t proper for Hawkmoth to look like this. Nooroo did not back down, not even at the furious glare he received in response to his defiance.

“You really want to know?”, the creature retorted, and for the first time, Gabriel heard anger in his voice.

Shocked, it didn’t occur to him that he held power over this creature. That Nooroo would be physically unable to speak should he command it. The Kwami looked as if he hadn’t slept in eons.

“You killed someone last night, Master. I’ve been trying to cleanse my Miraculous of her agony, if you must know.”, the tiny creature said, daring him with a caustic tone. It burned more than the pain itself. The knowledge was…unacceptable.

Gabriel froze in place, like a statue. He’d killed-

No. No, no, no! No! NO!

Anger exploded from Hawkmoth, as he grasped Nooroo with his right arm and squeezed.

“LIAR!”, he spat out in fury. Nooroo simply made himself intangible and flew a few meters away, seemingly uncaring. Too tired to care. Then, he caught his Master’s gaze, and his eyes widened in fear. “Wait! It’s not safe to-”

“DARK WINGS RISE!”, Gabriel screamed, ready to search. Ready to scour the city and hunt, burn it all down if he had to in order to find that girl and prove that he wasn’t a-


Agony. There was no other word to describe this feeling. The world was gone. Nothing else mattered, except the pain. Everyone he knew had left, chosen the newer, shinier, better person to be around. The one, single person in life to stay close wasn’t here, not that it would make a difference. Gabriel felt his own heart shatter into a billion pieces, a door slamming shut in his face, leaving him in darkness. This was it. There was no other choice. It was the only way. An apology went out, to those who could hear. Adrien. No response. He wasn’t here. Rain poured down, ruthless in its attack, attempting to drench the last spark of hope that existed in the world. Lila Rossi’s laugher echoed in the silent night, mocking and cackling in glee. Thunder cracked overhead; the flap of a butterfly’s wing inched ever closer.


Panic filled the senses. Everything else did not matter. It could not reach. It would destroy everything! Gabriel’s legs gave out. Surprise, terror! The sensation of falling and crashing into relentless waves, aiming to drag their victims out to sea. Hopelessness. There was no resistance. Gabriel felt his own arms give in, give up.


A bright, blinding purple light. Gabriel collapsed, body going limp. He faintly registered Nathalie calling out to him, a tiny blue blur flying by him to reach her. His vision was failing him. Everything was blurry, the floor and walls refused to stay in one spot. He couldn’t move a muscle.

Gabriel blinked, and slowly came to. “Ugh…what h- ha?”, he tried to ask, but he could barely move his mouth. His eyes re-focused, he saw Nooroo gently holding his glasses in place so they wouldn’t fall off his face. How nice of him.

The Kwami looked forlorn, as if already prepared to take the blame. “I told you it was dangerous. Are you okay, Master?”, the little god asked, and his tone was so genuine Gabriel almost thought he meant it. But why would Nooroo care? He and Duusu had trusted him, Nathalie, Emilie. When they’d first been found, all five of them were ecstatic that the Miraculous had finally been located. Nooroo had told him he’d feared they’d be stuck in that chasm forever. Gabriel had comforted him then, softly patting him on the head, and the three had promised to take them both back home.

And now he’d turned it into their prison. What was he doing? God, what was he thinking? Did he even know anymore?

“Um…Master?”, Nooroo’s voice came again. Oh, Gabriel was scratching his head with his index finger. He stopped himself abruptly, causing Nooroo to make a low noise. He couldn’t decipher the meaning; his head was killing him. The Kwami hovered close by, looking concerned.

Gabriel pushed himself up, using his right arm to haul himself to his feet as he took advantage of his desk’s height. When he was up, and his legs had stopped shaking, he tried to let go. He recovered his hold before he could fall again.

Duusu peaked into the room, then flew off. Back to Nathalie, he assumed. Nooroo stayed close by, eyes locked onto his Miraculous. Gabriel didn’t dare transform again. With either of them.

“Nooroo…what was that? What did I- what happened?”, he found the strength, or perhaps the mind to ask. Nooroo shook his head sadly in leu of a response.

The Kwami sighed deeply. “Master…do you remember what I told you? The first time you asked me about the Wish? Before you began your attack on Paris?”, he asked gently, as if worried he might break Gabriel.

He felt a little broken, and for some reason did not find it within him to be angry at Nooroo for trying to help. The little god was freely giving answers today, it seemed. He would let him, and use it all to his advantage.

Understanding that his master wouldn’t interrupt, the kwami continued.

“I told there were terrible consequences when using a Miraculous for evil. For a Butterfly…well, what you do to your victims begins to happen to you. Hawkmoth takes their feelings, their pain, grief, humiliation, anger, sadness, and twists them into destructive seekers or vengeance, he gives the Akuma tunnel vision. Or so I think humans call it. I call it The Butterfly Effect. All Miraculous have a consequence like this, master. It’s not intentional, but even we Kwami are subject to the whims of our holders. So are the jewels themselves. The negative emotions you channel through it were bound to reach you eventually. And…I’m sorry to say that it’s been happening for a long time now…”

Nooroo trailed off once he saw the look on Gabriel’s face. The expected anger, the demand for further explanation, for a way to stop it, or even the causal disregard of his advice as some kind of “self-defense”, as a way to make him stop using the Miraculous…it was all absent. All replaced by a numbness that Nooroo knew, from his millennia with humans, came from one thing. Realization.

For his part, Gabriel examined Nooroo’s words closely. For once, he listened. Hadn’t he taken a moment to question it, just yesterday? What he was doing? Didn’t he so casually dismiss his own concern, hadn’t he started referring to Adrien, his own son, as “the boy”? When did he start forgetting people’s names, only to perfectly remember them by their Akumatized Form?

What is happening to me? That’s what he’d asked himself last night. And now…he wanted to dismiss it. He wanted to throw the nearest thing at Nooroo for daring to disturb his work, because he was close, so very close to victory…and yet-

Gabriel paused again. His mind examined yesterday’s events. It strayed from the look of Verity Queen glaring daggers into his soul, away from the thunderstorm that echoed above, and moved back to his lair. To before. To when his hands were still clean. Only thanks to Ladybug, only because you haven’t won yet. His inner voice was silenced by the memory of searing pain setting his nervous system on fire, of absolute heartbreak comparable to that blasted moment when he realized that Emilie wasn’t waking up on her own, that single second where his entire life had been upturned, and the moment he realized things were never going to be the same again.

That moment had haunted him ever since. To say that Princess Justice was also haunted, by words that tore through her very core and broke her life to pieces, that placed a finality on what had been years of companionship and memory…the apathetic, indifferent part of him, the Hawkmoth who considered emotions carefully, he thought it was comparable. And Gabriel had been responsible for it. He understood, now. Perhaps not everything, but he had most of the picture. Blinded to the danger that Rossi presented, he mistakenly allowed her into his house, close to Adrien.

Gabriel wasn’t blind. He’d felt Princess Justice’s admiration for Adrien. He- he was doing it again. Marinette Dupain Cheng. Marinette. Dupain. Cheng. That was her name. The name of the girl he’d ki- the name of the girl who was dead. Being close to his son from school, she saw what his other classmates, what Gabriel himself, in his rush to claim another advantage, to crush this rebellious streak he had seen building in his son, had dismissed. Miss Marinette had seen it in all its hideous, rancid glory. She saw Lila Rossi taking advantage of her friend.

Hawkmoth had hoped to feel her anger the day that miss Kagami had been Akumatized the second time. He had felt it, but it wasn’t a strong, blazing bout of jealousy. It was part worry and part horror, because she’d been afraid for Adrien’s safety. He hadn’t understood it then, too concerned with finding a powerful Akuma for the day, but looking back, in hindsight, it was clear. It was clear how much she cared for his son. And Adrien had been so upset last night…

Whatever exactly caused miss Dupain Cheng’s suffering, had also terribly hurt his son, almost by default. Gabriel thought back to the protectiveness he’d felt. It must have been extended towards Marinette. That…made a terrifying amount of sense to him. And he’d barely held off on Akumatizing Adrien for it. Why had he even considered it? Because…because it would get him the Miraculous. Somehow. How?

Gabriel hang his head low. He saw Nooroo in the edge of his vision, hovering nearby. Gabriel sighed. He could usually tell when someone was lying if he had his Miraculous on. There was a delicate mix of emotion that caused a lie to be successful, and he’d quickly figured out how to detect it shortly after first meeting Nooroo, so many years ago.

He did not need a magic jewel to see the Kwami was telling the truth. Gabriel himself had ordered Lila get close to Adrien, allowed her to harass his son and attack his best friend. If he had put a stop to it…but no, the opportunity had been too tempting to let go of. Shadowmoth had ignored the greatest pain he’d ever felt in his life, had fought through it tooth and nail, for the sake of capitalizing on miss Dupain Cheng’s suffering and destroying Ladybug and Chat Noir.

When had it gotten like this? When did it go from targeting a teenager who’d been rejected by his crush to deliberately tormenting a girl for months out of some obsessive need to capitalize and turn her into a destructive monster? When had it gone from just making a flashy mess to force the guardian out of hiding, to attacking Paris every week, to creating Akuma with the express purpose of stealing the Miraculous, to simply deciding that the teenagers fighting him had crossed some imaginary line symbolizing his patience, and that they had to die?

How long had it been since he’d first gone too far?

Gabriel’s mind flashed back to a memory. After the defeat of Style Queen, he’d seriously considered giving up. Adrien had been killed, that time. He’d made all kinds of excuses to himself, that he was just asleep, turned to gold, that Ladybug had brought him back in the end, but Gabriel had known the truth. He just never wanted to admit it. Not to Nathalie, not to Nooroo, not to Emilie. Certainly not to himself. He remembered telling Nathalie he thought it might be over. He remembered Nooroo’s proud, beaming smile. The Kwami had wished him well, given a heartfelt goodbye of raw emotion, that words, that language as a concept could never convey. Nooroo had been happy for him.

Gabriel thought he might have forced himself to forget the crestfallen look Nooroo’s face had written on it, when he’d pinned the jewel back on his person and the kwami noticed where they were. His lair. Nooroo’s features had gone from excited, to confused, to a flash of recognition, to infinite sadness in the span of a single second. And Gabriel had ignored all of it. All because Chloe Bourgeois decided to play dress up, he’d tossed away the last resistance in his mind, and fully given into being Hawkmoth.

Oh God, the incidents flashed through his head like a perverse film reel. Siren had drowned the whole of Paris. Twice. The news broadcast showing half the city engulfed in flames, a massive volcano about to erupt and bury the survivors under tons of magma when Stormy Weather had made her second appearance. Even as early as Bubbler, Hawkmoth had in his foolishness, commanded him to send every adult in Paris to the stratosphere. Just how many people had died and simply didn’t realize they’d ever run out of air, after Ladybug brought them back? Just how many of them did, and decided to bury it in the deepest reaches of their heart, never to be discussed again? How many Akuma attacks had caused similar thoughts, reactions from people living their daily lives? Knowing that everyone, even babies and the elderly, even they were just ticking time bombs, with a masked terrorist grinning manically from the shadows the moment they so much as felt the slightest irritation?

Gabriel Agreste’s mind froze. It winded back to the image of Emilie, laying on their bed, motionless as be pleaded, begged for her to wake up, to give him a sign that she was still there. It had haunted him for years, even until yesterday night. After that…Hawkmoth was quite sure the terrified face of Marinette Dupain Cheng, falling to her death in firm denial to become another in the long list of his monsters…that would haunt his every step on this Earth, he decided. Not that he ever had a choice.

It was her feelings that had bled into the Miraculous. Her pain, and her fear that had tormented Nooroo the past few hours, as they had tormented Gabriel himself. He didn’t think he could handle seeing Sabine Cheng. The only thing he would see, should they ever meet, would be Verity Queen’s tearful eyes looking at him in utter shock, and then in fear.

He tried to breathe. The burning pain of her loss assaulted him, though his Miraculous. The sheer scope of agony that losing one’s entire world enveloped him completely, he didn’t know who he was feeling. Which Dupain Cheng was in so much pain, that it made Hawkmoth stagger and shake? All of them. All three of them had been in very familiar pain. In his pain, as Emilie laid there, unresponsive. As he moved her down to the emergency pod they’d built and wired, God forbit something happen to either of them or Adrien. Just in case. Back then, it had been a reminder of his worries. He’d understood its function, and he’d hated the fact that there might be a need for it.

Now…Gabriel couldn’t go a day without touching the glass. Without looking directly at Emilie, to remind himself who he was doing everything for. Nooroo’s warning…was late enough as things were. He wouldn’t let it get worse. He. Would. Not. Let. It! …Gabriel stumbled into the living room. Nathalie had fallen asleep on the couch. He didn’t dare touch her, lest she be set on fire with the agony he was experiencing. He could barely see where he was going, but Gabriel, eyes blurry with tears of pain and guilt, somehow made it to his bedroom. There he found the mini fridge, and motioned to grab a bottle of whiskey. If he was going to burn, he’d at least let it come from something pleasant. He glanced at the alarm clock next to his bed. 10:15am. It stopped trying to pull the bottle out, letting it fall back into its spot.

 It was still a good twelve hours too early for a drink. And he wasn’t at quite that level of breakdown yet. Heh. Gabriel chuckled at his own joke. That was probably bad news, Emilie used to say his jokes were horrible. The only time she’d ever laughed at one was at their wedding, when he’d enlisted Jagged’s help to write her a song and insisted that the last line of the chorus be a pun. She’d frozen mid-dance, and thrown her head back in laughter so powerful that both of them had almost ended up on the floor. Her smile had been so beautiful…

He was…he was definitely not in a good state of mind, if he was willingly recalling that song. Was he mumbling to himself? Gabriel didn’t know. Nooroo and Duusu had followed him, Gabriel noticed. His eyes fell onto his bookcase. Specifically, a black book with a leather binder Emilie had gotten him when they’d gone to New York a few…months, he was pretty sure, after their wedding, because Audrey had insisted that she hadn’t seen them in a ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, amount of time, and demanded they board a plane and come to her studio at once.

They’d passed by this dingy little bookstore, shoved inside a crevice of Time’s Square, and inside Emilie had snuck up on him, and wacked Gabriel over the head with this book.

“Gabriel, look! This one talks about your office hours!”, she’d teased him, and Gabriel remembered howling in laugher. He had instantly bought the book, but when they returned to Paris, had gotten caught up in his work again, spending all his free time with his then new wife, “The Illusion of Living” forgotten in his bookshelf until today. Today, of all days, he could appreciate the irony. Gabriel grabbed a white bookmark from beside his book collection -which had gone untouched in over two years, now- and walked back to the living room.

His mind felt…clearer. Perhaps…perhaps numb was the right word? He could think coherently again, but it was as if yesterday had happened to someone else entirely. Numb. Numb was the word he was looking for. He was feeling numb. A stray thought asked what it would feel with the whiskey. He threw it far away, and shook his head to focus. Maybe it was time to sit down, to relax. A good book hadn’t hurt anyone.

Still, he should keep up with the development of the Dupain-Cheng case. He knew she was…gone, and her parents knew. But he should be aware of what Paris knew as well. With that thought in mind, Gabriel found himself sitting on his armchair, having moved into the living room, book open on the first page in his lap and with a muted television on the news channel. They were on add break. When did-

Oh, right. He hadn’t the strength to wheel it out, and needed help. Nooroo strictly warned him to not transform with the Butterfly Miraculous, so he’d used the Peacock…hadn’t he? Yes! And then…then he’d brought the chair here, and opened up his safe. A wave of fatigue had overcome his senses. Hazily, Gabriel could recall the image of putting the Miraculous in his safe and shutting it. Then he’d thrown himself onto his chair, grabbed the book and…fallen asleep? He glanced at his wristwatch. 11:20am. He felt tired again, all of a sudden.

Maybe he’d just sit here for a minute, and read. Recover. Then he could go and deal with Adrien. Gabriel didn’t focus on what he would tell his son. He didn’t think he could, even if he’d wanted to focus on his crime. No, none of that now. He would calm down, and then deal with…everything. Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose, hard, and opened his book on page one.

Twenty minutes later, Adrien stepped down from the stairs. Gabriel heard his footsteps on the staircase, but let him approach on his own. It occurred to him that Adrien might he hesitant because of his…outburst, yesterday. Gabriel was really starting to despise yesterday.

“G-good morning father.”, Adrien tried in way of greeting. Gabriel glanced at the TV, saw the news hadn’t come on yet, and turned to face his son. He had time, still. But he should find a way to occupy him before long, before Prime Que- before madame Chamack’s broadcast came back on air. He didn’t need to see this, not first thing in the morning.

“Ah, Adrien. Did you sleep well?”, he asked, trying to sound genuinely curious. Adrien didn’t respond for a second, eyes falling on Gabriel’s neck collar, or rather, the lack of a tie which usually concealed his miraculous. He didn’t remember wearing it before. Perhaps he’d thrown it off him last night?

“Yes.”, Adrien said, hesitating to speak. “But…father, I don’t mean to disrespect you but…don’t I have a photoshoot today? Two hours ago?”, he asked, clearly nervous. Afraid, a part of Gabriel’s mind whispered. Deviation from the schedule had never been a positive for his son, had it?  

Gabriel’s expression shifted from his calm. Like a porcelain mask, the façade cracked, and for a single second Adrien thought he saw guilt and sadness in his father’s eyes. He looked so…forlorn. Defeated, even. Guilty. Gabriel knew that he’d seen, but elected to ignore it. Let Adrien assume he was guilty for his workload, not killing his best friend.

His son nodded, seeing that Gabriel wasn’t going to say anything else. Adrien then shot a glance at Nathalie, concerned. He looked at her with the same fearful eyes a twelve-year-old version of him had once looked at Emilie. He’d asked his father if Mom was going to be okay. Gabriel sighed deeply. He remembered how his son’s cries had sunk into the walls for weeks, after that day. He already had enough on his plate, and he thought he might abide by his newfound “break” from being Hawkmoth, at least until this situation was handled. Then, he could converse with Nooroo with more detail, see if there was some way to mitigate the effect of negative emotions on his mind, or if he’d choose to abandon the suit completely.

He elected to reply to his son before he could get lost in thought, lest he appear to be concealing his worries. “Nathalie is fine, son. She’s just tired. We had an…interesting morning.” A morning that nearly cost Gabriel his sanity, and some pocket change to top things off. Some 50.000 thousand euros to ensure the silence of the hospital staff and discharge him as soon as he was stable. He was fine, really. The problem wasn’t physical. Dizziness overcame him, suddenly. Emilie had said the same thing, once.

Adrien nodded again, clearly not knowing what else to do. “I…Am I free for the day, then?”, he asked his father.

Gabriel didn’t even pretend to consider it. What choice did he have? His son was perhaps minutes away from receiving the worst news of his life, since this loss would be far more recent than his mother, would only further burden Adrien. “Yes, free for the week. I’ve cancelled all your lessons and photoshoots. You’re…welcome to stay home, if you’d like. I’ve delegated my own duties for today, so if you require anything…please come talk to me.”, he said, desperately trying to not sound pained or like he was forcing out the words. Guilt was clawing at his throat. He would be the one responsible for Adrien’s pain this, the blame fell on Shadowmoth so clearly that Gabriel would seriously consider retiring the Peacock Miraculous. It wasn’t Duusu’s fault by any means, the damned thing just held too many bad memories for him now. He’d speak with the Kwami later. When Adrien was safe.

Gabriel sighed deeply, knowing he’d have to break the news somehow. But maybe…maybe an assurance would do, for when Adrien did find out. His son was a kind, gentle soul. Just like Emilie. He hoped he’d be forgiven for withholding the information just a while longer, to let Adrien have this moment with him. Gabriel knew he probably didn’t deserve it, all things considered, but he wanted it all the same. “Adrien, remember. You are my son. I am your father. It’s my responsibility to make sure you are well. I will be there when you need me.”, Gabriel tried, testing the words. They sounded…right, this time. An odd sense of numbness washed over him again, and he turned back to the television. “You should go to your room, sleep some more. It’s been a long week for you, I’m sure.”, he added as an afterthought, his tone monotonous and dry. Almost robotic. He hated how devoid of feeling his voice had become. So…cold. Lifeless. How long had he been speaking to Adrien like this? How long had it been since he’d given him a hug?

“…Right. I- I’ll go and lay down, then. Good morning, father.”, his son said, awkward and unsure. This must be so odd to him. Gabriel cursed himself, for losing sight of what was important. Of his own son, to the point where a “good morning, father”, was so incomprehensible that Adrien had trouble with it.

Oh, right. It was morning. Gabriel blinked, as if the time was news to him. Right, right. The night was over. It was a new day, now. He didn’t feel like it. He barely felt like anything at all. “Of course, son. Now go.”, he insisted, eyes glued to the final, fading advertisement, before the screen switched to Nadja Chamack. Adrien obeyed and began to ascend the stairs again, and Gabriel unmuted the broadcast. He needed to know what they’d found, he had to listen! Hopefully Adrien couldn’t hear it.

“Welcome back, Paris. As I said before, there have been no further news on the case. Poor weather conditions lasted all throughout the night, and police have had no luck finding any trace of Marinette Dupain Cheng. Again, we are requesting that anyone who may have found her call this in to the police immediately. Her condition is believed to be critical.”

Adrien stopped in his tracks, midway up the staircase. He breathed deeply. “Father…did something happen?”, he asked hesitantly. Gabriel begged every God under the sun that Adrien hadn’t heard Nadja say miss Dupain Cheng’s name.

“We’re standing by for news on any new developments, and are hoping for the best. Please wait for more information.”

“Not to me. I’m fine.”, he said coldly, the air of indifference returning to his tone. He had to be indifferent. This wasn’t about him. Gabriel Agreste had never left his home last night. Gabriel Agreste was not a murderer. Shadowmoth was. But…wasn’t he what Gabriel had become, evolved into by giving way for his obsession to rise? No, he wouldn’t think about that now. Later. When Adrien was safe. When Gabriel had comforted him, he’d bring out Nooroo’s Miraculous and try to talk to him. Maybe…just maybe, his son would be okay.

Later came, and with it the moment Gabriel dreaded. Adrien was clutching his suit, bawling his eyes out in sheer grief and horror. A screamed clawed its way out of his son’s throat, and Gabriel’s stomach churned with guilt. What had he done? This…this was his fault! Adrien was like this because of his own father! And his son was trying to process his friend’s murder while unknowingly in the arms of the one responsible. Gabriel hoped the sob that escaped him went unheard. He had a hand on Adrien’s back, keeping him steady. Hawkmoth, for the first time in his tenure of supervillainy, found himself wondering if it had ever been worth it.

Later, when Adrien had thrown out every sound of anguish and grief a human being was capable of producing, Gabriel carried him upstairs, like a little boy. Perhaps it had been better that at the time, he was so lost in his own grief for Emilie he couldn’t handle being near his son. Because if he had approached, this here scene would have been quite likely to occur. And Gabriel’s mind could barely handle things as they were, without the comparison. He laid Adrien out on his bed, and tried to pull the covers over his son. Adrien wouldn’t budge. He just…stared, blankly, at the ceiling.

It didn’t seem to register to him just how quickly Gabriel ran away, or that his father was now imagining a similar face on miss Dupain Cheng, not even a full day ago. And all he’d done was send an Akuma. Gabriel felt sick. His stomach was bloated, he thought, and bile tried to escape through his throat. He made it as far his office, and then Gabriel hurled the contents of his stomach onto the already stained carpet. He staggered to the hallway, and went to the nearest bathroom to rinse his face. It felt…good. Normal. He liked that, it felt more…human, to him.

When he had freshened up and changed into a new, clean suit, Gabriel walked back into the living room. Nathalie was still asleep on the couch. Adrien’s screaming had not woken her, it seemed. She must have needed the sleep badly. Gabriel knew she would also need a proper bed, or else her back would be killing her when she woke. So, he gently placed a hand under her legs, another on her back, and softly lifted her in his arms. He didn’t want to risk waking her, and so he walked slowly and carefully, pointedly ignoring that he was carrying her bridal style. Nathalie didn’t like him. Not like that. And even if she did, she would hate him, once he finally told her. Gabriel did not let himself sit on that thought. He gazed to the staircase. It would be too risky to climb them with her in his arms. She might wake up.

Most of all, Gabriel Agreste did not want her to wake up in his arms, being carried bridal style. He would prefer to not end up with a stiletto in his eye, nor an extremely angry assistant. He didn’t think he had the mental capacity to even unpack that, if it happened. So many ifs had already happened, possibilities that Hawkmoth and later Shadowmoth had ignored, shoving them under the metaphorical rug and ignoring the dangers of his own powers. Please let this one remain a hypothetical…

Gabriel didn’t think he could move his arms even to open a door, much less somehow make sure Nathalie was safely transported to a bed. But he wasn’t a heathen, he couldn’t just leave his friend on the couch. And every second that passed was running the risk of her suddenly waking up.

A flash of memory hit him, and Gabriel was suddenly met with the sensation of a book in his hand, stumbling out of his bedroom. The door, he recalled, was slightly ajar. That was…probably a bad idea, he decided. But time was running out, and he didn’t have much of a choice. Nathalie stirred in his arms, and Gabriel almost lost his grip. He had to move, now!

He strode off towards the hall, and indeed found that he hadn’t shut his door properly. Slowly, carefully, he nudged it with his foot, twisting himself so he’d be walking backwards through the door, and was able to use his left foot to keep it far away from Nathalie’s sleeping form. Gently, he lowered her on his bed, and backed away. Gabriel had made it to the door, had begun to slowly close it to let Nathalie sleep. But…he paused. The worry he’d seen written on her face had faded away now, color returning to her cheeks. Nathalie was breathing deeply, an even pattern of soft noise that his ears gladly welcomed, after a day of screaming, sobbing, police sirens and mental anguish. Looking at her now, sleeping peacefully, Gabriel felt some of his own burden slip away, easing the tension on his shoulders. He felt more…relaxed. Like he was Gabriel, instead of someone pretending, wearing a mask to cower from his deeds.

Oddly enough, it was only now, having taken off his Miraculous, that he thought of himself as Gabriel. As just Gabriel. The thought slapped him squarely in the face, and he physically recoiled. Till now…he had so often, almost always, thought of himself as a person connected to what was happening in his life. He was Emilie’s husband. He was Adrien’s father. He was Nathalie’s friend; she was his partner when they suited up. He Nooroo’s master first, now Duusu’s as well. He was never just Gabriel.

Life had grown distant, a hazy mess of memory existing solely in between his transformations. A set of responsibilities, obligations to be fulfilled before he could find the time to take the elevator downstairs and shout the too-familiar words, have the power of his Miraculous take away such things as fatigue and logical thought. All that had mattered was the goal. All that had mattered was the power, the strength already in his hand, and the ability to rule the world, safeguarded by his enemies.

Gabriel…was probably going to need that whiskey after all, he decided. Later, always later. For now, he had a mess to clean up, or else he’d never get the smell out of his workspace. He’d rather at least pretend that his eyes weren’t flicking to the elevator, to the passageway a murderer had used to get away, to run from the scene of the crime. He was just coming in here to clean it up, and toss the carpet out. It turns out, that was easier than expected. Small mercies were nice, he thought. The carpet, moist and rancid, had been rolled up, but Gabriel didn’t think he could carry it outside. It smelled like a corpse. Like someone had died. He did not like that comparison, nor the irony.

Gabriel moved towards the safe, gravitating to his Miraculous by habit. It was a bad idea, but he frankly didn’t want to carry the carpet out. Opening it, his hand hovered over the Peacock Miraculous, and he resisted the sudden urge to smash the jewel. Better to not break it again, he decided. Gabriel pulled out the Butterfly, and pinned it on his suit.

Nooroo appeared out of a purple ball of energy, looking frazzled and frail. The Kwami saw the exhaustion on his master’s face, and the man wordlessly turned to the carpet. Oh, he just needed the strength. Not an Akuma. Nooroo sent a feeling of questioning-worry-caution. Gabriel closed his eyes, and with titanic effort sent back affirmation-understanding-promise. Nooroo nodded, giving him the go-ahead.

Dark Wings Rise

He’d barely even whispered the now dreaded phrase, and the suit was back. His original suit. He was Hawkmoth again, and suddenly his fatigue was gone. His exhaustion, physical and mental, had been thrown away and into the deepest reaches of his consciousness, to remain there while the important work was being done. Purely out of habit, Gabriel tried to scan his surroundings for negative emotions- and nearly fell directly into the rolled-up carpet. The pain was back. He pulled his mind back together, shaking his head.

Right. He was not going to do that again. It may have been his imagination, but when Gabriel ran a gloved hand over his Miraculous, he felt a tiny, newly formed crack at the center. Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth held a mental conversation in that moment, and fueled purely by fear, both agreed on the executive decision that they would hold off on transforming form now on.

Wanting to waste as little time as possible, Hawkmoth used the tip of his cane to fling the carpet in the air, and then flicked his wrist to send it flying out of his window. It soared over the wall. He heard it clatter into metal, having fallen either inside or on top of a trash can. Nailed it!

The supervillain chuckled to himself, and promptly remembered he shouldn’t be using the Miraculous at all. “Dark Wings Fall”, came the words, and Gabriel Agreste stood in his office, the literal God of Transmission hovering over his shoulder. He hadn’t thought of Nooroo by that title ever since the little thing had first stolen his hard-earned grapes…which Gabriel had stolen from Emilie on their trek back from their vacation in Hawaii, maybe a week after they’d first gotten the Kwami. She’d wanted a change from all that snow, and a chance to relax. Gabriel wished he could find himself back in that moment. Or even yesterday morning, where things were…somewhat normal. Where he could still prevent one mistake.

Nooroo tried to speak to his Master, but felt too tired. And so, he quickly curled up inside Gabriel’s front pocket, and fell asleep. Master didn’t seem to mind. For a minute or two, Gabriel stood. The rancid smell of death filled his nostrils, but with the windows open since early morning, and the source gone, it quickly faded. Small mercies. They were good.

Gabriel took off his Miraculous, placing back in the safe. It occurred to him that he’d forgotten to put on a new tie. Later. He’d do it later. He hastily moved back outside, and sealed the doors to his office, to the entrance of his lair, shut. Never to be opened again. For at least today, until he could fully process everything. Tomorrow. Tomorrow would be a new day. He would deal with it then. For now, Gabriel pushed his glasses back up his nose, and went back to his book. He opened it back up, pulled the bookmark out, and skimmed over the next paragraph.

“We spend our entire lives chasing after things we believe will bring us happiness, only to realize in the end that we’ve been chasing an illusion. The Illusion of Living is that we have control over our lives, that we can shape our own destinies, when in reality we are at the mercy of forces far beyond our comprehension.”

Gabriel sealed the book shut, as if that would guard him from his thoughts. That…that had hit too close to home. Hadn’t he done exactly that? Lost Emilie due to something neither of them truly understood, and foolishly believed he could shape destiny, bend the world to his whims and have her return as if she’d never died? As if everything was okay? That was the very reason he’d embarked on his journey, and first transformed with the Butterfly Miraculous. He’d been chasing his happiness. Emilie was his happiness. And by setting his sights on the past, he’d taken away someone else’s chance to have a future. Perhaps…perhaps we could forgive himself for his Akuma, once the shock wore off. Perhaps he’d even keep justifying it in his head. Humans are adaptable creatures after all, and on most occasions, they didn’t remember the moments of their death, like his Akuma didn’t recall rampaging through the city. The Grimoire said so. He trusted the word of the Guardians; they knew what they were writing down. Nothing was permanent. There was a bright red button with ‘RESET’ written on it in the form of Ladybug and Chat Noir. For everything. For everything except this. Except his murder.

He'd broken a child, destroyed her life and mind, and then killed her without mercy.

Shadowmoth was a monster. He would never be that thing again. He would never unify the Miraculous again. Would Gabriel have ever stopped? If not for this, would he have suddenly found himself on his knees one day, defeated by Ladybug and Chat Noir, or would be have found himself standing over their broken, battered bodies with blood splashed onto his suit? Well, perhaps it didn’t matter anymore, the hypothetical. He had blood on his hands now, and it was very real. Gabriel’s chest felt tight. He couldn’t breathe. He- he should go outside. Get some air.

He set the book down on the coffee table, still unmoved from this morning, and remembered to shut off the TV. His finger hovered over the button, and suddenly he realized that a reporter was speaking. The woman on screen was covering…oh, of course. What else would she be talking about?

“…and dozens of citizens have gathered outside of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng’s Bakery, leaving flowers in memory of the girl who was announced to have been confirmed dead barely an hour ago. Marinette Dupain Cheng was well known amongst her schoolmates and friends, beloved by many. We can now move to Claudia, who is at the scene.”

A blond reporter was standing outside of the bakery, and in the background, inside the darkened building stood a figure Gabriel couldn’t quite make out. But she was staring at the camera. Directly into his soul. Hawkmoth knew that gaze. He was about to slam his hand on the controller’s power button, but a sound suddenly interrupted the reporter’s words. The cameraman turned to locate the source, and Gabriel saw them. All of them.

Animan. Princess Fragrance. Horrificator. Gamer. The Mime. Vanisher. Dark Cupid. Evillustrator. Reverser. Stoneheart. Darkblade. The Dark Owl. Reflecta. Prime Queen. Anansi. Maledictator. Frightningale. Troublemaker. Zombizou. And more. More and more, crowding the entryway. Dark Cupid seemed to just notice the camera, and nudged Stoneheart. The two went behind the reporter, blocking the view of the inside. Everyone was crying.

Verity Queen saw and approached from the inside. She pulled down the blinds harshly, looking to the ground. Gabriel was thankful she wasn’t looking at him.

Miracle Queen suddenly erupted beside the reporter, who tried to ignore her and continue talking.

“As is obvious, many friends have gathered here today-”

Miracle Queen stepped right into the camera’s view, cutting the woman off. “How dare you? How fucking dare you be here for a goddamned scoop! Take your microphone and fuck off, or I swear I’m going to have daddy exile you from Paris! DADDY! I want them sued! Sue the fuckers for everything they have!”, she screamed, and turned her gaze to the cameraman, her eyes swollen with tears and with makeup running down her face.

Even during Frozer, Hawkmoth had not felt so cold. She was looking at him. Could she see him? He didn’t have his mask! He needed his suit! He needed it! Where was his mask?

“Turn. It. Off.”, Miracle Queen growled, and the broadcast cut off. What Gabriel did not know, and wouldn’t find out until much, much later, was that Chloe Bourgeois dragged the reporter off the scene kicking and screaming, and with a good kick to the behind. The cameraman ran off, leaving Claudia to fend for herself.

Gabriel struggled to breathe. His lungs were freezing! He managed to turn the TV off. The cold slowly faded away. He needed to go outside. To get some air, that ought to help him. Staying in this house, with the phantom smell of corpses and the guilt stacking on his shoulders was a death sentence. He needed out.

Abandoning his book, Gabriel strides towards the outdoors. He needs to leave. Even without his Miraculous, he can feel Adrien in his room, numb and devoid of all except searing pain at the loss his own father had caused. Gabriel couldn’t stay here. Not now, after that display. He took a deep breath, and went to grab his keys. He was halfway done unlocking the front door, when the doorbell rang. On the outside of the outer walls, a camera and speaker were revealed by sliding metal. Gabriel quickly moved to the screen adjacent to the door, to see who it was.

Bubbler. Lady Wifi stood next to him, both looking like they had neither slept nor had a moment of calm in days. Gabriel answered, mourning the lost opportunity to escape his demons. Amidst everything else, at least he could say he’d mourned something today.

Not before long, he found himself inviting the children in. Normally he would detest their mere presence, but his son…Adrien needed his support network now more than ever. And Gabriel had enough sanity to recognize that he wasn’t truly part of that. That was about all his sanity was good for, but he refused to concede that point. He was fine.

He was on fire. Burning with the agony of a soul in pain that he had caused, mind collapsing under the pressure that Hawkmoth had gleefully allowed Lila Rossi to apply onto Princess Justice, destroying her completely. Was it any surprise that things had ended as they had?

He was a fool.

Gabriel found himself holding the doors open for the children, and let them close once they had entered. He didn’t clearly remember what he’d told them exactly, but neither seemed to be running for their life, so he assumed that an admission of guilt was out of the question. He would review the security recording later. For now, he broke the silence by clearing his throat. “Perhaps…you’d like a refreshment. I was making tea for Adrien.”, Gabriel proposed. A clear lie, but it would give him space. He needed to get away.

With prim and proper stature, Gabriel strode into the kitchen, stumbling them moment he was out of sight. He went through the motions like a machine, a body working on basic programming while the main system was busy elsewhere. Was this how he’d lived his life outside of being Hawkmoth?

Not long after, the tea was ready, and he pulled out some pre-packaged oatmeal cookies from a drawer. That was…healthy, right? He gave that excuse to the teenagers, and handed Bubbler the tray. Gabriel didn’t think his legs could handle stairs right now. He wordlessly excused himself, unable to prevent his eyes from darting to the blank TV screen. To the reminder of Verity Queen’s stare. Marinette Dupain Cheng’s death would haunt his every step on this Earth, in more ways than one. Gabriel wasn’t sure what kind of expression he had on his face. Part of him wanted to transform and toss both teens out of the window for disturbing him, for interrupting him just when he was about to get his thoughts in some semblance of order. Another part of him, the one still wounded and hurting, recognized that they were also in great pain. He wasn’t the only one hurting, perhaps not even the only one guilty. Without his Miraculous, he honestly couldn’t tell. Gabriel’s phone rang, and he took the excuse to flee.

“WHAT? WHAT DO YOU WANT?”, he screamed into his cell. That…had probably been the wrong thing to say. He’d meant to ask politely. His nerves were on the fritz.

A vaguely familiar voice screamed on the other side, terrified. Whose was it? Someone…from work, maybe? “Monsieur Agreste! I’m so sorry to have disturbed you! I- I can call back later if…if you’d like…”, the voice said. Oh, wasn’t this…Jasmine? From the legal team, yes! He remembered!

He cleared his throat, loudly. Hopefully that came of as an awkward change of tone, let her assume that he was upset at something else. “Ah, Jasmine. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout. I assume you’re calling with news from the legal team?”, Gabriel made his voice sound warm and polite. He’d been responsible for enough tears already; he thought as he recalled Adrien’s sobbing.

Jasmine thankfully took the hint, and in an impressive show of professionalism went through the call as if he hadn’t scared her half to death. The delay with Rossi’s contract was quite convenient, so he honestly thanked her for it, and decided to reward her poise by raising her next paycheck. What was he paying these people anyways? He’d have Nathalie compile a list for him later.

Lady Wifi and Bubbler fled upstairs, and Hawkmoth sat back down on his armchair. If he couldn’t leave, he might as well read.

“We deceive ourselves with the delusion of our own importance and power, forgetting that we are mere specks in the grand scheme of things, and that our actions have consequences that ripple far beyond our limited understanding.”

Gabriel had more than figured this out now, but thinking about what it had taken for that realization to dawn on him…

“The Illusion of Living is a burden we all carry, as we struggle to come to terms with the choices we’ve made and the paths we’ve taken.”

He was quite certain he wouldn’t be coming “to terms” with his choices anytime soon. Gabriel pinched the bridge of his nose, hard.

“The greatest illusion of all is the belief that we can escape our past mistakes, when in reality they are indelibly etched upon our souls, haunting us with a sense of guilt and remorse.”

Maybe he should have picked a different book.

Gabriel got up, to find his tie. Anything to stop his raging thoughts. He couldn’t go to his room for fear of waking Nathalie, and so he relented on his promise, opened up the gates of hell, and stepped back into his office to find yesterday’s tie. He hated yesterday. He opened his safe back up, and picked up his Miraculous. He pinned it on its spot, and covered it with his white, red striped tie. Then he went back to his chair, and his eyes fell back on his book.

His life as Hawkmoth had been nothing but a lie. A delusion that he’d thrown himself into for the slimmest hope that he could keep clinging to the past. And now everyone around Gabriel was paying the price of his mistakes. The Miraculous had been broken by his foolishness. He’d felt the crack with his naked hand, just now as he pinned it on his tie. Hawkmoth was done. For now, maybe forever. Gabriel would have to dig himself out of the hole Shadowmoth had kicked him into. He took a long, infinite moment to stare at his book. Maybe…even if he couldn’t transform, maybe that was for the best. Hawkmoth had consumed Gabriel’s life, had used him as a means to an end. Now, Gabriel would use him. His grin, his charisma, his passion and his need to see this through to the end. He would use them all, and he would fulfil his wishes. Lila Rossi would be destroyed in revenge, and Adrien would be safe. Yes! Shadowmoth was dead now, gone forever! And Gabriel was the one in charge! Hawkmoth’s manic grin ruled over his face as he cackled and opened the book back up, immersing himself in the pages.

Nooroo politely did not remind him of the title.


I, uh- I think I may have overdone it with the ironies today. But hey! We got Gabriel’s point of view for last chapter, and filled in a few gaps for Saturday! In case you didn’t notice, chapters 1, 2 and 3 take place on a Friday. Chapters 4 and 5 take place on Saturday. I won’t necessarily do three chapters for each day, because that would take astronomically long, but I will occasionally give different POVs for the same set of events. Chapter 6 takes place Saturday night, and Chat Noir is Not Okay ™. Also, I squeezed some slight Gabenath in here, if you were wondering. I’m not sure if I’ll go through with the ship, since Nathalie is unlikely to tolerate a murder and believe it or not, I can’t tell these people what to do, but we’ll see. I plan on giving some time to my other favorite ship on the next chapter, Ladynoir! And I hope I did a good job humanizing Gabriel? He’s supposed to be a sympathetic villain in the canon show, and I will deliberately keep the ways in which (I, personally, think) the writers fucked up, but hopefully it seems reasonable here? In case anyone is wondering, I would have included his conversation with Alya, but I didn’t think there was much of anything that hadn’t already been said. Just Hawkmoth being Hawkmoth, I suppose. And yes, he’s back at it! Hawkmoth isn’t nothing without the suit. He’s Gabriel Agreste, and Paris is about to learn why the man kept himself from the rest of the world. Not who the metal gates had been keeping out, but what they’d been keeping in.

So, next time is going to be rough! I’ll only say: “Little kitty on a roof…sitting all alone, without his Princess…” Take from that what you will. Mari- err… Samantha has one hell of a conversation in her very near future. And before I go, a slight note. The quotes from this book are made up, and it originates from a videogame. Again, if anyone can figure it out, without looking at the tags, shoot me a comment! And…I’ll let you feed Nooroo a grape. He loves those!

Anyways, I’ll see you all next time! Until then, Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 6: Cat's Cradle


After an exhausting start to his day, and then a semi-awkward lunch with Alya and Nino, Adrien heads home for the day, to try and rest. His evening however, is interrupted by a call from Ladybug. Have his dreams finally come on the worst day of his life, or is something worse about to be revealed?

Meanwhile, Ladybug plans a night out with Chat Noir, debating with herself whether she should reveal the terrible secret her mask hides. That like it or not, Marinette Dupain Cheng is (physically) alive. Will she manage to get the words out, or will guilt sew her throat shut, forcing her to take the secret to the grave?


Hello there everyone, and welcome to chapter 6! After the train of mental instability that was the last Gabriel chapter, we tune in for a calm, enjoyable evening of relaxation between Samantha and her kwami, just settling down for the night in their cozy new penthouse. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m the reason we can’t have nice things! On with the show, everybody!

Yes, right this way! Watch Adrien transform into a furry, Ladybug finally remember that her partner exists, Chat Noir being a literal house cat, the saddest Marichat piece I’ve ever written, Kagami’s eggcellent sense of humor, Ladynoir angst, and another thunderstorm. Seriously, I feel like the first half of this fic takes place in London, with how much it’s rained! The sky isn’t clear unless the plot needs an outdoors scene…

Note 1: After reaching about the halfway mark of writing this chapter, I’d officially recommend, and possibly mandate you have a box of tissues close by. I’m so sorry…at least it gets better after getting worse. That’s…something, right guys?

Note 2: I am well aware that the number in Marinette’s “MDC” bank account may not be entirely accurate. This is fanfiction, and I actually bothered to research the French Franc for this, okay? Apparently, they’re roughly worth around 0.19 Euro each? But it depends on exactly which year it was made because the French Economists of the time just liked to play with numbers a lot? Like, literally every couple years, it’s value would just…change? All of a sudden? And the French were fine with it? Never mind! It’s just there to state that she doesn’t have any money problems in her future since Trixx is handling the bills! We have a guy going through his midlife crisis by throwing magic butterflies at people, and Lila’s lies being considered believable by grown adults! Who said the miraculous universe abides by realism?

Anyways! Without further ado, welcome one and all to the single best and worst night of Chat Noir’s life! Enjoy the angst!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lunch with Alya and Nino had been…weird. Adrien had loved the idea, had been ecstatic when Father had actually let him go! Nino had suggested they go to this new pizza place that had opened a few blocks away, Freddy’s Pizzeria. It was the dictionary definition of a cheap pizza place, and yet Adrien had been mesmerized when they’d walked through the doors. He’d never been to a place like this before, his heart was fluttering with anticipation. But…right next to that was a deep chasm of loneliness. There was something missing, someone who was supposed to be here, who every fiber of Adrien Agreste’s being wanted to share this monumental experience with…but Marinette wasn’t there. She…she wasn’t there, for all of Adrien’s attempts to envision her sitting next to him on their table.

The food itself had been greasy, practically leaking cheese and with enough fats to make Adrien’s dietologist suffer more aneurisms than Hawkmoth’s attempts to steal his Miraculous. He’d still loved it. And hey, Father had said to avoid poor hygiene. The place was plenty clean! From the moment they’d sat down to order, it was as if an illusion had descended upon them, a kind of little white lie that only existed here, in that moment. It was a unanimous agreement, silent and upspoken, to just…pretend that Marinette hadn’t been able to make it. They’d go to the bakery tomorrow; they’d visit her then. This was Adrien’s first time at a proper Pizza Place, and they’d elected that he was going to enjoy it.

Nino had done his best to keep the illusion alive, like a man desperately kindling a dying fire, trying to keep warm. Adrien could see past the jokes and laughter, could feel the pain and sadness in his brother’s eyes, because he’d been hiding his own for years now. The feeling was practically family, at this point. Adrien had pointedly ignored the way Father fit into that statement, instead preferring to laugh alongside his friends. Alya, on the other hand, hadn’t fared that well, and visibly so.

Of course, they were all messes on the inside. Adrien didn’t think his life could have possibly gotten worse yesterday, and it had been the single happiest interaction with Father, when the man had elected to deal with Lila Rossi himself. Maybe calling his father nearly smashing the table and looking ready to commit a homicide a “happy” experience said something about Gabriel, but Adrien had never liked those trains of thought. Especially today, he had other priorities. Most importantly, to help Nino keep the fire going. For his brother. For himself. For Alya.

Ever since they’d left the mansion, Alya had been fidgeting with herself, like she was cold and terrified of her own shadow. When he’d asked her if she was okay, Alya’s whole demeanor had changed, she’d put on a bright smile, held back her shaking, and said that she was fine, just peachy! Adrien remained politely oblivious to the way her smile fell from the fact the instant he looked away. Nino had tried, of course. He and Adrien had both tried to help, not asking what the matter was. As if it could be anything other than their current predicament. The empty fourth chair on Adrien’s left side. He’d kept his eyes glued to the front, not daring to look over. His most picture-worthy smile was gently hanging on Adrien’s face, and he’d done his best to eat.

For all the pleasant atmosphere, the greasy pizza and the near-absurd quantities of cheese, he’d barely managed to get through his first slice. Alya hadn’t eaten a single bite. Now, Adrien was back home, hands thoroughly washed to get the grease out before he’d even taken off his jacket. Regardless of how weird his father was being today, and in hindsight Adrien knew where his attempt at being nice came from, he was not willing to risk the man’s ire. He didn’t think that he’d survive it.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a flash. He’d come back downstairs to greet his father, having rushed by him to get cleaned up when he first returned. Gabriel had been in his study, standing in front of his mother’s portrait, hands tied behind his back, gripping his phone tightly. He didn’t respond when Adrien called out to him. Plagg made the executive decision to leave the man alone while he was still occupied, unwilling to let his kitten suffer through Gabriel’s obviously poor mood, and so Kwami and holder had gone back upstairs. Adrien had spent most of the afternoon on his phone. He’d been sorting through texts, replying with a generic “I’m okay, you?” to everyone except Kagami and Chloe. By the time he was done sorting through the messages from his classmates, it was dusk out.

Chloe hadn’t actually texted him until after the announcement came out. Adrien didn’t quite know what to make of that information, but it was her actual message that made him do a double take. She’d apologized to him.

There had been…an incident, a few weeks ago. Chloe’s half-sister Zoe had come to Paris from overseas, and in typical Chloe fashion, she’d reacted by causing an Akuma attack. Sole Crusher had been…interesting -with Marinette refusing to be rescued and trying to reason with Zoe-, but it was after that really made the day important. Adrien had gone to find Chloe, and stood up for himself. He’d done so before, but this time he was completely serious when he’d told her their friendship was over until she could fix her attitude. She’d yelled at him, screamed, even thrown a heel directly at his head, and swore off ever speaking with Adrien again, saying she hated him.

He hadn’t let that get to him, of course. It was a slow realization, that his childhood friend was far nicer to him than she was to anyone else in the world. But by the end of his first year in a real school, he’d more than understood that fact. Adrien had known, logically, that Chloe had just been throwing a tantrum, hurt and upset. It had still hurt him, but he knew she hadn’t meant it, and still held onto hope that she’d one day get better. Apparently, it had to be today, of all days.

Chatlog- Chloe Bee and Under Agreste. Last opened: Seven weeks ago.

Chloe Bee: Hey Adrien.

Chloe Bee: I- I unblocked you. I know you probably don’t want to talk to me, but…I wanted to see how you were doing? I’m sorry, I know you hate me. Just, if you find the time, get back to me? You’re not alone.

Sent 12:37pm

Under Agreste: Hey Chloe. Thanks, for saying that. It’s good to be told, that there’s someone here. I- I just got back from lunch with Nino and Alya. I’m…better.

Under Agreste: And I never hated you, Chlo.

Adrien debated for a moment, what else he could say. Nothing he wanted to say would mean much over text. His hand hovered over the call button. But…Adrien hesitated. He really wasn’t ready for this conversation. He really missed Marinette. It felt…fake. She couldn’t be gone, he knew that! Marinette had always been there! She’d let him literally cry on her the day he broke things off with Chloe! Marinette would know what to say!

He set the phone down. Chloe would text him back at some point, he’d…decide what to do from there. Kagami hadn’t texted him. Not one message. She’d always said she thought it was impersonal, that everything important that should be said better be spoken with one’s own voice than a written message. Since he’d last checked his phone before he left the house, Kagami had called him 49 times. It made Adrien want to cry.

He tapped on her profile, and went to call her back, to say he was okay, to hide the pain and try to be there for her. She’d scream at him for it. Kagami hated it when he lied. About…anything, really. Just as he was about to do it, consequences be damned, Adrien’s eyes fell on her profile picture. The three of them, from that Saturday at the park. The Saturday that nearly got him pulled out of school, and probably the best weekend of his life.

His eyes stayed on Marinette’s face, smiling so brightly, you’d think she was the sun. She looked…so happy, to be there with them. Adrien wanted to go back to that day. And stay there forever, please and thank you. He couldn’t call Kagami back. He feared his voice would fail him; he was terrified that he’d start crying like an idiot because he missed Marinette so much! She hadn’t even gone for a day. Adrien felt like he hadn’t seen her in years. He opened up their messages, expecting to be chewed out for breaking their one rule. If it’s important, try to call.

Well. He’d tried.

Chatlog- Spencer and Fencer. Last opened: One day ago.

Spencer: Hey ‘Gami. I’m sorry, I- I don’t think I can call right now. I know we have the rule, but…I can’t.

Kagami responded immediately.

Fencer: It’s okay, Adrien. I understand.

Oh. Adrien could feel the professional tone emanating from that text. Kagami only did that with him when she was upset.

Spencer: I- okay. I’ll do it if you ask me.

Fencer: …no, Adrien. I…I’m sorry, I’m not upset with you. Don’t push yourself like this. I’m…feeling a lot of things, right now. I’m very angry at a specific person. But not at you. I simply had a thought, and wanted to see how you were.

Spencer: Don’t worry, I’ll live!

Fencer: …

Spencer: Ignore that.

Fencer: In the interest of your continued existence? …fine. Just this once.

Spencer: Oh, thank God.

Fencer: You’re welcome.

Adrien couldn’t stop himself. He burst out laughing.

Spencer: LMAO GAMI!

Fencer: Haven’t you already done this twice? How can you laugh your ass off after that? I’d like to know. Elaborate, kind sir.  

Spencer: Please, stop! Is this how I sound like?

Fencer: No, it is not. You’re so much worse.

Spencer: I- I can’t even-

Fencer: Hold a sword right? I know.

Spencer: ‘Gami you’re gonna kill me!

Fencer: I-

Fencer: I’m sorry. I’m not sure why I did that, Adrien.

Spencer: Hey, it’s okay! Has anyone ever told you that you’re hilarious?

Fencer: One person. She said it about my worst joke too. I wonder what she’d think of these ones.

Spencer: I’m sure she’d be delighted!

Fencer: No. She has a sense of humor, unlike some people. She would probably roll her eyes and then laugh. Like a dignified, self-respecting individual.

Spencer: Yeah, yeah. I’m a clown, I know.

Spencer: Hey, ‘Gami? Alya, Nino and I are heading over to…to Mari’s tomorrow morning. Do you wanna come?

Fencer: I-

Fencer: I’ll have to think about it. Thank you for the offer.

Spencer: You’re welcome. And- even if you decline, we were probably going to spend the whole day together! You can still come hang out with us!

Fencer: Let me ask my mother. Is ‘brb’ the right abbreviation?

Spencer: You’re my new favorite person.

Fencer: Shut up.

Fencer: I’m back. She said she’d cleared my whole schedule for the week, and that I was allowed to go wherever so long as I informed her and was back at a reasonable time. And she cursed your father under her breath. Multiple times. In seventeen different languages.

Spencer: I can’t believe I’m going to say this and mean it, but thank you Father!

Fencer: For once, I think it may be deserved. I do not know why my mother listened to him, but I agree with you.

Spencer: So, I’ll see you tomorrow?

Fencer: Most certainly.

Fencer: And, Adrien? …Marinette loved her friends a great deal. She would not want us to suffer. This may be the wrong thing to say, but I think she would want us to be happy in her memory.

Spencer: I…

Spencer: I think you’re right.

Fencer: I hope I am.

Fencer: See you tomorrow, fencing partner.

Spencer: Do you have to bring that up now? I didn’t know what we were, okay? It had only been a day since…you know!

Fencer: Worry not. I am glad we are friends. This way, I get to bully you and still be forgiven with no consequence.

Spencer: Marinette is a bad influence on you, Kagami!

Fencer: Oh, most certainly! And please, do not quote my mother again.

Adrien felt himself smile at that.

Spencer: But Kagami-sama!

Fencer: Adrien, no.

Spencer: But-

Fencer: I said no.

Spencer: And are you suuuuuuuuuuuure?

Fencer: Goodnight.

Spencer: ‘Gami! Don’t abandon your best friend!

Fencer: I said goodnight!

Adrien finally cracked, and let his phone fall onto his bed amidst laughter. Kagami was just the best. Ironically enough, ever since her akumatization into Lies, and after a week and half of complete awkwardness, they’d become fast friends again, all thanks to Marinette. Ever since that Saturday at the park with her, their friendship had rekindled, and both were very happy to have it back. She never failed to make him laugh. And despite what Mari seemed to think, Kagami was worse than him when it came to jokes. So much worse…

Plagg flew close to him, smelling of Camembert. He shrugged innocently, and Adrien pretended to ignore the missing wheel of cheese from his secret mini fridge. He knew Plagg would stress eat, on rare occasions. Plagg floated up to his shoulder, gave him a supportive look, and nuzzled into Adrien’s neck, purring. His holder stood there, enjoying the affection. Plagg rarely showed it, so Adrien was always to receive it, even if he knew that logically, the whining and teasing were how Plagg normally showed his love.

Suddenly, the Kwami vibrated. He flew away from Adrien’s neck, a grumpy look on his face. “Ugh…you have an incoming call from your Bugaboo.”, he said, glad to have eaten before this. He would have preferred a minute to digest, but today he wouldn’t complain. Not when his kit was like this.


“Yeah, I know…”

Claws out!”

“You know you don’t always have to shooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttt-”

Adrien ignored him, and Chat Noir opened up his baton to listen to his Lady’s voice. He’d…almost forgotten, actually, to call her. Chat didn’t know how well acquainted she and Mari were, but he should have checked in with her.

“Hey kitty cat! Good afternoon!”, came Ladybug’s voice, cheerful. “I know there’s probably a better way to ask, but how are you holding up?”, she asked him, cautious.

Chat wasn’t sure how to answer that. “Uh…I take it you saw the news?”, he went with, uncertain.

“…yeah, I saw. I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier, I was busy with some personal stuff and couldn’t get away. Um. I…do you want to come up to the Tower with me? It’s okay if not! But I wanted to check up on you, and I have something we should probably talk about, and- I’m rambling. Sorry.”, Ladybug said. A string in Adrien’s heart was tugged on, hard. It was so familiar it hurt.

He cleared his throat, hoping his voice came out even. “A dinner date with you, Milady? How could I refuse?”, came the familiar teasing. It was easier to pretend that today was a normal day when talking to Ladybug. She was his partner, his constant. The two of them would always have each other.

Ladybug giggled at him. The sound cut through the dark clouds hanging above Adrien’s thoughts, a ray of wonderful sunshine finally reaching him. It was warm, and loving. “You just want the food, you silly tomcat!” Wait, there was food?  

“Tonight might not be a date, but I still want to do something nice for you, okay? Just give me some time to set things up here, I’ll call you back.”, she added, sounding nervous. On any other day, Chat Noir would have swooned, fallen from cloud nine, and quite possibly marked the day on his calendar with big bright red letters as ‘BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!’ Today…today Ladybug just reminded him of Marinette.

He found it in himself to respond. Since he had time, maybe a run would clear his head. “Sure. There’s something I want to do first, so call me whenever you’re ready. And…LB? Thank you. I could really use some company tonight.”, he said honestly. Adrien didn’t really want to admit it, but as nice as hanging out with Nino and Alya was, he really didn’t feel okay without Marinette also there with them. In the past couple months things had gotten so bad that he hadn’t really seen his friends outside of school, and Alya’s existence had spelled more trouble than joy on your typical Tuesday. Or any other day, really.

He felt terrible for even saying it, but he really just couldn’t take more fights. Adrien’s emotions were quite done with the concept, wholly and completely. And hanging out with them, Father already handling the Lila Problem, it felt as if everything had been set right again. Or, maybe it would have, if Marinette had been there with him…

A knock on the door snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Adrien? I…wanted to see how you were, son. Is it…better?”, Gabriel asked from the other side, and Chat Noir pressed himself against the door as fast as he could. His father could not see him like this, and if he tried to de-transform Gabriel would surely notice the flash of light. Plagg, in all his years, never quite figured out how to turn that off.

He swallowed his fear, and tried to respond. Adrien’s voice came out raw. For as well as he’d handled Ladybug just now, his father’s attempts at being nice were just too abnormal. They reminded him that today was special, in the worst possible way. “Uh- I’m…fine, Father. I just need some time alone. Could you please…could we talk in the morning?”, Adrien managed awkwardly. Nailed it, Agreste!

Gabriel sighed deeply from beyond the door. “As you wish. And you should know, Nathalie is better now. She even had the energy to inform me of her opinion on my book choices.”, Father said with a small, forced laugh. Had…had he just made a joke?

“I’m glad.”, he said back. Adrien was surprised by how honest his voice sounded. He was glad, he just didn’t think he could express anything right now. It was easier when he was Chat Noir. Now, even with the suit, he was just Adrien. And he really just wanted to go and see Marinette. To be around her was bliss, compared to this.  

“I…see. Well, I’ll respect your wishes. Shall we speak in the morning?”, Gabriel’s voice came again, filling the silence. Adrien tried to respond, but his voice hitched. Something felt wrong. He was cold, suddenly. His mind went back to the times where he’d visited Marinette in the dead of night, finding her awake, with her pencil furiously sketching out a new design or her hands fixing up a half-finished project. He was never quite sure why she made so many clothes. As both Chat and Adrien he’d seen a few of them tucked under her bed, along with jewelry and other items, but the overwhelming majority were never seen again.

“Goodnight, Adrien.”, his father said, and Chat heard him walk away. The cold went with him. He hadn’t imagined it then. That was more concerning than if he had. Adrien shook his head, locked his door with the key he’d…borrowed two months ago, the one Nathalie kindly pretended to have misplaced somewhere, and threw himself out the window.

Chat Noir vaulted across Paris, his eyes darting to the Eiffel Tower. There was a slight glow at it’s top, instead of the usual night lights. He wondered what was up with that. Had Ladybug really convinced the operators to just lend her the Tower for the night? Well, he wasn’t too surprised. His Lady was amazing like that. And…she also said she’d call him soon. So he couldn’t go just yet, as much as he wanted to feel her presence next to him. Ladybug’s warm glow might be the only thing that could shake away the darkness that had clutched his heart. Hers, and Marinette’s.

Chat paused; his head turned over in the direction of Marinette’s house. He…probably shouldn’t. Right? No, he shouldn’t. Chat Noir should just find a quiet spot to wait for Ladybug to finish up…whatever she was doing, and call him so they go and have a dinner date on top the Eiffel Tower. Well, not a date date, but she was bringing food! For him! …He missed Marinette.

He missed her so much. Her soft laugh, her bright smile, her beautiful blue eyes, her smell of cookies and vanilla…Adrien just wanted to see her again, one last time. Or at least, to feel her presence. Just for tonight. Just for a little while, until Ladybug called. It was a bad idea, probably. Chat didn’t care, and turned on his heel, jumping across the skyline to reach her. He felt warmer with every jump that closed the distance, his heart sang with the anticipation of a warm welcome by his favorite civilian, the girl he adored most in the whole world!

Marinette would be there, waiting for him with a plate of chocolate chip cookies in hand, or she’d hear him land on her balcony and pretend he’d scared her. No matter how soft he’d made his landings, she’d always seemed to know when he would be coming. As if she could sense his presence. She just knew. Maybe he’d actually manage to scare her today. The thought made him smile. She’d probably freak out, call him a stupid tomcat for scaring the daylights out of her. They’d both laugh, he’d jump down to let her pet his head and scratch behind his ears, like always.

Where Lila’s touches felt uncomfortable, almost like she was trying to burn his skin off, he never minded Marinette touching him. Her hand on his suit and hair always felt warm, soft and pleasant. He liked it. …Once, on the day that she and Alya had a particularly bad fight…maybe a month ago, he’d gone as Chat to make sure she was okay. Marinette had been curled up in her bed when he arrived, and despite what he did to cheer her up, pointedly refused to get out from under her heavy blankets. In Mari’s defense it had probably been very comfortable under there, she’d said so herself. And after hours of attempts, to trying to cheer her up with jokes and humor, of telling her about that afternoon’s patrol with Ladybug and trying to coax her out, he’d wished her a soft goodnight and was about to go home.

Suddenly she’d snatched his tail from under the blanket, same as she’d done on her balcony the first time he’d ever visited, the day he’d tried to set up a rooftop date for Ladybug. Despite the rejection he’d received in return, he was still so happy to have confirmed her friendship, and very pleased for managing to cheer up Mari that night. She had pulled on it, and had asked him to stay. Adrien remembered he’d been shellshocked. Too shocked to even reply, and she had teased him about how the suave, heroic Chat Noir didn’t have the guts to go near a girl the moment they reciprocated. Chat had still tried to refuse, but it came out in a stutter, and Marinette made fun of him. Not like she could talk, with how she always spoke around Adrien!

Chat had ended up cuddling with her on the other side of the blanket, purring softly under he lulled her to sleep. Marinette’s head had poked out of her blanket, and she’d looked so at peace. God, he loved this girl so much! She was amazing!

Chat Noir nearly fell down to the street. What? WHAT? He- of course he loved Marinette! As his best friend! Because she was smart, selfless, pretty, radiant! She was always there for both Adrien and Chat, giving 110% at everything she did. Because she was always there, every day of his life since he’d given her his umbrella in the rain! Her awkwardness in their first couple weeks of knowing each other had been simultaneously cringeworthy and the funniest thing he’d ever seen. Looking back on it now, she’d been so adorable! Her stuttering around Adrien had been left unexplained, but he’d honestly thought it was kind of cute. In such a Marinette way that he didn’t have another word to describe it!

The day she told him she was in love with him came to mind. They’d been standing on the balcony; he’d handed her little August’s pacifier and ran off to recharge before coming to get it. And then her father had caught them with a baby in hand, Chat Noir standing there like a deer in headlights. Out of absolutely nowhere, Marinette had confessed her undying love to him! The next day had been so incredibly awkward! Despite proclaiming that she loved Chat Noir to the moon and back, Marinette had seemed…off. He’d thought it was because he was her crush, and besides that was how she always behaved around Adrien anyways, so did it really ma-

Hold that thought.

Chat Noir’s brain short-circuited, and he almost fell straight in front of a speeding truck. He managed to propel himself away with his baton, and it didn’t seem like anybody had noticed. A double backflip saw him landing right on top of Marinette’s railing, and a clang was heard from underneath his feet. She’d definitely heard that. Chat probably wasn’t as sneaky as he thought. Adrien took a deep breath, shaking off the near-death experience. Superheroes and Miraculous might exist, but he absolutely did not want to find out where a speeding white truck might send him, other than the hospital. He found Marinette’s skylight open, same as always, and poked his head inside, expecting to see her working on something new, or lounging on her loft, scribbling on her diary like she sometimes did when she wasn’t feeling particularly motivated.

Marinette’s bedroom was dark and empty. Oh. She wasn’t here. Somehow, he’d forgotten. His night vision helped him see inside, and…the room itself looked dead. Like all the warmth had gone along with Mari, wherever she might be. He noticed her cellphone, dropped on the floor. The cardboard box where she hid her creations was tipped over, empty. The dollhouse was in shambles. On her bed, a book of some kind. He couldn’t make out the color, but its exterior was hard. It was also in shreds, and wet beyond belief. Every single page was in tatters, and their remains had been nearly dissolved by the pool of water it was laying it. He thought…he thought it might be her diary. Mari must have forgotten to close her skylight last night. Or maybe, it was on purpose. Chat let go of that thought, as quickly as he could. Maybe it wasn’t fair to her, but he couldn’t even envision Marinette destroying something of hers. Not something so personal, that contained all her inner thoughts. Something so personal even Chat Noir had never been allowed to read it.  

Part of him wanted to jump inside. Adrien was hit by the absence of smell. There was no batch of baked goods today, nothing for Marinette to have leftovers of, that she would bring him while jokingly complaining that he only ever came back for the food. He’d always say the company also mattered a lot to him, that he loved being around her. It never failed to make her blush, no matter how many times he repeated the line. At the time he’d teased her for supposedly still crushing on him, but now…

Chat Noir’s heart was hurting. He knew exactly where this line of thinking would lead him. Another happy memory, another something about her that he absolutely adored and couldn’t imagine living without…it would lead back to the thought that had nearly caused his brain to short circuit twice now. That she’d liked him, and that, impossibly, he’d liked her back. And just…hadn’t realized it. He may have loved her, even.

That thought brought up a barrier around the skylight. Adrien knew that he ever dared to go in there alone, not even Ladybug would be able to make him leave. Marinette was his dearest friend, his closest companion. The one who’d stuck by him, in the eye of the storm that Lila Rossi had unleashed upon them, only to be drawn into the downpour right along with him. Instead of being angry or complaining, she just smiled and promised that she would stop her, that it would all be okay. And he’d believed it with all his heart, rays of sunshine washing over them both. He had loved her with all his heart, and it took him this long to figure it out. Now Chat Noir would never get to tell her. Adrien would never get to hear her adorable stuttering again; he’d never hear her beautiful laugh as she looked at him with radiant blue eyes.

The thought made him nauseous. And tired. So very tired. Chat Noir managed to drag himself over to the chair on Marinette’s balcony, and curled up in a ball. He cried there, falling asleep as he tried to cling to the memory of Marinette’s face, smile, eyes, laugh. Her everything. Adrien slept there, never hearing his baton buzz with a call from Ladybug. When the sky tore itself apart hours later, almost like Creation shared his grief, he didn’t hear the thunder cracking high above. Chat Noir cried that night, and the rain poured down relentlessly. He didn’t have an umbrella. He’d given it to Marinette. And tonight, their moon was entirely hidden away by clouds of grief.  


Samantha finished putting away her dishes, remnant of a delightful lunch of noodles with Tikki. She still had a few hours till nighttime, and wasn’t quite sure how to spend them. She’d already raided enough stores around the city to fully stock every cupboard and cabinet in the house, and had gotten herself a new phone and laptop, plus a new sewing machine and the relevant tools! Besides, Tikki seemed otherwise occupied, so it’s not like she could ask to go on another run.

Her Kwami was currently busy conversing with Trixx, who had been let out of the Box for the express purpose of comparing noodle recipes with her. Apparently, he’d ended up in China at around 496 B.C. and was fascinated by the changes in cuisine since then. Samantha really wasn’t going to ask him about it. Trixx always had some ulterior motive when he was passionate about something, and while “something” usually involved helping her out, he wasn’t above tricking her to get what he wanted. Case in point, the numbers Sam saw in the bank account when she checked, not ten minutes after sitting down on her beige armchair.

Samantha Fae had never seen that number in either of her lives so far. Well, Ladybug was technically broke because superheroes didn’t take money from people. But still! A nice, innocent looking 7, then a 5, with four more digits stacked right next to it. None of them a 0. Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, and she suppressed the urge to scream.

Instead, Ladybug put on her most innocent voice. “Hey, Trixx? Can I ask you a little something?”, she sing-sang, and the Kwami in question shivered. He was not at all fooled. Still, he had to obey the Guardian. So Trixx, slowly but surely, flew to Ladybug and perched on her shoulder. He took one look at the number on her screen, and audibly gulped.

Trixx…why is there three quarter million euros in my bank account? I did not put those there!”, she said, continuing the falsely sweet tone.

Trixx hang his head low. “Uh…Guardian, do you remember when you wanted to start a business? With the clothing commissions? Well…remember how I told you to account for inflation?”, he asked hesitantly.

Ladybug nodded, holding back her irritation. “Yes… You wanted to look up how much designer brands sold clothes for, and insisted on finding out how much an 18th century Franc was worth today! What does that have to do with it?” Trixx felt a little bad for her, since he knew miss Mari- err, miss Samantha had complained at him when he recommended the pricings for her commissions.

“Err…well you see, I was insisting because I wanted you to get your money’s worth! So, I did some quick math and figured out how much the clothes should cost! And the materials too! I know the Franc lost a lot of value, but I remember how much designers should be paid! Napoleon was excessive with his fashion choices, so I trusted my past holder’s judgment! And I may have ended up…overpricing, a little! And when you insisted that you shouldn’t charge nearly the same as brand-made clothes…I forgot to account for that.”, Trixx excused himself in a low voice. Samantha could tell he genuinely felt bad, and scratched him behind the ear in forgiveness.

Pointedly ignoring the new revelation that Napoleon had been a Fox Holder at some point in his life, she sighed deeply. “Trixx, I don’t make my stuff from golden threads. Let me check how much you actually charged for them.”, she said, pulling up Google and going to her website. Miraculous Designs and Creations. MDC. She took a look at the default pricing lists, and did a double take. It wasn’t quite designer brand, but she still thought it was a ridiculous amount for stuff she could make in a couple of days! Of course, she had explicitly stated that prices were negotiable, but nobody had ever taken her up on that. Did people really think her stuff were that good? And how many sales had she even made?

Trixx let go of her shoulder, instead sitting on her hand, right next to her phone screen. “Oh, would you look at that! We’ve almost crossed five hundred sales! Good job Master!” He froze at the look she gave him, and laughed awkwardly. “Hey, don’t look at me like that! If people thought you were charging a lot, they wouldn’t be ordering commissions!”

Okay, so maybe Trixx had a point. But still! Wait. Did he say five hundred sales? Samantha hadn’t even realized that she’d accepted so many orders! Well, it certainly explained why she had to go down to the post office and get them shipped what felt like every day, but seriously? “…how did half a thousand people even find my stuff to begin with?”, she asked herself.

Trixx cackled. “Well! You see, when mister Stone said it was either the bank account or he’d advertise you to all his designer friends…let’s just say he didn’t tell everyone. Your blonde friend’s dad has no idea! You know, the one who dresses like a candy cane?”, he snickered. Of course, Jagged had only gotten the idea because the day that Marinette had made that deal with him just happened to be the day that Trixx had a turn outside of the Box. And…apparently, he could make a killer Jagged Stone impression. The man had thought he was listening to his own inner voice!

Ladybug narrowed her eyes at him. Still in disbelief, she called her transformation. Trixx’s eyes widened in realization, but before he could so much as try to fly away, she caught in him her yoyo. He struggled, but eventually relented and allowed the magic light to whisk him back to the Miracle Box. Samantha scoffed. “See if I ever give you my leftover noodles again, you troublemaker!”, she thought, and the pink light washed over the heroine again, leaving Sam in her place.

Tikki perched on her shoulder, a comforting presence as she always was. “Hey, Marinette? Can we bake some cookies please? I’m starting to get hungry…”, she asked her holder. Samantha sighed, citing that the Kwami had literally just eaten. Tikki responded that she craved chocolate. It was either cookies, or she’d summon her own. Samantha did not want to find out what happens when Tikki used her power without a holder. If Plagg destroying half the buildings in Paris with a light Cataclysm back in Style Queen was any indication…

Samantha sighed deeply. “Fine, fine. Help me gather the ingredients and I’ll get on it, you bully. And please, don’t call me that.”

Tikki hugged her neck in apology, then flew directly through the wall and into the nearest cupboard. Five and a half hours and sixteen batches of cookies later, Ladybug made her Kwami promise that their supply would last at least until next Sunday. Baking is exhausting when you’re out of practice. All she got back was a too-innocent nod. It was almost enough to make her regret not picking a place closer to a bakery.

On the flipside, at least now they had a lot of cookies. Chocolate chip and vanilla only, because of limited ingredients, but still! At least she’d always have something to snack on if need be. And since Ladybug was her basic mode of transportation, she’d be needing the calories anyways. Samantha looked out of the window, munching on a chocolate chip cookie from their first, slightly botched batch. It was dusk out. Tikki was quite literally laying on her food, using a vanilla cookie as a pillow while she chomped on a chocolate chip one. Thankfully those were simple to make, or else Tikki and Chat’s demands for more would have driven her insane, more than Kagami’s newfound appreciation of puns. She blamed Adrien for that last one.

Ladybug’s heart throbbed at the reminder of her friends. How Kagami and Adrien must be feeling right now, isolated from the world due to their parents…she didn’t think it was good. But- what about Chat Noir? He was her partner, her best friend in the whole world! And unbeknownst to Adrien, he was also Marinette’s best friend, ever since he started visiting on the regular a few months ago! And she hadn’t even called him today. She had meant to in the morning, but the broadcast hadn’t confirmed anything yet, so Ladybug wouldn’t know. And then she’d taken an impromptu nap on the couch, then got lost in the hectic nature of her shopping spree. She’d been wrapped up with cooking her and Tikki’s food, then they’d made cookies! Chat Noir was probably left alone all day! Samantha did not like the thought of that.

Rushing back into the kitchen, she scooped up two servings of noodles -she’d told Tikki they wouldn’t be able to eat everything- into plastic containers, the same kind that a school lunch would usually go in, and filled another with chocolate chip cookies. The most recent batch, which was still warm.

Putting all three containers on the kitchen table, she flung herself to the design room, where she’d haphazardly placed some decorations she’d impulse-bought in the morning. Tiny little lanterns, that emitted a soft orange glow when plugged into an electrical socket. She also grabbed the blanket from the bed, since nobody was going to be sleeping there. Running back to the living room, she detached Tikki from her cookies, and quickly put those along with the other batches, grabbing one in her mouth for the road. One cookie-muffled transformation phrase later, she was placing the three containers, decorations, blanket and two forks into her yoyo, and booking it for the Eiffel Tower. Hopefully Chat would forgive her for not checking in if she did something nice for him, and he’d always teased her about a dinner date between them!

Now was not the time to be gushing over her new crush however, even if it was over two months old at this point. Gulping down the last remains of her cookie, and praying that it wouldn’t rain tonight, because her heart could not handle rain after yesterday, she threw herself off the balcony, heading for the Eiffel Tower. Please, please let the operator be a nice, chill person tonight!

A handful of city blocks later, the Tower operator today was proven to indeed be a nice, chill person named Emma. A young college student who worked there part time. In exchange for an autograph addressed to her little sister Abby, the Eiffel Tower belonged to Ladybug and Chat Noir for the night. Besides, it wasn’t like she had any visitors. While normally a famous landmark, the Tower was only worth seeing at night for it’s amazing lights, and Mayor Bourgeois had mandated they be turned off tonight, in honor of the girl from this morning’s news. That’s what she’d told Ladybug anyways, before bidding her goodnight and going home.

The heroine wasn’t quite sure what she thought about that new information, or the idea that Chloe might somehow be involved, so she shrugged it off. It could wait until tomorrow, unlike Chat Noir. Taking out all of her things from the yoyo, she set the items down and slammed her finger on the call button, hoping this wasn’t a bad time. He picked up quickly, and Ladybug found a knot forming in her throat.

“Hey kitty cat! Good afternoon!”, she said, hoping it came out cheerful and energetic. She…didn’t really know how to ask him if he was okay. So, she told him that. There were no secrets between them, except their identities. “I know there’s probably a better way to ask, but how are you holding up?”, she asked him, cautious. A question from yesterday surfaced in her mind. Would she tell him who she was?

Chat wasn’t sure how to answer that. Ladybug knew because he paused before replying. Chat Noir never hesitated to talk to her. “Uh…I take it you saw the news?”, he went with, sounding uncertain. Sounding scared. She’d give him a hug the second he landed, Samantha decided. He needed it. She thought it might be good for her, too.

But, how could she explain that the reason she didn’t call earlier was because she was baking cookies for over five hours? He would hate her! “…yeah, I saw. I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier, I was busy with some personal stuff and couldn’t get away. Um. I…”, she hesitated. This was it, she was going to ask him! “…do you want to come up to the Tower with me? It’s okay if not! But I wanted to check up on you, and I have something we should probably talk about, and- I’m rambling. Sorry.”, Ladybug said. Oh, fuck! Now she even sounded like Marinette! That just made things worse!

Chat cleared his throat a little awkwardly. She thought it was adorable. “A dinner date with you, Milady? How could I refuse?”, came the familiar teasing. Ladybug felt the heat rise in her cheeks, and then remembered that Chat was rarely serious when they bantered.

Ladybug giggled at him. “You just want the food, you silly tomcat!” A pause on Chat’s end. She knew it, food was the way to get him to agree to anything!

“Tonight might not be a date, but I still want to do something nice for you, okay? Just give me some time to set things up here, I’ll call you back.”, she added, suddenly nervous. He had a tendency of showing up early when they planned something together, and if she wasn’t ready by then… but she couldn’t half-ass the job! Shit, what was she going to do?

Chat answered, sounding relaxed. Most of it was just his normal hero persona, but Ladybug could hear the genuine relief in his voice. He’d missed her, Ladybug realized. Her blush deepened. “Sure. There’s something I want to do first, so call me whenever you’re ready.”, he said, his tone a little somber. “And…LB? Thank you. I could really use some company tonight.” She could use some too. Especially his. He deserved to know what had happened, deserved to at least know that Marinette was still alive, even if he would hate her forever for deceiving him. At least they’d made some great memories together. That was one good thing that came out of putting those earrings on two years ago. Well, and Tikki too, but that wasn’t the point.

Ladybug nodded to herself, assured because Chat always kept his word. Maybe he was wrapping something up in his civilian life. She still had time before he showed up, and that a good thing. Samantha hooked the yoyo back onto her suit and set out to decorate their new dinner spot. Chat Noir was going to be so happy to see it, she just knew!

…Chat was late. He was never late, for anything! Especially nowadays, because in the past few months he’d set out to become someone she could lean on, depend on for everything as both Ladybug and the girl behind the mask. He was always punctual, down to the second. She would know, he had once literally said “be there at 4:01!” and landed next to her at 4:00:59, completely out of breath. He’d cheekily deflected her concern by saying that, hey, at least he wasn’t late! She’d laughed so hard she’d almost fallen off the TVI building! But that was the point. Chat Noir was never late to anything.

She called again, just in case he was still finishing up the other thing he’d mentioned. No answer. He would have told her if something had come up, surely, he would have at least sent a message. But…there was no word from him. Ladybug looked at the spot she’d set up, quickly unplugged the lantern lights, and jumped off into the city to go find her partner.

She checked every rooftop, cleared every alleyway, looked into every crevice the city had to offer. They’d found all of them over games of hide and seek. Nothing. No sign of Chat. Worry began to rise in her chest. What if something happened to him? What if he’d somehow fallen off a building somewhere? Logically, she knew that a fall from most buildings in Paris wouldn’t do anything except need a good stretch to get rid of the numbness, but what if? Ladybug rounded back to the Eiffel Tower. Nothing. Their dinner was still untouched, and quite cold. How long had she been searching for?

Shaking her head, Samantha focused, and dove right off the top again. Yoyo string spread around the city as she scoured the landscape. She looked everywhere. Well, almost. There was one building she’d avoided, and had no desire to go back to. So, Ladybug pointedly avoided Sabine and Tom’s bakery, continuing her search for Chat. By the time she had scoured the city again, the skies had torn themselves open again. Another thunderstorm. Ladybug didn’t know what to think about thunderstorms anymore.

Lightning and rain had been with her at every significant moment of her life these past two years, and she just had no idea what to do with that information. Rain had poured onto her as she chased after Adrien’s car in New York, falling off her bike and onto the harsh pavement below. Lightning had illuminated Chat’s face when he comforted her in the rain, just a short two months ago. Thunder had split the skies when Adrien’s umbrella closed on her face, and she’d first heard him laugh, had first fallen in love. And it had been a thunderstorm last night. When the morning sun came and the sky was clear, Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead to the world. Samantha Fae just didn’t know what to feel about that.

Ladybug was about to round back to Eiffel and re-scour the city, regardless of how much rain poured down on her suit, or how she flinched every time thunder cracked the skies open. She thought back to Chat Noir’s somber tone. “…There’s something I want to do first, so call me whenever you’re ready.”, he’d said, sounding sad, hurt. He missed Marinette terribly; Samantha had heard it in his voice. Don’t tell her he’d gone to…to the bakery. Ladybug’s face fell, and she zipped over buildings until it came into view. The building -home, a part of her thought-, and most importantly, the balcony on the top floor. Landing on the railing, Samantha’s eyes immediately found a black-clad, shivering form curled up in Marinette’s lounge chair. It was Chat Noir.

She choked down a sob at the thought that he’d come here to see her, to remember her, to cry for her... Ladybug shook her head. She couldn’t think of this place as home. “Home” was her penthouse, or at least it was a work in progress. She’d probably have to go out again tomorrow, get some stuff to make the place look more lived in. But right now, she had to get her priorities straight. Chat Noir was freezing out in the rain. For some reason, he hadn’t gone inside. A tiny, near formless part of her mind was thankful, because she didn’t think her guilt would let her leave, if she dared to step foot inside Marinette’s room. Ladybug thought she might actually die, if she even poked her head inside.

But…she wasn’t Marinette anymore. She was Samantha Fae, penthouse owner, aspiring designer, secretly MDC, Miraculous Holder, Guardian, Hero of Paris. She also still loved coffee, had a good eye for tea, and liked to bake. She was good at it too. She was a person, and her name was Samantha. Not…whatever “Marinette” had been. Because she’d rarely ever felt like a person, these past couple months.

Ladybug didn’t notice the tears fall from her face, mixing with the rain and pulled down into the storm drain on the street by the pouring waters. She didn’t even care. Her mind was set solely on this kind, loving boy who had lost a friend today, and who had come here to mourn her, unable to enter her room even to seek shelter from the storm. He’d fallen asleep out here, and when Ladybug’s nose picked up the phantom smell of vanilla and freshly baked goods, her heart could understand why. She didn’t think she could begin to love him more than she already did, after that night when he offered a paw and a shoulder to lean on, gave her his umbrella to shield her from the pouring rain. Now…now it felt like Marinette’s ghost was coming back, wrapping her arms around her best friend, her partner, and jumping off into the distance, wearing Ladybug’s suit.

Samantha only came to as she stood on the precipice of her apartment, the glass door held open by her left foot as she held Chat Noir in her arms, both soaked to the bone. Finally, she stepped through and let it close behind them. What was shielding her partner from the rain, when she had been fully prepared to reveal her deception just hours prior? Hopefully she wasn’t making things worse.

Gently, as if she would break him at the slightest tremble, she tried to set Chat down on the carpet, to wake him. His claws sank into her back, but she didn’t so much as flinch. Ladybug lowered them both to the ground, and bent forward to whisper to Chat that he should let go. He broke the silence first, face contorting in discomfort when she tried to back away.

“M-Mari…please. Don’t go.”, Chat whimpered, in a voice so broken and fragile that Samantha’s heart nearly shattered just from bearing witness.

She-she couldn’t just let go of him, after that! Ladybug didn’t think her heart could take it. “Minou, I’m here. I’m right here, okay?”, she tried to comfort him. The pain from last night came back at full force. Mama’s scream tore through her ears, leaving behind the echoes of Lila’s gleeful cackling, growing so loud she almost screamed for her to shut up. Adrien’s face was in her view. He looked so hurt, so alone. He was crying.

Chat was crying. He was awake now, eyes still sealed shut as if he was desperately trying to hold onto his dream. Ladybug wrapped her arms around him and gently squeezed, making him gasp in surprise. “M-Mari?”, he asked, breathless.

She should tell him. He’d been crying, asking for her. Chat had fallen asleep right outside her room, for God’s sake. Ladybug’s lips moved to soothe him, to tell she was right here, to say that she was never going to leave him alone again. To say she was sorry.

“…no, not quite…”, came the lie instead.

Chat’s eyes widened in recognition, and slowly, hesitantly, fluttered open. When his gaze registered her suit, his ears drooped in disappointment. Ladybug said nothing, and instead ran a hand through his wet mop of blonde hair. He looked around, confused. Chat took in the foreign surroundings, still leaning into the touch. A soft purr emanated from him, and Ladybug found it in herself to giggle.

“Silly kitty…you gave me a real fright...”, she told him softly.

Chat Noir flushed in embarrassment. His eyes adjusted to the apartment’s lighting. “Ladybug.”, her name escaped him. He sounded breathless, still.

Samantha kept him close, hand still softly going through his messy locks. “It’s okay kitty, just take a deep breath. You’ll be okay.”, she said in a low voice, not wanting to scare him.

Chat looked at her, really looked at her with those beautiful green eyes that stared like she’d hung out the stars in the sky, like she was his whole world…and smiled. “…Did you do something to your hair, Bugaboo?”, came the question.

Ladybug couldn’t hold back her laugh. That was so Chat it made her heart flutter. She hugged him tightly. With some effort, she quipped back at him between giggles. “Yeah, you like? I think it makes me look cooler!”

Chat sat up from the floor and rested his head on her shoulder. “You’ve always been cool to me.”, he said, voice gravelly from crying. “Uh…where are we exactly?”, he asked, cat ears turning on his head, as if they too were asking her.

Sam stood up and extended a hand. “My new place!”, she admitted excitedly. It was not the time, but she really wanted Chat to get as giddy about the place as she was!

He blushed, turning such a deep shade of red he almost matched her suit. “O-on just the first date? Wow! Milady is feline brave!”, Chat joked in his familiar tone.

Ladybug outright snorted at that. She pulled him to his feet. “Well…maybe if a certain kitty is good tonight, I’ll let him sleep on the bed.”, she teased in a sing-song voice.

Chat looked like he’d died and gone to cat heaven. “If this is a dream, dear God please don’t wake me up…”, he mumbled to himself.

She laughed at him. “Bathroom is the first door on your left. Go take a hot shower, and no snooping! I’ll make us some tea.”, she pointed, and Chat nodded in embarrassment. His paws shifted, as if he was afraid to take a step.

Ladybug booped him on the nose. “C’mon kitty cat! Don’t tell you’re afraid of a little water! It’s much more comfortable than the cold rain outside!”, she tried to joke, but her voice fell slightly at the mention of the storm.

Chat didn’t seem to notice. His eyes were glued to the floor, and he took a long, deep breath. “Oh. I…I guess you found me outside?”, he asked her, and Ladybug could hear the raw emotion behind the question. She didn’t find it in her heart to acknowledge it directly, not when it was already overflowing with feelings she struggled to even identify.

“Go take a shower kitty. I’ll be here when you’re out.”, she said instead, keeping her voice even. “And don’t take too long, I’m soaked too!”, Ladybug joked. Chat seemed to smile, if only slightly. She counted that as a win, and turned to the kitchen to find her new teapot. He strode off towards the bathroom, and soon enough she heard the sound of running water.

Samantha ignored the part of her brain that said that her crush is literally taking a shower behind the door she was staring at! Oh Kwami, this was the Adrien Shower Incident all over again! And knowing Chat, he was going to flirt with her, if he caught her staring. She knew he used jokes as tension breakers, but the mere thought of him in there was enough to make her face match the color of her suit!

How exactly, had she gone from trying to have a serious conversation, to almost worrying herself sick, to pointedly refusing to deal with where she’d found him, with what he’d been doing there before falling asleep, to having Chat Noir in her shower? Ladybug honestly thought she was going to faint if he took any longer. She shook her head clear of irrelevant thoughts. Chat had been, still was hurting. Just because she’d decided to let the past die -and wasn’t that a morbid way to put it?-, that didn’t mean that she had any right to think like that instead of helping him through it like he had done for her!

For his part, Adrien stood behind the closed bathroom door. Just a few minutes ago, he’d been too tired to even register what was happening, but after a good soak and a hard think -courtesy of Plagg scolding him for narrowly avoiding pneumonia, no thanks to his own stupidity-, Adrien Agreste had enough sense to realize that Ladybug had brought him to her apartment, and he was in her shower. It was official. He’d died out there in the rain, and this was heaven. As horrible as the way he went out was, at least he had his Lady. The only thing that would make this dream, this sanctuary amidst a nightmarish day, would be if Ladybug dropped her transformation and revealed Marinette underneath.

But that would never happen. He hated that he was still struggling to come to terms with the fact that he’d been in love with her. And in his stupidity, so caught up in his own life and problems, hadn’t even realized! As idiotic as it sounded, part of him worried about what he should say to Ladybug. If this was a dream, it was too good not to be, then how could he explain to his Lady that he’d just realized he’d been in love with Marinette for…he didn’t know how long. He thought back to Kwamibuster, the day he’d thought they might be one and the same. Adrien had been so happy then, as if subconsciously his heart had always loved them both in the same way and he’d just been too hung up on Ladybug to notice.  

He'd already put his -thankfully dry- clothes back on and transformed on top of that, with Plagg respectfully -in utter disgust- sticking his head into the farthest corner and whispering sweet nothings to his imaginary piece of Camembert while Adrien was indecent. Still, he had to figure out what was happening. He remembered…laying down in Marinette’s chair, the one on her balcony. He had been thinking about her, about how good she’d been with him, how much he loved her.

Adrien remembered he’d dreamed they were back in her room, curling up together under her blanket. He was a blushing mess the moment he realized she was trying to cuddle him, and he’d curled into a ball next to her, mesmerized by her smile, lost in the glint of Marinette’s sea-blue eyes. It was so peaceful, then. But…then the warmth had started to go away. Replaced by the sensation of droplets, cold hitting every inch of his suit and skin, dousing him in ice. Thunder had cracked the skies above, and Adrien hadn’t dared move or open his eyes. He hadn’t so much as breathed. A smaller, more real warm had come to him, enveloping Chat Noir in it’s sweet embrace, but then it too had tried to abandon him. He remembered the sensation of sinking his claws into it, refusing to let go. Marinette had softly, tenderly whispered in his ear that she was right here, that she wasn’t going anywhere. That she would stay by his side.

Adrien had dared to hope, and breathed her name with a half-broken voice. Ladybug had answered him, and the impossible thought had come up again, that they were somehow one and the same, that she hadn’t left him and that it would all be okay. It was stupid. And when he’d opened his eyes, he’d noticed she even looked a little different. It was undeniably Ladybug under the mask, hugging him and running a soft, gloved hand through his hair, but he could have sworn that her hair was raven blue, like Marinette’s. That their faces shared freckles just on the right side of the mouth, that her eyes had been a shade lighter than what his own were telling him.

Chat Noir wasn’t quite sure how glamor worked. Plagg hadn’t ever bothered to explain much, he’d just waved away his concerns saying that people’s brains were confused by it, that they often had trouble recalling details unless looking at a Holder directly and that so long as he didn’t go around with a picture of Adrien Agreste stuck onto his forehead, nobody would know the difference. People often saw only what they wanted to see, when trying to look. Alya had once been convinced that Chloe was Ladybug, he remembered. And Adrien had, in terror, been swayed by the thought, fearful of it being true even after Ladybug had literally saved Chloe from Stoneheart, right in front of him. That was the night he’d asked, with Plagg explaining what he knew about it. Had…had Adrien being misremembering Ladybug with Marinette’s features, because somehow his mind had always wanted them to be the same? Had wanted the girl he loved to be his cute, adorkable, stuttering classmate who sat in front of his desk at school and looked at him like he was her sun? The pretty, kind, selfless girl who’d stuck with him through thick and thin?

Adrien wasn’t sure, he wasn’t sure at all. Chat Noir opened the bathroom door and stepped out with a grin, shaking his head clear of any water droplets that still remained. Ladybug tried to cover up her laugh, but had just barely made it past him before exploding in giggles. She smacked his shoulder, water dripping from her hand onto him. In response Adrien had hissed at her, in mock irritation. Ladybug’s eyes widened, her smile softened, and she quickly darted to the other side of the door, shutting it tightly behind her.

Chat Noir noticed the tray of two teacups, a pot, and chocolate chip cookies waiting for him on the kitchen table. It smelled a thousand times better than the one his father had made. That tea had tasted…wrong. Cold had ran through his senses, and while it had been a good refresher and helped him put his mind back together by snapping Adrien out of his swirling thoughts, it had barely tasted like anything at all. Impossibly, it had even smelled like sadness.

Ladybug’s tea smelled divine, like a liquid delicacy had been placed right under his nose, beckoning Chat to immerse himself in the smell, the warmth, the love that poured right out of the teapot and directly into his nostrils. He heard the sound of running water. Adrien very much did not steer his thoughts to who exactly was in that shower, and instead decided his feline hearing wasn’t doing him any favors. Hence, he picked up the tray and gravitated to the more spacious area of her apartment.

Well, Adrien was fairly sure this place met his father’s standards, so maybe penthouse was a better word. How Ladybug was renting this place, because he couldn’t possibly imagine her buying it, it would cost at least over half a million if his estimate was right! And when it came to money, Adrien was less wrong the bigger the numbers got. He did not try to tip a hundred euros to the waitress at Freddy’s because he was stupid, he literally didn’t realize that when Nino asked him if he had a one, he meant one single euro, not a hundred-euro bill. He and Alya had no right to laugh at him about that. …okay, maybe they did, but they could at least wait until after they left! Thankfully the waitress had tucked the bill away and more than likely got to keep it. He didn’t know how much she was paid, but the woman had looked at him with literal stars in her eyes, so he’d probably made her day!

That was a nice thought. He’d gotten to help someone outside of his suit, as Adrien. It had felt good, if he was being honest with himself. For all the freedom he got from being Chat Noir, he always had to back to the mansion at the end of the day, cooped up in a gilded cage like an award in a trophy case. To be able to make someone smile so brightly and with genuine emotion as Adrien, it had made him feel a lot better than the lunch with his friends. That…was probably rude towards Alya and Nino, but Chat wasn’t sure if he’d forgiven them yet. He would, soon, but he just couldn’t bring himself to think of that discussion today.

His gaze fell on the cookies. He quickly grabbed one and stuffed his mouth, unable to resist the smell. These were fresh, and not store bought. Had Ladybug made them for him? No, she couldn’t have made a brand-new batch, that look way longer than what, the ten minutes he was in the shower? Ladybug’s suit had still been wet, so it couldn’t have been that long! And she might be a superhero, but nobody could bake faster than Marinette! …Besides, after her personal insistence to feed him his favorite cookies whenever he showed his face for the night, Chat Noir was quite sure he could identity roughly how long ago a batch had been baked from the taste alone.

The bathroom door swung open, and Ladybug stepped through, her suit completely dry now. Her eyes suddenly met his own and Adrien thought he saw a tiny blush on her cheeks, but that could just be the lighting. But her hair was what captivated him. It was raven-black, he noticed, and was flowing freely down her neck, not quite reaching her shoulders. It waved back and forth as Ladybug strode towards him. Holy fuck she was walking right at him! Chat had never flailed so hard in his entire career! And said career was about to be utterly ruined if Ladybug realized he’d been staring at her like a complete idiot!

Within approximately a tenth of a second, Chat Noir had tested and rejected eleven different body poses that would make him seem cool and suave, as he should be! He landed on awkwardly hanging one foot off the armrest of the couch he’d been sitting on, and reached out to steady himself by grabbing the coffee table, his hand ending up right in the plate of cookies.

Ladybug stared at him. He stared back. She looked like she was halfway through chiding him for daring to steal the first cookie…and then he remembered that this wasn’t Marinette. Right. Mari had always done that, and he always took the first cookie! He was hungry from all the running, dammit! Ladybug giggled, the divine sound reaching both sets of his ears and shaking him out of the frown which had overtaken his face. She plopped into the armchair across from him, and reached to pour herself a cup of tea.

Her eyes fell on the cookie Adrien had grabbed onto by accident. “You can have it minou. It’s okay. Besides, you look starved. Seriously, is that father of yours feeding you anything?”, she asked him in jest, and Chat Noir felt his heart hurt. He was hearing Marinette’s voice in his ears, a memory as Ladybug’s face shifted in concern.

He blinked through the tears forming in his eyes. Adrien nodded stiffly, and Ladybug handed him his cup of tea. Somberly, trying to let go of the memory, he sipped it. The tea tasted exactly like the one Marinette sometimes made for them, on rainy nights where inspiration didn’t strike her, and so they ended up watching a movie in her room on most occasions. Tea and cookies were a staple of existence if you were within feeding range of Marinette Dupain Cheng, that was just the way things were. It tasted divine. Wonderful. It tasted like Marinette.

Ladybug put her hand on his free palm. She interlocked their fingers, and gave him a light squeeze. He looked up from his cup. The cookie he’d been holding had fallen to the floor. He went to pick it up, but she squeezed his hand again. Chat took a deep breath, set his cup of tea down, and tried not to cry.

Samantha looked at her best friend with nothing but love in her eyes, and was near heartbroken when she saw tears falling from Chat Noir’s face. She cursed her own stupidity. How had she forgotten? Tea and cookies were a Chat and Marinette thing! Not only had Ladybug never done that for him, she was literally waving a reminder of his best friend right into his face. Sam felt like she’d been punched in the gut. Sam felt like she wanted to punch herself.

Through her mask, she looked at him, setting her teacup down and brining both hands to squeeze the one she was already holding. Chat finally looked her in the eyes. They were blurry with tears. For a moment neither of them said anything, and then he broke the silence.

“S-sorry.”, Chat sniffed. “It’s just…Marinette always used to do this for me, when she felt like life was becoming too much for either of us. I- I know we shouldn’t be visiting civilians, but…I think I was in love with her, LB. I am in love with her.”, he managed to say, voice shaking and cracking while he held emotions back.

In lo- He was in love with Marinette. Oh dear God, what had she done? Ladybug’s whole body shook with guilt, and part of her would suddenly very much prefer to go back to yesterday and rethink her life choices. She…she’d be willing to go back to it, for him. If she had known that Chat had been in love with her, that he felt so strongly and despite everything, someone out there cared about Marinette enough to love her…Samantha might have even found the strength to keep going, somehow. Impossibly. But it was far too late for that. Had it really only been a day?

Ladybug had to tell him. A knot of guilt was forming in her throat, she had to get the words out now or else her fear wouldn’t let her, if she waited a single second longer. Samantha squeezed Chat’s hand again, and he put his free one on top of her own, squeezing back gently. They both looked up, and she suddenly found their gazes locked together.

“C-Chat. I- I want to tell you something…”, she began, ignoring the way her breath hitched, how her whole body was quaking with fear. No, she owed it to him. She would rather have him hate her for eternity than to see him cry for another second!

His green eyes focused on hers, and he looked at her with such focus that Samantha thought the rest of the world stopped existing for him, if only for these moments. He waited for her to continue. “Kitty…I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hide this from you, I was going to tell you, but things happened so fast that- that- that I just got lost in it all!” Ladybug’s voice had cracked. The words wouldn’t come. No, no! She had to tell him! She had to!

Chat slowly rose from his seat, and with small and frail steps, as if he didn’t trust his legs to carry him to her, walked over. Ladybug was frozen. She registered that she was probably crying. She didn’t care. She had to tell him. Chat was hugging her. He ran a claw through her hair, purring softly.

“Hey, it’s okay Bugaboo. Today has been…a lot. For both of us. I promise, it’s going to be okay.”, he soothed her, with such certainty that Samantha believed him without a moment’s hesitation.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, and cried. “Cha-t. I’m so scared you’re going to hate me…”, came the admission through a shaking voice. His grip on her tightened, steadying her shivering body. He felt warm…

Chat purred again, and slowly, ever so gently, used his claws to lift her face, so she was looking him in the eyes again. Her gaze had fallen to the carpet, Samantha realized. His touch on her cheek was deafening Ladybug to the outside world, and for a single second she could pretend everything was okay. The guilt finally let go of her throat, she swallowed back her fears, and tried again. He beat her to it.

Ladybug…”, he whispered, still cradling her in his arms. His voice had yet to lose the gravelly tone that was toying with her heart. She remembered how her entire being had shattered the moment she lost her footing last night. Was that going to happen now? Was she going to just collapse into him, never to rise again? “I understand, remember? I promised I’d always be here for you, Bug. You can tell me anything.”, he said, in that same tone that had made her heart soar through the thundering skies two months ago.

Samantha threw her arms around his neck, and gave a teary, broken smile. “Chat Noir…”, she gasped out, holding his name like a prayer, close to heart. “I love you, you silly kitty...”, she got out, and the world stopped. It was just him, just her, so close to each other than she could feel his every motion.

“I’ve always loved you, Ladybug.”, came the response, and along with it his eyes widened as if realizing what she’d just said. Chat clutched onto her like he needed her to live, Ladybug thought that she needed him. The leaned into his hair. It was…soft. Warm, having just been dried.

“Chat…I don’t think I can tell you, not tonight.”, she said, voice barely above a whisper. Samantha wasn’t sure he’d heard her, with the lack of response.

His claws sank into her back, steadying her, and Chat purred. She let him, and they stayed there for a little while. When the two finally broke apart, Chat looked into her eyes with that expression…like he really understood. She’d believed it before, but now she knew. Ladybug let out a sob, pulling him close.

“Ladybug…I know life can be too much. You don’t have to tell me right now. I- I can come back tomorrow night. Okay?”, he asked her in a low voice. She thought he might be too tired to speak. Samantha could understand the sentiment.

Suddenly, a stupid thought came to mind. “We should go get coffee.”, the words escaped her, and Chat laughed in surprise. The sound made her heart flutter. He looked at her with those wide cat eyes, as if his very being was questioning her. She smacked him upside the head.

“I’m serious! There’s this…dingy little coffee shop, just down the street! Flora’s! I found it just today. Tomorrow, do you want to go with me?”, she asked him. Samantha wasn’t sure where that had come from, why she wasn’t talking about something important…but it didn’t matter. The idea made her smile. Just the two of them, together in a place where they could just…pretend, that things were okay. That life hadn’t gone to hell and back at least a dozen times today.

“Okay.”, came the reply. “Okay, I’ll go with you!”, Chat agreed, with such excitement in his voice that she almost thought this was a dream. “Tomorrow night, I can come by and we’ll, we can go there! I know it’s not a date, but-”

Ladybug tugged on his ear. “Didn’t you hear me say I love you, you dirty alley cat?”, she smiled at him, tears making her eyes shine in the moonlight. The sky had cleared, and the soft glow of the moon was illuminating them through her windows. Chat looked like he was glowing.

He looked at her. Truly looked at her, and gasped. She was beautiful. The moonlight made Ladybug’s eyes shine in the darkness, it gave her hair a raven-blue shimmer that almost made Adrien gasp. For a second he thought he could see Marinette in front of him. And apparently, she loved him. One of the girls he’d loved, Ladybug, loved him back. Adrien felt so giddy that he could climb all the way to cloud nine by himself. Maybe it was stupid. There was so much going on…and he’d just told her that he’s in love with Marinette. But he had no more tears to cry, after today. And he loved the idea of them, sitting on some secluded rooftop just to talk, like the good old days. That was why he’d agreed.

Chat moved to slowly let go of her, and didn’t think about having to go back home. He didn’t mind, after today his mind was reeling from so many things that it didn’t have time to go over thoughts of being trapped inside with his father’s cold, icy tone. He gave Ladybug a nod. There were still so many things he wanted to say to her. She had something important to tell him. They’d talk tomorrow. Go down to Flora’s to grab something to drink, and then they’d go and sit on rooftop, or come back here and lay down on the couches. It could wait until then, if Ladybug wanted. Adrien was honestly glad for the break. His heart was still pounding, and without her soothing presence it might even explode…but it was late.

And tomorrow he had to go with Alya and Nino, to Marinette’s. Adrien couldn’t imagine doing it alone. Chat Noir had failed, hadn’t managed to penetrate the invisible barrier that separated her room from the rest of the world. How could Adrien ever do what Chat could not?

He got up, gave Ladybug a parting smile, and moved to turn around. She looked mesmerizing…and he’d have to let go, for now. He’d see her again tomorrow. She’d promised.

A hand whipped out, tugging on his tail. Ladybug was looking at him with warm, bright blue eyes, and for a moment all he could hear was her breathing. “Stay.”, she pleaded, begged him. “I have another room. Chat, please stay.”, Samantha breathed out.

Chat Noir looked at her in shock, as if he’d gotten whiplash. Then, she felt her heart warm up when he smiled, ever so softly. He extended a paw, helped her to her feet. The moonlight brought out his green eyes. They shone in the dark. Gently, she led him to the bedroom adjacent to hers, and slowly Chat ran a claw over the blanket. He looked at it, at this thing of hers, like it was sacred to him. Samantha smiled at him, running a hand through his golden hair. He laid down, curling himself up into a ball. It was adorable. Ladybug covered him with the blanket. She made to sit down next to him, to sit with him for just a little bit, before she had to go and sleep alone. Samantha’s head had hit the pillow before she could so much as breathe.

Ladybug and Chat Noir would remember this as the best sleep of their lives.


I’d like to formally apologize to Adrien Agreste and Samantha Fae for the sheer amount of emotional backlash present in this chapter. Furthermore, I’d like to formally apologize to you guys for the first half of this chapter. And the second half. Furthermore, the truck joke is only there because I headcanon Adrien watches anime, and he needed something to break the tension of nearly being run over.

Okay, so! I should probably explain a couple things. If the second half of this chapter feels a bit weird, and I really hope it doesn’t, that’s because the original plan was to literally end this with the words “I’m Marinette”. I planned the whole thing out, but then I also got the idea that Adrien should meet Samantha at some point. So…there’s a slight delay for the reveal, but I think it’s better this way, if things end up the way I want them to. Considering Chat and Ladybug wrote this chapter on their own, I can’t guarantee that, but I will try.

Alright! Before I go, let me just quickly mention my update schedule. Right now, I’m basically looking at old notes and drafts for this fic, and letting the story write itself for the most part. However, real life is still an absolute pain, so I may at some point have to take a three/four-week hiatus till mid-June due to academics, since I know I’ll have as much time as I want to write this fic after that. It’s not 100% certain, but I wanted to warn everyone in case I forget to write you guys a message at some point. I’ll absolutely upload chapter 7 before needing to do that, by the way.

And yes. Chapter 7 is the first Adrien/Samantha chapter. I really like where it’s going, from what I have in my notes so far. I think you guys are going to like it too! But anyways! I need to go make Chloe doesn’t sue another reporter out of existence! I’ll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous!

P.S. Does anyone remember the name of Lila’s mom? I honestly cannot be bothered to look it up, so if anyone knows it off the top of their head, please share! Thank you!

Chapter 7: Spotted Trouble


Chat Noir wakes up beside Ladybug, the love of his life, and forgets how to flirt.

Adrien Agreste goes to investigate Marinette's room, and bumps into an old friend.

Chloe Bourgeois almost sues someone out of existence.

Alya Cesaire has a mental breakdown.

And Samantha Fae is quietly sipping her coffee at Flora's Cafe, watching it all happen!


Hello there everyone and welcome back to Hell! How’s it going? I’m back with another chapter, and Adrien is still suffering. The poor furry…I have to make it up to him somehow…

Anyhow, please come right this way, for an investigation, Lila Rossi bashing, more rain if the plot demands it, and quite possibly the biggest series of consecutive ironies in my entire career! For now, Chat Noir wakes up in bed with the love of his life, Adrien visits Marinette, Chloe almost sues a reporter out of existence, Alya has a breakdown, Kagami sharpens her sword collection, Nino copes by making depressive playlists, and Samantha is quietly sipping coffee at Flora’s…

Without further ado, please enjoy the chapter, and sign my petition to let Kagami deal with Lila herself!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Chat Noir’s senses came back to him, he felt his claws touch something soft. It was like a blanket of warmth and love was enveloping him, and he purred at the sensation. Something tapped his leg, whatever he was laying on felt like a passive pillow…it felt amazing!

Groggy, he opened one eye, hoping that it was still early, and the sun wouldn’t blind him like yesterday morning. He’d liked that Father had let him sleep in, but maybe he should invest in some…blinds?

This wasn’t his bed, he realized. The blanket felt heavy and warm, the…mattress, whatever was touching his back, it was poking Adrien in the spine. With great effort, he heaved away the comfort on the blanket, and stretched as he laid there. The ceiling was beige, entirely the wrong color. This definitely wasn’t his room. He blinked in confusion, feeling something shift under him.

“Chat!”, came Ladybug’s voice, breathless. “Please get off of me! Can’t- breathe!”

Adrien Agreste will never admit to screaming like a girl, or literally throwing himself off the bed, landing face-first on the wooden floorboards. Rubbing the back of his neck, he slowly sat up and looked around.

Ladybug was laying on the bed. She had been right next to him. Or…below him? …oh, dear Kwami, he’d been right on top of her! His Lady laughed at him, seeing Chat go a brighter red than her suit.

“Well, isn’t this a nice wake-up call?”, she teased, narrowing her eyes like she was taking every inch of Chat’s embarrassment, fully committing it to memory.

The sensation of curling up into a ball, with Ladybug laying down next to him came to Adrien’s mind. His eyes widened in realization. “We fell asleep together!”, he did not squeak like a girl, Plagg!

Ladybug ran a hand through her messy hair and stifled a yawn. “I guess I should congratulate you then! You finally managed to catch me!”, she sing-sang, lowering her voice to that nasty tone she used to tease him lately.  

Chat yelped so hard he almost flew through the roof. Ladybug just laughed at him. His mind went through possible responses, ways he could make her flush…but each one of them just made him go a deeper red. Adrien didn’t think he could handle flirting with Ladybug right now, and that was saying something!

His Lady hooked one foot over the bedframe, and did a cartwheel to stand up properly. Chat burst into laughter. She looked at him, stifling a giggle. “What? Don’t you know cartwheels are the best way to wake up in the morning?”, LB asked in a too-innocent tone. Adrien thought he might combust.

“I- I just- I…”, Chat stammered, and then sighed deeply. “You’re going to hold this over my head for years, aren’t you?”, he breathed out, and Ladybug came over to give him a pat on the back.

His eyes were mesmerized by the way her hair seemed to flow as she walked. “But kitty, I did tell you that I’d let you on the bed if you were a good guest!”, she teased again, and Adrien had no choice but to take it.

“I’m going to scratch you.”, he mock-threatened her, pointing a claw to her face.

Ladybug just laughed and booped his nose, pushing him away. “C’mon you alley cat, we should get going.” She glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table. 9:17am. “Want me to make you breakfast before you go?”, she offered, and Chat nearly fell flat on his face.

The love of his life had offered to make him breakfast. He was in her apartment. They had slept together! Well, not like that! Just on the same bed, on top of each other! …Plagg was going to get a huge kick out of this, wasn’t he?

Ladybug extended a hand to steady him. Holding back his nerves, Adrien managed to sit down on the kitchen table without his legs giving out. Ladybug’s kitchen table. His heart felt like it was going to explode.

She moved to the counter, and started pulling a few things out the cupboards. It was such a simple motion, but he still thought she was beautiful. Stands of her hair swooped right above her shoulders, he could feel her eyes narrowing in focus as she decided what to make. For them. Adrien knew this scene was absolutely going to be in his dreams from now on. The only thing missing were the three kids and a hamster, and his life would be complete!

Samantha glanced back at her partner. He was staring at her, looking like she’d hung every star out in the sky. Quickly, she turned her face away, so he wouldn’t see her blush. Just now, she’d defaulted to their banter to get through that experience, but she would never forget the feeling of Chat Noir curling up on top of her, like a real house cat. It made her heart flutter, and she almost combusted when her groggy brain remembered that he loved her back! Chat had loved both Ladybug and Marinette! He’d fallen for her twice! She thanked Tikki for her luck. But…now was the perfect time to tease him! Payback for his constant flirting for as long as she’d known him!

“Hey Chat?”, she asked, trying to sound distracted. “Do you see my apron anywhere?”, she uttered the words, and heard him fall out of his chair. She absolutely had to get an apron, just to see his face!

Ladybug ignored the loud sound, pretending she hadn’t heard. “Uh- no! No, sorry, I don’t see it!”, Chat stammered back. Even with her having just escaped the hellish experience of the past months, he still sounded so adorable to her!

Samantha promptly decided that she would gush about it to Tikki, later. She had the suit on right now. She was cool, and brave, and she was the one supposed to be messing with Chat, for once! He could not be allowed to see her be a blushing mess, not after literally sleeping next to him!

She turned back, ingredients for pancakes set on the counter. She knew he loved them, but still turned around to ask if he wanted any. Chat was looking at his baton, almost panicked. “Oh, crap! Sorry milady, I need to go! Like right now, or else my friends are going to wonder where I am!”, he exclaimed, flying to his feet and nearly smashing through the balcony door.

He stopped barely an inch before crashing into it, flung it open, and she hurried to join him outside. Chat was halfway onto her railing when he looked back at her, dopey smile still on his face. He paused for a moment, just to look at her. Samantha couldn’t hold back the flush in her cheeks.

Chat’s eyes softened out of their panic, and he slowly extended a paw to catch her hand. She let him, and he placed a tiny kiss on the back of it. She scratched him behind the ear, and Chat smiled at her. “Hey…Ladybug? Thank you... I really needed that last night.”, he said honestly, face almost turning into a frown.

Samantha found herself sighing deeply. “I know kitty, I needed it too. I’m sorry that this happened. If I could have prevented it…”, she trailed off. I would have put up with it, for you. It went unsaid, but Chat purred at her all the same.

“I think…”, he said, running a hand through his golden hair. “I think life just likes to throw us curveballs, sometimes. Ka- Uh, part of me believes that Marinette would want us to be happy, that she still loved all her friends despite…everything. So, I’ll be okay. Not today, but maybe someday I’ll be okay.”, he sighed.

Ladybug gave him a tight hug, lightly squeezing his back. “I know she loves you Chat Noir. Even now. And…I want you to be okay too.”, she went with. Samantha would tell him tonight, when they had time. Tonight, when he’d hopefully give her a chance to explain. Tonight, when he might hate her. She’d accept it in a heartbeat, if it meant he wouldn’t cry anymore.

Chat tapped her shoulder with his claw, and she let him go. He extended his baton, and tried to smile. “See you tonight, my Lady.”, he breathed, voice lower than a whisper, just for her to hear. And then he was off, jumping across the skyline. Samantha watched him go, and when he finally faded from view she turned back inside, transformation fading. Her mind wandered back to last night, to the Eiffel Tower. Somehow…somehow, she was happier that it had gone like this. She felt it was right. Ladybug sighed, and fed Tikki a cookie. It was probably time to go pick up her stuff…

Tikki nodded at her, ready to go. Samantha found herself nodding back, determined. Chat was right. Maybe neither was okay today, but she believed that someday, they would be. Ladybug tightened her hold over that hope, and jumped into the city to go pick up her stuff. Hopefully Emma also had the morning shift today…


Adrien dove through his window mid-way through de-transforming, and thankfully landed on his bed. Plagg threw himself into the pile of Camembert inside his mini fridge, and Adrien went to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. He felt much better, more awake. Consequently, more aware of what had just happened to him.

To recap, Ladybug had called last night, asking him on a not-date. Then, he’d gone to see Marinette because he missed her. He was somewhat sure that she’d actually been in love with him as Chat, and if he was right, then maybe as Adrien too. The thought tugged on his heart, weighing him down. Mari was an incredible girl, and if he was right, then she’d been in love with both of him. He…would have to ask Alya. She would have the answer, and he needed to know. Then, he’d fallen asleep in the rain, and Ladybug found him. He pointedly ignored the part of his brain currently screaming about the shower thing. It had been almost as bad as The Ladybug Shower Incident, and Adrien Agreste had sworn to himself that he’d never admit to that ever happening. Then she made him tea and cookies that screamed Marinette, to the point where the magical taste that had accompanied her sweets may have been love. Which meant that Ladybug also loved him. She had said so.

Then they had a much-needed cry, and he’d thought that Marinette’s ghost was standing right next to him, when she asked him to stay with her for the night. Adrien had obliged her, as if he could ever prefer his father’s mansion over staying with Ladybug. And just a few minutes ago, he had woken up on top of her. Had felt her body right under him when he woke up. In conclusion, he’d turned into a blushing mess and acted like an idiot while she laughed at him. Adrien wasn’t upset about that. He’d do anything to hear her laughter, just one more time. He…didn’t actually know which her he’d meant.

Adrien shook his head, and quickly went through the motions of getting ready for the day. Change into clean clothes. Stop Plagg from devouring their entire Camembert supply. Call Kagami. She apologized, citing she didn’t feel well enough to join them. He told her it was okay, and that he would call her when they were done so they could all hang out together. Kagami had readily agreed, and so he’d called Nino next. He’d stayed over at Alya’s that night, so both were quick to agree to meeting up. Just outside Dupont, at 10am. Sounded easy enough. Now…to get through his father.

Putting on Marinette’s jacket and letting Plagg hop in the front pocket, Adrien picked up the things he would need. Wallet, phone, keys, cheese. Plagg would kill him if he forgot the cheese. A few minutes later, Adrien headed downstairs and checked the time. 9:43am. Hopefully Father would actually let him go…

Gabriel was standing behind his desk when he found him, holding something in his hand. He was staring at it intensely, as if it was near-sacred to him. Adrien swallowed his fears, and stepped into the office, praying that yesterday’s understanding mood was still in effect. He…wasn’t quite sure what he would do, if Father just went back to his usual self.

“Good morning, Father.”, he greeted quietly, unwilling to disturb him.

Gabriel raised his gaze, and took a good look at his son. Adrien was already fully dressed, most likely about to leave. “Ahh, Adrien! Good morning! Did you need something?”, he replied, trying to smooth his voice into a pleasant tone. He forcefully relaxed his hand, unwilling to bend or damage the envelope in his hands. He refused to re-write that letter for what felt like the billionth time. Once had already been one too many, for his guilt.

Adrien shifted his feet, and Gabriel could feel he was nervous. Afraid, his mind whispered. He slammed down his mental shields, not allowing the guilt to show on his face. It would take time for his son to trust him again, and Gabriel cursed every fiber of his own being for allowing that trust to be lost in the first place. “Um…I wanted to go out with Nino and Alya. We were going to…see Marinette. Her parents! We were going to see her parents!”, his son corrected hastily.

Gabriel refused to think back to the reason why Adrien would never see his friend again. It was already looking at him whenever he went close to a mirror, he did not need to consider it further. Still, he put on a calm face for his son. He had to support him, help Adrien dig himself out of the chasm that Shadowmoth had thrown his boy into. He’d killed Adrien’s best friend.

“Yes, of course you can go. You…do not need my permission, Adrien. Just make sure to inform me, and tell when you think you’ll be back. Your schedule is fully clear for this week, there is no need to ask me.”, he said in an even voice. Hopefully it came out warm and polite. Hopefully Adrien couldn’t feel the agony leaking out of the Butterfly Miraculous, tormenting Hawkmoth for his foolishness. It was well deserved, but Gabriel did not want his son to pay for his mistakes any more than the boy already was.

Still, Adrien’s bright smile brought a slight smirk to his own face. “Thank you, Father! I- We might spend a lot of the day out, I’m not sure when I’ll be back…” His son’s voice had gone back to afraid, hesitant. As if he was terrified of overstepping.

Gabriel tried not to sigh. He would kick himself later, when Adrien couldn’t see. His hand, the one holding the letter, reached out towards his son. “It’s alright. If you need a ride back, inform me and I can call your bodyguard. And please, take this to Monsieur Dupain and Madame Cheng, if you can.”, he said. Adrien took the letter and put it in his pocket, the one with a zipper. He sealed it inside, and quickly backed away, leaving Gabriel to his work. Hawkmoth could still feel his son’s surprise, his hesitance to accept kindness from his father. It hurt him more than any strike from Ladybug and Chat Noir ever could. Adrien closed the door to his office, sealing Gabriel inside, alone with his demons.

When he finally reached the school, Adrien saw Nino and Alya waiting outside. He slowly approached them, waving hello. Nino beamed a smile when he saw his friend, and they met him halfway.

“Morning dude!”, Nino greeted with a one-armed hug. “What’s up?”

Adrien hugged him back. Alya came up to him for a high five. They both seemed to be a good mood, but he could see the underlying nervousness, the apprehension bubbling just beneath the surface.

“Father actually decided to be nice today!”, he found himself answering excitedly. Nino gave a face of surprise.

“No way! Monsieur Candy Cane, being nice? I won’t believe it till I see it!”, he said in clear jest. Alya did not share the sentiment, and Adrien caught her suppressing a shiver at his father’s mention. He didn’t want to push her into telling him anything, but he also wouldn’t dare ask Father, not when he’d been given freedom for the week! And wasn’t that a weird thing? Freedom for Adrien. He didn’t sit on the thought, turning back to his friends.

“Oh, by the way! I invited Kagami to join us when we’re done. I figured she’d want to be in the loop.”, he told them, and Alya nodded thoughtfully.

She seemed to ponder it for a second, considering…something. “If you’re okay with it, I’m cool too.”, Alya finally said, sounding a little concerned.

Adrien was about to ask what was wrong, but Nino beat him to it. “Babe? What’s up with Kagami?”, he questioned, glancing back at Adrien. Did Nino even know he was friends with her? Had he ever told him?

Alya shook her head, wiping a tear him from her eye. “It’s- It’s nothing, really. I just remembered that, well…Mari and I used to…never mind, it was stupid. Kagami can come with us, I’m okay with it.”, she said absentmindedly, still half-lost in memory.

Nino shot Adrien a sad look, then a pointed one at Alya. She shook her head for no. Really, it was fine! She didn't have any problem with Kagami! She knew that she and Marinette had become firends, her best friend had mentioned it...back when they could still talk without arguing. Adrien decided now was the time. It might be stupid to ask, but after last night…he had to know. “Was Marinette in love with me?”, he found himself asking, voice barely managing to not crack.

Alya whipped her head at him in near total shock, and anger overcame her features. He- Adrien knew? Had he known all along, pretended to be oblivious just so he wouldn't be forced to reject Marinette? So he wouldn't have to deal with it? Alya stiffed for a moment, and memories of her and Marinette, endlessly planning to help the bluenette confess her feelings to the blonde. And yet no matter how much they tried...

It was the day after Operation Secret Garden. Marinette was laying down on her bed, face stuffed into the giant pink cat pillow the was furiously hugging. Alya was sitting next to her, rubbing her shoulder and trying to comfort her friend after yet another failure. Marinette hated that she couldn't talk when Adrien was around. Alya remembered how she would complain and shout, indignified and embarrassed that his mere precense made her nearly lose her mind.

Marinette suddenly let out a sigh, and shook Alya's hand off her shoulder. She turned around to lie on her back, and to look at her friend. "I...Als, I don't know what I'm going to do with him... I love Adrien, and yet every single time I try...", she trailed off. Alya didn't need to hear the next words, she already knew them by heart. "I never do anything right! I'm a failure!", Marinette yelled, tears starting to form in her eyes. They both knew it wasn't true, and yet both couldn't help but be upset at the words. She hated seeing Mari in such pain, crying for the sake of a guy who, as nice and kind as Adrien was, could sometimes be so oblivious that it actually hurt. And right now, it was hurting Marinette. Alya hugged her friend, telling her it would all be okay. That one day Adrien would see her, and that Alya could say "I told you so" right to Marinette's face. he did see her, and yet Marinette would never hear the smug words, would never get the chance to live her dream with the boy who had her heart since the first day they ever met. Alya's eyes met his, and suddenly a tear escaped her, dropping to the pavement below. Before Adrien could so much as blink, she snagged him by the shoulders, shaking him violently. “Are you kidding me?”, she yelled at him, anger etching itself onto her face. Nino jumped in to stop her, and Alya froze, realization washing over her. “I- Adrien, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…do that. It’s just- why would you realize now? Mari and I always tried so many ridiculous plans to help her confess and-”, her voice cracked, breath hitching, words stuck in her throat. “I- I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten upset.”, she managed to say. “I just miss her…”, Alya trailed off, hanging her head.

Adrien nodded in understanding, and straightened out his jacket. “Yeah…”, he tried to say. “I- I realized last night. That I was in love with her. And…I didn’t want to assume anything, so I thought to ask you because you would know.”, he went with, not wanting to lie to his friends.

Nino put a hand on his shoulder, and the comforting weight steadied him. Alya shook her head. “Mari would have probably married you on the spot, if you tried to confess.”, she whispered. For a moment, Adrien allowed himself to imagine it. The usual dream of Ladybug, three kids and a hamster, was replaced by Chat Noir and Marinette, sitting in her room like always. A tiny blonde girl jumped up through the trapdoor and hugged his legs. Emma, his little daughter. Named after her grandmother. A flash of Marinette beaming at him, wearing a white dress that made her look radiant popped up in his head. Adrien brought himself back to reality. That…that was nice to think about. Maybe Ladybug would have been his maid of honor!

He didn’t let his face fall, but Nino still gave him a tight hug. He hugged back, and shook his head. Alya hummed, still shooting him an apologetic glance. Adrien nodded in forgiveness, and she smiled at him. “Maybe…maybe there’s something in her room, that will tell us why- …you know.”, she proposed. That had been the original idea, so both boys nodded, and the three began walking towards the bakery.

Adrien couldn’t hide his surprise when he saw who was standing outside. Well, screeching like a banshee high on caffeine, but that was just the usual at this point. Chloe Bourgeois had grabbed a man by the tie, and was violently shaking him, only stopping when his camera fell to the ground and the fedora he was wearing flew off his head, tie ready to follow suit.

“-and I swear to every God that’s ever existed, if you come near here again, I WILL SUE YOU OUT OF FUCKING EXISTENCE!”, she screamed at him, voice pitching high enough to make the bakery’s glass windows vibrate. The man picked up his cracked camera and ran off, pale as a ghost.

Chloe shook her head, as if disappointed. “Fucking tabloid writers…when will they learn?”, she murmured to herself, and whipped around as she heard them approach, mouth opening wide and ready to terrify another idiot into submission. She froze in place when she saw Adrien. Her mouth made an o shape, and she quickly clammed it shut.

Adrien approached her slowly, like he would a spooked animal. Chloe seemed ragged and looked like she hadn’t slept a wink all night. Her right eyebrow was twitching, and she refused to look him in the face. Reflexively, Adrien found himself hugging his old friend. Chloe melted into the embrace, failing to hold back tears.

“A-Adrien?”, she asked, trying not to stutter. Realization washed over her like ice cold water, and Chloe pulled away, straightening her pose. “What- what are you doing here?”, came the tone filled with suspicion. She was looking directly at Alya and Nino.

Before Alya could say a word, Adrien came into Chloe’s view, blocking her gaze. “Chloe, take a deep breath. They’re with me.”, he soothed her.

Chloe took a deep breath and Adrien stepped away, letting her stare them both down. A cold, freezing gaze fell upon Nino and Alya as Chloe puffed out her chest, trying to look bigger than she was. After a moment of silence, she deflated, shoulders slumping and eyes looking to the ground. She pulled Adrien aside, walking a few steps away.

“You forgave them?”, she hissed at him. It wasn’t so much threatening as it was concerned.

Adrien gave her a weak smile. He decided to be honest. “It’s…a work in progress. I told them that Lila has been bothering Mari and I, they believed me. Alya feels like shit about the other day…”, he trailed off at the look Chloe gave him.

“You swore.”, she noted absentmindedly. Then, she shook her head. “Cesaire better be sorry. Even I wanted to chase after Dupain Cheng. Me! Sabrina said I should give her space. …look where it got us…”, Chloe sighed, and Adrien pulled her into another hug.

Chloe made a noise of surprise, then pulled away slightly to look Adrien in the eye. “Did you mean it?”, she asked suddenly. “Your text.” Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

Adrien smiled at her, and Chloe nearly crushed him in her arms. They stayed like that for a moment, with Alya and Nino staring in disbelief at the scene in front of them. When she was done trying to break Adrien’s ribs, Chloe huffed at them. “What? Can’t I give my friend a hug?”, she asked in mock offense.

Rightly, Adrien laughed at her. “Good to have you back Chloe!”, he said, patting her on the back.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Keep your hands off my jacket, it’s designer!”, she complained, but all that did was make them both laugh.

Nino walked towards them, dragging Alya along. They looked a little apprehensive, but she just stared them down until they gave in and came closer. He dared to speak first. “So…dudette. Does that mean you’ll tag along?”

Alya made to correct her boyfriend, worried that Chloe would erupt, but the blonde girl just sighed. “Yes, dude. But just because I’m being nice doesn’t mean we’re friends!”, she shouted, pointing at the two of them. When her finger came to hover in Adrien’s direction, he gave her a smile.

Despite herself, Chloe smiled back. “You know you’re too forgiving, right Adrikins?”

Adrien chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve been told.” A moment of silence. “So…what are you doing here anyways?”, he asked cautiously.

Chloe’s gaze fell to the inside of the bakery, where two figures were hovering in the back. “I…I’ll admit, I’ve been a real bitch to Marinette.”, she sighed. Nino made to open his mouth in agreement, but Chloe sent him a look scalding enough to thaw out Hawkmoth’s nonexistent heart. “I’ve been…busy. Zoe was upset, when she heard, so I had a full schedule yesterday. But…I couldn’t just leave Dupain Cheng’s parents alone. I know what people are willing to do for a couple views. So, I’m…standing guard, I guess.”

Chloe refused to acknowledge that she knew exactly how bad tabloids and media would get, because she’d been hounded back when her mother had first returned to New York long term. Or…left her, but she didn’t like to think about it that way. And after Zoe had come to Paris, similar bullshit reared its head, forcing Daddy and Officer Raincomprix to put them down, fast. She shook the thoughts away, and suddenly felt glad she’d ordered Daddy to put the hotel on lockdown, to keep Zoe away from the fucking parasites. She might only be her half-sister, but nobody deserved that kind of treatment.

Alya extended a hand, a symbol of truce. Chloe shook it, looking her over. “So, Cesaire? Here to bring the truth to light?”, she asked sarcastically, as if the girl who’d prized herself on being a reporter would know the truth even if it hit her on the head with Hawkmoth’s cane.

Nino nudged his girlfriend, and she responded. “Yeah…something like that. I really hate to say this, but we’ll be happy to have you.”, Alya breathed out, and turned to Nino.

“Yeah! Feel free to come along!”, he affirmed. Adrien just shot her a smile.

Chloe shook her head, pretending to think it over. It was nice to see those two idiots anxious. “Fine, I’ll come. I need to know who to exile, so why not?”, she said, completely serious. Adrien burst out laughing, and only then did the other two get the joke.

Before anyone could get another word in, the door to the bakery chimed open. Sabine Cheng was holding a tray with tea and cookies. “Chloe, dear? You know you can let Marinette’s friends inside, right?”, she asked, and quickly ushered them inside.

Adrien hesitated on the precipice. He hadn’t been able to step foot inside yesterday. Not even as Chat Noir. Could he dare to do so now, as just Adrien? Before he could start stepping into the door, Chloe shoved him inside. He looked back at her, and she rolled her eyes. “What? You weren’t going to, so someone had to help.”, she deflected, and quickly snagged a teacup. She downed the beverage in one go, turning to Marinette’s mom. “Thanks.”, she said curtly. “My throat was getting dry.”

Alya and Nino downed their own, but Adrien refused. It wasn’t out of politeness, but the smell was near-identical to the tea that Ladybug had made for him last night, and he could still taste in his mouth. It was comforting. Monsieur Dupain came from around the corner, and quickly shut the blinds behind them, turning the door sign back to Closed and shutting it tight.

Chloe looked at him, eyes narrowed. “That would have been helpful two hours ago.”, she said, annoyed. Monsieur Dupain didn’t seem to take offense, only lightly sighing.

Adrien suddenly remembered he should deliver Father’s letter. He took it out of his pocket and handed the envelope to the man, before turning to his wife. Before he could even speak, she cut him off. “It’s Sabine to you, Adrien. How many times do I need to tell you?”, she reminded him, and he nodded. It still didn’t seem very polite, but it had always felt right.

Alya suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence. “Sabine…I know we just got here, but could we please check out Mari’s room? I- I need to see something for myself.”, she said, looking frail and afraid, as if the slightest hint of a denial would break her completely. The prospect of investigation was the one thing that held her together, gave her a goal to work towards.

“Of course, Alya.”, answered Monsieur Dupain. “And remember to call me Tom, Adrien.”, he reminded the blonde. All four teens nodded, and Ma- Sabine walked over to her husband, who was slowly opening the letter. They set their tea cups down, and moved to the staircase. Chloe paused, looking over her shoulder.

“Um. Sabine?”, she called out, the name sounding wrong in her mouth. It felt too familiar, too nice for a person who was supposed to hate her. She’d relentlessly bullied Marinette for years, she didn’t deserve their kindness! She had no right to call them by their first name! Still, they’d both insisted. And if it would make them happy…maybe Chloe could begin to make up for how she’d acted.

“Thank you. For letting me do this. I know I’ve caused a lot of trouble for Marinette, so…thank you, for giving me a chance.”, she told them, and disappeared up the staircase. By the time the others reached the trapdoor to Marinette’s room, she was already standing there, looking at them in a way that conveyed exactly how badly she would scream at them, should anyone mention what she’d just said.

Nino climbed up the ladder first. “Uh…do I have to do the honors?”, he asked, suddenly hesitating. He tried to take a step down, but Chloe reached out to stop him.

“Does it look like they will?”, she asked him, pointing to Adrien and Alya. He looked frozen, stuck staring into the memories that he’d shared with his best friend, with the girl he loved, inside this room. Alya was visibly pale, and looked like her grief and guilt were moments from tearing her apart.

Nino sighed, and climbed through the trapdoor, shattering the barrier of memories which stood between them and Marinette’s space. Chloe followed suit, and soon enough Adrien shook himself out of it, reaching out to help Alya up. The four of them stood, taking in the scene. The skylight was open just the way Marinette, and later Chat Noir, had left it, her phone was on the ground, screen down and probably somewhat broken. Her desk light was shut off, the drawers left open. Chat hadn’t noticed that last night. It seemed like she’d taken her sketchbooks out of there.

Chloe moved to examine the tipped-over cardboard box under Marinette’s bed, looking at its bottom. The cardboard had a few scratches, as if things had been snagged on it, or removed in a hurry. Maybe a bracelet or a necklace? If so, where could it be? And why not store it in a drawer or something? Surely more than just one item was once in here. Chloe spotted a hiding spot under Marinette’s bed. The box looked to be an exact fit. Well, wasn’t that suspicious?

Alya was holding Marinette’s phone in her hand. The screen was cracked, a few tiny shards had fallen off. She scooped them up, taking out a small plastic bag from her purse and putting them inside. She tried to open it, but found it wouldn’t do anything. Probably out of power. But she knew where Mari kept her chargers. Bottom right drawer. And so, she dug in, finding one of her spares. With how often Marinette lost things, Max had bought her a bunch for her last birthday. They’d all laughed it off as a joke gift, but apparently, he’d been completely serious. At least they would come into good use now. She plugged one into the electrical socket on the wall, connecting the phone to it. Alya pulled up Marinette’s chair, and slowly sat, only taking her eyes off the device to look at the picture next to Mari’s computer. Kagami, Adrien and Marinette, smiling at the park on a sunny day. The frame was broken, and the top part seemed to have gotten wet. Water would have destroyed it…and those looked more like tear marks. Alya shook her head, turning back to the phone.

Nino was checking over the broken dollhouse in the corner of the room. This…wasn’t here last time he’d visited. Alya or Adrien might know more, but he wanted to investigate for himself. So, he ran a hand over the insides, and noticed that the cardboard used for the project had been curved near the edges. It wasn’t torn or destroyed, so Nino tried putting it back together. It fell apart, something missing at the center. He noted the oval shape that formed when he tried to fix it up. Almost as if this had been made with another item in mind, that would go in the middle. Like Marinette had built the dollhouse around…whatever it was, to hide it.

Adrien had climbed onto Marinette’s bed. The mattress was still wet from last night’s storm, and within a pool of water…was the diary. Pages in tatters and soaked beyond legibility, but here it was! He snatched it and jumped back down, water droplets falling from the hardened cover. Most of the pink color was gone, and it was absolutely impossible to read even a single word. All the shreds of paper had been irreversibly soaked. So, he quickly removed the remains, holding them in one hand.

He waved everyone over. Alya took out another plastic bag, and motioned for Adrien to place the wet tatters inside. Lot of good it would do them, but still. Evidence. Nino and Chloe walked up to them. Alya took the lead, speaking first.

“Okay! I found her phone, but it’s out of juice. We’re waiting for it to charge. Did you guys find anything?”, she asked, taking out another two plastic mini-bags from her purse.

Chloe narrowed her eyes. “Looks like you came prepared.”, she said coldly. Her angry expression faded, and she sighed deeply. “Well, I found a box that must have been full of Dupain Cheng’s projects, and it must have been hidden under her bed at some point. The bottom was scratched, like something sharp got stuck in it. Some kind of jewelry, maybe diamond?”, she guessed. Chloe wasn’t entirely sure, but liked to think she knew her stuff when it came to expensive clothes.

Nino gave his own report. “Yeah, and I checked out the dollhouse. Marinette must have made it herself, and look!”, he pointed at the oval shape. “Looks like it was built around something, it didn’t stand on its own even when I tried to hold it up.”, he said. “But…I’ve got no clue what it could be.”

Adrien showed off the diary. “Well, I’m pretty sure this is her diary. She was always so…secretive about it, never let me read it.”, he mumbled. Chloe had a thought. “Yeah, definitely a diary. I remember sending Sabrina to fetch it, and Dupain Cheng even had a trap to protect it. Why destroy something she tried so hard to keep to herself?”, she questioned.

Everyone else shook their head. Why indeed? What did Marinette have to hide, that she would tear apart her innermost thoughts, leaving them under the skylight for rainfall to completely destroy? Alya didn’t think the diary’s placement was an accident. She placed it inside her third bag, it barely managed to fit.

“Her computer seems fine, so we could try that”, Alya proposed. “Also, that broken picture. Doesn’t seem like she threw it, it’s too intact for that”, she pointed out, at which Adrien gave a sigh of relief. They all moved to Marinette’s desk. Nino looked to Adrien.

“Well, don’t you have any secret spy gear? Or do we have to guess the password like normal detectives?”, he joked. Adrien let out of a laugh.

“Bro, who do you think I am, Felix? My dad might be…you know, but I’m not a spy!”, Adrien joked back. Chloe huffed and shoved him out of the way, and sat down on Marinette’s chair.

“For Ladybug’s sake, do I have to do everything myself?”, she asked, typing out a password. The computer unlocked on the first try, revealing a collage of Adrien photos as Marinette’s background. He blushed. She still hadn’t changed it.

At the impressed look Alya sent her, Chloe just shrugged. “What? It was just Adrien’s birthday! She wasn’t subtle, you know.”, she insisted, and Alya sent her a flat stare.

“Yeah, right. That’s why you’re the only one other than Adrien who didn’t know before being told.”, she teased the blonde. Chloe waved a hand in the air, annoyed. Ignoring Alya, she opened up the File Explorer on Marinette’s computer. All the folders were normal. Homework, Adrien pictures, notes, downloaded Ladyblog videos, more Adrien photos. Thankfully for his heart, it seemed she hadn’t opened those folders up in a few months now.

Wait. Did that mean that she was crushing on Adrien first and moved onto Chat Noir after? So…Marinette had liked him since they first met? The thought made Adrien’s heart flutter, and then sing in pain at the thought that he wouldn’t get to reciprocate.

Chloe pushed the chair back, getting to her feet. She huffed, annoyed. “Nothing! Absolutely nothing important in here! The movies make this look easy!”, she exclaimed, and Nino failed to stifle a laugh.

Chloe suppressed her shriek of anger, but still shoved him. Nino was unprepared and lost his balance, grabbing onto the first thing he saw for support. Which happened to be a bit of string hanging from the ceiling, next to Marinette’s bed. Adrien caught him, but a massive sheet of thick paper fell over them, almost splitting the room in two. When they boys managed to free themselves, they saw Alya’s tears falling to the floor. It was a massive calendar, the one which had once marked Adrien’s birthday, modeling shoots, and plans like Operation Secret Garden. Now it was mostly empty, except for a couple days marked with a green paw print.

She was lost in memory of talks and plans, and Adrien followed suit, recalling nights of sitting with her under the night sky, looking at the stars. Of watching movies while huddled on her bed, sharing a blanket. Of clinking teacups and that one time where he’d lost in truth or dare, and Marinette forced Chat Noir to have his claws painted green. It faded away when he de-transformed back into Adrien after going home, but he could still hear her laugh. See her eyes. Someone was nudging him. Nino was nudging him.

Adrien turned to his friend. “Sorry, sorry! I…got lost in thought.”, he apologized, and Nino squeezed his shoulder in comfort. Alya gazed intensely at the calendar, like she was holding a staring contest. Suddenly, she jumped into the air.

“Chat Noir! We need to find Chat Noir!”, she yelled, and Adrien turned to look at her so fast that he got dizzy. Chloe looked at Alya like she’d gone insane.

“And…what exactly does Ladybug’s housecat have to do with Dupain Cheng?”, she asked. Adrien might have been a little offended if she wasn’t unintentionally helping him hide his identity.

Alya looked at her as if it was obvious. “Well, duh! It’s the paw prints! Green paw prints, on the calendar! And Mari has always been a Chat Noir fan!”, she insisted. And besides, she remembered that Marinette had been rescued by Chat Noir plenty of times! Marinette had actually gushed to her about it, though only once, where for a moment they'd both forgotten the tension that had then just begun to form in their friendship. The tension that Lila had created... If anyone was going to know something about Marinette that she didn't, it had to be Chat Noir! It had to be and she had to find him...because if not, Alya wasn't sure what else she could do.

Nino joked before he could think better of it. “So…your bestie was in love with a furry?”, the words came to break the tension, and it was Chloe who howled in laughter.

“I’m glad someone finally said it!”, she exclaimed. Adrien would have said something in his defense, that the cat suit was just Plagg's thing and that it was for the aesthetic, but then Marinette’s phone buzzed, screen lighting up.

They all huddled around the device, looking at the phone like it was a sacred relic. Chloe quickly tried Adrien’s birthday, only to be met with failure at unlocking it. Alya hummed in thought. “Try Marinette’s password, 11092015.”, she suggested.

“The day of the first Akuma attack?”, Nino questioned. “Oh, yeah. That’s when she and Adrien first met.”, he corrected himself, as if it was obvious. Adrien violently suppressed a blush. The phone buzzed…but didn’t unlock. Only one more try, and it would lock for an hour. Nobody wanted to wait that long.

For a moment, the teens sat to think. Adrien thought it might be the first time he visited as Chat, but…he had no way of knowing that for sure. And Adrien definitely did not know that a superhero was visiting his friend on most nights. On the calendar, she’d only marked the ones where they’d planned something beforehand.

Nino thought for a moment, of what it could be. But…nothing came it mind. Knowing that Marinette had been hiding something from even Adrien and Alya, it could be some symbolic acronym like the Chinese Zodiac letters, for all he knew. He wasn’t going to waste their chance on something dumb.

Chloe moved next to Adrien, and picked up the picture of him, Kagami and Marinette. “Hey, Adrikins? When was this?”, she asked him. He told her the date, and she suggested they try it out. Having nothing to really lose, except maybe some more time, they went through with it, and the phone unlocked.

Alya Cesaire had not sworn louder in her entire life. On the screen were messages from Lila, all of them mocking, demeaning, and insulting Marinette. Once Adrien saw, he was unironically about to and find the girl, and then Cataclysm her. He’d known that Lila was causing them both problems, but to actually see the words in front of him. Nino’s hand hit the desk; Chloe snarled at the words in front of her.

“You’re completely useless, Marinette. Nobody is going to miss you. And if you dare come back, I’ll make sure you regret it.”

That was Lila’s message. In his heart, his soul, his very being, Adrien knew this had been the final straw on the camel’s back.

Alya stared, speechless. She stared…looked, gazed, burned the taunting, hateful messages into her eyes. And suddenly, she was very much hoping Hawkmoth would show up. She’d take the Akuma on purpose, if it meant getting to rip and tear Lila Rossi apart! That bitch, that manipulative psychopath who had taken advantage of Adrien, had actually convinced Alya that something was wrong with Marinette, her best friend! She looked back to their arguments.

Each and every single one of them played out before her eyes, all at the same time. And each and every single one, about Lila Rossi. About how Lila was taking advantage of their classmates, faking disabilities, how she’d never donated to charity, how she’d lied about having connections and saving Jagged Stone’s pet kitten. And on Marinette’s phone…here was the evidence.

“Nobody is ever going to believe you, Marinette.”

“You know I only tell people what they want to hear, it’s not my fault if they don’t question it!”

“Would you look at that? Alya didn’t listen to you, again! She’s never going to listen to you! I have her and all your stupid ‘friends’ wrapped around my pinky finger! All it took for them to abandon you were just a few kind words! And don’t forget, you brought this on yourself! Opposing me was a very big mistake, Marinette. Coming back on Monday…we both know that’s a death sentence.”

Mind going numb, Alya turned the phone off and placed it in her final plastic bag, sealing the zipper shut. Another second, and she would have thrown it out the window in rage. How had she been so stupid? Now, finally, she could see it.

It was as if an illusory filter had been lifted from her memories, and now Alya could finally see Lila for the lying wretch that she was! Who could have possibly survived being next to a jet engine at takeoff? Who could possibly have uncles and aunts and cousins and friends who knew absolutely every important person the class would bring up? How had Rose never corrected Lila, told her that Prince Ali does charities for the environment, and not for children’s hospitals? How is it possible that a paper napkin would gouge out Max’s eye…from behind his glasses?

Alya fell to the floor, legs failing her. She registered Nino coming close to her, and didn’t have the strength to shove him away. She felt like she was the scum of the earth, undeserving to even exist, much less do so inside Marinette’s room. She had- she had told Marinette she hated her.

What had she done?

Nino tried to touch Alya’s shoulder, but Chloe pulled his arm back, and waved him towards Adrien, who looked like he wanted to either commit a crime, or start crying and never stop. Nino didn’t relent, still trying to get close to Alya, but Chloe held him back with an iron grip. After a few more seconds of struggling, he obeyed the unspoken order, and Chloe was free to go near Alya.

“Cesaire. I need you to look at me.”, she told her, voice cold and commanding. Alya gave no response. Chloe gripped Alya by the jaw, and forced the girl to look her in the eye. She didn’t struggle, her eyes were filled with tears and her mind was elsewhere.

“CESAIRE!”, Chloe screamed in her face. “I told you to look at me!”, she repeated, and Alya slowly blinked at her, as if just now realizing Chloe was there.

The heiress of Paris sighed deeply. “Listen, you fucked up. A lot. Everyone did.”, Chloe began, and Alya leveled her with a self-pitying look, powerful enough to convey that she was well aware.

Chloe did not falter. “Well listen up! You are a reporter! An investigator! And you know what Rossi is? A filthy, lying bitch, that’s taking advantage of all your friends! Tell me, are you just going to sit there and let her, or are you going to get the fuck up and finish what Marinette started?”

Alya seemed to consider the words, the look of sheer grief and guilt etched onto her face seemed to fade, if only for a second. She blinked through her tears, wiping her eyes on her sleeve. Chloe offered her a hand to stand up, and Alya took it, stumbling through the motion. Adrien and Nino approached them. Sunshine looked angered beyond belief, and for a split second, she saw him as Gabriel Agreste’s son. Nino hugged her the moment Alya was up, refusing to let go.

When he finally relented, it was Adrien’s turn to swoop all three of them in for a massive hug that nearly took the air out Chloe’s lungs. Adrien let go, and leveled them all with a determined look. “Guys. We said we’d find out what Lila had done, and make her face justice! Well…we found what she’s done to Marinette. What she’s responsible for! And right now, we need to plan our next move, and finish what Mari started!”, he shouted, and Alya nodded repeatedly, agreeing wholeheartedly. Nino gave a stiff nod in support, and Chloe looked at her nails, averting her gaze. After a moment, she sighed deeply. “Fine…I’m in.”, she relented, and the four of them gathered their evidence, and headed back downstairs.

They stopped to speak with Tom and Sabine, who were sitting behind the counter, Gabriel’s letter clutched in both their hands. They turned to face the teens as they came downstairs. Sabine came up to Adrien, and wrapped him in a tight hug. “Adrien, please, thank your father for us. He really didn’t need to offer!”, she insisted, and while Adrien would normally smile politely and agree, he didn’t have the energy to hide his surprise.

Tom noticed first. “Oh, did he not tell you? You father, bless his soul, offered to handle the…arrangements for us. He says here he wants to pay for everything, even if we decide to deal with it ourselves. Please, thank Gabriel for us. I- I just don’t know what to say…”, he explained, and Adrien truly couldn’t hide his shock. Why would Father-

He shook his head. It was a question for later. For now, he promised them he would, and after saying goodbye to the Dupain-Cheng couple, leaving them to grieve in privacy, the four ended up sitting down at a bench in the park. Chloe was the one who spoke first.

“So! We know Rossi was clearly bullying Du- uh, Marinette. She’s probably been lying about literally everything she’s ever said, and I wouldn’t be too surprised if she’s been wearing a wig this whole time. We have the phone, but we need more evidence. Where do we start?”, she asked them, looking at Alya.

Oh, right. She was the investigator. Still didn’t feel like it, but… “Well, we need more proof. The school has security cameras in a few places, so if we get access to the footage, we’ll probably find Lila doing something.”, she said, still deep in thought.

Nino interjected. “Yeah, like the bitch hanging off Adrien’s arm. I swear man, we need to get you checked for rabies or something!”, he joked, and Chloe’s head snapped up in surprise.

She grabbed Adrien’s arm and lifted his sleeve to check it over. Right there, feint and fading, were nail marks. Chloe let go, and stomped onto the ground as hard as she could. “I’m going to kill her.”, she hissed angrily.

Adrien just chuckled. “Get in line Chlo. Kagami might still let you dispose of the pieces once she finds out about this.”, he joked, and pulled out his phone. “I’ll tell her to meet up with us so we can go somewhere and talk. And…if she happens to bring a sword, don’t question it.”, he warned them, only half serious.

Kagami did indeed bring a sword, a concealed Katana whose black-gold sheathe was hidden under her long skirt. She got out of her car and walked over to them at the park, immediately checking Adrien’s arms. She bit back a few exotic curses when she noticed the marks. Turning to Alya, to the person most likely to know where Rossi was, she unsheathed her blade.

“Provide me with the bitch’s address, now!”, she demanded, ready to raise her sword high. Adrien swooped between the two, grabbing Kagami by the shoulders and slowly lowering her arms back down.

She gave him a disappointed look, as if she’d been hoping him to endorse Lila’s demise…which Chat Noir did, but he couldn’t tell her that. Kagami then sighed deeply and sheathed her blade once more. Adrien’s eyes darted around them. No reaction from the other people nearby. Was raising an actual katana and nearly slicing someone in half not interesting enough to warrant a response, or was Plagg right? Were people really blind in this city?

Kagami bowed at Alya, expressing an apology. The Blogger staggered, but still accepted it, if with some hesitance. In Kagami’s defense, Adrien cited that she took a little time to warm up to new people, was upset by Lila, and also didn’t know Alya very well. Nino did not back him up, but still thought the katana was absolutely sick, dude!

Soon after that, the five found themselves wandering the streets of Paris, having decided to hold off the investigation until tomorrow morning, when Principal Damocles would actually be in the office that held their valuable intelligence. Chloe had suggested going shopping, saying that Alya and Nino’s current wardrobe was clearly subpar, and if they were going to be working together, they’d need something acceptable to wear.

They had both firmly declined her, instead preferring Kagami’s suggestion to go on a walk around the city and clear their heads. Adrien, Nino and Alya took point, leaving Chloe and Kagami at the rear. The heiress had fallen stiffly silent, and so Kagami elected to nudge her and ask what was on her mind. Any friend of Adrien was someone she was at least willing to be civil with, and Marinette had taught her it was the decent thing to do.

Chloe gave her a long look, shifted her shoulder away, and continued looking forward. Kagami tapped her shoulder again, harder this time. After around a minute, Chloe relented. “What do you want?”, she asked, voice cold and indifferent.

Kagami narrowed her eyes at the blonde. “Do you dislike me?”, she asked bluntly. She’d never liked the way that her mother’s business partners jumped around the point they were trying to make, frankly there was no point in not being direct, unless a situation warranted delicacy. It was like practicing with her sword, in a sense.

The blonde huffed, but then gave in, shoulders slumped slightly. “No. I’m just…didn’t you tell me to never speak to you again?”, she asked, sounding annoyed. She looked irritated when Kagami failed to recall the incident. “You know, when you went to the Ladybug Movie Premiere with Adrien?”, she elaborating, sighing as if this was work for her.

Kagami concluded it quite likely would be considered work for Chloe Bourgeois. Even Adrien had stopped trying to defend her after the Sole Crusher incident, which clearly spoke volumes of her character. And yet, Chloe was still with them, so she examined the blonde’s words carefully. After a moment, a memory came to mind.

“Ahh, yes. I remember. But you are here now, and Adrien approves of it. He’s a good judge of character, and clearly this time you’re willing to be civil. So, I’ll retract my statement. Hello, Chloe. I am Kagami, it’s nice to meet you.”, she extended a hand in greeting. Chloe stifled a laugh, but still shook it.

“Oh, now I see why Dupain Cheng called you the Ice Queen. Honestly…I think I like your style!”, Chloe exclaimed, tightening the handshake. Kagami smiled, satisfied. Marinette had explained and profusely apologized for their…misunderstanding over Adrien back when she was still dating him, so she had no reason to be offended.

Instead, Kagami offered her new acquaintance a compliment, as Marinette had cited was polite to do. “I like your jacket, it’s very colorful.”, she said, surprised that her tone did not sound dry. So, her lessons with Mari had paid off! Honestly…she’d be lost when it came to social interaction, if not for her. Kagami hoped she could honor Marinette’s teachings in the future, and make more friends. It still felt awkward, off to speak to someone in an informal way unless they were Adrien or Marinette. …or, just Adrien now, she supposed. But Marinette had told her she just wasn’t used to it, and the more Kagami tried, the better at small talk she would get.

Adrien paused in front of them, Alya and Nino waiting with him until they were all together again, clustered in one big group. Kagami felt herself shift a little bit. She didn’t quite know how to handle this situation, but she would certainly try. Adrien caught her eyes and smiled, gently encouraging her. She smiled back.

“Ahh, man. I swear after the morning we just had, I kind of want to go sit down for a while. Jam to some music, you know?”, Nino spoke up, and Alya backed him on it.

The blogger stopped her stride, thinking deeply. “Hmm…hey, Nino? That place we passed by last week, is it around here?”, she asked him. Kagami blinked at them, and Chloe shrugged, indifferent. Her throat was killing her, after so much yelling at tabloid writers this morning. She said she wouldn’t complain so long as there was something warm to drink, and the place wasn’t visibly horrible. Kagami did not quite mind, but still hoped they had tea. She had gained a newfound appreciation of it thanks to Marinette, who’d always insisted on her help when trying out new blends. Well, before her mother had forbidden Kagami from going near her friend, at least.

That had not stopped either of them, of course, but part of her still wished she could have had one final conversation with Marinette, and not necessarily to say goodbye. Just to talk. Perhaps, one day, they would meet again in some other life, Kagami thought, and didn’t pursue the matter further. What was the point, when her friend would not have wanted them to sadden because of her? Obviously, Kagami understood that she needed to grieve, and she had done so, locking herself inside and far away from anything that would remind her of the outside world, of the fact that Marinette was now absent from it. Then, she had called Adrien for comfort, but there had been no response. And so, she was forced to cry alone yesterday. But Kagami wasn’t delusional, she knew he’d been in writhing pain as well, and so he was forgiven.

“Honestly guys, I’m really glad to be out with everyone today.”, Adrien said suddenly, the remnants of a thoughtful expression quickly fading from his face. He’d clearly been considering something, but she did not want to press him in public. Later, Kagami would ask. For now, she smiled at him.

Nino threw one arm over Adrien’s shoulder, letting out a laugh. “Me too! It’s nice to go out as a group! If you hadn’t called, Alya and I would still be cooped up inside her room. …I really needed this man. Just talking is…good. I like it.”

Chloe walked up to them, and threw her arm around Adrien’s free side. She still looked like she’d just swallowed something sour, but the tiniest hint of a smile was forming on her face. “Yeah, yeah! Hanging out with me is great and all, I know I’m awesome!”, she joked, and it took a moment before Adrien burst into laughter.

“I’ve really missed you guys! Seriously, the only thing that can possibly ruin this day is another thunderstorm!”, he quipped back, mimicking storming clouds with his hands. Kagami giggled quietly, and found herself walking next to Alya.

The next couple were of minutes were bliss for everyone. Just idle chatter between friends enjoying a clear Sunday morning. Adrien made his usual share of horrid puns, and of course Kagami had joined in, completely shocking Chloe down to her core. The heiress had twisted her face in disgust, but quickly found herself laughing along and enjoying the company. Unfortunately, Adrien terrible luck ruined the moment when the skies cracked open again, drizzle and rain starting to fall upon them. Great. He just had to jinx it, didn’t he? Chloe then shrieked and demanded they get out this rain before it destroyed her hair, and so Alya directed them to a shortcut. The café wasn’t far, and the teens broke out into a mass-sprint to reach safety.


Samantha was quietly sitting down when the rain started. She looked out to the sky through the window. Rain again. At least she’d thought to go to Eiffel beforehand and dropped her things off home. Emma had in fact arrived for the early morning shift, and had kindly taken her lights down, putting Ladybug’s things in a pile so she could easily grab them. The college girl had bashfully admitted to taxing a few cookies, but other than that, everything had been right where she had left it. The lights were ruined by the rain, but her spare blanket and food was safely home. As for future visits, Emma offered to exchange her silence for more sweets. They were the best she’d ever tried. Ladybug had quickly agreed, and took a trip back to her place to bring the girl a full container before finally going back home to set her things down.

With her stuff back in place, Samantha had decided to go get herself a celebratory drink down at Flora’s Café, the place she’d passed by yesterday. Tikki was sleeping in her purse, and she was waiting for her coffee. Part of her was still worried for Chat Noir, after last night. She hoped he was somewhere warm, and not outside again.

“Hey, Samantha? Coffee’s here!”, a voice chirped on her left side, and she turned to see Flora putting down her order. The steaming cup had some latte art on top, a tiny ladybug peeking out from inside the beverage.

In any other situation, she would have laughed at the irony, but as she’d learned in the past couple minutes, this was just the woman’s style. Flora was a middle-aged ginger, slightly on the plus side and with frazzled hair that seemed to refuse the notion of staying down at all costs. A gentle, warm smile had beckoned Samantha inside, and she apparently loved her job, and was always interesting in getting to know more people. The Café was decorated in painted fauna with a few insects on top, mostly ladybugs. A small black cat was painted behind the counter, looking like it was resting on top of it from a distance. Ladybug didn’t need to be a genius to figure out where Flora had found her inspiration.

“He-llo? Are you okay?”, she asked gently. Oh, right, the coffee.

Samantha snapped herself out of her thoughts. She quickly accepted the cup, flashing the woman a warm smile in thanks. The rest of the café was full of other patrons, and she’d managed to snag the corner booth in the back. Well, there was room for six, so with the rain she probably wouldn’t be alone much longer. Still, she was content to enjoy the coffee and the atmosphere for a while longer, until the skies calmed down.

“Yeah, I’m good!”, she quickly assured. “I was just looking at your art! It’s amazing!”, she said, pointing at the ladybugs drawn on the wall, sitting on leaves.

Flora gave a heartfelt laugh. “Oh, thank you! I drew those myself you know! Got some inspiration from a certain pair of people I look up to.”

Samantha found herself laughing. It was so easy to be open with her, she just had that air around her, was the kind of person you could just talk to. The sour taste that finding Chat last night had left in her mouth felt like it was washed away by an unrelenting torrent of positivity. That, along with personal touch was probably why she had so many customers. “Right! We all love Ladybug and Chat Noir!”, she replied, and Flora shook her head in amusement. Tikki would probably like her, if they ever met.

“In that case, maybe you’ll become a regular?”, she joked, passing her the cup.

Samantha rolled her eyes. “Well, let’s see. You have Wi-Fi, good art, and coffee! What else could I need?”, she asked in turn, taking out a sketchbook from her backpack and pointing to it.

Flora laughed and quickly left her to it, attending to other customers. Samantha moved the coffee cup to the side, and took out a pencil from her bag, setting the sketchbook down in front of her. It was brand new, and therefore empty. But she had no intention of letting it stay that way. And…she did mean to try and give a personal touch to her apartment…

With a new goal in mind, Ladybug began to visualize her apartment. The arrangement of the couches, the kitchen table, her design room. Quickly, she drew them down, tapping the pencil as she tried to figure out just what changes she’d like to make. Samantha let herself zone out, content to work on autopilot as her mind visualized the scene in front of her. She imagined having finished decorating, and proudly showing Chat her work. He would give her a laugh, say that he still loved her more, and maybe kiss her cheek. Ladybug blushed at that, and only the ring of Flora’s doorbell pulled her out of her thoughts. That, and an eerily familiar voice.

“Oh, thank goodness! I’m never going outside again!”, came Nino’s voice, followed by far too many footsteps for only one person. Oh…Kwami please no… 

Samantha was half-tempted to jump through the window and escape when she heard Alya’s voice. Why did they have to be here? How did they find her? Did- did they know? Surely they couldn't! “Hey, I told you it wasn’t far!”, Alya protested loudly, before suddenly making a noise as she realized they were in public.

From where she sat, Samantha could see a blond ponytail peeking out from the doorway. She knew that hair, and the yellow jacket that usually came with it. “Ugh…at least my hair isn’t completely ruined. And…it’s not terrible.”, Chloe admitted. Samantha...blanked, at her presence. With Lila taking the forefront as her number one enemy, Chloe had faded to a little more than background noise, to someone who, for all her terrible attitude, was clearly not a real problem when compared to someone who really wanted to do harm like Lila Rossi. Maybe...well, she hoped they wouldn't interact, but maybe Samantha could afford to be civil with her. Chloe had just...stayed out of it, oddly enough. So Sam could tolerate her, even if she'd rather be left alone. Better Chloe than Alya, or Kwami forbid, Adrien. She didn't think she could deal with that right now.

Flora laughed from behind the counter, warm and inviting as she had been all day. DId this woman never get tired of being nice? Even Ladybug had, or at least...the girl once behind the mask. “Welcome to my café! As luck would have it, there happens to be a booth just to the back! Please go sit down, I’ll be right with you!”, she exclaimed with a bright smile, and the footsteps came closer.

“I quite like your style, miss…Flora, was it? It’s very…nature-y.”, Kagami’s voice said. It looked like their friend-making lessons had paid off! Wait, what was Kagami doing in the same room as the other three? The only way this group would be together was if they were all with…


He was right. there. Samantha felt black spots enter her vision, the world barely holding itself together with every footstep her best friend took. He was coming closer. She needed to leave, to get out before he noticed her because he was not allowed to find her so soon! But...she was trapped. Adrien led his group across the cafe and turned to look at her, pausing just by her booth. “Uh, hi? Do you…mind if we sit down here?”, he tried shyly, polite as always.

Right, he didn’t know her. Every instinct in Samantha’s body wanted to reach out and hug him, to hold him tightly and tell her best friend that she was okay, that everything would be fine, that they could begin anew…but she couldn’t. Adrien couldn’t keep a secret to save his life, and besides, the others were here. Kagami could be trusted wholeheartedly, but she’d most likely to stab her with a katana for the deception. She kept her eyes on her sketchpad, and tried to sound indifferent. “Sure, sit wherever you want.”, she replied, pulling her coffee closer to make space.

Out of the five, of course Adrien chose to sit next to her. Alya sat across from Samantha, followed by Nino and Chloe. Kagami sat down next to Adrien. Ladybug cursed her luck. Or lack thereof, since it always seemed to abandon her at the worst possible moments!

There was silence in the booth, and for a moment Samantha contemplated leaving them to…whatever they were doing. It was better not to get involved with it, better to not risk it. But she was trapped, and wasn’t about to force Adrien and Kagami to get back up just to run away. And...there was another thunderstorm. Samantha was better off not testing her luck for the third time in a row, given this week's track record. Instead, she decided to hide her face behind her coffee cup, and burrow into the sketchpad. Maybe they would just ignore her and eventually wander away, and let her get back to planning out her renovations. 

Alya shot the black-haired girl a sideways glance, noticing that she seemed adamant to avoid eye contact, but still said nothing. Nino broke the silence first. “So…are we going to talk, or…”, he trailed off, letting the others catch his meaning.

Chloe perked up, glaring at Samantha through her sunglasses. “Not with her here. We don’t know her.”, she said in an icy tone. It was exact same tone she once used to bully Marinette with, to make her feel inferior in every possible way. But now, Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead, and Samantha Fae -Ladybug- was not about to take shit from Chloe Bourgeois of all people. 

She lifted herself from behind the cup, having emptied about half of it to make her hiding less obvious, and glared right back. “Do you have a problem with me?”, she asked, narrowing her eyes. “Because the exit is right there, if you can’t tolerate me, your highness.” The title came out sarcastic and mocking, but frankly she didn’t care. Chloe would literally be dead a hundred times over if not for Ladybug, and Samantha Fae wasn’t a superhero. Nobody was forcing her to be polite.

Chloe’s eyebrow twitched, but Adrien reached out to cut off her reply. “Chloe, be nice. She didn’t do anything wrong.”, he pointed out. The heiress did not seem to agree, but hesitantly relented. Adrien turned to face her. “Uh, hi again! Thanks for letting us sit with you…um…”

Oh, he didn’t know her name. “Samantha Fae”, she extended a hand, shaking it excitedly. “It’s nice to meet you, Adrien!”, came the reply, and she was too late to stop herself from slipping up.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Heh. You probably know me from the photoshoots, right?”, he asked, embarrassed. While Samantha absolutely would have teased him if they were alone, she couldn’t risk Alya or Chloe catching onto her, so she refrained.

Deflecting, she pointed to her sketchbook. “The clothes actually. I’m a designer, and I study a lot of your father’s lines. They’re…nice. A bit bland, if I’m honest.”, she said, and Nino suddenly snorted, nearly falling over.

“Dude! I’ve never heard someone else say it! I thought I was alone!”, he laughed, extending a hand. “Name’s Nino, by the way.”, he said, then pointed to Alya. “And this is Alya, my girlfriend.”, he proudly announced. Good to see he was still a dork. 

Samantha rolled her eyes, trying to look exasperated instead of two seconds away from a breakdown. Seeing him and Alya smile at her after so long…it just hurt in a way their fights hadn’t, before. If she’d been better, planned her arguments out more, could she have convinced them somehow? Would they have somehow listened? Would she have kept her friends? Would Marinette still have a reason to exist?

“Uh, right.”, she shook his hand only a second too late. “Nice to meet you.” Trying to be polite -yes, even with Chloe-, she extended a hand towards the blonde, but she batted it away with her nails.

“No way! I’m not letting your hands go near my clothes, you peasant!”, she refused, pulling away. Adrien shot her a look, and while Chloe did pull back her disgust, her hand stayed away from Samantha’s.

Kagami suddenly reached out from behind Adrien. “Hello there. My name is Kagami. Please don’t mind the sword, it’s for the aesthetic.”, she…joked, Samantha realized as she shook her hand.

Adding some excitement to her voice, she tried to look impressed. “Is that a real Katana? I never thought I’d meet a Samurai!”, came the teasing reply. Kagami looked confused, and it took her a second to flash her a slightly toothy smile. At least it was better than the last time she tried making friends…

Alya leaned forward, and Samantha found herself trying to back away. The blogger noticed and relaxed her posture, and she mimicked her. “So…girl, would you mind ignoring us for a minute? We need to talk about some…personal stuff, if that’s okay?”, she asked, trying a tad too hard to be casual.

Thankfully, Alya was a blessing in disguise. Samantha quickly agreed and burrowed herself back into the sketchbook, zoning out from the world around her. Adrien’s eyes occasionally flickered to her, but Ladybug did her best to ignore it, focusing on Chat Noir. His eyes, his voice, his hair, his terrible puns…their meeting tonight. The pencil danced in her hand as she got lost in the world of art, and her other hand occasionally brought the coffee cup to her lips as the rain drizzled on the window next to her.


Samantha Fae, Adrien decided, was eerily familiar. From the moment he’d spotted her, something about she way she looked at him screamed that he knew her from somewhere. Her eyes had flashed in recognition, so clearly, they’d met before. But for the life of him, Adrien could not remember when! She said she was a designer, but looked to their age. His film crew rarely changed, and if they did then Adrien still only interacted with a handful of people with the exception of scheduling emergencies. She was not part of his shoots, and the look she gave wasn’t the same as of a rabid fangirl. He’d seen way too many of those to not recognize it…

The defensive tone in her voice when she sassed Chloe made Adrien feel like he knew it from somewhere. From someone. But his mind came up empty. Still, the raven-black hair and blue eyes made him think he’d seen her before, surely. Had they bumped into each other at some point? And the way her pencil danced onto her sketchbook…he had seen a pencil move like that before. It was like a barrier had been placed inside his mind, and he just couldn’t connect the dots.

Still, he wasn’t the only one who noticed. Alya had immediately relaxed around the new girl, and she frankly did not know why. They had never met before, and yet for a moment, Samantha had looked at her like they were old friends. Alya just didn’t know what to make of it. And unlike Nino, she had heard someone bash Gabriel Agreste’s designs before. Once, and only once, Marinette had offhandedly mentioned during a sleepover -half-asleep as she was- that she thought he never added enough detailing, that the clothes were sometimes too bland and empty.

Alya shared a look with Nino. He leaned into her shoulder, and she whispered the thought. It was ridiculous, but the dark-haired designer was reminding her of Marinette. Well...most things did, so it wasn't exactly a surprise. In return, Nino just gave her a one-armed hug. “Babe, it’s okay. We all miss Mari, but just because the dudette is a designer doesn’t mean anything. We just met her.”, he’d whispered back. And he was right. Samantha really did make Alya think of Marinette. There wasn’t anything obviously similar about them except hobby -or maybe occupation, since the girl hadn’t specified-, but she unconsciously kept looking at her while they waited for their orders to arrive. The dark hair, the reserved, almost scared mannerisms, the way she was so focused on her sketching, even her posture looked similar. But...Alya was probably just seeing what she wanted to see. She shook her head, trying to push the thought of her best friend away as Flora approached with their drinks. 

Two herbal teas for Chloe and Kagami, black coffee for Adrien, and two lattes for her Nino. They mostly delved back into idle chatter, about Kagami’s sword in the case of Nino, and about Gabriel…being nice, in the case of Adrien and Chloe, but Alya noticed she wasn’t the only one glancing at the raven-haired girl. Adrien had much the same issue, stealing looks as if he’d noticed something and delaying his responses, to look at her for just a moment longer. Something the others hadn’t. Alya was so absorbed in her thoughts that she honestly forgot to say something until Nino nudged her.

“…then yes, we are back at the main issue.”, Kagami was saying. Seemed like Nino had stopped fawning over the sword. “What do we do about…you know?”, she asked conspiratorially, lowering her voice. Glancing at Samantha, the girl was still completely throwing herself in her sketchpad, deaf to their conversation. She’d…actually taken Alya seriously, and maybe she was doing the designer a favor? She had looked so absorbed in her work before they came around, so they’d probably disturbed her.

Chloe spoke up, with a quite terrible recommendation. “Well, we could always just get someone Akumatized. Like, ruin one of Nathaniel’s books and leave behind something of Lila’s so he thinks that she did it? Ladybug will have to kick his ass, yeah, but Lila will be in the open, and we can go snooping through her stuff! We’ll probably find something that proves she’s been bullying…you know who.”, she suggested, sound almost overeager to damage Lila’s reputation. “Since everything will be fixed, no harm, no foul! And he’s sure to understand after we expose her!”

Adrien was about to tell her how horrible an idea that was, when suddenly a low voice spoke up from his side. “That would never work…”, Samantha sighed. The lifted her eyes from the sketchbook and set her pencil down. “First off, fuck you for being willing to do that to someone.”, she glared at Chloe, whose eyes widened faster than Adrien running away from a horde of fangirls. “And secondly, if Lila is so popular that you want to screw her over, it’s going to take something real to get rid of her. An Akuma attack is reversable and will only make your classmate feel like shit at the end of it. Try looking through her socials for…I don’t know, maybe some actual proff that she's a scumbag? There has to be something.”, she said nonchalantly, then settled back into her seat. Alya did not mention the way her voice twitched in disgust at Lila’s name.

Kagami perked up the moment the was done, looking interested. “Well, you appear to be an expert. Could you please assist us with something?”, she asked, very much intrigued. Adrien gave her a nod for no so desperate that he almost twisted his head as far as it could go.

Samantha shrugged, but a glint in her eyes told Kagami she was actually considering it. While under normal circumstances she would clas people who are pleased when others are harmed to be dislikable and quite possibly worthy of her ire, the designer could be quite useful. She decided to give the raven-haired girl a chance. Kagami figured it was best to ask why would wish to help them, and then judge from there.

The designer rolled her eyes, almost amused at the question. "I'd be happy to.", she said softly, trying to keep her mind from racing. They were talking about Lila. About exposing Lila. They knew...and she was being asked to help. A part of Samantha's heart cracked at the idea. Why would they realize now? Why now, when she couldn't go back? When she wouldn't go back, even if there was a way? Why on the day where she was just familiarizing herself with the idea of a new life. Had they found her phone? Did Adrien tell them? She...didn't know. Schooling her expression, Samantha looked to Kagami.

Kagami stared back. She leaned in, forcing Adrien to straighten himself to help her maintain eye contact with Samantha. “And why would you want to help us? We’re strangers to you.”, she pointed out, and the designer leaned away just slightly, maybe an inch. She hid it well, but Kagami noticed her eyes flash in hurt as she contemplated the words. Could she have offended the girl? 

Samantha took a deep breath, her eyes narrowing in a kind of determination that nearly gave Adrien whiplash. He’d seen it, nearly every day of his life! But…it was impossible. He said nothing, thinking on the coincidence as the designer offered a reply. “If this Lila is Lila Rossi, then I’d be happy to help you! I used to dream about working for Gabriel Agreste you know. Let’s just say that…she’s been causing trouble for me. And I don’t like liars.”, she said, uttering Lila’s name with so much hatred, Adrien half expected to see an Akuma flying through the window. But…  

A memory suddenly flashed into his mind. The last time Lila had gotten Akumatized, almost three months ago. It had marked the return of Volpina, and her illusions. Ladybug was the one who’d called him up, since the attack was never reported. Lila however, had taken the opportunity to craft illusions and further the narrative of Marinette bullying her, and no matter what she and Adrien had done to give her an alibi, their classmates had stood firmly on Lila’s side. He didn’t like thinking about it, but Ladybug had seemed so angry that day, eyes constantly narrowed and trailing Volpina like a hawk, the hate in her voice, the way she almost spat out her name…

Chat Noir had also been angry, especially after they finally bested her. Not only did Lila seem to not appreciate the rescue, she looked annoyed at having been defeated. Adrien wasn’t one to think the worst of people, but the possibility of her having attracted an Akuma on purpose stayed on his mind that night. It had been quickly forgotten in favor of supporting Marinette and throwing Lila off of him whenever she came too close, but now that he thought about it again…

Chloe was looking at him in concern, he realized. Adrien lightly shook his head, and gave her a slight nod to say that he was fine. Just…rattled. Samantha’s eyes flickered to his, and in them he saw worry, the kind that Marinette’s eyes filled with whenever he had another photoshoot with Lila. The kind that…that Ladybug had in her eyes, when he -Adrien- had jumped off a building. When Kagami had first been Akumatized, and she hid Adrien away. Why was this girl so familiar? 

The thought was right there, hanging just out of reach. Like a set of dangling keys on a chain, and yet Adrien couldn’t grasp it. Like something was stopping him, swatting his hand away the moment he got close. Didn’t…didn’t Ladybug do something to her hair? Didn’t it look just like that, raven-black and resting on her shoulders just as she’d walked out of the shower last night? Surely…surely not. He couldn’t be that lucky; he was just seeing things. Samantha nudged his leg from under the table, her eyes again flickered in concern. Why was this so familiar?

No. Nope, absolutely not. Adrien was seeing things, that was all. He’d stop thinking about it, and then he would ask Ladybug tonight if she happened to go to Flora’s today, he’d ask her and let his Lady decide how to answer him. And if she asked Adrien to never think about it again, he would lock that thought so deep into his mind that it would never see the light of day again. Because he was just drawing parallels where there weren’t any. He was just confused, seeing what he wanted to see. …Adrien ignored how close to that thought Plagg’s explanation on glamor had been.

“Sunshine?”, came Alya’s voice. “Are you okay? You look pale…”, she asked, and Adrien straightened his back.

Relaxing his features, he dove into a response with a photogenic smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”, he assured. Five pairs of eyes looked at him with disbelief, even though the one on his right was quick to hide it. As if she didn't want him to see her worry, to realize that she knew him, impossibly. 

Chloe spoke up, pulling out her phone. “Maybe I should call a limo to take you home, you don’t look so good…”, she trailed off, looking outside. The rain had picked up now, streets half-flooded with water.

Adrien tried to deflect, to say he was alright. “Hey, I always look good!”, he joked. After all, he was okay. Just…following a train of thought that should wait until tonight.

Kagami nodded in determination. “I see…” For a moment she locked eyes with Adrien, examining his face. He could see the knowing glint in her eyes, that tiny flash that told Adrien when Kagami thought she had him figured out. She turned to the others. “He is unwell. We should get him home.”, she stated, leaving no room for anyone to question her.

Nino looked outside, face morphing into exasperation. “Yeah, but the storm only seems to be getting worse. There’s no way we can someone to drive him back, the roads are near-flooded! And none of our places are close enough, guys…”

Adrien looked to the window, past Samantha. Her features shifted in worry, her shoulders tensed. The ghost of a red and black-spotted suit overrode her normal clothes. For a moment he saw it. Ladybug’s eyes narrowed, the way they always did when she was up to something. Seeming almost hesitant, she went to raise her hand. Stopping herself, Ladybug sighed deeply, as if she couldn't take the lead. Wait…no, that was Samantha. His Lady wasn’t here. Adrien shook his head, to throw off the confusion. Maybe staying out in the rain last night hadn’t been a good idea…maybe he was a little under the weather. He shouldn’t just throw Ladybug’s mask on the first girl he meets that happens to look like her. 

Shoulders relaxing, the designer lifted her gaze, again avoiding Adrien's eyes. Hesistant, she voiced her idea. “Well…we do have one option. My apartment is just around the corner. Literally just five doors down. If…your friend is not feeling well, I guess I can put up with you lot. Until the rain goes away.”, Samantha perked up, startling the others. Things had fallen into an uneasy silence while Adrien was thinking, everyone trying to think of something on their own. 

Chloe’s eyes narrowed in suspicion, and Samantha met her cold gaze head on. The stare she sent back seemed to burn with determination, enough for Chloe to nod at her and relent. Kagami side-eyed the new girl, but still made to move so Adrien could get up. Alya and Nino looked pleasantly surprised, but she had that defeated glint in her eye, like she was seeing something that Alya knew was gone, was not coming back, and still trying to grasp the concept, as if it was fighting to fly away. For a moment the blogger thought she was talking to Marinette. The kindness, the drive to help someone, even without knowing them...

Nino just looked relieved, sending Samantha a thankful glace. She tried to smile at him. Flora saw them get up and quickly pointed out that the weather was horrible, worried they’d get sick. When Samantha admitted she’d agreed to put up with the group, the woman’s eyes flickered in surprise, and she laughed good-naturedly.

“Ah, I knew it from the moment I saw you! For all that black you wear, you’ve got a good heart young lady!”, she exclaimed, and quickly brought them the receipt so they could pay and leave. Chloe pulled out her credit card faster than the wind, despite everyone’s objections.

Samantha just gave a sigh and rolled her eyes, as if she’d seen it coming. Chloe stared at her, giving a long look. “This makes us even.”, she said harshly, but Samantha didn’t take offense. Instead, she just shrugged and said that free coffee was just fine with her, walking to the door. She put her purse inside her bag, and zipped it tightly shut to protect it and her sketchbook.

Everyone zipped up their jackets, and the moment the door was open, the six made a run for it. They practically bashed into the appartment complex and then the elevator, which could barely fit them as things were. Chloe was quite literally balancing her Gucci bag on her head to avoid it colliding with the “dirty and disgusting peasant walls” during the ride to the top floor, holding it close as they shimmied out, stopping right in front of Samantha’s door.

Alya thought she could faintly smell…cookies? Something sweet in the air, just beyond that door. For a moment she thought she was hallucinating it, remembering the smell because this girl made her think of Marinette… but Chloe had schooled her face into a calm expression, and Nino’s gaze was avoiding Samantha. His nose twitched ever so slightly. Kagami looked like she was lost in memory, and Adrien looked like he was lost in his thoughts, as if he could barely see the world around him. 

Samantha sighed deeply, mumbled something about bad of an idea this was. Alya didn’t take offense, instead her heart seemed to throb in pain when hearing the exasperation, so familiar from Marinette whenever she tried to go after Adrien again, for what might actually have been the thousandth time. Samantha put her keys in the lock, twisted them, and opened the door.

Inside, Alya could see a literal penthouse. She found herself stunned by the massive windows, the soft-looking beige sofa, the spacious…everything. What salary was this girl even on, to rent this place? Nino looked flabbergasted, completely surprised. Even Chloe gave an approving nod, as if the “apartment” had passed some imaginary standard of quality. Kagami’s eyes wandered across the room, seemingly uninterested. She said nothing, merely walking in after Samantha beckoned them to join her. Thunder cracked outside, the rain still pouring from the darkened skies.

Adrien took one look at the couch he’d cried on last night…and promptly fainted.


Hey guys! I've returned, even if just for a moment! (For those reading in the future, I went on a small hiatus due to finals) I'm actually still not done with those, and as I said I'll be back full-time at around June 17th-18th? I think. However, I did have some time to sit down and think about this chapter! Yes, the writer's instinct got the better of me. In the (now replaced) original notes for this chapter, I mentioned that I took out two conversations and a small bit of the cafe scene. To be entirely honest, I took them out because I didn't find a good way to fit them and was on a time limit, hence not bothering with pushing myself to do so. Since then I've given it some thought, and kinda...realized I can better fit them in future chapters?

For context, one of those was a call between Gabriel and Sabine, where she calls him after Adrien and the others leave to thank him for offering to schedule and pay for the arrangments to Marinette's funeral. Of course he's doing this because he feels guilty, but I plan to fully expand on this, as well as Nathalie and Gabriel's plan moving forward in his dedicated chapter, and decided to save that talk for an in-person meeting...

Second thing was a call between Gabriel and Tomoe (the scene would have been right after Adrien returned home on Saturday, with Gabriel holding the phone and staring at Emilie's portrait), but again, I'm going to save that for his dedicated chapter since there is a *lot* going on right now between the gang and I'd rather not let that be overshadowed by Gabriel being an absolute menace to society, with or without a Miraculous on hand. This scene would *also* canonize a part of S5 that I was initially worried about, and I'd rather flesh it out from Gabriel's point of view to give it the spotlight it very rightfully deserves. You guys are going to either love or hate me for even putting the idea on the table...

Lastly, I did actually go back for some *minor* edits where I felt scenes were a tad choppy and added some internal thoughts for Alya and Samantha that I initially cut out due to time limitations. So, you may officially consider this chapter the canon version of Chapter 7, and you may also keep your pitchforks and torches close for what I plan on doing when Gabriel shows up again. Thank you and please try to keep the stabbing to a minimum, I unfortunately need him alive to further the angst!

Anyways, it’s getting pretty late so I should probably go. I’ll see you guys in a couple weeks, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 8: Let the Masks Fall


As the gang takes shelter from the raging storm outside, a certain old friend rushes back into Marinette's back, coming dangerously close to learning her terrible secret...

Meanwhile, Adrien Agreste wakes up on Ladybug's couch and reconsiders his life choices.


Hello there everyone and welcome back to the angst train! SURPRISE, I'M BACK! We’re here with another episode of pain and suffering! I’m your host, and today we have what I’ve been waiting for ever since I first had the idea for this fic over a year ago!

…did you seriously think I’d spoil it in the beginning notes??? You'll have to read and find out!

Alas, the rain continues to be a shameless plot device, the gang is still in massive need of a therapist or two, Samantha is currently hosting them in her penthouse and regretting her life choices, Adrien figures out Ladybug’s identity, Alya narrowly avoids another breakdown, Nino tries to be strong for his friends, Chloe wants to buy the penthouse and Kagami makes a new friend.

Note: In case anyone missed it, chapter 7 has already been updated! Please read the revised end notes first for a quick summary of what’s been changed, and then you can enjoy the new and improved version! And as for the Gabriel thing I mention there, don’t you worry! We’ll be seeing him again very soon…

Side Note: I recently discovered the song “The Tradition” by Halsey in one of my playlists? And I noticed it fits very well with Marinette’s whole ordeal in the pre-canon of this fic? And I’m listening to it on repeat as I write part of this chapter? So, if anyone has any other songs they think might fit her vibe, would you mind dropping a recommendation so I can check it out? I’d love to make a dedicated playlist for A Case of Ladybug Luck in the future!

Now…without further ado please enjoy the angst, and leave a kudo so I can fund Samantha’s therapy sessions!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Samantha put her keys in the lock, twisted them, and opened the door. Her stomach churned. This was a terrible idea, she knew that. But what choice did she have? There was a storm outside -no, she wouldn’t think about the rain, about her wretched luck with thunderstorms these days- and Adrien had paled. He looked lost in his own head, and somewhat ill. Even Chloe knew it would be dangerous and cruel to force someone to drive all the way out here to pick him up, and so they’d raced to her apartment, to hide out till the sky cleared.

The moment Alya and Nino took a look inside, their jaws nearly collided with the floor. Samantha couldn’t exactly blame them; she wasn’t truly used to calling this place home either. It was her apartment, her place, but she’d only spent one night here. Still, the feint smell of yesterday’s baking spree was still in the air, it…it helped. Just a little. She beckoned for them to follow her inside so they could all dry off, and Kagami was the first to follow.

Her old friend didn’t seem to think anything of the apartment, instead walking in with -somewhat- practiced ease, and giving a friendly -if toothy- smile when she noticed Samantha staring. Chloe even seemed to be half-impressed by the place, and grinned despite herself. Samantha repressed a sigh. She did not want to deal with her- with Marinette’s old bully trying to buy her new home.

Alya and Nino wandered in slowly, almost lost in the amazement of what they were seeing. Their eyes flickered from the windows to the marble floor, and to every other surface and piece of furniture in sight. Just as they came to her senses, Samantha noticed Adrien had stilled. He was still standing in the doorway, his eyes glued to her couch. He seemed completely out of it, and when she tried to beckon him inside, resisting the urge to tease him for finally ending up becoming a photograph, Adrien suddenly collapsed in front of her!

Ladybug instinct activating, she was halfway through laying him down on her couch before the others realized what had happened, and Kagami was a close second. Quickly, she helped lift the blonde up and lay his head down on the pillows while Chloe dashed to his side and Nino remembered to shut the door. Alya checked his forehead, and Adrien’s temperature seemed normal.

Nobody spoke for a few minutes, checking to make sure he was alright. It was Chloe who broke the silence. “So…we’re sure she didn’t poison him, right?”, she asked, sending an accusatory glance to Samantha.

The designer sent back her coldest death-stare, and Chloe immediately forced herself to relax her features. She seemed truly frightened by the icy, almost hurt look that Samantha had given her. But why? It’s not like she knew Adrien, did she? …As Alya moved closer to Chloe’s unconscious best friend, she elected that it was a question for later.

Just as the reporter was about to speak, thunder cracked outside, a lightning bolt igniting the sky in blinding white. Samantha fervently ignored the mental image of Chat Noir lying out there in the rain, the terrifying thought of how what could have happened last night if she hadn’t found him. Putting that mental breakdown aside, she instead focused on the fact that Marinette’s friends (and Chloe) were currently standing less than a meter away from her, seeming to almost expect her to say something.

She took another look at Adrien. He seemed…well, all things considered. His skin was slightly paler than usual, and he looked exhausted, but Ladybug had seen her fair share of injuries, and there was nothing to make her believe it was serious. After all, she knew the feeling of needing several weeks’ worth of sleep better than her yoyo.

“Uh…dudette? Samantha? You’re awfully quiet…”, Nino perked up. Ladybug realized she must have been staring at Adrien for too long. Shaking her head, she gave an innocent laugh.

“Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to make sure he was alright! Um, you guys can still stay until the storm passes! You know, especially with…”, she trailed off, her voice taking on an awkward, slightly uncomfortable tone. At least she wouldn’t be forced to hide her feelings, her frie- Marinette’s friends would just assume it was because a celebrity was passed out on her couch. Samantha knew that wasn’t exactly normal for most people, but she’d had too many nighttime chats with Chat Noir to really be weirded out by it.

She turned to look at the group. Worry was still written all over their faces, but Kagami seemed to notice -as Samantha did- that Adrien was fine, exhaustion aside, and was the first to break the silence which had enveloped them. The Japanese girl was quick to leave her sword leaning against the couch leg, well out of the group’s way for the time being, before finally speaking. 

Trying to use her ‘polite and friendly’ tone that Marinette had taught her, Kagami turned to the designer. “Samantha, would we be allowed to sit somewhere? Adrien will probably wake up soon. I am familiar with exhaustion, and his symptoms appear to just be that.”, she said curtly, not really knowing how to address the strange girl.

Alya put that information aside, and promptly decided not to unpack that can of worms right now. Kagami was apparently intimately familiar with being so tired she was practically a walking corpse, and the blogger wasn’t quite sure what to think of it. On one hand, Marinette practically lived solely off coffee and sweets these days, and-

Oh. Right.

Holding back another wave of tears, Alya simply dragged Nino to the unoccupied couch and pulled him into a fierce hug. His arms softly wrapped around her waist, and Nino ran a hand through her hair, trying to comfort her. He pushed his own pain to the side, now really was not the time to break down. Alya needed him, and they were guests here. He’d…deal with it later. Nino knew he would probably end up burdening Adrien with his feelings, but in the past couple of hours he’d simply come to accept that he couldn’t handle this mess alone.

Chloe was silent, and instead of trying to initiate a conversation with anyone, quickly plopped herself down onto the armchair to Adrien’s left, pretending to look at her phone and examine her nails as she snuck horribly obvious glances in his direction. He was still breathing soundly, and the sound somewhat lessened the tension in the room. Whatever calming effect it might have had was negated when thunder once again struck, causing Samantha to flinch like she’d been struck by the lightning.

Kagami was the only one who noticed her discomfort, and quickly pulled the black-haired girl aside. “Samantha, I…understand we are strangers, but you seem distressed. Are you…okay?”, she awkwardly asked, causing a small noise of surprise from the other girl.

Samantha’s heart fluttered at the thought that Kagami cared about her still, even if now she was a complete stranger. Maybe…maybe someday they could be good friends again, make things the way they had once been. A small hope, but she still held onto it, burying it deep inside her heart. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she tried to be honest with her friend. “I…I don’t like thunderstorms. It’s stupid, but it feels like whenever I get caught up in one…my life just falls apart right after…”, she answered in a small voice, low enough for only Kagami to hear.

It was the truth. The thunderstorm when she had first fallen in love, with Adrien’s umbrella closing in over her head, had marked the beginning of her adventures as Ladybug. An adventure that was all she had, now. Her life as Marinette had begun going awry, even then. The lies had started then. It was the day after that she started lying to her parents, her friends, even to the boy she loved. Part of her wasn’t sure if that would be Adrien or Chat, not anymore. Another storm in New York, where she’d come so close to losing them both, where she had raced like a woman possessed to reach Adrien, and yet still failed. She had fixed things with Chat then, thankfully. Now…could she fix them now? If she told him, and his face morphed into anger…no Miraculous Cure could ever repair the shattering her heart would go through. In the end, it was a thunderstorm that had made Marinette Dupain Cheng into the girl her friends and family had been proud of…and it was a thunderstorm that took that girl away. Samantha Fae was just…the aftermath. The blank slate left to piece together a new history, a new life for herself. And today, it was yet another storm that was forcing Marinette’s story into her own.

A hand was squeezing her shoulder, offering comfort. Samantha looked up from the floor, wiping away tears she hadn’t even noticed forming. Kagami looked at her, unsure of herself for only a moment, before wrapping Samantha in a hug. “I’m sorry. I would not intrude on your past, but it looks like storms have taken quite a bit from us both. If ever you would like to share…this stranger would be happy to listen to your story.”, she said hesitantly, words coming out in an emulation of warmth and kindness so familiar it nearly broke Ladybug right then and there. Kagami was trying to offer help, like Marinette once did. To someone she did not even know, just because it was the right thing to do. The reminder stung. Samantha hugged Kagami back, and for a moment they stayed there, before finally pulling away from each other.

Kagami eyed her kitchen area, gaze falling on the cupboards near the ceiling. She stood there for a moment, deep in thought. Then she turned to face Samantha, smiling so softly that nobody but Marinette could ever have noticed it. Ladybug did.

“You wouldn’t happen to have any tea, would you?”, she asked quietly, sending a worried glance to the others. Adrien was still breathing evenly, knocked out cold. Chloe sent more worried glares his way, poorly hiding behind her phone screen. Alya and Nino were huddled together on the other couch, taking comfort in each other’s breathing, in the reminder that they were both still there.

Samantha realized she was supposed to respond, and quickly rummaged through her kitchen to find her supply of teas. A few minutes later, a fresh pot of mint tea had been brewed, and six cups were laid out for the group. Kagami and Mari- Samantha had elected to not bother the others, and simply took theirs to the kitchen table.

It was such a familiar scene that their hearts both ached. If only the walls were pink, with the muffled sound of bakery patrons two floors below and a giant cat pillow to sit on…it would be as if Marinette was right there with Kagami, having tea in her room as if nothing had changed. Like everything was alright. For a moment they sipped their drinks in silence, both feeling the warmth stave off the icy rain of the outside world. Kagami set her cup down first, and nodded in appreciation.

“Thank you for the drink, Mari- uh, Samantha. I think I needed that.”, Kagami spoke up, ignoring the spike of pain that ran through her at the thought. It had tasted…peaceful. Like the lingering warmth at the back of her throat was trying to ease Kagami’s pain, to comfort her after a long day of heartache and hurt. It tasted like Marinette; in a way she just couldn’t explain.

Samantha nodded and gave a smile, ignoring the slip up. Ignoring how her shoulders tensed at the mere mention of that name. “It was your idea! And besides, tea is the best way to calm down after a bad day!”, she laughed awkwardly.

Kagami shoulders stiffened, body going still. Suddenly she was back in Marinette’s room, tiny droplets of rain drizzling against the skylight and a warm cup of mint tea in hand.

Marinette looked at her friend, giving a sympathetic smile. She was having trouble with her mother again; Tomoe was going back to her more restrictive style of ‘parenting’. It frustrated Kagami endlessly, and so she’d come to her friend for advice. For comfort, from the one person who would never judge her.

“Gami, I’m sorry she’s acting like this. I…I know what it’s like to have expectation to live up to. I get it. With everything that’s going on right now and with your relationship with Adrien…really, she shouldn’t be so harsh on you.”, Marinette said softly, reaching out to give Kagami’s shoulder a squeeze.

She nodded sadly. Yet again, her mother had lectured her. Disappointed at her recent performance in a fencing tournament, expecting nothing but the absolute best. Kagami couldn’t quite understand what was better than a gold medal. She’d been satisfied, she was having fun while playing around. Not to disrespect her opponents, but she hadn’t found them a particularly challenging obstacle. She’d just elected to take it easy, wanting to give a good match and spare them the humiliation of instant defeat. Perhaps even to spare Ladybug another Akuma.

All Kagami could do was give a long sigh. “I know, Marinette. I’m not sure what I’m going to do. If I disappoint her again…without you and Adrien there…I’m frightened. It’s like she always controls my life, and I’m never enough!”, she found herself shouting, tears forcing their way to the floor.

Marinette’s features softened, and in an instant she moved the tea set aside so she could reach out and hug Kagami. She gently wrapped her arms around the other girl, and Kagami slowly reached back. For a moment they stayed there, until Kagami’s body had stopped shaking. She hadn’t even realized. Marinette gave her a soft squeeze, and slowly pulled away.

Putting on a bright, sunny smile, so contrasted by the gloomy rain outside, Marinette again offered Kagami her tea. “C’mon Gami. Tea is the best way to calm down after a bad day!”, she smiled excitedly. The bravado wasn’t false, and instead of playfully scoffing at her friend’s antics, Kagami found herself laughing along.

“I know.”, she whispered, almost to herself. “The tea is…always good.”

Samantha saw the tears forming in Kagami’s eyes, and politely looked away. Marinette cursed herself, because Kagami was crying for her. She’d caused her friend more pain, as if her life wasn’t terrible enough. How could she do that to Kagami? What had she done?

She shook her head, forming her hands into fists under the table, only releasing them when they stopped shaking. Samantha looked to the others for a moment. Alya and Nino were quietly sipping at their tea while in each other’s arms, and Chloe was just doing a better job of hiding it. They seemed…peaceful, if only for a little while. Like their thoughts, the pain that Marinette’s absence had caused them was finally relenting at long last…and for some reason that idea hurt her even more.

“I wanted to ask”, Kagami said, noticing her staring at the group. “Do you know anyone here? You seem…familiar, somehow. Have we met you before?”, she asked slowly, trying not to spook the designer. She saw the black-haired girl was looking at the rain pouring outside.

Samantha shifted to look back at Kagami. “I…no, I’m just a stranger. I know some of you by passing. Sometimes I checked out Alya’s blog, I know Chloe was Queen Bee and Adrien is…well, he’s Adrien. Anyone working design has at least heard of him.”, she responded quietly, tone somber as her voice threatened to give out on her. She hadn’t lied. Samantha Fae was a stranger to these people; she meant all too little to them. The feint hope, the broken idea of regaining what Lila had taken from her, even under another name, popped up again, reared its head hopefully from the depths of her heart. It was like an endless torment that had hacked her heart apart the last two days. She shut it back inside, forcing it away and praying that Kagami hadn’t noticed. It was too early, still too soon. Someday…maybe someday.

Kagami hummed, considering the words. “Nonetheless, you are a kind stranger. One who saw people in need and jumped to help, even at a personal cost. I know it is not easy to put up with people you barely know…”, she trailed off, mind still caught on a particular thought.

Samantha forced herself to take a deep breath. “It’s alright. Any of you would have done the same thing, even if someone would have been mean about it. Besides…I don’t think I have it in me, to just leave someone out in the rain.” She fell silent for a moment, listening to the raindrops slam themselves against the windows.

Kagami considered it for a moment, seemed to hesitate before forming her response. In her mind, it was glaringly obvious that something had gone wrong. The designer radiated loss so deeply that it nearly seeped into the walls, the pain unending and slowly simmering, waiting for the right moment to flare up again. Samantha fit in quite well with their group, she thought somberly. And…perhaps it was the ever-constant presence of her mother, overbearing and controlling as she was, but the designer had made not a sound about any parents. Kagami couldn’t see any pictures, nothing that would make the apartment look lived in. Nothing personal. Respectfully, she inclined her head in thought. There was no need to dig into this girl’s past, not when she had helped them so immensely. Still, Kagami hoped her initial impression was wrong. She wanted to think that perhaps the storm had spared someone of tragedy, that she was merely overanalyzing. It was best not to further consider it, she decided.

Kagami elected to nod thoughtfully, disregarding her assumptions. Even if she was right, the matter seemed deeply personal, and it was rude to interrogate people. Marinette had been adamant on that, once. “Well…we are not complete strangers now, are we?”, she asked while extending her hand, and noticed the faintest shine of hope in the other girl’s eyes. Like a tiny speck, a near-imperceivable desire for companionship, gently rearing its head at the offer.

Samantha stopped herself for a moment, just…looking at Kagami’s hand. She was seemingly content to wait. And…she was extending an offer…of friendship? Samantha wasn’t sure whether she should cry because of the sudden tug on her heartstrings, or the torrent of relief that suddenly washed over her. Instead of drowning her as she’d been frightened of, it gathered her fears, her pains, and took them away, leaving that feint hope to finally shine, unobstructed and brighter than the sun. Her face lit up with a beaming smile, and she shook Kagami’s hand.

“Hey there! I’m Samantha, Samantha Fae!”, she said, introducing herself properly to a new friend. A new beginning. That was….that was almost enough to make her laugh.

Kagami smiled at the designer’s excitement, so much like the friend who the storm had taken away. Marinette was…gone, now, but life had given her a new friendship today, a new beginning to a companionship she somehow knew was important. She shook Samantha’s hand, matching her grin. “Kagami. Kagami Tsurugi.”, she said simply. With their new introductions in order, both girls suddenly smiled, and looked towards the others. Samantha noticed Adrien stir, and so they set aside their tea and went to his side. Oddly enough, it felt like they belonged, like a part of her soul that she didn’t know was gone had just come back to her, in way Kagami couldn’t yet explain.


When he finally came to, Adrien was laying on something soft. He tried to open his eyes, blinking black spots out of his vision. He stared at the ceiling. A familiar beige color stared back, and he tried to move. Someone was standing next to him, and he noticed a familiar pair of blue eyes looking at him in worry.

Adrien forced himself to be alert, to sit up on the…couch he was sitting on. The last thing he remembered was…oh. Oh, it was this couch. Blinking his grogginess away, he found himself looking at his partner, at Ladybug. Only, her mask was gone, and her spotted suit was nowhere in sight. Right, this was Samantha Fae, the up-and-coming designer he’d met about an hour ago. It was impossible to deny she was also his partner, but they were not alone. He couldn’t tell her, not now.

“Hey goldilocks, welcome back to us!”, she greeted him with a smile, teasing like she’d done just this morning. Adrien had to resist the urge to try and fluster her. She didn’t know he was Chat Noir, or that he knew she was Ladybug. He took a deep breath, holding onto the armrest. Tonight, they’d meet. He’d come back, and he would tell her then.

Giving Samantha a nod -he’d have to get used to having a name for the girl behind the mask, for the girl he loved-, Adrien shifted his gaze around the room. Alya and Nino were sitting on the other couch, wrapping each other in a one-armed hug and seemingly lost in their own thoughts. Chloe was lounging on the armchair, seemingly uninterested by everything except her phone. She stole a glance at him, her features softening as she saw him awake and well. Or, at least better. He noticed four tea cups on the coffee table, three of them nearly empty. Slowly, he sipped at his own.

The drink had gone cold, but the warmth it carried still delighted him. The flavor was alive in a way Adrien wanted to be, it felt like love was pouring into him with every drop. Maybe his Lady was just like that. Or maybe he was only tasting the memory of last night. He didn’t quite mind. She had made it for him, for Adrien him, and it was perfect.

Samantha made to move closer to him, but Nino was quicker, wrapping him in a crushing hug. “Dude!”, he exclaimed. He tried to say more, but Nino’s voice failed him, his mouth left hanging open as he worked to force the words out. Adrien hugged him back.

“Hey dude.”, he said, trying to convey that he was okay, he was fine, he wasn’t going anywhere. Nino paused to look at him, and slowly nodded before letting him go. The message had gotten through. They would sort this out later, the two of them. Adrien wanted to talk to him too, but they’d have to wait. For now, he sipped at the tea, letting its warmth envelop him for just a moment longer.

Samantha -Ladybug- was looking at him, he realized. “Thanks, for putting up with us.”, he said. Better to act casual, play this off like it wasn’t a big deal. He was fine, just rattled, he added. Nobody could blame him, with the weekend they’d all had.

She extended a hand for him to shake, and Adrien complied. He looked at Ladybug’s eyes for a moment, meeting her gaze. He wanted to tell her, wanted her to know that he knew…but they were not alone. Silence had fallen over the group again. The others were staring at Adrien, whose eyes were locked with Samantha’s. He shook her hand, scooting over so she would have room to sit on the couch. Kagami sat beside her, on the other end of it.

A flash of light assaulted Adrien’s vision, and for a second he could see it. He and Kagami sitting on the park bench, Marinette in between them, laughing at their frankly horrible puns. It was that Saturday. The vision faded, and it was Samantha sitting beside him. This…would take some getting used to.

After emptying his teacup and thanking her for letting them stay, Adrien turned to the others. “I…I think we should continue our talk, about Lila?”, he prompted. Chloe raised a quizzical eyebrow, but said nothing. Alya and Nino leveled him with a worried stare. “Hey, I’m well enough to talk!”, Adrien protested, sensing their concern.

Samantha nodded in agreement. “We might as well.”, she shrugged. “He says he’s fine.” Chloe looked ready to argue at that, but Adrien gave her a look. She stopped herself, putting her phone down on the coffee table. Alya and Nino still didn’t look convinced, but relented.

Kagami took her chance to get them back on track. “Samantha said she was willing to help us deal with Rossi, and I’m inclined to believe her. She’s proven herself as kind.”, she said, sharing a glance with the girl in question. The designer felt the echo of a smile on her face.

Chloe nodded thoughtfully, but still decided to argue the point. After all, she had some answers to get. “Yeah, but that still doesn’t explain why Miss Designer here sounds like she wants Rossi dead.”, she pointed out. “Why don’t you tell a little more about how she screwed you over, huh? Give us your sob story maybe?”, she challenged in a harsh tone.

Adrien was about to tell her to calm down, that of course Samantha hated Lila, because why would Ladybug ever like her? But he cut himself off, left with no real response to give. Thankfully, his Lady seemed to have it covered. “I hate her because she’s a liar. All she does is manipulate people to get what she wants. And someone dares to call her out…well, there’s a reason I’m unemployed, okay?”, she snapped at Chloe. The heiress looked apologetic, but only to Adrien. He knew both girls well, and he could see that Chloe was just trying to goad Samantha into giving more information. She was trying to protect him. And Chat Noir knew his partner well enough to see the evasion skills at work.

Ladybug never said she used to work at his father’s company, just previously mentioned it used to be her dream. And if she was a designer, then it made sense. Everyone wanted to work at Gabriel. Lila was a manipulative liar, who had lied about her. Ladybug-her, but still. And it was a pretty good cover story. Adrien felt happy to see her in action, to know that she was just as amazing without the mask. It didn’t really matter, but it still made his heart flutter.

“Look, the point is that I want to take her down. You said she was bullying your friend, right? So she’s just as bad as I know her to be. And people like that shouldn’t get the opportunity to hurt others, especially just because they’re good liars.”, Samantha went on. She seemed hurt, Alya noticed. On instinct, she almost pointed it out, but figured the girl probably had more history with Lila than what she was saying.

Still, it struck her as very odd, to say she was unemployed. “Hold up, dude. If you’ve got no job, how come you live in this place?”, Nino voiced Alya’s thoughts. “I mean, it’s sick and all, but…”, he trailed off, not wanting to offend.

Samantha nodded, to say she was fine with the question. “…that would be my uncle. He’s pretty well-off, but I wanted to start a career on my own. He insisted on helping me find a place to stay after…I told him about that, and here I am. I couldn’t exactly say no!”, she laughed, gesturing to the space around her. Nino mirrored her.

“Yeah dudette, if I could live in a place like this for free, I’d totally take him up on the offer!”, he chuckled. Adrien shifted at that, refusing to think about how his manor was not a nice place to live in. The way Father factored into that was a line of thought he never liked to follow, and avoided like the plague whenever it came up.

Alya cleared her throat, shaking Adrien from his thoughts. “Right, speaking of Lila…we have evidence that she was bullying our friend, it’s cut and dry. But…is there any chance you’d know of what she’s been doing at Gabriel?”, she asked Samantha.

The designer nodded thoughtfully, staring outside the window for a moment. “Hmm…I’ve heard this rumor floating around a little while ago, something about her acting inappropriately on set? I don’t know everyone she models with, you’re better off having Goldilocks ask staff members for you.”, she replied, gesturing at Adrien. “Besides, I honestly can’t be bothered to waste my time on her.”

He nodded in agreement. “Yeah actually! That’s right! I can ask Vincent, Jean and Louis! My photographer, stylist and make-up artist, I mean.”, he explained, realizing they had no idea who he was talking about. “They’ve probably heard from other staff too!”, Adrien said, remembering that he could actually ask them to testify on his behalf! Even with only a rumor to go off of, his Lady still managed to help him!

Samantha gave a soft, almost hidden smile. Adrien felt himself mirror her joy, but turned away to face the others. He couldn’t exactly start staring at her like an idiot, she’d think he was crazy! Chloe side-eyed him, her gaze then falling on Samantha. An unspoken question. What’s up with this girl? Do you actually know her? Adrien gave a tiny shrug, and Chloe huffed.

“Ugh…”, she scoffed in annoyance. Everyone turned to look at her. “Uh- this stupid storm has no end! And my hair!”, she complained, motioning to her ponytail. It was still a little damp, and a few hairs were out of place. “It’s hideous!”, Chloe screamed.

Samantha almost cackled at that. “If only you were Lila, I could say it matches your personality!”, she laughed. Chloe looked at the designer like she’d grown a second head. Nino and Alya practically erupted in laughter, and even Kagami gave a chuckle.

“Uh, sorry!”, Lady- Samantha apologized, seeing Chloe’s scalding stare. “I have a friend who makes a lot of jokes and…I figured it would break the tension.” Chloe kept staring for another moment, holding her gaze. Eventually she sighed, relenting her aggression.

The heiress huffed in annoyance, but Adrien noticed the tiniest of laughs coming through. “It’s fine.”, she deflected. “Point is, we can’t actually do anything until tomorrow when we go back to that stupid school! Ugh, those people are so idiotic!”, she whined, and it was Samantha who nodded in agreement.

Alya seemed a little surprised at the motion, as if she’d gathered it was unthinkable for them to agree on anything, but decided to change the subject. School meant classes, classes meant Marinette, and Marinette hurt too much to even think about. Desperate to avoid even the thought of what she’d been complicit in, Alya quickly looked for something else to bring up, a safe subject. Her eyes wandered to the clouds outside, which seemed to subside. The thunder was now gone, the rain reduced to droplets still stuck on the other side of the window glass.

Samantha followed her gaze, and breathed a deep sigh of relief. Kagami side-eyed her. “So eager to be rid of us, miss Fae?”, she asked conspiratorially. It took Adrien a second to figure out she was teasing the girl. His partner laughed, the sound filling Adrien’s ears with an orchestra of love that had come straight down from the heavens, and he found himself flushing. Nino was the only one to see it, but he said nothing.

“Well miss Samurai, I just wouldn’t want you to lose out on any sword practice sessions!”, Samantha quipped back, earning a laugh from her new friend. And how weird was that. She and Kagami…were friends again, despite it all. It would take time to get back to where they once were, but the thought of it left Samantha feeling something akin to happiness after the longest time. It felt like hope.

Adrien took the unintended hint, checking his phone and realizing it was well past noon, and time to either go home, or at least check in with Father. She probably hadn’t meant it that way, but he appreciated the reminder nonetheless. The group quickly gathered up their belongings, Kagami made sure to grab her katana, and soon they were halfway out the door, ready to leave. Alya and Nino thanked Samantha for her hospitality, Chloe shook her hand with -somewhat- concealed disgust at the “peasant clothes” and Adrien decided the sooner he could get out of here, the sooner Chat Noir could make an appearance at his Lady’s window.

Kagami was the one who lingered behind, almost hesitant to speak with Samantha. The other girl gave her an encouraging nod and a small smile, which prompted her to finally speak. “Uh…perhaps we should exchange numbers? Considering that we are…friends?”, Kagami asked. Samantha’s eyes practically glowed with happiness, but in the next moment her joy was gone, masked by a polite smile.

The two girls quickly did so, and Kagami quickly caught up with the others in the elevator. Adrien grinned fondly, happy to see that the two had apparently become friends while he was out of commission. He’d always known they would like each other! He smiled to himself, thinking about what Kagami might say if she knew that she had Ladybug’s phone number. Still, Adrien suppressed the smile, instead electing to enjoy the rest of the day with his friends. Chloe suggested they go to the Hotel for lunch, and the five teens ran off in the streets of Paris.


Samantha stood on her balcony, leaning on the railing to watch them leave. At last, the five shapes on ground level rounded a corner, and vanished from her sight. Ladybug sighed to herself, finally allowed her shoulders to slouch, her mental exhaustion to show on her face.

“Well…that could have gone worse…”, she muttered to herself. Tikki floated up to Samantha, perching on her shoulder with a cookie in hand.

The Kwami broke the sweet in half, offering her a piece. Ladybug happily accepted, smiling sadly. A moment of silence passed as they ate, and then she let out a deep breath that she hadn’t realized she was still holding. “Tikki? Do you think I made the right choice? Was I wrong to leave?”, she asked the little goddess. Doubt had been there ever since last night, when Chat Noir told her of his love, confessed that he had been in love with Marinette. But…seeing her friends again, so determined to tear Lila down and finally in what would have been her corner after so long…what would today look like if she’d answered Jagged’s question differently, and just waited until morning? Would Adrien have called her with news of Lila’s exposure? Would he drag Kagami to visit her and again risk it all so the three of them could be free for the day? Would Alya and Nino have apologized to her? Ladybug didn’t know, and she hated that feeling. 

Tikki hummed thoughtfully, expression switching to a seriousness she didn’t usually exhibit. “I…to be honest…I think you did, Mari. I can’t say for certain, but with what I know about humans, it would be a lie to tell you that things would surely have turned out okay. Maybe they would have, but you were hurting. You still are…and you got yourself out of that situation. It’s not the first time one of my bugs has become a full-time holder, and I think you’re handling it better than the others. Marinette…I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I know you did what you thought was best. And…I have faith in you, no matter how you decide to move forwards! I’ll be by your side like always, I promise!”, the Kwami exclaimed, proudly doing a little flip in the air.

Tikki nuzzled Samantha’s cheek. “You’re the best Ladybug I’ve ever had Marinette! I trust you completely.”, she murmured just loud enough for her to hear. Ladybug didn’t have it in her heart to scold her about the name. For a moment, just one fleeting second, Marinette even smiled back.

Samantha patted Tikki’s head in appreciation, and walked them both inside. She still had time before nightfall came, and she decided to try and unwind. Heading into her new design room, she didn’t notice the blue shade in her hair, nor the pigtails it was again tucked in. For now, Marinette shut herself inside, and calmly got to work. She picked up an empty sketchbook, black with a green strap, Chat’s colors, and took a deep breath as her pencil hit the paper. Samantha might be her new identity, but she was still there, lost in the dark void. An inky blackness that her life had crumbled into, the beautiful sketches of her friends and family bleeding on the walls as despair and heartbreak overtook those memories, once brighter than the sun.

And yet…a single ray of light shone upon her as the door which had sealed itself shut as Alya left her room months ago, none the wiser to Ladybug’s identity, moved barely an inch…and allowed Marinette to peek out, for a single glimpse at who she used to be, at the person underneath the mask of perfection she’d been wearing for so long. In hindsight, maybe she should have run after her. Maybe it wouldn’t have come to this. But that door had long been sealed shut, the thud still ringing in her ears. Suddenly, and so slowly that she almost didn’t notice, the knob turned…and the door creaked against the wooden floorboards as it was left slightly ajar.

In her mind, she looked through the tiny opening, her eyes adjusting to the intense light…and from the other side, Samantha looked back at her. In between them stood the door, refusing to move any more than it already had, no matter how hard either of them pulled. Marinette looked at Samantha, at this girl who was so much like her and yet a total stranger in the end. She was standing in a white void, like a blank spot inside an empty book of a story yet to be written. Marinette stood in the dark, her story having been written and with tears smeared on the pages…and found something in her hand. An umbrella. The one Adrien had given her so long ago, when the door was still wide open for her to walk through as she pleased. She felt her hands getting heavier, droplets of dark ink leaking on them from the ceiling. Samantha reached out, hesitant to grab the memento as if it would bite and scratch her…and yet, when her fingers touched the sacred object, Marinette, broken and barely holding herself together, was standing between the two. Both girls reached out for the piece of history in front of them, one with black hair and wanting to write her own, and another with blue, desperate for something under which to hide from the endless void that had half-consumed her. 

The darkness was oppressive, unending like her fears, the sheer terror and agony that had engulfed her at the end of her tale. The light was beautiful and free, magnificent as it was warm and inviting…but it was empty, devoid of the sketches and drawings of her life, those whose ink had once melted and engulfed her very being in dark despair. Marinette stood at the precipice, twin hands reaching out for the umbrella she still held. She felt herself vanishing, her strings being pulled in every direction all at once, by those who needed her to be what she never was. Her very being felt like it was melting away as tendrils of ink reached out to grab her through the door, and drag her back into the void.  

Taking a deep breath, Marinette made her choice. She let the umbrella go, and it crashed to the floor, sinking under the ink that had begun to spread. Her hands felt like masses of string coming loose, and she knew she didn’t have much time. Using every last bit of her strength, she grabbed the broken, shattered version of herself, who barely managed to not be dragged under the ink, and she pulled the girl towards Samantha.

Marinette, the broken one with tendrils of ink running across her body, simply didn’t have the strength to resist. Samantha, light and shiny as she was, felt in that moment like a phantasm, a trick of the light about to shatter and reveal the dying person underneath. The three girls fell in a mass of limbs and strings, and finally, Marinette took one last look at the ink, which was slowly creeping across the ajar door. Samantha grabbed her hand, and pressed her whole body against it, the broken version of herself helping how little she could…until finally the door slammed shut, and a bright flash of light caused the three girls to vanish, leaving Ladybug to stand in their place. She turned away from the door, and swung her yoyo into the light.

Tikki nudged her holder’s cheek, and Samantha snapped back to reality. She noticed the pencil in her hand, the sketchbook now full with drawings of her innermost thoughts and feelings…and quietly, she put it back in the drawer. Her Kwami sent a worried look, but Ladybug found the strength to smile. It was almost completely dark out, the last glimpses of sunlight fading over the Parisian skyline. Impossibly, it made her feel a little better. The moon was something she’d come to love in the recent months, the one source of light that was so purely hers, that she shared with the person she cared for the most. Chat Noir. Her partner, her other half. Her everything. The night was theirs, a secret to share only between them, a time where she never had to be “Marinette”, where the mask of perfection could finally be put away and let her shine in the crescent moonlight’s glow. 

In a cruel twist of fate, it was there to comfort her a mere two nights ago, like it was saying goodbye to a dear friend, and encouraging Ladybug on her new journey, affirming that it would always be by her side. So would Chat Noir. It was the constant that she’d come to crave, the soft glow she flourished in, so unlike the harsh glares and scalding remarks of those who’d once claimed to know her. The moon, the night had always loved her, never even thinking to let her burn, as they daytime had. Because in the daytime, she was just Marinette, a normal girl with a normal life, and the torment that had soon followed every waking moment of her existence. The night meant peace; it was quiet. Night was Chat, visiting her balcony to try and frighten her or asking for scraps of cookies and other sweets. It was patrols, fleeting moments between them, with only the stars as witnesses.

She knew her partner was much the same. Whatever his life was for the person underneath the black mask, Ladybug had come to realize that Chat was the most real he ever could be, holding onto much of the same mirage that she did as a civilian. Pretending to be perfect, because of expectation. He’d confided in her that his father demanded much of him, giving nothing, or less than nothing in return. Just like her, he’d been forced to let someone else take, and take everything Chat had. If the offering was found to be dissatisfying…it was much the same reaction as her friends. Quiet, cold disappointment, never mind the words that would accompany it. Affirmation and support didn’t matter if they had never meant it, if they didn’t know them. Hateful remarks…somehow, those were better. At least they were expected.

Chat had said he was happy to keep his father in the dark, in exchange for the freedom given by his suit. Now, finally, Ladybug understood him. The suit, the literal masks they wore had been the only thing allowing them to drop their facades, the personas that others had -consciously or not- demanded to see. And she was happy to know that he had meant it, the understanding look he’d given her those two months ago, under this very moonlight. Samantha’s feet took her towards the balcony, Tikki floating just a step behind her.

She leaned on the railing, letting her thoughts calm at the sight of the moon, and the stars. Ever since that had with Adrien and Kagami at the park, Samantha had begun imagining that he -shinning brightly like a sun- was somewhere up there in the night sky, looking over her. A part of the world that was for her and Chat alone, a tiny reminder that there was still something light waiting for her when the sun rose again. That he would be there, her guiding star, to take her hand and help her find a light that did not burn like the stares often would.

Ladybug thought about the sketchbook, the thing that now kept her inner thoughts within its pages, innocently sitting inside of a drawer with half a dozen others, waiting to be opened again so she could let go of things when words weren’t enough. When they couldn’t suffice. Instead of bringing the dread, the need for secrecy that came along with self-expression, bred firstly out of a personal desire and her then new duties as Ladybug, and after so she could keep just one thing that was hers, just so that someone, even if only herself, would truly know Marinette Dupain Cheng under the mask.

She had thought about showing Chat, just once. He’d come by for their nightly chat, arsenal of puns locked and loaded as he teased her about croissants and macaroons, like every night. Marinette didn’t think he had realized, but Chat had given her a smile so bright it rivaled Adrien’s, filled with unbridled happiness at just her mere presence. Then, for a single second, she’d truly considered pushing the dairy into his hands and letting him read it. And once again, her fear had held her back, shackled her and made to sink her into the pool of ink, underneath the despair and shattered sense of self that threatened to consume everything, like a monster prowling the shadows to hunt for the lights in her life, something far more terrible than anything Shadowmoth could possibly devise.

“Hey, Bugaboo? You know I’ll always be here for you, right?”, his voice echoed in her mind. Samantha heard the tiny whisp of his tail, the sound it always made when flailing in worry. Slowly, almost in disbelief, she turned to her left. Chat was standing next to her, purring softly, low enough so only she would hear.

Before she could so much as ask how long he’d been standing there, her partner extended a clawed hand, which was clasping a lemon bubble tea. It had Flora’s logo on it. “I stopped by to get us something for our date. Figured you might like it!”, Chat said excitedly, still offering the beverage. He was holding an identical cup, strawberry flavor by the pink color.

Hesitantly, she reached out to take it, slowly meeting his eyes. Ladybug had expected to feel fear, or to look away on instinct, to feel naked without her mask. Instead, the only thing she could see was the warm, gentle look in Chat Noir’s eyes, who was gazing at her with endless love, as if she’d personally hung up every star in the night sky.

She looked at him, really saw him after he’d been on her mind for so long. Chat’s green eyes were shinning in the dark of the night, reflecting moonlight at her and letting Ladybug glow alongside him. Samantha smiled softly, practically melting into her partner as he reached out to hug her. “You silly cat…I love you so much…”, she whispered against his chest, and he helped her slowly pull herself back together, running a hand through her hair and purring softly.

I love you too”, came the words as Chat hugged her back, holding Samantha as close as he could. “I…I came as soon as it got dark. And…saw you were upset. Bug, is everything okay?”, he asked her in a whisper so low she almost missed it.

Really, it was a dumb question. No, everything was not okay. She’s been falling apart for so long and still learning to how to piece herself back together. The entire world has tilted on its axis because of her choices, and now she was no one. A real nobody, a blank slate with no history to speak of, forced to pick apart the scraps of Marinette’s memories for even the tiniest thing that might be worth holding onto. But…she was also Ladybug. She always had been, no matter what her life as a normal girl was like. And she would always have Chat Noir. Maybe…maybe she shouldn’t have worried about him being angry with her. Maybe he would love her enough to stay, after she told him. Maybe her fears really were for nothing.

“Kitty…I think I’m ready to talk now.”, Ladybug said, voice already wavering. She was out of tears to cry, and suddenly her eyes felt painfully dry.

Chat blinked, that goofy self-satisfied smile she so loved to see appearing on his lips for a tiny second, before he took her hand in his and led them inside. They placed their drinks on the coffee table, and he curled up against her on the couch. Slowly, Marinette put a hand on his hair, running through the golden locks with care. Her nerves stopped fraying, and a sense of calm ran through her, unexpected as it was welcome. It didn’t feel so much like confidence. More like…acceptance. Understanding, that Chat had no plans of moving even if she revealed herself to be Hawkmoth, that he would stay and hear her out, listen to her story, no matter what.

Samantha made to get up, and Chat let out a small whine when she removed her hand from his head. She patted him between the faux ears, and he smiled at her. He looked so at peace, just by being close to her. She took a step, then a second before turning to face him. Ladybug opened her mouth to speak…and impossibly, the words got stuck in her throat. Again. She wanted to tell him everything, to cry on his shoulder as she confessed her actions, to apologize for the pain and heartache she had caused him the other night…and the words refused.

Just like with Alya, she was left speechless.

Marinette half expected Chat to stand up and walk through the door, leaving her alone, disappointed. Would he, if she couldn’t muster up the courage? Her best friend had shut the door on her, sealing the bluenette in a dark abyss that she barely managed to escape…but would he do the same?

Chat did sit up, and for a single moment Samantha’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest, fear devouring all sense of logic…but he didn’t move further. He’d just sat up to look at her better, she realized. Ladybug could feel his warm, comforting gaze on her whole being, thawing out the icy fright that had gripped her heart.

She swallowed, thinking of what to say. Before she could try again, Chat got ahead of her. “What if…you just show me? I- I know words sometimes aren’t enough…”, he tried to say, trailing off at a loss. Plagg would probably appreciate the irony. Marinette nodded, ever so slowly.

A bright pink light enveloped Samantha, turning into a blinding white before finally dissipating…leaving Marinette Dupain Cheng standing in her place, Kwatagama hanging by a small silver thread around her neck.

Adrien’s eyes practically bulged out their sockets, his whole body convulsed in sheer shock. Marinette stood completely still, terrified that a single breath would send Chat over the edge, and bring forth the anger and heartbreak that would come from her deception. And yet…her partner said nothing.

Slowly, numbly, Chat’s feet carried him over to her. His eyes stared like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, as if it was a dream that could end at any moment. Adrien stopped barely an inch from Marinette, poking her shoulder with a claw, so carefully that one might think she’d vanish at the slightest provocation. When she stayed in place, Chat Noir blinked in utter confusion, leaning closer. He sniffed at her, Marinette’s hair still carrying the feintest smell of baked goods, wrapped up in her signature pigtails.

How…how? Adrien could barely comprehend it, the Marinette in front of him being as well understood as the broadcast announcing her death, which was to say not at all. Chat’s whole body was shaking with fright, he was terrified that this was some horrible dream, teasing him with his biggest fantasy only to tare it away as he crashed back into reality…but the alarm never came.

Adrien slowly came back to his senses, and hesitantly raised a claw to cup her face. Marinette leaned into the touch, her very presence chasing away at the demonic loneliness which had been clawing at his heart ever since yesterday morning. He raised his other hand to gently touch her back, and then pulled her into a fierce hug. For once, Adrien was the first to pull away. He…he didn’t want there to be any secrets between them, not anymore. Not after this.

Plagg…claws in.”, he uttered the phrase as Marinette looked at him in shock. Green light flashed before her eyes…and Chat Noir’s leather suit faded away to reveal Adrien Agreste.

She froze like a deer in headlights, like a thief caught red-handed in the dead of night. “Adrien?”, came the question, and he could barely find the strength to nod, ever so weakly.

The two boys she’d loved with all her heart. Her Guiding Star and her Black Cat, both standing guard and warding off all that would ever hurt the girl they loved most in the whole world…they were one and the same. Marinette didn’t stop to think about it. She didn’t stop to wait for words that would never come to her. She didn’t stop to let him apologize to her when she would be sorry for what had been done. Marinette jumped into Adrien’s arms, and crashed their lips together, pushing them both onto the floor.

His body gave way to her, and Adrien found himself kissing back. It was short but sweet, an electrifying thunderbolt of emotion that tore through their everything, that made any apology, any words of reunion utterly redundant. He closed his eyes, smelling the cookies in the air, feeling her body heat against his own, tasting her on his lips…and before Adrien knew it, she was gone.

He opened his eyes in mad hysteria, horrified at the notion that he might find himself in his bedroom, this dream so cruelly taken away and the harsh reality of absence crashing back into him with more force than a raging river…but then he heard her steps. Small and shaky, but faintly coming towards him. Adrien sat up, then pulled himself to his feet. Marinette, Marinette approached him with a small black book in one hand, pencil in the other. A sketchbook. He saw the words written on the green strap. A Case of Ladybug Luck. Instantly, he knew what it was.

Adrien stepped forward to meet her halfway, gently reaching out for the book. Marinette ran a finger over his ring, and slowly guided them to the kitchen table. His legs made the journey on their own, and he pulled up chair so they could sit next to each other. Wordlessly, with shaking hands, Marinette passed the sketchbook to him. Adrien looked at her, asking for permission. Her hands were shaking, she looked pale and worse for wear, but still gave an affirming nod. He opened the first page.

It was full of drawings. Page upon page of sketches depicting her innermost feelings, given to him in leu of words. Marinette, kneeling in the darkness as Alya’s form walked away, a half-shut door between them. Walls full of bright memories, the ink beginning to bleed into them as Marinette was left in the dark, alone. Total darkness. Scalding stares, cold green eyes peering at her through the void and a cacophony of malicious laughter surrounding her. Finally, the knob is twisted by someone on the other side. He sees a girl near-identical, her hair tied up in a ponytail and wearing a hooded jacket and torn jeans. Adrien notes the scratch marks on the bottom of the door, the bouquet of roses left right next to them.

He sees Marinette holding an umbrella, standing on the precipice between the past and the future. Samantha Fae stands in the light, tall and proud, but half-hidden, a tiny ghost of a smile on her face, obstructed by the sunlight. Marinette kneeling in a pool of dark ink, forcing herself to grin happily as hands try to drag her beneath the surface. Adrien watches the two others pull the broken one out from the darkness, nearly cries as they struggle to seal the door. The mocking words try to escape, as does the ink, but the girls succeed, locking the demon inside. The three of them fall to the ground in exhaustion, and a bright light envelops them, tiny ladybugs floating in the air. When it finally fades, Ladybug stands in their place, and quickly unwraps her yoyo to swing away into the unknown, tiny black pawprints guiding her path.

Adrien wonders why she would ever show him something so deeply personal, so entrenched in Marinette’s very core that it should be only for her eyes. He asks himself what he had possibly done to deserve such knowledge, but no answer comes to greet him. With her gently leaning on his shoulder, soundless tears escaping from her eyes, he realizes she trusts him enough to share. Overcome by determination, Adrien vows to uphold that trust, the love that they feel for one another. He gently brushes Marinette’s fingers aside to grab the pencil, and with a nod of approval, begins to draw on the next page.

It’s clumsy, doesn’t begin to compare to her own magnificence, but Adrien tries. He does his best to draw Ladybug landing in something resembling this living room, Chat Noir waiting at the balcony door and wrapping his arms around her, gently holding his Lady. He fidgets with himself as he draws their transformations fading, Adrien now leading Marinette over to the couch. He offers her the spot next to him, and they fall asleep curled up next to each other. It’s by no means his inner thoughts, but it’s what he wants to do for her. To be there.

Because Adrien thinks, in hindsight, what might have happened had his father not listened, if Gabriel had again dismissed him, ignoring Adrien until it was convenient. As if he was just a product to rent out when profit would be made, and to be placed back on the shelf until further notice. Had his father given him another cold, unrelenting stare of disapproval…and with everything happening with his friends…Chat Noir doesn’t find it too hard to believe he might have ended up right here, with a new face, a new name, and Ladybug by his side.

Marinette softly places her hand onto his, fingers curling around the pencil. Slowly, she guides him to the beginning, layering the lines to give the drawings depth, to create something alongside him. He takes one look at her, and any pain her escape might have caused is instantly alleviated, because she had shown him her past. Finally, he knew everything she had worked so hard to hide, and Adrien understood. In turn, he had shown her the future he wanted to give her. A place to call home, a partner to stand by her side and a life of their own to live, not as the perfect masks the world knew them for, but as the people behind them. As the real Marinette and Adrien. As Bugaboo and Kitty. As Adrien and Samantha Fae. As Princess and Minou. As Ladybug and Chat Noir. 

Marinette had simply joined their hands, and vowed that she and Adrien would make their future together. When the first ray of sunlight broke over the horizon, Ladybug and Chat were fast asleep on her bed, curled up next to each other. If someone were to look, they would see that after what felt like eons, they were finally at peace.


And....scene! Okay, I have to admit I'm honstly in love with how this chapter turned out! Also, SURPRISE! A new chapter! And the *reveal* at that! This...was actually entirely unplanned. I *have* been writing a little bit every now and then in the past week or so, just to de-stress from finals, and somehow it turned into a legible, and pretty well-made chapter! Don't ask me how, I honestly have no idea what's going on anymore. The characters just write the fic at this point, I'm just tagging along for the ride. By the way, the hiatus is still active until about June 18th, so (at least officially) I won't be back until then. I will still be active in the comment section, I love interacting with you guys!

Anyways, I originaly intedned to have an explanation (rant because I really wanted to talk about this chapter) here in the end notes, but I forgot that AO3 has a character limit. Turns out it was 4.5k characters too long. I...may have gotten a little carried away... In leu of that, I'll be happy to respond to any questions you guys have in the comments! Feel free to give me your thoughts on the scene where Marinette goes in her design room and we get the metaphorical segment, it's actually my first time writing an extended scene that illustrates someone's thoughts like that, so I'll be happy to know what you guys thought of it!

About the reveal, I just want to make a tiny clarification. The kiss wasn't supposed to have a romantic connotation, it was written in a "show what you feel" kind of way, because of the emotional overflow Marinette was going through. You can absolutely take it as romantic (there will be more of those kisses later on), and I understand why it might look that way. Admittedly, it wasn't the intention, but feel free to interpret it however you want!

Lastly, one tiny question about the upcoming Gabriel chapter. (Spoilers for the Season 5 episode Emotion) How do you guys feel about Adrien, Felix and Kagami being Sentimonsters? Because I actually really like the idea...and kind of hate the execution in canon? Like, it opens up so many questions about Gabriel and Emilie's past that the show just...doesn't answer, and I don't think it takes away any humanity from these characters as some people say? Because all three were made to be human, so they *are*. But besides that one episode, I don't really trust canon to tell us what's really going on? Kagami felt a *little* underdeveloped when Felix revealed her to be one (we didn't get any background hints like with him and Adrien), and I'm not sure if she knows about her nature or not? For the purposes of this fic I'll go with "no", but still. Right now canon is a confusing mess, and don't even get me started on whatever is going on with Lila. Or whatever her real name ends up being, because I can't trust anything when it comes to that b*tch.

Anyways...since things have changed significantly on Gabriel's side of things, and that will absolutely have implications on how he uses the Miraculous from now on...I want to maybe hear your thoughts on this? Should I try my hand at this plot point? Should I pretend it doesn't exist and not include it? I'm very hesitant to really get close to it because I don't know where the fandom stands on this at all, so I would really appreciate some thoughts. For the record, I'm going to hold onto Season 1-4 canon for the time being and not get into the mess that Season 5 is at the moment. I haven't had the time to watch it, nor really investigate the plot points they're brining up. *However* I do love the new dynamic between Gabriel and Nathalie, where she hates his guts but stays for Adrien's sake, and he delves deeper into being Monarch. (Spoilers again) After Chat Noir cataclysms him, he actually chooses to try *parenting*? Which...I honestly wish we had this Gabriel for the entire show. A good and loving parent who really does *try* to be there for Adrien, struggling with letting go of his wife and secretly being his son's greatest enemy. As much as I love seeing Gabe be a complete asshole..I feel like some episodes (like Chat Blanc) overplay this and have him be completely OOC? He's supposed to be a *sympathetic* villain, but aside from a few scenes (Style Queen, Mayura, Miracle Queen, Gorizilla), the show kind of fails that.

I digress, and I'm swiftly approaching the character limit again! Thanks for reading this little rant, and I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I did writing it! I'll see you guys in a couple weeks, but until then, Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 9: Mastermind's Confession


Still reeling from the consequences of his actions and sticken with guilt, Gabriel struggles to hold himself together and keep his harrowing deeds a secret while still supporting his son. With a need to share the burden of his foolishness, Hawkmoth attempts to confide in his partner, and Gabriel apologizes to the grieving parents of the girl whose future he took away. Only one question remains for all of them. What do we do now?


Hello there everyone and welcome to chapter 9! Finals are finally over, and I can get back to working on this fic full time! I’m so happy to be back! Also, I recently “adopted” a fic idea (it’s my first time writing someone else’s prompt, I’m really hyped!) and I’ll upload a one-shot about that soon! It’s essentially that Gabriel accidentally becomes invested in the shenanigans of Adrien’s class, and instead of Akumatizing these kids for the billionth time, decides to give surprisingly good life advice instead! I’m thinking of doing it in a series of vignettes, where it basically shows the moment that Hawkmoth makes contact with the target…and realizes that it’s (for example) Alya, who’s pissed that Marinette is keeping secrets from her. Instead of Akumatizing her, Hawkmoth decides enough is enough, and puts his therapist glasses on to solve the issue. What do you guys think of it? I’ll link the original source material of course, and I think it’ll be a nice change of pace from the constant agony and suffering that is this fic.

Anyways, back to the story of endless pain and mental breakdowns! Gabriel hasn’t slept all day, Nooroo becomes a therapist, Duusu loses her entire braincell, Hawkmoth makes a confession, Adrien’s existence is acknowledged, and Nathalie learns something new about her boss.

Trigger Warning: Unstable mental states, self-hate and extreme amounts of internalized guilt. Also, graphic depictions of gory scenes, heavy presence of blood. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please go to the end notes for a short summary of what happened.
Now, without further ado, please enjoy Hawkmoth’s pain and suffering! And don’t forget to leave a comment so I can fund Nathalie’s pay raise!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

For the first time in his life, Gabriel had found himself stunned. Of course, things had stunned him before. His rapid ascension of the ranks as a designer. Emilie’s beauty. Adrien’s first words, his first time walking in the garden with them and Nathalie. But Gabriel Agreste had never been so still before, not out of fear. His body was locked into a stiff pose, arm defying gravity in the same way a statue would, motionless, almost lifeless as he stood in front of his son’s door. Just this morning, Adrien had been crying in his arms, desperately trying to comprehend the loss of his best friend. Marinette Dupain Cheng.

That name haunted Gabriel, and it would continue to do so for as long as he drew breath. Perhaps…perhaps he had taken the wrong approach earlier, with miss Cesaire. Perhaps Hawkmoth, Shadowmoth, and his demented ambitions should remain as dead and buried as his victim was, for there was no other place in which they should be present. Certainly not near his son. In all honestly, Gabriel had no idea what he was doing. He had…recovered, somewhat. And then he had moved Nathalie so she could sleep, and then he had read his book.

Realizations ran through his mind even now, Adrien had gone for lunch with his friends and came back while Gabriel battled with the pages, trying to make sense of the incomprehensible jumble of words in front of him. For all his decisiveness to finally regain control of his life, Hawkmoth simply didn’t know where to begin. And his legs had brought Gabriel right here. Outside Adrien’s room, where his son was presumably being torn apart because of his own father’s stupidity, because Gabriel had dared to overreach, in his blind and manic quest to revitalize the past. Because Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead, and he had killed a child.

It would always be true. He would always be guilty. Shadowmoth would always be a murderer. And Gabriel Agreste’s mind struggled to process that fact. She was dead because of him. He had done this. The unending pain and agony the poor girl had been put through was searing in his veins, boiling his blood with nothing less than absolute suffering. His heart felt like it was being held together by half-torn strings, ready to come apart at a moment’s notice. He didn’t register his Kwami flying after him, having been abandoned near the Illusion of Living. Nooroo pushed on his shoulder from where he was floating, and quickly zipped into his master’s front pocket. Gabriel snapped out of his thoughts…and finally knocked on the door.

“Adrien? I…wanted to see how you were, son. It is…better?”, Gabriel grits the question out of his teeth. As if he could be, with what he had done. As if he hadn’t ignored Adrien’s feelings for miss Dupain Cheng, as if the depth of his son’s pain hadn’t caught Hawkmoth by complete surprise. As if it wasn’t setting his nerves on fire by just being near him...

A loud sound reached his ears as something banged against the door from the other side. He tried to apply a tiny bit of pressure, and found the way blocked. Gabriel could feel the fear in Adrien’s mind, the panicked rush to press his whole body against the door and not let his father see him. Hawkmoth refused to let that get to him. Later when he was alone, he would ponder the matter. Later when he was alone, Gabriel would again curse himself for alienating his son, for failing so badly as a father for Adrien to be terrified of showing anything less than what was expected to him. Had he even bothered to look for it, these past two years? Would he have, if not for all this?

“Uh- I’m…fine, Father. I just need some time alone. Could you please…could we talk in the morning?”, Adrien managed awkwardly. His son’s voice came out rough, hoarse. Gabriel pointedly ignored the voice in the back of his head, the thing that sounded so much like Emilie, blaming him for the boy’s misery. He didn’t allow himself to admit how right she was.

In hindsight, and oh how painful this hindsight was, Gabriel knew exactly why his son was asking this. What reason would he have to talk to a man who was supposed to take care of him, but instead ignored and objectified his own son, going so far as to consider using him to spread chaos and destruction as an Akuma? Adrien’s trust had been long lost, and there was nothing Gabriel could do to comfort his son now, when he finally understood what he had done. At least…he was trying to give Adrien a support system. The man under Hawkmoth’s mask could never be a true part of it, but his experiences of creating and sending out Akuma had given Gabriel the insight he needed to provide one. Miss Kagami for example would be an ideal candidate. A friend, and one that had apparently stuck to Adrien’s side during the entire Rossi mess. The only ally Adrien had, expect for miss Dupain Cheng. Ironically enough, Gabriel had taken both of those girls away from him…

Still, he was trying. He had ended his call with Tomoe just a few minutes ago, hadn’t he? Adrien was still silent on the other side of the door, so Gabriel risked looking outside. It was dusk. Right, probably an hour or two? It didn’t matter. But he had called Tomoe, and he had tried to explain to her the importance of helping their children through this loss as best he could. …Gabriel pointedly did not remind himself how that conversation had ended.

He was sitting down at his desk…working. Gabriel Agreste was supposed to be, anyways. More designs to approve, more forms to be signed, and a newly-filed lawsuit and court case coming up on Monday morning, at the earliest possible convenience that money could buy. Hawkmoth was simply trying to pull himself together, holding onto what little he could feel of Nathalie in the other room. Her presence was muted with grief and worry, but it still had a bright spark that refused to fade away. Her determination fueled him, it gave Gabriel another light to look to, instead of the forlorn glow of the fires which continued to set him alight from the inside.

Nooroo had advised him to take the Miraculous off, to let him deal with the matter personally, to not torment himself like this. Gabriel hadn’t so much refused as he had ignored the Kwami, knowing full well that even if he wanted to take the advice, this pain was no less than he deserved. Again, his every nerve was hit with a pulse of fresh heartbreak, another wave of agony coursing through Hawkmoth’s every cell as his brain struggled to process the emotional overload. Gabriel did not care. Most of him was preoccupied with figuring out what he could do to help his son, and a tiny, miniscule part of him adamantly refused to saddle Nooroo with the suffering that Shadowmoth had been responsible for causing, the pain that had come from his abuse of the Kwami’s powers. He was sleeping in his front pocket now, ever so peacefully. Whatever remained of Hawkmoth’s heart had enough sense to not wake him.

Ever so slowly, Gabriel’s hand wandered over to his phone. Perhaps…he could try and arrange something with Adrien’s friends. His son’s burden had seemed ever so lightened when he left with the other teenagers, Hawkmoth remembered. He pondered the thought for a moment. Who should he call? Mister Lahiffe seemed…respectable enough, the aloof kind of individual that could distract Adrien from the loss for some time if given the proper resources. But…then his son would simply be left with an empty hole in his heart, a case of loss unresolved and unprocessed, forever hidden behind false pleasantries and smiles. Gabriel did not think about the other hole he could feel if he focused, the half-mended crack in Adrien’s soul that spoke of Emilie. And he had already left his son with one such injury, was actively causing a second to appear. In the end, Mister Lahiffe simply didn’t seem like someone who could bring significant help to Adrien, regardless of how desperately the boy would try.

Miss Cesaire was another option…and yet she had to be written off as well. In hindsight, it was clear how poorly Hawkmoth had handled her integration into his plans. She had been frightened of him, and terribly so. Of course, the girl’s natural aptitude for investigation and a desire to “make things right” by apprehending Lila Rossi was what made her so useful in Hawkmoth’s eyes…but in the end she was a tool to be used, and did not appear to have a significant enough bond with Adrien to amount to anything beyond providing additional assistance when it was time to drag Lila Rossi through the courts. Gabriel might of course be mistaken, but that remained to be seen. He decided to classify her as a solid maybe, right below mister Lahiffe.

Chloe Bourgeois was so far fetched of an idea that Gabriel immediately decided not to waste his time thinking about it. But perhaps…there was someone else. Miss Tsurugi was probably the best candidate for the job, Hawkmoth supposed. High mental fortitude, a close relationship to his son, a mutual friendship with miss Dupain Cheng…yes, that would do. It would do because Tomoe had already approved of their co-existence, surely, she would understand if he were to ask her. Gabriel’s entire being refused to think about how detached that train of thought might sound, reasoning that Tomoe was a woman of logic, of science. If he was going to convince her about anything, he needed a good objective argument! He was still in control here, of course he was! Hawkmoth was simply his tool to use…and Gabriel Agreste planned to use him well.

He picked up the phone and made his call. It rang once, twice, a third time. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for an argument. It was simply the way things were, should someone mix Tomoe Tsurugi and the concept of emotions in the same sentence.

“Gabriel, I must admit this call is rather unexpected. To what do I owe the pleasure?”, came her voice, curt and only as polite as it had to be. Not too long ago he had felt slight kinship because of her direct approach to ever matter under the sun. Now…he felt like a migraine would soon be in his future.

Hawkmoth made sure to fix his voice to a pleasant, unbothered tone, unwilling to show any of his mental state. He was under no delusion of how she would take advantage of the opportunity, should he make the mistake of presenting it. “Tomoe, I assure you the pleasure is mine. I hope I am not interrupting your day?”, he asked politely.

An annoyed voice answered him. “Dispense with the pleasantries Gabriel, you know how little time I have for them.” Right, of course. No time to waste, because time was money. And what better way to spend one’s time, than by taking advantage of its usefulness?

Hawkmoth ignored her, as he did the reminder of how Gabriel Agreste usually acted around others. …He wondered if this was how Adrien saw him. “My apologies.”, he replied with as little apology as possible. “I merely meant to ask if Kagami’s schedule would be available in the coming week? I feel as if strengthening her bond with Adrien would be beneficial, most especially given how…critical the day has become.”, he said to her. The words felt foreign, and for a moment Gabriel couldn’t recognize his own voice. Was…was this who he had become, who Shadowmoth had been hiding behind all this time?

Tomoe huffed at him through the phone. “Gabriel, I would have thought you are better than this! I do not care what emotional phase your son has been struck by; you should know what to expect of him! Caving in to this whimsical and fickle desire for companionship of all things is incredibly unlike you! I have already allocated the afternoon of my daughter’s schedule so that she may compose herself properly, and I am unwilling to waste time on your son’s inability to act the way he should!”, she raged at him, and Hawkmoth felt the emotions coming through the line. What a wonderful Akuma she would make…if only he could get another rise out of her, surely, she could succeed against Ladybug and Chat Noir! Ikari Gozen had been one of his finest, and with just another push…

Hawkmoth’s manic grin faded from Gabriel’s features as suddenly as it had shown itself. He almost dropped the phone in shock, but managed to recover his grip. “Well?”, Tomoe’s voice sounded. “I hope you’ve understood that I am correct, and that you will cease to waste my time further. Should you contact me again Gabriel, make sure it is for business. Good da-”

“All it takes is a snap of my fingers.”, came the words. Tomoe fell silent in a flash, stunned speechless. Hawkmoth didn’t quite realize what he had said until the lack of sound began to feel oppressive. But…perhaps this was the only way to get her to listen. He…he was doing this for Adrien, for his son! Besides, Gabriel wouldn’t have to go through with it! It was an empty threat, and the part that delighted him was that Tomoe was smart enough to know that…yet incredibly unwilling to risk forcing his hand.

“All it takes is a snap of my fingers, and your precious legacy is gone to the wind. A simple feather flowing along the current of the sky, taken away only by your own persistence.”, Gabriel told her in as lifeless a tone as I could manage. “You and I are both well aware of my dealings in New York, you know what I am capable of. And do not be so foolish as to think it matters to me. Once my victory is at hand, nobody will ever remember it. It will be a but a footnote in a history book that is destined to be exchanged for a brand new, blank copy. You will never even have the slightest bit of awareness in regards to what I can take from you, and how easy that would be.”

Tomoe physically gasped for air on the other end of the line. “You wouldn’t dare!”, she screeched at him. “You would never!”, she threatened, and Gabriel allowed Hawkmoth to come through, for just a moment. He gave her a laugh which would freeze a grown man’s blood, and he felt her fear finally coming through. Hook…line…and sinker.

“…for how long do you require her presence?”, Tomoe finally relented. Her voice had the slightest of tremors, the slimmest betrayal of feelings Hawkmoth could see with crystal clarity.

Gabriel cleared his throat, returning to his professional façade that Shadowmoth had so expertly crafted for him. Perhaps one day he would thank the man…once the fool lies six feet below the Earth, precisely where his kind of demon belonged. “I do not require her presence. But unfortunately…Adrien is rather shaken with all that has happened. He will need her emotional support in the coming weeks, months. Even years. We both know how badly such a loss can hurt. A person so close that they are the core of your entire existence…. surely, that is not something you are willing to put your precious daughter through, is it?”, Hawkmoth cackled again, and Tomoe’s intensified fright only fueled his laughs further.

“Very well. But I hope you understand what this will cost you. I know things, Gabriel.”, she threatened, trying to sound intimidating. Someone who did not know her well might call Tomoe desperate.

Gabriel only gave an honest chuckle in response. “I’m sure, Madame Tsurugi. And I hope this will not affect our partnership on the business side of things?”, he asked her with a grand sense of finality. Let it never be said that Hawkmoth was not known for his dramatic flair!

Tomoe’s bravado slipped away, and Gabriel caught the tail end of a deep sigh. “No, it does not. And I shall…accept your request to be more understanding. Kagami’s schedule is clear for the week, but any further contact will need to be accounted for within my existing scheduling model. I am not willing to throw my business to the wayside, not even for the demands of a lunatic, Gabriel Agreste!”, she shouted at him infuriated by the leverage he held, by how she had been so clearly bested.

Gabriel chuckled despite himself; an honest-to-God victory laugh for the world to hear. He smirked, and allowed himself the satisfaction of ending a conversation on his own terms. “Pleasure doing business with you.”, he quipped at Tomoe, and simply hung up on her. Nathalie would surely be proud of him for this one!

Pleased with himself, Gabriel turned to look at Emilie’s portrait, phone gently grasped with both hands behind his back. As he dove back into his thoughts, as he once again acknowledged the pain coursing through his veins, the grip tightened. He never noticed Adrien return home, nor come back down to greet him, only to be ignored. But Gabriel did hear his son’s laughter some time later, and let himself smile at the feeling of happiness which radiated from his Miraculous.

He was thrown back into the real world in a flash, not knowing how long the silence had gone on for. Gabriel let himself sigh as deeply as his lungs would allow when he still felt Adrien’s body blocking the door. “As you wish.”, he relented. A moment of silence passed, and he decided to test the waters. “And you should know, Nathalie is better now.”, he was quick to assure Adrien. “She even made sure to inform me of her opinion of my book choices.”, Gabriel tried to joke, but it fell flat and sounded empty. Looking at his soul…the statement was pretty accurate. Ironically, Nathalie had made a similar statement earlier when he’d gone to check on her, just after the teens had gone out. She was fast asleep again, but she’d been bothered by the idea of him reading the book. He would have to get her actual thoughts on it…but that could wait for later. Always later.

“I’m glad”, Adrien suddenly replied. Two simple words, yet filled with so much honest that it truly surprised Gabriel. How his son had a heart big enough to allow for this care, for genuine worry about Nathalie’s wellbeing when Adrien was so clearly being tormented by the loss of his dear friend…he just couldn’t fathom it.

Gabriel thought back to Emilie. Adrien had gotten it from his mother, that was certain. And all too obvious now, in this moment. He didn’t notice the grief and cold, dead feeling of loss radiating from his Miraculous. To Gabriel, there was no change. The jewel had been acting like this ever since…ever since yesterday. He would not think about yesterday. Instead, Gabriel elected to fill the silence with something, anything, just so he could drive away his dark thoughts. “I…see.”, he managed awkwardly. “Well, I shall respect your wishes. Shall we speak in the morning?”, Gabriel prompted his son, hoping for an affirmative. For the slightest sign that within Adrien’s golden heart, there was one microscopic sliver of space carved out for his father.

All he got in response was a muted feeling of loss and sorrow, buried under mountains of memories and oceans of bleeding pain. Gabriel felt his own heart sting. He understood these feelings all too well. “Goodnight, Adrien.”, he managed to say, and quickly retreated to his study. He did not need a negative feedback loop, not now with his son close by! And so, he sealed his doors shut, and kept the agony at bay from the one person who deserved it the least.

Gabriel felt Adrien’s negative emotions subside, and smiled to himself. Maybe…maybe if he could be there for his son, his boy would be okay. He felt Nathalie, still sleeping peacefully on his bed. She hadn’t had the energy to move earlier, and he wasn’t about to wake her. Her presence was a soft, warm glow amidst the oppressive darkness of guilt that threatened to swallow him, the one thing keeping Shadowmoth at bay and allowing Gabriel to be, even now when it was too late for that to matter.

But…hadn’t he promised that he would fix things? He had sworn that he would do everything in his power to help Adrien crawl out of the hole Shadowmoth had kicked him into…but his son wasn’t the only one suffering. Gabriel considered that for a moment, pondering his moves. Lila Rossi would soon be taken care of, it was only a matter of waiting until tomorrow morning, when Fabian would undoubtably cause a scene in response to her usual behavior. Alya Cesaire had been swiftly -if somewhat haphazardly- placed on the right track to unveil Rossi’s mistreatment of miss Dupain Cheng and solidify his case for her harassment of Adrien, and his son would have a friend to support him through this mess in the form of Oni Cha- of Kagami Tsurugi.

And yet, Gabriel felt he was forgetting something. He was by no means foolish, and instead very much aware that he would have to tell Nathalie what happened, and pray she would forgive him. But…there was someone else. Two people whose agony he had caused and suffered for, and Hawkmoth knew they were still hurting, even without using his Miraculous. He refused to give the thought more than a moment’s notice, but it wasn’t hard for him to image how he might feel if it had been Adrien instead. Gabriel repressed the flash of pain from his Miraculous. The jewel was still cracked right through the center, and it was bleeding Marinette Dupain Cheng’s suffering into his very soul.

If Verity Queen and Were-Dad were in half the pain…if Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain were feeling a fraction of the loss he felt when Emilie di- was gone… Hawkmoth knew very well what they were feeling, he’d sensed it for himself, and was nowhere near foolish enough to believe that such frenzied pain would subside within a mere day. Evidently, he was foolish enough to be the cause of it.

Gabriel moved to the window, and the tiniest drizzle started to fall at the very moment he touched the glass. Suddenly he got the frantic urge to check on his son…but he took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. Adrien was in his room, and despite his instincts screaming otherwise, was very much safe, inside where he ought to be. The rain would not hurt him, Gabriel had shielded him from the despicable water with a roof over his son’s head. And…besides, Adrien had asked his father to leave him be. What kind of parent would Gabriel be if he ignored his son’s wishes? Hawkmoth clenched his fist at that irony, but that only made him more likely to refrain. He hadn’t been a parent, not in almost three years now. The first of them spent blindly clawing at mystical remedies and an ancient book as if they held the solutions to all his problems…as if they would wake Emilie from her slumber.

The next two were wasted entirely as Gabriel reclused away from his son, quickly being replaced by a being he did not want to even envision again. Hawkmoth had been a fantasy, a grieving fool’s delusion of restoring what had been lost…and Shadowmoth could so clearly now be seen as the consequence. Everything that he had done up to this point…it was for nothing. Gabriel Agreste had lost his wife, and short-sighted as he had always been when it came to matters of the heart, had nearly sacrificed his very being just to bring her back. He’d been blinded to what he still had, to the pain those around him were and still are going through. Adrien, his son. Their wonderful creation, human in the truest of sense and with a heart of gold, made to be a combination of Gabriel and Emilie’s best parts, their greatest achievement!

The boy that had to suddenly grapple with the loss of a parent, whose closure was taken away when Gabriel organized a funeral with an empty casket and declared her missing to the wind, burying the empty coffin underneath a statue in his own backyard…while Emilie awaited underneath, in the depths of the house and in a glass coffin, a machine keeping her in pristine condition with the feint hope that one day, she would be returned to him.

Nathalie. His assistant, formerly fellow adventurer, and long-time friend. The woman who had stood by their side as long as he could remember, with whom he and Emilie had shared their fantastical adventures as they explored ancient ruins in the jungle and traversed the snowy mountains of Thibet, finally returning home with a prize like no other. Two jewels with spirits laying dormant inside of them, holding incredible secrets and with the power to change their lives. Adrien alone was enough proof of Duusu’s capabilities, and unfortunately Hawkmoth’s history spoke for itself for the abilities that Nooroo held within his brooch.

Gabriel slowly took his hand from the glass, and let that train of thought rest. Tomorrow, he would pick it back up. Tomorrow, he would deal with the mess Shadowmoth had created. Tomorrow, Nathalie would be back to his side, and hopefully willing to help him like always. Hopefully, she would not hate him. Shaking his head, Gabriel moved through the living room and into his bedroom, foregoing the light. He lifted Nooroo from his shirt pocket, placing the exhausted Kwami on his nightstand, opposite of the side of the bed where Nathalie was sleeping. This way, she wouldn’t wake him accidentally by turning on the nightstand’s lamp. He turned to his drawer, removed a few sheets of paper, an envelope and a pen, and quickly retreated from her sleeping form. Gabriel only paused for a second, to hear her breathing peacefully. It made his nerves settle down, even if for just a moment, and then he was gone.

Before he could think better of it, before he could consider the alluring notion of sleeping, Gabriel settled a sheet of paper on his desk and tested the pen. He thought back to Sabine Cheng, to the lifeless, broken stare that she had given him only yesterday. His Miraculous flared with agony, and the pain lit his whole body on fire again. Gritting his teeth, Hawkmoth elected to ignore it. He had a job to do, and an apology to extend. For a single moment, he considered using the peacock again. Just to…fill in the blanks until he could make his Wish, until he could fix his Miraculous and return to finally destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir, and make everything right again! horrified stare of Verity Queen flashed before his eyes, and Gabriel very quickly abandoned the idea. He wouldn’t appreciate it if someone were to “bring Emilie back”, and instead deliver him a cheap, poorly-made copy. A mere shadow of who she used to be. …A sudden thought came to him then, a line from his book which had hit too close to home.

“The greatest illusion of all is the belief that we can escape our past mistakes, when in reality they are inedible, etched upon our souls, haunting us with a sense of guilt and remorse.”

Maybe…it would be best if he adhered by that truth, and acted accordingly. …Perhaps it was wiser to heed his book’s words. Guilt and remorse certainly haunted him, and Gabriel was left to wonder what would have happened if Shadowmoth had continued undisturbed. Would he have ever even listened to his son? Would he have ignored Adrien’s words, sending him on a path of lonely and vain defense against the despicable demon who Gabriel had been so blinded by? Would Lila Rossi have managed to sink her claws into his son? No, of course not! Adrien was resilient, he would never allow it! But…would Gabriel have allowed it? In this broken collage of half-lived memories he called an existence, the in-between to his time as Shadowmoth…would he have even seen it? How would Adrien retaliate? Would he pack his things and flee, and he had tried to do before? Would his friends have sheltered him from Gabriel’s ire, or would they have helped him find Adrien has they had attempted last Christmas?

Most of all…would Marinette Dupain Cheng be alive, if he had stopped to think? …probably, as much as it shattered Gabriel to admit to what he had done. A wave of self-hatred filled his veins. How hadn’t he realized what he was doing to this child? Who in their right mind would encourage Lila Rossi to ruin the girl’s life, to break her apart and bite down to her core until she was left holding herself together by the seams, desperately trying to cling to an illusion of normalcy? An illusion of living? He…didn’t know. Gabriel Agreste found himself stunned twice in one day, staring the consequences of his own actions in the face as he took in the blank sheet of paper in front of him.

He had to do something about this. Gabriel knew he more than deserved the pain he was suffering through, and he would only ever consider removing the brooch when its cracks had been healed, and the source of this agony excised from existence, grasped by both ends and ripped out of the fabric of reality. He mulled over the pen in his hand. It was foolish, so plainly stupid he shouldn’t even try it. But Gabriel still put the pen onto the paper, and began to write.

Dear Mrs. Cheng and Mr. Dupain,

I’ve become aware of the recent development regarding…

No. No, that didn’t sound right. Far too formal, far too impersonal, even for him. He made it sound like he afraid to face them, like he was hiding from any personal stakes in the matter. Rather, it revealed what he was doing. And Gabriel hated how obvious it was, just from reading the first sentence. He tore the paper apart, and brought up a new one.

Dear Mrs. Cheng and Mr. Dupain,

My sincerest condolences for the tragedy your family has suffered. I have become aware of the news, and personally assure…

Still not right. Gabriel frowned to himself. He had to be honest with these people. He’d never met them, but he knew them at their worst. Their anger, their fierce protectiveness, their grief and their broken souls, all that he had witnessed swirling in Verity Queen’s eyes just a day ago. He had to get this right. It was foolhardy, not worth his time when he should be focusing on repairing his Miraculous, on keeping his sanity in -mostly- one piece, on comforting his son. But…a part of him felt like he needed to do this. And so, he crumpled the paper in a ball, and tossed it somewhere behind him before repeating the process with the initial offender.

By the time that sunlight once again graced Gabriel with its presence, his office was littered with balls of paper. Two empty pens rested on his desk, barely resisting gravity’s call to join their two brethren already on the floor. But he finally had it. He had done it! Gabriel held the letter in his hand, running his eyes over the words again and again, scanning for the slightest imperfection, the most miniscule clue that something existed in the writing which would dissatisfy him…and at long last, he found nothing!

Gabriel took a deep, satisfied breath, and lazily checked his watch. 9:17am, it said. He sighed to himself, any muted desire to sleep forgotten in the face of a brand-new day. The second day since Friday. The second day where Marinette Dupain Cheng was no longer in this world. Somehow, it felt far more anticlimactic than Gabriel had expected. The sun had risen on today like any other, as if normalcy had returned to reign upon Paris once again. Gabriel imagined Parisians waking up and going about their Sunday morning, perhaps half-expecting Shadowmoth to make an appearance should someone lose their mental composure today. His eyes wandered from the letter to the living room, where a particular book still sat, undisturbed since yesterday. Beyond the sealed set of doors, The Illusion of Living simply stared back at Hawkmoth. It dared him to pick it up again, so it may once more torment him with the truths he had forced himself to forget.

“Our delusions of self-importance blind us to the outside world. We become trapped within the strict confines of our egos, oblivious to the outside world, to the lives of others, to the insignificance of our individual existence in the grand tapestry of life.”

Unfortunately, that was nary how harsh the truth could be, oh so often for someone who had long forgotten it. Tentatively, Hawkmoth took a deep breath and felt the world through his Miraculous. The endless buzz of millions of thoughts quickly resumed its presence in the back of his mind, and he simply stood to observe it. An overarching sadness from Paris as a whole, still shaken by yesterday’s tragic news as Gabriel had expected…but it was muted, quickly giving ground to mundane thoughts of…normal life. Questions on what would make for a good breakfast, concerns over bills, grumpy attitudes from those working on a Sunday morning, relief from some who been concerned about the rain last night, that it would not interrupt their day. Thoughts of friends, daily plans, aspirations and dreams quickly filled Hawkmoth’s vision, and he let them fade away from his own. Even through Adrien he could sense dreams for a better, happy future, regardless of how far away and distant the thought seemed to Gabriel.

“The past, a seductive illusion, can lure us into a state of stagnation. Yet, when we fail to move forward, we may unknowingly shatter the dreams and aspirations of those who walk alongside us, victims of our own fixation on what cannot be changed.”

And wasn’t that a hurtful truth? So very obvious in hindsight, and yet so cloudy and mudded by his hopeless ambitions. His son came to mind again, the example so blindingly obvious that it stung his eyes. Or…maybe that was the lack of sleep. But…had he not also done so to everyone who had ever known Marinette Dupain Cheng? Silencer, he remembered, held feelings for the girl. The boy, even consumed with enough rage to trigger Hawkmoth’s Akuma, had taken her voice, but instead of attacking or terrorizing her, he’d confessed his love. At the time, Gabriel did not react to it, allowing the moment to pass as to not disturb the Akuma, whose emotions were more controlled and therefore a risk. If the boy had managed to gather enough sense to realize what was really happening, he might have attempted to resist him. Of course, Hawkmoth had not known such a thing was ever possible, not until Chloe Bourgeois had thrown him out of her mind and declared undying loyalty to his nemesis.

Verity Queen and Were-Dad were obviously connected to her, as was…Befana, if he recalled correctly. Bakerix, even. Over a fourth of his creations, all of them her classmates or her friends. Marinette Dupain Cheng, a person so centered in the lives of others that her absence would impact dozens, those he’d seen at her bakery’s door just yesterday morning after the announcement of her demise came. Gabriel did not dare try to look for those feelings amidst the currents of emotion which flowed and ebbed through Paris. As powerful as negative emotions were, there was thankfully a limit, and the collective grief and anguish of those mourning his victim was overshadowed by the mundanity of life in a metropolis, by the simple sense of normalcy that he’d sensed not too long ago.

The pain he did feel still bubbled under the surface, ready to flair up and burn him like Hellfire for the sin he had committed. Gabriel sighed deeply as another wave of agony reared its head. With some effort, he heaved himself off his desk and through the doors, back into the outside world. They creaked as he shoved them out of his way, managing to stumble into the nearest bathroom. Gabriel felt as if a truck had run over his legs, as if every breath he took was of fire and ash, like every heartbeat hammered away at his soul. The pain was paralyzing, now that he had nothing to distract him. His hand found the light switch, and he swerved his head towards the sink. A splash of cold water seemed to help smother the flames. Gabriel blinked in relief, thankful for the respite. Focusing himself on not falling to the floor, he sighed deeply and slowly raised his gaze to the mirror.

The lights flickered, and the phantom crack of thunder echoed in his ears. Gabriel flinched, and when his sight came back to him, he nearly fainted at what he was seeing. Shadowmoth, suit covered in blood, the tip of his angled so the liquid slowly dropped away…smiling at him with a crooked, manic grin.

In his other hand he held not a fan, but rather lifted up the body of Marinette Dupain Cheng by the neck. Gabriel could just barely see the hole in her chest, perfectly shaped to fit his cane’s sharpened end. Shadowmoth seemed to finally notice him, and cackled. Thunder cracked across the mirror, and he was felled, turning into ash as the girl’s body tumbled to the floor. Gabriel tried to reach out and grab her, to somehow help, but the darkness underneath Marinette opened up to swallow her whole, body dissipating into an inky puddle that turned into crimson blood, and then finally fell through the cracks, out of sight.

Instinctively, he moved to approach, nearly dove after her…but Gabriel lost his footing, and the back of his head found the marble floor. The lights flickered again, and the vision was gone, leaving the bathroom perfectly pristine. As if it had never happened. As if things were back to normal. Somehow…somehow that thought scared Gabriel Agreste more than any vision could. Someday people would forget, only stopping to leave a flower at her grave in passing, and he would be the only one still stuck with all this agony. One day the world would move on, and the only one who would remember Marinette Dupain Cheng’s death shall be the man who took her life.

Gabriel slowly got back to his feet, leaning on the sink for support. Inch by inch, he made his way back to his desk, to the letter he had written. Words of sympathy and kind understanding that felt so hollow as he read them again, again and again. He thought they might be able to tell. That the Dupain-Chengs might know what he did, just because of how he’d written it. Fear crept into Hawkmoth’s mind as the vision of the monster came back to him, Shadowmoth’s insane cackle echoing in the distance as the mansion was flooded by an endless rain of blood.  

He only noticed Adrien approaching because he felt the fear in his son’s heart, the uncertainty. How would Gabriel react to his presence? Would he allow him to go outside, or would he revert to the thing that he usually was, cold and distant, indifferent to Adrien’s plights and pain? Ever so slowly, Hawkmoth took the deepest breath he could, and bore his gaze into the letter. He did not need these thoughts from his son, justified as they might be. He had to keep it together. Just welcome him, say hello, task him to deliver the letter and order him to leave. Gabriel needed to think logically, he needed to focus on something, anything other than the fact that his veins were on fire.

“Good morning, Father.”, the boy greeted quietly, hesitating on the precipice, desperately hoping for at least a neutral reaction.

Gabriel raised his gaze, and took a good look at his son. Adrien was already fully dressed, most likely about to leave. And he was terrified. Of his own father. “Ahh, Adrien! Good morning! Did you need something?”, he replied, trying to smooth his voice into a pleasant tone. He forcefully relaxed his hand, unwilling to bend or damage the envelope in his hands. He refused to re-write that letter for what felt like the billionth time. Once had already been one too many, for his guilt. And he couldn’t afford a slip up. He was not going to scare his son. Never again!

Adrien shifted his feet, and Gabriel could feel he was nervous. Afraid, his mind whispered. He slammed down his mental shields, not allowing the guilt to show on his face. It would take time for his son to trust him again, and Gabriel cursed every fiber of his own being for allowing that trust to be lost in the first place. “Um…I wanted to go out with Nino and Alya. We were going to…see Marinette. Her parents! We were going to see her parents!”, his son corrected hastily.

Hawkmoth refused to think back to the reason why Adrien would never see his friend again. It was already looking at him whenever he went close to a mirror, he did not need to consider it further. His mind flashed back the image of his bloodstained suit, Shadowmoth holding up the battered corpse of a girl who’d died because of his relentless crusade, because Gabriel was foolish enough to not know when it was time to quit. Still, he put on a calm face for his son. He'd been through enough yesterday. It was better to leave Adrien out of this, to not get him involved. Gabriel would not allow an innocent to be punished for his stupidity. Especially since this was his son. He’d killed Adrien’s best friend. He was the reason for all this pain. What business did Hawkmoth have imposing on the boy, bringing him more suffering?


“Yes, of course you can go.”, Gabriel managed to say. A moment of silence passed. Maybe…he should say something. “You…do not need my permission, Adrien. Just make sure to inform me, and tell when you think you’ll be back. Your schedule is fully clear for this week, there is no need to ask me.”, he added in an even voice. Hopefully it came out warm and polite. Hopefully Adrien couldn’t feel the agony leaking out of the Butterfly Miraculous, tormenting Hawkmoth for his foolishness. It was well deserved, but Gabriel did not want his son to pay for his mistakes any more than the boy already was. And it was best for him to know he was free. That his father wouldn’t shackle him again. That Adrien could finally live. Gabriel hated that miss Marinette had to die for this to happen. She would have despised him, for how he had treated her friend. Perhaps she had hated him. And now…it was far too well deserved…

Despite it all, Adrien’s bright smile brought out the ghost of a smirk to Hawkmoth’s face. “Thank you, Father! I- We might spend a lot of the day out, I’m not sure when I’ll be back…”, Adrien stammered, halting the sentence. His son’s voice had gone back to afraid, hesitant. As if he was terrified of overstepping.

Gabriel tried not to sigh. He would kick himself later, when Adrien couldn’t see. His hand, the one holding the letter, reached out towards his son. “It’s alright. If you need a ride back, inform me and I can call your bodyguard. And please, take this to Monsieur Dupain and Madame Cheng, if you can.”, he said, trying to make the smile show. Maybe Adrien would understand that he was trying, maybe that sliver inside his son’s golden heart really did exist. Maybe someday, Gabriel Agreste would finally be worthy of taking up that space which Adrien had reserved for him, even convinced that his father would never willingly enter it.

Adrien took the letter and put it in his pocket, the one with a zipper. He sealed it inside, and quickly backed away, leaving Gabriel to his work. Hawkmoth could still feel his son’s surprise, his hesitance to accept kindness from his father. It hurt him more than any strike from Ladybug and Chat Noir ever could. Even if he hadn’t realized it, Adrien was backing away like a frightened animal, as if all he wanted was to run and hide. Gently, he closed the door behind him, a perfectly neutral expression on his face, sealing Gabriel inside, alone with his demons.

Hawkmoth felt his son’s relief through his Miraculous, kept track of the emotion till it faded, replaced by the sense of companionship when Adrien reached his friends. Gabriel averted his mental gaze, content to know that at least for now, his son was alright. He wasn’t alone. Satisfied, he began to slowly bend down and pick up the discarded drafts of the letter, throwing them away. They were worthless after all, much like the hollow words he was giving. …No matter. He was Gabriel Agreste, and he had a job to do.

He pointedly ignored the nagging thought in the back of his head. Gabriel simply allowed himself a deep, broken sigh, and then moved to his bedroom. The door was ajar, and inside he could sense Nathalie. Her thoughts filled his mind, which meant she was awake. Worry, concern and confusion seeped into the walls, and so Hawkmoth strode in with confidence, bearing the widest smile he could manage. Nathalie’s surprise flared in his head, and Gabriel quickly retracted his gaze. It was quite rude after all, to peer at people’s minds so inconsiderately.

“Gabriel!”, Nathalie exclaimed, looking almost shocked as she took his appearance in. He hid it well, but she could spot the dark circles under his eyes, the way his muscles forced themselves into relaxation, hiding the pain his Miraculous was causing. At first glance, he looked alright, if a tad frustrated. If one was to look deeper as she did…the agony was not hard to miss.

Bedridden and devoid of her exoskeleton, all Nathalie could do was extend a hand in his direction, trying to reach him. “Gabriel! What happened to you? Are you alright?”, she asked, nearly afraid to hear the answer. His eyes glinted with something akin to tears, and that alone frightened Nathalie more so than any prospect of defeat ever could. He had never cried before, not even when-

Gabriel’s gaze met her eyes…and suddenly his breath hitched, causing him to look away. It would be so easy to lie to her. It would be even easier, even more agonizing, to simply project a façade of calm and wellness, and simply keep this all to himself. But…he couldn’t lie to Nathalie. Gabriel’s whole being simply fought against him when he tried to speak, and so he sighed deeply.

“Adrien has gone out to see his friends. Everything is fine, he has my permission.”, Gabriel elected to say instead, clumsily avoiding the unwanted topic. All sense of energy and purpose had left him the moment he stepped through the precipice of the doorway and into Nathalie’s vision. His legs shook, and for a moment he feared they would give out on him.

Nathalie looked on with concern, and quickly tried to move herself and offer space for him to sit. Gabriel thanked her with a pained nod, and quickly dropped himself beside her. Up close, the disheveled and haggard appearance was not easy to ignore. For a moment, there was silence. “Are you okay?”, she asked, shattering the illusion of peace that had begun to descend on his mind. The pain had even gone away, just for a second.

Gabriel nodded again, not trusting himself to form words. He commanded his racing thoughts into a slow, methodical stride, and finally responded. “Nathalie…”, he said, but it sounded more like he breathed out her name, as if muttering a prayer. “I…I hope you slept well?”, he inquired, and she shot him a flat stare.

Hawkmoth found it in himself to chuckle, weak as the laugh was. Gabriel’s gaze fell to his hands, phantom droplets of blood coating them crimson. “I’m sorry.”, he said to her, as the vision of Shadowmoth returned to him. “It appears that I’ve gotten into quite a mess…”

Nathalie raised an eyebrow, but it only made her expression soften, and look impossibly more frightened. “It’s not hard to see that. What happened, Gabriel?”, she asks him. Her eyes desperately search for his gaze, but fail to find it as Hawkmoth keeps it firmly on his hands.

All the air escapes from his lungs. He can’t speak. He wants to tell her, to finally not be alone in knowing…but that means having to admit it. And if there was one thing that Gabriel performed poorly at…it was admitting his mistakes. So again, he deflects. Later, he would tell her. Later, in an ideal world, Mayura would join him in trying to figure out the future, would help him process all of this madness. But Hawkmoth was no idiot. Certainly a fool, but not even he was that delusional. Nathalie’s soft, light gaze would harden into an icy storm, she would yell him out of the room. She would demand he bring her everything she owned in this manor, and she would tell Adrien. She would take him away, to a place where Gabriel could never find him. Where his son would be safe from Shadowmoth’s selfishness. Gabriel knew this at his core, but despite how he would agree with her, that it was for the best…Hawkmoth was too much of a coward to face that pain.

“Gabriel!”, Nathalie’s voice snapped him out his thoughts. “You went out in the middle of the night yesterday, came back half dead, and now you look like a ghost is hanging over your head. I want to help you, but please! Just tell me what happened!”, she pleaded, begged him. Worry had congregated into tears that threatened to leak from her eyes.

Tentatively, ever so gently, the Butterfly Miraculous’ power activates, and Gabriel hesitantly looks into her heart. Nathalie notices him, sees the magic, and she breathes deeply, lowering her mental defenses. She lets him see, and despite searching every inch, despite hunting the slightest indication that his predictions would come to haunt him, all Hawkmoth finds in her heart is warmth, concern, desire to protect. All he can see is her love. He decides it then and there, that Nathalie never deserved the name Sancoeur. It was far too insulting, for someone with a heart loving enough to rival his own son.

Finally, Gabriel’s eyes meet her own. Nathalie has scooted closer to him, trying to wrap him in a hug. Exhausted, he melted into the embrace of the one person he knows he can count on, of the woman who had always been his closest friend and confidant, and Gabriel raises his voice to speak. “I…I made a mistake. And Marinette Dupain Cheng is dead. Because of me.”, he mutters, voice barely above a whisper.

He'd expected her to recoil, to throw him off her and try to run away…but Nathalie immediately hugged him tighter, remembering what he had told her…when she was last awake. Gabriel had come into the room –his room, her heart said- to check on her, holding a book in his hands. The Illusion of Living, was the title. Her mind went numb as she made the connection. At the time, she’d remembered the story of how Gabriel and Emily had come in possession of the book and thought he’d been making a joke in terribly poor taste, putting on his most tired face as a farce. Nathalie had stifled a laugh and practically thrown him out, chiding Gabriel for his horrible book choices. But…

She paused for a moment, to meet his blue eyes. For the first time in what seemed like months, the color had returned to them. The dull grey which had begun to set upon Gabriel’s features had retreated, usurped by a frightened, guilty and horrified blue, his peace of mind washed away like teardrops in a storm. Nathalie breathed and tried to process the information. She knew who miss Dupain Cheng was. The girl who’d won Gabriel’s fashion contest, the blue-haired friend that Adrien always spoke about with nothing but absolute adoration and love in his tone. Secretly, Nathalie had thought she was his first crush, and that he was just unwilling to admit it. So much like his father, when Emilie had first tried asking him out. The girl…was dead. Had Gabriel- …no, no of course he wouldn’t! Surely not…

Nathalie knew he was desperate to get the Miraculous, she’d seen how much every waking moment without Emilie by his side had agonized Gabriel…it had hurt her just as much. It clicked in her head that Shadowmoth had tried Akumatizing the girl just that afternoon. “Gabriel…”, Nathalie tried to ask, suddenly terrified of the answer she might receive. “What happened?”, she managed to breathe out, and he seemed to stiffen for a moment, like he was afraid. The last time she’d seen fear on Gabriel’s face was when Emilie…

His breath hitched, as if the words were caught inside Gabriel’s throat. For a moment he sat next to her, trying to breathe, before finally coaxing them into the outside world. “It was announced yesterday morning…right after you fell asleep…that miss Dupain Cheng committed suicide on Friday night. And…it’s all my fault.”, he tells her. For a moment, Nathalie’s eyes widen in horror, suddenly terrified that he might have finally crossed the last remaining line there was… Gabriel moves his eyes to look at the floor, and she can feel his shame leaking through the Butterfly Miraculous. Nathalie’s eyes wander over to the crack that’s running right down the middle of the jewel…and her mind tells her the worst. “I never should have been so lenient with miss Rossi.”, Gabriel suddenly spits out, more cursing himself than the Italian girl.  

They stay like that for a long moment, Nathalie’s arms still half-wrapped around his body as she tries to breathe, before he stares at her with pleading eyes, as if begging to let him explain. All she can do is numbly nod. And so, he tells her. Gabriel, after what felt like an eternity, tries to help her piece things together. He tells her about how he tried to Akumatize Marinette, about what he felt inside of her mind. He tells her about Adrien’s confession, that Lila had been harassing him at school and at photoshoots. Nathalie’s fists clench at that, and she considers demanding he give her the Peacock Miraculous back so she may take matters into her own hands…but when Gabriel falls silent, Nathalie can only let him continue.

He stops for a moment, breathing deeply, before telling her of how he reacted to the news, how terrible he feels to have scared Adrien like that. She remembered him coming into her room to relay Gabriel’s orders, how he’d seemed gloomy and frightened. Nathalie had wanted to talk to him about it, to tell Gabriel off and remind him that Adrien was just as important as Emilie…but a tear falls from his eye, for the first time in years. And she knows that he understands it. She doesn’t need to tell him anymore; he is very well aware.

Nathalie sits in silence as Gabriel goes on to describe what happened that night, reaching the point where he felt the connection with his Akuma snap…and then his voice fails him. Nathalie Sancoeur watches as Gabriel Agreste tries and fails to speak…before finally hanging his head in defeat. Eventually, he manages to break the silence. “I went out there, to try and look for her. I found the bridge…but…it was announced this morning.”, he says, falling back to safer ground. “I- I never meant for any of this to happen!”, he screams. “You have to believe me!”, Gabriel begs her, vulnerable in a way she’d never seen before....and Nathalie slowly moves herself to sit next to him.

She’s…she’s numb, maybe. Nathalie isn’t sure what to feel, her mind draws a blank. She defaults back to the most pressing matter she can think of. “Is…is Adrien okay?”, she asks Gabriel. Thankfully, miraculously, he nods an affirmative.

Clearing his throat and stifling the part of himself that’s broken and unmendable, that wants to cease his existence just like he deserves after what he had done…he manages a reply. “He’s…out with friends. I’ve cleared his schedule for the entire week, I allowed him to not go to school if he doesn’t wish to…and I’ve guaranteed miss Tsurugi’s empty schedule as well. They will have each other to lean on.”, Gabriel says, in the most sterile, clinical tone he can manage.

Nathalie knows exactly what hides behind it. She knows that if Gabriel doesn’t fall back on this, he’ll never manage to get the words out. She…doesn’t know what to do. She loves him. Nathalie has always loved Gabriel, even when she really shouldn’t have. But there was Emilie…and so she’d turned her heart into an icy tundra, cold and dead, and never spoken of her feelings. And now…

She had never seen him be vulnerable before, not like this. In front of her, Gabriel had always been himself, they were partners and had no secrets between them. Nathalie Sancoeur had known everything about Gabriel Agreste. His habits, his mannerisms, his -in hindsight quite hilarious- failed attempts to confess to Emilie once he’d realized his feelings for her, his most hidden secret lurking underneath their feet, his ancient book that spoke of the Miraculous, his son’s unusual conception…and now, she had the privilege of knowing him at his absolute worst. Maybe…maybe there were some things that would be better off a mystery.

“It wasn’t your fault.”, came the words, surprising even Nathalie herself. Of course, it was, but…Gabriel wouldn’t have done that kind of thing. Hawkmoth would never have killed someone, much less a child. Especially not Adrien’s best friend. Whatever Shadowmoth had become…they both knew that he was not Gabriel Agreste. Even Gabriel seemed to realize it, given the shattered look in his eyes. Nathalie’s heart never wanted to see that look of pain on him ever again.

Finally, they registered in his mind. Gabriel sighed deeply, clearly not believing them. But…when he looked at her again, his eyes held a spark of determination, wedged right in the middle of silent agony and suffering. A wish to make things right, by any means necessary. An unwavering command directed at his worst impulses to obey and assist him in making things right. Against all of Nathalie’s worst nightmares…Shadowmoth lost the battle against Gabriel Agreste. He was back, and she would keep her promise. Gabriel would do his best to fix what Shadowmoth had broken, and Nathalie would help him every step of the way. She had always stood by his side, and she wouldn’t back down when he needed her most.

“Nathalie…if I said I have a plan…”, he utters the words, and immediately she raises a hand to interrupt him. Mustering all her conviction, showing it to him, she makes a new promise, to the new Gabriel. “I’m with you, every step of the way. We will make things right, Gabriel.”

Instead of responding, he simply looks at her for a moment. To her, it feels almost endless as his features begin to soften, like a phantom pain being alleviated. Gabriel’s lips are cracked by the ghost of a soft smile, and for a moment she wants to pull him close to her. For just a second, Nathalie wants to pull him down next to her and never let him go. But…they have a job to do. The two of them, Hawkmoth and Mayura, against the actions of Shadowmoth. Impossibly, Nathalie finds herself smirking, believing that they can do it. They’re together again, in a way that matters far more than her heart’s desires. Gabriel smiles at her, after almost three years of wearing a near-permanent scowl on his face. Ever so softly, she finds herself smiling back.

The moment only passes when droplets of rain begin to bash themselves against the window, and Nathalie’s cell phone rings, reminding them of the outside world. Somehow, Gabriel’s grin widens. It’s Hawkmoth’s smile, but the fright-inducing edge is gone, replaced by the simple satisfaction of a plan coming together. “It’s Fabian. I organized a last-minute photoshoot with him and miss Rossi. You know how scheduling conflicts can be…and he is quite likely to speak up regarding her...behaviors. The perfect confirmation for Adrien’s claim, don’t you think?”, he asks her, smirk wildly, and Nathalie returns the gesture. She picks it up, listening as Fabian speaks to her partly in righteous fury and partly in fear of facing consequences for his actions. Gabriel gives her a nod of trust, letting Nathalie handle things, and hastily snatches a beige raincoat from the closet.

She gives him a questioning look, but all he gives in return is a somber stare. It’s personal, Mayura realizes, and she lets him go. Gabriel wakes Nooroo, and the two exit the manor. Heavy rainfall is there to greet them, and for a moment Hawkmoth looks for Adrien’s emotions. He finds a mix of recognition, curiosity, determination and happiness, nothing to indicate his son is caught out in the rain. Nodding in satisfaction, he shares a look with his Kwami. Nooroo’s reply is a resigned stare, but he relents, granting Gabriel permission.

“Nooroo…Dark Wings Rise!”

The power of the Butterfly washes over Gabriel in a purple light, his form concealed from the outside world by the high walls of the mansion, and the terrible visibility, courtesy of the current storm. Hawkmoth takes to the skies, landing on a nearby rooftop before carefully jumping to the next. He has no desire for injuries, and considering the last time he was out in this weather…Gabriel thinks it’s worth being cautious. Paris becomes a blur as the anxieties of those caught out in the storm fill Hawkmoth’s mind, a welcome distraction from the pain that courses through his very soul, only intensified now that he wears the suit.

Still, the increased dexterity and strength allow Hawkmoth to whether the storm, and finally land in an alleyway only a few buildings away from his intended target. Purple light envelops the Scourge of Paris, and Gabriel Agreste walks into the rain. He pulls his raincoat as high as possible, letting the thick fabric and high collar absorb the water and keeping himself as dry as possible. After a few steps, he takes cover in the entrance of a building. The closed sign greets him at the door, but he ignores it, testing the door. Gabriel finds it unlocked, and steps into the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

The doorbell’s ding echoes in the silent space, but heavy footsteps quickly drown it out. Hawkmoth can feel Tom Dupain’s annoyance, barely masking the man’s agony as he steps to greet whoever didn’t have the sense to read a sign at the front door. Another pained soul follows him, only a few steps behind. Natural instinct tells them that whomever has intruded upon their space probably only wanted to get out of the rain, that they are not at fault, but mental exhaustion has finally caught up to them both, and justified anger quickly appears on the forefront of their minds.

Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng round the corner, ready to throw the stranger out where he stands…only to find Gabriel Agreste standing just beyond their doorway. Somehow, he looks even worse than they do, with disheveled hair, dark circles under his eyes, and a frailty to his stature that they never could have imagined on the imposing man. His very presence seems tainted, as if the agony in his soul is leaking to the outside world, and he can barely manage to meet their eyes, racked with…guilt?

“I hope I’m not intruding.”, he says in place of a greeting, but whatever condescending value the phrase might usually carry is gone, replaced by a hollow attempt to excuse his presence.

Sabine speaks first, voicing the question that hangs over all their minds. “Monsieur Agreste…what are you doing here?”, she asks in confusion. What indeed, is he doing here? It had been a spur of the moment decision to speak to these people in person, suddenly after his confession the letter felt fake in his mind, would paint him as someone offering a helping hand in a trying time…instead of the monster he truly was.

Gabriel evens out the collar on his raincoat, fully revealing his face to them. Tom can’t help but be worried for the man, with how he looked. “I…my apologies, I’m clearly bothering you.”, he says before pausing for a long moment.

Tom takes the chance to speak, to try and get him to leave them be. Of course, they appreciate his offer, had wanted to thank the man in person, but…somehow, he doesn’t feel prepared to speak with Gabriel Agreste. He seems different now, like an inky darkness oozes out of that raincoat he wears. “You shouldn’t have come all the way here in such weather! And…if you’re looking for Adrien, he and the other kids left around an hour ago. He’s not here.”, he manages to say, voice devoid of the usual kindness. Tom wants to be nice to the man, especially since he’s unexpectedly decided to help them, but he just can’t bring himself to smile. Not…not in this weather.

Gabriel takes a moment to look outside, staring at the rainfall with a somber look. He clears his throat, and regains his composure. The usually intimidating, demanding and sharp look on his face doesn’t feel quite right, not when they can both see guilt in his eyes, as if tormenting the man for every second he keeps them open, and as if that is somehow preferable to the sleep he obviously needs. “I came to see if you’ve received my letter. I…wanted to make sure you knew I meant it. Worry not for compensation, this is…my way of apology.”, he tells them in a barely even voice.

Sabine, just from her first look at him, could see he was clearly unwell. Now that she’s heard him speak…she can’t quite comprehend how he’s still standing. Still, the fact that he came all the way out here for them, to make sure they knew he would help them…it was kind of him. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Monsieur Agreste. We’re…very grateful for your kindness.”, she tests the words, not sure how exactly to speak to him. Over the year and a half since they had met Adrien, they’d both had the suspicion that his father was not…nice. Sabine would never admit it, especially not to the man’s face, but once she’d overheard Adrien and Ma- Marinette talking about him, and from that single conversation a little less than three months ago, she had wanted to throttle the man.

His offer had been really unexpected, this was even more so. She elected to extend a hand for him to shake, and he took it hesitantly. The moment they made contact, Sabine nearly ripped her palm out of his grasp in horror. Her hand didn’t move, but she felt it. For the faintest of moments, she had felt the same sickly, dark sense oozing from the man in front of her as she had felt when staring into his eyes, two nights ago. Almost like he sensed her panic, Gabriel immediately let go and took a step back, slightly shifting his feet. Tom gave the man a questioning look.

In response, he simply elected to sigh deeply. “Perhaps…I was not clear. There is an apology that should be made. I…I am responsible. For what happened.”, Gabriel said, looking at the rain, as if unable to tear his eyes away from the drops as they hit the pavement. Before either of them could even process what he had said, Sabine got a flash of a manic grin staring at her through the darkness. “I’m afraid that a girl in their class, Lila Rossi, had been harassing my son for months now.”, Gabriel spat out the words, as if cursing the very notion of her existence. “Miss Marinette…became aware, and tried to intervene, causing miss Rossi to target her in retaliation.”, he added in a toneless, dead voice. “I’m sorry. Had I been more attentive…”, he trailed off, voice suddenly breaking before their very eyes.

The rage that had threatened to consume Tom when Gabriel claimed responsibility vanished in a moment, instead replaced with the realization that the man standing in front of him was struck with an unceasing guilt, that tormented his every waking moment. He saw the self-hatred in Gabriel’s eyes, and so he forced himself to calm down, to not lash out.

Sabine’s baseless, almost insane suspicion left her the moment Gabriel’s apology was spoken out loud. Despite the agony that she could feel within her soul, this man seemed so thoroughly broken that…it was near incomprehensible, the sheer amount of suffering, poorly concealed behind sharp eyes and tall stature. The couple shared a look, and instant forgave him. There was most certainly more than enough fault to go around, but Gabriel Agreste truly looked close to dying of guilt, and they understood that he never would have allowed this to happen, had he been aware. Somehow, they found it within themselves to give the man a nod each.

Gabriel felt their silent conversation, these people wracked with loss somehow finding it within broken hearts to forgive him, impossibly. For a moment he didn’t dare to believe it, that such kindness could exist in the world. Their pain and anger were enough to attract a thousand Akuma each…and yet they still managed to gather it, accept it, recognize his apology, and then let it go. Go where, he did not know, could barely fathom what he was sensing. Stunned beyond the capability of words, he nodded back.

Then, finally, he found his strength for one last sentence. A promise he would keep, for it was his duty to make things right. He had to fix this, as best he could. “I will do whatever possible to see that she faces the harshest consequences. I assure you; Lila Rossi will suffer.”, he swears to them. Sabine and Tom look at each other, and give him a hesitant nod of agreement. They did want that girl to face justice, now that they understood who Alya had been screaming about beforehand. But…Gabriel’s near-manic grin, the smirk that etched itself upon his features as he spoke, it certainly unnerved them more than it assured.

Monsieur Agreste seemed to tell he had overreached, and so again he cleared his throat and adopted the face of an indifferent professional, as if looking at the most mundane sight in the world. “Should you require anything at all, please feel free to call my assistant. I will do whatever I can to help.”, he adds in the same emotionless voice, and then takes his leave before they can so much as agree. Gabriel Agreste strides into the storm, and the sickly chill goes with him. The bakery’s warmth returns to Sabine and Tom, and the icy rain drops bite into Gabriel’s skin as he walks away.

He rounds the corner and walks into an alleyway, checking for windows and passerby. Not a soul is outside, as if the storm itself has become as lifeless as his soul. Hawkmoth calls his transformation and jumps away, fleeing from Verity Queen’s eyes and Were-Dad’s grief. Sabine Cheng hugs her husband as tightly as she can, and they lock the front door before heading upstairs. Marinette’s room hangs over their heads like an inky shadow, a constant reminder of their failure as parents. Of their sweet, beloved daughter, who was only trying to help her friend. And she’d been broken because of it, by Lila Rossi. For a split second, Sabine Cheng curses the girl’s existence, wishes her death. It occurs to her how dark, how empty this anger has left her soul, and so she relents, taking a deep breath and clutching Tom’s side.

Hawkmoth perches on a rooftop and glances over at the nearby river. The rushing water is nearly flooding it, and a flash enters his vision. A single drop of rain falls into the current, and it bleeds into it, turning the waters into a sickly, thick red ooze that is washed away as quickly as it came. He shakes his head, throwing the vision away, and keeps going. Thunder cracks overhead, and Gabriel is forced to lean on his cane, lest crash into the pavement below. With one final jump, Hawkmoth throws himself inside the mansion’s outer wall and releases Nooroo. The Kwami collapses from exhaustion, fast asleep as he pulls out his keys, unlocking the heavy doors and heading inside. Nathalie’s presence drips into his senses, that constant warmth of care and admiration, the stalwart belief that when working together, the two of them could achieve anything. The ghost of a smile finds it’s way on his face, and Gabriel Agreste slams the manor’s doors shut, leaving Shadowmoth to whether the outside storm.


And…scene! Man, I really enjoyed writing this chapter! Really, I loved it! As I said in the intro, finals are over at long last, and having the freedom to work on a chapter without any other schedule feels amazing to me! I have a few lines that aren’t quite up to par, but I’m trying to teach myself to chill out a bit when it comes to imperfections in my work, and not stress over them. Generally good life advice or so I hear, and also because I really don’t know how to write Sabine and Tom. Like, Nathalie I understand, even if I would personally rather write her from the perspective of a character I am more accustomed to like Gabriel or Adrien, but the Dupain Chengs…I don’t have a frame of reference for their mindset that I can work with, and it’s tough getting through their point of view.

Probably not going to do that again, but it was nice testing myself to analyze how they would see Gabriel after everything that’s happened. Fun fact, in the original script Tom actually reflexively punches him…only for Hawky to dodge at the last possible moment. It was supposed to be his unnatural movement that really freaks Sabine out, but I decided that Gabriel…being Gabriel was more than enough in this scene. Generally I tried to convey that they are still the same Tom and Sabine we know…just at their worst given what they’re going through. I hope I did a good job with this chapter in general, since I wasn’t actually planning to give anyone else’s point of view except Gabe.

Now, for a short summary of what happened this chapter in case someone skipped it because of the warning in the beggining notes. Gabriel has another mental breakdown, locks himself in his office, agonizes over a letter to the Dupain-Chengs, has hallucinations about Shadowmoth, tells Nathalie that he accidentally killed a child, then visits Tom and Sabine to try and personally apologize to them, even if he can never tell them the full story for…obvious reasons. They forgive him, not knowing just how involved Gabriel was in Marinette’s “death”. Nathalie loves him despite what happened, and upon seeing that he’s pulled away from his manias and obsession, decides to stay by his side and help Gabriel piece things back together, for everyone’s sake. End of summary.

Also, another behind-the-scenes tidbit! I took the plot point of Nathalie considering Shadowmoth and Gabriel as separate people from Season 5, where she has this whole thing with Monarch, and how he’s not the man she knows anymore. She still stays to keep Adrien safe, and that was a pretty big inspiration. But because their relationship has not reached the breaking point it did during the Season 4 Finale, she still does love him, and despite being afraid that this obsession would consume Gabriel (as it actually did in Season 5), Nathalie recognizes that he’s asserting himself over “Shadowmoth” and doesn’t want to be that kind of man anymore, hence her choice to stay and her continued love for him.

Now, something about the next chapter. Since we have a lot ™ going on at the moment, the next chapter is going to be a few vignettes focusing on the aftermath of chapter 2 from many perspectives, to give us all a break and provide some additional context and scenes that I wanted to show but didn’t get the chance. I’d rather not move the plot along at breakneck speeds, so a good old filler chapter it is! Still, I have a bunch of things I want to include, and I’ll of course do my best as usual! Until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 10: Aftermath


In a flashback episode, we get to see the immediate aftermath of Marinette's death on those around her. Luka accidentally proves himself Force-Sensitive, Jagged Stone is actually a great dad and uncle, and Chloe Bourgeois threatens to sue!

Also, join Nino, Adrien and Alya in the aftermath of their meeting with Samantha Fae, and of course in terrible and desperate need of a therapist! Please enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to comment so I can their group therapy bills!


Hello there everyone, and welcome back for another episode of Heartbreak and Angst! Here’s a kind reminder that you can’t sue me for emotional damages, I’m only getting paid in kudos! Also, this chapter might end up a bit shorter considering it’s a series of vignettes and not a full story, but don’t let that worry you! I’m not really fussing over the word count myself, it’s far more important to tell a good story!
Anyways, let’s get on with today’s show! Please come right this way! Watch Luka being a Jedi, Zoe proving Chloe has a heart, Jagged suffering an existential crisis, Alya failing to rip off Sherlock Holmes, Adrien trolling his best friend, and Nino uncovering the biggest secret in Bro History!

Note 1: This chapter contains heavy themes of guilt, self-blame and self-hatred. So please if anyone is bothered by that please skip this chapter. I personally assure you it’s not required to understand the rest of the story.

Note 2: In case anyone is wodnering by the way, you guys can sometimes find me on Discord at the Miraculous Ladybug and Miraculous Fanworks servers! So if anyone happens to find me there I'd be happy to chat!

Now…without further ado…let’s get to it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In truth, Luka had felt it long before he tuned in to watch the news. He remembered the moment vividly, shinning as clearly as Marinette’s eyes. He’d been sitting on his bed, practicing a few cords on his guitar…when suddenly a blood-chilling cold had run down his spine. Luka had felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, distorted music ringing in his ears as raindrops shattered themselves against the Liberty’s deck.

The notes were off key, the melody jagged and tearing itself apart, like someone’s entire being was falling into a dark, endless abyss. It had left him gasping for breath, hands going limp and guitar falling to the floor. His eyes stung, blurred by a sudden wave of tears…and for second, his vision focused on the thunder outside, setting the night sky on fire with a sensation far too similar to agony.

Luka hadn’t managed to sleep a wink all night, desperately searching to confirm that no melody was missing as his mind raced with nothing less than terror. In a moment of coherent thought, he worried that Shadowmoth might target him…but the Akuma never came. Instead, he was left alone in his room as the lightning cast long shadows and the raindrops echoed into a cacophony of grief and near-madness. But Luka kept on searching his songs, stopping to feel them one by one.

Alya’s melody was filled with unnatural edges, her mind overcome with anger and sadness over something that he couldn’t quite see. She felt conflicted, wishing things could have different, hoping that tomorrow she could set it right. It did not fuel Luka’s confidence.

Nino’s song came from right beside her, tired and worn-out, as if at a loss for what to do, how to mend a friendship that he didn’t understand, not enough to even try and fix things between them. But…who was “they”? Had Alya gotten into a fight with someone? Luka didn’t understand either, but sensed the matter was deeply personal. He shouldn’t intrude upon their business; it could easily be private.

He reached out for Adrien’s song. The usually muffled, muted melody that echoed at the end of classical pieces only for one who was trying to listen…was instead set free! Luka could feel his friend and bandmate’s joy, as if a great burden had finally left his shoulders! He could feel excitement, happiness, a bright shinning hope that was so Adrien that it nearly made him forget about the raging storm outside…but those feelings were tainted with fear. Something had left him badly shaken, and he was suppressing the mere thought, desperately holding onto the warmth his heart was feeling. It brought a smile to Luka’s face, knowing his friend was feeling better than he had in months. He had tried to ask what the matter was during the career day festival, but the response…was to be expected. As if Adrien was opening up about something else, just to cover up the true issue. He’d gracefully taken the hint and let the blonde be, but maybe tomorrow Luka should give him a call, see how he’s holding up.

The other notes in his head played out the same as always, inasmuch as the human condition would allow. Juleka and Rose were sleeping soundly together in his sister’s room, unconsciously basking in each other’s presence and affections. Kagami, for as little as he really knew of the girl, was a tough melody for Luka to feel. She seemed generally unaffected by the world around her, and he couldn’t see anything wrong. Ma was fine, so Luka decided to feel for his father.

And what a revelation that had been. That his father was alive and well, that he and Juleka were wanted and loved by both their parents. Luka couldn’t help but smile as he thought back to the family dinner they’d had on the Liberty after their de-akumatization. Even if their original record had brought up bad memories, things had gone well with a bit of help from Ladybug and Chat Noir. He wishes he could have joined them as Viperion, but knew very well the danger that Miracle Queen’s aftermath had presented for all of them. That’s why there had been no auxiliary heroes since then, just the original savior duo of Paris.

Given Jagged’s character, given how upbeat and relaxed his father usually was…Luka didn’t expect him to be worried out of his mind, his song a mixture of self-corrections and a smidge of regret. Had he done the right thing? Should he have acted differently? What comes now? Jagged had no idea…and Luka didn’t either. He wanted to call his dad and ask, but it was the dead of night, and he also had a bigger problem. The absence still echoed in his mind, pestering him with its confusing nature.

But no matter who he focused on, he found their melodies ringing through the back of his head, most of them asleep but all of them well. All…except one. Marinette. The mere thought of her brought tears to Luka’s eyes. He didn’t want to think about his Melody, especially after he stopped feeling her song a few months ago. It was in the middle of the night that he’d woken up in a cold sweat, Marinette’s song in his mind going silent. Thankfully, it had come back to him in the morning…but ever since then, her notes had been getting more and more distraught.

For days on end, her song was one of pain hidden behind a false smile, so akin to Adrien’s that he’d almost mixed them up at first, waves of protectiveness when the aforementioned blonde felt threatened, and unrestrained relief when she retreated away from others, finally in the privacy of her own home, where it was safe. Looking back even then, Luka saw how easily he could have missed the jabs of hurt in her song when she would still talk to him, like tiny, near imperceivable cracks on a record disk.

He’d worried about her then, so much that Juleka had to physically stop him from biking over to the Bakery one afternoon where Marinette’s song suddenly morphed into agonizing screaming. That night, just for a second, he had felt peace in her mind, and then she was gone. Two whole months without her in his head, so quiet and lifeless that had Juleka not seen her nearly every day, Luka’s fears would have convinced him that she was dead. Laying awake in his bed that night, moonlight shinning through his window…he’d realized that she wouldn’t want her song to be heard. And so, Luka had elected not to think about it. He’d unsubtly kept pestering his sister to confirm Marinette was alright…and that was that.

But now…now her melody hadn’t just stopped playing. It had gone dark, like someone had removed the record from the gramophone entirely. Luka had never felt anyone’s song go dark before. And that thought kept him awake, terrified him until the first rays of sunlight when Jagged had unexpectedly thrown himself onto the Liberty’s deck and outright demanded to spend the morning with him. Luka had of course obliged him, more than happy to spend time with his dad…but the nagging feeling of emptiness hadn’t left his mind since he’d first taken notice.

He…he was probably paranoid, right? Marinette’s melody had been silent for two months now, this was just…an evolution? A next step? He wasn’t sure. He didn’t know, had no frame of reference to work with! Dad had noticed his somber mood and tried to ask, in the most Jagged Stone way possible, if something was bothering him. Luka hadn’t responded, and so his father just led him to Luka’s guitar collection, sat down on the bed with him, and struck a chord. Luka had tried to smile, the unsettling feeling making his stomach turn as the sun continued to rise in the sky, the other crewmates of theirs waking up.

For a time, he and Jagged just sat down, slowly working their way through completing each other’s notes on the guitar, trying to play what came to mind. Luka didn’t mention how off his father’s notes felt, like he was just going through the motions while his mind was elsewhere. Ma, Jules and Rose woke up eventually, and they’d all had breakfast together. The girls seemed to be alright, Juleka completely oblivious to his poor mood. Jagged placed a hand on Luka’s shoulder, giving him a light squeeze in support.

Ma turned on the TV, and Luka’s mind suddenly went blank. The words didn’t need to register as they flew through his head. That terrible feeling of inky darkness burst through the surface…and swallowed up his heart. Madame Chamack seemed halfway through a broadcast…but somehow, Luka knew what was about to happen. 

“Welcome back, Paris. As I said before, there have been no further news on the case. Poor weather conditions lasted all throughout the night, and police have had no luck finding any trace of Marinette Dupain Cheng. Again, we are requesting that anyone who may have found her call this in to the police immediately. Her condition is believed to be critical. To reiterate, it was visually confirmed by her parents that she’d been missing since last night. We’re standing by for news on any new developments, and are hoping for the best. Please wait for more information.”

Juleka’s fork clattered against the floor, hand falling open in nothing less than utter shock. Rose seemed to pale with fear, clutching onto her girlfriend’s shoulder like a lifeline. Ma carefully set down the plate she was holding, eyes glued to the screen. But Dad…Jagged’s melody suddenly changed, notes and chords shifting in and around themselves to form a song of self-loathing and guilt. Blackness almost took a hold of the rockstar’s heart, held back by the tiniest sliver of hope that she would be okay.

Nadja Chamack’s entire professional demeanor seemed to be blow away by sheer relief as she held a hand to her earpiece, and for a moment, Luka let himself believe that this was all just a mistake, that he’d been wrong and everything would be alright. “Please hold on, we’ve just received a statement from Officer Raincomprix. Stand by for-”

The sentence was cut right down the middle, voice suddenly failing the reporter. Her mouth moved to speak, but she only barely managed to hold back a broken cry as she relayed the news. “I- I regret to inform everyone that we’ve received official word from the Parisian Police Department. Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”

Luka’s mind didn’t notice anything else around him. He never saw his sister’s eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets, caught not a whiff of Rose’s cries as she broke down into her chair, the very thought of Marinette’s absence tearing her entire being apart. Ma’s jaw slacked open…and dad just stood there, motionless. He’d gone stiff, blocking out the world around him and unresponsive as his mind battled with the thought that he had done this. White noise rang through Luka’s ears…and finally, he let himself fall into the inky darkness.


“I- I regret to inform everyone that we’ve received official word from the Parisian Police Department. Marinette Dupain Cheng has been confirmed dead. It was ruled a suicide.”

As mean-spirited and spiteful as she was, even Chloe Bourgeois couldn’t help but drop her phone at the news. She’d overheard it from a TV in the lobby, and physically stopped in her tracks to inch closer. Nadja Chamack practically fled the set, and the words were not refuted by anyone. Not a single soul there to tell Chloe she’d misheard, the one time she wanted to be corrected! She should have gone after her when Marinette ran off…

The first thought that went through her mind was that Dupain Cheng was finally out of her life, that the stupid baker girl would never bother Chloe with her presence ever again, and good riddance! The second thought was just how close that sounded to Audrey’s own words about her daughters. Mom had left Paris again last night, on a “fashion emergency” that clearly demanded her attention more than the family breakfast Daddy had finally managed to rope her into.

Chloe refused to admit the slash that throbbed in pain as her heart tried to function, and had furiously destroyed her father because he seemed to be utterly unable to keep his own wife in one place! Was it too damn much to ask for, for her to stay just one night? The repetition of her mother’s own words, or at least the line of thought, left Chloe standing perfectly still, like her soul was frozen in this very moment, in the realization of what the fuck she’d just considered saying.

“Miss Bourgeois? Are you alright, young miss?”, a familiar voice rang in her ear. Chloe shook her head violently, snapping out of the daze. She found Jean-Whatshisname standing beside her, moments away from shaking her shoulder.

Finding herself at a loss for words, Chloe just defaulted to whatever would get him to go away ! “Keep your peasant hands off my jacket! It’s MDC and brand-new, you buffoon!”, she screeched at him, and the butler stepped back as politely as he could. She could see the fear in his eyes. Good! Mom said that meant she was respected, and that he knew just how easily she could fire him! Somehow…that thought didn’t make Chloe feel any better.

The Butler gently stepped back in her vision, wearing his most warm smile. “Miss Chloe, would you like me to go get Mister Cuddly for you?”, he asked like he could possibly understand, and the only thing Chloe didn’t do was bite off his fucking head!

HOW DARE HE! How dare he treat her like a child, like some stupid weak kid who needed people? The only person that could ever under was Adri- was herself! Everyone else was just there for her to either order around or fire at her leisure! That’s why these incompetent idiots existed! To serve her and do as they were told! Why else would he even be speaking with her? Like a flash of blinding light, the reason Jean-Marcel was standing there came back to her.

Because Chloe had frozen up in the lobby. Because she’d been weak , and didn’t have what it took to not let people see. Because she’d allowed him to get close, when nobody was on the same level as a Bourgeois! …because Marinette was… dead . The thought rang inside her head, leaving Chloe devoid of anger. “Jean-Clark…I-yes, I think you should.”, she admitted. The toy wouldn’t make her feel any better, she knew that…but the fact that someone cared…a tiny sliver of Chloe’s heart could still recognize what she wanted.

The butler gave a stiff nod and made to go upstairs, and Chloe followed him, not even feeling her own legs. What kind of joke was this, to say that somebody was dead? Why was she even getting upset, she hated Marinette! Shouldn’t she be glad that her rival for Adrien’s friendship was gone? That, at last , the person he’d dared choose instead of her wasn’t there, giving Chloe an opportunity to slip back into his life?

Instead, every thought just made her feel more empty. The truth wasn’t something she could ever admit to anyone…but. Marinette hadn’t even been there when Adrien broke off their friendship. From what Sabrina had gathered in the aftermath, she’d only done her best to comfort him after Chloe had acted like a bi- like a reasonable person who knew what they wanted! She hated to even think it…but Marinette never did something wrong. Well, expect being born. Having parents who gave a shit, even loved their daughter. That line of thought made Chloe freeze again, joints going stiff as Jean walked ahead of her on the staircase.

She wasn’t going to think about it. She was Chloe Bourgeois , and such stupidity was beneath her! Marinette’s entire existence was so far beneath her that it shouldn’t even register in her reality. And in a great twist of irony, it was the bluenette’s sudden absence that Chloe could feel. The news failed to register as fact, and yet something about the hypothetical of seeing Adrien without Dupain Cheng near him, of Marinette never again bringing treats from her bakery despite how Chloe always refused them… She had tried them only once, at the premiere for the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie. Just…popped a macaroon in her mouth, forgetting who had made the sweet. And just like always, the smell of love assaulted her senses like a tidal wave of warmth, of something sweet that went far beyond yeast and whatever else macaroons were even made from. The taste had been even worse . Impossibly, Chloe had fallen in love with it.

Now…she’d never get to experience that annoying, dreadful, eye-watering sensation of being around Marinette’s sweets. Because she wasn’t here anymore. Because…that love inside of them now had no one to be directed to. And Chloe Bourgeois knew all about how love felt when someone couldn’t direct it, when it had no destination and was aimlessly floating in the wind. The warmth was always fleeting, never enough to heal the frozen tundra in her heart. She’d been forced to sharpen the icicles for her own defense…and had almost forgotten what warm was until trying that macaroon. Now it was gone, forever adrift and leaving only a memory of what could have been behind it. Jean returned, gently passing the teddy bear in her hands, but none of that registered.

Chloe’s legs had defaulted back to what they knew, brining the heiress back to her room. Still tightly clutching the toy, she barely found the strength to push the door open. All Chloe wanted was to collapse on her bed and not move until these stupid thoughts about love went away and she could get back to normal, to business as usual…but she found the spot occupied.

In front of her lay a sobbing Zoe, crying into Chloe’s pillow, her entire body shaking with no end in sight. A flash of white light blinded the heiress, and for a moment she could see her younger self in that exact position, knowing her father was standing with Mister Cuddly in his hand, but completely at a loss of what to do. He had just handed her the toy and left, barely managing to pull himself through the door. Then, he had tried to fill the void of Audrey’s departure with toys and staff and anything else money could buy, not knowing what else to do. And finally, a young boy, blonde like her. Chloe had been in one of her better moods that day, when Adrien Agreste stepped into the lobby and entered her life. The day that she’d been forced to walk through the lobby alone, knowing he would never do the same again…that even if, he would never be her friend again…Chloe thought that had hurt more than Audrey’s constant disappearing act.

She stood there for a few moments, just looking at Zoe, who seemed oblivious to her presence. Her sister was sobbing more quietly now, the loud echoes of screaming ceasing to bounce from the walls. Chloe turned her gaze to the toy she was holding, and decided to do something extremely stupid. Something she wishes Daddy would have done. She gently pushed Zoe’s leg to make room, and sat down next to her sister.

“C-Chloe?”, Zoe managed to ask through a sob. Her face betrayed fear, the terrifying notion that she was about to be ridiculed for her emotions, told that she had to be better than that, because she would always be a Bourgeois, and that was all she ever needed. Chloe looked into her very own eyes, and they stared back at her.

“Um…”, she tried to say, but words failed to comply. Seeing no other option, she pushed the plushie into Zoe’s hands. “Here. You…need him more than I do.”, she told Zoe, surprised to find herself believing it.

Zoe stared back in suspicion, as if even through her agony, she still expected Chloe to be messing with her, or to rip it away at the last moment and laugh in her sister’s face. She was a Bourgeois after all, and it was expected at this point…

When the toy stayed right where it was, Zoe found enough strength to conjure a smile. “…thanks.”, she breathed out, and Chloe pointedly looked away.

The heiress was hit with a wave of warmth so familiar it almost thawed out her heart, the feeling of the macaroon’s scent in her nostrils suddenly assaulting Chloe’s senses. For once…it was almost pleasant. “It’s-it’s nothing. I just didn’t want your crying to annoy me!”, she snapped even as she regretted her own words.

Despite the rebuke, Zoe’s smile didn’t falter. She looked at her sister, and Zoe’s eyes flickered in understanding, like she knew what Chloe was trying to do. She took a deep breath and reached out to hold her hand. Ever so reluctantly, Chloe resisted the urge to pull away, letting Zoe touch her new jacked. Stripped black and yellow, she’d only gotten it last week along with a ring to match, the tiny little black gemstone amidst the painted gold being obviously synthetic, yet matching the outfit so well that she’d relented and put it on her finger.

“Hey…Chloe? Are you okay?”, Zoe suddenly asked, turning Chloe’s gaze away from her ring.

She almost yelled in rebuke, that she was fine, to ask exactly how stupid Zoe was to even assume something was wrong! That whatever it was, Chloe didn’t have the problem, the fault wasn’t hers! But…she managed to hold back the near-instinctive response. Instead, she gently got up to leave, turning away so Zoe wouldn’t see the tears threatening to leak onto her mascara. Dammit, she’d have to do makeup again later…

“Just…feel better, okay?”, she barked in a half-order, but all she got from Zoe was a chuckle. “And don’t give me that laugh! Aren’t you supposed to be bawling your eyes out?”, Chloe snapped, but immediately slapped a hand over her mouth.

Zoe fell silent for a minute or two as Chloe stood near the doorway, right on the precipice, like Daddy once had. He chose to walk out the door without a word. Should she…stay? “Chloe? If…if you want, we could sit together when you get back.”, she offered meekly, moment of comfort quickly passing as the reminder set a new wave of agony loose onto her heart.

“Just because we’re half-sisters doesn’t mean-”, the heiress tried to snap back, but fell silent at Zoe’s warm look. Chloe felt the tiniest sliver of ice fall away from her heart, for the first time in…a while.

“Still sisters.”, Zoe mumbled under her breath, just loud enough for Chloe to hear.

“Well! Just- just don’t start crying while I’m gone! I- …fine, I guess I’ll come babysit you!”, she relented, and Zoe gave a nod as if promising on her honor that she would hold out, that she expected Chloe to be back. Let it never be said that Chloe Bourgeois failed to live up to expectations.

Chloe left the room as Zoe began to cuddle the plushie, bumping into her father. The moment they made eye contact, she tried to scream at him that he was an idiotic, incompetent fool for even allowing Dupain-Cheng to go off herself somewhere…but the words never made it past her lips. Instead, she held out a hand to stop him in his tracks, and sighed deeply.

Her father received the single most icy glare in Chloe’s entire career, physically raising his hands between them as he scrambled for some kind of defense. “Lock down the Hotel. Only guests go in and out, and if I see a single paparazzi making it past the main lobby, I’ll make your life Hell!”, she barked at him, moving past his frozen form and downstairs.

She found Jean-Michel near the main entrance, and told him to prepare the car. She had a bakery to visit, and Gabriel Agreste would sooner start parenting than Chloe allowing herself to be seen walking on the street like some dumb peasant! The butler moved swiftly, and they arrived to see a mob of classmates and Marinette’s friends surrounding the entryway.

Later, when her father finally showed up, she sent him an apologetic look for her words. Later, when she went back to the Hotel, she stayed with Zoe the entire night, doing whatever she could to comfort her sister. She let Zoe keep Mr. Cuddly and freely cry on her pillow as much as she wanted. Later, when the next morning came, Chloe Bourgeois found herself waking before anyone else, slipping into her classic outfit and writing down a note for Zoe to find, explaining she’d gone out, and walking down a couple blocks to post herself as guard for whomever was foolish enough to try and get clout out of the pain Marinette’s parents were going through. Just because her younger self hadn’t been so lucky…didn’t mean that she would allow it to happen to anyone else.

Later, after she’d seen Marinette’s room, and the scratch inside the hidden box under her bed, Chloe’s mind wandered back to her ring and the tiny cutting edge at the black gemstone’s center.


Nino had barely managed to hold himself together when the announcement came, because Alya was sitting right next to him and looked about as pale as a ghost. Nino had held back his tears as he escorted her to the Bakery, focused on the sole mission of comforting his girlfriend and being there for her while she was hurting. He could sit down with some music and unpack this whole…thing when she was okay. He felt half-numb when they stood outside the gates of Gabriel Agreste’s manor, as if hovering on the precipice of Hell’s doorstep. He ignored his feelings as they spoke with Adrien, focusing on how Lila had hurt his brother.

Nino didn’t acknowledge the guilt that got stuck in his throat when Adrien finally told them. He didn’t think about how terrible a friend he’d been to not catch on to what was happening. Not really, anyways. He disregarded Gabriel Agreste’s sick and oily presence, instead tossing his very soul into the fire to keep the flames, the warmth alive for just a moment longer. Alya had been shivering when they went out for lunch. He had to be better, for her. And so, his feelings took the backseat again, spending the night in the back of his head as Alya cried herself to sleep next to him, and he pretended to do the same while not letting the tears come through.

If he had, if Nino let himself go…the fire would fade, and Alya would freeze. He couldn’t let that happen. Adrien was already worrying him sick as things were, his best friend seeming so empty and lifeless that Nino had truly seen him as Gabriel Agreste’s son, as a lifeless, picture-perfect model worthy of the front page on every world-renowned magazine the world had to offer. Adrien had seemed broken, like he didn’t know how to be alive without Marinette by his side. And Nino had worried. He’d been terrified, and yet said nothing. What could he say, when everyone was suffering worse than he did? He had it better, and needed to help. To try and make things right.

Alya’s screams of guilt and anguish haunted his dreams that Saturday night, and nothing got better when they went after evidence of Lila’s actions. What they’d found…Nino thought back to the text he’d sent Marinette, and felt deserving of a punch to the gut. He’d practically demanded her to apologize, just so things could go “back to normal”. For the sake of a status quo that had left his childhood friend hurting so deeply that she hadn’t been able to smile anymore. When was the last time he’d seen Marinette smile?

Nino didn’t know. He hadn’t seen Adrien smile either…not in a long time. Not his real smile anyways. Just that picture-perfect smile that served better as a mask than a grin. He should have done something, anything, to keep this from happening. Why hadn’t he said something on Friday, when Marinette was still there? Why had he not gone to see her, or at least tried a damned call?

Still, his feelings were shoved into the deepest reaches his mind, where they belonged until the others were okay. He had to stay strong, for them. Alya was…better, maybe. The day had been more than a little intense, and getting caught up in the rain hadn’t done them any favors. At least Samantha had been kind enough to give them some tea, or else they would have run out of tears to cry. Nino’s eyes stung with the pain, with the desire to finally let himself go…but he’d gritted his teeth and held back. The tea felt so familiar that it burned his tongue, and he drank it anyway. Eventually, the storm passed. So did time. Nino found himself walking Adrien home after lunch at Chloe’s Hotel, with Alya’s mom cooking them a five-star dinner at the blonde girl’s request. She actually seemed happy to do it, especially after Alya actually cracked a tearful smile as she ate. Miss Marlena had -thankfully for Nino’s mental health- insisted to walk her home, and that finally left Nino alone with Adrien, since Kagami had wanted to go see the park for a little while.

As they walked side by side in silence, he thought of what to say. Adrien understood him, they were best friends, practically family! But…how could Nino tell him what he was feeling? What words would possibly let the blonde know how much he was hurting? Could he tell Adrien? This…this whole thing wasn’t over yet. It wouldn’t be over until Lila Rossi was rotting in a cell! And…and until he went to apologize to Marinette, for everything.

Adrien shot Nino a questioning look, sending forth his most comforting smile. Nino knew it was real, in a new way he hadn’t seen before. But…he’d had far too much serious talk for one day. He looked back at Adrien, and his brother nodded ever so gently. Whenever Nino wanted to talk, he would be there to listen. But right now…he needed a break from trying to keep the fires burning.

“So…dude?”, Nino found the words, awkward in a way they hadn’t been since before he realized Adrien wasn’t some cool and suave supermodel, but instead a huge socially inept dork like himself. “Are you feeling better?”, he went for. Adrien had waved them off beforehand, and Kagami insisted it was just exhaustion, just the usual. Nino…really didn’t want to open that can of worms right now. Nothing about fainting from fatigue was normal, and he cursed Gabriel Agreste in his mind.

Adrien just gave a shrug, to say that he was alright. And then he smiled again. There was something…off, about that smile. It was real, Nino knew his friend well enough to distinguish them, but not one he’d seen before. Adrien’s grin was dopey and wide, like when his mind wandered over to Ladybug when she and Chat Noir had first taken up the mantle of Paris’ Heroes. It struck him as odd, especially given the day they’d had.

Thankfully it wasn’t raining anymore…but the image of Adrien lying on a near-stranger’s couch and looking sickly pale wasn’t leaving Nino’s mind any time soon. At least Samantha was nice enough to put up with them… The thought remained for a second longer than it really needed to, and Nino flashed back to the girl in question. She’d looked at Adrien’s unconscious form so strangely, like she wanted to stay at his side and was holding herself back. He’d been reminded of the rabid fangirls that roamed the city streets, always seeking, always hunting Adrien for his autograph, but the fear proved itself entirely unfounded. No, Samantha was different. She was familiar with Adrien, like she already knew him.

And after he’d woken up, Adrien had looked at the designer like she was his whole world, in a way Nino had never seen. Occupied as he was with Alya, he never got the chance to ask the raven-haired girl what was up with her, how she seemed to know them, but he had overheard her tell Kagami that she didn’t know any of them. It was definitely true, Nino wouldn’t just up and delete someone from his memory…and yet, there was something off about how she acted. Especially with his brother. Adrien has seemed to recognize her after he woke up, but Nino had prioritized checking up on him. Now…maybe he should ask?

“Hey man? Do…you know Samantha? You guys seemed kinda…familiar. Is something up?”, Nino asked, forcing his voice to be nonchalant, like he was just trying to make conversation.

Adrien shook himself out of whatever he was thinking, his face flinching before a smile found it’s way on his features. Nino knew he’d gone for his model smile, but this was wider, more genuine. It was the way he smiled when he saw Marinette.

“…I guess you could say that.”, Adrien replied awkwardly. His voice wavered, like he’d been caught off guard.

Nino laughed at him. It wasn’t often that his bro didn’t have a ready response to give. “Don’t tell me you have a crush on her dude!”, he teased, knowing Adrien would fumble over himself and overshare as he tried to explain. Maybe it was a little underhanded, but a guy didn’t survive dating Alya Cesaire without picking up a detective trick or two! And besides, Adrien had given him the hat back at the mansion.

Contrary to the stammering and deflection he expected from his buddy, Adrien actually seemed to think about it. Nino let him figure out his reply at his own pace. He was like that sometimes, when things really got serious. Adrien sighed deeply, looking down at the pavement. “Sorry.”, he breathed out, sounding so tired that it physically hurt to hear. “I…I don’t want to lie to you man. I really don’t.” Ahh. So Adrien wasn’t going to tell him. That was- there was probably a good reason. His brother couldn’t lie to save his life, and any time he’d tried, Adrien had done a piss poor job at it.

Nino could catch Adrien’s lies from halfway across France if he had to, but he’d respect his friend’s privacy. In the name of the Bro Code itself, this topic would never be discussed again. “It’s just…yeah, okay. I know her. I’m just a bit surprised to see her, you know?”, Adrien asked with a shrug, playing it cool.

“Did…did something happen between you guys? Is she a friend I didn’t know about or something?”, Nino asked, dropping the pretense of investigation. He wasn’t Alya. Friends would always be more important, especially when they obviously didn’t want to talk about whatever was bothering them.

Adrien smiled so brightly that Nino was literally blinded. The dopey grin came back in full force, and he looked to be someplace far away. “No, she’s…she’s amazing, man. I’ve never met a more miraculous girl! We’ve been friends for a while now, and I couldn’t have asked for a better person to have in my life. I…I guess I didn’t expect to meet her here.”, he said. Adrien’s tone was full of something that Nino knew from experience was love, and not the kind that came from a crush. This was what he felt for Alya, what Ivan and Mylene felt for each other. And…there was only one person who Adrien had ever talked about like that before.

Nino’s eyes widened in surprise, that Samantha actually turned out to be that girl! If he was right… “Dude! Don’t tell me that she is Mystery Girl!”, he asked, overcome by excitement. In the first weeks that he’d known Adrien, the blonde sometimes babbled about this girl from work and how delightful she was, how lucky he was to know her…

In response, all Adrien did was smirk. “Alright then. I won’t!”, he quipped, walking ahead of Nino.

“Du-dude! Hold on, you can’t just leave it at that! You two were my first ever ship! At least tell me how you met!”, he ran after his friend, screaming at Adrien. He couldn’t just pull this BS with him, brother or no! This was the biggest scoop in Nino’s entire detective career, and it was strictly a boys-only topic! He had to know! …okay, maybe Alya really was rubbing off on him…

Adrien slowly relented and waited for Nino to catch up. His eyes glinted with mischief that his friend never considered the blonde capable of, something so very Chat Noir that only Ladybug could tell. “Well…alright.”, he said. Adrien put on the dictionary definition of a simping expression, and spilled the tea. “I’d snuck out of the house, and she just fell on top of me, like an angel from the sky! You wouldn’t believe how beautiful she was Nino, the most amazing girl I’ve ever met. And…the first thing she did was reject my confession…”, he pouted, changing his expression to that of a kicked kitten. Really, they should nominate him for an Oscar!

All that sap was nearly enough to do Nino in. He couldn’t even find the strength to laugh at his best bud, with how lovey-dovey Adrien was being. For a moment, there was silence between them. Until… finally, Adrien gave his friend the most shit-eating grin in his model’s arsenal! Nino blinked, and when he saw it was still there, he elected to punch him in the shoulder. “You…you! You fucking troll! Dude, why would you do that to me? I’m your best friend!”, Nino asked, looking mortified. Truly, his entire existence had been flipped on its head. Since when did Adrien act like this? Since when was he such a shameless prankster?

Adrien rubbed at his shoulder, and howled in laughter. “Oh my God Nino! Man, you should have seen your face! That was priceless! I can’t believe I actually got you like that!”

“It’s not my fault you’re actually sappy enough for me to believe that!”, Nino grinned back at him. Then, his eyes lit up with an idea. “Hey…dude? Wanna pull prank that on Alya?”, he asked, like it was even a question!

The two cackled together, and mutually agreed that Nino was going to entice his girlfriend with the prospect of a scoop, and “scheme” to get the truth out of Adrien. Of course, Adrien would channel the sappiest, most cringeworthy confession of love towards Samantha in the history of romance, and then let Alya go nuts on the prospect until the end of time! They laughed at the sheer ridiculousness of it all, even if they wouldn’t actually do it.

Nino found himself smiling, really smiling, for the first time in what felt like years, laughing alongside his best friend. Despite their whole world going directly down the drain, everything was right, if only for one moment, fleeting as it was. The conversation that had weighed so heavily on his mind before was now long forgotten, and for once the fire seemed to burn as bright as the sun. Nino chuckled to himself. Adrien did have that effect on people. Maybe he would never get to find out how Samantha really knew him, but seeing his brother smile was far more important in his book. And maybe…just maybe, someday things would be alright.


Jagged Stone hadn’t moved an inch from his son’s bedside. The moment Nadja had delivered the news, Luka and gone limp and pale. His boy had practically collapsed like a statue, and he’d been too shocked to stop it. Luka was okay now, just sleeping it off. When Jagged had first seen it, he’d looked like he’d pulled a month’s worth of all-nighters in a row. Like he was sick. Just another thing to worry over, given the night he’s had. And he has a concert in the afternoon. Fucking glorious. He needed to call Penny and cancel it. He needed to stay with his son. He needed to go comfort his daughter.

Distraught could not even begin to describe how Juleka must be feeling right now. She grabbed Rose by the arm and retreated to her bedroom, from what he’d seen. He…he should be there with her. Jagged knew he should go and speak with her, but every time he made to move his legs, or avert his eyes from Luka’s sleeping form…all he could see was the form of Marinette Dupain Cheng, lying dead in some Parisian alleyway. Suicide his rockstar ass!

“I’m looking into him. I found someone who works  for  him, and I need to disappear. She…she ruined my life; I  need  to leave.”

Marinette’s words over the phone came back to him. Somehow…his niece had gotten involved with the city’s resident fucking supervillain of all people, and found one of lackeys! She, whoever she was, ruined Mari’s life, and in Jagged’s humble opinion, was most likely to blame for that announcement. Assuming it wasn’t all a setup. He hoped to every God that’s ever existed that Ladybug or Chat Noir had found and saved her, and just lied about it.

Jagged could guess how people might take the deception, but honestly, he’d be bloody delighted! At least…after Shadowmoth miraculously tripped and fell into an endless void somewhere. But Marinette had promised she would come see him sometime next week! She’d given him her word! And Jagged was holding onto that hope, against the fucking universe itself if he had to! Because if she wouldn’t come…then he’d been complicit in sending her to die. And if anyone ever found out…Luka and Juleka would never forgive him.

Maybe it had been a mistake, to help Marinette. Maybe if he’d insisted she wait till morning, broad daylight would have been too risky for Shadowmoth and whomever the fuck his lieutenant was! …Jagged was livid. He could admit that much, as a grown ass man. He was angry, at himself, at Shadowmoth, at the person who worked for him…

“I think…I think I’m just used to being in pain. School was no different.”

Was. Past tense. Dammit all, why didn’t he notice that? He knew she was going to hide out…but had Marinette ever intended to come back? The questions that had tormented Jagged all night resurfaced in his head, asking what the fuck happened at her school? And…who was the she in question here? …he’d have to figure it out. Jagged had promised Marinette that he wouldn’t tell a soul about any of this, but he needed to know! And if someone else happened to discover something on their own, he needed to be in the loop!

He owed her that much at least, for trusting him. First thing Monday morning, Jagged would go to that school and discover everything, like he’d planned! And whoever it was that decided helping Shadowmoth was a good idea would have Hell to pay!

“Hey…Dad?”, a voice snapped Jagged out of his thoughts. He turned to the doorway, only to find Juleka standing there. Her eyes were red from crying, and she looked like she was barely holding herself together. “How is Luka?”, she asked in a shaking voice.

Before he could ever think to reply, Jagged was already hugging his daughter. She clung to him, and he sighed deeply. “He’s…just sleeping. How long has it been?”, he asked her, since God only knew how much time he might have been thinking for.

“About…”, Juleka checked her watch. “Almost an hour. Uh…Rose and I are going to the Bakery. Do you want to come with us?” His daughter’s voice was barely a whisper, and a slight breeze could have muffled her words. “I- I want you there, Dad. Please.”, her voice cracked, and Jagged forced himself not to cry.

He’d keep his word; he would be there for his kids. He’d promised himself; he’d promised Marinette. …He didn’t think he’d be able to look Tom and Sabine in the eye ever again. What had he done? “Yeah, of course I’ll take you! Luka is going to be just fine, you’ll see!”, Jagged replied in his most show-worthy voice. He knew that’s not what Juleka wanted from him…but he was the adult here. Honesty wouldn’t help his daughter if he started crying along with her.

Juleka slowly nodded, and Jagged offered his hand. She gave a squeeze for comfort, the tiniest ghost of a smile on her face, and Rose peeked her head inside the doorway. Anarka elected to stay with Luka, and the three of them walked off. When they arrived, Juleka and Rose’s classmates were already all here with their own parents, everyone gathered ‘round the doorway. Jagged spotted Sabine and Tom inside as she hovered over to the blinds and sealed them shut, he stayed silent as two of the girls’ friends blocked a camera man from filming Marinette’s parents and watched as Chloe Bourgeois did a genuinely good thing for as long as he had known the blonde girl. Through it all, Jagged said nothing, simply standing by his daughter. He was needed here and now, and feelings could come later. His kids took priority.

The rest of the day…passed quietly, if he was being honest. Juleka and Rose were both invited by their classmates to all go to the park together, just to sit down and talk. They decided on the one a couple blocks over, not wanting to have the Bakery in view. Jagged couldn’t fault the teens for it, and he reminded Juleka he was only a text or call away if she needed anything…before returning to the houseboat.

Luka was awake now…but seemed completely out of it, blankly staring through his window and muttering something about melodies. Jagged…somewhat understood. Music flowed and ebbed through his very soul on most days, so he could confidently say he knew the feeling of letting the current take you. But what Luka was doing…he wasn’t sure. Still, he sat on the bed next to his son, humming his songs one by one, just loud enough for Luka to hear. There was no reaction, but by the way his shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, Jagged knew to go on. They stayed that way for hours, his concert very much canceled by Penny, and he pointedly avoided thinking about how Marinette’s friends must be thinking. Especially how Sabine and Tom were doing. Jagged…knew he could never look those two in the eye, ever again. Not until the person responsible for this was a rotting corpse, six feet under the lowest point his boot could reach. He vowed to not let “her” get away with this. He would bring them to justice, and he would see Shadowmoth’s little helper entirely destroyed before he could rest. But for now…Luka and Juleka needed him. He’d promised to be there for them, and he would not go back on his word. Adventure and mystery would have to have to wait. His kids took priority.


Alya came back home with her mom in tow after lunch at Chloe’s place. She…she still didn’t know how to feel. Even if she tried to deny it, today had been a lot of fun. Going out with friends was something…almost foreign to her, after all this time. For months on end, her encounters with Adrien had been fleeting and overly casual. Looking back, it was pretty clear that he’d done his best to avoid her. And she really couldn’t blame him. All Alya had been talking about for the longest time was Lila. Lila this and Lila that, no wonder he and Ma- no wonder Adrien was avoiding her! Ever since her and Nino’s visit to the Agreste Manor, Alya had been left with something itching in the back of her skull. Gabriel Agreste had practically demanded of her to get him more evidence on Lila’s…everything, and that conversation still tasted sour in her mouth.

He’d had this oily, inky, dark presence around him, like death itself was wandering the halls of his house. It may have been the trick of the light, but Alya could still swear the other shadows on the wall seemed to avoid Monsieur Agreste’s. And she couldn’t blame them either. After all, she’d also tucked her tail away and ran for the hills at the first opportunity. But…she still didn’t understand how Adrien could stand to live in that house. That single experience had made Alya feel nauseous, and even thinking about it brought her lunch back up her throat.  

At least he hadn’t asked anything she wasn’t already planning on doing. And…the man had helped, if only a little. She’d still need to look at the dates of these photoshoots and figure out how they corresponded with Lila’s supposed trips, probably by making a couple of calls. But that was the last thing on her mind as mom finally unlocked the front door. Alya threw herself into the hallway and dashed to her room in a blind frenzy, sealing herself inside. Thank God she insisted on a lock after Ella and Etta kept barging in a few years back.

She immediately opened up her desk drawer and pulled out the Gabriel photoshoot schedule, with its official stamp of approval and everything. She moved it over to her evidence board on the wall, currently full of pictures and notes left on it since… since she’d last invited Mari for a sleepover. That must have been…months ago. Four, maybe five? She… Alya wasn’t even sure. And that hurt. She choked on her breath as it registered that they would never have a sleepover again. That Marinette would never come over to drink orange juice and let Alya go off on another Ladybug Theory tangent, only to absentmindedly correct something she’d completely overlooked. Like it was second nature to listen to what Alya was saying, to pay attention regardless of how scatter-brained Mari tended to be.

She’d always found that endearing, that Marinette cared so much. They were best friends after all, of course she did! Alya wanted to kick herself. She’d taken Mari for granted, just assumed she would always be there no matter what, and all the bluenette had done in response was try. In hindsight, the idea of Marinette running around like a headless chicken, desperately trying to go where she was supposed to be…well, that joke just wasn’t funny anymore. Mari still would have laughed at it.

Now…now all Alya had left were memories, and a mission. Lila Rossi had done this, her mind said. Lila had driven a wedge between Alya and her best friend, she was responsible for everything! And she needed to be taken down! But…she also wasn’t the one to disregard every attempt Marinette made to explain herself. Lila hadn’t been the one who screamed at Marinette on Friday, she hadn’t ended their friendship. Alya had done that.

Please  Marinette, what’s happened to you? Where did my best friend go?”

Where had she gone? Why wouldn’t Mari stay as far away as possible? Why would she ever let Alya accuse her like she had? Why…why did she still stay at her side when all Alya did was hurt her?

“You never listen to me Marinette, not anymore! What  happened  to you?”

Now that she knew the answer to that question, all Alya wanted to do was throttle her past self. Violently. And then throw her off a cliff. Twice. What happened to Mari? She’d been abandoned by all of them. Everyone except Adrien had written her off, Alya herself hadn’t trusted her best friend! And it wouldn’t matter how many apologies she whispered to the wind. It wouldn’t matter if she dehydrated herself to death from crying on Marinette’s gravestone. Nothing would bring her best friend back, the girl who’d been like a sister to her! She looked at the pictures on the board, Marinette smiling brightly in each and every one of them. They were younger then, back when things were alright. Alya would do anything to go back and fix it. Somehow, she had to fix it!

“Then I guess you’re not my friend anymore. You  never  were.”

The declaration seemed to hang over her head, like Marinette’s ghost was glaring at her with the angry, hateful eyes that were still too kind for what Alya deserved. She ran a hand over the most recent picture on the board, from a little after Mari’s breakup with Luka. Despite everything that happened, Alya had still missed the signs when her friend began to withdraw. At first it just felt like she needed time to heal, and so they’d all given her space. But…her best friend had come to look increasingly stressed, sleep deprived and with a hurt in her eyes unlike anything Alya had ever personally felt. Maybe…maybe that’s when it started. No, no. It all started when Lila had returned from her “trip”, and she’d throwed Mari in the back of the seating schedule, discarding the bluenette like she meant nothing.

Was that when Marinette had begun to suspect it? Was that why she frequently cancelled on Alya’s plans, with increasingly bad excuses that still truly sounded like she had something more important to do? Had she understood it from way back then? Did she foresee that all of them would discard her for the shinier, newer toy that took the form of Lila Rossi? At least…at least Alya had tried. But it wasn’t enough. Too little too late.

“Marinette, I’m your very best friend. You can tell me anything.”

“I- Als…I’m sorry, but I  can’t  tell you.”

Alya had never been enough. She should have tried harder! She should have called more, texted Marinette the stupidest cat memes on the internet until she got back a laugh! She should have been there for her best friend! …she should have stayed. If Alya had stayed, if she’d reached out to hug Mari and tell her everything would be all right…if she’d known how much pain her best friend was in, would it have made a difference? Would Marinette have trusted her? Would they have taken on Lila together?

The worst part about questions…was that sometimes she’d never get her answers. Because the only person who had any to give…just wasn’t here anymore. Memories assaulted Alya’s mind, and she never felt her legs collapsing underneath her, body crumbling to the floor like it was broken. She felt broken, in her very soul. Like a part was missing, consumed by an inky abyss that oozed agony into the rest of Alya’s being.

“Alya? Alya, are you in there?”, a voice came through the door. It sounded happy, like a younger Marinette. Like she was still worried about her, despite all that Alya did. The familiarity brought a bit of comfort, but it wasn’t enough to fill the gaping abyss in her heart.

“Etta, I told you not to bother her! Alya’s busy with school, you know that!”, came her father’s voice. He sounded ticked off, but of course Otis wasn’t angry. He was worried about her. Alya seemed to be worrying everyone nowadays. First Nino, who had begged her to let him come over after what happened at school on Friday, and stayed awake with her almost the entire night, letting her cry and listening to everything Alya tried to say. Then Nora and her parents, who had seen something was obviously wrong. She’d asked them to leave her alone, and they’d obliged. Alya figured they would talk later, but she just didn’t have the energy to even think about it. And now…Ella and Etta.

“But Dad! Alya promised us Marinette would come for a sleepover!”, Ella shouted. Alya could practically feel her father flinch on the other side of the door. She had promised. The day after she’d tried to reach out to Mari, Etta and Ella asked when she would come over. They loved having her around, she was “the best babysitter ever!”. Alya just didn’t have the heart to deny them, even hurt as she was because she thought Marinette hadn’t trusted her.

The urge to kick herself came back in full force. How had she been so stupid? Mari would never not trust her friends! Alya was the problem. She just…wasn’t good enough. Marinette hadn’t trusted her, because why would she? Alya had already shown exactly whose corner she was in, and had let Lila take advantage of her! She’d been blind and stupid, and never listened! Not to Adrien when he kept insisting he didn’t like the bitch, not to Nino’s initial protests that maybe she’d misunderstood something, that she should go and talk to Marinette again, to reach out! And she certainly didn’t listen to Mari. Even when she’d been told the truth, Alya had just denied it! Why? What the hell was wrong with her? What had she done?

“…Alya? Can I come in?”, a voice sounded from beyond the door. Nora.

She didn’t respond, didn’t even have the strength to stand up. Alya’s legs still refused to work, and she stayed collapsed on the floor, with some pictures from her board fallen on top of her.

“I’m sorry, stupid question.”, Nora corrected herself. “I- Look. I’m not good at this heart-to-heart stuff, but…I’m here for you sis. Just tell what I can do, I’m here to help.”, she insisted, sounding determined. Alya wished she had half she strength that Nora did. Maybe if she’d been better like her sister, Mari would still be…

“I can call Cappie if you want. He’ll be over in a heartbeat!”, Nora tried to sound assuring, but the tone fell flat. For God’s sake, even Chloe had better sense than Alya! Back in Marinette’s room, she knew there was a job to do, and she did it! All Alya had done was cry and burden Nino with her problems. This…this was all her fault! And she would never be enough to fix it!

“Alya…you know you’re not at fault for this, right?”, Nora asked through the door. All she got in response was silence. “I’ll always be here for you, okay? I- we can go to the gym together, get some muscle in those skinny arms of yours!”, she tried to joke. Mari would have laughed.

Nora sighed deeply, putting a hand on the door. She tried the handle, but found it budged. Locked, as expected. Heavy footsteps rang in Alya’s ears as Nora walked away. She didn’t know how long she sat on the hardwood floor, eyes blankly staring at the evidence board above her head. The sunlight draped through her open blinds, and slowly inched its way across the door. Alya didn’t make a sound, simply watched the rays go by. When her senses returned, the sun had long set. She’d never turned a light on, and the only source of it was the moon, shining across the skyline.

She felt numb, empty. Alya could still see the gaping maw in deepest reaches of her heart, an abyss eating away at all the light in the world. She tried to get up, legs quacking under the weight of her guilt. She should have stayed with Marinette… Alya’s legs shook and she lost her balance, grasping the nearest thing for support! The blinds buckled as she pulled on them, effortlessly sliding across the window and letting Alya fall flat on her back. Her other hand reached for the evidence board, but only managed to grab a picture on the wall, tearing it out. Her blinds finally gave in to the force of gravity, creating a black curtain to block out the moonlight. The picture mirrored them, gently landing on Alya’s face.

As she looked at Marinette’s smile, Alya finally allowed the abyss to consume her.


And…scene! I swear this was just meant to be a filler episode, but then feelings got involved! I really should just stop making promises I can’t keep one of these end notes… Anyways, there actually are a couple things I want to talk about before we move on! Mostly clarifications since most of these scenes overlap with each other and other chapters in a timeline sense and I want to set things straight so nobody gets confused.

So, first things first. I’m being a bit particular with timeframes in this fic, even down to minutes on occasion. Those usually exist for the sake of a clear timeframe in-chapter or when two events run parallel to each other. This time, I didn’t use them at all, and there is a reason for that. I feel the general timeframe of these vignettes is pretty clear, and the ones with Luka, Chloe and Jagged all start at roughly the same time. Luka wakes up a cold sweat the moment Marinette falls of the bridge in chapter two and stays up all night trying to figure out what the heck happened. Chloe’s segment begins just as the announcement comes through the TV. Jagged’s begins about an hour after Chloe’s, given that Luka has been out cold for roughly that long.

To clarify, this doesn’t conflict with chapter 5. Gabriel’s sense of time is…tenuous at best as we’ve already seen, so his timeframe is not the norm here. Adrien awakens as the broadcast is happening, so at the same time as Luka and Chloe’s segments in this chapter. In roughly the next hour, Jagged, Chloe, Juleka, Rose, Alya, Nino and everyone else gathers around the Bakery. The reporter incident happens, and after that the class unanimously (minus Alya and Nino who booked it to go check and Adrien, and Chloe who refused to go see Zoe) gathers in a park a couple blocks away to try and process the news. Lila doesn’t go with them and dramatically claims she’s too upset, but it is an appropriate reaction so nobody makes a fuss. Jagged’s segment continues into the night where he stays with Luka the entire time, because they’re both having a mental breakdown.

Nino and Alya’s segments both take place immediately after chapter 8, on Sunday afternoon. The group goes to have lunch at the Hotel (yes Zoe joined them I didn’t forget about her) and then went their separate ways. I think the rest of the timeframe is relatively obvious, so I’ll stop here.

I…don’t think I need to explain the emotional state of our cast, right? And don’t worry, Nino and Adrien will get their talk when the time is right. Alya is…well, depressed is probably an understatement, and nobody is okay. Except Adrien, who is doing slightly better now that he knows who Ladybug is, and even better later when he finds out Mari is alive!
Anyways, I’ll see you all in chapter 11 for our legally mandated continuation of the Adrienette piece and Detective Nino B Plot, but until then, Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 11: Investigative Journalism


Chat Noir awakens at Ladybug's side, finally knowing the girl behind the mask. The walls and secrets between them are gone at last, but will the two be able to adjust to knowing each other, especially without tipping off their other friends?

Meanwhile Alya and Chloe investigate Lila's lying career, leading to a terrifying discovery. Caline Bustier sees a new side of the heiress, and finds herself question if she'd really known *any* of her students. Principal Damocles feels responsible, and Jagged Stone has a lawsuit to file for.


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to this trainwreck of a show! Cue the image of a dog siting in a burning building and calmly sipping coffee! “This is fine!” You know the meme! At least the characters help me write their scenes without too much of a fight, so I’ve got that going for me! Truly, what a time to be alive! (except for Marinette) …I bet you guys a double update that you won’t find someone who laughs at that joke!

Anyways, be ready to tune into this week’s episode, because we have…

The return of Adrien’s fursona, Samantha’s barbie-sized wardrobe, fluffy Adrienette (I made a promise, okay?), the aftermath of Alya’s spiraling depression, Chloe actually being very nice today, and a Detective Nino subplot more convoluted than the entire FNAF Timeline put together backwards!

Okay no, that last bit is a lie. This fic may be driving people insane, but not for those reasons. It’s just that Rocketear showed me how…intense his investigations can be.

Alas, without further ado…let’s jump right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Adrien groggily opened his eyes, barely registering the arms enveloping him in warmth and love, holding him ever so gently, as if he might fade away like a dream. An unkept mop of raven-blue hair was the first thing he saw, and his nose was hit by the feint smell of cookies and mint tea. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Chat Noir had a very good feeling about today.

“Mmmm…five more minutes Tikki…”, came a sleepy voice, and Adrien finally registered Marinette in his arms. Marinette! Marinette was here! With him!

Chat felt himself release a loud purr, and Ladybug lazily opened one eye to look at her partner. The moment she saw his face, a radiant, breathtaking smile lit up the room, blessing Adrien’s existence with its beauty. Immediately, Samantha’s arms clutched him tightly, squeezing his ribs so hard that Chat thought they might break. Trying to breathe, he ran a hand through her silky hair.

“Mari- you know I love you…but you’re going to crush me!”, Adrien gasped for breath. Samantha yelped and released him, only for both to roll to the side and right off the couch. Landing on the soft carpet, a wave of twin laughter escaped into the world.

Marinette wasn’t sure how they stayed on the floor, listening to each other’s laugh and taking in their face. Just…existing. A ray of sunlight poked out from the horizon, bathing them in a golden hue. For a few seconds, everything was perfect.

Adrien got to his feet first, reaching out to help Samantha up. She accepted the offer with a near-giddy chuckle, and Chat gave her a dramatic look. “Milady, I’m sure you know that as your knight in shining leather, I simply must help you to thy feet!”, he said in the most over-the-top accent possible, and they both devolved into more giggles. It was stupid, not even funny. It was so Chat that Marinette couldn’t help but fall in love all over again.

A blush reddened her cheeks. Adrien poked her in the pink spot, and Mari leaned away in mock offense. “Hmm…”, a mischievous smirk overcame her features. “Are you sure you’re a knight, mon Minou? I always took you for more of a stray!”, she teased him.

Chat leveled her with a smirk of his own, his green eyes glinting in the distant sunlight. “Well, my dear Ladybug, it seems this stray has stolen your heart…”, he whispered in a gravelly voice, practically toying with her heartstrings.

Samantha opted to laugh at him. “I suppose I can’t argue with the evidence. After all, you have been a very good guest. You know…I didn’t think you’d ever catch me!”, she quipped, and any report Adrien had died in his throat. He flushed bright red, looking away from her in embarrassment.

“I…uh-”, he tried to come up with a reply, but Marinette just widened her grin. Chat’s shoulders slumped, faux ears drooping in an admittance of defeat.  

Ladybug hovered closer to him, planting a small kiss on Adrien’s cheek. It didn’t help his blush, but he finally looked at her. Adoration and a pure sense of want twirled in his green orbs, and she stared back with much the same in her blue. Seeing each other like this was a like a lightning bolt had set their hearts aflame with the kindest, most earnest form of love the world would ever know.

Chat cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting his feet in one spot. “So…good morning?”, he hesitated, but Marinette only smiled at him.

“Yes. It’s the best!”, she exclaimed, eyes shining brightly as the golden rays of sunlight bathed her in a divine glow. …Or maybe Adrien was just a tad biased.

He slowly reached out to her, and Ladybug was quick to embrace him, never hesitating. “Marinette- uh, Samantha! Are we…okay?”, Chat tried to ask, more gently than she’d ever seen him. Adrien was afraid, clasping her hand like she would vanish any moment now.

She tried to smile warmly at him, but it came out a bit too wide, too goofy. Adrien still found it funny, lighting up the room with a chuckle as bright as the glint of love in his eyes. “Just for you…I’m still Mari.”, she breathed out without even thinking. Chat only pulled her close, holding her against his chest.

Then there was silence, apart from their rhythmic breathing. A calming, comforting pattern that confirmed that their partner was there, and always would be. “I…”, Adrien tried to say, but words escaped him.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”, Ladybug whispered, her voice almost low enough to be lost in the air. A pause, the words nearly getting stuck in her throat. This time, she was strong enough to force them out. “I wanted to, but…I thought you would hate me.”, Marinette finally said, tightening her grip around his waist.

Ever so slowly, Adrien reached out to run his hand through her hair. She let him, content to hear her Kitty purring in delight for just a moment longer. “It’s okay, Mari. I- You told Chat Noir. I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere Bugaboo. It’s you and I against the world, remember?”, he asked in a breathless voice, like he only wanted to keep existing in this blissful moment, for as long as the universe allowed.

Ladybug found the strength to nod at him, and Adrien gently pulled away, only stopping to softly gaze into her eyes. “I know.”, was all she could say, and he accepted it. Chat Noir had always understood her, would always stand beside her, no matter what. Adrien Agreste was Marinette’s partner in crime, her best friend under the perfect mask she showed to the world. And maybe that’s what made them so good together. Two halves of a whole, partners tethered by their own nature. Two people who both wore porcelain masks in their day lives, becoming alive as they donned their personas in the dead of night. Marinette Dupain Cheng was Ladybug, and Ladybug was Samantha Fae. Adrien Athanase Agreste was Chat Noir, and Chat Noir was just Adrien.

Gently, Chat cupped her cheek with one hand, caressing her face. He gave her that look, the one from a stormy night when she’d first fallen for him, and Ladybug understood. It really was them, their real selves. Adrien wouldn’t care what name she went by. He hadn’t loved Marinette any less because of Ladybug, nor the opposite. And he was forgiving her. Samantha felt tears fight to escape her…but simply had none left to cry. Chat looked like he wanted to say something, but the words simply refused to come. Ever carefully, she took him by the hand, leading Adrien to their sketchbook, still laying on the kitchen table. He gave her a thankful, tearful nod and picked up the pencil.

Chat Noir took great care of the lines he was making, of the could-have-been that he was trying to show her. Marinette let him take his time, only slightly tapping the pencil to help him keep the lines straight. Images started to form, a situation so very familiar and so utterly catastrophic that it truly terrified Ladybug, reminded her that Adrien had avoided it by the skin of his teeth.

Gabriel Agreste and his son sat at the dinner table, Adrien wearing a false smile as he tried to speak to his father. His father ate calmly, completely ignoring his son’s plight as the blonde desperately tried to explain, to try and tell him his problems. Gabriel did not listen, and so Adrien took the daring next step. He raised his voice. His father looked up from the meal with a cold, dead glow in his eyes, and tonelessly, with a manner devoid of any hint of care or warmth, ordered Adrien back to his room.

Dejected, broken by Gabriel’s indifference, Adrien fled, slamming the door behind him. The afternoon sun lit up his room, but the rays seemed caustic, almost like they burned. Long shadows formed from the window patterns, leaving Adrien to break down as they cast the mirage of prison bars over his body. Tears escaped him, and finally, he called his transformation. The blinding light seemed to shatter his prison, and Chat Noir escaped from the window. The sunlight seemed to move along the walls, to indicate that dusk was slowly coming. Adrien focused himself on the pencil, and continued to draw.

He lined out Nathalie’s form, carefully opening the door, as if not wanting to scare him…only to find the room completely empty. Chat Noir leapt into the night as lights of the Agreste Mansion’s many rooms flickered on and off while she searched for him, and a single tear fell from his green orbs. He took out his baton, and still called Marinette. He lied about getting a burner phone, and asked if she wanted to come down to the park with him and Kagami tomorrow. Ladybug could tell the conversation was much the same, and Chat leaped across a building, away from his prison.

Later, when the endless downpour of rain drowned out what little moonlight existed in the sky, Chat sought refuge in an abandoned building. Inside he found Ladybug, hurt and soaked to the bone. The two embraced, and with a shaking voice she asked why he was out so late. And so…he told her he’d left home. No doubt he would return for things that mattered, but never again would he allow Gabriel to control him. The two spent the night there together, cradling each other as thunder cracked the skies open, lighting up the darkness with blinding flashes. Thunder brought in dreaded caustic light which they hid from in the day, under masks of flawless porcelain, without so much as a blemish of humanity.

He imagined they would tell each other their names then, share their stories. Once the storm finally passed, Ladybug would lead him to her apartment, their new home. They would hide out together, with fresh names for a pair recently free, two halves of a whole at last finding themselves after so very long… She would come with him to the Mansion in the morning, help him take away his mother’s pictures and his most prized possessions, he would swipe a ring right off Gabriel’s sleeping form, to steal away the very thing he did not deserve. Adrien would admit to himself what his father had become, and leave with Ladybug. They would start their new lives together, just them against the world. And this time, when Ladybug swung into the light, Chat Noir leaped right after her, diving into the unknown.

Adrien put the pencil down at long last, Marinette’s arms around his shoulders like a protective barrier. He hugged her back, and they slowly pulled apart. Neither had any tears left to cry, and for once it was a shame. Those would have been tears of joy, because they understood, and had shown it to each other. The final secret between them had been so thoroughly destroyed that even Cataclysm could never compare, and the walls had crumbled to dust.

Marinette slowly moved to the kitchen, dragging Adrien by the arm. “Hey, Kitty? Wanna make those cookies we were talking about?”, she whispered, barely managing the words as her heart was overflowing with love. She could form nary a thought outside of Adrien, Chat Noir, and he loves me.

They rummaged through the kitchen drawers and cupboards like starving beasts, assaulting the four bags, spilling chocolate drips on the floor and getting covered in baking batter, but finishing their batch in record time. Those chocolate chip cookies were crumbled, slightly burned and a bit bland. Adrien had never eaten a better sweet in all his life. It was a unanimous decision to take a shower one by one as the other tended to the mess they’d made, and the kitchen was clean again in around an hour of teamwork.

Record time as always, even better than their…last experience. Admittedly, avoiding a fire was probably a pretty low bar to set, but then again Chat Noir was in the room. Better safe than sorry. Marinette quickly passed Adrien a pair of blue torn jeans, a white jersey and the red hoodie through the ajar door, and very quickly they found themselves in her design room.

“…wow. Just…wow. I think your closet is bigger than mine!”, he exclaimed in wonder.

Mari elected to mess with him a little. “Well, mister model, it’s not my fault you own exactly one outfit! I swear, that massive closet of yours must have only one hanger!”, she giggled. Adrien laughed at the mental image, failing to keep his composure. “Oh, Kwami…you do! Paris’ most wanted model only has a single pair of clothes!”, she mock-gasped, and his only response was a loud snort.

“Ma-Mari please! Just look at the size of your closet! It’s so big that you need a whole room for it!”, Adrien tried to retort, falling victim to another chuckle.

She glared at him, pretending to be aghast. “At least I have options! All you’ve got is a striped shirt and a pair of black shorts! How am I going to steal your hoodies…if my boyfriend doesn’t have any?”, she pressed him. The moment Marinette realized what exactly she’d said, a hand went over her mouth. But…there was no saving it.

Adrien looked at Mari like she’d grown a second head, and then grinned so widely that all she saw in front of her was Chat Noir. “So…I guess the kitty did get the cream, huh Princess?”, he leaned forwards, placing a hand on her back and pulling Ladybug closer.

Her eyes gleaned with a spark of mischief. Game on, kitty cat. Marinette put on her softest smile, and very slowly leaned in for a kiss. Adrien called the bluff by trying to tease her, but she cut him off by planting her lips on her. It was daring, rash, and maybe a bit blunt, but she Ladybug, and would never let Chat Noir out-do her on anything. Not even puns, because his weren’t funny!

They parted hesitantly, both of them wanting to keep going, but still not willing to lose. As soon as he opened his eyes, Adrien masked himself with perfect model etiquette, getting right to business. He pretended there was no blush on his cheeks, and she pointedly ignored her own flushed face. “So…milady. We should probably trade intel. Let’s figure out who knows what, and make a plan to take down Lila…and keep your dirty little secret.”

Marinette didn’t back down, and hit him with her most innocent smile. “But Adrien!”, she gasped in mock horror. “I am just a fair Princess, living up in my tower! A nasty stray tomcat keeps bothering me, he’s the one who you need to expose!”, she teased, booping his nose as they both broke down in laughter.

Adrien was first to recover, wiping a tear from his eye. “Okay, okay!”, he tried to say amidst his laughter. “We…we probably should focus.” Marinette nodded, smiling encouragingly. They were together again, and could handle anything! Even if the whole world was against them, Ladybug and Chat Noir would still thrive!

And so, she told him everything. Marinette explained how she called Jagged, laughed alongside Adrien as he questioned the rockstar’s immediate access to spoofed ID Cards, the commissions she’d been taking as MDC and that her monetary problems were sorted for the time being, and probably the foreseeable future. Thankfully, Adrien was still richer. She told him about her newly remade friendship with Kagami, and that she’d gotten the fencer’s number.

In turn, Adrien spoke of Alya and Nino’s visit, explained they knew about Lila and were trying to help. He told her he was trying to forgive them still, of how they bumped into Chloe on their way to the Bakery. She’d threatened to sue someone out of existence, and the two of them had made up. Marinette didn’t begrudge him for it, and instead was happy that the heiress genuinely seemed to have a change of heart. Adrien told of his father’s odd behavior, that he suspected Gabriel felt responsible for allowing Lila close to him and had somehow figured out her connection to Marinette’s “demise”. He spoke of the man’s letter to her parents, how he offered his help and that he was investigating Lila for harassment charges.

Then, Ladybug understood what had happened. Gabriel must have -for once- listened to Adrien, causing the investigation into Lila and possibly feeling responsible for allowing things to escalate, and lead up to Marinette’s death. Alya was also running a separate investigation, or at least trying to. She wasn’t doing well at all, and Adrien just didn’t know how to help her. Despite everything she did, Alya wasn’t a bad or malicious person, and he wanted her to get better. He also mentioned that Chloe suspected he and Samantha might know each other, and that he’d confessed to Nino of her being his old crush from “work”.

Marinette laughed at that, teasing him. Adrien took it in stride, and they tried to come up with something to deal with their main issues. Thankfully, no plan was too complicated for Ladybug, and soon enough they had something to work with. Gabriel and Alya were both investigating Lila, and Adrien needed to get them to at least share information, probably convince Alya that his father’s legal team held more sway than her in a court room. They also needed to address their familiarity, because now that they knew each other, it was bound to get them caught.

But maybe…Adrien’s excuse wasn’t bad at all! Samantha hadn’t said she didn’t work at Gabriel, and it would make sense for things to be a bit sour between them since Lila supposedly got her fired, and that resulted in them cutting contact. And…his crush was just perfect! If he and Nino were planning to pull a prank on Alya, then that could lead to a few…interesting developments. Chloe would probably buy it too, and Kagami shouldn’t have any issue. Samantha would just have to focus on getting used to her new life, and Adrien would lead the investigations in the right direction. Then, all they had to was wait! It was brilliant and utterly chaotic, so insane that nobody could possibly see it as a plan, so Ladybug and Chat Noir that it could never work…except when it finally did!

Adrien took a cookie for the road and transformed, as Samantha settled down on the couch, waiting for a bit of time to pass so she could make a call. After all…they each had a job to do.


Alya’s head was hurting. Scratch that, it was throbbing in pain, and she couldn’t see a thing. Her entire body felt numb, her nerves frayed and refusing to work…but it also felt like she was on fire. Like Marinette’s kind smile, the only that her eyes would show her, was lighting a spark in Alya’s soul, and that flicker of flame was boiling her blood with agony.

Pushing through it all, she heaved herself into a sitting position, Marinette’s picture falling from her face. It landed on the ground, and thankfully the bluenette was looking at the hardwood. Alya’s eyes felt dry, her body empty and running on fumes. She groaned as her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room; sunlight still obstructed by her blinds. For the first time in days, she felt happy to see the sun.

The board was still on her wall as any day, just minus a few pictures. Unwilling to move too much, she decided to take the rest down and make room for things that actually mattered, like Lila’s photoshoot schedule. Alya still didn’t have much to work with, but she’d also wasted valuable time. She could afford to sit around and cry when Lila was still running free and probably planning her next move! Adrien didn’t have Ma- Marinette anymore, and they needed to keep at eye on him in her place. Maybe…maybe if Alya stopped thinking about why, and focused on getting shit done, Mari would forgive her. She still wouldn’t deserve it, but the bluenette was just like that. At this point, Alya would take anything she could get.

Trying to move her legs without stumbling around was a challenge, but she was the Ladyblogger! She’d pulled through worse! So Alya gritted her teeth and moved forwards, heaving one leg at a time as she clutched the wall for support. She made it to the blinds, and ever so slowly let the sunlight in. Instead of a massive ball of fire in the sky, her eyes met a pair of green orbs, and then the two faux cat ears right above them. Scrambling back, Chat Noir had to reach out and steady her, lest Alya fall right back to where she’d been a minute ago.

“Woah!”, the hero exclaimed, raising his hands in a move of surrender as she held onto her desk. “I didn’t mean to scare you!” A pause. His eyes fixated on her stumbling legs, on how Alya looked like a dead girl walking. …she certainly felt the part. “Hey…are you okay, Ladyblogger?”, Chat asked, seeming genuinely worried.

Alya finally collapsed in her desk chair and raised a hand to wave him off, but found her joints still refusing to move. “Yeah, I’m fine.”, she settled for mumbling. Chat Noir’s hearing allowed him to pick the words up, and he struck an unimpressed pose.

Clearly, Paris’ resident furry thought she was lying. But…even with hazy memory, Alya really didn’t want to revisit last night’s truths again. “Sorry if I’m bothering you.”, Chat politely ignored her exhausted state. “I was passing by…and heard a commotion. Anything a superhero can help you with?”, he asked in jest, probably trying to cheer her up.

“As a matter of fact…yes! You can!”, she tried to pour excitement in her voice. Instead, Alya found herself barely capable of speech. “Did you know Marinette Dupain Cheng?”, she asked him. It was far too blunt, and her voice came out hoarse and ragged, but Chat Noir nodded anyways.

His expression changed in an instant, guilt washing his usual charm away so fast she had to wonder what exactly he’d been holding in, and maybe when Alya had eaten something she’d get on with that. Chat’s faux ears drooped, his tail stopped twirling and instead fell against the floor in one final, somber swish. “I tried to help her.”, he found the strength to say. It looked like he was forcing every word out with all his might. “I- Sometimes I’d finish patrol early and go visit her, to see how she was doing. I’m sorry.”, he uttered, and that apology suddenly meant everything.

Chat Noir was honestly devastated, but quickly regained composure, like he’d reminded himself of something important, maybe that he was supposed to be helping her? Whatever it was, Alya could only tell that it made him go back to his usual self just as quickly as his demeanor had shifted before. She…she didn’t have the heart to ask if he knew anything. He was clearly in pain, even if now he made it seem like he’d gotten over it.

There was silence. And so, he went on. “Mari told me there was this…girl at her school. Lila Rossi.”, he spat out the name with so much hatred that Alya could clearly see him using a Cataclysm on the Italian. “But…I couldn’t do anything. The last time we tried, she got turned into an Akuma. Volpina, again.”, Chat said, his voice falling into a near hiss. “From what Mari told me, while Ladybug I were busy trying to find her, Lila made illusions to give her and the Agreste kid a bad rep. Nobody else caught wind of it…and I found it really suspicious.”, he did hiss this time, before hastily clearing his throat.

Chat nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Had he said too much? “I- If you find anything, let Ladybug or I know, okay? We’re here to help!”, he encouraged, and Alya nodded. A determined glint revitalized her whole body, energy returning to her in waves. She practically kicked Chat out in her excitement to get started on this, and quickly called up Nino.

“Babe?”, he asked groggily. Clearly, he hadn’t yet woken up properly. What time was it? “It’s not even 8am. Is something wrong?”, his worried voice came through.

Alya actually let out a laugh. “No, no! But I have a new lead! We have school today, right? Meet me at the steps in…say half an hour!”, she screamed in excitement, and Nino nearly went deaf.

“Alright, alright! But if I have to wake up, so does everybody else! I’m calling Adrien!”, he declared, and the line went dead. Alya found a smile etching itself on her features. Finally, she had good news to give! They had concrete proof that Lila had been bullying Mari, and Chat Noir’s theory! He probably had reason enough to let her know, and was better informed about Akuma attacks. Nodding and mumbling to herself, Alya quickly changed into an identical pair of clothes -to this day she was grateful for Marinette’s willingness to make her half a dozen of these-, and snatched the photoshoot schedule, shoving it in her bag along with the other evidence!

The Ladyblogger practically flew downstairs, hurriedly greeting and immediately running past her entire family -Etta nearly got her!-, yelling that she had to meet up with the others. Mom tried to go after her, but Nora quickly held her back, shaking her head in gleeful amusement to see her sister being back to her usual self. Alya bolted to the school, and waited for the others to arrive.


Smiling in satisfaction at a plan coming together, Chat Noir yeeted himself through Adrien Agreste’s window, landing in a roll and flopping onto the bed. Green light flashed around him, and Adrien was laying there not a moment later. He quickly fed Plagg his demanded piece of Camembert, and took in his new outfit. Admittedly, maybe torn jeans didn’t go with a washed-out red hoodie. And it was better to not piss off Father while the man seemed to be trying.

While Plagg ate wordlessly, Adrien quickly switched it out for his classical striped shirt…and reminded himself to go shopping with Chloe soon. If Father was letting him go outside, a few -designer brand- clothes were probably a safe bet. Marinette was right, he really needed a wardrobe change.

Grabbing his bag and black leather jacket, Adrien headed downstairs, rushing out of his ajar door. They had school today, and he would bet all his lunch money that Alya was absolutely going to tell Nino to meet her there. Well, he didn’t get lunch money, but that wasn’t the point! He knew his friends well enough to predict them…and super hearing was certainly a big help. In truth…when he’d spoken with Alya, Adrien had forgotten for just a moment that Mari was still with him, and the pain had come back in full force. Thankfully he composed himself quickly enough, and remembered that his Lady was alright. Shaking the bad thought away, Adrien rushed downstairs.

Gabriel was sitting in the living room, Illusion of Living in hand as Nathalie sat on the couch next to him. “Adrien!”, he exclaimed, actually looking happy to see him. This would take a lot of getting used to. He really wished this would last, no matter how in vain the desire truly was.

Adrien found himself sending his father a tiny smile. “Good morning Father, Nathalie.”, he greeted respectfully. Pushing his luck now would be a bad idea, and besides…they weren’t exactly at the point of casual conversations yet.

Nathalie seemed more reserved than usual, and didn’t quite meet his eyes. “Oh, good morning Adrien! Did you- did you sleep well?”, she stammered through the question. He…found that strange, but Nathalie wasn’t always the most open person. Maybe he’d interrupted something? …Eh, he’d figure it out later.

“Yes, I’m feeling great!”, he smiled back at her in earnest. Adrien swore he saw Gabriel’s eyes move to the floor, a shred of jealousy glinting in his dull grey orbs. Since…since when did Father’s eyes look like that? “Uh, I’m sorry if I interrupted you!”, he added, trying to gauge for a reaction. Adrien didn’t pride himself on being sneaky, nor did he like doing it…but when information was the difference between an outing and staying cooped up in his room, one had to learn how.   

Gabriel finally met his eyes, a strained, overly wide smile on his face. At least he was trying… “No, not at all! Are you going out?”, he asked his son, actually sounding interested.

Adrien did not stumble through a response, and most certainly didn’t let his surprise show. “Yes! Uh- I’m meeting the others outside of school! We’re…looking into something!”, he said. Father spared him a knowing glance, and waved him away.

Gabriel Agreste being casual was not something that should ever be experienced by anyone, but Adrien managed to power through, thanking his father for permission and promising to let the man know when he would be back. He left hurriedly, never noticing the way Gabriel hang his head in guilt. Nathalie relaxed the moment he stepped out of sight, and watched the boy as he walked away. Just as he stepped into the outside world, Adrien’s phone rang loudly.

“Yo dude! Good morning!”, Nino’s voice came through, and Adrien smiled at the memory of yesterday’s conversation. It was still funny, even if Nino couldn’t appreciate his clawsome humor! And…maybe he was still a bit giddy from kissing Marinette. From seeing her again.

“Morning! And let me guess, Alya woke you up?”, Adrien asked in the most toneless voice he could muster, trying to show his support.

 Nino sighed deeply, clearly lamenting the loss of sleep. “Bullseye…just get down here, would you? We’ve got a new lead!”, he exclaimed urgently. “Meetup is in front of the school, twenty minutes!”, Nino rushed, and Adrien laughed at him.

“…want me to bring the hat?”, he quipped, and Nino groaned at him.

His best friend was probably running a hand through his hair right now. “No, but bring Chloe! I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but she’s been really useful!”, Nino retorted, sounding completely out of breath. …he was already running there, wasn’t he?

Adrien laughed at him, and simply hang up. Nino would absolutely chew him out later, but it was all in good fun! And honestly…knowing Marinette was here, alive… it made him feel too happy to really care. Deciding to follow orders, he ducked into an alleyway and transformed into Chat Noir, still holding Adrien’s phone in hand. Chat yeeted himself onto the nearest rooftop, and quickly texted Chloe.

Chatlog- Chloe Bee and Under Agreste. Last opened: Yesterday

Under Agreste: Hey Chlo! Good morning! I know it’s early, but Nino woke me up! He and Alya are meeting up at school, new lead! On the run atm, get there ASAP!

Chloe Bee: …

Chloe Bee: You’re lucky I got my beauty sleep. On my way.

Under Agreste: Sure! Cat-ch you there!

Chloe Bee: …start running before I arrest you.

Under Agreste: Don’t you mean…

Chloe Bee: No.

Under Agreste: That I’m Under Agreste?

Chloe Bee: ADRIEN!

Seen 08:01am

Chat Noir elected to heed the heiress’ advice, not wanted to get throttled by Chloe. With all these Akuma, he didn’t have the lives to spare! Chuckling to himself, he dashed across the skyline, dropping into the alleyway next to the school. His transformation’s green light was masked by the buildings and -unfortunately the trash can he crashed against. Adrien rubbed the back of head as he looked up, only to see Nino rounding the corner a moment later.

“Dude! You made it!”, he exclaimed in absolute relief, helping him up.

Adrien laughed at Nino nonchalance, and let himself be dragged along to Alya, who was still rambling excitedly, talking to literal thin air. Nino shook his head in amusement, and Adrien lightly tapped her shoulder.

Alya snapped out of her thoughts, only now noticing him. “Sunshine! You’ll never guess who I bumped into just now!”, she yelled happily, preparing for another rant.

“Hey Alya! Sorry to crash your party like this!”, he joked, and Nino smacked him upside the head for the pun. No, it wasn’t funny! The Ladyblogger seemed oblivious, lost in her own head.

“Hmm? Oh yeah, yeah! So, I have a new lead!”, she said, pulling out her phone and showing them the picture of Marinette’s calendar. “The paw prints are for Chat Noir, and he actually came to see me today!”

Nino perked up at that, Adrien thought he caught a whiff of jealousy there, but Nino just gave Alya a smile, happier to see her in a better mood than…the past few months. She went on, caught up in her own head. “Get this, he was actually visiting Marinette those days! And he told me that Lila got Akumatized, just out of the blue!”, she nearly shrieked, and Nino had to clasp a hand over her mouth as Kim and Alix passed by, heading inside.

They were looking at the ground and didn’t seem to notice them, hurrying along the line of students that was slowly approaching the building. Most of them milled about normally, but recognizable faces hang their heads low, dragging their feet to enter school grounds. Nathaniel was clutching his sketchbook tightly with one hand, Marc with the other. Mylene and Ivan practically walked as one, Max seemed absorbed with Markov, who was hovering over his head. Adrien could see it on all their faces. Barely concealed tears and sorrow that they simply refused to let out, each for their own reasons. It was a familiar feeling; one he knew a little too well.

Alya and Nino hovered close by and stayed silent as the others passed by. From their class, only Lila and Chloe failed to show. Juleka came in with her brother holding her hand, Luka escorting her inside. He looked like a miasma of misery was literally enveloping him, and Adrien tried to give an encouraging smile. There was no reaction, but the tiny glint of brightness in Luka’s eyes meant the message was received. If one was to look closely enough however, they would see the silhouette of Jagged Stone hanging back, just out of view. 

The bell rang, causing the other students to head indoors. When the trio were finally alone, they continued their discussion. “So…guys.”, Nino began, “If Chat was suspicious of Lila, then would it be possible that…you know. She’s working with him.”, he whispered under his breath, leaning close as if sharing an outlandish conspiracy.

On any day before Friday, Alya would have laughed and probably called him crazy. But…knowing what Lila had already proven herself capable of, it really wasn’t out of the question. “About that.”, a voice sounded from behind them. Adrien smiled as Chloe approached. “Cesaire, wasn’t her first form that Rena Rouge rip-off? Whatshername, Volpina?”, she asked, brows furrowed as she thought about it.

Alya lit up with excitement as she made the connection, pulling up the Ladyblog’s Akuma Listing page and showing them a picture of Volpina. “Yeah! She made a massive illusion of herself stopping a falling meteorite! But I spent months trying to find out who that was until Lila told me!”

Chloe let out a deep sigh, turning towards Adrien. “I’m guessing that was the day you supposedly tripped Lila and laughed at her?”, she breathed out in annoyance. She got an affirmative nod in leu of a response, and Adrien hung his head low. Alya and Nino assumed he was pissed at Lila, but Chloe knew her best friend well enough to say he was just laughing at the mental image.

When he was done internally cackling, she cleared her throat loudly and motioned them inside. Alya led the march to Principal Damocles’ office, but Chloe took a left turn, heading for their classroom. The others followed her lead, and she slowly knocked on the door. Inside, Caline Bustier desperately tried to keep her tone even. “Come in!”, she said with a crack in her voice.

Chloe took a deep breath and motioned for the others to stay back. Adrien gave her an encouraging smile, and Alya was wise enough to understand this was important to her. She hang back next to the boys, letting the heiress step through the precipice. She left the door slightly ajar, and Alya rushed to peek through. Chloe shot her an annoyed look, but shook her head and ignored the Ladyblogger.

Stunned silence greeted her as she walked to the center of the classroom, right up to miss Bustier’s desk. Most of her peers looked away, pretending she wasn’t there. Caline however, chose to face her with a helpful, impossibly earnest smile. A tiny voice in the back of Chloe’s mind whispered about how amazing the woman was, to be able to smile even through all she must be feeing. “Hello Chloe.”, Caline said, adopting a defensive tone.

The heiress really didn’t blame her for expecting a fight. Chloe herself really wasn’t sure why she was doing this…but she’d come this far, what’s one more step? “Hi…”, she tried to reply. It came out like a whisper, but miss Bustier did not seem phased. “I…came here because I have an announcement to make.” Her tone was devoid of any confidence, but Chloe told herself she had to do this. “As you’re all aware”, she began, turning to the class, “Principal Damocles demanded everyone be present. …That was my decision. I-”, she tried to say, but Alix shot up to her feet.

Banging her hand on the desk, the skater leveled Chloe with a deadly glare. “No! Absolutely not! You don’t get to do shit, much less tell us to be here just so your precious status quo doesn’t get fucked over! You better have a great reason for this, Bourgeois!”, she screamed with barely contained rage. Alix’s entire body was shaking, and Max tried to put a comforting hand on her shoulder. She slapped it away, looking like she was about to explode.

Chloe gulped. Her eyes wandered to the floor…but she leveled Alix her own look, one of as much understanding as she could muster. Pretending like she felt nothing, the heiress continued undisturbed. “The reason I called him was so we would cancel classes for all of us. School is still in session, but we’re free to come and go whenever. No absences, no homework, no nothing for this week. I invited everyone here so I could tell you about it.”, she explained, trying and nearly failing to keep her voice steady.

Surprise and genuine confusion were the reactions of most, which quickly turned to suspicion. Alix fumed at her, raising an accusatory finger. “You can’t be serious! Chloe, we all know you, but I didn’t expect you to be this scummy! What, decided to give yourself a week of vacation because Marinette isn’t here to tell you off?”, Alix raged, her whole body shaking in an overflow of emotions that Chloe was at least somewhat familiar with, even if nobody would ever know.

Miss Bustier tried to speak, to tell the pink-haired girl to calm down…but hearing Marinette’s name was too much, and the words got stuck in her throat. Chloe took the silence as a sign to retort. “Cesai- …Alya is looking into what happened. And just because I’m a bitch doesn’t mean I’m fine, okay? There’s only on piece of shit throwing a party right now, and it’s not me!”, she yelled back, tears forming in her eyes. Everyone stared at her in complete silence…and Alix finally softened her gaze.

“I-I’m sorry.”, she mumbled under her breath, crossing her arms on the desk and dropping her head. Chloe wiped her eyes and nodded at Alix, turning back to Caline. “Miss Bustier?”, she addressed her in the lowest voice the woman had ever heard. Chloe seemed almost scared. “Could you…come with me for a moment? I need a word.”, she forced the words out, suddenly looking like all the life had drained from her eyes. The heiress turned to lead her outside, and like the flip of a switch, her mask of indifference and even slight annoyance came back in full force. Ever so slowly, Caline got up from her desk and looked to her students. With some hesitation, each of them nodded to her. They’d be okay until she got back. They could manage.

With some reluctance, Caline followed Chloe outside the classroom. There waited Alya, Nino and Adrien. The two boys looked so normal it almost shocked her, but she quickly noticed Nino’s breath hitching oh so slightly, and Adrien’s feet shifting as he tried to say hello. The blonde gave up, and they all just followed Chloe as she led the march to the principal’s office. An argument echoed out through the heavy door and into the hallway, getting closer as they continued to approach.

“For the last time, Mister Stone! My students have a right to their privacy, and I do not care who you think you are! So long as miss Rossi remains a student at this school, you’re not allowed to ask me anything about her! Now GET OUT!”, Principal Damocles roared, and they noticed a second figure through the tinted glass.

Undeterred, Chloe power-walked directly to the door handle and threw it open, nearly ripping off the hinges. She put on her most classic annoyed look, and leveled the principal with a death stare. “Principal Damocles, we meet again.”, she said in a bland, almost indifferent tone. Caline tried to approach and get between them, but Adrien of all people stepped forward to block her path.

She looked towards the kids as Denis stared at Chloe, ready to go on a rampage. Alya came up to her, making sure to hide from his sight by using Chloe as cover. “Miss Bustier, we’re…looking into what happened. Just…trust the process, okay?”, she pleaded, looking near-desperate. Every bone in Caline’s body told her it was her job to step in and stop whatever was about to happen…but she just didn’t have the energy to bother. And Alya famously disliked Chloe, so she was sure there was a good reason. That…probably wasn’t at all responsible for an adult to do…but she just couldn’t take any more.

Denis leveled Chloe with a stare of his own, one that tried to convey he was finally putting his foot down after everything that had happened. “Miss Bourgeois, if you are here to make another outrageous demand, I will have you expelled!”, the principal threatened, but the heiress just shrugged nonchalantly.

“Then I’ll just have you fired. After all…there happens to be a board of educators who are going to be very curious as to why this tragedy happened, unless of course you don’t mind the investigation? Because my lawyers will have a solid case for abuse of power and mishandling of minors…assuming I decide to sue.”, she uttered every word with the coldest, most dead tone that Caline had ever heard in a child. It reminded Adrien of his father. He was just glad she was putting on a show.

Jagged Stone, previously stunned into silence, tried to object. “Chloe, please excuse me but we were having a conversation here! I’m sure whatever this is can wait five minutes, right?”, he asked as politely as he could, bluntly suggesting that she go away as quickly as the human body would allow. The rockstar was ignored just as directly.

Principal Damocles fumed with frustration, and he barely stopped himself from slamming a fist on his desk. “Miss Bourgeois! I’ll remind you that half those cases are a direct result of your own insistences! And that your father supported you during all of them! If the Mayor tries to step into my institute’s business again, then-”, he suddenly trailed off, seeing the hateful look in her eyes

Chloe elected to wave her phone in front of Denis’ face, her features turning into a dissatisfied scowl. “And who exactly is the board going to blame for all that? A rich teenager with daddy issues, or the fully grown adult who caved in the moment a little girl started yelling at him! My father never supported any of those tantrums; I could have very easily been bluffing every single time! You’d never prove that in court!”, she screamed, taking a demanding step towards the desk.

From where he was sitting, the heiress towered over Denis by a good few inches, making her all the more intimidating. That, along with -most importantly- the treat of being fired and prosecuted, caused the principal to sigh as deeply as his lungs would allow. His brow twitched, and a vein bulged on his forehead. Chloe gave him a victorious cackle, and he finally looked up at her again. “Fine. Just…tell me what you want!”, he breathed out, and the heiress motioned for her friends to come forth.

Jagged again tried to interject, but Chloe cut him off with a raised finger. “You want information on Lila, right? Same thing here. So hush and let us work, and you can take a copy with you, monsieur Stone.”, she ordered, and he decided to sigh in exasperation instead of answering her. She was right, technically speaking.

Caline had finally had enough and walked up to Chloe alongside the trio. “Chloe…what exactly is going on here?”, she asked, but the blonde paid her no mind as she shooed Denis from his chair and was furiously typing on the keyboard. Alya pinched the bridge of her nose, and pulled Marinette’s phone out of her bag. She unlocked it, passing the device over to miss Bustier.

The woman stared in shock as she numbly accepted the object. “Is-is this…”, she trailed off, and Alya pointed to the screen. Lila’s messages were there, clear proof of what she hadn’t seen. Caline’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, and she scrolled through whole months of demeaning insults and curses, even threats. Finally, she reached the beginning of the chat log. It was dated nearly five months ago…and Marinette had never sent a single message in response. “Oh…oh my god…”, she breathed out, the phone slipping from Caline’s grasp.

With reflexes she didn’t know he had, Adrien easily caught the phone and passed it back to Alya. Caline wanted to say something, anything…but she could barely think. Lila was…she was her most beloved student right after Marinette! Leading a busy life with diplomatic trips at her mother’s side, helping her with an intense workload and overbearing boss, still finding the time to work with charities and fundraisers despite it all, and always greeting people with a bright smile and a compliment. How…how did she do this? Who was she, to be capable of telling someone to go and…oh God, she was going to be sick…

“Cesaire! I’m going to need your blogger skills! Get over here and crack down on the dates, would you?”, Chloe shouted, her voice shattering Caline out of her spiraling thoughts. Alya did indeed approach, and as Jagged craned his neck to look, he saw they were searching for security footage. The heiress had pulled out a USB from God knows where, and was downloading clips from the school’s system. Without the principal’s permission, that would be more than a little illegal.

Denis Damocles watched on in shock as Alya worked her magic, the screen changing to different dates and times, flipping around cameras to show Lila at any given moment. Visual and audio betrayed lie after lie, all recorded in Chloe’s USB.

“I’m sorry I didn’t come for the project Rose; I was busy working with Prince Alli for a fundraiser against child abuse! Can you still donate? Oh, come on you don’t have to! Oh- okay! Yeah, I can take it to him, don’t worry!”, Lila smiled kindly, accepting a twenty euro note in the hallway.

“Don’t worry Juleka, I can take you to Jagged Stone’s concert! You remember how he wrote a song about me after I saved his kitten? Yeah, getting backstage access would be super easy, but things are a bit cramped. I’ll still have to ask, okay?”, Lila promised sweetly, eyes flashing with nothing else except an honest desire to help her friend.

Jagged froze in place, hands trembling in rage. He- he’d asked Luka if there was anyone who could have been bothering Marinette just yesterday afternoon, and his boy had pointed to Lila Rossi. The only girl Mari had ever vented to him about, apparently a liar in her class. His -honorary- niece hadn’t gone into much detail then, and had even shut Luka down when he offered to help. It was old information…but the promise he’d made to Marinette meant he had to try. And this girl was the one the kids were looking for, so clearly something was up with her. Judging by their teacher’s reaction…it was nothing good. And not only had she been bothering his niece, Lila Rossi apparently had the gall to say he’d written a song about her, a minor? If any tabloid worth their salt had ever caught wind of that story…he would have been in real trouble.

“I’m sorry miss, but I have trip on Tuesday, so I can’t take the test! No, no! I’m sorry, I’ll be gone from the 18th to the 27th! I’m really sorry miss Bustier. I- I’ll study really hard after I get back, promise!”, Lila affirmed, looking innocent and genuinely apologetic about her absence.

Alya pulled out the Gabriel schedule, checking the dates. November 18th to 27th…four photoshoots with Adrien, crammed right next to each other. She’d bet her Ladyblog that Lila had pulled this stunt enough times to be charged with truancy…and by God was Alya going to crack down on her for it! She kept cycling through dates, reaching as far back as the day that Lila had first come back from her trip to Achu. She hadn’t been working for Gabriel then, but the lies upon lies they’d already collected would make for a good enough case to look into her other excursions. Still, a particular thought got caught on Alya’s mind. This was the day that Lila had gotten Akumatized into Chameleon, she had readily admitted to that, blabbering about horrible it was. But…she’d never given them a reason.

While Alya was busy cycling through dates and downloading content, the other occupants of the room had gathered around the screen, staring in silence. Adrien was royally pissed at Lila, with Nino clutching his brother’s shoulder so the shaking wouldn’t be visible. Jagged was entranced by the screen, and every second that passed was one more moment where the idea solidified in his mind. Lila Rossi was most likely the girl he was looking for. Caline and Denis were both stunned into silence, unable to believe what they were seeing, much less that they’d missed it. Every single time that Lila turned away from whoever she was speaking with, her features morphed into a hateful, near-disgusted scowl that made her look like she wanted them all gone, for good. Alya scrolled through the timestamps, finally landing on Lila in the hallway a little after lunch…with exactly four pixels of Akuma in the background.

Everyone watches with poorly concealed anticipation as Alya finally presses play, and Lila begins to mumble to herself. It’s barely audible even at max volume, but they can hear her.

Lila fumes to herself as she thinks of her encounter with Marinette. She’s given the idiot a choice, and the nuisance should take the stupid deal and not bother her! “Ugh! I can’t stand these goodie-two-shoes!” They annoyed the crap out of her, especially those who dared have a spine! Suddenly, the fluttering wing of an Akuma enters her vision, and she perks up with visible glee, in direct view of the camera. “Yes, here’s my chance!”, she yells, snatching it out of the air.

Lila keeps her fist tightly closed and places the Akuma in her earring, very much willingly. “Come here, Akuma…”, she whispers to herself. Hawkmoth’s butterfly symbol appears on her face, and her grin widens impossibly. The moment contact is made, she cuts off whatever the supervillain was presumably about to say. “Hello Hawkmoth, I am Lila.”, she says to him, almost like she’s reminding him instead of introducing herself. It’s familiar in a stomach-churning way, like she has done this before.

“I know you want to destroy Ladybug, and so do I.”, she confesses to him, letting her hatred for the heroine show on her face. She waits a moment for his response, and speaks again. “Give me supervillain powers and I’ll get you Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.”, she offers him, as casually as one might talk about the weather. Purple-black magic engulfs Lila, and Alya follows her through the cameras.

Lila bumps into Adrien in the locker room, pushing him inside. “Hey.”, he greets her, trying to be nice. She leans closer to him, pushing him against the nearest locker.

“Adrien, I wanted to apologize for what just happened. I’ve thought about it, and you’re right. I want us to be friends, so I’ll never tell another lie again.”, she tells in him her sweetest voice. “Will you make peace with me?”, Lila asks as she leans closer. Before Adrien even has a chance to respond, she plants an unwanted kiss on his cheek.

Chameleon turns into Adrien, leaving the real one to drop to the floor, out like a light. She roughly shoves him into his locker. “Oops! I lied!”, she giggles to herself, walking away with a pep in her step.

Alya pauses the recording here, and checks to see it’s all been downloaded properly. She goes through the motions robotically, blinking away the tears in her eyes and pointedly ignoring every instance of Marinette appearing on screen alongside her. She…she can deal with this later. If Chloe was strong enough to withstand their classmates today, Alya could be strong enough until she was alone. Then…and only then, she would let darkness take her again. But right now…she had a job to do, and she was going to do it this time!

The three adults in the room watch on in shock, as the kids appear to be completely unaffected. It was unthinkable for someone to be Akumatized on purpose, to work with Hawkmoth, and the four teenagers behaved like this was a typical Monday. Adrien’s calm, placating model smile was etched on his face ever so gently, Nino was wearing a soft smile of encouragement for his friends, Alya looked absorbed in her work, and Chloe was barely managing not to cackle in glee. They didn’t understand how the kids were okay, and that the adults who were meant to be taking care of them were all one second away from a mental breakdown.

Jagged didn’t know exactly what to feel, if he even could feel anything other than unbridled fury towards Lila Rossi…because he’d found her. Hawkmoth’s little lackey…and the person who’d most likely had his niece’s blood on her hands. Suicide, his rockstar ass. Shaking himself out of his stupor, Jagged barely remembered trying to ask for a copy of the evidence. Later he would learn that he hadn’t even formed the correct words, but Chloe had promised to provide one anyways. He…for once, he thought she might actually be a good kid under all that thorny attitude.

Denis and Caline however…weren’t faring as well. Even in comparison to Jagged being barely functional at the fundamental level, requiring Chloe to call his assistant and get him out there…they didn’t know what to do. Denis had a responsibility here, to every single student! To educate, protect and help these kids grow into responsible, collaborative and good citizens one day! It was his life’s entire mission…and he’d failed. Because there was one student not here with them right now. And because another was not only a liar who should be charged with the harshest kind of truancy…but she was also working with Paris’ resident domestic terrorist.

That was exactly what Hawkmoth had always been. A madman in a mask whose plans were being thwarted by their city’s amazing guardians, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Those two had quickly become role models for all his students…and even Denis himself! Old as he was, and with his back…he knew he couldn’t fight supervillains like they did. But The Owl had been his way of trying to help, to give even a tiny contribution back to the duo who’d saved lives every single day since they’d first appeared, people who would have been dead dozens of times over if not for them! Instead of helping…Denis had instead harbored someone who was Hawkmoth’s ally, and put all his students in danger. How could he have allowed this? How? What had he done?

Caline’s brain was wracked with much the same questions. She just didn’t understand! Why did she never notice what Lila had been doing? Even the little things, she should have caught onto! She was completely outraged with herself, because she’d left the protection of her kids…to one, lone student. Caline Bustier knew Marinette Dupain Cheng, and had no doubt in her mind the girl had noticed and tried to intervene…only for Lila to entrance her fellows and manipulate them into attacking her. And Caline had just stood by, watching it all happen! She’d even spoken up for Lila when Marinette had brought up the girl’s fake disabilities during class. Back then, she’d just thought this was a misunderstanding, wanted to resolve in it private with the girls…and would you look at how that turned out? She had failed her students. Marinette would be here if she had put a stop to it. What had she done?

The two adults never noticed the teens leaving, and were found later by miss Mandelieve. Adrien, Nino, Alya and Chloe were long gone to God knows where…and the woman wasn’t at all pleased with what Denis and Caline eventually managed to tell her, forcing their fellow to put together their incoherent ramblings into some kind of context. Denis had managed to point to the computer screen, but it had gone dark. The three educators stayed together for the remainder of the day, and Caline desperately searched for any sign of the kids on school grounds amidst checking in on her students. Nothing. They were gone without a trace, not a single sign as to what they would do. In the end, all she could do was collapse at her desk, and stay there long after her students left to go home.


Nino hurried out of Principal Damocles’ office, leading his friends away from the adults. He…he really didn’t like seeing miss Bustier like that, and besides, they had a job to do. He could think about feelings once Lila was thrown in jail! …or off a cliff, Nino would take what he could get at this point. But first, they had to find somewhere private so they could talk. Houses were out of the question, and going to Mari’s place would be…counterproductive. They had to focus on this, and couldn’t afford distractions. And so, Nino marched the group down to only safe place he could think of. The school’s boiler room.

Alya hesitated on the precipice, but Nino helped her through the doorway. Chloe went to follow them, but Adrien reached out to hold her back. Nino nodded at them, leading Alya further inside. Chloe lagged behind with Adrien, giving him a quizzical look. He sighed deeply, and it was real in a way he almost never allowed himself to be.

“Chlo…are you okay?”, he asked in a small voice. Adrien looked at his childhood friend with worry in his eyes, and the mere sight of it almost made her cry.

Something in the deepest reaches of Chloe’s soul broke, when he said that. Like a dam that had been flooded, feelings began to flow free…and this time, she let them. The heiress threw her arms around Adrien and he hugged her back, offering comfort. It had been a long time since anyone even asked…

“N-no.”, she stammered. “I…I’m really not, Adrikins.”, Chloe whispered to him, bringing back the old and familiar nickname.

Adrien hugged his friend tighter, a somber look etching itself on his face. “I- I’m guessing you didn’t get your beaty sleep, huh?”, he joked, and it was stupid that Chloe actually snorted.

“Does it look like I slept tonight?”, she asked him in a sarcastic tone. Of course, Chloe looked perfect as always. But Adrien had experience with make-up artists, and he’d already seen glimpses of what was hiding underneath hers. A pale complexion as she worried herself sick, bags under Chloe’s eyes, a refusal to even exist until her job was done. That last bit he knew personally, like an old -undesired- friend.

The heiress slowly released him, and Adrien let Chloe go at her own pace. She sniffled, inwardly cursing herself for the ruined make-up. “I…I stayed up all night. First with Zozo…and then planning my arguments. I- I was part of this, Adrien. And I couldn’t just do nothing while they all suffered, even if they kinda deserve it…”, she breathed out, a tiny laugh escaping her along with the blame of their classmates. In Chat’s personal opinion, they kind of did, but not like this. His class was full of good people, and Lila was the one who should really take the blame.

“You know you don’t have to do this alone, right?”, Adrien asked, but Chloe only moved her eyes to the floor.

Tears fell freely for the first time in years, and she hugged him again, barely stifling a sob. “I was a bitch to her, Adrien! I made Marinette suffer, and all that because I thought mom would like me! Because her mom loved Mari! And fucking dammit it, Sabine let me into her home and treated me with kindness of all things, which I don’t deserve!”, she cried out, and Adrien did all he could to comfort her.

“I- I bullied her for years! And now that I finally want to fucking apologize…she’s gone. She’s just gone! I- …how will I ever make her forgive me?”, Chloe sobbed. It was desperate, and it hurt in much the same way his heart did when he thought of how he would never be enough for Father to care…so Adrien understood his friend.

He sighed deeply, lightly pulling away so he could look Chloe in the eyes. “You know…I think she already has.”, he tells her, and it is the truth. His Lady had forgiven her, since Chloe really wasn’t a bad person. And Marinette wasn’t one to hold grudges, especially when she had bigger fish to fry.

“That doesn’t make me feel any better. It’s Dupain-Cheng, she’d forgive me for a house fire!”, Chloe exclaimed, exhaustion finally evident on her face. She looked as tired as she felt, and all the heiress wanted was to go sleep. But…she had to make it up Marinette. She needed to see Rossi destroyed. It was the only way she’d accept her forgiveness.

Adrien suddenly got this long, far-away look in his eyes, and chuckled at a memory. “Well…there was that one time…”, he uttered shyly.

Chloe was simply flabbergasted. “Seriously? You? You almost burned her house down?”, she shouts at him, completely taken aback. “I- …I am never letting you into my kitchen, you hear?”

All he did was wink at her. “That’s what Mari said at first…”, he teased her, and Chloe smacked him on the shoulder. A moment of silence passed, with only Adrien’s horrible joke hanging in the air…and they both broke into laughter.

Chloe stumbled to catch Adrien as he nearly doubled over in a cackle, and they stayed like that for a few minutes. When she finally wiped the last tear from her eyes, Chloe felt alive in a way she never knew she’d missed! It was like…it was like they were back at the hotel, playing hide and seek when they were little! Adrien gave her a look, and it told her everything. He’d missed this too, just as much if not more than she did. But…they’d have time for that later.

Resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration, Chloe shook her head and led Adrien inside the boiler room. Against all expectations of this place being a dimply lit, claustrophobic space straight out of a cheap horror movie set, Nino had actually seemed to turned into a relatively nice hideout. A small, obviously inexpensive carpet was lined on the floor, leading from the doorway to a sitting area of sorts. An old and dingy wooden desk rested in the far corner of the room, with a small laptop resting on its surface and accompanied by a black wheeled chair. Adrien gave his friend the most questioning look he could muster. How, exactly, had he gotten all this down here?

Nino only shrugged innocently, flashing a bright smile. After meeting Chloe’s hard gaze of scrutiny, he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Man, Adrien must be rubbing off on him… “Err…”, Nino scrambled for some kind of explanation. “It’s been a couple months since I started working on it. Place is deserted after school, and I…well. When things got heated between Alya and- and Mari, I just needed to be alone for a little bit. So…I turned this into my personal lair! Seriously, you’d be surprised what fifty euros and an Amazon sale can get you!”, he laughed, trying to wave them off.

Adrien politely took the hint, leaving it at that. Alya seemed more guilty than anything else, eyes glued to the floor. Chloe looked halfway through retching as she jumped away from the carpet, knowing the damn thing hadn’t even a cost a hundred-dollar bill! Who in their right mind would ever buy this garbage? …oh. Of course it would be her best friend’s best friend! She suppressed a shudder at being in a place that practically oozed peasant energy, electing to hover near Adrien for some sense of comfort.

Seeing her reaction, Alya smugly plopped herself down on the black chair, inviting the others over. Nino and Adrien heeded the call…but Chloe lagged behind, desperately trying to hide her disgust. Yikes, they would have been better off in a garbage dump! Okay…maybe not Lila’s house, that was more than a little counterproductive. But the point still stood! The heiress swayed as she took a step near them, needing Adrien to reach out and steady her. Chloe was more than thankful to have avoided the cheap carpet, and quickly latched onto her fellow rich kid. Childish as it might be, she’d already gone out of her comfort zone today! Cheap furniture was just not a kind of torment she was willing to put herself through, not when there was work to be done!

Alya sighed at the blonde’s antics, and quickly pulled out the USB, making a copy of everything the drive had on it on the old laptop. As she data went through, she turned to the others, rolling around on the chair and grinning wildly at Chloe. The heiress barely held back a laugh at the stupidity of it, but still showed only mild annoyance. “So!”, Alya began, “We’ve got a good case of truancy, slander and harassment on Lila, plus the evidence to back us up! …now what do we do?”, she asked, directing a glance at Adrien.

The blonde shifted his feet, more than a little nervous. Alya definitely did not like Father, but he had to convince them to work together if Lila was going down! “Well, we could always tell my father…”, he proposed meekly, a bit hesitant. It was Chloe who scoffed at him, obviously ticked off.

“Adrikins, you can’t be serious! Uncle Gabriel is like, the last person we should go to! Yeah, his legal team is good, but mine is better! And we have little miss liar on domestic terrorism charges! With a word from Daddy those are probably going to stick, especially if we our cards right and piss her off in court! Rossi has a potty mouth, she’s more than likely to start swearing revenge if it looks like people are taking our side!”, the heiress protested, almost wildly as she flailed her arms around for additional effect. Nino even had to duck a swing that was going for his head.

Just as he was about to try and reason with Chloe, Alya cut Adrien off. “No. Monsieur Agreste is already investigating her, and we should tell him what’s going on. If Lila really is connected to Shadowmoth and still working with him, then Adrien is in massive danger. Police have been leaving Akuma up to Ladybug and Chat Noir, so if she gets butterflied or Shadowmoth himself shows up, no number of cops is going to keep them out. But Adrien’s dad has connections, and I- …I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”, she argued, trailing off on her last sentence.

The others could tell something was wrong from the moment Alya’s eyes met the floor, a cold darkness enveloping her. She seemed to almost be in pain, or rather terrified at the mere idea of going near him again, but the Ladyblogger shook the hazy feeling away and tried to focus. When they’d gone to visit the Agreste Manor…she’d been tired. She’d been upset, she’d been feeling a lot of things. Gabriel was cold and distant, even Adrien had admitted that. But he was still trying to help, and had provided a crucial piece of evidence. Besides, shadows didn’t avoid each other, that was just ridiculous! Monsieur Agreste was just a regular person, if very stuck up and horribly controlling of his son.  

There was nothing supernatural about the man, and Alya needed to stop letting her fears win. They had Lila in a corner, with nowhere to run. Whatever modeling contract she had was probably going up in flames as they spoke, and it was her responsibility to see this through. Chloe…Chloe was right. She was a reporter, and Alya had to make it up to Marinette, and destroy Lila Rossi! She needed to…needed…to… Alya’s vision suddenly blurred, her stomach churning and chest tightening, not letting her breathe. She needed air. …why was Mari smiling at her?

“Babe! Hey, talk to me, are you okay?”, Nino shouted in worry, shaking her shoulders. A frozen chill seemed to lift it’s hold on her, and Alya gasped for oxygen. Almost mechanically, she fixed up her glasses and blinked to throw away the black spots in her vision.

Nodding an assurance to her boyfriend, Alya tried to speak. “I’m fi- fine. Just got dizzy, that’s all…”, she explained. Her voice sounded as weak as the excuse, coming out in a barely audible mumble. Adrien steadied her as Nino checked Alya over, finding nothing wrong. Finally, the boys released her, and the Ladyblogger wobbled on her feet.

Chloe was already on her phone, calling Jean Whatshisname. She…would probably have to ask him, right? The heiress ordered the butler to get a limo out to the school yesterday, and even helped Nino support Alya as they stumbled outside. Adrien lagged behind for a moment, making sure the data download had finished before snatching the USB and zipping his pocket shut. Father would probably make good use of that…after he downloaded everything onto his own device, just to be sure.

The four teens fled the school in silence, and were swept up by Chloe’s limousine. She barked an order to take Alya home, and Nino elected to stay with his girlfriend for a bit, until she felt better. She offered to take Adrien to the manor, but he politely refused, saying he wanted to take a walk and get some air. Chloe gave him a look, to ask if he was okay. He replied with a genuine smile and hurried nod, and she let him out the car with a deep sigh. The heiress really did fret about him sometimes. 

Shaking her head in frustration, Chloe never noticed that the USB wasn’t still on her person, and simply requested the driver to take her back to the Hotel. Zoe was probably waiting for her…and besides, she really ought to invite Sabrina over. Just for the sake of it, at the very least. Only a few blocks away, a doorbell rang as two dark-haired girls exited Flora’s café, deeply engaged in conversation. Not too long from now, they would bump into a certain blonde, but for now, they simply elected to enjoy their day, laughing freely amongst themselves.


And…scene! See guys, this chapter wasn’t so bad! Sure, we had had two mental breakdowns, but what else is new? Besides! Alya finally has her evidence on Lila, and Chat Noir’s good feeling may soon turn out to be correct, beyond just waking up next to his Lady! Speaking of that, there’s a couple things I’d like to chat with you guys about!

Firstly, please savor the Adrienette fluff! Good vibes are rare in this fic, and despite the more lighthearted tone of this chapter in comparison to Alya’s depressive episodes and Gabriel’s full-on mental instability, fluff will be used sparingly here! I’ll try to keep them going a bit longer with the scene I teased right at the end here (and maybe a parallel Chloe chapter/scene if I decide to be nice to her?). Still, I was going for a “Ladynoir but out of the masks” feel with the morning scene, and I hope everyone liked it! And yes, Samantha absolutely hasn’t forgotten about the apron. That will be a thing, I promise you!

Secondly, Chloe’s…everything. To be honest it’s pretty difficult working with her when the show turned her into a background character and one-dimensional villain after Season 3, but I am trying to use what development we did get to flesh her out a lot! I want to give you all the Chloe we deserved, not the one Tomas thought canon needed. It’s pretty much obvious, but she is trying to be better, especially towards the people that she’s been a bitch to beforehand. Also, I feel like Alix is probably the only person who’d still have enough energy to fight her? For some reason she just gives me that vibe? Anyhow, Chloe absolutely is trying to change, if for the slightly unhealthy reason of feeling extremely guilty over how she’s been behaving, especially towards poor Marinette. There’s a lot more to come for her character, and don’t you think I’ve forgotten about the shopping trip Adrien wanted!

Thirdly, Alya. The girl…is just doing horribly, regardless of how energetic she seemed in the morning. The adrenaline of investigation ran its course, and now she’s left to deal with yet another mental breakdown as every terrible thought comes back in full force. Does anyone else think an actual conversation between her and Nino is long overdue? Because I feel like these two are not communicating properly, and I’d very much prefer to see that resolved, through massive angst if possible!

Lastly…a small apology for how much of an exposition dump the Adrienette planning section was? I know it was only like three paragraphs, and I honestly wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t think it was necessary. The reason it exists is because there’s a lot of things happening in this fic, with chapters intertwining and running parallel to one another. So…I wanted to bring everyone on the same page about the important plot stuff in a small, summary-esque without shoe-horning it in there as bland text, so I hope you’ll forgive the exposition dump? Ever so kindly?

Anyways, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! And in case someone laughed at the joke in the beginning notes, I never said when the double update would happen. On the unlikely occasion that someone did indeed, find my terrible humor funny. Anyhow! I’ll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 12: Kind Stranger


As Adrien leaves to visit his friends and investigate Lila's dealings at school, Samantha Fae takes her own walk around the city, bumping into a familiar face at the last place she expected to find herself. Will this ghost from her past be a sign of goodwill, or a bad omen come back to haunt her?

Meanwhile, Kagami takes a bold step in her newfound friendship, and manages to re-discover the meaning of joy in the process. However she must also be prepared to face harsh consequences for her percieved rebellion...


Hello everyone and welcome back to this angsty disaster of a fic! Remember in chapter 1 when I offhandedly mentioned that this was a “companion fic” to In Rain I Loved In Rained I Mourned? Yeah…how the turntables, amiright? Ironically enough, my first angst fic is no longer canon in this AU even if it was the inspiration. I can confidently say these first 11 chapters have been an experience and a half, but don’t worry, more is on the way!

Also, I’m going to get this out of the way here so the most people see it, I’m heading for a tiny hiatus this week cause of vacation. I’m going to try and post this by Sunday the 2nd, but in case you don’t see it by then (or unless I can squeeze a last-minute update on Monday night) I’ll upload an Author’s Note to let everyone know. I’ll be back in about a week, and I’ll get started on chapter 13 then. So unfortunately, you guys will be minus one weekly update. It is sad, but…at least you’re safe from further emotional damages? Somehow, I don’t think a single week is enough to recover from even a fifth of this fic…

Note 1: I saw the Season 5 finale! No spoilers ofc, but I am feeling very tempted to do a re-write of the episode after it comes out in English dub. Once again, the Writers have disappointed me… By the way, please don’t discuss it in the comments just yet, due to spoilers. I’ll be including a little segment in future notes somewhere because I really want to chat with everyone about it, but let’s all wait till I’m back so we don’t spoil things for our fellow Miraculers, okay?

Note 2: In case anyone read this chapter just as I updated, there was an issue with italics in the second half. I just fixed it and am relatively sure I didn't miss anything except for the intended flashbacks, so things should be alright now! Why does Ao3 do these things to me...

Anyways, the show must go on! So, give a clap and a half to the return of Gabriel’s existence, Jagged’s emotional baggage, Samantha and Kagami’s friendship (platonic Samgami? Does this need a name?), Adrien’s leather catsuit, the Eiffel Tower, Luka’s traumatic flashbacks, some delightful emotional damage, and Hawkmoth’s competition for “Worst Parent To Ever Exist”!

Without further ado…let’s just right into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Adrien grabbed a cookie from their stash, biting into the chocolate sweet as he transformed, and Samantha took the opportunity to steal a kiss as he finished chewing, before giving Chat Noir a wink and settling down on her couch. She watched her kitty jump into the city with a wild grin on her face, still easily tasting him on her lips. A part of Marinette really wanted to wake up like this every day…and maybe they would, when all this was over. But right now, Ladybug had a job to do.

She gave herself a bit of time to wake up properly and have her cup of mint tea -seriously why did Alya like coffee so much?- before walking back into the dressing room to pick out her outfit for the day. Now that she was free to don whatever outfit her heart desired…Samantha found herself at a bit of a loss. Literal boxes worth of options that were just waiting to be put on and tried out…which left her with only one question. What to wear?

With a bit of help from Tikki and Trixx, Ladybug finally settled on something casual. Light grey jeans with tiny tears on the kneecaps, a black T-shirt with “I love Paris” written in bold white letters, and a chain necklace with a fake dark emerald stone in the center. Was it anything like her usual outfits? Absolutely not! It screamed tourist and felt so casual that a fashion designer wouldn’t be caught dead in these clothes! And that’s why Mari loved it! Rushing to grab her purse, she quickly picked up a few cookies for Tikki in a zip bag and snatched up her sketchbook, calling out her transformation and throwing herself out of the window.

Ladybug swung from building to building with effortless grace, feeling like she’d suddenly grown wings overnight! A massive burden had been alleviated, and now Chat finally knew, and so did Adrien! Because he was Adrien! That notion left her gleeful, dashing through the skyline by muscle memory alone. She had time for a run, Marinette figured. Just a little exercise to unwind and stretch her muscles before getting on with her part of the plan, nothing too serious. Ladybug let her thoughts fly into the clouds, and simply swung across the skyline in blissful peace. Perhaps by chance…perhaps by fate, she was about to bump into someone who would help her keep her promise to an old friend.


Jagged Stone was probably making a mistake. Maybe he shouldn’t be here. Maybe he should go back to the Liberty and wait for the kids to come home, or call Penny and get himself a few designer “specials” to turn his brain off for a bit. Sure…he’d been clean for a few years now, but part of him really wanted to stop thinking. Crouched as he was behind a trashcan outside Juleka’s school, people might honestly pass him for a junkie. Still, that didn’t deter the rockstar, and he waited until the bells rang and all the kids started going inside the building.

From a distance he could spot Marinette’s friends. Gabriel’s son, miss Glasses -didn’t she run the Ladyblog?-, Red Cap boy, and…miss Bourgeois. Ugh. Well, at least Andre’s daughter wasn’t his problem today. Jagged hovered on the edge of the grounds, until finally the quartet moved inside as well. The way was clear, and he had questions to ask that Principal.

“I think…I think I’m just used to being in pain. School was no different.”

Marinette’s voice echoed inside his head, sounding lifeless and broken in a way Jagged kept cursing himself for letting slip, when he had her right in front of him. Used to being in pain. School. Those notions had been no different in his niece’s mind, he knew that now. Something here, someone, had caused that world-shattering pain that he’d noticed swelling in her eyes. And whoever that was…had also killed Marinette Dupain Cheng. And Jagged Stone would not rest until he found them, and then grounded that person into the dirt. At least…at least he had a clue to go off of. Yesterday, Luka had told him about this girl…

Jagged sat at his son’s bedside, as he had the day before. Saturday had gone by in a flash, and the two were still sitting together, Luka refusing to leave his father’s side. As much as he tried to justify it…Jagged felt like he was the one being cared for, comforted by his family’s presence and closeness as the kids mostly refused to leave his and Anarka’s sides. And he hated it. Luka seemed calmer today, making the rounds and spending much of the morning with Juleka, hugging his sister and humming melodies that Anarka used to sing back when they were kids. For her part, she had tried talking to Jagged, but ended up wandering away, not saying a word. What was there to say, when the kids needed them? He’d nodded ever so slowly, mind stuck in its own lament.

Vaguely, Jagged recalled that Juleka and Rose spent the night together again. Anarka had elected to pass by Tom and Sabine’s, but they never answered the door. She’d come back to the Liberty hurt and dejected, and for the first time in literal years, started cleaning up the deck. Luka had been wandering around the houseboat, occasionally stopping to stare into walls at random. Still, it looked like he was seeing something, like his son was ever so slowly understanding a puzzle that Jagged could not even begin to comprehend. Eventually Luka had gone back to his room, dark circles under his eyes and with a blank expression on his face. Like all the feeling that made him Luka were gone, leaving only an empty shell in their place. Again, Jagged had gone to comfort his son. And yet again, Luka had sat on his bed, motionless and silent, simply contemplating whatever it was that he would not share, with his father quietly humming songs as Sunday morning passed them all by.

They collectively elected to skip over breakfast, and Anarka had taken it upon herself to order them a pizza for lunch. Nobody had the energy to finish more than one slice, and so Juleka had left with Rose soon after, asking her mom to join them as the girls went to see their friends again. Another meetup somewhere, and Jagged could easily guess the topic of discussion. He and Luka were left alone together, but his son still said nothing, didn’t even acknowledge his father’s existence as he continued to ponder inner thoughts and speculations.

Through it all, Luka’s general calmness hadn’t left Jagged’s side, as if the presence of a melody played itself a silent song, meant for him and him alone to hear. He wasn’t quite sure how he knew that, but Jagged still found comfort in spending time with his son. He was fulfilling his promise after all, and looking out for Luka…as Marinette had asked. As they sat on the bed, each absorbed in their own minds, Jagged finally heard his son mutter something.

“Lila Rossi.”, Luka said in a voice so low his ears could barely pick it up.

Jagged turned to him in stunned surprise, mostly because he was finally saying something. His son didn’t seem the least bit bothered, but he did turn to face the rockstar. Luka’s hands were supporting his head as he thought to himself, and then spoke again. “Melo- Mari…nette, once told me about this girl.”, he uttered slowly, as if testing the words.

Luka paused, looking back at the melodies inside his head. All of them bleeding sadness and grief…except for one. A distant, untenable echo of gleeful laughter rang in his mind, like a demented cackle slowly drowning out all other sound the world had to offer. It seemed to come together with the white noise from the TV after…after everything had gone blank. “She…she was crying.”, he found himself saying, remembering.

Marinette had come to him only a week or two before…before “they” were no longer a thing, clearly distraught. It was date night on the Liberty, and he’d wanted to take her out to Andre’s, and finally confess that he loved her fully, no matter how she might think of Adrien. But…his Melody had arrived with a pained smile etched on her face, and Luka had resigned himself to a delay. He’d tell her another night. Confessions could wait, Melody needed his help now.

Jagged shook his shoulder ever so gently, snapping Luka out of his thoughts. For a moment there was silence, and then he broke it with the smallest whisper. “Lila…had been bothering her. And…when Marinette was telling me…I could sense something was wrong with that girl.”, he says before falling back into silence. Luka doesn’t expect his father to understand, simply because ever since he was little, he could see the world differently than even his twin. He could sense things, in a way nobody else was able to. And the mere thought of Lila Rossi made the white noise pop up again in his head…made the mad cackles come back, oh so faintly but ever present in the absence of Marinette. Like they were celebrating.

Luka hadn’t said anything else, and despite Jagged staying with his son until the darkest hour of the night, not another word left his mouth. That was all he had to go off. Lila Rossi, bothering Marinette to the point where his niece was left crying. School, Marinette had told him, made her used to the pain. And Jagged Stone had little doubt in his mind on who exactly was responsible as he stormed onto the premises, making a beeline for the Principal’s Office.


Ladybug finished her run, panting for breath as she landed in an empty alleyway. She wasn’t sure why her limbs had brought her here, but…the river seemed so peaceful in the daytime. Not even in a false way, as if hiding a wild nature underneath. The water flowed through with serene grace, just quietly existing in its own corner of the world, away from the great seas which awaited every droplet. Whatever storm had brought waves of anger and agony had long since passed, leaving behind calm and peaceful -if clumsy- currents running their natural course in life. Maybe that was a bit too poetic…but she knew someone who would have loved the metaphor.

The pink light enveloped Samantha Fae as her costume faded away, and she decided to inch a little closer. The bridge…was empty. No crowd of people investigating the spot Marinette had last been seen at, no flowers stacked as high as the clouds in the sky, not a single indication that anyone had even known of what happened. The world, perhaps following Samantha’s own example, had already moved on from the perfect, lovable girl who could do no wrong. It was a new day, a new chapter in life’s endless pages, and Marinette Dupain Cheng had simply stopped pretending to read the book. Now only Mari stood where she once did, unshackled and free to do as her heart desired, to fill in the blanks using her own pen. No pressure, no responsibility except what she herself chose, and the love of her life standing to the side, always there now that they both knew.

Samantha moved carefully, ever so slowly, until finally coming to rest her arms on the spot. For some reason she imagined that a white butterfly, pure as her lost smile, would be waiting here to greet her. Illogically, Marinette had half-expected something to be here, now that the storms had let up and the sun shone its bright rays once more. Wasn’t someone supposed to be here? Shadowmoth, waiting to attack her with another Akuma? Her fri- classmates, baring fangs and stares that set her very soul alight? Even Lila, if only to gleefuly cackle at her? Without the scalding glares and maddening laughter setting all her nerves on fire…Ladybug found herself enjoying the sun’s rays as they made her raven-black hair glisten in the light.

“Peaceful, isn’t it?”, a low murmur came from below her. Familiar locks of dyed blue hair were there for Marinette to see before she’d even recognized who had spoken.

She looked down, and saw Luka on the underside of the bridge, guitar in hand and staring out into the waters. He didn’t look back at her, not expecting an answer. He never had expected something of her, it just wasn’t in his nature. His fingers tested a chord on the guitar strings. It sounded…lonely. Like there was another sound missing from whatever melody he was trying to play. The urge to go down there and crush him in her arms, to tell Luka that she was okay and here and she wouldn’t leave was there, coming back with a vengeance even after months of being apart. Samantha considered him a stranger, and Marinette held no feelings for the boy anymore…but he was still Ladybug’s friend. Had once been her teammate. And she felt bad to leave him here, all alone.

…it was probably stupid. Luka could tell things, she remembered. But for some reason, that didn’t really worry her. No, what hurt Mari’s very soul was that, yet again, the only thing she could never tell him was the truth. It wasn’t even a matter of Shadowmoth’s danger or Lila still existing somewhere in the world. The girl he’d loved so very dearly…Marinette…just wasn’t there anymore. And the glimpses he’d seen of Mari, she knew they’d only made Luka love her more…but he didn’t know her. Maybe in another life she would have taken him by the hand, and slowly led Luka somewhere private when he’d asked for the truth. Maybe the pink light would have washed over Marinette Dupain Cheng’s body, revealing Ladybug in all her heroic glory. Maybe in another life, Luka would have learned to love all of her. She figured that was pretty much a given. But…Samantha could also never have given him her full heart, not in earnest truth like he so badly wanted.

And so, Marinette had broken things off that day, leading to…this. Whatever this was. …Samantha Fae was many things. She was blank, still furiously writing down her own history inside an empty book, a story waiting to be told. She was snarky, like Marinette had always wished she could openly be, able to greet Chloe Bourgeois with the snippiest remark and leave the heiress completely speechless. She wasn’t sure if she should approach. She was Ladybug, the true Ladybug that only one person in the world would ever know. And Ladybug always overcame her fears.

Luka struck another chord, as if testing the strings of his instrument. Something wasn’t quite right with it, like he was missing a piece of the sheet and some notes were just…lost to him. Samantha slowly walked back onto the riverbank, and then descended the few stairs that separated the bridge’s underside from the main street. Luka turned to her almost lazily, suppressing a sigh as he got the notes wrong yet again.

“So…do you have a secret?”, he asked in a tone betraying fatigue, like he was tired beyond compare. Marinette would have yelped nervously and panicked, as if he could know she was a superheroine. Samantha mentally shook her head at the bluenette, disappointed, and waited for him to continue. “I…saw you, leaning over there. You looked so peaceful. How do you do it?”, Luka asks again, his serene demeanor cracking as it fought to contain a near-desperate tone.

Ladybug hummed in thought for a moment, wondering how she could explain. Adrien understood her, to the point where all she had to do was show him. Nobody else had that kind of intuition about her, except only Chat Noir. But…Luka was a musical person, seeing the world more like songs and melodies than he did in reality. She remembered when he brought Marinette here, to share with her a secret about the sounds of the river. The bluenette had thought it was so very beautiful…

Ever so slowly, Samantha extended a hand, an unspoken request for permission floating between them. Luka raised a quizzical eyebrow, but nodded in trust, handing over his guitar. Ladybug had never played before…but the feeling came to her as strongly as it always did. She was on the edge of a rooftop, taking a few steps back and flying over the skyline. Freedom. Half-finished designs lay barren on her desk in the dead of night as Marinette worked on them with a manic grin on her face, loving every move of her pencil. Creation. Adrien smiling at her with that gentle expression, his laughter when her head got closed in by his umbrella on their first day of school. Love. The three notes escaped into the air around them, attuned to the calming sound of running water. The sun shone brightly as a bird chirped from a nearby rooftop.

Luka sighed deeply, accepting the instrument back. The dark bags under his eyes seeming to dissipate by just a tad, and a miasma of exhaustion and frustrations lifted from his shoulders. He found it in himself to smile at this strange girl, ever so slightly. “T-thank you. I usually come here to relax, but…I guess I’ve just been missing my melody.”, he breathed out, truly grateful. She pretended not to notice the way his breath hitched over the word, or how a tear fell from his face as a memory threatened to consume him. Despite it, Luka shook himself out of his daze and tried to smile.

Marinette easily smiled back, truly glad that she had managed to help him, had created some peace for him to enjoy. “Then, I guess you could say I struck the right chords?”, Samantha quipped with a grin, earing a real laugh from Luka.

It took him a moment to recover, gasping for air as he chuckled and wiping a tear from his eye. “Man…I really needed that.”, he mumbled, almost to himself. Turning back to her, he extended his free hand. “So…do you have a name?”, Luka asked her, trying to smile honestly this time, not simply holding things together as he had been until now.

Samantha shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m just a stranger.”, she replied calmly. And really, she didn’t quite feel the need to fake that peace either. Ladybug just felt…good, today.

Luka nodded, respecting her wish for privacy. It was alright in his book; everyone was entitled to a secret or two. So long as they told the truth when it mattered…he could look past that. Maybe…maybe Marinette really had taught him something important. “Nevertheless, you are a kind stranger!”, he laughed again. “And…seriously, thank you.”, Luka added in a gentle, grateful tone.

Samantha waved him off, more than a little flustered. “Oh, c’mon, I’m no superhero! Just…figured you needed a pick me up.”, she punned shamelessly, glancing at the guitar pick he was holding. If ever Adrien every caught wind of this, he’d never let her live it down… Still, she just felt too good to care.

He shook his head in response, stifling another chuckle. She turned to walk away, and Luka went back to his music, striking the same chords she had, again and again. There was something so familiar about that melody, he knew it! And yet, no matter how long he tried for, the rest of the song just refused to come. Samantha was long gone by the time he snapped out of his concentration, and Luka was just left to wonder if he’d ever seen her somewhere…


Leaving Luka to his own devices, Ladybug had transformed and zipped away, back towards her apartment. Still a penthouse, said a voice that sounded suspiciously like Nino, but she pointedly ignored the remark, instead diving into the rooftop pool after she backflipped from the balcony railing. Yes, life was good sometimes. Climbing out and de-transforming mid-way through the glass doors, Samantha Fae entered her home completely dry. Thank Tikki for small miracles.

The Kwami immediately dove for the cookie jar on their kitchen counter, filling her hands with a chocolate chip cookie and snapping the sweet in half with a mighty bite! “Oh, these are all amazing Marinette!”, she shouted in glee, before suddenly stopping herself mid-snack. Worriedly, Tikki looked over to her holder, but found no reaction. Furrowing her nonexistent brows, she gently reached into their bond through the Kwatagama…only to find that Ladybug had truly not been bothered by her slip up! She breathed a quiet sigh of relief, antenna twitching happily at the inner peace the Kwami had felt in her holder’s soul. After so long…she was finally okay, and Tikki couldn’t be happier about that.

“…yeah of course! I’d be happy to! Say like, twenty minutes?”, Samantha said excitedly, talking to her phone. Tikki really never understood how humans could make such devices in only around a century of development…and yet are still unable to understand how the ancients could study the world around them. Shouldn’t that be simpler than modern technology?

Marinette hastily shoved the phone into her purse, snatched up an empty sketchbook from her design room, and looked at Tikki with the happiest expression the Kwami had seen in months. Perhaps yesterday night or this morning would have topped it, and maybe even by far, but Tikki had vacated the premises to give them some privacy, spending that time with her fellows in the Box, and dragging Plagg along so he wouldn’t bother their kids. Nodding in understanding, the Goddess of Creation ungracefully devoured another two cookies, before diving into the Miraculous. Ladybug stepped out of the pink light, and swung herself down to Flora’s café. After all, Samantha had a job to do!


Kagami stepped out of her room with the greatest of hesitance, the grandest of caution, and her mother-approved outfit -which had developed into something of a classic look, considering it was all she was technically allowed to wear-, ready to face the dragon hiding in the bowels of her home. Or, more accurately, to ask Mother for permission to go out. Knowing the stern woman, Tomoe would probably not allow it. Well…Kagami couldn’t exactly say she understood her mother very well. Until their move to Paris, she had been insistent on supervising every aspect of her daughter’s life, and Kagami had enjoyed following orders. In fact, Mother had insisted on it, and most especially on how important she was to the Tsurugi legacy, so Kagami had nodded her head and listened. That had been the logical thing, that’s how life was. She’d simply felt compelled to obey her mother because it was important to their honor and family.

But then…then came Paris. And with Paris, came complications. First, she had known defeat. At the hands of Adrien Agreste, her now sole best friend. Then, she had known friendship, again with Adrien. But after that…came Marinette. A girl so wonderful that Kagami could scarcely comprehend how she could possibly exist in the world. The girl who at first seemed an enemy, then a romantic rival…and finally a friend. Her best friend. Back then, “socially awkward” would be the biggest possible understatement when it came to describing Kagami Tsurugi. Even now she was still a bit…off, from time to time. Marinette was the person who taught her how to communicate. Their lessons came a little too late to save her relationship with Adrien…but thinking back, she still wasn’t sure if he was exactly the type of guy she wanted.

A memory came back to her as she descended the steps, walking towards the exit of the house where Mother surely waited. She and Adrien were in his school’s art room, and she’d asked to draw him. Kagami remembered him striking silly poses and being a goof, and back then she did not know that this was Adrien at his finest. Careful not to make any noise, she giggled to herself. No, no, it was just ridiculous! She loved him, she truly did! But as a romantic partner…Adrien was quite possibly the last choice on her list! He was too pun-loving and silly for a serious relationship, at least with her, regardless of how fun a friend he was!

Kagami sighed deeply, forgetting about her mother downstairs. Part of her still wondered what could have been if Adrien was a more serious, grounded version of himself, with perhaps a tad darker humor but missing none of his inner sweetness. It was a rare thought for her, but still sometimes it couldn’t help but exist inside Kagami’s head. Just like some…other thoughts. Occasionally, in secret from even her conscious mind…she would have dreams.

It all started after her breakup with Adrien, more specifically when they jointly decided to put the matter aside to help Marinette. Whatever trouble she’d been in…clearly the two of them had not been enough. In the day, Kagami was still the perfect daughter of the Tsurugi family, perfect enough for Mother to not need to order her around, because she had already done everything Tomoe expected before the woman even thought to ask. But at night…Kagami would dream. She would dream of an existence with Marinette and Adrien, and all their friends. Away from her mother, Adrien far from his father, where they could all express themselves freely. Kagami would dream of being able to crack witty jokes, casually pat her friends on the back, converse with other teenagers informally, eat junk food…everything that she was never allowed to do. Everything that Mother thought she had no desire to do. Only once had she ever admitted it to herself, when she’d asked Marinette to help her make more friends.

That request had served as the beginning. The beginning of a deeper friendship, of understanding, of comradery unlike anything Kagami had ever before seen…it was the start of a wonderful journey. Every so often the two would go to Marinette’s room for a dozen different reasons, all of them ending with conversation, mostly over tea. Inside those pink, photo-plastered walls, Kagami had found the most valuable thing that could possibly exist. Freedom. Freedom to think and say whatever she wanted, even something negative about Mother! Finally, finally she could tell someone how much Tomoe sometimes frustrated and hurt her almost daily, of how unbearably heavy her expectations could be! And it had been liberating...until that day. Of course, “The Day” wasn’t particularly important. It was not a holiday, nor a celebration, merely one of many sunny days in Paris. The day that Adrien had come to her, asking for assistance because he genuinely did not know how to help his best friend. And Kagami had obliged him, regardless of the wound still freshly healed and scarring her heart, only a few weeks after their breakup. They had put their feelings aside, and came to Marinette’s rescue, taking her to the park. There, in those precious few hours, lay Kagami’s single best experience in all of her existence. That day at the park had been…dare she say perfect. And it had been the last time she’d seen her best friend smile.

The reminder nearly sent Kagami tumbling down the steps, like a saber strike to the knee. Mother had made certain they wouldn’t be allowed another chance to speak, unless of course Kagami was unfit for her legacy and needed further observation. For some reason, the tone of that word had scared her so badly that she fervently refused to even get anywhere close to Marinette for months on end. And now…now Mother had gotten her way for good. Kagami would simply never have the chance. She thought…she thought Mari would be proud of her, for finally making a friend. That Marinette would smile as brightly as the sun if she knew that their lessons paid off at long last. Mari would want her to be happy…and so, Kagami had reached out.

Samantha Fae had certainly been interesting to say the least, but the raven-haired girl seemed to be a good person. She was kind, compassionate, empathetic, and her jokes were actually funny, unlike some other people Kagami knew. The designer seemed to be an all-around great person, if only one was to look past the miasma of grief and loss that permeated her very soul. But…she was already friends with one other such individual. Adrien. And Kagami herself was suffering much the same condition. But maybe…maybe they could make it better for each other. Aside from the obvious question of what exactly was going on between her two and only friends, Kagami also wanted to know more about the newest addition to her -admittedly very short- list. Hence her offer to go out for coffee -or perhaps tea- when Samantha had called to say good morning.

Now all she had to do was get through Mother. Surely this wouldn’t be a problem…right? As she stepped foot on the ground floor, Kagami steadied her shaking breath. Mother was by the entrance, seemingly absorbed in the katana she was holding. Even through her glasses, even with her mother’s condition, Kagami froze up completely when Tomoe turned to face her, ever unseeing but forever all-knowing.

“Kagami.”, Mother greeted coldly, with indifference like usual. Her tone still sounded displeased, as it had for weeks now. “I assume you are heading outside, daughter?”, came the simple question. The answer should have easy…but she still found the words stuck in her throat.

“Y-yes.”, Kagami stuttered. “Indeed I am. To meet a friend. May I go, Mother?”, she asked in turn, and Tomoe’s unseen gaze hardened like stone.

For a moment the woman stood, examining her daughter. As if hunting down the slightest imperfection, the tiniest indication that Kagami was not what she was expected to be. Time stilled, as did the fencer. Tomoe stared her in the eyes, like she could somehow see her very fears. Sometimes…Kagami wondered if her mother was truly blind, or if she merely pretended. Without another word, Tomoe waved her daughter away, turning back to the sword. Her hand caressed the blade ever so gently, as if greeting an old friend after decades. In exactly the same gesture that Kagami remembered from their spars when she was a child still, and Mother had still found herself performing the act on a practice sword.

Taking a moment to make sure she really had been dismissed, Kagami sprinted out of the house as silently as was humanly possible, not even daring to breathe until she’d rounded the block. Abandoning the car, she elected to run, and only braved the thought of stopping when Flora’s café was finally in sight. The fencer ceased her dash so suddenly that her shoes strained on the pavement, but still entered the small establishment with the proper grace.

Flora herself was behind the counter, already busy with another customer. Not wanting to attract attention while she waited for Samantha to arrive, Kagami checked the booth furthest from the door, the one they’d all sat in just yesterday afternoon. To her surprise, the raven-haired designer was already sitting there, seemingly absorbed in her work as a black pencil slashed across the pages of her sketchbook. While she lacked yesterday’s headphones, Samantha looked equally unlikely to notice anyone around her lest they loudly proclaim their presence…but the fencer didn’t want to make a scene.

And so, Kagami sat across from her, preparing to quietly wait till her new friend looked up from her work. Once more astonishing her, Samantha was already smiling at Kagami by the time the girl had even sat down, pencil placed in the middle of her sketchbook with some inhuman reaction the fencer couldn’t quite comprehend. “Kagami, you made it!”, she greeted happily, a bright smile accompanying the words.

“H-hello.”, she found herself murmuring, trying to recover her breath. Perhaps…she shouldn’t have run so far… “Good morning, Samantha. Are you well?”, Kagami defaulted to her formal speech, unsure of how to approach the designer.

Samantha thankfully didn’t seem bothered, instead flipping her sketchbook over to show Kagami what she’d been working on. The contents nearly made the fencer’s heart stop dead in its tracks. It was sketches of her and Samantha, the raven-haired girl depicting what seemed to be a day out in the city. First, they were sipping tea inside what appeared as this very coffee shop, and afterwards they went for a walk, just talking with smiles on their faces. But…for just a moment, all Kagami could see was Marinette at her side, them drinking tea in the bluenette’s room and walking around the city, looking for inspiration to draw from. Heh, Adrien would be proud of her for that pun.

“S-sorry if I’m being too forward…”, Samantha flushed in embarrassment. “I’m just really happy to have a friend.”, she blurted out with complete honestly, earning a giggle from Kagami. The designer was right. It was nice to have friends.

Kagami passed the sketchbook back, not bothering to hide a radiant smile. And she hadn’t felt an earnest one on her face since…since her last day with Marinette. Suddenly remembering that Samantha existed, the fencer made sure to show her grin. “Yes, I know the feeling!”, she readily agreed. “Should we order some tea?”, Kagami proposed boldly, and maybe a little unfairly. After all…nothing could ever compare to Mari’s mint tea. And she probably shouldn’t be comparing her two friends, not just because of a few similarities.

As Samantha flagged Flora down to place their order of honeyed black tea -Kagami’s personal suggestion ever since Marinette had granted her that divine experience-, the fencer ruminated on her situation. Here she was, risking Mother’s ire to hang out with a friend. A girl she’d literally met only yesterday, and was ignoring Tomoe’s instructions to meet with. Well…technically Mother had given her freedom for this week by clearing Kagami’s schedule, and technically she also had permission to go see her friends whenever her presence wasn’t mandated elsewhere…and her mother had never said which friends. So, it should be okay.

Except…it really wasn’t. Because here she was, out with Samantha, when she’d never called Marinette to do this. Her best friend had needed her, Kagami had known ever since that thrice-damned announcement had reached her ears…and she’d never gone through with reaching out. No matter how much she wanted it, regardless of every bone in her body screaming for Kagami to pick up the phone, it never rang for Marinette’s number. Not in nearly six months as her friend silently suffered. And where was Kagami? In her room, forbidden from contact and desperately willing herself to disobey mother…but never physical able to go through with it.

All that time, she’d been terrified at the notion that for all of her and Adrien’s small rebellions…she would never be able to deny Mother what the woman expected from her. And Marinette had been the only person she’d even tried to tell. Now…the sweet, wonderful friend Kagami had cherished so deeply…was gone. In the greatest of ironies, the fencer was left sitting across another girl, ever so similar, but not the same. Despite how much she willed Marinette into existence, Samantha Fae continued to look back at her with Mari’s bright smile that spoke of friendship and adventure.

“Gami? G-Kagami! Are you…okay?”, Mari- the designer’s voice rang in her head, and the fencer realized she’d been looking at her feet. Kagami shook her thoughts away, barring them entry in what should be a happy memory. But that question…apart from Adrien, nobody had even thought to ask her how she was doing.

Kagami cleared her throat, not daring to look up at the raven-haired girl. Samantha was surely smiling at her, bright like the sun. For all her prickly attitude when they were strangers, now that they’d called one another a friend she seemed much more open, excited to share her very being with someone who had only offered some kindness. Marinette would have loved this girl…

“Y-yes! I’m alright, just…thinking.”, Kagami answered unconvincingly, finally sneaking a glance at her new friend. The designer was indeed smiling at her still, offering a cup of tea that Flora had brought them. It was steaming hot, and the fencer downed half of it in one go, relishing the burn in the back of her throat. At least physical pain hurt less than the voice skulking in the back of her head, always whispering about how she would never be free of Mother and-

“Anyways! This is some…great tea!”, Kagami chirped in an excited façade, trying to hide the sudden gash of hurt in her heart. Samantha absolutely noticed, judging by the look of recognition in her eyes, and the soft, understanding gaze she sent to her new friend. Apparently, neither of them was a stranger to pain. Somehow…that made Kagami feel a little better.

Samantha sipped her own tea, sighing in satisfaction at the pleasant taste on her tongue. “Thanks for taking the time to come here.”, she said in a low voice, as if the admission was nearly unintentional. “I…haven’t had much time with any friends recently, so it’s a nice change of pace.”, she said, smiling warmly at Kagami.

The fencer felt that, with all her heart, and so she met her smile with a mutual grin. It was nice, especially with such company. Kagami nodded in understanding, and the two girls sipped their tea in silence. There wasn’t really much to say that they hadn’t already, and this was a time to relax for them both. Eventually the mugs were emptied, and Samantha called Flora over to cover their tab, hesitantly breaking the blissful silence.

Flora hurried to their booth, smiling widely as she saw them sitting together. “Are the two of you friends now?”, was the first she asked in a chirpy tone. “Oh, how wonderful! I was a little worried you’d always be sitting in the back booth alone Samantha!”, she exclaimed, truly sounding like the meant it.

On her part, the designer merely shrugged nonchalantly. “Flora, I’ve barely known you a day and you’re already Mother-Henning me?”, she quipped in a teasing tone, forcing Kagami to stifle a giggle.

The ginger woman laughed freely, swiping up their tea mugs. “Well, we can’t all be as gloomy as you, young lady!”, she chided jokingly as Samantha passed her a five to cover their bill. The designer expertly dodged the older woman as she took Kagami by the hand, making a way for the exit. It wasn’t exactly that Flora got on her nerves, just that she could handle only so much mothering without memories cropping up like unwanted weeds in her flower garden. …her old one, at least. The collection of potted plants and flowers she’d been forced to get rid of almost half a year ago, not having the time to properly care for them anymore.

Kagami gently squeezed her hand, snapping Samantha out of her thoughts. The two were standing outside the café, Flora still happily waving at them from behind the register. “Are you alright?”, the fencer echoed the question, and she slowly affirmed with a nod.

“Yeah, ‘m fine.”, Samantha deflected. This was supposed to be about getting to know Kagami a little better as new self, not dumping all her problems on a girl who still thought of Samantha Fae as a stranger, no matter how kind they’d been to each other. “So…”, she tried to change the conversation, “want to go for that walk? I love going out in the city, there’s always so much inspiration just waiting to be found!”, Samantha chirped happily, taking out her sketchbook and looking practically giddy at the prospect.

The designer…couldn’t have possibly known, Kagami reasoned. The phrase was so familiar that it hurt, a repetition of Marinette’s word in a tone so similar, it truly made her wonder if she was speaking to a ghost. Or…perhaps her friend had reincarnated, though her novels usually spoke of such thing happening either in a different timeframe, or another world entirely. And while Manga wasn’t always the best teacher for real life situations, Kagami still trusted the wisdom of her collection. It had yet to fail her, after all!

With some hesitance, she managed a nod, allowing Samantha to grab her by the hand and lead Kagami on a wild goose chance around Paris, searching for this aforementioned inspiration. They stopped by the Eifel Tower, where her friend offered Kagami a pen with which to sketch, and the paper to draw on. She initially wanted to refuse, since this wasn’t her property…but Samantha looked so happy to sharing this experience with her that she didn’t have the heart to refuse. And so, Kagami had taken some time to stare out into the crowd, mindlessly drawing out scenes that caught her eye. A couple walking by, one of them presenting the Tower to the other, as if it was the woman’s first time in The City of Lights. A family passing them by, with a little boy running around the square as his father tried to catch up. A man sitting on a park bench feeding the birds, with a grey pigeon perched on his shoulder and a hat covering his head.

Time passed by in seconds and years all at once as Kagami absorbed herself into the drawings, not once thinking to question how her new friend even knew of her secret hobby. The only people she had ever even told, much less shown, were Adrien and… That line of thought escaped her as another passerby caught her attention, this time someone she’d seen before. Up in the sky, a metal baton extended from a nearby rooftop, attracting the excited cries of civilians below.

Chat Noir flung himself onto one of the Tower’s lowest beams, and looked down at the crowd. From so far away Kagami couldn’t quite tell, but it looked like his eyes stayed on her and Samantha for a tad longer. High above, Chat smirked to himself, and immediately proceeded to scale the tower, putting on a show for the citizens…or maybe just his Lady. The feline superhero backflipped, clawed and spun his way up in exaggerated leaps, causing much of the crowd below to start recording with their phones, and finishing off with a wave, directed specifically at a certain raven-haired girl on ground level. Then he flung himself away with his baton, gone in a flash. Ever so slowly the civilians went back to their business, with only a couple tourists still excited over the display…and Kagami noticed the sketchbook was no longer in her hands. Swiftly turning to Samantha, she found the designer furiously dragging the pencil along the pages, sparing a glance to see the hero had vanished, and rising up to reveal her work.

A vague outline of the Eifel Tower lay on the paper, but the focus of the drawing was clearly Chat Noir. The superhero was depicted leaping from one metal bar of the superstructure to the next, his black leather suit having most of the details in perfect arrangement, as well as the accenting lines that showed off his movement. Kagami was completely astonished as to how anyone could possibly be good enough to get that done in such a short time, no matter from so far away…but Samantha suddenly blinked at her own drawing, seemingly confused.

As if just now realizing what she’d done, the designer blushed furiously, hiding her flushed face amidst the pages of her sketchbook. It took her a good minute to rise again, cheeks still bright red as Kagami examined the drawing with near-religious reverence. “Uh!”, Samantha scrambled for anything to excuse herself with. “…he’s my favorite.”, she blushed again, absolutely mortified by her own admission.

Really?”, a teasing voice sounded from behind them. “And I thought you liked me, Princess!” Before the owner of the voice had even registered, Kagami was fully prepared to strike them down in defense of her new friend. What jackass even dared to flirt so inconsiderately? Can’t he see that they are busy at the mo-

…ment. Just as the fencer finished that thought, her mind registered Adrien standing behind them. Since when did Adrien even- “You know…”, Samantha began in a scalding tone, “it’s not very gentlemanly of you to sneak around girls, Goldilocks.”, she chided him, but Adrien just laughed her off, waving a hand as if the wind would take the comment away.

Kagami suddenly found herself blinking in confusion, completely flabbergasted by seeing Adrien like…this. Adrien would never flirt so wildly with anyone! There…there must be a logical explanation! And so, the fencer pulled Samantha behind her, preparing a vicious defense! “You’re not fooling anyone!”, she boldly proclaimed. “You’re Adrien’s cousin, aren’t you? Felix!”, Kagami accused him, leaving both “Adrien” and Samantha to be confused in turn.

A moment of complete silence passed between them, as if the rest of the world was held in standstill. Then…both of them erupted in laughter. “’Gami, no! It’s still me!”, Adrien assured her. Samantha cackled so hard she nearly dropped her sketchbook, but he swiftly caught it without even looking, passing it back to her. When the designer finally managed to get a word out, it was only in his defense.

“No, it’s okay. That is Adrien, trust me. I’d know him anywhere. It’s just that-”, Samantha tried to explain, giggling mid-sentence before pulling herself back together, “Sometimes this dumbass tries to imitate people much cooler than him!”, she sent an accusing glare, but with the situation defused Kagami could clearly see it was in jest. Was…had Adrien just tried impersonating Chat Noir?

That…that was…that was the stupidest thing she’d ever heard! Kagami laughed so hard at the mere thought that she almost snorted! There was no way that Adrien was Chat Noir, not in this life or any other! It was simply impossible; they were too different even when her best friend decided to be a goof! But this did raise another question, one that had slipped her mind until now. “So…you two do know each other?”, she asked them in as curious a tone as she could muster. Kagami’s effort may have been slightly hindered by the laughter that threatened to once again escape her.

Samantha and Adrien both froze up, sharing a long look. Eventually, he deflated slightly, returning back to the tired, weary version of himself that Kagami could so often see under his porcelain mask. “We’re not…supposed to.”, he sighed deeply. “I do know her, from work.”, Adrien admitted, suddenly feeling as tired as his eyes showed. He didn’t want to make a habit of lying to his friends…

“Yeah. Remember when I said it was my dream to work at Gabriel? There’s…a reason I’m not doing that.”, Samantha added, eyes wandering to the pavement below. “And ever since then, we haven’t talked much.”, she explained, leading Kagami’s mind back to their previous interactions. Yesterday had admittedly been very confusing, seeing this…familiarity of sorts between two people who had never even met, but she supposed this was a good enough explanation. And judging by the nickname…

Kagami cleared her throat, lightly bowing in apology for mistaking Adrien as his cousin. To be fair she’d never actually met Felix, but he had been described as identical in appearance, and Adrien did not usually play superhero. Not in real life, at least. However, the history between them was clear as day…and Kagami found herself thinking back to a moment between her and Adrien, something he’d spoken of in confidence long ago…right after their adventure at the ice rink with Marinette and Luka, if she remembered his name correctly.

Adrien argued with her as they walked away from Phillipe. “…I’m not changing my target. Even if it means failing over and over again, because one day, I will succeed and hit it.”

Kagami withheld her sigh, and looked over at Marinette. “The day you realize you’ve got the wrong target, I’ll be here.” She’d kissed his cheek and entered her car, gazing back at his as it drove her away.

But…what if the girl he’d been talking about…wasn’t Marinette? She’d naturally assumed at the time, even in hindsight since this was Marinette they were talking about, and Adrien was about as dense as a neutron star when it came to matters of the heart. …Could his original target have been…Samantha? The kind girl who’d apparently dreamed of working at his father’s company, most likely forced to leave due to Lila Rossi, and then cutting contact?

It did make sense. Adrien had liked her for a time, and he clearly liked Marinette quite a bit. Maybe he had a type? Did he like dark haired girls who were snarky and entertained his shenanigans? Kagami wasn’t completely sure, but considering his terrible attempts at flirting…she thought her theory might be right. Then again, it could just be a “them” thing, as tea time had been with her and Marinette, or fencing banter with her and Adrien. She decided to investigate this in her own time, perhaps try to pry intelligence from the others? No matter, that was a job for later. For now, Kagami extended an apologetic hand to Adrien, letting the blonde take in a joke of theirs, where they would be overly formal with one another at the dumbest times. He found it extremely funny for some reason, and ever since the rekindling of their friendship she saw no reason to not indulge him a little bit.

With that misunderstanding sorted, Kagami did not question the duo further, only observing them as Samantha invited Adrien to join them, leading their trio to a bunch of seemingly random spots across Paris as their hunt for inspiration continued. Adrien excitedly listened to the designer’s ramblings, and even tried his hand at sketching the TVI building…rather poorly. Only Kagami knew these spots, had even memorized them from the very few times Marinette had done this with her, pointing out to her friend every conceivable source of inspiration in the vicinity.

“If you want your drawings to be alive, it’s more important to sketch the stories rather than the people. Everyone has a reason for being where they are and doing what they do. So long as you manage to put that feeling on paper, all your drawings will be filled with life!”, Marinette’s voice echoed in her head like a pleasant melody.

As the three of them took turns sketching out what was in front of them while they wandered the streets of Paris, hours flew by. Kagami would have found herself worrying not too long ago, about how Mother might react to such prolonged absence. But…sitting next to Adrien Agreste and Samantha Fae as they all filled this sketchbook with the stories filling the City of Lights…she found herself able to soar far above any fear. Kagami felt alive again, in the way that the past months hadn’t been, ever since The Day with Marinette. She found herself laughing, even playing along with Adrien’s unfunny puns and falling into banter with the duo. It all felt so amazing, so achingly familiar, so…so right that she never wanted the moment to end.

But as the afternoon came to its final hours, it was time to break things off. Adrien had cited his father’s ire in a way so casual it almost went over her head, but Samantha certainly noticed by the way concern wrote itself on her face. Nevertheless, the three of them parted ways, and Kagami found herself walking home all too soon. As she stood in front of the gates, a cold feeling swelled up in the pit of her stomach, and a porcelain mask of serenity etched itself unto her features. It was time to face the dragon once more.

Mother was waiting for her when Kagami finally stepped through the precipice, staring directly into her soul with dead, unworkable eyes. …perhaps that was a little unfair, but the horror that this look brought upon Kagami made the fencer feel completely justified in thinking so.

Tomoe sighed deeply, hearing her daughter’s footsteps. “Kagami…I see you’ve finally decided to return to me?”, she breathed out, exuding an air of disappointment all around her body.

The fencer stumbled, caught off guard by the sudden displeasure. It was allowed for her to leave, surely? “I-I had permission, Mother.”, Kagami tried to defend, but Tomoe simply squinted at her through the black glasses. Or at least, it felt like she was being judged.

“My dear daughter, I’m so terribly sorry.”, Tomoe said, covering the distance between them in a flash. “I never should have allowed for such distractions. Clearly Gabriel has finally gone mad if he thinks this a productive use of time…”, she uttered, nearly spitting out the man’s name.

Mother’s nails slowly edged around Kagami’s finger, and before the fencer could even try to back away, the black ring was off her finger, and around Tomoe’s. As it had been for months now. “I only gave our family’s relic back to you because I had thought you learned from your mistakes. Unfortunately, I erred in trusting you.”, Mother sighed again, not angry. Simply disappointed, like always. “You will regain our legacy once you learn to honor it. Your…freedoms, are not being revoked for this week. I understand, as you surely know. But come next week, I expect these emotional complications to be dealt with. Any more delays in productivity and lapses in your performance…will be very upsetting, my dear.”, she spoke in a slow tone, cradling the ring on her finger and running a palm over it’s top, as if feeling the design.

Kagami hung her head as low as possible without actually bowing, for that could be considered weakness. And a Tsurugi was never weak. This…was to be expected, a part of her said. She’d failed her family, and now would need to readjust. Mother understood, she said so herself. But…why did it feel like she’d just given up her soul?


Chat Noir leaped through his window at the Agreste Mansion, knowing full well that he’d have to go through the gates as Adrien in a short while. Still, he enjoyed the freedom of coming and going as he pleased inside the suit, even if “Adrien” could also experience it now. He didn’t know how long Father’s understanding mood would last, and so he was not going to take any risks. De-transforming and feeding Plagg his cheese, Adrien quickly downloaded all the data from Chloe’s USB on his computer, just to be safe. Not that father would go back on his word…but experience made him err on the side of caution. And besides, it might end up being useful to the case! Transforming again and leaping out the window in record time, Chat never caught wind of the footsteps just outside his door.

Adrien walked through the Manor’s main gate to find Father in the living room, book in hand and examining the pages with almost religious devotion. …that, that was beginning to worry him a little bit. Better than being ignored except to get yelled at, but if his observations were correct, he should probably try and talk to him about it, right?

“Ahh, Adrien!”, Gabriel exclaimed, eyes still glued to the book’s pages. Father slowly put it down, fixing up his tie before placing the book on the coffee table, resting close to the sofa he was sitting on. “You’re back. Did you have a good time?”, his father asked, again sounding genuinely interested in how Adrien’s day had gone. Maybe a correction was in order. This worried him more than the book.

“Um, well enough, Father. School was…”, he trailed off, not knowing how exactly to respond. He settled on half-formal, hoping it wouldn’t be too out of line. “School was as expected. We didn’t stay very long, but Alya found something important. Could you please take a look at this?”, he asked, offering the USB stick.

Gabriel regarded his son with a neutral stare, as if he wasn’t quite used to this either. In truth…Adrien probably wouldn’t be so acclimated to sudden conversations either if he’d spent years ignoring another person in his house. He couldn’t exactly blame the man for that. With some hesitance, the USB changed hands, and Gabriel examined it, sighing deeply in satisfaction.

Father actually smiled at him; a genuine smile Adrien hadn’t seen in literal years. He kept his face even, waiting for a response, and ruthlessly clawed at the hope that Gabriel was going to keep being nice to him. But there wasn’t exactly a point in hoping against hope, was there? “Thank you, son.”, the man breathed out. “Tell miss Cesaire that she’s done fantastic work!”, he exclaimed in obvious excitement, completely unlike his usual emotionless self.

Adrien…honestly doubted he was ever going to get used to this. Father acting like…a father. It was just so surreal that his mind could barely comprehend it, much less accept the action as real or without a catch. Even in a city full of magic and a literal God as his roommate, who was obsessed with Camembert of all things, Adrien refused to believe it. Maybe…maybe someday, but he had other priorities right now.

Gabriel swiftly turned away and power-walked to the entrance of his study…only to freeze up at the last second, looking at Adrien over his shoulder. “I…I hope you’ll be joining us for dinner?”, he stammered, sounding unsure of himself. At this point, Chat Noir was absolutely prepared to go fight whatever Akuma his father had been hit by, because that question was…well, it couldn’t be real!

Despite his doubts, Adrien nodded dutifully. “Of course, Father. I’d be happy to!”, he replied with a smile, a small part of his mind still excited at the prospect, even after countess past cancellations. Gabriel nodded and awkwardly smiled back before dashing away, slamming the heavy doors as he locked himself in the Atelier. Adrien shook his head, waving the confusion away, and went upstairs to change.

A few minutes later he was back in his classic Adrien outfit, complete with the whole two items of a striped shirt and black shorts. Mari was right, he really needed to go shopping tomorrow… Just as a sigh escaped him, Adrien went to open his door, only for a knock on the other end to interrupt him. Taking a step back and making sure his appearance was respectful, he called out to the person on the other side. “Come in!”, he said, and the doorknob twisted.

Nathalie hesitantly made her way inside, with almost apprehensive steps. She gave him a long look, like she was seeing Adrien for the first time in all her life. After a moment, she cleared her throat, donning the usual mask of professionalism. Adrien frowned to himself. She only did that nowadays when she wasn’t sure of how to talk to him…

“Good afternoon, Adrien. Dinner will be ready shortly. I- I was hoping you were coming downstairs?”, Nathalie asked in the most toneless voice she could muster, fixing up her glasses as they tilted slightly forwards, thus hiding her eyes.

He found it odd that she would default to this, even after everything. Surely, she might want to talk to him after…well. Still, Adrien already knew she cared, and so nodded an affirmation, not minding the lack of conversation. Nathalie was trying in the way she always did, and the warm look he could see under her calm mask assured the teen that she just didn’t know how to approach the topic. She didn’t say anything else, and after a moment Adrien fell into step beside her as they slowly descended the stairs.

He stayed close in case Nathalie fell, since today was one of the rare times she must have felt well enough to walk without her exoskeleton. She spared him another glance, and then stopped in her tracks, sighing as deeply as her lungs would allow. “Adrien…have you ever known someone your whole life, only to suddenly find they had a side which nobody had ever seen before?”, she breathed out, shoulders slouching ever so slightly to betray her fatigue.

Chat Noir had never frozen up so fast in his life, not even when Lila once managed to sneak up to him. Every bone in Adrien’s body was overcome by an icy wave of fear, that maybe she could somehow know… No, no. That couldn’t be! Nathalie had no way of knowing…and if she did, then Father would already be aware. She would have told him already, and no amount of practiced smiling and kindness could ever trick Adrien Agreste. Gabriel was trying, really, he was! And if there was one thing which would send Father barreling back to last week, the revelation that his son was a superhero was absolutely enough. But…the man was being nice. No yelling, no screaming, no cancelled dinners, no disappointment in his tone, just seemingly genuine kindness, or at least as much as the man could find it in himself to muster.

“Adrien? Are you alright?”, Nathalie asked, suddenly snapping him out of his thoughts. She looked worried, and if she knew he was Chat Noir then Nathalie would also know he’d survived worse, that he’d be alright. She wouldn’t be concerned.

He cleared his throat, hoping to make it seem like she caught him in a bind instead of making him actually panic. “Y-yeah, I’m okay. Just…thinking.”, he said, and considered the question again. Adrien…figured it probably made sense, that Father’s new ways were confusing even Nathalie. She’d become as used to his coldness as he was, Adrien knew that for certain. “You know…I think you’re right. Father hasn’t been himself lately…”, he muttered the reply, missing her reaction.

Nathalie’s eyes widened, shoulders stiffening as if she was paralyzed by fear, but she shook herself out of it and nodded to him. “I suppose.”, she agreed. “Adrien…you know how much he cares about you.”, Nathalie tried to say, to remind him that Gabriel did love his son. They’ve been doing all of this for him after all…not that she could ever tell him. Especially not now, as things currently stood. Not after what they'd done

Adrien breathed out a sound that felt like a scoff, even if it was nothing more than a normal breath. She’d gotten good at reading him over the years, at least when his mask would slip. But now…Nathalie wondered if she had ever known this boy. Reluctantly, almost as if he would bite her hand off at any wrong move…she gently touched his shoulder. Sensing her palm, Adrien shifted for a moment, but didn’t reject the motion. He even turned his head away to smile, like he sometimes would do when he was supposed to maintain professionalism with her but still wanted to be honest with his feelings. And…Nathalie couldn’t deny that she cared for him too, even on the days where Gabriel might forget his son.

The moment passed, and Nathalie retracted her hand. Adrien nodded to her and began descending the rest of the way, often lagging behind to wait for her. The Peacock Miraculous suddenly felt heavy underneath her handkerchief, the only thing hiding the jewel from his eyes. She thought about how he might react to it, if he saw. Only once had she and Gabriel ever entertained the notion that Adrien would help them…but after everything that was done now, she knew he would only hate them if he found out.

Without another word, Nathalie followed Adrien downstairs, and stood next to Gabriel on the dinner table as Adrien sat across, on the other end. Taking one look at his father, he was clearly nervous again, missing the guilt written all over Gabriel’s face. The man she loved so very dearly looked at his son, and cleared his throat.

“Adrien…there’s something we need to discuss…”, his toneless voice echoed around the manor, and Chat Noir suddenly felt the urge to run.


And…scene! Yes! I managed to finish this on Sunday! Oh, praise the sun! Sorry, wrong franchise. Uh- Praise Nooroo? Sure, why not? Anyhow, this chapter went completely off the rails! Once again, me being me, I had a plan, an outline, a first draft, a second draft…and promptly decided that rather than continuing with yesterday’s development and making Alya and Nino finally talk, I instead asked myself “Hey…wait a minute. Who here hasn’t been emotionally scarred in the past five minutes? KAGAMI!” …and this chapter happened.

You guys know what I was going to do? I planned to have Adrien go shopping with Chloe, like I hinted last chapter. I wanted some development between those two, but then I remembered that Chloe had gone back to the hotel. And so, I decided to save that for her own individual scene where we could flesh her out a bit more. Yes, I actually very much like Chloe Bourgeois and still mourn the assassination of her character. It’s not just they redemption arc at this point, they just killed everything that made her a good character. Besides, I’ve declared Zoe and Sabrina officially worthy of emotional development in this fic, so those scenes will come later. I still refuse to have Lila make an in-person appearance though. Sorry, I simply don’t want to write her yet! And if the plot didn’t demand it of me at point, I never would! Seriously, this girl tests me…

Also, I figured I should deal with the USB and not leave it hanging in limbo, lest I accidentally forget a scene or mention and make it disappear until Lila’s court case. Which is happening btw, but we’ll get into that on Gabriel and Nathalie’s dedicated chapter. Also also, please tell me I got you with that scene at the end! If even one person thinks I’d do an identity reveal so early (outside of Mari and Adrien), then…

So! About Kagami! I loved Glaciator 2 because it confirmed her as a manga reader, and I will forever cherish that my headcanon became true! But! She has Tomoe for a mother. And as we all know, Tomoe is a good candidate for “Worst Parent in Miraculous”, contesting even Season 5 Gabriel. R.I.P. to any semblance of character he had left, for it got executed in the name of cartoonish supervillainy. But yes, Kagami is a Sentimonster in this fic (as I’m pretty sure is true in canon, but it hasn’t been confirmed outright), and so Mother Dearest once again has the ring. And if you needed a reason to hate this woman more, yes, she explicitly forbade Kagami from contacting Marinette by physically controlling her daughter for months on end. In my book, she will always be worse than even Monarch.

Anyways, that’s it for this chapter! As I said in the beginning notes, there will not an update next week, and possibly not even the week after since I don’t want to rush myself right after a vacation! One last thing, the next chapter will include the original version of this one, meaning Chloe, Alya, Nino, Zoe, and drama! Plus, a little emotional damage as a side serving. What, did you forget what fic I’m writing? Still, I hope you guys are as happy with this chapter as I am! I’ll be seeing you all in a week or two, but until then…Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 13: Fault and Forgiveness


In the aftermath of their investigation and the reveal of Lila's true nature, Chloe, Alya and Nino retire from their days, lamenting the past. Could they have done something to save Marinette? Was it always meant to end this way? And didn't they only have themselves to blame for failing the bluenette?

Meanwhile, Armand tries to parent, Samantha spends half my college tuition on fabrics, Zoe better understands her stepfather, and Ladybug talks to an old friend.


Hello there everyone, and a happy return to this maddening experience we call a fanfiction! Welcome once again, and rejoice! For I am returned, at long last! Island vacation is over and I’m back with more angst, more emotional damage, more depression, and a literal metric ton of ideas on how to torture- I mean how to make our cast of unlikely fellows as happy and non-depressed as humanly possible! I swear I’m not a sadist, please believe me!

ALSO! Massive thanks to my Discord friends over on the Miraculous Ladybug and Miraculous Fanworks servers for being an inspiration and a joy to chat about fanfiction with, AKA for tormenting me with amazing prompts while I was away from my desk! Because of that however, I am announcing a new one shot coming soon after this here chapter! It’s a surprise, since for once in my career not angst nor crack! It’s…dare I say a normal fic. Okay that’s a lie, there’s still a bit of angst. Who do you take me for, someone able to write something other than the two ends of the spectrum? It’s completely delirious crack, mind-shattering angst, or nothing at all!

Prompt here: “Timetagger AU: During their fight with Timetagger, Ladybug and Chat Noir get blasted into the future, and bump into the hero who'd been fighting the Akuma in her own time, Luckybug. A blonde teenage girl with blue eyes, who quickly spirits them away from
Timetagger when he tries to hunt them down. With their countdowns about to run out, Luckybug has no choice but to bring Chat Noir and Ladybug to her house for them to recover...but why did they just land in Adrien Agreste's room? And why is Marinette in Gabriel's Atelier?”
Check it out if you’re interested (if you’d like to be notified of when I post a new chapter/fic you could always subscribe!) and again, huge thanks to everyone on Discord for the support on this piece and ACOLL (no, I don’t have a better acronym for A Case of Ladybug Luck). Also, come hang out with us sometime soon, I’m always happy to talk about this story and possibly give a few hints as to the future!

Note: I had to sit down and research fabric types and their uses for this chapter. My sincere apologies to anyone working in the industry if I happened to use anything wrong, but I tried! And I’m also very sorry to anyone working customer service for what happens in this chapter.

Trigger Warning: Extreme amounts of self-blame and guilt in this chapter. I may have overdone it with the angst in a few moments here and there, so look out.

Anyways, shameless promo is done and the show must go on! We have places to be, people to see, and emotional damages worth more than my college tuition to cause, so please welcome…

Chloe’s newfound niceness, Zoe’s depressive episodes, Armand’s attempt to help, Samantha’s fabric obsession, some light comedy, Praising the Sun, Ladybug’s new look, Alya’s family problems, Nino’s self-esteem issues, mass trauma, and irony so thick I’d fail to cut it with a lightsaber!

Now without further ado…let’s jump right into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chloe stumbled out of her car, her legs having gone half numb and her throat dry and itching. The sensation crawled up her back, bringing a chill to the back of her neck as she forced herself to step through the Hotel’s lobby. Jean Whatshisname came up to her, but the heiress dismissed him with a harsh wave, forcing her way to the penthouse she usually called home. The butler called out to her, but Chloe paid him no mind, going through the motions until she reached the heavy polished door leading to her room.

She extended an arm to grab at the handle, but stumbled halfway through the motion, slamming into the doorframe with all her weight. Yep. It was good to be home… The heiress sighed deeply as her strength finally failed, her confrontations at the school and a sleepless night leaving Chloe running on fumes, most of which consisted purely of spite. Trying to breathe, she let herself fall down onto the red carpet with a soft thud. Struggling to keep herself awake, Chloe pushed against the wooden door as it refused to budge, mentally demanding that it submit to her will and remove itself from her way, lest she tear it down from the hinges and fire it from the nearest available catapult.

However, the inanimate object could not comprehend the heiress’ death stare, and so did not heed her command. A moment of silence passed, then another. She looked around through blurry eyes, finding the hallway empty and devoid of any sound, much less signs of life. Chloe Bourgeois was finally alone. Her mask cracked, letting the eyes of a terrified, tormented girl to see the world for just one moment…and the first tears began to fall.

“Chlo…are you okay?”

No. No, she really wasn’t. Adrien- Adrien was the only one who knew. The single person she’d dared to tell the thing that nobody else could understand. That she was sorry. And fuck her, Chloe wished she could somehow make this all go away. Maybe if she went to sleep, then Marinette would be there in the morning? In her seat, bringing macaroons and cookies for the class to share? And…this time Chloe would take one, just to be polite. Dammit, Dupain Cheng! Why didn’t she come in today? Why…why did she decide to never come in again?

…Chloe didn’t know, but somehow it felt like she was the reason. It made a sickening amount of sense to her, that she’d served to wear Marinette down over all the years they knew each other, only for Rossi to deal the final blow. Putting bugs in her locker, relentlessly mocking the bluenette, chasing her friends away, pushing her in a pool… Hadn’t she just made it easier for Lila? Hadn’t she already tried to kill Marinette?

The heiress never realized that a sob escaped her, never felt the mascara flowing down her face. She- she didn’t deserve to look good today, not when Chloe was as much of a monster on the inside as Lila Rossi! And the heiress knew it well, that no matter what she did, no matter how furiously she destroyed the Italian girl for what she’d gone and done, no matter how many tabloids she kept away from the Dupain Chengs…it would always be her fault.

Adrien was right. Marinette had forgiven her, no matter how undeserving Chloe was of her mercy. And she had tried, she really did try to do something to earn it…but it was all futile. Their classmates hated her, Alix even accused her of using Marinette’s sui- her death for self-gain. And she’d been completely right, in her own way. After all, Marinette Dupain Cheng was not here to forgive Chloe Bourgeois. The girl she’d tormented all these years would never be seen by anyone again, and the heiress would never get the chance to apologize. Now that she wanted to, Marinette simply couldn’t hear it, even if the bluenette would offer forgiveness in a heartbeat.

In truth, Adrien had known his friend well enough to say that about Marinette. But…she wasn’t here to utter the words, to say “It’s okay Chloe, I forgive you”, or “I know. How about we start over? Hi! My name’s Marinette!”, and smile with that soft expression that glowed with warmth, a fire which could only come from the one thing Chloe herself had never managed to obtain, in all her years of lording over Dupont. Love. So…wasn’t she just using Marinette to forgive herself? Did it even matter if the heiress was found dead, suffering hypothermia and soaked to the bone from crying over the bluenette’s gravestone on a stormy night, if Mari herself would never be able to give an answer?

No. No, it really didn’t. Even if Chloe would share Marinette’s fate and was lost in the rain, that wouldn’t make anything right. Nothing she could do would ever fix things. And a part of her that was still in hiding, a tiny fragment of her soul that Chloe hadn’t touched in many, many years…it wondered how things might be if they’d been friends instead. Maybe they would have laughed together at lunch, snippy comments and fast wit tearing Hawkmoth’s Akuma designs anew just because they were that hideous. Maybe Marinette would have offered to make Chloe and Sabrina proper costumes, and the three of them would play Ladybug and Chat Noir together. Maybe she would have even helped Mari get together with Adrien, when her old friend still had that chance at happiness.

“…It’s Dupain Cheng! She’d forgive me for a house fire!”, her earlier words rang inside Chloe’s head, and she took a deep breath. Using the hem of her shirt, she wiped the ruined mascara from her eyes, not caring about the stains. It had been obvious then, and now the facts were staring the heiress in the face. Marinette would forgive her, but she couldn’t just take it. Chloe wouldn’t let herself take advantage of the bluenette’s kindness again, she would fight tooth and nail to be worthy of it!

“…miss Bourgeois? Are you alright, young miss?”, a familiar voice came to break Chloe from her thoughts.

She snapped her head around at a nearly breakneck speed, winching in pain as her muscles strained themselves to accommodate the erratic move. Jean Claude looked on with an expressionless face, pretending not to see the stains of make-up nor her watery eyes as he swiftly pulled a key from his pocket, unlocking the door for her.

Chloe stared at him for a moment, digesting his tone. He…hadn’t sounded expecting, as if Jean just…didn’t think she’d yell at him? The butler’s face always held a kind smile, but she’d long learned he simply hid his apprehension out of fear of losing his job…or so the heiress thought. For a moment, one single second, they locked eyes, and Chloe saw concern. The man was worried…about her.

She hadn’t snapped at someone so fast her whole life. “Took you long enough, Jean Luke! Do I have to order you around myself? Now get out of my sight, or you’re fired! You’re ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!”, Chloe yelled at him, even bothering to pitch her voice a tad higher than usual. However, instead of caving to the demand, the butler simply remained unresponsive, like he hadn’t taken her seriously.

Then, Jean Pascal nodded politely and swept himself away in a quick pace, kind smile never leaving his face. It…honestly, it was near maddening after the day she’d had. Chloe was a Bourgeois! And her family wasn’t supposed to show weakness! Adrien was an exception, she told herself. He was her friend, he understood! But Jean Paul? He- he was just her servant! Nobody working here ever cared about Chloe, doing what she asked was just how they got paid! Then why…

It didn’t matter, she decided as the heavy door creaked open. Or…perhaps she just couldn’t muster the strength to open it. After what felt like an eternity, Chloe finally heaved herself through, almost tripping over her own feet. Before she could crash into the hardwood floor, a hand reached out to steady her. The…lack of a fall confused the heiress for a minute, as she’d already closed her eyes, accepting it. Or rather, accepting the pain as well deserved.

Chloe?”, a voice whispered in surprise, almost shock as she lifted her head to look. Oh. It was just Zoe. “Hey are you okay? You look- I mean!”, she stuttered, but the heiress sighed, exhaustion washing over her like a tidal wave brought forth by the shattering of a dam, by the bursting of her bubble and the long-delayed revelation of the real world.

“M’ sorry”, she muttered, and Zoe flinched so hard she nearly let Chloe fall to the floor. Who would have thought, that Chloe Bourgeois would ever apologize for anything? …if only Marinette was here to see it…

Ever so gently, Zoe swiped a strand of Chloe’s hair away, revealing her glinting blue eyes. They were still glimmering with the remnants of tears, of guilt that she clutched onto and scrambled to hide in the deepest reaches of her façade. “I miss her too…”, she breathed out.

The heiress lamented the thought for a moment, burning the pain on Zoe’s face into her retinas. She was responsible for this, Chloe knew that, and not even Adrien or Ladybug herself could change her mind. …the fact that she hadn’t spoken to her hero in almost a year, that Ladybug probably hated her and wanted nothing to do with Chloe after Miracle Queen, registered and she hissed in pain as the memory of Pollen’s comb being ripped out of her hair played back, Ladybug’s disappointed stare bringing more tears onto her eyes.

She doesn’t even know why it hurts her now, Chloe managed to ignore it just fine when the wound was still fresh. She was a Bourgeois; she was special and amazing and exceptional and if Ladybug couldn’t see that then- then maybe whatever had made the heroine once trust her…just wasn’t there anymore. Maybe Chloe had done something wrong? No- no! That was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! She was special, amazing! She was the heiress of all Paris! And…she was only trying to become exceptional! She…she was an utter failure. Hurting people was the one thing Chloe was good for…and the only exceptional thing about her, was her mother.

Zoe gently took her hand, leading Chloe to sit down on the bed, and plopping down next to her sister. A startled sob escaped the heiress, and she sat perfectly still, as if moving even a single muscle would cause all the pain Chloe was struggling to run from drown her in despair, as if it would be the thing to finally do her in. “You know…it wasn’t your fault.”, came Zoe’s low voice, a reluctant whisper like the mere admission of Marinette’s absence was hurting beyond anything Chloe could possibly be feeling.

The heiress choked out a chuckle at the insanity, the sheer stupidity of the statement. Ever so slowly the volume rose, until Chloe broke out into a full-on cackle. “Not my fault?”, she snorted between laughter. “Whose is it then?”, was the question, asked in a voice so low it went almost unheard, and Zoe stared at her sister like she’d grown a second head.

Suddenly, Chloe fell silent, head hanging low and shoulders slumping with exhaustion still inching ever closer. All Zoe could do was wrap an arm around her shoulders, to try and offer comfort. Chloe didn’t feel it, didn’t let herself so much as admit the hand was there. She didn’t deserve someone trying to help her. Nobody should be. Who would ever pay attention to a selfish bully? Who would ever care about a murderer like her? If the heiress could accept one thing, it was that while Lila Rossi might have pushed Marinette into the pit, Chloe Bourgeois had been meticulously digging that grave for almost the better part of a decade now. Why would anyone think she wasn’t to blame?

Zoe’s hand slowly fell from her back, the warm presence of a person who was nice enough to put up with her as fleeting as Dad was when it came to dealing with her. Even if Zoe did love her, as ridiculous as it would be after all Chloe had put her sister through…it wasn’t something she deserved to have. Years of failing to acquire it were proof enough for that, she figured.

The heavy, near oppressive silence was broken by a deep, tired sigh. “Chlo…I think I loved her.”, Zoe admits, and she can only numbly nod. So…there her sister was, yet another person who had it worse than her. Someone else who Chloe was making suffer, had been tormenting for as long as she had known them. And for what? A cheap laugh? A distraction? A lie to hide how utterly exceptional everyone was compared to her?

Who wouldn’t love Marinette Dupain Cheng? The bluenette was…everything Chloe had always failed to be. She was pretty, never hiding imperfections behind walls of make-up and an attitude more problematic than Adrien’s old Ladybug obsession. She was talented, actually had the skill to make something of hers, something she could be proud of. Chloe…had always despised that about Marinette. Why could she, a useless commoner, get to be proud of herself when the heiress of Paris was unable to make so much as a paper airplane? Of course, she didn’t ever need to! No, Chloe always had someone else make her things, a professional, the best hands that money could buy!

And every single one of those people was better than her. More skilled, more talented, more exceptional. All she could do was hire them, and make herself look big by holding a paycheck over their heads. At least now…she could admit it, no matter how late the thought was to save the girl she had secretly admired. The one person she had truly envied, beyond any other emotion Chloe Bourgeois had ever experienced. The classmate of hers who had it all, or rather the girl with everything Chloe didn’t, couldn’t have. The one loved by her parents, her friends, adored by the whole school, admired and praised by famous celebrities and talented artists…the blue-haired protégé Mother had offered to personally apprentice, in Chloe’s stead. The girl who’d made Audrey Bourgeois lift her gaze and notice, for more time in half a day than her own daughter had in her whole life. But…that wasn’t entirely true. Chloe Bourgeois didn’t just envy Marinette Dupain Cheng, she had hated her with a passion. And now this person who’d truly been her better…was gone. Forever. Chloe could never tell her about her feelings, couldn’t say nary a word. She could never tell Marinette that she was sorry. And she would never get to hear the bluenette’s forgiveness.

“…yeah, you’re not the only one.”, the heiress mumbled to her sister. Zoe’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, but her gasp of surprise went unnoticed by Chloe. The heiress deflated, letting herself fall onto the pillows with her shoes still on. “Marinette was…exceptional. Everyone loved her.”, Chloe tells her, and Zoe’s eyes fall to the floor, pained tears beginning to cloud them again.

She could still feel the absence, no matter how much she denied it and told herself that Marinette was just busy, that she would come by the Hotel to surprise her with a box of macaroons, and maybe then Zoe would pull her aside and finally confess how she felt about-

“I’m sorry.”, Chloe cut off her train of thought. The words were muffled by the pillow, she seemed to speak to no one in particular. And yet, Zoe knew who she was talking to. “I only wanted-”, Chloe sobs, lifting her head to reveal mascara stains on the spotless bedsheets. “All I wanted was to be like you…”, she breathes out, fingers trembling like she’s a girl possessed. Guilt finally overtakes her last defenses, and the heiress of Paris collapses, leaving just Chloe in her place. Her whole body starts to shake, nostrils flaring as she drew air into her lungs, only to bellow into a loud sob as soon as her lips trembled open.

On her part, Zoe had long spaced out from the world around her. All she could see was Marinette’s radiant, beautiful smile, her eyes glimmering with enough love that the bluenette’s heart was practically overflowing, and all Zoe wanted was to tell the girl that she felt the same way. For her. That she loved Marinette, more than simple words could possibly express. She had fallen for the kindness, the cheer, the understanding, the bravery as Mari put herself out there and tried to make friends with a strange girl she didn’t know, and stood up to Chloe’s bullying when at school.

In hindsight, it had barely been visible how those eyes had gone from shinning with happiness and joy to a dull grey, a silent wish to leave and not be part of everything happening around their beholder. The creative edge had fallen off, Marinette’s protective attitude over Adrien grew, and something always seemed to be on her mind. Once, Zoe could swear she’d head the bluenette talking to herself, mumbling something about Adrien and…Lila? Of course, it was obvious something was wrong with the Italian girl from the start. She wore a kind smile, but Zoe had noticed the way it edged on her lips, like she’d etched in onto her face intentionally, to simply try and look nice. At the time she’d thought she was being paranoid, that she was just seeing things. This wasn’t America. Things were different in Paris, right? Maybe…maybe Zoe should have said something. Maybe if Marinette hadn’t been forced to deal with the girl alone, and it had been obvious there was some kind of conflict there…then the girl she’d loved with all her heart would still be here.

What she’d told Chloe was absolutely true. No matter how awful, petty or downright horrid her sister had ever been towards Mari…it wasn’t her fault, what happened. Zoe knew, with every piece of her heart that hadn’t already been shattered beyond any hope of repair, that she was at fault, for never helping her friend. For being a coward while the girl she loved clearly suffered. From the first moment that she’d met Marinette, the blue-haired baker had been nothing but kind and supportive as she tried to adjust to living in another county, and in the same building as Chloe. Sometimes…sometimes she’d even get the vague impression that Mari had been talking to her, when she remembered her Akumatization into Sole Crusher. Nobody had mentioned anything…but had her friend tried to save her then? To talk her down?

Zoe didn’t know, and every time she’d think about it, she would only fall in love even more, with this amazing girl, willing to brave an Akuma attack just to try and save someone she cared about. Now…now it only made her heart tear itself apart even faster, heartstrings tearing themselves as she cursed herself for not being there, for doing nothing. She’d cried all day when the announcement came, and all night after that. Zoe vividly remembered Chloe handing her a teddy bear, the stuffed toy Armand had mentioned she used to carry everywhere when she was a kid. The look in her sister’s eyes…it wasn’t that of someone evil, no matter how hard the heiress of Paris tried to appear that way. And beyond the capacity of any miracle, Chloe had stayed with her, leaving only to go see Adrien and then coming back yesterday to treat an entire group of friends to lunch!

To say that she’d been left flabbergasted was the understatement of the century, but Zoe had to admit, it felt really good to be around so many people, who’d all introduced themselves and offered friendship openly! It was like they didn’t care that she was Chloe’s sister, or Audrey Bourgeois’ daughter, and just saw her as a person. And nothing in the world could have made Zoe any happier. But…good things don’t last forever. The group of four had left, and she’d been left alone with her sister once again. Despite everything that she’d expected however, Chloe…kept being nice. Like it wasn’t some kind of trick or a momentary flux in character. As if her sister was trying.

The idea had brought a smile to Zoe’s face, even if her guilty conscience would overtake any semblance of happiness not long after. It felt good to smile honestly, to laugh and imagine a world where she and Chloe could at least be friends, never mind real sisters. …but that was just a dream. An impossibility, right up there with Marinette returning her feelings and them getting married, adopting three cats, two hummingbirds and a pet hamster named…

Oh, who was she kidding? In all honesty, Zoe simply couldn’t fathom it. Whatever had gotten into Chloe would vanish the second Mother returned to Paris, any and all kindness replaced by a thorny attitude and a flashy mean streak, along with the return of demeaning comments and jabs. It was all the same…only Marinette wasn’t here anymore. The girl she’d fallen in love with, the one person who made every day worth it just because Zoe knew she would see her again, if only from afar…was gone.

The pain came back, a torrent of agony setting her veins on fire as she remembered why Mari was gone. Suicide, they’d said. Because something, someone had broken her, hurt her so deeply that she didn’t see anything worth living for. Because nobody had been there for her, not one soul even tried to help Marinette when she was in need, despite how often she would bend over backwards to whoever asked for her assistance that day, no matter what else she had to do. Because Zoe hadn’t helped her, never took the step to repay the kindness that Mari kept giving, and giving, and giving…was it any surprise that the bluenette had none left for herself, in the end?

Probably not, Zoe decided with a sigh as she stole a glance at Chloe. Her sister was out cold, face stuffed in between two pillows and shoes resting directly on the blanket. If she had the energy to do anything other than let tears fall, she might have even found it a little funny. Still, an unconscious Chloe was a Chloe who couldn’t bother her, and it was probably best to leave before she came to her senses, both literally and…with whatever happened to make her act so nicely. Slowly pushing herself up, Zoe tip-toed her way out of the room, shutting the door as softly as possible. It closed with a click, leaving Chloe to sleep peacefully…at least until the fit she would have when she saw shoes on her blanket…

Sighing deeply at an escape well done, Zoe quietly made her way down the hall, just trying to breathe while driving her thoughts away. She needed to calm down. She was a Bourgeois, and for once wanted to act like it, and show nothing until she could reach a safe space to let herself go. Rounding the corner, she spotted Armand and Andre- err…dad talking to one another as they walked. The butler’s gaze fell on her, and he quickly motioned for her to hide as Andre kept on talking.

“….don’t know what to do with her, really. You understand, right Jean?”, Andre asked, and Armand nodded politely.

The butler tilted his head to steal a glance at Zoe’s direction, but she’d already thrown herself in the nearest janitor’s closet, listening for faint voices outside. Satisfied, he nodded again, pretending to think. “Sir…if I may, perhaps it would be a good idea to speak with her? Miss Bourgeois seems to be quite unlike herself these past few days. I’m sure-”, he tried, but Andre cut him off with raising a hand.

“No, no I’m sure that’s not necessary. Chloe’s a big girl now, she can handle this herself. There’s n-no need for me to get involved!”, he insisted, trying to hide the stammer in his voice. Andre wiped a drop of sweat from his brow. “Besides! You know how she gets sometimes! It’s best to leave her alone until she calms down, and maybe…maybe I could buy her that new dress Gabriel released around a week ago!”, Andre preened at the idea, mentally patting himself on the back.

Armand raised his brow so much it nearly went up to his hairline. Oblivious, Andre kept muttering to himself about how exactly he could improve his daughter’s mood. “Sir,”, the butler snapped him back to reality. “Miss Chloe seems quite distressed as of late. Perhaps you should at least deliver the gift in person?”, he inquired as intensely as possible for a man of his profession.

Andre visibly sweated at the idea. “No, no! I’m sure you or another member of staff can deliver the gown!”, he insisted again. Noticing the butler’s raised eyebrow, the mayor backpedaled into an at least serviceable excuse. “Jean, she nearly ate me alive on Saturday! What happened is a tragedy of course, but I’d rather they actually find my body, don’t you agree?”, he asked with a quivering voice, as if begging the other man to see his point of view.

He had never sighed harder in his entire career, but Armand still politely nodded at his boss, and quickly agreed to personally deal with the matter, letting Andre walk ahead of him as he stood in the hallway. Zoe stood in the supply closet, motionless and numbly feeling tears running from her eyes. A series of gentle, rhythmic taps on the door told her it was safe to come out, and her legs obeyed the order. Armand was waiting for her on the other side, checking over his shoulder to make sure “dad” was gone.

“Miss Zoe…”, the butler tried to comfort, extending a hand that stopped just before her shoulder. She spared him a grateful look, and then her eyes went back to staring at the floor. “Monsieur Bourgeois is trying his best…”, he trails off, not saying what they both knew to be true. That for all his trying, the man just didn’t know how to handle any of this.

Armand sighed deeply when Zoe’s tears hit the ground, giving the girl a moment to compose herself before speaking again. “Perhaps…some tea is in order? I’m certain miss Chloe quite enjoyed mint tea when she was young. Would you like to have some?”, he proposed, and Zoe took a moment to consider it. Chloe’s likes…well, their tastes usually didn’t match, but maybe it would do her some good. Her throat was dry and itchy, it burned even as she tried to swallow her grief.

“Y-yes. I’ll take a cup.”, she mumbled out, and the butler nodded dutifully, leading her to the kitchen. Zoe halted her step, taking a moment to breathe. A tiny, near imperceivable smile made its way onto her face, and she glowed at the man. “Armand…thank you.”, she breathed out. Her butler only shook his head in fondness, letting out a curt sigh and leading the way. Oh, what would he do with these two girls…


Samantha Fae walked away from the spot where she had sat with Adrien and Kagami, contemplating life. Well…perhaps that was the wrong way to put it, but today had been amazing, made her feel in a way she hadn’t in…a long time. She remembered the Saturday, when they took her out to the park and helped create a memory bright, radiant enough to light the way even in her darkest hours. This afternoon was something else entirely. Her heart was beating again, like only her mornings with Adrien had managed. A soft smile found its way onto her face, her eyes shone with life again after months of glowing a dull, slowly dying grey, feint hints of blue only visible to Adrien and Chat Noir.

She sighed to herself, breathing deeply to take in the afternoon air. The sun wasn’t yet setting, but the sky had already begun to hold an orange tint as the colors washed over the clouds. It was beautiful. Marinette laughed to herself, enjoying the atmosphere. Walking across Paris at this hour…she’d forgotten what the ground view even looked like. Pedestrians passed her by, some chattering amongst themselves, or tourists admiring the shifting colors of the city as the sun bathed it in a soft golden hue with every second that passed. Storefronts welcomed customers, people exited restaurants and cafés, pouring out onto the sidewalk.

Tikki was sleeping peacefully in her bag, right next to the now full sketchbook, pages with countless stories drawn on them. Tales of those who breathed life into this city, now breathing it into Marinette, Adrien and Kagami’s ideas. Her smile widened at that, and for a moment she could see it. The apartment, filled with decorations and designs, a half-finished project resting on the living room armchair as the three of them sat on the couches and laughed together. A place to call home. But to do that…she would need fabric. Lots of it.

And so, Samantha Fae set out on a new adventure, to seek the land of satin, polyester, denim, silk and linen, also known as a fabric store. Of course, Ladybug could have found one in seconds, but Marinette already knew where to go. Rosemary Fabrics, the most high-end store this side of Paris. Admittedly, walking through the doors would be a bit of guilty pleasure for her, considering that ever since she was little, she had dreamed of getting her hands on their item catalogue. And while MDC could and would do her absolute best with any materials she had, some of her more expensive pieces could use an upgrade if she wanted to justify keeping the prices where they were.

Really, Trixx was completely wrong! Charging so much was practically robbery! Especially for something she could get done in a day, now that she had all the time in the world. Rosemary’s sliding glass doors opened up for her, at last letting Marinette walk inside a place she’d once only dreamed of. As far as the eye could see, the walls were lined with fabrics and mannequins showcasing designs of famous creators. She spotted pieces from Gabriel Agreste’s latest line, critically acclaimed dresses worn by Audrey Bourgeois in the latest season, high-end shirs and corsets made for the finest of occasions…and her heart flooded with joy at the scenery in front of her.

It was every designer’s dream to have their pieces featured in a store like this, and Marinette could already see it. MDC brand clothes lining the walls, stacks of new designs being featured on the display, the selection switching daily with mesmerizing clothes that everyone would love…

“Excuse me miss, could I assist you with anything?”, a voice suddenly registered in Samantha’s head, pulling her out of the dream. The designer swiftly turned around, only to come face to face with a young store clerk.

She did not yelp at how close the well-dressed man had gotten to her, and a head taller as he was, the clerk towered over her. As quickly as he’d appeared, the man let out a long sigh, almost disappointed. “My apologies, but if you’re not here as a customer…”, he began, remembering full well how many times some aspiring designer or the other had walked inside just to gawk at the clothes. Yet another one that he’d have to waste time throwing out, it seemed.

“No, no! I’m here looking to stock up on fabric!”, Samantha quickly insisted, cutting the man off before he could kick her through the nearest available window. She clears her throat, managing to sound passably professional. “I have a backlog of commissions at the moment, and I’m here for several types of fabrics.

The clerk sighed as deeply as his lungs would allow, and Marinette took a moment to look him over. He was wearing a black three-piece suit with dark hair to match and brown eyes, expression settled into a constant half-frown. “…very well. I’ll be happy to help you, miss?”, he tilts his head questioningly.

“Samantha Fae”, she preened, a sensation of excitement settling in Mari’s soul as she introduced herself with her new name. It felt…exhilarating, to know that someone would know her only as who she chose to be, Marinette Dupain Cheng’s shadow not hanging over her at long last.

The man looked her over, nodding to himself. “You may call me Eliot.”, he mumbled. “Now, what kind of fabrics are you looking for? …perhaps I should recommend some of our budget options?”, came the question, leaving Samantha to raise an eyebrow at him. Eliot sighed, taking the hint and leading her to the nearest wall.

Satisfied with correcting his assumption, she followed, thinking about what exactly she needed. Hmm…surely cotton for her blouses, never mind that soft T-shirt ordered by a client just two weeks ago. Linen for summer dresses, especially since she would have a lot more time then, and it was a good way to make profit. Given how many ideas she had…maybe muslin for the prototypes? Mari could never see herself ever making any curtains, but she might need it for a lining or two. Better yet, how about silk? There had been a certain commissioner of hers who’d requested an entire dress of the stuff. Of course, the fact that it was Queen-Bee themed didn’t mean anything, clearly not. And even if she happened to know the client, this was business. So long as they paid, “MDC” wasn’t going to judge anyone for what they were commissioning. …as long as it was safe for work, of course. There were some uses for silk she just didn’t want to work towards.

Satin would be a fantastic fabric to have stock of, especially because some of her usual commissioners would commonly ask for formal outfits, the kind one might see on a gown or suit for an event. Polyester was not as important since there were barely any requests for something made entirely of the stuff, but it was great support material, especially since it rarely wrinkled! Oh, Reyon would go great with linen for a sundress or two! And denim was great choice for jackets, of course paired with a bit of corduroy for variety!

Ahem!”, Eliot loudly cleared his throat. Samantha gave him a look, extremely unimpressed. Shouldn’t he know how designer rants could get? Why break her train of thought?

With a heavy heart and a deep sigh at having to stop her mental rambling, she listed the fabric types to him as Eliot dutifully noted everything down. “So, one of everything?”, he asked, still with no small amount of disbelief. It was getting annoying

Marinette put on her brightest, sweetest, most innocent smile. She looked at Eliot with big wide eyes, like he’d just told a puppy they were getting bacon for dinner. Then, her expression instantly shifted to the greatest death stare in the history of fashion, causing the poor clerk to back away in horror. “I’ll take your entire stock.”, she deadpanned at him.

“Uh- sure…surely just some of everything?”, Eliot stammered at the sheer insanity of the request. Nobody had ever asked that before. Was this girl some kind of famous designer going undercover? Had he just- had he just cost the store a good client with his attitude?

Samantha Fae had never stared at someone harder in all her three whole days of living. Eliot broke under her gaze, as the designer was already annoyed at how the man was acting. So what if she’d taken a moment to live out her childhood dreams instead of directly going to empty her wallet? It’s called artistic appreciation dammit! “A-and you’re absolutely sure you really want everything? As in, every last piece of fabric in the store?”, he asked her, still trying not to stammer as he thought about who exactly he’d pissed off today. …Eliot was probably going to get fired for this…

Yes.”, she confirmed, smirking in self-satisfaction as his eyes widened with the realization that maybe he should have been a little nicer, because you never know who is walking in your store. Also, because she found it hilarious, to be able to give Ladybug snark to people outside the mask. Oh, wait! Couldn’t she use some of this…for a new design?

As she lost herself in thought, Eliot quickly complied with the request, and to save the man the heart attack he was halfway through receiving, Mari decided to cut him some slack. She wasn’t a villain after all, just having fun! And maybe she was being a bit petty, but she was allowed now. Nobody expected otherwise! “Oh, don’t worry about it right now! I can come by whenever to pick them up bit by bit! There’s no rush!”, she assured him, finally letting the store clerk breathe out in sheer relief.

Before Eliot could so much as try to apologize for judging her all too hastily, Samantha had already moved to the counter, and so he sighed as deeply as his lungs would allow, calculating her total. Despite what she told the clerk, Mari left the store that day with a stack of fabrics so massive one could barely see the person carrying them, and Ladybug spent the rest of the day settling them in her design room,  never noticing the slight alterations to her suit, the new black strips and patches, nor the boots now covering her legs. Left behind an employ who genuinely couldn’t decide if he wanted to know who this mysterious girl had been. And unfortunately…that hadn’t even been half of her order…


The sky was only dimly lit by moonlight when Chloe finally stirred in her bed, letting one eye slowly open to perceive the outside world. The heiress immediately made the executive decision to fuck literally everything in favor of those precious five more minutes, but even in a drowsy daze, the blonde’s mind raced as she remembered Zoe. Chloe had never gotten out of bed so fast in her life, scanning the room for any trace of her sister. All she found was a dress propped up next to her closet…and something that seemed to be on her desk. With the feint light she could just about make out the shape of a…notebook?

Slowly forcing her limbs back in motion, her eyes fell downwards…as the heiress realized her shoes were still on. On any other day, such a travesty, a criminal offense, would have been cause for a shriek so high-pitched that every window in Paris might tremble and shake. But today, on this day specifically, Chloe just didn’t have the energy to so much as whisper. Dragging herself over to her desk, she squinted her eyes at the open notepad, holding it against the window to let the moonlight help her see.

“My dear Chloe, I hope you slept well! Guess what my little honeybee? I got you that new Gabriel dress you’d wanted! Jean should have personally delivered it; I hope you like it! Please try it on tomorrow and tell him if it needs any adjustments. Love, Dad.”

…right. Love. The heiress found the strength to roll her eyes, quickly stumbling to the bathroom and douse her face in cold tap water. Disgraceful, but she was just out of fucks to give. Feeling more awake, Chloe swiftly shoved her new “gift” into the closet along the other hundred Gabriel dresses, knowing she would probably never even bother giving it a second look. Did it really even matter if she was never going to wear it? If Daddy had cared, he would have asked her about dresses, and she would told him about the one she ordered from MDC a week or two ago.

It was a pretty simple design, all things considered. A yellow color palette combined with black stripes along the seams to highlight the pattern of a bee, even complete with a shoulder pad meant to hold up the back of the dress, the lower back dipping near her waist and rising again to the bee-themed stamp on her right shoulder. Regardless of how much the reminder hurt to think about…the pain was nothing she didn’t deserve. And besides, it was a nice dress, at least what she had in mind. Not once had MDC failed to impress, and over the few months of online activity they’d risen to the highly coveted spot of being Chloe’s favorite designer…and stayed there. Despite her predisposition to change her tastes on a whim, the heiress had stuck to her guns when it came to MDC fashion, and she was self-aware to admit the ridiculously low pricings compared to the quality was a pretty big part of that.

Chloe let out an annoyed huff, slamming the closet door shut and taking a step forwards, aiming for the balcony. It would probably be freezing at this time of night…but she really needed some fresh air. The glass door slid open seamlessly, and a wave of chilling air took the air out of her lungs. Still, Chloe didn’t find herself caring. She moved to rest her hands on the railing, head tilting towards where a familiar bakery would be, if the buildings allowed for a clear view.

Just as her mind was about to wander away, to thoughts that harkened of a blue-haired girl who could have once been her friend, whose forgiveness she’d set out to earn…a soft thud echoed in the dead of night. The heiress didn’t bother moving, preoccupied with trying to even her breaths, taking in the cold air and letting it fill her lungs.

“The stars are beautiful tonight, aren’t they?”, a soft voice whispered behind her, and every muscle in Chloe’s body tensed as recognition kicked in.

She turned around in disbelief. Surely, she was imagining things, the stress of everything finally getting to her…and yet, there she was. Ladybug herself, inching ever closer. The heiress froze up completely, barely registering the rest of the world. Paris’ heroine took one look at her, and let out a small laugh.

“Sorry,” Ladybug raised her hands in a mock surrender, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”, she said. Chloe raised an eyebrow at her, halfway through snapping as to how the girl could have at least bothered to announce herself…and then remembering who exactly she was talking to.

For a moment she stood still, observing her -former- idol. There was something different about her, and that soft smile etched on her face. She could swear Ladybug’s hair was darker than before, now tied up in a braid behind her back, the iconic pigtails stripped away in favor of something new and bold. The spotted suit itself had changes too, as Chloe noticed the dark patches on the bottom of the legs, mimicking a pair of boots. Spots still lined the costume, but two streaks of black also acted as dividers of sorts, running up the sides and arms of the heroine if she were to stand at attention.

Ladybug let the heiress take her time, instead fiddling with something in her left hand. The blonde wasn’t sure how she didn’t see it before, but her hero was holding something looking awfully like a sketchbook. “Uh…nice costume…”, she breathed out, breaking the silence. Really, Bourgeois? Nice costume???

Instead of laughing at her, Ladybug managed to contain herself and just giggled under her breath. Then, she raised her gaze to look Chloe in the eye. A moment passed, where the stars seemed to still. Moonlight lit up her eyes with a pale blue hue, and her braided her flowed and ebbed on an invisible air current as she moved to rest her arms next to the heiress. The sketchbook vanished inside her yoyo with a flick of the wrist, and the Ladybug let out a long, tired sigh.

“Chloe…I came to see how you’re doing.”, the heroine said, almost admitting that she would much rather be anywhere else. Of course she would, the heiress reasoned. Who in their right mind might ever take time out of their day to come and see her, if their name wasn’t Adrien Agreste?

She let out a deep sigh of her own, knowing where this conversation was headed. Miracle Queen. After almost nine whole months…it was time to face the music. Ladybug suddenly moved her arm, placing it on Chloe’s shoulder in an offer of comfort. “No, I’m not here about that. It’s…okay. I’ve forgiven you, Hawkmoth just-”, she tried to say, but the heiress cut her off with a loud snort.

“Let me guess? Not my fault? Hawkmoth just manipulated me?”, she scoffed. “You know that’s not true! I made my choice then, don’t waste your time being nice to me!”, Chloe yelled, causing Ladybug to retract her arm. Somehow, the loss of warmth hurt, even if the night chill never stopped freezing her all this time.

The heroine shook her head, as if chasing away the immediate reply. Chloe knew exactly what Ladybug would have said. That she was a disgrace to the team, a selfish traitor who fucked them all over just for a chance to be exceptional. Maybe she’d even admit that Style Queen had been right. “Chloe…I came because I was worried about you. I caught wind of what happened, and-”

“Save it.”, the heiress breathed out. “There’s nothing you could have done. And you’re not here for that.”, she corrected the heroine. Ladybug let out a loud sigh, as if caught in an obvious trap.

“I guess you’re right.”, she admitted. Then, silence. Her eyes moved to the floor; she looked away when Chloe tried to inch closer. Pain was evident in the way she carried herself, usual confidence gone to the winds and replaced by a meekness the heiress had never seen before. Another one, her inner voice said. Someone else who was hurting more than she did, blaming themselves for a tragedy that couldn’t possibly be their fault. That lay with her, solely and absolutely.

Ever so gently, Chloe dared to share Ladybug’s shoulder. There was answer except a sharp breath, but the heiress knew to give her a moment, if the kind-hearted heroine was anything like her gentle sister. “I-I’m sorry.”, Ladybug whispered. Her voice was so low it nearly got carried away by the breeze. “I didn’t mean to bother you. I was out and saw that you were just…standing there. Figured you might need someone to talk to.”, she sighed, flipping the yoyo in her hand.

“Testing out the new suit?”, Chloe asked slowly. The heroine nodded. Of course, she was never here for her. Ladybug was just kind enough to come take a look, despite how much she must hate her guts for Miracle Queen. The heiress could never remember anything about her Akumatization, it only sometimes came in the form of nightmarish images and sounds. Hawkmoth’s manic cackles, holding some kind of gramophone, herself giving orders to capture Ladybug and Chat, her hero screaming in denial when-

Ladybug suddenly spun her yoyo in the air, letting the sketchbook fall into her free hand. She opened it on the last page, letting Chloe see several quick drawings of the new suit, each ever so slightly different in the most minute of details and yet giving an almost entirely new look. “It’s…nice. I didn’t know you drew.”, was the only thing she could say.

The heroine let out a small laugh at the comment, almost giggling. Still, there was something pained behind that smile, Chloe could tell. “Well…I’ve always been better at it than talking. Superhero-ing excepted of course.”, she joked. The moonlight fell back onto her eyes, giving them an ethereal, almost radiant glow. “I…Chloe, when I chose this suit, I made a commitment. Sometimes we have things in our lives we have to put above everything else, even our friends. And- I’m sorry. I made a mistake, leaving you alone. I should have been there for Queen Bee, as her friend.”, Ladybug said, vanishing the drawings back into her yoyo.

The heiress stood speechless, contemplating the notion that Ladybug had made a mistake. But- but that was impossible! As childish as it sounded, Ladybug always knew what to do! Had Chloe placed her faith in someone unworthy? Or…had her exclusion carried regret? Was Queen Bee still meant to fight alongside Paris’ Guardian Duo?

The heiress didn’t need anyone to tell her what a stupid idea that was. “I am sorry, Chloe. I thought I was protecting you from Hawkmoth, but I was wrong.”, Ladybug said. The idea still didn’t sit right with her. Hadn’t Chloe been the problem this whole time? Chat Noir and Ladybug always chose exceptional, amazing people to be heroes and save Paris! From what she still remembered, Rena Rouge and Carapace had exactly the stuff that a good guy should! If she’d was never supposed to have Pollen, if it had all been a mistake, then why did Ladybug let her keep it?

For a long time after Miracle Queen, she thought she had been used. That Queen Bee existed solely whenever the heroes needed someone at least half competent for a job, meant to vanish right back into non-existence as soon as Ladybug was done with her. Part of her had felt like that before that day. But…if she was telling the truth -and her hero could never lie-, then was it really some misguided attempt to protect her? Had Chloe just…taken it the wrong way? Could a disaster of Miracle Queen proportions even happen because of a misunderstanding?

Evidently…the answer was a resounding yes. And frankly, many shitty aspects of her life had been caused by poor communication. She’d been a complete prick to Marinette all these years, because she could never muster the strength to be honest with the bluenette and just say that she was jealous. Zoe had gone just as horribly, and now her own sister was too afraid of Chloe to look her in the eye. All anyone saw of her was the Heiress of Paris, who was to be feared and obeyed. Maybe that might have been enough for her to keep pretending, to slowly inch ever closer into becoming like her mother, in an attempt to be noticed. But after everything…the façade was shattered, and the mask of perfection and prestige was gone.

“I forgive you.”, she uttered suddenly, shocked by her own words. Ladybug didn’t seem any more composed, looking at Chloe with wide eyes. “I should have trusted you more, and I am sorry. What I did was…stupid. I hurt you when all you ever did was offer me kindness and- and I just fucked you over like it meant nothing! I’m sorry!”, she cried out, letting Ladybug wrap an arm around her to hold Chloe’s body steady. Somehow…the heroine got the sense that they weren’t talking about Akuma anymore.

“Chloe…it’s okay. I promise, it’s going to alright.”, Ladybug swore in a low whisper, and it sounded like she believed it. “Just…try to be yourself. Who you want to be. Take things slow, and keep at it. Things will get better, you have my word.”, the heroine promised with glimmering, moonlit eyes and a soft kindness that the heiress had only ever seen…once before, like a ghost come back to smile with encouragement and say the words she’d always wanted to hear, the thing she’d cried herself to sleep for, begging to just get one chance to feel.

A dark cloud slowly lifted it’s hold over her mind, and the heiress found herself grinning wildly, unable to stop herself from even letting out a laugh. How long had it been, since she’d really laughed? Ladybug gave her shoulder another comforting squeeze, and vanished with a flick of the wrist, leaving behind a soft mesmerizing glow, and the moonlit impression of a pigtailed girl who had finally managed to convince Chloe Bourgeois of something. That despite everything, she was forgiven. And if her hero thought it was true, then Chloe would try to believe it too…


Alya clawed at Nino’s shoulder like a lifeline as they stepped foot inside the Cesaire home. Not bothering to announce herself, she quickly led him in the direction of her room. Any hint of composure had abandoned her features the moment Alya had been out of Adrien and Chloe’s sight, allowing exhaustion and realization to finally seep into her very soul. Lila was working with Hawkmoth. She’d stayed mostly silent before, focusing only on how to get rid of the Italian girl, doing her job like Chloe had pushed herself to. Now…now the Ladyblogger’s mind was about to explode, guilt swirling in her heart, ready to devour Alya’s entire sense of self as the facts set it.

Marinette had been right all along. Lila Rossi was the very definition of evil, and she needed to be put down. They had evidence, proof that showed everything that the bitch had done, they’d caught her red handed. And yet…a dark hiss in Alya’s mind whispered that they would never win. Lila would lie again, and go free with no consequence just like any other day. Mari’s work would be left unfinished, and more people would suffer at Rossi’s hands. There was nothing she could do. After all, a failure of a reporter like her, who’d been so absorbed by tall tales that she couldn’t even trust her own best friend…Alya would always be a disgrace. Marinette had deserved a far better best friend, someone who wouldn’t have left her when she needed them most!

What had she done? This was all her fault… And she’d dared call herself a seeker of the truth! Truth? Despairing laughter escaped her in a half-tremble as Alya shook herself away from those thoughts. There was still a job to be done. Lila still needed to be dealt with! Nobody had time for her stupid problems right now, Adrien needed her to focus on getting rid of their enemy! Or else he might never be free of her…

A gentle hand tapped her shoulder, and Nino slowly rested his forehead against her, wrapping his girlfriend in a one-armed hug. “Babe, everything’s going to be okay.”, he assured her in a brave, steadfast tone of voice that exuded so much faith that she nearly found herself believing him. “We have Lila in a corner, and it’s almost over. Just one more push is all that’s needed…”, Nino continued, but his breath hitched at the final words, posture breaking just a little, letting the false bravado fall from his face and fail him entirely. He spoke to her like he was still trying to convince himself.

Before Alya could so much as think of a reply, a pair of twin yells erupted through the household, leaving her to scramble for composure as the footsteps rushed ever closer. “Sis! Sis! Is she here? Did you bring Marinette?”, Etta shouted from across the hall, jumping into Alya for a hug. The Ladyblogger barely had time to cover the tears that nearly broke free, never mind catching the little urchin as Etta crashed against her. Ella followed suit, forcing Nino to step into her path, lest the nearby vase end up shattered on the floor.

“Ma-ri-nette! Ma-ri-nette!”, the twins chanted in unison, looking at their big sister with wide, expecting eyes. They scanned the room, finding no sign of their favorite babysitter, and again looked to their sister for answers.

Alya swallowed down her guilt, tossing it into the gaping abyss which still busied itself with consuming her soul. The twins didn’t know. Nobody had told them anything. Ever so vaguely she remembered overhearing Mom and Dad discuss it in a hushed tone, as she was laid out on the couch, her eyes having run dry and still shaking uncontrollably. With a heavy heart, Alya sighed deeply, pushing her glasses up to hide the tears clouding her vision.

“…I’m sorry, Marinette’s not here.”, she managed to say, gasping out each word as Nino took her hand in his for support. The light squeeze did nothing to reassure her, but it gave Alya a moment to breathe as Ella and Etta’s faces fell in disappointment.

“B-but Alya!”, they countered in protest, as if their older sister could magically make the bluenette appear, conjuring her into existence once more. Oh, how she wished they were right… “You promised us she would come visit! Marinette’s your best friend ever! How could she not come see us?”, Etta cried out in confusion, her mind unable to fathom a reason for the baker girl’s absence.

“Yes, yes! You two are always together, and now she’s suddenly too busy?”, Ella backed her twin up, eyes shinning brightly with a determined spark. “Why are you so sad all the time? Why is Marinette too busy to come over?”, she loudly demanded of her sister.

Alya grit her teeth as agony set her veins on fire, at the reminder of why the bluenette wasn’t here. Because of her, the snake in her mind hissed again, an ever-present demon existing solely to ensure the Ladyblogger would never forget. Her punishment, for failing Marinette. Seeing his girlfriend fall silent, hiding her face away from the twins, Nino immediately jumped into action, stepping in between Alya and the twins.

“Well…”, he scrambled for an explanation, for anything that he could tell the little girls who’d only been looking forward to seeing their favorite person in the world. Nino couldn’t quite blame them. He’d give his soul just to see Marinette one last time, and his everything to somehow fix all of this. “Mari is…away.”, he came up with, causing Etta and Ella to send him a questioning look.

Disbelief wrote itself on their faces, and Etta huffed. “But you’re all best friends!”, she stomped her foot on the hardwood floor. “Why would she leave and not tell you anything?”

A startled cry escaped Alya, and Nino hid her behind his back to draw the girls’ attention. “No, no, that’s not it!”, he told them. “Marinette has just…moved schools! She’s gone someplace faraway, for a fashion internship! It’s her dream, you know?”, he flailed his hands in a wild gesture, mimicking sewing in mid-air.

The twins stared at him in as deep a contemplation as they could muster…before Ella finally nodded her head, Etta following suit. “Okay! But will she make us dresses when she’s famous?”, the girl questioned erratically, as if afraid their favorite babysitter would forget them. Admittedly, it was silly. Marinette would never forget anyone. She was…she was the forgotten one. All of them had drifted away, abandoning her to-

“There you are, you little Sapotis! What the fluff have I told you about bothering your sister?”, Nora’s voice bellowed as she rounded the corner. “Just because you two have a day off from school doesn’t mean anyone else does! No shoo, Alya and Cappie have homework to do!”, she barked in a half-playful tone. It wasn’t exactly hard to guess the reason why, the kind of questions Nora wanted Etta and Ella to avoid for as long as humanly possible, and then a while more.

The twins stood at mock-attention and quickly ran off as Nora pretended to give chase. The older girl lingered behind, giving Alya a concerned look. “M’ fine.”, the Ladyblogger answered the unspoken question. Nora nodded ever so slowly, a show of support and assurance that Alya didn’t even have the energy to acknowledge. She was useless. Ungrateful. Everyone had bent over backwards to help her…but where had Alya been when her loved one suffered?

Nino helped her limp to the bedroom, where his girlfriend immediately collapsed on the mattress, eyes clouded with tears and going dull from the guilt. Pain rendered every muscle in her body barely functional, and all Alya could do was lay there and take it. She didn’t deserve someone to be there for her, Nino shouldn’t be wasting his time being strong when he’d loved Marinette just as much!

For his part, the DJ felt his entire body shake uncontrollably as the lie took its toll on his last bit of restraint. The final bit of light faded over the metaphorical horizon, leaving Nino in complete, absolute darkness. Alya’s cries didn’t make the moment any better, instead drowning him when all strength had long abandoned all of him. He should be there for her, Nino needed to support his girlfriend when she was in pain! He knew that, it was his job! But the fires had been dowsed by a chilling realization, that this was their life now. Marinette…the girl he’d befriended and come to love as a kind of sister…was absent. Gone was her smile, that kind look she would give to someone when they were troubled. And he would never be able to see her again. Nino knew in his very soul, that his friend was a far better person than he could ever hope to be, strong enough to keep her radiant smile and face the odds head on, to keep Lila at bay and protect the ones she cared about even when it was just them against the world. And he couldn’t even muster the ability to comfort Alya, to even wrap an arm around the love of his life and let her cry as much as she needed to.

Failure. That was the only word which could ever be a fitting description for him. And it ran deep. Nino had been failing his friends since the very beginning. He had failed to notice something was wrong with Lila. He’d failed to see through her outlandish stories and call the demon’s bluff. He’d failed to take Marinette’s side, he’d failed so badly that no matter his argument, Alya hadn’t been convinced to trust her own best friend! He failed to protect Adrien from the girl who’d been harassing him. And eventually...he’d failed to keep trying. Nino had given up, resigning himself to how things were, to a new normal and simply opting for the easiest path in front of his feet.

But…if he’d chosen to go talk to Marinette on Friday, if he’d listened to Adrien’s countless comments of disgust on his supposed crush when it came to Lila, if he’d been better at debate, if he had just acted quicker…would she still be here? Would any of them be hurting, if Marinette still stood amongst them?

For all the bastard’s faults, Monsieur Candy Cane had finally bothered to remember that his son existed, had listened to Adrien when Nino did not. Lila was being investigated by actual professionals, who would have figured all this out sooner or later. Gabriel Agreste was notoriously ruthless, and the DJ shook in dread at the mental image of what his legal team must be like. The only reason he’d ever gone along with the idea, was because he saw how Alya threw herself into this quest for answers. She needed work to function, to shut the real world out and focus on one singular objective as the days passed her by. And so, he’d stuck to his guns. Nino had dutifully stayed at his girlfriend’s side, ever-supportive and providing a shoulder for her to lean on at a moment’s notice, should something happen.

Like a man dying of hypothermia in the wilds, Nino had put every part of himself into keeping the fires alive just a moment longer, to alleviate some of the pain those he cared about were going through. He was meant to be strong, the one who could handle the trouble whence it came knocking. Clearly, Marinette’s strength far outweighed his…and now he would never get the chance to admit it to her. All Nino could even hope for was to poorly mimic the bluenette’s ability to be normal, to be okay as the world around her crumbled to dust and all her bridges were burned down, one by one. Eventually, Mari had been left alone, stranded at deep sea. And everyone who she’d saved, who should have helped, just…didn’t.

“Am I a bad friend?”, came Alya’s voice, hoarse from the sobbing and muffled screaming in her pillow.

The question stunned Nino out of him rumination, automatic denial already rolling off his tongue…and then he stopped to think about it. Were they bad friends? “I- …I’m not sure.”, he confessed in a breathless whisper. Adrien and Marinette were their two best, most important friends! But…when was the last time either of them had really smiled? Both had donned porcelain masks of perfection, of normalcy, and Nino had failed to see past it. Alya hadn’t managed to either, enthralled by unbelievable stories and a façade of mesmerizing kindness designed to lure people in…until they lost their sight.

Was it their fault? After all, they’d just been fooled! Like everyone else, Lila had managed to get them under her spell too! Wasn’t she to be condemned, the skilled and evil manipulator who’d gone so far as to ally with Hawkmoth himself? Their enemy, from their old days as Rena Rouge and Carapace? Maybe…maybe it was Lila’s fault, in the end. The blame, however unjustifiably, still felt like it rested on their shoulders, and there was nothing they could do…except carry the weight and keep walking, one step at a time.

Alya let out a deep, trembling sigh, wiping the tearstains of her glasses on the hem of her blouse. The orange and white-patched pattern that Marinette had once perfectly replicated on half a dozen copies as a birthday present for her very best friend. The Ladyblogger let out one final sob, before finally gripping blouse with both hands, gently cupping the fabric as if it was sacred. “Nino…I want to make her proud.”, she mumbled just loudly enough for him to hear. “I want to be someone who deserves to have Mari as her friend!”, Alya cried out so loudly the walls shook with her determination.

And what choice did they have? Gone as she was, all any of them could do was make Marinette proud, and be the kind of people she deserved to have as friends! Nothing could bring the bluenette back, and the very recognition of the fact sent a sharp knife directly through their hearts, twisting the barbed blade to hack away at whatever sliver of souls might remain yet unbroken. But Mari had always seen the best in people. Even in the last time they’d seen her, Alya could vividly remember that tiny ray of hope shining in the bluenette’s eyes…just before the Ladyblogger had ripped away their friendship. Alya would always hate herself for hurting Marinette, Nino would always curse every last shard of his being that he gave up on her…but Mari would hate them if they gave up on themselves. As kind and loving as the bluenette was; surely, she would raise mountains and split apart the seas to go after anyone who dared to hurt to hurt her friends…most especially if said “anyone” was a friend hurting themselves.

With this affirmation of faith in the girl who had once chosen to believe in them, Alya and Nino wrapped their arms around each other, swearing to Marinette’s memory that they would aspire to live up to the beloved friends she’d seen in them. They would finish what she had started and see Lila put away for good, and then they’d take care of their other friends…and each other.


And…scene! Finally, finally I’m done with this chapter! I’m really sorry I took so long to update, but a week away really made me struggle with how exactly to write this! Alas, ACOLL is back and I’ll keep updating in as consistent a schedule as I always have! …of course, at this point I’m pretty sure you know exactly how often that’s going to be… But anyways! There’re actually a few things I’d like to clarify about this chapter, just in case there’s any kind of confusion!

Firstly, I want to talk about Chloe. To be completely honest, I very much loved Season 2 and early Season 3 Chloe. I know it’s probably obvious by now, but I think what they tried to do with her character would have been a fantastic story that we got robbed of. So yes, Chloe Redemption is coming, it’s just slow considering where exactly she stands right now. Unfortunately, the poor girl blames herself for Marinette’s “death”, and it’s causing quite the mountain of mental health problems for her. Considering Andre’s distant approach to dealing with her, because even if he’s better than Audrey by a large margin, the man did still raise her to be a spoiled, selfish brat, it’s not exactly hard to see where a large part of her “mean girl” persona comes from, especially when she’s hurting. My personal headcanon is that after Miracle Queen Chloe defaulted back to what she knew, desperately throwing herself into the Queen B persona she’d been living in as a way to hide from her feelings. This led to her getting progressively worse, culminating in Queen Banana, which was the turning point where she went completely off the rails, leading to Season 5 Chloe we all know and hate. In this fic there was something to shake her out of that behavior, no matter how sudden and violent a reality-check Mari’s “death” was for her.

Secondly, let’s chat about Samantha for a minute. Admittedly her segment in this chapter is more of a prelude to the new parts of her personality, especially the casual Ladybug snark we saw her use on Adrien last chapter. She’s beginning to drop the last shreds of “perfection” and allowing herself to be snippy and mess around if she feels like. Ladybug isn’t of course mean by any metric, she’s just finally free to act how she wants instead of how people expect. And since I didn’t want there to be a drastic personality shift off screen, I had her torment poor Eliot the store clerk for a bit. My apologies to anyone working customer service.

About Ladybug’s new suit, I’m relatively sure I gave a pretty good description of it. In this fic the original suit stuck, since she never powered up on Mister Pigeon 72, because Alya wasn’t there to help. Therefore, Marinette never evolved and the insecurities and uncertainties which inspired her bland suit from origins, what she in her mind saw a superhero to be all the way back then, stuck with her all this time. Only now that Samantha is finally free from her old life and there’s no secrets between her and Chat does Ladybug’s suit change to one similar of her Season 4 outfit, but with minor differences. There is of course the braid, a callback to a more open and carefree Ladynoir, and the black accents of her new outfit as an homage to embracing her artistic nature! I hope you like the design, even if I couldn’t show you since I am no good at drawing.

Thirdly, Alya and Nino. As unexpected as it might be for them to have a somewhat uplifting moment into what was absolutely leading to yet another spiral of depression, I thought it was about time they start sorting through their issues together, as a team. Ironically part of the problem is that they already see Marinette as the persona of perfection she’d been putting up for so long, but this inspires them to stop moping around and blaming themselves. Instead they accept that they were at fault, but instead of letting it torment them for the umpteenth time the two instead feel a need to live up to the good, kind and righteous people Marinette saw her best friends as. This obviously comes with its own set of complications, but it’s a good spin on a trope that was getting a bit stale after Alya’s forth breakdown. And on a more meta standpoint, I need to start moving away from the aftermath itself and more towards the characters as people, outside of how they’re affected. Which means a lot of complicated storylines for me to write, and for you to enjoy!

Lastly, rest assured the plot is moving forward next chapter! As is (accidental) tradition, a Gabriel chapter closes out our Monday, and we move onto the future! I haven’t forgotten Lila, but there’s a couple things that need to be shown in the Agreste household before moving to the funeral and then the trial itself, which is bound to happen…considering Gabriel’s legal team is no joke.

Anyways, I’ll be seeing you all next chapter (or in the one shot if anyone here decides to check it out!), but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 14: Thawed out Hearts


Gabriel Agreste awakens to find Shadowmoth still haunting his every step, and is forced to confront the demon his obssesions have turned him into. Madness and Insanity battle with Promise and Light, but the war for Hawkmoth's mind is far from over.

Meanwhile, Nathalie comes to realizations about herself and her actions as Mayura, wondering where it all went wrong. As she attempts to wrap her head around the past, Mayura catches wind of a terrifying, life-altering secret that could change the Agreste Family forever...


Hello everyone, and welcome once again to this (and I swear I am running out of ways to describe this fic) absolute Chat Blanc-level disaster of a story, where the plot finally picks up again! I swear I’m not doing this on purpose, but somehow, I end up closing off segments of this fic with Gabriel chapters, and they tend to be the most plot-heavy of the bunch. Perhaps it’s slowly becoming a tradition? Oh well, I’m sure our favorite traumatized butterfly man is doing okay! …or not.

Side note! I actually went to rewatch a couple episodes from Season 1…and Gabriel repeatedly mentions wanting to rule the world in Evillustrator, Timebreaker and a few other episodes just to name a few? Apparently, I just…failed to notice that in all my years of being a Miraculous Fan. Great. Just great. For the purposes of this fic, it’s actually further evidence of his misuse of Nooroo’s powers corrupting him, but I need to have a serious word with the writing team at this point.

Also, since I don’t have anything major to talk about in this intro, I’d like to clear something up from last chapter! The reason I’m not updating the end notes by the way is because I have like…60 free characters and that’s not nearly enough to have a real discussion. It’s just a clarification, but Nino and Alya’s decision last chapter wasn’t meant to be so much a character shift as it was a tonal shift in how they’re presented. Yes, the guilt of failing Marinette is absolutely still there as it has been since chapter 4, it’s just now manifesting in a desire to push themselves into the versions of Alya and Nino that they think Mari saw them as, essentially the perfect friends who can never do wrong and are beloved by everyone. …I don’t think I need to explain how ironic this situation is. Rest assured their angst is far from over, I simply wanted to let you guys know I’m not giving these kids any semblance of mental stability so easily!

Note: I know there’s been another recent timeline retcon with Miraculous. Considering that not even Tomas knows what’s really going on there, I’ll simply ignore it. As a reminder, Emilie was gone for around a year and a bit before Origins happened, and it’s been almost two years since then, tallying just below three years total, in case someone doesn’t remember. Also, I’ll be including some elements of Season 5 in this fic, but absolutely not in the way they originally were…with barely two exceptions, if you can call them that. Just keep it mind!

Trigger warnings: Blood, gore, depicted murder, stabbing, beheading, way too much blood, hallucinations, self-blame, self-hatred, and general mental despair. None of the physical harm is real, but still absolutely needs to be warned of.

Anyways! In today’s speedrun towards causing emotional damages greater than Lila Rossi’s entire existence, Emilie continues to rip off sleeping beauty, Gabriel has a fight with Dark Link and talks to a corpse in his basement, Adrien’s catsuit makes a dramatic comeback, Nooroo dumps a bucket of liquid lore on our heads, Hawkmoth has severe PTSD, Nathalie has a revelation, and Mayura…probably needs a raise.

Without further ado…let’s jump straight into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gabriel had barely slept a wink last night. Even exhausted as he was, how could any man sleep with Shadowmoth’s ghost banging on his windows, the hideous monstrosity of Gabriel’s own creation coming at him with the same frenzy he’d used against Ladybug and Chat Noir? Thankfully the night lacked another storm, or else Hawkmoth was at least half certain he would have gone entirely insane. Gabriel was not delusional enough to think he possessed common sense after nearly two years of terrorizing his own city.

Nevertheless, he pushed himself out of bed, ignoring the sweat on his brow and sparing nary a glance to the hints of fading warmth on its other side. He didn’t remember Nathalie sleeping next to him…he remembered nothing at all other than stumbling into his room after locking Shadowmoth outside in the storm. The sun’s rays barely shone from beyond the skyline, daytime slowly creeping closer. His assistant -best friend, Gabriel’s mind whispered- was nowhere to be seen, and her exoskeleton was missing from its place near the nightstand. Probably at her desk, then.

Shaking his head, Hawkmoth dragged his feet towards the nearest bathroom. For a moment he hesitated. Reaching out with the Butterfly, he felt for Nathalie’s presence, typing away at her desk, and ever so calmly reached out with a mental hello. She startled, inhaling sharply, but clumsily sent back the mental image of her smile. A chill that had begun to take form on Gabriel’s spine dissipated, thawed out by her warmth. Straightening his back, Hawkmoth took a deep breath…and stepped through the precipice.

Contrary to what he’d half expected, it was almost comically normal. It occurred to Gabriel that yet again, the world was moving ever onwards, leaving Shadowmoth’s victim to be easily forgotten in some vague past, which happened long ago. The automatic lights flickered on, and Hawkmoth felt the clothes he was wearing stick to his skin. Not bothering to conceal his disgust, the fashion designer dragged himself towards the tub, testing the waters by letting the tap run for a few seconds.

What liquid came out…was not water. Gabriel stumbled back as the showerhead began to leak a viscous crimson, the drops quickly coagulating into a tub filled with blood. Barely managing to hold himself against the wall, Hawkmoth was powerless to stop the blob he saw forming. The blood shifted amidst itself, quickly taking a shape he knew all too well. The thin surface of the liquid slid back into the mold, only to reveal the form of Marinette Dupain Cheng underneath. The girl’s eyes widened impossibly as she caught wind of his presence, and Gabriel felt air leaving his lungs in a gasp. He heaved himself towards her, reaching out just to get close- but the moment his fingers made contact, in a desperate attempt to try and tell her that he meant no harm, that he never wanted to- a cane erupted from her chest, nearly hacking off Gabriel’s arm.

Marinette’s blood leaked down from her wound, twisting in mid-air as if pulled together by some demonic force…and forming an equally accursed figure. Shadowmoth appeared from behind the girl, his stare burning a hole in Gabriel’s soul, making his blood burn as the pain came back in a wave of ceaseless agony…and it made Hawkmoth scream.

“Did you really think you could get away?”, Shadowmoth’s voice came out, cold like the freezing hail of raindrops Gabriel had locked him out in last night.

Gabriel grit his teeth, fighting through the pain as flames ignited inside his veins, and took one long look at his Miraculous. No. He would not let that thing be in control again. He was Gabriel Agreste! And nobody could defeat him. “Nooroo…”, he gasped out, the Kwami flying out of his shirt pocket and frantically searching the room in worry. To him, the tub was nearly overflowing with water. Master was staring at it intensely, as if it were the object of his personal hatred, and his hands were shaking, fists clenched as if in great pain. The God of Transmission tried to ask what the matter was-

“Dark Wings Rise!” But he was sucked into his broken Miraculous, vainly trying to shout out for Gabriel to stop, but Nooroo never got a word out as he fell inside the cracked brooch, and was again surrounded by feelings of absolute suffering.

Marinette Dupain Cheng was a name he would never forget. For all the things Master had made him do, for all he too had suffered as the Butterfly Miraculous became more and more corrupt with blind desperation, turning a single-minded desire to return a loved one into an unceasing hunger, an endless lust for the Holder’s ultimate power, with their once goal reduced to a mere excuse, and the person his humans once were into…something else, that girl would forever stain the Kwami’s memory.

She was his victim as much as she was Shadowmoth’s. Not that Nooroo had wanted to hurt her, he never wanted anyone to be in pain! But…miss Marinette, the person Master’s son had so admired, miss Nathalie considered a fine young woman, and that Gabriel himself once held in such regard…that blood would always be on his nonexistent hands. Because he had failed, again! All throughout history, one Miraculous or the other happened to fall prey to someone with a rotten heart, or a good holder who became a shadow of their former self, that changed beyond what even Fluff’s concept of Evolution was meant to entail. On the first case, there was nothing a Kwami could do. It was widely accepted as fact, and their brethren would always be forgiven…but on the latter… They’d all been through it, at least once.

Trixx with Napoleon, a valiant hero chosen to raise France to new and greater heights…who in the end only reached the height of arrogance, and ended up falling from grace to the dark pits of ambition. It was historically obvious, what consequences had come of his reign. Loong with the Ghost in Japan, a selfless Samurai who had worked to stop the Mongol invasion, but ended up betraying his code of honor and was exiled for using methods of trickery, admittedly necessary against the trespassers. In hindsight Loong had since realized his mistake, to hold his concept of Honor above the lives his Chosen was meant to protect. At the time however, Ghost had lashed out, feeling hurt and betrayed by his own guardian spirit, and elected to tear through the entire Mongol force on his own.

In his anger, the man failed…and had it not been for a stroke of neigh unbelievable luck -courtesy of Tikki’s own chosen at the time-, the Dragon Miraculous may have ended up being abused in the conquest of Japan. Plagg’s chosen, Pontiff Sullivan. A young nobleman seeking adventure in the Middle Ages, who’d gone to explore the world and even rescued the Kwami of Destruction when his ring had fallen into the hands of an apostate knight…only to grow cold and vile as he became unimpressed with the pain and suffering he discovered. Electing to change the kingdom itself, he’d taken to using Plagg’s power against oppressors and tyrant Lords, but in the end became one himself, in the name of paranoia and the “security” of his own people. Nooroo could begin listing the others as well, but frankly there was no need to ruminate on the past. The present was important, for never had the consequences of a Kwami’s failure been felt so directly before, as to harm their very essence, their being. A Miraculous was never broken in quite this way, not in all of Creation.

And the God of Transmission felt the mortal girl’s agony. Such great despair had possessed her in those final few moments, and not a word existed outside eldritch tongue that could ever hope to articulate what this poor soul had been put through. Those scalding glares which had once become the bane of her very existence set Nooroo’s wings aflame, and the poisonous snake that had sickened her friends’ hearts had slipped venom down the Kwami’s throat. That was how being inside his jewel had felt the past few days, and transforming was infinitely worse. But due to Master’s orders, all Nooroo could do was sit there and take it, hoping perhaps in naivety that Gabriel’s recent change would overcome the madness which still prowled this human like a starving beast.

Hawkmoth’s form finally unveiled itself from beyond bright purple light, and Gabriel snarled at the monster. The thing he had let control him for nearly three years now. First it had been subtle, until the designer grew unable to tell up from down, and for that matter right from wrong. All he got in response was an ear-splitting cackle. Before he could try again to move, Shadowmoth retracted his cane, letting Marinette’s body fall and splitting head from neck with a flick of his fan.

The body -corpse, his mind supplied- dissipated, blood dropping back into the bathtub and finally being enough for it to overflow. The viscous liquid spread across the floor in nearly an instant, pooling around Hawkmoth’s legs as if it beckoned him to join the life he took away, and in another life, Gabriel may have perhaps agreed, letting himself fall to his knees and being held accountable for his crime…but he had a reason to be here, to go on. Adrien, he reminder himself. Hawkmoth may have been many things, but Gabriel Agreste never broke his promises.

“Goodbye, Adrien.”, came Marinette Dupain Cheng’s voice, the disembodied head fading into a bleeding red abyss. The inferno inside of his body ignited, as it had on that very night. Hawkmoth’s blood was on fire, and even as he felt raindrops fall on him from above, they were sharp as knives, digging into his skin and cutting at his soul.

Shadowmoth cackled again, the sound grating Gabriel’s ears as the monster’s chilling voice sent an ice spike down his spine. “You did this. You are responsible! You’re using her as an excuse! All of this, for Emilie?, came another bout of mad laughter. The drops of blood finally fell from Shadowmoth’s suit, revealing the dark purple underneath. The monster opened his fan to hide nose and mouth, forcing Gabriel to look into his own eyes, only bloodshot, and besieged by the insanity that he’d only barely shaken himself out of.

Or rather…that he’d been shaken out of. Forcing calmness onto his face, Hawkmoth batted away the fan and jabbed at Shadowmoth, but the thing just took it head on, with only whiffs of dark smoke coming out from the wound in his chest. “I am.”, Gabriel simply admitted, pretending that fear was not gnawing at his heart. “But I am also a father. And I will do whatever is necessary to protect my son!”, he boldly proclaimed, thrusting his weapon even deeper into the monster’s lungs.

Abyssal darkness cradled Shadowmoth as he faded away in a whirlwind of blackness, leaving behind nothing as he emerged from behind Hawkmoth, stabbing at his back and forcing Gabriel to parry. Shadowmoth pushed on, gritting his teeth and giving his counterpart a maddened, scalding glare. An emotion came to Hawkmoth, heart clenching in despair as all friends delivered much the same look, bearing holes into Marinette’s heart as her feet gave out and-

“And I am what you made me!”, the monster snarled, retracting his cane and slicing at Gabriel’s neck with his fan. Hawkmoth ducked as Shadowmoth vanished again, and this time twirled around before stabbing straight ahead the moment the thing rematerialized. The showerhead was caught in the crossfire, breaking and dousing them both in flaming blood, but Gabriel ignored the inferno in his veins. He would never lose control again!

Shadowmoth dodged to the side and flipped the air, landing right in front of the mirror as Gabriel overextended his stab, nailing his cane into the wall. The thing leveled its weapon against his throat, cackling maniacally as blood leaked from its eyes. In less than a second, dark smoke erupted from the bleeding wound in its chest, enveloping Shadowmoth and leaving only Gabriel Agreste in his place…albeit…different. The man’s eyes looked dull and his hair was slightly greying if one looked under the right light, his posture forcefully composed and even the tiniest twitch of his eye seeming…lifeless, for lack of a better term.

Madness had given way to…the mask, he realized. This was who Adrien saw, every morning and every afternoon, when his son would come home to an empty house. “Do you think they’ll even notice if I kill you?”, the monster taunted in a toneless replica of Hawkmoth’s own voice. “I will always be waiting for you Gabriel, I am you, have been for so long that nobody even knows who you used to be!”, it snarls with a sickening vileness hidden behind expressionless eyes.

For a moment, Hawkmoth is stunned. Shadowmoth…isn’t wrong. Who was he really, beyond his misuse of Nooroo’s Miraculous? Nathalie had tolerated him, perhaps only for Adrien’s sake, for him to avoid consequences born from their blood connection. His son…clearly expected nothing from him at this point. Gabriel had seen it these past few days, more clearly than ever before. Adrien is scared, even terrified of his own father! Their every interaction, all instances of even basic kindness towards his son have been met with wonder and shock, as if it’s nearly inconceivable for Gabriel Agreste to act this way.

“Surprised, are we?”, the thing mocked him with false sympathy. “Your pathetic excuse of a son isn’t even real! Tomoe was right about you Gabriel, caring for a tool is weakness! The fake Gabriel gave him the most crooked grin human muscles could muster, and then evolved it into Shadowmoth’s trademark smirk, letting its wretched fangs show to the world. “Adrien will never even think that something is wrong…after all, he knows me, does he not?”, it laughs, causing Hawkmoth to hack at it with a wild frenzy!

Nobody would hurt his son! Adrien didn’t deserve someone treating him like a trophy, or a mannequin! He was Emilie’s son; he was Gabriel’s son! How dare- How dare he forget about it? How could Gabriel have ever forgotten his own son? Adrien mattered to him, beyond anything else in this world except only his mother! And…he’d been hurting his son all along, hadn’t he? This…monster. It was him; the thing Gabriel had become in his obsession. He’d ignored, hurt, neglected, and tormented his own son, shunning him, depriving Adrien of his friends, locking him inside his room…all in the name of some foolhardy hope to “make things right”.

What would have become of them both, if only Hawkmoth never existed? If Gabriel had managed to put the past behind him, or to at least rise above the grief which clouded his vision? He should have treated Adrien better. He should have supported his son. He should have gone to parent-teacher conferences…he should have been better. After all, wasn’t it Adrien who’d encouraged him to move on, albeit with a ludicrous idea of turning his gaze to Nathalie? As ridiculous as the thought was, to consider his lifelong friend in such a way…his son had already begun to leave the past behind him, to walk away into a new day, much like the rest of the world. Gabriel on the other hand…

“The past, a seductive illusion, can lure us into a state of stagnation. Yet, when we fail to move forward, we may unknowingly shatter the dreams and aspirations of those who walk alongside us, victims of our own fixation on what cannot be changed.”

And that was still true. It was the reason Marinette Dupain Cheng had died, his fixation, his obsession, the insanity that Shadowmoth had been born from. And this thing standing in front of Gabriel Agreste…he realized it was no monster. He blinked, again and again until the Gabriel with the bloodshot eyes began to fade away, finally letting Hawkmoth see his own reflection in the cracked mirror. The image did not change, still showing jagged, cutting edges that would draw blood if one got too close, broken so far beyond repair that all anyone could do was have it replaced.

Gabriel had been replaced. Shattered and dying as his soul was, he still sought to present a perfect front, uselessly covering up the jagged edges of his being and fooling those he cared for into cutting themselves on the broken glass. It was why he shied away from his son that first year, frantically running himself ragged in the atelier, desperately rummaging through an indecipherable book as if it held the secrets of the very universe. And then he’d remembered Nooroo. Both Miraculous had been laying dormant ever since that day, the last time he’d seen Emilie’s bright green eyes, looking at him with such love and kindness that Gabriel truly believed she would be okay, when she lied to him.

They’d both known it then, that she was barely an hour away from dy- disappearing. Hawkmoth looked at the reflection in the cracked mirror, and saw Gabriel stare back at him, not with a villainous smile and an Akuma in hand -as some absolute evil to contend with-, but as himself. And that cut him far deeper than any shard ever could. What had he done?

All of this, all of it…had never been for Emilie, hadn’t it? He wanted her back; he had sworn to do whatever necessary to awaken his wife. All she had ever cared about was what would become of their beloved son. In response, Gabriel had gone and abandoned his boy, forgetting the world and deluding himself into thinking that the world would bend and break until he got his way. But…life had taught him otherwise. Shadowmoth had come to believe that sacrifices were necessary…and they sometimes were, but the price had always been far too high. Gabriel had waved away concerns and questions from both his Kwami and his partner, ignoring waving red flags more deeply crimson than the blood on his hands, just to stay in the dream a moment longer.

And now…it had become a waking Nightmare. The world had naturally resisted Hawkmoth’s stubbornness, for it was in its nature to always move to the future. Hence why every day was a new day, the saying had to come from somewhere. And Shadowmoth…had been what Gabriel made of him. Of himself, letting the madness, desperation, and later the neigh-intoxicating power of the Butterfly, of having control again, over emotions, people, the world that had dared to rob him of his beloved Emilie…and the man she had fallen in love with practically shot himself in the foot and fell face-first onto Hawkmoth’s cane.

Gabriel felt a wetness around his shoes, and looked down to his feet. Water. Oh. Right, this was a bathroom. He’d…gone to take a shower, had he not? Suddenly, Hawkmoth’s transformation faded as darkness released it’s hold of his soul, as Gabriel remembered who he was amidst his swirling thoughts. Nooroo flung himself out of the cracked jewel, dropping on the flat surface of the sink like a puppet cut from its strings. The Kwami panted, eyes wide but unseeing, and Gabriel slowly -and ever so gently- picked the little God up, tucking him inside his palm and carefully walking back into the hallway.


Nathalie indeed was sitting at her desk when he passed by, sending her boss a curious look and receiving a tired sigh in return. In one hand, Nooroo rested in his open palm. In the other Gabriel was holding a soft towel. She didn’t disturb his as he walked back into his room, and back out again sans Kwami and towel, this time equipped with a bigger one, and also a clean change of his usual outfit. If there was one thing Shadowmoth could be thanked for, it was his preference for wasting as little time as possible, and therefore the commission of many, many identical suits for Gabriel Agreste.

Ignoring the hostile thought of where exactly she’d rather that change of clothes end up, Nathalie focused her eyes on the email in front of her. She tuned out the outside world, squinting and reading each letter separately, carefully considering the matter of tax returns at this ungodly morning hour, because that was simply the life of an assistant! As she was! That was her, Nathalie Sancoeur the assistant and employee, who sometimes happened to indulge Adrien if he needed something. There was nothing else to be found here, most certainly not that the love of her life -as taboo as that topic already was- and the father of the kid she’d come to care a great deal for was a murderer! She wasn’t breathing heavily, she wasn’t panicking at the sight of Gabriel Agreste, whose coldness had been worrying her for months now until it finally culminated in the -albeit accidental- murder of the girl his son had been not so secretly enamored with!

“…lie? Nathalie!”, Gabriel’s voice snapped from behind her, making the assistant jump up from her desk chair. Instead of the half-expected mask of cold indifference and barely concealed supervillainy, what she saw instead was…worry, in his eyes. His blue eyes, after almost a year since they’d first begun to lose their color. Gabriel cleared his throat, and she realized she’d been staring at his face.

“Um! Good morning, sir!”, she blurred out in a startled imitation of her overly professional tone, back before Mayura had even been conceived as an idea. Back when Nathalie still pretended she didn’t know what was happening below this very house, and tried to maintain a sense of normalcy for her boss’ son. Back when she hadn’t grown to care for Adrien like a m- like an emotionally attached assistant who was in no way replacing Emilie!

Gabriel shot her a look, like he had skimmed through her thoughts. It was a pure deadpan, but from years of experience Nathalie knew it came from exhaustion, and that she hadn’t been caught red-…thoughted? “Nathalie…”, he breathed out her name, “are you alright? I- I know everything that’s happened is…”, Gabriel trailed off, cautiously reaching out for her hand.

She pulled it away, nodding a rushed affirmative at him. He looked at her again, but said nothing, instead sighing deeply as he began to turn away. Good. For now, at least for just this morning, they could pretend things were somewhat normal. That they were just Monsieur Agreste and his assistant, working on regular fashion business, and that he hadn’t taken anyone’s life just a few days prior. That she hadn’t helped ki- …that everything was okay. Adrien seemed to be fine, for lack of a better word, and Nathalie would focus on his wellbeing. She and Gabriel were the adults here, this was purely their problem.

“Very well.”, Gabriel cut off her train of thought, “Could you please check on Adrien for me? I will…I need to go in the Atelier for a short while. Busy day, I’m sure you understand.”, he gave a tiny smile, almost imperceivable yet so very sincere. He’d acquiesced, perfectly willing to let the fragile illusion of normality live on just a bit longer. Maybe…maybe that said something about Gabriel Agreste, the more she thought about it.

“Of course, sir. I’ll go right away.”, Nathalie replied with practiced ease, and quickly wandered away, ignoring the lack of heels clicking against the floor. The familiar sound which accompanied her at every moment of the day for years on end, replaced by the metallic clanks of the exoskeleton she needed to walk. Because of Mayura. Because she’d made the mistake of falling in love again. Gabriel gave her retreating form a long look, but eventually sighed and continued his stride to the nearest bathroom, one without a broken showerhead that is. He…would have to pay for that wouldn’t he? Perhaps there was a way to take a sum from Rossi’s salary?  

Nathalie nonetheless elected to take a moment and breathe, before going to see Adrien. He was probably still asleep, she reasoned. He would hate her if she gave something away, she feared. So instead of knocking on the boy’s door, she slowly wandered over to her room and unceremoniously flopped on the bed, after taking off the exoskeleton. The first time muscle memory had caught her off guard with that thing on had been…unpleasant, to say the least.

She just…didn’t know what to think anymore. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she considered everything that had led up to this point, sighing deeply. What the hell had she gotten into now? At first things had seemed almost reasonable, assuming anything about magic jewelry and reviving people with a world-altering wish could ever be called “reasonable”. Maybe simple was a better word. Yes, simple. Gabriel would create an Akuma, whoever had the Ladybug and Cat Miraculous would surely come to investigate, they’d track them down and use those powers to bring Emilie back. Nathalie was already well aware of how desperate Gabriel had been even at the beginning, but a part of her also wanted to bring her old friend back. For the sake of the man she loved, and the young boy who’d been left behind.

At first, she’d tried to be professional. Nathalie and Adrien had always been a bit…odd, when it came to their relationship. She’d been there for most of his life, living with the Agreste family, and was generally fond of the little kid Emilie would play around with in the garden, or Gabriel would reluctantly leave his work for, sighing deeply but shaking his head to hide a warm smile every time. To see him so hurt and alone after Emilie “disappeared”, and Gabriel sank into both his work, as well as the vain hope that his wife could somehow be brought back…it forced Nathalie to step in and try to fill a pair of shoes too ill-fitting for her, a role that she’d never even wanted in the first place.

She wasn’t a mother, and given how Gabriel reacted whenever Adrien so much as mentioned the concept of moving on…Nathalie didn’t want to be. She was just the family friend, there to assist in both professional and personal capacity. But…after Catalyst and Mayura…everything changed. A raspy cough died out in her throat; Nathalie barely managed to stifle it. What had she done? The power of a Miraculous really was intoxicating, she thought. Mayura first appeared as a last resort, as a decision born of -ironically- emotion, the deep and forbidden love she’d felt for Gabriel all these years. And Nathalie Sancoeur really did love Gabriel Agreste.

Before all of this, it had been just the three of them. Always Emilie, Nathalie and Gabriel. A trio of friends pursuing their dreams and sharing their passions, a dramatic duo she had bumped into on her first job that changed her life. Nathalie sometimes couldn’t tell if it had ever been for the better. But…back then, something clicked, between them. Emilie, the budding actress starring her first movie role in a film made by a then shy and timid Andre Bourgeois. Gabriel, the newly-hired costume designer who’d impressed Andre’s girlfriend so much, she simply had to hire him for the movie. Audrey…even then, Nathalie had known the woman would spell trouble, but there was nothing she could have done in hindsight. She was just the accountant, fresh out of college and a little desperate to get her first paycheck at the end of it all.

And now, laying down on a bed inside Gabriel Agreste’s mansion, with Emilie’s body underneath her feet, and with an illness no medicine could ever hope to cure…Nathalie still didn’t have regrets. Not even for Mayura, come to think of it. Aside from her love, both her personas had only ever desired to see Gabriel smile again, with as much warmth and kindness as he used to when Adrien was still a little boy. Acceptance had come years ago; Nathalie had known she would never have him when Emilie first confided in her the feelings she secretly held for their then new friend. And who was she, to stand in the way of their happiness? Gabriel and Emilie had helped Nathalie Sancoeur more than she had ever dared to express. The emotive, warm duo of friends had thawed out the ice around her heart, once a measure to ward off all those who deign approach with false smiles and fake promises. They had reminded her what love was. How could she possibly stand in the way of their union, when it brought such bright smiles to their features?

No, meeting Emilie and Gabriel had been worth it. Befriending them had been a joy. Being invited to work for them, saved from some boring accounting job that would slowly drain away every vestige of her soul…coming to live with them in this house, being there for her friends and their son…Nathalie Sancoeur would do it all again, without a second thought. Even Mayura had been worth it, in hindsight. She was under no delusion of being a good or even moral person, but the choice had been made. Maybe she was selfish, maybe it was even slightly evil. But Nathalie had looked out to the world, and then to the Agrestes. The choice had been downright obvious.

But. Choices always came with a but, a consequence often unforeseen. And she could see it now, clear as day. How the choices all of them had made, how Gabriel’s choice to don the mask and her choice to not only encourage him, but disregard the warnings and end up falling ill had brought this upon them. The consequence’s name was Marinette Dupain Cheng, and Nathalie didn’t think she could ever forget. Every Akuma attack was something she could tolerate, turn a blind eye to. Gabriel lost every time, and Ladybug simply reset the world with the power of the Miraculous, made it so nobody was ever hurt beyond a couple night terrors at most. And if they’d ever managed to win, Nathalie had always trusted Gabriel to know what he was doing, or come to her and figure it out together. Despite appearances, he was always like that, from the very start. A heart of creative passion and communal work, often requiring a second set of eyes to see the flaw in a plan but ultimately agreeing to step back and think things through. Much like designing, in a sense. When one looked at the sketch of an outfit for too long, the little details sometimes escaped them.

She’d always been confident that would happen eventually. That regardless of how often Akuma were defeated, Gabriel would eventually win, and come to her so they could finally fix it. Recently…the past seven months had left her uncertain, for the first time in years. Shadowmoth had made his debut, and Mayura had trusted him to know what he doing, for the umpteenth time. Only, this time there had been a contingency in place. A Sentimonster made to follow the temporary heroes before she handed over her Miraculous to Gabriel, trying to find out again and again what connection they had to Ladybug and Chat Noir. It had all culminated in Audrey’s re-akumatization into Style Queen, and yet yielded nothing. Not once did either of them call in an auxiliary teammate, not in all the four or so months between Shadowmoth’s first appearance and their implementation of her final plan.

Nathalie hadn’t told Gabriel about it until the very last moment. Something was different about Shadowmoth, a miniscule hue off dullness and indifference in his eyes that she’d never quite managed to catch, that she’d convinced herself was a mere trick of the light. Before he’d fused the Miraculous together, Gabriel had started being a bit…off at times. Nathalie reasoned it was fatigue, like the aftermath of Catalyst’s first appearance. She thought he might simply be pushing himself to the limit, even somewhat blamed herself for falling ill and not only being helpless, but also causing him further distress.

Now she could see it, no glasses needed. Gabriel was sick too, in a way neither of them could ever have anticipated. He’d started drawing away from her, donning his false trait of a recluse in private, even between the two of them. He needed more time, he would say. Just one more attempt, he’d tell her. Only now did she realize that the warm smile of the man she loved was long gone, instead slowly replaced by a crooked grin that etched itself upon his face, alongside a glint of madness in Gabriel’s eyes.

Hawkmoth had done something to him, Shadowmoth had merely been the culmination, the accumulated vileness that had been festering like a rotting sickness finally breaking completely free…and here they were. With Nathalie bedridden and barely able to function, Adrien shying away from her and falling into what she thought might be depression, and a dead girl who had nothing to do with any of this. Marinette Dupain Cheng was Mayura’s victim as much as she was Shadowmoth’s, Nathalie was completely sure of it.

Last night when Gabriel had confessed to her his crime, she’d blocked out every thought and hyper-focused on being helpful, on consoling her old friend, on assisting as she always would. Now that there was finally time to think…Nathalie Sancoeur was confronted with the facts. Despite her efforts to keep a distance, she’d grown to care for Adrien Agreste. The young boy, now growing into a man had his mother’s eyes and his father’s kind smile, represented all the goodness that she craved to again see in Gabriel. And…she couldn’t stand by as things began to go too far. Often, she would remind her friend these past few months, especially weeks to go and speak with his son, to spend time with the kid who only yearned to see him. Gabriel would tonelessly respond with a promise to consider it, waving her away and returning to his “work”. Nathalie had been left without a choice, and eventually pushed herself to finally try on those shoes one more time, for Adrien’s sake. Indeed, she loved the boy like he was her own, in a way that she didn’t have a right to…and she’d also allowed Gabriel to kill his best friend.

Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead, and Gabriel Agreste had pulled the trigger. Or rather…the thing Gabriel had been consumed by had slaughtered the poor girl, one of the few topics of conversation that would make Adrien laugh in those daily hours where he’d come to check on her, risking his father’s ire and yet facing the odds with a bright smile every time. After so long…Nathalie had almost forgotten what Gabriel’s smile looked like, until she saw it just now. His dull, faded eyes had returned with a vengeance, bright blue splashing across his irises with an invigorating sense of self, like he was finally back after nearly three whole years.

All it had taken was guilt great enough to kill Shadowmoth. And miss Marinette remained simply a consequence, unwanted collateral in this battle of madness Gabriel was fighting inside his own head. Thankfully…he seemed to have won. That smile made Nathalie think the kind man she’d fallen for had returned at last, but the rational part of her brain reasoned she needed to wait before jumping to conclusions. Not to give way to Adrien’s own fears, but for his sake, Mayura had to make sure Shadowmoth was truly slain and gone, and if the beast dared to return…she would fight tooth and fan, to the last breath, in order to protect Adrien from Gabriel Agreste’s killer.

If only she’d thought to try and save the boy sooner. Nathalie remembered the blue-haired girl in Adrien’s class. She’d listened to him talk about her time and time again, but one memory in particular stuck out. And in the height of all irony, it was about Gabriel.

On the day after that disaster of a birthday party, with Bubbler defeated and Adrien preparing to go back to school, Nathalie sat at her desk pretending to type away at the computer screen. In truth, her thoughts still drifted to what she’d gone and done just hours before, in her desperation.

Adrien practically skipped downstairs with a bright smile on his face, a happy grin that she hadn’t seen in over a year now, ever since… “Nathalie, good morning!”, he practically chirped at her, and she noticed he was wearing a scarf. The scarf. “Did you see the birthday present Father made me? It’s amazing! Could you-”, he paused for a moment, and she nodded to show she wasn’t busy. Well, she was, but the interruption was fine by her. “Could you please thank him for me?”, he asked in a hesitant tone, with wide eyes and a slight bit of hopefulness leaking in his voice.  

“Y-yes, most certainly.”, she’d hurried to respond and maintain the professional barrier, trying not to think about what exactly she’d gone and done. Nathalie knew very well the gift was in fact stolen. She had removed the card addressed to Adrien from his friend, the blue-haired girl who must have been a classmate. “I will make sure your father is made aware, you need not worry.”, she added quickly in dismissal. Oddly enough, these cues were easy to pick up for Adrien. Nathalie…tried not to think about that either.

“Thank you!”, he said in a voice truly grateful, before rushing outside and onwards to the start of new day. What was he thanking her for, stealing his classmate’s thoughtful gift? Nathalie had half a mind to call out to Adrien, to let him know the truth…but he looked so happy to get a gift from Gabriel, she couldn’t bring herself to break his heart.

Evidently neither could miss Marinette, as she learned that same afternoon when Adrien mentioned her complimenting the scarf…and most importantly, not correcting him about its origin. The next time she’d seen the girl was at a fashion competition she had won, and Marinette didn’t look at her with any degree of annoyance or even the tiniest hint of dislike, as if Nathalie had been completely forgiven for her transgressions long ago.

The worst part was that miss Dupain Cheng was a compassionate, empathetic and frankly wonderful girl for Adrien to make friends with. Their recent closeness more than proved it, and from the mere glimpses Nathalie had gotten of her, she knew that Marinette would forgive her in a heartbeat, even for this. That girl had lost everything. Her friends, her family, her future, her life. All because of the choices made by people she didn’t know, completely outside of her control. And yet Nathalie Sancoeur would still be absolved of all blame, were there some way for Adrien’s friend to speak with her. Ugh…how did Gabriel ever manage to smile knowing this?


Nooroo found himself laying on something warm, and incredibly soft. The Kwami hesitantly opened one eye, unwilling to leave his rest behind. This…looked to be Master’s room. What- why was he here? “Are you feeling better?”, a low voice asked from beside him. The God of Transmission heaved himself up into the air, floating slightly above the soft surface. Senses returned in full, Nooroo took a moment to scour his surroundings.

He'd been laying in a towel, and Master was sitting next to the spot, as if guarding over the Kwami. A look of concern had etched itself on the man’s face…but Nooroo still had to be sure. Tentatively, afraid this might be some kind of trick and that corruption had again taken his holder, he tugged at their bond. The thread was still fractured, with half-healed scar tissue running all over its surface being the best way to describe it with mortal terms. And yet…it also felt light again, not quite like when they’d first met, but certainly closer than any day at Hawkmoth’s side.

Distress, worry, confusion, Nooroo sent through it, and the bright thread pulsed as emotions went through. Gabriel looked almost surprised to see him use it, since they’d rarely done so even before his descent into madness. It was intimate for a Kwami to touch upon a bond with their Holder, ever more so for him and Duusu given the nature of their concepts. Gabriel reached out with his hand, almost in mimicry of the metaphysical image in his head as he gently grasped the air. Worry, fear, guilt, he sent back. Then, Master sighed deeply. “Nooroo…I’m sorry. Earlier, I-”, he tried to say, but the Kwami gently shushed him by raising a wing.

“It’s alright.”, he affirmed meekly. He was fine now anyways, the pain had long subsided. All of her agony was tightly locked inside his Miraculous, and so long as he or Gabriel didn’t poke at his wards again…the suffering which had consumed miss Marinette would stay away from them. “Just…please not again.”, Nooroo gasped out, even the reminder sending shudders through this tiny body he currently possessed.

“No.”, Gabriel protested sternly. Before the Kwami’s wings could droop in disappointment, because what else was he expecting- “It’s not alright. You aren’t fine. I- I’m sorry for hurting you.”, Master insisted again, and Nooroo felt the urge to pinch himself. That- that couldn’t be right! No corrupted Holder had ever- Some did resist, even unconsciously keeping a part of themselves intact until the bitter end, but this? This was completely unheard of!

The shock on his features must have been evident, because Master’s face fell, and his eyes wandered to the floor in shame. “…I suppose you have no reason to believe me. But know this! Hawkmoth is dead! I- I’m not making this mistake again!”, Gabriel boldly proclaimed, absolute conviction written upon his very soul. Ahh…that’s what this was. Well, Nooroo had seen it before, and he would see it again. Master was sure to take on a new identity, and despite all promises of change he would simply stagnate and circle back to making things right. That would always be the goal, and Gabriel would never change. None of them ever did…why would his foulest be any different?

Still, he was content to play along. He would support and help as a Kwami was meant to, perhaps resulting in a lessened blow when he and Duusu would inevitably be unified once more, and Akuma would again raze the streets of Paris like any other day. Ugh…he loathed to admit it, truly he did, but some mortals were simply incapable of adhering to the concept of Transmission. Evolution in a more literal sense was Fluff’s domain, but this was Nooroo’s world. Of course, there was always the hope that the Holder would prove him wrong, but Gabriel of all people was quite adept at crushing those, was he not? Given interactions with his son, -Nooroo was far wiser than most people perceived him to be- if a human -and a young one at that- could learn to not make a mistake, he refused to not add that knowledge to his arsenal.

“…I hope you truly mean it, Master.”, the Kwami said in earnest. Because he really did hope, against all logic and reason, that even once humanity would provide evidence to destroy the Kwami’s final stagnation, that tendency to categorize mortals into good and evil. Of course, not all his brethren thought like that. Many like Plagg, Trixx and Roarr were more open-minded and knew to give their Holders support and chances when needed…but they were also the ones most often hurt should that method fail. Benevolence had its limits after all, but Nooroo truly wanted to expand them for Tikki, Wayzz, Pollen, Fluff, all his friends who were well and truly good in a sense of adherence to rules and regulations, more hesitant to offer up their power and wisdom should the Holder not have earned their complete trust.

Humanity’s capability of change had often become a topic of hot debate back at the Temple, and unfortunately a few of his fellows had been swayed by the Guardians’ opinions, ancient and yet infantile in comparison to whom the Masters were addressing. Backwards and conservative, those lines of thought had influenced his brothers and sisters…leading to many a catastrophe or forced separation, even if there was technically a choice on the Kwami’s part. For it was not always the Box Guardian who came to collect a Miraculous, and often those acolytes did not have the authority to inflict their personal thoughts on a matter as strictly personal as a Kwami-Holder relationship.

All this not to say that his brethren were in any way rigid in their ideas, time had simply made those tendencies wither away after the first couple errors, back when the world was far younger and humanity still fought with city-states and primitive weapons. No, divinity was flexible in its own right, only, a Kwami’s sense of time could be eroded to the point where they failed to consider the moment, and were left with an emotional wound born of either loss or regret. Frankly, sensing his fellows like this was the single thing that would ever make the God of Transmission angry, and he simply wished for a way to point out how important their direct influence was to the Holders. Gabriel was least likely to provide it, of all his humans. And yet the hope remained, that perhaps while good and evil did exist as categorizations, he could finally propose a compromise one day, to say and prove that the path went both ways should the Holder be motivated properly, and truly want change.

“Nooroo?”, Gabriel hummed inquisitively, but it was more so tired than gentle, as if considerations flooded his mind and left no stamina to adjust tone of voice. “Would you mind if we headed downstairs for a moment? I- I need to speak to Emilie…”, he said, again trailing off into his own mind. Oh, so he had not noticed the lull in conversation. Good, good.

“As you wish, my Master.”, the Kwami bowed his head and tilted his wings in respect, a mirror image of his standard pose for dealing with obnoxious and arrogant Guardians from so long ago. For all their insistence on protecting humanity and their focus on compassion…the “greater good” had often preceded basic empathy, in the minds of fools. But he shouldn’t ruminate, not now of all times. Now…he felt it might be a time for change.

Gabriel paid the Kwami no mind as he wandered away, forcing Nooroo to zip through the air in order to catch as his Holder dragged himself over to the ever-looming portrait of Emilie Agreste, perfect and flawless in a way that only a loved one’s memory could possibly conjure. His fingers pressed the three worn-out buttons and the elevator beneath their feet activated, ground splitting apart to swallow the man whole as the God of Transmission shook his head in sadness.

The inner chamber of the lair was illuminated by massive lights hanging from the ceiling, each emanating a harsh, blinding white and assaulting Gabriel’s retinas. The man seemed to stumble over his own feet, making no attempt to cover his eyes but desperately grasping the catwalk’s railing in order to save himself from an early grave. Deserved as some may say it was, he still had a job to do, and a spot in Adrien’s heart to earn.

Emilie...”, he breathed out as his legs almost gave out on him, forcing Gabriel to support himself against the glass pod. He took the time to straighten himself up again, as if maintaining the illusion of power and control…but Hawkmoth’s lies quickly fell away, leaving the man to collapse against the metal floor, pained and tormented as he was. “I’m sorry, my love. I- I’ve failed you. I failed our son.”, he gasps out, pushing a palm onto the glass long enough to leave a print.

“I’ll do better this time. I will be the father Adrien has always wanted; you have my word. And…if you’ve told me the truth…then I will do as you asked of me.” Gabriel’s voice shook, his fingers trembling as their bond was overcome with a torrent of emotion so intense it took Nooroo by surprise, and the Kwami staggered while trying to comprehend it. Guilt. Shame. Desire to atone. Hmm….so the pieces were in place after all. What remained is observing how Master would handle himself, the manner in which Gabriel shall proceed moving forward. Perhaps, despite how vain and naïve the hope may be, perhaps Nooroo would be proven wrong by the most unlikely candidate after all.

Gabriel took a quivering breath, trying to force his malfunctioning legs into supporting his body weight, but miserably failing and ending up face-first into the floor. Using his free hand to push himself into a sitting position once more, tears began to fall from his eyes, spilling against his glasses and the metal below, before eventually falling into the chasm underneath. “Emilie, I swear to you, Adrien will be loved as he was when you were here. I’ll do anything to make him happy, and he will free like you’ve always wanted. You have my word!”, came the desperate cry, and another spasm from Nooroo as the intensity of his Master’s feelings flooded their connection.

The Kwami floating behind him for a moment as a heavy silence descended upon them both. Gabriel finally managed to stand upright, and very slowly turned to Nooroo, as if those contemplations had at last reached a satisfying, or perhaps mindboggling conclusion. “Nooroo…could I have saved her?”, he asks him, breathless and every bit as desperate as the day he’d announced himself Hawkmoth and demanded that Nooroo obey him for eternity.

Setting Master’s rules aside for a moment, a good Kwami would support their Holder. Most especially through tough times. And…the God of Transmission could sense it, this change. Gabriel Agreste stood on the precipice of something not quite identifiable, and for a moment Nooroo feared he would give rise to a thing far more terrible should his advice be offered freely. But…hadn’t he wanted to be proven wrong? Perhaps Plagg’s approach would work here, if he were able to control the situation and pay with a few meager concessions. Did it even matter, if miss Emilie could have been saved at some point? The Butterfly Miraculous was cracked and spiraling into a complete shattering unlike Creation itself had ever before witnessed…and Gabriel had directly felt the price of transformation boiling inside his own veins. Hadn’t an entire city of humans fallen prey to their fears under Hawkmoth’s reign? Hadn’t a few resisted? How could he, a God and Guide to his chosen, hold back the one thing that might just transform the Holder into something better? Maybe, just maybe, Nooroo should give the man closure.

With a weary sigh and heavy heart, the response finally came from the Kwami’s mouth. “Perhaps.”, he muttered in a low voice. Gabriel’s eyes widened impossibly, and a fresh wave of guilt raging from Stoneheart to Princess Justice herself erupted through the man’s soul, spearing his heart upon a pedestal of failure. Alright, Nooroo should probably be honest here. Cruelty had never been in his nature, not even for those of genuinely rotten body and mind. “Well…I don’t really know. The Miraculous of the Zodiac Box function in a hierarchy. The twelve representing each month are at the lowest tier, and all other barring the Ladybug and Cat are in the second highest. Duusu and I are technically of equal power…but with the Peacock wild and broken, its abilities leaking without focus nor intent...”, Nooroo trailed off, trying to formulate a final verdict on what exactly he should say.

“It may very well have been, if we had acted sooner?”, Gabriel caught on quickly enough. The slip-up regarding the Zodiac Miraculous seemed to pass over his head, unless he’d already known from the translated Grimoire and simply declared it unimportant. Well, no matter. Inaction was the only option, when it came to the jewels of his brethren. Nooroo was well aware they were safe in Ladybug’s hands, and should Gabriel manage to even get his hands on them to begin with…well, he knew of at least seven Kwami who would end him before Shadowmoth even had the chance to place restrictions.

The silence was deafening, yet all consuming as the answer revealed itself at last. All of this could have been prevented. If only he and Emilie had not dismissed the initial signs, if only they’d consulted Nooroo quickly enough…then Hawkmoth would never have had a reason to exist. The revelation hurt, to learn that Adrien had been put through Hell by his own father for something which could have been so easily fixed, that all of this had been downright unnecessary…Gabriel felt the air be forced out of his lungs, as if he’d taken a punch to the gut.

“If…if I fix your Miraculous-”, he turned to Nooroo, looking into the little creature’s eyes for any sign he was on the right train of thought. The Kwami’s eyes fell in sadness, in disappointment, and Gabriel sighed deeply. “And Nathalie? Could we save her?”, comes the query.

Nooroo stills mid-air for a moment, bringing a tiny appendage to the bottom of his head in a mimicry of thoughtfully scratching a beard. It seemed almost second nature, perhaps a quick he’d picked up long ago. Then, the small God let out a puff of air and gave his Master a long look. Gabriel stilled, meeting the stare with determination, but none of the hunger which had defined Hawkmoth and later the shadow of a man he’d turned himself into. “It’s…possible. The same condition is at play, but in this stage of illness…”, the Kwami hummed, seemingly forgetting his Holder was even in the room. “Only a powerful emotional connection, something real could grant a champion this ability, and it must be born of emotion unrelated to my Miraculous’ corruption. Using her anger at the situation, your fear of loss, her desire for health or your craving for companionship would only exacerbate the problem by adding Darkness to the mix. It’s best to not inform miss Nathalie until I am more certain, and I cannot know unless my powers are fully returned.”, Nooroo tested the words, nodding in satisfaction with his grasp of mortal language.

Explaining such complications could sometimes be difficult for all of them, most especially with how many tongues existed in this world. However, Gabriel seemed to raise a brow in thought, contemplating the undertones of the Kwami’s words. “I assume unless miss Dupain Cheng’s emotions are somehow expelled, transformation will result in…”, he let his voice go. Neither of them needed another reminder of the pain. Nooroo offered a confident nod, even daring to show a supportive flap of the wings. “Alright.”, Gabriel sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s a job for later. Right now, I need to figure out what to tell my son.”, he mumbled to himself, again sealing all thought inside his mind and forgetting his Kwami’s presence.

Admittedly, that was just fine by Nooroo. There was the possibility of confronting Duusu, but that wouldn’t go well given his fellow’s fragile mental state. Repaired as the Peacock now was, that only meant there was no leak of magics. To heal a Kwami took the kindness and support of their brethren or gentleness of a proper and right Holder, and no matter how much Gabriel or miss Nathalie may want to offer it, there was simply too much pain associated with the pair for any impact to be of note, much less inspire a positive change. As his Master headed back upstairs, Nooroo again debated with himself, whether his foulest really could prove them all wrong in the end…


Nathalie’s thoughts were spiraling. She knew that, and might have been fine with it if her head didn’t hurt like Hell. Still, thinking about this messed up situation any further really wouldn’t do her any good. Gabriel…seemed to be getting better, ever so slowly. And she should probably go and check on Adrien like he’d told her to. Almost blindly she pulled herself together again, donning the mask of professionalism, an old porcelain which had already cracked and was falling apart in a few places, to try and hide the woman underneath, being held together at the seams.

Maybe he’d even be fooled, her golden-haired boy with a heart that shone brighter than the sun. Rather, Adrien would probably be far too kind to actually ask what troubled her, especially in front of Gabriel given their…everything, to be honest. Nathalie still had to figure out what was going on with him, come to think of it. Her boss -friend and once partner- had his kind smile return after literal years, and also a horrid track record when it came to his dealing with his son.

Logically, Nathalie knew that Gabriel had simply been getting sick, much like she was. That while he should be blamed for some of this, there was just far too much of that to go around these days, certainly exceeding the limit of what a single man could be responsible for. She also knew that Adrien was her priority, like he’d always been in these recent months and especially weeks. It was best to hope that he was Gabriel’s as well, that slowly the warm and kind, humble and caring man she’d fallen for so long ago would come back fully, and try to mend the relationship between them. Her worries centered on the fact that, if she were completely honest with herself, Adrien was justified to deny Gabriel this chance, to push the man away after everything that had transpired. Then again, Adrien was just too kind to throw away his father’s efforts, and would more than likely be completely befuddled when he realized Gabriel was being genuine…and a little mortified should the man try to “act casual”. The mere thought of it brought a tiny giggle out of Nathalie, despite this being no laughing matter.

Turning herself to the side, she checked the alarm clock on her nightstand. Right, she’d sat here moping long enough. Adrien was probably far worse inside that either of them, now knowing why his friend had gone and- why Marinette Dupain Cheng was gone. And despite them having come to the only logical conclusion, Nathalie Sancoeur really wanted to unleash Mayura on the Parisian Police Force right now, and quite possibly find the person specifically responsible for the horrid deduction of suicide. Gabriel and Nathalie were adults, and had been dealing with life for many more years than Adrien. They were also responsible, in more ways than one. And she refused to let him continue suffering on the inside as he tried to be strong for people around him. Nathalie knew that no matter how well her boy could hide it, being alone for so long after a loss like this…it did people no good whatsoever.

And so, she strained herself to put the exoskeleton on as quickly as possible, pulling on the last vestiges of Mayura phantom strength, the tiny little fragments of power still inside her body. If they were poisoning her, then Nathalie could at least demand they be useful. The machinery hissed as she pulled herself up, finally managing to stand on her own two legs after a worrying moment of wobbling. Not that she’d let anyone know that, Nathalie was more than capable of being self-sufficient!

Clings and clangs echoed through the empty hallways of the Agreste Mansion, and she paused at the staircase to catch a glimpse of Gabriel. He was sitting on the downstairs couch, holding a book with a hard black cover in his hands. She didn’t need her glasses to see the title, and sighed deeply as she turned towards Adrien’s door, leaving her boss to his…reading. Nathalie really ought to whack him over the head for the morbid choices, but she really wasn’t up to antagonizing Gabriel when he seemed to be at least keeping sane for the time being.

Letting out another deep sigh, she twirled away with admittedly very little grace, nearly tripping over her own feet. Glancing downstairs again, Gabriel gave no reaction. Nathalie shuddered as a sudden cough tore through her lungs, grasping the handle to Adrien’s door just to stay upright. In her confusion she accidentally pulled on just a tad, leaving the door slightly ajar. Slowly regaining the ability to breathe, she dared to peek inside. Hopefully she hadn’t woken- …him.

Adrien wasn’t there. The room was completely empty, and Adrien wasn’t there. Panic immediately assaulted Nathalie’s senses, along with it came the idea that maybe this had been the final straw on the camel’s back, that her boy had finally decided to leave this cold and empty house for good…that he’d left her behind. The thought cut deep into her very soul, and Nathalie, for the first time in what felt like an eternity, let go of her porcelain mask of dutiful assistant, just…staring. At the emptiness. Had he really decided to run away?

For a single moment, all she could do was stare into the wall ahead, looking without actually seeing as the possibility became more and more real in her mind. And then- Chat Noir hurled himself through Adrien’s window, landing on the bed with all fours. Nathalie thought to scream, but before the sound had even left her throat a blinding light enveloped the superhero…and out of it came Adrien Agreste.

Nathalie Sancoeur had never moved so fast in her entire life, throwing a hand over her gaping mouth to stifle the gasp which escaped her lungs. Her eyes widened to an impossible degree, almost bulging out of their sockets as she tried to comprehend the sight which lay before her. Adrien Agreste had just thrown himself through the window, wearing a Chat Noir costume. There was a black cat Kwami currently chewing on a piece of Camembert cheese, which he’d taken from Adrien. Chat Noir was in the Agreste Manor. Chat Noir was Gabriel’s son. She- Mayura had thrown this boy off a building. Gabriel had nearly run him through in their battles. Chat Noir had threatened his own Father with Cataclysm, that day on the roof when she killed the Ladybug Sentimonster. She’d already killed someone. She’d almost killed A-

Mayura felt all emotion leave her mind, in the greatest of ironies. Her limbs felt numb, the rest of the world barely registered. Gabriel was downstairs. Chat Noir lived in Hawkmoth’s house. She’d killed someone before. Nathalie had stood by as Gabriel nearly murdered his own so- Her real legs were shaking, her lungs felt like they were filling up with blood as she struggled to breathe. The mask went back on her face, more tightly secured than ever before. Nathalie Sancoeur calmly descended the staircase and sat next to Shadowmoth on the living room’s couch, only to watch the man’s son come by to say good morning with the brightest of smiles. She thought Gabriel felt something was wrong. Mayura feared she’d given it away. The one sentence swirling inside of her head. As the boy walked out of the door, she could barely think

Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir


And…scene! Okay, okay! There’s finally a second reveal! I bet you guys weren’t expecting this were you??? In all fairness I did foreshadow a little with the ajar door in chapter 11, but nobody seems to have picked up on it! But NATHALIE KNOWS! And well…we’ve all seen Chat Blanc at least once. I suppose the question is what happens next? Since, if you guys remember, Gabriel did want to “talk” with Adrien at dinner, and poor Sunshine Boy was absolutely terrified. I wonder why…

Anyways, I’m completely not sorry for the cliffhanger! But…I’ll leave that up for discussion in the comments, and may even answer a couple questions if I can do it without spoilers! For now, let’s first talk about the previous Miraculous Holder’s, shall we? In case it wasn’t already extremely obvious, yes, the two new holders mentioned here are references to Ghost of Tsushima and Dark Souls 3. That doesn’t mean that the in-universe events of those games happened ofc, I’m just mentioning some of my favorites! Also, I feel like Nooroo explained the matter of Corruption pretty well so I won’t discuss it here (feel free to ask for details if you’re confused though I’ll be happy to answer any questions!), but I will say that I’ll be expanding on this topic and the nature of the Kwami themselves in later chapters. Side note, this confirms how much Tikki trusts Mari to support her so wholeheartedly with all of this by the way. So, there’s some cute supportive Tikki fluff for everyone!

Secondly, I would like to say that Nathalie is going to be a prominent figure in “Gabriel Chapters” from now on, and I’ll mostly be splitting POVs between the two halves of this villainous pair like I did here. Nooroo will obviously get his own segments, since I really do love writing the little guy as an actual God instead of…well someone with barely any speaking lines. On that note, my apologies if you disagree with the Guardian Bashing from our best boy Nooroo here, but I feel it’s very much deserved? I mean all Su Han in Season 4 was find Mari, yell at her, try to take the Kwami away by force, chase her and Adrien around Paris, bully an amnesiac old man (and regardless of my personal opinions on him Fu was innocent in that episode) and then run away when an actual Akuma showed up…that he caused! Considering that he is a “Master Guardian” and that nobody else from the temple bothers to even show up much less help, and all his “help” is just yelling at LB and CN…yeah, I don’t see them in a very positive light.

Thirdly, Gabriel’s promise to Emilie. I’m very well aware that I may be playing loose with canon here considering I don’t actually know if he and Nathalie were aware of Emilie’s wish for Adrien’s safety and it could absolutely just be a Season 5 retcon…but I did decide to incorporate it like I said in the beginning notes. There’s one more thing that needs to be added, but it’s unrelated to this so that’s a talk for later. Still, I really like Emilie’s character, or at least what we got to see in the video logs. I’m debating including them in the story itself, so be on the lookout for that if it ends up happening. Anyhow what matters is that Gabriel is CHANGING! Someone give this man a medal, he’s finally prioritizing his son over the corpse in his basement! And yes, Gabriel Redemption is…certainly underway. He’s taking steps to be better, but remember that nothing is set in stone and Nooroo himself doesn’t believe he’ll succeed in redeeming himself. The Kwami is just along for the ride at this point.

Lastly, a little preview for next time! Adrien has a family dinner, Chloe talks with Sabrina, and Samantha addresses her boyfriend’s lack of outfit variety! I’ll see you all next week, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 15: Shopping Therapy


Hello there and welcome to another chapter of this here beloved trainwreck we call a fanfiction! Today is a rare occasion indeed. I can’t remember the last time we saw a fluff chapter in ACOLL. But here it is, the long-awaited good vibes with no strings attached or heartstrings attacked! No warnings this chapter, they’re simply unnecessary! And I know that all this seems like I’m trolling and it’ll actually be depressing as all hell, but I swear I’m completely serious! …the depression comes after.

Also! As some of you may have noticed, I updated the fic’s summary to include a note about comment moderation. The guest user known as “Lila” has been a problem for a while, and unfortunately, I did what I had to do after they refused to stop bothering their fellow readers. So yes, Comment Moderation is on from now on, but every opinion (positive or negative) is allowed and freely accepted, so long as it’s respectful towards the author and readers. So please avoid needless flaming, hate, rude language and try to be nice to people. It’s the commonly accepted good thing to do.

Right! Well just one more thing! Remember how I said like thirty seconds ago this was going be a fluff chapter? Yeah…that depends on your point of view. I mean it’s still better than usual and with zero mental breakdowns (which an achievement all on its own!), but the only way we’re getting literal sunshine and rainbows in this fic is if I can somehow turn it into a blazing inferno. But at least things do finally get better for Chloe! And there’s some nice friendship bits in here, so there’s that!

Post-edit Note: Guys. GUYS! While I was away. ACOLL got 10k Hits!!! I- I’m at a loss for words. Like seriously thank you all so, so much! I don’t know what to say I’m honestly stunned! Thank you for the support, and trust me I’ll continue this story and provide everyone with the quality content you all deserve! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go freak out about the TEN THOUSAND HITS!

Anyways! Please sit back, relax, and enjoy Agreste Family drama, Adrien’s insecurities, Gabriel being…nice, Chloe-Sabrina friendship, Samantha’s continued fabric obsession, Eliot’s never-ending torment at Ladybug’s hands, Marinette bullying her boyfriend once again, and quite possibly the greatest shopping trip in the entire history of French Capitalism!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Adrien…there’s something we need to discuss…”, came Father’s toneless, dead voice, and Chat Noir felt the urge to run. For a single moment he even sensed Plagg at the ready, seconds away from transforming his Holder and escaping into the dimming sun’s rays…but Adrien bit his tongue and held himself back, calmly sitting down as he willed his hands to stop shaking.

Gabriel, for his part, could see true horror in his son’s eyes, as Adrien sat across him, mentally fidgeting and squirming like a cornered wild animal. Of course, the boy gave none of this away, being the dictionary definition of proper posture and polite relaxation as he sat down to speak with his father at the dinner table. In truth, Hawkmoth had half a mind to simply open his mouth and let the words flow, not stopping until Adrien knew the truth and was finally allowed with all justification to despise him, exactly as Gabriel deserved. But…he had to stop thinking like that. It was his dread of this very talk that caused his tone to die mid-sentence, and consequently Adrien’s fear.

Father sighed deeply, as if his lungs were sucking up all the cold, stale air in the room, leaving Chat to suffocate from the lack of oxygen. That was the sigh he’d come to associate with disappointment. Ahh…so there it was. Father had come back his senses, and any hint of offered kindness was to be buried like m- like many other warm moments he’d been generous enough to offer his son. “Adrien…I’m sorry.”, Gabriel gasped out the words. They burned his tongue with guilt and tasted like ash, but he had to make this clear. His own boy would never be afraid of him again, not if Hawkmoth could help it!

“I understand that I’ve…mishandled our…situation. I was not there when you needed me, and I cannot ever claim to have treated you as a father should his son. I’d like to extend my apology.”, he spoke each word with a carefully even voice, mentally begging the Universe itself and every God who’d listen that Adrien would hear the sincerity behind them. Instead, they came out dull and toneless, as if he was speaking in corporate for the thousandth time. Adrien…stared, then blinked. Nathalie stood perfectly still to his side, her eyes widening ever so slightly in surprise, as if she never could have fathomed the day would come where Gabriel would not only admit to being wrong, to hurting his son, but also apologize for it. A solid minute or so of silence must have passed them by, and Chat could almost see the heat slowly leaving the food in front of him. What was it even? Steak with mashed potatoes, he observed without a word. Then, Adrien feigned a cough, letting himself sigh as deeply as humanly possible -and perhaps a tad more- under his breath, and then shot him a warm smile.

It was picture-perfect, the exact smile Father had been presumably seeing in pictures for years now. Then, as if lightning had struck Adrien’s face, it changed to one of genuine warmth as he thought of Marinette. Of his Lady. She…she’d be there for him, no matter what. He knew that, and so whatever game Father was playing was ultimately pointless. Did the scheme even matter, when the warmth so often held against him was freely offered by the one his heart would always beat for? Gabriel perked up in surprise, and fixed up his glasses in a vain attempt to hide the emotion. “I’m…glad you understand, Adrien. Truly, I am sorry. If- If you’re willing to work on this, then I am as well.”, Father’s kind tone returned again as anxiety left him.

Nathalie stepped closer to him, nudging Adrien’s shoulder as he spared her a flicker of the eye, only to see the woman smiling encouragingly as she hid her smirk behind her palm, forging a light cough. Oh. Oh. Could he have…misinterpreted it then? Father -this new and nice version of him at least- had been more expressive than he’d seen the man in years…but the cold tones returned in moments of emotional situations. Adrien remembered pushing up against his bedroom door, Father on the other side awkwardly trying to offer comfort as a chill slipped through the underside, freezing every bone inside his body. Was this the same thing? His…imagination acting up based on prior experiences, on what was expected to happen when Gabriel wanted to speak with him.

Adrien lifted his gaze from the now cold plate of food, seeing the man fiddle with his tie clip. Father adjusted it almost in a panic, as if just to feel something on his fingers instead of the panic that must bubbling inside his mind. Yeah, Adrien could relate to that all too well…

“Okay.”, Gabriel heard his son mumble, just barely above a whisper. “Okay, let’s. F-father, I- you’re right. I’m…hurt, by things that have been said and done.”, Adrien added, tactfully deflecting the blame from him instead of forcing Hawkmoth to confront his mistakes. Thankfully, he was already enough for that, in Gabriel’s eyes. “…but I’m willing to try.”, he sighed, and his father felt the hesitance, the disbelief that was already evident in Adrien’s voice despite the boy’s efforts.

It took every ounce of emotional strength Gabriel had to not jump across the dinner table and crush his son into an asphyxiating hug. Adrien was- he was willing to try! And in all his years, Gabriel had never felt happier. Nathalie smiled proudly at them both, and Adrien shifted his shoulders to hide the fluster of happiness in his heart. His son quickly regained his composure, and swiftly jumped out of his seat. “Uh-”, he stammered, as if the action just registered to him. “Have a nice dinner Father, Nathalie. I’ll be in my room.”, Adrien blurted out, practically climbing the stairs on all fours to get away.

Gabriel felt much contemplation swirling in the boy’s mind, and even a tad of embarrassment at being caught off guard. Still, the tormented and half-snapped heartstring which was reserved for his father in Adrien’s soul, the little thing off to the side and easily ignored, left outside locked gates of gold which tightly guarded a brightly shining heart…it had a tiny sliver of light flow through, mending but an inch. Gabriel laughed freely, letting his joy fill the room as Nathalie sent him an invigorating smile of encouragement, and chuckled alongside the man. He’d finally done it! He’d put the matter into words, and despite his fears and Adrien’s -completely justified- intense…disbelief, so to speak, the boy had accepted it! Nathalie was forced to grab his hand as her dear friend nearly knocked his glass over, and they resolved to have a quiet -shamelessly reheated- dinner together. It was peaceful, for lack of a better word, until it finally occurred to Gabriel that his son had never even touched his fork.

Once again, his assistant came to the rescue, and barely three hours later Adrien Agreste found himself in the single weirdest situation he’d ever experienced in these sixteen or so years of existing, never-mind his long career as a superhero. He sat on the living room couch between Father and Nathalie, an empty pizza box on the coffee table next to her, and the credits for Solitude rolling on the TV screen. But for the first time in years, he elected not to question it. He chose to trust his father, and the man’s apology. For the first time since mom vanished, the mansion felt like home again.


Eliot Grasset was beginning to question his entire career, and half-contemplated quitting on the spot. Perhaps it was to be expected. Perhaps it was even divine retribution from Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgeois, the icons of the fashion world, come before him with the singular purpose of endless and agonizing torment. Because she was back. Samantha Fae stood just outside Rosemary Fashions, at exactly 09:30am on the dot. And Tuesday was the day he had morning shift. Why, oh fashion moguls, must it be him to deal with this devil?

Sweating buckets and maybe even a little terrified, Eliot slowly turned the closed sign on the door to open, and the black-haired designer from yesterday stepped into the store like a woman possessed with a hellish ding of the doorbell. Okay…maybe he was exaggerating a little, but the clerk still hadn’t the first idea of who exactly this girl was, and he feared upsetting the wrong person. But after the stunt she’d pulled yesterday...Eliot wasn’t even sure that she wouldn’t ask to buy the entire store again.

“Hi Eliot! Good morning!”, greeted the designer, dressed in casual torn blue jeans and a grey T-shirt, a black leather jacket barely hanging on her shoulders as she ran up to him like an excited puppy.

The clerk swallowed carefully, hiding his deep sigh. “Miss Samantha.”, he replied in the most professional tone his college years had taught him. “I’m certainly glad to see you’re returned for your order, but- I’m afraid we just opened. You’ll have to give me some time to get everything ready for you.”, he tried not to stammer, eyes flickering around to find his co-worker. Where was the help when he needed it?

Samantha only gave a light giggle, and winked at him knowingly. Yes, yes. Treat everyone nicely, outward appearances don’t matter. Eliot had most certainly understood the mess he’d made of himself yesterday. “I’d be happy to help you stack them if you want.”, she offered in a too-innocent tone, eyes glinting in mischievous kindness. Yeah…hard pass.

“James, you done back there?”, Eliot bellowed to his co-worker in the back, who’d already been busy stacking the order of a lifetime for the past hour or so, leaving the poor clerk alone to deal with…her.

“Yeah, yeah! Just wrapped up the-”, a head poked out of the nearest supply closet, and James fell silent as he saw the customer standing there. A customer, so early in the morning! And considering how high-end their store was, she was probably some kind of famous designer! Oh, God! If miss Rosemary found out they’d somehow insulted her fellow, he and Eliot could both kiss their jobs a sweet goodbye!

For his part, Eliot only gave another long sigh. “She’s the client from yesterday.”, he breathed out, indicating the raven-haired girl in torn jeans standing next to him. She was the client? The girl? She- she was practically a kid!

James almost opened his mouth to ask that Eliot repeat himself…but- “Hi there! My name’s Samantha, Samantha Fae!”, she introduced herself with a smirk and a tiny bow of eccentricity that could only come from a true artistic soul. He’d only ever seen such a glint in someone’s eye when Audrey Bourgeois vis- well…he’d rather not think about it. Or how she thought he was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

So, this was the designer who’d bought their entire stock. She looked young enough for the joke to even still be a little funny to her, come to think of it. Still, James wasn’t one to judge. His mild surprise aside, he didn’t care who someone was so long as they caused no trouble and paid the prices written on the catalogue. No special discounts because they were the so-and-so, just honest pay for the service Rosemary’s provided. Catching on to her relaxed demeanor, he smiled as casually as he could afford without his morning coffee.

“Well met! I’m James, corporate specialist in supply stocking and management, as well as the man who successfully completed a complex electrical procedure with no lost assets or accidents!”, he laughed, extending a hand for her to share.

The raven-haired designer shook it firmly, chuckling all the while. She raised a questioning eyebrow as Eliot stared at them like they’d both grown a second head. “Lemme guess? You stock supply closets and know how to change a lightbulb?”, she snipped at him, and James couldn’t help but snort at her direct demeanor.

“Yeah-”, he muffled a laugh with his hand, “I guess you could say that. Your stuff’s over here by the way, just got it wrapped up.”, he pointed to the supply closet in question, which indeed possessed a fresh new lightbulb, courtesy of yours truly. James made to lead the way, but in the same amount of time it had taken him to turn around, miss Fae had already placed both hands on a stack of fabrics so massive he could barely see her behind it…and causally lifted the whole damn thing in the air.

Eliot swiped a drop of sweat from his brow, and made haste in gently closing James’ jaw with one hand, the other going slack now that he was awake enough and not dying of mildly soul-crushing corporate job requirements. That- that was impressive, come to think of it. Samantha Fae slipped past them both with practiced ease, and simply gave them a nod of farewell as the doorbell ringed once again, signaling her leave.

“Man. You did not tell this chick was a bodybuilder.”, James furiously whispered to his co-worker. Eliot opened his mouth to give a response, but the words never came. Surely fabrics couldn’t be that heavy, right? He knew James often took his sweet time with stacking them…but what if they really were, those layers upon layers which could feel like iron weighs on a thick fur coat? The two men stood perfectly still for precisely two and a half seconds, and elected to simply ignore the oddity. They had another seven-something hours of grueling work ahead of them, and without coffee…every ounce of strength was precious like the diamond necklace in aisle three, two rows to the left, right under the sapphire-imbued wedding ring that went for exactly one hundred and sixty thou-

Maybe they should both take a few vacation days, starting tomorrow morning.


Chloe Bourgeois crawled out of bed with the exact same determination as the poor bloke who usually went out to grab her morning coffee. Which is to say none at all, feeling tired, and also half-certain she’d physically require at least six shots of espresso to function today. After last night with Ladybug, after being forgiven…her groggy mind still insisted that she earn it. As she quietly sipped a cup of mint tea Jean Paul had made for her instead of her usual order from Coffeeland, she found herself sighing deeply. For the first time in a literal lifetime of memories, Chloe’s brain was completely silent. Despite her attempts to focus and come up with something she could do, anything to prove to herself that the warm look she’d received last night was truly deserved, her mind was a blank void.

“M-morning Armand.”, a familiar voice yawned from behind her. The heiress slowly paused her sip, opening her mouth to gently correct Zoe that the man’s first name was surely Jean…but the butler nodded, offering her sister a near-imperceivable smile to all but the well-trained eye.

Chloe felt the tea mug nearly fall out of her hands. That- His name was Armand? Jean wasn’t even close! How in the name of fashion itself had she come up with that? A moment passed, and the heiress’ shoulders fell as she registered Zoe hesitantly taking a seat next to her. All this time…all these years, Chloe had prided herself on being kind enough to remember the butler’s first name! At least, she’d thought, the man had been given the common courtesy of being addressed with half the correct name, since the heiress had never bothered to learn the full thing. to suddenly know that she’d been wrong about that? Chloe…wasn’t quite sure if she could believe it. She’d certainly been mistaken about a great many things before, especially when it came to Ma- …to Marinette. As suddenly as the revelation had come, so did a memory from long ago. Her personal butler, younger and still with that politely amused expression on his face, tending to that…had it been a Saturday? A Sunday? Never mind. To that day’s craving of a box of chocolates from someplace whose name Chloe couldn’t even remember anymore.

“Thanks monsieur Jean Luke!”, she said in small but polite tone as she accepted the box. Mom was coming to visit soon enough, do Chloe wanted to give her a nice gift they could enjoy together.

The butler smiled fondly at her, lightly shaking his head. “Of course, miss Chloe. I- Armand, am always at your service.”, he pronounced rather dramatically, kindling this week’s obsession with knights and princesses because of a cartoon she’d watched with Adrien.

In all honesty what she’d liked were the countless gifts the princesses received in…whatever show they’d even watched together, but Armand had catered to her liking just the same, with only a slight laugh at his own exaggerated bow that she hadn’t caught at the time.

That day had been…a week from her seventh birthday, right? Mother hadn’t come to spend it with her, and the chocolate box in question had stayed in the fridge till the staff threw it out. Evidently, Audrey Bourgeois had deemed it more important to spend her time around extravagant dresses and formal suits than even show up for her own daughter’s birthday party. Chloe remembered she’d cried horribly when she heard the news, and ever since then her butler had not once corrected her on the false name he’d been given over the years. Why would he, after being forced to face her ire for so long?

Armand…probably liked Zoe, the heiress thought. Her sister was just the better person, she was old enough to admit that now. Like Marinette, Zoe was kind and compassionate, never failing to tend to someone if they really had need of her, to the point where Chloe had bullied her relentlessly the past few months for not only knowing the names of the staff, but also being respectful towards them. Ahh…shit. She really was a Queen B, wasn’t she?

“Chloe?”, a small voice sounded from beside her. Zoe was staring at her with one eye hidden behind her hair’s pink accents, but still emanating worry all the same.

Hi. Did you sleep well?”, the heiress sounded out the word in a low tone. She…probably should have said literally anything else, come to think of it. Given the two nights she’d spent at Zoe’s side, chances were she really hadn’t, and Chloe didn’t want to hurt her by bringing up bad memories again, even unintentionally.

Zoe blinked at her in utter confusion, then very slowly nodded her head. Chloe placed her teacup down for a moment, pouring some of the minty beverage in her sister’s mug. All Zoe did was stare at her, perplexed and even a bit frightened if the quickness with which she made way for the heiress’ arms was any indication.

“Y-yes. Did you? I- I hope your soles made it out unscathed?”, her sister stammered, offering a tired smile. Had…had Zoe just told her a joke?

Chloe froze up, half-grateful she’d already put the teapot back on the dining table. She felt her whole body stiffen as joints grinded against her bones at how suddenly she ceased moving. “Sorry!”, Zoe squeaked, hiding her face behind both hands. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”, she hasted to apologize, but was cut off by Chloe’s sudden laugh.

The cackle was almost breathless, and maybe a little mad with how little sleep she’d gotten these past few days, but the heiress genuinely couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed at a joke, off all things. Well…except Adrien’s horrid puns on Sunday, that is. She- Chloe honestly didn’t remember going out with friends, not once in her entire life. Sure, she’d walked around malls with Jean- with Armand and Sabrina on occasion, but those were shopping sprees, not outings with friends. In fact, Adrien had been her only friend.

“T-thanks Zo.”, the nickname fell easily from Chloe’s lips. “I really needed a good laugh.”, she added, almost breathless as air rushed back into her lungs. Zoe looked completely stunned, flabbergasted by the lack of brutal response, and very slowly lowered her hands.

With a nervous, quick nod, her sister found enough to look the heiress in the eye. “You’re…welcome?”, she half-asked in a shaking voice. Fear glinted in her trembling gaze, and Chloe nearly kicked herself at the sight. Fuck, how did Adrien ever find the patience to put up with her shit? Friends were supposed to tolerate one another, and Sabrina always- Sabrina…Sabrina had been just the same, hadn’t she?

Chloe Bourgeois downed the rest of her mint tea in one go, and launched herself halfway across the dining room in the blink of an eye. Leaving behind a confused Zoe, she rushed out the door, only looking back for a single moment. “Thanks for the tea, Armand!”, the heiress shouted at the butler before resuming her frenzied rush, nearly crashing in several walls while running back to her room. To her phone, if one was being exact.

The heavy wooden doors gave him under her body weight, combined with exactly one cup of mint tea and half a cookie for breakfast! She felt unstoppable as the door creaked open, and swiftly threw herself onto the bed. The heiress’ soles again landed directly onto her blanket. …Chloe really hoped this wouldn’t become a thing from now on. Still, she quickly shook the thought away, immediately opening a chat log long-forgotten in all this mess she called a life.

Chatlog- Chloe Bee and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Last opened: Eight weeks ago.

Chloe Bee: Hey…Sabrina? You there?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Chloe?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: CHLOE!

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Uh- hi? Good…morning?

Chloe Bee: Good morning. Do- do you mind if I ask a question?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: NO OF COURSE NOT!

Chloe Bee: …are we still friends?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Y-yes? Why wouldn’t we be?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: OmgdidIdosomethingwrongdidImakeyoumadI’msorryChloe!!!

Chloe Bee: No, no! It’s just- I haven’t talked to you in a while is all.

Chloe Bee: …how are you doing?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: I’m up for anything you need!

Chloe Bee: Sabrina. I’m serious. Are you okay?

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Y-yeah. I’m fine.

Chloe Bee: I’m glad to hear that, really, I am.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Chloe? Are you okay? You don’t usually- I mean!

Chloe Bee: I’ve…had a talk with myself, for a little bit.

Chloe Bee: Also, ffs Bri, change your user.

Sabrina the Teenage Witch has changed their username to Kit Kat

Kit Kat: Better now?

Chloe Bee: Thank fuck.

Chloe Bee: Hey…are you free to come over. I know it’s been a while, but- I’m up to play Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Kit Kat: REALLY???

Kit Kat: I- M’ sorry Chloe. But…I’m probably busy today.

Chloe Bee: …yeah, I get it, I’m a bitch and I treated you like shit. M’ not pressuring you or whatever, just figured it was a good apology.

Chloe Bee: Fuck I’m bad at this.

Kit Kat: LMAO. No, no that’s not it. You- I just didn’t think you wanted me ‘round. After…you know.

Chloe Bee: After I shrieked so hard at you that my windows actually cracked?

Chloe Bee: I know, Sab. I’m not asking my helper back. I want my friend, but only if she’s willing.

Kit Kat: …friend. You- you never call me that unless-

Chloe Bee: Unless you do me a favor. I really am fucked up, huh?

Kit Kat: I- I wouldn’t say that!

Kit Kat: But yeah, it’s…not very fair.

Chloe Bee: I’m…I mean I’m glad you realized before me but-

Kit Kat: How?

Chloe Bee: …yeah?

Kit Kat: Just remembered something M said to me once. It was a while ago, she told me I didn’t need to do her geography homework for her to be my friend. And I guess after…you know…I had time to think about it.

Chloe Bee: Well…what else did I expect? That girl would find a way to help people even from the-

Chloe Bee: I get the feeling I shouldn’t finish that sentence.

Kit Kat: …good idea. But yeah, I guess I’ve been thinking about us.

Kit Kat: I know we haven’t talked in like two months but. I think it did me good?

Chloe Bee: I get what you mean. Hey, did you know Jean Paul’s name is Armand? Cuz I sure didn’t.

Kit Kat: Chloe…thanks for inviting me. I- I can talk tomorrow, but idk if I want to come over yet. I know something’s different about you now, I saw it yesterday in class. Can you give me some time? I’ll think about it, promise.

Chloe Bee: Alright. I guess I can always ask Zoe, if the heart attack doesn’t do her in.

Kit Kat: Chloe…

Chloe Bee: I’m a bitch, I know.

Kit Kat: No, you’re not. You’re Queen Bee, remember?

Chloe Bee: Take the “ee” out and I might just agree with you.

Kit Kat: …is it bad I laughed?

Chloe Bee: No, I was joking.

Chloe Bee: And hey Bri? I’m sorry, okay? For being an ass, having you do my work, everything.

Kit Kat: Thanks. I’m not sure if I want to be friends again, but thank you.

Chloe Bee: Is it okay if I text you tomorrow? Knowing Adrien, he probably won’t want to stay cooped up at home so we might all go out.

Kit Kat: Yeah, you can let me know if everyone’s okay with it.

Chloe Bee: …okay. Uh…good talk?

Kit Kat: Yep! And hey, Chlo? Thanks for checking on me.

Chloe Bee: I’m not that bitchy, Sab.

Kit Kat: Bye Chloe.

Chloe Bee: …bye Bri.

Chloe left the phone to rest next to her pillow, and sat to think for a moment. That…had gone both worse and better than it probably should. Honestly, she wasn’t really sure why she’d texted Sabrina after so long. Well, they were friends so she should check in with her, but after last night the heiress wasn’t even sure she knew what a friend was anymore. Adrien and Sabrina had both been willing -and in the latter case even a bit too invigorated- to go along with her ideas. All her life, Chloe Bourgeois had been telling her friends what to do, simply because that’s how things were.

Seeing Zoe try and hide herself just a few moments ago, fearing her own sister’s wrath when all Chloe had tried to do was even comprehend the fact that she’d just told a joke to her, that maybe, just maybe she could still somehow find a way to apologize and fix everything…she really didn’t deserve Marinette’s forgiveness, did she? After everything, Chloe Bourgeois hadn’t changed one bit. She was the same old brat who hadn’t even bothered to get Armand’s name right, who bullied her classmates, pushed away her only friends, and betrayed her idol because of a stupid temper tantrum.

No, no! She couldn’t afford to think like that. The first thing Adrien had done when he saw her after weeks of not talking to each other was give her a hug. Sabrina, despite all Chloe had put her through, still agreed to think about seeing her again. Maybe…maybe it was okay to make mistakes. Ladybug admitted to making one, so if even the superheroine of Paris could err, then surely the city’s heiress was also afforded one or two? Well…not to say Chloe didn’t know exactly how much she’d fucked up, or that she assumed they’d deal with it, like some other ridiculous, utterly ridiculous blonde woman she knew.

Okay, deep breaths. Deep breaths. She’d definitely screwed a lot of things up, but Chloe was determined to try! Ladybug, even literal months after Miracle Queen, had come to her balcony and apologized for her mistake. Since Sabrina and Adrien were far better people than herself, and were probably taking a page from Marinette’s book given Sab’s reaction to speaking with Chloe, and Adrien’s…everything, they might still forgive her. If she ever managed to make it up to them, that is.

“Just…try to be yourself. Take things slow, and keep at it. Things will get better, you have my word.”, came the advice, and Chloe resolved to blink away the tears that had begun to form around her eyes. Ladybug was right, she couldn’t sit around and mope! If she wanted Adrien and Sabrina to take her back, then Chloe had to be worthy of their friendship! She had to do something and prove that she was trying!

But what could she do? Be herself, Ladybug had said. What would Chloe do with her friends? Oh…oh! Before she even had the chance to second-guess herself, Chloe had already picked up her phone and opened up her and Adrien’s chat. Now all she had to do was convince him to go out with her -platonically!-, and also make sure he had enough fun to want to invite her to group outings again, so she could have friends! Yeah…no pressure or anything…

Chatlog- Chloe Bee and Under Agreste. Last opened: One day ago.

Chloe Bee: Hey Adrikins! Good morning!

Under Agreste: Chlo? Why are you up so early?

Chloe Bee: …aren’t you going to say good morning to me?

Under Agreste: Yeah, okay. Good morning. So, what’s up?

Chloe Bee: I was going to ask if you’re free? I have a tiny favor to ask, can I come pick you up in like 20 mins?

Under Agreste: Sure? I mean I think dad will let me out. Hold on, brb.

Chloe Bee: Yeah ofc.

Chloe Bee: Wait, dad???

Under Agreste: He said it’s fine. And…yeah. About that, I think he’s actually working on it?

Chloe Bee: Adrikins, don’t tell me he’s going to add more extracurriculars.

Under Agreste: No, no! It’s just- well he’s being weird, okay? Yesterday was the strangest day I’ve ever had, and that includes the time Ladybug threw me in a sarcophagus!

Chloe Bee: Ladybug threw- okay, we’ll get back to that. What exactly did Gabriel worst-excuse-of-a-parent-in-French-history Agreste do to you?

Under Agreste: He apologized for being an ass. And we watched a movie together with Nathalie. With pizza, Chloe. Pizza!

Chloe Bee: He’s an Akuma.

Under Agreste: That’s what I thought! But Nathalie shook her head ‘no’. And he’s not gone crazy either.

Chloe Bee: …okay there’s no way my request is going to be more shocking than that.

Under Agreste: Not unless you got me a date with Ladybug.

Chloe Bee: You utter simp. And no, want to go shopping with me?

Under Agreste: Yeah? Why wouldn’t I???

Chloe Bee: Just- well I asked Sab.

Under Agreste: Oh. Are you okay?

Chloe Bee: Yeah, fine. It was…kind of nice? Talking to her I mean. She might come by tmr, idk yet.

Under Agreste: Omg that’s great! Lmk how it goes, okay?

Chloe Bee: Will do. So, give me a few minutes to get ready and I’ll drive by your house.

Chloe Bee: You’re already running here, aren’t you.

Under Agreste: Guilty as charged. What, you going to try and Agreste me for it?

Chloe Bee: Adrien four-middle-names Agreste. I will literally exile you.

Under Agreste: You’ll have to cat-ch me first!   

Chloe Bee: Give me 10’ and I’ll be down.

As soon as she that he’d read her text, Chloe threw her phone directly into her purse with dexterity coming straight from whatever remained of Queen Bee, and pulled on her closet doors so hard they nearly came off the hinges, and swapped into her superhero inspired MDC commission faster than the naked eye could even see…or maybe she just lost track of time.

Rushing down the staircase and nearly crashing into a poor maid, the heiress shouted an apology over her shoulder, almost causing the older woman to collapse from sheer shock. Armand was there to support her in a heartbeat, and zipped after the blonde typhoon as any dutiful butler would. Assuming they lacked any hint of self-preservation, that is. By the time Chloe spun herself through the Hotel’s doors and into the outside world, she was greeted by Adrien’s shit-eating grin as he pretended to look at his phone, boredom slipping into his posture like he’d been waiting for eons now.

“You really do need to go shopping, huh?”, Chloe scoffed as she looked him over. For what felt like the millionth time, Adrien was wearing his classic striped T-shirt, black shorts, and that leather jacket from Sunday.

The heiress of Paris watched her friend stifle a sigh, and made a nonsensical hand gesture by twirling her index finger in the air. Armand, more than used to these shenanigans, knew to call for a limo. “Yeah, my closet feels a bit empty with just one outfit in it.”, Adrien nodded sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.

As Armand stepped away to fetch her driver, Chloe raised a brow at Adrien. “Say…do you just have this one set, or is your closet full of exactly identical clothes just in case?” The heiress put on her best questioning expression, as if truly considering the inner workings of the Universe. Adrien sighed more deeply than ever before, resigning himself to an afternoon of bullying.

“I’m starting to think I need better friends…”, he mumbled under his breath, “Kagami, Mari, and now you!”, Adrien exclaimed in mock despair, pointing an accusatory finger at his friend. Chloe’s only response was to playfully punch his shoulder, shaking her head to hide a fond smile behind her ponytail.

“Oh, c’mon Adrikins, you know we love you!”, she teased him with a high tone, causing the glass doors to vibrate slightly. The joke went over the blonde’s head as he carefully stepped aside, just in case… After all, Chloe had once screamed so loudly that half the windows in Paris nearly shattered on the spot. Plagg still has nightmares of that on occasion…

For a moment they both stood in uncomfortable silence, watching the cars drive by on the road. Adrien’s shoulders stiffened, and Chloe winced as she realized the probable cause. Right, they’d brought up Marinette. The heiress of Paris did not nervously fiddle with her gold ring, fumbling on how to continue the conversation. Armand had walked back inside, and Chloe saw him flash her an affirming nod in the corner of her eye. Did she say nothing until the limo came to get them? Did she try talking about something else?

“Hey…Chlo?”, Adrien’s voice came, sounding nearly breathless as he shook himself out of a stupor. “I- I think you and Mari would have been great friends.”, he mumbled so quietly that she barely heard him.

Chloe…stood to think. He said nothing else, simply looking at the ground with guilty eyes and a crestfallen expression that could thaw out even Hawkmoth’s wicked heart. It’d certainly done wonders on hers. Marinette Dupain Cheng…friends with Chloe Bourgeois. It sounded like a terrible joke to the heiress, but she did spare a moment to envision it. If Chloe had toned her bullying down when they were still kids, if she hadn’t taken it to the extreme- well, she knew the answer already. Marinette had forgiven her for a lot worse already. But…what if she’d had the guts to come out and say it, that she was jealous of the baker’s daughter?

If a younger Chloe Bourgeois had pulled Mari aside one day to apologize and explain herself…the bluenette would have probably offered her a sweet and a kind smile. Marinette was just- just better, as a person. She was good in a way that Chloe aspired to be, now that the dust has begun to settle. And maybe one day she will be worthy of the forgiveness Dupain-Cheng had offered her. The heiress of Paris would make sure of it.

A soft hand gently nudged her shoulder, and Chloe jumped back to the present, snapping her head to face Adrien as if his touch had electrified her. She saw the limousine waiting in front of them with open doors, and steadied herself on her friend’s arm before stepping in. The heiress’ legs buckled as she tried to move, but Adrien held her up, patiently waiting for Chloe to complete the motion at her own pace. Ugh…those two really did deserve each other.

Adrien effortlessly slid into the seat next to her as she scooted over to make room, and shut the car door. Chloe motioned for the driver to get going, their destination being the fashion district of Paris. Well…such a thing didn’t actually exist, but the street in question had quite a few high-end stores near one another. Rosemary’s, a Gabriel store, Channel and Dior locations, pretty much a haven for all fashion enthusiasts in the city. She…probably ought to look up the street’s real name at some point, just in case.

As their ride went forth on the roads, Chloe dared to sneak a look at Adrien. He seemed- excited, for lack of a better term. The heiress of Paris prided herself on a lot of things, but she knew her best friend’s facial expressions. Adrien was genuinely happy to be here, and had apparently managed to push back the mention of Marinette. She- well Chloe was glad too, that he was smiling again. That the smile was real this time. Right, right. Adrien was fine, and so was she.

“Adrikins?”, she felt the nickname leave her lips, ever so softly. It was uncharacteristic for her, even Chloe herself could tell. But Adrien’s eyes still lit up, the dim glow of guilt being replaced by an attentive glint of happiness, and the heiress’ heart thumped ever so slightly at seeing her friend in a better mood. “Are…are you okay? With- well, everything.”, came the question, and all joy vanished from his eyes as the guilt returned seemingly tenfold.

Fixing a passive look on his face in the blink of an eye, so quickly that if Chloe hadn’t known him since they were toddlers she’d have thought it was completely genuine, Adrien turned to look her in the eye. He looked…at peace, like nothing was bothering him at all, but she could see he was hiding something from her. “I’m sorry.”, she sighed when he didn’t respond. “Forget about it, that was a stupid thing to ask.”

Adrien’s hand twitched as he made to touch her shoulder in an offer of comfort, but she politely shrugged him off and opened up the Rosemary catalogue on her phone. Passing the device to him for Adrien to look over the outfits, she took a minute to remember how to breathe. Why had she even asked him? Wasn’t it obvious he’d have it worse than all of them? For Pollen’s sake, those two were so perfect for each other Chloe would actually eat her Queen Banana hat if they hadn’t fallen in love while spending so much time alone! Adrien still made no attempt at words, lazily scrolling around the selection. To him, the outfits seemed bland and uninteresting, so used to the world of high fashion as Adrien was. Nothing really to draw his eye, just the same basic and safe designs repeated and copied all across the world.

Ever since he’d truly befriended Marinette, as both himself and Chat Noir, Adrien had learned what fashion was really about. It wasn’t the color, the seams, the hem of a shirt or the length of a skirt. No, it was the emotion behind every creation. The love and care put into sewing every seam of a dress, the passion and sprees of inspiration driven solely from a caffeine overdose and even a bit of sleep deprivation, the pride when looking at a completed work with shinning eyes. All the items on the catalogue looked…generic or overly eccentric, made to combat this blandness with exaggerated colors and fabrics that went everywhere and nowhere at all. Clothes made in a panicked rush specifically for the purpose of appealing to those who care about the looks, the outward appearance of the outfit and not what lay beneath. Maybe that’s why Adrien never cared much for Father’s business after m- …recently. It all seemed so fake to him, like the purpose of the work was to keep up a mask of perfection when looking at the results, and ignoring all the disorganized, rushed and sometimes unfathomable messes hiding behind the curtains at every show, every exhibition, every new line being put out by Gabriel and those other companies. Soulless was perhaps a good descriptor.

Maybe…maybe it reminded Adrien too much of home, and that’s why he never took interest. He ran a hand over the side of jacket, absentmindedly flicking the zipper with his finger. On the inside of the pocket the letters M.D.C. were sewn into the fabric, along with A.A. This was the one project Marinette had insisted he help her out with. The jacket was theirs, not just a gift from the girl he loved, but something they’d made together. Well, Adrien hadn’t done any sewing himself, but he’d been delighted to model for it, just watching Mari work as she held pins in her mouth, adjusting the length of the sleeves with a focused expression as the light reflected from her glimmering blue eyes…she was so beautiful…

“Adrien? We’re here.”, Chloe nudged him gently. The heiress gave a sad, knowing look, and lightly pushed her leg against his to keep the boy grounded in reality. The memory of those hours with Marinette faded from Adrien’s mind, but an idea came to him as he stepped out of the car. Chloe supported herself on him, holding Adrien by the arm as her legs bucked again, body not quite strong enough to hold her own weight.

“Chlo…are you sure you’re up for this? Maybe we should go eat something first, you’re looking a little pale.”, Adrien suggested gently, not letting go of his friend as the limo drove down the block to park, driver giving them both a firm nod before the teens walked away. Or stumbled, in Chloe’s case.

The heiress scoffed in annoyance, retracting her arm from Adrien’s and standing perfectly still until her legs stopped shaking. “I’m fine. Now c’mon, let’s go to Rosemary’s! I’m sure you’ll love the place, Adrikins!”, she deflected, even physically waving him away with her free hand. Chloe shifted her feet to steady herself, and dragged Adrien towards the entrance to the store.

Rosemarys stood before them like an embodiment of perfection, the stainless sliding glass doors welcoming new customers as fashion enthusiasts crowded around the newest pieces. Even from the outside, Adrien could see people fawning over the newest Gabriel line -emotionless and flashy as it was, made to catch the eye but not the heart- and Chloe steeled herself, forcing her legs to stop quivering before trying to take another step.

“Well…well…well.”, a voice snickered from behind them. “I didn’t except to see you two lovebirds here.” Adrien’s blood ran cold before he could so much as turn around. When his eyes finally registered her, the blonde barely resisted the urge to run.

Lila Rossi. “Aren’t you going to say hi to me, Adrikins?”, she cooed mockingly, her eyes glaring daggers into his soul. The Italian girl giggled in what was surely meant to be a cute tone, but the sound grated his ears, like she was dragging her acrylic nails across a chalkboard.

Chloe stepped between them faster than the eye could see, hiding her near-stumble by latching onto her friend with both hands. “You have no right to call him that, you bitch!”, she screamed at the other girl, but Lila only laughed. “What are you even doing here, Rossi? Shouldn’t you be busy sucking up to whoever pays the most?”, the heiress snapped at the Italian.

Lila took a step closer, and Adrien felt himself tense up. She was getting close, too close. “Oh God! Look at you Agreste, you’re shivering!”, she cackled at him, gleefully taking in his stunned expression. Adrien could feel Plagg growling in his shirt pocket, preparing to fly out and skin the girl alive regardless of the consequences. The memory of those nails clawing at his skin, forcing marks and even drawing blood…it made Chat Noir want to Cataclysm this- this thing!

The Italian took a step back, raising her hands in an innocent surrender. “Don’t worry Adrikins. I’m just here to let you know that you’re going down, along with your Daddy Dearest.”, she spat out in a sickly-sweet tone, near-snarling at him. “Gabriel made a mistake in denying me what I wanted, and you should have known your place as my trophy! …I’ll be seeing you, Adrien.”, Lila breathes out, and flips her hair at them as she turns to walk away.

“Lila?”, came Adrien’s voice, tone a near growl more feral and hateful than anything Chloe had ever heard from him before. The Italian spared a glance over her shoulder, like she didn’t even have time to breathe the same air they did. “Next time we see each other will be your last day. Try to keep from causing anymore catastrophes till then, alright?”, he stared her down with a carbon copy of Gabriel’s blood-chilling glare. Chloe barely held back a gasp as the cold, dead voice escaped Adrien’s mouth. “Oh, and try to fix that haircut. It’s almost as disgusting as your personality.”, he snickered under his breath, gently dragging Chloe inside the store. The blinding smile of satisfaction she saw on his face may just have made interacting with Lila Rossi worthwhile.


Up in the skies above, Ladybug twirled her yoyo around a chimney, somersaulting onto the nearest tiled roof and sliding off to leap onto the next building over. The heroine takes a long breath, admiring the view from her spot. It’s almost comfortable and Ladybug grins wildly, her hair waving in the slight breeze. It’s…freeing, to be up here. After a whole day of sorting through her newly acquired fabric collection and putting together some of her most recent commissions, Samantha felt entitled to a break. A warm cup of coffee would have made the moment a thousand times better, and so Ladybug prepares to swing over to Flora’s for a drink. Suddenly, a nearby storefront lights up in her vision, causing her wince from the harsh light. Tikki works her magic…to get Mari to go to a Starbucks? It’s closer, yes…but. The red light continues to emanate in Ladybug’s blue eyes, and she sighs deeply while lowering herself to ground level. Is it overly expensive? Yes. Tikki insists. Does she really care about the price? Absolutely not if her Kwami says so. Mari hums an upbeat tune to herself, the one she vaguely remembers from Clara Nightengale’s music video so long ago. It brings back happy, bright memories, and she lets herself bask in the warmth of her friend’s smiles, or at least how they used to be before…Lila.

Shaking away the thought, Samantha Fae walks down the street to Rosemary’s with a pep in her step, blinking in realization as a familiar limousine passes her by. Two figures in the back, one of them a silhouette she would always recognize. Adrien! Quickening her pace, Samantha runs to catch up to them. Not that she worries about Chloe doing something, -the heiress has more than proven her willingness to change- but a part of Marinette aches to join the two, especially on something so important as expanding her boyfriend’s wardrobe! How will she steal her kitty’s hoodies…if he doesn’t have any?

For her part, the Italian fumed, stomping on the ground as she fled the scene in anger. And this time, she knew he wouldn’t help her. But betrayal always came with a price, and she would make him pay what Lila was owed. Caught up in her own thoughts, she failed to notice the raven-haired girl walking towards her with a coffee cup in hand. The two crashed into each other as Lila brushed by the girl’s shoulder, and the lid went flying, dousing her favorite shirt in scalding hot coffee!

The scream of anger reverberated all across Paris, and somewhere in his Hotel, Andre Bourgeois felt himself shiver in horror at how familiar it sounded. Not bothering to grace this peasant with even a single word, Lila dashed away, leaving behind a cackling Samantha Fae, who tossed her cup in the nearest trash can before stumbling away, overcome by near-debilitating laughter. Oh, the Starbucks pricelist was so worth it! Tikki devolves into full-on shaking in laughter from inside her purse, oh, the look on Lila’s face!

Ladybug gently pats the Kwami through the fabric as she wipes away the last happy tears in her eyes, and Tikki manages to collect herself when they enter the store. For a moment the sheer wonder of Rosemary’s shelves hits her again, the excited child coming back just for a second before Samantha pulls the fantasy out of her mind. She’s living in the present, where MDC is a thriving business and Marinette Dupain Cheng is dead to the world. As she should be, in Samantha’s personal opinion.

It’s…complicated, even to think about it. But Samantha Fae and Ladybug feel more like her than Marinette Dupain Cheng, the perfect class president, ever did. She’s a real person now, not a failing imitation hiding behind porcelain masks and falsely sweet smiles as the cracks become more and more obvious. Samantha is brave, she’s kind but unafraid to stand up for herself, she has a sweet tooth and loves Adrien Agreste with all her heart. Ladybug in the unflinching heroine who is always there for everyone, but she makes the calls. She has a partner that Marinette probably didn’t deserve -after so many mistakes-, and looks at Chat Noir with a love which burns brighter than the sun. Mari, the simple, scarred and hurt girl underneath it all is still trying to find her place in a world that scorned her, slowly learning who she really is.

And right now, Mari really wants to go and see her kitty. She wants to lose herself in a fun day out and maybe even make a new friend from a what if that Dupain Cheng could never have, a world where her and Chloe’s snarky humor matched up perfectly and her troubles in school never existed, being introduced to Adrien as children and helping him through the loneliness that Gabriel brought upon his son, having people on her side when Lila-

Well…it’s pointless to dwell on the past. Samantha knows all too well that just like every other Akuma, Marinette Dupain Cheng -Princess Justice, Shadowmoth’s sickening voice rings inside her head- will be forgotten as the world moves on, days going by and people returning to business as usual. Why would anyone bother remembering the girl who’d torn herself away from everyone, and who Lila made such an effort to defame and destroy? Aside from Adrien and evidently Chloe of all people, who would even bother?

Mom and dad…they hurt to think about. Samantha had made peace with why she had to go, why Marinette Dupain Cheng needed to die for life to go on. Ladybug had shared her darkest secret with Chat Noir, with Adrien Agreste, and everything was okay. Kagami was becoming her friend once again, the boy she loved with all her heart and soul felt much the same, and her new life was off to a great start! Still…without something to occupy her time, without a goal to work towards, Samantha felt empty when she was alone. A blazing part of her really wanted to blame Alya for rubbing off on her.

“Looking fur someone, Milady?”, a teasing voice whispered behind her. Without even needing to turn and look, a loving smile found its way on the designer’s face. Instinctively, Marinette wrapped her arms around Adrien in a bone-crushing hug.

His eyes widened as he noticed the remnant of tears on her face, but Samantha quickly shushed him, the outside world fading away as she met his eyes, nearly getting lost in the bright grasslands of peace that awaited her. Chat would probably find a nice patch of sunlight, and she could run a hand through his fluffy hair, flicking his faux ears whenever a claw might sink a tad too deep in the back of her suit… Ladybug shook herself out of the trance, and gave a gentle nod.

“Hmm…”, she pretends to think, her eyes glinting in a loving gaze that nearly makes Adrien’s heart melt, “You know, I swear I saw my kitten run around here somewhere. A small, mangy little thing that keeps begging me for scraps.”, she teases back, booping his nose as she playfully pushes Adrien away.

“Maybe you’d have better luck outside, then.”, a familiar voice snaps behind Adrien, and he yelps hard as Samantha legs go of him, stepping away. Chloe Bourgeois stares her down with a vicious glare of ice, but blinks slowly in recognition. “…oh. It’s you.”, she sighs, retracting the aggression that had begun to fill the air around them.

“Long time to see, Bourgeois!”, Samantha greets the heiress in a pleasant tone. And really, she is happy to see Chloe. That’s- not a sentence Marinette would even think of. Right. She’s gone, and Ladybug should be glad to see Queen Bee doing better.

“Wish I could say the same, Fae. And I didn’t know you were friends with Adrikins…”, Chloe trailed off, her tone turning into a cold defense as she made to step between them.

Adrien stopped the heiress in her tracks by placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, and Chloe’s glare softened for a moment- she looked at Samantha, really looked at the designer for the first time. The girl was…familiar. Something inside of Chloe’s very soul gave her an eerie sensation of ease, like she knew Fae was trustworthy. Maybe- well, no. Chloe was sure she’d only met Samantha on Sunday, and kindness or no, the girl was still a stranger. The flash of recognition faded from the heiress’ eyes, and she quickly scanned the rest of the store, only to find that the other patrons had completely ignored the whole exchange.

“Heh! I told you everyone’s blind in this city!”, came a high-pitched voice from behind her, but Chloe only saw Adrien clearing his throat. “Uh- my voice cracked?”, he offered by way of explanation. The heiress huffed in annoyance, but let her friend keep his secrets. Why look into this anyways? It was probably nothing, she should be focusing on why they came here.

“Let me guess?”, Samantha sent Chloe a knowing look. “Finally realized that Paris’ top model can’t be seen with only one outfit in his closet?”, the designer asked, directing an…interesting look at Adrien. A half-smirk lined her mouth and her lips were upturned almost in amusement, and he was…blushing?

The heiress elected to question both of them later, when they weren’t around so many people. Luckily it seemed nobody had noticed them quite yet, regardless of how impossible it should have been, with Gabriel Agreste’s son and the mayor’s daughter standing right in the middle of the store. Maybe Ladybug’s luck was just rubbing off on her. She could really use it right now…

“W-well!”, Adrien stammered, still trying to avoid eye contact with the raven-haired designer. “You should know, Prin- uh, Samantha! I have plenty of outfits in my closet! It’s full of clothes!”, he argued weakly, and Chloe couldn’t help but raise an accusatory brow. She wouldn’t ever side with a stranger over her oldest friend, but he was clearly bullshitting them here.

“Name one outfit.”, Samantha locked eyes with him, sending Adrien a daring, almost too bold glare. But there was something else behind it, Chloe could see it. Some kind of knowing, like this was a challenge between the two. Adrien replied with but a cocky smile, which only served to widen Samantha’s own grin. “That isn’t made by me.”, she clarified, and his face fell as Adrien racked his mind for an answer.

Chloe…was a little shocked, truth be told. It wasn’t like she and Adrikins had been close…before, but surely, he would mentioned the designer at least once in the past two years if they really knew each other? Yet, there was nothing except Fae’s own admission of trouble in the Rossi department and a failed dream to work at Gabriel.

Not much to go off of if she really decided to investigate, but even Adrien would be able to tell there was some kind of history here, had he been an outside observer. “Yeah, I got nothing.”, he sighed deeply after a whole minute of contemplation. And she’d made him clothes, apparently. The only other person to have ever done that was- …no. Chloe wasn’t going to relapse now; she’d think about her later. Samantha Fae was the priority here, not M- Mari.

The designer sighed deeply, letting out a frustrated huff as she ran a hand through her own silky hair, freely flowing down her shoulders. “Chloe, please tell me you have good taste!”, Samantha turned to her in actual despair. The heiress couldn’t quite manage a reply, and Adrien had been half sure Chloe might collapse from the mere thought of being questioned on her fashion tastes…but all she did was show off her ring to the other girl. The designer hummed in approval, showing off her own leather jacket, embroidered with the golden initials of MDC in the back of the left sleeve.

A moment of silence passed by as Chloe made to touch the logo, nearly entranced by something in the back of her head. For some reason it felt important, like the missing piece to a puzzle begging to be solved. Adrien tapped her shoulder to shake his friend out of the stupor, and Chloe ran a hand over her ponytail. “…He’s my favorite designer.”, she admitted in a low voice, so quiet it barely pieced the buzz of activity in the surrounding aisles.

Samantha smiled happily at her, but still raised a questioning brow. “Why not a she?”, she asked, shrugging when Adrien gave her a look. Chloe didn’t quite have an answer for the designer, but that feeling came back for just a second, that sensation of importance that clung onto her mind. Adrien seemed worried, but she nodded in assurance. The other girl made for the nearby coat hangers, examining another jacket. He followed suit, Adrien’s eyes staying glued to the back of her head. Almost as if he didn’t want to let Samantha out of his sight. They browsed every last section of the store, looking over each and every outfit with meticulous care. The heiress mostly tagged along, but she found herself not minding all that much. It gave Chloe a chance to observe the duo, how Samantha casually touched and tapped Adrien’s shoulders and arms whenever she wanted to test the length of a shirt, how he leaned into her hand without so much as a word. They both knew each other, in a way that she…did not.

Some kind of connection was evolving before her eyes, and Chloe was left reeling as to what exactly had made those two get so close, and -more importantly- why Adrien had never mentioned this girl before. The heiress stumbled over a seating bench, and Samantha was there to catch before she’d even begun to fall. In that light from the overhead lamps, her hair almost looked…blue. As soon as Choe was back on her feet, she made sure to rub her eyes. Fatigue was seeping into her body, almost in her very soul, and…alright, she probably should have eaten more than a cookie this morning.

But Adrien was far more important. He was clearly hiding something from her, a secret thought or feeling that pained him terribly, and no matter what Chloe did to push or prod, she knew it would only make him close off. She’d have to be patient with him and do her best to help, to make him smile again. Though…the designer seemed to be doing plenty of that on her own. At first glance it looked like they were just going through the motions, if perhaps with some more closeness than professionally necessary. But if Chloe really looked at the two, Adrien seemed to almost shine when he was near her.

As if a dark fog of uncertainty had lifted from his shoulders, her best friend radiated love and light into the air around him, smiling so brightly that Chloe was nearly blinded when he turned to look at her. Maybe the florescent lights weren’t helping on that front, but the heiress was not hallucinating the change. All kinds of misery had vanished to the winds, instead replaced by warmth and soft features, eyes always glued on the raven-haired girl. Like it was just them in the world, and no one else. It reminded her of his reaction to waking in Samantha’s apartment, that recognition that flashed through Adrien’s eyes so quickly that Chloe had missed it at the time.

Yes…history was definitely there, and Chloe Bourgeois would eat her newest Gabriel dress if she didn’t find out what was going on here. And more importantly, who is Samantha Fae really?


And…scene! Oh, thank actual God that this is over! I’m sorry, but as much as I like this chapter and as much as I unironically enjoy writing Chloe, coming back after a week of hiatus with not even the slightest bit of editing made this so hard! But I’m finally done, and I hope you guys enjoyed! Chloe chapters are actually done for now I promise, and I have a feeling someone is going to lose just from the title of the next one, so stay tuned for that! Anyways, before I go, I do want to elaborate on a couple things, as per usual!

First off, Marinette. She may be the most mentally stable of the main cast, but that doesn’t mean she’s okay by any metric. To explain: I know that Mari accepted her new identity as Samantha in chapter 8. That’s over and done with, yes. But she’s still just a teenager whose entire life has been upended, and her main problem has always been pretending that everything is fine, even to herself. Her little segments here are not only to show that snarky Ladybug is becoming a thing, but also that she’s still hurt by everything that’s happened, keeping herself busy to avoid thinking back to it. Don’t worry, she’s still the main character and we’ll be exploring this a lot sooner than later, so just know that’s coming!

Secondly, Chloe. I’m not going to go over her mental state again since I already did in greater detail before, but this kid is Not Okay. None of them are, but especially Chloe at the moment. I wanted to give her this final chapter to develop a few things, as well as get a complete picture of her life and emotions. Also, in case it wasn’t 100% clear Chloe’s physical weaknesses in some moments here is because she’s barely slept or eaten for around two and a half days now if my math is correct. As I said, please get these kids a therapist.

Thirdly, Lila Rossi. She’s back! God help me, having to write her dialogue, regardless of how short it was, actually delayed this chapter by a full two days I am not joking. I don’t think I can express with words how much I dislike her character, but here she is! We’ll get to see where exactly she’s been all this time in her own chapter (and yes that will be actual torment for me, thanks for the concern), so just trust the process! Also, I don’t think it’s a spoiler to say her eventual trial is going to be very interesting to see! Ofc, I need to actually research the French legal system, but that’s for later! All I will say is that she will get what’s coming for her in the end.

Anyways, thank you all for reading! Hiatus is over and I’m back on a (hopefully) weekly update schedule! I’ll see you all next time (along with an unexpected visitor at Agreste Manor), but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 16: Felix


As Samantha, Adrien and Chloe spend their day out in the city, someone new arrives to complicate everyone's lives significantly.

Gabriel Agreste recieves an unexpected guest and continues to very much regret his life choices, Nathalie has a discussion which might just later her perception on the Agreste household.

Meanwhile, Kagami Tsurugi meets a new person, and perhaps even makes a friend!


Hello there everyone! Welcome back for another speedrun directly into a depressive episode, or rather, another chapter of this fic! Yes, I am indeed running out of ways to describe ACOLL and am open to suggestions. This one is actually quite special, and I’ve been waiting for it for quite some time! I’m very excited! Also, this work is now part of series, as you may have noticed! The reason for this is because my brain is overflowing with content that unfortunately doesn’t all fit into the fic. Therefore, I have a few things planned for afterwards, including a blooper reel for certain scenes, and also a piece of hidden content that some people who follow me on Discord may be aware of! I’ll talk a lot more about this in the future when I know what will be in the series exactly, but for now just keep in mind that there will be bonus content after the finale!

Anyways! I wanted to say thank you for all the kind comments you guys have been leaving, it’s amazing to see so many people interacting with my work! And…I’m still utterly flabbergasted by the 10k -now 11k, holy Nooroo!!!- Hits. I- I literally don’t know how to thank all of you properly for this! If anyone wants to chat or ask questions about this fic, feel free to drop a comment or come find me on Discord! I’m usually on the Miraculous Fanworks and Miraculous Hub servers!

Trigger Warning: This chapter contains both mentioned and on-screen verbal and physical child abuse, as well as on-screen physical violence. If anyone is uncomfortable with the topic, I’d like to express my regrets. Unfortunately, this chapter isn’t really skippable, and as we move forward with certain character arcs these themes will be more present at certain future points of the story. No, seriously, there are too many abused kids in this show…

Note: I go into more detail about the trigger warnings in the end notes, fourth paragraph. The one about Kagami. If anyone needs a clarification please go there after reading the chapter (because spoilers) or ask me a question. I'll be happy to address any concerns!

Now please grab your popcorn, sit down, relax, and get ready for: Gabriel’s continuing descent into madness, Nathalie trying to be a good mom, Amelie being a great mom, Kagami having a terrible mom, Nooroo’s ongoing headache due to the Agrestes, discussion of wedding rings, and Felix forcing the entirety of Paris to deal with mass teenage angst!
Without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The train station was as busy as ever in a metropolitan city, people busting around and always in a rush, threading the needle when it came to travel plans, nearly breaking down the glass walls to the ticket booth and almost stampeding the conductor in their hurry to board the next train. Tsk, had nobody here a single drop of decorum? This was extremely undignified, disrespectful to both themselves and whomever they might represent.

Or…perhaps that is something Father might have said. The blonde boy tugged at the black tie clip he was wearing, accompanying the near monochrome suit that had through miracle avoided getting wrinkled during the ride here. Mother stood at his side, leaning close and holding onto his arm in a gesture of comfort, but a chill still ran up his spine. The people here…were too many. They were too close. Pairs of feet coming from all directions, banging themselves against the metal floors as businessmen, workers, civilians and even families kept on intruding onto his personal space, even brushing shoulders on occasion. Another shiver almost froze his spinal column solid, his legs quivered as he took a shaky breath.

Only his mother’s comforting touch stopped the station from spinning, or worse him from ending up on the disgusting floors. The warmth flooded his mind, sending the revolting snarls at his vision’s edge back to where they’d came, leaving only a faint though ever-present sense of love, of belonging and care. Still, even that fleeting flicker of flame had its full force directed unto his heart, and the blonde found it in the sliver of a soul that surely inhabited his body to smile, ever so slightly.

Gently, Mother tugged at his arm and he allowed himself a shivering breath that sent chilly air into his lungs, before starting to walk again. She was right. The longer they stayed here, the more people would inevitably get closer. And so together they stepped forward, through the gates of what might as well be Hell, or so he thought upon seeing the massive crowds outside. Impossibly, even more people lay before his eyes, their incessant chattering ringing in his ears. He hated this, being in public. So much needless noise assaulting his senses, blurring his eyes and straining his face as he tried to even out his breathing. Mother slowed down to accommodate for him, and he leaned on her for support. His legs were shaking, he thought he might collapse. Why did there have to be so many people here? Why were all so loud? The endless white noise buzzing in his ears reminded him of- of…

That horrid country music was blasting into the room from all corners, speakers connected to the ceiling showing his ears no mercy. He didn’t dare cover them with his hands, because Father was close by. The man’s tall and tasteless cowboy hat, a near-offensive cliché if one were to ask in retrospect, was tipped and holding on to his head by the top of the ear, and only barely. Mother hovered close to him, her gentle dark green eyes casting a protective shadow over his small form, tiny in comparison to the lanky forms chattering around the bar stools. Father was saying something to another woman getting her drink, and while he couldn’t make out the exact words, they sounded slurred and slow, almost as if the man was slowly forgetting to speak.

Mum tightly grasped his hand as a patron stumbled by, smelling of something his young self couldn’t quite identify, but it was still nearly enough to make the contents of his stomach see the wooden floorboards. No, no! He had to be strong here! Father insisted that a proper man knew how to handle himself, so he wouldn’t show any weakness. Still, he scooted his small frame against Mother’s leg by just a bit. It felt safe. It felt like home.

A hand was very gently tapping his shoulder. He snapped out of the daze, breathing deeply before reapplying the mask of impassivity onto his features, and then ever so slowly nodding an affirmative. He was fine, not some baby to look after. Mother sent him a warm look that secretly made his heart flutter, the constant reminder that she cared, that she loved him was…it was good. Shaking off the last remains of that memory, he allowed Mum to lead him to the nearest cab, and quietly assisted with loading their luggage in the trunk.

Just the mere act of opening the door to get inside…a part of his very soul revolted against the idea, that thing that sometimes still talked to him in Father’s voice when he was asleep. It was improper, it was disgusting, it was filthy and below his family’s stature to behave like commoners. He sat on the seat with a wide grin on his face, and the smile got impossibly bigger as he imagined Father’s disapproval to this method of travel. The man would scream and yell that not in this life or the next would he debase himself in such an uncouth manner…if he was still alive, that is. And thankfully for both his health and sanity, Father was dead and buried, as he should be in both Mum’s and his own opinion. Good bloody riddance.

The cab driver asked them for a destination, and Mother provided while making idle small talk. More than used to tuning these conversations out, he turned his mental attention to the latest book he’d been reading, a copy of which was sitting in his backpack, Sophia and the Emerald Princess. Personally, he never quite liked romance novels, he thought them unrealistic and grand displays of naivety on the author’s part…but this one had piqued his interest. Perhaps because the heroine was a commoner, a girl of lower status that Father would refuse to go near, lest he accidentally inhale the same air and contract some disease like common sense. Heh, his cousin would’ve probably laughed at that pun. Maybe it was the sheer ridiculous set of circumstances the book described vigorously within its pages, of a commoner girl and a royal princess becoming friends simply because of shared interest, as if it could possibly be that simple instead of a meticulous, well calculated procedure crafted specifically to acquire further personal gain. Like friends were somehow easy to find, like anyone would ever want to be friends with him.   

Or…wishful thinking aside, it could simply be that the story’s main couple of two girls would have Father frothing at the mouth, should he ever decide to- should he have decided to actually read a book for once in his life. The mental image of him ripping the stupid cowboy hat apart like a rabid dog actually made him smile a little bit, especially now that Father’s anger could never reach him again. Oh, he had no delusions of being a good person or some such. But no matter what he did in his life, there was no doubt that a special place existed for men like Father, one he’d long sworn to stay away from even in death. No reason to risk going near him, knowing how he always was. And he didn’t have to worry about mum either, she would never encounter her former husband again, they’d both made sure of that almost…three years ago, was it?

The sudden stop of the cab forced his ruminations to come to quick end, and a part of him was grateful to banish Father from his mind once again. What business did the man even have taking up his son’s valuable time, when he had never even dreamed of offering his own? Mother didn’t need to announce their arrival to him, he was already halfway through shutting the door behind him by the time she’d gotten her change from the driver. The man in the fedora and semi-formal suit offered to help with their luggage, but Mother kindly waved him off, and they quickly unloaded their things before silently watching the cab turn the corner. Then, and only then, did Mother give him an assuring smile, that everything would be okay, that she could handle herself here. Reluctantly, he nodded back, offering a tiny smile of confidence before tightening the straps on his backpack and taking a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh Parisian air. It felt…oddly warm, for it to just be half past twelve. And the weather was clear, despite the possibility of storms considering recent weather patterns. Mum sent him another loving smile, and he felt the uncertainty which had shaken his legs vanish in an instant. As he walked away, the intercom on the metal doors buzzed to life, and Nathalie Sancoeur welcomed a new guest to the Agreste Mansion.


Gabriel Agreste was beginning to think he’d made a massive mistake. Wel…perhaps it should have occurred to him just a little earlier, in hindsight, maybe before he told Nathalie to open the gates. But now, she was standing before him, the spitting image of his wife barring a single shade of green in the eyes, and a sliver of platinum in her hair. Amelie Graham De Vanily was not a person even Shadowmoth had wanted to speak to, and for once he found himself in agreement with the monster!

Still, the woman practically bashed the front doors in as she made her entrance, exactly as dramatic as the one a year before. Extending her arms in a falsely inviting warmth, a bright, near-blinding smile that hurt to look at, and a hidden coldness in her eyes concealed almost as well as Hawkmoth’s secret identity. Gulping down the sudden spike of unease that came by looking at his not wife standing before him, Gabriel ever so politely offered his hand to help her up the staircase. She said nothing to him for a moment, still focusing all her energy into breaking him with her most genuine Emilie smile, the warm and loving look that had once made his heart flutter every morning, afternoon and night, a never-ending joy that lit up his life like a candle in the dark.

And Amelie had the gal to use it against him. “It’s very nice to see you again, Gabriel.”, she exclaimed loudly in that sickening imitation of Emilie’s own voice. She was doing this on purpose, he could feel her hatred for him! “Though…”, she gently tapped her chin, pretending to be in deep contemplation, “I’m surprised you’re not too busy making my nephew’s life a living Hell…”, she spat at him, the loving warmth vanishing from her tone like a candle’s snuffed out flame.

For a moment, just one horrifying moment, Gabriel really wanted to punch this woman in the face. Because she dared imitate his wife in front of him, because she was using her own sister to do harm, because she was hurting him with this stupid performance- …but he reigned his anger in, not letting it show in favor of a discomforted flinch. Because Amelie was right. Gabriel had, by any and all accounts, turned Adrien’s life into a literal hellscape simply by interacting with his son. He’d hurt the boy so deeply that any of kindness was viewed not only with suspicion, but downright disbelief.

Besides…there were some lines Gabriel Agreste refused to cross. This was one of them, no matter how much his sister in law wanted to invoke wrath and rage from Gabriel. “I…I assure you; Adrien is doing quite alright. He’s out with miss Bourgeois at the moment.”, he was quick to tell her in as steady and gentle of a tone as he could. God, he really wished she was her sister, if only for a fraction of a second.

Nooroo had told him of course, what might have so easily cured Emilie’s condition if they’d acted quickly enough. Gabriel hadn’t quite digested that information properly just yet, but to see his wife’s look-alike, a woman he’d once considered an actual friend and whose only offense had been colluding with her sister to play guessing games with him…it hurt more than the revelation itself, because it was a physically reminder of the could-have-been, the now long dead fantasy which all of them may have inhabited, if only he’d been quicker, smarter-

“Gabriel?”, Amelie’s voice broke his train of thought. She looked genuinely concerned for a moment, but the second his eyes focused on her again any semblance of compassion was gone, vanishing under a mask of faux kindness.

He shook his head, refusing to let the pain take him again. Hawkmoth’s blood boiled with the agony swirling within, but that was his burden to bear. No matter how annoying or cruel Amelie Graham De Vanily was to him, Gabriel Agreste refused to lay a hand on Emilie’s sister. Not only due to their blood connection as she surely believed, but because despite his many, many flaws, crimes and sadistic tendencies as Shadowmoth, he was not Colt Fathom. He would never be that horrible, at least on the personal level which that…thing -for those who truly knew the man stopped counting him as a person long ago- had done his share of harm. Admittedly…that had come to be a matter of debate, given Gabriel’s recent acts of terror and treatment of his son, but at least he had never hit Adrien.

“…you’re right.”, he found the strength to admit, from some wellspring which only Nathalie’s light presence, the gentle warmth hovering nearby, could possibly provide him. “I’ve recently come to a…revelation. Regarding my son. And I believe that last we met…you were quite correct.”, the words were forced out of Gabriel’s mouth with the same effort it would take to reign Shadowmoth in, that colossal task that had fallen to him, and him alone.

Amelie’s fake smile didn’t move an inch, her features staying perfectly still as she studied his face, but her eyes widened just the tiniest bit. For a moment, she froze up, clearly not expecting this turn of events. “I- …I’m glad you understand now. It’s taken you long enough.”, she stretched out the two final words with an accusatory tone, but Gabriel only nodded in agreement. No matter how badly he and Nathalie both wanted to pretend that Adrien was fine, there was damage there that was evidently unfixable by either of them, even if Ladybug’s Miraculous were to somehow play a part.

Gabriel nodded somberly, Adrien’s terrified face as he slammed his hand down on the dinner table just…oh, God, not even five days ago, flashing before his eyes. “Yes. I couldn’t agree more.”, he concurred, nodding slightly in understanding.

A skeptical expression regarded him for a moment, but Amelie said not another word to him, instead turning towards Nathalie. The exoskeleton on her legs did not go unnoticed, but again his sister in law said nothing. “Miss Sancoeur, I’m sure my brother in law has much work to do. I wouldn’t wish to impose myself, but could you please show me to the room I’ll be staying in?”, she asked in genuine request, with only basic respect and no overplayed sweetness in her voice.

Nathalie narrowed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The air inside the manor was usually cold and stale, lacking the slightest hint of warmth and instead feeling like it would freeze her lungs solid. That had been especially true around Gabriel in the past few weeks, but now…there was something in the air as she took a moment to listen to his breathing, and it took her a good second to realize why it was familiar. Faint and flickering, holding onto existence with great effort, was the light, that deep blue glimmer of passion and care in Gabriel’s eyes, almost leaking into the walls with every exhale. Slowly, she tried to think about him. Visualizing his hair, the blonde color vigorously returning strand by strand, the calculating gaze that would always be there to examine the newest line…

“Gabriel? Can you hear me?”, she thought to herself, conjuring an emotion of curiosity and even slight excitement at the familiar sensation of feeling, that sensation of emotion which characterized every second of Mayura’s existence. Nathalie took another deep break, pretending to fiddle with her exoskeleton as Amelie waited for her to move ahead, and sent curious nervous excited to the warmth she could feel. It flickered for a moment, a kind of silver string stretching itself and being tugged at hesitantly from the other end, then… surprise, amusement…love.

L- lo- …no, that didn’t mean anything. Gabriel had always been a loving man, passionate and headstrong, even if sometimes to a fault. She got back affirmation when sneaking another glance at Amelie as Nathalie pretended to again adjust something with her exoskeleton. “Very well, miss Graham De Vanily. Please, follow me upstairs. I shall show you the room where Felix and you shall be staying. For…I would assume a few days?”, she pops the question tonelessly, professionally, as Gabriel takes the opportunity to send a curt, pained nod of dismissal to Amelie and retreat into the atelier, locking the doors behind him.

Amelie stood still for a moment, shuffled her feet by nary an inch to hide the way her shoulders flinched. Nathalie politely averted her eyes, staring blankly ahead as she began the effort of climbing the staircase. She thanked Duusu herself that no cough ravaged her body or tore her insides apart when she finally stood on final step, calmly waiting for Amelie to catch up.

The blonde woman took her sweet time, seemingly more than content to let Nathalie’s legs start quivering from the exertion. Mayura felt her exoskeleton strain under her own weight, and Amelie still walked at a snail’s pace, busy composing herself in a manner one could easily compare to royalty, the tiniest smirk on her lips confirming exactly how much she was enjoying inconveniencing her and Gabriel both. Finally, finally she came to a stop at Nathalie’s right, and the assistant hid a pained huff as she turned, leading the noblewoman to the nearest guest room. Frankly, Mayura didn’t care where they went, so long as she got to rest her legs somewhere.

A wooden door creaked open against Nathalie’s weight, and she pushed herself to the nearest chair, feeling the muscles in her lower half nearly tear from the effort, but still heaving herself into the seat. The cushion she landed in was quite soft thankfully, and there was a hand on her shoulder to help turn her around. Nathalie’s vision had filled with black spots, so she couldn’t quite discern who exactly was assisting her. Had Gabriel sensed her distress and ran upstairs? Did Adrien come back so suddenly?

Ahem.”, Amelie clearly her throat loudly. “…Nathalie…I think it’s pointless to hide it. I’ve seen the symptoms myself.”, she sighed deeply, almost like she really did care. Her facial expression matched the mask perfectly. Emilie really had been a great actress, hadn’t she? “I’m sorry. For what’s happening to you.”, the blonde woman went on, her platinum hair coming to rest on her shoulders, falling off so gracefully that it shone even in this cold, stale air.

Nathalie didn’t bother trying to deny it. All five of them had become very familiar with this condition once Emilie showed the first symptoms, Colt following just days after. While Emilie had acquiesced to her and Gabriel’s request that she take things easy, go to see a doctor, rest more…Colt had done the much opposite, if memory served. “…why do you even care? I’d thought you still hate us, for what happened to E-”

“I do!”, Amelie was quick to remind her. “And I despise Gabriel for not only keeping it from me, but also daring to say it was her idea until the end! Now I’ve got nary a clue where my sister even is, not that I would ever believe that bollocks story you two lovebirds made up for the press!”, the woman snapped, face contorting in a near-snarl as she tightly gripped Nathalie’s arm, slamming a hand against the assistant’s shoulder. It earned her a raspy cough from Mayura, who could only nod in understanding. They’d known, all three of them, what this would do to Amelie. Emilie had always said she’d be the one to tell her sister…only to die three days before the scheduled trip.

Platinum hair receded from Nathalie’s form, and the nails stopped biting into her skin, now covered in the faintest traces of blood. “I- I’m sorry!”, Amelie choked out in a sob, cursing herself for even showing compassion to these people. Gabriel and Nathalie weren’t her friends, not anymore! She shouldn’t be letting her feelings get in the way, she was here for the only person aside from her son who even mattered anymore. She had to make sure Adrien was okay. A moment of silence, as she receded to give her former friend space. “Nathalie…you know I can never forgive you. Maybe if E- if Em really did insist like you’ve been saying, I’d look past it. But with how I suspect you’re been treating my nephew…”, her voice shook, forcefully turning cold as ice while guilt threatened to drown the woman in front of Mayura’s eyes.

Her ability to pick up on people’s emotions came mostly from personal experience and years of practice, but the time she’d spent with Duusu -limited and damaging as it was- had left some specks of power swirling inside Nathalie’s soul. Never did she have real reason to use them, until now. And so, she looked, for the first time outside her suit. Worry, guilt, hatred, anger, fear, all emotions reverberating through Amelie Graham De Vanily’s soul as she woman stood before her, utterly expressionless and regal in posture. Speaking with Gabriel had been almost too much for her, the loud slam of the atelier doors evoking memories best left forgotten, his cracking tone bringing forth the feintest spark of hope…only for that to be cruelly crushed under a metaphorical boot, right before said object stamped down on her neck. Then-

Amelie stood at the precipice. The heavy wooden doors to the library laid in front of her, a tiny sliver of sunlight passing through them to illuminate the otherwise pitch-black room. From inside came the sounds of book being tossed about carelessly, and then fist bashed into the wooden desk. She felt herself flinch involuntarily, the desire to just pick up the nearest kitchen knife and be done with all this flooding her mind again…but it wasn’t that simple. It was never that simple.

Ever so gently, a part of her hoping she’d be entirely ignored, Amelie knocked her fist against the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. Quickly she checked over her shoulder just in case Felix had followed her, but a quick glance out the window showed the pre-teen still in the garden, reading a book under the shade of a tree. A sigh of relief escaped her in that moment, but she didn’t get to so much as finish breathing out before a hoarse voice called out from beyond the doors.

“Come in already! I don’t have all day, woman!”, Colt Fathom rasped from inside the library, having taken over the room as a personal study after- having essentially made it his new bedroom, given recent affairs. Amelie forcefully swallowed her fear, ignoring how much the black motif made these doors look like the gates of Hell. Stepping inside, she composed herself…and finally laid eyes on the man she was here for.

Colt Fathom was panting heavily, supporting his weight on the desk and slumping into the wooden chair. His signature cowboy hat, that darned thing she wanted to burn in the fireplace but couldn’t without facing consequences, lay on the floor nearby, atop a stack of fallen books. “My dearest husband-”, Amelie began respectfully, glaring daggers into whatever this fiend had in place of a soul.

“Oh, spare me the bullshit!”, Colt shot up suddenly, accidentally slamming his knees on the bottom of the desk and barely holding back a pained howl. “Let me guess! I made your snotty little brat cry because he was playing with that stupid toy again? Haven’t I told you to stop bringing him that shit?”, he snarled at her, raising a closed fist in the air by sheer force of habit before his muscles registered the pain, forcing him to slowly lower his hand.

Colt”, Amelie invoked his name with a tone cold enough to freeze over Hell itself…even though his hometown in Alaska already got plenty of snow every year. “Felix is a child, and I can’t fathom why you keep forgetting that! He’s only twelve, this is downright ridiculous! You’re his father, and while I’m willing to tolerate anything and anyone you want to do in this house, Felix deserves an apology for what you’ve done! You tore apart his favorite animal!”, she proclaimed in irritation, bringing forth the divine fury of a mother countless times scorned. Her dark green eyes glinted a dangerous shade again as she though of him having an unfortunate accident crossed her mind again, nearly making her smile in glee.

Colt went to respond, in the same arrogant and annoyed way he always did, but another cough ripped through his lungs, causing her dear husband to spit blood out onto whatever papers he was working on. The crimson liquid pooled around the pages, and Amelie demanded from herself not hold in the smile which begged to form on her face. She wouldn’t have to wait for too long…just hold out a few more weeks, and this would all be over cleanly. She could do it; she could keep herself together. For Felix, for her son!

Her husband’s eyes widened in realization for a moment, as if something previously unthinkable had clicked inside his head. His features changed…to a soft smile. “…you’re right.”, he pushed the words out, wiping the last drops of blood on his sleeve. Amelie felt a chill creep up her spine. The last time he- no, no this wasn’t going to end well. “He is just a child. A stupid little SHIT! …what have I done to him; you ask? LOOK AT WHAT YOUR PRECIOUS FUCKING SON HAS DONE TO ME!”, Colt screamed, lunging from his desk to wrap a hand around her neck-

He lost his footing, tripping over the stack of books that held up that infuriating hat and bashing his whole body into the bookshelf. It shook against the sudden weight, and Colt felt himself yelp in fear as it came crashing down- but he was alive. Its edge had been caught by the desk, and only his foot was stuck under the thing. “Well! Aren’t you going to help me, you useless bi-”

“Ah, ah ah, my dear husband. I thought real men don’t need help from anyone? Surely you can get yourself out of this, without needing to be saved by frail little me!”, Amelie gently scolded him, knowing well enough Colt would be too embarrassed to take it out on anyone except the furniture. And that was fine, things were replaceable. She could always get a knew table or desk or even buy a whole bookstore if Colt burned tore too many apart. So long as it wasn’t a person getting hurt, she was content to wait.

She turned heel and walked out before he could say another word, Colt was still fruitlessly trying to push the bookshelf off his leg as raspy, bleeding coughs wrecked his lungs. “A-Amelie! AMELIE!”, he cried out in rage as her heels echoed on the marble floors. Was she deliberately avoiding the carpet? …maybe.

“I swear to God, when I get out of here you’re dead, woman! Dead! I’ll throw you out to the streets alongside your snotty little brat, and I’ll-”

Amelie stopped listening to his yelling as she turned the corner in the hallway. She heard the doors to the library finally creak again, and hid a flinch as they slammed shut, sealing the devil inside and away from her son.

“Nathalie?”, the blonde woman asked in a slight daze. “I’m sorry, did you say something? I...thought…”, she mumbled under her breath, shaking away the last shards of Colt’s visage. Her voice again took on an icy tone as Amelie’s surroundings came back to her. “Never mind. Do you know when Adrien is coming back?”, she asked in a tone as dead as Gabriel’s.

Mayura took a deep, shaky breath, and tried to relax. That- that memory had been a lot worse than any of them had known about. God, if Amelie had said something then she was sure Emilie and Gabriel would have rushed over to put Colt Fathom six feet under with cane and fan in hand, hacking the man to pieces. Or…maybe that’s what Hawkmoth would have done, if he’d ever found a reason to care. Mayura certainly wanted to, even if the man was already dead. …oh. She’d been asked a question. “Um…yes, I believe so. Miss Bourgeois insisted that Adrien go shopping with her, they should be back soon.”, she breathed out, lungs straining as she spoke the words.

Amelie’s gaze softened again, but her mask came on so fast Nathalie thought she’d imagined it. Platinum strands of hair were pushed aside, and the woman kneeled next to her on the chair. “Does Adrien know? About you and Gabriel?”, came the question. Even without the panic that rose to drown her mind, Mayura could feel the air flying out of her lungs. A raspy cough accompanied it, and Amelie pulled out a handkerchief from her breast pocket, offering the object.

“I-”, Nathalie’s lungs again failed her, “I don’t know…what you’re talking about.”, she grit out the words, suddenly feeling her insides being torn apart. She grunted in pain, but the sickening sensation quickly subsided. “Gabriel and I are just friends.”, Mayura said sternly, clearing her throat.

“At the risk of sounding crass, who my brother in law has coitus with is no concern of mine. Does Adrien know?”, Amelie pressed her, eyes narrowing in single-minded focus. Her only desire was to protect her nephew, to not let Gabriel turn him into a miniature version of the bastard who’d gotten her sister killed!

Nathalie didn’t care if she’d be bedridden for the whole week, in that moment, and tapped into what part of Duusu remained within her. Because it felt like Amelie knew their secret. Caution. Worry. Anger. Hatred. Fear. Fear because of what Gabriel was capable of, what he’d already done. She felt her eyes widen in shock, but the blonde only laughed, as if this was amusing her. “I’ve known from the moment I saw you on the news. That shade of blue and the fan…as if I could ever forget.”, Amelie nearly spat out the final word, her hand coming to rest on Nathalie’s shoulder.

“…we both made a mistake.”, Mayura offered weakly, coughing into the handkerchief as she received a disbelieving look. “I know you don’t trust me, but he’s changed! Gabriel is trying, just give him some to time to prove it and you’ll see that I’m right!”, Nathalie insisted, trying to send her frantic feelings towards Amelie, even if the woman could sense nothing at all.

The blonde did not budge, only sighing after a moment of silence. “You are right. I don’t trust you. And I’d rather die than let your bastard friend abuse my family a moment longer! Hasn’t Colt done ENOUGH?”

Amelie’s scream echoed throughout the empty halls of the mansion. Inside the atelier, in a locked and hidden safe, the Kwami of Emotion stirred from her slumber. All of this still felt like a horrible nightmare…but ever so gently, Duusu reached through her fragmented bond with Miss Nathalie. She felt the woman tug back in assurance, and a shaky insistence to rest. Obliging her holder, Duusu’s energy fluxed through her Miraculous again, in what a physical being might call rolling over in one’s sleep. Her consciousness was reabsorbed into her jewel…but she did stop for a moment. Nooroo. Duusu’s partner in all these eons felt- …hopeful? Like his foulest had done something to change the Kwami’s rotten perception. Before going back to sleep, she extended her senses beyond the bounds of her Miraculous, sensing a feeling of light that had vanished into the wind like Miss Emilie. It was faint and flickering, like a dying flame holding onto one singular spark, but there would be someone there to fan it, she was certain. Assured of the future, Duusu retreated into her safe space, and went back to a dreamless, restful sleep.

On the floor above, Nathalie relaxed upon feeling her Kwami’s warmth. Duusu hadn’t often been conscious enough to use her powers, but somehow the little goddess always managed to send Mayura a feeling of light through their connection, when intrusive thoughts of worry about her condition would creep up in her mind. A part of her still wished Duusu hadn’t been so positive then…but it wouldn’t have made much of a difference, she remembered.

Nathalie sighed as deeply as her lungs would allow, averting her gaze from Amelie’s blazing determination, staring at the floor. “Just- go talk to Adrien when he gets back. Take it from him, if no one else.”, Mayura begged as a last resort, hoping desperately that her boy wouldn’t learn about their secret from Amelie of all people. Nathalie never became deluded enough to think Adrien would take the matter well, but with Chat Noir…she only hoped he didn’t turn them both to dust, if he ever found out.

Amelie must have realized she was causing her pain, and promptly backed off. “I will, and maybe afterwards I’ll ask Adrien to come back to London with us. Seeing as you and Gabriel clearly know nothing of raising a child.”, came the scalding tone, stark contrast to the tundra which had assaulted Nathalie’s senses just moments before.

“I- If he agrees, I promise Gabriel won’t even try to stop you. He’s learned that much, at least.”, Mayura replied weakly. There was nothing else to say. Except perhaps… “Amelie!”, Nathalie called out as the woman turned to leave. “We’re done, both of us. It won’t happen again, I swear it.”

“Unless he swears it on my sister’s grave, I have no reason to believe you.”, was all the blonde said before storming out, her dark green eyes still casting long shadows over Nathalie’s form. Mayura observed the abandoned luggage, and slowly made to get up from her seat. The exoskeleton seemed to work much better now, or perhaps her legs could finally support her weight. She walked out the door with a long sigh, and eventually returned downstairs to her desk. There was still work do to, always more work. That was the life of a simple assistant, Nathalie Sancoeur figured. Just another normal day…


Felix Graham De Vanily could confidently say there was nothing in this world which could frighten him. Ever since they’d moved away from the manor, away from his father and all which remained of him, life had become a lot less scary. And quiet. He’d grown to like the quietude, come to think of it. It meant Fa- Colt wasn’t screaming obscenities while drunk out of his mind, it meant there weren’t any of his female friends over, it meant he and mum were safe, if only for a little while. And because of this, books had quickly grown on him as a child. When reading, he made no noise. Colt could never claim Felix was pestering him if said son never so much as let a single whisper around the house.

When he was younger, Felix remembered he’d liked playing with stuffed animals. In hindsight, it really had been dumb, not a very boyish thing to do. But still, he’d loved all of them. Aside from mum, whose hugs would always be the best, his inanimate friends provided softness and comfort in a life where harsh tones and yelling was the norm, never mind the way his body would sting if Colt ever decided to- no…there was no reason to think about that right now. He was here on a mission. A job, so to speak. Mother had been so hesitant to let him go alone, but Felix had insisted. For this to work, she couldn’t be seen with him. For this to work, he had to become someone else once again. Adrien Agreste, his own cousin.

The striped T-shirt and black shorts he’d brought along with his novel replaced his normal -and much more comfortable- while suit and black vest, along with his blue jeans. It wasn’t something Felix would be caught dead in normally except for a mission, but it also was a small price to pay. To his knowledge, uncle Gabriel and by extension Adrien had no idea they were coming, which was excellent. Aside from having to give over the replica of the ring when he eventually headed over to the Agreste Mansion, he also had a whole afternoon to collect information of his cousin’s life. Not really for any particular objective…other than the fact Felix was quite worried about him, in a tiny part of his mind he dared not even acknowledge.

Felix was no fool, he’d seen it the moment mum had barged through the doors to uncle Gabriel’s manor just over a year ago. The man used to be nice enough, always kind and even sometimes playful, despite keeping his distance from Felix at all times. Back then he’d thought his uncle didn’t like him, but now he old enough to know that Mum had asked him to. When he’d last seen the man, however…he could tell there was something deeply wrong with him, like a sickness rotting away his insides and leaving only a hollow, lifeless shell of a man.

At the time, Felix was still struggling to understand what he was, and all he knew is that the Ring had gone to aunt Emilie, and now to uncle Gabriel. He’d managed to steal it back, not caring how hurt the man must have been from losing something so important. Felix’s own safety was far more important than his uncle’s feelings. He was a grown man; he’d get over it. That’s what Fa- what Colt had always said, and maybe there was even a point to be acknowledged. Right now though, he needed to catch up on information. In the year since he’d last come to Paris, Felix had kept tabs on his cousin through the news, hunting down even the slightest indication of hidden bruises or acting under duress, ready to travel back to Paris and let Mum sick her army of lawyers on Gabriel Agreste at the slightest provocation. What he’d noticed instead was…concerning.

In recent photoshoots there was this…model, she must be. Light green eyes, long hair tied in a near-atrocity that made her look like a pair of sausages, and a smile as fake and vile as his own father’s. He would have jumped on the first plane over if not for the resistance Adrien showed in the same images. Invisible to the outside world, even to those fashionistas priding themselves on their trained eyes and ability to read body language like an open book, something only Felix could see. Mum’s expressions in family photos. The revelation had sent several alarm bells ringing in his head, but with a bit of digging -and a slight payment for someone to hack Gabriel company files- he discovered a plethora of complains against this girl. Lila Rossi.

If not for Mum’s personal insistence that should there be one single thing to trust Gabriel Agreste on, it was to destroy anyone he views as a threat, Felix would have thrown himself into the nearest plane, in a bloody economy seat, given the urgency. And so, they’d made the mistake of trusting his uncle to handle it, of thinking that Adrien would take care of himself. Then again, even the assurance of his cousin’s capabilities had a limit. As bright and observative as Adrien was, Felix knew he could also be very stupid.

Case in point, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Admittedly, after deleting that video of the bluenette’s confession to Adrien so long ago, Felix hadn’t thought he’d hear the name again. Frankly, she wasn’t even the reason he and Mum had flown over and then suffered public transit! They’d come because no news of Rossi being fired reached their ears, and Mother’s more…fashionable friends had grown sour whenever Gabriel Agreste was even mentioned. Worse and worse words had been thrown about, until eventually Amelie Graham De Vanily decided enough was enough, and packed both their bags, destination Paris.

But…he did remember the girl. Her bright, genuine smile as she said I love you to her cousin through the message, which he’d mistakenly assumed as fake. In hindsight, or perhaps even because of the recent news…he felt guilty over that. Maybe…if those had each other to lean on, Adrien would be more assertive against Rossi? And perhaps miss Marinette would still walk among them? Felix…didn’t know. And honestly, he’d rather list this hypothetical among those things he didn’t want to think about. But- logically he wasn’t at fault here. Of course, a year is a long time, and he was sure things would have evolved one way or the other regardless of his actions. Still, it didn’t sit quite right with him.

Frankly, what bothered him most is that nobody seemed to care. Whover the news reporter was on the train’s television, she seemed almost apathetic, uninterested in a way that went beyond simple professionalism. Felix understood being polite and proper when around others. He knew why it was the correct thing to do in front of people in general, and most especially those of higher station like the CEO of a company one works at, or a mayor. Even around people of the same or -in Fa…Colt’s opinion- lesser stature, Felix got it, so to speak. But to extend that mask to a point where it never let the person underneath see the light of day…he just felt sorry for people like Miss Sancoeur, who never got to live. The other passengers only spared a passing glance to the news, as if it was entirely inconsequential. Which it was, to them. These people had no connection to the girl in question, of course they wouldn’t care. But to see life go on without sparing the deceased a second glance…it made something in his gut twist itself around, in a way very discomforting and wrong. Would the same happen to those he cared about, if he wasn’t there to remember them? If -by some curse- he and Mum died one day…there was nobody to shed even a single tear.

Felix slowly shook his head, ceasing his rumination in favor of focusing on the mission. He stood before the massive iron gates of a manor much like Fa- much like Colt’s, in the sense that it felt not only oppressive and lifeless, but also eerily silent, like it wasn’t allowed to make noise. …right. Felix was here for an objective, to see quite possibly the only person he’d connected to his cousin who not only was most likely ignorant to his existence, but would also have reason to care greatly for Adrien, should his trick end up failing. Kagami Tsurugi.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Felix pressed the doorbell button. A part of the wall retracted, revealing an eye-shaped robotic bulb that seemed to examine him. “Hello there, visitor. I am Tatsu. Please state your identity and reason to visit.”, the voice came through. Oddly enough, even though Felix could tell this must be artificial intelligence, the AI felt alive.

“Hello Tatsu. My name is Adrien Agreste. I’m here to see Kagami Tsurugi.”, Felix responded in a perfect imitation of his cousin’s voice, bowing respectfully and letting the droid use it’s red eye to examine him.

Tatsu didn’t say anything for a moment, until the eye returned to its original position. “Visual and audio samples match subject: Agreste, Adrien. Welcome to the Tsurugi manor! You will find the young miss on the sparring grounds, to your right. Please refrain from walking on the grass, pass by the main entrance and follow the adjacent path. Have a good day!”, the cheery voice informed him, and the…were the gates automatic?

The gates opened up to greet him, allowing Felix a view of a vast garden surrounding a distinctly modern house. It was impressive architecturally, but not what he was here for. Breathing deeply again, he began a slow walk towards his objective, barely managing to hide the sudden flinch that overcame him when the doors slammed shut the moment he passed them. He shook his head again, refusing to let the mental image of their old library’s doors slamming shut in front of his face affect the current mission. Felix had a job to do, and he was not a sentimental creature! He had to focus! And so, he steadied his legs again, and followed the path towards the sounds of steel blades clashing against one another.


Kagami felt sweat drip down her forehead as she thrusted her katana forwards, pirouetting away just in time to dodge Mother’s lethal strike, blade feeling cumbersome after so easily getting parried. Tomoe advanced, walking slowly towards her daughter as Kagami tried to create some space. In a flash, the tip of Mother’s blade had already drawn blood from her thigh, and Kagami felt herself scream as she fell face-first on the dirt, defeated.

“You are pathetic.”, came Tomoe’s chilling tone. “No daughter of mine would fail so miserably! Get up! We are not done until your skills are up to par!”, she ordered, but despite the compulsion to obey blaring in her mind, Kagami’s exhausted body suddenly found the idea of napping on the grass to be quite preferable.

Tomoe narrowed unseeing eyes at her daughter, and didn’t bother hiding a smirk as she gently ran a finger over the black ring in her possession. Kagami shot up like she’d been struck by lightning, body moving in a ready stance before she’d even comprehended the situation, despite how every muscle was tense and hurting, or how her legs were barely supporting Kagami’s weight. Tomoe’s angled her blade against the enemy, and just as she was about to strike-

“E-excuse me?”, a hesitant voice came from beyond the sparring grounds. “Miss Tsurugi?”, it called out again. Tomoe sheathed her katana in irritation, sending what would have one day been a hateful glare in the intruder’s direction. Adrien Agreste. Gabriel’s brat!

“A-Adrien?”, Kagami found herself breathing in confusion. Why was he here? He- Adrien shouldn’t see her defeated like this! Still, despite the humiliation, she only bowed respectfully towards her friend, as Mother would find presentable. “Welcome to our home.”, she said, biting down the grunt of pain that came with moving her lower back. Dried blood clung to her torn fencing uniform, and she could feel the scars beginning to form.

Gabriel Agreste’s son bowed towards her daughter, Tomoe heard his feet shuffle on the gravel path. “My apologies for the inconvenience miss Tsurugi, I am here to speak with daughter if possible.”, he said in a too-formal tone, one specially crafted to hide distaste. Fine work, but not good enough. Her fool of a business partner was being far too lenient!

Tomoe took a moment, pretending to think. She had no choice in the matter, or else the heir she’d spent so long molding into her perfect daughter would fade to the winds with only a snap of Gabriel’s fingers. And ambitious as she was, even Tomoe Tsurugi was not arrogant enough to invade Shadowmoth’s home, lest she be hacked to pieces in an instant. No amount of skill with a sword could possibly compare to Akumatization powers, and he would surely employ everything in his arsenal should certain bounds be overstepped. Not to mention, Gabriel would sense her hostility and simply destroy all of her work, the oafish slug that he was!

“Be grateful that your father has not lost all of my respect, boy. Yes, you may both go. And do not return until sundown, I have no time to waste with teenage theatrics.”, she bit out in her harshest tone, and yet Agreste Junior didn’t so much as flinch. How…interesting.

“I would never dream of it, Lady Tsurugi.”, Adrien answered with a grin even Kagami couldn’t see, a condescending tone hidden so well that Tomoe almost missed it entirely. “Shall we go?”, he turned to her daughter, and the useless welp followed him like a lost puppy. Ugh, why did she continue to hitch on sentimentality of all things? Tomoe would have to do more work with her…

Kagami poured her every vestige of respect and poise into the pained steps, expertly hiding the way her legs would shake if she put any kind of weight on them for more than a moment. She quickly sent a thankful smile to Adrien before heading upstairs to change into her usual outfit, wipe off the dirt, and also don a few bandages over her wounds. It was nothing serious, nothing in comparison to yesterday. Or perhaps, merely a continuation. …she decided not to mull over the feeling for too long. That same unease as when she’d given up her ring had returned in full force, but Kagami stamped down on the urge to shiver. A Tsurugi was not weak! She could handle herself just fine, she was fine!

Adrien lightly tapped her shoulder as they exited through the front gates. “Kagami? I- …are you alright?”, he asked hesitantly, as if not knowing how to speak with her. For some reason, it felt off, like there was something wrong with this situation.

She snapped her head to look her friend in the eyes with the utmost of seriousness. “Has Gabriel done something?”, the worry flooded her tone, Kagami’s eyes stinging from the lingering pain but still trying to make contact. If his father had even tried to harm her friend, Kagami Tsurugi swore to the heavens that he would be impaled upon her blade, Mother’s punishments be damned!

“N-no. Un- err, Father hasn’t done anything. He’s…being oddly nice, uh, today.”, Adrien tried to assure her, and Kagami shook her head to hide a soft sigh. While it lined up with what he’d already told her, she knew well enough what parental niceness was usually a prelude to. But, Adrien himself knew they understood each other. If something truly was bothering him, she would have to wait for him to be comfortable sharing. That- went against her principles, to a degree, despite Marinette’s insistences on the matter. Still, she opted to trust her friend, whose mere existence always brought a smile to Adrien’s face, one brighter than the sun itself, and so very warm…

She nodded at him, and for a while they walked in silence. Felix wasn’t quite sure what else to say. He’d…well, he hadn’t expected swords! Or at least, the girl being attacked by one. Still, Kagami Tsurugi seemed like an interesting character, and clearly thought he was Adrien, at least for the time being. Now, how to go about asking? He couldn’t claim something stupid like amnesia or stress, not to a person so clearly tolerant to pain. And swords. Felix…tried to stamp down the memories of her bloody back. He could still confidently say -in his own humble opinion- that Colt was infinitely worse, but this Tsurugi woman might have given the bastard a run for his money.

“Kagami.”, Felix found himself blurting out. “A-Are you sure it’s alright? Does your mother always…”, he trailed off, not knowing exactly how to ask does your mum always try to stab you with a sword, and by the way can you tell me about my recent life, because I seem to have contracted a sudden case of short-term memory loss?

She froze mid-step at that, seeming to think the answer over. Adrien…wouldn’t ask that question, ever. It was not even a question to begin with, merely a reality they were both intimately entangled with. Family simply couldn’t be trusted, and had to be obeyed for the sake of survival. Emotional bonds mattered far more than blood; she’d learned since coming here. And it had always been an unspoken understanding between them that Adrien agreed wholeheartedly. So, why…

Surely not. It would be so embarrassing to make the same error again, but Adrien would never ask her that. And- something else was wrong about him. That brightness which had been nearly snuffed out when the news came, only to return more powerful than ever before…it was almost completely gone from his demeanor. Like his emotions were dulled, poorly managed the same way a blade would rust. As if he didn’t know not only how to interact with her, but the world in general. Something was out of place. And so, Kagami Tsurugi decided to test her theory.

“Well, you should know I’m good at handling a sword. Haven’t we already proven that between us?”, she asked with a slight giggle in her tone. It was mortifying, cheesy enough to attract every rat in the sewers of Paris, and a line taken directly from the cringiest piece of her collection…but it worked!

Felix quite literally stumbled on thin air. Does this girl not know what an innuendo is??? What kind of friendship did she and his cousin even ha- …oh. Oh…fuck. Kagami had narrowed her eyes at him, gazing into Felix’s soul like she was about to personally extract it with that katana of hers. “Uh- please let me explain!”, he dropped the façade as her hand went to unsheathe the blade.

Kagami stared him down with an icy tundra barely concealed behind her vermillion eyes, and Felix found himself shivering. The girl looked miraculous; in a way his books didn’t always convey in matters of appearance. Her creamy-pale skin seemed to almost shine under the sun’s rays, her black hair reflecting hues of blue, and even nearly a head shorter than him as she was, Kagami Tsurugi still looked like she could hack him in pieces without so much as breaking a sweat. In a way…she was almost mesmerizing.

Well? I await your excuses.”, her cold tone pulled Felix out of his thoughts, and he blinked away the sudden fascination. He’d figure this out later, but if he had seen the girl’s mother use that ring… maybe it was coincidence. Right now, priority number one was actually making it out of this alive to keep his own!

“Uh! Look, I swear this isn’t what it looks like!”, he yelped, shoving down the thought of how undignified he was being. “I only came here to-”, Felix tried, but Kagami cut him off by bringing her sword to his neck. Passerby didn’t blink an eye at the literal katana being held against him. Was everyone blind in this city?

“To me it seems that you’ve impersonated your cousin, entered my house without permission under a fake identity, removed me from said environment and are attempting to extract information under false pretenses.”, Kagami deadpanned, edging the blade ever closer, barely a millimeter away from pricking his skin.

“I- …yes, okay it’s exactly what it looks like!”, Felix decided on honesty. Being defensive wouldn’t really help here, especially when no matter his skill in martial arts, there was zero way he could escape this girl if she chose to hunt him. He knew it in the deepest reaches of his soul, and promptly ignored the flash of excitement which enveloped him. Felix would have time to mess around later! Right now, he had to keep the conversation going! “I had a good reason!”, he proclaimed to her, and Kagami sent him a disbelieving look.

“Look! I’ve been keeping tabs on Adrien ever since last ye-”, the katana’s tip came to rest directly on his flesh, and Felix didn’t dare move. After a moment, Kagami relented, giving him only the barest room to breathe. “I found out about this girl, Lila Rossi. And I came to see what was going on. I’d have been here earlier if uncle Gabriel hadn’t refused to host that bi-annual ball thing! You know, the one that technically never happens?”, he blurted out as quickly as possible, only stopping when Kagami moved her blade again…and placed it back into the sheathe.

Before he could ever thank her, she graced him with an icy tone. “Do not think my mercy is weakness. But I sense the truth in your words. You were worried for him, no?”, she asked as the tension began to leave her shoulders. Felix nodded fervently, then slowly as he realized she wasn’t going to kill him after all. A quick glance around confirmed that absolutely nobody was paying the slightest attention to his situation. Was everyone in Paris blind as a bat, or had the constant Akuma attacks desensitized them? …actually, never mind. Felix decided to add this to list. Some things are better left nebulous.

“Yes, I was. My mother and I both trusted Adrien to handle himself against this girl, but he’s my only living family. And…frankly, if I’m not there to keep an eye on him, I don’t know what uncle Gabriel might make him do.”, he sighed deeply. The reminder of his failure to locate both rings stung even a year after that day, but he would find the damned thing. He couldn’t give it to Adrien yet, not when his cousin was still naïve and -bluntly- foolish enough to still trust his Father, but one day it would go to the person it belonged to. That was the only acceptable outcome.

Kagami hummed in thought for a moment, seeming to consider the words, but as if something had stumped her. “Your mother supported this endeavor? Surely coming all the way to Paris from…London, was it, would be a tremendous waste of time and productivity?”, she asked with near-hesitation, as if not wanting to overstep a suddenly revealed boundary of some sort. Felix drew a blank, if only for a moment. Why would mum not- …oh, right. The elder Tsurugi was this situation’s Colt Fathom. He nodded in affirmation, trying to send a glimmer of understanding through his eyes.

“My fa- …father never would have. She was always supportive and kind.”, Felix admitted the fact like it was a great secret, even though his family held much grander skeletons in their closets.

The…fencer? Was Kagami a fencer? The fencer -confirmation pending- mimicked the motion, and a sort of comradery was immediately present in the air. Kagami’s hand came to lazily rest on her sword as she took relaxed breaths, the same was Mum would sometimes do while she was cooking and happened to be using her knives. “Out of curiosity”, she perked up at him, “what was the original plan? For extracting intelligence?”, she questioned him, and Felix slowly made to reach into his backpack, still unwilling to provoke her into taking that katana out again.

Felix’s hand firmly grasped Sophia and the Emerald Princess as he pulled it out from underneath his usual outfit, involuntarily making an annoyed face when he noticed the clothes had wrinkles in them. How horrible… Still, he gently passed it to Kagami, and the fencer examined the object. “I- I was going to ask if you wanted to read a book? And then try to get you talking. That’s all, really!”, Felix raised his hands in mock defense as she sent him a near-feral grin.

Kagami’s arm shot out faster than he could see, and for a moment Felix thought this spot would be his last, that she would impale him with historically accurate sword which belonged in a museum or that collection he’d always dreamed of acquiring, and that he was about to die right then and there. Instead, the fencer took him by the hand, dragging Felix as she began to sprint so swiftly that he nearly fell flat on his face!

“Wait! Where are we going?”, he managed to ask between breaths as he struggled to catch up.

She grinned at him again, the widest, brightest smile he’d ever seen from someone who wasn’t his mum. “I know a place where we can read! Now come on, the tea is on me!”, Kagami replied within a single breath, and Felix increased his pace, lest he be embarrassingly dragged across the dirty pavements of Paris.

The fencer kept her hold on his hand firm, clasping the book tightly with her free arm as she ran ahead to the only place Kagami knew that Mother would not think to check. The one spot in all of Paris which was publicly accessible but also private enough to read in, and simply forced her fellow romance novel connoisseur to follow whether he liked it or not! She hadn’t quite forgiven Felix for impersonating Adrien in front of her, but Lila Rossi was reason enough to commit far worse acts in the name of riding the world of that vixen’s terrible evil! So…perhaps if he proved to be an otherwise upstanding boy like his cousin, she would look past it.

And no, her excitement to make a new friend who also enjoyed reading had nothing to do with this! Felix was simply interesting, that’s all! …well, he did have something about him which sparked genuine curiosity in her. That comradery Kagami had sensed forming when they’d locked eyes…it wasn’t that which had begun her friendship with Adrien, the bond between two children with…questionable parental figures sticking together to overcome this earth’s greatest monsters, like schedules and responsibilities. Perhaps one day she and Adrien would manage to overcome the dragon and archwizard holding them both captive, but this feeling… No, Felix was different. And just like her new friend Samantha, Kagami was determined to find out what made him tick.


And…scene! Oh, thank the Kwami, I’m finally done! Would you guys believe I nearly got writer’s block from this chapter? Just from Felix and Amelie alone really! Also, I will neither confirm nor deny that Kagami dragged Felix directly to the back booth in Flora’s so they can read together. Yes, I wanted a happy note to end the chapter on. No, he’s not yet forgiven, Kagami herself said Felix would have to prove himself. Also also, did anyone notice I’m changing his personality a little? Yeah, neither did I until just now, but I suppose we’ll have to decide who we like best. I mean I think everyone likes ACOLL Chloe better than the real one, right guys? Anyways! There’re (yes, that is a real word) actually a couple things to talk about this chapter, so let’s review!

Firstly, Amelie. Honestly writing her delayed this chapter by a good three days I reckon. She’s not hard to characterize, it was just a struggle to figure out her mannerisms because we see so little of her in the actual show. Still, she hates Gabriel’s guts, is sending disappointed stares in Nathalie’s direction, and will do anything to protect her son and nephew, so I had a few things to go off of here. I will include her eventual conversation with Adrien in future chapters, but to be honest I don’t think she’s going to stay forever? I like her, don’t get me wrong. She’s just super hard to write for some reason.

Secondly, Felix. I’m mostly sticking to his canon personality here, just providing some context the show (in my personal opinion) didn’t always portray very clearly. I’m already planning to address both the ring situation and that incident with Ladybug in Season 3 people tend to forget about. Don’t worry, I have a plan. Also, did anyone notice I’ve been hinting at his appearance since the start of this fic? Anyhow, I’m keeping him mostly the same, just decided to re-write his meeting with Kagami because…despite our collective shipping tendencies, I never thought the scene in the Agreste Manor established him as anything other than a jerk to Kagami. And yes, I do feel like her dragging him off is a little OOC, but I wanted to indulge in the PV Felix’s book hobby, so sue me! I’m kidding don’t actually sue me I can’t even pay back all these emotional damages!

Thirdly, Kagami herself. It’s already been established that Tomoe is emotionally abusive, but I did think I should add their “sparring” as a somewhat physical aspect to increase general severity. Unfortunately, Kagami doesn’t exactly view harsh training sessions as anything other than the norm, and so never thought to mention them to Adrien and Marinette. I think we can all agree that Tomoe would get destroyed by Ladybug and Chat Noir if either of them found out. And yes, unfortunately themes of parental abuse are a serious undertone in the show itself, so they will be present here. They are mostly confined in flashbacks or tense discussions like Tomoe and Kagami’s from chapter 12, I promise things don’t get more physical than what’s already been established up to and including this here chapter. It’s too much even for an angst fic, and I personally don’t want to write it either so we’ve hit the severity limit with physical violence. Thank the Kwami…

Lastly, a small announcement! I know I already mentioned this, but we’re about halfway through ACOLL, and so next chapter is essentially commemorating the first half of this fic! No spoilers, but I hope you all enjoy! And I'll go into more detail in the next beggining notes, but I've recieved some assistance to create two very special things for the occasion! It's going to be a blast!

Anyways, I’ll see you all next time, but until then Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 17: Remembrance of Gold Part 1


Adrien Agreste returns home after his excursion with Chloe and Samantha, only to find someone unexpected waiting there to greet him. His family secters are slowly unravelling, and a cold war between Amelie and Gabriel might eventually serve to end whatever chance Adrien has at a positive relationship with his father.

Meanwhile, Marinette awakens from a nightmare, an ominous dream which may perhaps serve as a warning for what the future holds. Creation holds it's breath for the first sign of trouble, but it is never too far from Paris' resident superheroine.

As Adrien grapples with his home life and Marinette struggles to keep her nerves from fraying, their friends recieve horrible news, sending each one spiraling downwards into an abyss they not be able to escape from...


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to our delightful ruin of story, which seems to have been struck by the depression equivalent of reminding someone that Canon Lila is still not dead. Please send help, I’m seriously running out of ways to describe ACOLL! On the bright side, we’re finally halfway through! Almost! Just about there! However, I do have some bad news. I am very sorry to announce that this is only part 1 of this chapter. Unfortunately, it would have been well over 20k words if I did not split it in half, and even now it’s just shy of 14k. Therefore, please enjoy part 1, excuse the slightly clunky ending since it was meant to be a transitioning scene, and please be patient with part 2, I promise it’s worth it. There is a reason this chapter deserves a 2-parter after all, and I’ll be back soon to deliver on it!

Note: I am well aware that Adrien’s Bodyguard is named Placide I.T. Yes, you read this right. However, under the executive decision to ignore Season 5 entirely, I’m re-naming him Simon because of a theory that had cropped up about that being his name during mid-S3. Sue me if you’d like, I only pay people in heartbreaking angst!

Trigger Warnings: Discussions of (widely believed) suicide, panic attack, self-blame, self-hate, intense depression, and semi-suicidal thoughts. Please be careful with this one.

So…please take a deep breath, a seat, and get ready for: Marinette’s self-doubts, Alya and Nino’s unstable mental health, Adrien having to lie, Amelie trying to parent, Kitty Section getting back together, Nathalie being the greatest mom in all of Paris, Otis also trying to parent, Plagg being a cosmic entity, some slight Kwami philosophy, and Felix. Yes, Felix.

And now, without further ado…let’s dive right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

By the time Adrien came back home, the sun had almost set. Chloe had dropped him off along with his new wardrobe, and Simon quickly stepped out of the Mansion to help him carry the bags full of pretty much every conceivable form of clothing currently in Paris. Mari really hadn’t held back on this one, finding him jackets, T-shirts, jeans, shorts, and even a yellow raincoat! Well, after they had a good laugh at that. Adrien did his part in getting the stuff organized, amusedly watching Plagg stuff himself with Camembert as he sorted his closet out with a smile on his face.

Today…today had actually gone great! He felt like he really got to spend some time with Chloe, and cheer her up after everything that happened. Still, he didn’t like lying to his friends, but honestly if Mari ever trusted someone enough to reveal herself like she’d done with him, that was her choice alone. Adrien knew he’d want the same if he’d ever decided to run away from Father. Not that he wanted to! At least…not anymore. Gabriel was still weird, trying to be nice and politely interested in how his son spent the day, and honestly Adrien wouldn’t trade this version of Father for anything in the world. A small voice in the back of his head still meekly asked if this would really last, but he’d seen how Nathalie was the past couple of days.

She also seemed shocked from the change, and Adrien knew she shared his suspicions, no matter how many times she’d encourage him to speak with Gabriel or remind him that Father “only wanted the best”. It had stopped feeling like a defense months ago, now instead a phrase of comfort, that despite not outwardly saying it, Nathalie wanted what was best for Adrien. And- he wasn’t quite sure what to think of it, really. Nathalie had always been more than his father’s assistant, she was like family, which is why almost a year ago he’d dared to ask Gabriel if he considered her not just as a friend. Adrien…still remembered the way Father had lashed out that day, the first time he’d seen Felix in literal years.

He sat at his bed for a moment, shaking his head to ward off the bad memory. Father was trying now, and it seemed genuine, or as real as it could ever get. And if Nathalie could look past her feelings and honestly say the same, Adrien would do his best to trust her instincts. She’d known Gabriel far longer than he had. Ugh…he really should stop making such a fuss about this. Worst case scenario, the status quo would come back on a whim, and he’d just pack up and go. Not like he’d slept in his own bed the past couple days anyway…

There was a light knock on the door, hesitant and careful. “Adrien? May I come in?”, asked Nathalie, tone barely above a whisper, like she didn’t want to disturb him.

“Sure!”, he called out to her, and the doorknob turned as she walked in. Her exoskeleton supported Nathalie’s weight well enough, but despite that logic Adrien still moved to help her out. She gently sat herself down on the edge of his bed, and he quickly copied her.

“I- I wanted to come speak with you.”, Nathalie rasped out, coughing to clear her throat. Adrien made to grab her a glass of water from the kitchen, but she nodded a negative. Donning her mask of professionalism for a swift moment, she quickly rattled off whatever had happened at the house while he was gone.

“Gabriel wanted me to inform you that your aunt and cousin are here for a visit. I…hope you didn’t run into them earlier?”, she asked as tonelessly as she could, but the concern was still clear as day in her eyes.

Adrien shrugged nonchalantly, hiding his curiosity. He didn’t mind Felix and aunt Amelie being here, but there had to be a reason. His cousin never did something without plotting, not since they’d stopped meeting up as kids. Since then, he’d barely caught a glimpse of Felix across the years, but still felt his cousin grow cold, distant and rude. Adrien…still wasn’t sure what exactly happened to him, come to think of it. “Thanks for the heads up.”, he said honestly. If he’d randomly bumped into aunt Amelie in the hallway or something- well, it would have been embarrassing.

Nathalie sighed deeply, visibly relieved. The porcelain mask of flawless professionalism instantly dropped; she slowly, hesitantly, hugged him in a one-armed embrace. “Adrien…if there is ever something you’d like to tell me, something that you think you might not be able to share with your friends…please remember that I would never judge you.”, she breathed out slowly, sounding out the words as she held back the urge to cough.

Adrien blinked in surprise for a moment, since there wasn’t really anything that hap- …oh, right. He gave Nathalie a real smile, thankful she was keeping an eye on him. “Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind, seriously. Are- are you okay?”, he thought to ask, gesturing vaguely at her with his free arm. The other was busy returning her embrace.  

“Better.”, she answered with a deep sigh. “I’m just tired is all. Today has been…an experience.”, Nathalie turned her gaze to the floor. She really didn’t want to think about what Amelie had said, not in front of Adrien. And- well, she’d also rather wait for him to tell her, instead of panicking him by revealing what she knew. Even if in hindsight it was more than obvious, the way he would always manage to sneak out of his room without a hint of difficulty. Ugh, what would she do with her- with this kid?

“I’m glad. And it doesn’t go one way, Nat.”, came the familiar nickname. Adrien had only ever called her that twice before, but it was practically ingrained in her soul, now that she knew. Observing the blonde boy now felt like meeting him for the first time all over again. Just like the first time he’d addressed her by the silly little monicker, before Emilie gently told him it was more polite to use her full name. The second time…she’d had a rather rough day. Adrien had brought her soup from the kitchen, and the nickname seemed to slip without him noticing. She hadn’t wanted it to make her feel the way it did, the affection which she sensed was akin to parental. It wasn’t her place. She wasn’t Emilie.

Nathalie nodded at him again, supporting herself on Adrien’s arm as she stood up. “Oh, your father would like a word when you have time.”, she remembered suddenly. Gabriel had mentioned it so offhandedly that it almost went over her head amidst the swirling guilt that threatened to consume her. She was still trying to figure out if they’d ever been doing the right thing.

He nodded at her, and she noticed his hair was rather unkept, like someone had ruffled it up. …huh. She hadn’t quite thought miss Bourgeois was a physically affectionate person. Adrien slowly walked alongside her until they silently parted ways, Nathalie heading to her room so she could lay down, and Adrien downstairs to speak with his father. And aunt Amelie, in all likelihood. He’d have to remember the difference, if he decided to go talk to her.

Gabriel was indeed downstairs, standing in the doorway to the Atelier, Felix chatting animatedly with him, wearing a kind smile on his face. Father looked quite uncomfortable, but despite the initial instinct, Adrien decided he was in no hurry to help him out. Maybe it was petty, but he deserved a little payback. Instead of stepping into their line of sight, he stealthily creeped around to the corner, crouching down and breathing quietly.

“-and I insist, uncle. It’s your ring, is it not? Please, I feel quite terrible for taking it, you should have it.”, Felix was saying, seeming genuinely sorry for…stealing Father’s wedding ring? Was that why they’d come back last year? Out of all things, and seeing him had nothing to do with it? Well…he should have expected it. His cousin stopped doing things out of the goodness of his heart a long time ago.

Father straightened his back, striking an imposing figure compared to the boy who was two heads shorter than him. “No, Felix. I insist. It’s about time we let the past go, and the rings belong to your family. I suppose it’s only fair to return one, you were right to take it.”, Gabriel toned his voice with that sensation that he would hear no argument. “Besides…I intend to give Adrien the other one soon enough.”, his father breathed out, almost like a confession.

Felix’s eyes widened in real surprise for a moment, and then narrowed in suspicion. Adrien didn’t have the best angle, but he’d know that calculating expression anywhere. The only thing it lacked was a warm feeling of impending mischief, and he’d practically be looking at Mom. “…really?”, was the only question his cousin blurted out, looking very shocked by the admission. But why was Father giving his wedding ring away? And why was he getting Mom’s? …was he really trying to move on? Did that mean Nathalie still had a chance? Okay…Alya had definitely rubbed off on him a little bit…

Gabriel offered the ring back, and Felix slowly reached out to take it, careful of traps all the while. It changed hands, and his cousin immediately put it on, then broke into a brisk walk as he turned to leave. Adrien glued himself to the wall until the footsteps passed by, and he heard the Atelier’s doors slam shut. Felix winced as he climbed the staircase, ever so slightly. At least Adrien wasn’t the only one who didn’t like that sound.

That- that had certainly been an odd exchange. And frankly, Adrien really didn’t want to ruin his day by mulling over it too much. Since Father was still a big question mark in terms of attitude, he’d have to pry information from Felix later. Oh Kwami, that would probably be harder than prying himself out of Lila’s talons. Still, he elected to deal with it later. For now, Adrien decided he needed some fresh air. Every room in this house always felt stuffy, like the oxygen was somehow hard to come by. Or maybe the thought of being locked up in here was the asphyxiating part. He- he really didn’t want to follow that line of thought.

Emilie Agreste’s statue was there to greet him as Adrien walked outside to the garden, his eyes involuntarily glued to her face. Mom…she would know what to do. She’d probably have been here to hug him and give her brightest smile, share some of that pure light that hadn’t ever faded no matter how tiring her day might have been. The kind of warmth only one person he knew could bring into the world.  He…he really needed to stop reminiscing, those lines of thought never helped bring him any peace.

Adrien descended the few steps separating the garden from the rest of the mansion, hesitantly and ever so slowly, like he was approaching a wounded animal instead of his mother’s visage. At the edge of his vision, he caught a familiar form dressed in black, with blonde hair and green eyes his heart ached to see. But…she was not the person Adrien was looking to find. The strands of hair were just a tad too pale, the green eyes seemed to hold a hidden darkness instead of lighting up the room with warmth and love. Aunt Amelie turned to look at him, and Adrien found it in himself to smile.

She beckoned him to come sit on the grass next to her, and Adrien obliged, smiling all the while. It was small and frail, but he didn’t want to lie to his family. Well, he shouldn’t, and Adrien felt aunt Amelie wanted to see the boy under the mask, not the pristine perfection he showed to the word. The sensation was more born of feeling that rational, but even if Felix was were just to plot, he still vaguely remembered his aunt always being so kind to him, nearly just as much as Mom had been. And Adrien couldn’t just ignore that because his father was an asshole.

“…hello, Adrien.”, Amelie breathed out the words, afraid to look at her nephew. She didn’t want to remind him of what was lost, never even intended for him to find her here of all places, sheltering from the sun’s burning rays under Emilie’s statue.

“Good afternoon.”, he greeted in a semi-formal tone, somewhat unsure of what exactly to say, now that they were talking. “D- Did you and Felix have a good trip?”, Adrien thought to ask. As little as Felix cared about his cousin, Adrien valued family, especially the ones he chose to consider so. He didn’t know aunt Amelie very well aside from the few details he remembered, hadn’t even expected to see her again until she and Felix showed up out of the blue a year ago, and left just as suddenly.

Amelie sighed deeply for a moment. “I suppose we did. Felix…doesn’t do well in crowds. But he wanted to come and see you, so here we are.”, she said eyes drifting to Emilie’s flawless stone form. “It’s good to see you again, Adrien. And- I’m sorry, if I was too forward last time we spoke.”, she muttered under her breath, almost guilty with the way her eyes wandered to the grass.

Adrien remembered those few moment vividly, when Father had summoned him to the Atelier, and the mansion’s doors burst open to reveal a person so achingly familiar his heart had almost jumped out of his body. Aunt Amelie had been hugging him so tightly he could barely breathe, and his brain hadn’t caught up to the fact that she wasn’t mom until Gabriel re-introduced her and Felix to him. To say that he’d been disappointed…would probably be the world’s greatest understatement. Those precious few seconds had been a dream come true, the realization of that sliver of hope that had remained in Adrien’s soul for nearly two years at that point…and then his heart had been dropped into an abyss and shattered all over again as he remembered who the woman in front of him actually was. But…it wasn’t his aunt’s fault, and she had nothing to apologize for.

“It’s alright.”, he deflected. No reason to bring that painful realization back for a second round of heartbreak. Amelie gave him a slow nod, knowing he’d understood her perfectly. “…are you sure Felix wanted to see me?”, Adrien found the words slipping out his mouth before he could stop them. He hadn’t meant to ask that question, and frankly already knew the answer…

Aunt Amelie finally turned to fully look at him, a pained expression on her face as she really regarded him for the first time. “Adrien…are you happy here? Gabriel doesn’t- …are you okay?”, she asked him, her breath hitching as she tries to pronounce the words.

He felt himself freeze at the sudden question. Adrien certainly hadn’t expected it; since when does anyone except Marinette, Nathalie and Kagami ask how he’s doing? “I- I’m fine.”, he stuttered. “Really, Father is…trying and I have my friends. I’m okay.”, he reiterated, trying to even out his breathing after the shock. But why was aunt Amelie asking him at all? Could it be that she really cared? Or did she -like Felix- just wished to get back at Gabriel for something?

Platinum stands of hair fell on from her shoulders as Amelie sighed deeply, hesitantly raising a hand and gently placing it on his shoulder. “Adrien…I understand you don’t know us very well, and that Felix has caused you some trouble before. But if you ever need somewhere to go, if Gabriel ever- if you need a place to stay, our doors are open to you.”, she told him, mustering sincerity in her tone and trying to make as much as eye contact as possible. It was hard when Adrien kept shifting his gaze from her dark green eyes.

This- this wasn’t at all expected. Appreciated, and maybe it would have been welcomed if Father hadn’t listened to him, or this strange shift in personality had never come about, but still troubling to hear. Adrien knew in his soul the number of people who genuinely cared about him. Marinette, Nathalie, Kagami, Chloe, Nino and Alya. To suddenly be confronted by the possibility that his blood family might also want to add themselves to that list, especially after the mess Felix had made…it wasn’t exactly comfortable to think about.

Without another word, Adrien called upon all of Chat Noir’s strength to give his aunt a bright smile and an affirming nod before fleeing the scene in a brisk walk that bordered downright sprinting. He’d felt her words to be genuine, and Adrien trusted himself to be a good judge of character, but…that had been a little much. Did aunt Amelie expect him to go to London with them, would she try to convince Nathalie to persuade Father under the guise of concern? Or did she really want to separate him and Gabriel? If so, why now when things were finally looking up for the two of them?

Battling a swirling congregation of thoughts inside his own head, Adrien never felt his legs carry the rest of him up past the heavy doors of Father’s atelier, nor up the staircase and into his room. Plagg pushed himself against Adrien’s chest through the T-shirt’s pocket, purring as loudly as he could without being heard by any passerby…not that anyone other than Nathalie would even go near him. The bedroom room slammed open with a sliver of Chat Noir’s superhuman strength, and Adrien threw himself on the bed with all his might, not even bothering to close it.

For one single, precious moment, there was blessed silence. Nobody talking to him, no one asking sudden and invasive questions that made Adrien think things he didn’t ever want to. Finally, he’d get the chance to talk this out with Plagg, announce he was going to sleep, and then stop by Flora’s for two nice teas before dashing to Mari’s, and spending the night with excellent company and a warm bed. Or at least, someone who cared about him. That would be nice.

“Huh. I didn’t exactly take you for the brooding type, coz.”, a familiar voice said from nearby, and Adrien looked up from his pillow to see Felix shooting him a questioning eyebrow while checking over his newly-bought shirts inside the closet.

Adrien felt himself deeply sigh as energy quickly left his body. With great effort, he managed to sit up on the bed. “Felix.”, he greeted in a passing imitation of Father’s voice. Maybe that would get the other blonde to leave him alone...

His cousin put the T-shirt in his grasp back on the hanger, and nonchalantly turned to face him. “Oh, so you do have a spine after all. Funny, I can’t usually tell.”, came the cold, toneless remark. Frustrated, Adrien barely held himself back from tossing a pillow at him. Why would he choose now of all times to come back and scheme when things were finally going well?

Adrien ended up narrowing his eyes. “Maybe if you’d actually bothered to call me, you’d already know.” A long pause filled the air with a stale animosity on both sides. “But…it’s not like you see me as anything other than a tool, cousin.”, he added, feeling just slightly vindicated when Felix took an involuntary step back, flinching slightly. Was it petty? Oh, absolutely. But right now, Chat Noir just couldn’t be bothered to assume the guise of Adrien Agreste, and just wanted to be left alone. Or rather, he wanted to go see Marinette.

Felix sighed dramatically, stepping closer and eventually coming to sit next to him as Nathalie had just a few minutes ago. Unlike her, his cousin didn’t exactly inspire the feeling of a confidant. “It’s good to see you too, Adrien. Thought I must say, whoever picked those clothes out has good taste. A shame they’re wasting their talents on someone who’d never wear what Daddy Dearest doesn’t approve of.”, he drawled, placing a comforting hand on Adrien’s shoulder.

“…why are you here, Felix? It’s not like you care about me.”, came the question. Adrien was tired of playing verbal games with people. Father and Lila were already exhausting enough, there was no reason to add another to that list. Not just when those two problems might finally be going away.

His cousin at least had the decency to look insulted. “I came all the way from England to see you, and this is how you greet me?”, Felix questioned him in needlessly dramatic tone. Adrien didn’t grace him with any response, so his cousin continued. “Well…I wanted to see how you are doing, given recent events.”, he bit out the words, in what at least felt like a rare moment of honesty.

Adrien shrugged. “Did you take any acting lessons this year? I have to say, you’re not half bad.”, he replied in a complimenting tone, seeing the twitch in Felix’s eye. The mask of cold indifference was beginning to crack. Maybe if he pushed more, Adrien would at least know why he was even in Paris.

“I- I do care about you! Adrien, can’t you see that?”, Felix burst out in an annoyed tone. “I came to see how you are doing, plain and simple!”, his cousin insisted, another twitch betraying sincerity.

Adrien took a deep breath, saying nothing for a moment. Was it still naïve to believe that Felix really was telling the truth, or should he trust his gut? It wasn’t often he saw his cousin lose even the slightest of relaxation from his pose, so he probably was being somewhat honest. “…alright, fine. I just didn’t think you were the type to comfort people.”, Adrien said, mumbling the last bit under his breath.

Felix heard him loud and clear, and hid a wince from showing on his face. Right. Why would Adrien ever trust him now if their only recent experience was being troubled by his cousin. And to a degree, Felix couldn’t blame him. Determined as he’d been to acquire the ring from his uncle, that goal had blinded him to the consequences of his own actions. He’d wanted to protect his cousin, the only other person in the world who truly was like him…and instead made Adrien’s life miserable by erasing a video from his friends meant to comfort him, stealing that girl’s chance to confess and perhaps even make his cousin happy or more defiant to Gabriel’s orders, and in all likelihood made things worse for Adrien after leaving so suddenly.

He…he was never good with apologies. Those had either come with faked emotions, crafted solely to appease whomever was speaking to him, and therefore earning Felix his valuable time alone…or they went to Fa- to Colt, and were met with replies he’d rather not remember. But he had to try, if only to show Adrien that he wasn’t the person he and Kagami considered him to be, even if the fencer girl was kind enough to not decapitate him and happened to share an interest in books. “I…I’m sorry. For what I did.”, Felix rasped out, muscle memory already working to brace his body against a strike that wouldn’t come.

Adrien looked at his cousin for a moment, and felt that Felix meant it. “The video?”, he asked for clarification. Honestly, he’d almost forgotten about that amidst Father’s anger for the stolen ring, but…what would have happened, if he’d learned back then that Mari had loved him with all her heart? It wasn’t worth driving himself in circles over the what-ifs, even if maybe Felix had actually done him a favor in the end. Rejecting Marinette, for Ladybug no less…probably would have ended badly.

“Y-yes. You have my apologies; I hadn’t known your friends were being genuine with their care. I am sorry, Adrien.”, Felix reiterated, toning his voice with professionalism he’d long learned from Nathalie was a defense, against any and all situations with may be crossing some imaginary bound of personal space.

He shouldn’t, he really shouldn’t give Felix the leeway to use his kind nature against him again, but Adrien just didn’t have it in him to leave someone who honestly meant an apology unforgiven. Even if he personally had still been hung up on the matter, to forgive is not to forget, but rather to not allow another person’s actions to affect you anymore, and then move on to new things. That’s what Mom had always said. “I forgive you.”, Adrien hesitantly placed a hand on Felix’s shoulder. “Besides…I think I may have rejected her, back then. So, think of it as doing me a favor, I guess.”

His cousin nodded somberly, stiffening under the sudden touch but not pulling away. “Thank you. Though, personally speaking, I think you have a bad habit when it comes to girls. Seems like you reject all the good ones.”, Felix found himself joking, even if it wasn’t all that funny. Still, he couldn’t help but think back to that pair of vermillion eyes staring him down, the sword nearly pricking his neck, the sudden shift of character when their shared interest came out, the aggressive but vigorous way they’d gone through Sophia and the Emerald Princess together…and be intrigued.

Adrien shot him a look Felix had never expected to see from his cousin, a raised eyebrow combined with a coy smirk which practically vibrated with smug understanding. It felt so alien on his face, Felix nearly thought he was looking at a completely different person. “I’m guessing you tried interrogating Kagami?”, Adrien questioned while visibly trying not to snicker.

Felix let himself sigh deeply, unable to keep the spark of fondness for the fencer’s attitude, even if it had almost cost him a head. “Is it that obvious?”, he deadpanned, eyes wandering to the floor as he recalled passages from the book, in favor of remembering those vermillion eyes making contact with his own.

“She tends to leave a striking impression. Makes for a cutting figure, with nerves of steel and-”, Adrien quipped at him, and Felix interrupted by inexplicably bursting in laughter. The puns weren’t even funny!

“Alright, alright! I get it, you’re fond of wordplay!”, Felix raised his hands in mock-surrender, before finally calming himself and letting the usual relaxed pose seep back into his form.

Adrien only laughed at him, before patting his shoulder and retracting his arm. “Oh, don’t you worry.”, he soothed in a gentle voice. “Kagami is far worse.”

Felix blinked at him, and then began processing the words. She certainly was as vibrant as his cousin, and her…intense fondness of books seemed to be a hidden trait, much like Adrien’s apparent adoration for horrid puns and unfunny jests. It begged the question; how much had his cousin kept from everyone but his most trusted confidants, and done so well enough for Felix himself to miss it under the assumption that Adrien couldn’t handle himself against Gabriel, or that he was still too innocent and naïve for the world at large?

“It seems I have much to learn about you…”, Felix muttered under his breath, not realizing he’d spoken out loud. Adrien gave him a look, then shrugged and pointed to the door, giving his cousin a chance to go and deliberate this matter in peace. Perhaps he did understand social cues after all.

Felix got up from the bed, his cousin following and only stopping to produce a hidden key from inside a drawer. This conversation had gone- no, it hadn’t gone quite right. Interesting possibilities presented themselves, yes, but he’d dropped his guard far too much. Felix knew his cousin was too good-natured to ever use these skills to a personal advantage, but if a comfortable dynamic of any kind was allowed to form between them, others might seek to exploit the vulnerability. As soon as he was out of the door, Felix put on his coldest tone and stared his cousin down. “Don’t think that we’re friends now. This was just- This means nothing to me. 

Adrien simply gave a frustratingly understanding tone, smiling all the while. “It was good to see you too, Felix.”, he said with nothing but genuine kindness, gently shutting the door, and locking it before presumably stepping away. Barely a moment later, Chat Noir was flying out of Adrien Agreste’s window with a pair of clean pjs, and soon landed on a certain penthouse balcony halfway across the city.


When Marinette Dupain Cheng opened her eyes, she found the world had gone dark. Nothing except utter blackness surrounded her, white noise assaulting her ears as she tried to move her body. Something was surrounding her form completely, making her movements sluggish and exhausting. It was as if Marinette was floating in a void. What the heck was this? The last thing she remembered was coming back home after shopping with Adrien and Chloe! She’d…fallen asleep? Then-

“Oh…poor, poor Marinette.”, a sickening voice echoed all around her. “I always knew things would end up this way.”, Lila Rossi giggled from the darkness.

A stomp thundered in the void, and piercing green eyes held her in a deadly grip. Marinette tried to rationalize it; she remembered falling asleep. This was just a dream! Lila was being dealt with; Adrien had told her himself! “Did you really think you could win so easily? What, wasn’t your precious little life enough of a loss to make you realize?”, the girl stepped forward, a form crafted from flowing shadows, with her iris bleeding red as she came closer.

Marinette fought against the void, against the thing holding her in place, and finally managed to move her head. She pushed back with all her power, and saw…the ink had come back. It was as if the pages from her sketchbook had bled into reality, forming a puddle of despair that had returned with a vengeance to swallow her whole. “I’m sick and tired of you, Dupain Cheng. But you know what?”, Lila asked sweetly, in her fakest imitation of Marinette’s own tone. “I actually have to thank you. Seeing them all crumble under the guilt is so much fun!”, the girl cackled in glee.

“You-”, Marinette struggled to breathe, “You aren’t real!”, she screamed back, only making Lila double over with laughter.

She made an expression of intentionally crossing her eyes, a red fog making them appear glassy. Yet her sickening grin only widened. “No…but what does it matter, when I’m conceived within your mind?”, Lila stared at her, the fog from her iris lifting to unveil a bleeding inferno, the crimson flames licking at Marinette’s form. “You will never be free of me; I’ll haunt you till the day you die!”

Marinette felt herself pause for a moment; her gaze glued to Lila’s eyes. Taking a deep breath, she gave herself a moment to think, ignoring the demonic girl’s snarls and scalding gaze. The puddles of ink below her threatened to consume more, always more…but she refused to give. Always, every single day of her existence, Marinette Dupain Cheng had shone with a brilliant light, only to give it away to whomever had need of it, never minding how her own heart might flicker at the lost rays she tried to hold on to. People constantly expected her to give, and all she could do was comply.

…Rossi was right. “I already have.”, Marinette breathed out to the wisping shadows which made up Lila’s form. “You’re right, Lila. You did haunt her until the very last moment. But am not her anymore. I am not your victim!”, she shouted back, the ink seeping into her form suddenly giving way to a blinding pink light as the suit enveloped Marinette’s form, shattering the porcelain mask she’d been suffocating under.

Ladybug stood strong, Lila’s eyes widening and then narrowing as she tried to attack with a blast of darkness…only for her yoyo to deflect it aside. “No! I’ll destroy you, Marinette! Your friends are all gone, you mean nothing to them! I’ve ruined you!”, Lila screeched as Samantha walked up to her.

The girl stumbled, trying to fade back into the darkness but falling over herself, splashing into the lake of simmering ink below. Bubbles seemed to escape out of the surface as it began to boil, causing Lila to scream as one burst right next to her, coating the girl with a caustic fluid. “Oh, Lila…the only thing getting ruined today”, Ladybug sent her yoyo string flying, hitting Lila between the eyes and wrapping the string around her neck. “…is your outfit.” Samantha flicked her wrist, and a snap was all it took for the demonic girl to melt back into the darkness.

Samantha Fae’s eyes shot open as she felt herself laying on something soft. A gentle purr sent a tingle down her side, and she slowly blinked to adjust to the light level. She…was in her bedroom. There was a warm body next to her, and a mop of unkept blonde hair blocking most of her vision. Oh, right. She was home.

Princess?”, Adrien’s gravely voice soothed her ears as he began to stir. His body was not covered by the usual black leather, and so he lacked the belt-tail which would have swished in comfort as he purred again at her warmth. She restrained herself, not flicking his ear like she would to Chat Noir.

Mari felt herself lean into her boyfriend, last night’s escapades slowly returning as she came to. She remembered picking out new clothes for Adrien’s horrendously empty closet, Chloe following suit with a smile on her face. Huh, and wasn’t that a wild experience? Chloe Bourgeois smiling. At her. Then the two blondes had gone their own way, and she’d run by Rosemary’s to pick up her last pile of fabrics, this time actually holding back and asking James to help her get them out of the store. As fun as it was to sass people, she really didn’t want people asking her if she was a bodybuilder. Thankfully, he seemed to buy the excuse her having carried stacks like this around for years, only shooting an understanding smile, to say he knew the pain.

Samantha had laughed a little at thank, thanking him and promising not to buy out the whole store for at least another week before finding an alley to transform and swing back home. The last hours of precious sunlight had been spent frantically running around the penthouse in what Chat would affectionately call a “Marinette Typhoon”, spreading out every conceivable design in her commissions list across every available surface, and then proceeding to go on a designing spree comparable only to the greatest fashion-oriented minds in all of France!

Needless to say…their place was still a mess, if she bothered to get up and check. Adrien had flung himself through her balcony door and directly into a stack of fabrics almost as tall as the coffee table, letting out a cry of mock-offense when she teased The Great Chat Noir for being defeated by an inanimate object. Adrien had let out a hearty laugh and cheekily stolen a kiss from her, causing Ladybug to begin a war by flinging a pillow and getting him right between the eyes. …she really didn’t want to clean all of that up.

Adrien stirred again, purring softly as he opened his eyes, and giving her the dopiest smile in the universe when they made eye contact. In his defense, Marinette also couldn’t help but be overtaken by the sheer love that surged in her heart whenever they so much as looked at each other, so she held back on the teasing and instead ruffled his hair.

“Morning kitty cat.”, she beamed at him, causing Chat to almost melt into putty in her arms.

When he registered the “attack”, her boyfriend -boyfriend! Adrien was her boyfriend now!- resigned himself to a loving embrace, and a morning of cuddles. He’d known early in his visits as Chat Noir, Mari was really clingy in the morning. “Hey, Princess...”, he whispered in a gravely voice, sending a teasing shiver down Ladybug’s spine.

Sighing deeply, Samantha leaned closer to his as she sat up on the bed, hand still running through his blonde locks. Adrien noticed she was shaking ever so slightly, and quickly cut himself off from messing with his lovely girlfriend. His heart still skipped a beat whenever he thought of Mari like that. “Milady? Are you okay?”, Chat’s tone switched the genuine concern. “Bad dream?”, he asked softly, ever so accustomed to waking up in a cold sweat, still seeing bars surrounding him before Adrien’s vision would finally clear, before Plagg would fly up to his cheek and purr comfortingly, to remind his kit that he wasn’t alone.

“…no.”, Samamtha breathed out. “More of a victory…but it still fells hollow.”, she went to get up, but Adrien placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze. “It’s just…you know.”, she shrugs weakly, not bothering to stretch her shoulders too much. Rather, Ladybug didn’t even have the energy for it.

In an instant, Adrien called his transformation and gently tugged her to the pillow, purring softly as Chat Noir. The body heat he exuded began to melt the jagged icicles stabbing at her heart, and Marinette found it in herself to smile. She gave him a grateful look, pouring all the love in her heart right at him, to show Adrien everything she felt for him. Despite melting into a fluffy puddle of goo at the eye contact, Chat never stopped purring until she was lulled back to a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

Adrien leaned into her shoulder as he laid next to his Lady, admiring her sleeping face. Maybe it was a little creepy, but he’d always loved seeing Marinette resting, given how often she would work herself to the bone for everyone around her. Besides, now that he knew she was Ladybug, that comment of her sneaking into his house made a lot more sense, and probably meant they were even on the stalker scale. Not that he’d have complained if his partner had decided to come by and whisk him away on nothing but a yoyo string and with a bouquet of red roses in hand.

Moving himself ever so slowly to not wake her, never ceasing to purr in case she was still only lightly asleep -and comforted by the warmth of her apartment, the feeling of love permeating through the air- Adrien reached for his phone, still charging on the nightstand where he’d left it. He angled the screen away from Marinette’s face and turned the brightness to the lowest setting quickly checking the time and his messages. 10:35am, just a couple messages from Nathalie.

Chatlog- Adrien Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur. Last opened: Three days ago

Nathalie Sancoeur: Good morning Adrien. I know you are still asleep, so to speak, and have informed your father that you will be coming down for lunch in a few hours.

Nathalie Sancoeur: I know it’s not my place to ask, but if you do plan on sneaking out again, please let me know beforehand. Felix attempted to come see you personally.

Nathalie Sancoeur: And Adrien, please remember if there is something you’d like to tell me, I am here to listen.

Sent 9:41am

Adrien Agreste: Good morning! I- …there’s no chance of saying I’m still in my room, right?

Nathalie Sancoeur: No. Have you forgotten I have the second key?

Adrien Agreste: Sorry I worried you. I’m fine, really. Be back soon. When is lunch?

Nathalie Sancoeur: Two hours and twenty-four minutes. Please be on time.

Adrien Agreste: Alright, I won’t forget. Anything else?

Nathalie Agreste: Unfortunately so. I came to speak with you in the morning, but evidently you were absent.

Adrien Agreste: …don’t tell me Father came back to his senses.

Nathalie Sancoeur: Thankfully Gabriel seems to be doing alright. And…I think these are his senses, how he used to be. I- My apologies, I know your feelings on the subject.

Adrien Agreste: It’s fine, I just hope you’re right about him. What did you want to talk about?

Nathalie Sancoeur: I would rather tell you in person, if that’s possible.

Adrien Agreste: I might not be back until lunch. Is it serious?

Nathalie Sancoeur: …yes.

Nathalie Sancoeur: Miss Dupain Cheng’s funeral has finally been scheduled, for this afternoon. I understand it’s sudden, but her parents affirmed to me they wanted it as soon as possible, and absolutely not on a Friday. Tomorrow might have perhaps been a better time, but the services are already in place. I did not want to tell you over text.

Adrien Agreste: It’s okay, I understand. I’ll go pick up Kagami on the way back, can you prepare for a visitor?

Nathalie Sancoeur: And how will you excuse this to your father?

Adrien Agreste: I invited her after you told me in the morning, asked to not be disturbed till lunch. Easy.

Nathalie Sancoeur: You’re lucky I’m willing to lie to Gabriel about this.

Adrien Agreste: Oh, come on Nat! It’s not like you’re keeping any of my secrets!

Nathalie Sancoeur: …no, I suppose not. I will let your father know. Please make sure to climb safely back. I don’t want you falling.

Adrien Agreste: Yeah, I know you worry.

Nathalie Sancoeur: Adrien…

Adrien Agreste: Okay, mom! I’ll be careful, I promise. Be back soon.

Nathalie Sancoeur: Very well. Be safe.

Adrien placed the phone back on the nightstand with a shaking hand, and then slowly got out of bed. Mari was still sleeping peacefully next to him, and he didn’t want to bother her with this right now. Breathing deeply to steady himself, he grabbed his usual outfit from where he’d hanged it the night before and quickly changed in the bathroom. Transforming -with a shriek from Plagg, who was still sleeping in the other room- and heading back into the bedroom, he saw Mari stir a little in her sleep.

“K-kitty?”, she asked, staring longingly in his bright green eyes. “What’re you-”, she tried to ask, being cut off by a yawn, “Where are you going?”, Samantha finally managed.

Chat Noir slowly ran a claw through her hair, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Good morning, my Princess…”, he purred in that gravely tone he knew drove her insane, even if his Lady would never admit it. “I got a text from Nathalie, need to go in a bit. Just…wanted to go for a run beforehand.”, Adrien says, not quite lying. He would have left a note and gone to clear his head, then came back to deliver the news when Mari was more awake.

Marinette pulled on his hand, helping herself sit up. “What’s wrong?”, she asked softly, ever so gently. Adrien had grown to hate sudden loud noises, whether they be the atelier’s doors slamming shut, Alya screeching about whatever bullshit Lila had come up with that day, or Rossi herself dramatically blaming Mari for everything from stubbing her toe to a meteor shower on Mars. His Lady knew, and every time she’d seen him upset, Marinette had never once raised her voice unless it was strictly in Adrien’s defense.

“I…Nathalie texted me just now. It’s your parents. They’ve decided on a date for the fu- …the funeral. And it’s this afternoon. She and Father helped put things together on short notice.”, Chat admitted, as if confessing to a murder. Or rather, to failing to prevent one.

For a moment, Samantha looked forlorn at the mention of Marinette’s parents. Even if she was someone else now, the reminder that she’d hurt them so terribly did not sit well with Ladybug. “I’m sorry kitty. But…you know I’m here, right? I’ll never leave, I promise you.”, she murmured in his ear, using her left hand to embrace Adrien, and the right to flick his bell.

Chat blinked for a moment, almost confused. “I thought you’d be upset.”, he deadpanned, before realizing exactly what he’d just said. “Mari I’m sorry! I meant- what I mean is-”

All Marinette did was melt into his touch, and Adrien welcomed the warmth. “I…guess I already knew. My dream…showed me I have to confront it. I’m not okay, kitty, no matter what I try. And I need to lay this whole thing to rest, once and for all.”, Samantha whispered to him, receiving an agreeing nod.

“Heh. And I thought I was the one with dark humor.”, Chat blurted out, causing them both to burst into laughter. Marinette almost howled, doubling over on the bed and dragging Adrien down with her.

After wiping the tears -both joyful and somber- from her eyes, Samantha let herself sigh as deeply as her lungs would allow. “…go. I’ll be okay, just need some time to mentally prepare.”, she told him, trying to wrap her mind around that it was happening now that the shock and absurdity of it all had left her. Marinette still felt a little numb if she thought about it too hard.

Adrien hugged her with both arms, letting his claws lightly sink into Samantha’s back. He could feel the chill running down her spine, and purred to keep the cold away. Body heat might not do the trick, but love was enough to stave away any abyss. Marinette reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing her head in the nook between Adrien’s jaw and shoulder. “Marinette, I promise it’s going to be okay. It’s us against the world, now and forever.”, Chat felt the words roll of his tongue, toned by absolute trust and hope.

Ladybug found herself believing it more and more by the second. She, they, would be okay, because they were partners. They were inseparable, undefeated, a team. “I know.”, she whispered back. “Adrien…I love you so much.”, Marinette breathed out, releasing a warm puff of air on his neck. “Can you…can you come pick me up, when it’s time? I don’t want to go alone.”, she asked of him, her mouth suddenly feeling dry and her nerves irrationally fraying at the impossible chance he might refuse.

“Of course. I was going to anyways, but is it okay if we all come get you? I don’t think anybody deserves to go by themselves.”, Chat gave her a warm look, one so full of understanding and love that she was suddenly back on that rooftop, being handed his baton as an umbrella, and laughing at his silly joke of her being sweeter than sugar.

Marinette slowly let go of him, and steadied her breathing. She still had a literal penthouse’s worth of projects, outfits and commissions to work on today, but in all honesty she’d gladly welcome the distraction. Creation had become as much her job as it was Tikki’s, despite her Kwami often relaxing on a cookie or taking a nap. Having Plagg around had done her a lot of good, come to think of it. Her Kwami didn’t seem so rulebound and serious anymore, her own partner brought out a side of Tikki that was more playful and lax, even if she could switch it out for her normal bravado in a moment should the need arise. Seems like they both needed their kitties around.

Adrien gave her a final nod of affirmation, and immediately flung himself out of the balcony door…or tried to, instead falling face-first into the same stack of fabrics from last night. With a mesmerizing laugh from Marinette, Chat actually jumped away this time, heading towards Kagami’s house. But…maybe he could do a little something for Mari first, and if that happened to involve a bit of mischief...he could always blame Plagg.

Twisting himself around in mid-air, Chat Noir vaulted over towards the riverside, and soon onto a very particular houseboat. Dashing in the nearest alley, the blinding green light went unseen as Plagg instantly devoured a piece of Camembert, wordlessly flying into Adrien’s shirt pocket. Lightly patting the Kwami’s head, Plagg acquiesced, giving Adrien a playful bite on the finger for his troubles. With the matter resolved, Adrien Agreste rounded the corner, and stepped foot on the Liberty’s deck.


Alya felt herself be roused from sleep by the morning breeze coming through the open window. Her blinds were still shut, but her blanket had somehow ended up half on the floor, and half on Nino’s side of the bed. Her boyfriend was still out like a light, and she took a moment to straighten out the newly-made wrinkles in her pajamas. She really didn’t want Mari’s work to get ruined like that, and a small part of her mind protested the fact they’d been wrinkled to begin with. God, she really wished Marinette was here to tell her it would be okay.

Nino let out a loud snore, startling Alya. She shot upright…and immediately battled a wave of dizziness that nearly overcame her. Right, she probably should have eaten something yesterday. The Ladyblogger shook her head at the thought, because she’d just had more important things to do. Mainly, continuing her research on Lila Rossi. And as sickening as it was to watch that bitch lie to and manipulate her classmates, they needed as much proof as possible. Alya had called up almost every person who conceivably held knowledge relating to Lila’s connections…or rather her lack thereof. Jagged Stone had already let his assistant know she or another of Mari’s friends may call, and miss Rolling had been more than happy to provide records of Jagged’s song deals at the time Rossi claimed he’d made a song about her, and then immediately called up their legal team to sue.

As for the others, Miss Nightingale had apparently remembered Alya was an extra from that music video a year ago, and was more than happy to discredit Lila’s claims that they’d worked together, and with song and rhyme at that. Why exactly the woman felt the need to speak like that even offstage, Alya didn’t know, but as the Ladyblogger, she’d long learned that some weird shit in this city were best left alone. She’d even called Rose to confirm that Prince Alli did environmental charities and had never gone on record as working with orphanages, which her usually-bubbly friend confirmed…with a dose of suspicion in her voice.

Adding those calls, individuals and debunked claims to her evidence board, Alya had spent the rest of her day furiously Googling every single thing that Lila had ever claimed to have done, including but not limited to her frankly idiotic lie of having been near a jet engine when it started, which even if not proven untrue was absolutely illegal not to mention would have left her mostly, if not completely deaf. Apparently, there is a reason why passengers are carefully guided to their planes at airports, who would have thought? Alya had genuinely considered getting Akumatized solely to throttle her past self for ever believing it…but in all honestly if she could go back, that would be the least of her concerns. Throwing Lila Rossi into the nearest active volcano and leaving her to burn to a crisp sounded much more appealing, even right now.

The rest of her Tuesday had been spent doing much the same, and also accidentally breaking the space bar on her keyboard from how much force Alya applied while typing. And now…she found herself with nothing left to do. Monsieur Agreste had the hard evidence for Lila’s worse crimes -including working with Hawkmoth, even if Alya tried very hard to not think about that-, and she’d painstakingly detailed every instance of manipulation, slander or simple lying that could be verified. She’d have to send this to Adrien sooner rather than later…but right this second, Alya really wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole.

Despite her and Nino’s promise to each other -to become the kind of friends that Marinette had deserved at her side-, they hadn’t actually done much to achieve that so far. Nany a call, never mind a text to Adrien in over a day, not even to say good morning. They hadn’t checked on him, she’d absorbed herself in work that realistically could be done much better by professionals if the evidence hadn’t already been compiled by Monsieur Agreste’s legal team, and Alya had just elected to lock herself in the bedroom all day, ignoring her family.

God dammit, she really was a horrible person. Abandoning Marinette, not talking to her family, hogging Nino all to herself when he probably wanted to go home and vent about all of this just as much as she did, ignoring Adrien because she was busy -as if that could ever be an excuse!-, and running her family to the ground with worry because Alya couldn’t do something as simple as go down for breakfast! What would Mom and Dad say to her, seeing her again after almost a whole week? Would they be disappointed in her, tired of her being so dramatic when everyone else seemed to be moving on like the rest of the world? Would Nora still shoot her that encouraging smile that she couldn’t help but compare to Marinette’s bright, flawless grin before they stopped saying good morning to each other?

Alya suddenly felt herself stumble, and nearly tripped over her roller chair. Steadying herself with quivering legs wasn’t exactly easy, but the Ladyblogger avoided taking a tumble towards her evidence board. If she’d ended up on the floor, with another picture of Mari looking down on her, Alya swore she might actually die. Maybe that would be better… Nino wouldn’t be burdened with taking care of her all the time, Adrien wouldn’t have to look at the person who’d constantly belittled his and Marinette’s evidence against Lila, allowing the Italian to harass him undisturbed… Nora wouldn’t have to always be there for her, acting like Alya couldn’t take care of herself. Ella and Etta would just think she’d gone off to visit Marinette at the fashion school she’d lied to them about, Mom and Dad would probably be glad she wasn’t taking up space in the house, or waking people up by screaming from her nightmares.

Nino was still asleep when she finally thought to check, and Alya sighed, changing into a clean set of the outfit she’d worn on the first day of school, the same clothes she’d wear almost every day because her new best friend had seen she liked them, and inexplicably decided to make her half a dozen more tank tops and short-sleeved paid shirts, each perfectly matching the white, orange, beige and purple stripes of the original so perfectly, she could have sworn they were the original. It never occurred to her then…but Marinette always made things for people, even if it would cut into her personal time. Especially after Lila came along.

Had- Had Mari thought she’d needed to buy their friendship, after people had begun to ignore her in favor of the Italian girl? Was that why she never said no, eagerly agreeing to hangouts, movie nights, and every conceivable request a classmate could make to her, regardless of personal schedule? Looking back…Alya couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen Marinette truly smile. All that brightness in the past couple months, even back when they were still on speaking terms…it had reminded her of Adrien in a sense. She’d thought the reason was that both of them were just bright people…but Nino always went on about how Sunshine usually wore a mask, not wanting to let anyone see underneath. Oh, God. Why- why hadn’t she noticed?

“A- Alya?”, a hesitant, stuttering voice came from beyond her bedroom door, starting her. “Hey, are you coming down for breakfast? I have to go to the zoo in a little bit…and I’d really like to see you.”, Dad said, tone unlined with something akin to desperation. She was worrying her family again…why was she so incapable of taking care of herself?

“…okay.”, she called back in a voice so low it barely counted as a whisper. Alya stepped closer to the door, careful to not make noise. Nino needed rest, after all she’d put him through. “Okay, I’ll come.”, Alya tested the words, slowly unlocking and opening the door.

Otis had a relieved smile on his face, one so bright it was almost blinding. It reminded her of Ma- …no. No, she wouldn’t think about her friend during breakfast. Dad didn’t need to see like that, she’d already bothered her family enough this week. “Good morning!”, he exclaimed loudly, going to hug her. Alya stepped back, moving her head so he would have a clear sight of Nino, who was still asleep. “…good morning.”, Otis whispered, and slowly tried to hug his daughter again.

Alya let him, but barely had the energy to stand up straight, much less return the gesture. “Yeah. Good morning.”, she mumbled under her breath, walking past him in too big of a step, and needing to lean on the wall for support. Otis furrowed his browns in concern, but still smiled brightly as he helped her to the kitchen. Alya’s hand did not leave the wall until she was in reach of a chair, and Dad helped her sit down, putting a plate of pancakes in front of them both.

“Your mom made a bit too many before going to work, so I figured we could share a few before I go to work!”, Otis said, emanating life in a way that made Alya feel she was sitting next to a scalding sun.

Wordlessly, she picked up a fork and grabbed a bite, sinking her teeth into the food without much thought. Otis said nothing as she slowly repeated the motion, seemingly content to eat from his own plate in silence. Eventually Alya finished her breakfast, finding Dad looking at her again. That- honestly, she couldn’t help but feel suspicious. People didn’t do nice things for her, not unless that person was Mari or Nino. Adrien was kind to her, but he was great with everyone…and after Lila, Alya didn’t feel particularly comfortable with nice people anyways. It might be her dad, but they had a schedule in the house. Everyone did their part of the work each day, and they spent as much together as they could. For him to take time out of his day when everyone else had already left the house -given that Etta and Ella were never quiet-, that meant Dad wanted something.

“Uh…did you like them?”, Otis asked, seeing a disturbed look etch itself on his daughter’s face.

Alya felt herself sigh, absentmindedly noting that her legs had stopped quivering. Her hands weren’t trembling either, which was probably a good thing, come to think of it. She’d been annoyed when that got in the way of her research yesterday. “You want something.”, she deadpanned, settling on the direct approach. Her tone bordered on accusatory, but Alya just didn’t have the energy to bother with correcting herself.

“I- Well… Alya, I wouldn’t put it like that… okay, maybe. I- I just wanted to let you know, Sabine called an hour ago. They…they scheduled Marinette’s funeral. For this afternoon.”, Otis said in a gentle, worried tone. He’d known there was going to be a horrible reaction from his daughter. Alya had been the very definition of not okay these past few days, and suddenly he really wished he’d told Marlena to stay with him for this…

His daughter paused for a moment, her whole body freezing up so suddenly that Otis was reminded of the footage from the Lady Wifi attack, as if that dreaded Akuma had hit Alya with her powers. “…alright. Thanks for telling me.”, was the only reaction. No screaming, no tears, no slump of the shoulders. Nothing. And somehow, impossibly, that was infinitely worse that anything else his daughter could have done.

Alya heard the words come out of her mouth, but didn’t feel her lips part to let them. She got up from her chair with the steadiest steps she’d made in days, yet couldn’t register that her legs were moving. Her hands had frozen up completely, the little trembles that shook them throughout the whole week vanishing, leaving her fingers to feel like they’d turned to ice. She heard Dad call out to her, voice coming from somewhere vaguely behind her, but couldn’t find the motivation to so much as acknowledge the man. Alya went through the motions, locking her bedroom door and trying to walk towards her desk.

A picture of Marinette, smiling widely and vibrantly, was caught at the edge of her vision. Alya felt her whole body go numb as she collapsed in her chair. Her blood had run cold, to the point where she reasonably expected chunks of ice to form all throughout her body. Alya’s fingers certainly felt like they’d frozen over already, and the joints in her legs had gone stiff. She wanted to go back to sleep. God, she just wanted to sleep and never have to open her eyes again. Maybe…if she thought about it like a dream, maybe Mari would be there to embrace her in a warm, forgiving hug, and just tell her everything would be okay.

But…Marinette was gone. Dead. Logically, a funeral would have been inevitable. That’s just what happens when someone isn’t here anymore. A shiver ran down Alya’s spine at the thought, at the fact that today, it would finally be real. There would be a real grave somewhere in this city, with her best friend’s name inscribed upon it. And Alya could never again pretend she was just busy today.

For a moment, there was nothing. She debated dragging herself back to bed, and just staying there for as long as it took until Marinette walked through that door with a box of macaroons, because they’d planned a sleepover that night. God, wasn’t that a macabre thought? But…Alya couldn’t just give up. She’d promised Mari to be the kind of friend that deserved to hang around that bright, wonderful girl who’d been Alya Cesaire’s best friend in the whole fucking world. Alya couldn’t just let herself shut down, not when there was still a way to honor her memory. There must be something she could do. Anything.

“I don’t know Als, asking Ladybug to give a speech for your blog is a bit- well, I just think you’d be better at it, you know? Besides, you don’t need to inspire the whole city. You already inspire me.”

The memory struck her like a lightning bolt, and Alya threw herself off the chair as if her nerves were on fire. That conversation had just been her gushing about Paris’ heroine, back when Ladybug first appeared. Alya…had wanted to track her down for an interview, and to get another speech like the one she’d made after Stoneheart. Eventually she had gotten that interview, but decided to forego the speech. She’d blushed when Mari had complimented her that morning, since nobody really said nice things to her, even family. Between the six of them, everyone knew already, and she didn’t often ask for praise or anything of the sort.

So, for Marinette to point out her skills so bluntly…it really had made Alya more confident. And yes, maybe a bit too confident given the Pharaoh incident a week later, but the point stood! If Mari thought her best friend was good at speeches, then Alya would write one! She would do her best to give Marinette the best speech in the world, because that wonderful girl deserved the most! Even if it was fruitless, Alya still wanted her to be happy. And maybe, just maybe, this would be the thing to finally make her friend give the world a real smile.


Luka hadn’t bothered to do much of anything today. The absence still gnawed at his soul like a pair of bloodthirsty fangs ready to devour whatever was left of his already wounded heart, and seeing that nobody else was awake, he decided to try playing his song again. The strings of his guitar didn’t feel stiff anymore, not since Monday when he’d met that strange girl by the riverside. Freedom. Creation. Love. Concepts that spoke to Luka’s very soul, things that his Melody had embodied to an unnatural perfection. That wasn’t why he’d loved Marinette, but it would be a lie to say he never admired how dedicated she was to those sensations.

He…he’d loved Marinette because she was Marinette. There wasn’t any way to explain it quite right, but she was just beautiful to him. Her song, that collection of notes Luka had been able to see around people ever since he was old enough to understand what music was, it had been the most fascinating thing he’d ever witnessed. Mari had been so kind, loving, hard-working, honest. Luka felt he could go on for eternity, but frankly all those good qualities were just nice to see in a person. The reason she’d invoked his love was her aura, her melody.

When Luka Couffaine had first laid eyes upon that nervous, stuttering mess of a girl at least a head shorter than him, something had lit up in the back of his mind. Marinette was…Marinette, and there weren’t nor would there ever be enough words in French for him to express all that he felt for her, especially as they’d grown closer. Luka vowed the moment he’d registered the announcement to forever value their time together, those memories of his that shone brighter than the sun, were full of so much life that his mind struggled to comprehend how a single human being could be so magnificent. …maybe that’s what made the absence unbearable.

Toying with the guitar strings again, he tried a different note. Light. It…didn’t sit right with him, didn’t feel like Marinette’s melody anymore. Or, rather, her song had shifted away from that concept. There had to be something he was missing here. Maybe…

“I hope I’m not interrupting.”, a gentle voice sounded from behind him, startling Luka enough for him to drop his guitar pick. It cut through the air in a downwards spiral to the waters below, but a hand snatched it at the last second.

Luka turned, seeing Adrien standing beside him, offering the pick. “Sorry if I scared you.”, Adrien breathed out. “Just figured you might need a pick-me-up.”, came the shameless pun, wide smile to accompany the horrid humor his friend was famous for. Well…infamous was the correct word, but there was no reason to be rude.

“Hey.”, he greeted the blonde simply. “It’s good to see you, Adrien.”, Luka gave a small nod, moving to the center of the deck.

“I would have called ahead, but figured you could use the surprise. I’m sorry to come here so unexpectedly, but-”, Adrien tried to say, but Luka raised a hand to cut him off.

“How many times have I told you that you’re always welcome here? The Liberty is as much your place as it is mine. Same goes for all my friends.”, the guitarist gently reminded him. Someday, Luka might be able to find the courage to offer Adrien a place on the ship, should his father ever take things too far and the blonde needs a place to stay. But…today was evidently not that day.

“I know, I know.”, Adrien pretended to be annoyed, waving Luka away with a hand. He chuckled at the antic, breathing deeply to steady himself. Now wasn’t the time for melodies, Adrien wouldn’t come here unannounced without a good reason.

“So, what brings you to our humble abode, monsieur? Have you finally decided to join the crew and be a proper pirate like the rest of us?”, Luka teased him, nudging Adrien’s ribs with his free elbow.

The blonde didn’t respond for a moment, sighing deeply before letting his eyes wander to the wooden planks of the deck. “I…I’ve got bad news. Nathalie told me the fu- …she said the funeral is this afternoon. I thought you should know.”, Adrien whispered just loud enough for Luka to hear, his voice shaking as the model’s hands trembled, despite his struggle to keep them still.

Oh. And Adrien must have snuck out to tell him in person, despite knowing well enough how his father would react to that. “…thank you.”, Luka felt himself say. His eyes felt dry, throat barely managing to spit out the words before something got stuck there, forcing the musician to gasp for air.

Sadness. Absence. Misery. Abandonment. Neglect. Terror. Heartbreak. Agony.

Luka felt his legs shift as he tried to step back, to give himself air, to breathe. The world started spinning, reality tilting on its axis as the absence assaulted his senses. For one precious moment, there was only blessed darkness. Silent and constant, he could at least imagine Melody was at peace now, even if Luka would never hear her song again. Slowly, he blinked away the black spots in his eyes, the sensation of being held by the arm flashed through his brain, and he finally noticed Adrien supporting the bulk of his weight.

“I…I’m sorry.”, the musician found words escaping him. “I didn’t mean to worry you, Adrien. I’ll be fine.”, Luka added, trying to wave him off with his free hand, dropping the guitar he’d miraculously held onto.

Adrien gave a gentle nod, making eye contact for just a moment, but that was more than enough to let Luka know he understood. He and Marinette really would have been perfect for each other, and maybe they had been, not that he would ever ask his friend about that. “I…think I’d like to be left alone, for a little while.”, Luka managed to rasp, his lips still feeling dry and the tears barely receding.

The model looked him over for a moment, and nodded a negative. “I thought so too, when things were too much. I…Alya and Nino helped me out. Let me and the band help you out, Luka.”, Adrien offered, so much sincere care in his voice that Luka had to question how any person could have a heart this golden. But…evidently, as rare as they might be, his Melody had also been much the same as his blonde friend. Why had he ever thought to step in between them? Would Ma- Would she still be here, if he’d helped them get together from the start?

Straightening his back and supporting himself on the Liberty’s mast, Luka considered it for a moment. He didn’t want to be alone, not necessarily. But that’s the way it had always been. Him and his melodies, playing notes inside his head until he could finally see the tranquil blue of the sea again. For some reason…today was different. One of his songs was missing, and would never come back again. He’d known that for days now, but now it was real, and Luka, for the first time since he figured out how to see people’s songs, felt scared.

“O- okay. Let’s call up Kitty Section. I think everyone could use a distraction given the circumstances.”, he agreed, and Adrien shot him a soft smile. There was pain in the model’s green eyes -usually shinning in the hue of bright emerald-, darkening the air around him with a more intense green. The whisps of color seemed tethered around his heart, as if it ached due to whatever he wasn’t sharing. But…Luka had no reason to directly confront him about it. Frankly, that would only make things worse.

Adrien helped Luka sit down on the deck, now letting go of his arm until the blue-haired boy was leaning his head against the mast of the ship, and stopped trembling. He pulled out his cell and made a few calls, explaining to Alix, Ivan, Rose, and Nino that Luka was unwell, asking them to meet on the Liberty. Nino had been reluctant to leave Alya’s side, even as the blogger shut the whole world out and furiously tapped her trembling fingers against the keyboard on her desk, unresponsive and almost hollow in the way Alya never took her eyes off the screen.

In the meantime, Luka found the strength to get up and down a glass of cold water from the kitchen, all the while listening to Adrien asking their band members to attend. Eventually Nino got a response out of Alya, being told that it was okay for him to go, that she would be alright. Despite not believing it for a single second…Nino caved in to her assurances, choosing to trust her and make his way down to the Liberty. Rose and Juleka -who had been spent the night at her place after some of the class went out yesterday afternoon- rushed over before Adrien even had a chance to fully explain the situation, Alix was apparently already out and skating, so she readily agreed to the much-needed company, and Ivan only said he was bringing Mylene along before rushing out of his house to meet them.

Only a few minutes later, Kitty Section had gathered at the deck, forming a small circle around Luka. There were a few basic pleasantries and pained smiles exchanged, the usual lie about being fine which apparently spread itself throughout the whole class. In truth, nobody would have come if they didn’t feel they needed it too, and Adrien vaguely remembered Luka saying that music had always been a great outlet for his feelings. That- wasn’t as true for the model, who was never allowed to play the pieces he wanted on the piano.

Still, they all sat in comfortable silence, basking in each other’s presence. Luka even managed to smile at seeing the whole band back together. He hesitantly picked up his guitar and stuck a chord. Remembrance. The note seemed to reverberate through the top and bottom decks of the Liberty, causing ripples in the river’s waves splashing below. Suddenly, almost miraculously, Kitty Section came to a unanimous conclusion. Marinette, their brilliant and wonderful friend, was gone. But that didn’t mean they would ever forget her. It seemed silly, when the thought came to them.

Alix was the first to voice it, still holding onto the same boldness she’d used against Chloe only two days prior. “Guys…why don’t we write a song?”, came the question. Five pairs of eyes stared at her in slight shock at how well she’d guessed their thoughts. It was the first thing that came to mind then they’d sat down on the deck, with Luka playing a chord on his guitar every now and then.

A murmur of general agreement went through the band, all of them suddenly finding the courage to humor the idea, and then seriously entertain the thought. After all, Marinette had always loved working on costumes and songs with them, going so far as to never miss a concert. Despite the recent distance, she’d loved Kitty Section. Why shouldn’t they write her a send-off song, something to help everyone remember the real her, the girl under the smiling mask that each of these friends had caught nary a glimpse of in their cosmically short lives? Only their fear, of backlash, of being called disrespectful, of the response was inhibiting their creativity. And…if those inhibitions were destroyed…

While the kids began to talk amongst themselves, Plagg snickered to himself inside Adrien’s shirt pocket, still grasping each human’s lessened inhibitions with non-physical, incomprehensible arms. It wasn’t often that he would use his powers of Destruction for something like this, but despite the laid-back attitude he wasn’t heartless. His kit clearly needed a distraction from all that nasty family business back home, and these were his friends. Plagg didn’t particularly care about humanity as a whole, it was simply the natural order of things for life and death to eternally cycle around each other, Creation and Destruction being always of equal measure. Sure, he was sad a soul was losing its individuality, but then Tikki’s Concept would craft them into another soul, and the cycle would continue.

Unfortunately, mortals always got quite upset when this happened, and he could absolutely understand the emotional side of things. Atlantis had been…evidence, so to speak, of how much he could grow to care for his Holders. And humans were emotional, social creatures. Tikki had made them so, and Duusu had granted them feeling and life, while Nooroo governed the transmission of feelings, the way in which a parent’s love would inspire a child to love others in turn, or in this case…the unfortunate side effect of negative emotions being almost contagious. Plagg knew from experience what would happen if these humans were left alone with dark thoughts gnawing at their minds and souls, should one of them decide to step into the abyss instead of slowly pass into Oblivion. And while he may be the Concept of Destruction, that was a thing no Kwami would want, for any living being.

Perhaps it was manipulation, that he subtly encouraged Adrien to come here while his kit was in the suit. Maybe that made him a bad person, if such terms could even be applied to a being whose sentience was fundamentally different than what humanity could even perceive. But…Plagg had the terrible habit of caring too much, for both his Holders, and also the Chosen of his fellows. And contrary to popular belief, he remembered all their names. Alix, Chosen of Time and Hero of the Last Chance, in a future not meant to be. It made her no less compatible with Fluff, and as her alternate versions had protected Adrien across countless timelines, Plagg vowed to protect her here. It was his duty. Luka, Sass’s kid. A far less illustrious title, but frankly the Kwami of Destruction was far too good friends with the Snake to not consider himself familiar with Sass’s Chosen.

He could go on, if it was desired. Rose, Chosen of Jubilation, and her desire to bring light and laughter into a glooming, forlorn world. Plagg recalled, that had Fu met her, there was always the chance of her being Tikki’s kit. Well…the stress would certainly not have been good given her condition, and so Fluff instructed them to avoid that reality. Ivan, Chosen of Determination, and his unwavering support, offered to anyone in need, much like a certain bluenette with pigtails had granted him, years ago. Juleka, Chosen of Elation. Perhaps a gamble on Roaar’s part, what with the quiet and reserved girl his friend had picked as a Holder. Still, much like Adrien, Plagg knew Juleka to be an unstoppable force once she peeked at the world outside her shell. To be loud was elating for this girl, and it was his responsibility given Roaar’s current absence, to see the matter through.

Admittedly, the same went for all these kids. And despite what Fu may have thought, they are children, even for human standards. Kwami have always suffered under the pain of losing a Holder, across the countless eons of their existence. Plagg especially had never taken it well, he could self-reflect well enough to admit it. But humans…they lived such small lives in comparison, so why would anyone in their right mind allow someone innocent and good like these Chosen were to wallow in misery, when a small application of power to…not destroy, but rather lessen Inhibition’s hold on them, giving room to their souls for emotional and personal growth. Because that was his Concept, in the end. His duty, and also personal pleasure.

“Plagg?”, Adrien whispered to him, and the little god pulled himself back to reality, leaving cosmic thoughts to the side in favor of a more physical comprehension. “Hey, are you with me now?”, his kit asked, and the Kwami felt a strange sense of lost time wash over him.

“Sorry kid, I just took a nap.”, Plagg excused himself. There was never any reason to burden mortals with near-incomprehensible thoughts. “Did you and your friends have fun?”, he asked, genuinely interested. Not just because his plan was working out, but simply out of care.

Adrien looked at him like he’d grown a second head, but still elected to answer. “Yeah…we wrote a song for Marinette. I- I had fun. It was nice, to spend time with friends.”, he said, breathing out a fond sigh.

“Good, good! Say, kid? Aren’t you supposed to go by Sword Saint’s house? Ya know…before lunch?”, Plagg inquired again, hoping Adrien would give him a time gap for how long he’d been out of it.

“Why do you always call Kagami that? We just fence, she’s not an anime character!”, Adrien huffed at him in jest, but still nodded an affirmative. “And yes, if you must know. We are going, it’s only twenty minutes to lunch.”

Plagg saw the grin on his kit’s face and instantly prepared himself for a transformation. He wouldn’t have time to answer the question even if he wanted to, nor would he ever tell anyone about Loong’s last chosen. Let the poor girl rest in peace, her name honored by a warrior who held similar, honorable values, if only inside Plagg’s own head. “Wait!”, he protested loudly, going by the script. “I didn’t get to eat my wake-up cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeee-”, Plagg yelled as Adrien transformed, vibrant green light again covered by the alleyway he was hiding in.

Chat Noir shook his head in mock-exasperation at his Kwami’s antics leaping onto the nearby rooftop, and dashed into the skyline at top speed. In a record-breaking five minutes, Adrien Agreste was standing in front of an iron gate twice as tall as he was, being welcomed inside by Tatsu, the sound of clashing steel ringing in the back of his ears.


And…scene! Thank Nooroo himself, I finally found a way to cut this chapter in half! Well, perhaps not exactly half because knowing me Part 2 will be just as long, but it’s my job to worry about that. For the record, I genuinely wanted to do all of this chapter in one, but writing double the usual length in the same amount of time as a 10k chapter proved impossible. So, you’ll have to wait for next week. Thankfully, I’m certain you’re going to love what’s ahead, along with the surprises I have in store for the funeral itself! But I do still want to talk about a few things we saw this chapter that I think deserve a second look.

Firstly, Alya’s mental state. I think it’s blatantly obvious that our favorite reporter is doing horribly at the moment. As I said in her segment, yes, the promise between her and Nino has been made, but unfortunately neither of them is in any condition to actually uphold it. However, I promise things get better in a few chapters, and they will get their own dedicated arc on how their mental health begins to slowly improve as they realize that being perfect (like Marinette was desperately trying to be) is impossible, and that it’s okay to not hold yourself to unreachable standards. Which is generally good life advice in my opinion, if there’s one thing to take away from reading ACOLL. I will be exploring them soon, there are simply a few more things to get through before then, so to all Alya and Nino fans, please be patient.

Secondly, Luka. I recently had a discussion with a friend, who told me they had always believed (as a headcanon) that his focus on music as a window to the world was because Luka has synesthesia. While I haven’t personally incorporated the condition itself as part of his character, the reason for the color metaphors in his sections are because I think non-verbal representation of emotion really fits his character. It just feels right in (ironically enough) a way I myself can’t quite explain. And I think if you were to go back and re-examine the scenes with this approach, you might find a different perspective to his character, both in ACOLL and the show itself. Truth be told this isn’t strictly relevant, just a tidbit of information I wanted to share with all of you.

Lastly, Marinette’s mental state. I feel it’s mostly explained in her dedicated section here, as well as the nightmare she’s having, but I will continue to build on this in Part 2 of the chapter, and therefore won’t go into much detail here. The only thing I’d like to point out is that despite the new identity and budding personality, some parts of Mari have carried over. Unfortunately, this also includes her tendency to not be vulnerable around anyone, except Adrien and only Adrien. Take this as you will, but I’m sure it will become extremely relevant soon enough…

Anyways! I officially need at least three days break before diving into the second half of this chapter, so I would like to ask for everyone’s patience while I work through this to give you all a nice, clean, satisfying chapter of good quality. Remember, I’ll see you all next time, but until then…Stay Miraculous!

Chapter 18: Remembrance of Gold Part 2


With Marinette's funeral now fully underway, Samantha Fae is forced to confront her own feelings about the girl she used to be. As friends and family grieve, Alya tries to represent her best friend's final wishes. Kitty Section honors Luka's lost melody, and Adrien bears witness to the encroaching darkness.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Agreste is on the cusp of a life-altering decision that could change everything...and Hawkmoth debates giving up his Miraculous.


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to part 2 of the chapter that nearly gave me Writer’s Block! I really hope you all enjoyed part 1, and I think you’re going to love what I’ve got coming up, both for this and the upcoming chapters! Now, I have a very special announcement to make about this upload…because for the first time in ACOLL history, I am not the only writer bringing you this delightful dish of emotional damages, with depression on the side! Please give a massive thank you to Obee One Kenobee and Mystic System, my good friends from discord who took time out of their day to help me with this chapter, by writing Alya’s speech and Kitty Section’s song respectively!!!

Also, this chapter might, emphasis on might, be a little on the short side since it was originally meant to be uploaded along with Part 1, though knowing myself it’ll probably end up at least over 10k words as per usual.

Trigger Warning: Discussions of (widely believed) suicide, intense self-blame and self-hatred, funeral proceedings, unhealthy coping mechanisms, blood and injury, suicidal thoughts, and physical abuse.

Intermission is over, so please grab your snacks and sit down for: Tomoe’s A+ parenting, Adrigami, Gabriel’s actual parenting, Amelie being a good mom, Nathalie being the greatest mom, Felix, Chloe doing her best, Zoe being depressed, Sabine and Tom getting screentime, Tikki and Plagg, Marinette’s self-doubts, Alya’s Ted Talk, Kitty Section’s secret love song, and Hawkmoth’s…life advice?

Now…without further ado…let’s jump straight into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The iron gates to the Tsurugi Mansion slammed shut the moment Adrien walked past, forcing the model to steel himself as he stepped on the gravel path, feint clashes of the fencing kind reverberating through the air up ahead. For a moment, the blonde stills, a sudden chill of authority going up his spine, instincts warning him to a commanding presence up ahead. Unlike Nathalie or Father, Adrien felt no compulsion to heed, but considering whose house this was… He sped up his pace, breaking in as brisk a walk as he could manage without starting to full-on sprint to the courtyard.

Kagami desperately held onto her practice sword, ignoring her aching wrist and quivering legs. She could do this. She would do it; she was going to get through Mother’s training! She had to, because that was what Tomoe demanded of her. The next strike was an overhead, winding up slowly before suddenly whipping through the air, the katana cutting through the winds and changing direction mid swing, cutting at Kagami’s right knee. She barely managed to hold back a cry of pain, pushing through the tears forming in her eyes to try and counter, but Tomoe simply sidestepped the weak slash and slammed her boot into Kagami’s injured led, knocking her onto the hard gravel.

What a disappointment. Tomoe shook her head in frustration, blood dripping from the edge of her blade. Kagami’s fencing uniform was torn apart, leaving cuts and shallow gashes all across the skin underneath. Her daughter simply refused to learn, there was no other explanation for this lack of skill. Under Tomoe’s personal tutelage the girl had grown up to be a true and proper warrior, undefeated by any opponent she might face, resourceful while in battle and hardened by her training. But now…Kagami had clearly grown soft.

“Get up.”, Tomoe said calmly, her unseen eyes radiating near hatred for the state these horrid influences had left her daughter in. She was supposed to be her legacy, not a snotty brat like the Agreste heir!

Kagami felt something in her very soul be tugged at the order, her bones unwillingly struggled to so much as move her legs, much less support her weight. The open wounds in her back burned as the smallest of gravel stones nicked at her inner flesh, feeling like someone was dragging barbed wire all over her spine. Why was she still trying to get up? Why didn’t Mother see she was hurting? Why couldn’t Kagami stop?  

“I think that’s enough.”, a familiar voice said with faux politeness, one that made her heartstrings flutter with the forbidden sensation of hope, that this would all finally be over! 

Tomoe forced her steel katana back into it’s sheathe, resisting the irritation and subsequent impulse to skewer the blonde child who had again interrupted her! If not for Gabriel’s foolish sentimentality…she may have actually done it, after yesterday’s disrespect. Adrien Agreste was not important to her, and she had once thought Gabriel considered the boy as an asset. A useful thing to keep around, but ultimately something to mold into what their legacy should be, nothing more. That was why she had asked for a daughter, to keep her work and memory alive when the time finally came. But now, this boy was weakening Kagami, distracting her from the truly important facets of existence with incomprehensible nonsense like friendship and personal desires! What did a person’s wants matter if they never attained the means to achieve them in the first place?

She had her reasons, and Gabriel had understood. It was all for their families’ sake, to be fondly remembered and have their names tied with well-earned success, a means to hold onto prestige gained only through battle, be it with blade or words. They had agreed upon the matter, for both Adrien Agreste and Kagami’s sakes. But now, the boy had discovered emotions. As she stood there, facing him and regarding the air of protectiveness he exuded, Tomoe could find it in herself to swallow her pride and admit the usefulness of the notion, if properly applied. Alas, the children simply did not know what was best, and never would. It was under the guidance of someone wiser, more knowledgeable and more experienced to guide them onto the proper path, and ensure they stay there until the end. Kagami would be more than free to frolic about and indulge herself once she had the luxury, if Tomoe failed to set her mind away from these idiotic ideas.

But…there was always a but, wasn’t there? She faintly registered the Agreste heir helping her daughter up, letting Kagami lean on him in a moment of clear weakness. And this infuriated Tomoe! She had raised her very own child to be able to withstand this, to be independent and strong! How dare this boy make a mockery of everything related to the concept of value for Tomoe and once Kagami as well corrupt her daughter with such a notion as compassion? As sad as it may be considered by those unenlightened -those who simply didn’t understand how the world truly worked-, such a concept, as well as the famed empathy and kindness were nowhere to be found. It was all a fool’s empty hope, and would only serve to hinder Tomoe’s legacy. Which is why she was trying to crush this rebelliousness before it could rise, and yet Adrien Agreste not only allowed it fester, but instigated it!

Adrien was barely trying to hide the death glare madame Tsurugi was currently receiving, unaffected as the woman pretended to be. Kagami leaned her body against his own, and he wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her up, helping his friend stand. Ever so slowly, Tomoe moved for the first time since registering his voice, slowly letting go of her katana’s hilt and inclining her head slightly, to give the impression of narrowing her eyes at him. Still, she heard Adrien’s continued footsteps as he helped Kagami sit down on the nearby bench.

“You have no right to direct how I raise my daughter, whelp.”, she decides to bite at him, taking the calculated risk. If the boy were to do something to justify her terminating his connection with Kagami, perhaps she could use the incident to shake Gabriel back into his senses, instead of whatever demented dream the fool was currently filling his head with.

The blonde breathed deeply for a moment, trying to mold his tone into something polite instead of a direct insult. Father might have some kind of deal with her, but- …wait. That’s right! Wasn’t that why Kagami was allowed so much freedom in the first place? “Perhaps not.”, Adrien acquiesced, clearly not agreeing with her, “But I have the right to remind you of that deal with my father, do I not? And I don’t approve of you hurting my friend. It wouldn’t be so hard to put a word in…”, he trailed off, letting his voice go cold in as good an imitation of Gabriel’s as he could manage without making his stomach churn with disgust.

Tomoe stumbled for a moment, freezing in place before giving a small sigh, and then a slow nod. “That deal is only in effect for this week, boy. Do not mistake my honoring of promises for weakness.”, she near-snarled at Adrien, before simply turning away and waving them off with a half-hearted flick of the wrist, her free hand rubbing at a black ring on her finger. Kagami finally felt herself stop trying to pick up her sword, weakly struggling against Adrien’s helping hand. Knowing a dismissal when they heard one, both of them hastily moved inside, with the model letting his friend support herself on him as they climbed upstairs, almost tripping inside Kagami’s bedroom.

It was a plain combination of four gray walls, a rack of katanas adorning one, a window on the other, and aside from a few shelves with fencing trophies on the third, there were no other decorations. Even the furniture felt simple and almost spartan in design, a lean wooden desk and a small but comfortable bed in the corner on the room. Her closet was only about half as big as Adrien’s, and he would bet a whole tray of Mari’s cookies there wasn’t much variety on the outfits inside. Sighing deeply, he helped Kagami sit on the bed, mimicking her and ending up in the corner of its frame.

“Gami…”, Adrien tried to say, voice quickly falling silent, because what was there to say? “Does she always treat you like that?”, he decided to ask, even if the question was redundant given what had just happened.

Kagami felt herself take a shaky breath, and nodded. “There’s a first aid kit under the desk. Can you help me get rid of these?”, came the question, and Adrien’s eyes fell on the gravel stones still gnawing at her back. He grabbed it almost faster than the eye could see, or at least it felt so to Kagami, with tears still blurring her eyes.

Adrien took a deep breath, forcing his hands to stop shaking. It wasn’t the first time he had to dress a wound, despite Father’s insistences that he appear perfect, fencing injuries weren’t uncommon. Scratches and bruises were all accidental and of course should be avoided, but he had to help a teammate patch up a cut once in a while. But…seeing Kagami hurt like this…it made his stomach turn. Still, he opened the kit up, showing her the contents.

“Alright.”, Kagami breathed out, steeling herself. “Mother usually does this for me, but it’s not so hard. Grab the tweezers and adhesive bandages. Then, slowly take the gravels out and help me cover up the wounds. Understand?”, she asked him, even if in her mind there was no doubt to Adrien’s competence. Not to say her friend was squeamish, but guiding someone through a process when they were nervous usually helped to calm them. Well, it had helped her when Mother first had to treat her injuries, as rare as those were. Still, Kagami would hold her head high and wear those scars with a warrior’s honor, as Tomoe had instructed her. They were signs of strength and perseverance; they had been all her life.

She turned around, laying on her stomach to give Adrien some resistance when he would apply force, and evened out her breathing. Plagg poked out of his Holder’s shirt pocket the moment Kagami closed her eyes, looking the girl’s wounds over with a frown on his face. Adrien glanced at his Kwami, and the familiar synergy of Chat Noir flickered between them. Suit or no, there was a bond, one they would use to help out a friend. Adrien slowly began the process, letting Plagg pull back the torn fabrics of Kagami’s fencing suit and ever so gently plucking out the stones, starting with the larger ones.

Kagami would occasionally let out a whimper of pain, but always nod for Adrien to continue. Somehow, he got the feeling this was nothing when compared to other pains she had experienced, not all physical. Plagg motioned for Adrien to stop when he tried to go for the smaller stones, instead floating up to the wound and carefully using his tiny hands to pluck them out without trouble, barely invoking a flinch from the fencer girl. Repeating the process a few more times, the last piece of gravel was nudged free from Kagami’s back.

Plagg then floated up to the bandages, silently showing Adrien how to unwrap and then cover the wounds properly leaving the ends near Kagami’s front for them to tie them up where she would be able to adjust something if needed. That part of the job was quickly done, and only then did Adrien give a bit of sweat on his shirt, thinking to raise a questioning eyebrow at Plagg. The Kwami only nodded sadly, as if recalling a painful memory. He clearly had experience with injuries, so…oh, right. Not all Chat Noirs had been active alongside a Ladybug, he’d once mentioned to Adrien.

“Is it done?”, Kagami asked in a shaking tone, tears of relief escaping her at the lack of pain in her back.

Adrien felt Plagg hop back into his shirt pocket, and quickly affirmed. “Yeah, I think I got all of them.”, he told her in response, trying to keep his voice steady. Kagami slowly pushed herself into a sitting position, looking at the gravel stones now laid out on the bed, some still dripping blood.

The fencer felt herself breathe deeply, offering her friend a nod of thanks. “So, I assume you’re here to talk?”, Kagami scooted a bit closer, wanting to change the subject from the obvious matter at hand.

“…are we going to pretend this didn’t happen?”, Adrien asks instead, concern seeping into his hesitant tone. “Gami, she can’t just do this to-”

“I’m used to it.”, Kagami deflected, waving him off. “Now, what brings you here, my fencing partner?”, she teases him, making the model flush in embarrassment.

“You’ll never let me live that down, will you?”, Adrien sighs in mock-annoyance, but still sends an understanding nod. There were some things they just couldn’t tell each other; it was just a fact of life. Both he and Kagami had long figured that one out, ever since…well, ever since they became strangers again for a short while. “Ugh…fine. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me for lunch?”, Adrien offers, seeing her eyes light up with a blazing gratitude.

Kagami pushes him out of the room before the model can even figure out if he’d said something wrong, and emerges just as quickly, looking almost like a completely different person. Gone was the tattered fencing uniform, the pained slouch of shoulders that couldn’t quite straighten themselves without straining a muscle, and the air of defeat around her form. Now Kagami wore a black kimono dress, accented with threads of golden silk arranged in the pattern of flowers and leaves paired with a pair of equally dark boots and her sword sheath of the same coloration and motif. She stood proud in the doorway, striking a dignified and elegant pose of a graceful warrior. Adrien couldn’t help but let out a laugh, making Kagami blush in embarrassment.

She wacked him over the head with the hilt of her katana, raising the whole sheathe in the air to bring it down upon the friend who dare mock her favorite outfit…which always made her features fall whenever she caught a glimpse of it in her closet. Adrien seemed to be pulled out of his vicious mockery by the familiar design, and quickly recognized exactly what Kagami was wearing. That particular outfit had been a little something they’d seen on a walk across Paris, back when the two were still together. Marinette had been dragged along that time due to her fashion expertise, and Kagami had loved this dress the moment she’d laid eyes on it. But…it wasn’t quite right, the threaded gold felt more abstract and formless, and so she’d put on her best imitation of Adrien’s puppy eyes, and promptly begged Mari to modify it for her. The designer had finished it Sunday, draw into a fashion frenzy the moment she had returned home from their Saturday outing at the park, wanting to get every detail right. And even though Marinette had been unable to deliver it personally because of Tomoe’s restrictions, Adrien was nice enough to play courier. Kagami had hidden it in the back of her closet, never to be found by Mother, should the woman decide to search her things. But today…today it felt right to wear Mari’s gift for the first time.

“So, fencing partner, where are we going for lunch?”, Kagami asked her friend, doing a little spin to admire how her dress seemed to flow along the winds, like the ever-changing currents of a river. It was Mother’s belief -and perhaps the one principle she herself fully agreed with- that stagnation led to rot, and to finally put this on after locking the hurtful memories away was refreshing like a splash of cold water, or a breath of fresh air.

Adrien groaned at her, but still shrugged nonchalantly. “Manor.”, he replied. “I…may or may not still be in my room, as far as Father is concerned.”, the blonde snickered despite himself, still grateful that Nathalie was willing to cover for him.

Kagami gave him a fond sigh, and inclined her head, walking beside Adrien with a confident step. With him at her side, it felt like nothing could touch them. Mother’s orders would not affect her, she was sure. He would be there to help her, to give Kagami strength. And wherever she may be, Marinette too would stand tall in support, doing her utmost best to protect her friends. Sticking together was the best way to survive in their circumstances, and Kagami…wearing this dress, standing next to Adrien…it was like both her missing pieces were there with her, that she was finally whole. The doors to the Tsurugi Manor slammed shut as they walked outside, and for once, neither Adrien or Kagami felt themselves flinch.


Across the city, a lone blonde figure stood inside her room, gazing down at the object on her bed. A Gabriel dress, a white gown adorned with golden accents and a blue sapphire necklace to match her eyes. And the note on top of it.

“Dear Chloe,

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to tell you in person, but I wanted to give you something nice for the occasion. Marinette Dupain Cheng’s funeral has been scheduled for tonight, so Roger and I are busy with some preparations. I hope you’ll like the dress; I bought it just for you!

-Love, Dad”

Chloe Bourgeois felt her eyes slowly begin to water, the first tears falling on the small piece of paper before she thought to move the damn thing off her bed and promptly threw herself on the pillow, her shoes coming to lay on her blanket again. The note…felt almost heartwarming at first glance. She hadn’t actually expected her dad to come talk to her, the man was always busy. And when he wasn’t doing his job, Andre was afraid she’d bite his head off if he dared to get too close. Still, despite the bad news, the heiress had at first been calm. Or rather, forced herself to calm down. It was inevitable after all; funerals happen when people die. But this…this made it real. Marinette really was gone, dead. And the bluenette wouldn’t ever come back.

The lingering sensations of guilt gnawed at Chloe’s heart, but looking at the note again was a sudden punch to the gut. The handwriting was…wrong. She’d imprinted every aspect of Daddy’s letters in her brain since she was little, because those were the only things she had, the miniscule proof that his was love was directed, that he did care about her. It was an extremely convincing imitation…but nothing more. Just a fake. She knew in her heart that Armand had done this, probably told to leave the dress here for Chloe by Andre, and not wanting her to feel neglected.

Fuck, what was her life? How the hell did it come to the point where her parents were shitty enough to force the bloody butler to write her a note about something that Chloe’s own father couldn’t be bothered to come tell her…or was too afraid to do so. But- but even if people called her the heiress of Paris, she was not her mother! Why couldn’t he understand that she didn’t want to hurt him? All Chloe had ever wanted was someone to give a shit! And all she’d done was push those precious few people away. First Adrien, then Zoe. And Armand was just sticking around because of his job, and to look over her sister.

Not to misinterpret Chloe’s words here, she was beyond happy that Zoe had someone to lean on, especially given the crap she’d put the girl through. Even with Ladybug’s advice, her rekindled friendship with Adrien, her -maybe- friendship with the others and the whole thing with Samantha Fae to keep those stupid thoughts away, the heiress still felt alone in the world. Everything was so much different than only a week ago, Chloe still didn’t register things beyond the fact that they were happening. But…she would keep trying. Like Ladybug said, things were going to be alright. It would get better, with time. Chloe just had to be herself, she’d seen how open Adrien had been once she’d started joining in on his banter with the designer yesterday. Contrary to her immediate thoughts, Samantha Fae was not the only reason her best friend was comfortable around Chloe. She too had changed, and aside from Adrien’s forgiving nature, was trying like Ladybug had advised.

And…things really did seem to be going better, family matters aside. Chloe had friends again, she’d reconciled with her heroine, and kind of had a conversation with Zoe. Small steps, but still a move forward. What puzzled her wasn’t the fact that Ladybug had been right -she usually was, occasional mistakes aside-, but that people around her were so very kind. Daddy was nice, even if the constant avoidance and fleeting warmth hurt more than it helped, Adrien was willing to take her back, Zoe was just an all-around better person than Chloe ever could be, and she would find a way to talk to her sister without causing another mess. And Armand…she’d gotten the man’s name wrong for years on end, screamed and threw things at him, been a completely spoiled, self-centered brat…but the butler had still thought to do her this kindness, to at least let the heiress pretend that note really was from her dad.

She would have to find some way to repay them all, for this impossible kindness they were showing her. It seemed unreal, that all of this was just a small step away, that all Chloe would have had to do even a few weeks ago was just…try. Even the most meager attempt would have been met with encouragement and friendship, if she’d thought to put in the effort. And now that she was, it occurred to the heiress that the cost for that wake-up call was very real. A formal invitation to the funeral of the girl whose death Chloe was quite possibly responsible for, almost entirely. Lila Rossi may have kicked Marinette off the metaphorical cliff, but Chloe Bourgois had been digging her grave at the bottom for the better part of a decade now.

Chloe sighed, moving herself from the pillow to find it stained with tears. Ever so slowly, the heiress found the strength to stand up, and just as she was about to shove the new dress in her closet with the dozens of Gabriel clothes Daddy had been buying in leu of his personal time, a hesitant knock sounded through the door. Speak of the devil, and he may just appear! The blonde hollered for whoever it was to wait a minute, and rushed to wipe her eyes and flip the pillow over. “Come in!”, Chloe allowed, and the wooden door jolted slightly as a small figure stepped through.

Zoe hesitated at the precipice, looking at her sister from the doorway, barely half a step inside the bedroom itself. Chloe sighed deeply, and beckoned her closer, shoulders slouching to show she was in no mood for a fight. “Uh…hello, sister.”, Zoe muttered under her breath, her whole body tensing up at the expected scream of how they were nothing alike and she didn’t deserve to lay any claim to Chloe’s family, how she was an embarrassment…but it never came.

Instead, the heiress slowly closed the gap between them, as if approaching a frightened animal. Considering how Zoe seemed to be ready to bolt directly down the hall at the slightest provocation…it wasn’t exactly an inaccurate statement. Chloe made sure to telegraph her movements as much as possible, even if her sister had already shut her eyes and was clutching her own chest protectively, as if expecting to be hit. That- …okay, Chloe had definitely never punched Zoe, not even as a joke. The heiress slowed her stride almost to a halt, and gently wrapped her sister in a hug.

It was clumsy and inexperienced because of how few of them Chloe had ever received -despite Adrien’s many efforts-, but Zoe still looked completely flabbergasted at the gesture, even if she found herself slowly melting into the embrace. “C-Chloe?”, her sister asks, body stiff and with wide-eyes like a deer caught in headlights.

“Are you okay?”, the heiress questions in turn. If Zoe knew about the news, then maybe they could have a talk. If not, then it wouldn’t be too strange for her to ask, right?

“I- I came to see how you’re doing. A- Armand told me…”, she trails off, not needing to finish the sentence. There wasn’t a point, both of them already knew what was being discussed.

Chloe gave the butler a mental thanks, promising herself to get him something nice later. Maybe pester Daddy into giving him a raise? Hmm…she had been looking for a reason to go talk to Andre anyways. “As well as I can be.”, she gently deflected, slowly guiding Zoe to the bed and helping her sit down. “How are you taking it?”, she found herself blurting out, blunt as ever.

Zoe’s eyes widened even more, but she took a deep breath when she realized that malice and trickery were absent from the inquiry. It felt almost normal, like they really were sisters, just checking up on one another. “I’m…fine.”, comes the phrase, as easy as her next breath. Zoe’s shoulders tense again, even as Chloe sits down a good distance away to not spook her. She still doesn’t know why the heiress is acting like this, and a part of her -illogically- is terrified of it all being a trick. No matter how much she tries to reason with herself that clearly something has changed, despite even Armand insisting he’s never seen Chloe being so…kind, she can’t help but he scared of the other blonde.

“Zo…”, Chloe trails off for a moment, testing nickname on her tongue. It feels nice, natural even, almost like she’s put together a puzzle of some sort, like the word was meant to be spoken between them. “None of us are okay. It’s okay to not be okay, you know that right? I-”, she stops herself for a moment, pinching the bridge of her nose and blocking out the self-deprecating thoughts, that little voice in the back of Chloe’s head that said nothing would ever make up for what she’s done. “I’ve been a real bitch to you.”, she admits, not that it was really a secret.

“And I’m sorry! I- I know you can’t trust me, but I promise you I will never act like that again!”, Chloe insists in an almost pleading tone, falling completely silent the moment she realized that she’d been shouting. This time, instead of backing away or looking terrified…Zoe places a hand on the heiress’ shoulder, trying to smile.

“Thank you.”, the girl breathes out in sheer relief. “For apologizing. I- somehow, I know you’re telling the truth. It’s just…”, Zoe’s voice fails her, thoughts of Audrey’s constant remarks and belittling rushing to the surface of her mind. “Promise you won’t ever be like mom?”, comes the question, in a frail moment of bravery.

Chloe doesn’t dare make the slightest movement, afraid that just like fragile glass, her sister’s composure will break at the tiniest flinch of her shoulders. That- that hurts. God, what the fuck had she being doing all this time, trying to become the woman who couldn’t be bothered to show up for any of her own daughter’s birthdays? At first, she’d picked on Zoe because her sister had been living in the same city as Mom, and Chloe had thought she had been replaced, or that Zoe had what she’d always wanted…but now?

“You’re fired! Daddy! Tell him he’s fired!”

“Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

“My dear…the only exceptional thing about you…is your mother.”

 Well…shit. “I promise. I- I won’t let her hurt either of us again. And I sure as Hell won’t turn out like that self-centered, arrogant bitch!”, Chloe proclaimed, and dear God it felt cathartic to finally have an insult of her own to shout, instead of just sitting there, listening to all the ways she would never be enough.

Zoe startled by the sudden raise of Chloe’s arms into the air as she yelled the promise out to the world, but found herself inexplicably laughing at her sister’s antics. And yes, after this…Chloe felt like her sister, even if it would take a long while for them to actually get there. Nevertheless, Zoe wrapped the other blonde in a hug, causing the heiress to widen her eyes in surprise. It- Zoe couldn’t help but chuckle at her sister’s bewildered expression, almost a mimicry of her own look just a few minutes ago.

“Hey, Zo?” Chloe asked, pulling her sister out of her thoughts. The heiress’ gaze landed on the closet full of top-of-the-line dresses for every possible occasion, and she made a show of rolling her eyes. “How about we ignore all that garbage and go find ourselves something nice to wear for tonight? Rosemary’s has some really great clothes, not this bland crap.”, she proposed with a genuine smile on her face, an expression that Zoe now wanted to see every day she was near this new…no, not new. She wanted to see this smile every day she was near the real Chloe, her sister.

With a hesitant nod of affirmation on her sister’s part, the heiress screamed for Armand to come here right now lest she go looking for him, causing the butler to practically apparate to just outside her bedroom door. This time however, the man had noticed the excitement in her voice and wore a real smile on his face instead of the polite faux one he used on the job. Better yet, Chloe could practically feel her dad shiver on the other side of building, and gave Armand and Zoe a toothy, mischievous grin. At the butler’s fondly questioning eyebrow, the heiress innocently told him that she’d forgotten something on her shopping list…


Felix Graham De Vanily was having a fine enough day, all things considered. His uncle was surprisingly genuine when insisting he keep the ring, seemingly not even recognizing the darn thing as a fake. Of course, Felix would bet a signed copy of his favorite book that Gabriel Agreste had noticed…but somehow, despite all logical thought, that only assured him further on the subject. Apparently, the man really did intend to give Adrien his own Ring just this morning, only to find out that his son was not currently taking visitors…and respecting it.

To say that he hadn’t been surprised when he overheard would be a complete lie, but Felix still had his suspicions regardless of the rings themselves. Uncle Gabriel was weird, in a way that he hadn’t ever seen before. The man seemed to sometimes radiate loss and guilt, other moments of the day he carried this oppressive, dark and dead feeling, so much so that the other shadows on the walls almost moved to avoid his own. Well…okay, that was probably a trick of the light on Felix’s part. But the point stood! Gabriel Agreste seemed to be in conflict with himself, to the point where single-minded focus and sheer determination were the only things keeping this cold at bay, that unnerving sensation and had almost seeped into the mansion’s very walls. Whatever was wrong with his uncle clearly seemed to be dangerous, and Felix considered himself a man on a mission to discover this secret. It is hurt his cousin…then he’d be a man on the warpath after all.

For now, he was content to observe. Mother had obviously noticed how Gabriel’s every step looked almost haunted, to the point where Amelie Graham De Vanily had seriously considered that her sister might be making his life hell from beyond the grave. The only evidence to the contrary was Emilie’s kind and gentle nature, and unfortunately that was enough to disprove the theory. Felix shook himself out of his inner thoughts, instead choosing to check on his surroundings for what felt like the billionth time.

Mom, uncle Gabriel, miss Sancoeur and he were all seated at the dining table, waiting on Adrien to come down for lunch. The chefs had cooked a full meal for them, even going a bit overboard and cooking for six instead of five according to Nathalie. Still, Felix wouldn’t mind the extra food, and he was fairly certain it wasn’t poisoned. Uncle Gabriel felt too direct of a man for poisons. Everyone was completely silent, just…sitting there. Usually this would be the point where the individuals in question might exchange banal pleasantries and meaningless greetings, but it seemed like nobody was in the mood to entertain the cliché.

Finally, Adrien descended the staircase, looking exactly like he was always expected to. Same outfit as usual, neatly combed hair and a polite smile that served as a mask for the world. Yet…his cousin looked more certain of himself, as if he had the whole day figured out. Felix covertly shot him a questioning look, but Adrien only shrugged, masking the movement of his shoulders while stepping on the ground floor.

Uncle Gabriel turned to face him, immediately smiling as his son got closer. “Ahh, Adrien! It’s good to see you!”, he exclaimed while jumping up from his chair, invoking a confused chuckle from the model.

“But Father…you saw me yesterday?”, Adrien asked, causing Gabriel to stammer for a moment, as if he had forgotten. Felix…wasn’t quite sure if that spoke to his uncle’s horrible sense of time, or was simply an exaggerated attempt to make up for years of not seeing his son.

Gabriel didn’t respond, just cleared his throat, sitting back down with a more relaxed air around him. “I…assume Nathalie has given you the news?”, came the inquiry, and Adrien nodded somberly before shaking his head, as if physically forcing the dark thoughts away.

“Yes, she did Father. No need to worry, I’m alright now.”, the blonde affirmed in that too-polite tone, setting off multiple alarm bells in Felix’s head. As if his cousin could be okay right now! Still, he gave nothing more than a scoff under his breath that no one seemed to catch, except for Mum who covered her giggle by placing a hand over her mouth.

Adrien made to sit down next to uncle Gabriel, his movements stiff and artificial, like he was just going through the motions, barely even trying to mask it all. Felix couldn’t really find it in himself to blame his cousin. It- it wasn’t his business anyways. Adrien could handle himself. The moment he set himself down on the chair, miss Sancoeur abruptly stood up, sharing a hidden look with Felix’s cousin. …interesting

Gabriel went to mimic her, but Nathalie gave him a soft nod. She’d be fine, he should trust her more. Her boss made a face of annoyance, but sighed under his breath, and miss Sancoeur started walking to the kitchen. A few moments later, she approached the dining table with a tray of tea mugs. “My apologies.”, Nathalie said, handing the tray over to Adrien, “It seems lunch is still being prepared, so I brought refreshments.”

Felix raised an eyebrow at the drink, taking a mug and carefully examining it. The liquid inside smelled like mint tea, and was warm, probably prepared just now. Neither he or Mom took a sip until Gabriel did, despite warmly thanking miss Nathalie for the beverage. Once his uncle put the mug down again and didn’t show any signs of poisoning, Amelie decided to risk it, drinking just a single drop to taste-test. After a moment of silence -in which Adrien looked halfway through a silent cackle from behind his own mug- Felix went to take his own sip, rolling his eyes at Adrien’s antics. Why did his cousin think it was funny? Did he not expect to be poisoned by his father?

Just as Felix brought the tea mug to his lips, the doorbell suddenly interrupted his sip. He glanced at Mum, but she only sent a covert shrug, not expecting any guests. Uncle Gabriel visibly startled, quickly steadying his breathing and saying nothing. Miss Sancoeur went to stand on shaking legs, and quickly decided against it. Felix shared a look with Adrien, narrowing his eyes. The model looked almost smug about something, but still gave his most innocent shrug before excusing himself to open the door. Amelie looked at her son, scooting her chair just an inch closer as he again went to drink.

Adrien came back into his peripheral vision barely a second later, and with him- an angel. Felix Graham De Vanily felt himself spit out his tea, nearly dropping the mug directly on the marble floor. Kagami Tsurugi was walking beside his cousin, looking blindingly beautiful, and taking the air straight out of his lungs. The black dress she was wearing seemed to flow across the winds with every step, its golden threads only further illuminating her smile, brighter than the sun. On her hip, a katana sheathe of the same motif, invoking memories of having a sword nearly buried in his neck. Kagami walked with the dictionary definition of grace, her back straight, shoulders held high and the tiniest indication of a smile that was so real Felix could barely comprehend her confidence, how she felt so safe in a place like this.

…why was nobody talking? And why did the fencer seem to- oh. Oh God, she’d noticed him staring! “Uh! Miss Tsurugi, how nice to see you again!”, Felix blurted out in his most polite tone, trying to hide his embarrassment at being caught. Kagami raised an eyebrow at his tea-stained clothes, and he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “I- I choked.”, comes the obvious excuse, but this radiant girl just rolls her eyes at him, sending Amelie a nod of greeting and stepping away.

Gabriel seemed completely taken aback by Kagami’s presence, as if he hadn’t even noticed Adrien get up from the table. “Ahh, miss Tsurugi! It is an honor to have you along for…lunch.”, he made an effort to warmly welcome her, hesitating on his last word as if he was just guessing at the time.

Kagami gave a polite nod, a frown showing on her face as her eyes fell. “Thank you, monsieur. I only with it were under better circumstances. …Mother told me this morning, just before training.”, the fencer sighed. In Felix’s eyes, her form seemed forlorn, for but a moment. Then, the graceful posture returned, and he found himself staring again.

Felix felt something nudge his shoulder and forced himself to look away from her, as much as he didn’t want to. Mum was beside him now, giving him a look that said they were going to talk about this later. Adrien seemed to be talking to Kagami as Felix quickly excused himself to go chance in an identical but clean outfit -yes, this habit of Colt’s was at least useful to pick up on- and by the time he came back, things seemed to have fallen into a comfortable lull. The food had been served, everyone was eating and exchanging some -surprisingly genuine- pleasantries, and someone had brought it a second pot of tea.

Lunch went by quickly enough, even if a tiny part of Felix wished it would never end, just so he could keep the illusion going a little longer, one of a family. Of course, Kagami wasn’t family, but oddly enough, he didn’t mind imagining her there at the dinner table. Uncle Gabriel at some point asked about the embroidery of gold threads on the dress, and that’s when Felix noticed the floral pattern seemed to have been added at a later date, maybe as a modification? Whoever the designer was received his uncle’s high praises, even if Kagami’s eyes fell ever so slightly at the sentiment.

Adrien was the most lively of them all, encouraging the adults present to share a few words about their friendship due to simple curiosity. Or at least, that’s what he appeared to be doing at first glance. Felix didn’t miss the tension between Mum, uncle Gabriel and miss Sancoeur lessen ever so slightly as they recounted a fond memory of sitting around in the -then newly acquired- Agreste Manor’s Garden, under the shade of a tree that had since been replaced by aunt Emilie’s statue. Strangely enough, Fa- Colt was entirely absent from the tale, but perhaps that’s why Mother had chosen to share it.

Nice as the scene was, Felix couldn’t immerse himself in the story like he wanted to. Learning more about Mum always made him happy, even if the shadow Colt would come to cast over her once he was born, and therefore once the two were confined in close quarters for long periods of time, still saddened him slightly. Today however…today, there was a different smile distracting him, on the face of a girl who’d nearly hacked his head of just yesterday, and somehow still managed to completely captivate his attention. Not to say that it was just her looks, Felix could never be so vain. No, those eyes hid something underneath, an intense, passionate and free vermillion that was still struggling to experience the world…and that left him completely unsure of how to even interact with Kagami. He was almost expecting her to act as carefree as she had in that dingy Café with him, no matter how foolish that thought really was…

The memory came in flash, overloading his senses with the firm pull of a strong arm dragging him forward, forcing Felix to run at top speed or else end up becoming one with the pavement. Kagami was leading him by the hand, holding Sophia and the Emerald Princess in the other. Suddenly, he found a strange feeling overcoming him. This…this was like flying! Ever so slowly, Felix focused himself on matching the fencer’s speed, letting go of his worries about wrinkled clothes and hard tiles below.

Time passed them by in an instant, and before he could so much as register, they’d already stopped. Felix nearly tripped over himself before finding his balance, panting heavily as Kagami held him upright in support. “Adrien has far better physical condition. You never could have convinced me.”, the girl said to him, vermillion eyes bearing into his like stars hanging on the night sky.

He looked around for only a moment, but it was enough to see they were standing outside some place called Flora’s, some dingy little coffee shop Fa- Colt would kill him for even gazing at, much less stepping inside. Felix met Kagami’s eyes and found himself grinning wildly, and the fencer chuckled to herself, matching it. The sound was like music in his ears, unlike the horribly loud, jarring noises of a metropolitan city like London. “I’m starting to think I only fooled myself…”, Felix sighed under his breath, earning another laugh from her.

Kagami did not led go of his hand, instead electing to again drag him along as she moved inside. The café owner was a middle-aged woman with ginger, frazzled hair that looked defiant in any attempt to comb it, and a little on the plus side body-wise. She greeted them with a warm slime from behind the counter, exuding a…parental feeling of sorts. While he would never trust a stranger, Felix could certainly see why people liked coming here, and why Kagami brought him.

The walls were decorated with a floral pattern of leaves and flowers, with little ladybugs sprinkled throughout the drawings. A small black cat appeared to be sitting at the counter upon first glance, and when he re-examined the image, Felix gave a nod of respect at the artist’s skill. The entire café had a warm, comfortable feeling, and coupled with Kagami’s bright smile as she waved to the woman he assumed to be Flora, she dragged him to the corner booth in the back… Felix wouldn’t lie, he found himself genuinely happy to be in a place like this. It was at least far cozier than the near-frozen tiles of Colt’s library. Almost as warm as Mum’s hugs, if he were being honest.

They sat down at their booth, Kagami smiling fondly all the while. Felix went to sit across from her, but the fencer pulled on his hand again, insisting his seat be beside her. Considering they were to read a book, he found himself privately thanking her for being so logical. Flora came by at a moment’s notice, and Kagami quickly placed their order for two honeyed black teas, not allowing Felix to protest. “Bu- hey wait a minute!”, he tried to call the ginger back to their table, but Flora either didn’t hear him, or pretended if the light giggle he caught as she walked away was any indication.

“Trust me, it’s a good pick.”, Kagami gently told him, placing Sophia and the Emerald Princess on the table, right between them.

Felix held back a scoff that came as easy as breathing, but still crossed his arms and sent the fencer a disbelieving look. She may be the most interesting and pretty girl he’d ever met, but that didn’t mean he was going to let his guard down! “A shame…”, he trailed off, “that I don’t.”, Felix challenged her, but only got a third laugh in response.

Kagami hummed for a moment, before giving him a slow affirming nod. “I get it.”, she whispered under her breath. “But this is a safe place, for all of us. It can be your safe spot too, if you let it.”, the girl offered him in the gentlest tone of voice Felix had ever heard, her vermillion eyes softening her gaze into one of true understanding. Right then and there, he felt something move in his heart, and ever so carefully uncrossed his arms, relaxing his shoulders and leaned back in his seat.

The tea came in barely any time at all, they’d only gotten through the introductory paragraphs when the cups were placed on the table. Felix went to grab one out of habit, barely even looking as he took the first sip…and felt a scalding liquid on his tongue. Kagami rushed to steady the mug lest the book be ruined, and by the time Felix came to, he found himself very close to her face. “Uh…I choked?”, he offers, and she rolls her eyes at him, clearly not buying it. Still, the fencer is nice enough to give him a kind smile in turn, and not tease him. The two immersed themselves in the pages as their tea cooled down, calmly enjoying the beverage without any more words. Somehow, Felix found they weren’t needed. Kagami just…got him, in a way that was both extremely fascinating and very, very irritating. The only way to understand this girl would be to spend more time with her, and…that didn’t exactly sound like a bad idea.

“-lix? “Felix, are you going to come with us?”, a voice pulled him back into reality. Snapping himself awake, he noticed Adrien and Kagami standing by the door, ready to leave. “We’re…going to the funeral.”, his cousin said, Adrien’s voice nearly cracking at the final word.

One look over the blonde’s outfit, and Felix had the sudden urge to whack him upside the head. “Dressed in that?”, he snapped at his cousin, since was just wearing his regular clothes! “Don’t move an inch!”, Felix hollered over his shoulder, rushing upstairs. When he came back down, he brought along one of his usual outfits, the semi-formal suit wear that would honestly still not be enough, but better than casual.

Adrien stumbled as Felix pushed the clothing in his arms, and rushed upstairs to go and change, as if just now realizing the point. Going to a funeral dressed without the utmost proper formal wear, even more so than any other event was extremely disrespectful in Felix’s opinion! One couldn’t just present themselves so poorly, did Adrien have no self-preservation skills? “Ugh…what an idiot…”, he mumbled under his breath, immediately feeling a sharp pain on the back of his head.

Kagami had- she’d just thwacked him! “Do not speak of my best friend that way, you heathen.”, she narrowed her eyes at him. “I understand social ineptitude well enough, but it’s no excuse Felix. You can’t speak to your cousin that way.”, she chided him, those vermillion eyes burning with a determination he’d only ever seen once before.

“Whatever.”, Felix crossed his arms again, taking a defensive stance. “If Adrien is so dependent and socially awkward that he needs someone to remind him of proper wear, I should at least be there to do it.”, he excused himself, especially because Adrien had already shown that he could function on his own, and he couldn’t allow his cousin to be vulnerable today. Right now, Adrien had to show strength in the face of danger, and in private he could vent as much as he wanted. Failure may result in someone trying to take advantage, and Felix refused to let that happen!

Kagami met his gaze with an irritated look, but something caught her eye. A flicker of protectiveness escaped his indifferent mask, and Felix noticed her anger fading, instead replaced by understanding as she began to figure him out. “…you really do care for him, don’t you?”, the fencer asks, in that same gentle tone of voice that he has no hope of ignoring.

He huffs, holding his head high and taking a step closer, hoping the sudden move might intimidate her, if only for a moment. That’s all Felix needs, a moment to think. However, Kagami moves closer, and Felix is practically staring into her eyes, forcing himself to not get lost in those orbs of brilliant light. “…just take care of him.”, the blonde relents, finally allowing his shoulders to slouch and the mask to fall. “Adrien is…not well.”, he adds, as if it wasn’t obvious to anyone who knew the boy. His cousin was hiding something, and unlike whatever was going on with Gabriel, Felix didn’t need to be a detective to figure out Adrien was hiding pain.

Kagami sighs, then nods an affirmative. “Very well. But please, would you keep an eye on him as well?”, she asks in the familiar tone of hidden desperation, one Felix himself had often used whenever Fa- whenever Colt mentioned a business trip. Ever since he was a child, he’d understood life would be a thousand times better without him around.

Felix doesn’t grace her with any verbal response, interrupted by Adrien running up to them. “Sorry I took so long!”, he excuses himself, but Kagami only gives him a kind look, as if to say it’s fine. Then, Adrien turns to his cousin with a strange emotion on his face, as if he’s questioning something. “Fe? Aren’t you coming?”, he asks simply, as if he’d ever been invited.

No, miss Dupain Cheng’s friends and family wouldn’t want him there. He’d deleted their heartfelt video for his cousin, impersonated him, and only caused trouble. Not to mention that triple Akumatization… And for just a moment Felix flinches at the nickname, the half of his name that he hasn’t heard from anyone but his own mother in so long that it nearly hurts his heart… But. It wasn’t his place to tag along. Adrien was safe with Kagami, he at least trusted the girl to thoroughly stab any offender to pieces, and Felix had no excuse to impose on them. His cousin was just offering because this was Adrien, of course he’d want him around even when all Felix had done was screw him over, unintentional as that may have been.

He etches a cold look on his face, turning to walk away. Once his eyes are invisible to them, he mutters a response to them. “It’s none of my business.”, comes the answer to both Adrien and Kagami’s questions, and it’s nothing but the truth. Felix knows it, he shouldn’t get involved. He shouldn’t get attached. Separating once had caused enough problems because of all his crying, he refused to let the people he cared about get hurt again, not because he couldn’t handle his own emotions.

Kagami gently nudged Adrien as he extended an arm to reach for his cousin, and they let Felix be. It was ultimately his choice, even if he wanted his cousin to be there. And…the part of Kagami that was intrigued by what lay underneath this cold, stoic demeanor wanted him to follow them. There was just something about him that was interesting, familiar yet almost otherworldly to her. Leaving the manor behind, neither of them noticed Felix flinch as the doors slammed shut, and walked out to face the music.


Samantha Fae paced in her apartment, looking over her tidied-up living room. No sign of her “Marinette Typhoon” to be seen, every last project and all bits of leftover fabric stashed away in her design room, in a way only Ladybug’s agility could possibly allow. …okay, maybe stacking the leftovers up to the ceiling wasn’t a good idea. Still, MDC had caught up on all their commissions, including one for a certain Queen Bee. Samantha hopped on her couch, stretching her legs for a moment before flipping back to her feet. With all of her projects and designs done, she didn’t have anything to do while waiting for Adrien. And he was apparently going to bring everyone else along with him.

Marinette hadn’t objected, she too would hate going alone, but if every old friend of hers showed up outside all at once…she wasn’t confident she could handle a repeat of Flora’s, even with Kagami as her new friend. It- It felt almost surreal to her, like a terrible cliché in one of the movies she and Alya would watch on sleepovers, those so-bad-they’re-actually-good types that filled up the Cesaire home with laughter from both girls. A memory rushed to the surface, one where she and Alya had been trying out a horror movie, much to Mari’s chagrin, and her best friend-

No, no. Alya wasn’t her friend anymore. She didn’t know Samantha Fae, and she in turn didn’t know the Ladyblogger. Just a few videos, just hearsay. That’s what she’d said after all, no way to go back on it. Kagami was still her friend. Adrien was her partner, them against the world. Marinette Dupain Cheng was long dead, and Mari only existed around those two, the only people aside from Tikki who she could trust. Ladybug felt a shiver run down her spine. Oh God, what was her life? How did things even end up like this?

…rhetorical question. Mari knew what went wrong well enough. There- there wasn’t a reason to get upset over it. Not now. Later, when she was with Chat, when they could huddle together and he would ever so gently purr into her side while she stroked his glimmering blonde hair…she could unpack all of this then. Later. Always later…

Samantha went back to pacing, her mind going through the possibilities one by one. She had to prepare, to think back on her old friends whether she liked it or not. What if Luka was there? Would he recognize her from the bridge? Would he have prepared a song for Marinette, the girl that he’d seen and loved? Would Adrien be forced to make some kind of speech, still able to spot her eyes in crowd from atop the podium. What if Tom and Sabine were there? She- Marinette could not go up to them. She didn’t trust her ability to hold back her tears, or to resist hugging them and saying that she was there, that they wouldn’t have to cry anymore.

But…their daughter was dead. Despite being physically alive, Mari didn’t feel like the same person, and sometimes she didn’t feel alive to begin with. It- It was all better when Adrien was here. Her kitty, her partner, she could depend on. Be vulnerable with. Samantha…was trying to get her life in order. Kagami was her friend again, Chat knew and loved her still, and weirdly enough Chloe was almost like a different person, with a smile so genuine it had almost shocked Ladybug to see it. And after that night on the balcony with her…it was blindingly obvious she’d misjudged the girl. Well, Marinette knew she’d made a mistake, and yet-

What if all of this had been a mistake too? What if, impossibly, Gabriel Agreste would still have listened to Adrien that night, and he would have helped Kagami sneak out so the three of them could go to the park again? Mari would be around her best friends again, and without his father’s shadow looming over him, she would gladly help Adrien explain things to Nino and Alya, and maybe Chloe would have come around too, knowing what Lila had done to her childhood friend. It would have been uneasy and dysfunctional at first, but their little group could have worked well enough, going around to collect evidence on the Italian girl’s misdeeds, and with monsieur Agreste’s help she would have ended up behind bars.

All would have been well and good, and Marinette could have slowly begun to show Mari to her friends, remaking those bonds that still hurt to think about as the real her. And…if Shadowmoth fell into the same lull as he had now, for those reasons unknown, then maybe things would have been okay? Was Alya right? Had she just overreacted to all of this, taken drastic measures she couldn’t go back on? Samantha…didn’t know. She thought it was justified, Tikki and Adrien clearly shared the sentiment…but attending one’s own funeral was certainly reason to examine choices made. Hindsight was twenty-twenty after all, and yet Marinette was still stumbling around in the dark for her answer.

It didn’t matter. Not to the world. Ironic as the idea might be, Ladybug had always been against the world, hadn’t she? Chat Noir as her one and only, but constant and unwavering support. Them against the world. A world that continued moving ever-forward, finally officiating the fact that Marinette Dupain Cheng was being left behind. Samantha let out a long sigh. It’s not like she wasn’t used to it…

She felt something land on her shoulder, and slowly registered Tikki sitting there, giving her Holder as large a hug as she could muster. “Marinette…I know you made the right choice. I do, in my heart.”, the Kwami breathed out in assurance. Her Holder let out another sigh, one of relief, and the Goddess of Creation smiled sadly to herself.

Tikki had spoken to Fluff while Ladybug was in her designing frenzy. She had long learned to stay as far away as possible when Marinette was frantically running around to find that one button she needed for a tuxedo, or the specific shade of fabric for a project. Samantha didn’t say anything, instead ever so slightly steadying her breathing, and settling into a comfortable silence with her Kwami. Tikki was still trying not to think too hard about it, but…somehow, in a way that even she could not comprehend, this truly was the best outcome they could have achieved. Time and the Lines it followed were Fluff’s Concept. Her friend had both the blessing and curse of being able to see all of them at once, her Sight gently gazing upon all the miniscule, immeasurable threads that to Tikki, felt like a tangled spider web, without rhyme or reason to the connections made between them.

Maybe she should have been a little more careful when creating Time, in hindsight. In her infinite wisdom, the Goddess of Creation hadn’t quite foreseen things being so complicated. At first, things were simple. The only differences between Timelines were just which material components would end up where, simply where each world could possibly be formed and all the conceivable forms it could possibly take considering the array of material which would make up said planetary body. Something that required a bit of getting used to when it came to management, but relatively easy. Heck, introducing herself to Marinette without freaking the poor girl out had taken more thought and effort on her part.

In the beginning, humanity had been her passion project. A truly wonderful species meant to embody creation, in the image of her values. Of course, that meant a balance was necessary, for creation uncontrolled could have rather…undesirable outcomes. The invention of chocolate wasn’t exactly her proudest moment, so to speak. But still, the point stood. Tikki had long lost her Sight when it came to Time, that was Fluff’s Concept now. And her friend, while Samantha Fae was still getting used to referring to herself by the new name, had been busy searching for alternatives, for something, anything, to give their Guardian a better outcome than the pain she was so clearly drowning in…and oddly found nothing at all.

These events were called Singularities, Tikki was told. One of the first Rabbits had named them so, after the most common name for the scientific phenomenon of the same name, describing the center of a Black Hole. Singularities of Time were not so different from the semi-physical ones humanity had been able to observe through technology, only operating on the fourth dimension. Instead of simply height, length and width, there was also Time. A Timeline Singularity was essentially a point where only one possible outcome could be true, with all others leading to the destruction of the associated Universe in the short or long run. And considering that Hawkmoth’s ultimate goal was to use the Wish and re-write reality to his whims…it was obvious why that was a problem.

All this not to say that Ladybug and Chat Noir were somehow destined to lose, of course not! Tikki had not put any stock in destiny since the time she realized things were no longer mathematically predetermined, the moment she lost Sight of Time. Fluff had been there to help her, that eon, but it did not change the fact that Destiny as a Concept had become obsolete. Thankfully, it was still incorporated into her Creation, and no friend was lost that day, simply because there hadn’t been a Kwami to represent it yet. By the time Earth formed as a true and proper world, Destiny had long lost it’s meaning, simply because things had escaped the Concept of Prediction. Tikki was no longer able to tell where things were headed, because it was no longer just about where chunks of space rock and minerals were headed.

What Fluff had observed however…it worried her immensely. Of course, she knew logically that the Ladybug and Cat, regardless of who their Holders were in those Universes -even if Marinette and Adrien were the near-certain candidates- had a fairly good chance of defeating Hawkmoth, or the Hawkmoth-equivalent of each world. But…something had happened, a chain reaction of events would inevitably lead to the moment where Marinette either made her choice to disappear, or decided to bite the bullet and stay even longer. And in all the Timelines where her Bug stayed…Shadowmoth didn’t stop. For some reason, that was important. Aside from the obvious, Fluff had muttered that there was something wrong with the man, that if their Guardian had not brought them to this moment in Time, he would always win or destroy the Universe along with him.

Of course, now the web of infinite possibilities had already re-stretched itself to infinity and beyond, and Fluff was back to their normal, aloof and happy self, observing the post-Singularity Timelines just as before. Tikki hadn’t asked for the exact details of what exactly had changed, and she refused to hazard guesses. The last time Fluff had caved in to her demands and directly told her of the future…well, Joan became so convinced that it was fate, that she was doing the right thing…and Tikki lost a dear friend to people who would never have stood a chance against her otherwise. No, she wouldn’t do that to Marinette. And Tikki would assure her Bug, time and time again. It had been objectively the right choice, never mind her personal agreement on the matter. All other routes led to doom, the absolute Destruction of the Universe, in a way that even Plagg in his full power would be unable to stop, because there would be no Balance.

Ugh…right, right. She had to stop mulling over cosmic theory when Ladybug needed her. Tikki just said she’d be there for her Holder! Opening her eyes again, the Kwami realized she was still perched on Mari’s shoulder, the girl taking deep breaths of cold air on the balcony. Tikki moved slightly to try and look at her face, causing Samantha turn to her. “Hmm? Oh, sorry Tikki!”, Marinette apologized with a chuckle. “I spaced out, did you say something?”, came the question, and the Kwami thanked her Luck her ruminations had gone unnoticed.

“No, nothing. I was just…thinking.”, she confesses. There wasn’t really any point of confusing her Holder with so much cosmic theory, not when Earth’s greatest minds were still in the infant stages of scientific development regarding all these Concepts. And besides, there were far more important things to focus on.

Samantha hummed for a second, slowly nodding to her Kwami. “Yeah…I’ve been doing that myself. You didn’t have to sit with me all afternoon, you know that right?”, she asks gently, but Tikki only hugs her neck and spares a glance at the sun, very slowly beginning to set. Going on Fluff’s word, it was almost time.

“Are you sure you want to go? You don’t have to.”, Tikki offers the alternative, even if Mari would never take it.

Ladybug sighs deeply, leaning on the balcony railing. “I have to do this Tikki. I need to face them, and put this all behind me. Marinette always lived in other people’s shadows. I’d be ironic if I let myself live in hers.”, Samantha breathes out, a somber chuckle escaping her mouth as she straightens her back, walking inside.

Mari wanders around the living room for a moment, almost as if she’d lost and trying to orient herself. Tikki gives her a smile, even if it comes out sad instead of supporting. She appreciates it all the same. Suddenly, her phone rings, and Samantha has already answered before it could repeat the noise.

“Hey! Did I startle you?”, Adrien’s voice asks from the other end, and she let’s out a little laugh. Chat knows her too well.

Ladybug evens out her voice, in case someone is next to him and overhears. “Not at all. Are you stopping by?”, comes the question, her tone subtly asking another. Who else is with you?

“Yeah, Kagami and I will be there in fifteen minutes! Figured we should come get you first, you know?”, Adrien says, his breath hitching so slightly that she almost didn’t notice.

Mari nods at him, even if her partner can’t actually see her. “I’m almost ready. Shoot me a text when you’re here.”, she says, and Adrien hangs up on the other end.

Okay. Okay, it’s just him and Gami. That’s…good. Much better than she thought it would be. They’d have to go and pick up everyone else on the way, but with her best friends at either side, Marinette felt like she could handle anything! Tikki floated up to her face, giving an encouraging smile before leading the girl to her design room. They had to pick out something good for the occasion, something that was respectful and formal, but privately mournful, subtle.

Samantha Fae rummaged through her available clothes, and sudden really wished for more space in her closet. Yes, half the room was full of commissions she needed to have delivered in the next few days. Yes, Marinette had put them there herself. Yes, she was still going to complain about it! Still, it didn’t take Ladybug to find something nice to wear, but it was an old project.

A wrinkled, somewhat torn at the seams suit made as one of her first experiments with that style after getting her first commission on one. The client had been really happy, but they obviously never got to see the prototype. Dammit, did she have anything else in black and white? …apparently not. But she couldn’t go to her own funeral wearing this! Marinette’s inner fashion designer might choose to kill her for real this time!

“Uh…Mari? Why not just fix it up a little?”, Tikki suggested, examining the fabric closely. “Hmm…yep! Just transform and do your thing!”, the Kwami exclaimed, but Samantha only looked confused.

The Goddess of Creation had the decency to look bashful, and made haste to explain. “Um…well, because of our strong bond you’re able to use my powers for more than just Lucky Charm. Your glamor for example! Try using the Miraculous Cure to create the suit you want out of this, all I’d need is some material!”, Tikki told her, and Marinette was halfway through asking why in the name of Hawkmoth’s nonexistent soul did she never say that was possible before stopping herself. Right. She would yell at her Kwami for not telling her of the literal miracle any fashion designer would kill for, the ability to just make the prototype design and modify it in mere seconds! But…that was for later. Right now, she needed to transform.

Ladybug stepped out of the pink light and immediately held the torn suit in her arms, trying to figure this out. If it worked like glamor…then she’d…just have to visualize it, right? Ever so slowly, the vibrant red light of the Cure materialized around her hands, just like the first time Marinette transformed. Ladybug directed it to envelop the outfit, and tried to conjure up the mental image of the finished work. Pink flashes lit up the room, and after a few moments, the fabric began to morph, closing up a tear on the right leg, tightening some loose seams and straightening the top out.

Samantha let the transformation fall, admiring her work. The suit looked perfect, a classic black and white that was simple but stylish. Tailored to a perfection that would have taken her much more than the available time, the lines clean and a faded floral patten of white roses on the front. The white shirt underneath was neatly tucked in, and the jet-black trousers matched her eyes. Marinette had to admit the accuracy was very impressive. It wasn’t as good as her actual products, but despite how convenient it was, she didn’t think it would fine much use in her MDC products. Aside from the moral complications, Mari loved the design process, it was just the initial parts that sometimes drove her to insanity as to why an outfit didn’t look quite right. Correcting herself, Ladybug decided she wouldn’t yell at Tikki after all. No, she’d bake her Kwami the greatest batch of cookies in the history of sweets!

Her phone dinged with a text, and she skimmed it over. Adrien and Kagami were outside the building, waiting for her. She replied with a frantic request that they give her a minute, and Mari could practically hear Chat laughing at her all the way from ground level. That mangy stay… Still, Samantha wasted no time changing in the suit and pocketing her phone and keys before locking up and taking the elevator down. She reached the front entrance, and felt her hands beginning to shake. No, no. Marinette was ready. Samantha Fae ran a hand through her hair to straighten any loose strands, and walked out to face the music.


The actual ceremony was…surprisingly simple in design. It almost felt homey, ironically enough. Adrien and Kagami were clearly surprised, one because of Gabriel’s tendency to lean on the extravagant and the other on the somber, forlorn feeling it invoked. Their group arrived all at once, taking the time to stop by Chloe’s place to pick her and Zoe up next, before moving on to Nino and Alya, who carried a briefcase along with her. After that they’d headed for the Couffaine Houseboat, and Samantha made sure to keep her distance. Memories kept assaulting her from every direct as familiar faces surrounded her, all saddled with the loss that she was responsible for. Adrien never stopped tightly holding her hand, a steady comfort amidst all this turmoil running through Marinette’s head.

Kitty Section tagged along with them bringing their instruments -maybe for comfort?-. Marinette was too busy trying to keep her cool to really think about it. On the way to the grounds where the funeral was being held, they’d bumped into Kim, Alix and Max, all three in suits. The skater girl had introduced herself with bravado, giving Samantha a thumbs up at the choice of outfit. She’d smiled weakly, but…Mari really hadn’t felt like wearing a dress tonight. Alix had looked at Chloe weirdly, checking the matching black and gold dresses she and Zoe were wearing. The pattern didn’t seem to be bee-themed, so she said nothing to the heiress.

It was odd to step back into the easy air around friends that weren’t supposed to know her, and yet Samantha Fae felt at least a little better, having them all walking with her and Adrien. Anxiety still wracked her mind, but Marinette could for just a moment pretend that all was right in the world, that Lila had been defeated and their group was all going out to celebrate. It was silly, stupid even, but despite her inner voice reminding her of precisely where they were all headed, Samantha couldn’t help but make a bit of small talk. Luka recognized her from the river, and found it in himself to tease Adrien about having a type. Chloe exclaimed blondes were clearly superior, and it took a second before everyone realized she was joking.

Surprising even herself, Alix was the first to laugh, followed immediately by Zoe. She looked the most nervous of the group, so Luka made sure to stick close in case Chloe tried anything. Yes, the heiress seemed different by Juleka’s account of Monday morning, but he wasn’t taking chances. No reason to leave a kind, timid girl whose melody spoke of hesitance and self-doubt with Chloe Bourgeois of all people. They bumped into Sabrina last, since Roger was already at the ceremony, on the lookout for anyone who may not belong. Chloe had then assured everyone that her dad had taken care of it, and the offhanded tone was far more menacing that her actual attempts at intimidation. This was why rich people scared Nino…

There was no Wake for anyone to attend. Marinette’s body hadn’t been found despite the police’s best efforts, despite Roger personally pulling every available resource to scour the city over and over again, sending police cars to search the riverbanks outside of Paris and even insisting on Mayor Bourgeois’ permission to bring in a helicopter. Nothing. No sign of the girl anywhere, and that closed casket, placed right behind the podium…it would always remind Roger Raincomprix of a personal failure, of being unable to find his friends’ daughter. Tom and Sabine didn’t begrudge him when he tried to apologize yesterday, but to see their eyes light up with that smidge of hope when he entered their home, only for that spark to be snuffed out as soon as he opened his mouth…he wasn’t going to forget that anytime soon.

The Funeral Service itself was held outdoors, in a small and empty patch of land Gabriel had bought years ago that ended up surrounded by an expanded Pere Lachaise, in the past decade. If he thought hard about it, Gabriel could faintly remember planning to use it as a staging ground for delivering fabrics to stores and make deliveries -back when the graveyard was still quite far away-, but he’d found an actual warehouse near city center, and had entirely forgotten about this place. It was Nathalie’s idea, somewhere secluded and remote, to give the girl her peace. He had agreed, to give Veri- to give Sabine and Tom their privacy.

The two of them had Simon drive them there, Nathalie’s legs too weak and Gabriel’s too unsteady to do so without help. There was no reason to take any unnecessary risks. Frank Lawrence was a priest who owed Gabriel a favor for getting his daughter an internship at his company, but the man decided to volunteer anyways once Nathalie reached out, saying he would have done it regardless. Gabriel…had felt his sincerity almost halfway across the city, how it saddened him to know that a young girl had died so tragically.

The attendees took their seats on the provided chairs and Father Lawrence rose to the podium, quietly clearing his throat. Samantha sat in the last row, to Adrien’s right and Kagami’s left. Alya and Nino sat right in front of her, with Max on the same row. Marinette didn’t pay attention to anything but her immediate surroundings, finding her eyes suddenly glued to the closed casket on the podium. “My dear friends.”, Father Lawrence’s voice echoed in the quiet, reverberating through the dim rays of sunlight that painted the sky a soft orange.

“Today we gather to commemorate an incredible girl, one named Marinette Dupain Cheng. I shall keep my part brief, since there is someone here who wishes to say a few words of their own. Sabine and Tom have shared with me how amazing their daughter was, always having a sunny smile that lit up every room she entered. Miss Marinette was and always will be a wonderful friend to all of you, I am sure. We are here to say our goodbyes, yes. But please do not forget, lifelong bonds like the ones you all had are not easily broken. I pray she is watching over you now, wanting only the best. May God bless her soul, kind girl that she was.”

Father Lawrence gave a small bow of respect to the picture of a smiling Marinette, placed next to casket. He felt a tear leave his right eye, in mourning of a youth of had left them all too soon. The man turned to step down from the podium, seeing some of the attendees holding back their forlorn statures. A girl in the back slowly got up, as if forcing herself to move. Her feet dragged through the short grass blades as if they were made of sharpened steel, and he sent out a mental prayer that this be the last funeral he would have to attend, if only for the formality of the matter. Too soon, she’d left this world all too soon…

Alya found herself standing on the podium, small microphone in front of her. In both hands she held the eulogy, the commemorating speech she’d vowed to write for her best friend, to make sure people remembered. Alya…had poured out feelings in this speech. Her fingers felt numb despite fiddling with the papers. For a moment, she considered saying just a few words and inviting someone else to speak. Insecurity sent a chill down her spine, more so than the reek of death that seemed to assault her senses. She knew the speech was awkward, far too formal in places and simply angry in others, but Alya felt she needed to do this, to make everyone understand. And so, the Ladyblogger cleared her throat, and looked at her papers.

“We stand here today to remember a friend, a gentle soul, and the greatest among us.  And we stand here to acknowledge the cost of our abject negligence and apathy.”, she began in a tired, dead tone of voice. Mari noticed Chloe flinch right in front of her, and everyone’s faces eyes fall to the ground. Alya paused for moment, struggling to steady herself long enough to speak. Adrien squeezed Samantha’s hand, sending a comforting warmth to her cheeks. Then, Alya began again, resigning herself to toneless, cold self-deprecation. …it’s not like she deserved anything else…

“Marinette always strove to better the lives of those around her by any method she can, be it by comforting them in sadness, rejoicing with them in happiness, or striving for the truth so that none may face injustice.  To her, giving up her time and effort so these goals can be accomplished is something that she wouldn’t trade anything else with.  Even when her own life was shattering around her, she always put on a sweet smile so that no one around her would be affected by her own depression.

And it is these qualities now that lead me to recognize bitterly the danger of human ignorance.  We failed to see her struggling.  We failed to see how she was being made a doormat by those around her, and we, but most of all I, failed to see blatant truths in front of us that Marinette had laid for the world to see, and as her bridges were burned one by one, we did nothing, fooled by our own sense of security and our own delusions.

A year ago, I would have called myself her best friend.  Now, that title is a joke.  I can’t help but reflect back upon all the sacrifices Marinette made for me, and how I repaid them with apathy and ignorance.  This failure is a burden we all bear, but the crime of betrayal I committed first.  To not only be a joke of a reporter blind to reality, but a pathetic excuse of a friend who should have treasured her in life rather than realizing the bitterness of my folly here.

But even then, we must get up and not allow our self-pity to consume us.  For the last thing we can still do is ensure Marinette’s unfinished work is complete.  We must strive for better lives not only for ourselves, but to better the world around us, and most importantly, look out for each other, and care for our friends genuinely, so that none may suffer the burden of injustice again like Marinette did.  It may be too late for her or too little to make up for our failure, but we can ensure this never happens again, as long as we shall live.”

Alya’s hands were shaking by the time she finished, and her voice cracked at the final word, at the tormenting irony that they, she, was still here, alive, when the girl who most of all deserved to grow old and be happy would never see the light of day again. The saw the final slivers of sunlight darken the sky’s hue, the calm blue now gone completely in favor of an orange that tore through her heart. Of course. The world itself seemed to blame them all, for the superficial nature of their friendship, their arrogance to take that wonderful girl for granted, and their pride to think they hadn’t done anything wrong, and Marinette would around. Alya still wanted to somehow throttle her past self, just thinking about it.

Nobody else was doing any better. Tom and Sabine were in the back, crying on each other’s shoulders and cursing themselves for not doing enough, for not being there when Marinette needed them most. There was no greater pain in the world, than a parent outliving their child. From their right, Gabriel grit his teeth and desperately tried not to scream at the agony flooding his veins through the Miraculous. Nathalie calmly placed a hand on his shoulder, and Hawkmoth tried to move for fear of burning her…but the touch grounded Gabriel, and let him control his senses.

Ever so slowly, Luka and the rest of Kitty Section got up from their seats, bringing their instruments along as they approached Alya. “Hey…that was a nice speech.”, Juleka mumbled under her breath, but the Ladyblogger clearly heard her, nodding numbly as she passed by Nino, heading to the back row.

Rose took center stage in front of the microphone with the rest of the band behind her, only Adrien still seated close to Kagami, since he’d told them he didn’t have it in him to play today. They all understood, and given him a supportive group hug. Taking a deep breath, Kitty Section’s lead singer raised her voice to address the crowd. “Hello everyone. I- I’d like to thank Alya for the speech, for reminding us that Marinette would want our happiness. We came together today, to write a song in her memory. I- I hope it means as much to you as it does to us.”, she lets the words flow with only a light stammer, and the others begin to play a slow, somber tone.

It's different from their usual rock. It’s nothing like what they’ve done before, but somehow it feels right to experiment with their music, as Mari so often encouraged them to do. “We’d all like to present to you…Remembrance of Gold!”, Rose cries out, clearing her throat and letting the music cover it up.

She was always there for us

Always there when things got tough

Maybe she was scared, but she was always there

And trying to prove she was enough

No one could save her from despair

Trying to escape from these glares

Here we stood and cried, unsure what was happening inside

And helpless, we could only stare


For when the world's down

And all we can see are frowns

Even after that

Marinette would smile

Dancing in the rain each time

Calling us all back


Sadness cut like a knife

Always crying over lost life

Maybe we would smile, for a little while

And create odd, lost lines

No one could replace your kind

To let a joy fly like a kite

Heads hurting from pain, we'd think of you again

And crucify our lonely lives


For when the world's down

And all we can see are frowns

Even after that

Marinette would smile

Dancing in the rain each time

Calling us all back


Losing you hurts, our sentences

Are creating our life lessons

Dire moments, we are holding

Yet we're still guessing

But know that this time

Underneath the scarring lies

Good to know, no one else will go

’Same way that you died


For when the world's down

And all we can see are frowns

Even after that

Marinette would smile

Dancing in the rain each time

Calling us all back

For a split second after the music fades, there’s total silence. The final ray of sunlight slips through the horizon, bleeding its final crimson flickers in the sky. Alya thinks it looks like blood, when she dares look up from the ground. Adrien is still holding Marinette’s hand as she leans into him, sobbing quietly at the thought that they cared enough about her to put this together in the memory of a friend. Marinette Dupain Cheng raises her head to look at the stage, and Luka sees something in the edge of his vision, like it’s coming from behind him.

Amidst the purple-black reek of death that permeates the air, that sickening smell that seems to originate from Tom and Sabine there is a tiny flicker. He doesn’t understand how Adrien’s dad can be so close to them and feel nothing at all, but Luka banishes the thought from his mind. Narrowing his eyes, the guitarist looks again, and it’s back. A faint, soft pink illuminates the seating area, and most of all the casket. He holds back a gasp of surprise, to not alert anyone. Nobody had ever understood when he tried to explain his sight, but he sees the color clear as day.

Thank you.

Luka feels a dam break in his heart, emotions flooding out, frantically looking for the source of the beautiful light that is his melody…and he catches a glimpse of her eyes in the back row. She’s sitting next to Adrien, leaned against the blonde’s shoulder to exchange comforts, and Luka has half a mind to run and see her- but he makes the mistake to blink, and suddenly Marinette is gone. He’s staring at the girl from the bridge, and Samantha Fae is holding Adrien close, to soothe his aching heart. The absence comes back, but now…impossibly, it doesn’t bother him anymore. He has a song to fill the void with, a melody to fight the oppressive quiet, and Luka finds himself smiling, despite all this.

One by one, Kitty Section takes their instruments of the podium, giving space for people to come pay their respects. Chloe is the first to go, tenderly placing a hand on the casket and seeming to mutter something, at least from the angle Adrien was looking. Nino goes next, and Mari sees her friend’s legs shaking as he walks up to the empty casket. He too mutters something, and sits back down. Alix, Kim, Mylene, Juleka, Nathaniel, Marc, Max, Zoe, and all her former friends go next. Then, only the adults have stayed seated.

Ever so slowly, Nathalie Sancoeur directs parents and their group of friends to the closest road, where limos are waiting to take everyone to the reception, and only she, Sabine, Tom, Father Lawrence and Gabriel hang back. Samantha moves along with the group, letting them pass her and Adrien by as the two move away from the attendees.

The moment they’re out of sight, Adrien wraps his arms around Marinette, holding her tightly. “Are you okay?”, he asks her with such concern one might think the funeral was for her. Samantha slowly nods, hugging him back.

“Kitty? Can you…come on a run with me when the reception’s over? I…I want to sit with you, if that’s-”, Mari tries to ask, but the words get stuck in her throat. Adrien gives her a soft look, that understanding love that’s so Chat she can’t help but give him a smile.

Ladybug mutters her transformation phrase with Adrien in her arms, hiding most of the light. For a moment he looks mesmerized, almost starstruck. “I- I’ve never seen you do that before.”, he chuckles.

“Yeah, well…I need to go say goodbye. Cat-ch you later?”, Marinette puns, shamelessly trying to cheer her kitty up. Seeing Adrien look sad…isn’t doing wonders for her either. Chat looks at her with a wild grin, and she can already hear the pun he wants to make. But Adrien gives her shoulder a little squeeze and hesitantly turns away. He’s supposed to be at the reception, with the others. She understands that, and Ladybug also needs to do this alone.

With a small jump, she’s already out of view, but close enough to see the gravestone protruding from the ground. Ladybug would bet monsieur Agreste had that ready, probably at Mom and D- at Sabine and Tom’s request. He stands there with them, looking at the inscription. Then, the three walk away, leaving not a living soul except her and Marinette. Ladybug slowly walks towards the grave, her grave, if she allows herself time to think about it, but Samantha refuses.

Marinette Dupain Cheng


A kind, amazing girl. A good friend.

The inscription was so simple it almost made her cry. Sabine and Tom must have- …Mom and Dad had seen her, for who she really was. And they left the most important qualities here, to be remembered. How- why had she ever thought they didn’t see? Ladybug feels herself sink to the ground, legs giving out as her mind goes numb from the question alone. It occurs to her, distantly, to maybe write them something, a note to tell them that Ladybug saved her and she’s okay-

Only that would be a lie. She would lie to them, again! It didn’t matter how Samantha Fae thought about it. Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead. She was a different person, and to have anything to do with Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain would just bring them more pain. She- …she had to let them go. She was Ladybug at heart, not their daughter. But now…now she didn’t have the excuse. Samantha couldn’t say she was a stranger, because clearly, they’d seen what mattered most! That protective barrier, that distinction between her two lives shattered into a billion pieces, and for one horrible moment she was back on the railing, Mom’s terrified voice calling out to her, the Akuma coming closer, her foot slipping on the wet metal, the air rushing out of her lungs as the water-

“I didn’t expect anyone else to be here.”, a low voice came from beside her. Ladybug barely had the strength to turn her head, and couldn’t quite make out the face through eyes blurred with tears.

Gabriel Agreste waited patiently, not moving an inch as the heroine managed to wipe her tears away and look at him again. “It’s not your fault.”, he tells her, trying not to laugh at the sickening irony. Here he was, the man whose fault it was, comforting his greatest enemy who was blaming herself for failing to save the girl Shadowmoth had killed.  

Ladybug looks at Adrien’s father, trying to steady her breathing. His hair is disheveled, his glasses not sitting quite right on the bridge of Gabriel’s nose, and his right hand fiddling with his tie clip. “…trust me. I could have done better.”, she says, tone even more dead than the girl buried here.

“If what miss Cesaire said is right, we all should have. The only person with less fault than you, Ladybug, is miss Marinette herself.”, Hawkmoth tells her in earnest, reflexively almost extending his left arm towards the heroine. He pulls himself back, just watching her sigh deeply.

A low chuckle comes out of her mouth, but it’s enveloped in an agonized hue that ignites his veins again, and the inferno erupts. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe…no matter what else I tried, it would have just gotten worse.”, Marinette tells him, barely feeling her mouth move to let the words out.

Gabriel nods, too absorbed in his own thoughts to truly register the sentence. “Perhaps.”, he agrees with a deep sigh. “I’ve found…fighting the current only brings more pain, when the whole world is against you.”, he breathes, letting the cold air into his lungs.

Ladybug’s eyes linger on the inscription again. “It’s us against the world. Me and Chat. It- It always has been.”, she tells him in a sob, sending a wave of chilling fear down Hawkmoth’s spine. The sensation does nothing to douse the flames in his blood.

“Then you’re both making a mistake.”, Gabriel hears the words come from his own mouth, not feeling his jaw move an inch. “I- I think sometimes…taking it’s example and moving on is all we can do.”

The heroine says nothing, eyes lingering on the gravestone. Sixteen years. And she’s spent so much of that time under a mask. It feels…almost pathetic. Hawkmoth reaches out through his Miraculous, sensing nothing but numbness and an underlying pain simmering at the bottom of Ladybug’s heart. “Ladybug.”, he tones the word to catch her attention, and she seems to remember that he’s standing there. “Please…we can’t change the past. The world will move on with or without you. Walk with it…or you and Chat Noir will end up like me.”, Hawkmoth forces out the words, wishing he had a cane to lean on for his quivering legs.

She moves so slowly that it takes Gabriel a few seconds to realize Ladybug is standing up. The heroine supports herself on the gravestone, her index finger lingering for a moment too long on Marinette’s name before she finally lets go. He hasn’t stopped fiddling with his Miraculous since the moment Sabine and Tom left him be. Ladybug turns away, taking a step to leave as the pain intensifies again, and Hawkmoth reaches out with his right hand.

“Wait!”, he asks, stumbling over himself. Hawkmoth’s left hand hovers over Nooroo and Duusu’s Miraculous, both pinned to his chest. That was why he had brought them. To come find her. Ladybug glances over her shoulder, and the air leaves Gabriel’s lungs when he sees the torment in her eyes. He’s only made things that much worse. No…no, he had to make things right! He promised Nathalie! “Stay safe, Ladybug.”, Hawkmoth tells her, and the heroine continues to walk away, one haunted step at a time.

Gabriel can’t tell if it’s because of the increase in distance or if she’s genuinely mulling things over, but a part of him truly hopes he helped alleviate this all too familiar suffering, even if the girl was supposed to be his arch nemesis. It’s not like he liked Shadowmoth much either. Hawkmoth gives the gravestone one more look, and takes a small step to back away.

He sees Ladybug swing away on a distant building, and swears he catches a faint pink light trailing her into the skyline.


And...scene! Hey guys? Remember in the beginning notes when I said this chapter would be “short”? Yeah, neither do I! Anyways, I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did, and again Obee and Mystic have a thousand thanks for their help on this chapter, with their wonderful speech and song! Now, let’s quickly run through a few things, shall we?

Firstly, Felix. I feel like it’s at least somewhat obvious already, but I’m taking it slow and steady with his character, and not in the same direction as Season 5. He’s extremely traumatized because Colt Fathom dared to exist, and his relationship with Kagami is…going. When it comes to Adrien, things are complicated to say the least. I’ll of course get into this in the relevant chapters, I only wanted to say that I have plans for him!

Secondly, Marinette and Ladybug. I want to talk about the shift in character from the usual snarky and collected Samantha Fae to…well,
Marinette. It might be a misconception, so let me clear up the fact that as much as she would deny it, Ladybug is still Mari underneath. We of course have known this since chapter 8, but here it’s Mari speaking for most of her segments, unable to give the excuse and denial we’ve seen elsewhere since it’s all happening right in front of her. I’m going to leave a lot of this up to you to interpret, since I generally don’t like specifying that the “correct way” to see the story is “this and that”. Honestly, I don’t think there is a “right” way to see any of the characters, and I’m just making it clear that she has NOT healed from all of this. Also, yes, the new power that Ladybug got this chapter is important. I wonder why?

Thirdly, Gabriel. I know he hasn’t done much in this two-parter and been mostly in the background or showing up sporadically, but that’s because we’re soon getting a LOT of Gabriel. His character shift here deserves plenty of time to analyze, so I’m going to wait until we completely wrap up this event before going into that. Please be aware that this man is Not Okay™, more so than usual.

Lastly, the update schedule. I know this chapter took a long time to come out, and unfortunately weekly updates are not possible anymore. Summer is over, which means IRL responsibilities are back in full force. Personally, I prefer quality over quantity of chapters, so I will be taking my time, especially since we’ve nearing the end of Arc 2 and I need to be careful. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask me anything!

Anyways, I hope you all loved this chapter as much as I did! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and plan the entirety of Arc 3, so I’ll be taking a couple days break yet again. I’ll see you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 19: Marching Far Away


Marinette Dupain Cheng's grave lies on a grassy hill, far away from prying eyes. Her spirit marches far away from the living world, but memory lives on.

Gabriel Agreste considers the situation he's found himself in and does some thinking. Nathalie Sancoeur elects to be there for his son.

Meanwhile, Alya Cesaire battles with her own self worth, and Chat Noir meets up with Ladybug for a conversation that might just change everything.


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to the most depressing thing I’ve ever written! Trust me, this fic will get emotional damages to your doorstep in 30 minutes or less, otherwise the therapy fees are free! Alright, so I hope you guys liked the funeral! This chapter was originally supposed to be a flashback to right before so we could get a different POV on the matter, but I've decided to head directly to the aftermath! I admittedly don’t have anything important to say here, except for the fact that according to my notes, we have around 5-6 chapters before the end of Arc 2 of ACOLL. Pardon my language, but shit isn’t about to hit the fan, it’s already flown through the ceiling, heading to the stratosphere! I’m very excited for what’s coming…

Trigger Warnings: Depression, anxiety, panic attack, self-deprecating thoughts, mental instability, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Note: My apologies for the delay on this chapter. Unfortunately, real life and schedules have begun catching up to me, and I didn’t want to rush it while sacrificing quality. More information on the update schedule of ACOLL in the beginning of the End Notes.

Post-Edit Note: Guys! I made a Tumblr today! If anyone wants to come and say hi, ask about ACOLL, or interact, you can find me at

Please grab your snacks, drinks, and give a clap and a half for: Adrien being a sad boy, the funeral reception, Alya’s mental health issues, Kitty Section cameos, Ladynoir depression, Chloe still trying her best, Alix apologizing, Nathalie’s A+ parenting (not sarcasm), Gabriel’s horrible memory, traumatic flashbacks, and Hawkmoth’s extremely unreliable narration.

Now…without any delay…let’s get right to it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Gabriel Agreste felt like his mind was going to explode at any moment. The reception was going well -all things considered-, if Nathalie’s satisfied tilt of the head was any indication. The assistant stood next to him, covertly tapping on his leg every now and then to keep him from losing sight of their surroundings. Hawkmoth felt himself sigh in gratitude for having such a wonderful partner, and went back to half-collapsing in the corner, held upright only by the wall he was leaning on.

Today…today had certainly done a number on him. He could still feel his fingers trembling, Gabriel’s legs hadn’t stopped quivering since- since yesterday, maybe. These past few days had become…a blur, there was no better word for it. Everything had been eerily familiar to the gaps of memory he sometimes registered, those clouded moments between Akumatizations when Shadowmoth would still terrorize Paris. A mirage of incomprehensible sounds and visions all stacked together in the back of his head, memories playing before his eyes like garbled static between moments of perfect clarity.

He was reminded of yesterday, of what that word had come to mean in the past week. Gabriel Agreste hated yesterday, even now. But…ever so slowly, he felt his senses return one by one, as the negative emotions subsided. Nathalie was gently holding his hand, when Hawkmoth came to. And they were surrounded by tortured souls who were all very familiar to him, on a level most would never comprehend.

Impossibly, Gabriel Agreste found himself capable of recalling even the most minute of details when it came to sending out an Akuma. Each and every word spoken for all of them, Evillustrator’s pained twitch of the hand when Hawkmoth had forced him to refocus on claiming the Miraculous, the exact angle that Gabriel would spin the cane over his head, the stiffness of their shoulders as he made contact, the mechanized sound of the lair’s window when the Akuma would fly away…but he could barely recognize them in any other capacity. Surrounded on all sides as he and Mayura were, Hawkmoth expected to at least remember a few of the attendees. And yet…nothing. Every face in the crowd was foreign to him, from this distant corner, leaning against the wall.

Hells, the date itself felt meaningless! Nathalie had told him it was a Wednesday, but Gabriel’s mind was still hunting for clarity, lost in a sea of fog, nearly drowning as he tried to tell up from down and left from right. His thoughts were directionless, and ever since retiring from his discussion with Amelie, that horrifying blur had returned to haunt him, barely giving Hawkmoth a moment of lucidity, and only if he forced himself to focus. He remembered…letting Felix keep his Ring. And promising to give Adrien his own. One of the few unclouded moments from the past few days, between making himself look busy in the Atelier and desperately trying to avoid his racing thoughts.

And then…that macabre and rotten anticipation that had hitched a ride in the back of his head seemed to explode when Gabriel’s eyes made contact with the casket. The place where Marinette Dupain Cheng’s memory would forever be buried, because that was all her parents had left of her anymore. A memory of their amazing daughter, the short, bubbly girl whose designs Hawkmoth vaguely remembered complimenting…and quite possibly the only person in this city with a mask stronger than his own. If not for Gabriel’s Miraculous, if not the cursed power that he had stolen from Nooroo, even his critical eye would be blind to the pain the child had been hiding had they ever spoken in person, if only by chance.    

Cogs seemed to turn inside Gabriel’s head. That thick blanket of fog which had come with the realization that there would be a funeral, that he was responsible for it…that he would be immortalizing his own crime…the confusion lifted when he first saw the casket, laid out on the podium and with a microphone in front, for anyone who wished to speak. Right then and there, yesterday felt like it was grasping his heart with an icy grip. Gabriel’s shoulders stiffened, his breathing became labored as he barely noticed Sabine and Tom coming to stand beside him near the back row of seats, the Butterfly Miraculous sent a torrent of agony through Hawkmoth’s body as the guests arrived one by one. And with every one of his victims to cross that precipice formed by the doors, more and more cinders sparked to life.

This…this was Hell, it had to be. Gabriel blood had gone from simmering in a light heat over the past few days, to suddenly igniting into that blazing inferno from his battle with Shadowmoth and boiling him alive from the inside out! Not even Nathalie had seen anything out of the ordinary as miss Cesaire took the stand. Only Hawkmoth could see the torrents of purple-black smoke permeating the air around the reporter as she spoke, every new word seeming to add more death to this miasma of rot and decay. It was then that he realized it. This cloud…wasn’t just from Alya Cesaire. Every single person in attendance, and most prominently the children, exuded pain, loss and varying degrees of numbness. Gabriel sensed it all. Their sorrow, the self-hate as the Ladyblogger spoke of failure and neglect, and then came suffering.

In truth, it was more of a returning that a forthcoming emotion, something Gabriel could feel all of these kids had become intimately familiar with ever since the news were first publicized. But…most prominent amongst this foul, almost unbreathable air that made Hawkmoth want to cough his lungs out…was Alya Cesaire’s death. Of course, the girl was physically functioning. No, what Gabriel could feel from the young reporter was a demise of the soul, that same sensation of being swallowed by an endless dark abyss that he had felt from Adrien when his son first heard…and from miss Marinette herself, in those final, fleeting moments of panicked thoughts.

What had he done?

The question had played out in his mind again and again, ringing in Gabriel’s ears like a deafening church bell whenever he failed to distract himself, at every moment that he was actively forcing himself to think about anything else. The sound would rip through Hawkmoth’s brain in a somber note sounding almost a sob, and then it would leave him feeling as hollow as the empty casket everyone was staring at. Nathalie had been at his side then, to the very last moment before she left to direct the attendees to the reception center, some place they’d rented out whose name Gabriel couldn’t remember if he wanted.

But…amidst all these blurry images phasing in and out of memory, through the agonizing sensation of being burned alive for the sin he had committed…there was something else. And that thing -ironically enough-, came from Ladybug of all people. Or…perhaps it was her existence that inspired Gabriel Agreste to want something again, that gave him the strength to stay alive regardless of how his insides felt rotten, collapsing in on themselves like overripe fruit. In one of those slivers of clarity, Hawkmoth had made sure to grab the Peacock Miraculous along with him, before attending. Then…

“Wait!”, Hawkmoth asks, stumbling over himself. Ladybug stops for only moment, but it’s almost enough. The Butterfly and Peacock feel like they’re pinned onto his flesh, held together with melted chains from the darkest pit of Hell, where Shadowmoth belongs. Gabriel forces himself to look at the heroine, and sees the torment in her eyes. That too-familiar feeling of absolute failure, the weight of the world resting on her shoulders, and the pain…it’s enough to make him open his mouth and then close it again, Hawkmoth’s left hand going limp, barely brushing against the jewels before she’s turned around and already walked a few paces away. “Stay safe, Ladybug.”, he tells her, and the heroine continues her stride into the darkness, one haunted step at a time.

He'd failed. Gabriel had told himself that he would find her, the one person who could always make things right. No matter how many times he’d leveled this city to the ground in these near-two years of villainy, Ladybug had been able to reverse the damage on each and every occasion, without fail. …was that why he’d dared to hope she would somehow fix him as well, that after everything Gabriel had done as Shadowmoth, Ladybug would even bother with righting his wrongs? No. No, he was responsible for his own actions, and their consequences. Shadowmoth may have committed an irreversible sin, but Hawkmoth would find a way. He would put his family back together again.

“Gabriel?”, Nathalie asked from beside him, her voice full of worry. “You look pale as a ghost. Are you alright?”, Mayura questions, and he barely brings himself to nod a half-hearted affirmative.

Hawkmoth can’t help but chuckle under his breath, at the absurd irony of the situation. Gabriel Agreste straightens his back, and quickly unpins the Peacock Miraculous from his chest, passing it to the proper Holder.

Nathalie takes it, still confused…but puts it in her handbag instead of pinning it to her chest. She can still feel Duusu, ever so faintly, sleeping inside of the jewel. “I’m always here for you.”, Mayura offers the words of comfort to her partner, to the man whose eyes she hasn’t seen in years.

Gabriel feels his sharp features soften into a smile, and manages to take a step towards her. Blinking in surprise at the show of support, or rather the sheer conviction Nathalie has shown him, Gabriel notes absentmindedly that the miasma from before has begun to dissipate. There is still a plethora of negative emotions simmering inside the attendees, but finally, finally the contents of his veins have stopped being on fire. He can think clearly now, and with Nathalie Sancoeur at his side…Gabriel Agreste starts feeling like himself again.


Nathalie is looking at her boss with soft, gentle eyes, a sharp contrast to what her name would suggest. She sees his shoulders slip back into place, his hands stop trembling, his muscles no longer contracting underneath the suit, legs finding their footing as she slowly lets Gabriel stand on his own. A chill runs down her spine with every second that passes in silence. Her partner’s mouth opens slightly, then closes again. He’s testing the words in his head, but they refuse to be voiced. It’s obvious, what he wanted to say. The assurance they both needed. The lie they’d been told by someone else, so long ago.

Emilie Agreste leans against the wall of the ballroom, Nathalie at her side, holding her best friend up as she takes quick, uneven breaths. Her green eyes are like starts lighting up the night sky, as beautiful as they are unreachable, with only flickers of warmth reaching her frozen heart. It made sense after all, that her name would represent Nathalie’s existence. Despite the logic, that thought still hurt whenever she let herself linger on it.

“Em…are you alright? You look pale as a ghost.”, Nathalie whispers to her best friend, wishing Gabriel was with them to help. But he’d stayed at the manor with a very young Adrien, offering to take care of the boy so the girls could have fun.

“M’ okay.”, she grunts, pressing the palms of her soft hands against the wall. They’re tucked away in the corner, where nobody would notice them. “I wanted to come, Nat. I’ll be fine.”, Emilie assures her, but the words do nothing to put Nathalie’s worries to rest.

Andre was speaking from somewhere in the middle of the room, thanking friends and family for the support they’d given him while he was running for mayor. His first time as a politician, and Emilie had thought he must have picked up a trick or two from her back in the day, because he didn’t look at all nervous, despite the anxiety which must be clawing at his throat right now. The voice sounds like it’s a world away, the room is spinning and her vision blurs with every passing second…until finally that white noise of people chattering around the duo fades from her mind, and Emilie can think again.

Nathalie gives her a soft, gentle look, sending every comfort and assurance she blue-haired woman is able to muster, cursing herself inwardly when Emilie only gives a sad smile in response. They’re best friends, and yet the only one who would ever warm the blonde’s heart was Gabriel Agreste. Never her. …no wonder she’d fallen for him, no wonder Nathalie had been thrown aside, with this frigid heart and chilling soul.

The Agreste family’s assistant gives a heavy, breathless sigh, and then suddenly Emilie’s eyes are shinning again, that brilliant emerald light warming up the air around her wonderful friend, the best person Nathalie had ever met. The former actress gives a wide, real smile, and her assistant feels a tiny bit of her heart thaw out, for the first time in years.

“I’m fine, Nathalie.”, Gabriel’s voice drags her back to the present. “I- I was just taking a moment to think.”, he adds, letting himself trail off and lean back against the wall, unable to even keep up appearances.

“Aren’t we all?”, she muses under her breath, helping Gabriel to the nearest chair in the room. He sits down, and she catches a familiar mop of blonde hair in the crowd of forlorn figures. The familiar warmth Adrien had inherited from his mother feels like a fading spark amidst this tundra of guilt, longing and despair, and her boss sees it too.

“Go.”, Gabriel urges her with a weak breath. “I’m fine, go see him.”, he tells her again, and she wastes no time in cutting through the crowd, exoskeletal legs making quick work of the even and lean floor. Even if traversal was neigh impossible, Nathalie Sancoeur didn’t think anything could stop her from reaching her s- her best friend’s son.

Adrien was hovering near the room’s edge, in the opposite corner from Gabriel and Nathalie. As she came closer, the assistant saw him talking to his friends. “-and…what I’m trying to say is…you did a good job Alya.”

The Ladyblogger’s shoulders slouched, and Mayura caught a whisp of self-deprecation beneath her carefully calmed face. The girl looked almost relieved when she raised her head to look at him. “I- …thanks Adrien. I just said what was on my mind. Marin- Mari would never have forgiven me if I didn’t.”, Alya sighs, but it comes out more like something between a choked sob and a broken wail.

Nathalie inches closer as miss Dupain Cheng’s best friend leans onto her boyfriend’s shoulder. Adrien notices her in the corner of his eye and steps aside to make space, but she sends him a slight shake of the head. Nodding at her, the blonde boy continues the conversation with his friends as Nathalie allows herself to do as she told Gabriel, and think.

It seemed like only yesterday when things were still…fine. Not alright, never okay by any metric, but she and Adrien were making due with what they had. And then- Marinette Dupain Cheng is suddenly pronounced dead, and her boy’s whole world is turned upside down. Nathalie’s too, after Gabriel confessed to what exactly he’d gone and done. Up until that very moment, the world itself had long lost its colors. For Nathalie Sancoeur, all she could see around the manor were cold, lifeless shades of grey, dull and almost dead in the way shadows would hang over her head.

She’d even started feeling like something inside of her was rotten, broken, wrong. Her body sometimes felt at it’s weakest when she was around Gabriel, gazing into those dull, colorless eyes that had once mesmerized her. A miasma of decay permeated the air, following his every step for weeks on end, ever since he’d unified the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous. The few times she’d seen Shadowmoth in person…Nathalie Sancoeur felt like that constant chill in her heart was eating her up from the inside out, crystalizing her body in a perverse recreation of perfection, an idealized form not meant to represent her as a person, but rather the stoic, heartless woman the world saw when gazing upon her.

Of course, now Gabriel was trying to fix it. He knew something was wrong with him, and was doing everything in his power to be better, to find a way and save them both. But…standing there, at his side while the funeral ceremony went on and on- she couldn’t help but think the parallel was obvious, in hindsight. Admittedly, Nathalie Sancoeur did not know Marinette Dupain Cheng very well. All she had were Adrien’s stories and her own observations about the bluenette, and it pained her terribly that they clashed with what this condensed cluster of misery was telling her.

Everyone inside of this room had a different perception of the world, by their nature of being one unique person. But…the one thing they could all agree on, was that Marinette had been perfect. Always wearing a sunny smile, always eager to help people, an everyday Ladybug as Adrien had called her. And ironically enough, he was the only to not share the other’s sentiment. It was hard to not feel a kind of kinship with the other bluenette, given the circumstances. Obviously, extreme negative emotions had terrible consequences, Hawkmoth’s mere existence validated the fact, cementing it in the mind of every Parisian. And yet, few ever considered the effect of overly positive emotions. What would happen to a person who had a lot of love, joy, and brightness to give…if they never stopped?

She’d stared the answer in the face from Gabriel’s side just an hour or two ago. An empty casket for a girl whose body was never found, lost in a thunderstorm as physical as it was emotional, with lightning cracking open the skies and her mind all at once. And now…now there’s nothing left. Of course, people would remember Marinette Dupain Cheng, as people remembered Emilie Agreste. Then again…sometimes Nathalie thought she was the only one who even knew her best friend anymore.

Gabriel had begun to recall reality over the past few days, but it was still too early for him to look back on the true memories inside of his head. No…that pristine, flawless portrait of Emilie Agreste in neigh-divine form still loomed over her boss, leaving the broken man to stare into striking green eyes, a visage of immaculate beauty and prestige…and none of it had ever been real. Emilie had been carefree, downright goofy at times when the mood struck her, playing pranks on Gabriel by switching places with her twin, putting salt in his coffee in the morning only to reveal she had another cup ready and with a full breakfast to go with it! She was bright and kind and loving, but never the unreachable angel her husband had come to see her as.

What would happen of this young girl? Nathalie stood there, surrounded by emotions on every side, all constantly in flux, flickering between split seconds of happiness as fond memories were brought about in conversation, and then shimmering in a somber light, almost as if their hearts were still sheading tears when they remembered Marinette wasn’t there anymore. Her bundle of friends who were involved in music -Kitty Section, if she recalled correctly- had called their song Remembrance of Gold, as if Adrien had ever told her it was miss Dupain Cheng’s color.

No, her s- Emilie’s son had always insisted Marinette was pink in her very soul. He’d given her pink roses, she dressed in pink, and from Nathalie had caught wind of after Adrien had returned home from visiting her one day, the bluenette’s entire room was pink. It was her in every way that miss Marinette’s face could never be, not unless she dropped the mask of radiant gold, not without letting the halo fall from her head. But what would become of her then? Surely, she must have wondered.

Emilie lay on her bed, Gabriel pacing in the Atelier, throwing himself in the Grimoire and calling every medical professional their money could buy. The blonde’s green eyes didn’t look so radiant now, Nathalie realized. She sat at her friend’s bedside, heart aching to help her somehow. It didn’t matter to Nathalie Sancoeur what she would have to do, she was prepared to burn the whole world just to save this wonderful woman. The girl she’d practically grown up with, because when they’d first met she’d still been a sheltered, lonely child.

Gabriel let out a scream of anger from his office, and it reverberated through the mansion’s empty halls. Golden rays of sunlight illuminated Emilie’s face as Nathalie’s gaze locked with the blonde’s…and finally, she spoke. “Nathalie…he’s hurting.”, Emilie breathed out, her lungs struggling to maintain an even voice. “Please, don’t let him forget. I’ll always be here for you both. Just…just don’t…”, she tried to say, but suddenly the world, blurry and dizzying as it always was, began to slowly fade away.

Nathalie’s worried questions, asking if she was alright, fell on deaf ears. They sounded like she was so far away… “Gabriel! Gabriel, help!”, the assistant screamed as Emilie’s eyes began to close, eyelashes still trying to blink away the sudden feeling of fatigue that over came her. Maybe…maybe she should take a moment. Gabriel…he was coming. He’d be here, with her. Nathalie too. Emilie, even now with her mind consumed by the urge to sleep…she knew that so long as they were together, it would be alright. And- and she would be remembered for her, not the act.

Emilie Agreste had once wondered if Nathalie and Gabriel, her closest companions and people she loved, would recall who she was if this curse took her away from them. She’d confided to Nathalie that the thought was quickly dismissed, waved away by the certainty that they knew her, the real Emilie, and she trusted them to remember. Marinette Dupain Cheng never had that luxury, Nathalie thought. She was just a girl, dying far too young and at the hand of someone who’d lost almost as much of himself as the bluenette. Did she wonder about it? Would her friends and family remember Marinette, or the everyday Ladybug she tried so hard to be?

Evidently…Nathalie and Adrien had at least one thing in common. They were the ones who’d be left behind, the only people even capable of distinguishing the memory of those they’d loved with all their heart from the memory everyone else sought to elevate to impossible degrees. Through Mayura’s power, she could feel it all around her. The very same confusion that had overtaken Gabriel in the days after walking into his bedroom and seeing Emilie d- …and seeing her asleep, that veil of false radiance had descended upon everyone here, barring Adrien Agreste. A Remembrance of Gold would forever stay in the memory of Paris, but Marinette would always be remembered by her best, closest friend.

The assistant sighed deeply, shaking the thoughts away as something tapped on her shoulder. Oh, Adrien was done talking to his friends. Nathalie gave him a nod, let him follow her gaze to the quiet corner not far from where they stood, and he slowly helped her walk the distance. The blonde boy looked at her with Emilie eyes, that soft, loving green flicker of warmth Nathalie had always treasured, and helped her sit down in the nearest chair, pulling one for himself from a nearby table.

“I- uh- …how is Father?”, he asks her, concern for Gabriel still shinning through his golden heart.

Nathalie couldn’t help but sigh, forcing her lungs to go through with the exhale, and suffer the raspy cough right after. “He’s…fine. Taking it easy for now. And you?”, she asks, unable to hide a smile when she doesn’t sense him hiding any pain.

“Could be better. I…I wish things were different, Nat. I wish Father listened to me earlier, I just- …I don’t know. I miss her…”, Adrien whispers, almost muttering to himself.

She slowly taps his shoulder, making sure Adrien has noticed her hand, and then gives him a comforting squeeze on the arm. “I know the feeling. There’s…someone I was very close to, once. A good friend, and the most amazing woman I ever met. I miss her too, every day.”, Nathalie tells him in a hushed tone. She can’t bring herself to speak any louder, it’s the first she’d admitted to anyone, even herself. Ever so slowly, she pulls her hand, and points to Adrien’s heart. “But…she’ll always be here, with you.”

The boy can’t help but give a little laugh, shaky and broken as it may sound. The last breath gets caught in his throat. “Nat- I don’t want to be the only one who remembers her. The others-”, Adrien tries to say, but the words don’t come out. Even now, he doesn’t have it in him to say something bad about his friends.

“You’re not alone.”, she’s quick to assure him, gently placing her hands on Adrien’s shoulders. “You’re never alone, I will always be here for you. Marinette won’t be forgotten. Even if the world moves on, I’ll stay as long as you need.”, Nathalie promises, echoing a vow another green-eyed blonde with a heart of gold had made to her long ago. This time, she’ll keep that promise, no matter what.

It’s us against the world…”, Adrien mumbles under his breath, and Nathalie is suddenly reminded of who her boy is. Even if she’d convinced herself otherwise, the familiar statement would leave no room for doubt.

“And…Adrien?”, she asks without thinking. He looks at her with bright, striking green eyes, and for a moment, Nathalie Sancoeur hesitates. “If you ever want to talk about…anything you can’t tell other people, I’ll be here to keep your secret.” To her, the words feel awkward, off-putting and almost forced…but he nods, breaking out in a grateful smile all the same.

“I’ll think about it Nat. Thanks.”, Adrien breathes out, and then he’s walking away, dodging everyone who tries to approach without ever increasing speed in an inhuman display of agility. Within moments, Adrien is out on the dark streets of Paris, and already knows Nathalie will cover for him.


Alya Cesaire watches Adrean weave through the crowd, and gently holds Nino back from following the blonde. If it was her, she’d want space. Nino sighs deeply, clearly sharing the sentiment as he doesn’t struggle. Chloe and Kagami are nearby, somewhere behind them if Alya’s peripheral vision is at all functional. Honestly…it’s a surprise that any part of her still works, and she half-expects to collapse mid blink and never wake up again. A part of her still wants to, now that the work is done.

It's Nino’s presence that drives those thoughts out, replacing them with a gentle hand running through her hair as he hugs her. “Alya…it’ll be okay. Not today, not tomorrow…but someday, we’ll be alright.”, his voice cracks at the mere idea of a world without their friend, but he has to be strong. For Adrien, for Alya, and for himself. If Nino stops putting one foot in front of the other…he’s afraid he’ll just slip through the cracks like Marinette.

The Ladyblogger slowly pulls away from her boyfriend, and lets the last few tears fall from her eyes. Nino’s suit was already stained ever since she sat back down after reading out the eulogy, not that would have minded. He was good like that. Better than she could ever hope to be. Alya- Alya doesn’t know if she even is anymore, if she should be. Would it really be so bad, if she got to see Mari again? But…she’s elected to stay. Because that would hurt Adrien, it would kill Nino- there’s already enough blood on her hands.

“Right.”, she nods, desperately willing his words to be true. “I…have to keep going, Mari would kick my ass if I just gave up at the first sign of trouble.”, Alya croaks out, her voice rough from the misuse since giving her speech.

“Oh, please!”, a voice chirps from behind the Ladyblogger. “Dupain Cheng is way too nice to tear you a new one. We all know that’s my job!”, Chloe jokes, flipping her blonde ponytail in an exaggerated motion. If Alya didn’t feel like she was two seconds away from throwing up, she might have actually laughed.

Kagami walked up to the heiress, nudging her side. She was holding a plastic cup of water, and picked an ice cube out of it. “Tough crowd. And sorry, I’m all out of icebreakers tonight.”, she says, crushing the cube in her hand as the little shards fall back into the water. Alya watches as the tiny fragments slowly melt and eventually vanish, like the water would through the cracks on a pavement. No response.

“Tsk! I told you nobody here has a sense of humor!”, Chloe jokes again…but her shoulders slouch at the lack of a reaction, bravado abandoning both the fencer and the heiress, leaving behind only hurting heartstrings and shattered masks of porcelain.

Nino is much the same, only giving a dry laugh at the pun. Kagami gently offers him the water for his throat, which actually makes him chuckle, and earns the DJ a raised eyebrow from the girl. Alya didn’t bother explaining to him that Kagami was being serious, and let her eyes wander to the floor again. What would it feel like to just…melt away, like those ice shards? For her soul to drop from a billion stories high into an endless, gaping abyss? The Ladyblogger turned her gaze inwards, daring to peek at the darkness still gnawing at her broken heart, and found her answer.

Chloe brings her back to reality with a heavy sigh. “Has anyone seen Adrikins? Is he- is he alright?”, she asks gently, not wanting to think about what her childhood friend must be feeling right now. If she feels like total crap tonight…

Alya did see him leave, but she knows Adrien isn’t there anymore. It’s more than likely he’s already left, and for some reason…she gets the feeling that he’s better left alone tonight, without them. Horror accompanies it for a split second, before the Ladyblogger reminds herself that he’s not Mari. He’s still here, and trying to move on like they are. Adrien…is too nice for his own good, too caring to do that. He’ll be fine, she thinks.

Nino answers her, avoiding Chloe’s eyes. “Yeah. Saw him step out for a minute. He…probably needs space, dudette.”, he tells her as his breath hitches, and the heiress’ eyes nearly bulge out in panic. Without wasting a second, she slaps Nino for not stopping him and pulls out her phone dialing Adrien’s number. Fuck, the last time she gave someone space-

“Hello?”, he picks up from the other end before the first ring. “Chloe?”, Adrien asks, as if to say what is it?

“Hey.”, the heiress manages to say. Suddenly her throat feels dry, the words refuse to leave her mouth. Kagami offers her a sip of water, and Chloe takes it. “I…I can’t find you at the reception. Are you okay?”, comes the question, like there’s any chance he’d respond with an affirmative…at least without lying to her face.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”, he tells her, sounding calm and collected. “Sorry if I scared you Chlo, I just needed some air.”

Nino quickly scoots up next to Chloe, and she reluctantly passes him the phone. “Dude, when are you coming back?”

Adrien sighs deeply, loud enough for all of them to hear. “I’m…not. On the way home right now. Just- just give me a minute, okay?” They all nod at the request, even if Alya can barely register anything outside of her friend’s voice. Never mind that the model can’t see them. “Sorry, sorry! I…had to get out of the car.”, comes the lie, obvious and barely concealed.

Kagami snatches the phone from Nino, sternly clearing her throat. “Adrien, if you need us to come over-”, she offers, but he cuts her off with a huff.

“No, no. I’m okay, really. Can we just…talk tomorrow? I’m a bit busy right now. With…stuff.”, Adrien says, his voice almost cracking at the final word.

The fencer has half a mind to unsheathe her sword and hack the nearest chair to pieces…but Kagami settles for pinching the bridge of her nose. “Promise me you’ll text tomorrow? I could drop by if you need company for breakfast.”

Adrien’s voice goes silent on the other end, and for a moment Chloe thinks the line’s gone dead. “Yeah, sure. We’ll talk tomorrow. Goodnight.”, he says curtly, giving the fencer no time to reply, and hangs up.

Alya is the first one to notice the oppressive silence that’s befallen their group. For a moment, she really wishes she was that ice cube right around now, so she wouldn’t have to be reminded that no matter what she tried, nothing was ever enough to help her friends. Holding Nino back had barely been anything, and Adrien clearly wanted to be left alone. They shouldn’t have bothered him tonight. Kagami seems to realize it second, and Chloe follows right after. Nino…doesn’t really get it, from the look of things. He’s still glancing over to the doors, like he wants to go after Adrien and is about to break into a sprint at any moment now.

God, she feels like a shitty friend right now. Alya can barely even bring herself to try helping others, and even then, she’s a total screwup, only making people worry! Mari would know what to say, she’d know what to do! Her best friend would have gone outside with Adrien, let him vent and talk out his anxieties, would have convinced the group to let her handle it instead of so clearly bothering him. And Alya can still feel Mom’s gaze, always keeping an eye on her, untrusting the moment she wanders even a millimeter out of sight. She loves her family, but- …but…

It's all too much. Dammit all! She wants Marinette to come back! Why the heck is she busy again tonight, when they need her here? What’s so important that- what’s so important that could bring Mari back to her? Alya draws a blank. Nothing. There’s nothing out there that Marinette wouldn’t agree to do and then proceed to stress over for days if not weeks…and none of it could make the bluenette walk through those doors and give Alya a hug. Ever so slowly, the Ladyblogger blinks away her tears, and feels arms wrapping around her body. Nino, Chloe and Kagami are giving her a joint embrace, even if the heiress looks so uncomfortable that she might combust at any moment.  

“Um…is this a bad time?”, a small voice echoes from behind Alya’s back, and all four of them startle before registering that Alix has walked up to them.

The usually confident tomboy seems almost skittish tonight, like a rabbit that’s been dragged out of its burrow, and her eyes glimmer with the remnants of tears, even as she stares at the floor. Alix raises her head to face them, and it’s then that Alya sees it. That hollowed out part of someone’s soul, like a part of it has been dug out, only to be filled in by an endless dark void.

Chloe is the first to try and say something, flinching at the sight of the pink-haired girl. “It’s-it’s fine. What’s going on?”, the heiress asks, struggling to keep her voice even and toneless.

Alix hesitates for a moment, nervously fidgeting with her suit. Gone is the confident girl who’d cracked jokes and showed off her outfit with the rest of the boys on the way here, instead she’s replaced by someone who’s afraid. “So…I’m sorry for yelling at you. …at school. I-”, she tries to say, but Chloe easily waves her off.

“It’s fine, I’d have done the same if I was in your shoes. …’sides, it’s not like I don’t deserve it.”, the heiress assures her, muttering the last couple words under her breath. Alya doesn’t notice anyone else reacting to them, so she might the only one to pick up on the self-blame. Should- should she try to talk with Chloe about this?

“No, it’s not cool. You may be a bitch, but you weren’t trying to be, you know?”, Alix shrugs it off, trying to keep herself composed. The skater fidgets with the hem of her sleeve, waiting for Chloe’s response…and most probably to get yelled at.

The heiress pauses for a moment, shoulders stiffening. “I told you it’s fine, I deserved it. Forgiven.”, Chloe said curtly, immediately spinning around and walking away. Alya notices something glimmering in her eye…but there’s no way that could be a tear. Alix breathes out a sigh of relief, realizing the conversation’s over and that she got through it without another fight. Kim quickly runs up to the skater and pulls her away towards Max and Ondine, standing close by.

Nino lets out a soft sigh, hugging Alya’s arm for comfort. Those horrible thoughts about how bad a friend and terrible person she’d being rear their head again, but she takes a deep, shaky breath, and pushes them down for his sake. She’s not the only one hurting here, and right now, Nino needs someone to hold onto to. And…it if makes her feel better too…then maybe it’s okay for her to be selfish, just this once. Kagami gives them a polite bow and disappears into the crowd, and Alya spots the fencer making her way to the west corner of the room, as far away from people as she can. Chloe’s black and gold dress glimmers in the bright overhead lights, and the Ladyblogger sees her talking to Zoe, with the family butler standing next to the usually timid blonde girl. Alya’s mind wanders back to Adrien for a moment…but she decides to trust that he’ll be okay. He’s Gabriel Agreste’s son, and knows what he’s doing. Nino shakes her shoulder again, snapping the Ladyblogger out of her thoughts, and Alya hides a frown, managing a weak smile. Screw her feelings, right now she had to take Mari’s example and be strong. There’re still people here who need her. The DJ mimics her grin, pulling his girlfriend into a tight hug, and for just a moment, Alya Cesaire finds in herself to believe everything might turn out okay.


The night sky was mesmerizing. Chat Noir couldn’t help but stop and marvel at the stars, shinning almost as brightly as Ladybug’s eyes. That tremor in Kagami’s voice didn’t slip by his ears. She was afraid. Adrien had half a mind to turn back and go see her…but Marinette needed him right now. She asked Chat to come see her, and so he would. Twisting his baton around and vaulting over another alleyway, he came to a halt, just to breathe. Logically, this was inevitable. Funerals just…happened, when someone d-died. They had one for Mom.

God, what was his life? Here he was, teenage supermodel running around Paris in a leather catsuit, going to see his girlfriend, who was upset after attending her own funeral. Adrien’s heart ached for Marinette every moment they weren’t attached to the hip, especially now that he knew she and Ladybug were one and the same, now that they were together after so long. Maybe…maybe it wasn’t exactly healthy to value one person above the whole world, or to feel half-sick when being away from them. Maybe there was something wrong with him, or with both of them. Chat Noir shook his head, almost chuckling to himself. Yeah, as if he could remember the last time he was okay without her at his side.

He threw himself over a whole city block, landing onto the roof tiles of a house in a roll, and then jumped over a chimney, perching on the building’s very edge with all four limbs. The lies hurt more than anything else, Adrien could admit that much. Of course, he would never out Mari to anyone, that choice was hers and hers alone. But…his sharp eyes never missed the flinches in Nino’s step, the slump in Chloe’s shoulders or the way Alya’s gaze darted about at the slightest sound, heart fluttering with vain hope that just maybe Marinette was there…only to find her best friend absent once again. At least Kagami seemed to be doing better, having met Samantha and Felix. And wasn’t that a weird thought, his cousin making friends?

Felix was…Adrien didn’t know what he was. There was something more there, and the vindicative attitude had almost disappeared. The other blonde seemed…genuinely sorry for everything that happened between them a year ago, and Adrien had a hard time wrapping his head around it. With everything else happening all at once- Chat Noir shook the thought away. No, things were finally looking up. According to Nathalie, Gabriel was slowly returning back to his old self, the one capable of kindness and…love. That…would take a lot of getting used to, but Adrien had promised Nathalie to try. His friends were slowly adjusting to Marinette’s absence, and Ladybug was slowly trying to reconnect with them. It might be stupid…but Adrien really hoped they would all know one day, and he’d stop lying to their faces.

A small thump sounded behind him, making Chat’s faux ears twitch. “Hey kitty cat!”, Ladybug chirped as he turned around to face her. Adrien hadn’t gotten the best look earlier, but now he noticed she was different. Sharper facial features, eyes a touch darker blue, raven hair now edging towards black and tied up in a ponytail instead the pigtails…this really was Samantha Fae, she was Mari through and through.

“Greetings, M’ Ladybug.”, he gave a small bow; stretching to full height. A tiny smile appeared on her face, and Marinette giggled at the usual antics. It was familiar, nice. It felt safe.

“…we need to talk.”, Ladybug said, her breath almost hitching at the words. Mari’s shoulders slumped a little, her left foot jerked forward and she nearly rubbed the back of her neck, stopping a trembling arm just in time for him to feign obliviousness.

Adrien felt his own nerves fray a little, and he settled on gently planting a kiss on her hand, keeping up the usual Chat Noir charm. Ladybug said nothing, but he noticed the relief glimmering in her dark blue eyes. “Race you to the Tower?”, he offered her, extending a hand as if to strike a deal. It was their usual bet, a fun game to spice up patrols where nothing ever happened. They only got bragging rights and never bothered keeping score, but it was safe, and they both needed some comfort right about now.

Marinette found it herself to nod, endless questions still running amok in her mind. Adrien’s clawed fingers came to rest on hers, lingering a moment too long…and then he jumped into the skyline, followed swiftly by a zip of her yoyo. Going through the motions by muscle memory alone, she dashed after Chat Noir’s form. Her kitty was already a block ahead, but Ladybug knew a shortcut. Backflip off the rooftop, handstand on the fire escape railing and jump through, zipping upwards on the power lines before launching herself into the sky, diving downwards and sliding on the side of a building to gain momentum, then throwing herself into the open street, passing right by Adrien’s wide-eyed face.

“If you want that date, you better hurry up kitty-cat!”, she teased him in a soft voice, and caught a glimpse of Chat narrowing his eyes in focus. Oh, game on!

Adrien extended his baton again, tossing it the air, catching the metal in his mouth and running on all fours, only to backflip over the edge of the rooftop, extending the weapon and propelling himself high above, kicking his feet off from the tiny surface and calling it back as he dove through the clouds. Spinning the baton in circles as fast as he could, Chat Noir didn’t quite fly more than he gently glided over the Parisian skyline as Ladybug rushed to Eiffel underneath, maneuvering around the obstacles of a metropolitan city. Adrien couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the top of his lungs, dropping onto the nearest rooftop and keeping speed, Ladybug now several blocks behind.

The Tower was close by, and all he had to do now was vault over a few more blocks and- …Ladybug passed him again in a blur of red and black, cackling all the while. Chat cracked a smile at seeing her happy, if only for a few moments. Every second where the love of his life faced the world with a smile was one of pure elation for Adrien, and he’d always treasure them. Marinette’s form disappeared over the skyline right as he caught up, and when Chat Noir looked, he saw Ladybug standing on their spot amidst the Tower’s beams, grinning wildly.

Landing next to her, Adrien let Mari pat his head like whenever he visited her balcony, and time seemed to slow as they both took a deep breath, sitting down on the cold metal. “S-so. What do I win?”, she asks, leaning against his shoulder.

Chat’s eyes glinted with mischief, and he gave her a soft purr. “Hmm…I guess you’ll have to find out, Milady.”, Adrien teased with a gravely voice, the tone that usually earned him a playful punch to the shoulder.

Samantha’s smile flickered as the adrenaline slowly dissipated from her body, and she let out a deep sigh. “I…I was thinking…”, come the words, small and hesitant, as if to even utter them would destroy something irreplaceable. “You know it’s…us against the world? What if…it didn’t have to be?”

Adrien could feel his eyes widen as he registered the sentence. “Wha- what do you mean? Is something wrong?”, the question escaped him before he could think any better of it, but Ladybug only frowned.

Gabriel Agreste’s cold, dead, toneless voice rings in her ears. “Then you’re both making a mistake.” Marinette breaks out in a sob, clutching onto Chat’s arm like a lifeline, and he brings his other hand to rest on her back.

“Why are we fighting it, Adrien? The world? I- …why fight if we’re only hurting ourselves?”, Ladybug asks him, tears fogging her brilliant blue eyes.

And wasn’t that the question? Why did she fight it? Marinette had known who she was, ever since she chose to put the earrings back on and committed to being Ladybug. When the whole world came down on her with all its might…what hope did a normal girl have to even survive, much less win? …she could never have done this alone. Adrien, her amazing, otherworldly, kind, wonderful partner had always been there to offer his support, and together they’d pushed through everything that came to stand in their way.

But…in the end, the only people against them were Lila and Hawkmoth. Until very, very recently, mostly everyone was on their side. The world was fighting the villains. And now, it had turned to strike its heroes down. Life had been taken away from Marinette Dupain Cheng, slowly rotting the girl away from the inside and replacing the broken parts with a pristine, stainless porcelain mask of absolute perfection. She’d tried to be who the world wanted…and now Marinette was dead. Adrien’s whole life had been much the same. Smile and wave, be polite, be nice, be kind. And they got jack shit in return! Ladybug and Chat Noir kept going because it was the right thing to do, because they were saving the world. What would their effort even matter if it didn’t want their help anymore?

Had Gabriel Agreste faced the same dilemma? Did the world move on without him, was he left behind? Is that why Adrien’s father felt like a putrid corpse, an empty shell of a man who life had long abandoned? Should they keep fighting, would Ladybug and Chat Noir make it out of this mess…or end up broken beyond repair? If Samantha were to start keeping track, she’d quickly remember that someone already been pronounced dead.

“I-”, Chat’s voice got caught in his throat. “I’ll always fight by your side Marinette. Now and forever. Nothing will change that.”, he affirms in that serious tone she’s only ever heard once before. The only thing missing is the rainstorm, and a black umbrella.

Adrien. What if the world moves on…and we stay stuck in the past? What kind of life is that, when I have to remind myself that the girl in the mirror is my own reflection?”, Ladybug asks him, voice quivering and breaths shaky, almost like desperate gulps of air. Like Marinette was still drowning.

He stays silent for a moment, eyes flickering between the different stars in the sky. Adrien slowly guides Ladybug’s head to rest in the crook of his neck, and he slowly turns to wrap both arms around her. “…I used to ask myself that a lot when Mom died. Nathalie would come see me every day, help me through the motions. And every time without fail, the face in my mirror would be a little different. First, it was foreign, belonged to someone else. Then…it started looking as hollow as I felt. But…after a while, the colors came back, bit by bit. Nathalie stuck with me the whole time, when Father was-”, Chat croaks out, voice hoarse and throat suddenly feeling dry as a desert.

Marinette felt her tears stain his suit, the half-salty wetness tasting like rotten fruit. “D-does it ever get better?”, comes the question, and she knows Adrien will say yes no matter what, that he’s going to reassure her with that kind, mesmerizing smile all the same. He was always like that, optimistic even when everything told him it was time to give up. She wondered what might happen if she said that.

Adrien’s face falls. The faux ears of Chat Noir’s suit droop, his tail swishes in a slow thrashing motion, almost like it’s one desperate spasm away from death. “…no. It still hurts. If I look back on it, if- if I let myself stay on those thoughts for too long…it feels like there’s a knife in my heart, Mari.” Chat’s claws sink into her back, holding Ladybug close, and for the first time since that night out in the rain…she let’s herself cry.

She feels him run a hand over her braided hair, ever so gently. A soft, low sound fills the silence, Marinette’s sobs still getting stuck in her throat. The cries of pain are like silent footsteps in the dead of night, and the tune Adrien starts to hum is like the flickering light of a campfire. It feels warm, safe. She thinks it has to be love. “I- I’m sorry.”, Chat finds the strength to say. “That’s not what you wanted to hear, but…it doesn’t help to ignore it either. Just makes me feel like there’s something crawling under my skin. Mari, the only thing we can is keep moving forward, one small step at a time, and trust that things will be okay.”

Ladybug gives a weak push against his shoulder, and Adrien pulls away ever so slightly, giving enough space for her eyes to lock with his. “What if I can’t?” Brilliant blue meets striking green, and Chat Noir leans that tiny bit closer.

“I’ll be there with you every step of the way, Marinette. I promise, we’re a team.”, Adrien whispers to her, uncertain and afraid like the metal supports of the Tower might hear and refute the precious words.

The bluenette’s eyes are glimmering in the starlight, and she throws herself in Chat Noir’s arms. Ladybug’s tears finally run dry, and she lets him hold her, warmth and love slowly seeping into her bones and driving away that miasma of despair that had come to settle on the heroine’s forlorn figure. She gives him the smallest of nods, and Adrien lets her rest there, softly purring as if to lull her to sleep. Exhaustion creeps up on him too, and Chat Noir slowly lets his guard drop, scooting over to lean against the metal beam on the cold platform, Marinette’s tiny smile chasing away the chills that nearly run up his spine. And…for the first time since the morning after they let the masks drop, Adrien Agreste lets his eyes close peacefully, feeling like things might finally be okay.


Gabriel Agreste fiddles with the Miraculous, hidden underneath his lopsided tie, running a hand through unkept, faintly blonde hair. Nathalie sits next to him, quietly observing the attendees of the reception service leave one by one or in small groups. He recognizes some of the kids here. Gamer, Timebreaker and Dark Cupid are practically attached at the hip. Lady Wifi and Bubbler help each other stumble out into the empty streets, and he faintly registers Antibug calling a limo for them, with Riposte trailing after the trio. Miss Tsurugi walks in small, measured steps. Fear permeates the air around the girl, and he’s got half a mind to try and induce a sense of calm before she gives him another headache…but stops himself as Nooroo pressed up against his chest from Gabriel’s shirt pocket.

The Kwami peeks out of his hiding spot, his fellow long asleep inside her own jewel, resting in his assistant’s handbag. Nathalie is in much the same condition, barely keeping herself sitting straight as fatigue bleeds out of her mind, and Gabriel feels the familiar urge to jump into action. Not to capitalize, he had enough self-control now that he wasn’t tasting that foul, metallic taste of liquid copper. Everyone’s negative emotions had subsided, and his mind had cleared enough to register what a horrible idea transforming here would be…not that he could send out an Akuma.

Gabriels’ pale hand dares to touch the cracks at his Miraculous’ center, feeling the damage running across the brooch. It’s far more pronounced than the Peacock, more physical in the way that his blood boiled whenever the agony inside leaked into his soul, and Hawkmoth deserves all of that pain. Nathalie’s hand suddenly brushes against his as she leans forward in her chair, and he immediately extends his own to keep her from falling. She jolts awake, halfway through pushing him away before she realizes what’s going on, and takes a deep breath.

“…sorry.”, she mutters. There’s a pregnant pause, and for a moment it feels like this silence is as delicate as the thinnest glass, and should one of them break it, there will be blood on both their hands.

“I- I don’t sense Adrien with them. Is he alright?”, Gabriel tests the words, trying to drive away the sudden annoyance that nearly overcomes his worn-out mind.

Nathalie sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Yes, he’s fine. Adrien stepped out earlier to get some air.”, she tells him, and Gabriel feels a chill run down his spine. His son is somewhere out there, alone and-

He extends his senses, carefully inching around the remnants of guilt and suffering emanating from the departing attendees and looks into the city. Most Parisians are either asleep or otherwise inactive, and he can’t feel anything beyond tired relief that the work day is over, slight annoyance at daily inconvenience, one thing or the other gone sideways…nothing out of the ordinary. Adrien’s presence is always distinct, familiar and known, yet it seems he’s disappeared. Panic threatens Gabriel’s sanity, but Nathalie is quick to gently hold his hand, grounding the man in the here and now.

But…his son is still nowhere to be found. His emotions are completely gone from his Miraculous’ radar, it’s like a radio signal being jammed at the source. Unless… Gabriel narrows his eyes, forces the few bits of coherence still residing in the fringes of his mind to obey…and looks for something different. Another moment of silence, then garbled static as he sorts through everything inside his head. Finally, he finds Adrien’s presence, feeling content, happy, free. The surprise nearly stuns Gabriel, and he’s quick to retreat and give the boy his privacy, turning to face Nathalie.

“I found him. Adrien is alright…like you said.”, he assures her, unable to help but give his assistant a guilty look for his lack of trust.

Nathalie stares at him in silence. Then, she takes off her glasses, wiping them on the edge of her sleeve. “Gabriel…what do we do now?”, comes the question, and he’d be grateful for the change of subject, if not for how immeasurably taxing thinking about the future has become.

“The world will move on with or without us. It’s not like we have much of a choice, Nathalie.”, he retorts tonelessly, Ladybug’s haunted eyes suddenly flashing in his vision. “I will do what I must.”, Gabriel vows, if only to keep himself going just a little longer. Their plan was more of a work in progress…

“I’m serious!”, she snaps at him, sharp eyes locking with his own tired orbs. “…please tell me you’ll give Adrien the ring.” It’s more of a morose demand than a suggestion, but Gabriel would take that any day over Nathalie’s true ire.

Almost mechanically, he raises his hands in a surrender, pushing through the snapping pain of moving his bones. “Of course I will!”, Gabriel tells her. “I already let Felix keep his, I’ve no intention-”, he tries to add, but the look she sends him next stops any semblance of words from leaving his mouth.

Nathalie’s glare is like ice. It crystalizes the charred remains of his heart, and after today’s bloodbath Gabriel isn’t sure that it won’t suddenly explode into a million pieces. The anger he feels would be enough to make Shadowmoth himself stop in his tracks, even for the single moment it lasts before she regains her composure. “I- I’m sorry. I know you’re trying, but please, don’t hide things from me. You should have said something!”, she cries out, and it’s only through Nooroo pushing against his chest that Gabriel understands the crack in Nathalie’s voice to be relief.

“The rings belong to them. All three. I- I suppose Adrien should receive his tomorrow morning, or maybe the day after if he still needs space. And…the rest is still…I’m working on it.”, he feels himself breathe out as her features soften, and those blue eyes let go of the darkness Nathalie was holding onto.

She goes to open her mouth, but closes it again. Gabriel senses surprise, as if Nathalie had expected she’d need to convince him to give the Graham De Vanily rings up. Then, she gives him a mischievous grin that’s pure Mayura, and leans in conspiratorially. “I think I have an idea for our third…and our old friend is not going to like it one bit.”

Gentle shadows cast by the overhead lights turn sharp, and the glare in her eyes makes something in Hawkmoth’s heart start beating again. Ever so slowly, she takes the Peacock Miraculous out of her handbag, running a hand over his tie and straightening the thing up, if only for the sake of appearances. He twitches at the touch, and he’s suddenly reminded of their few moments as a duo inside of his lair. Wrong as their actions may have been, that thrill is so very familiar in this moment. Nathalie is still grinning at him, and Gabriel can’t help but mimic the expression now that his mind is clear again. It feels so good to be back…


And…scene! Okay that was a lot to write! I know it’s only 10k words but still, took me some time! Hopefully you guys enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it! Now, let me tell you a little more about the update schedule. I’m afraid that weekly updates will no longer be possible to pull off consistently, because Life has a schedule and it’s not exactly easy to find large stretches of time. ACOLL will obviously continue till the end, but it may take me some time to finish chapters now that I’m becoming quite busy, at least until I figure out the new rhythm. I’ll aim for one chapter every two weeks and double down on quality, so please be patient with me while I work on things from behind the scenes.
And yes, I’m well aware I said this all last time, I’m just reiterating it for anyone who may have missed those notes, and also to give the estimate of one chapter per two weeks. Also, I’ll be uploading one-shots or short-length fics on the side like usual, with a Reverse Special work coming out in the near future.

There isn’t really much else I’d like to discuss about this chapter, seeing as some things are best left up for interpretation, especially in emotionally charged situations! I do have to warn you however, that the worst parts of this fic have yet to come! We’re steadily approaching the end of the Lila Arc like I said in the previous chapter, and trust me when I say it’s going to be very interesting! You are about to start hating this girl so much…

Anyways! I’ll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 20: Dearest Family


Amidst the hectic, chaotic aftermath of Marinette Dupain Cheng's untimely demise, two grieving parents are left to deal with the reality of their daughter's death. Tom Dupain contemplates his failures as a father, and Sabine Cheng remembers times spent with her daughter.

Meanwhile, a dark force plots in the background as Lila Rossi visits Marinette's resting place, deciding on a plan that will change Samantha Fae's life forever.


Hello there everyone, and welcome to the single most heart-wrenching chapter in this entire fic! No, I’m not kidding. I’ve been working on this for a while now, and took weeks to finish it because I didn’t want to write the ending. God help me, what have I done? No spoilers of course, but nobody has a good time in this one. I’m going to Hell. In other news, I’ve finished drafting the last few chapters of Arc 2, so the outlines are ready and like I said before, we’re almost to the end! About this chapter, I’m fairly confident at least three people are going to yell at me for what I’ve done, but oh well…it’s probably fine.

Trigger Warnings: Depression, panic attack, Lila Rossi (I’m not even joking, I genuinely made her mentally disturbed), attempted harassment and blackmail (from Lila), discussions of suicide, internalized guilt, self-hate, attempted suicide, hallucinations and severe injury.

Note: In case anyone missed the last chapter’s note, I have a Tumblr now! No, I won’t shut up about it! Come say hi, and feel free to ask any questions about ACOLL!

And now, please grab your nearest pitchfork and/or flaming torch, take a seat, and get ready for: Sabine’s depression, Tom’s emotional detachment, mental breakdowns, mentions of Nathalie, thunderstorms as a plot device, memories of Marinette, a kitchen knife, a wild bitch, flour sacks, and a dream slowly being realized.

Without any further ado…let’s jump right into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tom Dupain found himself standing perfectly still, staring at his home’s front door for what felt like the billionth time. The baker didn’t ever remember waking up this morning, never mind going to sleep the night before. Beyond this nebulous, blurry and confusing passage of time, there was barely any feeling to speak of, in however long it’s been since he was last outside. He was staring again, he mused to himself. At the front door. At that tile on the pavement across the road, right under the street light. The spot where he’d last seen his daughter. The sack of flour he’d been holding only out of habit fell to the floor, its contents escaping onto the floor and walls. A few specks even stuck on the ceiling, creating a disconnected pattern, with one tiny dot of white cut off from the rest, all alone in the corner.

He grit his teeth and stopped the tears from coming out. No, he had to be strong. He needed to protect Sabine, to be there for her after- Tom felt the air leave his lungs, and desperately gasped for air. The mere thought was like a punch to the gut, knocking the wind out of him and nearly making the large, burly man stagger and fall to his knees. He elected to slowly put pressure on his legs, supporting himself on the fallen flour bag as best he could. Tom wanted to cry. It was unlike him, but he did, damn it all! He wanted to let himself collapse on the hardwood floor and never walk again, he wanted to grab his biggest kitchen knife and rush out the door to go find the girl Gabriel marked as responsible, he wanted- Tom just wanted his daughter back!  

Marinette was wonderful. The only thought going through his mind was her name, as numb, quivering legs carried him to the sofa, darkness setting in the edges of his vision. Marinette was so bright, kind, empathetic, amazing, caring, and a thousand other words that didn’t mean anything now. It was his fault. Tom knew that in the very depths of his soul, and -respectfully- he didn’t care what Sabine may do to deny it. He should have been paying more attention, he should have asked her what was wrong, he should have done better. It was his job as Marinette’s father to protect her from the world…and now it had taken his baby girl. That smooth voice in the back of his head perked up again, and Tom found himself gravitating to the eerily familiar feeling of helplessness. He knew he should have done more, could have been better…and there was someone willing to help him. Did it even matter in the end, the small price he would need to pay for that magnificent, intoxicating power?

No, no. Sabine would kill him. And- those weren’t his thoughts! Tom shook himself, nearly stumbling as he jumped to his feet. Chat Noir had been right, back then. Isolation and loneliness were not worth the safety of his daughter. If…if Tom stopped to consider it for even a moment, that’s the reason she was gone in the first place. Because he failed her. Because he wasn’t there. And now Marinette was repaying him in much the same way. Her room was empty, cold and lifeless with shadows that seemed ready to devour whatever fractured shards of his soul even remained. The walls felt darker, echoing haunted steps and bleeding tears. The air itself was permeated by a foul miasma, as if something had been forgotten inside and left to rot. Marinette’s bedroom felt lifeless.

Tom blinked away the tears forming in his eyes, forcing himself to focus. He slowly edged near the sack of flour still resting on the floor, picking it up. Numb legs walked him to the small backroom where they kept their ingredients, threatening to give out as he heaved it onto a poorly made stack. They- they ought to clean this out tomorrow. Otherwise, insects might start congregating because of the sugar and force them to throw everything away. He stumbled into the hall, nearly letting himself fall again. Tom barely had the energy to keep breathing, much less bother making something with all that stuff. The mere idea of baking any sweets, knowing well enough Marinette would never be here to try them and smile at the taste…it made the act feel hollow.

“Hey dad!”, she greeted him one morning, as Sabine was busy making breakfast. Marinette almost tripped over the last step on the staircase, but Tom was quick to steady her and offer a laugh. She’d never stop being clumsy, his little girl.

“Good morning!” Tom helps her walk to the table without any more falls, and then goes back to his rolling pin.

Marinette raises an inquisitive eyebrow, eyes glinting with curiosity and excitement at the thought of a new sweet. She’s always loved trying Papa’s recipes…even if she doesn’t have as much time to help him nowadays. “Trying out something new?”, she asks him as Sabine hands her a plate of pancakes, giving her daughter a hug.

She laughs before Tom can respond, and he feels himself smile warmly. The sun is shinning outside, warm and brilliant, signaling the start of a brand-new day. Marinette’s eyes flicker to it for a moment, and her smile twitches. Still her gentle smile remains, starting off the week with head held up high! He knew nothing could ever stop his daughter!

“Yes, dear. Your father thinks that caramel and honey go well together.”, Sabine rolls her eyes, and Tom feigns dejection.

“I’ll have you know; my ideas are fantastic!”, he proudly puffs out his chest, tossing the rolling pin in the air. Tom fumbles the catch, and it ends up bonking him on the head before falling back on the counter.

Marinette can’t help but let out a laugh, filling the room with a warmth that always made Tom’s heart flicker with gratitude. “And here Adrien says I’m clumsy!” The joke brings a smile to her dad’s face. She- she’d nearly forgotten what it was like to take a moment and just be with family. It was…nice, for lack of a better word. Light and beautiful, not ever-present and scalding like that jolting feeling in the back of her head.

Sabine shakes her head in amusement, checking Tom over for any injury. She finds none, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Oh, dear. What am I going to do with you? Be more careful, alright?”, she chides him gently, her eyes lit up with a spark of love that still brings a smile to his face, even after so many years with her at his side. Tom remembers Marinette pretending to be annoyed by their display of affection, turning away from them.

Then…she’d wolfed down her breakfast and was off to school. Came back home with the same polite smile, happy to see them like every other day. Stayed up late designing one project or the other, not that either or Sabine could have stopped her. Marinette would just pretend to sleep until they went off to bed, and go right back to sewing to her heart’s content. Tom had always loved that about his daughter, the determination to see everything she started through. Despite his instinct to protect, Tom had already forced himself to grapple with the idea that his little girl was independent, proud and assertive when it came to facing the world…even if it sometimes got her into trouble.

In those moments, he would be there to offer a helping hand, a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on, depending on what Marinette needed. But…nothing was wrong. His little girl just went to school and back, and unfortunately her friends happened to be busy with one thing or the other. They all saw each other every day, she’d tell them. It was alright, not like she had much time between homework and designing, she’d say. Alya was busy with her blog, Adrien couldn’t always be free because of his dad, Kagami’s mom had her preparing for a big fencing tournament. Juleka, Rose, Alix, Ivan, Nino, Luka, oh they were all busy with their band, she was even making a couple new props for them, see? Kim had taken a step back from going out, working on his relationship with Ondine, that was all!

Marinette always sounded so logical, so cheery and unbothered that Tom hadn’t seen it. Things made sense, and his daughter was just growing up. That was all. Their friend group was a little scattered as they all adjusted to career and grappled with ideas for the future, but don’t worry, there’s a get-together next week! Always next week, very soon, in a few days! Everything is normal, business as usual! And of course, Marinette had always hated lies. As a child, Tom remembered very well how she refused to lie to Sabine and him about anything. If she stole from the cookie jar, there his sweet little pumpkin would be, confessing to it mere minutes after. They never kept secrets from each other, they were a family.

So…when did it all go wrong? What did he do that made Marinette lose her trust in him? Why did their beloved, brilliant daughter never talk to Tom or Sabine about her problems, when something was clearly going on? They’d known, of course, that something wasn’t quite right. Alya hadn’t stopped by the Bakery in months. Babysitting, hanging out with Nora, on a date with Nino, working on the Ladyblog. Marinette would tell them all those things, and make them sound true, because why would his daughter lie? She was kind, amazing and always told the truth! What could ever be reason enough for her to hide something from them? But…she would also shut herself inside more often than not, furiously scratching pencils against paper and pricking fingers with a sewing needle for hours on end.

Not to say that Marinette was in any way antisocial. She still went out, practically vibrating with joy whenever Adrien dropped by to walk around the city with her. If Tom remembered correctly…something about going to sightsee for inspiration. And she always was happier, brighter with the blonde boy around, so of course neither he or Sabine had the slightest problem with it. They knew Adrien well enough, and he liked the boy quite a lot! Kind, energetic and wearing a sunny smile, he seemed perfect for his daughter! …not that Marinette’s crush on him was any kind of secret, she was horrible at keeping them.

Sometimes…sometimes he’d heard her crying, all alone and with a locked trapdoor separating Tom from his daughter. The only instinct was to break it down and wrap her in a hug, but despite how much it hurt to know that Marinette was so troubled, he’d convinced himself she was okay. Because his sweet girl wouldn’t lie to them, because she was okay, just a bit shaken, because they’d raised her well and she knew to come to them for help…because he didn’t want to see her in pain. And now, having moved behind the counter without even realizing it, Tom Dupain looked at his rolling pin, and forced himself to not bash it into the wall. He’d made enough of a mess as things were, with specks of flour stuck to every available surface from the front door to the back room.

It hasn’t even been a week, and he already feels himself being torn apart at the seams. And this time…Marinette isn’t here to stich his heart back together, the way her sunny smile always did. He’d always wanted a family, someone to love and cherish, people who loved him in return, who Tom could protect. This- this wasn’t right! WHY? Why his daughter? Couldn’t it have been anyone else! His hand bashed against the countertop, rolling pin falling to the ground. He didn’t bother picking the thing up, there was plenty of time later. Later, always later. Marinette was clearly busy right now, she was studying. He’d pull her aside to ask how she was when the homework was done. Marinette was designing right now; he didn’t want to break her focus. Excuses. Tom knew it was just him not wanting to see his daughter in pain, and now he’d never see her again.

He moved from this spot with a heavy step. Every thud seemed to echo through their home like it was empty. Tom let out a loud sigh, dropping back on the couch without even dusting off his hands. The bakery was devoid of color, life only passing him by in dull shades of grey ever since… Warmth still eluded him, and a chilling mist of misery permeated every gulp of air Tom would inhale, if only to keep himself moving just that much longer. In a single moment of clarity, he considered that maybe the voice had been right, so long ago. That if only he hadn’t lost, Marinette would still be here, at home. She never would have left, or taken the light with her, abandoning him in this horrible darkness. Tom didn’t move until the crack of dawn, idly watching the sun’s golden rays inch ever closer to his form. For the first few minutes, seeing the sky be lit with a gentle, golden hue is beautiful, almost enough to bring a spark of color back into his life. Then…the rays slide across the horizon, then over the pavement just beyond the door…and onto his legs through the window.

Tom’s mustache twitches much like his daughter’s smile once did…and he finally understands. He forces himself to jump up, taking shelter from the sudden heat behind the counter. Marinette must have felt it too, this glare, ever-present and scalding, as if the world itself was judging, scrutinizing. What was once brilliant golden light almost left burns on his skin, and his daughter’s voice echoed in his head like white noise. It felt...hollow. The sun had lost its brilliance, only marking another day of much the same, meaningless, empty existence. Because how could one live when they had lost their reason to, and the world itself seemed to command that they burn? …was it any wonder Marinette chose the water instead?


Sabine Cheng’s found herself standing perfectly still, staring at Marinette’s bright smile for what felt like the billionth time. The photograph was stained with tears, the glass still broken and frame ever so slightly dented on one side, barely holding itself up on the desk. Her daughter’s smile was almost blinding, and so very real. She hadn’t seen Marinette grin like that in…a long time. Sabine held back the wail that nearly escaped her, afraid to break the silence. The bedroom was quiet, and she could almost fool herself into thinking it was peaceful instead of empty, dark and lifeless. She snapped her head to the side, away from her daughter’s shinning eyes. Why, goddammit? Why hadn’t she noticed the light blue flickering, fading quicker with every day that passed?

Her daughter had been miserable. Sabine knew that now. So often Marinette would hole up in this room and cry, with only a startled, pleasant tone and a sunny smile greeting her parents if they deigned approach, as if giving the slightest indication that she wasn’t okay would be shameful, make her a disgrace. Was this what she had learned from all their talks together? Ever since her sweet daughter was little, Sabine would always emphasize how important it was to be kind and offer help to others, would gently sit Marinette down on a chair or the couch and tell her to start her day with a smile, even if she was having a bad day. Because she world would be kind to her, in turn. And yet…she’d been foolish. Stupid and lost in her own optimism, pretending that her daughter would be as lucky as she, and find good people who’d stand with her when stepping onto uncertain, shaky ground. Marinette wasn’t lucky enough to have them. And they weren’t good enough to have her.

In the end…she’d taken Sabine’s advice to heart, that much was clear. Started each day with a bright smile and glimmering eyes, letting her and Tom pretend it was her brilliance shinning through, and not remnants of tears from crying herself to sleep. Even in the sunlight, toning her whole form with a brilliant golden hue, something about Marinette still felt off. She was always beautiful, her kindness attracting friends wherever she went. Sabine knew in her very soul that was the case. She’d raised her daughter to be good, in a way that the world never had been since before she moved to Paris. Marinette had been kind, showing the same soft features and understanding smile that Tom had etched on his face when they’d first met, that night in the rainstorm.

Wasn’t it ironic? That she would meet the love of her life -a then total stranger- in the rain, marking the start of something new and wonderful? Gazing into his eyes that night, when she’d been caught out during a storm, Sabine had been practically thunderstruck. She knew that Tom Dupain was important to her, in some special way that nobody else could ever emulate. Until…Marinette. Those precious moments right after her daughter had been born, ever so gently running her thumb over a soft, still-warm forehead were the happiest she’d ever been in her entire life. And now…in some nightmarish amalgamation of everything good the world had given her, Sabine couldn’t stop seeing herself in the rainstorm, and despite her efforts, her fingers only felt the frigid metal railing where Marinette had stood in her final moments.

“Mama? Why are you always so nice to people? That man in the big hat…he was mean to you!”, Marinette exclaimed from Sabine’s lap. They were sitting on the couch, long after the workday was done. She flayed her small fist in the air, as if it would vindicate her.

Sabine smiled brightly at her daughter, ever so gently running a hand through her soft raven-blue hair. “Yes, he was mean.”, she affirmed, seeing Marinette’s eyes light up at being proven right. “But everyone has a reason for what they do, sweetie. Maybe he was running late for work, or having a bad day. We can never know what troubles others face in their lives, and shouldn’t add to that by picking fights.”, she chided softly, smiling at her daughter.

Marinette still looked skeptical, big blue eyes glimmering in deep thought. “Even Chloe? She- she’s always so mean to me and the others! We just want to make friends with her!”, her daughter cried out, slamming her fist against the nearby pillow.

“Yes, even Chloe has a reason. It may not be a good one, but that doesn’t mean you should shout back when she upsets you. Being kind is the most important thing, Marinette, it shows people that they can be better if they so choose. And- sometimes a little bit of kindness can make a big difference.”, Sabine told her, holding her daughter close in a one-armed hug. After all, Tom’s kindness had saved her, giving a light for Sabine to see the world with new eyes, beyond the bleak and dull look Paris had impressed on her. Marinette would learn it soon, how much you can help someone with a little empathy.

Eight years had passed since that talk, and there wasn’t a moment in these past few days where Sabine didn’t curse herself for it. Why? Why had she practically told her daughter to put other people’s need before hers, no matter what? It wasn’t the intention, but clearly- …clearly Marinette took the lesson to heart. She’d been brushing off their worries for years now, if Sabine sat to think about it. Always happy to make clothes and designs for her friends despite being reminded that she had her own responsibilities, never refusing Nadja or Alya when they asked her to babysit, so caught up in other people’s problems she barely had time to solve her own.

With time, Sabine had stopped asking her to take breaks. They’d fallen into routine, and Marinette being busy simply became another normality, an indisputable fact of life. And she’d been so proud, that her daughter always put herself out there, never turned people away! It proved she and Tom had done a good job, raised her right, gave Marinette the thing neither of them had when they were young. A loving family, there to take care of and protect her no matter what. Only…she never asked for anything. Their daughter was independent, not once telling Sabine to do her any favors if she could try it on her own. And the only time she needed them, that horrible day when Principal Damocles had nearly expelled her from school…they hadn’t believed her.

She remembered that day almost as clearly as the raindrops cutting through her skin, the chilling miasma of death and dull grey eyes that- no, he wasn’t here. He couldn’t hurt her at home, Sabine was safe. Shadowmoth’s piercing gaze was like a dagger twisting into her soul, as if the world was mocking her with the alternative, another outcome that had been so very close! But she wasn’t fast enough. Her hand missed Marinette’s by a mere inch, fingers slipping right through each other as the sound of rain slamming onto the pavement rang in her ears, echoed by the gentle flap of a butterfly’s wings. And how simple it would have been, if Shadowmoth got to Marinette. Horrifying, unfathomable, maybe even shattering…but she’d still be here. Ladybug and Chat Noir would have stepped in, defeated the Akuma and restored everything. Then- then Tom would pull their daughter into a bear hug, making room for Sabine to clutch onto Marinette like a lifeline, and they’d go back to the Bakery, talk about all this over a cup of hot cocoa…they would have fixed it.

A sob finally broke the silence, reverberating across the empty bedroom, permeating the air in a cacophony of screams that just. wouldn’t. stop! Sabine felt her legs give out, falling to her knees as while noise filled her ears. Marinette was falling, flashing in her vision even with her eyes sealed shut. She would slip, flail, fall, and scream. Again and again and again and aga-

“M-Mama?”, Marinette’s trembling voice sounded from behind her, almost afraid. Sabine snapped her head around fast enough to pull a muscle, and she saw her.

Marinette was curled up on her bed, shivering beneath the blankets. It was the crack of dawn, with only a few small rays of sunlight peeking through her skylight. Sabine had gone to wake her up for school, amusedly rolling her eyes when she didn’t respond…only to realize something was horribly wrong. Her daughter was trembling, as if her whole body was nearly frozen over. Her first instinct was born of panic, to try and wake her- but she couldn’t bring herself to even tap Marinette’s shoulder. Had- had she slept at all tonight?

Sabine stared at her daughter as she slowly moved to turn her desk light off, having just noticed it still dimly lit the room. Marinette must have forgotten it again, and they’d have to talk about staying up so late. Still, her daughter didn’t seem to register her presence, so Sabine inched a little closer to take another look. A small bit of her left leg slid out from under the blanket, quivering all the while. Taking one more step, she suddenly registered a low sound coming from her daughter, something almost like a sob. …Marinette was crying. Sabine couldn’t have cared less if the house was on fire, the only thing that mattered was her daughter.

Ever so gently, she sat on the corner of the bed, careful to avoid the tremors that wracked her sweet child. Sabine slowly laid down beside her daughter, brushing a strand of stray hair from her face and offering warmth, as she had done when Marinette was still little, coming home after school upset because of Chloe. Tom came up only once, but she quickly asked him to go back downstairs and handle the customers, to which he offered a determined nod. He would do this, and then when she felt better, they’d talk to Marinette together, as a family.

“Mom! Please tell me I’m not late!”, the words echoed in Sabine’s head, bashing against the confines of her mind and threatening to crack her skull open. She blinked, and Marinette was gone. Sabine was clutching on the pink cat pillow her daughter loved so very much, and it was stained with tears. The horror, that terrified tone of voice would haunt her forever, she thought. A shaky breath as her daughter held back tears, and then Sabine heard Marinette curse her.

Her eyes had nearly bulged out of their sockets, she stammered through some kind of response, but before Sabine could get a single word out, Marinette put on that polite, gentle tone, and practically threw her out of the room. She’d barely registered the words at all, something about going for a walk. Mari- she- her daughter had cursed her. The sudden flicker of hate in Marinette’s eyes would never fade from Sabine’s memory, no matter how much she wanted to burn it to cinders. She…she was a failure, there was no other explanation. She had done something so heinous, so horribly despicable to not only lose her sweet, beloved daughter’s trust, but to be seen as an adversary. In a world where family loved each other unconditionally and stayed together, Sabine Cheng had been branded as an enemy, if only for that singular moment. And the mere thought was far worse than any scalding glare or derisive words that had ever been thrown her way.

Numbly, she pulled herself upright, slowly climbing down the ladder and letting the trapdoor snap shut right above her. Immediately, Sabine took a deep, calming breath. It was as if all the misery, darkness and despair Marinette had been battling was solely contained inside that room, to the point where the walls seemed to bleed death every time she looked at them for too long. She plucked a tiny key from her back pocket, locking the infection away from what remained of her home. The torn threads were all around her, but this time…Marinette wasn’t here to stitch them back together. Sabine stopped herself from letting out a sob, forcing her legs to finally step on the floorboards as she legs go of the ladder. Dull grey eyes wander to the trapdoor, gaze almost glued to the small lock. Endless waves of agony are trapped inside that bedroom, held at bay by that tiny, fickle thing. Maybe…maybe they were even leaking already, because the darkness inside Sabine’s heart did not feel like her own.

It felt almost like a siren call, a low hum of white noise or an itch that refused to go away, constantly drawing her attention and undeterred by all her attempts to drown it out. The thought was oozing through the ceiling, a ghost of Marinette’s smile looking down at her mother, telling Sabine that she wasn’t enough. With trembling hands, she supported herself against the railing, slowly descending the staircase into the bakery. She had half a mind to go back to the last safe space in this house, that peculiar spot right behind the counter and a little to the left, where a cold coffee mug had stood for almost a day until she threw it out. Sabine hadn’t forgotten the little note left there by her daughter, scribbled in a hurry and now resting as crumbled piece of paper in her back pocket, along with the key to her biggest fears. Her eyes wandered over to the spot, catching a glimpse of Tom sitting on the couch. He was just…staring at the rising sun. Tom seemed almost catatonic, in the stiff, rigid way his shoulders collided with the pillows, and barely -if at all- even registered her presence. But…she elected to leave him be. At least his anger had faded now. Maybe it was for the best. She ran her thumb over the note, softly feeling out the paper containing her daughter’s final words. Tears welled up in her eyes, and the memory hit her in a flash.

Sabine found herself on the edges of awareness, thoughts struggling to form in her mind. She was slumped over a hard, uncomfortable surface, with a familiar warmth flickering beside her. That presence…she knew it, didn’t she? Fatigue had overwhelmed her senses, but Sabine was so sure…she was waiting for someone. Trying to open her eyes or lift her head proved a fruitless endeavor, and she felt so tired... N-no. She was supposed to…to wait for…

The ding of the doorbell caused her eyes to flutter for one passing moment, but that enough to rouse Sabine from her deep sleep. Worried grey orbs lazily scanned the room for the sound’s source, only to find nothing out of the ordinary. Except…something flickered at the edge of her vision, just there, near that bright, distant light. A…cross the street, she thought. Suddenly, a burly figure stumbled up to her, catching itself on the countertop Sabine had been laying on.

Tom groaned, blinking away his exhaustion, forcing himself awake just long enough to remember what they were supposed to be doing. Registering his wife half-asleep next to him, his features softened, leaving Tom to take a deep, steadying breath, and gently stroke her black hair. “It’s okay”, he soothed her “you can go to bed, Bine. I’ll check upstairs to see if-”, he tries to say, already planning to try and talk to his daughter if she was still awake…but then he too spotted that small, forlorn figure under the streetlight, gazing back at them with tears in its eyes.

“MARINETTE! WAIT!”, Tom found himself screaming, and Sabine shot up from her spot, eyes darting to find her daughter. She caught nary a glimpse of the crying girl, and time was abruptly brought to a halt. It felt like her heart had been running at top speed, only to slam into Sabine’s ribcage with enough force to crack bone.

“Marinette! Wait! Stop!”, she cried out, a desperate plea for her sweet daughter to come back! They loved her! And family always stuck together! Whatever this was, they could fix it! Sabine could fix it! Without even realizing it, she’d already bolted out into the street, Tom hot on her heels…but Marinette Dupain Cheng turned the corner and vanished into the night.

She snapped back to the present, only to find tear stains muddling the precious few words her daughter had left them, half-apology and nearly a hopeful wish, for things to someday be better, when the storm would pass. She tried to keep them at bay, but one by one the droplets fell onto the crumbled paper. Sabine felt her hands begin to tremble, fidgeting and shaking no matter how hard she tried to hold them still, until eventually the note fell on the countertop, now illegible. She tried to cry out not knowing if it was pain or anger at herself for ruining what little of Marinette they had left, but her chest tightened. Air fled her lungs, eluded Sabine as she tried to breathe, tears dripping from her eyes all the while.

Through blurred vision the walls began to bleed again, a viscous inky blackness, like the pages of Marinette’s sketchbooks had come back to haunt her for failing to protect their creator, like every sliver of warmth suddenly decided to grasp at her neck and choke. Sabine gasped for breath, clinging onto the countertop’s edge hard enough for her knuckles to turn white, pale as the ghost which seemed to haunt every corner of this house. Tom still stared at the golden rays as they gently slid across the floorboards, inching closer to his legs each passing second. He was motionless, as if the prior stillness had truly turned him to stone, either uncaring or not hearing her pained, shallow breaths. Sabine tried to ask for help, she forced her mouth to open, but a chilling dread had the words stuck in her throat, leaving her to keel over, helpless and hollow.

In a near-vain attempt to heave herself back up, Sabine’s hand nearly pulled out a drawer, barely managing to push her chest against it before the crash. A soft whimper was all that escaped her, and she felt something sharp press against her flesh. A kitchen knife. Tiny droplets of blood painted the drawer’s insides a sickening crimson, condition only worsening as Sabine applied pressure to keep her legs from collapsing again. Every second spent with that sharp blade gnawing at her finger was almost agonizing, but she eventually pulled through, gently removing the offending object from the unseen depths of cutlery. Even something as simple as the sunlight glimmering on the silver was enough for memories to spring forth again, but Sabine sternly refused to let herself get caught up in that again.

She gripped onto its hilt as hard as she could, the sensation of touch grounding her in the present, letting her mind be tricked into thinking about something mundane. Slowly, Sabine turns around, averting her eyes from Tom’s form, not wanting to think about it. All the warmth, the sparks of passion and that gentle smile on his face…were gone. The man she loved with all her heart had run away with them, leaving behind a cold, stiff shadow in his place. A pale imitation of a person Sabine Cheng had once given her very soul to, promising to stay at his side now and forever. The realization she’d been staving off for days finally hit home. She’d tried, dammit, to never think about it. Tom’s arms had felt cold, muscles twitching and contracting at the slightest touch, almost like he’d been struck by lightning. His breaths had felt forced, almost as if he was gulping down as much air as possible, not knowing if the next wave of oxygen would ever come. The strong, burly man now reduced to a bloated carcass, rotting away from the inside as skin desperately stitched itself together, vainly holding on, hoping for some miracle that would save their family.

But…Sabine could hide no longer. Not from the truth. She remembered that very moment far more clearly than anything else. It seemed nightmares etch themselves in memory with far more conviction that love, because what else could this existence be but her worst fears? Shadowmoth’s laughter still rang in her ears, white noise refusing to let Sabine think, always toned by that near-silent flap of a dying butterfly’s wings. Her thumb came to rest on the knife’s flat side, running over the silver. This time, it didn’t give off a golden hue, but rather a faint silvery glow, almost like it was bleeding the last vestiges of light this world had to offer. The butterfly thrashed in mid-air, its half-broken wings still desperately reaching for him, the man behind the silver mask. Shadowmoth would still smile, offer her that mocking grin whenever Sabine stared into the darkness for too long…and the butterfly would always fall out of the sky, barely managing to nest inside his cane, sheltered from the thunderstorm by a lean, almost fragile layer of glass.

It looked almost like a mosaic, even if her recollection was muddled by anguish and agony, as if the pure, tiny white insect were an exhibit to be awed at in some museum. Sabine felt her hand still glued to the cold metal railing, water endlessly raining on her from the heavens as the butterfly withered away under the downpour, helpless and on its last breath. Every time that pair of shattered wings flashed in her vision, she was unable to stop comparing it to Marinette’s soul. Something broken beyond repair by nature, barely holding on behind a fickle layer of protection meant to inspire, a porcelain mask of perfection now cracked into more pieces than either Tom or she could even hope to put back together.

As she wandered back upstairs and just outside Marinette’s room, Sabine finally forced herself to admit it. That night in the rain, with the bloody river raging under their feet, Shadowmoth had taken away her daughter’s life. Tom had dented his hand on that very spot, the cracks rising through his arms and breaking his very being. And she…had lost her family, her reason to be. Blood oozed out of a cut finger again, but she paid it no mind. Sabine’s quivering legs carried her all the way to the locked trapdoor, the key slipped between trembling hands, clattering on the floor. She didn’t bother picking it back up, instead content to listen to the demon bang against the flimsy wood keeping it away…and then her eyes fell back on the silver blade.

It would be so easy. Almost too convenient, if she were to think about it. The bathroom was just next door, and she was feeling chilly. Perfectly excusable to draw up some warm water, even if it was only to feel something again. Her hands had already gone numb, but soaking her wrists meant it wouldn’t hurt her. Sabine wouldn’t even have to bother with clothes, who would care if these got wet? A single ray of sunlight fell on the knife from some nearby window, and it glimmered that same silver glow as Marinette’s soul. She would just warm herself up, and before Sabine knew it, Marinette would be there again, to hug her and stich this poor excuse of a life back together. Her daughter would fix it, like she always did. And…nobody would miss her. Wang was halfway across the world, and had his own daughter to take care of. Fei, adopted though she may be, would keep her brother happy, focus him away from what little pain her absence may cause. Tom…he’d gone somewhere far away before the idea even occurred to Sabine, leaving her to fend off against the darkness alone.

He'd broken their promise first, so what did it matter if she followed suit? Without family, Sabine was…nothing. No one. She only felt hollow, like her insides had been rotted to the core, and now the cracks were finally too obvious to hide. Marinette could have put her back together. Tom had, so many years ago. When her life in France had gone awry, when she’d been on her lowest of lows, Tom Dupain was there to shine a light in that darkness, and pave the way to a new future, one they promised to walk together. But now…he was sitting completely still, a statue pretending to be in motion, almost like a real work of art. The illusion had fooled her, these past few days. Sabine’s body shook, convulsing as she tried to push more air into her lungs, the walls around her starting to spin.

She- she had to get out. She wanted to run downstairs and have Tom hug her, to stay safe and warm at his side. She wanted to stop the faint echoes of tortured screams emanating from beyond the trapdoor right above her, to seal the demon that tormented her somewhere far away, where Shadowmoth’s mocking smile couldn’t flash before her eyes. She wanted to see her daughter again, to hug Marinette and say she was proud, that she loved her, ask to stay forever, to not leave her! She wanted her family back!  

And there was nothing in this world that would make her wish come true. Marinette was gone, so completely that there was nothing left of her sweet daughter except a tattered, illegible note and tear stains on her pillows. All Sabine had was the memory of a scream tearing the night in half as lighting split the skies, a river of blood roaring underneath and a shards of hail cutting into her skin. Her legs finally gave out, body dropping to the floor in a soft thud. The carpet provided no warmth, only intensified the chill permeating the air, the smell of death creeping up her spine like a freezing touch. Sabine shivered, curling herself into a ball to try and protect herself, to feel any warmth, desperately hoping to shelter herself from the falling icicles, eyes glued to the trapdoor above. Please, let it open. Let Marinette climb down the ladder with a smile on her face and eyes glimmering with a spark of love to chase this cold away!

At the edge of her vision, something shone in the sunlight. Her knife’s silver tip poking out from her grasp, almost taunting Sabine with that same shade of grey Shadowmoth’s dull, dead eyes possessed, when bearing into hers. Suddenly, the trapdoor shook violently, lock breaking off and nearly taking the hinges along with it as blood poured down on her, covering hands and front in the same viscous crimson that the river washed away. Sabine felt herself cry out, forcing trembling fingers on the hilt, and pulling- but the blade stopped just short of her throat, held at bay by an iron grip.

Blinking away tears, she dared to open her eyes, expecting to see him there, refusing her relief, condemning her to suffer in this empty, lifeless home…but only locking gazes with Tom’s soft green orbs, staring back at her in worry. He let himself take a bated breath; she could hear his heart pounding through his chest- A moment of complete silence passed between them. Ever so slowly, Sabine gently handed over the knife, half-afraid she might cut him. Tom threw it downstairs, letting the metal uselessly clatter against the countertop.

Bine.”, he breathed out, tone lower than a whisper. It was almost prayer, in the way his eyes shone with a mixture of gratitude and grief.

“T-Tom…I’m-”, sorry, I’m stupid, I’m lost, I’m dying. Sabine’s voice cracked, words getting stuck in her throat, that same spot where the phantom feel of a blade still poked at her flesh. She slumped on the floor, letting Tom slowly pick her up in his arms.

There was nothing else to be said. Nothing should be, they both understood how close she’d come. Later, when they’d both basked in each other’s presence long enough to thaw out their broken hearts, he would tell her Nathalie Sancoeur called this morning, that the preparations were done and the ceremony was tonight. Sabine Cheng would bandage her hands, wearing long black gloves to cover the injuries, and Tom Dupain would exhale in gratitude that the funeral was set at sundown, and the golden rays would not scald his skin for long. Hours would pass by in mere seconds, and they would numbly drag themselves to a limousine, driving uphill and to the waiting form of Gabriel Agreste, standing tall, proud, and barely hiding the death blighting his being.

The whole site reeked of it, Sabine would think, but no words would come at the sight of a casket she knew to be empty. Nothing but tears, and a familiar chill creeping back up her spine, held back only by Tom’s body heat, the knowledge that he was still there. God, she would give everything for just a spark of flame, to light this darkness. The night only answers with a cold gust of wind, and Sabine stumbles at the sudden rebuke, as it was offended. Like she shouldn’t have let wishes get the best of her. As they drag themselves through the bakery’s front door, she can’t help but push the warning to the back of her mind, still hoping for a spark to light up her dark world…


A pair of green orbs prowled in the darkness of the cemetery, their owner’s hair falling off her shoulders as she growled in anger. It wasn’t meant to go this way! They weren’t supposed to be making peace with it! She was supposed to be a queen! Every step taken by their legs echoed in the night, the nearby grass and occasional flower leaning away from the vile, disgusting presence that came ever-closer to the gravestone. Long acrylic nails made to scratch at the inscription, wanting to tear apart any kind of fond memory of this pathetic little do-gooder. Why did they still love her, when the girl had been so proudly hated by everyone? They were supposed to be pawns, slaves to their master’s will and drones meant to applaud and cheer at the success of someone far better! So how dare they walk out of that reception ceremony looking comforted by one another, managing to cope and move on? What right did these idiots have to ignore demands of agony?

The synthetic marks of false beauty had no effect on the hard, frozen stone, breaking uselessly against the softly spoken words. A kind, amazing girl. A good friend. A pathetic idiot who’d happily break her own spine, bending over backwards to serve everyone around her. Except…one. For a reason near-incomprehensible, the timid and shy bluenette had decided to stand against the inevitable, the conquest of their shared environment. The nails pressed harder against the words, owner’s mind willing them to be clawed out of existence, causing more cracks in the façade. As small as they were, those cuts still drew blood. And it was boiling with anger. This should have been the end of it, a new beginning with them all following her lead!

Marinette Dupain Cheng was dead, so why did Lila Rossi feel like all her minions were slipping from her grasp, one by one? Why weren’t they miserable, forced to drown in their own suffering as realization finally washed over them all, only for their minds to break and be hers? No…something was wrong here. Her arch nemesis was out of the picture, in a way far more delightfully surprising than anticipated, and yet Adrien’s resistance was still strong. With his stupid little girlfriend out of the picture, he should have folded to her demands like wet paper!

This was all Gabriel’s fault! It had to be! He’d gone on a crusade against her since the beginning, hadn’t he? This- this was all his plan! It must be! And all because he failed! No, no of course it couldn’t be her doing. Lila had done everything he asked -as both of his personas-, and quite literally wiped Dupain Cheng off the map! But Shadowmoth had screwed up, useless idiot that he was, and didn’t manage to Akumatize her! So now the Italian girl was paying the price for his mistakes! That was the only logical explanation, he was just punishing her out of anger! And the old bastard had already blown her modeling career off the air, with that stunt on Sunday’s photoshoot!

She sat on the edge of the fake fountain, posing cross-legged and sweetly batting her eyelashes for Vincent’s camera, tuning out the man’s incessant ramblings about spaghetti. Lila understood being passionate about one’s work, she was the perfect example of dedication to the art after all, but still genuinely wondered how exactly these extras hadn’t all gone mentally insane from hearing this drivel every day for years on end. And next to her sat another boy, also in a swimsuit, with one hand almost playfully touching the water right behind them. It wasn’t Adrien -and she would be having words with Gabriel for that-, but…not half-bad.

Sandy blonde hair, a couple years older -probably an adult-, clearly in good shape and with the facial looks to match…oh yes, she could work with this! Just a few touches here and there, a moment where she goes to talk to him without staff around…it wouldn’t be too hard to have him wrapped around her pinky with a threat to his career! Gabriel valued her after all, everyone here should know that by now! The old man would never listen to some no-name hire, and if she wanted a little special something…this guy would have to give.

Her hand slips from its resting place on her knee, and ever so gently brushes up against his side. She sees him shiver at the touch, and holds back a grin, only letting her eyes glint in that dangerous way that makes her look interesting. The model -Fabian, if she remembers right- gives her a sharp look, staring Lila directly in the eyes. Sparkling blue meets toxic green, and for a moment she thinks this will be easy as Fabian’s hand moves to take a gentle hold of hers. Hook…line…and sinker!

Then- …then he grabs her tightly by the wrist, throwing Lila’s hand back on her knee. She turns to look at Vincent with a hurt look, as if he’d hit her, but sees the man staring directly at them. “V-Vincent, he-”, Lila still tries, eyes widening in that special way that made them look half-watered with tears.

The photographer cuts her off before she can so much as stammer her way through the first sentence, giving her a look scalding enough to thaw out Gabriel’s nonexistent heart. “Mademoiselle Rossi! Keep both hands on your person! I am the scene director here, you are supposed to be following my instructions to the letter!”, he snaps at her, not looking even slightly sorry for his harsh tone.

Lila makes a show of sighing deeply, then sadly staring at the floor. Inwardly of course she’s already envisioning how wonderful it would feel to stick her nails through this bastard’s neck and rip him to pieces, or have Gabriel fire him instead, just to have the opportunity to catch Vincent by the door and give the devastated man a smug grin, reveling in his despair…oh, that would be fantastic! The extras get back to work, and a few photos are taken while she behaves herself, tolerating the photographer’s existence a little longer. With any luck -and a helpful black butterfly-, Ladybug might end up under one of the stage lights this time! And if one just so happened to crush that bitchy bug into the ground…well that was just a happy little accident!

Their next break came, and Fabian immediately shot up from his post next to her, wandering over to a quiet corner of set. Perfect! Now was her chance! Lila prowled right behind him, like a hungry raven ready to dive down on the nearest rotting corpse, a predator hunting down the victim. She didn’t notice Vincent’s camera being set to record and conveniently turn in her direction, catching a feral grin that only spoke of mischief. The other crew members just so happened to move away from that particular spot, even as Fabian tried to trail one so they wouldn’t be alone. Lila’s luck couldn’t be any better!

“Go. Away.”, Fabian snapped once she got close, but Lila only gave an innocent smile.

She batted her eyelashes, trying to distract him from her hands. “Oh, c’mon, we’re co-workers! Shouldn’t we get to know each other a little better? Say…why not go for a walk, it’ll be fun!”, the girl smiles sweetly, pouring excitement in her voice. …ugh, she’s only half-sounding like Dupain Cheng and is already about to throw up.

The blonde regards her with a questioning look, raising his eyebrow in clear suspicion. “Yeah, not buying it. Did you forget we studied body language. Just do your job, leave me alone, and we won’t have any problems, capiche?”, he told her angrily, raising a threatening finger. Lila examined him more closely, and try as Fabian might to hide it, she could already see him trembling underneath all bravado. If Gabriel just so happened to schedule them for another shoot, it’d be downright criminal to work her magic on him!

Still, this one was feisty. Better to take it slow. Lila rolls her eyes in mock-offense, taking a few steps back with arms raised in surrender. “O-kay big guy, I didn’t think you bite!”, she giggles at him, walking away with a slight sway of the hips. Great. Just bloody great, this was actually going to take time! What does a girl have to do to extort people for money and fame these days?

Fabian stares daggers at her back as Lila walks away, forcing herself to look visibly comfortable when passing by Vincent. Hopefully the man asks her what’s wrong, otherwise she’ll have to make it obvious. The photographer gives her a stern look, motioning her back to the set for another round of photos. A few minutes later, she’s back on the fountain prop with Fabian, the young man looking visibly uncomfortable as Vincent directs them to get closer. Still, he obeys the photographer in the same way he’ll obey her if Lila has her way, and she makes sure to accidentally run one of her nails on his spine, making him shiver.

In an instant he’s already shot up from the spot, and Lila -who had been leaning on him as per their instructions- loses her balance, falling inside the fountain with a loud splash. “Enough! That’s fucking enough Vincent, I’m not working with this bitch!”, Fabian roars, whole body convulsing as he gulps down as much air as he can in a single breath.

Vincent sighs deeply, slowly raising his hand to gently pat him on the shoulder, waiting for an affirming nod before touching the model. “Listen…I understand your history-”, he tries to comfort -to which Lila scoffs once the words register-, but Fabian throws his hand away, interrupting him.

“No! No, you’re not pulling that shit on me! Get Sancoeur on the phone stat, or I’ll sue! Gabriel said this bullshit doesn’t fly in his company, or was that too a small mistake?”, he nearly screams, sandy curls flinging across his face.

The photographer tries to speak again, but another scalding look has him taking out the blonde’s phone, and Fabian immediately dials Nathalie’s number. “Sancoeur! It’s Fabian, I’ve got a little problem on set! I need to talk to monsieur Agreste!”, he snaps, letting out a shocked gasp at his own words.

“I- I’m sorry! I simply-”, he tries, but Nathalie cuts him off from the other end. “…yes, it’s about my modeling partner. Lila Rossi.”, he sighs, trying to hold himself together as he explains the situation. She tunes the rest of it out, preoccupied with having her outfit completely ruined! Well…the provided wear. But still, she’d freeze to death before making it home, just because of this idiot’s overreactions!

None of the staff even attempt to help as Lila pulls herself out of the water, and she swears one of those fuckers snickered! By the time she gets her act together, Fabian is already smiling in relief across the room, and Vincent waves her over. Lila steps closer, trying to make herself look scared, but the photographer stares at her coldly, not willing to tolerate her shit. She raises an eyebrow and quickens her pace, reaching the two men.

“She’s here miss Sancoeur.”, Fabian rattles off in a subdued tone, almost obedient. Good, the way things should.

Nathalie is clearly on speaker, and seems to stare at her through the screen. “Miss Rossi, the Gabriel brand has been made aware of several violations of proper conduct during your time with our company, as well as multiple infringements of your contract. Additionally, we have received formal complaints condemning you for inappropriate behavior between you and fellow models of our brand.”, the woman tells her clinically, as if reading the terms and conditions of a boring legislative piece. Not that she was going to be a problem, because Nathalie Sancoeur answered to Gabriel Agreste, and he would never dare go against her.

She lets the woman wrap up the little speech, already knowing it’s practically a slap of the wrist. Though…couldn’t they be using this for an Akuma attack? Why was she even addressing this crap? “Considering the innumerable exhibits of evidence, including but not limited to the recording of your inappropriate actions with today’s partner-”

What. What? “I didn’t agree to be recorded!”, Lila screeched at the phone, her eyebrows already twitching in anger.

Nathalie sighs deeply from the other end, as if dealing with a temperamental toddler. “Miss Rossi, if you’d bothered to revise the documents signed between you and our brand regarding these matters you would know that while you’re working, you’ve automatically agreed to any recording and use of your image so long as it does not violate protection laws against minors. Therefore, it is perfectly legal evidence to be collected. Now, please exit our property immediately. You are fired. We’ll be seeing you in court.

“I- I was only messing around! I didn’t mean anything by it!”, Lila brings herself to say in a meek tone, eyes watering in a well-practiced act.

“Our brand is not concerned with your reasoning. Please change into your normal clothes, leave all property of Gabriel on set, and kindly get out.”, Nathalie’s cold voice orders her, leaving no room for argument.

How dare she? Gabriel would have her head if Lila said so, of course he would! They were allied, and she knew too much for him to discard her like this! Sancoeur must be acting on her own, behind his back! This was all just stupid sentimentality because of Adrien, wasn’t it? And now…Gabriel had the perfect excuse to fire this foolish Ice Queen, gnawing away at Mister Sunshine’s support system just that much more! And then Adrien would finally break, and be hers forever!

…Evidently, that had not been the case. Instead, the old bastard sent his lawyers out, along with Cesaire as his new lapdog. And clearly Adrien had somehow grown a spine in the past few days, which could only happen if Daddy Dearest decided to throw him a bone! Ugh, why did Gabriel have to make things so difficult for her? He fucked up with Dupain Cheng, she’s done everything perfectly! Lila Rossi, is perfect, deserving of everything that stupid goody-two-shoes had! And now her biggest ally had betrayed her, and apparently either recruited that mindless excuse of a reporter to dig up dirt, or guilt drove the little minx to actually opening a Google page!

She hadn’t even bothered to come in on Monday, claiming grief for her dear classmate despite the principal’s insistence they all be present. Not that Lila even gave a shit about what he said, she was queen of the school and he just didn’t know it! Heck, she practically ran the place with everyone wrapped around her pinky finger! Her disabilities let any outrageous lie be easily excused, even if she would have been fine without that particular brand of stupidity. Seriously, who could believe whatever stupid crap she’d spouted about the jet engine thing? Alya really was just as gullible and needy for praise as Lila thought, and it was almost comically easy to isolate Marinette from her supposed best friend!

But yesterday…had been less nice. Unlike Monday’s relaxed coffee and laying around in her room, Lila had decided to show up and scout out the class, see if there was anything she could spin to her advantage. On the one hand it was good that she did, otherwise that whole business with Cesaire and Bustier in the principal’s office might have gone unnoticed, but on the other…her favorite fucking sweater had been ruined because of that total klutz spilling scalding coffee all over it! And yes, Lila understood the irony dammit, but why did have to happen to her? She didn’t deserve something so horrible!

Still…it had to be said. Standing over Marinette’s gravestone made her feel good about herself, having finally fulfilled the old promise to make her life Hell. Lila let out a cackle, ending the restful quiet of the night. The noise was almost like dragging nails across a chalkboard, earsplitting and vile, but she didn’t think the stupid ghosts would mind. Besides, even dead, Dupain Cheng cost her some perfectly good nail extensions, and she was not going to let the little shit have peace without at least a reminder that Lila had won! Yes, she was the victor here, and her rival was gone!

Well…it would have been a lot nicer to do it herself, to hear Marinette’s final scream as she lost balance and accidentally fell into the river, with Lila of course traumatized over failing to save her dear, beloved friend! Oh, the mere thought of it was exciting! But…there was also a teeny tiny problem. As satisfying as it was to watch everyone bawl their eyes out over that fraud of a perfect little princess, there still three people who truly remembered the useless waste of oxygen. And…Adrien was far too well-protected; she wouldn’t put it past Gabriel to hack her head off if push came to shove. And the court case would ruin him well enough, so he was practically dead already…at least socially. After all, a young girl signing up at her dream career as a model only to be pushed around by staff and forced to be around a male model she didn’t like, with mysterious circumstances and several lawsuits from the company surrounding the case? And with said model as the CEO’s son? Oh, the public was going to eat this up! All she’d have to do was cry a few tears and give a nice performance, then the entire world of fashion would descend on the Agrestes like sharks, never-mind the media!

No, no. That would come later…whenever that fucking court date was scheduled anyways. Not like she cared very much, outside of preparing and planning ahead. Really, they should just let her into the Hollywood halls of fame at this point! Aside from that, only two issues remained. Marinette’s pathetic little family. Ugh, she almost threw up at the concept. If those two fucks could stand being around that sickly sweetness her entire life without falling into a diabetic coma…Lila almost pitied them, she truly did. Now, don’t get her wrong, she’d meant to do some fun desecration of their everyday Ladybug’s headstone, hence the matchbox in her pocket. Nothing better than some dry grass to fuck up a grave site! But then again…maybe she shouldn’t take her games so seriously.

It was all in good fun! Watching Marinette squirm under those scalding glares, eyes still burning with determination that faded bit by bit every day…oh, it made her the happiest girl in France! To see those bluebell orbs well up with tears every time Alya defended her instead of the girl who was meant to be her friend, Lila struggled not to burst out laughing! And even though she’d have to get them fixed, Adrien’s sweet little trembles when she scarred him with her nails just made her hungry, wanting to scratch his eyes out and just watch him cry in agony! It was perfect, just perfect! And now…the last move was hers.

Chuckling to herself, Lila Rossi moved around the dark streets of Paris like a killer in the night, a hunter prowling in the dark for the eventual prey she’d stumble upon. Usually she dealt with sheep, but today…it seemed she had two little piggies to get squeals out of. She made sure to avoid street lamps, dashing behind the nearest object when a car might pass by, staying in the shadows as she crossed roads and took her time traversing the city. Lila dramatically poked her head around corners to check for passerby, excusing the little bit of fun with the ample time on her hands. It was exciting to stealthily follow the occasional poor bloke that happened to be going in the same direction as her, watching their eyes dart around the dimly lit streets with fear etched on their faces.

Eventually she let out a deep sigh, and focused on the objective. Lila Rossi wasn’t one for fucking around, not without knowing exactly what she’d find out afterwards. And right now…tonight was still a grey area. Yes, of course she was going to give them a little surprise! But despite how much fun it was to mess with people along the way, there was still a job to do. Not that she was getting paid, but it was the principle of the thing! Emotional gratification was the best reward for a girl like her, after all! Choosing to spook one final poor fucker at the park just across the Bakery, Lila had the homeless man running off with a tail between his quivering legs. She even let herself giggle before setting eyes on tonight’s prize.

The Dupain-Cheng Bakery towered over Lila Rossi, and she stood directly under the street light across the front door, peering inside. Shudders were down and it certainly seemed locked, not that it would be a problem. Pulling an old hair pin and a pair of leather gloves from her left pocket, she quickly equipped herself for the act. Sneaking up to the door while covered in shadows, Lila snuck a peek inside, only to see both Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng collapsed on the couch, out cold. They’d probably be happy to give her a warm welcome, even if the closed sign on the door might imply otherwise. Oh, what did it matter? She and Marinette were friends after all, surely her sweet parents would be delighted to properly meet her!

It was almost comically easy to align the bobby pin with the lock, and the door opened up for her with a tiny little click, barely a whisper even in this total quiet. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dark, examining the surrounding space. She should probably find a key for that door and lock back up when she was done, it was only polite after all! Lila slowly walked around the room, hoping she needn’t go upstairs to find anything. As she’d learned ever since last time, stairs weren’t exactly quiet. Well…now there wouldn’t be a body falling down them, but still, not worth the risk!

Her eyes flashed with satisfaction when she spotted the key on the nearby countertop…next to a knife? Okay, this was just too easy! Lila rushed to scoop up the key, considering the blade for a moment. It shone a gentle silver in the dim moonlight her entry had made way for…but then again it was too simple. Almost cliché. And let it never be said Lila Rossi wouldn’t be at the top of her game, or -God forbid- stoop low enough to using knives! Hmm…well, a fall was out of the question, so she couldn’t exactly make this a two-for-two with her old friend back in Italy. Cutlery was out of the question, frankly far too boring for something that was supposed to be a memorable, delightful experience! She couldn’t ruin this for her future self!

Suddenly, Lila’s nose caught a whiff of something in the air…and she noticed white specks lining the floor, walls and ceiling. Was that…flour? A toothy grin broke out on her face as she suddenly got a little something of an idea. Now…if these idiots were bakers, they’d need sacks of the stuff. Where was that, if only out of curiosity? Lila carefully moved past Tom and Sabine’s sleeping forms, her eyes flashing a toxic green as her heart raced in anticipation. Yes, in the back! She rushed to the door at the edge of her vision, carefully opening it without making a sound. Inside, poorly stacked and half-spilled sacks of flour, the white specks lining every observable surface. Yes! Yes! Lila barely managed to contain a deranged cackle as she pulled the matchbox out her right pocket, producing a single, lone matchstick.

It looked so innocent, so harmless at first glance. A tiny, vulnerable thing practically made out of glass with how easily one could snap it in half. But…under the right conditions, with one tiny spark at the proper moment…this cute little object could ignite an inferno. Her grin was almost feral now, bordering on purely sadistic as she stepped back, preparing to light it and toss the whole box in the air for good measure. Lila would have to move fast. Ignite, throw, run, lock the door, escape. The first spark flashed in her vision, and she didn’t wait to see the flames make contact with the air around her. In what felt like an instant, Lila Rossi was standing across the road, under the tiny street light illuminating her proud form, just…gazing as the flames engulfed the building. Her favorite part? Tom and Sabine never even screamed.


I…listen, I promise I’m not a psychopath! This chapter hurts me more than it hurts you! I did it for the plot! The plot! But- well in my defense, I did tell you to grab the pitchforks and torches, didn’t I? Okay…maybe I should explain myself a little bit. Or…a lot a bit. I’m sorry, this was always meant to happen. To put things quite bluntly, Lila’s overarching presence in the story has forced Marinette to live in her shadow since before Chapter 1, and now that she’s about to be properly dealt with, Lila simply had to go out with a bang! Quite literally, given how flammable flour tends to be! But yes, as Ladybug’s direct antagonist, I’m afraid Lila Rossi had to only physically appear for more than five minutes, but also present as much of a threat as she’s now proven to be! Maybe you hate me for this, but I promise it gets worse! We’re not even done with making people suffer! …wait, what do you mean that’s not the problem?

Anyways! There are some things I’d like to expand upon this chapter, mostly character mentalities. Firstly, let’s discuss Sabine! In all honestly, she’s one of my favorite characters in the show, and criminally underutilized in canon if you’d ask my opinion! So of course, I had to devote nearly 5k words of hallucinations, flashbacks and agony to honor her! …in all seriousness, we hadn’t seen her or Tom much up to this point, and I feel like they deserved time to flesh out exactly how Marinette’s absence has affected them. With Tom I had less things to say, especially since I would have ended up repeating myself if I’d analyzed him further. Still, it was the aim to establish a parallel between these two and Adrienette, to say that they saved each other from the dark a long time ago. And now that the light of their lives is gone…neither parent is doing well. Tom at least finally understands Marinette’s reasoning, while Sabine manages to overcome her tormenting thoughts, even if it’s just long enough to attend the Funeral.

Secondly, Lila Rossi! I know I make her seem like a completely insane psychopath…but that’s because she is one. If we look at her canon actions on a deeper level, as well as infer her mentality from both spoken dialogue and the choices made throughout the series, the only thing stopping Lila from physically attacking someone with lethal intent is the show’s rating. She’s manipulative, sadistic and self-centered to the extreme, reveling in leaving Marinette friendless and alone, delighted when she sees other people suffer. I only translated what is already there to the best of my ability, and didn’t really add anything extra except the implication that this is absolutely not her first rodeo. We’ll get more into that in the next couple chapters since she’ll show up again, but I do hope I did a good job. Lila’s whole deal is that she is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants, especially if that is to the detriment of other people. She’s in love with seeing them suffer while she lounges on the metaphorical throne, and that is what Lila always will be, at least to me.

Also, a clarification. Even if it should be obvious, I’d like to say that I what is written in my work of fiction in no way represents any kind of personal thoughts or mentality in real life, and obviously the crimes committed in this chapter (by Lila) are extremely reprehensible. It is beyond disgusting to replicate this behavior in real life, and I do not support the idea in any conceivable way. I cannot put this in a simpler way, DO NOT BE LIKE LILA ROSSI!

Okay, I think we’re done with analytics for the day. Just so everyone knows, this chapter took a lot out of me to write, and due to both the themes of the fic for the next couple of chapters and Real Life I will be taking this slow and steady, so there not be an update for a couple weeks. I will be back, I promise! But right now, I am pressed for time, and want to deliver the best experience instead of rushing chapters out for the sake of a quota. I will be uploading/updating other works in the meantime, and you’re always free to ask about ACOLL in this comment section, I read all the feedback and am very happy you all enjoy my work.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go clean up my keyboard. Writing Lila makes me feel genuinely dirty. Yuck! I am (not) sorry for the cliffhanger, and will see you all next time for one last round of pain and suffering before righteous retribution! Until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 21: Burn Our Bridges Down


Ladybug wakes up in her partners arms, hesitantly embracing a more positive outlook on life as Chat stands by her side, them against the world. Only...the world may soon prove to be her greatest nightmare, and far more painful than Marinette had ever hurt before.

Meanwhile, Gabriel Agreste returns home exhausted and fatigued, forced to face the monster his grief had unleshed upon the world. Amelie questions Adrien's whereabouts and Nathalie reminisces about the past, looking back on her relationship with Emilie.


Hell-o there everyone and welcome back to another round of hellfire and suffering! I’m back after my break, feeling refreshed, energized and ready to pump out another 200k words overnight! …oh, who am I kidding? I’m an Ao3 Author, not a single one of us has ever been okay. But alas, I digress! Despite my hectic real-life schedule and sudden obsession with the upcoming Reverse Special (and I swear to Nooroo there will be a crack once I find a good premise!), ACOLL is returning to yet again make people try to kill me! …wait, what do mean that’s not a good thing?

Anyways! I feel this is the perfect time to let everyone know I have a beta reader now! Their user is NicodeMoon (I’ll call them Nic for short from now on), and they might (maybe, possibly) put up works on Ao3 in the future. I guess we’ll see. But yeah, kudos to my friend Nic for being absolutely awesome and offering to beta read this fic! They’re currently catching up with each chapter so while editing might take some time, you guys will start to notice a few changes. Don’t worry, it’s mostly grammar like spelling errors I miss or punctuation, but Nic’s really a godsent because those slip by me every now and again!

Trigger Warnings: Uncharacteristic fluff, hallucinations, self-deprecating thoughts, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, abuse, flashbacks, very intense mental breakdowns, Lila Rossi’s entire existence, setting the house on fire, and Major Character Death, but I promise that’s nothing to worry about! …no, I refuse to apologize.

Note: Yes, I know this chapter is very late. My apologies, there’s a reason. I’ll talk about the new schedule more in the end notes.

And now please pick your pitchforks and flaming torches back up from last time, because trust me you’ll certainly need them! Take a deep, calming breath, and get ready for: Lila’s ticket to a mental asylum, Nathalie losing the last shreds of her sanity, a literal house fire, Gabriel becoming a telepath, Amelie still being 2nd best mom, Adrien’s catsuit comeback and Marinette taking her baking career a bit too seriously!

Without further ado…let’s jump right into it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ladybug found herself waking up against something soft and warm, a light pressure on her back holding her steady against the cool breeze of the night. She felt a yawn escape her throat; eyes still shut as she eased herself out of a blissful rest. A low purr sounds in her ears, and Marinette can’t help but smile as awareness slowly returns, and she realizes that Adrien is gently cuddling with her, leaning on one of the Tower’s metal beams.

Her eyes flutter open, revealing brilliant blue orbs that sparkle with hope, bright and shinning for the first time in an age, and she slowly moves her head to meet his gaze. Chat is there, staring at her with a goofy smile and emerald eyes that glint with love, keeping her warm as the nightly chill permeates the surrounding air. Something sparks between them as the calm blue of a deep sea meets the shinning beaty of rare green gems, and Ladybug lets out a giggle purely out of joy that he’s there with her, that they’re together again.

“Morning Bugaboo…”, Adrien stifles a yawn of his own, tone low and gravely as he gently pries himself from a restful sleep, slowly coming to his senses.

Marinette’s eyes shine brighter than any star in the night sky as she smiles at him, sending warmth down Adrien’s spine like a comforting wave of the high seas, gently sailing the endless ocean he finds in her gaze. Chat’s faux ears twitch with delight at her presence, and he removes one clawed hand from her back, bracing the metal beam for support as he steadies her with the other, helping Ladybug stand as she fully awakens.

Adrien.”, she whispers the name almost like a prayer, gratefulness and unbridled joy seeping in her voice just from his presence alone, causing one of the blonde’s heartstrings to let out something akin to a loving sigh, the beautiful note reverberating across his very soul.

Making sure she can stand on her own, Chat rushes to wrap Ladybug in a crushing hug, affirming that he’s here, and they’re both safe. A puff of warm breath escapes her, nearly enough to lull him back to sleep, but Marinette’s blinding presence is enough to keep Adrien wide awake as he embraces her, committing every second of her to memory, never to be taken for anything but a miracle.

Marinette.”, he smiles back, and she leans in to gently peck his lips, to say yes. A rose tint flourishes on Chat’s cheeks, but he doesn’t let the blush stop him from softly picking up her stray hairs between his claws, moving them so they don’t cover her beautiful face. Adrien can’t help it, he breaks out into a grin just looking at her, the girl that’s his partner.

Ever so softly, Ladybug kisses him again, and Chat lets her before they pull away from one another, dried tears in their eyes being mixed with new droplets of joy and love, washing away the remnants of despair and suffering that had tormented them for so long. Marinette takes a moment to breath, just to look at Adrien’s smile, far more bright and so very real that she can’t help but cry again as he gently guides her head to rest atop his shoulder.

“It’s us against the world.”, Chat murmurs softly, the words warming her ear from the proximity as his breath leaves her gasping, and Marinette can only hug him tighter in an embrace of affirmation that means nothing yet everything all at once. There exists no medium in the world, be it physical touch or spoken language that can ever convey the bond between them, their intertwining heartstrings that make both souls shine with a blinding flair, even against the most oppressive darkness.

Ladybug slowly pulls away, leaving a fleeting touch on his cheek, the careful brush of a gloved finger to wipe away one last tear as Chat retracts his claws, gently running them across her open palm. “I- …I’m sorry, Adrien.”, Marinette finds the strength to say, willing herself to not crash back into him and stay there until the end of time, in her kitty’s arms where it’s warm and safe.

Chat holds back a broken sob as he smiles at her, eyes still glinting with unshed tears, for his mother, for the father that could have been, for all the years of Nathalie’s stern but unrelenting kindness, for his friends, for Nino who is the closest thing Adrien has to a brother, for Marinette who helps his heart keep on beating every day simply by being near him. “It’s okay.”, he answers simply, voice flooded with hope as he prays. For once in his life, let Chat be right. Let it be okay, please.

Marinette returns the small grin, uncertain but bright as she helps him believe it too, that they can make it, that even against all the horrors and evils of the world itself, they will win. Adrien steadies quivering feet, kicking his discarded staff up in the air to catch it with one hand, a spark of sheer conviction in his eyes, to see their shared dream through. They were a team, a brilliant, magnificent, miraculous duet whose song filled the air with hope, and the dark could not intimidate them. Neither was afraid, because they were Ladybug and Chat Noir, and the night was always theirs.

As she spun her yoyo, ready to fly off into the skyline and Adrien extended his staff, an earsplitting sound clawed at their quietude, only for the monster to be met with two determined grins. Police sirens echoed in the distance, an ambulance rushed through the empty, lifeless streets below, and Ladybug met his eyes for but a moment. It was enough to make Chat’s face morph into the familiar chaste grin, and they leaped off the creaking metal beams, trailing the sounds of sharp yells and cries for help.

Marinette flew through the air, tossing her yoyo around chimneys and antennas to propel herself forward as Adrien clawed at the sides of buildings on all fours, flipping around in midair to catch up. The euphoria of absolute freedom rushed through them both as they dashed across the metropolitan terrain, red and blue lights flashing in the distance. Ladybug zipped past Chat as he extended his baton, leaping across the gap of two rooftops to meet her pace. She led herself slide across the brick wall as he threw himself into the air, only to be met with her flying by his side barely a moment later.

The police cars were closer now, and something was glowing a bright orange at the edge of their vision, just before the skyline. Ladybug felt exhilarated, adrenaline coursing through her veins as Adrien’s grin widened, her own rushing to match him. Here, in this fleeting moment of dashing across the city to help people in need with Chat Noir at her side, Marinette finally felt whole. This is what she was meant to do, what the mantle of Ladybug means to her. It’s thrilling, freeing, it’s Miraculous! It’s her life’s purpose. Chat jumps a rooftop ahead of her, pausing to check the scene unfolding below. She sees the back of Adrien’s neck tilt ever so slightly as his night vision adjusts to the sudden light…and then he freezes up, shoulders stiffening like a statue even as Ladybug is mid-jump, eyes meeting the recipient of his gaze…

Marinette Dupain Cheng feels a wave of scorching heat blast into her, but even then, she can’t bring herself to move, body refusing to follow the basic instinct to go help. People need her help! There’s a fire, she thinks as her brain numbs, thought slowing down to a grinding halt as Ladybug suddenly falls to her knees at the sight. The flames lick at wooden walls, a blazing orange coloring the night sky in arrogance and pride she’s come to know all too well, the blinding lights flickering in her vision with a superficial smile she’s come to truly hate. A whiff of smoke goes through her nostrils, and Marinette thinks something must be burning. Chat roughly shakes her shoulder, causing Ladybug to see again- there’s a fire. The familiar outline of building she doesn’t know; a place Samantha Fae has never been in and only vaguely heard of…is covered in a raging inferno of jealousy and malice.

The flames scald the walls of her old home as Ladybug feels the sparks slowly creep up her back like hateful glares. Not wasting time, she jumps down, crashing into the pavement below hard enough to crack stone tiles as Chat Noir lands nearby with a panicked look in his eyes. Police officers surround them, and one even tries to get a word in, but Marinette just motions for Adrien to take the back as she leaps back in the air, swinging on the chimney and then retracting it to shatter the skylight with a flick of the wrist. Ladybug takes a deep as smoke leaks into the world…and dives into the gates of Hell.


Gabriel Agreste leaned back in his seat as the limo drove forward, barely able to flinch without feeling exhausted. Ever last muscle in his body hurt, and his head felt like it had been split open with a pneumatic drill. Ah…reminded him of the good old days, living in a cramped apartment in downtown London for that acting gig Emilie took a few months after they met. It was then he’d first met Amelie Graham De Vanily, stupidly confusing the woman for her sister. But clearly, a slightly different shade of blonde hair and green eyes should have made it blindingly obvious. At least Em had helped him laugh it off, even if he’d suffered through relentless teasing for years afterwards.

A soft, uncharacteristically gentle smile etched itself on his face, Nathalie’s hand brushing his shoulder as she leaned against the window, sound asleep. The air felt warmer, the calming rays of a moonlight sky ebbed and flowed amongst the stars, his Miraculous glimmered with an easy quiet and the remnants of Adrien’s feelings, safety wrapping around Gabriel’s mind like a heavy blanket, lulling him to peace. By all means, he should be panicked. Today…in the morning, it was certain his hatred for yesterday would reinvigorate, coming back to haunt the cursed concept with a scalding vengeance…but right now, Hawkmoth was too tired to care.

Emilie’s smile flashed in his vision, bright and sunny as it always was, lighting up his whole world with ecstasy and gentle laughter. …God, his jokes had always been so horrible. How did she ever stand to hear them? A true angel, his darling wife, to put up with all of his shenanigans. Today especially, he’d quite shamelessly outdone himself with all these theatrics. Perhaps it was time to let go of the drama, just this once. He owed Amelie an apology, didn’t he? Hadn’t Gabriel done something he should be sorry for? Amidst this gentle warmth permeating the air, Hawkmoth couldn’t bring himself to think, and for the first time in an age, his mind stopped buzzing with meaningless white noise, thoughts that weren’t his own.

Ever so slowly the sounds left him be, and Gabriel felt himself bask in the rays of Emilie’s smile. Something else flickered in his vision for but a moment, and then another flash of blue and red, just in front of him. Then…the hairs on his neck’s back suddenly raised themselves to full height, and Gabriel registered a presence at his side. A slight chill slithered in his bubble of comfort, like a snake in the night, but it was gone a moment later, lost to the gentle breeze.

“Monsieur Agreste? Sir, we’re here?”, a questioning voice snapped Gabriel back to reality, and he scowled, slowly opening his eyes. A young face looked at him from the driver’s seat, one of the retainers miss Bourgeois had hired to transport guests to and from the…event, he would call it. Any other name brought the loud buzzing back, and nothing would ruin this blissful peace.

“Oh, yes of course!”, Gabriel acknowledged, forcing the usual unfeeling tone on his voice, daring to move. The very thought sent a pain through his lungs, leaving him to gasp for breath, for oxygen that wouldn’t come- and then his eyes flew open, a concerned face looking at him from the front seat. Mechanically, Gabriel’s hands went to his wallet. “How- how much do I owe you?”, he asked tonelessly, willing his voice to be steady.

“Nothing sir, the costs and salaries have been covered by miss Bourgeois. If you’d agree, I think it’s time you head home.”, the voice- the boy offered, for he couldn’t be older than three decades. Still young and ignorant as to the true horrors of the world. Where Hawkmoth would have once laughed at this fool’s blindness, or even envy the lack of a terrible loss in his life, Gabriel Agreste gave a simple nod, tilting his head ever so slightly in thanks, and nudged his assistant awake.

Nathalie was practically dead on her feet as they crossed the Manor’s pearly while gates, metal bars slamming behind them in a cacophony of grinding silver, and Gabriel could almost swear he heard an annoyed growl from outside. It took his addled brain a moment to remember that Shadowmoth must still be prowling about, and the chill ran down his spine again as a bird squawked from somewhere in the darkness. Right… perhaps locking the windows wasn’t so paranoid after all, despite what Mayura seemed to think.

Large wooden doors were pushed open with inhuman strength as he half-carried Nathalie inside, stumbling up the first staircase to reach the nearest couch. In this moment between awareness and lethargy, poise and manners were not things Gabriel cared for, even if he’d regret it in the morning. Surely Amelie would chastise him, as she so often did when he made Emilie flush with fond embarrassment. Surely…surely his angel wouldn’t mind the mess, just this once. She was too kind to judge him for any mistake, more caring than he ever really deserved. She was loving, gentle, always so very soft in her demeanor…Emilie was-

Gabriel!”, a seething voice barked from the dinner table, and he turned to see- …oh, she was upset with him. Of course, he’d made a mess of himself, dragged Nathalie outside for- for-

Amelie Graham De Vanily jumped from her seat, predatory eyes scanning every inch of him, for weaknesses most likely. Hawkmoth immediately straightened his spine, hollow cheeks and sunken eyes returning to stoic indifference as exhaustion was pushed back in favor of survival. Nathalie seemed to snap herself awake at the screaming, and he saw Mayura stand beside him from the corner of his foggy blue eyes.

“Amelie.”, he said to her, sparing a glance at Felix. The boy was sitting at the dinner table, an empty teacup in front of him, and he was watching with poorly concealed interest. Of course, his mannerisms and body language revealed nothing, but there was no hiding from Gabriel’s power.

“Where the hell have you both been?”, she asked in a scalding tone, almost melting Hawkmoth’s cold indifference with that look of sheer hatred. Oh, what a wonderful Akuma she would- no. No, she would not. Because he told Nathalie he was going to stop. Because Nooroo had smiled so widely at him, truly proud as Gabriel made promises to Emilie. …because the Miraculous was broken, and he could not use it without burning for his sins.

Nathalie straightened the glasses on her nose, shifting her exoskeleton to get better footing on the marble floor. “The event ran later than expected.”, she answered without a hint of emotion in her tone, but Hawkmoth could tell. He always knew when Mayura got defensive…ever since Nathalie had started chastising him, what felt like an eternity ago. “We just returned, as you can see.”

The cold indifference brought a scowl so intense to Amelie’s face, Gabriel genuinely worried she might try to murder him with the nearest sharp object. As her eyes gleamed on the butter knife innocently laying on the dinner table in a small plate, empty for all but a few crumbs… Hawkmoth flexed his wrist, unconsciously reaching for a cane that wasn’t there. Still, it would be easy, so very simply to cry out the words and run her through should the worst come to pass. He could just let his blade sink right into unprotected skin, through lean muscle and-

“Like you did to the girl?”, a voice boomed in his head as shadows suddenly filled Gabriel’s vision, dark spots blocking out all light. For a moment, he could see the monster. Shadowmoth stood right behind Amelie, cane carelessly inching to the woman’s neck, the blonde herself completely unaware.

Felix slowly rose from his seat, stepping closer. “Uncle, if I may…”, he perked up, voice respectful and calm, hiding anger and fury behind a pair of dark eyes. “Where might my cousin be?”, came the question, and Gabriel’s skull throbbed with agony.

A cackle erupted, splitting his ears in half as Shadowmoth suddenly moved. Gabriel felt time grind to a halt, his muscles desperately trying to act as Amelie kept looking at him, right through the silver mask. Could she see him? Did she know? Why wasn’t she dodging the strike? It was going to- Emilie’s face suddenly flashed in his weak vision, blurry and unfocused, but there. She was right here! With him! He- he had to- Adrien! Adrien needed to see her! Hawkmoth felt himself take a step, the traitorous ground underneath slipping away as he stumbled, the bloody cane almost reaching Amelie-

“Gabriel!”, Nathalie’s worried voice shatters the visage, and Emilie vanishes along with the monster. Shadowmoth explodes in a puff of abyssal smoke, Mayura’s glimmering pink eyes being enough to drive him away, and he feels a sharp pain on his knee. Blinking slowly, Gabriel registers that he’s fallen over, and Hawkmoth picks himself up with the utmost grace, showing nothing except an amused smile with all too many teeth.

His faithful assistant sighs deeply, needlessly helping the man straighten his back as two blonde forms -one tall and one short- back away to give them space. The room is spinning, and the chill is back, hissing in his ear like a vile snake. Shaking the thought away, Hawkmoth turns to face Mayura. “Nathalie, I’ll be in my atelier. I would hope that no one disturbs me.”, he hisses out, tone overly harsh and caustic, but something inside of Gabriel hurts so badly that Nathalie’s worried expression is rendered meaningless.

With a quick dash, the doors close and lock behind him, the elevator buttons are swiftly pressed, and the safety of his lair greets Hawkmoth’s tired eyes. The overhead lights are lowered with but a wave of the hand, and Nooroo floats around him as Gabriel breathes deeply, trying to fill his lungs with something that didn’t feel like dark smoke. How did none of them see it? Quivering legs barely manage supporting the man’s weight, and soon he falls to his knees, crying out in pain.

Foggy grey eyes look up to see a pair of tormented blue reflecting off the glass, Emilie’s visage still inside the pod. Gabriel supports himself on the metallic contraption, and slowly blinks at her. For a moment- just the sliver of a second, he was staring right into Ladybug’s soul again, haunted steps sounding behind him, only muffled by the dry grass. What has he done? The girl looked so desperate, so broken her heart lay barren, nearly beyond repair even with these miracles and magic…and he had let the chance slip him by, out of stubbornness. With her help, maybe he would have fixed Nooroo’s jewel. If only he’d told her, maybe Ladybug’s eyes wouldn’t have mirrored his own from so long ago, when he entered a bedroom to find his wife laying comatose, a peaceful smile etched on her face.

Gabriel blinks again, seeing his own shinning blue gazing back at him. There’s a flash of light, and Marinette Dupain Cheng looks at her murderer with such kindness, it reminds Hawkmoth of his son. In his mind’s eye, it’s obvious enough to physically hurt him. Two golden heartstrings intertwining to shine brighter than ever before…and then one is snapped, with his cane and Shadowmoth’s gleeful smile as the culprits. Just now, he contemplated- well, no. No, of course not. That’s- that’s not who Gabriel was! He would never!

Or at least…Nathalie used to think so. It was so hard to believe it, but just six months ago she had looked at him so very gently, lovingly almost, stood at his side through sickness and depression, no matter that health and joy never spared them a glace in so many years. It was almost a vow, to support each other at all costs, to put this family back together again. And when the opportunity finally presented itself…it was Gabriel who failed them. For the umpteenth time, he was the weak link, the broken part in this chain of agony that led everyone down an ouroboros of nightmares…and by God, he couldn’t stop!

Even in the beginning, he had always been the weak one, the person to drag their trio through the mud for the sake of pride. Back in London, when he’d first met Amelie and after she tentatively forgave him for the misunderstanding, more embarrassed than she was upset with him…Gabriel had met Emilie’s father. The most imposing, terrifying man he had ever seen, who tore right through his soul, right along with demands for his name and occupation. How dare he set eyes on his daughter, an esteemed member of high society, with nothing but an empty wallet and a dream to his name? Emilie had jumped to his defense that day, he even faintly recalled Amelie supporting her sister…but the words struck true. And after that…

“Gabriel, please, come out of that stuffy office for once.”, Emilie’s voice gently coaxes him, trying to mask concern as her eyes shine in the fading sunlight. His office is small, barren except a desk and papers and thrown around everywhere, scattered and abandoned designs littering the room. “I’m worried about you, please, let me help!”, she begs him as he keeps his eyes glued to the sketch in front of him. He has to make this, he needs to! How else will they pay their bills this month, does she think their big break is going to land right on their laps? “Gabriel! Why aren’t you listening to me!”

“Can’t you see I’m working?”, he barks at her, voice booming so strongly it made their fragile doorframe shake. The pen, a gift from Audrey as a graduation farewell, a promise of sorts to meet again when they’d both made it as names in the industry…it snapped in his hand, and that was the first time Emilie Graham De Vanily looked to her boyfriend in fear.

He could feel it washing over her form, but then her sunny smile came right back, practiced and perfect as was excepted. She blinked once, and then promptly ignored the entire incident as if it never happened. When the apology died in his throat, Emilie slowly turned to leave, and Gabriel nearly tripped over himself by trying to follow, managing to place his clean hand on her shoulder before the creaky old door slammed shut.

“I- I… I’m sorry, Em. You’re right, I shouldn’t have yelled.”, he manages to say, breathing sharply. Emilie looks at him, completely silent. The smile remained, as if expertly stitched on her face, never even flinching. Then, she blinked again, seeing the hurt in his eyes. Ever so slowly, she registered he wasn’t going to hurt her…and let herself cry.

“…you sounded like my father.” The words are simple, easy to understand. Grammatically correct, as logical as can be. And yet his brain freezes as a terrible feeling suddenly strikes Gabriel, guilt slamming directly into his gut. “I hate my father!”, Emilie screams, even if it’s only them who will hear. Nathalie is out, he thinks. For groceries, maybe still at the accounting office. His girlfriend slams a hand over her mouth, eyes darting around as if the dreaded man would appear behind her, clutching at Gabriel’s shirt with so much horror his whole body shivered…and then Emilie was gently wrapping her arms around him, so desperate for warmth she didn’t care for the ink staining her blouse.

“I hate him too.”, he admits. To himself or to her, Gabriel doesn’t know. But it’s in that moment, surrounded by darkness except feeling rays of a faint dusk and a cold, terrifying and quivering Emilie Agreste in his arms that he swears to them both. On his name as a hero of Light, he would steal her away back to France and fill her life so much warmth and love that his wife-to-be would never be afraid again!

And yet…it had only been a matter of time, as with most illnesses. The sickness had crept up in his weakest moments, when Gabriel locked himself behind marble walls and tall doors in a cold, empty and lifeless atelier that he finally succumbed. Perhaps the old saying was true after all. Emilie had often -jokingly or otherwise- called him her hero, as his namesake once was. But just as he brought light to her life, the Lightbringer was the one to fall the hardest, damned to burn for all eternity. Now, kneeling in front of his wife’s body, Gabriel could finally ask himself the horrid question. Was any wonder he’d ended up worse than the man he’d so feared in his youth? Live long enough, some would say…and see yourself become your own worst nightmare.

Why would Adrien not despise him, as Emilie had fiercely hated her father? Gabriel…Gabriel Agreste had become far worse than the old bastard could ever dream of. He’d hurt his own son. If absolute hatred was what his angel had felt for him…then Emilie would never forgive her husband. He was pathetic, useless, weak. Gabriel Agreste didn’t deserve to exist! It- it wasn’t safe with Nathalie just a few floors above! He’d hurt her, he’d kill her just like- …Marinette Dupain Cheng. Adrien’s best friend, his soulmate was dead. And it was not Shadowmoth to do the deed. No, that fiend was but a mask, an excuse. In truth…he killed that girl, as senselessly and shamelessly as he had terrified Emilie so many years ago. Gabriel Agreste…was a murderer. And he’d killed them both.

Something purple enters his vision, but with eyes blurred and tears staining the glass, and immediately the color feels vaguely familiar. He…he knows it, somehow. No- no. Purple is him, in way Gabriel’s addled mind can’t comprehend. He eyes the silvery reflection of his face on the metal, almost like a mask on his face…and Gabriel’s lips move on their own, chanting words of empowerment, a phrase that gives him power, grants him control! Dark wings rise all around him, a shocked scream coming from the purple blur as the silver patterns form on his face, hiding shame and guilt, showing only ambition! A cane forms in his right hand, and Gabriel twists his wrist to grasp the middle, using it to steady his quivering legs. Finally, he can feel the darkness coursing through his veins again! The sheer strength it gives him is downright intoxicating! What was he ever afraid of? He’s unbeatable here! He’s a king! At long last, he’s back-


There is no other word. Gabriel is suddenly slammed back into his own body as his blood explodes, the inferno boiling his veins and charring the final strings of humanity in his poisoned heart- Hawkmoth’s whole body is doused is purple fire as it erupts from within him, forcing a strangled scream out of the man’s throat. It hurts him beyond the physical, starting to spread to every good memory he’s ever had…and Gabriel Agreste can only feel the tears evaporating on his skin as Emilie’s cries for help split his soul apart. His eyes frantically dart around the room, falling on the river below…and the deep waters stare back in a tortured blue as he heaves himself over the railing, falling into the abyss.


Felix couldn’t manage to hide his flinch as the Atelier doors slammed shut, an involuntary shudder running down his spine.  Amelie gently tapped on this shoulder, a rhythmic flick of the finger that seemed to halt the tremble, and Nathalie could only shift her gaze to the doors, eyes filled with worry about the man hiding behind them. She’d known that Gabriel was hit hard by everything that happened today…but so was everyone. Even with her abilities not being as great, Duusu’s lingering power still nested deep in Nathalie Sancoeur’s soul, and the grief which had nearly drowned her old friend tonight…she struggled to keep her own head above the surface.

Amelie takes a deep, shaky breath, trying to hold the old nightmares at bay. Her dark green eyes flash with a mischievous glint Nathalie knows all too well- but there’s something different than what she remembers. Where Emilie’s eyes were bright, brilliant and lit up with energy when excitement washed over her, Amelie’s felt almost menacing, her glare seeming like a dagger sinking into Nathalie’s heart. The blonde woman’s look mirrors Gabriel’s far too closely for comfort, the spark of determination peeking through a mask of prim politeness, but instead of fanning it into a dangerous inferno, Amelie lets it flicker and fade, still gently smiling as if it had never been there.

A tense silence descends upon them, physical enough for Mayura’s fan to slice in half. Felix is the first to break it by taking a step forward, the sound of a sole making contact with the pristine marble floors reverberating through the empty, freezing halls of the Agreste Manor. For a moment, Nathalie looks down on herself, shivering at the sudden chill that permeates the air. “…is uncle Gabriel always like that?”, Felix asks in a flawless imitation of innocence and worry, but Amelie’s eyes flash with amusement at the question.

Mayura blinks until the dark spots in her vision fade, cold breeze receding into the depths of her heart where it belongs. A wave of fatigue comes to replace it, but she holds firm, spine straight and face expressionless. “He doesn’t take well to negative emotions. Gabriel…rarely deals well with loss…”, Nathalie manages to say in that lifeless tone that has come to define her in the perception of many, in unwavering support of her old friend.

The blonde’s face morphs into an annoyed scowl. “Isn’t it a man’s job to know how? Why is he making it our problem?”, Felix asks harshly, but his voice has gone cold, muscles moving to open the boy’s mouth like puppet strings, forcing to speak words that aren’t his own.

Amelie snaps her head to look him in the eye, ever so gently placing a hand on his shoulder even as Felix flinches again, but warmth is as fleeting as the flap of a butterfly’s wings. Nathalie takes a small step back, relying on her exoskeleton to keep her quivering legs upright. The boy looks down to the floor, seeming to mull the words over as he falls into silence. Amelie turns to face her, eyes glimmering with anger but flashing a miniscule apology, so quick to vanish that Nathalie barely caught it. “Gabriel can deal with this himself, surely?”, comes the question, the implication of what the man might be about to do. She shakes her head at the noblewoman in nothing except the firmest of denial.

Her breath hitches for just a moment, but it’s enough to make her defense crumble even as the words feel steady and strong. “Monsieur Agreste is entitled to his privacy, as we all are. And Adrien is upstairs, most likely sleeping. You must have simply missed his return.”, Nathalie affirms in a cold, clinical tone. Amelie meets her gaze, and with a quick narrowing of the eyes, shatters her mask.

“Enough!”, the woman explodes in anger, any hint of politeness vanishing as she stomps over to the assistant, forcing Nathalie to take another step back. “I refuse to let Adrien stay in your hands any longer! I’ve seen all I need to! If this is what Gabriel is like when thriving on the pain of others, I’m scared to think what a bad day might be for my nephew!”, Amelie screams at her, relentless and unyielding, powerful enough to stab right through Nathalie’s defenses and leave her falling to the floor.

“I- Please, you must listen-”, Mayura tries to say to tell her that Adrien is safe, that she will take care of him no matter what- but Amelie only stands tall, towering over the assistant’s form.

“He and Felix are all I have! And now- now Gabriel thinks he can-”, the words get caught in her throat, Amelie’s legs begin to shake as Felix rushes to her side, helping her sit down next to Nathalie. Reluctantly, he mimics her, shooting the marble floor a look of distrust.

Only after seeing the first tear fall does Mayura understand, and Nathalie decides to take a risk. Ever so gently, she raises her arm to tap Amelie’s shoulder, rhythmically tapping as she’d seen before…and platinum strands of hair are brushed aside by Felix’s hand as her eyes widen in surprise. “I- …I’m sorry.”, the blonde croaks out, throat dry and eyes glimmering with pain.

Nathalie’s muscles slowly relax as she dares to inch forward, wrapping the other woman in a soft embrace. Felix does not join them, instead standing guard over his mother, fists clenching hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. “Gabriel…”, Nathalie tries, but the name only sends another chill down her spine. “…he’s not.”, she affirms instead, realizing what Amelie had perceived. “Ever since miss Dupain Cheng’s…suicide, Gabriel has been unwell. Due to his skillset, he feels thing very intensely, and the mental condition is similar to your husband’s physical one. He’s trying, Amelie.”, she says, voice carrying everything Mayura has ever believed in, fond memories, gentle smiles shared between a couple that broke her heart with every breath they took, her very hopes that by God, Gabriel is trying to be better. That someday…things might just be alright.

Amelie’s shoulders stiffen, understanding wisping around her trembling form as she takes a shaky breath, and ever so slowly meets Nathalie’s gaze. The eyes she stares into leave a wounded soul laid bare for her to examine, and there’s not a hint of malice to be found, not a trace of the falsehoods she’d suspected her once friend of…but it doesn’t soothe her worried mind. As Felix looks at them both with a critical eye, she accepts her son’s helping hand, standing back on her feet. Nathalie lets out a sigh of relief, moving herself so she can use the nearest wall for support…when Amelie extends a hand to the assistant, face purposely blank.

Stunned, Nathalie reaches to take it…and to her surprise, to holds firm as she gets back on her feet, Felix still standing at his mother’s side. From just his presence she can tell the boy wants nothing more than to cling to Amelie like a lifeline and never let go, and so Nathalie steadies herself, taking a step back to give them space. Dark green eyes examine her again, and Amelie lets out a sigh of her own. “Is he safe?”, she asks, voice betraying exhaustion more so than the subtle flitch of her fingers reveals frayed nerves.

Nathalie only nods, but it’s enough. Adrien is safe, despite which corner of the city Chat Noir has chosen to rest in. He has someone that will look over and care for him far better than a heartless woman like her ever could, and the conviction is evident on her face as she turns away, aiming for her bedroom. Amelie doesn’t object, simply lets her go and gently takes Felix’s hand as they move to theirs, to rest and recuperate for what is to come. In the Agreste Manor, their microcosm is by no means okay, nor are the inhabitants, but the tentative peace is enough, and that’s far more than Nathalie Sancoeur could ever deserve. 


The exoskeleton creeks with much the same exhaustion as her frail bones by the time she collapses on her bed, letting the bedroom door slam itself shut. Nathalie finally lets herself breathe, the tension that was slowly eroding her muscles receding, leaving her barely able to move, but still here. Nothing else mattered except her continued presence, her unwavering support to Adrien and Gabriel. Admittedly the former probably didn’t need her help, being a superhero with a partner who held a heart as golden as his own. Despite being useless to him, Adrien still seemed to enjoy talking with her, and that was reason enough to keep spending time with him. As for the latter…

Her shallow, cold and lifeless heart had dared to beat for Gabriel Agreste so very long ago, when they were still young and foolish, with the world as their oyster and the promise of adventure beckoning them forward. Nathalie Sancoeur had never felt before, not in the sense most people would understand. She didn’t like thinking about them…but her family had raised her to be successful, not emotional. Feelings had no place in a life of constant struggle, be it against the relentless caustic remarks of her peers or the scalding glares of disappointment that would be cast her way every so often, a bitter reminder that Nathalie was never enough. And the words hurt, burning her core and leaving her without any more tears to cry, so Nathalie had turned her heart to an icy tundra, where flames would never show again. In hindsight it was almost logical, just how quickly she’d attached herself to the first two people who ever showed her the slightest bit of kindness. The cold would bite at her too, and Emilie’s warmth was just so alluring, Gabriel’s smile ever so bright…

The studio was tiny, with barely any room for the filming set, much less a workspace for her. The director simply showed her a tiny cramped corner with a desk and a stack of papers, cheerily directing Nathalie to her new workspace. She didn’t bother masking her sigh, but the young man looked genuinely apologetic for it. In truth, maybe this wasn’t such a bad thing, for her to be out of the way like this. No windows near her, but she preferred it this way. Letting out another small sigh, Nathalie sat herself down on the rickety wooden chair, and got to work.

Papers came and went, calculations were completed precisely and efficiently as was her nature, and there wasn’t a window in sight. Good. London was a rainy, gloomy metropolis with about as much life as a slowly wilting flower. The people here had long gotten used to the lack of sunlight, and yet every time a golden ray broke through the heavy silver clouds they all turned to look, desperately reaching for the light even as they kept going about their daily business. It reminded her too much of home, the atmosphere always stuffy and wet, the crushing reality of routine weighing on her back, the sky tearing itself apart with storms more often than not…

But it had been Emilie’s idea to come here, see if they could find work for an independent filmmaker somewhere in England. Admittedly, her dear friend had also confessed to missing her sister, and so off they were, packing their bags and heading straight across the La Manche in a brand-new adventure…only to arrive soggy, wet, and still very much broke. Nathalie had told them both that she’d found an accounting job in an office building nearby, when in reality her application had been sent straight to this tiny studio, the same place Gabriel and Emilie were due to start working at in just a few short days. Considering the director himself was aloof and more than likely horrible with financial management, avoiding a budget overflow was the reason for her being hired a couple days early, but Nathalie wouldn’t complain.

London might be wet, cramped, stuffy, uncomfortable and downright depressing, with everyone always searching for the sun, but that spark of joy in her best friend’s eyes was all the warmth Nathalie Sancoeur needed to keep herself alive. Emilie Graham De Vanily was her one and only friend before they met Gabriel in France just a short four years ago, and the then young and near-broke college student had not disappointed, perplexingly enough. She still remembers the first time the blonde girl walked up to her on campus, a brilliant smile shinning on her face. Emilie was beautiful, in a way Nathalie could never be. She’d known ever since that first day…and bumping into Gabriel only reaffirmed her suspicions.

It had barely been a month of study, on her part relentless and unstoppable, on Emilie’s…not so much. The girl who just so happened to be her campus dorm roommate was exactly the kind of person Nathalie Sancoeur had despised all her life, with a freezing glare and icy fury that ran deeper than any flaming hatred could ever muster. She’d seen them all her life, these aloof, brainless people. Always looking at her, muttering things when they thought she wouldn’t hear, spreading childish rumors as soon as they realized she would grow to be more successful than them…hanging out in groups, laughing and smiling all the while as she was tossed to the sidelines, only meant to quietly observe the joy she could never have. Because she was Nathalie Sancoeur, the heartless girl with a glare like icy that never made time for anyone and anything

Or at least, never before. The sentiment had crept up on her somewhat, originally due to Emilie’s determination. By all logic, the girl shouldn’t have wasted her time on an antisocial creep who hadn’t smiled a day in her life. And yet, the blonde always wore a sunny smile no matter the occasion, and unlike some people, never pushed her beyond that which was comfortable. Every day for a month straight, they would both wake up in time for their classes, finance and acting respectively, and eat breakfast together. The first time had only been a fluke on Nathalie’s part, having accidentally woken Emilie half an hour before the girl’s alarm was meant to ring, but the blonde didn’t complain. On the contrary, she smiled at her with that gleaming bright gold, looking radiant despite her messed up hair and rushed to get ready.

There wasn’t much to think about the matter, she’d rationalized that morning. No doubt Emilie had thought a few choice words at losing sleep because of her, and Nathalie was well-aware that her ire was deserved. After all, she’d made the mistake, most likely ruined her roommate’s day by forcing her to wake up earlier, but not so early that she would be able to go back to sleep without risking being late. No doubt Emilie hated her, and that was just fine with Nathalie. So long as she made no further fuss, they could both go about their lives with no issue, graduate and move down different roads, never to see each other again. Nathalie Sancoeur walked into their small kitchenette at the crack of dawn expecting an angry or at least grumpy girl to greet her…only to see Emilie casually making an omelet for breakfast and happily offering her a portion.

Her wide smile was so disarming that Nathalie accidentally agreed before coming back to her senses, yet didn’t take a single bite before the blonde had eaten enough to ensure it was safe. Wouldn’t be the first time someone thought to make a fool of her…but the girl said nothing, not even any pleasantries. The rest of their day passed by with little interaction, just a cheery greeting from the blonde as she walked in their shared space to find Nathalie annotating the first chapter of her book. No, the real surprise came next morning, when Emilie’s alarm clock rang exactly in tune with her own, the sounds being so in-sync she almost didn’t differentiate between them, half-asleep as she was.

Again, Nathalie rose from her bed, mentally preparing to focus on her upcoming lectures, going about her morning routine and very much ignoring her roommate as Emilie walked past her and to the kitchenette. When she entered it, the blonde was again making breakfast with that same smile brightening the room, and Nathalie carefully sat as a plate of pancakes was placed in front of her, shooting it a wary look. Emilie took the chair across from her, casually digging into her creation. When met with a raised eyebrow, she gently set her fork down, barely managing not to giggle.

“What?”, she had the gal to feign innocence, even raising her hands in a mock-surrender.

Nathalie glared at her. “Why are you doing this?”, she asked coldly, her tone almost clinical as she examined the blonde.

Emilie frowned in confusion, looking back at her with fairly good acting skill. “Why wouldn’t I?”, came the question, to which she received another look. “Well-”, she stammered, “if we’re going to live together, then we might as well get to know each other, right? Breakfast is as good a time as any!”, she cheered, and Nathalie could sense the underlying offer.

“I have no interest in making friends.”, she said calmly, trying not to scoff. “My only goal is academic success, and then you’ll never see me again.” The corner of Emilie’s mouth twitched, eyes looking down at her plate in sadness. “Please don’t speak to me so early.”, Nathalie asks of her, and the other girl falls silent, smile gone from her face. They go about their day with a tension in the air, but there is no further conversation.

Since that day, it had become a routine of sorts. Emilie would wake up with her and make some sort of breakfast, ranging from English toast to waffles to scrambled eggs and quietly eating with her, never breaking the boundary Nathalie had insisted upon. Oddly enough, it seemed the blonde had taken her request to heart, only giving her sunny smiles in the morning, never uttering a single word until they both returned home to recuperate from lectures and the like. Then, Emilie would drag her away from notes and piles of books to sit on the couch and talk about their respective day, her eyes shinning a mesmerizing green that completely blindsided her that same day as their last breakfast talk, leading to Nathalie only agreeing as a silent apology.

Not once had Emilie ever broken their informal schedule, not for anything or anyone without exception. The singular time Nathalie had happened upon her roommate outside their small apartment, a few girls from her acting class were asking her to go with them for drinks, and the blonde had gently but soundly turned them down, claiming assignments and study were to take place this afternoon. And yet, she’d spent a whole three hours excitedly talking to Nathalie, not so much as a care in her mind about the things she should be doing instead of wasting time with her. But…the one time Emilie was late, something inside of Nathalie Sancoeur’s hollow heart echoed in the abyss that others may call a soul. A tiny, near-imperceivable note of loneliness sounded in the empty space, and through her chest, uselessly reverberating from the four walls surrounding her.

That day did not let up with surprises, but this was a far more pleasant experience. Emilie did return just half an hour after her usual timeframe, and brought with her a bashful blonde boy who’d been caught out in the rain. She explained the situation, citing that she’d offered him her umbrella, what with her dorm being only a few minutes of walking, but the boy had sternly refused, more worried about her dress than he was catching a cold. On total accident, their fingers happened to touch when he handed it back to Emilie, her soft hand lingering just a moment longer than normal. Embarrassed and frightened to be in the presence of two strange girls he didn’t know, Gabriel Agreste introduced himself to Emilie Graham De Vanily and Nathalie Sancoeur that afternoon, with the rain pouring down on their building and her friend-to-be crashing on the couch, blacking out in exhaustion.

…her mother used to say that rain was just the world’s way of weeping, that sometimes even those high above needed to cry, always emphasizing that it was perfectly okay. Nathalie never knew why her mother insisted so, but maybe the woman had been right after all. She would never know it until a wedding ceremony in the far future, but that night had been when she lost her best friend. Or rather…when Emilie promised her they would remain so, regardless of what new and interesting things their new acquaintance might bring with him. Sitting in her corner desk inside a crowded film set full of new hires, Nathalie Sancoeur spotted Gabriel taking Emilie’s measurements in a quiet spot, both of them wearing the brightest smiles she had ever seen, and her best friend’s eyes shinning with more love than Nathalie would feel. Perhaps it was then, that she finally understood. For just a moment, their residual warmth flooded her heart, but then she took a deep breath, turning it back into a lifeless tundra.

A loud sigh escaped her into the stale air, and Nathalie blinked away the dried tears in her eyes. It didn’t matter anyways, not to her. She wasn’t ever meant to have a heart, or to feel. Emilie was bright and brilliant in the best of ways, far more so than the sun could ever dare to emulate, and Gabriel had always been kind and supportive, as career-driven as she in their early years. Neither of them had ever spoken a rude word, in fact they’d helped her learn the most valuable lessons this world had to offer. Emilie had taught her kindness, empathy, how much the little things meant to people even if the one doing them may not notice it. Her best friend had always been respectful of her boundaries, yet brighter than the sun and more brilliant than even Gabriel in his designing frenzies back when he still had time to get passionate about their projects. And her second-best friend had taught her love, in the most direct and blunt way possible. It was often the case with him when they were younger, the lonely social outcast who valued honesty and was more often than not embarrassed around crowds, even when Gabriel started breaking trends and profit records. Ever the introvert, but so very passionate for the things and people he adored, always throwing himself head-first into any situation that may arise to face them.

By observing them, by basking in undeserved warmth that was never meant to be her own, Nathalie Sancoeur had finally become a person, after so many years of aimlessly wandering with but a vague goal of success in mind. Gabriel and Emilie had helped her experience life to the fullest, and taken her on the grandest of adventures, flipping her world upside down in a way very few could possibly imagine. They loved her as much as they loved each other, albeit not in the same way. And it was just fine by her, after the initial realization. Their blooming romance because another indisputable fact of life, with constant flirts and jokes that she was so generously included in more often than not, and Nathalie truly enjoyed it with all her hollow heart.

And then…Adrien Agreste came to the world. The light of Emilie’s life, the north star with which she guided herself as Nathalie and Gabriel had been guided so long ago, and they all adored him. Those early years of living in the Manor with the Agrestes, having picnics with Emilie in the gardens and fondly reminiscing about their college years, laughing about Gabriel’s embarrassing blunders and letting the unbridled joy flow freely between just the two of them…they were beyond wonderful. But passionately working on projects with Gabriel in the Atelier, watching as his eyes darted around sketches and lit up with fascinating new ideas to take the world by storm…Nathalie couldn’t lie, those times were precious as well. Life went on like that for a long time, and she’d dared to think that finally, the gates of Heaven had opened up to grant her what she’d always wanted. A loving family, amazing friends, and someone to look after.

But that was but a hopeful dream. Reality came crashing down around them all too soon, leaving those twelve years feeling awfully shorter than they had any right to be. Emilie’s eyes slowly began to dim, Gabriel’s passions sent him into panicked frenzies almost on the daily, and Adrien would sometimes sadly ask if mom was feeling better today, leaving Nathalie to mimic Emilie’s soft smile and lie to the boy’s face, telling him that yes, she’d be okay very soon, this was just a silly cold. She would never forget the day her best friend’s brilliant eyes fluttered for the last time before she entered a blissful, eternal sleep. Gabriel’s wild sobs at her bedside, her gently wrapping her arms around his shoulders, pretending to comfort him only to desperately search for warmth herself-

Maybe it was just after that, when her heart began to beat again after all these years. Thawed out and warm from living with these wonderful people for so long, Nathalie could no longer force the icy shields around herself, only able to stifle her own desperate denial when her heartstrings were torn out and harshly stomped on by reality, just as they had been for that flicker of a moment at Gabriel and Emilie’s wedding ceremony. It wasn’t right, what she had done next. In a time of weakness where her pathetic heartless self should have finally been useful…she’d abandoned Adrien as much as Gabriel had, too lost in his grief to notice the boy Emilie’s curse had left behind. Nathalie loathed to admit it, but it was in that blip, the year in-between where her fondness and admiration for Gabriel as a friend grew, flaring fading embers into a full-blown inferno her tundra struggled to combat.

Seeing time pass him by, Gabriel’s tall form turning lanky and near-sick as he threw himself into every bit of knowledge they’d collected on their travels, desperately clinging to determination and hope despite his heart bleeding more with each fruitless day, staying at his side and helping him through the motions…Gabriel trusting her enough to be vulnerable when they were alone. Maybe her reasons didn’t matter in the end, perhaps the sins she’d committed long before Mayura were always destined to bite back at her whether Nathalie liked it or not…and yet, she couldn’t help but love him, just as much as she did Emilie.

The exoskeleton detached from her legs as numb fingers worked the mechanisms, and Nathalie let herself lay on the bed, barely remembering to breathe. It- it shouldn’t matter! Why would she care if the two most brilliant people she’d ever met never had or would return her feelings? She just wasn’t special, not enough for either of them. Nathalie had no right to put her own emotions above what they’d wanted, and so she kept silent! Wasn’t that the correct option? How could she have known that this was their fate, Emilie resting in an endless sleep and Gabriel nearly losing himself to the monster of his own grief? And her…left cripped and alone the one time she tried to speak up, with her heart charred and shattered, lighting up in another hellish blaze every time she’d catch either him staring at Emilie’s portrait in the middle of the night. But…Gabriel and Adrien still needed her. She would have stayed, no matter the cost. And despite the price, Nathalie knew she couldn’t leave. Her heart had slowly filled over the years, no matter how much she pretended otherwise. And now the warmth was only acting as an unbreakable chain, shackling her to a family which as much as she.

Was this what went through Adrien’s head when he decided to stay outside tonight? Did he feel trapped and imprisoned in this house of horrors her brightest hopes had created? …would she ever be enough to help him move on? No, no of course not. Nathalie Sancoeur knew it then, in the deepest reaches of her hollow, abyssal heart, and she’s long learned her lesson now. She will never be enough, not for Gabriel to love or Adrien to trust. They had no reason to, she was simply there, in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Her heart still ached with the dying embers of a long-forgotten dream, and Nathalie closed her eyes, turning her head to place her glasses on the nightstand. Frail bones failed her, muscles contracting in pain as they slip from her grasp, falling to the cold marble floor.


Glass shatters under Ladybug’s boot, putrid black smoke filled her vision as the skylight surrenders to her body weight. The shards dig into her suit as she lands, lungs expanding to breathe in the last whisps of clean air they can before moving forward. Her body hits the blackened floorboards and she crawls to the side, slowly rising as the smoke clears from her vision. The flames are already licking at her footing, charring the floorboards and slowly setting her bedroom’s corners alight. Her eyes scan the room, seeing a familiar bed and desk, carefully examining every inch of her surroundings before determining them devoid of life. Almost on accident, something tiny flashes in her vision, reflecting what little sunlight rushes in from the opening she’d made. It’s a photograph, the frame, dented, barely holding itself upright and with the protective glass broken, revealing a sunny smile on a young raven-haired girl’s face. She blinks, realization hitting her harder than the heat wave ever could, and for a moment, Ladybug can only stare.  

Marinette feel her breath hitch, makes the mistake to gasp for air and inhales a puff of her burnt home. She’s here again, and seeing herself smile so warmly in the image, standing next to Adrien and Kagami…it’s almost enough to make Ladybug lose her balance, but she manages to force herself upright. No, no. She’s not Marinette anymore, that girl died in the cold waters of a flooding river what feels like an eternity ago. She is Ladybug, the heroine of Paris and a complete stranger, and had a job to do. This was her duty, her purpose. She wasn’t meant to be emotionally involved, and so Samantha Fae gritted her teeth, fighting back the tears that were evaporating in the corner of her eyes, and tore her gaze away from the final moment of Marinette’s happiness.

The walls weren’t bleeding ink anymore, she noted absentmindedly, her own body seeming far away as Ladybug struggled to find footing on a floor that was clearly about to collapse. Instead, sparks of hatred had began to set them alight, letting the scorched remnants of her nightmares to fall off like heavy stones, exuding an air of death that permeated every inch of this bedroom. Ladybug forced herself to shake her head and furiously blinked, snapping herself back to reality. A floorboard was set alight under her, and she jumped away, sending the offending piece of wood a harsh glare. But-

“Marinette? Come down, you’ll be late for school!”, Sabi- Mama’s voice echoed from below, gentle and loving as always. Something inside of Ladybug’s heart caught fire as she nearly fell to her knees from the shock. Why was she still here? Didn’t mom see what was happening? No, no! She needed to get down there, to save them both!

Ladybug’s foot smashed through the fickle trapdoor lock, only to barely grip its edges as an inferno was revealed below. Fires raged and scorched underneath her feet, licking at her boot with murderous glee that felt familiar, just like the caustic glares that had tormented another girl so long ago. A girl that Ladybug had never known, for Marinette was just a stranger. Nothing more, and nothing less. Her muscles strained to keep herself from falling in the blazing storm underneath, and Ladybug put pressure on her arms, heaving herself to more stable ground. Just as she was about to dive in and risk it all, parts of the ceiling crashed from above, forcing her to dive out of the way.

“Marinette? Sweetie, come on! You’ll be late!” No! No god dammit! Ladybug rushed to the trapdoor, darting through the smoke that still assaulted her lungs…only to find her path down completely blocked by debris and a mass of agonizing sparks falling on her suit. The tiny glass shards which she had ignored started to melt on her body, and Samantha couldn’t help but cry out in pain.

Pushing through it all, she swiped at the offending rubble with her yoyo, shattering what looked to be a support beam…and revealing more blockage underneath. No! She needed to get through! “…you’re able to use my powers for more than just Lucky Charm.”, Tikki voice chimed in through memory, and she felt a sudden tingle in the back of her head. Right! She- she only had to visualize it, didn’t she?

Ladybug extended her arms as close to the debris as she could without touching the flames, desperately willing herself to focus and finally be useless for once in her life! “Miraculous Ladybug!”, she cried out, blinking away the tears in her eyes as a pink vortex flew towards the rubble and then above, replacing the collapsed part of the rooftop. Just when she was about to sigh in relief, Samantha noticed the flames re-igniting at the intact wood. This was only buying time, and every second was more precious than the last!

Not wasting a moment, Ladybug dives down the staircase, crashing against the blackened floorboards and gasping for air, only for her lungs to inhale putrid smoke. She stumbles to her feet, using the burning wall as support and uncaring for the flames slowly flickering on her suit. Then- Samantha’s eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets as she stares at the bottom of the staircase, blazing inferno sizzling and raging around her. For a moment, Sabine kneels there as Tom gently plucks a knife from her hand, checking her over. Did- did Mama- and then they’re gone, fading away right before her eyes.

“No! NO! MOM! DAD!”, Marinette feels herself cry out, molten glass dripping down her suit as flames climb up her arms. “Miraculous Ladybug! Miraculous Ladybug!”, she screams, desperately trying to cast the saving grace, but the pink flash only goes to her, numbing a fraction of the pain. Why? Why! She doesn’t care if she burns here, just please, let them be okay!

“MARINETTE!”, Tom’s voice screams from the heart of the inferno, calling out in nothing less than sheer desperation as he had that night in the rain. Ladybug feels her body freeze, tries to get her muscles to move, to run, to jump, to do anything and go find Papa- only to find herself bolted to the burning floor as the fire keeps erupting anew all around her.

Samantha’s eyes dart across the room in panic, trying to find something, anything that indicates where the voice is coming from- but on all sides she’s surrounded by raging flames. Ladybug’s heart is set alight, and with every passing moment comes closer to crumbling in ashes. Then, she catches a glimpse of something beyond the wall of heat, but her legs still refuse to take a step, glass shards melting into them as pain courses through every inch of her body. Ladybug feels herself falter…and Marinette leaps into the fire, to the source of the cry.

In that split second of flight, she lies to herself. She’s Marinette again, and she can do this. She can save them! The sensation of hope dulls all the unimaginable agony of being set alight, her brain unable to even process what pain receptors say to it- and she hears the crack from above. Marinette’s head turns for that fraction of a moment, and then something crashes against her back, sending her flying directly on top of a familiar, melted couch.

She lands on a thorny surface; her ribs are stabbed into by whatever is pinned below her. Ladybug flails her arms, trying to get up, but she’s thoroughly bested by the silhouette of a support beam, mockingly grinning at her through the dark smoke. She catches a glimpse of something in the edge of her vision, charred and melted on the couch with her, like blackened bones protruding from her greatest nightmare, only now they don’t drip ink, but instead rip her apart with more physical pain. Marinette turns her head, straining her neck as she looks to the ceiling…and her eyes are only met with fire, the inferno consuming everything and coloring her iris a sickening black.

Sight is burned away from her as Ladybug lets out a silent scream, only serving to let the fire devour her lungs. Molten shards of glass burn through skin and bone as her suit begins to stick to Marinette’s body like a second skin, flames engulfing every inch and leaving the only red as her quickly-drying blood. Her insides her ignited and her very soul crumbles to a flickering ember as she screams, blind and burning to something worse than cinders. The world around her is nothing but agony, and the world itself because naught but dust. Something sharp digs into her wrist, and that final pain is all Marinette can feel before everything goes black. 


And…scene! Well, I think I traumatized myself a little with this one! …but I’m sure it’s fine! Right guys? …right? …yeah, I’m going to go lock my windows just in case. Anyways! I’m sorry for the delay and I really hope that you all enjoyed this nuclear bomb of a chapter! It took a long time to make and I’m very proud of it! Also, can I ask you all a question? I saw a lot of people asking about Marinette’s reaction to Sabine and Tom’s deaths last chapter…but she’s dead? She’s been dead since chapter 2 guys, why are you asking? (Yes, I’d love for this to be the ACOLL inside joke. Can we please troll people with the “Marinette is dead” thing?) And…uh…don’t worry about Ladybug. She’s- probably fine. Maybe, possibly. …we’ll see! Anyhow! There’re (yes this is grammatically correct, I hate it too) a few things I want to go over about the update schedule really quickly. I’m leaving the rest of this chapter up to reader interpretation, because…uh…I feel we all have a unique way of understanding stories and that should always be encouraged! Definitely the reason!

So! Updates! As you guys might have noticed, it’s been almost a month. I’m very sorry, thank you for being patient. There actually are a couple reasons for that if I’m honest. Aside from my IRL obligations keeping me busy, I also have other ideas that I really want to work on, be it Miraculous Crack or something else. My notes are full of drafts and the like, so I wanted to take my time when writing to see if any of those would be interesting and fun to write, postponing ACOLL for another week than it was meant to. In this case I ended up writing Lilanette (yes I know it’s a sin but read before you judge), but since the Reverse Special is coming out either just after or right before I post this, you can understand where my focus will be for the next month or so, surely.

All this is to say I have a lot of things to do and work on in my own life and digital world, but I will of course continue responding to every comment (every author loves getting them, thank you so much), and I’ll try to keep the ACOLL updates to around 2-4 weeks, but please don’t be surprised if one update happens to take longer. I’m focusing more on the continued quality of chapters than quantity, and given that I keep all of them at 10+ words, I like to take my time. In the lull between updates, it’s very possible I’ll upload another Miraculous fic in my “Discord-Inspired” series, if anyone is interested. Point is, ACOLL isn’t going anywhere, I fully intend to finish it, that’s simply going to take time. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to prepare myself because at least five people will try to destroy me after this chapter.

Alas, I’ll be seeing you all soon (assuming nobody gets to me in revenge of Samantha or Gabriel), but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 22: Ashen Ghosts


As Ladybug and Chat Noir rush to deal with the fire at the Dupain Cheng Bakery, police officer Roger Raincomprix is left outside, unable to help when he's most needed. As the fires consume the home of his oldest friends, Roger is forced to consider his choices and failures that have brought him to his very moment.

Gabriel Agreste opens his eyes surrounded by a dark, watery abyss, where darkness beckons for him to remain. In a moment of weakness, he's endangered everything he's been fighting against Shadowmoth to protect, and now must struggle to escape an open grave.

As Tikki and Plagg rush to try and save Ladybug's life, Adrien Agreste grapples with the notions of weakness and failure, trying to understand what it means to be strong. Helpless and alone against the world, Chat Noir examines his past to find a solution for the present. Meanwhile, the Kwami of Cretion and Destruction struggle with choosing between one human life, and possibly upsetting the very balance of the cosmos...


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to our collective pain and suffering! After last time…I’m counting myself amongst those affected by the emotional damages. But here I am, with another update! All too soon, given today’s content! …it’s Lila. It’s always Lila. Aside from the mentally unstable psychopath, Real Life has also been antagonizing me lately. Which is Not Fun ™, let me tell you. Alas, I have finally returned after watching the FNAF Movie (it was nice, I liked it), being plagued by random snippets of unwritten ideas at 3am, and also getting rid of the locks I installed after uploading the last chapter. Listen, I was better safe than sorry! I know you all love this fic, which is exactly why I don’t trust you to not pull a Lila on me for Ladybug’s…err- we all know what happened to her.

Anyways! I have another little announcement for everyone! You guys know how ACOLL is now part of a series? “A Case of Ladybug Luck and Related Works”? In case someone hasn’t noticed, yes, that exists. I’ve been thinking a bit on what exactly to add there, and at last came to a decision. It’s going to slowly be filled with non-canon bonus content for ACOLL, either AU snippets like “What if Adrien also left on the night of Mari’s death?”, or “What if the Canon Cast and ACOLL Cast interacted?”. Fun short stuff like that, probably that bloopers reel I keep joking about with my friends on Discord, just extra things about this story that don’t fit into the main canon. So yeah, I have a couple ideas on what do add, but do feel free to suggest things you want to see in the comments! Who knows, I might get an inspiring prompt and write my next great masterpiece!

Note: Also, I completely forgot to tell you all this last time, but you can find me and my Beta Reader on Discord here! (

Trigger Warnings: Near-drowning, internalized guilt, implied survivor’s guilt, self-deprecating thoughts, physical illness, mental illness, panic attacks, extreme suicidal thoughts, Main Character death, cosmic theory, visualized homicide, attempted double suicide and physical trauma. …I have no words for the emotional devastation you’re all about to experience…

And now please (for the last time in a while I promise) pick those pitchforks and torches back up for a third huzzah, because today we’re got: Gabriel getting the Chat Blanc experience, Roger’s depression, Lila singing a merry little tune (offscreen), a fading house fire, literal God, Adrien losing his catsuit, excessive rain as a plot device, and Ladybug’s charred…okay, maybe it’s better I don’t finish that sentence…
Without any further ado, let’s dive right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Roger Raincomprix felt himself stand perfectly still, shoulders stiff and eyes glued to the cracked pavement right before him. He numbly registers someone shaking him, but the man’s eyes are locked on that very spot where Ladybug landed, crashing against the stones before throwing herself into the gates of Hell. His eyes had seen her crash through Marinette’s skylight, had followed Chat Noir as he dashed to the back of the Bakery, trying to find another way in from below. For a moment, he imagined himself jumping into the inferno right behind them, but his legs were bolted to the ground, weakly quivering and barely holding his own weight.

His hands tremble, the right still grasping his gun so tightly that the knuckles have long turned white, and the left falling limp as the words die in his throat. Roger had wanted…to say…he…he didn’t know what, only that he should have said something to them. Anything. But now the heroes of Paris were gone, vanishing into smoke as the Dupain Cheng Bakery was consumed by a raging inferno. Debris had long barricaded the front entrance, before he even got there, when he was still comforting Sa- Sabrina. The mere thought of his daughter sent Roger stumbling back, away from the fire that threatened to burn the whole block to cinders.

Faintly, he registered sirens in the distance, more emergency services and the fire department mobilizing. His fellow officers had quarantined the area, bringing in sand bags to surround the building and smother any stray sparks, and an ambulance was on standby, ready to speed through the night as soon as any survivors were recovered. Red and blue lights flash in his vision, but are overcome by the all-consuming orange glow of the inferno. Roger dares to blink again, staring into the flames, watching them burn with a sickening glee…and something stares back at him.

He takes a sharp breath, and time seems to slow as fire trucks inch ever closer. They’re not fast enough. Roger knows it, in the dark depths of his soul, that small part that is always shielded by a strong sense of justice, a desire to protect. And in the greatest bloody irony, there’s nothing he can do. No investigation, no searches, no arrests. Not until the flames die out and they can secure the building, make sure it’s safe to search. Even with all the authority as Chief of Police, with all his men and their backup on the way…Roger can do nothing to save his oldest friends.

Tom and Sabine…they’d always been kind to him. He doesn’t often like to reminisce on the past, but if not for their help back when- when he was left alone to care for Sabrina, Roger doesn’t know if he would have managed. He has them to thank, and their other friends. First and foremost however, it was always the bakers who rushed to his aid whenever he needed to run errands and couldn’t watch Sabrina, going out to bring them items on his shopping lists, chipping in to help Roger cover his rent when he could barely afford his bills…the Dupain-Cheng couple was right there, as always.

They had become a constant in his life those past years, steadfast and loyal friends who greeted every day with a smile, putting their best foot forward and shinning brighter than the sun with every step. In truth, that unrelenting optimism was what finally convinced him that he could do this, that things would be okay. And so, Roger returned to the force after taking up every last day of leave their department was legally allowed to give him, and his life took a turn for the better. Sabrina had never wanted for much, even as a child. Maybe…maybe that also helped, that the only thing she’d ever asked of him was to be there.

In the end…Roger had lied to himself. Despite holding onto his job like a lifeline, managing a promotion to lieutenant and then Captain just two short years ago, he failed as a parent. It was an old realization, a gnawing pain that still bit out chunks of his heart whenever he sat on the thought for too long. Because his sweet, loving daughter had gotten mixed up with Chloe Bourgeois. Sabrina had come home crying to him months ago, practically bashing down the door and shivering as he hugged her tightly, asking what was wrong. It was almost miraculous that Shadowmoth didn’t send out another of wretched Akuma, but…things hadn’t gotten any better for them since then.

Roger hadn’t quite seen it, these past few years. Sabrina had started to spend more time with Chloe, her best friend who his daughter only ever had good things to say about. Admittedly, he’d had his doubts after seeing the heiress in action, but considering her father had also promoted him that very day…Roger quietly excused himself for not dwelling on the circumstances of his Akumatization. The only other person Sabrina spoke of with any kind of reverence was Marinette, and just once, on a night a few weeks before, when they were partnered for a science project of some kind. Looking back, it should have been obvious that his daughter had a very unhealthy relationship with Andre’s kid. Always prioritizing Chloe over herself, available at every possible time of the day, and the night if need be. And…it was mostly Roger’s fault.

Not only would it have been his responsibility to spot the signs and talk to his daughter, but it was his very life motto that had doomed Sabrina to practically slave away in a vain hunt for happiness. Always remember, the greatest good you can do in this world is help those around you. …what a sick, terrible joke. Her mother had always held it close to heart, and despite his youthful pessimism Roger himself had come to believe that as an officer, it was his purpose to help others, to shield and protect. But…he had proved himself useless when it came to saving people, again and again. Sabrina had lost her mother because he hadn’t been fast enough. Tom and Sabine lost their daughter because he never found her. And now…he had lost his oldest friends, all because he arrived a few minutes too late.

In his heart, throbbing with pain as it was, Roger couldn’t find a way to blame anyone else. Not Chloe for being a spoiled troublemaker, not Sabrina for never setting the proper boundaries, not Sabine and Tom for…whatever caused this. For all he knew, it could have been the fucking stove! It…it was his fault. Roger was the negligent parent who never saw his daughter struggle, the coward who didn’t dare speak with Andre on how Chloe acted, the idiot who hadn’t offered to drive them home, or made sure his friends were alright.

Seconds felt like hours as the flames crackled in front of him, still giving that sadistic, scalding grin every time his eyes looked into the inferno unfolding before them all. Time itself seemed to still as his officers worked away to secure the scene, the fire department rushed to set up their hydrants and hoses, another ambulance came in, exactly as he’d ordered. In the back of his head, Roger heard the soft click of levels being pulled, but just before the water could rush out to smother this horrible nightmare, the ground shook.

Even through the hellfire in front of them, Roger and his officers clearly saw abyssal cracks running over the flaming building, and then the Bakery shattered. Walls exploded in debris that crumpled to dust before so much as flying in the air, support beams faded way before their very eyes, and a pile of rubble was disintegrated as a black blur threw itself in the heart of the inferno. Before any of them could so much as recover, the fires parted to reveal a shadow standing amidst ruins, surrounded by the putrid stench of death. Seeming to almost tremble with every inch of its body, the shadow dragged something blackened by the flames, hoisting it into a gentle grasp and with one clawed hand digging into…

Chat Noir shook a coat of ash off his suit, gently cradling a charred, half-melted being in his arms. His legs quivered and tears had already evaporated on his skin, but he held on tightly, digging his claws into what looked to be an arm. EMTs rushed forward, thinking a survivor had been found, but the hero unleashed a beastly growl that sounded far more like a choked, broken sob. Roger took a step towards him…and the body he was holding breathed.

He squinted his eyes against the harsh orange flickers, defiantly ignoring their haunting gaze. Other officers and medics stepped forward, but Roger was the first to recognize exactly what it was Chat Noir cradled in his claws. Ladybug.  Her scarlet suit marred with shards of liquid glass, flames running up her arms and licking at the flesh underneath. The girl looked half-melted down to her core, chest more twitching than it was rising and falling. Roger felt himself gasp in shock, and could only watch as Chat Noir panted heavily, feline eyes glued to his dying partner.

“She needs a hospital!”, one of the EMTs insisted, stepped closer, but Chat Noir merely snapped his head to stare the woman in the eye, freezing her on the spot despite the raging fire.

Officers began to slowly surround him, but Roger took a hard step forward, walking onto the cracked pavement. “Let him handle it!”, he bellowed, and Chat Noir sent him a grateful look as he steadied his legs, preparing to jump away. “Go! Go!”, Roger yelled again, commanding tone springing the hero into action, and he ferried Ladybug’s charred, broken body over the skyline in the blink of an eye.

“Sir…”, one of his officers approached, slowly raising her hand to point at the clearing flames, walls of hellfire parting ever so slightly to reveal a melted leather couch…and the charred skeletons laying on top of it. Roger felt bile rise up his throat, the world started to spin as his fellows reached out to steady him…and the nightmarish fear that gnawed at his mind suddenly sprung to life before his very eyes. They had bodies to dispose of, and could only hope Chat Noir wouldn’t have to bury a corpse of his own tonight.

Roger shook the hand on his shoulder, turning away from the scalding, infernal glares. When his colleagues persisted, he stomped his foot on the ground, shaking the cracked stones. “Deal with this! I need to follow up on a lead!”, he barks, not waiting to watch the fire trucks beat back the flames or his officers moving a tad closer to examine the scene.

He was too late, again. Tom and Sabine, the two people who’d been his biggest supporters against all of life’s hardships…he’d failed them. Their daughter was gone, washed away by a raging river along with every memory that hadn’t been as perfect as a loved one’s recollection tends to twist them into. Roger…knew that feeling all too well. He still kept her picture on his desk, back from when she was all smiles, shinning brighter than any sun could in his eyes. Before… No, he still had a job to do. Roger Raincomprix felt it in his very soul, as he stepped away from the simmering flames and crackling sparks of orange envy, that the Dupain-Cheng case would haunt his career until the bitter end. Marinette, the girl who’d managed to make Sabrina smile, truly smile that night when she came back home, excitedly rattling about their school project…was dead. And now, his oldest friends, the people who had supported and lifted him up when Roger was at his absolute worst were burning in Hell instead of him, crushed by the very same support beam they’d once helped him lean on.  

As officers run amok around the scene and firefighters smother the inferno, he walks to his police car, slams the driver’s door shut, and shoves his keys into the engine. Roger had failed them, couldn’t save them like he could never protect anyone, not from the things that really mattered. But he could still give them justice, find the person who did this. He would discover the one responsible, and deal them exactly the same shitty hand that life had dealt him once upon a time, reeking of death and misery. And his first stop? A certain diplomat’s daughter Sabrina shared homeroom classes with, one who Caline had called him about only two days ago, sounding barely coherent as she rattled off everything his daughter’s classmates had supposedly discovered. It was high time Roger go pay a visit to one Lila Rossi…


Gabriel floats in darkness. It’s the first thing he realizes, when he opens his eyes amidst this abyssal space. His lungs are flooded by fire and ice, a notion he struggles to understand as he tries to breathe- but only the chilling waves greet him, shaking Hawkmoth out of his daze. Only on instinct does he move, the drive of survival drilled into humanity’s collective subconscious by beings far greater than any of them could be. Gabriel’s legs kick out against the liquid void, and he’s propelled towards a sliver of light at the edge of his vision.

It looks almost like gold, glimmering in the vast, oppressive dark. His arms swing through viscous fluid that he can’t help but think is a bloody maroon, his legs thrash against the anchor pulling him to the forgotten seabed. Hawkmoth can feel a low buzzing in the back of his mind, something beyond instinct commanding him to keep moving, to reach that brilliant ray of light- and he tries. Gabriel’s body feels like a sinking stone, his limbs straining the closer he gets to the surface and icy daggers cutting into his legs, hacking at the joints.

An ignescent buzz plays in the back of his brain as he tries to orient himself, like crackling static on a broken TV. It gets louder and louder the more Gabriel flails his useless limbs, desperate to reach that glimmer of hope. Far below, a siren song calls out from the Dark, the promise of eternal peace where the crashing waves will never reach him. The fire shall fade from his blood, smothered by cool water. For a moment, his legs freeze, and Gabriel begins to sink, his startled scream being smothered as his lungs drown.

High above, the light flickers, and suddenly he’s floating in an ocean of viscous red, blood sticking to his suit like a second skin, dripping into the abyss with one torturous drop after the other. Dark spots begin to fill his vision, and for a moment Gabriel’s addled mind thinks a yoyo string might wrap around him, that maybe Ladybug was kind enough to help him after all, undeserving of her mercy as he was.

“Gabriel?”, a voice reverberates through the bleeding void, echoing in his ears and drowning out the sounds of rushing water. He…he knows that voice. “Gabriel, look! We found them, I can’t believe we actually found them!”, a familiar tone graces him with its presence, exuding excitement and utter joy in a way that always made him smile.

Emilie. She was calling to him, came the stray thought. From…somewhere above? Through the darkness creeping at the edges of his vision, he can almost see it, the brilliant smile that lights up his world better than the sun. It’s her! She’s here, just out of reach! No, no! He needs to…he must get to her! Gabriel clutches a cane which isn’t there, thrashing against the scheming Dark as it sings to him. His legs kick out at the beast, propelling him towards that sliver with every tiny movement. He grabs at Emilie through the waves of blood, fingertips numbing against the cold as he inches closer and closer…until finally-

Hawkmoth’s arm shatters the surface tension, breaking free from the waves that try to take him. A fallen cane flies through the air, returning to its master as he crashes it against a dry, rocky surface. Gabriel heaves himself ashore by using the cane as a lever, and lets his mouth hang open, water finally leaving his lungs. The man coughs as the liquid flickers from a crystal blue to a deep maroon, his eyes are assaulted by a blinding light from above, but he still forces himself to gulp down air, and Hawkmoth breathes.

It takes him a few rapid, panicked blinks until he can finally beat back the blood leaking from his eyes, but Gabriel Agreste registers what exactly his body is sprawled out against. A hard, impossibly dry surface made of stones, protruding from the river water just enough to give him a desperate escape. His lungs cough up blood one final time, and finally the maroon flickers out of his vision, leaving only clear and almost pristine waves to gently glide against the walls, almost mocking his struggle to get out. Hawkmoth snarls at them, wishing he could eviscerate every last droplet…but he only manages to sigh, legs quivering and arms slowly numbing with fatigue. He blinks away the last of Ladybug’s spots, glancing up at the sliver…only to see the harsh rays from the overhead lights reflecting on the glimmering glass keeping Emilie safe. He breathes again, wishing he could wrap his arms around her and never let go. Evidently, even so far apart from his, she still managed to be savior his heart needed.

Gabriel shakily draws in more air, his grip ‘round the cane loosening as muscles quiver and contract, but the buzz in the back of his edges him to keep going just a moment longer. Trusting his instincts, Hawkmoth pours all his remaining strength into a jump, leaping against the cavern’s wall and kicking himself away and up, crashing directly into the metal catwalks. He barely manages not to empty the contents of his stomach, pushing himself up as his knees scrape against the shimmering railings.

“Gabriel? Dear, are you alright? That fall did a number on you…”, Emilie’s angelic voice whispers in his ear, and in the edge of vision Hawkmoth can almost see her kneeling beside him, hands hovering just inches away. She looks radiant, wearing her old adventurer outfit from when they were young and foolish, travelling the world in search of the magics which granted life its meaning. His fingers twitch as he tries to interlace them with her own, but the phantom vanishes from his grip, fading away in a white mist, as foggy as the dull grey eyes that shed a single tear. The loss sends a searing dagger into his heart, but he should have seen it coming.

Emilie loved him, yes. She loved Gabriel Agreste, the man who’s grave Shadowmoth had dug and nearly left him to rot in, withering away piece by piece as his insides rotted with every Akuma sent out to prowl the streets of Paris. But…in this very moment, barely able to breathe much less move, Gabriel left just as hollow as she, no matter the illusion of living this glass tomb had placed upon her.

Hawkmoth jabs his cane into the catwalk, stumbling over to the grass where the white roses grew, next to her resting place. A symbol of their young love remaining eternal in his shattered heart, held together by blind loyalty and utter devotion. The gentle flowers marked her purity, an angel who had come into his life with a kind smile and warmth unlike any Gabriel had ever felt before, when he was freezing out in the rain. And yet…perhaps they also judged her innocent, absolved of all guilt when it came to his crimes, his sins. Now that his mind wasn’t plagued by delusions of grandeur and had smothered the wretched flame of ambition…he could see it clearly. Emilie was innocent, as much Hawkmoth’s victim as every other Parisian. A brilliant woman vibrating with life and lighting up the world, placed in a wicked mockery of peace only to act as an object of obsession.

He…he’d forgotten her, hadn’t he? The thought came as suddenly as a flash of lightning, yet it shook the fatigue right out of him, instead replacing it all with a more mental kind of weakness. In all her life, Emilie wanted to be seen by those she cared for, to shine, sing and dance where she could be heard. When they’d again left London and returned to Paris after many months of work, Emilie had made him and Nathalie promise they would remember her, and not the perfect daughter her father ordered her to be. Naturally, Gabriel did, for what in the world could ever make him forget that smile, so full of life it could almost conjure miracles? And a sick twist of fate, it was this exact miracle they’d discovered that slowly blinded him, until all the memories of laughter and love were replaced by a nebulous reverence, a worship of perfection that had never been. Because if Emilie had ever been perfect…she would never have been Emilie.

A purple flash overcomes his vision and Gabriel blinks, keeping his eyes low and away from the scalding lights overhead. His fingers are twitching as he knees on the grass, and ever so slowly, he brings trembling hands to cradle the thorny stems, painting pristine white roses a bloody maroon, the color of his passions. Maybe he would never make this right, perhaps Gabriel Agreste was dead, and he merely walked around as a broken, hollow shell of the man Emilie Graham De Vanily had once adored with all her heart. There might even be something wrong with him for staining this visage with a deep red…but he couldn’t stand it! How dare he? Why did he ever break the promise? He- he’d given his word! His bond! …and the moment Emilie was not there to gently remind with that same loving smile, Gabriel had lost sight of her, focused only on a fantasy that was never to be.

“Honey…it’s okay. Don’t cry dear, I’m fine. It’s just- just a little cold. You’ll see, soon I’ll be right as rain!”, Emilie’s voice whispers sweetly in his ear, and Gabriel sees her again, kneeling next to him. This time, he lets his hands go limp, fingers bloody as they are. He knows, in the back of his head, that she wouldn’t mind him touching her. Many a time he’d pricked his hands on sewing needles, and not once had she minded getting a bit of blood on her gorgeous gowns. A little purple blur hovers behind her, and he can almost imagine another small creature, this time blue and happily blabbering about anything and nothing all at once, resting on Emilie’s shoulder as she softly pets its head.

When he fully turns to look at her, Emilie locks eyes with him, grinning ear to ear. Vibrant green meets misty blue, and Gabriel realizes he can see her smile again. In all his dreams, not once had she beamed at him in this wild, alive manner, only ever wearing a polite, pristine curl on her right lip. …he had never seen her without the mask. Her eyes shine at him, and Emilie’s fingers mime running through his hair, a ghostly touch sends shivers down Gabriel’s spine. He lets out a choked sob, but she only leans closer, pressing her cheek only an inch away from his.

“E-Emilie?”, he stutters, tears already falling as Gabriel’s mind keeps playing tricks on him. He knows she’ll disappear, fade away as every other memory already had, and leave him behind.

Her wisping arms wrap around him, and he lets her cradle his broken body for just a moment, selfish as Gabriel can feel this being. In truth…surely, she would despise him now. “Gabriel…it’s okay, darling. It’s okay to take a break, just come sit outside with me for a little while, hmm?”, she proposes with a mischievous grin as the Atelier flashes around them, stacks of discarded papers weighing down Gabriel’s old desk. Hadn’t they donated it…years ago? Another flicker, and he sobs again, slowly letting himself collapse onto the grass. He sees her lay down next to him, her cheek brushing against the green in a way that only brought out her eyes, made her look as brilliant and alive as he remembered. Gabriel sighs deeply, letting Emilie’s warmth drive away the echoing chills left on his spine by the freezing waves of blood. Maybe it’s wrong for him to take peace from this…but at his core, he’s always been a deeply selfish man.

In the blink of an eye, the harsh overhead lights of Hawkmoth’s lair are replaced by far more gentle rays, and Emilie is there. No longer does he see her form wisping, hovering barely an inch away from any surface. They’re laying down in the backyard, he realizes, and her statue is gone. She looks exactly like always, only her pristine, perfect smile is now a wide grin, the kind she would wear when they were alone and Gabriel rattled off puns and jokes. Usually, Emilie would tease him right back, but always end up snickering at his silly humor, eyes glimmering with a kind of love he wouldn’t find anywhere else. Flickers of memory shimmer in the sunlight, solidifying next to him. Emilie only grabs his arms, shifting her body to press against his side, but it’s more comfort than words could ever give. Gabriel Agreste turns his body to face her, matching her wild grin…and lets himself kiss his wife as they bask in the Light.


Chat Noir cradled Marinette close to his chest as numb legs carried him over rooftops. He doesn’t dare look down, not fearing the heights but rather the glimpse of her blackened eyes, her melted body that his claws sink into, not even drawing blood. Adrien can feel the molten glass as it simmers on Ladybug’s suit, and he keeps going, even as all he wants to do is collapse and admit to himself that she’s- …no, no! He can’t lose her, not like this! Chat has to get her home! Tikki and Plagg will know what to do! He just needs to run there, before she- Adrien just needs to be strong enough.

His boots crunch roof tiles underneath as he scampers across Paris, eyes misty with tears that he can’t quite hold back, but Adrien tries anyway. Chat can hear her heartbeat, a faint sound that slows by the second and freezes his blood into solid chunks of horror, but he can’t stop. Leaping across to another rooftop, Adrien makes the mistake of glancing down at his Lady, and finds only a pair of charred eyes staring back at him. He stumbles at the sight, having to twist his while body around and crash against a chimney to cushion the impact for Marinette. Chat Noir forces himself to focus, to ignore who his claws are clinging to, and just pretend this is part of the mission. Getting people to safety is his job, his duty. The one thing Adrien had never been strong enough to do, yet always succeeded in, because he wasn’t alone.

Except…now, it was just him. Amidst the endless ocean of lights, nauseating smells and deafening cacophony of noises, there was no one who could help him. It was them against the world, and Chat Noir did not dare face it without his partner’s bright smile and glimmering eyes beating back the chilling miasma of death that seemed to follow Adrien his whole life. He shakes his head, putting one foot in front of the other as he gently repositions Marinette’s body in his arms, securing her so she won’t fall. It’s…a thought for later. She’s counting on him, and he needs to run.

With every leap, every jump and every dash, Chat’s legs feel more and more like they are made of the same shattered glass that mars Ladybug’s skin. He stumbles, nearly trips over the next ledge. Adrien feels his back crash into the roof tiles, forced to roll away from the edge as Marinette nearly slips from his grip, and Chat barely manages to heave them onto steady ground. His ring beeps in warning, strength seeping away from Adrien’s form. Flashes of green light illuminate his face through the chilling dark of the night, and then-

Chat’s transformation fades away as Plagg falls out of his Miraculous, panting heavily. Adrien’s legs break without his Kwami’s power, and he feels like someone has nailed his every bone to the ground. Plagg lets out an exhausted sigh, glancing back at his Holder to make sure the kit is okay. Near-motionless and with freely-flowing tears in his eyes, Adrien is still alive, and the Kwami takes a deep breath before rushing to the Marinette’s side. Tikki is still exuding power through the Ladybug Miraculous, weaving her kid’s heartstrings back together and desperately trying to call on a Cure that she’s no strength for. A flash of pink light nearly blinds both Plagg and Adrien, and the blonde makes the mistake to look.

Without the mask and suit to hide the worst of it, Marinette’s limp body looks more like a charred, rotten corpse than it does a human being, sprawled out against the cold tiles of a rooftop as she is. Lifeless and wrong, Chat stares into her blackened eyes, the loving blue of her deep sea burned over by ruthless flame. His gaze travels to the rest of her body, skin scorched and discolored by the inferno, marred by endless scars and with glass shards melting into her flesh. Marinette’s chest flutters for only a moment, the single indication that she’s still here.

Adrien feels himself sob, desperately willing his body to crawl up to her, because he feels just as dead as she looks. Chat Noir’s insides may not be melted with hellfire or filled with scalding hatred, but they rot all the same, like a tree bark whose insides are torn through by dozens of worms, parasitic thoughts that threaten to drag him to an early grave. It’s…not the first time Adrien’s wondered about it, about his use. But with Marinette dying next to him, his knees chaffing against harsh rooftiles and bones feeling like they’d been smashed in by a sledgehammer, he’s powerless to stop them from assaulting his mind.

He's weak. Always and forever, Adrien Agreste could never be strong like those around him. He needed to be saved, coddled, protected. Shinning brilliant gold and exuding light, he was the living incarnation of perfection…but had long felt death taking root inside him. Like a cityscape illuminated by street lights and seeming beautiful from vantage, but hiding scars and torment once someone dared walk the dark streets. When Mom was still here, before, Adrien’s world had still been small. His family of three -even if Nathalie insisted she was just the assistant- loved him more than anything else in the world, and the mere thought was enough to brighten his day. Père was stern but always kind and gentle with him, sometimes letting Adrien in his office while he doodled on papers, slightly smiling as his son beamed at every design, loving every second spent with his father. Nathalie herself was almost like a mirror in some ways, seeming to understand the world much the same as Adrien had ever since he was young. Logic and debate became their game, and whenever Adrien wanted something from her, he would have to articulate not only what, but also why. Nathalie usually smiled softly at him, accenting her fondness with a small sigh before acquiescing. And Mom

Emilie Agreste had been his world. An angel walking amongst mortals, freely offering kindness and love to anyone who’d so much as deign approach, a woman whom nobody could dare besmirch, not because of her connections but rather her eyes. Once had Adrien ever overhead Père and Mama talking about some rookie designer who’d said some bad words about her at work, and she’d told his father the story of how she smiled at him, making the man burn with shame. His mother was perfect, in her own special way. As close the definition as a human can be to the whole wide world, and as far away from it if one knew her well enough. Emilie Agreste was independent, kind, empathetic, funny, and strong. Nothing could ever hope to stand in her way…until one day, something did. Nathalie had told him it was just a silly cold. Father insisted she was getting better. Mon said everything was right as rain. And then, in what seemed like a flash, Emilie was gone, defeated by a mystery her light couldn’t combat.

It was stupid of him, but even now…Adrien still thought that if he’d been there, to give some of own light back after she’d offered him so much…Mom might have stayed. He hates to even consider the idea, but in some ways Father’s claim that she vanished was as much a comfort as it was a curse. After all, if Emilie Agreste left her perfect life behind, then clearly something must have been wrong. And Adrien only knew one person who’d never been as strong by anyone except his own mother. The face that stared him in the eye every time he dared near a mirror. Even back then, he was too weak. Too many times Father had gently told him that he couldn’t help her, even as Gabriel insisted she was getting better. Why else would he, if not to say that Adrien wasn’t strong enough? Why wouldn’t she come back, if not to say he wasn’t good enough?

But…after a long, long time, Adrien Agreste had learned to smile like her. He’d thrown himself into whatever Father wanted, any skill and feat he could acquire. Fencing, piano lessons, a multitude of other languages, modeling…and he’d been perfect at all of them for a time. Excellent, brilliant, magnificent! And yet…Mom’s vanished warmth never came back, except for a fleeting, mocking second in each of his nightmares, to remind him that he didn’t deserve her. All he’d ever wanted was to fulfil the purpose Adrien had decided for himself, to make Mama smile! With each and every day that passed leaving him suffocating inside a cold, lifeless house…the calling became more akin to a hopeless dream than anything else.

And then…Adrien had met Plagg. His closest confidant, who he could see through eyes blurred with tears was flying over Marinette’s fallen form, muttering and puffing with black smoke. He couldn’t tell if it was coming from his Kwami, or his partner’s body burning. The little God had been a source of guidance, a gift that gave Adrien Agreste an entirely new purpose. Along with the nebulous duty to save Paris from evil and fulfil his childish dreams of heroism…Chat Noir had also met Ladybug. A brave, empathetic and beautiful girl who held herself straight in the face of imminent danger, declaring to all of Paris that so long as she was here, they’d be safe from any villains the world would throw their way.

It’s us against the world, came the phantom thought as Adrien’s body shivered in the night. He remembered it vividly; the moment Chat Noir had declared his love for whoever was underneath Ladybug’s mask. In hindsight, he’d rushed ahead into a proclamation he himself hadn’t quite understood, because that had only been admiration. The love came after, every time her brilliant blue eyes would scan the battlefield for an outlandish solution to the insane predicaments they found themselves in, every time she’d groan and roll her eyes at his puns, snickering when she thought Chat couldn’t hear. In truth, even if Adrien hadn’t understood it at the time, it was Marinette he’d fallen in love with. And now…

Now there she lay, dying right before his very eyes. Where Mom had been a nebulous presence in her final day, Marinette had stuck to his side, seeping her warmth into his soul to give as much comfort as one could, on a day such as this. Despite her own fears, worries and pains, his wonderful Lady still helped him, the same way Adrien helped her in return. Maybe that’s what he loved so much about being Chat Noir. Ladybug was the one and only person in his life to see him, and treat Adrien as an equal. Not throw him on a golden pedestal that rose up to the heavens, not brush off his silly side and aloof remarks or treat him like a newborn chick who needed to be nurtured. Marinette and Adrien, Ladybug and Chat Noir were partners.

But…even with all the power Plagg had gifted him, with years of experience under his belt and the growth Adrien had gone through for as long as he was at her side, his legs still refused to move, and Chat Noir was forced to claw forward despite the dead weight. The tears had long run out, replaced only by sobs that kept escaping through his mouth with ever twitch of Marinette’s body. Laid against the freezing tiles as she was, twin blurs of red and black surrounded her, with flashes of pink light and puffs of dark smoke permeating the air. Adrien willed himself to move closer…but the drive was gone, destroyed by a force imperceivable to the mortal eye. Chat Noir’s eyes suddenly feel heavy, as if invisible hands are dragging his gaze down, away. His body is wracked by a final shiver…and everything goes black.


Plagg lets out a deep sigh, cursing himself as his kit tremored in pain. These kinds of powers were never meant to be used on mortals, much less humanity in all it’s delicate nature…but this was necessary. An emergency unlike any other, because one of Tikki’s bugs is dying. The girl was not so much tenacious to have survived this long as she was a case of most literal divine intervention, Creation itself flowing through her and keeping Marinette’s body functioning even as her consciousness began to drift into the void. Plagg himself held back the Abyss, atomizing the metaphysical threads to which a dying soul latched onto to before they could fully consume her, because she didn’t deserve to die like this!

Limbs sprawled out against hard rooftiles, bones fractured and muscles torn apart like a broken ragdoll, by all means dead except in the eyes of Divinity, even if Plagg hated thinking of himself as such. It reminded him of responsibilities he would rather live without, and despite how he might joke about Egyptians knowing respect, back when they were known and present he had far too much work to do, with their brothers and sisters infantile in controlling their Concepts. And…it’s been a long time since Destruction did this world any good…

Tikki flashed another blinding Cure into the ether, mending tendons and reforming melted lungs inside the girl’s chest, but Plagg could see her panting heavily, losing focus. In these miniature forms, their effect upon the world was limited, not enough to truly alter the state of being for the surrounding reality. Logically he knew there were others where such restrictions had not been placed, where the Guardians had trusted them more, but right now Infinity did not concern the Kwami of Destruction. Of course, there were as many alternates of Marinette Dupain Cheng as there were Universes, but he needed to work on saving this one.

“Plagg!”, Tikki shouted in warning, the healing lights fading from her Holder’s chest. Waning as was their focus, he snarled at the threads of Death, severing the connections by which Ladybug’s soul would depart this realm. Creation’s power wisped through reality again, but Tikki huffed, letting out gasps of air as the lights flickered, letting Dark inch ever closer.

“Dammit!”, Plagg cussed under his miniscule breath, pouring all his remaining strength into Tikki’s own Well of power, trying to keep her energies steady. “Tikki! You need to hold it!”, he cried out, Cataclysm flickering in his right paw.

Tikki’s eyes widened as she noticed the black lightning crackle in Plagg’s grip, and she forced herself to focus back on Marinette, never letting that fading heartbeat go away for more than a seventieth of a second even as she turned to her other half. “Plagg, what are you doing? Using your power without Adrien is dangerous!”, she tried to warn, finally noticing his Holder unconscious on the ground.

The Kwami grit his teeth, aiming absolute Destruction not at the physical components of this realm, but rather… “Wait! Plagg, we can’t! Our full power would-”, Tikki tries to protest, but can’t so much as fly towards him, needing to minimize the distance between herself and Marinette to conserve power.

“We don’t have a choice! We both know the Guardians don’t understand like we do! Trusting humans isn’t the same as being governed by their laws! We need full strength to save her, don’t deny it!”, Plagg shouts at her, focusing his power onto the magical infusions made to their Miraculous. The only to break them normally would be fully combining the Ladybug and Cat…but if he did this right

“Plagg! I can’t! The last time I used my full power-”, Tikki exclaims, her small form beginning to struggle staying airborne. “Remember Joan!”, she still urges him, but her partner only squints in determination.

“That’s why we can’t let this one go! Yeah, you screwed up! We both did! It’s not the same thing Tikki!”, Plagg cries out over the crackle of dark lightning in his paws, and the world begins to bend.

“I transformed into my full self and forced Fluff to tell me how I could save her! And- and she just let them kill her, Plagg! Please, stop! If we do this there’s no going back!”, Tikki hollers as reality cracks, and he can only nod in understanding. Because Plagg does get it, truly. More than any of their fellows. He’s lost more kits than Tikki has bugs, more than all of them combined. But he still remembers him, the name he doesn’t even want to think of. An Englishman fighting for kind and country in a war that was never his place to be, meeting a Maiden in red and black and realizing they were one and the same, sworn enemies as they may be called. Slowly, battle after battle, they’d grown closer with every clash of their swords.

No wonder then that at the War’s end he refused to return with the English, fleeing from his countrymen while Joan headed back to crown the new French King. Plagg remembers that dark sky in each of his nightmares, stars shinning on their faces as they run into each other in an empty field of dying weeds, reuniting after months of believing the other gone from their life. It’s then that he and Tikki float away to give them privacy, and she confides in him her worries, that the Church would have her Holder killed when she returns. The words in his mouth ask why as Plagg mentally readies himself for battle, and Tikki confesses to him her secret. The horrid feeling had been building up for weeks, until finally she waited till Joan slept soundly only a day before, and transformed. Creation had appeared in the plain of Time, and practically wrangled poor Fluff by the neck till she confirmed Tikki’s suspicions. His kit and Joan…were headed to a Singularity. Impossible events transcending almost all Creation and Destruction, leaving only one possible Time wherein a desired outcome may be attained. In all others, the World which they inhabit ceases, as quickly or slowly as statistics may desire. The Ladybug and Cat were about to fall into the worst of hands, to madmen who would spit out gospel and grasp at Power that was never their own, and the Union would destroy this realm.

It's then that Plagg’s own face falls, matching Tikki’s broken eyes. They let the couple have their night, and in the morning, each pull their Holder aside, to warn of tragedy. Plagg does so in seriousness unbefitting his jovial character, and Tikki amidst sobs that wrack her tiny form. He wants to fight, to tear through them all with sword and fang until none are left to hurt Joan…but she breathes the cool air of dawn, plants a soft on his cheek and declares her love. Joan of Arc, the Maiden of Orleans and Ladybug, takes off her earrings one by one, bidding Tikki a soft goodbye. The Kwami begs her to listen, to hear her, to run and take her only chance…but the girl passes the Miraculous to Plagg’s kit, and he crushes her in a hug that says nothing and everything all at once before slowly accepting the Jewel. Joan slowly saddles her horse, and rides away into the dawning rays of gold, having made her choice, a dying Wish not even they could grant this girl.

They both remember her, as clear as day. And so, when Tikki’s words cut through the air, Plagg pauses for but a moment. “Tikki…”, he breathes her name, far more gently than he has in eons. “Joan made a choice. A wrong one, but it was her decision nonetheless. Marinette wants to live, and we must do everything in our power to honor her as we did your Bug then…”, Plagg speaks the words softly, eyeing Creations flickering lights. Marinette’s heartbeat slows further, and he goes to urge her again.

“What if I lose her!”, Tikki screams even as a bubble of nothing forms around the rooftop whole. “Plagg, I can’t be why-”, her voice hollows, words getting stuck in a throat metaphysical, incorporeal inasmuch as her whole body.

“Then she dies on her own terms! And we cry, we mourn, and move onto the next like always!”, Plagg cries out again, and the very mantra seeps into Tikki’s soul. Those are her words, spoken in somber, forlorn tones whenever one of his Kits would pass on, Cataclysm turning every molecule in their bodies to darkened ash. It shakes away her fear, letting trust in Marinette win out for but a sliver of a second, and it’s all the time Tikki needs to nod.

Plagg grasps at their Miraculous, weaves and swirls around their essences, finds the magic augmentations made by the Order, as obsolete, useless and hindering as the mortals who’d dared to create them, and breaks. Destructions swallows both their souls, Tikki’s Creation unleashing barriers to keep a true Cataclysm at bay, and it’s enough. Power in its purest form envelops both of their miniscule forms, and the Kwami grow. Plagg feels himself breathe in through Concept, and Tikki hastes to cradle Marinette’s shattered soul into her metaphysical grasp, ever so gently piecing it back together, stitching the crumbling pieces together in much the same way her Bug would work threads when inspired to Create. Destruction flickers in Plagg’s grasp, but he does not blast the ethereal realm with such potent magic, instead only placing a small puff of crackling smoke to guard Pigtails’ being as Tikki’s Plaine for the deceased acts in which way it was been designed to. Careful to expertly match yet never exceed its natural strength, Plagg holds the barrier firm as Tikki fluctuates the very essence of Marinette’s being in her arms, pouring the Cure into her charred, melted body.

Inside the girl’s fluttering chest, lungs marred with burnt tissue are flashed by an amorphous pink light. Ashen heartstrings are expertly sewn back together in a manner which Marinette would beam at Tikki with unbridled joy and pride, and simmering veins are slowly unclotted from scorched blood cells, allowing a viscous red to pass through again, gaining a more vibrant color by the second. On her skin, the blackened puss of melted flesh is gently soothed with incorporeal appendages belonging to Creation, leaving only faint scars that shall vanish in time. Blackened eyes are restored to deep blue of the open seas, with only tiny blurs in the girl’s vision-to-be. And at her back, where a fractured spine is held together by means defined as miraculous to science itself, only a long scar of irritated flesh remains to run across the charred bone. Shards of glass and debris are eradicated so completely that even their atoms crumble into nothing, and instead flesh quickly heals over the open wounds. Marinette Dupain Cheng’s body is repaired with only miniscule marks left to be smothered by the sands of time, and they combine all strength, restoring Reality and their smaller forms, with mortals being none the wiser as to the Miracle which had taken place.


Samantha Fae opens her eyes slowly, fingers instinctively twitching for a weapon that isn’t there. She groans in pain, registering the cool air of the night and the starlight gently shinning upon her. Tikki floats next to her with a worried look, and she spots a black blur fussing over Adrien’s fallen form. The world feels…hazy, as if there’s something important missing, or rather…something small being not quite the same. She blinks, and then realization hits her. Samantha can breathe. The searing pain of hellfire is gone, absent. …and so is her suit.

“T…Tikki?”, she tests the word in her mouth, tasting her own mouth instead of crumbling ash. “What…happened?”, Samantha manages to ask, forcing the words out with a light cough.

The Kwami beams at her, so brightly that Ladybug almost thought she was staring at the sun. “Marinette! Thank goodness you’re okay!”, Tikki cheers, sending Plagg the most grateful look her Holder ever saw originate from the tiny goddess.

“…Tikki?”, Samantha repeats the name, letting the unspoken question permeate the air, hanging between them like a loose thread. She forces herself to swallow, feeling her throat dry. This…isn’t where they were. This isn’t home.

Before she can even respond, the Kwami’s eyes fall to the ground, avoiding her gaze. “…I’m sorry. You did your best, Mari-”, she breathes out, words hitching in her formless throat. Samantha’s tears begin to fall before she’s even registered the full sentence, before the name reaches her ears.

Trembling arms push against the rooftiles and quivering legs barely carry her weight the few steps she needs to reach Adrien, who is sprawled across them, out like a light. Plagg seems to be fussing over his Holder, near-invisible puffs of black smoke exuding from the Kwami’s small form. The mere thought sends a shiver down her spine, and Samantha blinks. The miasma is gone, and Adrien’s fingers twitch.

“M- Mari-”, he coughs, eyes flickering to where she’d been laid out a moment ago. Adrien’s gaze freezes as she comes in view, and he tries to haul himself to his feet.

Samantha gently stops him, interlacing their fingers say she’s there, they’re together again. “Kitty…”, she breathes -breathes- and his muscles relax at the touch. “I’m here, Adrien. I…I’m okay.”, comes the lie, because that is perhaps the last word one can use to describe her, beaten and mangled as she still is.

Her mind doesn’t need to be fully functional to fill in the gaps of what happened. Most likely Chat had saved her, Tikki somehow protected her from the worst of- of the fire. But she still remembers that endless moment, her body laid upon two charred skeletons, one’s ribs tearing at her suit as the inferno rages around-

no. Tikki…saved her mind, her body. Maybe even her soul, if Samantha really wanted to consider such an angle. But…if she dared look inwards, the raven-haired knew that she was gone. The part of Ladybug that was alive…had gone hollow, in that moment. Overshadowed by the flames melting every other part of her being, so much so that only now could she notice the absence. “I…I need to think.”, she rattles off to nobody in particular, pulling her hand away even as Adrien tries to hold on. Maybe…maybe she had died long ago, and this was just the World’s insurance. …if she had died, would they still live?

Mari- don’t go!”, Adrien calls out to her as numb legs carry Samantha away, Plagg still gently coaxing strength back into his form. “W-wait! Wait for me!”, he cries out again, pouring desperation into a tone she’s deaf to. Tikki floats in front of her, looking apprehensive, almost afraid. She gently brushes past the Kwami, and stumbles to the ledge, innocently placed right before her own two feet. Adrien’s voice seems to come from so far away…

“Tikki…Spots On.”

Ladybug felt her fingers chafe against the yoyo string as she hauled herself over the rooftop’s edge, letting her limp body crash on the stone pavement below. Surrounding her was nothing but complete darkness, a stark contrast to the infernal flames that had illuminated the insides of her personal hellscape in what felt like a horrid nightmare. Samantha’s body almost broke as she forced half-mended legs to hold up her full weight, still feeling like the scalding heat was gnawing at her skin underneath the charred suit. More a putrid dark and melted maroon than it was bright red and spotted black, the magical fabric still clung to her like a second skin, almost boiling her form underneath.

Every inch of movement was torture, agony in the way that she’d only just experienced, a pain like which the depths of Hell could never hope to compete with, like flaming glass shards were still piercing her flesh like scalding knives as her blood bubbled under the surface- no. No, she- she wouldn’t remember it now. Couldn’t, or it would break Ladybug far better than any strike of Hawkmoth’s cane ever had. And yet, the excruciating sensation of fire melting over her whole body, sparks darkening her eyes until she was left blind and helpless, her soul burning for Marinette’s lies…if she had known, Samantha Fae would have let the waters take her.

Barely able to glance around through eyes blurred with tears, ones that didn’t evaporate against her charred skin, Ladybug faintly registered a light nearby. Amidst the dark abyss that seemed to echo Lila’s sickening laughter in her ears, she could see the white blip in the distance, a small ring of safety she could hide under. If her vocal cords didn’t feel like they’d been melted and stuck to the insides of her throat, Samantha might have even laughed at the reoccurring irony. Of course, the light would be her savior. Even now, battered and beaten by the consequences of her own actions, it was the hollow ink threatening to swallow her whole, and that foolish ray of hope she’d held onto come to save her one final time.

Her soles seem to cool on the stone path underneath, as if she had been walking on hot coals all this time. With every step, Samantha’s legs feel like they break and mend themselves all over again, the molten shards of glass still stab through her limbs as she forces herself to move, to hope against everything she’s gone through just one final time, to reach the light…and she does. Phantom pains ravage Ladybug’s body as she stumbles on the pavement, just below what is now a lamppost instead of a distant dream. And after what feels like an eternity of laying against stones, desperately hunting the tiny specks of a cool breeze in the air as her body burns- Marinette’s hand brushes against a metal railing, and the world comes to a grinding halt.

She’s here again, and suddenly her suit disappears, leaving only a familiar girl torn apart by the seams underneath. Her fingers twitch as she dares tap the metal bars, but they feel less like a safety barrier and more like a prison, trapping her back in this horrifying moment. What would it have been like, if she had drowned that day, in the chilly, raging waters of an overflowing river, with thunder splitting the skies above? Surely, no matter how much she’d feared it in that split second of awareness as her foot slipped, that death would be welcomed now. Marinette would choose it any day, the sensation of having her lungs filled with freezing water and only gulping down more as she gasped for air, desperately trying to push herself towards the surface while not knowing up or down. Against an eternity of immolation at the heart of her own failures, she would take a simple tragedy any day.

It…it all seemed so simple, as she slowly heaves herself upwards to lean against this very same spot, just below the light. For a moment, Marinette Dupain Cheng looks down at her floral shirt, soaked through with freezing river water, and Samantha Fae can’t help but stare at her own hands, with gloves half-melted by hellfire and blood boiling in the veins beneath, tormenting her for a sin which was not her own. Ladybug’s yoyo snaps back to her hand, and she looks to the haunted girl in pigtails, her slouched shoulders bracing against cold, heartless metal with only a scalding light coming from above, seeming to charr soul rather than body. It would be so easy, to give the baker’s daughter a tiny flick of the wrist, let her fall in the calm, serene waves below. The thought…almost sounded peaceful. A death borne not of tragedy, scribed in scenes of drama and betrayal, but rather a somber but peaceful end, for a figure as forlorn as the girl whose funeral Samantha had just been to.  

Marinette stares at Ladybug for one endless fracture of time, but the tiny smile she gives the black-haired girl is enough. Almost as if to welcome her fellow, her missing piece, in a lack of existence far calmer than the world would ever allow them to be. And it would be beautiful, in a way which Adrien might appreciate, with his love of stories. A mirrored, rhyming end to the girl named after the sea, for her to carelessly float along with the river’s current, all the way out to her vast, unknowable namesake. Samantha Fae blinks, and suddenly she’s staring back down at her own suit, both the other girls wisping away, one in tiny droplets of water and another in grey smoke, vanishing to the ethers beyond. The melted suit still clings to her, and she gently places one foot over the other, to stand where she once stood. Instead of leaning forward in a panicked rush, a haunting accident, she simply elects to sit on the cold surface, letting the gentle night breeze smother the final few cinders in her heart.

The others would be okay, she mused absentmindedly, rocking herself ever so slightly as she let her arms go limp, too tired to so much as keep herself steady anymore. Samantha dares to part her lips, shuddering in fear of the agonizing screams that might escape her…but the quiet night sky instead provides a cold, needed comfort. She’s all alone, here in the dark. Abyss and death kept away by a tiny ring of light, showing her the way to her purpose, to her destiny. There wasn’t much of a debate to be had, in truth. This precious moment was far too fragile to risk with needless plans and schemes, when the world had already shown her what it was capable of. Perhaps…perhaps Adrien’s father was right. Only, instead of accepting the fate written for him, Gabriel Agreste had snarled and clawed back at that which pained him…and had long been paying for it.

What was once an oppressive, lonely quiet, had now become a sanctuary that finally let her breathe, after holding herself back for so long. The harsh, judging light that made Marinette shine in a way so perfect it was almost angelic…it was just a flicker now, gentle and near apologetic with the way it flashed in her vision. Almost like it had never wanted to hurt her, like it had wished her the best, only to ignite an agonizing inferno in her soul, burning that sweet, innocent girl away and leaving only what little managed to survive. Ladybug spared a glance at the abyss, the total darkness creeping from the shadows. Impossibly, her heart felt hollow, far more than the walls of bleeding ink had ever managed to haunt her. She’d been stupid, fighting against the raging current that night. Marinette only gave the world more ways to hurt her in the end, living on borrowed, empty time as she was. It really did just bring her pain, and for what?

Adrien could burn brighter than the sun, brilliantly enough to warm any wayward souls who might almost lose themselves to the sinking dark. Kagami was strong, a girl of more resolve than Marinette had ever dreamed of possessing, with nerves of steel and a cutting edge of both silver tongue and blade. Her best friend had weathered the storm at it’s worst, another light breeze would be no challenge. Alya…she didn’t know, come to think of it. Marinette’s former friend sounded regretful, before, and she was smart, resourceful. This was just another problem to figure out, something she’d overcome with enough time, as always. Nino had his passion in music, a form of expression far more freeing than anyone but Luka could ever understand, and so he would thrive in Adrien’s light and fill the night’s quiet with cheerful song. As for Luka himself…she’d seen him look, for that shadow of a moment. The pink flicker in his eyes, the tiny, hesitant smile as he walked back to his seat. Marinette’s melody, her final gift, would pave his way to heal and he would be okay.

…they didn’t need her. The world itself and the currents in which it ebbed and flowed had shown her as such. Marinette Dupain Cheng might not have the same magic powers as Ladybug, but even she should have seen it was time to go. Almost in a trance, the bluenette closes her eyes, taking one final breath of the cold air. She lets her lungs cool, the cinders on her suit fading to nothing more than ashes. A strange peace dulls her senses, and Ladybug feels herself lean forward ever so slightly, gaze gently thanking the calm waters below. As the bluenette’s body began to slip from her spot, she closes her eyes, and somehow, knows it will be okay.

“MARINETTE!”, a scream shatters the quiet, precious moment. Instinctively, Ladybug braces her arms against the railing, pulling herself back up and ready for the threat- only to hear the pavement cracking as claws scamper on stone, and a gloved hand pulls her back on stable ground.

She blinks in confusion as her head is cradled with a soft touch, her whole body is pulled in a warm embrace. Chat’s brilliant emerald green orbs are staring into her deep, bottomless blue…but he doesn’t wear the usual chaste grin that makes her heart flutter. That tiny observation wracks her brain more than Ladybug feels comfortable with, and suddenly it clicks, like a missing puzzle piece that kept her from seeing the full image. She never told him goodbye.

Adrien’s arms are tightly wrapped around her, shaking and spasming as they care not for the half-melted, charred pieces of her suit. He holds her close as tears fall from his eyes, dripping on her face. Ladybug’s eyes shimmer with an apology, but the returning quiet is too great a comfort to throw away, as selfish and horrid as this might make her. “Ma- Ma- Mari…please, don’t go. Y-you…you said you wouldn’t leave me!”, Chat struggles to choke out, and digs his claws into her back, to keep her close.

“Kitty…”, Ladybug finds herself sighing. How can she explain? What can she tell him to make Adrien understand that for once, his father was right? That- that she doesn’t want to live anymore, not a world that only hurts her.

Chat doesn’t seem to hear her, only cradling his partner close like she’s a ghost, about to wisp away in the chilling breeze. “Why?”, he questions in a tone that feels more a plea than a wish for her to answer…and she still comes up short. A tiny droplet of wetness collides with her cheek, and it’s no tear. High above, a foggy grey cloud looms over them, dripping water and letting the rain rhythmically tap on the cracked stones below. Adrien shudders again, not from the cold bite on his skin but rather the absence, the fear slowly creeping in his soul with every drop, every moment that she doesn’t answer.

A flash of light illuminates the night sky, blinding both to the guiding stars, and Marinette looks up at her partner’s pained face, nesting her head in the crook of his neck. “Don’t you see?”, she prods him softly, with the voice on an that’s deigned to grace Adrien with her mere presence. Even hurt, battered, broken, and shaking like a leaf, Chat Noir could never help but admire how beautiful she looks. “It’s us against the world, kitty.”, the bluenette tells him in a whisper, a promise that is theirs and theirs alone, and another flash of light brightens the sky.

“It is!”, Adrien hurries to assure her, breathless and feeling like his heart counts the seconds before giving out, but he does not care! If giving Marinette a single moment of comfort was worth his final breath, then by God, Chat Noir had always been ready to give it. “Together, against anything the world throws at us! We’re a team!”, he grins at her, all too wide and manic for his smile to be chaste. No, Adrien bleeds desperation, begs her silently to just nod, to hold him close, to stay!

…but Marinette does not. She blinks gently at him, at the man who loves her more than anyone and has laid his soul bare for her to read…and blinks again, without response. “It’s broken.”, she mutters, barely a note above the raindrops soaking them. “All of it, kitty. I…I want to go.”, Marinette says, and Adrien understands. It doesn’t take an encouraging smile, nor a flash of kindness in his eyes for her to tell, she’s seen it, how easy it is for him to throw his life away just so it can be worth something…to the one person in the world that loves him.

“Princess-”, the nickname flies through his lips, giving her only a glimpse at the feline fangs underneath, manifesting feral desire to do rather than think. “Marinette.”, he speaks her name carefully, almost in reverence. Like a prayer in the dead of night, a tiny flicker that will keep his fire burning just an ember longer. But the very word- even with rainfall and tears dripping on her skin, she still feels her body burn.

Mama and Papa cry out for her, to stop, to come back, to please, let them get close! She stands on quivering legs, muscles all too tense yet numb to the pouring rain, her feet slipping ever so slightly as the world shifts, and then…nothing. There is no Tikki to scream for Shadowmoth’s scheme, there is no world to fight against any longer. Just a deep void where she floats, cold and lifeless. A red, viscous liquid forms around her, and then the darkness parts, leaving her standing in a grassy hilltop. Atop it, a few people have gathered. They look familiar yet unknowable, her vision swirling like waves in the high seas. One is blonde, with a yellow jacket and a ponytail resting on her shoulder. The other a man in a blue shirt, red cap worn backwards on his head, holding hands with a brunette dressed in orange, curly brown hair barely reaching her neck. A woman with raven hair and a rapier strapped to her hip stands tall, strong and unwavering even as the others look to slouch or shake. Another blonde kneels just in front of them all, a man with what looks to be a white shirt…or maybe black leather and a bell around his neck. They’re all looking at something on the ground, a grey blob that flows and ebbs in her gaze. Marinette’s vision blurs again, but she can barely make out his form leaving a flower near a stone before getting up, leading the group away. There’s something written on the stone, letters too small for her to read. The bluenette wills herself forward, and-

Marinette Dupain Cheng


A kind, amazing girl. A good friend.

She blinks, and suddenly her eyes are filled with warm tears. “-and the most brilliant person I know, I love you! Don’t- don’t go!”, Chat calls out to her, his voice seeming to come from everywhere yet nowhere all at once. Adrien’s pleading gaze meets her own, and Marinette feels a somber kind of resignation rise to stare into his soul. He’s let her go now, she realizes, slowly standing up on legs that still let out faint wisps of smoke.

It's Ladybug who stares into her partner’s brilliant green eyes, the shinning orbs which hold all the kindness in the world. Her lips part ever so slightly, to make room for a sigh and soft words so Chat Noir can give her his understanding smile and leave her to bask in the quiet for a moment longer, before- before his tears start to fall again, even as she eyes him with a plea of her own. Ladybug tries to speak, numbly opening her mouth…but the words don’t come. Her breath hitches, they get stuck in her throat. From somewhere far away yet all too close, the echo of a door slamming itself shut invades her mind, and she can’t help but let out a choked, haunted sob.

Her whole body is singed, marked for her sin of deception, punishing Samantha Fae for daring to hope against hope, to lie and fight back when she should have let the current take her…and as Adrien’s gaze keeps barring into her blackened excuse of a soul, his eyes meet hers again through tears and rain…only for a different kind of understanding to come. Chat Noir looks at Ladybug one last time…and finds her hollow.

The realization tastes bitter in his mouth. It feels almost like a nightmare thrice as horrible as being locked away forever, in the cold and damp cell of his own failures’ creation. Adrien Agreste wills his body to stop shaking, reaches out with trembling hands held together by spasming muscles…and touches only the icy fingertips of a wisping ghost. His partner, his best friend, the girl he’s loved ever since they first met, whose resilience and tenacity he’d tried to live up to with every breath…is gone. Chat should have seen it, when she slightly rocked her body on the metal railing, looking so peaceful it was almost like something out of a dream. Ladybug’s suit still felt warm to the touch, fleeting embers giving their last breath against the wind. The hands underneath…were dead, in a way Adrien had only seen once before, in a dream that made his younger self almost drown in tears, the night Father told him mom wasn’t coming back.

What’s left behind is an empty shell, a specter made physical only to exude the chilling breeze into the air, unconcerned with anything or anyone for the simple reason that it no longer existed. Chat Noir blinks, and his Lady is replaced by Marinette, just for a moment- but it’s enough to see her phantom form, a wishful memory of what once was. The girl in pigtails leans over the railing, and vanishes into thin air, even as Ladybug’s eyes stare back at him with hurt, because he understands. And this time…he still begs her not to, with a gravelly voice and broken sobs.

“M-Mari?”, he breathes out, not so much a plea or prayer as it is a defeated sigh, yet it only makes her stand on her own two feet…and step away. Adrien Agreste wrangles what tiny flickers of gold he still has to give, gracelessly hurling them in the bluenette’s direction, and the golden threads are met with a melted, shattered heart that craves only the sea.

Ladybug’s eyes flash with anger, for the first time in as long as he’s known her. Rage truer and more real than any other moment in all history, and she can’t help but look at Chat Noir with betrayal.Why? Why don’t you…”, she mutters, sound barely passing through lips that still taste ash. Samantha snaps her head to look at him, tears flowing freely as lightning illuminates her in brilliant, angelic white- and the skies fall apart. “SHE’S DEAD, ADRIEN!”, Ladybug screams, voice hoarse and broken, but she still treads on. “I’M NOT HER, I NEVER WAS MARINETTE! WHY CAN’T YOU REALIZE THIS ISN’T YOUR FAIRYTALE?”

Adrien feels almost like the lightning has struck him, and quivering legs fail him at last, Chat’s claws scampering against glistening stones as the shattered skies finally pour the waters down on them like a curtain, harsh white light giving live to their greatest shadows. They flicker at the edge of his vision, but he can still see. Behind her, a lanky, crooked form of a cackling girl with long hair. Behind him, she stands, surreal and ethereal in the way that raindrops pass right through her floral shirt. Specters that haunt them both, Ladybug and Chat Noir, partners as they are. But…the realization that washes over him is far more chilling than the waves he’s drowning under. Marinette…didn’t give up. She stands tall and ready to bite back at the world if it so much as dares disturb this feeling moment of peace she’s made for herself, hand clasped so tightly around her yoyo he worries it might crack.

Ladybug has fallen silent, voice and strength both abandoning her as shoulders slump, and she leans on the railing, letting out only a sobbing sigh. She doesn’t look at him, only taking a shallow, shaking breath, and hooking one leg over the edge. Without thinking, Chat launches himself in the air again, and in flash he’s there, claws sinking in her wrist deeply enough to draw blood. In what’s almost a trick of the light, they both stare at the ashen embers swirling in the red, being washed away by the storm above. “Marinette, please. I can’t do this without you. I- I can’t-”, Adrien feels the words leave him, tears flowing as denial overcomes all his senses. He- he wasn’t there when Mom vanished, he never told her that he needed her, never got to pull her away from the abyss she’d vanished in. And now…now he could. If he just tried hard enough, if he found the right words- …why did they always leave him?

Instead of refusing the name, or even snapping at him for denying her the peace she’s desperately searched for so long…Ladybug and Marinette melt into one, single forlorn figure, leaning ever so slightly over the edge. She gives him a serene, loving smile, the one whose protection had become his very purpose. And then she asks the impossible, dried tears washing away from her face with every ethereal raindrop that graced her skin. “Adrien…just let me die.”, she whispers to him, their faces only a breath away. As desperately as he hunts for regret or resignation, anything he can use to chance her mind…Chat Noir only finds peaceful acceptance. This is what Marinette wants. And Adrien has never been strong enough to refuse her.

Chat takes a deep breath, letting out a wailing sob that shatters the rhythm around them, forces the droplets of Thanatos away, cries out into the hollow abyss with a sound so broken the world itself ceases to spin, if only to give them that final moment before this bitter end. High above, in the brilliant night still peeking from beyond the clouds, the brightest of all stars fades into a flicker, and blips out of existence, little more than a fickle memory to those who might have spotted it’s light. Adrien stands her to her now, pushing himself against the frozen metal bars as he tries to nod, to understand, but it only comes off as a stiff lean on her shoulder, a fleeting touch of the last warmth inside his golden heart. Chat Noir’s bones creak from the effort, like the gears of a well-oiled machine at last felled to rust, eternity passing them by in merely one second, as impossibly precious as her hurried breath on his cheek.

His eyes meet her own for the last time in forever, and now…he does understand. It’s them against the world, to the bitter, bloody end. Only…now it feels more sweet and calming than sickening and frightful, the idea. “Then…let me die with you, Marinette.”, he breathes her name, feeling her breath hitch against his face. “It’s us ag- against the- …don’t make me fight it alone.”, Chat begs softly, with no strength nor will to speak louder than what the wind can easily carry away, to whatever infinite beyond awaits them in the depths of sea.

She looks at him with charred, grateful eyes, that they won’t need to say goodbye. Ladybug and Chat Noir lean forward ever so slightly, hooking their boots ‘round the metal for a fraction longer, just to breathe before they can never do so again. Under the mask, Marinette smiles at him, in all her ethereal glory. Behind his own, Adrien mimics her, with a grin more real than any chaste smirks or polite nods. This…is it. The End. To Samantha, who has only lived barely a tenday, it’s not so bad. Her kitty is here, to face the unknown together one last time. They will never be apart, in the void that awaits them. And…maybe she’ll even get to see Mama and Papa again, to hug them tight and tell them how much she’s always loved them.

Her soft gaze meets his own, time itself stilling in respect of them, to allow this last look into each other’s eyes. But…Chat looks almost like a marble statue, one that’s been left alone for too long, with withering vines holding the faded white stones together and all its beaty eroded by nothing than agony. As beautiful as he is, staring out into the depths and ready to take the plunge at her side, as much as he wants to, Adrien’s core still holds firm even against nature, the fiercest force of all the world’s horrible monsters. It makes Marinette blink, take another breath and let the salty breeze cool her lungs, smother the last specs of dust those hellish ashes had left behind. Her deep blue eyes look inwards, to a soul charred and half-melted by that same torturous sensation that pains her kitty…but there’s something else.

Adrien’s eyes seem to flicker with sight, for he’s noticed as well. Beyond the walls of dying flames, below the shattered ruble and debris, behind the thick walls of black smoke…lies a life unlike any but his own core, where the slithering vines are repelled by brilliant rays of golden light. Almost in sync, Ladybug and Chat Noir stagger back, clasping their hands together as legs slowly step back on stable ground. Her wrist still bleeds in viscous red, but Marinette’s blood no longer boils from the pain. Now…it drips on Adrien’s claws, and somehow the sensation feels like love.

Twin hearts pound louder than the thunders high above, and he gently flicks away a strand of hair stuck on the bridge of her nose. In a single moment that feels beyond eternity, they both understand. It never was Marinette Dupain Cheng and Adrien Agreste against the world. No, it was them, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Was it any wonder the other pair had failed, when it was not them who the currents helped against the rushing waves? Marinette was the sea, yet the world’s winds had left her drowning within the depths of her own self, leading to her lacking air with which to breathe…and a death at the sunken, forgotten bottom of the seabed, where even Adrien’s blinding golden rays could not bring light.

As for him, the sun incarnate…he was perhaps the opposite. As a matter of science, the Sun itself was always burning, always giving light and warmth to everything and every one it’s rays could reach…leaving only a maelstrom of scorching flames for itself, a cage of fire from which its core was forever trapped, destined to give and give until finally…it would burn out. Inevitably then, Adrien Agreste’s soul had flickered and burnt, hoping against hope for something to douse the flames…but the cool sea had itself been drowning in her own waters, and so Marinette could not help the guiding light.

But…now it was time for another story, one that wouldn’t end in tragedy. Marinette brought her face just an inch closer to Adrien’s face, crashing their lips together as sea and sun finally met…and stepped away as Samantha Fae, looking into Chat Noir’s trademark chaste grin. Against everything, his smile still brightened up her world, and that was enough. High above, the lightning had retreated, letting the calm fill the night sky with a familiar sense of wonder. Clouds dissipated into swirling wisps of grey, and the starlight shone down ever so gently, just bright enough to make their eyes glimmer as they both sighed in that fond, exasperated fondness that made Ladybug break out into a laugh, making Chat’s heart soar to the heavens.

Samantha looks at Adrien with love in her eyes, seeing just Adrien. They both take a step away from the railing, looking back to see two ghosts leaning against it, smiling fondly at eachother. Marinette Dupain Cheng and Adrien Agreste glance back, and vanish into the air, holding hands as they step through the metal bars, and over the spectral edge.  Ladybug takes Chat’s hand in her own, squeezing it softly. “Minou…let’s go home.”, she breathes out, exuding life in a way neither of them had ever felt before. It was almost euphoric, to have a home, together.

The faint ring of white light illuminates the spot where their other selves, those who had tried being people they were never meant to be last stood, leaving flickers of memory to shimmer there, for just a moment longer. As the first golden rays crack the skyline, signaling dawn, Ladybug and Chat Noir take a deep breath…and turn away, walking into the Dark with only faint starlight to guide them. 


And…scene! This chapter actually took away a piece of my soul, and I don’t think I’m going to recover. I honestly had a real moment where I genuinely considered just straight-up ending ACOLL right here and leaving it an open story…but no, I’m me, and there’s no way I’m not exploring every single remaining storyline in extreme detail before ending this fic. I also need to burn Lila Rossi at the steak, so yeah…that’s not happening. I am going on a small hiatus though! But we are at the official halfway point of the fic! If all goes well ACOLL is planned to have exactly 44 chapters! Anyway, there’s a few things I want to talk about here, so let’s begin from the most important!

About the hiatus I mentioned literally just now. It’s…not actually a hiatus. I’ll still be here, I’m not leaving, I’m just delaying the next chapter so I can get started on the What If series I talked about in the beginning notes! First up I’m thinking either “What if Chloe went after Marinette?” in chapter 1, then maybe “What if Adrien also left?” in chapter 3 or something along those lines? So yeah, I’ll be busy with those for a couple weeks, and I do intend for them to be self-contained sneak peeks at what would actually happen, but also full-length chapters, or maybe just slightly shorter. Depends on what exactly the prompt is for each chapter! So yeah, I’ll take a break from ACOLL to go write…AU ACOLL! …please send help…

About Joan…honestly, I was just not expecting to ever flesh her story out like that. She was supposed to be an anti-parallel to Marinette when it came to singularities, and I just included her because she’s one of my favorite real-life historical figures…and then I did all that. Listen, I genuinely think it turned out great and ACOLL Joan is officially one of the fanon characters of all time! Let me know if you guys liked her!

Lastly, just letting everyone know that yes, things actually will calm down after this chapter. These past few chapters have literally been the single longest day in fanfiction history, but we are going to chill for a bit before Lila gets put on the chopping block. Also, I am open to suggestions about that “What If?” stories I should do, so if anyone has a cool idea; please leave it down in the comments, I’d love to hear it!

Anyways, if you’ll excuse me; I am once again going to lock my windows and immediately find the nearest crack fic! I need to calm down after writing this madness. I’ll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 23: Liar liar...


As Roger hunts down Lila Rossi, he reflects on his work as both a police officer and a father, only to be confronted with the worst of all demons. Alya Cesaire and Nino Lahiffe recieve heartwrenching news, and her parents are forced to contend with the idea that Alya might not trust them anymore.

Meanwhile, Chat Noir returns home after a long, endless night, and Ladybug pays a visit to an old friend. It seems that the guillotine is primed and ready...but will Lila Rossi be on the chopping block?


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! Yes, I know this chapter is almost two weeks late, and I have nothing but a huge apology to offer. Life got way too hectic for my liking, and I’ve been working on so many new projects (both for Ao3 and IRL), that I completely lost any sense of time and kind of…forgot to write this chapter! But I do have good news! Like I said, I’ve been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes, some of it for ACOLL and some for future fics! I’m not any announcements yet…just be sure to check out the next few fics a post, and if one of them gives me the chance to write Emilie Agreste as a manipulative supervillain…well, life doesn’t always give you lemons! Sometimes it gives…cookies? Yeah, sure, let’s say cookies! Or macaroons! Maybe cake? No, no. That’s a lie.

Oh, another thing! Remember how I said that ACOLL is getting a companion fic? The “What If?” collection? Well, if I time this right, it should either be in the final editing stages as I post, or already up as the second fic in this series! Our first prompt is “What if Chloe ran after Marinette?”, taking us back to chapter 1, directly after Marinette’s argument with Alya! Honestly, it’s a guilty pleasure to delve into the minds of conflicted characters, and a version of Chloe that hasn’t yet gotten her reality check is just so fascinating to me! Anyway, feel free to check it out and give me your thoughts over there, but for now…we have a chapter to get to!

Trigger Warnings: Self-deprecating thoughts, suicidal thoughts, rampant psychopathy, Lila Rossi being onscreen, gun violence, depression and anxiety, mental breakdowns, Alya’s family drama, pyrophobia, survivor’s guilt, cosmic theory, and general mental instability.

Note: I don’t think I have to say this, but this is a fanfiction, and I am therefore taking some creative liberties with Roger’s police work in this and the next chapter. Okay? Okay!

Anyway, grab a snack, your favorite drink, and give a clap and half for: Roger’s continued depression, a literal tree, Lila singing a merry little tune (onscreen), a faded house fire, Alya being Just Fine™, Nathalie being surprisingly okay, Gabriel being shockingly useful, Adrien’s bad hair day, and…Chloe lays out a scheme!

Without any further ado, let’s jump right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Roger’s hands gripped the steering wheel all too tightly, his fingers trembling and spasming as he struggled to keep the damn thing steady. The wheels of his car seemed all too slippery, sliding across the wet concrete roads underneath as buildings became naught but blurs in his eyes. Street lights allowed him to glimpse the turns on empty, near haunted streets as he drove, and Roger couldn’t tell if he was speeding fast enough for the world to not leave him behind again. Determination fueled him through misty eyes and torn heartstrings, and he used the pain to focus his mind onto the goal. Find Lila Rossi, and deliver justice.

It was his fault after all, how could it not be? He…he’d been warned about this demon wearing a young girl’s skin, by one too many people. Nathalie Sancoeur had called him first, brought upon his desk a whole storm of legal papers and lengthy lawsuits from Gabriel, practically demanding he have the girl hanged by morning lest he end up with a noose around his neck, and Roger only barely managed to hold off the frenzied assault through technicalities and semantics, asking for time to do his due diligence and investigate properly. It should have been his first clue, that the woman sounded so unlike herself on the phone. Instead of the cold, calculating tone she was known for even to him, madame Sancoeur sounded almost like she wanted to burn Lila Rossi to Hell and back, until the end of time.

Roger had found himself nodding in understanding, of course he did. Charges of harassment and sexual assault, thankfully unsuccessful as it may have been…nobody in their right mind would dismiss this case, not in a thousand years. And so, he’d called forth his detectives, sending officers out and making calls, took statements from those most involved and retrieved security footage. They’d left a copy of the evidence on his desk, securing the original, and yet he’d been swamped with the Dupain Cheng case still, ravenously hunting down for any clue they might have missed, regardless of how they’d called off the search days ago. Nearing obsession with the matter, desperate to make sure the eventual casket would have a body inside…Roger hadn’t looked. He didn’t watch the footage Sancoeur turned over to them, didn’t read the statement transcripts, not so much as had a word with his detectives.

Of course, the world kept spinning, and his officers took it upon themselves to keep digging, talking to Gabriel Agreste’s lawyers and calling his assistant, but unable to get a hold of the woman or her boss in person. She’d claimed they were attending to private matters, insisting they be given more time before they needed to come by the station and giving her statement over the phone…with Roger again nodding numbly, letting the matter be. He’d explained to his detectives that they were organizing the funeral for the Dupain Cheng girl, for Marinette- and they left it alone, knowing well enough the dark circles and frizzled nerves their Captain had acquired ever since that case went cold. Nobody was willing to fight him on it, and life went on for a few more days of faux normalcy, as if guilt hadn’t been taking chunks out of Roger’s flesh throughout each sleepless night.

Nathalie Sancoeur was the first call on Monday afternoon, but far from the last in the past few days. Of all people, it was Caline who called him just yesterday, having taken the day off claiming illness. Sabrina had texted him first thing in the morning, that they had a substitute and she’d stay with her classmates for most of the afternoon. Naturally, Roger had been meaning to tell his officers to look into Rossi’s behavior in her academic environment, and he would have done so, had it not been for the ring of his phone just after he sat down at his desk. He remembered that conversation clear as crystal, even as his car made the world no more than a blur to speed past in his quest for justice. Or…was it revenge? …did it even matter?

Roger’s legs dragged the rest of his body to his desk, inasmuch as they could manage, numb and stiff as his muscles were. He slumped over in the chair, sighing deeply before taking out the reports from yesterday’s investigation into the Rossi case. Sancoeur’s call had left him worried, with Lila being Sabrina’s classmate. His daughter had once ever said nice things about the Italian girl, about how Rossi had supported her in the aftermath of her falling-out with Chloe, and from what Roger had so far understood, Lila seemed to be a genuinely sweet girl, looking out for those in need and trying to help his daughter feel better. Of course, it was his job to look at the evidence with a critical, well-trained eye and infer for himself what really happened to cause Gabriel Agreste to drag a teenage girl to criminal court, even if he’d done so through his assistant.

As uncomfortable as it made him to think that one of his daughter’s only friends was some kind of…harasser, from what little that Roger truly knew about Adrien’s father, the man was not one to act rashly. Heck, the expected reaction from a fashion mogul like Agreste was to do everything in his power to sweep the whole incident under the rug and save face for the company! But then…why were they trying so hard to bring this to light, with ready evidence at a moment’s notice? Without checking over the evidence, Roger wasn’t quite sure what to think. He didn’t want to stereotype anyone, even Gabriel, but it still seemed suspicious just on principle. To think that a girl like Lila had truly been harassing her coworkers like that…

Roger had already opened up the statement transcripts when his phone rang loudly, echoing in the office space. He inhaled sharply, not letting his mind jump back to the call he’d received only a few nights ago, his lieutenant’s frantic request to get down to the station and organize the search parties for a girl who’d gone missing. When he’d asked the name… No, he couldn’t let himself spiral now. Roger slammed his hand on the desk’s hardwood surface, forcing his fingers to cease their trembling, and slowly picked up his cellphone despite the pain it brought him.

“Raincomprix.” he said curtly, forcing the word out even as he flashed back to the last time he’d done so, annoyed at being woken up in the middle of the night.

“Roger, it’s me, Caline!” came the frantic voice at the other end, making him still.

He straightened out his spine, ready to jump off his chair and into action in case his daughter needed him. “Is Sabrina alright?” he asks, barely managing to breath out the question, never mind that they had a substitute teacher or that he’d texted her barely fifteen minutes ago.

Silence, for just a moment. It feels almost like the woman is nodding, forgetting he can’t see her. “Uh- yes! That’s…not why I’m calling you. S-sorry if I’ve disturbed you…” Caline manages to say in a low, quivering tone.

“Then what is it?” he feels himself snap at her, unable to stop the jab from seeping in his voice. Roger is met with only a faint whimpering on the other side of the line, and so he sighs deeply, hoping it goes through. “I- I’m sorry, Caline. But I’m handling an important case at the moment, so please…if it could wait…” he trails off, letting silence fall over them both.

A moment passes, as quick as a heartbeat yet as slow as a snail’s pace, until eventually a sharp inhale sounds in his ear. “It can’t, Roger! I…’m sorry, just- just let me find my words…” Caline whispers, almost as if afraid the walls around her would overhear.

It strikes him then, that the woman sounds absolutely terrified. The normally composed, kind and friendly homeroom teacher shakes like a leaf, to the point where he can hear her shivering on the other end of the line. “A…Alya has been looking into what happened with Ma- Marinette.” Caline breathes out the name in almost a prayer, regret seeping through her voice as though it’s drowning the poor woman. “She- she found-”, Caline stutters, taking another deep breath, “please, come by Dupont as soon as you can. I- I went in yesterday, t-tried to act like it was just a normal day…but she was there.”

Roger can’t quite remember exactly what he said to her, nor the few moments between wishing the woman well, agreeing to meet her at the entrance to the school and putting his coat back on, grabbing his gun and striding out of his office in a determined march. He barely recalls driving there, no less how he’d known it was Rossi who’d upset the woman so badly. When Roger made it to the steps with three of his best detectives in tow, Caline was already there, Principal Damocles already speaking with her and ushering them all into his office with quaking legs. He- he doesn’t want to remember what they’d found, the way his fellows had paled at the sight, nor how his lieutenant insisted he take Thursday off, claiming she would personally handle it.

And so, he had gone back to the Precinct, and poured himself the strongest cup of coffee the office break room could provide before tearing open every last report they had about this girlbut by that time, Roger had been ready to leave the precinct behind and stay home the next day, at Sabrina’s side until it was time to go out again, to the funeral of the girl he couldn’t save. Sometime before, he thinks, Roger had called detective Decker to ask about an arrest, but the woman only sighed loudly over the phone, claiming that despite their insistence, Lila Rossi had refused them entry to her home, and there was nothing to be done without a warrant.

If Roger could somehow bring himself to that moment just after, when he’d sighed and barked for her to get on it, he would speed down to Andre’s office and outright demand the papers be signed, even if it would cost him the very soul inside his chest. But of course, he’d been weak, selfishly electing to indulge in his daughter’s presence even as the unfinished work gnawed at his bones. And now…what had started as a concerning case of harassment and possibly a show of Gabriel’s usual overprotectiveness over his son had devolved into something so far above his paygrade that Roger didn’t quite know why he was still the one in charge here.

When he dared to think back on it, he could find neither rhyme nor reason to the situation as a whole. Blurry and muddled as the days had become, Roger could barely put his thoughts in order long enough to even make sense of it! Lila Rossi had apparently been harassing Adrien, downright blackmailing the poor kid if the evidence collected by Gabriel’s legal team and madame Sancoeur was to be believed, as well as causing trouble for the other models and staff she worked with. That wasn’t unheard of, not in a cutthroat industry as was the fashion world. Everyone constantly stepped over each other, and even Roger understood that some people were willing to ruin as many careers as they needed to just to stay on top…but while blackmail would simply be criminal, sexual harassment fell under the truly despicable things, enough so to thrust him and all his detectives directly into action even with the low morale after the Dupain Cheng case went cold.

This, he could understand. Lila Rossi was just one of those people, opportunistic and willing to sacrifice her morals to get what she wanted. But…faking disabilities, pretending to run charities only to steal the donations, actively bullying and targeting those who’d tried to speak out against her… Roger was quick to anger as the security footage from Damocles’ computer played out, he remembered that much. But…to see someone willingly accept an Akuma…to think that this person was his daughter’s classmate, her so-called friend…it made Roger sick down to the core.

Maybe…maybe he chose to stay at Sabrina’s side to protect her from more than just the grief. Or rather, Roger had chosen to protect himself, from all of it. He faintly remembered Sabrina’s smile as he told her they could spent the day together, the way she’d hugged him tightly for the first time since she was a little girl, basking in the comfort of a familiar presence as much as he was. It had been stupid, almost neglectful to not see this through himself, even knowing damn well detective Decker did all she could. The papers would come in ‘morrow morning, she’d told him as much in an enraged text, and the officers stationed outside the girl’s house till late afternoon hadn’t seen her leave. Roger sighed deeply, his fingers numbing as fatigue began to catch up to him…and then he saw something standing right at the center of his windshield.

Time grinded down, slowing more with every passing second. The world was spinning, his head suddenly throbbed in horrible pain- and Roger instinctively slammed the brakes as he blinked at the tall object, hearing the wheels melt against the road’s cold asphalt as his car came to a halt, barely an inch away from ramming directly into a park tree. Letting out an involuntary sigh of relief, he blinked to himself, realizing exactly where he was. Roger knew this city like the back of his head, and had glared daggers at that innocently-placed point on the map where Lila Rossi happened to reside.

…the fact that said devil of a girl was left near-blind by his headlights helped somewhat. Roger blinked, and the gangly form remained in his sights, like a deer frozen in…headlights, ironically enough. Without a moment’s hesitation, he kicked the driver’s door open, pulling out his gun and taking aim. “Police!” Roger cried out into the night. “Freeze, hands behind your head!” he orders her, stepping closer.

Under the harsh, blinding white lights of his car and with her lithe form shaking uncontrollably, Lila Rossi looked almost…scared, as she slowly turned to face him. “I- I’m not moving!” she exclaimed in a panic, and Roger caught a glimpse of her frightened features, half-hidden by shadows of the night. “P-please, officer! I got locked out of my apartment; I swear I’m only trying to get back inside!” Lila tells him, her voice reverberating such fear that Roger is truly taken aback. She…she seems so scared of him…and here he is, aiming a gun at a teenage girl.

From up close, Rossi seems nothing like the horrid picture his evidence board has painted. Rather, every single word Sabrina’s spoken to him about this girl is clear as crystal as she seems to whimper, eyes wide and locked at the barrel of his gun. “…why are you outside at this hour? Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Roger gathers himself long enough to ask, and the girl seems to crack right before his very eyes.

“I…I sleepwalk, sometimes.” Lila says in a low tone, much quieter now. Almost subdued, and her chest rises and falls slower than before as she takes deep breaths. Roger nods at her to go on, and slowly aims his gun to the pavement below. She blinks in confusion for a moment, like she’s just realized he isn’t going to hurt her.

The very thought that she genuinely feared he was capable of harming a child in the middle of the night leaves Roger breathless, and that startled look Rossi gives him, her eyes still darting between his face and gun- “My mum sleeps like a rock, I’ve called her already but she isn’t picking up. I- I was trying to get back in, I promise!”, Lila lets out a shaken cry, and Roger sees her fingers trembling, long nails tapping against her palms like some kind of attempt to calm herself down.

He lowers the gun, still tightly clutching it as years of experience have taught him, and Lila’s green eyes shine in something akin to relief, but Roger only gives a deep sigh as she stops fidgeting with herself, ever so slowly taking a single back as he approaches again, sinking into the shadows. “Miss Rossi…” he begins, unsure if he should even ask the girl when she’s so clearly shaken. “If you recall, detective Decker and her team paid you a visit just yesterday, did they not?” Roger asks her in as calming a voice as he can manage, still feeling his own fingers spasm against the trigger.

Lila’s gaze falls to the cracks in the pavement below, as if she’s ashamed to meet his eyes. “Y-yes, they did. But my mom isn’t home, won’t be till next week! She’s away on a trip…like always…” the girl sounds out the words in a low voice, and Roger swears he hears a wisping sob escape her. He takes another step forward, coming to stand between Lila and the headlights of his car. She seems to relax ever so slightly now that the light isn’t blinding her, and breathes in deeply. “I’m not supposed to open up for anybody, not if she isn’t home. D-detective Decker came by again this morning, but-” she chokes out, legs starting to quiver.

She sounds so honestly guilty that it nearly gives Roger whiplash as he tries to put together the pieces in his mind. This- surely this kid couldn’t have been some kind of bully! …maybe Caline had misunderstood somehow, and Sabrina was right after all? He was more than ready to trust his daughter’s gut, especially when she’d sounded so excited about finally having a real friend! And as for her Akumatization…everybody had their bad days, Roger himself should know that better than those few who’d been lucky enough to escape Hawkmoth’s rampages.

Roger…stilled for a moment, forcing the echoes of that charismatic, alluring voice out of his head, reducing them back to the semi-recuring nightmare he’d long learned to deal with. Nobody had ever been blamed for what they did as an Akuma, and if grown adults could so easily fall victim to Hawkmoth’s schemes…why was he so ready to blame a teenager for the same mistake countless others had made? Did…did a part of him simply want someone to blame for all this mess, the same way he’d tried so fruitlessly to deny that he was really at fault?

“W-well, miss Rossi…I- I suppose I understand.” he breathes out after a long silence, and the girl takes a hesitant step forward, locking eyes with him. “How about I take you down to the Precinct, and come morning we’ll look into getting a locksmith for that door?” Roger offers her gently, trying not to spook the poor girl that still moves like a frightened animal. Ever so slowly she takes another step, her eyes glinting as he turns to lead her away, and-

Lila freezes on the spot as he turns around on pure instinct, her hand half-extended to snatch the gun right out of his grip. He looks her in the eye for only a moment, but it’s enough. The look Rossi sends back is scalding, the beastly snarl of a predator caught red-handed, and her form, now illuminated by his headlights again, seems far ganglier and jagged than before. And that shine in her eyes…he’s only ever seen in murderers, killers who have seen and bathed in blood without a second thought. In a flash, Roger aims right between her eyes, and she moves, her nails grazing the flesh on his neck-

He pulls the trigger, and a bang echoes in the silent night as they both drop to the pavement. Thunder suddenly splits the skies, and Roger Raincomprix is left laying out in the rain, with one less bullet in his pistol than before, and a viscous red oozing from the girl’s fallen body.


Alya Cesaire felt herself groan, something warm and soft pressing against her back. The world still felt fuzzy, her sleep-addled mind needing a good second before she remembered to try opening her eyes. Lazily blinking, she instinctively reached out for her glasses, finding them placed on her nightstand, like they always…were. …oh. She was home. The concept nearly sent her spiraling, even barely aware of her surroundings like Alya was. And that warm shape next to her should be...Nino, she thought to herself. He was sleeping peacefully next to her, a soft expression etched upon his features. Seeing it almost made her want to cry.

She remembered waking up on the living room couch in a bundle of limbs, Marinette sprawled on the pillows next to her and half-curled in a ball as she hugged Alya’s arm, her face glowing with a comforted smile as the first rays of sunlight lit up the horizon. Being a natural early bird, Alya usually woke up before the bluenette on each and every sleepover, relentlessly teasing her best friend who would somehow always end up running late to school, despite living only a few blocks away.

It made her absence hurt that much more, when Marinette started refusing her offers to come over in the past few months. Of course, Alya had justified it to herself when she stopped asking, citing to Nino that Mari was clearly not interested, always so busy. Or…at least, that’s what she’d told herself, huddled on her bed, alone and angry that Marinette was avoiding her. At the time, it hadn’t even crossed her mind that she might be the problem, that Alya Cesaire as a name had a negative connotation in her best friend’s mind. She- she hadn’t ever seen it, not until after the bitter end. But…she promised herself to stay here, as much as she would love to run to Marinette’s arms and tell the bluenette she was sorry. And so, Alya would. She’d keep going despite how much she missed Mari, because that’s what she had done. Abandoned and forsaken, her best friend found the strength to put one foot in front of the other, and do it all with a bright, sunny smile. How could Alya ever deign approach her again, if she didn’t at least try to imitate that greatness?

Beside her, Nino stirred, softly groaning at the loss of body heat as she pulled herself into a sitting position. She slowly perked her glasses up on her nose, turning to look at him. Sleep-addled as he was, Nino still looked so peaceful to her, in a way that Alya couldn’t really understand. Impossibly, he managed to put himself together time and time again, and then pulled her back to the real world too, far away from her dark, intrusive thoughts. In another life, she might have been a little envious of that skill…but Alya also remembered the way he’d hugged Adrien in Samantha’s apartment, clutching on for dear life and uttering a single word like it meant everything to him.

Gently tapping his shoulder, Alya wiped the tears daring to form in her eyes, trying to give him a smile. It comes out toothy and with a wild edge, but just like Adrien’s picturesque grin, hers is unnatural, uneven and untrue, and Nino has long learned to recognize the tells. His features morph into concern before he’s fully opened both eyes, and Alya frowns ever so slightly.

Undeterred, she tries to smile again, this time thinking of him, the way Nino’s arms would hug her, the way he held her close and let her cry…and it comes out a real grin, making him chuckle. “Good morning, babe.” he yawns, drawing out the words as she blinks at how casual he’s being.

Alya can’t help but burst out laughing, playfully whacking him on the shoulder as he reels in mock-offense, before pulling her back down on the bed with him, running a hand through her hair. She purrs in delight at the sensation, resting her head at the crook of his neck, taking a moment to just breathe. “Yeah…it’s a new day, isn’t it?” she asks in a soft murmur, practically whispering in his ear.

Nino senses the pang of grief in the question, but he still nods and hugs her, sighing deeply. “A new day…” he affirms, voice trailing off as he pauses in thought. They’d probably go see Adrien today, check up on him and spend the day together. Despite the absence of a friend, Nino was happy to stick close to his brother, distract them both from the Hell this past week had been. And…it was difficult to even think about, that today was a Friday. Not even a full seven days, and they’d already buried- …no, he shouldn’t go down that route. Inasmuch as any of them could, Nino pushed back the sting in his heart, forcing himself to focus on Alya’s breath hitting his cheek.

These moments of peace…they’d both come to value them much more lately, scarce as they are. Small touches, affirmations that they’re both still here, they help him feel more grounded. Maybe someday Nino would try to live again, but for now…just being was fine by him. As for Alya, she seemed perfectly content to stay in his arms for the rest of eternity, and he couldn’t help but break out into a wild grin as he looked at the face of the girl he loved. Scarred and broken as they both were, there was still something so beautiful about her that made his heart beat faster every time he chose to acknowledge it.

He stays there for a moment, laying against the soft mattress and with her half-sprawled on his chest, listening to her take long, deep breaths. Last night, after- …after they’d come back, he decided to stay with her. Exhausted in every sense of the word, they’d heaved each other upstairs and collapsed on her bed, lulled into a blissful, dreamless sleep. Nino could only recall a faint glimmer of pink light just before he shut his eyes…and now here they were, more okay than they’d ever been in days, maybe even weeks.

Ever so slowly, Alya detaches herself from him, dragging herself off the bed despite both body and mind protesting the idea of leaving Nino’s side, Alya hooked each leg over the bedframe and heaved herself upwards, managing to keep her balance. He looked at her curiously, sitting up to press his back against the pillows, and it finally clicks that they’re still wearing last night’s attire. She seems to notice it too, and with a long sigh, Alya steps over to her closet, fishing out a fresh change of clothes for herself. Then, from the back corner she grabs at a spare jacket he’d loaned her, one of Nino’s borrowed hoodies, and a set of jeans she was pretty sure would fit him.

Wordlessly, they both turned away from the other and switched into the new outfits, Alya sticking to her classic look as Nino poked his head through the dark blue hoodie, picking up his cap from her desk chair, where he’d left it in a hurry yesterday as they went out to meet Adrien and the others downstairs. She…she didn’t let her mind stray to the new girl, who looked and felt so much like an old friend that being about her genuinely hurt Alya’s spirit. It wasn’t fair to Samantha, just because she looked similar to Marinette. And…she’d looked so painfully uncomfortable, focusing solely on clutching Adrien’s hand for support, the same way Nino had done for her as they all walked down the dark streets of Paris what felt like an eternity ago.

“So…” Nino perked up after a moment of silence, tapping her on the shoulder. Alya snapped her around to look at him, realizing she must have spaced out. “…do we give Adrien a call? I mean- we can’t drop by unannounced, right?” he asks her, and she numbly nods, a sudden chill creeping up her spine.

“Y-yeah.” she stutters, shaking herself back into reality. “Let’s just head down, grab breakfast before Nora decides to force pancakes in my mouth…” Alya tries to joke, electing a playful chuckle from Nino. They grab their stuff, crossing the hallway and descending the staircase with far more ease than Alya could ever manage on her lonesome, finding her parents in the kitchen.

From down the hall, she could faintly hear Ella and Etta scream something at Nora, who elected to laugh at the twins, waves of sound booming across the house. Still…to Alya, it felt forced, as if her sister was just trying to entertain rather than enjoy her time with the twins. Mom and Dad both blinked at her when she came in, Nino following suit, and gave them both a bright, pained smile each. “Good morning sweetie!” Mom cheered in a tone that was all too happy for Alya’s liking, quickly pushing a plate of pancakes to the empty chair across from her on the kitchen table.

Otis and Nino only shared a nod, but the man’s eyes were red, dried tears staining his shirt. Alya noticed it just after him, but Nino calmly put a hand on her shoulder, giving a soft, grounding squeeze. Of course; more bad news. Alya didn’t quite swear under her breath, but the chocked sound was close enough for Marlena to look at her with worry. She shared a look with her husband for a moment, saying nothing. Alya dragged Nino to the chair next to her, and they wordlessly ate their breakfast, politely ignoring Otis’ awkward attempts to start a sentence…only for his voice to fail him midway through.

“Um…Alya?” Mom perked up again, causing her to sigh deeply before looking at the woman.

Nino again tried to squeeze her shoulder, but Alya gently shook his hand off, and he slowly retreated. “What is it this time? Did someone’s house burn down? Are you both out a job?” she asked sharply, voice snappy and tone as scalding as an inferno, making her parents flinch.

For a moment, there’s a tense silence permeating the air…and then Nino snatches his phone out of his pocket, quickly checking the news. The normally calm and collected DJ stills, shoulder going stiff as Alya leans over to see for herself. Time seems to stop as she reads the headline…and Otis’ breath hitches for but a moment before she calmly puts her fork down, wrapping Nino in a one-armed hug.

Fuck.” Nino lets out in a resigned sigh, and Alya abruptly gets up from her seat. Marlena extends a hand to touch her cheek, to try and comfort her daughter…but Alya quickly pulls away, only stopping to help Nino up. The boy mutters a quiet thanks for the meager breakfast, and they’ve run out the front door before Otis has the chance to even try stopping them. With shaking legs, Marlena stumbles towards him and all he can do is hold his wife and let himself cry for the loss of their friends.

They can do nothing else; the way things are. Marlena’s head spun with confusion and grief, barely able to even understand what the news were saying when she and Otis sat down to eat their breakfast. It- it wasn’t supposed to end like this! They’d seen Tom and Sabine only yesterday night, and now…they were gone. Just like that, turned to ash by some freak accident the police were still investigating and with no one to blame for the deed. It was neigh incomprehensible to Marlena, that she wouldn’t see them again.

She and Otis had known these people, had warmly greeted their daughter every time Marinette passed by to sleep over in Alya’s room, or drop off a new girl for her best friend. And their daughter, who’d stressed when they’d first moved to Paris about being an outsider, adored her, constantly striving to hang out with the bluenette almost as vigorously as she obsessed over her blog. Of course…Marlena had seen that something wasn’t quite right the past few weeks, even when Otis would comfort her and assure that Alya was a grown girl who could handle her own problems, that if she needed their help, she’d know to ask. But…with how withdrawn her daughter had become…would Alya ask, now that she barely dared breathe the same air as her family?

It was never supposed to be this way. Family worked on problems together, she and Otis knew that and had done their damn best to teach it to all their daughters. But now, as she failed to stop herself from crying on her husband’s shoulder, Marlena wasn’t sure Alya considered them family anymore, not in the way she had before all this. Maybe it was the stress, the grief, the guilt, but something had caused her little girl to pull away from them, violently and as suddenly as the loss itself. And…the people who they could turn to for advice, the couple they’d gotten to know over the past two years and trusted enough to supervise their daughter…Sabine and Tom were dead now, unable to utter a single word of affirmation she so desperately needed.

Marlena and Otis wouldn’t describe themselves as solidary people, but both could admit to being a little introverted in their youth, and evidently the trait carried well into their adulthood, and the life that came after. He puts an arm on her back, softly running it over her spine as she lets out a low wail, trusting Nora to not let the twins come see what the noise was. Otis…she still remembers when they first met, seeing that lanky kid fresh out of college just like her, obsessed with animals and trying to land a job at the local zoo.

Somehow, in ways that neither of them could ever really understand or fully agree on, Marlena’s dreams to be a world-class chef and Otis’ passion for animal care happened to result in them meeting, and from there it was a slow, unassuming friendship…until one day, they realized that they couldn’t imagine their lives without one another. After some years, they were married, had their first daughter, Nora, named after her grandmother. A stubborn and ambitious tomboy who got into fights at school and forced them to learn how to patient with her. As much of an angsty teenager as Nora had been in those years, they’d still managed to move past it now that she was an adult.   

And…it had given her and Otis many an invaluable lesson on the dos and don’ts of raising children, that they tried to apply to Alya as best they could. Marlena had even been hopeful enough to think they were doing better this time around, that Alya was thriving at school, with many friends amongst her peer and a boyfriend her parents could genuinely trust…only for that same hope to blind her when it would have been her job, noticing the early signs. But Nino still kept up his visits, date nights came and went just as frequently as before, and Alya would sometimes even talk their ears off about this new and amazing friend at her school named Lila, so of course, Marlena didn’t think to worry.

Otis hadn’t either, in her defense. He needn’t say the words for her to hear them echoing inside her very soul, fractured as that malleable essence had become. Their ignorance was as born of neglect as much as it was willful. Both of them had never wanted anything to be wrong with Alya’s life, trusted that should the worst come to pass, she’d approach them for help…even if Nora never once did, with all the fights she’d gotten into. In the end, Marlena hadn’t wanted to see it, the way Alya slowly withdrew from Marinette over the past months, until eventually she stopped speaking of the girl entirely.

She’d justified it to herself, Otis had even deterred her when it came down to broaching the subject with Alya, citing that sometimes, not all friendships last forever. Maybe it was just a rough patch, and they needed time to figure themselves out. Or it could simply be that they were being drawn to different directions, as had happened with their own friends over the years. But…for the first time in her life, Marlena wished she hadn’t listened to Otis, back when Alya had first come upset about Marinette. It…it’s been months, she realizes numbly, but the cinders of regret have been once again ignited, with only her husband’s presence stopping her from spiraling completely.

He isn’t so much crying as he is reflecting, and slowly being led to the same thought that has gripped Marlena’s mind. Alya didn’t trust them. The very notion was completely foreign to them both; family was supposed to work together! But…they had done so, hadn’t they? Working on a synchronized schedule that became second nature, attuned to each other and with the simple acts of kindness becoming normality, when even was the last time they’d all sat down together after dinner to just talk, instead of going off in their own corners of the house for one thing or the other? They…they’d just taken their daughter’s happiness as a given, same way she did that breakfast would be ready just before Marlena walked out the door for work, or that Otis would drive Ella and Etta to school on his way to the zoo every morning.

Marlena remembered the hushed conversation they’d had just yesterday afternoon, right after she came home from work. Without a moment’s hesitation, Nora distracted the twins as she was now, letting Otis pull her aside, and tell her how his talk with Alya had gone. He’d tried, of course, to bring it up gently. She’d wanted to stay with him, but Otis had insisted it was better not to overwhelm her. And Marlena agreed, hesitant that she was to leave her daughter’s side. In the past few days, Alya had barely even left her room except to go out with Nino or to stumble her way into the kitchen for water, if she bothered to remember. They’d expected an outburst, anger and pent-up fury at the world to explode outwards, at the very least sobs and shouts like any child was supposed to give, facing such a loss…

But Alya had only nodded calmly, as if she hadn’t even heard Otis break the news to her. A low, almost indifferent tone was all he got as a response before she locked herself upstairs again, and he’d only gotten a moment’s glimpse into her eyes. It was enough to truly scare him, after so many years of working with wild beasts. Alya’s usual fiery spirit, her determination that she prized so fiercely…had been snuffed out, leaving the girl a lifeless husk, barely capable of stringing five words together before stumbling away. Or at least, that was the image Otis conveyed to her, right before Nino stopped by visit. The mention of Alya’s accusatory tone had startled Marlena, but with their daughter secluding herself from the rest of the family and clearly wanting to be left alone…there was nothing they could do. What hurt the most…was that Alya’s voice, at least in her head, sounded like she was used to it. And so, even as the twins’ playful laughter echoed throughout the house, laughing at Nora’s tall tales, Marlena and Otis could only hug each other, hoping it would drown out their broken sobs.


Chat Noir finds himself scampering through Adrien Agreste’s bedroom, his claws grazing against the windowsill as he flops on the model’s bed right before a flash of green can overtake him. The light is near blinding, and a small black blob flings itself into the blonde’s minifridge, instantly devouring a whole wheel of Camembert before loudly burping.

“Plagg!” the model chides his Kwami in fond exasperation, but the little God only cackles before inhaling more cheese. He flips a piece in the air, floating upside down as he chomps on it, earning him a laugh from Adrien.

After taking a few microseconds to savor the delectable, mouth-watering flavor of his beloved Camembert, Plagg flies back to his Chosen, making himself comfortable on the kid’s shoulder as he lays on the bed, utterly exhausted. “Not my fault that your girlfriend didn’t have any cheese left!” he pretends to pout, raising his miniscule hands in a mock-surrender.

Adrien gives a loud, tired sigh, gently reaching out to pet Plagg’s head with his fingers. The Kwami groans in protest, but doesn’t resist. His complaining is part of their game, but both of them know Plagg secretly adores the affection, even if he’d rather toss away a perfectly good Brie than actually admit it. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you were starving…” the kid draws out the word, and the tiny God of Destruction purrs in annoyance, but doesn’t bother correcting him.

Plagg can still feel his renewed strength course through the very Concept that he wields, the Guardian’s Seals shattered like all restrains would be when daring to cross him. As Adrien takes a moment to relax, breathing deeply and gazing into the morning sun with relief etched on his features, the Kwami ponders for a moment the consequences of his decision. It’s…possible, he surmises, for the Guardians to view him as even more of a threat, not that the notion bothers him in any particular way. Where his concern lies is with Adrien and Marinette, and what those self-righteous, idiot monks might do if one of them ever decides to head down to Paris.

And yet…shouldn’t they have been here by now? It’s been almost a year since dear old Fu gave up the Miracle Box, but there’s no sign of the Order. He hadn’t bothered to question it, the same way the Trojans never asked about their literal gift horse. Plagg had full confidence in Tikki’s kit, that she could wipe the floor with any of those old, shriveled crooks. Besides, they’d had a much bigger, more constant threat to worry about, instead of worrying about the Guardians returning to Paris once again. Still…their absence was worth exploring, and so Plagg reached out with his Concept, controlled to perfection, and saw through the remaining flickers of Destruction still inside the Thibet Temple.

He found them all there, calmly walking across corridors and reading their dusty tomes. The old Masters taught the young, maintained the magic barrier around the Temple to keep themselves isolated, and tended to the Miracle Boxes in their possession, inasmuch as they could without the help of the Kwami living inside. Plagg shifted his vision, instead focusing on any who might be outside…and found no one at all. Instead, even the Masters seemed afraid to venture outside their towering walls, and Destruction flickered at the edges of the Temple, a fizzing remnant of the catastrophe from nearly two centuries ago. Oddly enough…it seemed to surround the grounds, in a way Plagg had only seen once before.

For as much as he had adored Sullivan, when the man was still his Holder, the Pontiff had always been a bit…too reckless with his actions. But in the final battle to reclaim his castle from a wretched nobleman, who Plagg recalls might have been his uncle, either by blood or marriage, the then still noble Sullivan had used a real Cataclysm to tear through the enemy army…and echoes of that destruction lingered ‘round the grounds for decades to come, even as the man grew older and paranoid…and into a husk of his former self Plagg would forever despise.

It wasn’t necessarily the power itself that could cause these echoes, but rather his Concept, flaring up in times of great disaster as was the natural order of things. The echoes surrounding the Guardian Temple were more potent, flickering in and out of existence in a way that visible to the human eye, where only Sullivan himself had been able to see the ones ‘round his ward. Plagg hummed to himself, thinking critically for a moment. Of course, he should have known something like this might happen. For the months that had passed them by, his Concept was growing more potent, signaling a major change. Tikki’s too grew to match him, and so they were not concerned with the Balance. Power flowed freely between them, maintaining equilibrium, and so the Gods thought not to worry for the world, but rather keep all their eyes firmly on the kids they were protecting.

In the end, it was only Plagg and those he formed a strong bond with that could ever hope to comprehend Destruction. Tis not an omen of death as history had so often written, besmirching him time and time again, but rather a foreteller of change, no more good or evil as lightning striking some spot across Earth. For billions of years now, it had become impossible for him and Tikki to see everything, as they once did. As much as they fussed over the matter then, that was simply a natural change they had to adjust to, in this and every other Universe. Kwami were adaptable like that, malleable beings in whose image Tikki created humanity. Inasmuch as any mortal soul was able, her humans were quick to adapt to new situations…or at least, most of them were.

When he filtered the echoing Destruction in his hand and found no threat to the Guardians, Plagg shook his ethereal head, making them flare with disappointment. Of course, the Order’s rigid structure did not promote much open-mindedness, and their many rules had always bothered Plagg to a degree…but seeing them wasting away inside that Temple, terrified of their own shadows like children afraid to check under the bed- it made the God laugh, in a booming cackle that only Tikki could hear. So scared were they of facing not only the natural changes brought by Time’s passage, but also the simple fact that Creation and Destruction were shifting once again, that the Guardians dared not venture outside their Temple. Magic wards and high towers helped them feel safe, and none would dare pass through his Destruction’s echoes, even if they were no more dangerous than a scorch mark in the ground.

So it would be then, for their once-great Order to wither away in a cage of their own Creation. Even Tikki’s compassion for human souls would not save them, simply because they would refuse, time and time again. Most especially now, with them unrestrained by mortal boundaries, the Guardians would forever cower inside their walls, so terrified of the supposed monsters outside that they’d never get to appreciate the new world’s beauty. Plagg sighed, a pang of sadness echoing across his bond with Tikki, but they and all their siblings would concur when it came to taking action. As Fu and his Guardians so often did across all history, the Kwami…would do nothing. Let the order solve its own problems, and if some would venture into the unknown, allow them a chance to find their way. Death…as sad as it was, also mattered in terms of Balance in this world. It was ultimately their choice, Tikki and Plagg’s greatest gift to all those with sentience. Freedom.

Satisfied with his observations, Plagg blinked his physical eyes, lazily looking at Adrien, the boy gazing back in fond exasperation. “Don’t tell me you’re falling asleep already.” Chat Noir teases him, poking his small form, and the Kwami hisses in mock-annoyance, as is their game. His kit sighs deeply, sitting up on the bed and gently turning Plagg away to change into a new set of clothes.

The Kwami allows it, understanding that humans value their privacy in weird ways that he did not. When Adrien pokes him again, Plagg playfully bites his finger, grinning all the while. Chat Noir gently scoops him up, settling him into his shirt’s front pocket, and Destruction purrs, content to sleep for the time being. Perhaps…one day, he would sit his Chosen down and try to explain the theories of the cosmos, if he were to watch him Tikki’s kit grow old together. But for now, he was happy to take an actual nap, and so Plagg curled up against the fabrics, shutting all his eyes and letting the Abyss lull him into a restful Dream.

Adrien watches his Kwami sleeping soundly in his usual spot, sighing in fond exasperation. For all the big deal Plagg makes about being a God, he’s really just a harmless house cat most of the time. The blonde doesn’t risk petting him again, because the last time he’d accidentally woken the Kwami up from his nap…well, he’d rather not have his pillow smell like Camembert ever again. Still, he reasons Plagg must be as exhausted as he after last night, if not more, so he doesn’t protest when the Kwami decides to nap.

Instead, Adrien heads to the bathroom, stepping over to the sink and splashing cold water on his face. The slight chill feels good, in a way he can’t quite articulate with mere words. As he lifts his head up to leave, Adrien catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He looks…like he’s isn’t all there. Dark circles linger under his eyes, and strands of hair are frazzled, almost burnt as a grim reminder of the nightmare that really became his reality only a few hours before.

At least…at least they’re both alive, and Adrien breathes out a sigh of sheer relief at the thought. Somehow, through a miracle he doesn’t want to question, it’s finally over. His heart still bleeds for Sabine and Tom, who’d taught him what a family is supposed to look like, always treating him with the respect and kindness the monster wearing his father’s skin never did. A part of him still smoldered with ashen embers when he had followed Ladybug into the darkness, but then they’d gone back to her apartment, just…breathing, for a moment. Chat Noir had sat with his lady the whole night, gently cradling her body and trailing his claws across her arms, and Marinette had hugged him back, soothing the burn with her eyes of the deep sea.

The thought sent a comforting chill down his spine, like the soft breeze that had enveloped them as they jumped across the city with golden rays at their back, on the way home. Adrien felt a smile form on his face, thinking about her brilliant blue eyes. Even with his disheveled appearance and frazzled strands of hair, he felt more alive than ever before, and quickly headed downstairs. Adrien remembered he’d promised to shoot Kagami a text in the morning, and he figured now was as good a time as any to grab breakfast and give his friend a call.

As he exited his bedroom with a wild grin, Adrien heard a familiar voice echo across the house. “-is unavailable at this time. I’m sure he’ll be happy to talk to you later in the day, but-” Nathalie rattled off in a stern tone, towering over…Alya and Nino?

“Dude!” his best friend hollered the moment Nino spotted him, and Adrien could swear he felt Felix flinch from the deafening sound. Nathalie tried to step between them, but Nino had already dashed up the staircase and wrapped his brother in a bone-crushing hug. If Chat Noir hadn’t taken worse hits from Akuma, he was pretty sure something would have been broken.

“Nino- can’t- breathe!” Adrien choked out, feeling the air suddenly fly out of his lungs. His best friend quickly let go of him, and Nathalie shook her head with a downturned gaze that hid her wide smile. Right, of course she found it funny.

Alya’s approach was much calmer, as she carefully supported herself on the staircase’s railing and wrapped him in a much gentler, far less rib-threatening embrace. Then, the girl took both boys by the arm and led them back down to Nathalie, earning a curt nod from the assistant. “Uh…did you check the news yet?” Alya utters carefully, struggling to keep her tone steady.

oh. That’s why they were here. Adrien hastily swallowed a sob, putting on a bright smile and giving a nod. “Yeah, I saw.” he manages to say, keeping his voice steady. “I’m a little cooked, but I’ll be fine.” Chat Noir’s words escape through his mouth, and Nino whacks Adrien in the back of the head.

He gives them a guilty look as Nathalie stares at him for a long moment, before Adrien rubs his neck in embarrassment. “S-sorry. When I’m stressed, I tend to…” he tries to explain, still processing exactly what he’d told them. Nino’s eyes glint with an underlying pain, even if he won’t scold Adrien for the joke’s poor taste. Alya physically shakes for a moment, but forces herself to take a deep breath and relax her still shoulders. Only Nathalie keeps looking at him, before finally striding them all over to the living room.

Silence descends upon the group, and the assistant stands perfectly still for a moment, not knowing exactly how to act when surrounded by Adrien’s friends. Alya and Nino huddle close together, and Nathalie places a comforting hand on Adrien’s shoulder. She seems to close her eyes in focus for a moment…and then nothing. The absence gnaws at them again, but it’s more like a painful echo than real agony, even as it festers in the still air.

“So…are we…okay?” Adrien dares to ask no one in particular. The question itself is awkward, so unlike the vibrant friend Nino and Alya have gotten to know over the years that it nearly gives them whiplash.

The Ladyblogger regards him for a moment, the way his shoulders slump in exhaustion, the rhythmic breathing, puffs of air going in and out of his chest with what looks like conscious effort…and Alya gives him a small nod of assurance. “Y-yeah, it’s- it’s fine.” she stutters, and the quiet envelops them again.

It feels…stifling, to be in this house. Adrien himself isn’t quite sure what’s overcome him, but for a moment he struggles to work his lungs, almost like the manor itself holds its breath in anticipation. A phantom sensation of breathing in ash assaults his mind, but he pushes it down in the farthest corner of his mind. That’s- that’s why his friends are here. The last time they’d come over… he doesn’t like to remember that day. Nino seems to realize it too, that they’ve come without a goal. The whole week, every interaction had an objective, something to focus on other than the tragedy itself, and now…

Alya suddenly perks up, almost hesitant in her slow moments, eyes darting to the few shadows on the walls around them. A sudden chill runs down her spine, and the Atelier’s doors open with a soft click, followed by the footsteps of a man she dreaded to see. Gabriel Agreste stands tall, but instead of the gangly, wretched form she’d seen towering over her last time, he simply looks over at Adrien…and smiles at his son.

“Good morning, Adrien, Nathalie.” he calls out in a low voice, and his assistant gives a tiny smile in leu of a greeting. His son doesn’t seem to notice, absentmindedly running a hand through frazzled blonde locks, ignoring his father’s questioning look. “…Adrien? Are you alright?” Gabriel asks, stepping closer, and the model shakes his head, snapping back to reality.

“Y-yes! I’m fine!” he’s quick to insist, to which Gabriel chuckles. Since when did Father… “Uh…good morning?” Adrien offers, trying to keep the sudden confusion off his face. Despite Nathalie’s insistence that he was trying, his mind still had a hard time distinguishing Father and Gabriel, especially when the man was standing right in front of him.

“A great morning indeed!” comes the uncharacteristic cheer, and all three teens quickly scan their surroundings for an Akuma. Father seems to be in a better mood than Adrien ever remembers seeing him in, the jagged edges of his form smoothed out and his eyes shinning a bright sky blue, so much unlike the usual dull grey. Even his hair seems blonder, more colorful than yesterday, Adrien observes. Probably the morning rays coming in through the window…but for the first time in his life, Chat Noir thinks he might just be glimpsing the man Nathalie had told him about, whose kind nature had made Emilie Agreste fall in love.

“Miss Cesaire, I have to thank you! Truly, your work on the Rossi case has been excellent!” Gabriel congratulates her, and Alya can’t help but look at him like he’s grown a second head. Gone was the cold demeanor, vanished alongside the air of death that hang around the man like a rotten miasma. Adrien, for all he wouldn’t want to describe his father like that, can admit that he’s acting more like mom than anything else.

“T-thank you sir!” Alya manages to stutter out a response, and her nervousness flies directly over Gabriel’s head. Father’s smile is almost euphoric, Adrien notices, and he inexplicably finds himself feeling warm, almost comfortable around the man. “W-what’s being done about her? Is there a trial?” she asks him, and Nathalie tenses for a moment as the grin is wiped off Gabriel’s face.

Father sighs deeply, exhaling in a sharp growl akin to Plagg’s many suggestions to Cataclysm Lila. “Yes, miss Rossi has already been arrested.”  he affirms in a curt tone, jaw barely moving as he spits out the name. Adrien feels his eyes widen in shock at that. It’s- it’s actually over, isn’t it? Lila is going to be put on trial, and then he’ll never have to worry about her again! “I got off the phone with Officer Raincomprix just a moment ago. He needed to take my statement. The trial has been scheduled for tomorrow morning, and I assure you…there’s nothing to worry about.” Gabriel smirks, and for a moment Adrien thinks the grin is almost manic, but it’s gone in a flash, replaced by his usual indifference.

Even to Adrien, Gabriel’s voice is like an icy tundra, and the room’s temperature feels like it’s dropping. A low buzz sounds in his ear, but the model just shakes his head, looking to Nathalie. “That’s great du- err, sir!” Nino perks up despite Father’s tone. “If…if Adrien’s okay, we should go and…uh- prepare! Right Alya? We have to…” he tries to say, stammering through the words.

“Yeah! I still have some last-minute details to take care of! You know how it is sir!” she shoots up from her spot on the couch, Nino following suit. Nathalie shoots Gabriel a sharp look, but only Adrien notices. Still, he can’t fault his friends for not being used to…all that. Not when he had barely understand what’s going on with Father anymore.

Chat Noir eyes the man through the model’s eyes, and spies him relaxing as Nathalie taps his shoulder. It seems almost grounding for him, and Gabriel takes a deep breath, the gentle smile for before returning to his face. Adrien takes the backseat for a moment as Chat’s eyes dart to his friends, and he nods at them, wordlessly offering to take them outside. Nino holds Alya close, and she gives him a thankful look, following him. Adrien can sense Father shake his head almost in confusion as Nathalie whispers something to him, but his focus stays with Alya. He and Nino support her until they’re out the gates and back on the street, and his brother locks eyes with Adrien for but a moment. I’m okay, the blonde tells him, and they slowly take their leave as Chat turns back towards the manor with his eyes narrowed in determination. Wordlessly passing by Nathalie and Father, he scampers up to his room, quietly transforming to give Ladybug a call. Lila’s trail is tomorrow…but if Paris’ heroine happened to find out a little earlier…what the judge didn’t know wouldn’t hurt anyone.  


Chloe Bourgeois leans on the balcony railing of her penthouse, the soft breeze sending a tiny chill down her spine. She looks over in the distance, past her school and beyond the nearby public park, where a building she’d fought to ignore for years on end was entirely absent from the view. The heiress glanced over her shoulder, seeing Zoe sleeping soundly on her bed despite the morning news. What a shitshow… Police officers refusing to answer questions, sealing off the scene and prodding at the debris as if searching for a lost treasure trove…what the fuck were they hoping to find exactly?

She didn’t know, but the thought of treating the whole thing so clinically, as if nobody cared- it made her blood boil, and Daddy had rightfully gotten an earful from her as soon as Zoe assured her she could manage five minutes without Chloe watching over her. The heiress’ screams reverberated across the entire Hotel, making the windows vibrate so intensely Andre had cried out they might break. Not that it stopped her from yelling at the man who was supposed to be her father until her throat had gone dry, and then again after accepting a warm cup of mint tea from Armand. Chloe vaguely remembered thanking the man offhandedly, causing her father to physically stagger from the shock.

Then she’d practically ripped him to shreds when he insisted she wouldn’t have to suffer the sight any longer, because he’d already called in construction crews to clean up the mess. In coordination with Officer Raincomprix’s department, of course! Like she cared about the bloody view! Chloe had half a mind to actually bite him, or at the very least flip him off just so she could see his face lose what little blood was still going through it, pale as it already was. But…in the end, Zoe had hesitantly walked into the room and wrapped her in a hug, one that ceased the heiress’ rampage in barely an instant.

Out of pity, since her incompetent father didn’t deserve much else, Zoe had gently tugged her along back to Chloe’s bedroom, leaving Andre to mentally recover from what he’d later learn was a solid five hours of constant screaming. Armand had left them each a cup of tea, which the heiress downed before Zoe even reached out to sip hers. Then…her sister passed a familiar bear plushie in Chloe’s hands, and suggested they sit down for a while. Instead of the usual oppressive silence of her spacious, empty room, this quiet was comforting, in a way the heiress hadn’t quite expected.

In a tiny voice, Zoe softly explained she much preferred the quiet, even as her eyes glazed over with tears. It didn’t need to be said why she hated loud voices. Audrey was very much infamous for her relentless cries, the kind that would put a banshee to shame. Chloe had gone to apologize, not wanting to meet her sister’s eyes as she realized that once again, the only thing that resulted from her attempts to help was causing more pain…but Zoe only said that she didn’t really mind her shouting as much, gently asking her for a warning next time, in what Chloe thinks might have been a small, hesitant joke. They’d chuckled together regardless, just…being alive, lazily gazing out the window at the afternoon sun.

And now, staring at the final rays of gold fading over the horizon…Chloe could appreciate her sister’s calm, rhythmic breathing as it echoed in her mind, matching the heiress’ own inhales. She closed her eyes for a moment, just letting herself be, feeling the night’s chill on her face…and a tiny thud sounded behind her as a pair of black boots stepped on the balcony.

“Hello there.” Ladybug’s voice softly called out, clearly trying not to spook her. When Chloe glanced at the heroine over her shoulder, Ladybug was raising her hands in a mock surrender, giving a toothy grin more reminiscent of her partner than the usually serious team leader. “I hope I’m not bugging you.” she says, stepping forward with a small chuckle.

A moment of silence passes as Chloe’s ponytail gently swishes in the breeze…and a low chuckle escapes her as she supports herself against the metal railing, Ladybug coming to lean beside her. “Now I know where your mangy stray gets it from!” she exclaims, and the heroine laughs along with her, shaking her head fondly as her eyes glimmer at the mention of Chat Noir. Chloe catches only the faintest glimpse, but even she can recognize that shine as love.

Ladybug sighs in exasperation, gazing out to the crumbling remains of the Dupain Cheng bakery. “…it’s so weird being friends with you.” she mumbles under her breath, a single tear dropping from her crystal blue eyes as they stare into the distance, at was once home. The heiress follows Ladybug’s gaze, seeing it center on Marinette’s bedroom…or at least, where it might have been, if not for… “Chloe? Do you ever think about what the world would be like if you just…took a break?” the heroine asks quietly, slowly turning her head to look at the heiress.

The blonde gives a long sigh, mulling the thought over. What would it be like, if she just…went away for a little while? Chloe might be shitty at self-reflection, but could at tell she was no Ladybug. The world didn’t depend on her, there wasn’t a massive weight on her shoulders. No crazy supervillains to beat up every other day, no people who needed saving… In an ideal world, one where she could bully her father into taking Adrien and all their friends on a vacation to some exotic island…Chloe thought she might enjoy it, even if life kept going all around her.

Still, the questions feels off in a way she doesn’t usually ponder. Ladybug sounds tired, as if she’s barely keeping from slouching her shoulders and collapsing on the floor for a much-needed coma’s worth of sleep. “I…I guess nobody would really expect me to…” Chloe’s voice trails off, her tone uncertain. Expectation wasn’t something she thought about much if it could be avoided.

For some reason, Ladybug smirks wildly, turning to look her in the eye. “They’d never see it coming.” she grins. The heroine casually flicks her yoyo in her palm, still leaning against the cold metal bars like a grounding comfort. Her eyes flicker to Chloe’s face, and the heiress suddenly understands. “I… it’s hard for me to admit it, but I need your help, Chloe.” Ladybug breathes out in almost a sigh, unknowable emotions swirling in her eyes.

“You know who did this.” the heiress says curtly, in a tone that borders on accidental accusation. Ladybug only looks at her for a long, endless moment, and then Chloe knows it too. Pain flashes in the heroine’s eyes, the flicker of a faded ember that swallowed a family whole…and they both know exactly who lit the match.

“I want Lila Rossi out of my city. Tomorrow there’s going to be a trial, they’ll charge her with everything from truancy to treason.” Ladybug tells her, a satisfied, vindicated tone echoing across the night sky, wisping around the girl’s very soul. “They’ll want me and Chat Noir both to attend, but he’s…unavailable.” she says, and Chloe nods in earnest. For as much as she makes fun of Paris’ local furry, he’s also Ladybug’s partner for a reason. Whatever else he’s doing, it’s more important than talking big in front of a judge.

It's then that Chloe realizes it, or at the very least when it truly hits her, that Ladybug doesn’t want Queen Bee for the job. She needs Chloe, her old friend and teammate. The mask, power and fame mean nothing to her, but rather the spark, that underlying desire to do good is what the heroine seeks. The heiress nods, adopting a resolute stance and a determined glare. But…what would Chloe Bourgeois be without her well laid plans, the craftiness she’d learned and treasured for moments where the easy way out wouldn’t suffice? Like Ladybug said…something they would never see coming.

“You know…I may have an idea…”


And…scene! Praise our Lord and Savior Nooroo! I’m finally done! It’s almost been a month, and I can finally post! You guys have literally no idea just how badly this chapter fought me when it came to actual writing it! Lila gave me emotional damages, Roger straight up did not cooperate, I had to send Alya to a therapist before getting her part done, got completely distracted by developing the Holy Lore for the parent squad that literally nobody asked for, then Plagg reminded me he’s a God, and Gabriel creeped me out! I swear, this was supposed to be filler! Just some nice, regular, unimportant filler to give breathing room between this and trial! And look at all this stuff I wrote! Okay, hold on, I need to take a deep breath. So…let’s just take this from the top, so I can go over things one by one.

Firstly, Lila Rossi. I hope I don’t need to explain that she’s actively manipulating Roger here, but the point is that I’m making her be actually good at it, even in the most dangerous of situations. Honestly, I love to hate this version of Lila, and maybe I’m biased, but I much prefer her to Canon Lila. Manipulative and merciless psychopath willing to do anything to get what she wants is always going to be better than someone whose plot armor magically lowers everyone else’s IQ; I said what I said. Also…you guys know how she got shot? Yeah…just because that trial is scheduled to happen doesn’t mean she’ll be there. Is Lila even still alive? I don’t know, go ask her!

Secondly, Alya! Anyone else ended up surprised by the fact that I’m giving her a slightly more positive mental state this time around? Yeah, me too! Listen, I love Alya to death, but this girl has some serious issues, and I can’t keep myself from digging into them! If that just so happens to lead to more angst, well now that’s just an extra bonus! But yeah, while the trial focuses purely on Lila, Ladybug, Gabriel and those at the forefront of the whole thing, we will get to see Alya again very early in what I’ve dubbed “Season 3” of ACOLL. As a refresher, “Season 1” is everything up to and including the reveal in chapter 8, “Season 2” is everything up to and including the trial, and S3 is the rest of the story leading up to the finale. But yeah, point is that Alya is very slowly getting better, and she’ll…be okay. Probably.

Thirdly, Adrien and Samantha! I don’t have that much to say that I haven’t already, and probably won’t show what else happened that night except maybe in a flashback, but he’s doing surprisingly okay given…everything. I have some very exciting things planned out for the Agrestes, and Adrien is going to be at the forefront when things start heating up for the finale! As for Ladybug, she’s…alive, despite everything. I won’t say much about why exactly she went to Chloe since we’ll get a flashback of that scene from her POV, one that continues the scene into the actual scheme, but still, Samantha has somewhat recovered, and is currently trying to hold herself together long enough to get rid of Lila permanently. What happens after…we’ll see.

Also, I hope you guys liked Happy Gabe, he’s mentally unstable and absolutely not okay! Also also he creeps me out. Like, very badly. But yes, the new chapter is finally done! Feel free to imagine me jumping up and down from glee that I’m finally posting! As for the What If fic, it’s in the editing stage as I write this, so you can expect it maybe next weekend? And like I said in the beginning notes, I have a really nice surprise for all of you after that, so stay tuned!

Anyways! I need to take a break before my fingers break the keyboard! See you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 24: Fauxfire


Kagami Tsurugi learns of the destroyed Dupain-Cheng bakery and seeks to comfort Adrien, while nearly uncovering a terrible secret in the process. Her relationship with Felix Fathom deepens, and Tomoe struggles to control her daughter.

Meanwhile, Lila Rossi's trial finally begins, and an innocent defense lawyer is caught up in the Rossi scandal. Will she manage to defend the girl from what seems like a rigged, unfair farce, or will Lila finally face justice? Hawkmoth simply going to rest if she's behind bars, or will the darkness inside Gabriel Agreste take matters into it's own hands?


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to the emotional trainwreck that I’m once again daring to call a fanfiction! Consider this chapter your New Year’s gift, in all likelihood it won’t be out till then! To anyone interested, Christmas Break is going quite well for me, and I hope the same is true about all of you! I’ve kept myself busy both IRL and with writing, and that Evil Emilie Au I promised is still living rent-free in my head! It’s on the way, but I’ll probably take a small break after this chapter to enjoy the holidays a before diving back into the ocean of angst! Instead, I’d like to report that ACOLL Season 3 is all planned out and going to be an absolute blast, I assure you! Truth be told, this is the last chapter of Season 2, and afterwards I will take a small step back to post a few entries on the What If companion story and also some other content, but trust me I do need time to make sure everything is going to run smoothly when we do return for the third and final level of insanity this fic will force you to experience!

Anyway, I’m quite sure I mentioned this already last time, but in case you guys didn’t notice, the first chapter of said What If fic is already up and ready for reading, with much more on the way! I have to say, writing Chloe is genuinely a guilty pleasure of mine and I just really enjoy analyzing her character! Alas, I have more What Ifs on the way, including one that takes place after this very chapter of ACOLL! But it’s time to focus on the here and now, as a wise man once said. And this is singlehandedly my favorite chapter in this entire fic! Lila finally gets got! I’m so happy! …Ahem! Right, yes! Time to move on! To Lila’s de- to Lila’s trial! On with the trigger warnings!

Trigger Warnings: Depression, heavy anxiety, gaslighting, rampant psychopathy, on-screen Lila Rossi, the French Legal System (ft. Duolingo), courtroom espionage, mental breakdowns, insanity, self-deprecating thoughts, visualized homicide, inappropriate use of Miraculous jewels, identity reveal, blood, gore, extreme physical violence, severe physical injuries and Main Character Death. I…listen, if you thought Ladybug had it bad…Lila is just a whole other level of torture. This is the most brutal this fic will ever get, and trust me it is not for the faint of heart.

Note: Just like Roger’s police work in the last chapter, I am again taking heavy liberties with how a French courtroom functions, especially since Gabriel “Hawkmoth” Agreste is trying his hardest to throw Lila Rossi in solitary confinement for the rest of her existence! This should be blindingly obvious, but please don’t take any legal advice from a Miraculous fanfic, okay?

And now, please grab your favorite snack, the nearest Nooroo plushie, and settle down for: Roger’s continued depression, many consecutive Suits references, Lila Rossi gaslighting gatekeeping and girl-bossing her way through a murder trial, the Gang being Just Fine™, Kagami’s abuse mother, Chloe using her one and only braincell, Ladybug not giving a shit, Gabriel pulling a Chekhov’s Gun, and a poor lawyer OC who has to work through all this mess!

Without any further ado…let’s jump right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kagami Tsurugi found herself wide awake in the wee hours of the morning, her door slammed shut, yet unable to prevent the echoes of a news broadcast that had nearly brought her to tears. Having only barely gone down for breakfast as Mother’s schedule ordained, the fencer had thought to check her phone once she’d eaten. Countless worries were building up in her gut ever since Adrien fled from the reception last night, but any fleeting hope of a text from him was snuffed out by the voice of Nadja Chamack reverberating across the room, the static words forcing her to freeze mid-step as Tomoe calmly listened without a care in the world. The Dupain-Cheng Bakery, burned to the ground. Kagami had physically stumbled as the sound slammed into her ears, hastily fleeing to her room even as Mother called out her name.

She barely remembers sealing the door, propping her desk against the entryway if only to feel safer than she truly was. Her phone lay on the nightstand, screen dark as the shadows that flickered in the corner of Kagami’s eyes. The fencer refused to cry, would not allow herself to be weak, not when Tomoe was actively looking for a reason to further punish her after the disheveled state she had returned home in just last night. Three hairs out of place and a winkle running over the back of her dress. A disgrace, Mother had scolded. Her voice did not burn with anger, and yet the chill that ran down Kagami’s spine left her in pain all the same.

Or…maybe it was the absence that hurt most, the fact that Marinette was gone, made all the more real by seeing the gravestone with her own two eyes. Today’s news was just the world rubbing salt on the fencer’s wounds, yet another piece of evidence to convince her this was all some dreadful nightmare. Kagami shut her eyes again, pointedly ignoring the tear stains of her pillow, and pinched herself hard. Then, a low sigh echoed in the room, sounding as pathetic as she herself felt in that moment. What good was a warrior who could never defend those who needed her protection? How could she be called strong when Kagami was too weak to wake up?

The nightmare persisted, not a hint of change in the bedroom’s stale atmosphere. Rather, even as her mind screamed and thrashed in denial, every passing moment only solidified the wretched truth. It was no dream. Marinette, her very best friend, her confidant, the girl Kagami had most bonded with in her entire life…was dead. And the world itself must have wished it so, for it burned down and swept away the final bastion of the bluenette’s existence, along with every memory of warm tea and sweet laughter they had shared, in their tiny corner of Paris. For a single moment, Kagami craved nothing more than an Akuma, the power to go back and somehow fix it. No matter the price, she would gladly pay the whole city’s weight in solid gold if it meant a single moment with Marinette at her side again! …but the tiny black butterfly never fluttered through her window, the sickeningly convincing voice that rang through her head was a mere memory…and the chance refused to come.

She blinked, disgust slowly settling in her gut as Kagami realized what exactly she’d just wished for…but the thought remained, undeterred and unafraid to torment her with questions of what if…and of why. Logically, she knew that Lila Rossi was to blame. Perhaps she always had, all the way back when Hawkmoth had last taken hold of her mind. As horrible as her Akumatization was, Kagami now felt angry with herself for failing to hack the bitch to pieces. In comparison to the righteous blaze that had sparked in her mind when she laid eyes on Adrien’s discomforted expression in that photo, an inferno rose up in the fencer’s heart, wishing only to burn Lila Rossi to ash.

Only silence greeted her, Hawkmoth’s voice again absent from Kagami’s senses. Nothing, not so much as a single flap of his Akuma’s wings. The fencer grimaced, holding back her tears and letting out a tiny sob, every muscle in her body convulsing with a special kind of pain that made Mother’s sword feel like a tickle in comparison. Then…there was quiet again. Tomoe’s footsteps, regal and poised as they always managed to be while echoing in the empty hallways of the manor…did not come. Her cane did not click against the marble floors, the dreaded sword which had bathed in Kagami’s blood just yesterday was nowhere to be found. Somehow, being alone with her thoughts was infinitely worse. Was she meant to hide here for the rest of her days? Cower in fear and wallow in self-pity? It would be a fitting fate for a failure like her, and yet… A sharp ding sounded in Kagami’s ear, her phone screen lighting up. She picked it up instinctively, only seeing a single notification. A message from Adrien.

Chatlog- Spencer and Fencer. Last opened: Two days ago.

Spencer: Hello there. This is…Kagami, right? It’s Felix!

Fencer: Why do you have Adrien’s phone? Where is he?

Spencer: Should still be in his room, asleep.

Fencer: Then why are you texting me? I assume he’s not hurt?

Spencer: …that’s a big if. Does he sneak out often?

Fencer: I have no reason to tell you. It’s Adrien’s business and nobody else’s.

Spencer: Yeah, well I think he’s coming downstairs, and looks like shit. So, either let me know how to help or get over here quickly.

Fencer: You said he’s uninjured?

Spencer: Looks that way. Not like I’m a doctor.

Fencer: You should learn to treat basic wounds. Perhaps it will help you with your injured pride.

Spencer: Hey! I’m talking to you out of the goodness of my heart, and you insult me?

Fencer: You stole your cousin’s phone, and I assume broke into his room to do so. Therefore, you are just a common thief, not to mention you squeal like a little girl.

Spencer: You nearly beheaded me with a sword! And I don’t scream like that!

Fencer: Then learn to fight so you keep that large head of yours. Or use it instead of being reckless and stupid.

Spencer: …just come over, give your dearest Mother an excuse or something.

Fencer: As you wish, Lord Felix. Kindly keep your tea inside this time, instead of gawking at the sight of me.

Spencer: …you’re going to be death of me, aren’t you?

Fencer: Get good enough with a blade, and perhaps you’ll save yourself. Assume you don’t spill your precious tea again.

Spencer: …

Spencer: So…this is why you two are friends…

Felix texts nothing else, but she can hear him give out a heavy sigh halfway across the city. Kagami felt herself giggle at his exasperation, laughing to herself as she imagined the embarrassed expression he must be wearing. In truth, it was blindingly obvious that he was interested in her, and she would take any chance to rid herself of the graceful poise Tomoe always forced upon her. Of course, Kagami understood the need for niceties, even more so politeness and proper manners. When speaking to a colleague, a sparring partner, or most especially to someone of higher rank than oneself, they must be addressed with the proper respect. But Felix was just a teenager like her, and she had to admit it was downright hilarious, the way he would stumble and stare in confusion whenever she did something Adrien would usually laugh at.

Admittedly, she’d been bolder than necessary with her teasing, but given the way Felix held his chin high and hid his inner thoughts, it felt almost fun to challenge him, in much the same manner that sparring with Adrien in the field gave Kagami a rush of adrenaline. Ugh…his ridiculous sense of humor really had rubbed off on her… And speaking of her dear fencing partner, it was about time she stopped pitying herself and turned to the ones who needed her. Marinette, kind and unbelievably strong as her friend was, managed to put one foot in front of the other and keep going, no matter the obstacles in her path! And so, Kagami took a deep breath, drawing on memories of mint tea and pink flickers in deep blue eyes for that same strength, the power meant to carry her forwards and away from this gilded prison.

Without wasting a moment, the fencer sat up on her bed and pulled herself off the mattress, beginning a determined stride to her closet. Only a few minutes later, she once again donned her uniform, as if it were any other day. She even made sure to strap a blade ‘round her waist, for additional protection. If Kagami shut her eyes for long enough, she could even pretend that there was a spar with Adrien this afternoon, that Marinette would come to watch and wave at her from the corner, keeping distance only by technicality as she gave her best friend a radiant smile. But…that was not meant to be, at least not anymore. Still, Adrien would clearly benefit from her presence, so the fencer made sure to hurry downstairs, putting one foot in front of the other and daring Mother to get in her way as she made for the outside world.

Tomoe predictably sat up from her chair as Kagami passed through the kitchen, using her walking stick to snag her daughter’s foot mid-step. The fencer pirouetted perfectly, avoiding the cane and speed-walking away before Mother could get a word in. With a frustrated huff, Tomoe followed her, easily dodging furniture across the house despite how Kagami zig-zagged between the halls, catching up with her daughter just next to the iron gates.

“And where exactly do you think you are going?” Mother seethed, breathing out so sharply that Kagami could swear smoke came out of her nostrils, much like a dragon huffing flames in its maw. “I have not given you permission to leave. Return to your room at once, my daughter.” Tomoe orders her, rubbing their family’s ring on her finger. She does gleefully, challenging the fencer to combat her, to go against the tenants and way of life that have always been a constant.

The urge to obey is instantaneous. Like a broken screen, Kagami’s mind turns to static, thoughts eroded by the instinct to keel over and do as she is told. Just what was she doing, not asking Mother’s permission? Behind those dark glasses, she can see the stare of utter disappointment that Tomoe directs to her, scorching her resistances like dragon-fire would a knight’s shield as they attempted a futile guard against the relentless assault. Of course…she was but a mere imitation. Ungrateful and dishonorable to their family’s lineage, skulking away as she was with naught but a query for permission from her elder. A living failure that could never hope to embody as much as a sliver of the greatness which marked warriors of legend, be it history or the fictional tales she so loved. Kagami was unworthy, and needed to obey her orders. It would be good for her, she would learn and grow in time, assimilating the teachings that Mother would inflict upon her.

But…even if Tomoe did not trust her enough to allow the fencer’s departure, there were people who did. Adrien, her very first and greatest friend, the one she had thought to be her other half at another point in time. Marinette, the girl whose kindness and heroism was only matched by the greatest of all legends in Kagami’s stories. Even Felix, to a degree, who despite putting up a front of cold indifference to the world, was willing to let down his guard and trust her of all people to help his cousin where he was unable. …Ladybug trusted her too. The thought came in a flash, but it was true nonetheless. Kagami Tsurugi had been granted an opportunity like no other once upon a time, to wield the Miraculous of the Dragon and fight with sword and fang against Hawkmoth’s demons, the scourge that threatened their very city. She was Ryuko, a force of light in a world constantly threatened by malicious shadow! And…all that is required for evil to win, is that good people do nothing, Marinette had once told her, voice low and comforting as Kagami let herself cry on the bluenette’s shoulder.

It was debatable if she could call Mother evil, if only for the fact that despite the pain associated with the mere thought of Tomoe, the woman had raised her since birth. But…she knew that depriving someone in need of their support system was a dishonorable, horrid act. And so, Ryuko stepped forward, defiantly laying a hand on her katana’s hilt as she pressed the button to open the gates. Mother stared at her in a manner Kagami might dare call flabbergasted if she had not long since learned that nothing could surprise this woman. Still, she could not help the smile that broke out across her face as the iron gates slammed shut behind her, leaving Tomoe locked away much like a dragon would lurk inside its lair. For as long as Ryuko did not return to disturb the beast, she would be left alone, surely.

And so, the untransformed heroine walked across the streets of Paris, holding her head high and taking slow, measured steps, as if daring the next obstacle to come forth and battle her. Crossroads and passerby were left behind as she took one step in front of the other, eventually reaching familiar territory. The pearly white gates of the Agreste Manor felt…odd, as the morning sunlight gleamed off the metal bars. Unlike her house’s doors, which had grown to exude a stifling sensation to all those who deign approach, they felt almost light in comparison, like an ever-present shadow had finally ceased to wander the halls. Nodding to herself, the fencer approached, ringing the doorbell and watching intently as the mechanism let out a ding before allowing her entry.

Kagami carefully stepped through, eyes darting ‘round the courtyard as she walked to the inner gates leading into the actual building, scanning for threats. Not a single shade jumps out at her, any enemy which may have been lying in wait proves nonexistent. The thought confuses her for a moment, but she doesn’t linger on it. Kagami shakes her head as the large doors to the manor open, a tall woman with platinum-blonde hair tied in a braid that’s falling off her shoulder and catty green eyes lets her in. Felix’s mother, she remembers, and yet the woman looks like the very opposite of Tomoe. He’d spoken well of her, in contrast to his father. Perhaps…the Agreste’s were simply unfortunate with paternal figures the way she was with Mother?

Amelie Graham De Vanily offers her a polite smile, pointing Kagami to the doors of monsieur Agreste’s atelier. There she spies Felix, quietly lurking near the ajar door, not making a sound as he intently listens. His mother says nothing else, dark circles under her eyes betraying fatigue and a need to rest. She glances upwards, to Adrien’s room. Her stare lingers for but a moment, and then it’s wiped off her face with practiced ease. Kagami decides to give a small curtsy, and then she’s off, carefully walking up to Felix without making so much as a single sound as her shoes step over the marble floors. It had taken her years of practice to perfect, but the technique had near-infinite uses.

He yelps, giving off a startled squeal as she gently taps him on the shoulder, and the fencer can’t contain a tiny giggle. Felix scowls at her, bringing a single finger to his lips and shushing her with a glare. Kagami shakes her head but complies nonetheless, putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning over it for better vantage. Inside the room, Gabriel Agreste speaks with a younger man who couldn’t be more than fifteen years their senior. “-yes, tomorrow morning, maybe early noon if her lawyer runs late.” he’s saying as the other nods, looking over the papers in his hands.

“…right, of course I have no time.” the man, most likely the prosecuting lawyer, sighs deeply. “Look Gabriel, with the stuff Rossi’s charged with…hell, I’m surprised you called me in and not Interpol.” he laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Monsieur Agreste sighs loudly, saying nothing for a moment. “And you’re sure Mr. Specter can’t make it?” he asks, the tiniest hint of doubt barely evident in his voice. “Mike, you’re sure?” he urges the man for a reply.

“Yeah, I’m certain! Harvey’s closing a case in New York, not to mention he has a subpoena demanding him to be there. If he could fly over to Europe and deal with this, he never would have sent me!” the lawyer, Mike, defends himself, but only causes Gabriel to give him a harsh glare. “…I have an eidetic memory, we’ll be fine. I just need to read her files and testimonies. Get some backup from our witnesses, talk to your resident superhero, it’s open-and-shut!” the man insists, raising his hands in a surrender.

Gabriel sighs deeply…and gives him a nod. “I’ll tell Nathalie to come downstairs and help you. Don’t worry about a jury, these have been deemed extenuating circumstances, and only Judge Dredd will be present. He happens to owe me a favor or two…” he trails off, leading Mike to shake his head and mumble something neither Kagami or Felix could quite hear. Then, Gabriel makes for the atelier doors, and the kids quickly scram in opposite directions, Felix to where his mother had walked off to, and Kagami to Adrien’s room.

He quickly tosses her his cousin’s phone and the fencer expertly catches it as she runs up the staircase, just as monsieur Agreste exits the atelier. He glances in both their directions, but Felix manages to hide around the corner just in time. Kagami offers Gabriel a dignified bow, and he nods in polite greeting before setting himself down on the nearby armchair, picking up a book with a black cover and opening it up, seemingly content to allow the girl in his house. Minimum interaction works just as well for the fencer, and she hastes up to Adrien’s room without a moment’s hesitation.

Kagami gently knocks on and then slowly opens the door, seeing Nathalie Sancoeur sitting at Adrien’s side. His face lights up with joy as he rushes to get up and wrap her in a hug, the assistant watching them both with a tiny smile on her face. “Hey ‘Gami.” Adrien breathes out, and she accepts the warmth that pours into her very being.

Nathalie picks herself up, prosthetic exoskeleton lightly creaking as she exerts herself with the motion. “Good morning Adrien, miss Sancoeur.” Kagami bows, earning her a laugh from the blonde. “Monsieur Agreste wanted to see you downstairs.” she quickly tells the assistant, seeing as the man would have come looking for her sooner or later. It was no burden to relay the information, and she receives a grateful nod as Nathalie steps out of the room, leaving her and Adrien alone.

The fencer takes a tiny step back, just…examining him, for a moment. Frazzled strands of hair make it look like he’s been lightly burned, and faded dark circles hang under his eyes. Still, Adrien gives her his widest, realest smile since the last time they’d gone out together, and Kagami lets herself breathe a sigh of relief. “So…” she begins, trying to gauge if he knows about the news. Better to start with the bad and end with a silver lining rather than wallow in sadness.

“Yeah, I know…” he sighs deeply, sitting back down on the bed. “Nathalie was just talking to me about it. I’m fine, don’t worry.” Adrien casually exclaims, his urging so subtle she wouldn’t have noticed on any other day.

Kagami shakes her head, plopping herself down next to him and laying a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. Silence falls on them, and she clears her throat, deciding to let the matter go for awhile longer. Instead of asking the obvious questions, the fencer instead hands Adrien his phone, to the model’s amazement. “Felix borrowed it to text me. He seemed quite worried about you.” she tells him in a teasing tone, causing the blonde to roll his eyes.

“Felix, worried? Eh…I still don’t buy it.” he quips at her, earning a laugh from Kagami. “Why would he be?” the blonde asks in more of a dismissal than an honest question.

She playfully punches him in on the shoulder, and Adrien scoots away from her, raising his hands in a mock surrender. Because he cares about you, Kagami wants to insist. But…she sees the way he rubs his shoulder, even as Adrien tries to play it off as an exaggeration and not genuine pain. “Are…are you okay? Felix said you were gone last night… Where were you?” she dares to ask, for once hesitant to be direct with him. Still, if someone had dared harm her best friend, Ryuko would descend upon them from the heavens and hack them to pieces!

Adrien gives a heavy sigh, letting himself freely rub his shoulder now that he’s been caught in the lie. The blonde goes silent for a moment, not knowing exactly what to say, where to even begin. “Do you…remember when we broke up?” he finds himself asking, the faint taste of ash rising in the back of his throat. His shoulders stiffen, and she narrows her eyes at the memory that threatens to jump forth. “Kagami…there’s something I can’t tell you. I wanted to; I still do. You’re my friend- but…” Adrien trails off, and the fencer gives him an understanding nod. She knows, after all, that there is another side to her best friend, one he had never dared show to anybody. Even as his girlfriend, she’d only gotten the barest of glimpses.

Only when Marinette was around did he let himself be free, and those moments were treasured in her mind. Kagami would never demand answers as she once had, mistakenly believing she was entitled to his secrets. Adrien had his own burdens to bear, and if he decided to tell her she would stand by his side with sword and shield in hand…but in the end, that is his choice to make. “I assume this relates?” she asks him after a tense silence, if only to keep the conversation going.

Adrien chuckles, and it is not the carefree, easygoing laugh he gives when they make puns together. Nor is it that chaste grin she remembers from when he was posing for her in the art room, the day they…broke things off. This is different, almost manic in a way that betrays pain of the mental kind, the sort of wound that mere bandages can never hope to fix. Ever so slowly, he scoots closer, letting her examine his frazzled hairs again, run her fingers over the burnt tips of his golden strands. Adrien carefully uncovers his shoulder from beneath his shirt, and Kagami sees the faded burn marks left on his skin. They are barely visible to the naked eye and quickly going away, but tell her more than she had wanted to know. He…he’d been there, last night. That must be the truth, else why would he reveal it?

There’s no point in asking for confirmation. The way his eyes subtly refused to meet her own, the tense muscles all across his arm as she gently prodded with her fingers…they say more than words ever could. Kagami doesn’t question it further, slowly pulling his shirt back in place and covering up the scar on Adrien’s shoulder. Worried as she might be for him…another kind of concern pools in her gut, and something tells her that another must have had it far, far worse.

“How can I help?” is her only question. Nothing else matters except her friend’s health, and then retribution against the guilty party. Kagami would even be willing to go through Mother’s blade again just to see it done.

Adrien lets out a long sigh, eyeing his ring for a moment as he thinks. The fencer refuses to let her analytical mind take over, and pushes the dots further apart instead of connecting them. He would tell her when he was ready, and she would not dig her nose into his business. “Lila’s trial is tomorrow morning. It…it was her, ‘Gami. She’s behind everything.” Adrien breathes, air hitching in his throat as it must first avoid melted shards of glass.

“Then we destroy her.” comes the simple answer. Truly, that pathetic liar had it coming for a while now. It was only proper for her to be burned at the steak, as she had burned others in days past. “Adrien, what do you need from me?” Kagami asks him, giving his ringed finger a feather-light touch. The metal twitches against her palm as if alive, but she banishes investigations from her mind.

“Just…stay. Don’t go back to your mother. Please, I almost lost- …I could really use a friend right now.” That’s all he says before she slowly wraps him in a soft hug. Adrien leans his head on her shoulder, and finally lets himself cry. Waves of grief and suffering wash over her, emanating from his shivering form, but Ryuko simply places herself around her oldest friend, shielding Adrien from the rest of the world as he clutches onto her like a lifeline.

Neither is sure how long they stayed there, only that miss Sancoeur came up as soon as they managed to relax, inviting them down for lunch with the rest of the manor’s occupants. Monsieur Agreste seemed happy to see Adrien, and after greeting her again, he’d thanked Kagami for keeping him company. Without prompting, he added that Mother would allow her to stay with them tonight, and said Adrien would show her to a spare room come nightfall. She knows not how he’d managed to convince Tomoe of that; Kagami doesn’t want to find out. As they eat, she makes sure to smile just as Felix is about to take a sip of water, laughing at his expense as the blonde chokes, muttering choice words under his breath. Adrien invites him to spend the afternoon with them, and at Amelie’s encouragement…he actually agrees.

Oddly enough, nothing of much interest happens barring a short conversation with Mr. Ross, the prosecutor she and Felix had spied on before. He fills them in on a few details, assures Adrien they’re practically guaranteed to win, and then walks off with Nathalie to look over his papers again. They spend the afternoon in the back garden, sitting on the grass and…talking, mostly. She’d forgotten how nice it was to just be, especially with good company. Felix scoffs at their puns as she and Adrien team up on him, cracking jokes one after the other. She even speaks a few words in Japanese, causing Felix to go as red as a tomato. Kagami never ends up sleeping in a spare bedroom, much preferring to crash on Adrien’s couch and let his peaceful breathing lull her to sleep. She spares only a moment of pity for the lawyer that will be forced to represent Lila, and makes herself comfortable as sleep begins to take hold of her mind. After all, she will need the rest if Ryuko is to tear that witch in half come morrow.


Larna Smith sits across from Officer Raincomprinx, waiting patiently as the man puts his papers in order. The scattered mess of his desk and police forms sprawled across the wooden surface don’t fill her with much confidence, but she knows why she’s here. She’s a real lawyer now, not just a paralegal working graveyard shifts inside a stuffy supply closet, and Larna can finally have the chance to help someone! Roger looks up from his papers, sending her a scalding glare that makes the woman flinch despite herself. He looks tired beyond belief, with dark circles under his eyes and a permanent scowl etched onto his face. She offers a polite smile, only for the man to huff, ignoring her.

Well, he would be far from the first. Frankly, it never mattered to her that nobody ever seemed to take her seriously. Some of them, the Harvard admissions department and hiring managers for high-end law firms just had high standards, and she could at least understand the refusals. Nobody would risk their career on some random French paralegal barely past twenty-five and with a painfully average GPA. Still…she kept on trying, as was her nature. Ever since she’d first understood what a legal system was, Larna had been fascinated by its ability to help people. For a moment, she dared to think back to the shy, reserved kid with short black hair she once was, up to her nose in books and barely registering the world around her.

Over the years, Larna Smith had learned that not everything was so black and white. University had been a pain, mostly because of her inability to understand just how easy it was for some people to abuse the systems meant to protect, leaving judges and defense lawyers with both hands tied behind their backs. But…she pushed through, put one foot in front of the other, and did all she could. And now, she’d finally been given a chance! Well, Larna was smart enough to understand it wasn’t because of her talents, but rather since it was legally required the defendant have a lawyer…and nobody else in the entirety of France would be stupid enough to take the Rossi case.

A teenage girl barely pushing sixteen wrapped up in a harassment scandal with high-end fashion designer Gabriel Agreste of all people, fired and blacklisted from the industry in days and being hunted down like a dog for supposedly pushing herself on other coworkers. All logic dictated that in these cases, the executive branch of whatever CEO is in charge takes a settlement and sweeps it all under the rug…but this man was trying to get the kid thrown behind bars. Larna would have defended her either way, simply based on doing what’s right…but she sure as Hell wasn’t about to let some fashion mogul screw a kid’s life over for no apparent reason.

Not to mention that from the five-minute phone call she’d gotten, only the bare bones of this case were available to anyone apart from the judge and prosecution. A clearer sign for a setup, but there was none. Still…this girl was in a shitload of trouble, and Larna was her only hope. A painfully average hope, on the brink of a case that would be the make-or-break of her entire career. Still, she had accepted, suited herself up in a black dress to match her hair, and marched over to Captain Raincomprinx’s precinct to demand the details. The man had greeted her with a resigned sigh, dragging his feet across the building as he led her to the office chair she sat in now, and slowly began to put together his papers.

“You should know…” the man perked up from his desk, speaking in a hoarse voice. “This piece of shit isn’t worth defending. I’ve seen serial killers with cleaner criminal records, Miss Smith. My advice? Sit through it, make some weak comments, and let her rot.” Roger tells her, handing her a police report. He shakes his head sadly as if he already knows she isn’t about to listen.

Larna barely holds herself back from cussing him out, if only for how unprofessional that would be. How dare he, some random cop who looks like he lives solely off coffee, tell her that a teenager isn’t worth fighting for? This is what she became a lawyer to do, help those who pissed off the wrong people! She snatches the paper from Roger’s hand and pushes up her glasses, carefully reading it. With every sentence, it becomes painfully apparent that this case is an even bigger mess than she’d thought. Multiple searches, an arrest warrant provided barely a day after any charges were even pressed, ready evidence and testimonies from a whole swath of people working for Agreste’s company…

Shit. There’s no other word for it. How the heck is she going to get this girl out of here when she’s being set up to fail like this? “I’m going to speak with my client now, please take me to her.” Larna manages to put the words together without barking her request out. Roger sighs deeply and makes his way through the precinct with the lawyer on his heels.

She knows she’s practically fuming by the time they’ve walked through the few hallways between the captain’s office and the interrogation room, but Larna has half a mind to call someone when she sees the girl, handcuffed to the desk and with a bloody bandage clearly visible under her jacket, hastily wrapped around her shoulder. Lila Rossi is shaking like a leaf, trembling fingers with broken nails tapping against the cold metal desk she’s tied to. A blonde woman is already sitting across from her, one hand on her gun and both eyes staring directly at the girl.

“Decker! The lawyer’s here. You have the papers?” Captain Raincomprinx barks out, and without missing a second, the detective slides Larna even more papers, never letting go of her gun. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say the safety was off.

In barely a moment, Detective Decker has marched out of the room, and Roger eyes Lila’s shoulder, shooting the girl a look of clear disdain. “You two have an hour to chat, and then we’re moving to tribunal. Whatever it is you want to cry about Rossi, get it over with quickly. Miss Smith is kind enough to waste her time with you, so don’t be ungrateful.” he says coldly, every word seeming to bite at the girl’s soul if the way she shivers is any indication.

Larna barely stops herself from yelping in surprise, stepping in Roger’s way as she moves to leave them. “I’m sorry, legal proceedings say the defense is guaranteed at least a few days-” she tries to insist, but the man just huffs at her, empty eyes staring into her vibrant brown. “And her guardian should also be present, should already be here!”

“Lady, Mayor Bourgeois, and Judge Dredd don’t give a rat’s ass what convention is. Our job is to do what we’re told. Rossi’s tribunal is in one hour, and that’s it. Even her classmates want to get this over with…” the captain sighs, effortlessly side-stepping her and leaving Larna to turn towards the girl she’s supposed to be defending through this sham of a trial.

Lila Rossi meets her gaze with a frightened peek, her eyes lighting up as she sits across the girl. She visibly relaxes, shoulder slouching in sheer relief as Larna tries to send her a supportive look. “Oh, thank God! I’m so glad you’re finally here!” Lila exclaims, trying to go for a handshake, only for her to barely tug on the handcuffs. The brunette seems almost bashful, and quickly sets herself upright on the chair, trying to appear professional.

Larna appreciates the sentiment, but can’t hold back a deep sigh as she gets into character. This girl’s only hope is appealing for additional time for due process to be done, and they’re going to need grounds to bypass whoever Agreste has in his back pocket. “Larna Smith, your defense lawyer.” she quickly introduces herself with a small nod. “Listen, kid…I’m going to be honest; they’re not giving us a fair shot here,” she tells the girl and Lila’s face falls for a moment before she puts up a clearly fake smile.

“I don’t know why they’re all acting like this. My mum works at the embassy, so I’ve been around legal stuff before, and usually-” Lila tries to say, unable to stop her breath from hitching. “Usually there’s like…” the brunette trails off, losing her words. Another shiver wracks her body, and she lets out a low sob.

“A procedure?” Larna can’t help but bite out, anger flashing in her eyes. “I know, but whatever you did, it really pissed off Gabriel Agreste. I’ll do everything I can to help, but you need to work with me, okay?” she says, trying to keep her voice steady and offer some kind of comfort.

Lila…blinks for a second, almost in surprise, before taking a shaky breath and flashing her a thankful smile. Had thought nobody would help her? “I- I don’t even know what happened! Detective Decker came to my place multiple times the past few days, but my mum isn’t here and she’s told me to never open up to anyone! And two nights ago, I- I got locked out of the building because I…sleepwalk, sometimes. Officer Raincomprinx bumped into me, offered to take me to the precinct because the detective was looking for me- a- and then-” Lila rambles, words coming out of her amidst hitched breathes before she trails off, tears forming in her eyes as she looks to her shoulder.

Larna doesn’t need her glasses to know a bullet wound when she sees it, but there’s not nearly enough blood for something like that. Since this joke of a police force probably wouldn’t bother changing a bandage, she’d guess the shot must have just nicked her. “Okay. Okay…I need you to answer a few questions for me, can you do that?” she breathes out, trying to stay calm for the girl’s sake.

The brunette manages a nod, taking a moment to even out her breathing. Larna politely ignores her choked sob, and doesn’t sigh as deeply as she wants to. “You said your mother works at the embassy? For…Italy, right?” she asks, taking another look through her papers.

“Y-yes, she’s a secretary, and always busy with work…” Lila’s eyes gaze at the floor tiles, and Larna gives her a sympathetic look. She knows what it’s like to have parents who never have time, and lived through it for the vast majority of her own life. But…they both need to focus on the case and pray that Agreste can’t find a way to screw them over. Diplomatic immunity would be a good pitch…if it applied. Lila seems to catch her train of thought and sadly shakes her head no.

Right, only high-level diplomats have their immunity extended to family members. A dead end. But… “Do you have friends at school who might be willing to testify? If we can get a good number of people to say good things about you, we can petition for a delay!” Larna proposes, but the brunette only sobs.

“N- no! They’re all Adrien’s friends too, and they think I-” she chokes out. “B- but it’s all his father! Gabriel is always using him; I was just trying to help!” Lila cries, tears barely gleaming in her eyes instead of falling down her face. The lawyer blinks for a moment, thinking it over. Defamation of the prosecuting party is rarely a good call, but if they can get a few of the kids to answer the right questions, it might just work!

Larna doesn’t bother hiding her smile, and Lila manages to match it if only for a moment. Her eyes shine with what must be a relief, and the lawyer nods to herself. Couple Gabriel Agreste’s reputation as a stoic and cold man, the testimonies of people who are desperate to protect their friend, and the possibility of getting Adrien to talk about how his father treats him…and Agreste is going to have to drop something lest he go on trial for parental neglect or domestic abuse. It’s shitty, and the exact kind of behavior Larna hates to see in court…but he’s throwing a girl to the wolves for no reason other than to save face, and if there is a case, then she’ll also be helping his kid get out of that situation. Maybe…just this once, the name of justice will have to justify.

They spend the rest of the hour talking, with Larna asking more relaxed questions to get details. What’s Lila’s relationship with Adrien? Are they friends? What about their classmates? Who is who? What questions should she ask to each of them? Do they know that Gabriel Agreste mistreats his son? So on and so forth until Lila dares to smile a bit, and Larna herself feels more confident. If they add this on top of how botched proceedings are, they might have a good case for obstruction of justice on Agreste’s side of things. Only…there’s still something that nags her, in the back of the lawyer’s mind.

“This girl you’ve talked about…Marinette. Her name’s familiar.” Larna lightly prods, gauging the brunette’s reaction. Lila tenses up, her mouth twitching for a moment before it settles on a frown.

A long pause. Suddenly, the air feels tense, and the girl’s eyes gleam with what she thinks are tears. “…she’s dead,” Lila says, her voice shaky as her arms start to tremble again. Larna thinks for a moment and remembers seeing the broadcast only a couple of days ago. “She wasn’t my friend,” Lila mumbles under her breath, sounding almost regretful. “The first day I was in school…I wanted people to like me, so I lied about some things. Knowing famous people. Marinette hated me for it, never stopped-” she admits, breath hitching as if it’s caught on barbed wire. “-never stopped pestering me about it.” Lila sighs deeply, a sharp cough wracking her throat to muffle the sound.

Before Larna could inquire as to what exactly had been said, as to if this girl had bullied her, or what history existed between them, captain Raincomprinx barged through the door with Detective Decker and four other officers, cutting her off. “Hey, wait! I’m not done talking to my client, you can’t just-” she tries to protest as Lila stares at them, her face paling as if she’s seen a ghost. The girl’s eyes move to Roger’s gun, and she looks terrified.

“Time’s up, Miss Smith! Say the rest in court, we have orders to move her!” the man barks, and his officers immediately step in to place a second set of cuffs on her, flanking Lila as they force her out the door and through the hallways leading to the back exit, with Larna forced to chase after them. Without a shred of grace, they shove the girl inside a police car, and the lawyer barely manages to catch up before they speed off. Roger gives her a long look, and then sighs deeply, holding the passenger door open for her to slip through even as he stares Larna in the eyes as if to say it’s your funeral.

Detective Decker sits on Lila’s left, both hands on her gun and discreetly aiming at the girl, even as the brunette shakes in fear and tries not to cry. Larna resists the urge to bring it up, instead patting the girl’s shoulder in what little comfort she can offer as the car speeds through the city, guarded by another vehicle at the front and back. The woman keeps her eyes on the detective, and Lila dares to breathe, ever so slightly leaning into her. In a flash, they drive over Saint Micheal’s bridge, and onwards to the Palace of Justice. Captain Raincomprinx gets out first, telling the flock of gathered reporters exactly where to stick their tripods before escorting them through the police barricade and inside the buildings. 

By the time they’ve made it inside, a flock of legal advisors swarms the hallways, police officers ushering them through the doors to the Assize Court’s entryway, of all places. Larna tried to stop them and ask why since these rooms were only for serious crimes like murders and other felonies. As terrible as sexual harassment was, it wouldn’t constitute something like this. She was ignored, and simply pushed further inside as heavily armed officers patrolled the halls. There might have even been a full SWAT Team in the next room over, the lawyer thinks, but through the chaos, there is no way to tell. Roger stops them in front of the heavy wooden doors to the tribunal chamber, and Larna tries to put her papers in some semblance of order as said doors are pushed open by his officers, letting the room itself come into view.

A well-furnished chamber filled with rows upon rows of polished wooden seats, with the front reserved for the prosecution and defense, as well as the accused and accuser. Roger escorts them to their seats, neglecting to remove Lila’s handcuffs as his officers take positions throughout the mostly empty room, all of them with good vantage at Larna’s client. The woman remembers to poise herself as she walks, carefully observing the room. The only other people here are Agrestes junior and senior, a young man she assumes to be the prosecuting lawyer, classmates, and witnesses sitting on the first few rows, and…only one judge. One instead of the five that are supposed to be here. And no jurors, not a single one of them.

Armond Dredd stands tall behind the podium, towering over everyone else in the room. “Miss Larna Smith. You’re late, and so is your client.” the man scolds, motioning for them to sit down. She only gives a nod of acknowledgment, waiting to see if she’ll be allowed to speak on Lila’s behalf. Instead, silence greets her as the girl dares to glance at her classmates and other witnesses. Larna does much the same…only to notice far too many big names in the same room for this to be a coincidence. Everyone from Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale to Mayor Bourgeois and his daughter is here, staring at Lila with nothing but disdain. The rockstar even brought a crocodile with him, from where she’s sitting, Larna can just barely glimpse the beast as a girl with dyed purple hair pets its snout. And on the front row, right next to Adrien Agreste…sits Ladybug, practically lounging in her chair and with one boot halfway on the desk in front of her.

“E-excuse me your honor, but surely we must be on time.” Larna deigns to point out, slowly standing up. She decides to ignore the superheroine in the room and Judge Dredd says nothing, signaling her to go on. “Your honor, we are missing four judges and an entire jury, surely we cannot-” proceed, she wants to say, to buy time. And yet, Agreste’s lawyer stands up as well, ready to counter the point.

“Your honor, may I inform Miss Smith that the indictment listing her client’s charges has already been read? Her delay is no fault of ours, and we should move along with proceedings.” the man insists, shooting her a sly smile. Larna looks at him for a second, really looks at him. Short and sleek brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a pressed blue suit…and she knows his face. Mike Ross, the up-and-coming lawyer for some high-end firm in the States, who’d come along with his mentor to her university for a lecture.

Larna matches his smile, not afraid to show her teeth. “I’m surprised Mister Specter isn’t here instead of you, prosecutor Ross. I would have thought monsieur Agreste hires only the best.” she snidely remarks. The man, barely a few years her senior, dares to laugh, rolling his eyes.

Prosecutor Ross gestures to Gabriel Agreste, and the man himself offers her a polite nod and nothing else. He barely even looks at her, sitting so calmly one could think he’s reading a book in the peaceful quiet of his home instead of accusing a teenage girl of harassment and bringing her to the highest criminal court in the city for a perceived wrong against his company. “I assure you, I’m more than capable of winning this case, Miss Smith. Now…shall we move along?” he asks, looking to the judge.

Prim and proper, the man calmly sits back down on his chair atop the podium, seemingly ignoring the way Lila squirms in discomfort next to Larna. She dares pat the girl on the shoulder again, watching as he moves a hand through the white hairs of his beard, leaning ever so slightly forward to give the brunette a calculating look. He hums to himself for a moment, looking out to the rest of the room. “Yes, Mr. Ross. We may proceed.” Judge Dredd says, glaring directly into Larna’s soul when she again tries to protest. “Let us begin by calling forth the first witness!” he announces, voice booming across the chamber.

Larna is immediately standing upright, her eyes locking onto the first person she’ll call. It’s a risky move, but there has to be baseline for her to stand on, and if prosecutor Ross is allowed to select it, then Lila Rossi may very well lose this case. “I call Adrien Agreste on the stand!” she says, and the boy’s father puts a hand on his shoulder as the teen makes to get up. The blonde shoots her a look from across the room, with an emotion that looks almost like pity on his face, and quietly takes his seat on the right side of the podium.


Adrien feels his breath hitch as he looks out to the tribunal chamber. In every possible direction lay familiar faces, those of friends and family he’d known for what felt like his whole life, regardless how short two years might actually be. And yet…he couldn’t help but glance at Lila, who sent back a covert sneer, and the lawyer defending her. The woman seemed defiant, for lack of a better word. She had that same look of staunch determination that was often etched on Alya’s face, every time she discovered a mystery or case worthy of her attention. It was rare that he bothered to criticize people based on a first glace; Bob Roth and XY being the only two recent examples, back when they’d tried to rip off Kitty Section’s music album. Adrien just…always tried to see the best in people, even in those who in hindsight had never deserved it.

He ignored the way Lila stared daggers into his soul, her scalding glare expertly hidden behind the mask of innocence she’d worn since the first day they’d met. Larna Smith, as far as Adrien was concerned, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Lila had no doubt already tried to twist her sense of justice for personal benefit. The blonde couldn’t help but pity her, inasmuch as he could pity his classmates for believing the vixen’s lies. Still, the lawyer could never be the target of his anger, if only because she just happened to be here, unlike the people who for so long had defended Lila and hurt Marinette again and again. Adrien took a deep breath, letting himself feel Father’s gentle hand on his shoulder, a tiny warmth that felt so much like mom he’d almost tripped over his own feet as he walked across the chamber.

Ugh…he needed to focus. He had to be Adrien Agreste, his father’s son and living embodiment of perfection. They couldn’t afford him screwing this up, letting Lila go free. After everything she’d done, Chat Noir had half a mind to rip her chest open with his claws and let her crumble to dust, but that wasn’t what mom would do, no matter the circumstance. Marinette would have probably grabbed Tom’s biggest butter knife if the thing hadn’t been burnt to cinders, but Emilie Agreste would never end someone’s life, he was sure. The residual warmth from Father’s hand, a convincing emulation of the flickers he’d been missing for so long…Adrien had yearned for that light, before meeting Marinette.

And now, he was tasked with putting her murderer away for good, making sure that Lila Rossi would never hurt anyone again. Even with Ladybug feigning calmness as she lounged in her seat, sending him a tiny smile…Adrien knew that the girl he’d given his umbrella to that first day of school was gone, all because of Lila. He still loved his Lady, their very souls intertwined in a way the blonde would never dare try to comprehend. She was his partner, his other half, his world- and they were alive, together. He’d seen her scars when they sat together just yesterday, looking out from her balcony window at the crack of dawn, letting the feint golden rays wash over them as she played with his hair, Chat’s claws trailing the marks on her skin.

They marred her body all over, barely visible but ever-present, a reminder of how close they’d cut it, how tiny the distance between them and death had become as thunder split the skies and the world cried in mourning. The memory flashes in his mind, and for a moment, Adrien feels his boots hook around the metal railing as he holds Ladybug’s hand, the both of them leaning ever so slightly forward as time grinds to a halt… Thunder flashes overhead, and he thinks he sees mom smiling gently at him. That familiar warmth floods his soul, and it’s only then he realizes it’s pouring out from Marinette, when her glimmering blue eyes meet his catty green. They take a step back, and suddenly a deafening bang snaps him back to reality.

“Monsieur Agreste! Are you ready to begin?” Judge Dredd asks, looking at him in sympathy from behind his white hairs. Adrien feels himself nod an affirmative, and the man looks down at his papers. “Good. First, I’d like to establish your relationship to miss Lila Rossi. How exactly did you two meet?” comes the question, and Adrien Agreste, son of Gabriel, takes the helm, straightening his spine and perfectly poising himself before even uttering a word.

He recounts the memory perfectly, how he’d come to school like any other day, and this new girl named Lila had approached him in the library. Adrien tells of his Father’s grimoire, a storybook with old fairytales he calls it, with writings of ancient legend. He explains his own curiosities that morning when Judge Armond prompts him, says he took the book with him to school. Lila’s interest had been evident from the start, but he’d thought she was just an overexcited fangirl, or so he says. Adrien puts his heart and soul into not letting a single drop of hatred leak into his voice, explaining that she’d asked him to meet at the nearby park after school. Interested in making a new friend, Adrien had obliged her, bringing along the book that had so enamored her. Lila had taken it from his hands, and when Ladybug jumped in to scold her for lying about being a superhero and putting herself in danger, he reveals that she had thrown his father’s tome away, in the bin right next to them. Prosecutor Ross questions his Lady, and she easily confirms her presence, as well as Lila’s offense to being called out and tells of the brunette’s first Akumatization.

Larna Smith interjects, demands to know what became of the book. At Judge Dredd’s insistence, Adrien begrudgingly admits that Father had pulled him out of school for losing it, and forced to answer the lawyer’s question, explains that he was only allowed back because Marinette had found and managed to return it, clearing up the situation. From the podium he stands on, Chat Noir can see the woman trying to dig her teeth into what had been obvious even to his classmates, that Father was…not a particularly good parent, so to speak.

“Objection!” Prosecutor Ross calls out. “The line of questioning is irrelevant, your Honor! We are attempting to build a baseline for Lila Rossi’s relationship with monsieur Agreste, not dig into his home life!” Mike insists, earning a nod of agreement from the judge and an approving tilt of the head from Father.

Adrien can’t help but sigh in relief under his breath as the woman relents, begrudgingly moving on to a different question. “…very well. Then, perhaps Adrien can shed some light on his history with my client?” Larna prompts him quickly, and the girl in question raises her hand.

“I- maybe I can answer-” Lila perks up hesitantly, her fingers twitching in anxiety so well emulated that if Adrien hadn’t spent his entire life around professional actors and models, or already seen her real self, he might have given her the benefit of the doubt.

Thankfully, Armond Dredd refuses to, immediately shutting her down. “No, miss Rossi. You will answer the questions addressed to you, and nothing else.” he insists in a scalding tone, easily matching the ever-present glare on Lila’s face when nobody was looking.

Mike gestures for Adrien to answer Larna’s question, flashing him a tiny smile of encouragement as he tilts his head downwards so the woman wouldn’t see. “Well, we didn’t see her for a while after that. Lila…I think she said she was traveling with her mother? Because of her job at the embassy?” he thinks, phrasing it as if he struggles to recall the right answer. Of course, he and Marinette had long figured out that she was just lying on every single video call, and in hindsight it was so obvious, Adrien genuinely wondered how exactly miss Bustier had never noticed.

Lila jumps on the chance to talk, and after receiving an approving nod from Larna, launches into a rant about how she had to miss school because of her mother’s work taking her to Achu for a while; how she’d so terribly missed all her new friends while she was away and working with Prince Ali’s charity for orphans and hospitalized children. It’s a familiar tale, one she’s told a thousand times by now, and the brunette speaks every word with confidence, seeming to almost recall joyful memories as she tells the tale. …Judge Dredd doesn’t buy it for a single second. “So, young lady, you’re stating on record that your mother, who works at the French-Italian embassy took you on a trip to Achu for weeks on end, hence why you missed school with excused absences?” he questions calmly, toning his voice in genuine interest and raising an eyebrow, as if impressed by her story of helping sick children.

In a moment of sick irony that has Chat Noir struggling to hold back a snicker, Lila’s eyes light up as she happily confirms that yes, that’s exactly the case! Father smiles in satisfaction, and Ladybug’s eyes gleam as she narrows her glare at the brunette. “And yet, according to the embassy’s papers, those trips were never authorized, and the expenditures never put on record!” Prosecutor Ross points out, startling Lila. “If they did indeed occur, then you and your mother are both guilty of abusing her position and committing theft, not to mention wasting government funds for personal expenditures! And if they didn’t, then miss Rossi, you’re guilty of committing truancy!” he insists, turning to the judge.

Armond Dredd nods in agreement, even as Larna tries to protest. “I- I’m sure there must be some mistake! If her mother were here-” she tries to say, her face twisting in anger as she stands up, ready to launch into a fierce defense- …only for Judge Dredd to send her a chilling glare, silencing the woman.

“Mister Agreste, you may return to your seat.” the man permits, and Adrien doesn’t hesitate to speed-walk across the chamber and sit back down next to Father and his Lady. Gabriel eyes him with pride in his gaze, and politely ignores the way his son’s fingers accidentally brush with the heroine’s. “I’ve already been informed that miss Alya Cesaire has further information on miss Rossi’s wrongdoings concerning her educational environment.” he announces, turning to Alya, who is sitting just two rows behind Adrien, right next to her parents and Nino. Nora must have stayed behind to watch the twins, the blonde reasons. “Please, come up to the stand.”

Adrien takes a deep breath, watching Alya walk across the room with a spark of determination in her eyes. He doesn’t need Chat Noir’s night vision to see that she’s here to bring Lila down, and even Plagg seems to approve, daring to peek his head out of Adrien’s shirt pocket. Thankfully, Father has his eyes locked on Larna Smith, fingers very carefully fixing up his tie. He’d done so before, when they were in the car together. Gabriel had barely said a word, except to caution him on being careful of his words, to treat Lila’s lawyer as if she were a paparazzi tirelessly searching for a way to defame him. Nevertheless, Father’s hand had patted him on the shoulder as they exited the car and made their way inside, and Adrien managed a real smile as cameras flashed all around them.

He shook himself back to the present, looking at Alya as she cleared her throat. “Miss Cesaire, I trust you will speak the truth and nothing but the truth?” Judge Dredd gently prompts her, receiving an affirming nod as her only response. Alya…didn’t look so much nervous as she did angry, glaring at Lila with flames rising behind her glasses. “Officer Raincomprinx informed us there have been several notable incidents concerning miss Rossi at your school during her stay. Would you care to describe them for us?” he asks of her, and the Ladyblogger takes a deep breath before facing forwards, looking to Nino for support.

Adrien listens patiently as Alya describes what happened on the day that Lila returned from her trip, supposedly. She tells of the morning change in seating arrangement, how Lila had insisted she should sit next to Adrien and claimed disabilities to convince miss Bustier to allow it. Alya went on to add events throughout the day as Lila told them all about her sprained wrist, her so-called tinnitus that in hindsight seemed to switch ears every time someone asked, how she clung to Adrien for as long as they were in proximity. Larna Smith tried to ask about Marinette, who’d been relevant in the blonde’s testimony, but Alya only kept on going about Lila’s lies…until eventually the conversation turned to their investigation on Monday morning.

“-and with Principal Damocles’ permission, we took a look at the security footage from the relevant dates. It- it was Chloe’s idea. Mister Stone was there, he can confirm it!” Alya says, prompting the rockstar to stand up, only to sit back down when Judge Dredd motions for him to wait.

“Where exactly is this supposed footage? How could you so conveniently be in possession of the evidence, much less caught everything on camera?” Larna Smith demands, practically fuming with anger. “As my client’s legal advisor, I would ask to see these recordings for myself, immediately!”

Prosecutor Ross sends her a sly grin, standing up with the judge’s permission. “Miss Smith, if you had thoroughly read the papers provided to you, you’d already know the authenticity of this evidence has already been confirmed by the Parisian Police Department, headed by Captain Raincomprinx. Not to mention, they are in fact the very reason we are in these chambers! A detailed report was provided, and we have a department Head’s confirmation for that as well!” he politely rattles off, confidence radiating off the man’s form.

“And why, prey tell, is a case of sexual harassment being taken to Assize Court in the first place?” Larna pressures him, but he only shakes his head, hiding a tiny laugh that even Adrien’s hearing barely catches. Lila seems truly worried now, but she channels fear into unbridled rage, staring daggers at Alya as she’s told to step back down, and Jagged Stone is called to the stand.

The rockstar is asked the preliminary questions, and launches himself into an elaboration of the lies Lila has told about him and his brand, claiming damages and libel. Judge Dredd points to Officer Raincomprinx for the relevant recordings, and Sabrina’s father confirms that the brunette is shown to do so on multiple occasions, backed up by Detective Decker. Jagged then moves on to corroborating Alya’s story about the investigation, retelling how the four teens had come inside the principal’s office, and insisting that Chloe had sent him a copy of the evidence they found. Judge Dredd seems satisfied for now, and switches him out for Clara Nightingale, who has much the same story of Lila lying about knowing and being friends with her, insisting this could have caused massive damages to her brand if a tabloid had gotten their hands on the story.

One by one, Adrien’s classmates are called to the stand, and Judge Dredd questions them on their relationships with Lila. All of them have mostly similar answers, explaining that Lila was always too busy to do her homework because she was supposedly working with charities and foundations, raising money and away on trips. Rose nearly foams at the mouth as she speaks about Lila faking her work with children’s hospitals, and Officer Raincomprinx adds that his detectives have confirmed that none of the organizations the girl claimed to work with, those who exist at the very least, have ever heard of her in the first place. Through it all, Adrien watches as Larna Smith protests and questions them all, hinging on details and tiny inconsistencies…only to watch her defensive arguments crumble one after the other as the hour goes by.

Prosecutor Ross accuses Lila of fraud for faking disabilities and preying on the school’s goodwill, Jagged and Clara press charges for slander. Mike goes on, bringing up Lila’s many thefts, pressing for defamation charges, much to Larna’s dismay. The woman tries to bring up the circumstances of collecting the evidence, questions the validity of eyewitness testimonies, leading to Adrien’s classmates all erupting in anger as they stand by their versions of events. Fang snarls when Jagged bangs his fist against his chair, and Lila starts to shake, as if terrified out of her mind…but Judge Dredd decides they are to adjourn until both parties have calmed themselves enough for proceedings to continue.

Gabriel gives a heavy sigh, patting Adrien on the shoulder again. The movement seems rhythmic, almost grounding for the man, and the blonde lets him. Ladybug carefully intwines her fingers with Chat’s under the desk, but they break off once Father turns to look at him. “Adrien…might I speak with you alone for a moment?” he asks in a calm, reigned voice. It’s…uncanny, to see the man so often defined by his lack of time and patience be so passive as events unfold around him.

Adrien gives Ladybug’s fingers a tiny squeeze, and she takes the hint to leave. Out of the corner of his eye, Chat sees her approaching Chloe, who holds herself perfectly still, shoulders stiffening as Mayor Bourgeois hovers around her in what looks to be worry. “Adrien…” Father breathes his name, almost in a whisper. Next thing Chat knows, he’s been pulled a hug, yelping so hard he almost falls off his chair. “I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” the man tells him, quickly steadying his son’s form.

Chat Noir’s catty green eyes send his faded blue a calculating glance, and Adrien takes the reigns, breathing deeply as he prepares to talk to Gabriel. “It’s…alright, I just didn’t expect it.” he says honestly, earning a loud sigh from the older man.

“Of course not.” Gabriel spits out before he can think better of it. Without missing a beat, he loudly clears his throat. “I…you poised yourself incredibly well on the stand, Adrien. I’m proud of you, son.” he tells him in earnest, and a tiny golden heartstring deep inside Chat Noir’s soul twitches to life, daring to play a single, hopeful note into the ether.

Adrien can’t help but commit the words to memory, despite how well he remembers the many times these same eyes have shown him only disappointment, deemed that he wasn’t worthy, wasn’t enough to warrant real attention. And if his own father couldn’t bother to take a second glance at him…what hope did Adrien ever have of mom deciding to come back? “…thanks, dad.” the blonde says after a small pause, testing the word in his mouth. It still doesn’t feel anywhere close to natural, but he thinks, hopes, that they’ll get there soon.

Gabriel’s faded eyes glimmer with a tiny flicker of vibrant color, the splash of blue he’s only ever been told about by Nathalie. Barely a glimpse that Adrien can remember, and yet he someone finds himself preferring it over the dull, lifeless grey. “You know…Emilie wasn’t always perfect. She-” Gabriel tries to say, breath hitching as he forces the words out. “She used to be…free, before. I’ve come to think…no, I was wrong, when I tried to take that from you, Adrien.”

Chat feels his wide eyes shoot the man a shocked look, he can barely keep himself from openly gawking, and only because they’re in public. He’s long since learned to be better than that. “I- Father…” Adrien tries to talk, to say something in response, but Gabriel only places a comforting hand on his shoulder, and the warmth that feels so much like mom drips back into the blonde’s soul, providing a long-forgotten comfort.

“Adrien, we will win this case. Everything is already proceeding as planned.” Gabriel assures him, leaning slightly towards his son. He keeps himself steady, a pillar of strength for Adrien to support himself on the moment that he needs it. “And…after that, I- I would like to have dinner with you, son.”

He can’t help it. Chat Noir breaks out into a grin so wide that the black mask nearly flickers onto his face, even if Gabriel can’t see it. That jagged golden heartstring, barely mended after days of doubt and distrust, snaps…before reforming itself all over again, singing with life that Adrien had thought eluded him along with his mother. Father- suddenly his presence felt familiar, just like the dad he’d long since forgotten, the man who would let him draw with crayons inside the atelier and joyfully guide Adrien into making the shapes that he wanted, always wearing an amused smile on his face. And…for the first time since Emilie Agreste had been put on bedrest, Adrien feels like he has a family again.

Gabriel slowly reaches around his son, wrapping the boy into a soft hug as the purple brooch under his tie finally stops weighing him down, and then they part, both Agrestes smiling at each other for the first time in what seemed an eternity. “Adrien…I promise you; I will fix this…even if it’s the last thing I ever try.” Gabriel tells him, conviction flowing freely in his tone as he looks the boy in the eye. Chat Noir finds himself nodding, pressing his clawless hand on his father’s arm, a firm grip of reassurance that he’ll be there when it happens, to see the fruits of their labor. Then father and son straighten their spines as Armond Dredd steps back onto the podium, followed by an incensed Larna Smith, and a bashful Mike Ross, who seems to be trying to calm the woman down. Both lawyers take positions once again, and the judge’s gavel slams against his desk, signaling to the witnesses to move back to their seats. Judge Dredd clears his throat…and calls Ladybug to the stand.


Samantha Fae takes a deep breath, slowly walking across the tribunal chamber. Her legs feel more weak than they do broken, and she knows that despite what phantom pains might ail her, her body has been…healed, for lack of a better word. It’s nothing short of a miracle, the fact that she’s still breathing. Oddly enough, it isn’t the flames or molten glass that shred into her skin just the night before that she thinks of. Rather, Ladybug’s mind can’t help but flash back to the dimly lit spot on the railing, that sliver of reprieve from the real world that offered her precious quietude as all Hell broke loose around her. Every step of her boot clanks against the metal bar she’s hooked her legs over, and Samantha can still smell the salty sea breeze in the air whenever she inhales. It’s…calming, in its own special way.

Of course, Ladybug can still hear the faint echoes of small waves splashing against the river’s manmade banks, but the sound comes with droplets of rain on her face as she and Chat Noir slowly navigate the Parisian skyline, the golden rays of a new dawn at their backs. Samantha feels her kitty’s claws clinging to her wrist, bloodied by the tiny pricks he’s made on her exposed skin. Ladybug’s suit still feels charred, every black spot a reminder of the flames which marred her rather than a colorful splash of contrast to her fiery red, but his soft green envelops her, feeling as if she’s laying on her back against vibrant blades of grass.

She had shared that silly thought with Adrien, and they’d settled for a few pillows, gracefully thrown off her couch and directly on Samantha’s carpet along with the silky blanket from her bedroom. They’d curled up together just behind her balcony door, content to breathe as the rising sun ever so slowly enveloped the cityscape in its brilliant rays. Chat’s claws had kneaded her sore back, and she had gently ran her gloved fingers through his unkept locks, making a game of straightening out loose strands. Ladybug and her kitty, her partner, hadn’t said a word to each other as they finally let themselves collapse with fatigue. There existed no sound in mortal tongues that could ever hope to emulate their feelings, much less coherently articulate them to another human. And…they didn’t need such a miracle, not when they had their other half curled around strained bones and tired muscle.

Now…a strange sense of peace enveloped her, much like if she were to go back to that very railing that started it all. Worries evaporated as she calmly took her seat, quietly clearing her throat. The judge did not need to permit her for Samantha to begin, all she waited for was Adrien locking eyes with her, shooting Ladybug that same chaste grin that always made her heart flutter. “Thank you, Judge Dredd. For inviting me today, and letting me speak on my concerns regarding the defendant.” she says simply, gaze flickering to Lila Rossi.

The girl was seething with anger, pure hatred hidden behind her innocent façade of a terrified girl who’s in way over her head. Samantha gives her a comforting, kind smile, watching as Larna Smith visibly relaxes, shoulders slouching in relief. It’s almost enough to make her feel sorry for the woman, but Ladybug doesn’t wish to take away her peace of mind, if only for a moment. “I’d simply like to get a few facts straight before procedure continues. To clear the air, I’m just here to make sure no Akuma wreak havoc in such an emotional environment. And to provide my own testimony regarding Lila Rossi.” she announces calmly, not missing the way Larna tenses in the small moment of quiet that descends upon the tribunal chamber.

“Miss Rossi has claimed to be my friend on multiple occasions, as well as publicly declared this fact to a large portion of Parisian citizens through the Ladyblog. I would like to officially refute this as a lie, and not merely to protect my friend, as Lila has excused previous denials. My only interactions with miss Smith’s client have been purely based around Akumatizations in which she was either the target or victim in question.” Ladybug says, letting a tiny murmur make its way through the crowd. Alya’s face falls at the mention of her now-deleted interviews with Lila, guilt etched all over her expression.

“For now, I shall only speak on the matter of Volpina, as was the name of miss Rossi’s first and second Akumatized persona. Aside from me happening upon the scene and disproving her claims to Adrien Agreste, I’d like to emphasize that she actively targeted him during the time she was under Hawkmoth’s control. However, we must remember that all Akumatized victims are not themselves, and therefore it would be unfair to every citizen of Paris who has fallen under the same influence to accuse Lila Rossi of misdeeds committed while unwillingly Akumatized.” Samantha rattles off, sharing a look with Prosecutor Ross. The man sends her the tiniest of nods, and she takes a step back, having finished with her piece.

Naturally, Larna jumps on the chance for a good argument, shooting the heroine a truly grateful look. “Yes, I was about to make this point exactly! Your honor, how could we possibly hold my client liable for any crimes committed while she was manipulated and unwillingly turned into a villain by Hawkmoth?” she protests, earning a thoughtful stroke of Judge Armond’s beard.

Mike sighs deeply, his shoulders visibly slouching as his gazes moves to the floor. Lila narrows her eyes, but the prosecutor has to rebuttal to offer, instead raising his hands in mock surrender. “For once, miss Smith and I appear to be in agreement.” he gives a nervous laugh. “Yes, it is well-established that whatever is done by one of Hawkmoth’s victims does not give grounds for accountability in court.” the man agrees, and Lila eyes widen in slight surprise.

Tension begins to slowly dissipate from Larna’s shoulders as she glances back to Samantha, and the heroine happily offers her a supportive smile. After all, the woman is just doing her job, and what she feels is right. Larna Smith is another one of Lila Rossi’s victims, manipulated and unwillingly turned into a villain of this story they’re all moving through. She’d realize the error of her ways all too late, and Ladybug could only hope the fallout would be manageable for her. She was a hero after all, it wouldn’t do her favors to be wishing ill for other people.

Judge Dredd motions for her to go, and Samantha steps down from the podium, walking back to her seat. “Would Adrien Agreste please return to the stand?” Armond asks of him, and Ladybug kindly makes way for him to pass through, covertly tapping her kitty on the shoulder. A small assurance, but nonetheless her touch is enough to quicken his pace as she sits back down, daring to look towards his father.

Gabriel Agreste doesn’t strike her as the imposing, arrogant and self-centered man she’d first met during the Simon Says incident, nor the shattered husk barely clinging to life Samantha had been reintroduced to only two days prior. Something about him had fundamentally changed, and she could just barely make out a near-imperceivable flicker of white light surrounding his form. Ladybug studied him for a moment, before recognizing the glow as healing, if only through her connection with Tikki. Adrien’s father was slowly but surely mending himself back together, which would bode good news for her kitty if he kept trudging forwards on this path.

He doesn’t notice her glancing, eyes instead locked up front to where his son is seated as Judge Dredd begins to ask him questions. “Monsieur Agreste, now that we’ve established the baseline of your relationship with miss Rossi, could you tell us how exactly she came into the position at your father’s company. Gabriel hires only the very best, surely a novice would never be accepted.” the man tells him, more making a statement than asking a question.

Adrien nods, taking a deep breath before explaining the situation, setting the scene of their mock exam and how Miss Bustier had received an anonymous tip about Marinette supposedly having stolen the answer sheet. Larna Smith immediately questions the bluenette’s relevance, but Judge Dredd orders her to be silent as Adrien tells the story. He describes how they were sent to the principal’s office, and next thing anyone knows Marinette is getting expelled from the school. Of course, Adrien had known Lila was responsible, but at the time couldn’t prove it. Hence, he’d gone directly to her, making the brunette a deal. He’d recommend her to his father as a model, and Lila would go back to the school and convince Principal Damocles to let her return.

Larna rolls her eyes in disbelief, huffing loudly when Adrien is done talking. “Monsieur Agreste, you expect us to believe that every educator at College Francois Dupont failed to perform their due diligence, to the degree where the principal believed my client’s claims about a lying disease?” she asks, clearly finding the story ridiculous. Unfortunately for her…Judge Dredd calls on the blonde’s classmates, all of whom corroborate the story, insisting that the principal did indeed tell them so when Marinette came back the next day.

Samantha can’t help but sigh in disappointment as she’s reminded of exactly where that sheer stupidity had gotten her, and Ladybug gives Larna a confused shrug, as if to say it is ludicrous, yet completely true. The woman pushes her glasses back up her nose, digging into her papers as she lets out a long sigh. It takes a pretty significant amount of effort for the bluenette to hide her disdain towards her teachers, even if she doesn’t really blame them.

Prosecutor Ross also seems annoyed by the…lack of protocol, so to speak, but quickly shakes off his thoughts, calling on Adrien to answer another question. “And I would assume that through your recommendation, miss Rossi managed to get a job at Gabriel?” he quickly asks, receiving an affirming nod. “Very well…” the man shakes his head is dismay. “I would like to call Gabriel Agreste to the stand.”, he requests, clearly hoping to shed some light on the more technical aspects of Lila’s position at the company. Larna also seemed quite curious, her defiant stance morphing into that of a puzzle solver as she tries to find some way to explain the matter without causing her client to be incriminated.

Gabriel is quick to stand up, and Samantha lowers her boot from the desk to let him pass. Adrien returns to her side, and she gently intwines their fingers as he sits back down. Mike takes a deep breath, flipping a page on his papers before turning to look at the man, who now sits behind the podium. “Monsieur Agreste, could you please explain to us how miss Rossi kept her position at your company? I would assume Gabriel sent out a parental consent form for her part-time job, and received the proper signatures?” he asks with a frustrated sigh.

“Precisely. Lila Rossi came at Adrien’s personal recommendation, so I requested to speak with her, provided the necessary forms, and told the girl to bring them back with her legal guardian’s signature.” Gabriel is quick to say, and Chat taps her leg in confirmation. Ladybug can’t help but sigh, even as her kitty gently brushes his fingers against her gloved hand. If Lila really managed to get her mother to sign those forms, then it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine the woman would support her regardless of what Prosecutor Ross digs up on her.

“And were you and your associates at all aware that these signatures had been illegally forged?” Mike asks, and Samantha can feel Lila’s desire to rip him apart as the brunette feigns shock, her arms shaking with barely contained murderous intent disguised as fear.

“No, of course not!” Gabriel swiftly denies. “Had it not been for Officer Raincomprinx’s department, we might never have found out!” the man claims, and Ladybug catches a glimpse of Roger smiling in satisfaction at the edge of her vision.

“This is completely preposterous!” Larna objects, her voice thundering across the chamber. “You want a judge to believe that a teenage girl no older than fifteen at the time managed to forge a signature?” the woman pries, but Gabriel only shrugs nonchalantly. “Surely you aren’t trying to press charges with such outrageous-”

Mike Ross is quick to raise his own voice, cutting her off. “Your Honor, I’d like to add the crime of forgery to miss Rossi’s list of wrongdoings.” he exclaims, watching with a tiny smirk as Larna fumes, the thought sounding ludicrous to her. “The relevant evidence has already been examined by Judge Dredd’s office; this is merely a matter of procedure.” the prosecutor smiles, daring her to explode in a fiery ball of rage.

“Then where is Nathalie Sancoeur? Where are the educators from Dupont?” she demands, righteous anger toning her cry. “We are missing an entire jury, four judges, and key witnesses your Honor! Not to mention we are basing this entire trial on eyewitness testimonies of people who are inherently biased-” Larna tries, sparing a glance at Lila’s quivering form.

Judge Armond gives a dismissive wave of his hand, shutting her protests down. “Miss Smith, that is quite enough! All relevant evidence has already been examined by my office, and me personally! Sit down and be silent, lest you be charged with obstruction of justice!” he commands, and the woman twitches in one final defiance…before sharply inhaling and taking her seat.

Prosecutor Ross sighs deeply, visibly resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. “…if we may proceed, there exists and established pattern of behavior that miss Rossi has followed where Adrien Agreste is concerned. Judge Dredd’s office has already received testimonies for Gabriel employees, as well several security recordings, both old and more recent, that make her M.O. crystal clear. Therefore, I propose we move on from her charges of harassment and to the reason we are currently gathered in Assize.”

Murmurs and whisperings travel through the gathered witnesses as Ladybug glances around the room. She sees Mayor Bourgeois’ face turning pale as a sheet, hears Jagged’s vindicated cry as he bangs his first against the desk in front of him. The heroine catches a glimpse of Nino, who has both hands on Alya’s shoulders and is trying to comfort her. The charred remains of a heartstring inside Samantha insist she go and offer words of support, but Ladybug solemnly refuses, instead turning her gaze to Chloe. The heiress of Paris has sheer rage etched on her face as she glares daggers at Lila. Chloe fidgets with the necklace she’s wearing, a golden tail curling into itself, wrapped around her neck by a glimmering silver chain that shines in the sunlight that falls through the windows. Her fingers are shaking ever so slightly, and she’s taking sharp, measured breathes, almost like she’s gasping for air.

“Ladies and gentlemen, your Honor, Lila Rossi stands here today, accused of not only conspiring to commit terrorism against the people of Paris, but also the premeditated homicide of the Dupain-Cheng family.” Mike’s voice echoes across the tribunal chamber, and a sudden snap sounds from Chloe’s seat.

The heiress of Paris tries to keep herself still, her arms trembling as Mayor Bourgeois puts a hand on her shoulder. She really bites it off, pushing her father away so hard he almost falls off his chair. “Uh- your Honor, could my daughter please be excused?” Andre asks with a tremor in his voice, Chloe’s shoulders stiffening as Judge Dredd looks over at her.

With a sigh, the man waves them away, and the blonde girl immediately books it out of the room without another word. Andre trails after her, and Ladybug lets herself breathe when the heiress glances back at her ever so slightly, a tiny smile flickering on her face. As Samantha takes the liberty of stepping up to the podium, shocked whispers reverberate through the crowd. Her f- former friends all gasp, unable to so much as comprehend the thought. Rose has gone pale as a sheet, with Juleka wrapping her in a hug and carefully running her hands through the blonde girl’s hair. Alya and Nino look unaffected, but Ladybug can easily spot the dull grey mist swirling in their eyes as they barely manage to contain their grief. The adults in the room, barring Jagged who’s already halfway ready to sick Fang on Lila, all seem at a loss for words, some even looking at Prosecutor Ross like he’s gone mad.

Larna Smith manages to shake off her shock, already on her feet as the brunette sitting to her starts to shake. “This- this is ridiculous! Do you really expect me to believe that this girl is some kind of serial killer?” she asks, gesturing at Lila. The girl’s hands are trembling as she curls in on herself, emanating tiny sobs through a mop of brown hair.

“Do I look like a woman who cares?” Ladybug can’t help but bite at her as monsieur Agreste takes a step back, letting her take the podium. Larna falls silent, more in shock than anything else. The woman tries to open her mouth, but the words refuse to come. Instead, she collapses back into her chair, mind struggling to comprehend what is even happening around her. Lila looks like she’s crying, gaze cast downwards and eyes hidden behind her bangs.

“To elaborate on the prosecution’s claim, miss Rossi is being accused of deliberately working with Hawkmoth against the city of Paris, as well as my team of superheroes. The first and most blatant case of this was the aforementioned incident with Lila’s return to Dupont after her supposed trip to the country of Achu. She was Akumatized for reasons at the time unknown, but the security recordings shed light on what exactly happened. Miss Rossi is clearly seen reaching out for an Akuma that enters the building, purposefully placing it inside her earring and initiating conversation with Hawkmoth. She actively requests to be given powers, promising to battle against myself and Chat Noir in exchange.”

Samantha speaks calmly, with measured words echoing across the tribunal chamber. For a moment, there’s nothing but silence. A quiet emptiness simmers under the surface, as if the world itself is approaching a standstill. Or, maybe that’s how she would have seen it, had Ladybug not known exactly what it feels for those old, rusty gears to come to a screeching halt. No adult dares to make even a single noise, and she spies Alya going perfectly still, Nino’s arms wrapped around her and exuding a flickering flame, in much the same way a freezing man desperately tries to keep a fire going. Adrien looks calm, but she can tell he’s just wearing his mask. Gabriel’s hand rests on her kitty’s shoulder, giving a light squeeze that seems to comfort him, if only slightly. Larna Smith’s shoulders have stiffened, and the woman can only sit in her chair, unable to muster any kind of defense. It’s one thing to battle against a prosecutor in a rigged case that’s clearly in favor of a bigshot fashion mogul…and another thing entirely to tell Ladybug she’s wrong.

“With this information, we can confirm that miss Rossi was by this time already in league with Hawkmoth, but I personally think their alliance goes further back. I would like to turn your attention to Heroes’ Day, and the first Scarletmoth attack. Does anyone remember what caused the initial wave of negative emotions?” Samantha poses the question to the crowd, already looking in Alya’s direction. The girl sobers up as soon as the heroine’s gaze meets her own, quietly clearing her throat.

With Judge Dredd giving a permissive nod, the Ladyblogger stands up, supporting herself on the desk at her front. “Yes, there’s plenty of evidence that it was an illusion of some kind, of an Akumatized Ladybug defeating Chat Noir. And…” she trials off for a moment, gears already turning in her head. Samantha can see the exact second that it finally clicks, and Alya’s eyes go wide with the realization. “And the only villain who ever had illusion powers is Volpina!”

“Exactly! Not to mention, during our encounter with Hawkmoth that day, he employed an illusion to try and trap my team. The Butterfly Miraculous has a very specific set of abilities, and such a feat is well beyond them. At the time I suspected Volpina, but was under the impression that miss Rossi had left the country for Achu.” Ladybug explains, sneaking a glance at Lila. The brunette still keeps her eyes downcast, hiding the hateful glint in her gaze.

Prosecutor Ross nods to himself, turning to the judge. “You Honor, it’s evident that Lila Rossi is an accessory to terrorism, by nature of her working with the supervillain Hawkmoth. The proof is crystal clear; she’s allowed herself to be willingly Akumatized!” the man insists, voice booming across the chamber.

Kagami perks up from her seat, raising a hand. “Is there something you’d like to add, miss Tsurugi?” Judge Dredd asks, and she gives a determined nod. “Very well, please proceed.” he allows her, and the fencer stands up.

“Your Honor, I…I’ve recalled something that may be relevant. Last year, I was Akumatized due to Lila Rossi’s actions, when she sent me a picture of herself hanging off Adrien, with him looking uncomfortable. I- I remember only flashes, but it’s possible that she feigned injury to drag Chat Noir out of the battle. Hawkmoth sounded…quite gleeful, I think.” Kagami says, her voice marred with the slightest bit of hesitance.  She sounds almost pained, and Ladybug sends her a sympathetic look. It’s…unpleasant, to have dark thoughts swirling inside one’s head, especially if they would actively encourage harm towards friends and loved ones.

“Miss Ladybug, would you be willing to call Chat Noir so we may confirm?” Mike asks the heroine, and she nods, taking out her yoyo and sliding it open. A flicker of faint orange light flashes from the screen, before the feline’s voice comes through on the other end.

“Hey milady! Decided to check on me, bugaboo?” he calls out, voice assuming the ever-recognizable flirty tone. Ladybug can’t help but shake her head, sighing in fond exasperation.

“Is everything alright out there, Chat Noir?” she asks, and a chuckle sounds through the yoyo.

“Yep! Paw-trol is going great! Not a sign of Mothman or his side chick out here!” he puns shamelessly. Adrien snickers at the joke, and Ladybug rolls her eyes.

“You mind confirming something for me kitty cat? Remember when Kagami got Akumatized because of all that Lila business? Did she…pretend to be injured, at any point?” the heroine asks, and the ding of Chat’s bell echoes through the call, as if emphasizing a sharp nod.

“I thought I told you already! She was on the ground when I found her, and asked me to help her get away. Of course, I did, but when I asked her where exactly she got hurt…Lila couldn’t even answer me. And she seemed pretty insistent that I stay with her instead of coming back to help you, milady.” he trials off, voice shifting to a faint growl.

Prosecutor Ross takes a step towards the podium, clasping his hands together. “Thank you, Chat Noir, that’s all we needed! Your Honor, given the heroes’ testimonies, I believe it fair to charge miss Rossi with obstruction of justice, in addition to being an accessory for international terrorism!” he’s quick to declare, glancing at Larna. The woman barely moves from her seat, saying nothing. Lila is also immobile, sitting next to her with nary a tremble. Ladybug takes one look at her and immediately sees the girl seething with rage, but she makes no attempt to claw her lawyer’s throat out.

“If the defense has no argument to make…” Judge Dredd pauses, but she still doesn’t make a sound. Sighing deeply, he runs a hand through his beard, turning back to Mike. “Prosecutor, this time I would like to call Officer Raincomprinx to the stand. It’s about time we examine miss Rossi’s relation to the Dupain Cheng case.” he says, and Samatha feels herself twitch at the reminder.

Flames begin to slowly flicker at the edge of her vision, and the scars running across her skin feel like they’re simmering with ashen embers, just waiting to be ignited once more. Still, Ladybug forces herself to breathe, tasting the salty sea breeze on her tongue as she steps down from the podium. Phantom shards of molten glass dig into her heels as she walks back to her seat, but Adrien’s fingers gently caress her leg under the desk, and Samantha manages a tiny smile. The touch brings forth a faint blush on her cheeks, as she remembers Chat’s claws gently digging into her wrist. She closes her eyes, intwining their fingers again, and the memory of Marinette and Adrien’s ethereal forms, basking in brilliant light and peacefully wisping away into the breeze is there to greet her instead of darkness. Her kitty gently rubs her shoulder with his own, letting their faded scars brush against each other under the fabric. It…it doesn’t burn anymore, not in a way that hurts her.

Samantha isn’t sure exactly what that says about her; that she’s managed to let go of Tom and Sabine so quickly. Still, she knows they would want their daughter to be well, and even if Marinette is dead, she and Ladybug had once been the same. Her heartstrings sing with loss, a somber but peaceful tone emanating through her soul. She feels…okay, for lack of a better word. With Chat at her side, Samantha feels like they can do the impossible, and somehow move past all this, when it’s finally over. A small thud snaps her back to reality as the chamber’s main door opens back up, revealing Chloe and her father returning to their seats. The heiress poises herself perfectly with every step, but underneath, Ladybug can sense a peace so very unlike her. The blonde feels…satisfied, as if proudly gazing at a job well done. And maybe, maybe that’s the melody that the heroine’s heart is singing. Pride for finally accomplishing a goal, bringing this tragic tale to an end at long last.

It's nice to see the vibrant blues return to her friend’s eyes. A reminder that even after everything, people survived. Just as she had, along with Chat Noir. Marinette Dupain Cheng and Adrien Agreste, two porcelain masks of feigned perfection, had been lifted off their heads, falling against a stone bridgehead and cracking into a thousand pieces as they walked away from the past, finally free. And now, if the next few minutes went according to plan, Lila Rossi would be the exact opposite, right until the end of her miserable days. Chloe sends Ladybug a covert nod, flicking the chain of her necklace in pride. Samantha glances back at her with a smile, and focuses on Roger, who’s already on the podium.

“In addition to the phone that miss Cesaire turned over to us, we also investigated Marinette’s gravesite for any signs of tampering once Rossi was arrested.” Officer Raincomprinx is explaining, trying to keep his voice steady. “We found traces of broken fingernails belonging to her at the scene, and it appears she tried to damage the headstone. Fits her MO perfectly, especially considering she’s so far exhibited manipulative, near-psychopathic behavior.” Roger says turning to Judge Dredd. The man sounds almost disgusted, spitting out every word while glaring daggers at Lila.

Ladybug shuts her eyes for a moment, bringing back the image of a soft sea breeze and feeling Chat’s claws drawing blood from her wrist. It’s…warm, more so than the memory of being engulfed in an inferno. As Officer Raincomprinx goes on to explain the events that brought him to the burning bakery, she sees Lila start to shake with rage, as the realization sets in that she’s been found out. No amount of deluded overconfidence could help her hide from the truth, not when Roger all but brands her as responsible.

Still, without missing a beat, she shoots up from her seat, tears freely flowing from her eyes as she stares at the man with a horrified expression. “No! You’re lying, I didn’t do it!” Lila shrieks hard enough for her own shadow to tremble. Every set of eyes in the room lock onto her, and Samantha can’t hide the smirk that etches itself on her face.

“Lila…” Ladybug breathes, shattering the tension in the air as the brunette turns to look at her. “What if I told you that I went back yesterday? What if I said that we restored the doorknob using my Cure? What if your prints were found on the scene?” she asks all too serenely, in the exact way that the liar herself had once riled Marinette up until the bluenette couldn’t take it anymore.

The girl’s jaw falls open, shock overtaking her for only a moment- but it’s enough. It’s enough for her to make a mistake. “You lying bitch! I was wearing gloves!” Lila screams, banging both hands on her desk. Her shadow, previously a small, fickle thing barely visible on the floor behind the girl, now turns gangly, her toxic green eyes gleam against the sunlight that falls through the windows. Then- she realizes, what exactly has been said.

Larna Smith moves faster than is possible for any human being, raising a trembling hand so sharply that the limb nearly tears itself right off her body. “Your Honor, I would like to withdraw as miss Rossi’s legal representative!” she rattles off, already backing away from her as Lila turns to stare at the lawyer with pure hatred in her gaze.

“And you! Why haven’t you been doing your job? How hard can it possibly be to hear yourself talk? Instead, you clammed up like a scared little puppy, and now here we are!” the brunette sneers, and two officers immediately jump in to restrain her as Larna trips over her chair, falling to the floor.

In a flash, Ladybug has already jumped out of her seat and is offering the woman a hand, even as Lila snarls at the officers, trying to dig her nails into the nearest available arm. She thrashes against their hold, but with a faint zip of the heroine’s yoyo, the string wraps itself around Lila’s neck, and Samantha looks her in the eye. …it would be so easy to just flick her wrist and hear the snap of Rossi’s neck, so satisfying to personally avenge Tom and Sabine. She could even drag the body out to her kitty and let Adrien cataclysm this rotten bag of malice out of existence…and not a single soul would blame her. Lila shoots her a toothy grin, almost daring Ladybug to get it over with- and the heroine slams her face directly into the wooden desk with a resounding crack.

“You- you really think I’ve lost?” the brunette bites out through the pain, a foul miasma exuding from her gaping mouth. “Nobody can touch me! Once I tell them what I know, they’ll let me out, and I’m going to come find you!” Lila growls into her ear, staring Ladybug directly in the eye, the flow of toxic green meeting endless waters of clear blue.

“Order! Order in the court!” Judge Dredd calls out, and Samantha takes a deep breath, stepping away from the brunette before the urge to kill overtakes her. Better to let this happen by the book, better to let her rot than take the easy way out. Mama always said that Karma had a funny way of getting back at people, and she shouldn’t take things into her own hands. Lila would get her dues and worse, especially if Tikki had anything to say about it.

Instead, she helps Larna stand, letting the nearest officer support the woman as she tries to even out her breathing. Ladybug gives out a deep sigh, leaving the lawyer to her own devices as she turns back to Lila, clasping her yoyo hard enough to bend steel. The brunette looks directly at the judge, giving him an almost relaxed eye roll. “Oh, what are you going to do? Convict me?” she asks in a condescending tone, narrowing her eyes at him.

Armond Dredd does not hesitate to slam his gavel against the podium in front of him. “Enough! Lila Rossi, you have admitted to premeditated homicide, and have been found guilty of crimes against the people of Paris! You have been proved guilty of conspiring to commit terrorism, willingly working with the supervillain Hawkmoth and therefore an accessory to the billions in global property damages, not to mention the millions of deaths his Akuma have been responsible for! In addition, you have also committed fraud and slander, as well as sexual harassment! You are also being charged with vandalism, and three consecutive premeditated murders!” the man yells, even as Lila stares at him nonchalantly, like she doesn’t even care.

“And you really think any of that is going to stick?” she challenges him, her gangly form pressing itself up on her desk. “I know things, your Honor. And if you want any chance of catching Hawkmoth, you’ll happily let me go.” Lila says calmly, almost chuckling to herself. Judge Dredd stares at her, but the brunette only shrugs in false innocence. “I know his name! In fact, our dear supervillain is in this very room, right here and now!” she chirps with a satisfied grin.

Ladybug immediately sobers up, scanning the room carefully as she spins her yoyo, ready for an ambush. Notorious liar as though she might be, Lila has always loved to gloat. If Hawkmoth really is here in disguise… The officers all seem to follow that train of thought, carefully covering every inch of available space, ready to open fire should the villain ambush someone.

Lila cracks a wide smile, turning to look at a particular set of misty grey eyes…right next to Adrien. “In fact…Hawkmoth’s real name is Gabriel Agreste!


Silence. There is no other word to describe the total absence of sound in his head. Even the ever-present buzz of emotions in his head, almost like the constant static of a radio that isn’t tuned in to a particular station, has gone completely numb. Adrien stares at him in disbelief, almost as if he can’t believe it for even a moment. Ladybug also turns to look, and he forces himself to remain relaxed, to not do something stupid. He and Nathalie planned for this; they were both very well aware of Lila Rossi’s vindictive streak and guessed she might try to sell his secrets. Every gun in the room is immediately pointed at him out of sheer instinct, and the heroine takes a step forward. Then another, and suddenly she’s standing right in front of him.

Gabriel looks at her for a moment, the cautious, defensive stance Ladybug has assumed being no less threatening than Shadowmoth’s manic laughter right before tragedy would strike. He realizes that Adrien has scooted one seat over, away from him, and his son is nervously fidgeting with his ring, glancing at them both. “Monsieur Agreste…I understand miss Rossi has a history of outlandish lies, but I have to take this claim seriously.” she says, tone molded into distant professionalism, in much the same way that Adrien spoke to him before, on the rare occasion where they actually exchanged words to begin with. “Thankfully, there’s an easy way to prove your innocence. Please lift your tie, sir.” the heroine asks calmly, even as tension builds in the air.

He can’t make out a single emotion in his head, but surely Adrien must be exuding disbelief. Gabriel is left both deaf and blind, the signals he’d grown so used to hearing having fizzled out in nary an instant. Still, he gives a solemn nod, slowly moving his fingers under the red-and-white striped tie, and unpinning a tiny purple gemstone from his suit. Ladybug reaches out for it, and Hawkmoth lets her take it away, focusing on maintaining even breaths as she examines the jewel. Gabriel knows that she once suspected him, what feels like an eternity ago. In hindsight, it was strange that she hadn’t investigated again once Mayura made her public appearance. Of course, he’d rationalized it as Ladybug simply not being as clever, but Hawkmoth had long since learned exactly where this girl’s true strength lay.

The heroine focuses on the brooch in her gloves hand, softly running her thumb over it. A tiny flicker of pink light flashes over the jewel, bathing it in a warm glow…and Ladybug finds the tiny latch, opening it. Inside she sees the picture of Emilie Agreste, worn out by the years ever since he’d taken it in their garden. Gabriel remembers Nathalie and Adrien being just out of frame, cheering them on at the impromptu photoshoot. The girl sighs deeply, focusing that light on the crooked edges of the paper, and Hawkmoth leans ever so slightly forward to see it good as new. Ladybug closes it back up and passes the brooch to him with a small smile, before turning to Armond.

“There’s no hint of magic in the jewel, your Honor. The only unexplainable thing here is miss Rossi aversion to ever telling the truth.” the heroine says, narrowing her eyes at Lila as the brunette looks on in shock. Gabriel sends the whelp a sardonic grin as Adrien inches closer to him, and proudly puts a hand on his son’s shoulder.

He chooses to tune out the rest of the proceedings, for their goal has been achieved, and wonderfully so! Judge Dredd slams his gavel down one final time, graciously gifting Lila Rossi with two consecutive life sentences, no chance for parole, and decrees she’ll be spending the rest of her miserable days in solitary confinement, locked away from the world. Adrien instinctively cheers and hugs him, slamming into Gabriel’s side with a tad more force than necessary. Still, he smiles happily at his son, ruffling the boy’s hair and letting him run along to his friends. He’ll be back in time for dinner anyway, they’d agreed after all. Ladybug deigns approach him with an apology, but he calmly deflects, assuring the girl that she did her job just fine. He certainly wouldn’t have been as composed if their roles were reversed, Gabriel jests, and then he’s off, having Simon drive him back to the manor as police officers chain Lila in more handcuffs than a goat has ticks, dragging her away.

The pearly while gates open to welcome him, and Nathalie sits in the living room, reading what he thinks might be an old mystery novel he’d bought her as a birthday gift some years ago. Gabriel nods happily at her, breaking out in a grin, because it’s finally over. Adrien is safe, and Lila Rossi is going to rot! Or…at the very least, that will be what the rest of the world believes. He still has unfinished business with this girl, but elects to keep her waiting for the time being. Instead, in an uncharacteristically bold and creative decision, Gabriel Agreste changes into a new set of the exact same suit and tie before venturing back to the living room, settling down on the armchair and picking The Illusion of Living back up from where he’d left it.

As promised, Adrien returned just in time for dinner, and to the boy’s surprise Gabriel was more than happy to chat with him all evening, inquiring as to his friends’ health and other matters. Adrien tells him they’re all overjoyed that Lila is finally gone, and of how they’d chosen to take a walk around the city together. Even though he couldn’t personally sense it, Gabriel knows it to be true as his son explains their group’s misadventures. They’d all gone to a dingy little coffee shop, a place that Emilie would have surely loved, if he’s correctly envisioning the environment with how Adrien describes it. His son confesses it was good to just talk, to be with his friends, and Gabriel again goes to him, ruffling the boy’s hair and watching those green eyes light up with the same joy he had wrongly thought was gone from the world. In the end, Nathalie comes to jokingly drag him away, taking Adrien up to his room so the boy can rest after all these dramatics.

He gives his old friend an appreciative nod as fatigue starts to catch up with Gabriel’s body, and moves to the atelier, carefully closing the doors with a soft click as to not make noise. Measured steps take him up to Emilie’s portrait, and without a moment’s hesitation, Gabriel opens up the safe, retrieving his Miraculous. He unpins the fake from under his tie, replacing it with the genuine article, and finds himself taking the elevator downstairs as the familiar buzz of wayward emotions at last returns to him.

Hawkmoth stands in the darkness of his lair, surrounded on all sides by pure white butterflies. The familiar window opens to reveal the last rays of golden light disappearing over the horizon as night sets in, a blanket of comforting darkness stretching out across the entirety of Paris. Nooroo floats just above his shoulder, sending Gabriel a supportive, if slightly apprehensive, look, focusing on the swirling ooze of agony that snarls and bites at his very being. The abyss is well-contained, the practiced skill of a God finding use it separating it from his Holder’s soul, but to mend them together through transformation would be unbelievably painful, as Gabriel knows all too well.

And yet, Hawkmoth is willing to at least make the attempt to cleanse the Miraculous, and Nooroo is grateful, if hesitant due to the man’s usual methods. But…as things currently stand, there is only guaranteed way forward. To use the very Concept of Transmission as a conduit, and transfer the residual agony away from the Kwami’s soul, and to someone else’s. Normally, the little God would never have so much as entertained the notion of irreparably harming a fragile mortal in such a way…but Lila Rossi has come to be target of his ire, in a way no human ever managed before.

It is not so much a matter of hatred as it is pure disdain for her existence, to the point where he genuinely wonders if Tikki made some sort of mistake with this one specifically. Of course, Nooroo has seen his fair share of foul, wretched humans, and Gabriel himself was until recently a prime example…but after living with the agony of her victim in his head for weeks, he was amendable to make exceptions when it came to the usual rules of not harming mortals. In much the same way that Plagg brought Atlantis to ruin for their arrogance and hubris, it was Nooroo’s turn to exact justice upon a dark, terrible mistake of a soul. He could only hope that the name of justice would be enough to justify, should his brethren ever question him on the matter.

Fierce determination burns itself on Gabriel’s face, marring the man’s unusually calm features with an underlying madness that can only ever belong to the foulest of all Butterflies…and the words are spoken, charging the air with power as Hawkmoth steps out a blinding purple flash- and nearly doubles over in pain, agony melting through his veins. An inferno erupts within his very soul as he struggles to stand, but he manages to extend his hand, and a butterfly, trained to obey this very motion, flutters to Gabriel’s open palm. He instantly traps the creature, squeezing so hard that its entire body is nearly crushed in his grip…and the dark, deadly ooze sinks into the wings like poison, drenching the tiny lifeform in sluggish, boiling ink.

What flies out of his palm…is unlike anything Hawkmoth has ever seen before. Jagged, half-melted wings that drip acid on his palm, twin antenna that twitch with nothing less than absolute agony as the butterfly’s body struggles to hold this new form together. Crackling purple energy emanates from Nooroo’s jewel, engulfing the man in a storm of loss as he pants in exertion. Gabriel tries to twirl his cane as he sends the Akuma away, but barely manages to support himself without falling to his knees. With heavy, uneven flaps of molten wings, the butterfly flies away into the night sky, hunting for the target Hawkmoth has ordained is to be destroyed.

The low buzz in the back of Gabriel’s head booms to life as a phantom strike of lightning splits the skies, ripping his body apart with every breath as Hawkmoth filters through the white noise, trying to find the one pathetic soul inside this city that truly deserves his hatred. His Akuma could just barely fly, flapping its crooked wings against the night sky as it moved to the angry, hateful soul that wished nothing but to make Gabriel Agreste suffer. It seemed the liar would get her wish, if only for a short while, as he would abide the pain, and every crack of electricity that wracked his body and left Hawkmoth’s blood boiling. This was his penance, the world’s way of punishing him for the sins committed under the dark sky and with a mad tint in the man’s dull, lifeless eyes.

A tiny flutter was all it took, and the Akuma managed to squeeze itself through a vent sticking out the side of the precinct. Frail legs not meant for such a larger body tried to carry the neigh-amorphous mass through the metal tunnels, and Hawkmoth reached out with his senses to direct the creature. To the left, Officer Raincomprinx sat at his desk with a bottle of brandy in hand, relief rushing off the man in countless waves. Somewhere in what he thought might be a diagonal right there was a small gathering, amidst whom exhaustion and fatigue ran rampant. And straight ahead…was Lila Rossi.

Gabriel commands the Akuma to crawl forwards, scraping the creature against the insides of the ventilation system as they pass by empty corridors and rooms bathed in darkness. Ever so slowly, Hawkmoth begins to notice a miasma in the air, more and more of the fire in his veins clashing with a miasma permeating through the air, smelling like a corpse left out to rot. Still, he forces the butterfly to push through as Nooroo’s soul swirls inside his jewel, pushing more and more of the abyssal ooze through Gabriel’s bond with the thing they had created, allowing the man to even out his breathing, to stop his fingers from spasming with every tiny movement.

Finally, finally they reach a vent that grants a way downwards, into a half-forgotten, dimly lit room. Its only occupant is chained to the metal bedframe stuck to the wall, separated from the outside word by a heavy-duty locked door. Solitary confinement, most likely until the prisoner could be properly secured and transported come morrow. Hawkmoth feels the last of the embers fade away from his skin, and dares to smile as the acidic poisons leaking from his Akuma drip onto the metal grate beneath, melting it just enough for the creature to pass through.

Before the forlorn figure inside can even realize what’s happened, the corrupted butterfly has attached itself to the false Miraculous clasped around her neck, and Lila Rossi’s eyes widen in shock. “Hello, Fauxfire. Did you miss me?” Hawkmoth croons to her ever so gently, almost as if speaking to a frightened animal. What else can he call her, when this pathetic whelp cowers in the dark, seething with a thirst for blood that will never be sated.

“N-no! You can’t be in here! Didn’t you get what you wanted?” Lila screams in futile denial, shaking her head as her fingers start to twitch and spasm in fright. Had she truly thought he would let be, after how much trouble this insolent soul dared put his own son through?

Gabriel lets out a deafening cackle, allowing the deranged madness to take him and assault the girl’s ears. “Why, I’m here to make you a deal of course! I thought you liked those, my dear?” he taunts her, filling Lila’s vision with a purple fog that takes away all her surroundings. “I’ll give you those powers of illusion you love so much…in exchange for a tiny favor.” Hawkmoth says ever so gently, and before the girl can even try to refuse him, he’s extending control over her very soul, intwining the Akuma with her despite how Lila screams for him to stop.

The familiar black ooze seeps all over her form, but this time it doesn’t feel empowering. Instead of an invincible shield over her skin, the girl begins to burn, her blood boiling as Hawkmoth laughs in her ear. Gabriel narrows his eyes in anger, grasping at a shadow and pulling out a jagged bone from the abyss and slowly trailing his fingers over her ribs. Lila tries, oh she tries to move back, but the chains that trap her allow for no such movement, and Hawkmoth delights in her fear as he gently slices her side open, replacing each…and every single rib…with one that’s been burnt, belonging to the bones her misdeeds had left behind.

She screams, starts to murmur incoherently as fear paralyzes her every function, and Gabriel grabs her by the neck, lifting Lila just high enough in the air for the girl to look him directly in the dull, lifeless grey eyes that dilate with sheer joy at watching her squirm. “Oh Lila…I was more than happy to help you climb to the top. I would have paved the way to that fame and fortune you so desired…if only you’d known your place!” Hawkmoth snarls, tossing her into the abyss that surrounds both their forms.

Lila opens her eyes and tries to breathe, but frozen water rushes in to fill her lungs as chains keep her still, sprawled on the bottom of a riverbed her victim knew all too well. The chill seems into her very bones, and Hawkmoth comes to stand in front of her jamming the bladed edge of his cane directly into her heart. With a sharp cough, she finds herself standing on a tiny wooden stool, a thick noose wrapped around her neck. “Do you know the old saying, I wonder?” the man asks with a tiny chuckle, like he’s enjoying her pain. “Give someone enough rope to climb with…and they might just hang themselves!” he screams at her, gleefully kicking the tiny platform from under her legs.

Gabriel smiles at the crack of the girl’s neck snapping in half, and lets the abyss take them both, emerging on the other side with Lila collapsed on the floor, barely managing to breathe. “The darkest pit of Hell has opened up to swallow you whole…try not to keep me waiting, girl.” Hawkmoth commands her, hacking her in half with his cane, watching in delight as the blade rips right through her lungs, blood dripping off it and pooling onto the cold floor tiles.

“Pl-please! You won, just leave me alone!” Lila screams as she clutches her wound, begs him to spare her, or at least to end it all. The girl is met with only the blunt part of his cane cracking her jaw, silencing every pathetic attempt at resistance.

Hawkmoth commands the darkness to engulf them both, and kneels in front of her fallen form. “Oh, Lila…I’m not even here. It’s all inside your head!” he croons in a gentle, relaxed tone, as if calming down a frightened child. The girl manages to open her eyes, barely having the strength to breathe, much less notice her body is indeed untouched. Gabriel lifts her head with the tip of his cane, forcing her to look up at him.

“Isn’t it wonderful, what a tiny little butterfly can do?” Hawkmoth chuckles, helping her up. The moment Lila is standing on her own two feet, he swipes the ground from under her, forcing Lila to drop directly into a blazing inferno, flames surrounding her on all sides.

Gabriel is completely unaffected, easily walking through the fire like it means nothing to him. But every inch of her body burns as more and more darkness seeps into Lila’s veins. Tears flow from her eyes, an expression of true horror looking back at the misty orbs behind his silver mask. The girl starts to cough, a thick purple ooze falling out of her mouth. It pools around her body, and before Lila can even try to breathe, she’s being dragged under by invisible hands. Hawkmoth only stares at her with dull grey eyes before extending his hand…and snapping his fingers. Her blood boils, burning every molecule in the girl’s body as pure agony tears her soul apart…and the man backs away into the purple flames, letting fire turn them both to ash.

A purple flash nearly blinds Gabriel as Nooroo flies out of the Miraculous gracelessly dropping into the man’s palm. Even for a God, he looks tired beyond belief, and Gabriel can’t help but let himself collapse to the floor, barely managing to slump against the nearest wall. As sleep beckoned to Nooroo’s soul, he spared one last glance at Lila Rossi’s being. The girl, if charred remains barely holding themselves together through melted bones and agony made manifest could even be called such anymore, was naught but a hollow shell. Her soul hath returned to the natural order that Tikki created long ago, in an age before the concept of mortality had so much as existed, but her personhood, the thing which moulded a soul into an individual…it was reduced to naught but a pathetic whimpering fragment forever trapped inside that undead body. Nooroo dares not disturb it, for Transmission is a delicate thing, merely using the final vestige of his strength to isolate that shred of soul away from all else. Let the mortal suffer the same agony she had dared inflict upon others, let her pay her dues for abusing his Concept. The little God nods to himself, satisfied, and lets his small eyes flutter shut, pressing his tiny form against Gabriel’s palm.

They both stay there awhile, exhausted yet feeling lighter than ever before, as if the bond between Holden and Kwami was finally their own. At long last, they were free, and the monster, that vile, corrupted thing which had almost murdered Gabriel Agreste was gone. The girl was dead, and she had taken it with her, to a dark corner of Hell far away from them. Man and God dared not move until the first rays of morning light began to slip in through the window, a golden glow washing over them both. Gabriel slowly forced himself to stand up, slipping Nooroo in his front pocket as the Kwami slept peacefully, having nodded off some time ago. He takes a step, gazing back at the sun and its brilliant glow. Vibrant blue eyes shine right back at the gleaming yellow orb, and if the tiniest, most fickle flash of grey swirls in his iris, it’s surely nothing more than a trick of the light. He takes a step towards the exist, managing a wide, blissful smile. Lila Rossi is nothing more than a charred corpse, and she never even got to scream.


And…scene! Dear Nooroo this chapter nearly destroyed me! So hi, hello! It’s been almost a month since I wrote those beginning notes! My hands are hurting, send help. In all seriousness, I did NOT expect this to be over double the length of a normal chapter. Believe it or not, there’s a good 2-3k words that I either cut out completely or glossed over for the sake of…you know, actually posting one of these days. Also, I assure you I’m not crazy or anything, Lila’s brutal death being as terrible as it was is like…70-something% the result of me being 300% done with this chapter and needing to take that frustration out on a character. But hey, at least it wasn’t Ladybug this time! Anyway, it’s time for my favorite part of every update, the Author Rant™! I have a lot I want to talk about this chapter, mostly because- well I didn’t get to include everything I wanted.

First things first, Chloe! In case it wasn’t so obvious, Adrien and Chat Noir can’t possibly be present at the same time. But…they were, because Ladybug called her “partner” to confirm Lila’s involvement in Kagami’s Akumatization. Well, there’s a reason I put an emphasis on her necklace. It’s because Chloe borrowed the Fox Miraculous from LB to make the illusion of Chat’s voice, hence why the call frame is specifically called out as orange and not green like it should be. I would have shown this in a flashback from Ladybug’s pov, but it got cut because otherwise this chapter would be pushing 30k, and even I have a limit believe it or not.

Secondly, the trial itself. I…really didn’t expect it to be as ridiculously long as it was, and I have no idea if I did a good job with it or not. I tried to space things out and sort of add flavor and dynamics to it, but that’s a bit difficult to do when every character is seated on a chair and just talks once in a while. I really, really hope it was entertaining and not stale or boring, even though I knew the good parts of this chapter was definitely the beginning bit with Kagami and ofc the end bit with Gabriel. Also, if anybody is wondering Larna is fine. There's a deleted scene where she walks up to Gabriel as he's leaving and he tells her he's impressed by her sense of justice and hands her his business card for the Agreste Legal Team, if she wants to apply. Mike Ross goes back to the show he came from, all's well ends well.

Thirdly, Samantha. Listen, I would be perfectly willing to make this girl be Not Okay™ for another twenty chapters, but she just really needs a bloody break. So Ladybug gets to be happy, smack Lila’s face against a desk and also just be the badass we all know her as. To be honest, I was going to foreshadow this more in the above-mentioned flashback with Chloe, but Ladybug…may be hanging up the suit for a bit, just living her life and adjusting to the world not being constantly on fire. Considering that Adrien is absolutely going to spoil his new girlfriend with dates and cuddle-time, she’s definitely getting that break, it’s well-deserved at this point.

Fourthly, that…final bit. With Gabriel and Lila. I know I didn’t explain it so well in this chapter, mostly because it’s a future plot point, we’ll come back to in S3 of ACOLL, but that was Hawkmoth specifically, not Gabriel. I’ve always seen and portrayed them as two different characters, and Gabriel himself as been moving away from that persona of villainy, first by separating himself from Shadowmoth and now finally “killing” Hawkmoth. For the sake of his mental (un)health, Lila is Hawkmoth’s victim, not Gabriel’s, if that makes sense. Also, for as nice as Nooroo is, he doesn’t like Lila either. So…he’s definitely a little bit guilty for this murder too. But the point is that Gabriel is using himself as a conduit for all the agony and corruption in the Miraculous, hence why it turns him straight back to Shadowmoth behavior (and arguably even worse). He’s obviously not being himself, and I’ll be sure to explore that come the next Arc...but for now, allow me to give you a tiny snippet from what would have been in this chapter. And...yes, Nooroo did indeed basically trap Lila in purgatory, forever. Imagine everything that Hawkmoth just did to her, plus Ladybug's near death experience in chapter 21, till the end of time. He's normally a very chill guy, but with Lila, even Nooroo ran out of patience.

Lastly, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Like I said up top, I’ll be taking a small break from ACOLL to work on Season 3 behind the scenes, so…I guess I’ll see you all soon! In the meantime, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 25: It's Always Sunny


Two weeks after the trial and subsequent death of Lila Rossi, the city of Paris is peaceful and quiet. Gabriel Agreste has been making an attempt to reconnect with his son, Adrien freely spends time with friends and family alike, and there isn't a raincloud in sight! But with worries and unresolved tensions rising from beneath the surface, is everything truly as perfect as it appears?

Meanwhile, Nino struggles to put the past behind him as insecurity and fear constantly plagues his mind. Alya is happier than ever, and Luka plans a swift exit from the city of love. It's another sunny day in Paris...and surely the storms have all long passed?


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! It’s been over six weeks, and I am so, so excited to finally be back again! By the time this chapter is uploaded I will have deleted the Author’s Notes, so for those unaware I had to take a break to study. Everything’s going fine in that regard, and I can now focus on the important stuff, like torturing my characters! I- I mean entertaining my wonderful audience! In all seriousness I am really happy to be writing again, and I’m currently working on a couple things simultaneously to hit you all over the head with a mass-upload! I know, I know, I’m truly devious. More good news is that I have a week or so break right now, which means I might (big might) be able to pump the next chapter out sooner than usual! Speaking of that upload, does anyone remember the Evil Emilie Au I mentioned like…two months ago? I still don’t have a title for that right now, but I have started writing it and am thoroughly enjoying myself! Also, the ACOLL What-If is getting it’s second chapter soon, so keep an eye out for that!

Anyway, it’s about time I actually talk about this chapter. I’m still riding off the high of Lila finally dropping dead since last time, and today we get to see the full aftermath of Gabriel’s…catharsis. By the way, he’s doing just fine. No mental breakdowns, no insanity, no maniacal laughter at 3am. He’s being very quiet these days. …a bit too quiet… But alas, we’ll deal with him later! Right now, there’s plenty of other people being Fine™ that we need to have a look at. So…shall we get on with the warnings?

Content Warnings: Fluff, happiness, mental stability, mended friendships, Gabriel Agreste being a good parent, Alya being happy, distinct lack of depressed teenagers, dead Lila Rossi, emotional healing, physical healing, DjWifi fluff, Plagg’s cheese addiction, and kwami lore! Nothing triggering here! You guys deserve a break from this crap too!

Note: I’ll be talking a little more about update schedule stuff in the End Notes.

And now, please put your hands together and give a clap and half for: Adrien having a healthy household, Gabriel actually trying to parent, Hawkmoth being deader than Emilie Agreste, Nathalie being a mom, Samantha making a new friend, Plagg having PTSD, rock n’ roll, Alya being Just Fine, Nino’s top-tier playlists, and Luka finally becoming a real pirate!
Without any further ado…let’s jump right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s been two weeks. Adrien Agreste still can’t quite convince himself that fourteen days can feel like centuries, but the calendar on his wall insists. Sitting at his desk and rhythmically tapping his fingers on the edges of his keyboard, the blonde finds himself…thinking. Ever since that day at the courthouse, life itself had ripped open the floodgates of euphoria, letting the boy almost drown from the sheer volume of positive emotions assaulting his senses. They’d all gone to Flora’s, Adrien remembers, and dearly holds onto every speck of joy pouring off his friends’ forms as they all sit in the corner table, loudly cheering and chattering. It had somewhat become their spot, over the past two weeks, and Flora herself caught wind of the group’s fondness for the table. Almost miraculously, it seemed to always be available whenever they decided to go out for a coffee, as if the world itself had pulled strings and done so by design. Nino had thrown his hat directly to the ceiling, Alya had pulled her boyfriend into a bone-crushing hug, as Chloe did much the same to him, leaving Kagami to engage Adrien in a pun-off, despite the entire table’s numerous protests. Delicious tea and hot cocoa had been gulped down, sharing the gentle warmth with everyone present…and Adrien had found himself cracking a real smile, for the first time in a while.

Then, they’d gone out to scour the Parisian streets with Kagami as their guide. Adrien found himself being led across the cityscape to the very same spots Samantha had taken them the week prior, with Kagami proudly showing off every detail of the view. Nino had kindly shared his playlists with everyone as they walked, and Chloe volunteered her phone as a speaker, if with a little apprehension. Alya seemed to be shaking with happiness, her eyes glimmering in the afternoon light as they all walked and laughed together. Afterwards, they’d all parted ways, but not before promising to meet again in the following days.

Adrien smiles at the memories, recalls thinking to invite Felix along with them as he returned to the manor for dinner. It turned out that he was in for yet another pleasant surprise, since Father was waiting for him in the living room, and gently sat him down on the couch, eagerly asking to hear everything about his day. It took all of Adrien’s strength not to crumble under the emotional overload of Father being genuinely interested in his day, in a way that was so real even his loudest doubts and insecurities could not convince him otherwise.

“I’m proud of you, son.” Words Adrien had clawed into his memory ever since that day, and that Father would affirm with every waking moment. Nathalie had interrupted their conversation at around the same time that Gabriel’s fatigue began to show, and escorted Adrien upstairs to sit down for a chat of their own. She’d wrapped him in a tight hug and said that she too was proud of him, smiling in a way that made an old, forgotten warmth worm it’s way into the blonde’s heart. He thanked her in earnest, but claimed he just wanted to fall in a coma for the next couple hours, yawning dramatically to emphasize the point. Nathalie had flinched, before giving him an understand nod and locking his bedroom door as she left Adrien be. Only a few minutes later, Chat Noir was leaping across the city, heading to a certain penthouse he could call home. Adrien did return to his room just past nightfall, letting Marinette have her rest and settling in for the first good night’s sleep in maybe years.  

The memory ignites another spark of joy and gratitude inside his soul, and Adrien gets up from his desk chair, stretching his limbs before quietly heading downstairs, careful not to disturb Plagg, who still sleeps, curled up in a ball on his pillow and illuminated by the sun’s bright rays. As he exists the bedroom, Adrien spies Felix watching him from below in the corner of his eye, and aunt Amelie having breakfast with Father and Nathalie. But…his eyes play no trick, and her platinum hair remains, never flickering to the vibrant gold his heart still mourns. Plagg watches Adrien leave with one eye open, and the boy shuts his bedroom door tight, going downstairs to his family. The God of Destruction smiles to himself, joy flickering in his many unseen eyes at his Holder’s good fortune, and he takes a moment to thank Tikki for her blessing.

It's much easier now that they are no longer contained. Kwami once had eyes, but ever since the Guardians deemed their powers dangerous and convinced his brethren to lock them all away, it had become much harder to see the world as it truly was. Of course…Plagg himself understands their reasons better than any other kin, and the annals of history are a grim reminder of what happens when human carelessness, or unchecked ambition achieve power beyond what was meant for mortal hands. He grasps the thought and promptly crushes it with a spectral arm, shifting his tiny form on the cushy pillow and letting out a small yawn of content. It’s hard not to consider these matters now, after…everything, but Plagg refuses to let despair overtake his mind again.

Unfortunately…it’s Adrien himself who’s made it incredibly difficult as of late. Through no fault of his own, the boy has forced the Old God to delve into memories and recollections long forgotten, locked away only through sheer force of will and a slight manipulation of the very seals which bound him for so long. To Plagg’s dismay, the reminders were all too frequent now that he was unbound, dangerous once more. It had been…an adjustment, to expand his and Adrien’s connection after the fateful night of near-tragedy, but they were both getting used to it slowly and surely. What was once a tiny buzz or flicker of emotion in Chat Noir’s mind had shifted to Plagg’s full voice, and the God of Destruction had regained his eyes, allowing him to perceive the outside world even while inside his Miraculous.

Still, all these newly regained powers did was frighten Plagg, inasmuch as a God could be terrified of death. Not his own, of course not. Every Kwami was acutely aware that they were merely a concept made manifest, with an infinite number of personifications across the infinity of the cosmos. Infinite Tikkis, endless Plaggs, countless Nooroos, and so on. Even in worlds where they were intangible, the Kwami existed simply because their concepts did, regardless of humanity’s understanding of them. He shook his heads, both big and small, cosmic and physical, and crushed the thought again. Adrien wasn’t like that. He was good, far more so than any who had held Plagg’s Miraculous across the eons. And yet…the doubt crept inside his head, the constant worry that his kit would be a repeat of him, his foulest Cat, now that those terrible powers were again available to a mortal’s grasp.

Plagg wished he could lock the memories away again, but after this whole Rossi business…it was neigh impossible. Of course, he was thankful to Tikki and his fellow kin that things turned out well for Adrien and Marinette, or at least that a full catastrophe had been so expertly avoid. …no, he wouldn’t think about how close of a call the entire situation was. Cosmos be damned, that was Fluff’s problem now, solely in the past of their present and no further than that! …Plagg refused to let it be, no matter the cost. For a moment, he sighed to himself, taking a deep breath to calm himself lest he accidentally break something of Adrien’s. He wished Tikki was here with him, to be a comfort and a confidant like always. It’s a selfish desire, one he knows would burden her more so than his other half’s already complicated task of healing her Chosen back to full, and Plagg does not wish to nag anyone with his own insecurities.

He'd thought the lesson learned, back when Adrien had proven himself trustworthy during that whole Sandboy fiasco over a year ago now. Such a miniscule timeframe, yet all too important. That was something he always appreciated about humanity, this innate ability to live in the present moment despite worries and concerns that may plague their minds. They truly were Tikki’s most wonderful creations in this side of their Galaxy, and he was proud of spend his existence so close to such interesting beings. Although…Plagg would be first in line to admit that his kin were not as perfect as those who came after might believe. Humanity and other species across the stars had been molded to embody Tikki’s endless drive for creativity and innovation, reinventing the world around them and discovering brand new ways to comprehend it more advanced than any simple animal. And yet…with the freedom of choice came both good and bad decisions. A consequence of all life, one that Plagg himself had long since accepted as an indisputable fact of reality, and would never even think to deprive an individual of, no matter how tar their soul.

But some humans truly enraged the God of Destruction, in degree seldom believed to even be possible for a divine being…with Lila Rossi as the prime example of this century. Even if the 21rst -by human calendar anyways- was still in its infancy, Plagg truly did not believe another living being could personify scum quite as completely as this wretch who barely deserved to exist. On the day of her conviction, he had cheered and sang along with Adrien and his friends, celebrating the mortal system of justice and the defeat of their great foe…but the Kwami had planned for a more karmic punishment during the night, when his Holder would be soundly asleep. It was Tikki who had pulled him away from this self-imposed duty, as she’d needed his help again to ensure Marinette’s healing. Plagg had dropped the scheme of revenge and gone to her aid, mostly standing as supervisor and spot-checking Creation’s work.

When he had retuned to the Agreste Manor at the crack of dawn…a wonderful surprise had awaited him. Just before going to sleep, Plagg had habitually checked the world ‘round his kit, extending divine senses into the ether for but a moment to defy his own insecurities…and found Lila Rossi’s soul absent. Humans, naturally, were luminous beings much like Kwami, or frankly any other living organism. It was not at all uncommon for a human to lose their crude matter, and cease bodily functions. Death, people have called it since the dawn of time, and Plagg can’t help but agree with the assessment. While pleasantly amused, the God of Destruction performed his duties, and extended eyes through the darkest corners of the world to peer at this mortal’s being…finding nothing.

That- that was not natural. Of course, Rossi’s soul had returned to the Cycle as per Tikki’s design, that rotten girl’s energy serving to be remolded into a new being. But…Lila’s identity was gone, vanished. One could not discard their personhood so easily, not without a conscious choice to leave their very humanity behind. The Kwami had seen it in many foul beings, but for the process to lead to a physical death…was practically unheard of. The Old God takes a moment to think, to reflect. Ever since the Guardian’s seals had been shattered, he’s begun to feel more and more like his old self. Still attuned to humanity but also different, not necessarily in a bad way. Frankly, the cold, indifferent curiosity Plagg’s mind jumps to doesn’t quite surprise him.

He's always been that way, laid back and relaxed, refusing to allow every tiny worry and concern eat him up from the inside. Sympathetic and compassionate as all Kwami were, there were cases where their benevolence simply did not apply. Be it Tikki’s empathy with the dying Order, or the tiniest flickers of sympathy he would feel from Nooroo about his current Holder…they could not save people that did not wish for salvation. It was a somber, eternal truth, and Lila Rossi most certainly chose to be beyond redemption. There was nothing Plagg or any other Kwami could have done for that girl, not when she had chosen to discard her humanity, her very identity, in favor of masks and deceit serving only endless ambitions. And now…the mortal was gone, in a way only possibly by divine intervention.

It could not have been Tikki. Plagg was certain she didn’t have a single vengeful bone in her body, and his other half had sworn to never leave Marinette’s side until the girl was healed. With Duusu’s erratic and unpredictable nature, the God of Destruction certainly suspected her…though her forte was bringing emotions to life, not using them to kill. Which left him with only one real culprit. Nooroo. The gentlest and most compassionate of all Plagg’s kin, who would mourn the death of a fly if he happened to fly into it on accident. The notion had caused worry in the God’s mind, for Shadowmoth could not be allowed to access divine power- but with Plagg’s new eyes, he could see something most peculiar.

Nooroo’s presence, so shrouded in viscous malice and rotten miasma…now felt light, almost as if his foulest Holder had been snapped out of existence itself. The God of Destruction knew of course that Cataclysm had not been used, for it was his Concept, and his alone. Still, his kin was much safer now than he had been the day before, and if this signaled some miraculous change in Hawkmoth’s soul, Plagg saw no reason to interfere. Even with spectral eyes and gangly imperceivable limbs that could cradle the whole world, there were limits to a God’s influence. The Kwami felt it unnecessary to interrupt whatever machination Nooroo might be up to, nor end up butting heads with his sibling for it when they next met.

Besides, Plagg would have his answers soon. He’d been certain of it then, and evidently proved right only an hour later. Ladybug had dropped by Adrien’s window, and ever so gently woken up his kit. She’d wanted to try going for a run, the girl said, much to Chat Noir’s worry and concern. Tikki’s kit had placated him, swore up and down she was taking it easy, and then explained herself. As Ladybug swung through the cityscape, trembling legs had brought her to rest at the police precinct’s rooftop for just a moment, and she’d ended up bumping into officer Raincomprinx. The man seemed anxious, and very relieved to see her. Quickly enough she’d been told they found Lila Rossi dead in her cell, and that never before had anyone seen something like…that. Ladybug must have, according to the man, caught wind of it, and he was ever so grateful she’d come to investigate.

Naturally, the girl doesn’t correct him, instead offering a placating smile and rushing over to get her partner. Adrien called on his transformation, electing a startled yelp from his Kwami as Plagg was lifted in the air and pulled towards his Miraculous. For the first and only time of his divine life, Plagg felt eager to get back into the Ring, if only to see the result of Nooroo’s handywork. As Chat Noir dutifully trailed his partner across the Parisian rooftops, the God of Destruction tried very hard to suppress the surprise running through his mind. Even now, over a fortnight after the seals had been broken, Plagg half-expects to be locked inside that ring, deaf and blind to the outside world. In the past, with the Guardians’ magics still in effect, his many eyes had gone blind, and his real hands limp, like the limbs of a puppet cut from its strings. And…the Kwami hated this feeling of captivity, of being held prisoner inside his own home…just much as he understood it’s necessity. After all, things hadn’t always been this way. He and the others had all been free, tethered to their Miraculous but never truly bound…until a time Plagg would rather not remember.

Yet, it had proved unavoidable. As his and Tikki’s kits made their way inside the precinct, led to the back by Captain Raincomprinx while flanked by other officers…the sealed door to a solitary confinement cell opened up, revealing darkness. Not the mere absence of light that frightened human children, nor the shadows that were cast on walls by flickering flames for as long as torches have existed. This abyss was almost palpable, eerily similar yet so very different from the specks of Destruction still surrounding the Temple of the Guardians. Plagg’s concept flared dangerously from inside Adrien’s ring, a protective flare ready to manifest itself and end whatever threat lurked inside this cursed room…but Chat Noir took a deep breath, and his Kwami followed suit.

Adrien was right. They needed to think about this logically, couldn’t afford the reckless shenanigans Plagg was historically infamous for. And so, the God of Destruction moved all his eyes across the world, turning his gaze to the here and the now. The cell’s walls looked almost as if they were bleeding, an inky sludge that reeked of death leaking from the metal sheets reinforcing the concrete beneath. High above a ventilation grate was melted open, by something that reeked of a sour, acidic smell. The room itself was empty, whatever meager bed or bench that should be provided to a prisoner having crumbled to ashes, with only the hinges remaining to prove it even existed.

Ladybug physically twitched when crossing the threshold and stepping inside, and Chat Noir rushed to grasp her wrist in his claws, helping the girl breathe. Plagg narrowed his eyes, gazing at her form, and saw flames trickling around Marinette’s soul. Mere phantasms, memories made manifest in pain that was remembered but never truly felt. He breathed a loud sigh of relief, mirroring Adrien’s own as Ladybug’s breathing steadied once again, and turned his attention to the mass of…something, laying on the floor.

Charred, deformed and barely recognizable as having ever been human to begin with, lay the corpse of one Lila Rossi. A mangled mess of limbs burnt to the bone, with her physical form blackened as much as her rotten, writhing soul when she still breathed. Plagg tilted his head, the one beyond the confines of mortal comprehension, and carefully examined Nooroo’s work. As Tikki had ordained before Earth had even fully formed, Rossi’s soul, the energy which composed that girl’s luminous being, had returned to the ether. Simply faded away into the collective energy pool to be crafted anew one day in the far future, and fuel another living being’s mortal existence. The God of Destruction found himself giving an approving nod, and made a mental note to someday praise Nooroo for not letting anger and pain lead him to vengeance. But Rossi’s personhood, the shard of humans which makes them so, the thing so many have called individuality…Plagg could feel it burning.

Far beyond the perception of any mortal lay flickering purple flames, encompassing Rossi’s remains. Whatever part of that thing was still human in nature surely suffered, in a wickedly special way that felt hand-crafted to fit the crimes she had committed. Eternal flames to char her very existence until the end of time, for the one who tried to burn down Plagg and Tikki’s Holders. Poetic, in a morbid way, one that the God of Destruction most certainly approved of. Still…Lila’s current state had clearly leaked into the mortal realm, and that was a mess no Kwami would allow to escalate further. Tikki must have been thinking much the same, for Ladybug stepped forward, and ever so carefully pried a melted necklace resembling the tail of a fox from Rossi’s corpse. She gingerly placed it inside her yoyo and casted the Cure, blasting the room with a blinding pink light. In an instant, the corruption which had taken hold was lifted, and every surface purified from the rotten stench.

The corpse, just now oozing a dark puss onto the floor, had dried up in almost an instant. Purple sparks flared in Plagg’s vision, and Ladybug took a step closer to Chat Noir as phantom pains threatened to overtake her. Adrien gently held Marinette in his arms, softly grazing her wrist with his claws before inching closer to Lila’s melted body. Agony still inhabits the molten bones and charred flesh, and for just a moment his kit sees it flicker before Plagg can compose himself. Chat Noir stills, casting a long shadow over Rossi’s form, before kneeling to the ground. Adrien does not doubt his senses, and pointedly ignores his Kwami’s frantic signaling that his eyes merely played a trick. Before long, the God of Destruction gives up on the ruse, and gently blinks, allowing Adrien to see Lila Rossi for what she truly is. Merely a broken, mangled vessel for a wretch’s eternal torment.

Oddly enough, Plagg senses no satisfaction from his kit. He knows of course that Adrien is good, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable for the boy to think she deserved her fate and simply leave the corpse be. Ladybug certainly seemed hesitant to get close, even with Tikki’s invisible hands squeezing Marinette’s shoulders in support. Chat Noir slowly reaches out to touch the mass of burnt flesh, and activates Cataclysm before Plagg can think to stop him. In a single yet endless instant, Lila Rossi dies. Not in the way which humans understand, such a fate had befallen her already. No, Adrien’s destructive power seeps through every last molecule, each atom which composes these remains, and completely wipes them from existence. He casts Lila’s very personhood into total oblivion, far away even from Tikki’s reach. It’s a mercy, Plagg catches the stay thought, that tiny hint of pity flickering in his Holder’s eyes. Without another word, Chat Noir returns to Ladybug’s side, and the God of Destruction is left speechless.

A man sits on an old throne, inside a forgotten, crumbling keep. The roof has long caved in on one side of the chamber, letting the rain and thunder slip through the many cracks. The halls of this castle are silent, without so much as the squeak of a mouse to interrupt the heavy breathing echoing in the wind. His face is covered by a cracked helmet, one adorned with the faceplate of a panther’s skull. And the rest of the body rests inside an ever-rusting suit of black plated armor, decorated at the knees and shoulders by silver claws. Those very arms extend to wrap around the body, as if in a tired, pointless gesture of protection. Pontiff Sullivan sits upon his dusty throne on an eerily quiet night, with only the occasional strike of thunder to shatter the silence.

Beyond what tired eyes can see lies the rest of the keep, a forgotten Lord’s castle than once stood tall and proud. Moss and tangled vines have begun growing on the exterior walls, most of the windows blown to pieces by howling winds, and not a single soul’s footprint to be found. Rather, all Plagg can see with his endless eyes are the harsh claw marks on the ground, another result of his master’s choice of adornment. On the bottom side of Sullivan’s boots lay the jagged claws of a fierce black panther, a terrifying beast whose presence haunts every speck of air the God of Destruction can perceive. By his rough estimate, Plagg guesses it must have been at least two decades since even a stay cat set foot inside this old keep, at the top of a small hill overlooking a small town. Even the massive greatsword laying against the throne’s arm has been gathering dust, slowly eroding with the passage of time.

His master does nothing but sit on this very spot, has not moved in what the Kwami thinks may be weeks or even longer. All ‘round the ancient castle lay dark scorch marks of pure Destruction, one of which is visible through a half-crumbled wall just a few halls away. The howling winds continue to tear the keep apart one stone brick at a time, and Plagg is left only with memories. He recalls the battlefield, those very fields just outside the main gate. Said former testament to human engineering now lies ajar, with worms slowly eating at the wood it’s mad of. But once, many years ago, it had been the sight of war. Sullivan, then a young and determined knight, had finally gathered whichever friends could be mustered to retake his ancestral home from the boy’s uncle. Plagg cannot remember for the life of him if they were actually ever related by blood. Yet…the Kwami cannot find reason for the detail to matter. No, instead his jumps to Sullivan’s bravery and courage, to the sheer presence of shining gold that almost three hundred men had rallied behind. A kind smile and encouraging words had appealed to morals and knightly conviction once, the same features now lay hidden behind a faceless mask.

That boy…is gone now. Plagg knows as much, but is still tethered to this shell of a man, a shattered reflection of valiance twisted into nothing more than self-righteous foolishness. That was why, in the pride of his old age, Sullivan had sent his servants and knights all away to far-off lands, back when a single sliver of goodness still nested in his heart. The breastplate’s tattered cape billows in the wind as the Pontiff finally stands, armor crafted by the magic of Plagg’s Miraculous creaking with every movement. The Kwami feels himself strain as much as the metal plates, having held Sullivan’s pitiful existence together for so long that he, a literal God, has begun to long for the separation that so defined his kin before first contact with humanity. Truly, even being formless once again would be preferable to this horrible stagnation that permeated the very concept of Destruction.

With great effort, a single step is taken, and then another…and another…and another, until eventually the aging Pontiff’s legs have carried them both across the deserted halls and up a staircase that’s barely stable enough to hold a single man’s weight. It’s then, overlooking the surrounding lands from high above, that Plagg finally sees it. His Destruction, the echoes left behind by that great Cataclysm which brought Sullivan and his comrades victory, a gain in which the Kwami had once gladly shared. It’s been so long since he’s observed the full scope of that battle, if only because no mortal should be able to do the same. And yet, the Pontiff takes deep, ragged breaths as he gazes to the black flickers lining the grass, almost as if marking the ground with timeless scorches. Plagg feels it too, the subtle way in which they tremble in warning. He’s already known of course what any deviation from the throne-watching entails, but now it’s fully confirmed.

In the town below, a single traveler rests at a tavern, coughing lightly as if to clear his throat. Not a soul suspects, fewer have even heard the rumors, but what is death if not the slow, methodical destruction of physical matter? What is impending doom, if not something Plagg can feel? The stormy night goes on, and a blinding flash of thunder splits the skies as Sullivan begins to raise his arms. Trembling old bones and half-shattered armor both creak in protest, much more resistance than the God of Destruction can bother mustering. Still, the Pontiff manages to raise his clawed gauntlets up to an opening in the crumbling watchtower’s stones, and murmurs the word under his breath.

Cataclysm. A notion that Plagg had once been proud to personify, when that very same power had turned a legion of bloodthirsty, half-mad men to dust right before Sullivan’s eyes. The Kwami had used it then in desperation, this flicker of divine power. To save his Holder, a brave man he’d grown far too attached to for anyone’s good. With golden hair to match the aura surrounding the young knight, and green eyes glimmering with brilliant rays of hope as banners were raised in victory…Plagg had failed to see the darkness skulking underneath. That same evil was now made manifest in wisping black smoke ‘round the old Pontiff’s clawed arms, with a pained grunt as viscous veins of inky puss flickered to life all across his body.

The once rosy tint of the boy’s cheeks had long been stolen, replaced with a pale, ghastly complexion fit only for the horror stories told about the many creatures which had great aversion from the sun. Plagg hadn’t bothered to learn what the folktales were calling them this century. The black energy crackled all through Sullivan’s body, sapping both his and the Kwami’s lifespans to bring forth the very power that even a God like him had grown to fear. Of course, Plagg had heard the justification countless times, so many that he had truly began to lose count faster than Sullivan lost his mind. Yet it mattered little, when the dark mist of Cataclysm spread throughout the air, carried by howling winds all the way to its unsuspecting victims.

A raspy cough nearly tears through the Pontiff’s lungs, and he desperately clutches a crumbling wall to stay upright. “It’s a mercy, Plagg. They are all sick, and I am the cure…” he speaks the words with a conviction the Kwami once admired, and falls silent once more. In the town below, the Plague has begun to spread, from the traveler to the innkeeper, and then to another. The swirling dark mists flood the air around the slumbering villagers, and Plagg feels each and every bright soul disintegrate into absolutely nothing, leaving naught but tiny specks of ash.

By the time he snaps out of his musing on that day, Adrien has already brought them back home, and the Kwami politely declines an offered piece of Camembert, claiming fatigue. Plagg feigns rest, much like this very morning, and Adrien politely leaves him be. Even now, a whole fortnight later, the God of Destruction cannot help but worry, but fear that somehow, he will fail his kindest kit in whichever way he surely must have failed his foulest, for Sullivan to end up a cynical, corrupted old man. Such inner darkness went far beyond human nature as a whole, and Plagg was truly afraid that Adrien, for as much as the boy clearly seemed to understand him…no. No, he mustn’t think this way. His newest Holder has been nothing but kind, and this entire ordeal had tested him far more than any human should be.

If he still not only held the capacity for mercy, but actively chose it for his greatest foe when even Gods like him, Tikki and Nooroo had deigned to see Lila Rossi suffer for eternity…then Adrien would never betray him. Destruction would not be misused again, and this boy had already proven himself time and time again. Plagg let out a deep sigh, shuffling around on the now warm pillow, and promptly shifted a few inches to the right, nestling in a cooler spot. If need be, he and Adrien would have that talk, where he would lecture on responsibility and the proper path. But for now…as difficult as it was, the Kwami chose to trust, and left the matter at that. And when the boy returned a few minutes later, wearing a bright, honest smile, and Adrien exclaimed they were going out to the city again, Plagg couldn’t bring himself not to match it with a chaste grin.


Nino Lahiffe felt himself stir on a soft surface he’d grown used to over the past few weeks, and gently blinks as his eyes adjust to the soft light washing over him through the nearby window. Alya’s bedroom is warm as ever, and a gentle breeze creeps inside to keep the space cool. Nino pulls himself into a sitting position, suppressing a yawn, and scans the room for his girlfriend’s presence. He finds the right side of her bed empty, and devoid of warmth. She must have gotten up before him, then. Instead of doing the same and looking around for her, Nino decides to lean back onto his pillow, taking a moment to blankly stare at the ceiling and just…think.

These past few days have been a paradise. Really, he means it! Contrary to the apocalyptic mess two weeks prior, everything has seemingly been changing only for the better. Adrien is often outside that cold, haunted manor he calls home, either with him and Alya or being dragged around by Chloe whenever the heiress decides she needs his help with the day’s shenanigans. According to his brother, even Zoe has started to join in on those excursions, and the two childhood friends have been making an effort to help the girl adjust to being outside for long periods of time. Oftentimes they would all go to Flora’s for a drink or just to chat, with their table in the back corner always suspiciously available, no matter the time of day. Adrien had even managed to drag that grinch of a cousin out with them, and consequently Alya is now obsessed with shipping the poor bastard and Kagami together. Felix has been cold and dismissive whenever they idea has been presented, despite how the fencer girl always gets a kick out of teasing him. They’ve all been nothing but laughs and smiles since the day Lila was locked away, and as if by divine intervention, Gabriel Agreste is allegedly learning to parent!

Nino won’t believe it till a decade-long scientific study is conducted by the most reputable researchers in all of France. Still, the blonde seems happy whenever his old man calls or texts, and monsieur Candy Cane even allowed them all to visit and play foosball in that giant apartment Adrien calls a bedroom. And if his brother doesn’t have any complaints or snarky quips to offer about Agreste senior, then Nino has no right to insult the man. Not when all evidence points to some miraculous change of heart that’s better left unquestioned. Still…for as much as he wishes to just pretend, not everything’s perfect. Of course, due to some questionable talk between Chloe and Monsieur Damocles, they whole class had been given these two weeks off to recover from that horrid experience with Lila’s trial. But…he can’t stop the doubts creeping in his head.

It’s almost as if with every breath, Nino’s waiting for the other shoe to drop and crush this dreamlike existence under its boot. With how quickly everything went to shit before, and the rapid-fire series of tragedies that seemed to almost endlessly assail their lives…it didn’t feel real, that they’d all made it out alive. Well…not everyone, but Nino had slowly come to terms with how little anybody could have done to prevent that on their own. He wasn’t in the habit of blaming other people for his fuck-ups, but could admit they’d all been outplayed by that bitch. Even the name Lila still felt a foul taste on his tongue, like Nino was trying to swallow ash. Acting alone clearly amounted to squat, if Marinette’s efforts were any indication.

And yet…he seemed to be the only one still wracked by that guilt. It was unfair to say, and Nino knew, but the sentiment kept clawing into his head every time he tried to sleep, digging into his mind and refusing to stop nagging him. Not that he blamed the others for doing a better job at dealing with the whole debacle, after all it had been Chloe who had taken charge and helped Alya with unmasking Lila in the first place! Kagami, he didn’t know as well, but Nino could smell a problematic family life from a continent away, and was entirely convinced the fencer had more immediate problems to concern herself with. Zoe never seemed meek to him, no matter how the blonde tended to shy away from crowds and yelp at loud noises. She’d only ventured out alongside their group twice, but Nino could tell the Bourgeois sisters had their hands tied dealing with the leftovers of Chloe’s…more aggressive tendencies from before-

…he was in no mood to think about that again. Even if they all managed to smile and laugh amongst themselves, and the feeling had slowly begun to fade, Nino could always feel that faint absence in the back of his head, followed by sudden flashes of acute awareness that something was missing from their gatherings. Marinette Dupain Cheng just wasn’t the kind of person one could forget, even if they tried. And Nino really did try sometimes, whenever that oppressive silence of the night crept up on him along with nagging thoughts on not being good enough. He’d known her the longest, hadn’t he? He was closest to Alya, it should’ve been Nino who realized there was a rift between them! Instead, he failed to notice even the most blatant of discomforts from Adrien, his brother, whenever that bitch dragged her nails on his skin…and he knows he could have stopped it. If he hadn’t been complacent, or talked openly to Alya about Lila’s behavior instead of falling in like just because she was his girlfriend, maybe they would have connected the dots earlier. Maybe they would have gone to question Adrien, where he might reveal the horrifying truth that had sent Alya into a frenzied investigation…and maybe Marinette would still be alive. Nino hates that those thoughts still eat him up from the inside when everyone else seems either preoccupied with their own problems or recovering from the loss, and something feels wrong whenever he looks at Alya’s smiles.

It's not the same as Adrien. Adrien, who copes with loss and trauma by making horrible jokes whenever he’s startled or hurt by something. I’m fine, just a little cooked! That stupid line still echoes in his head, and Nino can’t stop his hands from trembling at the thought of Adrien being there when the fire happened, impossible as it is. He- he must have just been seeing things that day, and the dark spots under his eyes were just fatigue. The frazzled hair must be…something else. Anything other than the focus of that horrendous nightmare Nino had woken up screaming from on the day of Lila’s trial. He hates the way his body still shudders at the thought, at the fear that his best friend, his brother, must have disappeared just as quickly as Marinette did. Logically, he knows Adrien’s doing better. In the days after the trial; he’d told them about how Kagami dropped by soon after he and Alya left on the day before Lila’s condemnation, and stayed the night with him and Felix. The fencer herself had pulled Nino aside to assure him that Adrien was okay, and she was also keeping an eye out in case he got into trouble.

As much of a relief as that notion was…Adrien has been the furthest thing from his mind for over a week now. No, it’s Alya who occupies every waking moment of Nino’s thoughts, and not in the cheesy way a romantic comedy might paint it. She’s been so different lately that it nearly gives him whiplash, always brightly smiling with stars shinning in her eyes and constantly spending time with her family. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that. Nino himself takes at least a few hours each day to go back home and check on Chris, even if the little dude is well-cared for regardless. But that irrational fear pools in his gut, and every bone inside his body shivers with uncontrollable, almost maddening concern. He hates how whenever she goes to leave a room or turn a corner, he instinctively rushes just a step ahead of her, ready to take whatever blow might be coming her way. It’s as if the world is holding a knife at her throat with Alya herself completely oblivious, blind to the danger and deaf to his cries of warning. Nino’s eyes dart back and forth every waking moment, even as he smiles and hugs her good morning.

Every smile and carefree laugh has him physically holding back flinches, with her parents and sisters none the wiser to the worries that plague his mind. The rational part of Nino’s brain tells him that he might just have a few screws loose or maybe is suffering survivor’s guilt if the little bit of online research he did is any indication…but the primal urge to protect refuse to adhere to reason, and sticks as close as possible to Alya at every second of the day. She looks so happy to be going out with their other friends, gently holds him in the afternoons and sometimes plays with his hair in a comforting motion that Nino only accepts from her. But…he can’t help but feel like something is rubbing him the wrong way. The skies have been nothing but clear, with bright golden rays of sunlight washing over the entirety of Paris ever since Lila was taken away, as if nature itself was celebrating…and Alya would shine in the light, now more than ever before. It made him feel horrible, this nagging suspicion at his girlfriend’s joy, as if a part of Nino was criticizing her for being so jovial and kind while he struggled to heal. Nothing discomforted him more than those thoughts. The cold, chilling whispers of the night which echoed from the darkness with words of condemnation, as if he was wrong and evil for not consciously refusing to fully share in the bliss they’d all been gifted.

“He-llo? Earth to Nino, are you there?” Alya’s voice sounded in his ears, and Nino let out a startled yelp as he fell back on the pillows. She was sitting on the bedframe, looking radiant as the sunlight gleamed off her curly hair…and he slowly forced himself to breath, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He really had stolen that tic from Adrien, hadn’t he?

Nino forces himself to swallow down the fear, attempting to muster a smile that gets interrupted by a lengthy yawn. “Y-yeah, I just spaced out. Can’t help it when I look at you!” he flirts shamelessly, and Alya feigns annoyance as she whacks him on the shoulder. A rosy tint colors her cheeks, and she laughs at him.

He doesn’t miss the slight strain in her tone as Alya leans against him, gently humming a quiet tune. “Did I wake you?” she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Nino finds himself smiling, eyes still darting between her glimmering strands of hair.

“N-no…” he denies weakly, electing a playful scoff from Alya. He never was an early riser, and they both know she’ll never stop teasing him for sleeping like a rock. “Okay, I- …maybe.” Nino grins at her, as the thought of just asking if something’s wrong flutters in his mind. But…he couldn’t ever bring himself to ruin such a bright moment when Alya is most likely going to deny it. He’s just being stupid, that’s all. There’s no point in worrying her when she’s so happy today.

Alya rolls her eyes at him, sticking out her tongue with a wink. She jumps to her feet, energetic as ever, and strides over to the bedroom door. “Well, come downstairs after you get dressed, kay? Mom made pancakes, and they’re delicious!” she squeals in sheer, unbridled joy before disappearing down the hallway, out of sight.

Nino holds his breath for a moment, the muscles in his legs instinctively tensing in case she suddenly screams for his help…but only a split second later, he hears Alya laughing along with her family, and catches the tail end of a loud thanks before falling silent, presumably wolfing down her breakfast. He takes a deep, steadying breath, and quickly locks the bedroom door, changing into his classic outfit and heading to face the music. All Nino finds are playful snickers and casual discussion across the kitchen table, and he quickly grabs a seat between Alya and Nora. He feigns a quiet yawn, and so even the twins know to leave him be until he’s fully woken up. A few pleasant minutes of idle chatter later, Nino is following Alya out the door, walking away from the Cesaire home. She’d wanted to go on a walk today, and who was he to deny her?

Under the shining morning light, she looks perfect in his eyes, her smile brighter than the sun itself. Nino shakes away all his doubts and insecurities, focusing only on the happiness etched upon Alya’s features. She takes his hand, leading him around the city as they pass by storefronts, turn corners and simply let time fly under the blinding golden rays. Nino…finds himself cracking a real smile, as the sunlight washes over them both. It’s been this way for two weeks now, and when he manages to overcome the swelling of fear in his gut, life truly does seem worth living, even after everything. Alya even grabs onto his arm for most of their time together, and her eyes light up with a flash of ingenuity before she rushes him over to Andre’s cart grab them both a cone of Sweethearts’ Ice Cream. Nino feels a euphoric sensation nearly overwhelm him, and Alya teases him as they share the sweet. Eventually, they’ve tired of investigating storefronts and had their fill of clean air, so the duo heads to more familiar territory, simply letting their legs carry them across the Parisian streets.


Luka Couffaine hears melodies in the distance long before he’s even noticed the presences in the back of his mind. The blue-haired boy sits on the underside of a bridge, that very spot which means nothing to most and everything to him. He feels them inch ever closer, those familiar tunes he’s grown to know over the past few months. Still, he simply takes a deep breath and strikes another chord, releasing a soft note into the atmosphere. If Alya and Nino do approach him, he’ll happily talk to them. Otherwise, Luka feels content to just be, especially sat with the calm river water just below his legs. A quiet, calm gaze slowly turns to the railing above, and he ponders the sensation of catharsis which emanates from the metal itself. It’s a gentle echo, no more than a tiny flicker of pink light, and yet it feels so very intimate to him. Marinette. The name buzzes ever so softly in the back of his mind, so unlike the incessant cackles that tormented Luka until the funeral.

It's surreal for him to think that a fortnight’s already passed. Every day without fail he felt drawn to this very spot, a sliver of quietude nestled away from the cacophony of voices the world always consisted of. Luka was more than content to simply bear witness and bask in the flickering pink that sometimes reflected off the water’s surface, when he would come while bathed in moonlight. There was a song written here, amidst the river water calmly catching the sun’s golden rays on its surface. A melody of intense emotion that Luka couldn’t quite understand, and felt was too private to really try and look for. Still, he had chosen to bask in it, especially in these past few days. Peace. Serenity. Liberation. Catharsis. Love. Five notions which he struck with every chord on his guitar, releasing a mesmerizing pink glimmer on the riverbank.

He wasn’t quite sure if anyone else could see it, but that fact seldom bothered Luka. Music…melodies, were his, and his alone. In no way would he ever try to possess them, rather the people he was close to simply lacked the ability to see in the same way that he did, at least when it came to feelings and emotional sensations. Even his father, the world-famous rockstar that Jagged Stone was, had never been gifted with this innate power, and Luka himself failed time and time again to share this magnificence. Only with notes and music did he ever manage to give others a glimpse, and the notion always filled him with elation, at the thought that others could experience such a miracle. Lately, the melodies inside his head have felt much lighter than the weeks prior, and Luka’s friends had all begun to heal.

First it was Juleka, who basked in Rose’s vibrant love and kindness, much like the dense pink hues that always hung around the blonde girl. Despite even these horrible circumstances, Luka had bore witness to her unrelenting optimism, Rose’s defiant conviction that everything would turn out okay. Jules’ own purple flashes had been accented heavily with that calming energy, shifting to a soft blue like today’s clear skies. Of course, the sheltered red hues of fierce passion never left his sister’s form, and Juleka was always bathed in the glows of mystery and devotion, despite her outward shyness. Ever since Lila’s trial, and the later dissipation of those toxic green hues and that terrible static from Luka’s mind, he’d been able to very clearly notice their colors slowly regaining their former strength.

As for those presences he felt wander closer, Nino’s deep blue aura of reliability and emotional intellect kept Alya’s ever-changing orange hues steady, even when they would shift from the soft color of autumn leaves to a sudden blaze of blinding optimism. They constantly flickered, battling a dull grey which had nearly overwhelmed her completely before finally facing defeat at Marinette’s funeral. Luka- he didn’t particularly like recalling that day, would even find it in his heart to lock the memories away…if not for that faint, soft pink, almost invisible even to his sight. He had felt Mari’s gratitude as intensely as the golden rays of sunlight which illuminated the riverbank every day since, and Luka would never forget. And now…he could still see the glimmers of that same color mixed with pure, angelic white, reflecting off the waters below.

Maybe that’s why he’d felt so drawn to this very spot since the moment Luka had discovered it. That metal railing, inconspicuous and almost innocently propped up against the rest of the city’s architecture, clearly meant something to Marinette. He would not claim to have any particular skill in divination, that was far more Juleka’s forte. But Luka did understand, clearly felt, this wave of catharsis. Only the barest of remnant remained, and yet he could still see the glimpses in the water, of a soft, timid pink mixing with a fiery, passionate red and a radiant, angelic white…only for all of them to crack like broken glass and disappear into a puff of smoke, lost to the winds. For as painful as the painted scene appeared to him, Luka was practically forced to properly interpret it, to go beyond the surface level and examine what little of the puzzle was left.

It was Marinette, in the truest of all forms. No coincidence of course that he’d only felt this flash at the edges of his mind after her funeral, Luka had decided. Truly, he’d never try to pry out some mystical secret from this scene, it felt almost like an intrusion on her most intimate moment. But he did still observe, every day without fail. Catharsis, that faint yet ever-present white glow from below the waters which serenely dissipated day by day. Luka would come, sit on this very underside, and simply play whichever notes came to mind. At first, he’d considered attempting composition, but quickly discovered that these emotions were far too erratic, so very real that to inflict order upon them would diminish the feeling itself, and so he felt the matter be. Luka was, after all, not an artist at heart. He loved the process, yes, adored every slight challenge presented when a note wouldn’t fit well with its brethren, but his heart and soul lay in the music itself.

Vibrant, fading, formless or perfectly symmetrical, colors had the greatest impact on Luka’s life since the moment he was old enough to understand them. This special sight was a blessing, one that had redefined his understanding of the world itself. And he refused to squander it by not appreciating the true beaty in the scene before him. Luka would never put these feelings unto sheet or into song, for they demanded freedom, the very sensation which had inspired him to celebrate Marinette’s memory. He held far too much respect for such meanings to ever see them as tools to success. And so, Luka closed his eyes, taking a deep, steadying breath before pulling himself up, and slowly turning his back from the riverside. With rhythmic steps, he sent out a soft goodbye, a gentle nod as the very last of the pink flickers faded completely from his sight.

Alya and Nino had finally come. He sensed them only a few seconds before their animated chatter reached his ears, and Luka allowed his concentration to shift from catharsis to his friends. The musician heaved himself up a few steps and quietly approached the two as Alya absentmindedly made her way towards the railing, Nino dutifully trialing barely a step behind. Luka offered a small wave as they took notice, both smiling brightly.

“Hey dude!” Nino greeted enthusiastically, looking joyful as can be. “Oh, hi Luka!” he added, almost as if just noticing the musician. But…hadn’t he been talking to-

“Hello there!” a voice called out from behind Luka, genuinely startling him for a moment. He whipped his head around, and there stood Adrien, glad in his usual green hues. The blonde quickly exchanged a one-armed hug with Nino, before doing the same to him as Luka awkwardly managed to pat him on the shoulder. He resisted the urge to sigh.

“We really need to put a bell on you…” the musician mumbles under his breath, and Adrien laughs as Alya walks up to the three of them. “You’re quiet as a cat, you know that, Agreste?” Luka lightly jests, jabbing the model’s shoulder. Even if they’d only met up at the Liberty a few times the past two weeks, Adrien never once failed to sneak up on him. Miraculously, it was as if his very presence could be muffled in some way, evading Luka’s senses and detection in general.

“Nah, I still think Juleka still has me beat!” the blonde jokes in turn, electing a half-snort out of Alya. The Ladyblogger whacks Adrien’s shoulder, and they all share a laugh. It had only been a few days ago when the group wanted a change of scenery, and asked Luka’s permission to come crash at the Liberty for an afternoon. Adrien had come equipped with a paper bag containing a delicious croissant…at least in smell. When Jules timidly offered them all water, the model had yelped so hard that he accidentally sent it flying and into the Seine. Now…Luka wasn’t the kind of person to laugh at another’s misfortune, especially when that person was his friend…but!

“How is she, by the way? You all doing okay?” Adrien asks, his vibrant green aura flickering in worry ever so slightly. It was kind of him, as the blonde always tended to be. Luka responded with a slight tilt of the head in place of a nod, managing a soft smile.

“I…think she’ll be fine. We’ve already talked about it, anyways. Jules has Rose and our mum with her…but dad has nobody. I thought about it for a long time, and since he can’t delay his next tour any longer…I think I’m going with.” Luka says in a steady voice, despite the way his own aura flickers from the usual gentle aqua to a deeper blue as worry builds up again in the back of his head. In truth, they had discussed it. Juleka understood of course, as twins tended to, but she wasn’t the biggest fan of his idea. Still, nothing changed the fact that Jagged needed someone to ground him, and Luka was the best available option. It would only be a year…and Juleka had agreed with him.

Alya’s gaze lingers on him for a moment, and her orange blaze of optimism suddenly snaps, just as they lock eyes. She can feel Luka’s desire to stay, the conflict that had him asking questions inside his own head until the sky was dark, with only the rushing waters of the Seine to calm the musician’s mind. He stares at her for a long moment, and then Alya nods in soft understanding. It’s a difficult question after all, if one really can leave everything they know behind because someone they love has done the same. A singular second passes, and the Ladyblogger’s bright smile is etched back on his face as she takes Nino’s hand, who seems oblivious to the shifting of her aura. Naturally, Luka could never expect anyone else to see, and so he elected not to comment. Alya would surely share her woes when she was ready, pushing and prodding had never done anyone much good.

“You know…a stranger once told me that sometimes you just have to strike the right chords, if you want to find a lost melody.” Luka muses aloud, speaking to no one in particular. Adrien hums in thought at the edge of his vision, and Nino nods, pretending to follow the musician’s train of thought. “I think it’ll do me good, to put some distance between myself and…all this.” he says calmly, announcing a choice he’d come to just yesterday.

It was partly the reason for his consistent visits to the last spot that Marinette had ever stood in, to say goodbye. Peace had been easier for him ever since Luka managed to find his melody, but to process those notes into a true symphony of feeling would take time, doubly so due to how personal the music felt to him. Aside from helping his father heal, who so clearly loved and cherished him but walked like an empty shell of a man, Luka thought it best to take this sheet from the top, when he would be away. It’s…sometimes easier, to process a melody when it isn’t constantly ringing in your ear.

He would say goodbye to Jules and mum tonight, the last time he would spend below the Liberty’s deck in quite a while. Strangely, it didn’t bother him as much as before, when the vibrant reflections of color on the waters just below their feet would occupy his mind. Marinette, wherever she was, had managed to find her peace by shedding blood and tears. Luka hoped to find it by shouldering weight, lightening the load for Jagged, who so needed him. Juleka had Rose to fill that role, and Anarka Couffaine was perhaps the strongest person he’d ever known. No obstacle existed which she could not overcome through sheer determination, and she was a fierce protector above all. His beloved sister, was in the safest of hands. And so, it was Luka’s turn to be there for his father as Jagged had only a few weeks prior, a duty he was earnestly glad to perform.

Adrien is first to put a supportive hand on his shoulder, his silver ring gleaming under the golden sunlight. “We’ll all be here when you get back.” he assures, vows to Luka, and the blonde’s gaze gently floats to the metal railing, now devoid off all color and feelings that had drawn the musician to it. Whatever presence chose to linger there was long gone, and now the final traces had disappeared into the ether. “And hey, I guess now you get to be a real pirate, right?”

Luka laughs at the joke, and Alya gives a shaky smile as Nino shakes his head in false disappointment. “I don’t think they had rock n’ roll back then, Adrien!” he teases back, and offers a firm hand for the model to shake. The blonde’s grin is wild, and despite the impending separation Adrien seems truly happy for him, in the way only a true friend ever could.

Alya is first to give a shaky smile, and Nino follows suit, exchanging goodbyes and a rather emotional bro that makes his blues flare before Luka finally turns away from the trio. He watches them converse for a moment before they slowly cross the bridge and disappear around a corner. It brings a smile to his face to see so many colors mix and match with one another, and he takes a small step, making his way back to the Liberty. Luka has a sister to get back to, and a trip to pack for. The sun is high in the sky, the Seine calm as can be. It’s a sunny day in Paris, and somehow…he knows they’ll be okay without him.


And…scene! Oh dear Nooroo, I’m finally done! I’m so happy to be able to post this finally! And uh…if you’re wondering where the Gabriel thing I mentioned in the beginning notes is…that’s next chapter. I moved it to the next chapter. Trust the process, this may have been a nice recap but I’m picking up the pace! No more days that last six chapters in a row! What am I, a Season 5 writer? Anyway, I quickly wanted to apologize for the delay of this chapter. For those who didn’t see the Author’s Note that I’ll be replacing with this, I can officially confirm the Ao3 Author Curse is very much real. Nobody died, and no I won’t elaborate. But yeah, we’re back to our regular 2-3 week gap between updates, and I’ll keep the quality content coming! Now, there’s actually a couple things I wanted to talk about, so why not get to it?

Firstly, Adrien and Plagg! I absolutely refuse to ever stop writing this cheese-addicted gremlin like the Eldritch God that he is! Listen, just because the writers never delve this deep into his character doesn’t mean I’m not striving to do their jobs better! But yeah, speaking of better, Adrien is actually doing great these days! Gabriel is trying to be a good parent, and believe me he really is trying his best! They even played catch once in the backyard! It wasn’t just Adrien and the wall this time! Unbelievable! I know I only mentioned this very briefly, but it should be obvious by now that flickers of ANYTHING are important for characterization. So, the fact that Adrien doesn’t see Amelie’s hair as blonde (Emile’s) means he’s also healing from her loss a little bit. I’ll delve way more into the Agrestes in the upcoming chapters, so for now it’s enough to say that our favorite furry is much healthier! And yes, Felix did get invited to Flora’s. He went, it was…certainly an experience. I’ll talk about this soon. As for Plagg, my boy is traumatized from shitty holders and still has PTSD! You guys realized that I replaced the word “trigger” with “content” in the beginning notes, right? It’s because…well, Everything Is Fine™. Except the Outer God with emotional baggage. Also, just to make this abundantly clear, I am NOT setting up an “oh Plagg doesn’t trust Adrien anymore” storyline. I usually leave things open to interpretation, but the point of that entire segment was for Plagg to come to the conclusion that he can and will continue to put his faith in Chat Noir. And by the way, if anybody is curious about Sullivan’s (who is totally not a Dark Souls 3 reference by the way, I would never!) backstory, I’m happy to let you know if you drop a comment! Can’t exactly fit all that in the notes…

Secondly, Nino and Alya! Now…clearly, they’re both doing much better than before Lila’s trial! Not a shadow of a doubt there! I’ve mentioned this before, but just so we’re on the same page, S3 of ACOLL is going to be split into mini arcs. And since we’re tackling the Agrestes in the very next chapters…I needed to set this lovable duo up for their eventual turn on the (proverbial) chopping block! Still, this is the first time we really get into Nino’s head and I’m proud of how I wrote him! Everything else is fairly obvious I’d say, so there isn’t much point in analyzing it, but I will say that the little mentions here will matter a lot moving forward with them! And we’ll also get to see Alya’s pov of this day eventually, because it’s important! Aside from that, I leave the rest up to your interpretation!

Thirdly, Luka. I’m going to be completely honest; I had already planned to write him out around chapter 20 or so. Originally, I did consider having Lila…do her thing, but evidently Tom and Sabine ended up in her sights rather than Luka. Mostly because I felt like he deserved a happy ending and him getting shanked 28 times by Lila really wouldn’t have the same impact as Marinette’s parents burning in a fire. Yes, my mind is a peaceful paradise ala Pyro from TF2, thank you for asking! Anyway, Luka is one of my favorite (RIP Lukanette they deserved more time) …characters, so I felt bad for trying to write him out like that. I know this didn’t have much buildup, but with the massive events this chapter is sandwiched between I wasn’t very free to develop it. At least he’s just going away with Jagged for a while, and they’ll be away from all the shenanigans that is about to befall our main cast! So yes, he has a happy ending and will return post-canon to find everyone else alive and well!

Lastly, I just wanted to say a short thanks for being so patient with me. Writing has been pretty hard lately because I’ve been very short on time, and it took me longer than expected to get started on this. Oh, and as a head’s up, I have another What If in the works! It’s “What if Adrien also ran away?”. That and another fic will drop sometime next week if all goes well! Anyway, I’ll be seeing you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 26: Reunion


Two weeks past Lila Rossi's trial, Nathalie Sancoeur reflects on the state of the Agreste Manor. The house is slowly healing, giving time for the family to lick it's wounds and slowly repair old rifts. Secrets still hang between them, and try as she might, it's impossible to put off talking to Adrien any longer. But when Duusu chooses to reveal an ancient miracle to her Holder, will this be the final push Nathalie needs to risk her heart being shattered by rejection?


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! This time I’m suffering right along with you, because between this and the last chapter, my computer and drive both got…damaged, for lack of a better word. And unfortunately said damages were anything but emotional. I- I’ll admit, I did lose some work. Thankfully most of the things lost have already been posted, with the only exception being some very old notes and drafts that had been left over from projects that didn’t pan out. But it’s fine, I managed to recover all the files that I’m currently working on and got everything in order. Nothing from ACOLL got lost, since I hadn’t started this chapter before the crash. Thank Nooroo for procrastination, am I right or am I right?

TL;DR: I lost a lot of old files but nothing important, so the only consequence is it took up some time to fix the issue, hence the delay.

Anyway, aside from my multitude of technical difficulties, we have a plot to get back to! More specifically, the Agrestes! Because this family is going to take their drama and promptly make it everyone else’s problem! Looks like Emilie isn’t the only one with a flare for the dramatic… But yes! We have feels, talks, and Nathalie’s talking bird! Duusu’s great, isn’t she! Also, before I forget! The Evil Emilie AU has been posted for around two weeks now, titled “Games of Innocence”, and the second What-If chapter went up a few days ago! Check them out if you’re interested!

Trigger Warnings: Depression, implied past suicidal thoughts, emotional codependence, unrequited feelings, inappropriate use of Miraculous jewels, lies and deception, mental breakdowns, internalized guilt, survivor’s guilt, sickness and metaphysical injury, and discussions of loss.

Note: Helpful reminder that I have a Tumblr! And yes, I’m back to being active there! Come check out the blog for sneak peeks into unwritten AUs, to chat or just read my rants about Miraculous and other stuff I like! (

And now please put your hands together for…the continued healing of the Agreste household, the philosophical considerations of life, grade A puns, Adrien having a good time for once, Gabriel Agreste’s A+ partnering, Amelie still being a great mom, Duusu being an Eldrich Horror, Nathalie simping for Gabe’s dead wife, and Emilie waking up from her nap.

Without any further ado, let’s dive right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It’s been two weeks. Nathalie Sancoeur still can’t quite convince herself that fourteen days can feel like centuries, but the calendar on her phone insists. Every day feels more impossible than the last, and Duusu has already caught her Holder’s eyes darting around, as if Nathalie expects to find the haze of a dream at the edges of her vision. In truth…that’s exactly what this new reality is, in more ways than she could have ever imagined. The Agreste Manor was peaceful. An adjective neither human or Kwami ever would have used to describe the cold, haunted halls. Shadows once stretched up to the ceiling, elongated and jagged as death loomed over the marble floors. A rotting, vile stench had permeated the stale air, syphoning the very soul out of the house’s inhabitants. Manic laughter and sickening coughs often woke Nathalie from her restless, fickle sleep. Even her own body felt like it was falling apart piece by piece, color draining from her face and life slipping through her fingers. And yet…ever since that night, when Duusu herself could swear Hell had frozen over, and her Holder was beset by a horrible churning of the stomach and a rasping cough that refused to abate. Gabriel had seemingly vanished to the winds, absent and near-invisible through the fledgling bond they’d managed to develop during Nathalie’s métier as Mayura alongside Hawkmoth. She’d only seen him the next morning, looking healthier than ever before and wearing a sunny smile that brightened the room.

Later, when they’d both skillfully avoided Amelie’s banal pleasantries and managed to hide away inside Gabriel’s rooms, he’d sat her down and explained everything. Nooroo filled in the blanks, and so Nathalie quickly learned what the real consequences of misusing a Miraculous were. That horrible darkness which had tormented their family and wracked her friend’s mind with an unending, insatiable hunger for power, was corruption in the most literal sense. Thankfully, both Gabriel and the little God at his side had assured her it was gone, purged from the Butterfly and scattered into the vastness of the cosmos, never to be seen again. Still, she didn’t miss the way Nooroo had almost seemed to correct his Holder with the explanation, as if it had occurred later, long after they were done dispelling the curse. It lingered in the back of her head, that nagging suspicion that they weren’t telling her everything…but Nathalie had taken a deep breath, and chosen to trust. Besides, she had greater concerns than magic jewelry. Namely, one Adrien Agreste.

She’d meant to pull him aside, in some quiet corner of the manor, and again insist that he could tell her anything if he so chose. It wasn’t easy, keeping secrets, and she was more than happy to share the burden. Never mind that Nathalie already knew, has found out weeks before about Adrien’s moonlighting as one half of Paris’ heroic duo, but she truly wanted him to tell her on his own time. It was bittersweet then, whenever the blonde boy passed her by in the halls or offered a hug as they said good morning to each other. He would either head out with friends, adventuring across the cityscape, or more rarely to Gabriel’s Atelier, at the man’s own insistence they spend more time together. To Nathalie’s amusement, Adrien was always happy to spend time with his father, and often she would see them looking over a design together, walking out in the backyard, or simply sat down in a nook of the house and animatedly talking about one thing or the other. It was…endearing, for lack of a better word, to see Gabriel make such an honest effort, and his son seemed to appreciate it too. A few times now, Adrien had even volunteered to play parts of a song he had been making, rhythmically tapping keys on his piano and letting wondrous music warm the very air around him. Nathalie had watched as the two Agrestes contemplated the notes together, with Gabriel offering feedback hearkening back to a more classic style, only for Adrien’s face to light up as he spun it ‘round with a more creative tune.

Laughter and smiles were commonplace nowadays, no matter where Nathalie looked. To her and Amelie’s surprise, Felix had even been dragged along on one of Adrien’s excursions with his friends, and despite the boy’s façade of cold indifference, he could not hide the flush that overcame him when Amelie asked how his day had been. Apparently, Adrien had the fine idea to surprise Felix by also inviting miss Tsurugi, and Kagami seemed utterly delighted to spend time with the boy. Of course, Nathalie had gotten said information first hand, from Adrien himself. They’d made a habit of it now, for her to stop by his bedroom at sundown and have a small chat about each day. She would be the first to admit that parenting had never been her forte, but with how happy the boy seemed whenever he spoke about his misadventures…how could Nathalie refuse him? Even after she left him to sleep, his days were far from over. Unbeknownst to most of the manor’s inhabitants, Chat Noir would sneak out of Adrien’s window every night without fail, scampering away into the skyline under the cover of darkness. She didn’t know nor question where he ran off to; it was Adrien’s business, and only his.

Still, as Nathalie sits on her bed with unkept hair falling off her shoulders, and glasses propped up on the nightstand, she laments not having taken the time to actually talk to him about all this. She wanted to, the night after Rossi’s trial. Gabriel had clearly been exhausted, and for as much as her friend might want to spend time with his son, rest had obviously been needed. And so, she’d taken Adrien upstairs, hugged him tightly, told him she was proud. Emilie would be too, if the woman were ever to miraculously awaken long enough to hear the story. He had been brave and unflinching in the face of adversity, but…Chat Noir did so regularly, even in battles to the death. Nathalie can’t imagine he’d have much more trouble without the black mask. He’d thanked her earnestly, and she had gone to speak again, to try and find the right words…only for Adrien to exclaim he needed rest, in quite possibly the worst way imaginable. And in the split second it took her to hide the thought of Emilie sleeping soundly beneath their feet, Nathalie felt the moment pass by, leaving the boy to his own devices after wishing him good night. She didn’t miss the distinct lack of fatigue in his stance, or the way he hastily locked the door, presumably sneaking out soon after.

“Duusu…what do I do?” Nathalie asks aloud, her voice barely above a whisper. The tiny God perched on her shoulder ruffles her small feathers against her neck, chirping as she sighs deeply, petting her head. “I- I can’t just barge into the room and tell him I know, can I?” comes the question, the worry. It’s been such an intrinsic part of her thought process that Nathalie can’t bring herself to imagine Adrien’s reactions. Would he be afraid, beg her not to tell Gabriel? Maybe angry, that she kept it from him for so long?

Despite his kind nature and heart of gold, she above all people had seen the boy feel, and be angry. It was well-hidden, the boiling frustration every time his father ignored Adrien’s presence, whenever he was forced to endure Rossi’s existence, or Gabriel tried to tighten his grin over the blonde’s life. But Nathalie could always see it, and not just because of the blue pin on her chest. Mayura was one thing, an additional insight into the world that nearly proved fatal, no matter how intoxicating the Miraculous’ powers were if used selfishly. Even without the buzzing of emotions in the back of her head, Nathalie had seen Adrien grow up ever since he was a baby. She knew his tells better than anyone…except maybe his own Kwami, come to think of it.

“Oh, chin up May. Adrien’s a great kid! I’m sure he’ll understand!” Duusu says with a high chirp, trying to sound encouraging. Nathalie gives her a look, both for the nickname and the obvious, peacock-shaped Miraculous on her chest. “Okay…maybe not that. But why not start small? Just tell him you know, move from there?” the Kwami offers with a smile and a flick of her small feathers. She sends comfort confidence support through their fledgling bond, the connective strand which Mayura’s existence had facilitated between human and divine.

Nathalie sighs deeply, checking the time. Almost midday, surely Adrien would have left the house by now. Indeed, extending her meager senses proves his familiar presence absent. …she should have pulled him aside after breakfast, but Amelie had been watching her and Gabriel like a hawk. Amelie, who knew and was getting more frustrated with every day they kept secrets from the boy. Mayura worried the woman might be thinking of telling Adrien herself, somehow. Felix had been noticeably absent from their table, instead cooped up in his room and flicking through the pages of a book, at his mother’s own admission. Nathalie doesn’t mind that one bit, better to have more time to figure all this out than for Gabriel’s nephew to start plotting again. The last time he’d caught them unaware…they’d lost a ring. Yes, it should have gone to Felix from the start, but that doesn’t nullify the blonde’s penchant for spying and scheming. It doesn’t matter. Felix and their plan for the boy are a concern for later, after she’s cleared things up with Adrien.

Instead, she’s stuck inside the house again, and while her body has been steadily recovering in the past days, Nathalie doesn’t fancy the idea of resting anymore, not when her mind is the very opposite. Duusu seems to catch on to her desires without a word, and flies into her shirt pocket, curling up into a ball and making herself comfortable. Maybe…maybe she just needs some fresh air. It’s been doing wonders for Gabriel after all, and despite the air inside the manor no longer feeling stale and lifeless, Nathalie figures that walking to the backyard couldn’t hurt. Ever so slowly, she grabs her glasses, puts them on, and straightens out her hair. Tucking her red streak behind the ear, Mayura takes a deep breath…and manages to stand. One step at a time, with mindful motions, she makes her way out of the bedroom, and leans on the railing for support. Her exosuit remains abandoned by the bed, cumbersome and hopefully unnecessary as the thing has tended to be lately. Walking through the halls, sunlight washes over her through the tall windows, and Nathalie can feel the warmth seep into her very bones, mending and ever so slowly fixing what the permanent chill had frozen over. In what feels like an instant, she’s managed to slip outside unseen, and the sun is there to greet her with a bright smile.

Duusu stays curled inside her Holder’s shirt pocket, able to feel the warmth emanating from the closest star. It isn’t Sol that thaws out the deepest parts of Nathalie’s soul…rather, the Kwami’s suspicion is being proved more and more correct by the day. She hasn’t gotten a chance to speak with Nooroo this past fortnight, not without either of their humans being close by. Not that Duusu wants to leave Mayura’s side, but making sure she and her fellow are on the same page should be of the highest priority. Ironic then, that Emotion herself has gotten attached to this kind, hurting woman, to the point where the Kwami is unwilling to part ways until Nathalie is strong enough to survive on her own. Plagg may have teased her for being a mother hen, but Duusu stands by her assertion that humans are weak and frail creatures that need to be cared for and nurtured. What else can she think, when a mere flicker of emotion can devastate one’s mentality? Breakdowns, trauma, stress and a thousand other dangers she has to protects her chicks from on the daily…without her wide, mesmerizing feathers that she once used to coddle them. Yes, she’s well aware of cases where her protective nature has accidentally hindered her Holders in the past. There are enough examples in history where Duusu was forced to compensate for their flaws, when instead her duty would have been to help the humans overcome them.

Still…is it a crime to say she misses her freedom? Every Kwami remembers the before, where their limbs could stretch through the gaps between galaxies and they still had their myriad of eyes. Duusu can feel her old form, existing in the beyond but just out of reach. Massive, vibrantly blue feathers that shone with the light of a thousand stars and in colors humans couldn’t even witness. She remembers the feeling of enveloping a world with her wings, each of the countless stars hidden beneath her feathers lined with eyes that could peer through the vastness of the cosmos. Most of all…Duusu misses her old songs, the ethereal tones that would make the very fabric of reality shudder in appreciation of her rhythmic voice. The Guardian’s shackles act as both a blessing and a curse, having protected the Concept of Emotion from her own instability while the Miraculous was broken…but also depriving the Kwami of all these invaluable things.

They never divulged these worries to their Holders. Not once had one of her kin been truly open with their human partner, for it was ultimately a futile effort. Their lives were too short and their minds too frail to truly understand everything that Kwami once were, much less empathize with the feeling of missing these unknowable powers. Beyond mortal comprehension lay a world of mystery and wonder, which she and brethren had been torn away from, no matter how agreeable humanity’s arguments had been at the time. The Guardians had meant well, surely, but Duusu’s longing for the stars felt like a black hole nesting inside of her chest. It’s a familiar want that can never be fulfilled, and despite how it pains them all, they’ve each managed to find the bright side of their new existences.

Trixx, for instance, had discovered a love for outthinking others, often teaching and mentoring his Holders in the arts of stealth and discretion, taking great pride when a Fox bested their foe with sharp mind and quick wit. He was a creature of agility and ferocious optimism, able to come up with the best strategies while bouncing off the walls. She’d last caught a proper glimpse at the height of his partnership with Napoleon, and the French monarch had, at least at the time, perfectly embodied her old friend to a T. Loong had focused on the concept of honor, doubling down on fairness and surpassing adversity through skill alone. Naturally, exceptions were sometimes made as needed for survival, but he was proud and powerful, standing tall and ferociously guarding his Holders to the very last moment of each journey. It had been a harsh lesson to learn…the only time his insistence on honor cost the life of a fierce Dragon. Nooroo had gone to comfort him after, she remembers, cradled their kin in a warm embrace and transformed the pain and self-blame into determination and stalwart protectiveness.

Duusu’s eyes had seen many things during her own years, and she vividly remembers countless adventures with humans whose names and faces have vanished in the annals of history. To her, Holders are something extremely precious, hence her insistence to wrap them in her feathers and keep them away from the cold, deadly outside world. Sometimes, this came in the form of simply dissuading people from harming her Chosen, a subtle manipulation of her Concept to snub aggression and leave them unwilling to fight. She didn’t have Plagg’s prowess for battle, but the mind was her arena, and no mortal could stand against Duusu when she was determined to control them. Not that she liked it! On the contrary, the Kwami took great care in never misusing her incredible powers, in keeping quiet and staying small. Out of sight and out of mind so to speak, and that has never been more true than with her chicks. With her help, they’ve all lived comfortable, cushy lives away from the public eye, where they could safely express themselves and openly feel, as was humanity’s nature. Well…all except one.

Emilie Agreste had been the most magnificent Holder Duusu has ever known. Tis no exaggeration, or rose-tinted glasses falling on her single pair of eyes after facing her tragic loss. Her very existence went directly against everything the Kwami had thought would be best, time and time again Emilie had managed to prove a God wrong. Famous actress constantly performing for the public, coming from a still-relevant line of minor nobility in one of the biggest empires in history, and utterly fascinated with all things otherworldly. Alarm bells had been blaring in Duusu’s head for weeks after she got acquainted with the blonde woman and her sunny smile…only for no danger to come. Impossibly, Emilie’s life was exactly as it seemed. Peaceful, fulfilling and above all, safe. A loving husband, a loyal best friend, adoring crowds that miraculously seemed to never overstep their bounds when it came to admirations, and the joys of youth all brought together to bring this girl her happiness.

Duusu…supposed she may have coddled her chicks a tad too much, in the years after meeting Emilie. Indeed, it was genuinely a surprise that she, Nathalie and Gabriel were even still breathing after they’d recounted to her and Nooroo their myriad of adventures across the globe. Exploring ancient ruins, unearthing abandoned temples and diligently hunting down clues of the other…would have landed any of her other Holders in the hands of those blind and foolish, who could never understand the gratification and wondrous emotions brought forth by such adventuring. Evidently, the world had changed while she and Nooroo were gone. No longer did church officials perform witch hunts, or peasants taking to the streets with pitchforks at the first sight of what was incomprehensible. Logically, it hadn’t been that way for at least a century before the fall of the Guardians, but her peaceful existence with the young Agrestes had solidified the notion in Duusu’s mind.

Over the years, even after she had given Emilie permission to use her Miraculous and bear a child she had dreamed of endlessly, the Kwami found herself close to the blonde woman. Unlike her other Holders, who’d come to see Duusu has a source of advice and guidance in their dark times, Emilie…became her friend. Her charm and whimsical nature sparked something the Goddess of Emotion had not felt in a long time, at least not for herself. First came amusement, casual and fleeting as it ebbed and flowed whenever Emilie cracked a joke or did something for them both to laugh over. The human’s unrelenting kindness eventually brought the Kwami to think of her as beyond endearing, and Duusu found herself initiating physical contact with the girl more and more. Asking for pats on the head, perching on her shoulder as she worked, letting Emilie ruffle her feathers. It was…an experience she could only faintly remember, from ages past where her first few Holders treated her like a good friend and in turn the Kwami dotted over them, offering her wings and many eyes to let their minds soar above and beyond. It was almost like what humans would consider a hug, just metaphysical, luminous instead of a simple contact between physical matter.

Things had evolved with time, and if she were here, Fluff would playfully chide her for being surprised by such indisputable fact. Emilie’s mere existence helped Duusu remember what it felt like to be close to a human Holder, before the constant series of inevitable losses wore down her heart and pushed her into wanting only their safety. It was…different, for lack of a proper word, to be motherly than it was to be a true friend. Her role of cosmic mentor afforded the Kwami a certain distance, allowed her to focus more on the positive aspects of each human’s life without coming into risky contact with the more intense aspects of her Concept. What good was grieving a lost child to a God who would simply go on to have another once her jewel found a new Holder? Short as their time was, Emilie seemed to understand Duusu, in a sense she’d never seen before from a mortal.

Naturally, friendship entails vulnerability, and while the Goddess never overshared secrets of the beyond, she did admit once to her friend that she missed singing for the stars. Emilie must have thought it a metaphor, but nonetheless she hasted to book them a ballroom on a Sunday afternoon, grabbed an old gramophone from Gabriel’s collection of antiques, and quickly unearthed an old classic piece which had been put on a record years ago. Without wasting a moment, Emilie practically dragged Duusu by the wing, and they’d spent hours upon hours singing and dancing together, just for the fun of it. And…with such a small, miniscule act of friendship, the Kwami had once again felt joy. Until that very moment in time, her happiness had been measured by how safe and pleasant the lives of her chicks were. A fully practical and malleable thing, instead of the abstract way humans would experience it. It was then, perhaps, and Duusu truly remembered what life was meant to be.

The very thing her fellows had long since understood and embraced, this sense of existing in the present and doing so to the fullest…Emilie had returned it to her. And with every day of whimsical jokes and tender care, the Kwami adjusted more and more, discovering her old self once again along the way. It came slowly, in dreams and hazy memories. Plagg perching on the Pyramid of Giza, using the golden tip as a scratching post to get rid of that itch on his back what bothered him. Tikki happily observing the brightest minds of the ancient world come together in symposiums and gatherings to trade ideas and create something new. Pollen, encouraging those hardworking folks upon which societies and empires were built with her dedication to the goal. Remembrance of her friends in their true forms, those of free mind and spirit, was what reawakened the fun-loving side of Duusu she’d dismissed as childish.

Every day since, she spent at Emilie’s side. Whether it was diligent work, quiet reading of a book in the afternoon light, cracking jokes with Gabriel and competing over who could make miss Nathalie laugh first…the Kwami found herself truly happy after eons of keeping far from her own Concept, to avoid the hurt that naturally came with loss. She wished to have spoken with Plagg after so many years of being apart, to sit down and tell her old friend that she finally understood. Living in the moment was something Duusu had forgotten, and Emilie’s reminded came with a second wind, revitalizing every bone in her astral, untenable body. Ethereal and miraculous, their time together was. Truly a wonderful thing, to have a friend so brilliant. The woman started every day by smiling brighter than Sol itself, and completely won the Kwami’s admirations.

Only…no good thing is meant to last forever. The very same revelation, the familiar pain which had brought Duusu to despair so many centuries ago, again reared its ugly head. Loss had come to infect Emotion again, when her kindest, favorite Holder fell into a deep, fathomless slumber. For a time, the Goddess had been left alone, curled up in her jewel and forgotten by the world. She blamed herself, for not seeing it. Even without her many eyes, Duusu should never have allowed Emilie’s smile to blind her. Sickness crept up on the poor woman, day by day she’d been getting weaker, yet gently dissuading the Kwami from rash, needless action. Still, she voiced her concerns to the human, but her Holder nonetheless kept on smiling. Emilie went to spend time with her son, assured Gabriel and Nathalie she was feeling fine, truly. And yet…she was dead now. There exists no other word, no other Concept for the damage done to her golden soul. Body and mind may be preserved pristinely, but Tikki had painstakingly crafted humanity to be luminous beings, not simply…crude matter. For as frozen in time as Emilie may appear, safe in the glass chamber underneath her once home, there was nothing in this world that could regress what had been done.

Short of a Union, the horribly dangerous act of bringing back Tikki and Plagg’s whole and rearranging reality itself…no amount of magic could bring back what had already slipped through the cracks. Like drops of crystalline water, Emilie’s soul had ever so slowly been wrung dry of luminescence, leaving only the physical, empty vessel behind. Duusu spent over a year, time which would be abysmally short in any other context, ruminating and arguing with herself over what exactly had been at fault. In the end…it didn’t matter. No amount of blame or anger, even directed at a godly being like herself, could ever give her a clear answer. Not when Emotion dominated the Kwami’s mind and did not allow for a level head. And so, Duusu had been left inside of a metal box, ironically named a safe by humans, to wither away inside her Miraculous until the presumed end of time.

Or at least, so it appeared. Then, miss Nathalie came into her life. Of course she’d already known the woman somewhat. She was…likable enough, all things considered, and oftentimes the little Goddess would tease and prod Emilie about how the two were such good friends. Her old friend would shake her head fondly, or give a toothy smile, before gently chiding Duusu for assuming other’s feelings, and returning to whatever had occupied her time before. The first she had felt from the woman was pure desperation, as soon as her jewel was pinned to Nathalie’s chest. A hasty transformation that shocked the Goddess as much as it did the mortal, and mister Gabriel had been…saved, for lack of a better term. Once Duusu was out and relatively free to roam, Nooroo had brought her up to speed. Her mind, however, was not what it used to be when last they met. Riddled with guilt and fighting her own Concept as untamable emotions ravaged her psyche, the Kwami only hazily recalled the next year to come. It was almost like peering through a thin fog, and without her eyes, she couldn’t easily tell which way was up anymore. Thankfully, Gabriel had done the sensible thing and repaired her Miraculous, despite Duusu’s disappointment as her and Nooroo’s situation finally came crashing down.

With powers misused for selfish, fruitless purposes, the two Kwami were left to try and fend for themselves against a master who had been thoroughly corrupted, his once pure heart eaten away by an endless hunger for power and insatiable ambition. Nooroo had described to her in great detail how exactly his foulest Holder slowly descended into madness, and they were both expecting it to inevitably catch up to him, cheering Ladybug and Chat Noir on from the sidelines till they could be rescued. It was not so much a matter of having faith as it was that of knowledge, of acute awareness of Gabriel’s deteriorating health. The ways he would stumble, slightly cough or how his breaths would turn shaky. Only once in a while, so sporadically innocent that his single-minded obsessions would never be interrupted, leaving him to helplessly spiral towards certain death. In truth, Duusu would have felt genuine pity for the man if she didn’t have herself to worry about. And as selfish as the Kwami may sound, such is the fundamental truth. Pity is above all else useless as an Emotion, existing solely as a byproduct of humanity’s existence. Despite the Concept she reigned over, this had been fairly easy to understand from the beginning, one of the few things God and mortal could both relate to. If one lifeform pities another, and is in a position to offer the slightest of aid without harming themselves, empathy and compassion dictate they must. And if they’ve nothing to offer, then sadness and concern take over, but one must first fend for themselves. A doctor cannot stich another’s wound if there exists a gaping hole in his chest, after all.

At the very least, that was Duusu’s rational once she familiarized herself with Nathalie once more. Finding the woman bedridden, body endlessly assailed by the very same wounds that had taken her last chick, Emotion’s only desire was to ever so gently cradle the poor human in her feathers, to take the pain away and offer a place of safety. But…in the desolate, dying halls of the Agreste Manor, even a God cannot save everyone. Nonetheless, Duusu tried. Now that her own wounds had been mended, the Kwami would gladly play the role of physician, and hopefully not lose another Holder. Away from Gabriel’s prying eyes she would slowly work, tirelessly scooping up Nathalie’s light with her feathers and slipping it back into her body. Still, the cracks refused to mend, held wide open by the same vile corruption that had poisoned Nooroo’s foulest. There was only so much she could do, and so Duusu once again lamented her ancient freedoms. Gone were the days where she could have fixed this with barely a flick of her talons. Away were the times where by plucking a single feather off her back and gently coating it in starlight, she could bring peace, clarity of mind, and mend all damage to a luminous form.

But…living in the moment allowed her to see something most curious. Nathalie’s injuries, damage which had even leaked into the realm of physical matter and caused her Holder the greatest of pains…began to heal, over the course of mere days. Naturally, she and Nooroo investigated her condition, just as much as they examined Gabriel’s mind time and time again, hunting down even a speck of residual darkness. To their utmost joy, it seemed as if alleviating one’s suffering was also helping the other, as the oppressive corruption which had forced Nathalie’s wounds to fester and rot had vanished, finally allowing Duusu’s work to take proper, permanent root. With each passing moment both their Holders’ minds and bodies were rejuvenated, and while her chick’s newfound vigor was a good sign, it was Gabriel’s drastic shift in behavior that solidified her theory.

He had gone from a crushed spirit beset by darkness and defiled by tragic loss, to a revitalized man who gently smiled and worked tirelessly to emulate Emilie’s sunny smiles. Gone was the demon masquerading as a human, the pathetic, shattered and dying shell of a man that had tormented the City of Light, the great capital of France. Nooroo himself seemed more hopeful than she had ever seen him, about Gabriel’s full recovery. Naturally, it would be the result of constant effort and immaculate self-control, but the God of Transmission believed wholeheartedly that it could be done. And curled up in Nathalie’s shirt pocket as she still was, with fresh air gently entering her miniscule lungs as Duusu took slow, easy breaths…Emotion too had Faith. For what is faith, if not conviction unrelenting in the face of grand adversity? Still…as her Holder’s chest rhythmically rose and fell, and she glimpsed the faint breeze caress Nathalie’s hair, the Kwami’s ruminations were not interrupted.

Silence often said more than words, and brought more comfort too. She could feel it, that familiar aching of the heart. It emanated from both mortal and Goddess, as Duusu finally peeked her tiny head out from where she had nested, examining their surroundings. Ahh, so it was the garden they had gone to. Well, it may never had held flowers, but she vividly recalled Emilie musing about planting a few, before the manor’s inhabitants all shifted their attention to her Holder’s growing illness. Caught up in her reminiscing, Duusu doesn’t realize she’s begun to hum the same little lullaby she once sang for the stars. The low, ethereal tune she’d shared with Emilie that night in the ballroom, to which the Kwami flew through the air, and the human sat, quietly listening with a mesmerized look in her glinting green eyes.

“I miss her too, Duusu…” Nathalie whispers to her, suddenly cutting off her musing. The little Goddess finds herself blinking in confusion, and realizes she’s been staring at the statue Gabriel had erected amidst the grass, tiny teardrops leaking from her eyes. Emilie’s pristine form stares down on them both, a perfect, flawless smile etched upon her features. The Kwami would be tempted to crush the thing between her talons, if she were able. “I…I wish I could see her again…”

Mayura doesn’t quite cry, but Emotion can feel grief and sorrow tug at her heartstrings. Alas, she too feels the craving for just a few more moments of Emilie’s time, one last real smile from her old friend. And yet, reunions with those who are gone aren’t possible, not since Tikki’s essence was shackled away and the power to create a bridgehead between realms went away with it. Even then, the Goddess of Creation is nowhere near, and simply unable to facilitate the wish. Duusu feels it so very intensely, the craving Nathalie has to see her beloved friend one more time…and the Kwami falls eerily silent. It’s a much more recent technique, a lesser form of magic that comes from mortal hands, able only to replicate a memory…but with her powers working in tandem, she might be able to give it life

Taking a deep breath, Duusu adopts the jovial and mischievous tone Emilie so often used, sparking her voice with a high chirp as she floats upwards and puts a comforting wing on Nathalie’s shoulder. “Well…about that.” the Kwami smiles, elated as her Holder’s eyes light up with beautiful hope. “I may just have an idea. Care to transform?” asks the Goddess, as if the mortal could possibly refuse her.

To her credit, Nathalie doesn’t do anything rash. Instead of jumping to her feet or hastily calling for her feathers to give rise, Mayura hides her startle well, picking herself off the soft grass and moving behind the statue for the best possible cover. Duusu nods in approval at her self-control, and wracks her brain to remember the proper symbols. Through their fledgling bond, which has only recently started to properly develop, the Kwami gently sends Nathalie the mental image as best as she can recall it. Her Holder breathes in deeply, committing it to memory, and prepares to activate the Miraculous.

“Now now May…” Duusu softly chirps, whispering caution. “You should know, this isn’t exactly perfect. But I’ll admit, the Guardians did make some pretty interesting spells before…you know. Reunion is simple, really! All you have to do is carve the symbol onto something that represents memories of the person you need to talk to, and use an artifact to fuel their awakening! Normally it’s something special between Kwami and humans…but a feather from your fan will do!” the Goddess cheerily explains, at least in broad strokes. For as much as she trusts Nathalie’s good heart, the woman has been led astray before. It isn’t wise to reveal so much about their ancient powers, even if Reunion is only mimicry, a half-hearted attempt of mortals to replicate the greatness of her kin. What reason has Duusu to give the details, when all Mayura cares about is results?

All the better for nobody to know one would need the active help of a Kwami, to be unable to coerce them into doing a foul master’s bidding. Plagg’s already had enough experience with being careless in the past, and none of them are willing to repeat such debacles. Nathalie looks at her for a moment, perplexed, before taking a deep breath, stifling her curiosity. “Why did you not tell me before?” she manages to ask in a perfectly flat tone, her trademark method of defense.

Still, Duusu can’t keep the hurt from running deep, for Mayura did trust her, most especially ever since they’d gotten to spend proper time together. As short as weeks and months are for Kwami, humans live for so few years that it’s only natural for it to matter greatly. And…she’s isn’t wrong. Nathalie does deserve an apology. “I…I wasn’t in a position to say. You were unwell, and this takes a lot of energy.” The Goddess says simply, even if the truth is anything but. Thankfully, the woman is smarter than most, and her mind wanders back to Gabriel. To how badly his mind would be damaged if he had learned of this before. No doubt, the poor bastard would have gladly sealed himself deep below the earth, content with talking only to a ghost for the rest of his existence.

A nod of acknowledgement is all she gets from Mayura, but the Kwami can easily sense the understanding washing over her new friend in waves. Nathalie recognizes this chance at closure for the divine gift that it is, and extends silent gratitude. Carefully removing her glasses, the woman quietly murmurs the words of transformation, taking care to hide most of the blue flash behind the statue. Plucking a sharp feather out of her fan, Mayura brings the symbol Duusu had shared to the forefront of her mind, and meticulously begins to carve into the stone. It takes her a good few minutes, but with the feather cleanly hacking through any obstacle, the forgotten ideogram of an ancient tongue quickly appears. A circle surrounding symbols whose real meaning is lost to the sands of time, swallowed by the dessert and then partly reconstructed by those who can never know Truth. It was quite the same as finding a shattered mosaic and trying to piece it back together with solely thoughts and prayers.

Ooh, how many had tried, across history. Ancient secrets beckoned ever so sweetly, even to those who would call themselves righteous protectors and Guardians of humanity. But Duusu and her kin had never chosen to entrust them, feigning ignorance whenever questioned on the rights. They’d left the monks to figure things out on their own. What did it say about the Goddess then, granting this knowledge to a human purely on the basis of their emotional attachment? Kwami could not feel love, not in the same way mortals understood. They were compassionate, naturally sympathetic to all forms of life, and they did love their Concepts. Nooroo would cheer and whirl amidst the stars when humans first managed to communicate new feelings to each other, Tikki would nod and smile proudly once the wheel was invented…but it was not until they were shackled that any God truly comprehended human love. It was a fluxing, fickle thing, and it was why Duusu had revealed to Nathalie this secret.

Mayura steps back from the stone, keeps the sharp feather well in hand and loses her transformation. The Kwami of Emotion perched on her shoulder, appraising the glyph with great care. Then, she snatched the white feather from between Nathalie’s fingers, holding it against her small chest. Ever so slowly, mindful of the woman’s presence and focus on her, Duusu begins pouring energy and feeling into the cold stone, making it flare with memories and vision. It's been eons since she last tried something like this, and the Kwami still had her ethereal wings…but for Emilie, who she knew so well…it isn’t impossible. Ever so slowly, the stone begins to emanate a soft blue hue, invisible to all but Mayura and the Gods. The light is formless and flickering, but Duusu is determined, and begins to guide every bit of her last Holder’s essence that had remained within her Miraculous towards it. The blue light shifts, dissipates into an all-enveloping mist, and despite the spell’s low power…Emilie Agreste steps out of the fog, and breathes again.

It's a shallow, fickle inhale that could never support a human body, and it is as needless as it is enough. Nathalie steps back, looking almost in awe at the blonde woman standing in front of her. In truth, Emilie is but a collection of memories, up to the final time she’d ever worn Duusu’s Miraculous, when her eyes fluttered shut for the final time. A fathomless slumber now encompasses her true body, and the woman’s soul is damaged so irreparably that a true awakening is nigh impossible. Only memories remain, a part of human consciousness so deeply engraved into the self, that it’s even imprinted unto the magic jewel a little God inhabits. The Kwami of Emotion sighs in relief as the blonde blinks in confusion, and begins to pour her energy into maintaining the Reunion for as long as possible.

“N-Nathalie?” Emilie dares to speak, breaking the silence that had fallen between the three of them. Mayura has tears in her eyes that seem to sting, almost causing her pain. Duusu only gives a small nod of greeting, gracefully floating to the side so they may focus on each other. She made her peace with death long ago, and her last Holder’s was only natural. As tightly as the feelings of guilt and sorrow swelled in her tiny body, the Kwami was determined to keep her current chick safe. The past could not be changed, even Fluff had her limits. But perhaps…by remembering it, they could alter the future.

Emilie.” Mayura breathes almost in reverence, blinking tears away as if she can’t believe her eyes. The blonde gives her a toothy grin, see-through form taking a misty step closer. “It worked. I can’t believe that worked.” Nathalie murmurs to herself, then quickly shakes her head. It doesn’t matter how this ancient secret works, that isn’t what she’s here for. “I…I really missed you, Em.”

The words are stiff, her voice suddenly getting caught in the back of her throat. Blessedly, Emilie moves another step forward, enveloping Nathalie in the closest approximation to a hug she can manage. Phantom limbs move cleanly through Mayura’s body, and so the blonde resorts to mimicking the stance, earning a soft chuckle from her old friend. They part after a moment, and Emilie Agreste blinks in confusion, as if just realizing that this meeting doesn’t make sense to her. It takes barely a second’s contemplation before her mouth forms a tiny o shape, and she sighs deeply. “Nat…how long have I been…gone?” comes the question, in a low and quiet tone.

It’s almost as if she fears disturbing the silence which looms over them more than the answer. Emilie watches patiently, with that same look of compassion in her eyes that had once set Nathalie’s heart ablaze with passion and love…and all the other woman can give in return is a sad smile. The words won’t come out, but the blonde can tell. However much time has passed since she last remembers seeing the world in her own eyes, it’s been long enough. In an instant, she’s kneeled on the grass next to her old friend, and Mayura also makes to sit. Her legs are shaking uncontrollably, Emilie extends a ghostly hand for her to grab onto. It passes right through, but she manages to set herself down without injury.

“I’m sorry.” Nathalie hears the whisper as the golden sunlight shines down upon them. I’m sorry for leaving you alone. Her heartstrings are pulled and tangled by every syllable, but she only breathes deeply, letting it all go. Emilie slowly moves her hand as if to put a finger on her chin, to turn her head so they can lock eyes. Mayura complies; how could she ever refuse the woman she still loves? “Nat, I-” she goes to say, her voice soothing and gentle, but is cut off by a sudden nod.

“Adrien is alright. As well as he can be.” Nathalie says quietly, relishing in the look of relief that washes over Emilie’s soft features. Worry had begun to pool around her, and the assurance wasn’t a lie. There was so much pain these past two years, culminating in the events of the past weeks, but Adrien was okay. He smiled brightly, was spending time with good, loyal friends, and Gabriel was making an active effort to repair their relationship. It was everything Emilie had wished for and more, in those final days where her sickness had put a strain on the bonds between father and son.

Green eyes glimmer at her for a moment, as the blonde examines her response. It holds none of the professional, defensive tone she’d sometimes hear when her friend was distressed or omitting the truth. Emilie looks down at herself for a moment, noticing the silver gloves on her hands. She blinks in confusion, then sees the blue dress hugging her form. It’s as ethereal as the rest of her body, still that same colorful silk that draped downwards from the shoulder straps in a mix of deep blue, dark cyan and light purples hues. At it’s back, a single peahen’s feather protrudes from a strap of cloth going around her waist, tall enough to reach the back of her neck. On Emilie’s face there isn’t any mask, rather a tiny tricorn hat with a blue feather at it’s front, a silly little choice Gabriel had jokingly suggested years ago. Said it made her look fancy, as if she didn’t have a room-sized closet in the manor already.

Remembering her past comes as naturally as breathing, memories flow through her mind like water down a stream…but the moment Emilie tries to think about when she last saw Nathalie, it’s as if a fog sets over her eyes, blocking her vision. Only the faintest of glimpses pass through…and she regrets not getting to bid Adrien goodbye. One of the few emotions she still has a firm handle on. To know that he’s okay, to feel her friend’s joy…it makes Emilie smile, this knowledge that Adrien still has a mother to take care of him. A buzz in the back of her head urges the woman to think about how she’s even here, the logical part of her mind having question after question…but that same fog appears again, now far more gentle. In a feather-light touch, it soothes her worries, gives unspoken encouragement to live in the moment. Duusu floats somewhere behind her, Emilie can tell, and the little Kwami is up to something, if the way in which she keeps escaping her glances is any indication.

The silence persists, only growing louder the more time passes between words. Nathalie’s eyes are misty with tears now, as she tries to open her mouth and force out feelings that refuse to be revealed. Her face is stone cold, features frozen in place as she begins to take deep breaths, tightly gripping soft blades of grass between her fingers. “Em…I’m sorry for waking you. I- I just wanted to-” she chokes out almost in desperation, laying a hand on her throat. Nathalie presses delicate fingers against her neck, as if to physically force herself to complete the sentence. Then…she falls silent, yet again. Her face falls, and she scoots away, unable to so much as look in the blonde’s direction. “Emilie…I love you.” Nathalie whispers, almost to herself. It’s as much a confession as it is an admittance, once that she’s never dared utter aloud before.

Emilie Agreste kneels next to her best friend, and wraps the other woman in a warm hug. Even with a spectral, ethereal body, she still emanates enough warmth to thaw out Nathalie’s heart. “I know. I’ve…always known.” she says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I just thought- after you saw me falling for Gabriel, I imagined you were content with us…being friends. It was always more, but I never wanted to make you uncomfortable, Nat.” Emilie tells her in a soft voice, and for once there’s the smallest hint of a frown on her face. The world itself stills in Nathalie’s eyes, and they stay entangled for a moment longer.

Almost on instinct, she opens her mouth to retort, at least to ask why Emilie never told her while she was still- while they were still together. Nathalie feels the urge to scream, to cry, to grab her best friend and shake her by the shoulders for not saying something…but as always, Emilie is right. They still remained as close as ever, in all the years after she had been the maid of honor at her and Gabriel’s wedding. Even with a thick layer of ice laying over her broken heart, Nathalie never sank into despair. She was never jealous of her other friend, didn’t really want for anything in terms of their relationship. Emilie still was her closest confidant, her most trusted friend. They adventured together, explored ancient and previously undiscovered ruins in search of mysteries and miracles. They traveled the world at each other’s side, and with Gabriel happily following along on each and every expedition. Nathalie always felt safe when in the blonde’s presence, even allowed herself to be a kind of vulnerable she’d never quite believed was possible. Were their relationship to have turned romantic at any point, the only difference would be that she and Emilie may have shared kisses or a bedroom. Emotionally, nothing would change. Love had permeated their bond since the very beginning, she was just too blinded by contrition to see it.

In the end…Nathalie’s only regret was never being brave enough to admit those feelings to herself, much less her best friend. If she had told Em all those years ago, there was no doubt in her mind that very little would be different in their lives. And she needn’t have feared anything in the first place, because Emilie had known from the start. For her part, the spectral woman leaned closer to her, using whatever remnant of Duusu’s powers remained within her soul to wash Nathalie’s mind in a wave of love safety acceptance. A deep sigh escaped Mayura’s lungs, and she allows herself to lay on the grass, with the blonde mimicking her as she flashes a toothy grin. It wouldn’t hurt to imagine it, if only for a moment…

Emilie Sancoeur walks down the warm halls of the Agreste manor, wearing casual clothes and wide smile on her face. The woman’s hair shines in the golden sunlight that falls through the windows, and she gently knocks on the doors to Gabriel’s atelier. She doesn’t wait for an answer before gently turning the knob and walking through, seeing her best friend leaning over a stack of papers at his desk. He’s completely absorbed in his work, and the blonde shakes her head in fond exasperation. Sneaking up behind him, she taps Gabriel on the shoulder, making the man yelp so hard that he almost trips over himself.

“Ahh! Dammit Em, do I need to put a bell on you?” he demands, trying to sound annoyed, but a soft chuckle escapes him, which he expertly covers up with mumbling nonsense under his breath. As much as he wants to seem intimidating, Gabriel only ends up sighing deeply, before blinking in surprise at the sunlight outside. “…oh, is it morning already?”

“Gabriel Agreste, I swear to Duusu, one of these days I’m tying you to the bed until you actually sleep!” she scolds him seriously, before they both share a smile. For a moment, it almost looks like he’ll try to argue again, claim that with Fashion Week just around the corner he needs to stay focused or some other excuse…but he doesn’t look very convincing, with his face red as a tomato from embarrassment.

Without any more protest, Emilie happily grabs him by the arm and promptly drags Gabriel directly across the hallway and into the kitchen, where Nathalie is already brewing her third coffee. She sits the man down at the table, and walks up to her wife, planting a kiss on her cheek. “Morning Nat!” Emilie chirps with excitement, eagerly snatching the coffee mug that’s been left on the counter. Taking a sip, she sets it down and hugs her from the side, earning a deep sigh before the embrace is returned.

“I will never understand how you have so much energy in the morning…” Nathalie rolls her eyes, taking a step back and downing a whole cup before going back in for a second hug. When they part again, Emilie leaves a teasing kiss on her cheek before sitting down across from Gabriel.

With a carefree shrug, she offers them both a toothy smile. “What can I say, I just like sunlight!” she sing-songs at her wife. Nathalie has the decency to turn away without comment and quickly set their plates before sitting down to share the breakfast. Scrambled eggs, bacon and toasted bread, Emilie’s favorite!

The three quickly fall in animated chatter, with Gabriel wisely choosing to not talk about work lest he be stared at by his friends again. Emilie’s disappointed look coupled with Nathalie’s icy one is not a combination any man should ever have to deal with… Still, jokes and laughter are exchanged, all the while Emilie holds her wife’s hand under the table, scooting her chair a bit closer. The Agreste manor filled with warmth, and golden rays of sunlight wash over them on the start of a new day…

Nathalie blinks to herself, eyes darting around only for her to realize that she’s still laying on the soft blades of grass, with Emilie’s ghostly form sitting at her side, smiling brightly. “Not much different than how we already were, is it?” the blonde asks cheekily, causing Mayura to fondly shake her head.

“I suppose not…” Nathalie mutters in consideration. “I…I’m glad I got to tell you, Em.” she says earnestly, offering a rare smile. Her friend grins right back, shining brightly as she sits up on the grass. Wisping blue smoke floats into the air as she mimes scooting herself closer, like feathers being carried away by the soft breeze.

“Hey…Nat? There is something I regret myself; you know. We…never got to try it.” Emilie says in a low, flustered tone as a hue of phantom pink paints her cheeks. “Do you want to?” she asks, a question so simple and yet so sudden that her heart nearly freezes up entirely. The blonde looks almost shy, eyes glinting in the same way as those nights back in college, where Emilie would come back from a date with Gabriel and excitedly drag Nathalie to the couch, sharing every little detail and being all smiles.

This…if they were to have had this talk a few years ago, Mayura is certain she would regret it. No doubt, guilt would pool in her gut, relentlessly tug at her heartstrings until she simply couldn’t take it anymore. She doesn’t trust her voice not to fail, and instead Nathalie steels her features and determination…and slowly leans in. Emilie meets her halfway, and suddenly a feather-light tingle is on her lips. It’s nothing like a lightning bolt coursing through her veins, or blood being set alight with blazing passion. No…instead Nathalie feels the sensation to be soft, gentle, and loving. Her eyes meet Emilie’s gaze, emerald orbs staring into the deep blue sea…and she slowly shuts them. She raises a hand to cup her friend’s cheek, ethereal and intangible as it is…but Emilie has already begun to fade, wisping away in strings of light blue smoke that vanish under golden sunlight. By the time Nathalie opens her eyes, the garden is quiet, and she’s left alone again.

Paradoxically, it doesn’t seem to bother her. Emilie’s absence had nearly destroyed her family, eating Adrien alive from the inside out, sending Gabriel down a manic spiral of desperation and despair…and leaving Nathalie’s hands icy like those of a corpse, her heart frozen over by gnawing blizzards and cold winds. In those early days, she had barely managed to keep herself together. Adrien let himself go, stopped eating and barely left his room without constant coaxing. Gabriel hadn’t been much better, practically driving himself insane with the what-ifs, tearing through the Grimoire’s pages for a mystical cure with even more fervor than before. If Nathalie hadn’t forced her mind to freeze solid, putting forth only their needs and nothing else, she would have gladly welcomed an eternal sleep alongside Emilie.

And now, with the woman of her dreams slipping right through her fingers like a false mirage, or a fleeting specter…Nathalie feels content. Regret has been washed away by the familiar warmth her heart’s been missing, and a sense of invigoration pours into her bones. As if her very soul was renewed by Emilie’s presence, Mayura basks in the sun’s golden rays, seeing a pair of green eyes watching over her just out of sight. She stays on the grass, Duusu floating down to her and perching on Nathalie’s shoulder with an exhausted sigh. For a moment silence makes it’s return, now feeling like more of a comfort than a nagging push on the back of her neck. As the little Goddess flutters her feathers and gives out low chirps of fulfillment, her Holder sits in silence. The sun keeps shining down on them with barely a care in the world, and the shadow cast on the blades of grass by Emilie’s statue shrinks ever so slightly, as much as it is physically possible for emotions to manifest in the corporeal world. Time seems to lose it’s meaning as Kwami and human both bask in the warming light, until distant footsteps sound along the gravel path.

Nathalie slowly turns her head, watching as Gabriel cautiously approaches her. Gone is the intimidating form and gangly limbs, instead replaced by a steadfast tallness that almost seems to signify a pillar of support, and a soft smile on his features. She doesn’t call out to him, but doesn’t make any move to prevent him from inching closer. Nooroo floats at his side, the little God zipping up to Duusu and quickly offering a hug that his friend gladly accepts. Gabriel slowly kneels next to her on the grass, gently placing a hand on her leg and slightly pressing against the muscle, checking for trembling or strain.

After a few moments, he seems satisfied as to her wellbeing, and makes to sit. “I’m…sorry if I startled you.” he says in a low voice and clear words. It’s a new development, the way Gabriel tries to break away from the habit of speaking loudly or in the harsh tones vital to the fashion industry. Instead of sharp, jagged movements, he makes an attempt to always telegraph his motions, especially around Amelie and Adrien. “Nathalie, I felt-” he tries to say, cutting himself off as she glances his way. Gabriel clutches his Miraculous, and she knows what he’s afraid of. Her thinking that sensing her emotions is an invasion of privacy.

“I’d be surprised if you hadn’t.” she tells him in the least sarcastic or condescending tone she can manage. A part of her does feel it to be a bit ridiculous how overly cautious he is about anything to do with Hawkmoth…but Nathalie also knows she can’t quite understand it. Mayura had been brilliant, a source of incredible, intoxicating power that flowed through her veins every time she transformed. And already her mind had begun to focus solely on thoughts of victory, before she fell too ill to use it again. Gabriel had been drowning in that darkness for years…how can she blame him for being afraid?

“Your emotions were fluctuating, before. I came to see if everything is alright?” he explains in an uncertain, almost questioning tone. From anyone else, Nathalie could easily have taken it as an accusation, but for all his faults, Gabriel never partook in deceit of feigned emotions. He gives her a long look when she doesn’t immediately answer. When defensive, it was easy for her to quickly change the topic of discussion in any circumstance, or turn to the familiar icy tone that once became second nature.

Nathalie can do nothing more than give a deep sigh, glancing over at the statue. Emilie’s perfect smile is expertly carved into the stone, and both of them can’t help but slightly frown as they meet her cold eyes. “I’m fine, Gabriel. Really…I just needed some air. My legs are much better now.” she tells him honestly, offering an old smile he hasn’t seen in years. The very same curl of the lip from back in their adventuring days, where the three of them would spend the night ‘round a campfire, and Emilie would challenge him to a competition of who could make Nathalie laugh first.

For a moment, it crosses her mind to explain the miracle Duusu has shared with her. Surely, it is what Gabriel has been craving all this time. Just one last chance to talk to his wife, to tell Emilie how much he misses and still loves her. But his eyes never linger on her face, not in the way of days past, when they would stand in her shadow and devise plans to take away Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous. There is no mist in his gaze, no rose-tinted glasses to be seen as Gabriel looks upon the statue for hours on end. He’s turned away as quickly and casually as one ever could, and doesn’t spare it a second glance. Slowly, he pushes himself off the ground and extends a hand for Nathalie to grab onto to. She accepts, lets him pull her off the grass as Nooroo and Duusu fly into the shirt pocket of their respective Holder. Gabriel gently takes her by the arm, helping her walk along the gravel path and back inside the manor, before stopping in front of the staircase.

He checks her over again, ever so carefully lets go of her while being ready to reach out if she doesn’t manage to stand on her own. Nathalie’s legs hold firm, and Gabriel offers a smile of his own. “I’m glad you’re alright. There’s still some work to be done, but you know where to find me. If anything-” he tells her, trying again to insist she call upon him should his help be needed, but Nathalie silences him with a glare. He shakes his head in fond exasperation, turning away and quickly vanishing behind the Atelier doors.

Duusu peeks her tiny head out of Nathalie’s shirt pocket, eyes darting around to check if they’re alone. Then, she promptly flies up to her Holder’s head, making herself comfortable amidst fluffy black hairs. The woman makes no move to stop her, even as the Kwami’s feathers sink into her red streak. Nathalie finds herself smiling at Duusu, but as she gazes up the staircase at Adrien’s room, the familiar churning of her gut returns to haunt her. He hasn’t yet returned, but she can’t afford to put this off any longer. She doesn’t want to frighten him…but what choice does Nathalie have? If she’s lucky, they’ll sit down for another talk and she might just finally coax it out of him. She isn’t one for deceit or white lies, and Adrien needs to know.

He might just decide to trust her, and she can be there for him to talk to about…everything. Nathalie sighs deeply, leaning on the metal railing and dragging herself upstairs, back towards her bedroom door. The Peacock Miraculous feels like a weight on her shoulders, and it’s about time she stops keeping secrets. It’s better for him to hate her forever than to love the woman who’s hurt him so much in the past. Adrien deserves to make his own decisions…even if revealing the truth will likely cost her the boy she sees as a son. Leaning against her bedroom door, Nathalie wipes the tears forming in her eyes, and gently unpins the brooch from her chest. She props her Miraculous on the nightstand…and hears the echo of the front doors slamming shut. Even if it’s a whole floor below, the sound of his footsteps is unmistakable to her. Adrien is finally home.


And…scene! Oh, thank Nooroo I’m actually done! Sorry this chapter took a whole month to get out, like I said in the beginning notes there were some technical issues on my end. Again, everything’s fine now, it just took me a while to get things back in order. I’ll admit, this chapter does feel a bit strange to me. Not in a bad way or from a writing perspective, it’s just the first time where a I tried to write a slower, more lighthearted chapter that feels calm. That’s probably the last way anyone might ever describe this fic. In the past, every filler chapter was either tackling a character’s issues, advancing the plot in some minor way, or very much not calm in nature. There was always the sense of foreboding as things slowly built up to the inevitable appearance of Lila…and we all know what happened after. Here though, the conflict is much more personal. It’s Nathalie against herself, struggling with her feelings of love. Romantic for Emilie, maternal for Adrien. I won’t go into much detail today, but there’s a few things I want to point out, so let’s get started!

Firstly, our local Eldritch Horror and magical extraordinaire, Duusu! I’ll admit, I took a bit of a risk with her characterization here since we don’t actually see all much of her and Nathalie, Mayura aside. I wanted to give her a backstory that gave more depth to the whimsical and romance-loving creature we see in canon, and I actually ended up liking this version of her a lot! A Kwami who, like all her kin, slowly realized that the pain of loss would be a constant in her life because of how few years humans live, and detached herself from interpersonal relationships. It’s especially ironic since Duusu is the Goddess of Emotion, the very concept she is trying to avoid engagement with. Now, admittedly I personally see her as being able to feel a lot more strongly than the others, hence the pain of losing a Holder hitting her the hardest. It almost seems fitting that she kept her distance in order to not get hurt, but still ended up being a loving mother hen regardless of her efforts. And yes, Duusu has made mistakes in the past. She’s coddled and sometimes accidentally stifled her Holders, or got them to settle for a quiet life when they could have been great. Then again, greatness doesn’t equate happiness, so maybe she was right after all?

Point is, she has confirmation bias of her methods working because all her Holders (after the first few which were the cause of her change in behavior) aside from Emilie treated her as a wizened mentor. It’s so much unlike the Duusu we know because she’s almost forgotten how to feel by the time Emilie finds her. And it’s their connection and friendship that restores the magical whimsy the Goddess of Emotion was once known for. Duusu sees her Holder’s relationships with others, and it gets her to feel again! Also, I will fully admit that the ballroom thing I mentioned is absolutely peak Emilie behavior in my book. I’m sorry but if you really can’t see her straight up booking an entire ballroom just to make her mystical peahen friend happy…what can I say? ACOLL Emilie is a treasure and we all love her.

Secondly, Nathalie and her relationship with Adrien. This should be fairly obvious from the cliffhanger, but considering the calm tone I took with most of this chapter, I feel like I should say it. She tells him she knows he’s a furry in the next chapter. I actually would have put it in this one, but the foreboding feeling felt like a good place to end it on and I didn’t want to delay even more, so…it is what it is. Still, Nathalie isn’t wrong to be terrified of this confrontation. Adrien may have a heart of gold, but telling him that she knows his identity is no easy feat, especially after everything Chat Noir has been through. And Nathalie might already be covering for him, since she knows he sneaks out of the house often, but she also wants to be there for Adrien. She assumes that he and Ladybug tell each other everything, but wants to be a pillar of support to him in the same way she was to Emilie and Gabriel. It’s how she shows affection, and we love Nathalie for that.

Anyway, I’ll be seeing you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 27: Family Secrets


As Adrien Agreste finally returns home after a day spent with friends, Nathalie Sancoeur struggles to confess that she knows his biggest secret. Left to battle against her own insecurities, will she manage to tell him about Chat Noir's identity, or let cowardice drag her down? Meanwhile, Gabriel Agreste battles with his past mistakes, and a surprise intervention from Amelie sets off a course of events that will force him to fulfill the promise made to his son!


Hello there everyone and welcome back to Hell! We’ve got angst, butterflies, Eldritch Gods, and that one girl from Italy that showed up here two weeks ago! We...we don't want her, take her back! Anyhow, as you can see, I’m pretty happy with myself right about now, and very excited for this chapter! Finally Arc 3 kicks off with a bang, and we can get to the good stuff! No spoilers, but I really, really can’t wait to give you the last third of the fic! And even better news, I’m working on a little something in the background! Won’t say anything for another month or two until some stuff gets finalized, but…I think I know what I’m writing after ACOLL, and it’s going to be a blast! Yeah, sorry for the slight delay, I just spent a bit of time with my Secret Project™. But anyway, don’t worry about that until further notice!

As for the current plot, we’re back with today’s special edition of Agreste Drama! Once again, this family is making their personal issues a problem for the whole of Paris! A classic, really! Nathalie’s talking bird makes a comeback, and a myriad of secrets are revealed across the family! Sounds like a great idea! With the best of intentions! What could possibly go wrong? Let’s see, shall we?

Note: Shameless self-promotion of my Tumblr! You can find me here: ( for rants, localized insanity, AUs that I haven’t yet made, and a lot more! Plus, I’m thinking of doing a snippet collection soon, and might ask around for ideas there!

Trigger Warnings: Depression, mental trauma, severe (past) physical harm, suicidal thoughts, mental breakdowns, discussions of loss, mentioned alcohol abuse, survivor’s guilt, light bleeding, hallucinations, internalized guilt, and panic attacks.

Now, grab a snack, a drink and get ready for: Nathalie’s A+ parenting, Adrien’s fursona, Plagg being an Eldritch Horror beyond mortal comprehension, Gabriel having an identity crisis, Nooroo being an unlicensed therapist, Amelie opening up the fridge, Nooroo ripping off Dragonball-Z, and quite possibly, Duusu sensing a disturbance in the Force!

Without any further ado…let’s jump right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nathalie Sancoeur was absolutely not pacing in her bedroom, even as Adrien’s footsteps grew ever closer. She knew, logically, that he would simply head up to his room until dinner, and come say hello in the late afternoon like he always did. There was no discernable reason to deviate from this routine, and she could easily make it seem like today was perfectly normal. But…her breath kept hitching with every moment she considered putting the matter aside, like a noose constricting around her throat. Nathalie knew that it was wrong of her to keep this secret any longer, she should have already dragged him aside and confessed. It’s only proper for the guilty to hang, and she struggled to breathe without the comforting weight of Duusu’s brooch on her chest.

As much as removing it had felt like being rid of it felt like being rid of a massive weight, she finds herself missing the whimsical presence in the back of her head, one that so vividly reminded her of Emilie’s bright smile. For a moment, her legs quake under the pressure, and she thinks it would be easy to claim illness and stay in bed for the day. Adrien would come see her yes, but the familiarity of his worrying would cover up any guilt, and Nathalie could indulge herself in her son’s affection a while longer. She hadn’t ever thought to allow herself such a notion, not even at her imagination’s wildest moments. To call the Adrien her son felt almost heretical, and before her talk with Emilie, she’d taken great care to bury such feelings under a mountain of snow, safeguarding her heart with sharp icicles and freezing winds. Still…the bond had always been there. Out of respect for her best friend, Nathalie had done her best to ignore the nagging affection she’d felt for the little blonde child who was often in her care so many years ago. As she watched him grow up, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of immense pride when he excellent at the subjects she would tutor him in, and promptly convince herself it was only right for a teacher to smile at their student’s success.

Now…all she could feel was fear. A terrible sense of foreboding, the horrid nightmare of this motherly role she’d only just acclimated to burning to cinders under Adrien’s wrathful gaze, for keeping such a terrible secret from him. But Nathalie knew in her heart that the longer she delayed, the more time these feelings would have to devour her whole, starting with the sliver of goodness still left in her heart. Strangely enough, thinking this way didn’t bring back any of the now ancient jeers that had tormented her all throughout childhood and well into her teenage years. She’d always been cold-hearted, with Emilie Agreste being the first and only person to fully nest herself in that tiny nook of warmth that still lingered in Nathalie’s soul. Or at least…until Adrien. The boy she’d raised together with her best friends, who Gabriel once joked would call her auntie one day, back when he was a babe incapable of speech. She’d given an honest laugh, unable to comprehend such an absurd notion. Nathalie was just the family friend; the dutiful assistant. What business would she have in the little boy’s life when both his real parents were there to shower him with eternal love?

Even Emilie’s smile, a grin brighter than the sun itself, slowly began to fade over the years as sickness strove to overtake her. Just like stars could die out there in the cosmos, leaving behind only a frozen core floating alone in vast darkness…so had she one day vanished to the winds. And the spark which Nathalie could still faintly recognize as joy followed her into the next life. She’d been terrified back then, those first few days where Gabriel would lock himself inside the Atelier, relentlessly tearing through the Grimoire’s pages for the hundredth time to mercilessly hunt down even the slightest missed detail. He stubbornly refused to open the pristine doors, often mumbling to himself and snarling like a cornered animal, and sometimes she would sniff at the heavy stench of alcohol accompanying quiet sobs that dare not echo into the manor’s halls. Something similar could be said of Adrien, who took to laying his limp body on his bed, refusing to move a muscle. With Gabriel drowning in sorrow and desperately searching for solutions at the bottom of a bottle, the boy’s care had fallen to Nathalie. She was the least qualified, even according to herself, and she’d always been an excellent judge of competency. In the year that followed, she tended to him as Nooroo would try and tend to his new master, each of them desperately trying to keep the pitiful shell which had once been a living being from joining Emilie Agreste in the grave for just awhile longer. Adrien had thankfully improved quickly, and with Nathalie nagging and constantly prodding him in much the same tone his mother once used on her when self-care lost it’s meaning in the face of work, he started to recognize the boy in his mirror again.

Gabriel was almost an entirely different man after a few weeks of isolation inside the Atelier. To this day, Nathalie vehemently believed he would have starved himself there had she not thought to leave meals and water outside his door whenever she had a spare moment from checking on Adrien. Thankfully, it seemed that as his drinks ran dry, so did her old friend’s capacity for ignoring his old needs. Gabriel picked himself up in a way Nathalie almost envied and threw every fiber of his being into relieving her of any business-related duties she’d taken upon herself. Taking care of finances, signing new design proposals, finally announcing Emilie’s passing to the public, organizing a funeral and contacting Amelie… she could still hear the heart-wrenching screams of righteous fury the woman had spat at him, even with Gabriel locked inside the Atelier. Still, this had all left her with the sole responsibility of looking after Adrien, and the boy’s improvement only hastened when Nathalie advised him to keep busy and use a schedule to organize his days. In hindsight it may not have been the best idea to have him dependent on something which would soon be out of his control, but she could never withhold the method by which she survived the world before meeting Emilie Agreste.

In the end, she doesn’t regret a moment of raggedly dragging herself around the manor for months on end as she tended to Adrien. As dark a time as it had been, caring for her friend’s son had given Nathalie purpose she sorely needed. And now…it was very possible he would reject everything she’d ever done for him, and she would absolutely deserve being scorned for deceiving him. A soft knock at her door nearly made Nathalie trip over herself, but she managed to stay upright despite the shock. “Nat? Can I come in?” Adrien’s voice called out in slight concern.

She allowed it, mentally preparing herself to sit the boy down and finally tell him that she knew. He quickly approached her, wrapping Nathalie in what very well could be the last hug she’d ever get from him, and asked if she was feeling alright. “Y-yes, I’m fine. I…actually wanted to talk to you, if you have time.” she says in the familiar politeness that makes Adrien raise an eyebrow at her. His eyes dart to his shirt pocket for a moment, and she pretends not to notice the slight shuffle of fabric as he takes the invitation to sit down for a chat.

Silence envelops them as he looks at her with a soft smile, worry darting through emerald eyes. Adrien’s features seem almost catty the longer she gazes, but Nathalie manages to clear her throat, and chooses to start with a harmless subject. “How did your outing go? I hope you had fun.” she asks with a stale tone, and he nods, playing along and allowing himself to fall for the preamble to whichever topic she actually has in mind.

“Nothing much happened. I met up with Nino and Alya; we said goodbye to Luka. He’s leaving tomorrow, remember?” Adrien’s fingers twitch as he brings up his friends, absentmindedly fiddling with the silver ring on his right hand. She does her best not to stare at it; the Miraculous which Gabriel would once literally kill for.  

“I’m…glad.” Nathalie chokes out, and Adrien gives a heavy sigh before shooting her a glare. Unlike Emilie’s infinite patience, her son seems to be the very opposite with those he can relax around. She thinks miss Tsurugi might have instilled it in him, this strange bluntness that’s absent from Adrien’s childhood. Or maybe it’s only now that he’s finding himself, and doesn’t like to beat around the bush? “Adrien…remember when I said that you could tell me anything?”

He doesn’t answer her, only nodding slightly to show she’s been heard. Nathalie sees his fingers reflexively close around the ring, as if he’s trying to protect it. “I was hoping you’d tell me on your own…and I’m sorry for keeping this from you. I- I should have told you that I know.” she whispers in a low voice, barely able to bring the admittance out into the world. Adrien stares at her in shock for a moment, and his fingers twitch before he’s able to get them under control.

“You…you know?” he asks with a perplexed tone, as if not understanding what she’s getting at. Had Nathalie not tagged along at each and every one of Emilie’s performances when they were back in college, she might have just believed the innocent look he gave.

“I saw you coming in through the window the day you went to investigate miss Rossi’s dealings at your school.” Nathalie admits under her breath, trying not to curse at how toneless she’s sounding. Prim and proper is not how she wants to be, but the fearful chokehold around her neck allows nothing else. She isn’t sure if he even heard her until Adrien’s ear twitches, and she can almost imagine Chat Noir’s tail swishing in confusion as he locks eyes with her.

With a deep sigh, the blonde wraps her into a gentle hug. Undeserved warmth floods Nathalie’s bones, and she greedily takes it all in, embracing the boy whose become her son in these past years. Then, Adrien slowly pulls away, and pokes his front pocket, electing an annoyed grumble from the fabric. “Sorry for not telling you. But…I guess there’s introductions to be made.” he says with no small amount of hesitation, but Nathalie makes sure to flash a supportive smile as a tiny black head peeks out at her.

The Kwami takes one look at Nathalie, and immediately flies over to examine her. He seems to stare at her with distrust, much to Adrien’s chagrin. A loud groan escapes the tiny God, and he floats right up to her face with a calculating look. “Name’s Plagg. It’s…nice to meet you, lady.” The Kwami half-growls in a near-threatening tone. Then, he zips back to Adrien, perching on the boy’s shoulder. “I’m surprised you even saw anything in the first place. Guess not everyone is blind in this city…”

Adrien tilts his head, remembering an offhanded explanation Plagg had given after the whole incident with Clara Nightingale’s music video. Something about people needing eyes to even notice him transforming? He never understood, nor got any elaboration, and his Kwami quickly went back to his usual gluttonous self, so it was odd for him to intone the phrase now in an almost amused tone. For her part, Nathalie too seems confused, but as is expected, Plagg doesn’t bother continuing his train of thought. “It’s…an honor to meet you.” she says after a passing silence, earning an absentminded shrug from the God of Destruction.

Said trouble-making gremlin of a Kwami is awfully quiet, and elects to disappear inside his Holder’s shirt pocket without another word, leaving him and Nathalie alone again. Adrien notices her staring at his eyes, and catches himself wondering if she can see the same catty edges to his retinas that Marinette swears up and down have looked just like Chat Noir’s ever since... He narrows his eyes, thinking of something to say, and then suddenly lets out a wild laugh. “Sorry, sorry.” Adrien apologizes as he catches his breath. “I just remembered telling you that you weren’t keeping some big secret from Father.”

Nathalie perks up at that, and finds herself stifling a chuckle with her hand. “I…assume you’re not upset with me then?” she asks, still unable to be rid of that infuriatingly impersonal tone that lodges itself atop her vocal cords.

“Of course not! Aside from Kagami, you’re the only other person I ever thought of telling!” Adrien exclaims supportively, and it’s not technically a lie. Omitting that Ladybug already knows is just…a tiny fact that’s slipped his mind, that’s all. It’s almost second nature to visit Marinette’s penthouse at this point, so Nathalie would surely excuse him for not mentioning it. Besides, she’s probably assumed it to be true, if not at least suspected.

To her credit, he does receive a raised eyebrow at the statement. Adrien shoots her a chaste grin, and she truly sees Chat Noir in front of her for the first time. So, this is the hero that’s been saving Paris for years on end. This is the boy that’s been putting himself in constant danger, even died to protect his city and the girl he loves. And Nathalie knows, just like anyone who’s overheard even one conversation between the two, that Chat adores Ladybug with all his golden heart. The familiar guilt swells in her gut as she thinks back to her short time as Mayura, and Nathalie curses herself for trying to use said feelings against him.

She pointedly ignores the grim reminder of the Sentimonster-Ladybug’s terrified face as she vanished with only a snap of her fingers, and shakes herself back to the present. Adrien leans in to embrace her again, and Nathalie greedily takes him in, even as the secret of her own identity looms like a dark, all-encompassing shadow. “I’m glad you thought of trusting me with this. I- I promise, Gabriel will never hear it from me.” She whispers to him instead of mulling on her feelings. Emilie would probably have guidance to offer her on how exactly to handle this situation, but they wouldn’t be in it at all if she were still here.

“Hey…Nat? Seriously, thank you. I know you worry about me, but I can’t imagine standing aside while someone I cherish runs into danger like I do. I- I’m glad you have my back.” Adrien says in a low tone, but it’s Chat Noir’s voice that clearly passes through her ears. Like it or not, Nathalie is now fully involved…and he wants her there, to help him. To feel wanted, to be dependable is all her heart has ever craved. Emilie’s son emulates her kindness perfectly, and she’s nearly brought to tears at the thought of being trusted like this.

She’s let her emotions get the better of her in the past, when grief pushed her into endless hours of futile research and hunting for magical jewels that simply refused to show themselves. Nathalie had allowed herself to be swayed by the same promised miracle that Gabriel nearly died trying to retrieve, even made the mistake of falling for a man just as hollow and broken as she. Of course, in the months that passed, with him becoming progressively colder and more distant, the bed-bound Mayura came to realize it had been nothing more than a false comfort, a way to cope and mend even a fraction of her bleeding heart. She’s no doubt that Gabriel felt just as strongly for her, perhaps still does under all this newfound serenity, but Nathalie had always known his emotions never bordered the same kind of love he held for Emilie. It had just been an appreciation of her dependability, a show of kindness in the face of the loneliness that threatened to drag them both to an early grave.

And now…Adrien, who Emilie had permitted her to view as a son, gazed at her with the same affectionate expression he once held for his mother, for family alone. She decided then and there never to betray his trust. Nathalie Sancoeur would hold steady, fight with sword and fan if she had to in order to protect him. Chat Noir might be able to take care of himself, but at the end of every day, Adrien was still just a boy, and if Mayura ever wanted to fill the shoes Emilie left behind, she would be there for him through thick and thin.

Plagg watches her intensely as the woman slowly lets go of his kit, with eyes humans are all still blissfully blind to. He hadn’t lied to her, or to Adrien. Even with all the pesky wonders of modernity and technology that made properly hiding from unwanted attention a rather annoying chore, Miraculous Holders would always be immune to something as ridiculous as an accidental walk-in, no matter how many cameras or people someone surrounded them with. He stays quiet as a wave of conviction crashes against his form, icy water forcing the God of Destruction to pull his ethereal head towards the stars…and promptly narrow catty eyes at a peculiar brooch resting on Sancoeur’s nightstand. Human emotions should never be this visible to Kwami, if only for the fact that aside from their Holders, there exists an impassable barrier between mortal and divine. How, then, had he just felt Nathalie’s emotions so clearly? For a moment he considers a Transmission from Nooroo, but aside from a quiet buzz of reassurance that things are still on track, there’s little else Plagg can sense through their bond.

Tikki has been carefully monitoring her sweet Ladybug, attentive and protective as she always is to her Holders, and so it’s fallen to him, this unspoken duty of ensuring Nooroo’s safety. None of their other kin are free, naturally Creation and Destruction must look out for their little siblings. The Kwami has kept Adrien company as usual, but in times of quiet Plagg would lightly prod his ancient bond with Nooroo, sensing only content and hopefulness for the future. None of the writhing pain that tormented his brother, nor the viscous miasma of despair that hang through his very Concept like a parasitic leech. Never one to intervene unless absolutely needed, the God of Destruction had mostly left Transmission to his own devices, but knew at least that Hawkmoth was slain and gone. As for the man underneath, Plagg had no desire to go snooping around and mess up Nooroo’s schemes, so he made sure to keep away from things insignificant such as physical location and the human’s identity. Trust flowed freely between all Kwami, and since no danger lurked ‘round the corner, he too was untroubled.

Adrien was far more important anyway, and the boy felt at ease, embraced as he was in Sancoeur’s arms. She certainly seemed motherly, and even with the fangled remnants of mistrust sowed deep within his soul, Plagg could at least admit she truly cared for his kit. Which was perhaps the only reason he didn’t reduce her to atoms the moment Adrien gave a soft nod and left the bedroom. Instead of flying along and keeping at the blonde’s side, the Kwami narrowed every eye at the aforementioned brooch, and a familiar presence blinked back with a startled smile. Sensing Duusu after so many decades nearly brought him to tears of joy, but elation was replaced by searing wrath the very next moment. Plagg tapped the strings at Adrien’s mind ever so lightly, taking great care to remove a single fleeting thought of why the Kwami hadn’t followed outside, and locked eyes with Nathalie Sancoeur.

Ethereal, gangly claws ran down the human’s spine, and he purposefully allowed them to graze the inside of her bones, electing a sickened shiver from the woman. “You are not the only one who knows secrets.” Plagg bites out in a deep tone, not bothering to speak to anything but her inner mind. Nathalie freezes up in an instant, and Destruction affords himself a satisfied grin at the fear that assaults ever fiber of the mortal’s being. She makes a futile attempt at resistance, but the Kwami’s hold is unbreakable, and Mayura finds herself unable to move a muscle, uselessly struggling inside an invisible grip. Plagg makes sure to breathe, using the essence of the cosmos to calm himself somewhat. Adrien wouldn’t appreciate his house bring reduced to rubble.

In that miniscule pause, a blue blur flies in front of Sancoeur, and he sees phantom feathers cradling her form. They’re glittering with reflected starlight, sharp as knives and burn with a sun’s worth of protective fire, forcing him to release the woman. Duusu stares at him with blinding pink eyes, and only relaxes once Nathalie remembers to take a breath. “Plagg, no.” she vehemently demands, flinging a feather that connects with his unseen form. In an instant, Destruction tenses his colossal body…but there is no hint of pain. Distantly, he chides himself for even preparing a defense against kin, and Plagg suddenly finds a melody playing in his ear. It's a forlorn, ancient song he knows too well, one he didn’t think any living thing would ever hear again. Duusu has opened her beak not in a gaping maw of teeth, rather only a light chirp as she sings in the same tune that once awoke every star Tikki made and hung in the vastness of space. Kwami and mortal listen together, both mesmerized by a symphonic beaty no human mind could ever comprehend…and Plagg realizes exactly what he’d nearly done.

“Ahh…sorry about that.” he shakes his head, retreating back into his smaller form even though Sancoeur had never noticed the difference. Duusu rushes him before he can get another word out, embracing Plagg in a warm hug that would once shattered solar systems whole. Now it’s confined only to a ribcage, but perhaps for the better. If only to preserve some dignity, the Kwami of Destruction pries himself out of his sister’s talons, and she sticks her tiny tongue out at him with all the proper grace befitting a princess of their kin. “Adrien would be upset if I killed you.” he states tonelessly, eyeing the woman with a harsh glare that had frozen trained warriors solid in the field of battle.

Nathalie Sancoeur doesn’t even pretend to bat an eye. “I- I hope he would be…” she mutters under her breath, electing an exasperated sigh from Duusu as she perches on the woman’s head, gently running her feathers through the red streak in her hair.

“Give yourself some credit Nat, you’ve been good to Adrien!” she chirps encouragingly, and Plagg is suddenly beset by the terrible foreshadowing of things getting mushy. Immediately, he turns to flee and prepares to behave as if this never happened, but his damnably adorable sister freezes him with an innocent look.

“What else do you want me say, Duu? I already apologized to her!” he expertly defends, turning to Nathalie. “As for you…I’ll admit, you aren’t that bad. Ugh…fine, fine.” Plagg sighs deeply, running a paw over the back of his neck. Stupid Adrien and his stupid nervous ticks. “One word from my kit, and you’re out of his life, got it?”

She at least has the courtesy to nod without any ridiculous bow as the Egyptians always leaned towards, and tries to give an affirming smile. “I didn’t want to overwhelm him, but Adrien will be told.” Sancoeur assures firmly, and he can least respect her conviction. “A-and I’ll protect him, I swear!” Nathalie breathes out, but Plagg smells the desperation in the air.

Narrowing a myriad of unearthly eyes, the God of Destruction stares at her for a long, near-endless moment, before finally blinking with his physical form. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” he deadpans, twirling in mid-air for the sake of emphasis. Duusu looks delighted at the dramatic display, and he can’t help but crack a tiny smile at his sister’s joy. “Make sure he gets that Amok, and if there’s more, same goes for them. If I see you snapping fingers again, lady, you won’t exist long enough to regret it.” Plagg says cheerfully, sharing a grin with Emotion as both divinities inwardly laugh. It is of course true that he won’t hesitate, but such a tone that demands reverence has been unheard since the Old Pharaohs. Ahh…good times. Then, he does fly directly through the wall, gives Adrien one of the usual excuses and watches as the boy nods his head at the drivel. Not that the boy believes him, rather his Kwami has learned to recognize the show of trust for what it is.

Hopefully trusting Duusu’s instincts won’t prove a mistake. Sancoeur has the same protective passion flowing through her veins that Plagg sees daily in his kit, and a job to do as ordained by higher powers. At the very least, he knows she’ll try, and more often that not, a mortal with determination is more effective when thrown at a problem than all the Kwami’s efforts combined. Nathalie finds herself releasing air she didn’t know her lungs were holding, and the Goddess of Emotion returns to her careful straightening of her hair. Plagg always had to make such a fuss, stressing out her chicks by behaving like a feral maniac with no manners! Next time, she’d make sure to enforce guest rites. Surely, he wouldn’t risk his precious camembert being demanded as tribute for such abhorrent rudeness! But with the cat Kwami now gone, Nathalie can at last lean back, relax, and just maybe get some proper rest for once.


Gabriel Agreste found himself in a rather unusual potion. While still inside the familiar walls of his Atelier, the standing desk his form often towered over was left empty, with its owner instead collapsed into the armchair next to a half-open window. The fresh air did do him some good, but little in terms of alleviating the sudden nausea which had struck him squarely in the back of the head. Gabriel’s limbs almost seemed to inexplicably fail him just a moment earlier, his Miraculous pulsing with a dangerous purple glow. But…no negative emotion registered in his senses, keeping up the comforting silence that had cleared his mind ever since the night after Lila Rossi’s trial; the night that rotten, foul wretch had her soul burned to something less than even cinders.

It wasn’t like him to dwell on that moment; he’d even made a great effort to avoid thinking about the screams that still echoed in his nightmares. Thankfully, they were just that. Bad dreams, a tortured mind playing tricks on itself, which could all be dispelled the moment Gabriel shot out of bed and sensed Nathalie’s calming presence on the other side of their bond. In the past weeks, what had once been a fledgling connection, frayed and shallow as most of his other relations had wound up after Emilie’s…disappearance, felt now like a strong tie that bound them together. Inseparable and always at one another’s side, her soothing presence never left his thoughts.

Much like the headache which assaulted him, come to think of it. Gabriel did feel some surprise on Nathalie’s end just before the pain came, but it was more akin to that feeling of tired eyes adjusting to a strong light than the rage which had been steadily boiling Hawkmoth’s blood in the monster’s final days. Nevertheless, it had left him crippled for a good few moments, and now he found himself panting heavily, exhausted as if he’d just ran a marathon. For his part, Nooroo knew to give him the necessary space, and floated close by, seeming to lazily examine on of the designs on Gabriel’s desk. He’d left it unfinished, told himself to take a break the moment Nathalie’s heartbreak began to buzz in the back of his head not too long ago, and now it lay there abandoned.

Still, even as the pain died out, it became blindingly clear that no more work would be getting done today. There was too much on his mind, and thoughts of her dominated his every waking moment. Back in the garden, he’d approached as gently as humanly possible, as if stepping close to a wounded animal. Gabriel had felt Nathalie crying, her emotions fluctuating despite the eerie calm which had long enveloped the Agreste manor. His first instinct was to drop everything and go to her, but he had managed to restrain himself somewhat. As good friends as they might be, she never liked it when he or Emilie saw her vulnerable. And even if he didn’t want to admit it, Gabriel was acutely aware that his time as Hawkmoth and later Shadowmoth had damaged the trust between them. Of course, Nathalie would always support him and stand at his side. But as his friend…it was her job to warn before he went too far, and he’d ignored her for months on end as her health worsened. All in favor of a miracle that seemed more like a curse every time he thought back to it.

Forgive him then, for hesitating to reach out. By the time Gabriel had gathered enough courage to venture outside, Nathalie had been lazily sitting on the grass, seemingly happy and content with gazing at the sun’s golden rays. Duusu had been perched atop her shoulder, giving comforting chirps that sounded more like softly-played notes of a piano. He wouldn’t have dared step forward if she hadn’t caught wind of his footsteps against the gravel path, but at the lack of any request for solitude, Gabriel took another few steps closer. Concern quickly won out, and he found himself checking her over, kneeling on the grass next to Nathalie and carefully prodding her soft skin for any building tension in her muscles. Admittedly, if he’d taken even a moment to think about what he was doing, he would have probably yelped away and disappeared in a storm of hasty apologies. But she didn’t seem to mind his presence, and so he elected to stay awhile longer.

When talking to her, it was a struggle to shy away from the harsh tones his vocal cords were used to from all his years of barking at designers and constantly berating interns for their seemingly natural incompetence. Yes, he does understand that the point of an internship is to acquire skills necessary for the job, but his hiring managers should at least be vetting them a little! Just the thought of those early shows on which his and Emilie’s careers depended is enough to invite stress, so Gabriel takes a deep breath and dispels it with a special technique. Nooroo’s gift to him, as absurd as he had found the notion at first, to mark a new beginning in their friendship. The Kwami had seemed entirely too pleased with himself, but the more Gabriel used it, the closer he came to understanding how the Butterfly Miraculous should have been wielded. It was easy to induce a sense of calm, a gentle quiet to take away the incessant buzz of daily tasks that seemed almost endless. So long as the recipient was willing, he found it all too easy to simply feel out their emotions and softly silence them, if only for a moment.

Unfortunately, ancient magic and tricks of the Old Gods weren’t quite enough to keep the peace in his household. Gabriel didn’t want to be called distrustful, but Amelie had always been a conniving woman, but thankfully only against her foolish drunkard of a so-called husband. The last time she had visited and turned her malicious attention to him however, Gabriel had ended up drinking his morning coffee with salt instead of sugar, simply because she wouldn’t tolerate him accidentally placing the novel Emilie had been reading on a too-high shelf. It’s been almost a decade since that particular incident, and oddly enough he finds himself chuckling at the memory instead of scowling in annoyance. Ever since his Miraculous was purified, most of these recollections have gained a bright, positive light to them…or maybe he’s finally remembering them as they truly were.

It's a disquieting notion, to think that his years as Hawkmoth bled together so profusely with the rest of his life that he was scarlessly capable of recalling fond memories outside of this fictitious vision of Emilie his sickened mind had conjured up. In something approximating an apology, he’d been taking addition care to telegraph his movements near the woman, not wanting Amelie to feel startled or unsafe in his presence. The very idea of her considering him dangerous left a sour taste in Gabriel’s mouth, and he was in no mood for another argument regarding Adrien’s life here. At least things had been going better with his son, even if the bar had never quite reached soaring heights before. It would probably be more accurate to say the damn thing was somewhere deep below the crust of the earth, potentially just above wherever Hawkmoth had been buried. Adrien…had acclimated to this change in personality surprisingly quickly, at least after Rossi’s trial and subsequent death. Gabriel felt as if he’d been struck by lightning when he first sat down with him the day after, and Adrien bravely reached out to hug him.

The warmth his son’s embrace exuded was so similar to Emilie that he almost ended up seeing double, as if her ghost still lingered, protectively hovering over their boy’s shoulder. His gut churned with guilt at the thought that his atrocious parenting might have forced her to somehow defy the laws of nature, worriedly keeping an eye on him because Gabriel refused to. At the time, he had reasoned that Nathalie had become his primary caretaker ever since those weeks of total absence just after the loss. It made sense that Adrien would not want to see the man who had not once gone to comfort him, that his sweet boy would be happier with Emilie who knew how to care for him. In hindsight, it had been a mistake to withdraw as much as he did. Obsessive behaviors and magical terrorism aside, Gabriel Agreste should have been there for his son, widower or no.

At least…things seemed to be looking up in that regard. With his newfound freedom, Adrien took every opportunity to venture out into the world, often inviting one or many of his friends along for the journey. His form was seeped in an assured confidence Gabriel never recalled having at his age, as if he’d faced the worst the world had to offer and come out the other side with a blinding smile. Still, every day without fail, Adrien would head out in the late morning and presumably explore the city with a trusted friend, or have fun like a semi-responsible teenage boy. Gabriel was under no delusions of grandeur, knowing very well that fast food and the occasional dose of caffeine were expertly integrated into said outings, but he also found no reason to deny his son this happiness. Adrien clearly knew his limits, and in what little time Gabriel had spent around the boy’s friends they seemed like perfectly respectable children, all things considered.

It wasn’t like he had any right to judge, so long as his son avoided the unsavory types. He refused to be lenient in matters of personal safety, but having seen most of these kids at their mental worst, Gabriel decided to entrust them with Adrien. He…probably shouldn’t linger on why he knew what their worst was. In any case, being infected by magic butterflies infused with negative emotions were probably a good indicator of a worst-case scenario, so he wasn’t all that worried about these hangouts. No, what truly surprised him was just how eager Adrien was to just…talk. From the moment he came back home to the tail end of each afternoon, Gabriel’s presence would immediately be sought out, and his son would happily share whatever he and that morning’s myriad of friends had gotten up to. It was never something terribly exciting, just walks, jokes and sometimes coffee, but it delighted Gabriel that his son was at all willing to open up like this.

Unfairly, he thought it something of a guilty pleasure, listening to Adrien go on and on about one thing or the other. Wholly undeserved but very much appreciated, the very notion was almost enough to bring grateful tears to his eyes. How kind was Emilie truly, to leave behind a son that managed to forgive his father even after Gabriel had wronged and hurt him time and time again? Out of habit, he sought out the familiar comfort of running his fingers over the warm, metallic surface of her wedding band…but his hand found nothing of the sort. Right, he’d almost forgotten. Once the chaos of putting out legal fires that was Rossi’s damnation finally died down, Gabriel had promised himself that the ring would go to Adrien. And until then, he made sure to keep it off his person, but also safe in case of any scheming nephew that might deign approach. And where safer than hidden away along with Emilie, where it wouldn’t be lost until he finally mustered up the courage to tell Adrien the truth?

To Felix’s credit, he hadn’t actually tried anything aside from sharing Amelie’s impatient looks at the dinner table. And every time, Gabriel would subtly make his fingers visible, to show them it wasn’t on his person. The compromise seemed to settle their ruffled feathers somewhat, but it was only a matter of time until they finally came barging through his door and tore the walls down looking for it. But how was he even supposed to go about handing it over? Adrien had no idea of it’s true significance, it was very possible he might wear it outside, inviting an astronomical number of disasters! And if he were to explain things properly, Adrien would surely pull back into himself and refuse whatever comfort he and Nathalie would offer. His son was never quick to anger, so Gabriel at least knew he wouldn’t receive the much-deserved hatred that was long overdue. Then again, Adrien had also inherited his father’s bad habits, and would probably lock himself away, desperately and stubbornly trying to find answers all on his lonesome.

There was no one in his life that Gabriel knew of who his boy could possibly turn to, and once Nathalie’s part in the perceived conspiracy was unveiled, neither of them would be seen as trustworthy anymore. A part of his mind, trembling with fear as it was, traitorously accused Amelie of plotting for this very outcome, a harrowing scheme to take Adrien back to London with her when she and Felix eventually departed. But…in reality, Gabriel was acutely aware he couldn’t go about his day inculpating people of hiding knives behind their backs. It would be well within Adrien’s rights to leave and never return to them, even if he someday come back to Paris. And Amelie, for all her conniving plots and cunning nature, did care, far more than he himself had bothered to the last three years. It would be a pain beyond compare, but for the happiness of his son, Gabriel would be willing to endure it as it gnawed at his bones and charred his flesh from the inside. After everything he’d done to Adrien, the suffering of his absence would be undeniably deserved.

Nooroo must have sensed his wallowing, for the little God quickly floating in front of Gabriel, and with a quiet hum produced a tiny, flickering purple light in between them. He felt a calmness wash over his form, and the Kwami gave a supportive smile. It had been almost embarrassing to ask for Nooroo to do this when Gabriel started getting lost in his own head, but there were so many scars threatening to burst open that handling it alone was sometimes impossible. Against even his staunchest doubts, the God of Transmission seemed genuinely delighted to help his pathetic Holder, if only for the sake of those around him. And…he had to admit, the advice had been a bigger comfort than even this tiny fraction of magic secretly shared to his mortal soul. In their initial excitement to have found the Miraculous, and later in panicked despair over Emilie’s declining health, they’d both forgotten to take the Kwami as seriously as they should have. Nooroo’s comforting presence was a godsent whenever the incessant buzzing of self-hatred haunted Gabriel’s nightmares, even if the man could never understand this capacity for goodness.

Perhaps out of everyone in this writhing city, the Kwami of Transmission was his greatest victim. Confined to the manor’s haunted halls, the scapegoat for all of Hawkmoth’s problems and forcibly complicit to every Akumatization. He never gave thought to what it must be like, to have another person’s most terrible feelings rip and tear through one’s entire body. As Gabriel spiraled into madness and began to revel in the process of inhaling the agony of his victims, Nooroo surely suffered in silence, unable to defend himself against the onslaught of darkness Hawkmoth had unleashed upon the City of Lights. And he had no excuse for it. No tragedy to point to now that his fractured mind recalls Emilie clearly urging him to give up and just enjoy their last days together, nor any person to blame other than the man he’s forced to gaze at when in the presence of a mirror. How could it be than the monster who flaunted his power over emotions failed to even notice the pain of his own Kwami?

After a certain point, Gabriel knew he wouldn’t have even batted an eye, barely paid the matter a single moment before shrugging it off as Nooroo’s problem and moving right on by. But in those first few weeks, when Hawkmoth was still growing into his role and doubts constantly plagued his mind…he should have noticed. He should have seen, even blinded by desperation and despair as he once was. No amount of apologies would ever make it right, yet the little God dutifully stayed at his side, ever helpful and steadfast in his small comforts. The Kwami’s eyes tended to shine with well-disguised hope, when he didn’t realize Gabriel was looking. Despite everything Hawkmoth had put this poor creature through, he still wanted to believe there was good in him.

In hindsight, even with the monster that was Shadowmoth slain and gone by their collective effort, being rid of every vestige of such corruptive influence was a double-edged sword. With every cloud of fog cleared from his mind, Gabriel could see the past almost as if someone had put it on a reel and left it playing before his eyes. It was impossible to ignore Emilie’s voice, the gentle, sweet tone that kindly asked him to stop running himself ragged and just stay by her side in those last few weeks, when they both knew it was surely inevitable. He’d denied the notion time and time again, foregoing unimportant things such as rest and common sense for the sake of stacking all his hopes unto an ancient tome which never held answers to begin with. The damage had been a consequence of their ignorance yes, but this mania could be blamed solely on him. Insanity had crept inside Gabriel’s mind long before he ever pinned the butterfly-shaped brooch on his chest and donned a mask of evil. A mask which ironically enough, ended up donning him in return, when the nightmare started to bleed into reality. Even amidst the bliss of these past two weeks, with Adrien smiling brightly and Nathalie’s health drastically improving, he couldn’t shake the guilt that wracked his body at every waking moment. Could it have been like this from the start, if he’d agreed with Emilie to sit their son down and explain it was an incurable illness? Adrien would have cried, but had they all been with her when she finally fell into this dreamless slumber, would his family have been able to move on?

Gabriel didn’t know. Uncertainty was one of the few things he’d always despised, for it brought about a fear of said unknown. Looking back with a set of eyes that was no longer clouded by swirling grey mists or forced to wear rose-tinted glasses, it was impossible for him not to see it. Adrien had become a constant presence in his life, or rather re-asserted himself as his small, much younger self had captured Gabriel’s heart from the moment he was born. If only he hadn’t shut the boy out, if he’d done the responsible thing and gone to see him, to grieve with his son instead of delving deeper into the arcane…would Adrien be calling him dad?

A knock at the Atelier’s door interrupted his musing, and he received a pointed glare from Nooroo as he let out a deep sigh. He had to put himself back together, make up for his every mistake. Gabriel Agreste had already sworn to try, and would rather die than disappoint his family again. His Kwami offered a comforting smile as the man finally ceased brooding, and floated over to unlock the doors with a soft click before zipping away, out of sight. Amelie Graham De Vanily doesn’t quite march inside the room, but the sound of her heels slamming against the marble might as well indicate so. She looks him over, still slumped in the armchair as he is, and can’t help but shake her head in exasperation.

“Wallowing in your misery again, Gabriel?” she accuses flatly, and he doesn’t bother with any verbal defense.

He forces his legs to hold weight again, standing up and straightening his back. “People usually start a conversation with a hello.” comes the deadpan, as well as a frown she’s most familiar with. They’ve had this conversation a dozen times by now, away from both Felix and Adrien.

Hello, then. I’m just reminding you of a certain promise you made to my nephew, that’s all.” Amelie gives a smile that’s all teeth, but not a speck of that intimidation truly shakes him. Gabriel suddenly feels so very tired, and runs a hand through his hair before walking over to the desk, leaning on it for support. “It wouldn’t be very hard for me to explain things for you if you’re feeling unwell.” the blonde offers with a tone identical to Emilie’s, if only to rile him up a little.

She’d expected a growl, a fight, or at least a cold dismissal, so the clear sight of his guilty eyes is almost a surprise. “Amelie…I am not in the mood for this right now. Go away.” Gabriel breathes out. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s played the part of her sister to anger him, but instead of anger or rage, all he can feel is blame laying squarely on his shoulders. He deserves this, a condescending voice in the back of his head whispers, one he hasn’t heard in over twenty years, and has no desire to remind himself of again. Emilie’s father ought to stay dead and buried where he belongs, lest he and Nooroo give him a taste of Lila Rossi’s fate.

“But why? I’m only trying to make sure you’re alright! Gabriel, you’ve changed so much recently…” she insists in feigned concern, putting on a mockery of the bright smile he’d once fallen for. Instead, it only reminds him of the times where she and Felix visited so many years ago, where Amelie truly seemed happy to see him and Emilie both. She’d even thanked him for keeping her such good company once, that time where they’d decided to eat together in the garden.

For a moment, he wants to immerse himself in that memory, to the before when everything was alright and being alive didn’t hurt so much. Nathalie and Adrien are his only reprieve, but even with Nooroo tirelessly working to alleviate this pain, it feels as if the more he discovers about himself, the more Gabriel desires for the earth to open up and swallow him whole. He’s too weak to even muster up anger, or some cold dismissal to demand that Amelie drag herself out of his house and kindly stay away. Couldn’t she see that he was trying to do better? He’d taken such care always to subtly announce himself when in close proximity, never once allowed a door in the house to slam shut in that horrid way that made her and Felix’s auras flicker in fear. Gabriel had been polite, forced himself to flawlessly recall each and ever last moment he’d spent with Emilie in a futile effort to emulate even a fraction of her kindness. Was this all for naught, if she was more hostile now than ever before? Did Nathalie and Adrien appreciate the change only because the bare minimum is immeasurably better than his old, hollow self?

Ever so slowly, Gabriel takes a deep breath, calling upon Nooroo’s instruction to cease this spiraling. He can’t afford to break down with another person in the room, doesn’t want to invite concern of all things when it’s he who should play the part of responsible adult. Adrien has already grown up too much in too short a time, and he will not burden Nathalie with his troubles when she’s sick, still not back to full strength. He catches a glimpse of The Illusion of Living, propped up on a tiny coffee table he’d dragged in a few days ago. Gabriel shuts his eyes, and brings forth Emilie’s giddy laugher as she gently teases him for always overworking himself. He can feel the most miniscule of grins on his own features, and a soft purple light envelops his form. A moment later, calming quiet sets back upon his mind, and he turns his attention back at Amelie.

She looks somewhat startled, platinum-blonde braid of hair falling on her shoulder as she steps away…only to realize that there is no cane in his hand, nor a monster’s mask on Gabriel’s face. “You’re not even trying to hide it now?” she snarls in poorly mustered anger, but he can sense the relief flooding her mind. Had Amelie thought she’d gone too far, that he’d finally drop some imaginary pretense of politeness and run her through?

The very idea churns Gabriel’s gut, and he thoughtlessly shuffles over to her, reaching out to brush against her mental presence with a sense of calm safe assurance. It’s invasive to do so without permission and he knows better, but the way her heart slams against it’s confines as fear quickly builds up makes him want to act. Finally, he steps away, raising both hands in a surrender and electing a quiet chuckle.

Amelie hastes to cover her mouth, but sighs deeply at his amused look. “I…I’m sorry. Apparently, I overdid it.” she states in a low, toneless voice, but Gabriel can feel the apology is genuine, what with the guilt seeping into her words.

“I deserve it.” he dismisses in a whisper, looking away for a moment before deciding to drag himself towards the coffee table. It rests next to the armchair, Nathalie’s idea for when they might want to have a moment to themselves. He doesn’t collapse back into it, rather lets his legs simply fall out once it’s in range. Amelie pulls up the spare chair that Nathalie had left close by to sometimes occupy, and takes a seat next to him. She looks…oddly thoughtful, as if just uncovering a great mystery.

“Gabriel…how have you been?” she asks slowly, hesitating to reach out. Her hand doesn’t move any closer, but he catches a glimpse of her twitching fingers, as if part of her has to be held back from doing so.

In turn, he resists the urge to channel Nathalie’s sarcasm or give her a harsh glare. This time he hears no feigned concern, no taunt of Emilie’s tone in her voice. For the first time in years, Amelie seems just short of truly genuine. “Better than I can ask for.” Silence falls over them for a moment, and he takes the lack of response as her agreement. “I hope…you’ve had a pleasant stay here.”

She nods, tapping her chin with one finger as she thinks it over. Amelie’s gaze shifts from his face to the window behind Gabriel, and then to the stone-cold statue in the corner of her vision. Emilie Agreste’s visage stands tall, perfect and flawless as ever. Absentmindedly, he remembers the shrubbery that had been there before, considers tearing the thing down to add some more greens in the garden. Maybe it would help breathe fresh life in his dying, shriveled soul. “Thank you for hosting us. Felix and I have been rather poor guests.” she admits softly, still locking eyes with the cold granite than barely reflects any of the sun’s rays.

Gabriel has half a mind to scoff at the understatement, but he can see the underlying hurt permeating Amelie’s form as clear as day. It’s hard for her to be here, and she certainly hasn’t stuck around for his sake. Felix and Adrien are the only family which matters to her, not that he would ever dare blame her for that. “I’d say you’ve been well-behaved, considering the circumstances.”

Amelie has the gall to laugh, idly running a nail on the inside of her palm. “Were you afraid that I’d kill you in your sleep?” she teases with a smile he hasn’t seen in years. It’s so painfully similar to Emilie’s, but has a sharp edge to it that nearly gives Gabriel whiplash. Hawkmoth’s manic grins were just the same, when the madman would let out frenzied cackles inside that chamber of despair. He hasn’t been back there in weeks, and plans to leave it untouched if he can help it. No reason to unearth those memories when he’s just now managed to get himself under control again.

She takes his silence as serious contemplation, and raises a hand to wave his worries away. “You sound far too eager to play innocent.” Gabriel muses with a smile of his own. “I…I suppose we both miss her too much.” he adds, and Amelie strains to hide her shock, realizing he’s caught her gaze.

A dismissive huff is all he’s met with, followed by a louder scoff. “I’d still prefer if she was here instead of you.” Amelie snaps defensively, crossing both arms over her chest. Gabriel doesn’t answer, instead eyeing the floor with increasing interest, as if it holds the grandest secrets of the Universe.

What can he say, when I’m sorry will never be enough? How can he express that it would be better for Emilie to still be alive and well? A part of him still hopes she may be, safely hidden away in the bowels of the manor where nothing may disturb her dreamless slumber. But there is a reason why even Hawkmoth never dared to open the glass back up and lay hands on her, the harrowing thought that the fingers he would touch might be those of a corpse. Cold, empty and hollow like the rest of his soul; he never found the courage to try and see for himself. Better to hold onto false hope than drown under the waves of darkness that tirelessly worked to erode the last specks of humanity left inside this dying body.

He almost had succumbed to it, dragged to the abyssal chasm by unseen hands as his blood burned and his heart stopped beating. If not for Emilie, for whatever was still left of her inside of that life support pod, Gabriel Agreste would surely not be sitting here. In a sickening twist of irony, his disappearance would truly have been genuine. How could Nathalie ever find him, even if his bloated corpse wasn’t carried away by the rolling waves underneath the metal catwalks? Would she cry, missing her old friend? Or would she solemnly move on, steadfast in her duty as Adrien’s caretaker? A responsibility he’d saddled her with years ago, and only now began to share the burden? How must it feel for his son, to never know where someone so close had vanished off to? Was this how Amelie felt every time she awoke inside this manor, the once-haunted halls of her sister’s home?

Gabriel admits…that he doesn’t know. Even with all of Nooroo’s powers in the realm of empathy, the buzz at the back of his mind has long gone silent. Blissful as the blessed quiet is, he can’t feel them anymore. Only Nathalie’s voice is still presence, his Kwami’s presence a warm glow that bathes whichever space the little God occupies into gentle hues of glistering purple hues, inviting peace and a sensation he could only describe as remnants of that creative spark Gabriel once held as a child. He’d carefully tended to that fire for decades on end, only for Hawkmoth’s frozen heart to reduce such a wondrous flame to a flicker barely capable of lighting a candle. Stumbling around in the dark even on good days, he finds himself blindly searching for something to grab onto, not knowing if the next step could somehow be his last. And if there is one thing that he hates with all his newly-reformed heart, it’s that vile uncertainty which invites doubts into his weakened mind.

Perhaps it’s a risk, a fool’s errand that will only bring upon further unneeded strife, but he can’t even begin to understand what it might feel like if he didn’t know about Emilie. She had been his whole world, and even after Adrien’s birth remained an extremely close second, without peer nor competition. If he is to finally muster up a fraction of her bravery and make good on his promise, Gabriel needs to make everything right, starting with sharing an old, cruel secret. Ever so slowly, he rises from the armchair, beckoning Amelie to follow suit.

“I’m sorry…” he mutters in a hoarse tone, his throat suddenly feeling dry as a desert. Amelie raises a condescending eyebrow, as if to question whether he realizes how little a mere apology means…but Gabriel sharply inhales…and with a heavy heart, finishes his sentence. “…for not letting you see her.”

The sense of shock flooding his mind is immediate, and he instinctively thinks to reach out as she takes a step back, before finally recalling that this isn’t Nathalie. Amelie is far stronger than he ever has, and hasn’t been made dependent by him constantly taking advantage of goodwill. She opens her mouth, to scream or to cry he doesn’t know. Golden rays of sunlight wash over them through the window, and Gabriel silently walks over to the portrait hanging at his wall. Once he thought it would watch over him like a protective angel…now it seems more like he’s been living in its shadow. As finely-crafted as the artwork is, the smile on Emilie’s face looks almost uncanny, same with the statue outside. He cannot bare to gaze at it any longer, and elects to wait for Amelie to catch up.

She does so swiftly, refusing to look him in the eye and grabbing onto his wrist so tightly that her nails almost draw blood. Wordlessly Gabriel reaches out to push the buttons, his mind buzzing with a sickly sort of quiet. So much unlike the endless screams that tormented his every waking moment before, but he still finds a chill running up his spine. Amelie stands tall as he nearly keels over, once again the weak link in their prestigious cabal of supposed family. Flickers of purple light filled his vision, enveloping his form in a glimmer unseen to the woman at his side. Calm washes over him again, he feels Nooroo’s phantom smile of encouragement across their newly-mended bond…and Gabriel barely manages to hold himself upright once the elevator comes to a grinding halt.

With a careless wave of his free hand he turns down the lights, allowing their eyes to adjust. White butterflies innocently flutter around the chamber, and Amelie has yet to let go of his arm. He almost laughs at the notion of being held hostage, here in the place where Hawkmoth had once been at his most powerful. Perhaps that’s why Gabriel’s body suddenly feels like it’s rotting from the inside, a terrifying sickness grasping at his entrails with mangled claws slathered with deadly poison. Amelie’s high heels clank along the metal catwalk, and he forces his gaze away from the railing. If Gabriel looks down to see the waters they’re towering over, if he lets himself remember kicking and screaming against the abyssal void, he might just hurl the contents of his stomach right below.

Amelie’s nails scrape against his wrist as Gabriel is dragged along, finally drawing first blood. She lets it slip through her fingers, as if unable to even register anything other than the protective metal sheets shielding the glass pod in front of them. He’d put forth an additional layer of security, what normally was meant to be used in emergency, supposedly for the sake of extra safety. In truth, Gabriel had little urge to come down here as of late, after his one and only trip to Hawkmoth’s chamber the day after Rossi’s murder, when he herded the butterflies to the flowers around Emilie’s resting place. It sickens him to think of it as a grave, not when he adamantly refuses to check for a pulse.

The sight of her sister kneeling next to the pod, half collapsed against the metal sheets, makes Gabriel’s eyes sting with pain, a crackling static finding it’s way to the back of his head. Muscle memory alone is what allows him to release the locking mechanism, unveiling Emilie’s body like a macabre exhibition. She’s exactly as he remembers, pristine and flawless as she lays there in peaceful, dreamless sleep. The fabrics of her suit are still perfectly pressed against her body, form-fitting and perfectly fashionable. Amelie stares at her sister’s face, her eyes scan every inch of the sight before her. Then…her gaze falls on the silver ring gingerly placed around Emilie’s finger, and she finally understands.

Or at the very least, seems to figure something out. Miraculous or no, Gabriel is no mind reader. Even if he still managed to utilize the powers he’s been shying away from as of late, it feels like there’s something scratching at the back of his head. It’s a fickle sensation, but it gnaws at him, that tiny chill at the inside of his skull. It slowly creeps to the rest of his mind, and he registers Amelie has fallen to her knees in front of Emilie. Gabriel thinks to reach out, to try and help her, but his arms seem frozen over, along with his legs. The crackling of static intensifies, like corrupted radio signals and bursts of a faulty current sparking in his mind. Pain suddenly courses through him, and Gabriel cries out, clutching his head.

He makes to breath, reaching out into the world as Nooroo has taught him, but a dark smoke quickly fills his vision. Viscous and foul, it permeates the air as he lifts an arm towards the overhead lights. Amelie is still keeled, sobs of unearthed grief wracking her body without a hint of remorse. Gabriel coughs, opens his mouth to try and let clean air in…but the miasma floods his lungs, and he finds himself spasming on the grass. His brain feels like it’s on fire, and a purple blur zips around just above his head. A tiny voice cries out in concern, but the world itself feels muffled as the darkness crawls over to him, leeching the life from his broken soul and slithering ever closer to the brooch pinned at his chest.

Amelie’s sobs echo in his skull now, and the sudden wave of loss nearly overtakes him. Phantom pains snap back into existence, as if the hands that almost dragged him down to the abyss are again clutching at his gangly limbs. Gabriel desperately twitches his fingers, trying to call for his cane…but there’s no answer. His strength fades by the second, and everything feels so very cold. For a moment, he’s tricked into thinking water surrounds him, holding his body up amidst a void of utter nothingness. Amelie shifts, tears freely flowing from her eyes as she embraces the protective glass as best she can and screams, letting out years of agony that had been simmering under the surface of her soul. Gabriel manages to raise the hand she’d been clutching, and a single droplet of blood rains down on his face, followed by another, and another…

He sees red. Anger has long since fled his mind, so Gabriel is left alone, floating in an ocean of the blood Hawkmoth has spilled. For a single moment, he can see all of them. Every man, woman and child who has died at his hand, only for Nooroo’s foulest to dismiss it all with an offhanded wave because someone else had cleaned up the mess. Asphyxiated inside bubbles that had flown too close to the sun. Drowned under rubble as Paris is overtaken by an endless sea. Blown away by blizzards and stomped over by giant monsters. Burned to a crisp, after Hawkmoth’s cane had cleanly ripped through Lila Rossi’s spine. And amidst all the darkness and stench of death…a single sliver of light. A golden ray that shimmers just out of reach, barely perceivable to Gabriel in his half-conscious state.

The tiny orb expands, drawing in silver and gold hues from afar as the darkness finally turns oppressive, even as Amelie kneels unaffected. She’s too caught up in her own grief, or maybe he’s finally gone insane. For a moment, Gabriel forgets how to breathe, and thinks this is all a dream from which he won’t wake. Then, light explodes in his peripheral, and he’s utterly blinded by it as the darkness shrieks before dissipating completely, vanishing in thin air as if it never existed to begin with. Gabriel cranes his neck, trying to push himself off the soft grass and find the cause of his salvation…but he spies only Nooroo, who is barely able to stay airborne and quickly drops onto the nearest shrub. The man’s body is still involuntarily convulsing, and he turns a worried look unto Amelie. Her platinum hair shimmers in the rays from overhead, as does Emilie’s brilliant gold from inside the glass. Gabriel feels the last vestige of strength finally leave him as she turns, finally noticing his condition…but he only has eyes for the phantom floating just behind her, wearing a gentle, proud smile. Amelie reaches out to steady him, and Emilie’s ghost vanishes back into the ether, leaving Gabriel to black out in the safety of her warmth...


And…scene! Thank actual Nooroo I managed to survive all that! Writer’s Block is terrible and should be made illegal everywhere! Somebody help me remove it from existence, I beg! But yeah, life got a bit stressful and that’s why I’m late. Sad, but what can you do? I promise this four-weeks thing will not become a habit! Besides I’ve got two weeks break coming up soon which means I’ll hopefully go on a writing spree and finish two chapters…in my dreams, probably. Okay, in all seriousness thanks to everyone for being so patient with me. The (first) Agreste Arc of ACOLL Season 3 has finally concluded, and thank Duusu for that because this family will drive me insane! Anyway, there’s a few things I should clarify before we go, so let’s get started!

Firstly, Adrien! Listen, I think I explained Nathalie well enough, so we should take a look at why he’s so chill with her knowing his identity. It’s mostly the same reasons as he (sort of) told Kagami back before Lila’s trial. Sure, he didn’t outright say so, and in that case she pointedly avoided connecting the dots, but Adrien’s theme is trust. I feel like even with some of his friends (Alya, Nino, Luka, Chloe, etc.) there’s a specific kind of trust that’s missing, because he only extends it to a very limited amount of people. Marinette (and Ladybug), Kagami, Plagg and Nathalie. That’s why Felix is working so hard to gain Adrien’s trust now that they’re back together again. And Nathalie has already proven herself to be reliable, dependable, and a good person. She’s kept Adrien’s secrets, covered for him, lied to Gabriel’s face on multiple occasions when he wasn’t in the house…the list goes on. And he loves her like a mother, so while he wouldn’t reveal himself out of the blue, he trusts Nathalie with this information because he trusts her to protect him. That entire theme is a whole can of worms that I’m not opening until the next Gabriel and Adrien chapter, but I hope you understand my meaning. And also, Plagg is fully ready to commit murder because Adrien is his boy and he refuses to let him get hurt. Thank Duusu for stopping him in time.

Secondly, Nooroo. Gabriel’s mental breakdowns aside for a moment, I want to give Nooroo a bit more characterization. This is why we’ll see more of him (just like we did Duusu) in future chapters. He’s my favorite, and deserves his screentime. So, I’m essentially playing around more with the idea that “Kwami are Gods”, even shackled as they are because of the Guardians. Since Duusu is powerful enough to bring the remnant of Emilie’s emotions to life so she can speak with Nathalie, Nooroo should be able to do something similar. This is why, as part of his plot to hopefully rehabilitate Gabriel, he teaches him the magic that Su-Han used in S4 to avoid Akumatization. Only…well, instead of the bootleg Guardian version, Gabriel learns the Nooroo Original. The fact that he uses is as an emotional inhibitor and by extension bad coping mechanism…well, it does bite him in the ass at the end of this chapter.

Also, for anyone confused as to what exactly happened, Nooroo basically pulled the same trick he taught Gabriel, but on a larger scale. Gabriel used it by focusing on a memory, and re-living the positive memories associated with it to calm himself down when he’s about to spiral. Nooroo used it to extract the positive memories between Amelie and Emilie’s bond when her grief started overwhelming Gabriel, and basically flood the room with it to drive the negative emotions away. Yes, this makes Gabe hallucinate Emilie's ghost again, like he has in the past. Remember how in chapter 19, Nathalie said that because of his “skillset” (being the butterfly holder), Gabriel is very sensitive to strong emotions? Yeah, now imagine what it’s like for a guy who is recovering from being frickin Shadowmoth to exist next to a person who’s been repressing grief, loss and anger for three years, right after losing the one remaining family member they have. Suffice it to say, Amelie is not okay, and Gabriel’s fragile mind is getting the full assault of said unleashed emotions. So yeah, praise Nooroo for saving his Holder’s behind once again!

Lastly, I have excellent news! The Secret Project™ I mentioned above is officially my next big work after ACOLL is completed! And since we’re at chapter 27 out of 40-something…we’re getting closer to the end! I’m super excited! Anyway, I’ll be working on some behind-the-scenes stuff for that and give sporadic updates on Tumblr for those interested, so go check out the blog if you want to stay on top of things! And the next chapter is going to be longer, as a treat and because I’ve been late twice in a row now. It is…to die for, that’s all I’ll say! I will see you guys next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 28: Argos


With Amelie Graham De Vanily tackling his uncle about recovering Adrien's Amok, Felix decides to reminisce about his outing with the Miraculous crew. Joyful memories intertwine with the festering scars left by his father's abuse, and a myriad of emotions rise to the surface.

Meanwhile, Duusu attempts to help Nathalie rest after their confrontation with Adrien and Plagg. However, Mayura's scheme to free the Senti-kids is kicked into high gear at the sign of an intruder...who may prove to be much more of a help than either of them anticipated.


Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! Nooroo save us all, the nightmare never ends! So, good news! I’m back on schedule! I know, I know, practically impossible! And at long last, we get the greatest thing in this entire fic since sliced bread! Or Lila’s death, depends on your preference. I am so, so happy to be showing you all this chapter! It’s to die for! I did end up splitting this in two “mirror” episodes, and not just because of the obvious Kagami pun.

Today is ACOLL’s birthday! And I rushed to get this out for everyone to enjoy on this special occasion! Thanks to all of you for reading, leaving kudos and sending comments, I cherish each and every one of them! Honestly, I can’t believe this fic started a whole year ago, but it will soon be coming to a close. By my estimate, we have about 12 chapters left! And as a birthday gift from me to you, please feel free to leave suggestions for the What-If companion fic down in the comments! I can’t promise all of them will get written, but this ACOLL-verse won’t be over even when this fic is done! You can give a simple prompt of a change and let me take the wheel or be more descriptive, and I’ll do what I can! Huge thanks once again to everyone who has stuck by this fic despite my questionable update schedule! Great things are ahead, and I’m sure excited to share the last leg of this journey!

Anyway, about the plot! With Adrien donning his fursuit once more, Amelie having a breakdown, and Gabriel lying half dead in the basement, you’d think the Agrestes have had enough! But no, actually! Because there’s still one resident of this decrepit manor we haven’t yet traumatized all that much! Let’s be fair, Colt did it for me. But with Nathalie’s plan to free the Sentis kicking into high gear, expect sharp turns, quick wit, and possibly a homicide or three!

Note: Once again, shameless plug of my Tumblr blog! No, I won’t shut up, come see the cool AUs and manic rants I have in my head! ( Now offering shitposts, memes, and the meaning of true happiness! Oh, and one thing I forgot! ACOLL now has a Masterpost on my tumblr blog!

Trigger Warnings: Depression, parental abuse, hospitalization, survivor’s guilt, extreme physical harm, blood and gore, alcohol abuse, mental breakdowns, physical assault, sickness and metaphysical injury, severe harm caused by medical equipment, and Major Character Death. Again…

And now please grab some seat, a bucket of popcorn, and get ready for: Felix being a grinch, Nathalie still being the best of all moms, Adrien’s fursuit troubles, Eldritch Horrors beyond human comprehension, Duusu making a new friend, Colt going to Hell, some light singing, Amelie’s honeyed tea, and quite possibly, hypothetical knife crime!

Without any further ado…let’s dive right in!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Felix Graham De Vanily sat upon his bed, feeling a light breeze move up his back. The guest room he’d been staying in was spacious and oddly cozy, inasmuch as an enormous manor’s rooms can be, that is. The walls and furniture were all softly colored, and uncle Gabriel had even been polite enough to dig up aunt Emilie’s old hoard of books for him to pass the time. Admittedly, he’d been rather surprised when the man came forward with his offer. It wasn’t easy to kill someone via reading, emotional damages asides, and he seemed genuinely concerned about Felix’s entertainment. Even if most of the collection he’d been allowed access to consisted of romance novels, he could appreciate that a good half of them seemed to prioritize plot and storytelling over mindlessly repeating the same dozen genre cliches.

Aunt Emilie did have good taste when it came to mystery books, and apparently brought quite a few editions of Sherlock Holmes, which were scattered across the wooden desk on the other side of the room. Strangely enough, Felix could somewhat empathize with the fictional detective. A cunning man presented with endless mysteries and an evil antagonist that haunts his every step, as answers elude and only cause more questions. Ironically enough, it sounded so much like a romanticized version of his own life…at least once he’d started to discover his true origins. It had always been this way in a sense; Felix could perceive things where others were blind, as if the world granted him the privilege of glimpsing behind the charade of normalcy that shrouded reality. He recalled a line from one of those cosmic horror novels in Colt’s old library, some limited edition the man picked up on a whim just to brag about possessing and then sell to a collector for profit. Thankfully he’d died before anything could be finalized, and said novel was now safe and sound, hidden away from greedy claws. Still, Felix’s musing echoed the same sentiments of seeing beyond the veil, and much like many such protagonists, his life hadn’t been the same since he found out what he was.

Or rather…what he wasn’t. Human, of course. Because he and Adrien were distinctly not normal people. Created through archaic magic that no amount of fairytales could truly conceptualize inside his head, some mystical ritual that demanded a price and forever tied them to those blasted rings. Felix would still startle awake at night, nothing but a haunting buzz in the back of his head to fill the silence. That crackling static that often accompanied Colt’s voice when he was barking out orders, or demanding that his son not waste time with something as useless and stupid as science fiction or fluffy toys. It was unbecoming, Felix would always be scolded and watch helplessly as his body reached out to hand over that day’s source of joy, despite knowing it would never be seen again.

He hated it. Hated himself for never being able to resist, for not daring a speak a single word out of line. Over the years he’d overheard fierce arguments, Mum fighting on his behalf to squeeze out the tiniest speck of freedom…which in itself shall only be allowed when Colt felt pestered by his wife’s presence. Felix was only able to be because his father didn’t want any distractions, and that notion had stuck with him throughout the years. It wasn’t fair. Life was unfair, forcing him to obey that sick bastard like a puppet on strings while catching only the barest glimpses of other people living out their cheery days. What had he done to deserve it? He’d ask mum often, as quietly as Felix could, and Amelie would time and time again insist he wasn’t at fault. Only after his father’s death had he learned the truth, about why the buzzing stopped when Colt’s wedding ring inexplicably got sent back to his aunt and uncle.  

Felix sighed as another breeze slithered up his spine, and lazily got up to close the window. He’d only meant to get some air, not get dragged back into his thoughts. He lazily sat back down on the soft mattress, habitually pausing to ensure the floorboards hadn’t creaked. It’d be rude of him as a guest to start making noise, and he had no desire to disturb his cousin, wherever Adrien may be. They hadn’t spoken today, Felix holed up in his room and passing the time with books as the other blonde ventured outside, gone off to find and spent time with his friends. Not that it was a problem. On the contrary, he much preferred quietude and a good novel to being amidst a loud group that constantly hollered him with conversation. Crowds were decidedly not his scene…but he could at least admit that going out with Adrien and his friends hadn’t been unpleasant.

For as many shit-eating grins his beloved cousin would give Felix…he wasn’t mistaken per say, believing he’d only agreed to tag along for the chance of seeing Kagami again. Naturally, he’d wouldn’t be caught dead admitting such a thing, even if the girl in question seemed to be well-aware already. How could it be that he was like an open book to her? She felt almost like a great dragon, carefully hoarding every sliver of information Felix would divulge despite himself. Still, it had felt decidedly unnatural to be back at Flora’s café, in that same little nook they’d spent hours reading together in the comforting quiet…only this time, there was a group there, with him as the center of attention. Adrien, observant as always, at least explained it was his first time out with friends, and that they all ought to give him proper space.

Kagami had taken the lead after, switching seats with his cousin to sit between the two blonde boys, with the golden-haired girl across from them stifling a giggle. He thinks her name might be Chloe, and remembers seeing her with a drink in hand on that video Adrien’s friends had made him. Hadn’t he mentioned her as one of his first friends, just before Felix stopped visiting? It feels so long ago, as if a lifetime’s passed since that day. Not once had he and mom stayed for over a day or two, and admittedly…he might just start getting used to his city. Felix sighs to himself again, gently putting the book he was holding against the pillow. He’d pick it up later, once his brain finally decided to stop reminiscing about old mistakes. Even with Kagami and the others all trying to accommodate for his cynical attitude, Felix couldn’t help but feel out of place. It was…nice, he supposed, that they’d included him on their get-together, but he’d rejected Adrien’s invitation to join them the next day. And the day after that. And…the day after that.

Seeing people be carefree only served to dig deep into his soul, ripping out old insecurities and presenting them before the sun’s blinding rays…and everyone else’s expectations. Better to simply be known as a grinch, the kind of friend who was merely there because of a mutual acquaintance and gone in the blink of an eye. Unmemorable, just like he preferred. At least Kagami seemed to appreciate his dark humor, and Adrien let out a few laughs whose legitimacy Felix didn’t have the heart to appraise. He could pretend to be wanted, if nothing else. Maybe…ask his cousin to read something together? Or visit Kagami to discuss Sophia and the Emerald Princess?  She’d quite enjoyed his analysis when they’d gone through it together…or at the very least seemed to. Felix let out another loud sigh, shaking himself out of such thoughts. It was about time he stopped brooding and turned his attention back where it should be.

Mum had already gone downstairs to settle the matter of returning Adrien’s ring to him, and even uncle Gabriel stood no chance in defying her. He should be wrapping up loose ends, like the man’s assistant. Unsure how much the woman was aware of, Amelie had advised caution on the train ride to Paris. If she’d figured something out since them, mom hadn’t shared, but Felix wasn’t worried. Theoretically, this would be simple enough. Get inside Sancoeur’s bedroom, investigate that tablet she always carried, and report back with the item if possible. He’d pulled off much more perilous missions while rescuing books from Colt’s fireplace. With practiced ease, the blonde sneaks out of his guest chambers and down the hall, nearing the staircase in front of Adrien’s room.  

He spares a glance at the door, thinks of what his cousin might be up to at this time. Would it be worth it to go and check, just to make sure…no, Adrien had already proven he can handle himself. And he was smart enough to see an incoming scheme from a mile away. Better to leave him alone and hope there wouldn’t be any impromptu visits while Felix was snooping around. Creeping towards the door, he habitually straightens out the wrinkles in his suit, and with them his nerves. The wooden frame isn’t anything like the brittle, half-snapped one in his old bedroom. Here, no drunken screaming and kicking has peeled off any layers of paint, and the hinges are perfectly intact, much unlike a certain pair that needed to be replaced every so often. Felix shakes the invasive memories away, focusing his hearing on what lays beyond the door.

To his surprise…there’s silence. A complete and utter lack of sound that has him questioning whether he’s suddenly gone deaf…but Felix gently places a hand on the doorknob and walks in anyway. Nathalie Sancoeur lays still on her bed, with every light in the room turned off and the window shut tight. For a moment, his heart skips a beat at the sight, but her chest rises and falls all the same, right along with her slow breaths. He takes a careful step on the floorboards…and once again, makes not the slightest creak. There’s a tingle in the back of Felix’s head, like an itch that he can’t quite scratch. He tries putting a name to this unsettling feeling, but any answer effortlessly eludes him. So very close…yet just out of reach. Again, he takes another step in complete silence. Not even the sound of his own breathing registers, as if simply unable to permeate the air.

Now thoroughly mystified, Felix elects to simply take advantage as hastily as possible, and promptly bury his nose in a book about the unfathomable and arcane when he’s safely returned to the guest room. That tiny itch in the back of his head grows with every moment that he wastes…but unlike the crackling static of Colt’s scoldings, it feels calming, like a warm blanket has been wrapped around his mind. He forcefully shakes it off, not allowing himself to be lulled into some false sense of security. While Felix still believes his uncle fully capable of murder, at least this recent change in attitude surely means he’d be direct about it. Whatever is going on here…he doesn’t like it. Holding back a deep sigh and steadying his legs, the blonde sneaks over to Sancoeur’s nightstand, but there’s no tablet to be found.

Ahem…” a low cough sounds behind him. “Hello, Felix.” Nathalie says calmly, shooting him an utterly unimpressed look. She’s slumped over in the bed, resting her back against a propped-up pillow. B-but, wasn’t she asleep a moment ago?

Adrien’s habits must be getting to him, because he instinctively runs a hand over the back of his neck. “Uh…just looking for a book to read?” the blonde shrugs, cursing the hint of a plea in his voice. Desperation is never a good look on a Graham De Vanily, especially since he’s just been caught red-handed. Confusion suits him even less, and the assistant offers no answer to his increasing number of questions.

Nathalie crosses her arms over her chest, pulling her blanket closet. Felix spies a ruffling of some kind in her black hair, but keeps his gaze firmly on her arms, ready to dodge in case of any aggression. “It’s such a shame…Adrien was actually starting to believe you.” she deadpans, and a chilling block of ice crushes his heart.

The blonde feels nerves and anxiety clogging up his throat, but holds his head high. If she does tell on him snooping around, then whatever goodwill Felix has garnered will be snapped away. “Wait a second! If I was planning something, don’t you think I’d be more careful than this?” he hastes to defend, playing into Sancoeur’s paranoia. Better to get himself out of immediate danger and actually scheme to validate the lie at a later date…than lose all of Adrien’s trust because of his incessant need to know everything.

“Curiosity killed the cat…or so they say.” she simply shrugs, suppressing a yawn with her free hand. The other paws at the glasses resting on the nightstand, and Felix thinks to offer them to the assistant. “Thank you. I suppose it’s a good thing you’re here. Gabriel needs your help.” Nathalie deadpans, and denial twists his mask of faux politeness into immediate disgust.

“My uncle can help himself just fine.” Felix remarks coldly, narrowing his eyes at her. The assistant doesn’t bother staring back, instead electing to deeply sigh. He has no pity for her, even it looks like the woman is just another pawn in his uncle’s schemes. Whatever it is that Gabriel Agreste wants him for, the man would have to get it done over Amelie Graham De Vanily’s dead body. “I’m sure he at least has connections, given that he made aunt Emilie disappear.”

It's a low blow and they both know it, but a part of Felix still clings to what few memories he has of the woman. They’re all hazy and difficult to recall, but she seemed just as kind as his own mother, and Adrien would have been far better off if Gabriel Agreste had keeled over instead of his wife. Sancoeur doesn’t quite flinch at the accusation, but the glimmering ice in her eyes says enough. She at least has the decency to remain poised, giving the blonde a stern glare. “It’s about another like yourself.” Nathalie says bluntly, not bothering to hold back a sardonic grin.

Felix can feel the blood in his veins glow colder with every moment of passing silence, and the dull blue mist in her eyes flares to life, unleashing a chilling tundra unto his soul. Along with it comes a sentiment eerily familiar, one that he had hoped to never feel again after Colt Fathom was dead and buried. Fear, because he already knows her next words. Horror, since he can easily guess who Nathalie refers to, and the very thought of her being shackled to the whims of some harrowing excuse of a parental figure almost makes him hurl.

“Gabriel is intent on keeping his word, and also has no further use for Tomoe Tsurugi. Surely you felt a kinship with her daughter?” the assistant has the gal to ask, and Felix nearly fails to prevent his eyebrow from twitching. Gaze darting back onto himself, he straightens out the single wrinkle on his sleeve, and promptly clears his throat. There is no need to nod or say that he accepts, no price is too high for someone’s freedom. Especially not Kagami’s. “He has other reasons, but it seems your goals align with hours. Shall I assume you’ll be assisting me?” Nathalie raises an eyebrow, wearing a smile he might have called inviting in any other situation.

What choice does he have? Once again outplayed, Felix has to comply in order to secure Kagami’s ring…or whatever the control object may be. Does it have to be a ring? There’s still so much that he doesn’t know, only having Amelie’s vague allusions to something called a Miraculous to go off. “I’m not your minion.” he asserts coldly, narrowly avoiding a hitch in his breath. “But…as long as it saves Kagami’s life…I’m willing to lend a hand.”

“That’s all we require.” Nathalie smiles, ever so gentle in her expression. To his confusion, it seems real…and Felix takes a moment to breathe again. Blinking rapidly, he focuses both eyes back on her face, still beholding nothing but honest gratitude. Holding back a frustrated huff, he takes a step back to give himself space. Eyes can and always will deceive but when unable to hear anything but their own voices, he’s almost completely disarmed. Sancoeur must take his silence as permission to go on, because she’s opened her mouth again in the time it takes Felix to breathe. “All I need you to do is take Kagami out of the house. Pose as Adrien, lure her away and leave Tomoe vulnerable.”

A simple plan, yet quite effective. It frankly doesn’t matter that the fencer can tell the difference between cousins, so long as she’s away from her mother, that’s one less bargaining chip the vile woman can use against them. Although…he’s quite curious as to how the bedridden, ill-stricken assistant plans to take on a trained swordswoman…running on the assumption that Tomoe Tsurugi is Kagami’s trainer. Felix can’t help but send a questioning glance in Nathalie’s direction, and just as she’s about to offer assurances, a blue blob peeks out of her dark hair.


The Goddess of Emotion had seen the boy long before he deigned approach her miniscule domain. Even comfortably curled amidst her chick’s black strands, Duusu had felt the bond flare to life the moment he came close enough. This…Felix was cold, filled with resentment and well-honed anger directed towards cunning. Trixx may have taken a liking to the boy, but he was ultimately her charge, and Illusion could forget any dreams of claiming one of her own kin. When it came to the beings humanity called Sentimonsters, Emotion had always been rather upset at this horrid mistranslation. As challenging as it must be for mortal minds to read the language of the stars, the Guardians had done a great disservice to a people who were practically Duusu’s children. Of course, she would never dare overstep her bounds, nor bind them to her wings as she was once able to, simply out of respect for their individuality.

Even to the Kwami, souls has always been a rather fascinating concept. She’d never spent much time questioning the science of it all, Tikki knew far better than her, but to Duusu’s understanding, a soul was merely the collective of energy that powered a living being. Of course, one could theoretically be alive without it, but would be forced to syphon the required energies from another source. And considering the last time something of the sort occurred, Longg had lost a wonderful Holder to a horrible scourge…she had no desire to even entertain the thought. Individuality however was quite different. It was a common saying amidst mortals that life can shape what type of person they become, and this was quite true in some ways. Experience and memories did not affect the soul itself, but rather melded together to form a self, a living being that is truly alive rather than simply executing biological functions. Since the dawn of their Creation, Tikki had quickly understood that these humans were fascinating, possessing the ability to individualize much faster than any other species thus far. There was never a clear set of criteria, but considering that some species across the vastness of the cosmos still operated in hive minds, Duusu could respect this one, and almost be impressed.

Naturally, this brought upon the question of humanity itself. What constitutes a human? Surely, it was their sense of individuality, an actualization of the self that Tikki had been so taken by. Why then, would her own children be considered monsters by some mortals? Of course, not every Senti-being was the same. Some served a simple purpose, bringing into existence her Holder’s momentary emotions, or having a basic set of functions when created. But all of them, given enough time and proper treatment, could eventually become just as human as Tikki’s creations. Unfortunately, it was far more difficult to create something that wasn’t sentient than the opposite. She would have told Emilie as much, had Duusu been in the right state of mind to do so during their years together. Thankfully, the woman had figured out this moral conundrum all on her own, and impressively held back from the convenience her Miraculous offered.

It should be noted, the hint of resentment that Emotion still felt for Mayura. Through no fault of her own, of course, Nathalie had failed to understand this ethical quandary, and committed a grave offense against Duusu’s kin. An artificial creation of any kind, be it through her manifesting emotions, through science currently unknown to humanity, or another Kwami’s influence will be just as human as any other member of their species, assuming it is made to such specifications. Even if not, it would take an extraordinary amount of work from the Goddess to bring something to life while not also giving life. If Nathalie had wanted an animated statue to assist her in battle, she should have just gone to Nooroo and transmitted her feelings into some kind of armor. Encoding purpose but never allowing for true thought, and it would have been morally acceptable to undo such a spell. But in the greatest of irony…all of Duusu’s children could be taken away with a literal snap of someone’s finger, if her Holder tried to misuse the Peacock Miraculous.  

She’d never felt Adrien so strongly. Keeping close to Emilie’s side all throughout the boy’s early childhood, the Kwami of Emotion had seen the little thing they’d made together grow indistinguishable from a human born of the intended biology. Logically, a part of Duusu’s mind recalled that Felix existed too, but fractured as she was along with her jewel, it was impossible to focus on something immaterial. Concepts of people she wasn’t physically near became difficult to grasp, and so while Adrien remained in the back of her thoughts, she lost sight of his kinsman years ago. To see him again should have been a great joy, but the Goddess was self-aware enough to admit her own annoyance at his timing. Curled up in Nathalie’s hair as she was, Duusu had spent time carefully weaving her Holder’s desire for rest into a physical nest devoid of sound since the moment Plagg zipped away from them both. Perhaps she should clarify that only perception was impacted, and no living being would be able to hear the low sounds of Mayura’s breathing. She’d treaded far too closely to the Concept of Illusion, enough to be expecting the usual light teasing from Trixx when next she saw her brother, but Duusu was quite happy with the results. If only Felix hadn’t decided to barge in and cut the Goddess’ nap short…

And now, of course, Nathalie had gone and done something rash. Emotion would correct the slight blunder, peering out beyond the mess of her chick’s hair. Starlit pink eyes meet dark emerald, and the boy cannot help but yelp in surprise as she gives off a high-pitched chirp before flying out of Mayura’s hair, perched atop the woman’s shoulder. Miming a wave with her feathers, Duusu gives a wide smile to the blonde. “About that!” she chirps loudly, grinning at Nathalie’s shocked glare.

She flies to her Holder’s face, poking her cheek with a wing. “You aren’t anywhere, May! I didn’t spend days trying to heal you just so Mayura can do another show! Let someone else flaunt their feathers for once!” Duusu scolds her, mustering as stern a voice as she’s ever heard from Emilie. Then, she promptly loops through the air, floating up to Felix.

The boy looks utterly flabbergasted, but his catty eyes quickly narrow at Nathalie. “I knew it! I knew you and my uncle were hiding something!” he points an accusatory finger at the assistant, and the Goddess of Emotion has to hold back a laugh. Mortals are always so expressive, and it is fun seeing the boy lose his cool even if only for a split second. Felix seems to realize this too, for he schools his impression back into a slightly impatient calm, eyeing her warily.

“Amelie has known since before you arrived. Maybe even last year.” Nathalie tells him slowly, and Duusu feels a pang of anger course through the blonde’s veins. “The reason why Gabriel wants your help is because nobody else will understand what is at stake.” Her voice is toneless now, that same defensive, prickly stance leaking back into her posture. Professionality keeps emotions as bay, and while understanding the principles, the Kwami does falter at her Holder’s rejection of her Concept. Sympathy would work better here; Felix has no need for more cold in this life…

Sensing the imminent argument, Duusu whirls through the air and puts both her wings on the boy’s finger, shaking it in as warm a greeting as she can manage. The sensation flows through him instantly, and he takes a deep breath, thankfully seeing reason. Emotion would have preferred to wrap her real wings around him, to calm Felix’s pained soul with the same lullaby she once did the stars Tikki had hung amidst the cosmos, and regrets agreeing to these limits of her power. Her pink eyes shine with mischief, electing a sigh from the blonde.

“Oh, aunt Emilie must have loved you…” he says, carefully lacing every honeyed word with sarcasm, but it just makes her laugh. “So…what are you exactly?” Felix questions, his body going rigid and spine standing at attention.

Nathalie goes to respond, to try and answer at least some of his questions, but the Goddess sends comfort safety trust through their fledged bond, and she relaxes into the soft pillows at her back. “Greetings! I’m Duusu, the Kwami of Emotion! And you, my friend, are one of my creations!” she happily chirps and grins wildly, being all smiles.

Felix’s eyes glint with dangerous curiosity, but it’s all directed at Mayura. Oddly enough, it seems he’s misunderstood the dynamics at play here. Still, the boy turns back to her, lowering his head in a respectful nod. “You…come from a Miraculous, right?” he asks innocently, almost as if he’s unsure. The Kwami immediately catches his gaze lingering on Nathalie’s brooch.

“It’s a really long story.” she giggles at him, perching on his head and testing the softness of that golden hair. Not half-bad, but maybe he ought to comb it less to it feels less slick? “Anyway, May’s right! We do need your help! Or, Kagami does! Mister Gabriel has been keeping that awful dragon of a so-called mother at bay, but he can’t just go confront her alone! The, uh…mortal legal issues aside for a moment, we need to extract my kin from the field before rushing into battle!” Duusu exclaims, hoping to sell him on the plan. It’s not like she can’t just ask Plagg to rip Tomoe Tsurugi inside out, but any sensible Kwami would prefer to not become a crutch to humanity.

She’s already made this mistake countless times before, and with this Holder…Duusu simply doesn’t have the necessary power to compensate anymore. Nathalie is injured, her soul just barely healed enough to not drain from her physical form, and any myriad of injuries is very likely in a battle, ones that will surely decimate her Holder, newly granted eyes or not. Doesn’t matter if one can see the divine when the Kwami isn’t of much help. She’s been deliberating every Mayura told her the plan, under the guise of helping the woman brainstorm ideas and work out the kinks. Not that Duusu didn’t do that, just…also made sure to have a backup plan in case of emergency. Had Nathalie told her this discussion would take place today, she’d have suggested they hold back on Reunion, and conserved her strength to enhance Mayura’s body and do glorious combat!

Unfortunately, this seemed to be a case of the youth needing to make up for the mistakes of the old. Felix quickly came to the same conclusion that the Goddess had reached long ago. If directly attacked, Tomoe would try to use Kagami as a shield for as long as she held her Amok. And since Nathalie was in no position to retrieve it… “I’ll go instead of you!” the boy exclaims, determination burning in his eyes. “Just hand me the Miraculous, and I’m sure…Duusu here can guide me!” Ahh, she’d read him wrong. It was desperation that filled the air, permeating even her ethereal form. Layers upon layers of old fears tangled together in a mess of mental trauma, something whose continued existence no Kwami should ever allow.

Of course, why wasn’t it the first thing on her mind? Felix was shackled just like her, wearing the keys to his cell in the form of an innocent silver ring. It occurred to Duusu that such a conundrum presented a double-edged blade. While the boy’s drive to save her kin would be high, recklessness may easily rise to meet it. And Nathalie was not stupid either. She saw the way his pupils dilated the moment she went to touch the Miraculous. Felix wanted it, thought himself capable of a manipulation good enough to get away with thievery. Emotion certainly did not blame the boy, not when had yet to correct his poor opinion of Mayura. Had self-preservation been his sole objective, Duusu would be feeling true disappointment for the first time in centuries. And yet, he was willing to risk his own life for the ones he cared for. For his people, a sentiment any Kwami could proudly stand by. Perhaps Longg might have even offered praise, or rather his incredible, legendary powers. If the Goddess recalled correctly, Kagami was his Holder, despite the brief time they’d spent together.

Still, it felt unlike him to be so expressive, even desperate as Felix was. He seemed the type whose layers Duusu would need time to peal back, and she wasn’t entirely convinced this sudden eagerness wasn’t an act within itself. A test then, one cruel and painful yet necessary. She would determine his true feelings on this matter before advising Mayura, as a responsible Kwami must. Plagg might admonish her bluntness, but Duusu had long ago perfected the innocent façade, and such a risk was needed to see the truth, when all but two of her eyes were sealed shut. “I’d be happy to work with you, Felix! But…answer me one thing. I’m curious, how is your father doing? I haven’t seen him in years!” she pours longing into her voice, as if speaking fondly of an old friend.

The reaction is instantaneous. Felix’s whose body tenses up, fingers curling around the edges of his sleeves as memories come flooding into his mind. She sends a mental apology and starts digging for a good find. Fear, whenever deafening footsteps would come near his bedroom door. A booming voice screaming obscenities into the night, incoherent phrases mashed together beyond all reason. Anger at the death of a close friend, or rather the destruction of a toy that was proudly cherished. Hate, both towards the man responsible for every harrowing nightmare and the self for perceived weakness. An inability to break past mental chains leading to a dark, putrid miasma of despair to cling to each and every waking moment…until an angel with glimmering platinum hair comes to take it all away. Warmth floods Duusu’s senses, recognizable as love, and she flutters with joy at the silver lining. Then, satisfaction. Perverse and guilty, but there all the same. Freedom, at long last! Duusu whirls through Felix’s mind, reading his emotions like an open book, and through her Concept, finally sees the moment which brought upon this flux.


 Felix kept his head down, the harsh overhead lights and the reflections cast upon the floor tiles below his feet forcing the small boy to squint. He’d pushed himself up and curled into a chair at the waiting room, left alone to observe the monochrome halls as the occasional employee passing by. He decided it then, at a meager thirteen years of age, that he despised Hospitals. The air was stale, forcing him to breathe deeply in order to fill his lungs, and exhale sharply to preserve oxygen. Permeated by smells of sickness, a creeping rot crawled underneath Felix’s feet, hence why he’d immediately taken them off the ground, careful not to let his shoes make contact with the floor. Father might just kill him if he got them dirty, or God forbid allow someone to cough on him.

The only saving grace was Mum’s warm presence in the back of his mind, unfortunately kept away by the very same door that contained the monster he called father. Colt Fathom was in no position to hurt anyone now, Felix knew that logically. But the debilitating fear of that man breaking down the door if a single speck of dust got on his clothes…there was a reason he kept making sure his shirt had not a single wrinkle. She and Doctor Sturgis were inside, but Amelie Graham De Vanily was the strongest person he’d ever met. Mom would be fine; she was just checking to see if father would die today. Subtle as her explanation had been, Felix had seen right through her flowery words and glimpsed the sparks of hope in her heart the moment they got into the car. And now here they were, because of some unexpected developments in Colt’s condition.

As it turned out, he wouldn’t have to battle uncertainty alone much longer. “-keep telling you, we don’t know why his condition is worsening. There’s nothing wrong with him.” Doctor Sturgis was whispering to mum as they shuffled through the door. The middle-aged man looked genuinely sorry, with frazzled grey hairs and a slouching curve on his shoulders that betrayed exhaustion. “I’ve personally ran every test I can think of. Miss Graham De Vanily…he doesn’t have long.” The man looked saddened, avoiding mom’s gaze and missing the tiny twitch in her expression.

Amelie covered her mouth with a gloved hand, expertly hiding the uncontainable grin forming beneath. “I- I understand this has been difficult for you, doctor…” she breathes, pausing to conceal every last hint of glee in her tone. “My husband is…very impatient.”

“That’s evident enough.” Doctor Sturgis sights, before flipping through some of the forms in his hands. The man’s eyes seem unfocused, but he powers through and steps towards the hall. “I’ll return posthaste, there’s one last set of results to check on. There must be something we’re missing…” he murmurs to himself, taking the polite nod from mum as permission to depart.

Mom immediately crashes into Felix’s side, and he cracks a smile of relief. It’s still odd to think about, how quiet freedom can be. In every story he’s ever read, evil villains and harrowing monsters are defeated in a great battle, or some event that reshapes the entire world. There’s a slow churn inside his gut, and neither of them dare voice what they know to be true. Finally, finally…they’ll be able to slay this nightmare. Much later in life, he would read through old medical records and realize exactly what kind of examinations Colt Fathom had been put through. Invasive procedures, intensive questioning, IVs and restraints for the sake of his safety…Amelie had pulled every last string to make his final moments miserable, and Felix couldn’t be happier.

Her warmth courses directly through his veins, soothing his nerves as he gladly returns the hug. There are no words exchanged, not even a hint of the relief that takes flight inside both their hearts. Aside from the paranoia of his father being called a stubborn bastard for good reason and somehow keeping himself from keeling over for another night, they also have a façade to maintain. It’s easy to accuse others amidst high society, and Amelie Graham De Vanily shall be left a widow and sole beneficiary of the Fathom family fortune, including all of Colt’s shares in his various high-end companies. Admittedly, cleaning out every board of directors would be tiresome work, but the satisfaction at destroying that monster’s last legacy was too good a reward to pass up on. Nevertheless, she was sure that whispers and rumor would paint her as a murderess, bringing down her husband to inherit his vast wealth.

Truly, this was all the proof Felix needed to discern that there’s no bigger fools in this world than those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. If mum actually did kill the bastard, the bobbies would either never find a body, or keep finding Colt until there were no pieces left to mail. There was a reason why her kitchen knives received so much affection, almost on par with Felix himself. Instruments of murder are extremely high-valued when one’s husband is an abusive asshole, and there was plenty of historical evidence to back up whichever fate Amelie had in mind for hers.  

Amelie finally lets go of him, but only after making doubly sure her warmth has seeped deep beneath Felix’s skin, driving away the harrowed chills that run down his spine. She softly pats him on the head, interlocking her delicate fingers and letting his blonde hair get caught between them. Then, mum gives him a radiant smile that turns to mischief, and she’s off, trailing the good Doctor down the corridor. He has a sneaking suspicion she wishes to delay, to keep Colt in agonizing suspense a little while longer. Every second he’s in pain is another flutter of joy in her heart, and he cannot find it in himself to blame Amelie for it. Heroes are supposed to be righteous and good, but Felix has long accepted he’ll never be that kind of person. They are loud and inspiring, so can his deafening silence measure up when he’s skittish at the mere notion of making a sound?  

Hesitation has always been his weakness, this inability to act for himself and always waiting for mom to pick up the slack. At a whole thirteen years of age, Felix shouldn’t have to rely on her! He’s a man, and ought to be strong enough to protect what’s his! Well…mum is her own person, he’s read enough books to know what happens when someone tries locking a princess in a high tower away from all else, but…father’s words still ring in his mind. The quiet buzzing from overhead is like a vile monster scratching the insides of Felix’s skull. Again and again, confronted with weakness and frailty. That’s no way for a hero to live. How can mom say he’s her knight if the things that matter to him are turned over the moment father asks? If he can’t keep a stuffed rabbit safe…there’s no point, is there? Maybe someday a powerful, striking presence would appear in his life, wielding sharp blade and quick wit in a way he never can. But for now, he must endure. It’s almost over, this visit, and then they’ll both go back to mum’s little nook inside the library. Books and light are aplenty there, and so is the warm feeling that father is hellbent on draining from his bones.

Felix shifts uncomfortably at the sound of footsteps coming closer. Soft, almost inaudible, but almost has never been good enough before. He’s learned to listen carefully, see more with his ears than a simple pair of eyes. Those often deceived, failed to look beyond the most upfront appearances and fooled one into thinking safety may be near. He’d gotten tricked once, when last Amelie had brought him to Paris. Aunt Emilie had been nice about it, even smiled almost as radiantly as mum sometimes would, when father wasn’t near. He shook the embarrassing memory away, taking a deep breath to fill up his lungs.

Stale air flooded into them, as did a foreign voice enter his ears. “Excuse me? Are you Felix, sweetie?” a young woman asked kindly, looking at him with amber eyes. Red hair was tied up in a bun atop her head, and she’d donned a nurse’s uniform. “I’m sorry to bother you, dear. My name’s Adeline. Have you seen Doctor Sturgis anywhere?” she questions him in a soft voice, and he takes a moment to listen.

For all the softness in her features, the girl’s irises burn with determination, sharp and focused just as she is while she speaks. He can’t detect even a hint of impatience, rather a genuine attempt to extend an olive branch to someone she believes is currently in pain. The thoughts behind her eyes are laid bare to Felix through tone of voice. Adeline, like any reasonable medical professional, is worried for his health. Fractures of the mind are not her expertise, and she feels angry at herself for being unable to help him. Oddly enough, there’s no hidden pity under her expression, and that makes him relax just a tiny bit.

“He’s gone off with my mum. Retrieving some…results, I think.” he answers in uncertainty, if only to keep up the façade of an innocent child a little longer. He was worried, yes, but not for his father.

She nods politely, stepping a tiny bit closer. Felix doesn’t scoot himself away, and she seems to take it as permission to sit down in one of the adjacent chairs. “Then it seems we’re both waiting for them to come back.” Adeline sighs deeply, glancing at Colt’s room out the corner of her eye. There’s no compassion in her stare, only annoyance and exhaustion. In Felix’s own opinion, that might be entirely professional for once. To ask anything more of whoever had to put up with that man he called a father would surely be the height of rudeness.

Silence quickly envelops them again, but with another person sitting close by, it’s easier to avoid getting lost in his own thoughts. And…for some odd reason, the woman is familiar, almost as if he’s met her before. Certainly not, since he and mum weren’t allowed outside the estate unless personally escorted by Colt. It had always seemed silly to him, this rule. Weren’t adults supposed to be free to go wherever they pleased? His father’s many friends who sometimes visited certainly seemed to think so. Felix shook himself away from such memories, instead narrowing his eyes in concentration as he tried to figure out where he’d seen this nurse before. Perhaps she’d been on duty during a previous visit? No, that didn’t seem quite right. The only other possibility would be through his books, but…

Wasn’t there a novel he’d read about someone similar? It’d been one of mum’s favorites before Colt threw it out, and disregarding the screaming match that came after said event, Felix had quite enjoyed reading it. A young nun named Adella served as a focal point for most of the narrative, and the book mainly explored her feelings of not fitting in with the rest of her coven. Fiery red hair and a close relationship with her best friend drew her apart from her temple-sisters, whose attention tended to gravitate more towards spiritual things. Felix was thankful it didn’t delve too deeply into the matter of religion itself, instead treating it as a given and allowing him to live the adventure through Adella’s eyes.

Indeed…he had considered her a kindred spirit in a sense, left out and almost solitary in her existence in the nunnery. Her only companion was another sister with long black hair and shimmering brown eyes, who tended to be much more relaxed than the others. Adrianna, her name was, the only person with whom Adella permitted herself to be free. Maybe that same determination reminded him of this nurse…or it could be her soft, kindly tone of voice.

“Will my father be alright?” Felix finds himself asking in a toneless string of words, stale as the air polluting his lungs. He doesn’t bother with false worry, nor sympathy he hasn’t the capacity to feel. Not for someone that considers himself so far above humanity. Colt would despise any who glanced at him with the slightest hint of pity, never mind a disgusting concept such as sympathy or compassion. Therefore, Felix was simply respecting his father’s wishes by not offering either.

Adeline regards his expression for a moment, slowly averting her eyes as they begin to deceive her. He sees it, the way her facial muscles tighten as she tries to hold back a grimace, and with it the truth. It’s quite likely the devil behind the door they both sat before would never take another step in the outside world. She offers a strained smile, running a hand through her crimson bun. Even confined within a coffin and laying on his deathbed as Colt Fathom was, the man still retained his miraculous ability to instill headaches upon unsuspecting passerby. Maybe mum was right after all…they should have knocked him out cold and shipped him back to Georgia.

“Kid…do you want me to be honest with you?” Adeline asks in a low voice, concern seeping into her tone. It’s obvious by now what the truth is, despite her attempt to hide it all away. Felix might be a child, but he isn’t stupid. Father would die today; it was becoming more and more likely with every passing second. “I…” she opens her mouth to speak, but is interrupted by the blaring alarm inside Colt’s room. “Shite, he shouldn’t be awake! Stay here!” Adeline barks out, rushing to her feet and through the door. Felix is suddenly left alone, but neither the harsh tone or the absence of people has him feeling queasy.

Rather, it’s that horrid smell that slips right through the tiny crack in the doorway. The hinges have been left slightly ajar, and he can catch the barest glimpse of blinding lights being reflected off shiny metal. A stand with some kind of chord attached to it is next to what he thinks might be the bed, but Felix can’t make out any concrete shapes. Once again, eyes prove worthless in the face of superb hearing, and the alarming screech has stopped now, allowing silence to try and settle back into the waiting room. Only this time, instead of the incessant buzzing of ceiling lights, it’s the monotone beeping of machinery that worms it’s way into the back of his skull.

Suddenly, a putrid stench reaches Felix’s nostrils, and forces him to hold back an audible gag. A dark, horrid miasma floods into the waiting room, bringing forth a rot unlike anything he’s ever been unfortunate enough to smell. Almost like a sickly, defiled corpse has been unearthed after years below ground, and he can almost see the maggots crawling inside of the chamber that shall be Colt’s tomb in all but name. Felix holds his breath as Adeline slowly makes her way back to him, thankfully with her mask still up. He does not want to think about how abhorrent the stench must be for the poor woman who’s been forced to make contact with its source.

A raspy cough echoes through the silent halls as the inky blackness permeates the air, and the beeping of whichever life support machine father must be hooked up on becomes almost deafening. The nurse has enough compassion to look worried for him, and Felix can’t bring himself to discern if she’s being honest. Frankly, it isn’t worth the time he’d better spend trying to breathe through this miasma. Adeline seems unaffected, lowering her face mask and sitting at his side again. Conflict flickers in her amber eyes, flickers of an all-consuming yellow flame battling with her staunch determination. “Your father is conscious. He…wishes to see you…” she hesitates, inasmuch as a person used to death even can.

Felix has long since understood that hesitation is defeat, and doesn’t waste a second before stubbornly clinging to the chair he’s sat upon, vehemently refusing to even look in the door’s general direction. Adeline sighs deeply, and a breath of sorrow escapes the young woman as she goes to slowly pat him on the shoulder. Seeing Felix’s flinch, she immediately reconsiders, and kindly scoots away to give him space. “Listen kid…I lost my dad when I was young. I- I don’t know your situation…but I never got to say goodbye. You don’t deserve to live with the what-ifs. He’s a piece of work, we’ve all seen that by now…just-” she tries to coerce him, and once again his opinions are proved wholly correct.

All she sees is a sickly, dying man who’s got barely a quarter’s time left on this earth. Adeline’s voice might still be kind, but she hasn’t listened. The young nurse hasn’t heard Colt Fathom screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night for weeks on end, using up every curse word in the English lexicon and inventing a few more just to tell Felix how badly his life’s been ruined. She hasn’t had to live with the sound of furniture crashing against the wall as staff duck and weave out of the way, usually saved from harm by the guardian angel that is his mother. Nobody else has had to live with the constant heckling, the assertation of being unworthy, an embarrassment, a subhuman disgrace. Adeline never had to hear the words Colt would spout at Amelie the moment a single drop of liquor fell past his mouth, nor endure the atrocious music of whichever country club father might drag them both to. He couldn’t trust them to be left alone, lest both wife and son disappear by the time he returned home the next morning…or night, depending on the occasion.  

Felix goes to remark his refusal clearly, with perhaps a barbed word or two to truly get the point across. This wasn’t a stubborn child she was talking with, rather a person who refused to be harassed. Mum had taught him that much at least. He opens his mouth to speak, but a loud cough breaks the uneasy quiet. “Felix! You- get in here right now!” Colt cries out, sounding like a strangled feline in one of London’s many back alleys. His throat hacks out another puff of air, and the mechanical beeps persist, their interval barely noticeable to his ears.

Adeline has the decency to look shocked at his caustic tone, but there isn’t much surprise on the teen’s part. A symphony of harrowed coughs blasts through the frail wooden door, accompanied by more dark smoke that makes Felix put a hand over his lower face. The miasma feels almost viscous as it corrupts the already stale air, like the grey puffs Colt’s pipe would give out even when Amelie scolded him for such a wretched habit. Retribution would be enough to make the blonde smile, if only he wasn’t suffering it’s sickening echoes. “You are my son! I demand-” father tries to scream, cutting himself off as a stomach-churning squelch sounds through the hall.

To her credit, the nurse is quick to jump out of her seat and rush towards the door…only to be stopped by a deafening crash as something metal collides with the wood, almost breaking through the fickle frame. Adeline pushes against the entryway, but it’s tightly barred no matter how much force she puts on it. Another raspy cough thunders in Felix’s ears, and he can easily imagine the viscous red fluids Colt is hacking up staining the man’s shirt. “Felix! Come to me, now!” father roars in a blood-curling tone, but he’s wise to the sounds of hidden pain, and can almost hear the tearing of flesh that leaves him gasping for breath.

He dares not move a muscle, frozen in place at the slightest hint of a buzzing in the back of his head…but no such sensation forms inside Felix’s mind, and he lets out a deep sigh of relief. “Felix! You ungrateful shit! I-” Colt bellows through a series of harsh coughs as Adeline rushes down the hallway, trying to flag someone down for help. Deserted as graves are supposed to be, he doubts she’ll find anyone in time.

More and more obscenities erupt from father’s mouth, with only the son as witness to the man’s screams of pain. To Felix, every rasping breath that reaches his ears sounds more like that of a hollow corpse, as if someone’s drained every last drop of blood from Colt Fathom’s veins and left him atop that bed to rot and die. The machinery he’s tied up to blares deafening warnings, drowning out the increasingly desperate cries that claw at Felix’s brain like a cornered animal. He can hear the way his father’s brittle bones hopelessly clutch at the restraints he’d glimpsed the last time they’d visited, joints straining against the pressure applied by whichever chord must be connecting him to the fallen metal object. Presumably the IV stand, with it’s needles still nested deep inside Colt’s veins. “Felix! H-help me!” comes the strangled scream of pain as said metal scrapes uselessly against the floor tiles. Father grunts and yells as he pulls it just far enough from the door to let the hinges creak open at last.

The sight that awaits within is one that will never escape Felix’s memory. Pale and sickly, Colt Fathom lays half-fallen off his bed, tied down by leather straps and pressing a bleeding arm against the bedsheets. The boy gives no answer, instinctively straightening his back as his father’s eyes spy him at last. The man’s overshirt is covered in viscous red hues, and another cough wracks through Colt’s body, forcing him to spit more blood unto himself. A rebreather of some kind, connected to machine next to the bed, has fallen to the floor, and father desperately reaches for it with trembling fingers. His good arm twists around the restraints as he tries…but it’s a hair too far for him to properly grasp. Colt stares at Felix with glimmering eyes, only reflecting the overhead light. His own have long faded into a dull, dead grey, the same visceral fog that starred in many of the boy’s nightmares. Father’s cold eyes plead with him to come closer, to help him…but Felix remains firmly away from the ground, curling up atop the chair once more.

Neither has the good sense to speak, and instead father and son lock hateful gazes, willing the other to simply drop dead. The man’s pretentious pride shatters as tears begin to form in his eyes. Agony seems to not suffice for the pain his father is experiencing, but Felix doesn’t move a muscle. He feels…oddly numb, as if a thin fog has set upon body and mind. It isn’t restrictive, thoughts come clear as crystal despite it all, but Colt’s pained howling brings another kind of darkness to the forefront of Felix’s brain. How many times had he wished the man would magically keel over and die when he was being yelled? Countless hours spent imagining his father simply…losing his voice as he screamed till it was hoarse, and then just blipping out of existence. As if someone had only needed to snap their fingers for the monster to go away. …how many times did Felix want nothing more than to make it all stop?

“Fe…lix…” Colt gasps, tears freely flowing from his hollow eyes as the agony finally overwhelms him. Every shred of familiarity is ripped away from his expression, and the blonde can only see a man beg for his life. Suddenly, he realizes it. Father is powerless. He’s asking for help. Felix is the one in control.

Only once before had he felt truly free, on a stormy night some years ago. Thunder had awoken him from a deep slumber, and he’d dragged his tiny body across the haunting, harrowed halls of his father’s manor to find mum. She would make the storm go away, hug him and fight the cold until his bones didn’t feel frozen solid. Felix shuffled towards the living room, aiming to cross the hall and turn to Amelie’s bedroom…only to see her standing by the sofa, with the window at her back. Pouring rain endlessly crashed against the glass, and a vile stench permeated the air, making the boy gag in disgust. It almost smelled like father’s office when the man would stay up late to work, and mommy had told him not to go near those bottles under the desk. He hesitated to approach, barely peeking ‘round the corner to get a better look at her. Amelie’s platinum-blonde hair fell off her shoulders, and her hand was clutched around something that glinted in the few rays of moonlight than ripped through the clouds. Colt Fathom’s unconscious form was draped over the sofa, cowboy hat covering his face. Like a silvery barb, the object’s sharp edge neared closer to his father as mum kneeled next to him…and she glimpses Felix’s blonde hair, almost dropping whatever she was holding. Mum turns ‘round and gingerly places it on the coffee table, rushes over to scoop him up, and then they’ve both gone back to his room to fall into restful sleep.

That memory emerged through the same blinding fog that swirled in Colt’s eyes even now, and Felix felt the distinct lack of crackling static in the back of his skull. Almost as if a dark veil has been lifted, he can finally see the man for what he is. Dying. Father is going to die within moments, and they both know it. His bleary eyes hold Felix’s gaze with as much fiery hatred as they can muster through the tears, and the blonde boy gleefully meets them with the same cold disinterest he’s been shown all his life. Another spout of blood is spewed from father’s mouth, and a low gargling sound reaches the blonde’s ears. Colt Fathom dies slowly, choking on his own blood, and knows fear for the first time in his life.

Duusu is suddenly thrown back into reality in a blinding flash, and spies Felix covertly rubbing his temples as Nathalie politely turns her gaze away. Her Holder shoots the Kwami a glare meant to induce guilt, but the Goddess simply shrugs it off. She never liked causing pain to anyone, even gladly advised her long-lost chicks to show mercy whenever possible…but when it came to the safety of her kin, it was necessary to ensure Mayura’s mistake would never be repeated. Only a moment has passed in the physical realm, but it’s enough for her properly appraise and offer trust. Distantly, Plagg blinks in morbid fascination, and she hears him whisper in their ancient, unintelligible tongue. Symphonies of surprise and warm acceptance bring a smile to Duusu’s face, one that she quickly replaces with genuine concern for Felix’s wellbeing.

She hadn’t meant to push him too hard! And yet the boy staggers before finally regaining his composure with a soft cough. Perhaps he’s disguised a strangled cry, but the Goddess shall not pry into his mind any further. It was an invasion much unlike her, and one day she would apologize. Perhaps in the far future, if Felix was to be her next Holder and they build up the same instinctive trust she once had with Emilie. The Kwami holds her gaze on him a moment longer, before turning to Nathalie and giving an assuring nod. Mayura sighs deeply before running a hand through her black hair, now a mess from Duusu’s prior use of it as an impromptu mattress.

“Felix…I want this back, you understand?” she demands sternly, fingers trailing the jeweled brooch’s edge. “And Duusu, if something goes sideways, I order you to return your Miraculous to me no matter who is wearing it.” Felix inwardly scowls at her words, before going back to straightening out his suit. “Tomoe cannot be allowed to hold Adrien’s life in her hands.” Realization seems to hit him at this, and the blonde finds himself giving an agreeing nod. A person who is surely the equivalent of his horrible father should never be able to threaten any Senti-being, not as callously as that woman surely will.

For only a moment, Duusu sees it. A wide, manic grin, and misty, sunken eyes that reject all sense of humanity. Her own kin, a daughter of sorts, falling to her knees and being snapped out of existence. Felix screaming in denial as Kagami Tsurugi meets her end. Then…silence. Only his ring clattering uselessly against the gravel stones beneath. The Kwami doesn’t quite stop flapping her wings, but Emotion blinks in confusion. Visions and destiny are never things she put stock in, had been rendered irrelevant ever since Tikki became unable to calculate which rock certain types of physical matter would end up on. Thousands of years before humanity’s home had even cooled from its formation, all Gods had stopped believing in such nonsense. Destiny did exist, but was only proved right when a sentient being made it theirs. Free Will was Plagg’s greatest gift to all mortals after all, and Creation would never think to squander it with predetermination of man’s fate.

What is it then, this strange insight? Duusu’s eyes have long since been sealed shut, and she twirls her feathers in confusion. An unfamiliar sensation runs through where her gut should be, in that long-lost form that still rests among the stars. Neither Felix or Nathalie seem to notice the sudden chill running down her tiny spine, but Emotion has never felt- …fear. Duusu has never felt fear before. As any God, she’s experienced concern, distress, frustration, affection and even love…but this primal urge to rip her shackles to pieces and shelter all her kin between massive feathers that glimmer with starlight is utterly new to her. Never before has such a situation occurred, in which any of her Holders, even those most foul, would think to so callously take away the lives she had created.

Sure, she’d been forced to make Senti-beings whose only purpose was war, seen them fight with every fiber of their artificial souls on the creator’s behalf. Both sides of the so-called good and evil have used her powers in this way, with Duusu herself always smothering that tiny spark of true life, leaving behind the closest possible thing to a soulless automaton. But back then, there had been warning. She was consulted, consoled by her siblings as they drove away the sadness. What horrid mistake had Tikki made with this supposed human, for Tomoe Tsurugi to be capable and eager to rip away her sons and daughter with such carelessness? Duusu spared a glance at Nathalie, and the woman’s cautious gaze softens before her very eyes. Protection, assurance, trust clumsily flows through their bond and washes over the Goddess’ feathers.

The warmth is instantaneous, reminds her so much of Emilie that she’s no doubt as to why those two loved each other. Felix arches an eyebrow at the Kwami, perhaps sensing something was amiss, and focuses on a memory of his mother. Amelie Graham De Vanily stands tall, form bathed in shimmering white light that reflects on Duusu’s pupils…and she realizes he’s trying to calm them both down, if only by instinct. Absentmindedly, the Goddess notes this strange silence which has enveloped them all, and breaks it with a loud chirp. “Alright, let’s do this! You’ll see May, Felix and I are going to be back so soon it’ll be like we never left!” Duusu exclaims with deafening enthusiasm, and for once the blonde doesn’t flinch at the sudden noise.

Instead, he cracks a smile before covering it up with a cough, electing an eye roll from Nathalie. Then, the woman finally unpins the brooch from her chest, and swirls back into it. A moment later, Duusu re-appears at Felix’s side, promptly perching on his shoulder and digging her small talons into his black suit. The boy scowls at this, but she simply gives an innocent smile, and he makes no attempt to move her. Excellent; she hadn’t even gotten to enjoy the comfort of her Miraculous jewel, so a good sitting spot would have to suffice. Nathalie gives them both as encouraging a smile as she can manage through the mask of stoic professionalism, and Felix takes this as permission to leave the mansion’s confines. Hallways quickly pass them by as Duusu slips inside his suit’s front pocket, and for once, he doesn’t seem the register the heavy click when the entrance doors snap shut behind him.  

Peeking out from her new nesting spot, the Kwami of Emotion admires the City of Lights. It’s been so long since she was last here; even the most recognizable landmark hadn’t been so much as a vague idea. But for as much as the Goddess would have so go sightseeing, or fly off the top of this Eiffel Tower, Duusu couldn’t allow herself to get distracted. She was no scatterbrain, despite what her erratic ways from when the Miraculous was still broken might indicate. It’s far more difficult to ground oneself when half their mind still floating amidst the starlit void. Conserving her strength, she puts only the strictly necessary power to augment the surrounding humans’ emotions, enveloping them in whatever they were currently feeling just enough for their eyes to ignore a tiny blue blob riding along with Felix as he crosses streets and sidewalks.

The blonde’s body moves on autopilot, his mind caught up with worry and fear that Duusu’s digging had forced back to the surface. She doesn’t think it’d be wise to bring this up now, not when they’re running out of time and the Kwami has no genuine apology to offer. Emotion had gone perhaps slightly deeper than intended, but her actions were a necessary part of proper assertation. Felix was clearly a selfish being, and she’d only meant to make sure such an impulse wouldn’t overtake him. In fact, there was nothing wrong with thinking of oneself first, so long as it did not lead to deliberately putting others in harm’s way. Unfortunately, as much as she’d have enjoyed catching up with the boy who was essentially a son, especially if it involved debate of morality, Duusu couldn’t afford herself such a luxury.

An emotional flux registered in her mind, and she quickly realized Felix was about to speak. “Duusu…” he sounds her name, electing a nod at the correct pronunciation. “Are you sure you want to stay with that woman? If- if she’s who you said, then my uncle…is him.” the blonde mutters under his breath, eyes darting around in case anyone had overheard them. The busy streets of Paris are blaring with noise, and not one passerby spares them a second glance. “I can get you out! Once we save Kagami, mom will take us back to London and then Gabriel won’t follow!” he hastes to explain the flimsy plan, a note of desperation playing along with his composed symphony. Kept-together he might seem, but her eyes make his pilling insecurities crystal clear to the Goddess.

Duusu sighs deeply, ever so gently running her feathers over that tiny silver string which is their mental bond. One that’s brittle, like a failing muscle that hasn’t been used in years. With the utmost care, she slides comfort, ease and safety over to Felix, seeing his shoulders relax a little. She lets a healthy puff of air into her lungs, breathing in the scent of the stars. “Listen…Nathalie isn’t who you think. May cares, believe me she does, and she’s my Holder.” the Kwami gives a low chirp, tiny wings fluttering inside his front pocket.

For a moment, the Kwami deliberates whether or not to speak the next few words. Perhaps compassion isn’t what she should appeal to, but Mayura too is dependent on the Peacock, just in a different way than her Senti-beings. “My Miraculous was…broken until recently. Nathalie used it despite that, and…Felix, she’ll die if I don’t help her. There is good in her, even in your uncle. And no Kwami can abandon those who choose to better themselves, regardless of who they were even a day ago.” Duusu tells him softly, in a way that makes the boy give pause.

Cold, dull eyes regard her dispassionately. The Kwami stares back with warm encouragement, but Felix only scoffs at her. “Nathalie Sancoeur is not one of my people.” he asserts tonelessly, electing an offended squawk from the Goddess.

“Adrien is. She’s practically his mother! And May is one of mine!” Duusu raises her voice at him. There is no excitable chirp, rather a stern, powerful tone that she hasn’t used in centuries. It is that of a true Kwami, the very voice that once snapped delinquent stars back into attention for Tikki to shape, and Felix feels her determination push against his very bones.

She doesn’t wish to frighten the boy, and so Emotion sighs, shooting him an apologetic look for the outburst. “Out of all people, you should know the value of free will. It’s my choice to return at Nathalie’s side. Respect it, in place of the autonomy you never had.” she softly advises, earning herself another grimace as the words reach Felix’s ears. Duusu is not one for tough love, she much prefers coddling and gently tugging her chicks along to the right path, but with Mayura’s life at stake, she will put her talons down on the matter.

The blonde seems to follow her train of thought perfectly, his shoulders slouching in defeat as he admits the point. Low blow aside, the Kwami was correct in her reasoning. Despite the shackled state she and presumably the others appeared to be in, they still had the right to choose Holders for themselves. Perhaps even doubly so because of their imprisonment. He’s about to retort, but Felix elects to first take a deep breath, calming himself as mum often would after an argument. Without either noticing, the boy’s legs had carried them in front of the heavy steel doors of the Tsurugi manor. He doesn’t walk up to the doorbell quite yet, simply sending Duusu a pointed stare.

“We’re not done with this. But…later.” Felix relents, earning himself an approving nod. The Kwami quickly sends courage, faith, assurance down their bond, and the silver strand twitches as his muscles finally relax. “Now, how do I…” comes the unsung question, along with slight hesitance. Somewhere in the back of his head plays a note of disapproval, and Duusu feels a stray thought of how Kagami would shake her head in dismay if only she heard it.

“Just say Duusu, spread my feathers to transform! Oh, and Felix?” the Kwami floats up to his face, ruffling her wing against his cheek. “Don’t die, okay?” Emotion teases, and the blonde asserts his determination, dark green eyes burning with confidence.

Slipping behind one of the pillars holding up the metal gate, the only afforded cover, Felix whispers the words under his breath. In an instant, a starlit glimmer shines in the Goddess’ pink eyes, and she whirls inside her jewel, singing the familiar notes to herself as light blue rays envelop the boy. In his place stands a proper Peacock, tall and proud. His gaze darts around, courageous and defiant much like her first. Argos the All-Seeing, a then-mountain of a man with a gentler soul than any who came after. Watcher and protector of his homeland, spawning a legend that albeit heavily altered to fit the Greeks’ mythological perception, never failed to understate the sheer number of eyes on his skull. Not physical irises, rather an innate insight that brought him far closer to understanding Emotion than any human…until Emilie Agreste. How fitting then, for her next true Peacock to be of the same family line, and bring together both his predecessors’ vigilance and compassion. Perhaps sensing Duusu’s reminiscing, the blonde decides to not waste another moment. The clanking sounds of swordplay permeate the air in a deafening echo, and Argos steps forwards, hooks one leg over the lowest point where the metal bars connect, and flings himself directly over, landing on the soft grass. Felix snaps his eyes to the source, and dashes to his destiny.


And…scene! Thank Nooroo, I actually managed to get this down in time! Originally I wanted to make this a > 20k chapter with all of what you just read plus the impending confrontation with Tomoe and the immediate aftermath. But you know…writing a double-length chapter in half the time feels a little impossible, so I chose to split it up instead! I do hope you all liked the Duusu/Felix moments here, they’re growing to be one of my favorite duos in ACOLL! Anyway, there’s quite a lot of things I want to talk about here, so let’s get right to it!

Firstly, Duusu herself! The absolutely mad lad that is the Kwami of Emotion strikes again! Can you guys tell she’s my second favorite right behind Nooroo? Is it that obvious? So, I feel like it’s important to talk about her mental state a little more. The thing I’ve been trying to establish about Duusu for the past couple chapters is that despite her…erratic nature, she does genuinely care about her Holders. It’s ironic that even for the Goddess of the Concept, humans still find ways to make her experience new emotions. Even shackled as she is inside the Peacock Miraculous, Duusu still has a lot of power over the physical world. For example, when Felix first enters Nathalie’s room, he notes the distinct lack of any noise. This is Duusu manifesting Nathalie’s desires for a quiet rest in the immediate vicinity. She’s also able to read people’s feelings, and even dive into adjacent memories if the emotions are strong enough. This is why we get the hospital flashback with Colt in the first place. However, even sympathetic and kind as the Gods are, they still have to act in ways that humans do not like. For the above example, Duusu does acknowledge that it was wrong of her to invade Felix’s mind like that, but she values her own divine morals over those of humanity. Senti-beings are another can of worms entirely, and I’ll talk about them in a second. But I hope I gave you all a good idea of Duusu’s character, at least in the “Kwami are Gods” context that canon refuses to acknowledge.

Secondly, Senti-beings! It’s rude to call them monsters, just ask Felix. I did already explain this, but I just want to make it very clear that there is a spectrum here. Not all of them are the same, depending on the will of their creator. Adrien, Felix and Kagami are indistinguishable from humans because that’s how they were made. Duusu however mentions that automatons have been made for battle before, with her own permission even. Why would she do this, if Senti-beings are practically family? Well, it’s because of how living beings work in this universe. Regardless of how it’s “born”, a living organism has two parts. The Soul and the Self. Souls are basically just the batteries that bodies require to sustain life. A Self is different. I’ve gone over this in Plagg segments before (see chapter 25), but you know the phrase “experience outranks everything”? Yeah, that’s what’s happening here. Every alive thing, for as long as it remains living, has the capability to absorb information from its surroundings, and therefore form an experience. The more of those something has, the more personality and capacity for individual thoughts it has. Basically, how a developing child works. The more of the world that it experiences, the more it learns, which translates into a sense of self. For the automatons that Duusu mentions, she carefully extracts this ability, reducing them to something that is no different than a robot following a pre-written algorithm. There’s no spark of life there, just the metaphorical 1s and 0s of the Senti-being’s programming.

Lastly, another huge thanks to everyone for reading and interacting with my work! It is the greatest feeling for a writer when someone appreciates what we do, and to see people leaving kudos and comments is the best! Especially when someone asks about this Au, it’s an explosion of dopamine! I sincerely appreciate all of you! If you’re a silent reader who doesn’t comment, hi! I see you and thank you for reading this fic! If you’ve left kudos, I’m grateful! Gotta pay Marinette’s therapy bills somehow! And if you’ve commented, know that I try to respond to everyone! Oh, and just like I said at the beginning, I am accepting prompts for the ACOLL What-If fic! Feel free to drop your ideas below, I’ll be more than happy to chat and might try to write a few of them soon! I’ll see you all next time, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!

Chapter 29: Author's Note


Update on how things have been going behind the scenes, and when I'll be back with a new chapter.

Chapter Text

Hi everyone! I'll make this update quick! I know it's been almost a month, but I don't have a new chapter for you yet. It's exam season yet again, and combined with four project deadlines that accidentally got scheduled for the same week, I've had little time to sit down and breathe, much less the mental fortitude necessary to write a 10k word chapter, even if I know well enough that this next one will doubtlessly be longer. So I figured it's better to not force myself to write when I'm burnt out, because that won't produce any kind of quality regardless. I am really sorry, but I hope you understand. And with exams starting in full, I won't have time to spend on Ao3 until the...25th of June, I think. I already have some of the next chapter ready, as well quite a few drafts and moments from the ones after! So you know, I figured I'd make a post telling you all I'm alive, and also giving you a first look into the rest of Arc 3 for this fic! Since I won't be back for about a month, feel free to speculate on it! I'll try to answer as many comments as I can, and might even confirm theories if somebody gets it right! 


Without any further ado, let's dive right in! 


ACOLL Season 3 has five primary Arcs:


The Agreste Arc 


The Feligami Arc <--


The Alya Arc


The Chloe Arc


The Samantha Arc


Sounds simple enough! We've been over the Agreste shenanigans already, which are chapters 26-27. Chapters 28 and 29 are Feligami madness, which we're halfway through! Then we circle back to the Core 4 for a filler episode, and focus on Alya being...very happy™. I am sure she's completely fine and nothing terrible will befall her. That is supposed to be around chapters 30-31, maybe 32. Then we move into Chloe's Arc, where we take a look at her relationship with Zoe first. These two get to be sisters who bond over their abusive parents, because I'll be damned if I accept whatever is going on in canon! Then Sabrina shows up again (finally some screentime!), and we get to see Chloe slowly trying to mend their old friendship. Moving right into Andre and Audrey, there is a...confrontation. Because Chloe finally learns to stand up to her mother. Depending on how this goes, we'll see who ends up on a plane to New York! This should be chapters 33-36. And then it's just Samantha, where we fully dive into her relationship with Adrien with chapters 37-38! I actually plan for her and Gabriel to meet face to face, which will certainly be interesting! Especially since I have half that scene written already. And after a bit of Ladynoir fluff, we get...drumroll please...


Chapter 39: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 1

Chapter 40: Shadowmoth's Final Attack Part 2


It's the finale! At long last! Dear Nooroo this fic will be closing in on half a million words by then! By the way, I absolutely plan on ending it in 2024, hopefully around the end of September! But the main fic being over doesn't mean I'm done with the Au! I'll be keeping the What-If fic open for whenever I fancy writing some angst, and might actually do the Blooper Reel I've been joking about with my beta reader! I hope you're all excited for what's to come! I for one am extremely hyped to show you everything, and gather up my ACOLL drafts for one last hurrah during the Summer! Anyway, I'll be using my time to work on snippets and the like between exams, so be prepared for somewhat faster updates once I make my great return! Anyway, I'll be seeing you all at the end of June, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone! 

Series this work belongs to: