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Period Fics - Wandanat x R


Wandanat x R period fic oneshots. Basically R gets her period in a bunch of different scenarios and Wanda and Nat help her out. Readers age and relationship with Nat and Wanda change in each chapter.

This contains stuff like being sick from period cramps, first periods, bleeding on the sheets and getting periods while camping plus a lot more. Will randomly add new chapters depending on random bursts of motivation.

Enjoy :)


Periods are difficult for Y/n and her girls help her through it.

Chapter 1: Periods Suck!

Chapter Text

Waking up to wet sheets you knew, you just knew things were going to be bad down there. Tears stung your eyes as you carefully slipped out of the sheets trying not to wake you girlfriends. You knew you would have to. After all the sheets needed changing. But you were sacred they would be mad. Your mother would be if she were still here. Carefully you pulled off your ruined shorts and underwear and stepped into the showed. Watching the blood swirl down the drain. After about fifteen minutes the door opened. Nat came in taking in the sight of your soiled clothes and teary eyes, which hadn’t yet seen her enter. She turned off the water and tilted your chin, so your eyes faced hers. “Sweetheart its ok.”

The tears fell. “We’re not mad my love, I’ve changed the sheets and I’ll soak your clothes for you.”

Nat pulled you in for a hug making you squirm.
“B-but its gross and I’m sorry.”
“Sweetheart it’s not gross, I don’t care where the blood comes from as long as your ok.” Nat smiled kissing your lips gently.
“Come on lets get you dressed my heart.” Wanda smiled holding up a new change of clothes and a pad.

After slipping you into the fluffy Pjs, Nat scooped you up and carried you to the bed. Wanda handed you the remote and you put on Chicago Pd and curled up with the two girls.

The cramps hit about twenty minutes later. Pulling a face and your knees to your chest, you tried not to make a big deal of it. Of course Nat noticed. She ran a hand through your hair making you look at her again.
“Oh sweetheart.” She cooed making Wanda look away from the show.
“Honey do you want some painkillers?”
You nodded shyly and buried your head in Wanda’s chest. A minute later Nat returned with the small packet of pills and a glass of water. After taking them and snuggling back up, you went back to your movie day.

It was about three hours later all of you were asleep when Wanda woke up. She felt her thigh, which you were cuddled up to, grow damp. Looking down she saw a growing red patch. Carefully she woke Nat and the two tried to figure out the best way to inform you. Yet you slept on.

“She’s going to be upset Nat.” Wanda whispered, more concerned for you than her leg.
“Its ok, we need to wake her up and change her again.”
“Yeah.” Wanda sighed in defeat. With a gentle hand she shook you shoulder. Cooing at he small sleepy face you made as you brushed the sleep from your eyes.

“Baby, wake up” Wanda whispered
“you need to get changed my love.” Nat cooed.
Your eyes snapping open, you looked down, feeling the dampness.

“Wands i-im so sorry” you stammered pulling away, tears rolling down your cheeks. Before either of them could react you hopped up and ran into the bathroom, locking the door. The two of them could hear your sobs as you lost touch with reality.

The soft knocking on the door turned to banging as you heard your mother yelling at you.

“Look what you’ve done now you brat.”

Breaths came short and fast as you struggled to breathe. The pain in your abdomen tightening as you felt more blood coat your legs. Your head spun.
Where were Nat and Wanda?

After hearing your breathing shorten, Wanda made the decision, using her powers she undid the lock and the two girls looked into the small room. You sat in the corner shaking and struggling the breathe.

Carefully Wanda approached you, your thoughts loud, she knew what was happening. Carefully she took you hand in hers, drawing circles on your palm.

“Baby, honey look at me.” Your eyes met her green ones, still looking frantic.
“Your not there. Your not there anymore. She’s gone, love. She can’t hurt you anymore.”

“Copy my breathing love.” Nat said squatting by your other side. Wanda showered your with praise and love while you shakily drew a deep breath with Nat’s guidance.

After your breathing settled, Wanda picked you up under the arms and hoisted you onto the counter, where she stripped your soiled clothes for the second time that day. Your cheeks turned dark red as you looked at the puddle of blood you left on the floor. Which Nat had begun to clean. Carefully Wanda pulled your chin so your face was pointed at hers, and not at Nat.
“No. Love, eyes on me. Don’t worry about what Natty doing.” Your eyes were downcast as she tilted your head with her thumb. “Where are those beautiful eyes my sweet girl.” When your eyes met hers she smiled kindly at you.

“Now do you want me to shower with you?” The words had no deeper meaning, she simply offered the comfort.

You shook your head. Making her frown.
“Why not, love?”
“Don’t wanna make you dirty” both girls froze. Nat looked up.
“Oh my heart, your not dirty. And Wanda needs a shower as well now.” Nat cooed.
Your heart rate picked up as you remembered her leg.
“No. No. None of that now.” Wanda shushed, stripped her clothes and pulling you into the shower. Nat went to find more painkillers, not missing the grimace when Wanda had picked you up.

After another shower and change, all three of you were laid on the bed again.

You picked absently-mindedly at the sheets loose threads as Wanda and Nat watched you. Tears pricked your eyes as you felt more blood bleed out. Wanda kissed your knuckles and Nat pulled you in for a hug.

“We love you sweetheart. Now go to sleep.”

Periods sucked, but at least you weren’t alone. You had the two best girlfriends you could ever ask for.

Chapter 2: A disastrous first


Reader is on a mission with the team and it’s the morning before they leave to go into the bush for a bunch of days to camp to stakeout a base and reader gets her first period. Bad timing.


TW: periods (idk if that needs a warning lol), blood, vomiting, exhaustion, cramps, embarrassment, swearing (very little amount)

A/n this is based partly off personal experience lol

Chapter Text

“So are there any questions before we leave?” Steve asked. A chorus of mumbled no’s came from the group and Steve clapped his hands. “Alright everyone go to the bathroom and then we’ll head off. The campsite has already been setup.” He continued to talk but your weren’t really paying any attention. You felt odd. After the meeting ended you stood and followed the team out of the room. Everyone went back to their rooms to finished packing and go to the bathroom before getting on the jet. Fury would be coming with to pilot the jet back to the compound as it drew too much attention for a week long stakeout in the woods.

Hydra had a new covert based and Steve posed all the avengers come with the camp out in the woods. It really only needed about two people for the mission but Steve insisted after all it had a been a long time since the group did anything as a team.

You finished packing a bag with basic supplies. You were the youngest on the team. About half a year younger than peter who was fifteen which left you at fourteen and a half. After all the team couldn’t not accept you after your past. Hydra had given you powers that couldn’t be ignored. Fire and magic made it hard to fit in at times but after you met Wanda you grew better control over them. Not as good as her yet but still impressive. She had much more time spent training hers than you.

You set the duffel bag on the edge of the bed and walked to the bathroom.
“Shit.” You swore. Internally panicking. You knew you were a bit late and most of the other girls in your year had gotten their first periods but you hadn’t expected it now. You had no supplies, and you were about to leave. You got lost in your own mind. Could you ask Wanda? A knock came from your bedroom door.
“Y/n? Steve needs us all at the jet now he sent me to get you.” Nat called through the door.
Dammit. You folded some toilet paper and placed it in your underwear. You could ask Wanda once you get to the camp ground.
“Y/n?” Nat called again.
“Coming.” You said. Quickly you washed you hands and finished up grabbing the duffel and slinging it over one shoulder. Nat studied you for a moment and then without a word the two of you walked down the hall.

When you got to the jet Wanda sensed you anxiety and once you were in the air she pulled you aside to ask if you were ok. You had made an agreement for her not to look into your mind as it brought back memories of not being in control like at hydra.
“Y/n? Are you ok?” Wanda said rubbing her thumb against your bicep from where she held it.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” You said and Wanda frowned unconvinced.
“Y/n you can tell me anything you know that right?” She said softly.
“Well actually there is something but. Its dumb.”
“Im sure if its bothering you its not dumb.” She said and ushered you to sit with her away from the group.
“I- i- i got m-my first p-period.” You said not looking at Wanda. She smiled at you with understanding in her eyes.
“That’s ok. Do you need anything? Pads? Have you got cramps or anything?” She asked.
“I do need some pads. I don’t have anything. And i don’t think I’ve had any cramps yet. Im just tired.” You said.
“Well i can give you some pads and you can go put one in before we land. Its a tough time to get it with camping and all. Steve said there would be no real bathrooms.” Your head whipped up at that.
“W-what?” You said eyes wide.
“Oh sweetheart were you not listening again. Its kinda a pee in the woods situation.” Wanda said. You simply opened and closed you mouth and Wanda pulled you in for a hug. You felt her slip something into your pocket and pat your back.
“Thanks wands.” You said. Quietly slipping away you put in the pad before coming back to sit next to her. You rested you head on her shoulder exhausted from everything.
“You can sleep now y/n/n we still have a couple hours till we get there.” Wanda said and you curled into her and drifted off.

You woke to hands running through your hair and soft whispers in your ear.
“Y/n/n time to wake up lovely girl.” Wanda said and you opened your eyes.
“There she is.” Wanda said and patted your cheek. “We have about five minutes till we land. I though you should change again before we get off and start setting up.”
“Ok.” You mumbled and stood sleepily. Once you entered the bathroom you found another pad in your pocket and silently thanked Wanda. After changed again you went back and curled up against her again. This time with you head in her lap. Wanda traced patterns on you leg and soon you felt someone sit down on your other side. Nat picked up your legs and swung them into her lap.
“You ok y/n/n?” Nat asked. She had been observing from the other side of the jet. You mumbled and hid your head in Wanda’s thigh.
“Do you want me to tell her?” Wanda said and felt you nod against her leg. Wanda lent closer to nat and whispered to her.
“Y/n/n got her first period. Shes a bit exhausted.” Wanda said and nat nodded.
“Does she need anything?” Nat asked.
“I think she’s ok. I’ll ask.” Wanda stroked your hair again and softly asked if you needed anything. You mumbled a small no and went back to dozing.
“Yeah she’s ok for now but do a favour and keep an eye on her if I’m not with her for some reason?”
“Sure.” Nat said.

After dozing for another few minutes Wanda’s hands found your hair again and you yawned, stretching in her arms.

“Welcome back sleepy head. We just touched down, nat said she can carry your bag if you want sweets.” Wanda said. You sat up slowly.
“No I’ll be fine don’t worry.” You waved her off and grabbed you bag following Steve off the jet with nat and Wanda following behind you.

“Alright we’ll be in tents of three.” Steve started once the team was all in the clearing. “Wanda, nat and Y/n in one tent. Bucky, sam and myself in another. Bruce, tony and peter in the third. And lastly Clint and Thor in the last one.” Steve said and for once there was minimal arguing as everyone was happy with their tent groups. The team dispersed and began putting bags in tents and claiming sleeping bags.

Nat, Wanda and you were sat in the canvas tent. You had opted for the middle spot with nat on your left and Wanda on your right. But the three of you knew you would all wake up in a cuddle pile each morning.

Wanda placed her hand on your knee where you had your legs crossed under you.

“Y/n/n are you still feeling ok sweets?” She asked from where she sat on her own sleeping bag. Nat sat on your other side folding her clothes and placing them at the foot of her bed but you knew she was listening as well.

“‘M fine.” You mumbled feeling your cheeks heat. “Um. I do have a question though.”
“What is it lovely?” Wanda asked.
“Um, what do i do with the dirty pads if there are no bathrooms?” You mumbled again. Wanda slapped her forehead.
“Oh damn how could i forget.” She began rooting around in her bag. Soon she pulled out a plastic bag with four brown paper bags inside and a small container of baking soda. You looked at her confused as she handed it to you.
“Basically you put the pad inside the bag and sprinkle a bit of baking soda on it to keep … bugs away from it.” She said.
“Ew.” You said making a face and shoving the bag into your backpack.
“Yeah. Pretty much.” Wanda said chuckling.
“Thanks wands your a life saver.” You said and hugged her. She hugged back loosely worried about if you had cramps or not yet. When the two of you broke apart nat silently hugged you.

“I know i don’t have much experience in this but in want to help so i bought you this.” She said and pulled a chocolate bar from her bag. You took it with tears in your eyes and nat silently panics worried she had done something wrong. Wanda simply chuckled as you threw yourself at nat for another hug.
“There are the hormones.” Wanda said grinning.
“Oh shut up and come here sparkly hands.” You said and she raised a brow and sandwiched you between her and nat. After a few moments you pulled them down and now you all laid cuddling on your sleeping bag. After a few moments Wanda noticed the slow rise and fall of your chest as you had fallen asleep. It was at this moment the flap of the tent lifted and Clint poked his head in.
“If i knew it was cuddle time i would have come earlier. Can i join?” He joked and nat rolled her eyes from where she laid with your arm over her chest snoring softly. She lazily flipped him off and Wanda stifled a chuckle.
“What do you want Clint?” She said feigning annoyance.
“Steve wants us all to gather so he can go over what we are going to be doing for the next few days.”
Nat sighed “give us a minute and tell him Y/n’s not coming and we’ll catch her up later.” Clint grinned shooting her a thumbs up before disappearing.
Carefully the two girls extracted themselves from your grasp and slipped in a pillow for you to cuddle. You rolled over burying you face in it and breathing in deep. Wanda cooed and nat laughed softly.
“She really is just a big teddy bear.”
“Shes a cute teddy bear.” Wanda agreed.
“Alright lets go see what capsicle wants before he comes in and wakes up y/n/n” nat said and the two quietly left the tent hoping you wouldn’t wake until they got back.

Steve sat around a small campfire in the middle of the tents and was poking it with a stick. He looked up and frowned.
“Is there any good reason Miss L/n is not joining us.” Steve asked.
“Shes sleeping.” Nat said
“Not good enough go get her up.” Steve said and nat was about to argue when Wanda left to go grab you knowing Steve wouldn’t change his mind.

When she returned you were trailing behind her exhausted and rubbing your eyes. The team was all there now and watched your curiously.
Steve began talking but you weren’t really listening as you rested you head on Wanda’s shoulder.
“Are you ok?” She asked softly “your looking a bit pale sweets.” She said.
“‘M fine wands.” You mumbled shifting a bit and poorly hiding a wince. Wanda noticed and decided to bring it up after whenever this impromptu meeting finished. She shot nat a look and Wanda silently told her what was going on with her powers. Nat nodded and went back to paying attention so she could fill you in later as she could see you were half asleep and not paying attention and Wanda was more focused on you than Steve. She placed a hand on your cheek holding your head from where it sat on her shoulder. Your whole body was leaned into hers as you blinked and fought sleep.

After the meeting was over Wanda carried you back to the tent as you were still exhausted. Nat followed behind. Wanda moved carefully not to jostle you and spark any uanessacry pain as she knew the cramps had started.

She placed you down on her bed so you were more out of the way. Nat followed her into the tent.

“Are you sure she should be sleeping this much?” Nat asked a little worried.
Wanda shrugged, “I was the same on my first, it’s all new and exhausting both physically and mentally. Im expecting her to get upset at some point. When your not used to it and your hormones are out of whack, seeing that much blood can be scary and gross. Plus not having real bathrooms or anything makes that ten times worse. I feel for the kid, timing just sucks. And from what i can tell with how often she’s changing her pad poor things not got it light, i just hope its a short number of days.”

They woke you once for lunch and gave you some pain meds before the three of you relaxed but not quiet slept in the tent for the afternoon. You did some lazy doodles in your sketchbook not really paying much attention to the art. You must have fallen asleep at some point because your woke in Nat’s lap with braided hair. The three of you got up and had dinner which you ate curled into Wanda’s side. After you went to bed while Nat and Wanda stayed up for a bit with the team. And despite being an avenger tony had given both you and peter a bed time of ten. So the two of you went to bed in your own tents.

You woke to a sticky feeling between the sheets, it was still dark. And you laid annoyed at being away, huffing softly before a cramp hit hard accompanied with nausea. Knowing the feeling a little too well you hastily crawled over the sleeping lump that was Wanda, accidentally jostling her in your hurry. She sat up slightly with you laid across her lap with your hands frantically unzipping the zip. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.
“Y/n? What are you doing?” She asked and froze as instead of a response she heard you gag and start to dry heave. That woke her up quickly. She looked over at Nat who had propped herself up on her elbow with her eyebrows scrunched looking slightly tired. When they heard you whimper nat scurried out of her sleeping bag to beside you were you were now on all fours. Your back arched as Nat swept your hair up to hold it just in time as you began top throw up on the grass behind the tent. You breathed heavily coughing up the last of it while Wanda rubbed between your shoulder blades. You were panting and the two women held their breath in anticipation.
“You ok you gonna-“ nat was cut off as you brought up another round.
“Ok that answers it.” She said. “Shh bubs its alright. Its ok. We’re not mad just get it all up sweets.” She said. Wanda whispered similar things as she silently thanked Thor that nobody came to investigate the gross splashing sound of you being sick on the ground. When you finished you looked up with tears in your eyes. Wanda waved her hand the sick puddle disappeared as she pulled you into her lap where you curled up and cried. Wanda shushed you softly as nat dug around in her bag for a bottle of water, mouthwash and a cracker for you to nibble on as well as two ibuprofen.

“Shhh sweets it’ll be ok. Do you want me to come with so you can change you pad sweets i think you bleed a bit on the sheets. She said and your cried harder not having noticed.

You nodded into her stomach and Wanda used her magic to clean the sheets before nat handed you the things she grabbed. You used the mouthwash and drank some water opting to eat the cracker once you had changed and felt hopefully, less sick. Worried you couldn’t handle anything in your stomach at the moment. Nat nodded and Wanda led you by the hand to the patch of trees a little way off from the camp ground. She turned her back and used here magic to light the area for you with a soft red glow. After the rustling stopped and you told her you were done she walked you back to the tent where nat was sat patiently waiting for your return. She silently handed you the cracker and you curled up on your bed nibbling on it. Two strong pairs of arms wrapped around you from both sides and once you finished the cracker you drifted off again the pain medicine working wonders for your cramps which had settled to a dull ache.

The next morning Wanda and nat let you sleep in taking turns to sit in the tent for when you woke up. Not wanting you to be alone after last night knowing you would wake with more cramps. In the morning they wanted to give you the pain meds straight away to avoid another episode like last night.

Clint shot nat a look from where he sat making coffee on a pot above the fire.
“You look like shit. Did you even sleep last night?” He asked and nat rolled her eyes and flipped him off.
“Shut up Barton. Y/n kept me awake last night.” She said and Clint laughed.
“She kicking you again in her sleep.” He asked.
“No Shes sick.” Nat said and Clint’s laughing stopped and he stilled, looking worried.
“She ok?” He asked.
“Yeah she’s sleeping. Just… keep this between us, ok?” She said and Clint nodded knowing nat would have her reasons. He went back to stirring the coffee so it didn’t burn.
“You and Wanda can have the first cup.” He said and nat blew him a kiss.
“Life saver.” She winked and went to find Steve to tell him he needed to excuse you from activities and either her or Wanda for the day.

Nat soon swapped out for Wanda and moments after the young witch had left you began yo stir. Nat was by your side in an instance and you sleepily took the medicine she held out for you. What she wasn’t expecting was for you to curl back up as small sobs shook your body. Nat carefully placed a hand on your shoulder.

“There’s so much blood natty.” You whimpered with little tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Shh shh i know love its ok.” Nat said petting your hair.
“I wanna go home.” You cried and nat pulled you into her to give you a hug. You sat there a tangle of limbs while you cried into her shoulder while she stroked your head and whispered words of comfort.
“Its ok my sweet angel your alright.” She said before humming a soft Russian lullaby that sent you back to sleep. She sat back against her pillow with you laid on top of her. Which is where Wanda found her a half hour later.

“She doing ok nat? Did you give her the meds?” Wanda asked and Nat nodded. You were still clinging to her like a koala.
“Shes emotional and tired which is a hard combo for her.” Nat said and placed a kiss to the crown of your head from where it rested below Nat’s chin.

“Poor girl.” Wanda said. “At least Steve excused the three of us from activities. All it took was one mention of that time of the month for him to look sunburnt all of a sudden and turn into a stuttering mess.” Wanda chuckled.
“Yeah Steve’s sweet and he means well its just sex ed wasn’t really a thing in his time. He’s good at helping a girl out if she needs it but he’s still a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing. He’s trying though.” Nat said and you whined as you stirred before burning your face in Nat’s armpit. Wanda pulled a face and nat laughed.
“Im clean don’t worry she’s probably just looking for warmth.”
“I should take her and let you get so me breakfast before it’s all gone.” Wanda said as she carefully pried your sleepy form from nat. You curled into yourself before Wanda pulled you close and you immediately latched onto her and settled again. Nat chuckled slightly.
“She sure is clingy like this, that gonna have to be my new favourite time of the month then if we get this may cuddles.” Nat said and Wanda laughed slightly. Her chest vibrating against your cheek as she did. You hummed in sleeping content as she did and you smiled in your sleep.
“Now shoo, go get some food and maybe bring something back for the cuddle bear here.” Wanda said and nat gave a mock salute before hopping up and getting out of the tent. Nat smirked as Steve failed to meet her eyes and she quickly dished up some food before heading back to the tent.

When Wanda woke you for breakfast you looked confused which was adorable in your sleepy state with your messed up hair. That was something nat could fix for you later.
“I thought Steve said no food in tents? Something about animals?” You asked.
“I doubt Steve is in any state to say anything and what he doesn’t know cant hurt him.” You shrugged as Wanda laughed and you began to eat the bacon and toast. You didn’t like eggs.

Nat laughed as you pushed the eggs to one side. She knew you wouldn’t eat them and simply got them so her and Wanda could have more.

“Thank you guys. I know I haven’t been very easy to deal with” you smiled at them but it was more a half grimace. Wanda set her fork down.
“Absolutely not. You will not apologise for something you can’t control sweets. Nat and I are happy to help and not just this time. If you ever need us for anything especially this you can come to us no questions asked.” She said and you nodded swallowing back tears.
“I needed to hear that today. Thanks wands.” You whispered.
“Any time L/n” Nat said and you smiled before the three of you went back to eating.
“So what do u wanna do today?” Wanda asked and you frowned.
“I thought we had to do team activities.” You said.
“We did but we got us out of it. We are all your for the day.” Wanda smiled and you blinked.
“Is it ok if we just stay here and I can draw you don’t have to stay with me if you don’t want to.”
“Nonsense. You’re our get out of jail free card that’s too good to waste. Especially because I know Steve’s gonna want to go on a run at some point and will probably drag the whole team along. You have come in very useful my good friend.” Nat winked and you laughed.

That day was spent drawing the campground and anything interesting your could find in your sketchbook while Nat and Wanda relaxed. Chatting or reading. At one point Nat was sharpening her knives which she said she had been meaning to do for months and thanked you for getting them the time off.
“I didn’t really do much.” You smiled shrugging.
“That’s the idea.” Wanda laughed. “Can I see your sketches?” She asked
“Umm.. sure some aren’t finished yet.” You said handing her the book. She leafed through the pages in awe.
“Y/n these are amazing I never knew you could draw like this.” She said looking at the sketches of the campground there were even some portraits of the team which Wanda traced with careful fingers. “Nat come look at this.” She said and you blushed and she turned back to you. “If that’s ok?”
“Yeah that’s fine I’m just not used to the attention Peter caught me drawing on the roof once other than that not many people bother to look through my sketchbooks.” You shrugged.
“You have more of these?” Nat asked looking up from where she was studying the art. “They are very impressive y/n/n” she said.
“Yeah that’s my twelfth sketchbook.”
“I’d love to see the others when we get back to the tower. If that’s ok?” Wanda said.
“Yeah sure they’re not as good though.” You said. After a while the handed the book back along with a few more compliments which had you blushing unused to such honest praises.

The morning went quickly and soon you were having lunch with the team again who was sweaty and gross. You laughed as Clint chased Nat around with his arms wide threatening a sweaty hug. Her face has you in stitches as Wanda reminded you to breathe through her own laughter. Peter complained about never getting time off and tony playfully whacked him saying he shouldn’t ever wish for anything like girls anatomy. Stark shuddered thinking about pepper and her rage when on her period. Sometimes she was cuddles and joy and others she was threatening to give him the company back to manage. He still loved her though and held her hair back when the cramps made her throw up.

Later the team all went off with Steve again to do some survival training while you Nat and Wanda all went back to relaxing. Nat noticed you wincing later and silently gave you more meds and you thanked her.
“No problem kid you were due another dose to anyway.” She said and Wanda passed you a glass of water she had conjured.

The afternoon went off without a hitch and soon it was evening again. Wanda made sure to give you extra strength meds before bed this time so they would last the night and hopefully you wouldn’t wake up. You slept until late morning as Nat glared at anyone who tried to wake you up. Soon all the tents were pack down but yours and Nat pulled your sleepy form from the sleeping bag and placed you in Wanda’s lap. She packed down the tent and you snuggled into her stomach as you curled into a ball on her thighs.

Soon the quinjet landed and Wanda used her magic to block the noise for you so you stayed sleeping. The next time you woke you were in Wanda’s bed still on her lap. Nat was sat by Wanda’s side reading a book propped up on her bend knees.
“Morning sweets. Guess where we are?” Wanda said and you smiled recognising the room.
“We’re home.” You cheered and Wanda nodded.
“No go take a shower stinky.” She said and you grinned. “I left you some of my clothes on the sink and a new pad for you. We’ll have a hot water bottle, chocolate, snacks and a movie marathon waiting when you’re done.” She said and you gave her an appreciative thumbs up as you shut the door. As girls you didn’t mind sharing beds or bathrooms after all the three of you were very close.

That day was spent being pampered by your two favourite women and eating a boatload of chocolate. If this was what periods were like… maybe they weren’t all bad.

Chapter 3: Period Panic


After hiding her period from her girlfriends due to past relationships, what happens when you leak on your suit during a mission?


TW: mentions of past abuse, panic attacks, period / blood, canon typical violence, non sexual nudity, past trauma, flinching, crying

A/n lil cute request from my tumblr :)

Chapter Text

Standing in your bathroom you quelled the anxiety rising in your chest. Sure, Wanda and Natasha had always been amazing. They were by far the best girlfriends you could ever ask for.

But that didn’t stop the fear you felt at the idea of them finding out. Past relationships had ingrained fears in you that were hard to shake. As a child your period was simply a fact of life. Something you would deal with and move on. However, after your last long-term relationship you began to fear it. Your partner had made snide remarks, insults and mean comments whenever you expressed anything to do with that time of the month.

At first you simply had brushed it off. However, as time went on, they had only seemed to become more aggressive in their actions. Eventually, by the time it ended you were afraid of that time of the month. The unbothered feelings you had towards your period were gone, replaced with a deep-rooted fear of inadequacy and disgust for yourself.

A knock broke you from your thoughts and you sucked in a sharp breath.
“Detka?” It was Natasha, most likely back from training and wanting a shower.
“Y-yes?” You cursed yourself for the waver in your voice, knowing as a trained spy she wouldn’t miss it.
“Are you ok my sweet?” She asked.
“Yes, I’m fine, I'll be out in a minute.” You called slipping on that mask easily.
“Ok love.” Nat said and you sighed softly in relief. Maybe she hadn’t realised.

Quickly you went to your hidden stash of period supplies. You didn’t want Wanda or Natasha to ever know when your period was so everything you needed was kept hidden. Pulling the pad from where it was tucked inside the centre of a spare toilet roll in a small cupboard you stuck it in your underwear as quietly as possible. Shoving the wrapper in your pocket to dispose of later you washed your hands and exited the bathroom. Making sure you had left no blood or evidence before leaving.

As you entered the bedroom you caught a glimpse of Wanda pulling off her shirt as Natasha smiled at you and took your place in the bathroom for a shower.
“How are you this morning my lovebug?” Wanda asked and you smiled.
“Im good. Are you ready for the mission?” You asked and Wanda sighed.
“I wish we could just stay here and cuddle.” She said and you nodded.
“Me too.”
“We better get changed into our suits the jet leaves soon.” Nat said leaving the bathroom in record time. She had a towel around her as she grabbed her suit and retreated back to the bathroom to change. Wanda nodded and grabbed her own suit, slipping it on in the corner of the bedroom. Once Nat left the bathroom you took her place and changed. Wanda shot Nat a confused look, normally you had to issues getting changed in the same room as them. Nat shrugged and decided to keep a close eye on you for the mission.

In the bathroom you looked at the pads wings that were visible on the outside of your undies with disgust. Shaking you head you pulled on your suit. It was rather tight but snug. The light grey colour was a risk, but you had no alternative. You simply prayed the pad would be enough and left the bathroom.

Wanda was sat on the bed watching Nat slip all her weapons into her suit before they stood and the three of you left to head to the jet. Tony, Steve and Bucky were waiting as the three of you got on board.
“Geez i almost thought i got stood up.” Tony said and shoved Nat toward the cockpit. “Do your thing Romanoff.” He grinned and Nat glared at him.
“Stark.” She said warningly. Tony put his hands up in a surrender and she suppressed a smirk. Although she was quite soft behind closed doors with you and Wanda, she had a reputation to uphold in the compound. Nat settled herself in the pilot seat and the jet rumbled to life.

The mission itself was rather simple. Tony and Steve had cleared the west wing of the base while Natasha, Wanda and you had done the east. After taking out a handful of agents and grabbing the hard drive of intel that shield needed, Nat holstered her gun and her and Wanda walked behind you as you made you way back to the jet. Wanda’s eyes fell on your ass as you walked. Widening slightly at the red patch between your legs.

You had never been one to make a big deal of your period with them, but Wanda didn’t think you appreciate it if the boys saw. Wanda nudged Natasha whose eyes were scanning the trees as you walked to the jet which was in the woods near the base. Natasha followed Wanda’s eyes and nodded in agreement. The two girls stopped their movement and as you realised, they were no longer following you, you turned around swiftly.

“What’s wrong?” You asked in high alert now scanning the trees for a threat.
“Honey.” Nat said with a soft tone.
“Sweetheart here take this my love.” Wanda said handing you a jacket.
“W-why?” You asked starting to worry.
“Love your periods escaping a little.” Wanda said trying to make you laugh so you didn’t feel bad. At the look you had on your face Wanda began to get worried.

Your eyes widened and your breathing picked up. Wandas hand still held out the jacket, but you made no move to reach for it. Nat studied you every move as your hands clenched and unclenched at your sides. Fingers trembling slightly. Your breathing was now short as ragged as you struggled to get the air into your lungs. Your chest felt tight, and your heart began to race in your ears. Tears dripped down your cheeks and for a moment the two girls froze, unsure of what was happening.

Before they could react, you began to apologise profusely. Seemingly afraid of what they would do. Nat carefully took a step towards you, but you flinched back before your legs gave out and you curled up on the floor. Nat soon became aware of how exposed you were and simply shoved down her feelings. Gently she picked you up in her arms, unbothered as her suit was black and didn’t show blood stains. Wanda went ahead on high alert to protect the both of you. You sobbed and buried your face in Nat’s chest.

“It's ok love, we aren’t mad.” Nat said rubbing her hand up and down your back. She whispered words of reassurance and began to exaggerate her breathing as she realised how pale you were begging to look.
“Breathe with me my love. In deep for four. One…two…three… four. And hold…. Two … three … four. And out… two … three…four. You're doing so good for me lovebug.” She said coaching you through the panic attack. Once back on the jet Nat took you to one of the small rooms and sat on the floor with you still tucked into her.

Wanda sat next to Nat and rubbed your back as you continued to cry into Natasha’s neck. The two girls began to get a hold on your breathing. Still talking softly and reassuring you. Wanda had told Steve to pilot the jet as he was just as qualified as Natasha just not as smooth. Soon you found your head in Nat’s lap curled into her stomach as your legs rested in Wanda’s lap. Wanda drew shapes on your thigh as your breathing went back to normal. You pulled a hand to your eyes and began scrubbing at it harshly to get rid of the tears. Nat took your wrist in her hand and pulled it away from your face gently.

“None of that now love.” She said and pressed kisses to your knuckles. You felt a warm feeling in your chest at how they cared for you. Tentatively you asked.
“You're not m-mad?” You said and Nat frowned.
“Never my sweet.” Wanda said and Nat looked at you.
“Sweetheart we will never, ever be mad at you for the things your body does. We love you just the way you are. Period or no period.” Nat said pressing a kiss to your forehead. You buried your face in her stomach again.
“Thank you.” You mumbled into her skin and Wanda chuckled.
“Anytime sweetness.” She cooed.

Chapter 4: Left Behind and Bleeding


You’ve been feeling forgotten all week when your period shows up you just want to curl up and hide. Will your girlfriends look after you this time?


TW: Angst, periods, being forgotten, anxiety, feeling left out, abandonment issues, self-doubt, mentions of drug use, teasing

Words: 1.2K

A/n: It’s that time of the month when I hit you with another period fic lol. Sorry for the hiatus on this fic, I was writing for other fandoms … but I'm back now. Also I may be projecting again … shhhhh.

Chapter Text

It had been a bad few days to say the least. To start off you had plans to hang out with Natasha, but she got given a last-minute mission, so you had to postpone. Which would have been fine on its own, but it seemed yo have sparked a pattern.

All week people had been cancelling on you, having some reason or another that seemed valid at the time but looking back made you overthink.

Wanda had some people she needed to visit, and you understood. But everyone seemed to be prioritising other things. Even your mother wasn’t answering your calls. Leading you to believe she was either dead or ignoring you.

On the fourth day of having nobody to hang out with in the usually very busy tower, you were getting fed up.

Your mind had been trying to spin a story that everyone simply didn’t like you. That they would rather hang out with other people and that you really didn’t have anyone in your corner.

Of course, you had been fighting the notion for days now, but it was getting harder to ignore as people continued to have bigger, better things to do without you.

Nat had gotten back from her mission and had immediately gone to do some training and after you caught her watching a movie with Clint. You had moped around your room all afternoon, feeling like you were a B-list avenger at best.

Your mind had convinced you that nobody cared and so you had spent the afternoon crying alone in your room.

When dinner came, it seemed everyone had returned. Something you had not been counting on, so your eyes were still red and puffy when Jarvis announced dinner.
In a panic you threw on some sunglasses in an attempt to keep the others from finding out.

Yet it had simply orchestrated a point of teasing for the whole meal. Everyone wanted to know why you were wearing them, but you kept your head down and tried to seem cheerful.

Sam was trying to convince people that you must have been high, while wanda could practically hear your loud thoughts from the other end of the table. Her and Nat exchanged expressions when you got up from the meal not even halfway through.

Feeling awful you almost cried when you got back to your room to discover your period had started.

Life seemed to be throwing more than a few curveballs at you, it was throwing the full field.

You stuck in a pad and threw on some warm pjs before crawling under the covers and letting a few tears fall while your breathing evened out.

Wanda had finished her dinner around the same time as Natasha had so, they had met up in the kitchen while washing their dishes.

“Wanda?” Nat asked from where she was drying her plate off.

“Yeah?” Wanda asked, her hands covered in suds.

Nat chewed her lip for a second before carefully selecting her words. “Was there … anyone off with Y/n these last few days?” Nat asked.

“I don’t know why?” Wanda said and Nat frowned.

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’ werent you here?” Nat said.

“No? I told you I was visiting friends for a few days.” Wanda said.

“Oh my god.” Nat said feeling bad. “Did we both ditch her for a week?”

“No? I mean surely, she had the others to hang out with. Right?” Wanda said.

“Jarvis?” Nat called to the ceiling.

“Yes, Ms Romanoff what can I do for you?” The AI responded.

“Who in the past week has cancelled plans with Y/n?” Nat asked.

“In the past week I believe each of the avengers have been either ‘too busy’ or had ‘other plans’ to spend time with Ms L/n.” Jarvis said.

“Oh god.” Wanda said. “Jarvis? What has Y/n been doing this past week?”

“Ms L/n has spent most of her time in her room. Either sleeping or crying. She also has been avoiding everyone for the last half of the week.” Jarvis said and Wanda and Natasha’s hearts broke.

“We are the worst girlfriends ever.” Wanda said feeling awful.

“We should go check on her.” Nat agreed and the two of them headed for the lift.

When they stood outside your bedroom door Natasha hesitated for a second.

“What if she doesn’t want to see us?” Nat asked.

“Im sure she will, it’s Y/n. She may be sad but her hearts still twenty-four carat.” Wanda said and Nat nodded and knocked.

When no response came, she gently opened the door. Making out a Y/n shaped lump in the bed she entered and quietly walked over to your side.
Wanda took note of the chocolate wrappers on your bedside table and the hot water bottle you had cuddled up to.

You had seemingly used your powers to heat up the water-bottle and your brow was creased in pain.

“Nat?” Wanda said and Natasha nodded.

“I see.” She said.

Wanda sighed and slipped into bed behind you. Gently playing with your hair as Nat went to search for some pain medicine for you, knowing that you wouldn’t have taken any yet.

Wanda rubbed slow circles on your back and brushed a hand onto your cheek.

“Y/n baby, can you open your eyes for me my love?” Wanda asked softy. You let out a small whimper and Wanda’s heart melted.

“Wands?” You asked in a small voice.

“Yes, baby its me.” She said pressing a featherlight kiss to your cheekbone.

“Hurts.” You said softly and she nodded.

“Natty’s gone to get you some medicine.” Wanda said just as Natasha walked back in with some pills and a glass of water.

“Here you go my sweet girl.” Nat said as wanda helped sit you up, leaning into her side.

Nat passed you the medicine and you took it without protest, telling both girls just how bad you were really feeling.

“I’m sorry we weren’t here my love.” Nat said brushing a curl from your cheek.

“That’s ok. You had important things to do.” You mumbled into Wanda’s chest where you had buried your face.

“Baby girl, nothings more important than you.” Wanda said stroking your hair.

“Why don’t we put on a movie, and you can try and get some sleep ok?” Nat said gently and you nodded, shuffling over to make room for her on the bed.

Wanda used her magic to open the small mini fridge in the room and floated a pint of your favourite icecream and three spoons over.

“I got this for you before I left my love.” Wanda said with a smile passing you a spoon.

Natasha slipped in beside you and Wanda, passing you the remote you put on an episode of Parks and Recreation as you began to eat some icecream and cuddle.

After a few spoonfuls Nat stole the container, Afterall you have been making a mess. There was even icecream on your nose which wanda softly kissed away, making you giggle as you begun doze in the presence of your two amazing girlfriends.

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