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"You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that. "

Is what the Sorting Hat had told Horae Potter the day of her sorting. She had ignored what the Sorting Hat had told her in favor of being in any house but Draco's. But lately she's started wondering just what the sorting hat had meant.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

There was a Quidditch match coming up between Gryffindor and Slytherin soon but despite that, Horae couldn't sleep. She was the captain of the Quidditch-- she needed as much sleep as she could get! Sighing she got up from bed and grabbed her wand.

"Tempus, " Horae whispered. The time was 11:14 pm. Putting on her crimson slippers, she left the girls dorm room. She was careful walking down the stairs because just one loud creak and Hermione would wake up. As much as Horae loves Hermione, she knows that Hermione is not a night owl and hates having her sleep disrupted-- especially by people trying to leave their dorm rooms late at night.

Horae quickly left the Gryffindor tower and closed the portrait of the Fat Lady behind her. Speaking of the Fat Lady, she wasn't in her portrait. "Looks like I won't be going back to bed anytime soon. "

She had, thankfully, grabbed her invisibility cloak while leaving the dorm room. Horae threw the cloak over her shoulders and continued walking down the halls. Letting her mind wonder, she remembered something the Sorting Hat had told her on her first day.

"You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that. "

As Horae rounded the corner she couldn't help but wonder what the Sorting Hat had meant by that. 'Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness' . . . Would it really? Ever since her parents had died that dreadful day in October, she has been destined to either defeat or lose to Voldemort. If she had been placed in Slytherin would she have defeated Voldemort already? She's fought Voldemort twice now and failed to fully defeat him both times. If she was in Slytherin would she have been more skilled in duelling and spellwork?

"Don't be silly, " Horae muttered to herself. "All Slytherins love Voldemort, being in Slytherin wouldn't put me closer to defeating Voldemort, it'd put me farther. "

Plus she'd have to share a dorm room with Pansy Parkinson of all people. She'd like to stay in Gryffindor, thank you very much.

Horae came to a halt as she approached the portrait of a fruit bowl. She took off her invisibility cloak and tickled the pear. The portrait shook before moving over to the left. Horae stepped into the kitchen and was immediately met with gorgeous Cobalt blue eyes. Inside the kitchen was a Ravenclaw. She was holding a plate of cake and was staring up at Horae in shock.

There was a pregnant pause before one of the house elves walked up to Horae to ask what she needed. "Treacle Tarts, please. " Horae said without looking away from the girl. Horae could feel her cheeks heating up more the longer she stared at this girl. Her blonde hair was held up in a messy bun and she was wearing a comfy looking Dark blue and Bronze jumper with a black maxi skirt and light blue slippers. Eventually the Ravenclaw patted the seat next to her on the sofa and shifted over slightly. Horae understood what the Ravenclaw was trying to say and sat down next to her. The beautiful girl offered her a small smile before continuing to eat her cake, albeit a bit more awkwardly. Horae was handed her Treacle Tart by one of the house elves and she bit into it slowly. Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest with how hard and fast it was beating. She's never felt this way about someone before. Sure she had a crush on Cho Chang for a couple of years before but it didn't feel anything like this. Thinking of what to say Horae decided to say the first thing that came to her mind.

"You're beautiful. "