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The Aftermath


What happened after the Lupinranger escapes from Dogranio's safe and they become phantom thieves again?

They found out about what Patrangers has been doing for them in the past year. They sacrificed a lot for them.


How Patrangers and Lupinrangers' dynamic changes after the series end.

Chapter 1: The Decision


I know I'm late to watch this series but anyway, I want to write a gen fic about what happened after the series.

So yeah, here it is. This fanfic sort of ignores what happened in the Ryusolger vs Lupinranger vs Patrangers.

Please enjoy the story!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Humans will change because they are humans.

Not only in physical appearance but also on the inside. The way they are thinking, their personality, and their belief, humans can change, humans will change in one way or another. As time passes, as they grow, as they get older, as they experience so many events in their lives, they will change no matter how subtle it is.

That is what Hikawa Sakuya, as Patranger Nigou, thinks.

Especially, because he is Patranger Nigou, he knows that better than anyone.

One year is a lot of time to change, two years more so.

He is still the junior in his unit, but he believes he has grown into a better man.

“Sempai, please don’t wear such a dark expression on your face, the situation isn’t all that bad,” Sakuya is the type who tries hard to see everything from the bright side.

The two of his beloved seniors, Asaka Keiichiro and Myojin Tsukasa, have serious expressions on their faces.

Not that Sakuya can blame them.

Last night's event is surely… very shocking.

After a year, finally, those three infamous phantom thieves are back.

His beloved Umika-chan is also coming back, alive and all.

But, after that, the shock start to settle in, especially after the three of them disappeared into the night. It felt like they came back to how they began as if nothing had changed.

But, everything has changed.

And they too has changed.

“You look quite happy for someone who will be called by our superiors later after lunch, huh, Sakuya?” Tsukasa asks him, in a sarcastic and menacing tone.

“Please don’t remind me that,” Sakuya trembles if he tries to think what will happen to himself today. Meeting with the GSPO superiors is the least favorite thing for him to do, even worse than fighting Ganglars. “Even if I mopped around, I can’t run away. It can’t be helped.”

Tsukasa shrugs.

Sakuya glances at his other senior.

Keiichiro is being silent today.

And it feels foreboding.

It is better if the captain of their team, that very hot-blooded man, is angry at this situation.

Sakuya understands perfectly how Keiichiro feels right now. It is understandable if Keiichiro is in a rage. So, to see him so silent is actually scarier than him being angry.

“The three of you really don’t know how the phantom thieves are back?” Finally, Director Hilltop gives them the most daring question. It feels like a prelude to how their meeting with their superior later.

“Director Hilltop—you don’t accuse us of being their accomplice, right?” Sakuya feels wronged.

But, even though he feels hurt, he can understand if Director Hilltop thinks it that way.

“No, I don’t accuse you of anything, but the superintendent won’t think the same.” Hilltop sighs, he also has a serious expression on his face.

“The CCTV in Dogranio’s prison doesn’t show anything at all,” Jim pitches in. The robot doesn’t have expression, but based on his voice, he doesn’t sound excited as well. “But I suspected it must have been hijacked.”

“It must be Noel’s doing,” Tsukasa mutters with a flat expression.

“I see… Noel-san must have known everything…” Sakuya tries to chuckle, but it feels too bitter.

“Now, now, you three, please don’t look so down. I will try to talk to the superiors at lunch to ease their tension. It is better for you three to eat a good lunch as well,” Hilltop walks out from their room with a smile, trying to brighten up the mood.

“Thank you, Director Hilltop!” Sakuya bows at him as he exited the room. Then he turns at his two seniors. “Let’s eat lunch together, Keiichiro-sempai, Tsukasa-sempai!”

“Mulling about it won’t change anything, okay, let’s go,” Tsukasa nods, she doesn’t sound thrilled, but she smiles a little. “Come on, Keiichiro.”

Keiichiro is still sitting on his chair, his expression doesn’t change at all.

“Keiichiro,” Tsukasa calls him again. “Asaka Keiichiro.”

Keiichiro sighs and turns around. “Alright. Let’s go.” There is no smile on his face, but that is the normal thing for him. But, Sakuya can see how down Keiichiro is. Rather than his usual scary expression, it is clear that Keiichiro has a lot on his mind.

But, who is he kidding? All of them has a lot on their mind.

“I know a new cafe on the outskirt of the town, it is a bit far from here but I heard that the food is delicious. Let’s go there!” Sakuya wears his brightest smile, trying to uplift the cloudy mood. But his two seniors don’t give him any reaction.

So, Sakuya’s smile wavers.

Today will be a very long day huh? Sakuya just wants to go home already now.




“You all-“

“This is crazy.”

“Oh, my goodness…”

“You must be joking.”

Umika almost drops her tray. She is dumbfounded to see the three new customers.

It is just their luck that the Patrangers come to the cafe exactly at the same time Umika and Kairi are there too.

It is good that there are no other customers here.

“You—how--- how could you open a cafe when the three of you all wanted criminals!?” Tsukasa asks in disbelief tone.

Umika grimaces while hugging the tray in her hands.

“No, I don’t work here, I’m just hanging around here every now and then,” Kairi raises both of his hands in a surrender manner. “And she is just working part-time here,” he points at Umika.

Umika can’t exactly say that she is attending a local university with another alias, courtesy of Kogure.

And Tooma has a flat expression on his face, he is back working something behind the counter again.

“Still, it might have been a year, but the three of you all still wanted criminals!” Tsukasa looks like she is about to explode.

While Sakuya has a grimaced expression on his face, he is still waving at Umika with a small smile.

And Keiichiro has such a scary expression, scarier than usual if that is possible, that Umika doesn’t dare to look at his eyes directly.

“So, you want to capture us here now?” Kairi taunts them, offering his wrists as if asking them to handcuff him with a coy smile.

And then Keiichiro hits the wall so hard and so suddenly.

There is a deafening silence, Umika is so shocked that she stops breathing for a second.

“You—how could you—” Keiichiro looks angry. No, he is in a rage. He is trembling with anger to the point that he can’t speak coherently. Then he takes a deep breath.

One breath, two breaths.

“Urgh, damn it!” Keiichiro curses then he turns around and walks outside.

“Huh!? Keiichiro-sempai!?” Sakuya sounds surprised.

“Leave him be, Keiichiro needs to cool down alone,” Tsukasa says while she massages her own forehead.

“Ah… I see…,” Sakuya nods timidly.

And there is another heavy silence.

Umika wants to cry in her place, this is awkward and suffocating. Their reaction last night wasn’t this bad, Umika is sure that she saw three of them smile when they all met. But then their smile wiped off once they realized that Umika and the others become phantom thieves again.

Sakuya didn’t look like he took it that hard last night, he waved back to her when she waved at him.


“Oh la la… you two are here too?”

All of the people in the cafe turn to see the new customer, of course, it is none other than Takao Noel. “It feels like a reunion, but where is Keiichiro-san?”

Umika is trying to explain without sound to Noel that the atmosphere inside the cafe is too serious to joke around. But of course, Noel doesn’t pay attention to her.

“Noel, you know everything right?” Tsukasa asks Noel in the most serious tone that even Umika wants to cower down. “Why didn’t you tell us anything? A little warning would be nice.”

Noel’s smile drops instantly and he looks around to check the atmosphere again.

“You know how I work, that is confidentiality-“

“Right, you will do anything to achieve both of your wishes, huh?” Tsukasa beats Noel before he can say anything more.

She has this hurt expression on her face. And Noel looks speechless to see it.

“How could you do this to us after you see everything we have done for this past year?” Tsukasa asks again. Then she closes her eyes and turns around.

She covers her face as if she is about to lose her cool there.

Umika is aching to go to her side, to comfort her. But she can't move at all, she is stunned in her place.

“I need to calm down as well,” Tsukasa finally says then she exits the cafe quickly.

“Ah! Tsukasa-sempai!” Sakuya is about to run to follow her before he stops awkwardly. Then he turns around to see Noel and then his eyes stop at Umika.

“You know, I… I feel really happy, really glad that all of you three are back, but…” Sakuya smiles then wavers as his eyes are filled with pain. “Oh my God, I don’t know what to say…” Sakuya covers his face with his hands. “Especially at you Noel-san, I just can’t…”

Sakuya shakes his head and then he turns around. “I’m sorry but I also have to go.”

And the last of the trio Patrangers leaves the cafe.

There is silence in the cafe again.

“What’s wrong with those three? Did they eat anything weird this morning?”

Umika turns around at Kairi, she can’t believe at what she just heard. But, that is Kairi for you. Even though he said something like that, Umika can see how Kairi has concerned eyes as he plays with his smartphone.

Umika hugs the tray close to her chest. “They must feel hurt… to know that we chose to be phantom thieves again.”

“It can’t be helped, we need to gather all Lupin Collection,” Tooma speaks up, he still looks unbothered, but Umika can tell that even he is shaken a little.

“The problem is, what are those three going to do to us now? This is going to be troublesome…” Kairi huffs.

Umika frows, she doesn’t want to imagine how she needs to run away from those three again, especially Sakuya. She thought that they have reached an agreement. They aren’t supposed to be enemies, their only enemies are Ganglars but…

“Noel-san…” Umika grimaces at her other comrade.

Because now, Noel looking up at the ceiling with far away expression on his face.

“I really didn’t think they would react that badly…” He mutters softly to himself. “Oh my, I really wronged them so badly this time…”

“But, they are all police, you can’t help it,” Tooma says. Umika nods along.

“The thing is…,” Noel takes a seat on an empty chair. “A lot has happened after you all got trapped inside Dogranio’s safe.”

Umika glances at Noel and then takes a seat beside him. “What do you mean?”

“The Global Special Police Organization wanted to take Dogranio down, that is the truth. But, those three, and me as well, refused to follow the order. Can you imagine that?” Noel has this small smile on his face.

“Those three disobeyed an order!? Impossible, if it is you and Sakuya-san then I can believe it, but Tsukasa-san and Keiichiro-san too?” Umika shouts in disbelief.

“Oui, I couldn’t believe it myself.” Noel flashes a smile when Tooma gives him a cup of tea without saying anything. “But those three fought harder than anyone to protect you all.”

“Unbelievable…” Kairi mutters with a sneer.

“It is the truth, Kairi-kun. It was the GSPO’s mission to protect the world’s peace from any threats, including Ganglars. So, it wasn’t easy for the four of us to persuade all of those troublesome and annoying superiors that want Dogranio’s death without caring about you three.” Noel takes a sip of his tea with a serious expression. “Prisoning Dogranio has the risk that Dogranio can escape and terrorize the world again, it was clear the GSPO against it. But at the same time, the GSPO needed Patrangers’ power to annihilate Dogranio efficiently.”

“It sounded… like a very tedious and exhausting fight…” Umika comments timidly. It must be far different than fighting any Ganglars, she can’t imagine it at all.

“Oui. Those three, and me as well, received various punishments, harassment, and pressure from the GSPO you see. If I’m not wrong, even Keiichiro-san got demoted two ranks from his position,” Noel sips the tea again and huffs.

“What? For protecting Dogranio and… us?” Tooma still sounds like he can’t believe it.

“I know it is hard to believe, but yes. Rather than risking world peace, of course, everyone else chose to sacrifice you three. Not to mention your status as phantom thieves are unfavorable as well, so what I could do was try to find the Jack Striker by forming a new group of phantom thieves. And Keiichiro-san and the others become the shield to protect you three.” Noel puts down the empty cup and then leans back on his chair. “Now that I said all of that, I really wronged them so badly… Urgh…” Noel covers his face with both of his hands in remorse.

Umika clenches her fists.

No wonder… No wonder Dogranio is being prisoned at the GSPO’s facility. If she thinks about it again, it does feel weird. The GSPO has been dying to capture the phantom thieves, so they won’t have any reason to spare the three of them if it means for the sake of the world’s peace.

Just how hard are those three to fight the organization they work for to make sure that the phantom thieves, that supposed to be their enemies, can come back safely?

“I’m not sorry to say this, but I didn’t ask for any of their help at all.”

Umika turns at Kairi, she can’t believe of what he just said. He sounds so cold. But that is so Kairi-like to say something like that.

“You are right, we went to Dogranio’s safe fully prepared to die there,” Tooma agrees along.

“But…” Umika whines a little. That is just so cold. “But I feel bad for them…”

“If you want to stop being phantom thieves for their sake, I won’t force you to stay,” Kairi adds with a cold expression.

“Please don’t say that… that’s not what I mean…” Umika sighs and slumps on her seat. Now, she can understand why the Patrangers have painful expressions on their face.

They must feel betrayed.

They must didn’t expect her and the others to become phantom thieves again after escaping from the abyss.

And they didn’t expect that they will be enemies, once again.

“I don’t want to fight them anymore…” Umika says honestly. The polices aren’t their enemies, especially those three. They have fought against each other but also with each other for one whole year. And to fight beside them, felt way better than when she has to fight against them.

Kairi shrugs and stands from his seat. Umika can see how he is seething with anger quietly. And then he leaves.

“I really hope all of us can become friends, genuinely,” Noel says with a solemn expression.

“It will be impossible because those three are the polices, they can’t befriend phantom thieves,” Tooma says the fact. “You are the exception.”

Noel just chuckles sadly.

Umika sighs and looks at the door of the cafe longingly.

If only they all can become friends…




“Keiichiro-san… I need to leave to charge my battery…”

“It is okay, Jim. You can leave.”

“Good night, Keiichiro-san. Don’t forget to get some sleep.”

Keiichiro is left alone in their office, with mountains of paper works on his table.

They got chewed up by their superiors. Of course, none of their bosses are happy to hear that the phantom thieves, not only come back alive but resuming their activity as phantom thieves again.

“You see that? None of them would be thankful to you. They don’t show remorse for their wrong past and they become phantom thieves again! Isn’t that what you all want!? They should be better dead along with that Ganglars boss but no, all of you refused to follow the order and look where we are now? I don’t care of what you think, but you all need to capture those damn phantom thieves now!”

Keiichiro hits the table with his fist, he is seething with anger but even he feels confused as to whom his anger is directed.

Their boss said that and yet they gave them a ton of paperwork to do, obviously harassing them for every chance they get.

“This isn’t even what tactical support should do,” Keiichiro tosses away the paperwork. It was a mountain of witnesses of Ganglars reporting for the past three months, he needs to track down whether it is only a prank or genuine witnessing.

But, who is he kidding? Tactical support becomes a unit where every other unit tosses unwanted work to. Sakuya even said that he heard other units call them ‘the trash can unit’. On the outside of the organization, Patrangers’ image might have been rising but they are branded as a rebellious unit on the inside.

Still, Keiichiro doesn’t think that he did the wrong thing. Just because the phantom thieves were branded as criminals, it didn’t mean it was okay to sacrifice them, especially because Dogranio is in his weakest state. There was a chance that they could find a way to save those three without killing them along with Dogranio.

And they did it, those three are alive now.

…and they become phantom thieves again now.

Keiichiro is about to reach another can of coffee only to notice that he is out. He tosses the empty cans into the trash can and leans back on his chair.

“Let’s buy more.”

If Tsukasa knows this, she will kick him for sure. But, Keiichiro doesn’t care. He needs to tackle those troublesome paper works before he can take a peaceful rest, unlike Tsukasa and Sakuya who decided to do them tomorrow and took a rest now.

Keiichiro can’t believe that the vending machine near the base is out of coffee.

And wondering if he is the one reason why. But that shouldn’t be possible. Police officers all love coffee, not only him.

So, Keiichiro ventures outside more, in the dead of night, to find more caffeine so he can continue to work.

He arrives at the vending machine near the park. He is about to insert some coins there before he hears a familiar voice.

“Here is an advance notice to you, Mr. Policeman. That vending machine has run out of coffee.”

Keiichiro turns around in shock and for sure, he sees Kairi stands not too far in front of him.

“Why are you here… at this hour?” Keiichiro asks in puzzlement. That isn’t what he wants to say to Kairi, actually, he has a ton of things to say to this phantom thief. But, his brain is fatigued from tackling all of those troublesome papers and the meeting with his bosses completely exhausted him too.

“I’m here because I have been waiting for you, Kei-chan.” Kairi is acting coy, like usual.

“You should be more careful, what if someone notices you.” Keiichiro sighs, he has no energy to handle Kairi’s coyness. He inserts the coins into the vending machine, and sure, just like what Kairi said, the coffee is out.

“Here you go.”

Keiichiro turns around and sees a can being thrown at him, Keiichiro is fumbling a little to catch it. It is a can of warm coffee.

Keiichiro looks up to Kairi, he can’t understand this man’s way of thinking sometimes.

“Say, why are you here?” Keiichiro asks again.

“Because I think Kei-chan might want to talk to me.”

This situation gives Keiichiro deja vu. It has happened before, this exact same scene.

“I heard from Noel of what you have done to save me and the others,” Kairi is wearing a cap so it is a bit hard to see his expression at night like this. But, his tone shows him how serious he is, there are no hints of his playfulness at all.

“I won’t say thank you for all you have done. I never asked for your help.”

Keiichiro is taken aback a little.

It is a lie if he says that those words don’t hurt him.

He clenches his fist.

What did he expect when he refused to follow the order to destroy Dogranio along with those three phantom thieves?

He did expect that those three can come back alive and live normally like common civilians.

…not like this.

It will be a lie if he says that he doesn’t feel betrayed.


“I know. I didn’t do all of that to get your thanks. I did all of that for myself.”

Keiichiro talks more to himself than to Kairi.

Once again, it is hard to observe Kairi’s expression. But, at this point, Keiichiro doesn’t care because it won’t change anything.

“As a police officer, I know that I can’t save everyone. Police can’t save everyone.”

That is a bitter pill that Keiichiro has to swallow. He has accepted that.

“But, I want to save the ones that I can reach to. The ones that are in front of me. I won’t back down as long as there is a way to save them. Regardless of who they are, that isn’t important. That is what I do.”

Even criminals still have the right to live. That is what Keiichiro believes.

And more, for him, Kairi, and the others…

“So, I don’t need your thanks either.”

It is okay like this. At least, those three are alive and well. Dogranio is still being prisoned and the world isn’t doomed because of that.

It is worth it.

“Why can’t you just be angry at me like how you usually did to Lupin Red? Should I transform so you can be angry at me!?”

Keiichiro is shocked to see Kairi’s sudden outburst.

This is the second time Kairi did this in front of him. The usually collected coy man is dropping his guard and showing him his true color.

“If you said you feel angry about your powerlessness, I will hit you right in your face!” Kairi warns him before Keiichiro can say anything.

“Shouldn’t I be the one who is angry?” Keiichiro can’t believe this situation at all.

“I’m angry because you won’t be angry!” Kairi spits out again. “Why can’t you just be angry!? Hit me! Kick me! Capture me! Do whatever you should do!”

“Are you angry for my sake?” Keiichiro asks again.





“Asaka Keiichiro? Yeah, I know him. He came to me and apologized because he couldn’t save you then he promised that he would find a way to bring you back. I even felt bad because I couldn’t say the truth. Keiichiro-san is a good policeman.”

That was what his brother said.

Kairi doesn’t even know why he feels angry.

He just feels totally angry with this dumb selfless policeman in front of him.

He is way too dumb to be a policeman and Kairi just can’t bear it.

Kairi never asked his help and yet this dumb policeman went his way to save him in his own way.

And for that, Kairi felt angry.

And he just wants Keiichiro to be angry, so that Kairi can feel better.

“Kairi-kun, it is late, you shouldn’t shout-”

“No matter what you said, I’m dead set on being a phantom thief.”

And that is what Kairi needs to tell Keiichiro.

He might owe, part of, his life to Keiichiro but he won’t stop being a phantom thief even if Keiichiro asks him to.

“You can’t stop me, Kei-chan.”

Or to be honest, Kairi doesn’t want Keiichiro to try to stop him.

Their dance at fighting each other is exhilarating but also tiring at the same time. Especially because he knows that Keiichiro is a good man and he never means bad. And sometimes, what Keiichiro has done and said to him makes Kairi wonders a lot.

Would anything change if he ever asked for Keiichiro’s help?

Would anything change if Keiichiro knows everything from the start?

Is he the stupid one because he never asked for the police’s help?

Kairi is sure, before, that even if he asked for the police’s help, they won’t help him. Police have a strict way to do their work and they won’t help someone like him.

But, Keiichiro and the other Patrangers are different.

They help him even when he didn’t ask them to.

And it frustrated him to get their help.

“I know, I can’t stop you.” Keiichiro sighs. “I want you to stop, but I know you won’t.”

Kairi wants to scoff at Keiichiro because even though Keiichiro thinks being phantom thieves and police are different, it isn’t that much different in Kairi’s opinion. At the end of the day, they both are fighting with their life on the line, even though their motives are different.

“I guess, because of that I feel slightly angry… at you and myself. But my anger won’t change anything, so I decided to not get angry over this.” Keiichiro has a solemn expression, as if he is regretting something and Kairi can tell that this dumb policeman must be regretting at how he can’t stop Kairi from being a phantom thief.

And just like that, Kairi’s anger evaporated away, leaving only a little bit of irk toward the policeman in front of him.

“I’m still deciding what I’m going to do at this point,” Keiichiro says honestly.

And Kairi understands what Keiichiro is trying to say.

Whether they will become foes or friends.

For Kairi himself, he is…

“You know what? I never said this before…” Kairi can’t be honest just like Umika. But, he did owe one to Keiichiro. “The reason why we can become the phantom thieves is because you and your comrades are there as the policeman.”

Keiichiro has a confused expression on his face and Kairi huffs a little.

“Because if you all aren’t there, then we will be too busy trying to save people from Ganglars and we can’t focus on retrieving Lupin Collection,” Kairi shakes his hand. At the end of the day, he and the other Lupinrangers aren’t cold-hearted bastards who can focus only to steal back Lupin Collection and let other people suffer. “It is exactly because the police are there then we can focus to do what we are supposed to do. And for that, arigachu.”

Keiichiro looks shocked for a while.

“Wait a minute, then is that also the reason why you all become phantom thieves again!?” Keiichiro asks with a horrified look.

Actually, not exactly like that, but Kairi doesn’t even want to imagine what will happen if Keiichiro and the others get replaced by other police officers. It won’t be fun anymore for sure, and… troublesome as well.

 “You can say it like that because I can do what only I can do and Kei-chan can do what only you can do,” Kairi nods along and smirks.

Keiichiro is trembling with anger and Kairi wants to laugh to see that.

“And Mr. Policeman, whatever you want to do, I will still gather all the Lupin Collection for sure. See you!” Kairi turns around and walks away. Whether Keiichiro decides to be their friend or foe, that won’t change anything.

Because, whatever he decides, Kairi knows that he can believe in him, and he can rely on him when he needs to.

Maybe asking for his help as well.

Who knows. Though Kairi needs to learn how to ask for help first.




“So, what is that you want to talk about Keiichiro?”

To gather them inside their patrol car, it must be something that they need to talk in secret, that is what Tsukasa is thinking. And when Keiichiro is turning off the dashboard camera on their car, Tsukasa closes her eyes, reaches for her smartphone, and turns it off as well.

This must be very serious.

Sakuya turns off his phone as well with a scared expression.

“What is it, sempai?”

“I have decided what I’m going to do with the phantom thieves.”

“This fast?” Tsukasa is surprised. She thought they would need a few days to process everything before they can decide whether to follow their boss’s order or not.

“No, don’t say anything please, I don’t want to hear it!” Sakuya whines pitifully.

Keiichiro is giving him a look.

“We are going to do whatever we want.”

Tsukasa and Sakuya turn at Keiichiro with bewildered eyes.


Keiichiro turns around and faces forward with his arm folded. “To be honest, I can’t even think of the phantom thieves as criminals anymore. What they have been doing isn’t exactly right, but a desperate situation requires desperate measures. Taking away Lupin Collection from Ganglars is a way to defeat Ganglars, so I can’t say it is wrong anymore.”

Sakuya is blinking with a shocked face.

And Tsukasa starts to smile. “So, we are going to disobey our boss’s order again? At this point, I won’t be surprised if the military police will be involved to investigate us.” She is challenging Keiichiro about his decision.

What Keiichiro has decided will bring more miseries to their team, but funnily, Tsukasa doesn’t hate it at all.

“If that happens, for me, I will resign from the GSPO… And asked the phantom thieves to steal my VS changers.” Keiichiro says that with a flat expression.

“Sempai, are you serious!?” Sakuya looks at his senior with disbelief.

“That is the last resort, we need to do everything we can do so that won’t happen,” Keiichiro answers calmly.

“We are going to do whatever we want to do… then, we won’t capture the phantom thieves… and help them to retrieve the Lupin Collections?” Tsukasa elaborate further.

“We won’t actively steal Lupin Collection like them, but we will help them if they need help and stop Ganglars while they do their thing,” Keiichiro explains in more detail.

“That’s…” Sakuya mutters with a speechless face.

“Sounds good,” Tsukasa nods. “So, our motive isn’t to collect Lupin Collections but we are going to protect them and the people while they collect Lupin Collection.”

“That sounds awesome!” Sakuya sounds thrilled. “…actually, that’s what we have been doing, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but minus we won’t hinder the phantom thieves while they work,” Keiichiro says.

“No, Keiichiro. We are going to do this secretly, right?” Tsukasa is glancing at the turned-off dashboard camera. “Then we need to act like we are following the order, we need to act like we are still against the phantom thieves.”

“Oh, right, that will be better…” Keiichiro easily agrees.

“Oh my goodness, we are really rebelling against GSPO and trying to help phantom thieves, we are really becoming their accomplices, aren’t we?”

Tsukasa gives Sakuya a look and so does Keiichiro.

“The law isn’t always right… neither do the police. And when it is involving Ganglars that come from the other world, we can’t always apply human law to them,” Keiichiro answers calmly.

“Desperate situation requires desperate measures, huh? I agree completely,” Tsukasa nods along.

“I also agree! Wholeheartedly agree! So, now the phantom thieves aren’t our enemies, right? I’m so happy!” Sakuya smiles brightly.

“We are still going to act like they are our enemy,” Tsukasa reminds him.

“Don’t worry, that is Keiichiro-sempai’s job,” Sakuya replies with a grin.

Keiichiro gives him a look again. Sakuya is pretending to be dumb about it. And Tsukasa just shakes his head at them.

Like she thought, they need the phantom thieves to defeat Ganglars and phantom thieves need them to steal the Lupin Collections. They complete each other in a complex way.

From now on, their job will be interesting.





“Kei-chan… did you just cover me from that Ganglar’s attack?”

“You must be wrong, I was slipped.”

“Sakuya-san held down the Ganglar for me so that I could take away the Lupin Collection, right?”

“No way, that was me trying to defeat the Ganglar.”

Tsukasa is looking at the CCTV that is facing their battle place.

“Sakuya, shoot that.”

“Huh? Okay, Tsukasa-sempai!”

“Keiichiro, I will deduct that from your pay.”

“Wait, what!? … I understand.”

Kairi undoes his transformation and looks at the polices with a confused face.

“What’s up with you three?”

“We are just doing what we always have been doing.”

“Including shooting the CCTV?”

“Because of that we will pay it back, don’t worry.”

“Ah, they will be the death of me.” Kairi pulls down his hat to cover his grin.

“They suck at acting,” Tooma nods.

“Sakuya, stop waving like an idiot, we have to go back!”

“I will leave the writing report to you, Sakuya.”

“Huh!? Wait, what!? Why me—nooooo!”

“Bye, Sakuya-san!” Umika waves excitedly.

“…this isn’t exactly how I imagine how we will become… Oh well…” Kairi turns around and walks away. Tooma and Umika follow him right behind.

From now on, fighting Ganglars will be more interesting.


To be honest, I want to write more. But, do people want to read more? Who is going to read this fanfic that is late by almost 5 years? At least I want to write this chapter out of my head.

And I love Keiichiro and Kairi's complex relationship, strictly platonic though. Because of that, I want more gen fic that focuses on them.

Keiichiro and the Patrangers deserve more love, obviously. They aren't just back up Sentai, really.

If I continue this fanfic then I will explore the characterization of the Patrangers later.

if you like this fanfic please leave a comment and kudo, thank you very much!

See you later in the next chapter, hopefully.

Chapter 2: Believe part 1


The Patrangers team is still upset with how Noel hides the truth from them. But, they need to defeat the runaway Ganglar first.


This chapter is pretty dark. Blame me because I watched D.P. so, the bully inside the military inside my mind is quite extreme.

Please enjoy this chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Humans are complicated living beings. Each person has their own ideal, their own justice, their own ways to do things the way they want it. Because what is right or wrong is different for each person. That is why there is a law, to be the line that people shouldn’t cross.

But then again, humans are complicated living beings.

“Oh, damn it, he runs away!”

“Damn you, Ganglar!”

“Noel-san, are you okay?”

“I’m alright.”

Kairi sighs as he undo his transformation and looks at the way their prey runs away. The Patrangers team doesn’t look too happy either with this issue.

“Oh, you are quite hurt, Noel-san. That Ganglar done quite a lot to you.” Umika sounds worried. Kairi glances behind him and he can see how Noel cradles his right arm and his sleeve is soaked with blood.

“His power is quite troublesome, we have to form a plan to steal his Lupin Collection later,” Tooma comments calmly.

“Can you walk, Noel?” Tsukasa approaches Noel, but her face is strangely cold.

“Yes… I can,” Noel mutters then he hisses in pain as he moves.

“Good,” she nods. “Come, we will drop you at the hospital.”

Kairi looks at how Tsukasa is walking away without offering help to support Noel in walking. Kairi turns to check that Sakuya is already gone to fetch their patrol car and Keiichiro is just standing there, observing with a cold expression toward Noel.

Noel is almost stumbling down and Kairi catches him quickly.

“What’s up with them? They are still angry at you?” Kairi whispers at Noel as he helps him to walk.

“Oui, you only noticed it now?” Noel whispers back at Kairi.

“…yeah, they are strangely cold,” Kairi admits that he only noticed it now. During their battle, the Patrangers don’t act strangely and still count Noel as their team. But, since Kairi has known the Patrangers team for quite some time, Kairi knows that they treat Noel coldly.

Kairi helps Noel to get inside the car and then glances at Keiichiro in the passenger seat. Keiichiro has this expression that he doesn’t know why Kairi is giving him a look and Kairi just sighs.

“Take care of him,” Kairi says to him.

Keiichiro just nods and Kairi closes the door.

“It feels as if they are bullying Noel but also not…” Umika approaches his side while the yellow-suited girl tilts her head in confusion.

“They still haven’t forgiven him yet, probably,” Tooma adds. “Not that is our business.”

“Huh? But they have forgave us?” Umika sounds confused.

“That means Noel’s mistake isn’t the same as us, for them,” Kairi grumbles. He isn’t a nosy type and he shouldn’t be concerned about this matter. Tooma is right, this is their problem. Just because they work together now, at some level, it doesn’t mean they are all friends.

They just have a symbiotic relationship and Kairi is taking advantage of it fully.

It is just… this situation is annoying him, that’s it.




“I have tried to apologize to them, one by one, then to all of them… their responses were… not very positive but not negatively either?”

“It is still about how you didn’t tell them anything of how you saved us from Dogranio’s safe, right? I don’t understand it at all.”

Umika is scooting closer at Noel. It is rare for the very confident Noel, who rarely loses his calm, to be this disturbed. His right arm is in a sling today, at least he has gotten himself patched up at the hospital.

“They said… ‘it can’t be helped’, ‘I understand’, things like that, and… they gave cold shoulder…” Noel looks dejected. Umika pats him awkwardly.

“It means they haven’t forgiven you yet,” Tooma says the harsh truth.

“But, I still can’t understand why. They forgave us, so easily… and yet why do they treat Noel-san so differently?” Umika asks again. She can remember clearly the hurt reaction from Sakuya when he learned her true identity. And yet, now he acted like nothing happened and went as far as protecting her during battle.

“I don’t… really get either,” Noel admits with a troubled face.

Then there is a silence. And Umika hates this. She doesn’t like this situation at all. If Patrangers become their enemy, Umika can understand that much. But the way Patrangers alienated Noel, feels so wrong.

“Then, how about we ask them directly?” Kairi gives them a suggestion.

“We should focus on the runaway Ganglar,” Tooma reminds them.

“I know, but it is hard to fight under this kind of condition,” Kairi shakes his hands and then points at Noel and Umika.

Umika points at herself in confusion. “I know you won’t be able to focus either,” Kairi says to her.

She pouts a little but Kairi does have a point.

“And more, they are better at tracking the runaway Ganglar than us, so we can wait for their intel,” Kairi adds more.

“Will they give us intel?” Umika asks in wonder. Though they work together wonderfully, they never say anything about it. It doesn’t like they have a verbal agreement about the truce.

“…you are right, if Noel-san is in a better relationship with them, it will be easier to get their intel,” Tooma doesn’t sound happy, he has a blank expression.

Umika nods, that is the way they operated before, Noel as their double agent, stealing, giving, and forwarding the information about Ganglar between the two groups. So, in a way, Noel is a bridge between them. That is why it feels so wrong for the bridge to be broken down.

“But, are we seriously going to ask them directly? How?” Umika asks Kairi again.

The leader of Lupinrangers shows his infamous grin at Umika.

And the yellow-suited girl only points at herself with foreboding feelings.




“What is it, Kairi-kun?”

“Hm? Nothing.”

“Then why are you staring at me like that?”

It is hard to eat anything when someone is observing him so intensely. Keiichiro should have known better that there must be something else when Sakuya said that he gets a discount at the new café of the secret base of Lupinrangers.

“We haven’t got any information about Ganglar yet,” Tsukasa mutters as she eats the sandwich calmly.

“I know, if you did, then you all won’t be here,” Kairi replies coyly.

“Then what is it?” Even Sakuya looks bothered by Kairi’s intense observation.

“Why are you treating Noel that way?” Kairi asks the big question without warning. “I thought you are all aren’t that type of people.”

“What type of people?” Keiichiro asks back.

“Bullying type,” Kairi says bluntly.

“What!?” Keiichiro feels insulted, and he stands from his chair immediately.

“Calm down, Keiichiro-sempai, calm down,” Sakuya is pulling Keiichiro down, trying to get him seated back. “You shouldn’t accuse us of bullying, that is rude,” Sakuya scolds Kairi.

“Then, why are you treating Noel differently?” Kairi asks again.

Tsukasa puts down her utensils, quite loudly then she sighs. “We draw the line over him.”

“Huh? Why?” Kairi asks more.

“I never thought of you as the nosy type either, Kairi-kun,” Tsukasa says with sarcasm. “Because Noel did it first.”

Keiichiro sighs and shakes Sakuya’s hand away from his sleeve. Keiichiro can see how Tsukasa is still upset, even Sakuya looks distressed. Then, he glances at Umika and Touma, who stand at the side with concerned expression, then he sees how Kairi has an unreadable expression on his face.

“Noel, you are here too, right? Come out,” Keiichiro dislikes this kind of cowardly act.

After a few seconds of silence, Noel appears from the counter. He has this embarrassed and timid look, in contrast with his usual confidence.

Keiichiro folds his arms and sighs again. “Alright, let’s have a talk,” Keiichiro says again. Now that all of the players are here, it is maybe the time for them to have this talk.

Noel comes to their table and sits on the empty chair. “I already said that I’m sorry, but you know the situation. What I could tell you was limited-“ Noel stops talking when Keiichiro raises his hand.

“Noel,” Keiichiro calls him with the most serious tone he can muster. “I know you have your reason, and to tell the truth, all of us can understand why.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt us,” Sakuya adds with a hurtful expression.

“But, we also know that you can’t help it, you can’t help it but to hurt us,” Tsukasa adds again.

“But, that also shows just how you can’t believe in us,” Keiichiro points out the biggest reason why he still feels upset at Noel. “You have no faith in us.”

Noel should know better for the last year, how much Patrangers has done to make sure that no one could destroy Dogranio. Going against the order isn’t something that Keiichiro is proud of. But at that, he had no better choice but to go against the GSPO, even though it pained him to do that.

“That’s…” Noel sounds speechless.

“But, you are all police, Noel-san couldn’t help, could him?” Umika finally says something.

“That means that Noel can’t see us more than police, you don’t believe in us even as a person,” Tsukasa points out again. “Even though you have known what we have done for the past year, to think that you still couldn’t believe in us after all of that…”

Noel has a conflicted face, he looks ashamed and he doesn’t say anything. “I’m… really sorry…”

The way Noel bows at them, the way his voice is cracking, Keiichiro can tell that Noel is sincere to them.

But that isn’t what Keiichiro wants.

“Then, can you explain how you saved those three from Dogranio’s safe?” Keiichiro dares Noel to explain the biggest mystery that hasn’t been answered yet.

Noel looks shocked, along with the three phantom thieves.

Keiichiro closes his eyes.

“It feels as if it is our fault to be the police that you can’t tell us anything,” Sakuya says with a bitter voice.

“I mean… I…” Noel is speechless again.

“It is okay if you can’t explain the entire truth, but some clue of how it happened would be nice,” Tsukasa says more. Then she sighs as she clenches her fist. “But, I guess you can’t tell us anything at all.”

Keiichiro opens his eyes and he can’t help but feel bitter about this whole situation. The truth is he and his team barely know about Lupin Collection, Lupinrangers, Ganglars, and more things that happened behind the scenes. There are more into it, Keiichiro isn’t stupid, but no one bothered to tell them anything.

“That shows how much you believe in us,” Keiichiro points out. He sighs, he hates to be powerless but he knows that he doesn’t want to interrogate them forcefully either. “You can’t expect to keep hurting us then we will keep being okay every time.”

 Keiichiro looks at Tsukasa and Sakuya who have dark expressions.

They have gone through a lot.

A lot.

And to think that Noel still couldn’t believe in them despite he knows how much they have gone through.

“We have forgiven you, Noel. But, that’s it.” Keiichiro doesn’t feel angry at Noel now.

He feels… betrayed.

He thought that police should be reliable people who can tell every problem that they have. But, then the Patrangers got branded as a rebellious unit who defy orders and even after that, Noel still can’t believe in them.

It feels like he and their team now can’t be trusted by either side.

And it feels like it is another bitter pill he needs to swallow.

“I’m really sorry Noel-san. I do hope we can be friends but… if you keep doing this, I can’t bear with it any longer…” Sakuya bows at Noel politely.

“While for the other phantom thieves we can understand that they barely know anything about what has happened for the past year, but you are different, Noel,” Tsukasa gives him a slight glare. “Maybe from the start, you aren’t a part of our team at all.”

Keiichiro looks at his two teammates and they nod. They stand from their seat. “We are still going to work with you, strictly professional, Noel. Don’t worry about that. It won’t hinder the way we fight Ganglar,” Keiichiro reminds the shocked Noel. “Let’s leave, we have another meeting after this.” Keiichiro says to Sakuya and Tsukasa.

As they are about to leave, their earphones start to beep.

‘Everyone, there is a report of two Ganglars spotted near the beach!’ Jim says to them through the line.

“There are two Ganglars near the beach,” Tsukasa relays the report to the others in the room.

Keiichiro looks at Tsukasa and Sakuya and they nod together. “We will go there.”

Keiichiro looks at Noel for a second. Noel is both a Patranger and Lupinranger, but he is never a part of their unit. Keiichiro doesn’t have the right to order him around, Noel should be free to do whatever he wants.

“We will follow up with you soon,” Kairi says as the Patrangers exit the café.

“Two Ganglars, does it mean that the previous Ganglar team up with another Ganglar?” Sakuya asks as they get into the car.

“Probably, but what matters is we have to protect everyone from the Ganglars,” Keiichiro pulls out his VS Changer, ready to fight.

He hopes that they can deal with the Ganglars swiftly and quickly. Even though he isn’t fond of Noel now, it doesn’t mean he wants to see anyone get hurt.




“Noel-san, are you okay to come with your condition?”

“I have worse than this, I will be careful,” Noel flashes a smile toward the kindhearted Umika. “We still haven’t figured out the previous Ganglar’s Lupin Collection, and now there is a new one, I will help to figure out both.”

His right arm is still throbbing badly, but Noel has gone through worse than this. Maybe it would be okay to leave the fight to the others, especially now that Patrangers are working together with Lupinrangers but…

Noel still needs to make it up.

They arrive at the beach soon after, but obviously, the Patrangers arrive sooner.

“Noel, you should stand by their side, observe them, and find out their powers,” Kairi commands him.

Dejectedly, Noel nods. The phantom thieves transform and join the battle to fight two Ganglars.

“The previous Ganglar’s Lupin Collection is maybe what helped him to run away… His binding power is the original power of him,” Noel mumbles to himself. “Then the new one…”

“You fool humans! Now that both of us are teaming up, you are doomed!” The Ganglar is shouting loud enough for Noel to hear from the side.

“I will show you what nightmare is for weak living beings like you all!” the other Ganglar shouts as well.

“Nightmare… Huh, don’t tell me!?”

“Now, won’t you show me what your nightmare is!?” The new Ganglar shoots his beam toward Umika. The Lupin Yellow is being binded by the power of another Ganglar so she can’t evade the attack.

“No! Yellow!” Sakuya comes screaming, freeing himself from the binding with his pistol then, jumping to take the attack with his body.

“Huh!? Sakuya-san!” Umika screams in horror.

“Huh? I’m… alright?” Sakuya scrambles on the ground with a confused voice.

“No, that’s-“ Noel is running toward him but he knows he is too late. A round black hole is formed on Sakuya’s chest and it lets out a dark mist that spreads out instantly.

Damn, he is too late- Noel can’t do anything as the black mist spread to his place too quickly for him to get away. He sees how his friends are falling to the ground one by one. “Everyone…” Noel mumbles, noticing that at least Keiichiro and Tooma are far enough from the mist before finally Noel loses consciousness as well.




“Huh? What happened!? Where we are- Sakuya!?”

Tsukasa is struggling in her seat, with her feet and hands being tied to a chair. But her eyes are directed at her junior, Sakuya is also in the same condition as her but with so many wires attached to his body and head, the wires are connected to some sort of strange device.

“Is this a theatre?” Kairi asks in confusion as he stops struggling from his seat.

“Sakuya-san, are you alright?” Umika asks in concern.

“Oh… uh… I don’t feel… anything… yet?” Sakuya says while trembling in his seat.

“From all of Lupin Collection, it has to be this…” Noel grumbles, knowing that struggling is useless.

“What is with this power?” Tsukasa asks, she feels angry that she is hopeless in this situation. “Where are we?”

“Probably, this the power of Project… a Lupin Collection that can show people what is inside their mind,” Noel explains heavily.

“Huh!? Are you serious, Noel-san?” Sakuya asks in panic. “But--- what good that will be?”

“At the moment, our mind is connected and our bodies are defenseless in the real world, that is what is good for Ganglars,” Noel sighs.

“So, this is inside subconsciousness?” Kairi asks and he deflates. “How we can get out?”

“Once the show stops? Honestly, I don’t know, I never use this Lupin Collection either,” Noel shakes his head.

“Whatever it shows from my mind… I hope it will be just something funny…” Sakuya grimaces.

“What’s the fun in that!?” A Ganglar suddenly shows up in front of them.

“You!” Kairi grits his teeth. “You did us so good.”

“Right!? With my Lupin Collection power combined with his power, I can bind you here and trap you inside the subconscious! You all won’t ever be able to wake up!”

“…Keiichiro is our hope then…” Tsukasa bites her lip in nervousness.

“And Touma…” Umika mumbles.

“But only imprisoning you all here would be boring! So let’s watch a good show! A good nightmare show!” The Ganglar laughs wickedly.

“Uh… aah… from me? None of my nightmares are good, you know…” Sakuya says weakly, not being able to convince anyone.

“Oh yeah!? Then let’s see whether it is good enough or scary enough for you all! Ha ha ha ha!” And then the Ganglar disappears and the projector above Sakuya’s head starts to turn.

“Uh oh…” Sakuya whines pitifully.

“There is really nothing we can do about this, Noel!?” Tsukasa asks Noel again in anger, but not directed at him, but at their enemy.

“No… it can only turned off from the outside…” Noel is looking down helplessly.

Tsukasa clenches her fists in anger and turns at the trembling Sakuya.

“It starts…” Umika mumbles with a deep frown.

“Keiichiro-sempai! Please don’t do this! You will die!”

Tsukasa is watching what the projector shows. Strangely, it looks like she is watching a film. But, her eyes widen once she realizes what kind of ‘nightmare’ it is showing. “This… Sakuya, you…”

“Oh, no, seriously!? No, no, no!” Sakuya is struggling harder in his seat. “Please don’t show this! Why can’t you just choose another thing from my mind- uhhh…”

“What choice do I have?” Keiichiro looked at Sakuya with a serious look, way more serious than he usually was. He is busy tying wraps to his hands.

“I- I don’t know. But you could die, seriously! What is this--- why--- I mean, for our bosses to question your competency as a Patranger by forcing you to have a contest sparring with 10 other police officers---” Sakuya shakes his head in distress. “That is just too much! They are just asking permission to legally beat you to death!”

“And you can’t lose to even one of them or your position as Patranger Ichigo would get taken away,” Tsukasa is there too, looking serious but she has a resigned expression on her face. “I know this is too much, but there is nothing we can do, Sakuya.”

“No, there should be is! There should be—” Sakuya stops talking when Keiichiro pats his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I won’t lose and I won’t die either,” he says as he passes Sakuya.

“You can’t even transform, sempai—” Sakuya shakes his head again in frustration and crumbles down.

“Come one Sakuya, we have to see him or our boss will nitpick at us again,” Tsukasa pulls Sakuya up so he can stand on his own.

Sakuya and Tsukasa walk toward the hall of the training center. Keiichiro stands in the middle with two other people, one of them acts as a referee and the other is his opponent.

“If it is hand-to-hand combat then Keiichiro won’t lose,” Tsukasa says.

“But… 10 spars consecutively are… too much…” Sakuya grimaces with trembling hands.

“Oh… don’t be like that, you make us sound as if we are gangsters that are about to kill your captain, please watch your mouth.” The boss stands not too far from them, obviously enjoying the view.

“You—” Sakuya grits his teeth.

“Calm down, Sakuya,” Tsukasa pushes his side to calm down her junior.

The sparring starts and they can see how serious the sparring is. The opponent is serious about beating Keiichiro but Keiichiro is also serious about fighting him. Punches and kicks are flying, either Keiichiro is defending himself or attacking his opponent.

“His opponent is… good…,” Sakuya grimaces.

“Of course, we pick up the best fighters from different branches and units. There are many people that wish to replace the stubborn and rebellious captain of yours,” the boss says again.

A kick is being thrown at Keiichiro and he is sent flying. The opponent is about to jump on him, but Keiichiro rolls himself to the side. He grabs the opponent’s waist and throws him down but he gets a kick in his stomach in return.

“Did this… seriously happen?” Kairi asks with a shocked face.

“Unfortunately… yeah,” Tsukasa answers with a deep frown.

“Ugh… seriously from all of things, why it should be this…?” Sakuya is looking lifeless in his seat, with some tears starting to fall from his eyes.

“He won…” Tsukasa mutters, but she doesn’t look happy.

“Yes, but this is only one fight…” Sakuya grimaces.

“And there are 9 more…,” the boss looks so delighted. “Your captain is a good fighter, as expected from the captain of Patrangers.”

Keiichiro is panting, his left cheek is bruised and the corner of his mouth is bleeding. There are maybe more injuries under his clothes with the way he stands.

Soon after, another opponent stands and enters the arena. And the fight begins again.

“Can you please let him catch a break first?” Sakuya pleads his boss.

“Did Ganglars ever let you catch a break? It is good that we don’t ambush him all at once, because we aren’t barbarian like Ganglars. If we really want to replicate a Ganglar fight, then we can go all out more than this. Is that what you want?”

Sakuya’s face gets paler and he closes his mouth instantly.

“Just shut up your mouth, Sakuya.” Tsukasa scolds her junior, but her hands are also trembling.

“That is why in the military you should never defy your superiors.”

“Fighting Ganglars are way better than this,” Kairi comments.

“Yes! What kind of boss is that!? Is he a demon!? Are you sure that he isn’t a Ganglar in disguise!?” Umika sounds worked up but she shuts her mouth instantly as she sees Sakuya’s condition.

“Sakuya, hang in there,” Tsukasa says. “Keiichiro must be trying to rescue us from the outside, believe in him.”

“…I believe in him… it is just… I hate this… I hate this…” Sakuya is closing his eyes tightly, looking down, refusing to see what is shown in front of him. But he is still flinching at every sound of kicking, punching, and groaning.

Tsukasa turns at the ‘show’, the most sickening show she has ever watched. And sadly, it is as bad as she remembered it. It was a horrifying day in her life, more twisted and sickening than when Dogranio rampaged on the town. Seeing how Keiichiro has to fight their fellow police officers, how blood and bruises start to color his skin slowly but surely, and how Keiichiro is desperately fighting to win each time.

It was painful.

It was a nightmarish day.

“I will beat you! You, a failure of a police officer! You should put down your badge if you still honor your dignity as police! How dare you put world peace in jeopardy just for a bunch of rat thieves!”

Keiichiro wipes blood away from his mouth as he fixes his stances. His fists are all blooded now but his eyes are still sharp. “What I’m doing is what I consider as justice. I will win, no matter what.”

“You fool!” The opponent kicks Keiichiro right on the side of his head and Keiichiro falls to the ground with his head hitting the floor hard.

The sickening sound of a cracking bone is filling the air and people can hear how Umika is sobbing now.

Keiichiro looks delirious and his opponent is kicking at his stomach repeatedly. Finally, Keiichiro holds onto his foot and twists it so his opponent falls to the floor.

“Like, I said! I will win! I can’t afford to lose here!” Keiichiro stands slowly as he pants heavily. “Your justice against my justice, let’s see who will win!”

When his opponent stands, Keiichiro rams into him and throws him from over his shoulders.

“He won!” Tsukasa’s voice is cracking.

“Please, please give him a break, he will die. It won’t be good if Keiichiro-sempai died, please…” Sakuya is pleading with his boss, throwing away his dignity.

“All right, since we are generous. I will give him a break for 2 minutes.”

Sakuya and Tsukasa are running toward Keiichiro who looks like he is about to pass out.

“Keiichiro, drinks first, you need to drink first…” Tsukasa is offering an opened bottle of water to Keiichiro, people can see how badly she trembles at how the bottle shakes.

Keiichiro takes the bottle deliriously and uses the water to rinse the blood from his mouth. He gulps more then he coughs.

“Sempai… there are still 3 fights again… But I think you have a concussion, you can’t continue to fight… You will die,” Sakuya pleads at Keiichiro desperately. “Please stop… please.”

“Like I said… I won’t die…” Keiichiro's speech is rather slurred and it is alarming. “Not when… we still… need to rescue those… damn phantom thieves…”

“Sakuya, focus!” Tsukasa scolds Sakuya harshly. “Let’s help Keiichiro to win rather than hinder him.” Tsukasa is wiping Keiichiro’s bloodied face as fast as she can.

Sakuya is startled and his eyes start to get glassy, but he is biting his lip so hard so that he doesn’t cry.

“The time is up,” the referee calls out.

“Sempai…” Sakuya mutters helplessly. “I should replace you, let me fight, I-“ Sakuya stops talking frantically and Keiichiro looks serious again.

“Like I said, I won’t die… and I won’t lose.”

Sakuya is stunned as Keiichiro walks back to the arena.

“Sakuya, if you are going to replace Keiichiro’s place, our superiors probably will ask you to battle other police officers in marksmanship.” Tsukasa reminds him. “Are you sure you can beat other police officers who are dying to take away your position as Patranger?”

Sakuya crumbles down to the floor as his body trembles. “I don’t… I’m… weak against pressure.”

“Keiichiro is the captain. He himself knows this and it is why he also fights for us. He can’t afford to lose here.” Tsukasa pats Sakuya’s shoulder. “What we can do is to make sure that Keiichiro won’t die, understand that?”

“Yes…” Sakuya nods as he erases his tears.

“Sakuya, are you still there?” Tsukasa calls out at her junior. Sakuya is just looking down lifelessly and it is worrying her.

“Hm…” Sakuya mumbles weakly. “It would be better if I can close my ears…”

“Hang in there, Sakuya…” Tsukasa mutters, hoping that this torture will end soon. Sakuya’s condition is worrying her. “Keiichiro, you bastard… please just rescue us quickly…” Tsukasa whispers under her breath.

Not even she has the heart to watch more than this. The sound of growl and screams are enough for her to know what is being shown now. She remembers for the rest of the fights, Keiichiro fought wildly. He was almost feral, probably because he was that desperate and his consciousness deteriorating quickly.

The rest of the fights ended quickly probably because Keiichiro’s state scared the rest of the opponents.

And also, Keiichiro explained later, that the opponents are also just police officers like them. They aren’t bad people.  

“It is… finished. Keiichiro-sempai win! He wins all of the fights-“

“Keiichiro!” Tsukasa is already running toward Keiichiro who doesn’t even look conscious even though he is still standing.

“So, he won all the fights. Congratulations Keiichiro-kun, you are the best fighter that our organization has,” the boss says in a mocking face before he exits the training hall.

“Keiichiro, are you there?” Tsukasa shakes Keiichiro lightly and then Keiichiro falls toward her. Sakuya and Tsukasa catch him and they watch in horror how Keiichiro’s body is totally limp.

“Sakuya! Calls an ambulance quickly!”

“Oh uh, yes!”

It all happens in a blur. When the ambulance comes the paramedics pull Keiichiro into a stretcher. How the paramedics bombard them with questions and how they arrive in the hospital faster than how they can answer all of the questions.

“It is weird that… the doctors and the nurses don’t ask much more question of why… sempai got all of these injuries…” Sakuya mumbles as he is sitting outside the emergency room.

“Probably because someone has given them early notice of what will happen… what do you expect? This is a military hospital, Sakuya.”

“Tsukasa-sempai… I…”

Tsukasa turns around as she can hear how Sakuya’s voice is cracking.

“I’m afraid… with all of this… why… just why did this happen to us? We are police officers too so why….?” Sakuya starts to cry as his body trembles badly.

“…because we jeopardize the world peace and defy order… that’s why…” Tsukasa answers with a solemn face.

“Is it worth it…? What even are we doing…? What if… we die if this kind of thing keeps continuing?” Sakuya’s eyes are shaking. “Shouldn’t we just… stop?”


Sakuya is shocked and trembling to see his angry senior.

“We have promised that we won’t give up on this, that we won’t bail out on this! Forgive me, but I can’t let you stop. No, just no, if we stop, if you stop, you will put Keiichiro’s effort to vain, you hear me!” Tsukasa is breathing heavily and glaring at Sakuya with sharp eyes.

“If you leave us, and you get replaced by someone else, that will be the end of Patrangers… and also those phantom thieves, you get it, right?” Tsukasa says more with desperation in her eyes. “So, we can’t give up… we can’t.”

“I won’t… I can’t leave you two--- it is just…” Sakuya cries more and Tsukasa pulls him into a hug.

“I know… we have to make sure that this kind of thing won’t happen to our team anymore, at all costs. We will find a way… we will survive… even if we have to fight dirty…” Tsukasa pulls Sakuya and claps his shoulder again. “Do you understand that?”

“Yes…” Sakuya nods as more tears fall.

“Good… that’s good…”

Tsukasa clenches her eyes in pain.

Gosh, seriously. This is killing her, let alone Sakuya. That boy must have it worse than her.

“Oh… the bind is broken…” Finally, Noel speaks again.

“Did they manage to steal Lupin Collection-“Before Kairi can finish the sentence, the area around them starts to crumble away and they lose consciousness again.


To Be Continued


Since this part will be too long, I split it into two chapters.

If you like this fanfic, please leave a comment and kudo, thank you very much

See you later in the next chapter~

Chapter 3: Believe part 2


How Noel and everyone opened up their secret and told Patrangers about everything.

Yes, everything.


Sorry it took me so long to write the continuation, I got distracted.

Okay, so here we go with the second part.

Please enjoy the new chapter~

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Life can be shitty for everyone. Everyone has their own problem they need to deal with, even though it isn’t necessarily obvious from the outside. Just because someone looks alright, it doesn’t mean deep down they are alright.

Umika should have known this better than anyone. She has endured many things in her life, from seeing her friend die in front of her eyes, to living as a criminal with a hidden identity, to choosing death for the sake of her loved ones.

And to slowly have heart her stolen by a bright and naïve police officer who never gave up on her.

She always thought that Sakuya always wears his heart on his sleeve. He is like an open book, so easy to read. But also, so honest and sincere, and that is the part that Umika adores him.


When Umika opens her eyes and she notices that she has escaped from that cursed theatre that showed Sakuya’s nightmare, she scrambles back to her feet to find the green-uniformed police officer.

“Sakuya! Tsukasa!”

But obviously, Keiichiro finds them faster.

One of the Ganglars is down, still alive but struggling under Tooma’s constant attack.

She is also still transformed, and so is everyone.

“Oi! Sakuya, are you alright!?”

Keiichiro’s concerned shout snaps Umika from her length of thought. “Sakuya-san!” She finds herself already running toward Sakuya, who is still on his elbows and knees and his body is trembling badly. She kneels beside him and notices how he has difficulty breathing.

And he is whimpering in pain. And also sobbing.

It is soft and barely audible with his helmet on, but nonetheless, Umika can hear it.

It breaks her heart to pieces.

She wants to hug him and comfort him so that he can stop being in pain. But, Keiichiro, who also kneels beside Sakuya, already grabs his junior’s shoulder and pulls him to stand with him. “SAKUYA! Snaps it out!”

Sakuya is still trembling and he is crouching down while holding onto his knees. “…sempai…” Sakuya mumbles between his sobs.

“You might feel terrible now, but we don’t have time to mope around!” Keiichiro shouts again to him.

Umika wants to kick the captain of the Patrangers, because, damn, Keiichiro might doesn’t know what happened to Sakuya but he is being way too harsh.

“You are a police officer!” Keiichiro grabs Sakuya’s shoulders. “You can direct your anger, sadness, and frustration, to the Ganglars there!” the captain points at the Ganglars that are now being attacked by Tooma and Kairi. “Save your tears for later, you can’t cry on the battlefield!”

“YES! UNDERSTOOD!” Sakuya screams, his voice breaking. “Uwooo!” Then he starts to rapidly fire at the Ganglars.

“…I will tell you what happened later,” Tsukasa passes Keiichiro, pats him on his shoulder, and then follows Sakuya to attack the Ganglar.

And Umika can sense it, even though Keiichiro is wearing the helmet so she can’t see his expression. But, for a second, she can see Keiichiro’s worry.

And frustration.

Then the next second, they are all gone, and Keiichiro screams out in anger. “Screw you, Ganglars!”

She sees him charging into the Ganglars with renewed anger.

Then the yellow phantom thief nods to herself and runs toward the rest of her team as well.

Keiichiro is right, there is no time for them to cry on the battlefield. They have to deal with this Ganglars faster…

After that, Umika can make sure that Sakuya is fine.




Since Goche isn’t here anymore, it is easier to defeat Ganglar now that they have no way to become gigantic. Keiichiro is relieved for that because the gigantic Ganglars always cause more damage to the infrastructure and cause more causalities.

He undoes his transformation and the soft groan behind him, making Keiichiro glance back.

Right, Sakuya.

The bastard Ganglars has said that they are having fun with people who were trapped because of the Lupin Collection’s power, or something like that. Whatever it was, Keiichiro knew that it wasn’t something pretty.

Sakuya is back at his knees and elbows, writhing on the ground.


The yellow phantom thief is already on his side and hugging him faster than Keiichiro can approach Sakuya.

Now, Keiichiro can see how Sakuya is slowly sobbing onto her shoulder, obviously trying his best to quiet it down, but the tears are still falling.

Keiichiro is just dumbfounded to see him like that and secretly regrets that he hasn’t beaten those bastard Ganglars enough to cause Sakuya’s pain. The captain glances at his other team member, and Tsukasa meets his eyes. She gives him a mournful expression and then shakes her head.

Right, this place is too open.

Keiichiro looks around to find the security cameras, he has become so good at finding them now that he has been doing this several times. The footage of how a Patranger is being hugged and comforted by a phantom thief has to be destroyed.

But Kairi beats him to it, the red Lupinranger already shot a few CCTVs and seemed to look around for more.

Keiichiro blinks and Kairi meets his eyes.

Even though their identities are out in the open, the phantom thieves still wear their masks. But even through his mask, Keiichiro feels something radiating from Kairi.

He looks somewhat upset, and Keiichiro wonders why.

But, Sakuya comes first.

Keiichiro is about to approach his breaking-down junior when his earphones beep on his ear.

‘…Keiichiro-san, the meeting…’

Jim sounds so apologetic to say that. “Oh, right, the meeting,” Keiichiro mumbles back.

‘That demonic boss is trashing around, demanding you to come fast to the HQ.’ Jim adds more.

Keiichiro doesn’t even have the will to scold Jim for being rude to their superior like that. Because that is the fact. “I was busy fighting Ganglars, why are they even complaining?” Keiichiro sighs and glances at Tsukasa.

She understands the situation immediately and she glances at the sobbing Sakuya in Umika’s embrace.


Umika turns her head around and Keiichiro can see her moist and reddening eyes. Keiichiro is about to ask for her to let go of Sakuya. Keiichiro plans to take Sakuya back to his place so that the junior can rest without risking people seeing him breaking down in public. But, Keiichiro can see Umika’s face. She looks concerned and worried about Sakuya.

Keiichiro closes his eyes. He knows that their dynamics have changed, though it doesn’t necessarily mean they take care of each other like this. Keiichiro doesn’t know the extent of how he can rely on Lupinrangers, excluding defeating Ganglars. But…

“Please take care Sakuya, Tsukasa and I will go back to the office.” Keiichiro thinks, it might be better for Sakuya to have Umika on his side, especially because Keiichiro and Tsukasa need to deal with their demonic superior. Keiichiro can trust Umika that much.

Sakuya raises his head slowly and Keiichiro only sighs to see his junior’s teary eyes. “You can rest, Sakuya.”

Sakuya nods once and falls back to Umika’s shoulder. He looks completely exhausted.

Keiichiro gestures to Tsukasa to follow him, and Tsukasa, reluctantly, walks beside him. The captain of the Patrangers passing both Kairi and Tooma, he definitely can feel something radiating from them, especially Kairi, but Keiichiro shrugs it off.

He has his hands full at this moment.




Kairi used to think that, it might be easier to live in obliviousness, just like how the Patrangers did.

They know nearly nothing about what happened with the Ganglars, Lupin Collection, and Lupinrangers. Patrangers only strides in protecting the citizens from the Ganglars, and that was enough motive to keep moving on.

But, Kairi looks at how Keiichiro’s shirt is drenched with sweat and the hot-blooded police officer is breathing heavily on the ground. Kairi doesn’t know what he is doing here, at the Global Special Police HQ, but for sure he can’t calm down at Lupinranger’s base.

Umika was busy comforting and taking care of the broken-down green Patranger, with the help of Tooma. Kairi feels so uneasy to see a Patranger be so vulnerable in front of them, so Kairi escapes from there.

The red Lupinranger tries to justify that what he has seen in Sakuya’s mind, wasn’t that tragic, and they were overreacting. If he can be honest, that moment when he saw how his brother was frozen and then exploded to pieces, was more horrific.

It was more disturbing to see Tsukasa and Sakuya’s reaction. Seeing their reaction tug something inside Kairi that he had been trying to bury in for months.

Even though what happened to Keiichiro wasn’t as horrifying as what happened to his brother, it was still…


“Say, are you an idiot?”

Kairi mutters softly, but loud enough for Keiichiro to hear. The red phantom thief has been hiding in the shadow while watching Keiichiro running laps on the training ground of  GSPO for hours, clearly that the captain is being punished for whatever reason.


And Kairi can’t stand it anymore so he comes out from the shadow and talks to Keiichiro from behind the fence.

Keiichiro turns around in surprise, with his face drenched with sweat.

“Kai-“ He stops himself with a shocked face, then shakes his face. “What are you doing here!? Leave! People can see you!”

Kairi shrugs, Keiichiro is the only one at the empty training ground, not even Tsukasa is around.

“I see no one here.”

Not a single pair of eyes are here, not even to check whether Keiichiro is properly doing the punishment or not.

Keiichiro groans and wipes his damp hair. “Kairi-kun, you need to stop loitering around the office like this, sooner or later people can recognize you.”

Kairi shrugs again.

“What exactly you are doing?” Kairi ignores Keiichiro’s warning and asks what has been bugging his mind.

“Me? I was just done running 100 laps-“

“Not that,” Kairi feels annoyed with Keiichiro’s denseness. This police officer really bad at reading the room. “Why are you still staying here? This place is… rotten.”

Keiichiro blinks then his expression changes as he understands something. Keiichiro nods and his shoulders are more relaxed.

No, he doesn’t put on any guard and let himself look tired now. He sits down again and faces his back to Kairi, maybe to make it less obvious that he is talking to a stranger through the fence. “Tsukasa has told me… I’m sorry that you have to see that.”

Kairi grumbles under his breath. He folds his arms, though he doesn’t know why he feels so irritated right now. But what Kairi can understand is, that Keiichiro is totally an idiot. GSPO is worse than the Ganglars, so why is he still stuck here?

“Not everyone here is bad, most of the police officers who fought me have apologized to me at some point,” Keiichiro adds more. “They couldn’t disobey direct orders, so I can understand.” Keiichiro sighs and looks at the orange tinge sky above him. “And I know that they didn’t fight me with all of their might, if they did, I would lose my life for sure.”

Kairi feels angry because Keiichiro doesn’t look upset about that sickening experience at all.

“Why didn’t you refuse—no, just why didn’t you leave this damn organization?” Kairi just can’t understand that.

“…because I have something to protect and you know that,” Keiichiro answers, his face is a bit solemn.

And Kairi can see it.

Keiichiro has changed compared to when Kairi knew him before.

This Patranger used to be… so strong, confident, and passionate in everything he was doing.

Yes, he never looked tired. He was never allowed to let himself look tired.

But, now, Kairi can see Keiichiro’s exhaustion.

That the hot-blooded policeman is burning out.

For the first time, Kairi can see how Keiichiro’s shoulders are burdened with many things because he has to carry so many things. When he fought one years ago, Keiichiro acted recklessly as if he had nothing to lose. As if he was okay to lose his life. But now, he has so many things he has to protect.

And it drags him down.

Including protecting the Lupinrangers. Though, no one asked him to do that.

“We are fine now, so why can’t you just leave?” Kairi knows that Keiichiro knows what he is talking about.

If the reason why Keiichiro and the others couldn’t leave is that they needed GSPO’s resources to prisoned Dogranio and to have access to VS Changers so that they could save the Lupinrangers… then since Kairi and the others are safe now then…

Keiichiro pulls out his VS changer. “I still can’t give up this to someone else.”

Kairi rolls his eyes. “You should just steal it and run away. The VS Changers aren’t even GSPO’s property in the first place.”

Keiichiro looks behind his shoulder and his expression tells that he is amused. “You are worried about me.”

Kairi grumbles and he can feel his cheeks reddening slightly. “I hate to see you being kicked around in this place, it doesn’t feel like you.”

It feels wrong.

“The Patrangers’ VS Changers are still, officially, the GSPO’s property. Well, of course, there might be a way to just run away with it but, I don’t really want to make GSPO into our enemy as well.” Keiichiro’s breath isn’t labored anymore, he stands up and dusts off his pants. “And I think that GSPO is still hiding something, they are maybe still holding on to some Lupin Collections.”

“Collecting Lupin Collection isn’t your job,” Kairi reminds Keiichiro.

Keiichiro has this weird expression, as if he wants to smile but he looks quite awkward. “I know.” He sighs and his eyes become tender. “That was the only one time, after that, the punishments I received were more endurable. Just this much is fine.” Keiichiro turns around and walks away slowly.

But it still looks exhausting.

Kairi can’t understand why Keiichiro is so persistent in doing this. It is just a job and totally not worth it. Especially because he knows nearly nothing about everything.

“You are such an idiot,” Kairi mutters again for the last time.




“Let’s… tell them everything.”

Noel says it heavily with a serious expression. He turns around to see the people’s reactions around him. Kogure is the one who looks most shocked, understandably. Umika looks shocked but then her expression becomes more solemn. Tooma still looks calm, but he can't hide his disagreement from his eyes. And Kairi doesn’t look surprised at all.

“But… they are the police… I know they are fighting together with you all for now, but one day, they may become our enemies again,” Kogure reminds them.

“It isn’t that I believe the police,” Noel corrects his wording. “But, I believe in those three.”

He sighs.

He just can’t hold it in anymore.

The guilt.

To be honest, Noel never ever thought that he would become a policeman either. He simply became one because he found out that the GSPO was holding on to some Lupin Collections. Then once he was in, he realized the usefulness of the resources of the police. And the police officers are, in majority, good people. It feels… just perfect.

It was in line with how Noel wanted to protect the people from the Ganglars, so no one has to endure how their world got stolen just like how it happened to Noel.

But maybe… Noel becomes police simply to make use of them, he realizes it now.

He was playing friends with all of them, while keeping them in the dark, manipulating the information so Noel could get the outcome he desired. The truth is, that Noel is more like a phantom thief than he is a policeman.

Noel feels like he can relate to the Lupinrangers more, favors them more, and understands them more than the Patrangers.

And now Noel can understand why the Patrangers are giving him the cold shoulders.

He treated them unfairly and never belonged in their team, in the first place.

He didn’t trust them enough.

It ashamed him that Noel could only understand this after so long.

“They deserve to know the truth, for everything that they have done…” Noel says again. “And for the things that will come.”

Kogure still looks shocked.

But Umika is nodding.

And Tooma’s expression becomes softer.

Kairi still looks serious.

“I’m even thinking that we should just steal the VS Changers so the Patrangers can quit the GSPO and they can fight the Ganglars with us, openly,” Kairi sighs. “But that hot-blooded policeman won’t just agree with it.”

Noel blinks. Well, that is a good idea but…

“I don’t think they will just agree to become wanted criminals like you all,” Noel kindly reminds Kairi. The red Lupinranger just grumbles something and looks the other way.

“So…,” Umika finally opens her mouth. “We will tell them about everything? Like… everything?”

Noel nods, he doesn’t want to manipulate the information and only gives out the info that is convenient for him. “As long as you all agree with me.”

“I agree,” Kairi says without a second of consideration. Noel feels surprised to see him agreeing this fast.

“Me too!” Umika raises her hand with fire in her eyes. Noel smiles thinly at her, he knows how she comforted and talked to Sakuya earlier, comforting the green Patranger as best as she could.

“Well… me too,” Tooma nods. He still doesn’t sound that excited and a bit worried, but Umika has told him everything that happened with the Project Lupin Collection. And obviously, because Tooma has seen how Umika cried together with Sakuya earlier.

Kogure sighs and hangs his head in defeat. “Then, I agree too.”

Noel smiles warmly, feeling thankful to them for agreeing with his risky plan. There is a huge chance that it will get things more complicated because of this.


If Keiichiro even got a concussion because of trying to protect them then…

This much risk is worth it.

For those three.




”So, what do they want to talk about again?”

“I don’t know, Tsukasa-sempai. Umika-chan only told me that they have something important to talk to us.”

Keiichiro walks toward the new café of Lupinranger with no expectations. He used to be excited to come to the phantom thieves’ previous restaurant because Tooma’s cooking was just that good. And the casual atmosphere was, secretly, what he needed from all of the tension from the HQ.

But, honestly, everything feels exhausting now. From working to dealing with his superior to protecting his teammates, to eating. Keiichiro feels exhausted to deal with everything but knows better than to let himself succumb to the exhaustion.

It feels like he has so many enemies and everyone is against him. He knows it is just his imagination, but that is how it feels to him.

He just hopes that this visit to the café won’t be another exhausting thing he has to deal with.

Keiichiro notices the ‘close’ sign on the door but opens the door anyway. The Patrangers enter the café with confusion clear on their face.

And more confused when Kogure closed the door behind them. He politely bows at them and Keiichiro only frowns.

“Weren’t you the owner of the Juror?” Keiichiro remembers him.

“Yes, I was.” Kogure nods.

Keiichiro turns around and looks at the full member of Lupinrangers.

Including Noel.

“Excuse me, but can you all put your communication devices here?” Noel points to an empty rattan basket.

“…is this talk going to be that serious? Very classified information?” Sakuya mumbles in a bit of fear.

“Yes, very much,” Noel says with a smile.

Keiichiro looks at Noel and thinks for a moment.

Well, he can understand this much. Keiichiro takes out his phone, turns it off, pulls out his earphones then puts all of them into the basket. Sakuya and Tsukasa follow his lead without question, but they are still looking confused with this whole situation.

Noel takes the basket and puts a strange-looking device inside of it. An unrecognizable Lupin Collection, maybe. “Just to make sure that no one can eavesdrop on us,” Noel explains.

“Now, what are we going to talk about?” Tsukasa asks. She is still standing, because she is on the edge. Keiichiro can understand her because he also feels the same.

“About everything that we all have been hiding from you,” Noel says with a bit of regretful eyes.

Keiichiro is taken aback a little.

“Oh, really?” Tsukasa asks again, thick distrust is clear in her voice.

Again, Keiichiro can’t blame her for being defensive. Tsukasa became more sarcastic and spiteful over the past year, just like how Sakuya lost more of his innocence.

“I’m serious,” Noel nods. “So, where should we begin?”

Noel is sitting at the table, in a relaxed manner but his face isn’t as confident as how he usually is.

Kairi is sitting down with a carefree look on his face, but Keiichiro knows that is just his poker face.

Umika is sitting with a nervous face, unable to see anyone’s eyes.

Tooma is behind the counter, doing something with a disinterested face.

And Kogure is behind them, watching, with a polite expression.

“How about how you saved Kairi-kun and the others?” Tsukasa suggests, with a serious face.

Keiichiro closes his eyes. Yes, that is the biggest mystery that their superiors have been grilling them alive because they can’t provide any answer.

“Okay, so we start from there, huh?” it seems Noel doesn’t expect that. He pulls out a big and old-looking book. “Here is the book that connected to the hidden safe of Lupin Collections."

Noel opens it and shows the content of the book.

The Patrangers come closer to get a better look at the book. Keiichiro can see the drawing of the Lupin Collections and the unrecognizable writing.

“When you put a Lupin Collection on top of the right page,” Noel pulls out one of the Lupin Collections, obviously he has prepared this so he can demonstrate it. Then he puts it on top of the drawing and the Lupin Collection is absorbed into the book. “It will get transferred immediately into the safe. And we can do the same thing the other way around.”

Keiichiro nods, he can start to see where this explanation is going. “At that time, Kairi and others were holding onto that book, so we found a way to send things to them.” Noel continues his explanation. “You all remember the Jackpot Striker, right?”

“I remember,” Keiichiro says. “So that’s what happened.”

“Huh? What?” Sakuya still looks confused.

“Oh, Jackpot Striker has the ability to manipulate the Ganglar within their safe!” Tsukasa just connects the dots.

“Right, so that was what I did. I put the Jackpot Striker into the Dogranio’s safe so that he would pull out Kairi and the others,” Noel smiles at them. “Well… It wasn’t easy to find Jackpot Striker though so… I kind of trained other people to be phantom thieves to find help me find him.”

Keiichiro is stunned for a second.

“You dragged other people into this ordeal?” Keiichiro repeats in horror. “Innocent civilians!?” Keiichiro can feel his anger bubbling, but Tsukasa is holding onto his sleeve before Keiichiro can do anything.

“Ah, no wonder that you wouldn’t tell us anything,” Tsukasa nods in understanding. She gives Keiichiro a look. “We shouldn’t know about their identity, should we? Unless they caused a problem for us.”

Noel looks relieved. “Yes, maybe it is better for you all to not know them because right after they found the Jackpot Striker, they quit being phantom thieves.”

Keiichiro calms down and he thinks for a moment. He observes Kairi, Umika, and Touma’s expressions.

Okay, he can somewhat guess the identity of those phantom thieves. Keiichiro can understand why they want to protect the identity of those people.

“You should tell us to find Jackpot Striker than drag other people into this matter,” Keiichiro needs to point that out. Noel looks at him with an apologetic face.

“…I know, but I think phantom thieves will be better at retrieving Lupin Collection than Patrangers… and more, I know you have your hands full… I didn’t dare to ask more from you all.”

Keiichiro remembers how Noel kept missing and then popped out of nowhere for the past year, seemingly busy doing something. So that is what he has been doing.

“You should tell us about it…” Sakuya mutters softly with a bit of dejected look.

“I know, I’m really sorry about that…,” Noel says again, his voice getting smaller.

“At least, finally, you are being honest now,” Tsukasa points out, with a more sarcastic tone. “Why so suddenly? Why now? You should have known about Keiichiro’s incident.”

Tsukasa is back to being angry again, but Keiichiro lets her be. They have the right to be angry. Though, Keiichiro just feels too exhausted to feel angry.

“I guess I kind of forget that… even if Keiichiro-san was the only one who got severely punished back then… but the two of you also got hurt to see that happened to him…” Noel rubs his arm with an ashamed expression. “So, every time one of you got hurt, the rest of the team suffered as well… So, that’s like, tripled the suffering. I forgot that.”

Keiichiro finds himself speechless.

Oh right.

It was supposed to be Sakuya’s nightmare, and yet it was all about Keiichiro’s punishment.

He remembers how disturbed Sakuya and Tsukasa were after he woke up in the hospital. They showed a stronger reaction than when Keiichiro got half-death poisoned because of Ganglars. It was the first time Keiichiro saw such thick hatred from Tsukasa’s eyes and innocence in Sakuya’s eyes chipped away.

And after seeing that, Keiichiro felt a surge of protectiveness toward his teammates. Not like he never felt it before, but he saw them more than fellow coworkers or teammates now. They are his two important friends and he would never allow other people to hurt them anymore.

They never became the same again after that.

It was that time they realized that they could only depend on each other and everyone else became their enemies.

“I’m really sorry,” Noel bows down politely.

Keiichiro looks at him and then turns at his other teammates.

The pain was still clear in their eyes, but at least the feeling of betrayal eased a little bit. The three of them got so isolated in the GSPO so the fact that not even Noel could trust them was actually hurting them more than how the Lupinrangers deceived them for a full year.

“Okay, Noel. I understand.” Keiichiro accepts Noel’s apology.

Noel raises his head with an ashamed expression then he turns his face and gives them a smile. “Should we continue? What else do you want to know?”

“You would tell us more!?” Sakuya sounds so surprised.

But Keiichiro and Tsukasa can’t mask their surprise either. Keiichiro has long kind of given up that there would be a day these people will explain anything to them.

“Yes, we will,” Noel says, nodding at Kairi and the others.

“Oh wow…” Sakuya mutters in shock. “I can’t believe it…” He mutters softly.

“Right, we got so used to operating in the dark without knowing anything so this feels a bit off,” Tsukasa says with a bit of spiteful expression.

Keiichiro looks up at the ceiling, he can feel so much turmoil and emotions in his chest.

There is a relief but also a bitterness.

It feels good that they are finally being included, but it takes too long for them to reach this point.

“So, it starts off when there was an accident of mass missing people two years ago…”

Kairi, Umika, and sometimes Tooma take turns telling their side of the story of how they became phantom thieves and the training they took. Noel tells the tale of the origin of the Lupin Collection, their mysterious powers, and how it all originated from Arsene Lupin. Including how Arsene Lupin, Noel, and Kogure all originated from a different world.

As they all told their stories, it really down to Keiichiro that…

The Patrangers really didn’t know anything at all.

“So, the reason why you all are so persistent to gather off all of the Lupin Collection is because of the myth that when Lupin Collections are all gathered then they can fulfill one wish?” Tsukasa mutters off. “But none of you can guarantee that this will happen for certain?”

“That feels… like a long life mission…” Sakuya comments quietly. When people are looking at him, he fumbles at his words. “I mean, not all of the collections are in Ganglars’ possession, right? Some are sentient GoodStriker and can go wherever they want and whenever they like. Then, some fallen as the collection of people… Gathering everything sounds hard…”

“Good point…” Keiichiro only notices that. It seems almost impossible to do.

“Even if it took my whole life, I will still do it,” Noel says with a determined face. “And more, I can’t let Lupin Collection fall into the wrong hands…”

Keiichiro looks at Kairi and the others. “So, the one that you all want to revive is… Also Arsene Lupin?” Since their loved ones came back after Zamigo was defeated, there shouldn’t be other people that those three wanted to revive.

Umika nods slowly. “Yes, also because we have gotten this far…” She says as she fidgets with her fingers.

“So that no one can fall victim to Ganglars, the Lupin Collection must be gathered,” Tooma says.

“And also no one can beat us on being phantom thieves,” Kairi grins confidently. “It is something that only we can do.”

Keiichiro looks at those three then to the touched Noel, then he turns at his own teammates. He closes his eyes. Well, in that way, they are all similar to each other.

“Then, let me be clear about this.” Keiichiro folds his arms and shows his serious face. “The Patrangers' mission is still to defeat Ganglars to protect citizens,” he turns at Kairi, “including the phantom thieves,” then he turns at Noel, “or even otherworld people.”

“Keiichiro is right, our mission isn’t to gather Lupin Collections.” Tsukasa nods.

“But taking away Lupin Collection from Ganglars is still the most efficient way to defeat them, so we aren’t against it, right, sempai?” Sakuya says with a smile.

“That’s right,” Keiichiro nods. “We won’t be actively retrieving Lupin Collection though… sometimes a desperate situation calls for desperate measures…” Since Keiichiro and Kairi have switched roles between protecting and stealing the Lupin Collection a few times. “But again, our priority is to protect the people.”

Tsukasa and Sakuya nod along.

“Don’t worry, we have figured out that much,” Kairi responds with a grin.

“But now that makes me think… since VS Changers originally are Lupin Collections owned by Arsene Lupin, how come some of them fell to GSPO’s hand?” Sakuya voices that out loud. He turns at Noel.

Noel shrugs. “I don’t know about that either, and when I tried to dig more about it, I kind of hit a wall…” Noel plays the Lupin Collection in his hand. “The thing is, the one who took away the VS Changers knows the truth about their powers… For normal people, since Lupin Collection without certain modifications can’t be used by normal humans, Lupin Collection can only be seen as strange objects for most people…”

“Not to mention the GSPO have the VS Vehicles that, coincidentally, compatible to be used with VS Changers,” Tsukasa adds more.

“Wow, that sounds suspicious as heck,” Kairi comments nonchalantly.

“Sempai, since there is this book that proves that VS Changers and Vehicles are originally owned by Arsene Lupin… do you think we can make GSPO lose their ownership on those?” Sakuya points out at the old big book.

“So that we can stop working at GSPO, doesn’t that sound like a sweet dream?” Tsukasa replies sarcastically. “But in the process, we need to open up that Arsene Lupin is from the otherworld, then there are more otherworld people mingled around with people here, and the long process to prove that Lupin Collection, is in fact, the technology from otherworld…” Tsukasa huffs.

“We can’t always apply the human’s rule to something from the otherworld… it will be more complicated than that, and there is a risk that more people will be hurt by that,” Keiichiro concludes. “But, it doesn’t mean that it is impossible too. We have to find out how VS Changers and VS Vehicles came into GSPO’s possession and whether there are enemies inside the organization.”

“Such a challenge now since we are practically isolated in GSPO…,” Tsukasa groans.

Keiichiro turns at Noel. “You have to help us with this, Noel.”

Noel blinks then he slowly smiles. “Oui! I will help you all to uncover the truth of this case!” He sounds way too excited about this.

“It almost sounds as impossible as gathering all of Lupin Collection…” Sakuya mutters softly. He grimaces when his seniors are giving him a look.

“Excuse me, there is one thing that I need to remind you,” Kogure finally speaks again. “I dearly hope that the three of you can keep the secret of everything you have heard today.” He bows politely.

Keiichiro looks at this strange man who looks like a normal middle-aged man. “Of course, I can promise you that.”

Tsukasa and Sakuya nod along.

Then the three of them can hear their earphones beeping.

“There are Ganglars attack!” Sakuya informs the others. “It is in the shopping district near here!”

“Okay, we will follow behind you,” Umika informs them with a thumbs up.

“Noel, do you want to come along with us?” Keiichiro asks. “Or them?”

Noel looks at both sides then he laughs. “Since you invited me, I will come with you this time,” he cheerfully says as he joins the Patrangers’ side.

“Let’s meet up there!” Umika shouts with a big smile and waves happily.

“See you there, Umika-chan!” Sakuya shouts back before he exits the café.

“Everyone knows that we still need to keep up the charade of being enemies with each other, right?” Tsukasa mutters to herself.

Keiichiro doesn’t say anything, only running faster to their car. Whether he gains more comrades or enemies, the fact that he is still a policeman with a duty to protect the people around him never changes.

But, well…

He turns to see Noel who happily teases the annoyed Tsukasa, and Sakuya who tries to mediate between them.

And the three phantom thieves who are following them from the shadows.

It feels better to have more friends than foe, that is what Keiichiro knows.

He has more things to protect, but he is sure that that will make him stronger.

As he opens the car and gets inside, Keiichiro thinks of something. 

Gathering all of Lupin Collection to revive someone dead… huh? Keiichiro absentmindedly pats the pocket where there is a music player with wired earphones wrapped neatly around it. He shrugs it off and refocuses himself.

He has a lot of things in his hands now, that can wait for later.




Does anyone get what I hinted at in the end?

Yes, Satoru.

Gooddamn, Satoru. The only real casualty in Lupinrangers vs Patrangers. I was really mind-blown that Toei really left the fact that, yes, Satoru was killed after Toei gave a special web series about Satoru...

I will write about how Keiichiro and Tsukasa mourned Satoru for the next chapter, it won't be a nice thing and it will be way too realistic for super sentai series fanfic but oh well

Just wait for it

If you like this chapter please leave kudo and comment, thank you very much

See you in the next chapter

Chapter 4: Grieving and Acceptance


How Lupinrangers found out about the death of the first Nigou Patranger aka Satoru


How Kairi finds out a new goal as a Lupinranger


I cried writing this chapter. I couldn't believe it, but I cried. I went too hard with the angst and loved it so much.

Okay, please enjoy the new chapter, beware of the angst, please

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Human life is short. Though the human life span is up to 100 years, there aren’t many people to live up to 100 years. Humans can easily die, either by disease, accident or even homicide.

Human is a fragile living being.

Tooma knows that. He knows that better than anyone.

After seeing his dear fiancé being frozen in front of his eyes, then, shattered. He was reminded of just how fragile human life is.

Even after she came back to live, Tooma can’t retire from being a phantom thief so easily. The fear of her life being stolen in front of his eyes won’t subside, it is still there, haunting every step of his life. Maybe that is the reason why he can’t come back to her life, not yet. Not now, not until he can make sure that there is a peaceful future for them.

And she understood him, saying that she would wait for him, no matter how long it would take. Just like how he waited- no, fought to save her.

Tooma thinks that is what separates the phantom thieves from the Patrangers. Their motives are different, their goals are different. So, even though they work together to defeat the remaining Ganglars, albeit secretly, Tooma still can’t get used to being friends with them.

It feels weird, they should have been natural enemies.

“Where is that damned Ganglar go…? Damn it.”

Tooma is wandering behind Keiichiro, purposefully setting up a safe distance between them. While Tooma was buying groceries for the café in the shopping district earlier, the Ganglar suddenly showed up. Of course, he transformed into Lupinranger and fought him. Then soon, the Patrangers showed up as well.

The Ganglar has the ability to create some sort of mirage and then run away before they can beat him.

And then they split up to find the running away Ganglar.

Though, Tooma doesn’t understand why he ended up with Keiichiro. It happened so fast.

Also, because Tsukasa, who commanded him to never fight a Ganglar alone, was really scary Tooma couldn’t say no to her.

“Should we ask around? I saw the human disguise that Ganglar used before he transformed earlier,” Tooma suggests. He doesn’t feel comfortable being close to the hot-blooded Keiichiro, though this policeman has gotten better sometimes, he is still like this.

“Oh, is that so?” Keiichiro frowns a little. And Tooma can understand his uneasiness. Yes, the human disguise is made by Zamigo from the human he kidnapped. And those human disguise means that the original owner of that face is… dead.

Tooma closes his eyes, controlling his turmoil emotions for a second before he opens it again. There is no use to be swept by his own emotions right now, not when he is paired with the hot-blooded Keiichiro.

“Yes,” Tooma looks around. “He looks like a gangster, so people might remember him.”

So, both of them ask around the shopping district about a gangster who has a tattoo on his face. Pairing up with the Patranger, who can show his badge and ask some questions, does make it easier than usual.

“It seems he is quite famous here, not many people saw him today but they have seen him before,” Tooma mulls. He wonders if the Ganglar has some sort of purpose for shadowing this shopping district. He sees the last store on the edge of the shopping district. “Let’s ask there.”

“Oh, wait-“

Tooma enters a traditional-looking store, it seems it is a store of traditional Japanese sweets. “Excuse me, sorry for bothering you, can we ask you something?”

“Welcome to the store, what can I help you with?” the middle-aged woman answers him sweetly but then her face changes quickly. It seems she is shocked then her expression turns to horrified quickly. Tooma blinks and looks around in confusion, only to notice that Keiichiro is also stunned in his place beside him.

“You… you…” the middle-aged woman starts to tremble as her face is filled with anger. “What are you doing here!?”

“Oh—I’m so sorry, Shinonome-san- I’m-“ Keiichiro is stuttering with his words as he shakes his hands, meaning that he doesn’t mean harm.

“Yuka! Brings out salt here!” The middle-aged woman calls out to the inside of the store.

“Huh!? Salt!?” Tooma asks in confusion, he doesn’t know why Keiichiro acts as if he is a fugitive being recognized by other people. Tooma is sure that his disguise is perfect, a hat with a pair of glasses.

“Shinonome-san, I’m just-“ Keiichiro is still trying to clear the confusion, but Tooma can feel the radiating anger coming of from the middle-aged woman.

This auntie seems to know Keiichiro.

And they don’t have the best relationship here.

A young woman appears, with clear confusion, and holds a wooden box of salt.

“Get out of here!” The middle-aged woman throws salt toward Keiichiro and some of it also hits Tooma.

The blue Lupinranger blinks in confusion. It doesn’t hurt or anything, but the pain and fear expression on Keiichiro’s face is so clear. “Let’s go, Keiichiro-san.”

It seems that Keiichiro is still in shock because he doesn’t budge. So, Tooma pulls Keiichiro’s sleeve, pulling the policeman away by force. The auntie is still throwing salt at them, as if they are demons and she is driving them out.

Once they manage to escape from the shopping district, Tooma releases his grip on Keiichiro’s sleeve and dusts off the salt from his clothes. It is his first time to have people throwing salt onto him, he knows it is a Japanese practice, using salt to chase away evil spirits or something like that. But it feels quite ridiculous.

He wonders what kind of history this hot-blooded policeman has with that auntie, it seems really bad. However, it isn’t Tooma’s problem and they need to refocus their attention toward the runaway Ganglar.

“Keiichi-“ Tooma stops talking once he sees Keiichiro’s expression.

The policeman is still staring toward the shopping district, his eyes are a bit red and full of anguish.

Tooma looks at him and blinks. He pulls out his phone and taps on Sakuya’s numbers.

“Sakuya-sempai,” is a jest so that Sakuya will listen to what Tooma has to say. “Can you come here quickly? Oh, no, we haven’t found the Ganglar, we did find some witnesses but…” Tooma glances at the Keiichiro, who is still staying in his place, unmoving. It seems he is stuck in his own head, unaware of his surroundings. “Something happened, I need you to come here.” Tooma ends the call quickly.

Tooma glances at Keiichiro again.

He remembers how, only two weeks ago, Sakuya broke down in the café, with Umika hugging him as if her life depended on him. That time, Tooma realized that Patranger didn’t have an easier life compared to them.

That they have their own share of hardship and trauma.

Before, Tooma always thought that they were only a bunch of closed-minded police officers who loved to play heroes without knowing anything.

A bunch of hypocrites with delusional justice.

True, it seems the three of them are better than other police officers but still…

Tooma doesn’t wholeheartedly agree with their current agreement to work with each other. 

But now that he sees Keiichiro like this.

For the first time ever, Tooma thinks that…

Maybe there aren’t many differences between them after all.

Because Tooma recognizes the expression on Keiichiro’s face. It was the same face when Tooma looked into the mirror, the same face he saw on Kairi and Umika.

The face of the person who knows the pain of losing someone dear to them.




“So… that's what happened.”

Kairi looks at Tooma who has an uncomfortable expression on his face. The chef of the café sighs and resumes his cooking. Well, Kairi can’t help it. When he arrives at the scene, not only the Ganglar is already gone, but Keiichiro’s weird face and the solemn expression from Tooma, Kairi knows that something must have happened.

Hence he pestered on the chef and Tooma finally told him everything.

“It isn’t our problem,” Tooma reminds Kairi. “Nowadays you love to be so nosy about them.”

Kairi only lays his head lazily on the table in front of the counter. “Hm… I know…” He hums half-heartedly, he knows that himself. He also doesn’t know why he becomes like this either.

“But, that must be really bad. Not even me, a phantom thief, ever got someone chasing me away with salt,” Umika mulls while moping the floor.

“Well, I have,” Kairi admits and Umika turns at him so fast. “But it was before I became a phantom thief, a father of my female friend chasing me away with salt. It was more like a ridiculous misunderstanding than anything.” Kairi didn’t take it to heart back then.

Umika throws him a dirty look. “Understandable.”

“Once again, it isn’t our problem. If it isn’t related to the Ganglars, then it is his personal problem,” Tooma reminds them again.

Kairi shrugs. “Does that guy even have a personal life besides fighting Ganglar? I doubt it.”

“And if the Ganglar is fixated on something in that shopping district, then we might run into that auntie again, don’t you think?” Umika chirps out.

“Good point, now, Umika, text Sakuya to come here,” Kairi commands the yellow phantom thief fast.

“Eh… now?” Umika doesn’t look happy. “Why is it always me?” She grumbles to herself but still does what Kairi asks her to.

“You just created an excuse to be nosy about this problem,” Tooma sighs.

Kairi grins slyly at him. “Well, why not? If those Patrangers saved us when we never asked them to, why we can’t do the same thing?”

Tooma sighs as he turns around and continues to cook.

Kairi’s face becomes solemn a little. He can’t really admit that… the face that he saw on Keiichiro before…

It is disturbing him.

It was full of grief, pain, and anger.

A face that is so familiar for Kairi but he never saw it on Keiichiro before.

Deep inside his heart, maybe Kairi is hoping that… Keiichiro should never know that kind of pain. So that that hot-blooded policeman won’t ever lose sight of his justice that made him the way he is. Kairi won’t know what he should do if he ever sees Keiichiro’s mind get twisted.

Just like what happened to Kairi.

So, Kairi has the urge to make sure that Keiichiro is okay.

He has to be okay.




“Why is it always me…?”

“Because we can’t ask anyone else but you.”

Sakuya sighs as he can see how Kairi grins at him like a clever cat. He turns to see Umika who smiles sheepishly at him and Tooma who tries to be indifferent but Sakuya knows that he is listening to them as well.

“Hey, we have told you everything, it won’t be fair if you hide something from us,” Kairi is trying to guilt-trip him and Sakuya hates that even though he knows it, it still works.

“But this is…” Sakuya sighs again. “It isn’t my place to tell you all about this…”

“Just tell us what you know,” Kairi is so persistent and Sakuya is losing against him.

“…are you worried about Keiichiro-sempai?” Sakuya asks in a serious voice. “You aren’t asking simply because you are curious, right? If you are, I won’t forgive you.” Sakuya knows that if they both fight, there is a huge chance that Sakuya won’t win against Kairi, just like how Sakuya never won against Keiichiro in sparring.

But, his dear senior has gone through a lot, he has a greater burden than what Sakuya has to endure. So, Sakuya can’t let Kairi disrespect his senior, even if it means Sakuya has to fight him.

Kairi straightens his back and shows a sincere expression. “I’m not. I genuinely worried… about kei-chan.” Kairi speaks so softly, that it is almost a whisper, but Sakuya can hear him.

The green Patranger smiles after hearing that. “It is good, not many people are worried about him you see, so I’m glad if you do!”

After all, Keiichiro always looks so tough on the outside. Their damned superiors like to challenge how much they can harass and pressure Keiichiro until that man breaks.

He never breaks, or even if he does, he never shows it blatantly.

But, Keiichiro is only human, and it is great if he has more allies. Or simply, friends who can understand him.

“So… what I know is…” Sakuya stirs the cream soda that he gets free from Tooma. “That confectionery store is owned by Shinonome’s family… my late predecessor. I’m the second Patranger Nigou.”

Sakuya tries to control his emotions, he doesn’t want to break down in front of these three again if he can help it. And more, it isn’t his right to cry on this, but still…

“My senior was Shinonome Satoru… and he was… he was killed by Zamigo last year.” Sakuya is staring at the cream soda, not at anyone’s face. Still, he can feel the heavy silence enveloping the café. It was good that there was no other customer besides him. “His face was used as a disguise by a Ganglar… you know, the one who framed Noel last year… so yeah…” Sakuya trails off awkwardly, still staring intensely at his cream soda.

Then he sees how Tooma approaches him and offers him a cup of warm tea instead and takes away the untouched cream soda. Sakuya wraps his hands on the cup, warming up his cold hands even though the weather is hot now.

“I’m really sorry to hear that, Sakuya-san,” Umika approaches him and pats his back tenderly. Sakuya smiles thinly at her.

“No, don’t be. I don’t know him, I never properly met him before,” because the one he met was the Ganglar pretending to be Satoru, not the real one. “It is just… I’m really sad for my seniors, that’s all.”

After that revelation, Sakuya knows that his two seniors were still hoping for a slim chance that after Zamigo was defeated, maybe the victims would come back to live. There was no corpse to prove that Satoru had died.

And after Zamigo was defeated, they realized that.

Satoru didn’t come back.

He was dead, leaving no corpse to cry on.

“Well, after everything ended, I followed Keiichiro-sempai and Tsukasa-sempai to break the news to the Shinonome family and…” Sakuya pauses and grips the tea cup harder. “It wasn’t… pretty.”

It was horrifying, for sure.

It was so horrifying to see his two seniors treated like criminals, especially Keiicihiro.

“I don’t really know what happened in the past,” Sakuya admits that he never dared to ask. But he can put some clues together. Sakuya heard how she blamed Keiichiro for everything that happened to Satoru.

“It is because of you that my dear son was crippled! It was all because of you! …That must be it… because he was crippled, he was killed by a Ganglar as well! He wouldn’t be able to protect himself! Aaaahhh… my poor son! How could this happen!? … This- this all because of you! You demon!”

“But, the reason why Satoru-sempai was transferred to France HQ and needed to quiet Patrangers was… probably because of Keiichiro-sempai, it was because of a permanent injury or something like that… I don’t know,” Sakuya shakes his head. He can only imagine what happened, but he knows it was something bad. “Satoru-sempai’s mother is blaming Keiichiro-sempai for everything… and well… that’s what happened.”

Sakuya remembers how the mother was throwing hot tea at Keiichiro and how his senior was just standing there when the mother clawed and punched her full with grief. Tsukasa and Sakuya needed to drag him out, so they could give him first aid so that his skin wouldn’t get burn wound. It was really horrifying.

Sakuya remembers how Tsukasa cried and shouted at Keiichiro, telling him that he didn’t need to listen to Satoru’s mother and that nothing was his fault. That Satoru would never blame him for anything. He needed to get a grip on himself because there were still three phantom thieves imprisoned inside Dogranio.

Sakuya remembers how Keiichiro and Tsukasa attended the funeral in secret from a safe distance while listening and watching how Satoru’s mother wailed and cried. How she shouted that her poor son had not even left a body to be cremated or buried. That the gravestone was there but nothing buried under it.

Sakuya remembers how after the funeral, Keiichiro asked him to stop the car on the side of the road and then dragged him out. Then how Sakuya heard Tsukasa finally cry and broke down inside the car. How Keiichiro said that she needed time to be alone, where she could cry as much as she could with no one watching her.

Sakuya remembers how he also decided to give Keiichiro a space to be alone. But he didn’t hear his senior cry. He only sat on the side of the road, with a hollow expression that Sakuya never saw on him.

Sakuya remembers how he was so lost at how to comfort his grieving seniors, any comfort words felt cheap and fake. So, what he could do was also cry alone in helplessness.

Sakuya snaps out to reality when he sees how Umika is gripping his hand. Her small hands are strong and warm, she gives him a tender smile. Sakuya is almost crying to see that.

“So, that’s what happened…” Kairi mutters with a solemn expression.

Sakuya blinks out his tears. Really, it isn’t his place to cry because he doesn’t know Satoru at all.

“Yes… it must be still hard for Keiichiro-sempai, I didn’t expect Satoru-sempai’s mother to still hold a grudge against him… It isn’t even Keiichiiro-sempai’s fault that Satoru-sempai was killed but…” Sakuya bites his lips. “Keiichiro-sempai said to leave her be, she needs someone to blame and if it can help her to feel better then he is okay with it.”

“But, that’s…” Umika mumbles with a frown on her face.

“So absurd,” Kairi continues her words. “But that is so hot-blooded policeman to do. He is an idiot.” Kairi huffs and he stands abruptly.

“Huh, Kairi, where are you going-“ Umika pouts when Kairi exits the café quickly, leaving them without warning.

Sakuya blinks and looks at the door. He wonders what Kairi is doing, whether Lupin Red will confront Keiichiro or something like that.

He hopes he will, despite Sakuya being Keiichiro’s junior, but sometimes it is hard to approach Keiichiro in that way. Sakuya knows that it is hard for Keiichiro to let himself be vulnerable in front of his junior.

If it is Kairi then…

Maybe he can help Keiichiro in a way that neither Sakuya nor Tsukasa can do.




In the past, Keiichiro never thought that there would be a day when he would regret his decision to be a Patranger.

He dreams to be a policeman. And when Ganglars appeared and threatened people, Keiichiro never thought twice but to join Patranger to fight them immediately. It was the right choice to make.

Or maybe not.

The captain of Patrangers watches a middle-aged woman visiting a grave quietly. Keiicihiro is holding onto a bouquet of flowers with a guilty feeling. Tsukasa has reminded him, countless times, that there was no reason for Keiichiro to feel guilty about what happened to Satoru.

It was Satoru’s choice when he suffered a permanent injury after saving Keiichiro and Tsukasa.

It was no one, but Ganglar’s fault, when Satoru got killed.

But still.

It was because of Keiichiro’s recklessness that Satoru got injured permanently because he charged at Ganglar while knowing that they stood no chance to fight them. Yes, Satoru never blamed him, even when he got transferred to France HQ, he never blamed Keiichiro for it.

Instead, he gave Keiichiro his music player, for a keepsake. He said that Keiichiro needed to take things slower and have a life besides being a policeman.

“Kei-chan, why are you hiding here?”

Keiichiro turns around so fast, that he almost thinks that his neck snaps in the wrong direction.

Kairi is standing beside him with a sly grin.

“Kairi-kun!? Why are you here!?” Keiichiro is totally bewildered. He calms himself a little and takes a peek at Satoru’s mother, fearing that she might hear him. But thankfully, it seems she didn’t.

“…I feel worried about you.”

Keiichiro turns back to Kairi, wondering whether he hears it right. “Huh?”

“Are you okay, Kei-chan?” Kairi asks with a bit of embarrassed expression, tugging down his cap to cover his face.

Keiichiro looks at him for a second, wondering why out of the blue Kairi suddenly gets worried about him. Then the captain closes his eyes.

It seems everyone around him has blabbermouths.

Keiichiro only shrugs, turning back to observe Satoru’s mother. He is waiting for his chance to visit Satoru’s grave, not expecting to run to the mother here. Keiichiro doesn’t want to make her upset more than she already is, hence why he is hiding behind a tree like some kind of criminal.

“You know that being a stalker is a crime, right?”

Keiichiro frowns and turns at Kairi who has a teasing smile. “Kairi-kun, maybe it is better for you to leave.”

On different occasions, Keiichiro would be delighted to see Kairi being worried about him. Last year, Keiichiro hoped to befriend this young man, unconsciously being drawn to him with no clear reason.

However, later he realized that it was because they shared the same color as rangers, and the same kind of burden to be the team leader.

Well, after many things happened, Keiichiro put aside his feelings to befriend Kairi. He has a lot on his hands now, and he is happy enough to have a civil relationship with this clever and cunning phantom thief.

But now, Keiichiro isn’t in the mood to handle Kairi’s unexpected moodiness.

“I don’t want to,” Kairi retorts bluntly.

Keiichiro sighs in defeat.

Kairi reminds him of a cat and it is hard to make a cat do something they don’t want to, it is nearly impossible.

“Well, do as you please,” Keiicihiro shrugs. He sees the mother leaving the graveyard, so Keiichiro slips out from his hiding place and approaches Satoru’s gravestone.

He knows that nothing is buried beneath the gravestone, there is no trace of Satoru there. But, still, Keiichiro wants to come here, for what reason, he doesn’t know. After meeting with Satoru’s mother yesterday, Keiichiro is reminded of the grief he buried.

It isn’t like he forgot about Satoru, but he has put him aside to focus on the living ones.

And it makes him feel a bit guilty for it.

Keiichiro puts the bouquet of flowers on the gravestone and claps his hands. He isn’t a very religious person, but it is still a custom to do it when visiting someone’s grave.

The truth is, that Keiichiro isn’t very good at making friends. During his school years, he was too busy to study so that he could enter the police academy. Then in the police academy, he was too busy to train and study so that he could be a Patranger.

So, his people skill isn’t very good, Tsukasa has reminded him of that and Keiichiro admitted it reluctantly. In that way, Satoru was better than him. He was easier to approach, kinder, and laid-back.

He was one of the few people that Keiichiro could call his friends.

So, it broke something inside Keiichiro when he realized that his friend had died.

Keiichiro didn’t even know when Satoru got killed.

He didn’t know how Satoru got killed.

It seems as if, one day, Keiichiro realized that his friend had gone. He disappeared without warning, not leaving any trace.

Not even saying goodbye.

Keiichiro didn’t know what he had said to Satoru before he died. The last time he called, was that Satoru or that bastard Ganglar? The last time he texted him, was that Satoru or that bastard Ganglar? The last time he shared with him the new song he found, the last time-

With the thought that Satoru has been captured by Zamigo, Keiichiro wonders if he waited for someone to rescue him before he got killed. Keiichiro wonders if Satoru waited for him to rescue him.

But Keiichiro didn’t know anything at all, he didn’t know-

And now…

“I’m sorry, Satoru.”

That is what he can say to someone that he can call his friend.



When Keiichiro is silent, Kairi always finds it a bit eerie.

He is used to seeing Keiichiro being so hot-blooded, so to see him being quiet and silent is a bit… disturbing. But, nowadays, ever since Kairi escaped from the abyss, it is usual to see Keiichiro being silent.

But, not this kind of silence either.

Kairi can see so many things flashed on Keiichiro’s face, even though Kairi is seeing him from sideways.

He wonders if it will be better if Keiichiro cries or not.

Because, even though there are no tears, Kairi can tell that Keiichiro is crying deep inside his heart.

The grief is apparent on his face, the guilt, the regret, the sadness.

Kairi turns to observe the gravestone.

It feels too real. Kairi remembers the reason why he hates visiting a graveyard, and how he hates to visit his parents’ grave. They weren’t alive anymore so what is the point of visiting the silent grave who can’t hear anything anyway? Visiting the grave will only bring out the memories that are better buried down.

But now it makes Kairi think.

If his older brother really died, for real, and he made a gravestone for his sake then will Kairi visit his grave like this?

It is hard to imagine it because Kairi knows that, if that ever happens, then it will be so hard for Kairi to ever accept his older brother’s death. Let alone arranging a funeral, cremating the body, and making a gravestone for his older brother. It is all unthinkable.

Kairi glances at Keiichiro.

He wonders whether he accepts whomever-is-this’s death. Kairi doesn’t know who Satoru is for Keiichiro, though Kairi doubts that this person matters to Keiichiro as his older brother matters to Kairi.

But, Kairi knows that…

Contrary to his appearance, Keiichiro cares a lot for people.

Sometimes even strangers, this policeman gives his heart a lot for other people.

Kairi remembers how Keiichiro approached him, so persistently, despite not knowing Kairi’s real identity. Kairi was only… a waiter from a restaurant that Keiichiro liked to visit, nothing less nothing more. They couldn’t be considered as friends either, more like acquaintances.

But, Keiichiro, somehow, almost always noticed whenever Kairi’s mood worsened. Always trying his best to comfort him.

That is why… Kairi is here.

He knows that, just like Kairi himself, there aren’t a lot of people who are openly showing their concern toward Keiichiro. This policeman is tough and unapproachable. He is far from being fragile and weak. That way, it will be easy for people to forget that Keiichiro can get hurt as well.

He is only human.

And even though they feel worried, to be able to comfort Keiichiro is another challenge entirely.

Like Kairi feels now.

He lost both of his parents too young, so rather than him missing them, it feels more like he missed the chance to grow up with parents like normal kids. The grief isn’t the same.

When he thought his older brother died, Kairi refused to accept his death. He refused to grieve. He denied it as long as possible, pouring all of his feelings to be the fuel to fight Ganglars.

And it worked, his brother is alive now.

It won’t work for this person… will it? Or maybe, it will?

“Do you want to go back with me? I will give you a lift,” Keiichiro offers him, it seems that he is done with whatever he is doing. His face is back at neutral and Kairi wonders how he is able to do that.

“Riding a police car?” Kairi guesses, because Keiichiro is still wearing his Patranger uniform.

“I won’t bring you to the station, don’t worry,” Keiichiro replies back.

Kairi stands up, missing his chance to give some sort of comfort to Keiichiro. “Okay. It seems it will be rain soon.” Kairi looks up at the cloudy sky.

Keiichiro doesn’t say anything back, he walks away from Satoru’s grave silently and Kairi glances back at the bouquet of flowers on the gravestone. It feels unsettling to see something colorful in the sea of gray.

Human and their weird custom.

They walk to the parking spot silently and Kairi climbs into the police car with not much fuss. It feels a bit weird to ride a police car along with a policeman, his sense as a phantom thief is telling him to run but he knows that Keiichiro won’t do anything to him.

“You know Kei-chan, about the Lupin Collection.”

Keiichiro starts the car and drives it with a blank face.

“You can revive your friend once we gather all of the Lupin Collection.”

And Keiichiro stops the car abruptly, thankfully they are still in the parking area of the graveyard, and it is almost empty.

Kairi looks at the silent policeman, who just stares right ahead with a blank expression. Then the rain starts to pour, but Keiichiro is still silent.

“I know that Patrangers’ goal isn’t to collect Lupin Collection, but if we manage to gather them all then-“


There is something in Keichiro’s tone when he calls Kairi’s name. The captain of the Patrangers turns his head at Kairi. He still has the same serious expression, the one that Kairi is familiar with.

“Thank you for your suggestion, but… no.”

Kairi blinks in surprise. “Wait, what?” Kairi can understand if Keiichiro refuses to give up his job as a police or refuses to give up his VS Changer but this?

Keiichiro turns on the wiper of the car and Kairi can listen to the repeated noise from the wiper as Keiichiro is being silent.

“Do you still not believe in the belief that the miracle can happen when we manage to gather all of the Lupin Collection, I understand that but the hope is still there. You have seen the power of Lupin Collection-“


Once again, the way Keiichiro calls him reminds Kairi of when his older brother is about to scold him.

“I decided not to. When you all told me everything about the Lupin Collection, I gave it a thought and I have decided not to do that.”

Keiichiro’s expression shows how dead-serious he is.

And Kairi can’t understand him.

“Why? Is it because you are a Patranger, a policeman?” he asks him.

Keiichiro is silent again, he turns at the downpour outside of the car, seeing nothing. He grips the steering wheel harder. “Because it won’t be fair.”




Yes, Keiichiro has given it a thought. He pondered about it once he found out the truth about gathering all Lupin Collection.

And he has decided not to do that.

Kairi blinks then he frowns in confusion. “Be fair for whom?”

Keiichiro sighs. “Kairi-kun, reviving the dead is the wish of all people who have lost their loved ones.” Keiichiro refuses to see his eyes, his eyes look far away. “I know that Satoru’s death is unfair, it was tragic. But, so do other people.”

It would be a lie if Keiichiro said that he doesn’t want to revive Satoru.

He wants to, he dearly wants to.

But, the policeman wonders whether that is the right thing to do.

Gathering all Lupin Collection will bring out a miracle, that itself is vague. Using that miracle to revive someone from death, is that even the right thing to do? Keiichiro wonders about that.

“But, it isn’t about other people, I know that this Satoru person is important to you so why not?” Kairi looks angry. Somehow, Kairi is mostly angry when he interacts with him. Keiichiro doesn’t understand why.

“There are a lot of victims of Ganglars. The casualty is high, the dead ones, the injured ones.” Keiichiro sighs. “Many people’s lives got ruined because of it.”

“Then how about-“

“How about we wished to revive everyone who died from Ganglars’ attack?” Keiichiro beats Kairi to it. “I have considered it and I don’t think that is right either.”

Kairi has this expression that he can’t understand what Keiichiro is thinking and the policeman is thinking the same thing. How come Kairi can’t understand him?

“Kairi-kun, there is always unfair death in this world, maybe every second it happens. From war, from homicide, from accident, it always happens. The truth is, we can’t save everyone from unfair death,” Keiichiro is trying to make Kairi understand his point. “Every person who knows the pain of losing their loved ones will have the same will to revive them. It is the same for everyone.”

Keiichiro sighs and he looks outside at the pouring rain. “It won’t be fair to everyone else. For me, to revive Satoru, just because I know and have the way to do that.”

Humans will die, sooner or later. It happens to everyone equally. Because of that, people cherish a life, because a life can be lost.

So, to revive someone from death is like doing something that is supposed not to happen. It feels like breaking the most basic law that applies to all living beings.

“Kei-chan, you are really… an idiot.”

Keiichiro smiles slowly as he hears that.

“It isn’t like gathering Lupin Collection is easy either. Just think of it as a reward or a prize after we accomplish something,” Kairi sighs.

Keiichiro shakes his head. “That isn’t the point.” The point is that Keiichiro isn’t selfish enough to do that.

“Let’s say that I manage to revive Satoru then… every time I encounter someone who died unfairly… I will feel guilty. I won’t be able to live like that.” Keiichiro starts to drive again. The rain is still pouring, but for some reason, he feels calmer now.

“Because of that I apologized to Satoru earlier, I have decided not to do that. I won’t be able to.” Keiichiro says again as he drives the car. “It isn’t that I condemn you for gathering Lupin Collection to revive Arsene Lupin. It is just me.”

Then, it is Kairi’s turn to be silent. Keiichiro is focusing on driving the car under the heavy rain.

Keiichiro still feels a bit sorry, or maybe even guilty, toward Satoru, for choosing not to revive him. For him, it will be better to feel guilty in this way, rather than reviving Satoru and then feeling guilty to revive Satoru in that way.

“It is just you. Then, if it is me, you would be alright, right?”

Keiichiro blinks and turns at Kairi in shock.

The infamous Lupin Red has this cunning expression on his face. “I would revive him for you, in that way, you won’t complain, right?”

“Wha- Kairi-kun!?” Keiichiro stops the car at the side of the road before they get into an accident. “You- no, Kairi-kun, you don’t have to do this for me-“

“Let me correct that, I will revive the victims of Ganglars, all of them,” Kairi has a determined expression on his face. “Well, if I can’t revive that many, then the victims of Zamigo, to be specific. That should do it.”

Kairi turns at Keiichiro and he grins wide. The red Patranger just blinks in shock.


“You see, Kei-chan.” Kairi doesn’t let him talk at all. “To be honest, even though I feel bad for Noel, I become a phantom thief again not for the sake of reviving Arsene Lupin. And I’m not full of justice like you either, Kei-chan.” Kairi shrugs. “It is because this is something that only I can do. And mind you, I’m good at it. Because of that, I can’t just stop now.”

Keiichiro blinks again, both in shock and in confusion. Kairi has this smug expression that Keiichiro can’t understand why.

“And I might as well revive the victim of Zamigo while I do that, don’t you think?” Kairi grins at him again.

“I can’t… understand you,” Keiichiro admits that. That is the difference between them. Their length of thought is that different.

“I can’t understand you either, Kei-chan. You are too selfless for goodness’s sake.” Kairi replies to him coyly.

“You are serious about it,” Keiichiro can guess it that much. Even though Kairi looks half joking, he knows that Kairi is dead set about it. His eyes are full of determination.

“Yes, and you can’t stop me.”

Keiichiro wants to ask, just why Kairi, suddenly decides to do this.

For Keiichiro’s sake?

For the Patrangers’ sake?

And Keiichiro remembers how Kairi questioned him, why the Patrangers went their way to save Lupinrangers back then, even though they didn’t ask to.

Really, they are similar in a weird way.

“Then, do as you please,” Keiichiro says, he knows he won’t be able to stop Kairi once the young man has decided to do it. He is stubborn.

Just like him.

“Okey dokey,” Kairi responds back.

Keiichiro starts the car again and drives back to the café of Lupinrangers. The rain slowly stops pouring and the sky is bright again. They don’t talk anymore for the rest of the way, Keiichiro doesn’t know what Kairi is thinking, but for once, the silence between them doesn’t feel suffocating.

“Arigachu for the lift,” Kairi says as they arrive at the front of the café.

“Ah, Kairi-kun,” Keiichiro calls the red phantom thief before he can slip out of the car. “Thank you.” Keiichiro gives him his smile.

Regardless of whether Kairi manages to revive Satoru or not, Keiichiro appreciates his sentiment. Countless people have asked Keiichiro to change, to stop being stubborn, to stop being hot-blooded, and so on. And sometimes, Keiichiro hopes he can change as well, just so that the people around him stop being troubled by his attitude.

But, Kairi…

Kairi has his way of pushing Keiichiro to always be true to himself.

And Keiichiro appreciates it, more than Kairi knows.

“Nah, I… wanted to comfort you, but I was really bad at it,” Kairi scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. “You looked like you were about to cry, but I couldn’t really do anything…” Kairi sighs. “You don’t always need to act strong, Kei-chan.”

Keiichiro’s eyes are widened a little. Then he slowly smiles. “Same goes for you, Kairi-kun.”

Kairi looks taken aback a little then he pouts. “I have cried in front of you, remember?”

“So did I.” Keiichiro reminds him.

“Huh, when!?” Kairi shouts in disbelief.

“But I don’t think you noticed me crying,” Keiichiro adds.

“Then that doesn’t count!” Kairi pouts again.

Keiichiro chuckles a little, failing to notice Kairi’s surprised face and how he smiles after that. “Now get out, or I will bring you to the station, Kairi-kun.”

“Geez, you don’t need to chase me out,” finally Kairi steps out from the patrol car. The Lupin Red gets inside the café after giving Keiichiro a smug and cunning smile.

Keiichiro sighs and leans back to the car for one second.

Just like how Keiichiro can’t become like Kairi, and how Kairi can’t become Keiichiro. They can’t be more different and yet similar in a painful way.

“If both of us can really become friends then… that would be really amusing, don’t you think, Satoru?” Keiichiro mutters to himself while patting the pocket where Satoru’s music player resides. Keiichiro thinks, the more he interacts with Kairi, the more they influence each other for better or worse.

Maybe there will be a day when Keiichiro acts more like a phantom thief or Kairi acts more like a policeman? Keiichiro shakes his head as he continues to drive toward the GSPO headquarters.

If that day really comes, then there will be pigs raining from the sky.

For sure.




At first, I want to write how Keiichiro cries in front of Kairi, but damn, Keiichiro is refusing to let that happen without me making him into OOC. So yeah, I failed to write it... I will try again next time

Do you think Kairi and others will manage to gather all Lupin Collection and revive Satoru? I honestly don't know either.

And bless you Keiichiro for giving me a good idea for the next chapter, because honestly, I want to write a light-hearted chapter for once.

Please leave a comment and kudo if you like this chapter, thank you very much

See you at the next chapter!