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Part 4 of Miraculous



Paris has been plagued by Papillon and his twisted creations for two years. Chat Noir and his team of animal themed heroes curb the monsters, but Papillon remains at large. Unrest grows with each day as whispers and outcries demand for the Ladybug. The one the people believe will save them from the clutches of Papillon. But will Ladybug be able to forgive those she believes have wronged her the most? The city can only hope.

Chapter 1: Origins

Chapter Text

“Plagg? Plagg? Where are you? You’re going to make me late.”
Adrien searched the house for Plagg. He had the news on in the background while he looked. He paused every so often to listen to the reports but resumed his search. He wandered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. A black cat was curled up inside next to an empty container of camembert.
Plagg shot up. He meowed and darted out of the fridge. Adrien pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Come on. We have to get going.”
Plagg meowed. He jumped onto Adrien’s shoulders. Adrien returned to the living room. Adrien took a moment to listen to the broadcast.
The reporter interviewed random people on the streets about the state of the city. On the Miraculous team, Chat Noir, and their enemy, Papillon. Most were discontent with the state of things. They made demands for the heroes to show some results that isn’t just stopping monsters. Others demanded the heroes leave and take the villain with them.
Adrien snorted. He grabbed the remote but paused. The reporter approached a young woman with long black hair that shone blue in the light. Her attention on a statue of Scarlet Knight, a former hero. She startled and her bluebell eyes widened when approached by the news crew.
“Young lady, would you give us your thoughts on the Miraculous team and the villain they claim to fight?”
“Oh. Um, I don’t have much to say.”
“Well, it’s scary what we’re going through. I mean, two years feels like a long time to face this threat. But we can’t do anything except leave our faith in the heroes. Just like my dad says. We need to trust and believe in those who fight for us.”
“And do you believe that?”
“It wavers at times when things get really bad, but I try. It’s all I can do. It’s all we can do.”
The reporter thanked the woman for her time and moved on. Adrien turned off the TV and stared at it.
Plagg meowed. He flicked Adrien’s cheek with his tail.
“Sorry. Just got… distracted. Let’s go.”


Marinette walked through the city. She headed for home after her time in the park. She paused near city hall as a riot brewed. The crowd earned the attention of other onlookers as they screamed and shouted. They all demanded answers to the threat, salvation from the evil butterfly, and for the Ladybug.
Marinette tilted her head. She had heard the people cry for this Ladybug for a few months now. The people cried for it, posters were plastered over the city, and a resistance against the Miraculous team had brewed. She wasn’t sure what this Ladybug was, but she assumed it was like the Miraculous heroes. Each of them was an animal themed hero. The stalwart turtle, Carapace, charming bee, Queen Bee, and their leader, the black cat, Chat Noir. Even if this Ladybug was like them, it made her wonder why it was so important.
The question had been asked many times over the months. Many didn’t have the answer, just theories. The Ladybug was the answer to salvation. The Ladybug would be the force that liberated them. The black cat was inferior to the Ladybug as the black cat only destroys. Then there was the older crowd who said the Scarlet Knight was a ladybug. Although, no one knows for sure if Scarlet Knight was or wasn’t. The only people that ever saw the Scarlet Knight were the criminals she fought. Their accounts weren’t as reliable as the story changed every time.
Even when Marinette’s mother, Sabine, spoke of the Scarlet Knight, it was never the same tale twice. Every version was different just like all the other heroes Sabine told her about. However, there were things that never changed from those stories. The Scarlet Knight was always courageous, selfless, and loving. The Scarlet Knight fought not because she had to, but because she wanted to protect those who couldn’t. Because of that, it made the Scarlet Knight incredible.
Marinette smiled when she remembered the stories. She remembered when she was younger, she wanted to be like the Scarlet Knight. She wanted to be a hero for the people. To always be there when they needed her. It was a fantasy she lived in over and over again, like her friend, Rose, who lived in fairytales. Unlike Rose, she had to wake up and attend reality. She wouldn’t be a hero like Chat Noir and his team. And she wouldn’t be like the Scarlet Knight.
Even though Marinette had to wake up, to live in the real world, that didn’t stop her from dreaming. To be a strong, dependable hero that the people looked up to. To keep them safe so they didn’t have to live in fear. To keep the peace so everyone could live in relative, ignorant bliss. She may be able to achieve some of that, but not in the ways she truly wanted.
Marinette’s Alliance ring buzzed. She looked away from the crowd at it. A screen popped up with her messages. Rose had messaged the group chat with her, Juleka, Alya, and Alix. Rose told them to keep their schedules open tonight. Alya and Alix asked why, but Rose didn’t share, insisting it was a surprise for later. She hummed and sent a thumbs up emoji. She looked at the time and saw it was just past two. She dismissed the screen and hurried back home.


Adrien stepped into work. The staff greeted him as he made his way to the elevator. He paused when he saw Nathalie with a new, familiar face. He called out “Nathalie” and approached.
“Adrien, good to see you. And Plagg.”
Plagg meowed.
“Always happy to see you, Nathalie. Who’s this young lady? I haven’t seen your face before.”
“This is Miss Couffaine. She was just signed on as the newest model for the agency. I took the liberty of volunteering to give her a tour of the building.”
“Please, call me Juleka.”
“Pleased to meet you, Juleka.”
“Likewise, Mister Agreste.”
“Please, Mister Agreste is my father. You may call me Adrien.”
Juleka bowed her head.
“Say, Nathalie, would you mind if I continue the tour? Take the time to get to know our newest addition?”
“You are needed soon for a photo shoot.”
“I don’t see any harm in her shadowing me for that, no?”
“Very well. I’ll see you in ten minutes, Adrien. Don’t be late.”
Adrien and Juleka watched Nathalie leave. Adrien motioned for Juleka to follow as they stepped into an elevator.
“So, I’ll be working with you more it seems.”
“Very much so. I’m taking major steps in all aspects of my life. I mean, weren’t you nervous?”
“A long time ago. Although, two years is a long time to work through those nerves.”
“Do they ever get to you now?”
“They do, but I just dust it off. I know what I’m doing and what needs to be done. No matter what the people say.”
“I’m glad we have a leader like you. I don’t think I’d be able to handle the criticism that you get.”
“Well, I’ve heard things like this all my life. I know there’s no real weight to their words. They’re just said to make you feel bad for what you’ve done, or what they believe you failed to do. But if it brings any comfort, with you, we should be able to finally catch Papillon.”
“I hope so. I’m still adjusting to the powers.”
“I know. It’s a major shift. Just take your time. Once you’re ready, we’ll begin the hunt.”
The elevator dinged and doors slid open. People poured into it while Adrien and Juleka stepped out. She followed him down an empty hall to a pair of doors. Nathalie waited outside for them.
“You’re early for once.”
“Nathalie, you wound me. I’ve been early before.”
“In more ways than you might think.”
Adrien snorted while Juleka giggled.
“Get ready you two. We have the photo shoot to do and then someone needs to make an appearance on the news today.”
“I hear you, Nathalie. You ready, Juleka?”
Juleka reached into her vest pocket. She pulled out a small creature with a big head. The creature resembled a mouse. Plagg eyed the mouse and transformed into the same creature. Adrien raised his right hand that had a large silver ring on his ring finger. Juleka pulled out a coin pendent necklace from in her shirt.
“Plagg, claws out.”
“Mullo, get squeaky.”


Marinette sat at the countertop in her parent’s kitchen. She listened to Sabine preparing dinner while she finished her classwork. She closed her laptop once she was done. She stretched as Sabine started setting up for dinner. She gave Sabine a kiss on the cheek, then flipped on the TV.
The news came on. Marinette moved to change the channel but paused when Chat Noir came onto the screen. The reporter interviewed him on the current state of the city. She listened as he reassured the reporter that he and his team were doing everything they could to stop Papillon. He went on to say they had a new member to assist with the task. The crowd behind him erupted into a frenzy and cut off the interview. The people rioted as they cried out for the Ladybug, their savior. The footage cut as Queen Bee’s power was used to pacify the crowd.
“It’s crazy out there, isn’t it, Mom?”
“It is. Hopefully we’ll see an end soon with this new hero.”
“What about this ‘Ladybug?’ I’ve heard people whispering it for a few months now.”
“I have too. Everyone seems to think it’s the answer to salvation, but she’s long gone.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, there was a ladybug hero before Chat Noir and his team. She was the Scarlet Knight.”
“So, she was a ladybug? Like people are saying?”
“She was. A marvel that one. You were lucky if you saw her and weren’t her target.”
“Does that mean you saw the real her?”
“I did once. I was attacked by some muggers. She swooped in a blaze of red and black glory. She was magnificent.”
“No way! What was she like? Did she look anything like her statue?”
“I don’t remember all that well, Mari. It was dark and the only pieces of her that stuck out was the red and silver.”
“Well, what do you remember aside from that?”
Sabine turned off the burners. She moved the food, then sat beside Marinette.
“Let me think. There was the whirl of her yo-yo as she swooped in from above. The whoosh of her cape in the wind. The bright red ladybug emblem on her cape. Her gentle face and bright, purple eyes.”
“Wow. What do you think happened to the Scarlet Knight?”
“I’m not sure. I like to think she grew up. Realized there was more to life than just fighting villains.”
“Do you think she’d ever come back?”
“I don’t think so. Her time has long since passed. There are new heroes to carry the torch.”
“Do you think a new Scarlet Knight will rise?”
“Maybe. It’s hard to say. But that’s not something for us peasants to worry about. You got your classwork done, right?”
“Mom, I’m not in high school anymore. I don’t need to be reminded to do my work.”
“Oh, honey, I know. But that first year you did.”
“It was an adjustment, but I’ve gotten better. I’ve really gotten used to this system. I’m even a few weeks ahead of the lessons. The headaches are even getting better as I understand the material more.”
Sabine hugged Marinette. “I’m glad you’re doing well. We’re so proud of you, dear.”
“Thanks, Mom. Is dinner almost done?”
“It is. Will you get your dad and let him know?”
“Will do.”
Marinette kissed Sabine’s cheek. She turned off the news and headed downstairs. She stepped into the bakery. Tom looked over from the register.
“Hey, kiddo. Dinner almost ready?”
“It is. Do you need any help with closing?”
“I could. Would you watch the register while I clean the back?”
“Sure thing.”
Tom headed to the back. Marinette watched the store as closing drew near. She moved from the register once it was time to lock up. She locked the door as Alya slammed into it. She gasped, then snickered as Alya fell back. Rose and Juleka rushed to help Alya while Alix laughed. She unlocked the door and let them in.
“You know it’s closing time, right, girls?”
“We know. We came for you, girl,” Alya said.
“What? Why?”
“Have you checked your Alliance?” Rose asked.
“No. What’s up?”
“We’re going to go celebrate! Juleka just signed a contract deal to be a model,” Rose announced.
Marinette squealed. They all jumped around Juleka and hugged her.
“Juleka, that’s amazing! What are we doing? Dinner?”
“Yup. My mom has offered to make us something special over at Le Grand Paris. We were also hoping we could get some of the best pastries in all of Paris,” Alya said.
“Well, Dad’s in the back. Could you girls watch the door while I get ready?”
“We got it, girl.”
Marinette headed upstairs. She started towards her room, then headed to the kitchen.
“Hey, Mom, I’m going to head out with the girls.”
“You are? What about dinner?”
“We’re going to celebrate. Juleka just got a modeling deal!”
“That’s amazing, but it is late. Will you girls be safe?”
“We have our Alliances. They’ll inform us if there is a monster attack.”
Sabine frowned. She looked at the silver gadget ring on Marinette’s index finger. She knew they were reliable in delivering that information, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that crawled up her. She took a deep breath.
“Ok. And forgive me, Mari. I know you’re an adult, but please come home immediately after the dinner. I don’t want you out at night.”
Marinette hugged Sabine. “I will. And thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too, Mari. Now, hurry along. Don’t keep your friends waiting.”
Marinette kissed Sabine’s cheek, then hurried to her room. Sabine stood for a moment longer. Dread rose within her that threatened to consume her. She stepped from the kitchen and looked at the door. She ran a thumb over the key she kept under her shirt. Marinette’s door closing broke her thoughts as she turned back to Marinette.
“I’ll see you out, Mari.”
Marinette nodded. They headed downstairs. Marinette joined the girls as they buzzed. Sabine stood beside Tom. She took his hand as she watched the girls. They filed out of the door except for Marinette.
Marinette ran back to her parents and hugged them. “See you after dinner. Love you guys.”
Tom and Sabine hugged Marinette and kissed her cheek. Marinette returned the gesture, then hurried after the girls. Sabine’s smile faded when Marinette was gone. The dread gnawed at her and made her sick.
“Honey? What’s wrong?”
“Tom, I’m scared.”
Tom pulled Sabine into a hug. “They’ll be fine. Marinette’s been safe and those Alliances keep them safer. Besides, the heroes will be out at this hour, right? If one of those vile creatures shows up, they’ll be around to keep her safe.”
Sabine forced a smile. “You’re right. She’s been safe all this time. What would make tonight any different?”
“It’ll be alright. We just need to have faith in our protectors. They haven’t failed us yet after all.”
“Right, faith. That’s all we need. Um, I’m going to finish dinner. See you upstairs soon?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, dear.”
Sabine and Tom shared a kiss before Sabine headed upstairs. She looked to her bedroom door down the hall. The dread chewed at her. She took a deep breath and reassured herself. Marinette would be fine. They would all be fine. Nothing bad would happen.


Papillon sat in a dimly lit room. Her butterfly lights flickered as they moved their wings. She had her hands folded atop her cane with a butterfly light outline around her face. Her creations fluttered about the city in search of a new victim. She tsked at the crop for the night. Nothing felt right to draw out the Ladybug. Maybe something to damage the heroes’ reputation further, but not bring out the Ladybug.
Papillon sighed and switched between her creations. She paused when one landed on the window of an apartment bedroom. She watched the little Chinese woman do a couple double takes to ensure she was alone. She watched as the woman moved to her nightstand and pulled out a jewelry box.
“Alter,” Papillon commanded.
Papillon’s creation twisted and turned invisible. It passed through the window and approached the woman. She opened the jewelry box to reveal a pair of ladybug earrings. Papillon gasped and grinned. There they were, the ladybug earrings. Papillon was close to drawing out the ladybug. Even if it was a fluke, another to the tally.
Papillon searched the woman’s room. She eyed a family portrait of the woman with her husband and only daughter. She recognized the man as Tom Dupain, one of Paris’s top bakers.
“Little Akuma, hear me well. Find one of Tom Dupain’s rivals. Seek their loathed rival and twist their heart. Bring an end to Tom and his wife’s life. However, should the daughter appear, leave her alive. Now, go.”
The Akuma retreated from the room and searched for Tom’s rival.
Papillon grinned. It wouldn’t be long now. Soon, she’d have her wish.