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Part 8 of Demon Slayer small stories

The Bond of the Sun and Moon


Sibling love. It is a powerful thing within Demon Slayer, and these bonds are rarely pushed to their limit. From the Upper 6 siblings and their unique decapitation rules and the Kamados with the younger sister overcoming her hunger for her older brother. But what about the love of a mother who has forgotten? How does that love fair, especially with a child with a greatly regressed mental state?

Well, I believe that this would answer that question.


Well, this has been fun to make and I look forward to seeing all of your reactions to this story. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 1: Down the Rabbit Hole


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“How interesting. To think someone would look just like him.”


“Get away from them!!”

“I wonder… just how much of my blood can you handle?”

“Another failure in my quest for a Demon that conquers the sun.”


“Well, isn’t this a surprise.”

Slowly, with a groan and whine coming out at once, a pair of light pink eyes with catlike slits opened up, their owner beginning to stand, only to stumble about in a manner that was similar to a drunk or a person that was still half asleep.

“A…Aah?” The owner of the eyes began to open their mouth, only for a confused sound without proper words to come out. A fact that felt like it should have been the case since the beginning, but also felt just so… wrong.

In the end however, although no proper sound could come out of him, it would matter little as the owner’s light pink eyes finally noticed something.

Namely, the state of the home he found himself in.

They widened in horror at the Corpses that surrounded the Home, covering the Tatami mats in their Blood while filling the Room with a smell that felt… tantalising. Something equally delicious as it was revolting to him.

“Aaaa…” Despite the feeling of wrong that practically strangled the boy, he began to take a step forward. And then another, and repeated this process until he stood over the bodies of a girl that appeared to be similar in age to himself, and a boy that was so small, that he was almost completely hidden from the drooling child’s sight.

But as he leaned down and grabbed the arm of the girl and began to raise it up to his mouth (Had there always been fangs there?), he froze up as he now saw their faces. They were lifeless, as he already knew, but their faces were etched in a way that implied pure agony. But it wasn’t that that stopped him. It was the familiarity. As if he knew them, but… that couldn’t be right…

Could it?

‘’Yo… n’t… go. It’s… an… gerous.’’

‘’Tanji… going… aga…’’


‘’I wan… go… you!’’

‘’...I was… we’d… it togeth…’’

‘’Be careful!’’

‘’See… later!’’

“Rokuta has… lately. Eve… passed awa…”

“Be… ful of… Demons, Tanji….”

Ah… what are… those? Why is he… who even are those people?

And why was… water? Was that it? Coming from his eyes?

Was he… crying? Why?

Why would he cry for… for those… those… strangers…? Siblings? No, what even were… Siblings….

Were… are they… no.

No, it can’t. He… he must be… jumping to conclusions! Yes, that’s it. They can’t… or could they…?

He… he needed some air. He needed… something.

With his mind as it was, the boy who had completely halted his meal, walked away in a state of confusion. In fact, at a glance, one could almost confuse him for being in a trance with how he stumbled. 

He found himself unsure about everything related to that House.

Just… what was going on here? Who were they? Why was he there? Why… did everything smell so nice? And why did that thought make him want to… claw at himself?

So many questions went through his mind like a storm, one that caused the boy to continue his trance-like state and not pay attention to his surroundings.

And so, he completely missed another Body. One that caused him to trip on top of it, and slam face-first on the snow. Not that it hurt, nor did the Boy really notice it.

However, it did cause the ‘’Body’’ to stir.

Consciousness slowly returned to the person in question while the Boy rose back up on his feet. Watching in curiosity at this… familiar person. And oddly, they gave him a similar feeling to the ones in the house, but something… else was familiar too… Was she like him? 

The boy wouldn’t have to wait long for his answer to come. The person, a woman to be more specific, rose up from where she’d laid. Just like the girl and boy he’d seen previously, her Kimono showed signs of damage. Like someone who had cut across it. In fact, it seemed to be a miracle that it still clung to her body and covered her, yet… the Boy knew that even if it fell completely, she would face no problems from it.

However, another problem did stir up. It was not one the boy entirely acknowledged then, but the woman’s gaze went to him for a brief second, something that made him feel like all would be right in this confusing world, before looking at where the dead girl and boy were.

And then, the woman took steps towards them. At first, it was slow, just like the boy’s own earlier movement. But then, it grew more frantic. As if the woman couldn’t wait for something and was going after it now. No, her movements could likely better be described as if she was possessed in that moment.

And the boy realised exactly what caused her to act that way, once she abruptly stopped in front of the Corpses. And unlike the boy when he was above the pair, the woman wasn’t careful when reaching out. In fact, it looked like she was about to lunge at the bodies as if she was a starving wolf, rather than raising them up like he had.

And as her intent became clear, there was only one thing that the Boy could do. Especially with just how… wrong, the sight felt. As if it was a stain on reality itself.

And that one thing, even with the state of his voice, was to scream.

A scream that gave his fear of the situation away. A scream that felt like it tore apart his throat as he cried out. A scream the boy hadn’t even been aware he could do. A scream that, as the woman was inches away from biting into the flesh of the youngest, made her pause.

Well, no, perhaps not pause. But it made her stop. Freeze up in her tracks as she heard that scream. And it caused something within her to snap. Something that now pushed away the mind-numbing hunger that existed in all her cells, in favour of something else.

Something that… made her… cry?

She couldn’t understand why she cried when hearing that scream, but the tears came down, nonetheless. And it caused her to look away at what was previously an appetising meal.

She looked behind her, mouth salivating and eyes slitted, to see the boy who had screamed.

And looked utterly terrified of her.

Just seeing him completely terrified, alongside the scream of terror he’d given, amplified her own tears. Why, she did not know. And yet, cry she did.

The Corpses of the boy and girl were left completely forgotten as the woman chose to instead step closer to the terrified boy. Each of her steps are no longer frantic nor slow. Instead, they seemed more normal.

Not that it helped much of anything else, considering her approaching him, caused the boy to look even more terrified. In fact, it caused him to do something even stranger. 

It caused his size to shift. To shrink and hide beneath his now oversized clothes.

The woman froze up again when seeing that display, unsure on how to react that the boy just shrunk in front of her eyes. It didn’t feel wrong to see that, but at the same time, she knew deep inside that shouldn’t be normal. But the sight of him, now only a bit taller than the boy underneath that girl’s body… it made something in her stir. Something that made her want to… calm him down even more.

But what? That was the question that came to mind once she desired to calm the boy down. What could she do that could ease him?

But… nothing came to mind. She didn’t know what to do. And if she had been aware at some point before, then she certainly was not aware of how now.

Yet, while consciously, she did not know what to do. Her subconscious came up with something.

And that something was just as weird as the boy shrinking.

Unknowingly, the Woman’s appearance began to change. After all, if the boy reacted in such a way when she was going to feast on the now forgotten corpses, wouldn’t it make sense that something similar to them or the child himself could aid her in her new goal?

Her purely Black Hair gained burgundy tips. Her Dark Pink coloured and slitted eyes turned into a Dark Red colour with round pupils. Her skin tone, which almost appeared to be as white as the snow beneath her bare feet, turned slightly darker, making it match a skin tone that felt… right to the woman herself. Her Nails, which had been elongated akin to sharp claws, retracted into normal lengths. The purple that was on it faded back to being colourless. Her Canines dulled, becoming shorter and becoming less noticeable, despite them remaining sharp and closer in appearance to the teeth of those corpses.

But the final change came from the peculiar flower markings on her head. One on the left side of her forehead and another that was beneath her right cheek, closer to her jawbone. As they began to change colour and tone until one was completely masked while the other looked like the same colour as scarred flesh, and then shifted shape, going up to the left side of her forehead and now resembled that of the same scar…

Of a certain man that briefly appeared within her mind.

For a moment, she wondered who that was. Who could that man be? But then, that quickly had to be pushed to the back of her mind as her priorities shifted to the matter at hand.

Comforting the boy who had shrunk and currently hid beneath his oversized clothes.

“I… It’s… okay.” Opening her mouth and wiping away the saliva that had previously been dripping from her mouth, the woman spoke out to the boy. She didn’t know how she was speaking, and the action felt so foreign yet natural, but the action came to her all the same. Yet, she did not understand the words that came from her mouth, not truly anyways.

Despite this, it was clear that it still helped. Because the Boy, upon hearing her voice, peaked out of his oversized clothes to look at her, his light pink eyes glowing lightly within the shade the clothing provided him.

The Woman honestly felt like she was out of her depth, and yet, it still came to her in a manner that did not feel foreign.

‘’I… I won’t… hurt you. I… want to… help.’’ The words took some effort to get out, as if she had not used her Vocal Cords in ages, even needing to swallow her saliva to soothe the vocal cords over, but they still came out the way she intended to be heard.

The boy, for his part, looked cautious. After all, the previous woman didn’t seem to be there anymore. Someone else was here now. But he felt like he could trust her, in a weird way.

Except just looking at her also made him feel… off. Like there was something wrong with her. And the fact that her scent… it was exactly the same as the now gone lady.

‘’Please… you don’t need… to hide…’’

But in the end, trust won out. The boy chose to trust the woman and so, unknowingly, began to regrow back into his previous size. The clothes are now no longer oversized.

And the woman smiled. Because this felt right. As if something important was with her again as she approached the boy and held out a hand to him.

The boy though, merely tilted his head at the action, a confused rumble rising from his throat. But as he looked at the woman, he did something that felt natural.

He hugged her and buried his head into the crook of her neck.

And the woman, in answer, did something that felt just as natural. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his body. Feeling like she’d never let go. Then she began to hum out a sound. In fact, it wasn’t even something that she noticed, but she began to rumble a sound within her throat, humming something that felt as second nature to her as breathing itself.

But, while that was going on, a thought crossed the woman’s mind. One that hadn’t really been thought of earlier due to what she’d nearly done.

Who was she? Where is she? And who even is that boy?

Now that, as brief it may be, she had time to think… she had to wonder. All of those questions began to flood and swirl about within her mind. And those were only the prominent ones.

However, she filed them away for now as she looked at the boy and finally noticed the state of her own clothing. It was clear that a single tug would cause the whole thing to fall from her frame and expose her body to the cold, and while she felt no danger from that idea (Had it ever been a problem for her?), she knew that walking around without clothing wasn’t a good idea, even if she did not know why. As a result, she turned to look at the destroyed house and entered it.

And as she did, she noticed another set of bodies lying on the floor, consisting of 2 boys and a single girl. And just like the 2 from earlier and the boy within her arms, now that she wasn’t consumed by hunger, she felt some kind of connection to them.

Just who were these people?

‘’You’re going to town? I wanna go! Please Tanjiro, take me with you!’’

‘’Hey, wait! I want to go to!’’

‘’Well… I was going to take the Cart today, so it should be fine. Right?’’

‘’Today is mostly free of Snow… alright, they can go with you.’’

Those voices just now… were they… related to her in some manner? If so, then… how? In which way? And… was Tanjiro the boy in her arms? The idea certainly felt right to her.

However, while she now knew the boy’s name, or so she assumed, she was no closer to knowing her own.

But then, as she looked around a bit closer and ignored the smell of blood that filled the Home, she noticed a mirror. It was nothing too large, it was in fact just big enough to be slightly larger than her own head. But it showed her reflection.

And when she saw her features, and then compared it to the dead Boys and Girls… to her, it all clicked.

“Could you be… Tanjiro, are you my brother?” The woman wondered out loud before speaking to the boy in her arms, who looked sleepy. But upon hearing her question, he blinked his eyes as he woke up a bit and looked at the kind lady curiously.

The woman looked at the boy, now Tanjiro, and found the action adorable. Although it did not really help her wonder, rhetorical it may have been.

“S… Sitaaahh….” Surprisingly though, for the first time since she saw the boy under those previously oversized clothes of his, Tanjiro spoke out in a tired and confused tone, but quickly leaned into her body afterwards.

For a moment, it surprised the woman. Tanjiro hadn’t spoken a word to her, besides his scream if that counted, so she’d wondered if he simply did not desire to speak.

Now though, she began to wonder if it was less he didn’t want to, and more that he faced a similar issue she had at first. That whatever happened to them, caused their speech to be hampered. But that begged the question, why was Tanjiro seemingly having a tougher time than herself?

But then, it also made her consider something else. What even happened here? Why were she and Tanjiro even alive? Or why did she remember so little of who she was gradually certain, were her dead siblings?

Was it related to why Tanjiro had a tougher time speaking? Was it because of how Tanjiro could alter his shape? Was it related to why she’d nearly… eaten…

The woman stopped thinking in that direction. But nonetheless, more questions had arisen than answers.

Answers she may never receive, at this rate.

“Okay, one thing at a time. Tanjiro, can you wait here for a moment?” The woman asked the boy she was convinced was her brother, who merely nodded as she put him down onto the ground, watching her as she opened a door and entered a room that, unlike the previous one, was completely unscathed.

Looking around, she saw a closet within the room and opened it, finding a variety of clothes within, causing her to offhandedly sharpen her nails and cut at the piece of her kimono that kept it still on her body, allowing it to drop to the ground. With that done, she looked through the sets of clothes until eventually, she took out a pair of light purple pants and a red kimono and put them on. But as she was about to close the closet and head back to Tanjiro, she saw an orange and black checkered pattern haori, which stood out to her and oddly… it made her heart clench in a feeling that was somewhat foreign to her.

Shaking her head, the woman reached out to the Haori and grabbed and put it on, and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a letter fall out of a pocket and land on the ground. With three simple words written clearly on the front.

“To Kie Kamado”.

The woman grew curious about the letter. Initially, it was simply because she wondered what was written in there, but then, when reading over the front of the Letter, she wondered…

Who was Kie?

Was it one of her supposed Siblings? Was it someone else? Or perhaps… her own?

She wasn’t quite sure, but in the end, curiosity won. She chose to open the letter and read over its content.

‘’If you’re reading this, then that means I have died before I could tell you farewell. And for that, I can’t apologise enough.’’

Already, the letter went off for a grim start. The Woman could already guess that this was a dying man who’d written this. And for it, she could feel her heart tighten further. She read on.

‘’But I guess it’s a good thing I’m writing this then. Call me Paranoid, but I at least want my last words to be heard… in a manner of speaking. But above all else, I want to apologise that I won’t be there anymore. I want to apologise that I won’t be there for Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, Rokuta, and you, Kie. I want to apologise for falling Ill, even when I know that one was out of my control. But I also wanted to tell you that I’m glad to have met you when I did. I’m glad we got to known you. I’m glad that you entered my life when you did, Kie. And I apologise for being unable to protect you all any longer. So, from the bottom of my Heart, thank you for everything, my dear.’’

At the bottom of the letter, it was signed: ‘’From Tanjuro Kamado.’’

Kamado? This man had the same last name as her and Tanjiro? So is he perhaps another sibling of her’s, or something else? But then, what else could it be?

This Letter was addressed to a Kie, and the letter mentioned many names, including Tanjiro, her Brother…

The more she read over the letter, the more it seemed to her that this Tanjuro wasn’t a Sibling of hers. But something else… something she feels like she should be able to put her hands on… something that was hers, but wasn’t property either…

She feels disappointed in herself, the more she thinks about it. She just can’t put her words into it. She can’t figure out what this Letter implies, even though she knows it should be obvious to her.

So, she decides she can think of it further later. Once things are settled… somehow.

But the name on that letter. That?

It’s now a confirmation.

The name she had forgotten, the name that she had sought out, was now written before her eyes by a man she knows, yet does not at the same time.

Her Name is Kie Kamado.


And that is that. Truly, I wonder what all of your thoughts of this story is.

Okay, to start, this was made with the help of Eexis after we discussed this idea many times in the comments of his stories. And today, we have made this together and honestly, it was a lot of fun and our styles got along quite well. Now, to ask an important question. After discussing this idea, we are a bit split on either making this its own AU with a family member of the characters we know mostly swapping out with the characters we know in the main events and Muzan remaining the antagonist, or this taking place in another version of Eexis' DQ Kanao AU series in "Cleistogamy" (which is a great series and I suggest reading the stories in it if you haven't already), making Kanao the main villain and creating some interesting interactions and possibilities. And if you want, you can also vote for a mix of these ideas, with the characters' family members still taking their roles in canon while having Kanao be the Progenitor Demon or keep Muzan as the antagonist while swapping out Akaza and Doma for DQ Kanao's unique Demons from Eexis' AU. So, we would like to ask you which idea appeals to you all more, so feel free to vote on it.

Taisho Secret: After the Demon Progenitor gave Tanjiro their blood and slaughtered most of the Kamados, they were leaving the house when Kie struck them in the shoulder with the family's hatchet. This caught the Demon's attention and made them decide to turn the mother into a Demon as well. Her clothes were mostly destroyed though because Kie was the one to open the family's door when the Progenitor knocked and found herself quickly being attacked.

Hope you all enjoyed!

Chapter 2: A Demon Slayer


A Demon and A Slayer Meet...


Hello everyone! Eexis here!

This time, I'm the one uploading this Chapter. Trickster1 and I are likely to alternate between Chapters, and for this one, it was my turn.

Anyway, I won't hold you guys for long. Besides us hoping you all enjoy this Chapter!

So, read on!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Please. Make sure that they’re okay.” An older man requested of her as the Slayer left his small house, turning to look at him and providing a reassuring smile.


“You don’t need to worry. I’m here now.” The swordswoman assured him before looking up the mountain and running ahead at top speed.


Thinking over the information she just learned, the Demon Slayer could only hope that the Demon she was sent to track down hadn’t discovered the family up the mountain. After all, given the weather around here while she was traveling, the heavy snow that occurred during the night, and the family’s location being separate enough from the village…


If they were to be attacked during that night, then their chances of survival were dangerously low.


Still, it wasn’t impossible, and if she could save even one life… it’d be worth it.


Such was her duty, as the Water Hashira.

Kie Kamado…


That name felt right. And if her guess with that Letter had been right, then this was indeed her name.


Still, this Letter had given her only one answer and several other questions now. The Prominent one currently being who this Tanjuro was.


But standing here right now only musing about it would bring her nothing. If she wanted answers, then she’d need to seek them out somehow.


“Heh. This is one heck of a mess I’m in.” Kie couldn’t help but chuckle to herself while putting down the letter. However, with her mind made up, she opened the door to the room and saw Tanjiro sitting on the floor while staring blankly at the wall before him.


“You okay little brother?” She asked him gently, which earned his attention as he turned his head and looked at the older Kamado. And for a moment, Kie couldn’t stop herself from chuckling a little, as her little brother almost looked like he had dots for eyes for a moment.


“A-Aaaggh….” The poor boy tried to answer her, but this time, what came out of his mouth wasn’t even a sound that could possibly be a proper word. Which… honestly made her heart clench painfully, but given how she seemed to be the only one of the 2 who could properly think, she put that aside for now.


After all, she was sure this was something that could be fixed. Although, speaking of fixing…


Kie turned to look all over the house. Specifically, at the Bodies that were still around. 


What should she do? Were they any of the names mentioned in the Letter? Did that make them her Siblings too? Or was she jumping to conclusions here?


She felt like she knew what she had to do. But at the same time, she didn’t know at all. The answer seemed to be at the tip of her tongue, but it refused to come out. So, she ended up staring at the dead bodies while wracking her brain for an answer.


“A…Aggh…?” However, whatever trance Kie could have fallen into while staring the the corpses was halted by the noise made by Tanjiro. And what really caught her attention was the… tone? Yeah, that felt right. The tone of his wordless noise felt more questioning than the previous times he made any kind of sound.


“Tanjiro?” Kie asked her brother as he stood up, oddly sniffing at the air as if there was something there. For a moment, she copied the action, but all she still noticed was the same smells as before. So as her confusion grew, she cautiously walked after the boy as he walked outside of the house and looked around, until eventually, he stared at a specific spot in between a large number of trees.


“Is there something there?” She asked Tanjiro again, initially not noticing anything. But then, almost instinctively, she began to tense. And just as that fact registered in her mind…


A woman wielding a sword appeared above Tanjiro, the weapon that screamed danger to her slashing towards his neck.


Kie is unsure how it happened, but the next second, she had lunged towards her little Brother, tackling him to the ground barely in time for the swing to miss his neck. Although, her cheek did end up in the path of the blade and cut it.


While the Siblings found themselves in for a rough landing, the woman landed more gracefully than they did. Her Body already snapped to stare at what had just happened in disbelief.


‘’Why…’’ There was clear surprise in her voice, ‘’...did you protect him?’’


This moment of disbelief gave a chance to take in the appearance of Tanjiro’s attacker, and Kie was able to quickly make note of what she looked like. 


The swordsman was a dark-haired young woman with light skin and black hair tied into a thick braid that was held in place by a light-coloured ribbon down her back alongside a loose fringe over her forehead. Her eyes meanwhile, were a shade of dark blue. 


As for clothing, she wore a blue-tinted gakuran jacket, a white belt, baggy chocho zubon pants that extended into tabi socks, a pair of zōri with green straps, and bands of white cloth wrapped tightly around her calves resembling a kyahan, all beneath a plain red haori. 


The most notable thing about her clothing though, was a white-coloured fox-shaped mask that was decorated by two blue flowers painted on its left-hand side that was currently hanging by her side. 


It hung on her right while her Sword’s sheath was on the left side of her body. 


Speaking of which, the metal of the Blade was dyed completely blue and the handguard took the shape of a circle and was coloured dark blue. The hilt meanwhile was outright Black.


And as Kie looked at her, only a single thought entered her mind. That this woman gave the impression of a hunter.


“Wha…? He’s my little brother!! Why shouldn’t I protect him!” Quickly regaining her bearings, Kie couldn’t help but question initially, before a wave of righteous anger quickly built up within her very being while holding Tanjiro close to her. And so focused on this woman, the female Kamado didn’t notice her little brother develop bulging veins on his head and baring his fangs in an attempt at intimidation.


‘’That.’’ she pointed her Blade towards the Child whose appearance she had noticed change, ‘’Is not your Little Brother. That is a Demon. And I’m sorry to say, but he has to die.’’


“Why!? He’s done nothing wrong! Heck, he can’t even really speak right now, and I can’t remember why!” Kie yelled out in defiance of the words. Admittedly, the swordsman's words did make her think Tanjiro may not have been her brother, but it was quickly shaken off, because at this point, it was a logical conclusion and a part of her felt insulted by the words.


The woman in front of her listened to what she had to say, but that only truly gave her one answer. ‘’If he can’t speak, then that just means he’s only been recently turned. Right now, he should be ravenous for Human Flesh and Blood.’’ and right now? That Child certainly began to give her that impression.


“But he hasn’t attacked anyone! Heck, I found him hiding under his own clothes, terrified out of his mind, and hasn’t even blinked or bothered with our siblings' corpses!” The amnesiac girl countered with a growl while tightening her hold of Tanjiro, every part of her body screaming danger from this woman.


It gave the woman pause, upon hearing what she had to say. And it reminded her of someone dear to her. But she could not allow sentiments to lead her astray. Not when lives were at play.


‘’You said you don’t remember a why. Tell me, how much do you actually remember?’’


“N-Not much. I couldn’t even remember my name or that Tanjiro was my sibling for a bit.” Kie admitted as she used the woman’s brief pause to try and create more distance between her and them. Something Tanjiro appeared to pick up on, calming down slightly in favor of watching the dangerous lady before him.


The woman didn’t try to move from her position, instead opting to continue with her line of questioning.


‘’Then be honest, how can you be sure he is your Brother? If you weren’t able to remember much, how can you be sure that he isn’t the one who attacked you? How can you be sure he isn’t an Impostor?’’


At the end of the woman’s question, before Kie even had a chance to respond, Tanjiro roared in outrage and defiance, the veins that began to fade away on his head returning in full. Clearly, the suggestion was a vile one to the boy.


The woman’s position remained the same, not looking all that surprised by this. Either she had hit a sore spot, or she was getting too close to the truth for this Demon’s comfort. 


“T-Tanjiro, calm down!” Kie yelled to her little brother as he tried to lunge forward, and while he didn’t calm down, he did something that surprised the woman. Especially when the child is apparently recently turned.


He listened and stopped his attempts to get to her. Even if the veins and snarls did not stop.


‘’He… listened to you?’’ If this boy was truly the Younger Brother, then it meant she was wrong. That perhaps, he wasn’t the reason why this Family in that House were all dead, sans Kie. But at the same time, she could not allow herself to forget that this could be a ploy. To lower her guard and then strike.


She needed something more… decisive.


“You are right I’m not completely sure. But when I… I saw some of my siblings' bodies, I got flashes of memories. And each one seems to point to Tanjiro being my brother.” Seeing that Tanjiro listened to her, Kie now took the opportunity to explain to the woman, all while her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest.


And the woman, hearing that? She decided to concede on that point. However…


‘’Even if he truly is your Brother, how do you explain the Bodies?’’ The Front door had been open wide, so it was hard for her not to notice all were dead. Alongside that, the woman eyed the currently pacified Demon.


‘’If he can act that way, to listen, then… how much has he already eaten?’’ that however, remained a thought for now.


“I already said Tanjiro hasn’t attacked us! Does a child that was hiding under his own clothes, scared to come out from their protection, sound like they could do something like this!?” Kie denied the possibility while yelling in frustration, which seemed to incite Tanjiro as the boy now began to bear his fangs again.


“Besides, does it look like he has blood anywhere near his mouth if he did try eating us!?” The girl was quick to add on, not noticing that her brother’s intimidation tactic clearly showed the lack of blood around his mouth.


‘’Age does not matter.’’ the woman decided to begin, ‘’You may be surprised to learn how sneaky some Demons are willing to be. Some have acted defenseless, some have tried to play the victim, and some were even Children themselves. Age cannot be accounted against Demons.’’


However, she did notice the Teeth. No signs of Blood. Obviously, it could be he just cleaned them beforehand, but the woman could not deny this was a point that could point to innocence.


“What…? But what would make children act in such a way?” Kie couldn’t help but enter shock at the news and question the sword wielder. And noticing that his sister seemed scared, and recognizing that it was because of the words of the woman before them, Tanjiro slipped out of the loosened hold of Kie and grew in size and muscle to try and hide her from view.


Though, it wasn’t much, considering how the woman could still clearly see Kie past the Demon boy. Even if she was at the same height as the 2, that would remain the case.


Either because of pity, or simply because it wasn’t quite an easy thing for many to hear, the woman’s voice softened.


‘’A Demon’s only source of food is Humans. It doesn’t matter what your Age used to be. You could be an Elderly, you could be a Healthy Man or an Ill Woman, you could be a Teenager or even a Child. No matter how old you are, once you are turned into one, you become a Man-eating Monster. Any Human Flesh works, be they complete strangers… or your relatives.’’


The Woman’s voice grew sorrowful.


‘’That is how the Progenitor of all Demons has made them.’’


Then, as soon as those words left the woman’s mouth, something happened. It was something she clearly wasn’t expecting, and whatever horror and doubts that could have potentially been planted in Kie’s mind did not get the chance… because of Tanjiro’s actions.


And that something, was not just his body shaking in terror, as if all possible heat was removed from the world, nor was it him shifting his size to that of a 5-year-old child.


It was him screaming in terror, in much the same way as he did with the lady before his sister, at the mention of a Demon Progenitor. Tears poured from his eyes like a waterfall with his fear.


“Tanjiro!!” Seeing him in this state, Kie immediately rushed to her brother and picked up his small body to hug him, doing whatever came to mind or what felt natural to calm him down. All while the boy cried into her shoulder, and the woman watched this scene unfold.


And, she felt sad. Truly, she did. But at the same time, this reaction?


This solidified her belief. She truly did doubt this was an Imposter at this rate, but a Demon was a Demon. A Man-eating Monster would remain as one.


So, she took a step and said words she knew the Older Sister would not like while nearing.


‘’It seems, it’s about time I put him out of his Misery.’’


Best to make it as swiftly as possible. And with her Fifth Form, she could give this boy a painless death.


“Wh-WHY!? ISN’T THIS ENOUGH PROOF THAT TANJIRO IS INNOCENT, OR HIS EARLIER ACTIONS!?” Kie cried out in outrage as she held Tanjiro’s tiny body with all her strength while stumbling back until her back hit the wall of the house behind her.


The woman stopped nearing once they hit the Wall. They had nowhere to run, and she was certain that even if they slipped her by, she could catch up.


So, she spoke calmly back.


‘’Perhaps. But don’t forget that Demons only eat Humans. Eventually, they will grow hungry. Eventually, they have to hunt. It’s not up for negotiation with them, they have to.’’ and then, her voice turned harsher, ‘’So why should I not put him out of his misery while there are some signs of a human left?’’


“But he never even tried to hurt me or eat our siblings’ corpses!! Heck, he seemed to sniff you out before you arrived while we were in the house, yet my brother was still never tempted!! If he can resist with an apparently strong sense of smell, then why can’t that continue!?” The girl yelled in defiance while trying to hide the small Tanjiro, who seemed to have now fallen asleep with all the crying he had done today.


There was a shift in the woman’s features. If before, she looked either composed or sad, then now, there was an obvious hint of annoyance.


‘’Faith, then? Is that all?’’ she questioned, and her tone grew increasingly harsh, ‘’That he can continue ignoring Hunger for an indefinite amount of time? Are you familiar with starvation by any chance? Actually, do you even remember that existing?’’


Then, the annoyance faded slightly as the woman decided to add something else. She tried to sound nicer again.


“Your brother, while a rare case, isn’t unique. Some Demons have resisted their hunger for a very short time, just enough to run away from a family member. And just like them, he’ll eventually cave into the hunger that now plagues every cell in his body.”


“...You said that Demons are made by this Progenitor, right?” After a moment of silence that was void of all sound besides Kie’s terrified breathing, light snores from Tanjiro and the wind blowing, the Kamado girl whispered the question. But with how things are, it may as well have been a volcano eruption.


‘’I did.’’ the woman confirmed, arching a brow upon the question being said.


“Then there has to be a way to turn Tanjiro back! If something could make him this way, then surely there has to be a way to reverse it!” The girl then pleaded with hope in her voice, still desiring for Tanjiro to be saved. After all, surely he wouldn’t need to resist this hunger he now feels if they only needed to wait for some medicine…




The woman sadly had to be the bringer of bad news.


‘’There isn’t.’’ she went to the point, but that kind voice did return, ‘’Once a Human becomes a Demon, there is no turning back.’’


And if there was one, then no one had figured it out.


“There has to be! I mean, surely at some point in the past, we would have said that humans becoming Demons is impossible, right!? And yet now, that’s apparently a fact!” Kie now began to practically plead with the woman, now shifting Tanjiro’s body to try and hide him as much as possible.


The woman's eyes closed shut, considering something before giving a loud exhale. It was clear this whole conversation was doing more than just annoy her at this point.


‘’If there was one, don’t you think we would have used it by now?’’ If such a cure did exist, it would have been a miracle. But none did.


That was the harsh reality of things as it stood.


‘’But there isn’t. So, our only choice now is to bring death to them.’’


“THEN I’LL FIND A CURE!!” Kie yelled out, the volume of her voice actually making the woman step back in surprise for a single moment.


“How many medicines would have been considered impossible in the past, yet now exist for everyone when they are ill!? Why can’t the medicine for Demons be the same way!?” She questioned the woman harshly while glaring at her, Kie’s fear being completely replaced by defiance to save her innocent little brother.


“And besides, how many people do you think have the same mentality as you in the past? That surely, someone must have tried to make a cure and failed after all this time, so it is impossible? HOW DO WE KNOW IF SUCH A MENTALITY ISN'T THE REASON WHY IT DOESN’T EXIST TODAY!?” Kie continued on, all while looking around for a place to run in case her words had finally won the woman’s anger.


Kie had ended up being right to wonder if she’d receive the woman's wrath. However, the form it took was an unexpected one.


‘’Is all you can do shout?’’ The tone of the voice didn’t raise, but there was a clear coldness to her voice now instead of anything else she’d displayed earlier.


 “H-Huh?” Kie questioned in surprise at the unexpected response.


‘’You heard me, yes? Is shouting all you can do? It’s all you’ve been doing since I got here.’’ Her eyes seemed to turn more hollow, but not quite lacking vibrance either, but something was on top of it.


That turned out to be her Cold Anger.


‘’You’ve made declaration after declaration. Saying your Brother didn’t eat his Siblings, saying that he wouldn’t eat Humans. Saying that you would find a Cure for him. But so far, all I’m hearing is words. Can you back any of it up? Can you take action? Or is shouting all you’re good at? Because right now, the only reason why I believe that is your brother and that he didn’t attack you all last night, was because of his own actions. Not yours.’’ She states firmly while holding up her weapon to point at the still-sleeping Tanjiro.


“...Then what can I do to prove it?” After a moment, Kie questioned the woman in exhaustion, willing to do anything for her little brother right now.


‘’There is only one way I know of that could allow you to take action and make your words come true. To prove it.’’ her mouth parted open, and she spoke the words that would change her whole life.


‘’Become a Demon Slayer.’’


“Then take me where I need to go to become one. Because I will protect my little brother.” Kie challenged the woman, and despite her physical helplessness here, the Slayer could easily see the fires of resolve in the Kamado’s eyes.


Then, the woman’s features shifted back to how they were previously. She went on to look at Kie in amusement.


‘’Before that, we should bury your Family.’’


“Thank you. Um… what’s ‘burying’ exactly?” Kie said honestly, but before the woman could even move to begin the burial, the amnesiac girl had to question what that was exactly.


And for it, the woman’s eyes widened before they went on to blink. Several times before she remembered that Kie was an Amnesiac.


‘’Oh… right, you wouldn’t know…’’ This might take longer than she’d anticipated, but she could deal with it.


‘’How about I show you and explain along the way?’’


“I would appreciate it.” The girl answered honestly while still keeping hold of Tanjiro.


After all, this Slayer wanted to kill him not too long ago, and she didn’t want to know if she would change her mind.


But, luckily, she never did while they went on to dig the Graves. They had to remove the Snow first since it covered the ground, but afterward, they dug the holes and carefully moved the 5 Bodies in them before covering it.


“You know… I feel terrible that I can’t properly remember them.” Kie admits as she buried the youngest completely, wiping away tears that would not stop falling throughout the whole process.


“Mmmm.” Hearing the muffled noise, Kie merely turned her head to look at Tanjiro, who was now wearing a bamboo muzzle (and god did the sight look so wrong to her), but if it could help keep other Slayers from attacking him for a moment… well, Kie had no choice but to bite her tongue on that matter.


Despite it, she smiled as her little brother carefully grabbed her hand while making sure his claws wouldn’t cut her.


Unseen by both due to the Woman currently digging back in the Dirt on the last grave, she was reminded of someone at that sight. But she kept it to herself as the last bits of Dirt were shoveled in.


‘’Well, the Burials done.’’ she announces to them, ‘’Your entire Family can now rest more easily.’’


“Thank you again for the help Slayer-San. I literally wouldn’t have done this without you.” Kie thanked her while Tanjiro hid behind her and glared at the woman a bit. He wasn’t aggressive, but it was clear that the initial impressions really affected the boy.


The woman for her own part continued on nonchalantly, ignoring the glare as she went straight to the point.


‘’If you really want to become a Demon Slayer, then go see an Old Man named Urokodaki Sakonji who lives at the Foot of Mount Sagiri.’’ She gave a pause in consideration of something she does not tell them, ‘’Tell him that Tomioka Tsutako sent you.’’


“Understood Tsutako-San. Also, the name is Kamado Kie, since I didn’t introduce myself earlier.” Kie spoke before bringing up her name since she hadn’t really introduced herself yet.


Tsutako looked up at the sky, seeing it remained Cloudy for the moment, and chose to add an important piece of information before it became an issue.


‘’Kamado-san. Do not let your Younger Brother get in direct contact with Sunlight. If he does, he will die.’’ Said the woman as a warning that sounded a bit too calm considering what had just been revealed.


“What!? But, why would it kill Tanjiro!?” Kie couldn’t help but yell in shock at the information. Meanwhile, Tanjiro looked at his sister in concern, tilting his head as he did so.


‘’While the specific details are not known, the Sun emits something that a Demon simply can’t handle. They will burn and die if they are exposed to it.’’


“I see. Did you see anything in the house that could help with the issue?” The Kamado took a moment to let the information sink in before asking the Slayer, hoping that they could still get to this Urokodaki soon.


‘’Not that I am aware. All I can recommend is that you travel now while the Clouds are as thick as they are, and then wait for Night before traveling again.’’


“Okay then. Let’s go Tanjiro.’’ Kie had to reluctantly accept that as the best course of action, and with a small tug, she and Tanjiro began to take the first steps to this new chapter in their lives


But just as Tsutako was about to do the same, the girl spoke out to the woman, ‘’And Tsutako-San…”, catching Tomioka's attention.


“Thank you again for this. And good luck.” The older Kamado said, while Tanjiro still stared at the Slayer cautiously… before nodding his head at her.


Tsutako stared for a moment before nodding and giving them her smile, ‘’Safe Travels you two.’’


And with that, all 3 walked their own paths to either start their journey or continue it. But with Tsutako, after telling Saburo of the fate of the Kamados, she sent her former teacher a letter through her Kasugai Crow…


One about a Human Sister and her Demon Brother with no interest in human flesh or blood.


But as she wrote that letter, a realization set in.


‘’Didn’t I… cut her cheek?’’


She's certain it had been cut when Kie had pushed her Brother down. But then, how come she also remembers that cheek to be entirely uninjured? Not a single cut, all fine…


‘’Wait. Was she…?’’


Was she… a Demon?


“Well, that changes the letter a bit.” Tsutako commented worriedly before writing a new letter. One that, she hoped, would convince her Teacher.


After all, this truly did change everything.

Greetings, Urokodaki Sensei! 
I hope this letter finds you in good health and in good spirits! 


Forgive me if this request feels abrupt, but I have sent your way a girl who wishes to become a Demon Slayer. Her will was powerful, and I do believe it is a drive that will serve her well. 


However, I do have to admit that what she is will surprise you. A Demon slaughtered her family, transforming both she and her Brother into Demons. The Youngest has proven to me he is unlikely to attack humans, and the Sister seems utterly divorced of being a Demon. In fact, I didn’t notice she was a Demon at first. 


But there is something different about those two, and I’ve seen it. So please, I know this is an odd request, train the Girl in your traditions. Please, at least give her a chance.


Sincerely, Tsutako Tomioka.


And with that, we're at the end of the Chapter.

I hope you've all enjoyed it, and especially with one of the first swapped Characters. That being, the Tomioka Siblings. Here, Tsutako takes up Giyuu's role as the Water Hashira and with it, a completely new interaction with Kie.

Neither Trickster1 or I really expected how this Chapter would turn out besides a vague idea, so we were particularly pleased with how it turned out.

But moving on from that, we'd also like to mention that the Votes will be left open up until we reach the Swamp Demon. Mostly to be sure that if more people join up before then, they get to choose.

Anyway, there is a Taisho Secret, but we've also decided to actually pull a Kimetsu Gakuen, and we'll introduce a Gakuen Variant of these Characters when they officially appear in the Story. For this one, it's Kie. So, onward with the Taisho Secret and Gakuen File!

[Taisho Secret]
It would seem that in the time it took for Tanjiro to wake up after he fell asleep, that Tsutako and Kie had washed the entire Kamado Home from the Blood it had been covered in.

[Gakuen File]
Kie Kamado (The School Counselor)
School Counsellor of Kimetsu Academy and Mother to 6 Children, Kie Kamado is a patient and understanding individual. Although many Students, especially first-years, do often mistake her for a Student the first time they see her.

While not quite a rumour nor a confirmed fact, it would seem that due to a Skin condition, Counselor Kamado can only stand under Sunlight for a certain amount of time before she is sunburned.

There seems to be some Parental Concern over a Girl having allegedly a crush on her Son though.

With the File and Secret passed on, it is time for me, well actually, us, to say Goodbye for now! We'll see you all next chapter!

Chapter 3: The man with a Tengu Mask


Hello everyone! We're back with another chapter for this story that came together quite nicely and easily, and I hope that you all enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Thank you very much!’’

After Kie had left her home alongside her little brother, the Sister had wasted little time to head to Mount Sagiri. However, while she and her brother had made quite a bit of distance, Sunlight did eventually emerge during the last hour of the evening.

They didn’t need to wait for long for it to be Night, but the issue emerged again during the next day.

And knowing that this time, there wouldn’t be thick enough Clouds to actually shield her Brother, Kie had to come up with some form of plan.

Hence why she’d been able to obtain a basket and some little straw and Bamboo.

So now, she was heading back to the little cave she’d left Tanjiro in. Only…

“Tanjiro?” Kie called out to the young Demon, hoping to see him emerge from the darkness of the cave that provided him safety. But when she heard not even an echo after speaking, worry began to rise up from within her chest.

But like what had happened a few times already, it didn’t get a chance to truly build up, as a tiny hand grabbed her leg the moment she entered the shade and pulled her, causing the young girl to fall into a hole. One she hadn’t noticed before, and also one that revealed to have Tanjiro in it, looking at her with worry and as if she was insane.

Kie honestly wasn’t sure why her little brother was looking at her that way, but she shrugged it off as him just being worried for her.

Which, it was actually. Just not what she thought.

‘’Did you… dig that hole?’’ She questioned aloud. 

Was her Brother a mole now? Well, then again, it did protect him better from sunlight.

But she needed to get out if she wanted to finish that Basket she had in mind to continue their Journey. So, she patted him on the head to ease up his worry, and then moved to get out of the hole.

However, before she got a chance for even a hair of her head to peek through the hole, Tanjiro quickly grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back down with a distressed cry, even getting on top of her to use his haori to cover them both, leaving the only available light as his lightly glowing eyes.

‘’Tanjiro…’’ Kie groaned slightly, ‘’I need to get out. I have to make that Basket usable.’’

At any other time, she probably would have found this more adorable, but the more time they wasted here, the longer it’d take them to reach this Urokodaki, and the more time it would take for her to find that Cure.

So, gently, she moved to grab Tanjiro. Trying to lay him back down so she could head out.

“Mmmm.” Tanjiro though, merely whined once more and struggled to keep her within the hole. Eventually though, he seemed to recognise that his sister wouldn’t give up, but he still didn’t let her out. At least yet.

Instead, he took a peek out of the hole. Which wouldn’t be anything abnormal, until he decided to do something so unexpected and quickly, Kie had no chance to react. And that was to reach out to the basket that his sister wanted so badly, screaming out briefly in pain as his hand ignited into flames. But he was still able to grab the object and pulled it into the shade of the cave, before collapsing back into the hole as his hand slowly healed the already 3rd degree burns.

However, that also arose another issue. Namely, that Kie was none too happy he, who was the unwilling Demon, had just gone into direct contact with Sunlight. Something she made clear when in a panic, she gripped Tanjiro by the shoulder.

‘’Are you crazy?!’’ She stared at him straight in the eyes with clear worry, ‘’Never do that again Tanjiro!’’

That was exactly why she’d gone for the Basket, and yet, Tanjiro still ended up injured.

Though, she was slightly confused as to why her little brother looked at her as if she was the crazy one.

‘’You stay here.’’ There was an odd shift in tone there, commanding, almost. But it took a form she wasn’t familiar with. And she’s not even sure why she even said it this way.

But she did, and she stuck with it for now, ‘’I will fix that Basket. You, stay here until I’m done, Alright?’’

She just hoped her little brother listened to her. Without waiting further, she yet again tried to move out of the hole and just hoped Tanjiro didn’t stop her again.

Thankfully, while she didn’t see his reaction, Tanjiro appeared to have been affected by the tone that she had used. And as a result, he listened to her despite his still clear displeasure with her actions, and waited in the hole. 

And so, Kie casually went on to step back under the direct sunlight with the basket, as if absolutely nothing was wrong with that.

But then, her Materials were still outside, so she didn’t have much of a choice either. 

She moved on to prepare the basket, taking her time to make sure everything was tied properly so that Tanjiro could be safe in there. Once done, there was only one more thing she needed to do.

After just a moment of hesitation, she took off her orange and black haori while leaning the basket down to the hole.

“Okay Tanjiro. Can you come in here?” Kie asked of her brother, causing him to peek out and look tiredly at her, as if asking if she was being serious with only his face. But eventually, he did crawl out of his hole and crawled into the basket… which was too big for his current size. 

‘’You’re too big.’’ Kie stated the obvious, but problematic fact.

It may have remained one if she didn’t remember the previous day.

‘’Tanjiro. You shrunk down in size some time ago. You could try it again. Get smaller?’’

Hearing this question, Tanjiro made a sound of acknowledgment, and after a bit of moving about in his limited space, he was able to get the basket to stand up straight while he shrunk down in size in a single motion. And as a result, once Kie looked in the basket, she saw the 5-year-old looking Tanjiro sitting within, clearly moving about to try and get comfortable.

Seeing this sight, Kie was unable to stop herself from giggling at the adorable sight, earning the Demon’s attention as he looked up at her with a muffled and questioning hum.

‘’Well, aren’t you adorable?’’ She remarked as she moved the basket up, being forced to move back slightly so there was enough place to keep it up. And Kie decided to pat Tanjiro while she was at it.

Besides his one-time exposing himself to sunlight, which she honestly still didn’t get why he’d put himself at risk like that, he’d been a good boy.

“Alright then. You stay in there while I get us to Mount Sagiri, and then we can find a way to turn you back.” Kie told Tanjiro reassuringly, to which her brother merely stared at her for a moment before nodding his head and going into the basket. The words comforting him and honestly making him believe she wouldn’t do crazy stuff anymore.

He would be proven wrong far quicker than he’d have liked.

So after the haori his sister wore was put over the basket to block out the bad light, and Tanjiro felt the basket be put on his sister’s back before she began to walk… well, he realised what happened, and couldn’t stop the nervous and fearful noise that rose up from his throat.

Kie would only hear that noise by the time she was out under the sunlight, up and ready to continue the Journey. She gave a hum, ‘’Is something wrong Tanjiro?’’

All her question earned from her little brother was another distressed noise, and a slight nudge back towards the cave. Did having his hand burnt make Tanjiro utterly terrified of the sun, even when protected from it?

But he was safe in there. Maybe… what could she do to ease his worries? What did she have that could make this travel more bearable for him?

She gave another hum, and then, an idea crossed her mind.

She could distract him with something. But what?

Something… to help…

Nothing truly came to mind at first, but then she began humming. It was almost an instinctual thing, because she followed a type of flow.

And then… well, the words came out.

‘’Little mountain rabbit…’’

She wasn’t even sure why she started with that, but something about this… this something, it felt right to use. She continued.

‘’Why are your ears so long…? Because when I was little… my mother ate long leaves… That’s why my ears are so long…’’

She didn’t notice that Tanjiro’s distress and nudges slowed before going to a complete halt.

‘’Small mountain rabbit… Why are your eyes red…? Because when I was little… my mother ate red berries… That’s why my eyes are red.’’

And only once her lullaby was finished, did she realise Tanjiro had calmed. In fact, the young girl was quick to realise that her brother had fallen asleep, just barely picking up on his light snores from within the basket.

“Rest little brother. Your big sister will take care of everything.” Kie promised him softly before continuing on her journey to Mount Sagiri and find this Urokodaki person.

The Journey for the remainder of the day turned out to be rather peaceful. In fact, it allowed Kie to actually think about what she’d done earlier, but without her memories, she wouldn’t remember why she even sung this…

What was it called?

There was a name to it, she knew, but not what that name was.

She could probably ask someone later. Perhaps this Urokodaki even. But for now, her attention was getting to Mount Sagiri. Asking for directions whenever she was unsure, and eventually, it led her to a Way Station just as the Moon had fully risen.

She decided to check on her Younger Brother before continuing.

“You oka-?” As soon as she placed the basket on the ground, Tanjiro practically leapt out of it… with her haori still covering his body, even when he grew to full size.

And he wasn’t taking it off either.

Kie blinked for a moment before chuckling, ‘’You really want to get out, huh?’’ Not that she could blame him. He’d been stuck in there for, what? 5 to 6 hours? Or was it more?

She hadn’t paid much attention, but she knew hours had passed at least.

‘’You probably want to stretch your legs, am I right?’’

Upon hearing that question, Tanjiro ended up turning in the direction of her voice. And seeing that he still wasn’t going to take off the orange and black haori, Kie did so for him with a humoured chuckle and put it back on. And now seeing her, Tanjiro did something that honestly surprised her.

He bonked her on the head, as if scolding her. It didn’t hurt in the slightest, and it was clear he hadn’t put in any strength, but it seemed he was displeased with something she did.

Probably her keeping him in that basket for so long in all likelihood, or having carried him around in the sun. Perhaps even both actually.

Well, no matter. They were getting close now, so if they continued at the same pace, then they might be able to get to Mount Sagiri before morning. Just maybe.

Tanjiro might not need to stay in a basket again. So, knowing that, she grabbed his hand.

‘’Let’s continue.’’

And obviously, the plan was to just keep going. They had no need to take a rest, but as they were intending to pass by the Station, Tanjiro’s nose picked on something.

“Mmm.” Stopping at her little brother’s noise of confusion and concentration, Kie stopped just as they neared the station’s path, turning to look at him as Tanjiro stared at the station itself.

“What’s wrong Tanjiro?” She asked him curiously, watching him as he walked towards the entrance of the station and she followed him. Nothing seemed odd until they opened the front door and looked inside. Kie couldn’t stop the gasp of horror that left her.

Because kneeling over the corpses of a man that just recently had his throat torn out, was a Demon that had his teeth and hands coated entirely in human blood. And it was clear this wasn’t his first target, as the corpses of many others surrounded him.

And the situation was about to turn much worse, as the Demon snapped his head to glare at them.

‘’What? Hey!’’ The Demon was clearly annoyed by them having shown up, ‘’This is my territory! Get away from my feeding ground!’’

Both Siblings stared at the scene, but they both had widely different reactions.

Because while Kie did look on with horror, Tanjiro…

He seemed to be paralyzed, all while he began to salivate.

‘’Hmm…?’’ The Demon licked the Blood he had on his fingers, staring at them closer. There was something off about them, he could tell that much. But he could not tell what.

‘’Something’s wrong here.’’ He remained rooted in place for a tense second, ‘’You two…’’

And then, he lunged for Kie.

The action was so out of nowhere, the poor girl barely had the time to reach out as the Demon grabbed at her throat and sent them flying out of the station. And the Demon would have tried biting into her, had the Kamado not grabbed his throat and with a strength that surprised them both, was able to hold him back a bit.

Meanwhile, although Tanjiro was able to shift his eyes a bit to look at that situation in worry… his eyes once more locked onto the bodies, falling to his knees in the effort to not feast while drool dripped off of the muzzle like a downpour.

Meanwhile, with the rise of this unexpected struggle, the Demon found himself laughing.

‘’Ha!’’ With Kie’s hand holding his throat, one would imagine he would have issues talking, but he didn’t.

‘’You’re stronger than you look! You’ll make a good meal!’’

The Demon shifted his attention from Kie’s throat to her arm and decided the best course of action to was to snap it. Or completely cut it off. Whatever happened when he punched it, they’d see. And he did exactly that, rearing his left arm and shoving it.

But unseen to either of the struggling pair, the Demon’s sadistic statement of feasting on Kie had an effect on Tanjiro. Because his eyes turned into thin slits as he stood up and ignored the bodies before charging forward… 

And kicked the Demon in the side before he could strike, the young Demon’s attack not only lifting his target off of Kie, but the kick went straight through the Demon’s stomach.

“GAGH!? THE FUCK!?” The Demon briefly gasped in pain before yelling in confused rage, right before a punch from Tanjiro connected with his face. But the Demon wasn’t helpless, as he now applied his previous plan for Kie’s arm to Tanjiro’s leg, slamming down on it and ripping the limb clean in half.

Though, this didn’t bother Tanjiro. Instead, he quickly grabbed the Demon by his shoulders… and headbutted him. Hard.

In fact, Kie was sure that she heard breaking bones when her brother attacked that way.

It had clearly done something to the Demon considering he was left stunned, but apparently, something breaking wasn’t going to keep it down. Because it had proceeded to counterattack.

Specifically by causing an Uppercut punch under Tanjiro’s jaw. Kie was unsure if Tanjiro not answering immediately was him being stunned or just not actually knowing what he had to do next, but the Demon took his chance to immediately get distance from this boy that clearly was not human.

‘’So that’s why one of you felt off!’’ The Demon growled out, ‘’That brat’s a Demon!’’

And as if to prove his words, Tanjiro’s lost leg was replaced, all while the boy leaned down in a feral manner while releasing threatening growls from his throat.

But then, what of that other one? She felt just as off… did that mean…?

“Tanjiro, are you okay!?” Kie yelled as she got back up and ran to her brother, and while he gave a nod, he did nothing else as he kept his attention focused squarely on the enemy before him.

If his sister was in danger, then keeping her safe mattered the most to him. Even his hunger couldn’t stop that fact.

But, if that was enough… well, they’d get the answer now. The Demon growled again in anger as it launched itself towards the both of them. Granted, his main target was the Demon brat.

But it appeared that was a bit of a mistake on his end. Because when he evaded a slash from the brat, the girl was quick to follow up and delivered a powerful kick to his side. The unexpected blow and the power behind it actually making the Demon cough out a bit of blood.

And with him stunned, the boy then grabbed him by the hair, and in a show of brutality that honestly shocked Kie and even the Demon they were fighting, ripped the head clean off with a single pull.

And while it wasn’t fatal, it did make the Demon ask one question.

“Just how much blood did they give this brat!?”

At that moment, it was the only answer that made any sense to it. How else could a brat be that much stronger than him when he’d eaten?!

But, just because this boy had seemingly more power, did not mean the Demon was going to let him do as he pleased.

‘’You…!’’ Abruptly, and honestly to the confusion of Kie and Tanjiro, the Demon proceeded to sprout arms from the stump that had been connected to the rest of his Body.

Then? Because his hair was still held, it used it as a sort of swing to propel himself at the brat from point-blank range, one of its fists raised to sever the hand holding him from the Body.

And if it worked last time on Tanjiro’s leg, and with a bit of momentum here, then it worked just as well against the arm. It was severed and the grip was loosened enough it could use its other free arm to throw off that arm before Tanjiro could try anything with it.

However, under other circumstances, Kie could have done something. Perhaps she could have grabbed the head before it landed on the ground and ran around like a little rat, or perhaps she could have kicked it up to her brother’s grasp again. But in this scenario? She couldn’t do any of these things, because the headless body of the Demon hit her from behind and sent her flying into a tree.

It didn’t hurt as much as she’d expected, but pain was still present, and she was left dazed for the time she took to grasp what had happened. Something the Demon clearly wanted to take advantage of, as now?

The Head and the Body prioritized the more dangerous of the two. The Brat, with… well, the head with arms being grabbed and thrown by the Body. Which was throwing Tanjiro off here because of how bizarre this situation was.

And sadly, because of just how confusing everything was for the mentally regressed child, the tactic worked, as the head was able to land on Tanjiro’s chest and stayed there by using the arms to grasp hold of the child’s clothes. And from there, the many other arms began to claw and tear at anything they could reach, from the muzzle and most especially the boy’s eyes to blind him. But this wasn’t to say that the body was doing nothing, as it charged forward and quickly restrained Tanjiro’s arms with great struggle.

Obviously though, an issue did arise. Two Demons would perpetually fight in a stalemate. This Strategy was working, but there was no way to end this.

That was until the Demon remembered that not too far away from here, there was a Ravine. Deep enough if that Brat fell…

Well, it’d stun anyone for a long enough time to finish his meal and leave before the Sun came. Maybe it’d even end up killing him.

But, while this was a brilliant strategy for a one-on-one battle, and may have possibly worked, there was one factor the Demon forgot that just now decided to make itself known. And he realised it the moment that he felt his hair get grabbed, and with surprising strength, ripped away from the brat, causing parts of his clothes to be ripped away as well…

To reveal the girl looking at him with a look that could kill a Kizuki on its own. And he wasn’t able to think further, when Kie slammed her head against his skull and briefly knocked the Demon out cold.

And thankfully, it appeared to affect the body as well, because its gripped loosened. And so, Tanjiro was able to push and slam the body into a wall, allowing him to escape the hold and pick it up before finally throwing it into the ravine.

Which was karma at its finest, given that it was planned for Tanjiro himself, even if the boy didn’t know that.

And ironically, it had done exactly what the Demon had wanted to do as well. It ended up stunning him and leaving him unconscious for an additional amount of time.

Which, the Demon became painfully aware of upon the return of his consciousness, as he found his head being on the ground and the brat’s foot resting on him.

‘’There’s… there’s no way…’’ How… how did he land in this situation?! And… why did he feel so sick?!

His Body… where was his… Oh…

Right… he became the Victim of his own Plan. Great, absolutely great! And what’s worse, the little shit probably didn’t even realise what he did!! Fucking newborn brat!!! What did their Progenitor see in him!?

Wait. How long was he even unconscious for?!

His eyes darted around to see, and he caught sight of that woman having been digging Holes down the Dirt. But that meant he’d been out for… for hours! How long until Sunlight?!

And!? Wait… who… no, what was that!?

“It seems you have been able to manage things decently here.” An older voice commented, finally drawing the attention of the brat and the girl to see some old sack of bones wearing a red tengu mask.

And yet, this man had the Demon’s fear. He didn’t know why, but despite his age, this was clearly a monster!!

‘’Who… who are you?’’ That woman that still left him utterly confused about what she was, spoke with hints of surprise and fear. Something the brat appeared to pick up on, since his attention was now on the old man. 

Good, perhaps he can still live to see another night if they forget him.

‘’Do not look away from the Demon.’’ 

Ah, fuck! The Old Man caught onto that.

‘’Give it a single opening, and it won’t hesitate to take it.’’ Not good. Not good at all! But maybe that Brat wouldn’t listen? Maybe…

“Oh, you mean him. Don’t worry, without his body, Tanjiro can handle him until the sun shows up.” The girl commented, relaxing a bit more now, which made the brat above him divert his attention away from her and the old man now.

Okay, were these sons of bitches reading his mind at this point!? And… oh shit, that means the sun will rise soon.

‘’It is a Head with Hands. Multiple in fact.’’ The absolutely even tone the Old Man gave due to the fact it was a fact, made that girl snort. Trying to hold back a laugh.

Well fuck you too then! We’ll see how funny it is once your head is separated from your body!

‘’Find a way to restrain him, unless you want your Brother to risk being burnt once the Sun rises.’’ And why did his tone shift so suddenly?!

“Mmm!!” In response to the warning, the brat above him made some muffled noise that grated at his ears. And why was it muffled? He’s pretty sure he tore apart that stupid muzzle.

‘’But… With what?’’ Oh, and now that woman sounded hesitant?!

‘’Don’t trust what others say.’’ What the hell was that sack of bones on about?

‘’Can’t you solve this Riddle yourself?’’

Well, whatever. So long as the little bitch didn’t have Wisteria or did take the old man’s sword, whatever she does won’t kill him. At most, it’ll hurt like hell, but it wouldn’t do sh-.

“MMMM!!!/AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” However, the Demon didn’t get a chance to think further, and very quickly, wouldn’t be able to think in this life anymore. Why?

Because Tanjiro Kamado kicked his head as hard as possible, and sent him flying into the air. In itself, that wasn’t Life threatening for a Demon.

The issue for the Demon, was that the reason Tanjiro Kamado had kicked him, was because the Sun was rising. From the Angle he’d been pinned, it was impossible to see it. But that brat had noticed.

And so decided to make swift work of him by kicking him in the direction of the Sun.

Needless to say, it caused the head to burn up as his scream continued until he was reduced to ash in the sunlight.

Just like that, so ended this Demon's life.

“Well, that ruined a possible lesson.” The old man commented while watching Tanjiro run to his sister, grab hold of her, and practically shoving them both into the station for protection from the sun.

Though admittedly, while it ruined his possible lesson, the retired Slayer was not disapproving of the boy’s actions.

It did however mean he would need to figure out another way to test the Girls resolve. But that would be for another time. For now, judging by the dug-up holes, there were corpses to bury.

So, the Old Man made his way to the Station, where he was met with a slightly peculiar sight.

“Tanjiro, I’ll be okay. The sun doesn’t bother me, remember?” Kie questioned her little brother tiredly, having her haori’s sleeve be pulled by the now small Demon that was looking over the basket that now held him inside, making a muffled noise due to the cloth that now acted as a muzzle, since Urokodaki could assume that the destroyed Bamboo Muzzle on the ground was what was previously used.

He heard the words quite clearly as he’d given their interaction his full attention. And even more strange? From her scent, she was not lying. She truly seemed to believe it.

Was this what Tsutako meant by the girl being divorced of a Demon? Was she actually unaware of that fact? Or did the unusual situation she found herself in with these siblings cause her to make a judgement error, and the girl was actually a human?

There was a way to be certain. But for that, he needed to bring this… girl with him. And so far, even if she could walk under the Sun, that Demon Brother of hers was not making it easy.

He should perhaps assist her.

“You don’t need to worry boy.” He called out to the small Demon, drawing attention to himself.

“Your sister won’t be in danger while she’s with me, and my home isn’t far from here anyways.” He explained honestly. While he would have to test things with his sister, and that would mean injuring her in training, he did have no malicious intentions.

And after a moment of looking at him, and even sniffing the air… the boy finally seemed to relent, though very reluctantly, and shrunk down in size to easily rest within the basket.

Hm. Another with an enhanced sense of smell then? He supposed that did make the child’s refusal of human flesh more impressive. But he would have to be careful with that now as well.

For now however, they had only one thing to do.

‘’Come with me.’’ He addressed Kie, ‘’You’ve already dug the holes, now we only need to bury the deceased.’’

It would also allow him to confirm if this Girl really could walk under the Sun. She truly believed it, that he knew, but he needed to see it. He grabbed one of the Bodies and headed out.

Kie followed suit. Not the least bit worried as she grabbed another Body, and headed out. Casually, without showing any signs of discomfort, she was under the light of the Sun.

So either Tsutako had been completely wrong, or this? This changed everything.

He didn’t halt in his tracks when he saw her under the Sun. Nor did he truly gape, even though his Tengu Mask would have hidden it. But this…

He could feel a shiver run down his Spine.

If his Student was right, then this was a Demon who could step under the Light of the Sun.

But then, why didn’t his student warn him of it? Did she desire for him to gauge these siblings as simply two people and not abnormalities for everything they thought was a fact?

By all means, inside that Station was a Demon who denied Flesh, assuming he didn’t take a bite of the single body left when he returned. And right next to him, this was perhaps a Demon who did something no other Demons could.

When taking it into further consideration, Urokodaki could understand the concern that would rise from this. Despite his pride in being as calm as the waters that his style came from, he was still a former Hashira. The Idea of those two Demons existing…

At the risk of repeating himself, this truly changed everything.

He would need to probe for answers, answers which the Sister may have, but that could wait until he had put her through his test on the mountain to finally confirm if she’s Human or Demon.

‘’Ah.’’ It was while he was preparing to retrieve the last Body, that the maybe Demon suddenly exclaimed, albeit more muted.

‘’I don’t believe I have asked your name.’’

She didn’t. For that matter, neither had he. He was aware of who they were, but his Student had never given their name.

“My name is Urokodaki Sakonji. And based on the letter, I know that you are the ones Tsutako sent.” The retired Slayer introduced himself with a small bow, but got back to work in burying the bodies soon after.

Ah, so this was the old man Tsutako had sent them after. Good! 

‘’Yes, we are. I am Kamado Kie, and my Little Brother is called Kamado Tanjiro. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.’’ She copied that small bow.

“I see. To be honest, I’m surprised that Tsutako allowed your brother to live. She may be one of the kinder Slayers you could have with a turned family member, but this is the first time this situation has occurred.” Urokodaki commented, hoping to possibly draw out a response to see what his old student saw in these siblings. 

But while he was trying that, Kie was repeating a specific sentence of his in her mind, ‘’She may be one of the kinder Slayers?’’

That had been one of the kinder? As far as she was concerned, Tsutako had appeared as ruthless considering her stance then. It took so much convincing and if not because of Tanjiro’s reaction then, he may very well have been dead.

She dreaded to think what other Slayers would think of her Younger Brother.

Of course, Urokodaki would remain oblivious to Kie’s current thought process, just as he was unaware that the main reason why Tsutako had trusted Kie so much, was because the Tomioka girl hadn’t realised that she was a Demon until she’d begun writing that letter. 

But the brother? Even if he didn’t act like it, saying that the boy’s aura alone wasn’t that of a Demon was like saying the sky was black during the day.

Despite this, Sakonji could admit that he would be curious despite still being on the fence with the pair. After all, that child was clearly a newborn Demon, and yet he could not smell the blood of a single human that had been killed by the young Kamado’s own hands.

A useful skill he developed to understand the strength of Demons a week before he earned his old Hashira position.

“Urokodaki-San…. There is a question I would like to ask.” The girl spoke up, drawing the old swordsman out of his thoughts and so, he gave her some of his attention.

“Go on and ask.” He told her, dusting off his hands now that he finished setting up the last burial.

“Do you think that there is a way to turn a Demon back into a human?” She questioned, with a tone of voice that made him suspect that she was likely expecting a specific answer.

“Honestly? I doubt it, but I suppose it isn’t impossible. After all, reality can be much stranger than fiction.” He said, causing the girl to blink in shock.

“However, whether either of us will live to see that day? That is another subject entirely.” He specified quickly, not wanting to give her too much hope. Despite this though, and with the lack of details that he has?

Urokodaki now believed he saw in Kie what made his child trust in her. After all, a Demon that wanted to turn back? That was just as unheard of as a good Demon.

True, he knew that there were plenty of kind hearted people that were twisted into a mockery of their human selves once they became Demons. Some of his old friends fell to such a fate after all, and he had to personally kill them at some point or another. 

But it was only in death, where their life flashes before their eyes, that they regretted their time as flesh eating monsters.

Never during that period where they lived as Demons, did they regret their sadistic actions.

So, seeing one that actively wanted to make her and her brother turn back? Well, this might just be the change the Corps needs to break the cycle it has been trapped in with the war against the Demon Progenitor.

With the Burials now over, the prayer given and the Sibling found, there was only one thing Urokodaki had to say now. But he did make note of the drool on the ground of the station as he spoke.

‘’Grab your Brother. It is time we make way for Mount Sagiri.’’

Wasting little time, they did so. Although, Kie had to admit she had not expected this Old Man to be as fast as he was, nor that he made no sound while running.

“AH!! Shit, that burns!” At some point during the run though, Kie had to gasp in pain as her face began to burn and she used the sleeve of her kimono to cover it, quickly feeling the burn heal now that her face was protected from sunlight.

All the while Tanjiro made a worried noise from within the basket, though Kie didn’t notice that it appeared to lack as much energy as before, and Urokodaki slowed down to look at her.

‘’Does this happen often?’’ Previously, Kie had looked completely fine under the Sun. However, since he hadn’t paid constant attention to her appearance, he would not know if this happened in an instant or gradually.

“Sometimes it happened yesterday when I was in the sun. Do you know what it is?” She answered while lowering her sleeve once her face healed, but it no longer appeared to be burning.

“Hm…. It appears like you are getting Sunburns. Or close to it. I assume that if you stay out of the sun once it starts happening, you should be fine.” Urokodaki observed and offered her his analysis while now sure that Kie was also a Demon. 

However, he was unaware that by deciding not to divulge her being a Demon, this, among many other incidents would lead to quite a few situations later down the road.

“I see.” Kie spoke with a small hiss, feeling the lingering pain of the sunburn she just received. Was that why Tanjiro was concerned? Because this was a problem prior to her memory loss and his transformation?

Urokodaki pondered something before acting on it. He neared Kie before grabbing the Cloth that he had worn around his face, and laying it over Kie’s head exactly like his had looked earlier.

‘’This should shield most of your face from Sunlight and give some rest to those Sunburn.’’

‘’Thank you.’’ Hopefully, this would stop any other potential Sunburns she could have received until they arrived at their Destination.

Eventually, the pair did arrive at Urokodaki’s home. But as Kie initially went to the building, she looked at the old man in confusion when he did not follow.

“Put your brother in there and tell him you will be back soon. We still have more to do.” He spoke in answer to her unspoken question, and while still confused, Kie nodded her head and followed the order.

“Hey, Tanjiro.” Once inside and sure that the sun wouldn’t reach him, Kie took back her haori to look in on her little brother… only to see him fast asleep.

Chuckling at the admittedly adorable sight, the older Kamado carefully took out her little brother and laid him to rest on the ground, causing Tanjiro to quickly grow to his usual size.

Not wanting to wake him up, Kie chose to make her words short.

‘’I’ll be back. There’s still something I have to do.’’

With that said, she headed out and alongside Urokodaki, both proceeded to head up the Mountain.

Kie had noticed as they went up the Path that there grew to be more and more Fog. But additionally, she had failed to notice something else that was Important. All because of her Biology, she didn’t notice that there was a decrease in Oxygen. It would have been made worse if her Body was still Human and could feel fatigue.

But that only really was an additional confirmation for Urokodaki.

“Now, you shall descend down the mountain back to my house. This time however, I shall not wait or aid you in this endeavour.” Once they reached as high as they could go on the mountain, the sword cultivator informed the young woman. 

And before the surprised Kie could do a thing, the fog appeared to swirl around the elderly man and he disappeared in an instant.

Kie had to wonder how Urokodaki did that. She’d probably ask afterwards, but for now, she’d do as he said. Descend the Mountain.

It couldn’t be that hard, could it?

‘’Does he think I’ll get lost in this Fog?’’ She thought while her eyes scanned the entire area. This Fog really was thick.

But it was just that. Fog. It wasn’t dangerous. All she had to do was head down and-

And as she began to take steps back the way she came, all while that thought was still in her mind, she felt her leg get caught on something, causing a hail of stones to be thrown at her only an instant later.

‘’AH!’’ She could not help that cry of surprise and pain. Granted, the latter wasn’t all that strong, but she’d still felt that.

‘’Who’s throwing Rocks?!’’ She involuntarily stumbled back slightly, and that proved to be a very bad thing. Because then, she felt her whole-Body slip down a hole.

She stared at the Night Sky, the Moon up there seemingly taunting her while she wondered what the hell was going on.

It’s only once she got out of the Hole she figured out what this was.

‘’Did he… trap this place?’’ Despite asking the question, Kie was pretty sure she knew the answer. Though, she couldn’t help but wonder how she triggered a trap when walking down the same path she took to get here.

Was it possible that Urokodaki just put up all of these traps? But if that was the case, how could anyone be that fast?

What happened next made her wonder how much he’d foreseen this, because the very first step she took after getting out of that hole, she stepped on a wire.

‘’You have got to be kidding m-’’ She found herself interrupted when from behind, a Wooden Log slammed itself against her back and sent her to meet the dirt face first.

She groaned and glared at the Dirt, carefully standing back up but all too weary now.

Because how many Traps did he actually set-up?

“GAGH!” After triggering another trap soon after that question entered her mind, Kie had to scream out in genuine pain when a rock flew right into her left eye and destroyed it. But with a groan and soon after wiping away the blood, she regained the lost body part.

Ok. This was getting her nowhere. At this point, she’d trigger all the Traps in this Mountain and never make it down by Sunrise. She needed to… to do something!

But what? Urokodaki had used this Mountain's Natural Fog to his advantage, she wasn’t even able to notice any of the Traps in time because of it. And it was Night. Granted, her vision didn’t change all that much, but it hid dark coloured Materials really well.

“I really wish I had Tanjiro’s nose right now.” Kie couldn’t help but comment as she looked up. But as she did so, she noticed a little detail that made her eyes widen in surprise before smiling.

The branches up on the trees, at least a good few, looked like they could support her bodyweight.

Seeing how she had no other alternatives, Kie took her chance. She just needed to get up there, and hopefully, things would go more smoothly.

It somewhat did. At least when she neared the Tree. It was less smooth when she tried to climb up. But her guess had been fortunately right. Her Bodyweight could be supported by the branches!

And with a smile now practically sketched onto her face, Kie began to jump from branch to branch down the mountain. And for a bit, she believed that she outsmarted Urokodaki!

The smoke bomb that literally slammed into her face and exploded, causing her to fall onto the ground and trigger a trap that slammed another wooden log into her side dispelled that belief quickly.

Well played old man. Well played.

Though, on the bright side, or more accurately this is because of Urokodaki’s kindness, the traps up on the branches only showed up after 40% of the journey back to his home was completed. So she did make good progress, even if Kie didn’t know it.

Sadly, that also meant one thing.

A Difficulty Increase.


Urokodaki had been hesitant on doing this, especially considering how unknown this whole situation had been. But seeing how Tanjiro didn’t really seem to stir or do anything, he was somewhat confident he could lay the boy on a Futon now.

And thankfully, it did go Smoothly. Granted, there was a point where he heard him stir once he tried to move him, but then he’d eased up.

So now, Tanjiro was resting comfortably while Urokodaki was preparing himself some tea.

He pondered on if he may have gone overboard with his Traps this time, especially the closer one got to the Bottom, but at the same time, Kie was most definitively a Demon.

He’d seen enough by now that while this entire Test would be the final confirmation he would get, at this rate, it was like any of his other Students.

Just thinking about them made his Heart ache. So many young souls with so much potential, so many that he viewed as his own children, and so many that he sent to Final Selection…

And only 1 student lived past that damned test.

In an odd way, Kie’s potential, and practically confirmed, Demonic nature brought him some hope. After all, while the Demons there would eat even their own kind, they are ignored in favour of humans, so she’d have far less of a target on her back if he sent her.

But that was something to think over in the future. Especially when his mind was currently more stuck in the past at the moment.

Just then, he heard the sound of his door opening. There was only one person who could come to him at this early hour, and he was right.

Kie opened his door and showed herself to be looking worse for wear.

Physically, she looked like she had before, beyond some dirt and blood on her. But her Clothes were filled with Cuts, and he could see some Blood that had stained her Haori the most visibly. Though, he did not doubt her Red Kimono was also stained.

Overall, this confirmed it for him.

If she was Human, she'd still have the wounds. But she was completely spotless when it came to her Body. Meanwhile, the rest had seen better days.

‘’I’m… back…’’

Hearing that declaration in between some exhausted breaths as a result of what he initially believed was more pain than fatigue, Urokodaki nodded his head at her, as he came to his decision.

“Kie Kamado.” Urokodaki spoke to the young girl as he stood up, making note of how she honestly seemed drained despite being a Demon.

“I accept you as my student. Use one of the Futons and take a well-deserved rest.” He informed, reaching out to grab her when she collapsed. Though, he wasn’t expecting her final words before sleep took her.

“What’s… a… Fut…?” She barely got out, before her world turned black and her body became limp.

Oh. Oh dear.

Had he heard that right?

‘’It seems…’’ He slowly said to himself, ‘’...we may need to discuss some more once you wake up.’’


And with that, another chapter ends.

Honestly, this was another fun chapter to make with Eexis and fun fact, we actually wrote this about a week ago. However, we decided to not upload this back then so Chapter 2 would have some time around first.

Now for some details. The way we wrote the Temple Demon as an honest threat and as comedic relief was a surprise to us both, but neither of us regret the decision one bit. So hope you all liked that.

Next is Urokodaki. Writing his as a caring grandpa and a badass was honestly amazing and I'm happy with how that turned out. And just turning into the former Trap Hashira instead of a former Water Hashira was fun. Also, the reason why Kie had a tougher time with the traps, in case you don't think Urokodaki's increased effort is enough, is due to her not having Tanjiro's sense of smell.

Lastly, is the vote. Remember, between Muzan and DQ Kanao, the Progenitor Demon hasn't been decided yet, so vote for one of them while you still can!

[Gakuen Files!]
Tanjiro Kamado (High School 2nd Year, Model Student of Kimetsu Academy)
Son of the School Counsellor and Eldest Brother of 6 Siblings, Tanjiro shares a great many traits from both Father and Mother. Most of the time, the young boy is considered the model student of the Academy with his kind and friendly nature, though he is often late to classes due to helping others out of some kind of trouble.

Just like his Mother, it seems like many are unsure if Tanjiro has inherited the Skin Condition that prevents him from being under Sunlight for too long.

However, some rumours suggest that Tanjiro has an unidentified mental condition that can make him forgetful. These rumours began when he apparently didn’t hand in homework to Shinazugawa-San, and his mother began to deliver them to the teachers for her son.

Taisho Secret: While Tanjiro and Kie slept, they eventually closed the distance between them and hugged in their sleep. The action reminding Urokodaki of a mother wolf and her cub.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them.

Hope you all enjoyed and until next time!

Chapter 4: The Art of Breathing


How exactly does a former Hashira train a Demon?


Hello there one and all! Eexis here. Good to see you all again for another chapter of [The Bond of the Sun and Moon]!

This one is more on the longer side of things. We just wrote more and more and basically filled it up all with the Training Montage. I do think some of you will enjoy it.

Now, without holding you back any longer, read on!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

''The Demon Slayer Corp has around several hundred members. It’s an organization unrecognized by the government. Yet it’s existed since ancient times, and we continue to hunt demons today.''


After that day, since she'd been accepted as Sakonji Urokodaki's Student, Kie’s been listening over important facts to know about the Organization she would eventually join fully. Like what Urokodaki was telling her right now while they walked to an unknown destination.


''But as for who’s leading the Demon Slayer Corps, that remains a mystery.''


''A Mystery?'' Kie repeated that odd fact. Why wouldn’t they know who their Leader is?


''Indeed. For the safety of the Leader, not many know who he or she is.''


If not many, then who exactly knew the Leader? She voices that question to her Teacher.


''Then, who does?''


Urokodaki did not stop in his tracks as he answered her.


''Only the Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps alongside a few… attendants.'' There was a single moment’s hesitation when he mentioned attendants, but Kie wasn’t sure why he hesitated there.


Was there more than he let on? Or was she simply overthinking this?


''As for what they hunt, you are already familiar with it now.'' Urokodaki continued on, ''Demons. Devourer of Humans. No one knows when and where they first appeared.''


There was another moment's pause, and Urokodaki slowed down his pace. Which, Kie was thankful for. She didn’t tire all that easily, but it was hard to keep up the pace of this Old Man.


''What is known, is that they have remarkable physical prowess. Wounds heal in the blink of an eye. Their Flesh is restored after being hacked off and limbs can be newly regenerated. Some Demons can shapeshift. Others have otherworldly powers. All of that has been passed down to them by the Progenitor’s Blood.''


That matched up mostly with what she’d seen of that other Demon. However, out of everything she was told, the Otherworldly Power was not among them.


So, she asked, ''Then how come that Demon from the Station seemed to have lacked any otherworldly powers?''


''In a sense, it is a matter of maturity for a Demon.'' Urokodaki explained calmly to the Young Girl, ''Age may play a factor in it, but Demons are known to unlock formidable abilities after feasting upon a certain number of humans. The Longer they have lived, the more they have eaten.''


And considering what he'd told her, he may as well finish up with what he'd initially been speaking about.


''But that Blood has also passed down a Weakness shared by all. They can only be killed by Sunlight or by Decapitation with a special sword.''


That matched up with what she’d seen Tsutako try to do, and what ended up happening with that other Demon Tanjiro ended up kicking.


''Compared to them, the Demon Slayers battle the demons with their own mortal bodies. Since they’re human, their wounds are slow to heal, and once lost, their limbs don’t grow back!'' There was a sort of heat Kie could hear the more Urokodaki spoke about the Corps.


She couldn’t quite put a word into it, but she could at least tell that he was likely speaking from experience.


''Even so, they battle the demons to protect other humans.''


And then, he went to a halt. It briefly startled Kie until she actually looked where their destination had been.


They'd reached the end of a Cliff, the Rock formation spreading out further in a straight line which led to a Waterfall. Something that looked so simple, but that to Kie, was something amazing to see. She had only seen Trees and Snow for the most part, or at least, that's all she remembered due to her limited memories.


However, it led her to question why they even were here to begin with. He'd mentioned to her he'd train her, so, why here?


''What exactly are we doing here Urokodaki-San?''


Her eyes locked on to the sight before her, nearing the edge to get a closer look while she voiced her curiosity. Which quickly proved to be a mistake.


''This is where your first lesson to become a Demon Slayer shall take place.''


Kie was not entirely certain why she felt a chill run down her spine.


''Ah… and… what is that first lesson?''


Urokodaki stared at her straight in the eyes. Or at least, she assumed so. She couldn’t entirely tell due to his Mask. But, he calmly said the next words. Which didn't make immediate sense.


''You are to become one with the Water.''


And just like that. With no warning whatsoever, he kicked her over the edge. And for a moment, Kie appeared to float in the air while stuck in a stunned state. Her eyes went blank as her Brain didn't fully understand what was going on.


But as she began to fall, her situation properly registered to her. And she desperately tried to grab back onto the edge that she could not reach anymore as she plummeted down to the water beneath her.


Urokodaki hunched forward to see exactly how she was handling it, and as expected, it looked like she absolutely had no idea what to do upon hitting the Water. Only flailing around.


Well, that was the whole point of this. She needed to flow alongside the Water. Become one with it. That's how he'd initiated all of his Students after they'd become all physically fit to Water Breathing. If she truly was struggling, then he’d jump in.




Perhaps sooner than he expected as well. It seemed… she’d stopped moving entirely.


''...right. Her Mind does seem to have forgotten many of the Basics. I imagine swimming was among them.’’ if she even knew how to swim when she was Human, his mind supplied.


Instead of becoming one with the Water, she was being carried by it. Without much resistance as well from the looks of it. 


Well, guess it’s time.


Urokodaki jumped in and became one with the Water himself.


The Swim to the drowning Kamado was easy for the Elderly man, and it took little to no effort for him to grab the girl and drag her out of the Water and into solid ground. Almost that instant, as he patted her back to help, she spat out the Water that had entered her Mouth and into her Lungs. Coughing all the while.


''Are you alright now?''


Kie was almost sure she heard concern in her Mentor's voice, though she didn't pay attention to how he sounded besides what he said. What with her recovering her bearings still. It however earned him a Nod from Kie as she tried to stand back on her feet.


Only to nearly slip after the first step, causing her Teacher to catch her before she hit the ground.


There was only one thing to say, after seeing how this first attempt at becoming one with Water went.


''It seems before you can become one with Water, you must learn something just as important.''


And considering the deadly serious tone Urokodaki was using, Kie was worried yet again. But what he said next, defused her worry.




There was a moment's silence between those words before Kie asked what he’d expected by now.


''...what’s Swimming?''

''And this, is how you finish this meal.'' Urokodaki told Kie as she watched him and his Cooking, just now finishing the process. A Soup with Meat and Vegetables. And after seeing how he did it, there was only one thing she could do.


''Okay… I can see why you were worried about me burning the place down now.'' Kie admitted guiltily as she watched her mentor place down the now-ready bowl while looking at it curiously.


For a little bit of context, while Urokodaki was away to the nearby Village, Kie had tried to cook him a meal as both thanks for teaching her, and also to pass the time since Tanjiro was still sleeping. But when the cultivator saw what she was doing upon his return, he'd rushed over and stopped her, asking if she wanted to burn down his house with how badly she was cooking.


And considering the state of her attempted meal compared to what Urokodaki had actually prepared, well…


It was quite literally Night and Day. One was pitch Black and looked as solid as rock, the other actually held color. And looked edible as well.


It… she wasn’t entirely sure what she was smelling, but, she could almost believe it smelled good. Almost.


Then again, that might just be because Tanjiro seemed to relax a bit with this soup around, likely due to that nose of his.


Which… really hurt her pride if she was being honest. To think her cooking was that bad…


But, that only meant one thing only. The next logical step.


''Can you teach me?''


There was a moment's pause from her Mentor. He seemed to be judging something that she would not know, but eventually, he nodded.


''If that is what you want, then I will teach you how to Cook as well.''


Not that she really could even enjoy the Meals she would prepare. She was a Demon, after all. She can’t eat that food.


''Thank you Urokodaki-san! Also, can we try giving some of the soup to Tanjiro?'' Kie said with a wide smile and a bow before asking.


It seemed she was unaware of the incompatibility Demons had with Human Food. Then, he needed to tell her now before she tried something.


''It’s unlikely he will appreciate Food that he will Vomit afterward. Demons can only consume human flesh and blood.” He explained to Kie, but was surprised to see his assumption to be wrong upon her nod.


''Tsutako-san already told me about that. But well… you have mentioned that Tanjiro sleeping as a Demon is odd, so maybe eating can help him.'' She pointed out, earning a thoughtful hum from Urokodaki as he thought it over. It was a good point, but…


''Although possible, we shouldn’t try it for now. He is asleep and won’t be able to properly digest the food even if he could eat it.” He spoke in consideration of the possibility but had to shoot down the idea due to that flaw, making Kie sigh in disappointment.


She really does miss her brother right now.


Although, now that she thinks about it… when did she last eat? Had… had she even eaten since she’d woken up on that day?


She didn’t feel Hungry, but at the same time, there was a prepared Meal in front of her, and plenty to actually share. Where would the harm be in at least eating a bit?


''Urokodaki-san.'' She spoke up, ''Since the Meal is ready, how about we eat?''


If any other person had told him that, he wouldn’t have thought much of it. Except, it came from Kie. Also a Demon.




''Yes!'' Kie exclaimed, ''I’ve just now realized I haven’t eaten a meal in… days.''


Honestly, if he’d doubted she was a Demon previously, then this would be a confirmation for him. Considering the Training she was going through, someone going through Malnourishment wouldn’t be able to keep up anymore.


He should just tell her no. Spare her from vomiting the Food she can’t digest. But at the same time, it did not look like she would waver in her decision.


At the very least, it may finally give her a slight fulfillment. It was rare, and barely any Demons could even do that, but some were reported to have found some form of sanity back when eating the flesh of animals.


Just like Human Flesh, and yet, it passed too quickly to be reliable in any way.


''Alright.'' He conceded finally, ''Grab another bowl.''


He already filled out his own, and now went on to fill up Kie’s own. Mentally, he prepared himself for the very likely vomiting that would ensue afterward.


And when they both sat down, Urokodaki ate first. Kie followed the motion and took a bite.


Then? He waited. 


Demons tended to almost immediately spit out what wasn’t Human Flesh. There had been some who seemed to try and keep it in, but ultimately, they all ended up not being able to stomach it.


So either Kie was amongst those who were able to keep it in for a time, or, she was those very rare few who could in fact gain some form of relief by eating other types of Meat.


Now, which category did she fit in?


He received his answer after nearly a minute of chewing had passed and the Demon Girl's face scrunching up.


''Kie, is everything alright?'' He questioned his student cautiously after seeing her reaction. Common amongst Demons who could not taste anything. At this point, he was almost sure of what would happen next.


''Yeah… just can’t… taste anything.'' She answered a little, her confusion clear as she finally swallowed the Piece.


The ensuing reaction was almost immediate as her eyes widened in a manner that could only be described as happy, giving a sigh of relief. Only a moment after, she appeared to have forgotten her manners as she practically forced the soup in the bowl down her throat, swallowing it all up.


“It feels so relieving.” Kie added on, before burping a little.


And wasn't that a surprise? It seemed that Kie fit into the latter category of Demons. It came as an honest relief if you asked Urokodaki.


It meant that if she did feel Hunger, this may just be enough. At least, he hoped. She hadn’t shown signs of Hunger since arriving here, but he worried she may eventually feel it.


With a relieved sigh, he smiled.


''That is good to hear.''


''Can I have some more?'' Kie asked him, holding out the empty bowl and earning a light chuckle.


''Alright. Give me a minute to make some more.''


Tonight, they ate well.

''Total Concentration Breathing?''


After the whole ''Becoming one with Water'', which basically amounted to her Learning how to Swim and make sure she didn’t get carried by the currents, Urokodaki had taken it to the next step.


''That’s right. To learn all 10 Forms of Water Breathing, you will need to pass this step. Normally, you would go through further physical training, but your Body seems to already be strong enough we can start with this step.''


Inwardly, Kie was rather proud to learn she was already strong enough to move on with this step.


''It is important that you take a long breath so the Oxygen flows into every cell in your body. This will in turn enhance your Body’s Natural Healing Power while energizing and stabilizing your spirit.''


Ok. She’s pretty sure she’s got it. At least she thinks.


''Now, relax your Upper Body while bracing your lower half. Then, Breathe!''


She did as she was taught. Her Upper Body was relaxed and her Lower Half was bracing. Then, Kie closed her eyes and took the longest Breath she could before exhaling.


She was promptly met with a palm hitting her stomach and immediately causing her to clutch said location in pain.




That may have been the most amount of pain she felt since… since the onslaught of traps actually. And that was just slapping her stomach!


''Next! Forms!''


It… didn’t go all that well either. Her forms weren’t the best, and she really could not succeed in bracing her Stomach. It must have frustrated her Mentor as well because, at one point, he outright clobbered her Stomach.


It hurt badly. Seriously, just... how?!


''How are you that strong!?'' Kie questioned through her pain, practically screaming it as she stood back onto her feet, quickly feeling the pain fade away a bit.


''You can thank the very same Total Concentration Breathing I’m attempting to teach you for that. This is how the Demon Slayers can fight Demons, even when we have long since left our primes.” Urokodaki explained bluntly while crossing his arms.


''Now, again!''


Oh, she was going to be in a world of pain, wasn’t she?


''Y-Yes Urokodaki-san!''


She braced herself. Both because of the Lesson, and the very painful palms she was going to receive.


Eventually, after 6 hours of trying to teach her Total Concentration Breathing and bracing herself for another strike… it didn’t come.


''Good. You have it right now. And relatively fast too.'' Urokodaki’s voice commented, causing Kie to open her eyes and look at her mentor in surprise.


''R-Really!?'' She yelled in relief. Both at the fact she won’t be getting hit again, and that she took another step closer to getting a cure for her brother.


''Indeed. Now, don’t forget that feeling and don’t get cocky. As you are now, your lungs will rupture if you try to use this technique for more than a moment. That, and you still don’t know how to make proper use of that level of strength.'' Her mentor confirmed before warning Kie sternly, making her nod her head.


All while she was unaware of a certain idea Urokodaki was thinking over within his mind.

It wasn’t something Kie or Urokodaki had worried about, but as the Weeks turned into months, there was one issue they both noticed.


Tanjiro was not waking up.


It went on far enough that they had to call for a Doctor to examine him, but nothing wrong was found.


Absolutely nothing.


''That’s… not normal.'' There was a moment's pause, followed by hesitation, '' it?''


''No. It’s not.''


They both were in the Room Tanjiro resided in. Not moving an inch. If not because they both could see the small signs of his chest rising and falling, they truthfully could have mistaken him for dead.


And it only worried Kie further.


What was causing her Little Brother to remain asleep for so long?


''Just… why is he like this now? He slept twice when we were coming here, and he never ended up like this.'' Kie questioned in a mixture of frustration and fear. After all, it was the truth. Her Little Brother had felt quite energetic even, before this. So it felt deeply wrong to see him remain asleep for Months now.


However, for all those questions, there didn’t seem to be any answers to give. It left Kie with little choice but to Hope that eventually, Tanjiro would wake up.


However, while there were no answers...


''I… may have a theory.'' Urokodaki eventually spoke up, causing Kie to look and see the elderly man rubbing his chin thoughtfully.


...there may be an assumption they can make here.


''Demons don’t usually need sleep, and based on what you have told me, your brother has gone through a few draining events for a newborn Demon. If I’m to guess, he may be trying to gather energy, but…'' the Cultivator gave a sigh, ''How this is doing so, I can’t say.''


Because for all he was theorizing, he didn’t even know if Demons could actually sleep to begin with. Tanjiro was shown to be an unusual Demon, but how far did it go?


And exactly what made him different from his Sister? A Sister who slept yet did not sleep beyond the expected Number of Hours. Did it have something to do with Kie being a Demon who can eat meat for some energy? If so, did that mean it was something beyond Tanjiro’s reach?


''For now, I recommend you continue your Training.'' Urokodaki followed up, ''It may take time, but if my theory is right, then he has to eventually wake up.''


The only question was how much time did he need?


''I… guess so.''


Kie truly hoped he was right.

''Oof!'' Kie fell painfully down to the Ground, slightly dazed by her Center of Gravity being flipped like that.


Honestly, she still had a hard time believing how strong Urokodaki-san could be. He made it look incredibly easy by repeatedly doing it. Which also harmed what sort of pride she even had.


And honestly, it made her think. If Urokodaki is this strong… just how powerful were the younger Slayers that are a part of the Demon Slayer Corps?


It’s probably a question she’d have lingered on if not for the simple fact she did absolutely nothing but Fall.


Granted, it was the whole point of this Training. Fall and then stand back up as quickly as possible. Then, attack as if she really wanted to kill him. Rinse and repeat.


Honestly… she was wondering if she was potentially getting brain damage from this specific training at this point. And she couldn’t believe it, but…


She was actually missing the traps right now. THE TRAPS!!


They should be so much worse than the Bare-handed flips and throws Urokodaki did, and yet, somehow, he made her feel like she was going through some kind of hell.


But she could not give up! She must stand back up and do this!


She will pass this Training! She will become a Demon Slayer! And she would most definitively-


Her face went on to meet the Dirt for the Umpteenth time that next second.


Honestly… she would like to fight that Demon from the station again right now.


While what would be considered an embarrassing moment was happening, both Master and Student were unaware of something lurking…


''To think that Sensei is seriously teaching a Demon.''


''Then that just means he’s seeing something in her. But what?''


There was a brief pause before one spoke up.


''I’ve got an idea.''


''Of course you do. So, willing to share with the class?''

“1,998… 1,999… and 2,000!” Kie yelled out as she completed her task of performing actually skilled sword swings, feeling the exhaustion and strain in her arms’ muscles before they began to slowly disappear.


She felt relieved that she’d finally done the set amount. Finally, it was over for-


‘’500 More!’’


Kie gaped in horror, not even turning to look back at her Mentor who she knew must have shown up at some point behind her.


She knew that he said only Demons had otherworldly powers, but… was he sure? He always seemed to show up at the exact moment whenever she finished a task.


She allowed herself to groan before forcing herself to continue 500 more of those swings.


''1… 2… 3…''


Since the end of the first week, every single day, she had to continue swinging and swinging this Katana. Get her used to using that he’d said.


She must have been going at it too slowly or something, because why is he augmenting how many Swings she has to do now out of nowhere?


Which… actually got her thinking. Whenever she did a test, she didn’t truly feel tired from it unless it was… yeah, the traps. Anyways, this did make her realize that Urokodaki never seemed to train her stamina, instead focusing mainly on her speed and strength.


She wondered if there was a reason for that.


Then again, she’s relatively sure she heard him mention something about switching up how her Training worked. Hadn’t it been during her first week too? Or had she misheard it?


Maybe her Mentor noticed she didn’t feel all that tired with anything but the Traps? Is that why he had her focus on other things?


But then, if that’s true… what exactly was Stamina training supposed to be?


''450… 451… 452…''


Well, she’s nearly there now. Just a bit more…


''Ah, by the way…'' and she felt that chill again!


''You may want to be careful on your way down.''


''499…500!'' she hadn’t stopped once, believing her Mentor was trying to trick her. And, he technically had.


Just, not the way she believed it…


When she turned around, she realized he had vanished. Her Mentor had pulled the vanishing act again!


She really needed to know how he did tha-


Suddenly, before that thought could be finished, Kie spun around and saw a hail of knives heading straight at her, causing the Kamado to raise her blade as she succeeded in deflecting each of them.


''So, that’s how it’s going to be.'' The Slayer hopeful commented with a groan, before turning around and beginning to make her way back to Urokodaki’s home, all while doing pretty well to evade any trap sent her way.


She was getting used to it! Although, there were still holes in her evasions. And sadly, it meant that she still missed one.


What’s even worse is that somehow, Urokodaki had that thing hanging out Middair. He’d successfully used the Sundown to better mask that piece than it had any right to be. She literally smacked her face against the Rope and tore through it.


And then, more knives came her way. She’d gotten better at deflecting those, as previously shown, but this time, she’d made a single mistake.


By attempting to use the handle of her weapon to block multiple knives, she ended up misjudging the angle, and one of them ended up stabbing her right into the back of her hand.


''Ah!'' she could not quite help the cry of pain she gave there, even though the Pain flared up to life only once before fading just as quickly as any other time.


She’d completely stopped in her tracks and stared at the single Knife. It was… odd, actually.


She feels like she should be reacting otherwise, but this Knife truly does look insignificant now that the brief flash of pain faded. Though she really should remove it regardless of how she felt nothing.


So, she pulled it out.


''Well, I should still get back.'' Kie commented to herself as she tossed the bloodied knife to the ground and continued on her way to get back to the small house.


She was unaware that her Wound had closed up during that time, leaving not a single sign she’d been wounded in any way.


From there, the remainder of the Path was easy. And as she expected, Urokodaki was already within his Home.


''You’re back.'' He said matter of factly, not looking up from the Vegetable he was now chopping, ''And intact too, from the looks of it.''


She… probably shouldn’t lie on that one. She’s almost sure by now he gathers up the still usable traps and repurposes them. He’d have found the Bloodied Knife eventually.


''I didn’t, actually.'' Urokodaki’s hand that was previously chopping Vegetables went still, ''A Knife pierced my Hand.''


Urokodaki raised his head and stared at Kie, who had during that time motioned with that same hand. Not a single Wound in sight.


''I see. Well, it is to be expected that you aren’t harmed either.'' Urokodaki commented before turning his attention back to the vegetables that he was chopping. And as he finished, Kie suddenly felt a sense of dread run up her spine.


''But it appears we’ll be having a few more lessons with the traps since you were hit by one of the knives.''


Ah… alright. More Lessons with the Traps. That was… absolutely, utterly… enjoyable … Yeah!


It’s… really, really...




Oh, God of Fire, please no!

''Left… and now… above!'' Kie thought to herself as she jumped sideways and performed a roll to evade a spike trap that was attempting to smash right into her, before stopping and looking up and deflecting a set of knives that rained down from above expertly.


It’s been around Eight Months now since she started her Training, and Urokodaki had decided to increase what she had to do to its absolute limit. Especially now that she had more or less gotten ahold of everything she had to be taught.


So, her Daily training now consisted also of a long run all over the Mountain, filled with Traps, obviously, and having to Run with a Katana. It may have been easier if the Terrain wasn’t an absolute hazard.


But she felt the progress. Everything seemed so much easier now! Even the Traps she so utterly despised came and went so much easier.


Except, well… while that aspect of her training went well, another one…


''AAGH!'' Kie couldn’t help but yell in pain as she grabbed at her chest, almost feeling her lungs rupture for a moment, but it soothed over after a bit.


…not so well.


Initially, Total Concentration had been going phenomenal. It technically still did it. But during her time, she’d heard her Mentor mentioning an additional Stage to Total Concentration Breathing.


So, she’d asked him what that was about, and he’d answered her.


''Total Concentration Breathing - Constant is the next step for a Demon Slayer once they have acclimatized to Total Concentration Breathing.'' he’d started with that, ''It’s a skill normally only taught to Demon Slayers once they have gone past the Final Selection, as by that time, their lungs should be accustomed to it.''


She’d been fascinated hearing there was a next step to this. And honestly, she wondered if she could use it too. Except her Mentor clearly didn’t.


''I truthfully doubt even you could handle it as you are. So please Kie, don’t try it.''


She didn’t listen.


Just hearing about the concept, and seeing how badly she could use it about now with how much tougher things were, she chose to try Total Concentration Breathing - Constant.


It took quite some time, but she believed she ultimately got it down. She can keep up the effects of Total Concentration Breathing throughout the whole day until she gets hungry and the benefits became clear very quickly. However, whenever she pushed herself too far like right now, her lungs would still rupture and she needed time to heal from it.


Which brought attention to something else as well. When Kie started doing this and she got stabbed by a trap, she noticed that… healing actually took longer than it should have, at least compared to the past. Though, it wasn’t really by much.


Kie ended up shrugging it off as that small difference really didn’t change a thing.


(A Mistake, as she’d eventually learn)


And so, she continued with her Training. On and On… and eventually?


An entire Year passed.

''I have now taught you all that I can.'' One day, after Kie made it through the forest of traps within ten minutes, those were the words instantly spoken when Urokodaki-San saw her.


''Wait… really? Does that mean I’m ready to go to the Final Selection?'' Kie spoke in surprise before asking her mentor excitedly.


Because if that was the case, then she was about to take a large step towards curing Tanjiro!


However, it turns out that while he had indeed taught her everything he could, there was still one final step to this.


''No. While there is nothing more to teach, I have something else for you that must be done before I send you to Final Selection.'' Urokodaki denied the idea while walking into his house to grab something.


When he came back out, he held a… Bokken?


''Um… Sensei…?''


She was growing very worried about where this was going. Her fear was thereafter confirmed when he gripped it just like an actual Blade and swung in once in the air, adjusting his Grip.


All while the single test swing nearly blew Kie off of her feet with the force behind it.


''You have completed all of your assignments. But now, it means you must pass an evaluation. You are to strike me down.'' He declared, causing Kie to step back in surprise as she stuttered out some of her words.


''S-Strike you down?''


''Indeed.'' Her Mentor affirmed, ''Land a single Blow on me with Blade, and you pass. Don’t… and that just means you aren’t ready.''


''But I have a proper weapon! You’re just holding a Bokken.'' Kie spoke in worry for the old man, momentarily forgetting his brief display of power that almost launched her off the ground. Or the fact he'd generally dominated her in everything they did when he trained her.


''It may be made of Wood Kie, but it is still a weapon. Would it hurt you if it hit?'' He questioned.


It… might? Actually, it probably would.


Especially with Urokodaki holding it.


''...noted.'' She grimly acknowledged, only now dawning on her she’d never really seen her Mentor actually wield a Katana much.


There had been those displays, but besides that, he’d always been unarmed with her. Which meant that this Evaluation of his may allow her to see Sensei at work.


…she’s suddenly very afraid.


''The first move is yours.'' Was all her mentor said, only heightening Kie’s nerves as she looked over the man that has looked after her and her brother for a year, looking for anything to pass the evaluation.


If she wanted to succeed, then she must strike him. Anywhere worked, she assumes. If she could be quick about it…


Yes. She needed to be quick.


Swiftly and decisive. She must not leave him any time to do anything.


So, before she even answered, she’d already charged ahead.


''Then I’ll gladly take it!''


Her plan was simple. 


She would charge ahead, going for a vertical slash with all of her might and aim for Urokodaki’s Mask. Namely, his Tengu Mask. It did have a long nose, and even if she grazed it, then it had to count, right? She’d win.


The issue is that Urokodaki had completely expected that.


That normally shouldn’t be a problem when considering his weapon was a Wooden sword. A Bokken. Kie should by all means be able to slice through it, even if he defended against it.


But what he proceeded to do next stunned her. Because he didn’t even use his Bokken, instead, he raised his left hand.


Just as her Blade descended for his Nose as well.


Initially, she truly believed he may have been mad enough to block the strike with his bare hands. But he didn’t. Block it that is.


Fluidly, he raised his hand and inched it slightly to Kie’s left, leaving it just centimeters away from the Blank of her Blade. And then, he proceeded to backhand the Katana off to the side in a manner that eerily felt like Water, completely changing the Trajectory of the attack as her Katana cut into the dirt next to Urokodaki.


Then, the next second, the Bokken smacked right into her face and she fell supine on the Dirt.


Shockingly enough, that single Blow had actually knocked her unconscious.


A sigh followed that revelation.


''Forgive me, Kie. But I will only let you go when you’re ready.'' Urokodaki spoke sadly to his student while picking her up and bringing her inside.


Initially, when he realized that Kie was a Demon, it made him hopeful that just like Tsutako, she’d also avoid dying in the Final Selection. But after thinking it over, he came to a realization.


She would be in even greater danger.


After all, in the Final Selection, there was a very real chance that Demons may not be the problem. Obviously, there’d still be some who’d still try to fight her, especially with how starved they were. But other Demons would not truly be able to kill her.


The real problem would be the Participants themselves.


The moment they noticed she was a Demon, they’d try to kill her. It was unlikely they’d believe anything a Demon says during the Final Selection as well. And if a Slayer that noticed Kie’s true nature passed with her… well, he doubted they would hold their tongue, even if his student saved their life.


Which meant that he needed Kie to be completely and utterly ready for the Final Selection. She may very well end up forced to fight Demons and Humans once she reaches the Site.


It’s something he truly hopes doesn’t happen, but one can never be too sure. Especially with circumstances as they are now.


He’d been tempted to have her try to cut a Boulder as her initial Evaluation, but she was a Demon. She’d naturally be stronger, and there was too much of a chance she may still not be ready if that was her Final Step.


No, it needed to be him. He needed to see her progress in person. He needed to be absolutely certain she was ready.


He could not bear to lose another Student.


If it meant he would forever hold her back, then so be it. That meant she was not ready.

''Dammit!'' Kie yelled in frustration as she collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily and leaning against a boulder to provide her support. 


After that day, Kie had hit a literal roadblock.


Her own Mentor was beyond brutal with her with this Evaluation of his. And that was with a Bokken of all things!


But, if that had been a real blade… how many times would she have been sliced into bits? It’s…


She needs to do better! She can’t give up now, but it’s been Six Months since that first Evaluation!


But what else can she do now?! She’s tried everything she could think of, even tried training again, but nothing!


At this point, she never would find that Cure for Tanjiro.


Kie gritted her teeth in frustration as she glared at the boulder she used as support, and then, in that same frustration, she reeled back her head…


''Are you don- Wh- AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!''


…and proceeded to slam her Forehead on the Boulder. Hard. It shattered the Rock, and alongside it, made the unexpected passenger that had sat on top of it fall with the rubble.


It was only then Kie noticed what had just happened. It left her speechless for a moment.


''Um…'' She blinked, the processing of this situation being delayed by how confusing this was.


Was there always a teen on top of that boulder she just shattered? Since when?


''...You okay?'' Kie asked the passenger, who looked to be around Tanjiro’s age if his height was anything to go by.


''Shut up Makomo.'' The boy groaned out in annoyance and a bit of anger while still lying on the ground.


''But my name is Kie.''


The groan then quickly turned into a grumble as the boy stared at the pile of Rocks he laid on before standing up and off to the side.


''Okay, I have to ask, but how the hell can your head do that?'' The boy asked in irritation, though Kie was a little confused about it. Was it just because of the fall? If so, why would he be irritated when he’s clearly not hurt?


It’d take a while before she truly understood why he was that irritated. But until then, she chose to answer the question.


''...I have a hard head.''


The boy ended up doing what she assumed, was staring. It wasn’t easy to tell what one did behind a mask. Or perhaps it had to do with the matter-of-fact tone she’d answered his question with?


''Note to self, don’t get headbutted.'' He muttered under his breath just enough to avoid being heard by Kie.


Then, he cleared his throat and spoke as if the last 2 minutes had not just happened.


''Are you done whining?'' A certain air permeated around the boy all of a sudden, completely making her forget for a moment that this boy’s introduction had been ruined by her without even meaning to, ''You’ve had over a Year’s worth of training, yet you’re going to whine now?''


He abruptly pointed the Bokken she hadn’t even been aware he held in his hands towards her.


''Where is the Stance of someone who is trained? Where is the conviction one should have when they strike?''


He spoke as if… he’d seen her…


''Wait, have you been stalking me and Urokodaki-san!?'' Kie yelled out in a mix of shock, anger and a little fear, gripping her blade as she was prepared to either run or fight.


The boy stared at her again before his shoulders shook. For the briefest of moments, she believed it was to contain his Rage. Except that wasn’t it, especially when he hunched back his Head and laughed unrestrained.




Kie wasn’t certain how she should react to this, so she found herself staring, almost loosening her grip on her Katana.


But then, his head lowered back and the laugh died down to a complete halt, leaving way for only silence.


''I think…'' that was until he broke that silence himself, ''Maybe, you should reset your Priorities.''


Kie was about to ask what he meant by that, but then?


In a swift movement she was only able to somewhat follow, the boy charged at her with the Bokken.


Thankfully, due to the countless times Kie had to deal with the traps, she was able to properly guard against the strike coming at her. However, while this was something she was able to keep up with, that was a fact that the boy appeared to understand as his approach changed completely, clearly aiming to best her as fast as possible.


So, when Kie pushed him back with enough strength to send the boy into the air, the clearly trained fighter easily repositioned his airborne body to land his feet on one of the surrounding large trees and jump off of it, practically flying to the surrounding trees and using the environment to successfully confuse Kie.


Her eyes shot in every direction as she tried to follow, but he continued to appear as Blurs to her. There was a point where she did believe she caught on, but that was because he made a faint.


Just as he’d lunged, he thrust his Bokken down the dirt, launching him above the incoming Slash Kie had wanted to land as he landed behind her.


Then, he hit the back of her legs, and he forced her to kneel. Following suit, and not even allowing her even a second to stand up, he then leaped back to the Front. But not before performing a Front Flip and circling vertically, landing a Powerful slam on the back of Kie’s head that made her feel like she was hit by Water itself.


And even though it was a Bokken, it was strong enough that it had still managed a small cut while forcing her to headbutt the Dirt below her.


As expected, the ground proceeded to crack from the impact. And while it did not hurt Kie much, if anything actually, it certainly did wound what form of Pride she had.


This random boy shows up and somehow immediately dominates her.


And the thing is, the boy wasn’t over yet.


''Have you learned nothing?''


Hearing his voice, Kie raised her head to look at the boy while she attempted to stand, not noticing a cut on her head slowly regenerating but did notice a slight aura of hostility grow around the fighter that just beat her.


''You have trained with a former Hashira for some time now, but it is clear that Urokodaki’s lessons have not stuck. From his stances to his lessons of patience and even Breathing.'' He practically growled out to the girl and pointed his Bokken at her while Kie put both of her hands on her sword’s handle, ready to try and defend herself from another attack.


But right now, it seemed he was done attacking. He continued on to speak, or really, berate her.


''You’ve had all of this time, but you still haven’t Mastered a single thing. Even the Breathing techniques Urokodaki-san taught you… the one thing you had given the impression you Mastered, but you haven’t at all.'' he gripped his Bokken tighter, ''Your Body has no Clue what it has to do.''


''What do you mean? I’ve been keeping up with Urokodaki-san’s lessons on Total Concentration Breathing while I have been awake for months now!'' Kie questioned in confusion and a bit of irritation from her pride getting wounded right now. And having everything she was taught being apparently wrong…


Well, the idea that she wasn’t any closer to finding that Cure was a demoralizing thought for her.


The boy released a frustrated growl.


''And there’s the issue.''


But he did not clarify further as he’d gone back to attacking it. That one, Kie was able to block, but she could feel a certain intensity in his Blows. And the next ones to come as well only felt more intense, even though this time around, Kie was able to follow most of them.


It wasn’t quite the same thing as Urokodaki. Against him, she couldn’t even block his attacks. Against this boy, she could. But somehow, they felt completely different.


''All you did is memorize it as fact. But your Mind and Body are not acting with each other!''


She continued blocking, and he continued attacking. For brief seconds, the boy's ferocious onslaught continued until he forced an opening to come, ending with him slamming the Bokken right at her cheek.


''Slam it into your Flesh!''


Immediately following that, Kie had found a chance to be on the offense and tried to attack him now. Only for her slash to be avoided as the boy leaned back his head and immediately restarted his attacks.


''Reach the point where you can use those lessons without needing to think!''


The boy was quick to change up his means of attack from what he used previously, now striking out with one of his legs to trip Kie and succeeded in catching her off guard.


Then, following her tripping, the boy immediately swung to Kie’s neck as she fell, forcing her body to reel back from the blow and knocking the wind out of her. Literally.


It left her stunned long enough that he was able to land additional strikes, proceeding to land a multitude of slashes consecutively. Yet again, something felt off at that moment. It almost felt…


Like… a Stream…?


She gasped for air that next second, her Throat recovering finally from the strike and allowing her to speak.


''What do you mean by that?!''


Thankfully, with oxygen reaching her lungs again, Kie felt her strength return in full and once more began to block the boy’s strikes. In fact, she was even able to find an opening this time and struck, though all that did was let the Kamado cut into her opponent’s sleeve, something neither of them noticed.


''You still need to think! You still need to consider what to do next! Your mind is still somewhere else as we speak! And you are still immature!!!'' The boy yelled out as he seemingly danced around Kie for a moment with how easily he evaded her next swing, causing her to soon feel a strike towards one of her ribs.


Then, seemingly deciding to end this little contest, the boy doubled in on his offense, to the point that Kie could only defend thanks to putting her full focus on blocking, but with their difference in skill, she was only able to block so much despite her superior physical strength. Eventually, with the pressure of trying to keep up…


Her lungs ruptured. Popping similarly to a certain spheric object that held in Air.


The boy could tell, from the looks of it, as he was able to outright deflect the Katana Kie held off to the side with too much ease, following that, he swung and landed an uppercut slash below her chin, knocking her back and out of the battle.


Literally, in fact. That strike had gone on to knock Kie unconscious.


There was a moment's silence as the boy stared at the unconscious pupil. All while someone else approached.


Then, the boy spoke. He sounded somewhat annoyed.


''I’m leaving the rest to you.''


And in answer, he received a nod from the second person. A Girl. One who seemed to hold back a giggle.


When Kie next regained consciousness, it was Night. And, with a Girl she had never seen before kneeling by her side.


''...he knocked me out?''


The Girl by her side nodded.


''He did.''


And, now that it actually set in, there was only one question she had to ask.


''Who are you?''


As she’d learn, the girl's name was Makomo. And she even learned that boy’s name. Sabito. But what was the most important out of this, was that Makomo helped point out defects in her Stance. Like unnecessary movement or some of the bad habits she had.


For example, one of her bad habits was that even when not needed, she’d sometimes spin her blade within her hand as a result of the training with the traps, or when she allowed an attack to land that she could evade.


It eventually led to her wondering why Makomo was even helping her. But when asked, she didn’t say a lot.


Only that Urokodaki had taken her and Sabito in some time ago. And that they cared for him. Although, there was one thing she mentioned that did in fact scare her.


''There are other children besides us. They’re always watching you, Kie.''


Yeah… hopefully none of them were stalkers like she initially assumed with Sabito.


Regardless of that, ultimately, the only advice Makomo could give her beyond correcting some of her defects, was to Train to Death.


Except, while that technically helped, it also didn’t. Or at least, Kie never truly felt like she was reaching Death at any point, besides when she dealt with Urokodaki’s Traps… or the man himself.


But try she still did. 


And for the next six months, there was absolutely no progress against either Urokodaki or Sabito. No matter how much she tried, they always beat her.


But, eventually, Kie did feel confident that perhaps she could finally land that blow on Urokodaki. After two years of training, she was almost certain. So, she had planned to straight away pass her Mentors Evaluation again.


But, Sabito did have something to ask. Perhaps it could even be called a request.


''Fight me.''


In the end, defeating Sabito had never been a must-do. Her End goal was to land a single hit on Urokodaki, never to defeat Sabito.


But, he wanted to end things on a high note.


(She had no idea of how right she was)


Besides, if she beat Sabito, then in her mind, it proved she grew enough to potentially land that blow she needed.


It was on a snowy day that the Battle took place. Back where the Boulder had once been. Except this time, Sabito did not hold a Bokken.


But an actual Katana.


''After Six Months, finally, it actually looks like you have gotten some understanding of what Urokodaki-san taught you.'' he drew his Katana in a similar manner to how Urokodaki had drawn that Bokken once, but there wasn’t enough power to truly replicate what he’d done then.


Both took their stances. And both were aware that this Battle of theirs, could either last minutes or within seconds.


''I’ll win this time!'' Kie declared. Unaware that Sabito was hiding an expression behind his Mask.


And as the Snow fell, both of them waited.


And waited…


And then struck!


Their Battle was initiated within an Instant, and it ended within that same timeframe. For in the end, the one who was able to swing first was Kie. Striking Sabito's Mask and cutting it in half.


And as cleanly cut halves of the Mask Pieces fell to the side, yet remained hanging on his shoulder because of the Rope holding it together, it revealed his face to her for the first time.


There were a great many things she expected. She expected him to perhaps be mad he’d lose to her. Or perhaps not show anything at all.


Yet, instead of any of that. He gave a smile.


A relieved smile. It wasn’t the only emotion he displayed, but that was the one she most prominently noticed.


And she wonders. Why does he look so relieved?


During that time, she failed to notice from the start the building up of Fog in their vicinity. And it’s only once Makomo spoke that she did realize the change in the air.


''Kie.'' her attention shifted from one to the other, ''You did great. Don’t forget what you just did. I’m sure now, you can land that blow on Urokodaki-san. So, win. Okay, Kie?''


A smile came up while the Fog grew and seemed to practically swallow both Makomo and Sabito. Leaving only final words they both shared.


''Beat that guy, too.''


And then, swallowed whole, they disappeared as the Fog didn’t stick around for much longer. Fading away alongside them and leaving her completely alone.


''Thank you both.'' Kie muttered, deciding to not question the disappearance for now since Urokodaki-san pulled something similar before.


She looked up at the Night Sky, filled with Stars at this hour. It was late, so right now was not a good time to challenge her Mentor. But still, seeing how far she'd gone...


She was certain she'd win this time.

First chance during the Morning, she immediately requested to challenge her mentor again. After Breakfast, of course.


As with all the other times, he did not refuse. And like all those other times, they returned to the Front Yard of Urokodaki’s Home.


''Let us see if you have changed since the last time.'' her mentor held his Bokken, and she in turn held her Katana.


She did not speak, the tension feeling still as real as it did last time. But now, she knew very well that if she couldn’t succeed today, then perhaps she never would.


There grew silence between them as her Mentor waited for her first move.


And eventually, she did. But she didn’t attempt to strike him yet, instead changing her position to another location.


So far, none of it surprised Urokodaki. She'd already tried changing positions to defeat him, but last time had remained unsuccessful. He however wondered what she had changed to utilize said tactics again.


His question was met with its answer in the form of her stopping in front of the Bamboo Trees he'd cut some time ago. He'd had plans to use them for something else, but it seemed like his Students had plans of her own.


And she displayed them when she cut through some of the Bamboo before launching them in his direction, either by throwing or kicking them.


Urokodaki chose to avoid them all instead of risking cutting through something that was long enough it would keep his attention, moving his body around as to successfully dodge her first act. He wondered where this was going.


Then, Kie charged at him and it was clear that this time, she meant to strike. And she did, with the Cultivator deflecting many of her strikes while both of them walked further back and back with each of her ferocious swings.


Only to feel his back connect with something soon after. Specifically, a set of Bamboo that were sticking out from where they'd been dug into, more on the longer side, about 5’0” tall each from first glance alone.


Then this was part of her plan. Perhaps she wanted him to trip, or perhaps simply limit his area of movement with extra obstacles on his Path. Or perhaps this was a happy accident. But regardless, she still played this development to her advantage.


With the distance still between them, Kie chose to go all out immediately with her next step as she closed in the distance swiftly enough her Mentor had no choice but to attack her in some way. 


A Counterstrike had been the one in the end.


But, he’d made one mistake. Because Kie, as she charged ahead, then lowered her head.


And the Bokken hit her Forehead.


If this had been a Katana or any kind of Swords, Urokodaki wouldn’t have had any issues dealing with this. But because of the weapon in question, it shattered on impact. Effectively leaving him weaponless.


Not truly an issue since he knew Hand-to-Hand combat. Except the whole purpose of this Evaluation was to land a single hit.


And now? He was open in so many ways.


With the distance they now had, and Kie only closing in with her Blade, Urokodaki had to evade. But It was so close, only two things could now happen.


Either he’d evade it, or she’d land her strike.


And as they’d both learn, the latter happened as Urokodaki’s evasion failed to be completed. Kie brought down her Sword, and she was able to land a cut on his arm. 


Shallow, and barely any Blood could even come out of it, especially due to all the moving around and lack of veins in said area.


But, a cut nonetheless.


Under the mask, the Old Man smiled.


Kie Kamado had passed.


''Congratulations.'' She had done it. She’d passed his Evaluation.


Now, no matter what, he could not refuse her participation in the Final Selection.


Kie remained rooted in place for a moment before jumping up and cheering loudly, ‘’YES!’’


Finally! She’d done it after all of these Months! It was a shallow cut, but still! One step closer to curing Tanjiro!


''So, when can I go!?'' Kie asked excitedly, practically bouncing in place with her excitement.


''In about a Month.'' Urokodaki killed the immediate excitement, ''It's too late for you to head towards Mount Fujikasane. You wouldn't make it in time, not when it's supposed to start today. If you'd landed that strike yesterday, then perhaps you could have made it.''


And those words practically caused Kie to freeze. She… missed participation in Final Selection…


She missed her chance to already be on her way to joining the Corps. But how did that…


Wait. Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait!!!




He did request for a final match. And that had stalled her enough to miss the Final Selection of this Month. 


Did he know that? Did he… did he actually do that?


Would he really delay… actually…


He did give her the impression he was a petty child. And he wasn’t all that happy with his Introduction being ruined by her, even though it was an accident.


So that meant…


That Brat had done this on purpose!


Well… there was only one response that Kie could think of at that moment. Maybe she was jumping to conclusions, or perhaps she was completely right.


And so, regardless of whether she was right or not, she went on to scream to the Heaven themselves!




(Meanwhile, a certain ghost laughed)


And with that, Chapter 4 is over!

This one really was more of a surprise. At least to me. I didn't quite expect this to be as long as it would be, and yet, it did. But that just means we have plenty of content to give.

Although honestly, I don't quite have much to say today. So, I think I'll go right away for the Taisho Whispers and Gakuen Files. Although, before we get to them. I have to mention this will be the last Gakuen File in a bit until we can actually introduce some of this AU's changed cast. It'll come back, but until then, it has to go quiet.

Now then, onwards!

[Taisho Whispers & Rumors]
It would seem that Sabito knew of the Final Selection Schedules because the one he'd made Kie miss was the same one he took back when he was alive.

[Gakuen File]
Tsutako Tomioka (Physical Education [P.E.] Teacher)
She is someone with a kind face and voice, but someone who is surprisingly harsh when it comes to Physical Education. Many have dared to consider her to be a Demon because of it, but likewise, she has been called an Angel because of how encouraging she can be, both in and out of being a Teacher.

Because of her tendency to push her students in classes, it is often expected for them to be late for the next period. As a result, most teachers usually don’t punish their students for being late if they come from P.E., though it does leave them often annoyed with the Tomioka woman.

Apparently, she once rescued Tanjiro and Nezuko on a Snowy day, though the details there are mostly unknown, save that it apparently happened in the Mountains behind the School.

Now, with the Taisho Secret and Gakuen File done, it's time to move on and mention something important.

The Votes close when Chapter 5 is posted. Trickster1 and I realized that in Canon, Kanao is meant to show up in the Final Selection. Which means that no matter what, we're gonna cause some form of confirmation if she appears or not. So, this Chapter is your last chance to Vote if you haven't already.

Besides that, I do think I've said everything.

So, have a good day! We'll see you all next time!

Chapter 5: The Final Selection


Greetings everyone! We are back with another new chapter, and honestly... I'm in shock with how quickly me and Eexis are writing these. Anyways, this chapter has a few surprises that I'm sure you will all enjoy that came together well, and I hope that you all enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It smelled great.

Kie could not help but marvel at the amount of Food that her Mentor was making for tonight. It primarily consisted of just Meat and Fish, but he’d clearly still tried to add Vegetables in this Meal.

Still, it did make her wonder why he was doing so much.

‘’So, what’s the occasion?’’

Urokodaki stirred the Pot with the Ladle, taking out some of its content and pouring it into a Bowl.

‘’You’ve completed all your training, and you’ve passed my Evaluation. So we’re celebrating your success.’’ He passed her the bowl, ‘’Eat up!’’

‘’Thank you very much!’’ excitedly, Kie grabbed a hold of the Bowl and did not hesitate in immediately devouring what was inside of it.

Urokodaki observed as she eagerly ate, and his mind strayed towards a train of thoughts that kept emerging again and again.

‘’Kie, now that you’ve passed, there is nothing more I can do for you. From here on out, you’ll be going through hardship and strife as a Demon who is trying to find a Cure. Your training will seem like nothing in comparison. So, at least for now, you should get to rest as you desire and act without a care in the world.’’

Just then, Kie passed him over the Bowl again, and he filled it up. Just as expected, she emptied the Pot and all the Fish he’d grilled within a short amount of time.

A scene that previously felt odd, now was simply heartwarming to see.

Afterwards, Kie helped him clean up the Hot Pot, not wanting to let him do all the work for tonight. Towards the tail end of it, he only had one thing to ask.

‘’Did you enjoy it?’’

“Yes! It was really filling actually.” Kie answered happily as she finished washing the last bowl, before sending a look towards the Room Tanjiro continued to sleep in.

“I just wish my brother could have enjoyed it with us.” She admitted solemnly before walking over to the sleeping Demon and stroking his hair gently.

Watching the display of solemn affection, Urokodaki began to put all of the bowls away while speaking.

“I can understand how you feel, even if not exactly. But know this, if your brother is strong enough to fight through his hunger despite having a nose like mine, then he will wake up. Just give it some time.” He informed her gently before turning back around to look at his student.

Kie did not verbalize her acknowledgment of his words, but he did see her nod while she continued stroking her little brother's hair.

Quietly, while she was doing that, Urokodaki went and headed to one of his Drawers. Once Kie was done, they needed to speak of one vital matter. At least if she hoped to pass the Final Selection.

Opening said Drawer revealed a set of Clothes, a Warding Mask, and a Scarf.

Considering the circumstances, Urokodaki had produced a modified version of his usual Kimono. Design-wise, it was still the same. A Cloud-patterned Jinbei Kimono coloured Blue. However, the Sleeves would notably be longer. Long enough they could conceal an entire hand.

The rest of the Clothes remained the same. The Mask meanwhile was like many of his other Masks, a Fox. The notable features of this one were the Red Markings that reassembled flames, one on the top left side of the forehead and another at the bottom right of the chin.

And then, there was the Scarf. It was Plum Red and long enough it would cover one's entire neck.

All of this combined would cover most of Kie’s Body. And considering where she would have to go…

Well, it should greatly help her.

He brought it all out, holding it over his arms and then heading to the Room. Quietly, he laid it down next to the edge of their Room.

“What is with the clothes sensei?” Kie asked curiously once she noticed the clothing at the edge of the room, actually stopping in her actions of stroking Tanjiro’s hair.

“These will be the clothes you shall wear to Final Selection in a month. You remember back when your body was covered in rashes when you were exposed to Wisteria Incense?” The old swordsman told her before asking, causing a shiver to run up the Kamado’s spine and making her almost instinctively claw at her skin.

That was an incident that happened about a month into her training, when she went out at night to try and speed up her efforts in being ready for Final Selection, when a log trap hit her and sent her flying into some of the Wisteria Incense.

The following day was absolute hell for her.

‘’Y-Yeah… that was… unpleasant.’’

She received a nod, ‘’Mount Fujikasane has Wisteria bloom in every season, from the Mountain’s foot to its slope. The only entrance also filled with Wisteria; is the only path you can take to get in.’’

But then, how was she- Oh.

‘’So the Clothes are to let me through?’’

‘’Yes. Without them, you’re unlikely to get through.’’

Well, at least they had that part covered. It should make her time there not as unpleasant. Now, they just had to wait for a whole month.

She was still mad at Sabito for his stunt! If she ever got the chance, she was headbutting the little bastard!

But, regardless of that, time did pass. Sometimes it felt long, some other times, it felt short. But eventually, the day of departure arrived.

On that Morning, she put on the Clothes prepared for this. Putting on the Kimono, fastening the Black Sash around her waist, putting on the Scarf around her neck, setting her mask to the side and all of that. And before she headed out, she went to her still sleeping brother.

There was only one thing she really needed to say. So, she grabbed his Hand and made a promise.

One she did not intend to break.

‘’Tanjiro. I’m coming back, no matter what.’’

Then, she went out. And outside was Urokodaki, off to the side.

‘’Don’t worry about your Brother.’’ Is the first thing he tells her, ‘’I’ll take good care of him.’’

And it truly eased her worries, ‘’Thank you.’’

Even if something truly were to happen to her, at the very least, her little brother would not be alone.

“Good luck Kie, and please, be careful.” Urokodaki told her as she turned to walk down the path to take the Final Selection, causing the Kamado to look over her shoulder and smile at her mentor.

“Understood.” She answered simply before running forward, but stopped as she remembered something.

“Oh, right! And before I forget, can you thank Sabito and Makomo for helping me if you see them!?” She called out while waving, not noticing the old swordsman freeze up at those words due to turning back to look down the path.

“What…? Kie….” The old man was just barely able to speak after hearing what he just did, watching Kie’s shrinking figure until she left his field of vision.

“How do you know the names of the dead?”

And unseen to them all… a hand began to twitch as Tanjiro’s body shifted within his Futon.

- - - - - - - - - -

The Travel to Mount Fujikasane took longer than she’d expected. It was already Night by the time she arrived and saw the path that led to the site of the Final Selection.

Her hand twitched slightly as she neared the Wisteria Flowers. Out of Season, from what she’d been told, yet present, nonetheless.

Kie moved the Mask she had left on the side of her head and placed it on the front, then made sure the Scarf she had covered her entire neck. Only once she was sure, did she allow herself to cross.

Thankfully, the baggy clothing and the mask did their job well. Admittedly, still walking close to the Wisteria flowers was very uncomfortable, and one even slapped right into the mask directly, but none actually touched her skin.

Still, when she came across a set of steps that led up, she knew she had to be close. And she was right, as by the end of it, it led her to a small clearing that gave her some decent space from the flowers. She gave a sigh of relief before then noticing a large group of people. About 26 others from what she could observe from first glance alone.

Some looked more noteworthy than others, and apparently, she was amongst them since some glanced her way for a moment. Probably because of her Mask. She was the only one with a Mask.

Then, they looked away. And Kie wondered if she should bridge the gap slightly or wait where she was.

In the end, she didn’t need to choose as two girls(?), those at the end of the road, began to speak.

‘’ ‘’Everyone… we thank you for coming here tonight to the Demon Slayers Corps Final Selection.’’ ‘’

They both spoke in perfect Unison before the White-haired one took the lead. Perhaps they’d practiced this?

‘’There are demons imprisoned here on Mount Fujikasane, captured alive by the Demon Slayer Swordsmen and unable to leave.’’

Some of the Participants didn’t seem to understand how Demons could not leave this Mountain. It would have been a question shared by Kie, had she not had that incident with Wisteria.

The Black Haired one seemed to understand that, so she(?) decided to clarify the matter.

‘’That is because Wisteria, which demons hate so much, blooms year-round from the bottom to halfway up the mountain.’’

Kie could have sworn the Black-Haired one looked at her direction after saying that. But she must have imagined it. It’s not like she was the only one standing in this general direction.

Still, the Halfway point… if she was thinking correctly, where they all stood should approximately be there, no?

As if reading her thoughts, shared by perhaps some others present, the White-haired confirmed it.

‘’However, there is no wisteria from this point on, and so demons abound.’’

Hearing that confirmation, Kie did feel her heartbeat a little quicker as she thought back to the Demon at that station from 2 years ago. But despite that, she wasn’t scared.

No, it only made her more determined to survive.

‘’You’ll need to survive here for Seven days to pass Final Selection.’’

Then, both girls(?) spoke again in Unison.

‘’ ‘’And now, be on your way.’’ ‘’ They finished with a bow.

Almost in tandem with their declaration, all heard the sound of flapping wings. It was somewhat hard to see considering it was Night, but many noticed several Crows fly up and towards the Mountain where there was no Wisteria.

A Murder of Crows, even.

And with it, the Final Selection officially began.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Hey! Out of the way you bastard!” Spinning around upon hearing a deep voice that was clearly not human, Kie gripped the handle of her sword as she saw 2 Demons staring her down from behind her, shoving at and clawing into the other.

“Like hell! I’m starving and that one is my prey!” The other Demon, who had a blade made out of their flesh coming out of their left arm, declared before kicking the other one away and charging at Kie, their rival right behind them.

Seeing this, Kie shifted her stance while taking in a deep yet steady breath, before charging forward at a speed that caught her 2 foes off guard.

“Water Breathing - Fourth Form: Striking Tide!” The Slayer hopeful thought to herself, dancing around a clawed strike before slicing at the pair’s necks, cutting right through them with an ease that she never imagined she could have two years ago.

Yet now, she was confident she could have dealt against that Demon back at the Station.

‘’I did it!’’

She stared at the fading corpses of the Two Demons she’d just killed. All of that training, the traps, led to this.

Now she just needed to make sure she survived for the next 7 days, and she’ll have taken another step.

Although, for as much as she believed that the situation would quickly turn hard. After all, while she herself was not aware of what she was…

‘’A Demon?’’

…others could tell now that they had fought Demons themselves.

Kie snapped her head to the side to see one of the other Participants -one who had their Black hair slicked back with a brown Kimono- staring straight at her, their Blade already drawn.

‘’Tch. I knew they were barbaric, but that Monster really stole even the Clothes?’’

And right now, he looked mad.

“Wait, where?” Kie asked as she looked around for any other Demons she may have missed. And seeing now, she then looked at the ground where the two she just killed finished turning into ash.

Was he referring to one of them? It was a reasonable explanation, and she also didn’t have the time to make note of the nearly 30 people at the start.

‘’And now she thinks she can play innocent?’’ The man scoffed, gripping his own Katana tighter, ‘’You Demons are despicable!’’

Wait. Was he serious-? And why was he addressing her as if she was a Demon!? She’s not-!

The Man that dashed towards her with a Speed that easily made her mistake for wind personified slashed continuously in a manner that eerily resembled a Cyclone left her with absolutely no choice but to retaliate, lest she actually die from this.

‘’Water Breathing - Third Form: Flowing Dance!’’

This was usually more used as a form of offence, but right now, Kie was using the Dance patterns that made one flow like water, to move in a way that allowed her to block all of the Strikes from the continuous slashes.

And it worked, especially during the final strike where she was even able to repel the man back for a moment, winding him.

And it allowed her to think freely for a moment.

Why was she being attacked?!

She wasn’t a Demon, he was mistaken… but then, why?

What could make someone act like this?

Was it… was it one of those powers Urokodaki-San mentioned? He didn’t give details, but the warning he’d given to her was enough she should be weary. And if her guess was right, then that could explain things.

So how can she snap him out of it?

Thankfully, focusing on that question was more simple than one would expect. For one, they clearly had a gap in physical power.

She’s certain he put as much strength as he could muster, yet she blocked all of his strikes. So at the very least, she shouldn’t be able to be overpowered by him.

The real issue, however, would be that this man is really agile with his Techniques. Comparing him to Wind wasn’t an exaggeration.

However, Water Breathing just so happened to be perhaps the best counter against such movements. After all, it was a Defensive Technique. A Majority of her Offensive capabilities could be switched for Defence if need be.

Her train of thoughts had to be diverted back to the man though, as he’d overall gotten his bearings back. He breathed in enough air to attack again.

“Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!” Seeing this though, Kie is quick in thrusting her katana forward, the technique being able to block against an attack that held a surprising amount of force behind it compared to all of the other attacks she blocked. However, as a Demon with Breathing techniques, Kie was bound to be stronger, so her technique sent the man flying back into a tree, all while the female Slayer hopeful stood back up straight and shifted her position a little for a counter offensive.

Seeing that he was now stunned and dazed, Kie quickly ran forward towards the man before slamming the blunt end of her blade’s handle to the back of his head, causing her fellow Slayer hopeful to enter the world of unconsciousness and collapse to the ground.

Sighing in relief that she avoided harming her possible comrade too badly, Kie sheathed her weapon before thinking things over. She could leave in search of whatever Demon put him under a possible spell and leave him unguarded, which didn’t have good odds, or she could stay and hope that the spell was now broken and make sure he was protected from Demons.

Odds weren’t the best, but the latter was clearly the better option in Kie’s mind.

And it’s not like she was losing anything by waiting. She just had to survive for 7 days. No one really said she needed to do, well, anything during that time. Hiding might actually be viable. Or perhaps not.

But for now, she waited. Eventually, he’d have to wake up. Eventually…

It took a whole hour, but the man eventually did regain his consciousness.

‘’Ugh…’’ he shook his head, moving the back of his head to rub where he’d been struck.


‘’So, you’re awake?’’ Upon hearing the voice of that Demon, the man snapped his head up to see that damned…


Didn’t… she clearly gave the presence of a Demon when he fought her before! What? How could that… no, that Demon had to be messing with him!

He realized his Nichirin Sword was still near him, which he gripped. Then, he tried to stand back up. And while he did so, Kie spoke.

“Are you still under a Demon’s spell?” The girl that he was sure was a Demon spoke up, to which the man only had one thing to say…


Hearing this response, Kie just tilted her head in a manner that would imply that she was confused on why he was.

“Are you still under a Demon’s spell? Given how you thought I was a Demon when I’m not, that seemed like as good of an explanation as I could think.” She explained in a straightforward manner.

Though, both of them were confused as to why they were hearing a laughter that kept being interrupted by a set of “CAWS”, during the silence that followed the girl’s explanation to the Wind Breather.

Probably nothing.

The thing is, the man was honestly unsure if what he was told was the truth or not. After all, his Cultivator had told him some Demons might try to mess with him. She could be messing with him, lying, and lowering his guard.

She clearly exuded the presence of a Demon earlier!

But… what she said wasn’t exactly wrong either. Although… could a Demon like that exist within the Final Selection? They were supposed to have eaten so little Humans… and he’s pretty sure he’s heard mentions that since nearly a decade ago, they’ve been more thorough about such things too.

So… could it be true?

‘’Well… maybe you’re right?’’

He did not know. But right now, he’d much rather not end up actually killing another Participant by accident.

…why did he hear those Caws again?

Ignoring the caws, Kie began to think things over to prove things to this man. Surely there had to be something, right…?

Wait a minute.

“I used Water Breathing. If I was a Demon, how would I know how to fight that way, and why wouldn’t you stop to think over that fact when we were fighting?” Realising that was her way to prove her innocence to the victim of a Demon’s spell, Kie pointed out that little detail, making the man blink in surprise.

And honestly… she did raise a good point. But then, he had to wonder…

‘’...why didn’t you start with that?’’

“To be fair, you were trying to kill me and after that, I thought knocking you out would be enough to break that spell. Plus, given the Demons here, wouldn’t I just eat you if I was one of them?” Kie defended herself honestly, and no matter how hard the man looked…

He could find not the slightest hint of a lie or deception from the woman before him.

It probably helped that Demons here were too starved to even think of such schemes to begin with. They’d much rather want to fill themselves up than needlessly complicate their next meal.

So, with everything said, the man couldn’t really argue against it anymore. Especially in Final Selection Grounds. She had to be Human.

And then, both ended up hearing something falling and hitting the ground. Which made the both of them jump considering they’d been focusing on this situation.

‘’What was that?’’

‘’...probably nothing.’’

And now the laughter filled Caws were getting louder, but from a different direction from the original source.

Was it just Kie’s imagination, or were there a lot of Birds here? She didn’t immediately think of it, but hearing all of those Caws has made her think. How many?

Wait. That shouldn’t be her priority! They both were in a Mountain Infested with Demons! Any could show up the next second.

‘’I’ll just… take my leave.’’ The man ended up saying, ‘’I’m sorry I attacked you like that.’’

“Considering how you were manipulated, it’s fine.” Kie assured him with a small smile before the two began to take their own paths.

If only Kie knew how many more times this would happen, she may have tried to avoid the other participants rather than the Demons.

- - - - - - - - - -

The next Nights, and even days for that matter, were… eventful, to say the least.

She’d succeeded in passing her first Night after that encounter with that man, and she’d taken the day to rest up since she was in no real danger.

But once the second Night hit, she learned that that man was not the only one.

‘’How did he do that?!’’ Kie thought in a panic as she ran. Why, you may ask?

Because another Slayer Hopeful had mistaken her for a Demon, except that one had actually sent her Nichirin Blade flying with an surprisingly powerful blow. It truly felt like a Boulder had collided into her when it’d happened.

Which, considering she could headbutt boulders into oblivion, made this honestly that much more terrifying when she was overpowered.

The Good news? He wasn’t chasing her right now.

The Bad news? He wasn’t chasing her right now.

Because of Demons. That’s why she even had the chance to actually run and grab her Weapon again. She needed to be quick, or else, that Slayer Hopeful may die.

‘’Water Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirlpool!” Kie thought to herself, spinning around fluidly with her blade the second she got a grip, and sliced through the necks of 3 Demons that chose to chase her instead of ganging up on the other Hopeful like the rest had.

Looking at the Slayer hopeful, she ran forward and grabbed him by the back of his kimono, to which she just jumped back when he attempted to take her arm with a swing, leading to his back being vulnerable and receiving a slash to his back from a Demon’s claws.

Sighing a bit in annoyance, Kie still tried to help her fellow participant. Leading to her throwing some stones at the group of Demons to draw some attention to herself, and get them to attack her.

Not the best, but considering how the man thought she was a Demon, this was her best chance of helping without being killed.

What happened next however really did surprise her. Because then, someone charged into the Fold from the Forest. And then proceeded to move at blistering Speed while slashing through all of the Demons in his Path, cutting across all of their necks, and leaving very few alive.

In fact, there only remained one standing now.

‘’Crap!’’ And that Demon decided best to run away and see another day. Not that it worked. The one he’d ganged up on with the other Demons had swiftly attacked him then and decapitated him.

Meanwhile now, there only remained the Three of them.

‘’...My situation turned even worse, didn’t it?’’

And that sad thought proved to be correct. Because after a shared look and a small whisper to each other, the two Slayer hopefuls charged at Kie with their blades raised high.

Thankfully, now knowing of the strength of the one who reminded Kie of a boulder, and the speed and confusing movements of the new fighter, Kie was prepared. As a result, with the fluid and defensive manoeuvres of her Breathing style, add on top her enhanced Demonic strength, Kie was able to evade or block their slashes. Even when her original opponent swung with an overhead strike, Kie was able to defend accordingly.

Though… admittedly, the bones in her legs did crack a bit from that specific blow, before they then healed.

However, despite this apparent rival in strength, the real problem was the one whose movements were a bit similar to the man from last night, yet had movements that were difficult to track and predict. Especially with all of the rain and even mist that was clouding the area the 3 swordsmen were in.

But, how lucky she was that she was somewhat used to Misty Weather. From her Mentor’s Mountain no less. And while it definitely was not perfect by any means, it allowed her to see enough.

Which allowed her to avoid the frontal thrust narrowly and then rear her other arm back before punching the side of his head, unintentionally sending his body reeling towards the other man who interrupted his own motions before he attacked a colleague.

He ended up losing his footing because of that fortunate circumstance, stumbling back while the other’s face met the dirt. A shame for him that this moment of confusion had given Kie enough time to get on the offensive and not give the one who hit like a Boulder any time to move.

Because then, it was his own turn to lose his Blade when she swung and hard. Leaving him weapon less.

‘’Had enough?’’ She pointed her Blade in the general direction of his throat, copying her Mentor for that one.

“I’m not going to die to a Demon that stole from an innocent.” The man growled, trying to get up and he even did so successfully.

But upon hearing his words, Kie came to a logical conclusion and acted accordingly.

And that was to headbutt the shockingly powerful man into unconsciousness, hoping he’ll break free of the Demon spell the one from last night fell into.

“…Okay, seriously, where are the laughing Caws coming from? Was that how the Demon is affecting everyone?” Kie asked as she looked around, being slightly annoyed as the laughter and Caws grew louder.

The good news, if it could be considered as such, was that the Weather condition made those two staying unconscious hard. It helped that in term of injuries, they weren’t all that bad.



The One who got Headbutted and the One who ate Dirt both groaned, with the latter also spitting out Dirt that got in his Mouth.

“Oh. Good morning you two.” Kie commented as she saw the two waking up already, hopeful that they wouldn’t attack her again after knocking them out and likely freeing them of a Demon’s spell.

That hope was dashed though, when they practically leapt back onto their feet with their blades raised up to attack.

…This was going to be an especially long night, wasn’t it?

- - - - - - - - - -

She’d honestly believed that the worst would be the Participants who were all somehow under the effects of a Demon’s Spell.

She was proven severely wrong when, on the 4th day of the Final Selection, she fell on him.


A Blond Boy utterly terrified the very second he looked at her. And then promptly passed out.

‘’...’’ Kie was left utterly speechless by what had just taken place.

And for a bit, Kie just… stared. She then looked up at the sky, seeing that the moon was at its peak. In other words, a few hours until day.

Then, looking back at the unconscious boy… Kie picked up a nearby stick and walked over to his body, intent on poking the teen awake with the object.

Kie stood above the boy, reaching out with the stick to poke his cheek, when all of a sudden, she gasped in pain.

Because the boy had raised his leg to kick her, hitting one of her lungs and disturbing Kie’s Breathing while pushing her back a few metres from the impact. In the same instant, the blonde boy flipped away from her as he landed in a crouched position, kneeling down while grabbing onto the handle of his sword.

His eyes remained closed.

And Kie meanwhile glared in anger at that literal low blow while her lungs healed from that kick. Seriously, she knew other Cultivators were harsh to their Students, but what kind of training did they go through that a kick of all things made the organ feel like it would explode from the strike.

However, that would soon be the least of her worries.

Because that blond’s position shifted into a higher standing position, but remaining crouching while holding the still sheathed Sword. At first glance, it didn’t seem all that risky.

Until the literal next second, where he’d dashed at her with Speed that she was wholly unused to.

Suddenly, she was incredibly glad that Urokodaki had made her go through his Evaluation, or else, she wouldn’t have reacted at all to that kind of Speed. It allowed her to kick up her body and avoid most of the damage, though his zapping past her had still allowed him to land a cut on her leg.

Which was actually her first real damage, thinking about it now. And oddly, the cut didn’t heal up nearly as fast as she’d expected it to when he landed back down.

“Okay, actually dangerous one.” Kie muttered with some nervousness as she recovered and stood up while drawing her sword, looking at the boy as he sheathed his blade, turned around to face her direction, and got in the stance once more…

Before looking up at some of the large trees surrounding them.

And Kie soon learned what he was thinking about, because the boy proceeded to do a backflip to place his feet on the surface of his tree before launching forward at incredible speeds to another. And after a whole moment, he did this action again and began to repeat it.

The action reminded Kie of a certain scarred boy, which served to actually anger her a bit after what Sabito pulled a month ago.

However, she could not allow that anger to control her actions. Doing so would just be asking for her to actually die considering this boy's speed. Which is why her eyes continued to follow and follow and follow.

And then, she saw a shift of direction. A Movement she was sure signified he would attack her.

And then he just zapped past her and faceplanted into the dirt, actually digging into it even due to the speed used.

Kie didn’t even register what had happened there for a moment before it actually set in that this boy had… missed?

‘’He… huh?’’ Kie snapped her head back to see that the boy was… looking pretty fine all things considered. His Body had clearly dug into the dirt because of the launch, but in terms of injuries, there seemed to be none.

‘’...I don’t know what to say anymore.’’

Should she risk it or just leave him? Was he faking it, or was he actually just… unconscious?

“I miss my brother right now.” Kie said, thinking that Tanjiro was really lucky right now since he was just sleeping instead of dealing with… this.

And so, she began to walk away, but still made sure the boy was in her field of vision until eventually, she could no longer see him because of the distance created.

And that particular event remained noteworthy to her, even though it definitely did not remain the only one.

Because that next day, just as some of the Sun Rays faded away from the Mountain, she just had the bad luck of falling on another weird one.

And he was actually really weird. She even hid behind a tree for a moment because of how bizarre it was, even though she had nothing to fear.

When could one claim they see a fellow Human eat a Demon? That normally was the other way around.

“Get off you freak!!” The Demon yelled out at the boy who just ripped out a piece of their throat and swallowed it, quickly developing fangs, claws and even having the whites of his eyes be replaced by pure black as he transformed.

“Shut up!!” The now transformed kid yelled out before kneeing the Demon in between the legs, making the man eater gasp out in pain and collapse to the ground, before quickly being decapitated by the odd kid’s blade.

Should Kie just… leave him alone? He seems to have things handled, though at the same time, she wondered how any of this was normal.

“Alright you bastard, come on out!” But before Kie could make her decision, the boy yelled out and after peeking past the tree she was behind… she saw him looking right at her.

…This was going where she thinks it is, isn’t it?

‘’I’ll chase after you if you don’t come out!’’

…yes, yes it most definitely was.

With little choice in the matter, Kie decided revealing herself was her best choice. It’s not like she could really hide at all when he was looking directly where she was.

So, she stepped to the side, and showed herself.


And like that, there was a tense silence as Genya looked her over… before groaning.

“Alright brat, let’s get this over with.” The boy groaned before getting ready to defend himself.

“Um… what are you talking about?” Kie asked, making the boy blink in surprise.

“Huh? You attacking me because I look like a Demon of course! You and the rest of the dumbasses here have been doing that for a while now.” The teen answered with a scowl, making Kie’s heart go out to him since she has been dealing with that as well.

“Well, I saw you eat that Demon from before, so I know you’re human. In fact, because of a Demon I haven’t come across yet, plenty of the others have been thinking I am a Demon.” The female Slayer hopeful assured honestly before explaining to him that little fact.

“Wait…. Shit, so those rumours are actually true.” The boy said in surprise, before laughing to himself a little, confusing Kie on what he meant.

‘’Rumours? What rumours?’’

The laughter died down quickly as the boy willingly told her, ‘’There’s this Rumour going on that there’s someone who’s been fighting other Participants. I didn’t believe any of that was true, but now I see you’re the whole reason!’’

Honestly, what were the odds this was true? Abysmally low is what then boy thought, but nope. Very much true.

Kie meanwhile thought to herself and wondered how often it had happened if there was a rumour about it circulating. She’d fought… how many again?

Less than the Demons, that’s certain. Though, she supposed that wasn’t saying much when she is on an actual mountain infested by the man eaters.

‘’Well, that’s… awkward? To learn?’’ Exactly how was she supposed to answer to that?

Apparently, she didn’t need to. Because the boy decided to take over the conversation.

‘’Dunno. Anyways, the name’s Genya. You?’’

The Introduction was unexpected. Considering circumstances, she was surprised he decided to introduce himself to her. But since he did, she might as well follow suit.

Only, she didn’t get the chance to. Because everything shifted once again. And this time…

‘’There are the Demons!’’ A Man cried out, charging into the fold, and aiming to attack Genya by swinging his Blade that curved gracefully.

Seeing this, Kie was quick to draw her blade to defend the literal only Slayer hopeful that hasn’t attacked her, and Genya seems to return the sentiment as he blocked an overhead strike from a woman with an intensity in her yellow eyes. All while the 2 could only say one thing…

“Not this again….”

Both Slayer Hopefuls disengaged from their brief clashes and took a step back. It was the Woman with the Intense Yellow Eyes who spoke first.

‘’So, two Demons Teaming up. That’s a first.’’

The Man gave a hum all the while, his eyes closed. Perpetually so as well, for that matter.

‘’Perhaps we’ve stumbled upon a smart bunch? One of them has clearly stolen someone else's Equipment.’’

Seriously, what was up with them assuming Demons steal stuff?

‘’Hey, who says that Blade isn’t his?’’ Kie argued.

All 3, Genya included, stared at Kie as if she were an idiot.

‘’...I was talking about you.’’ The Man with closed eyes scoffed, ‘’Or has your Brain dried out from lack of Nutrition?’’

…was he calling her Stupid?

‘’Hey!’’ She shouted at him with great indignation.

‘’While she clearly isn’t all there, she’s not actually wrong.’’ The Woman remarked, ‘’That other one does hold a Blade.’’

“I have been surrounded by fucking idiots for days now.” Genya groaned out before scowling at the woman.

“Listen up, I eat Demons! And I don’t mean in the way that the starved assholes do, but I do so to fight them!” He yelled out towards the 2 Slayers, before pointing at Kie.

“Besides, you both have probably heard the rumours by now, and she’s the dumbass who's caught up in fighting everyone.”

Under normal circumstances, this truthfully should have been enough to convince anyone. The issue is, this is the Final Selection. Rumours and Words… useless drivel.

‘’Right…’’ The Woman clearly believed none of that, ‘’And we’re not in the Final Selection where Demons lurk in every corner.’’

‘’Honestly…’’ The Man meanwhile chuckled, ‘’Do you take us for fools? We weren’t born yesterday.’’

And then, a smirk grew on his face.

‘’Then again, even if this were true…’’ And that smirk deepened, his closed eyelids somehow seeming to replicate that same smile, ‘’...why should aberrations like you keep existing?’’

That completely caught them off guard. Had… had they heard that right?

‘’Are you saying…?’’ Kie spoke aghast.

“Great, so he’s one of those asshats.” Genya groaned before turning to face the man while still being on guard around the woman, who looked a little surprised as well, but still clearly on the man’s side still.

“You deal with her while I get him.”

Kie was reluctant to do so. Not quite believing Genya couldn’t do it, although she didn’t even know what he could do to begin with, but this man… unnerved her. Perhaps he wasn’t all that powerful, or perhaps he was. She wouldn’t know, but it’s not his power that made her react this way.

Just the overall personality of this one.

But she should put her faith in him. He knew his own powers better. So she hoped she wouldn’t come to regret it.


Her attention went to the only other Female in the Final Selection.

“So, finally showing your colours by letting your friend attack my comrade?” The yellow eyed woman commented as she got into a high guard stance, while Kie looked at her in surprise.

“...Did you not hear what he just said!?” The Kamado yelled out as the man and Genya began their fight, with the man proving quicker while Genya was able to push him back through sheer aggression and his own level of skill being high enough to make sure that combat philosophy would cost him his life against his foe.

‘’I did.’’ The Woman’s eyes narrowed then, ‘’So what? He surprised me, sure, but he’s not wrong. Demons…’’ There was a barely contained rage in her voice as she gave a sigh, ‘’They’re complete Monsters. They eat Humans. They hunt us all… and some do it for sports. Horrible, to the last. It’s bad enough the common kind exist, why should any Aberration then get the chance to exist?’’

Hearing those words… they pissed Kie off more than it should. In a scenario where she knew what she was and was placed in this same situation, she’d be insulted, but it wouldn’t get to her. But in this scenario, where she believed she’s human and Tanjiro exists as a living contradiction to what a Demon was…?

Well… it led to this situation.

“So you think that all Demons deserve death, no matter what? You know, I can get putting them down for defence of yourself and others, but you and him…” Kie began while tightening her blade’s handle, before looking at the woman with rage clear in her eyes.

“You would want them all to face the most painful deaths, don’t you? Regardless if they were once a sick child, regardless of if they held onto enough of their humanity to possess some morals, regardless of if they had no choice. And regardless of if they wanted to protect humans.” She continued with a growl, honestly taking the woman aback and stripping away some of her foes’ rage.

“But if it’s a human who does something horrible, you would probably take other facts into consideration, like what led them to becoming what they are. But with Demons, you wouldn’t care and would just want them to suffer despite what made them turn. Well, news flash, some people chose to become Demons and that is the source of that cruelty, while others do it because that Progenitor gives them no choice.”

The Woman’s eyes narrowed then, suddenly, while she had been genuinely caught off guard at first by the words, now?

She noticed some things. Of course, if this were actually a Human being who had said those words, she may very well have been much more receptive of those words. But this wasn’t a Human who said those words.

At the end of the day, the creature in front of her was anything but that.

So perhaps it’s why this Woman grew more heated contrary to what composure she had displayed earlier.

‘’I think you, as a Demon, are forgetting a few things there. And I can’t help but see the word bias all over. Because you, my dear, clearly forget one vital step in all of this. Perhaps it’s so casual to you, but to me? It’s not.’’

She frowned. Her hate for Demons, something shared by many, grew all the more obvious.

‘’All Demons cause Death. They take, no matter their goddamned circumstances. So why should I pity them back if all they do is take regardless? Oh, cry me a river! Maybe you’re sad?! Well guess what, being sad but still doing it means nothing! You want a moral right. You’re a Demon after all, so of course you’d want to be in the right. But look around you! Look at me. Look at them! Why do you think we’re here to begin with?!’’

She pointed all over them, the entirety of the Final Selection, perhaps even past the site in itself.

‘’If Choice mattered, maybe we wouldn’t be here! But they don’t. Because guess what? Demons must eat. Demons must hunt Humans. And guess what stops them in return as well? Death.’’

Grinding her Teeth, the glare remained a permanent presence now. And in answer to that…

“...And when did I deny that Demons needed to be put down, period?”

…she was met with Kie’s simple response.

“If you fully paid attention to what I said, I never denied Demons needing to die at all. Rather, I’m arguing that there are Demons out there that never wished to become what they are now. That, with the especially cruel ones that want to cause pain beyond feeding, that comes from their human past. And yet, regardless of that, people like you would wish the most painful of deaths on them all.” The Slayer hopeful explained and pointed that out to the woman while glaring.

“And here, with Genya, you have a human that can make use of a Demon’s power for the good of others, and still remain himself, yet because he’s connected to them because of that gift, you and your friend want him dead when all he wants is to help. And with me, I’m a human, I have been in sunlight and I had many opportunities to kill other humans, yet I haven’t.” The Kamado continued on before taking in a breath while frowning at the girl.

“And my little brother denies the hunger in his cells. He killed a Demon to protect me before I met Urokodaki-San. He was surrounded by corpses multiple times with an enhanced sense of smell, yet he never tried to feast so he could protect others. He has even been asleep for 2 years, because he is trying to gain energy without hurting others.” The Water Breather declared calmly while getting into a stance. After all…

She knew a fight was bound to happen now. It had been obvious since those two had arrived, but it only grew more certain as the seconds passed by.

However, Kie would still end up being surprised herself. Because the reaction she got out was not in the direction she’d imagined it would take. There wasn’t even a single rebuttal to her words.

Words that the woman may have tried to poke holes at. But it would not happen. All because of a single and very simple sentence.

‘’I’m a Human…?’’ The Woman had repeated the words while Kie had continued, the remainder of her words falling on deaf ears.

‘’I’m a Human… I’m a Human… I’m. A. Human?!’’

The Woman’s arms shook at the sheer audacity of that single sentence. This Demon, this Monster in front of her had not only dared to try and challenge her viewpoint, but had chosen to completely ignore the meaning behind her words.

But oh, what else should she have expected? Demons. Their justifications were so utterly out of this world…

But this one? This lie?

It made her Blood boil to a completely new level she had been unaware she even had.

‘’You… you dare…’’ Her previous stance had shifted to hanging right, ‘’You dare call yourself a Human?! You stupid bitch!’’

The Room for talking was over. That had been clear before, but any other chances had slammed shut forever.

Talking was not an option anymore.

‘’You put words in my Mouth, assuming so much out of me, that I’d lower myself to your kinds barbarity…! But then, you spew those lies and call yourself Human?!’’

The Hateful gaze turned from boiling, to suddenly something cold. And Kie was able to tell at that moment that she would fight someone with Cold Anger completely aimed towards her.

‘’Fine. Then I’ll just show you what your deaf ears don’t hear!’’

Depending on this Woman’s skills, she could either have an easy time, or the hardest fight of her life. Because compared to all the rest, this one…

This one would not go down easily, would she?

(Why did she continuously feel chills run throughout her body since seeing those Cold Eyes?)

Then, with a surprising level of speed, the woman charged at Kie and was able to get behind the Kamado girl, but the Water Breathing Practitioner was by no means helpless as she raised her blade and was able to block a slash to her neck, though Kie was honestly surprised by how it almost felt like her foe’s katana was on fire.

However, Kie found herself surprised when the woman tried to land a kick to her stomach, only to fail, as she’d dealt with someone recently enough who’d pulled something similar, and instead caught the leg of her opponent before spinning around and tossing her away, creating a few metres distance between them both.

“Water Breathing - Second Form: Water Wheel!” Deciding to go on the aggression this time, Kie began to run forward before leaping and performing a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion that the woman was able to block, but they released a grunt of pain as the attack still had a lot of power, to the point that the ground beneath the female swordsman cracked from the pressure.

Acting quickly, Kie decided now would be a good time to take a page from her opponent’s book, and using her position, landed a kick that connected with the fire girl’s chin that sent her flying into the air a little while Kie landed back on the ground gracefully, all while the other Slayer hopeful stumbled back onto her feet, dazed from the powerful blow.

“Duck!!” Hearing the yell of Genya, Kie was able to do just as he said and ducked down, evading a slash to her neck from the man who didn’t care if they were actually good or not, and then blocked a swing from his blade by grabbing the arm holding the weapon in a death grip.

Meanwhile, the woman saw a chance to attack and took it, going for an overhead strike that was intent on slicing through the Kamado’s neck, only to be blocked by the blade of the Demon eating human.

“Water Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirlpool!” Seeing the precision that they were all in, Kie began to spin and used the momentum of the Sixth Form to knock away the 2 Slayer hopefuls while making sure to not hurt Genya, who stood by her side unscathed, beyond a few new cuts and bits of dirt on his clothing.

Not going for any chance of commentary, and even seeming to be genuinely angered now, the man then charged forward towards Genya with some movements that Kie realised had some similarities to Water Breathing, but were modified. So, Kie swung at him to try and protect her friend, but he jumped over the slash and spun around with his bodyweight to try and slash at her neck now, in a manner that honestly reminded Kie of a blooming flower that was releasing pollen.

However, his attack failed, as Genya caught his arm halfway through the motion, and then tossed the swordsman at the woman who fumbled whatever it was she was about to do, their bodies colliding and slamming into one tree, bursting past it, and only stopping for the next.

Good thing for them that Total Concentration Breathing made their bodies hard enough to withstand those kind of blows, or it’s probably their backs would have snapped.

The Man groaned, clearly having somewhat of a hard time moving now as his closed eyelids caught on to the state of the sky.


The Rays that remained from Dusk was nearly all gone. Very soon, it’d be completely night, and any Demons who didn’t previously dare come out definitely would now.

‘’Ugh…’’ The woman didn’t look all that bad, but she didn’t look all that good either. It did not help that so many days in the Final Selection, wounds had accumulated.

Fortunate as they were that nothing severe had hit them, it would seem their fortune had run out at a poor time.

Still, they had to stand up. Laying down in the Final Selection at this hour was asking for Death. So, even as their Bodies had to protest, they could not.

To their credit, they did make it seem like they were fine after they were back up, weapons still drawn and glaring at them still. They could have fooled Kie and Genya for a second, if it wasn’t because their bodies twitched.

And now, there was a choice to be made. One they couldn’t dwell on for too long as the last rays of the Sun dimmed away…

Retreat, or keep fighting?

Much as the man hated to consider it, he was no fool. But fool or not…


The choice was no longer theirs to make. For all four Slayer Hopefuls heard a single chuckle, before a laugh followed it. Then, another. Then, they heard a growl amongst them. And another.

In fact, there were so many sounds it dawned on them the horrifying implication.

They weren’t alone.

Just glancing at one direction showed some Demons, and from another, some more. All either laughing in glee, or growling as they finally had prey in front of their eyes.

“If we get through this, I swear to fucking god, this is the last time I interact with another human on this hellhole!!”

‘’Quiet!’’ The man gritted his teeth, utterly hating that the only reason this was even happening, was because they’d fought.

They had made too much noise. Noise that those Demons had clearly heard. And now, what he’d truly believed would have been something swift to get over, was most definitely not.

‘’10… no, 15…?’’ The woman muttered as she tried to keep count, but there seemed to be only more showing up.

Then, perhaps because she cracked, or simply because there was no better way to put it, she gave a brief laugh.

‘’Oh wow, we are doomed…’’

Looking around, Kie could admit that the odds weren’t great for them. But there was one detail she picked up on from the corner of her eyes that would give them all a chance to escape…

The branches, which looked sturdy enough to support a person’s bodyweight, had no Demons on them.

“You 3, copy what I do.” Kie spoke, and before any of her fellow hopefuls could ask what or berate her in some way, she charged forward towards a duo of Demons and jumped over a slash from their claws, landing safely on a tree branch to look over at the others, who realised the idea and scattered. Landing on tree branches in different directions.

That was the first mistake.

A shame that, as she ran away to safety with a small collection of Demons who gave chase, Kie would never notice that mistake until a later point. Nor truly understand that her plan had two additional holes in them.

But the Bloodied Caws and Teeth from some Demons who just so happened to have hidden in the Trees could attest to that, no?

The remainder of that night was a stark contrast to how it had started, as the remainder of it went smoothly. To smoothly, she’d even think.

Yet, Night 5 continued on into Day 6. And then, Day turned into Night.

It’s once Night 7 had arrived; did she realize that she was so close to the end of the Final Selection. Only some more hours, and then, she could get out of this…

This really confusing place.

Except, as she began to make her way back to the Entrance as Night would soon enough give way to Day, she heard…

…a laugh?

‘’Bwahahahaha! Comin’ through!’’

Wait, where did that even come from? Kie snapped her head to the side and only caught a glimpse of a much more immediate issue. Namely, that a Demon had actually nearly succeeded in sneaking up on her.

‘’Damnit!’’ Said Demon cursed as he changed tactics to just attack with his Claws, but then, they both were met with something unusual.

Namely, that from behind, the Demon was rammed by something from behind and launched him forward. Kie ducked just barely from this unusual turn of events before snapping her head up to see another weird thing.

‘’Demon! Fight me!’’

A Boy with a Boar Head. Shirtless, with Jagged Blades.

There was only one way to answer that.

‘’Um… No?’’

And the boy, who’d taken a stance, lowered his Blades at that.

‘’Huh? Why not?’’

Did she seriously need to tell him why? Actually, no, that shouldn’t surprise her one bit at this rate. She’s… what, how many Slayer Hopefuls attacked her? Not all, but nearly half at this rate, no?

“Because Selection is over and we can pass….” Kie answered while pointing behind her, before pointing to herself once she realised that there was clear sunlight touching her skin.

“Besides, if I was a Demon, I would be burning up from the sunlight on my skin, but I’m not!” The Kamado explained to the boar boy a bit excitedly. After all, if he was under the spell of the Demon that had been making others fight her, then perhaps seeing a contradiction woul-.

“I don’t give a crap! I just want to fight strong people, and I heard you fought everyone!” The boar headed boy yelled out before pointing his dual blades at her once more.


What? Was he… what?!

“Wait, hold on a minute!” Kie tried to speak, but that was all she could get out before the boy charged right at her.

“Beast Breathing - First Fang: Pierce!” The boy yelled out as he thrusted his two weapons right at her neck, and Kie was just barely able to draw her blade and raise to deflect the stabbing attack, causing both of the weapons to hang above their heads.

But this didn’t deter the boy in the slightest, as he jumped up and, with a flexibility that Kie was sure shouldn’t be capable for a human, was able to wrap his legs around her neck and began to squeeze.

Kie’s only answer she could think of then was to shoot her only free arm and grab that Boar boy’s arm, grabbing it and pulling to the side. But that utterly inhuman flexibility of his, alongside the general fact a large amount of weight went up to her head, meant she then quickly found her own plan backfiring as the boy spun his body and had her head slammed into the faintest signs of a road.

Her Nose bled while her forehead cracked the ground, but that only seemed to excite this boy more as he cackled and spun his body back outright.

‘’Hehahahaha! Come on! More!’’

He didn’t even wait a single second before deciding to follow up with an attack while she was down. Urokodaki’s training became really fortunate at that moment as she performed one of the many evasions she’d learned from her Mentor flipping her over and over again.

Just in time to, as she flipped her body to the sound just in time and avoid the cross-slash that cut into the Dirt. Without even a single second wasted, the boy’s body flexed off to the side, like a Beast would when charging at their Prey.

‘’How does he move like that?!’’ Kie thought with Panic as she completely forgot to use Water Breathing and opted to go for a kick considering the low stature.

She raised her leg just as he neared, and then was reminded yet again by how utterly abnormal this boy was as he spun his body inches away from her kick connecting with his head, and even worse, it gave him an opening as his body faced hers during that flip.

‘’Beast Breathing - Second Fang: Slice!’’

He swung both of his blades into a Cross-slash, and at this distance, it most definitely would have landed. If not because Kie currently had her arms free, and was able to move her Blade to block the attack.

Following that failed attack, the Boar Boy’s spin had him back to standing upright. Looking completely fine from the movement.

‘’Pretty amazing, aren’t I?’’ If nothing else, it was clear he was enjoying himself, ‘’Pretty amazing, aren’t I?’’

He said it twice. Did he… want praise? Or was he just getting way too much joy at this moment?

‘’Finally something good!’’

And the Boar boy went back on the offense, not willing to give Kie a single chance to actually even speak.

Thankfully though, the brief time the boy was using to both boast and effectively demand praise allowed Kie to properly calm down from the sheer absurdity of the situation, even though the amount that had eased up was low, and began to block some of the attacks or evade.

And that proved to be a difficult task. With the hopefuls that were like a boulder and mist, the struggle came from their ability to match her strength or move in a confusing manner, respectively. The first hopeful she fought proved a bit challenging because of how agile he was, the yellow boy with his sheer speed and the fire and flower ones due to the circumstances. The boar boy?

With each clash of their blades, it became apparent that while Kie still held physical superiority, the dual wielding swordsman was not far off in all of the categories that currently mattered. Add on his flexibility and his style resembling 4 legged beasts rather than an actual sword style, and Kie quickly found herself stuck on the defence as she just barely blocked or evaded each attack.

“Beast Breathing - Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting!”

“Water Breathing - Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!”

Eventually though, their clash of blades came to an end when they both performed a technique in the same instant, with the wild teen jumping into the air and trying to cut at anything close by while Kie made use of the Ninth Form’s footwork to evade the unpredictable attack, until she saw an opening and struck.

However, the boar boy noticed this quickly and used his swords to block the swing, but with the force behind them both, and the odd angle of the clash…

Both Slayer hopefuls lost their grips on their swords, and they flew out of their hands.

Suddenly, they were both weapon less. And it left Kie slightly stumped, since all she’d learned by based around the usage of a Sword.

The Boar boy on the other hand?

‘’Hehaha!’’ He only laughed, ‘’Guess it’s just our fists now!’’

Yeah… she doesn’t know why she’d hoped he may have finally given up. Clearly, no matter what, this one would be stubborn.

And he wasted no time as well, charging up towards with a ferocity that was familiar to her by now, but all the same overwhelming as his Body spun to nail a punch and then follow up with an uppercut using the sole of his foot. She was able to avoid both blows, though the second had been narrow. And then he continued up with punches.

Punches that reminded her again of a 4-Legged Beast instead of a Human. In fact, it felt a lot more obvious now that they were fighting barehanded.

‘’We’re-!’’ She blocked one of his punches that nearly nailed one of her lungs, ‘’-gonna be-!’’ She punched back in answer, but the Boar boy twisted upside down and trapped said arm between his legs before twisting his body and actually managing to fling her from her upright position, to her back as she felt the wind being knocked out of her.

‘’Ugh…’’ How did that boy even do it?! She’s not that much taller, but she can’t be that light.

Questions put to the side for now, Kie regained her bearings quickly enough she was able to see that Boar Boy wasting no time as he jumped and preparing for an overhead strike, clearly planning on nailing his next punch on her face

Not that she allowed it to happen, she spun her body to the side, rolling over and avoiding the punch that left a visible mark on the dirt it hit.

‘’I need to finish this somehow.’’ The Final Selection was by all means nearly over. But at this rate, she’d be late by the time Daybreak came.

She’s somewhat confident she could eventually win. This boy couldn’t keep going at it forever, and he’s the one who should be wasting more energy than her. But by the time that happened, who knows when that’d be?

Think Kie! Think! What could she use?

That Head of hers had to- Oh, wait!

There was her chance! If she landed it, then she’s sure that boy would stop.

She’s thankful the idea came to mind before that Boar boy had reignited his assault, as he truly allowed her no time to think of anything but defend.

‘’This is great!’’ He managed to land another punch after she’d defended from the previous one, ‘’Nothing can top the pleasure of this moment!’’

And then, she found her chance.

He threw another punch, and she stepped slightly to the side to avoid it just in time. And without wasting time, before this Boy could react, both her arms grabbed his shoulders.

Then, in an instant, Kie slammed her head against the boy’s skull, feeling his body practically spasm because of the force of the blow until he went still.

…Why did she feel a sense of Deja Vu headbutting something with a boar face?

Meh. Probably nothing… and there was the laughter filled with Caws again.

“Finally….” Kie said tiredly as she allowed the boy’s unconscious body to fall to the ground while she began to walk away, before looking over her shoulder to look at the teen.

Should she bring the boy along? She did hit him hard, so it isn’t impossible he’ll be out for a worrying amount of time…

But he was also really tough. He’d shown that during this entire fight. What said he wouldn’t regain consciousness while she dragged him with her? Then she’d have to repeat this, and this time, he might not actually wake up.

…Wisteria should be nearby, right? She shouldn’t be that far from the entrance, or at least the perimeter. She can leave him off close to that.

She just hoped he did not wake up until then.

And much to her luck, he did not wake up. However, to her slight worry and annoyance, he mumbled the whole way ‘’Fight Me’’.

At least it wasn’t the alternative…

- - - - - - - - - -

Seven Whole days had passed since she’d last stepped foot here. And much to her shock…

Only three, herself included, had made it back.

Four, if the Boar boy was included, but he wasn’t present due to being still unconscious. So he couldn’t really count.

Everyone else who had been present here previously, including those who’d attacked her throughout those Seven Days, were all dead. It…

She’s not sure how to feel about that.

The only real upside was that one of the survivors was someone she knew.

“Glad to see Genya’s okay.” Kie thought to herself as she and the boy nodded at each other. Though, before any words could be exchanged, the two girls(?) from a week ago made themselves known and spoke up.

‘’ ‘’Welcome back.’’ ‘’

They both had taken the exact same position they had from that Night a Week ago. Then, both took turns to speak.


‘’We’re pleased to see that you’re safe.’’

Although it amounted to them congratulating them above anything else. Though compared to that first day, this time, there was someone who’d spoken up to question something.

‘’So? What am I supposed to do now?’’ She was surprised that Genya had spoken up, although his question confused her slightly.

‘’Where’s my sword?’’

Does he want his own Nichirin Blade that badly, or was he just tired of this whole week? She wouldn’t blame him, honestly.

‘’First, we shall issue you all uniforms.’’ The White-Haired girl answered him, ‘’We will take your measurements, after which your rank will be engraved.‘’

Wait. Engravement with what? Were they just… gonna say that and leave it at that?’’

‘’There are ten ranks in all…’’

Apparently so. Since they went on by saying all of the Ranks. From Highest to Lowest. The White Haired one spoke first.


Then the Black-haired girl(?).


And then they alternated one after the other.








‘’...and Mizunoto.’’ The Black Haired one finished. And Kie had a feeling she was about to forget the Ranks quite a lot.

‘’Currently, you are at the lowest rank, Mizunoto.’’ The White Haired one added in.

“Where’s my katana?” Speaking up again with a growing aura of agitation, Genya questioned the children, who seemed to either ignore him and their next announcement was just good timing, or decided to answer that question now.

“Today, we will let you choose the ore for your swords. However, the swords will take ten to fifteen days to complete.” The white-haired child answered, which did seem to explain some matters to Genya as well.

Like how they really didn’t have a Sword ready at this moment considering it had to be forged first. Much to his annoyance.

‘’Are you kidding me?’’

Casually, the Black Haired one spoke on.

‘’But first…’’

The White Haired-One clapped her hands twice, and in answer, Crows were summoned in answer to her summon. Familiar Caws came to them as Three came down and reached for them.

Kie’s perched on her shoulder before going for her arm after she raised it.

‘’We will now assign each of you your own Kasugai Crow.’’ The two alternated with their answer.

‘’These Kasugai Crows can be used primarily for communication.’’

While they said that, Kie was able to sneak in a glance at the fact one of the ‘’Crows’’ was a Sparrow. For the Blond Boy to apparently.

And then she was startled by Genya’s outburst.

‘’Don’t give me that crap!’’ Genya shook off his Kasugai Crow and then decided to march on towards the Two.

‘’Who the hell cares about some stupid crow?’’

He went on to do something that startled the two other survivors, considering the supposed importance the two in front of them all held.

Genya roughly grabbed the White-Haired one by the hair.

‘’I want a sword, you hear? Gimme one right now! The Demon Slayers’ sword! The Colour Changing Sword!’’

Only to pause when he felt a Hand grab him by the arm, holding it still. His eyes drifted to the side to see Kie being the perpetrator, and with her Mask still on, it was impossible to see what she felt.


‘’How about you don’t do that?’’

…Considering the clear displeasure in her voice, it was obvious as to what she felt. And under any other circumstances, he would have simply shrugged it off.

But considering how this girl had ended up being the only social one he’d met due to what he had to do in the Final Selection, he listened. Somewhat.

‘’And why shouldn’t I?’’

‘’Genya, they said it earlier. We’re supposed to choose an Ore for our swords. I don’t know when, but I’m guessing it’s supposed to be soon. So please, just let her go. I really don’t want to be rougher than I have to.’’

And considering how he clearly was Human now; he didn’t profit from a Demon’s strength. So she did have him overpowered if push came to shove.

Genya glared at her and then considered his options before caving in.


And he walked back to where he’d previously been. Kie planned to follow suit, considering that the Girl seemed fine, besides her hair looking slightly messy now. But it seemed like there was an opportunity as the Announcements continued.

‘’Now that the chatting is done…’’ the Black-Haired girl(?) casually spoke on as the Purple Cloth that draped over some form of table was removed, revealing 15 Ore pieces. The Black Haired One moved off to the side.

‘’Now then, please select an Ore.’’

Ah, so soon had been very soon. Like, seconds after in fact.

‘’The Steel for the sword that will annihilate demons and protect you will be of your own choosing.’’

And now, all 3 Participants had a choice. Which they now stared at.

Which one to choose?

Kie wondered if it made a difference. Was it Important at all, or was the choosing ultimately made so that the Sword, while not forged by them, would feel like they had a hand in making it?

She was willing to guess it had more to do with the latter, but what if the former had any truth to it? Then what?

It’s probably not Important. But, if she had to choose…

‘’I’ll take that one.’’

She extended her hand and grabbed the Ore of her choice. If it actually made a change or not… well, they’d see.

- - - - - - - - - -

Elsewhere, a Kasugai Crow made a report. And in thanks, he received a pat on the head.

‘’I see.’’ The man the Crow had reported to smiled to himself at the news. Always so low, yet still, some made it through.

‘’As many as Four of them managed to survive, huh?’’ He couldn’t help but feel happy, ‘’Excellent.’’

It was always sad to learn that so many died in Final Selections. And it always hurt to know that this wouldn’t be the last time. The Corps would always need more people.

Then again, at least they could minimise the damage. Never again would he allow that Incident from 8 Years ago to happen again.

Never again would he allow a Demon to grow strong within the Grounds that were meant to teach how to survive.

‘’The Number of my children has increased again.’’ And as always, the question came, ‘’I wonder what kinds of swordsmen they’ll become.’’

He looked forward to how they would all grow. Especially… that special one.

He couldn’t help but chuckle when thinking of her. To think that she somehow was able to pull it off against so many of the Participants…

Truly, he looked forward to meet her one day.

- - - - - - - - - -

After a whole week in Mount Fujikasane, the road back home felt… uneventful. Not that it was a bad thing!

But she got somewhat used to not finding complete peace.

But she felt proud of herself. She’d done it! She’d passed! She even had her Uniform in a Bag right now. Now, she just needed to wait for her Sword to be made and given to her.

Although, after the excitement of that Morning, she did feel rather tired. But she was almost there.

She could sleep as much as she wanted after returning to her safe haven.

Night had just now fully come when she finally reached the top of the slope that led to her Sensei’s Home.

‘’Finally… I’m back.’’

Then, out of completely nowhere, the door to her Urokodaki-San’s house went flying and even stabbed into a tree.

“Huh!?” Was all Kie could say, before a speeding green blur crashed right into her, knocking the air out of her lungs, and making her fall onto her back.

“MMMMM!!!” Hearing the muffled noise she hadn’t heard in 2 years, Kie froze up, her eyes widening as she took a few seconds to process the noise. And then, she looked down and just as she suspected, holding onto her tightly was her little brother…

Tanjiro was finally awake.

“Tanjiro!! Oh, fire god, don’t make me worry like that again!!” Kie yelled out in a mixture of joy and sadness as she wrapped her arms around the boy’s small frame, feeling him snuggle into her body for comfort as tears poured down from the siblings’ eyes, both dead to the world beyond this one moment.

One because he was worried for his crazy sister when he didn’t see her for days, and the other because her brother was finally back.

But when Urokodaki joined the hug, Kie became a little more aware again, hearing his relieved and elderly voice speak.

“You came back to us. Thank you Kie.”

- - - - - - - - - -

They all smiled.

Truthfully, how could they not after seeing this Reunion? Or that their Sensei finally seems to have broken away from his Students dying.

However, for all the smiles they gave and as happy as they were about it, the fact Kie had returned alive, but they weren’t capable of moving on…

‘’So he’s still alive, huh?’’ Sabito remarked in an almost casual manner.

‘’It seems like it.’’ Makomo agreed, but compared to her Companion over there, she could not hide how grim she felt.

The Hand Demon still lived.

That was a fact that all of the students had to acknowledge, from the least educated and to the most spiteful of the 13 of them.

So for them, the question was how? If Kie fought and lost, she wouldn’t be hugging their sensei right now. Was it simply a matter of them just not running into each other, or…

The latter idea that came to mind sent a shiver up their spines, and all the deceased students could do was hope that they were wrong.

Because the alternative…

The only other explanation… the only other option that could make any sort of sense… the one thing they all truly hoped had not happened…

…was that the Demon had escaped.


I wonder how many of you realised what we planned with the Hand Demon before the end of this chapter.

Now then, for the content of the chapter. With Kie as a Demon, especially one on a mountain infested with them, her true nature as a Demon wasn't going to be hidden forever. Especially when bits of her Demonic presence makes itself known during and a bit after a battle, but once that calms down, the Kamado mother's presence is almost exactly the same as a human's. So there is your explanation for how these Slayer hopefuls noticed Kie was a Demon, when Hashira Tsutako needed to realise that Kie regenerated to do so.

Another thing to note is Kie's clothes. Yeah, that was just the best thing we could think of for Kie to actually get into the Final Selection while still keeping her unaware of her being a Demon.

Next, was the Slayer hopefuls that Kie fought. Yeah, they each had some different styles that we know for sure weren't made by the Hashira, which gave us a fun opportunity to showcase how the styles can generally interact with each other. And for the Flower and Flame Breathing users... that was not planned in the slightest, but we have no regrets there.

The 4th thing is that Kie already met some of the Kamaboko Squad members! And as the King of the Mountains, it was only right for Inosuke to be the final boss for Kie. So expect some fun interactions there later on.

And finally, the 'siblings' have been reunited!! Which... is ruined by the Hand Demon being alive. Curious if anyone will realise what our future plans for him are.

Taisho Secret: Matsuemon was watching Kie unintentionally gaslight nearly everyone in Final Selection and was laughing his ass off the entire time. As a result, he chose to partner up with the Kamado.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them.

Hope you all enjoyed and until next time!

Oh yeah, nearly forgot. But now, the vote for the Progenitor Demon is over.

And this is one I did forget. But tomorrow, we'll be uploading a Gakuen chapter based on this AU! So look forward to that, since they'll be popping up at the end of each arc in this story.

Chapter 6: Gakuen File I: The Life of a Kamado


The First Kimetsu Gakuen Chapter, focusing on the Kamado's and how their life goes in a Modern World.


Hello one and all! Eexis here! Welcome to the first Chapter centering around the World of Kimetsu Gakuen.

As Trickster1 mentioned in the previous chapter, we're going to write up some Chapters of the Gakuen World with this AU's Cast during the end of most Arcs. However, because we haven't introduced a great many people, this Chapter turned out to be short and more limited than initially intended.

That'll change later on, but for now, this is all we could do. Nonetheless, I certainly hope you'll enjoy what we still wrote up. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Kamado’s are a big Family. Consisting of their Two Parents, Tanjuro and Kie, and Six Siblings, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru and Rokuta. So it is no surprise that both of their parents had jobs, albeit different kinds, to support their Numbers.


The Mother was working in the same High School that Two of her Children attended, and the Father worked at their Bakery which was also their Home, allowing him to take care of their Younger Children. Like getting them to school.


Because of the Mother’s Job, very often, she alongside her Two Eldest went together. Often, they found themselves in… situations.


''Stop Flashing your Butt!''


They all took the same Train, so they found themselves with that Weirdo again. The Mother went on to nab said Weirdo and pin him down before he did anymore damage.


''I gotta show it!''


''No you don’t!''


The worst part was that it was not the first time this weirdo had acted inappropriately toward Trains. Yes, you read that right. Towards Trains. He is truly a Menace.


Because Faculty must not be Late, and Students in General shouldn’t either, the Mother and her Children never could really stick around when the Station Attendant restrained the weirdo.


What was truly strange, was that the weirdo always escaped. It didn’t matter what the Attendant named Saburo did, he always escaped him before he could be arrested.


So, sadly for everyone but the weirdo called Enmu, his inappropriate behavior continued on.


Regardless of that, the remainder of the Family’s travel to the School went unperturbed as they reached the Front Gate.


Standing at the Gate was Tomioka-sensei, who let them pass without any fuss. And with that, the two Children and their Mother split.


One went to the Faculty Office, and the other two, to their Classes.


This is how their day starts. The clock ticking by as the hour's pass, until eventually? It is time for them to head back Home.


But compared to earlier during the Morning, for the Afternoon, Tanjiro and Nezuko had to head back alone.


Kie meanwhile stayed back in the Faculty to bring up any concerns that needed to be shared.


And now, Tanjiro was the sole one who had to deal with a Second Weirdo that he always noticed on his way back, often telling his Sister to go ahead of him because of it. Not that she always listened.


He never quite could find a way to restrain him long enough to be arrested.


This altercation often did leave Tanjiro hungry before supper though, so he often went to the Aozora Dinner for Oyakodon. Sometimes, however, he couldn’t quite get what he wanted…


But that was fine. He was really just glad to help.


Though his Stomach really did want to protest.


Nezuko did often pat his back when situations like this happened as they both headed Home, not truly aware two people were watching them at some points.


The remainder of the road went smoothly as they arrived back to see their Father and the rest of their Siblings already back. The Bakery was closed by now and Tanjuro was just about to prepare Supper.


''Welcome back.'' Their Father always greeted them first, which caused a chain reaction where all of their Siblings immediately followed with:


''Welcome back!''


''Big Bro and Big Sis are here!''


''They’re here!''




Immediately saying that, Rokuta, their Youngest Sibling charged toward Tanjiro and Nezuko. He received a Hug from them both, and the rest of their Siblings followed suit.


All while their Father went to work with the Cooking. Though, he did chuckle as he did so.


''It seems like you all missed your brother and sister.''


Upon hearing their father’s voice, all that came from his children were a series of giggles and undoubtedly a pout from Takeo, despite the angle preventing the father of 6 from seeing them.


''Do you need some help, Father?'' Tanjiro asked his dad quickly after his little siblings all untangled themselves from each other.


''I would appreciate that Tanjiro. Just help me prepare some hot water and I’ll take care of the rest. I'm sure you had a long day.''


Hearing the request, the eldest child of the family only nodded happily before preparing the Hot Water, which amounted to pouring Hot Water from the Tap into the Pot and then leaving it over the Stove.


His Siblings, mainly Hanako and Shigeru, then proceeded to drag him into a game of theirs. Not that Tanjiro minded.


Time went on to slip by all of them as the Siblings played their game while their Father cooked. Eventually, their Mother returned from work and as always, she announced her presence.


''I’m back!''


And just like with Tanjiro and Nezuko’s return home, her presence made way for a celebration for the young ones.


''Mother’s here!''


''Hey Mom!''


''Welcome back!''




Hearing the cries of excitement her presence earned, Kie could only softly chuckle in response as she knelt down and warmly embraced her 4 children, who were excited to see her after she was gone for so long in their minds.


''Welcome back dear. And perfect timing as well.'' Tanjuro called out warmly as he'd moved with preparing the Table. Laying down the Plates that would soon be filled with Food. Including the Vegetables Hanako and Shigeru were disgusted by.


''It is good to be back. And I must say, you seem to have outdone yourself this time.'' Kie greeted her husband just as warmly, the 2 sharing a quick kiss before the family gathered at the table.


Their life was simple, if slightly chaotic. But none of the Kamados would trade it for the world, so long as they had each other.


And the Chapters over.

More of a slice of life than anything else, but as a start, I'd say it's fitting. After all, all of the Kamado's are alive here.

There isn't much for me to say, although I'm going to experiment with an alternative to the Taisho Secrets/Whispers for the Gakuen Files. Tell me what you think.

[Gakuen Records]
The Kamados have extended Family on both the Mother and Father's side. It is relatively unclear how close those relatives are currently to Tanjuro and Kie, but rumor has it that some of those relatives may be closer than believed.

Let's just call it... extra info for this Modern World and how different some things are here.

Anyway, I do hope you've enjoyed this small start. Next chapter, we're back on the Main Course. Until then, see ya!

Chapter 7: Into Wonderland


The Start of a Journey, and the Start of the Hunt.


Hello, one and all! Eexis here again. Yeah, it was decided I'd upload this Chapter since the Gakuen File was... well, not all that long. And technically speaking, because it wasn't a ''Main'' Chapter, it was still my turn.

So I'm the one uploading this.

There's not much to really say, besides Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Fifteen Days.


That’s how much time had passed since Kie had returned from the Final Selection. Alive, and one step closer to her goal.


Although, she had grown somewhat impatient as the days passed. She hadn’t been all that injured, and besides exhaustion, she’d done fine. So she would have rather liked to start as soon as possible.


But Swords weren’t made in just a single day, so wait she did.


At least she got to spend time with her Little Brother, now that he was awake. So that made the wait more bearable.


And eventually, those days passed, and finally… her Swordsmith had arrived.


His most defining feature upon first glance was his Haori and the Strawhat he wore. And as he got closer, Kie could note something pink hidden under it. 


She didn’t look closely, out of politeness.


''Are you…?'' Kie went on to ask upon his arrival at the Front Door.


It seemed he answered her question, ''My name is Haganezuka. I have forged Kie Kamado’s sword, and I am here to deliver it.''


Did he not know what she looked like? He spoke as if she wasn’t there… actually, that’s probably it.


Best to tell him that.


''Oh. Then that’d be me. I’m Kamado Kie. Please, come… inside…?'' her words slowed down to a halt as she saw that the man had basically ignored her words beside her name, instead crouching down to wrap open some sort of container.


''This is the Nichirin Sword. And I forged it.''


He… what even was she supposed to do in a situation like that? Just force him in or leave him be?


Considering she was taught manners, she tried to coax him in.


''Sir. Could you please come inside?''


She was completely ignored however.


''The Materials for a Nichirin Sword can be obtained from the mountain closest to the sun. Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Crimson Ore.''


She sweatdropped while the man continued speaking what she’s almost sure, is something he practiced, pointing his finger towards the Sun while he spoke on and on.


''These produce steel that can absorb sunlight.''


''That’s… fascinating.'' Kie tried to sound enthusiastic, but she couldn’t quite put in the energy. Especially since she really was not sure what to do about the man.


''This is thanks to the sun shining all year round on Mount Yoko.'' The man continued onwards, with Kie just remaining silent as she decided to just listen for the time being.


''The clouds never obscure the mountain, nor does it rain there. Giving the materials the chance to absorb and store sunlight.'' Haganezuka finished before finally raising his head, causing Kie to blink in surprise when she was greeted with the sight of a pink-colored Hyottoko mask covering the swordsmith’s face.


''Hmm? Well, what luck! You’re a Child of Brightness for sure!'' The man spoke happily as he just now took in the young woman’s appearance, and while she wasn’t able to know where exactly he was looking, something in Kie felt like he was staring at her hair and eyes.


It was an odd feeling.


''I’m... sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about exactly.'' She spoke truthly, her feet shifting a little on the ground while she rubbed the back of her head. 


And for a moment, she thought she could hear Tanjiro making a muffled noise, but shrugged that off for now.


''I’m talking about your hair and eyes, kid. Houses that work with fire have such children. It is even viewed as a sign of good fortune for a member of such a family to be born with those traits.'' The strange man explained to her while pointing at those very parts of her appearance. And that made Kie a little curious.


Did her family actually work with fire? She knew that her sensei talked about various gods that are believed in by different people, and she always instinctively thought about a Fire God.


Hm. Something to think about later she supposed.


''Oh, now I’m excited! Your Katana may now actually turn Bright-Red! Right, Urokodaki?'' Kie was quickly snapped out of her thoughts when Haganezuka yelled excitedly, even peaking past her to speak with her mentor.


Not that he was within sight of the entrance, yet still, Haganezuka received an answer.




That was it. That’s all he said. And with how even it was said, they’d both nearly missed his answer.


But, this had actually made Haganezuka finally come into the House. 


Now, here they were, all knelt down. Kie held the currently still sheathed Sword while her Mentor and Swordsmith watched. Oh, and the latter did motions with his hands all the while.


''Come on, hurry up and draw it! Nichirin Swords are also known as Color Changing Swords. They change color depending on the bearer.''


Oh… so that’s what he meant. Kie had wondered what was the whole thing with the color maybe turning Bright-Red.


Well, now it made her curious too.


So, she drew her Nichirin Blade. Held it upwards so they could all see, and then, the Magic happened.


Except it was really hard to see.


The Steel used made the Nichirin Blades by default be Grey in terms of color. But they overall were on the Brighter side. So the spread that started from the bottom was nearly missed.


But, they all saw it.


How the smallest traces of the Grey were overtaken by White, spreading up until the Sharp and Blunt sides were hardly distinguishable.


They all stared at the now White Blade in astonishment. All for different reasons.


''White!'' Haganezuka for his part was less than happy, releasing a powerful huff from his Mask.


''A White Blade, huh?'' Urokodaki meanwhile sounded rather curious about it.


''Is… is it bad?'' Kie, hearing the reactions they were giving, was growing somewhat worried.


''Not entirely.'' Urokodaki tried to reassure her, ''However, I can’t deny that this is the first time I’ve seen a White Blade. In fact, I’m almost sure this is the first White Blade in existence.''


Meanwhile, hearing the various noises around him, Tanjiro looked on from under the Futon that currently protected him from the sun and simply stared. But as he saw his sister with her White Nichirin Blade…


He smiled at her. Though, that quickly became a frown at what happens next.


''AAHHH!! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA GET TO SEE A BRIGHT RED BLADE! DAMMIT!!'' Haganezuka began to scream out in frustration, almost bending over comically before lunging at Kie, quickly grabbing at her face and pulling.


''Ow! Hey, What ar-OW! Stop it already!'' Kie yelled out in pain as she dropped her sword and began to try and rip the enraged man off of her, with Haganezuka now wrapping his legs around her to cling on and still pull at her body.


''Just how old are you!?''


''I’m 37!''


While that was going on, unknown to the both of them, a Kasugai Crow was heading their way. Immediately entering the room, he landed down before looking straight at Kie.


And, much to her continued surprise, while she wrestled herself out of Haganezuka’s grip, her Kasugai Crow spoke.


''Kie Kamado! Here are your orders!''


She could not believe it. A Crow spoke? And with a relatively male-sounding voice as well.


''Make your way to a town to the northwest! Young Girls have been vanishing there! Night after night, young girls have been vanishing! Hunt down the demon lurking there and kill it!''


The sheer weight of the situation only now truly settled as she’d gotten completely free from the Grip of her Swordsmith. It helped it seemed he was listening to the words spoken as well.


Or maybe he just glared at it with annoyance, who knows?


But this was it. This would be her first step now that she was a Member of the Corp.


''Kie Kamado, prepare yourself well for this task! This is your first assignment as a Demon Slayer!''


Her first mission.

For how serious her Kasugai Crow had made it sound, the Travel to the Town Northwest of where Urokodaki’s Home was located, was relatively serene all things considered.


She heard some bird make a noise she did not think could be equated to a chirp, but besides that, the walk was relaxing.


To a point that she was able to reminisce in peace.


Like her Corps Uniform.


It was a noteworthy thing. It didn’t quite allow anyone to blend in, but it became clear to her it had to be a constant. Or at least shared by many Demon Slayers, since she remembers Tsutako having worn the same thing 2 years ago, but just tinted Blue.


In Kie’s case though, it was tinted Red.


Additionally, just like Tsutako, she wore a Haori. Although she’d just gone for the orange and black checkered Haori she already had, which had been repaired in between her time at the Time Selection. It felt… right. To keep wearing it.


Her Katana rested on the left side of her Body, and, copying Tsutako again for that but slightly modified, her Warding Mask was hung to her left, next to her Weapon.


Honestly, when she’d tried this out, she’d believed this was more to differentiate Demon Slayers from Crowds, but from what she was told soon after, the Uniform wasn’t just there for recognition.

It had been around an Hour or so before she’d left. She’d already had an ongoing conversation with her Mentor, and she’d believed it to be over. She was standing up then.


''Before you prepare though, it is time I give you some last-minute advice.''


Her assumption was proven to be wrong though as Urokodaki quickly added that, causing her to stop and sit back down.


''First things first, that Demon Slayer Corps outfit you’re wearing right now… It’s made of a special kind of fiber. The Fabric is quite breathable, yet it repels moisture and won’t burn easily. A low-level demon’s talons or fangs couldn’t even manage to tear that uniform.''


She’d had her eyes drift down then to look over at the Uniform, even tugging a piece of said Uniform in wonder.


She was left surprised. But, on the upside, it meant she wouldn’t need to worry about damage to her Clothes anytime soon.

And while she has only had the time currently to see one of the claims of her sensei in action, she can honestly say that breathing was incredibly easy in the uniform. Up until now, some clothes may have the collar a little restrictive or there was something uncomfortable about them that she couldn’t quite put into words.


But none of those problems arose with this uniform. In that sense, it was almost as if there was nothing around her throat right now.


Which made the whole trip so far more enjoyable than usual. Although, speaking of which…


''Tanjiro.'' she slowly began to say, ''Are you alright in there?''


She still remembers two years ago, how her Little brother had a rather worrisome reaction when she’d first let him in a small space. The Basket in that case.


He couldn’t seem to stay still. In fact, she was very sure he was worried about the Sunlight.


So, she’d expected a similar reaction to what she carried him in now. Tilting her head to the side, she stared at the Box her little Brother was in now.


Absolutely no sound.


''Tanjiro?'' for the briefest of moments, she grew worried.


Worried this Box was not doing the job it was supposed to do.



By this point, her conversation with her Mentor was reaching its end. There was only so much they could talk about. But, there had been one last thing she’d wondered about.


And it seemed she would receive her answer as Urokodaki’s form shifted to the side, where a big Box was left.


Kie had wondered what that even was about. The answer was unexpected.


''Take this.'' he moved the thing rather casually in front of her, ''It’s a box for you to carry your Brother in during the day. Built out of an extremely light wood called Cloud Mist Pine. I coated it with rock lacquer to reinforce its exterior and to make it even more durable.''


And hearing those words, Kie mentally berated herself for forgetting this. Of course Tanjiro needed something to walk around during the day.


She’d been so focused on her training and overall worried about how long he might take to wake up that it had slipped her mind. Which is why she’s all too grateful that Urokodaki had thought of this.


''Thank you so much!''

But… no. No, it couldn’t be that it failed to do its job.


Perhaps… it had to do with the Theory Urokodaki had mentioned once.


On how her little brother required sleep as a substitute for Human Flesh. On why that may be the reason for his two years' worth of Sleep.


Perhaps that was it.


It was probable that Tanjiro was currently sleeping in the box.


Kie felt a faint smile grow while she stared back ahead to her destination.


''Tanjiro. Sleep well.''


She sped up her pace slightly. Before long, she reached a more advanced Town. One with Power Cables connected to it.


She knew she had arrived before even stepping foot on the Bridge, seeing a great many people coming and going. And walking further, she could see some small boats.


''So this is the Town to the northwest.''


She voiced that particular thought aloud as she crossed the bridge entirely, stepping foot in the town proper. Now, it was time to find that Demon.


But… uh…




She was told there was a Demon. She was told she had to hunt it down. She was even told which Town it was in.


But how was she supposed to find it?


Okay, first, to go over what lessons and overall information may help her with this.


The Demon is only going to be out and about at night, so if needed, she could just wait until it gets dark. But if she did that, then there was the possibility that someone could die.


Which meant that the best thing she could do was look around and find out where said Demon hid. She could then corner it and go kill it.


With only two choices readily available, it didn't take Kie long at all to decide on the latter option. Finding the Demon while it was effectively trapped by its Natural weakness.


But that still leaves the question of how she can find it.


She lacked Urokodaki-sensei’s sense of smell, and the man admitted to her one time that he primarily relied on his sense of smell to hunt Demons. Tanjiro could help there, but her little brother could only really help at night since he was also a Demon, which wasn’t exactly helping her goal of killing the Demon while sunlight was still out.


Perhaps she could use herself as bait? Her Crow did say that the Demon seemed to be targeting young girls since they were the ones disappearing for the most part, and while she didn’t know her exact age, she was still likely a young teenager.


But before she could think things over a little more to help in this mission, Kie’s ears picked up on a conversation that drew her attention.


''Look, Kazumi is so pitifully haggard.'' One older woman spoke with what appeared to be a friend of hers.


''Because he was with Satoko when she disappeared.'' The friend responded in kind with a tone filled with sympathy, fear, and nervousness, looking at a specific person in the crowd that Kie followed, her gaze seeing a young man who appeared to be exhausted. It looked like he barely had the energy to stand properly.


Although, with what she now heard, there was a chance. It reminded her of what her Mentor had told her. Civilians at times held the answers, knowingly or not. For now though, she decided to keep on listening while continuing to observe the Young Man.


''Night after night. It’s so creepy.''


''Yes, it’s awful!''


''When night comes, another young girl will disappear.'' A man next to the women said with frustration and worry, and hearing the practical confirmation that this Demon was indeed targeting young girls and that this Kazumi lost someone to them...


''Kazumi-san!'' Kie called out, and the tired young man turned around to look at her, confused and exhausted.


''If you have a moment, I would like to speak with you.''


And so, she finally had one lead in all of this. Namely, the location where the previous Young Girl had vanished.


''This is where Satoko vanished.''


Kazumi had shown her a completely normal-looking pathway around the Town. From his words, both of them had been taking this path, talking and overall, enjoying their time together.


Kazumi even had a lamp with him, and yet, the very next second… she was just gone. And it had left him completely stunned. Because how?


How did she just vanish like that when a second ago, they were together and doing fine?


To be truthful, at first glance alone, Kie had to admit it sounded completely impossible. How could something like that happen?


But, if she took into consideration something else she was told… namely, something Demons gained after eating enough, it clicked.


''You may not believe me. But-''


''I believe you.'' she cut in, not needing more convincing on the matter.


However, while she did believe him, and she understood exactly what was used… it really didn’t answer anything else.


The Important piece of information at this point was the ''How''?


How did a Demon get to Satoko without Kazumi seeing anything? It was Night, she got that, but he had a lamp. No one could straightforwardly get to someone without making some kind of noise.


Invisibility, maybe?


If no one could see you, then maybe… no. Unless anything they touched turned invisible to, then Satoko would have still been visible.


Then again, it only made her question things further about those Blood Demon Arts Demons held. She doesn’t recall Urokodaki-sensei ever telling her about the limits of the abilities a Demon could gain. 


He said they were greatly varied and they can be unpredictable, but exactly how far did that Variety and Unpredictability go?


Because she can’t actually rule out that a Demon may have invisibility and could also make others go invisible as well.


For now, she should backtrack on this. See if there are any points that relate to this case. So, she turned her attention back to Kazumi.


''Hey, question.'' she saw his shoulders slightly stiffen at being addressed, ''When exactly did the disappearances first take place?''


Kazumi pondered about it for a moment before giving her an answer.


''I think it was… around 2 weeks ago? Maybe more, I’m not sure. I just know it was around then that people noticed Girls disappearing.''


It actually matched up with what she heard earlier upon arrival.


''And all those who disappeared for those 2 weeks were Young Girls?''


Kazumi hesitantly nodded, not giving her a vocal answer.


Still, she had some answers. Two Weeks ago, some sort of Demon had shown up and started going after Young Girls. She doesn’t know how many, but clearly enough for people to notice.


And even worse, there’s a chance that the disappearances may have taken place further before those 2 weeks. So this Demon…


Whatever Blood Demon Art they had was beyond a shadow of a doubt dangerous.


''Alright. Do you know the locations of where each disappeared?''


Kazumi just stared at her in bewilderment, ''W-Why do you want to know that?!''


''It will help narrow things down'' Kie answered him honestly. After all, if the disappearances were all happening in the same general area, then it would narrow down the Demon’s hiding spot. And if not, then that still tells her just a tiny little more about their Blood Demon Art, which was greatly valuable to her right now.


Kazumi seemed to be unsure of what to do. He clearly had some internal debate going on, but in the end, he chose to help as best he could.


''I don’t know all of the locations. But… I can tell you those I know.''


And those locations were exactly where both of them went for the remainder of the day, up until Night in fact.


But the leads were not making things look all that bright just as they finished with the last place Kazumi knew.


Because the distance between locations was too big. This Demon either was a paranoid sort, or he just hunted what he wanted, no matter the distance.


So, Kie understood that the more hopeful plan she had wouldn't cut out. At least not today. And considering it was now Night, she had another thing to worry about.


''We should get you back home now Kazumi-san.”


It confused the Young Man as he stared at Kie.


''Wait, what are you talking about? Whoever is behind this is targeting girls like you, so shouldn’t you hide instead?''


He recognized what Kie's intent was, but that only worried him more considering how obvious this Demon's choice of prey was.


''Maybe, but just because they are targeting girls doesn’t mean that they’ll leave you alone. And besides, I’m perfectly capable of defending myself since I came here to investigate.'' or, well, sent here. But those were semantics.


Kazumi seemed to be split on the matter, especially considering he’d been present for the whole investigation so far. To the point where he truly wished he could get his answers. If only to hope that Satoko was still alive.


But maybe she was… right…


Wait. Was she?


''But… I’m standing here… and on that Night, I wasn’t targeted.''


And Kie cursed that fact internally. It’s a point she can’t actually deny fully. He is standing in front of her. That Demon clearly seemed to prioritize Young Girls above all else if he let Kazumi live.


Which meant that if he truly believed it, then he might try to stick around.


''Kazumi. Look. I get why you’re thinking like this, but that is a horrible idea. It’s not safe.''


And, what a shame she turned out to be completely right. Because while Kie had her attention on Kazumi, something was making its way. Sneaking closer and closer without making a sound.


Then, it was right behind Kie. Curiously, it seemed to do nothing but wait.


And that ultimately was simultaneously the correct thing to do, yet all the same, it was a mistake that would cost it.


''And you will be safe?'' was Kazumi’s retort. Which wasn’t all that wrong due to this Demon’s choice of targets, but Kie knew she’d be safer since she was trained and had passed the Final Selection. 


It probably wouldn’t be easy though.


''Yes. Yes, I will. Please Kazumi-san, trust me on this.''


And then, one of Kie’s feet stepped back right on top of the thing. Yet she did not notice. Something however did begin to emerge out of this thing now that something was on top of it..


And just as Kie moved her other leg, her intent being to turn around, those things that emerged went into action.


It all happened too fast.


Kie was the first to react when she felt something grab both of her legs.


''Wha-?!'' she yelled out in shock as her head snapped down to finally see exactly what this thing was. Namely, a Pool of Black sludge with Two Hands emerging out of and holding her legs.


Legs which this thing was going to use to pull her in.


Yet, in all of this time it took for Kie to yell and for the Hands to grip, someone else had gone to act just as quickly as all this had begun. Someone who had noticed. After all, he had quite a strong nose.


Before Kie could pull out her Sword or for the Hands to try and pull her down with its strong grip, the box behind Kie’s back had been kicked Open. Kazumi couldn’t entirely understand what was going on due to how fast things were going, nor comment on anything.


''MMMMHH!!!!'' An Angry yell that was muffled came out of Tanjiro as he went into action already.


Holding onto the edge of the Box that was his shelter, he used it as a way to help him swing down without touching the ground, his leg hitting both of the hands from the way he swung and from the force behind it, breaking the bones in the hands from the power behind it.


The Grip slackened and then went to be completely gone, Kie was able to pull off an evasion as she jumped away from the sludge and into safe ground.


''What the hell was that?!'' that had been too close. Far, far too close to comfort.


Tanjiro let go of the Boxes edge and finally touched the ground himself, growing back to his normal size.


It allowed for the both of them to see things more clearly. Alongside a mistake Kie had just made.


Namely that Kazumi was on his own, as she’d jumped in the opposite direction of this thing for distance and safety. Good thing Kazumi however did finally realize what was going on, as he’d taken several steps back for distance of this thing.


A thing that had the Hands, still broken, stick out. If this thing was part of a Human-like Body, then she wondered if it would emerge.


And it actually did.


Emerging out of the Puddle, was a Demon with Three Horns. The Broken Hands in the sludge itself now. Probably healed up by now too.


And currently, it’s completely Red eyes were glaring at Tanjiro, Teeth grit in outrage. Yet, not a word came out as he seemed to only glare.


Tanjiro decided he might as well take advantage of it. He charged ahead, much to Kie’s sudden worry, as he threw a punch at the Demon. The Demon avoided it by sinking back into the sludge, causing her brother to stumble and fall onto his hands and knees slightly past the sludge. 


Taking advantage of this development, the Demon emerged and reached out an arm to grab the Kamado, but Kie was quick on her feet as she now charged forward and swung her blade forward, slicing the arm clean off before she in turn grabbed Tanjiro and this time, making sure the distance she created allowed her to return to Kazumi instead of slipping them up further.


Letting her Brother down, Kie’s attention returned to the Demon who proceeded to make a noise that irritated Kie’s ears greatly. All by grinding its teeth together continuously and hard.


''Is…'' Kazumi tried to speak, but the noise made it hard to speak clearly, and it irritated him to, ''Is that…?''


Glancing for the safest amount of time she could, Kie could see that Kazumi was asking more rhetorically than anything else.


He could put a guess as to what was in front of him after this entire day.


''Mmmmmh!!'' Tanjiro growled at the Demon through his muzzle, veins bulging on his face as the boy crouched down, looking like he was going to get on all 4s like a wolf for a moment. 


And it wasn’t all that inaccurate, considering what he was doing. He was sniffing around. And… there was something.


But his mind could not understand it fully.


The Siblings were in agreement over one matter, one which they had no need to communicate. Attack the Demon in front of them.


The issue is that Demon had one surprise in store.


One that Tanjiro had neglected with the state his mind was in. One Kie couldn’t have expected either.


Tanjiro charged ahead, and the second he did, two new Pools of this Sludge opened up. One next to the straight path Tanjiro was taking, and another next to Kazumi.


Only Kie could truly reflect shock while Tanjiro had only one thing in mind during his charge.




No surprise could creep up in him at this moment, instead, his Body simply acted on an instinctual level as he kicked the ground, launching him forward while spinning around, the additional velocity allowing him to land a much more powerful kick than usual as the Two Horned Demon’s head twisted around from the force behind it.


Kie meanwhile found herself surprised by this turn of events as she pushed Kazumi to the side.


''There’s more?!''


She only successfully cut the arm off the Demon with One Horn, missing its neck due to prematurely swinging her Sword and not closing in the distance enough.


Both Demons sunk back into the sludge immediately, and when they emerged back, it was next to the Demon with Three Horns.


Tanjiro had returned to her, understanding very well that charging ahead by himself was a stupid move. And Kie tightened her grip around the Handle, feeling worry creep up.


''Why are there 3 of them?! Urokodaki-san told me Demons shouldn’t be working together. But, there are three of them right in front of me!''


This complicated things greatly. Were there more Demons around here who would be willing to work together after all? Or were those three the exception?


Perhaps they were, actually.


Just by first glance, they looked practically the same.


But each of them had a different Number of Horns, and the one with two Horns wasn’t wearing the same thing as the others either.


What even was that about?


Did this Demon have another Ability she wasn’t aware of? Was that why? Would it be another Blood Demon Art?


Was that even possible?


Regardless of what was or wasn’t, Kie’s attention remained on the Trio of Demons in front of her.


One was clearly not pleased at this turn of events.


''You bastard! Back off for crying out loud!'' The Two-Horned Demon quite literally hissed at Tanjiro, ''That Girl…! That Fresshness of hers is going to be rruined soon, Dammit!''


All 3 of them stared at the Demon in either repulsion, confusion, or just overall disgust.


''She iss already so off! She’s 16… each moment that passess, she gets less and less tasty!''


The only thing Tanjiro had to give to that, was a growl as he stepped in front of the Demon's field of vision, trying in vain to shield Kie and Kazumi with his smaller body.


It amused the Demon with One Horn, and he eased his Companion.


''Calm down, my other self.'' there was a more refined tone with this one, they all could tell, ''Nights like these were bound to happen at some point.''


He patted his other self on the shoulder, a satisfied yet malicious smile creeping up.


''I’ve already fed on plenty of 16-year-old girls in this town. They were all quite meaty and delicious, and for my part, I’m satisfied.''


''Well I’m not satisfied, my other self! I wanna consume more!'' The Two-Horned Demon cried out in outrage at his other self’s words.


''You’ll get it. Don’t worry.''


Kie could tell by the one-horned Demon's words, that his gaze shifted specifically to her. And then, to Tanjiro.


''Still, a mere Human accompanied by a Demon…''


Troublesome. And truly, off.


Why would a Swordswoman and a Demon be traveling together?


He didn’t get it.


And while the One-Horned Demon was in his thoughts, Kie similarly reflected on something. Namely, a confirmation.


She was indeed their Target. They wanted to eat her. 


She’d suspected it, and even Kazumi had pointed it out. But this also turned out to be a confirmation of her Age.


An Age she didn’t even know.


But if they were to be believed, she was still 16, but nearing her 17th Birthday.


It’s ironically relieving to finally know how old she is. Even though it doesn’t feel right, for some reason.


Both of their thoughts however were put to an end when Kazumi, with all of the horror that came crashing around them, spoke up. One form of understanding creeping up, and one he truly, truly hoped was not true.


No matter how this went, he needed to know.


''You Monster… Return Satoko to me. The one you abducted the night before last!''


The Three-Horned Demons' continuous Teeth grinding had not stopped, and it only became worse now that the Two-Horned also joined in with the Grinding.


But the One-Horned Demon answered him with slight confusion.


''Satoko?'' He hunched his head to the side, ''Who are you talking about?''


The Demon moved his arm to open up the Uniform he wore, and then, showed them something horrifying.


Not because it was Bloody. Not because it looked ugly. Nothing that could look ghastly at first sight. But simply because of the sheer implication they saw.


Inside his Uniform, were several Hairpins. A Collection of them, and from first glance alone, Thirteen. Looking clean and pristine.


''If her hairpin is among these collectibles, then I’ve devoured her.''


And, Kazumi’s fear was found true. Among those Collectibles, was the Ribbon of Satoko.


Amongst those Thirteen, which now was proven to be untrue as Kie was able to see two more Hairpins in there, Satoko was a victim.


Were there any more Victims? Did it mean the other Horned Demons also had their own Collection? How many more Towns did they go to and kill before this one?


That question echoed in Kie’s Head as all the Horned Demons sunk back in the Sludge -alongside the One Horn closing his Uniform while doing so, ready to continue this Battle for their prize.


But as Kie raised her guard completely again, she looked around for any signs of the now-gone sludge puddles where the horned Demons would come from. But as she did so, she noticed something a little odd, but not too surprising.


And that was Tanjiro’s absolutely livid look. Because while Kie didn’t know it, the shameless boast of how many girls the Demon had eaten and carrying something of them as trophies triggered something within his mind.




“Get away from them!!!”


“Takeo, run!”


“Where’s Rokuta!?”


“I won’t let you hurt my family!!!”


“My, Oh curious.”


''MMMMMHH!!!'' Yelling out in rage, Tanjiro raised up a leg and slammed it into the ground, causing the earth beneath him to crack and shake a little as it became uprooted, revealing a sludge puddle as the 3 horned Demon came out in that same moment.


Seeing the Demon that had yet to speak, Kie took a few steps forward and attempted to swing at its neck, but was then met with the one-horned Demon who'd risen up from a sludge puddle to her right while striking out to pierce right through her head.


''Water Breathing - Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!'' Kie thought to herself, using the Second Form to spin, but instead of spinning horizontally like normal, she spun vertically instead, allowing her to counter the surprise attack but likewise, preventing her from decapitating either of them.


However, as this is happening, Tanjiro sniffed at the air when he nearly snapped his neck, whipping his head towards Kazumi’s direction before charging behind the young man and taking a blow in his attempt to protect the human, his chest being punched through to an extent.


Glaring in rage, Tanjiro was quick to grab the Demon before he could hope to try and submerge himself again, and then proceeded to almost shatter the 2 horned Demon’s skull with a headbutt that stunned his foe for a few precious seconds. Those seconds were something that the Demon Kamado took full advantage of, as he lifted the now dazed Demon out of the puddle and began to whale on it, repeatedly slamming his fist into the Demon’s face.


However, this wasn’t able to keep the 2 horned Demon down forever thanks to its regeneration. As a result, they began to raise the hand buried in Tanjiro’s body to rip open his body, the sudden pain causing the Kamado to let go and stumble back while the large tear in his body began to go to work and regenerate. Taking advantage of this, the 2 horned Demon went on his own offensive and began to use his claws to tear into the boy’s flesh.


''Water Breathing - Third Form: Flowing Dance!'' But this did not last long, as Kie moved to aid her brother and with flowing movements and precise strikes, the Demon lost its arms and would have lost its head as well if he hadn’t retreated into the sludge puddle once again.


''You okay Tanjiro?'' She was quick to ask her little brother, holding out her hand and helping him back to his feet as his wounds now fully closed, the only signs of injury left being his spilled blood and the tears in his clothing.


Now looking around again for the 3 Demons, Kie couldn’t help but be a little nervous. From what she could tell, these Demons weren't too much of a problem for her physically, but their teamwork and their ability to retreat into those puddles and disappear was a huge problem.


''GGGGRRRAAAAGGGGHHHH!!! Why are they both making this so much more difficult than needed!?'' The 2 horned Demon yelled out as he rose up from his own puddle a few meters ahead of the Kamados and Kazumi, the other 2 appearing by the trio's sides a few meters away as well.


''Tch. It’s natural, I guessss.'' growled out the one with Three Horns, for once not grinding his Teeth, ''Of course that girl would fight.''


''But it’s useless.'' The One Horned Demon spoke right after, a smirk growing with a certain type of confidence and calmness that the two others did not seem to possess, ''They can fight on and on. But it brings them nothing. That Demon can’t do anything to us, and that Girl is bound to tire out.''


His eyes did narrow however.


''Although… she hasn’t shown any signs of it.''


Exhaustion should very soon start, no matter how much one has trained.


Voicelessly, the One-Horned Demon sunk back in. And following soon after, so did the Three-Horned one.


And at this point, Kie cursed how absolutely nowhere they were going. It would be a repeat of what happened earlier. They come out, fight, and then slink back in when they do get overwhelmed.


They come in and out as they please…




First Out. Then In.


This Blood Demon Art was used to kidnap and then eat several Young Girls. By dragging them in. Just like one of them tried to do against her.


So others can go in there too.


Suddenly, Kie had a risky, but very much possible plan that came to mind. And she may have just had her way in.


One of them didn’t sink in yet. And what luck it happened to be the Two-Horned Demon, the one with plenty of anger to use.


''Hey!'' Kie shouted at said Demon, ''Are you really going to go hide in there when I’m right here? Your precious prize?''


Regardless of how much she hated referring to herself as that, she hoped the taunt would work. Or at least get that one to act more rashly going forward.


And the Demon… then sunk back in.


…she had really hoped he’d jump out to attack her, truth be told. But she doubts he won’t emerge back soon.


She was correct in that regard. The Puddle, instead of vanishing, instead moved visibly from where it was and right towards Kie.


She only then realized what this Demon was going to do when it literally shot out from the puddle that grew quickly, aiming to claw at her face.


Kie stepped to the side to dodge said blow, with the Two-Horned Demon now out while the Puddle remained so far open.


''I can go in now!'' she inwardly cheered before moving her Sword to block a strike from the Demon, ''But..''


That meant leaving Kazumi and Tanjiro alone against that. And she did not know exactly what to expect in the Puddle either.


Would she be fighting one Demon? Or Two? Would one come out here? Or would they try to use it against her?


She would be stepping into unfamiliar territory.


After that block, she pushed the arm before cutting off said Demon’s arm successfully. And Tanjiro, seeing a chance himself, joined in to attack again with a straightforward punch.


The back of the Demon was hit, and he swung his remaining arm back to hit her little brother.


It ended up hitting his forehead, which amounted to no damage and harmed the Demon instead, no matter how quickly it had healed after the action. But, the arm had finally gone to regrow after that.


And the Demon, at that moment, had an idea.


His next attack, a charge, was aimed towards Kazumi. Making Kie actually miss what had been about to be her strike for the neck.


''Oh no!''


Kie wouldn’t be able to reach Kazumi in time with the way she was now positioned after that failed strike. And for a moment, she truly feared Kazumi would die.


Only for her Little Brother to come to the rescue and successfully land a kick to the side of its head, making him go off course.


It was at that moment Kie was reminded of a Cold, but still comforting thought.

It had been around that same Night after her return to the Final Selection. Tanjiro had gone off to sleep again, as it was what he needed to regain energy.


So, her Mentor informed her of one matter she hadn’t been aware of.


''This may only be a cold comfort, but while Tanjiro was asleep, I used hypnotic suggestion on him.''


''You used what?'' Kie was somewhat aware of the word in question, but it was the first time she actually heard the words being used together.


Urokodaki had expected that line of questioning.


''To make it short for today, imagine a line of thought that is repeated within your mind.''


That truthfully didn’t say much to her, but she understood he was making this short considering she’d just returned from the Selection.


She could always ask for the details later.


''In this case, the suggestions were this.''


''All Humans are your Family.''


''Protect Humans.''


''The demons are the enemy!''


''Never forgive any demon who brings harm onto humans!''


A Cold Comfort indeed, but one that nonetheless eased her worries. It made Tanjiro wanting to eat a Human all the more unlikely...

And remembering this little bit of information proved to be a good thing for Kie right now. In the brief time that she had to herself to think over the memory, it allowed one of the missing 2 Demons the chance to grab her and begin to pull her down into the puddle beneath her feet.


(Turns out, she didn’t even need to lure one out. They’d have dragged her in regardless)


''MMMMHHH!'' Seeing this, Tanjiro cried out in worry and began to run forward to help his sister.


''Stay with Kazumi and protect him! I’ll be back soon Tanjiro!'' Kie told her brother, seeing him stop before her head was fully pulled into the sludge. And in the next instant, Kie found herself submerged in murky water, but found herself a little shocked when quickly realized that she was still able to breathe just fine and could see clearly.


Quickly though, that shock turned into rage as she spotted numerous pieces of clothing or accessories floating about. The implication was crystal clear.


''Getting hard to breathe, brat?'' The voice of one of the Demons down here questioned Kie, their voice being quite clear but she couldn’t pinpoint where it was coming from.


''There’s hardly any air inside this swamp. On top of that, the darkness coiling around your body must be weighing you down.'' The voice continued on, and despite the malice it clearly held, the calmness with which its owner spoke made it clear that this was the 1 horned Demon.


''Wait, he thinks being down here is crippling for me! Seems like I have a card up my sleeve with this.'' Kie was quick to realize the implications left by the words, as while her oxygen and sight were now a bit limited, she was still perfectly fine.


She'd always been able to see fine even in the Dark, and Mount Sagiri had even less Air to Breathe in during her time there. Not that she'd had too many issues even with that Low amount of Oxygen.


With that triumphant thought, Kie waited patiently as she saw the pair swim about within the now swampy environment, being able to keep track of them even when the sound of grinding teeth rang out through the whole area.


Then, as her foes approached her, she took her chance...


''Water Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirlpool!'' Kie unleashed her technique, spinning around as her technique created an actual whirlpool thanks to the current environment despite her lacking any footing. And as a result of this, actual physical water accompanied her blade, so as the Nichirin metal sliced through their neck, the water sliced through and tore apart the Demon pair’s bodies before they realized what had just happened.


And just like that, their bodies quickly were reduced to ashes.


''Time to get out of here.'' Kie thought to herself before quickly swimming upwards.


But then, she stopped short when she saw something. Something that made her grab it before putting it in her Uniform Pockets. Only then did she swim back out to the surface.

Meanwhile, as that was happening, Tanjiro went on the offense the moment that the 2 horned Demon came out of its puddle, charging forward and striking with a kick that hit them square in the chest hard enough to force them to cough up a bit of blood.


''This little shit!! How on earth could some dumb brat be sso sstrong!? He's barely eaten, if at all, sso how!? Unless… did they really give him that much blood!?'' The Swamp Demon thought to himself as he tried to recover, but he had no opportunity to head back into the Swamp dimension with how aggressive the other Demon was being.


Despite this though, this forced head-on confrontation confirmed one thing for the Demon. Despite all of his opponent’s strength, there was no skill. Only aggression and power. And while that is helpful, in a battle between 2 Demons…


''The winner will always be the smarter one!''


And this idea proved to be true, because as the horned Demon jumped back and Tanjiro attempted to pursue him, the Demon created a large puddle that the brat ended up stepping on, making the Swamp Demon laugh as he sunk in.


Admittedly, creating it this big prevented the Demon from going into his and the others’ little dimension, but it worked just nicely for stopping something in its tracks, like the brat before him. And now…


''You know, I really don’t care for that worthless kid or you. But since that little girl is in the Swamp with my other selves, they are probably eating her as we speak and I won’t have my fill. So I’m going to enjoy this.'' The Demon spoke as it smiled wickedly while showing off his sharp teeth, watching sadistically as the brat tried to pull himself out but lacked the footing to do so.


So, confident in his victory, the Demon began to slowly approach the little shit to create dread in his new victim. After all, he was sure her Ladyship would love to see one of her creations free from them, and there were certainly talks -mostly rumors in the rare cases where Demons were social to each other- about what she may be doing beyond making more Demons. 


None of them being pleasant.


But, his desire to cause dread and despair left him vulnerable. Because in a swift motion, before the Demon even realized what happened, Kie burst out of the Swamp and sliced through one of his legs, and took both of his arms in an instant, causing him to fall to the ground face first.


Because of this, the Demon fell to the ground stunned while his large sludge puddle disappeared, spitting Tanjiro out of it as it closed. But before the Demon could try to regenerate as quickly as possible, he felt the edge of cold steel on the back of his neck.


And as he looked behind him to the best of his capabilities, his worst fears were confirmed. The other versions of himself were killed, and the Slayer was pinning him to the ground with a foot placed harshly on his back and her blade pointed at his neck.


Though, there was something… odd about her now. But what?


''Listen very well. The only reason you’re alive is because I have questions. Questions I want you to answer.''


At any moment, she could move the Sword and end him. And unless the Demon could find a way out of his current state, there was no escaping that fate.


''So now. What do you know about her? Tell me all you know about…''

''Kie, listen to me closely.''


Thinking on it again, this was perhaps the most important conversation that her Mentor was giving her. After all, it was about a certain being.


''The Type of Demon with the blood that can turn humans into demons… There is only one in this world. And I imagine Tsutako mentioned them to you, yes?''


Kie nodded.


''She did. Tsutako-san mentioned a Progenitor.''


''Indeed. That one, is the first Demon in existence. And she has existed for a Thousand Years now. She is a Demon Slayer's ultimate foe and she may be the only one who has any answers on how to turn your brother back into a Human.''




That was new. The thought hadn’t crossed her mind, but when saying it aloud, it made far too much sense.


The Progenitor of all Demons. The one being who can turn Humans into Demons… did it not make sense that individual may in turn be capable of doing the reverse?


''Does… do we know a name?'' Kie asked.


She received one.


''That Demon’s name is…''

''Kanao Tsuyuri''


Well... I think you can all guess where we're going with this, no?

The Vote really made it obvious, considering how it was basically everyone voting for Kanao. And, I have to admit one thing. I had not expected at all for Kanao to have such an overwhelming amount of Votes. It was... unexpected.

We'll see how that goes.

Either way, onwards with the Taisho Whispers and Rumors!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]
The Northwest Village where the Swamp Demon hunted was the second Village where he used his Blood Demon Art to hunt for Young Girls. The previous one was when he unlocked his Power and then tested them. Although it seems his Other Selves came before he'd unlocked such powers.

With that over, in my case, it's time to say goodbye! Next chapter... well, I think most of you can guess where this is going.

Until then, see ya!

Chapter 8: Kanao Tsuyuri


And now, I am back in charge of uploading this chapter! And boy are there a few things in here that I look forward to seeing reactions to from you all. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Demon remembered that day clearly.

How could he not? It was the day he would end up becoming a Demon. And it would be the day he would fall on the being that completely terrified him.

And on an unassuming day as well.

He’d expected things would go the usual way. He would steal what she had, then sneak away while that person realized later they’d lost their Money. And maybe some Extra Accessories too, whenever they were easy to take.

Though the Butterfly Pin probably wouldn’t have sold for much to begin with.

Yet, it didn’t go as he’d expected. In fact, things could be said to have gone horribly considering who he actually tried to steal from.

She’d gone into a semi-secluded location. Not many of the people there went out at this time of the Night, so she was by all means alone, and he had the cover of the night.

He neared. And neared, and neared, and then, his hands moved.

Only for something to emerge out of her back and wrap itself around his hand.

It’s so out of nowhere that the then Human could do nothing but freeze as he felt something as rough as wood tighten its hold on his wrist.

‘’Well, what do we have here?’’

The Woman -who he was gradually certain was not human- spoke casually, not once turning to address him entirely.

‘’A Thief? Well, you wouldn’t be the first one.’’

No words could come out. The Man was frozen from this Unnatural thing wrapped around his wrist, and he feared exactly what he’d just tried to steal from.

Only for the thing wrapped to let go.

‘’I guess I could spare you.’’ The Woman considered aloud, ‘’It’s not like you succeeded stealing from me.’’

For a moment, he grew hopeful.


And then it plummeted down hard. 

The Woman twisted her body around, turning fully so she could see him with her own Eyes.

‘’I see this as a chance as well.’’

She looked completely Human. There was no way to tell she was anything but. If you could ignore the Wooden thing that emerged out of her back, and now promptly wrapped around his neck.

‘’Thieves. Those types… always the sneaky type.’’

The Wooden thing seemed to grow thicker as it grew in mass. No longer a thin thing that could be compared to a finger, but instead the size of an Arm, and so, it’s grip tightened and he felt like he was choking while it lifted him up.

‘’Well, it’s a given actually. You all need to be unseen to take without consequence.’’ She chirped while smiling.

‘’So I wonder… will anything unique come out of you? Or will you just be a random shrub in this garden?’’

He could look nowhere else but at this thing in front of him.

So, he saw it. The way her eyes shifted from Human to something else. Something nothing humans should have.

‘’Well, we’ll find out!’’ She happily exclaimed, before promptly dying out, ‘’Although… a friendly… advice, so to say.’’

‘’Don’t tell anyone.’’ Her facial expression was the opposite of the sweet voice she gave, ‘’Never say my name casually. Never dare say it to others.’’

And a smile grew again simultaneously with her Nails, matching slightly the tone of her voice, but absolutely not the words she spewed out.

‘’I’ll know. Because I always watch.’’

Thus, his last days as a Human were over.

- - - - - - - - - -

“I c-can’t…” 

Kie had gone in this expecting the Demon to not say anything. Either because the Demon would just refuse, or because they were loyal in some shape or form.

She’d expected she’d need to get rough to get anything out of him.

What she had not expected, was for the second the Demon Progenitors name to be uttered, for the Demon to shake in terror, just like a leaf in a Hurricane.

It surprised Kie, the way terror had completely overtaken a Demon who had sounded so vile less than a minute ago. It’s to the point where she almost took a step back by how unexpected this shift was.

The Two-Horned Demon continued his fearful rant.


The Demon screamed in an utter panic, thrashing about beneath Kie until he regrew his limbs. As a result, she knew that she couldn’t drag this out any longer.

“I CAN’T TE-!!” He attempted to scream while activating his Blood Demon Art, a sludge puddle developing right below him and ready to retreat into his pocket dimension, when Kie swung her blade down and took off his head. 

The Demon went quiet upon the decapitation as its head bounced off and rolled across the ground, with his head finally staying still at an angle that had the teen he’d tried to devour this night be in his line of vision.

This would be the last thing he sees.

But as his head disintegrated, taking his Jaw first, the time he actually had to simply watch allowed him to notice something he had not noticed earlier.

His eyes widened just as his nose was taken and already heading for his eyes.

“This girl! She’s-!’’

The rest of his face faded away just as that realization came to him, making this his final thoughts as nothing more than ash in the wind remained behind.

Leaving behind a question he would never be able to answer.

Kie meanwhile, was not too pleased with this situation, but for vastly different reasons.

“And no answers.” Kie muttered as she watched the Demon finally pass away. She didn’t feel any form of pity for this Demon, but the fact she gained no information on Tsuyuri was a loss in her book here.

“Mmm.” However, she was snapped out of these thoughts before they could trap her in her mind, when she heard the familiar muffled voice of her brother and felt his hand be placed on her shoulder.

As a result, Kie looked over her shoulder to look Tanjiro in the eyes and smiled at him, though she made sure to hold up her little brother when it was clear that he was tired at the moment.

“Come on, let’s get you into the box.” She told Tanjiro gently as she guided him to his protection from the sunlight, and as they stood in front of it, the young Demon stopped leaning into her for support, his eyes now more energised as he looked at her. But before she could ask him if something was wrong…

“Ah! Tanjiro, put me dow-! Are you trying to put me in the box!?” 


“Tanjiro, this is meant to keep you safe from the sun, not me!”


“Tanjiro, let me go!”

Suffice to say… that took a good amount of time to finally sort out. And the end results were Kie standing up once again with the box on her back, all while a very displeased Tanjiro sat within it.

And here she thought that he was finally done with this after those two years of sleep.

“Satoko…. Why her?” She then heard a devastated voice question, causing Kie to turn her head as she saw Kazumi kneeling on the ground, tears dripping down his face and he seemed to stare at nothing.

“Kazumi-San…” Kie uttered sadly to the man before approaching him, quickly placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort and after shaking him a little, got the young man to look up at her with a devastated face.

She’s truly glad she’d taken what she did earlier ago.

‘’It’s probably more of a cold comfort, but…’’ she picked it out, what seemed to be just a piece of cloth initially, ‘’...I’ve found something of Satoko’s here. I’m hoping it helps.’’

She turned it over so Kazumi could actually see it, and the one thing that immediately caught his attention was Satoko’s hairpin on it. It certainly wasn’t the only hairpin considering this was previously a part of the Swamp Demon, but he cared not for the rest.

Only what belonged to his betrothed.

Snatching it in his hands, he felt tears build up at the fact this was all that remained of her. And while Kie certainly felt sad, she still found herself happy that at least, Kazumi would have something to remind him of her.

Still, her job was done. Now, it was time to go.

‘’I hope you’ll be able to recover.’’

Kie didn’t think she was one with words. So she tried to keep it at a minimum. Hence, she said that, bowed, and then moved on to leave.

But Kazumi, who had been mostly focused on the Hairpin, wanted to at least do one thing. Simple in itself.

‘’Thank you!’’ Kazumi knew it was early in the morning, and he knew some would hear, but he wanted to be heard loud and clearly.

To show his gratitude that not only had Satoko been avenged, but that it also meant no Young Girls would be eaten anymore.

‘’Thank you for what you’ve done!’’ And so, he knelt down.

Kie had stopped in her tracks to look at him, see his gesture. And while he couldn’t see her face that well from the distance, he could see her raising her arm and waving. And he wouldn’t be surprised if she was smiling as well.

And once the Demon Slayer was done waving to Kazumi, she turned around and continued down the path while her Crow flew a bit above her. And with the current calm, the Kamado could not stop herself from tightening her hand into a fist, almost drawing blood from her palm in the process.

“Just how many… how many lives has that woman ruined? Why would she create beings like that Demon!? Why let it happen!?” Kie thought to herself in a rage, almost not noticing her brother shifting about in the box.

“Kanao Tsuyuri…! I promise you this, I will never forgive! Me and the Demon Slayer Corps will be the ones to stop your hunt over the lilies that fill this field!’’

“Kie Kamado! Your next mission is in Asakusa within Tokyo! Rumours of Demons hiding within the city there! Hurry! Caw!!” Her crow yelled out from above her before flying down and landing on her shoulder, taking the swordswoman by surprise as she blinked at the bird.

“So soon? Should I rest first?” Kie inquired of her companion, who clearly scoffed while raising his wings above his head.

“Yes! Now get going to your next mission! Besides, you're not tired or injured!” Matsuemon told her before then pecking her with his beak.

“Ow! Hey, stop that!!”

“Get moving already! Caw!”

“Just give me a sec-!”

“No waiting!”

- - - - - - - - - -

“MMMMMPPPHHH!!!” Once again, Kie heard Tanjiro cry out in distress, hearing his claws scraping at the box within despite it being night. 

“Tanjiro, there aren’t any Demons and the sun isn’t out yet.” Kie told her little brother, being honestly exhausted and rubbing her head since this had been going on for the whole day. Which was confusing for her, since there wasn’t anything for Tanjiro to have a fuss about right now.

Though, to her surprise, Tanjiro seemed to have stopped clawing at the inside of the box upon hearing her words. However, that small quiet was very brief, as her little brother kicked at the opening from the inside, allowing him to jump out in his tiny state.

“Did you ju-!?” She was about to ask the little Demon, but before her sentence came out fully, she was cut off and shocked when Tanjiro grabbed her, lifted her much larger body above his head, and began to run in the opposite direction of the path she was walking.

“Tanjiro, put me down! We need to get to the mission!”


And just like that, he ignored her words entirely. Even when she followed her instincts and used that tone of voice that her brother always listened to, he ignored her and continued to walk down the path. If anything, whenever she brought up people needing their help on the mission, Tanjiro just ran even faster.

“Tanjiro, if you don’t… wait.” However, Kie was just as determined to be put down as her brother was to move away from her mission, only to stop as she saw a sign that she somehow missed with directions on it.

And the path opposite from the one she took, was where Asakusa actually was.

“...You knew about this, didn’t you?” Kie asked the kind Demon, who merely nodded his head in confirmation with his eyes closed, before then putting her down.

“I see. Sorry for getting mad and yelling at you little brother.” The female Demon said before taking a calming breath. And once she felt herself cool off a little, she smiled at Tanjiro and gave him a hug while apologising.

And she was sure that the hug he returned and the set of head pats he gave was a show that he forgave her.

“Well, let's get going!” Kie said with a large smile as Tanjiro grabbed hold of her hand, still staying small, before they both walked down to the city, ready for anything!

- - - - - - - - - -

She was in fact not ready for anything.

Due to Kie’s mistake, her time of arrival, which should have been daytime, now became Nighttime.

Two days after her first mission.

And so, when she arrived in Asakusa, Kie could genuinely not believe what she was seeing.

‘’What… what is this place?!’’

She had heard of cities. The most densely populated locations in Japan. By all means, a massive feasting ground for Demons, if they could stay hidden.

And she had heard of the technological advancements that took shape in there. She’d even seen some signs in the town she’d previously been in.

And yet, she was absolutely not prepared for what a City looked like.

‘’They’re… are they supposed to be this advanced? It’s Night-time… but it’s so bright! It feels like it’s still day… and the Buildings are so tall…! And I seriously underestimated how many people there were!’’

It was not an exaggeration to say this was a sea of people. Absolutely filled to the brim with things Kie could not grasp her head around. 

She felt completely overwhelmed, and Tanjiro was having it even worse right now.

If she looked confused, then Tanjiro looked like his entire world had been spinning. He kept his eyes shut and breathed in and out. That dizziness of his not going to leave anytime soon.


‘’Is everything fine Tanjiro?’’

She hadn’t noticed immediately, but once she’d tried to continue her way through this crowd -and seeing a Tram in action, Tanjiro seemed to be…


At least if the way his face expressed itself was anything to go by. 

He looked at her in a way that could have been compared to when he wanted her out of the Sun, but enhanced in a completely other direction.

‘’It’s probably because of how many people there are here.’’ Kie figured, ‘’We should move to somewhere less Dense first.’’

Not like she could hunt down that Demon right now. What with her not even knowing when the last sign of activity was.

‘’Alright. Let’s move little brother.’’

And then she walked right into an alley, thinking it may count as less dense. Which caused her to immediately backtrack back in the main path once she saw a particular scene.

Less said about that, the better.

‘’Utterly shameless.’’

Safe to say, it took Kie going out into the outskirts of Asakusa to actually find a less dense location. And while it seemed Tanjiro had eased up slightly, it still seemed he had a hard time calming down.

Thankfully, his Hunger was still kept in check at least. But it turns out that her own Hunger wasn’t quite as understanding.

Her stomach growled.

‘’I need to eat something.’’ She muttered. Though, it’d probably mean returning to the Densely populated Asakusa. That was a No.

So she truly was fortunate that she found a Udon Cart not too far from where they were.

And if the man who owned the Udon Cart was slightly worried by her utterly exhausted face as she ordered a Bowl of Niku Udon… she really couldn’t care.

She sat down on the Bench, as did Tanjiro, and finally, it felt like they could actually take a long breath and calm down. Except Tanjiro still looked like he couldn’t fully calm down.

He was constantly on edge.

Kie found herself in a slight Dilemma because of it. Clearly, Tanjiro’s nose was making it hard on him, and she didn’t want to just drag him along. But on the other hand, leaving him alone was something she was unwilling to entertain.

But she had to do one, and quickly. Because the Demon could be at this very moment hunting down someone.

So what to do. What to do…

‘’Here’s your Niku Udon!’’

And Kie found herself promptly startled by the Owner’s voice. She steeled her expression to at least not look… whatever she was doing, and then turned her head.

‘’Thank you!’’

For now, she should just eat. Regain some energy. Maybe she’ll figure out something while eating.

She grabbed her food and prepared to eat. 

But then, everything shifted.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Hey, Tanjiro! Can you help me gather some wood tomorrow!”

“Onii-Chan let’s play hide and seek!

“Big brother!! Nēchan is sick!”

“Say ‘Ah!” Rokuta-Chan!”

“Brothur… Hug!”

Those were only some of the things that floated about in Tanjiro’s mind the moment that he smelled her. Memories that were seemingly buried and dormant clawing to the surface of his mind.

“Tanjiro, are you okay!?” A small girl with dark pink eyes questioned him as she ran to his side and helped him up, all while a young boy looked at him with shock and worry.

“I’m sorry Onii-Chan! I… I got you hurt.” The boy said as he cried into his chest, as behind him, a door slid open and two tall people whose faces he currently could not see rushed in, their voices somehow muted but the care and warmth was still clear as day.

“Big brother! Can you help us find Takeo’s scarf before he gets back? We lost it.” A small girl wearing a peach Iromuji kimono and pale pink haori asked as she ran up to him, with a boy wearing a light green and black patterned kimono with a light green haori over it following right behind her.

“We’re sorry.” The boy said as he and the girl bowed in apology to another boy that was wearing a scarf, who looked annoyed but sighed and hugged the two younger children.

“It’s okay Rokuta. The rest of us are still here.” A tall lady whose face Tanjiro could not see assured a small child in her arms, who was crying uncontrollably. But when he say Tanjiro, he seemed to calm down a little.

But as time went on while exposed to that scent, more memories began to appear, a vague image accompanying the words he was hearing. And seeing the people in those images while smelling that devil’s scent, caused Tanjiro’s rage to slowly overcome his fear. Until eventually…

“Children of the Sun… Well, well… I wonder if you’ll make anything new Bloom from your Blood.’’

“Tanjiro!!” 5 voices, so new yet familiar, cried out to him, before he saw an image of each of them being cut into by that monster. And when an image of Kie being slapped away appeared to him as she defended him and the rest…

Fear was replaced by blood boiling rage.

And because he could still smell her scent, it was easy for Tanjiro to chase after that Devil. Much to his Sister’s worry when he shot up from his seat and ran.

‘’Tanjiro! Where are you going?!’’

That’s all he heard as he ran. Following the scent and moving through the crowd, not caring in the least that his size was small. Not caring at all if he made anyone trip.

Because eventually, he reached where the scent was.

Inside an Apothecary.

The Front door was open, so he could see straight through.

The Humans in there as Customers. The Owner, a Woman who currently spoke to… her.

‘’Thank you! I hope to see you soon!’’ The Owner happily said goodbye to the one who held what would be recognized as a Doctors bag, if anyone looked at it closely.

‘’Likewise!’’ And said Woman… was not Human.

But before Tanjiro could take a step in, he noticed his sister's scent right next to him. Having caught up, she was ready to berate him for running away like that.

‘’Tanjiro! What the hell were you… thinking…’’ As Kie exclaimed that, she turned to look where Tanjiro’s gaze went. Why he looked at it and glared.

And she saw a Woman, who looked back at them curiously. So did many of the Customers inside, actually.

But neither paid attention to the rest. Only that Woman.

She sported a White Shirt with its Collar and Cuffs flounced, the bottom of said shirt shoved inside the Long Dark Purple Skirt that reached halfway across the Tibia bone and revealed the White and Beige Boots she wore under.

Over her shirt, she wore a Pink Haori that acted as her coat. And around her neck, a purple Shawl. It covered her entire shoulder, alongside some parts of her chest and back.

But perhaps the most noticeable trait, was her side-ponytail she wore on her right side, held together by a single Butterfly Hairpin.

She looked normal. There wasn’t a single trace that said anything else. And yet, Kie could feel… something.

Something that couldn’t be considered Human.

But it was so off as well. Everything she’d learned, every senses she used to tell apart a Demon from a Human, was just not working.

It screamed Human to her in every other way.

And that thing that felt Human in nearly every way, yet wasn’t, looked at them amusingly.

‘’Is something the matter?’’

She cocked her head to the side, her Side Ponytail hanging lower because of the movement while her voice carried only kindness.

But that’s the issue. Her voice carried kindness, but it only set her off more.

It caused her body to grow tense, and because of the acceleration of her heartbeat which she was certain she could feel, any ways this kind voice could have soothed her failed.

It did not help that she had the attention of this woman, which was the root cause of why her Body was acting this way to begin with. Every single Cell in her body screamed about danger. 

So shaken by this feeling, Kie barely noticed when she picked up Tanjiro and held him close to her chest so he stayed with her, all while the boy glared at the woman.

Really, that action was just an attempt from Kie to comfort herself and her brother.

‘’You seem quite flustered. And that boy… well, I honestly don’t get why he’s glaring at me like that.’’ The position of her head went back straight after that remark of hers.

Right after that, Kie felt a Headache build-up. Which was actually odd as well considering how it was the first time she felt that.

But then, just as quickly as it had appeared, it simply faded.

The Woman frowned then, but said nothing. Although Whispers began to form from inside the Apothecary, due to the other people in.

Not that Kie paid attention to what was being said. It was hard to do so when every cells in her body continued to make her Body feel… off.

‘’Kuze-san.’’ The Owner of the Apothecary spoke up, gaining the attention of the one supposed name Kuze.

‘’Do you happen to know them?’’

Kuze shook her head, ‘’I do not. In fact, I’d say this is the first time I’ve met either of them.’’

For a moment, Kie could feel Tanjiro tense at the words, looking ready to lunge. She stopped him before he could do that.

The Owner nodded before her own gaze landed on them, ‘’Then, unless you are here to buy, then I kindly ask for both of you to vacate immediately. You are blocking the way.’’

Kie was barely able to hear her in all honesty. But hearing that she was causing some trouble for others did cause her kind heart to push through her unexplainable terror as she shakily tried to take a step back while watching Kuze, only to all over while keeping hold of Tanjiro.

“Whoa, is she okay?”

“I think she’s having a panic attack.”

“But why would she?”

“Perhaps Kuze-San has some resemblance to someone from her past?”

“Not impossible. I faced something like that in the past.”

Seeing her fall down seemed to have made everyone talk more actively, some even moving about and annoyed stares becoming confused or concerned while Kie remained rooted in place and Kuze just continued watching her and Tanjiro.

Eventually though, after what felt like hours, Kie felt herself get pulled up so she could stand and lead away while Tanjiro still glared at Kuze. But he made no attempt to get to the woman that attacked him and his sister 2 years ago since his sister clearly needed help and he intended to give it.

Even if it meant that devil living another night.

And said Devil looked at them for a moment longer before shaking her head.

‘’Then she can deal with it.’’ She sheer coldness of it caught everyone else who noticed by surprise, ‘’It seems my presence is what brings her Ill, so I’ll be leaving now.’’

She gave a nod towards the Owner, ‘’My thanks again.’’ And then moved.

Even if it meant passing by the two. It seemed like Kuze was fine just passing by them. And yet, for reasons only the woman herself would know, her eyes shifted in front of them.

Her eyes which were purple previously went to a lighter shade. A Lavender that begins to seem more white than its actual colour. 

Her Pupils remained the same, dot-shaped like any other Human being, but several branches like Veins grew from it and spread to the Iris, not reaching the edges. It could look like a bird's view from a Leafless Tree.

Most notable however, was her Scelera. It was a Dark Red Colour, a Mahogany that could be mistaken for Black.

And those eyes stared at the both of them as she passed by, almost like a type of dare. And it certainly felt that way as on one side, the edge of her mouth tipped up. Giving an arrogant air.

Yet, while they saw that, the shift lasted mere Seconds.

By the time she passed them by, her Eyes were back to purple. And then, she moved in with the Crowd.

For a moment, Kie was left with confusion at what she was seeing. Before it all clicked. She gave chase.

“She’s the… come on Tanjiro!” 

If Kuze was the Demon she was sent to hunt, then it explained it all. It would explain why she was so severely terrified, because then it’d be because of a Blood Demon Art. And it’d explain why Tanjiro got aggressive.

“MMMMPPPHHH!!” Yelling in muffled support, the little Demon ran with his sister through the crowd in search of the monster that hurt their family. But despite how much they searched within the crowd itself, they couldn’t catch up.

This wasn’t to say that they lost Kuze. After all, Tanjiro was still able to smell her a bit through the mass of people, and whether on purpose or not, they would occasionally see glimpses of her butterfly ornament. But after nearly 20 minutes…

She left the crowd and walked down an empty alleyway. And neither sibling hesitated to give chase.

But that… proved to be a mistake.

‘’Oh goodness, so you did follow me!’’

Because when they did give chase and into the empty alleyway, it was to show a grand nothing. Kanao wasn’t in front of them, not even far ahead of them. Yet, they heard her.

‘’I wonder…’’ In fact, from the way her voice came to their ears, it was… behind them?

Both of them snapped back to see Kuze casually leaning against the Walls of the Alleyway where they’d just come from.

‘’...are you fools or courageous?’’

She leaned away from the Wall and moved to position herself in the middle of the Alleyway, effectively, this Demon was blocking off one way. Or perhaps…?

‘’I believe I have made it clear that I wished to be undisturbed. Yet, I find that my wishes have been denied. And by… children.’’ It was unclear if she sounded annoyed or amused.

‘’And now, you actually came to me.’’

Kie, knowing their situation was bad, but still trying to keep some form of control in this situation, spoke up: ‘’Why wouldn’t I? I’m a Demon Slayer-’’

A snort interrupted her on the spot. Followed with Kuze covering her mouth with one of her hands.

‘’Excuse me.’’ She cracked a grin, ‘’That was a good joke. Really, well done. I never heard that one before.’’

Tanjiro ended up voicing a growl, which was basically what Kie felt as well for being laughed at by this Demon for saying she was a Demon Slayer. The audacity…

And Kuze seemed to realize something else while she felt insulted.

‘’...wait, you’re actually being serious?’’ The amusement was gone in an instant, replaced by an inquisitive Demon.

‘’Of course I am!’’ Kie, in her frustration -and fear she tried to hide, cried out.

‘’Huh.’’ The woman hummed, ‘’Well, that’s… actually impressive. However you did that.’’

Ok, was this Demon trying to insult her all the way through? Was that her Tactic?

‘’You-’’ Honestly, Kie was absolutely not sure how to feel that a Demon was questioning her that way.

But it certainly angered her. Kie ended up clenching her fist as to not rashly attack now, not when she still had this horrible feeling lingering that had only augmented because of them being lured here.

“Well, let’s ignore that for now.” Kuze spoke dismissively with a chirped tone, her shoulders moving exactly like a shrug while an odd type of glint lingered in her eyes, ‘’You’ve got my attention. Both of you.’’

And it ended with her giving a taunting smile.

‘’Can’t say it was a wise decision.’’

Hearing this, and seeing her in front of him, seemed to have been enough to make Tanjiro snap, as with a growl, the Demon boy charged forward at a speed that seemed to surprise Kuze a little, but as a fist seemed ready to hit her gut…

Tanjiro went right through her.

Actually. No… that would be the wrong term to use. After all, what Tanjiro had really hit was an afterimage of Kuze instead of the real person. It left both Tanjiro and Kie stunned.

“Curiouser and curiouser… you’re a relatively young one for a Demon. Newborns especially shouldn’t have this urge to end me.’’ Kuze’s voice called out from everywhere and nowhere at once. Tanjiro whipped around in search of the woman, even sniffing at the air to find her scent, but he found nothing.

And then, he felt someone's lips near his ear. Whispering words casually.

‘’It’s funny how you entertain the idea of landing a hit on me when you’re so weak.’’

Kie widened her eyes in horror due to what she was seeing.

Because Kuze was standing right behind her brother, having whispered words in before grabbing him from the back of his neck. He was lifted off the ground with ease. And even when Tanjiro grew to his normal height, the additional weight and strength now granted to him clearly had no effect on Kuze.

“Water Breathing - Second Form: Water wheel!” Kie was quick though, taking in a deep breath before charging forward and leaping into the air, performing the spin required of the technique while bringing down her blade to Kuze’s arm.

Only, Kuze was the fastest of them all.

She twisted her arm to the side and used Tanjiro as her meat shield. If not for Kie diverting her slash just barely in time upon the realization, she would have injured her Younger Brother. Yet, it left her exposed due to landing right next to Kuze.

“So you were serious after all… my oh my, what a Comedy I still witness.’’ Kuze commented with a smile before delivering a kick to Kie’s chest, making the poor girl cough up blood and get sent flying further down the alleyway.

This action caused Tanjiro’s struggling to increase, furious growls and snarls muffled by his muzzle while his claws tried to dig into and cut Kuze’s arm, but they lacked the strength to succeed in that task. And after looking at him for a moment, and then to the kneeling Kie who was trying to get her breathing under control, she seemed to make a decision.

‘’If you want your Sister so bad, then by all means, join her.’’ Casually, without a shred of effort on her part, she threw Tanjiro back to Kie. The boy was able to land on both of his feet with a bit of a stumble before quickly recovering and standing protectively in front of Kie.

The protective action caused Kanao to look the pair over a little before nodding, as if acknowledging something.

Meanwhile, Kie got her bearings back from that particular kick and was standing tall behind Tanjiro.

‘’The Younger one is protective of you it seems.’’ Kuze went on to remark with a tone that gave the impression of her knowing something, but then being contradicted. Her head hunched off to the left.

‘’But… shouldn’t it be the other way around?’’

And then, off to the right. For her, it was a question with an obvious answer.

‘’What are you even on about?’’ Kie held her Nichirin Blade tighter upon asking that question. Her Body continued to react with fear, and so far, that fear wouldn’t fade away with the situation they were in.

It seemed to be a sentiment shared by Tanjiro due to the hum he gave after Kie’s question. Kuze’s only immediate answer to their reaction was for one of her eyebrows to raise up.

‘’Oh.’’ Eventually, that single word was all she gave as her face remained neutral. But then, it shifted. That Neutral expression shifted as the edges of her mouth rose up, not quite at eye-level, but noticeable, nonetheless.

Amusement radiated from her then.

‘’Answer me this real quick.’’ She pointed a single finger, nails having gone sharp at some point during their brief altercation, at Kie and then Tanjiro, ‘’How much do either of you remember?’’

Her expression shifted slightly in displeasure before going back to amused.

‘’No. Wait. Let me reword that. What do you even remember?’’

Kie didn’t answer. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to. At least, not entirely. But this Kuze was the only one who actually seemed to have figured out Kie doesn’t remember much of anything prior to having met Tsutako.

Why was she asking that? In fact, why was this even brought up in the first place?

However, while Kie was wondering about this, Tanjiro had a slightly different reaction to her question.

Namely, that he growled.

It wouldn’t be anything truly noteworthy at first. Unless one then considered why he was growling now. Why he looked mad.

Indirectly, he’d answered Kuze.

And Kuze acknowledged that with a nod, ‘’Yes, I see…’’

Her amused smile broke into a grin then.

‘’I called this a Comedy before, but I think it’s actually much more fitting to call this a whole theatre. Or wait, no… in the west, there’s something much more fitting.’’

She gave a single short laugh.

‘’You two could be considered a whole circus right now!’’

She pointed at Tanjiro first.

‘’You. I can tell you remember something. Or else, why would you react the way you do against me?’’

Then she pointed at Kie.

‘’But compared to him, you clearly can’t remember a thing. For you, this is… impersonal. I am just another Demon to you, aren’t I? Yet… one acts mature, the other, like an animal. Too young to be mature.’’

It genuinely did creep Kie out on how accurate her words felt. They’d just met this Demon, and already, she’d pretty much figured out more than Kie was comfortable with.

Although, as creeped out as she was, she did take offence by one thing she said.

‘’Did you just compare my little brother to an animal?’’

‘’Yes.’’ Was the immediate answer Kuze gave.

This Demon was creepy and annoying at the same time…

And now, she chuckled.

‘’This has been fun. Truly, this has been such a comedy to witness. So… abnormal.’’ And that chuckle died that very next second, her features shifting from joyful to dead serious.

‘’But it’s about time I deal with you both. And since you seem to enjoy being a Demon Slayer so much…’’

Kuze opened her right palm off to the side.

‘’ about we play the same game?’’

And then, out of that palm, emerged a weapon. Initially, Kie nor Tanjiro for that matter, could tell what she was pushing out. It seemed to be made of wood after all.

But it wasn’t a Bokken, contrary to what Kie immediately thought when seeing the wooden tip.

Because then, the more it came out, the more branched it was. Two Branches. Four. Then Six. And finally, Eight.

Then, a Handle emerged and upon the full formation of this weapon, Kuze gripped said handle with casual ease before swinging it to the side once. Cutting right through some of the concrete that was in its path.

Then, she took a low right stance, showing fully that her Weapon was a Nine-Branched Sword.

And Kie felt a sense of familiarity when seeing that thing, but she wasn’t sure why. Such a weapon…

Why would it feel familiar?

However, there was something that Kie didn’t notice in her confusion. And that was Tanjiro’s shock. As if the boy knew the weapon, and to a degree, he somewhat did. Because as he stared at Kuze and the weapon…

A man that was familiar and not at the same time appeared in his mind, holding something extremely similar to what the Demon had in her hand.

And just like that, fury took hold once more.

As a result, it was no surprise when Tanjiro charged forward as fast as he could, lightly cracking the ground beneath him with the force behind his initial leap, but to Kuze, this was both slow and sloppy.

Due to this, Tanjiro would get stabbed through the chest by the Nine-Branched sword.

Kie snapped out of her confusion completely when she saw it, and she moved quickly to help her little brother.

“Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!” She thought to herself as she quickly closed the distance and went to stab at Kuze’s face, but the Demon woman easily tilted her head and with a flick of her wrist, flung Tanjiro off of her weapon so he would slam into the Demon Slayer and cause them to crash into a wall.

However, the siblings were quick to get back up after just a moment. And with an amount of Teamwork that would be surprising to see considering their gap in skill, they attacked as if they were one.

Kie went to Kuze’s left while Tanjiro went to her right. And both attacked at the same time to strike with a Fist and a Sword.

Yet, the Demon moved seamlessly and blocked their attacks at the same time.

Crossing her arms, her Branched-Sword blocked Kie’s own sword while her free arm caught the fist without any signs of effort on her part. She smiled all the while.

Yes… perhaps she would get some more fun out of this after all.

Kuze decided now was the time to make her own moves. Her Victory was assured, after all, so where was the harm in a little fun?

To the Kamado’s, what Kuze did next was simply disappear from where they’d clashed with her. One second, she was there. The next, she was gone. Tanjiro had gone and tried to claw at her during this, but he’d failed before he could reach her.

But to Kuze, it was simple movements.

Kuze performed a backflip to disengage before then planting her feet onto the surface of a building’s wall. Following that, she’d launched herself towards her target.

Namely, back to the location she’d disappeared from.

Neither of them had expected for her to disappear and reappear that quickly, but they reacted, nonetheless.

Kie leaped away to make distance while Tanjiro spun around to deliver a kick, only to have the limb sliced off just as it was raised, all while Kuze didn’t even bother to look at the boy, her gaze instead lingering at the girl.

Seeing her brother in trouble, Kie went to go help him as she raised her blade and tried to bring it down on her opponent, but it was easily blocked with a branched piece of her Weapon. In fact, based on the ever so slight smile on Kuze’s face, the Kamado was sure that the woman purposefully blocked it with that part as a taunt.

Tanjiro meanwhile had finally regrown his leg and was ready to get back into attacking the Demon in front of them.

Only, Kuze casually kicked him aside upon launching his attack. She didn’t even look his way when she did that, instead acting against Kie by following that movement with a half-hearted punch.

Kie was just barely able to twist her body to evade said half-hearted punch, only for Kuze to then twist her weapon and cause Kie’s sword to fly out of her hands and kick at her, using her achilles heel for the action so she would land next to Tanjiro.

Said boy had been standing back up just in time to see his Sister be disarmed. Tanjiro began to growl before charging forward again, just as his Sister got kicked. And he clawed at the Demon in front of him, although the results weren’t really good.

So, he tried something else.

Kuze struck once after she’d had enough of blocking, and Tanjiro took his chance to jump over her.

His Plan was to do an overhead strike.

Only, Kuze did not allow him to do that. Because she moved and completely halted his action.

Kuze backflipped as Tanjiro was over her, raising one of her legs to kick Tanjiro’s forehead and completely undoing his plan.

He could feel his forehead crack and break from the power behind the kick, and it stunned him as he crashed into the Road while Kuze gracefully landed from her flip to his side.

Then, without even looking, she swung her Nine-Branched Sword and sliced right through his neck, thus decapitating him. 

Only then did she look at Tanjiro, looking past her shoulder to stare at him. 

It was almost casual, how she turned around to fully face him. How she then raised her leg… before slamming it down, easily crushing the Kamado’s head as blood, bone, brain matter and even pieces of the bamboo muzzle to splatter onto Kuze and the ground and walls of the alleyway. 

The action not only caused Tanjiro to be headless, but for his Body to go completely still due to the unexpected loss of the head in such a way. But because of what he was, he would regenerate a new one.

There seemed to be lament from Kuze as she frowned after the head crushing, except it wasn’t because of what she did.

‘’Now there’s Blood on my dress.’’ It was said casually while Kie, who had only now gotten back up to grab her Nichirin Blade, witnessed the scene.

And her eyes were wide in horror.

At this moment, Kie completely forgot that Tanjiro would have a head again. At this moment, she completely forgot that her little one would make it.

Her Breath grew uneven. Ragged even. But she took in as much air as she could, and then expelled it all.

And Kuze, finishing her lament, turned her head and looked over her shoulder to see Kie’s whole reaction.

‘’How sad… isn’t it your duty to protect the Young?’’ It was followed by a pleased smile.

After all, Kie was taking the bait. Because she held onto her Sword as tightly as she possibly could while Kuze turned to face her fully.

And with rage filling her face, Kie charged at the Demon to attack.

The first strike was the precursor to several other strikes that would follow one after the other. Kie was completely on the offensive here as the Demon in front of her blocked her strike to the left, then from the right and upon the blocking of that one, she went for a thrust.

It was parried by the Demon, pushing aside the weapon as Kuze took her chance and landed a kick. The wind quite literally was knocked out of her from the movement and pushed her back.

But Kie only went back to attack.

‘’Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!’’

The whole purpose of this form was for continuous attack to keep flowing, augmented by the momentum. A Breathing form that grew stronger from attacking.

And yet, what should have given Kie an edge, changed nothing.

Her first slash was pushed back because Kuze struck against her Blade, pushing her first swing already. But Kie would not allow it to end there, and so used the push back to spin her Body fully before striking for a second time.

It was blocked. And then blocked again. And again. And again… until finally, with a final swing, both Women were in a Blade Lock.

And said lock would be ended with a push from Kuze, who sent her back. And before Kie could even think of attacking again, the boot of this Demon hit her Nose, breaking it in the process while forcing her in a supine position.

And Kuze did not move further, simply staring at the two Demons in front of her. One who’s head required a bit more to Reform fully, and another who was clearly dazed from the power she’d just taken to the face.

‘’You have fought bravely.’’ Kuze parrots, ‘’Truly, brave. Brave and utterly stupid. Honestly…’’

Only now did she near the two downed Demons, who couldn’t even move right now.

‘’You two truly know nothing if you thought you could face me. And that alone should have me execute you.’’ After all, she could not have dissidence within her own Pawns.

She frowned for a moment, giving an exaggerated motion of thinking something over before coming to a decision.

‘’But this has been quite fun. One-sidedly so, but still very fun. So, you two are really lucky. You get to live.’’

The Nine-Branched Sword began to fade away, being reabsorbed into Kuze as she spoke.

‘’Next time though…’’ Her purple eyes bore into the both of them, ‘’Well, let’s just say that once is chance, twice a coincidence, thrice… well, maybe you get it, maybe you don’t.’’

She shrugged without a care.

‘’Enjoy your lives~!’’

It was abrupt, practically unexpected even. But just like that, the Demon headed off the other side of the Alleyway and just walked away.

With them being unable to stop her.

Kie could not tell how long it took her to get her bearings back from the blow she received, but eventually, she was able to lean up slightly. Groaning all the while due to the phantom pain that lingered on.

Nose now fine, and with Tanjiro having Regenerated his head next to her, and so, lacking his Bamboo Muzzle.

The situation at hand was… not entirely good.

‘’...that’s the Demon I’m supposed to hunt?’’

She was all too glad she’d survived this. And that her Brother was also doing fine. But what they’d just fought…

“A-Aaagghh.” Hearing her brother’s not muffled voice, Kie was brought out of her thoughts as she felt Tanjiro wrap his arms around her into a hug, shaking like a leaf while tears leaked from his eyes.

“Tanjiro, what’s wrong?” She questioned in surprise, but despite that, she was able to keep a calm voice that for some reason, caused her little brother to shake and cry even more.

“H… Huart.” The boy answered through messed up speech, tightening his hold on her while Kie sighed and wrapped her arms around him in return.

“Don’t blame yourself. We’re okay right now and all you did was find the Demon we were hunting. You could never have known that Kuze was that strong.” She assured him before running a hand through the child’s hair reassuringly, causing the child to calm down slightly.

“Are the both of you okay?” A new voice questioned, almost causing Kie’s skeleton to leap out of her skin when its owner called out, but drew the attention of both siblings, nevertheless. 

And a bit further down the alleyway, was a black-haired woman in a flowery kimono and a green haired young man standing by her side with a scowl.

Both of them, clearly being Demons.

- - - - - - - - - -

‘’Kuze’’, for all she said she’d let them go, wasn’t a fool.

Those two Demons were so unique that it was only natural she would pay attention to them. Such fascinating specimens couldn’t remain out of her sight.

So, she decided she’d put someone to good use. Probably the only one who actually could do anything against other Demons.

And so, as she returned to her humble abode in Tokyo, ‘’Kuze’’ did a simple action.

She snapped her fingers.

And her window side opened. Stepping in, a Demon who knelt down to her.

He was Young. Or at least, appeared as such. Age did not matter amongst Demons, but he appeared to be somewhere within his teenage years.

His skin was greyish in colour, and covering said skin was a variety of blue scales spreading across his body at certain points. His arms, throat, the left side of his face and his chest, the latter being the most prominent location with said scales. The remainder of his Body, the joints included, were bare.

While the scales were prominent due to their colour, another noticeable trait of his would be his Green coloured hair, long and spikey, reaching halfway across his back. Atop his head would be a large pair of horns.

They seemed to resemble the horns pertaining to the Mythical Azure Dragon, originating from China. In fact, a majority of his appearance could be considered mimicry of such a creature.

Besides those however, this Demon did have other notable traits that didn’t seem to really pertain to the Seiryu. Most centred around his face.

On his right cheek, uncovered by the Scales, appeared to be a mark. Namely, a green coloured bladed windmill. Although it wasn’t something only on his cheek, as that same mark appeared on the palms of his clawed hands.

As for the clothing this Demon wore, he had a dark blue cloak that hid his back but revealed his shirtless chest for all to see, a pair of black baggy pants and no footwear as he was a Demon that chose to go barefoot.

Yet, what may be notable were his eyes. Although one would miss it when comparing it to his mutated appearance.

He possessed glowing green eyes and yellow coloured sclera. And on that left eye, completely covering the Iris, was a Kanji. All that engravement said, was the number ‘Three’.

The Demon spoke cordially.

‘’What is it you desire, my lady?’’

It still amused ‘’Kuze’’ how much of a shift this Demon went through when he was in her presence, yet the opposite with anyone else. But that is exactly why she called him.

‘’Lower Moon Three. I find myself needing your services for tonight. Namely, to follow someone. Multiple, in fact.’’

‘’And who exactly will I follow?’’

‘’Two Demons.’’ She informed him, much to the Lower Moon's surprise.

In fact, because of how unheard off this was to him, he found himself asking questions.

‘’If I may ask, why am I to follow two Demons?’’

She gave a hum, ‘’It’s simple. They’re anomalies. Curious little things, really. Which is why, I am going to give you an additional… tool, so to speak.’’

Before Lower Moon Three could ask what she meant by that, the Demon opened up her palm. And something else began to emerge. Or, perhaps more accurately, to grow from it.

Initially, a seed had emerged. Something that could have been any plants. But, that seed seemed to latch onto her palm before it grew. Taking in what it needed to grow.

And both bore witness to the creation of a Wooden Crow. The Skeleton made out of Wood, and its feathers, from Leaves. So it was quite Green in colour. And said Crow then jumped off from ‘’Kuze’s’’ palm and onto the Lower Moon’s Shoulder, initially making him panic something was about to happen, when nothing did.

‘’Worry not.’’ The Demon reassured him, ‘’This is the tool I mentioned just now. It doesn’t quite have a name, but you may consider it my own version of the Demon Slayer Corps Kasugai Crows.’’

She gave a chuckle. Sounding greatly humoured.

‘’Although, I don’t plan on mass producing it either.’’

The Lower Moon meanwhile wasn’t entirely sure how to react to this… gift? Assistance? 

It could certainly prove useful, but this had also inadvertently proven some of the rumours he’d heard, to be right. In the rare chances Demons were social in any way, talks had constantly returned to a certain point.


However, there has never been a single confirmation, and it was unclear if the Upper Moons knew something, or were just as much in the Dark as the Lower and Unranked Demons were.

Regardless, to not be rude, the Lower Moon gave his thanks.

‘’I thank you, My Lady.’’ And the Wooden Crow beside him gave a caw, which was silent. It couldn’t make a single noise.

‘’You’re welcome.’’ She gave a smile that looked a bit too pleased, ‘’Now, let me tell you how they look, and where they were previously.’’

That Night in Asakusa, would bring forth much more than anyone had expected…


Well... the Kamados are in trouble.

Okay, to start things off, we have the flashback. Good job on Eexis for writing that and I hope it delivered on providing the appropriate chills that it should. And Kie was even able to leave Kazumi with some peace and acceptance a little quicker than Tanjiro in canon. And speaking of Tanjiro... seems his desire to protect his crazy 'sister' still hasn't disappeared after 2 years of sleep.

Next, we have the encounter with the Demon Progenitor. As for any confusion as to why Kanao is called Kuze here, know that it was actually one of the names the young butterfly in canon could have chosen, so after looking them up, we chose this as a false identity that she uses in Asakusa like how Muzan used a fake name. And well... let's just say that there are a few things about her to unpack that I'll leave to you all, and I wonder if anyone can tell what she was doing to Kie in the Apothecary when the Kamado woman was paralysed by fear and felt a headache.

Now, for the fight. I ended up writing the original base for that, while Eexis edited it later on to add a few things or change how it was described. Which, works well for me and I can feel the Maul and Savage Opress vs Sidious inspiration we had while writing it. And Kanao's nine branched sword seemed to be familiar to Kie while Tanjiro remembers outright to a degree, as Kanao herself points out.

Thankfully, they survived since it is no surprise that the Demon Queen would be entertained by the pair.

Finally, we have Lower moon 3. I won't spoil anything, but I will say that he's a canon character despite not originally being a Demon. Curious if anyone can guess his identity correctly.

Taisho Secret: It appears that the black-haired woman and the green-haired man actually watched the ending of the battle in the alleyway. Thankfully, they were just able to go unnoticed thanks to the man's efforts.

[Gakuen Files]
Kanao Tsuyuri (High School 2nd Year, Violet Class)
The Adopted Sister of Kanae and Shinobu Kocho, and one of the three beauties of the School.

Many rumors surround her due to her skills she has, having a particularly sharp mind and great motor reflexes, but perhaps the strangest of them all, is her supposed blood relation to the Director. Not that anyone can confirm nor deny it. And the only one who could, will not say a thing.

The Bond the Kocho’s all share seems to be genuine, but it has come to their attention that Kanao seems to be doing some things behind their backs. But no matter how much they look into it, they can never quite get to the bottom of it.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them.

Chapter 9: Turbulent Flock


In which a Battle lost in advance takes place.


Hello everyone! Here's Eexis! And welcome to another Chapter of this Story!

I really don't have much to say today, so let's get on with it.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With how everything had gone, Kie had mostly forgotten about the Events leading up to the confrontation with that strong Demon.


Up until she remembered that she had told the Owner of that Udon Cart that she’d return. She had left her Udon untouched to chase after Tanjiro, and the box had been left behind.


So no matter what, they actually had to return.


It probably helped that she did in fact feel hungry, so she really wanted that Bowl about now.


So, with her little brother, Kie had made her way back. Running as well, considering neither she nor her Brother had time to waste. So in record time, at least compared to their first time, they’d returned to the Cart.


''I am so sorry!'' Kie had apologized first things first upon their return. It hadn’t exactly given that much of a good impression when one client ran away out of nowhere.


But thankfully, the Owner of the stand wasn’t all that bothered. It helped that she had ordered one more Bowl of Udon after she’d eaten the one that had gotten cold. And paid to.


So after eating and retrieving Tanjiro’s box, off they were again.


Although, considering circumstances, it wasn’t quite because of hunting a Demon. Instead, what they needed to do next, was meet with one. Or, well, two. 


It was as both of them were on their way, that she noticed a familiar figure.




She stopped in her tracks for a moment, and since she held her little brother's hand as well, he stopped in his tracks as well.


In front of them, next to a tree, was the boy who had accompanied the Lady they’d seen previously. All alone this time, and not exactly looking all that happy.


She moved near to him then.


''You were waiting for us?''


That relatively unhappy expression of his remained, even as he spoke to her.


''Because I was told to bring you to see her.''


She was about to say he didn’t need to. And then she realized they’d never actually spoken of any location to meet. And even if they did, Kie was far more susceptible to getting lost, considering Asakusa’s size alone.


So she quickly shut her mouth when she realized that, ''Yeah. Ok. I did meet you both by chance…''


Although, it made her think.


''Do you two even live here?''


She hadn’t entirely expected an answer. Not with the way the boy kept looking at her with that unhappy expression. But he did answer.


''We do. But you wouldn’t have found it. Not with the cloaking spell it’s under.''


''Cloaking?'' Kie repeated that in initial confusion before realizing what he probably meant.


A Blood Demon Art.


She couldn’t ask further however, as the boy clearly had enough of talking. He immediately turned his back on them and walked off.


''Let’s go.''


And they followed. The path there was calm, all things considered. Although Kie did wonder why he seemed so irritated with them all the way.


Eventually, they reached a dead-end.


For a moment, he remained there, seemingly staring ahead. Kie wouldn’t notice he looked right and left for a few seconds. And then, he walked into the Wall.


What you’d imagine would happen, is that you collide with said wall.


The boy instead walked right through it and disappeared.


Both of the Siblings stared at what should have been a solid wall in wonder. Yet, it was not.


Was this perhaps…?


''A-aaahhh.'' Tanjiro proceeded to make a wordless noise as he approached the wall curiously and sniffed at it. But then he tilted his head once he was done, confusion written perfectly on his face.


After all, even though he'd clearly seen the Green-Haired Demon pass through the not Wall, he could not smell said Demon's scent. As if it had completely vanished.


''Would you both hurry it up? Who knows when someone will pass by.'' The green-haired Demon asked as his head seemed to grow out from the wall, causing both Tanjiro and Kie to jump back a bit in surprise.


''That is a really useful Blood Demon Art.'' Kie commented, causing the male Demon to roll his eyes with a scoff, before retreating backwards so that the way looked normal again. And with a quick look at her younger brother, Kie reached out and grabbed Tanjiro’s hand before they followed after the green-haired Demon and walked through the wall…


And so, the scenery changed from a dead end of a street into a fair-sized and cosy-looking house.


''Waaahh.'' Tanjiro spoke wordlessly in awe, looking around the new area curiously and sniffing around, finding that his sense of smell was easily noticing the Demon they followed and his companion now.


''Hurry up, both of you.'' The boy called out, snapping the siblings out of their surprise and having their attention drawn to the Demon in front of the door of the building. Heeding his words, they approached while the Demon opened the door before he looked over his shoulder.


''Listen, the both of you better make sure you don’t offend or endanger Lady Tamayo in any way.'' He told them with a scowl that revealed his fangs a bit before turning to look inside the house and walking in, not noticing Tanjiro’s own glare at his tone.


''It’s okay Tanjiro. If anything bad happens, we’ll be okay.'' Kie assured her little brother, which did calm him down a little.


And with that, the Kamados went into the house and followed the green-haired Demon who led them towards a large sliding door. He laid his hands on the door's edge, but did not open it yet. Instead announcing their Presence.


''We’re back, Lady Tamayo.''


Only then did he open the Sliding door, allowing Kie to fully see the Demon woman from earlier seated on the Tatami Floor.


''Welcome back Yushiro. And thank you both for coming here.'' Tamayo said with a smile, to which Kie bowed to the woman after a moment.


''Thank you for having us. But… if I may ask, why did you want to talk with me and my brother?'' Kie said politely, before asking a bit cautiously. After all, these two were still Demons despite her inability to sense ill intent from them, but if Kuze was anything to go by… well, it didn’t mean they were harmless.


''There is no need to worry, though I understand the caution. After all, until this meeting, I thought myself and Yushiro to be the only ones beyond Tsuyuri’s control.'' The Demonic woman explained with a gentle smile while the Demon Kie now knew as Yushiro walked over and sat by his companion.


''Beyond her control?'' Kie repeated those specific words. Compared to her Brother who immediately went on to lay on the side, she hadn’t sat down.


She was too weary from Kuze so far. In fact, because of her weariness, she completely missed what would have been additional information.


The Woman seemed to be slightly bothered that Kie hadn’t sat down. She could see the signs clearly, but she decided to try and ease the tension she had.


''I adjusted our bodies so that Tsuyuri would be unable to control us, compared to all other Demons out there. Or at least, I believed so until today.’’ her gaze wandered to Kie and Tanjiro.


''However, I can tell your own situation is different.''


That it was. Kie knew for a fact Tanjiro hadn’t made any sort of adjustments to his body. At least, probably not the same way this female Demon was implying.


And while some weariness remained, considering everything… she chose to finally sit down.


''It is.'' Kie confirmed, ''But I honestly can’t tell you how any of it happened.''


The whole thing was still confusing to think about, just because of how little they knew. She and Urokodaki could only speculate as to how Tanjiro was able to become so different from other Demons, and even then, it amounted to the most superficial answer there was.


He went to sleep to recover energy. All other Demons did not.


And even then, it didn’t seem to relate to what she was hearing right now. Not that Kie would complain, considering that’s what kept Tanjiro alive and not become another Demon out there.


''What’s this control you’re talking about?'' first things first, best to get that explained.


The woman looked at her curiously for a moment but answered nonetheless.


''The Demon Queen’s Blood is more than just Blood. It’s not inaccurate to say that it’s something completely otherworldly. To the point where, when given to others, it not only mutates them into Demons but also gives her complete control over their bodies.''


The words were said grimly, as the sheer implication behind those words was not lost on Kie.


''When… when you say complete control…'' Kie feared what she had to say next, ''How complete are we talking about?''


She did not like what she had to hear.


''To put it bluntly, if she wanted to, she could force your body to move in any way she saw fit. Or stop it altogether. Your Mind is not a secret to her either.''


And Kie paled from hearing that. 


However, the woman decided to brighten the situation slightly with her next words.


''It’s why I found myself surprised when I saw both of you fighting against her. You shouldn’t have been able to, yet…'' her gaze lingered on Tanjiro then, who’d remained lying on the floor. Though it did seem he was listening in closely.


Kie caught onto something.


''Wait. Fighting her? As in…'' she stopped herself short in her confusion, processing another implication that stuck within her mind.


And now, the woman also looked at her in slight confusion.


''You didn’t know?'' although it seemed she grew worried thereafter, ''That’s…'' and then was followed with the shaking of her head, ''No, that’s not surprising…''


The woman then looked straight at Kie in the eyes.


''The Demon you fought, was in fact Kanao Tsuyuri herself.''


She’d fought the Demon Progenitor herself. Kie had fought the Demon at fault in all of this. Not knowing her real name, and calling her ''Kuze'' this whole time. She… could she have had her answers, if she’d known?


Would Kanao even have answered?


Her train of thought then promptly ended when the woman added something else.


''And she is, without a shadow of a doubt, completely nuts.''


That single sentence proceeded to make the whole room go silent. Well… minus what probably were sounds of approval that came from Tanjiro, rolling on the ground to face the woman.


Kie and Yushiro though… well, the Kamado began to blink in surprise at just how bluntly those words came from her, while the poor Demon boy seemed to choke on air and nearly fell over.


''Lady Tamayo!'' Yushiro cried out in surprise at the usage of such words, to which Tamayo merely looked at him before smiling at him.


''Forgive me, but… well, let’s just say that I was reminded of some bitter memories for a moment.'' She apologised with some amusement initially, before her tone turned a little hesitant and bitter.


Kie was by no means an expert on people. After all, the only people she consistently interacted with were Urokodaki and Tanjiro. But even she could tell that the Demon woman’s words were probably putting things lightly.


''Aaah.'' Tanjiro, though, only saw someone who was also hurt by the Demon Progenitor. So he did the one thing that made sense to a child when they saw someone hurting.


He got up and gave Tamayo headpats.


''What are you doing to Lady Tamayo!?'' At the sight of this, Yushiro was quick to force himself to recover and grabbed Tanjiro, trying to pull the Kamado away, but couldn’t do so as the younger Demon resisted the pull.


''Yushiro, enough.'' Tamayo scolded her companion, causing him to immediately step back and sit down while looking far more calm now.


''Come on Tanjiro, that is rude.'' Kie in turn said to her little brother, who turned a bit to look at her. After giving one last headpat to Tamayo, the young boy walked back to his sister’s side and laid back down on the ground.


''I’m really sorry about him. I have no clue why Tanjiro did that.'' The young Slayer was quick to apologize and even bowed her head, getting Tamayo to shake her head.


''It is fine and no harm was done. Though, now that I think about it, I don’t think we had proper introductions, even though you heard mine and Yushiro’s names.'' The Demon doctor assured her before mussing a little, causing Kie to lift her head.


''In that case, my name is Kamado Kie. And as you already heard, this is Tanjiro.'' She said with a smile while gesturing to her little brother. But when she was going to place her extended hand back on her lap… she felt a pull.


''Wha-? Tanjiro! Don’t chew on my haori!''




''Tanjiro, you are getting some drool on it now!''


Indeed. Her Little Brother had chosen, for some reason, to begin chewing at her Checkered Haori. Much to Tamayo’s amusement but Yushiro’s disgust. And honestly, Kie was split between what both felt at this moment.


But since she wanted her Haori to be intact, or close enough to it, she had no choice but to take a certain tone whenever Tanjiro was proving to be more complicated than anticipated.


''Tanjiro.'' Kie took a particular tone, laying her left arm on his shoulder, ''Stop chewing on my Haori.''


She had noticed that when she put a particular emphasis on her words, like right now, Tanjiro did tend to listen a lot more. As he did.


He stopped chewing on her Haori and looked at her with some signs of worry. It seemed he could tell by now that this tone of voice usually meant she wasn’t exactly all that pleased with him.


Tamayo watched this happen while Kie gained control of the situation. And there was only one thought that came to her mind while it happened.


''She sounded just like…''


She did not finish that thought. As by now, Kie had gotten control of the situation enough she could finally face her again. Tanjiro was also sitting now instead of lying on the ground.


Yushiro looked weirdly pleased by that.


''Forgive me for that. I… didn’t expect Tanjiro to do that.'' Kie found herself apologizing a second time, more because of the lack of custom in this case than any actual actions.


''It’s fine.'' and likewise, Tamayo had to repeat that it was fine.


But then, with the apology over. There was only one thing Kie had in mind. Because now?


She finally had a Demon in front of her who may be willing to talk. To perhaps divulge to her the answers she truly hoped she had. Or at least, some sort of clue.


So, Kie wasted no more time and went straight to the point.


''Tamayo. Is there a way to turn back a Demon into a Human?''

While the Demons were having their conversation, another one was at work. Not too far from where they were situated, in fact.


The Marked Left Eye of the Demon stared at the Sky, waiting.


For what, some may wonder?


Well, that answer came with the sound of leaves blowing against the wind. Coming closer and closer to him until the tool he had obtained, a Wooden Mimicry of a Kasugai Crow, perched itself atop a rooftop.


''You found anything?'' The Lower Moon Demon questioned.


The Wooden Crow could not make a sound. At least, not in any vocal manner. That was a flaw of this Tool that his Ladyship had given him.


However, it did come with something quite handy. Namely, it’s eyes…


This Creation had similar eyesight to the Queen of Demons herself, after all.


The Crow gave a nod and then moved. The Lower Moon currently was fine just following it. After all, it would lead him to exactly where he needed to go.


His Targets that he would Observe.


Closer and closer, he was getting there…

''There is a way to turn a Demon back into a Human.''


Those words…


It ignited a certain type of spark within her being by just hearing those words. So she’s somewhat ashamed to say, she acted excitedly.


''You have to tell me!'' Kie shot up from her seating position, actually startling her little brother with how abrupt and swift that movement was.


It also startled Yushiro apparently, since he spoke up with clear irritation.


''Quiet down!'' He scowled at her as well, a stark contrast to Tamayo who did not look the least bit bothered by what had happened.


Kie took a moment to calm down from the rush she felt but then sat back down.


''Sorry… but, please. Tell me how.''


Tamayo gladly explained it to her.


''Demonification is at its Core, a type of Illness. No matter how much more supernatural it may seem. It must infect a Human to be effective. Following that Logic, it is only natural that for an Illness, there is a Treatment.''


So far, Kie followed what Tamayo was saying. What she said next though did slightly dampen her hopes.


''At this time, I’m unable to turn a Demon back into a Human. Even in Today’s age where creating a Cure is all the more possible, I lack one vital component. Samples of Tsuyuri’s Blood.''


While this was a downer, considering how she said there was a way, it didn’t diminish it entirely. Not when Tamayo outright said that she could if she had what she lacked.


''So… if you had enough of Tsuyuri’s Blood… you could do it?'' Kie asked.


And she received a nod.


''Yes. And that is why I’d like to ask you to do something for me. Two Favors, in fact. As I’ve stated earlier, I need Tsuyuri’s Blood. However, the Blood samples I require are those closely related to Tsuyuri. And that would mean Demon’s whose powers are far more on par with the Queen herself. You would be putting yourself in mortal danger, going into conflict with the Bloodiest creatures in the world.''


The Bloodiest creatures in the world… coupling it in with Urokodaki’s Lessons, it did not surprise her that wordings like that would be used. If Demons with power closest to the Queen herself existed, then that much Blood was to be expected.


Kie could almost feel a chill, just imagining those Monsters. But, if it meant curing her Brother, then she most certainly would not hesitate.


''And that Second Favor?''


''I require permission to study you and your Brother’s Blood. Especially your Brothers due to this condition being extremely rare and unique. Normally, any Demon who went that long without consuming the flesh or blood of a human or beast would unquestionably go berserk. And yet, surprisingly, Tanjiro shows none of those signs. This miracle will be the key to finding a solution.''


Their Blood… it made sense why she’d ask. Tanjiro’s condition was unique. Extremely so. Unheard of even, she imagines. Or else, Tsutako wouldn’t have reacted the same way she did two years ago.


And while she questioned why Tamayo also wanted her Blood, Kie chose not to question it. If it meant that she was a step closer to her goal, then so be it.


She looked over at Tanjiro and imagined a world where he was Human. Could be himself entirely without the risk of killing someone.


Kie moved her hand to pat Tanjiro on the head while giving her answer.


''If it means there will be a Cure by the end of it, then I’ll do it. If going after those Demons can create it, then I accept to fulfill those Favors.''


She turned around her head to face Tamayo fully, smiling in the process. And hearing her acceptance, Tamayo smiled in turn.


Because finally… finally, the tides began to shift.


However then, Tanjiro and Yushiro, the former looked pleased at being headpatted and the latter seeming to be happy to see Tamayo smile, both had their attention snap away from this scene.


And towards Outside.


''There’s someone outside.'' Yushiro’s warning immediately plummeted the good mood in the air, and it was accompanied by Tanjiro’s growling. Affirming Yushiro’s words.


''Someone’s there?'' Kie said in surprise.


Hadn’t they been careful? No one had been following them, so… how?


Tamayo seemed to figure out the answer immediately.


''It must be a Demon with a particular Blood Demon Art. However, if we haven’t been attacked yet… then perhaps it’s been ordered not to attack.''


If this were just a Low Ranked Demon, they would have either attacked or left by now, as there were no Humans to feist on here.


But if this wasn’t…


''Do you think that they may be strong enough for their blood to help make the cure?'' Kie questioned Tamayo as the Slayer tensed her body while standing up, her hand resting on her handle’s blade.


''It’s very possible. After all, with how unique the current situation is, Tsuyuri is likely playing it a bit safe for… well, whatever that madwoman has come up with now.'' The Demon woman answered honestly while she stood up with Yushiro by her side, the young man reaching into a pocket and taking out 2 talismans.


''Alright then. Be ready Tanjiro.'' The Kamado spoke before telling her brother, who nodded before the veins on his head began to bulge again while his claws sharpened, a show that he was ready to fight.


So Kie did not hesitate to run out of the building entirely. Scanning the surrounding area in a quick motion, and upon seeing a bit of rustling leaves up in a Tree, the Young Girl Jumped.


''Water Breathing - First Form: Water Surface Slash!''


And unleashed a singular, horizontal slash at where her new opponent was likely hiding. With her guess proven to be right as a Demon jumped out from there and landed on the ground, easily evading Kie’s attack. As soon as his feet touched the ground though, the Demon was attacked by Tanjiro, and the following punch from the young Demon was expertly dodged. 


Now with a scowl, the Demon raised his leg and kicked Tanjiro in the stomach, spun around from his current position, and launched the boy into Kie, who was unable to evade thanks to currently being airborne and thus resulted in the siblings being sent right through the tree and hitting a concrete wall with enough force to crack it.


''So, you’re the ones, huh? I don’t understand what she sees in either of you if this is all you have to offer.'' The Demon spoke as he stood at full height, and had it not been for the warnings about how varied a Demon could also be physically from Urokodaki-san, Kie was sure that she would have been stunned by how young they looked.


''Who are you?'' Kie asked as she and Tanjiro stood back up, with Kie getting into a guarded position while Tanjiro sniffed at the air and…


''A-aaagh?'' He looked confused as he looked over the new Demon.


''Tanjiro?'' Kie spoke in concern for her little brother, before looking over their opponent as well to hopefully see what the little Demon seemed to have noticed.


And after a second, Kie spotted something. At this distance, and with how small it was in general, it should have been impossible to notice. But alas, she did notice the kanji within their left eye.




And a shiver soon ran up her spine. While it was far less apparent than when she faced Tsuyuri, this feeling… it could only compare to that feeling she had when meeting the Progenitor earlier that night.


''Tch. Fine, not like I get the chance to have some fun nowadays. The name is Sanemi, Lower Moon 3 of the Twelve Kizuki.'' The Demon now introduced himself. And something else would surprise Kie after that.


A Mimicry of a Kasugai Crow, looking to be made out of Wood, landed on a Tree Branch that was the closest to the Lower Moon, causing him to look up curiously.


''What is it?'' He questioned the copy of a Crow, which seemed to mimic the Caw of a Crow even though it could not make a sound. However, it perpetually looked at a certain area near the entrance of the house, causing the Demon to follow its gaze while Kie and Tanjiro remained still as something instinctual warned them of danger.


Then… a twig on the ground snapped. 


The Demon stared for a moment before grinning, ''Oh? What’s that there? Maybe… the Demon who’s hidden this whole place?''


The Demon knew it was probable they’d already be moving, so why waste his effort when he could simply issue a Command?


''Fire at them.''


And the Imitation of a Kasugai Crow did exactly as told. It flapped its wings once, and because of that motion, it ended up firing the Leafs that acted its feathers towards their Invisible additions.


Neither Tanjiro nor Kie acted in time to try to either deflect or shield who they suddenly realized were under this cloaking.


And so, the Sharp Leaves hit not one, but two Demons hidden under a Blood Demon Art. Cutting up the Papers they both had on their Foreheads, and revealing Tamayo and Yushiro, some areas cut, and some other areas embedded with the Leaves.


It caused the Demon’s grin to grow pleased, ''Two for the Price of one. And I’m sure one of you is the caster of this Spell.''


The question to him was, which one?


The Demon could have certainly taken his time to ponder about such a thing, but he would not be given the time as of the moment. Kie had acted then, not willing to find out if something else was planned or not.


She didn’t go for a Breathing Technique yet though, instead opting to try and find an opening of sorts before trying it. It did mean that the Demon was able to easily avoid her incoming attack, stepping to the side and then raising his knee and slamming it into her chest.


Tanjiro had been behind her when it happened and was left with a split-second decision as to whether to help his sister, launched his way, or jump over her to attack the Demon. He chose the former option, catching his Sister but being pushed by the force behind the attack.


And while that was going on, Tamayo was considering something.


''I could use my spell, but then, if I forced the activation of the Curse, any advancements we make here would be useless.''


So that had to be a last resort.


''Yushiro’s own Spells won’t help us much.'' she remarks as her eyes drifted from the kneed Kie towards the Mimicry of a Crow, perched and waiting where it was.


She did not doubt for a second that this was Kanao’s creation. Another one of them, and one that was clearly there to support this Demon. That was probably why they’d been found, and if they wanted to use Yushiro’s Blood Demon Art to their advantage, then it had to go.


''But knowing Tsuyuri, there’s more to it than what we initially see.''


She loved giving her Creations random traits, fitting or not. This one was without a doubt no different. The question now, was what?


She didn’t have more time to consider any of this. Not when the Lower Moon’s attention now shifted to them.


He looked at them with disgust.


''More Anomalies? Honestly, where do you all keep coming from now?'' Although those words were a clear sign that Tsuyuri had not expected to see Tamayo.


They weren’t the objective here. Which meant this Demon did not know who she was so far. However that was unlikely to remain an advantage, considering she was infamously known.


''It’s useless between Demons to fight. Not like I can kill you both no matter how much I try, but I’ll just let the Sun do the job for me.''


Yushiro glared in answer to those words and spat back in answer.


''I’d like to see you try!''


The Demon’s stare remained on him for precious seconds before his veins burst all over his face while a grin that could not truly be described spread all over.


''You challenging me, Brat?''


In the next instant, the Demon disappeared from Tamayo and Yushiro’s vision. And in the following moment, he appeared in front of Yushiro.


Sadly, the poor assistant had no chance of reacting, before Sanemi punched through his body, grabbed the helpless Demon’s spine, and ripped most of it out, causing the talisman-using Demon to collapse to the ground, before getting kicked into the air and right through one of the wooden walls of the building.


''Now, st-'' Sanemi began to threaten Tamayo as he looked at her, only to then stop when he got a closer look at her.


''Oh. Well, isn’t this a surprise?'' The Demon gained a cruel grin as he recognized just who was in front of him.


''Her Ladyship is going to be very plea-.'' The Demon mused to himself as he began to take steps forward, while Tamayo raised her hand, ready to claw at her skin and use her Blood Demon Art. 


But before a hand could be placed on Tamayo, the Lower Moon was knocked to the side and even skidded across the ground, because Tanjiro had leaped forward and dropkicked Sanemi with enough force to crack a bone or two.


It was immediately followed by Kie's own attack.


''Water Breathing - Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!''


She jumped into the air and brought down her blade at her opponent’s neck, only to end up failing as Sanemi quickly spun around, his cloak hiding his movements a little, so only the piece of cloth was sliced through instead of Demon flesh. Then, as he balanced himself by placing his hands on the ground, Sanemi launched a double kick at the Slayer, who was just barely able to block with her sword to lessen the damage, but she was still sent flying a good few meters into the air before she landed back on the ground by Tanjiro’s side.


''Tch. You little bastards are fucking annoying, you know that?'' Lower Moon 3 rhetorically asked with a snarl, before standing back up fully and looking at the scales on his arms.


''But fine. I have something up my sleeve that will make this more… interesting .'' He continued with a smirk before crossing his arms, allowing his hands to grip the scales on both of his arms.


Then, he casually ripped them off and allowed Blood to spill from the ''Wound'' and spill on the ground, painting it Red.


He ripped deep enough in fact, that his Bones were visible from the tear he’d caused to himself, more blood pouring out as a result.


It caused initial confusion as to why the Lower Moon Demon would even do that, but then, the Kamado’s and Tamayo felt it.


A particular smell that assaulted their senses.


''H-hugh-?!'' Tamayo’s immediate reaction upon that smell was to drop on her knees, the world around her growing distorted from that awful smell that assaulted her senses while feeling like she’d barf.


Tamayo wouldn’t, in the end, but Tanjiro on the other hand did throw up whatever was to be found in his stomach as he equally fell on his knees from the horrible smell.


Kie was the only one who looked moderately fine, and the only reason she still stood compared to the other two was because she was using her Sword as a cane to stand somewhat upright. And even then, it did not help that she felt absolutely sick from this smell.


And the Demon, seeing this, began to laugh.


''Fu… Fufu… Fufufuahahaha!''


Oh, how amazing it was to see this kind of reaction. It didn’t matter if it was a Human who got drunk from his Blood or a Demon who grew utterly revolted from the Smell it gave…


''It smells horrible, right?'' The question was already rhetorical by nature of them not being able to answer due to their senses being assaulted, ''Good. That’s the whole fucking point. Go, retch from it! Lose everything your Stomach has! We’ll see how you try to fight me now.''


Now that they were unable to fight, it was time to restrain that Woman and deal with that Brat before they became too much of a nuisance.


And it was perfect he had the tools for that.


''Hey, Crow!'' The Wooden Crow which had remained perched on a Tree’s gaze turned to him, ''Pin her down with your Leaves.''


With a toneless Caw, the Construct did as Ordered. And Tamayo, in her current state, could do nothing but kneel in disgust as the Leaves were fired, piercing right through her Body and pushing her on her back.


Then it fired again, and more Sharp Leaves pierced her, pinning her down.


All while the Lower Moon headed off into the Building, preparing to deal with the only Demon who so far, has remained unaffected by his Blood.


He truly doubted that a Demon like that would recover that quickly when one’s spine was ripped. Unranked Demons were slower in nearly everything.


Although, he wound up being proven wrong. When he took the first step inside the hole, he felt something collide into his left, where his floating ribs were located. The impact itself wasn’t the dangerous thing about it.


It was the dislocated ribs that pierced inside his own Body.


For a Demon, that could be easily fixed with time. But time, was not something the Lower Moon had at this moment, and all because whatever had hit him and caused the briefest of internal damage, proceeded to grab the arm from the same side of his broken ribs, and then throw him further into the Building.


For now, this had effectively paralyzed the Lower Moon for however long it would take before his Regeneration kicked in.


''That’s payback for being so revolting around Lady Tamayo’s presence!''


Yushiro’s voice grew to become clear as his appearance became visible from the Hole. Besides his Clothes being torn due to his spine having been previously ripped, he was completely fine now.


''Why you…!''


The Lower Moon in question, as it turned out, already had his Regeneration kick in. He growled out as he stood back up and charged at the green-haired Demon, quickly striking him and punching off Yushiro’s head in a single blow. However, he was too slow to stop the assistant from committing one last act before the member of the Twelve Kizuki was upon him.


And that was to toss a talisman onto each of his comrades. Something that quickly proved to be a great boon to their situation.


''W-What?'' Kie questioned quietly to herself as the world around her stopped spinning. Admittedly, her other senses were still not great to put it lightly, but now, things actually seemed okay with her vision.


However, despite not understanding what Yushiro just did, the young Slayer simply shook her head. She could ask later when this Lower moon was dealt with.


''Tanjiro, help Tamayo!'' Kie yelled to her little brother, and while the poor boy was still vomiting out some bile, he nodded his head before shakily approaching the pinned Tamayo to help her.


''Tch. So this Bastard is the one who can manipulate Senses.'' Lower Moon 3 said with a scowl, waiting for Kie to approach him and easily evade her use of the Fourth Form of Water Breathing. After all, even if her vision was restored, all of her other senses were still being messed with, so the girl was clearly not in top form.


Not that it would really matter against a member of the Twelve Kizuki to begin with.


''Get back!'' Yushiro yelled out to Kie as soon as his mouth and eye regenerated, but it was too late. Because by that point, Sanemi was able to grab Kie’s left arm and with a nasty snap, broke the limb to the point where the bone protruded out of the flesh.


Seeing this, and how badly they were all outclassed… Tamayo knew that she had to cut her losses. And so, as soon as she was freed and got back up…


She tore at the flesh of her right arm.


The Wooden Crow’s eyes narrowed, but being an object without a voice, nothing but that action came.


Tanjiro would end up charging ahead to help his Sister, not willing to let something like that continue on.


So, he used the only thing that had any chance of working.


He headbutted the side of the Lower Moon's head, the force behind it strong enough that it messed up the Demon’s concentration. His grip lightened and Kie took her chance to retreat as her arm painfully and slowly healed.


Sadly for Tanjiro, while it certainly hurt the Lower Moon to an extent, it did not stop a retaliation. The Demon swung just after Kie’s retreat and hit the boy’s face. Exactly the same side that Headbutt hit.


The Punch made Tanjiro be struck into the ground head first. And, the situation could have turned even worse if the Lower Moon was given more time to fight.


But Tamayo had enough.


''Member of the Twelve Kizuki…'' All it took, was for her to speak up.


After all, in a situation like this, you don’t exactly expect to be addressed by anyone. So, the Lower Moon -halfway through a motion of raising his leg- looked at her.


Her arms were hidden under her Kimono Sleeves.


''What?'' The lower Moon would growl out, a part of him morbidly curious as to why the Traitor would dare address him. Did she want to be next?


''Tell me one thing. Please. Are you aware of Tsuyuri’s true nature?''


Where the hell was this woman going? The fact this Traitor dared to say her name so casually already was getting on his nerves!


''Where the hell are you going with this?''


''It’s simple. She is nothing but a madwoman. She lives constantly in madness. I would dare say she was born deranged.''


The Lower Moon felt his veins burst all over his Body from the sheer range he felt at that moment.


''How dare you speak of her that way you bitch! You were given her Blood, and then you turned your back on her!''


''Is it not natural, once you learn of her true nature? She sees us as nothing but Pawns on her Board. Taken and replaced as she pleases. All veiled under a form of care. Of trust. But she’s as fickle as the winds themselves.''


''Shut up!’’


''You merely are…''


''Shut up! Shut up!''


''...her Pawn.''


And so, Fate was sealed as the Lower Moon went into an outraged cry.


''She cannot possibly be that demented! She is strong beyond anyone else! She is patient with all of us! No one is beyond her! Lady Tsuyuri is a God amongst us all!''


Tamayo looked at him with pity, as the Lower Moon realized what he’d just done.


Only now did he notice the Action of a Blood Demon Art that worked similarly to his own. And now, the Traitor pulled back her sleeve to show her Bleeding left arm.


''You’ve uttered her name out loud. And now, her Curse will activate.''


All the Anger the Lower Moon felt vanished. Drained away for pure dread and fear. He did not notice his arm Shaking.


''I truly feel sorry for you. But… farewell.''


And then, the Lower Moon felt it.


He felt like vomiting. Just like he’d made them feel previously, so did he now. Only, it wasn’t the same thing.


Ultimately, he would end up spitting out a small amount of Blood. Blood that previously may have been used for his Blood Demon Art. Yet, it did not trigger. It could not, in fact. It was like all Power had simply left him at this moment.


Said Blood hit the Dirt.


And then, from that Blood and soil grew a type of Plant. Tamayo easily recognized what it would turn into. Initially a sapling, it would shift and grow until it looked like a Root. A Root that then grew thicker.


Some additional shapes came. It would end up looking like a Fox Tail that had a Flower Bud as its White Fur. Only, it then opened. Spreading just like a Spider Lily with a Sharp tip in its middle. Under it, curiously so, grew a Blank Mask.


The Formation of that Tail took mere seconds. Seconds where the Demon in question could simply not move. It’s Body did not follow it’s commands. And so, the Lower Moon looked on with Dread.


And then, the second after the formation of that Tail, it pierced right through the Lower Moon's Chest. The Tip of the Tail emerging out from the back, and the Blank Mask staring at them all. Blood soaked.


The second following that, the Mask grew an expression.


A Smile. Hollow, as only the Shape of a Mouth and Eyes came.


It happened exactly the same moment when the Lower Moon was drained instantly from its Liquids. A strong Body, turning merely into a Husk as the Demon in question had no time to scream. Only open his Mouth for an action he would never fulfill.


That Tail with the Mask only smiled while the Demon’s Body went on to fade away into Ash.


The Tail, Free, only did one thing.


It bent up, looking at the sky and shaking. As if it were mocking them with laughter, while that expression never changed.


They were unaware that the Wooden Crow followed that same motion, just as soundless as the Tail, before it flew away unnoticed.


Then, the Masked Tail decomposed just like the Demon it had ended…


Leaving nothing behind.  


So, uh... Rest in Peace Sanemi?

You served your purpose well, if nothing else! And an advanced apology to everyone who had hoped for Genya to run into his Brother, but that's not happening. At all. We had Sanemi's fate planned pretty early on once we decided to change some Roles.

He was always meant to die here.

Though, since he died, I might as well give details on his Blood Demon Art.


Blood Demon Art: Blood of Vice
Sanemi's Marechi Blood mutated into something that affects Demons and Humans. While for Humans, it acts like Marechi, leaving them to feel drunk as their cognitive abilities weaken from the Aroma, for Demons, they smell the foulest thing possible, completely disrupting all of their senses in the process as they can do nothing but feel sick.


We decided to make his Blood Demon Art closely related to the fact he is a Marechi, and augment it so it affects Humans and Demons differently.

Now, let's move onto the Taisho Whispers. There isn't much more to say after all.


[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]

The Wooden Crow gifted to Sanemi ran into Matsuemon shortly before the Conflict. The Kasugai Crow did not particularly take well to an Imitation of it existing, nor the fact that he could not find where Kie had gone off to.


I certainly hope you've all enjoyed that Final Section and how the Curse works here. But with this done, I'll be out.

See you all next time!

Chapter 10: Butterfly effect


And once more, a chapter for this story has been made! This one was... honestly, full of a lot of surprises and neither me nor Eexis regret them for a moment. Anyways, I look forward to your reactions and I hope that you all enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

She could hear her Heartbeat.

In the Silence that came as this Curse took place, only Silence welcomed all of them.

The Demon had no time to scream. None of them had any desire to even say anything as they all watched the Tsuyuri Curse take effect.

And so, Kie heard her own Heartbeat and her own thoughts as the Wooden Tail with that mask laughed at them all with silence.

Reeling back, she wondered if this was Kanao in person who was doing this, or if any aspect of her wanted to be dramatic.

At any other time, she may have found it humorous.

But at this exact moment?

It was horrifying to realize how everything seemed to be a Comedy for her. Another play in another piece. To be watched as many times as she desired.

This was no different, was it?

If Kanao was seeing this, then she saw just another Theatre Piece. And laughed at them all for going against her script.

Laughed at them for even thinking they could use her Curse against her and not lose something because of it.

That Tail faded away into nothing. Not even leaving behind a single drop to be preserved.

It’s as if it never happened.

As if it were all so utterly… hopeless.

And the silence remained even then. Even with Kanao’s presence gone, this atmosphere remained.

She continued hearing her Heartbeat.

Perhaps she was just overthinking this. Kie had to acknowledge that in a situation where you had nothing but your mind, you could come to conclusions that may be simply wrong.

Perhaps it wasn’t even laughing at them. Or perhaps it was.

But, with the silence that remained, and with her thoughts seeming to follow her Heartbeats, a single thought seemed to linger on.

''She is… that cruel… to even her own… Demons…?''

What exactly did it say, that the Tsuyuri curse worked in the way it did in front of them. What did it say that it worked the way it did?

What did it say?

What did it show?

''She doesn’t care about any of them.''

That had been a thought. But, it also hadn’t. Because someone does voice that. And upon hearing someone finally speak, all eyes turned to Tamayo.

She had been the one to speak up, after all.

''It’s something I’ve come to realize since Ages. But Tsuyuri does not give a whit about any of her Demons. The Curse says as much already, but the way it worked… it’s even more cruel than I remember.''

And Tamayo frowned at the memories. Because indeed, the Tsuyuri Curse she remembered, while fundamentally working similarly, never had worked the way it did now.

Last time, it was swift. It was made to simply end your Life on the spot.

It was cruel by nature, but it didn’t drag out. Not compared to this Curse she now witnessed. The Curse where the Demon was made to stand and be unable to do anything.

All body functions shut down. Your very power did not come as commanded.

All while the Dread built up. And then, with a single pierce, all was gone.

''I cannot tell if she has only gotten more cruel, or if she simply decided to throw away her previous inhibitions.''

And wasn’t that horrifying. Because if Kanao could do something like this to one of her own Demons, a being that was honestly loyal to her as far as the Kamado could tell, then what has she done to those that opposed her if they didn’t somehow entertain the Progenitor like she and…


Whipping her head around so quickly that Tamayo and Yushiro thought she’d snap her own neck, Kie looked at her little brother. Who was somehow stuck in a perfect balance between absolutely horrified and so tired, that the young Demon was barely standing.

And it was only because she remembered that he was here, that Kie was just able to catch Tanjiro just when he finally lost all of his remaining energy and instead of falling face first into the ground, landed in his sister’s arms.

“If you are worried about him, you don’t need to. My Blood Demon Art has no direct negative effects on a Demon, and since your brother is free of the Tsuyuri’s control, he can’t trigger that curse.” Tamayo assured Kie as the young Slayer frantically looked over Tanjiro, scared that he would be met with the same fate. But with that reminder, Kie was able to calm down a little, even though she just heard about half of what the Demon doctor said with the sound of her own heartbeat in her ears.

“Is he… really dead?” Kie asks quietly, but right now, it may as well have been a scream that could be heard across the whole world with the current silence.

“Yes. Despite being mad, that woman is thorough when she wants to be. So it is highly unlikely that the Lower moon is alive and if he somehow was, he won’t be any longer once the sun rises.” The eldest Demon there answered solemnly while looking at where the Demon that was previously the 9th most powerful after the Progenitor once stood.

She was not sad for his death, though she did feel a little pity that his loyalty was so poorly misplaced and that the curse became so cruel. No, what she was sad about though was the missed opportunity, as Tamayo had no chance of taking the Demon’s blood to continue on with her research.

Still, there was hope.

After all, while it appears that this Demon was too much for Kie and Tanjiro, that did not mean the siblings couldn’t further grow. And even then, they had 3 other Demons weaker than Lower moon 3 that they could possibly take blood from that would still help their goal.

“He was truly foolish. Though, it is what he deserved for harming Lady Tamayo.” Yushiro commented with a sneer as he looked at the spot that Tamayo was. But any that looked at him could see that the assistant was disturbed by what the curse entailed after seeing it in action.

“But how did she kill him? Should that only be possible by a Nichirin Blade, Wisteria or sunlight?” Kie questioned as she shakily stood up, holding Tanjiro close as the boy fell asleep within her arms.

“You remember how extensive Tsuyuri’s control over a Demon can be? That is because when she gives a Demon her blood to turn them, not only are her cells injected into that individual, but the Progenitor cells multiply. And she has control over each one, leading to that control, but… she can also destroy those cells without making contact.” Tamayo explained with a sigh, making Kie’s widen in further horror.

Her little brother was meant to live a life like that…. It was almost like this world wanted him dead.

“Come on. We should get inside before the sun rises, and I have some medicines that can help Demons recover by aiding their regeneration.” The Demon doctor spoke as she looked up at the sky and realised how soon day was about to come, causing Kie to leave those thoughts behind for now as she nodded and followed Tamayo and Yushiro inside.

Meanwhile, any of Sanemi’s remaining ashes… were erased the second sunlight touched them.

Unaware of that, the group headed back inside where they headed into an underground level of the House.

She was led into a room that was filled with Medical Equipment. Some of the things she couldn’t even recognize.

It’s only then she thought about actually asking this question.

''So this Medicine of yours will help Tanjiro how exactly?''

The question was asked as Tamayo grabbed something that looked like a Syringe, but she’s pretty sure that’s not entirely the name of that thing.

''Since his Regeneration seems to be slowed down due to his condition, this here should help him recover from those wounds quickly.'' As Emphasis, Tamayo showed the object in question, ''But I will admit, it is likely to keep him asleep for a longer period of time.''

Tamayo and Yushiro still drank Blood. And while the amount wasn’t too large, they had an external source to replenish themselves if need be. Tanjiro didn’t, and if sleep was his only means of recovery, then while this would help heal faster, it may keep him slumbering for how much this took out of him.

And, after some moments of consideration on Kie’s part, whether to say yes or no to this considering it could affect her Little Brother, she ultimately chose to have him recover quicker, but slumber some more.

He could use the sleep regardless.


Giving a nod of acknowledgement to the permission, Tamayo walked up to Tanjiro while Kie laid her little brother on the ground, allowing the Demon doctor to roll up the sleeve of Tanjiro’s haori and allowed her to use the syringe to pierce through the flesh of the young boy’s arm and inject what was within into the younger Demon’s system.

And based on how Tanjiro seemed to relax a bit within his sleep, Kie was assuming that whatever that medicine was doing to help her little brother was working. And quite well at that.

Whatever worry that had remained faded away quickly afterward.

And with the Injection done, Tamayo chose now to bring up the matter at hand. Discarding the used Syringe.

''Yushiro and I will leave this region.''

And Kie paid close attention to the next words spoken.

''Now that Tsuyuri knows where we are, I cannot risk her choosing to follow the footsteps the Lower Moon took. We must conceal our whereabouts soon while the Sun is still out or the risk will be too great.''

That wasn’t accounting that for all she believed she concealed her identity; some people did notice regardless. The Young and the Elderly are particularly perceptive even with their Doctors.

So, knowing the window of opening was limited to how long the Day lasted, she had to ask now.


This should be something she asks to both of them. Not just for one. But considering how Kie was somehow making her situation work, even as a Demon, and seeing the Uniform in question, she knew she couldn’t ask her this.

So instead…

''Would you like us to take Tanjiro in?''

It surprised both Kie and Yushiro, although the latter had quite a noticeable reaction compared to Kie. It looked like he would die on the spot if she actually said yes.

He was fortunately behind Tamayo, so the elder Demon could not see his facial expression. And if it wasn’t for the question given, she may have just laughed.

''I can’t give you an absolute guarantee that he’ll be safe, but I believe it will be less dangerous than taking him into battle.''

Ultimately however, this was merely a proposition. One Kie could either accept or refuse. The choice was her own.

And thinking about it… what was for the best?

Would it be for the better if Tanjiro was with them? Or would it be better if he remained with her?

It wasn’t an easy thing to consider, especially when trying to take into account everything.

But, after some consideration… Kie came to her decision.

''Tamayo-San. I thank you for your concern, but I have to refuse.'' She moved her arm to stroke over his forehead.

''I don’t think either of us would be happy to be separated. Not when we’re all we have now. Maybe he won’t be safer with me either, not when considering his situation. But still… we’re family. And we’ve only come this far together.''

Tamayo took no offence to her refusal. If anything, she looked almost happy. Compared to Yushiro who she genuinely could not tell what he was feeling at the moment.

''Very well. In that case, I wish you long-lasting good fortune in battle.''

It was then that Yushiro decided to return to his usual self, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.

''All right. We’ll be leaving after we erase all traces of ourselves. You two get ready to go!''

Back to his usual self now it seems.

''Alright. Alright.'' Kie stood up, ‘’I’ll get the Box.''

But as she moved to head upstairs again, she stood to look back at them.

''But thank you. Truly, thank you for all you’ve done already.''

Then, she headed up.

- - - - - - - - - -

Wine apparently tastes good.

Or at least, that’s what she keeps hearing. Swirling the Cup that held said contents gave her almost the impression she could taste it.

Almost as if… she were truly what she said she was.

Only to immediately crush the Glass that was within her fingers and spilling the contents on her Carpet. Red it may have been previously, there was a noticeable stain on it now.

She’d probably be more bothered by it if it wasn’t because of how tasteless this whole situation was at this moment.

“So… she took advantage of my curse.” 

Kanao commented idly with a neutral expression, simply staring through the Window of her Estate as the Sun slowly but surely rose. Soon, she’d have to close the Curtain, but not yet.

She wanted to keep staring at the rising Sun to encapsulate how she felt now, considering it felt like the only thing she could relate to at this moment. How close it feels to soon spill just like that Wine.

She thought back to what she’d witnessed.

''She cannot possibly be that demented! She is strong beyond anyone else! She is patient with all of us! No one is beyond her! Lady Tsuyuri is a God amongst us all!''

Admittedly, dear Sanemi wasn’t a favourite of hers, but he was amusing. And he certainly had potential that would make him worth keeping around. So the fact that he wasn’t even killed in a proper fight…

She felt a vein burst.

''H-hugh-?!'' Tamayo’s immediate reaction upon that smell was to drop on her knees, the world around her growing distorted from that awful smell that assaulted her senses while feeling like she’d barf.

Tamayo wouldn’t, in the end, but Tanjiro on the other hand did throw up whatever was to be found in his stomach as he equally fell on his knees from the horrible smell.

Kie was the only one who looked moderately fine, and the only reason she still stood compared to the other two was because she was using her Sword as a cane to stand somewhat upright. And even then, it did not help that she felt absolutely sick from this smell.

Not only that, but he was doing such a good job as well up until that point. And while observing would have been preferable for the Demon Progenitor, he’d been spotted so early on it simply wasn’t viable anymore.

At least, not without escaping. And Sanemi would never do that if he could fight. Shame, it meant extending this situation further than necessary. But oh well, it allowed her to see more than last time.

''That’s payback for being so revolting around Lady Tamayo’s presence!''

Including the fact there was a new Demon. And by simply reviewing her Memories, Kanao knew that the green-haired boy was not somebody she herself, or one of her Kizuki, had turned. And boy was the Progenitor fascinated, both with his Blood Demon Art and how he could even exist.

Well, beyond the fact that Tamayo must be responsible, but that part was the obvious one. How it was possible on the other hand…

But before a hand could be placed on Tamayo, the Lower Moon was knocked to the side and even skidded across the ground, because Tanjiro had leaped forward and dropkicked Sanemi with enough force to crack a bone or two.

It was immediately followed by Kie's own attack.

''Water Breathing - Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!''

Ah, how frustrating this had been. It was fascinating to see those two work, or even Tamayo’s own Demon putting in his own weight and doing something against her Lower Moon.

But how utterly frustrating it was to see someone like him struggle.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise her all that much either. It was clear those Three Demons had much more within them than she’d imagined. They’d been able to push him a few times and take him off guard in others.

But it only magnified the frustratingly fast pace the lower ranks seemed to be stuck at.

Another vein burst at the simple thought of needing to replace one of them again. How tiresome this could get.

Even worse, for all the praise she gave them for being so unique, this feat was accomplished by a pair of malnourished Demons that have only been turned for 2 years. Which made them being beyond her control even more irritating as their Bodies should not be capable of giving such resistance!

But… they did.

So what did that exactly say about the Lower Moons?

Granted, perhaps she should cut them some slack. At least for this case. After all, going after Tamayo had not been part of the plan to begin with. Neither was that new Demon or the supposed Kamado ‘’Siblings’’.

But any advantages out of this were rather low.

Tamayo was a slippery vixen and would be long gone before Kanao got the chance to approach the location. Even worse that the Home Tamayo had used wasn’t near her Estate within Tokyo.

It meant she could do nothing but watch as the Sun would soon rise to be a danger to her.

Tamayo would simply slip by her fingers again. And that green-haired one was clearly close to Tamayo, so he’d undeniably follow her the first chance they had.

And for the out-of-control pair? Well, the girl was somehow part of the Corps and her ‘brother’ was accompanying her. Undoubtedly, they had some form of support with a Demon Slayer or several somewhere nearby so that travel during the day would be possible.

So, neither the Traitor nor the abnormal Demons were within her priorities right now, as it’d basically be a wild goose chase. And besides, since the Kamados were part of the Corps, they would be sent on missions to hunt down her Demons. So she’d get plenty of chances to see them, and Tamayo was no immediate threat.

What was a priority now… were those failures of the Lower Ranked Kizuki’s…

She never did this before, but now, it seems she actually has to use some Upper Moon resources for them. Because of their failure.

It was about time she gave them some additional motivation around here. She knew only one of the remaining Lower Moons had a plan in mind, and another had enough stability to uphold some form of Growth.

But it needed to be sped up.

But before she actually did that, she finally noticed something outside her Window. Cutting it close to considering how short on time it was.

She opened the Window and allowed for her Wooden Crow to come in, landing on one of her outstretched fingers. Then, she moved to close the Window.

Sunlight touched her face at that moment, and she could feel the burning for the brief second she allowed it to touch her before closing the Curtain entirely.

Leaving the Room in obscurity.

The Burn healed over instantly, leaving no trace of Damage as her and the Crow’s gaze met.

She turned her back on the Curtain and moved out of the Room. She’d call in a Maid to clean this mess up later. Or maybe one of her Butlers. Whichever she asked first.

''Now, Isuzu…'' Kanao exited the Room she’d been in previously with a loud thud from the closing Door, not looking back once as her gaze remained on the just now named Crow.

''Why is it…'' A smile grew on her face, albeit looking forced with the way the burst veins remained, ''...that you barely helped?''

She’d specifically sent this Creation of hers to aid Lower Moon Three. By all means, it was supposed to act beyond the idea of a Kasugai Crow, as this one could fight.

And certainly, at some points it did.

''I gave you my Blood to give you Life. Mine.'' If at all possible, it seemed the forced smile grew even further, barely concealing the clear wrath she was now holding. Her voice dripped with it.

''So how come you didn’t use your Absorption Ability?''

Giving this thing Blood, her own at that, hadn’t just been for the hell of it. This Creation of hers was supposed to take Blood as its replacement for Water. It’s supposed to be capable of absorbing in Demon Blood to power itself.

Isuzu had not used it once.

Obviously, this Creation of hers could not kill a Demon with its Absorption Ability. It’s why she’d even given it to Sanemi, as it would have been observing and pacifying the Kamado ‘’Siblings’’ all the easier. Whenever it was actually needed.

And it had been even better that it had been there when Tamayo had been found alongside her own Demon.

But, again, it hadn’t used it.

And Kanao received no verbal answer, as the Wooden Crow couldn’t even answer her if it wanted to. It did however look down slightly ashamed.

The Anger and Frustration remained, but Kanao did seem to regain some form of composure as she gave a frustrated sigh.

''This is what I get when I use a new experiment of mine I guess.''

She shifted her Finger and it forced Isuzu to get off her finger it had perched onto, landing down on the Floor.

''Stay here. I’ll be back once I’m done with another matter. You are going to need some further work on, that much is clear.''

But that could wait. Now, she needed to get on with the immediate issue.

''Managi.'' Kanao commanded through her Cells, contacting one particular Demon at a distance, ''Summon all of the Lower Moons into the Expanding Museum. It’s time we had a… meeting.''

Seconds after her Command, she moved elsewhere in her Estate. Casually, she walked by a Butler, and so, had him commanded to clean up the Wine stain she’d left in the other Room.

Walking further past though, eventually lead her to another Room. Nothing odd, certainly. But the moment she walked in and closed the Door behind her, one of her Decorative Pots to the side began to emit something.

Some form of Steam which at first spread into a straight-line, before spiralling. Further and further until it was as big as a Person.

And with the Vortex in front of her, Kanao did not hesitate to step through personally in.

If this Steam were normal in any way, she would have walked into her Wall.

But this was no normal Steam. Because indeed, the moment she stepped through, she was in an entirely different place. A whole different world, in fact.

Because it looked like she was Underwater.

Kanao was brought into a whole different world that defied quite a few Laws of Nature. Like her seemingly Breathing normally and walking casually in the Sea. The surrounding area even looked like she was in the Sea due to the Sea Creatures that were all over. Swimming casually as if all was normal.

But what may catch immediate attention, was the Corridor-like aspect of the Path she currently undertook.

There were faint signs. Not immediately obvious, but they spiralled like a Storm that kept taking a Cylinders form. Going on and on for a moment. But once Kanao reached its end, it led here to a completely different place yet again.

Because now, at Destination, it looked like she was in an Underwater Beach.

There was now Solid Ground, as it seemed like she’d gone to the Bottom of the Sea. The fake Glow of the Sun seemed to be at the top of the Sea-levels, giving enough lighting to see all around. And with those were Mixtures of Corals and Palm Trees, blending in together to give a sort of ‘’Perimeter’’ one could walk around.

Honestly, Kanao did not hesitate to call this a wondrous place. Because it was exactly that at the end of the day, no?

Such a Unique and Varied Blood Demon Art Managi had…

She was almost envious, truth be told. And speaking of the Demon, she could see him atop a Sand Structure.

He seemed to be sitting behind a Type of Podium with Elevated Seats and Desks. Three of them in fact, with the Centre being the highest while the other two were on the Same level. It’s at the Centre of said Structure that he sat.

And he wasn’t all that different than the last time she saw him.

He looked as if he was a Statue given Life. Standing at 198 cm in height and with a well-muscled body that seemed to be all over.

From the top, he was Shirtless and it showed not only the muscled Body, but also the Scales covering the majority of his Upper Body. In his arms case, half of the forearm was covered in scales from all sides, the other half that neared the hands seeming to merge in with the Skin seamlessly. The only notable thing about his Hands were the Dark Nails. Going further up, only the Biceps was covered in Scales and blending in with the shoulder, the Triceps was left bare.

As for his Torso, most of the front lacked scales as well. Although his Abs from the Serratus Anterior and to his whole back were completely covered. As a consequence, it seemed to spread over his shoulder and cover his neck similarly to the Abs, leaving the Throat untouched.

The scales all went to blend in with the skin, and it was unclear if the Scales spread any further down due to Managi’s Lower Half being entirely covered with rather posh looking Black Pants alongside Western shoes.

Draped around his Lower Body was a Kimono. It’s general appearance was unclear due to not being worn currently, but it was clearly modified to resemble a Western Suit in some aspects. Black in colour, the Cuffs were coloured White and Purple with the idea of Waves in mind, circling around. Meanwhile, the bottom of the Kimono and the most visible part of it seemed to be cut to have Four sections of threads to compliment the Pants he wore, accompanying it Aesthetic, although in this case, Blue seemed to be the predominant colour at the Bottom designed like scales.

His face may be the most normal thing out of his whole appearance. At least, at first glance. He holds Long Purple Hair that went past his shoulder and half-way down his back, while long stripes of green hair appeared twice on both sides. In an odd way, the way that his hair fell smoothly down could almost be compared to that of a waterfall with how it was styled. 

The remainder of his face looked relatively normal. He has Yellow coloured Eyes and lips that were green for some reason.

Yet, this was Managi at his usual. Nothing had changed there. Although the location in question did.

Even though she began recognizing what this place was.

''Really Managi?'' She said amusedly, ''You created a Courtroom?''

Which meant that the Centre position Managi took, was the Judge. And the remainder of this place did look vaguely like the rest of a Courtroom. Including where she can now guess, is where the Lower Moons will go.

''Hyo Hyo! I went above and beyond for this case, My Lady!'' Managi laughed as he grabbed a hold of a Cane by his side, all of it looking to be made out of Gold perhaps, and on top of it, was a miniature pot to complete the aesthetic.

He slammed the Cane into the Sandy bench, surprisingly giving a real clanging sound.

''After all, it’s not every day the Lower Moons are all summoned.''

She wondered what exactly he felt. Truly, beyond that Mask he showed her. True joy at seeing such a moment, or joy because of something else entirely?

Well, she’d soon see.

Kanao humoured this situation and sat on the left side of the Elevated Podium. And then she waited as Managi began the summoning.

The process of bringing forth the 5 Demons wasn’t exactly a spectacle in terms of the process. In fact, for the Progenitor’s senses, all that happened was just the unmarked Demon slamming down his cane while the touched sand began to turn wet.

No, rather the interesting thing that happened was what Kanao saw for how the Lower moons are now going to appear before her.

Because when she felt their presence, the Demon Queen looked up. And the sight that greeted her, was a large bubble descending from above before its descent began to slow down as it floated just above the right side of the elevated podium and popped, causing 2 of the 5 Demons it carried within to fall to the ground, one, to land while remaining standing and the other 2 kneeling down on a knee instantly.

Said Demons that fell into those categories being none other than Lower moons 6, 4, 5, 2 and 1 in that order.

The fact that for some of them, those were now their previous Numbers notwithstanding.

“H-HUH!? What is this place!? And… how am I breathing underwater?” Instantly, Kanao heard the thoughts of Kamanue, the most recent Lower moon getting onto his feet frantically before he spotted her. And despite looking terrified, he was quick to get onto a knee like Lower moon 1 and 2 did immediately.

And once they spotted her, Rui and Mukago followed right after.

At least they had all of that under order it seems. She’d have much rather they’d immediately done, but she couldn’t get everything she wanted on the spot.

But now that they were all on their knees, it was time to get to the point. She didn’t want to waste much time on this.

So, Kanao stood up from the Imitation of a Podium and allowed her eyes to shift from purple to their True state.

''You’re all wondering why you’re here, right?''

There was no need for a verbal answer from them. Not only was it rhetoric in nature, but she could read their minds.

So she knew exactly what they were all thinking.

Why did she summon them here?

What is this place?

Where’s Lower Moon Three?

Is he dead?

Will they die?

But the one she would answer the first was this:

''Those of you who are below Three likely noticed it already. But your Numbers have changed.''

Mukago was now Lower Moon Three. Rui was Lower Moon Four. Kamanue was Lower Moon Five. And Lower Six was no one.

''That is because the previous Lower Moon Three, Sanemi, has perished very recently. In fact, he died last night.''

Currently, she’d kept an even face. Showing only someone who was calm and composed, even though she seethed in rage at another Lower Moon Death.

But now, she didn’t even bother hiding her annoyance.

''What a surprise!'' Sarcasm dripped from her voice, ''Another one died. Great. At this point, I should call you all Lower Flies with how frustratingly quick you die. Just a few Months ago, I had to replace the previous Lower Six because they fell on a Demon Slayer. One.''

At one point in time, she may have found joy in the way they were scared. Or for some, simply there to listen to what she had to say.

But even that particular joy grew dull with how goddamned often it happened.

''So, I have to ask all of you. Why?''

She could hear their confusion. She could even see it on some of them.

''Why is it this keeps on happening? Why is it that so many Lower Moons die, again and again and again and again?''

Perhaps she would have found it hilarious, how Unranked Demons seemed to be handling their own rises of Power better than the Lower Moons were these days.

She could name a few who were currently doing quite well in their path to become parts of the Twelve Kizuki’s, and how they outright chose to skip the Lower Ranks entirely.

Which again, would be hilarious and welcomed to her if not because of how badly it puts the Lower Moons.

''So, I have to ask all of you… do any of you actually plan to do anything to change this? Or are you all also going to drop like mere flies?''

That question was more pointed at the Lower 2, 3 and 5 than anyone else. She knew Lower One had at least some sort of plan going on, and that Lower Four had his entire System that at least assured he had a better fighting chance.

''Don’t think I haven’t noticed your situations. So, answer me… do any of you have any plans to change this?''

It took a moment for any of them to respond, though if credit was to be given, they did only need that moment. And the first to speak was…

“I-I just need time and some corpses!! I have found a way to progress my Blood Demon Art, but those girls from 2 years ago have messed things up!” Mukago yelled fearfully, but also hopefully. And that did catch Kanao’s attention, and while she was curious… She decided to leave that as a surprise for herself at the moment and wait for the others.

“M-My l-lady. I only gained my n-number recently. If I can only have more time, I-I can become more refined and useful.” Kamanue was next. And despite how much more quiet he was than Mukago, he was still utterly terrified. 

In fact, the Progenitor wouldn’t be surprised if the Demon’s heart burst with how fast it was beating right now.

“I have given my blood to my family thanks to your permission. But when many betrayed my trust, I couldn’t take back that blessing you gave us all. But some of them are still around, and with your aid on top of how many Slayers have recently started attacking our home, I can quickly grow if you allow it.” Next was Rui as he spoke far more calmly than his higher and lower ranked Kizuki did. Oh, he was still terrified, but comparing him to Mukago and Kamanue is like the difference between night and day.

“My lord. Just like them, I only require your grace to prove my worth.” Rokuro was next to add, and he seemed a little calmer, likely taking their chances to talk as the other Lower moons said what she wanted to hear. Or at least, they said something Kanao was thinking over.

“Hyo Hyo? And just how much grace from the lady are you referring to exactly?” Managi commented, now being invested in the Lower moon’s words while Kanao herself visibly raised an eyebrow. Depending on what is said next, may just decide if Rokuro lived a bit longer, or died right here and now.

“T-Time! I was close to a lively town when you summoned us! If you give me time, I can grow thanks to how many humans there are in that place!” Rokuro cried out with some sweat dripping from his head.

And wasn’t that curious. Kanao knew with a small peek into his mind that he was initially going to ask for her blood, and with Isuzu’s failure, she wasn’t generous in giving out more of her own blood. Yet, that was not what the Lower moon asked for right now…

She would think over what to do with that information in a moment. After all, Enmu still needed his argument.

“And you, Enmu?” The Demon Queen inquired, deciding to stay out of his mind for the moment. After all, she was honestly curious as to what he would say.

“Ah~. Growing further to possibly join the Upper ranks or dying by the lady’s own hands… my, I simply can’t chose! Both are the greatest fate that you can bestow upon me~! Thus, like I have always done, I shall leave my future up to you, my majesty.” Enmu spoke civilly as he thought things over, before quickly exclaiming excitement as a blush began to appear on his face. Earning a laugh from Managi while the other Lower moons looked at him in either surprise or disgust on varying levels.

As for Kanao? Well, she was thinking it over.

If she hadn’t been already aware to some extent he had something planned, perhaps she really would have killed him then and there. After all, a Lower Moon who had nothing going on was useless to her.

But considering this was Enmu…

Well, she could appreciate his devotion. And it’s not every day you get someone like him around.

She gave the verdict.

''Then you shall live.''

It would seem all of the Lower Moon’s present would live after all. In of itself, it was actually surprising to her they had some plans going on. Besides Kamanue, but he could be excused for being so new.

But this was turning out to be a fortunate turn of events.

''All of you have some sort of goal in mind, so at least we’re getting somewhere this time.'' That much was good.

Still, while this was the right step to take…

''But a warning. I will give you time to prepare, but I expect success. I expect all of you to win this time. Got it?''

Because if even this failed… then what hope did the Lower Moon’s have, truly?

''Y-Yes my lady! We won’t fail you!'' Kamanue, being the newest, was the first one to cave in from her words.

Not many of the others spoke more than ''We won’t fail you!'' or ''You won’t regret this!''. And one didn’t even speak at all besides nodding in affirmation.

''Good.'' And for once, Kanao could feel herself smile genuinely. Perhaps this time around, they would finally succeed?

If not…

Well, they’d see then.

''All of you are dismissed.'' And that was Managi’s own cue, as he started to bring them back where they were previously.

Their Bodies were covered in the Bubble, and pop, they were then gone. Leaving behind only Kanao and Managi.

And Managi had only one question to ask.

''My Lady… do you truly believe they will succeed, this time?'' He had seen plenty of Lower Moons, due to his Blood Demon Art. So he’d seen the times many new faces came and went by.

So he did wonder if she truly believed this time.

And the answer he received was simply a grin.

''Maybe they’ll surprise me this time. Pawns can rise up quite high when they do it right.'' But if they succeeded or not, remained to be seen.

''Send me out now Managi.''

She had some business to deal with now…

- - - - - - - - - -

“South-Southeast! Head to the South-Southeast right now!” Matsuemon cried out right next to Kie’s right ear as the poor girl covered to.

“Okay, I get it! And why are you yelling into my ear?” Kie yelled out in frustration before questioning the crow, the then proceeded to grab a bit of her hair with his beak and pulls on it angrily.

“Caw! Because you left me behind last night! Caw! Now get moving to the next mission already!” The Kasugai crow ordered, and so engrossed by the struggle, neither the girl nor the bird noticed another conversation happening, until…

“PLEASE!” A young voice that was vaguely familiar to Kie cried out, almost causing her to fall over and potentially squishing Matsuemon before she regained her footing and looked up, letting her see a boy with very familiar blond hair wearing a yellow and orange haori, clinging to a black-haired girl wearing a blue kimono in the middle of the pathway.

“PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! MARRY ME! I DON’T KNOW WHEN I’LL DIE! SO I WANT YOU TO MARRY ME! PLEASE!” The boy continued screeching and begging, to which Kie frowned as Matsuemon landed on her shoulder and approached the boy.

“I think that you should let her go.” Was all she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder and glared a bit at the swordsman. And when he looked at her…


He screamed, his eyes rolled back into his head, and then fell face first into the ground.

A Second passed.

She blinked.

Two Seconds passed. 

Her Mouth parted open.

Three Seconds passed.

She voiced what everyone present, Human or Crow, thought.


“Chirp, Chirp.” 


This may just be the aftermath to an arc, but there is a lot of implications now left for the future.

To be honest, there isn't too much to talk about with the chapter overall itself, but we do have two main focuses now. The first, Nakime's replacement from her canon role. Now, I'm sure that you all can guess who his canon self is with all of the hints we left, but I'm honestly, curious if anyone recognises him based on his name alone. Also, fun fact, but we did take a little inspiration from Neuvillette from Genshin Impact for his design, and I'm curious if anyone can spot his design elements in Managi.

Next is the Expanding Museum, which is basically an underwater and island/beach like version of the Infinity Castle. Honestly, it was a lot of fun making this who thing, especially the Courtroom part of it. And interestingly, the remaining 5 Lower moons are both still alive, and most of them have a plan in some way. So... I wonder how far they'll go in these circumstances.

And lastly, Zenitsu is back! And he passed out after screaming... honestly, we shouldn't really be surprised by that. And poor Chuntaro has to deal with his antics/screaming... that Sparrow needs a raise.

Taisho Secret: The Maids and Butlers of Kanao’s estate wound up finding a particularly odd statue of a Bird that kept changing locations every single time no one was looking. They genuinely thought Kanao was messing with them.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them.

Oh, and one last thing! This story is going to be put on hold for the next two weeks, so it'll only get a new chapter next year (which will be a Gakuen chapter that I'll upload). So until then, merry Christmas and Happy new year to you all!

Chapter 11: Gakuen File II: The Sports called Armageddon


Hello everyone! We are back with another chapter, and today, we are revealing the 2nd Kimetsu Gakuen chapter! Anyways, I look forward to your reactions and I hope that you all enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Alright everyone! Are you all ready!” Tsutako cheered excitedly to her students as they all stood outside on the track set up for the Academy.

“Yeah…” Unlike their teacher though, the students weren’t as excited as her. Even Tanjiro seemed to lack his usual amount of energy right now.

“Oh, come on. This is going to be fun for you all, I promise.” She encouraged her students with a smile, which seemed to ease them all a bit, until…

“That’s what you said last time Tsunami!” Inosuke cried out, pointing at her and she was sure that he was glaring a bit beneath that Boar head mask of his.

“Inosuke, how many times do I have to tell you to take the mask off?” The teacher questioned her student, an almost demonic aura covering her body that was in complete contrast to the gentle, if slightly tight, smile on her face.

“AAAAHHH! YOU IDIOT, DON’T DRAG US TO HELL WITH YOU!!” Zenitsu screamed the moment he saw the PE teacher like this, grabbing at Inosuke’s open uniform and shaking him… or at least tried to, because now the Hashibara now tackled the poor blonde and began to wrestle with him on the ground.

“Calm down you two. And Zenitsu, don’t you think you’re… exaggerating?” Tanjiro quickly spoke up while grabbing the two boys and separating them. Though, when he spoke directly to Zenitsu at the end, his face contorted as if he was in pain…

A telltale of a Kamado lying.

“Well, I can say that things will be better than our dodgeball session, you have my word.” Tsutako assured them, remembering the complaints she had from her fellow teachers about the class coming in late to their 4th period last month.

Though surely, it was all an exaggeration.

Her students would disagree instantly if they knew her current thoughts.

“I CAN’T GO ON!!” Not even 10 minutes later, Zenitsu screamed out as he collapsed to the ground. Credit where it was due, he outlasted most of his class and completed his 4th lap around the course before doing so.

''Bravo!'' she made a point to recognize that as well. As not many Students of the Bamboo Shoot Class remained running. Or standing for that matter.

Tanjiro and Inosuke were the expected ones to remain running, though even they were having issues continuing on with the course.

A shame, honestly. Tsutako genuinely believed the Students, young as they were, would be able to pull out unlimited power and keep going. But apparently, she and the remainder of the Teachers were the only one who could keep going after 5 laps and not look winded either.

''The Apprentices really need more practice.'' She would think to herself, ending up as always, picturing herself as a certain Chancellor. Or more accurately, sitting at his desk.

It always did make her feel like she was Masterminding something up, even though over half of the time, it was just because she was deep in thought.

''At this point, none of them are going to be stronger than any of us. We won’t be surpassed.'' There is some lament within her thoughts, which some would most definitely call overly dramatic, as the purpose of PE wasn’t even for a Student to surpass their Teacher.

She didn’t see it that way- Oh, and there goes another one.

The Lord of the Mountains, Inosuke Hashibara, finally fell down to the da- Ground! The Ground. Absolutely not Dark Side. Nope.

Goodness. She really needs to find a way to put a lid on her Star Wars mindset.


''It looks like Tanjiro yet again-'' she gave a moments pause however, when she noticed that while Inosuke had collapsed on the ground, he hadn’t stopped moving. He was actually crawling, which didn’t change anything else though.

''-is the one to remain standing.'' And probably will finish the laps as well.

Tanjiro had always had a rather shocking amount of Stamina to him. He always had energy to spare, and he always put it to good use. Which made Tsutako proud because it usually meant he passed everything during PE. Though he wasn’t the only one.

There were quite a few noteworthy students in the Academy who also passed. And her Brother. Her sweet and adorable little brother always made her proud.

“PLAGH! Stupid sand! Now it's everywhere!” However, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Inosuke being Inosuke, having spat out some sand that got into his mouth.

And her response… why, how could a Star Wars fan resist?

“Ah, poor Padme. She never got to see the Beach again since meeting Ani….”

Everyone had clearly heard that, and the wave of laughter that came after, unrestrained or held back as snorts, was impossible to miss.

“Well, it is coarse, rough and gets everywhere.” Tanjiro added on, to which any of the remaining students who didn’t laugh were now joining in with everyone else. And the best part for Tsutako, was the fact that Tanjiro could either be lightly defending Anakin with his own words, or being serious by adding to the joke.

However, the running would soon come to an end within 3 minutes. However, Tsutako did have to applaud Inosuke for finishing the 5th lap with his crawling and Tanjiro making ¾ through the 6th lap before he joined the rest of his class on the ground. 

“Well, you all did really well compared to last month with dodgeball!” Tsutako praised her students once they all had the strength to sit up properly, either not noticing or outright ignoring the groans as the class experienced phantom pains from said dodgeball session.

One of them was actually knocked out cold for most of that lesson. The lucky bastard. And since that happened, it wasn’t exactly an exaggeration to call the gym a war zone by the end of it all.

“So, rest up for a few minutes and after that, we’ll actually play that game again as a reward!” She continued on, and this time, it was quite obvious that she ignored them with their yells of ‘NO!’ right there.

After all, surely that must be their exhaustion talking.

(It wasn’t)

“FIGHT ME!!!” After recovering for about 5 minutes, the dodgeball session began. And truly, Inosuke was such an excited boy during dodgeball, immediately jumping into the game and taking on most of the class as they desperately tried to conquer the King of the Mountain as a group.

And like all other times, he single handedly took out 75% of the class before being overwhelmed by sheer numbers.

Truly, it did sadden Tsutako to see that. She honestly thought the boy would surpass his set record today. 

Well, regardless of that, there were still the others, and eventually, Zenitsu came out as the winner. And without throwing a single dodgeball at anyone, being perfectly content to just run round until everyone took each other out, or he was hit.

She had to give him credit where it was due, he’d made it work. Running away is always a viable option.

''And we have our Winner! Well done Agatsuma!'' she even clapped for him.

Honestly, it’d give Zenitsu quite the ego boost… were it not because he’d been asleep this whole time. Which meant that he’d heard nothing, and also seen nothing.

It was honestly an odd thing that the young man most often did during her lessons, but hey. While weird, it did help this particular Padawan keep up and even win like he did now, so she didn’t mind it. Especially when he still is making his body work out like it’s meant to.

“Hm… does anyone have some water on them?” But right now, she needed the boy to be awake.

“Wake up Monitsu!” Inosuke yelled before an answer was given though, as he took a page from Tanjiro’s book and headbutted the sleeping teen.

Well, it is an effective way to wake someone up… so long as you aren’t Tanjiro at least.

“Well, that should be all. We may have a few minutes left of the lesson, but we won’t be able to get anything done in that time, so go ahead and prepare for your next lesson. Tanjiro, please stay here for a moment.” Tsutako said, and just as she finished, the whole class besides the Kamado ran, leaving behind dust clouds in their shape.

“They held back on me!? Well, it seems like I’ll push things a little for my apprentices next time.” The PE teacher thought to herself, her demonic aura briefly making a return before shaking her head.

“Do you have the cream my mom leant you this morning, Sensei?” Tanjiro asked her, causing the Tomioka woman to smile and nod before reaching into a pocket and drawing it out.

“Yep. Does any of your skin feel irritated?”

Thus, another day of Physical Education ended. And this time, with none of the Students running late.

A Blessing, as they’d say.

But many were left wondering. How would next time go?


Those poor students... they don't know what they unleashed upon themselves.

Welp, not much to say for this besides it being really fun to write. Plus, the Star Wars references and jokes. They were just as fun as Gakuen Tsutako. And we got a reference to this Gakuen Giyu, and he thankfully seems able to keep up with his big sister.

Gakuen Records:
The class' Maths Teacher decided to not give their students homework that day for making it on time after coming from a PE lesson. Tanjiro was also included, since he was only late due to health reasons that the teacher is aware of, and knows how serious it can get.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them. And for the next chapter, we return to the main story!

And Happy New Year to you all!

Chapter 12: Mansion of the Tsuzumi Demon


A Human and A Demon go into a Slaughter House.


Hello everyone! Eexis here this time, and here to present to you a New Chapter for this Story.

Hope you've all had a Great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now then, onto the Chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Zenitsu had a confession to make. 


He was absolutely and utterly terrified for his Life. Like, perpetually. All of the time. Always. Every single day and night.


Maybe it was an exaggeration (even though Zenitsu believed otherwise), but he was always scared that every minute could be his last.


Sure. He went through the Training which was hell itself by the way, and he’d somehow miraculously passed the Final Selection. But now, he was doomed.


Doomed and a Dead man walking.


Or at least, that’s what his thoughts were turning into before he previously passed out. Because guess what he somehow stumbled on?


A Demon.


At least, the sound he heard was that of a Demon. And in broad daylight no less.


Sure, if Zenitsu had his rational mind actually show up at that time, he may have realized how odd that way of thinking was. A Demon in Broad daylight? Impossible.


Yet, at that moment, it had happened. He’d heard the sound and just…


Just went out like a light.


So, now that his consciousness was returning to him, his mind was only now puzzling back together what had happened earlier.




Wait. He wasn’t dead? When he’d passed out against a Demon? And…


Wait. Why’s he standing?


Zenitsu finally opened his eyes after that in panic at whatever had been going on and actually looked at where he’d landed.


The Location was clearly not outdoors. He was in some sort of building. Absolutely no idea where though or how he’d even landed there.


So, what does someone who just woke up do when they find themselves in a situation like this?




Scream in terror. 


All while a Kid was behind him and so utterly lost.

Let's rewind the Clock back and see what happened prior to that...


“Um… why don’t you head home, miss.” After staring at the unconscious boy for a few more seconds, Kie decided to address the poor girl that was being harassed just moments ago. And while she was too stunned to speak, she did thankfully hear the female Demon and nodded her head before continuing to wherever she was going, keeping an eye on the yellow-haired boy until she was out of sight.


“...Why does he feel familiar?” Kie questioned herself, stretching out her right leg to poke at the boy… before jumping back just in time to avoid getting tripped up by a leg sweep that would have resulted in her back slamming into the ground.


“How is a Demon standing in sunlight?” The yellow-haired boy questioned her as he stood up fully and grabbed the hilt of his blade, all while his voice was now a bit deeper and more confident than just seconds ago and his eyes remained closed.


And seeing the boy like this… now Kie remembered where he saw him from.


“You’re that bastard that tried killing me in his sleep during Final Selection!!” She was quick to accuse while pointing at him, before then sighing in exhaustion.


She thought that she was done with that misunderstanding after that hellish week.


“I… what did you call me?” The boy questioned stunned, and if it wasn’t for how determined he seemed to be to keep his eyes closed, she was sure that he would be blinking right now.


“A bastard that tried killing me. And all because of a Demon that seemed determined to make others think I was one.” Kie specified with a glare and a small growl. Especially since this guy may have been able to actually kill her back then and only stopped due to literally crashing into the dirt face-first.


“Oh... so those rumors really were true. But that still doesn’t explain why I hear the sound of a Demon coming from you.” The boy spoke in a bit of realization. Despite that, he was still on guard and the question did make Kie tense a bit.


This guy was likely talking about Tanjiro. And while Tanjiro was strong, and could likely hold this guy off long enough for her to help him… it was daytime and her little brother was asleep. If this yellow kid got past her, Tanjiro would die, so she needed to think of an excuse.


“Um… I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. The best I can think of is because I was just leaving a previous mission not long ago while heading to my new one. Besides, the fact that we are in sunlight should be evidence enough that I’m human.” She answered the question, being able to keep her voice pretty confused and neutral, and not needing to act at the end.


But for the male Slayer? He heard something else.


Oh, there was some truth at the end. The fact that they are in sunlight really should be enough to say that this person before him was human, and ordinarily, that was all the evidence that would be needed.


But the start was a lie, or at least was hiding some truth. After all, whether Human or Demon, your heart will beat subtly when they say a lie. It would be unnoticeable for a normal person, but for someone like Zenitsu, it was a pretty casual thing for him.


Still, the fact that she just came from a mission was also not a lie, nor was her claim of heading to a new mission. Although said earlier Mission she'd taken being why he'd made this supposed ''mistake'' and hear a Demon was a lie. He didn't need his hearing for that one, that made no sense.


So, there was one thing left to do. He concentrated on his hearing and focused on the girl before him. Specifically? The Brain.


“Come on, fall for it! I can’t lose Tanjiro as well!”


Tanjiro... hm, it seemed to correlate with the whole Demon sound. This Tanjiro was the Demon then? And she was carrying him in that box on her back then.


Normally, that would immediately be a cause to attack. But the sound of the Demon had come with something off to his ears. He'd tried to ignore it until now, but it was hard to with how abnormal of a sound it was for a Demon.


It continued to stun him, because the Sound this Demon had was... gentle. Like a breeze on a summer day. Or at least, what he was hearing from this other Demon was close to that in terms of a comparison that Zenitsu could immediately think of.


One thing is for sure, this sound coming from a Demon… it should be physically impossible. And yet, this was exactly what he was hearing.


So, reluctantly almost… he made a decision.


''Alright.'' He played dumb. Deciding to simply make her believe he’d actually bought her half-truths and lies.


If this turned out to be a mistake, then the answer to that was simple. But for now, he spared the Demon in the Box.


''So you’re here on a Mission then. And we met on the same road so maybe… where are you supposed to be going?''


Kie hid her Breath of relief as best as she could, which against Zenitsu meant she hid absolutely nothing. He heard the sound regardless. And seeing the chance to move on from this, she jumped at it.




That was the general direction Chuntaro had tried to bring him towards, so either they had two Demons to deal with in the same direction, or they’d both been assigned the same Demon to hunt.


And considering how Zenitsu is very well aware of the Demon inside the Box Kie carried?


He took the safe option.


''Oh. Then we’re going in the same direction.''


And considering how Chuntaro wasn’t actually protesting, Zenitsu had a feeling he’d been right as well. They were both supposed to hunt the same Demon.


''Caw! Start running! Start running!'' and apparently, what he assumed was Kie’s Kasugai Crow, also agreed, ''Kie, Zenitsu, run! Both of you head over to your next destination! Run! Run, Kie, Zenitsu!''


So, they had their…




The Crow spoke?


It just now registered to Zenitsu that a freaking Crow just spoke Human speech without an ounce of trouble.




With a severe question in mind, Kie and Zenitsu had to make their way to their destination. One that wasn’t too far from where they were currently, but it still took a bit before they reached the place.


And even before getting there, Zenitsu could hear the faintest traces of a sound. Another one that was similar yet different to the one from the Box.


Before long, both Demon Slayers reached a small open field with a Mansion at its end.


“So, this should be the place. Hopefully, we can find the Demon before the sun sets so less people are hurt.” Kie commented as she looked around, while Zenitsu frowned as he picked up on something.


“I can hear something in that place, but I can’t make out what.” The Thunder Breather told her, turning his head at where the Kamado girl stood, and if his eyes weren’t closed, he would have blinked in surprise as he just now picked up on two more sounds in front of where Kie now stood.


Seemed she noticed them before he did.


“Hey, are you both okay? What are you doing here?” Kie asked the sources of two sounds, and Zenitsu could easily detect their flinches and spikes of fear, even without his hearing.


For a few seconds, silence followed. And Zenitsu was confused as to why he could hear Chuntaro’s sound right where Kie was, but he pieced together what they were doing the moment his fellow Slayer spoke up again.


“Tadaaah! And here, a magical sparrow has appeared!” She spoke cheerfully and calmly, with Chuntaro letting out a few Chirps with his presence now being known, but they were more gentle than they usually were.


“It’s okay. No one is going to hurt either of you while we are all here.” Kie assured the two, which seemed to make the sounds relax a bit. They were still scared and anxious, but they appeared to now recognize the girl comforting them as someone honestly kind. 


“Now, can you tell us what happened? Why are you both on your own and why are you hiding around this place?” Kie inquired of them patiently, and after a few moments, one of the sounds answered.


“T-This is… a H-House of monsters.” The voice that spoke was clearly that of a young boy, likely not even a proper teen yet but would be in a few more years.


“O-One monster specifically lives here. S-So when we and o-our elder brother were walking at night…. It t-took him without g-glancing at us and came here.” The boy continued on, tears likely in his eyes with how his voice wobbled and even needing a moment to continue the story.


“I see. Well, you both are truly incredible for coming here to help your brother, no matter how scared you were.” Kie said with honest praise in her voice, and Zenitsu can easily imagine the gentle smile she currently has on her face.


“T-The monster…. H-He hurt our b–brother. He was e-even bleeding when he was taken.” The boy added on, to which Kie nodded her head.


“I see. In that case, me and Zenitsu will head in and save him, you have my word. In the meantime…” Kie assured the siblings, and Zenitsu tensed as he realized what she was doing.


“Keep this box close to you. It holds something really important to me, but if you need help against the monster if they show up, it’ll protect you.” She says as she places the box holding the Demon in it next to the siblings. But what surprised Zenitsu with his fellow Slayer’s words was… the utter confidence and belief that they were true.


How could anyone honestly think that a Demon would protect a human? But hearing Kie’s sounds… she truly believed it, despite knowing a Demon was in the box.


“R-Really?” A young female voice asked through her own tears.


“I already promised, didn’t I?” Kie responded a little jokingly, which seemed to ease the siblings’ anxiety a good bit.


“Then let's go.” Zenitsu said as he walked to the entrance to the mansion, hearing Kie following right behind him as they walked through the initial hallway.


“Hey, Zenitsu. I’m curious, but why do you keep your eyes closed?” The Slayer that sounded like a Demon asked her alley, causing Zenitsu to look at her.


“Well, I-.” He began to answer, but as soon as the sound of a drum rang out…


Both Demon Slayers found themselves separated, in completely different locations, and the entrance nowhere in sight.


“Okay… this is more confusing than the Demon from my first mission.” Kie commented nervously as she looked around, honestly shocked at what just happened.


So, apparently Blood Demon Arts can not only create a little world that a Demon can access, but they can teleport people around!?


How does that even-


And then, the area around Kie switched again. So abruptly that Kie didn’t even register it happening until a few seconds later. And when it hit her, the scenery changed again.


By the time the constant changes in the area actually were over, Kie found herself in a lit room.


''Okay. They have to be trying to mess with me here.'' There was absolutely no way that the constant changes were done for anything but confusing her. Or maybe Zenitsu. She’s not sure how this works.


But Teleportation clearly had a play in here.


''I need to find Zenitsu and that Child. And kill that Demon while I’m at it. But first, those two. Then I can look for it and-’’


And then she heard footsteps. It immediately snapped her attention to the only doorway in this Room, and she was certain the Footsteps that were abnormally heavy in sound were coming from there.


Something bigger than average or extremely mad was making its way to her.


And it didn’t take long before she got a glimpse of the Demon who halted his path right at the Doorway. His face remained still, not showing an ounce of emotion. Then again, it was hard to clearly see him when she could only see one side of it's Body.




But the moment it spoke, the tense air that seemed to permeate this room because of its presence both eased and grew even worse. Like one storm had passed, but another was coming.


''More of those meddling bastards…? Are you also here for him?''


Kie knew she was being directly addressed now. And knowing that, she finally drew her Nichirin Blade.


Yet, it was almost like the Demon didn’t… see her. Perhaps because it wasn’t even laying eyes on her yet and instead simply acting dismissive?


Whatever the case was, it didn’t last.


''Curses… Curses, Curses, Curses!''


Very quickly, everything about the Demon matched exactly how it felt. Enraged.


''Another one barges into my Home! Another one goes after my prey! Infuriating! And you think you can take advantage of that?!’’


The Demon then snapped his head to glare in her direction, and before she knew it, he slammed his palm into the Tsuzumi that were connected to his Body.


The only reason Kie avoided what came next in any form, was a mixture of her Instincts and seeing the faintest traces of something in the air. Something that could be distinguished like a small flash before Lightning struck. Though it wasn’t literally that either.


Because what happened next, was that the air itself seemed to turn razor sharp as it moved to slice right through as if a large Beast clawed the Ground.


It left deep gashes into the previously pristine Floor, and alongside that action, severed Kie’s arm off her Elbow.


Kie’s eyes widened from the abruptness of the loss, not quite fully understanding what had happened as her arm fell, still gripping the Nichirin Blade.


''What just-''


And then, Kie heard the sound of the Tsuzumi and she simply reacted by pure instinct, moving narrowly to avoid another strike that was invisible to her as the air cut. Tearing through the Tatami doormat behind her with ease.


“Okay, so based on the sound-!” Kie tried to think but had to stop to evade another invisible clawed strike as she rolled on the ground and picked up her blade from the ground.


“He is the one that is also teleporting every-!” The Slayer continued on in her thoughts, but before she got far, she heard a Tsuzumi being struck again. But unlike before, where the air tried to slice her into 3 pieces, the room…


Tilted. The ground she once stood on now acts like the left wall that was now the roof.


Seeing her stunned like this, the Demon grinned as he slammed his palm into another Tsuzumi, once again using the one that he previously used for that invisible attack. And as the attack approached Kie, who got up and tried to move out of the way…


A Tsuzumi was struck again, and Kie found herself in a completely different room once again.


“...What…?” Kie mumbled in shock before shaking her head and standing up fully. And as she looked down at her severed arm, she saw that a new one replaced the one that was taken off. Not a single piece of evidence that it had been sliced off, besides the fact that she was missing the uniform and haori’s sleeve.


“Didn’t know I could do that...” Kie mumbled to herself before shaking her head. She knew that she could heal, but replacing a limb was new.


Still, doesn’t mean she’s going to let something hit her. Her clothes aren’t repairing themselves after all and she still feels pain thank you.


''I need to find where that Demon went.'' Kie thought as she moved to head out. However, she couldn’t help but find it odd that after all of this, the Demon had just moved her elsewhere.


No matter what would have happened next, the Demon had caught her off guard with his initiated assault. So him sending her elsewhere…


Well, she’d wonder that later. The first order of business, locate again the Demon.


Except her raised spirits immediately crashed down when, heading out, she fell on a Human corpse, further down the Dark Hallway of the Mansion. Her expression immediately went to dread at the sight.


''Is that-?!''


She rushed off to the Body, unsure if he was dead or not. And while she had a sneaking suspicion by just looking at it, she needed to be sure.


And when she neared, she could see the state of the Body. He wasn’t breathing anymore. And when she checked for a pulse, it was even more confirmed.


''He’s Dead…''


Was this the Brother those Children mentioned?


She never asked for a description, so she doesn’t know. For all she knew, this could be an Old Corpse left around, though she doubted it as well. It didn’t smell rotten. It was too fresh, and the Blood that was left around wasn’t old enough yet to feel like it’d become part of the Mansion.


So either the Brother was dead, which was bad… or there were more Humans in there trapped, and that scenario was just as bad as the other. Because it means at this very moment, someone else could be dying.


If so…


''I can’t waste any more time.''


She needed to find that Demon again and kill him this time. She would not allow herself to be caught off guard by what she’s relatively sure by now is his Blood Demon Art. No matter how trick it may get.


But as she moved, away from the Corpse and towards the other side of the Corridor, her nose caught onto something.


Something… delicious?


''What’s that smell?''


She didn’t have Tanjiro’s sense of smell, yet this particular scent was… not unpleasant. She wondered why though.


But the smell came from another room, further away from where she’d been teleported to. Curious, she opened the Tatami Door of said room.


And what did she fall into?


Why, she found a Boy.


A boy who looked terrified, and moved to strike a familiar-looking Tsuzumi upon her arrival.

''What worth is a Demon who cannot eat a Human?''


Cruel. So, so Cruel…


As the Demon moved throughout his Mansion to find where the Marechi went, he could not help but remember why he even hunted for Marechi Blood to begin with.


Because one day, he lost his Rank.


How Cruel. How Cruel, How Cruel, How Cruel!


Once upon a time, the Demon believed he could grow infinitely stronger. All because of her Blood.


The more Humans one ate, the stronger a Demon became. That is what he was told, upon the day she had read his Notes.


''I quite like it, Kyogai. I have to say, you surprised me.''


And when he’d gotten a taste of her Blood, seen what it did to him, it left him mind-boggled. Only strengthening his Belief that he would grow stronger into Infinity. And simply by eating no less.


And for a time, that belief held true. For a time, that belief had allowed him to even become a Member of the Twelve Kizuki. He continued gorging himself.


And he would grow stronger, and stronger… and stronger…


Or so he believed.


But that belief grew to shatter. If not in front of his own eyes as he grew to struggle eating as many Humans as he should, then the sense he’d reached his limits, had reached hers.


All because he struggled to eat his latest Meal.


It had taken him effort to eat as much as he should have lately. He’d noticed many times before, but today was far too obvious.


Not only to himself.


''Kyogai.'' He halted eating the Meal that gave him struggle. Instead, his head snapped up in dread to see none other than his Master in this very room.


''Is that all you can muster? Is that all you, who believed you could reach any Heights, can eat?''


He hardly remembers how she looked that day. Only that her facial expression was stone cold. There was no acting, there was no feeling, only a sort of void. One that stared right at him.


If there was anything she felt, then she hid it.


And he tried to deny her words.


''N-No! No. I’m not done!''


''But you are, Kyogai. The struggles you reach to even eat… it makes you look Ill, doesn’t it?''


He felt something happening to his eye. One that showed him not what happened to his Rank. Only that she was doing something to it.


''Look at it this way. What use is a Plant that cannot generate Oxygen? What happens when it fails to do what it’s supposed to do? What happens when it cannot initiate Photosynthesis?''


Cold eyes gave an equally Cold smile as he felt the process ending around his Ranked Eye. After all, he could see it.


''Now, take it that same way… and apply it to your situation.''


Or, well… perhaps it was ill-said using the word ''See''. After all, that eye could see no more. Only be Blind as the Eye was now entirely White.


''What worth is a Demon who cannot eat a Human?''


And so, with a Blind Eye and removal from the Twelve Kizuki, Kyogai was left behind as useless.


But if he could eat that Marechi, and continue it on and on and on!


If he succeeded… then he’d regain a position amongst the Kizuki’s. Surely then…!


Surely then, he would be accepted again!


Or so he believed.


Or so he believed...

“Woah, hey!” Kie cried out to the kid as she moved and grabbed his arm before his hand could slam into the Tsuzumi.


“AGH! LET GO!!” The boy cried out in pain with tears in his eyes, causing Kie to flinch a bit as she accidentally gripped a little too tightly. The arm may even end up bruising later.


“I’m sorry. But don’t worry, I’m not a Demon. You have some siblings, right?” She assured the boy while now putting a hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle smile while asking. And with how terrified the boy still is, he only gave a nod for an answer.


“In that case, there is a pair outside this mansion, so they may be your siblings and I promised them that I would save you. Can you tell me what has happened to you up until now?” The young Slayer told him gently, and after a moment, the boy nodded his head again.


“...A monster kidnapped me and some others. And it… it was about to eat us. Then out of nowhere, more showed up….” The child explained in a small and terrified voice, making Kie’s eyes widen.


“So there are more Demons here!?” She silently thought in shock, some horror gripping at her heart. Because if there were more Demons, then not only was Zenitsu in even more danger, but any other humans in here had more of a chance of being eaten with every second.


“Calm down…. The one covered in Tsuzumi said that there were others, so if those Demon Slayers are alive, then things aren’t hopeless for those people.” The Kamado reasoned to herself mentally, and thankfully, any panic that Kie may have shown went unnoticed.


“Th-Then… they started fighting each other…. Trying to make sure they… were the one to eat us all. B-But the fat monster clawed at the back of the one who took me and their Tsuzumi fell to the ground. So I t-took it when this long-haired girl showed up, but by then, I hit it.” The boy continued on, needing a moment to take a deep breath to calm himself.


“Since that night until now, I kept hitting the Tsuzumi when a monster got close. Which kept me alive, since whenever I did, the rooms kept changing and I tended to be far away from them for a little bit.” The kid finished his story while Kie took out some bandages she had in a pocket and passed it to him.


“Here, if you have some injuries, you can bandage them up now.” Kie told him, causing the poor kid to nod with a small smile while pulling up the right part of his pants to reveal a cut that was bleeding a bit, but it shouldn’t be a problem unless it got infected for a few more hours.


“What is… no, focus Kie!” The moment that the wound was shown to the world, that delicious smell once more filled her nose. And despite its allure, the young Slayer shook her head to focus on her mission.


“Do you know why they took you?” Kie had to ask, making the boy shake his head.


“I-I’m not sure. They called the others ‘rare meat’, but they always called me Marechi.” He explained while bandaging his leg, hissing a little in pain thanks to the bandages touching his wound, but pushed through and finished up that process.


“CAWWW! Marechi means one with rare blood!” Matsuemon, appearing from literally nowhere, yelled out and honest to the fire god, scared both Kie and the boy.


“Caw haha! What the hell are you two scared about!?” The Kasugai Crow laughed a bit before yelling a bit in anger. But with a shake of his head, the Crow went back to his job.


“Some humans have rare types of blood that are more beneficial to a Demon’s growth than an average human! The rarest blood type though, are Marechi blooded humans! Compared to even the rare blood types, these humans are a delicacy for a Demon to consume!” The messenger explained to the pair, and to Kie’s confusion, took a moment to look at Kie with a gaze that she thought may hold a bit of respect.


“In fact, eating a single Marechi-blooded human is hypothesized to be equal to eating a hundred normal-blooded humans! So to say they are a great feast to a Demon is putting it quite lightly.” Matsuemon finished his explanation, terrifying the poor boy while Kie frowned.


This Demon… he was gathering up humans that had blood they never asked for to slaughter and eat just because they were just a bit more tasty.


If she didn’t have the determination to win round 2, she certainly did now.


“I see. In that case, we should get you out of here as soon as possible. It’s day outside and demons can’t stand being in the sunlight, so you’ll have a long time to leave with your siblings if we can succeed.” Kie says, holding out her hand for the boy to take, and after a moment, he does so. Letting himself be pulled up onto his feet, but still keeping a close grip on the Tsuzumi that had kept him safe until now.


“O-Okay.” That was all he said, and once he was on his feet, Kie put him on her back and ran, moving across the hallways quickly in hopes of finding the exit. And eventually…


She found something.


“AAAAAHHHH!!” The girl who had previously been outside with her brother and Tanjiro, cowering before the presence of the Tsuzumi Demon. Granted, it didn’t take much to make one cower when they were also being held by the hands of said Demon.


“Teruko!” The boy on her back cried out in worry, dispelling any doubts that Kie may have about them being siblings, but it also drew the Demon’s attention.


And his eyes, completely red, gave the impression he was quite pleased.


All while the Little Sister, absolutely terrified for her life, could do nothing but scream: ''Brother Kiyoshi!''


The Demon paid no attention to her screaming.


''So I remembered right.'' and while Kie was certain he was glaring at her in anger, the fact the Marechi was there? It eased down said emotion.


''What a fortunate turn of events this has become. You’ve found the Marechi, and I just so happen to find someone related to him.''


Kie had to wonder how Teruko even got in here. She should have been outside where the Sun shined, yet she was here now. And it greatly worried her, because what had happened to have her be here?


''Release her!'' Kie though had to focus on the present, which amounted to freeing Teruko. Now if only just charging ahead could be enough. But with the way things were, she’d more likely get her killed considering how her small body was being held by the Demon's big hands.


''Release her?'' The Demon glared at her in bewilderment before he snarled at her, ''Tch. You’re looking down on me, aren’t you? As if I’d do that, and to the likes of you!''


What to do? What can Kie do that would get her to free Teruko without risking her Life further?


''Since you’ve done nothing to that boy, it’s safe to assume you want to keep him alive. For whatever reason.'' Kie frowned at his words. Why’d he word it like that?


''So here’s a deal! We do an exchange of Humans.''


''What?!'' It wasn’t just Kie who’d cried that. Teruko and Kiyoshi exclaimed at what they’d heard too, though both had different pitches to them considering the situation they were in.


''You heard me. You haven’t attacked me even with that girl in my hands… so maybe you don’t want her dead either. I can’t see why, but your weakness helps me greatly! So… the Brother or the Sister’s Life?''


All Kie could do at this moment was glare at the Demon for this ultimatum. Either the Boy or the Girl.


How was that a choice?


''Tick Tock. The clock is ticking Woman! Which will it be?!'' And the Demon was clearly not willing to wait too long either.


So what did she do?! How could she turn this situation into an advantage?


She knew she had to fake it. Pretend she was playing along, but she wouldn’t be surprised if the Demon is also expecting that. Which meant her window of opportunity was too short. To narrow to pull without some form of risk.


Those Tsuzumi’s made doing this smoothly nearly impossible. The one from the Stomach was dangerous as is, if he also changed the Room’s structure…


Was there even any other way to make this work more smoothly? Any way she could maybe-


''Yes or No?!''




''Yes. Fine, I’ll do the exchange!'' Kie had no choice. She had to pull it off…


The Demon looked pleased while both Siblings looked to be filled with even more dread and fear than before. Well, Kie assumed at least that Kiyoshi felt that way, considering the Demons' whole expression he’d displayed.


She moved to lower Kiyoshi, acting fast as she moved to grip his arm afterward. Much as she regretted appearing like she was truly going to do the exchange, Kiyoshi running away meant Teruko’s death.


Yet, it didn’t look like he’d planned on running away.


Kie couldn’t consider the why, not with the knowledge of the looming death of a Child should she fail.


But she didn’t move either.


Both Demons were holding onto the Humans at this moment. And as they stared at each other, Kie tried to stall. To maybe buy herself some more seconds to figure out how to make what she’d do next workable.


''What tells me you’ll uphold your end of the deal?''


At that, the Demon stared at her in bewilderment.


''You’re actually asking that? Look who’s talking.'' His mouth went into a thin line then, ''But that Girl is of no use to me. I only eat Marechi. But don’t you dare think I won’t kill her if you double-cross me.''


Yeah, thought so. There had to be a reason why he’d be so willing to exchange what amounted to them as Meals. Him only eating Marechi makes sense.


Whether he was actually telling the truth or not, Kie didn’t know. And she couldn’t question this further. She needed to move before the Demon made good on his threat.


So, she stepped forward. And so did the Demon.


They matched the Number of Footsteps before going still once they were close enough. Approximately 5 meters of distance between them.


''Give the girl to me.'' Kie started.


Only to be met with denial, ''Exchanging the worthless girl first means you keep both. I’m not falling for it.''


''Yes, well the same happens the other way around.'' Kie could not help the sarcasm she gave off. It was the only way she could hide her growing worry that it was so easy for this exchange to go wrong.


''Careful with your words. You want them alive. I don’t .''


That was in fact making Kie worry even more. Alive or Dead, the Demon would get his Meal. If the Children died, Kie failed.


''I need to be quick about it.'' It was the only way it’d work. She needed to be fast, or else.


''Fine.'' Kie tried to gently tug Kiyoshi at the front, and while she was met with some form of resistance, the boy barely fought back.


Then, she released his arm.


''Now release the Girl.''


And the Demon, staring for a moment, moved his arm he’d had extended off to the side forward, then lowered it so the girl could touch the ground. Then, just like that, he opened his hand, and Teruko was released.


Or, that was the idea. But not only did the girl look still utterly terrified, but the Demon laid his large hand over her head. From anyone else, this may have been meant as a comforting move, but from this Demon, it was anything but.


''The Marechi goes first, Woman.''


All Kie did, was tap Kiyoshi’s back as a sign to do it. And he did. He moved forward without hesitating while Kie laid a palm on the hilt of her Sheathed Sword, giving the impression she was using it as support for said hand.


And the Demon, in turn, held his word. He moved his hand away from Teruko’s head, and compared to her Brother, the Younger sister did not need to be told twice.


She moved as well while Kyogai had his arms go tense. Seemingly ready to move them at any time.


Because both were very well aware, compared to the pretense they gave, that this Exchange wouldn’t end amicably.


It caused both of them to miss something that should have been obvious to the both of them however.


Namely, the bulge on Kiyoshi’s back. Hidden under his Haori.


Because Kiyoshi was facing him, the Demon didn’t notice the existence of such a thing. And Kie’s mind currently didn’t think of the oddity of something like that. Instead paying her full attention to what she’d need to do next.


So, the moment that the two siblings were at the halfway point, was when the elder brother acted. Shifting just about so the Tsuzumi he hid would come into sight.


Seeing this, Kyogai growled and moved, so focused on the Marechi boy in that instant, he briefly forgot Kie’s existence. The Slayer though, didn’t notice the boy’s plan, having been focused purely on the Demon, so when she saw him move…


“Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!” She drew her blade and leaped forward, the thrust of her weapon stabbing right into Kyogai’s chest with enough force to create some distance between the two Demons and the siblings.


And upon hearing the sound of a Tsuzumi being played behind her, Kie’s eyes widened.


“Kiyoshi… I can’t believe I forgot he still had that! That kid is brilliant!” The Kamado mentally cheered, almost lost in her relief and joy of the two siblings being safe.


Thankfully, she had just enough awareness to remember the Demon she was right in front of, letting the Water Breather twist her body at an angle that let her avoid a strike that would have destroyed her head, all while using that momentum to twist her blade upwards and get rid of Kyogai’s entire right arm!


But, as she moved to swing at his neck, the room shifted. The Tsuzumi connected to the right arm having landed on the ground and triggering the Blood Demon Art, causing Kie to land on her feet on what was previously a wall while Kyogai followed the rotation, unaffected by gravity.


“Of course my luck would result in this.” Kie couldn’t help but mentally groan, all while Kyogai regrew his arm and glared at her from his new position.


“You… I’ll make you suffer!!” The Demon yelled out in a rage, and with lightning-fast movements, his arms began to hit any and all Tsuzumi on his body, causing the area they were in to shift and rotate almost randomly.


“Water Breathing - Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!” Thankfully, one of her style’s forms needed little time for Kie to make use of whatever brief footing she had right now, and she flowed like water to try and get to Kyogai. However, she had to halt her attack and just barely twisted her body to the right and only got a light cut on her cheek as a result, evading the invisible attack he summoned with the stomach Tsuzumi of his.


“Dammit it! With this guy controlling the environment, there is little I can do to get to his neck! And since he’s a Demon, he can keep this up for however long he feels like!” The Demon Slayer thought in frustration, just barely using the Eighth Form just in time to stop her from being briefly stunned by a fall. 


And so, this song and dance continued. There were the occasional close calls for both fighters, but whatever advantage they may have gained to end the fight in their respective favor was always stripped away at the last moment. And so consumed in the fight, neither could tell you how long it lasted.




They both heard the sound of wood being pierced. Initially, they didn’t think much of it. That was until they both noticed it hadn’t come from Kie.


Instead, the tip of a Katana came out from the Floor. Or, well, more accurately, the Floor Piece that had turned into a Wall due to the countless amount of shifting the Demon had done.


This normally shouldn’t have interrupted a fight like this. Was it not because Kie realized this may be the Companion she’d lost in all of this while for Kyogai?


It was the other bothersome insect that had arrived here.


The Sword was pulled out, leaving a small hole in the floor-turned Wall.


And then, the next second, a portion of the Wall was sliced at once.


Or at least, it looked that way at first glance. The Sword seemed to have cut a portion of the Wall at once, slicing it into bits as the disconnected pieces all fell forward and into the Room the Demons were fighting in.


Of course, if anyone had looked at it closer, or just been more experienced, it’d have become clear that the reason why the Wall seemed to have been cut at once was because the Swordsman had just been that fast.


Kie raised her arm up for the light amount of dust that had emerged from slicing the Wall and spreading all over, but then lowered it soon after. She and Kyogai were staring up in wonder and confusion.


The other Room had a stronger source of light than the one they were in, and it allowed for the illumination of the individual whose shadow was cast over them.


Kie wasn’t sure why she was surprised, but it was a Demon Slayer. Wearing the Corp Uniform that was expected, consisting of the silver buttoned shirt and the Tattsuke-hakama pants, albeit both seemed to be more baggy. The Sleeves are much more loose, and so are the pants.


Long Black Hair was the other feature she could immediately notice, fading into Pale Turquoise the closer to the end it was.


But what was the most prominent to her eyes, were his large, empty-looking pale turquoise eyes that he held. And right now, he looked down on both of them while holding his own Nichirin Blade.


Said weapon which he pointed at the Demon, his expression never wavering while his voice followed the monotonous tone.


''There you are, Demon.''


And with that, the Chapter is over. And with a bang, may I add. Because can you all recognize who showed up?

Let's just say we have ideas on what to do next, and we are looking forward to writing it.

Kie being a Demon keeps bringing trouble here, that's for sure. Though I don't have much else to say either, so I'll be heading straight for the Taisho Whispers and Rumors. Though I'm leaving those at the Bottom now since it makes reading them easier, and I can put the farewell on top.

Which... is where I say farewell! See you all next time!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]
The Reason why Shoichi and Teruko went into the Tsuzumi Mansion is because a Body had made it out of the Mansion. Only, it made it out dead. Thoroughly scared from that particular scene, and with the Box shaking at one point, the Children decided to look for their brother themselves and any adults within the mansion.

Chapter 13: Muichiro Tokito


Hello everyone! I am back as the one in charge of uploading this chapter, and while it is on the shorter end, I do look forward to your reactions to this. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There was a tense silence in the Room after that boy who clearly was a Demon Slayer had cut in.

One that put Kie on edge. She’s not sure why though, considering this was an Ally. She had backup!

Yet, just looking at him only made her more worried.

In comparison to her, the Demon she was facing snarled in outrage.

''You again?!'' He looked ready to just pounce at the boy, ''How did you find me so fast?!''

The boy for his part hunched his head to the side, looking at the Demon with genuine confusion.

''How did I get… here so fast?''

And he said no more. Kie did not understand what was going on at this moment, nor why this boy acted this way, as it clearly only angered the Demon further.

''You little-! Get out of my way!!!'' With Anger familiar yet still unfamiliar to Kie, the Demon slammed his palm on the Tsuzumi located on his stomach, initiating attack as Claws invisible to the naked eye shot straight to the boy.

Only for him to casually jump over the Claws, flipping over and landing with grace into the Room filled with Marks of Claws. Then?

He vanished.

Kie had to blink for a moment, believing the Demon had just moved the boy out with his Tsuzumi. Only, he hadn’t even touched it.

She only then understood that the reason why he’d vanished, was due to the burst of speed she had not seen before. She only caught on to the end of where he’d gone to and saw the Demon physically moving to avoid his Blow instead of slamming into his Instrument.

And even then, it cut right across his shoulder, destroying one of the Tsuzumi’s just like that while the Demon landed back, stumbling for a moment.

''He’s just like…'' Kie could only compare the speed to someone of Urokodaki’s Caliber. That was how fast this boy was, and it stunned her.

Although it didn’t seem the Demon had the same opinion as her, clearly showing he had already seen this boy pull this stunt. Yet it only made the scowl on his face that more permanent.

Especially since after that first swing, he continued the movements and swung again in a manner that could be believed to be casual. As if one followed a motion they were completely used to and had no need to associate the word ''effort'' with it.

It’s what makes Kie realize that every single Blade swing that comes from this kid, even the first one that had cut across the shoulder, was only avoided because of luck.

And even then, those lucky opportunities were only created because of the Demon’s almost immediate reaction to slam into one of the undamaged Tsuzumi on his body. The area once again shifted while the 2 Slayers suffered from the laws of gravity.

Even then though… that only lasted for 1 minute. Because with a look of annoyance on his face, the young Slayer crouched down and the next instant…

He disappeared in what seemed to be a sudden explosion of mist, shocking Kie as she looked around.


“What!? That was even faster than Zenitsu when we fought in Final Selection!” She couldn’t help but exclaim in her thoughts, looking around until she heard a thud.

Following the sound, Kie turned around and saw that behind her, the severed head of the Tsuzumi Demon crashed onto the ground while the new Demon Slayer landed harmlessly on his feet. And just like that, Kie remembered something.

“He is like that kid who fought with the boulder guy in Final Selection. But comparing them… it would be an insult to this kid.” The Kamado realised to herself, remembering a sword style that was a bit confusing to see in action, as she watched the boy stunned, who paid no mind to the Demon’s severed head as he prepared to sheathe his blade, before stopping and looking over his shoulder to look at Kie.

And it was silence from there. It lasted only a few seconds, but right then and there, it felt like Kie’s life would end at any moment around this new Demon Slayer. Even more so than her encounter with Tsutako 2 years ago.

But then…

“...Who are you?”

“Oh. Um…. My name is Kamado Kie. A Mizunoto ranked Demon Slayer.” She introduced herself nervously, that sense of danger passing away a good bit while the boy just continued watching her, still not sheathing his blade.

“Are… you going to put your weapon away?” She asked awkwardly while sheathing her own since there wasn’t any Demons around at the moment, causing the boy to blink.

“Was that what I was supposed to do?” He asked while staring at his weapon, but he was able to see Kie’s reflection off of the metal. And seeing it nod, he did finally sheathe his blade now and the dangerous aura around him went away almost fully now. But it was still slightly present.

“So… who are you?” Kie asked curiously while now approaching her fellow Slayer with a smile, making the boy tilt his head as she approached.

“You…. You look like someone I know.” He did ignore the question though and simply said something completely unrelated to her question while looking her over. His eyes lingering on her own and her hair for a bit.

“Oh, really? I hope that I’m reminding you of someone good then!” Kie spoke in surprise before smiling a bit more.

“Yeah…. I think they’re nice. You are weak though.”

And that response earned a sweat drop going down the female Slayer’s head.

“Caw! Muichiro Tokito!” Almost to immediately jump out of her skin when a Crow, clearly not Matsuemon, flew through the cut open hole that the kid, who she is assuming is Muichiro, and landed on the ground in front of him.

Though, having followed the crow as she flew over with her eyes, the Kamado couldn’t help but blink in shock at the many… many cut open holes in the walls. Or rather… what were acting as the walls right now.

“Ginko. What is it?” Muichiro asked the Crow when he saw it, gaining what was clearly a smile on the bird’s beak.

“You have completed your mission! Now let’s get out and see what is to happen next!” The Kasugai Crow told him, getting the boy to nod before walking through the hole and the path he made.

Not noticing the look his companion gave Kie, and the Kamado also didn’t notice as she widened her eyes in realisation.

“Tanjiro!” Remembering that her little brother was outside in the box and knowing it was still daytime…

She had to get out before that kid does.

And so, Kie ran down the hallway she was in to look for a way out while still keeping an eye out for the siblings trapped here and Zenitsu. And so…

A former Kizuki was left to his thoughts. His head now making quick progress in its disintegration.

And when one found that those were their last moments alive, one's thoughts tended to go back to happy times. Especially to a Demon who remembered his entire human life without issue.

So, he thoughts. And what did he remember?

''Don’t listen to what he says Kyogai.''

It had happened after he’d killed the Human who’d dared to insult and belittle everything about him. After all of this effort to at least make this work, even as a Demon, it had been for naught.

All of his writing was deemed bad. Save for one person.

''I said it once already, didn’t I? I quite like it.''

He hadn’t moved from his knelt down position. Hadn’t moved since he struck the Tsuzumi. So he was situated exactly where he’d been this whole time when he saw his Master in the Room now. Moving over to the writing on the Floor.

She picked it up and stacked them. Then, she leaned forward slightly and patted his shoulder.

''So come on. Rise. Not all is lost.''

He’d gotten what he wanted, in the end. Because of Lady Kanao, and because she quite liked what he wrote, he’d actually gotten the chance to have it all Published.

And that?

That was the happiest memory he had. 

He’d gotten what he wanted. He’d been able to write, and someone had liked it enough to go through the lengths to have it published.

And those happy memories were exactly why he went above and beyond to become strong. To eat and eat.

Because without Kanao… where would he be right now?

As those last thoughts came to his mind, he closed his eyes and allowed for tears to fall before his head disintegrated fully.

Thus, Kyoga’s story ended here with his death.

But despite his story ending, others were still being written. And right now, one of these stories has things being a little tense.

“Come on, here is the exit.” Kie told Kiyoshi and Teruko as soon as she saw the entrance to the mansion, currently carrying the former on her back while the younger sister held her hand.

The two were a little tense when she found them again, considering how she had to play along with that Demon’s trade. But Kiyoshi seeing her attack to defend them before they got away with the now disintegrated Tsuzumi helped smooth things over a bit.

But as soon as Kie opened the door and stepped out into the light, she was greeted with a sight that almost made her heart explode in worry… before it calmed down and she was feeling completely befuddled.

“What is in it again?” And that sight was Muichiro holding Tanjiro’s box. But instead of possibly destroying it to take her little brother’s head or burn him in the sun, he just… looked at it, all while his crow stood on top of it.

Oh. And there was Zenitsu. Passed out on the ground and next to the brother of Kiyoshi and Teruko.

…This was not what she was expecting at all.

But honestly? She’d rather take this over anything that could involve battling in any way. Especially against that boy who Kie knew, she stood no chance against.

So, Kie decided to act casual.

''Oh hey, you have my Box!'' She tried to sound carefree, but it didn’t completely work out. If the way said Crow perched on top of it was any indication.

''Mind giving it back?''

But he only stared at her for uncomfortable amounts of seconds before his head was hunched up to look at his Kasugai Crow.

''What is in it again?''

…this was going to be a long day, wasn’t it?

And that was the truth. Not entirely because of Muichiro and his apparent Forgetfulness, but also because after Zenitsu regained consciousness (and he wasn’t panicking that he’d been kidnapped), he mentioned they should bury the Bodies.

Which made them find 8 in Total by the end of it.

It was honestly sad to think about. Because at the very least, 9 people were trapped in that mansion for who knows how long each, and only one escaped. Though, if some irony had to be acknowledged, it was the fact that Kiyoshi survived despite having the rarest blood type apparently.

Speaking of which…

“HOCK! There you go!” Matsuemon proceeded to cough up a small Lucky Charm with a symbol that Kie recognised and honestly, it always made her shiver when seeing it.

“That holds Wisteria inside! It will keep low level Demons away and even stronger ones will view you as a normal human instead of a Marechi with it! Always keep it close, you hear!” The Kasugai Crow explained to Kiyoshi, and despite the disgusted look on his face (not that Kie could blame him, considering what he was given was covered in some bird bile), he still nodded thankfully towards the bird.

“Well, I guess we should all get going. Will you 3 be able to get back home before nightfall?” Kie then spoke up before asking the 3 kids. After all, looking at the placement of the sun, it would probably be just under an hour before Demons can start coming out.

“Yeah. We should be able to get home, since our village is just a half hour walk away. Still thank you all so much!” Kiyoshi assured Kie before him and his siblings bowed in gratitude.

“You especially miss. I may not have survived as long as I did if you hadn’t shown up when those 3 were fighting.”

Aw. How sweet that they were thanking them all- Wait.


She then looked around, knowing that Kiyoshi wasn’t referring to her. And so, she was greeted with the sight of Muichiro blinking in surprise before gaining the single most offended look Kie had ever seen on his face.

But considering that Kiyoshi and his siblings already turned around and were walking away, none of them noticed. And after a single minute, Muichiro looked up towards his Kasugai Crow.

“Why do I feel offended again?”

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? DOES YOUR BRAIN JUST RANDOMLY TURN OFF OR SOMETHING!?” Zenitsu yelled in response. And while it looked like he was going to say more after looking over Muichiro a little, he didn’t get the chance.

Then again, Kie doubts anyone would when a Crow flies straight at your face and began to peck at you with their beak.



“Chirp, chirp!!”

“No, your loud human has a bit of a point. CAAAW!!” 

And just like that, Ginko switched targets and flew right at Matsuemon.

“...I am sorry for Matsuemon.”

“What is that cloud again?”

Oh God…

After that whole… debacle between the Crows and the Poor Sparrow who tried to defuse the situation, they went to the point.


''Caw! Next Mission for all of you! All of you must head to…!''

- - - - - - - - - -

Elsewhere, at an unknown time, something was taking place…

A certain Event, so to speak.


A Female Demon gave an outraged cry as her Temari were redirected off to the side. Mainly because of the Male Demon in front of her who had his eyes closed.

At least those on his face. Those on his Palm were wide open.

''I told you it’s useless. You can’t do anything to me. So how about you back off?''


This situation was slightly uncommon in Rural areas. To have two Demons fight each other would be a rare sight.

But in Urban areas, this was a more common occurrence. More Humans meant more Food, and if Demons wanted more food, they needed their Territories.

So Demon infighting was a more common sight there.

And while those two Demons would fight for Territory, they didn’t notice some other presences. Something bigger and one that had a hard time even getting in a place like this.

But it had succeeded, and now…

''Once I eat enough Humans, once I get enough… I’ll start hunting them down.''

With that particular thought, the bigger Demon moved away to hunt while those two were busy fighting each other.

And he could not help but smile at the thought, no matter how covered his Mouth was at the moment.

''Just you wait… I’ll take everything from you.''

Oh, he looked forward to it so, so much…

However, he knew that he was nowhere near strong enough to exact revenge yet. No, he still needed more power and had to act carefully to get it.

Thankfully, he knew a place where he could get that power quickly. But that stupid giant of a human had ways of stopping him from attacking despite not even being a Slayer.

Still, if you thought that he would fail because of a lack of patience, then you underestimate him. Just like those Demon Slayers have done and eventually, that large human will make a mistake. And when that happens…

Yes. Yes, it was truly just a matter of time. After all, he is bound to run out of that strong Wisteria eventually.

But while Plans were being made, all were unaware that the scale of this whole situation would soon enough change.

It didn’t matter if they were Human or Demon…

Because soon, something would take place. Something that none present would be able to ignore.

But where would this be taking place?

Why, it’s simple. That something would take place in…

- - - - - - - - - -

“Shibuya! Head to Shibuya right now! Caw!” The Crows ordered the 3 Demon Slayers.

For a moment, she pondered where Shibuya even was. Up until she recalled a mention that it was within Tokyo.

''Oh. So I’m going back then.'' She thought, not having expected she had to backtrack now. But if she’s being sent there with the others…

Then it had to be something serious. Or dangerous enough they weren’t asked to go solo. Thinking about it, Kie would then nod with a determined look in her eyes to the Crows.

“Got it. But wh-?” Kie began to ask, but before she could finish, she was interrupted.

“WHAAAT!? WE’RE ALREADY BEING SENT ON ANOTHER MISSION AFTER MORE DEMONS!? THIS IS LIKE THE 5TH ONE I’VE HAD ALREADY!!” Zenitsu screamed in fright, grabbing at his hair in frustration while tears welled up from within his eyes.

“AT THIS RATE, IF A DEMON DOESN’T KILL ME, IT WILL BE THE SLAVE DRIVER OF A LEADER WE APP-AGH!!!” The yellow haired boy continued to cry on, but the moment he brought up the leader…

Muichiro punched the boy in the gut. Hard.

“Don’t insult Oyakata-Sama you idiot.” Muichiro ordered the boy, glaring at him with some honest anger in those eyes, causing Kie to step back in a bit of fear for both her life and for Tanjiro’s.

“N-Now Muichiro-San, I’m sure Zenitsu meant nothing by it. This is just how he is after all.” Kie tried to calm the boy down a little nervously, and while he sent her a brief look of annoyance… he did nod and seemed to have calm down a little.

“Then let’s go to our mission then.” Was his only reply before already walking away, Ginko flying after and landing on her young friend’s shoulder while Kie sighed and helped Zenitsu back onto his feet.

She also ignored his mutterings. Not like she could hear them too much anyways, beyond the occasional “Pretty boy” and a few others.

This didn’t look like it, but Kie had a feeling this would be a long journey…

She just hoped it all would end well by then.


The end of that chapter did admittedly go on for a bit longer than expected, but it was a lot of fun.

Now, to be honest, there really isn't too much to talk about beyond the obvious. Mainly Muichiro, who has shown up! Though, it does not appear like he is a Hashira this time, so... who could have taken the amnesiac gremlin's place? Guess we'll find out later on.

Oh, and yes! Nearly forgot, but we are doing an original arc for this story! I won't say anything that wasn't revealed here already, but I can say that it will be gloriously chaotic!

Taisho Secret: While still trapped within the building, Shouichi and Zenitsu were the ones to run across the Fat Demon. Zenitsu, of course, screamed before passing out and then killing the human eating monster.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone does Muichiro's offended look and him holding Tanjiro's box from this chapter).

Chapter 14: Day One - Crawling Unease


Unease forms as the Group arrives to their destination, only to learn that the situation may be much more complicated than anticipated...


Welcome everyone!

Eexis here to inform you of the start of this Original Arc. Because we're in, and it's likely to be a long one considering what we have in mind for it.

So I'm not holding any of you back. Go on and read the First Day of The Shibuya Week War Arc!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Not going to lie, I wasn’t expecting to return to a big city like Shibuya anytime soon.” Kie commented idly as she, Muichiro and Zenitsu reached the top of a large cliff, allowing them to see what she assumed was Shibuya in the distance.


“Really? How did you handle it?” Zenitsu questioned curiously as he turned to face her.


“Well… not the best initially. I’m more used to the smaller towns, so I had to look for a non-active spot in Asakusa.” Was Kie’s answer as she shrugged. Though, she couldn’t help but flinch as she thought about that night making her fight against both Tsuyuri and Lower Moon 3.


Hopefully, something like that won’t happen again for now.


“Hurry up you two.” Muichiro cut in before the conversation could continue and began to walk down the path, causing the two older, yet less experienced Slayers to share a look before following after the amnesiac child.


“Come on, what is the rush? It’s still daylight, we should enjoy not dealing with Demons and not dying while we can!” Zenitsu loudly complained, which made Kie frown a bit.


“But if we get in there and find the Demon we are looking for during daytime, killing them will be much easier and less likely to get people killed. So getting there now and looking around isn’t a bad idea. Plus, we may even get a normal night out of it if we succeed.” The Kamado brought up, and while Zenitsu did grumble… he did seem to perk up at the idea of being able to sleep normally at night after who knows how many missions he has gone on by now.


“Fine. But have either of you two been to Shibuya?” Zenitsu inquired, only to groan at the answers he soon got.




“Who are you again?”


Guessing who was who was a suckers bet.


“Great. Just great. We are looking for possibly a single Demon in a city completely blind! And none of us are even familiar with the damn place! SO WHY WERE WE SENT HERE!?” The male Slayer complained while raising his hands above his head in frustration.


“Chirp! Chirp, Chirp!” Suddenly though, as they got closer, Chuntaro began to chirp about, as if he was trying to tell them something.


“Ah, right. Caw!” Thankfully though, it looked like Ginko understood, and upon her caw, Muichiro raised his head to look at the Crow.


“Remember to hide your weapons! It will get you in trouble if others see them! Caw!” Ginko informed the group of 3 Slayers, causing Kie to blink.


“Why would we get in trouble carrying our Katanas around?” She asked curiously, but still followed the Crow’s advice as she used her haori to help conceal her weapon and shifted the mask she carried with it to hide the handle.


“Are you kidding me? Carrying swords around in a populated area is illegal and the Corps isn’t a public thing, so we aren't exempt from that. How do you not know this?” Zenitsu questioned Kie while giving her a look, making her rub her head a little.


“Well… I admittedly have amnesia, so I forgot a lot. Like my name until I saw a letter with my name on it.” She explained shyly, which made Muichiro stop as he turned to look at her.


“...So you are like me?” He asked quite evenly, but after a moment.


“Are you kidding me!! I got stuck with two amnesiacs!!? No wonder you two are doing such stupid things!!!” And as expected, Zenitsu began to complain about that.


Which, he doubted anyone could blame him for when Muichiro forgot things he just heard practically instantly, and Kie had a boulder fall onto her head and it was what shattered instead of her skull.


No, he wasn’t making that last one up.


“Shut up. You’re loud.” Was Muichiro’s retort to Zenitsu, which frightened the boy into shutting his mouth.


“Well, why don’t we leave this behind for now and just get to Shibuya?” Kie added on, hoping to defuse the situation, and after a moment… Muichiro nodded and turned around to continue walking.


“Good! Now, get to the Wisteria House within! Those that own such buildings know of Demons and you can plan things out there!” Matsuemon cried out to the group, making Kie mentally groan.


Hopefully she won’t need to deal with such places much with her allergy to Wisteria being a thing.


Although, that would become the least of her problems at this rate. Why, you may ask?


Because Shibuya wasn’t on the outskirts of Tokyo like she’d initially believed. She hadn't even been looking at Shibuya at all when she'd made her first assumption. No, it was closer to the inner regions of the Urban Area.


In itself, that wouldn’t be an issue, but…


''This way.''


Muichirou was leading the way because the Kasugai Crows and Chuntaro couldn’t appear in Public. As some may expect, that didn’t lead to the best results when one was an Amnesiac who forgot many things no matter what he tried.


Getting to Shibuya proper ended up with them needing to ask for Directions more than once.


But, eventually, they did get into the City they were sent to. Same as any other Location within Tokyo, it was crowded, but not nearly as much as say, during the Night.


''We’re finally here…'' Zenitsu murmured with relief. What a Nightmare it had felt to even get to this point. But…


''And now we need to find that Wisteria House…''


God, Zenitsu felt like they wouldn’t even make it to that place at this rate!


Then again, it wasn’t all that bad either. They were at the Shibuya Crossing. They had an actual Landmark to locate if they needed to return to.


Kie meanwhile wondered if they shouldn’t have asked their Crows for better directions besides, well… the Sigil said House would have. It felt like they’d take forever if they just looked for the place.


''Maybe we should…''


It was as Kie was about to propose something that Muichirou’s body went stiff. Noticeably so as both Kie and Zenitsu noticed the abrupt movement his Body did. Before they could ask, however, the eyes that seemed perpetually unfocused grew a certain edge.


''We’re being watched.''


Watched? Well, it would feel that way with the crowd they had, but…


''Watched?! By Who?!'' it said a lot that with how panicked Zenitsu grew at that moment, his shout didn’t sound as loud as she’d gotten used to.


''Clearly not a Demon. But still someone.'' there was a pause, ''Oh, and I think they’re approaching.''


They what?


Kie moved her head around to see who Muichirou was even talking about. Since they’d remained still, it was the crowd around them that moved around. So Kie couldn’t tell who he was even talking about.


And how did he even notice something like that?


''They’re what?!'' Zenitsu ended up voicing what her thoughts were currently being. But then, she noticed he as well seemed to grow some sort of focus.


Not the same way as Muichirou. Zenitsu was clearly still in a panic, but he was doing something that seemed to gain his attention.


''Not that one… not that one… not that one… sure as hell not that one either…'' he began to mutter while beginning to hyperventilate. Not that Kie could tell what he was even doing.


And then, they both seemed to stop what they were doing. The slightest trace of their eyes widening was Kie’s initial sign of something about to happen. And then she actually heard a footstep behind her.


''Ah, you all look really flashy.''


And Kie snapped her head back just as both her companions did so too, allowing for them to see a relatively tall man.


White Hair. Or maybe more Grey if Kie looked at it closer, left relatively loose with an uneven length that accompanied the rest of his look well and made him handsome. (Kie did not question why she thought that way)


Maroon eyes were the next thing she noticed, which seemed to be matching in color with his Kimono and black haori.


He looked plain in a sense, but it was undeniable he also stood out compared to the crowd.


''And that flashiness…'' he pointed both of his index fingers at the trio, ''Tells me you’re Demon Slayers, right?''




There was silence for a moment where none of the three seemed to be sure what to tell. To a point where the man went on to frown.


''Why’re you all so silent?''


There was silence for a moment longer before someone did speak up.


''Who’s that Monkey?'' and immediately, Kie and Zenitsu stared at Muichirou as if he were mad.


The Man’s only sign he reacted in any way was the single vein that popped around his neck.


''...anyway!'' The Man brushed that aside, ''You’re all Demon Slayers. No doubt about it, which means you’re the ones I’ve been looking for.''


''Well… maybe…?'' Kie had no idea how to breach this situation at all, so she fumbled her words.


''Flashily sure! I’m your guide after all.'' and when those words were said, it made them all perk up.


Their Guide?


''Oyakata-sama knew anyone unfamiliar with Shibuya, or Urban Cities in general, would probably be lost here. So, I was sent as your flashy guide to get you to the Wisteria House.''


Muichirou blankly stared at Tengen while Kie nodded along. Zenitsu though was in his own mind for a moment.


''What’s flashy about that?''


Though he wisely kept it to himself.


''Anyway, follow me. And stay close.''


He snapped around, turning his backs on them and then moved ahead, prompting the rest to follow him hastily as that tall man was surprisingly fast for someone they were sure was a civilian. 


(They weren’t entirely wrong, but not quite right either)


The path the man took them passed by relatively quickly, taking them slightly away from the crowded crossroad and into a more quiet area. Not that it lacked people either, but it was as voluminous.


Soon enough, they ended up seeing where the Wisteria House was.


''A Temple?''


If the Symbol on top of the Gate was anything to go by, then that was the Wisteria House. A spacious place as well, considering it had a somewhat large Garden surrounding it.


It felt welcoming, at first sight alone.


''Flashy, right?'' The Man commented, ''I was surprised to see it was a Blind Man who kept it the way it is.''


And then he crossed through the Entrance Gate, heading up a small number of stairs before reaching the Door.


He knocked on it once, slamming his fist on the door casually.


''Himejima! It’s me! I’m back and with the Demon Slayer!''


And then he pushed the Door Open, going in. And they followed inside, though Kie’s own entrance was delayed by a few seconds as she’d put on the Scarf and Mask she had during the Final Selection while making sure to avoid having her unprotected arm exposed to where the Wisteria incenses were located. 


An odd thing to do, some would think. But one didn’t dare question it, another promptly forgot it, and the last one decided not to push into what may just be a personal issue. True or not.


When going in, they were led to a Courtyard that had its Floor filled with tiny pebbles to sell it's outdoor appearance. The Roof was open to show the sky. At the far end was a small shrine and in front of it, was the owner of this Wisteria House. Or at least, that’s who they assumed he was.


Though admittedly, considering the bulk the one who knelt to pray seemed to have, they’d be forgiven to wonder if he really was the owner.


''Uzui.'' The knelt man presumably named Himejima stopped his praying and stood up, magnifying how tall he was, ''They’re here then?''


''Yes! I never did get their names though, so…'' Uzui snapped his head to the side, ''You Three! Your names?''


“O-Oh! My name is Kie Kamado. A pleasure Himejima-San.” Kie greeted the giant of a man, and while she was initially unsure if she should bow in respect given his blindness, she ultimately did so. Better safe than sorry after all.


“Himejima…. Oh, I’m Zenitsu Agamatsu.” Initially speaking to himself in a questioning tone, before coming out of whatever thoughts he may have had in favor of introducing himself.


“Muichiro Tokito. Are you a bear?” And lastly was Muichiro, earning looks that once more expressed a belief of him being possibly mad.


“It is a pleasure to meet you all. While you are here for your mission, feel free to use this place as your residence and if you need something, don’t hesitate to ask.” Himejima said politely, though his lips turned upwards into a smile at Muichiro’s question.


“Also, I am afraid to say that I am not a bear young one.” He then addressed that remark specifically to Muichiro, getting the young boy to nod before tilting his head, looking like he was thinking something over.


“Thank you for the hospitality Himejima-San. Though, are you sure? I wouldn’t want us to be a bother.” Kie thanked the giant of a man before questioning him a little, getting a laugh from Uzui.


“Kid, you ask stupid questions. But don’t worry. Wisteria Houses were made to welcome others, so it has plenty of resources like flashy food and even the materials you’d need to repair the damage to your uniforms. Which….’’ The large man eyed the part of Kie’s uniform with its missing sleeve, which included the Haori’s own sleeve, both torn off because of that Tsuzumi Demon not too long ago, ‘’You clearly need.’’


Which... yeah, she did. Kie wouldn't deny that, it'd be very nice to have this fixed. And as Kie looked around the area, she couldn't help but think it'd also help for something else...


''Okay, yeah. Getting all of this fixed would be nice.'' Namely, the Wisteria Incense.


''In that case, head to the West Wing of the Temple. Accommodations for Demon Slayers who arrive in Shibuya for their Missions are always available, and that includes someone to fix your Clothes. The East Wing meanwhile holds the Kitchen and a Training Room in case you want to keep your skills sharp.'' Himejima not only informed Kie, but the rest of them as well about where was what.


And when hearing of a Training Room, it got Muichirou's curiosity. Though Himejima wasn't finished quite yet.


''Both Wings are connected, so I would request you take the Inner Path instead of the outer path leading to the Shrine.''


Muichirou hunched his head to the side in wonder at that specific request, ''Why?''


''This Wisteria House started as a Temple accessible to the Public for praying at the Shrine behind me. While it eventually grew into what you all see, this was what my Temple was and still is for. Because of this, the Courtyard is accessible to anyone. But worry not, the Wings are strictly prohibited from the Public to enter, and I only ask you to be mindful of any civilians that do visit, in case you head out.''


Muichirou frowned a little when hearing that. Wisteria Houses were supposed to be a place only Demon Slayers could get into. But he supposes that if it started as something else, he can't exactly just have it cast aside, even though it's exactly what he'd have done. Himejima was the one who decided things here as the Temple was his, so he ultimately nodded in acceptance.


“Is there anything else we should know about?” Zenitsu inquired, earning him a nod.


“Indeed. The East Wing can be used for training as I've said before, but I must ask you to keep things as tidy as possible if you do. The last time someone didn’t, we had trouble explaining to the Temple Maintenance Worker why there was a human-shaped hole in one of the walls. We have gotten it fixed since then, thankfully.” The blind man told them, which immediately caused Muichiro to look at Uzui.


“Monkey, take me there.” Was all Muichiro said, getting him a glare.


“This is the 2nd time you have called me a monkey brat! Stop it and I may still think of you as flashy.” Uzui complained before adding on, as if that was a threat that worked.


“...This monkey is really stupid.”


Okay, Kie was barely able to hold in a laugh at that one.


And Zenitsu didn’t even bother to try and hold his laughter in, especially when the younger swordsman’s comment resulted in Uzui chasing after Muichiro.


Well… she wished the ‘flashy’ man good luck.

''Ah. I nearly forgot how much I enjoyed doing this.'' A Young Woman cheerfully stated while seated in one of the available seats this particular Restaurant gave. She happily ate through her Food. Which in this case, was Ramen.


The Young Man who was seated on the opposite side of her, while also having a Bowl of Ramen, couldn’t find himself sharing her excitement. Sure, the Food looked appetizing, but...


He hesitated in saying what he thought. Not entirely sure if it’d offend her to question her that way. But with the little time he’d actually been under her tutelage, crippled she may have been due to some unknown circumstances, he decided to pull through and voice his concern.


''Shouldn’t we be hunting the Demon?'' 


And upon her Students question, the Teacher answered him after chewing what food had been in her mouth.


''I get what you mean Genya. I really do. But Demons don’t usually do anything during the day besides hiding away from Sunlight. And when they do, it usually doesn’t involve them being visible to us. It’s too risky for them, and as my Father has always advised me and my Sister, it is that we should always enjoy what the day can give us.''


Upon his Teacher’s words, Genya pondered about it. It’s not like she was exactly wrong with the premise, but Genya felt far too on edge to be relaxing. Not when knowing a Demon could be preparing something even now and waiting for the night to act properly.


That held even more true considering what his Teacher and his own Kasugai Crow had told them before they set off to Shibuya.


''I… I guess, but… if those rumors are true…''


He was cut off.


''Genya.'' His Teacher took a particular tone with him that he knew very well. It seemed to be one shared by her Father since he only recognized him as having used that same tone.


One that made it clear they were to be listened to.


''I get why you’re worried. This Mission after all is… much more risky than anyone likes it. We don’t know how many Demons are here, and we don’t know if they’re led by a Lower Moon, or perhaps even worse, an Upper Moon.''


The Details of said Mission had been vague as well. Only warning them there was a chance that they’d be required to hunt more Demons than what the Description they’d received actually gave.


Which, from the Teacher’s experience, meant that Oyakata-sama didn’t have nearly as much information as he’d have liked to have, even with the small advantages he had.


(She’d heard that’s why Uzui had been sent here. To gather more information they needed)


There had been some unrest going on in Shibuya for a while now. That much was known, and from previous records about similar things, this type of unrest typically meant a growing amount of Demons. And chances are, if it attracted more Demons in turn, it meant it could be because of a Twelve Kizuki Demon.


Genya was aware of this.


''But that’s exactly why we should enjoy the day while it’s present. Because Night will not give us any rest, no matter that we’re not the only ones here. We won’t have any joy until it’s Sunrise again. So please Genya, enjoy your Food. And don’t hesitate to ask more, Money is no issue for me.''


There was still some hesitation present, but Genya had to concede. So, while somewhat reluctant, he dug in his Food.


And the Teacher could see her Student was enjoying it. Which made her smile.


''So tell me, anything else you want?''


''W-Wh- Uh… No?''


Yes, she’d enjoy this day as much as she could. Because consciously or not, she was well aware something was going on in Shibuya to have so many Demons begin to gather.


But she wouldn’t allow this to bring her down.


That much, Kanae Kocho promised.

“...We will be arriving at Shibuya shortly.” Hearing those particular words after the hours spent on this train, Enmu finally perked up from the seat he’d taken for himself and smiled.


“Ah, at last.” The Lower Moon thought as a smile filled with malice spread across his face, but it went unnoticed. 


He quite liked to spend his traveling time on a train in peace. Be it for consumption, to evade the sun, or simply for a joyride.


So the simplest thing for him to do was to have any possible other Passengers that shared the same seat as him be forced into a slumber by his Blood Demon Art. No one ever suspected a thing.


Humans were such social creatures to their detriment, but much to Enmu’s advantage. It left him with welcomed peace for the hours that came.


Even when he had to leave the Cabin at the risk of being hit by sunlight during the still present Sunlight in Spring. Bothersome, since he liked the seats next to the windows, allowing him to see the landscape passing by at speeds no Human could hope to have while enjoying the atmosphere the locomotive gave.


Enmu knew that the particular joy of taking a train of all things was not shared by anyone. Perhaps not even Lady Kanao, but unless he wanted to speed up his demise by her hands, it was best he didn’t ask her that question in case it offended her.


But oh well, more for him!


Upon the train finally stopping at Shibuya Station, Enmu quickly blended in with the crowd of people that instantly flooded out of the train, but not before sending one last look at the Conductor, who looked oh so tired.


“Until next time~!” Enmu told the man with a wave before leaving the train, knowing that the little minion he picked up a week ago would be back in a few days for the Demon.


Which, truthfully did cause the Lower Moon 1 to go down memory lane a little. He initially had no intention of leaving that man alive when they met, but when Enmu snapped him out of his dream and the human’s immediate reaction was to beg to go back...


Well, it did bring back some beautiful memories of his old human life. And with it, came the knowledge of how he used some people in exchange for putting them back under to avoid cruel reality, like them having an incurable disease.


And truly, what was the harm in passing up on eating a few humans for a time in favor of those same humans more easily getting rid of the threat of competent Demon Slayers and drawing in more humans towards him as a result?


So, here he was. In a highly populated city where there would without a doubt be a few hopeless humans desperate enough to escape from reality, which would in turn give him Pawns against the very Swordsmen who were supposed to protect their species.


Truly, it was perfect! But first, he needed to actually find some humans for that. And so…


Enmu listened.


“Hey, did you know that a new shipment of kimonos came in earlier today?”


“You wouldn’t believe how kind Himejima-san was when I went to the temple earlier today!”


“I should have just enough money to get us a celebration meal for your promotion.”


“Hey, don’t touch that!”


“Oh, sorry about that sir.”


“Hm... Maybe I should get a dog...”


And while most of them weren’t useful for becoming a minion…


One already was.


“Someone… make it stop….”


Quickly walking in the direction of that voice, Enmu had to suppress his laughter at the hilarious sight before him. But, laughing at this clearly in pain and sickly human wouldn’t do him any favors from his goal, so he approached the human.


“Don’t worry. I can take all of that pain away for now. Sleep” And with a wave of his hand, which grew a mouth on it, the single command from the appendage activated Enmu’s Blood Demon Art, and the boy was sent into his dreams.


Now, to leave him alone for a bit to make the human desperate to be put under again. And then…


More shall follow.

The Hours before Night had begun to feel tense for the Group in a sense.


And that had mostly to do with Tengen, the Full name of Uzui as they’d been told, who had informed them he had information to share with them once more shade was around.


Kie knew that Muichirou had left to practice. She had no idea what Zenitsu was up to, and in Kie’s own case, the hours leading to that point were her wearing a spare Kimono while waiting for her Uniform and Haori to be fixed.


So, she decided to head off to an unused room with the least amount of Sunlight seeping through. Thankfully, since it was past Noon, it meant Sun Rays would only pass through one direction. 


And after laying the Box down, making extra sure there was enough distance between the seeping sunlight, Kie opened the Box.


''Is everything alright, Tanjiro?''


“Aaah.” Was the immediate reply she received as Tanjiro crawled out of the box. But once he was out and standing on his feet once again, her little brother smiled at her and grew back to full size, which… made Kie realize that Tanjiro’s own clothes were much more damaged than her uniform or haori.


…Well, she would fix that later.


“Sorry for leaving you in there for so long little brother. Things have been a little chaotic while it was day.” She apologized to Tanjiro, but with knowledge of her having been out in the sun, Tanjiro’s face quickly looked annoyed.


“Ow! Tanjiro, for the last time, the sun isn’t a problem for me like it is for you.” And he certainly acted on that annoyance, as he lightly karate chopped her head as if to punish her for being stupid.


And admittedly, the younger Kamado certainly gave one heck of an effective “You’re dumb” look when he wanted to. Especially without the muzzle present with it having been destroyed in the fight with Tsuyuri.


“Anyways, I am safe and so are you. But I need you to stay here okay? This place uses Wisteria, so while it keeps Demons from attacking us, it means you can get hurt badly. Perhaps even as much as you could if you went into the sun.” Kie was quick to ignore that thought though and seriously cautioned Tanjiro, whose eyes widened by the end before nodding.


Good. At least this may be easi-.


“Wha-!? Tanjiro calm down! I might have an allergy to the stuff, but it isn’t dangerous to me like it is to you.” 




“And stop giving me that look. Again, this stuff is only dangerous to you.”


But before her thought could finish, Tanjiro slowly pulled her to him and began to try and look over any of her exposed skin for an injury, with Kie quickly realizing what the issue was.


Truly, she doesn’t understand why her little brother is treating her potential sunburns and her allergy like it would kill her easily when the sun and Wisteria were death sentences to him.


“Look, I used the mask and scarf Urokodaki-San gave me. So I was safe from the Wisteria.” Kie told Tanjiro, and upon hearing that, the little Demon stopped and looked next to his box, to see that the scarf and mask were there.


“O…Okam….” Tanjiro said, and Kie froze and looked at Tanjiro before grinning.


“Tanjiro, you just said a word! That’s amazing!” Kie cheered as she hugged Tanjiro, who returned it. True, the word didn’t come out right, but she hadn’t heard words from her little brother like this since 2 years ago and the only other time…


Well, being beaten by Tsuyuri did remove the joy that would have normally given Kie. Especially when Tanjiro’s words were sad ones.


So yes, to her, this was worthy of a celebration!


Still, the Celebration ended up needing to be cut short when she heard a knock at the Door. It practically made her jump, fearing someone would enter right this instant.


''Kamado-san. Your Uniform and Haori have been fixed.''


Only, that wasn’t the case. Instead one of the workers at the Temple informed her from behind the door that the repairs were done.


''O-Oh! I’ll be there soon!'' She informed the worker while setting her Little Brother down.


''Alright Tanjiro. Stay here as I said. I’ll try to be back as soon as possible.'' There was still enough time left she could get back to him for a while longer before she had to hunt for the Demon.


And while there clearly was some hesitation from his eyes alone, he had accepted earlier, so he didn’t do anything else besides that.


With that, Kie left to get her fixed Uniform. Which, true to what she was told, was repaired entirely. As if nothing had cut into that or even her Haori. She put it on soon after and truly felt ready for the Night that would come.


Besides that particular event, the remainder of her time was spent with her Brother until Uzui summoned them to a somewhat messy Room. Not because it hadn’t been cleaned per se, but because there were Letters upon letters alongside a Crow’s nest off to the Wall.


Clearly, Uzui had been using this as more than just his Room.


''Good! You’re all here, and most of you are flashily present!'' He gave a stink eye towards Muichirou when finishing his sentence before getting back on topic.


''First things first. What did your Kasugai Crows -and sparrow- tell you about the Mission at the time?''


The answers should have been predictably varied, yet it still left Tengen feeling like he got floored.


''What Message, Monkey?''


''You mean the Chirps were about the Mission?!''


''That we had a Demon to kill in Shibuya?''


…Tengen knew who his favorite was from here on out. Which is why he gave his attention to Kie.


''Only that?'' and he received a nod from Kie. Also Zenitsu, but he’d sorta ignored him while purposely not even looking Muichirou’s way.


''Alright. So, the Kasugai Crows were working on incomplete information then. Not their fault, the situation was way more flashy than anyone expected.''


So much so in fact, Tengen would dare call it blinding.


''First, the sheer amount of Demons in Shibuya I’ve discovered the past Week is very worrisome. Normally, the most you find around is 2, maybe 3 tops. But so far, I’ve found signs of at least 10 Demons around, and I’m pretty sure that’s only increasing.''


That got Zenitsu to pale significantly when hearing how many were around, and how that was likely to still increase. Kie looked worried herself, but nowhere near the extent of Zenitsu.


Meanwhile, Muichirou didn’t show any signs of anything, just his usual blank stare. Tengen feared he may forget this Meeting once it was over.


''So, I’ve requested after analyzing the situation for backup. There are already a few other Demon Slayers in Shibuya with what other Wisteria Houses there are. The Mission in itself doesn’t change much, you’re still supposed to hunt down Demons but don’t stop at one like you may all be used. Continue hunting the entire Night if you can to be extra sure.''


Especially because Tengen feared he didn’t find all of them. And if he didn’t find them, then it either meant they didn’t actually exist or were very good at hiding.


So, better to waste a whole night than not to.


''If we act swiftly enough, the situation should be dealt with past Tonight. If not… expect to be here for a while. Understood?''


Tengen was particularly pleased that, while Zenitsu was scared and Muichirou’s gaze didn’t change one bit, they, alongside Kie, nodded in affirmation.


''Good. Then I’m not holding any of you back. Happy Hunting!''


Happy Hunting indeed…


Tonight would be a long night indeed. But not quite because of the opposition. As Kie, Zenitsu and Muichirou went out to hunt, a small thing was going on elsewhere. Missed by all of them while on the lookout.


''Hyo Hyo, mhm mhm~!''


After all, it just so happened that Tonight in Shibuya, was a particular Demon as well. But not doing anything suspicious.


Unless Humming and being oddly cheerful amounted as such.


Regardless of that, this individual simply walked amongst the Streets of people. Even at this hour, there were so many Humans out.


Urban Cities were such a boon for Demons, yet also a Curse. So many chances to get caught in the act.


Not that it worried him in any way. He’d long since found a way to eat and grow in power without disturbance. Something not all of the Lower Moons seem to have figured out.


Their lives would be so much easier if they all did. But oh well, it was what it was.


Still, he wondered if he’d see any of the Lower Moons actually succeed or not in their endeavors.


If finally, they’d break through their lack of imagination.


Because honestly, if Managi had learned anything, it was that Lower Moon Demons were particularly shortsighted.


It was almost insulting, thinking about it further. That he’d once coveted the position himself. Only to now have long since outgrown that desire for something much larger.


And as it turns out, he wasn’t quite the only one.


Because he’d discovered a fellow Demon earlier while finishing his Human Disguise. One who was Unranked, yet…


Well, Managi didn’t need to say much. Only that he had High Hopes for the Demon covered in Hands, considering how he felt when just looking at him.


Perhaps he’d surprise him? Or perhaps he was simply placing too many hopes on those many hands with the similarities he kept seeing between them. True or not.


Regardless of that, regardless on whether his hopes were misplaced or not… the Stories he would witness…


What would come, he wonders?


Victory or Failure?


He looked forward to what tapestries he may be able to form for the nights to come…


With that, the Chapter is over! And so, we're finally in the Arc.

Let's just say Trickster1 and I have some plans we are going to implement here, and by the time this ends, I sure hope you'll have enjoyed this Original Arc.

Not much else to say, so I'll be moving on to the Whispers and Rumors. I'll see you all next time!


[Taisho Rumors and Whispers]

After the whole Lower Moon Meeting, Managi decided he wanted to see with his own eyes whether the Lower Moons were going to reach success or not. So, going down the numbers, he’s first observing Enmu.

Chapter 15: Day Two - Taste of Chaos


I have returned! And with one heck of a treat of a Chapter at that, which, oh my god! I a so looking forward to the reactions this gets.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Night was, depending on who you asked, something that had passed by quickly or slowly.

For Zenitsu, it had been a particularly slow Night. More so than the usual because they’d gone to hunt more than one Demon. Constantly on the lookout for anything like one in all of Shibuya even as it was crowded with people at all times wasn’t all that easy to handle.

For Muichiro, it had been an equally fast thing as normal. He killed the Demon, then he moved to his next destination. Only taking the occasional break when his Body needed it. And even in a crowded place like this, it had still felt easy in a sense.

It’s not like he’d bothered to socialize either.

Meanwhile, for Kie, it seemed she’d found herself in a middle ground. When she didn’t encounter a Demon, the Night felt incredibly long. But when she did, an Eternity could seem to pass in the blink of an eye.

Regardless of how long or how short it actually felt to them, the Hours passed by equally. And eventually, the Group that had split off to deal with the Demons, had returned to the Wisteria House. Or Temple, actually.

And Tengen was waiting for them.

''You’re all back alive.'' The Man who kept using the word Flashy in his vocabulary sounded pleased by this, giving short shakes with his head as if nodding to them.

''Good. Follow me then, we’re going back to my Room for a status update.''

Anything that was planned to be said, was pushed back to that moment. They followed him to where they’d had the previous meeting, seated mostly at the same place, and when that was done, Tengen spoke again.

''So, in terms of Demons, how many did you kill tonight?''

Upon that question, Muichiro was the first to speak without hesitation.


It was said matter of factly, and while both Kie and Zenitsu wondered if he’d have even remembered all of the Demons he could kill tonight, they decided to have faith he could actually keep count.

Granted, Zenitsu held many doubts regardless.

Speaking of which…

''I only got one.'' Zenitsu admitted in a mixture of shame but also relief that he’d only gotten to one. Granted, there was that one odd time where he could swear he’d encountered one, but then just… didn’t.

He’s not sure what was going on with that.

Kie went in last.

''I got Three.''

And in Total, it meant the Group had killed Eight Demons. Nearly the estimation of Demons Tengen had told them the previous day.

Only, it caused the man himself to frown.

''Well, that’s not good…''

''Eh? Why not?'' Zenitsu questioned. Why wouldn’t that amount be a good thing?

''It’s because it was an Estimation, right?'' Tokito surprised them again by actually remembering this.

''Pretty flashy of you to guess that right.'' Tengen reluctantly complimented the one who’d kept calling him a Monkey so far, even though his expression remained as a frown.

''But the pipsqueak is right. I told you all earlier tonight that it’s probable 10 Demons isn’t the most around. But your Report alongside what other Demon Slayers there are here only confirms it further. Another Wisteria House informed me their side got Seven Demons. And another to Five. That goes double the number I brought up.''

Kie, who hadn’t said much so far because of her digesting the situation, only now said her piece.

''But then… how many could there be? I know there are a lot of Demons around the World, but how many could be in Shibuya?''

That frown deepened at her question.

''That’s the problem. I’ve scouted Tonight as well, and the worst-case scenario is rearing its ugly head here. I’m pretty sure we’re going in the 50’s here.''

On the one hand, a part of them felt like it shouldn’t surprise them. Tokito especially didn’t show if he was even worried or not by the Number.

On the other hand, while a part of Zenitsu’s rational mind said that the most prominent feeling was to panic.

''There’s that many?!''

Kie didn’t verbally react to this info, but she still gaped at the Numbers. The only other time she could compare those High Numbers was the Final Selection Grounds. And she didn’t actually know how many Demons there were then.

Only that those ones hadn’t eaten much, and that they were starving. 

It however did explain why Tengen was only frowning instead of acting the way he did during the day.

''If it was just around 50 Demons, it wouldn’t be a long-term issue for us. The problem is that when I compare it to the other days, it’s pretty clear to me some of those Demons came here that very night. And we still don’t know how many are still lurking here from the previous days.''

They were in a blind situation. They couldn’t know how many Demons there actually had been the previous day, and how many more had come that same Night while they hunted. It did not help that a large amount of Demons like that gathering only made it clearer something was up here.

But then, what was going on?

Tengen gave an unflashy and tired sigh.

''For now, you kids, go rest. You’re gonna need it, because once it’s night again, you’re going out and will need to hunt even more Demons.'' But not alone.

Tengen knew that asking for Reinforcements was a must here. If this kept growing, it’d be too much for the Demon Slayers present. There was only so many they could hunt and find before they get overworked.

''Now shoo! I got work to do.''

There was a grumble from Zenitsu, but besides that, they all complied and left, leaving Tengen alone as he grabbed a piece of Paper.

''I gotta write to Oyakata-Sama…''

This would be a long day…

- - - - - - - - - -

“Hey Tanjiro, I’m back.” Kie called out as she opened the door to the room her brother was residing in, but she did keep her voice low just in case.

Better to not have someone discover her brother and cause a mess after all.

“R-Raaagh!” Upon hearing her voice, Tanjiro began to open his eyes and wake up from the sleep he was in, and upon seeing her, he instantly got up and ran to her.

“Hey, don’t worry. See, not a single injury on my body little brother, or even a tear in my clothes.” The Slayer was quick to assure the little Demon as he leapt into her arms for a hug, all while closing the door behind her and mentally thanking the fire god that with the angel of the sun in the sky, sunlight wasn’t able to peak into the room and burn Tanjiro.


Only to be snapped out of that thought when the younger Kamado delivered another chop to her head. And this time, there was enough force for it to sting just slightly, so most of the pain mainly came from surprise.

“Tanjiro… are you upset I was in the sun again?” The young Demon Slayer questioned her brother, putting him on the ground as he began to grow back to full size with a frown on his face. Though, he did nod his head at the question.

“A-Aagh!” He tried to make a response. Truly, Tanjiro did. Sadly, this wasn’t one of the times where a word, even if butchered, could not come out of his mouth. So, to hopefully show that he had another thing to be displeased about, the child reached out his hand and grabbed his sister’s, squeezing a bit to make sure he had a tight grip but that it wouldn’t cause pain either.

“Huh? Oh. You aren’t happy that I was hunting for Demons without you, huh.” Kie briefly questioned, but the realisation soon hit her almost as fast as Tsuyuri did back in Asakusa. Though, it appeared that Tanjiro didn’t know about the hunting Demon part, as his eyes widened in shock and worry.

…She probably should have kept that part to herself.

“Tanjiro, lis-AAAGH! Tanjiro, we are not doing this again.”


“Tanjiro, don’t you, and you are. Tanjiro, put me down! And stop trying to put me in the box!”

Yeah, she really should have kept that part to herself.

“Tanjiro….” However, this had to end, especially before anyone could possibly hear them. So, adopting a specific tone, only saying his name was enough to cause her little brother to practically freeze up, looking up a little to look at Kie.

“Stop trying to put me in the box, okay. If it makes you feel better, I’ll tell you why I didn’t bring you along this time, but only if you stop now.” Kie informed the little Demon, and while Tanjiro looked at her stubbornly, to the point where the young girl briefly thought the tone wouldn’t work this time, her little brother ultimately hung his head sadly and stopped trying to stuff her into the box.

“Good. Now listen to me, this place is possibly the safest spot for you despite the Wisteria. There are many Demon Slayers here since we have discovered that tons of Demons are here to eat people. And unlike Tsutako-San, they won’t give you a chance, especially in a place like this.” Now standing back at full height, Kie did act quickly to explain things to Tanjiro, who growled a little in response, but in this moment, the Kamado doubted even someone that thought Tanjiro was just any random Demon could believe the growl was directed at something that wasn’t the situation.

“Look, I don’t like it, but that’s just how things are. And sadly, we’re likely going to be here for a bit because of the number of Demons, so please just bear with this for a bit.” Kie assured the young Demon, and while he was still frowning… he did ultimately nod, which caused Kie to smile.

“Thank you Tanjiro.”

And with that, they moved past that situation. Though, it appeared that the energy Tanjiro used to try and get her into the box used up what he had, because as soon as Kie sat down and her brother laid his head on her lap, he quickly returned to sleep. All while Kie took the opportunity to take off her scarf and mask, no longer needing them for the current moment.

“Honestly, I hope it was just worry that drained him. He needs his sleep after all.” Kie thought to herself while running her fingers through her little brother’s long hair.

But finally getting this quiet moment to herself without need to travel or fight… Kie finally got a chance to think of a few things.

The first thing she thought of was that she needed to get stronger. After all, not only did one of the Demons she fought last night almost slash out an eye, but already, Kie could see how out of her league she was compared to some others. After all, Muichiro gives off the feeling that he could kill her instantly, especially when they met in that Tsuzumi Demon’s mansion, but she was no match for some Demons like Lower moon 3 and obviously Tsuyuri herself.

But how can she get stronger? Perhaps she should use that training area Himejima-San talked about….

“My sword.” Kie mumbled to herself as she spotted her laid down katana out of the corner of her eye, seeing the white metal a bit since it wasn’t sheathed fully. 

Right, that meant she was suited for another Breathing style, but what could it be? Would learning that style help close the gap that exists between her and nearly everyone around her? But the biggest question surrounding the white blade was just what Breathing technique did it signify that she should use?

After all, she didn’t forget how Urokodaki-San didn't know what the colour could be connected to, so she doubted that Muichiro or Zenitsu could help there. So maybe Uzui-San and Himejima-San? After all, they surely must have met a lot of Demon Slayers before, so maybe they have a clue that could help.

But if they didn’t…

What could White represent? By now, she knew that the colour on Nichirin Blades represented some form of Affinity. The Element even. Tsutako had a Bright-Blue Blade, which meant Water. Zenitsu had Yellow, which was for Thunder, and Muichiro, while similar to Tsutako’s blade colour, was another shade of Blue. His was Mist.

So far, an Element was tied to the colour.

So what could the White Blade represent?

At this point, she didn’t have much choice but to ask around, because she was clueless. And maybe someone out there did know, or at least could clue her in what the White represented.

So, first order of business now, was to get to Himejima. After she tucked her Brother back in his box and put back her Mask and Scarf, of course.

Shortly after, she headed out of the Room to look for the man himself. And, predictably, she ended up finding him while he was doing an early morning prayer.

For a moment, Kie hesitated to approach further once she found him. After all, maybe he was in the middle of it still or something.

But she received an answer.

''Kamado. Good Morning.''

He remained in his praying motion, still knelt down and his palms connected, but nonetheless addressed her.

“Um… good morning, Himejima-San. I… I hope I’m not interrupting.” Still a bit unsure about the current situation, Kie did respond to the man since he did address her.

“You do not need to worry, young one. Right now, I am merely praying for some children I once knew, and knowing their kind souls, they would have wanted me to stop if you needed help.” The large man assured her gently, yet he still remained in his current position regardless.

“I… see. I hope they are doing well.” Was all Kie could say to that. After all, while she could be hopefully… she felt like she could pick up on the darker implications right now.

“I am sure they are.”

After that remark from the man… Kie couldn’t bring herself to ask her question now that she knew what Himejima-San was doing. So she would wait a little for him to finish his prayer to those children, all while mentally noting this to herself.

Perhaps if she ever remembers more of her deceased siblings, she can give a proper prayer to them. Without risking the possibility of mixing them up of course.

Thankfully, the Kamado woman only needed to wait 3 minutes before the owner of the Wisteria house stood up to his full height and turned around to face her direction.

Truthfully, she kind of forgot he was blind until seeing his eyes again.

“I know what you did in those few minutes, and I thank you for that, Kamado. Seems you are truly a gentle soul.” The blind giant commented with a small smile on his face, causing Kie to blush at the praise behind her mask.

“Thank you. Um… Himejima-San, there is something I would like to ask. What do you know about the colours of a Nichirin Blade and Breathing techniques?” Kie spoke shyly as she accepted the praise and asked the question, making the large man raise an eyebrow at the question. Regardless, he nodded his head at it and spoke.

“Beyond the basics, not much. Why do you ask?” The man answered truthfully, making Kie sigh a little sadly.

“Well, my Nichirin Blade is coloured white but I am using Water Breathing. And seeing how much stronger some Demons and other Slayers are then me, I have been hoping to find out more about it to get the right Style for me.” Kie explained to the man, causing him to hum a little.

“I will be honest; I can’t provide much for that besides saying I have never seen anyone else holding a White blade. But perhaps the Style you are looking for is something you need to make yourself.” Himejima explained to the young girl, making Kie blink in surprise at the idea.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know too many details, but on occasion, I have heard of some higher ranked Slayers talk about the strongest amongst them creating their own Breathing styles. So perhaps, whatever that white blade is connected to, is ultimately something you must create yourself, in the same way an artist must make a painting on a blank canvas.” The large man told Kie, making her blink while she thought that over.

So some other Slayers may have found themselves in the same place as herself with their blades, but she may need to make the Breathing style herself from scratch. That… may make things more difficult.

“I see. Thank you for the help Himejima-San.” Deciding to think of how she could make a style for herself in private, Kie thanked the large man while bowing to him, getting a smile as a result.

“It is no problem Kamado. And if you still have questions about such a topic, I suggest looking for Tengen. The man is far more knowledgeable about things directly related to the Corps fighting force than myself.” Himejima told her, making Kie smile and nod at the man before deciding to walk away.

She’d received enough answers that she didn’t need to immediately seek out Uzui-San. So for now, she’d check back on Tanjiro, and if she ran into the man himself on her way, then she’d talk to him.

With that settled, she proceeded with her day.

- - - - - - - - - -

Days were moments of Activity for Civilians and moments of rest for the Demon Slayer Corp. However, it wasn’t entirely unique to the Humans, no matter how factual it was.

Because during the day, hidden in the Dark that were called Buildings…

''That cut it far too close to Comfort, Mukago.''

''I know, I know! This was very last-minute Rokuro, but I swear to you, it’s worth it!''

…Were two Demons who were currently waiting for the Sun to set and for Night to return. They’d made extra sure to be safe by covering all of the Windows, leaving them in obscurity.

The situation had been close, considering they’d only arrived in Shibuya within the last hour of Night. Any later, and either the Sun would have caught them, or they’d have been delayed in their schedule.

Or, well… Mukago’s schedule.

''Is it really? You’ve been too vague about it on our way here, and the only reason I even agreed was because I owed you one. But if that plan of yours doesn’t work out, then I’m leaving regardless.''

And Mukago was very well aware of that. Still, she was confident of this, hence why she even used that favour Rokuro owned her now of all times.

''Trust me, it’ll be worth it. Graveyards of Urban Cities are pretty filled with Corpses. Exactly what I need to fill up what I lost from last time.''

Rokuro quirked an eyebrow at her words, only being vaguely aware of what Mukago’s Blood Demon Art did. It was related to Bodies, that much he knew for certain. But the rest was unclear.

Still, this really was his only chance to show his worth to Lady Kanao. At least as soon as this.

He didn’t exactly have any plans per se, so this was for now his best alternative.

Still, it was best to question this further than just mindlessly nod along…

''And what exactly is your Plan?''

And for it, Mukago gave a grin.

''You see…”

What Mukago told him would end up surprising him. But after some consideration, there was only one way this could go.

Especially if Mukago succeeded. Then it’d mean he’d have something to eat and grow stronger from it…

''Very well. We’ll proceed with your plan Tonight.''

- - - - - - - - - -

“Damn. These people really work fast.” Genya mumbled in surprise as he returned to his room that was being leant to him by the Wisteria House’s owner and blinked in surprise as he saw his uniform neatly folded and laying on his bed. And after a quick inspection, found that there wasn’t even the slightest tear in the clothes from what he could see.

Note to self, thank whoever fixed his uniform from being nearly ripped apart when he sees them. After all, you would expect repairing damage from an attack of 5 Demons would take longer than 2 hours.

“Now then, how much ammo do I have left.” The young Slayer thought aloud to himself, heading out and towards the Storage Room he’d left the Nichirin bullets in. Which was just a Room off to the side of the Wisteria House that held any Weapons not immediately required.

It would have been supremely impolite to wander with their Weapons constantly in this place, which was safe, even more so when they were supposed to rest.

But as he headed off to check how many Bullets he had left, he heard a banging sound, as if something heavy had hit the Ground. It was followed with a curse.


Genya’s ears were able to pick up on the voice, which turned out to be his Teacher's voice. Following the Sound, he soon found himself in front of another Room that he couldn’t recognize immediately.

‘’Did something happen?’’ The Shinazugawa wondered to himself, surprised to have heard his Teacher’s voice going into that tone considering how rare it was.


He moved to knock on the Door, only for said hand to freeze when he overhears Kanae’s voice coming from said Room. The Frustration within clear.

‘’Why is my grip always slipping?! I know it’s a long road to recovery, but holding a Book of all things shouldn’t be this hard! I was cleared for Mission! I… I should be able to be better than this.’’

The frustration gave way to an utterly defeated tone, which somewhat answered what the Banging sound earlier was about. Kanae had dropped a Book on accident.

‘’But now, I’m struggling to kill Demons that should have been dealt with easily. And Genya ended up injured because of me… I’m the Teacher. I’m supposed to Protect him, not the other way around…’’

The Older Slayer’s voice then went quiet while Genya stayed standing there. It was all too easy to imagine the Woman was either also standing still, or knelt down while her fist was clenched as strongly as she could.

He wouldn’t be shocked if his Teacher even has similar physical characteristics to her Younger Sister currently.

“...Hey, sensei.” It took a moment for Genya to work up the courage to speak and open the door, because as much as he didn’t want to possibly see Kanae down, he knew she needed help. Even if he doubted that he was fit for that.

“Huh? Oh, Genya! You need something?” Coming out of her little episode upon hearing his voice and the opening of the door, Kanae blinked in surprise before getting back up and turning around to face him.

And honestly, as much as Genya felt bad about hearing what he did, he was now glad he did. Because his teacher was a surprisingly good actor with how she easily slipped back into acting like her usual self despite what happened only seconds ago.

“Yeah. Um… are you okay though? I heard a banging noise.” Speaking a bit nervously, Genya decided to not to be confrontational. He really wasn’t the right person for this kind of thing after all.

“Hm? Oh, don’t worry about it. Was just a little clumsy and dropped a book.” She assured him, and Genya couldn’t help but frown at the answer. Was she really using a half-truth right now?

“I see. Anyways, I was going to check up on how many bullets I got leftover for when it’s night again, so do you mind helping me count through them?” Deciding to do something that should be distracting for a bit while still needing to be done, Genya asked his teacher for a bit of help, getting her to blink and nod her head.

“Sure thing. And… afterwards, how about we train a little? After all, we were cutting it close with your Demon form near the end.” Kanae agreed to it and after a moment, made a suggestion of her own.

“Sounds good to me.” Which was easily accepted enough. After all, that was something Genya knew he needed to work on, and he just hoped that helping him get a bit stronger would help Kanae with what she’s going through.

Though, maybe he should inform his teacher’s family soon if they aren’t already aware. She really needed the help after all.

- - - - - - - - - -

Getting a Training Room was easy. Kie only had to ask, and she received.

What became the hard part, was exactly how she figured out her own Breathing Form.

In Theory, she just had to… do it her way. But what did that entail? How exactly was one supposed to do that?

Simply move in ways that felt right? Swing differently?

Kie had to give an exasperated sigh at this.

''This is gonna take me a while…''

At least she had free time to spare considering how little there was to do. So she’d make some sort of headway.

So first thing first, Kie decided to redo her Water Breathing Forms. Move like always, and then pay attention as to why said Breathing Form wasn’t suited for her. What made it to different?

Or perhaps, the better question should be what she improved on to suit her better?

Regardless of which way this went, she moved and re-practiced the Forms.

The first thing she did upon going through the Forms was take them step by step. Practising the angels and speed needed to perform each of them while holding back on her strength, to make sure she didn’t cause too much damage and make a mess that Himejima-San and others had to fix. Then, after going through the 10 Forms in this way, Kie now began to pick up the pace and after the 6th time of going through all 10 techniques, she was performing them at the kind of speed she normally would in a real fight, and thanks to this, she did notice something.

Some of the techniques of Water Breathing felt more… Well, she supposed the best way to describe it is more natural than others. The ones that Kie felt the most comfortable using, even if there was still something off with them, were the First, Second, Sixth and Seventh Forms.

So with that, Kie now had to question what it was about these techniques that felt the most comfortable to her, and what about the techniques that needed to be changed for her to be perfectly comfortable with these techniques? After all, the First form was a single horizontal slash, the next technique involved her leaping forward and performing a front flip while doing a vertical slash in a circular motion, the Sixth Form was her performing a fierce whirling motion that generated a whirlpool of air that accompanied her blade and the Seventh Form was a fast, but accurate stab that could actually be used for defence.

So with that in mind, what aspects of these techniques were comfortable to her? What about these teachings of Urokodaki’s could be used to make her own Breathing style?

“I suppose all I can do is keep practising and see if any changes to the techniques feels better.” Kie mused to herself, currently unable to think of anything amongst the 4 Forms that was similar amongst them all.

But, at the very least, she had found a foundation in all of this. Those 4 Forms, she’d keep in mind. Because may very well be what allows her to create her own Form, sooner or later.

Until then though, Kie decided to practice those 4 specific Forms the most for what time still remained.

Perhaps she would have had more time, if not because eventually, someone walked in.

''Hey.'' It is Zenitsu who, after a brief amount of hesitation, addressed her as quickly as he could, ''Uzui wants us to gather again in his Room. Something about the situation changing again.''

Changing again? But it wasn’t Night yet. Sure, the Sun was setting, but there was still plenty of time left.

''Alright. Then let’s go.'' Whatever it was, Kie wasn’t going to wait around. And Zenitsu seemed to somewhat share her sentiment.

When they arrived at Tengen's Room, Muichiro was already there, with Tengen looking particularly annoyed at him for some reason.

''He got called Monkey again, didn’t he?'' It’s a thought that unknowingly, Kie and Zenitsu both share at the same time. Not that it went anywhere else as they both sat down in their usual positions by now.

''Good, you’re all here now.'' It’s the only acknowledgment he gives them as he goes straight to the point.

''I called for Reinforcements earlier this Morning. With the amount of Demons we got from just last night, it was too flashy to be ignored. Some of them already arrived actually, but we’re waiting on the last ones that are supposed to get here.''

Oh. That was actually good news. That meant there would be more around to face against the Demons around here.

Granted, it also meant Kie had to be even more wary in case they ran into Tanjiro, but that’s why she was leaving him here to begin with.

''Do we know when they’ll arrive?'' Kie asked.

Only for Tengen to frown.

''That’s the thing, one of them is supposed to be here already.''

One of them was?

''Some of the others won’t be able to arrive until late at night or early in the Morning. They’re not close enough. But this one specifically should have been here already.''

Tengen stared at Zenitsu.

''I’ve been told you’ve got Great Hearing. Is that true?''

The aforementioned boy hesitantly nodded, wondering how Tengen even knew of his hearing when he’d never really said about it aloud.

The nod was everything Tengen needed.

''Alright. Then you, Flashy boy, are going to look for that Late Demon Slayer!''

It’s as Tengen declared this in a manner that made it feel like he was exuding blinding light, that Zenitsu meanwhile had building dread on his face. Knowing very well what that meant.

He didn’t hide exactly how he felt.

''You want me to look for one guy in all of Shibuya?!''

With a straight face, Tengen looked at him. Then, he nodded.


Zenitsu felt like his whole being was crumbling at this exact moment. Just like a statue at this moment. And Kie could swear she saw it happen for a split second.

And the situation turned even worse for poor Zenitsu.

''Although he might not even be in Shibuya.''


''There’s a chance he got lost too. So he might have gotten off into another Section of Tokyo.''

Zenitsu truly felt like he’d been given an impossible Mission here. And Kie truly pitied him. Except, well… he’s the only one with those ears. It couldn’t be anyone else.

Well, at least not all was gloom.

''Cheer up kid! It’s not like I’m asking you to go beyond Shibuya. Just try looking for him. You might even run into someone who was supposed to be with him, just like your Group was. You’ll know what he looks like then.''

Zenitsu still felt like he was given an impossible Mission, but Tengen had at least added something that didn’t make it seem as if he was given something he couldn’t do. Not exactly all that better, but… it could have been worse?

So, he gave a weak: ''Yes sir…'' that they all still heard.

''Alright. Then go look for him. And lead him here once you do!''

Feeling like he was a dead man walking, Zenitsu left out. Muichiro and Kie stared as he departed, and once he did, their attention turned back to Tengen.

''As for you two, do exactly like Yesterday. Once it’s night, go out and hunt for as many Demons as possible. And keep count if you can. I actually need to know the Numbers here.'' Then, after a second, he added, ''And team up with anyone else you do find. Strength in Numbers is a thing!''

The two remainders nodded at his words before taking it as their cue to leave. Tengen did not stop them.

But it’s after they left something struck to mind.

''Why does it feel like I’m forgetting something?''

He’d done and said everything he needed to, right? He’d gone on Day and Night Patrol. Interrogate some Civilians here and there. Checked up on the Wisteria Houses to cross-examine any and all information. Informed Oyakata-Sama of Shibuya’s situation…

So what could he have possibly forgotten? Sleep?

Pah. He slept enough so far. He’d catch up on it once this situation was dealt with.

But then, why did it still feel like… he’d forgotten… something…

Tengen paused as realization struck.

''Did I tell that kid the appearance of who he’s looking for?''

A second passed.

Then another.

And another…

And then he got his answer with a short yet very blunt answer in his own mind that sounded suspiciously like Tokito.

''Monkey. You didn’t.''


- - - - - - - - - -

''-yes. Exactly. Have you seen his description anywhere?''

A Young Man with hair Tengen would call flamboyant inquired to a Policeman. Only to be met with the shaking of their head.

''I’m sorry to say I didn’t. And if I did, I don’t think I could forget him.''

Very fair answer! The Young Man doesn’t think he could ever forget someone who wears a Boar head as a Mask either. Or Helmet. 

''That’s fine. Thank you for the help!'' With an appreciative nod, the Young Man walked away, no closer to finding his missing companion anytime soon.

''So, any luck, Rengoku?'' A Fellow Demon Slayer asked him after a few minutes alone.

And Kyojuro Rengoku had only one answer to his fellows question.

''Not at all!'' With a smile and happy expression, Kyojuro proceeded to tell them he wasn’t any closer to finding their Mission companion.

''Figures…'' The Fellow Slayer mumbled dejectedly, ''Ugh, I knew he was likely to run off like that, but still-!''

''It is what it is.'' Kyojuro comforted his companion with a pat on the shoulder, ''I simply didn’t expect Hashibira would run off like that either, even though we were both well aware of his explosive demeanour.''

Honestly, Kyojuro had been caught off guard just as much as his Companion. The moment they’d arrived here after both he and Hashibira had met a fellow, the latter had run off.

They’d lost him in the crowd.

''We’ll just have to look for him as long as we can. Though…'' Kyojuro’s eyes drifted up to the Orange sky over them all.

''At this point, I believe we may have better chances to run into him while on the Hunt.''

After all, it was Sundown. Demons would soon enough emerge. Kyojuro held no doubt that Hashibira was well aware of that to some extent.

''Yeah, either that or he’s in Police Custody right now.''

…There was that too, yes. But Rengoku had enough faith in this Companion of his to not get caught.

He just hoped he’d find him before Tomorrow, or else, they may actually find Hashibira in Police Custody the next time they met.

''I have already informed one of the Wisteria Houses of our Companions disappearance, so it shouldn’t lead to that.'' With a final reassurance, Kyojuro decided to get back on track for the whole reason they were here.

''Now, let’s go! It will be night soon!''

- - - - - - - - - -

Tanjiro was many things. Or at the very least, he thinks he is.

After all, he was a little brother, he was a Demon but was different from them, he was a protector and something he took pride in was that he was just… well, himself.

So yes, Tanjiro did think he was many things. But if you were to ask the boy what he was in that current moment, and if he could put a word together, there would be only a single answer.


After all, his big sister was not only heading out into danger without him again, but she was being so stupid! Why couldn’t she understand that going out into the sun or being in a place like this was bad for them both!?

“Aaaaaah.” Though, Tanjiro had a feeling why his sister was being such a dumb, dumb. She wanted to help humans and protect them, and unlike him, she didn’t need the mask man’s help to be committed to that goal. After all, didn’t she… what was the term again?

Oh yeah. It was buried. Didn’t she bury all of those people after their first encounter with a Demon? He understood it with the rest of their siblings, but he didn’t understand it with people they didn’t know.

Still, his big sister needed to look after herself! The bud light could kill them both and she doesn’t treat that seriously, even when it burns her! At this point, he may need stop with the chops to the head and actually go for a headbutt to get that fact through her equally hard skull.

But for now… should he try and look for her? He knows his sister will have been gone for a few hours and she wanted him here, where it was safe, but leaving her alone… it didn’t sit right with him. 

“AAAAGGGHHH!!” Though, what the Kamado didn’t notice, was that he was swaying within the confines of the safety box while lost in his own thoughts. So, it was no real surprise when he accidentally leaned too much to the left and it caused the box to tip over and land on its side.

…Yeah, he’ll get out for a little bit.

“Aaaaaah.” Making a small noise of effort, Tanjiro easily opened the door to the box and crawled out of it, giving him the opportunity to stretch his limbs. Though, before he could even think on if he should grow back to normal size…

“The hell was th-. A Demon!?” He heard the voice of loud man question in confusion, but as he opened the door to the room and began to enter, he stopped midway through the doorway upon seeing Tanjiro, exclaiming in shock while reaching behind him to grab at something while Tanjiro growled.

Who did this loud man think he was!? This was his sister’s room and people should only enter when she wants them to! Wait… was this man one of those perverts he heard the mask man and Yushiro talk about?

If so, it was time for him to leave!

Acting faster than the large man though, Tanjiro quickly grabbed his box and lifted it up. And then, with a mental apology to his sister and the mask man, he tossed it with some considerable force, but not full strength so the large man doesn’t die.

However, the giant human surprised Tanjiro. As instead of the box hitting its mark full force, the loud man was able to raise his arms and catch it, but not without the object still hitting his chest a bit.

Thankfully, that was all Tanjiro needed. Because with the blow still landing, it sent the man flying into a wall with enough force to crack it and knock the air out of the human’s lungs, leaving him momentarily dazed. And taking this opportunity, Tanjiro turned around and ran towards the window before jumping through it, and while the boy hissed and coughed at the Wisteria still around, all it did was sting at the moment.

And with that, Kamado Tanjiro ran into the night of Shibuya in search of his sister.

- - - - - - - - - -

It was well into the night by now. The Moon was visible, and it was the clear sign to everyone that action had to take place.

And so far, still no signs of Hashibira.

Honestly, he just hoped his Fellow hadn’t run into legal troubles here, but considering what he’d been able to gleam from him so far, he probably wasn’t even fully aware of the situation.

In hindsight, he should have told him everything before they’d gotten to Shibuya, if only so he didn’t feel so worried Inosuke could really be under Police Custody.

It wasn’t anywhere near bad compared to fighting Demons, but that was still its own sack of issues.

Either way, for now, he was going to continue hunting and hope he saw the Boar head at some point.

His other companion had split off from him for exactly that.

So he was alone, slaying Demons he found on his path. And honestly, the reports weren’t kidding when saying there was a relatively higher amount of Demons than average.

What caused this to begin with? What could cause so many Demons to gather?

High Human Density couldn’t be it, or Urban Areas would have been constantly swarmed with Demons. But historically, that has never been the case. If anything, most Demons tended to avoid those places. Hence why the belief Demons were a Myth became a thing to begin with.

So, what changed?


Those thoughts of Rengoku’s went away immediately as he snapped his head to where the scream came from. Without wasting a second, dashing off the Street and into an Alleyway to near the sound.

It didn’t take him long to reach what caused this sound.

''Why now?!''

A Fellow Demon Slayer with Blond Hair that was backed against a Wall while a Demon looked ready to pounce. Not that Kyojuro was going to let a Demon do that!

''Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!''

Dashing at the Demon, he swung his Katana at once and slashed across the Demon’s neck, waving past his target, and landing without force on the ground past that.

The Demon didn’t even realize he’d been decapitated until his head had hit the Ground, and even then, he was dead right after, not giving him time to say a thing besides having his mouth open wide.

A Moment of silence passed while Rengoku moved to sheathe his Blade, and once there was a click, the blond cried.

''I’m saved!''

He sounded utterly relieved when saying so. Meanwhile, Kyojuro turned around to face the Demon Slayer.

''Is everything alright?''

Upon the question, the Blond froze for a moment before answering.

''Y-Yeah. I’m fine now.''

''Good to hear!'' Kyojuro practically beamed when he smiled.

“What rank are you?” Dropping his smile back down to its usual size, Kyojuro asked the young Slayer curiously, watching as his comrade took a few calming breaths.

“I-I’m Mizunoto ranked. Who are you by the way?” The younger boy answered before asking Kyojuro, whose smile became a bit more gentle as he answered.

“I’m Kyojuro Rengoku, a Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer!” He answered cheerfully, though upon seeing the kid flinch a bit from his yell, Rengoku looked concerned.

“Are you okay?” He asked gently, making the boy nod a bit.

“Yeah. Got enhanced hearing and that yell just caught me off guard a bit.” The lower ranked Slayer explained, causing Kyojuro to nod at that answer.

“I see. Regardless, I’m sorry for that. You see, on one of my earlier missions, I had to burst my eardrums to slay a Demon with a deadly Blood Demon Art, and while they have healed, I can have a hard time hearing people sometimes.” Kyojuro told his comrade, making his eyes widen in surprise.

“Wait, you had to do something like that!?” The young Slayer yelled in surprise, causing Kyojuro to laugh a bit.

“Indeed. Though I was much less experienced than I am today, I am sure that with some time, you’ll be able to surpass me as I am now. So be sure to work hard!” The Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer explained to his comrade while standing back at full height. Then, he remembered something.

“By the way, what is your name? I don’t think you told me it.” Kyojuro commented, causing his comrade to widen his eyes, and blushing in embarrassment a little.

Idly, Kyojuro couldn’t help but think of Senjuro at the sight.

“R-Right. Sorry about that. My name is Zenitsu Agatsuma.” Zenitsu now introduced himself, making Kyojuro chuckle at it.

“Well young Agatsuma, what do you say to us working together for a while this night?” The Flame Breathing user offered to his comrade, making Zenitsu widen his eyes in surprise.

“S-Sure! Though, I still need to find someone.” Zenitsu accepted quickly, before telling Kyojuro of that last bit.

“Then I can help you keep an eye out for them. But who is it?” The swordsman said, causing Zenitsu to groan.

“I don’t know! The giant white-haired idiot never even gave me a description of who I need to find, only that they were supposed to be a Demon Slayer that should have gotten to the Wisteria House I was at during the day and they weren’t there!”

Ah. Well, he supposed that complicated things. But there was at least something to work with, as small as it was.

''Hm… did that White Haired man say anything else?'' There had to be something they could work with at least here.

''Uhhhhhh…'' And Zenitsu thought over it again. But the only thing he could really think of was one particular thing Tengen had said.

''He mentioned it was likely he might have gotten lost?''

Kyojuro promptly stared at Zenitsu in a way that would be eerie. To the point where Zenitsu was really worried he was just mad at how little there actually was.

Only, he wasn’t. It was simple that Kyojuro had a realization when he said that.

''Could it be…?''

Were they actually looking for the same person here? Was Hashibira supposed to go to said Wisteria House and never got there? Or was he jumping to conclusions?

Kyojuro was pretty sure it wasn’t the latter.

''We may be looking for the same person.''


Upon Zenitsu’s noise of confusion, Kyojuro clarified.

''I was traveling with someone who I would end up losing sight of once we were near Shibuya. I sent a Crow to inform of the situation because my Companion didn’t really know Urban Area’s well, which, I presume is who you were sent to look for.''

Now it was Zenitsu’s turn to stare. Baffled he’d run into the most important person yet.

''You know what he looks like then!?'' Zenitsu practically demanded now that he finally had a lead, and Kyojuro gladly answered.

''Yes. He swears a Boar Mask and is topless!''

''...'' Zenitsu quietly stared at him once he said that, and Kyojuro knew exactly why Zenitsu was looking at him that way.

''Hard to believe, right?'' A nod, ''Well, I’m not trying to mess with you. He actually wears a Boar Head and no shirt. If it helps, he wears a pelted version of the Corp Pants at least?''

Zenitsu had no idea what to say to that. Absolutely nothing.

So he decided to not breach that topic, lest his brain actually fry.

''Alright… you know what he looks like so… can you please help me?''

''Of course!'' There was no need to even consider that. He would gladly help a Fellow.

''Thank you!'' Zenitsu looked practically in tears to know he wouldn’t be alone in doing this anymore! At least it should make this night more bearable.

''Is there someplace you haven’t looked for yet?''

''Well… maybe East?''

Both Kyojuro and Zenitsu would end up taking quite a while to look for this Inosuke. And while the Hunt for the Demons and the Search for the Boar Boy was ongoing, something else would end up taking place in the late hours of the Night…

- - - - - - - - - -

“Water Breathing Third Form: Flowing Dance!” Kie thought to herself as she danced around and sliced through multiple stinger like appendages before finally getting to their neck and slicing right through it. And thus, killing her seventh Demon this night.

“Seems things will end soon.” Kie mused to herself as she left the near rundown building she and the Demon had been fighting inside, and with a look up at the sky, she couldn’t help but sigh in relief. It’ll probably take another hour, but the sun will rise soon and she can take a break and check on Tanjiro.

“Hopefully the others are doing okay as well.” The young Slayer thought to herself, unable to stop herself from worrying a little with how many Demons there are in this place. After all, she only ever saw Zenitsu fight when he was asleep and while Muichiro was clearly stronger than them both, he was still younger and he would fall if he fought too many Demons.

Oh. Yeah, and there was also his memory problems. Hopefully, he didn’t forget how to fight a Demon when it matters the most.

“...Perhaps I should backtrack and look for them. I think I should also get back to the Wisteria House a bit after sunrise if I do that.” Kie spoke aloud, now feeling very worried for her companions. 

“Okay. So far, all of the Demons I have found here lack Blood Demon Arts. So they are more like the Demons caught in Final Selection than the ones I have encountered on past missions. Perhaps I can use it to help practise more with what my own Breathing style can do when I have a better grasp on it?” The Kamado wondered to herself as she walked down the path she took to get back to the Wisteria House by daylight, but as she did so and walked through an area that was filled with quite a few large trees and a few open fields, she stopped when a voice spoke.

“Well, what do you know. It appears I have found my tenth Demon Slayer tonight.” The voice said with a clear smirk in its tone, causing Kie to spin around while grabbing the handle of her weapon gripping it tightly, and the young teen couldn’t help but blink in shock at what she saw.

Because somehow, she hadn’t noticed the 10’22” tall mass of green flesh that practically covered itself from head to toe in practically countless arms.

However, that shock gave way to rage as she saw within 2 of its many arms, was a fellow Demon Slayer that had been ripped in half, and quite recently based on the blood pouring out from the two severed halves of their body. Then, Kie had to gag in disgust as the arm covering the Demon’s mouth moved away, allowing the monster to open its mouth wide and drop the two halves of a human into it, biting down and chewing with its mouth closed, which caused a little bit of blood to leak out of its mouth.

“You… what the hell are you?” Kie couldn’t help but comment in disgust as she drew her katana and looked at this monster, earning a laugh from it that would have cause the blood in its mouth to go flying, had it not covered its mouth again with an arm.

“Why, I’m a Demon, can’t you tell?” The Demon commented a little offhandedly and sarcastically, making Kie glare.

That was certainly obvious after all, but she was still caught by surprise by the Demon’s appearance. After all, all of the Demons she met up to this point, even Lower moon 3 and Tsuyuri, were either humanoid or looked almost exactly like a human. So to see something like this, which only resembled a human based on the shape of its head the look of an arm, despite it being oversized, was still a shock.

But it wasn’t a shock that would cost the Kamado. At least, not against this particular Demon.

Because instead of attacking, it took notice of what was dangling by her hip.

''Well… isn’t this a surprise? A Little Fox has come to me after all this time.'' The eyes of the Demon narrowed in a manner that could be almost described like a smile.

And Kie, while still in shock by how grotesquely different this Demon was compared to the others she’d seen, noted the way he said it.

''After all this time?''

The Demon took pleasure in explaining this.

''Yes! I know Urokodaki’s little mark all too well. And I know that makes you a Student of his. No other Demon Slayers wear masks like those!'' He pointed one of his fingers at her while saying so.

''But I have to admit, I didn’t expect I’d ever run into one since I escaped the Final Selection Grounds.'' The joy the Demon exuded was hard to miss, ''If he even had the will to send more Students when I killed all of them.''

Huh? Had… had Kie heard that right?

Killed… all of them?

''What the hell are you saying?!'' This was new to her, and it showed with how she reacted to this information.

Which simply fuelled the sadistic pleasure the Demon felt at the moment.

''Exactly that little fox! When I was still trapped, I made it my mission to kill every single one of Urokodaki’s Students! And he made it so easy as well! Your Masks tell me all I need to know.'' Kie could see the way the flesh moved under those arms covering his Mouth. Probably hiding a grin with his horrific teeth.

''You… Why…'' Kie for her own part did not know how to process any of what she was just being told.

Naturally, she should just attack the Demon. Because she understood the implication very well. Hadn’t she been told by Urokodaki himself he didn’t want to lose any more Students?

But at the same time, learning there was a Demon to blame for all of this… something to target…

It scrambled everything. So instead of attacking, she shouted at the Demon.

''Why the hell would you do any of that?!''

And the Demon’s mirth, faded for a moment when the question was asked. As if he remembered something he despised.

''Why wouldn’t I? It’s exactly why I even know him to begin with! He’s the one who captured me! 47 Years Ago… back then, he was Younger. Back then, he was still an active Hunter… but now that he’s only an Old Man, he’s training Students. So it was very easy for me to make it a promise and target them.”

And the mirth returned fully.

''And he doesn’t know! As far as he knows, he’s just failed as a Teacher again and again and again… And now, here stands a new Fox.''

Kie felt chills run down her spine. But she wasn’t entirely sure towards what. Was it because this Demon had targeted Urokodaki’s other Students? Was it because of how Grotesque it looked? Was it simply because of this grudge that held strong even today? Or was it simply because it dawned on her that this Demon was willing to have Urokodaki suffer until the bitter end?

''You would be… Number 14.'' The Demon gave a chuckle, ''Fitting. I guess the 15th spot will go to that Girl who escaped me on that day.''

The Girl who escaped…? Who could it…

Wait. There was only another one she knew had been trained by Urokodaki. And that would be Tsutako-San.

Kie knew that, by all means, Tsutako shouldn’t be in any danger. If what she’d seen from her was anything to go by, it shouldn’t be something to worry.

But… could she actually be assured of this?

She didn’t say it. But if this Demon escaped the Final Selection Grounds, escaped a place meant to contain Demons… then it had something to have succeeded with that. Something hidden.

But what?

What did it have?

''Oh, I can’t wait to see how he will react once I meet him face to face again! First, I’ll kill you. Then, that Stupid Girl who escaped. And then, finally… I’ll go after Urokodaki himself. And I’ll rip that mask of his off just to see how pained he will be from another Death.''

It’s as the Demon laughed, snickering on and on at what he was imagining, that Kie had enough.

She charged at the Demon in rage.

But the Demon saw it as something humorous. He still laughed as some of his arms moved and extended themselves towards her. All moving with the fist clenched.

''Exactly what I expected! It’s the exact same reaction so many of his kids gave! They all flew into a rage!''

But Kie wasn’t completely listening. She was getting the gist of it, but in her rage, she was only focused on attacking this Demon and killing it as quickly as possible.

If only it were that easy…

She initially sliced through the fists with ease while approaching, but this Demon wasn’t just going to go for straightforward attacks. At one point, he grew even more arms and moved them to attack her on both her right and left.

It was simply too much to slice through, and one of the Fists landed on her side, launching her off to the side while the Hand Demon cackled.

''I remember that one of them made the exact same mistake as you did! She charged in blindly and got overwhelmed so quickly… I ripped her limbs off one by one. First her dominant hand. Then one of her legs. Then her other arm, and finally, her last leg. She was limbless in front of me, unable to do anything but watch. Ah, the screams…!''

The Demon took pleasure in recounting a personal favourite of his own. After all, this had been the one time a Duo of Students had been sent instead of One. So, he had to make it memorable!

Though, as he finished talking, he did notice something slightly off.

''She’s still moving?''

The previous slayer he’d devoured had been hit by his fist and promptly broke their spine. But this one could still move, huh?

Well, that just meant he could take longer to break her.

“Well, it appears that Urokodaki did train you a bit better than the rest. Probably even more than that girl who escaped my grasp and the boy with the scar on his face.” The Demon commented before snickering, making Kie glare hatefully at him, but this time, she didn’t charge immediately.

Huh. Seems like this is one of the foxes that actually possessed a few brain cells.

“This Demon… could he be even stronger than that Lower moon?” Kie couldn’t help but think to herself in worry at the possibility, but despite that, she knew that she wouldn’t run. This was a monster that had to be killed and even if it was entirely because of luck, she had to take this one down. 

Besides, while the blow was painful, it did act as a wakeup call. That this was a monster that she couldn’t charge blindly at. Wait…

Were those arms in the gr-?

It was only thanks to that realisation, as well as instinct, that Kie was able to jump back and avoid a giant hand from grabbing her when it burst out of the ground. Then, when it continued to reach for her and a 2nd hand shaped like a fist followed, Kie was able to counter the assault by using the Sixth Form to slice through the limbs.

Then, as soon as Kie’s feet landed on the ground, she moved forward and began to slash apart any of the arms launched at her. But this time, Kie was more aware and what she couldn’t try to cut through, she dodged and flipped over.

Sadly, she wouldn’t get the chance to go for her opponent’s neck, as one of the arms slammed into a tree that crashed right in front of her and forced the Demon Slayer to a stop if she didn’t want to be squished, giving her opponent the opportunity to land a punch to her head that made a bit of blood leak from Kie’s mouth.

“Shit! Water Breathing Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!” Mentally cursing, Kie was quick to make use of the technique that required the most minimal of footing and so, as soon as her foot touched the ground after spinning to minimise the damage of the punch, she took off and created distance, being able to evade the attacks that followed after her.

“This brat…. I thought that she was just tougher than the other foxes since she has some more experience, but something is clearly off with her. No human should have taken that blow to the head and not at least been dazed from it.” The Demon thought to himself suspiciously as he narrowed his eyes at Urokodaki’s student.

“This Demon… It clearly knows how to fight. And not in the same way as that Swamp Demon or Tsuzumi Demon, but like that Lower moon. He actually has skill and isn’t just relying on a Blood Demon Art. But…” Kie meanwhile, was also thinking to herself while breathing a little tensely, keeping an ear and eye out in case her opponent tried to attack from an unexpected angle.

“I haven’t seen a Blood Demon Art be used yet. If he lacks one, then that should make this easier for me.”

Except… would a Demon like that really not have one?

Was he just underestimating her? That could just be it but-

The Hand Demon had his narrowed eyes twist into an Arc, and Kie only then heard the sound of something off coming from the side.

Kie snapped her body to the side barely in time to see something shoot out of the nearby Tree that had been next to her, piercing right through her shoulder just like that.

''Agh!'' She gave a cry of pain from the abrupt turn of events, stumbling back while glaring in confusion at what he just come out.

''What the hell was that?!'' Kie only had so much time to observe what had happened, but besides the small hole that was now on the tree, she couldn’t see anything suspicious.

And that only caused the Hand Demon to laugh.

''Didn’t expect that, did you?'' He said tauntingly, ''Let’s see how much you can handle!''

And then, Kie heard that sound again. This time, she had at least somewhat expected it, so she reacted quickly enough to jump. Narrowly so as several of those same projectiles shot out of the Tree’s, but missed her.

Finally, it allowed her to truly see.

''Water? He’s using Water?!'' The realization that comes to her mind came to an abrupt stop when she then noticed something from the corner of her eyes.

Namely that the Hand Demon had extended one large arm to her direction. And unfortunately, Kie didn’t react fast enough.

The Large hand opened wide and grabbed her face tightly, putting far more pressure than what it was used to handle from the grip alone.

''Let’s see how much you can handle Girl!''

And then, he swung his arm around. Making sure to move it widely around so she always impacted either a Tree, several of them at times, or just dragged across the Dirt.

It left her dazed from the non-stop movement and overall brutality she was being put through, but eventually, she found her chance to break free after she was lifted up again from the dragging.

''Water Breathing - Fourth Form: Striking Tide!''

Normally, any of the Water Breathing Forms shouldn’t be used while you were quite literally getting your skull crushed and then dragged all over. But Fourth Form did have the advantage of not really requiring any movements.

Even more so since it allowed her at this moment to perform a Multitude of slashes one after the other, slicing the arm’s wrist into several pieces. Finally dropping her down and relieving her of the crushing force.

Still, she didn’t exactly land gracefully, but she’d take what she could.

''Ugh… you…!'' Kie went on to grumble, her vision now seeing how messy she was overall from this.

Thankfully, she hadn’t really lost anything. In fact, her shoulder wound was closed up by now. But her Haori and Uniform had definitely seen better days. She could see some small holes filling it all.

''And I had it fixed recently to…'' Kie lamented for a moment.

All while the Hand Demon looked perplexed.

''How come she’s not wounded? It doesn’t matter how tough Humans can get; Wounds should be present!'' Yet he only saw the damage on her Clothes.

Even that Hole on her Shoulder was gone!

How? It was like… it was like she was a…

“RRRAAAGGGHHH!!!” Sadly for the Hand Demon, he didn’t really get much time to think on it. Why?

Because a green and black blur practically flew from one of the trees around him and Kie and got headbutted by whatever was attacking him.

“Gagh!” And god did that hurt, as not only did the Hand Demon’s eyes glaze over for a few seconds, but the force of whatever hit him knocked over his large form and made it collapse onto his back.

“Wha…? Wait, Tanjiro!?” Shaking her head while her head cleared up from pain and being spun around so much, Kie was beginning to question what happened, but all of that went away in favour of shock, as she saw her little brother standing on the ground and growling at the knocked over Demon.

Well… he was. Because the moment the younger Kamado heard her say his name, Tanjiro spun around to look at her, his eyes quickly filling with concern and worry as he ran over to Kie to help her back up to her feet.

“Tanjiro, what are you doing here!? You’re supposed to be at the Wisteria House, where it is safe!” Kie told her little brother with clear worry, and while he did try to answer, all that really came out were a variety of noise that had no chance of being a proper word.

“Grrr! What the fuck are you doing, you newborn brat!?” However, this little moment had no chance of continuing, as the few seconds of the Hand Demon being knocked out were now up and with his multiple arms, pushed himself back up to stand at full height.

Though, it was clear that he was now ignoring Kie in favour of glaring at Tanjiro, who returned a look that was just as fierce while growling as his only vocal response.

“Don’t insult my brother.” Kie warned the Demon as she stood by Tanjiro’s side. And while she was upset that he apparently ignored her wishes for him to stay in the Wisteria House, it was simply something she would have to deal with right now.

Besides, it wasn’t like she could deny the extra help right now anyways.

“What? You aren’t siblings, you dumbass.” The Demon had to blink in surprise at the statement before glaring at Kie while insulting her, which Kie ignored while Tanjiro growled even more.

Tch. Whatever, if these two want to delude themselves, then may as well let them.

“Tanjiro, be careful. This guy can use water to attack up and he has… well, many arms obviously.” Kie cautioned Tanjiro, to which his only sign of acknowledgement was a nod of his head.

And that would be all they received, as the Demon wasted no more time.

''Fine. Since I’m fighting a Demon and this Woman who’s weirdly resistant… I’m not using Blunt Force anymore!'' Upon that particular declaration, Kie and Tanjiro would go on to witness something unexpected to them.

Especially considering what it did.

Water gathered in front of every single Hand the Demon held, opened wide to then grip it before taking one single shape.


Several of them within each hand, size matching the size of the hand that held it. All gripped tightly while all of them were moved to have each of the Blades pointed at then.

''Demon Slayers use Katana’s to hunt us down Demons. So, I figured… Why not use their Arts against them? It’ll make my revenge against Urokodaki all the sweeter.''

With that, each of those Hands shot forward, the tip of the Blades shooting towards them to pierce them through. Something which Kie had initially thought would be somewhat easy to dodge.

All they needed to do after all, was leap back. But the real issue in all of this, after they dodged, was that everything he used, didn’t exactly have a set form.

Sure, it seemed so far it was arms and Blades.

Which is exactly what came after them. When the Blades hit the dirt, more Arms sprouted from those and shot out to follow after them. The only upside for this was that those didn’t have Blades.

So Kie and Tanjiro were able to dispatch most of them. Granted, Tanjiro was caught off guard by it, so one of them hit him and sent him further back than Kie. But both landed down just as the arms retracted themselves.

However, it was soon clear that this wasn’t the end of an assault. Because when the arms retracted, the shape of the water katanas began to change and then morph into an orb held within each hand.

As soon as this change was done, the arms then began to throw the water orbs at the siblings, with Tanjiro jumping over and evading the projectiles while Kie began to slice through each one that enters range, but when she sliced through the last orb by cutting it in half with a overhead strike, an explosion of water slammed right into her back, sending the Slayer flying forward and slamming her head right into a tree.

“RRRAAAGGGHHH!” Yelling out in anger at seeing her hurt, Tanjiro turned his attention to the water manipulating Demon and charged forward with the intention of ripping him apart. Sadly, Tanjiro was far more blinded by anger than Kie had been during the start of the fight, a fact that the Hand Demon easily recognised. As a result, with a single mental command, Water that he hid within the grass sprung upwards in the shape of spears and stabbed into practically every inch of Tanjiro, raising him into the air.

“It’s clear that you love your dear ‘sibling’ brat. So… I’ll treat you to a show of me ripping her apart!” The Demon told Tanjiro with a growl, enjoying the widening of the younger Demon’s eyes at the threat before he made the water change shape and take the form of chains, and then a long water chain that was connected to the series of them that bound Tanjiro fly up and wrap around a tree branch. Resulting in Tanjiro hanging upside down as he struggled to try and either slip out or break free.

“Let Tanjiro go!” Kie yelled in anger, drawing attention back to her as she ran forward. Seeing this, the Demon began to send out a hailstorm of fists in an attempt to pulverise Kie, all while gathering water into his hands to make more of the explosive orbs.

However, this was a trick that Kie easily figured out. So unlike before, she focused entirely on evading, making note of how the water orbs seemed to automatically explode when squished since they were exploding when hitting the ground. And as she got close, Kie began to perform a series of spins and twists that connected together really well, helping her evade a bit better but the Demon realised what the Slayer was trying.

“Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!” Kie thought to herself, and she leaped upwards and was able to close the distance, aiming to strike at the Hand Demon’s neck. And while it could have been possible that she could take his head off right then and there…

She had to change the angle of the attack, to slice through an arm that would have punched her clean in half had it connected. And seeing this, the Demon smiled behind the arm covering its mouth.

Because slicing one arm didn’t get rid of all the others that came. As Kie was painfully reminded even as she tried to defend herself in the form of a fist that send her crashing down, not that far from her previous position in the air.

''You know, you’ve just given me a fun little idea. I didn’t plan on using it against you, Little Fox. But… I might as well test that out.''

Then, Water gathered up behind the Hand Demon. But instead of forming several smaller things, it instead formed something that grew to become eerily familiar.

Especially since it truly gave the feeling of the Tenth Form. Constant Flux.

''You Water Breathers can’t literally form the Elements they take after, so when I discovered what my Blood Demon Art was, I was positively giddy! I knew exactly how to make my Revenge all the more worthwhile. So…''

Behind the Hand Demon, fully formed, was the Serpentine Body of a Water Dragon. Eerily so, it truly felt like she was staring at the Tenth Form. And right now? Its Jaw was wide open.

''’ll be the first one to experience your own Techniques used against you!''

Following those words, a Roar came out of the Water Dragon who then lunged to Kie.

Kie had planned to dodge this. In fact, she probably could have narrowly done it. Were it not because the Hand Demon wouldn’t leave this to chance.

A Hand had emerged from the Ground and gripped her while he’d been monologing, leaving Kie just as trapped as her Little Brother. Only…

One wasn’t trapped anymore.

While the Hand Demon was paying his attention to Kie, Tanjiro had figured out a surprisingly simple way to escape his Chains. Namely, to shrink.

That’s all he needed to escape the Chains of Water. And then to regain his full size. Just in time as well to notice the completion of the Water Dragon too.

So, he ran.

He ran right towards his Sister. He ran to help her, she who could not move currently. And without hesitation, he neared just as the Water Dragon moved to strike and then? He lunged.

Internally, Tanjiro apologised with how harsh he was being, because he proceeded to collide his Body right into Kie’s, slamming his fist into the Hand to break it, allowing him to free and launch his sister away just in time.

She was safe.

Tanjiro, however?

He took the full brunt of the attack.

In itself, what was dangerous of the Hand Demons Water Dragon, of technically Constant Flux, was the sheer pressure that came when one was swallowed by it. It was like several boulders crashed into each other, one by one while crushing the Body right under it.

Depending on the Demon or even Human, some may be able to escape this with nothing too severe besides their Bones damage. But that could only apply to those of the Higher Echelon.

Which, Tanjiro was not part of.

And so, the end result was that his Body was so utterly crushed by the Water Pressure, that his Body quite literally went on to become a messy splatter of barely solid flesh and Blood pouring all over. Barely anything that made Tanjiro, well… recognizable as the boy.

Kie stared in absolute horror at the Bloody mess left behind while the Hand Demon?

He gave an annoyed scoff.

''Really? That Newborn… did he think this would kill her too?'' He sounded particularly annoyed when saying that. ''Whatever. He’s fresh. Even if he does Regenerate his full body before the Sun rises…''

The Demon’s eyes landed on the horrified Kie.

''I’ll soon have the tool to finish that traitor off.''

Only, while Kie was clearly still horrified, there was also another predictable feeling that soon arose from this.

Namely, Anger.

''You Bastard!'' Kie forced herself back up while glaring daggers at the Demon who didn’t look intimidated in the least, ''You’ll pay for that!''

''And how?'' The Demon questioned, ''What have you done against me since you fought? Nothing. No matter how close you may believe you are getting, you always get a step back! Now…''

The Hand Demon turned his body fully to face Kie, taking a step forward.

''Let’s finish this!''

The Hand Demon grinned under the cover, ready to utterly crush this other Fox and truly destroy another of Urokodaki’s Legacy. Then, he’d finish off that Brat. And then, the whole purpose for why he’d lured all those Demons here would reach fruition!

Prime Quality meat, after all, came from the Demon Slayers themselves.

But just as he took another step, just as Kie prepared herself for a battle she understood could be her last, a booming voice gave a reply to his own words.

''Yes! Let’s finish this!''

It wasn’t Kie who said that. It wasn’t the Hand Demon. Nor was it Tanjiro who had trouble reforming his Body.

No, it was someone else entirely.

''Flame Breathing - Second Form…''

And that someone else proceeded to dash towards them. Faster than any of them had expected with how out of nowhere this addition came from, the Hand Demon only had time to turn his Body to face the new figure before he was hit.

''...Rising Scorching Sun!''

Because then, right in front of him, a Katana was unsheathed to slash right across his whole stomach, swung upward and into the hidden Mouth.

''Gah!'' The Demon screamed in pain from the attack as he stumbled back from the blow he received. Giving a hateful glare at the equally heated glare the newcomer gave him.

All while Kie looked in awe.

Not that the Newcomer felt all too happy with what he’d just failed to do.

''I missed his neck.'' With the way the Demon had been positioned, if he had remained to the side, he could have slashed right across the neck and killed him there. But he’d not only turned, but the way this Demon was shaped…

Was the neck even where he’d aimed at?

No matter. He’d failed in his surprise, but he could fix that mistake. Which he made all too clear as his stoic expression then shifted into a smile.

''I hope I am not too late for this Battle.'' Kyojuro Rengoku uttered out. Eyes glancing up briefly to see that at most, there was perhaps up to 20 minutes before it would be day.

''You’re… Not.'' Kie, after some hesitation on how to answer that, bluntly stated, refocusing her gaze on the Hand Demon who’s wound hadn’t healed, for some reason.

In fact, he seemed weirdly fixated on the Wound that came across his whole Stomach and even to the Jaw. Breathing in. Breathing out. Some of his hands clutched the wound.

''I’ve been wounded…'' The fact of the situation was impossible to him. Because being wounded like that meant he was facing a Demon Slayer of higher Quality. One who had a much better chance against him than that Girl and her Demon ''Brother''.

And higher chances for them meant lower chances of surviving this. Lower chances of surviving this meant lower chances of ever getting his Revenge. Of ever completing his promise.

Lower chances of survival meant he wouldn’t kill that Girl. That he wouldn’t get to see Urokodaki suffer for his Imprisonment.

And that? That was Impossible.

He refused to let this end here! He refused for this Newcomer be the reason why this all fell apart!

''Get out of my way!'' Just then, the Demon merged several of his arms into a ticker one and extended it to Rengoku, who only stared at it.

Then he swung ahead and sliced through the arm with far more ease than Kie had seen. The only one who may be able to match was Muichiro, if she had to compare.

He hadn’t moved from his position as the severed arm retracted, but weirdly, also didn’t regenerate either.

''You’re cornered Demon. You may try to use what other tricks you have, but I will cut through them all one by one. The Sun will claim you if I don’t beforehand, considering your size.''


Size. Yes. That was true. He had trouble sneaking around with his size, but he’d made it work. He had to, for his goal. For his Promise.

The Hand Demon had his veins bulge then.

And this upstart was going to ruin it all at this rate. By just showing up…! By just being here…

Why did this feel familiar?

Why did this… Ah…!

He remembered now. This was similar to Urokodaki on that day in the Edo Period during the Keio Era. How he’d showed up out of nowhere when he was sure he’d been winning…

Was History about to repeat itself?!

No. NoNoNoNoNoNononononononononononononono!!!!!!

He refuses for something like this to ever happen again!

And so, in answer to his feelings, to the realization he’d been cornered by someone who had true chances of killing him, what did this Demon do?



It’s an abrupt thing. How one moment, he seemed quiet. Clutching the wound on his Stomach. And then the veins popped as a sign of something going on.

Then, his Jaw opened wide as he bent his Mass of Arms that was called his Body back, and out of that erupted the loudest scream anyone present had ever witnessed.

It forced Kyojuro, Kie and even the somewhat reformed Tanjiro to cover their ears from the sheer force that came out. Undoubtedly, this would spread and perhaps even wake up those who were asleep nearby.

Gaining attention.

But that wasn’t quite why the Hand Demon was screaming. Granted, he’d never planned to even scream to the point where he was causing the wind to part from it alone.

No, the intention became clear once the others observed.

Because the wound on his Stomach seemed to close, but also not. It was like the Regenerative factor of the Demon forget to put back on the Skin tissue, showing only the muscle under it.

Which currently was bulging. On and on.

For a moment, Rengoku believed that the Demon was planning to explode or something. But soon, he was proven wrong when the bulge then seemed to take Human shape. How it seemed like something was growing out of it.

Then, the muscle seemed to almost recede in itself, making the Humanoid shape stick out like a sore thumb while it kept pushing. On and on.

And it was successful, because an arm emerged through the Muscle like Paper. Instantly, the scream that had been so loud and so powerful, grew to become quieter and quieter. Then, another arm came out.

And when pushing further, just as the scream completely died out, the rest of the Body was liberated from the shell. A shell who looked to grow oddly thinner once the individual was out. Just like Paper.

Then, when the individual hit the ground with a thud, because he didn’t land gracefully at all, the Body left behind to be like Paper began to fade away into motes.

All while the Figure, fully clothed as well for that matter, began to laugh.

''Kuh…'' It began as a quiet, if slow thing that then grew in power, ''Kuhahaha!''

A joyful thing came out, one which somewhat shakily went on to lean up to stand on his own two legs.

''Oh… I can’t believe it worked!''

And the voice was unmistakable. Certainly, he’d grown smaller from 10’22 to 5’11, and he wore Clothes that were basically a set. Black Kimono with a Beige Haori covered with Black Squares all over. White Hakama Pants and the expected shoes.

But it became all too clear this was the Hand Demon. Especially once they got a look at his face. It looked exactly the same, besides that he had a normal jaw and black hair completely slicked back to show his forehead. The eyes however had remained the same.

And those eyes stared at them all before smiling smugly.

''I, Takehito, have just evolved in front of your eyes!''

And he continued on laughing, even though the Sun was set to arrive soon enough. All worries he had previously, vanished. Confidence replace it all.

And it only worried Kie further.

Because… what would happen now?


Mwhahahahahaha!! There is so much in here that probably caught you all off guard, and I wish I could see your faces.

Now then, unlike normal, I won't really go into detail just because of how much there is here. But I will say that making Handy so strong was fun, Rengoku being a badass will always happen and I love the Tanjiro and Tengen scene (fun fact, had Tengen not been so big and in the middle of the doorway, he could have dodged the box instead of being forced to catch it).

Oh, right. Nearly forgot, but you all likely noticed a JoJo reference somewhere in here, but we left something else really fun related to the series in here. Have fun figuring out the additional thing~!

Taisho Secret: Kyojuro and Inosuke got along relatively well when they ended up paired together during the previous Mission before Shibuya. To the point where Inosuke expected Kyojuro to actually keep up with him when he dashed into the city.

He got lost and ended up having to escape from the Police soon after. Exactly as many feared.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone does Kyojuro saving the day and the Tanjiro and Tengen interaction).

Chapter 16: Day Three - The Storm before the Hurricane


The immediate aftermath of the Battle against the Hand Demon, and how things are going as the Battle in Shibuya keeps going...


Welcome everyone. Eexis here and with a new Chapter we have worked on.

That is all. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Demon Slayers remained tense while the Hand Demon, with his name now revealed to be Takehito, continued to laugh at the whole situation and how utterly lucky he was.


Honestly, when the idea of Moulting had first come to mind, he hadn’t thought much of it.


He’d believed his previous form would be fine. More than enough. But during those 8 Years that he was out of the Final Selection, he realized how… limiting it was.


He needed something more. Something much more compact that didn’t diminish what he already had.


So, the idea of Moulting resurfaced. To shed away his previous skin into a new one. Or, more accurately, an old one.


After all, he looked exactly like he did before Urokodaki had sent him to the Wisteria Prison that was the Final Selection.


But, he was nothing like then. No, Takehito was so much more this time…


So how could he not laugh as he succeeded in going into the next step of his Plan?


How could he not find joy in the weariness of that… ''Woman'' and Man?


''Honestly, I hadn’t even planned to do this now, but you-'' Takehito pointed a finger at Kyojuro, ''-forced my hand. And while I hadn’t imagined I would pull off a scream that strong… well, it served its purpose.''


And alerted the whole Neighborhood while he was at it, but Takehito cared not. It wasn’t like he could stick around here anymore considering how damned close the Sun was to rise. And, he didn’t need this place anymore either.


Not with his Old appearance back to him.


''Then I’ll cut it short!'' Kyojuro declared far more loudly than necessary as his stance shifted to immediately move for an assault, ''You cannot be allowed to live!''


But, Takehito gave a grin just as Rengoku moved to attack with his Flame Breathing.


''Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!''


And when he dashed forward, intending to end this with one strike, his Nichirin Blade was met with opposition.


Steel clashing against something solid, yet not made of Metal either. The description given could be described as shears trying to cut rubber.


Because Kyojuro’s attack had been blocked. By a Water Blade Takehito had conjured while the Demon Slayer had moved. Leaving both of them in a Blade lock.


''Did you think I would let you land another hit on me just like that? You’re not surprising me again!''


Then, Takehito reared back his Free arm which noticeably grew in bulk from under his Haori -being a dead giveaway he could still use that particular ability of his- before moving his fist towards Kyojuro, who was forced to disengage to avoid the Punch.


Only to then move and swing at the arm, cutting it off before initiating his assault on the Demon again. But it was blocked once more while the Arm regrew to normal size. And both did not hesitate to try and continue attacking each other.


Kie during all of this was split between two matters.


Normally, it shouldn’t be a question to help Kyojuro. However, the Sun was going to be nearly up, and Tanjiro, while recovering was in a problematic situation.


Because even if she left him under shade, Kyojuro was here. There was no doubt the only reason he hadn’t targeted Tanjiro was because there was a much more dangerous threat in the form of the Hand Demon.


Who seemed to have enough of this as well, as he took several steps back in the process after the last engagement.


''I’m still not used enough to having two legs again. Or not even being as Bulky.''


It was a good sign to Takehito, since getting used to his previous form meant he’d do even better. But right now, this was an issue that meant he was still very likely to lose this Battle. Even more so since he needed to get out of here and now.


So, he decided to pull a trick by literally pulling his arm up.


''I’ll be taking my leave now, Demon Slayer! Consider yourself lucky!''


Then, as Kyojuro shot ahead to stop the Demon from doing what he had in mind, he noticed how everything around them seemed to lose life. How sudden it was as well.


And then, a geyser erupted from right under Takehito’s feet, swallowing him whole and out of sight.


Kyojuro only had a few seconds to act before he dived headfirst into the Water, and he would much rather not find out what would happen to him should he be swallowed whole by that.


Stabbing his Blade into the Dirt, Kyojuro aborted his previous charge just narrowly in time, stopping inches away from the Geyser that subdued only then.


It left all of them drenched by the end of it, but that was very minor compared to the other issue at hand.


Namely, that Takehito had completely vanished from his spot.


''Did he take himself out?'' For a moment, Kyojuro considered if this was an option. If the Demon really did just that.


But no, he doubted it. No matter the Power this Water could have, it was impossible for it to annihilate everything just like that. Which meant that whatever this trick was, had allowed him to make a run for it.


''Not good.'' Kyojuro gave the faintest traces of a frown, though he didn’t allow it to stick around for long, ''That Demon was stronger than the rest I’ve encountered so far.''


However, what left him confused was why everything seemed to have died so quickly once he’d charged. What had it done?


And why, as he looked at the withered plant life around him, did it feel to Kyojuro like something... familiar? But why did this look so familiar in the first place?


“Tanjiro!” But before the Demon Slayer could think further on that matter, he blinked in surprise at the yell and turned around, frowning a bit as he saw the Demon Slayer he just provided aid to rushing to a Demon’s side and positioning herself over it to provide shade to the still healing Demon as the sun had now risen enough to force all Demons into hiding.


“Why are you protecting that Demon?” Kyojuro questioned the girl as he began to approach her, making note of how she flinched at the sound of his voice and how worry so clearly began to grip at her soul. But considering that her back was currently facing him while protecting the Demon she was providing shade for, the Flame Breathing practitioner walked around his lower-ranked comrade to look her in the eyes.


And admittedly… Kyojuro did have to blink in surprise when he saw the Demon, whose body seemed to have regenerated into a proper shape that looked fairly human, looking at him with stars in his eyes.


Quite literally at that. 


“T-This is my brother! And I would be dead right now if he didn’t save me!” The girl quickly yelled out with worry in her voice, making Kyojuro blink in surprise as he registered those words.


Right… he didn’t really pay too much attention to it at the moment, but while he was approaching the battle, he did see this younger Demon get hit by that water dragon from earlier. But he just shrugged it off as Takehito and this Demon fighting over this girl for food.


“And how do I know the truth behind your words?” Kyojuro questioned the girl, because while it was apparent that there was more going on with these two being related, this could just be his comrade either misunderstanding the situation in naive hope, he has certainly seen such a thing in the past, or she’s under the effects of a Blood Demon Art that messes with the mind.


Which truthfully, was a possibility Kyojuro hated. That Flute Demon from all that time ago certainly gave Kyojuro a particular dislike for such Demons.


“Because Tanjiro hasn’t eaten a human since he was turned! He even gains energy from sleep and has helped me save the lives of other humans!” The girl claimed, and while Kyojuro could see the confidence in those words despite the worried tone…


“That is impossible. A demon will always need to eat a human. The need to do so is embedded into their cells and even if they refuse to eat, it won’t last for long.” Rengoku denied the possibility, seeing the panic and worry of the girl grow even more while the Demon boy’s eyes shifted from looking like stars to pink eyes with slits instead of pupils.


“Urokodaki-San! My teacher put Tanjiro under hypnosis when he was sleeping for 2 years, so he sees humans as family and people to protect from Demons!” The female Slayer yelled out desperately, and that made Kyojuro freeze up a bit as he took a minute to process those words.


Sakonji Urokodaki didn’t kill a Demon? A former Hashira?


Now, Kyojuro never met the man personally. His knowledge of the now Cultivator was purely from second-handed claims from others, primarily Tomioka-San and his father, a former student and colleague respectively.


Despite that though, no matter who he heard it from, Kyojuro could only picture the now elderly man as an honorable swordsman who would likely take up his blade to fight a Demon in defense of others at a moment’s notice. But more importantly, a man who has seen some of the most cruel acts of Demon kind throughout history.


And he spared a Demon over the course of 2 years? And instead of killing it, he decided to help them not eat humans by placing said Demon under hypnosis?


“...Why would he do that?” Kyojuro questioned the girl seriously, noticing the mask by her sheathe. And while it was different, he could recognize enough of the mask’s design to the Water Hashira’s, showing that this Slayer was also a student of Urokodaki.


“Tsutako-San found us the morning after we were attacked…. Tanjiro was turned, but when I found him, he shrunk so he was hiding under his clothes. It took convincing, but Tsutako-San spared him and sent us to Urokodaki-San.” The girl explained, still worried yet now speaking at an even volume.


“Tomioka-San is also involved with this!?” Now wasn’t that a shock? Out of the Hashira, Tsutako Tomioka was the one that Kyojuro and many other Slayers could say they had met and worked with the most on missions. And her sparring a Demon…


For her to do so, send that Demon and this girl to her teacher and for said teacher to have not killed this Demon in those 2 years…


Sigh. Very well, I won’t kill your brother.” Kyojuro decided to relent, finally sheathing his Nichirin Blade, causing the girl still shielding the Demon to sigh in relief.


“But only for now! If he attacks a human, I will decapitate him! And if I find out that this was a lie, then I shall still slay him!” Though he certainly made his comrade and the Demon she was protecting jump up in surprise with his declaration. And while it made the girl tense up again, it wasn’t as bad as only moments before.


With this over for now, Kyojuro decided to do something else while still present in this area.


''I’m confirming something. Stay here, and keep… him covered.''


It bothered him greatly that looking at the dried-out field around them made it feel some form of familiarity.


So, he approached the Center point of the Geyser. Kneeling down to touch the Dried Grass. Then, he looked up at the Trees.


All dead. All dried out…


Why the familiarity?


This Demon could clearly take Water out of plant life to use as he saw fit. But was it how far he could go, or not? Did it mean he could generate his own Water?


''This Demon…''


Dry out Plants. A Large Demon…


Kyojuro’s eyes widened as something clicked, remembering a conversation he’d had with his Father Eight Years ago after a certain turn of events.


''A Demon escaped the Final Selection?'' At the time Kyojuro was only 12 Years Old. Well into Training already to continue the Rengoku Legacy.


''That’s what we were told in the previous Meeting. Apparently, there was a Demon in there who ate enough Participants to develop a Blood Demon Art.'' And back then, his Father had been in a… sad state, to put it mildly.


It didn’t look like he had the Heart for anything during these days, besides his growing Alcoholism that made him Drink and Drink and Drink.


Never to leave him. Haunting him forevermore.


Although today, he looked even sadder than what had grown to be a constant.


''Something about drying out the Wisteria Flowers and bulldozing through the dead plants with his Blood Demon Art. He’s the only Demon who got out of that Breakout.''


Kyojuro learned later on that the Demon Slayers on site had been able to kill any other opportunistic Demons who’d tried to take advantage of this, but they all fell to the Mastermind of all this.


Oyakata-sama had been visibly unhappy to learn of why a Demon like that had the chance to even escape.


And, when thinking about said Events… it had made Kyojuro also feel mad, to learn that a Demon had been able to thrive enough in the Final Selection it could escape. That so many candidates perished to that Monster.


Kyojuro grit his Teeth for a moment before closing his eyes shut.


''Is it truly that Demon?'' He wondered about it. Was he perhaps jumping to conclusions here?


Maybe he could get a confirmation…


''Hey!'' Not knowing her name, he used shouting as a substitute. And it did get Kie’s attention, who’d been trying to figure out how she’d carry Tanjiro while this was all going.


She turned her head around to look at him, ''Yes?''


There was clearly still some tense energy around her, but she’d answered nonetheless.


''That Demon we fought. Did it tell you anything that stood out to you?''


Considering how chatty this particular Demon had been, there was a chance it may have said something concerning what he was figuring out.


And, to his mixture of surprise and dread, she did have something to say that would confirm this. Because Kie did remember everything Takehito had ended up saying. And while there were some things she wasn’t comfortable at all revealing just yet…


''But I have to admit, I didn’t expect I’d ever run into one since I escaped the Final Selection Grounds.''


That stood out. And that, she didn’t have any issue with revealing.


''He… he mentioned to me that he escaped the Final Selection Grounds.''


That was confirmation. Kyojuro had just gotten confirmation that this Takehito, this Demon of Hands, had been the very same Demon that had escaped the Final Selection Eight Years ago, causing a reformation on Security measures.


And he’d just escaped him.


''I must Inform everyone else of this.''


This Mission had turned even more dangerous, with this Demon likely to still lurk around. What if it decided to come after them upon it being night?


Or what if it decided to not get their attention, slipping them by?


He needed to have this information brought back to Oyakata-sama as soon as possible.


“Will you be… able to carry your brother safely?” Kyojuro asked, feeling a little awkward asking that. After all, he never thought he would have to ask a question like that or have to keep a Demon out of the sun at all.


“Aaaahhhh.” But before the girl could answer, the Demon boy made a noise that drew attention to him, allowing Kyojuro to see the boy shrink down to the size of a 5-year-old.


“Good thinking Tanjiro!” The girl then went to immediately praise the Demon and hug him, one that the boy instantly returned while snuggling into his sister’s hold.


“It will certainly make this easier. However, he has plenty of holes and tears in his clothes.” Unable to actually stop the briefest of smiles that appeared on his face, Kyojuro quickly noticed the Demon’s state with his clothes and pointed them out.


In fact, with how damaged they were, the Demon Slayer could admit that he was shocked they weren’t at risk of falling off the Demon’s body. 


“Good point…. Oh, I know!” The girl commented uneasily, but after a moment of thinking, her eyes widened at the simple idea she just thought of. And so, the female Demon Slayer took off her haori and wrapped it from head to toe around the Demon boy, who struggled a bit within.


“Tanjiro, I know this isn’t comfortable, but please tolerate it for now. Without the box, this is the best option we currently have to get back to the Wisteria House without you getting hurt.” The Slayer told the small Demon she was currently holding within the haori, and while Kyojuro heard a slightly muffled whine, the clear struggling from within stopped.


The Demon… it actually listened? It could just be for self-preservation, but this might just give his sister more credibility to her claims.


“By the way… who are you?” Coming out of his thoughts at the sound of the question, Kyojuro only blinked for a moment before smiling with his usual wide smile.


“I’m Kyojuro Rengoku! A Kinoe-ranked Demon Slayer! And since we are finally introducing ourselves, what is yours?” Kyojuro introduced himself before asking her, the pair now beginning their walk to a Wisteria House and thankfully, not running into anyone that may have come to check the aftermath of the battle thanks to Takehito’s scream.


“I’m Kie Kamado, a Mizunoto-ranked Slayer. And the current little one in here is obviously Tanjiro.” The now-named Kie introduced herself and her brother, shifting the Demon hidden within her haori a bit to emphasize the last part.


“I see.” Kyojuro commented lightly, now having the names to inquire Sakonji Urokodaki or Tsutako Tomioka about. For now though, he would figure out who to send the message to once they get to the Wisteria House.


And about half an hour later, they arrived at a Wisteria House. Specifically, the one that Kie has been to so far.


“I’m back and…. What?” Kie began to call out a bit as they entered, though not before Kyojuro saw her put on her mask and a scarf, and Kyojuro could only assume she was blinking in confusion at what they were seeing.


Mainly because he was also blinking in surprise.


“Oi! Get off and fight me Uzumiro!!” And that was Young Hashibira currently lying on the ground, unable to get up as Young Tokito stood on his back.


“...That’s a nice cloud.”


Well… Kyojuro could truly say that if he ever imagined those two meeting, then what he imagined turned out to be quite accurate.


“Hey! You’re that girl from Final Selection! I demand a rematch!”


“Oh no….”


And Young Kamado, having already met and fought Young Hashibira in the past also somehow didn’t surprise Rengoku.


Honestly, what could surprise him now?


''I hear you!''


…did he ask for it?


Because from one of the entrances burst out Tengen, who didn’t even bat an eye at the scene in front of him, showing he’d probably seen this turn of events earlier, and instead looked right at Kie.


''That Sound! No mistaking it now! It’s that Demon!''


Kie was genuinely unsure why Tengen looked so personally offended, and Kyojuro himself wondered what had happened earlier for a reaction like that to take root. Up until they both registered his last words.


''What did Tanjiro do before he found me?'' Is a thought and question Kie only now had to think about.


She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like the answer, or even like that Tengen had quite literally blown to dust the cover she had previously for Tanjiro by shouting that.


''Demon?'' Muichirou repeated as he stared straight at Kie… before looking back at Tengen.


''Monkey, she’s not a Demon. Do you have eyesight trouble?''


Zenitsu, who had been so quiet that Kie had almost missed him being there, seemed to be unsure if he should cry because this sound really was a Demon, or laugh at Tengen’s expense.


He did the former.


''So that sound really was a Demon?!''


He’d honestly believed at this point that he was hearing something else. But no! He’d been right this whole time?!


Kyojuro was not sure at all if he should find this whole situation funny, or be worried about how things would turn out now.


Though… since they were gathered here…


''It seems we have a lot to talk about, everyone!''


And they all shared a similar sentiment.


Because indeed, there was a lot to talk about…

''I hate you.''


''The feeling is Mutual.''


Now, why would two Demons say that to each other?


Well, the reason is simple, but the story there was not. If only because they themselves weren’t entirely sure as to how they ended up being forced into this situation.


In a Rundown bar of all places as well.


Well, at least they had food once they figured out something. But until then, they sorta were just off in a corner, stuck together because of the Sunlight out.


Honestly, why did they keep running into each other?!


''If it wasn’t because of the Sun outside, I’d rip off your face.'' Yahaba grumbled out.


''Oh hey, you finally want to do this personally? I’m impressed!'' Meanwhile, Susamaru gave a shit-eating grin, even though she was just as annoyed.


And this annoyance would only last, because they really had not many places to go while it was Daylight.


And no matter what, even if they tried to stay quiet, at some point, one of them snapped to annoy the other.


Up until something did change…


'' know, that Blood Demon Art of yours is useless by itself.'' Upon Yahaba’s comment, Susamaru gave an annoyed glare.


''Really? You’re going to insult my Blood Demon Art? Yours isn’t much better, you know?! What can you do with that? Throw a Human to the side? Even a Kid wouldn’t die from that.''


Yahaba growled, ''Oh shut up! At least mine can do more than just go in one direction! You Miss someone, those things don’t come back!''


He’d know from firsthand experience. He got his Head shot off because of that. And while she could Create new Temari Balls, the ones thrown don’t come back.


''They bounce back you dick! What, you think I make those to be as hard as stone?!''


''Yes…? I mean Yes! You throw them hard enough they’re stuck in the Concrete! You might as well be firing Rocks!''


Susamaru looked this close to punching him, no matter that it was still day outside.


''Oh really? Then how about I throw them at your face again and again. Let’s see how much you enjoy those rocks…!''


''I’d change their direction again, you know? It’s… useless…''


…wait a second.


Both Susamaru and Yahaba realized something at this moment.


Change Directions. Hard as Rocks, could pierce through his Head, and could bounce since they’re supposed to be Playing Balls.


She could produce more than one, and he could target more than one…


''...I cannot believe I’m considering this.'' Yahaba spat out.


''I swear, if you mess this up…'' Susamaru meanwhile threatened.


And so, in this situation, both Demons that did not get along, suddenly had one idea in mind that would either make this into a worthwhile partnership...


Or end horribly.


And what luck they had a guinea pig walk into this Rundown Bar right after. And in the form of a Demon Slayer.


''We try?''


''We try.''


Needless to say, that poor Demon Slayer did not live past that day. Nor did anyone else who was on the premise beforehand, or afterward.

Kyojuro had been able to have everyone gather inside a Room for the ensuing conversation, especially considering he would not be surprised if things became loud.


And since the Courtyard was also where the Shrine was, it was best not to have it there.


So, they were all seated and tensely so.


“So… we are sparring my brother, right?” And the first one to speak up was Kie, her words earning her a sweatdrop from everyone there. Including her brother.


Well... except for...


“Fight me Demon!” I’m sure that no one needs to be told who said that. But what did need to be pointed out though, was how Tanjiro was easily outrunning Inosuke, a light laugh escaping the Demon the whole time.


And truthfully… Kyojuro couldn’t help but remember when Senjuro would pester him to play tag when they were younger at the sight.


“The answer to that is a flashy no. That little brat threw a box at me!” Anyways, back to the matter at hand, Tengen yelled in response to Young Kamado’s question, his eye twitching with irritation the whole time.


Ah. So that’s why his old friend was so upset earlier. Made sense in all honesty.


“...You were beaten by a box? You’re becoming dumber every day monkey.” Muichiro questioned before insulting the man, earning a growl of irritation at the nickname while Kyojuro barely stifled a chuckle at his friend’s expense.


“Are you serious right now? We have a Demon and apparently, she wants to keep it alive.” Tengen questioned the Mist Breathing swordsman, who blinked slowly before looking at the still-running Tanjiro and then back at the shinobi.


“He’s a Demon?”


“Wait, back up a minute. Why did Tanjiro throw a box at you?” Seeming to finally process that part of Tengen’s words, Kie questioned the man, who only rolled his eyes.


“It’s a Demon. Why wouldn’t h-?” Tengen told Kie before beginning to sarcastically question her, only to be shut up as Tanjiro jumped on the man’s head to leap towards his sister, who caught him in her arms, and then the Shinobi soon had his face slammed into a table when Inosuke landed on his head in pursuit of the Demon Kamado.


“Young Hashibira, that’s enough! We need to focus on this current matter!” Kyojuro told the young man, who didn’t leap off of Tengen’s head just yet as a result of the Kinoe ranked Slayer’s words.


“Eh? What is there to think about Bug Eyes? It’s a Demon, so we gotta fight it!” The Boar head-wearing young man questioned Kyojuro, only to fall over but ultimately landed back on his feet when Tengen mustered the strength to practically throw the Slayer off of him.


“Already, you are my 3rd least favorite person here.” Tengen said with a glare towards the dual-wielding swordsman, before shifting his attention to Kie and Tanjiro, the latter giving a stubborn -though Kyojuro had to acknowledge it wasn’t malicious- glare.


“Anyways, I heard a banging sound from your room and went to check it out. Afterward, I found this brat inside and almost immediately, after opening the door, threw that large box you carried with you when we met at me.” The Shinobi did quickly explain though, making Kyojuro frown a bit at those words. His friend was much stronger than a normal person, but a newborn Demon could claim his life if a single mistake was made.


So hearing that the Demon Kamado threw a large object at his friend while possibly off guard was not painting a good picture right now. And Kie had to quickly scramble for an explanation because she truly doubted Tanjiro had attacked him for the hell of it. But why?


Why would Tanjiro attack someone like that?


She eventually figured it out, giving an audible ''Oh.'' when the realization set in before following with a: ''I think I know what was going on.''


But that only confused everyone else, with Zenitsu being the first to prompt for an answer.


“What do you mean?” Zenitsu questioned a bit nervously, the young teen making extra sure to keep his distance between himself and the Kamados.


Though, Kyojuro did make note that the yellow-haired teenager wasn’t as panicked as before. Still terrified, but he wasn’t sending the Demon Kamado only scared or scornful looks.


Did Young Agatsuma hear something a little off with the Demon that’s making him calm down a little?


But then, was it related to why Tengen didn’t look particularly pleased in comparison?


Well, he’d ask about that later. Kamado had an explanation to give, and he was wondering what she’d say in her Brother’s defense.


''My Brother tends to be a tad too overprotective when it comes to me, and knowing how he acts, I wouldn’t be surprised if he took you as, well… someone who meant harm in some way.''


Granted, Kie couldn’t be entirely sure this was actually true either. Only guess. But unless Tanjiro really had been out for blood -which she very much doubted- then he must have thought Tengen represented some form of danger.


Except she really couldn’t tell why he’d viewed him that way to begin with. And that brought forth an issue, especially towards the currently still irked Tengen.


''Oh really?'' The sheer sarcasm that dripped out said about enough, ''And you can confirm that how? Your Brother’s a Demon, and so far… he hasn’t exactly given me a good impression. What says he didn’t do that on purpose?''


Zenitsu seemed to stare at him in slight bewilderment, and it left Kyojuro wondering again what he was hearing. What both of them were hearing.


It seems Tengen is willing to answer that.


''And don’t go starting about the Sound he makes Agatsuma. It sounds Soothing and nice even, but you really can’t expect me to fall for something like that when there are Demons who are masters at disguising themselves.''


Kie blinked in confusion at what he was even going on about, but Zenitsu decided to explain it to her and everyone else considering how not many would know of this.


''I hear more than just sound. My Ears can pick up Emotions very easily, and Uzui over there clearly can do the same. Your Brother, who sounds just like a Demon, also gives off something else. Something so nice I have a hard time seeing a Demon.'' Scared as he was, he tried to smile. Only for it to die down Quickly.


''But… Uzui brought up something I didn’t even consider, but it would make sense. And also makes me so much more terrified.''


It’s a point she had never even considered, nor even known, but this would have been a way to maybe clear Tanjiro’s situation a bit. Only, Tengen clearly knew something more than she did since he seemed absolutely sure Demons could fake it. Which…


Which reminded her of her first meeting with Tsutako. Everything she’d told her about Demons painted them all in a horrible light. And she really can’t find herself blaming anyone for their distrust of Tanjiro. Even more so since everything that could lead to Innocence would easily be a trick other Demons may have pulled.


But, that’s also why she must prove it otherwise. Show them her Little Brother isn’t like them. Show them all he really is different.


Which is why she decides she needs to do what had Kyojuro convinced to not immediately end her Brother’s Life.


''I only have words Uzui-san. But I can lead you to someone who can confirm that Tanjiro isn’t like any other Demons. Would that at least give you enough proof to give him a chance?''


''And who would that be?'' He gave her a chance, and Kie was not about to waste it.


''My Mentor, Sakonji Urokodaki. He’s taken in me and my Brother for two years while I trained to become a Demon Slayer. He can confirm Tanjiro is different from other Demons.''


Ah, yes. The little bit of information that caused Kyojuro to give the young Demon a chance to begin with. It was certainly a fair idea to bring it up, especially since regardless of this outcome, he still had the intention to check on the matter with the former Hashira.


Though, after wondering if he should bring up Tomioka-San’s apparent involvement, he decided against it for now. After all, the woman is most likely busy with another mission entirely and it was best to keep things simple as much as possible in Shibuya. But if things are going south for the Demon Kamado, he would bring it up if his sister doesn’t, just so things are still fair.


“It would take hours, perhaps even a whole day to reach him and get a reply back. And if it does take a day, then what would happen if your brother killed someone during that time?” Tengen was quick to counter the option though, and after searching for a moment, Kyojuro saw that was a genuine concern only lightly enhanced by some of his friend’s bitterness.


As a former Shinobi, it isn’t a surprise to say that the Uzui could hold a bit of a grudge.


“Gggrrrr!” Though it appeared that those words did get to Tanjiro, as the Demon boy growled a bit, and while it made most of them tense up, there were 2 exceptions.


The first was Kie, who hugged her brother and it seemed to calm him down a little, and the other was Agatsuma, who while tense still blinked in surprise at the Demon. And looking at Tengen to see if it was a matter of hearing something, Kyojuro did see a little surprise in his friend’s eyes.


“Did you both hear something?” The Flame Breathing user asked curiously, making Zenitsu nod and be the first to respond.


“Yeah…. Given what he said earlier, I’m not sure if what I’m hearing can be fully trusted, but… that growl sounded more offended than aggressive.” The younger Slayer explained, making Muichiro tilt his head a bit.


“So… the Demon was insulted at the monkey thinking he’d eat someone?” The amnesiac boy questioned, making Tengen scowl a bit.


“Or is at least acting like it.” The Shinobi commented, but everyone was a bit surprised when Inosuke spoke up.


“Hey! Ain’t Demons scared of a little flower or something?” The wild boy yelled out to question everyone, making them all blink at him.


“You mean the Wisteria flowers? Yeah, it’s the reason why this place is usually safe from Demons, since it's practically covered with the flowers and incense made from them.” Tengen answered, ignoring Kie’s light glare at the slight statement of her brother being dangerous.


“Hahahahaha!! So this one was able to get out of a place that was pretty much built to be a prison for him! Now I really want to fight him!” Inosuke spoke excitedly and probably would have reached for his swords right then and there if Kie didn’t speak up.


“Try and hurt my brother, and I’ll headbutt you again!” The Kamado yelled at the boy, who Kyojuro was sure flinched behind his boar mask, but he wasn’t sure. Regardless…


“Ha! Bring it on! I’ve been training my head since that fight!” Young Hashibira declared proudly, making nearly everyone there look at the boy with concern, or look at him as if he was an idiot.


Still, that did make Kyojuro realize something...


“Wait, Tengen. You said Tanjiro was in his sister’s room when you entered, right? Can you tell us fully what happened there?” The Kinoe ranked Slayer questioned, making his friend blink in surprise at it. Regardless, he nodded his head and spoke. 


“Well, I already told you why I went in. After I saw him, I went to grab one of my Wisteria-coated Kunai, but before I could, he grabbed and then threw that box, and while I caught it, the thing still hit me hard enough to send me flying into a wall and knock the air out of my lungs. When I recovered, I went back into the room, only to find a window shattered and that brat gone.” The larger man explained with an honest tone, making Zenitsu blink at that.


“So wait, despite being a Demon, he didn’t try to attack and eat you and instead jumped out of a window to run away for whatever reason, despite it meaning he was probably exposed to some Wisteria incense at least?” The younger swordsman questioned, surprising everyone as they actually took that in properly.


Except for…


“Wait, what!? Tanjiro, what were you thinking when doing something so reckless!?” Kie practically screamed in her panic, looking over her and searching at every exposed piece of skin to look for an injury of any kind.


“Aaaggh!” Was the boy’s only response. And once it was clear to the Demon boy that he couldn’t speak at the moment, he pointed at his sister, who needed to think things over for a moment before realizing what he meant.


“I don’t care if it was to look for me, that could have killed you!”


“Rrraaggh!” The small-sized Demon spoke in response to his sister’s words, before then hugging her. Clearly, after last night, Tanjiro did not regret his reckless actions last night.


And much as it annoyed her, it also currently gave Tanjiro a chance. Because right now, his action led to doubts creeping in, and she could fear as much from Tengen and Kyojuro addressing each other.


''It’s not a point we can deny. There is truth to it.'' Kyojuro tells his Friend.


''I can’t completely ignore it, but you realize he could have still been acting. It’s not unseen that some Demons don’t go after the first Human they see.'' He ignored the annoyed growl from Tanjiro.


''Yes! Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting that. But, for now, I’d say to give some trust until we get word out of Urokodaki.'' Ultimately, it was only a day, and it wasn’t like they were planning on just letting Tanjiro wander around.


Speaking of which...


''I believe it can now be agreed to at least delay on judgment until we have confirmation of Young Kamado’s Mentor, yes?'' Upon his question, ignoring Kie’s own reaction to this as hers was quite clear, he was met with a mixture of nods or indecision. Or just Inosuke shouting he’d fight the Demon regardless.


However, Tokito’s own nod was followed with a stipulation. Because for all that was said, he didn’t exactly agree with sparing a Demon.


''He doesn’t get to leave the Wisteria House. I don’t care how much trust is put in him, if he leaves alone or pulls a stunt like with the Monkey, then I’m killing him.''


It was odd to Kie and Zenitsu how this was the most emotion they’d seen Tokito pull since his utterly offended expression when he was mistaken for a girl.


And Kie could not deny this. This had technically been Kie’s own plan. Have Tanjiro stay here until the situation in Shibuya was dealt with. And if it meant it would assure everyone else agreed, then she herself was willing to agree to it.


The only question was if Tanjiro himself would too or not.


“Tanjiro, since everyone is willing to leave you alone, is it okay if you can stay here throughout our stay in Shibuya?” And Kie, being the one he’s the most likely to listen to, was the one to ask the young Demon that question, making the boy look up at her.


“S…. Stay….” Was Tanjiro’s answer while pointing at Kie, making Tengen roll his eyes at the word.


“No can do. I’m going to need her and everyone else out in Shibuya to take care of the infestation of Demons. Which reminds me, I’ll have to ask how many you all killed tonight.” The Shinobi told the Demon before musing to himself, and he would have likely gotten annoyed when Tanjiro shook his head, had Kie not been the first to speak after understanding why he shook his head. 


“Wait… Tanjiro, the amount of Slayers out there may be as much as the Demons, and unlike Rengoku-San, they may not even listen long enough for something like this to happen again.” The swordswoman explained to her brother, who whined in response and shook his head again, a clear sign that he wasn’t going to accept being left behind.


“He’s probably scared that something will happen to his sister after last night.” Kyojuro thought to himself, not being able to see this moment in any other way. After all, he remembered coming back from many missions in his early days as a Slayer and Senjuro being scared for him.


“Eh? Why are you saying no? He clearly wants to fight, so I say let him fight!” Young Hashibira yelled out, unbothered by the light glare Kie gave the boy while Tengen hummed in thought, catching Zenitsu’s attention.


“What are you thinking?” The young Demon Slayer asked the older man curiously, who frowned but sighed.


“Well, if this brat being a good Demon is true, I can’t deny that a Demon on our side will be helpful, if only because Demon's can't kill each other. So… I could let him go with his sister during the night. And while I don’t believe he’s good yet, other Demon Slayers attacking and killing him is a valid concern, regardless of what evidence is shown.” The Uzui commented, clearly not liking the idea but unable to deny the usefulness of a Demon. And his words did make Muichiro frown, but the amnesiac boy stayed quiet in that regard.


“In that case, they can stay by my side throughout the nights here at Shibuya!” Kyojuro declared with a large smile, surprising everyone.


“Are you sure about that Owl…?” Young Tokito asked, ignoring Tengen’s grumbling about how Kyojuro got the more ‘flashy’ animal to be called.


“Indeed! I’m amongst the highest ranks of the Corps, so most of our comrades should stay their hand if Young Kamado’s claims are true. And if not or should Tanjiro attack a human, I’ll be quick enough to put an end to it!” Kyojuro assured Muichiro with a smile, who stared blankly at him for a moment before nodding.


“Alright then. I guess that’s as far as we are going to get with this brat.” Tengen said, putting an end to this discussion for now and pointedly ignoring Kie and Tanjiro’s glare at the end remark before the Shinobi looked at everyone.


“Now then, how many Demons did you all kill tonight?”


As expected, Tokito was the first one to speak. Or surprising, considering the impression Inosuke gave.


''11 Demons.''


And it already confirmed the increase in Demons.


''I think… 5?'' Zenitsu then answered unsure, looking over at Rengoku, ''You killed most we’d seen, right?''




''You also stole my kill Kujiro!'' Inosuke shot in just then, ''Or I’d have more than 8 Demons!''




Tengen gave a teasing smile in Rengoku’s direction after hearing that delayed answer.


''I myself got to 10 Demons!'' Kyojuro moved on before looking at Kie, ''And you Young Kamado?''


''7 Demons.''


And with that, Tengen had received the Amount of Demons.


''So in total, with the surprise addition of Rengoku, there’s 41 Killed Demons.'' Tengen counted the amount in his head before frowning, ''I swear, that infestation is only growing.''


It had gone from low to 50, and Tengen was sure that if it wasn’t for the delay he’d received in the shape of a Demon brat, he’d have found a more accurate number instead of ''maybe around 70?''


Either way, he needed to speed up work today even further. That increased quantity was not a good sign at all.


''Well, it’s day out now, so there’s a chance for a break now, and I need to inform Himejima of this unflashy situation.'' Giving a tired sigh, which said far more about how he felt due to the stress Shibuya was causing, Tengen stood up to look at them all.


''You know the drill by now. Go take a Break, maybe enjoy what Shibuya can give during the day, and then get some sleep too. Though…'' Tengen eyed Tanjiro for a brief moment before looking at his friend, ''Seriously Kyojuro, keep an eye on him.''


He’d much rather not again have his night disrupted by a surprise Demon like that.


''Don’t worry! I will! And take a break to, you clearly need it.''


With that said, Tengen headed out to do his usual activities for the time the Sun was up, leaving the rest of them in the Room.


Now? Well, they simply had to pass the time one way or another...

“God, this place is insane.” Murata muttered as he practically collapsed onto the couch within the common room of the Wisteria House, unable to even make it to his room like last night.


“You’re not wrong. And while last night was close, I can’t say I regret accepting this mission.” Ozaki commented tiredly, but unlike her friend, she had some energy left over and so, was still standing but regardless, did sit in a single chair when she was able to get to one.


“Yeah…. Helping people is nice. How many Demons did you get by the way?” Murata stated with a tired smile, before asking his fellow Slayer curiously.


“Got 4, though with some help. You?”


“Killed 3 of them. Ran into a 4th Demon that even had a Blood Demon Art and it probably would have killed me and some others with me with it had the sun not risen.” Murata answered, though he had to groan at the memory of that Demon who was creating Temari.


She would have killed them all had the sun risen even a single minute too late.


“What are you two talking about?” Quickly though, their attention was drawn when they saw one of their comrades enter the room, this one wearing a dark haori with a scar above their right eye.


“Just talking about how many Demons we killed. How many did you get?” Ozaki answered the Slayer, who sighed.


“Ran into about 7, but I only killed 1 myself.”


Ah. Yikes. Yeah, Ozaki could see why the fellow Slayer wasn’t all that happy. He’d only killed one.


''You know, it almost makes me think we’re back in the Final Selection.'' All turned to look at another Fellow, who shrunk back slightly from their simultaneous gaze, ''I’m just saying!''


''Nono! You’re not wrong!'' Murata reassured him, ''It’s just… shockingly right. It really does feel like we’re back in the Final Selection.''


''True, just deadlier.'' A Slayer agreed with him.


Some form of silence seemed to build up, allowing them to rest further for a short moment longer before one of them spoke up.


''You think a Hashira will be involved in this?'' A Fair question was being asked, as the gathering of so many Demons in one place was unheard of by all of them.


''I don’t know. I heard they’re really strong, but could they handle so many?'' Someone skeptically questioned.


''Maybe not. Besides how many Demons there are, it’s not exactly something we can’t handle.'' Ozaki pointed out.


Sure, they were having trouble, but ultimately, all of these were Demons they were used to fighting. So sending a Hashira might not actually be needed.


There was a grunt as an answer, and then someone moved to head out.


''There’s Sunlight out, so I think I’ll enjoy myself for now. Anyone who wants to join, just follow me.''


And that was the end of the conversation between Demon Slayers. From there on, they split off to either do something in Shibuya, or just rest.


Because they all knew that no matter what, Tonight would be equally long and hard, if not more so.

Things had been cleared up, but to say everything was well would be a lie.


Zenitsu seemed to be amongst those who was willing to give Tanjiro the most amount of chances here. Inosuke was interested in fighting Tanjiro again, but that was denied on the spot and Muichirou…


Honestly, Kie was not sure how she should handle the sheer coldness he was giving her and Tanjiro here. Sure, he hadn’t exactly been the warmest person to be around with the way he acted, but this made his half-forgotten state pale in comparison.


He hasn’t done anything against her Brother though, instead heading out to do what he usually did in Shibuya now.


Which left her, her Brother and Rengoku in the room, as Inosuke had mentioned he was hungry and how Zenitsu seemed to not trust him in the least to not get lost or storm off somewhere he shouldn’t.


With Tanjiro now known, Kie was tempted to request for his Haori to be repaired. And get a new pair of clothes because he badly needed it. 


Apparently, it was agreed by Kyojuro to.


''Your Brother badly needs a change, Young Kamado!'' Stating the obvious, Kyojuro stood up, ''We shall do so right now then!''


We? Kie and Tanjiro stared at Kyojuro in surprise at his statement.


''You’re coming with?''


But why…?


''Yes! After all, it is now my duty to keep watch of your Brother. And while I’m willing to give him a chance, I will not let him out of my sight!'' He answered with brutal honesty. Which made Kie have mixed feelings on the matter.


It was fair enough, she presumed, that he wouldn’t trust Tanjiro when he’d met him literally just this morning. But it really annoyed her that it meant he would basically be by their side for even the day.


''Grab your Brother’s Box so you can get him around. We’re not staying here, and I do have something to question you about after your Brother has something better to cover himself with.''


Kie found herself somewhat hesitant about leaving her Brother alone to pick up his box, but Kyojuro wasn’t exactly the worst choice to leave her Brother with for the short time needed to find his Box. Hopefully not broken.


So, she made sure she was fast in getting the box. At which point -thankfully not broken, she returned to the Room. Nothing had happened.


The remainder of this time had been a blur to Kie’s mind, since things had been relatively normal even knowing Tanjiro making one wrong move could mean his immediate death.


Not only Tanjiro, but Kie herself ended up getting her entire Uniform and Haori fixed while she was at it.


Kyojuro however, didn’t. Because his own Uniform which looked exactly like hers besides its tinted red color was without a single tear in it. She could easily believe he hadn’t been involved in a fight at all even though she’d seen otherwise. And his Haori, completely white, didn’t have a stain either.


Because of that, he had his chance to write a Letter to Urokodaki and send it to the Retired Hashira. His attention however, was perpetually on Tanjiro.


After that…


''We’re going to a training room!'' The Rengoku informed her and only made Kie curious, but also confused.




''There is something I want to confirm with you, and there will be plenty of space there!''


What did he want to confirm, she wondered? It didn’t seem to be about Tanjiro at least, so she didn’t need to worry entirely about that, but she was curious nonetheless.


They headed off to one of the many training rooms the Wisteria House held and once in, Kyojuro motioned for her to put down the box in a corner. She did so, but only wound up making her more curious.


Then, unexpectedly, he spoke.


''Demon, I want to make one matter clear!'' He directly addressed Tanjiro who had only opened the Box’s lid up until now.


''Your Sister and I will be practicing. I understand you care for her, but I ask you to not intervene in any way, lest I mistake it for you attacking either of us.''


This served as both a warning, but also a threat.


Tanjiro was allowed to watch. Would be allowed out. But acting in any way that Kyojuro deemed a break of the condition given meant the swift end of Tanjiro. No questions asked.


Tanjiro listened. And while he gave a growl that clearly showed how annoyed he was by this, because his mind could tell what may happen next, he didn’t exactly have much of a choice but to comply.


Him dying meant he couldn’t protect his Sister when it mattered.


So, he gave a nod now that he was completely out of the box. And Kyojuro gave one back in thanks before his gaze moved to Kie.


''Draw your Blade, Young Kamado. I wish to see something, and for it, I need us to clash.'' Point shown, he was drawing his own Red Blade, already taking his stance.


Kie felt slightly nervous, considering she’d seen some of his fighting prowess against Takehito. But, this was only a spar in the end. It wouldn’t go far enough to be Life or Death.


Headed close to the Center of the Room, Kie drew her own White Blade and then took her stance.


“I shall allow you to make the first move.” Kyojuro told Kie, getting the young girl to nod her head while taking in a deep breath as neither swordsman let the other out of their sight for even a moment. 


Then, Kie instantly lunged forward at the higher-ranked Demon Slayer and attempted to go for a basic swing, but Rengoku easily blocked the attack and pushed back on the attempt, sending Kie flying back a few feet but she landed safely on the ground. However, it now appears that Kyojuro has decided to go on the offensive, as he crouched down a bit before disappearing from her line of sight and then reappearing right in front of her.


''Water Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirlpool!” Panicking just a little in surprise, Kie quickly recovered before then twisting her body to deflect the upward slash that the older Slayer attempted to deliver, and thankfully this tactic succeeded. 


However, this did not really stop Kyojuro’s offensive, as he then pulled back and slammed the bottom of his blade’s handle into Kie’s side, making her cry out in pain briefly, but that brief moment allowed Kyojuro land a kick to her gut that once more created distance, but this time, he didn’t pursue.


And if Kie was being honest, she wasn’t sure if this was done because this was a spar meant for him to gauge her skill, or to show her brother that he wasn’t going to go too far with the match.


Though, perhaps it was both in all likelihood.


“Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!” Still, this did give Kie the time she needed to catch her breath and lessen the strain on her lungs, and so she moved back onto the offensive and attempted to go for a stab but Kyojuro easily sidestepped to evade, but Kie spun around to keep her eyes on him while shifting her weight.


“Water Breathing - First Form: Water Surface Slash!” And so, she still kept up on her offensive and attempted to perform the horizontal slash needed for the technique, but the Kinoe ranked Slayer leaned back to once again evade this attack. But Kie knew that she couldn’t let up on her attack, and so she followed this technique up with another.


“Water Breathing - Fourth Form: Striking Tide!” And that was followed up on by a multitude of slashes in a flowing fashion to release multiple consecutive slashes, and while Kyojuro didn’t evade this time, he did easily block every slash with his own blade with just a little bit of difficulty.


And that minor bit of difficulty did mean that Kyojuro was taking some steps back, and that made Kie change up the technique that she was using.


“Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!” And so, her series of attacks now began to incorporate a variety of spins that flowed into her current movements, building up more momentum to make the attack stronger and hopefully disarm Kyojuro. Though, that 2nd purpose was ultimately a failure.


As Kie went to deliver the final strike for the Constant Flux technique… Kyojuro had now seen enough, and decided to end this spar.


''Flame Breathing - Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!” Kyojuro thought to himself as he performed a spinning slash in a fluid circular motion to defend himself from Kie’s attack, not only stopping it with only the ground lightly cracking beneath him as a result of Kie’s efforts, but also allowing Kyojuro to disarm his comrade.


''That is enough!'' He declared then, sheathing his Nichirin Blade in the process while Kie moved to get back her Nichirin Blade.


''I have gathered everything I needed from this Spar, Young Kamado.'' Kie by then had sheathed her own Blade back in its sheath, leaving both of them to face each other.


''And what exactly did you even want to figure out, Rengoku-san?''


She still didn’t know that, but it seemed that finally, Kyojuro was more than willing to tell her everything.


''A great many things, Young Kamado. The most worrisome one to me however, is how you Breathe!''


Okay… Kie has to admit, that wasn’t something she was expecting to hear. The way she has breathed has helped her out so much, though the times that her lungs do rupture are annoying. Though…


Now that she thought about that, when was the last time it happened without a blow affecting those organs?


“What exactly do you mean by that Rengoku-San?” Kie asked the man, with her fellow Demon Slayer looking very worried at Kie now.


“Simply put, with you attempting Total Concentration Breathing Constant as you are, you run the risk of rupturing your lungs, which could easily lead to death in the middle of a battle and a lot of pain. Not only that, but such a thing happening could also lead to you being a liability in combat and result in your comrades dying, so this is a problem I suggest overcoming as soon as possible.” Kyojuro explained to Kie, making the Kamado girl flinch as she remembered the pain of actually rupturing her lungs. And the idea that such a thing could lead to her comrades’ deaths…


“In that case, do you know how I can do so?” She questioned the older Slayer, who nodded his head.


“Indeed. Although, I sadly can’t help with it, since you would require certain equipment to help in perfecting the technique. Although, given our careers, you’ll likely end up at the Butterfly Estate at some point and they have easy access to the equipment you’ll need to finish perfecting the technique.” Kyojuro told Kie, who did sigh sadly at that, but nodded. Guess she’ll have to keep going at things as normal for now.


''For now, I strongly recommend you do not use Total Concentration Breathing Constant anymore. Return to the Basics and let time do its work instead of rushing into the later stages.''


But that… but things the way she did still worked. That’s how she’s been doing it since it worked, and even if her Lungs ruptured, she recovers just fine.  Because of this, she didn't exactly plan to take the warning as seriously as she should.


She didn’t say that to Koyjuro though, much to the observing Tanjiro’s growing worry who seemed so happy Kyojuro had brought this up at all.


And while Kyojuro definitely noticed something, with the lack of context, he shrugged it off. After all, he needed to get the next points across, since they may very well be even more important than this.


''Now, there are some other things I have noticed during this spar. But from what you’ve used, I can safely assume that using Water Breathing is possible, but it’s never felt quite right, yes?''


That more or less was it.


''Yes. Some of the Water Breathing Forms have felt easier to use than others, so I’m trying to use those more often. But the others just don’t work as well.''


''Then the answer is simple!'' Rengoku boldly declared, ''You must create an offshoot of Water Breathing!''


Eh? She was supposed to do what?


''I… don’t think I get it entirely.''


''That’s fine! Then I’ll use a simpler word. You must branch off from Water Breathing to create your own Form!''


Oh! That’s what he meant.


''There have always been 5 Core Breathing Forms in the Corps History! Flame. Water. Wind. Stone and Thunder. Any others are branches of those main 5. I believe you have a Mist Breather present, yes? And Young Hashibira has his own Form. Those two follow the same principle.''


Kie nodded along, listening intently to everything Kyojuro said while he pointed at her Sheath.


''Unfortunately for you, you have a White Blade. A never before seen color on a Nichirin Blade!''


And that disheartened her a little to learn of that again. A White Blade had just never appeared before, and it was giving her trouble still.


''However! That does not mean you must be discouraged. In fact, the opposite! A never-before-seen color just means you are meant to create your own Form!''


He’d certainly seen Jōkasa push forth when she’d visited his Father about a similar issue.


''So experiment, Young Kamado! Discover what you can create with an offshoot of Water Breathing! Who knows, perhaps you’ll even end up creating something many in future Generations could use!''


With the sheer energy Kyojuro gave with each of his words, it was incredibly hard for Kie to feel down on the situation. If anything, she felt really filled with energy.


Though it was nothing compared to the literal star-eyed Tanjiro who seemed to only admire the Man even more now.


…She wondered if other Demons could become literally star-eyed.


“Now, this is a final precaution and this is something you will need to especially keep in mind. But right now, your Nichirin Sword is chipped, so I do suggest staying by a comrade as much as you can because of that.” Now though, Kyojuro spoke without his usual enthusiasm to caution Kie, making said woman tilt her head in confusion while Tanjiro stiffened up and looked at his sister with even more worry.


“Why does my Nichirin Blade being chipped need me to stay by others if possible?” The younger Slayer asked curiously, causing the Flame Breathing user to sigh a bit.


“Simply put, when a Nichirin Blade is chipped, it means the blade isn’t as sharp. Because of that, not only does it mean you run the risk of being unable to decapitate a Demon you would with a fully and properly made blade, but it could end up breaking at a vital moment, which could lead to your death and the deaths of others.” Rengoku warned her, and compared to the warning about her breathing, Kie took this one much more seriously. After all, unlike with her breathing, a broken sword isn’t something you can just recover from.


Plus, and she didn’t know why… but the idea of breaking her sword sent a shiver up her spine.


“Alright then Rengoku-San.” Kie said while nodding in understanding, causing the Kinoe-ranked Slayer to smile at her for a moment, but his attention was drawn away when he heard something.


“Aaaahhh.” And that was Tanjiro’s wordless cry, looking at Kyojuro for a moment before shifting his gaze to his sister. And after a moment… the Demon Slayer gave a nod to show that the Demon could approach.


And as soon as Tanjiro got that permission, he ran towards Kie and leaped at her, briefly making Kyojuro grab at the handle of his sword, but he let go of it when he saw that this was all just so the younger Kamado could hug his sister. The Demon boy even buried his face into the crook of Kie’s neck, and based on the slight sounds he could hear, the Demon Slayer was sure he could hear the slight sounds of crying.


“Hey, it’ll be fine Tanjiro. We’ll be around people like Rengoku-San, so even if my sword does break, I won’t be likely to die.” Kie assured Tanjiro gently, soothingly rubbing his back and for a moment, Kyojuro felt like he had seen something like this before.


But where…?


Well, he doubted that it mattered.


“Actually… Young Kamado, including last night, how many nights have you spent as a Demon Slayer with their first sword?” Kyojuro inquired curiously. He knew that the last Final Selection was only about 21 days ago, but he also knew that some of the newer Slayers got their Nichirin Blades faster than others, depending on whether a swordsmith is already working on one or not.


“Oh. Um… I think 5 or 6 nights counting last night.” Kie answered him, causing Kyojuro to blink in surprise.


“Really? What kind of Demons have you fought during that time?” The Flame Breathing practitioner questioned her curiously. True, his own first sword began to get chipped about 11 days into his career, but that was due to him either running into either some surprisingly powerful Demons or being in an area where there were several Demons.


Did his Kouhai have a similar or worse experience so far as a Demon Slayer?


''Well…'' Kie wasn’t even sure when the Sword had first gotten chipped, but it was safer to presume it was because of those Number of Demons from Shibuya than anything else. Although…


''It probably didn’t handle… her to well either.'' She thought.


Her first Demon had been that Swamp Demon, but the difficulty there had been more because of his Blood Demon Art. Her Second Demon… she had badly lost that fight. And her Third, she hadn’t even killed it. By her Fourth, she’d killed another one.


And then there were all those Demons in Shibuya…


“...A lot of them.” Was Kie’s simple reply, preferring to not to remember the fight with Tsuyuri in particular.


Though, it was only now that Kie realized that she had killed about 12 Demons now.


“I see. Well, I suggest you and your brother get some rest for now unless you want to do something out in Shibuya. In which case, I’ll have to come along.” Kyojuro told the sibling pair, and after a moment of thinking, Kie made her choice.


“I think I’ll get something to eat and afterward, I’ll rest in my room with my brother.” Kie told the older Slayer, who nodded his head at the answer.


“Very well. Come then! I know a good restaurant close by and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the food there!” The Kinoe ranked Slayer accepted before yelling with some excitement in his voice, making Kie giggle a bit as she took Tanjiro to his box.


The situation may not be the best, but… well, Rengoku-San was someone Kie could say was honestly being fair about this situation.


Meanwhile with Kyojuro though, he just remembered something.


“Wait… did I tell Tengen about Takehito?” The swordsman thought to himself, and upon realizing that he didn’t, he frowned a little.


“Well… he won’t be happy with this news despite needing it.”

''I see.'' Says the Blind Man.


He had a lot to consider. A lot more to act upon. And not nearly enough time to do it. Because the situation in Shibuya…


Was it planned, or did a chain reaction cause this?


Kagaya was not sure about anything right now, but it didn’t stop him from doing what he must.


''Inform Uzui I will be sending more of my Children as soon as possible. However, more may not come today.''


He’d already mobilized those that were in the immediate vicinity of Tokyo. Anyone else who could come would take over a day to arrive, and while possible, meant that today, Numbers would only dwindle.


Apparently the opposite of the Demons considering how only more swarmed around.


''Caw! Yes, Master!'' The Kasugai Crow complied and then flew off to return to Shibuya.


He wondered when this wave would end. He knew Demons were numerous simply due to the span of how many were turned. He knew that because of it, they hid well.


But a limit had to be reached soon. Whatever the reason for so many to gather, eventually, something had to stop it.


Be it because Demons would only die if going to Shibuya, or because word spread.


Honestly, Kagaya wishes his Limited foresight could outright tell him of this. But all the Ubuyashiki’s could only do was guess around what they saw and heard. At least it minimized the loss of Life.


He didn’t want to imagine what would have happened had he not mobilized his Children to Shibuya as soon as he did.


Still, what to do?


Should he send a Hashira after all? Or still hold back on it and hope their Numbers were enough?


Decisions, Decisions…


The worst part of this was that Kagaya could not tell if this was meant to lead into a trap or not.


Was Shibuya a bait? Was the Progenitor itself behind this?


Or was it completely unrelated?


He did not know.


But if he knew one thing that was certain, it was that those who were fighting would not so easily give up against the Demons. Nor what could be happening in there.


And knowing how tiring this may be, knowing how many were fighting in Shibuya...


''My Friend, if I may have your attention.''


The very second, he heard a light tap from right in front of him. And he knew his Kasugai Crow had heard him and answered even before vocally doing so.


''Caw! Yes Master?''


''I need to send a message now while there is still time.''


''And to whom? Caw!''


''To Kocho.''

Day eventually gave way to Night. And while the Demon Slayers mobilized yet again for Hunting Demons after Demons, those they hunted had some plans in mind…


“I know that we have torn into and eaten even infants in the past, but god are these things fucking disturbing.” Rokuro commented with some clear disgust in his voice as he looked around at the graveyard he and Mukago have been digging up bodies from, or more accurately, the results of his fellow Lower Moon’s Blood Demon Art.


Which just so happened to the decomposed, shuffling corpses that Mukago had reanimated. Many looked more beaten up than others, and they all varied in build and size, a show of the state that these bodies’ previous owners were in before death.


“PLEASE!! LET ME GO, I HAVE A-!!?” And hearing that yell drew his attention to what was happening in the middle of this place. Which consisted of one of Mukago’s corpse puppets, this one being the size of a child and only having a single arm, restraining a human that was unlucky enough to decide to pay respects to someone that night.


Though, Rokuro would admit to some morbid curiosity on whether the corpse restraining this human was who he was trying to pay respects to.


“Oh, shut up already!” Mukago yelled out in frustration at the human’s whining, deciding to end this quickly by grabbing the poor bastard’s head and ripping it clean off.


“You know, with something like this, I do have to admit that I understand our lady’s frustrations with us a bit more.” Rokuro commented a bit as he walked over to his fellow Lower Moon, who ripped out the human’s brain from their severed head and then tossed the head to him.


“Well, I doubt our mistress would be upset with me if it wasn’t for that Hashira and dual sword-using bitch killing off my last batch of new puppets.” Mukago said with a frown before biting into the brain, causing Rokuro to roll his eyes at those words.


He had to say, his fellow Demon was deadly and having a virtual army at her side does give her a begrudging right to be cocky, but if someone could get past these corpses like those two Slayers apparently did, then he knew that Mukago’s cowardly nature would come out. So he chose not to dignify her with a response.


“Regardless of if that was true or not, is my favor now repaid? I doubt you need my help with you now having 40 of these things.” Rokuro questioned the female Demon before biting into the brainless head for a snack.


“50 puppets actually. And sure, you helped me get about half of this place reanimated, so you can go now.” Mukago corrected before offhandedly waving him off, causing Rokuro to scowl a bit before turning around to leave, not waiting to see Mukago reanimate the current corpse, and just like all of her other puppets, develop a large blood growth somewhere random on its body before it stood back up.


“By the way, so you owe me one, just know I left a Slayer trapped to a wall a few feet to your right!” Rokuro cried out as he left the graveyard, making Mukago blink in surprise as she went in the direction he pointed out. And upon finding a Demon Slayer trapped by what looked like a web made out of stone...


She began to grin and show off her still blood-stained teeth.


Tonight was going to be very productive indeed...

The night passed by slowly. As Demons and Humans fought, newcomers came abound to the City. Shibuya.


Much to one’s confusion.


''Why are there so many Demon Slayers here?!''


Kamanue remarked with both utter disbelief and annoyance as he snapped the Neck of a Demon Slayer.


Honestly, he’d come to Tokyo specifically because of the Human Population it had. Sure, it was hard, but with his Blood Demon Art, he could hunt Humans down more easily.


Imagine his surprise when, after his arrival not even an hour ago, he fell immediately on a bunch of Humans and Demons fighting each other.


And the Demons had lost. But at least, Kamanue had won a Meal now.


Still, as he gripped the head to rip it off with ease, he had to wonder what the hell was going on here. This amount of Demons and Demon Slayers wasn't normal, as far as he was aware. Yet here he was being proven wrong with just this encounter...


''Hey, you mind sharing?''


He snapped behind in surprise to hear someone behind him. He was sure all the Humans were dead, and the Demons had been killed by them, so who was it?!


And he saw it was a fellow Demon. Who had both of his arms up in a surrendering motion.


''I’m not here to fight you!''


Kamanue’s eyes narrowed still even with that. 


He was a Lower Moon. Sure, not exactly all that high yet, but he’d made sure those he’d killed were the only ones around.


Yet this Demon, Pale and with Dark Blue Tattoo’s running all over his Body, had managed to somehow sneak up behind him.


And Kamanue did not like that already, there was someone who was putting his status into question by doing this. So, rather irritably, he demanded answers.


''Then talk! How’d you sneak up on me?''


The Bald Demon gave a small snicker then even though he still held his arms up.


''Hey, my Blood Demon Art is pretty useful for situations like this. No one expects the fast ones to be sneaky.''


Admittedly, Kamanue had no idea if this was actually true or not, but either way, this Demon clearly felt he was in control enough to speak so boldly with a Lower Moon, but not enough to not show a sign of surrender.


So, he eased up on his Nerves.


''Well, to answer you… No. I’m not sharing.''


Yet that refusal did not deter the Demon. If anything, it made him slightly bolder. His Black Sclera practically shined as well with the next words he said.


''And if I gave you answers as to why so many Demon Slayers are around?''


Tempting. Very, very tempting there. But…


''And what tells me you won’t be lying?'' Kamanue made his doubts clear.


''You can’t. But I promise you this much, I want some of those Bodies, and I really have no reason to lie to you.''


True enough. Demons weren’t exactly social due to them not cooperating much if ever, but generally, they had no reason to lie to each other. And it’s not like Demons could really do much against other Demons either.


''Fine, then tell me and we’ll see if you’re telling the Truth or not.''


The Demon grinned, ''Gladly.''


And Kamanue listened closely to the Demon’s next words.


''See, I caught wind of a rumor. Didn’t think much of it at first, since rumors are just that. But, it was tempting. After all, those Rumors said that there was a higher concentration of Marrechi Humans than usual this Year. Something about Foreigners doing some sort of Meeting here, not that I care what goes on there.''


He remembers the skepticism when hearing of it. How did a Rumor like that even spread, he wondered. But at the same time, it was such a tempting thing for Demons. Many Marrechi’s in one location?


If that was true, then they hit the Jackpot.


It was even accountable for the Lower Moons if word he’s heard during his time here was anything to go by. About how they were in a rather precarious situation.


''What I cared about, was learning if it was true. And if yes, where to find it. How to get this feast.''


''You asking me to share seems to say it wasn’t true.'' Kamanue shot his guess, making the other Demon scowl.


''Yeah, you’re right. It was just bait to us. But you know what’s odd? No one knows who started this rumor to have us all baited in Shibuya. We don’t know if the Demon Slayers are to blame, since there are so many here, or if another Demon did this. No matter who I asked, no one knows.''


Kamanue had to admit that, when hearing that, it left things up in the air. Because who was to blame then?


It… couldn’t have been Lady Kanao, right?


Would she even do this?


''What I do know, is that Shibuya is right now the biggest gathering spot of us Demons and the Demon Slayer Corps for probably the first time. And all because of that one guy spread rumors to us Demon about Marrechi Blood.''


Kamanue frowned at this.


He’d planned Shibuya specifically because it shouldn’t have many Demons or Demon Slayers. But as it turns out, the opposite was going on now.


And it frustrated him. Would he need to move out and elsewhere because of this? Or… should he risk it?


''Ready to share now?'' The Demon asked.


And Kamanue had only one thing to say to that.


''You only get one Body. You told me something, sure… but you didn’t exactly have answers for everything.''


The fellow Demon scowled but decided not to spit on this chance he was given. If only because it meant he could get one free meal out of this.




The Demon grabbed one, and then, in a flash of Blue, left. Clearly not wanting to take more risks than he was willing to.


Meanwhile, Kamanue mumbled out his faintest sign of surprise.


''Oh, he actually was being serious with his Speed.''


Still, with that now done, Kamanue decided he’d go eat his Meal first. Then, he’d figure out how to go on with this newfound situation.


Though, as he did so, he cursed whoever was to blame for this situation to begin with. That bastard had complicated his Plan by so much!


Elsewhere, a certain Demon who no longer was covered in hands sneezed.



Nearly all of the Lower Moons are in Shibuya at the moment. Granted, at different times and with one having an uncertain fate, but they're here. And we've got plans for them to use very soon. Meanwhile, someone is finally giving some sort of explanation as to why Shibuya is such a gathering spot for Demons at the moment.

I think you can all piece out now who's the Culprit in all of this.

Besides that, the situation in Shibuya seems to be only worsening as time passes. The aforementioned Lower Moons are here, and Takehito is very much still on the loose. That's not including Susamaru and Yahaba seem to be going down the Path their Canon-selves did and all the other random Demons there too. Our Group of Demon Slayers are gonna be facing quite a lot in the coming days that remain.

Wonder how that'll go.

Either way, this is all I needed to say. Hope you've enjoyed yet again another long chapter. I'll see you all next time!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]
Haganezuka, during the Shibuya situation, has had this odd urge to sharpen his Knives to stab something.

Chapter 17: Day Four - The Disastrous Hurricane


And we are back! And after we hadn't uploaded last weekend, though... well, I'm sure you all will understand after seeing how long this chapter is. And honestly, I'm looking forward to the reactions of this 49,058 word long chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Flower Breathing - Second Form: Honorable Shadow Plum!” Kanae thought to herself, as with a deep breath of air, she then released several rotating sword slashes upon the 5 Demons that tried leaping at her, allowing the Demon Slayer to slice through all of their necks. Then, after taking a moment to look around her to see if there was any other Demons and seeing none, she then called out to her student.

“You doing good Genya!?” She asked while running in the direction he went when they were ambushed within this building, hoping to see if he was okay.

And she knew he was the moment that a Demon was thrown through a concrete wall, or more accurately, their headless body that was turning into ash.

“I’m fine. Though, these bastards ruined my yukata during the struggle.” Her student said as he walked through the hole that he made with the Demon’s body, his purple yukata was torn in half, yet his uniform was intact. Meanwhile, it appears that his temporary Demonic powers had reached their limit, as the black of his eyes returned to white scelra and the gold returned to purple.

“Well, I’m sure the Wisteria House will fix it right back up like the last two nights.” Kanae told the young teen with a smile while patting him on the chest, earning a small laugh and blush.

“Yeah… they are probably annoyed with me at this point. Also, are you doing alright sensei?” Genya mused for a moment before asking her, and Kanae felt like she did a good job hiding the slight twitches of her hands and the light flinch she gave at it. Not because of the question itself, but more because of how it reminded her of her performance during the last 2 nights.

The first night, she was just barely able to kill 2 Demons and Genya had to kill the 3 that surprised them on his own, even letting himself get torn into so she wouldn’t be hurt. The next night was a bit better, but only because they encountered a single Demon, and even then, that one was easily on the calibre of a Lower moon, perhaps even reaching the level of an Upper moon and it escaped since they met it 5 minutes before the sun rose.

But this night went a lot better. She was still a long way from her old peak, but Kanae could likely hold off a Lower moon on her own again now, and while her chest ached if she fought for too long, it wasn’t detrimental like it was on the first night if she paced herself well. In fact, tonight alone, throughout the hours, she had killed about 12 Demons with her own blade and Genya took out 6, even if much of it was with them working together.

“I’m okay. My chest hasn’t acted up like it did on the first night, and I doubt we’ll encounter anything worse than a newborn Demon with the sun rising soon.” The Flower Breathing practitioner explained to her student, who sighed a little in relief while Kanae looked at the rapidly growing orange sky.

Demons may still be out and about, but she wasn’t wrong with her assumption based on past missions. Any Demons that had a mind put together are definitely hiding in buildings or anything with suitable shade that can hide them from the sun, and even a newly turned Demon should be following suit, since the sun will be shining down on them all soon. About 3 minutes if she were to bet some money on it.

And so, the pair began to walk down the road back to the Wisteria House that they have been resting at, since their arrival. But as they passed someone wearing some baggy clothes and looked like they were walking while tired, Kanae noticed something…

It was small, and to the naked eye of a human and Demon, would have been easily missed. And that was a slight, unnatural bump on his arm. Something too large to have been from an injury since it was noticeable to her through the clothes.

“Sir, are you alright perhaps?” Kanae questioned the person with a slight narrowing of her eyes, causing Genya to stop and follow her line of sight to watch this person, who ignored them and attempted to continue walking. 

Frowning at this, the Shinazugawa reached forward and grabbed this person by their sleeve, and yet, they continued to walk and it made the sleeve get torn off. And it revealed something that shocked the 2 Slayers and they got a few answers to their questions immediately.

Because with the sleeve torn off, there was a visible and large blood growth on the person’s body, one now exposed to the sun. And with it exposed, the blood growth immediately caught on fire, which made the clothes also catch on fire as the body began to burn, yet this person still didn’t react in the slightest.

And so, when the blood growth was completely destroyed, the body collapsed to the ground, still burning because of the fire spreading across the clothes it wore.

Meanwhile, Kanae and Genya stared in surprise before calming down, realising that this was likely the work of a Demon’s Blood Demon Art. But they stiffened as a voice that was not their own was heard.

“What the fuck!?”

- - - - - - - - - -

''We’re back!''

It is Kyojuro who shouted this into the Temple’s Private Section as he, alongside Kie and the now boxed Tanjiro, returned alive in the Wisteria House.

Tonight hadn’t felt particularly hard, but it was hard to deny how utterly tiresome this was getting.

Kie and Kyojuro had both nearly reached 20 Demons, and would have killed more if not because by now, some Demons were clearly weary of the Death Toll that seemed to reach them.

So some had just run away from them. Some more successfully than others.

''It’s still only growing.'' Kie utters out somewhat abruptly through her Mask. Not seeing the Mouth often made any statements seem out of nowhere.

''That it is, Young Kamado!'' And while Kyojuro agreed, it did not diminish the energy behind his voice.

What both had planned to do now was to eat Breakfast. Get some energy back from that and see if the others were back. It was the time for Breakfast to start in the Wisteria House after all.

However, as they headed off there, through a corridor, Tengen abruptly came in their field of vision.

They seemed to startle each other for a brief moment, with Tengen looking particularly… worried.

''There you are. With me, now! Something Unflashily Urgent has been notified!'' And then walked off back.

Kie and Kyojuro looked at each other before simply complying, curious and worried about what those Urgent news were about.

And to a mixture if surprise yet unsurprising to them at the same time, they reached Tengen’s Room to see Muichiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke already present.

Oh, and there was a Kasugai Crow perched off to the side as well. But that was an afterthought with what came from Tengen as he sat down.

''I’ve just been notified of some really bad news that makes the situation in Shibuya even more complicated.'' He starts off with that.

And Kie had to wonder what could make this even more complicated. Weren’t things hard as is already?

Apparently, they weren’t… until now that is.

''It’s very possible that even Daytime isn’t safe for us anymore.''

That alone already gave rise to quite a few reactions.

''What do you mean by that?!''

''Monkey, what the hell are you on about?''

''Ha! That means we fight the day to!''

Kie actually stared at Inosuke in bewilderment from the sheer implication alone. And she wasn’t the only one, since Zenitsu immediately cried at him.

''Don’t say something so stupid!''

Except, from the grim look Tengen proceeded to give from that alone, the implication wasn’t lost to anyone who noticed.

And no one could miss it especially after he replied.

''The Boar isn’t exactly wrong, but he’s not right either. See, I’ve been informed that there seems to be a particularly dangerous Blood Demon Art around. About how it can uses Corpses to move around during the day.''

Specific details were so far not given. Kanae was still at the moment performing an examination on the Corpse as he spoke. He should get an update on the matter soon enough, but until then, Tengen had only speculation to work around with.

''The exact details aren’t known, but I want you all to be extremely careful outside during the day until we get more info. Whatever this is… changes everything.''

That it is…

Zenitsu was full blown panicking now by the idea alone, Muichiro seemed to look more annoyed that something like this was coming up, and meanwhile Kyojuro looked to be split between worried and confident the situation could be dealt with.

Kie meanwhile was just as worried as they all were. Because the implication of something like this being possible meant the safety net of Daylight was gone, even if for the briefest of moments.

Inosuke meanwhile stood up to leave. It didn’t hit anyone up until he was actually out that he probably sought out to fight the issue now.

''Oh for the- Agatsuma! Go after him and stop him from doing something stupid.'' Tengen practically ordered, much to Zenitsu’s chagrin who reluctantly obeyed.

''Get back here Inosuke!'' And out he was as well.

Leaving only the rest of them here. Not that they were planning on sticking around much longer either, as Muichiro made very clear by now going up himself.

Silently, he was out.

Kie and Kyojuro took their own cues to leave, as Tengen clearly was going to have to double his work considering circumstances.

And once they were out, they conversed.

''Could a Demon really do any of this?'' She first began.

''In theory, maybe.'' Kyojuro replied, ''I heard my Father often mention how some Demons tried many things to avoid Sunlight. Some more successful than others. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a case like that. Though worry not Young Kamado, I’m certain that whatever this is, does not go further than that!”

Kie wondered if this was to reassure her, or for himself simply due to the sheer problem a Demon who could actually walk under Sunlight would bring.

But until Tengen got more information from the examination, it was useless to speculate on this further besides making themselves more worried.

So, she decided to get back on track.

''I’m sure. Now, how about we get Breakfast?''

''With pleasure!''

- - - - - - - - - -

“You know, I was only planning on keeping them for so long, yet… Hehehehe, these poor humans are much more useful than expected!” Enmu thought to himself as he put the little girl that had lost her fiancé only a month ago back to sleep, not bothering to catch her as he walked around her sleeping form to kneel down in front of a human completely paralysed by shock.

And oh, how Enmu loved it! He has seen many expressions like this in his many years as a Demon, even from a number of Demon Slayers, and yet… something about this one felt amazing. Did they have a connection back when he was human? No, the idea didn’t feel right.

Perhaps this was the first time he saw this wondrous expression on a human because his new minions made it possible? Maybe, but he supposed he would get his answers later when this happens a few more times. For now though…

“Ah~. Such a wonderful expression~. Don’t worry sir, you’ll be with those that were a part of your wonderful dream soon enough.” Enmu told the man, lightly patting his cheek to gain attention, or at least that would be what his action would look like at a glance… but the human having his neck instantly snapped as a result of the action, forcing him out of his shock before his eyes quickly grew dull was a delight for the Lower moon.

Perhaps he should keep this method of killing a human in mind? It was certainly a new one and the brief flash of emotions, most of which being stunned horror and pure fear, was a nice combination.

“Oh well, at least I won’t go for hours without some food.” Enmu mused with a shrug of his shoulders, before reaching out to grab the now dead man’s arm and with an effortless tug, ripped the limb clean off, allowing the spewing blood to land on him for a moment. But before the Demon could go for a bite…

“Why the fuck am I not surprised you’re doing your weird shit?” Hearing the familiar voice, Enmu stopped himself from indulging in his feast and turned around, seeing Rokuro walking forward with the corpse of a 40-year-old man Enmu recruited just last night, and Enmu frowned at that. On its own, it wasn’t too much of a loss, especially if this was the only one of his new minions that Rokuro killed, but…

Well, that one was of rarer blood, even if it wasn’t Marechi, and he was saving that man for later.

“You know that one was meant to be one of my little lackeys. And one I was saving for later as well.” The Lower moon 1 commented with a bit of anger in his voice, causing Rokuro to roll his eyes before ripping the corpse in half and then tossing the legs to him.

“Then you can take that part back. The other half is mine though with that collection of yours.” His fellow Demon said before raising his half of the corps up and began to drink the blood pouring out of it. 

“What are you doing in Shibuya anyways?” Enmu inquired with some curiosity. Out of the surviving line up of the current Lower moons, him, Rui, and Rokuro were the ones to have lived for the longest amongst them, so there was a degree of… well, companionship and friendship were words that were too optimistic. 

But there was a slight respect and tolerance to each other amongst the trio of Lower moon Demons, but they very rarely saw each other, so Enmu’s curiosity was caught.

“I owed Mukago a favour from about a decade ago, and with what her lady has requested of us in the Lower moon meeting, she called in that favour to help me get corpses for her Blood Demon Art.” The lower ranked Demon answered with a shrug before leaning against a stone pillar, making Enmu think that over.

Ah yes, Mukago could make corpse puppets. He had nearly forgotten the time he ran over one of them with a train he controlled back before she was even Lower moon 6.

“I suppose that answers that. Anyways, don’t kill the girl behind me or the small pile of sleeping humans huddled together over there. They are part of my plan for growth and I don’t want you to ruin it before I leave this place.” Enmu said before warning the Lower moon 2, who looked at the pile of corpses or blood covered sleeping humans at Enmu’s feet.

“Let me share in that pile, and I’ll accept.” Rokuro said, leaving no room for argument. And with a scowl, Enmu conceded.

He may be able to beat Rokuro, in fact he did so to become Lower 1, but their gap in strength wasn’t that large and Rokuro was more skilled. So by the time Enmu could put the bastard to sleep and throw him into the sun, all of his hard work in Shibuya would be undone.

“Very well.” Besides, losing some humans now in order to get many more in the future is ultimately a small loss if you asked Enmu.

Although that did not stop him from demeaning Rokuro, considering what he’d heard just before.

''But really, have you done anything by yourself lately? You owed Mukago a favour and helped her and here you are now, asking to get a share of my food. That… doesn’t quite sound like what Lower Moon Two should be doing, hm?''

The absolute worst part, as Rokuro proceeded to glare at Enmu, was that this did sound bad without any additional information.

Rokuro answering in a Favor like that? Then him asking for a share of someone else’s Food?

For a Demon, this could borderline be seen as a weakness.

But Enmu was no fool when pointing this out. Demeaning it certainly had been, this was also in turn a type of question.

What are you going to do now? Follow someone again or do something by yourself? What would a fellow Kizuki do now that he could act freely?

And as annoyed as he was, he did answer Enmu’s inquiry.

''I was planning on just leaving. Whatever’s caused so many Demon Slayers to show up makes Shibuya too risky. I’d feel safer to risk it anywhere else but here.'' He then took a large bite from one of the Corpses.

''Was planning, hm?'' Enmu hummed as he pointed out the choice of word, ''You’re not planning on leaving anymore?''

''Not anymore.'' Rokuro confirmed the deduction, ''Let’s just say Mukago gave me Inspiration, and what you’re trying to do with those Humans enhances it.''

Well, well, well…

Isn’t that fascinating to hear? Enmu knew Rokuro wasn’t much of a… team player, so to speak. Though practically all Demons rarely were. Individual strength was seen as the most important aspect of might within those who coveted it.

So the fact he’s implying he’s considering teaming up with others as an option…

Well, colour him intrigued!

''Perhaps you’ll make it after all, if you use that Brain of yours more often.''

Then, the conversation ceased. What more was needed to be said?


Instead, both Demons decided to eat quietly while there was this form of peace. Because tonight would prove to be perhaps the most active time for Demons and Humans alike.

The question that formed from that was a simple thing.

Who would prevail tonight?

- - - - - - - - - -

''-Now! Repeat!''

And Kie did as ordered. Performing again the Final Water Breathing Form within the Training room of the Wisteria House.

That’s what she’s basically been doing for the past several hours. Performing the Forms again and again under Rengoku’s watch. And Tanjiro's too, whenever he was awake.

At least, until an end was reached.

''That is enough now, Young Kamado!''

It was after she’d done the 10th Form for one final time that Rengoku told her to stop. And she did.

She lowered her Nichirin Blade and took in a deeper Breath that made Kyojuro frown. Not that she noticed then. And even if she did, this currently was not the purpose of the past several hours.

The purpose of that whole thing had been something else entirely.

''I have observed how you performed every single form! And I do believe I’ve seen which ones you seem to use the easiest. However! I want to hear your own observations first. Ultimately, this is your Body and you know it better than anyone else.''

It had namely been served as a time of Discovery. Water Breathing wasn’t the Breathing Form Kie could master, as her Nichirin Blade’s colour indicated. But from what Kyojuro had heard, there should have still been some forms that may still be used with more ease than others.

Those ones? They would serve as the Foundation of this New Breathing Form. But to discover those, they needed to observe. And in the heat of battle, it was an ill-advised idea.

Hence why they were doing it now. 

And now that Kie had all of this time to actually pay close attention, she noticed which of the Forms seemed to be easier for her to use.

She nodded along and then told him her own observation, ''Yes. After getting the time to see which feels easier, I’d say First Form. Second Form. Sixth Form and Seventh Form as the ones I feel the most at ease using.''

First Form: Water Surface Slash which was simply a single horizontal slash to decapitate her Target.

Second Form: Water Wheel which acted as an attack that performed a full circular motion.

Sixth Form: Whirlpool which allowed her to whirl around just like a Whirlpool, but made of sharp blades.

Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust which allowed her to perform a precise but fast thrust.

All of those Water Breathing Forms were the ones she found the easiest, and even the best for her to use.

Kyojuro, hearing what she said, stared at her for a moment with those eyes of his. Then?

He clapped!

''Young Kamado, truly, well done! You are one step closer to reaching your own way of Fighting!''

And Tanjiro, who seemed to have simply been watching up until now, seeing what Kyojuro was doing, followed suit and did the exact same. He clapped too.

Kie may have felt slightly embarrassed by the congratulation she was getting, especially with how little this felt like right now.

Still, she gladly accepted it right now.

''Thank you!''

Then, the clapping slowly died down until it was completely gone. Though Kyojuro wasn’t quite done with complimenting yet.

''I was at first worried I may have been pushing you too much, but it seems like my observation has been correct. You have quite a lot of energy of spare, don’t you?''

Kyojuro didn’t notice the look Tanjiro gave, which screamed: ''Of course she has a lot of energy to spare!''

Kie wasn’t sure why Tanjiro gave that kind of look though. She had only been aware she didn’t tire out all that easily because of Urokodaki’s Training. And it wasn’t immediately obvious unless she went through something like what Kyojuro had her go through.

But maybe he was just proud? Regardless, she answered Rengoku.

''I do indeed.''

''That is a good thing! It means we can accelerate what could have taken several days to be done. Especially with how active Nights are as of late!''

As far as Kyojuro was concerned, it just meant Kie held an advantage that allowed her to still advance even in this tumultuous Week.

And he most certainly was planning to help her advance as much as possible. Though for today…

''Take a Break. For today, this is as much as you can do.'' Especially since he could see that day was only going to go down and down.

Night would come sooner rather than later.

Now was the time to relax before another possible long night.


It’s all Kie needs to say. And it’s all they needed as well.

For they knew, if the other Nights were anything to go by, that Tonight would be another long Night.

With that in mind, the rest of that Evening was spent resting for the incoming battles.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Fuck, this is a mess. And it isn’t even flashy.” Tengen mumbled to himself as he read the letter given to him by Kanae’s Kasugai Crow, flying back to the Wisteria House that the former Hashira was residing in.

The letter’s contents being about the Corpse that Kanae and Genya found at the start of the day. Thankfully, the only other person that saw it was a fellow Demon Slayer, so there wasn’t a mass panic, but that still could have been a mess. However, what the Kocho woman was able to discover was that the corpse was purely human, which was able to allow them to walk out in the day besides that apparent blood growth, which burned like a Demon would.

As a result, Kanae speculated that whatever Demon was controlling the Corpse needed its blood in the body, and the blood growth is the source of that blood. It was also better to try and destroy it instead of decapitating the corpse in the woman’s opinion, since it was the source of the Blood Demon Art on the corpse. Another thing the woman believed was likely was that these corpses are much stronger than a human, possibly even having the strength of a Demon since Demonic blood was their source and since these bodies weren’t alive, any survival instinct was removed and so, it would move and strike instantly at 100% of the body’s limits.

“And what’s worse, is that all of these are assumptions, not facts.” Tengen groaned out. This was proving to be even more of a headache than him having to gather up the number of Demons like…

“...Shit, I forgot to ask them.” And with the realisation, Tengen proceeded to facepalm before standing up. Thankfully, last he checked about 5 minutes ago, everyone should be getting some lunch so he can ask them all about the Demon deaths at once, and admittedly… Uzui was also getting hungry himself.

And so, after only a minute of walking, he found everyone eating together, though he did spot Tokito sitting away from the Kamados and Inosuke once again chasing the Demon brat. Who was now wearing a bamboo muzzle that Tengen was given so that he could help Demon Slayers gather Demons for the Final Selection.

Truthfully, the sight didn’t surprise him in the slightest.


“Alright everyone, gather round! I need some things from you all!” Tengen called out, getting everyone’s attention besides the little Demon, who just continued running until he got to his sister.

“What is it, Monkey? I was eating.” Muichiro questioned, but beyond an eyebrow twitch at the name, Uzui didn’t react. It was insulting, but he was sadly getting used to being called that animal by the little gremlin.

“Are you sending us out to fight those undead things!?” Inosuke yelled out, earning a whine of “Just shut up you dumb boar!” from Agatsuma, but that was ignored.

“No, but one of the things I need you all for involves them. For now, I got to ask about the number of Demons you killed last night, given how the walking corpses made me forget to ask when you all got back.” The Shinobi answered with a sigh, rubbing his head from the headache he has been feeling.

Perhaps if he has the time, he’ll go for an early sleep.

“You are forgetful, Monkey.”

…Yep, that early sleep is already sounding nice right about now.

“Well, I was able to kill 18 Demons. Tanjiro helped me kill 8 of them as well.” Thankfully, the Kamado girl spoke up and told Tengen, including her brother’s actions as a likely attempt to help his case, which made the little Demon puff out his chest proudly.

“It is true! As for myself, I was able to slay 19 Demons, and the Demon even assisted with one of the kills!” Kyojuro then gave his kill count and nodded to the Demon in acknowledgement at the end, and Tengen had to blink when the Demon appeared to gain stars in his eyes because of the nod.

Was that a thing Demons did when excited about something other than eating? Actually, do they get excited beyond a sadistic reason?

“Well… I was able to get 9 Demons.” Zenitsu was the next speak up, only for Inosuke to immediately speak up.

“Don’t lie Ranutsu! You get 14 Demons, even when your eyes were closed for 5 of them! Besides, you still don’t match up to my 15 Demons!” Hashibira corrected before declaring his kill count, with his correction earning some looks. Tengen though…

“...You know, yellow boy getting 14 Demons doesn’t make sense, but I’ll roll with it.” Tengen commented with a shrug. Besides, if those 5 extra kills meant that another Demon Slayer or two was being sent to Shibuya than it would without, then the shinobi wouldn’t mind.

Better to be over prepared than under prepared after all.

“And I got… 19 Demons I think? So remember it, Monkey.” The last one to give their number of kills was Tokito, making Tengen shake his head at that before mentally doing the math.

Overall, that added up to a total of 85 Demons from this group alone. Adding on the 18 slain by Kanae and her student, then that was 103 Demons last night alone and the other Wisteria House got 12, so 115 Demons in total.

“This mess seems to be determined to not be flashy. Seriously, 115 Demons killed last night….” Tengen said tiredly, making everyone share a look of concern. Once again, the numbers have risen and this time, have reached the hundreds in numbers. That… was concerning, especially with the Corpses walking around.

Speaking of which…

“My friend, you did mention that there was something about the Corpses that we needed to know. What exactly is it?” Kyojuro questioned, to which Tengen didn’t respond for a solid moment, but when he did…

“I’m getting some flashy sleep. Read this letter so you know what’s up with those things.” Was all the Shinobi said as he took out the letter from one of his pockets, put it down on a table, and walked to his room before finally collapsing onto his bed.

Tengen cared not what they’d do with the Information. He simply needed to recuperate energy he desperately needed to continue on in the Morning. And honestly, besides that, there wasn’t anything else to even say.

With everything else being dealt with, he allowed sleep to take him in it's comforting presence.

Somewhat the opposite of the Group he’d left considering Kyojuro was currently reading over the Letter, just now finishing it.

''-so please. Be careful of what else these things could do.''

Everyone had listened closely to what the Letter held. Or as closely as one could considering how Inosuke seemed to space in and out, even though he was genuinely trying to listen considering what it entailed.

Still, the feeling they all felt was all the same.

Just like the Number of Demons had increased and given way to worry, so did this Letter. Though along different lines.

Because those things were unknowns. Nothing but speculation was left behind, and now it was very likely they’d be required to deal with this.

Which also meant they’d need to deal with the Creator of this Blood Demon Art. Whoever that one is. But where could they be?

How could they end this threat?

But ultimately, the answer was simple, wasn’t it?

''Well then everyone. It seems like we have a clear Goal to tonight!'' Kyojuro certainly felt that way as he boomingly declared with his usual cheer.

''Above all else, we are to locate this Demon and hunt it down! The threat of constant Demons looms over us all, but this is something that we can reach much closer with our own hands!''

Compared to the almost abstract nature of the Swarms of Demons and how they kept coming, this one was tangible. This one had a clear end in sight.

Cut the Demon’s neck, and this new threat would be done for.

''So my friends, set your Hearts ablaze! Let’s hunt down the Demons with even more vigor so this threat may not live past today!''

Kyojuro’s declaration ended with one final blazing declaration. One which made a great many -alongside a star eyed Tanjiro- feel additional motivation to see this Night three. To double their efforts.

Even the usually passive looking Tokito felt like something had been ignited at the moment. However long he’d even remember this.

''Now, let’s finish our Meals and prepare! We have much to do Tonight, and there’s only so much time before we are to head out.''

With that, Kyojuro resumed eating his Food with double the energy he’d displayed earlier. And while no one but Inosuke really mimicked the vigor he displayed; it was undeniable that he had set their Hearts Ablaze.

The only question now was if this would be enough or not.

But time would tell…

- - - - - - - - - -

The whole Group left slightly before it was completely night.

The Groups being the same.

Kie went with Kyojuro. Tanjiro coming with them in the process because he was inside the Box.

Zenitsu and Inosuke had been unfortunate -for the former- partners in Shibuya by now, and so still stuck together even now.

Muichiro meanwhile continued on Solo.

As the last bits of Sunlight faded and left way for the obscurity of Night, they split off to hunt for Demons.

What would end up being missed by them was that they weren’t the only ones who got out. At least from the Temple.

But by the time they realized, it would be much later. 

Regardless of that, the early hour of the Night had started similarly to how it went in Shibuya. A slow rising of Demons with some Civilians around the Streets of the Urban City to enjoy the Night.

Though there was noticeable either less people around tonight, or some showed signs of unease.

Muichiro wouldn’t really notice such things, however. Instead focusing on hunting the Demons. Seeking them out.

But something curious would happen for Muichiro as he dispatched of some Demons already. Because after 3 consecutive days of Demons dying again and again…

''Wait. Wait! I- I give up!'' A Demon actually begged. No longer did it feel like a predator in this City after learning of how many Demon Slayers were around to hunt them. It didn’t matter how many of them fell, some Demons were simply intimidated by how things were going.

Muichiro however didn’t actually stop his attack. His Nichirin Blade moved to slice the Demon’s neck…

''I have Information!''

…and then was changed off course to slice across the Torso instead. Tokito’s eyes narrowed then at the Bisected Demon. Due to his Memory, he couldn’t truly remember if this had ever happened before, but a Demon begging to spare them, and one who offered Information in exchange…

Had that ever happened before?

It’s not like it would stick around for long, but for this moment, Muichiro questioned this while moving the tip of his Blade to the Demon’s neck.

''Talk. Now.''

The Demon, not really having much of a choice if it wanted a chance to potentially survive this, said everything.

''T-There’s this other Demon! He’s hiding in one of the concrete buildings Shibuya has! And he’s a strong one!''

That information was so far useless to Muichiro.

''Give me directions.''

And he gave it after some moments of hesitation.

''Th-There’s a Takoyaki Stand next to it! You can’t m-miss it! You can’t miss him, from just a glance… You- You Hunters can tell at a glance, right?!''

Skilled Demon Slayers could often judge by a glance alone, yes. Like how Muichiro could tell this Demon was Weak.

Speaking of which, Muichiro had never even considered sparing this Demon. It would go against what the Corp stood for.

(Then what of that Demon who looked like a Child?)

So, in an instant, he sliced the Demon’s neck and then moved on to check if the directions were accurate. And if it was even a strong Demon or not.

Regardless of that, he’d kill it.

And so far, the directions seemed to be true. Next to the Takoyaki Stand was… the building in question. The issue then became that, well…

How does he get in?

Muichiro is forgetful, but he’s not stupid compared to that Monkey or that Boar. He knows he can’t just charge in. Or at least remembers enough common sense.

So how does he fix that issue?

He doesn’t.

Muichiro sadly can’t actually remember enough to either ask someone if they’ve seen someone suspicious come in recently or even ask someone to open the door under the pretence of forgetting his keys. Which wouldn’t even be a lie, Muichiro could legitimately forget his keys if he lived in an Urban Area and not in Rural Places.

So he can do nothing but stare up at the Building. In itself, it’s a miracle he remembers he has to hunt a Demon at all.

But then, even with his forgetful mind, he catches something… Or rather, catches that the Apartment doesn’t go one direction. A side of it goes to an Alleyway.

Muichiro goes there and for a moment, simply stares. Then, he notices a particularly covered window at Ground Level farther back. Closer to the Centre of the Alley. Perfect to hide anything to seep through from the outside, but the inside as well.

He stares at it.

Then thinks. Could a Demon be hidden in there? It would follow what Demons commonly did.

And then?

He proceeds to do exactly what he said he wouldn’t do compared to the Monkey and Boar.

He cuts right across the covered window before charging into the thing and bursting through. His suspicion that came on and off due to his Amnesiac Mind receiving the answer he sought out.

In the shape of an abnormally large fist coming his way upon his landing, which Muichiro successfully blocked while remaining on his feet.

''Well, well… you surprised me, Demon Slayer.''

The owner of said abnormally large first uttered out while they were in a lock. For the briefest moments, it allowed Muichiro to see all over him.

Standard Room with Furniture. There was the faintest trace of Blood, so someone had lived here previously before this Demon took over the place. Although he’d made a point to keep everything else mostly tidy from the looks of it.

Said Demon meanwhile has his right arm bulked up in size, easily able to punch his whole head off if he landed it. Not that Muichiro would let that happen.

As the Demon opened his Mouth to speak, Muichiro acted and tried to eliminate the Demon swiftly. With a swift movement, he switched the blank side of his Sword to its sharp side, slashing forward again and again to cut his arm into pieces.

The pieces fell, and in the window of opportunity it gave him, he moved his Blade for the Demon’s neck. Only for the Stump of his arm to regrow not only one arm, but several of them that clapped and grasped his Sword between his several palms.

''I see that you’re fast.'' The Demon remarks in a mixture of casualness and worry. Someone this talented this soon hadn’t been planned, but he’d simply need to react accordingly.

Or else, he, Takehito, wouldn’t be where he was right now.

''But let’s see how you can get out of this situation!''

With his whole left side with arms holding his Blade in place, the Demon moved his other arm for a punch. Except it wasn’t just a punch. It was coated in Water that seemed to act like a current.

One which Muichiro was sure would hurt more than the usual punches if it landed. But Muichiro wasn’t at the point he was just because of Talent. He just so happened to be resourceful when he needed to be.

And he did exactly that.

Muichiro let go of his Sword and jumped to first avoid the Streaming Punch before landing one foot on his Handle while the other moved to kick Takehito in the face as hard as he could.

And that kick was strong enough it actually dazed the Demon for the briefest of moments, letting his grasp slip. Muichiro wasted no time to jump back while grabbing his sword for the smallest distance in this Room.

The Demon shook his head while the multiple arms reformed into a normal sized arm.

''Useless… Utterly Useless!'' Takehito roared while glaring at Muichiro who kept his stance at the ready,  ''So what if you pulled that trick against me? You’ll fall just like all the other Demon Slayers I’ve killed. You’ll just be another Meal in my stomach, soon enough!''

Muichiro’s eyes, blank they seemed to be, narrowed in a manner so unlikely what his eyes displayed.

''And how many did you eat, Demon?''

In answer? The Demon gave a smirk.

''Hm… in terms of you Hunters… Oh, well over 50 I’d say. But I’ve eaten so many of them already, they may as well be the bread Humans eat. At some point, you stop keeping track of how many.''

Something about those words made Muichiro feel… something. He can’t put words into it, nor does he want to.

But it makes his attention all the more focused. As if a certain haze had lifted, but not entirely either.

''I will make sure you’re dead.'' It comes out as particularly cold while his stance shifted, ready to start the offense.

But Takehito? He simply smiled while clenching his fists, positioning a foot further back.

''You’re welcome to try!''

Then, the Human and Demon launched towards each other, continuing this Battle.

- - - - - - - - - -

“So, why the hell are we heading to a graveyard? Aren’t these places normally ignored by Demons because of a corpse’s flesh deteriorating?” Genya questioned Kanae as they approached the area for the dead, Aoyama Cemetery, to which the young woman nodded her head at the questions.

“You are correct. However, considering how our new and sudden threat being corpses that are walking in daylight, checking this place isn’t a bad idea. Especially since only those blood growths burned due to exposure to the sun, meaning the bodies were human.” The more experienced Slayer between the pair explained to her student, who nodded before gagging a little.

“Well, at least since I’m already in Demon mode, I won’t have to bite into one of those things to get my powers.” The young Shinazugawa said, causing the Kocho woman to giggle a bit at those words. 

Indeed, it was very fortunate for Genya. After all, she doubted a rotten corpse would taste good to even a Demon.

“Wait… who is that?” However, when she raised her head and began to look around, she blinked in surprise when she noticed a very large man standing in front of a small grave, clenching his fists angrily to the point where she was surprised that he hadn’t drawn blood.

“Hey, what is going on here!?” Genya yelled out to the man as the two Demon Slayers approached, before stopping and looking in confusion when they saw that the space in front of the small grave was dug up, and from their current positions, saw that some of the spaces in front of other graves looked like they were recently dug up and just had dirt placed back.

“Someone has dug up the bodies of the dead. Including children that I knew.” Was all the large man stated, and while his voice seemed calm, there was still a very clear and dangerous tone of rage as well.

“I know I shouldn’t be out at night Demon Slayers. But when I heard about someone digging into these burials, I had to be here and confront them.” He continued on though, causing Kanae to look at him sympathetically, before she patted him on the arm.

“I can understand how you feel. However, the culprit is likely a Demon because of something recent, so you should head back while you can.” The Flower Breathing swordsman informed the man, and while it took a moment, he did nod at her words. But before he could do whatever he planned to do next…

“Well, ain’t this fun! I was just planning on getting my last few eventual puppets from this place, but I have the treat of a little freak, a human with a clearly strong body, an-! Wait…. My lady, what are you doing here!? And dressed as a Demon Slayer!” A dark female voice commented as many of the walking corpses began to come out of their hiding places, such as from behind a gravestone or even from the graves themselves. But as they began to surround the 3 humans, and a female Demon with a kanji in one of her eyes revealed herself from the top of a small building, the aura of danger she began to give instantly died out when her eyes landed on Kanae.

Whose eyebrow began to twitch at this happening again.

“Are you kidding me? How many more Demons are going to confuse me for Tsuyuri! We can’t look that alike!!” Kanae yelled in frustration while throwing her hands up into the air, causing nearly everyone to sweat drop.

“You basically look like her, just with longer hair and wearing a Corps uniform plus your haori.” Mukago thought to herself when hearing that yell. So she couldn’t blame other Demons for making the same mistake.

“Um… sensei, it can’t have been that bad, right?” Genya questioned her, making the older Slayer look at him with the most blank expression he had ever seen.

And he met a certain amnesiac Slayer before.

“Genya. Even Upper Moon 2 briefly confused me for Tsuyuri. If an Upper moon is making that mistake, then imagine how many of the more common Demons confuse me for her…” The former Hashira told her student, which created an awkward silence for a bit. But the one to speak up…

“Demon. Are you the one to defile these children’s graves?” The large man questioned, drawing attention to him. And after a moment, the now Lower moon 3 recomposed herself and grinned.

“Why, I thought that would be obvious. Even to a blind human like yourself.” The Demon said as she jumped down from her spot on the building and landed on the ground, making Kanae and Genya tense as they grabbed their weapons and looked around.

“Looking around, I think there are… twenty of these corpses? Probably a few more since some are likely hiding behind others or are waiting for things to possibly become bad for their master. And while I can see some blood growths on a few of the corpses, I can’t see where they could be on some others.” Kanae made note to herself, and while she kept her senses sharp to be aware of the puppets, her eyes were locked onto the Demon.

After all, with her being the source of these things, her death would likely cancel the Blood Demon Art and these puppets would return to normal corpses.

“After all, they weren’t really doing anything anymore, so may as well put them to use.” She explained while keeping her distance, before then raising her right arm.

“In fact, why don’t I show you.” And with that, the Lower moon Demon snapped her fingers and with a series of feral and inhumane screams, the 20 Corpse puppets Kanae spotted leapt at the 3 humans while a few more leapt out from the trees at the small group.

“Shit, stay behind us!” Genya told the giant man as he used his shotgun to blow off the head of a Corpse Puppet before then kicking another away and using his Nichirin Wakizashi to stab a corpse that almost clawed at his eye, and with turn, tossed it off of his weapon and slamming the Corpse into another 3 of its fellow puppets.

“Flower Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!” Kanae meanwhile, proceeded to side step an attack from a puppet and when she knew one was going to try and strike from behind, she jumped into the air and spun around, moving with her bodyweight as she sliced off the head of one corpse, and through the blood growth of 2 others that had them placed on the chest and left eye, respectively.

Then, with a spin, she was able to slice off the attacking arm of a corpse that looked like it died around 8-years-old, while kicking the headless corpse away from her in a single move, before then avoiding another punch, but she didn’t need to counter this attack thanks to Genya shooting into the blood growth on this corpse’s back.

Meanwhile, the few Corpse puppets that got past Genya and Kanae attacked the large man. Only to be met with failure for the most part since they weren’t able to harm him that badly. Perhaps a surprising thing to see, but the large man knew how to take advantage of his large size and natural strength even with his blindness.

(And some of that Strength wasn’t just from being naturally born with it)

He was able to grapple any corpses that got close and threw them away, only receiving a few occasional light cuts when he gave a glance to the Corpses that resembled Children. It was hard to miss the saddened look that crossed his features.

And that was something Mukago made note of for later, just in case. But speaking of the Demon…

She just sat on a nearby bench as she watched her upgraded puppets at work. When considering she had a total of 70 corpses with her, she doubted these idiots could whittle down such large numbers and get to her on their own. 

“Keep the lookalike alive! I want to break her first, but otherwise, do whatever!” And with a command to puppets, Mukago began to giggle. After all, not only was she sure that her lady would be happy with some imposter dying, but this woman had the same style as that dual wielding bitch from 2 years ago, so breaking the potential teacher will be fun.

Though, unbeknownst to them all, a pair of very good eyes was watching this battle in the graveyard play out from atop a tree. 

Paying very close attention while Kanae thought up of a plan within her mind.

- - - - - - - - - -

From all the split Groups, so far, the one who seemed to have it the easiest was the Group consisting of Kie and Kyojuro. What with Tanjiro residing in the box so far.

Any Demons that crossed their path fell. Though considering how they both already were having 10 Demons killed this early on, it didn’t bode all that well either.

''And that’s Eleven.'' Kie declared after finishing off another one.

''That’s already more than how we started yesterday.'' Kyojuro remarked while his Blade remained drawn but unused.

Demons seemed to catch on as well that there was a High presence of Demon Slayers here now. At least basing it on a few Demons and how they’d react to their presence so far.

It was less Confidence or surprise and more along the lines of exasperation. At least how one felt when seeing another chance to die.

So unwelcome.

''It is. Which only worries me more.'' Kie replied while hesitantly sheathing her Blade, ''Is this ever going to end?''

''It has to.'' Kyojuro answered with certainty, ''There’s only so many Demons who are willing to risk fighting in this perpetual siege. Eventually, either no more will answer the reason for why they are here, or they’ll run away.''

However, Kyojuro didn’t know when that would happen. This was the 4th Day straight of this going on, and so far, the Numbers were only rising while getting more complicated.

(If only he knew how true those words would soon sound…)

So right now, the only thing he could do was Hope.

''I hope this happens soon then.''

Then silence resumed while they marched on, making a point to avoid the busy streets right now. It was hard to miss how recognizable the Corp Uniform was getting for the general populace of Shibuya.

It so far didn’t bring anything too bad, but unless the Demon Issue died down soon enough, the gradual recognition would be problematic for future hunts.

Although that stay though soon faded as they continued their patrol, actually running into another Group of Demon Slayers in the process who’d dealt with their own Demons.

Nothing odd there so far.

They went their separate ways and continued on for perhaps an hour or so? None of them actually had a watch to be sure, but it felt like it.

It was then that this calm completely shattered like Glass.

And that first sign was when they ran into a Group of 3 Demons. Absolutely nothing odd there as they drew their Weapons.

It’s what the Demons said that caught them off guard.

''There! We’ve found some!'' Then, all of those Demons didn’t even try fighting them. They ran away in the opposite direction instead.

More questions may have been asked were it not for their immediate priority.

''We cannot have them out of our sight!'' Kyojuro gave chase then, and Kie followed suit. Not completely thinking of how odd this was now.

Demons running away from Demon Slayer wasn’t unheard of, of course. But the way those 3 made it sound… something more was at play here.

And sadly, things did not become easier here.

Because as Kie gave chase, suddenly? The box shook. Kie didn’t think much of it at first until she heard the Box being opened harshly, halting her in her tracks while twisting her head back to see Tanjiro out.

''Tanjiro. What’s-?''

He sniffed the air once, and then did something that could put all of the efforts they’d put into this since getting the reluctant acceptance of everyone else in Jeopardy.

He ran off on his own.

Kie’s eyes widened in shock at what her little Brother was doing, and during that time, Kyojuro was forced to halt his tracks when noticing Kie had stopped giving chase. Exactly at the same time as Tanjiro running off.

''Where is he going?!'' The usual loudness of Rengoku, mixed in with what seemed to be actual distress due to how shaky his trust in Tanjiro currently was, meant that he was very unhappy with what he was seeing.

''I don’t know! Tanjiro, come back here!'' 

He didn’t listen. Whatever his reasoning was, it seemed to be important above all else. Including the sheer risk this gave.

So Kyojuro came to a split-second decision.

''Young Kamado! I’m giving chase to your Brother and making sure he’s not doing anything foolish! Give chase to those Other Demons!'' Then, Rengoku chased after Tanjiro, leaving Kie with little to no choice but to do as she was told.

And thus, the situation grew even more complicated.

Because Kie had no clue she was walking in quite a predicament. Because at first, she was giving chase to the Demons.

And then they stopped running and went to a complete and abrupt halt. It left Kie briefly startled as all of them found themselves near a Pathway that currently was void of people.

''Had enough running away then?'' Kie commented, redrawing her Nichirin Blade. And the Demons looked at her, a mixture of nervousness, yet also joy.

As if they were happy with this outcome.

And Kie was shown exactly why they were happy once she received an answer. But not from any of the 3 Demons in front of her.

''No.'' A Voice comes to her ears, ''It’s just you’re exhausted. Now Sleep.''

And then, she dropped on the Ground.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Kamado, stop right now!” Kyojuro yelled as he ran after the young Demon, slowly catching up despite Tanjiro’s head start. However, the Demon Kamado ignored his order, instead focusing purely on getting somewhere.

“MMMMM!!!” And at that muffled noise, Kyojuro had to blink at that, which stopped the Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer from drawing his blade. Because the sound, despite being muffled, was angry. No, that was too light of a word, but the sound… it carried the same weight as a Demon Slayer when they found the Demon that caused them to walk this path to begin with.

“If Kamado is acting like this, then what caused it?” And with that realisation, Kyojuro had to wonder to himself. Because while he would still kill Tanjiro at a moment’s notice, the sheer furry behind that muffled cry was something the Demon Slayer had to acknowledge was out of character from what he had seen so far.

However, before those thoughts could continue, Tanjiro suddenly stopped, but before Kyojuro could hope to slow down from his current running, the Demon boy then seemed to punch at thin air, but this idea was quickly disproven as a Demon now revealed themselves and spat out blood, due to the power Tanjiro hit them with.

“Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!” And despite Kyojuro’s shock, this didn’t deter the Kinoe ranked Slayer from acting accordingly. As he now leapt forward with extra force to increase his speed, and from Tanjiro’s perspective, it looked like the swordsman appeared out of thin air before he then unleashed a singular horizontal slash that effortlessly cut off the Demon’s neck.

“So, I’m assuming you noticed this Demon.” Kyojuro commented to Tanjiro as he stood back to full height and turned to face the Demon, but was a little surprised when he didn’t see the literal star eyed look he has grown used to from Tanjiro. Instead, he saw an angry look with bulging veins across the Kamado’s face, looking around for something.

Were there more Demons around, or was there something Kyojuro missing? An injured civilian perhaps? Well, Kyojuro certainly got his answer and quickly at that.

“Well, this is a shocker. Who would have thought a Demon Slayer would ever be with a Demon and not try fighting each other.” Hearing the new voice, both Kyojuro and Tanjiro spun around to see a Demon covered in straight line markings leaning against a wall with a smirk, holding a young girl that was covered in cuts and bruises roughly by her hair.

“I will warn you only once, Demon. Let that girl go, and you may get a swift death.” Kyojuro told this foe, who only laughed while purposefully moving his arm in a way that forcefully tugged at the girl’s hair, making her cry out wordlessly in pain with each movement.

Based on that fact, Kyojuro could assume that she was a mute, so she couldn’t have called out for help to begin with. That, or her throat was recently damaged and is still recovering.

“Oh, that was a good one Demon Slayer. Like anyone would actually consider the idea of dying over living. Well, if you aren’t braindead at least.” The Demon said while shaking his head, when the markings on his body began to glow.

Acting on instinct, Kyojuro moved to attack the Demon and while it soon became clear he wouldn’t be able to get its neck, the Demon instead shifted his target, slashing at the arm of the Demon to save the girl. However, in the same instant, the Demon began to move at an incredible speed that got him away from Kyojuro, but he thankfully lost the girl since the Kinoe ranked Slayer cut her hair with his sword, stopping the Demon from escaping with his prey.

“Thankfully, I acted just in time. If that Demon was able to move while keeping hold of this girl, the sudden fast movement would have at least ripped her head off as the best-case scenario.” Rengoku thought as he helped the girl stand up while keeping her behind him, and as he turned around, he saw another Demon charge into Tanjiro, this one having an extra scorpion stinger like appendage lifting the little Demon up and slamming itself and the boy through a wall and out of sight.

And while Kyojuro’s first instinct was to pursue, he held back. Because if the Kamado came here because he smelled this collection of Demons, then for now, Kyojuro could still continue to trust him to an extent, and even if not, chasing after that Demon and Tanjiro would leave the girl behind him defenceless.

Suddenly though, Kyojuro saw some stones on the ground begin to move upwards slightly, and when it was only a foot away from him, the ground suddenly shot up with 5 spiked pillars aiming to skewer him alive.

“Flame Breathing - Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!” But this wouldn’t be the end for the Slayer, as with a multitude of flowing, circular slashes of his blade, the attack was stopped and sliced to pieces.

“Well, you’re certainly a strong one.” Hearing another voice talk, Kyojuro looked in its direction and saw a bearded Demon walking around a corner, the kanji for the number ‘2’ in one of his eyes.

“So, a Lower moon is here in Shibuya. I suppose you are the reason for the increase in Demon activity here.” Kyojuro commented while he felt the mute girl grip his haori tightly, not even needing to look at her to know she was scared.

“Believe it or not, but that would be no Demon Slayer. I merely came here for one reason and stayed around longer because of an idea I got, and well…” The Demon answered, but near the end, he held out his arms to emphasise the other 9 Demons with him.

“I have some allies now. Admittedly, they aren’t all here since they are working with someone else, but this will be enough to handle you.” Was the Lower moon’s declaration, when one of his new comrades, a female Demon with a flesh blade coming out of her arm, spoke up and prevented Kyojuro from thinking on the larger implications of those words.

“Enough stalling, I’m hungry dammit!” The Demon declared before the flesh blade detached, yet remained connected to her arm by a line of muscle, before sending it out like a whip.

But compared to one of his friends, this was a shameful display of skill. And as a result, Kyojuro easily cut that line of muscle with his sword when the attack got close, making the Demon cry out in pain, and taking the opportunity, Kyojuro kicked a large piece of one of the spiked rock pillars at the Demons, forcing them to scatter for a moment.

“Come on!” And with that yell, Kyojuro yelled to the girl as he picked her up and began to run, knowing that fighting multiple Demons and a Lower moon at once would be a difficult task.

However, Kyojuro didn’t get too far when a kick suddenly struck his side, sending him through the wall of an empty building, and after shaking his head, he saw the fast Demon walking through the hole that was made.

“What, didn’t see that coming?” The Demon questioned Kyojuro, although not able to see the Demon Slayer in question due to the dust still up and how unlit the Room was. The Young Man realized that and after looking briefly around, headed upstairs as quietly as possible with the Girl while the Demon couldn’t see him.

Upstairs was an equally empty room with all Windows leading outside. Which was perfect, as it meant he could sneak out from there. So long the Demon looked, it gave him the window of opportunity he needed, which he both literally and metaphorically took by sneaking out to the one leading to a narrow Alley.

There was only so much time before the Demon noticed what he’d done, so he made what he did next quick, laying the girl down.

“Get to safety. There is a temple with a crest like the one on this charm only a few minutes from here to the north. Get there, and you’ll be safe from the night, and don’t lose this. It will help keep you safe while getting there.” Rengoku told the girl as he leant her a Wisteria charm, and while she didn’t look like she wanted to leave him, survival instinct won over her and with a nod, she ran away in the direction he told her.

“Alright. Hopefully, Kamado or some comrades will get here soon.” Kyojuro muttered to himself before leaning his body against the wall, sneaking a peek to see how things were going back in the main road.

The Lower Moon and his fellow Demons were all standing outside, waiting for the sole Demon inside to report. Or at least, that was until one of them spotted him peeking from over a corner.

“There’s the bastard!” And the Demon that did notice him first, which had paws like a bear’s instead of hands, yelled out just in time for the others to turn and see Kyojuro charge forward at them now that his cover was blown.

“Flame Breathing - Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!”

- - - - - - - - - -

The situation, as it turned out, wasn’t something completely unique to just Kyojuro. As it turned out, some Demons had decided teaming up in this kind of scenario was much more preferable no matter how forbidden it actually was.

Not that it helped much when the Demon Slayers themselves were working together as well.

''Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!'' Zenitsu panicky moved in a flash and reached the Demon’s neck just in time, decapitating it.

But it did leave him open for the other Demon trying to take her chance by attacking him, her hair shooting up to pierce through him.

''Beast Breathing - Third Fang: Devour!'' Yet Inosuke saw his own chance and decapitated the Demon before her attack could land, ending another Duo of Demon’s life.

''And that’s 19!'' Inosuke proudly went on to declare, much to Zenitsu’s continued chagrin of how casual he made this seem.

''Stop rushing in like that!''

Zenitsu felt already so exhausted. Inosuke was the type of guy to rush in and think later. Which meant Zenitsu was practically always forced to immediately follow his steps at the risk of having his companion actually die from his recklessness.

And he’d nearly died so many times from that idiot!

He really, really wished things would get easier. Or that at least he’d have someone who wasn’t so trigger happy! Why was he with him again?

''Huh? What’s with that attitude now Zenotsube?''

And there’s that too, but at this point, getting his name wrong felt like the least of his issues. At least compared to his own life.

''That attitude is because-''

But before an argument could begin, both Men suddenly had their attention shift to the side. Zenitsu because of his hearing, and Inosuke because he could sense something.

Both boys were able to move just in time to avoid a spherical object burst through one of the buildings they’d need near, and upon closer inspection, Zenitsu recognized it as a Temari ball.

''What’s that…?'' He didn’t even finish his question before getting his answer. In the form of, from that same hole, having something else burst through.

Not an object this time, but a Human being proceeded to burst through the same wall, increasing the hole’s size as a Woman crashed down and groaned in pain.

''Huh?'' Zenitsu uttered out in confusion at what was going on before being snapped into the moment because of Inosuke being, well… his usual self.

''Oho! There’s a fight going on there? I’m in!'' And proceeded to rush in. Again. Exactly what Zenitsu feared he’d do.

While his boar… Friend, even though that was putting it nicely, rushed into the fold. Zenitsu decided he’d help the Fellow Demon Slayer on the ground. 

''Hey! Can you hear me?'' Rushing by her side, Zenitsu could see that her eyes were closed shut from the pain. She was clearly alive since she continued giving grunts and her teeth were gritted, but it didn’t seem like she’d get back up immediately.

And when she tried to talk, she ended up wheezing.

Ok. Ok. uh… what did Gramps say about this? 

''S-Slow down your Breathing! Take Oxygen in and out!'' Zenitsu suspected that the hit she took had done more than just hit somewhere. Maybe near a rib or something to cause Breathing to be that way?

Still, she took his advice and tried to Breath slowly. Ease it up. And it somewhat worked after a couple of seconds.

At which point the woman finally opened her eyes, but it was still in distress.

''We… We need to-'' She coughed and wheezed for a moment, with Zenitsu trying to pat her back or something, ''-have to help… Murata… he needs it!''

And the Woman’s worry was very well founded. Because while Zenitsu tried to help her, the woman named Ozaki, her Companion which was Murata was, well…

''This is fun!'' A Demon laughed in joy while recreating a Temari ball in her hand, letting it fall and then catching it again continuously while looking off to her Companion.

''I didn’t think combining our moves would work so well, but look at us!'' Then, the Demon’s eyes drifted off to the only Demon Slayer in front of them.

His back was against the Wall of the building, an old and unused thing for a while now, and Murata currently was not liking his odds.

He recognized the Temari Demon because he’d nearly died to her during their last encounter, and now it’s only gotten even worse with that other Demon who’s eyes were perpetually closed.

At least those on his head. On his palms, currently outstretched forward, they were wide open.

''Yes. We’ve obtained a significant advantage. Now we simply need to devour more and more.''

In itself, it was a miracle Murata and Ozaki had survived so long against those two Demons, but the latter had gotten punched out when trying to attack after the Temari Demon missed her, and for her troubles, got sent out.

Now… Now he could only fight until the bitter end, huh?

''If this is how I go out then… then I guess I’ll still try fighting!''

He didn’t expect at all to make it out. He fully imagined this was it, and as he tried to prepare to attack…

''Haha! Comin’ through!''

Insanity ensued. Oh, and he won a new ally, but it really didn’t look that way when this Boar Head charged in.

''Beast Breathing - Fourth Fang: Slice ‘n’ Dice!''

Lunging towards the Female Demon as she was the closest to the hole made by throwing Ozaki, Inosuke moved to deliver several slashes with both of his swords. The Demon in front of him crossing both of her arms in an attempt to defend herself.

And then Inosuke proceeded to be thrown off course and into a nearby wall out of absolutely nowhere.

So sudden it was, neither Humans really understood what was going on. Although Murata suspected something when eying the only other Demon present.

''What the hell is his Blood Demon Art about?'' This worrying though came and went easily as the Boar head rather easily shot out of the Wall he’d crashed into.

''Another duo? Heh, this’ll make it more fun!'' Upon these words, the Temari Demon proceeded to laugh.

''Oh, I like this one!''

''Of course you do. He’s just as barbaric as you are.'' Yahaba replied dismissively. Earning him a glare from Susamaru.

If anything else would have been said however, it died out when both Demons saw two additions coming in. One familiar, as that was Ozaki, and an unfamiliar one, which was Zenitsu.

''Even more have come? Tch. It’s like an infestation.'' Yahaba cursed aloud. They’d already killed plenty of others already, and now more came to see the aftermath of it.

Which is exactly what Zenitsu notices. In this unused place, Corpses were all over. Hanging from Walls due to being launched there, even one was hanging from the ceiling somehow. And then there was traditionally on the floor.

It literally looked like he’d stepped into a Slaughterhouse.

''But all the better for us. It’s just more food we can play around with before eating them.'' Susamaru said with glee before taking off her top, revealing she wore a sarashi underneath. Then, with a grunt, additional arms went on to grow, giving her Six arms now.

And all of those arms created their own Temari Balls.

''Let’s see how long we can play with our Food!''

And then, the assault began and the Four Demon Slayers fought the Temari and Arrow Demons.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!” Acting quickly, Muichiro was able to perform a powerful and swift circular slash that was able to slice through 3 of the large arms that tried to grab at him, and when seeing from the corner of his eye that a stream of boiling water was about to slam into his face, the Demon Slayer quickly knocked a stool up into the air with a kick, the seat itself being hit by the water. Thankfully, it protected Muichiro from being burned, but it did make his makeshift shield slam into his head, making the teen stumble for a moment.

Seeing this, Takehito then sent out another wave of arms at the Demon Slayer, purposefully breaking anything in the apartment complex that could possibly have water in it during that time. However, Tokito wasn’t knocked out or even dizzy because of the stool, so he spun around to evade the first attacking arm, performed an upward slash to slice the next one clean in half and with a spin, sliced off the final arm and the first one before it could raise itself off the ground.

“Dammit it! This little shit is far more annoying than any of the other Slayers I have fought before. Though…” Takehito thought to himself with frustration, being forced to continue sending out a practical hailstorm of arms towards the blank faced shit, knowing that letting him get close was practically a death sentence.

“He’s not as strong as the one that looked like his head was on fire. If he was here, there would be a chance that I would be dead right now. And in this enclosed of a space, any Demon Slayer would be limited.” The Demon thought to himself critically, all while grabbing a large couch and tossing it at the Mist Breathing user.

And while the attack did land, pushing Muichiro into a wall and cracking it, he was able to slice the piece of furniture in half to force the two halves to fly through the windows behind the Slayer. And when he saw a practical tornado of water try to slam into him, Muichiro crouched down.

“Mist Breathing - Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!” And with that, Muichiro used the sheer speed of this technique to evade this attack and plant his feet onto a wall before launching himself at the Demon, who then proceeded to make what was practically a cocoon of arms around himself to defend, which happened to save his life when the young teen unleashed a barrage of attacks that almost appeared to happen instantly and destroyed the limbs and even cutting into an inch of Takehito’s throat.

That particular close call caused Takehito to react in the moment, and moved one of his cut off arms to hit Muichiro. Or more along the lines of moving and having the arm regrow in the process of throwing the punch, nailing down an Uppercut punch right under his Jaw and sending him back.

''He’s not as strong but he moves far faster than that fire head!'' That other one had speed, but not this kind of speed. And it only made Takehito worry even further since close range combat was even worse now.

But considering what his end goal was…

''This could be an opportunity.''

Takehito just needed to survive to actually get this to fruition, which was easier said than done. Especially since this little shit was growing to be more dangerous by the minute.

Speaking of him, he quickly got back on his two feet and moved to resume his assault. Something which Takehito moved to counter by forming Weapons out of Water.

When Muichiro took his first step, he was intercepted by a Spear piercing through where he’d stood, forcing him to avoid it and change trajectory by jumping up. Then, two Axes of Water headed his way and he was forced to counter then, deviating their trajectory down.

Muichiro spun around after that to dig his feet into the ground he landed on to launch himself back to Takehito. Only to be met with a Water Blade this time blocking him followed up with additional Blades of Water floating next to the one he held to make sure he couldn’t cut past, leaving them in the briefest of blade locks.

It was brief because Takehito had outstretched his arm to grab the table nearby and slammed it into the boy as if he were a fly, sending him crashing into the Wall yet again. He couldn’t remain down for long however as said table was then thrown at the Young boy who ducked under just barely in time before damaging the wall behind him further. And destroying said table in the process too.

There was a brief moments pause as both glared at each other in the process. And then, the battle resumed through Muichiro acting first.

“Mist Breathing - First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze!” Moving quickly, Muichiro performed the technique with the hope that after stabbing into the Demon, he could raise his blade and slice off its neck. However, this tactic proved that it wouldn’t happen, as Takehito manipulated some water on the ground to be under Muichiro when he took a set, and while it didn’t make the Slayer slip, it did throw off his balance for a second.

Seeing this, the Demon was quick to make that same bit of water turn into a spear with the intent of skewering Muichiro alive, even aiming the construct at one of the teen’s lungs. However, Muichiro proved his speed once again, as he quickly repositioned himself so that his blade stabbed into the water spear, allowing him to avoid being injured. Seeing this, Takehito growled as he manipulated even more of the surrounding water to create sharp tendrils that all attempted to either slam or slash into the Slayer.

“Mist Breathing - Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist!” But Muichiro acted quickly, leaning down slightly before bouncing off the water construct so that he would be in the air and got into a position that seemed like he was somersaulting, before then unleashing another flurry of slashes that seemed to happen all at once, decimating the water constructs and causing water to harmlessly fall to the ground, while Muichiro landed on his feet. 

Then, before Takehito could pull another trick, the Mist Breather leapt forward and tried to perform and overhead slash, but Takehito grew a large arm from his back and while it was sliced off, the amount of flesh that had to be cut through did slow Muichiro down a bit, allowing Takehito evade the attack by using water beneath himself as a moving platform.

“This brat is really getting dangerous. He may run out of steam soon since he’s still human, but the little fuck may get me before then, and I can’t risk dying until I have my revenge!” Takehito thought to himself, throwing more water at Muichiro, and forming them into numerous different shapes that the Demon could imagine, from hammers, scythes, blades, chains, fists, practically anything to keep the Slayer away.

“Well, this has been an experience. But I’m afraid to say that this useless battle is something I tire of.” But once the Demon approached the wall, he decided to mock the Demon Slayer a little, who didn’t spare even a second to glare at him due to focusing on deflecting every water construct. But to make sure that the little shit wouldn’t catch up during this escape, Takehito then has the water constructs shift form, and before Muichiro could react, he found himself in a giant bubble.

“Mist Breathing - First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze!” Seeing his current predicament, Muichiro then thrust his blade forward at the bubble to pop it, but found that it wouldn’t.

“Hahahahaha!! Like it? That bubble used every last bit of water from this place to be made, and with the amount of water used, you’ll be needing a lot more that sword to pop it.” Takehito gloated as he opened a window and climbed out, a smirk on his face as he knew that kid was glaring at him. Though, it was a shame there wasn’t more water, otherwise he could have filled the bubble up with water while keeping its durability.

“Oh well. You win some, you lose some.” The Demon thought as he left the area behind. And it was only after 10 minutes, did the bubble trapping Muichiro finally popped, its form weakening more the further Takehito got from it.

“...The Monkey must never learn of this.” And once he was free, those were the only words Muichiro said as he left the apartment complex, searching for more Demons to kill, but now, he was especially keeping an eye out for Demons that could manipulate water. After all…

He forgot who Takehito was.

- - - - - - - - - -

Kanae felt perpetual frustration towards how her physical state was these days. Where once she could have easily dealt with the Puppets that came her way, now they were as difficult as Demons she’d faced back in her earlier days as a Demon Slayer.

However, where her physical might was lacking from before she was wounded, her mental state was a different story.

It worked exactly the same way as before, and hence, she used her mind to think through the issue.

''On the top of my head, I can see around 20 of them. Swarming around us and trying to get us killed. Further back is the Lower Moon who’s relaxed… to relaxed actually. Either she’s cocky or has another trick up her Sleeve.'' She began to think while slicing through one of the Corpse Puppets, avoiding a swing of its arm somewhat belatedly prior to that.

''Genya has his Shotgun, but there’s only so many Bullets he has before he runs out, and I’d prefer if he kept it for the Lower Moon. I don’t know if I could cut through her Neck in my current state, and this would be Genya’s first time dealing with a Lower Moon.''

Speaking of her Student, he currently slammed his elbow in the face of a rotting Corpse, decapitating it in the process while giving him the chance to cut through the bulge on its chest.

Then, her eyes landed on Himejima, ''He’s more or less a Civilian. I shouldn’t take him into account for fighting, but he’s surprisingly good at handling himself.'' as shown when he landed a punch that set a Corpse flying back into another one.

''With all of that… yes, I do have something that can make this work, but this needs to be done fast before the Lower Moon takes this either seriously or tries to leave.''

And sadly, in terms of Plan B’s or any sort of backup… she didn’t have any. This plan she was coming on the spot was the only one she had.

So, all or nothing this early on.

''Genya.'' She began with her Student, ''Use your Shotgun as a last resort. We’re going to need it for the real opponent.''

Genya nodded. He’d already decided to not use his Shotgun yet, so this worked nicely with his Teachers strategy so far.

''Sir.'' Then came the man whose name she did not know, ''Under ordinary circumstances, I shouldn’t be asking for your help. But without it, we might not make it out alive. So I need your Cooperation in this.''

She just hoped the Blind mind would be able to follow what she had in mind even with that in mind. But she at least chose to believe he meant it when he simply gave a nod.

''Alright.'' Kanae kicked a Puppet away in the moment before continuing, internally apologizing to the Dead on how she’d end up desecrating their bodies further, ''How good are you at throwing things?''

Mukago all the while observed, narrowing her eyes from her position on the bench. She wondered what that Flower Breather was even doing, speaking of something.

Not that she caught wind of it with how quiet she seemed to speak. Not once shouting. And honestly, Mukago didn’t think much of it. Whatever it was, she’d just send in more of her Puppets if the dwindling 20 weren’t enough.

Although, what happened next may make her reconsider that particular decision. Because she sees it. How soon after, the two Demon Slayers both moved to decapitate the heads of two Puppets with relatively decent Heads. Then?

The Bulky Human grabbed both of them within his two hands. Which looked somewhat puny in his hands from the looks of it.

What happened next was something Mukago could assure had never happened to her before. Because the Blind Man proceeded to throw the two heads one after the other in her direction.

So unexpected to her it was, one of the heads did in fact hit her square in the face. Since she was a Demon, the damage she took was similar to a slap above anything else, but the impact was still strong enough it reeled her head back. The other Head hit her stomach.

And while it sure caught Mukago off guard, this wasn’t a threat at all.

''What the hell do they expect this will do?!'' She wondered in her frustration before snapping her head back up to glare.

Only to be met with something more horrifying.

Genya holding his Shotgun with a clear shot right towards her due to the dwindling Numbers of Puppets. They’d been lowered to 10 in all of this, and he went on to take his chance.

Firing off the Rounds, Mukago decided not to take any chances and actually moved to avoid the two Bullets. Successfully so, she was off to the right side when the Bullets pierced right into a Tree behind her with the Bullets dug in deep.

''Damnit! I missed!'' Genya cursed.

Mukago all the while stared in disbelief. For a moment, not being able to believe this… before remembering a certain event all that time ago.

''Humans are terrifying. Humans are terrifying… and they keep on scaring me when I’m a Demon!'' There was outrage in her thoughts at the fact she’d felt yet again scared by one when she had the advantages!

She was supposed to be the one on top, yet this Human… Ugh! Why did this repeat itself?!

Lady Kanao had promised her Power. And she had it. Yet this… this Power she held…

''Fine! You want to play this fucking Game?! You’ll get it! Come on out all of you!'' She bellowed out her Command, revealing to the Group as a whole that indeed, Mukago had been cocky because she had something up her sleeve.

Namely, even more of those Corpse Puppets. All in varying levels of Decay. Some Kanae even dared to say looked almost like they weren’t Corpses with the lack of Decay. Either recent then, or with some more direct tamperage. Tampering

Either way, there were so many more, and Kanae dreads this.

''Change of Plans. Sir, please try to continue throwing Heads but to the other Corpses now.'' Heads were particularly tough parts of the Human Body, so Kanae knew as projectiles, they were dangerous enough.

''Genya, you…''

''I know! Don’t worry about what I do, focus on yourself!'' Genya gave an unexpected outburst.

Kanae couldn’t exactly ask him either why this sudden act, not when the Corpses moved to swarm them and they needed to fight it.

So they did.

Mukago all the while watched with Bloodlust.

''Who do I kill first with my own hands? That Boy who looks like a Demon? That Flower Breathing User? Or maybe that Blind Man who dared to throw those heads?''

Who to choose first…

Not that Boy, she decides. He should be one of the last. See everything crumble down around him before she takes his life away.

But then, the Blind Man or the Woman?

Who would fittingly die first?

Ah, but when thinking about it further, it’s a bit too obvious, isn’t it?

Demon Slayers are supposed to save Human Lives. So how about she shows them their failure before they go? Show them failing to save one single Human Life in all of this?

Yes, this is Perfect!

She gets to Humiliate a Flower Breathing User, kill a Stubborn Human she can then use as a Puppet and break a Hunter while at it!

Yes. She’ll do exactly that.

''Swarm them, but keep them alive! Especially the Blind one, don’t damage him too much!'' And upon her Command, the Corpses seemed to double their efforts in attacking them. Which in turn meant the Group doubled their own efforts into fighting back as best they could.

They slice. They shoot. They punch. Heads are torn off to throw, Blood Roots are removed from the destruction.

Yet the Numbers hardly seem to dwindle. And they in turn still take damage from all of this. Damage that dwindles how much they can resist. Pushes them back on and on.

They dwindle the Puppets additional puppets that came from 50 to around 38 when some get past them. Children in fact, as some of the more Adult Corpses get too much of Kanae and Genya’s attention.

And Gyomei, noticing, moved to support those who’d slipped through. Not quite realizing what he’s about to attack…

But Mukago certainly does. And the Horror that dawns on the Gentle Giant's blind face when he hears those damned words…

''Ha! You’re about to attack the Corpses of Children!''

It was as painful as when his fist connected with the Corpse of a Child. And he realize who’s corpse it was as well even as the Body was sent crashing back into the mass of Puppets.

And he remains frozen from shock. A Fatal mistake, as the rest of the Corpses do not hesitate in jumping him and pinning him down. Effectively bringing one of them down even though he was alive still.

And with one down, what were two supposed to do? Fight of course. They continued dwindling the Numbers, but in the end, after 5 more… They were pinned down to kiss the dirt.

And Mukago couldn’t be any happier!

''Oh, all of you are now down! Yes! Now, I can begin! Make sure those two watch…'' The Lower Moon motioned to Kanae and Genya before motioning to Gyomei, ''While I kill this Human. I want to make sure they see their failure.''

As the Puppets forced Kanae and Genya’s faces up to see all the way through, an idea suddenly came to her.

''Oh! And Kids! I want you all to be the one holding him in front of me.'' She added at the last minute. Just to put it even more in his face.

And the Corpses of the Children dragged Gyomei who still was under shock from what he’d committed earlier. Dragging him in front of Mukago who looked with glee. 

All while Gyomei was stuck within his own mind.

''Those Kids…''

Those who’d died that day, 10 Years ago. By a Demon because of another Kid who’d taken out the Wisteria Incense.

Everyone but two had died on that night. One after the other… their lives gone as quickly as it took to take a single breath.

He’d been able to get them proper burials after Oyakata-Sama had given him Monetary support after his cancelled execution. In Aoyama Cemetery no less, ever since he’d moved away from the previous temple.

And while he could not see, while he could never truly recognize by sight since he’s never had it since Childhood… he knew.

Those Children had been the closest thing to family for him. And while they’d ran away on that Night, tried to leave… he’d still treated them like his own. Given them the affection a Father would.

Like Pats. On the head or even cheek.

Yet just moments prior, he’d punched the very same face of a Child he’d once given his affection to. That he’d once cared for with the best of his capabilities.

Long dead they may have been, this…

All of this..!


So, as he was dragged by the Corpses of the Kids he’d once cared for, and still did in a sense, there was only one thought that came to mind for the Blind Man.

And that thought made him shatter out of the shock he’d gone into. Mukago still looked at him with Glee, and then looked away. Towards the Demon Slayers. Gloating. About how they’d failed in their Mission.

How’d she’d take his very life in front of their eyes.

But now, at this exact moment, Gyomei Himejima had come to a decision. One that came so easily to him at this moment.

''She must pay.''

And as Mukago finished her gloating, Gyomei went on to act.

With pain that was not physical, he pushed off the Bodies of the Children he’d cared for. It pained him to do so. Pained him to need to have their Corpses even now go through more pain when they should be resting peacefully.

But it only pushed him further.

His Body shot up with all of his Might. And Mukago’s eyes showed signs of widening while she turned to face him.

All while the Blind man glared as his right hand was clenched into a fist with the veins popping all over it and then some more on his arm.

It wasn’t just the result of being born with Power. Gyomei was a man who’d kept a certain regime with his Life. To make sure he could use this Strength when he needed it.

He did not train like a Demon Slayers. But his Muscles were developed from the Years since he’d been able to eat well and plenty. When he’d been able to leave behind malnourishment.

And it was exactly why he raised his arm, moved the elbow as far back as he possibly could to put his whole weight and back into it. Putting everything into what came next.

Mukago all the while had her smugness fade into something else. Especially once she saw Gyomei’s expression morph.

One that morphed as the right fist of the Man reared… and then shot forward with all the might of this Man who felt wrathful for what this absolute wretch of a living being had dared to do with the Bodies of his Kids!

Inching closer and closer to hit where he wanted to hit, the expression of the Gentle Giant twisted into one of pure and unbridled rage. Exactly the same emotion his fist conveyed as Mukago’s expression twisted into one of pure panic as she saw the Wind part from the closing in fist.

And in front of it all. In front of this Rage. In front of this Vengefulness that Himejima felt, was a Man who deeply desired to right all the wrongs that had been brought by this Demon. To put a rest to what should have ever been unburied for someone’s own machinations.

And then, the fist collided right in front of the Demon’s face, landing square in the front, and digging deep into the face, demolishing not only the nose the Demon had, but even the skin of the face as the fist of righteous fury launched the Lower Moon Demon off her feet and into the Ground’s she desecrated so many times.

All could do nothing but watch in sheer shock at what had just happened. Even the Puppets made out of Corpses seemed almost to react to what had happened. Kanae and Genya’s shock then twisted into awe while the fist that had sent Mukago flying down halted its movement and then remained still.

Bloodied. Both from the Demon’s Blood and the Man’s own Blood. Scratched and slightly injured even. Yet it deterred not the Man himself as his body straightened itself after the attack. His fist unclenched then.

A Silent Caw would be uttered after this, but none would hear it.

After all, they were Death Tolls. But whose?

Well, an answer would soon come. After all, no matter what Crows were made of, were they not a sign of Death?

But then, what shape would it take?

Answers would soon come. And its first step was for Kanae and Genya to take their chance while the Corpses were in this odd state of shock. They were able to get the Puppets off them while also destroying their Cores.

And Genya was the first to be very vocal about what he saw now that the shock had subdued.

''That was fucking awesome!''

Kanae wasn’t nearly as vocal about it, especially since they were in the middle of a still dangerous situation, but…

''That was Impressive Sir.''

She couldn’t deny that a Man punching a Demon, something she had never seen before, was quite something.

But she didn’t forget this Demon was still a Lower Moon. One who, while perhaps genuinely in pain right now, would not stay down for long.

As shown when the Demon, who’d clutched her face this whole time, finally stood up from where she’d been sent flying into.

''Ugh…'' Groaning in pain, the Demon removed her palm from her face and displayed that she still hadn’t quite recovered. Giving a full display of what the Punch had actually done.

The Nose had quite literally been flattened. None could even see a Nose on her at the moment even as the Blood was cleared away. The Skin tissue around where the fist had collided was also gone, and her Eyes were actually damaged. The left eye notably was completely bloodshot, while the right eye was trying to put itself back into its rightful socket, having popped out.

Of course it was all healing. Slowly but surely, all of it was fading away. But the damage had been done. While physically, it faded… Mentally?

The damage was very permanent.

''This Human… This Human. This FUCKING HUMAN!!! He dares… he… he…'' Building rage gave way to utter fear, ''How?! How did he… How is he… What the fuck?! He’s… is he even Human?!''

He couldn’t be, right? Could… could he? Was this really a Human?



She has…. She had to do something about this!

''Kill him Puppets! Shred him! Destroy everything! Leave nothing of this Bastard behind!'' Mukago pointed at Himejima with both Rage and Fear. She couldn’t settle for either, so she was giving off both at the moment.

And the Puppets acted again. Moved upon the command that showed how deeply scarred she was from this.

''Oh not this shit again!'' Genya growled out, only this time, something was different in all of this. Namely that someone had thought of a plan.

''I have a plan. Sir, can you still throw with your hand?'' Kanae asked, and in answer, Himejima gave a nod.

''While not with the same precision, my right arm is still usable.''

Perfect! Kanae may have just figured out a way to end this swiftly.

''Then please throw Genya sir.''

Throw who now?

''The Lower Moon is the Core of all this. And we’d lose if we tried fighting all of her Puppets again. So, this time… one of us is going to her.'' Kanae clarified. And ok, Genya could see how this could work.

If he got to the Lower Moon and shot her neck off, then they’d kill two birds with one stone. Even though he absolutely wasn’t initially willing to be subject to being thrown by the same Man who had landed a solid punch on the Lower Moon.

Still… he couldn’t complain much. If this gave Victory, then he’d take it.

''Whenever you want to throw me big guy. But fast!'' The Puppets were surrounding them quickly and some of the faster ones were lunging for them already.

And while that was going on, Mukago had heard something of this whole plan.

''What the hell are they scheming now? What do they- You know what, scratch that. I’m not sticking around to see this!''

Her Puppets could deal with this themselves. They would overwhelm them, surely! Mukago just needed to retreat to safety and she’d win!

It was useless to expose herself to any more danger than that.

However, in the time it took her to consider this, she had already acted too late.

Because Gyomei had thrown Genya over the Mass of Puppets and towards Mukago who’s barely recovered eyes widened in horror at the thrown Human holding a shotgun… aimed right at her.

''Let’s see you enjoy my gun!''

And Genya, launched towards the Lower Moon who panicked and tried to avoid what was about to come next, fired the Bullets. Heading straight to the Lower Moon.

Sadly however, the mixture of not at all being used to midair firing and Mukago moving at all to avoid the Shotgun shells meant that he completely missed her neck or even the face in general.

What he hit instead was her entire abdomen.

The Flesh and Bones there exploded from the impact, shredding it all away and forcing what kept her flesh connecting to stumble down on her back. Though she could still feel her whole body and how it was already Regenerating, this only made her panic harder.

''No! Nononononononono! I can’t die now! Not when I have all of this! I have… I’m so close! I just need… I need… I have to escape!''

In the time it would take to reform her whole abdomen, she’d be shot again. As made even more obvious as Genya reloaded his Shotgun as quickly as possible before the Hoard of Corpses overwhelmed Kanae and Himejima.

However, that action gave an opening. One that was just as desperate as to how Mukago felt. 

It was so basic as well.

Her hand dug into the dirt of the ground, grabbing it, and then throwing it right at Genya’s face in her desperation. An act which had the boy curse while furiously rubbing his eyes to clear his vision before the Demon got the chance to do anything.

What he feared is exactly what happened.

Mukago’s body has been Healing while all of this was going on. And throwing the dirt had given her just enough time for her Body to reform the spine and the flesh surrounding it, allowing her to stand upright again.

She did not hesitate for a second as her body shot up and moved. Twisting back so she could spring out of here.

She was stopped dead in her tracks when she collided right into something just as she’d turned. Stumbling back and falling back yet again.

Genya had rubbed off the dirt just then and aimed… only to then gasp at what he was seeing.

And when Mukago glared at what she’d collided in, she learned it wasn’t a something, but rather a someone.

A Woman in western Clothes. All Black and in an attire that suggested she was traveling. If the long black coat she wore over her body, concealing the long black skirt under it, alongside the black hat was anything to go by.

Yet, she distinctly had a side tail held up on her right through a Butterfly Hairpin.

Genya was the first to speak up, and that actually sealed Mukago’s fate.

''Sensei?'' That slip up, that one moment of absolute confusion, had Mukago end up acting irrationally.

''How did she also get here?! Only that brat…! Fuck!''

Mukago, in her panic, did not look behind. The opposite of Genya who snuck a glance behind and had his question answered just like that.

And so, Mukago had dug her grave in Aoyama Cemetery.

She proceeded to do what she needed to escape. To run away from this Flower Breather somehow being in front of her.

It only made the Woman in front of her frown as she threw her fist forward.

And compared to the man who had been able to land it on her, Mukago herself had that punch completely halted with the woman all too easily catching said fist. Looking at her straight with an impassive face.

''Is this how you greet your Master, Lower Moon Three?''

And all of a sudden, the air all around the Cemetery felt suffocating. Accompanied with Mukago feeling chills creep up her back at what she’d just done.

She wasn’t the only one for that matter. Genya being the closest at the moment felt like he was frozen solid due to this Monster being right in front of him. The core of all this was there, and he couldn’t move an inch.

And the odd thing was that it extended beyond the living as well. The Corpse Puppets had halted all movement upon their Progenitor’s presence.

Gyomei, while he could not see, could feel everything else. And his body shook from how wrong someone felt. How Human, yet Inhuman this new addition was.

And as for Kanae? Even she couldn’t quite help but feel scared.

This may not have been the first time she’d seen the Progenitor with her own eyes. But it was the first time she’d seen her since that day. Years ago by now, and this time, Tsuyuri was not playing nice.

Mukago meanwhile shook from fear while Tsuyuri held her fist still.

''M-My Lady! I… It is… w-what a surprise!'' She trembled from the magnitude of this moment, ''I-It’s an Honor! An H-Honor to meet you again so soon!''

And also extremely bad luck that her Master was here now of all times. Because Mukago had not forgotten how much the Lower Moons were on thin ice with her at the moment.

A thin ice which kept being displayed right to her face.

''Yes. A surprise indeed. But I wonder, for your sake… is it a pleasant or unpleasant surprise?'' That Impassive face. That Emotionless tone.

Mukago could not tell what her Master felt at this moment, and it set her off even more on edge.

''It’s a… very, very…'' She felt a spike of pain at that moment shoot everywhere around her body. Pain which did not fade.

She knew then that lying was useless. Even to try and sound like maybe, this was a good thing.


The Queen gave a nod that implied satisfaction, but she gave none of it away.

''I figured. Last time we spoke, and that’s putting it generously, you and all the other Lower Moons were given a chance.'' Tsuyuri clearly cared not what the Demon Slayers overheard. It changed nothing.

''I admit. Nearly all of you gathering in Shibuya was a surprise. An unpleasant one at that.''


''But I guess I could give you all credit for really trying. You’ve all surprised me. Yes, even you.''

Then why did she not sound happy at all?

''Really, calling in a favour to speed things up was a smart thing. It allowed you to rebuild your own personal army. And you even tried to use them smartly as well.''

A smile grew on her face. But that smile gave no joy. It was as empty as the Impassiveness her face carried.

''But then, tonight… it all went downhill. Oh, sure, it seemed like all went well at first… but in the end, you can’t escape your nature, can you?''

H-Her nature? What even was her Master on about?

''You, Ex-Lower Moon Three, will be a coward to the very end. It doesn’t matter the advantages you hold, once you think you’re in danger, you plan on just running away. You, one who should have been a superior Demon?''

A laugh came out then. But it was a cold thing and one that held no mirth.

''A Human has you cower.'' Her Blank eyes landed on Gyomei for a brief moment.

''A Human who isn’t even a Demon Slayer. A Human who is Blind. One who lacks sight. A Human who isn’t even a Fighter. And you allowed fear to grip your Heart.''

A sigh was then given, and for once, there were actual emotions given from that alone. Exhaustion.

''It seems his words hold truth after all. Only those Chosen can truly become the mightiest. And you, Ex-Kizuki… are not one of them.''

Mukago was gaping at her Master, the words cutting in deep at the blatant answer she received.

She was done for.

''So, let’s put your Corpse to good use, yes?''

And then, Mukago felt it. Or, perhaps more accurately, it’d be what she didn’t feel anymore.

One second, feeling came to her. She could look. She could Breathe. But then, all of that? It was shut off in an instant.

Like a switch. One moment, the Demon looked to be alive. The second, it was like Tsuyuri had shut off the Life she held.

She dropped down with a thud. And to everyone else’s surprise, all of the Corpse Puppets followed suit then as well, dropping down and returning to being just Corpses.

At least, at first glance.

But whatever Tsuyuri did, Kanae could tell it hadn’t killed the Lower Moon Demon. She wasn’t decomposing, and in turn, the Cores on the Corpses had remained.

Idly, Kanae could compare this to Puppets having lost their Strings.

Silence remained then, as the 3 Humans were completely unsure what was about to happen now. What was Tsuyuri about to do now?

''Are you all familiar with the idea of a Vegetative?'' It’s the casualness of it all that has them set on edge. How easily Tsuyuri addresses them, as if she isn’t the Demon that all of them should hunt down.

''It doesn’t really matter if you know or not, though I’m sure Kanae over there is familiar with it.'' the Impassiveness she displayed earlier was gone just like that, switched with a teasing tone Kanae did not like, ''Either way, there’s plenty of uses for those who are everything but dead.''

She snapped her fingers then, and out of the foliage was another unexpected sight.

A Wooden Crow.

It flew towards Tsuyuri and perched on a finger she raised. Casually, she scratched the wooden thing's chin.

''And I’m sure Isuzu here will quite enjoy what she’ll get out of this. Can’t say the same for all of you, but I’m sure some of you have morbid curiosity at least.''

The Wooden Crow then jumped off the finger and into the Body of Mukago, digging its Talon into the Demon’s skin before… standing there.

At least it seemed that way at first sight. But Genya, who was the closest could actually see in closer detail what was going on.

''What the fuck…'' And he couldn’t help but be disturbed by what he was seeing.

This thing was draining the Demon’s Body of… of something. He’s unsure what, but it was it making the Demon shrivel up. And whatever it took eventually ended as the Wooden Crow silently flew up and perched itself on Tsuyuri’s shoulder while Mukago’s Body finally showed signs of decomposition.

Finally, she perished.

And the Puppets also showed the exact same thing as the Blood Cores they had faded away just the same.

This Battle was over, by all means. But it hadn’t been by their own hands.

Instead, it was by the hands of the Demon Progenitor herself. A sight that Kanae couldn’t even claim was unfamiliar to her.

But perhaps… she could still try to gain something?

Kanae knows they are all at great risk here. Dawn will not come for some more hours, and the Progenitor was present. If Tsuyuri still viewed her similarly to back then, then maybe at least…

''Is it normal that you keep killing your own Demons?'' She dares to question, much to Genya and Gyomei’s shock considering what they’d just seen -or felt in Himejima’s case.

And Tsuyuri’s eyes, which are simply a Purple colour and nothing else like those she’d seen back then, achingly so much like Shinobu’s, stared at her for a moment with blank eyes.

Then, shine came to them and amusement was made clear.

''Well, what can I say? Sometimes, one has to do the job themselves to take out incompetence. It just turns out you were here when I learned that this particular Demon wouldn’t be suited anymore.''

Tsuyuri’s eyes then trailed off back to Gyomei, before going off to Genya as well.

''But what else I saw was quite a nice bonus. How abnormal that a Blind Human held this much physical might, or that there’s this boy… but in the end, it’s nothing new.''

She gave a shrug then, ''Still, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you again Kocho. Last time I saw you, you were… 17, yes? You’ve grown quite a bit since then, though…'' Kanao looked her over, seeing something no one else could apparently see, ''Well, she did quite a number on you, hm?''

Kanae’s eyes only narrowed then. She had not met Kanao at all since that day, and that day was certainly not 4 years ago. The fact she’s saying she’s seen her…

Something was going on here, and she did not like it.

''I survived and here I am now. But what about you? What are you doing here in Shibuya? Was it really just you dealing with incompetence as you claim?''

To straightforward. It’d be obvious to Kanao, she knows. But if what was gathered about Tsuyuri is true, then maybe she can make this work.

And, even though she’d hoped, she’s still surprised by it actually working.

''Even I have to live somewhere Kanae. It just so happens to be somewhere in Tokyo. And unpleasant as it is to live in the same place where a large-scale conflict is going on, it’s a boon at the moment.”

She lives in Tokyo? That was… was she actually being serious? Or was she just lying through her Teeth?

''Don’t bother using that against me. You may see me as a Monster, but in Tokyo, I’m nothing short of Human to everyone else. And compared to you, I’m quite known.''

The potential threat was left hanging in the air. With Kanae frowning at her words while Genya was actually seething.

Gyomei kept a calm expression during all of this.

''Now, it’s been nice talking to you Kanae. Give my regards to the rest, truly, but it’s time I leave. Unless you all of course want to test your luck against me.'' then, her eyes trailed off to the side, and followed with a mutter.

''Or maybe he wants to try his luck again…''

And a decision was left in the air for them. Risk it, or not risk it?

Kanae was reluctant to try this at all. If she couldn’t win against that Demon at her best, what chance did she have against the Progenitor when she was in her current state?

It was very unlikely to achieve Victory. But, at the same time, could they let this chance pass up?

Decisions to be made, and in the end, Kanae didn’t even get to finish as Kanao looked off to the side completely instead of just looking to the side.

''Well, looks like we may be in for another surprise tonight.''

Before anyone could question what she was on about, they all saw it. Or, well, heard it to be better.

''-et -f!'' A somewhat faint voice cried out before something was hit. Kanae winced, knowing very well that it probably had been a tombstone.

There was another cry followed by that before the noise came closer and closer. Grunts followed it before they received a clear view when the cause collided right into another Tombstone.

''I don’t envy whoever has to fix this place by morning.'' Kanao casually commented while watching the odd sight they all shared at this moment.

Because there was a Demon with a stinger sticking out from its back. It wouldn’t be anything abnormal, if not because those who had vision could see that held in a sort of chokehold around its neck, was another Demon of much smaller size. That of a toddler in fact.

Kanae was unsure if she was seeing this right at the moment And Genya honestly believed Tsuyuri was at fault for this.

Said Demon meanwhile looked almost ready to clap but withheld from doing so after seeing how the Demon leading the one with the Stinger forced a shift in direction. Right towards her.

She looked by far unimpressed by what this Toddler-sized Demon had in mind in comparison to what he’d done to lead here.

Unsure on what to do, the others could only continue staring while the Demon charged right towards Kanao. A sort of muffled scream was heard in the process as it charged forward.

Tsuyuri only shook her head before doing a last-minute jump over the charging Stinger Demon, grabbing the Stinger in the process, and halting the Demon’s charge entirely.

Tsuyuri then hunched her head to stare at the Demon that had somehow been able to lead the other one up to this point.

''I’m split between complimenting you and calling you stupid. Have you learned nothing from last time?'' She questioned the child who glared at her in the process.

It certainly could have remained a type of staring contest, if not because while they’d been watching most of the time, one of them had decided to act.

Namely, Genya aimed and fired his Shotgun. Hitting Tsuyuri’s neck.

Kanae wondered for the briefest of moments if this was enough or not. If Genya had really just actually done it. But if reality had been that kind, would Tsuyuri even be here today?

The dust cleared, and Kanao? She was completely fine. Not a single scratch where she’d been shot at. 

She didn’t even say a thing before casually ripping off the Demon’s stinger with her bare hand, swinging her body around and then having the ripped tip slam into a Tanjiro who’d taken his chance to lunge.

He’d planned on attacking her, but she’d noticed and reacted simply too fast for him to do anything as he was sent launching to the side. Actually nearly slamming into Kanae were it not for her avoiding it just in time.

The poor stinger Demon didn’t even have a chance to say anything or plead for innocence before Kanao simply decided to end the Demon by initiating Cellular Destruction. Not even using her Curse on them.

Dropping the remains of the tail down, her attention immediately went to where Tanjiro had been launched, ignoring Genya had shot her or the dying Demon that was close to her.

''Tanjiro! You keep surprising me! Honestly, how do you keep finding me?''

There was the faintest traces of recognition on Gyomei when the name was uttered, but he said nothing and listened on.

Said Demon was only now getting back up, still glaring at Tsuyuri.

But, for all Tsuyuri seemed amused, there was a limit to all of this. Especially since she wasn’t dressed the way she was for the hell of it.

''I’ll repeat what I said before. It’s been fun seeing you again, Kanae. And now you to Tanjiro. Best regards to everyone, but it’s time I leave. And I swear, if you try stopping me, there’ll be more than just my own Demon’s Blood in this Graveyard by morning.''

The threat was made very clear even though she spoke sweetly. She had enough of this. And considering how Genya’s shotgun did absolutely nothing to Kanao… they had absolutely no chance of Victory.

And Kanae decided that for today, much as it’d put shame in her that she couldn’t have given a fight, she couldn’t try a confrontation.

And Kanao noticed once Kanae didn’t move to attack.

''Good. Now, good night!''

Tsuyuri turned her back on them all and casually walked away from Aoyama Cemetery. And with that, she was gone. Fading away further and further and further.

Perhaps something would have been said, were it not for Kanae, who’d still had her Nichirin Blade draw to then turn her gaze towards Tanjiro, who’d looked ready to chase after her.

Up until now that is.

''Now. You…''

Tanjiro may only now have realized that his situation was not particularly bright. He was split off from everyone else who could have vouched for him.

His Sister was who knows where (and he’s literally ran off without her), and the Flame Haired Man he admired was also not here either.

He was alone with complete strangers, with his Sister’s warning ringing back in his head. How other Demon Slayers may not be so understanding.

His odds were not looking all that bright…

- - - - - - - - - -

“Kaasan!” Hearing the excited cries of her children, Kie placed down the knife that she had been using to chop vegetables and turned around, smiling, and chuckling a little when she saw it was Hanako and Shigeru approaching her.

“Is something the matter, my little bunnies?” Kie asked them as she knelt down, making her youngest daughter and 2nd youngest son stop in their tracks as they grinned at her.

“Yeah! Nēchan and Ni-Chan were able to catch this really big fish together!” Hanako told Kie, holding out her arms as much as she could to help prove what she was saying.

“Not only that, but Otosan says he’s been getting better after drinking that medicine from that doctor!” Shigeru adds on as well, making Kie silently sigh in relief at that news. While Tanjuro had been ill since their marriage, it had been slowly becoming life threatening since around the time they had Nezuko.

“Well, I suppose that we’ll be having that big fish to celebrate with when your father recovers. For now though, I need to finish making your lunch, so how about you talk with your father. He has been quite curious about how everyone’s day has gone after all.” Kie said, initially earning a small laugh from her little ones before they nodded, but before they left, Shigeru noticed the vegetables.

“Aw, mom! You’re not going to make us eat those, are you?” Her son asked with an overly disgusted look, and when Hanako saw what her older brother was looking at, she then pretended to gag at the sight.

“Now, now. You both still need to eat healthy, especially when doing so has helped your dad remain so strong despite how ill he is.” The mother scolded her children, who groaned before looking at each other and nodding.

“Retreat!!” They cried out as one before running away and out of the house, to which Kie frowned before it went away as quickly as it came, making the woman laugh.

“Ah. It is good to see them like this again.” Kie muttered to herself before focusing on her task of cutting the vegetables, but just before she grabbed the knife, she froze.

“Wait… where did that come from? Hanako and Shigeru have always been this excited…. Right?” The Kamado thought to herself, before then feeling a small headache before it went away as soon as it appeared.

“What is going on?” Kie asked herself as she held her head, but she shook her head with a sigh.

Guess the stress of Tanjuro’s worsening condition was weighing on her more than expected.

“Hey mom, can you help us with putting the clothes on the lines?” Then in the next moment, Kie found herself standing outside as she approached Tanjiro with a smile, holding a sleeping Rokuta within her arms.

Though, despite this sudden change, Kie’s mind could not tell that something wrong.

“Of course Tanjiro. Just give me a moment to put Rokuta into his bed.” She told her son and got an understanding nod from him, but as she turned around to do just that, she saw Nezuko approaching her.

“It’s alright mom. I was going to look for something in my room, so I can put Rokuta away while you help Onii-Chan.” Her daughter said, earning a light laugh from Kie as she knelt down.

“Alright then sweetheart. Be careful though, I was only just able to put your baby brother to sleep after all.” Kie whispered to Nezuko, playfully acting as if she was about to reveal a big secret and making her daughter giggle.

“You’re really silly mom.” Nezuko told her, making Kie laugh in return while she allowed Nezuko to gently take her little brother from Kie’s arms, with Rokuta continuing to sleep peacefully.

“Thanks Nezuko.” Tanjiro told his little sister, waving to her while Nezuko nodded in return before the younger sister walked down the hall in the direction of both her and Rokuta’s rooms, while Tanjiro walked into sunlight, causing Kie to tense.

“Tanjiro’s… why was I scared for a moment?” Kie thought to herself, wondering why she felt fear when Tanjiro went into the sun. After all, her son had gone out into the sun more times than she could count, so why…?

“Thank you for coming with me, Kie.” Tanjuro said as he sat down in front of a large pond, making the woman blink.

Why… why was she here? Wasn’t she with Tanjiro just a moment ago?

“...We both know I won’t be able to recover from this stage of my illness.” But before the woman could think further on it, she blinked when hearing those saddening words. 

“Yeah. I’m… I’m sorry about it.” Kie told her husband as she sat down beside him, getting a small laugh.

“You don’t have to be. I lived longer than was expected of me, and I appreciate many things in my life. Especially being with you and raising our wonderful children.” Tanjuro told her, causing Kie to smile and wipe away a few tears.

“But… I’m sorry that I’ll be leaving you all on your own. But I know I can rest easy knowing that you’ll be with our kids.” The man continued on, getting Kie to laugh a little.

“Thank you Tanjuro. For everything you have done for us.” Kie said as more tears came from her eyes, but she looked up when Tanjuro placed his hand on her shoulder.

“I would do it again at any time. But now… Kie, you must wake up.” Tanjuro assured her, but after trailing off for a moment, he then spoke urgently, making Kie blink in surprise. 

“What?” She tried to ask him, and was left stunned when she saw her husband beginning to fade away. Just like mist, his figure faded away into the wind.

“It will be tough, but Tanjiro will need you with what that woman has done to you both. So please, wake up.” The words of Tanjuro faded away just like the mist with an echo, scattering all over in a manner that felt like it did so within her own head.

And suddenly, it was like everything had cleared up. Kie’s mind remembered what she was supposed to be doing before this. Remembered so much, but in equal measure, forgot everything else she had.

Tanjuro. Rokuta. Hanako. Shigeru. Takeo. Nezuko. The Family she had remembered due to this, now all gone.

Just like a Dream, she was waking up and forgetting what her mind had conjured as Reality came crashing back.

“The Demons!”

And with that realization, everything around her quite literally shattered. Crumbling down like Glass as Day turned into Night. The Forest she was in, the Pond next to her, the Landscape of home was replaced with buildings made of concrete, roads of dirt and an Urban view.

Kie was back to Reality…

And just like before what had dragged her into this alteration, whatever had caused it, she was exactly where she’d stood previously, with the 3 Demons she’d chased look at her in bafflement.

''She got out-?!''

Kie didn’t waste a single second as she moved, spun around, and sliced off the heads of the 3 Demons she had followed, but sadly, the unexpected 4th Demon wasn’t even within range. And so, that Demon remained within safe distance, all while smiling.

“My, my. I wouldn’t have expected you to recover so quickly. Did you like what you were shown?” The Demon, who Kie saw had the kanji for the number ‘1’ in one of his eyes, questioned her quite lazily and with a pleasant smile on his face that held pure malice.

“What did you do?” Kie questioned the Demon with a glare, making him chuckle.

“Why, isn’t it obvious little Slayer? You’ve fallen right into my trap.” The Lower moon revealed, ''And you will not escape this particular Nightmare anytime soon.''

Before Kie could hope to react, the ground beneath her disappeared and swallowed her into the Abyss. An Abyss which was pitch black, save for the fact it looked to be a whole world made of Mirrors. Meanwhile she could see her Reflection in all angles.

To say it confused her senses would be an understatement. Not helped that she fell and fell and continued to fall into this Abyss of Mirrors…

All while the Demon’s laughter echoed through the Realm as she fell into a different Kind of Wonderland.

- - - - - - - - - -

''Die already!”

''Let’s take his Head!''

''All at once!''

A Trio of Demon’s screamed close to each other as they attacked Kyojuro with a mixture of attacks. All of them, however, were close range in nature due to one having particularly long Claws, another a blade of flesh and the last one having a sharp tail.

This mixture of attacks did not stop Kyojuro from acting to defend himself.

''Flame Breathing - Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!'' Performing several circular motions with his Blade, Kyojuro blocked each of the attacks that came his way one after the other, frustrating each of the Demons further.

But the Demon Slayer was not planning on letting them act on said frustration! Because following that, he performed another Form.

''Flame Breathing - Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!'' Swinging upward, he immediately succeeded in cutting one of the Demon’s neck, and when following up that movement, he cut a second one’s.

However, the Third one was able to avoid the third slash by clashing its tail against his Nichirin Blade. And if Kyojuro were less experienced, he wouldn’t have reacted quite in time when he saw a Blue blur shooting up next to him.

Yet he was able to avoid the Tattooed Demon’s incoming thrust in the nick of time, jumping back for some much-needed distance and time to breathe.

''Their Teamwork is not close to being perfect, but compared to all Demons I fought before this, this is the first time I’ve seen this kind of Teamwork between them.''

Rengoku stared at the Lower Moon Two Demon.

''And if his words are to be believed, then he’s the reason why this bunch work together at all.''

Kyojuro was confident he could deal with the Unranked Demons by himself without too many issues. The problem was if he would be able to deal with a Lower Moon after this. He wasn’t exhausted yet, but by the time the Lower Moon personally joined the fight, would he?

Well, there was only one way to find that out. And it was simple!

He will fight.

With the distance taken, Kyojuro moved back to fighting the Demons. Deciding to try and kill all of them as swiftly as possible before this dragged out.

Which is why he started strong.

''Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!'' He dashed forward with tremendous speed, succeeding in decapitating one Demon on the spot before any fighting back could be done.

But the other Demons weren’t all that happy with the swiftness of his action. And the one with the Paws for Hands was one Kyojuro pointedly avoided to block, as he’d found the hard way he hit rather hard.

It’s why it wasn’t dead yet. But Kyojuro planned to rectify this mistake as he stepped to the side just narrowly in time before swinging his Blade up, decapitating the Demon for good this time.

Four Demons left. And soon, it went down to Three as the Demon with the Razor-sharp tail moved to attack him. He blocked the initial onslaught given before seeing an opening, and just like that, he was able to kill that Demon too.

With 3 left, their odds didn’t look all that bright. Though it seemed Rokuro was planning on rejoining the fight as well now with the dwindling of the numbers.

He didn’t even waste time talking, he stepped ahead and then used his Blood Demon Art. Consisting of creating Javelins, two of them, he threw one of them towards the Demon Slayer. Kyojuro was able to avoid the Javelin, but it gave an opening which one of the Demons took.

Namely, the Tattooed Demon.

Kyojuro could feel as a fist collided with his face, and at this speed, it sent him back with the power generated from the motion. But then, what should have happened then did not come.

''Where’d he go?!'' Rokuro bellowed out as he glared around. The Tattooed Demon had been here one moment, then he’d moved to punch Kyojuro and just… left?!

Truthfully, Kyojuro had to wonder what that was about. The Demon can’t have done this out of kindness, so why? For the hell of it? Or because it decided not to risk its skin further?

Whatever the case, for now at least, one less Demon. Or, it would have been one less. But apparently, one of them running away cause a small chain reaction to the two others. Because they also ran in turn.

''I’m out of here!''

After seeing how many of their own Kyojuro had killed, they didn’t want to test out their luck further. Which is why they ran away, leaving the Lower Moon Two behind, much to his anger.

''Clearly, they weren’t loyal to you.'' Kyojuro remarks.

''Yeah, I can see that asshole!'' Rokuro replied harshly as he growled.

''Fine. I’ll do it all myself then! Not like I ever needed help.'' Recreating a Javelin with his Free Hand, the Lower Moon charged towards the Demon Slayer, opting to not throw his Weapons as of yet.

Kyojuro briefly braced himself before moving to intercept the Lower Moon’s movement, blocking one of the thrusts with his Blade when it came to him before twisting and cutting through the same Weapon, reaching into the torso, and cutting through to reach the Elbow.

It halted the movement that would have come with the other Javelin, instead falling down with a thud, and leaving the Lower Moon armless.

At that moment, both acted accordingly with one having no means of Defence and the other being completely on the offensive.

Or at least, it seemed that way at first. But as Kyojuro moved and aimed for the neck, Rokuro opened his Mouth wide. For a moment, making him believe he wanted to try biting.

Only for the Demon to literally have a Spike made of Stone sprout out of said Mouth, shooting straight for the head. Kyojuro had no choice but to abort his action and moved to slice the thing before it reached him. And by then, the Lower Moon's arm had regrown decently well.

Stump it may be, it allowed him to coat the stump with spiky stones. Like a knuckle duster that was sharp. And Kyojuro narrowly avoided that one by leaning his body back as much as he physically could.

Then, he snapped his Body back ahead just in time to see the deformation of what other Rocky Creations he had, and the gathering of said matter into one thing only.

Namely, a type of remote arm. A replica of his arm, albeit with overall sharper features like at its Nails, the back of the middle phalanges or even the Elbows, but disconnected from it all and floating by his Side. Made bigger and overall just seemed tougher.

And by swinging his arm as if to punch him, the copy followed suit and moved straight to punch him. And Kyojuro was not going to test his luck and see if he could block this.

He moved his Blade to cut through the thing. Only to learn that compared to everything else he had made, this thing had apparently the highest density of them all since it wasn’t being cut with just a single slice. 

His Blade dug into it, no doubt about it. But more effort. More power needed to be behind it to work. And the situation turned even worse for Kyojuro since Rokuro clearly saw this, and was forming another of those arms.

His left arm now.

Kyojuro disengaged from his failed slice and took some more distance before the left arm hit him where he’d stood.

''This situation has become more complicated. But this has to have a limit.'' Kyojuro at least guessed so.

If the motions the Lower Moon gave were anything to go by, those arms were directly linked to his Limbs. So unless this Demon could generate itself more arms, two had to be the maximum. He hoped, truly.

Or else, he may have found his match.

The Lower Moon resumed his assault, directing the arms ahead while clenching one of his fists while another was left open to claw at him.

The former came to him first, and Kyojuro did not bother slicing through. Instead changing tactics to going right for the Demon. He jumped over the arm because of it and used it as a foothold to launch himself ahead. But Rokuro wasn’t going to let him approach easily, as the other hand was still within range.

He moved it to swipe at him, and while not damaging him as he moved to block, it launched him back to his start. Alongside the fist that was still there. Kyojuro grimaced as he realized exactly what was about to happen.

Because the Clenched fist of rock moved and punched him right in his back.

It was at this moment Kyojuro was incredibly grateful that Total Concentration Breathing, alongside overall training, has toughened his Body significantly, or he’d probably have ended with a broken back instead of hearing it snap but still be in place.

The power behind said fist then launched him back ahead, but he never did touch the ground. Instead, he was caught by the hand that had swiped him back. In its grasp, the Lower Moon moved his own left arm to put pressure, but not crush him.

No, it had decided it wanted him to die through another matter.

And after putting just a bit more pressure, the arm moved slightly up before throwing him into the Dirt hard. Cracking the ground around while Kyojuro couldn’t help but give a pained cry.

And the Demon smirked.

''This is my chance to show my lady I am worth letting live! You’re no Hashira, but I can see power when I see it.''

Which made what Rokuro had in mind all the more satisfying.

Because Stone gathered up again above. High enough it didn’t completely swallow Kyojuro in its shadow. Taking another shape.

This time, of a foot.

''I’ll squash you like a bug. Killing you while showing to My Lady that I am worth keeping around! After you’re dead, who around here can possibly face me? No one!''

At that moment, Kyojuro wondered if the Demon didn’t snap or something while the battle ensued. Perhaps he’d gotten power high?

But, for as much pain Kyojuro felt, this wouldn’t bring him down for too long. Granted, that Stone Foot certainly would kill and crush him if it landed, but he didn’t plan on letting it land.

But he couldn’t allow this to last. At this rate…

''I guess I have to use that then.''

He thought exactly the same time Rokuro gave his declaration.

''Now be squashed Demon Slayer!''

Rokuro moved his foot and slammed it onto the Dirt. Following that movement, the Foot made of Stone followed the movement and shot down towards the Human. Ready to crush him beneath his heel.


And Kyojuro moved. As swiftly as he could, he dived his body ahead, narrowly rolling his Body out of the crushing site before it could kill him.

Rokuro stared in bewilderment at the Demon Slayer who’d avoided what should have been his finishing move. Ending up with him enraged.

''Just die already!''

Rokuro clenched his fist, ready to resume another attempt at hitting him. But Kyojuro, after that dived, wasted no time to stand up.


He Breathed.

He allowed for all the Oxygen that he took to spread. Taking in as much as he humanly could for Maximum Output. The Air he took in went down his throat to his Lungs, allowed for it all to head to his Heart. Then, with his Blood, it flowed all over his Body and Beat.

''Flame Breathing…''

He moved his Nichirin Blade into a high stance. Almost like it answered his movement, Rokuro could swear he was emanating so much of… something. He found no words that could describe what he could swear his eyes saw.

''...Ninth Form…''

But whatever he saw, every single Cell and Hair in Rokuro’s Body screamed at him to not just stand there. To do something! Stop him! Get out of the way! But it was only when he saw Kyojuro raise his right leg, that he finally found himself acting.


And then, Kyojuro’s right foot dug into the Dirt, and in a burst of power and speed, the Flame Breathing Demon Slayer had his Body launched towards the Lower Moon Two Demon. So much was behind it, at this exact moment, Rokuro could swear it wasn’t a man but a literal Burning Dragon that was making its way towards him scorching everything in its path for his singular target.


Rokuro could not move. He could not escape this. But his prior realization had allowed him to do one single thing.

And it was felt as the Demon Slayers Blade moved and was swung from his left to his neck, colliding head on with it.

Alongside the Rock Growth on his neck that had been added as additional defence when clarity had returned to his mind.

Yet the devastating slash, when it had hit the Rocks, had torn through the first defence as if Fire truly was accompanying this attack.


But it went no further. At that moment, face to face, Rokuro grinned while Rengoku scowled at this turn of events. Only, this wasn’t it. This couldn’t be it.

Because Rengoku was not done. He would not allow it to be over!

With a burst of power and digging his feet in the dirt, Rengoku pushed his arms and with it, his Nichirin Blade to cut in deeper. Deeper and deeper!

And to Rokuro’s shock, he could feel as the rocks cracked. Caved in to this Demon Slayer’s might. Caved in to this sheer burning presence that made it seem as if fire surrounded them.

And it made him panic.

''N-No! No! I won’t let this be the end of me!''

And in his desperation, there was only one thing the Lower Moon did while he was face to face with the Demon Slayer who could very well end his life tonight.

He used his fists.

He moved his right arm and punched the Rengoku in the face, hoping one would be enough. But it did not stop him.

He gave a grunt, certainly, but then he gave a scream and doubled his efforts.

So Rokuro desperately continued.

He threw punch after punch after punch after punch after punch, each of them going to the Demon Slayers face and violently shoving it to the sides he hit continuously. He never put all his might into it, desperation preventing him from throwing correct punches. But those desperate throws still hurt the man as he bled all over.

Blood flowed out from his Wounds or even Mouth. And his injuries worsened as well. But the Human would not go down!

''Die already!''


And both screamed as they tried to be the ones standing on top. To put the other down first. The victor in the end was chosen once Rokuro was able to nail one solid punch, making Rengoku's head hunch back from the blow and halt his movement.

And the Demon, in the heat of the moment, believed he’d finally done it! He even smiled in sheer joy. Not quite noticing that Kyojuro had succeeded in piercing his armour of rocks.

The joy the Demon felt quickly dropped once he noticed how the grip on the Blade never faded even after what should have finished him. How this supposedly motionless head moved from its hunched position.

How it moved ahead to face him. To display a bright smile while looking at him in the eyes.

''I win Demon!'' 

And Rokuro, in his last moments, tried to plead for his Life.



But it was too late. With a final mighty cry, Kyojuro Rengoku finally completed the Ninth Form of Flame Breathing and sliced the Lower Moon’s head off.

Rokuro could do nothing but stare in bewilderment as his Head flew off his Shoulders and past Kyojuro, landing with a thud while fading away into ash. All while his Arms of Rocks crumbled not too far away into dust.

Thus, Lower Moon Two perished.

And the Demon Slayer, after seeing the signs he’d well and truly won, has his smile grow ever so stronger before finally allowing his Body to fall back and hit the Floor.

He was Injured. He was Bloody. His head especially hurt. He was an utter mess and he did not doubt that this pain would haunt him for quite a while.

But right now, he metaphorically stood proud of this achievement. Relieved to know he’d been able to save so many lives by ending this threat before it could live on longer.

Now, he just hoped everyone else was doing as well as he did. Minus a beaten-up face if at all possible.

- - - - - - - - - -

“YOU FUCKING COWAAAARRRRDDD!!!!” Inosuke screeched as he was once again sent flying away from the Demon with eyes on his hands for the 10th time within the last 3 minutes.

“I take it back. This stupid boar is far more stubborn than you.” Yahaba tells Susamaru with a scowl, but despite this, he did send out a few more of his arrows to guide his ally’s Temari and allowed it to strike the right side of a standard looking Slayer, completely blowing off that section of the swordsman’s body.

“Honestly, I’m going to take that as a compliment!” Susamaru said with a large grin, throwing out 6 more Temari that were caught by Yahaba’s Blood Demon Art and with it, the pair effectively created a tornado of death around them.

And if any of the Demon Slayers were to hear that thought, they would have to begrudgingly agree. Because when Murata, Ozaki, Zenitsu and Inosuke started getting backup, the Demons quickly realised that they would be killed, if only through sheer numbers alone.

But then Susamaru had an idea that dwindled the numbers back down to only these 4, as after Susamaru launched out more Temari, Yahaba used his Blood Demon Art to permanently guide the projectiles and spun them around the pair, until eventually, what could only be described as a stationary tornado of Temari was created. And unluckily, any of the Demon Slayers that were hit were instantly pulverised, due to the natural strength of the Temari and the sheet speed they were moving at.

Hell, if Zenitsu were to compare being hit by a Temari in this virtual tornado to something, he had a feeling it would hurt a lot more than the lightning bolt that made his hair change colour.

“How the hell are we supposed to get past that!? Actually… Inosuke, how did you get past that to begin with!?” Speaking of Zenitsu though, he felt quite comfortable screaming right now, because seriously, how were they supposed to get past that!?

“Eh? Ain’t it obvious? Because I’m me of course!! Now if only weird eyes wasn’t throwing me out constantly, I could continue fighting bug girl!!!” The boar head wearing boy spoke as if that would explain anything, before then yelling at Yahaba, though the final comment certainly got to Susamaru.

“For the last time, I am not a bug!!!” The Demon yelled out while creating another Temari and throwing it at the dual sword wielding boy, who countered it by using his serrated swords to slice the projectile in half, causing the two halves to slam into and completely obliterate the wall behind the Slayer.

“Then what else are those six arms meant to be there for!?”

However, while this was going on, Murata looked at his friend and noticed that her eyes widened a little, as if in realisation.

“Is something up Ozaki?” The Water Breathing user questioned her, making the girl nod her head.

“Yeah… I think I realised a weakness of this thing. That Demon with eyes on its hands has been barely throwing Temari out of that tornado at us, yet he wants us dead. I think that forming that defence is taking a lot of concentration, to the point where he hasn’t realised there are only 4 of us left, and the girl isn’t telling him because she likes the Temari tornado.” The swordswoman explained to her friend, making him blink in surprise as he looked at the Demons in the Temari tornado.

“The Temari Demon is an idiot…. And it doesn’t surprise me somehow.” The young man thought to himself with a sweat drop, but he wasn’t going to voice that thought.

Better to let the multi-armed Demon remain pissed off at the boar boy than himself after all.

“Okay, we have that going for us. But that still doesn’t open an opportunity for us to get at them right now.” And then Zenitsu joined in the conversation, allowing Inosuke to be himself to distract the Demons.

And boy was it an effective distraction.

“Perhaps, but I think I can get that opening. After all, that girl isn’t the only that has good aim when throwing.” Ozaki commented with a smirk as she walked over to a broken sword and picked it up. Then, she pulled back the arm with the broken katana and after a few moments… 

She saw her opportunity.

And taking full advantage of that opportunity, Ozaki threw the broken blade with her full strength, and while a Temari grazed the weapon and threw it off course… it hit its mark and stabbed right into Yahaba’s brain, making the Demon cry out in surprised pain.

But that in itself wasn’t the important part. No, it was the fact that this broke Yahaba’s concentration, causing the arrows guiding the Temari to disappear and make them drop.

Though… Murata had to wince at the various small craters and damages to the surrounding building that caused, thanks to the strength of those things and the speed they were moving around with.

“Finally!!” Seeing this, Inosuke wasted no time charging forward, making Susamaru snap out of her shock as she created more Temari and began to throw them at the various Slayers.

“Wind Breathing - Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm!” Lowering herself closer to the ground, Ozaki then unleashed several slashes above her, slicing through each of the Temari that got close to the Slayer until the destructive weapons of the Demon were sliced to bits.

“Water Breathing - Second Form: Water Wheel!” Murata, meanwhile, was given a chance to go for the male Demon, and so, he leapt forward with a spin and tried to use a singular vertical slash on Yahaba, but the Demon was sadly given enough time to rip the broken blade out of his head and focus.

As a result, unseen to Murata, Yahaba sent out an arrow to the corpse right in front of him and raised it into the air, defending himself and making the young man slice through the corpse of a dead comrade instead of the neck of a Demon.

Because of this, Murata was left horrified but before he had any hope of possibly recovering, he was sent flying back and forced to slam his back into solid concrete.

“Ha! You’re much weaker than Kono!” Inosuke laughed at Murata, earning a glare from the Water Breather before he noticed what was heading toward the wild boy.

“Watch out!” Murata warned the dual wielding swordsman, causing Inosuke to spin around and see about 6 Temari heading right for his head.

“Beast Breathing- Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting!” However, this was Inosuke, so he was able to quickly react to this attack and with a leap into the air, slashed into anything that got within range and tore apart the Temari with little issue.

“These insects are getting annoying. Susamaru, let's end this before we draw the attention of even more Demon Slayers.” Yahaba said with a growl, directing one of his ally’s Temari towards the blonde brat that was able to outrun the attack until it slammed into a building, and throwing up another corpse to defend Susamaru from the Slayer girl, giving his fellow Demon the chance to kick her away.

“Aw, really!? But the boar head is so much fun to fight!” Susamaru complained childishly, making Yahaba’s eyebrow twitch in irritation, but calmed down slightly when he did see that she was also becoming annoyed.

“Well, it is either that, or I leave you to them all.” He retorted, making the Demon girl sigh before nodding her head.

“Fine. But let's make this fun still!” She declared, before once more throwing out even more Temari that Yahaba caught with his arrows, sending them all out towards the Slayers.

“Wind Breathing - Third Form: Clear Storm Wind Tree!”

“Beast Breathing - Third Fang: Devour!”

“Water Breathing - Fourth Form: Striking Tide!”

And with that, the Slayers began to defend against the volley of attacks, but each of them began to have close calls that made it clear that if this kept up, one of these attacks would land and kill them. But one of them realised something…

“They… forgot I’m here!” And that was Zenitsu, as he saw and could hear that there wasn’t a single Temari heading towards him. As a result, he knew that he had the opportunity to slay one of these two Demons and looked between them.

“Okay… the girl is clearly the muscle of this pair, and I don’t think I can cut through her neck. And while the one with eyes in his hands is still deadly, I haven’t seen him actually use much strength, so I may have a better chance at getting him. Alright… no pressure Zenitsu.” And with that moment to take in the situation, Zenitsu crouched down in a way that was practically second nature to him after the training with Gramps. And then, with a Breath…

“Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!” He leapt forward at such speed, everyone within the entire area was sure they heard actual thunder go off. But this worked against Zenitsu, as it reminded the Demon with eyes on his hands that he existed, and so he scowled.

“Just die already!” Yahaba yelled as he diverted a Temari at the blonde as he charged forward, and it made the Demon smirk.

After all, he did notice that this shit only ever attacked in a straight line with his technique, so the death of this Slayer was guaranteed!

But then…

“Sixfold!!!” Zenitsu was able to divert his path, once again using the First Form to leap the side, and when more tried to slam into him thanks to Yahaba or ones thrown by Susamaru, and so, repeated this process 4 more times. But once he planted his feet on the side of a building, he leapt forward for the final time, using every ounce of strength he could and finally, as his blade approached the neck of a Demon…

Yahaba’s neck was sliced through with little resistance, making his body collapse to the ground while his head briefly bounced.

“What!? No, I… I can’t die!! Especially not when I’m covered in dirt! That… That little shit!!! I’ll make him pay!!” Yahaba thought to himself in outrage, and with what little strength he still possessed, he forced the eyes on his hands to open, and he grinned manically when he saw the blonde brat get covered in his arrows.

And before the Slayer could hope to figure out what he was feeling, he suddenly found himself sent flying and slammed into a wall. Soon after, he was lifted up into the air, his body forced to move against concrete before then being dragged back down and slammed harshly into the ground, followed soon after by being dragged across it with enough force to dig up some dirt.

However, before Yahaba could continue this process and gloat, Inosuke landed on his head, crushing it in the process as he charged at Susamaru, also saving Zenitsu and leaving his friend to slam his head against another wall.

Thankfully though, that impact wasn’t able to draw blood.

“Final round bug girl!!” The wild boy yelled out as he approached, using his flexibility to evade the last few Temari that Susamaru threw and closed the distance. However, one did get close and Inosuke being himself, attempted to kick it, and for a moment, it looked like he may succeed.


But the sound of bone cracking proved otherwise. And releasing this, Inosuke used his flexibility to roll with the momentum of the attack, preventing any further damage that could have resulted in him losing his limb, and getting away with a cracked bone within his leg.

“Beast Breathing - Second Fang: Slice!” But despite the excruciating pain he felt from the cracked bone within his leg, Inosuke pushed through to continue his attack, and with the distance closed, the king of the mountain unleashed a double slash with his blades, the attack forming an X-shaped cut, but Susamaru was able to leap back while blocking, only losing her arms in the process.

“Shit, I gotta go! I got to!!” And with that thought, the Demon girl turned around and prepared herself to run, only to see Murata and Ozaki in front of her.

“Wind Breathing - Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind!”

“Water Breathing - Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!”

And with that, both Demon Slayers performed the over-headed attack of their respective styles, both blades connecting and beginning to cut into Susamaru’s neck, who struggled against it and tried to regenerate her arms to counter. But when 2 finally regrew…

Her own neck was finally cut off.

“What… no, no I can’t die like this!!! I was given her blood, I wanted to prove myself!!” Susamaru cried out as tears welled up from within her eyes, but in a matter of seconds, her entire body was reduced to ash. Leaving only her clothes behind, as evidence that she was ever there to begin with.

“That… finally, those two are dead.” Murata breathed out heavily, feeling like he could collapse at any moment but somehow found the strength to stay standing.

“Yeah… anyways, I’m… going to pass out now.” Ozaki agreed, but unlike Murata, there was no extra reserve of strength she could draw from, and so, she fell backwards and collapsed to the ground, welcoming the bliss that unconsciousness gave her.

“Hahaha!! You both are pretty weak, at least compared to me!! Ain’t that right, Monitsu!?” Inosuke boasted, making Murata weakly glare at the boy for the comment and was left wondering how this kid was standing on both legs when he clearly heard a bone at least cracking when he kicked that Temari. Though, with Inosuke, when he heard no response from his minion, he turned around to look for him.

And found Zenitsu passed out on the ground as well. In fact, if it wasn’t for his light groans, you could almost mistake the blonde as a corpse like the many that surrounded the surviving Demon Slayers.

“...Weakling.” Was all Inosuke could say to that sight before walking over to his minion, before kicking him up into the air and grabbing him.

“Now, for the next Demon to fight!!!” And with that declaration, Inosuke ran off and through the whole of a building to continue fighting for the remainder of the night.

- - - - - - - - - -

Time felt non-existent within the Abyssal Mirrors that the Demon had plunged Kie onto. It could have been minutes or hours that passed as she fell deeper and deeper.

But the Bottom was not a pitch-black thing.

For one moment, it was pure black. The next, a crack formed in the seemingly Eternal Reflections and Kie’s body crashed right through.

Just like you’d imagine, the Glass shattered loudly and it was only then Kie’s senses caught on and registered that she wasn’t in that Dimension of Abyssal Mirrors anymore.

She traversed right through the Crack in the Mirror and for a moment, all she saw was a Sky that was covered in oddly moving Clouds with Orange rays passing through.

Then her back collided into Water and her whole body was engulfed in this wetness.

It took a moment for Kie to understand what she’d ended up diving into, and when she did, she quickly swam up from the Depths and into a Surface. A surface that made absolutely no sense to anyone with common sense.

It looked like a Field. Green Grass expanding in the Horizon with a Mountainous line far back. She could see some Trees and Dirt Roads branching in all directions.

Yet it bounced around as if the whole thing was slapped on top of Water. As if it had no solid foundation to stand on. Waves going on and on and giving a distorted and utterly unsafe feeling from seeing that alone.

Kie had to blink then as her brain tried to catch up with what she was seeing. Knowing very well how this made no sense.

She was in Water. There was no mistaking it, over half of the Body was submerged while the other was out, allowing her to see the Field all around her. Kie would dare say it looked beautiful if she allowed herself time to acknowledge it.

She didn’t.

Kie tried to get out of this weird thing, only that when her hand moved to grasp what looked to be solid ground, she was met with the touch of Liquid. Her mind was utterly confused by how this looked to be solid, yet wasn’t. Her hand phased right through and splashed Water.

''What the hell is going on here?!''

The waves pulled her around, and she was forced to gasp for air again and again while trying to remain steady as the Waves came and went. Her mind was having a hard time understanding what was going on here as is, and sadly for it, it would not have an easy time doing so.

''What’s the Matter?'' A very familiar voice spoke, echoing all over yet feeling all so close, ''Are you not enjoying the view? I’d imagine you’d sorely miss it, out of anyone.''

Those words that spoke of comforting words couldn’t be any faker even if Kie tried to fool herself. It became too clear that whatever this was, was to taunt her in some fashion.

But what was this taunt even supposed to be?!

''Ah, but perhaps you can’t appreciate it. You must be confused… oh so confused. Yes, let’s give you some ground to stand on!''

Except the Demon clearly had a very different idea of what that word even meant. Because then, she felt her Body being pulled. At first not sure what was going on, it clicked once she saw how a portion of the seemingly dirt ground was spiralling just like a whirlpool. 

It made it look like something was swallowing whole the Ground.

Any Water Breathing practitioner would recognize what was happening, if only by asking what some of the words in their Breathing Forms meant. And Kie tried to swim away in answer. Only, the pull was simply too much for her to do so successfully. And even if she’d somehow remained where she was, this wouldn’t have mattered.

Because the whirlpool’s whole purpose was not to drag someone in. No, it was to generate something. Apply a particular pressure.

It became clear what was going on once Kie could see a Tornado being formed as the Whirlpool dragged and swirled around faster and faster. Kie was just glad she wasn’t feeling sick from the motion she was forced to follow.

Yet perhaps the biggest consequence of them all was that this Tornado dragged along the Clouds in the Orange Sky.

And eventually, no matter how hard she tried to fight it, Kie felt herself being pulled up alongside the growing Tornado that grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Following the Pillar of Wind unwillingly.

Yet as she was dragged up into the sky, she saw.

And suddenly, it was like all confusion cleared. Or perhaps it was just that all pretences were erased now that she was in this precarious position.

The Field of Grass and Green and everything you’d expect to find on land was gone and left for an Endless Ocean. A Horizon that showed only traitorous Waters and one with no end in sight.

And that sight would betray her, for it had enraptured her long enough she failed to notice how more changed within the sky.

How the Clouds gathered at the top. How it seemed to shift from grey colour to an abnormal orange. How they didn’t feel like Clouds anymore.

It’s when Kie noticed how much things glowed she looked up, almost as if on Command, the Tornado went to a complete halt.

The Wind scattered away to leave way for Orange Clouds that spiralled just like the Maelstrom below or the Tornado that was there just mere seconds ago.

And Kie, at that moment, could only compare it to one thing.

The Sun.

It mattered not how logic dictated it shouldn’t feel that way, or how the rays of a Sunset still pierced through the rest of the Sky. At that moment, Kie could only compare this glow to a Sun that was staring right down at her.

And then, she heard the rumbling of Thunder.

Once. Then twice.

Kie could faintly notice the Orange glows that flashed in the rest of the Sky. How further away, just like when Lightning struck, a flash appeared. But instead of the Purple impression, it gave Orange.

And then, Kie noticed that same glow snapping from this Sun copy she was seeing, and her eyes widened in dread.

Because then, a singular Thunder strike rained down on her and struck her entire being.

And it burned!

Normally, a Thunderstrike would happen once and then fade. But this one had the relentlessness of the Sun itself. Continuing to rain down on her as if it wanted to burn her down like any other Demons.

And it hurt! It burned! As this Thunder that struck like the Sun itself continuously rained down on her like a sort of Beam, Kie panicked on and on and on.

How was she meant to get out of this?!

Was this- Was this what would end up killing her? Before she was able to find Tanjiro a cure?!

No! No, she couldn’t. She couldn’t. She couldn’t. She couldn’t!

She had to get out of this somehow. She had to get out. Now! Now!

Quick! How could she… how could she…?!

''Goodness! It’s too soon for that to happen!''

And then Kie gasped as her Body suddenly felt completely normal, as if it had never been struck continuously and burning, laying on actual solid ground instead of the Illusion of one that was something else entirely. 

Her vision readjusted to how instant she found herself in a new setting and saw the Demon crouching right in front of her. Smiling.

''I can’t have you die on me this soon. The Fun’s only now beginning.''

Kie didn’t even hesitate in thrusting the Sword she felt in her hand, aiming to pierce the Demon now that he was in front of her.

But the second he was hit, the Demon dispersed into a sort of Black Smoke. And laughter echoed all around her.

''Hehaha! What did you think that would do?'' He questioned her in that same voice that had this almighty presence. That felt utterly otherworldly.

And now that the Demon wasn’t in front of her line of sight, it left her see where she was this time.

A sort of… a sort of badly glued together City. Pieces of Roofs, Walls, Doors, Windows and on all mashed together to form the rough outline of a place like Asakusa or Shibuya. An Urban City made out of scraps.

''Come girl! Try to seek me out if you can. Though, I doubt you’ll succeed.''

His voice echoed once more before complete silence engulfed whatever this place was. It being night was already making this place look spooky, but the utter silence that now came only enhanced this.

And Kie hated every single second of it.

''Whatever this is… it will not stop me!'' But to whom is she saying that? To the Demon as a threat, or herself as reassurance?

Because from what she’d seen so far, her situation was beyond bad. This Blood Demon Art…

(Could it even be considered one? Was this how far a Demon could go?)

It was in a completely different realm.

But she really couldn’t just lay around here and do nothing even as terrified as she felt. She had to try. To return to Tanjiro.

And… and what was even going on with her Little Brother? Is he doing fine?

She hopes Kyojuro was able to remain by his side.

With continued worry pushing into her mind, Kie finally stood up and wearily moved ahead into this City. Either to try to find a way out of… of whatever this is, or find the Demon and kill him.

Except, as she moved along the streets that remained eerily quiet all the way, with not even her footsteps being heard, she could swear she was being watched.

She paused in her steps then and looked around. Wondering if she was imagining it or not. If someone was really watching, would it be that Demon? Or were there more Demons in on this?

She did not know, but for now, she wearily continued her steps while her nervousness was at an all-time high.

And she was right to worry as well. Because taking a few more steps showed her exactly what she feared.

She stepped on a Trap.

A beartrap in fact.

She doesn’t know how the hell it got there at all when she could swear there was nothing in front of her, but then, she nonetheless stepped on it.

And the trap tore right into her leg, biting in hard and deep.

''AGH!'' She could not help that scream as her leg now left her trapped. Standing still for a moment as she hyperventilated. Trying badly to calm herself down.

She’d heal. It’s fine!


She will heal. It would be fine!

But she needed that trap off. Now. And clumsily, she would do exactly that. Tearing off the Jaws of Metal and freeing her leg who after that went on to Heal.

It’s fine! Exactly like she repeated to herself.

It’s healed. The Traps off. She can continue this. She’ll just need to be all the more careful on what she stepped on.

At least, that’s how things should be done under normal circumstances. That's how things should normally go.

But Enmu made it a point to blatantly show her how all of this defied what she should be used to by now. And she wouldn’t be surprised at this point if he pulled more unexpected surprises.

As she’d see, she was absolutely right on that one.

The shape it took however, was the one that would surprise her. Because in this abnormally formed City, all it took to surprise her was to go to a corner. Then, from those very shadows, something struck her in the face.

It was done hard enough she reeled back from the strike and fell down, giving a pained moan as she moved her leg to kick the ground and allow for a quick rise. Only, whatever had struck her had vanished then.

In fact, Kie found herself now in a completely different path than the one she’d taken previously.

She now found herself in one of those Parks. Where Vegetation was laid around in the Middle of an Urban Area.

Except she was facing the side that led right back to a Main Road.

''What is even going on now?'' Kie grumbled out, considering her next course of action.

She wasn’t given the time when she heard a twig snap behind her. It made her snap back to see how off something looked.

''Did the Park grow smaller?''

It looked like it at least. Which was something that worried Kie. Was the decrease in size a sign to move now, or just to scare her?

She didn’t know, and she did not like either option she thought up about.

She chose to move on ahead. Down the path that only made her fear spike. She tried to be casual about it, truly. To not show fear, but that proved itself to be hard.

Especially with what happened next.

She fell into another trap. Not a bear trap, but instead something much more explosive. And she only noticed when she stepped on the damn thing as well.

A slightly higher patch of dirt was the first time, and when Kie tilted in confusion, she could not react nearly quick enough. Especially when she had never dealt with one prior to this.

Safe to say, she gave a shriek when she not only was surprised, but had her foot injured from the close-range explosion. It made her recoil back.

''God… Damnit…!''

She grunted out in frustration. Not that she had much time to do anything else but that when she suddenly felt her head snap to the side because of a blunt object hitting her temple.

The culprit of it was a silent kick.

When Kie snapped her head to the side to see who was the culprit, she found absolutely no one. She could put a name to who was at fault, but Kie at this point knew not to linger around.

Her Foot was already healed after all.

Except this? This was not the last occurrence of this.

This happened 3 more times. From the Shadows, unseen by her eyes, a figure moved on and on out of sight and approached.

Then, triggering a trap or not, the figure would move and pounce when she least expected it. Either through punches or kicks that always left her briefly stunned.

It was annoying. And it also only terrified Kie further since she was completely at this figure's mercy. Who probably was the Demon.

But the most surprising one, and the one that had honestly infuriated her the most at this rate, was when Kie tried to steer off course from the roads.

Why should she remain in the path when she could potentially go through the inside. Find an alternative to something.

She should have expected it wouldn’t be so easy, but she was still caught completely by surprise when, after opening a more Western Door instead of the Tatami Door…

''Let’s hope I can figure out something.'' Kie told to herself, checking back just to be sure if she’d catch sight of the figure.

But nothing.

So she turned around to head in and was met with the nasty surprise that was finally seeing Enmu once more since he faded, only that after he appeared by landing in front of her and then proceeded to nail a kick right to her face, kicking her literally out before casually closing the door with an infuriating smile on his face.

Kie groaned yet again as she leaned up to glare. And then saw how the entire building was just gone and replaced by a Concrete wall with mismatched textures.

''You’ve got to be kidding me.''

Kie glared at the wall harder, as if it would return the building intact, but then gave up on that endeavour as she dusted herself off.

Then turning to look back, she saw a surprise.

Because now, the apartment building behind her was replaced by the only thing that was lit to give light. A corridor that led to somewhere.

Kie had at first not wanted to take this path, but considering how she’d probably still be forced down this path, plus the idea that perhaps this would at least lead her out of this made it hard to not go.

So, reluctantly, she took the path this Demon wanted.

She took step after step, following the lit path for what felt like minutes even though it was only a few seconds time. And when she reached the end of the Road…

She found a hole -which was made out of Black and Purple Mist that spiralled around the thing- where the ground should be.

It was far too obvious as to what was wanted to be done by her. But Kie wasn’t going to do this willingly.

Too sad her consent wasn’t a factor here.

From behind, a kick landed and sent her flying into the Hole that felt like another Abyss. Kie only had so much time to see who was the culprit, and it was the obvious one.


The Demon, giving a twisted smile as she plummeted into an even deeper abyss. And his laugh echoed on and on and on until finally, she hit concrete.

Her senses were confused for a moment, as she realized her Body had not fallen down. Instead, it was more like her body had been launched at a wall. Gravity caught on then and her body fell on the Road made of Rocks.

She faintly realized it was raining. And still night, wherever she’d landed. She quickly had that question answered once her head was raised up.

A Cemetery.

And when she turned to look back what her back had collided into, she saw it was a Gravestone.


Kie Kamado. Date of Birth and Date of Death scratched off. Anything else written down cracked from the impact and looking ready to completely crumble.

This Gravestone was the only one at the end of this path. In a corner. Utterly alone with no one.

Kie may have at any other point wondered why it felt so lonely, but in current circumstances, she didn’t think further on it. Assuming it was the Demon’s attempt to mess with her.

Looking at the Graveyard closer, she could see many other sets of Graves. But all of those were in Groups instead of this one’s lonesome.

She moved then.

For a moment, this whole path, looking around, could almost be believed to be normal. But each time she looked over to the Graves, she heard laughter of mixed Origins.

One of them was the Demons, she held no doubt there.

But the others? Hard to identify with the same echo effect that carried over. Kie wasn’t sure if she preferred that over the omnipresent silence that previously accompanied her though.

Especially once those laughs went completely quiet, leaving way back to silence.

It was almost like a cue, because then, her eyes trailed off to the side and saw potentially the reason why all went quiet. It was almost like they’d answered how she’d feel.

Because she saw several Gravestones. All with names… all with the same last name.


Kamado Nezuko.

Kamado Takeo.

Kamado Hanako.

Kamado Shigeru.

Kamado Rokuta.

But all of those names sounded so foreign, with only the smallest bits of familiarity trailing in her mind.

Yet the two other names to come were all too familiar for varying levels.

Kamado Tanjuro.

Kamado Tanjiro.

One was her Little Brother after all. And Tanjuro… she still didn’t know what he was to her, did she?

Still nothing.

But all of this was not the why everything felt like they’d gone to a crawling halt to Kie’s mind. No, it was because one of the Graves was unearthed.


The Coffin was out in the open. Empty. Void of a Corpse.


Kie felt her heart drop at this sight. Tanjiro wasn’t dead, so it should make sense it’s not empty. Except logic clearly didn’t stick completely around here, and so, Kie heavily dreaded what this signified.

But, for now, she had to move.

She turned around and-


And promptly jumped back in fright at seeing a Statue of Tanjiro right in front of her line of sight. Out of absolutely nowhere, her Little Brother’s figure -albeit with an appearance that displayed maturity easier since he looked to be a Teenager instead of a Child- was just… there.

And promptly jumped back in fright at seeing a Statue of Tanjiro right in front of her face. Out of absolutely nowhere, her Little Brother’s figure was just… there.

Kie stared at it for a moment, almost expecting something to go wrong from it.

But no, nothing happened. It was just a statue of her little Brother. Lacking any Features of a Demon.

Actually looking Human.

Kie took in a Breath. Eased down her nervousness before moving on. She needed out of this. Whatever this was.

She walked past the Statue. Moved on. Continued her road.

That was the plan. And that is exactly how the plan went. But of course, things were never that simple, were they?

She walked past Gravestones after Gravestones. Tombstones after Tombstones. Continuing on the rocky path laid out in front of her.

At some point, she reached an end.

In the shape of a Stone Wall blocking everything past what presumably was an exit. And as if to rub salt in the wound, there were words written on it.

''Under Reconstruction. Pardon the inconvenience!'' Kie read over before growling, ''Oh very funny!”

Even worse, the laughter had resumed while this was ongoing. Only making this even worse. At this point, Kie wasn’t sure if she was scared or just plain annoyed with this.

She shouldn’t have tempted fate.

Kie decided she’d try to go elsewhere. Maybe retrace her steps and take a left or right somewhere else. She’d taken a straight path in hope it would lead somewhere, but it clearly didn’t.

And if worse comes to worst, she’d force her way through.

So, Kie turned around.

''A-! Again?!'' And even worse, there were two statues of Tanjiro again. All smiling as well, though not remotely as close as the first one had been.

At this point, Kie suspected the Demon was trying to give her a Heart Attack.

Kie, temptingly, twisted her head around to look back at the wall. Seeing a Statue there which nearly made her jump.

And when she looked forward, more Statues of Tanjiro had formed.

She needed to get out of here, or she’d fear she’ll be driven to madness.

So, she retraced her steps. But each time she looked away from the front of her vision, more Statues would appear in her path. Always there to welcome and scare her.

On and on, any turns she made, more appeared.

She’s relatively sure she’s made a complete circle around the Graveyard before noticing something very off. Namely, the path where her Gravestone had been, was now walled.

Except Kie had to blink at what she was seeing since it wasn’t just a Stone Wall. There were words written on it.

Kie, temptingly, twisted her head around to look back at the wall. And then had to blink when she saw the words on it had changed.

''Reconstruction finished?''

Was he being serious right now? Why would he even…

''Because the Stage is set, Mother.'' A disturbingly familiar yet unfamiliar voice spoke right next to her ear. Before Kie could even react, she felt a kick collide into her back and sending her bursting through the Wall.

She coughed for a moment once her Body hit a wet ground, which already set some alarm bells in her mind as her eyes snapped open fast to see.

And then had to blink when she saw she was somehow now in a sort of Pond with infinitely expanding Water. It was just that and a Night Sky.

The Water reflected everything perfectly on that Full Moon.

''Not this again…'' Kie fully expected she’d go through what the Demon had made her go through when she’d landed in that weird Ocean.

But that wasn’t the case. Much as she’d deeply prefer it were with hindsight.

''Don’t worry Mother! That’s not it at all!'' Kie snapped her head behind to see Tanjiro’s statue again. Somehow there, looking the same as ever. Serenely so.

''There are other Plans for you!''

And Kie snapped her head back to the front again, only to see even more Status of Tanjiro there. 

''And this place is just the beginning.''

The voices spoke one after the other, not quite reaching the same effect as the Demon’s voice which carried itself all over. This one actually felt like someone was physically moving around to speak, but still succeeding in making her hearing believe that this voice was speaking all at once.

It didn’t help that by remaining stationary, she’d basically had herself surrounded by Tanjiro’s statues. It shouldn’t be a problem. It shouldn’t make her worry at all.

But it did.

''Now, look at me, Mother. Look. At. Me.''

Look where?!

''I appear with flesh, yet am not physically present. I take form, but it is not my own. Right is left, and left is right. I am here, yet not here… what am I?''

And why did it answer with a Riddle of all things?!

But ok, maybe she could figure this out.

With everything she was told, and what she could figure out… what exactly could the answer to this Riddle be?

What. Could. It. Be?

…is it…?

Kie’s eyes trailed in front of her, to down.

And she had her answer to the Riddle.

The Reflections of Tanjiro’s statues compared to what was in front of her looked colourful. Alive. And all of them were staring right at her with Crimson eyes.

''Yes!'' One of the Tanjiro’s opens his mouth.

''Now you truly see us Mother.'' Another opened his mouth while the other kept it shut.

''No more need to hide!''

''No more need to play games!''

''Now let’s bring in the truth of the matter!''

''What am I?''

Kie doesn’t know why she freezes up when answering this. Why her Mouth has a hard time coming up with any words to come as the… the Statues of Tanjiro speak one after the other. 

And then, the question came.

It wasn’t a straightforward answer he expected, was it?

''Come on Mother, it’s obvious. I’m surely not a Human anymore.''

Why did the Demon insist on having those Statues of her Brother call her Mother? She and Tanjiro are Siblings.

''Perhaps. But that won’t stop making me care for my Brother and turn him back Human.''

The statue had regardless received the answer he desired.


''I’m a Demon Mother!''

''And what do Demons do?''

The Reflections of the Statues all gave a savage grin.

''They kill.''

''They eat.''

''It’s time I show you exactly that!''

That last one had definitely not been the Statues speaking. Although she could not miss how the Statues of her Brother then began cracking. On and on, and through those cracks they glowed.

Kie couldn’t get any cover or get out of the way before all of them exploded as one, engulfing her whole and blinding her vision for a moment. All of it was white. The only sound she heard were her own ears ringing.

And then, it all cleared up to allow her to see and hear.

The Still Pond of Water was gone and so was the Night Sky and ever-present Moon. Likewise, she wasn’t surrounded by the Tanjiro Statues anymore.

But that may have been more preferable compared to what was around her and what she saw.

She was in an open field technically. There was only one structure in the middle of it all. And some signs of wildlife were around the structure.

It could almost be described as a Picture of a time given life.

Except while it could be romanticised if this were actually a picture, this was anything but. After all, this was a moment.

Namely, the place she’d woken up at when she’d had her first clear memory. On that Cloudy day, two Years ago.

Except, there was a difference.

She was not outside standing in her Corp Uniform. Nor was her Little Brother supposed to be eating one of the Corpses.

He wasn’t supposed to have his Mouth soaked in Blood.

He wasn’t supposed to be enjoying eating the Bodies of those Children.

He wasn’t supposed to eat Humans to begin with.

Yes, here, and now, she was shown exactly that.

''I’m a Demon. I eat to survive. My Siblings. My Mother. My Father. It doesn’t matter who it is…'' Another Tanjiro -another fake- spoke right next to her, not looking the least bit bothered by the scene compared to Kie who looked on in horror.

''I eat.''

And when she looked away from the fake, her eyes noticed her Little Brother, the one who’s supposed to be it at least, lunging right at her.

Then, everything went dark and Kie stood in a void. Everything was gone for a moment.

Then the flash returned, and so did another scene. Much more ahead in time and closer to the present.

And she easily recognized Urokodaki’s House. By all means, her own Home due to the 2 years of Life she remembered being spent there.

Only, it was equally subject to a same, albeit different scene.

Instead of seeing Tanjiro just feasting on a corpse, Kie instead witnessed as he attacked Urokodaki. Her Mentor holding a Nichirin Blade instead of the Bokken she was so accustomed to seeing him have.

And he attacked back. Both of them fighting each other.

Kie could not deny it was a heartbreaking scene to her, and how happy it made her that Tanjiro never did this. Yet…

''I eat Humans, but that flesh doesn’t come out of nowhere. For my survival, I need to take and take…''

Perhaps it was all the crueller that she witnessed Tanjiro and Urokodaki kill each other instead of one killing the other.

''So it’s only natural I take Lives. That’s a Demon’s whole nature, after all.''

Kie clenched her fist, gripping her Nichirin Blade as it shook. She wanted so, so badly to just… slice that Impostor down. But it also felt like she’d strike her own Brother.

Then again, did she have a choice?

Because this fake did it for her. He abruptly lunged at her. And Kie, in the heat of the moment, sliced.

It was like a switch was flipped, because it caused the entire scene to be changed yet again. In a flash, the world had changed from Urokodaki’s Home to Asakusa. Tokyo.

No Tanjiro in sight. No Civilians in sight.

Only the Asakusa Streets with, much to her dismay, small signs of the mismatched Urban World she’d been at prior to the Graveyard. At least the Streets were lit here instead of the near complete dark she was at.

She should have known this wouldn’t remain a blessing for long.

Kie hesitantly, but still trying to make it seem like she wasn’t scared of what could happen next, marched forth. Moved and moved with precaution.

Which is why it unnerved her further when nothing at all happened.

Something was coming, she knew. She just had to hope she could manage this. Whatever this was.

And eventually, it happened.

Or maybe he should say they happened.


The fact there is someone who screams for help at all immediately has Kie pay attention to where the cry for help is coming from. Scrambling to pinpoint the sound.

And then, she realizes where it’s coming from.

The Apothecary.

There is a moment where Kie absolutely freezes at the reminder of this place. Being where she’d end up meeting the Progenitor without even wanting to.

But, someone is crying for help, and Kie would hate herself if she didn’t try.

So, more fearful than ever, she charged into the Shop.

What was she met with?

Tanjiro piercing through the Shopkeeper's throat while Enmu watched. His expression hidden as his back was against her.

Kie did not waste her chance and moved to attack the Lower Moon Demon.

''Water Breathing - First Form: Water Surface Slash!''

Kie released a horizontal slash right for the Demon’s neck, slicing right through… it…?

Kie noticed after the action that once again, when she’d hit him, the hit location evaporated into Black Smoke and then reformed into flesh without problem.

''Ah. Our guest is here.'' Enmu twisted his head to face the Kamado Woman, giving her an infuriating smile that screamed his smugness.

''Tanjiro. Be a good son to your mother and keep her company. The surprise has yet to come!''

Then, Enmu’s body burst into that same Black Smoke and he was gone just like that.

Kie prepared herself then to face that fake. But then, a nasty surprise came to her. In what form you say ask?

With an arm piercing her back straight through, leaving the tip and Nails exposed with her Blood.

Then, she heard a sinister giggle, followed up with a single question.

''Miss me?''

Not that Tsuyuri cared a whit whether she was actually missed or not. She pulled her arm out then, and while her wound healed, this put her in a very bad spot.

''Now… what shall we do with you dear Kamado?'' The Queen wondered as she began circling around her. Tanjiro followed suit. When one was at the front, another was at her back.

''A repeat of that night, perhaps? But you’re the one fighting alone?'' She suggested. And to her horror, even though she knew that Tanjiro was fake, he answered back.

''No. That’d be too easy for her. There needs to be something more.''

There was a moment of consideration, just long enough for Kanao to be back at the front of Kie’s eye of sight. Then, she snapped her fingers.

''Oh! I know!'' Then, Kanao raised her leg, ''But we need a change of scenery.'' and then kicked Kie square in the face.

Her eyes closed shut from the impact, and when they opened again, she was not in the Apothecary anymore. And she was alone as well.

As for her location?

Why, in the same Alley that she and Tanjiro had fought Kanao Tsuyuri at and badly lost. Only, slightly altered.

The Entrance and Exit of said alley were completely blocked by piles of Gravestones. Meaning that besides a certain amount of space, this was the whole Arena. And speaking of which…

''Let’s see how much you can handle!'' One Kanao jumped over the Gravestone fence. And yes, you read that right.


Because then, another jumped over. And then another. And another. And more came without pause.

Up until one of the Kanao’s hung on the Gravestone fence and waited there patiently, having deemed the amount she brought out enough.

Without wasting a second, the Kanao’s then charged Kit at once. More or less at least. It was more like a few of them decided to charge while the others watched.

Kie didn’t quite hesitate in slicing through Tsuyuri’s Body, nor the others. And it became quite clear to her that this Kanao was not even close to the same level as the one she’d fought.

''I’m fighting Fakes.''

She doesn’t know why this surprises her even though it has felt obvious since a while now. Whatever the Demon had done… whatever his Blood Demon Art was about, it was powerful enough to do this.

And fake this Kanao may be, there was strength in Numbers, and she was shameless in using it.

Especially as more went to attack her. To pile on her in this Alley.

And then, the situation turned even worse.

Once she was punched, for a moment, she looked away. Then?

There was a Tanjiro Statue in the field. Unmoving as it was a Statue, but Kie had a feeling that she shouldn’t assume it would remain that way.

Which is why she doubled her efforts when it came to the Kanao’s, moving to slice off their necks one after the other as fast as she could.

But the terrain was not to her advantage. And each time she looked away for whatever reason, another statue of Tanjiro appeared. More and more… 

More. And. More.

And the worse came to pass when her back was pushed against a wall… it was against one of the Statues.

The Fake Tanjiro burst out of it and landed a solid kick right into Kie’s face, launching her against a wall and actually breaking through it.

She was disoriented from that, before realizing how she suddenly wasn’t trapped inside the Alley anymore. Though she wasn’t exactly free just yet, this was already better odds.

She rushed up the stairs, heading for the rooftop as quickly as possible. Which took quite some effort on her path, as at one point, one of the Status she hadn’t even noticed burst and proceeded to have the fake kick her again.

Those things hurt really bad, but she persevered through and reached the Rooftops. And thankfully, it had exactly what she wanted.

Namely, plenty of even-sized buildings. Perfect to…

To what, honestly?

The only certainty is that she needs to find the Lower Moon Demon. But besides that, she doesn’t know how to escape, well… whatever this whole thing was.

Maybe she should change her way of thinking.

Instead of thinking of escape, she should figure out how to get answers out of this. Though it’d honestly be easier if she knew the root of what this Blood Demon Art was and what it’s supposed to mainly do.

So, improvisation it seems to be.

There has to be something she can do.

Or at least, something that could work out. Like what is even that Demon doing right now?

Is he watching? Is he not? Is he doing something else entirely? Did it play a part in this whole thing?

Or was she just overthinking this?

Perhaps she was. Perhaps she wasn’t. But if his echoing voice was anything to go by at points, then he had to be here for those moments at least.

So, was he close by?

Kie needed to spot him as soon as possible before she was overwhelmed. Or worse, forced under another shift in Reality.

So she moved. Jumped from Rooftops and rooftops to sniff him out somehow. Just hoping he was actually watching close by and not somewhere too far.

And to her luck, she was proven to be right.

He was watching.

And she caught sight of him within one of the buildings. Just narrowly so, she’d have missed him if not because he really stood out.

''What do I do now?'' Is a question that Kie asks herself now that she’s spotted the Demon. Only, she had a limited amount of time. She was after all still being chased.

Because if she got near the Demon, would he just fade away like before? Or did he only act that way because he was attacked?

Well… there’s only one way to find out, isn’t there?

She had to get to him. And so she shall.

The good thing about tall buildings compared to the normal sized homes was the fact that it gave her a bigger chance to reach one location to another. Was it risky? Absolutely. Would it be worth it? Even more!

The jump she initiated just then had her landing be a bit off, however. She landed two Storeys down instead of one, and that failure cost her a bit when a Kanao appeared next to her. Face dangerously close to her own.

''Hey, hey! You can’t just run away from me~!'' The Kanao jumped up and spun her leg, landing a horizontal axe kick that launched her back outside and into the previously empty streets.

Only, clearly, they’d been expecting her. Or at least, the several Kanao copies all surrounding her thought of something along those lines.

The worst part was that with her looking one direction, the creation of a Fake Tanjiro statue was guaranteed, so they really had her in a bind here since one of those statues could randomly shatter and have a fake launch a surprise assault on her.

However, she also noticed that Enmu had moved locations. Now that she actively sought him out, Kie noticed him somewhat easier.

He was standing atop the same building she’d tried to launch herself at. Making him all the more exposed, yet showing how little he feared she’d get to him. And considering how she had not landed a single bit of damage on him; the arrogance was warranted.

But something had to be wrong in all of this. There had to be something Kie simply could not see because she was missing some form of context.

Could he really keep this going constantly?

She’d find out soon enough as the Kanao’s moved to initiate their assault again. And Kie moved all over to dwindle their Numbers.

But it’s when she cuts off one's arms that Kie has an idea form into her mind. And honestly? What would the harm be if she tried this?

So, she did that.

Kie caught the severed arm of the Copy and then threw it up towards Enmu like a dagger.

He seemed startled by the action, and notably didn’t have his Body fade into Black Smoke. Instead he dodged the thrown Limb first before fading into said Smoke.

''Ok. That’s new. He dodged this time around?''

Kie knew she had to be onto something here. No matter what it was, this action told her something was going on.

Which is why she resumed what he’d done earlier. Split off from the Hoard and try to locate the Demon. He was physically observing her for some reason, and she was not about to waste this chance.

It was shortly after doing this that she spotted him again. This time, due to her moving, he was standing atop one of the taller Buildings. More like a Tower and close to the City’s Outskirts.

That already complicated how she’d reach him as is. But she could not allow this to deter her. If it meant she had to climb, then she’d climb!

Granted, it meant breaking in.

But Kie did not think of those details any further. Not when whatever was going on clearly had taken her somewhere that was not literally those places.

She rushed up the Stairs while the Kanao’s gave chase, and it was at moments like these where Kie was very grateful she had so much Stamina she could keep this pace going without tiring out.

It’s why she’s able to reach the top floor the stairs lead, and then redid what she’d planned on doing the first time she’d launched herself towards a window, except now it was done from the inside.

And she didn’t quite put nearly as much force since she didn’t want to become a splatter on the ground. Instead she broke through the window and held onto the edge, then climbed up to the top where at the tip of the Circular roof, was Enmu.

And this time, he truly looked at her as something else instead of a tool.

''You’re really stubborn…'' It comes across as a mutter, barely concealing thin amounts of annoyance.

''I will not lay down until I’ve severed that head of yours from your neck.'' Kie herself couldn’t quite hide her own annoyance at this Demon for dragging her into, well… this whole thing.

''You’re welcome to try Woman. But it’s useless. You can’t kill me.'' The Demon said with absolute certainty, and then, daringly, spread his arms.

''I am the Master of this Reality.''

''We’ll see about that!'' Kie charged right ahead to attack the Demon, but it was then that everything shifted yet again.

But instead of Crystal shattering, it was almost like the Abyss that she’d fallen into, the one reflecting her in every direction, pulsed in front of the both of them. Then, almost like an explosion it spread and pushed Kie back.

At that moment, she feared she’d fall to her death, yet to her confusion, the second after, she hit solid ground.

When her eyes adjusted again to the change, she found herself in another shifted reality.

The general area was like a Square. The amount of distance was unclear, but she could safely compare it to the whole Shibuya Square in length.

Surrounding said Square, an eerily familiar Black Smoke surrounded it, but not quite making the surroundings pitch black. Dark Blue and some lighter colours gave the impression this field was in the depths of the sea.

And speaking of the ground. The Dirt used as a road noticeable felt harder to touch, like all main roads in Urban Cities.

That was everything this held. There was enough light in this Square that they could see, but beyond that, no more.

Besides the Demon himself, Enmu, standing close to the middle casually. His arms still spread, basking in the air all around.

''It is always so enjoyable to shape this World as I see fit. To bask in my own creations…'' His eyes were closed as bliss filled him, but when lowering his face, his eyes opened and a sadistic smirk formed.

''And I will enjoy it all the more with your cries of pain.''

Kie scowled, ready to say something, but then Enmu’s next action only confused her.

He lowered his hands before clenching them into a fist. Then he took a… boxing stance?

''Now, let’s start this by teaching you a Lesson.''

Oh, she was going to make him eat those words.

''As if you could teach me anything.''

The only answer she received was Enmu smiling in response, ''Oh, you’d be surprised.''

Kie did not want to find out, so she proceeded to attack him. Preparing to perform a Water Breathing form in the process.

''Water Breathing-!''

Only, Enmu was not about to let her do that. Not when he outstretched his hand, his dorsal side visibly at the front with a Mouth on it.

It spoke a single word.


Upon that single word, it was like all of Kies senses completely scrambled. Her Vision blurred, her hearing grew distorted into barely any words and her body suddenly had an increased amount of troubles to move well. It was bad enough she lost her footing and tripped, hitting the ground.

The effects of the words didn’t last for too long, but it was long enough she was slow in reacting when she felt a fist collide right into her back, cracking it. She swiped her arm up to try and reach the Demon, but he simply jumped up and avoided it entirely.

At least her senses were restored to normal as she scrambled herself up before Enmu could take advantage of this. And Kie decided to act faster. Or at least try to.

The Good news is that she’d acted quickly enough Enmu had no time to redo what he’d pulled just before, especially helped that the Demon hadn’t jumped far enough when he’d avoided her swipe. She was able to cut off his left arm and Blood poured out from the wound.

The bad news was that Enmu could see an opening when he saw one, and nailed down a punch with his free arm at her face.

That single punch told Kie enough.

''He’s not used to this.''

Kie cannot claim she’s an expert in this. But she’s pretty sure if this Demon was used to punching people, he’d hit harder than what he did to her. Especially with the Ranking in his eye.

Which meant that either he was just severely underestimating her, or he’d initiated battle with something he was not an expert in. Which just brought the question of why.

But if it’s cockiness, then Kie’s not about to waste this chance. Just as she was punched, she reeled back her body forward.

''Water Breathing - Fourth Form: Striking Tide!''

Performing only a single slash, her Body flowed forward and sliced through the Demon’s Neck, landing past him while hearing a clear thud of the Body hitting the Floor.

And when turning around, there stood the Demons decapitated Body.

''I should be happy it went so easily, but… it felt too easy…''

Lower Moon Three had put up more of a fight than this when in direct confrontation. Yet the second he’d initiated Battle, things had gone… very swiftly.

''Was that really… all he could do?''

''Was that really… all he could do?''

Kie’s eyes widened in alarm when hearing the Demon’s voice who chuckled. The Body even could be seen slightly shaking from the movement.

The head of the Lower Moon only then rolled around to face her. Decapitated as ever but not the least bit worried.

''Yes! That is all I could do as is.'' The Demon grinned while the severed body moved his only arm onto his chest in an exaggerated manner, ''But wait. Did I say I? It seems in all this excitement, I forgot to bring in my guests!''

The Arena itself shifted upon those words. Up in the air and even on the Ground itself, Train Tracks manifested themselves all over, giving quite a chaotic addition to what was a bare field previously.

And from those Tracks, Trains came through. And with what, you may ask?

Why, Men and Women!

As the Vehicles passed through, out of the Trains they jumped and onto the Ground.

Enmu clearly wasn’t bothering with Psychological warfare anymore since she recognized none of these people. He’d changed tactics, and it showed even more as his Body and decapitated head faded away into that same Black Smoke that merged into the Field.

Except, while he wasn’t using people she recognized, Kie noticed the distinct lack of Demon features on them.

No matter what was even making this happen, Enmu was using Humans here.

''Enjoy my Guests! And don’t worry, I’ll be back. I just need to do some extra preparations.''

It was as the Demon spoke in that All Around voice that Kie finally understood from whom the laughs had come from. As they’d returned and were laughing at her again, she recognized them.

The Fake Tanjiro and Copy Kanao’s voices.

And she feared exactly what Enmu had now in mind if he was planning to return.

Regardless of what was going on, Kie did not feel comfortable at all using her Sword against Humans. Even under these circumstances. Even knowing that all of this was something of this Demon’s creation.

She still had no answer on that one.

Regardless, as she was surrounded, she sheathed her Nichirin Blade and instead opted to use the next best second.

Her fists.

It wasn’t exactly making her feel any better punching Humans, but it was better than slicing through them. 

Not that she exactly found it pleasant when with her first punch, she cracked someone’s rib easily. It destabilized Kie enough it allowed some of the Humans to land hits on her.

''Oh my. Do you perhaps not know how to regulate your strength?'' The Voice mockingly wondered, ''It would have been kinder to use your Sword, wouldn’t it?''

The laughter continued on and on while Kie regained her bearings and, while caught off guard, swore to herself she’d just have to hold back even more.

Though she said that, it wasn’t all that easy to hold back to this extent when Kie rarely did so prior to now. Because before this, holding back would have been a death sentence against Demons.

Now, the opposite was happening, and it was hard to do so, but she still tried as much as she could. Not that she could minimize the pain either since she needed them knocked out. Anything else, and they wouldn’t stay down.

She was just grateful that logic seemed to still follow them to some extent.

Strong enough force without going too far would knock them out. And the Numbers were lowered when that happened.

Except the Trains reminded her that Reinforcements came her way. Always. It actually became an issue she noticed when she had knocked out 20 Humans. 

It wasn’t tiresome per say, but she noticed that it didn’t seem like there was an end to them.

And since more came through the Trains, then Kie only had one idea on how to remedy this.

Destroy the tracks.

Kie however didn’t exactly have an easy time doing so when she was swarmed with Humans she had to knock out as quickly as possible. Drawing her Sword was made harder since she needed both of her fists out.

''I wonder how much more you can handle before even you, with your body, get overwhelmed.''

She ignored the comment and fought on, trying to find an opening while punching and kicking and making sure she didn’t go overboard on the Humans. No matter if they were actually real or not.

In the end, she found her opportunity by… well…

She took a cue out of Enmu’s book there. Used what he’d done to her earlier, except she would have something to hold onto instead of landing back down.

After slamming down onto one of the Humans, she narrowly jumped up and reached one of the rails, gripping the edge with her bare hands. The position was compromising to say the least, but she didn’t need more than that.

All she needed, was to flip herself up. So, she moved to swing herself forward, then back, then she repeated the motions with one final push to flip back and over the railing.

''Water Breathing - Eight Form: Waterfall Basin!''

And then, flowing with a downward motion now, she slashed down and sliced through the tracks, not quite slicing it all through due to the length, but denting a portion that the Tracks wouldn’t be usable.

And if they tried, well…

As seen soon after once Kie touched the ground again, the next train that came through there keeled off to the side and crashed down. Conveniently, not only blocking the path but also giving her an easier way up since it left a trail.

It also expanded the field slightly, giving Kie and overall better chance to destroy the tracks and stop the Reinforcements from coming.

Which is why Kie dropped fighting the Humans that came her way for now and moved to destroy the 3 other tracks that hung all over the ''Ceiling'' disguised as a Night sky. And while they certainly were not close to each other due to the varying levels the tracks came over; she had a chance.

She went over to the next one. The one whose tracks twisted just like a Moon, going immediately to a left instead of a slightly hill-like Path from the first one she cut through.

Shamefully, she nearly missed that one even with the Boost she got from the capsized train. But moving on from that, she succeeded in cutting that one as well. Not all the way through, but she corrected that when not going down, but instead remaining on the tracks.

She raised her Blade to make a deeper damage to it when…

''Kie, Kie! Isn’t this growing to be a bit too easy for you? Let’s change that.'' Honestly, when she’d heard that, she wasn’t sure what she should have expected.

''It’s time I finished what I failed to do.''

And then she heard a thud, with someone landing on the Train Track that was bending from the weight. When turning around, to her shock, she saw one of the Slayer Hopefuls from the Final Selection.

The one with the closed eyes. The one who’d called her and Genya Aberrations.

She was so caught off guard by this that her reaction was delayed. She narrowly blocked the incoming Sword strike and was pushed off the Rails. With her luck, she landed on top of the capsized Train instead of the Ground itself, though it didn’t stop the pain she felt.


And then, she heard several thuds of people jumping and landing down. And when she raised her head, it became clear that Enmu had decided to pull more Humans into this.

Only, they were all Demon Slayer Hopefuls here. Those who’d died at the Final Selection.

''How about a taste of the dead?'' The Demon echoed all over before chuckling, ''Ah! But this isn’t it! There’s more!''

The laughter seemed to grow in intensity as the whole arena shook. Abruptly, all of the Humans that weren’t the Slayer Hopefuls vanished, dispersing into familiar Black Smoke that then moved and gathered up in one location.

Namely, bursting into one side of the Wall of Mist that was there.

The mist grew still because of it instead of spiralling around, and the laughter died down following that. Kie already knew something bad was about to happen, but she could do nothing but watch as the Dark, Dark Blue, and Dark Purple mist moved. Gathering up to where the Black Smoke had gone to and leaving the surrounding area completely bare for all to see.

Kie blinked once when realizing that the Darkness of Night faded for a Sunset. Or sunrise, maybe?

Either way, there was Light. And it rather blatantly showed how much changed from this field.

Vegetation around looked to be thriving, yet also dying. Impossibly large Tree Trunks grew from the Dirt up into the Heavens, also displaying tunnel holes for the Train tracks. The Mist that had previously hidden it now became very easy to see.

There were more normal sized trees. Pine Trees actually. Barely any looked to be Green though, with some either burned charcoal black or drained from what Water it previously held.

What may have been the oddest thing to her however, was that further back, she could see the Home she’d woken up at two years ago. It stood out because it looked to be the only intact thing, though at this distance, she couldn’t make out the details.

Overall, the entire landscape could be described as Dead, one way or another. And the entire arena she’d been in stood out like a sore thumb with the Size defying Trunks and Train Tracks that hung in the air.

Although maybe it didn’t look so odd. At least not in comparison to what exactly this whole Mist had gathered into.

It had gathered into a sort of body that roughly looked Humanoid. Though it was only the Upper Torso. The Legs just didn’t seem to exist, although that may have to do because of the Whirlpool that seemed to generate under his Body.

And as for it all… 

The whole body, while misty in nature, had something that made it feel like it was much more solid. Especially with all the eyes that filled it. Blue Eyes that stared at a singular target. At least those at the front.

As for the face, it roughly looked to be Enmu’s. At least, with the separately coloured mist that stood out as a replica of his Hair and the Blue Eyes that were still marked as Lower Moon One. 

However, there were also additions to his face. Like how for his Canines, they looked to be even longer than what a Demon should have. Or that on his forehead, horns grew out.

Still, for all of those changes, this very much was still the same Demon.

''Now… let’s continue where we left off.''

Enmu spoke with a voice that still echoed, but wasn’t quite nearly as omnipresent as it previously seemed. Still, the laughter remained, but lacked his own oddly enough.

If Kie hadn’t bothered to check behind her, she wouldn’t have noticed that the Copies of the Dead Hopefuls had moved to attack her.

''Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!''

In fact, it was the female amongst them that acted first as her Swing generated actual fire much to Kie’s surprise. The Trail of fire she left behind nearly did get to her, but her Blade was moved just in time to block the worst of it.

It didn’t stop the aftershock to affect her though, the pressure of the fire pushing her back and off the Capsized Train.

''What the hell?! How- What?!''

Why could they generate their actual Elements now?!

''Careful~! The Elements aren’t the only thing you should fear!'' It was when she heard Enmu’s voice did she snap back to see that he’d clenched one of his fists and was now moving to slam it over her just like a Hammer.

Kie wasn’t stupid enough to just stand there and leapt away before she was hit by it. The power of the slam cracked the ground in a manner that had something seep out of the cracks. But Kie didn’t have the time to pay attention to what.

''Stone Breathing - Second Form: Upper Smash!''

The Stone Breather swung his Katana overhead with Stone covering the whole Blade. Something that Kie didn’t successfully block because of her arm position during this. However, she did somewhat succeed in shifting the target point.

Where it would have originally aimed to slice her completely in half, the position of her arm meant that when she tried to move her Sword to block, it instead collided with the Blade of Sharp Rocks.

She lost her entire left arm when the Sword came down, but she’d avoided the worst. Without hesitating, she raised her leg for a kick that couldn’t muster full power with a lack of footing. Still, it hurt the Copy of the Hopeful enough to destabilize him.

Her arm was halfway healed when she landed down, and the sound of Wind had her immediately snap to the side to successfully block, albeit nearly failing by doing it with just one arm, the incoming attack.

''Wind Breathing - Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind!'' Four Wind slashes in the vertical direction rained down on her then. When the attack was over, Kie had her left arm fully recovered.

It was time she went on the offensive, and quick. The Hopefuls were turning out to become incredibly dangerous by just being able to use actual Elements in their attacks. And that wasn’t accounting that while Enmu seemed to not act, he could change tune at any moment.

And her first target was the Wind Breather in front of her.

''Water Breathing - Ninth Form…''

Kie made sure to change the way she moved then, minimizing how much she needed for her next move. Especially as she noticed the Wind Breather was already doing his next move.

''Wind Breathing - Seventh Form…''

The man was ready to leap into the air then and release the already generating wind, but Kie had simply moved faster.

''Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!''

Normally, this was more used for landings to then follow up with an attack, but it also worked well enough to attack quicker, especially when your opponent could use actual Elements.

And even then, Kie hadn’t actually planned on slicing this Copy, even if he wasn’t real.

With flowing movement, Kie was able to slam the butt of her Katana into the Dead Hopefuls face, making him reel back and interrupting his movement. Following that, Kie twisted her left arm to ram her Elbow in his Ribs, mentally apologizing about this.

The Wind Breather fell on his back with a wheeze, still not unconscious. And before Kie could follow up with a final hit that would have knocked one opponent unconscious, another one had acted and interrupted her.

''Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!''

Taking a low stance as Mist gathered up, the Mist Breather dashed ahead and cut right through Kie’s Femur, landing past her and in front of the Wind Breather who did not get up.

Kie realized with a panic that this one could really be fatal if anyone followed up this opening with something that hit her Heart.

Yet, none actually did so. At least, no one followed it with something that could have been fatal.

Instead, it was Enmu who’s Misty arm shot towards and grabbed her as if she were just a doll.

''Having trouble against my Improved Demon Slayers?'' The Lower Moon questioned her as he dragged her closer to eye-level.

''You know, I’m quite proud of it. It took me Months upon Months of observation to get it down right, but it paid off well, didn’t it?''

The Mouth of Enmu stretched into a not so pleasant grin to anyone who saw it.

''Ah, the Final Selection really is the perfect ground to find some lingering regrets. So many prospects die there.''

It was true Kie did hold some regrets about the Final Selection. Even towards those who’d been hostile even knowing about Genya’s situation. They were just… dead. Gone. Never to return.

She won’t ever know if they’d have changed for the better or for the worst.

But, Enmu had made a mistake. (Or did he?) Not only did this right now allow Kie to regenerate her Legs, have them reconnect, but she found herself… more motivated so to speak.

Motivated to not die by this bastard who wanted to use even those who’d died against her.

So, as her first course of action, what does the Bound Kamado do?

She raised her head and headbutted the front of the hand. Or more specifically, the thenar space. And while pain wasn’t felt the same way through this, he’d felt enough that his hand involuntarily shook, opening his grasp slightly.

That was all Kie needed as she pulled out her Nichirin Blade.

''Water Breathing - Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust!''

As Kie’s first course of action, she actually just did a precise thrust into the hand. It wouldn’t be all that useful, if not where she’d aimed at. Namely, slightly past the knuckle for the Index and Middle Finger.


''Water Breathing - Second Form: Water Wheel, Partial Formation!''

While Kie could certainly not spin around for a complete circular motion, what she could do is pull the full vertical slash against those Fingers. Severing them entirely.

''Hey, where do you think you’re going Kie!'' Enmu demanded as his other arm moved, palm going overhead to crush her underneath before she got out.

But Enmu acted too slow. Kie was able to wring herself free just in time to leap out of his grasp and into the Field where the Copies of the Slayers waited for her. Even the Wind Breathing one, though he looked like he’d seen better days.

Exactly what she needed right now.

''If I knock him out, then I only have four left.'' And one less meant better chances to win this. Enmu would be easier to deal with the less she had to fight.

And as she landed, Kie could already feel and even hear two sounds.

The Sound of Flames, and the sound of… ok, she couldn’t actually identify that one, but she at least knew it wasn’t Wind. Which meant he knew he couldn’t take her on in that state.

That confirmed it further for her.

''Flame Breathing - First Form: Unknowing Fire!''

''Flower Breathing - Fourth Form: Crimson Hanagoromo!''

Just then, Kie jumped over as the Flame Breather came to her with a leap, avoiding her entirely. However, she’d have had trouble to avoid what came next.

Or at least, she would have if the Flame Breathing Woman hadn’t given her a chance. Namely, to land her foot on her shoulder and use it as a foothold, allowing her to avoid the graceful slash.

And then, like with his companion, Kie used him as a foothold to launch herself. Towards the Wind Breather.

However, the Dead Hopeful took a risk, deciding to use it as an opportunity to try something.

Which is why he swung the sword in an Uppercut Motion the closer she came.

''Wind Breathing - Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist!''

The Wind generated shot up to hit Kie right under the Chin, and it would have landed were it not because she was able to notice and moved her Blade to block it. So instead of harming, it launched her up, and gave her an opportunity.

''Water Breathing - Eight Form: Waterfall Basin!''

Her goal was not to hit him with this. Instead, it was to hit the generated wind with this head on while she landed down and dispel his Form. And it worked.

Kie wasted no time to then rear her left arm and land a punch to the face, sending him crashing back and finally, knocking him out cold.

''Four more to go!''

Speaking of one of them, she heard an unfamiliar sound. Which already narrowed it down to her somewhat. Snapping her body entirely to face what was coming her way, she was reminded of a bad situation she had in the Final Selection.

''Stone Breathing - Fourth Form: Volcanic Rock, Rapid Conquest!''

What had caught her off guard then, and still did even today, was how absurdly fast and hard he hit when using this.

It truly felt like her Katana was hit on two sides nearly at the exact same time. And just like then, her Nichirin Blade was launched away. What did change, was how Kie reacted after the fact.

She raised her leg to land an Uppercut kick right under the chin. It also reminded Kie that she’d grown quite strong since then, because it actually sent the Stone Breather up in the air from the Power behind it.

Sadly, it didn’t knock him out, but Kie wasted no time to regain her Blade faster than the first time this had happened. But no one immediately followed up that opening for anything.

Actually, for a moment, it seemed like they’d all gone still. And Kie wondered if they were strategizing.

As she learned? That was a yes.

Because both Flame and Mist Breather went to the assault then. With the latter acting first, and even faster actually.

''Mist Breathing - Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!''

Charging towards her with blistering speed, the Mist Breather generated surprisingly large amounts of Mist from the charge before delaying when he performed his barrage of attacks. The moment he got up close to her, Kie learned how absolutely horrible this form was to deal with.

Because while she reacted quickly enough for the first slashes in the incoming barrage, the sheer speed of them meant she couldn’t block all of them when it all took place at the last minute.

She was covered in deep cuts that had some delays in their healing, but she knew this was ultimately superficial.

And then the Mist Breather took a page out of her Book and then spun around to kick her in the face too. That little brat!

And did that laughter just grow stronger for a moment or was she dreaming?!

However, instead of actually following up that kick with anything, the Mist Breather then took a step back and faded into the Mist.

It was then Kie realized that even in a Sunset setting, she could hardly see anything in front of her.

''Did he… did he do that on purpose?'' Was that why there was so much mist generated when he’d used the Fifth Form?

But why did he do that? Did he want it for cover? Wouldn’t he be having trouble seeing to?

But, as she learned, it was less for cover and more to hide something. Namely…

''Flame Breathing - Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!''

A particular attack. The mist was thick enough that Kie didn’t notice it immediately. However, it would take someone to be blind to completely miss the brightness that came from a particular spot.

Still, the purpose of this Mist had been fulfilled. It hid what came right to Kie.

Startled by the charging figure and the flaming Tiger that came her way, common sense didn’t completely kick in for Kie when she raised her Sword to block it.

She successfully blocked the series of sword slashes that composed this Form, but she was much less successful about the Flaming Tiger that swallowed her whole.

(At this moment, she was so grateful the Corp Uniform was resistant to this)

She could feel how for a moment, everything burned horribly. How her Skin, Her hair and everything else was taken away from the Heat.

But this was still a Form performed by a Demon Slayer hopeful. And it lasted only mere seconds before burning out completely. Still, Kie did not appreciate this.

As she made clear when, within distance, Kie reared back her head and landed a headbutt cleanly on the Flame Breather's face.

Knocking her out as she fell back.

''Three more to go!'' Kie excitedly announced in her mind.

That excitement however quickly died down when, as the Mist cleared, she could see a shadow coming her way. Not Human in size, she understood exactly what it was about when she jumped over a hand.

The large limb cleared away the mist due to causing a strong enough gust of wind, leaving back for a clear Sunset and also a fully visible Enmu.

''You’re having a bit too much fun taking down my Puppets Kie.'' Enmu remarked with clearer annoyance than before.

He wasn’t liking what she was doing. So it meant she was on the right way.

''So let’s change the playing field for a moment.'' And just as Kie landed on the limb, she could see something bulge from the arm.

Kie prepared herself just in time for those bulges to end up being some sort of fleshy masses with their own eyes but also Mouths around them.

Several of them.

Kie jumped over them well enough, but…




Several of the Mouths that were from those fleshy masses spoke, and all gave the same verbal Command. And at once, Kie’s senses were completely wrecked.

Her Vision blurred. Her Hearing scrambled and literally everything else became harder to do. And even worse, she was mid-air instead of on solid ground.

And Kie had genuinely no idea how to get out of this, even as she tried to force her Body to regain her senses more properly. If it worked that way, then this wouldn’t be an issue.

But it didn’t work that way.

And as the Pieces of Flesh that formed out of the Mist made their way to Kie to either stab or ensnare her, she tried something out desperation even though that attempted would be halved.

''Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!''

In her panic, she performed this Breathing Form to swing all around herself. And it actually worked. Somewhat.

The initial waves of the Flesh Pieces were actually cut by Kie, making them avert assault for a moment. But it didn’t stop the second wave from coming at her when Enmu noticed with ease she was blindly doing this.

Kie’s senses were recovering to normal when one of those was able to pierce right in her side. By itself, it wasn’t anything dangerous. The issue is that the purpose of those things was never to hurt her. Merely a bonus.

The actual purpose of this…

''I think it’s time you went through a Ride. Literally, I might add!''

One of the Flesh Extensions wrapped itself around Kie, then another and another. Holding her still.

Then, the other arm of Enmu’s moved in front of Kie, ready to do something like grabbing her. Except it didn’t grab her, as the Palm remained open. Instead, something began to ensnare and cover Kie completely.

''We’ll see each other very soon~!'' With some ominous words, Kie was completely wrapped by whatever had been swallowing her whole.

Suddenly, the flesh’s feeling was gone, and Kie instantly heard…

A whistle?

When her Vision adjusted, she realized that for one, absolutely nothing was holding her. For another? She was free falling.

''Where the hell am I now?!''

It actually looked like she was very high up in a Night Sky. At least there were stars, and she was falling towards… a City maybe? She could see Steam from what looked to be a chimney. Though the details were incredibly hard to see.

''You’re in a personal favourite of mine!''

Kie snapped her head to the side to see Enmu, looking like his usual self now, free falling alongside her.

Kie didn’t even hesitate in attacking him, but all it took for him to avoid this was dive down further than her.

''I wasn’t kidding when I said you’d be in for a Ride!'' He commented before closing his eyes for a moment, apparently really enjoying the moment.

Then he snapped his back around so he could face her, ''You can stare all you want. The Limit is when you hit the Ground.''

But then, he gave a sadistic smile.

''But~! Mind the gap!''

And then, Enmu twisted back around and went on to dive. Speeding up his descent. Kie was about to ask him, even if she didn’t get an answer, about what he was on about.

And then, she heard that whistle again and she truly noticed the other oddities.

There were Trains flying all around, without even any Train Tracks to move them around. Spiralling their way down.

But almost like they noticed she noticed, their trajectory changed from going down, to going after her. And Kie truly, truly wanted to kill Enmu more than ever for this.

Seeing no other choice, she followed his example and dived down, avoiding one of the Trains having tried to ram into her. The others, which she realized were 9 others, chased her down with their Whistles.

Some were chasing her in a straight line, but some others veered off course and tried to get her from the sides.

And then there were some who were just faster. Unbelievably fast. She notices that one is dangerously close to ramming into her, and barely works out how to perform an aerial evasion just in time while the Train initially goes past her, and then does a complete turn.

''You’re kidding-''

The same train she thought she’d succeeded in avoiding then rammed right into her, completely destroying her momentum, and now launching her up towards the other trains.

''I don’t have enough time to waste on this. This is already taking up so much of my time as is!''

How long was she even in this?

She needs to speed this up. Kie’s relatively sure she has a way to get down to safety, but for that, she needs to get close.

So, she repeated her dive, albeit going more diagonally to avoid being chased after directly. Not that it changed much since she was being chased by trains -and she never imagined she’d be thinking of something like that- that would impede her to the best of their capabilities.

And still they tried. The fastest train tried to get in her way again, but this time, she was more prepared. And so, instead of just avoiding it, she did something a bit risky.

She did a last-minute aerial evasion while it tried to ram into her diagonally, but she was able to get just narrowly over it and continue her dive. But others came in her way still even as the distance was growing smaller and smaller to the Earth.

It didn’t help that the Trains seemed to change tactics the closer she got to the Ground. Or faster. Why did they go even faster?

It’s when she saw the City much clearer that the Trains changed tactics for one last ditch effort.

Namely, all of them went down and then twisted in an arc before all heading straight for her. All 10 of them.

Kie believed initially that she could simply change course to avoid them, but upon closer inspection, they all had different Velocity.

The one at the front was the fastest, but the farthest back, the slower they were. 

''Seriously, how smart are those things?'' How did Enmu even make them work this way?

It’s a question she decides she doesn’t want an answer from. Not when she needs to get down from this. This was the final run.

Kie used her standard Tactic for the first Train, diving over the one that came the fastest. It worked, but then she had the nasty surprise of seeing the next Train almost immediately Ram into her. If not for her performing a very messy cartwheel when she touched the front, she’d have had her progress pushed back.

What Kie decided to do next was odd. Instead of diving, she ran.

Yes, Kie was able to make that work. And that mostly had to do that the Train Compartments all had flat roofs, meaning she could make this work. It allowed her to perform what she’d call an emergency jump.

It became especially useful when 3 other Trains decided to go for Aggressivity and instead of just following the line, from 3 directions they tried to ram her in.

For their Troubles, they destroyed each other. And now, there only remained 5 who were in her way before she reached the Bottom.

And then she’d need to perform her landing strategy or she’d be done for. Speaking of which, Kie looked back for a moment.

The top train was going after her. Good.

Then she looked back ahead of her, the remaining 5 stayed slow even as she neared. And then, one abruptly sped up. And then another. And another. In fact, all 5 suddenly increased their speed.

And Kie knew she had to perform the next set of evasions well, or her progress was void.

So she decided she needed to use everything she had. Including the Nichirin Blade she hadn’t used so far.

That changed now.

Granted, she didn't actually plan on striking any of the Trains. Instead, what she did was this.

''Now or never!''

At the last minute, Kie performed a Water Wheel, ending up with her Foot landing properly enough on the top Train that she avoided all but 2 trains. Those two required another strategy at the fast pace they came.

Although in the end, they were similar enough considering she used another form to help in this. Striking Tide, but instead of swinging, she used the Footwork.

It allowed her to land on the Rooftop of a Compartment and then, repeating the motion, of another. Just like that, Kie had actually gone past all of the Trains.

And when she allowed herself to dive down further, she could see much more clearly how oddly populated the City was. But she pushed the fact it looked populated aside and instead turned to look.

The Train was nearly catching up. If she wanted to land safely, she needed to do this right… and on the spot as well.

She had the idea, but actually going through with it was another story she’d find out now.

She stopped diving and extended all of her Body before going off course from straight to diagonally. And in turn, the Train followed.

Now. Slow down…

Slow. Down…

Wait for it. 

Wait for the Highest Tower to be within distance. It’d be pushing it, but she needed to be sure even if she missed, she could grab onto something.

Ah, she could hear the Whistle.

Ok. Now, to wait… wait…

She was close. A few more seconds, and then, she'd be so close to a great many buildings. Then she could-

Wait, what was that?

As Kie fell, as she neared the point where she’d risk it all, she realized that something formed in her path. Initially, it seemed like a crack in the Sky, but then, it opened.

And she realized exactly what it was when she entered it.

''The same thing that-!''

''Welcome back!''

And the next Second, Kie seemed to snap away to find herself again back in the Arena. Exact same setting she’d left it at.

The Stone, The Flower and The Mist Breathers were there. So was Enmu in his Misty form filled with Eyes.

''Did you enjoy the trip?''

''I hated every second of it!'' Kie didn’t hesitate to be honest.

She couldn’t tell if Enmu was legitimately pouting, even though she could swear there seemed to be some facial motion that did so.

''What a shame. I guess we’ll stay with the Nightmare for you then.'' Enmu said, as if this or what he’d sent her into wasn’t a Nightmare in of itself.

But speaking of Nightmares, she had to end this somehow. At this point, fighting the Copies was probably what he wanted her to do.

Whatever the purpose of all this was, it was getting clear that for one reason or another, he seemed to avoid having direct conflict with her unless it demanded it.

There had to be a reason for it.

And if it meant she had to risk it, then she’d do it.

''Flower Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!''

Only, none of them were going to make it easy. As she was reminded when she was completely halted from even approaching Enmu’s Misty form through form of the Flower Breather.

Spinning around and over her, it seemed less like he wanted to harm her and more to make sure her focus was on him. On them.

The Mist Breather made it even more obvious when he practically appeared in front of her in a flash.

''Mist Breathing - First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze!''

And then thrust his Blade forward, successfully piercing her Stomach through.

Fine. She’d just need to take another one down then. She doubted she’d be able to do much or even reach Enmu with this one in her way.

So, she shot her hand forward and gripped the wrist, effectively locking him into place and lacking a weapon. The Copy realized that as well since his eyes widened.

Kie moved the butt of her Hilt to slam it in his temple. Only, it failed.

She didn’t even notice that the Flower Breather had returned and didn’t even use a Form to slice her Main Hand off. It was then Kie realized how bad this situation could turn out to be.

It’s why she switched tactics.

She let go of the Mist Breather's wrist and instead kicked him, sending him back. He took along with him his Weapon, leaving momentarily a wound that closed soon after, albeit slower as her Right arm took priority.

Speaking of which, said Right arm being not usable yet while she moved to evade the Flower Breathers swing meant she grabbed her fallen sword with her left hand. Then?

She rushed off towards Enmu, who noticed.

''What’s the rush Kie? Don’t tell me you want another loss of your senses!''

Exactly what she didn’t want actually. But she had to-

''Not happening.''

She’s genuinely startled when she hears another voice speak. It takes a moment for her to understand it comes from the Mist Breather who had moved ahead of her and then kicked her back to the Arena.

She gave a brief grunt but was otherwise fine. Her arm was back and her previous wound in the stomach was closed.

Not that it helped her considering the Stone Breather followed up the Mists kick with his Form.

''Stone Breathing - Fifth Form: Arcs of Justice!''

A Barrage of Blows from both the right and left came to Kie’s way, and she had no choice but to move to block all of them. She had a hard time doing it initially since she was using her non-dominant hand, but she found a way to switch and was able to successfully block the rest.

If only that had been it.

Because then, taking a page out of her Book, the Stone Breather proceeded to move his Free hand and punch her in the face.

She was reminded that this Man had enough Brute Force to send her Blade flying, and it showed as he broke her nose. Nothing detrimental in itself.

''My turn now!''

Except Enmu clearly wanted to make her more miserable. Stumbling back from the Blow, she then found herself at his Mercy when she was back in his grasp.

Though this time, he didn’t plan to do anything but one thing.

He raised her up, crushing her Body in the process, and then threw her to the Ground. Hard enough a crater of all things formed from the Power behind it.

(She felt her Blood soak her back for a moment)

''Oh. Perhaps I went too far. I wasn’t aware I was this strong last time I did that.''

The implication alone unsettled her enough as is. Though she wouldn’t have much time to worry as she noticed just in time someone came for an overhead strike.

She rolled to the side and flipped up just in time before the next swing came from the Flower Breather, who also spoke while she blocked him.

''I wonder how much you can handle this time… Demon.''

Again with that… how much did Enmu even know?

She questioned it no further for now and instead was forced to move and block. Only block and barely land any strikes. Not helped when there was a chance, the Mist Breather completely shut that down.

Suddenly, her tactics were used against her, and by her lonesome, she could hardly keep up. Even less so when Enmu or the Stone Breather decided to add their own piece into this.

''Figure out something Kie. There has to be something you can do!''

But what?

The copies were overall better than the originals just because they could use actual Mist, Flower, and Stone. Not helped they had real teamwork in all of this and even less helped by Enmu’s rare but present support.

It didn’t help they’d decided to be absolutely relentless now. One alone was bad. But Three was brutal.

''I have to say, it’s the first time I’ve been in this state for so long, but it’s so much fun.''

Enmu then swung his arm, which caused a Blue coloured airwave to be released like an Arc. Heading straight for Kie.

The Three Copies jumped over in time to avoid it, and were this the first time Enmu had used it on her, it’d have sliced her stomach in half like the other time. This time, Kie jumped over it.

But when she landed…

''Ha… Hah…''

She gasped for air. 

It’s only now Kie truly realizes how… tired she feels. Her lungs feel ready to burst again, implode from how much she’s demanding of it, and even her Heart feels like it has trouble keeping up. And she’s sweating the most she’d ever sweated.

She doesn’t even know how her eyes feel, and she could almost swear her Ears feel ready to burst.

Overall, it’s the worst she’s ever felt since those few times in Urokodaki’s Training.

And it discourages a part of her. To know that after all of this, it’s Lower Moon One and his weird Blood Demon Art that is making her feel so utterly exhausted and overpowered. That her advantages weren’t amounting to much anymore.

But at the same time…

''Well, isn’t this a surprise? Are you actually getting exhausted? I didn’t know that was possible!'' Enmu mocks her for it while the Copies simply watch at the ready.

How could she feel discouraged when this bastard was laughing at her face for being tired of all things?

Her Blood was already boiling from how hot her skin feels, but it’s only making it boil further.

She’s not letting that bastard get away with this.

Even if this wasn’t personal, there is no way she’d under good conscience let this Bastard roam free after all she’d seen him pull. 

The limits she’d believed Demons held for some reason did not exist for Lower Moon One. He could even make copies of Demon Slayers Powerful. And this Sunset… whatever the reason for this was, Sunlight didn’t affect him.

So him making this person was just additional motivation for her at this point.

With that in mind, even with the state her Body felt like it was in…

''I’m Human, and like any other human, we grow tired.'' She starts off with this, forcing her Body to stand straight.

The Lower Moon gave a scoff. Not that she even let him speak.

''But even with that, we still fight.''

She’d befriended, to some extent with some, what she saw as plenty of people.

Tsutako. Urokodaki. Genya. Matsuemon. Haganezuka technically. Tamayo and Yushiro (though admittedly, the latter was… very shaky). Zenitsu. Chuntaro. Muichiro. Ginko. Himejima. Uzui. Kyojuro. Perhaps even Inosuke.

In the grand scheme of everything, this was likely to look small. Hell, two of them weren’t even Human.

But everyone here, be they Demon Slayers or just normal people who wished to help, fought. They fought and helped in this conflict so that one day, Demons would no longer plague the world.

Hell, even tonight! They were all fighting even after many nights of fighting already, weren’t they!?

''So what if I’m tired?!''

With her straightened posture, she switched the way she held her Nichirin Blade. Holding a straight posture with the Blade held in front of her.

Enmu for a moment could swear the White Blade shined brighter than ever after this. But his eyes only narrowed in consternation.

That posture… why did it feel so familiar?

Why did it feel like he’d seen this before?

While this sense of familiarity washed over Enmu’s Misty form, the remaining copies of the Demon Slayers had their own pieces to add.

''You sound proud of yourself, don’t you Demon? Making yourself look like you were one of us.'' The Flower Breather scoffed.

''But you aren’t. You never were. Never have been. You’ve always been a Bloody Monster'' The Mist Breather added in.

''So stop your Delusions and accept Reality as it is. You’re no human'' The Stone Breather finished his companions speech.

And Kie? She didn’t even answer. Her eyes only narrowed. And that?

It sets off something. As if the shape those eyes took triggered it.

''What… who am I…?''

Because he saw. Saw how Kie Kamado, the Demon who genuinely believed she was Human, had her form shift.

The Woman was no longer there when he blinked. Only a Man. Or perhaps two of them, in fact.

Both held the same Eyes. Both of them, held a Mark on the left side of their Forehead. Only one held one on his right chin. Only one held Hanafuda Earrings.

One wore red. Another wore purple.

Both held their Swords the exact same way. Just like that Woman took it now with those same eyes.

One was Red.

One was Purple.

It was White.

True and False. Mind and Body. Real and Unreal.

No matter where Enmu was. No matter what form he took, whether he was Physical or Astral, whether he was Flesh or Mist…

It mattered not what he was now, he felt it still.


''Why am I so scared now?! I’m in control of all this! I have her within my grasp even now! So why do I feel…'' Why did he shake in both States?!

Why was he seeing all of this- Why did he see them?!

Then, it was like he saw three person’s overlap one another. Kie. The Man with Hanafuda Earrings. The Man with Markings on his face.

And all of them, at the same time, shifted their stance to a back right.

Then, for a blissful moment, he only saw Kie. 

And her face changed.

On the left of her forehead and right of her chin, flame markings manifested into existence, eerily resembling the one with the Purple colours.

''She’s just like the one who-!''

A realization strikes his mind just as the Mark manifests itself, and then, Kie Kamado charges towards all of them.

It’s almost like the same thing plagues the Copies, as if they themselves suddenly realize what’s in front of them. Consciously or Subconsciously. How suddenly, they aren’t fighting merely a Demon who’s pretending to be a Demon Slayer.

They’re fighting something more.

And they move as well. All of them drawing their Katana’s and at different intervals charged.

But it was useless against what they were fighting now.

Because Kie Kamado had become stronger now. The moment that Mark manifested itself, the Copies had lost.

In a flash, Kie appeared in front of the first of them. The Mist Breather. He moved to swing, but she moved simply too fast for anything but the start of a swing to come. His arm was severed then and before he could do anything else, the White Blade pierced his Torso Diagonally.

Then, she moved to the next with that terrifying speed. The Stone Breather who didn’t even get the chance to swing like his Mist Breather companion. A single slash is all it took to not only sever his arm, but even his solar plexus. Bisecting him in one fell swoop.

And then, with that same speed, in a flash, she was in front of the Flower Breather. Following a movement that could be believed to be Water Breathing’s first form.

But Enmu, who watched, could not see it as such even though it was not a conscious thing.

No, there was only one word that fit it. Only one thing that fit how he could swear he was seeing a purple glow around her Blade. How he could swear that the next movement was not just a mere Manifestation.

''Moon Breathing…''

Kie swung her Blade in a Horizontal line that sliced through the Copy’s neck with ease, releasing to his shock a Blade that looked so similar to a crescent Moon but shaped with Water.

And that released swing not only cut through the Copy’s neck, but headed straight for him.

Enmu’s eyes then widened, as if he finally snapped out of a trance. But he could not dodge. He could do nothing but take it.

And he did. The Blade clashed right into his Misty chest, leaving a visible cut into the matter before covering itself.


''H-- -s --- -oi-- t---?!''

Something echoed all over the Realm, and Kie snapped her head up for a moment before her eyes, who’d remained narrowed and focused, stared towards Enmu.

''There’s only you left.''

Previously, Enmu had felt utterly terrified. And to an extent, he still did. But it would be a mistake to say he was out of the count just because one attack hit him head on, or that this fear would remain.

Yet clearly, something had fundamentally changed. The Laughs were no longer there, and the Sky… it was no longer a Sunset.

No, it was Day. No longer was it setting, and the vegetation all over seemed to regain some form of vibrancy. It was like a return of Spring after a drought, but something was still wrong.

Or else, this place wouldn’t still look like it was dead, would it?

''Yes. There’s only me left. What of it?'' Enmu tried to sound nonchalant about it, but he couldn’t. Because whatever he was seeing…

This Mark that had manifested. Like a Demon Crest, yet so different it wasn’t even funny. What the hell was that? And what the hell had he seen that had made him react that way?

He’d thought he’d gotten all of his answers after peering through her Memories, those she remembered and those she had forgotten, but it seemed he was deeply wrong…

''It means you’re the last one in my way. And you will not stop me, no matter what I need to do to get out of this place!'' And Kie held no hesitation when she moved to attack him.

Certainly, she was not proud of slicing down the Copies of the Slayer Hopefuls. Even though they were not the actual people, as the real ones were long dead, there was no joy in what she’d done.

No matter how… exhilarating it felt when so much Power came to her.

She was so much faster that Enmu lagged behind in his reaction. By the time he reacted, she was already on his arm

He needed to adjust and fast! Or else, this whole thing will have been for nothing! And he refused for it all to go to waste because this Deluded Demon somehow unlocked more Power just now.

He’d keep her locked here no matter what it took him.

Which is exactly why he pulled all of his tricks he had for this. Why he could not afford to hold anything back anymore.

After all, did it look like Kie held back either?

The Tendrils that were made of Flesh with eyes and mouths sticking out from everywhere grew from the arm Kie was running on. They already were in the motion of attacking and speaking.


But this newfound speed put a wrench in all of this. Because Kie had now become fast enough she could halt the words spoken. She sliced through one of the Tendrils, then another and another while she continued her pace.

It helped not her Breathing Forms had become significantly more dangerous with that Boost in Strength and Speed.

And even though Kie could still feel exhaustion. Could still feel the sweat, the heat and everything her Body still could feel before…

It didn’t bother her.

At this moment, Kie truly felt like anything was within her reach. As if now, this insurmountable wall that was Enmu could be destroyed after all.

And just as she cut a final Tendril, she shot up right towards the Demon’s face.

''Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!''

And then, without restraint, she moved to slice and slice and cut all over. She knew not where his limits lied in all of this, whether his Body was affected even by a Decapitation or not, but as she’d seen before, landing damage did work on him.

And she didn’t hesitate to take advantage of that as his face was filled with cuts on and on and on!

''Enough!'' But while Kie held the clearest advantage she’d ever had now; this did not mean Enmu was going to go down easily.

As she was reminded when he moved the backhand of his free arm and slammed it right into her, launching her towards one of the thicker and tallest trees present. Not that it would be able to keep her own while this Crest remained on her body.

''I’ll bring you down as many times as it takes Kie!'' The Black Coloured mists of various shades and colours seemed to grow particularly potent then, even though the main body seemed to actually lose its otherworldly aspect slightly.

Because of the growing potency, it all shot up to spiral and form a portal. What came out of it?

A Nightmarish looking Train. Shooting right towards where Kie was sent flying, the monstrosity that had a long and sharp jaw from the front to the conductors station opened its Jaw wide to bite.

And it certainly bit something, but it wasn’t Kie.

''You missed!'' Bellowed out the Woman as she revealed herself having jumped over the Train fast enough and was now running on top of it to make her way back to Enmu.

Enmu, legitimately frustrated, now swung his arms twice. Both times released a Wave of Wind that followed close to each other. Kie recalled very well that this thing was sharp.

She jumped over the attacks and then landed with a loud thud when landing back down. Seeing how she was now within acceptable range of Enmu, she ran no more and instead put as much pressure as possibly on her legs before launching herself to her Targets neck.

Only, she found herself facing a similar issue to before.

The Tendrils shot out of Enmu all over. It mattered not where on the Body, but they all shot ahead towards her to stop her completely.

And each of the Mouths rectified their mistakes from before.







They all went to shout that singular word as hard as they could. It was impossible for Kie to avoid that one.

Then again, that wasn’t the plan, was it?

No. Kie took a certain risk. And it happened because she’d noticed that whatever was causing this had made everything seem easier.

It was like her Body had been enhanced to the absolute limit.

So when her senses were assaulted, when her senses were dulled, she noticed how less potent it was. How she could see slightly better. Hear the sound of Flesh better. Even feel the air that parted around her better.

So, with the risk taken, she moved for her next step.

''Water Breathing - Third Form: Flowing Dance!''

Kie took a step on the Tendril before moving, flowing around just like the Water, and taking step after step that could be reminiscent of a dance. Following the movements, she cut through the Tendrils that approached each time with just enough Speed, with just enough Power, that it worked.

And Enmu seethed.

''That Mark! How is that able to make her so powerful she’s able to face what she struggled so much against previously?!''

Unacceptable. He could not let this puny thing be the reason this is all undone!

It’s exactly why his eyes glowed as Kie neared. And because of that, as the effects of the Destabilization faded, she saw.

And she did not like what she was seeing.

''Take a taste of this!'' And out of Enmu’s eyes fired out familiar Lightning Bolts. The very same that burned her on and on when she’d been first struck by them.

To be truthful, Kie doubts she could handle that one even now. Even with how much easier everything seemed to be since she’d thought of everyone else.

But she doesn’t need to take that head on, now does she?

''Water Breathing - Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow, Turbulent!''

She changed her Footwork. Changed how she needed to land narrowly to speed up her landing. It allowed her to evade the attack she feared the most right now as it zapped past her while she landed down.


With the minimal movement, she launched up for the Neck.

Her Body moved in instinct to initially perform the Water Breathing Form.

But as Enmu succeeded in moving his palm to face her and shield the front of his neck, she knew she needed more Power.

It’s perhaps why she’s able to re-use what she did earlier. By taking in the exact amount of air needed, she was able to redo it.

When she was forced to slice through the blocking palm, it wasn’t just a Sword swing. Yet again, she was able to pull a Moon-like Blade made out of Water.

It successfully was used and launched towards the Neck. And at this close of a proximity, Enmu couldn’t even defend himself.

His neck was sliced through while his Misty forms eyes widened in shock.

''T-t  t-in- a--in?! D-m- -er!'' 

''--ere is s-e -ve- pull-ng t-is -rom?!''

This, however, did not kill Enmu. Exactly as Kie feared. The cut across the palm was recovered in mist while the neck reattached itself almost casually. But there was something Kie noticed as she was allowed to land back to the ground.

''Does he look less like Mist and more… melting?'' In and of itself, nothing seemed to have changed completely. But Kie could swear that it seemed like the Dark Mist forming Enmu’s current body was suffering through something.

It could almost be described as taking flesh.

''This has to be a sign! I’m doing something right here!'' She had to be.

And it only motivated her further to win this. She was getting somewhere!

But Enmu could also tell as much. It’s why he’d clenched his fist and moved to slam it on top of her due to her close distance to his form.

Not that Kie allowed it to land, actually slicing through it once as her way of blocking before jumping back. But Enmu was growing more relentless as from that punch that remained rooted, those Tendrils shot out towards her.

Even worse? That Train that seemed to have remained rooted to where it bit had let go of the Tree Bark. Its Jaw turned to her hungrily while the barely noticed eyes narrowed.

Kie had to be careful of that. But perhaps…

Perhaps it could inadvertently help her. There was only so much Enmu could take, that much was becoming clear.

She needed something much more devastating to stick it in and deep.

Yes. This could work.

Kie moved to slice the Tendrils that shot her way, moving forward as quickly as she could. The Train with Jaws was making its way to her already by twisting and turning to have her back within its line of sight.

Which meant she needed to be even faster. Kie completely stopped fighting the Tendrils head on and jumped over them, using them as Foothold again to hear Enmu.


Only for, in her jump, to have her Senses scrambled again. While nowhere near as deadly now, considering what came after her, this could be it.

''Now stay still!'' Enmu shot his right arm to grab her within his palm and keep her in grip.

And really, this was bad.

Or it would be. Were it not because of the way this could also backfire on Enmu.

Senses they may be dulled…

''Water Breathing - Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!''

…that did not mean she couldn’t strike!

Twisting around and doing a spin, Kie slammed her sword downwards and sliced through  a part of the Hand. Not that it was even her goal to do real damage to this.

After all, it’s what came next that would do so.

''You told me to enjoy the Ride! I think it’s time I told you that!''

The words sounded weird to Enmu for a moment. Up until he heard the Trains Whistle and realized exactly what was going to happen.


The Train with Jaws, with Kie just narrowly getting out of the way, could not stop and instead drove ahead. Which meant that as it opened its jaw, it didn’t bite into Kie.

It bit and slammed right into Enmu, making the shadowy Body recoil back from the impact while a scream left the Body.


''Th-t Bi-ch!!”

''She use- my tr-in ag-in-t -e!''

The Train with Jaws bit deep into Enmu’s own Body, making the Mist turn even less misty and more like Liquid Dark. The Eyes all over his Body looked Bloodshot as well, and the face showed rage.

The worst part is that the Train was now impairing his vision. He could not see under while it bit him, and left Kie the chance to hide.

''A bit more! I just need to do that small bit, and I win! His form is having more trouble!''

But Enmu… Enmu was not going to let this impair him now.

''You are useless to me!''

It’s as Kie moved a bit farther back, ready to do one final assault, that Enmu gripped the Train with Jaws. It could be mistaken as a casual thing, with how effortless he made it seem when with a pull, he ripped off the Train that was biting into him.

It only made it more obvious that he was losing the Misty form and had it replaced with something else that can easily be mistaken as liquid. If she could give it a closer look, maybe she’d be able to deduce what, but no time for that.

Especially as the Train dispelled into similar Back Smoke, but instead of joining into the Main Body, it floated around into small chunks. Kie wondered what that whole thing was about, though she didn’t need to wait for a response, did she?

Not when he gladly answered her inquiry once he spotted her.

''You seem to enjoy escaping so much~! Let’s give you one more chase!''

And then, the Black Smoke seemed almost to harden into those tiny chunks that floated all over. And that was a sign, as Kie learned, because then, Enmu pulled a previous trick.

The Tendrils.

Only, they were pitch black and weren’t limited to just Enmu’s Body but instead those chunks. Chunks that were all going straight after her.

The Mark allowed Kie to dodge the first wave. How all of them gathered into one position to pierce all as one. Frighteningly, that hadn’t stopped them.

Because Kie had noticed the Tendrils kept moving. Kie moving ahead allowed her to see mere seconds later how all of those Gathered tendrils then shot back out from another part of the Ground before splitting up into their several chunks and giving continued chase.

Kie entertained for a moment using this against Enmu, but he’d learned from what had happened moments ago.

Firsthand as well, since he’d moved his free arms for a slam. It missed only because she was faster, going past the palm and the wrist. Not that she could go further or even try to attack, because the Chunks into Tendrils had during this circled over the Hand and shot straight to her at dangerously close distance.

Kie snapped her body to the side had made her avoid getting her face pierced by this amalgamation, but they’d ripped off her ear in the process. Painfully so, as there was absolutely nothing clean about it.

Kie took her chance after she dodged to cut through the things. But it turned out to be a severe mistake.

It cut, no doubt about it. But ultimately, Enmu had made this out of the same Smoke the Jawed Train had been made from. It didn’t matter how much was split, they all shared the same purpose.

Shred her.

Not helping her situation was Enmu raising his hand before outstretching his fingers. Then, he shoved his palm down.

Kie had moved out then and avoided the pierce and blunt force attack Enmu had planned to land. Sadly, the Black Smoke had also escaped this and continued the chase.

''Ok, this is getting ridiculous. How is he doing this?''

She could hear her Breathing. Her Body was still exhausted, and it was now she was reminded that this had been a Second Wind.

There was only so much her Body could handle before it was too much and she dropped from exhaustion.

Which meant she needed to land that blow on Enmu. Now! If it all worked, this would stop. It had to, he’s the one who’s making this happen.

But thinking for too long was not an option. Kie had to move, move, and move! The Mist kept chasing her, as a singular unit or a multitude to surround her. Not helped Enmu was making sure to participate instead of being a spectator.

However, she realized she could use his actions to help her, especially once his eyes glowed again. Charged up that one attack she feared.

''That… that could help! If I position myself well, I should be able to…''

She had to time it well. She had to, or she was done for.

Which is why, as she did a salto that had her land past the Wave of Smoke, she charged to the front.

''What do you hope that will do?'' Enmu questioned as the charge was finished and unleashed the Sunlight Strike ahead of him.

She couldn’t help but smile, ''More than you can Dream of!''

She kicked the ground at the very least minute, leaping over the Strike just in time, allowing her even to see upside down as the Sunlight Strike hit the Tendrilled Black Smoke head on.

Then, the Strike was over and Kie was able to land on her two feet.

She was sure it was over, but…

''Did you take me for a Fool?'' Enmu questioned her smugly once she saw how the Black Smoke was intact. Undamaged by the attack.

''As if I would allow you to trick me into doing something like that twice!'' Enmu outstretched his arms while a sadistic smile stretched across his face, ''Your options are dwindling Kie! I wonder how long until you drop from exhaustion? A minute? Two Minutes? Or maybe less?! I can’t help but wonder!''

Damnit! She…

Fine. Even if those things chased after her, she had to attack Enmu and now! Any later, and he’d be right.

She couldn’t keep going like this.

She twisted her back against the Black Smoke and charged ahead to Enmu’s towering figure. For a moment wondering if after all of this, even after what she’d somehow gained, it’d be for naught.

Would this Demon really win after all this?

She didn’t know, and that was the worst part. But as she moved, she knew she could not hesitate any longer.

It was all or nothing.

And as she launched herself again to attack Enmu, Kie twisted her Body back so she could face the Tendrilled Black Smoke for a moment.

It allowed her to pull her last-ditch effort to delay them.

''Water Breathing - Tenth Form: Constant Flux!''

She performed the continuous flowing attack one last time against the very Black Smoke that would have caught up to her. Slicing through it all again and again and finding herself successfully pushing back the Black Smoke with her Blow.

Suddenly, the intensity decreased for a moment, and Kie saw her chance to win.

The Form over, her body twisted back around just in time to see that Enmu himself was performing his own last-ditch attack against her.

Namely, the most basic thing possible and exactly how he initiated their Battle here.

With a punch.

He had it reared back, already in the motion to follow her and hit her head on. But, in the end? He was too slow.

The Black Smoke delayed and the punch coming only after her own move, Kie made sure to put all she had left into this next attack. 

The Air, she took in as much as her Body could possibly take even if it ruptured her lungs after that. The Strength, she flexed as much as she possibly could even if it meant tears.

With all of that done, Kie swung her White Blade from up right to down left in a diagonal cut. Releasing everything she’d taken in at once.

''Evening Surface Slash!''

Kie could not tell if this ultimately was just a normal Sword swing, or somehow supported by the Water Blade. Nor could she tell what Enmu felt at this exact moment.

She could tell nothing, only that her Swing, at that moment, struck true.

She cut Enmu completely through with that swing. And that?

That was the Final Blow.

''N-No! Rrrgh… How did you How did you…?! Raaaaaggh! You this shouldn’t… This shouldn’t…!''

Enmu’s Body, which had lost all signs of being mist, cracked all cover from the final wound Kie had given him. The wounds then glowed the exact same White as the blade that struck him, glowing brighter and brighter and brighter, until…

''How could you have possibly defeateeeed mmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!''

With a final cry of absolute disbelief and astonishment, Enmu’s Body finally broke with a final shine. Because then, everything within the Body released and caused a violent explosion that launched Kie away from her target and into the dirt.

Exhaustion hit her the instant she hit the ground, and as tempting as it was to simply let sleep take her, she couldn’t drop her guard until she was absolutely sure.

But the way exhaustion hit her so bad right now made it hard for her to try and lean back up. Yet, she did.

Shakily and sluggishly, she was able to lean up to see in front of her. 

And she could see the telltale signs of Demon decomposition at first. After that explosion, she’d honestly be surprised if he didn’t evaporate.

However, the joy she felt when seeing the Black Smoke fade was short-lived. Why?

Because she saw Enmu, truly as himself instead of that Shadow, limp out of the Arena. It didn’t look like he was injured, but she didn’t doubt this whole fight would tire out even a Demon.

As to where he was going, she wasn’t entirely sure.

But she couldn’t let him just walk away to wherever he planned to go. And for all she knew, it could be her way out.

So, with extreme trouble and absolute exhaustion (and hunger, her Stomach sounded like it wanted to growl but had trouble doing so), she gave the slowest chase possible.

But just by going to the path Enmu took, she immediately noticed where he was going.

That House.

Was he seeking shelter?

No, she doubted that was the case. But then why go to that place? What was the worth of it?

She was going to find it. 


Both of them weren’t exactly the fastest people around right now. Not with how Kie couldn’t even muster up any power to accelerate in any way, and Enmu clearly was exhausted just as much as she was.

Still, he was the first to arrive at the House. And Kie was second, merely a minute after.

''You’re not… escaping me!'' Kie tried to catch her Breath as she finally got inside. Only to then stare in bewilderment as the House was…

Well, how to put it…

If the House looked normal and mostly intact from the outside, then the inside could be nothing short of damaged in the way she’s grown too familiar in recent Hours. At least it felt like hours.

Some parts of the House looked to be normal. And then there were the pieces that looked to be fading in and out of existence. As if for those, they had trouble sticking around. It was a constant pattern all over the house but one place.

The Centre.

A sort of Core floated, with the Ground under it flourishing with Life. Many Spider Lilies were under it, though lacking colour, along with some other flowers that faced the same issue.

And Enmu at this moment had his left hand on top of the Core.

(Why did she feel such a chill run down her whole Body even through this exhaustion?)

''You caught on fast, hm? But it’s too late. Your Core is here, right within my grasp.''

She felt her heart beat for a moment when he said those words. After all of this, why did she react this way and not know?

''My… Core…?''

''I’m not answering that.'' Enmu denied. And even though he himself looked exhausted -if the beads of sweat going down his face was anything to go by, that did not stop pleasure from rising up into his smile.

''I never imagined I’d hit such a unique specimen though. What luck I had to stumble upon you tonight.''

Usually, by now, this should be the time attack. Though honestly, neither of them actually could do that.

Which is exactly why Kie was in a bad position even though she wasn’t aware of it consciously.

''Luck? I’d call that bad lu-'' The second she tried to take a step, Enmu tapped one of his fingers on the Core that had her immediately close her mouth shut.

''Oh no. Most definitely good luck. Meeting you has been… enlightening in a way I never thought possible.''

If it wasn’t because of that perverse smile he held, Kie could have almost believed he was complimenting her.

''Now, be a good girl and stay put, Kie. You will save both of us trouble.'' Case in point, he tapped the Core again.

A Core she didn’t even know why made her feel panicked every single time!

''You say that, but let me ask you… why should I do that?'' What could she do? What. Could. She. Do?

She was truly at Enmu’s mercy, whatever that Core signified. She couldn’t fight him anymore. It made too much within her give warning bells on and on that she was at risk.

She wanted to scream.

''Why? Many reasons. But by default… you can’t win against me anymore.'' Enmu said knowingly, not only tapping the Core again but then?

The Mouth reformed on the back of his hand.

''I can still use this. And compared to you, I don’t need to move to use this.'' Kie wondered if Enmu was being truthful or just plain lying here.

But she wouldn’t know. This was the first time she saw a Demon that wasn’t Tanjiro actually exhausted, and she had no clue if exhaustion worked for them the normal way a Human does.

So she couldn’t call out a Bluff if there even was one. But at the same time, standing around wouldn’t help her either.

She had to try.

''Then why haven’t you used it? If I’m that much at your mercy… why aren’t you using your Spells?''

At that? Enmu’s perverse smiled turned into an unsettling grin.

''Oh, it’s simple. I want you to suffer Kie. After all you’ve done against me Tonight, it wouldn’t be right to let things end there.''

His entire expression turned curious, like a child wondering what he could get next.

''Let me see, what could I have done to you? Perhaps see what happens if I take one of your Organs? Perhaps an eye? Especially your eyes actually. Those, I want for myself. Or perhaps I should make you live through Nightmares? I didn’t quite go nearly as hard as I should have.''

Enmu wasn’t aware of this, but the more he spoke, the more he was distressing Kie. She really felt hopeless here even though she wasn’t showing it, and coupling in how each time he tapped the Core, it only made her feel worse…

Well, he wasn’t aware of where her breaking point was, but as it turns out?

''Oh! I know! Your forgotten memories! I’ll use that against you next. I haven’t used that aspect of your Life nearly as much as I should have.''

It was much closer than he believed.

''Shut up! Just… Stop talking!''

And to their simultaneous surprise, that cry did something.

One moment, everything felt stable, then the next, the whole world shook.


''What is going on now?!'' Enmu exasperatedly exclaimed, not believing somehow, even now, Kie was pulling something else to help herself.

But it did exactly that. The shaking of everything, how control slipped away continuously, alongside the exhaustion both of them were under, made Enmu lose grasp on his last leverage.

He lost his footing and fell off on the side. And Kie, seeing a change, stumbled ahead as she did a half-hearted jump.

Her punch hit Enmu dead on, and the world shook even more when that happened.

''I will not let you do any of what you’ve said, you hear me!?''

Kie by that point could only really do one thing. Continuously wail down on Enmu with weak punches. And while the punches itself didn’t land any solid damage on the Lower Moon Demon, what with him not even appearing injured in the slightest…

''I will make sure that never happens! No matter what you’ve seen, I’ll make sure you never use it against me. Now. Shut. Up!''

The funny thing is that it wasn’t the punches that would end up being what she needed. It wasn’t even her fighting back that truly did it.

It was her fear that triggered this.

She was so utterly scared that, deep within herself, something was triggered. And as Enmu struggled to try and get Kie off him, he realized it far too late.

''No… no, you can’t… You can’t be serious!''

What the hell was this?!

First this Woman is able to fight off against everything he used on her. Even unlock that Mark, and now she was pulling this?!

She was breaking free of his Blood Demon Art!

And how?!

''Stay down!'' It was now Enmu’s turn to scream back as he moved his arm to punch Kie back.

Just as Kie lowered her own fist.

Both hit each other in the face, no true damage landing on the other. At least, not the physical kind.

And Enmu realized it as everything faded. How the form of everything scattered to the wind to leave a simple thing.

A Void.

''Ah… so after all of this… I’ve lost.''

- - - - - - - - - -

Kie’s eyes snapped open as she gasped for air. Practically wheezing as her senses returned to her slowly but steadily.

''Ugh…'' she gave a groan.

Her Body… ugh, her Body felt like it was on Fire. Like it had gone through a Marathon or-


Kie tried to stand up at that moment, but when she tried to do the abruptness of it, she noticed her whole Body felt absolutely sore.

Sore and on Fire actually.

But it made sense. She was… she had been fighting seconds ago. In the middle of throwing rather weak punches at the Lower Moon Demon.

But now…

''I’m…'' She looked left and right to see where the hell she even was. But honestly? She didn’t recognize at all where she was.

Yet, she wondered…

''Am I back?'' Had she finally gotten out of whatever the Lower Moon had gotten her in? Was she really out?

She hoped. She really, really hoped this was it and she’d escaped him. However, looking around…

''He’s not anywhere…''

Where did that Demon go? Had he made a run for it while she was out of it?

Honestly, she wishes she could give chase, but a single step had her body protest.

''I definitely… ouch… can’t fight any more for today.'' At least she didn’t feel exhausted per say, though she doubted she could do much of anything that wasn’t walking.

It’s with a rather sour taste in her mouth that Kie, after considering what she should do next, left.

Unknowingly, she hadn’t been alone. Because up on a Rooftop, observing her from a distance?

''It’s been a few minutes and I still can’t believe it.''

Was the Lower Moon One Demon, Enmu.

Physically, he was fine. But reluctantly, he had to admit he was also feeling the same type of exhaustion as Kie. As in, his entire body was sore. Though compared to Kie, nothing felt like it was on fire.

In comparison to her though, his mind was… a mess, so to speak.

''I actually lost. And even worse, this Demon… tch, I never imagined she’d develop a Blood Demon Art on top of all this.''

His Mind felt exhausted in a way that made him even thinking of this beyond tiring. But honestly, how could he not think of what had happened in that Dream?

Everything he’d learned, everything he’d found out… and everything he’d inadvertently unearthed by that just one Dream.

Enmu would be a liar if he said he wasn’t scared, but it was completely overshadowed by something else.

One that caused him to smile.

''Still, Kie Kamado… I won’t forget you. That, I promise.''

After all, how could he possibly forget from who he learned all of this precious knowledge and the very thing that will assure his worth to Lady Kanao?

''Because I know your Secret now, Kie Kamado. Once I tell her, you will never again get a moment's rest.''

Oh, how sweet it was! How amazing that he discovered it by pure coincidence! A single Dream within her mind, and he had it all.

It made telling his Master all the sweeter…

''Now, rest well, Chosen Demon.''


Oh god... Kie is not going to be in for a fun time.

Okay, this chapter is so long, that I can comment on things like I normally would. But I will say a few things, and to start it off, you all can thank Eexis for writing both the Graveyard fight against Mukago, and the Nightmare battle with Enmu! I obviously put in my own work by discussing ideas while making this and writing the Yahaba and Susamaru vs Zenitsu, Inosuke, Ozaki and Murata fight, but I'm sure you can all see the amount of work he put in there.

Now, onto another thing, Kie's initial dream. Yeah, she remembered her past for a bit, but sadly... since that part was made by her subconscious and she left it to fight Enmu, she lost who she really is once again. But since she experienced them, there is still hope that Kie will one day remember the truth, and for good this time.

And lastly, but definitely not least, the Enmu fight. To be blunt, the thing that started it off was us talking about the Suicide Squad game, and me pointing out how through the story, you can find Arkham Batman stalking the Squad and how the section of Fear Toxin Arkham Batman was good. From there, it just over timed morphed into a fight that greatly drew from the Arkham games, but changing it into something that fit into Demon Slayer, and by god it ended up being much longer than either of us expected and with many implications. Like how Kie awakened the Mark, Enmu knowing of Kie's partial immunity to the sun, the Kamado developing her Blood Demon Art and even Enmu seeing both Michikatsu and Yoriichi in his fight with Kie at the end. So yeah... a lot of future implications.

Taisho Secret: Rui was left extremely confused when he got promoted not once, but twice on that same night. Going from Lower Moon Four to Three, and then from Three to Two.

Oh, and before I forget, Mukago and Rokuro's Blood Demon Arts!

Mukago's Blood Demon Art: Corpse Puppetry
By stitching together and injecting her blood into the corpses of the dead, Mukago is able to reanimate them and turn the former humans into puppets with enhanced strength. These puppets have a blood growth visible on their bodies and can only be destroyed when their blood growths are sliced through, as that is their core.

Rokuro's Blood Demon Art: Stone Creation
So long as he uses his body as a base to create them, Rokuro can spawn and freely manipulate stone into various shapes, and even seems to have some telekinetic control over it. As a result, what he can make from these stones is only limited to the imagination, but at the end of the day, they are only so durable.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone does the scene of Enmu seeing both Michikatsu and Yoriichi with Kie).

Chapter 18: Day Five - Dwindling Fire


The Aftermath of Day Four's Hunt and how things proceed from here on out.


Welcome everyone to a new Chapter. Here's Eexis, as the one who's edited and gone through some additional proofreading this time around.

More on the slower side this time, I admit, but it's out, and I'm not about to hold any of you back. Read on!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Light’s flickered in and out. Just like the Candles and their waning Embers or the Lamps and their internal circuitry.


The night waning to day was the exact same thing in retrospect, if on a completely different scale and as an unchanging constant.


And what happened in Shibuya followed the same lines, but equally with their own scales. Because just as some of the events signified the shutdown into the Dark and the extinguishment of struggling embers, others would follow and embolden the Embers into something brighter and stronger.


Granted, for all that was said, currently...


''I’m so slow…''


Kie cursed as she took really slow steps on her way somewhere. At least something she could recognize! Like that, she'd know where to go next.


Her Body was sore all over. It kept burning and burning, and so, the Kamado was, to say the least, not having a good time.


Not helped this level of exhaustion was alien to her.


Yet, she persevered. Just like the Marks on her face persevere on and on. Just like someone else persevered with just as much fire in it.


''T-Thank you, Sir!''


''You welcome!''


Kyojuro Rengoku had certainly seen better days with his bloodied and very much in pain face, but while that would be a lingering issue that he’d worry about later, currently, he helped a fellow Demon Slayer.


Granted, said Demon Slayer may have been very worried about the state of Rengoku’s face. Or maybe he was just intimidated this man with solid blood on his face was smiling at him and ignoring every bruise covering it.


Though that worry or fear was a stark contrast to another duo at the moment.


''Why did you drag me to another fight?!'' Zenitsu screamed at Inosuke, even though the Demon was already dead.


''You still killed the Demon, didn’t you?'' Inosuke carelessly shrugged off his worry, which only made Zenitsu scream at him harder.


''That’s not the point you idiot!''


Speaking of dispatching Demons successfully or not...


''Wasn’t I… chasing a particular Demon?'' Muichirou wondered after slicing off a Demon’s neck.


And he’d be right. If only his memory remained consistent, but rare was it for anything to stick to his mind. In itself, it was a miracle he remembered Demons existed at all, or that he was part of the Corp.


But speaking of the Corp and those who remembered Demons existed, there was a particular situation going on as the Moon went down from its high perch.


And that happened as a Group neared a Wisteria House...


''Aw, you’re enjoying it?''


Well, the sight may be surprising. But without any context, it could look like either a Mother, a Sister, or just a relative giving a Child a Piggyback ride.


Genya, who was by their side, could even believe it if she said it aloud. But of course, he knew better. This was his Teacher giving a Demon a piggyback ride.


Honestly, he’s not sure if this should be surprising or not when just a few hours ago, the Queen of Demons had showed up in front of them. And casually spoke to his Teacher while she was at it.


He had questions, but some… may be answered because of the rumors he’d once heard. Though honestly, he wasn’t sure what to believe considering rumors could be utter lies.


Yet right now, he was thinking about them again while observing as Kanae got along with this Child Demon exceedingly well. If the Demon looked weary before, then he certainly wasn’t now that she’d seemingly given him her full trust.


Especially not when she’d played with him, entertained him in a way that reminded him of...


Well, it reminded him of someone before all of this.


And considering how happy the Demon looked to be while this was going on, it would take a blind mind to not notice it. And even a blind man was likely to still hear the sounds.


Such mundane things...


(Then again, Genya was not in a position to criticize a child for enjoying this, demon he may be. Not when he remembered old times)


Genya shook his head and put the thoughts aside. They’d be near their Wisteria House soon enough.


Then, he could always ask.


“Mmmm?” However, the young Slayer tensed at the muffled sound, instinctively reaching for his gun, but stopped himself when he looked and saw the muzzled Demon looking at him with a tilted head.


“Is something wrong Genya?” Kanae asked her student, drawing attention to herself as Genya sighed, eventually getting his body to relax after a moment.


“I’m fine, it’s just… how are you relaxed with that Demon on your back?” He asked her, causing Kanae to smile at him in the way she normally did to help someone calm down or make them willing to listen to her.


“I understand your concern Genya. But considering how this little guy helped us against some surprise Demons, and Himejima-san gave in the good word, it is only right he be given the chance.” The former Hashira explained to him, getting Genya to shake his head and frown slightly.


“Besides, that help he gave you when you ran out of time back there saved you.'' She added, causing him to remember that particular bit. Nothing truly noteworthy, except that the Demon Child had thrown a piece of his flesh at him when the Effects had run out.


The reminder of that caused Tanjiro to beam at that as he puffed his chest out in pride, looking quite smug in a way that only a young child would when praised by a parent. And even then, it only made the difference all the more noticeable, since a Human Child wouldn't be proud of ripping off his own flesh and feed it to someone.


Nonetheless, it still showed the point, and Genya could do nothing else but concede with a Scowl, “Fine… I guess I can give the brat that much.”


Just then, they finally turned a corner and had the Wisteria House within sight. Only, it made Shinazugawa realize something...


“How are we getting him in when he’s a Demon?” He had to ask, making his teacher and the Demon freeze up in place. And for a moment, Genya was absolutely convinced, that the woman and the Demon had literal dot eyes as they blinked and processed that question. But he must have imagined it, that imagery faded away very quickly.


“Um… you have any ideas?” Kanae asked him, causing Genya to sweatdrop at that question.


“Well… what about using your Haori and his oversized clothes?” Genya suggested, making the two stare at him for a moment.




“Honestly, I’m embarrassed that I didn’t think of that already.” Kanae admits, getting Genya to facepalm at that response.


“Oh well. Let's get you wrapped up and safe, little guy.” But with a shrug, the Flower Breathing user addressed the Demon on her back, making him stare for a moment before nodding, getting Tanjiro to hop off of her back. After a few seconds, the little Demon was practically sealed within a ball of oversized clothes and Kanae’s haori, with zero chance of Wisteria getting to the child.


“Okay. That is funnier than it should be.” Genya commented with a smirk as he saw his teacher hold the ball of clothes that held a Demon within, before following Kanae into the Wisteria House for an overdue rest.


Still, hopefully this Demon being with them won’t cause any chaos.

''What the hell happened to all of you?!''


Tengen hadn’t been able to remain asleep for long the previous night, though he’d still felt well rested, so he’d taken that as Victory. And hey, 4 Hours of bliss felt amazing.


He can’t say he feels that way when looking at the Group who’d returned, alongside the by now relocated Kyojuro.


Because, like...


''What are you on about Monkey?'' Muichirou dared to question him as if he were an idiot, again, but this time, he was very right to look worried!


Starting with the boy who kept calling him monkey. He looked relatively fine, but his hair looked messier than usual and his Uniform had telltale signs of damage. Considering the prodigious levels of power this kid showed, that didn’t exactly bring a good picture.


''Tokito, come on! You have to see it!'' Zenitsu weakly exclaimed.


Speaking of him, he was the only other one who looked fine enough. No clear wound or anything like that. At least in comparison to his companion, Hashibira.


''Bwahaha! That just means I’m awesome if he sees nothing wrong!'' Said the boar boy with a leg that was bandaged. Courtesy of Agatsuma apparently, since he’d returned to the Wisteria House with that.


Honestly, as whiny as Zenitsu was, he probably was the reason why Inosuke was feeling as well as he did. Either that or the boy had freakish pain tolerance.


He could see both being the reason.


''Yeah, well tell that to them!'' Agatsuma then pointed at the two with visible… marks. Literally so for Kamado while Rengoku was a bit more metaphorical, albeit with still visible signs.


Rengoku had a face with dried Blood all over. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what he does next, Tengen is calling for a Doctor if he hasn’t considered it already. He can’t help but wince at the bulges and blues he has all over.


At least Kamado looked better physically, though it was hard to miss the Flame-like scars she now had on her face. Or the fact she looked distressed.


May have to do with the missing Demon. Speaking of which...


''What the hell happened to you that made you lose track of the Demon?'' Uzui questioned Kyojuro who still managed to keep his smile up.


''I fought a Lower Moon!''




''There was a Lower Moon?!'' Zenitsu shrieked and jumped behind Muichirou who just gave him a half annoyed look.


''Yes. But worry not, I have killed it! Not unscathed, but I won regardless!'' Yeah, they could see that.


''...I’m calling a Doctor after this.'' Tengen announced, giving absolutely no room for denial.


''Noted!'' Kyojuro agreed easily.


Nodding in satisfaction, and seeing how Inosuke’s leg seems to have been dealt with already, now meant one thing only. Or two, but the Demon and the Kamado Girl practically were the same thing.


And he was genuinely worried considering how her distress didn’t leave.


''Now Kamado! What’s wrong?'' He should ask for the Scars on her face, though it genuinely didn’t look that way, but the distress was painfully obvious.


And Kie answered the best she could. Which amounted to said distress being aimed at him.


''Tanjiro isn’t here! I’ve been sitting here trying to calm down, but I can’t help but worry he’s been found out or dead by now!''


Tengen took it with grace and shrugged it off better than the Monkey name.


''Kamado. I don’t trust him at all.'' Tengen starts with brutal truth, and Kie truly just glares at him, wondering why he’s starting with that of all things.


''And while I’d like nothing more than to give chase to make sure he doesn’t kill anyone…'' His eyes trailed to Kyojuro specifically, ''I trust Rengoku over there enough. If he isn’t demanding we give chase right now, then it’s easy for me to say your Brother should be safe for now. Can’t promise in a few hours, but it’s not like I’m going to hold you off longer than that.''


Truthfully, Kie under normal circumstances would accept this. In fact, she’d be very glad to hear Uzui speak that way since it meant better chances for Tanjiro’s case.


But she can’t help but worry!


Tengen saw that, and sighed, ''Fine. Let’s get this over with quickly. Kill count everyone!''


Everyone knew the drill by now and didn’t hesitate to answer.


''21 Demons!'' Inosuke was the first to go, ''And Zonitsu got 13!''


Zenitsu despaired he had nearly gotten his name right and still butchered it by a single letter. Then he gave Inosuke a bewildered look.


''I got 10, you idiot!''


''19 Demons.'' Muichirou curtly stated, then gave a pause as he hunched his head to the side, ''...I think I didn’t kill one?''


Huh, that was a new one. Normally he just gave the number he’s killed, but now he mentioned he might have failed to kill one?


He’d keep that noted.


''I got 19 as well. Lower Moon Included.'' Kyojuro followed up before scrunching his face the best he could, which was barely visible, ''But like Tokito, I failed to kill all of them. Three of them got away.''


Muichirou and Tengen stared at him especially hard for that. Once was something, but now twice? And for even more Demons?


What the hell happened last night?


Kie decided she’d say hers now and then get out.


''I got 14 Demons-''


''You killed 11 Demons!'' Kie found her words denied by a Crow. Her Kasugai Crow, Matsuemon, who’d suddenly found himself perched on the Window Tengen had opened for his own Kasugai Crow.


''W- No? I’m sure I killed 14!''


''Caw! No! It was 11 Demons!''


Tengen felt like one of his veins was about to burst as he saw the Human and the Crow begin to argue about the Numbers.


This was the third time within 3 minutes! Come on! How come 3 of them all had Demons escape them?!


Was it getting too much? Was the consecutive Nights of waves after waves of Demons getting to them?


Please, let that not be the reason. He doesn’t want to imagine how bad things would get if they weren’t getting reinforcements today.


Still, the bickering had to end!




Which is why he shouted that even more loudly than even Kyojuro could do right now. Did it hurt his and Agatsuma’s ears? 




Did he regret it?




Because it got Kie and her Crow to shut up and that felt like absolute bliss.


''Ahem. In total, there are 80 dead Demons. Less than last night, which either means you guys did worse than last night…'' Tengen found himself able to give quite a happy grin, ''Or it means there’s finally fewer Demons!''


And the emotion was shared by everyone… besides Muichirou. He didn’t act that way, though perhaps a part of him was just as happy as they were.


''It took 4 whole Nights, but we’re getting somewhere you all! Rest well, you got it? Because now-!''


Then, he heard a knock on his door. 


''Pardon me Uzui.'' and in entered, surprisingly, Gyomei Himejima. The Wisteria House’s owner who...


''Why’s your right hand Bandaged?'' Muichirou questioned.


''I punched a Demon in the face.'' Answered the Giant of a Man, and both Tengen and Zenitsu fully expected him to be joking… up until they both heard his sound and found out he was not lying nor joking.


Zenitsu had the most dramatic eye widening from the both, though Tengen quirked his eyebrow up in wonder.


''What the hell were you up to last night?''


''It’s a long Story. But Kamado...'' Gyomei turned his blind eyes on her, ''Your Brother...''


Her Brother? What… wait, did he know something? How did he even know that something?


Wait, when he said he punched a Demon in the face-?!


Did he…? 


Would… would he actually…?


Was she just overthinking this or was her forming fear accurate and the Wisteria Houses owner had really just punched her Little Brother in the face?


As her face blanched in fear, because a part of Kie could tell that, injured that hand may be that it needed to be bandaged, it wasn’t because he’d hurt himself in the process. And while her Little Brother was by no means weak...


No. No, it couldn’t...


But what if...?


'' fine.'' Himejima finished then and her blanching expression froze to a halt.


''H-He is?'' Kie was absolutely glad, but she felt like she’d been splashed by cold water with how abruptly her fears died.


''Yes. It’s why I am here. Listen well...''

“That boar-headed kid was insane!” Murata yelled out in exasperation, and while Ozaki would normally tell him to let it go since it happened hours ago...


“Honestly, he is. Seriously, what made him think it was a good idea to seek out more Demons when he had an injured leg?” The Wind Breather had to agree, all while miraculously sitting down on a couch instead of collapsing onto it like she felt like she should.


“You doing okay though? You were hit hard before that boar head and blonde showed up.” Seeing her exhaustion, Murata pushed aside his annoyance with the dual-wielding Slayer boy to ask his friend, getting a tired smile and a nod.


“Yeah, I’m fine. Thankfully, my chest only hurts a bit from being thrown through that wall, but I should be fine to continue fighting.” She answered him while lying down on the couch she was on.


''That’s good to hear.'' Murata said at first before deciding to go for a better subject, ''Also, I’m not sure if you caught it. But I think the number of Demons is finally dwindling.''


''Wait, really?'' Ozaki couldn’t believe it. After the days where the number of Demons became higher and higher, did it finally stop?


''Where did you even hear that?''


''From the others who got here earlier. You were trying to get yourself together at one point.'' Right, that.


She’d felt a spike of pain when they’d gotten in and she’d needed a moment. Breathe in and out and all of that so the pain would fade. 


''Apparently, the Count of Demons they’ve been doing and sharing with the other Wisteria Houses finally paid off. A day ago was when we had the highest count possible, but yesterday, it went down.''


Both couldn’t help the sheer relief they felt at the moment. To know that all this effort was finally paying off.


Finally, they’d have fewer Demons to fight.


It was nice and all that they were getting used to this, as some Demons were easier to handle after the waves that came, but it was even better to know things would be getting easier from here.


''That’s really good to hear.'' Ozaki could almost believe that maybe, things would go more smoothly.


But if yesterday taught her anything, it was that surprises always came. Be it from that Duo of Demons or that Boarhead.


So she had to wonder if this meant things would be easier, or all the harder now that numbers thinned for the Demons…


“Yep. Plus, I heard a rumor that may make more Demons leave.” Murata added on, making Ozaki raise an eyebrow at him as her silent prompt to continue.


“Apparently, there were Lower moons around here in Shibuya, and two of them have been killed.” He explained to her, making Ozakai’s eyes widen in shock as she thought that over.


If some of the Lower Moons did come to Shibuya, it could help explain the Demon activity here. They are some of the most powerful Demons alive, which not only meant they could make other Demons listen to them, but also use other Demons as Decoys. Though which side actually used the other depended on the Demon. She'd seen some Demons use each other without shame, and she wouldn't be surprised if Ranked or Unranked Demon took their chances even here.


That had to be the reason for why so many Demons are in this place.


“Well, if that’s true, then it seems like things will finally end soon. Though... it does mean that any Demons left at this point are either powerful, smart, or both.” Ozaki said with a small smile, though it quickly faded as that realization set in.


“Yeah… seems to be the case, but hey, better than having 2 Lower moons, those walking corpses, and an insane number of Demons around.” Murata said with his own smile, getting Ozaki to chuckle.


“You’re right about that. Well, I don’t know about you right now, but I’m heading to my room and sleeping through the day. So see you later, Murata.” Ozaki said before standing up and heading to her room, though she did need to lean against a wall to keep her balance and not fall over.


And soon, her statement proved true, as the moment that Ozaki collapsed onto her bed, she allowed blissful unconsciousness to take her.

Bliss didn’t come for everyone, though for the Demon who hid from the Sun at the moment, he couldn’t find himself complaining.


Especially when considering how useful his Blood Demon Art was at the moment.


''And all that should be set up.''


Dark Mist currently filled the building he was in. A Shop actually. And while it was daylight outside, inside this place where he was able to pile up corpse after corpse due to the effects of the Mist, it was nothing but dark.


Not a single Human suspected a thing until he ripped right through their Neck.


And while it certainly didn’t feel blissful due to the low amounts of Humans that came through his trap, at least no one suspected anything wrong. At a glance, they wouldn’t find anything wrong.


Though he still worried one may be able to see through the gaps. This Ability of his was still new. Too new to be used comfortably.


It wasn’t exactly helped he caught wind of something really scary.


''I still can’t believe the others were here, and then died too.'' He literally caught wind of it an Hour before the Sun was set to rise.


Lower Moon 3 and 2 had been there and had promptly died tonight.


Safe to say, Kamanue was not feeling all that comfortable considering it meant whoever had killed them was still here, in Shibuya.


''Maybe I should leave tonight?'' He considered just leaving. It’d meant he could survive longer. But Shibuya was proving itself to be giving more Humans to eat than he’d ever eaten in a Night.


He couldn’t leave now when he could still use this place, but he couldn’t overstay his welcome.


If not tonight, then...


''Yeah, Yeah… I’ll leave tomorrow night. Tonight, I can still win something. Just need to be very careful…''


He’d repeat this throughout the Night and eat as many Humans as he possibly could get his hands on. Then, the next night, he was out of here.


Perfect plan. Yes.


Now he just needed to wait and make sure he didn’t run into any of those strong Demon Slayers...

“MMMMMMPPPHHH!!! MMMMMMMPPPPHHHHH!!!!!” Releasing muffled laughter, Tanjiro tossed and turned to try and escape from Kanae’s grasp, who giggled as she tickled the tiny Demon with a smile.


“Aw~! Seems like you are a ticklish little guy!” Said Demon Slayer though, teased Tanjiro while tickling his stomach.


“Honestly… to think I have now actually met a good Demon. I almost can’t believe it.” Kanae thought to herself, thinking on how much her dream of Demons and humans getting along had been disregarded in the past, and yet… this one may make it true now.


“Hey, sensei.” However, that train of thought came to an end when Genya spoke and entered the common room of the Wisteria House, causing Kanae to stop playing with Tanjiro while the Demon child took this chance to try and recover, taking in some shaky breaths as he recovered from laughing so much.


“Is something the matter Genya?” Looking at him curiously, the teacher sat up properly, being able to tell that what her student wished to ask was either important or personal based on his expression.


“Um… yeah, there is something I wanted to ask since last night, but… well, asking back then and on the way here didn't feel right.” The young Demon Slayer answered her a bit shyly while rubbing the back of his head, though he did send the still recovering Tanjiro a look before shaking his head.


“Genya, you know that you can ask me anything. After all, I am your teacher, and having a trusting bond with each other is one of, if not the most important thing with a relationship like ours.” Kanae gently told him, making Genya smile and chuckle a little before sighing at that.


“Alright then.” The young teen muttered to himself before walking over to a seat and sitting down.


“The way you and... Tsuyuri talked to each other. Why did she speak so casually to you?” He asked a bit carefully, making Kanae tense for a moment... before sighing.


Though, unnoticed to the two right now, was Tanjiro straightening up at the mention of the Demon Queen.


“I suppose it would be too much to hope that I wouldn’t have to explain this.” The former Hashira commented before looking at the Shinazugawa.


And so, she answered his question.


It had happened on what was believed to be a casual Thursday Night. Their Parents were out still at work, and while they were soon to return, at the time, Kanae and Shinobu were alone.


Nothing unusual.


It happened every time since their Parents worked in Compounding Medicine and processes like those took time. Especially when it was made for a singular person.


So Kanae and Shinobu were used to being alone for most of the Day. 


And today, they had fully expected that things would be normal. A normal happy night where, late as they were, they’d all enjoy Dinner together.


But how wrong they would be proven to be, as that same night, once their Parents had returned…


Cruelty struck.


It’s a blur as to how it happened, and even when looking back on it, none of the Kochos had any idea as to when this could have happened. But a Demon had been following them.


Unbeknownst to them at the time, it hadn’t been just one Demon. It had been two, but one of them was here for much, much longer.


And that Demon struck once they were in the Middle of their Meal.


The details are things neither Kanae nor Shinobu wished to remember, so they didn’t. Not that they could ever forget how traumatic it had ended up being when their Mother had a hand torn through her chest.


Or how their Father had a massive claw wound on his chest.


They were both at the farthest end of the Room when a miracle had happened. Though, could it be called one considering who perpetrated said Miracle?


She just appeared.


There was no warning sign, there was absolutely nothing that even indicated she’d entered the House, but at one moment, the Demon towered over them, and then, the next?


Kanao Tsuyuri was behind the Demon she decapitated with utter ease. His Body decomposing and barely had any time to even understand what was going on.


And then, from one Demon, they switched to another that was even more terrifying.


And, what was shocking to them wasn’t quite that the Demon was dead. What was shocking was that they recognized Kanao as someone else first.


Kamasu Motomiya.


Kanae couldn’t help but wonder when she’d first heard her name if her Parents hated her. Shinobu meanwhile saw no issue.


But, in hindsight, and after learning more about the Demon Queen, Kanae realized that Tsuyuri had just given herself that name because it was funny.


Either way, she was believed to be a perfectly normal Wife with a normal Family. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. As they’d learn further, the Motomiya Family were all dead on that same night.


The very same Woman who was part of that Family, the very same who refused to step under Sunlight, was now in front of them.


Inhuman eyes. Covered in Blood from her own Demon and with sharp Nails.


And what did she do then?


She stared at them with her impassive face, eyes trailing to the Father’s Body in a moment of wonder, and then simply walked away.


Kanae would never see her again...


''At least, that’s what I thought at the time, but I was proven wrong hours ago.''


Hearing that story, all Genya could do was stare for a while, and the room was completely silent for a moment.


“Mmmm.” Until Tanjiro decided that the nice lady needed some comfort, so he grew to normal size and pat Kanae’s head, who blinked and stared at him in surprise.


“Huh. Didn’t know he could do that.” The Flower Breather commented before smiling and returning headpats in return, almost making the Demon purr like a kitten as he leaned into her hand and once more shrunk to his tiny size. And once that was done, the Demon child climbed onto Kanae’s lap and laid down.


“My, you really enjoy the attention.” The eldest Kocho daughter commented before lightly running her hand through the Demon Kamado’s hair, who giggled a bit at the feeling.


“So… the Demon Queen saved your family after pretending to be human and just… left?” Genya commented, seemingly having gathered his thoughts and just asked her in complete confusion, causing Kanae to shrug.


“Believe it or not, but something like that has happened more times than you would expect in the Corps history. Though, as far as I’m aware, I’m one of the few known to fall under that category and still be alive.” Kanae told her student before thinking of something for a moment.


“I believe that there were some people back when I passed my Final Selection who had a similar origin for joining the Corps; most of them died there or a week into their careers as far as I’m aware.” The former Hashira added on, making the Shinazugawa blink at that.


“But then… why did she talk so casually to you? It doesn’t sound like you talked to each other at all.” He pointed out, getting Kanae to nod her head.


“You are right there. Admittedly, me and Tsuyuri did occasionally talk when she was pretending to be Kamasu Motomiya, but it wasn’t much. But such a thing matters little to Tsuyuri, as she’s… well, according to records at least, and something I can say for sure with my encounters with that woman, is that she is very unpredictable. She would definitely give up on practicality if she’s curious about something.” She explained to the boy that ate Demons, causing the teen to try and open his mouth, stop, and then think about it.


“Honestly… after last night, I can see that.” He admitted, making Kanae smirk at that before looking down at Tanjiro, seeing that at some point, he had been lured into sleep.


“Truthfully, I wonder what is going on with those who have been aware of this boy right now. They must have been an interesting bunch to meet a good Demon after all.”

''Why can I not go?!'' Kie practically demanded while in her room. Not willingly though.


''Kid. You had to look at yourself at some point.'' Tengen brushed off her tone of voice, standing in front of the Doorway.


''Yeah, I did. I don’t look injured at all!'' And she really didn’t. Outwardly, she looked fine.


Tengen clearly saw otherwise.


''Then go say that to me when I easily dragged you here. Honestly, if you can't even fight back against me when I’m not even a trained Demon Slayer, then you have to see how bad your case looks.''


And Kie hated that he was right.


After the whole meeting, she wanted to go to the Wisteria House where Tanjiro was left at until someone could pick him up. Only, Tengen had denied her and hard. He practically demanded that Kyojuro, she, and Inosuke get rest for the whole day.


It was reasonable for both Kyojuro and Inosuke since one had a shockingly injured face that wouldn’t exactly let him go out in public and another had a broken leg. Both would need days to recover from.


But Kie didn’t see her own condition as bad enough. Tengen begged to differ however since he dragged her to her room then. And here they were now.


''But I have to get to Tanjiro!'' Who knew what could happen to him while he was alone? Would something go wrong?


She couldn’t have that!


Tengen gave her an annoyed, if also personally offended, look.


''You keep forgetting you’re not alone in this, aren’t you?''


That got her to look at him in confusion. How could she forget the obvious?


''...yeah, I’m not alone?''


And that only got Tengen even more annoyed.


''Exactly! We know! I sure as hell don’t like that brat being around, but it’s not like I can just off him because I want to. At least most of the others want to give your Brother a chance, so I have to as well. So how about you forget a moment the ''You'' and think instead with ''We?''


Kie, honest to god, did not get where he was going with this. She tried, but she really couldn’t piece it together.


At this point, his glare could probably pierce a hole through her forehead if he tried hard enough. Which said plenty of his frustration levels already.


''Kamado. I’m going to retrieve your Brother.''


In comparison to the glare, his words were perfectly matter-of-fact. Not that Kie paid any attention to the tone of the voice and instead actually stared in bewilderment that he was willing to go get her Brother back when he just made his feelings known.


''You... you would?''


''Kid, at this point, you’re going to make me regret my decision. So sit back, relax for once, and just let your body heal. You need it, and I’m pretty sure even if you didn’t follow what I said, your Brother might just force you.''


...yes, yes he would.


It only took Kie a second to consider this, but he most definitely would force her to rest if he saw her as she was now. So, reluctantly and knowing someone was going to get her Brother back, Kie rested down on the Futon.


Much to Tengen’s pleasure she’d finally conceded to rest.


''Good! Rest up for the whole day, and maybe you’ll be all ready to be flashy again for tonight! Now, I’ll grab the Box, and I’m on my way.''


Thankfully, the Box was back in her Room since she'd had it with her this whole time, so Tengen just had to grab it from there. And honestly, on the taller man’s back, it was noticeably small.


Kie’s not even sure if he’s going to be able to wear it at all, but the Uzui didn’t seem to mind all that much. Or maybe he just ignored the uncomfortableness and instead looked back at her.


''When I’m back, your Brother will be too. Now Rest!'' And then Tengen was out and about, heading off to whichever Wisteria House held her Brother.


It now left Kie alone.


And it also meant she had time to think for herself. What… did she do now?


Well, she wasn’t the only one who thought of that. Granted, the levels at which they went were definitely not the same as hers.


''Are you an idiot?''


And something like that was going on elsewhere, in the same building she was at.


''Bwahaha! This is my chance to fight you!''


''The Doctor and Uzui-san both literally told you to rest you dumbass!''


The 3 other Demon Slayers around, lacking the fourth that was Kyojuro, were all currently hanging out in one of the training Rooms. Though that was putting it nicely.


Tokito had been there before any of them and planned to practice his Forms. He felt… annoyed, for some reason. He doesn’t remember why anymore.


But that was what he planned to do now.


At least until Inosuke barged into the Room, followed by Zenitsu who’d become his unwilling... follower? Or caretaker maybe, considering how he was the one who tried to keep his Fellow Demon Slayer in some form of line.


Clearly, that was failing.


''Get back to bed Boar.'' Short with words as ever, Tokito only told him that before trying to return to practicing in peace.


''I refuse!''


That failed.


''Why?'' Muichirou turned to stare back at him in genuine confusion.


''I’m getting that rematch now!'' And it made perfect sense to Inosuke. Everyone was practically forced to stay here since half of them were injured, so there was no way Tokito would leave during that time.


And perhaps it would have been a smart idea... if not because he was amongst those who should be resting.


''That’s stupid.'' Muichirou bluntly stated, ''Your leg is broken, you shouldn’t even be moving right now. What use are you in killing Demons if you rush into fights like that?''


''Bah! I can still fight with just one leg. That’s not a problem for me!'' Inosuke easily shrugged off those words.


''Go tell that to those who die because you have a broken leg.''


Zenitsu could swear he heard something shatter when that was said. But from who?


''You’re risking your Missions by wanting to fight me. It serves absolutely no purpose but to fulfill your own wishes. And you’d still risk fighting me with that broken leg than giving it time to heal?''


There was a moment where both Inosuke and Muichirou stared at each other. A moment where Zenitsu could hear how tense things seemed to get, even though there was only pure silence filling the Room the three were in.




And, in a manner of speaking, Inosuke defused that tension.


''You gonna fight me then, or not?''


The answer to that was simple.


''Go waste your time elsewhere.''


''Alright.'' The surprising thing about all of this was how calm Inosuke was in all of this. If Muichirou’s tone consistently remained Impassive, with a lack of any Emotions to hear, then Inosuke was the one that remained consistently calm, somehow.


And considering how many times Zenitsu had heard him scream like there was no tomorrow (if he even had any right to say that when he himself screamed a lot), it was honestly surprising to see Inosuke just accept it.


''Monitsu! Come on my Underling, I want to eat my Tempura!''


Oh for...!


''You were told to stay in Bed! And it's not the time for Lunch yet!''


And their voices drifted off to the distance as they walked away. Muichirou for a moment believed he could return to training in peace, but it was hard to miss a certain other presence that he could notice.


So he turned to stare at the Wall.


''Why are you behind the Wall?''


There was an additional moment of silence before he heard some faint footsteps. Before long, going through the Entrance of the Room was Himejima.


''My apologies. It was... hard to miss what was being told.''


Muichirou wondered what Himejima was even doing in the room in front of this one, which was also a Training Room. Not that he asked beyond the obvious.


''So you were listening in?'' His tone isn’t accusatory, but it’d be hard to see it in any other way.


''Not on purpose.'' Himejima retold before approaching, ''But forgive me for asking, wasn’t that going perhaps a bit far?''


Muichirou tilted his head to the side.


''Why would it be too far?''


''I can understand Hashibira may have quite the character, but that felt more personal than necessary.''


Uncharastically, the answer he received wasn’t quite monotonous.


''Then he wouldn’t have learned how stupid he is.''


Hearing that was a type of confirmation to Himejima. Especially because, briefly, he didn't sound so void of anything.


''Then may I ask why you bothered today?''


Muichirou looked at him curiously then, almost like he couldn’t understand why this topic of conversation was brought up now of all times. Or even why Himejima felt the need to bring this up now.


Then, his eyes trailed to the Entrance that Inosuke and Zenitsu had taken to leave. And for the faintest of moments, regardless of if Himejima could have seen it or not?


The eyes didn’t look so blank anymore.


''He reminded me of someone.''


Himejima gave a hum of acknowledgment, prompting him to continue. And after some true consideration on the boy’s part, he answered.


''It was a while ago now, but I met him some time ago. I can’t remember for the Life of me how early, but… he told me, something. And it’s never really left me.''


To be truthful, Himejima was very curious about who this person was if Muichirou, frequently known to forget many things, remembered those specifics.


How Important was this person to that boy if he was reminded of him because of something Hashibira had done?


''Your strongest self is when your body is at its best. So let those wounds heal and become all the stronger for it. Let it follow the same lead your mind does. Let both become one so that the sacrifices that follow will be worth it. A Healthy boy needs a Healthy Body, after all, right?''


Himejima didn’t see it, but Muichirou gave something quite unexpected after repeating those words.


A smile.


''And, he was right. I know I can forget many things, but still… I never did forget that one Mission where, if I hadn’t listened to him, someone I was meant to save by killing the Demon would have died.''


It was a vivid thing because it had been the first one he’d been sent to after the Final Selection he'd passed. And he remembers how bad things would have gotten if he hadn’t received the time to recover before said Mission. If his body hadn't been at its best then, just like that man had told him against doing, would he have been able to save that life? Or would he have ended up with someone dying in front of his eyes?


The smile then dropped slowly, alongside the shine in his eyes. It was not gone because it was forgotten, but simply because now, he was breaching a topic that didn’t give the same feeling.


''So if I need to be harsh, so be it. At least then he won’t live with a possible regret.''


Ah. So that was it, huh?


This story Himejima was told said everything he needed to know. Even that ''He reminded me of someone'' made sense now. And when putting it all together, he couldn't help but smile in a relieved manner. This wasn’t quite the answer he expected to hear from this Young one. But, it eased his worry. At least slightly.


He wondered who the Man was, to be able to pass on this type of wisdom to this Child.


But while one side was having a conversation, another was having it as well.


“Inosuke, for the last time, get into the bed!” Zenitsu yelled at the wild boy after just barely getting him into the room. However, the boar head wearing kid was proving difficult, and by difficult...


What Zenitsu really meant was that Inosuke had thrown him over his shoulder, and was currently keeping the Thunder Breather pinned to the ground while cackling.


“Mwahahaha!! Not with you being weaker than me, Zuko!!” The Beast Breather exclaimed, making Zenitsu groan.


“At this rate, I’m wondering why the hell you seemed to listen to Muichiro!!” The blonde yelled out, only to feel Inosuke freeze up for a second and for his sound to calm down a little.


And honestly, what Zenitsu was hearing confused him a bit. It wasn’t a spike in emotion and it wasn’t something he fully recognized, but if he had to make a comparison to anything familiar...


The closest thing he could compare it to was when Gramps told him and other students about missions with old comrades long since passed.


“Simple, because I saw stuff like what he said before.” Was Inosuke’s blunt reply as he shrugged, making Zenitsu blink before shifting his head to try and look at his fellow teen.


“What do you mean by that? Because honestly... I wouldn’t expect the likes of other Slayers dying to get you like that.” He questioned, thinking he knew the reason for this, only to get a slight scoff.


“No way! I didn’t even know them, and it’s not our fault for them being stupid.” Inosuke denied it, causing Zenitsu to sweatdrop at that. Never mind, it seems like those who died against that Demon pair didn’t affect the boar boy as much as he thought.


“But back when I grew up on the mountain I ruled, I faced many beasts, and conquered them all! Though, one thing I always saw was animals protecting their packs, but more importantly, their cubs. In some cases, those cubs were really weak and their parent pushed themselves to look after that cub despite their health. A few predators noticed and attacked at that point to either kill the parent or both it and the cub.” Continuing on though, Inosuke explained things simply to Zenitsu, which made the still-pinned boy realize what Inosuke’s sound was.


Acknowledgment of the dead. And perhaps some faint traces of respect for the dead too, but it wasn't really sadness.


That likely had to do with Inosuke having grown up in the wilderness, ending with him accepting this kind of thing a long time ago.


“Besides, Monoume ain’t wrong that it can get humans killed. I knew an old man that died a bit sooner than he was apparently meant to because he wasn’t taking care of himself, and this annoying guy looking after him was left drained looking after that man.” Inosuke added on, once more making Zenitsu sweatdrop at the casual mention of death.


Well, at least that old man sounds like it was ultimately old age that took him instead of anything horrible or painful.


“Huh. I didn’t think that Muichiro’s words would remind you of all of that. Also... Can you please get off of me now!!?” Zenitsu commented, but as he trailed off near the end, he once more yelled out, making Inosuke laugh aloud.


“Not unless you can best me Komoisu!”


“That one wasn’t even close to my name!!!”


And after all of this, there was still one more thing going on. And it all led right back to the start. Kie.


Though she was not the one who initiated this. Instead, it was a knock on the door.


''Young Kamado. May I come in?''


The unmistakable voice of Kyojuro spoke from behind the door while Kie tried to nap. It snapped her out of whatever reverie she was in at the moment.


''Yes. Come in!''


And in stepped Kyojuro Rengoku, whose face was... well...


''...I don’t entirely recognize you right now.''


Kie’s comment was very accurate, because Kyojuro’s face was bandaged all over. It was incredibly hard to even recognize any Rengoku features, and if not because no Blue eyes had formed over his eyes or his hair was mostly left uncovered, she would have believed someone had fooled her.


''That is perfectly normal Young Kamado! I hardly recognized myself when I looked at myself in the mirror after I was bandaged!’’ speaking of said bandages, they were going slightly red already.


The wounds he got were bleeding already, huh?


''Then, shouldn’t you be resting? Uzui-san got on my case and hard about it, so I’m surprised you’re doing the opposite of what he and the Doctor said.'' And considering everything, she’d thought he’d be the one listening to him better. What with being friends and all.


''Indeed, and I will return to my room after this. Worry not. However, I’ve decided to take an opportunity. Namely, to ask you what happened yesterday.''


Oh. That.


Kyojuro casually plopped down onto the Tatami Floor and crossed his legs, ''Although I should be more specific. Why is it you have strange Markings on your face?''


Strange what?


From the look on her face, and the way Kyojuro saw that, it became obvious to both that something was going on.


''You haven’t looked at your face recently I presume?''


Kie only needed to nod.


''Well, on the left side of your forehead and on the right side of your chin, you have Flame Markings. I almost mistook them for Scars at first, but on second glance it's too... clean, to be that. ''


And Kie instinctually rubbed the spots where he mentioned those Marks were. But she felt nothing different. It was the same patch of skin as always.


''I didn’t have that yesterday morning...''


And neither did she have it while Kyojuro was around, or else he’d have brought it up. So it had to be there...


''Did it manifest because of the Lower Moon’s whole… thing?''


It’s the only time she figures it could have shown up. After that point, Kie was by herself up until she returned to the Wisteria House, but she didn’t imagine that Mark could have manifested during that time.


''Indeed you didn’t.'' Kyojuro continued from her last words, ''But it’s why I must ask, has there been any point where something was odd enough that a Mark like that could have appeared?''


The issue with that question was that there was a whole period where something odd did happen, but that was her whole Battle against Lower Moon One and whatever the hell kind of madness she’d fallen into.


And that spanned hours, felt like it at least, which meant she didn’t exactly have any way to pinpoint when this could have shown up.


Still, bringing that whole experience up is probably for the best.


''I can’t pinpoint a time... but there was something odd that happened once we split up. Though I can’t exactly say for how long.''


Kyojuro motioned for her to continue, listening in closely.


''But it starts because I chased after 3 Demons...''


And so she told him. How something happened to her in between, and when she found herself conscious again, she was then sent through some form of Rift that made her land into an Ocean with Thunder as hot as the Sun itself. 


How she then landed in a Ghost City with everything wrong, and how she was toyed with by the Demon who kept landing her in Traps and initiating takedowns on her every single time before kicking her into another rift.


There, she was sent to a Grave and was haunted by the Statues of her Brother, eventually leading her to be sent into a perfectly still pond with Statues of her Brother surrounding and taunting her with continued lies.


That then ended with her finding herself in another City much more accurate to the real Asakusa and then facing off against an army of Kanao’s-


''Excuse me. An army of what?''


Kyojuro hadn’t planned at all to interrupt her until the end was reached, but the man felt like he had to bring this up.


''An army of Ka- Oh.'' Kie had legitimately forgotten during her tale how much of a deal this would be.


''You met the Progenitor. And then fought an army.''


''The army was clearly not even close to being as powerful as the real one, or I wouldn’t be standing here right now.''


How the hell would she even know that?


You know what? Moving on. He’d ask those sets of questions after he’s done hearing her tale.


Back on track. Kie wound up facing an army of Kanaos alongside the Tanjiro statues that popped every time she wasn’t looking. After one of the Statues kicked her through a Wall, Kie chose to do a tactical retreat. Around that same time, she considered chasing after the Lower Moon One Demon since he was likely the reason behind all of this.


After two chases, the Demon decided to stop playing Hide and Seek and start fighting properly.


And that whole fight was, as far as Kie was concerned, one of a kind's Bizarre Adventure she’d ever experienced, and when hearing it all...


Kyojuro found himself agreeing. Although, for all this tale made Kyojuro consider many things, the main topic of why this was even asked...


''We are no closer to finding out how this Mark appeared on you.''


Kie’s accounts did make it clear that she could have no time to even notice something like that. She hadn’t even paid attention to her reflection when she’d looked at the Statues Reflections, yet, there was something else she mentioned that caught his attention.


''At one point, you felt a surge of strength?''


''Yeah. I was at my worst than ever before. You said I had a lot of Energy to spare, but I would have run out if this had continued, but then… I just felt better enough overall to continue and win this.''


And that’s what had given her Victory. Without it, Kie doubted she’d have won and be here right now.


Still, when hearing this whole tale, the oddest part that may be related was that moment.


Was this Mark related to...?


Both of them, who’d been in their own thoughts, ended up startled when something banged on the Window of Kie’s room.


They both snapped their heads to see...


''Kaname?'' Kyojuro blinked owlishly at seeing his Kasugai Crow plastered on the Glass Window of the Home.


Clearly, his Companion had not seen the Window in time or thought it was actually open, or else he doubted he’d have gone through this unfortunate accident.


Carefully opening said Window then, his Crow croaked out his message once in Kyojuro’s cupped palms.


''C-Caw! Message… answered! Urokodaki, Caw… Sakonji!''


Oh, it finally came!


Well then, soon enough, the Younger Kamado’s fate would be decided.

“Well, this is a mix of good and bad news.” A woman with white hair commented as she read through the letter that had just been delivered to her only hours before the sun would set, idly stroking the black feathers of the Kasugai Crow that was taking a few breaths to recover from flying here so quickly.


“At least the number of Demons in Shibuya seems to have fallen and two more Lower Moons were slain. And with the Slayers that should arrive by night, this conflict will undoubtedly end soon, but…” She thought to herself, focusing on the end of the letter while frowning.


“Also, Oyakata-Sama… I encountered Tsuyuri last night. She was the one that had killed Lower Moon 3 during that battle, and she created a plant-like copy of our Kasugai Crows that seemed to take something from her Demon, likely her blood. So if the theory of her growing weaker when making Demons, even if minutely, is true, then that may no longer be the case anymore with this discovery. And according to her, she may be living around Shibuya, and has lived long enough there to gain the trust of the surrounding people.”


That part held worrying implications. Because now, despite them having the main living area of the Demon Progenitor, they couldn’t take the fight to her. Both because of the number of civilian casualties that an attempted confrontation would result in, but Demons being a concept that is hard to believe in unless you meet them makes it so people would resist the sent Slayers. Especially because of the Regulations against Swords.


“Well, I suppose it is better to take the victories that we do have now, and this information we can still use.” Amane said to herself as she finally placed the letter down and thought over this.


First off, her husband would need to know of this, but that could wait for a little since he was resting at the moment. But one thing she was sure of was that Shibuya and the surrounding area would have to be closely monitored for Tsuyuri, and that is assuming she would still be there or would return if she did leave. 


After all, why would she tell them where she apparently lived if she was still using that area as her home? Because while it was true they couldn’t just confront and attack her there, it would still mean some investigations could happen to learn about what she could be doing and to know if she tried to do something and left. Unless...


Could it be that her abilities would make such measures null and void? After all, her Blood Demon Art wasn’t something known to the Corps, and there wasn’t even a hint as to what it could be within the remains of the Ubuyashiki and Rengoku family records since both families started their battle against the Demon Queen.


“Well, I suppose a decision will come soon enough. For now, Isuzu, return to Kanae’s side so that if something like this comes up again, we’ll know. After you rest first of course.” And with a sigh, the healthy Ubuyashiki told the Crow, receiving a caw before she flew off to find a spot to rest.


“...Hopefully things will still be manageable for those at Shibuya, especially if Tsuyuri is still there.” Amane commented before picking the letter back up and standing up, and with that entered her family’s Estate so that her husband would know of this after his rest.

Considering how many trips he’d taken all over Shibuya in the days he’d been here already, the way to this Wisteria House passed on like a Breeze to Tengen.


''Pardon the Intrusion!'' and as per usual, when he entered a Wisteria House that he didn’t occupy at the moment, he gave the briefest apology before immediately following it up with:


''Kocho! You there?''


It took a moment for an answer to come, and he did fear for a moment he’d need to bother the Owner of said House to know where the Demon brat was.


But then, after hearing… a sort of bang that was followed up with a mixture of worried emotions and one of anger (it didn’t take a genius to figure out who it was from), a voice followed up. Kocho’s voice.


''Yes! Third Room to the left!''




Well, he braced himself. He would not be caught by surprise again. He swears.


Following Kanae’s words, in the Third Room on the left he heard the sound of a familiar Demon who did not sound all that happy.


''Yep... the brat is not happy to know I’m here.''


Not that he was bothered by that. He could do without that Brat around. But everyone else was putting their faith in this one, so he’d comply with the majority.


On guard just in case something was thrown his way, he opened the Tatami Door.


''Alright Kocho, where’s… the… is he hiding behind you?''


He trailed off what he’d wanted to say and simply blinked one time when seeing that Kanae, seated down and cross-legged, looking at him sheepishly while the Demon Brat was behind her, glaring at him.


Yet that also seemed to be him hiding.


''...let’s just get this over with.'' He thought to himself, giving a mental eye roll in the process while Kanae decided she should probably explain what was going on.


''If you’re wondering why the Boy is like this… I honestly don’t know. He tried to rush out shortly when you arrived and when I tried to stop him, he hid behind my back.''


...what else did he actually expect?


Moving on from this, because Tengen had promised the Kamado Girl he’d actually get her Brother back, and he intended to keep that promise...


''You’re going back to the Temple Boy. So…'' He laid down the Box on the Floor and opened it, ''Get in.''


The brat continued to glare at him, and he realized that his hope things would be so easy… did not.


“...You aren’t going to make this easy, are you.” Tengen stated more than he really questioned the little shit, who now made a small growling sound. Nothing malicious like any other Demons, Tengen had to acknowledge that with his hearing, but it was practically confirmation of his words considering the hostility behind it.


Only made more obvious because the Demon gave him, and he wondered where the hell he'd picked that one up, the Middle Finger. Kanae didn't see it since her back was turned on him.


“...Honestly, I don’t think he knows the meaning of the action, but I am still strangling him!” The Shinobi thought to himself for a moment before scowling and glaring at the Demon boy, who turned his head away from him, as if Tengen was a repulsive thing. However, seeing his anger, Kanae laughed a bit and decided to try and defuse the situation.


“Now, now, I’m sure the both of you can get along. After all, this little guy has been absolutely sweet since I met him, and I know you can be responsible when you want to, Uzui-San. So why not try getting along?” The Kocho woman spoke up, causing Tengen to roll his eyes at that while Tanjiro huffed in response.


“Yeah, like I’m going to like a Demon that threw a box at me when I was investigating what was happening in his sister’s room.” The large man said sarcastically, making Tanjiro glare even more and then point at him.


“MMMMM!!! MMMM, MMMMMMMMM!!!!” And it was quite clear that despite his attempted words being muffled, the young Demon was not happy with the sarcastic comment.


“Oh... Um...” And that, Kanae had to admit that she was surprised, both by Tengen’s reply -which didn't exactly put anything in a good light- and the sheer anger of the Demon still behind her.


Still, she did need to think of a way to calm them both down, but how?


“Look brat, I don’t have all day, so just get in the damn box and we can go.” Tengen told Tanjiro, whose only response was still to continue glaring at the large man.


At this point, Tengen would need to pull the Secret weapon. Which, he should just use now since he was very unwilling to eternize himself out here. Not when it was still his Duty to keep what work he had going here a continuous thing.


But at the same time, if this somehow didn’t work, then he’d actually return empty-handed. That or need to force Kocho over there to come with him, which he’d rather not since Tonight could become just as tiresome.


Kanae promptly decided to make up a third path on the spot during the short time Tengen was considering what to do. It amounted to her turning around to have Tanjiro at eye level.


''Look, Tanjiro. I can see that you and Uzui-san have some history that makes things tense. But I can assure you, if Uzui-san is here to get you, it’s not to harm you. He isn’t that petty.''


If it had been anyone else, Tengen would be absolutely sure that last bit was to dig at him. But since it was Kanae, he really doubted it was meant for anything but putting him in a better light.


''And hey, he’ll bring you right back home! I heard from Himejima-san himself you’ve got family over at the Wisteria House there, so you’ll get to see her again!''


And that did seem to ease up his worries, at least somewhat. Except he was still glaring at Tengen.


''Hmpf!'' But reluctantly so, he headed off to the Box. For a moment, Kanae wondered if he’d actually fit in, but then he shrunk just a bit more and then fit in like a glove.


Quietly so, the Box closed in, and the Demon brat was safely in there. Tengen didn’t hesitate then to grab the Box and strap it on his back. Kanae honestly wondered why he didn’t grab a bigger box though, considering how uncomfortable that looked to be.


''Thank you Kocho.'' Tenten chose to thank her as he turned to leave, ''You made things a lot easier to handle.''


''The pleasure is all mine.'' Kanae accepted it, ''Still, try to be nice to him if you can.''


''If he stops being a brat with me, then maybe. Anyway, I’m off. That Brats sister is only going to get more worried the longer I take. I’ll see you another day.''


Kanae waved him farewell as he left to head back to the Wisteria House he resided in. And now that the Demon was gone, Kanae wondered.


''I wonder if I’ll see him again…''


She'd just have to wait and see.

“Owl, why did you call us here?” Muichiro questioned Kyojuro the moment that the young Demon Slayer walked in, with Inosuke and Zenitsu right behind him.


“Simple really! I have finally gotten the reply from Urokodaki-San, so we’ll now have our confirmation of Young Tanjiro for when he and Tengen get back.” The Flame Breathing user answered the younger Demon Slayer while holding up the letter, making the prodigy of a swordsman blink for a moment.


“...The Demon is missing?” He asked while tilting his head, causing Kie to quickly speak up.


“Tanjiro is still safe, he just apparently noticed a Demon that was invisible thanks to his nose!” She explained, not wanting the amnesiac child to forget and kill her brother because of it. She didn't need Muichirou to decide then and there to kill her Brother. Thankfully, Kyojuro nodded in confirmation.


“It is true. And the reason why he’s still missing is because he got separated from me when I fought Lower Moon 2 and his fellow Demons.” The Rengoku added on, making Muichiro stare for a solid minute before slowly nodding at that, though a frown remained on his face.


“So, we finally get to know if I can fight that Demon!? Then tell us already Bug Eyes!” Inosuke then yelled out, making Zenitsu groan.


“Seriously, is fighting all you think about!?” The blonde demanded to know. Still, at least his talk with Muichiro was making the boarhead-wearing boy take care of himself more... at least a bit.


“Indeed. So let us read and find out if he is indeed an alley or another Demon we must slay!” Kyojuro declared with a smile that was still noticeable beneath the bandages that were wrapped around his face. Though, for those who had seen him before his talk with Kie, they would recognize that these were new bandages compared to what he had before now.


“You aren’t nervous?” Zenitsu asked Kie as he looked at her, getting the girl with markings now on her face to shrug a bit.


“I am a little, but not because of the letter. After all, I know Urokodaki-San will confirm Tanjiro’s different from other Demons, so…” She explained before trailing off a little bit, getting Zenitsu to nod in understanding as he realized what she was actually worried about.


“Now then, let us start!” Kyojuro declared to get the attention of everyone, and once he was sure he had it, he looked at the letter and began to read it.


“To Kyojuro Rengoku

I would like to apologise for taking longer than I should have to reply to your questions regarding the Demon, Tanjiro. I was busy dealing with a few Demons who were around my Living Area, and because of it, has made me delay my answer to this. However, that is done now and I can confirm your question.

Tanjiro is indeed different from any other Demons I have seen.

When I first found the Siblings, the Boy was restraining a Demon's head with arms sticking out of its neck...''


Kyojuro paused his reading once he read all of this aloud. Brief as it may have ended up being, he couldn't help but wonder how a situation like that had turned out to be. But Demons were odd creatures ultimately, so he didn't react further than doing his pause.


That didn’t stop Young Hashibira from cackling though.


“While his sister prepared to bury the corpses. Sunlight was nearing, so he sought out shelter.

Any other Demons would have eaten the Corpses in the hiding place he used, yet he did not. And he has continued to display odd behaviors for a Demon. During the Two Years, while I had Kamado Trained, the Brother slept the whole time. I have since theorized that he is using sleep as Compensation for not consuming Human Flesh and this is likely to be confirmed by Kamado herself now that she travels as a Corp Member.

I have however decided to be cautious, and during those years of Slumber, I have used Hypnotic Suggestions that make him view Humans as Family and to not forgive Demons that try to harm Humans.

While this Child's situation is still precarious and an understandable cause for concern, I strongly believe that you should give him a chance to prove himself.

From, Sakonji Urokodaki.”


And with that, Kyojuro finished reading the letter and then looked around to see how everyone else answered now that the final verdict was given by the Former Hashira.


Kie was tense. Despite smiling, it was clear she wondered if this would be enough to convince the others.


Zenitsu during all of this looked relieved. And that had mostly to do because it was a confirmation his Hearing hadn't been fooled by this particular Demon and he'd been right to lay down his trust to the Kamado's.


As for Muichirou... all he did was frown. He showed absolutely nothing else. No clear signs of how he felt. It'd be a lie if Kyojuro didn't say he was slightly worried on how he felt, at a deeper level.


And finally, with Inosuke...


“Kentaro’s a weird Demon.” Was his only reply, getting him some looks while Kie gave him an offended look at the indirect insult to her brother.


“Well, it appears that a former Hashira has confirmed it! So unless Tanjiro attacks a human with malicious intent, he is now undeniably our alley!” Kyojuro declared with a smile, which made Muichiro speak up.


“I still don’t like it.” He said bluntly, making Kie tense as she looked at the forgetful boy, which caused Kyojuro to nod in understanding.


“Perhaps, but it is undeniable that Tanjiro is indeed different from any Demons we have seen, and it is now accompanied by the confirmation of a retired Hashira. But worry not Young Tokito, if Tanjiro does end up acting like a normal Demon, our next action is an obvious one.” The Rengoku told the Mist Breather, earning him a stare for a moment before then getting a nod.


This was the best thing he'd get out of this. And now that everyone seemed to be on the same page, Kie allowed herself to fully relax. With the purpose of this meeting over, everyone moved out, but Kie stayed behind for a moment and looked at Kyojuro.


“Thanks for defending Tanjiro, Rengoku-San.” The Kamado girl thanked him, causing Kyojuro to smile at her a bit while the others went their own way.


“It is no problem. After all, with that confirmation, your brother is now officially one of my comrades, and I will look after my comrades as best as I can.” He told her simply, getting the young teen to laugh a bit before nodding.


“Maybe, but still. Thank you.” She told him, causing Kyojuro to nod at her.


“Then you are welcome. I would like to continue our previous conversation, but I have a feeling your Brother's reaction to your Mark would take priority. So, I will see you later tonight.'' The Kinoe ranked Slayer said before he also made to leave the room, leaving Kie on her own as her eyes widened.


“Oh no, Tanjiro’s going to overreact when he sees them.” She mumbled a little, already imagining him likely trying to stuff her into the box so that he could protect her.


...Yeah, she wasn’t looking forward to that.


However, as Kie went to stand up, she looked at the letter. More specifically, she looked at the bottom where her Teacher's name was. An idea came to mind the longer she stared.


“Urokodaki-San deserves to know.” She decided, heading off to her room while taking the letter with her, with two goals currently in mind. The immediate one was to tell her Teacher of a specific matter. The other one was to hand over the Letter to Tengen once he returned with Tanjiro.

Patience was a virtue.


One hard virtue to have, but certainly something achievable to any Demons if they put their minds to it.


And it’s a Trait Takehito believes he has achieved over the 39 long years trapped inside Mount Fujikasane. After all, no other Demons in there were in the same state of mind as he, the Escaper of the Final Selection. Too crazed by Hunger to the point of Cannibalization.


And certainly, he couldn’t claim he didn’t have those same issues during those earlier times.


But that just meant he had to get craftier.


It’s how he’d figured out how to shapeshift as much as he did and mutate into the Demon known as the Hand Demon for those 39 Years. And it’s how he figured out how to make himself all the harder to cut through.


His Patience had paid off.


The Meals he’d obtained since then were magnificent. And on top of it all, he was able to hurt Urokodaki in the process.


But the use of that Form and the Selection Grounds had run out it’s use 8 Years ago. And thinking about it all again...


A satisfied grin spread across his face while hiding in the Darkness of a Room.


''What luck that a Marechi was there on that day. It gave me exactly what I needed to get my key.''


And even better, he’d been able to kill that Student of Urokodaki’s as well, when he’d failed the last time not one but a batch of two had come his way. One had still perished on that day, but the other one had gotten away from him.


He made no promises then, even though he badly wanted to make the Old Man suffer. Only hatefully declared this wouldn’t be the last time she’d see him. And on the day he achieved his escape, he made his promise. 


He would hunt her down. He would eat, devour and improve in every single way just to hunt her down. His Plan was merely an aftereffect of this promise, as it’d serve him all the more for what happened next.


Because then? He’d go after the Cultivator of those Thirteen Dead Students. And one of these days, Fifteen Dead.


Speaking of the Plan...


''I was able to lure in Demons thanks to spreading a simple Rumor, and in turn, the gathering of Demons has left way for the Demon Slayers to follow. Prime Quality meat at my leisure.''


He probably wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been stuck on that damned Selection Ground for as long as he did and then wandered around for those next 8 years while figuring out how he should proceed next, but the Bodies of Demon Slayers gave a higher Boost in power because of their Body Compositions.


It had become especially noticeable once he’d devoured a trained Slayer who’d survived his Selection.


''Still, I didn’t expect that Members of the Twelve Kizuki or Higher Ranked Demon Slayers would show up.''


But, it shouldn’t surprise him anymore. Not with hindsight at play now.


''Of course the Kizuki’s, especially the Lower Moons if rumors I’ve heard are true, would gather here. Maybe they heard of my lie, maybe not. But Urban Cities are perfect if you find ways to get away with it.''


He’d be a liar if he said he hadn’t feasted on other Humans while waiting for the Demons and then the Corp to show up. Too much of a good chance, hard as it was then with his larger form.


''And of course, it doesn’t surprise me that Higher Ranked Demon Slayers would show up here if things get out of Hand. How lucky I am they haven’t sent a Hashira or multiple of them.''


That had been his main worry when thinking of this. Depending on how the Corp reacted to this whole situation, they may just send the best of the best from the start. And by that point, his advantages would plummet fast, as Takehito was well aware he was unlikely to be at the Level he could hold off against any of them.


But, he couldn’t quite help but spread his grin further when considering this actual turn of events.


''Instead, they’ve sent me exactly what I need alongside Bonuses. One of Urokodaki’s Students is here, even if she’s a Demon, and I’ve already met two skilled Demon Slayers. They’re my chance to evolve even further!''


Urokodaki’s Student would allow him to perfect his mimicry of the Water Breathing Forms. He would make sure to use their Art as best he could to mock them even further.


The Flame-Haired and Blank-Eyed Boys would allow him to develop his skills and get accustomed to being back in his Old form again.


And everyone else who may show up? Extra Meals or Opportunities depending on what skills they possessed.


And if he was victorious over all of them... well, he knew that Demons could eat other Demons if they tried hard enough, the Final Selection had proven it to him quite well, and those two boys would serve as fine meals to...


Oh, he looked forward to Tonight, no matter how much he must wait and be careful. There was still so much to do...


''Let’s see what happens next, yes?''

“Kamado, get out and take your brother!” Hearing that yell, Kie almost jumped out of her seat and fell over upon hearing Uzui-San yell just out of her room.


“O-Okay! Just give me a minute!” Kie yelled out, and as soon as her yell was done, she could faintly hear the sound of scratching against wood, making Kie silently chuckle.


“Seems Tanjiro can’t wait to see me again.” The female Demon Slayer thought to herself while grabbing the letter from Urokodaki-San, before then approaching the door and opening it, only to have to immediately catch the box holding her little brother when the Shinobi tossed it to her the moment he had the chance.


The toss also made Tanjiro cry in outrage from within the box, and if the thud was anything to go by, Kie assumed that he hit his head against the inside.


“Finally. Now, keep the brat away from me, he was annoying even when in that thing.” Tengen commented before turning around, ready to leave, but stopped at Kie’s yell.


“W-Wait, Uzui-San! The letter from my sensei arrived a bit ago!” She quickly informed the man, and when he turned around to look at her, he saw the letter in Kie’s outstretched hand.


“This is it by the way.” She confirmed the silent question she assumed he was asking, making the giant of a man nod his head while taking the letter and quickly reading the contents.


“Huh. Seems that brat does have a few, vague sparks of flashiness about him.” Tengen said while putting the letter in his pocket.


“Well, either way, I’m going to grab some lunch, so get me if you need something important.” And with that, Tengen left to do just that, allowing Kie to close the door, before then hurriedly closing the curtains so there wouldn’t be any sunlight that could hurt Tanjiro, and once she was sure there wasn’t even a tiny bit of sunlight that could get in, she knocked on the door to the box.


“Come on Tanjiro, it’s safe now.” Kie prompted her little brother, and after a moment, the door opened and Tanjiro practically fell out of the box, his back hitting the ground as he looked at her before closing his eyes and humming at her. Clearly, he was smiling behind his muzzle.


“I’m happy to see you too Tanjiro. But seriously, what were you thinking running off like that?” Kie told him happily, but still remembering why they were separated last time, she quickly turned stern. And upon hearing the shift in his sister’s tone, Tanjiro opened his eyes while making a questioning hum, only to freeze at what he saw…




“MMMMMM!!?” Crying out in worry, Tanjiro practically leapt up and suddenly grabbed at Kie’s face, making sure his claws wouldn’t hurt her, but he did begin pulling and rubbing at it, or more specifically, the markings on her face.


“OW!! Tanjiro, stop it-!! Ow! Tanjiro, let go of my face!!!”




“Tanjiro, let go!! These things aren’t hurting me!!” Kie yelled out, which did make her little brother pause for a moment, at least just enough for her to quickly grab his arms and get him to let go.


“Mmmmmmm.” Tanjiro tried to speak, but the muzzle made it just a muffled noise, but despite that, Kie had a feeling that she knew what he was trying to communicate at the moment.


“Tanjiro, look, I… I don’t know where these came from, but they aren’t hurting me. In fact, me and Kyojuro will be trying to figure this out, but it’ll need time, okay.” Kie explained to her little brother, who did listen and stared at her for a while, but… he did eventually nod his head in understanding, even if there was a clear frown despite the muzzle in his mouth.


“Good. Now then, what made you run off so desperately? Kyojuro said it was because you seemed to have smelled an invisible Demon, but… I don’t think I have seen you that angry before.” She commented, causing her little brother to growl a bit at the mention of it, making Kie try to think about what her brother could have smelled to get this reaction.


The only time she had seen him act like this in any way was... Wait...


“Tanjiro... did you smell Tsuyuri?” Kie questioned carefully, and her little brother now gaining noticeable veins on his head thanks to his anger proved to be the answer to her question.


“Tanjiro, what were you thinking going after her!?”




“Tanjiro, she could have killed you!!! Don’t you remember what happened the last time we tried fighting her!?” At that, it did seem to give Tanjiro pause as he thought that over.


But it wasn’t fully at the idea of his demise. In fact, Tanjiro felt confident he could survive a lot, even when he knew there were a lot of people stronger than him, like the mask man, his sister, or even... the bad lady. No, what gave him pause at that was the fact that, if he was dead, he wouldn’t be around to help and protect his crazy sister and his death would hurt her a lot.


“Mmmmmm.” So to apologise for worrying her, Tanjiro proceeded to do the obvious thing. He gave Kie a hug.


*Sigh* Well, at least you seem to understand how dangerous that was now.” Kie said with a tired smile as she returned the hug and rubbed Tanjiro’s back, and the siblings remained like this for a good while, even when Tanjiro finally fell asleep.


Honestly, she’s glad she didn’t bring up what had happened on her side. Because even after saying it all to Kyojuro, there was a sense of surreal to this.


And while she was worried overall that her Little Brother had chased after Tsuyuri while she herself had been stuck in the Lower Moon One’s Plan, she was just happy that he’d returned to her presumably unharmed.


She honestly doesn’t know what she’d have done, had Tsuyuri decided to deal with things differently at the moment.


But, for now?


She’d take this Victory, her Little Brother’s safe return, over any other bad scenarios that may have happened were things just a little different.

As Night came, the usual happened. Except something did change.


''You three are not going out tonight.''


That was practically the first thing Tengen told the three, which were Kie, Kyojuro and Inosuke.


Kyojuro was the only one who did not protest, though Kie and Inosuke had varied levels in how they answered to that.


''Wait, why?'' Kie questioned in confusion.


''My Legs are not that bad!'' Inosuke protested, knowing very well his Knee was his reason.


Tengen stared at the two of them as if they were idiots. And, he wasn’t quite wrong when thinking that way, though perhaps he was being a bit unfair. Or perhaps not.


''You…'' He pointed one of his manicured fingers to Kie first, ''Are clearly still going through Exhaustion. I’m not risking you going out there and dying because you didn’t rest long enough.''


Nor would he want someone to die against a Demon because they didn’t get enough rest.


''And you…'' He pointed another of his manicured fingers to Inosuke now, ''Have a broken leg. I don’t care that you powered through and ignored it last night, you’re not going out there with something that needs time to heal.''


Kie really didn’t see why she should remain here. She felt fine-


''I can tell what you’re thinking Kamado!'' Tengen practically screamed at her then, much to her surprise.


''You’re staying here, and that’s final. Do not go rush in recklessly like your Brother does.''


Kie flinched slightly when hearing what comparison was made, but at the same time, it did contextualize it effectively well. Especially since she worried about her own Brother’s recklessness.


''That was... a bit harsh, wasn’t it?'' Zenitsu asked.


''No. Monkey is right here.'' Muichirou, surprisingly considering how many times he seemed to insult Tengen (and still did at this moment), denied Zenitsu’s words.


''Going at this recklessly would either get her killed or anyone she tried to save killed.''


Everyone within the Room, from Kyojuro himself, to Inosuke or even Tengen himself, looked at him stunned. Granted, to Inosuke, it was less because of his words and much more because he’d agreed with Tenuki at all.


Shared by everyone else for that matter.


''...Young Kamado, Young Tokito is right.'' After the briefest moments of being stunned, Kyojuro went on to agree.


''You must allow your Body to rest. Give it enough time to return to maximum efficiency. And if what I’ve theorized is right, believe me, you will do even better than yesterday.''


Honestly, Tengen telling her what he did was already making her question this, but now Tokito had agreed with Tengen as well, and Rengoku was adding on to it.


With how many seemed to tell her to not go, Kie hardly found the will to deny their combined efforts.




One down. One more to go.


Or, at least that’s what Tengen thought he’d need to do, but to his next surprise…


''Fine. Guess I’ll just have to wait then.''


Inosuke also agreed.


...ok, what? Was Tengen wishing for them to not be so bothersome or stubborn intrude into his Dream and do this now? Was he dreaming?


Because right now, he really felt happy.


So happy in fact, he sorta just stood there and stared. Much to now everyone else’s worry, save for Zenitsu who was confused as to why he heard so much happiness come out of the Man.


Well, not that he remained confused for long when he considered one thing. And then? Zenitsu felt like he could genuinely relate.


Muichirou broke the moment.


''Is the Monkey broken now? Boar, what did you do this time?''


''Nothing! The Great Lord Inosuke just accepted to rest!''


Tengen suddenly felt so exhausted, but moved on and went back on track for the purpose of this whole meeting.


''Anyway... Since 3 out of the 5 of you won’t be going for Tonight, I want you two to be extra careful.''


Muichirou hunched his head to the side while Zenitsu felt worry build up again.


''We’ve got some more Reinforcements for today, but considering how many Lower Moons were here, even though two of them were killed, there’s a chance you might run into some more of them. Or just an exceptionally strong Demon.''


For a moment, Tengen had almost dared to even bring up there might be an Upper Moon here, but there was no way. He truly doubted an Upper Moon would show up in all of this.


''So you two... be careful .''


With those relatively ominous last words, Zenitsu and Muichirou were sent out their way while the rest, for tonight, simply rested.


Now, all Tengen could do was continue his usual work while the Night began to pass.

“WWWWWWHHHHHHHHYYYYYYY MMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!?” Zenitsu screamed as he sprinted at full speed, trying to outrun the 5 Demons right on his heel, and if he had turned around, then the Demon Slayer would have seen that there was quite a bit of distance between him and the man-eaters.


Not to say that he was safe, but it would take them a few solid seconds to catch up if he tripped… like he did just now.


“Oh come on!! Why now!?” Zenitsu yelled as he tried to get back up, but he felt a sense of dread build up when he saw the shadow of a Demon jump above him, but before the Demon Slayer could feel a strike that would try to tear out the flesh of his back…




A Gunshot was heard, and the Demon’s neck was blown clean off, causing a shower of blood to cover Zenitsu before both the blood and the Demon were quickly turned into ash, with this scene making the other 4 Demons freeze up in shock.


“What the fuck happened!?” A Demon with what appeared to be bone blades in its hair yelled in shock, but before it could hope to react any further, a woman appeared behind them.


“Flower Breathing - Sixth Form: Whirling Peach!” Despite that, another Demon was able to react and tried to slash at the woman, but she was prepared and performed a back flip to evade, and while spinning in the air, then slashed through the neck of her initial target and the Demon who attempted to get her.


“Oh, you’re dead!!!” The next Demon screamed out as it jumped back while shooting out a sharp bone projectile through its flesh, but the attack was effortlessly parried and she did not push an offensive, thanks to knowing what her companion would do, and that trust was rewarded when this Demon’s neck was blown off next, killing it.


“Shit, I’m out of here!!” The final Demon yelled out though, trying to run into a building with a large hole in its side as a likely hope to escape, but as the woman attempted to pursue, Zenitsu now had the time to recover and stand up.


And seeing the running Demon, the Thunder Breather took in a deep breath as he grabbed the handle of his sword and then crouched down a bit, and after just a second…


“Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!” He leaped forward at a speed that caused all around to hear the sound of thunder, speeding past the female Slayer, much to her surprise, and instantly caught up to the Demon before slicing right through its neck.


“Oh god that was close!! Thank you so much fo-!!” Zenitsu yelled out in relief as he relaxed, but as he turned around, he froze at what he saw.


No, that wasn’t really right. Rather, Zenitsu froze at what he didn’t see. Mainly, the hole that he went through to kill the Demon, was gone and instead, was a perfectly fine wall in its place.


“...WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!?” And with that, was it any surprise that Zenitsu cried out in a combination of frustration and fear?


“Dammit, why is this happening!?” And with that final cry, Zenitsu proceeded to take a calming breath before then looking around and eventually spotted a door. But when he walked towards it, the Slayer jumped back and screamed at what happened next.


Mainly, the door opening on its own.


“AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! IS THIS PLACE HAUNTED OR SOMETHING!!!!!!!?” Zenitsu screamed as he fell down onto his butt and tried to move away from the suddenly open door, which remained open and did nothing else.


But as he stayed there, Zenitsu noticed, or rather, heard something.


It was faint, and initially, he thought his ears were playing tricks on him. But as he focused, Zenitsu was sure that he heard…




But, no, that… couldn’t be true, right? There was no one else but himself. But…


“Remember Zenitsu! The Blood Demon Arts of Demons are tricky. So if something doesn’t make sense, it is likely the work of a Blood Demon Art, no matter how impossible.”


“Right. Gramps is right about that, I mean… what was happening back at that mansion made no sense, yet it was all because of a Blood Demon Art, so this has to be the work of one as well. But what could it be, and where is the Demon behind it?” Remembering that piece of advice, Zenitsu began to calm down a little as he stood up and began to walk towards the opened door, and after a moment of hesitation… he stepped through and walked down the hallway before him.


Walking through it, Zenitsu couldn’t help but look around nervously, practically hearing his heartbeat in his ears right now as the only other things that the Demon Slayer could hear were his own breathing and the sound of his footsteps echoing in the hallway. 


“Wait… is that… blood?” Zenitsu nervously questions when he saw a large puddle of blood on the ground, but as he tries to ignore it…


He heard a faint dripping sound right behind him.


“Who’s there!?” Zenitsu yelled out as he spun around to look around, and when he almost gave up on finding anything, he did see something. Mainly, a single drop of blood on the ground that hadn’t been there previously.


And then another drop of blood joined it on the ground, and nervously, Zenitsu looked up. And what did he find?


A large and monstrous Demon sticking to the wall with blood dripping from its teeth… specifically the teeth around its mouth, as it had many more spread out across its body.


You’re my prey now!!/ You’re dead Demon!” The Demon declared as it raised its arm, and after just a moment, it shot out a large mass of blood that flew right at Zenitsu, who screamed and ran, just barely evading the attack as he ran.


“WHY OF ALL NIGHTS DID INOSUKE HAVE TO REST NOW!!!!!?” Zenitsu yelled out as he avoided more blood attacks until eventually, he ran out of the Demon’s range.


And while that was going on...


''Get back here Kentaro!''


Elsewhere, an unexpected scene was taking place. Considering how the Wisteria House was more crowded for tonight, a larger Dinner was prepared to take place for the resting Hunters.


Only, Tanjiro was either bored or just wanted to do something, because during that time, he somehow snatched Inosuke’s Mask.


In front of Kie, Kyojuro, Tengen and even Himejima, who wouldn’t be able to actually see what was under.


Kyojuro being the one who’d technically known the Boar boy the longest, was admittedly curious what was under it.


And the Demon Boy who had the Mask on at this very moment, revealed Inosuke’s face under it to all.


''What the hell...'' Tengen was the first one to voice his shock at what he witnessed, eyes wide in disbelief that behind that Boar was… was such a…!


''Well, he’s putting a lot of women to shame I’d say.'' Kyojuro then remarked, his shock hidden behind the bandages he’s had.


Himejima turned towards them at the moment. Only more confused.


''What’s under it?''


''...I never thought of my face that way, but I’m beginning to wonder if his isn’t prettier than mine.'' Kie was conflicted about the matter since she’d never really thought much about her looks. But right now, looking at Inosuke legitimately made her begin to think of it.


This only confused Himejima further.


''...seriously, what’s under it?''


The answer to Himejima’s question was the simplest thing imaginable.


Under the Mask that Tanjiro was now wearing while running away from the chasing Inosuke... was a pretty face.


You could completely mistake Inosuke for being a Girl if he wasn’t displaying his abs around shamelessly.


And while said Boy with the shockingly pretty face ran after the Demon who probably was enjoying this, everyone but Himejima did nothing but stare in bewilderment. Dinner pretty much forgotten.


But, back on track...


“Fuck!” Genya swore as he missed his shots on the Demon that had been below him just moments ago, and after a moment of struggling, he was able to force his body forward and through the spears that had been launched upwards and impaled him. 


Though, this did cause him to collapse onto the ground since the bones in his body hadn’t healed fully and thus, made him unable to really move as he fell. 


“Great, so this place is filled with traps and a fast as hell Demon. How could this get worse?” Genya commented to himself while reaching into a pocket of his uniform and reloading his shotgun. 


“But seriously, where the hell is sensei and that screaming kid?” Thinking on it though, Genya sighed in frustration as he walked down the hallway, hoping to find those two and kill the Demon behind this whole thing. But as he walked, Genya noticed something…


“...Honestly, this would be disgusting if I hadn’t already experienced having my guts ripped out.” The Shinazugawa said when he noticed a pile of corpses piled up on top of one another, all of them in varying states, but none could be older than 2 days, except for one.


“And it looks like not all of the puppets were found yet.” He added that once he noticed a far more decomposed corpse wearing clothes in the corner of the room, but when he tried to continue walking and find either his comrades or a way out…


“Indeed. Honestly, I am curious how many are still to be found, and thus ready to cause mass panic.” He froze up at the sound of a voice he only heard last night, spinning around and aiming his gun at the Demon now before him, but despite that, the Shinazugawa gulped and began to sweat at who he saw.


“Though, I suppose it won’t matter to you soon.” Kanao Tsuyuri said, holding a blade made out of flesh and bone, though compared to last night, she was wearing different clothes. Mainly, she was now wearing a White Shirt with its Collar and Cuffs flounced, the bottom of said shirt shoved inside the Long Dark Purple Skirt that reached halfway across the Tibia bone and revealed the White and Beige Boots she wore under.


Over her shirt, she wore a Pink Haori that acted as her coat. And around her neck, a purple Shawl. It covered her entire shoulder, alongside some parts of her chest and back. But one thing that did remain, was the butterfly hairpin that held her hair in a side tail.


But, that seemed to be all of the time that she gave Genya to react, as she charged right at him and he was only just able to block her attack with his own blade, and while they were in a brief blade lock, the Demon eating human pointed his shotgun at the Progenitor’s leg and pulled the trigger, attempting to blast the limb clean off, but the Demon woman easily jumped over the shot and then proceeded to kick him in the face, knocking a tooth out of Genya’s mouth that already got to work regenerating.


However, it became apparent that his body would need to focus its efforts on healing something else, because while Genya was disoriented, the Demon Queen slashed the arm holding his gun clean off and went for his head, but he was just able to lean back enough so that instead of having his head cut off and being killed, the flesh and bone blade only cut into his forehead just enough to draw the slightest bit of blood.


Acting quickly, Genya then delivered a kick to Tsuyuri’s stomach that sent the madwoman flying back and through a wall while Genya took this chance to regrow his arm fully now. And using the time provided to him by that attack, Genya quickly grabbed his gun from his severed arm and then ran, knowing that trying to fight the Demon Progenitor was a death sentence. But he wasn’t the only one having a tough time…


“Agh! That… was a tough blow.” Kanae groaned out as she took a moment to use Recovery Breathing to help her deal with the pain she felt, and when it began to subside, she stood up and walked through the hole that had been made when she was kicked through that wall, taking only a brief moment to wipe away the blood lightly dripping from her mouth.


Looking around, all Kanae could now see was the severed arm of the Demon she just fought, the large guy likely having run while she took the time to recover, which… confused her.


“Why would that Demon run? He may have been strong enough to kill me if he kept on attacking, so why would he leave?” It didn’t make sense to the former Hashira as she tried thinking things over, but she couldn’t think of an answer. Though…


Why did his attacks feel familiar? I’m sure I have seen that way of fighting before, but I know I haven’t seen that Demon before. So where…?” She tried to think of an answer, but she couldn’t figure things out… at least not before another Demon appeared. This one having spikey, gravity-defying yellow hair.


“Fuck!! That bastard’s going to pay for punching me down here!!” The Demon yelled out in anger, but… Kanae was sure she also heard a bit of fear in that yell, but why would that be the case?


Well, she supposed that she wouldn’t be able to think further on it and get an answer from her thoughts, as this Demon noticed her, his eyes widening in shock.


“Wait… My lady, is that you!? What are you doing here!?” The Demon questioned, causing Kanao to facepalm.


“Okay, I can see why you Demons are confusing me for Kanao after last night, but come on!! Surely you all shouldn’t confuse me for her as much as you do!!” Kanae yelled out in frustration at the question, making her sigh before pointing her sword at the Demon.


“Well, regardless, I need to take you do-.” Kanao began to say, but was cut off by the Demon.


“Sorry, but if you think I’m dying tonight, you’re sorely mistaken!!!” The Demon declared as he spun around and ran, his body getting covered in electricity in the process as he sped away, leaving Kanae to blink at that before glaring and giving chase.


“You aren’t getting away!” Kanae yelled after the Demon, but as their chase continued for a solid minute, the man-eater suddenly jumped onto a wall before looking at her.


“DIE!!” The Demon demanded as he then launched off the wall, cracking the stone structure as he did so, and sped right at her, claw raised to slash into her throat. But this would not work, as Kanae raised her sword and slashed at the limb, causing it to… wait a minute!


Why did that arm turn into a sword while it spun into the air!?


“AAAAHHHH!!! Oh no, I’m going to die now!!!” Zenitsu cried out fearfully when his Nichirin blade was knocked out of his hands, trying to get back onto his feet since his failed attack now had caused him to fall face-first onto the ground.


But as he got up… he heard something from the Demon that appeared to be determined to kill him. And that was… confusion?


“My, that wasn’t a half bad tactic./Could it be… so that’s what is going on. The Demon before Zenitsu commented, but as she spoke, the Demon Slayer could also hear another voice speaking with her.


“But now, it is time to end this little game./ If you can hear me, then I’m trusting you. The Demon said before placing her flesh and bone sword into the ground, making Zenitsu blink as he realized what was going on.


“She’s the Slayer that helped me earlier! We must be facing off against a Demon that is manipulating our senses somehow!!” The Thunder Breather thought before slowly standing up and slowly walking past the Slayer he was perceiving as a Demon before then grabbing his sword off of the ground.


Turning around to look at his alley, he saw her smile and nod at him, causing the teen to sigh in relief since it looked like he made the right call. Still, just because they knew what was happening and his hearing allowed him to hear the woman’s actual words a little, working together was now much harder than it would normally.


“Hm. You’re a curious one to be so relaxed around me./ Thank you. Now then, we need to coordinate to find the Demon behind this, and I think I have an idea. The 2 voices spoke as one, but Zenitsu was able to focus and mostly make out the smaller voice, and after hearing it, he nodded at her.


Seeing this as confirmation, the Slayer that he was seeing as a Demon then looked at the wall before her while grabbing her sword once again, then almost instantly, she slashed at it so quickly, that Zenitsu thought she may have done it a thousand times in an instant. After only a second, the wall fell apart into many little pieces, making the Slayer smirk as she walked through the hole and began repeating this process, unknowingly worrying the actual Demon they were searching for.


“Shit!! That blonde kid moved too fast for me to cover everything up before he got disarmed!! I may still be able to hide a few traps, but that will only stall them at most, and the 3rd one isn’t in their path!” Kamanue thought to himself, cursing his lack of experience with his Blood Demon Art. 


It was certainly powerful by nature, but the big flaw was that he had to keep up the illusion the whole time consciously, from what his victims were hearing and seeing, so an unexpected action, like the female Slayer disarming that blonde kid, caught him by surprise too much so make his sword look like a severed arm.


But this did make Kamanue realize one thing. He had to escape while he had the chance, because if that pair got close, then he would die for sure. So, looking towards the window of the room he was in, the Lower Moon 3 opened it and jumped out, causing the unseen mist that manipulated what those Slayers’ senses were detecting, to disappear.


“Huh!? Where the fuck did this wall come from!?” Genya yelled out in frustration as a wooden wall spawned out of nowhere in front of him. So, growling in frustration and losing his patience, the Shinazugawa kicked it, destroying the wooden structure with ease as he walked through it, only to jump back when a wall was sliced apart from the right, revealing Kanae and the screaming blonde.


“Sensei!” Genya yelled out happily with a smile, though, the sight of him did make the blonde scream.


“AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!! THAT HAS TO BE THE DEMON!!!!” The blonde declared while pointing at him, causing the Shinazugawa to glare at his fellow Slayer while Kanae got in front of them both.


“Now, now, this shouldn’t get violent. You see, this is my student, Genya Shinazugawa. He is a human that can eat Demons to gain their traits and the powers of a Demon to fight.” The Kocho woman said, before introducing the blonde to Genya, which did make him calm down.


“So... that means we have technically 2 Demonic allies?” Zenitsu muttered, making Genya blink for a moment.


“Wait, so you're one of those that know about the muzzled Demon brat?” The young Slayer questioned, making the Thunder Breather look up in surprise.


“Um, yeah, I do. I’m guessing you both are the Demon Slayers that Tanjiro was with until Uzui-San picked him up?” He asked, getting Kanae to smile and nod her head.


“Yep. It was really nice to see a good Demon, and he was really nice while he was with us… mostly. He really didn’t like Uzui-San for some reason, but he thankfully didn’t get violent.” The Flower Breather commented, laughing a little at what she witnessed between those two


“Well regardless, shouldn’t we try to find the Demons in here?” Genya asked his sensei, making the woman shake her head.


“I’m afraid no, at least here. When we entered this building, we seemed to have been caught in a Blood Demon Art that made us view each other as Demons, and the one behind this most likely left considering how we are seeing each other as human again.” She explained to her student, making him blink as he processed that information.


“So… the screaming Demon that ran from me and when I saw Tsuyuri, it was actually the both of you.” Genya questioned, a sudden feeling of dread at the idea that he almost killed someone or shot off his teacher’s leg.


“Yes.” Was Kanae’s simple reply while patting her student on the back Zenitsu though…


“Wait… why would you know what the Demon Queen looks like?” The young Slayer questioned, getting Genya to shrug a little uncomfortably, making Kanae answer.


“Well, we did encounter her last night.”


Following those words, Zenitsu became frozen and made no sound. And after nearly a whole minute of him being like this, Genya moved forward to try and shake his fellow Demon Slayer, but it seemed like the Agatsuma finally processed those words, as he did something most rationally people would.




He screamed in utter disbelief.

Similarly, around that same time, another turn of Events was taking place.


''There’s less Demons… I think.''


It’s after he’s sliced his 5th Demon that Night that Muichirou notices he’s killed fewer Demons than say, last Night. Or the night before that.


Guess Monkey was right after all. 


Eventually, there wouldn’t be too many Demons left and the Density would be at an all-time low.


Good thing too.


However he also felt on edge for reasons Muichirou didn’t understand. If only his memories had remained, perhaps he’d have remembered the particularly powerful Demon he’d fought yesterday.


And how, as it turns out, this wasn’t the last time they’d meet.


It begins with the faintest traces of sensing something. That alone put Muichirou immediately on edge as he put his attention and drew his chipped Sword.




But, he saw nothing. At least, nothing at first. But he dared not to lower his Guard when Demons always could pull tricky tricks.


It’s when he felt the ground beneath him shake he realized exactly what he’d been sensing.


''From Under.''


Quickly, Muichirou lept over and landed further away just in time to witness with his own eyes as a large mass of many arms pierced through, palms all wide open, as if ready to grip at him from under.


It failed, but that was not the end of this assault. Because the mass of arms then twisted up and around before going straight back to Muichirou.


Seeing that, he was left with little choice but to counter. He leaped ahead and moved to swing.


''Mist Breathing - Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist.''


He slashed at the mass of Hands that came his way at a rapid pace, cutting through many while it all fell. But an issue arose.


The cut-off Flesh regenerated shockingly fast. Or, perhaps it’d be more accurate to say that new arms regrew and replaced the cut ones far faster than the Mist Breather had anticipated. For as many as he cut, more returned.


And there was only so long before he couldn’t continue swinging anymore.


''Annoying.'' In comparison to his situation however, Muichirou was rather calm when faced with this turn of events.


His body still following the motions of a Somersault, he landed right on top of the Hand pile and ran along it. As he’d imagined, another mass of Hands grew from said arms and moved to intercept him, but he performed another Form.


''Mist Breathing - Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze.''


With Blistering speed, he moved forth and slashed all around him, from the arms that served as Ground to the hands that shot ahead of him and impeded his path.


Blood poured out as more and more sliced, but again, only more replaced the old ones. It wasn’t even regenerating at this point and even worse, more was growing out from other sides.


But it was also a type of giveaway.


''It must see me. Or else, none of this would work.''


The question now was where, but if his hunch was right, then it must be in a place of high altitude. And Cities have plenty of buildings like that.


He jumped over to avoid one of the masses of Hands and then used it as a foothold before launching himself at a higher altitude and towards a Rooftop.


Then, he paid very close attention and watched all around for the signs of a Demon.


It was almost too easy when he did notice something stick out from a Rooftop. It was amateurish even, to see something stick out from the Chimney.


But it also made him rage. Because that enlarged appendage was piercing right through a building where People may just be living in.


There was not an ounce of sound, nor any panic that came for what had happened just now.


''I’ve found you.''


With that certain, Muichirou acted accordingly and proceeded to leap over the edge. As he’d expected, the mass of arms and hands came his way, which was exactly what he needed to cross over.


And with a well-timed leap, only allowing for a mere second to pass when his feet touched the flesh, he avoided it gripping him over and giving him the boost needed to land where he needed to be.


Right in the line of sight of this Demon.


The Demon, who looked oddly familiar, had his eyes staring right at him as he moved to perform the next Form.


''Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash.''


Then, with his low stance, he dashed forth. Intending to end this swiftly. Yet, that is not what would happen.


Certainly, he cut through the enlargened arm that generated those masses and masses, but the Demon had by then lept back. Severing his own left arm in the process even before he’d done it. Grinning all the while as his remaining arm, the right one, was wide open to show his palm.


And then, Water poured out like a Stream, and Muichirou had to quickly evade the incoming attack before it pierced him through.


The attack subdued then just as the Demon regained his footing while his left arm regenerated fully. Muichirou was left a brief amount of time to catch his Breath.


Especially since the Demon wanted to talk.


''We meet again Boy! Fancy seeing you again so shortly after yesterday.''


In answer to that, Muichirou hunched his head to the side to stare at him with those blank eyes. Only one thing really displayed there.


''Have we met before?''




The Confusion was so unexpected the Demon froze still, gaping slightly while his yellow crossed eyes widened in shock at the audacity.


''You can’t have possibly forgotten me when we just met yesterday.''


''I don’t remember you.''




What does a Demon do in answer to that? When they are so blatantly said to have been forgotten so quickly it would mean they were that insignificant.


The answer for this Demon was to scream and scratch his face uncontrollably.


''Damn you! Damn you stupid Brat! You think you can make a fool out of me like that?! Me?! Takehito?! You think you can just scratch me off your mind because of your Power?! I’ll show you how much of a mistake that is!''


Blood poured out from how badly he’d scratched, and Muichirou only stared on while that was going on.


At least until Balls of Condensed Water gathered up behind the outraged Demon one by one, with only more being created. By that point, he moved.


''Then go take this! Blood Demon Art! Infinity Beads!!!''


And just as he fired the supposedly Infinite amount of Beads, Muichirou performed another Form to counter the attack.


''Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash.''


He performed a swift and circular slash with all of his might behind it to cause a particularly powerful gust of wind. Strong enough that when Takehito fired off his Infinity Beads, the Projectiles were halted right in their tracks. In fact, some were even sent flying back past Takehito who stared for a moment in bewilderment.


He felt one of his veins ready to burst as he glared all the harder but then forced himself to smile.


''Well… you’ll be all the more worth it.'' His admittance, strained as it was due to the barely concealed rage, gave rise to confusion for Muichirou.


But no clarification would be given. Not when the Demon gave up on long-range combat and summoned himself a Blade of Water, swiftly then, charging ahead.


Muichirou moved to intercept the Demon…


''Mist Breathing - First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze.''


But when he moved to perform a powerful frontal thrust…


''Let’s see you face off against this! Technique Recreation: Rivers Veil Thrust! ''


He proceeded to copy the thrusting attack, eerily familiar with the Seventh Form of Water Breathing, albeit with changes.


Like how Water poured out the tip of the Blade, almost like someone was extending both of their arms and ready to slam their palm onto something. Which is exactly what happened when the tips of both Blades connected before the Water clasped itself around the Mist Breathers Blade.


Giving an abrupt sensation of tremors going through the Body before going completely still. Nullifying the impact and momentum he had going.


And that caught Muichirou badly off guard. Enough so he gave a visible reaction of shock at this turn of events. Much to the Demon’s pleasure.


''Oh? Where’s your Poker face? Don’t tell me this was enough to scare you?''


Disengaging from his own attack as the Water faded its hold on Tokito’s Blade, Takehito then followed up his move with something else.


''Believe me boy! This is far from the worst you will face!''


Water poured out from the Water Blade.


''Technique Recreation: Ocean Slash!''


And following that, all Takehito did was swing the Blade ahead of him. The proceeding move caused a Wave of Water to pour out just like an Arc. Straight forwards him.


But while Muichirou was badly caught off guard by what was going on, his Body still reacted accordingly. He moved to duck down the attack, avoiding the Slash successfully, but when looking up, Takehito had already followed up.


''Heh! Now let’s try this! Technique Recreation: Rainfall Waterfall! ''


Water poured out again from the Blade of Water as Takehito moved to perform his next move. With the Sword raised up, the Water that formed next to it formed into bulky things and then shot down to Muichirou like Pillars of Arrows.


With no chance of properly blocking something like that with his current position, Muichirou had no choice but to risk it.


He pressed his Leg on the ground and launched himself ahead. Just barely in time avoiding the next blows as the Pillars of Water pierced right through the Roof and headed to the very Bottom.


Takehito, with muted horror as he realized he was now left open, twisted his head back narrowly in time to see the Boy now moving on the offensive.


No Breathing Forms. None of that. Muichirou then pulled and swung his Nichirin Blade upwards with all of his might, able to pierce right through the Ribs as he moved it up to go for the next.


Sadly, Takehito had more than just Water on his side, as he displayed again when a Hand emerged from his back and pulled the Blade out in a timely manner. Deviating his Swing to cut out right out of the Collar Bone.


Still, it completely covered his left arm again, alongside some more of his Clothes.


But, it also left him open. Enough so Takehito took his chance and moved his left foot back to slam it into Muichirou’s face.


With a half amount of success, Muichirou was able to snap his head back just enough the worst of the Kick did not land, but the hit was still taken as he rolled back once. Takehito, with the flow, spun back and landed with a bit of shaking on his part on his two legs.


''I still need more practice.'' Takehito thought to himself as his Cross Eyes landed on the already back up Muichirou.


At that moment, he was reminded yet again of how much of a good choice this had turned out to be, ignoring the audacity of that kid for forgetting him. It had allowed him to not only use his Techniques against a worthy opponent but also allowed him to get used to his old body’s mobility.


And he planned to continue taking advantage of this.


''I can keep going all day, you know that?'' Takehito remarked as his left arm regrew back into place. But in addition this time, so did the missing cloth. With how many times he was getting sliced, figuring out how to replace the missing Clothing tissues became all too Important.


He clenched the newly formed arm while Muichirou went on to approach.


''Oh? You’re approaching me? Even knowing that close range is no longer something on your side?''


''I can’t kill you if I don’t get closer.'' Was all Muichirou said as he readied himself to attack again. Breathing in to perform the next Mist Form.


''Then you’re welcome to try as many times as you want! We’ll see who wins more out of this!''


He pointed his Water Blade towards the Mist Breather. And then? They resumed to attacking each other.


Yet, as they did so, something was noticed. Ironically, it wasn’t even done by them first. Instead, as the Night passed, it was a Citizen who’d remained out at night so far that noticed.


''’s it about to rain?'' Slightly drunk, he stared up to notice how little Stars they saw. Hell, the Moon was hardly visible too.


And when one voices it, others notice.


''Huh… yeah. Can’t see anything.''


''Can’t say if it’s just Cloudy or if it’ll rain…''


''Yeah no, I’m going back home. Nights have become creepy here.''


''Cloudy Weather for Tomorrow, Hyo~? Well… this changes things.''


Overall, it didn’t seem like anything all that Important. Granted, it was still a bother that tomorrow would have Bad Weather at all.


But, no one had any idea of how much this changed. And as Takehito and Muichirou continued to exchange blows…


The Demon noticed.


''Oh? Well isn’t that interesting? Assuming it subsists for the whole day…''


As he pushed the boy away in their Blade Lock, a fun little idea came to mind.


''Then I’m not limited to Night when morning comes.''


Well, well…


He hadn’t expected Bad Weather would come, considering the constant sunny days there were here as of late. Even less so since Summer was bound to come eventually.


And typically, it meant less Rain or Cloudy Days.


But if it subsisted…


''I guess I can change my playing field for a bit then.''


With a thought like that going to his mind, Takehito decided to put an end to this fight prematurely.


Swinging his arm instead of his Water Blade, Water gathered in front of him and formed a wall, blocking Muichirou’s next attack and halting it entirely.


''I’m putting an earlier end to this boy! But next time we meet, you better remember who I am!''


Then, he jumped off the building. Muichirou saw that of course, but when he gave chase, Takehito pulled a trick he’d already used before.


The surrounding area felt particularly drier than usual, and then, a Geyser of Water erupted where the Demon was.


When it faded away, to Tokito’s large annoyance, there was no one where he’d once stood.


The Hand Demon, Takehito, had vanished away yet again. And while Muichirou forgot it, this was the second time this had happened.


Consciously, he may not have been aware of it, but subconsciously? It enraged Muichirou particularly hard that a Demon like that had escaped again.


Still, as he stared ahead, a question did come to mind.


''Why did it run away?''


It wasn’t losing to him. Takehito and Muichirou were so far evenly matched, and the former so far hadn’t been backed into a corner to the point where running away should be done.


So why…?


Whatever the reason may be, as Muichirou looked up at the Night sky, one that wouldn’t go down for some more hours at least, he could not help but feel uneasy.


He had a bad feeling about this, and he did not like the implications it gave.


Well, that's totally not Ominous.

But yes, the Chapter is over! It surprisingly reached the previous Chapter's halfway point, which is surprising in itself since our goal wasn't to go anywhere near that number. I'm still feeling rather drained from last Chapter, actually. That's why the Chapter didn't come out sooner even though it was finished by Sunday. I just couldn't muster up the energy to edit and proofread all of it in one go.

But, it's out now! And it sets up a few things here and there.

But that's all I will be saying for today. So we're already going into the farewells and then, the secret.

I'll see you all next time!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]
Enmu faced a similar situation to Kie’s for the whole day and night. Sore Body that refused to have him do anything but rest. It was quite a novel experience for the Lower Moon Demon.

Chapter 19: Day Six - Heaven’s Cry


I am back! And uploading this chapter! To start off, sorry for this coming later than normal, but we certainly felt a bit of burnout from this story after uploading the last 2 chapters, and so took a break from it. And then turns out, this chapter ended up being just over 30,000 words long when we got back to this, so yeah. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

There were a lot of ways a day could start for someone. To many in fact. To the point where listing all of them would take far too long.

Though right now, as Tengen stared at the noticeably cloudy sky that was over them all, he could not help but inwardly curse at this turn of events.

''This is bad…''

Just staring at the Cloudy Sky which was only getting thicker and darker said far too much already.

Not only was it bad weather, but on top of that, it was already obvious it would only get worse and rain.

As if they needed rain on top of this…

''And during this Week to…!''

Unflashy! Completely unflashy! Tengen had considered them all lucky that during this whole week so far, nothing but Sunny and Clear days were present. And since it was still Spring, it was more likely to remain in that direction.

But sometime during the night, their luck had run its course.

''I do not feel the Sun touch my skin.''

Tengen wasn’t surprised when he heard someone else speak up. Not even because of his hearing, he just knew Himejima tended to head out to the Temples Garden during the early morning.

And he also noticed the change.

''Yes. And that’s really bad.''

The others were still asleep, as far as Tengen could tell from his hearing. They were supposed to be resting as much as possible, so that was a good thing.

Yet this damned weather decided today…!

''Indeed.'' Himejima quickly accepted the situation for what it was, ''Do you believe Tokito and Agatsuma will be able to continue with a short amount of rest?''

He doesn’t know, and that’s the problem.

Tengen, much as he was annoyed by the brat that kept calling him Monkey, was somewhat certain Tokito could pull off something. But Agatsuma? He doubted it.

Which meant that by all means, they only had one Fighter left when it came to this Wisteria House. The only other one who may be able to join this early on was Kamado, and Tengen didn’t even know how fast her Body still needed to recover.

Hashibira was out of the question with his Broken leg, and Kyojuro’s face would be an even bigger problem during daytime than during the Night. Not accounting that his friend doesn’t recover nearly as fast as his Father would.

And even then, it took more than a day!

''I’m calling them back.'' and also informing all the other Wisteria Houses they needed to change how they operated to.

He needed to act fast.

''I will inform the others of the situation.'' Himejima meanwhile volunteered to be the one dealing with telling the Demon Slayers still asleep.

Tengen was inwardly glad he wouldn’t need to deal with the Demon Brat so soon during the morning.

''Much appreciated.''

And both of them split off then.

Both with the same goal in mind. To inform the others.

But Tengen especially was only growing more nervous as he rushed off to his Room to begin writing Letters.

They needed to act and fast.

- - - - - - - - - -

Come the next hour, which was still with an early morning with an only worsening Sky, Kasugai Crows and Wisteria Houses owners rushed to work twice as fast today.

Normally, many Corp Members present were allowed to sleep in until they naturally woke up. But those who’d actually been able to sleep -and had returned earlier at the Wisteria Houses- were woken up abruptly.

Equally as abrupt as this day was becoming for everyone involved.

Tengen decided then to send a particular set of messages to Zenitsu and Muichiro, separate from what he would tell the Group still within the Wisteria House.

It would end up being a directive followed by everyone else as well. Those who were still out at the moment were given similar Orders.

''Monkey doesn’t want us back?'' Muichiro repeated what Ginko told him, hunching his head to the side.

''Yes! Caw! He wants you to prolong your Patrol until Noon!''

Muichiro’s blank eyes stared at his Crow for a moment longer before they trailed off and up into the Grey and Dark Grey Sky.

No sunlight was coming through that.


Not Good at all.

While Muichiro’s Blank eyes remained, it would be hard to miss how they took a certain focus in them.

''I see what he’s trying to do.''

The whole Shibuya situation was not normal, so Monkey had to come up with something on the spot. Normally, weather like this wasn’t entirely an issue since the Demon Slayer sent on a Mission only had to deal with a single Demon.

So in the end, no matter the energy spent, it was only needed for one.

But Shibuya was nothing normal. They practically were dealing with a Siege of some sort. And the one Demon they should normally deal with turned into the Double Digits.

So if he had Monkey figured out right, then that means he’s trying to have those who may already be back from their own Patrols rest a bit longer so that they would be ready to deal the whole afternoon in case the Clouds didn’t clear up.

And those who were already out would need to last the remainder of that morning.

As expected of the Monkey.

''Then I’m continuing. Come, Ginko.''

Off they were to continue their Mission for some more Hours. Not that Muichiro minded at all.

It just gave him more chances to eliminate those Demons.

However, while he didn’t really mind, some others did in some manner of speaking.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT WE NEED TO STAY OUT FOR THE MORNING!? DO YOU REALISE HOW CLOSE I GOT TO DYING BECAUSE OF HIM!?” Zenitsu screeched as soon as he heard about the apparent order that Chuntaro has been trying to give him, as soon as Kanae’s Crow translated the chirps.

“Is he always like this?” Hashibami, the Kasugai Crow assigned to Genya, questioned the little sparrow as they remained perched on a tree branch.

“Chirp, chirp….”

“...Honestly, I pity you.”

“Caw! It is as I said! Any Demon Slayer that remains in good physical condition is to remain out and continue patrolling for Demons! Caw!” Isuzu repeated the order once more to the screaming boy, and by extension, Genya and Kanae as well.

“It makes sense. While it is a surprise to see the weather as it currently is, it more than meets the signs for this being a day where Demons can roam at night.” Kanae commented as she looked up at the sky. Currently, there wasn’t any rain, but the Kocho woman had been on enough missions with unexpected weather to recognise an eventual downpour when she saw one.

“Fuck. And after last night, I’m going to need to get more ammo for my gun.” Genya growled in annoyance, all while the signs of his Demon form faded away.

“In that case, we may just be able to drop by our Wisteria House to grab some more before the rain arrives if we are quick. But after that, we’ll have to go right back to hunting for sure.” His teacher did tell Genya though, which made a small bit of tension that the young Slayer had leave, knowing that his toolset will still be useful if they go now.

“Now then… I don’t believe we actually got your name. What is it?” Kanae questioned Zenitsu, which confused him a little as to why she would ask for it now. And based off of her sound…

He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like what is coming soon.

“It’s Zenitsu Agatsuma. Why do you ask?” But still, Zenitsu did answer that question, but couldn’t help but ask a question in return.

“Just so I can use your name when making this request. Agatsuma-San, if you are still in the condition to keep on going through this morning, please look around this area for the Demon that escaped the three of us, but also to keep your blade hidden so the police don’t try and arrest you.” Kanae explained, which made Zenitsu freeze up as he looked at the woman in disbelief.

“WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME TO HUNT DOWN A DEMON IN THE MORNING WHEN THEY CAN MESS WITH MY SENSES!” Zenitsu yelled out in terrified confusion, but before anything can be said or done…


Well… let's just say that the yelling drew some attention.

''...let’s talk elsewhere.''

Reluctantly, if only to know why Kanae asked him this at all, he followed.

This was the general feeling that all the Corp Members felt when this Orders came to them. 

A mixture of either acceptance things would last some additional hours before they could get rest, or complaints they had to stay out there because they were in good enough shape to continue.

But it said a lot as well, that a good half of the Corp members still here could actually operate even at this hour.

As for the side that are allowed to rest at the moment in preparation for a very long afternoon…

''I see!'' Kyojuro, who looked relatively better than yesterday since his Bandages weren’t nearly as Bloody, affirmed with a nod, ''I can see why you made things that way!''

Kyojuro had been informed of the general situation that morning by Himejima, and he’d gone to Tengen after Breakfast to find his Friend still writing Letters. He was used to Multi-tasking, so he explained to him some things while doing that.

''It’s not even what I was supposed to do when first sent here, but at least there’s some things I can get done.''

Uzui’s entire Role in Shibuya was meant to be Information gathering and then spreading the Information to all other Wisteria Houses. That’s what the Oyakata had in mind with him when sent in Shibuya.

At least, that was his initial role up until Shibuya had turned out into this. And now Tengen had basically become the Unofficial Commander of this whole mess.

''Ah, speaking of things I can get done. Rengoku! Mind checking up on Kamado and Hashibira to know of their current physical state?''

He certainly could…

''I imagine it’s related to the situation?''

He received a nod, ''Yes. While I really doubted Hashibira has healed up his broken leg, it’s best to make sure. As for Kamado, her whole issue was less that something broke and more that she was really exhausted. Or at least I assume it was exhaustion.''

Considering the tale he heard from Kie herself, Kyojuro wasn’t entirely certain if Physical Exhaustion was the right term or not. Either way, something had happened and left her Body perpetually exhausted yesterday.

Today on the other hand, it would either be she’s fine, or needs more time.

Both of those were things that Kyojuro could confirm even though he was still injured and needed more time to heal. 

After all, he was strictly told to let his Injury completely heal before going to any further Missions, and he was planning on listening.

''Alright! Then I’ll do that right now!''

''Good. Thanks.''

With a restricted nod, Kyojuro headed out of Tengen’s room and then considered which of the two he should check up on first. Inosuke or Kie?

He decided on the former first.

Heading to the Chambers of the Temple, it didn’t take him long to reach the Beast Breathers Room. All was quiet when he reached the entrance. Save for…

Oh, was that snoring he was hearing?

Had Hashibira gone back to sleep after taking his Breakfast? He supposes that’s normal. Hashibira can’t really train at the moment with his broken leg, and the energetic boy only had so much he could do here.

Well, if he’s asleep, he won’t bother him.

He headed off to Kamado’s Room next. And there, there was a minimal difference. Namely that he could hear the Siblings talk. Or Kie admonishing her Brother.

''-doing fine now. And it’s not like I’m going out Tanjiro! I just want to confirm something.''

''Hm! Hmph!''

So unlike himself and Senjuro…

But moving on from that, Kyojuro gave a light knock on the door just in case they didn’t hear his voice.

''Kamado! May I enter?''

Both sides went quiet then before the Eldest spoke up.

''Yes. Come in!''

And enter he did. At which point, he was seeing Kamado already in her Uniform. He raised a barely visible eyebrow up in wonder.

''May I ask why you’re in your Uniform?''

The answer came quickly.

''It’s not what it seems. I just didn’t want to tarnish my Kimono.''

Kyojuro just waited for her to get to the actual point.

''I’m feeling fine now, so I thought I could try out something now.''

''And that would be?''

Kie looked over at her Little Brother, who looked mixed between going back star eyed because Kyojuro was here and annoyed at his Sister. When her eyes trailed back to him, she went to the point.

''Try out what I pulled two days ago. Or at least figure out how I made it work then.''

Ah. That. Yes, he could see why she’d want to figure out what she did then. From the sound of it, it did end up being partly what helped her win her Battle against the Lower Moon Demon.

And if this was a possible Breathing Form, then that could clear up Kie’s issue with Water Breathing to some extent.


''And you’re doing well enough now you can wield a Blade?''

''Yes! I’ve felt better this entire Morning, and I’m sure I can join for the Afternoon as well.''

The issue is that Kyojuro couldn’t entirely tell if Kie was being genuine or not here. At this point, he was aware enough that Kamado never really seemed to take her Limits into consideration. Worrisome, but at this time, he couldn’t do much but try to get it through to her head.

So right now, he was left with a Dilemma.

Does he trust Kie for being absolutely truthful and so, clear her for Training and even joining this Afternoon’s Mission?

Or does he not trust her and believe she’s ignoring her limits, and leave her stranded here for today?

The choice wasn’t all that hard to make.

''Under one condition Kamado! I will observe to see if you’re truly back in fighting shape. If I see during the one hour I give you that you are struggling, I will deny you the chance to join this Mission. Anymore, and I would deem you too strained from pressure to join regardless.''

Kie wasn’t sure how to feel about this limitation. She was really doing fine. She doubted it would be a bother at all anymore.

But he was looking out for her. And while it really felt annoying to Kie, she was willing to go along with it.

''Alright. Then can we start now? There’s only so much time before Noon comes.''

All he needed to give was a nod, and off they were to one of the Training Rooms of the Wisteria House.

The question now was if Kie would discover anything, and if this performance of hers would convince Kyojuro or not.

And they’d get their answers very soon. After all, they only had one hour at most.

“Alright then. Before we begin, I will set some ground rules.” And as soon as both Demon Slayers stood in the training room and Tanjiro was sitting in a corner to watch, Kyojuro told his comrade, which earned him a curious look.

“Okay then, but why do we need them?” Kie asked curiously, getting Kyojuro to raise his hand and lift up a finger.

“The first reason is because, despite you possibly having recovered fully now, I am still injured. So while you’re free to use anything you want, no strike shall be aimed at my head so my recovery still goes smoothly.” Kyojuro told her, which got the young Slayer to nod in agreement since that was a good point.

“The next reason for the ground rules is to make sure you don’t make a mistake. What you’ve discovered is new, and it will take time for you to figure out how to make it work like a Breathing Form. More so without a teacher to help.” He continued on while raising a 2nd finger, which once again got an accepting nod from Kie.

“And the final reason for these ground rules is so we do not go overboard. This is ultimately to help you figure out what you have discovered. Not to test our mettle.” And with a final finger being raised, Kie ended up smiling at him.

“Okay, that sounds fair. But what are the ground rules going to be?” She questioned him while Kyojuro lowered his arm and then used it to grab the hilt of his blade.

“Well to start, I have already mentioned that you are free to do anything you want, which includes using your Body, and that you are not to aim for my head. Next, if I see you tire out in a manner unlike our previous spar or my injuries become too much, both of us must stop. Thirdly, I shall fight defensively so that you can freely test out your new technique against me, but don’t expect me to not retaliate if I can help it, as having a good defence is just as vital as a good offence. And lastly, our time limit is one hour. No more. Do you understand?” Kyojuro then laid down the rules, and as Kie thought them over in her head, she nodded her head after a minute.

“Sounds reasonable to me. Shall we start now then?” And with that, the rules were agreed upon while Kie crouched down slightly and grabbed her own weapon’s handle.

“Indeed. Oh, and nearly forgot! But you aren’t allowed to use Water Breathing forms on me during this hour, but if you are trying to make a new technique from them during this, than that is acceptable.” Kyojuro was quick to add one before the fight started, and this time, he only got a nod.

And so, after 10 seconds of waiting, Kie ran forward while drawing her sword, making Kyojuro blink in shock at her sudden increase in speed compared to the last time they practised not long ago, and so he was just able to draw his own sword and block Kie’s swing, though doing so proved to be a bit of a struggle.

However, as Kie tried to press for an advantage and get past his guard, Kyojuro was able to quickly adjust himself and instead of attempting blocks, he now focused on evading and redirecting the Kamado’s slashes, minimising the strain that could be put on his body with blocks, all while he used this time to analyse.

“There is no way that this strength is just coming from the Breathing style Kie is trying to make. Kamado has barely developed her style so far, so natural compatibility with it shouldn’t result in this yet.” The Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer thought to himself, raising his right leg to prevent his ally from tripping him with a kick, and retaliated by using that same leg to kick Kie away to make distance.

“So… could it be that those markings on her face have something to do with it?” Using the time that gained him, Kyojuro looked at said markings that now were effectively sketched seemingly permanently on the young Kamado’s face, all while the teenager took this chance to recover from his kick.

And after only a moment, literally at that, Kie did get back up and charged forward and went for a single, horizontal slash but Kyojuro was able to deflect it with Blooming Flame Undulation, leading to Kie actually spinning with the momentum and going for another slash, but this was one was blocked by the Flame Breather.

Following up on this, Kyojuro then shifted his blade’s position a bit and with a spin, was able to send the white Nichirin Sword of Kie flying out of her hands and clattering onto the ground.

“And that will be the end of it for now. I’m beginning to get a headache at the moment.” Kyojuro told Kie as he saw her going for her sword, and while his words did make her pause, the Kamado still went for her weapon. Just now instead of running towards it, she relaxed and began to walk towards it instead.

“Still, while this spar was only five minutes long… it has revealed a few things.” The more experienced Slayer thought to himself while sheathing his sword, an action that Kie soon copied while her brother ran over and gave her a hug.

“Hey, I’m okay Tanjiro. Kyojuro-San didn’t hurt me at all, I promise.” Kie began to assure her little brother while rubbing his head a little.

“She is right. And while the spar lasted a while, neither of us gained new injuries if that helps.” The Kinoe ranked Slayer himself added on while he approached the sibling pair, gaining their attention.

“Mmmmm.” Thankfully, Kie’s promise and Kyojuro’s words seemed to be something that Tanjiro accepted as the young Demon made a noise behind his muzzle and nodded his head in response. Though, if Kyojuro was being entirely honest, he wasn’t sure if it was because the young Demon believed those words, or if it was because of some trust directed at him.

“Now then young Kamado, what would you say are your thoughts of what you created of your Breathing style so far?” Regardless of the answer, Kyojuro did focus on Kie to hear of her perspective of their 5-minute match.

“Honestly, it felt a lot more natural compared to my movements with Water Breathing. I also felt stronger as well, like I found who I really am in a way.” Was Kie’s answer, and hearing it made Kyojuro nod at the response. He didn’t interact with many that used branching styles, but he met enough Slayers that had such techniques to know that what the Kamado just said was consistent for swordsmen that fight in those unique ways.

“Did you feel anything from your marks during the spar though?” Still, beyond the topic of her new style that was still being made, if Kyojuro’s assumption of the markings are right, then he had to make sure that they gave Kie more strength.

“Um… not really? In fact, if it wasn’t for everyone mentioning them or me seeing it in a mirror, I would have never realised they were here to begin with.” She explained to the older Slayer, but she did pause for a moment.

“Though, compared to the start of the night where I got these, I have felt stronger since I got energy back. Do you really think it’s giving me more strength?” Kie was quick to add on though, getting Kyojuro to nod his head.

“Indeed. Based on what you have told me of your battle with that Lower moon and… army of Kanaos.” Kyojuro answered with a nod, though when he brought up that last one, he did pause briefly at the potential nightmare fuel such a sight would actually be, he shook it off and continued.

“And then this spar, I do believe your increased performance comes mostly from those. Not to say that it is the only thing considering how much using a style that suits you helps, but they are likely doing most of the heavy lifting at the moment.” The older Slayer continued on and clarified, making Kie hum in thought while Tanjiro stared at them both, confusion clearly displayed on his face.

“Mmmph?” Tanjiro made a questioning sound, pointing upwards at the marking once the muffled sound caught Kyojuro’s and Kie’s attention.

“Is something wrong Kamado?” Kyojuro questioned the little Demon, who didn’t really react to him. However, after a moment of thinking, his sister’s eyes widened a little as if she figured out what her brother was trying to communicate.

“Are you trying to ask if these are a good thing Tanjiro?” Kie questioned her little brother while touching one of the flame like patterns on her face, and based on the childlike Demon’s nod, it appeared that she got it right.

“In that case, it seems so.” Kie answered with a smile, which got some tension Tanjiro seemed to hold to go away a bit, getting Kyojuro to smile a bit as he saw a fellow elder sibling put their younger brother at ease.

“Indeed, though we’ll still need to try and learn more about it to make sure it doesn’t come with some kind of price. Better safe than sorry after all.” However, with a clap of his hands, Kyojuro was able to draw the attention back to make this clear to both siblings, which made Tanjiro clearly frown despite the muzzle that he wore. 

“Makes sense. Which reminds me, will I be able to head out again to continue the mission?” Thankfully, despite the elder Kamado’s seeming lack of self-preservation since gaining those marks, learning more about it was something she could agree to if possible. But with that, it was clear that the only remaining topic was if she passed Kyojuro’s assessment.

And honestly… Kyojuro did have his answer to the question.

“Indeed. You should be capable of heading out again, but I want to make this clear. If you can join up with someone while out on the field, I want you to do so. After all, at the end of the day, we are still human and have our limits despite how much we can handle as Demon Slayers.” The Kinoe ranked Demon Slayer decided, getting Kie to nod her at that while Tanjiro stood up and raised his arms in the air, as if declaring that he would be going as well.

“In that case Kyojuro-San, I promise that I won’t let you down!”

- - - - - - - - - -

''Hey, have you seen where Keiko-chan went?''

''You haven’t seen her either?''

''Hey, wasn’t there a collapse yesterday?''

''There… wait, there was one?''

''Hard to miss the sound.''

''A Body was found yesterday.''

''Shit. Another one?''

''Yeah, and I think it was a Montoya’s Body to.''

''They’re probably not happy about that then…''

''Hyo? The Forest is dried out?''

''Yeah! Not sure how it happened, but the Police noticed it when looking after what caused that Scream.''

''Hm… Curious.''

A Great many voices. A Great many words were said. And not all came from Humans.

How fascinating it was to see what a simple weather change could cause when day was no longer off limits. When such limits were removed.

''One could almost say that this is a Dream come true for some Demons. To be able to walk out during the day.''

But it all came with a catch. A single and almost worthless difference.

The Sky had to be covered for day to be achieved.

And speaking of said covered Sky…

''Ah… a few more hours before it rains…''

Then, a shift was made, and elsewhere, something else could be seen. One which caused for a smile to widen.

''And I have found my prey.''

- - - - - - - - - -

Hunting for Demons during the day was something utterly different than what anyone would be used to.

For one, it meant that the time it could take to hunt one may be doubled, especially if the Thick Clouds persisted.

And for another, it also meant they had to hunt at times with a crowd around.


And when you were smaller than the Adults around you who swarmed the Busy streets of Shibuya, well, it only grew even worse.

So honestly, Muichiro wished it was night right now. At least then the Crowd was either significantly lowered or just non-existent.

Still, as he tried to weave his way around the people to pinpoint the Demon he’s sure he’s sensed from the Crowd, he could guess that he wasn’t the only one dealing with that Issue.

Demons clearly faced that issue in some shape.

They had to be even more careful as someone spotting them could worsen their situation. Especially if they were trying to eat.

So, smaller as Muichiro was, he paid attention to see if anyone was isolating themselves or following someone else. Because that anyone could feel off in some manner.

Granted, that off sometimes led him to something else entirely. But he never could remember what he stumbled on…

Regardless, Muichiro spotted his Target. And he followed as he went through an Alleyway.

He ignored the uncomfortable feeling he felt when he passed through, not even sure why that was here, and then spotted the Demon tailing after someone.

Muichiro was ready to charge ahead, knowing already that this was a Demon without a doubt. He’d dealt with enough Demons a glance could tell him more than enough.

Yet, when he moved, he wasn’t the one who dealt the killing blow. Instead, he turned out to be the observer as he saw another Demon Slayer move to slice the Demon’s neck. The struggle of the Demon came too late, and by the time he sharpened the Nails of his Fingers into Claws, he was beheaded.

And Muichiro stared.

Mostly because he cursed that his small size had made him miss that the Demon had been tailing someone. And somewhat relieved that it turned out it was a fellow Demon Slayer.


''’re familiar.''

The Familiar Demon Slayer stared. Eyes bulging wide for a moment, as if not sure if he was hearing this right or just surprised at what he was seeing.

Then he just shut his eyes.

''Tokito. It’s me, Agatsuma…''

Yes. That did sound familiar…

The Familiar Demon Slayer seemed to be at a loss for words there, to a point where he simply did not scream or do anything like what one would have expected when knowing him.

And that’s what this all turned out to be for a moment. Awkward silence persisted.

And while that particular matter would end up clearing up soon enough, elsewhere, something else was taking place. Coincidentally, around the same time as Muichiro and Zenitsu reunited.

And coincidentally, it involved the Targets that had escaped them…

''Wha- HMH!''

Though the circumstances were decidedly less fruitful for the Demon Slayer who found himself dragged away from his small Group when a hand covered his Mouth.

When the others noticed, it was too late to save the man as his neck was snapped to stop any further noises. Then, dragged up he was by his killer. 

Only then, once he was on the Rooftop, did the Demon give a breath of relief.

''Oh, it worked…!''

Kamanue, now Lower Moon Three as of two days ago, was relieved this manoeuvre had worked as well as it did. Considering how utterly unused he was to actually being able to act on Cloudy Days, he saw this as a work in progress.

At least he had one more Body to eat now and a bit more power out of it. But, considering the signs he’d noticed throughout the previous night and this morning…

''I’m not sticking around.''

This was growing way too dangerous. Kamanue considered himself fortunate no one really seemed to pay attention to the sky when disappearances took place, so he still could get some more bodies to eat.

But Demons were growing to be a Minority now. There were only so many left, and he doubted that many would risk it further than maybe a day or two.

It wouldn’t be worth it anymore.

And he wasn’t wrong about the matter. The Demons that did still stick around and hadn’t been killed were willing to take risks, but there was only so much time they’d be fine putting their Life on the line before it was too much.

The Battle that took place in Shibuya would soon end. This was no longer a doubt. The only question now was what may still take place in the span that remained.

And one Demon had come up with his own answer.

''Then perhaps you won’t mind giving me a hand?''

For the second time since he arrived in Shibuya, Kamanue was yet again surprised when someone was able to get close to him. Not quite as close as the previous one, but still at an uncomfortable distance, since all it took for this one was to hold on the Building’s edge.

As displayed once he pulled himself up and within eyesight. In front of him.

Kamanue was not pleased by this.

''You have three seconds to tell me why you’re here before I kick you down to the Human Crowd.''

And he displayed it clearly with his words and the glare he was giving to the Cross-Eyed Demon. Said Demon went to the point.

''I have a plan.'' And to show he meant no harm, supposedly at least, he raised both of his hands up in surrender, ''And I think you may profit from it just as much as I do.''

''Yeah, right. And what the hell could you possibly have that can convince me?''

''Have you heard of the Incident that took place in Tokyo over a Year Ago?'' His question was met with its own question, and it only made Kamanue furrow his brows in confusion.

''Why are you even asking me that?''

''It relates to the plan. So humour me, please.''

Kamanue’s brows remained furrowed, but he did end up humouring the Demon in front of him.

''I heard it was a bombing. Not sure of the details and what was the reason behind that, but that someone created a panic. Or so I heard.''

The Demon in front of him nodded.

''Yes. While I myself don’t know much about it, I can say it has given me… inspiration, so to speak. Shibuya soon won’t be a viable hunting ground, so I have decided to make my farewell be something strong.''

Kamanue thought about it before laughing, ''What, you’re planning on using Dynamite?''

''No.'' The Cross-Eyed Demon denied, ''This is to last minute. I hadn’t planned this until I noticed the Weather in fact. But now that it’s there… well, it’s given me a chance to give a grand farewell to Shibuya. And you, My Lord, can help me not only do that, but gain some more Bodies while you’re at it. So, what do you say?''

And Kamanue thought about it.

Was it worth it to participate in someone else’s scheme? Would Kamanue even be happy doing so?

But at the same time, he wasn’t planning on sticking around here past today. He’d leave tonight even.

And if it allowed him to assure his survival just a bit more…

Well, he didn’t have much reason to refuse, did he?

''I accept.''

- - - - - - - - - -

“This is so much more fucking annoying compared to night.” Genya growled as he and Kanae evaded some police, and after a moment, his teacher nodded to him.

“You’re… not exactly wrong. There are reasons why killing Demons during the day is a nightmare when the sun is blocked and this is one of them.” The former Hashira commented, before then peeking her head around the corner to see if any officers were heading in their direction.

“...Okay. I think that we lost them without being seen.” And with that, Genya dropped down to the ground from his previous position on the top of a building, making Kanae frown at that.

“You know, despite your ability to heal when in Demon form doesn’t mean that you should jump down from such a height.” The older Slayer scolded him a bit, which made Genya roll his eyes at it.

“As you said, I’ll heal. Besides, better to have gotten up there to avoid people noticing my current state than if they actually saw it.” The Shinazugawa defended himself, but he admittedly had to flinch a bit at the sight of the Kocho woman’s deadpan stare. The same kind she gave to a particularly difficult person and was severely unimpressed by them.

“Genya, you sometimes still get the time you have in your Demon form wrong. That fall may not have killed you as a human, but it most definitely would have broken, if not shattered, the bones in your legs.” The female Slayer said with a blank tone of voice that she knew threw people off their game around her, and Genya couldn’t help but flinch at it.

“Come on, I know I have about 5 more minutes like thi…. Crap.” The teenager tried to assure his teacher, only for his words to be contradicted mid-sentence as his eyes returned to their old colour first, and all of his Demonic traits faded away until any sign of their existence was now gone.

*Sigh* You are so lucky it lasted long enough for you to touch the ground. Have your legs healed?” Kanae questioned him with concern while walking towards him, her intent to pick him up and carry him if needed being clear as day.

“Yeah, they are healed up. Also, do you think that the sun will eventually peek through the clouds while it’s still day?” Genya answered, and after a suspicious look from his teacher, Kanae did nod her head in acceptance. After all, her student wasn’t showing the signs of legs that had at least broken bones. But as for the Demon eating human’s question…

“Honestly, it is hard to say. But if it does clear away and allows for sunlight, we would probably only have a few hours of it before night if we are lucky.” The more experienced Slayer guessed, making Genya groan.

“And since it’s based on luck as far as you know, we may as well prepare for the whole day to be filled with us hunting down Demons. Fucking great.” The Shinazugawa scowled while Kanae nodded her head at the words.

“Yeah, probably for the best to work with that mentality for now. Anyways, we should get going since I don’t think any officers will recognise us after you shot that Demon near the crowd of people.” She said while walking away, making Genya growl as he ran after her.

“How was I supposed to know that someone would turn their head the moment I shot through that Demon’s neck!?”

However, while the likes of some Demon Slayers like the teacher and student could manage through this new challenge… others just didn’t care.

“Get him!”

“How the hell is this brat so fast!?”


“Bwahahahahahaha!!!” Inosuke cackled as he ran away from those weird people that all wore the same thing, and as he turned a corner, he grabbed the one that tried leaping at him and with a spin, tossed that weakling back at his lookalikes, knocking them all down while he went down an alleyway.

“Those weaklings will never catch me! Though what’s their problem when I only saved one of them from a Demon?” Though, as the young King of the Mountains ran down the alleyway, he had to admit to being confused as to why those people were all so upset.

After all, he merely saw a Demon in a crowd and killed it before it got anyone.

Bah, whatever. Best not let stupid people linger in his mind. Especially when he was presented with a challenge, even if a simple one. That being the alleyway he went down having a dead end.

“Time to climb up!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!” And so, Inosuke leapt onto and clung to the stone wall and began climbing up it, and when the officers finally caught up to where he was only 3 minutes later…

The young Slayer was already gone in search of another Demon. 

“...Why do I suddenly feel a headache?” Tengen meanwhile, questioned as he finally laid down on his bed within the Wisteria House, only to instantly sit back up as a very bad feeling came to him.

He couldn’t really explain it. It wasn’t an instinct of feeling in danger, but it also wasn’t just a normal headache. So what the hell was going on?

“Well, maybe listening for a sound may explain it.” The Shinobi thought to himself as he strained his ears to listen for anything.


“Namu Amida Butsu.”

“Here you go Tanjiro.


Okay, so there was Kyojuro, the Kamado siblings and Himejima. And like he expected, he couldn’t hear either Agatsuma or Tokito since they were in well enough condition to continue patrolling during the day (the former really surprised him when he was told Agatsuma could still continue).

And obviously, Hashibira was…. Wait. Why couldn’t he hear that brat!?

Practically leaping out of his bed, Tengen ran as fast as he could to the boar mask wearing brat’s room and opened it. Only to reveal something he dreaded…

The wild brat was gone.

“...Why is this suddenly my life?” Was the only thing Tengen could say before closing to the door and heading to the room where he would write reports and meet with the Slayers that came to this Wisteria House. Better to let anyone know about the brat with a broken leg than leave out on his own.

“I miss my wives.”

However, on his way to his current destination, he was surprised and snapped out of his thoughts when he felt himself bump into someone.

“Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t see you there, Uzui-San.” Kie said as she backed away a bit after walking into the large man, who blinked at her for a moment before smiling.

“Eh, it’s fine Kamado. Besides, this actually works out flashily well for me!” The Shinobi commented while putting his hands on his sides, confusing Kie and since she was wearing her mask and scarf right now, she tilted her head to show that confusion.

“Okay…? Why is this good for you?” She asked him, which made Tengen rub the sides of his head a bit as he felt his headache acting up again.

“Simply put, Hashibira left and knowing him, is out fighting Demons and not being stealthy. So once it’s noon and you head out, keep an eye out for the dumbass and drag him back here if needed.” The large man explained, and at the end, Kie just stared at him from beneath her mask for a solid moment. 

“You know, I’m weirdly not surprised he did that.”

“Neither am I. Now then, onto sending out letters to tell other Slayers to do basically the same thing if they see the brat.”

And with that, Tengen walked past Kie and turned the corner that she came from, still intent on sending out the messages. But a thought did come to him when he stood in front of the door to the room.

“Maybe I should ask the Oyakata for a vacation by the end of this mess.”

Now, where could he get that Vacation…

- - - - - - - - - -


''It’s Zenitsu. Agatsuma Zenitsu. Please tell me you remember something!''

Zenitsu was trying to spark back Muichiro’s memory of who he was. With mixed results.

''You scream a lot.'' Zenitsu could not tell if Muichiro actually recognized him because he screamed a lot or just because he was being loud.

He could not tell the difference.

''...yes. Yes I do.'' Zenitsu decided to just acknowledge it and move on. And thankfully, it did seem like they were in agreement.

''Have you spotted any Demons?''

Zenitsu gave a nod. He did, though the Numbers were significantly low. He got up to 3 Demons, the one he’d just killed included.

It gave him more relief than anything else. He was beginning to feel tired, so that low amount really said a lot of this was the total he had since starting last night.

Muichiro gave a hum of acknowledgement but said no more before simply moving.

''Alright. I’ll continue hunting then.''

''H-Hey! How about we team up!'' Zenitsu quickly said before Muichiro went too far, with the latter halting in his steps to turn and stare at him.

''Team Up?''

''Yeah! We’ve been out and fighting the whole Night, and there’s still a couple of hours left before Noon. We can work together to make things easier!''

Muichiro considered what was being said. Would it be worth it, or would it not be…?

Considering what Zenitsu just told him, Muichiro decided to take the safe route.


While Muichiro was confident when it came to his skills, he had been already aware of how unusual circumstances like this were to begin with. The time he should have now gotten to rest were used up to actively continue hunting. And there was only so many times he could pull a satisfying performance before he began lagging behind.

So, why not team-up with Zenitsu, one of the few he knew?

And Zenitsu cheered by the acceptance.

''Yes! Finally, maybe things will be getting better!''

He’d been glad he’d barely run into any real danger the previous night, besides that one situation which stuck to mind, so he wasn’t as tired as he could have been. But now with Muichiro around, he was fairly confident all would run smoothly until Noon.

Now if only the Weather didn’t so clearly show it would Rain at some point…

''Come along then, Sunflower. We must continue hunting.''

''...why aren’t you moving?'' Muichiro questioned after a pregnant pause had settled in.

Zenitsu however was internally lamenting that he had just been given a nickname by Muichiro. As if Inosuke wasn’t bad enough by getting his name wrong, now he was being compared to a Sunflower?!

''It could have been worse…'' Zenitsu whispered out that reassurance to himself. At least being called a Sunflower wasn’t all that bad. He makes himself believe that.

''Now let’s get moving. Demons won’t wait.'' Muichiro headed off, and Zenitsu bolted to follow.

And the Clouds only grew darker as the Morning began to close in on to Noon.

The Human Population in Shibuya had already slightly decreased because of the whole disappearances and odd happenings that took place since this Week. And in turn, some didn’t dare come out on this Saturday.

That didn’t stop others from daring to go out, even though it was going to Rain at some point. And it made Demons even bolder since it was even less likely sunlight would seep through.

Yet, everything still was able to run smoothly.

The Shops were still open. People still worked. The Trains were taken and the Children were still out playing.

You could almost believe nothing wrong was happening, even if you were aware of the Small War the Demon and the Slayer Corp were currently undergoing.

Though that Illusion would not last.

The clock ticked as the Sunless Morning went past 7 to 8, then to 9 and 10. And then, as it ticked ever so closer to 11 O’clock…

Zenitsu felt a drop fall on his cheek. Small and very insignificant then, but a confirmation still.

''It’s starting.'' He could hardly see it, but Zenitsu could hear it by now. The Drops were coming, and it was doubtful they’d stop anytime soon.

''I really wish we could use an Umbrella or something…'' Still, it wasn’t exactly all that worth it now. If anything, it’s Kie who should worry about this since both he and Muichiro would soon get the time to rest.

Just an Hour left.

''An Umbrella?'' Muichiro’s blank eyes stared at Zenitsu, and at this point, Zenitsu couldn’t even stare back in surprise.

Either he had forgotten, or he genuinely didn’t know. Zenitsu couldn’t tell at all what it was this time nor any of the other times.

''You know, those sticks with paper on top? Looks like a Straw Hat almost?''

Zenitsu genuinely hoped it was just that he forgot what they were and not that he’d never seen one.

''...wait, those are Umbrellas?''

Oh God, he really didn’t know…

Ok. Then he had to use Straw hats. Right? Umbrella’s couldn’t be used conveniently all the time, but then he had to have a Hat. That had to be it. That had to be why he has no idea what Umbrellas were.

''Yes. Those are umbrellas.''

The rain only decided to grow stronger from this point even as Zenitsu and Muichiro continued their Patrol and odd discussions. Light at first, it didn’t take long before a constant amount fell upon them.

Nothing too heavy as of now, but there was always the chance it would grow worse.

And grow worse it did, albeit not the way anyone had expected.

The Number of Civilians around had diminished by now to either those who rushed under the Rain to get to their destination, or simply people with Umbrellas who took their time.

Not that it changed anything in the grand scheme of things.

Because then, all over Shibuya, one final act was given.

And the shapes they all took, was that of an explosion. Almost like Water Bombs, considering the large splashes each of the buildings that contained them held.

Yet, while that was a dangerous thing, that was not the purpose of those explosions in this Rain that covered far more than one would imagine.

It’s what they released that became the danger. 

A Dark Mist.

One that spread under this Rain while many screamed in fear from this turn of events. Civilians and Demon Slayers alike, with the latter immediately preparing themselves on for a possible act from a Demon.

They were right of course, but not quite in the way they expected.

The Dark Mist spread almost became lighter in turn, yet never leaving. Always there. Always present.

And then, none saw the same thing anymore.

“Sweetie, where are you!?” A fully grown woman called out as she tried pushing past those that began running around in a panic, and considering that panic led to everyone running in opposite directions, it made it easy for her to lose her daughter in the chaos.

“Why mommy…?” But unbeknownst to the panicking parent, her daughter was actively avoiding her within the panic.

After all, if you were to see and hear your mom tearing into people with a knife and screaming about killing you, what child wouldn’t hide?

“Come on, let's get you out of here!” Murata told a teenage boy as he used his strength to lift some rubble up and allowed him to crawl away. But he was surprised when the boy grabbed a stone brick next to him and tossed it at the Slayer’s head, which the Water Breather just evaded by tilting his head.

“Get away from me!” The kid yelled as he forced himself to stand, and while his right leg was in pain, there were thankfully no broken bones there. And as a result, he ran as fast as he could to evade a man who he heard talk about skinning him alive.

This was the overall situation that was taking place all over so far. At least, seemingly all over.

There were some places that weren’t affected by this. At least, not in the same way as the general populace of Shibuya.

Like the Wisteria Houses.

''What the hell is going on now?!''

Such were the thoughts of Tengen Uzui while he rushed inside the Wisteria House to reach the Room of the only available Demon Slayer.

Whatever the hell was going on was absolutely not good, and Tengen, panicked as he was from this turn of events, knew that there was only one more thing to do in all of this.

And he was rather pleased to see, after forcefully shoving open the door because politeness was out of the window at this moment (and would only get more potentially killed), that Kamado was of the same opinion as him. She was already dressed in her Uniform and had put on the additional gear that would help against the Rain.

''Good, you’re already ready. No time to waste! Get out there and do whatever you can!''

''On it already!'' Grabbing the Box Tanjiro had speedily gotten into since the first wave of whatever was going on, Kie rushed out to join the fray. Tengen moving to the side so he didn’t obstruct her.

And as he watched her leave, he felt a particular frustration well up. Just wishing he could do more in a situation like this.

But he was stuck as an observer since that day.

''I wish I could do more…''

''So do I, Tengen.''

Turning to the side, he easily recognized Kyojuro who had his arms crossed and could do nothing but watch.

And that’s all those two men could do, sadly. Watch and hope for the best due to their circumstances, current or old.

As for those who could do something…

“Genya, stay close to me.” Kanae ordered her student as she deflected a punch from what looked to be a Demon, but she knew was a human, and instead chopped him at the back of the neck so he wouldn’t continue attacking.

“Shut it you damn bitch!” Her student yelled, but thanks to last night and recognising the dark mist before it hit them, the former Hashira knew that wasn’t what he said. And so, she didn’t acknowledge it and instead focused on knocking out anyone that tried attacking the pair.

“Hahahahaha! Oh, I don’t know who caused this, but I may just owe them a Marechi if I find out!” A Demon declared with a grin, this one having quickly realised what was happening when a Demon Slayer ignored him in favour of killing a human, and asking if the Demon he just killed had hurt him.

“Now then, time to enjoy this little collection.” The Demon continued on while liking his lips, before then grabbing the arm of a little girl and ripping it off, enjoying her screams of agony before they quickly became annoying and kicked her head off to stop them.

“This is going to be a good day.” The Demon spoke before finally taking a bite into the arm he was holding.

“Where is my son you asshole!?”

“Where’s my baby!?”

“Get off of me you crazy bitch!”

“Be careful not to hurt the people!”

“Ha! I knew staying here would be worth it!!”

“No,no,no,no,no,no,no!! Not again!!!”

“Just… why…?”

“Which one is the real one dammit!?”

“Hyo~Hyo~! It appears that the new blood found a nice way to put up a spectacle!”

And throughout Shibuya as a whole, this was merely a small fraction of the chaos and panic that suddenly exploded during this rainy day. From family’s perceiving those they loved as slaughtering hundreds, Demons, even the heavily mutated ones blending into the crowds and Demon Slayers being tricked into drawing their blades against each other.

Truly, this would forever be a horror that shall be remembered from now to the very end of Shibuya.

In fact, in the future, people may even call this event “The time of Nightmares”.

And while all of this was going on, while everyone else was scrambling to deal with this whole mess they found themselves in, there were two…

''What was that?!'' In all of this, Zenitsu and Muichiro, alongside those generally on this side of the City, were actually doing fine.

The Dark Mist had exploded and spread, but it didn’t cover every single nook and cranny of Shibuya. There were still some parts, namely the Rooftops and City Edges, where besides the Rain, they were free of what was causing the issues.

That did not mean it didn’t cause a panic, like with Zenitsu’s own scream or those who were frightened by this broken peace.

Muichiro on the other hand has his eyes narrowed. For brief sparks, the blankness of them faded away entirely. His attention was completely on what was going on.

''I’m taking a vantage point.'' And without waiting, throwing aside subtlety in this case, he jumped to grab a hold of a Window Side and then did it repeatedly until he was on a Rooftop, giving him a clearer view of what was going on.

And it was hard to see in detail what was going on, but more than enough was shown from just this.

''It has to be related…''

An explosion followed up by the release of the Dark Mist. There was no doubt in Muichiro’s mind that this was the work of a Demon. The only question was if it was only one or not.

And for that matter, where those Demons then were.

''Almost… there…'' Zenitsu meanwhile grunted while he reached the top of the same Building, having struggled more but nonetheless there.

It allowed him to see more in detail what exactly was going on. And subsequently, it also reminded him of earlier that Night.

''No, not again…! And why…?''

Muichiro snapped his head to him, ''You recognize what this is?''

Dusting himself off now that he could stand straight, Zenitsu answered to the best of his capabilities.

''I was caught in that things effect last Night. It was… confusing. I saw things that weren’t actually there, and this… this seems to be the same thing.''

So a wide-scale Illusion. That’s what this was.

''Then we must find the one who’s created this Blood Demon Art.''

But that meant one thing as well. Both Zenitsu and Muichiro would need to get in headfirst into this.


''Why am I going in there to?!'' Zenitsu questioned, and was then met with a flat stare.

''You’ve got the same hearing as the Monkey, right? You’ll spot the Demon easier if you go in as well.''

Zenitsu really hated that Muichiro was right. And under any other circumstances, perhaps he could have found some form of excuse as to why he shouldn’t go there.

But his Hearing made sure he had to go in. He would recognize the Demon in some shape at least. Which did however mean he had a question.

''And why are you going in?''

But Muichiro didn’t immediately answer. Instead, he was thinking over something. Namely, that the Explosion couldn’t have been caused by the same Demon who made that Mist. Even less so when both he and Zenitsu had still seen traces of Heavy Water emerging out of the explosion.

And, with how recent this all was to him still, Muichiro would truly have the worst memory imaginable if he had already forgotten the Hand Demon.

The very same Demon that had used Hydrokinesis against him.

''Because I doubt there’s only one Demon in there.''

Zenitsu already felt scared as is, but he did feel a chill run down his spine. Because when he pointed that out, he was very likely right.

Would the only Demon in there really be the user of said Blood Demon Art?

''Alright…'' Sweat trickled down Zenitsu’s face as he felt only more nervous now that everything had been said.

They needed to get in. Zenitsu needed to use his Hearing to spot the Demon who created this Blood Demon Art. But getting in meant getting trapped by the Illusions of the Mist, and there was definitely going to be Demons in there to, no matter how many.

At least… at least he wouldn’t be alone. For how long that lasted, considering Zenitsu remembered all too clearly how tricky this would get.

Barely a few seconds after, Muichiro moved to head down the Rooftop.

''Let’s get in.''

''W-Wh- Already?! Come on, give me a minute at least!''

''You don’t want others to die, right?'' Muichiro cut in right through his words when he stopped right at the edge of the building. And Zenitsu really began to miss the Muichiro who was just aloof and forgetful.

Because he was right. They had no time to waste. Lives were at stake here.

''Alright… let’s get moving.''

Muichiro jumped off back on the Streets, and Zenitsu, delayed slightly since he didn’t just jump, came down soon after.

The Road ahead would lead them to the Mist. And then…

They’d see, wouldn’t they?

Both first walked at a normal pace to where the mist began, before both then moved to Run.

Muichiro decided at that moment to add one last thing.

''I trust you will be the one able to keep us together until the Demon is reached.''

Zenitsu practically stumbled then at this new addition and the sheer weight of that trust he was giving at this moment. And he couldn’t even say anything because then…

In the Dark Mist they went.

And the shift was almost immediate. Both of them noticed it, visually so. And even in an auditorious manner considering the screams that came crashing through.

''Get away from me!''

''D-Don’t come! Don’t you d-dare!''

''Why are there more?!''

And so much more. To Muichiro, it wasn’t all that bad. Bothersome it came crashing through when they entered, not helped by what he was now seeing which was some kind of…

He actually can’t put words into it. Whatever he was seeing seemed to be a horrific merging of so many things at once.

Disturbing, certainly, but not something that would stop someone like Muichiro.

Zenitsu on the other hand, didn’t handle it nearly as well. Not helped that the cries of the many were already beginning to overwhelm Zenitsu since he was so unfamiliar with this level of sound.

And it caused an issue when, right next to him, he saw a Demon. Uncomfortably close to him.

Rightfully, Zenitsu jumped away when seeing the threat and had his mind immediately put all the attention to the threat in front of him.

''-king die-!''

''-uflower. Direc-!''


And so, Zenitsu realized to late he’d just missed Muichiro’s words, wherever he was now. And he couldn’t entirely figure out if the one in front of him was the aforementioned one or not because of all the other voices that came to his ear once that thing spoke.

''I’m hating this already.''

And since he didn’t know who this person in front of him was, but he couldn’t entirely ignore a potential threat in front of him. Zenitsu decided to do his next best option.

Throw a kick.

Zenitsu was aware enough that depending on the person, how they answered to the kick would tell him who it was. Now he just hoped if this was Muichiro, he didn’t answer by cutting off his leg.

And just to be sure…

''Why don’t you look like yourself?!''

The answers he got, and he wasn’t entirely sure from where they came from, were… off.

Someone definitely took it as an insult considering the rageful cry he noticed. Another was just plain confused. And he’s pretty sure that’s a somewhat general consensus to those who actually heard him in this whole Nightmarish Dark Mist.

Those who didn’t clearly had better things to worry about. Like surviving.

But he does hear something in the general vicinity that tells him something after the kick lands on the supposed Demon.

''Sunflower! Direction! Quick!''

He cannot believe that this stupid nickname because Muichiro keeps calling everyone different things is right now helping. That single thing stood out far too much to be missed by his ears.

But what direction?!

Ok, he needed to focus. Somehow in this mess. Listen and listen and listen.

Just one thing. Something that stood out somewhere.

So Zenitsu tried to focus. With the supposed Demon kicked away which meant he’d kicked a Human since there was hardly any fighting back, he had precious seconds.

And he listened to everything else.

Cries upon cries. The fear of what horrors they’re seeing made it hard to miss it.

He could hear a child cry for his parents, only to stumble upon a Monster who was likely just another man who would think he stumbled upon a horrible thing. Flight or Fight would kick in.

Sobs came next.

Extending it further, he could hear Heartbeats. Equally Human as Demonic. But none felt noteworthy. None shared this… particular sound.

But he could tell this was an actual conflict between Human and Demon.

What then became noteworthy is when he heard a certain conversation.

''It’s so quiet, shockingly. So much Death going on from your Blood Demon Art, and-''

Zenitsu didn’t listen further. He had a lead and he wasn’t about to waste it. Now, for the directions… Zenitsu improvised.

''Straight ahead Amnesiac!''

The sound did appear to come from the direction they’d gone in. And the distance wasn’t too far from that point.

As to why he called Muichiro Amnesiac? Payback for being called Sunflower but also because it should stand out to Muichiro in this mess of voices. At least he hoped it did.

Then, Zenitsu had no choice but to run. Head to the direction he’d said to take while trying to navigate in these slightly visible streets that only showed general outlines at best. At least he knew he was running straight and not into a wall.

Not that it helped for much when he had to avoid all those affected by the Mist. Meaning some outright lunged at him in the Illusions the Mist made them see.

''Come on, why are you all coming at me?!''

Not that he particularly enjoyed the attention he was getting nor the why. Yet, this situation ended up helping him.

Or more accurately, it helped Muichiro find him again. Especially when he didn’t notice that a Mist Covered person was behind him, moving supposedly large claws at his direction. He didn’t notice it in time, and he feared for the worst since he couldn’t draw his Sword.

Muichiro answered by kicking the person on the side of the head and launching him down on the dirt. Or at least, Zenitsu knew it was Muichiro after the thing in front of him gave a comment.

''You’re slow Sunflower.''

Zenitsu yet again is reminded that he hates that these type of comments is what’s able to confirm to him this is Muichiro. Even though he does not look the slightest like himself.

He wasn’t blue in any way, in fact, his Skin was completely green and his face looked to be, well… roughly human. Pointy Ears, a Long nose that was definitely longer than it naturally should be, a bald head that spiked on the back like a sort of cone and Yellow Eyes.

What the hell was he even looking at?

Thankfully, just like all of the other Misty Illusions, it wore clothes.

''...if it wasn’t for your comment Tokito, I would not have believed it was you.''

''And if it wasn’t for your whining, I wouldn’t have known it was you, Cowardly Lion.''

He looked like what? Actually, never mind. Moving on, they had much more urgent matters to attend to.

And they both realized that as they moved. Now recognizing the other in their odd forms, it allowed them to much more smoothly continue their path. Granted, with the noise all around them and the sheer panic that continued to fill the Streets, it was hard to maintain the conversation they were trying to have.

''Anything I should be made aware of!''

It was a question. It did not sound like it, but that was excusable with how loud they had to be.

''He’s definitely not alone! The only reason I knew where to go was because someone was complimenting that Demon’s Blood Demon Art!''

Well, that confirmed it at least. And it only made Muichiro all the more weary. Because if he was right… then that Demon…

''Sunflower! No matter what happens, I want you to continue running after the Demon who created this! Understand?!''

Zenitsu looked at Muichiro in slightly bewilderment. Again for that matter.

''Wait. Why…?''

Muichiro opened his mouth to answer, but then, exactly what he feared took place.

His eyes noticed the faintest traces of something standing out. And in a swift movement, Muichiro moved his Chipped Nichirin Blade to deflect the incoming Projectile.

He wasted no second to repeat what he said previously.

''Go Zenitsu! Make sure you kill that Demon!''

There were a lot of things Zenitsu could have said, after this. But when hearing the utter lack of aloofness that Muichiro usually held, or the fact he actually called him by his name…

He knew he meant it when he said to move ahead. He knew this meant Muichiro wasn’t confident in whatever he was facing.

And when considering that…

''I’ll make sure we’re the winners, Muichiro!''

Zenitsu dashed off and continued his path to the Demon, leaving Muichiro now alone to face the Enemy…

“Ha! I knew that you’d come eventually, brat!” Takehito yelled out from his position on the top of a roof, causing Muichiro to lift his head up in the direction of the sound and saw the Demon he fought last night standing on top.

“Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!” Not wasting even a single moment, Muichiro crouched down before then jumping upwards with the help of his technique, causing him to appear before the water manipulating Demon in only a second.

However, unlike their past encounters where Takehito would become scared at having the Slayer so close… this time, he was relaxed.

And the reason why soon became apparent, as when the Tokito went for a slash to the neck, a sudden wall made out of water erupted in front of the Demon, slowing the attack down long enough for the evolved Demon to take a few steps back and escape the slash without a scratch.

Soon after that, just as his sword passed through and left its containment within the water wall, Muichiro noticed a few ripples on the water construct that were too big to be because of the rain, he repositioned himself in preparation of what was about to come.

“Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!” And with a powerful and swift circular slash, the Mist Breather was able to slice through the water spikes that tried to skewer him alive, and with the power behind it, the water wall was obliterated and allowed to splash onto the ground.

“You are still annoying.” Muichiro commented as he fell back down to the ground, but thankfully, that wasn’t all dangerous for the Demon Slayer as he landed on the ground, and thankfully kept his footing despite the now wet ground. But that may have been preferable compared to what was about to happen next.

Because more of these water spikes burst up from the ground, being made from the very same water beneath his feet, and it was by pure luck that the Mist Breather was able to evade being killed, but there was no way for the young Slayer to evade being harmed. As shown by how one of the water spikes was able to not only tear into a bit of Muichiro’s clothing, but also slightly slash into his side.

“Dammit!” Cursing out at that, Muichiro sent his unarmed hand to the wound to briefly hold it before letting go, quickly realising that despite him now bleeding from the cut, it wasn’t much and was thankfully not life threatening. Even in the middle of a fight.

“This ain’t over brat!”

Upon hearing that yell, Muichiro quickly returned his focus back on his opponent, and was just able to perform a technique in response to counter the many large hands already heading straight down to either crush or grab him.

“Mist Breathing - Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist!” And so, within quick succession, the eight sword slashes were able to slice through the limbs with ease, but Muichiro quickly realised that this was more of a distraction, and this was something that he had no chance of evading since right behind him, a water bomb was created and then proceeded to explode, tossing the Slayer forward and slamming him face first into a wall.

“You know, that could have only been better if your face hit the ground instead. Then you would be where you belong.” Takehito said with a grin before quickly creating a spear made out of water and then tossing it at the Demon Slayer, but thankfully Muichiro was able to escape while only having a part of his uniform’s sleeve torn off in the process.

“Mist Breathing - Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!” Trying to end this fast, Muichiro then charged forward and moved in a zig-zag motion to confuse the Demon, who looked briefly worried before then quickly retaliating with many water whips, resulting in Muichiro performing many continuous slashes that seemed to all happen instantaneously, thankfully repelling the many attacks heading his way.

But unlike in the past, there were 3 details that only now did Muichiro realise were present that horrifically changed how this fight would go.

The first was his exhaustion. After all, despite his training to be a Demon Slayer, not only was Muichiro a human, but he was 14 years old. Meaning he was barely a teenager, and one that had fought from the start of last night to now, near noon.

The second thing was his sword. Having been on a few missions prior to arriving in the most Demon infested area in possibly all of history, no matter how finely crafted, any blade would begin to degrade after so many battles, even if they were all easy with the exception of 2 before this fight.

And the final thing, but possibly the most important were a combination of 2 factors. His opponent and the weather.

He was fighting a Demon, a creature that could not get tired and wouldn’t die unless Muichiro cut through his neck, one that had the physical ability to keep up with him when the young Slayer wasn’t exhausted… but this Demon could also manipulate water.

Something he was in no short supply of thanks to the pouring rain that started earlier today.

And these realisations showed on Muichiro’s face when his Nichirin blade snapped in half against a water whip.

“GAGH!” Which left the Slayer vulnerable for a brief second, causing that same water whip to slam right into Muichiro’s chest and sending him flying and skidding across the ground until the teenager’s back slammed into a wall, and broke right through it.

“Hahahahahahahahaha!! About time that worthless metal stick broke! And now, it’s time to feast.” Takehito couldn’t help it. Upon seeing that look on the Slayer’s face and sending him flying, the Demon just had to laugh and brag a little, even if he moved past it quickly. But as he approached the hole Muichiro’s body made…

He found the Demon Slayer to be missing.

“...Annoying, but oh well. I’m sure this will bring back some pleasant memories.” The Demon said with a shrug before walking through the hole and began his hunt for Muichiro Tokito.

- - - - - - - - - -

''I can’t fail.''

It is a thought that repeats inside of Zenitsu’s mind as he rushed off ahead, not daring to look back while trying to ignore the chaos that continued to surround him.

He needed to locate the Demon who’d created this and very soon. No matter the exhaustion he was already feeling because of his entire Night at work.

So his ears paid attention. Extending all around, notably the location where he’d heard what led him to this direction to begin with.

It’s surprisingly easy, to actually pinpoint the Demon who gives off so much similar sounds to the monstrosity that surrounds him and his vision.

And Zenitsu does found it easy to get there. Especially when the Location is a Building affected by the Explosion of Water.

The worst of the damage was the torn off chunks that had landed elsewhere. With nothing in front of him.

Just an empty space.

And yet, the Sound he heard remained here. Constantly ringing in his ear while trying to muffle all the Chaos going on around him.

Zenitsu then noted that the Black Fog was also covering this place, and if he was right…

''Stop hiding!'' Far more boldly than he was used to, Zenitsu moved to swing his Blade where the Sound was at its strongest.

And he did hit something.

Namely, slicing off an arm that was used to block the incoming hit, then, a growl came.


The Mist around the inwardly demolished building lightened slightly. Enough that the Demon could no longer hide.

It allowed Zenitsu to see the creator of this Blood Demon Art.

Lower Moon Three, Kamanue. Snarling towards him while his stump of an arm remained that way.

''You brat!''

So this was the Demon who has caused this utter Nightmare to take form. For everyone to begin doing whatever was making them act this way.

Honestly, Zenitsu wasn’t sure what he was expecting. Then again, that didn’t matter either.

He had one goal, and Zenitsu was not about to fail it when too much was at stake. So he didn’t hesitate to Breathe.

''Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!''

But the Demon did notice his shift. And he acted accordingly fast.

Not by saying a thing. He did gasp, feeling fear for a moment with how close this was previously. But then acted as Dark Mist was generated.

It was obvious to Zenitsu who shot forward. Planning to simply move past since the Mist had gathered in front of him to block his view. But…

''What are you doing?!''

''Please stop!''

''What did we do to you!?''

Lower Moon Three played dirty. Because when Zenitsu shot ahead to blitz past it, the Mist formed 3 absolutely normal people.

A Man. A Woman. A Child.

All looking utterly fearful. All terrified. And even though they didn’t seem fully formed, what with just their Upper Body sticking out from the Mist…

It made him hesitate.

And so, Zenitsu stopped in his tracks. Or as best as he could when he was in the midway motion of charging. Ending with him forced to dig his feet on the ground and dragging his Body forward still because of the momentum he’d used.

He passed by right through the fake people, which wasn’t pleasant at all to imagine, and then was met with a kick to the face for his hesitation because of the mist that blocked his vision. Ending up with him landing on his back.

Giving a pained moan, Zenitsu’s only warning that something else was coming his way was the sound he heard. And thankfully, the days of fighting Demons in Shibuya significantly enhanced his reflexes.

He rolled to the side just in time to avoid a stomp that would have crushed his head had he not rolled, instead the ground cracked from the pressure and left a shoe mark.

Then, when Zenitsu saw him, the Lower Moon Demon retreated into his Dark Mist and out of sight.

''I hate this already…''

He shouldn’t be surprised. At all. But Zenitsu had really not considered that the Dark Mist could be used as cover, or just hide the Demon itself.

Even though it would be one of the first things someone would do with that Ability. Make sure they weren’t seen.

But seen… shouldn’t mean Heard. Or at least he hoped.

Zenitsu hadn’t forgotten how the Sound he’d heard the last time had also been disguised. Which meant that if the Lower Moon remembered or just figured it out, then he would be in an even worse situation.

With that taken into mind, Zenitsu stood up as quickly as he could to pay attention to his surroundings. While he could still see the general outlines of the building, it definitely wasn’t as easy to see as before.

Not helped it did make him overly paranoid that anything could spring out and he wouldn’t notice. Unfounded, ultimately… or was it?

He would end up hearing something parting to the side and heading his direction. And he acted like most of the time.

He panicked and jumped off to the side. Only, it turned out to be a good thing he didn’t try to block or retaliate. Because it was a Person.

Absolutely normal looking person coming his way to punch him.

Was it… was it an actually real person or was the Lower Moon already aware of his Hearing and messing with him?

The fact he didn’t know was really bad. And it only turned even worse since he could hear more people coming his way. All of them… mumbling something.

''Must… to…''


And so on.

It only made things creepier as far as Zenitsu was concerned that amongst the screams of Bloody Murder or begging to not die he could still hear that there was now this going on.

And since he couldn’t tell the difference between Truth and Lies…

He had no choice but to deal with it right here and right now. Find what was Real, and what wasn’t. And chase after the Lower Moon Demon to end this once and for all.

- - - - - - - - - -

“That… was close….” Muichiro muttered to himself while finally bandaging up the cut in his side after tearing off a piece of his uniform’s sleeve to use it as a bandage. The wound was still not dangerous on its own, but it was still bleeding, something the Tokito knew that Takehito could use to either sniff him out, or potentially follow a blood trail within a building, like he was in now.

“Oh, what’s wrong brat? Just last night, you were so eager to get close and take my head, but now you’re hiding? Even I had more dignity than this back when I was on that slaughter house of a mountain.” Speaking of Takehito, the Demon himself mocked Muichiro as he wandered around within the building, and after listening closely, the Mist Breather was sure that the creaking floorboards were coming from the next floor.

“So he either didn’t check this floor completely, or his patience is running thin enough to have skipped a floor and not realise it.” The young teenager thought to himself, and scowling as he knew that he couldn’t take advantage of it for an offensive. After all, while he did still have some of his sword left, it was still chipped and the Demon Slayer didn’t know if the remaining sharp metal would be enough to fully slice through the Demon’s neck.

“Well… if you aren’t going to show yourself on your own, then I think I’ll have to flush you out.” But upon seeing that he couldn’t find Muichiro, the Demon clearly decided that it had enough just walking around in search of the Demon Slayer, and soon after those words were spoken, Muichiro’s eyes widened as he got up from his hiding spot.

Because suddenly, every single spot of the building that held water, from a simple bottle to a sink, burst and began to flood the whole building. Thankfully, Muichiro was able to evade this by jumping through a window, but the sound of shattering glass drew attention to him, and this was a fact that the young Slayer soon realised when he landed on the ground.

“Hey, he’s wearing the same clothes as those maniacs!”

“You bastard, what have you done to my daughter!?”

“Kill the fucker!”

“You are going to explain yourself right now!”

“A Demon Slayer! Finally, some quality meat!”

Hearing those yells directed towards him, Muichiro began looking around and saw many people running towards him. Some of them looking like normal people wielding things like metal pipes, some looked like police that lifted their guns and pointed them at him, some were probably humans that now looked partially like Demons with varying traits and some were definitely actual Demons looking to tear into him.

And all of them began attacking, and Muichiro was forced to evade and defend, and the worst part for him, was that he didn’t even know who was a Demon. Meaning that what seemed to be metal pipes could in fact be a flesh blade or a set of claws, but it could also mean that attacking what seems to be a Demon could claim an innocent life.

But despite that…

“I need to get out of here, or else I may die holding off so many individuals.” Muichiro was quick to realise the situation, and so, after deflecting some bullets with the remains of his sword, charged forward to a person that looks like they were a Demon and jumped up, soon landing on this individual’s face and then used them as a platform to leap off of and land on the roof of a building, away from everyone that was attacking him.

“There you are!” But this did not mean Muichiro could rest, as he spun around and saw what was coming right at him from above.

“Technique Recreation: Rainfall Waterfall! '' Takehito thought to himself as he dived down from above, a water blade in his hand, but unlike before, the blade had changed form compared to last night. As now instead of a recreation of a katana, Takehito held the recreation of a Greatsword the size of Muichiro’s body, and that made a shocking difference in what was about to happen next.

Because when Muichiro moved to leap back and avoid the strike, he did so but did not avoid being damaged. Because as soon as the water Greatsword slammed down onto the roof, the construct broke apart and after it seemed like all the water in the area was trying to go and repair the construct, the water then exploded like a large bomb with enough force to cause considerable damage to the structure.

“Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!” But acting quickly to defend himself from the attack, he then spun the remains of his sword to perform a powerful and swift circular slash to try and repel the explosion of water, and while it lessened the blast that would hit him, it didn’t cancel the explosion.

“Shit!” Muichiro swore as he was sent flying, before then crashing down into another building and rolling across the ground, before then taking a minute to force himself to stand back up and look around, finding himself in a basic living room with no one in it.

“Need to… hide….” Mumbling to himself, Muichiro was able to make his body move before the cloud of dust that was made from him being tossed into this building disappeared, and was able to exit the room and enter a hallway, but as he heard some footsteps behind him, the Demon Slayer made a quick decision.

“Mist Breathing - Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist!” And that decision was to slash at the ground 8 times in quick succession, causing a loud burst of noise thanks to destroying the wood beneath him, and in the same instance, opening a random door and entering the room to it and closing it, hoping that the noise he made would cover the sound of the door opening and closing.

“Really brat, I thought you would be smarter than this.” He could hear Takehito speak from just behind the door, making Muichiro tense up in a bit of fear at the idea of his plan being seen through. Thankfully, that proved to be unwarranted, as he then heard something landing on the floor below, indicating that the Demon fell for that trick.

“Good.” The young Tokito thought to himself while allowing himself to slide down the wall he was leaning against, taking in breaths of air as he made use of Recovery Breathing to help while calming down his beating heart. It wouldn’t restore his lost stamina or the wounds, but it would help his body regardless and right now, he needed every bit of remaining strength that he could muster.

“Hopefully Zenitsu is having an easier time. For everyone’s sake in Shibuya.”

- - - - - - - - - -

Surrounded by many who could have been Illusion’s or real people, Zenitsu had very few options in this and knew things would not get easier anytime soon.

Even more so since the Lower Moon could be amongst the crowd and trying to have him drop his guard.

So this meant he needed to figure out how to loosen this Demon’s hold.

He already had a guess on how to do it, especially with the previous night into mind, but now, he needed to put it into practice and make it work.

Something Zenitsu dreaded just as much as everything else going on. Because if something went wrong, he could end up killing a Human.

Or even worse, get many of them killed if he hesitated for too long.

It’s exactly why he does not hesitate to move and act now even with the limited amount of things he can do.

Which is why he jumps, inwardly apologizing to the poor person he’d about to kick.

Or at least, that’s what he’d do if his kick connected with something solid. But instead he phased right through one of them and then failed his landing, making him stumble back and down.

''Ok, this one’s not real…'' But what of the others?

Shooting up on his feet again so he could return to battling, Zenitsu decided to make a headcount first to be sure of something.

Namely, if more would return when one leaves or not. Because if it was almost immediately, that may just answer him and allow him to deal with this faster. Either that or the Lower Moon was doing more than he imagined.

''I should deal with this swiftly while I still can.''

Now that he knew there was a chance they weren’t real, he wouldn’t be surprised again. And it did allow him to try out something regarding his only Form.

Without his Sword of course.

''Thunder Breathing - First Form…''

Which is exactly why he had it sheathed now. His next attack would definitely be off, but it was better that than letting things continue as is.

''Thunderclap and Flash, Fourfold!''

Zenitsu can’t quite claim he completely came up with this on his own. Gramps had actually helped by suggesting that maybe he could do this, since he needed to accommodate for only being able to use one Form.

In the end, this was the end result.

Zenitsu shot forward and outright rammed into the person in front of him, which was fortunately not a real person as they faded into Mist when collided into. Or else he’d have been sent back into the one further back.

Zenitsu can’t see the look of disbelief that crosses that person’s face, because he would end up passing right through him to since the first one -and this one to- was mist. Once just one of his legs touched the ground, he flashed towards another direction.

And that was the idea in regards to Thunderclap and Flash. Normally, this was just a straightforward attack. One line, and that was it. Not a problem for any other Thunder Breathers since they had Five Additional Forms to use that would have compensated for the First Forms straightforwardness.

For Zenitsu however, this was incredibly important and really came in handy in situations like this.

As now, depending on the Number of Folds he used for this, it allowed him to change in all directions, no matter when he did it.

Granted, he didn’t have it fully under control, and Fourfold was as much as he could muster in his current state. More than enough, even though it limited him to four directional changes.

It also helped that most of them were more or less in a straight line, and that he received confirmation when just passing them through confirmed they weren’t real. Just Mist that scattered to the wind upon contact.

Then, with the Final step he took, he shot himself up and into the air. Panicking extremely when he miscalculated and wasn’t nearly as close to the portion of the roof he could have used as Foothold.

''Nonononono! Come on! I was doing so well!''

But clearly, the Gods were on his side since he narrowly was close enough to grab a hold of the edge of the building. Solid enough he could lift himself up and use as ground. Not that it filled him with much confidence, but this was better than nothing.

Especially since it allowed him a moment to just Breathe and catch his Breath after using Fourfold like that.

''I… I’m not… used to this…'' He had never needed to Breathe in so much Oxygen as right now, panting much in the process, ''But at least… at least I know…''

At the very least, his Opponents weren’t real. His only enemy would be the Demon who likely still lurked around.

That or he’d ran away, which was the scenario he hoped didn’t happen. Because even out of this, he wasn’t sure if his Ears would catch on to what was real or not.

Especially since they’d felt so real to his ears…

Then again, maybe he shouldn’t focus on the people when dealing with this. That Demon’s Blood Demon Art must have had limits somewhere. A Blind spot he couldn’t notice, especially if he was in control of the Dark Mist that had spread everywhere.

Could he flawlessly control everything in his Mist to the point even outside of it, he wouldn’t notice a difference?

It was time to find out.

As he panted, and as he could feel the faintest signs of his Heart beating, Zenitsu paid attention to all the Sounds.

Or rather, the lack of it.

Zenitsu hadn’t paid much attention to this particular fact previously, but anything inside the Mist gave absolutely no sound. It was like everything that happened inside held no hope of coming out.

Only, the Darkness of said Mist varied since there were times where it was light enough he could see it. And then other times like just before where it was significantly darker.

Thinking about it now, he wonders if this was on purpose, or some sort of sign. But that was beside the point.

No sound was coming out, but maybe…

Zenitsu listened more closely. Listening on and on for something that might slip through. But he couldn’t forever stay like this, if this didn’t work…

He’d keep his Promise to Muichiro, that much he swears on. Even though Zenitsu genuinely isn’t sure how he’s going to make it work at this rate.

And, shamefully for him, he really does hear nothing else.

Not a single trace of sound comes out. Nothing was given away.

Which meant if he wanted to trace Kamanue, he had to do it from the inside. And from the inside meant playing by his rules. But he didn’t have a choice, did he?

He’d need to be careful and wing it from here.

Drawing his Nichirin Blade, Zenitsu took a final Breath, gulped from the nerves catching up to him, and then, he dived in again.

He landed with grace, thankfully, and then his Ears went to work and listened. He could not waste this chance.

And he does hear something. Namely, the sound of a Demon. Except…

''They’re all the same?''

There was not a single distinguishing sound. They sounded all the exact same. And even worse, it’s everywhere.

''Oh no…''

Assuming that’s the actual Demon’s sound, he’s never going to figure out which one is the real one! Even if he slips up and the real shows, then that just means he’d still be able to hide behind what hasn’t cracked!

He just… he found a counter.

How did he even…? Did he always know how to counter sound?

It’s a small thought that doesn’t go anywhere for Zenitsu. Not when he notices the Mist change from its Lighter shade to something Darker.

He already knew what this meant. Something was coming his way, and he wasn’t about to like it.

And he didn’t.

Because Lower Moon Three completely gave up on the idea of fooling him, and instead decided to just go with things that were not pleasant to look at.

Like decomposing Corpses and Skeletons. And it said a lot if Zenitsu wasn’t entirely horrified by this even though he still felt like recoiling at the sight.

''I can’t forget. I can’t forget. I cannot forget! Those might be Humans!''

He needed to actively remind himself of this. Only, this wasn’t what he needed to pay attention to.

It was what came after that.

What he was seeing in front of him were distractions. But what else he heard were what he had to pay attention to. And Zenitsu reacted in time by flipping over the attack, revealing it to be… the Mist itself?

At least, it looked like it. Taking a particular tendril like form, the Tendril had shot ahead to pierce through him.

''How does that… are those Illusions to?''

With it having missed, Zenitsu landed behind where the Tendrils had originated. Only, after he did so, he realized a problem. Namely, that he was panting again, and not quite because he was out of Breath.

''Am I… Oh no!''

He was getting tired. He was growing exhausted from this. After a whole night of hunting, his Body was catching up the fact that it was nearing, or perhaps it already was now, Noon.

With nothing but Dark Skies and Rainy Weather being given to them.

This was not good. This was not good. This. Was. Not. Good!

And even worse, the way his Body was reacting was becoming obvious once more of those Tendrils shot at him. He reacted slower in dodging it.

In fact, his legs felt way more tired now when he tried to dodge them and then the Rotting Corpses of Skeletons.

And the worse did come to pass when he mis stepped because his eyelids grew heavier by the minute.

One of the Misty Tendrils hit him right on the side of his Face, making him fall off to the side.

Shockingly however, it didn’t actually pierce through him.

''Blunt Force…?''

It felt like a Fist. Which meant… these Dark Tendrils were masking something. And…


…he’s so tired…

Was this how he was going to die? Hit on the head coupled with Exhaustion? Was he… was he simply never going to fulfil what he desired?

''It’s still… raining…''

Tiredly, his mind supplied as his eyes grew heavy. Even with the danger coming his way, he couldn’t react.

It was like his Body was forcing him to accept Death when he didn’t want it, and all because Exhaustion crashed into his whole being.

''I’m… Sorry…''

And even worse, he couldn’t keep his promises. The most recent one being Muichiro. How he was supposed to win this… to end this…

But his oldest one especially…

He wouldn’t be able to keep it after all..


And then, Zenitsu’s eyes shut close while rained fell on his face, concealing whether in his last moments, he was crying or not.

Just like that, he went unconscious.

And this was the end of Agatsuma Zenitsu. Falling under the fate that was one’s exhausted body demanding rest after being stressed the whole Night and Morning.

The Misty Tendrils. The Skeletons. The Rotting Corpses. All neared. All were watching, and one was ready to deal the finishing blow.

The Skeleton.

Once it was at the front, it prepared by raising its hand coated in the Rain, holding onto a Knife equally wet. He prepared to lower it and pierce Zenitsu’s head to make sure he was dead.

And if this were anyone else, this would be their end.

But Zenitsu was different. Because going unconscious did not quite mean the end for him. Exhausted or not.

Because then, even with his eyes closed, Zenitsu shot up from the ground and kicked the man away from him. The rest moved to pounce on him, but Zenitsu shot up and out of the circle they had surrounded him.

He landed farther away, but not out of sight.

And while his eyes remained closed, he observed them, nonetheless. Something began to be noticed then.

He could not help but express the faintest signs of joy as his mouth moved slightly up at the observation.

''Ah… I see… so there is a weakness!''


Not all was lost.

- - - - - - - - - -

“Where the fuck are you!?” Muichiro could hear Takehito’s yell from below, and he soon had to shift his current position to evade being stabbed by a pillar of water that struck from below. Though, hearing this anger did make Muichiro narrow his eyes a bit.

“Why isn’t he flooding the building like the last one? Does this place lack enough water for him to pull off that trick again? Or does he have a limit I’m not seeing?” The young Demon Slayer questioned to himself, all while trying to think of something that could help him.

“Okay, let's go through this real quick. My body is practically at its limit, even if I’m a little better now thanks to Recovery Breathing. Meanwhile, I have a Demon possibly stronger than a Lower moon hunting me down in a city consumed by chaos, all while it is raining, giving the Demon practically infinite ammo. And with the state of my sword, even if I can defend myself, I have no hope of taking off his head myself, so somebody else needs to do the deed.” Muichiro thought to himself while taking in breaths of air still, but the end of his recap of this fight made him realise something.

“But then why hasn’t any other Demon Slayer shown up to help? Unless… whoever this one is working with has been covering up this fight into something that won’t draw the attention of other Demon Slayers. If that’s the case, I need to figure something out while not being attacked myself.” The Mist Breather realised, now using the regained strength he possesses to stand back up while keeping an ear out, and just making out muffled sounds of annoyance from Takehito below.

“But first, I need to escape and get to a safe spot.” And with that course of action decided, Muichiro began to move across the room towards a window, planning on opening it and escaping unnoticed by Takehito. However, that was sadly not to be, because something was able to fall through the small gaps in the wooden floor.

“Huh?” And that something was a drop of rain, which had fallen off the Demon Slayer’s body and now onto the Demon’s head. And after a moment of confusion, Takehito began to grin.

“Let's see if this is you.” Takehito commented quietly before then drawing water from the sink within the room he was standing in, forming it into a water bomb that he then slowly sent up to the roof of the room, before then letting it explode.

“GGGAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!” Screaming out in pain thanks to the explosion, the pain Muichiro felt would only feel more of it, as the force sent him flying through the window he intended to open and fall, until he crashed into the ground with broken glass surrounding him.

“...Shit….” Muichiro groaned out while rolling to his side and forcing himself back onto his feet, though hissing as his body seemed to have took a moment to realise that shards of glass has cut his flesh, though thankfully it didn’t get anything important and the cuts weren’t deep enough to be immediately life threatening.

“Well, well. Not going to lie, that looks suits you.” And hearing that voice, Muichiro turned around to look at the Demon that has been hunting him down, leaning against the wall and completely unbothered by the rain. This was in contrast with the Slayer’s own appearance, looking like it was barely able to stand while multiple cuts bled all across his body.

“Truly, it does. 9/10 in fact. Just need a face as ugly as your attitude, and the whole thing is perfect.” Takehito continued, mockingly raising his arms up in surrender at Muichiro’s glare, all while having a large grin on his face that proudly showed off his many sharp teeth.

And all Muichiro did was glare at this Demon, ignoring the rain that practically slammed down onto his small body, as if demanding for him to collapse to the ground right that instant. But despite that, the Tokito boy still possessed enough strength for that to not happen, and a bit more left to spare.

“Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!” And so, using that spare strength, Muichiro crouched down in preparation for his technique, while Takehito began to use the rain to create a spear when…

Muichiro spun around away from the Demon, and using the speed granted to him by his style’s Fourth Form, leapt forward and making great distance from Takehito, and thanks to the fog that had been building the entire time that the rain has been pouring down, the water manipulator quickly lost sight of the Demon Slayer.

“Okay… that spot should work.” Muichiro silently whispered to himself as he ran and made note of a building with a crack in it, which could be used to enter and take cover in.

And so, Muichiro did. And thankfully, with all of the chaos going on, regardless of if the people were human or Demon, none of them looked in the direction of the hole Muichiro went through and see him as a result, allowing him to hide and try to recover a bit more. And so, after fighting for just a moment, Muichiro’s eyes closed shut. Sadly…

That only lasted 3 minutes before a yell seemed to stop the current chaos.

“THAT’S IT!! YOU BETTER COME ON OUT BRAT, OR I’LL KILL EVERYONE HERE!!!” Hearing Takehito’s yell, Muichiro was startled and instantly woke up and began looking around, and after peeking out from the hole, his eyes widened in surprise.

Because what he saw was Takehito, standing on top of some metal box wheels attached to it, all while holding up his right arm and his hand acting as if it was gripping a neck. And when you looked around and had knowledge of this Demon’s Blood Demon Art, the reason why soon became clear, as he used the rain that clung to people’s bodies to make a ring of water that clung and tightened around their necks.

“Shit!” Seeing this situation, Muichiro could only glare from his hiding spot as he tried to think of something that he could do while his heart rate began to pick up at the sight before him. After all, he was in the ultimate worst-case scenario right now and even if he wasn’t tired, his blade was in no position to decapitate a Demon.

“And even worse, I can’t even see a Nichirin Blade on the ground. Meaning whatever Demon who is messing with our perception of things is either covering the fallen weapons, or there wasn’t even a Demon Slayer in this immediate area.” Tokito noted while glaring at Takehito from his hiding place, with the Demon’s patience quickly reaching an end as he chose to escalate the situation, jumping down from his current position and approaching a teenage boy that actually looked younger than Muichiro himself.

“...Dammit!” Growling at this sight, Muichiro knew that he had to make his decision fast, and after one last look around… he did.

“Perhaps a death you could have prevented will draw you out.” Takehito said while raising up his leg above the boy, and soon began to bring it down with the intention of crushing the teen’s skull, but he was stopped by Muichiro seemingly appearing from the fog itself and stabbing the Demon in the left eye with a knife he picked up from the ground.

“GGGGGAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!” Screaming in a mixture of slight pain and mostly rage, the Demon attempted to retaliate and swung his arm at the Demon Slayer, but from all perspectives but Muichiro’s own, it looked like he was hit and turned into fog. But that wasn’t what happened, and in fact, Muichiro merely crouched down to avoid the strike, taking full advantage of his current environment and the confusing movements of his style to improve his situation.

“Mist Breathing - Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist!” Then following up on his dodge, Muichiro turned around so his back faced Takehito and then performed a backflip, and while in the air, slashed down on the Demon with a speed that made it seem like the Demon Slayer cut into him a hundred times, but none could take off Takehito’s head.

“You know, it is pathetic using all of these people to simply catch me, right?” Muichiro taunted the Demon in the hopes of gaining his attention, and credit where it was due, the Mist Breather did succeed in that goal. The problem came from the fact that Takehito was not done with these people. Or more accurately, he was, but not in the way the Demon Slayer hoped.

“Seems like I don’t need these humans anymore.” Was all Takehito said, and any hope of him simply letting the people go was erased when he turned his hand into a fist, causing the water rings around nearly everyone’s necks to tighten until it finally severed the peoples’ necks.

“...You’re going to pay for that.” Muichiro promised the Demon, his grip tightening on the handle of his broken sword while anger fuelled him and made his heartbeat furiously within his chest. But Takehito though merely scoffed at the words and reaction before then sending out a water whip to try and strike the Demon Slayer, only for the young teen to evade and begin running away and causing Takehito to chase him.

“Hopefully I can find someone that can behead this bastard before my body gives out.”

- - - - - - - - - -

Zenitsu’s Body, previously exhausted, showed no signs of what had for a short moment plagued him previously.

Instead, he showed the opposite. With more energy than ever, his Body was able to shoot ahead to the supposed Skeleton. He was met with a kick that launched the man back, the rain falling onto him and revealing the truth.

''I don’t know if it’s really a weakness, an oversight or something else entirely… but I’m not wasting this chance.''

Zenitsu had only now noticed, but the Rain was the key.

After all, where the rain covered, the Illusion dispersed. The Mist either had trouble to remain rooted in place because of this Phenomenon or the Demon hadn’t considered the rain to be a problem.

Whatever the reason, now that Zenitsu’s Body was filled with adrenaline, it gave him the chance to properly fight back. For however long this would last, he didn’t plan on wasting it.

Which is why he didn’t hesitate to draw his Nichirin Blade and slice through a Fake to disperse the Illusion that came right after. The Rain passed right through, giving a clear sign that nothing was really there.

Following that, Zenitsu took a Breath and performed the First Form, initiating it as a Sixfold instead of the previous Four to completely scatter away everything in his Path. If they were Mist, they were mercilessly cut through, and if they were truly Human, a Fist met them.

By the end of his performance, Zenitsu was truly sure that all threats in this damaged building were cleared. And his thoughts went on the important matter.

''Locating the Lower Moon Demon won’t get any easier even with this knowledge, but the Rain will make things so much easier too.''

Zenitsu was unaware for how long this would actually last. Perhaps a few minutes, perhaps hours. Perhaps so much more. This body of his was only temporarily capable of continuing this pace.

And it seemed the Demon wanted to push it back to its limits, as he heard the exact same sounds beginning to near his location. And very quickly too, as someone barged in here, looking wildly around and his eyes landed on him.

''There’s that Bastard!''

Zenitsu wonders what they’re seeing. And he knows someone is truly here, with the Rain touching this Man’s skin.

Because while he’s still seeing Rotting Corpses and Skeletons, he must not be seeing something terrifying. Or perhaps he simply does not care.

''You’ll pay for killing my Family!''

Or that. That’d be a very good reason to ignore whatever you’re seeing at this moment. As displayed when the man charged at him madly.

He would be tripped and then received a kick to the face to knock him out. Internally, Zenitsu consciously and even unconsciously apologized for that. But at this point, he didn’t have many more choices.

Especially when he heard shouts.

''They got him!''

''Let’s swarm him!''

Definitely not alone. A crowd, maybe more…

It seems something’s changed for this to take place. Previously, the Civilians were all after each other’s throats. Seeing something that caused effects like that to take place. Yet now, they were banding together.

What had that Demon done? Or perhaps, the question shouldn’t be what it had done, but how.

It’s a previous thought that had come to mind, but for the Demon to know how to fight against him, it must see him in some fashion. The convergence of people towards him meant he saw him and acted accordingly to his actions.

But did that mean he was nearby? Or…

…no. The other option would imply something even worse. And if that’s true, then this Battle has only become all the harder.

For now, Zenitsu has no choice but to assume the Demon is nearby. But to look around…

''I apologize.'' Zenitsu says as he begins seeing the same Illusion’s entering the Building, ''It looks like I have to hurt Civilians more than Demons this time.''

It left a bad taste in his mouth, but he’d rather do that then end up either dying himself, or them resuming to killing each other or whatever else could happen.

And so, he proceeded to battle all of the Humans and knock them unconscious. All of them. None of them were Illusions, so he had no choice but to land punches and kicks to keep them down.

When the final one fell, he felt this odd sense of… dread. He wasn’t entirely sure why, besides that he simply did not enjoy hitting Civilians.

Yet, oddly enough, the Illusions that covered them then scattered away. Revealing the Humans with some bloodied faces and some holding their guts.

…he feels even more sorry now that they aren’t masked by the Illusion, but he had to move on from that.

Because he notices something. Or rather, it’s blatantly told to him. The moment the Dark Mist faded from them; their Sounds returned to normal. Suddenly, all of them were standing out from the same of exactly same sounds.

And a thought crossed Zenitsu’s mind.

''...I can’t possibly manually knock everyone out. There’s no way…''

No, that couldn’t be it. There had to be another reason. If things were that simple, then he shouldn’t hear constantly the same Sounds all over. So what caused this?

What made this so different?

Perhaps… he should test thing out. What exactly made the Sounds revert to normal.

He only had so much time, and he needed to be swift. So, much to Zenitsu’s chagrin, this meant he needed to knock more Civilians unconscious…

''...I profusely apologize.''

He went on the move.

- - - - - - - - - -

“You know, this whole stealth game of yours is quite irritating for me.” Takehito remarks as he walked down an alleyway, looking around for the hiding Demon Slayer while Muichiro hides behind a turn in the path.

“Dang it. I still need more rest to regain my strength, because right now, that Demon will instantly kill me the moment he gets his hands on me.” The Demon Slayer thought to himself, before then turning around and running further along the path to make more distance, before jumping upwards to land on a support that was being used for an incomplete building to get himself on a higher position.

“Hm?” However, it appeared that the movement had caught Takehito’s attention thanks to rain making puddles that the young Slayer was forced to run through, making him approach the direction Muichiro ran in.

“It’s official. This is one annoying Demon.” Muichiro decided to himself as he looked down on the Demon, and from his current position, he noticed something that made his eyes widen in surprise.

“He’s holding a Nichirin Blade?” The Tokito thought in surprise, because indeed, the Demon was carrying a green coloured Nichirin blade in his hand.

But… was it actually there, or something he was only seeing because of the mist? For example, as things were, that sword could easily just be a small pebble in reality or a simple knife, both of which were completely useless against a Demon of this level, and using them against Takehito would be a death sentence.

“But… at the rate things have been going, I need to take that risk. Question now is, how do I get to it and not die.” And so, despite the risks, the Demon Slayer has now decided to go for what may just be his last hope in this situation.

But despite that decision, the Demon Slayer knew that he couldn’t just openly go for the weapon, especially when he needed to get it out of Takehito’s grip and then retreat with the aid of the fog. So, the teenager began to look around in search of anything that could be used to help while Takehito walked around from below.

“Honestly, this is getting annoying. Perhaps I should just ask for some….” Takehito stated with a scoff, but stopped in place when he heard some metal fall to the ground. Deciding to see if it was the Slayer brat, the Demon used some of the water on the ground to create a few water platforms that acted like stairs, moving up to a higher spot as he looked around and only saw a box holding a few tools like hammers on the ground.

“What?” At the sight, Takehito had to question how this fell over. Okay, not how, since he was sure that it was the brat he was hunting down, but why would he knock it over? The kid is annoyingly smart, so unless he bumped into it because of exhaustion…

“Shit!” However, the fact that this was a trap soon became clear to the Demon when a support beam suddenly fell with the intent to crush him, but the Demon easily used the rain to manifest a water shield that stopped it from happening, causing the large amount of metal to slide off of the construct and collapse onto the ground. 

“So, I was right in thinking he would go for this Nichirin Sword. Well, that just means that once he gets close, the boy will become nothing more than a snack for me.” Takehito thought to himself with a growing smile, now straightening back up while purposefully twirling the sword in his hand to mock the Demon Slayer.

“So, you noticed what I have. Found it while I was looking for you thanks to a comrade of yours that only had a single eye. He looked oddly familiar, so he might have been someone I saw back while I was trapped on that hellhole of a mountain thanks to that Final Selection you Slayers created.” Takehito spoke out towards Muichiro despite not knowing the swordsman’s current position, deciding to explain the origins of the sword to try and bring him out.

“...Bastard seemed to have those little wind techniques as well, if the colour of this weapon is anything to go by. But admittedly, I’m not too sure since I saw him actually using Water Breathing before some lady stabbed him in the leg with a knife and left him to die to a few other Demons. Really, it is always amazing to watch such irony when it happens.” The Demon continued on, only to spin around and lean to the side to prevent himself from being hit in the head by a toolbox thrown at him, causing the Demon to send out a few water whips in the direction with the intent of crushing Muichiro. However, after a few seconds of allowing this to happen, Takehito got rid of the constructs and approached the spot.

“Regardless of that though, we both know you can’t really keep this up. Your human body must feel like heavy weights are pulling down every muscle in your body after being active since last night and gathering up more injuries since then. Even if you got this sword, you would probably fall face first into the dirt after going for my neck at this point, so why bother.” The powerful man eater questioned curiously, only to soon scowl as he got to the spot where the toolbox was thrown from and saw no one in the spot, even lacking some dripping blood that would have fallen onto the ground.

“Though, it is also possible that the rain washed it away.” Takehito mentally mused to himself, before then looking over his shoulder when he thought he heard something. But before he could investigate what it might be…

“Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!” Muichiro seemed to manifest from the fog itself right in front of Takehito, causing the Demon to raise his hand holding the Nichirin blade to attempt to block and then kill the boy with the very weapon he thought could have saved his life. Sadly for the Demon though, he didn’t notice where Muichiro’s blade was actually aiming thanks to the fog and the boy’s own movements, and as a result, Takehito was stunned when the Slayer used the remains of his blade to slice through his foe’s wrist.



Seeing that this tactic had worked, Muichiro allowed his broken weapon to fall from his hands and quickly grabbed the still intact and sharp sword from the air. However, in this time, Takehito recovered from his shock and glared, not willing to let himself be killed and acted quickly, manipulating all of the surrounding water to create many spikes of water to try and impale the Mist Breather, but Muichiro acted quickly as well and leapt back.

“Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!” And with the circular slash he performed, the Tokito was able to stop the still approaching water spikes in their tracks and then disappeared into the fog, needing a moment to recover as his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest.

But that caused something else to spark in the process. And the first sign of it was when Takehito screamed a particular title.

''Oh, Lower Moon! It seems I need to call your Aid after all!''

Safe to say, Muichiro momentarily felt panic well up from within his very soul when hearing that entire sentence. Only, the form this aid came to wasn’t what he had expected.

He couldn’t see it fully, lest he risk being seen by the Demon, but the small amount he saw was already proving to be bad.

Namely, the formation of the Head and a portion of the neck through the Mist in the form of a bulge sticking out. Vaguely Human from that point on, a Demon took shape with eyes that would have been a dead giveaway of who it was.

Namely, Lower Monn Three.

''Not exactly a good time, Takehito. I’m busy with something else.''

''It won’t take much of it. And you can’t tell me that other brat is giving you that much trouble, unless you mean to tell me he’s found you?'' There is clear taunting coming out of the Unranked Demon, and it only makes the sticking out head scowl.

''He’s more problematic than I anticipated, ok? I didn’t think his Hearing would allow him to even find out my general location, and even though his Body should be too exhausted to move, he’s still fighting.''

Hidden from inside the Mist and taking his chance while feeling proud, Muichiro moved some more distance away while recovering as much as he could, not knowing this would be fruitless.

''Just like this one then. Both should be too tired to fight, but they’re still going… and since you’ve answered my call, mind telling me where that brat is? I want to finish this fight soon.''

The Lower Moon didn’t immediately answer, for a moment, his mind seemed to be elsewhere, preoccupied with another matter that would cause something.

Muichiro didn’t realize it then, but something was slipping.

Then, out of that same mist, a hand formed and a finger was pointed exactly where Muichiro hid inside the Mist.

''There he is.''

And even worse, the Mist around Muichiro he’d used to hide actually parted away to reveal his location. Where there was once Dark Mist now was gone. A circular path revealing it all and exactly where he was.

''Don’t expect more help, I’m busy dealing with the other Hunter.'' Those were the Lower Moons last words to Takehito as the apparition faded away into the Dark Mist, but even then, the parting of said Mist remained and undid Muichiro’s cover.

''I won’t need more help.'' Takehito assured to no one while smugly glaring at the Mist Breather. But then, seeing the teenage Slayer properly and grinning.

“Mist Breath-!” And seeing that grin, Muichiro began to tense and attempt one of his techniques to try and go on the offensive, but Takehito was quicker than the exhausted Demon Slayer and charged forward, creating a water katana that he swung forward with the intent to, ironically, behead the Demon Slayer.

Thankfully for the Tokito, he was just able to react in time and shifted his new weapon to block the attack. However, this wouldn’t be able to stop the force of the attack, and this is a fact that Muichiro soon became aware of when the attack was able to send him flying out of the construction site for an incomplete building, and right into a large one.

“D-Dammit….” Muichiro groaned out, forcing his body to stand up despite how much it cried out in pain.

“Don’t think I’m letting you out of sight again!” But before Muichiro could really clear his head or look around his current environment, his attention was drawn back to Takehito and was just barely able to step to the side to evade a water spear being thrown right at him, and soon was forced into a blade lock with the Demon. However, it did not last quickly, because then Takehito kicked the young Slayer in the stomach and through a wall, making Muichiro roll across the ground.

“I… barely have any strength left.” Muichiro thought to himself, once again just barely standing up. However, as he did so and got his bearings, he had to blink in surprise as he saw fire beginning to spread throughout the room that he was in.

“Huh. Who would have thought that I kicked you into a fireplace. Oh well, not like it’ll change anything.” Takehito commented as he walked through the hole that was made from Muichiro’s body, making the Demon Slayer glare as he lifted up his Blade in a defensive posture.

Seeing this, Takehito smirked before then running forward and then swinging out with his water blade, with Muichiro just barely blocking the strike, as well as the next blow. And for a solid minute, this cycle of Muichiro just narrowly blocking sword swing and evading those he couldn’t block, while Takehito slowly kept on building more pressure on Muichiro that made the boy’s heart race, as if it was trying to escape from his chest, until things soon came to an end.

“Shit!” Swearing as he was almost pushed into the spreading fire that was now covering nearly half of the room, this caused Muichiro to become distracted for just a second, but in his current state… it was enough.

“Technique Recreation: Ocean Slash!” And it showed, because as he then performed a single slash that created a wave of water, pouring out in an arc shape with enough strength to slash into Muichiro’s chest, cutting into flesh enough to draw blood while sending the teen flying through flames that were soon extinguished by the Demon made water.

“And that… is the end of that.” Takehito said with a smile as he walked forward at a casual pace, expecting to at worse see a Muichiro paralysed by shock from the pain he was inflicted with, but as he saw the teen he was aiming to finish off and eat…

That was not the case.

“What the hell? Are those Demon markings? But he’s human.” The Demon thought to himself in surprise and confusion as he saw the Tokito beginning to stand back up. But what stood out to him were the markings that were on Muichiro’s cheeks and the left side of his forehead, with the Demon looking markings being a mist-like cloud pattern in shape and coloured a dark red that was able to stand out amongst the blood on the teen’s face.

“Honestly, I may not know where this strength has suddenly come from…” Muichiro began to speak towards Takehito, a smile beginning to form on his face before then looking the monster in the eyes.

“But I’ll just have to kill you quickly while it lasts, you piece of shit.” The teenager finished before then charging forward at a speed that he really should not possess, causing Takehito to form a pair of water katanas in his hands to defend himself and just barely raised them up quickly enough to stop a swing to his neck.

“The hell happened to him!?”

- - - - - - - - - -

Zenitsu doesn’t think he’s ever imagined once he’d be fighting Humans, even when the cause of that was because of a Blood Demon Art.

Yet here he was, kicking someone unconscious.

''I am so sorry…'' He repeated for the umpteenth time, even sleepwalking, as he cringed at the sound of someone’s head hitting the floor.

This was what he was stuck to so far. Kicking and Punching Civilians unconscious, revealing each time that it happened that the Mist didn’t warp those that were out for the count.

While initially helpful, Zenitsu realized if he wanted to do something significant, he needed to do big.

Or at least he hoped that doing something big would work well enough.

As for how to do it…

''Limits… to many… I need to be faster and do it too quickly. In theory, that should do something.''

At least, one opening.

Which is why currently, Zenitsu was running around to get attention. And he sure did get quite a bit of it.

''Don’t let the Monster get away!''

''Get him!''

''Get him!''

''Go get him!''

''He got Kaizo!''

Zenitsu wondered yet again exactly what they were seeing that made them all give chase to him while the rest were still at each other’s throats and shouting against whatever they were seeing. But at the same time, the 20 or so crowd of people giving chase were his chance.

No matter if they were real or not.

In fact, them not being real might be better. But that was just a bonus.

''Alright, let’s start it then. Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Sixfold!''

Now, what was Zenitsu thinking by going at it so strongly against Civilians of all people?

It was less against them that he was using that kind of speed and repeating it Six times one after the other. Instead, it was towards the Mist that creation the Illusions. The fake sounds.

Thunder Breathers were said to be capable of moving just as fast as when Lightning struck. And in theory, that kind of speed meant a particular strong parting of the air. Something that could make a difference in a zone like this, no matter how small it may end up being.

The Rain was already a sign that the Demon either hadn’t or couldn’t do anything against that Natural element. Nothing was masked against it. And if the Mist was disrupted so abruptly while removing more Illusions…

This small window may just give him what he needs.

Without the usage of his Katana, Zenitsu shot ahead and proceeded to ram his body right into the person at the front, the poor guy was launched into someone else and the other launched into the other. While not all fell for it, the couple that did fell back in pain and overall winded.

Wasting no time, Zenitsu used his first step and shot himself diagonally to a far end, the wind parting and the Mist slightly parting from the strong movement. Then he repeated the ramming and knocked some more people.

He repeated those motions 2 more times to make a full circle in very few seconds, not quite knocking everyone out because of the limited amount he could do, but nonetheless disrupting the Mist’s work before going at the centre of it with the final step.

Then, with his Hearing, he listened to the changes.

And there was a difference. In stark contrast to what going completely out of the Mist would cause, there were sounds that came around.

All distinguishable. All unique. All different.

Most Human. Some other Demon.

He could even swear he was hearing Tokito’s own sound going particularly unique.

But what he needed the most, came to his ears.

A Tactic that wouldn’t have worked for anyone else without the same sense of hearing was working spectacularly at this very moment. Because now, he had the very familiar sound that only came from a singularity and not a multitude.

''I got you!''

And Zenitsu bolted to that direction. No matter what was masking it now, he knew where it was. Even as the same sounds came, it was impossible for him to confuse that singular one for anything else.

Zenitsu was all the happier for his sense of hearing allowing him to fulfil his Promise.

And as he neared however, he noticed an obstacle. Namely, the sound that had come originally from outside, was now inside. Meaning the Demon knew he was coming and was going for cover.

Shame for the Lower Moon that he’d hung around Inosuke for far too long.

''That Wall won’t be an obstacle.''

Because then, Zenitsu proceeded to slice right through the Building’s wall. Twice. Obviously he couldn’t just burst through in his current state, but by doing that X-Slice, it weakened the structure enough that the Thunder Breather could simply kick the weakened wall.

Internally, he did however lament that he’d taken Inosuke as inspiration. But that was beside the point.

Doing so, and barging through the hole now allowed him to finally meet the Demon face to face, who looked utterly flabbergasted by his stunt as he’d derailed his tracks. Looking ready to bolt the other direction.

After all, Kamanue had seen Zenitsu’s speed enough times to know that would seal his fate in direct combat. And right now, with that Demon Slayer in front of him, within walking distance, his chances were astronomically low.

But that is also why he had no choice, did he?

Kamanue tried to immediately counter while he could. Zenitsu just now landing on his feet when the Mist swirled around him to block his Vision, even with eyes closed.

And, miraculously for the Demon? The Adrenaline was by now wearing off.

Which meant that his next ruse did work.

Tendrils of Mist shot on all directions, and while Zenitsu reacted in time to jump over and avoid the off chance of the Demon attacking from there, Kamanue was already on top and had both hands cupped for a sledgehammer strike.

It landed on the very top of his skull and launched him down.

This had the unintended side effect of snapping Zenitsu out of his Sleepwalking state.

''Ugh… what…?''

With a tired and confused groan, Zenitsu now opened his eyes to find himself indoors. Somehow.

And then his eyes immediately noticed a Demon ready to fall on top of him.

Safe to say, Survival Instincts resumed working as Zenitsu rolled off to the side just in time to avoid that.

''What…? How?''

How did he even get here?! And… was that the Demon he was hunting for?! That was really fortunate but… actually, no. No time to question this.

Zenitsu stood back up on his two feet and gripped his Sword tightly, and while exhaustion could be felt, it wasn’t nearly crippling.

Which meant he could fight still.

And Zenitsu would be damned if he wasted this chance. No matter how it came to be in front of him.

''You’re not getting away!''

It was now or never!

- - - - - - - - - -

“Mist Breathing - Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist!” In the middle of him evading a swarm of hands sent at him by Takehito, Muichiro was able to slice through and practically obliterate each limb while in a somersaulting motion, and allowing the Demon Slayer to land on his feet.

“How the hell are you doing this!?” Takehito questioned Muichiro with frustration while running outside of the building to get back into the rain, getting the teen to merely shrug in response before crouching down once again.

“Mist Breathing - Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash!” And with that, the Tokito boy charged forward at a speed Takehito knew he couldn’t physically keep up with, but to defend himself, he soon created many obstacles in various shapes, such as water walls, water spikes that went to skewer Muichiro and small water bombs, but the Demon Slayer was able to easily slice through each one or side step them with no issue.

Thankfully for Takehito, this gave him the time needed to gather up the water beneath his feet in preparation for what he was about to do next.

“Technique Recreation: Tempest!” And that just happened to be the recreation of Water Breathing’s Sixth Form, which for Takehito, manifested in a water tornado being created from under his feet and lifting him up into the air, with water katanas quickly popping out of the water tornado and spun at a high speed with it. 

Seeing this, Muichiro quickly dug his feet into the ground, and just in time, since the slippery floor almost caused the Demon Slayer to slide right into the spinning water katanas. 

Meanwhile, looking down from his elevated position, the Demon grinned as he then used the water from many points of still being built building, sending out fast moving, but condensed water droplets that would pierce right through the young Slayer if they hit.

“Mist Breathing - Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash!” Turning around to face the many projectiles, Muichiro once again performed a swift circular slash with enough force to blow away the attack and make it harmless. But then acting on instinct, Muichiro spun around in time to see Takehito burst through his little water tornado with a pair of water katanas in hand.

“Mist Breathing - Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist!”

“Technique Recreation: Perpetual Tide!”

And so, in the same instant, they both unleashed a fast-paced flurry of strikes, but despite Takehito’s abilities, this clash was something he could just barely keep up with thanks to the use of both of his replicated katanas and the brief water explosions he made slightly throwing Muichiro off, which delayed his 8 sword swing enough for Takehito to parry the Slayer’s attacks.

Then, upon the 8th clash of their blades, as they struggled against each other with Takehito using both of his replica swords against Muichiro’s one sword, there was a brief pause from the Tokito boy as he noticed something in the reflection of his new blade, specifically on his face.

“Are those patterns?” The young Demon Slayer questioned to himself. But sadly, this single moment of distraction was something Takehito was able to take full advantage of, using the blade lock to keep Muichiro close while causing one of his weapons to explode, tossing both fighters away and making them slam into a wall with enough force to crack it, or in Muichiro’s case, through it and making distance between them.

Shaking his head to recover from that surprise tactic while getting back up, Muichiro looked around and saw that the force of the explosion had tossed him back into the construction site of the still being built building from before. But as that fact settled within his mind, it was only thanks to instinct that the Demon Slayer realised danger was fast approaching and leapt to the side, which saved him from getting crushed by a large water whip with a hammer construct attached to it, before slicing through a beam of water that then tried to slam into him.

“Technique Recreation: Ocean Slash!” Then physically following up on his previous attack, performing a simple horizontal slash with his remaining water katana and making a wave of water to pour out just like an Arc and head right towards Muichiro.

“Mist Breathing - Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze!” Seeing this, Muichiro then made use of this technique’s zigzag like movements to evade the attack, before then charging forward towards the Demon to end this.

Seeing the speed of the Demon Slayer, Takehito was quick to form a dome of water around his body that thankfully saved his life, as Muichiro had to take a few moments to slice through the water construct. And by the time that the Tokito was able to break it, the Demon caused the water between them to explode once again like a bomb, forcing distance to be created once again as Muichiro stumbled back when his feet landed on the ground again, almost slipping because of the wet ground, but quickly regained his footing.

“This Demon Slayer… whatever happened to him when he got those markings has made him insane. Not even Urokodaki showed a level of power like this when he captured me!” Takehito though, while he was also thrown back by the explosion of water, had landed on a still being built piece of a wall and currently out of sight, giving him a chance to think things over.

“Dammit! I want to eat this brat after all of the trouble he has given me, but it’s too risky. If he gets close, there is no doubt that I’m dead and only alive because of the rain. And while he will run out of stamina as a human… staying around when he can kill me by getting close possibly one more time is too risky for me to rely on that.” The Demon analysed with a scoff, now standing up while keeping his eyes on Muichiro in case the Demon Slayer noticed him.

“Still, I can leave him with one last gift to keep his attention.” And with that thought, Takehito began manipulating large amounts of water, far more than anything he had controlled in the past, before then a large water bomb almost the size of a small building to try and obliterate Muichiro, causing the boy to turn his attention to it while Takehito fled.

As a result of that, the water bomb proceeded to explode violently, destroying much of the incomplete structure while Muichiro ran away to escape the blast, and while he didn’t get out unscathed, he was able to thankfully get away from the immediate blast zone, so when the exploding water caught up to him, the Tokito was only sent flying down and alleyway, skidding across the ground until the Slayer stabbed his new sword into the ground to stop his momentum.

“...He got away.” Muichiro remarked after taking a moment to collect himself and stand back up, taking the sword out of the ground.

“...Dammit….” But finally, after fighting since last night and then long into the day, adrenaline finally began to burn out, causing Muichiro to suddenly feel as if the world was just dumped onto his shoulders. And as a teenager in that scenario, all the Tokito boy could do was drop to his knees before falling face first into the ground, breathing heavily as his senses began to slowly dull.

But before darkness consumed his vision, something stood out to Muichiro. And that was the sound of footsteps running in puddles as someone approached him.

- - - - - - - - - -

''Not getting away?'' The Demon repeated in confusion for a moment before snarling, ''Of what? Running away or what I’ve done?''

The Demon pointed a hand outside of the building, mocking Zenitsu.

''Look outside! I’ve already gotten away with it! Right now, every single Human out there is fighting each other, clawing at the other to kill what they perceive as a Monster while my fellow Demons are taking the chance for a Last Meal! I’m getting away with this Human!''

Zenitsu did not answer that. Only glaring at the Demon. Said Demon then used that same hand he pointed to lay in on his chest.

''And if you mean running away… what are you going to do about that? I’m not a fool. I know of your Hearing! And I can counter it so easily.''

He could. There was no denying that. But the Lower Moon Demon was making one vital mistake.

''And you think I’m just going to give you the chance to use it again?''

Zenitsu was not planning on allowing the Lower Moon any chance of concealing himself, no matter what may get in his way.

''Maybe not… but I wonder how much longer you can hold…''

Because he knew that this particular Human was pushing his Limits as is. There was only so much he could handle.

Maybe this wasn’t a losing Battle for him. At least, if he played his cards right.

But that meant he’d be forced to stick around.

Was it a risk that was worth taking or not?

''But a warning. I will give you time to prepare, but I expect success. I expect all of you to win this time. Got it?''

Those words he was reminded of chose for him. Victory or Failure. It will come now.

He just had to make sure he was the former and prove himself.

''Now, let’s see!'' And with a wicked grin, the Dark Mist moved upon Command just as the boy moved to cut his neck.

He hit nothing but Empty Air with the Mist parting. And with a swiftness to it, he thereafter felt a fist hit his ribs, his body twisting to the side from the blow.

Yet he remained rooted in place even after the fist was removed while a laugh echoed all over.

''Heh Hahaha!! I wonder how long you can last against me!''

Zenitsu moved and sliced where the Demon had supposedly been when he felt that fist land, but as expected, there was nothing there either. Which would give the impression the Demon was moving at high speed to give the impression of an Echo.

Only, knowing this Blood Demon Art, that was far from the truth.

''He’s here, but he’s careful…''

Next up, he felt a shoe hit his back, destabilizing his footing as he stumbled forward. Yet, it allowed him to finally see the shape this Illusion took. Because after that, he could see as the shape of a Shoe but covered in the Mist came his way. With the top being what would cause an Uppercut.

''He jumped over-?''

And then he was hit by said kick, his head snapping up from the blow while he stumbled back. Nothing came immediately after that, as Zenitsu was allowed to steady his footing.

And then a fist hit his gut and he wheezed.

''I can’t rely on my Ears!'' Following that thought, Zenitsu immediately retaliated, albeit unable to actually use his Blade proper and instead using the Kashira. To his surprise, the Kashira grazed something, but it was to close.

''But I’m not sure if I can rely on my Eyes either.'' Yet the Alternatives were limited. The best thing he could do was let a hit land and then react quickly enough, but there was only so much pain he could handle, and something in his Body would definitely-


Zenitsu’s expression displayed his pain as he felt something hit his leg strongly enough he felt it.

The cracking of his Tibia.

Not yet broken, but anymore hits and he’d definitely have a dislocated leg at best and a severed leg at worst. Both options would seal his fate regardless.


In his panicked and pained cries, all he could really do was jump over with his Good leg, which luckily had him avoid something that had been coming his way.

And, with a broken leg now plaguing him, Zenitsu’s first instinct reformed itself after days where confidence formed.

Pained tears flowed down as he only thought of running away.

''You’re… What?! Don’t you dare leave now Human!'' The Demon, flabbergasted, grew angry when seeing Zenitsu run away. The echoes his voice carried only made Zenitsu more fearful as he thought of nothing but running, which wasn’t perfect either when each time he pressed his cracked leg to run, pain shot all over.

He could not help to cry further in pain and snivel. And, to think that after all he’d gone through, this is what made all of his confidence just… crash.

After 5 whole days of fighting Demons after Demons after Demons, to the point he actually lost count, a broken leg is what ended his streak and caused him to cower like he did oh so often before Shibuya.

It was… it was so… so… Pathethi-

''Get a hold of yourself! Stop crying! Stop running away! Doing that won’t get you anywhere! Zenitsu!''

Oh. Right. That time. He had enough of training one day, hadn’t he? To the point where he’d ran and somehow climbed up a Tree out of arms reach. With Gramps as old as he was and with a Pipe leg, he couldn’t exactly drag him down there without additional help.

And he’d hate it.

So Zenitsu had succeeded in his goal. Not that victory had lasted. And he’d been crying by that point as well, though he honestly wasn’t sure anymore if he was just scared of seeing Gramps mad, actually feared returning to training or something else that slipped his mind.

Either way, his action that day put an end to the days when his Hair was Black.

''Come down from there! We’re going to continue training!''

Considering the whole point of running and climbing up a Tree, Zenitsu absolutely refused it and made his opinion of it very clear, if perhaps a tad dramatic.

''Oh no! I’m sure I’ll die if I do any more training! I’m sure that I’ll die so…!''

The Training wouldn’t have killed him, and Gramps had made it clear.

''You won’t die! Not from this level of training! Come down from there, you little moron!''

Thinking on it again, he wonders why he didn’t react more strongly at the mention there was in fact training that could kill someone. Though considering everything else, it wasn’t much of a surprise.


He completely ignored everything else and focused on the fact he was called a Moron, giving an outcry at being called that.

''Call me ''Master!''

Gramps gave his own outcry at being called something that familiar.

''But I love you, Gramps!''

For all the crying and tears he was giving, Zenitsu didn’t miss the utterly touched expression Gramps had given then, to the point the old man had been blushing. Which is honestly why he went spoke of the Events that had led to Zenitsu even being under Gramps tutelage.

''When a girl I loved made me raise money so she could run off with another guy, you did rescue me from my mountain of debt!''

Of around 600,000 to boot. He no longer remembered the exact number, but that was something he’d rather forget.

''Well, maybe all you wanted was to train a swordsman!'' Though Gramps had definitely taken pity, if the Sound and Expression he’d given then was anything to go by.

''I want to live up to your expectations, too! But it’s totally beyond me! I do feel terrible about the fact that I’m like this!''

Thinking on it at that moment, he’s pretty sure Gramps was at this point less mad and just really worried that he was going on this tirade now when the training, much as Zenitsu really hated to admit, was very light in comparison to the rest.

''Just so you know, I’ve been training on my own in secret, too! I haven’t been getting any sleep! But I have absolutely nothing to show for it! What does this mean? I mean, really, what does this mean?''

And even if he wasn’t worried at that point, he definitely had been after noticing where his Student failed, because Dark Clouds gathered around while he was going on and on. The weather had showed faint signs it may turn bad, but it was almost like Heaven itself had decided to speed up the Thunder coming due to how fast the Sky darkened.

And honestly, even if this hadn’t been coming, he’d definitely still have tried to raise his Students morale.

''Calm down, Zenitsu! You do have the ability to…''

''I’ve had enough!''

So did the Heaven’s, apparently. Because Zenitsu to this day isn’t sure why at that exact moment, Lightning struck on that one Tree and hit him completely.

Gramps was panicking by that point.


How tragic was his life anyway for that to happen? He’d plummeted down the scorched tree with his Hair now a different colour, somehow alive from that. And he was thankful to be alive, but still…

Zenitsu hates himself more than anyone. Now as he ran away from the Lower Moon Demon, or even before that.

But more than ever, he hated himself.

Because at one point, all he did was think. Think and get his act together. Yet, before, he would always end up cowering, running away and snivelling. And now, he was repeating this even after events that should have changed it.

Running away from his Opponent. Cowering from the Demon having cracked one of his legs and snivelling from the pain and fear that was swallowing him whole.

He’d dearly wished to change. To become a competent person. And still…

''I need to hide! I need to… to do something! My Legs killing me and it’s only cracked!''

Where to hide. Where to hide… he’d run up flights of Stairs and now… where did he go? Where could he just…

''I know you’re Upstairs you damned Coward! You don’t have much place to run!'' The voice of the Lower Moon echoed all over, and, to make matters even worse, Zenitsu could actually hear Footsteps that went up each flight of stairs.

One step at a time. And his Heart beat faster and faster because of it. And he panted then.

''With that cracked leg, you’re done for! You need both intact, right? Or else, that one attack you use is useless, no matter what else you add on top!''

The echo was mocking him. The Lower Moon taking joy now that the Predator had become the prey.

And… he’s right, isn’t he?

With one leg cracked the way it was, and the pain that filled him each step he took, what else could he do now?

He was done for…

Maybe… If only he could use the other Forms, then maybe…

''That’s all right, Zenitsu. That’s good enough for you.''

Gramps had reassured him on the matter that same day, after he’d come back conscious from being struck by Lightning.

''If you can master one, that’s cause for celebration!'' Gramps had knelt down on one leg and laid a hand over his head for a pat, ''If you can only do one thing, hone it to perfection. Hone it to the utmost limit!''

And what use was that now?! He’d done that as best he could, but now that one thing…

Maybe Gramps was right to be hopping mad when it was discovered Zenitsu could only do one Thunder Breathing form out of Three.

Maybe his Senior was right to look down on him for not being able to perform any of the other Two Forms Thunder Breathing held, limiting any other additions he could have done.


Zenitsu felt the bottom of Gramps fist hit the top of his skull.

''Do you know how to forget a sword?'' The question asked, Gramps repeating the motion of his Fist hitting the top of his Skull. Never going for a real hit.

''I have no idea. Will you keep hitting me? I think I’ll cry.''

Except it still definitely hurt to some extent. Light it may be. But then again, that was the whole point, wasn’t it?

A demonstration.

''The thing about swords… You strike and strike and strike to get rid of impurities and anything you don’t need, and to increase the purity of the blade, so a durable sword can be forged.''

So, if he got it all right…

''So that’s why you keep clobbering me day in, day out? But I’m not made of steel, am I? I’m living flesh, you know.''

His Flesh was limited. His whole being was limited and held back. What else could he do but run, hide, and hope he could make out of it alive?


When Zenitsu tried to take another step to run away, he realized he was on the top Floor. There was no more way out, only the Window.

''I’m done for.'' He thinks as he drops, falling on his rear.

There was… there was no more options here.

His Leg was Cracked. He felt so utterly exhausted. And he couldn’t do anything against that Demon who could completely block out his Ears.

He was done for. That’s it.

He was as Good as Dead. And now…

Now, everyone in Shibuya…

''I’ll make sure we’re the winners, Muichiro!''

…his Promise. It was…

''Go Zenitsu! Make sure you kill that Demon!''

…was it… was he really…?

Was he about to give up…?

Was he about to let everyone else die, with him joining them all?

As he cried, as his tears flowed, as this pain continued to come to him, a memory crossed his mind.

One that was reminding him of why, he’d even bothered to try and Master Thunder Breathing’s First Form.

''Zenitsu, perfect it!''

Gramps had encouraged him on the day he was struck by Lightning. After hearing everything he’d believed of himself…

After remembering all Gramps had told him…!

''It’s all right to cry.''

His Tears stopped flowing.

''It’s all right to run away!''

His shaking of his situation went to a halt.

''Just don’t ever give up!''

And he truly considered that perhaps, not all was lost. At least, not yet.

''Just believe.''

He still drawed Breath, didn’t he? His Leg was cracked, he was in pain and he wanted to cry in pain further, but…

It wasn’t all over yet, was it?

''You endured all that hellish training!''

He’d fought in a City infested with Demons for 5 Days already!

''You’ll be rewarded for that without fail!''

And hadn’t he been able to meet wonderful people because of this?

Kie. Muichiro. Kyojuro. Inosuke. Tengen. Himejima. Tanjiro. All of them…

''Hone it to the utmost limit!''

All of them had fought in this City. All of them hadn’t hesitated to fight on and on and on to help. Debatable with Inosuke, admittedly, but…

They had pushed forth. And Gramps…

Even knowing everything about him, he’d still seen something in him.

''Become the most durable blade of all!''

He couldn’t fail him. He couldn’t fail any of them!

''Hone that one thing to perfection!''

At one point in time, no one had any hopes for him. Not even his Parents, as they were dead and gone.

No one dreamed or even entertained the idea that he’d grasp or accomplish something one day. That he’d prove himself useful to somebody. That he’d manage to protect somebody. That he’d make someone happy, just once in his Life.

Something so simple seemed to be impossible for him to achieve.

If he failed, if he cried or if he ran away even once, they’d say: ''Oh, this guy’s no good,'' and they’d walk away.

But Gramps was different.

Time and time again, he steadfastly reprimanded him. And all those times he kept running away, no matter how many times… He’d drag him right back.

Sure, he did smack him around a bit too much, but it was a sign that he’d never abandon him.

And, as if this wasn’t reason enough… Muichiro…

He’d placed his faith in him. Him!

The superior Demon Slayer of the Two, someone who normally called other by Nicknames, yet when the moment called for it…

He’d called him by his Name and put faith that he would succeed in his Mission to stop this Demon once and for all.

When all of this crashed into his mind, it made Zenitsu refuse to have this become his Final Act.

Sure, he was terrified and he hated all of this. But if he was going to fight… then he’d make sure he at least tried to take that Lower Moon Demon down!

So, even with the cracked leg, with confidence he had to gather, Zenitsu stood up on his own two feet, then turned around so the final flight of stairs was within sight.
As he gripped the hilt of his Nichirin Blade, Zenitsu prepared himself, and then, he Breathed.

All while Kamanue casually made his way up the Stairs. He didn’t need to rush. 

After all, everything in his Mist, he saw, and with that cracked leg, this Demon Slayer became significantly less dangerous. Even more so when he ran away and crying like that.

''Can’t believe that coward just ran away like that… but he’s Human after all.'' And all Humans ran away when their Lives were in danger. It was natural.

Yet, as he paid attention to the crying boy, he noticed a shift while heading up.

And that made him pause.

''Is he… is he really trying to fight still?'' 

Just minutes ago, he was crying and in pain. But now… well, he still was, it was hard to miss, and yet, through it all…

It made Kamanue begin to snarl. Unheard by Zenitsu due to the way his Mist worked.

''Oh, so the Coward wants to be courageous after all? Fine. Then he’ll die fighting after all.''

Then, he looked up. And an idea came to mind as his snarl shifted into a smirk.

''Doesn’t mean I need to be nice about it.''

He moved to prepare then with the fun little idea that came to mind. All while Upstairs, Zenitsu tried to even out his Breathing. Remaining steady and preparing himself.

Because ultimately… this would be whoever fought smarter that would win, wouldn’t it?

Kamanue was the Master of this Dark Mist. And with his cracked leg, Zenitsu had a limited amount of options to win this.

But perhaps he needed to do what Gramps had told him.

Hone it to the utmost limit.

How far could he go with the First Form alone, even with only one safe to use Leg?

Well, he was about to find out. Because the Demon had only neared, and he wasn’t about to wait any longer to kill this Prey.

Especially when he felt the ground shake, and Zenitsu reacted by jumping up with his one good leg to avoid as the Demon burst from right under him, both hands missing their target. Zenitsu didn’t miss his chance as he turned upside down, the feeling coming way more naturally than he’d expected, and then slicing his Blade through the Demon’s head.

Only, this was the Trap.

This was an Illusion he sliced through. The Dark Mist being cut, it faded away to then reveal that while the Hole had indeed been made, the Demon hadn’t.

As only now did Kamanue lunge to attack the Midair Slayer who was upside down. His right hand in a chop motion that was being thrust ahead.

At times like these, Zenitsu would usually panic. And he did. He absolutely did.

Yet, Mind and Body were somewhat in sync as well even by that point. Especially when one remembered the Lesson’s he’d been taught, which included a similar situation to that.

Gramps loved to have him in situations where he was falling. Yet, this was paying off.

Zenitsu reacted when seeing the movement. No disorientation were visible at only first glance as the Thunder Breather moved well enough to spin around again and sliced right into the chop, the blade momentarily lodged inside the flesh of the arm before it was swung out and cut right into Kamanue’s nose, albeit on a superficial level with the small distance left between them.

Zenitsu fell with a thud then as he finally hit the ground while the Demon succeeded in landing on all Fours. Albeit nearly stumbling due to the lack of three fingers on his right hand.

And the Demon was the one who reacted faster, as he was the tireless one between the two. Snapping his back around to face the downed Demon Slayer, he didn’t hesitate to rip a piece of the Floor and then throw the sharp Wooden piece at the Hunter.

Said Hunter didn’t have much time, if any, to react. Yet, the mistake there was to not conceal the action. Zenitsu heard the sounds that came.

And it allowed the Thunder Breather to roll towards the Demon, daringly betting that the Wooden Piece would miss him by moving that way. And he was right, by rolling that direction, the Wood instead pierced into the ground it had previously been a part of instead of flesh.

And Zenitsu was lucky he felt his Good leg be the one rolling to the floor next, as it allowed him to put pressure and launch himself at a low angle against the Demon.

Kamanue couldn’t even reacted as Zenitsu sliced past him, cutting off his Achilles Heel and causing his Upper Body to slide off the Feet and forward.

''How did he make that work?!'' The Demon had no choice but to stomp his stump ahead for a shaky footing so he wasn’t left any more vulnerable.

''Oh my god that worked!'' Zenitsu shared the surprise, as he’d basically done the whole thing on the spot, not even knowing if he could have done something like that to begin with. Or if he wouldn’t have ended dragging his Body on the Wood and burning off some Skin from the sheer speed at that close distance.

But it had all worked out.

Zenitsu quickly stood up straight so he could keep Kamanue within his line of sight. Not that the Demon had plans of hiding in any way. Not when he was more furious than anything else.

Because after all of this, this Human could still fight like that?! And worse, for a moment, it was Kamanue who looked worse off.

Even as his missing pieces of arm and hand were returning, the Feet that were sliced off took longer. And right now, somehow, the Human looked better off than the Demon.

Utterly. Unacceptable.

''I need to cripple him further. It’s like that one cracked leg wasn’t stopping him anymore. I need to do… more.''

But not while he had stumps as Feet. That wouldn’t do.

''You want to play tricky? Then let’s see what you’ll do when you can’t see or hear me!''

Moving in a motion to show he was about to run, albeit to the side, the Dark Mist suddenly moved and enveloped Kamanue yet again just before he moved off.

In all directions. Zenitsu could simply not tell that as panic returned.

''If I stay still, he’ll just crack something else. Or worse, break my Leg! I can’t stay still!''

So, Zenitsu did what he did best. Run.

But it wasn’t quite running away. No, Zenitsu at that moment was using the maximum output his legs allowed to skip all around. Step after step, he appeared and vanished. Much to Kamanue’s astonishment.

''He’s actually…? No. He can’t keep this up forever. His Body has to be going beyond its limits. And one of his legs still cracked. He can’t keep this going. I just need to be patient…''

But by doing that, Kamanue unintendedly gave Zenitsu a chance to win. Not that the latter was aware of it then as he skipped around to avoid the chance of Kamanue striking at him.

''What can I do… What can I do?! My safe leg is getting really strained here, and I’m having trouble Breathing with how much I’m moving around. But what else can I do so far?''

The end result would have been obvious, at first glance.

Kamanue would win. He was the Demon who could not tire out. He was the Demon who could fight on for Hours on end, as Night wasn’t even here yet.

The Human had no chance.

But that was wrong. Because Zenitsu Agatsuma did hold a chance.

And in the form of a plan his Sleepwalking Self had come up with. One that he was unintentionally doing at this very moment.

Disrupting the Mist by moving with that kind of Speed.

And it’s how Zenitsu notices. How before, this very Room gave no sound before besides his own Breathing and Beating Heart.


He hears the Demon’s sound.

''I can… I can hear him?''

He grows hopeful at that. Sure, the sound came in and out of existence, but this was beyond good! It meant Kamanue couldn’t get the drop on him anymore.

And the thing is, Kamanue noticed.

''How is he hearing me?! My Mist… nothing should get through it and yet… he's pulled it again! How? How?!''

By now, his Stumps were fully healed. And it meant he could run completely unperturbed. At least, when he wasn’t facing a Thunder Breather.

Yet Zenitsu was exactly that.

Because he shot towards where Kamanue was going. One moment, he was unperturbed, the next, Zenitsu appeared in front of him and swung!

Kamanue thanked the fact he had Reflexes to use as his feet grinded against the Wood to halt his movement and practically pull a limbo that made him dodge the swing as it passed over him.

He didn’t hesitate to shoot himself up and swing his leg to kick at Zenitsu’s face, only for his kick to be met with the Boy’s arm that blocked it.

A crack was heard nonetheless as he was pushed back to the Centre of the Room. And the boy panted heavily.

It had been a constant already, but if this wasn’t a sign his Body was being pushed beyond its limits, than the fact he was hearing his Heartbeat every single second with his ears told enough.

And he could feel the heat his Body gave from how much he was pushing it.

A sign that should make Kamanue happy. Yet, he could tell something.

''If the next one is his last, then he’ll give it his all.''

After all, this was Life or Death. If he failed, he perished. There was no question there. And if he won, then he got away with his Life.

So his Human Body would give it his all. And Kamanue had to prepare for it.

His Mist was too disrupted to give a constant optimal output here. But if he played it right… then he just needed to play the same game as the Boy.

''All or nothing, right!? Well then, come and get me!''

The words were unhidden. All of it was said loud and clear as the Demon moved all around the Room to confuse Zenitsu.

And Zenitsu stayed still for a moment as his vision grew blurry. In answer, he closed his eyes for a moment and allowed his Ears to do all the work.

He could hear so much, yet so little because of his own Heartbeat plaguing him.

His own heavy and shaky breathing. The Heat his Body was giving off. The Pain he felt in himself.

Further, he could hear the constant forming and fading sound of the Demon.

And further out?

The People. Their Screams. Their Pains. Their Fears. Their wishes for this Nightmare to end.

And all of this was a reminder of what he wished for.

''Just don’t ever give up!''

To be someone who could be relied on. To be believed in. And all of that, required but one simple thing even in this situation.


When Zenitsu opened his eyes again, with his Vision correcting itself for a moment, he took the deepest Breath he could before snapping his head to the side and shooting ahead to intercept the Demon.

Yet the Demon shifted directions, expecting that. If this were before, this would have been the end of it.

But Zenitsu was far from done, as Kamanue learned when just expecting him to move wouldn’t be enough anymore. Because now, even as he shifted directions, Zenitsu was far from done.

When Kamanue moved left, Zenitsu did so and blocked his path. When he did the opposite, the same happened. No matter what he tried, Zenitsu intercepted him in every way.

Yet, he was never able to land the decisive blow. That was, until both found themselves back at the Centre of the Room they were in.

And there, all changed.

Kamanue had reacted first, as after all of this movement, Zenitsu was hitting his utmost limits. And so, his fist landed right in his gut.

''You’re finally tired!''

And following that, Kamanue landed a punch right at the front of Zenitsu’s face as he stumbled back from the blow.

''Now, let’s finish this!''

His hand straightened like a chop to pierce right into Zenitsu’s Heart next, Kamanue wasted no time to move straight for the killing blow.

And truthfully? If he’d been able to do this sooner, he would have won. Yet now, he found that even this wouldn’t stop Zenitsu.

Because Zenitsu leaned forward his Body then and moved his Blade just in time to slice off the entire arm, with the limb flying off to the side from the blow. And yet, Kamanue wasn’t deterred.

Because his other fist was coming Zenitsu’s way. But not towards the boy himself. No, it was coming right at the Blunt side of the Katana. After all, if the Human wouldn’t go down by himself, then strip him away of his weapon.

And thus he did. Zenitsu didn’t even realize the goal of the Demon before it happened. His other fist hit his Blade, and it shattered off that section down to the ground.

Zenitsu’s eyes widened in dread then while Kamanue laughed at the successful play.

After 5 full days of Fighting Demons, Zenitsu’s Blade had seen better days. In fact, many Nichirin Blades had seen better days prior to Shibuya.

And today, Zenitsu’s Blade decided to finally drop dead.

''You’re done for!''

Kamanue then spun his body around to near Zenitsu and also give him momentum needed for additional power in the Kick he was now raising to hit the Thunder Breather head on with.

And at this point, the boy could have let dread and despair win, with his Weapon broken like that.

How could he win when his Blade had become shorter? Could he even decapitate the Demon now?

Yet, giving up was not an option. Not when too much hope laid on his back to win this.

And Zenitsu moved with that in mind. Dropping down to avoid the kick as Kamanue spun around once from the blow missing his target. Giving Zenitsu ample time to do something else. Namely, grab onto his broken piece of Katana and then throw it right at Kamanue.

So unexpected that move was, he couldn’t defend against it as it pierced right into his neck and remained lodged in there.

''Dirty little-!''

No more could be said as Zenitsu then shot ahead by taking one final Breath.

''Thunder Breathing - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!''

And he put everything he had in his incoming attack by coming at the Demon with the Speed of Thunder.

Only, Zenitsu had gotten slower from all of this. And Kamanue had somewhat foreseen something like that possibly happening.

Zenitsu neared the Demon fast, but not fast enough to hit the Neck. No, instead his halved Blade was met with resistance.

The barely healed stump of a hand and the other intact arm holding onto the Blade itself. Blocking his attack and holding it there.

''Checkmate Demon Slayer! You’re at my Mercy!''

Kamanue was sure this was it. The Demon Slayer had been slowed down so much and weakened to this point where his Flesh could block his attack.

There was no way he could continue, he thinks. And yet, he was proven wrong when he saw Zenitsu still pushing his Blade.


In fact, the Human was growling as he pushed against the defence he’d set up. Pushing on and on.

And Kamanue growled in return.

''It’s useless Human! You’re not winning this!''

And he in turn pushed back, beginning to scream of the exertion he needed to put into this..

The veins in their Bodies throbbed to Life as the Blood rushed and flowed all over as more was put into this.

It caused both of them to scream.



To give it their all to end the other. To make sure victory was theirs.

And as it all happened, a shift took place. One that only Kamanue noticed due to, at first, being the spike in power he felt when Zenitsu pushed.

Briefly, his eyes widened when he felt an abrupt change of power that his Slash was taking. And the scales tipped away from him in turn.


Then, Zenitsu’s Blade cut right past his first arm. And Zenitsu pushed all the harder when seeing his first success.

''How is he doing this now?! Where is he pulling this strength from?!''

Kamanue’s own scream lost in power at this turn of events while Zenitsu’s began to become the overwhelming one.

Just then, the Blade began to touch into the skin of his palm and Kamanue’s eyes shot to look all over Zenitsu.

''How is he- How is he- How is he-?!''

And then his eyes noticed what was hidden. All because of this Demon Slayer’s bangs.

''What are… those…?''

Had this boy always had Marks on his face? Spreading from his head, they followed the Roots of his hair and then stopped short as it neared the front of his forehead. Taking the appearance of Thunder itself, with a Dark Red coloration.

When had this been there?

The thought was promptly shifted back to his most impending doom as Zenitsu’s Blade now cut right into the skin of his palm.

And he knew what this meant.


Because then, just like the strike of thunder, the Blade pierced through his palm and went right to his Neck. Just like Thunder, it pierced it all with a swiftness that was never seen before by Kamanue’s eyes.

He almost didn’t register when his Vision moved upside down.

''He- My Neck! That fast?!''

His neck was harder than his Hands! How did he cut it so much faster than those?!

How was he able to pull that amount of strength back when- when…!

''I… I don’t…!''

His head finally landed down on the Ground then as it rolled to the side and to a wall, only stopping once it touched the wall while fading away.

''I don’t wanna die!''

With utter fear of his impending doom and wishing for it to have been different, Kamanue’s head faded away first while the rest of his Body followed suit.

Never seeing the Mark on Zenitsu’s face fading away just after he’d landed the killing blow.

''I… I did…''

Zenitsu stumbled as he fell on his knees, strength leaving him instantly then as his eyes grew so much heavier.

''I… did it…! I killed… the… Demon…!''

He couldn’t help the sheer happiness he felt then even as he collapsed on the Wooden floor then. His vision fading all too quickly, he still noticed it.

The Dark Mist fading away. Or perhaps it was only going lighter. 

Yet, that was all Zenitsu needed to see to know he’d reached success.

''I kept my promise… Muichiro…''

Then, his eyes closed shut and unconsciousness took him just as the Blood Demon Art finally faded away.

And just like the Mist, the rain finally went to a halt as the Clouds chose to part ways.

Finally giving way for the Afternoon Sunrays to rise and bathe Shibuya in its warmth.


All the Muichiro and Zenitsu fans out there! I hope that you ate good with this chapter!

Okay, to start things off, I honestly hope that the build up was something that you were able to enjoy. From Tengen's observation of the fact that Demons would be out in the day, to the reactions to the order for Slayers to continue patrolling after night and even the whispers from the perspective of Shibuya's residents concerning this whole week for them. I also hope you enjoyed the spar with Kyojuro and Kie as they try to polish the girl's new Breathing style.

The 2nd thing of note was Kamanue and Takehito's plan. Yes, they pulled a Scarecrow from the Arkham games and used Kamanue's Blood Demon Art to cause chaos. And as you could see at points... yeah, you can imagine the damage.

Next up being the main focus on Zenitsu and Muichiro. Honestly it was a lot of fun doing Muichiro vs Takehito for me and Eexis clearly did a good job with Kamanue vs Zenitsu. And they both awakened a Demon Slayer Mark at that! Not to say other characters were inactive, but it was clear that they were dealing more with the actual chaos compared to those 2, who were fighting the sources.

And lastly, sorry for Inosuke not doing much here Inosuke fans. But I'm sure we'll make up for that later on, for the King of the Mountains will have his chance to shine! But also, he would probably make things a little too comedic for what is happening in this chapter, so that's why we didn't show him off after the Black Mist began spreading.

Taisho Secret: Due to the heavy rain that occured, the Kasugai Crows were unable to aid the Demon Slayers, since the weather made the air less dense and made it practically impossible to fly. A possible Death sentence for the Crows, with how unknown the Dark Mist was during its time out. Chuntaro though, thanks to being a Sparrow, was able to follow after Zenitsu before this would become a problem for him and watched his battle against Kamanue.

Thank you all for reading! We hope you all enjoyed the chapter and we hope to see you all next time! Also, please be sure to leave a comment about your thoughts on the chapter and story so far!

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone does the scene of Marked Muichiro clashing blades with Takehito, or Zenitsu awakening his Mark and beheading Kamanue).

Chapter 20: Day Seven - Dash to Placidity


The Aftermaths of many Days in Shibuya, and what they caused.


Hello everyone. Eexis here this time with the Final Chapter of this Original Arc. After so many fights, I'd say it's about time to start setting up and following through with some other things...

Also, there is an announcement to be said, but that's for the End Notes.

Until then, enjoy the Chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Greetings, Kocho.


I hope this letter finds you in Good Health even as you take care of your Patients.


The reason why I write to you, instead of summoning you forth, is because of the severity of a situation. You may have already heard of what is going on in Shibuya. And if not, allow me to be brief about it.


Shibuya is currently being infested by a great number of Demons. Perhaps even the highest gathering of them since the Demon Slayer Corp has first existed.


Because of this, I worry that my Children simply would not have enough time to rest and take care of their injuries within the normal timeframe.


Forgive me for the abruptness of this request, but I wish for you to send a small Squad of Doctors to the field the soonest possible. Preferably sent today even with the Kakushi’s.


I fear that the injured may not be able to recover well, should help not be sent now. Or even worse, that because of their injuries, more lives are lost.


If you cannot do as I request, then please inform me posthaste.


Sincerely, Kagaya Ubuyashiki.


PS: Do not send the Doctors alone, if you can. The Density of Demons may still be high by the time they reach Shibuya. - Amane


That was the letter that Oyakata-sama had sent to Kocho, and thus, it was answered. Both physically and through a letter.


And this had happened 3 days ago.


Today, the safety measure Kagaya Ubuyashiki had requested and employed finally arrived in the City of Tokyo.


However, compared to the usual batch, they did not look like Demon Slayers. And that mostly had to do with the Kakushi’s that some of them had been traveling with. They’d all come with warnings.


''Don’t head to Urban Cities with your Uniforms on.''


Case in point as well, this particular group of Kakushi hadn’t appeared with their Uniforms on. The one that would hide their faces.


They were in completely average-looking civilian Clothes. Either from Western or Eastern origins.


Some of the Doctors present were already aware as to why that was the case. But some of the newer ones did question and ask Why?


The answer they received?


''We stand out too much with those in Urban Cities like Tokyo. And it does tend to scare some people too. And then some might call the Police and we can’t do our jobs then if we have to run away from authorities.''


At least with their faces revealed, they could come up with excuses as to why they were cleaning up the place or why they were helping the Dark Clothes people.


Which is exactly why Kocho Shinobu, at this very moment, had left behind her Silver-buttoned Uniform and instead simply taken her Kimono and White Haori. As did any of the Kakushi’s or fellow Doctors.


But not the Demon Slayers that were accompanying them.


The best they could do was put on a Kimono over their own Uniforms to somewhat conceal what they wore under, but giving up on the protection it gave was not a wise idea.


It wouldn’t have been something they needed to worry about, if not because of the Kasugai Crows that came to them the day prior, informing them that it was unwise to go out in full Uniform.


The unrest was beginning to grow after the next batch of Demon Slayers had arrived. And while still manageable, it would be a lie to say they weren’t beginning to stand out with how active they’d been within that Week.


So, everyone had to be concealed in some way.


And today, with those concealments, the Groups arrived in Tokyo to notice something off. And it just so happened to be near Shibuya as well.


Not helped that there were armed forces, the Police, standing around the Streets leading near to Shibuya. They were clearly on edge, as were many others.


But Shinobu had no time to ask questions. She had to get to her duty, and the Police weren’t stopping anyone from crossing through. They were stared at, certainly, but this wasn’t odd.


Not when other people to sometimes went in Shibuya’s direction.


However, the Police presence never really diminished. They were a constant on the Streets from here on out. And Shinobu, alongside many others who went their own direction, would find out why soon enough.


Namely, when seeing exactly how… messy the Streets of Shibuya were.


It was hard to miss the dried Blood stains that were on the Walls or the Ground. And while there weren’t any signs of them, there had clearly been bodies around once.


Shinobu morbidly thought that the Kakushi might not need to do their work after all.


With more unease, each of the Doctors split off further and further to their assigned Wisteria Houses. Soon leaving Shinobu as the sole Doctor while she was with two Kakushi’s and two Demon Slayers.


Silently, Shinobu was glad when the pink-haired girl -a Kakushi- decided to strike up a conversation. She could always trust her to try and alleviate some form of tension.


''I’m really excited to see what a Temple turned into a Wisteria House will look like!''


Mitsuri Kanroji excitedly went on to exclaim. And she wasn’t wrong about the excitement.


What would a Wisteria House look like in the form of a Temple?


Typically, they were just homes. But this one had quite the story, as far as she’d heard. Something about Oyakata-sama generously paying this particular House Owner so that he could uphold this place.


She wondered what the story behind that was.


The conversation didn’t start nor last however. And not because of the signs of battle or something horrible going on. They questioned this but held no answers. No, it was because Mitsuri spoke of the wolf.


When they turned a corner, the Group of 5 saw the very place they were supposed to go to.


The Wisteria House.


The Temple up a small hill stood out quite a bit, but it was hard to describe it as anything else but serene, almost. As if it was unaffected by what had befallen Shibuya.


It probably hadn’t, Shinobu’s mind supplied, but it was still welcomed to see something look normal in comparison.


''There’s our location. Let’s go in.'' Shinobu easily said as she neared the location, followed behind by her other Companions.


Quietly, they all reached the gate. Quietly, they all walked up the stairs.


And then, Mitsuri -who held the largest physical might of them all, knocked on the Large Double Door of the Temple. Now, they waited to be let in.


“Hold on, just give me a minute.” And they only needed to wait for a few seconds before they heard that voice from the other side, and once the doors opened, Shinobu saw quite the familiar face.


“Ah, so this is the place that you were assigned to Uzui-San. Though I must say, you have looked better in the past.” Shinobu commented when she saw the Shinobi, who certainly looked the part. Or rather, he does when you have known the man for as long as she had or had an eye for detail.


After all, he had clearly began to develop dark eyebags below his eyes despite them currently being faint, and his posture was ever so slightly slouched down in exhaustion.


“Ah, Kocho. Your timing honestly couldn’t have been more flashy! Come on, I got some dumbasses and brats for you to heal.” The large man said before moving to the side a bit, letting the small group inside while Mitsuri looked at him in confusion for a moment.


“Um, don’t you mean Slayers?” The young Kakushi questioned the man, who stared at her blankly for a moment.




Hearing that response, Shinobu could only roll her eyes. She had to treat many colorful Demon Slayers in the past, and even with that, she doubted that they were as bad as Tengen was making them out to be.


“Uzui, are these people someone you know?” But before the doctor could make a remark, a new voice spoke up, and upon looking towards its owner, Shinobu blinked in shock at the sight of a very large blind man. One even bigger than Uzui.


“Two of them, the other 3 I don’t think I have met before. Regardless, they are all part of the Corps, Himejima.” Tengen answered the large giant, getting a nod of understanding before his head turned in the direction of Shinobu and her little group.


“In that case, for however long you are all here for, feel free to make yourselves at home here as much as your Slayer comrades do. In the meantime, Uzui, could you take the doctor to the West Wing so the injured can be treated?” Himejima questioned the white-haired man, who grinned a bit while nodding.


“Sure thing. Oh, and Kocho, make sure you give them all some horrible-tasting medicine for me.” The Shinobi agreed and began to walk towards the area where the injured Demon Slayers were, though he did stop briefly to look over his shoulder to make the request to the Kocho woman.


“My, the people here must have truly gotten under your skin. I haven’t seen you like this since…”


“We have agreed to never speak of that day!” Quick to cut the woman off, Tengen yelled out. And seeing the reaction she earned, the small woman smiled in satisfaction before then turning her attention to the blind man.


“Is it alright if I can use some of the medical supplies here? I may have brought my own tools, but depending on the severity of the wounds or affliction, having an excess could save someone's life.'' Shinobu questioned the man, getting him to nod his head.


“Very well. I shall go and get them for you.” Himejima agreed, causing Shinobu to frown a little at that. After all, even if he is possibly the owner of the Wisteria House, you don’t exactly trust a blind man to get something for you all that often.


“Don’t worry, that man’s so good at getting around and knowing where things are, you wouldn’t realise that he’s blind. It’s quite flashy in all honesty.” Tengen told Shinobu when he noticed her frown, which earned him a raised eyebrow to show she wasn’t exactly believing what he said.


*Sigh* Alright then, how about Kanroji goes with Himejima and then brings the supplies to you. Besides, while they are doing moderately fine, there are some people here who really need your help right now.” He offered her, and hearing the seriousness his voice undertook then, Shinobu decided to put aside her reservations about Himejima when it came to his Blindness and just nodded her head. Besides, the compromise was a good one regardless.


“Very well. Lead the way to them, Uzui-San.” Shinobu agreed, though she did quickly look towards Mitsuri, who looked concerned but she nodded to Shinobu regardless.


“Got it. I’ll be back soon with those supplies, Shinobu.” Mitsuri told her with a smile, earning a small, but genuine one from the doctor in return before she then began following Tengen to her soon-to-be patients, and Mitsuri followed Himejima to grab the extra medical supplies. 


As for the extra Kakushi and the pair of Demon Slayers that followed Shinobu and Mitsuri, they then began to move and accomplish their own assigned tasks. Which was mostly to roam out and oversee the damage that still stuck around. And with Tengen and Shinobu now alone, the latter inquired further on the situation.


''How many Patients should I expect, and how Life-threatening is it?'' She went to the point, and Uzui didn’t waste time in telling her.


''Four. Though you should only expect two to be in serious danger, and only one really needs your attention at the moment. The other two, Hashibira and Rengoku by the way, aren’t in any real danger.''


Ah, one of them was Shinjuro’s Son then? It’s been a while since she’d last seen Kyojuro, so perhaps after all of this, they could catch up on things. Though that was going to be the last thing she did today.


''Give me their names and Symptoms please.''


''The one you should immediately start a diagnosis on is Tokito Muichirou. His case is pretty bad. Several cuts everywhere around his Body with a bad cut over his chest. Some minor burns, and while not confirmed, a possible infection from both exhaustion and his body getting rag-dolled. At least I suspect as much because of how Hot his Body was to touch yesterday.''


Yes, Shinobu could see why Uzui was telling her she should prioritize Muichirou. As much of a prodigy as he was for going this far at his age, Shinobu wouldn’t be surprised if his Young Age bit him back at this moment.


She faintly remembers the Young Tokito having fallen Ill at some point after his first recovery. Though she hadn’t been the one to treat him during his admittedly short stay at the Butterfly Estate for that particular story.


''And while the other one isn’t an immediate priority, you should check on Agatsuma Zenitsu after Tokito. While he’s not likely to fall Ill, he’s got a badly cracked leg and arm and some bad bruises. And on top of that, he’s also suffering from exhaustion and extreme body heat. We did as best as we could, but I want to be sure he’s off better.''


Another one with a high body Temperature?


Shinobu needed to know what had happened for something like that to seemingly take place on two people. And possibly ask what had happened in Shibuya at all while she was at it.


But that was for later. For now...


''Lead the way to Tokito’s room then, Uzui-san.''


Shinobu and Tengen headed off to the Room of Muichirou. The time it took was short, as the majority of the way had already been done when Shinobu had made her inquiry.


Within that same minute, Tengen had led Shinobu to the Room of Muichirou. No time was wasted as she was led inside to begin with a rudimentary examination.


Yet, to both Shinobu’s and Tengen’s shock, Muichirou wasn’t as unconscious as you would believe after the previous day.


His Hazy eyes were wide open, showing he was conscious. And when they went in, his head turned to the side to look at them.


''Monkey. Swallow. How did I end up here?''


He was clearly confused, and so addressed them about the matter. Far too casually for someone who had just gone through a Life-or-death experience the previous day.


And much to Tengen’s annoyance, Muichirou had not dropped those stupid nicknames.


What may be surprising, was Shinobu’s own annoyed face, yet all the same, resigned.


''Good Morning Tokito!'' Her resignation dripped out of her voice and face, ''It seems you have awakened in the Wisteria House of Himejima-san.''


Muichirou simply stared at her for a moment before giving a short ''Oh.'' in answer. He’d realized only then Shinobu hadn’t answered his question, which meant she didn't know the answer. Then he stared at Tengen.


''Monkey. How did I get here?''


Tengen looked torn between throttling Muichirou or just walking out of the room this very instant. Clearly though, he cared more about Muichirou staying alive.


''You can thank Hashibira. He was around where you collapsed. Can’t say they led you here unscathed though.''




No, that didn’t matter. As curious as Shinobu was, and as relieved as she was that Muichirou was already awake, that didn’t change there was still an examination to do.


And the sooner she did that, the easier things would get.


''As glad as I am to hear that fellow Demon Slayers can hope for backup in situations like these, I have other patients I must check on after this. So the sooner this is done, the better.''


Muichirou did seem briefly confused by what she meant, but then, a thought crossed his mind.


''What happened to Sunflower?''


''Who?'' Both Shinobu and Tengen said nearly at the same time.


Muichirou didn’t answer.


Shinobu decided to shrug that off for now and instead stepped closer to the Young Tokito. She couldn’t do a full examination since she didn’t have all of the equipment, but that would be cleared up once Himejima arrived.


Speaking of him…


''We have everything.''


The Owner of the Wisteria House informed them from behind the Door. And they certainly had it all, though they came with a surprise.


''Oh. Rengoku-san.'' Shinobu paused her movement. To grab her Medical Equipment. She had not expected him to appear, much less be there to help carry things when Himejima and Mitsuri were both physically fit already.


Especially with the way his face was bandaged. She wonders how something like that has happened.


''I didn’t expect you would be here.''


Kyojuro for his part simply nodded.


''I understand why! But I was worried for Young Tokito and thought to see how well he was doing.'' His smile grew, ''I am glad to see you are awake Young Tokito!''


Muichirou simply gave a nod at being addressed. All while the additional supplies were being laid down on the Tatami Floor.


''I didn’t expect we’d meet Rengoku-san while sent here. But I’m so happy to see him again!'' and clearly, Mitsuri had at least somewhat conversed with him on their way here.


Now that she thought about it, while she knew Mitsuri, she never did learn how Rengoku and Kanroji knew each other.


Perhaps now could be a good time…


“You know, I don’t think either of you have mentioned how you knew each other.” But Tengen was the one to beat her to the punch on that topic, and while that was going on, the young Kocho decided to get one with her job. It killed two birds with one stone.


“Oh, we haven’t?” Mitsuri asked in surprise, but she did notice Shinobu motioning for her to bring something over despite that, and so walked over to the doctor.


“Seems like it. Though honestly, it wasn’t anything grand. We merely met when we both visited the same restaurant after one of my missions and from there, we became friends.” Kyojuro explained simply while shrugging, soon looking briefly worried when it looked like one of the supplies in his hands would fall, but it thankfully didn’t.


“Huh. You know, I was expecting for one of you to have saved the other if I’m being honest.” Shinobu commented while grabbing a penlight and using it to flashlight into Muichiro’s eyes, and soon got the expected result for the action.


“I actually have to agree. I was expecting something more flashy since Kyojuro is involved.” Tengen commented as he leaned up against a wall, to which he soon raised a curious eyebrow when Mitsuri and Kyojuro shared a look and smiled at each other in a way that suggested that they knew something the rest didn’t. An inside joke, it seems.


“Is Tokito okay, young doctor?” Soon though, Himejima questioned Shinobu curiously, and considering that he was a blind man, it did make sense to her that he would want verbal confirmation.


“So far, things seem like they can be recovered from. But I still need more time to make sure of that.” She answered honestly while prompting Muichiro to open his mouth, who looked confused while Himejima passed her a thermometer.


“What are you doing, Swallow?” The young Slayer questioned Shinobu, causing the doctor to look annoyed while a vein on her head began to bulge in irritation.


“I need you to open your mouth so I can get your temperature. Especially when that is already a concern of Uzui’s.”


Speaking of Uzui, it did seem like he suddenly paid much closer attention to the matter. And Shinobu didn’t notice it, as she was facing Muichirou.


Kyojuro and Mitsuri however did, and it unconsciously affected them to also pay closer attention.


Himejima meanwhile just stood there and waited to hear what else would be said.


As for Muichirou himself...


''And how are you supposed to do that?'' He looked and sounded highly skeptical. It only aggravated Shinobu further, because she had to wonder if this was actually his first time getting his Temperature checked, which it just might be, or if he had done so previously and just forgot about it.


Either option would annoy her.


''This…'' she raised the Thermometer in her hand slightly, ''Will do that. All it needs to do is to go in your Mouth, then, leave it in there for a couple of seconds up to maybe a minute, and your Temperature will be taken.''


She spoke slowly. Each word being punctuated both due to her annoyance and the fact Muichirou may just not get it if she were any faster.


She wonders if the slight frown he gave then was his annoyance at the way she spoke or just his disdain for the idea of a Thermometer.


''This has to go in my mouth?''


''Yes. Now open up.''


Muichirou hated this already. But, Shinobu was greatly appreciating that Tokito at least was going along with this, because he did open his mouth.


Shinobu simply had to stick it into the side, and then inform him to close his mouth and wait for a few seconds. Maybe a minute at most.


That somehow caused chatter to rise up.


''So… who wants to bet that Tokito won’t let that stay in for a minute?'' Tengen was the first to speak, eyeing the 3 others present.


And Mitsuri covered her mouth with her hands to hold back laughter. 


Kyojuro, smiling all the while, only gave him a look.


''It is an unsafe bet to do while Kocho is around, Tengen. I fully expected her to shove it back in if he were to do that.''


...yeah, he can see that.


''I swear Uzui, don’t give Tokito any ideas!'' And clearly, that remark did not please Shinobu at all.


For a few seconds, silence then stuck around. With Muichirou looking highly tempted to actually do what Uzui suggested. He was weighing his options.


And then, a remark came from an unexpected person.


''I do not like Thermometers.''


Himejima went on to state out of absolutely nowhere. And Mitsuri, who’d somewhat composed herself by now, went back to snorting and holding back her laughter. With very little success.


Kyojuro and Tengen, with the latter looking completely wide-eyed while the latter gave his usual wide eyes, both looked at the Blind Giant.


''You don’t?'' Tengen repeated.


''I do not. I don't even know what they look like, and the feeling that comes in your mouth when it is put in is greatly uncomfortable. In fact, I have an aversion to any Medical Equipment with my limited understanding of them.''


Well, that was… unexpected. No one had really expected Himejima to reveal this out of the blue. But the reason was understandable.


Even Kocho was caught off guard by all of this.


The only one who wasn’t was the stone-faced Muichirou who was still considering the pros and cons of removing the Thermometer before the one minute was up.


But speaking of said one minute...


''One minute has passed.''


It had passed. Muichirou didn’t even realize that until Kocho said it, and then, she’d simply pulled the thing out before looking at it.


Then, her eyes narrowed at first in confusion. Looking at it closer, almost wishing for it to not be correct.


Then, the confusion led to worry. 


''...Uzui-san. Have you checked Tokito’s Temperature yesterday?''


Uzui, the only one who did seem slightly clued in any way as to what may be going on through Shinobu’s head, replied with hesitation.


''Not exactly. Yesterday, I was more worried about some other matters, and using the Thermometer slipped my mind. But just by touching him or the other one... it’s not good news, I imagine?''


Shinobu nodded.


''It isn’t. Unless this is faulty, then the Temperature in Tokito’s Body is 39 Degrees.''


Everyone went quiet then. Now, not everyone truly knew the severity of this. Not everyone was familiar with Human Biology nor exactly how much the Human Body could handle.


But even not knowing the details, the Number 39 already gave away that this couldn’t be good.


Kocho went to the point, not wasting time.


''Tokito is to be given at least two weeks' worth of rest for this alone. More, depending on if he develops a fever. In itself, I’m more shocked he doesn’t show many signs of being Ill.''


Though Shinobu doubted it would remain that way. Or else, Uzui wouldn’t have requested her to check on him first. If the Temperature alone hadn’t been the reason, then this could turn potentially worse.


She needed to finish her examination. Hence, she set the Thermometer aside.


And so, with a little bit of worry, Shinobu went on to check Muichiro’s pulse by checking through his wrist. Soon after, her eyes widened in surprise before then instantly snatching the Stethoscope from Mitsuri’s hands, who jumped back in surprise by how fast the action was and making everyone concerned.


“Shinobu, what’s-?”




Hearing that yell from the young doctor, Kyojuro quickly shut his mouth into a thin line, taking a moment to look at the others, who all seemed nervous as they saw the Kocho woman use the Stethoscope on the Tokito’s chest, specifically where his heart would be located.


“Shit. How the hell are you conscious right now?” Shinobu swore before questioning Muichiro with a glare, getting the Mist Breather to tilt his head in confusion at the reaction.


“What do you mean, Swallow?” The young teen expressed that confusion, earning him a displeased glare from the young Kocho woman before she sighed in frustration.


“Your heart is beating faster than it should. To the point where if I’m to take a guess, it is beating 200 times per minute, something that should lead to either Tachycardia or Arrhythmias, both conditions being able to lead to poor blood circulation and long term damage to the body, or at the very least, fainting.” She explained sternly, but considering that this was Muichiro, she made sure to speak slowly so that he would actually process this information and hopefully remember.


Though, since she wasn’t a specific person, the doctor wasn’t counting on it.


“Um… Shinobu, how bad could either condition be?” However, Shinobu was snapped out of those thoughts when she heard Mitsuri hesitantly question her, causing the doctor to look around to see the various confused, but also concerned looks on everyone’s faces.


“Simply put, Arrhythmias is a condition that can lead to the blood flow to the brain being compromised, which will lead to fainting or syncope. This can also lead to other conditions that will ultimately cause strokes, or even sudden death if not immediately treated. Though that is the more serious option, the fact that Tachycardia can also still lead to fainting does not bode well, especially if there is more wrong with Tokito here.” Shinobu explained matter-of-factly to those within the room, making them all look worried.


Muichirou also gave the faintest traces of tensing, though it was hard to notice with how even his expression remained during all of this.


“But then… how does he seem so normal despite that? You wouldn’t suspect if by looking at Young Tokito.” Kyojuro questioned while pointing towards Muichiro, who at a glance really didn’t look to be showing these signs.


“Rengoku-San does have a point. From what I can hear, it does sound like his heart is practically trying to escape from his chest, and yet I don’t hear any distress from him.” Himejima now spoke up with a frown, which made Shinobu narrow her eyes while leaning over and taking a syringe from Kyojuro’s possession.


“I’m not sure, but I still need to check for other things like infection. And after checking it all, I can begin fixing any damage his body has suffered.” She explained, before then quickly inserting the tool into a vein in Muichiro’s arm and taking some blood, earning her a slight hiss of pain from the Slayer.


“Oh, this is terrifying! A kid should be put in these conditions.” Mitsuri stated as she covered her mouth while some tears welled up in her eyes, getting Kyojuro to pat her on the back.


“It’s going to be alright, Mitsuri. Young Tokito is quite strong and Shinobu has healed people from much worse!” The Kinoe-ranked Demon Slayer explained to her, getting a thankful nod. But as this happened, Himejima’s blind eyes widened in realization before he turned his attention back towards Tengen.


“Uzui, isn’t Agatsuma also experiencing conditions like that of Muichiro’s as we speak?” And so, the large man asked the question to the Shinobi, drawing attention to the man as he flinched at the attention.


“Honestly, I forgot about the brat with the seriousness of Tokito’s condition. But yeah, just like with the brat in bed, his body was burning up when I checked up on him, and his heart seems to be beating just as fast as his.” Tengen answered grimly to the question.


In answer to that confirmation, Shinobu went on to curse again.


''Shit.'' Small beads of sweat could be seen trailing down her face at the sheer confusion as to how any of this was happening.


''How is it that there are two people who’ve got similar symptoms?'' The extraction of the Blood having been done already, her question was done after the matter in question.


Kyojuro decided to do the next best thing.


''Worrisome as this is, Young Tokito may be able to answer us to some extent?'' Or at least, Kyojuro hoped so.


Only, he was met with the shaking of his head.


''I didn’t even know my Body Temperature was that high, or the way my Heart was beating. Nothing feels… different.''


That only really worried Shinobu more, if Tokito wasn’t even noticing this. She would have at least been reassured in some morbid manner if he said he felt cold. But, there was just nothing.


As far as Tokito was concerned, there was nothing off with him. Which is why he still acted so aloof even when his Health should have been at risk.


''That’s… not normal, is it?'' Mitsuri, slowly and wearily so, questioned as she looked over at Kyojuro specifically, ''I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone not feeling a thing when their body goes hot.''


''Indeed. No matter how long I myself was a Demon Slayer, or what my Father told me, there has never been a mention of someone simply ignoring the natural responses of our bodies.''


Certainly, they were naturally tougher and healed quicker the stronger a Demon Slayer was. But they were ultimately still Human.


Not feeling a thing was very off and worrisome right now.


''I’m checking on the other patient right after this. I need to see if there is any difference between them or if it’s all the same. But first, the bandages will need to come off.'' Shinobu said, ''So I can take a closer look at your wounds and change your Bandages.''


Hearing that, Muichiro just gave Shinobu a look before nodding his head at the order since this was something he could understand compared to the past stuff. And so, he took off the upper half of the Yukata that he was wearing to reveal the bandages that had been hidden beneath.


“Good. Now, let's have a look.” Shinobu said before she slowly began unwrapping the bandages.


The first spots she unwrapped were his arms, revealing to all that weren't aware several light cuts all over them. They were drawing Blood, as seen from what the Bandages had absorbed, but on their own, it was by no means life-threatening. Then, as she moved to unwrap the rest of the bandages that weren't on his arms...


“Wait, are those burn marks?” Kyojuro spoke up in some confusion, making the doctor pause before looking over the limbs. And after a moment, she saw faint signs of burn markings on the teen’s body, all of which were around the cuts on his body.


“Huh. I never realized those were there.” Muichiro commented, causing Shinobu to roll her eyes while looking at the boy with some irritation.


“Um… I’m sorry, but how do you not realize you were burned?” Mitsuri questioned while raising her arm a bit, causing the Mist Breather to shift his hazy eyes to her.


“...I don’t know, Chick.” Was the child’s simple answer, making the poor Kakushi girl blush in embarrassment at being compared to the animal.


“Hm… it was raining yesterday, so perhaps you didn’t notice because the rain cooled down the burns? Especially since your injuries suggest that you were in a tough battle.” Himejima considered before suggesting, getting Tengen to shrug his shoulders.


“Honestly, that is our best bet for an answer with the mess that was reported by every survivor from that Dark Mist that weren't suffering through a breakdown when all was said and done.” The Shinobi stated, making Shinobu raise an eyebrow at that.


What the hell had happened here?


But despite her curiosity, she knew that she was meant to focus on her job and did so, removing more bandages across Muichiro’s body to reveal more cuts across the remainder of his body, with most of them being accompanied by the faintest of burns. The Marks were barely visible to the Doctor, and often, she struggled to see them truly.


“Hm. It appears that whatever caused the burns caught a bit of Muichiro’s hair.”


But not this. Shinobu idly noted as such when she noticed that some strands of the teenager’s long hair were a bit shorted and held indications that they were on fire. But it was stopped quickly, suggesting that Muichiro either quickly got back into the rain or rolled across the ground to put it out.


Though once Shinobu finally got to unwrapping the bandages around the Mist Breather’s chest, she flinched a bit at the infected and large wound he held there. And she was certain she heard Mitsuri gag from behind her. Something like that was unfamiliar to this particular Kakushi, so it was no surprise she reacted that way.


“No doubt about it. This is cellulitis. And a bad case at that.'' The fact Muichirou wasn't reacting the slightest bit kept amazing and worrying the Doctor, ''I'll try to begin treatment as soon as I can, but with what I have, he either needs to be moved to the Butterfly Estate or needs a Doctor who has better equipment.''


Shinobu said as she saw how red and swollen the skin around the larger deeper cut was. In fact, with how it was, she was surprised that none of the Three present for the Mission had called for a Doctor who was nearby. Wisteria Houses tended to do this, and while there was clearly more to this, she could not help but feel like calling for someone would have been better.


Yet, considering the smallest hints of what she was hearing...


''Why have none of you called for a Doctor?''


Himejima answered her, and she learned of the why.


''The Chaos that took place yesterday has left Shibuya, and even the vicinity of the City, scrambling to recover from what has taken place. All the Doctors are working tirelessly even at this moment, and while I was able to pull in a favor, the best I could have that Doctor do before he had to leave was apply the Bandages and Casts for Agatsuma properly so proper care could come later. The rest, Uzui and I already knew.''


Kocho nodded with a frown. Not because she wasn't happy with the answer itself, it told her what she needed to know, but because of the implication of how bad things were yesterday that the best Himejima could get was to hastily apply some care on the Injuries.


Still, with that answer given, Shinobu turned her attention to Tengen.


“Do you know what caused this?” She asked, deciding to not ask Muichiro since he likely forgot.


“Not fully, but the kid that found Tokito did say he found him passed out face-first on the ground while it was still raining for who knows how long, so that is likely how it got infected. And according to that protective Crow of his, Hashibira wasn’t exactly gentle bringing Tokito here, but that is as much as I know.” The white-haired man explained to her, which made Shinobu frown a bit more as she got out more bandages and began applying them to Muichiro’s body.


“Well, that explains it. Mitsuri, do we have any medicine with us that can help with this cellulitis?” Shinobu asked her friend while focusing on applying the bandages.


“Um, no, I don’t think so. Nothing looks like that bottle you showed me for the medicine for that condition.” She answered nervously, clearly uncomfortable to be the one to bear the bad news.


“It is okay, Mitsuri. That just means Young Tokito must go to the Butterfly Estate and he will be back in shape! I remember having a similar condition to that once, but I simply needed to get to the Butterfly Estate to have it treated, and I was fine soon after.'' Kyojuro reassured the pink and green-haired girl, making her smile at him in thanks for that.


“So I’m going to have to wait for a while to fully recover. How long will it take, Swallow?” Muichiro questioned Shinobu after she was finished bandaging his body back up, which caused the doctor’s eye to begin twitching a little in irritation.


“Well, the cuts and burns aren’t bad besides the one on your chest, which is clearly infected. But with your body heat and heart rate, I would say 3 weeks is needed at least, perhaps even a bit over a month or more depending on how everything heals back at the Estate.” Shinobu informed the young teenager as she now began putting away the medical supplies, but soon put the used thermometer and the syringe filled with blood in a plastic bag she had in her pocket as evidence of Muichiro’s condition and so she wouldn’t forget them.


“Will he recover fully after the treatment you have in mind for him?” Himejima then spoke up curiously, getting the Kocho woman to nod her head.


“Yes. You may be surprised by the kinds of things we at the Butterfly Estate have healed and succeeded in doing so.” She answered in full confidence before standing back up straight.


“Now then, time to check on Agatsuma. And Tengen, send out a Crow to any of the Kakushi nearby so they know to come here quickly. And please mention how vital it is they come here fast. So far, Tokito seems to be doing fine, but things could turn for the worse and I currently do not know if Agatsuma's state is better or worse.''


There was no need to mention that it was up to the Crow's discretion to know who to pick from those that were nearby. Ultimately, the Kakushi's may have much work to do, especially if cases like this weren't uncommon to just Tokito and Agatsuma. She wondered how the other Doctors were doing, but left that to the side.


Right now, it was time she checked up on her other patient. Only, she was stopped when Kyojuro spoke up.


''Before you go Kocho. I believe you should take some of the unused equipment with you.'' The Kinoe ranked Slayer said, making the woman blink in surprise for a moment before nodding gratefully at the Slayer.


“Thank you for the reminder.” The young doctor said before then quickly grabbing a new thermometer and syringe alongside the penlight and Stethoscope she had used before.


Tengen then piped in.


''By the way. While you won't need to worry about putting a sling on Agatsuma, the same thing can't be said for Hashibira. We already put the thing twice on him, and both times, he removed it. So I'd worry about finding out a way to have the little shit keep it. And it's not gonna be easy with how much he moves around.''


“That will be something for me to decide Tengen.” Shinobu told the large man with a fake smile. One Shinobu had learned long ago by now could sometimes send quite a shiver down people's spines. Or cause them to be irritated at her because of the facade.


It depended on the people, really.


''Don't say I didn't warn you.'' Tengen shrugged at her answer, unwilling to show that he was in fact a former case here. His Shinobi training came in really handy.


And Shinobu was unable to tell either. But that was not her goal ultimately, as much amusement as she could get from just waving around a fake smile, as Shinobu headed off to the Room that Zenitsu was in now.


Once out of earshot, Kyojuro spoke up.


''I believe your Boyfriend and Kocho would get along magnificently, Mitsuri.'' Kyojuro idly commented, making his friend blush.


''Well- I mean-! Obanai isn't nearly that bad- but then again, he takes a bit too much joy in... I mean not! Even if I coincidentally am friends with two who are...''


Mitsuri devolved into panicked denials the more she spoke.


Muichirou during all of this looked utterly unimpressed.


“...Bear, why is everyone around me dumb?”

The utter blackness one's mind could have when sight was unpresent left ways, oftentimes, for thoughts to stray into any type of direction.


From the mundane to the Important.


Everything at this point had crossed the mind of Kagaya at least once. And it was only Noon right now.


Wondering if his Letter to Kocho had been sent soon enough that the Doctors could now act. Wondering if it was a wise decision to send more Demon Slayers who weren’t Hashira’s to Shibuya. Wondering if his decision regarding the Demon Duo would be the right one or cause their downfall. Wondering if Tsuyuri was planning her next course of action or not.


It made him quite anxious, each day as he waited for the Reports from his Wife, his Son or Daughters, or even from one of the Kasugai Crows.


And it had certainly only become worse once he was informed as to what had happened to Shibuya after he’d first been informed of something enveloping that section of Tokyo.


But now, his mind could finally slightly rest, as he was finally receiving Information on the current state of affairs.


''It is a relief to learn of this.'' Ubuyashiki said with a relieved smile.


To know that the Doctors he had sent were able to help. To know that the threat had been dealt with, and alongside it, another Lower Moons Death so soon after the previous ones died in such a short amount of time.


To know that, by this point, the Number of Demons had lowered so drastically that it was unlikely there would be many left that very night.


Still, he could not quite allow his guard to be lowered. Not now.


''I wish for the able-bodied Demon Slayers that remain to prepare for further missions.''


Demons never rested. And with the high amount of Demon Slayers he had sent there, it had left holes in the lands that they once protected.


Much as he wished to allow everyone to have a long rest, it was impossible to give it to everyone. The best he could do was allow tonight for them to receive a reprieve of Duty.


His Kasugai Crow gave a nod. Silent as he may be, and even sightless, he could tell that much. Then, his Crow flew off.


Not quite leaving him alone, for he wasn’t.


''My dear, do you believe the Butterfly Estate has enough Rooms to accommodate everyone?''


His Wife was present as well. The magnitude of this situation requiring more than one pair of hands. Hence, he had requested for Amane to stay in contact with Kocho when it came to this particular matter.


He had already been aware that injuries were unavoidable after practically a week straight of fighting on and on.


But the reports of the Crows and what his own Crow had relayed told him that they would require more than Physical Treatment.


But the mental one as well.


He truly pitied his Children who had fallen for the Mist and killed fellow Humans when they knew no better. And it wasn’t helped that the overall experience inside the mist was horrendous. What they saw clashed severely with what they heard. Sometimes, even what they smelled or even felt.


It had completely thrown off their senses.


''Kocho has had the foresight to prepare an abundance of Rooms just in case when the Butterfly Estate was first formed.'' His Wife informed him, ''There should be enough Rooms for both the Physically and Mentally ailed.''


That was good to hear. Then truly, most of the immediate situation was dealt with. All but one issue...


''But I fear that this isn’t quite the end of this Storm.'' Amane was of the same mind, hence why she was the one to bring this matter forth.


''The Demon Slayers we sent to Mount Natagumo have not returned. Nor have their Crows.''


It was truly saddening that more of his Children had perished during all of this. But at the same time, this was nothing short of a confirmation.


The very reason they had sent Corp Members there was to confirm gradual rumors of Demons living in the Mount. With the limited Demon Slayers still left due to the concentration that came over to Shibuya, this meant they couldn’t send many.


And while Kagaya had considered sending in a Hashira for this, it would mean forcing them to split off from their Territories.


A hard choice was left behind, and he had made it. Now, there were more Deaths.


''Then I am afraid those who are able-bodied will need to be sent to Mount Natagumo next.'' Kagaya declared, and Amane nodded.


The Demon Slayer Corp needed to continue hunting Demons every single night. And much as he wished he could give them a longer moment to rest, the issue that Shibuya brought remained.


Those who were the closest had all gathered in Shibuya. And those who needed longer had done so too, but on a smaller scale.


It meant that those who were in fact near Shibuya were also the ones the closest to said Mount right now.


Kagaya didn’t have much choice but to send them to Mount Natagumo now, even if he had planned to let them rest. However, there was an unease stirring up inside of him.


Not one of his Visions. Not quite, but something else. A worry Kagaya had learned not to ignore.


So, before Kagaya had Amane write down the details for the Crows to then transfer, he told her something else.


''Just to be safe, inform Rengoku and Iguro to stand by and be ready to rush to Mount Natagumo in case the situation turns for the worst.''


He would not allow the situation in Shibuya to repeat itself. That, Kagaya promises.


And with a nod, Amane was off to tell some additional Kasugai Crows of the next Mission they must relay.


And while all of this would take place, Kagaya waited.


It was time to see how things would go on from here on out.

“Hyo~Hyo~! I must admit, most of the Lower moons may have been a disappointment in living, but they put on a splendid show.” Managi commented to himself with a chuckle as he hid within an alleyway to stay out of sunlight, yet he wasn’t at all worried about a Slayer spotting him as is.


“Still, I’m disappointed that I really haven’t had much time to eat while watching such entertainment. Though, I suppose that I can take a snack before leaving.” The master of the Expanding Museum practically declared despite his seemingly neutral tone, but a smile grew on his face as he heard a human passing by.


“Hm. Perhaps I should get a dog sometime soon.” And that human happened to be a man who looked like he was somewhere in his forties or early fifties. But thanks to the man’s musings, Managi had just the trick to lure him into the shade and eat him.


“Now then, where is that dog's body?” Managi whispered to himself as he looked towards one of his pots that was right next to him, and soon steam began to come out of it before spiraling into the shape of a vortex. Yet, before the Demon could put his head through to look at his collection of preserved bodies, he heard a voice speak, one he heard just last week.


“My, you know that you are quite tough to find.” And so, Managi looked past the vortex of steam and saw none other than the Lower Moon One himself, something that made the unranked Demon frown, but he couldn’t deny now being curious thanks to those words.


“My, it isn’t every day that a Lower Moon tries contacting me for something, and even tries looking for me. So tell me Enmu, what is it that you want.” Managi spoke as his frown quickly turned into a smirk, lifting up his cane and pointing at the other Demon with the bottom side of it.


“Ah, it is quite simple my dear judge, about 3 days ago, I made an… interesting discovery. One that shall allow our lady to take another step forward toward her dream.” The ranked Demon explained with a highly pleased smile on his face, actually making Managi blink in surprise before he lowered his cain, and based on Enmu’s growing smirk, the younger Demon was likely taking joy in Managi’s shocked expression.


“Are you talking about the Blue Spider Lily? How exactly did you learn anything about it?” The master of the Expanding Museum questioned the train-obsessed Demon, which earned him a shake of his head and a sad sigh.


“No, I’m afraid that isn’t it. But it is the next best thing. Because you see…” Enmu explained with a seemingly sad tone and expression, but that soon went away in favor of the Lower Moon’s usual smile before extending his arms out to the sides.


“I have discovered the Chosen Demon. The one who has conquered the sun!”


Managi, for a moment, remained quiet as the words truly set in.


For a moment, a sense of disbelief filled him. Perhaps his own. Or perhaps that of Kanao herself through her Cells within him.


Because after all of this time...


''Well, well…'' The grin that spread on his face was ill-fitting, ''Someone is going to be very happy.''


...finally, what was sought out for Centuries had finally appeared.

Results came when given the required amount of time to form.


It’s one thing Kanao has kept repeating herself since she’d made the Lower Moon’s meet.


But truly, she was losing patience she took pride in. It naturally came after crossing over a Thousand in Years. After so many years that no Humans could truly comprehend.


Claims of how it was normal for Human life to be fickle things. How it made them human to live for only about a century. Maybe less.


She scoffed at the notions that kept coming back for those who refused this gift.


She didn’t particularly like sharing this Flawed thing of hers, but to reach what she considered perfect, she needed to work through the Flaws and deal with it.


So, she would be as patient as she needed to be, all while continuing discovery after discovery.


Though that was running out dry, as in terms of Emotions, she’d felt it all at this point.


All but the ever so elusive Love.


That one just refused to come to her. But, that’s fine. She’d be patient and wait.


Results came in due time.


And right now, this particular set of Results she was seeking may just come right now.


''It’s done.'' She announces to the Group she’s with at the moment.


Or, perhaps she should call them Family. After all, right now, she was in Mount Natagumo. The location where Rui himself and his Family resided.


Nervousness was at an all-time high for the Spider Demons, who watched on and on. Though Rui in comparison was much calmer, knowing this ultimately would lead to better success.


It was through her he’d been able to share his Power with his Family, and it was through her that he would be able to regain it in a manner that wouldn’t jeopardize the given power.


''Now, I just need the first guinea pig. Who’s going to dare and drink this?''


She held up a Sake Cup in her hand filled with her special concoction. Her Blood, albeit with some adjustments for this occasion.


It was actually perfectly safe to consume. This wouldn’t be able to kill them, but when testing something new, things could always go wrong in some manner.


And after some hesitation, it was the Spider Father who stepped forward.


''And the Father steps forth. Go on then, drink it all up.'' Extended the Cup, the Spider Father took it. There seemed to be a moment where he was almost frightened at what would happen next, but then, he dived in and drank the whole thing in one gulp.


And all watched with bated breath to see what would happen.


It was genuinely anticlimactic when the Spider Father gave a burp and then spat out a Spider formed out of threads from said mouth. The very same he was fed back when he’d first taken the role of the Father.


Kanao for her part gave an upbeat clap.


''Success~! Your Power hasn’t dropped in the least. Rui, you can take it back now.''


Rui did so, and the Spider made of threads simply jumped on top of his palms before the Threads merged into his Body.


Just like that, Rui had regained a portion of his Power and a piece of the abilities he’d given away.


''You’ll soon be actually fit for the Lower Two Rank.'' Kanao remarks as she fills each of the Sake Cups with her Blood.


''Drink up.''


And with no negative effects on all of this, the rest followed suit. One after the other, they all drank and spat out the Spiders made out of Rui’s threads which then returned to Rui himself. With none of them losing the given abilities.


A rather fulfilling Night already. But as it turns out, Kanao was in for quite a surprise.


''My Lady.''


Kanao’s attention shifted to her mind then. While she could hear thoughts, she had currently made sure to mute all of the thoughts she could hear out of Demons, especially the Lower Moons due to the Nature of their situation. 


This did not apply to the Upper Ranks or useful Demons like this one.


''Managi. What is it?''


''I have been told of something rather fortunate.'' She could easily picture Managi grinning, ''And I do believe you will enjoy it very much~!''


''Then tell me.''


And what she heard made her give the faintest of all gasps.


The Spider Demons heard it. Saw her stare in front of her in a daze. For a moment, all but Rui worried they’d angered her for some reason.


But then?


Her impassive expression twisted into the largest grin imaginable. How her eyes suddenly sparkled in sheer joy.


Because then, she laughed unrestrained.


''Heh… HAHAHAHA! I can’t believe it! I actually can’t! I never imagined that I would discover the Chosen Demon! HAHAHAHAHA!!!''


Her joyful yet just as maddening laugh continued unrestrained.


''I’ve finally found them! Centuries upon Centuries of undoing one of my Flaws, and it’s been discovered just a few days ago! Amazing! Superb even! Magnificently done Enmu !''


Oh, the luck...!


Finally, spreading her Flawed Blood to so many had paid off! Finally, she saw the chance to get rid of the Inability to walk under the Sun.


Then, her laughter died down even as the other Demons around looked at her in confusion. The grin closed down to a more natural smile.


But the joy never left, even as her eyes trailed to land on her Lower Moon Two.


''Well… looks like it’s time I started another Meeting. Come along Rui, there is much to talk about…''


It was time to start a New Meeting. But this time...


The Upper Moons would be present.


And with that, The Shibuya Week War Arc is over. Granted, we won't be leaving the place quite yet in the next Chapter, but we're getting there.

But yeah, the Kanao POV is the shift to the next Arc. Which, you can all guess where it goes. And exactly how it shapes to be, with the direct consequences of what the previous Chapter caused, alongside the overall issues a near week straight of Fighting does.

But that is not to come yet, because there is an announcement to make.

This specific Original Arc has drained me and Trickster1 quite a bit. So, we've decided to take a break from this Story specifically. We're basically resuming the Winter Break we took last year, so about 2 Weeks off. We might take longer though depending on the situation, but we're not going to work on this for the next 2 Weeks at least.

That break does not affect any of our own Works, mind you. For those, it really just depends.

With that said and done, I do not have much else to say. Besides me hoping you've enjoyed this.

Next time, we'll get to a Gakuen File. Then?

The Meeting.

I'll see you all next time!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]
Inosuke and Ginko ended up bickering and practically fighting each other all the way back to the Wisteria House. Mostly due to the formers treatment of the passed-out Muichirou.

Chapter 21: Gakuen File III: Pillars of Olden


The Third Gakuen File. This time, seeing exactly how those who would have been once Hashira's act in their Modern World of Kimetsu Gakuen.


Hello one and all! Welcome to the Third Gakuen File. Been a while since we last wrote something like that, all things considered.

But yeah, we're back from the Break. And this is the start.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sctarfox whispers to you: I’m willing to bet already no one’s going to find you.


Honestly, as the first Message one gets when sent on the Field, things could have been worse. But it made him lament that he was reminded yet again that he probably wouldn’t be able to play in this Werewolf UHC.


Or any other Server Games.


For some god-forsaken reason, Giyuu always had the most horrendous luck when it came to Multiplayer Games. No matter which Server he joined to play Minecraft in, he always either ended up in the most Isolated settings ever, like say, the Top of a Mountain, the Middle of a vast Ocean which was hell to travel through, and rare as those were, he even sometimes spawned in goddamned Caves.


No one knows why this happened, and even in the Server he most frequented, none of the Admins were sure as to why this was happening.


At this point, everyone he’d spoken to was pretty sure he must have had some form of Virus in his Computer, because the fact it always happened in Servers made no sense otherwise.


But at the same time, when he tried to actually check it for Viruses and even downloaded a reliable Anti-Virus Software, it changed nothing. Either because there wasn’t anything, or they kept missing the thing.


On the upside, when he played Singleplayer or just started in a Server for himself, this didn’t tend to happen. At least then, he could have fun with some other people.


So why would he return still to Multiplayer Servers with Games on with this horrendous luck?


You whisper to Sctarfox:  We’ll have to wait and see who’s right this time.


Well, it was because of what this little mess brought. Namely, new challenges. When the Admins realized how constant this seemed to become, they decided they might as well take advantage of this.


Because finding one single person in Hunting Games, for example, wasn’t all that easy. And when considering all the other requirements...


Well, it proved to be something.


And so, the Player known as SealfullyCalm became a Bonus Objective, whenever he appeared Online in 100 stoibI.


Find him in whatever Game he decides to play in, and you will receive Bonuses for the rest of the Games.


And today, during Golden Week, Giyuu Tomioka decided he wanted to play a UHC. Even if it was unlikely he’d be able to truly play, he might as well still try.


Though it wasn’t actually the only reason. Why?


Because he had a visitor today.


“My, my, Tomioka. I didn’t know you were so famous for always having this bad luck in spawning.”


Namely, Shinobu Kocho.


“But you told me you learned of it from a Video?” Giyuu looked at her in confusion, looking away from the Screen and Sabito’s Whispers for now.


And that only ended up irking Kocho.


“Yes. Yes, I did. But that doesn’t mean it’s not surprising to learn there’s a whole system around you now.”


Honestly, while Shinobu wasn’t one to play the Game herself (she had better things to do), that didn’t mean she wasn’t aware of it. Or the fact that she watched plenty of gameplay.


Though she did need to thank Kanao later when she returned. It had been truly hilarious, as she’d sworn to her last Week. And she found it even funnier when she realized who SealfullyCalm actually was.


On that one, she needed to thank Kanae and her being Friends with Tsutako. If the latter had never mentioned Giyuu liked to play Minecraft (or the username, Tsutako apparently had seen it enough times to know by heart), this would never have been figured out.


Giyuu shrugged.


“It is surprising, yeah. I never really expected this would be how I’d become famous, but I don’t complain much about it today.”


It certainly helped Giyuu was greatly amused when seeing the Youtubers who had taken part in the Games and their reactions to the whole thing.


Makomo especially. And speaking of her, he wondered if she’d already joined the game or not. He didn’t actually know the Keys to check who was in the Game (or server in general), so he was blind.


“By the way…” Giyuu changed pages -something that wasn't risky to do during the first 20 minutes- to display another setup, “I have this all set right?”


Shinobu didn’t even need to look at it again to know.


“You did. Don’t worry Giyuu, everything is set up well. You just need to keep what you want published later.”


With that particular worry settled, the page was changed again to Minecraft, and Giyuu focused again on the now while Shinobu watched.


Sctarfox whispers to you: Giyu, this whole challenge surrounding you has been up for a month now, and no one has found you. Even when we talked online to try and team up, that didn’t work.


Reading that from over his shoulder, Giyu chose to ignore Shinobu’s snort of amusement in favour of continuing to read through the server chat in search of Sabito’s messages to him.


Sctarfox whispers to you: Anyways, 1500 Yen says no one finds you, what do you say?


Sctarfox whispers to you: Giyu? You aren’t dead, right? Did you spawn in the ocean again?


Sctarfox whispers to you: Nope, there is definitely no death message in here. Are you being hunted down by another player who is actually close to finding you before the Roles are even assigned?


“My, your friend is really confident in you not being found, huh?” Shinobu commented when she saw the Yen that Sabito suggested they bet on. Small things, which showed that Sabito wasn't really seeking Money out of this, all while Giyu began to type back to Sabito on the chat.


You whisper to Sctarfox:  No. Shinobu is here with me and she talked for a bit.


“Really Tomioka? That’s all you say about me to your best friend?” Shinobu questioned him with an eye roll, though Giyu kept silent at that, which did irritate the Kocho girl.


Sctarfox whispers to you: The insect?


And just like that, Shinobu’s annoyance towards Giyu was shifted right towards Sabito as she glared at the screen, and for a moment, Giyu was honestly wondering if the woman would somehow actually curse Sabito through the screen.


Sctarfox whispers to you: Well, whatever. Just know that the Roles are going to be given soon. So be prepared for me to come after you if we are enemies.


And just as Giyu finished reading that, he saw that in the chat for the game, there were a few numbers that began to rapidly change between each other, and once it was done…


[WW UHC] [Private] You are a Villager.


“Hahahaha!! Oh my, well, I can certainly say that your luck in being hard to find is going to carry you quite a bit, huh Tomioka?” Shinobu teased him while poking at his arm, but Giyu only sighed in response while looking through the chat, but relaxed a bit.


“It’s a good thing since it means I’m not needed to win the Game. My Role isn't one of the Powerful ones, but it’s also bad if I run into a Werewolf or someone who has to win alone.”


Not accounting that he actually needed to be Hunted down. While there was long since a rule implemented for him in cases like this, the opposing side still had to try and find him for a certain amount of time if he were last.


And whoever finds him could be an ally or an enemy. If someone even finds him. At which point, the true purpose of this particular UHC would come into play. Friend or Foe?


“For now, I’m going to play normally.”


So mining for Iron, Diamond and Gold. Then prepare the Golden Apples and… and that was it actually.


“Well then Tomioka, let’s see if you’ll be found out.” Shinobu commented and then simply waited while Giyuu played normally.


Not knowing that something was about to go on, though definitely not in the way he expected.


Because it just so happened that nearby, there were two players. Which side were they on?


One did not know, while the other couldn’t entirely confirm even with the list they had. Solo roles were present, and some were hidden within the List, impossible to deduce without keen observation.


Still, in the end, that wouldn’t matter all that much. Not with what was about to happen next.


Because at this very moment, Sabito was just running around. His goal, of course, was to find Giyuu. And he knew he wasn’t the only one.


Because the reward for finding Giyuu was in fact, a Sharpness IV Diamond Sword. And considering the Enchanting Restrictions that came in these Game Modes, that was beyond useful.


But if he could find Giyuu first, then not only would he have that Sword, but he’d have bragging rights.


Now the question was if Giyuu would even bother playing the game at all or not. Because if he did, at this moment, he may still be in the Caves mining. But if not, he had to be out somewhere.


So, would Divine Intervention finally allow for someone to discover Giyuu in Minecraft, or would he somehow remain elusive still?


The answer was that he passed by another Player before even getting his answer, and in reaction, had his Character jump and spin around with the Diamond Sword in hand just because this could be a Werewolf.


Only, even if that were the case, he wouldn’t have attacked. Not helped he wouldn’t know just by glance.


“Oh. Sea! What a coincidence!”


With the Proximity Voice Chat enabled, it allowed Sabito to just speak instead of writing down anything. Not that writing down in the Chat was possible now since it was disabled for all but the Werewolves.


And he easily recognized the Avatar. It was Makomo.


“Oh, Setar!”


Sabito immediately scowled behind his Screen. He still hated how that reading mistake changed his username from “Star” to “Setar”, and just because the Barred C looked so much like an E.


And he knew Makomo was doing this on purpose.


“Looking for Sealfully too?” She questioned him, getting Sabito to smirk a little since he knew that should be obvious.


“Yep. The reward is too good to pass up on getting, but more importantly, it means I get bragging rights.” Sabito explained with a shrug in real life, getting Makomo to nod her Avatar’s head in agreement to show that she accepted that.


“In that case, want to team up and look for him?” And as a result of that question, Sabito glared at his screen as he thought it over. On the one hand, it would help in finding Giyu if he had a partner and he’d still get the reward for finding his friend, but on the other...


Well, his bragging rights would have to be shared with Makomo, and admittedly… he has teamed up with others, Makomo included, to find Giyu and it always failed. In fact, teaming up with others on this little side quest has led him into some… situations he wouldn’t otherwise.


He still did not forget that lava trap JokerMaster led him and their group into.


But honestly, besides Makomo backstabbing him because she could be a Werewolf, there wasn’t much that could happen.


Arrogantly so perhaps, but still confident whatever happened, he would be able to handle, he accepted.


“Sure. Why not. Let’s see if we’ll find him this time.”


And this was how Sabito and Makomo teamed up today to find Giyuu.


And while they sought him out, the man himself was...




Taking a Creeper head on which had just exploded on him. Taking out a sizeable chunk of his Health. In fact, it nearly one-shot him.


Yet, Giyuu’s cursing was rather tame. Something Shinobu noticed.


“Even the tone of your voice when cursing is the same.” And Shinobu wasn’t sure if she should be impressed or annoyed Giyuu could keep that same tone.


“It’s nothing too Important. Sure, it’s annoying it happened, but I didn’t die.” And he could regenerate his Health with his Golden Apples. It would be annoying since it dwindled the amount he’d have if he somehow could actually join the Game this time, but it was affordable.


“Still, you’re going to stay in the Cave for much longer?”


“Not much. I just need to finish that Diamond Sword, and I’ll head out.”


If people weren’t going to find him, then he may as well try seeking them out. Even if it was more likely he’d be missing them by a hair. As shown by the many footage, the amount of close calls Giyuu had to find someone had been pretty high.


But always, something happened that made either Giyuu or a fellow player not find the other.


A Mob could get to him. Something in Real Life forced him to log out. Maybe he missed a step and fell to his Death without a Water Bucket or into Lava. There was even once where a World Border had shrunk as they neared the end, and due to lag on his side, his Avatar had died outside the Border.


So many things happened that it was often seen as comical. Or just extremely annoying.


So Giyuu truly did wonder what kind of nonsense would happen this time.


“Well then, let’s see if you’ll get some action this time.”


And while Giyuu was finishing his last bit of mining, Sabito and Makomo stumbled upon something.


Not all that surprising mind you, but still.


“Huh. A Ravine this close to the Border?” It was all so close as well. The last Block of said Ravine edged exactly at this side of the World border.


And to Sabito, locations like these may be where Giyuu could be. Though from this side, he couldn’t tell if a Staircase had been built, if perhaps someone had towered stealthily and left, or if just no one had come here.


“So, what misfortune might befall us this time?” Makomo bluntly asked then.


Sabito didn’t even answer that.


“Giyuu could be here, or he might not even be here at all and we’re completely off. Maybe he’s purposely hiding this time too.”


Unlikely, and they both knew it. Giyuu wouldn’t join a Server just to then hide. Sure, it was annoying he really didn’t often get action, but it’s exactly why he’d normally still try to seek out others.


Which is exactly why it still baffles everyone how Giyuu not running into anyone went beyond even his Spawn Point. At least on that one, there may be some reason for it.


The rest honestly might as well go to sheer dumb luck.


“If he is here, then… he… wait. Wait, is that…?”


Sabito actually had to blink for a moment. And Makomo soon after went dead quiet.


Because for once?


Finding Giyuu may not have been all that hard. Why, you may ask?


Because they just now noticed his Username under the Stone of the Ravine. And it was only getting clearer to read. Which meant he was going up.


“Holy Shit.”


Makomo was not one to swear. And she swears it wasn’t done on purpose either. But this?


Somehow, the unbelievable was happening. Somehow, they may have just gotten the chance to find Giyuu.


“Ok. Ok, wow, this is actually big.” Sabito almost felt like he was Hyperventilating from how monumental this felt. 


Because someone was finally going to undo Giyuu’s Elusiveness?!


“...want to surprise him?” Makomo asked, and Sabito pondered about it.


This was big, But, at the same time, it probably may actually give Giyuu joy to realize that for once, he could actually play the game.




Sabito would not see the smile that Makomo was giving behind her screen. One that typically formed because of laughter being restrained.


Nothing malicious, of course. But Makomo was just now forming a plan in her mind, and it was so funny whichever way it went.


“Great. Then… hm… he should be out soon, right?”


“Yeah. Maybe a few more seconds.” In fact, by just checking, it seemed like he was about to finally be within sight. So for the surprise, they needed to be fast.


“Ok. Then let’s surprise him!”


“Yeah, let’s-” and then his Avatar was outright hit by Makomo’s Diamond sword, not only shaving a part of his Health but also shoving him down the Ravine.


It only registered to Sabito then what Makomo’s “surprise” had been about.




And then, his Avatar hit the Bottom and promptly perished. To slow in drawing his Water Bucket to save himself from the fall.


Makomo, while Sabito was pushed off, was about to just dig her way down now. Only, she made a mistake. So did Sabito for that matter, though he held less fault now.


Neither of them checked if any Mobs had spawned.


So, when Makomo pulled her Pickaxe, the Mob that had spawned, had already aimed and shot.


The Skeleton was only doing what its programming demanded of it. Which was to shoot the Player.


And shoot it did. Hitting Makomo and sending her flying right after Sabito just as he was halfway falling and screaming.


And just like that, with a blank face that did not register what had happened, Makomo fell to her Doom.


And just as she was about to hit the bottom.


“OH SH-!”


And Makomo’s Avatar also perished then.


In fact, Sabito and Makomo died nearly at the same time. And so, only a second after Sabito hit the bottom, Makomo joined him.


All while SealfullyCalm watched as two Avatars died right after the other in front of him just as he was moving to block up.


Behind the Screen, both Giyuu and Shinobu could only stare at what had just happened in utter confusion.




“...was that?”


Inadvertently, they had both finished each other’s sentences. The confusion never leaving them.


Yet this particular event would spread rather far by the end of the day. And all because someone decided to shortly after spread what had happened. 


After all, it was quite a monumental thing that had happened.

The Morning fun being over, by now, Shinobu was returning by Noon to her home so she could eat lunch with her Family. But on her way there, she was notified of something being sent to her.


So, she checked it and in the end, laughed.


“Okay... Okay, that is funny.” Shinobu spoke with a smirk on her face as her laughter died down, yet the amusement wasn't gone. Not with what Giyuu had actually sent her.


At first glance, it didn't look like much. It seemed to just be a picture with the Minecraft Avatars of Sabito and Makomo next to each other. Up until Giyuu sent her then a text asking a singular question.


Then she understood exactly why he'd sent her this for.


“Truly, Tomioka certainly knows how to somehow be dragged into amusing situations with Minecraft of all things. It’s almost as enjoyable as the Arkham games.” She thought to herself, finally putting away her phone as she saw her home in sight.


“I’m back.” And so, once Shinobu opened the front door of her family’s house, she called out for whoever was inside, to which she gained the attention of two of her family members.


“Oh, welcome back Shinobu! How has your day been so far?” Kanae asked her little sister, closing the book that she had been reading in favour of listening to what the younger Kocho will now say.


“It was pretty normal for most of the Morning honestly. Though, the time spent with Tomioka proved to be quite entertaining. That reminds me, thanks for showing me those videos Kanao. Because of you, I got to see Giyu’s luck in action in real-time.” Shinobu explained with a shrug before speaking to her adopted little sister, causing her to smile a little at those words.


“It is no problem, Oneesan. I’m just glad to know you enjoyed the videos I showed you with SealfullyCalm in them.” The young teen said in return before looking back down at her Nintendo Switch, and Shinobu did not need to look at the screen to know her younger sister was playing a Pokemon game. Legend's something, if she remembered part of it right.


“My, if the fact that you passed out from laughter was any indication, I can definitely say that your time with Tsutako’s little brother must have been fun.” Kanae commented with her usual smile, though instead of the eye roll that either sister was expecting from the easily most temperamental member of the family, they instead got a smile as Shinobu reached into her pocket to grab her phone again.


“Indeed. After all, it let me see something amusing in real-time. But to set the stage as it were, do either of you know what this is?” Shinobu admitted before taking out her phone and showing them both an image, causing the two sisters to look confused at what they were meant to see beyond the obvious.


“Isn’t this just Makomo’s Minecraft character? Why are you showing us this?” Kanao asked her older sister, pausing her game so she could look at the image displayed.


“It is. And as for the reason why, well… let's just say she and Sabito were able to accomplish the little challenge, only to immediately die when they found him.” Shinobu explained with a grin on her face that a blind man wouldn’t be able to miss.


“No way.” Kanae said, fully aware of Giyu’s luck and not being found, no matter how close you got to him. Which reminded her, she should thank Tsutako for showing her those videos.


“Oh, I’m sure you’ll believe me soon enough.” Shinobu declared while putting her phone away. Then, she turned to stare at the busy Kitchen.


''You need any help, by the way?''


''No need.'' Kanae denied, ''We're just waiting for the food to be finished cooking.''


Well then, if preparing Lunch was already gone, then Shinobu decided she might as well relax and do her own thing now.


“Then I’m going to head up to my room and relax for a bit with some of my own games.” She said before going to head upstairs, leaving her sisters alone for a moment before the pair looked at each other.


''You know, sometimes I almost feel bad for Harley. If it wasn't for how scripted many of her moments are, I'd imagine Shinobu would take great joy in beating her up.'' Kanae said, fully aware of what game Shinobu was planning on playing right now.


The moment she'd played Arkham Asylum, she was absolutely hooked to the Series.


“Indeed. I don’t think I have ever seen her as angry as she was when she played the Suicide Squad game.” Kanao said, almost feeling a headache as she remembered the yelling of her adoptive sister when she got to a specific cutscene.


And for a moment, she could almost feel an echo of it when hearing a scream.


“Fuck, I forgot that this headache shows up around this part!” And neither Kanae nor Kanao needed any more indication to know that Shinobu just found The Riddler in the Arkham game she was playing.

“Oh, things are getting interesting.”


Those were Tengen Uzui’s words as he was seated at a Table during the afternoon, inside a Bar. Now, what was he doing here, you may wonder?


Awaiting for Friends.


They would arrive with some delays, so Tengen was left waiting.


Not that it bothered him much, as it just meant he had time to catch up with the Manga he was reading previously.


And MangaPlus helped with it as he waited. But not for much longer, because as he said that, finally, one of them showed up.


“Pardon me for my tardiness.” In arrived Gyomei Himejima. Truly a Titan of a Man, for he was even taller than Tengen himself. He stood out quite a lot because of it, but still fit in rather seamlessly.


“Nah, don’t worry. I wasn’t exactly waiting for long.” He’d already ordered his Beer on top of that, so nothing was lost.


Still, time to turn off his phone for now. Which he did and pocketed it.


“You heard anything about Rengoku, by the way?” and then went on to ask where their last companion was.


“I have not. But I imagine his Studies have taken quite a bit of his time as of late.”


And that may be it. After all, studying to become a Teacher wasn’t all that easy. It took quite some time, and he was taking it seriously.


So perhaps he was delayed for longer than he’d imagined? If that were the case...


“So, until he shows up, how’s work at that Kindergarten?” He hadn’t caught up much on his friend's work for a while now. Not when he himself had been busy with Gymnastics as of late.


“Well. I admit, at first, I held my doubts about the Job even with my expertise with Children, but it turned out much better than I had imagined.”


Tengen nodded happily. Looks like this was turning out better than either of them had initially expected.


“That is good to hear!”


That wasn’t Tengen who answered. But both Uzui and Himejima knew immediately who this was. Hard to mistake someone who spoke like Rengoku does.


“Kyojuro! There you are you Flashy Owl.” Tengen happily uttered, “Come, we were waiting for you.”


“My thanks.” Kyojuro took the last chair the Table held and then continued, “Apologies for my late arrival. I had planned to come sooner, but I ran into Mitsuri on my way here.”


“Oh?” Tengen took a more teasing tone and look, “Your good Mood tells me that something good may have happened then?”


Tengen’s first thoughts were definitely leading towards a more romantic aspect, but even he was aware it was highly unlikely Mitsuri and Kyojuro would ever make a pair.


Mostly because the former already was seeing someone, and the latter acted so much like a Brother it was hard to see it in any other way.


“Indeed. Not quite for me, but for Mitsuri. And Iguro for that matter.”


Himejima, silent as he was, suspected strongly of where this was going.


Tengen had absolutely no reservations to try and figure it out already.


“Are they going beyond dating now?”


Kyojuro nodded.


“Indeed! It’s official now. They are a couple. In fact, she was heading to his Pet Shop when we ran into each other.”


Tengen whistled at that while Gyomei smiled for the couple in question.


“My congratulations to them.”


“Same here. I was wondering how long it’d take for them to finally go at it.”


“So did I.” Kyojuro nodded, and then paused as he remembered something, “Oh yes, by the way! Before I left, Mitsuri told me we should all watch something.”


“She did?” Himejima gave the faintest of hunches to the side in curiosity.


“Huh. If she’s recommending something like that, then it must be Good. What is it about?”


Upon Tengen’s question, Kyojuro pulled out his Phone.


“It’s this. I haven’t seen it yet either, so let’s see what this is about…”

“I’m Home!”


Those were Sanemi’s words as he went inside, locking the door behind him to hear no immediate answer.


That only meant one thing.


“He’s studying then.” Sanemi knew that this much silence in the House usually meant that Genya was currently studying with someone.


Or else, none of his other Siblings would be quiet. At all. They were very loud when they wanted to be. But for a while now, they’d learned not to disturb Genya when he really wanted to study.


Granted, it was also because of Sanemi’s own involvement there. While it may be Golden Week, and he didn’t exactly want to just suck away any fun he could have...


Sanemi refused to see Genya pull another low Score.


And if it meant he would need to confiscate the Festival Tickets his Younger Brother had gathered to motivate him…


Well, no real harm was done. It’s not like the Family didn’t have plans to go to the Festival during Summer Break.


Still, why did it feel like things were maybe… too quiet? It’s not like he demanded absolute silence.


Well, he’d check. Might as well see what his Siblings were up to-






Sanemi did not hesitate for a second to rush right where he heard the Scream. Which just so happened to be their common room.


“What’s going on here?!”


Barging through the Front door, Sanemi was met with the most bizarre sight imaginable. Ok, maybe not the most bizarre, but it was getting there even with what he’d seen by working as a Policeman.


His Siblings were all surrounding a Table. Some distance was set between them of course.


Around said Table were sitting his Brother, Genya, and a boy he hardly recognized.


Right behind Genya however, was...


Was whatever the fuck that was. A Doll? A Machine? Something like that at least, because that thing was definitely not Human and looked oddly familiar.


But yeah, a Six-Armed doll or something. Holding a Bokken up that seemed to be ready to be swung down on a...


Was that a Watermelon?


“...what the fuck is this?”


To recapitulate what Sanemi is seeing:


Genya is studying with a boy he hardly recognizes. Telling his Math equations in fact. Behind him is a Doll or something with Six Arms that look weirdly familiar, holding a Watermelon at metaphorical gunpoint through a Wooden Sword.


Surrounding them? His other Siblings. 


Yeah, Sanemi has to wonder what even is going on here.


“Ah, Onii-chans back!” one of his Siblings immediately announced. And that caused a chorus, breaking Genya’s concentration.


“Ah. Aniki-”


“20 Seconds are up.”


The Doll immediately smashed the Watermelon in half after that other Boy’s command, much to Genya’s immediate chagrin and Sanemi’s continued confusion. Not towards Genya's reaction to the Watermelon. He knew his Brother loved the thing, but more at the situation as a whole.


“Time out. Explain, all of you!”


“He wanted to Study.”


Sanemi turned to look at the one who’d said that, and then noticed it was another boy he had never seen before.


One wearing a Mask.


“...since when were you here?”


“Since the start. I was behind the Doll.”


Ah. That explained it. That was a start. But it didn’t explain everything either.


Though the explanation in itself wasn’t anything major either.


Genya wanted to Study. He’d asked Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke if they knew anyone who could help, and it had led him to Muichirou who had eventually agreed, and with the help of Kotetsu who brought his Doll, they had… this unique way to study.


The rest of his Siblings were surrounding the Table and so quiet specifically because they wanted to see when Genya would mess up and the Doll would smash Watermelons, the very fruits Genya enjoyed so much.


Sanemi honestly wasn’t even sure how to react to that, but in the end?


“Ok. Continue on then.”


And he moved out. If this continued like this, he imagined Genya would be doing fine once Exams came up again.


Still, as he headed off to get changed as Evening came, he received a notification.


When checking it, he saw it was from Obanai. And seeing him send a Text was odd, as he was sure that by now, he and Mitsuri were going out on their date. At least he was told that by Evening, he and Mitsuri would be heading out. But that thought became an afterthought when he saw what he sent.


“...Tomioka did what?”

Sanemi was right about Obanai and Mitsuri heading out when it was Evening. However, it was shortly before they did head out that Obanai would be shown what he would afterward send.


However, what led to that was completely unrelated to what he would shortly after send. Because at that very moment, he was observing something.


“Hm... You have improved a lot since last month.”


Namely, a painting that Mitsuri had been working on. One he just now complimented, for it was a painting of Kaburamaru. Mind you, it wasn't the only reason he was complimenting this.


No, while Obanai was no expert in Art, he could still tell the difference between how Mitsuri had started, and how she was doing now. And these days, his Girlfriend had significantly improved compared to before.


“Ah, you really think so? KKKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAA~! Thanks Ig-I mean Obanai!” Mitsuri asked before squealing in joy, but quickly blushed in embarrassment when she almost called him by his last name instead of his first.


“It’s okay Mitsuri. Us going the extra step is still new.” Obanai told her with a smile behind his mask, and his words also earned a hiss of agreement from Kaburamaru, though the snake remained in his current position so that Mitsuri’s painting of him wouldn’t potentially get ruined thanks to a new position.


“I know, but we have dated many times before! So it feels embarrassing that I feel more inclined to use your last name instead of your first.” She explained with her blush dying down a little bit, but it still practically glowed on her skin.


“Hhhhhiiisssss.” However, before Obanai could make a remark, Kaburamaru began to hiss a bit in irritation and drew attention back to him.


“Ah, I’m sorry Kaburamaru! Don’t worry, the line work is almost done, so you can move in a bit!” Realising why the snake was hissing in irritation, the pink and green-haired artist quickly reassured the snake before grabbing her pencil and once more, began to sketch out the drawing that she had previously been working on.


Though, as she did so, she was reminded of something she'd wanted to show to Obanai when she'd come here. But, she may have forgotten it up until now.


''Oh, by the way!'' She caught his attention again, ''There's something I wanted to show you.''


While she didn't look away from the painting, nor actually stop drawing, she was still able to talk relatively normally. As if she wasn't doing the aforementioned actions.


''There's this very recent Video that got uploaded in Youtube, and it's- Ah, nearly made a mistake there...'' She paused to check she had Kaburamaru's whole form correct, and only continued to speak when she was sure, ''And I meant to say, it's really funny. Like, you remember how Tomioka is notoriously hard to find in Minecraft?''


It took a moment for Obanai to actually remember that. It wasn't a topic often discussed, both because Tomioka wasn't a heavy talker, and because he wasn't one to flash around that he played said Game. Which he appreciated.


But yes, he did hear of the matter.


''I do. What about it?''


Obanai would have been blind to fail and see his Girlfriends amused smile which was trying to hold back laughter, as she was still painting. And her laughing meant she'd lose her concentration. So she tried, and somewhat succeeded to hold it back.


''Go look for a... very... heh... specific title. Werewolf UHC, challenge failed horribly? That's it.''


The Title in question, alongside how Mitsuri made a point to even word the question mark, made Obanai very curious as to what had happened for it to be titled that way.


So, of course he'd check it.


''Alright. Let's see what that's about.''


And going into YouTube, Obanai wrote the specific Title down and then searched it. Immediately, he found the Video at the very top.


He could already see the Thumbnail had two Minecraft Avatars standing back to back, looking down at a Shadowed Avatar that had a Question Mark within it. Which meant that either it was to make intrigue going, or it was legitimately a wonder if whatever had happened in there was a failure.


Regardless, he clicked the few Minutes video, and watched.


The perspective started by a Player, SealfullyCalm, mining in a Cave. The only sound anyone heard was what came from the Game. Going after resources and so on and so on. Quickly after, the perspective was changed to show two other Players.


Sctarfox and Seafox.


Compared to SealfullyCalm, they actually were speaking during the short time away. Everyone could hear what they said, and how Sctarfox had a moment of disbelief at how he may have genuinely just spotted SealfullyCalm.


The perspective then changed again to said Player who was at this very moment going back up to the Surface, and then it cut again to the two others.


Leading up to the moment where they considered doing a surprise for the once elusive Player. Agreed by both, it would turn out that one of them already had a plan in mind, which consisted of backstabbing the other so they died in front of SealfullyCalm.


Only, once the action was done, the Editor of this Video made Three perspectives. Each sharing a third of the Screen to show what exactly happened in those moments.


Sealfully had a Block of Dirt in his hand as he was making his way ahead, ready to block up. Coincidentally, at that time, Sctarfox had been struck by Seafox's Diamond Sword. Falling, he was at first silent.


By the time he began to curse, Seafox had been struck by the arrow of a Skeleton, forcing her to follow the one she's shoved off into the Ravine. Both were so surprised by what had happened, forgot to pull their Water Buckets.


And just as SealfullyCalm was about to tower up, he would see Sctarfox die in front of him from falling damage. Stunned, a mere second later, Seafox joined him in Death.


SealfullyCalm displayed his shock by simply not moving in the least. And from the two others perspectives, they both went on to scream.


What was made funnier, is that the Editor then made a point to remove SealfullyCalms perspective and then show the Death Screens of the two others, and then have an arrow point at the halved yet very visible block of Dirt within a player's hand.


Meaning that they missed their chance to undo the Impossible.


The Video ended there. Supposedly edited this way on purpose, it had, to say the least, done its intended job.


Obanai smirked behind his Mask.


''If this isn't Karma at work, then I don't know what is.''


Oh, to think they were so close to undoing the Impossible. And then the chance was wasted. And to add salt to the wound, they had been so close they could see the Dirt Blocks that were planned to be used to Tower up.


''It... Pff...'' Mitsuri had ended up forced to stop because she was overhearing the Video, and just hearing it made her laugh again, ''Yeah... it honestly was.''


Some giggles still escaped her even when she tried to hold it back. And Obanai knew he had to send this over to Sanemi.


He did that while Mitsuri put the finishing touches to her painting, and when he finally looked at it over...


''It looks Amazing.''


He honestly found it, as he put it, amazing. Perhaps it was bias at work of course, since this was the first ever painting of Kaburamaru that was completed, but Mitsuri had put in the effort, and he could see it all over.


Apparently, the way he looked at it made Mitsuri especially happy.


''I'm glad to hear it!'' And it only invigorated her, ''I'm hoping that my works will bring joy to people.''


Kaburamaru had meanwhile slithered away from where once it was and moved to return around Obanai's neck, also allowing it to see it's own Portrait.


Safe to say, Kaburamaru was quite happy with the result.


“Then I’m sure you’ll succeed in that. But right now, I'd say it's the right time to get out, wouldn't it?'' Because it was Evening right now. And if they wanted to get on with their Date, then it was best to get somewhere.


They hadn't planned that beforehand, instead choosing to figure it out in the moment. Which was now.


“Hmm... Oh! How about a Noodle shop? I remember there's one nearby, and I think Kyojuro told me that one made really good ramen!” Mitsuri suggested to him pretty quickly. No doubt the place may have been on her mind previously, but it hadn't been brought back as Important up until now.


And Obanai, not really having any other places in mind, agreed.


“Alright then. Lead the way Mitsuri.” Obanai agreed while nodding his head to her. All they needed to do was make sure Kaburamaru was left comfortable, which didn't take much, and then, off they were for their Meal.


As each others Boyfriend and Girlfriend.


Just thinking about it made Obanai smile.


This was the best day of his life.


Well, someone's smiling while all of this is happening.

But yes, that is the Third Gakuen Chapter. Following up with the Canon Hashira's and how they're doing in this Version of Kimetsu Gakuen. While some of them will still show up in the future, not all of them will show up after this. Especially in the Main Series proper.

So it's a pretty good chance, just like the Shibuya Week War Arc, to actually have them all show up while there is a chance.

Now, I should bring up some context. For one, this trend of ''Everyone enjoys one Series/Game in particular'' is going to be a recurring thing. Or at least, it's bound to be mentioned at least once with some characters. Tsutako was Star Wars. Giyuu here is Minecraft. Shinobu's would be the Arkham Series. Tengen also has one, though his is kept quiet on purpose. And so on and so on.

Not everyone will have those mentions, because sometimes it just won't fit the situation at all. But, it's a small thing that helps tie in to... well, making them normal people would be the best way to put it.

Anyway, this is all I myself needed to say. Next chapter, it's back to Trickster1 doing the Editing. And the next Chapter should be released within the next Week.

I do think you'll quite enjoy it.

Now, onwards for the Gakuen Record and see you all next time!

[Gakuen Records]
The publisher of the Video was none other than Giyuu himself. Sabito and Makomo were both rather devastated by this utter failure that neither of them thought of editing and publishing it when they all shared Footage that same day. Giyuu on the other hand thought: ''Why not?'' and so he did.

Chapter 22: The Kizuki


And I am here! With a new chapter for this story! And oh boy, am I excited to see the reactions that our versions of the Upper moons will have gained once you all read this. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Also, credit to Eexis for doing quite a bit of the writing for this chapter in particular.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rui was as of currently amongst the only Lower Moons left. How that had happened, the Lower Moon Two had absolutely no idea.

Only that something had clearly happened, and it had happened in such quick succession that he got Ranked higher not once, but twice on the same Night.

Lower Moon Three and Lower Moon Two had met their ends so quickly after the other that, at the time, Rui could not believe it.

Even by the standards set in today's time, Lower Moons did not die this quickly. Some died within the Year, no doubt about it, but some others survived beyond their start.

He’d honestly believed that would have been the case for this current batch of Lower Moons, but apparently, he was wrong. Only he and Enmu remained a constant with their Decades worth of time as part of the Twelve Kizuki.

He’s not sure how he should feel about this.

But whatever he felt, it did not matter. Not in comparison to how Lady Kanao had acted once something had sparked within her mind.

Because now, she desired to not only start a Meeting with just the Lower Moons. Though he didn’t actually realize that when she’d told him another Meeting would start.

At that moment, after she’d informed him of that, he had assumed she would gather Lower Moon One and Lower Moon Six, who he hadn’t known was already dead then.

And that belief persisted even as he was the first to enter the Expanding Museum.

He was sent into a Corridor, for some reason. One which was circular in form, and one that displayed not only the Sea outside of these pockets, but also something so foreign it still stunned Rui.


Somehow, the Judge of the Expanding Museum could truly replicate a time of Day where the Sun was out and have it visible or even felt through the Water that acted as Barrier. Rui did not doubt that it was all fake, of course, but when considering how no Demons can ever hope to see the Sun ever again when becoming Demons, it was, to say the least, quite novel.

Rui however continued in his tracks as his feet touched the Sand. All to foreign, but not something that bothered him. He continued his path until he reached the very end of the Pathway to find a familiar Room.

The very same one where once, it was a Courtroom. But now?

Now, this very Central Room, the one that acted like its own Separate Island, now looked to be the very top of a Tower.

Where the Ground started as sand, the very moment it reached what consisted the edge of it, it merged into the Stone. A sign that this was ultimately still a part of the Expanding Museum.

As to why he knew it was a Tower, that was simple.

The Central Room had expanded severely to accommodate for the fact that the Landscape was just not the same in any way past the entrances. The Bridges were still of Sand, and they still led to the aforementioned Tower, but besides those paths?

There was a Void. Not because something was lacking, but because if one were to look down, they’d see the oddly more Forest Wildlife from there and how there was the rest of said Tower.

Rui was morbidly curious to know what would happen if someone were to actually jump, but he did not entertain it further than a curiosity.

Still, perhaps the most strangest thing wasn’t that, but the fact that Sunlight eventually just cut to Night. As if someone had cut two pictures and glued them together.

The closer Rui moved to the Top of the Tower, the more it became Night, leaving way for a Waxing Crescent Moon to stare down at all, surrounded by exactly Eight Stars.

And upon his arrival at the Tower itself, the Path behind him crumbled away and then closed off. The daylight that came from there was gone.

“Hyo! There is the first one!”

And hearing his voice, Rui looked over to see where Managi was. It wasn’t all that hard to find him, as he’d taken to seat himself atop an elevated Platform with an Armchair. Separate from the one that was in front of him.

From the decorations like the Red Tent hanging on all sides for cover or even the Chandelier hanging on the sides with large fires to give lighting to the Throne atop that other Platform, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who was supposed to be seated there.

“I’m the first?” Rui questioned, hoping for an answer.

And he received it.

“You are, Lower Two! But don’t worry, the others will come too! Hyo Hyo!”

No surprise there. Rui had noticed the other paths that were connected to other Corridors. However, what he found odd was how, including the one he’d come from, that made Eight. In fact, forming a Half Moon, his one was closer to the Centre, just more off on the left.

And in terms of Lower Moons, there could only be Three left, so why was there more?

His questions would come with answers, there was no doubt about it. The Paths could either be there just for decoration, or because those would be eventually taken.

It took only a few seconds before Rui noticed that from the right side, the closest next path to his own, someone stepped through and stared.

He recognized him with ease, and not just from appearance.

“Oh my… this almost feels like a Dream given Reality.” It was impossible to miss that this was Enmu. Lower Moon One.

He looked not all that pleased by the Sun itself had touched him, but more of what he was seeing.

Day and Night present at the same time. A Tower that stood in a Realm where Logic didn’t entirely settle in. Or just decided to leave while it could.

Enmu didn’t take nearly as much time as Rui did to cross through, though he did stare for a longer moment than necessary at the gap and what was under it.

But just like Rui, upon his crossing to the Tower, the path behind him crumbled away and closed off, with the Sunlight of that side shutting off as well and leaving for Night.

“My, Managi, I must truly commend you for your tastes.” Eyes locked onto Managi after glancing only once, the Lower Moon complimented the Creator of this Realm.

“Why thank you.” Managi gladly accepted the compliment while Enmu, just like Rui had done, moved closer to the Centre, but not quite remained at the middle of it.

Lower One looked at Rui.

“Short time no see, Rui.” This was how Enmu started his greeting, “And I see you’ve already profited from everyone else's demise.”

It was impossible to miss the new Rank within his eyes, after all.

“Not exactly by choice. I never cared for the Rank, but it seems like I got the promotion in the end.” Twice as well.

Enmu looked amused by this, “You did. As of now, it seems we are the only Lower Moons left.”

“We are?” Rui couldn’t help the surprise he showed, “But, what about Lower Six?”

“He’s dead.” Enmu flippantly answered, “Not without putting up a fight, but he has died not so long after Lower Three and previous Two did.”

Rui is honestly not sure how to feel about this. But then again, what he felt wasn’t what mattered.

It was how Lady Kanao would react to that. Or… could her laughter have been her reaction?

No. Hadn’t she uttered something about the Chosen Demon? The very same one who could surpass every single other Demon in Existence?

What had Enmu got to do with this?

Actually, why wonder? The Demon himself is in front of him.

“And exactly what did you do to-?”

But he wouldn’t get to finish. Not when, during all of this… more were coming.

“Ugh. For a moment, I had forgotten why I hated this place.”

After all, this wasn’t just a Lower Moon Meeting. No, it was much more than that.

“Calm down. It’s not that bad. In fact, I enjoy what it can bring.”

Both Rui and Enmu turned to look at the very unfamiliar voices and faces.

“Of course you’d say that Father…”

A Duo came through the path on the uttermost right. A Man and a Woman from the looks of it.

Looking over the pair, Rui first made note of the woman due to her walking ahead of her companion. As a result, he quickly made note of her having the usual pale skin of a Demon while having black hair tied into a knot by a large, yellow coloured flower decoration and possessing sliver to lime green eyes with kanji in both, labelling her as Upper moon 6 as a result. For her clothing though, she wore a kimono-inspired dress that was coloured a dark magenta colour over a sleeveless top that was coloured purple. The next thing of note to the Lower moon was the pink flower-patterned Obi wrapped around her waist, with there being a large bow that could be seen behind her to likely keep the Obi in place. And all across her clothes, was a black five-faced pentagonal shaped pattern. She also wore elbow length dark gloves and dark stockings, while wearing a set of tall three-legged sanmaiba/koma-geta or mitsu-ashi shoes.

Then, looking over at the Man, Rui could not that there was a rather stark contrast between both. Not quite due to the Clothes he wore though.

No, what he wore was ultimately simplistic.

For his Torso, and covering it whole effectively, was a rather large Haori. Coloured with Green and Black as its main colours, the only thing noticeable about it besides it covering everything were the Four Buttons over the chest. No doubt it was added to keep said article to cover his chest.

Harder to notice because of the Haori on top of it, Rui did notice that the Man wore Blue Hakama Pants with Waraji shoes. Though besides that, it seemed he wasn’t wearing anything else.

Because of it, he doubted that his hidden arms under those sleeves held anything.

Everything he wore wasn’t exactly off putting, but his face was not exactly pretty to look at. Not ugly so to speak, but the Birth Marks around his face weren’t helping his appearance. Nor the Bloodshot eyes that also, weirdly, held the Symbol of Upper Moon Six.

The only good thing about his face was actually his hair. Green and Black, the bangs to the side and all of it behind was tied into a Ponytail while the front bangs remained loose.

Quite a start contrast between both, no doubt about it. And if what he heard about it right, a Father and Daughter duo.

“As always, the Father actually can see Art for what it is!” Managi spoke up soon after they finally both stepped foot on the Tower. Just like before, the Path crumbled behind them and the Day present there vanished into Night.

“Right….” The daughter did not see it that way, “More like he’s taking pity on you.”

“Daki, that’s really not it.” The Man denied his Daughter’s words.

And while that was going on, Rui could not help but wonder. Why was an Upper Moon, Two of them in fact, present?

Whatever he had previously believed though definitely did not hold true anymore. But now, Rui did wonder what was actually happening.

But if the other paths were anything to go by… then this wouldn’t be the last Upper Moon present.

“Well, this is bound to get interesting…” Enmu was of the same opinion, as he watched the Paths. Out of them would come one.

And indeed, he was right. From the next path, on Enmu’s right, came out someone else. Though they, compared to the previous Upper Moon, was deadly quiet.

At least it allowed for Rui to observe who this was one.

A Female, without a doubt. With long black hair that reached her back and bangs that covered her eyes.

She had similar fashion to Lady Kanao, now that Rui paid closer attention. A Blouse being what she wore on top and a long black skirt for under. The only reason why he could even see she wore said Blouse is because of her Jacket which she wore over her shoulders right now.

He wonders if there’s any importance to that fact or not.

Just like before, albeit with no sound from her, her Path collapsed and Night came forth. Only, compared to the previous ones, her gaze went to the Lower Moons present. Noticing them.

She who had been quiet finally spoke, also obtaining the attention of the Upper Six’s.

“Unless I’ve missed a meeting, you two cannot be part of the Upper Ranks.” Then, she paused. Rui wouldn’t understand it was her narrowing her eye because of the bangs, “But this perhaps confuses me more. I do not recall Lower Moons ever being allowed inside the same Meetings as the Upper Ranks.”

To the Lower Moons credit, neither reacted at all to the Upper Moons words. However, it didn’t answer in the least why they were here with three Upper Moons. Because as far as anyone knew, this was the first time since the Twelve Kizuki’s conception that this happened.

“Huh. Didn’t notice those two until now.” But despite Rui and Enmu’s silence, their attention was drawn to the daughter of the Upper moon 6 pair when she finally noticed the Demons with only a single Kanji within their eyes. And as her father looked towards the Lower 2 and 1 Demons, he raised a single eyebrow curiously before looking at Managi.

“So, how come the Lower ranks of the Kizuki are here? Aren’t they in trouble with Lady Kanao or something?” Gyutaro asked the owner of this whole place, getting the Demon to smirk a bit at the questions, all while tapping a finger on the top of the cane leaning against his armchair.

“Who knows? Regardless, things should become clear and entertaining once everyone has arrived.” The Demon said, earning him a scoff from Nakime.

“You really won’t ever get to the point, will you?” She questioned him, causing Managi to glare down at her and behind her hair, Nakime returned it with her own. Though this time, there was an ever so faint pink glow that came from her single eye as she did.

“Hmph. Of course you can’t see the fun of this. Then again, what else should I expect from someone that just uses their own art as a means to an end instead of it being given the respect it deserves.” Managi responded with a slight growl of challenge in his voice, and as he watched this, Rui couldn’t help but wonder where this animosity between the pair came from.

Though unseen to everyone, a pair of eyes began to glow as a figure began to leave from their own path.

“The Lower ranks here with the Upper ranks? And during the first meeting with us all here after 14 years? Aaaah! This is happening too soon since the last gathering of Upper ranks! This is a bad omen; I just know it!” But the gathered Demons’ attention was all quickly drawn to the new arrival, who jumped back and screeched in fright when the path that they just left collapsed.

Looking over this new Demon, Rui saw that they looked like a kid like himself, but a bit older. He had short black hair that spikes up at various angles around his head and pure blood red eyes, but because of how the Demon was currently squinting his eyes and distancing himself from everyone, the Lower moon could not see the kanji that were likely in his eyes. For clothing, the Demon wore a dark kimono that is split in the middle, the right half being covered in a pattern of flowers and lines, with the left half being a dark red and lacking any detailed features and a pair of zōri.

Though, Rui narrowed his eyes a bit when he saw signs of there being other things that the Demon was potentially wearing under his clothes, but right now, he couldn’t see what they were specifically.

“Seriously? When are you ever going to snap out of this damn phase, Zohakuten? It’s pathetic.” Daki questioned the terrified Demon, merely earning a pathetic whimper from the boy that Rui is honestly having a tough time believing is an Upper moon, and if the set pattern is anything to go by, Upper moon 4 at that.

“Hm. This one would certainly be easy prey to dreams now, wouldn’t he?” Enmu mused quietly to himself, though Rui paid no attention to his fellow Lower moon on that beyond an eyeroll. But for a moment, the Lower moon 2 was sure that he saw the father of the Upper 6 duo give Enmu, but if he did, then it passed just as quickly as it came.

“Regardless of Zohakuten’s reaction, this is clearly something new. The question is, is this because of something important, or her ladyship wanting to try something new for amusement.” Nakime said as she looked around at the other paths to try and see if one of the other Upper moons would soon show up from them.

“Honestly, the worst part is that either option is valid with that woman.” Gyutaro commented in return, and looking towards Managi, the Upper 6 saw that the unranked Demon was quite amused by everything he was currently seeing.

“It certainly allows for lady Kanao to be quite the interesting leader. Wouldn’t you say?” Managi said in response before asking the question, but before any of the currently gathered Lower or Upper moons could respond, a new voice spoke up. 

“We’re in Agreement there it would seem.”

Walking down the Path, this time continuing clockwise from where Rui’s own Path had been before, and already halfway through it as well, was another Upper Moon.

He stood out not because of what he wore, at least to Rui he didn’t, but instead because of how the other Upper Moons reacted.

“Huh. Why’re you dressed all fancy like that?” Daki questioned with a curious glare, “Last I checked, you weren’t shy of showing off your muscles.”

As for what Daki meant, it was simple. The next Upper Moon wore a Black Suit. Nothing else was needed to add for this, truth be told. Although perhaps the more noticeable traits went beyond the suit.

Like the Black Gloves he wore. Or the Haircut that Rui was strongly reminded of that Ronin’s were seen to wear, albeit with what should have the bun be changed into an odd modification of the Chonmage haircut, with it ending up acting more as a Ponytail that hung from what should have been the bun and trailing down to the nape.

And of course, the colour of his Hair was Black. Which did make his Eyebrows stand out quite a bit. Why was that?

Because the Eyebrows seemed to be connected to his Hair. From the Temple, there was a line of hair that connected to the temple, blending in both rather seamlessly.

Said Upper Moon, who showed no signs of being a Demon for some odd reason, practically glared at Daki.

“I just so happened to be doing something else when this Meeting was scheduled, so you’ll have to excuse me if you caught me Shapeshifted.”

Ah, that explained it all.

Or, in theory, it would, if it didn’t just make Rui wonder what Upper Moon Three had been up to before this that he would have been Shapeshifting and disguised while wearing something that wasn’t normal from the sound of it.

Perhaps someone was about to inquire about that, but it was clear that if the previous Upper Moon had perhaps taken his time to arrive, the next one had decidedly not.

“Oh? What’s this I’m hearing?”

A Female’s voice carried through seamlessly, making all eyes turn to the one who had come next.

Upper Moon Two.

A mysterious figure for the Lower Moons, for her circumstances were quite odd. Because she was the most recent addition to the Upper Moons.

Yet, she’d never been a Lower Moon.

How any of that worked, Rui had absolutely no clue. But it’s why he felt particularly weary of Upper Moon Two, and why he paid close attention as she approached.

She looked to be relatively Young, though not looking to be a Child like himself or Zohakuten. If anything, the best comparison he could give would be with Daki.

Her attire meanwhile was just as Western as Upper Moon Three and Five, or even Enmu. Although there was a small trace of Eastern Origin within it as well. 

She wore a red turtleneck, slightly puffed up around the sleeves to the wrist, making them look closer to a Kimono sleeve than the tighter article. The noteworthy addition, however, was the Brown Boar Hide she had mixed in with the Turtleneck.

Surrounding her Collar and going slightly down to her chest like a V -with the addition of being covered by her Black Hair when it came for her back, the Hide of the Boar covered the edges while standing upright. The Boar Hide also circled around her Sleeves.

Going further down however, the rest of the clothing was much more normal.

She wore Westernized Hakama Pants with a pinstriped design, coloured Black and tightened slightly to lessen the loose feeling it gave her. The Cuffs of the Hakama however was left as loose as it originally was, showing she wore Western Shoes that were heeled.

On top of that however, she had a Black Cloak draped on her Shoulder and filling up what wasn't covered in Fur alongside lengths on top of it. 

But… perhaps this wasn’t the most noteworthy thing out of her.

“Lord Hametsu! Are you perhaps… preparing for a special occasion?”

The Upper Moon Two Demon had crossed the Path far faster than anyone else so far. Already making a beeline to the aforementioned Hametsu.

Said Demon looked less than pleased by her presence being there. And looked even more displeased by her rather bold action of laying one of her arms on his shoulder with the casualness you would expect of Friends.

Giving a clear sight of her Rainbow Eyes. An unusual thing, even with it displaying her Rank.

“It wouldn’t happen to be some form of date, right~?”

At those words, Hametsu frowned and practically slapped off the Upper Moon Two Demons arm.

“Don’t bring up nonsense like that Kotoha. Indulging in trivial matters like that when we have Tasks to accomplish brings us nothing.”

The now named Upper Moon Two, Kotoha, only smiled.

“Aw… don’t be like that. We live for so long… of course we can indulge from time to time. And I’m sure I’m not the only one~!”

Rui wondered what kind of relationship those two had, and how it extended to the rest of the Upper Moons. Because from what he could see, there was a type of uncomfortableness that surrounded them. At least since Kotoha had showed up.

All but Managi, of course.

“She’s indeed right!” And he loudly agreed on the matter as well. Although then, his gaze turned to the final pass on the utmost left of the Tower.

The Last Path with Sunlight.

“Now, here comes the Last Kizuki. The strongest of them all.”

And Rui paid attention. For whom was about to appear would be the mightiest Demon of all, only second to the Demon Queen herself, Kanao Tsuyuri.

Of course, compared to the others, this wasn’t a monumental thing. They would have all seen Upper Moon One enough times already to be familiar. So nothing truly changed for them.

All continued as normal for them while for the Lower Moons, it was time to see with their own eyes who was at the top.

And slowly, from the Corridor, the Sunlight would reveal the Upper Ranked One.

As a result, Rui was able to immediately see that this Demon was surprisingly of petite build that almost betrayed the sheer power of her presence alone, but was still quite tall as she stood at 5’10” tall. Ironically, the same height as Upper moon 3, but an inch smaller than Upper moon 2. She had black hair that reached down to just pass her shoulders and possessed almost glowing red tips, a set of eyes that was Gold in colour with Red Sclera and at the centre of her forehead was a pair of flaming marks that acted as an Ouroboros. As for her clothes, she wore a white, collared, button-up dress with flowing sleeves that was decorated by crescent moon patterns across the dress, and as she turned around to make note of everyone and the current environment, it allowed the Lower moon 2 to see a full moon pattern on the left side of her back and a sun pattern on the right side. She also had black umanori-styled hakama pants on, which was tied in place by an Obi sash that was white and blended in almost perfectly with Upper 1’s dress, but the Obi was also currently being used to keep a katana held within a sheath made out of flesh by the Demonic woman’s left side. And the final piece of her attire was fairly simple, being a simple pair of zōri with black straps and white tabi socks.

Upon reaching the end of her Path, the final Path of sand crumbled away and the final bit of Sunlight vanished. Leaving them all with only the Night and atop a Tower of Stone with the Moon as their companion.

“All of us gathered together, and with Lower moons as well. Lady Kanao must have something interesting in mind if she has brought together all of the Kizuki that she could.” Upper moon 1 commented after a few seconds of looking around, and Rui was slightly surprised by how she didn’t seem to give anything away about her feelings of this meeting, with how her tone of voice remained neutral and her expression remained blank for now.

“That, or she’s simply bored and wanted us all here to elevate that boredom somehow.” Nakime responded to the higher ranked Demon’s words, which Rui was just able to see Enmu’s smirk of amusement at her words. Did he know the reason behind this meeting then?

“So, it looks like none of us truly know what this meeting is about.” Gyutaro mused while crossing his arms and sighing at that fact.

“Ah! You don’t think she’s upset with us all, do you!? Oh no, no, no, no!! I knew that we were cursed by a Bad Omen, I just knew it!!!” Zohakuten began to yell and even hyperventilate as he panicked, causing Daki to groan in annoyance at the higher ranked Demon’s actions.

“Will you just shut up already!? After all, you’re Upper moon 4!” The lowest rank of the Upper moons yelled at the terrified Demon, with her father sighing while just looking at Zohakuten in confusion, which probably meant that the higher ranked Demon didn’t usually act like this.

“Ah, Lady Nisshoku! Has anything interesting happened since the last time we met?” But once everyone quieted down or was distracted by someone else, Kotoha called out to the Upper moon 1 with a smile and wave.

“Hm. It isn’t everyday where I would see you in a shapeshifted state, Hametsu. Did you get whatever you were looking for at least?” However, Nisshoku ignored the Demon right below her in the ranks to speak to Hametsu, getting Kotoha to pout at that while Hametsu shrugged.

“I got interrupted before I could even get to that point. I’ll have to try and salvage what I can from that, but if my lead was right, I might have just lost a lead to the Blue Spider Lily.” The Upper moon 3 said, and while Rui grew slightly nervous at the idea of Lady Kanao’s reaction towards the relatively casual remark of Hametsu’s possible failure, none of the Upper moons seemed surprised or nervous about it.

“Oh, I doubt you’ll need to salvage any of that.” Managi informed Hametsu, much to the Upper Moons confusion. Said Demon glared up at the seated Creator of the Realm.

“And what is that supposed to mean?”

Yet his only answer was Managi’s well known laughter.

“Hyo Hyo! You’ll learn soon enough! There is purpose to all of this, after all. And…” Managi’s head trailed off towards the final piece of the Stage, where a currently empty Throne sat.

“It’s time for the Star to appear.”

It was akin to a Command, how all Moons, Upper or Lower, had their attention immediately off to the Stage where the Throne innocently sat.

And as if knowing that all eyes were there, or perhaps simply Managi’s theatrics at work, all could see as a familiar Mist emerged from the ground. Rising up and up as a Vortex took form. To many, this was already familiar.

Yet what happened next was unfamiliar. The Vortex spread to swallow the Throne whole. Completely covering it into the Vortex that allowed nothing to be seen. To some, this was already a sign of what it looked like when they themselves appeared into the Expanding Museum.

But there was a key difference.

Before anyone even formed into the Throne, before a shape or figure could ever be recognized from it, they instead felt a presence.

A hierarchical presence at that. One that could be vaguely familiar between the Upper Moon Demons, as they themselves gave off such a familiar feeling.

How ones throat went dry. How one’s body lost feeling. How the tongue felt ashen. How every single Cells in one’s body demanded to be weary of what was to come, as survival was always it’s priority.

Yet atop it all, was the Primordial fear one would always feel, for what formed within the Vortex was something old beyond nature. Beyond what the very Gods had accepted.

And this Primordial fear they all felt made each and every one of them kneel, for all were aware of who was appearing now. Even Managi who was seated stood up and knelt down from his higher position.

Because then, as they all knelt, the Vortex faded away into the wind and revealed to all the Progenitor of all Demons.

The very Heart of the Death and Misery that plagued this world since a Millennia.

Kanao Tsuyuri.

Sitting on her Throne, her legs crossed and leaning against her Throne. Her Humane eyes, the familiar Purple orbs stared not at them, but instead at an Old Notebook. None who dared to look up could tell how old that Notebook was, but from the obvious age shown, and how unlike it looked to be from Modern Books, clearly it was from an Age before any of their own.

The Notebook was open at one specific page. The very first one in fact, and the Progenitor of them all stared at it for a moment longer before closing it with care.

Then, when she lowered it did she finally look at them all.

“How long do you think I’ve been alive?”

There was no humour to be shown. Nor was there any wrath that could accompany it either. Instead, the Queen simply asked a question, calmly.

One that confused them all at first glance. One that made many of them wonder as to why she was asking this.

But the thoughts of the Upper Moons were vastly different from the Lower Moons. And not even because of knowledge.

No, the Upper Moons were well aware that the Progenitor could read their minds. So their thoughts often acted as if they verbally spoke to her.

Contrary to the Lower Moons whose thoughts were still believed to be their own, even if they consciously were aware of this fact.

And the thoughts were all the same.

“Over a Thousand Years Old.” It is words that Kanao herself would repeat, for it was the most accurate answer anyone present could have. None would know the exact age but herself, and she wasn’t planning on sharing private details.

“And how long do you all think I’ve been seeking a way to undo my Flaws?”

And there, the thoughts of the Demons present were much more varied. After all, none of them actually knew this.

Not even those she could have laid trust in.

However, their guesses were still admirable to her. Because they bothered to figure it out.

Since the creation of the Twelve Kizuki was Kotoha’s thoughts.

Since the very moment she was born was Gyutaro and Daki’s belief.

Since she had faced true opposition was Nisshoku’s own guess.

Ever since she could Dream was Enmu’s own guess, with his accompanied with more than just her answer, but a wonder on if she indulged in Sleep.

Since she could feel Fear of Sunlight was Zohakuten’s thoughts.

Since she had enough of eating the same thing over and over were Nakime’s own belief.

Ever since she wanted More was Rui’s belief. With a wonder whether she did more than any of them believed.

Since she learned the Blue Spider Lily existed was Hametsu’s guess.

All were different. Since none of them actually knew her deeply enough, none of them could truly guess for how long she’d actually wanted to remove her Flaws.

And because of that, none of them knew the why she wanted those Flaws removed in the first place.

“I believe this would answer you…” Kanao raised the Old Notebook held from her hand, “After all, this holds exactly what made me seek out the removal of my Flaws.”

The very thing that told her the way to Cure all Demons Malady against Sunlight.

“Although I wouldn’t trust the Date within it either. What it says does not relate in the least to my actual Age.” And even then, she wasn’t planning on sharing it. At least, not the exact words within.

“However, it’s still Important. All of you wonder how I know the Blue Spider Lily exists, right?”

She didn’t even need to look into their minds to know.

“This answers it. This is how I learned of the Blue Spider Lily. This is how I knew I would need to seek it out to never again need to be wary of the Sun. To be limited to just the Night.”

Then, flippantly and with absolutely no care for it whatsoever, she threw the Notebook aside as if it were trash. And even worse, she didn’t just throw it away, she threw it into one of the Braziers used to light the place.

Letting it burn before all of their eyes, much to everyone’s confusion, because even those who knew Kanao didn’t know why she’d throw aside something that precious.

“But I no longer need it. After all, the Blue Spider Lily isn’t what any of you will hunt anymore.” And confusion settled in for most, while some others now understood exactly where she was going with this.

Two already knew of the situation, since one was the Informant and the other, the Messenger.

Rui took a moment longer to realize than he’d have liked though.

“Wonderful news have been given to me!” And now, the calm expression Tsuyuri previously held gave way to a genuine smile. Not even one that displayed Bloodthirst or sadistic glee. She even spread her arms from the feeling.

“After Fruitless Hunts to find the Blue Spider Lily, it now comes to my ears that the Chosen Demon has been uncovered!”

The Silence that previously remained strong since the Progenitors arrival broke then, and by Kotoha.

“Oh? The Chosen Demon? Well that’s the first time I’m hearing of this.”

Hametsu gave her a deadpan look from where he stood, not knowing if she was serious about not knowing or just messing with them.

“The Chosen Demon was a Legend.” Nisshoku would be the one to answer Kotoha calmly, “Said to be the Demon who would be able to do what no other could. Walk under the Sunlight that rejects us all.”

“But it was called a Legend because of how Impossible it seemed to be.” Nakime took over, not really letting Nisshoku finish, if there was anything else she’d sought out to say.

“Demon kind has existed for as long as Lady Kanao did. But not once did someone like that emerge, no matter what Constitution the turned Human held. It’s why our highest Order, above even eradicating the Demon Slayer Corp itself, is to find out the Blue Spider Lily.”

“Oh, the many failures…!” Even Zohakuten was taking part of this now, even though he was more reminded of the dreadful times.

“Never once were any of us able to find it! Always earning Anger at that fact… It was like that Flower refused to be found!”

“It was definitely a pain whenever anything related to that came up. A constant failure on our part, and not something we could fix no matter what we tried.” Hametsu decided to add his own Yen into this.

“Wasn’t there a point where none of you believed the Flower existed?” Daki pipped up, recalling one of Zohakuten’s few ramblings.

“I don’t think we were part of the Upper Moons at that time…” Gyutaro mumbled more to himself, but it was heard by everyone else.

“It did exist.” Kanao cut right in, “I wouldn’t be chasing after something if I didn’t know there was some truth to it.”

“And yet, My Lady, we all found ourselves chasing more after Ghosts than anything else.” Nakime interjected.

“It would feel that way. But it exists. Still, that doesn’t matter anymore. The Chosen Demon has been found, and you can thank Lower Moon One for that discovery!” 

At the mention of the Lower Moon in question, all heads turned at the Knelt Lower Moon, who looked to be particularly smug about that fact.

That he, a Lower Moon had, had succeeded where they’d failed.

Still, as Rui listened, he wondered. If Enmu was here because of his success… than what was Rui himself doing here? Was there even a purpose to it?

Was it just to reveal to him to the details?

Or was there something else she needed to tell, and he above all must hear it?

Whatever the case, this wasn’t a matter to talk about now. Instead, the matter to discuss was around Enmu. At least for the moment.

“And in line of your unexpected yet grandest success of all… Step up Enmu.”

The Lower Moon did so, and before he could truly react, he felt something pierce right into his neck. When looking at it over, he noticed it looked to be made out of Wood.

Wood that was forming out of a single transformed finger of the Progenitor. As for what the purpose of that was?

Well, it was to reward the Lower Moon. Which meant injecting her Blood within him.

The moment he felt it course into him, pain flared to Life as his Body was forced to adapt to the completely new batch of Blood he was receiving. Pain he could not have truly felt without some certain circumstances being into play coursing through him, he fell to his knees while eventually, the Blood stopped flowing and the Wooden Tendril retracted, giving back that finger its original form.

Enmu was still writhing from agony, but Kanao moved on already.

“Enjoy what this newfound Power can give you Enmu. I’m sure you’ll… find joy in what you can do with it.”

While Enmu was going to take a few seconds to truly get used to it, Kanao wasn’t about to waste time as she went to her next point.

“Now, in addition to Enmu’s discovery, I wish to share with all of you who you will all be hunting down after this Meeting. Managi, if you would.”

The Unranked Demon who’d knelt down so far finally stopped doing so as he rose.

“But of course My Lady.”

From the very Sky, a Spiral formed, creating a Tear that took a particular shape. One could almost believe they were looking at a Portrait, though many in these days would know better than to believe that.

No, as the Overseer of this Dimension, Managi was simply sharing the appearance of the Chosen Demon in a Dramatic fashion, but still easy way.

All of them could see the Demon looking to be a Teenager, the physical age of 16-Year-old Humans.

With Black Hair and burgundy tips. Dark Red Eyes that held no signs of them belonging to a Demon. Her skin looked to be slightly tanned, giving her a beige colour. And weirdly, she wore the Demon Slayer Corp Uniform, even held a Nichirin Sword.

Yet for all the odd she seemed to be, there was something that everyone noticed as odd.

“ it just me, or does she have the same Marks as Lady Nisshoku?” Kotoha remarked, tilting her head off to the side in wonder.

Because indeed, as they all saw, she had Flame Markings on her right Jawline and another one on her forehead. Left side.

And only one Demon they knew had those exact same Markings, though not in the same way as her own.

“Hm. What do you know, she grew a greater resemblance since I last met her just over a week ago.” Looking over the flawless copy of the Demon that somehow actually became a Demon Slayer, Kanao had to tilt her head while a frown came onto her face as a certain memory flashed within her mind. But before she could get lost in it, she looked towards Nisshoku as the Upper moon 1 took in the appearance of the Chosen Demon with a curious look.

“They weirdly do.” Daki spoke up in begrudging agreement to Kotoha’s words, causing her father to smirk a little as he thought of something.

“Who knows, perhaps that is a sign that I’m not the only Upper moon with a living relative.” Gyutaro joked a little bit, earning a few smirks and even a light laugh from Kotoha and Kanao.

“Truthfully, I’m more curious as to why the Chosen Demon is wearing the uniform of a Demon Slayer and even in possession of a Nichirin Blade.” Nakime said as she narrowed her eye behind her hair that detail, causing the Kizuki members to focus on those facts now.

“Aaaahh!! That means that she could kill us when we come for her!!! This is bound to happen, isn’t it!!?” Zohakuten cried out once he did notice the Demon killing blade, now curling into himself to appear as small as he could with terrified tears leaking from his eyes.

“Cut it out Zohakuten. You’re being far to Dramatic.” Hametsu admonished him, which only ended up getting the expected reaction of Zohakuten.

Whimper more.

Honestly, Hametsu sometimes had a hard time seeing the Zohakuten he actually saw in the heat of battle against the one right here, but they were indeed one and the same. Somehow.

His attention shifted up his Master.

“If I may Master… what do you know of the Chosen Demons capabilities?”

Kanao pondered about the question for a moment, her head hunching right and left during the moment.

“If you’re going where I imagine this is going, which I know you are, then none of you Upper Moons need to worry about what other anomalies she may bring. While she certainly is more powerful than you’d expect, it’s only because of this…”

Their Master tapped the side of her forehead, exactly where a Mark would be were it the Chosen Demon’s head.

“That she poses any form of danger for the Upper Ranks. This Ill Omen brings great Power, undoubtedly, but ultimately, she’s Young.”

“Young as in unpolished in terms of Power, or Young as in still new as a Demon?” That question came from Upper Moon Six, the daughter.

“Both. From what I was able to gather out of Enmu’s memories in between the start of this Meeting, and what I saw personally, she is severely inexperienced. Even in the very Arts of Demon Slaying, it doesn’t seem she achieved a Mastery over it.”

Though, she wouldn’t mention the rather worrisome other piece she had gleamed from Enmu’s mind. No, it was still too new and to fresh to be worthwhile.

“She learned the Arts of the Demon Slayers?” Though any thought to that had to be left aside for the moment. After all, Nakime inquired further about what she’d just mentioned.

“Oh. Right. Enmu.” Kanao’s gaze turned to the now recovered Lower Moon One. Finally, his Body had acclimated to the new Blood within, and he’d returned to kneeling.

“You were able to get into her mind. How exactly was she able to learn of the likes of Total Concentration Breathing?” And Total Concentration Constant on top of that. Kanao had seen the way her Lungs constantly accepted maximum amount of Oxygen, even though it only injured her again and again.

Oh, certainly, she knew at this point that Kie Kamado believed she was Human. A humorous thing to consider. But she hadn’t been able to take in everything in the short period.

No, that would need to be Enmu’s job.

And he gladly did so.

“Oh, I believe what you will hear will be quite hilarious. But it makes sense in consideration of the Chosen Demons status. You see… she truly believes she is a Human!”

Just as the words settled in, immediately, someone already laughed. And it was easy to see who it was.

“Hahaha!” Daki was the culprit, mainly because she was the one with the highest amount of disbelief at the situation.

“She- Pff! She actually believes that?” 

Though it was clear her Father did share the humored outlook considering the way his lips were pressed against each other. While he himself wanted to laugh, he tried to take this seriously.

Mostly because he knew this really wasn’t supposed to be a joke. Though Managi and Kotoha, the only other ones who openly laughed, made that hard to do. 

Everyone else didn’t. Enmu had already had plenty of time to actually laugh at the information he’d gathered, and instead left way for other more sadistic thoughts now that he knew.

Absolutely no one could read Nisshoku’s expression. Her face was as still as a Dolls. Similarly, Hametsu seemed to share that stoicness, because instead of laughing, he was pensive.

Zohakuten’s was perhaps the oddest one of them all, however. If only because he’d completely stopped his whimpering. It went dead quiet. If a description to what he thought were to be given, then a Stream of disbelief would be the answer.

Rui for his own part was just digesting what he had learned. The Chosen Demon somehow believing they were Human was… rather funny actually. But at the same time, there was a question that lingered.

And he wasn’t the only one who had that thought.

“And how was that kind of belief formed? I do not imagine the Chosen Demon just one day believed she was Human.”

Nakime voiced that thought, and Enmu gladly answered.

“Actually, something along those lines did happen.” Nakime’s scowl showed she did not appreciate that, “One day, she did believe it. But only because she’d just woken up from being turned.”

Then, Enmu’s somewhat composed smile turned outright perverse, taking great joy at what else the Chosen Demon believing to be Human caused.

“And absolutely no other Humans noticed! Every single one of them all stupidly falling into the same trap she fell into. If you don’t burn in the Sun, then you can’t possibly be a Demon. Even those who initially suspected her of that fell for it!”

Those who’d laughed, laughed even harder. Though oddly, Kanao wasn’t amongst those who joined the laughter either.

No, she was quite pensive during all of this. Thinking of only one single thing.

“Every single one of them all stupidly falling into the same trap she fell into.”

She smiled while laughter came, and then eventually, it went.

“Won’t this become an issue?” Nakime inquired, “For all those Humans to believe she is one of theirs?”

“I take it because it means she has allies?” Hametsu put a guess. One which he was correct.

“Yes. The Chosen Demon is Young still, but she is not alone. She has allies who believe she is one of them, and I doubt our words will simply make them waver in the belief she is Human.”

A good point to bring up. One that, when thinking on it, they knew Nakime was right.

Sure, just telling the Humans the Chosen Demon was in fact a Demon may work to some extent, but many of the other humans would deny their words as psychological attacks. To make them waver.

But honestly?

“It doesn’t matter.” Kanao declared to them.

“So what if they don’t believe us? It’s not like we need them to believe us. Just stating it will cause doubt to creep in and questions to rise. If that is the path I sought out, then it would be all too easy to dispose of her.”

They all caught on to her wording.

“But I do not wish for her to disappear because of the Ubuyashiki’s hiding her. No, the Demon Slayer Corp must be left unaware of who the Chosen Demon, Kie Kamado, truly is. So I suggest you all keep your mouth shut on the matter.”

This was not up for negotiation. Kanao would not risk the Chosen Demon escaping her grasp because of that.

“We now know of how the Chosen Demon has learned of Total Concentration Breathing. And I do not doubt that, if given the time, she will only grow stronger through it. She is the Chosen One after all, and she will not grow at the same rate that Humans do.”

Then, she frowned.

“But she’s not the only unique Demon in all of this. However, compared to the great news the Chosen Demon brings, this one… Oh, nothing good.”

She simply looked over at Managi, and he switched the Projection from showing Kie Kamado, to a Child. One who held familiar features to Kamado, yet was rather obviously a Demon as well.

Kanao pointed a finger up to said Portrait briefly.

“What you see is a Demon who accompanies her. At first sight, an utterly normal Demon. Yet somehow, like the one he believes is his Sister, he has broken free of my Control.”

The news that were brought were grave news to all who were unaware. Because there was only one Demon in history who broke free of Kanao.


A name not to be uttered aloud, lest they risk their Masters ire.

And while everyone could make up an explanation as to why Kie could have escaped the grasp of their Master, this other one? One who they knew nothing about?

It was, to say the least, hard to believe.

“He is juvenile. Acting like the Age he looks. Rash in his decisions to. While he isn’t a threat per se, I would be a fool to not be weary of a Demon who can escape my Control. Enmu, what have you been able to gather about him?”

While she had some knowledge of the Child because of that encounter in Asakusa, it was minimal. To the point where Enmu is much more likely to know more since he’d been able to see the memories of the Demon mistakenly believed to be Human.

Enmu gladly retook CenterStage.

“Quite a lot. Just like the one he mistakes as his Sister, he falls under the same Delusions of being a Sibling Duo instead of Mother and Son. Not vital, I will admit, but in correlation to what else I have been able to learn, it is easy to see that the Boy has just as many issues as the Mother. Albeit more familiar.”

Kie’s situation was unfamiliar. But Tanjiro’s? Oh, nothing unique about it.

“He does not remember his Life, as far as it can be seen. But he is well aware that he and his Mother are Demons. Yet he is barely anything like his Human Self, and I have had plenty of times to see who he was before being turned. Lady Kanao aptly put it, he is rash in his decisions, and his sense of Smell does him no favour. And that, I am certain, can be used against him.”

That was all Enmu needed to say and Kanao accepted it.

“In total, there are two Demons who have broken free, but only one, the Mother that is named Kie Kamado, is to be a priority. The Son, Tanjiro Kamado, is unimportant.’’

Fascinating as Tanjiro was, he was of absolutely no use to her. Just something to be removed before he became an actual danger. Assuming he ever did.

Although, speaking of which…

“Ah, I should also mention this.” The Rift in the Sky reformed itself again to show a third figure.

“Tamayo isn’t alone anymore. However she did it, she has another Demon who serves her zealously. I want you all to be on the Lookout for not only Tamayo, but also her new companion.”

She would not allow for this addition to be what could cause future problems. Not now of all times.

Kanao, at that moment, stood up from her Chair and stepped forth in front of the Platform. It was time to finally give her Final orders for this Meeting.

“My dear Upper Moons. Your next course of action is of the utmost Importance now. Forget searching for the Blue Spider Lily and set aside the Annihilation of the Demon Slayer Corp. It’s now time for you to Hunt down the Chosen Demon and bring her to me.”

The sooner she was brought to her, the utmost better.

“Do not hold back. Still young Kamado Kie may be, she is a Demon who will only grow stronger over time. Be rough if you must, be cruel if it is needed, I care not how she is brought back. But do not underestimate her because of how new she is.”

Especially if she developed that particular Breathing Technique she pulled against Enmu. The Mark was bad, but not unmanageable on its own. But if Kie became a better Swordswoman with it…

“As for the Son… Annihilate him. I do not wish to learn how he may develop any further. He is a thorn that must be removed, lest he becomes a continued issue. Drop him under Sunlight, devour him, turn him into Ash. Whatever suits you best, but do not give him another day to live. Take him just as seriously as you would a Hashira.”

Hashira’s were the only Demon Slayers that could make her Upper Moons take things seriously, and thus, this was the best way for her to convey how utterly serious she was about ending the Boy.

And the Upper Moons understood that. But many could not help but be shocked by the utter seriousness of their Master.

Normally, she was always in a relatively nonsensical mood. It’s why so many of them had been sure this Meeting had perhaps been to spice things up.

But they knew at this point how serious she was with this.

Failure was not an option. And if they failed…

Then they could only hope the punishment wasn’t their end.

But while Kanao had given her Orders to the Upper Moons, now came the Lower Moons. Her eyes laid on them.

“Lower Moon One. Lower Moon Two.” At their mention, they paid very close attention, “I want you two to resume your normal operations. You of course have a plan already Enmu, so continue on with it.”

Enmu nodded. And now, there was Rui.

“Rui, we’ve just now finished restoring you to your full Power, so you shouldn’t be at risk in Theory… but I do need to return to Mount Natagumo with you.”

Rui could have understood it if it was just because she only had Mount Natagumo to return to. But she clearly didn’t. She’d ordered Managi to bring her elsewhere first while Rui himself had gone to the Expanding Museum. Probably wherever that Notebook she’d thrown into the fire was.

“If I may Master… why?”

“Well…” Her whimsical tone returned for a moment, “I did catch on to quite a few Demon Slayers heading into your Territory. Alongside a few Kasugai Crows of theirs. I dispatched them myself of course, but Ubuyashiki without a doubt will send something after you, with the disappearances of his Scouts in both forms.”

Then, it faded, though her words seemed to almost carry the tone even though there was no amusement to be found.

“And I need to make sure I didn’t waste my time restoring your Power while keeping your little “Family” Project strong.”

Rui did not doubt it at this moment.

What was about to come next would be his Trial, wouldn’t it?

To see whether he was worthy or not.

Either he would perish like all the other Lower Moons, or he would succeed like Enmu did.

And if this was how he would show his worth…

“Fine. Then bring it.”

- - - - - - - - - -

Contrary to what may be believed, for all their Master demanded for them to get to work, she didn’t quite expect them to immediately do it.

Even Rui wasn’t expected to immediately head back to his Territory.

“Managi. Send me back to my Laboratory. I wish to try out something first.”

After all, Kanao herself wasn’t planning on heading off immediately back to Mount Natagumo.

“Of course!” And Managi did as Ordered. The same Vortex that had made her appear swallowed Kanao whole, and just like that, she was gone.

Her presence accompanied her, and everything felt almost clearer. Less suffocating.

“Well, this is a first.” Immediately, Kotoha raised herself up, “She was uncharacteristically serious. And even less prone to toy around.”

Everyone else more or less followed suit, undoing their kneeling since there was no more need for it. 

“I tell you, that’s an Ill Omen!” Except for Zohakuten, who’d gone to sit on the stone with a panicked expression, “When was the last time she was this serious?”

“Oh calm down Zohakuten.” Gyutaro tiredly said, “Lady Kanao taking this seriously is just because she’s finally this close to getting what she wants.”

“But to tell us to go All out from the start?” Zohakuten, with the way he expressed himself, surprisingly shot back, “That cannot be good! With all we learned, why would the Master ask us to go beyond Overkill?!”

In a sense, some could see where Zohakuten was going with this.

Upper Moon Demons never had a true need to release all of their Power. The only ones who could do that were the Hashira’s, the best Humans had to offer in terms of Martial Prowess.

It was a trait most definitely shared by the Progenitor since none recalled her taking anything seriously either. Yet here she had been, telling them to not hold back against a Demon who was still Young.

Chosen Demon she may be, even she wouldn’t be able to hold on against the might of an Upper Moon this early on in her Life as a Demon.

So why did she still tell them to not hold back?

“I believe you’re looking too far into this.” Nakime denied this being any form of signs, “No. At best, she just wants us to take this seriously from the start. This is the Legend given form. Her one shot at undoing our most fatal flaw.”

But on the topic of that, there was something that an Upper Moon wondered about.

“So why did she throw that Notebook into the Fire?” Daki questioned, “I get it she didn’t really need it anymore, but what’s inside could have still been useful?”

The one who answered her wasn’t an Upper Moon, nor a Lower Moon.

“Oh, I doubt she truly threw away its content.” Managi replied, “No, that thing is so old I doubt it’s legible anymore. I imagine that Lady Kanao has copied all the Pages in another Notebook some time ago and threw the old one into the brazier to make a theatrical point.”

“Even she isn’t foolish enough to cast aside something like that carelessly.” Nisshoku, who’d remained silent up until now, added in, “Knowledge is of great Importance to her.”

Rui wondered if Nisshoku was aware of how backhanded her words were.

“Honestly though, the Chosen Demon is much more pathetic than I expected.” Daki commented, to which Hametsu shrugged at the lower ranked Demon’s words.

“To be fair, she is young and even if she got trained as a Slayer, I can only imagine how thinking she’s human will hold back her Demonic abilities.” The Upper moon 3, causing the daughter of the Upper 6 duo to roll her eyes.

“That’s not what I meant, but that is pathetic regardless. What I meant is how she mistook her own son as her brother.” She clarified, with everyone ignoring Kotoha’s snickering when that fact was brought back up. “I mean, who the hell would end up mistaking what your relationship is to someone? Even some newly made Demons vaguely recognise a daughter or sibling before they begin eating.”

“Honestly, I’m wondering if Lady Kanao didn’t accidentally give the Chosen Demon more than just her blood thanks to that.” Gyutaro said while rubbing the back of his head.

“...The worst part is, that is actually a possibility.” Nakime responded as she looked at the father of the Upper moon 6 duo before shaking her head and rubbing her temple to fight off a headache.

“Hm… Enmu, did she even unlock her Blood Demon Art?” Rui asked the higher ranked Demon, who grinned at the question at attention was drawn back to him.

“Indeed, she did. Though besides the fact that it stopped my own from working on her once she gained it, I can’t exactly say what it was.” The Lower moon 1 answered, before scoffing at the end as he thought about how that fact stopped him from bringing the Demon to his mistress already.

“Aaahh!! So she has another trick up her sleeve and we don’t know what!!! Oh, this is just getting worse and worse!!!!” Zohakuten screeched as he began to hold his head and tremble out of fear at not knowing more despite the importance of his new task.

“Or it just means her little Art is useless against the rest of us, Lord Zohakuten! Though I must admit, I’m more worried for dear Hametsu here.” Kotoha assured the terrified Demon, before now beginning to sound concerned while she patted Hametsu on the shoulder, causing the Upper moon 3 to growl and glare at her.

“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” He questioned while baring his teeth, making Kotoha laugh a little before calming down and smiling at him with a slightly sad expression.

“It ain’t obvious, Lord Hametsu? Surely you will have a hard time completing the task of killing the Demon boy, given your code? In fact, won’t the Chosen Demon’s young appearance throw you off as well, despite her being a mother?” The Upper moon 2 asked the older Demon, making Rui blink in surprise before looking at the Demonic man, and noticing all of the other Demons looking him curiously.

“As you said, the Chosen Demon is a mother. That means that despite whatever she believes, she is an adult and not even a teenager. As for the boy, he’s a Demon. That no longer makes him a kid.” Hametsu said while moving away from the Upper moon 2, who giggled at his words.

“Alright, I won’t push anymore! Still, you might want to start believing that fully before you run into that pair, but as for me… Ooh~! I can’t say I ain’t curious what eating a Demon free from our lady will be like~!” Kotoha said while humming in delight at the idea, causing a few Upper moons to roll their eyes or step away from the Demon because of her words. All while Rui felt a shiver of fear go up his spine as he watched the Demonic woman and Hametsu tightened one of his hands into a fist hard enough to draw blood and stain his gloves.

“You’re a disgusting freak, you know that.” He said, all while his blood slowly began to morph around his hands into a shape, but before that shape could be completed…

“Hametsu. That is enough.” Nisshoku spoke up while grabbing the handle of her blade in a light grip. But despite that fact, a suffocating aura that everyone knew was only surpassed by the Demon Progenitor herself began to drown out anything else. 

And so, no one could claim ignorance to what the Upper moon 1 said next.

“If you truly have problems that would make you fight Kotoha, the least you could do is make it a Blood Battle. Otherwise, all you are doing is disrupting the hierarchy that our master worked to create.” The Upper moon 1 said, and after a minute of silence afterwords… the aura disappeared.

And when it did, Rui was able to actually realise a few things. The first was that he, Enmu and Upper moons 6 through 4 were on the ground. Though only him and Enmu were actually face first on the ground, Daki looks like she might have met the same fate though, but Gyutaro was holding her up despite being on his knees. Nakime was currently on a single knee, Managi was using a ledge for support to stay standing and Zohakuten… was curling himself up into a ball and sobbing loudly in terror.

Though, the next thing that he noticed was that with the aura gone, it was like a massive weight was removed from his shoulders, allowing Rui and everyone that had been on the ground to stand back up shakily, with each of them taking more time to recover than others.

But the final thing though, was how Managi seemed to recover a bit faster than Upper moon 5. But how? He wasn’t even a Demon that was a part of the Kizuki, unless… was there something else going on with him?

“Aw! I knew you cared for me, Lady Nisshoku! But don’t worry, it isn’t like Lord Hametsu would have been able to kill me if he really did try.” Kotoha said, snapping Rui out of his thoughts as he saw the Upper 2 speak with a friendly smile to the Upper 1, with her words earning a glare from Hametsu. But the older Demon did nothing beyond that.

“What I did wasn’t an act of concern, Kotoha. Besides, we now have a new mission to get to, and fighting each other like that would do nothing but delay our success.” Nisshoku said, but her expression remained neutral, with Hametsu taking a moment to take a deep breath, which seemed to cause the blood leaking out of the gaps in his gloves to move back and most likely enter the Demon’s body again. Even the blood that looked like it was being absorbed and staining the gloves disappeared now.

“Yes. That’s right. We all have a job to do, and it is best we don’t delay it further.” Still, Hametsu clenched his fist even though it looked he’d calmed, “However, Lady Nisshoku…”

Nisshoku reacted not as the Upper Three Demon sent her a glare.

“I have no plans of going after the Upper Two position. No, I will be going directly after your spot.”

“Is that so?” Nisshoku uttered out before turning, hiding whatever expression she may have given.

“Then you are welcome to try as many times as you want.”

Then, her gaze landed on Managi.

“No more time to waste. We must mobilize now. The sooner we get our hands on the Chosen Demon, the sooner our fatal weakness is removed.”

Managi, from his position, laughed.

“Hyo Hyo! Indeed! Soon enough, we may all be able to walk under true sunlight!” and wouldn’t that be a sweet thing to feel after all of these decades upon decades that passed?

“Now, it’s about time I send you all back.”

Without much further warning, all of them felt as that same Vortex that had swallowed their Master, now moved to each of them.

And contrary to before, this time? They went from the top rank to the bottom.

Upper Moon One, without any further words, was brought out of the Expanding Museum. No doubt she would set out to immediately hunt for the Chosen Demon.

Next, was Upper Moon Two.

“I’m looking forward to our next Meeting already!” and out she was as well.

Upper Moon Three went out just as quietly as Nisshoku did. Somewhat the contrary to Upper Moon Four who appeared to be whimpering.

And yet, what he uttered out was anything but that. Even though it could sound like it…

“Oh… how can I do this…?”

It did not sound like someone who felt defeated. But by then, he was gone to. Then, it was Upper Moon Fives turn.

“The next Meeting… I wonder if it will be a bringer of good news or not.”

With that particular question in her mind, she was brought back to her previous location. And now, it was the Upper Six Duo.

“Ugh, it just now hit me we’ll need to move.” Daki lamented.

“Maybe not.” But Gyutaro denied, “I’ve got an idea in mind about that.”

But whatever else was to be said would be unheard by the Lower Moons. Because they were gone to.

And now, the Lower Moons were the only one left. And surprisingly, Enmu did have something to tell to him personally.

“Good luck with your Trial.” Enmu told him, “Maybe we’ll meet again. Or maybe this will be the last time we speak, Lower Moon Two.”

And Rui only had one answer to give.

“I don’t plan on dying.”

All Enmu gave was a twisted yet amused smile as he vanished, brought out of the Expanding Museum.

He didn’t miss that he was about to say something, but Managi ended up inadvertently interrupting him.

Not that he couldn’t imagine what he wanted to say.

“We’ll see if that’s true or not.”

Well, he planned on surviving this. He hadn’t lived for a few decades already just do die because the Corp had spotted his location.

He refused for this to be his end. Not when so much more was going on today.

Because when he dealt with those Demon Slayers, he would join in on the hunt for the Chosen Demon.

That, Rui swears.

With that, the Vortex swallowed him and sent him back to Mount Natagumo, where a new playing field was going to take place.

The only question now was this.

Who would be the Victor?


Welp... If Kie's journey was already on Hard Mode, then she's now on Nightmare Mode. Or if we give that extra difficult game mode a name for this story, Kie has now entered "Chosen shall be hunted" difficulty.

Again, I am really looking forward to the reactions, especially as now, we have revealed our versions of the Upper moons! With the bottom 3 having a change to their backstories in some way that will be revealed in the future that makes them different from canon (such as Daki and Gyutaro's relationship here, and Nakime being the initial Upper moon 5 instead of Managi here) and the top 3 being entirely different character from the canon Demons that held the Upper 3 to 1 positions. Though, only one of them is slightly familiar if you read Cleistogamy.

Next thing of note is the new mission... yeah, now Kie has all of the Upper moons actively looking for her, and Kanao has ordered Tanjiro to be killed if he's found (seriously, Enmu had a much bigger impact than either me or Eexis thought he would).

And lastly, we got some interactions between these versions of the Upper moons, with Rui and Enmu also there. So we have been able to see a bit of what the Upper moons are like here, their relationships with each other, a little insight to their thoughts of Kanao being their leader, and their thoughts of the Chosen Demon being Kie. So that is certainly going lead to some fun things as the story progresses, especially in terms of thoughts. And I look forward to the guesses you all will have about the Upper moons here and the things surrounding them before we get to finally see them all in action.

Taisho Secret: After having left the Expanding Museum, Kanao returned to the same location that held the Notebook she threw into the Fire. But her purpose there was not to take, but instead to write down the discovery of the Chosen Demon.

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone draws the designs of the Upper moons that we have described here).

Chapter 23: Onwards to the Webbed Den


One Final Day in Shibuya. But what happens after?


Welcome one and all, after a while at that, to a new chapter of Bonds of the Sun and Moon. Eexis here with the editing of this Chapter.

Hope you'll enjoy it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Inosuke hated lying down.


Not because he hated the action. It signified sleep for him, oftentimes. Or just relaxation.


But Inosuke was ultimately an adventurous Boar. Or, Boy, actually. That Old Man had taught him a lot more than either of them ever expected.


Either way, he liked moving. And while he most definitely knew when to actually lie down, it wasn’t without its fair share of... difficulties, one might say.


Because lying down to him meant leaving himself open. Lying down to take a breather meant an animal of the mountain could get to him and he just may fail to notice.


Not helped that he was so used to going shirtless, wearing anything to cover his top more often than not completely wrecked his senses.


So at this moment, as Inosuke was laying on a bed with his leg completely restrained in a cast -because yes, he knew what that was and served, much to his displeasure- he couldn’t help but feel completely restless.


He’d gotten used to occupying Futon’s. It wasn’t all that different from how he slept in the wild before.


But Beds? Those suspended things?


Now that was a different story. 


It felt like anything could sneak up on him because of the sheets. Or the fact his feet wouldn’t immediately hit the ground, and instead empty air for a brief and very important second.


And while the great Lord Inosuke was sure he could get used to this, much to the old man’s help when learning how to speak, it didn’t mean he was all that happy about having been restrained to his bed because of a cast on his leg.


In fact, it peeved him, as he was sure that showing he could still act outside with just one leg would have at least made them give him some faith.


The opposite happened.


Still, Inosuke couldn’t entirely blame them. At least, not with the circumstances that showed up on that day.


Just about everyone was caught off guard by the complete madness that unleashed itself in Shibuya. And he also caught wind it might have spread slightly beyond the borders of this part of Tokyo.


And while Inosuke couldn’t entirely get it into context, Flame Hair hadn’t forgotten about his lack of knowledge.


It was really easy to get some comparison context by just asking.


Either way, while he knew that this mess hadn’t been entirely contained, right now, that was turning up to be the least of Inosuke’s worries.


Instead, it was the consideration of whether he should just take off the cast or keep it.


As said before, he knew what a cast was. He also knew exactly what they served, but Inosuke really doubted he needed that.


Not like he was planning on doing much today. He was still feeling some of the hits he’d taken yesterday. And considering what he’d seen…


Well, even the Great Lord Inosuke knew when to take a breather.


That didn’t mean he appreciated that very angry butterfly practically forcing him put in bed when she stumbled on him trying to leave his Room.


It really, and he means it, really irked him since he wasn’t even sure why he’d complied when he definitely could have just brushed her off.


She wasn’t like Jerustegu or Umishema who actually had power that could back up their words.


So he was confused.


Very confused.


What about this female had him comply?


The question, alongside his pondering on his next choice, had taken far longer than he’d imagined, and coupled with how muffled his sense was, he failed to notice someone enter his room until they were within his line of sight.


At which point, he saw the God of saying flashy way too much.


“Brat.” He started with that, “How are you doing?”




The fellow God was immediately irked.


“I’m asking if you’re feeling alright. Is anything bothering you as of late? Feeling pain in that leg maybe?”


Why’s he asking him that?


He was the King of the Mountains. He was doing fine!


“As if I would be bothered by that! I’m fine!”


There seemed to be some doubts there. At least, he could see with the way the fellow God’s body moved.


But he didn’t ask further.


“Alright. That’s good, because by tomorrow, you’re not going to unflashily lay on the bed anymore.”


Really?! He’d be free by tomorrow?


While there was a smile that came up the God of Flashiness, it wasn’t the usual one that went very up.


“By tomorrow, we’ll be heading to the Butterfly Estate.”

“So, where are you going to go next, Rengoku-san?” Kie asked the older Slayer as they were eating their Lunch.


Only now did she have the chance to speak to Kyojuro, as he'd previously been unavailable due to being with the Doctor.


And silently, Kie admitted to herself that it felt weird to only have herself and Rengoku in the Dining Room after everything that had happened throughout this chaotic week.


“More than likely, I will be heading to the Butterfly Estate, just like Young Hashibira, Agatsuma and Tokito will.” Rengoku assumed just before he slurped up some of the Noodles in his bowl. As was known by now, the moment he swallowed any kind of food, he shouted ''Umai!'' without fail.


At the same time, Kie voiced a question.


“Butterfly Estate?” Kie tilted her head to the side curiously as she asked, for now ignoring her own plate of food.


Looking at her briefly, Kyojuro momentarily set down his chopsticks as he went on to explain.


“To put it simply, think of a Wisteria House made with the sole purpose of taking care of the Injured on a larger scale, with personal funding from the Corps itself and manned by some of the best Doctors we have. That is what the Butterfly Estate is.”


In other terms, the Butterfly Estate was the Demon Slayer Corp's personal Hospital.


“Ah, okay.'' That was all Kie said at first when hearing that explanation, but then, another curiosity reached her mind.


''Do you think I’ll ever be going there?” Kyojuro did not miss the traces of concern in her tone when the question came. There was little doubt to him that the reason why was because of her Little Brother.


Not everyone would be receptive to a Demon being supposedly Good, and words alone would not convince any of the higher ranks to spare the very thing they are meant to hunt and fight.


On top of that, the young demon was someone who acted first and questioned things later. A way of thinking that could be fatal for him, should a repeat of that incident with Tengen emerge again.


He had no doubt Kocho would end him on the spot, should he do something like that in the Butterfly Estate. No matter what reasons may be given afterward or how many tried to vouch for the young demon.


In consideration of that, it may be for the best if Kie never needed to go to the Butterfly Estate.


“In truth, I have some doubts you ever will at this rate. You have a large pool of Stamina, and you aren't often injured. These two traits often mean continued Missions until your Kasugai Crow judges you unfit for Battle.''


And who knew when that would happen? 


''I'd say not to worry about what may happen, for now. You're slated to continue your duties, and at this pace, for a very long while.'' Earnestly saying this, Kyojuro then went back to eating his Meal.


''I see...''


Yes, Kyojuro was probably right. Kie doubted she'd need to go to the Butterfly Estate anytime soon. Not when her only true threat, the one that had forced her to bedrest, had been Lower Moon One.


Unless she stumbled on him again, she doubted she'd ever face a situation where she needed to go to the Butterfly Estate.


However, Kyojuro did, and as he cried multiple ''Umai!'' from eating his Noodles, she decided to try and take advantage of this while he was here.


''In that case, do you think we’ll be able to do any last-minute training before you head off to the Estate?''


At that, Kyojuro halted his slurping, giving one swallow and following it with another ''Umai!'' before answering her.


''Impossible.'' He shot her proposition down, ''While I don't mind, I do wish for the remainder of my injuries to heal over. I fear I wouldn't be of much help if I can't take you on seriously.''


Then, he gave her a smile that should not have held so much cheer, when considering what he said next.


''On top of that, I'd rather not have Kocho throttle me!''


Kie blinked. Once. Then Twice. And when the Third time hit, she cautiously inquired about that particular line.


''She... she'd what?''


''Exactly what I said.'' Rengoku casually affirmed, ''Kocho has quite the temper, and she abhors when Patients do not listen to their Doctors. I hold no doubt if I were to train with you right now, she'd kill me and then find a way to bring me back, just to chastise me.''


There was a minuscule crack on Kyojuro's smile, but it was one Kie did end up missing due to how stunned she was by these words.


Kyojuro didn't even let her gather her thoughts, clearly not wanting to stay on this particular topic of conversation. He shifted subjects from Kocho and towards another matter.


“Anyways, I assume you put the box in a safe spot?” Kie instantly knew what he was referring to at that moment.


“Yep. It’s currently in my Room, and I made sure it won’t fall over either.” Kie answered with a smile, causing Rengoku to nod.


When the silence began to stick in, both decided to resume eating their Meals while they were still hot. But as Kie began to eat her food, she couldn’t help but think back to the struggle that was convincing Tanjiro to remain in the box when he was already protected from the sun.


“Tanjiro, I need you to stay in the box for a while, okay.”




“Tanjiro, don’t give me that look. Listen, there are going to be some people that could be arriving here any second now, and they may not be as understanding as everyone else.”




“...I know that look little brother, so don’t even think about it.”


Suffice to say, she needed to make use of the more firm tone of voice that always made Tanjiro listen when he started shoving her into the box.


“At the very least, I was able to sort that situation out a few minutes before those people arrived.” Kie thought to herself just as she finished her food, and Kyojuro soon finished his bowl of noodles with a final cry of “Umai!” only a second after the Kamado finished eating.


“Do you think there is anything I can do before I go to my next Mission?” Kie asked the older Slayer who had taught her quite a bit since arriving in Shibuya.


“You can still train.” Kyojuro suggested as he stood up, causing Kie to raise her eyebrow.


“Didn’t you say something about not doing it with this Kocho-san here?” She questioned him, causing Kyojuro to actually laugh for a moment.


“Indeed, but that is only towards me with my condition! You are physically okay, and you could do with some training by yourself. There is only so much advice I can give before you hit a dead end.” Rengoku explained to Kie while patting her shoulder for a moment.


“But for now, let us bring back the Plates before you possibly train.” The older Slayer said, causing Kie to smile and nod her head at the man as they did exactly that.


And around that same time, a small conversation was going on.


“Oyakata-sama wants them to do what?’’ 


Shinobu had practically cried this out as the Afternoon crept on them. Not at all happy with what orders were given, and that she was told last on top of that.


“He has given his Orders.” Himejima shut down any protest, “And the Demon Slayers must move.”


“Himejima’s right on this.” Tengen agreed, “Even if there wasn’t a Demon to hunt, the large quantity of Manpower there is here is abnormal.”


That was a reason why large-scale battles were so unheard of. They shouldn’t even happen to begin with. And it also left way for other issues.


Nearby Demon Slayers would now not arrive in time for locations where Demons could potentially be. And that could give Demons a headstart that could cost dearly.


“And if what I heard about Mount Natagumo is true…” Tengen trailed off with his remark as thoughts came to mind, “Then it could become nothing short of a repeat of Shibuya.”


Shinobu was confused by what he meant by that. A repeat of Shibuya? In which way did he even mean that…?


Himejima caught onto the meaning quicker.


“Do you mean there is a chance the Mount in question has a large demon presence?”


Grimly, Tengen nodded.


“You guessed it. While it’s mostly just rumors, something fishy has been going on in there. Demons and Demon Slayers alike are said to disappear once they step in there, never to return. The latter is a no-brainer, they got eaten. But what happens to the Demons?”


From what he had learned, Oyakata-sama had always been hesitant to delve deeper into this place because of how no one returned from it.


It could just be because those stepping in are killed. But what if that wasn’t the case? What if there was a Demon who had a tricky enough Blood Demon Art that swallowed the whole Mount?


Too many risks and too few rewards. And sending in a Hashira, only to lose one because of the chance it’s a Blood Demon Art at work would be catastrophic.


But recently, something must have made the Ubuyashiki Head come to a decision.


“If it’s that unknown, then why is he sending Demon Slayers who still need time?” Shinobu was critical in her thinking. And as a Doctor first and foremost, she simply did not understand why, if the Mount was such a death trap, they would send in people who are still recovering from this whole situation in Shibuya.


Himejima clapped his hands together with enough force it startled both she and Tengen, who stared at him as he prayed.


“As stated previously, Shibuya is an unusual case. As limited as my own knowledge is, I believe we both know that Demons are not supposed to work in pairs. Let alone as a Group. Effectively, Shibuya has disrupted the Balance.”


One Demon. One Human.


This was how the Corp had hunted Demons for Ages now, with possibly two or three more joining in Groups when necessary. But as seen and heard many times by now, Shibuya had demolished it utterly.


And with it, the chain that spread all over Japan. The Chains that made it so that within the day, a Demon Slayer would be there at the site where the next Demon was.


But what happens now that so many Demon Slayers in the vicinity have headed off to Shibuya?


“The Corp has always worked to ensure that the closest and healthiest Demon Slayer heads off to their destination as soon as their previous mission is over. The fact that the ones requested are those of Shibuya can only mean one thing.”


“They’re the closest ones.” Tengen said with certainty, for he did once remember someone else telling him a similar thing.


“And if they’re the closest ones… then that says too much about how much manpower Oyakata-sama had to divert.” Grimly, Tengen finished.


A part of Shinobu at this moment felt so, so irked by all of this. She naturally got angrier more easily, due to a temper she would deny she had.


Why not send those who were healthy to Mount Natagumo, even if it took more time? Why must those who have already fought still go on like this?


A part of Shinobu wanted to go right at the Oyakata’s face and demand why he’d decide that. But then, she thinks of them.


The actual Demon Slayers. Those who went to the field to fight while she was always stuck behind the scenes to help the injured.


Thinking of that made her want to change subjects. This temper of hers remained as she turned her back.


“Fine. I get it.”


She did not see how Tengen could hear her sound, and how unconvinced he was because of it, while Gyomei could tell by the way she acted.


They were unconvinced, but neither planned to push it. This wasn’t the purpose of all this to begin with.


“Well, I’ll be going to inform the other Wisteria Houses of this. Today, they get to rest, but by Sunrise tomorrow, those who aren’t filed in as needing recovery will need to go.”


There was a finality to Tengen’s words as he moved to head out.


And as Himejima continued his prayer, all he could hope was that those Children would be blessed and go through their next mission without any losses.


(If only reality was that kind)

“...I’m getting out.”


That happened to be the first thought of Muichiro after he woke up from a small nap. It may seem random to anyone who knew what he thought, after all, his heart rate and body heat were concerningly high. 


Yet, Muichiro didn’t feel it. And it wasn’t a case of shock or adrenaline stopping him from feeling it, since in the former case, Muichiro felt like he always did outside of a mission, and in the latter case, any adrenaline that could have been stopping him from feeling the worst of it would have been long gone after he woke up back here.


So yeah, for the Tokito boy, deciding to get out of his bed and check on Sunflower was an incredibly easy decision to make. Especially when the Monkey was once again being stupid, and didn’t tell him about what Sunflower’s condition was, even if he later told Swallow that he was experiencing the same conditions as Muichiro himself.


But… well, there was one problem with this plan.


“...Where is Sunflower again?”


He didn’t know where the blonde was in the Wisteria House.


“Ow! Oh god, this is much worse than the bruises Gramps gave me after training!!”


…Never mind, he just needed to follow the screaming. Which was coming from the door to his right.


“Stop screaming, Sunflower.” And so, the moment Muichiro opened the door to the room and walked in, he spoke with a bland tone that was soon able to catch the attention of the blonde.


And for a moment, things were silent as Zenitsu just stared at Muichiro. In fact, the Mist Breather idly wondered if the less experienced Slayer might have finally destroyed his voice with that last scream.




…That idea was soon disproven though.


“The better question is how you haven’t made yourself deaf yet.” Muichiro commented, causing Zenitsu to almost choke on air for a moment.


“THAT’S... that's... I'm not answering that.'' Sunflower hesitated first before denying an answer to that. Which either meant he refused because he didn't want to answer, or actually had no idea how to answer his comment.


Either way, that was not important to Zenitsu, as he made clear with his next words.


“Anyways! Why did you come here Muichiro?” Quickly shaking his head to put that particular question to the side, Zenitsu focused back on Muichiro while trying to relax on the bed.


“...I think I came to check on you? I honestly can’t remember.” Muichiro answered honestly, causing Zenitsu to sweatdrop.


It was annoying, but a part of the Thunder Breather could admit that he was expecting it as much as he was with Inosuke deciding to fight despite the boar head’s leg.


So in other words, a predictable response.


“Well, since you’re here… how did things go against that Demon we ran into?” Zenitsu asked, getting Muichiro to frown a bit.


“Annoying. They used the rain to… who was he again?”


And he’d already forgotten about it. Truthfully, Zenitsu wasn’t even sure if he should be surprised or not anymore.


He just hoped that the Demon was dead and not alive.


“Do you think you won?”


The memory did not come to mind. Yet Muichirou understood all too well that what he began to feel at the question, was negative.


And that only meant one thing.


Muichirou frowned, “I don’t believe so.”


He was alive, so in itself, it could count as a Victory. But against a Demon, it may as well mean a loss. Especially when those Demons who participated in the massacre…


“Did you get the impression that Demon was in on the plan?” He asked back. And it would be a lie if Zenitsu said he wasn’t worried, as the sound he heard had dramatically shifted in just a second's worth of time.


From aloof to serious.


“I… maybe?” Hesitation overtook Zenitsu, as he hadn’t even seen much of the Demon when he’d made his way to the owner of the Blood Demon Art.


But the best guess he had was that yes, the Demon Muichirou had fought was involved in this in some way.


“Then no, I didn’t win.”


His Emotions did not lie. And the utter hate he felt at this particular Demon, no matter how he could not put a name or face alongside it, only meant he’d failed.


It was the only thing that felt reliable to trust. Emotions.


And those very emotions, at this moment, were heard completely by Zenitsu, who was not sure at all what to do with what he was hearing.


“But I’m assuming you killed the Demon you were after?” However, with how Muichiro was questioned about his fight from yesterday, it was clear that he would be prompted to ask about Zenitsu’s own fight.


“Yeah. I almost died a lot, especially near the end when my leg got damaged. But then I just… felt stronger right when it mattered most and I cut off the Lower Moon’s head.” The Thunder Breather explained, making Muichiro blink a bit as he now looked a bit more curious.


“Did you say that the Demon was a Lower Moon?” The Tokito boy questioned the bedridden Slayer, making Zenitsu blink at the question before nodding his head.


“Yeah, they were. Had the number 3 in one of his eyes and everything.” Zenitsu explained with a shrug.


“Then yeah, those two were working together. I… did the Lower Moon show up during the fight or not?” Muichiro said before mumbling to himself in confusion, causing Zenitsu to sigh at that.


“Well, either way, it seems like you can become a Hashira thanks to that.”


…Wait, what did Muichiro just say?


“I’m sorry, but… HOW!?” Zenitsu screamed out his question, and to Muichiro, the less experienced Demon Slayer's eyes almost looked like they were ready to pop out of their sockets thanks to the blonde’s shock.


“Oh. Did you get a cultivator that didn’t explain what a Hashira is and stuff surrounding the rank?” Muichiro asked, getting Zenitsu to shake his head fast enough to almost make his head blur.


“No, I know what a Hashira is, it’s just… how!? I have only been taking missions for about 10 days now, and I just… again, HOW!!!?” The Thunder Breather cried out, throwing his arms up into the air as he did so.


Only to hiss in pain at the sudden movement, and then lowering his arms back down to his sides slowly.


“Oh. Well, at least you’ll have set the record for becoming a Hashira the fastest out of any Demon Slayer.” Muichiro said with a shrug, looking fairly normal despite how monumental this actually is. 


…Wait, are those footsteps approaching the ro-.


“Tokito-Kun….” And suddenly, Zenitsu froze up, every muscle in his body stopping all movement as a dangerous voice called out from behind the door, before slowly opening it. As if the devil decided to appear, and wished to make the Demon Slayer on the bed squirm.


“I didn’t quite expect you to forget so much. Like how you should currently be in bed.” And even when the face of Shinobu Kocho was revealed to have been behind the door, this reaction didn’t go away for Zenitsu.


In fact, with how still his body just became, he might as well be a statue now.


“I wanted to check on Sunflower after yesterday, and since it wasn’t a struggle for me, I came in.” Muichiro answered with a calmness that Zenitsu was completely convinced was because his amnesia was keeping him from realizing the danger of this woman.






“I don’t care if you feel fine with your heart rate and temperature, Tokito-kun. Because even ignoring that, you still have other injuries and even an infection that will need time to heal, and you aren’t doing yourself any favours.” Shinobu said, her posture somehow looking like it had when she introduced herself to Zenitsu earlier that day, but it was so terrifying now. And honestly, if someone told Zenitsu that the doctor was actually Death itself right now, he would believe them.


Tokito proceeded to do what Zenitsu thought should have been impossible. Stare at Death itself in the face, without flinching, and deny her.


“You’re making it sound like I’m training while Injured when I don’t plan that. I’m checking on Sunflower.” Muichirou stated what felt obvious to him, “Boars the one you should worry about injuring himself.”


Hesitantly, and not because he disagreed with what Muichirou was saying, Zenitsu affirmed his words.


“Y-yeah… he’s more likely to make his injuries worse.”


Neither of them could have ever imagined that the next words Shinobu spoke would hit them so hard, that it felt like Bullets had shot right through their very Souls.


“He’s more compliant than you so far, Tokito-kun.”


Muichirou didn’t show much, though he was genuinely surprised to hear that the Boar was in fact far more compliant than he’d ever expected.


How did that even happen?


But Zenitsu? Even with the face of death staring right at him, he could not help but scream when picturing how Inosuke had acted with him… and then how he supposedly acted with Shinobu.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE’S MORE COMPLIANT?!” Disbelief and most notably, outrage, seeped out of Sunflower in a manner that said how impossible what he heard sounded.


Shinobu probably would have been very mad at this outburst if not because she was genuinely caught off guard by why Zenitsu was even giving an Outburst to begin with.


She did not mean to sound confused with her words, but that was exactly what she sounded like.


“He’s… as I said… he’s been relatively compliant with me. He needed some convincing at first, but he eventually did listen.”


At this moment, something shattered within Zenitsu’s mind while everything seemed to simultaneously be pieced together.


Within that second, Zenitsu believed he had it all figured out.


“ he putting up an act around women?! Has he secretly been hiding this secret from me?!”


Zenitsu had in fact not figured out anything.


“Sunflower, your blood pressure is making you act dumb.” Muichirou admonished him before Shinobu could even get a word in, “Cool down.”


“HOW CAN I!? THAT WHITE-HAIRED BASTARD EFFECTIVELY TURNED ME INTO INOSUKE’S BABYSITTER, AND HE’S BEEN NOTHING BUT A HEADACHE!! AND YET NOW HE’S LISTENING TO SOMEONE, AND A WOMAN AT THAT!?” Zenitsu positively screeched, and for a moment, Shinobu and Muichiro both thought the Thunder Breather actually had fire for eyes to show his rage.


“...Do you think he’ll be fine if we knock him out?” Muichiro questioned the honestly stunned Shinobu, as they both watched the Agatsuma boy rant about “Stupid, boar-headed idiot and his craziness” and forget they were there in the process.


“Hm…. Sure, the worst damage was to one of his arms and legs anyway.” Shinobu said with a shrug after thinking it over for a moment, causing the young Demon Slayer to quickly chop at Zenitsu’s neck, and send him into dreamland.


“You’re still getting into your own bed though.” But right as that was finished, Shinobu glared at Muichiro with a look that screamed she wouldn’t take no for an answer.


“...You're not my mom.”


Meanwhile, walking just outside of the room, Tengen almost tripped over himself and quickly covered his mouth to muffle his laughter the moment he regained his footing.


“Good luck, you’re going to need it to survive Kocho now!!” The Shinobi thought, with the battle to hold in his laughter becoming more and more difficult as he listened more to the conversation within Zenitsu’s room.


…Okay, it was an argument, and one-sided at that.


Truly, who’d have ever thought this would be how things turned out?

Kie’s internal clock told her it was far past noon and already nearing Evening by the time she checked the Sunrays that seeped through the Training room she was currently using.


Alone. Kyojuro had already made it clear why he couldn’t help, and everyone else was quite literally too injured to do any possible sparing.


And Tanjiro was self-explanatory.


At this point in time, Kie was mostly trying to take advantage that she had privacy at all to figure out more about her own style. Something she doubted she could do much by tomorrow.


She wasn’t going to this Butterfly Estate, but it was likely that when her Crow did show up, it’d be for her next mission.


A next mission that would separate her from everyone else she’d learned to know this past week.


She did feel sad at that thought, and how she was unlikely to see anyone else for a very long while.


Still, she would show them her progress the next time they met. Which was all the more reason why she had spent and is still spending hours training and practicing.


To figure out her Breathing Form.


A step that she was slowly but surely figuring out. Mostly because she’d used the forms she had and then moved them in ways that felt natural to her.


It definitely came in easier to her as well because she felt overall stronger and faster. But ultimately, while the movements came in easier, Kie had no solid foothold with what she truly was supposed to use it as.


An advanced form of Water Breathing? Ocean Breathing? River Breathing?


Most of these thoughts were getting particularly intrusive by the Evening. And she had to put this on break when someone entered the room.


“Hey, kid.” The easily recognizable voice and size of Tengen was what greeted her when he came in, making her halt her practice.




Lowering her Blade, she looked over at the Man.


“Is something the matter?”


Tengen shook his head.


“No. Or, at least, nothing’s wrong. But the next orders have come.”


And Tengen himself apparently had them. Or else her Kasugai Crow would have tried to get to her by now.


“So what are they about?” She curiously asked.


“I’m going to try to make this short, but it might still seem long.” Tengen first admitted. And only then did he get to the point.


“You’re going to be assigned two missions. One you will need to complete with a Group, and another by yourself.”


Ok… already, Kie was hearing this, and she had questions. Thankfully, she didn’t need to ask, because Tengen had foreseen her confusion. Or perhaps not foreseen per se, but more expected it.


“Your first Mission is going to be… unlike what’s normal. You’re mostly familiar with it by now, but normally, you’re sent on a mission one after the other until you’re just too injured.”


That was indeed the impression Kie had gotten from this. If you weren’t hurt in a too significant way and still in fighting shape, you’d be sent to the next Mission.


Though how many actually went to said Mission was up to the information the Kasugai Crows gave to the Ubuyashiki’s, and what their Informants told them of the Demon sightings. Be they Kakushi, Wisteria House owners, or some more subtle allies that weren’t well known.


Kie just so happened to be in a situation where she’d never gotten to the point where she needed a long rest. For the most part.


“Because of how much this chain there is was displaced, we had to decide on how this was being handled. Obviously, we can’t send in the ones who are too injured or mentally unwell from this mess.”


At that, Kie flinched, as she very easily pictured someone who was not well from Yesterday’s whole… Nightmare.


The cries that he’d given once he realized the Blood he had on his hands were of fellow Humans… the number of people he had ended up killing in the process…


The Mad Laugh and cries had been haunting.


“So everyone who’s still able to fight has to move by tomorrow effectively.”


Kie wondered if this was a good idea or not. How many were even left that weren’t in bad shape? And could it even cover the gaping hole left behind?


“Your First Mission is one shared by everyone else. You’re all going to Mount Natagumo in smaller groups and different waves, because of the possibility that it’s a den of Demons.”


Den… oh, wouldn’t that mean that there was also a possible large presence of Demons?


“After the Mount is cleared, or even before you get that, your Kasugai Crows will inform you of your next destination. This time, alone. On that one, it just depends on when the Crows actually get the assignments.”


At this very moment, Tengen could clearly imagine the Ubuyashiki Family scrambling around to figure out how to make this logistical nightmare work out.


“But that’s more or less it. Tomorrow morning, you’re to meet up with a group of other Demon Slayers and then travel with them until you get to the Mount.”


Hearing all of this over, Kie accepted that the situation demanded it. But at the same time, it brought a small issue.


“Are… they going to be aware of Tanjiro?”


A very Tanjiro-shaped one as well. And that was met with a shake.


“No. And I expect that brat to stick inside his Box, because I swear, we’ve got enough problems as is.”


Kie really, and she means it, really wishes she could stick around the likes of Zenitsu, Inosuke, Muichirou or Kyojuro since they knew of Tanjiro. Which would make things so much easier.


Except those four were also in the injured category.


“I’m… sure he’ll stay in.”


At least, she hoped he would once she told him of the situation. Because neither she nor the Corp needed at this moment a possible infighting.


“I sure hope so. Anyway, expect possible complications to come in Mount Natagumo. If Shibuya taught us anything, it’s that a group of Demons are very dangerous.”


After that, Tengen left. And it left Kie to wonder and hope.


Hope that whatever it is Mount Natagumo brought, it was not another Nightmare like Shibuya.


With that hope in mind, she restarted practicing her Sword Forms.

“Oh no, where is everyone?” Mitsuri questioned to herself during the afternoon as she looked around the area she was in, and despite how embarrassing it was to admit it, she knew that she was officially lost.


And all of this because she split up from Kyojuro thanks to Shinobu needing help with getting that Hashibira boy back into bed thanks to his leg.


“Maybe I can ask for directions from someone in one of these rooms?” The Kakushi girl mused to herself, and quickly deciding that it was her best shot, she walked to the closest door and knocked on it as lightly as she possibly could.


Her Father and Mother had taught her manners, and in situations like these, they came in very handy!


''Excuse me.'' Still, she was hesitating in speaking, ''I need directions.''


But she received no answers.


Momentarily, she wondered if this Room was even occupied. In fact, how many Rooms in this Wisteria House were occupied?


But if it wasn't...


''Excuse me!'' she repeated her words before opening the Door. And she was met with what she feared.


An empty and dark room.


Of course the one room she opened to ask for help was empt-.




…Where did that come from?


Quickly looking around, Mitsuri rubbed her eyes and tried to give the dark room another look, but she still couldn’t see anything. So did that sound come from behind her?


No, looking over her shoulder, there weren’t any signs of someone. So had she just imagined it?


“Mmmm!” Almost jumping back in surprise, Mitsuri’s attention was instantly caught when she felt something pulling on the front of her kimono, causing her to look down and see the source of the noise she had been hearing.


“...KKKKKYYYYYYYAAAAAA~!!!! Oh my gosh, you are adorable!!” And that was the sight of a tiny, adorable-looking child, who was wearing clothes clearly much too big for him and weirdly had a muzzle in his mouth.


But the fact that she instantly scooped the boy into her arms and hugged him was a clear indication that any warning signs around the child were completely ignored by Mitsuri.


“Oh, I have got to introduce you to my little siblings sometime!!” Mitsuri said, practically spinning around while the boy in her arms laughed joyously, throwing his arms up into the air as he did so.


But after a moment more of this, Mitsuri finally put the child back down while looking at him curiously.


“Though… why exactly are you wearing a muzzle?” She questioned the child, who stared at her while tilting his head to the side. Then after a moment, he pointed at her hair.




“Oh, my hair? Do you like it by any chance?” Mitsuri questioned the boy in surprise, who closed his eyes and gave a smile that was clear despite the muzzle in his mouth.


Then, to her surprise, the boy turned around so his back was to her, and then sat down.


“Um… what are you doing?” The pink and green-haired girl asked the child curiously, who looked over his shoulder to stare at her for a moment. But after a few seconds of staring that was beginning to make her feel slightly uncomfortable, the kid once again pointed at her hair, before then pointing at his own.


“Oh, you want me to make your hair like mine?” She questioned in surprise, actually needing to take a minute to process that. And then needed another minute when the boy nodded his head in confirmation.


“Well… I wouldn’t suggest it if I’m being honest. Plus, you would need to eat 170 Sakura Rice Cakes a day for eight months to gain my current eye and hair color, and not many people have an appetite like mine.” Mitsuri explained to the boy, who looked down sadly.


“Mmmmmm….” Oh no, he looked like he was actually going to cry! Well, that wouldn’t do at all.


“But I can still style your hair so that it has the same braids that mine does!”




“That’s the spirit!” Mitsuri cheered with the boy, both throwing an arm up into the air in excitement.


“Now, let me get to work!” And so, the Kakushi walked over to the kid and sat down behind him, with the child sitting up straight and allowing the Kanroji to get to work.


Which… admittedly took a bit longer than Mitsuri was initially expecting given her experience getting this style done, taking about 38 minutes to be specific. Then again, she supposed it was to be expected when this child began to move around, since any kid would begin to move with how long he has been sitting down for.


“Annnnd… done! Oh, the braids look absolutely amazing on you!” Mitsuri gushed when she saw the end result, with the boy running his hands through his now braided hair with a content hum that was clear despite it being muffled.


“Ah, I see that you met Tanjiro, Kanroji!” But upon hearing a familiar voice, both Tanjiro and Mitsuri turned around and saw a specific swordsman with bandages wrapped around his face.


“Ah, Kyojuro! It’s good to see you again so soon!” Mitsuri greeted the Demon Slayer, getting back onto her feet while the boy she now knew as Tanjiro practically leaped up onto his feet and waved at the flame-haired man.


“MMMMMMMM!!” Humming out his greeting, Tanjiro was able to succeed in drawing attention to him.


“It is good to see you again, Tanjiro! However, I’m afraid that I can’t stay for long, since I would like to ask for Mitsuri’s help with something.” Kyojuro greeted the child with a smile and nod, causing the kid to lower his head sadly with a small whine.


“If it makes you feel better, your sister is likely to come back soon. So wait here for her, will you.” Seeing this, the Flame Breather decided to tell Tanjiro of this little fact, making the child perk right back up.


“Mmm, mmmm!” And with that, the boy nodded in agreement before turning around and walking towards the bed in the room, and sitting down on it.


“Well, come along Mitsuri! Kocho has been asking where you were after all.” Kyojuro said as he turned around and started walking away just as the Kakushi girl closed the door to the room Tanjiro was in, and as soon as she heard those words…


“...AAAHH! I forgot why I even opened that door in the first place!” Mitsuri cried out and blushed in embarrassment, causing her to bury her face in her hands.


“Don’t worry about it! This Temple isn't exactly small, and even I found myself lost during my first day here.” Kyojuro assured his friend, causing her to nod and walk after him, but her blush still remained clear on her face.


That didn't stop her curiosity from showing.


''So... who is that boy exactly?'' Mitsuri now asked, and Kyojuro remained quiet for a moment, wondering how to answer this question.


But he realized he was overthinking this. He did need to hide a few things, but he could be mostly honest with her.


''The Younger Brother of a fellow Demon Slayer. I met both of them when I rescued them from a particularly dangerous Demon in Shibuya.'' He explained to her, and it caused her to smile and cheer.


“That’s amazing Kyojuro! I’m sure that they are both really thankful!”


Those words made Rengoku smile. Because it made him think of those short moments with either the Sister or Brother.


Of him Teaching Kie, of Tanjiro's awed looks. Of the Woman who would stop at nothing to reach her goal, Of the Boy who was dedicated to making sure his Sister made it through.


Short they were, those smallest bits gave him a sense of hope.


Because since when could a Human and Demon cooperate like this?


''At this point, I believe I should be the one thanking them.''


Because their existence changed everything. And perhaps, just perhaps, it would finally allow for the Balance to tip.


It was never a thought he had much before this, but the idea that finally, a Demon wasn't a Bloodthirsty killer... well, anyone who believed this could see change in the horizon. One way or another.


When he looked at Mitsuri, it was with intense eyes. One Mitsuri had only seen from him when protecting the innocent.


''And one of these days, I'm sure both lead to something amazing!''

The Moon shined brightly when night came, removing all traces of Sunlight and leaving way for one obvious fact.


There were no Demons.


The Demon Slayer Corp still had to send out a few hunters to make certain there were no Demons who would try anything, but the facts were laid bare within the hour.


Perhaps there were none because even they were weary of Shibuya. Perhaps none thought there was anything more to hunt in the streets. Or perhaps the many Deaths of Demons within this place had made anyone fearful of suffering the same fate.


Whatever the case was, and if there ever was one, it made that particular night something almost relaxing.


If you could ignore the damage you’d often find by just turning a corner.


And while those poor fellows were doing their night patrols, throughout many of the Wisteria Houses, events were going into motion.


Some were involved with the next Mission. Those ones had few things to do but try to rest.


And the success of that rest entirely depended on the person in question.


“I can’t sleep.”


Like Murata in this case. He’d rather miraculously escaped somewhat unscathed. Somewhat. Physically, the worst were a few cuts and bruises. One in particular was nasty, and he wasn’t sure what had hit his arm hard enough it still stung today.


Yet, the worst was much more Mental. Because he was still haunted by what he’d seen. So sleep?


It eluded him.


“Great…” Murata silently cursed to himself while staring at the ceiling.


In the end, the thing that was haunting him the most wasn’t going to be a Demon or even the Human Deaths. Murata had been lucky enough to never actually harm a fellow human.


He can’t say the same thing for over half of his companions who also lived in this Wisteria House.


And perhaps knowing that was making what haunted him worse. Perhaps knowing that the chance he had been so close to killing someone…


Murata lightly shook his head when the thoughts spiraled.


“Ok. Deep Breath… I didn’t kill anyone. The worst is me just being haunted by those Nightmare things…”


That was the worst. Absolutely the worst…


Yeah, surely he could move on eventually!


But even that seemed to take its time. And he shuddered to think how long it would take some of the others to recover from having taken a Human Life. One or Multiple. Age and Gender intermingling without a care.


“Alright… let’s try to sleep again.”


He took a deep breath and then went back to sleep. Or tried so at least.


Murata was one of those who would be going to the next Mission. Not entirely without some scars, but in comparison to others, he did consider himself lucky.


But not all were preparing for the Mission. Some others were preparing to head off to the Butterfly Estate. Most of them would be Patients, but two of them specifically…


“Huh? What do you mean we’re going to the Butterfly Estate?”


Genya, being informed of this new situation by his Mentor, Kanae, was having a hard time believing what he was hearing.


“Exactly what I said Genya. I’ve… received orders for us to pull back.”


“But… why ?” Genya questioned, “Sure, we got banged up from this whole mess, but I took the worst of it, and you’re better off than a lot of others.”


“That’s exactly why we’re being pulled back.” Kanae stated, trying to sound matter of factly, but she herself didn’t sound all that glad.


“This whole mess… I can’t blame him, honestly. I’d probably react the same way if Shinobu had been involved in this. But I guess for him, it also means I need more time that isn’t on the field.”


Kanae was not one to often show displeasure this way, but she couldn’t help but feel a similar frustration to her student at this moment.


“Tomorrow, we’re heading to the Estate with Shinobu’s Group.”


And Genya, who stared, snarled and growled before turning his back.




And that was that for them. By tomorrow, their situation would lead them back to the Butterfly Estate.


The Night passed by quickly for some, but slowly for some others.


For one Kie Kamado, however, this would turn out to be a quick Night. Especially when she hadn’t stopped her practice with her Breathing Forms.


When she did stop, it was Midnight for her. And she hadn’t even noticed.


“Wait, how…” Kie was genuinely stunned by this, as she had even failed to notice the Sun going out by now.


“...I was really caught up figuring out my own Breathing Form.” That is the only answer she has.


After Tengen had left, Kie had decided to continue what she had assumed would be a bit longer. Now decidedly wrong in how long a ‘bit’ was, she stopped entirely.


The progress had been great. In fact, she had maybe figured out something she could use in Battle as well. But that would have to wait.


She had definitely left Tanjiro worried.


“I need to get that rest too.” She noted. Fine she felt, exhaustion was still something she’d rather not risk feeling.


So finally stopping, she went to her Room.




As she'd foreseen, Tanjiro didn’t look all too happy she was now showing up.


“I’m so sorry Tanjiro.” Kie apologized, and she meant every word. It had not been her intention to come in this late.


“Time passed by way quicker than I’d expected.”


The apology was met with Tanjiro pondering on the matter, though it seemed he’d mostly bought what she said.


What did however confirm it was when he huffed and then decided he wanted to hug her. Something she allowed him to do without any protest.


The rest of the Night continued to pass on quickly as Kie went to sleep. Because by morning…


It would be time.

“Come on Murata, we need to head out for the next mission.” Ozaki said as she banged on the door to her friend’s room, and after just a moment of hearing shuffling from the other side, the door opened to reveal the Water Breather in full uniform.


“Sorry, I just didn’t get the best sleep last night.” Murata said as he took a moment to stand up at full height, causing the Wind Breather to frown a bit.


“...You were thinking of those illusions, weren’t you?” She asked a little uneasily, causing Murata to flinch as an initially silent confirmation.


''...yeah. Those Illusions just won't leave me alone. Doesn't matter if it was real or false, it keeps haunting me.'' But he vocally confirmed it as well. Something Ozaki did share with him.


After all, those Illusions had brought forth equally horrifying things. And as she gave a shaky breath, her mind flashed back to that rainy day.


A day in which she had avoided the fate of killing fellow Humans like Murata, but...


“Please! I just want my Mama!!”


She was uncomfortably close to joining those who did claim the wrong life.


''I... understand. And I think that's why... it's fine to feel that way.'' Ozaki tried to get through to him. Perhaps with her words, she'd be able to at least ease his mind in some way.


Murata however looked at her in a way that made it clear he had a hard time swallowing this particular pill.


''Maybe. If... if all of that had just been Illusions, then maybe it would have been easier to accept it. But people died in this.''


None knew the death toll, but it wasn't just other Demon Slayers who had killed Humans. Civilians themselves, under the Illusion of seeing Monsters, had attacked and killed. And the Demons still present had taken their chance for a possibly free meal.


''I just... I can't get it out of my head that while I was being horrified of the Illusions, out there... others were killing each other and taking lives that will keep haunting them.''


Not that he wanted to have taken a Life, but it always spiraled to how he had been so lucky that he'd ultimately killed no one in this whole chaotic mess. And how it always turned into a comparison match he had a hard time moving on from.


Why should he be so scared of something that wasn't real?


Ozaki could see where his mind was going. It was hard to miss the signs when you yourself had similar kinds of thoughts. But it seemed that both differed in how they handled this.


With hope, she tried to reassure him.


''Murata... just because you didn't kill someone and are only scared of what the illusions showed, doesn't mean you can't be scarred by the experience. Those things were meant to be as real as possible. To scare us. I'm sure that's why what we saw and what we heard was so polarising.''


At least, Ozaki assumed so. Or else, the skin and bones the Illusions had given wouldn't have felt so terrifyingly real. Or else, those eyes that had bore right into her wouldn't have felt so haunting. Or else, the screams of terror begging to be saved wouldn't have stuck around.


Just then, she turned around and motioned for him to follow her. They still had a job to get to, but she wasn't going to finish what she had to say.


''I know. I know, and that's the problem.'' Murata, with frustration that was bordering on him going into tears, followed his friend, ''I shouldn't be nearly as bothered by this. What I faced wasn't real, and I didn't take lives. That's a fact, but one I just... can't seem to accept.''


And that bothered him greatly. To not be able to move on from this when he was so sure he should be able to.


Almost like a point was being shown to both of them, both were passing by a Demon Slayer who they'd seen stab their Sword right through the chest of a comrade. Silently crying and moving past them with a ravaged look. Murata made it a point to not look in their direction while Ozaki only looked in pity.


But that was also why Ozaki knew she had to try and get through to Murata. Or at least find a way to have him slowly accept that it was fine to be haunted by what he'd seen.


''It may not have been all real, Murata. But the illusions were made to haunt us no matter what. Like...'' and she paused momentarily, both because that scene had been haunting, but in a different matter and because she wasn't sure if she should even tell this to Murata.


But maybe... maybe if she shared this, she'd be able to help him.


''...there was this child.'' She knew she was breathing more heavily now, but that didn't stop her, ''A Child trying to run away from their own Mother, because for whatever reason, she saw her Mother clearly. Not something disguised as an unholy abomination or someone else, but as someone they should have been able to trust. And that Mother... she wasn't seeing any Humans, but only Monster. Screaming about killing all of them. Including her own Child.''


At that, Murata's eyes widened in shock.


''Wait, there were some who didn't see illusions?''


Ozaki hesitantly nodded, ''Apparently. I only know because I was just seeing a terrified child, and that child was only seeing her Mother. But it seemed to be selective as well, since I saw everyone else as... things. So maybe the Mother wasn't even killing anyone, maybe the Mother was just as scared. Or perhaps the Parent and Child were split up and she was seeing someone else. But the point stands.''


Now, she had to hope this worked in some fashion. With a shaky evening breath, she continued.


''That Girl didn't kill anyone. But what she saw would haunt her. I don't even know how she's going to speak to her Mother now and if she'll ever trust her again. Would you blame her?''


Murata was quick to deny it.


''I wouldn't. That was just a child who saw something... horrifying...''


''Exactly.'' Ozaki quickly said, hoping to convey her intention clearly now, ''What she saw was horrifying. She wasn't the perpetrator and merely a victim. And the same applies to you Murata. What you saw... and what we all saw... it was made to haunt us no matter what happened. So it's fine if you're still scared. It's fine if you can't stop the haunting. So please...''


She looked at him with pleading eyes.


''Don't say you shouldn't be bothered by it.''


They'd both stopped in their tracks as she finished with her reassurance. And now, all Ozaki could hope was that at least something had gone through to him. That something stuck.


He looked at her in the eyes with a tired look, and for a moment, he stared straight at them.


But then, he looked away.


''I get it. Ozaki, I really do. But...'' He squeezed one of his hands into a fist, and put enough pressure they started to turn white, ''But I'm a Demon Slayer. I shouldn't be bothered by this when I was trained to fight Demons. For this to still... at this point, it feels like I'm making a fuss over nothing.''


That admittance had Ozaki frown with sadness.


''It's as I feared... at this point, I can only hope that my words had more of an effect than he's showing, or that given the time, he'll be able to move on.'' Ozaki thought to herself, and then decided perhaps the best thing to do was to act normally. As if nothing had happened at all.


It's why she briefly let out a sigh before lightly elbowing Murata in the ribs, knocking a bit of air out of him and snapping him out of whatever memories were flashing within his mind at that moment.


“Alright, no more depressing stuff for the day. We still need to get going for that group mission with all of those other Slayers.” Ozaki said, earning a light glare from Murata before he sighed and nodded his head.


“Yeah, you're right. Let's join up with the others.'' And finally, they left the Wisteria House. It was almost immediate when they both saw a Kasugai Crow with a red streak through her left wing’s feathers flying above them.


“Caw! Follow me! Caw!” The Kasugai Crow's female voice cawed out, making Ozaki smile a little more easily at the sight of her. She yelled out a reply.


“Lead the way then, Akane!” and that earned her another Caw before her Kasugai Crow flew away.


''Guess it's time to see where this next Mission leads us.'' Murata made a remark, one which Ozaki heard and answered.


''You're right.''


And then, both followed after Akane. And it had made some memories resurface, unwillingly it may have been. Hard not to when just seeing the mostly empty Streets of Shibuya.


A constant reminder of everything that had taken place here.


''I think it'll do us all good to not see Shibuya in a while.'' Ozaki commented, the certainty of her words only meant for herself, but inadvertently said aloud. And something Murata overheard.


''You're right.'' She snapped her head to look at him, ''All of it is too fresh. So I agree, time away from here will do us all good.''


And he was smiling at her when saying that too. The best possible sign, all things considered.


The relief she felt however ended up drowned out when her Kasugai Crow yelled at them.


“Hurry up you two! And kiss later!” Both Demon Slayers jumped at the sudden yell, and then blushed when the Crows words registered.


“Don’t joke about something like that Akane!”


“Caw! I was serious! Now come on so you both can start doing your jobs! Caw!”


There were definitely some people nearby who were hearing the Crow speaking, but since they had left Shibuya by now and were heading to the Outskirts of Tokyo, the worst they had to deal with was people looking around, wondering who spoke with ''Caw!'' in their vocabulary.


Though honestly, this may have been more preferable compared to what happened later. Because did notice as they made a fair amount of distance, that another Kasugai Crow was flying towards Akane.


“Caw! What do you think you are doing running so late!? Some of the Slayers forming the final group have already been waiting for an hour!” The new Kasugai Crow, a male one based on their voice, yelled out, making Ozaki frown. But before she could say anything, Akane beat her to it.


“Not my fault some idiots are impatient! Now move aside so they can get to their group already!” The female Kasugai Crow yelled out, and while Murata couldn’t see the other Kasugai Crow, he felt like it did an eye roll at Akane.


“Caw! Whatever. Just hurry up everyone, as I lead you to them in record time! Unlike the one that has clearly been given permission to start field duty for this job out of pity! Caw!” The male Kasugai Crow stated with a clear ego as far as Ozaki and Murata were concerned.


“What!? This coming from the Crow that has barely had a Slayer for more than a week at this point!”


“Oh, like I’ll be taking that from the chick that always got last during the flying tests!”


“Well at least my Slayer likes me! Yours has probably already got grey hair because of you!”


“Caw! At least my underling can actually fight compared to all the ones you have had! Caw!”


And so, the Kasugai Crows continued on with this verbal battle, exchanging jabs and insults between each other as one could breathe. In fact, as they were doing so, Ozaki and Murata looked between them both as if they were watching a sparring match between 2 of the Hashira thanks to how creative the insults were.


“Note to self, if I ever fight a winged Demon, try using that 4th chick insult.”


Both simply looked at the other and silently agreed to not interfere. Neither of them really wanted to know what would happen if one of them tried to stop the increasingly impressive insult exchange.


Although it had to be admitted, the Kasugai Crows were at it for what felt like hours. And those supposed hours ended up making the time pass faster than either had imagined.


The matter was made clear when someone else who wasn’t them gave an exasperated sigh.


“Seriously? Why is he even…”


Standing at the edge of the City, the Woman with a Box on her back was not hiding how she felt at the moment.


“Caw! As I said. Record time!” The Male Kasugai Crow proudly declared, giving an over-exaggerated puff in the process.


“As If! Caw! That wasn’t record time!” The Female Kasugai Crow strongly disagreed.


The Woman who had given the exasperated sigh was now accompanied by the two other Demon Slayers part of this Group. And they sounded just as tired as she was.


“Oh God…”


“I knew Kasugai Crows could talk, but this is just migraine-inducing…”


The Woman didn’t say anything immediately, but when she looked at them, she looked apologetic. And that only grew more as they could hear their Crows just continuing to argue with the other.


“I’m so sorry about my Crow. It’s just, he’s…” She tried to figure out a word that wasn’t outright insulting. One that Murata picked out before her.




She nodded, “That. Yes.”


Ozaki went on to shake her head.


“You don’t need to apologize. We weren’t all that bothered.” A reassurance that was shared with Murata.


If anything, they’d gotten something unexpected out of this. A peculiar insult maybe one of them could use against a Demon. Just maybe.


“I know. Still…” She eyed the Kasugai Crow’s whose argument seemed to be decreasing, “...I am feeling secondhand embarrassment here.”


Understandable, and something Ozaki silently agreed.


“So… what’re your names?” The Woman then went on to ask.


“Oh! I’m-!” Ozaki was about to say it first, but then, a loud caw interrupted them.


“Caw! Why are you all still standing around! Get a move on, Caw! Head to Mount Natagumo! Caw! Mount Natagumo!” The Male Crow bellowed them out.


“We’ll talk on the way!” Ozaki completely changed course and decided to listen to the Kasugai Crow. Something all of them ended up doing, albeit with some delays.


“For the best, yeah.” The woman agreed.


“Let’s go then.” Murata added in as he stepped forward and made his way. All of them doing the exact same thing.


With little fanfare, all five Demon Slayers made their way to their next destination, unaware that Mount Natagumo would be the site of another slaughter.


And with that, we are completely done with Shibuya. Now, we're going back on track to how things went during Canon.

Mount Natagumo, here we come...

Regardless of that, I hope you've enjoyed what we've given out for this chapter. Which was mostly just interactions and some addressed plot points. We don't have much time to address how things are going in Shibuya, but we sure can show some things before the characters have to head out.

With that said and done, I'll see you all next time!

[Taisho Whispers and Rumors]

In an attempt to cheer up Zenitsu when he woke up, Tengen tried to reveal what was below Inosuke’s mask. Only to be shocked when Zenitsu cut him off, as he already knew. His following answer was nothing short of tired: “You made me his babysitter for a week. It'd be a miracle if I hadn't seen his face in that time.”

Chapter 24: Creepy Crawlies


Greetings everyone! I am back, as the one uploading a chapter! And all I can say is that I hope you all enjoy it and get hyped up for what is to come soon with the Mount Natagumo arc of this story. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“So, what do we know about Mount Natagumo?”

The Travel to their Destination was soon going to come to an end. Since yesterday, the Group had gone at a steady pace to reach the Mount in question and by now, they had to be close to it.

Which is why Kie, who’d only had this now pop into mind, asked. There was a moment of silence where no answer was given, but before long, someone did reply. 

“Barely anything. I just know it’s possibly a similar situation to Shibuya.”

Frowns and an uncomfortable feeling filled everyone in various levels. Just thinking back on how things had ultimately gone made them not all to glad to brave the possible dangers of Mount Natagumo.

It wasn’t helped that they virtually knew nothing, as seen when barely anything else was added to these words.

Murata gave a loud exhale.

“Is it too much to hope it’s actually just a group of Demons?”

Before Shibuya, just the idea of a group of Demons would have been a Nightmare. But now, a group of Demons seemed preferable in comparison to anything else.

Especially if there was a Demon who could pull those Nightmares in some fashion.

“I’d say we shouldn’t think so morosely.” Ozaki cut in while the negativity wasn’t too solid, “For all we know, the group of Demons in there is hoping we get scared before getting in the Mount. We’re not gonna win if we imagine the worst thing coming out.”

A point that was raised, and one that was almost immediately agreed by the only other boy in the Group.

“She’s right. The Demons in there probably take advantage of how unknown they are. But that ends today.”

They weren’t the only Group going to Mount Natagumo. Many others before them were either getting there or already in the Mount, Hunting.

“We’ve survived Shibuya. We can deal with a Den of Demons.” Trying to sound cheerful, the boy had success, albeit dampened.

Still, Kie appreciated the effort there, and she tried to intensify that positivity.

“Yeah, he’s right. We all got through Shibuya, one way or another. And compared to that, there’s no way droves of Demons can come to this Mount. Or else, we’d have already known.”

And that meant they wouldn’t be dealing with days’ worth of fighting here. Or, at least, Kie hoped so.

Murata looked ready to say something when his eyes widened.

“Oh. Hey, guys… I think we’re getting there.” At those words, he pointed ahead.

As they’d been engrossed in the conversation, most had their heads turned away to look at the other. But at Murata’s motion, all paid attention ahead again.

And it allowed them to see the Mountain ahead of them. Growing closer and closer each step they took.

There was… an odd feeling that began to wash over them the closer they got.

“Hey. Am I dreaming or is that place giving me really bad vibes?” One of the Boys said, and Kie silently admitted she shared that sentiment.

Ozaki though did not plan to keep quiet about it.

“You’re right, there’s… something really weird there.”

But at the moment, besides giving them bad feelings, the Mount in question looked completely normal. Not giving off many other signs of something being wrong.

“Well… at least we’re in the right place.” Kie stated, “The others should-”

Then, she went quiet. An action that surprised them all, but their question as to why Kie had gone quiet was answered almost immediately when they themselves went quiet and just as still.

None of them missed the sight of a Body, status unknown, sprawled on the ground and motionless at this distance.

Their next course of action was obvious to them all as they rushed to approach, and the closer they got, the more obvious it was that the person, a fellow Demon Slayer, was still alive.

He was crawling at an agonizingly slow pace. One that made it obvious before they even got a closer look that he was injured. And when his head hunched up to look at what was causing the footsteps, the Blood on his face affirmed that belief.

“H-Help me.” He whimpered out, halting his crawling.

That was a mistake.

“Hey, what happened here?” Within hearing range, Murata was the first and only one who got a word out to the injured Demon Slayer. But the moment they were within arm’s reach, the Demon Slayers Body, previously sprawled, was all of a sudden pulled.

The action was done abruptly, but Kie had tried to extend a hand and catch the Person before they were out of arms reach. An attempt at saving his Life that would in the end fail as the fellow slipped by just an inch away.

“They were attached to me too?!” The Man cried out in horror as he understood something they didn’t. But that understanding served nothing else but to have him cry out as his body returned to the forest.

In vain, he cried out for help.

“Help me!”

And then, the Man vanished out of their sight and into the forest that had become all the more horrifying to look at.

Needless to say, everyone was looking at what had just happened with horror.

And this feeling wasn’t helped when they all heard, and for Kie felt, a bang from the box. It startled them all.

“Ah-! That scared me!” Ozaki had downright jumped from the sound and Kie immediately apologized, turning around to not only face her, but the others to.

“Sorry! I… something in there must have fallen down.”

Although as she said that, Kie’s eyes trailed to her back, initially just to the Box, it would then trail back to the Forest further behind.

“Was Tanjiro reacting to that Man’s cry for help or… something else entirely?”

“Okay, just… how the hell did that guy go flying back into that forest!? I couldn’t see anything on him!” One of the two Slayers who Kie realized, she didn’t get the name of, yelled out in frustration and worry, seeming to have decided to quickly ignore the sound from Kie’s box to focus on what just happened.

“I…. I don’t fucking know. But that… are we dealing with another Blood Demon Art with insane range.” The other one whose name Kie didn’t know of spoke up shakily, his skin growing paler by the second until it almost looked chalk white.

“Shit… shit, are we really dealing with another Shibuya then!” Murata yelled out as panic began to rise up from within him, making everyone tense up at the thought that just suddenly became very possible.

“A-Alright. Alright, calm down everyone!” Ozaki though took a moment to try and calm herself down, and was actually able to regain a little bit of composure. But as she tried getting everyone’s attention, they all ended up ignoring her, too caught up within their own minds to spare her any thought.

Though, one did speak up and say words that none of the 4 were expecting.

“I… I’m going in there.” Kie said with a look of determination and already began to walk towards the forest, which caught her group’s attention.

“The hell are you thinking!? Are you really about to walk into Shibuya 2.0 only days after we left that place!?” The male Slayer whose name she didn’t know, yelled out in disbelief, looking at the Kamado like she was crazy.

“I… I’ll be honest, I am terrified. But not only do we still have a mission to do, but think about our comrades already fighting in there. If we can save even one of them, especially those that went in completely blind… then I say it is worth going.” Kie answered simply, feeling uncomfortable as she felt the gazes of the other 4 on her back and looking towards the forest that the injured Slayer was dragged back into.

“...She’s right you know. Besides, we can’t really call ourselves Demon Slayers if we ran from some Demons now, can we?” Ozaki said with a smirk, walking over to stand by Kie while the others stared at the two.

“Okay. You’re both right if I’m being honest.” Murata agreed, taking a moment before standing up and walking to the two female Slayers.

As for the other 2 Slayers… they were still clearly the most terrified of the group, but seeing the others recover from the idea of a 2nd Shibuya and be willing to go in…

“...Let’s do this then.” The unnamed male Slayer said, with the group all now walking towards the Forest with their guards up.

All while Kie made sure to stay behind, looking at the box that held Tanjiro with worry.

“Why are you acting up little brother?” Kie thought to herself, feeling, and just hearing the young Demon’s movements from within, clearly restless. Thankfully though, with the distance between her and the others, and them all focusing on any possible attacks or sudden movements, they didn’t hear Tanjiro.

“Dammit it! What is up with all these spiders and webs?” However, she didn’t get the chance to think about her brother’s behaviour for much longer, as the annoyed yell of the unnamed Slayers drew her attention. Causing the Kamado to see her comrade slice through a large web that actually looked bigger than any of them.

“This is all of our first times here. How would we know?” The other unnamed Demon Slayer said to their comrade's question, earning him what looked like an annoyed glare at first, but it quickly disappeared in exchange for an eye roll.

“Whatever. Now come on, we got to….” The annoyed one said as they all continued walking, but as he stepped on a twig and snapped it…

He stopped moving. Something that confused the others as they looked at their comrade strangely.

“Hey man, are you okay?” Murata asked the Slayer in confusion, a sense of unease growing amongst the other 4 as they looked at each other.

And yet, their companion did not respond.

“Is… Is there something you can see over there?” The one right next to their silent ally asked, stepping forward to look him in the eye. And yet, as he snapped multiple twigs beneath his feet as he moved, and saw the other Slayer’s eyes…

He only had a second to look surprised before his body slumped over for just an instant, and then rising back to full height, with his head still looking down at the ground.

“...You two, if this is some joke, then this isn’t the place for that.” Ozaki warned the two seriously, which seemed to cause to walk around his comrade with a slight shuffle while the one that initially stopped moving now turned around, his head dipping down to also look at the ground.

But then, completely out of nowhere…

The two lunged forward, swinging with their blades at a sudden speed that almost managed to claim the lives of Murata and Ozaki! Thankfully though, the duo were just able to jump back, with only Ozaki being injured in the form of an extremely small cut on her nose.

“What are you two doing!?” Kie yelled out to the pair while raising her Nichirin Sword up into a defensive posture, an action that Ozaki and Murata copied only an instant after the Kamado.

No answers came to the words, as instead, the two both charged in an eerily synchronized manner that forced Murata and Ozaki to block them. In itself, this wouldn’t have been an issue for them, but when both also went on to repeatedly bash their Nichirin Blades on their Swords, keeping a steady grip became hard.

“Knock it off you two!” Murata warned them, but just like every words the others had given, they received no reply.

Kie during that had quietly sheathed her Nichirin Blade, an action missed by both Murata and Ozaki as they had no choice but to pay attention to their comrades turned aggressors.

Though, it wasn’t long before they did notice Kie’s action. Not when she proceeded to charge at one of the aggressors, slamming him into his companion and knocking them down.

Not a second wasted, Kie lunged at them both and gripped a hand on each of their backs, pinning them down.

“Are you even listening to us?!” Kie frustratingly growled out, making sure her palm kept them pinned down.

That action caused her to notice something none of them would have noticed otherwise. And that realization caused her eyes to widen.

An action not missed by Ozaki and Murata, with the former worriedly speaking.

“Kie. Why-”

“Shh!” Murata abruptly shushed her, much to Ozaki’s confusion.

“Why are you shushing me?”

Listen.” Murata emphasized.

While she was confused by why Murata was asking her to listen, she did so.

It was quiet. There wasn’t much sound to be heard, and safe for the initial struggle one may heard from Kie pinning down the two, it all seemed quiet.

Except, slowly, Ozaki caught on to a sound that was odd.

In fact, it was odd enough there was no way to describe it. Neither Ozaki or Murata or even Kie could pinpoint what this sound even was.

That snapped Kie out of what had caught her in her own mind as she’d looked up and around.

“That’s… not the sound of an animal, right?”

Murata and Ozaki both immediately denied this. If there was an Animal who could make that sound, then they weren’t aware of it. But that would have been much more preferable.

Especially as the sound grew stronger and stronger. Until eventually, one of them noticed from where the sound was coming from.

“Over there!” Ozaki had been much more quiet when exclaiming this, to the point it sounded more like a loud whisper.

Murata and Kie turned their sights as to where Ozaki was looking, and it allowed them to see as well the origins of this sound.

Approaching them, step by step at an unsteady pace, was a Demon Slayer. Each movements of his Muscle gave off that sound.

And behind him, another. And next to that one, another. And then another followed behind.

All moving in this unsteady manner, and one that was already giving warning bells in their minds that something was truly off here.

And if that wasn’t enough to show it, then the blood leaking down their mouth certainly should.

But for all the warnings, those people were still Human, right?

Murata at least seemed to believe so. Or perhaps it was more accurate to say he wanted to believe it.

“You guys… it’s good to see you all!”

But considering the shaky tone under his Breath, he wasn’t fooling anyone. Just like Ozaki and Kie, all of them were aware that something strange was going on.

And if any doubts remained before that, then they faded all to quickly once the one at the front went to slash at Murata. But an unsuccessful one, as he’d seen it and blocked it.

“What the hell is going on here?!” Though that didn’t stop the panic he was feeling once he did the action. A panic that went dead quiet once his eyes saw through the bangs of this Demon Slayer, and at the eyes.

Kie, while that was going on, observed what had once been her two comrades as she spoke.

“I might have figured out something.”

Stepping up, she then drew her Nichirin Blade. An action which made Ozaki wonder if she was going to do what she believed.

But as Ozaki focused her attention back on a Demon Slayer who attacked her, her belief was proven wrong as Kie swung her sword at empty air.

Only then did she focus her attention on the other Demon Slayers present, sword held high but with a morose expression.

“Do they look… alive to you?”

Ozaki didn’t even have time to answer that, as Murata had long since noticed exactly what was wrong with them.

“They’re not.” Shakily, Murata was able to push back with some success the walking corpse, but he didn’t look proud in the least.

“That explains it.” Kie intercepted one of the Corpses as they tried to overwhelm Ozaki, “Something killed them. And it might have been the same thing for our two comrades.”

Both Ozaki’s and Murata’s eyes widened in a similar fashion to Kie’s when that fact had struck in. While they were there, within such a short vicinity, those two had been killed.

“But if they’re all dead-!” Murata stepped back narrowly to avoid a slash aimed his way, and then diverted a strike meant for Ozaki, “How are they moving?!”

“By using threads!” Kie swiftly blocked an overhead strike and then spun around to have its back into view, “The thread are attached to their back!”

That was all they needed to know, Murata and Ozaki were not about to waste this vital piece of Information.

Just as Kie cut off the threads of one of them, they moved as swiftly as they could. And while slower than Kie, who would during that time cut off the threads out of another’s back, they would be able to reach the backs of their own Targets and slice right through.

As both last fell down with a thud, Murata and Ozaki panted and gave heavy breaths before the latter spoke first.

“...Blood Demon Art… yeah?”

“For sure.”


Murata and Kie both respectively affirmed Ozaki's words before Kie looked around.

“But where… where is that Demon controlling them from?”

That’s the one thing she couldn’t understand. How was the Demon controlling them from the Threads alone? In fact, how else could she even control someone when those things should be attached?

As she felt the Box shake again, Kie’s eyes caught the sight of small spiders walking over her Uniform’s sleeves.

Spiders who were creating threads…

Realization hit Kie just at the same time as she felt her arm being pulled. And while that was all that could be done as the threads were only attached to her left sleeve, Kie still rushed to cut off the threads while the Spiders fell off.

“Be careful! There are Spiders who attach the threads!”

That was all the warning Kie could give to Murata and Ozaki before all of them noticed as the Bodies stood back up on their unsteady feet.

“Oh come on, those small little things?!” Murata annoyedly stated as his eyes noticed the small white spiders on the ground. He tried to keep his attention on both, but it was not easy.

“We need to find the Demon who has this Power!” Ozaki said, “We can’t continue like this!”

She fully agreed with this. But finding that Demon wouldn’t be easy. The Demon could be anywhere.

Kie realized at this moment there was only one option that could deal with all of this swiftly enough there would be no risks of tiring out before then, but that meant risking her Brother’s Life.

For a moment, Kie hesitates in the idea. Not when Tanjiro would definitely be in danger, as Murata and Ozaki could always decide to kill him.

And really, how hard could it be finding that one Demon if they ran?

As she saw, both were dealing with the Corpses swiftly now that they knew what they were dealing with. Surely, with just the three of them-

“No.” Kie shook her head, “I’d be risking them also falling prey to being Puppets. Then, not only would I be alone, but this would be completely my fault.”

And as short as their companionship had been, Murata and Ozaki had been decent people.

She can’t risk throwing their lives away to.

“I have an idea.” Kie declares to them, “But I need you to-!”

And then, a Shadow covered her form.

As if this shadow alone could command even the Threads controlling the Corpses, they went dead still.

Such action allowed the Three to raise their heads. First Kie, as she felt this Shadow cover her, and then Murata and Ozaki, as they noticed Kie’s abrupt ending.

All 3 of them would see, up in the sky, seemingly floating, a Boy.

Pale in colour and with an equally pale Kimono. His left eye was covered by his bangs.

This Demon Boy stared at the three of them down. His expression even and not showing an inch of what he may feel deep down.

“I am fortunate. The Trial me and my Family must go through has at its end the sweetest reward possible.”

And his words were without a doubt confusing. Yet that wasn’t the worst of it yet. Not when the boy had more to say.

“Welcome to me and my Family’s Home, Kamado Kie.”

Her answer to that greeting was immediate.

“How do you know my name?!”

It was Lower Moon One all over again! Just like he, this Boy somehow knew her name. How?

“I have my ways.” The reply was cheeky and absolutely infuriating, even though the Boy displayed none of the signs of a cheeky brat. His expression remained even.

“But that matters not. What does is that you are here.” His single eye set on Murata and Ozaki, “And with more guests than imagined.”

There was a momentary pause as the Boy raised his right arm, all fingers outstretched and ready to do something.

Only, nothing seemed to happen.

“My Family can entertain themselves with the new guests.”

And then, like a Command, all the Corpses abruptly shot back into action with a newfound ferocity that they previously did not have.

Murata and Ozaki found themselves so caught off guard by this that their reaction mostly ended in failure.

Murata found that one of them had broken through his defence and landed a cut on his shoulder while Ozaki fell down from the blow she’d blocked.

If not for Murata barely adjusting, Ozaki may have joined the many other Demon Slayers who met their end in Mount Natagumo. But instead of that, Murata’s action allowed Ozaki to stand back up and defend Murata in turn from another Corpse.

Yet both found themselves pushed back. And more importantly, away from Kie.

Kie’s attention turned away from the Demon Boy to the rapidly retreating figures of Murata and Ozaki. Her intent clear, to help them.

But the Boy who appeared to float would have none of that.

“Don’t try. You’ll waste your Breath.”

Kie’s attention turned to glare at the Boy, ready to deny his words. But it was then she noticed something she’d failed to notice earlier.

That outstretched hand? Four of his digits were moving erratically, as if pressing onto something repeatedly. And doing so as swiftly as possible.

It was then that a thought crossed her mind.

“Could he be the one with the Blood Demon Art…?”

The moment he had outstretched his Hand, the Corpses movements had increased by such a dramatic portion the ease they could have previously handled this had vanished like a gust of wind.

So he should be the one Kie has to target.

“Please hold on until I deal with him!” Kie prayed for their Safety as she came to her decision. An action not entirely missed by the Boy as he noticed her gazing at him.

“Will you now stay put?” He questioned her. And her answer was simple.

“No.” Straightforward, Kie would then act. Charging ahead, Kie jumped on a tree branch and then launched herself up towards the Boy that held himself up in the air.

Much to said Boy’s annoyance as he moved his other arm and swung it in her direction. Easily mistaken as a swipe, five threads emerged out of his fingers as they followed the motion and hit Kie right through the chest.

She gave a cry of pain briefly, and yet, she smirked.

“Got you~!”

Because she’d never aimed at the Boy himself, but instead at the threads he used as Foothold to make himself appear as if he was floating in the air.

He was, to say the least, unimpressed by that.

“How Childish.” He remarked as both fell down. Kie, while landing on her legs, did stumble down while the boy landed gracefully on his feet.

Kie didn’t miss how his right arm had stopped with all the finger motions he’d done earlier, which meant right now, the Corpses should be back to their much more manageable state.

Or at least, she hoped so.

But Kie did not have time to think of this further, not when with that same right arm, the Boy generated threads that formed into silk and then swung it at her like a whip.

She was able to avoid the blow, but that Tree that had been next to her took the full brunt of that blow as the boy destroying what came in contact with it.

The Tree capsized then as Kie stepped back to avoid the Tree falling on top of her. And with a loud thud, Kie’s eyes narrowed at the Demon Boy past it.

He was glaring at her in turn, and both did not move for a moment. It allowed Kie to think over the situation.

“He mentioned a Family earlier, so he’s not alone. Not surprising, but then that means he’s not the worst thing I have to deal with…”

Which meant there may just be more she’d need to deal with.

Still, she had to pray Murata and Ozaki could deal with whatever issues they would be faced with, because at this moment, she truly doubted this Demon would let her be.

On top of that, she wanted to know how it knew her name.

With her decision set, Kie jumped at the Tree and then resumed another jump as she Breathed and attacked the Boy.

“Water Breathing - Third Form: Flowing Dance!”

The Boy all the while looked unimpressed as threads emerged out of his fingertips, moving in the counter her attack.

And as the Nichirin Blade clashed against the Demons threads, the Battle against the Lower Moon started.

- - - - - - - - - -

“I see… this is very troubling.” A man stated calmly, yet his voice betrayed what he was truly feeling in this moment. 

Still… the feel of a crow’s feathers within his hands, and the poor creature’s near laboured breathing was a sign that he couldn’t afford to panic, or be trapped in his own thoughts.

“You did well to return, so rest.” The man told the Crow, and after hearing footsteps next to him, he felt the young creature be taken from his hands by one of his daughters. Which gave him the time to focus on the two Demon Slayers he knew were behind him.

“Already, the large number of deaths at Mount Natagumo would suggest either high Demon activity or even the presence of a Twelve Kizuki. And just now, the presence of Lower moon 2 has been confirmed, and the Demon seems to wish to fight a Hashira.” The man continued on, knowing that the Slayers were paying close attention to his words. Even the man that was currently gulping down alcohol directly from his Gourd, and the child he heard approaching, and most certainly overhearing this discussion right now.

She may be an excellent swordswoman, but she needed to learn how to hide better.

Then again, he felt like in this instance, doing so could be forgiven given the many things that have suddenly happened since last week.

“However, I don’t fully intend to grant this Demon’s desires. So, here is your new mission…” Kagaya said, and while he could not see, he knew his daughters turned their attention to some of the most brilliant swordsmen within the Corps.

“Jōkasa Iguro and Shinjuro Rengoku. You are both to head to Mount Natagumo to slay Lower moon 2 and save as many of the lower ranks there as you can.” The Corps leader declared with a firm finality in his voice he only gave on decisions that he believed had to be made.

“Understood!” He heard the pair of Hashira speak as one, though you could clearly tell who was who by the tones of their voice.

“Another Lower moon, huh? To have the guts to try and goad out a Hashira… this one is to alike the last Lower moon 2 I fought.” Shinjuro said gruffly as he soon stood up to full height, taking a quick moment to down the rest of the alcohol within the gourd in his left hand.

“Regardless, we should be careful. Who knows what kind of Blood Demon Art this insect has if it feels so bold.” Jōkasa said, grabbing her sheathed blade that lay down by her side and stood up, ready for the new assignment as she began to move.

“Forgive me for speaking up master… but if you will accept, I would like to go on this mission as well.” However, before the swordswoman could either move past Kagaya or leave through a door to get to her mission with Shinjuro, a new voice spoke up. And one that the Corps leader was quite familiar with, especially with such a request.

“Really brat? You’re going to make this kind of request right now?” Shinjuro asked with a light groan, and despite his lack of sight, the Ubuyashiki Head knew that the longest serving Demon Slayer of the Corps’ current line-up was glaring at the new arrival.

“And why are you even here? As far as I’m aware, you weren’t summoned by Oyakata-Sama.” Jōkasa though, spoke with a tone of voice that was a mixture between fed up also just tired with the new arrival. 

And yet, Kagaya seemed to have ignored the complaints of his 2 Hashira as he smiled.

“It is alright, my children. Now my dear, are you sure that you wish to go to Mount Natagumo with Jōkasa and Shinjuro?” The Ubuyashiki assured the two swordsmen, before focusing on the new arrival, turning his head in the direction of where he could hear footsteps.

“I am sure, Oyakata-Sama.” The arrival said with confidence in her decision, and Kagaya didn’t need his sight to know that his child was bowing to him right now.

“Hm…. Very well. In that case, you know of your new mission my dear.” Kagaya said with a smile, just hearing the sigh from Jokasa and he just knew that Shinjuro was looking at his empty gourd sadly right now.

“Thank you, Master.”


I wonder who that person was at the end.

Now to start things off, we have Kie, Ozaki and Murata, alongside 2 unnamed Demon Slayers, arriving at Mount Natagumo at last. And after Shibuya, I'm sure that you can understand why they were tense and even panicked when that Slayer they found got dragged back into the forest of the mountain. And to add onto that, it appears Tanjiro has noticed something, the 2 unnamed Slayers were instantly killed and turned into puppets (honestly, you wouldn't believe the conversation the whole puppet Slayers thing caused while writing this chapter), Rui shows up while isolating the Kamados and now Ozaki and Murata are on their own against possibly the rest of the Spider family. So things are quite tense really...

On the other hand though, things aren't hopeless. Because Rui himself made sure some Hashira are coming, and this time, 3 of them will arrive on Mount Natagumo! And we got to know more of this Hashira line up in the form of Shinjuro Rengoku, and Jōkasa Iguro! I'm sure the former has probably surprised quite a few of you, but trust me, we got plans with him and everyone. As for Jōkasa though, I'm curious if anyone will be able to realise what her connection is to the canon Serpent Hashira is.

Oh, and lastly, Rui is back at full power and has the abilities of the rest of his family. I can only imagine how powerful he will be here, and how Kie will try to deal with him.

Taisho Secret
The Kasugai Crow that reported to Kagaya Ubuyashiki belonged to one of the Demon Slayers that went ahead of Kie’s Group.

Also, if anyone wants to make fanart based on this story, then you have our full permission to do so! And if possible, please share it with us so we can see them (truly, I hope someone draws Kagaya talking with his Hashira here when we reveal Shinjuro and Jōkasa's designs in this AU).

Series this work belongs to: