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Only a Ginger Could be so Special


A fluffy/angsty little fic about how an ex-professor/hero at UA turned vigilante meets a feathered hero who can't seem to take a hint. When they start to work together, will this cold and damaged woman finally help Hawks get the support he so desperately craves?

Will the toughness, the tears, and the toles of a past life atoned eventually soften Asami's heart into someone who believes they deserve love and has the ability to truly trust someone other than herself?

Asami is a vigilante who's best (and only) friend just happens to be the only villain that she won't get rid of. He also happens to despise anyone that even talks to her. It doesn't matter to her, she doesn't care to make any friends in her line of work anyways. Especially not with hero's whether from her past or not.

Hawks seems to want to break that rule Asami has created for herself of not working with hero's and become her friend and partner. Maybe even a personal partner? That's if Asami's walls ever finally come down and she opens up to him, which according to her is never. However he doesn't care how long he has to wait. He just knows that he want's to be there when "never" is finally over.


Just for future me and anyone who wants to know, I'll be keeping the word count for each chapter in the notes at the end :)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter 1: An Unlikely Meeting


For future me and anyone who's curious, I'll be posting the word count of each chapter at the end notes :)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Nishiyama Asami, a girl with a quirk that isn’t anything special but it does the job just fine. 


She has a quirk called Void of Light. She can bend light and the void of it (the dark) to her will, managing teleportation, shadow and light manifestations, even the ability to take light away and more.


Her second quirk however is Liquid Dominance. The ability to control anything that was once, can be, or is a type of liquid and control it in any way she pleases. If she wants something she could make it using her quirk too, among other things.


Today she’s almost, almost struggling during training.


“Dang it!” Asami mutters as her attack misses the man in front of her with hair as black as the shadows that bend to her will.


“Oh Princess, are you getting weak?” He says as he quickly closes the distance between them to force a fistfull of blue into her face that she narrowly avoids by rolling onto the ground. 


Just as quickly as she was down, she was back up on her feet.


“Aw Dabi! It truly warms my heart to know you’re so concerned!” She says sarcastically, teasing the older man.


If she wasn’t looking straight at him she might have missed the look of surprise by her response, however it was quickly replaced by his classic smile that almost never shows his teeth.


Asami quickly uses the shade of the trees surrounding them to her advantage as Dabi once again makes a move towards her.


“See ya!” Are her last words before hopping into a shadow she had expanded on of the nearby trees with a mock two fingered salute before entering.


“Why do you always have to do this when you know you’re losing?” Dabi grumbles in annoyance, spinning around to see where Asami will appear.


Her voice echoes through the canopy. “Maybe it’s cause I know this is the best way to catch you off-” Asami jumps out of a tree trunk, tackling Dabi, “guard.” She finished, even though Dabi wasn’t facing her she knew he could hear the confidence in her voice.


Dabi’s face was pressed against the dirt as Asami kept both his arms pinned against his back. 


Dabi hissed, not enjoying the pain Asami was creating in his arm from bending too far back. “Ugh alright, alright I give.” He mumbled, clearly unhappy with the situation.


She let go of his arms and took a few steps back so he had some space, after being defeated, to rage. He scoffed as he got up and swatted the dirt off of his coat.


“Did poor little Dabi get his feelings hurt when he got beaten by an ex-hero?” Asami mocked, making a pouting face as she spoke.


“Shut the hell up before I incinerate your vocal cords into ash. See if you can mock me then.” He said, staring daggers into her.


“We both know I would put out your fire before then.” She dismissed his statement with a wave of her hand as they walked back towards the LOV hideout. Training was clearly finished for the day.


That did not help his bad attitude, causing them to walk in silence as Dabi continued to mope.


They walked the rest of the way towards the LOV with Asami occasionally casting large shadows above them as they hid from hikers and joggers wandering along the path and backroads.


As they neared the LOV they heard footsteps against the pavement and quickly ducked next to a building as none other than hero-in-training Todoroki Shoto ran by.


Asami’s eyes grew twice in size as they followed her former student. She may have been in front of Dabi, therefore not facing him, but she could still see the soft glow of blue against the walls.


Asami whipped around just in time to see Dabi about to run after Shoto with half his arm hosting a quickly growing fire. Looking as if he was begging to smell burnt flesh.


“No Dabi.” Asami warned sending a stream of water from a nearby puddle to stop his quirk from continuing. 


“Come on, just let me make one of his arms a little crispy, maybe a leg?” He spoke softly with a deranged look.


Asami shook her head placing a hand on his chest to stop him. “No, you know you have to get back to the hideout. You don’t want to make Shigaraki angry do you?” She questioned, already knowing the answer.


“Crusty needs to stop being so damn clingy.” Dabi spits, still furious from the lost opportunity to burn Shoto alive.


“Let’s go.” Asami says, grabbing his undrenched arm. Forcing Dabi to stop staring at the spot where the Todoroki disappeared in front of brick walls.


Dabi huffs but lets Asami pull him along to the LOV. Knowing full well the consequences that would follow if he didn’t listen to her.


They make it to the back door before Asami stops in her tracks.


“Well this is where I leave you to go do villain plotting or whatever it is you do.” She says with a teasing roll of her forest green eyes.


“You could come with me ya know, you don’t have to be on your own all the time.” Dabi whispers, always disappointed when they have to part ways. She was his only real friend after all. 


Asami refuses with a soft shake of her head. “You know I can’t, I may not be a hero anymore but I still can’t work with villains, you know you’re the only exception.”


She had met Dabi only a few years after she became a hero. They had a unique meeting, resulting in them becoming fast friends to say the least over the shared experience. Even though she was a hero, she could never bring herself to turn in Dabi, no matter what he did. He was too good of a friend to her.


It’s been 3 years since they first met and they’ve been almost inseparable besides when Dabi has to work with the League and Asami has to do jobs.


Dabi did a small nod, still not happy with her predictable answer. “Hey, same time next week?” Asami offers.


“You think I’ll miss out on finally making you be the one to eat a faceful of dirt? I don’t think so.” He said, his normal personality already showing through. “Don’t miss me too much Princess.”


“We’ll just have to see won’t we? And I don’t think I will at all” She says, used to his empty flirting when he doesn’t want to face his emotions. And with that, she hops into a portal. Seeing Dabi’s (still forced) smile as he went through the door before landing on a rooftop.


The sun was slowly setting and day was turning to dusk as she surveyed the people finishing last minute shopping, or going to work night shifts, looking for anyone who might be causing trouble.


A strong breeze blows by, her ombre-orange hair tapping against her face in its natural lava lamp form that only she was unaffected by. As the breeze slowed, gently falling next to her was a crimson red feather.


She barely gives it a second look, staying keen for a criminal that could show up at any time.


“You come here often?” A voice sounds out, breaking her peaceful silence.


Asami quickly turns around looking for who the voice belongs to only to find no one else was on top of the roof.


Thinking it was just her very bizarre imagination, she looks back down at the streets. 


“Not gonna answer? How rude, must be because you’re a ginger.” A voice comments. Asami doesn’t hesitate before falling through a shadow and coming up behind a man with messy blonde hair and large red wings.


WIngs the same color as the feather she saw earlier. She files that thought away and draws out a small stick from her pocket and in a second it expands into a large ivory colored bow.


She draws the bow carefully but quickly, pointing it at the back of his head, unsure of what the man before her plans to do. “Going to fire a bow with no arrow?” He says, voice tinted with obvious amusement. “You just think I don’t have an arrow.” She says, not yet willing to reveal her other quirk until she knows more about his intentions.


“How interesting, care to share your name before you shoot me?” He says, releasing a small laugh. He isn’t afraid? I could kill him in an instant if I wanted, this isn’t even the deadliest way to kill someone with my quirks.


She shakes off her thoughts before she gets distracted and slips up. She replies with, “I don’t owe you my name, but considering right now your life is in my hands, I do believe you owe me yours.” She demands.


“Takami Keigo is my name, don't wear it out.” He says turning around slowly to reveal a smirk plastered across his face with teeth shining as bright as a lightbulb.


“And what do you want?” Asami was never one for beating around the bush. She always got straight to the point, dragging anything out was near painful sometimes, even if it’s metaphorical.


The avian looks her up and down and looks her straight in the eyes suddenly serious. “You are Nishiyama Asami right? I want to help you.”


Asami looks at him, if she felt any shock at all she definitely didn't show it. She didn’t want this “Takami” to know she was actually considering his proposition.


“What do you mean help? Help with what exactly?” Mild confusion was clear in her voice. She knew he was talking about her status but was he talking about the elimination of average criminals? Murderers? Big shot villains? Did he want to help her with cleaning up the scene? Get them to jail? Kill them?


“I want to help you destroy the League of Villains.” He said simply as if he thinks it wasn’t obvious enough. “They need to be stopped and you’re the only one capable of actually doing it from what I’ve been told, besides me of course. You also have an inside source.”


“No I don’t.”


“Excuse me?” Takami says, brow furrowing in confusion.


“I don’t have an inside source.” Asami clarifies. The last thing she was going to do was reveal her connection to Dabi. Especially when it could be used against her since she still wasn’t sure about the man with fire red wings before her.


“Besides, why would you want to help me get rid of an extremely dangerous villain organization when you must know there’s a high chance you’ll die?” Asami finally lets her full confusion show through. However she still hasn’t lowered her bow, ready to generate an arrow at any moment if at some point Takami attempts to attack her unexpectedly.


“Well that’s easy.” He lets his bright teeth be shown again. “I’m pro hero Hawks and the Hero Commission has sent me to put a stop to them.” He holds up a finger to make his point. 


Asami regains her composure and almost creates an arrow at the sudden movement but doesn’t when she realizes the reason behind said movement.


She processes what was just said to her, and her eyes widen significantly. “Pro hero? You work for the Hero Commision? And you thought to ask a vigilante for help? How do you still have your job? The Hero Commision wants me dead!”


“Yep, yep, yep, probably pure luck, and also yes.” He answers her statements and Asami guesses the look he’s going for is charming and “cute” by the tone of his voice. “But you are probably, again, the only one strong enough to help me take them down. And if you will, I recommend you lower your white stick.”


Suddenly annoyed, “It’s called a recurve bow , and I’ll lower it when I feel like it.” She says through clenched teeth. If there was one thing Asami didn’t like, it was heroes that thought they could order her around just because of their title or rank.


“Is that so?” He tilts his head up so he gets to look down on her with one sparkly gold eye illuminated by the fading sun. A red blur leaves his wings and suddenly Asami feels something sharp in the side of her neck.


She turns her head slowly, keeping one eye on the avian, to see a red feather sharp as obsidian staying close to her neck no matter how much she slowly leaned away.


“What the hell is this?” She says, furious eyes focusing back on the blonde. “I can kill you right now before this stupid feather, which is clearly yours, can even react. And judging by how it follows my every move, I know for a fact I'm not exaggerating.”


Asami glares daggers at Hawks, a fire raging in her eyes. She was not taking him trying to use his “superiority” to intimidate her at all. Nor was she going to even let him think that he was menacing.


Hawks was slightly taken aback by her last statement, especially since she had fully realized just what his feathers were doing.


Hawks makes a joking sneer before forming a wide grin. “I knew I came to the right person.” He looks content at Asami before his feather zooms back and attaches to his wings. 


As a sign of trust, her bow deconstructs and she shoves it back in her pocket, still skeptical. Especially now that he confessed his status as a pro hero.


“No.” She replies shortly.


“What do you mean no?”


“I mean no I’m not going to help you. I don’t help heroes.” Asami glares menacingly at him before turning on her heel and walking away. She would never interact with heroes, much less work with them. Never again.


“You’ll change your mind soon Ginger, don’t worry about it!” Hawks calls after her, revealing her apparent new nickname.


She scoffs to herself, “The name is Leviathan! And no I won’t!” She calls back, she feels her face get ever so slightly warm but shakes her head and disregards it. Assuming it’s just all the UV she's absorbed with expanding shadows all day.


Asami doesn’t hear it but Hawks whispers with a lot of curiosity, “I really hope you do. Then maybe I can finally find out why you’re really the second most wanted person in the country.”


And with that she hears the beating of wings and out of the corner of her eye she sees a figure flying off towards the sun, passing her by.


Hi, sooo this is my first time writing a fanfic so I hope it goes well and your able to enjoy it

If you have any suggestions on how I can improve (pls be nice about it) or anything else feel free to leave a comment about it! :D

Word Count: 2454

Chapter 2: Deep in Thought


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Asami had just tied up a criminal trying to rob a corner store and teleported him to the front of the police station. 


She disliked these small-time criminals that thought they could get away when they haven’t even covered their face from cameras or witnesses. People who thought they were as good as the LOV when they weren’t anywhere close.


They risked their lives and reputations just for profit from theft and popularity from the media. Idiots, all of them.


But to be fair she despised all villains no matter who they were. Well almost all villains, speaking of which she should probably let Dabi know about her interaction with Hawks and what he was planning.


She had done research on the winged hero since their meeting, she had to know just who he was and if he was a threat.


He was 22, with an unknown past. Apparently he really only existed after he was taken in by the Hero Commision when he was 6 years old. His quirks name is Fierce Wings allowing him to manipulate each of his individual feathers.


He did work for the Hero Commission but his inspiration for being a hero turned out to be Endeavor, who was having a lot of bad press a decade back relating to a forest fire and his apparently dead son Todoroki Touya.


But that didn’t concern Asami so she didn’t look too much into that. However, speaking of fathers and sons, there were rumors among the media that Hawks’ dad might have been a criminal so she definitely found that intriguing considering his assignment with the LOV.


The sounds of sirens and a very much alive city filled her ears. There was one place where she could think in peace and not get spotted by heroes and law enforcement.


Asami called it an early night, stopping her search for criminals. She created a shadow portal and slowly stepped in, preparing for the rush of her senses from where she would emerge.


She stepped out from the bottom of the bluffs and onto the shore. She was miles from the city so she wasn’t concerned about anyone finding her and turning her in.


The one place in all of Japan where she could sit alone listening to the quiet cool breeze coming from the ocean. Her only safe haven since becoming a vigilante.


She activated her quirk and drew water from the ocean, turning it into dense thin ice. She sent the ice forward to slice a boulder in half. 


Turning the ice into a more block shape, she directed it to shove the top part off of the boulder so she could sit on the half still in the sand.


It was nearing autumn so the flat surface of the rock was a little cold but Asami didn’t mind, she had always liked the decreasing temperature no matter what mood she was in. Because she was able to control ice it didn’t really affect her anyway.


She listened to the soft lap of waves, absentmindedly playing with the water in her hands. Another bonus of her quirk was if she wanted she could have water resistance, the inability to get wet.


A small ball of water sat in her hands, slowly changing shape. It turned from a ball, to a car, to a hand, into a ring. A ring shaped with branches and vines holding a teardrop at the top where traditionally a diamond would be. Normally the little drop would be teal. An almost robin egg blue, dark and vibrant. However it was cool blue because of the material it was currently made of.


Realizing what she was doing, Asami immediately sent the water back to the ocean. That was from another life, and that life wasn’t for her anymore. Not that it ever was in the first place.


To distract herself she looked up at the moon, it was a crescent, her favorite phase. Both bright and dark with such an interesting ratio. It looked equally as special in the reflection of the water in front of her.


Asami sat there for what seemed like 20 minutes but when she checked the time it had been 2 hours. She sighed, concluding that it was time to go home. Getting off the rock, she walked across the sand and stepped into the ocean.


The ocean rose as she walked, it followed her, creating a path of ice with each step that she took. Asami began to ride the ice down the coastline and along a dirt path for a long time before she got to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Musutafu.


She stepped off the ice. With a single touch, it turned back to water and almost seemed to rewind as it found its way to the ocean. 

Asami faced the run down building in front of her and opened the door. The air was moist and uncomfortable. If there was one weakness she really had, it was sensory. She didn’t waste a second and immediately drew a good amount of water out of the air. 


Not so much that the air was dry, but enough that it was actually comfortable for her. She held the water in the air as she walked across the floor and opened up 3 five gallon water jugs and directed the water into them. It could prove useful for drinking since she could extract water and not the bacteria inside of it.


Which means she won’t have to go into the city just to buy water and risk getting recognized, at least for a few more weeks.


The warehouse was a decent size with two floors. The bottom floor was for training, it had a punching bag, human cutouts and a table with cans on top of it for target practice, and a generally open floor plan so she could set up automatic icicles to shoot to practice dodging, weaving, and avoiding projectiles.


The top floor was her living space, it had a small sunroof in the corner where her room was, a kitchen in the adjacent corner, and the living room was next to the wide spiral stairs in the middle of the floor.


Asami went up the stairs, her eyes felt heavy from all of the sleepless nights she was having lately. It was in fact not doing wonders for her at all. As she got to the top step she got the sudden feeling she was being watched, or at least someone was trying to find her to spy.


She suddenly became more alert and slowly looked around, trying to find the source of her suspicions. She saw no one and nothing. However, Asami came to a sudden realization and slowly she reached up to the space between the back of her jacket and her shirt. 


She felt something soft and carefully pulled on it to hold it in the palm of her hand. She looked at it unamused, “should have known.” She snapped it in two, severing the connection between the small scarlet feather and its owner.


As she tried to sleep she hoped that Hawks hadn’t managed to track the feather all the way to her. Either way, Asami was not going to give up the place she called home without a fight. And from experience, even if there was one, there was not a doubt in her mind she would win.


Even with her lack of rest Asami woke up at dawn, she set up shadow portals around the floors of the warehouse. Anyone who would step into the shadows would be transported to a Mini-Mart 3 towns over.


She set automatic arrows in every window. At the slightest movement, even a leaf falling, they would fire at the target.


She knew it wasn’t a lot of precautions, but she could defend herself just fine. The arrows were her having mercy on whatever unfortunate hero that came to try to arrest her. Even if said arrows were coated with poison deadly enough to kill 3 adult elephants.


She settled herself on top of the roof. It had the best vantage point and she could easily jump down if, by some impossible situation, she had to escape.


She waited and waited. Hours turned into days which turned into two weeks. Asami was suspicious of just where the heroes were as she looked out of one of the bottom floor windows of the warehouse.


She knew they would take time to plan, but surely the 2 years since she became a vigilante meant they had made a plan for this exact instance, right?


A knock came at her door, others would have jumped or gotten nervous, Asami was not like others. She had literally laughed in the face of death before. A high tense situation would not shake her no matter the circumstances.


She carefully crept toward the door, a dagger of ice had formed in her hand. “Princess! You in there?” A familiar voice spoke. Relaxing, she opened the door and ushered Dabi inside. 


“Woah, what's with all the secrecy? Where have you been the past 2 weeks? You missed training, which means you haven’t given me the chance to set you on fire.” He huffed, although Asami could hear the tiniest hint of concern in his voice.


“Sorry Dabs but first things first, have you heard anything about the heroes planning an attack here? Or on me?” She asked. 


Dabi’s eyes narrowed, there was talk every few months or so about where the police thought Asami was hiding, no sources were credible of course. But Asami was directly asking for any chatter which she didn’t normally do unless she had a reason to believe there was an attack planned.


“No… I monitor police chatter 24/7 and I haven’t heard anything.” He says slowly, unsure just what this was about.


“That’s weird.” Asami mumbled, almost getting lost in thought until Dabi was waving his hand in front of her face. “Princess! You wanna tell me what this is about?” 


So Hawks hasn’t told the Hero Commission. That’s odd considering the feather…


“I’ll fill you in later, I have to follow up on a lead. And about training, Friday sound good? I promise I’ll be there this time.” She said, hoping the human torch would accept her (somewhat) apology and agree to meet her then.


Dabi eyed her suspiciously but gave a nod and walked back out the door.


As soon as Dabi left Asami walked through a portal she made in one of the walls and walked out on top of the roof of an apartment complex. She knew this wasn’t where Hawks lived, he was probably too rich to even be seen going in and out of an apartment.


She used the rooftops to her advantage, jumping from roof to roof in her search for the winged hero. Because of her location, she could see both the streets and the air so she was more likely to find him.


She heard the soft flap of wings coming from the street below and saw Hawks soaring in between buildings, clearly working.


Asami discreetly followed him, tailing him to see where he went. She followed him for 3 hours until he finally landed. He walked into a bakery and came back out after a few minutes, now carrying a large decorated box with a dark orange ribbon. 


He took off from the ground after saying hi to a few fans and signing some autographs. Unfortunately some fangirls were now running after him as he flew.


Fans, they never understand boundaries or when to leave you alone. Asami rolled her eyes as she watched them run after Hawks. She looked up from the fans to see he was no longer in sight.


She looked down and the girls were just as confused as her. Somehow he had disappeared in the split second she had looked from the fans to where he was supposed to be.


Asami had heard that Hawks was fast, but was he really that fast?


“Hey Ginger, how ya been?” a voice spoke above her. She looked up to see Hawks hovering above her, a camera ready smile plastered on his face.


“You've been looking for me? Considering you’ve been following me for quite a few hours, I would assume you want to talk to me. Either that or you’re out for murder and that wouldn’t look good for my image if I was killed.” He stated. Asami would have believed he was serious about that last statement if she wasn’t able to tell that he was holding back a laugh.


“Well I found this in my jacket.” Asami opened up a small portal on the door leading to the roof stairs. She pulled out both pieces of the feather. “Ah I see.” The avian mumbled. “So you’re the one who had my feather and broke it, how rude of you by the way cause that hurt.” He playfully pouted. If he was hoping for a reaction or an apology from Asami he definitely wasn’t getting one.


“What do you mean ‘you’re the one who had it’ you purposefully put it in my jacket to track me to my hideout.” She said, glaring poisonous daggers into honey eyes.


“You’re forgetting that just because I can control my feathers, it doesn’t mean that they don’t still fall off when I fly.” He joked, not at all upset at the misunderstanding.


Asami’s eyes narrowed even though she could tell he was telling the truth. His body didn’t tense up, he didn’t force his smile, he didn’t rush the explanation. All signs of him not lying.


“Okay then, good to know.” She said slowly. Just because the avian wasn’t lying in the moment didn’t mean that he could be trusted.


She had made a plan while following him though on the slight (apparently) possible chance that he wasn’t planning an attack on her, and it was now the time to execute it.


“I thought about your offer and I don’t trust you.” Hawks looked visibly disappointed. “However, if it’s just for one job, and we never speak ever again. I will let you help me take down the LOV.” She said simply, trying to hide the slight shake in her voice at agreeing to work with a hero.


She knew it was going to be hard to say it, but Asami had to sit down on the concrete to physically ground herself. However she was still determined to not let her walls fall around Hawks, or any hero, ever.


Hawks landed on the ground upon seeing her change in position. “Hey, you okay?” He said with worry.


Asami took a deep breath and responded, “I’m fine Bird Brain.”


“Wowwww so you can give me a nickname but I can’t give you one? How fair of you, Ginger.” 


“Well being a ginger is a physical trait while you technically actually have the brain of a bird.” She responded.


“Okay I see how it is.” Hawks threw his hands up in defeat. “You sure you’re okay though?” Face covered with concern.


“I said I’m fine.” She glared at Hawks with a look that said “Drop it or I’ll break every one of your feathers.”


He clearly got the message, dropping the topic. “So then what’s our first move, boss?” 




“Well I sort of work for you now so you’re my boss.” Hawks shrugged his shoulders.


“Okay well first, I want to know what you plan to do with the members of the LOV if we end up ‘taking them down.’ Are you going to throw them in prison, try to reform them, or are they so far gone they have to be permanently rid of?” She asked the avian who was now sitting a few feet in front of her.


“Well it depends on the villain really. But no, we won’t euthanize any of them.” Hawks stated with a look of deep thought on his face.


Asami made a fake look of disappointment at the idea of killing all of them. She had to keep up appearances; she couldn’t reveal her connection to Dabi. “Okay so what’s gonna happen to the main 7? Kurogiri, Dabi, Shigaraki, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Twice, and Toga, what’s gonna happen to each of them?” 


“Uh well Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and Toga will probably go to prison considering how many murders they’ve committed. In Kurogiri’s case it's assisting in evading capture which is pretty serious considering the charges he’s helping the rest of them avoid.”


“The rest of them we’re probably gonna try to reform but if that fails then they will go to jail.” Snapping back to reality as he finished, “does all that make sense?”


“Sort of but wouldn’t Dabi go to prison? He’s also killed quite a few people, civilians and heroes alike.” She probably shouldn’t bring it up in case this struck some realization and he would change his mind and get Dabi landed in jail. But Asami just had to know what would happen to him.


“Well that’s the thing, we know Dabi has committed mass murder but he’s the only one who we can’t figure out a motive for,  he could’ve been a villain and just not killed anyone but he chooses to kill and it seems to be with no reason.”


“We don’t think he’s crazy or it has to do with his quirk like Toga, we just don’t know. So the commission decided if he’s ever captured he’ll be given the benefit of the doubt, that he was manipulated by the LOV, and attempt to reform him.” Hawks explained with eyes that gave a look she couldn’t quite figure out, almost as if he was happy a villain wasn’t going to jail.


Like it brought him joy to know a murderer might one day be back on the streets as long as he’s a different person.


“Got it. Okay, I’ll contact you when I have time to form a plan specifically for the League, since it would have to be different from the average and everyday criminals I deal with.”


“Great but how do you plan to get in touch? I haven’t even given you my phone number.” The avian tilted his head in confusion.


“Check your pocket.”


Hawks reached into his coat pocket where the number to a burner phone was hiding. “How did you do that?” he questioned, golden eyes full of curiosity.


Asami shrugged, “I have my ways, don’t lose that and if you share it with anyone, especially the commission or any other hero, the deal is off.”


“You got it, Boss.” Hawks was clearly amused by the seriousness in Asami’s voice, which only agitated her.


Asami stood up, “See you in a few days. Don’t get killed by a villain, Bird Brain.” She made sure he wasn’t planning to make a dash to get to her and try to put her in jail as she backed up to the roof's edge.


Asami turned around, easily stepped on to the ledge, shifted to face Hawks again and made a small wave goodbye as she fell back. Wind rushed by her ears before she grabbed onto a flagpole hanging off the side of the building and swung herself to the left and through a shadow portal she made on the window.


Hawks had immediately ran to the ledge as he saw her fall off and he was about to dive down to save her just as she saw her little acrobatics trick. He let out a small laugh “Now that’s the moves of the legendary Leviathan.”


I've been working all this since I posted the last chapter so hopefully you enjoyed it <3

Side note I have so many ideas but they're all for chapters way down the road so I'm stuck having to ACTUALLY think up scenarios for the beginning of Asami and Hawks' relationship which is part of why this took so long to write when I've been working on it literally every day D:

Word Count: 3279

P.S. On my screen below this it also has last chapters notes for some reason, is it like that for anyone else???

Chapter 3: Fighting Until Sunrise


This is more of a filler chapter so it's really short, since last chapter Asami did say she would train with Dabi so this is just that. The end has just the slightest bit of angst so I hope you enjoy! :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Asami had come to a conclusion. Whatever Hawks wanted, whatever he was plotting, she couldn’t get Dabi involved. 


She had to handle it herself because no matter how much she hated heroes, they kept people safe. Hawks wouldn’t be able to do that if he was just a pile of ash.


No, she couldn’t tell the villain and risk him getting mad at Hawks for trying to use Asami and ending up killing him. It was out of the question.


Today was a little chilly, a cool breeze mixed with the already decreasing temperature had lots of people wearing coats. 


However, she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt with only a white waistcoat over it. She had on dark gray leggings and white combat boots too.


It was early morning, around 5:10 AM, as she walked the path that led to the general direction of her and Dabi’s training spot. Fading moonlight shone down through the dying leaves of the trees. The air smelled fresh, probably because it had just rained the night before.


Her feet slightly sunk into the soft earth that she walked on. Looks like Dabi is gonna get a little muddy today, Asami thought. In their 3 years of knowing each other, Dabi had only beaten her so many times that she could count it all on one hand.


Yet each day he showed up, more determined than the last. Waiting for his next victory, even though they both knew the chances of that was extremely slim.


Asami pushed aside the branches of bushes that were in her way as she walked off the path. Water slightly dampened the sides of her pants as the decaying plants brushed against her.


“Hey there, Princess,” The raspy voice belonging to Dabi said. “Glad to see you finally showed up.”


Asami rolled her eyes at that last comment. “You know that wasn’t my fault, I had to be careful! Besides, don’t you want to know what happened?”


Dabi raised an eyebrow, “I would love to hear what had you on edge.”


“I don’t get on edge”


“Fine, what made you ‘suspicious’ of possible police activity.”


“At least you got it right this time.”


Now it was Dabi’s turn to roll his eyes. “You gonna tell me what the hell happened or am I gonna be here all day just waiting?”


“Yeah, I was getting to that. Anyway, I ran into a hero while on patrol. Strangely enough they didn’t try to capture me. They wanted to work with me to take down a group of villains.” She made sure to leave out the major details.


“What the hell? A hero tried to use you to get to some second hand organization? Who the hell do they think they are?!” Dabi spits out. Venom lacing his voice. “Tell me they’re name and I’ll hunt them down. I’ll burn them alive!”


Dabi was normally very protective of Asami, even at little inconveniences. He may be only a few months older, but for some reason he always had a drive to keep her safe as if she couldn’t handle herself.


“No idea what their name was, you know I don’t keep track of hero society, and it was pretty dark so I didn’t get a good look. Don’t worry though, I made sure they knew just how much I despise heroes.” Asami kept her voice level, giving no indication that what she was saying was anything but the truth.


“Good.” Dabi relaxed even though it was just a little. He was clearly still upset that a hero of all people had approached her.


“Anyway, are we gonna fight or not?” Asami asked, not wanting to give Dabi time to pick apart her explanation.


“Aren’t we already?” Dabi had moved so fast that he showed up behind Asami. He kicked her in the back causing her to fall forward. However, because of her reflexes from being a hero, and her years as a vigilante, she opened up a shadow portal to fall through. 


It didn’t take as much concentration as it normally did to expand shadows since it was still dark so she could just open one immediately. She had a true advantage at night.


“Of course we had to come here at the perfect time for you to do your little stunts.” Dabi complained.


“Oh and I thought you knew me better than that Dabs, I'm disappointed, truly.” Asami’s voice echoed. 


“Shut the hell up and fight me!” He hissed in annoyance. Dabi was really starting to get sick of this little party trick of her’s.


“Well, since you asked so nicely.” Asami jumped out of a portal made in the ground, right in front of Dabi. In an instant she had sapped water from all the mud to create an icy dagger.


She ran towards Dabi who just barely had enough time to jump out of the way. Still, the dagger slashed his coat. “Damn it Asami! I just bought this last week!” 


“It looks practically the exact same though.” She stated, not understanding what the difference was between this coat and his usual one besides maybe a few less signs of wear and tear.


“Wow, nice to know you don’t pay attention to my amazing outfits.” Dabi joked, going back to his usual sarcastic and (sometimes) playful attitude.


“So anyway, what’s been going on with the League? Haven’t seen you guys on the news lately.” She asked as she narrowly avoided a stream of blue flames aimed at her head.


“Yeah, Crusty says we should take a break to ‘plan our next course of action.’ Honestly, I think he just knows we’re losing the fight. I might bail on the LOV soon if nothing changes in the next few weeks.” He replied as he jumped to dodge a sweeping kick from his best friend.


“Perfect. Just as I planned.” Since the sky was black it was like one big shadow, her own personal playground. Asami dropped into a shadow portal as Dabi watched her from the air.


“What is she planning?” He mumbled to himself. She always had some new trick up her sleeve that she pulled out just to mess with him.


Asami dropped from her portal right above Dabi, grabbing onto Dabi’s back as gravity began to do its job. Dabi was now dropping toward the ground horizontally as Asami kept him from moving to try and avoid the rapidly approaching earth. At the last second she dug her boots into Dabi’s back and pushed off of him, making his interaction with the mud a little more forceful.


Asami did a backflip, landing right infront of Dabi’s face which was now buried in the mud. “Well look at that, I won, again.” She sneered. Dabi slowly picked himself up. 


“This is supposed to be training, not your chance to play with me like a damn doll.” He grumbled. “Don’t be so sour, Dabs! See I’ll even be nice and clean you up.” Asami replied with a smile stuck to her face.


She transformed the cold dagger in her hands back into water and sent it over to Dabi to wash the mud off his face and clothes. “See! Look at what a good friend I am!” She said with a voice full of mirth.


Such a good friend, clearly.” Dabi replied, clearly irritated. “And that water is cold, what the hell!” He activated his fiery quirk in his hand and ran it over his body where the water instantly dried due to just how hot his flames were. 


“Well, I doubt you want to be so embarrassed, again , so why don’t we do something a little different today?” Asami asked, head turning to where the smallest sliver of orange was forming on the horizon. It was barely visible through the trees which gave Asami an idea.


“Fine. I don’t have to be at the LOV hideout for another hour anyway.” Dabi huffed.



Asami's legs hung off a branch as she leaned back against the trunk of a tree. They were sitting in the tallest tree in the forest, it had a height of about 70 feet.


Dabi was sitting on a branch to the left of her, staring off into the sunrise. Even with the events that had unfolded a mere 10 minutes ago they were in a peaceful silence. Both of them just watching the hues of purple melt into orange, into dark blue.


“Hey, Asami?”


“Yeah Dabs?”


“If I die, will you look for me in the sunrise?”


Asami turned her head to look at him, “what inspired this?” Dabi wasn’t afraid of death, he wasn’t addicted to the idea of it either. Why would he be thinking about it?


“I told you the League is losing, if I can’t make it out before we get found by heroes… you know I’m not going to jail. I’m not going to be stuck in a 13 by 16 meter box for the rest of my life. The only way out is to die fighting. So, will you look at the sunrise and be reminded of me and this moment?”


“Jeez Dabi, that’s dark stuff, but honestly,” She looked up through the leaves with a small smile, “I hope you make this sorry excuse for a sky look a hell of a lot better if it ever comes to that.” It pained Asami to not be able to tell him he may not even end up in jail, but that would mean revealing her deal with Hawks. 


She would just have to get Hawks to tell her if the Commission ever plans an attack on the League so she could tell Dabi he won’t have to die. That would be the best time while causing the least amount of emotional damage between them, right before the Commission goes in.


The light from the sun turned golden for a moment as she flashed Dabi a comforting smile. Forest green eyes staring warmly into teal blue. Dabi looked away, hiding his face from Asami. Yet she was still able to catch the slightest tint of pink forming on his face.


“Don’t get all sappy with me, it was just a hypothetical question.” Dabi murmured, “Not a good look for your ‘heart of stone’ reputation.”


“Sounds like someone just doesn’t want me to be like this with everyone else instead of just you.” She teased, causing the blush on the skin above his scars to slightly brighten.


“Shut up.” He said, throwing a small fireball over his shoulder, hearing the intended reaction of her putting it out with water drawn from the surface of dying leaves.


Asami made a small laugh then let out a content sigh. “Whatever you say Dabs, whatever you say.”


It's the shortest chapter so far but it's not like main storyline so I didn't really have an idea on how to go into it.

ALSO I realized instead of struggling to come up with ideas I could try to be an actual writer and write down major plot points that I want to eventually reach and just steer the story toward that, SO now I'm not spending hours just staring at my computer trying to figure out what to do >:D

Word count: 1802

Chapter 4: Late Night Texting


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Hawks’ wings cut gracefully through the air as he soared above the city. It was almost the end of patrol and the fatigue was starting to set in from so much time spent fighting villains and getting little sleep.


Normally, the thrill of keeping civilians safe and the hope of one day achieving his dream of a world where heroes have too much time on their hands keeps him fairly awake on days like these. However the Commission has been pushing him harder than ever with hero work and the LOV assignment.


I need to get some time off soon, hopefully after I make some progress with Asami.


He started to sink in the sky as his eyes felt heavier. He barely avoided a satellite dish atop a law firm before fully realizing he was falling asleep. Damn it Hawks! You can’t keep people safe if you can’t do it to yourself!  


He landed somewhat gracefully in a park illuminated by streetlamps. He pulled out his phone and set a quick message to Endeavor. 



Hey Endeavor, I know your patrol doesn’t start for

an hour but can you come in early??? 

I’m barely staying awake, I can’t fly like this




You have to get it together Hawks!

I can’t always pick up after you because 

you’re too carefree to get any sleep.




I know! I know! Come on, just this one time

I was seriously almost falling OUT OF 





Fine! I’ll call Shoto, he needs more 

experience anyway.


I expect to not get a request like this

from you again Hawks.


You’re not the only one with things to do 

outside of our job, I had family matters to

attend to!




Of course Endeavor!


I wouldn’t dream of asking for a favor 

ever again

…Until I need one




Hawks! Don’t make me regret my decision!

I’ll leave now so you can go home and

get some rest. Shoto will meet up with me



Hawks sent a quick message to the Hero Commission letting them know Endeavor was going to take over for him and they could just take the money from his lost hour and add it to Endeavors paycheck. Hopefully that would create less problems for his future self when he wakes up tomorrow.


Hawks mustered up his last bit of rapidly declining energy and took off for his penthouse which was thankfully only a few minutes away from where he was at the park. Otherwise he might have not been able to make it home with how tired he was.


Just as he flops onto his bed, his phone makes a little ding sound. “Why is Endeavor still messaging me?!” He complains as he begrudgingly fishes his phone out of his pocket. 


He wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and be whisked away by his dreams but he had learned that no matter what you’re doing, you always check any incoming notifications. That was how crises were averted. 


Hawks blinked as the sudden light reached his eyes. He was able to make out a message from an unknown number saying “ It’s Leviathan, hi Hawks.”


Hawks immediately sat up and let his eyes adjust so he could read it again. He pinched himself, unsure if he was hallucinating from being awake for so many hours.




Hey Asami!


I didn’t expect to hear from you so late,

or I guess early, today!




Yeah well I was up and thought you

would like to know that I’m still thinking

of a strategy for the League. So you

don’t think I’m abandoning the





I’m so glad to know you’ve been

thinking of me :D


As ami

I already regret this.




No no!

Sorry I haven’t been getting much

sleep lately


I was just about to

finally go to bed honestly but I 

don’t mind talking to you

instead :)




Yeah, I saw you almost collapsed 

landing in the park like 10 minutes 





Wowww, so I’m being followed

by the second most wanted 

person in Japan.

Should I be concerned?




Someone of your skillset and

power? With anyone else, probably

not. With me? Yeah, you should.




Good to know… to which

While we’re on the topic, how

Were you following me and I

Had no idea?


I’ve been specially trained to

be aware of my surroundings

because of me being a Hero

and all, care to share with the





Not particularly. Also the Commission

sucks at teaching you how to find

actual threats that are on your tail.




Based on the evidence I can’t

completely disagree with you 

now. But how would you know

about the Commissions 

training programs???


Hawks waited, seeing a bubble with 3 dots appear then vanish. Leaving still an absence of a response. He stared at his phone for a good amount of time, almost giving up and laying back down before a sentence popped up on his screen.




Go get some sleep Hawks.You can’t

Do anything if you’re exhausted. Goodnight.




Night Asami



Hawks put his phone down on his nightstand and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The next morning Hawks woke up slowly but feeling groggy but  surprisingly refreshed. He questioned this sensation before remembering he had talked to a certain double quirk user the next before. A smile almost instantly spread across his face.


That was awfully nice of Asami to keep me in the loop, maybe this mission will be easier than I thought when I met her.


Hawks stood up and looked down. Oh, looks like I forgot to change out of my Hero Costume last night. Hawks walked over to his dresser and dug through the drawers before finding his civilian clothes. Today was his day off after all.


After getting dressed he walked to the kitchen and opened his fridge only to find it empty besides a plate of leftover chicken. 


“Oh great, now I have to go shopping.” He mumbled to himself. He put the plate in the microwave then ate its warmed up contents before finishing his morning routine.


He put on his shoes and looked back at his penthouse as the sun streamed in through the wall-height windows. Even so brightly illuminated it looked… empty… cold even, no one to fill the space with a smile to welcome him back with. 


Hawks sighed as he walked out of his door. One day . He thought. One day I’ll have someone to make this place feel like home.


The store wasn’t really far from his house but it also wasn’t close enough to endure walking through the streets just to be continuously gawked at and pointed at. So he took to the sky.


Within minutes he landed outside his favorite corner store. It was in a small part of the city that didn’t normally have a lot of foot traffic. Perfect for someone with his level of popularity, plus the people who frequented there were friendly and if anything the occasional whispers that were spoken when he walked in were normally discreet which he appreciated.


He was walking around the small isles getting what he needed when he caught sight of a familiar black cape turning a corner to the deli. Intrigued, Hawks followed after it only to find none other than his favorite intern picking some bread from the shelves in front of the counter.


“No way! If it isn’t Tokoyami. What are you up to?” He said with surprise.


“Hawks? I’m just buying some seeded bread. My family is having dinner together tonight while I visit  from UA so I wanted to get something to contribute.” He said in his usual low voice.


“Really? Not for your girlfriend?” Hawks teased. “Hawks you know I don’t have a girlfriend and even if I did, this isn’t an appropriate place to talk about that.” He scolded quietly so as to not draw attention from the nearby shoppers.


“Whatever you say Tokoyami, who definitely doesn’t have a girlfriend that he’s having dinner with tonight.” He said in a raised voice, shrugging his shoulders. 


“Hawks!” Tokoyami hissed, clamping a hand over his mentor's mouth. However nobody turned to look at the scene, all were familiar with his behavior.


The avian laughed as Tokoyami retracted his hand with an annoyed glare that he was used to. “Alright, alright I get it! I’ll be taking my leave, don’t worry Tsukuyomi. ” His black haired friend rolled his eyes and they went their separate ways.


He brought his items to the counter and exchanged smiles with the familiar cashier before beginning his flight back to his home.


He always felt so free in the sky. The only place he would ever know peace. The only time he ever got to himself. Who needed a girlfriend when the bright blue sky and the rolling clouds could keep him company?


As he flew past a building with a billboard, something or someone jumped up and latched on to him and out of confusion he changed course and did a crash landing on the building sending them tumbling on the concrete surface. 


Hawks opened his eyes to realize he was on top of someone with floating orange ends on their dark brown hair. “Asami?” What the hell were you thinking? I could have fallen out of the sky and we would’ve been killed if I didn’t aim for this roof!” 


Asami let out a short huff and suddenly Hawks was flipped over onto his back and Asami was propped on top of him. She got up and gave him an expectant look almost as if to say, “ you gonna get up or not?” She didn’t  even hold out a hand as he slowly stood up from the ground.


“Okay one, I knew you wouldn’t just let yourself fall out of the sky. And two, it got your attention didn’t it?” She grumbled. 


“I don’t know if that was the right way to go about it but I guess?” He responded, now confused from her obvious bad mood.


“What? Would you rather I follow you to your, I’m sure, fancy little expensive house?” Asami snapped. “Um no? You okay? Why are you here?” Hawks questioned with a gentle look. He didn’t want to give any sign that would make her even more upset.


“It’s none of your business how I’m feeling, now would you stop talking so I can tell you the LOV plan?” She shot him a look of obvious irritation. He nodded, even though he wanted to say “ I’ve been waiting for you to tell me that for literal days.” But decided against it after her comment for him to shut up.


“Ok here’s what’s happening, I’ve thought a lot about it. What we’re going to do is you will stage some big important event where the top 10 Pro Heroes will be in attendance. It’s sure to lure out the League.” 


“The building in which the event will take place will have a power outage, giving them a chance to strike. There’s going to be hidden sensors all around the building so we know when they break in.”


“Assuming they sneak to the stage where the heroes were before the power went out, there will be speakers of 30 minutes of confused sounds from each hero. Seeing as the villains don’t like to wait and are rather impulsive it would take about 4-6 minutes before they break in but you can never be too careful.”


“Anyway, because of Mirko’s quirk, she can see in the dark and should lead the attack squad to the League from behind, element of surprise and all that. That part of the plan would work whether they go for the stage or not seeing as Mirko can adjust the squads direction accordingly.” 

“Did you get all of that?” She asked finally looking up from her hands which had been making motions to assist in her explanation.


Hawks’ mouth was hanging open, shocked at how much she had come up with just to help him with his assignment. And maybe he was also a little awestruck by seeing her so focused and how warm it made him feel. Just a little bit.


“You would catch flies if it wasn’t almost winter.” Asami remarked. Hawks quickly closed his mouth as his brain caught up to the fact that she was still waiting for an answer. 


“Yes I did. And what the heck Asami! That plan sounds perfect! There’s no way we won’t capture the league with you helping me.” He said with clear excitement and a grin plastered on his face.


For a second, just a second, Hawks almost thought he saw the corners of her mouth tilt upward at the praise before it returned to her usual unwavering expression.


“My name is Leviathan.” She retorted before stepping into the black circle behind her. Hawks noticed for the first time, as it closed, that the smoky edges were actually tinted with a dark blue. 


It seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place where he’s seen that same blue edged portal before.


AHHHH IM SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE FOR FOREVER I legit forgot I'm supposed to be writing a fanfic, and when I did remember it would be too late at night to write or my browser would keep freezing ;-;

ANYWAY I hope this is a good enough chapter and you guys like it <3

P.S. if anyone wants to know, Endeavors "family matters" is trying to get Natsuo and Shoto to forgive him through another gone-horribly-wrong dinner :)

Word Count: 2195

Chapter 5: Unexpected Memories


I didn't proofread like the last half of the chapter so any spelling or grammar mistakes you notice... no you don't.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Asami walked through alley’s and shortcuts, routes carved into her brain after excessive use to avoid unwanted attention. Although she was in a slightly better mood after her interaction with the winged hero, she still grumbled from walking by an ice cream shop a few hours prior.


In the window she had seen a sight she would have preferred to ignore. A father and his daughter.


A girl, five years old, and her father. Each exchanging smiles as they ate their ice cream. The girl was wearing a small plastic crown and tied to her chair were two balloons.


One had a silver number five, the other saying ‘happy birthday’, bobbing against each other as the breeze blew in from the opening door. She looked… happy. So happy, as she brought spoonfuls of chocolate chip ice cream to her mouth.


However, she had turned to her father and unconsciously tipped the spoon. Chocolate and vanilla had fallen onto her shirt and she looked as if she might cry. 


Tears were welling in her eyes and Asami was almost prepared to go in and help defend her from her father's inevitable actions, but just as she walked through the door she stiffened.

The man still had a smile on his face as he gently cleaned up the incident and promised her another scoop. His daughter's face instantly lit up, as if she hadn’t been upset at all a moment before.


Asami stayed frozen for another few seconds before realizing a hooded woman standing in the door of a shop staring at a family she was sure it seemed she didn’t know must look awfully suspicious.


She quickly left and ducked between two buildings nearby. There she clenched her fists as tears started to form in the corners of her eyes. It wasn’t a busy area so she screamed.  


She screamed and shouted and yelled as she formed an ice sword and slashed an empty dumpster clean in two. She kicked the severed pieces so hard dents were forming in the metal. Asami slumped against the brick wall and hugged her legs as little drops of water fell. Making her red pants dotted with darker pigment.


She cried and cried until her sorrow turned back to anger. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and as she pulled it out and clicked on the incoming notification she saw a man with messy golden hair, honey glazed eyes, and fiery red wings in the far right corner of the picture. 


As if the photographer couldn’t pull out their phone fast enough to take a picture. It was a post about how a civilian had seen Hawks in a far section of the city. They didn’t say where specifically, hopefully to protect Hawks’ privacy and not be bombarded with fans.


However, Asami recognized a tall building in the background where she could just make out an advertisement for a law firm. If she went there then surely she would find Hawks at some point, right? 


And she had, she found the avian and presented her on-the-spot plan. She had a few details figured out before but only about the event itself. She improvised most of it, but thanks to her quick thinking and intellect he had accepted the plan.


Hell, he praised it. Asami didn’t know how to feel about that, no one had ever really offered her any recognition for anything she did. Dabi occasionally did, but it wasn’t often sincere and was instead a mocking statement to poke fun at her.


She loved Dabi, he was her closest friend but… it often broke her a little bit inside every time he spoke a borderline taunting sentence toward her. 


But Hawks, Hawks was being sincere . He was complimenting her with a smile on his face and malice absent in his tone. It made Asami feel… good about herself.


And it made her almost forgetful of what had happened a few hours before. Almost, since now she was on her way home with a storm cloud overhead once again. Yet, it was significantly smaller than it was a little while ago.


The cold stone walls of nearby buildings weren’t really lightening the mood either. She suddenly hears a small crunch as if someone stepped on a plastic cup nearby. Asami whirls around to face the stranger but sees no one in sight.


She slowly turns back around and is quickly met with a nail grazing her cheek. Asami jumps out of the way of the following plethora of metal shot in her direction.


She looks to see a short, balding man with a bushy mustache and nails for fingers and screws for thumbs. “Look, I’m not really in the mood. I’ll give you one chance to run.” She says in an annoyed tone. 


Don’t get her wrong, she would gladly bash his skull in for being so stupid as to approach her of all people. However, her bad mood also led to a lack of enthusiasm to work today. She would much rather go home and do some archery practice on a non living thing.


“Think of how much money I’m going to get! Turning in Leviathan! I bet that reward is gonna skyrocket when they find out I actually hurt you.” He said in a deranged tone of voice. Like he hadn’t slept in days trying to find her and was close to the edge.


Asami smirked. She had given him a chance, what happened next didn’t really matter. She wiped at the blood trickling from her face from the cut that had recently formed. “Don’t say you never had the option to walk away.” She remarked, quickly pulling out her bow and expanding it to its full form. 


In an instant she was launching arrow after arrow of ice at her assailant who shot out screws to meet them head on, breaking the arrows into pieces and knocking the pins off mark from the force. 


“You should have let the arrows get to you before I could.” Fake pity lacing her voice. In an instant she was next to him where she then sent her knee straight to his torso causing him to double over from the impact. She hit her elbow against his back, not giving him the chance to get up. 


Taking a step back, she did a quick roundhouse kick to his head which sent him crashing to the ground. The man yelled out in pain as blood covered his mouth. “YOU CRAZY WOMAN! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?!” Asami walked up to him slowly, leaned down, and put her face next to his ear. 


“Because you didn’t run.” She whispered. And with that she punched him in the face, knocking him out.


“Jeez some people just don’t know when the money isn’t worth it.” Continuing her walk, she made a mental note to change her routes now that this one was discovered. 


She also thought about turning him over to the police, but because he was technically trying to turn her over to them she didn’t think he would actually go to jail.


So she left the man and his red stained face on the gravelly ground where he had been beaten in the fight he should’ve known he couldn’t win. Anyway, it was just a normal Thursday afternoon fight. Easier than her normal ones though. 


Usually her opponents actually trained to stop her speed and fighting style. That didn’t seem to be the case with her attacker this time anyway.


As Asami turned the corner onto a busy street she crashed into a taller man. Sending her falling back onto the pavement before she was caught by rough arms.


As she found her footing and stood up properly she looked at her ‘savior’. “Princess you gotta be more careful than that, don’t want you to be caught off guard, or did you just want me to catch you?” A sly voice spoke out from below a black hood where she caught sight of purple scars.




Asami sat with her legs hanging off the branch of a tree she was very familiar with. “You want to talk about what’s bothering you? You haven’t said a word since we got here.” Dabi asked from a nearby branch. 


“What about you? I know you’re technically a homicidal maniac but what about your reaction to Shoto Todoroki all those weeks ago?” She snapped back.


Her matchbook friend let out a long sigh. “He’s the son of Endeavor, you know that right? The hero I’ve dedicated my life to killing? Seeing him just brought back memories… of all the reasons why I hate his dad of course-”


That last sentence seemed more like an excuse than an explanation but Asami decided against mentioning her observation. She let out a short “hm” of acknowledgement more than contemplation. Dabi had his reasons for not telling the truth. Whatever they were, she trusted him.


“Now you have to answer my question.” he said, breaking the semi-silence. “Just had a bad day,” she mumbled, “had another idiot try to attack me for that damn bounty the commission put on my head.”


“WHAT?” Dabi shouted, immediately jumping over to her branch to stare into her dark green eyes. 


“Oh my god Dabi relax, you know I can take care of myself! I put him in his place. All I walked away with was a scratch, there's no reason to worry, you should’ve seen him.” She laughed to diffuse the tension.


Flames flickered in his hands as embers dissolved in the wind. “He. Hurt. You?” He gritted out, visibly seething. Asami instantly realized her mistake. “Woah, hold up. Calm down Dabs. It barely did any damage, see?” She turned her face to show him the already almost faded scar.


“Who the hell was he? I’ll rip his head off!” He shouted. In an instant Dabi had turned around, sat on the branch, and was leaning  back against Asami’s chest. “Let me go! I have people to murder!” He shouted, trying to escape his friend's death grip around his torso.


Asami hummed, running one hand through the arcanist's hair. “Just calm Dabi okay? If you don’t stop thrashing around I’m gonna stab you in the leg alright?” she whispered menacingly. Dabi instantly stopped moving. 


She only said his full name when she was either dead serious or messing with him. Somehow, he didn’t feel like it was the second option.


Asami leaned forward from the tree trunk to rest her chin on his shoulder. “I’m fine, okay? I promise that guy’s body is gonna ache for at least the next year. Just calm down.” She mumbled, fatigue obvious in her voice.


Dabi froze as he heard her so close to his ear. One hand was going through his spiky hair and the other was still wrapped around him. She didn’t trust him to still not try to escape and set someone on fire. 


Asami felt his body warm up. She assumed it was a reflex to provide comfort (and not flames), but what she didn’t know is just how red his face was.


“Sun is setting, everytime we’re here it’s near sunset.” He whispers, distracting from the progression of events that occurred a few minutes ago.


All Asami responds with is “mhm” since she didn’t really feel like talking anymore. “I should maybe start heading back to the League, they’re probably wondering where I’ve been for so long.” Dabi says softly.




“You can’t always have me all to yourself, Princess.”


“Shut up.”


Dabi is met with a swift whack to the back of the head. “OW! But point taken.”


“Just stay a little longer, this has been the second best part of my day.” Asami’s voice is barely audible.


Dabi gets a little warmer at that comment. “You’re a great friend Dabi.” She whispers. Suddenly his entire body cools down a couple degrees and she just barely hears a sigh and a soft scoff.


“Well if I’m second best then what was first? And what made the day so bad? You never really answered my question earlier and I honestly don’t think it was being assaulted from your attitude.” Quickly slipping back into his usual sarcastic, uninterested, and honestly nosy personality.


“Just had a bad day, there’s nothing more to it. And first place is a secret.” Asami teases, earning an annoyed grumble from her friend. “Are you seriously doing this? Why can you never just answer a question?” He huffs


“Mmm I don’t know, why can’t I?” 


“You’re annoying, Leviathan, did you know that?”


“I don’t know, did I?”


“Oh my god shut up.” Suddenly Dabi shifts to gently grab Asami by the waist and switch their positions so she was now leaning against his chest and he was leaning against the tree.


She laughs softly as he wraps his arms around her. “You hate me cause you love me,” she remarks quietly, “imagine if you didn’t have me as a friend, what would you even do?” 


“Yeah, yeah, I’m sooo glad I have you as my friend.” He says sarcastically. “Of course you are, who wouldn’t want to be friends with one of the most wanted people in the entire country, that was labeled as a national threat?” She says sweetly with a snicker.


“Not me.” Dabi is met with another whack, this time with an icy block. “Those things hurt ya know! I would like to see you be whacked with a block of solid ice and still be able to walk afterward.” 


“Would you like some ice to compete with the bruise I'm sure is forming on your leg?” Asami says with a smile. “No more ice! Jeez a guy just can’t catch a break.” He panicked. “That’s what I thought.” She says with a satisfied smirk on her face.


“Ok little Ms. Attitude.”


Asami half turns around to face Dabi, “What was that I heard?” staring daggers at him with still an ‘innocent’ smile on her face. “Nothing, nothing I swear!” He says hastily.


“Great! Now if you don’t mind I’m gonna try to get some sleep. I’m sure my best friend would never try to wake me up” She threatens slowly, lying back against him. Fatigue was suddenly very present in her body.


Her breathing slowed as her eyes felt more and more heavy. “I wish you would let me love you as more than just a friend.” Dabi admits softly.


 There’s no response as all that’s heard is quiet breaths. Dabi leans forward slightly to see her eyes are closed. “She fell asleep. She needs it though.” However there was slight remorse in his voice that she hadn’t heard his confession. 


“Maybe… maybe one day we’ll be more than just ‘Asami Nishiyama and Dabi’. Maybe one day we’ll be ‘Asami and Dabi Nishiyama’. But maybe that’s too much to ask for.” His voice is quiet as he gently kisses her head and holds her tighter. Soon enough, he falls asleep too under a starry sky.


Ok so some stuff happened in this chapter... yeah so Dabi likes Asami- and if you'll look at the tags you'll notice what the actual ship of this fic is about- it's fineeee.

Any thoughts on why she reacted the way she did to the dad and his daughter 👀

P.S. how I write is I have a scene to open the chapter with but then I don't know where to go from there which is why it's taking so long for me to publish more of them sooner ;-;

Word Count: 2503

Chapter 6: Chance Encounter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The day was fairly sunny even though the forecast called for oncoming snow later in the week. It was a great day for a ride.


Asami opens her closet and pulls out a skateboard laying at the bottom with a golden orange ocean design. A birthday present from Dabi that he had given her a couple years ago.


It seemed like a good day to walk so she put on a black facemask and hid her floating hair in her hood to make the hour-long trek into the city. Once there she put down her board and pushed off. 


Weaving through passersby and strangers that gave her annoyed looks as she breezed by them. One of the few things she genuinely enjoyed doing these days was skating through the city. It was fun and the wind rushing by her ears made it an enjoyable experience.


She turned a corner and jumped over a stuffed toy some child had dropped before skidding to a stop. “What the hell?” 


She picked up her board and walked over to it as everyone else paid no mind to the object that had clearly been so loved and mistakenly forgotten. 


She reached down and scooped a pink and purple otter into her hands. Excessive use had made the fur raggedy and its glassy eyes were smudged. She stared at the plushie and something tugged at her heart.

She looked at the little heart shaped card attached to its ear with “IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN TO:” written on the inside accompanied by an address that wasn’t very far away. She clutched the toy in one hand and got back on her board to ride to what was a very expensive set of condos.


She walked inside to the lobby and went to the receptionist who had been eying her the moment she stepped through the double doors. “Are you lost? You don’t look like you live around here.” This woman gave Asami a dirty look like she had rolled in on a tumbleweed. Covering her mouth to “try” to hide a malicious smile.


She put on the most sickeningly sweet voice she possibly could. “You’re right, I don’t live here. Can you just point me in the direction 143B? I just came here to visit some family after years of being away taking care of my mother who recently passed after dealing with Alzhiemers.” She looked at Asami with a pale face, clearly embarrassed by how rude she was now that she found out her “mother” had just died.


“Oh. Um yeah, go down that hallway and take a left. The elevators should be right there then go up to the 8th floor.” Asami started to head toward the elevator before half turning around and giving her a smile that could be visible from the half of her face that was showing and waved. “Thank you so much!”


As she turned the corner her face dropped to its usual neutral negative expression and scoffed. “What a bitch.” She said under her breath so those nearby didn’t hear.


As she stepped out onto the 8th floor she looked at the numbers on her left “137, 139, 141, here it is! 143B!” She did a swift strong knock on the door so whoever was inside could hear her over the cries and wails that could be heard inside. 


“Please stop crying, I just need to get the door. You’ll stop crying for me right?” Asami heard steps being made towards the door and took a step back as the door opened.


“Hi, sorry can I help you?” Asami was welcomed by a woman who was clearly very stressed. “Is everything okay in there?” She asked, concerned by the persistent crying and screaming coming from inside the condo.


“Oh I’m so sorry, my kid lost her favorite stuffed animal when we went out for a walk this morning and I just haven’t had the time to go look for it.” A very tired and self conscious look spread across her face. The face of a mom who didn’t want others to think she was a bad parent.


The sobs came closer as a man came into view holding a girl with a tear stained face. The ones from the ice cream shop. Asami held up her hand with the small otter gently held in it. “I apologize for bothering you but, is this what she’s looking for?” 


The little girl instantly stopped crying as she laid eyes on what seemed to be her prized possession. She reached over for it and Asami gently placed it in her grasp where she held it tight with eyes squeezed shut.


Seemingly making a silent promise to never lose it again. “Thank you so much, Akari was so distressed over it,” her father explained. The girl, Akari, made a motion showing she wanted to be put down and he obeyed. She came over to Asami and wrapped her small arms around one of her legs.


Asami crouched down and petted the girl's plum colored hair. A small genuine smile spread across her face at having helped Akari in her time of need. Almost made her nostalgic of her hero days but she quickly shoved that thought down. She stood back up and gently made a move to pull her leg out of the 5 year old’s grasp but failed as she only held on tighter.


Her mother laughed, I guess she’s attached to you now. She doesn’t have many friends so I guess you’ve grown on her for returning her only one. Asami didn’t know what to do. Usually people ran away upon seeing her, they didn’t normally give her hugs. “Um, I can come back another day, Akari? If your parents would let me.”


The girls eyes grew starry as she craned her neck to look at the grownups behind her. “I think she would love that. But, we’re not her parents, yeah she’s like our kid but she's actually our niece,” the man, her uncle, leaned over to Asami and whispered, “her parents died in a villain attack 8 months ago. That's why she loves that otter so much, it was the last thing they gave her before she died.”


She kept a straight face as to not concern Akari or trigger any unwelcome memories and gave a short nod, showing she understood. She crouched back down, “you know what Akari? We have really similar names, mine’s Asami, yours is Akari, only two letters are different, isn’t that cool?” 


She tilted her head to get a better angle at Akari who was still looking at her aunt who was watching them with a cheery expression distracting from the way her eyes looked so tired. Akari turned her head and nodded, her smile bright. “I’ll be back soon so for now could you let go, please?” She asked nicely. The girl let go and took her uncles hand as he led her back inside.


Asami pushed off of her legs to get back up and just before leaving Akari’s aunt placed a hand on her shoulder. “Thanks for that, returning the plushie, and promising to visit. It’ll be a lot easier whenever you come back. I love her so much don’t get me wrong, but there's a reason me and my husband never had kids. They really are a lot to handle.” She tried to let out a laugh that just died into a sigh as she looked at the floor.


“We couldn’t let her go to the foster system, we’ve heard the horror stories and know what a nightmare it is so we had to take her in and, some days are better than others but it’s hard. She hasn’t even said a word since her parents died, but, when you showed up with Oli, that's what she named the otter, that’s the first time she’s smiled in months.” Asami listened intently, glad for her generosity to take her niece in and understanding of how difficult it is to take care of a kid when you’re not ready.


As if suddenly becoming aware she wasn’t just talking to herself her eyes snapped back up and made an awkward chuckle. “Gosh I’m sorry, I’m a complete stranger just telling you all of my life's problems. I’ve always been told I tend to overshare.” Asami placed her hands on her shoulders and pulled her into a hug which the woman was a little shocked by but then reciprocated.


“Hey I’m going to give you my number, I don’t know when I’ll be able to visit next but you ever need advice or it’s an emergency, don’t hesitate to call okay?” 


The woman hummed into Asami, now more calm than she was 10 minutes prior. “My name’s Hana.” She whispered. Asami pulled out of the hug and extended her hand. It’s nice to meet you Hana, I’m Asami. 


They exchanged numbers and talked for a while until Asami eventually waved goodbye, she went into a storage closet and walked through a portal she had made in the available wall space. Exiting at one of her favorite places, you guessed it, a roof. 


It had gotten dark in the hour or two she had spent at the condo. Twinkling stars greeted her as she laid down on the concrete beneath her. She deserved a break from being a vigilante for a week. She had been working extra hard lately after she had let that guy try to jump her in that alley a month ago.


Asami had never really been one to act on a whim but what the hell? She pulled out her phone and opened to a certain neighborhood bird’s contact and pressing call. 


It would be fine, she had a former friend turned criminal who just so happened to have a hacking quirk, encrypt her phone so no one could trace her calls or access it without her permission. Graduating in the most promising class U.A. had ever seen came in handy for having connections when she was still a hero. 


Although now that she thought about it, it seemed quite a few of them had diverted from their original path to go on the run for one reason or another. Keeping in contact was tough sometimes but they had to stick together after all.


A charming voice on the other side snapped her from her thoughts. “Hey Ginger, what's up? You miss me after not talking for a literal month? Where’d you go anyway?”


“Nowhere you need to know about, don’t worry.”


“Oh but I’m always worried about you, Ginger.”


“And people say I’m good at lying,” Asami rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see. Hawks’ tone suddenly turned serious. “I mean it, I was worried when you didn’t try to contact me, I only knew you were still alive from the constant chatter of “sudden” and “mysterious” criminals showing up on the police’s front step.”


“Just cause you don’t see me doesn’t mean I’m not around Birdy,” she said sarcastically. 


“Well, what if I did see you?”


“What do you mean?”


“Why don’t we meet up in person again?”


“Is this a trap? It sounds like a trap.”


“No trap, if I wanted to trick you I would’ve called you first to initiate contact, the commission is always on some kind of schedule,” Asami hears Hawks scoff. She thinks for a beat, going through all of the possible reasons for him asking but can’t find any other plausible one if not to capture her. She opts to just ask.


“Why do you want to see me?” Asami asked cautiously. “I already told you, I miss you.” She can practically see his lips spread to reveal his perfect white teeth as he smiles in spite of her distrust.


Asami sighs, not knowing what she was getting into but knowing she would be able to handle whatever it was. “Fine. Where are we meeting?” “I knew you wouldn’t be able to say no to someone as attractive as me,” he remarks. 


“I will hang up on you.” 


“No no wait!” She hears him sigh, presumably pinching the bridge of his nose. “Listen I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable, I don’t mean to, I swear. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this but… I’ve always been told the best way to get things I want is to use my looks and “charm,” as people have told me, because they’re the only part of me anyone is ever going to care about.” There’s genuine sorrow and regret in his voice.


“You know what, don’t worry about it, you don’t have to meet me okay? Sorry for bothering you with it.”






“Where. Are. We. Meeting.”


Hawks stays silent for a moment, probably processing what she’s saying. “You still want to see me?” He asks quietly. “Want to? Jury’s still out. But am I going to? Yeah. Guess I am,” she shrugs her shoulders.


“Oh um, I’ll send you the address, I’m free this Saturday at… 8 I think? Does that work for you?” His voice let cracks of his excitement peek through.


“Yeah, I’ll see you then, bye Birdy.”


“Bye Asami!” And with that he hung up. She covered her face with her hands before sprawling her limbs out, staring back up at the sky glowing with the life of the city. “It’ll be fine Asami, it’s not like he’s going to kill you. It’s not like he’s going to capture you. It’s not like it’s a date.”


Her phone buzzed in her hand and she looked at it to see a text from Hawks with an address she recognized. “Oh my god it’s a date.”


Hi I'm sorry I haven't updated in a REALLY long time, I have so many ideas for where to go with this fic and it's really overwhelming because I don't quite know how to get there, but I found the motivation to write this today. I quite literally just finished writing it as I'm posting so it's not entirely proof read sorry ;-;

I also almost burnt my house down last night :,)

And if someone could comment to help my motivation that would be great :) <3


Hiiiii, soooo this is my first time writing a fanfic but the idea came to me and I wanted to try it out :)

Let me know if there's anything I could improve (pls be nice about it), and your general thoughts on the first chapter :D

Have a great day/night!