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A Lie That's A Rush


All Clint had planned on was having a relaxing evening now that he was back at the Tower. He’d assumed that would end up being a few beers, some good sex and some equally good pizza afterwards. Accidentally sending his message to Loki instead of Laura though, definitely changes things. A lot of them actually since it doesn’t take long before he has a god in his bed moaning unbelievable things. Weird things that range from love declarations and making their babies to next level praise and fancy magic marriage proposals.


83% porn and 17% feelings

Gifting to Kitten because they didn't stop me. <3

MRP Bingo 24: G3 - Masturbation

Chapter 1: The Freebie

Chapter Text

Sent 8:19pm: ready yet? we’re waiting for you babe


Sent 8:19pm: are you as excited as you are? it’s been so long 


Sent 8:20pm: -insert dick pic- 


  Sliding down the bed, Clint lazily stroked his cock as he held his phone waiting for a response. Laura was cute. He wasn’t sure what he was doing with her, but it sure beat the hell out of trying to go out to the bars. Being in the Avengers now, he wasn’t up for the drama or fangirling that happened in public. At least not when he was just looking to get laid. 

  Fucking around with another SHIELD agent? It had its perks and as long as they didn’t try to actually start dating, or get knocked up, it was ideal. Besides, thanks to them knowing each other as only agents, they both knew they had to keep their mouths shut about work and anything personal. Something that really helped keep things what they were. Fuck buddies.  

  Spreading his legs a little, Clint enjoyed the slide of his own hand for now. It felt good pressing his thumb up against the side of the head, but it’d be even better when it was Laura’s tongue. She wasn’t a huge fan of giving blow jobs, however if he played his cards right he could always get her to suck on him for a minute or two. 

  After three weeks of being out on a mission, he was more than ready to get a little action. Sometimes it was easy to get laid when out in the field, but Laura’s one rule had been no fucking anyone else for health reasons. Not that he minded. It just made him itchy with need the longer he went without considering his pretty active sex drive and he knew he had a willing sex partner waiting for him.  

  Feeling his phone vibrate, Clint grinned. Maybe he’d get lucky, and Laura would already be in the Tower on her way up to him. Usually it took her a while to get ready since she didn’t live there, but he could hope. At least his hand did based on the way it sped up opening the message. 


Lokes Lane 8:33pm: -insert dick pic- 


  “Son of a…” Clint gasped in shock, eyes widening as he dropped his phone to his chest as if it’d burned him. 

  Being taken completely off guard by the visual on the screen, Clint blinked disbelievingly up at the ceiling. Instantly he questioned if he’d actually seen what he’d seen. Laura definitely did not have a dick. Considering how many times he’d eaten her out he knew that as an undeniable fact. 

  Sure Clint had had a couple beers since he was able to now. He usually had a pretty high alcohol tolerance, so it seemed unlikely that had warped his vision. Maybe not drinking for three weeks had somehow managed to turn him into a lightweight though. At least he hoped, but then again what did it say about his arrangement if he had imagined a dick pic while drunk?  

   Lifting his phone up, Clint closed his eyes and let out a tight, exhale. A nice long, stiff erection was bright on his phone screen when he peaked one open. Worse yet, it was from Loki. 

   After over a year of living together in the Tower some things were bound to occur but seeing the god’s junk had never been one of them. Mostly because Loki tended to keep to him and his powers to himself. A reason why he was playing the morally gray Avenger when needed, had never ended up naked in front of anyone. 

   Bruce, Tony, himself and Thor were another story. At least once each of them had ended up with the boys on display in front of someone on the team. Either due to Hulking out or their clothes being ripped and, surprisingly more than once, on fire. However in the blond’s case it was simply due to absolutely no shame when stumbling into the common room half asleep for food. 

   Somehow Steve always managed to keep his clothes on, even if they were dangling in shreds. Natasha of course only ever had a few scratches somehow. A few times Sam had come close to ending up in some state of nakedness, but he always managed to cover himself in a panicked way that was adorable. Loki on the other hand, never even had a single string of fabric out of place thanks to his magic. 

   Loki, like Thor, wasn’t always the best at knowing Earth’s social normality's. He knew more than his brother, but Clint had a feeling that had more to do with his preferring to stand in the background and observe. It had a lot to do with the two of them not being from this world though. Literally. Still, it felt like it was obvious sending him a dick pic was not normal.  


Sent 8:35pm: dude what the fuck?


Lokes Lane 8:36pm: From what I recall males tend to send pictures of their erections with hope of an attractive picture in return to display their shared sexual interest. 


Lokes Lane 8:37pm: Of course, some also respond with criticism or advice regarding the quality of the anatomy or picture as well, but you are aesthetically pleasing. I don’t think either are needed. I’ve been told I am attractive as well on many occasions, so I figured it was the appropriate response between the two. 


  Clint pressed his lips together at the message. He was aesthetically pleasing? Well, he knew that but he didn’t think Loki of all people would think that about him. Sure the Asgardian flirted with everyone, however he’d never thought the guy was actually into dudes. 

  Everything he knew consisted of Loki just getting a thrill out of making people uncomfortable. Usually he succeeded with everyone but himself and Tony since they were both bisexual and comfortable with themselves. Clint hadn’t imagined any of them taking it this far though. 

  What was he supposed to do now? Complement Loki’s dick? Instinct said hell no, no matter how pretty it was, because it would only give the guy something to hold over his head. Not to mention it would boost his already over inflated ego. Neither of which were okay. 


Sent 8:38pm: shut up asshole


Sent 8:38pm : delete it  


Sent 8:38pm: now


Lokes Lane 8:39pm: Why? 


Sent 8:40pm: uh because it's a pic of my dick?


Lokes Lane 8:40pm: Really? I didn’t notice. 


Lokes Lane 8:42pm: Your length appears above average naturally and the grip you have on it with your hand is perfect. It definitely enhances your girth. The angle of the light created for depth due to the shadows, bringing even more focus to your erection. You also didn’t try to hide the fullness of your testicles like many apparently do in an effort to make their length appear longer. Although I’m not sure who would complain about that with how thick you are for a Midgardian.


   Groaning Clint rolled his eyes and beat his head back against his pillow a few times. He was torn between frustration, maybe a tinge of embarrassment, and something that might have felt like preening. The latter two he definitely couldn’t play into. Rolling with confidence would be easy, but he didn’t know if he wanted to see where that would lead. 

  For a second, he wished Laura would hurry up and text him back until he remembered he hadn’t actually texted her. Both L names were right next to one another in his contacts so it seemed like a simple mistake, but truthfully it was some cliche dick pic horror story. Sending nudes to the wrong number. At least he didn’t have to worry about it being a family member. The worst-case scenario would have simply been Phil. 

   Looking over the edge of his bed Clint made a noise of protest only seeing two beers left in his twenty-four pack. He’d split it with Nat before parting ways for the night. Sam and Steve had taken four right as he was shutting the container, leaving him with eight. At the time he hadn’t minded since it wasn’t often those two relaxed with a drink. Now he wished he could have them back. 


Sent 8:45pm: ok 


Sent 8:45pm: wow


Sent 8:45pm: you realize you just analyzed my dick right? 


Lokes Lane 8:46pm: Yes.


Sent 8:47pm: why?


Lokes Lane 8:47pm: You seemed displeased with my original response. 


Sent 8:48pm: I didn’t want a response at all! 


Lokes Lane 8:48pm: So your reasoning behind sending it is what?


Sent 8:48pm: it was supposed to go to someone else 

Lokes Lane 8:50pm: I see. Did you drink too much of your poor excuse for alcohol then?


Sent 8:50pm: Not nearly enough….


  Clint threw his phone down beside him with a huff. Thanks to the conversation he had no desire to actually text Laura. She didn’t analyze or compliment his dick. The closest she came to that was begging for more. 

   Having Loki sizing him up talking about how nice his dick was was? It was weird and if that wasn’t weird enough, his erection hadn’t flagged at all despite the conversation. He still stood stiff in wait, despite him no longer stroking it. 

  Automatically Clint picked his phone up when it vibrated again. It was due to a mild sense of hope that there would be some snarky comment or irritating words. Something that would distract his head from the visual of Loki’s smooth crotch. He’d never been with a guy that was bare, and his curiosity was trying to pique as was the temptation to start the banter they usually exchanged. 


Lokes Lane 8:52pm: You were trying to trigger their interest visually then in hopes of a… virtual sexual interaction? Masturbation I assume? Well fear not, it has a very good chance of working. 


Lokes Lane 8:52pm: I found it arousing as you could see and I’m sure it takes far less to woo your Midgardian suitors than me.


  Scratching his temple, Clint didn’t know how to process those messages. The words seemed simple, but they didn’t want to form the sentences they were. He had wanted to tempt her; however he hadn’t planned on masturbating. Ideally, she would have been underneath him soon. It was good to know it would have most likely worked. 

   If Loki was telling him it worked, that meant he found it arousing. Reading the message again, the guy had indeed said it outright and Clint’s brain suddenly started working again. He’d actually turned the Asgardian on with his dick pic? The Godly Prince did like cock and more specifically his?


Sent 8:54pm: you mean that picture of your dick was what? now?


Sent 8:54pm: you got hard looking at my dick?


Lokes Lane 8:57pm: -insert dick pic-


Lokes Lane 8:57pm: It would appear I find it incredibly arousing. Take the compliment before I take it back. 


Sent 8:58pm: too late. It’s screenshotted for black mail.  


Lokes Lane 8:59pm: It’s only blackmail if I’m embarrassed. 


Lokes Lane 8:59pm: Something I’m not for the record. 


  Gripping his erection, Clint bit his lip from indecision. He grimaced a second later as he gave in to giving himself a stroke. It felt filthy and kind of wrong to do since it was Loki, but it was no less satisfying.

   Loki did have a good-looking dick. One he’d be happy to play with. It was long and uncut. Swollen pink at its rounded tip and made to tease until it was leaking. 

  Clint focused on breathing normally so he wouldn’t think about the way his hand was starting to move up and down his length. He hadn’t been with another man in a while. The last four or five people he’d had sex with were female. Maybe more from what he could remember. 

  Unless he hit the gay bars, it was a lot harder to find a guy willing to get naked. Letting drunk men in a standard bar blow him in the bathroom wasn’t his style. Although he wasn’t against a filthy bathroom fuck with someone sober.

  Clint wondered if such a thing was above Loki, or if it fell right into the deviant category the little prim and proper shit was at heart. Some poorly lit bathrooms would be able to hide just how gorgeously regally the god always was. It could be fun to fuck him into his place finally. A visual that dispersed when his phone went off again, nearly causing him to curse about the interruption. 


Lokes Lane 9:00pm: The internet also said many participants enjoy videos of masturbating, and cum shots as responses as well. Although I’m not sure I understand the different usage of the words ‘come’ and ‘cum’. Is it a regional preference or is there context I’m not finding? 


Sent 9:01pm: you googled dick pics???


Lokes Lane 9:02pm: No. I searched for how to respond to them. I was unfamiliar with the Midgardian social protocol of such an interaction. Sexting is something I’ve yet to participate in as I prefer my partners in person.


  Clint nodded his head in agreement. He’d never really done a lot of sexting, preferring instead to just go on out and get himself some action. It didn’t mean he didn’t flirt through text or calls though on occasion. Sometimes those ended up with him masturbating too depending on circumstances. Usually distance. 

   Loki wasn’t far though. Actually he was only eight levels up from him. The memory of which caused his skin to break out in goosebumps and his hand to falter, causing his hips to twitch. If they wanted to fuck each other they could be face to face in less than twenty seconds thanks to the gods ability to teleport. Of course the guy hadn’t sexted. Hell, for all he knew the Asgardian could manifest on top of him with his cock already up his ass. 

   Hand shaking slightly, Clint forced himself to let go of his erection despite the desire to keep pumping it. It was overwhelming to imagine that. All of it was a bit much and he flexed his fingers with an exhale to calm down. 

  Clint could not let himself rub one out to Loki and he definitely couldn’t sext him. During sex he had a bad habit of dirty talk and running his mouth. The guy would definitely end up in his bed either to mock him or fuck him. It would be a coin toss as to which one it’d be. Both of which sounded kind of terrifying. 


Sent 9:01pm: Ok… I’m going to drink some more, watch some porn, and we’re going to pretend this didn’t happen 


Lokes Lane 9:02pm : Why? Porn is just two or more people engaging in sexual acts for the pleasure of another. 


Sent 9:02pm: I know what fucking porn is Loki


Lokes Lane 9:03pm: Am I not aesthetically pleasing enough to look at? I consider my body much more impressive than most of the naked men I’ve seen on the internet. You should consider yourself a lucky little bird. 

   “Arrogant little prick,” Clint muttered to himself, catching and erasing the text he’d instinctively started because it was provoking. 


Sent 9:05pm: it’s not that


Sent 9:05pm: it’s a great pic


Sent 9:06pm: not that your ego needs stroked 


Lokes Lane 9:07pm: Oh on the contrary. My ego and something else very much need stroking. 


   Pinching the bridge of his nose, Clint couldn’t stop himself from chuckling. Of course it did. Loki took every opportunity to flaunt himself. It’s why he and Tony got on so well. Both were dramatic fuckers full of themselves. At least the Asgardian was classy about it though. 


Sent 9:08pm: Loki?


Lokes Lane 9:08pm: Yes little bird?


   Closing his eyes, Clint tried to ignore the teasing. Loki always called him that when trying to get him riled up. Usually it resulted in him calling him Princess as a response, which would get him an arched eyebrow or some comment with a smirk. At the moment it would definitely be flirting and would just lead to the sexting he was trying to prevent even though his erection jumped eagerly at the pet name. 


Sent 9:10pm: we’re going to pretend this never happened


Lokes Lane 9:11pm: Why?


Sent 9:11pm: cause I said so that’s why


Lokes Lane 9:12pm: How disappointing. He is very put out about that. We can pretend it never happened after I take care of him. 


Sent 9:13pm: Him? 


Lokes Lane 9:14pm: An erection is an aroused form of male anatomy and I find the pronoun usage in relation to it quite entertaining for myself at the moment. I can go with ‘she’ if you prefer. My body has no qualms over sexual or gender normalities. Being born with male anatomy though it’s a little easier to satisfy myself that way than trying to please my cunt all alone. 


    Clint narrowed his eyes at the message. Maybe he needed to recount how many beers he’d given away and how many he’d had. Unless Loki was the kind that liked his ass referenced as a boy pussy. Something he definitely wasn’t a fan of. It was the only way he could work the word ‘cunt’ into that situation though. 


Lokes Lane 9:16pm: Now I’m going to finish masturbating if you don’t mind. 


Sent 9:16pm: good for you?


Sent 9:16pm: enjoy the freebie lmao  


Lokes Lane 9:17pm: Barton if you’ve no desire to sext with me to the finish, quit texting back. 


Lokes Lane 9:17pm: It’s rather annoying being sent back to the bottom of the screen when your cock is at the top. How am I supposed to masturbate to that with your half arsed pathetic whining? 


    Letting out a large laugh, Clint shook his head and smiled up at the ceiling. It was fitting that Loki was actually a bossy little shit in the sack. He liked telling people what to do, or at least trying. 

  Part of him really wanted Loki to try that with him right now. The horny switch part of him that liked a good little fight for dominance. Most of the girls never really gave him that. Clint obviously didn’t mind, but it was one of his favorite things to do when it came to sex. 

  Dominating a god? One he’d only managed to knock on his ass a handful of times thanks to trick arrows? Forcing him to shut up by shoving his cock down his throat and fisting his long black hair so that he couldn’t move? 

   Clint took out his hearing aids since he no longer had any plans for any visitors. He placed them along with his phone on his dresser. Afterwards he threw his left arm over his eyes, blanketing his world in darkness. 

  It was only then that Clint allowed his hand to drop back down to his erection. Wrapping his fingers around it, he began to pump it eagerly too. Determination and excitement quickly coursing through him. 

  If he happened to be imagining a certain god’s green glare, glazed over with lust it was only natural. If he could imagine some guy’s lips parted or the way his smooth pale cheeks would go pink from arousal it was just fantasy. If he could imagine himself pinning Loki’s arms above his head as he came on the Asgardian’s bare chest with him whining for more… well that would just be his little secret.

Chapter 2: What Kind of Tension?


No fun AN this time. I'm annoyed. Clint kicked my outline in the jewels, bruised his ankle as a result and just pissed me off in the process.

MRP Bingo 24: N3 - Free

Chapter Text

  Staring at the text message thread on his phone, Clint let his fingers hover over the screen. The last seven days had been exhausting. Mentally and physically. Enough so that he couldn’t figure out what he wanted to do. All he knew was he had to do something

   Clint was tightly wound, having bounced between numerous pointless SHIELD briefings about upcoming missions. None of which he had much interest in. On top of that, there was also the required Avengers team training. An upgrade from sitting in meetings half the day. Those left him feeling like he was in a cage. 

   Steve and Fury couldn’t seem to understand that the team didn’t need training. Every Avenger was already highly an expert in their field, or they wouldn’t have been recruited. You couldn’t expect someone like Tony to drop kick an assassin, the same way they would never get Nat or to do complex science equations. It didn’t matter how much they trained; they were all different people. 

   Normally team training didn’t bother him. Clint even knew on some level team training was important. At least a little. It was just more about all of them being comfortable with each other and keeping in regular contact. Despite living in the Tower, they all had lives outside of the Avengers too. 

   Team training had been one of the many problems Clint had had all week. He was annoyed, maybe even stressed, from SHIELD bullshit. Once he’d walked into the common floor where all the Avengers met every day? A place where he’d previously taken to chilling out? Being able to feel something had shifted in the air, by Wednesday he’d tried to put his hand through a punching bag. 

   None of the working out he did with them in the gym had provided Clint his usual calmness. Normally he used the time together as more of a mental booster. The physical outlet was satisfying, and the playful banter was refreshing. He goofed off, took some pent-up energy out on the mats, laughed away his irritation towards Phil and he was ready to survive the next day. 

   Unfortunately, Clint hadn’t been able to achieve that, despite the light atmosphere with his fellow Avengers. Steve had been surprisingly cheerful actually, and Loki had been… well Loki. Both of which were the only two ever prone to dampening the team’s mood. It was entirely his own fault for once. 

   Clint was perfectly aware as to why his own mood kept darkening over the week. Why his skin had slowly started to itch more and more each day. By early afternoon, he’d practically jumped at Steve’s dismissal. Half the time he liked to give the guy shit for acting like their boss when they were a team . Instead, he’d high tailed it out of the gym thankful for a reason to escape without drawing attention. 

   Considering the source of his… distress, Clint had sought out Laura yesterday. Again. He had clung to a shred of hope that she could still help take the edge off his tense shoulders or distract his mind. 

  Of course, Clint had been wrong. The same way he had been on Sunday when he finally texted her like he’d originally planned. Both experiences had been counterproductive though. If anything, both times they’d hooked up had made his state of mind worse.

   Sunday, sex with Laura had resulted in confusion and only slight mental discomfort. Not enough to worry him, but enough to distract him in the following days. Thursday? Clint wasn’t exactly used to feeling humiliated, however whatever that feeling had been, was surely it. It was also the moment he had realized he had a serious fucking problem to deal with.   

  Unlike before when he’d hook up with Laura, Clint hadn’t found himself vibrating with lust as they kissed. He hadn’t felt the physical need to get his hands up her shirt or into her panties as she worked on the knot of his sweatpants. The anticipation of what was to come, something he was usually eager for, hadn’t been there. 

   Clint had originally been happy to get the ball rolling on Sunday. He’d been kind of distracted, but not enough he’d thought warranted being concerned about. Until his hand went to reach for a dick to stroke as he climbed his peak. One between Laura’s legs that wasn’t his own and didn’t exist. 

  The deep, entertained throaty chuckle from Loki he always heard followed quickly as a response. A pleased, vibrating sound in his head that had made him gasp in surprise as he came. Clint had been taken aback by the development of imagining the god’s body beneath him to properly dissect what that meant until much later. Something he wished he hadn’t done. 

   Sex with Laura yesterday had been more about proving something. A pressure on his chest that he could get rid of without his previous thoughts meaning anything. So Clint told himself he wanted Laura , and knee-ed the mild fear that he wouldn’t be able to get hard in its non-existent nose. 

    Thankfully Laura’s deft fingers brushing his crotch, fondling him as he made himself grope her, had provided enough stimulation to achieve an erection. Although, even with her shirt off, full chest pressed against his, he still hadn’t been burning with arousal in his veins. Actually, by the time Clint had wrapped himself up the second time, his cock warm and aching inside her body, he had been frustrated.

    No, he’d been frustrated Sunday. Yesterday had been a feeling of defeat as he constantly tried to reach a high that felt too far away despite how fast he moved his hips. Of course he’d eventually come, but honestly it had been more out of sheer determination. Stubbornness that resulted in him caving to what was apparently a newfound weakness to just get the job done so Laura didn’t ask questions. After all, he had texted her. 

   Clint had been disoriented as he laid his forehead on Laura’s shoulder. Panting from the physical relief in his groin, that offered no true satisfaction. Instead, it’d left him deflating in a hurricane of mental fuckery. The result of which was a fuzzy feeling in his head as he resided himself to just being grateful. Grateful he’d managed to keep his normally loose mouth shut because for all he knew Loki’s name might have slipped out in the end.  

   A small part of Clint felt guilty about having sex with Laura. He didn’t plan to do it again any time soon. At least not until he got Loki out of his head where he’d unknowingly taken up residence. Something that needed to be done since he’d come to the idea of fucking him twice. Three times if he counted his solo session last week, but he was reluctant too. It didn’t bother him as much. 

   Clint was perfectly aware people thought about someone other than who they were having sex with while they were doing it. He had just never been one of them. Until now apparently. Mathematically speaking, it had to happen every day somewhere. 

   If Clint asked him to, Tony would probably be able to work out an exact number for shits and giggles. It didn’t matter in the end though, because it had happened. He just needed a way to not let it happen again. One that wasn’t the obvious actually fucking Loki to get him out of his system. 

   Clint knew firsthand that that method didn’t always work. He knew it wouldn’t, even if it was just a gut feeling. Now that he’d imagined Loki laid out beneath him, his long legs spread wide and eyes challenging with a smirk? It was surprisingly easy to confess to himself that he couldn’t see any of their regular interactions resulting in anything other than bending the man over. 

    Loki had always needled him. Literally from the moment they crossed paths. Provoked him in some way, shape or form. 

   At first it’d just been irritating, but that slowly changed as Clint discovered the secret key to unraveling Loki. It was to give his attitude back to him just as good as he got it. A personality trait that allowed you to see the trickster inside the god, that Thor had insisted he was. Smooth talking, smug little pain in the asses were always baffled when their words were welcomed or brushed off. 

    Once you saw past the facade, it was impossible to unsee it. Unless you were Steve, Phil or Fury. Basically anyone uptight with a stuck up their own ass. People like them only saw the benefits that came from Loki’s existence. An otherworldly magical being unlike anything known to mankind, including that of the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. 

   Loki called the magical people on Earth, pitiful magicians that were the equivalent of a child playing dress up. Clint had snorted, choking back a laugh. Fury had scowled while Phil had remained as emotionless as ever. Thor on the other hand, had winced but hadn’t disagreed. 

   The god seemed to relish in his ability to get under everyone’s skin. It didn’t matter what their responses were, he enjoyed causing trouble. Kind of like Tony, which made it unsurprising the two of them had eventually become best buddies. Although they were prone to getting on each other's nerves if they spent too much time together. Steve claimed it was because they had the exact same personality. Neither had protested the claim. 

   Over the last week, Clint hadn’t been able to help noticing the subtle differences between Tony and Loki. He was guilty as hell for paying closer attention to the god than normal, even if he wasn’t looking at him directly. At each team training, or minute they shared on the common floor, he could feel the guy’s presence in a way that had nothing to do with his magic sliding through the air towards him. Besides, that was a fluid, yet at times prickling, sensation he’d gotten used to years ago.

    Normal when Loki toyed with him it was more or less flirting. Sure for others the teasing was more along the lines of trash-talk, but for some reason with him and Tony it always turned joyfully depraved. Maybe because they were just as much of a deviant as the god. Steve preferred to just call them heathens that needed help. 

   The thing with Tony and Loki, was the two of them would sometimes come to a standoff.  Both hands on the counter glaring at each other when they were at odds, daring the other to agree or do as said when things turned serious. Sam had even started a betting pool on when they might catch them angrily making out in the kitchen since it could be easily read as sexual tension. After two years they’d all decided to call it off though.

   Unlike Tony, Clint had no problem dragging out the banter or scientific claims as far as Loki wanted to take it. It was no doubt because he had a much more relaxed personality than either guy. Regardless of what the god said, he’d continually bounce off his words. He’d offer suggestions, winks, and waggling eyebrows to go along with any suggestive behavior without thought. Before last weekend.  

   Something felt different. Clint didn’t know if it was within himself or with Loki. The guy hadn’t acted abnormal, aside from telling him he was jerking off to him. Not just to the idea of him, but an actual picture of his dick that he’d had in his hand. 

   Maybe it was different because he’d done the same. Loki couldn’t know that, but he did. The two of them hadn’t been joking around with theorized scenarios or dramatic behavior. Together they’d finally crossed the line between fantasy and reality, the threads on their phones containing each other's erections proving as much. 

  Clint exhaled slowly, trying not to let it get to him the way it had slowly begun to. Sure, his little thing with Loki was fresh and had steadily crept into the forefront of his mind, but he didn’t know if his stress was based purely on that. It was possible the new development, when paired with work, was just pushing him over the edge. After all, he’d never actually contemplated sleeping with the guy. So why now? 

   An answer existed. Clint just couldn’t find it. He’d never been that great at working through his own feelings, despite the way he could profile others. Profiling wasn’t the same as knowing what someone’s thoughts were. All he could pinpoint were personality traits and basic emotions that allowed him to predict someone’s behavior. It was why he knew fucking Loki out of his system wasn’t going to work. 

   Clint continued to try deciding what he wanted to do. What he really wanted was to not feel like he was about to snap. Achieving that didn’t sound so easy, since the only ways he knew how weren’t working or an option.  

   Usually Clint spent his weekends having a fun time, but he’d settle for the weight on his shoulders being lifted. Maybe he just needed away from the Tower. Away from everything including putting distance between him and Loki physically, to feel better. 

   Another thing Clint knew, could predict about himself, was that if he went out he’d probably end up starting a bar fight. An almost guarantee that came when hustling at cards or pool. If he just walked the streets, he could possibly find some low-life criminals that would be easy to take out, although Steve insisted they leave people like them to the cops. Personally, he’d never understand why since he was technically just being another good samaritan.  

   Clint had confronted Phil earlier in the day about not respecting him anymore. How he was no longer treating him as a friend and instead just another SHIELD lackey, which he refused to be. He’d paid his debt by now, which he’d reminded the guy. If he was going to send him on ridiculous missions that were either more Laura’s level, aka a waste of his time, or were suicide missions out of greed, then he was done. 

    It’d felt amazing to say what he needed to say, even if he’d only gotten him a bland ‘it will be taken into consideration’ as a response. Clint wondered if he’d get the same feeling by confronting Loki. He only had the problem of what to confront him about. The guy hadn’t done anything wrong for once and looking back through their texts the conversation had ended casually, without any problems. Naturally.  

   Clint didn’t know how to confront or even start a conversation with Loki over their little dick pic exchange. The only thing he could think of was asking if the guy had deleted the picture. He’d originally told him to, but by the end he’d more or less expressed he didn’t care.

   It was the only excuse Clint could seem to come up with though. If he tried to text the Asgardian about anything else, he’d still have to deal with finding a way of bringing up their previous conversation in a way that didn’t seem out of nowhere. So he resigned himself to his fate, by pushing send. 


Sent 6:12pm: did you delete it? 


   Before the message even finished going through, Clint questioned what the hell he was doing. Loki was like playing with fire. He was both predictable and unpredictable at the same time.

   It was too late to take it back though as he stared at the words on his screen. If he tried it would only make Loki suspicious of his behavior, since the guy analyzed every word someone said. Every reaction he witnessed. So it was practically a given that the guy already knew something was off with him. 

   Clint had caught Loki staring at him a few times between Wednesday and this afternoon. It was his calculating look that only made his green eyes narrow when they made contact, more or less confirming that the god could tell he was acting strange. If he were prone to blushing, he might have blushed. Instead, he’d clenched his jaw due to the irritation that came from being watched by the person currently buried under his skin. 


Sent 6:22pm: well?


   As the minutes ticked on and no answer came, Clint decided he needed to get up. He needed to do something. Loki was often doing stuff. Stupid, pointless things, but it meant he didn’t have his phone constantly at his side. Part of that also came from not being human. Phones, texting, weren’t something that caught his attention unless he was bored or invested.

   Loki hung out with Tony a lot in his down time as well. The two of them talked science and plotted what Clint guessed was the eventual annihilation of SHIELD. It’d probably been born out of intoxicated annoyance but nurtured due to pure genius. Not that he was personally bothered by a secret government agency’s collapse, which was why he played oblivious instead of alerting Phil. 

   A few times the two of them had invited him to hang out, up in Tony’s penthouse. Clint had three or four times in the early days, but then he had begun to decline the invitations. Realization dawned on him shortly after, both about their subtle plotting and the likelihood the three of them together would cause a fuck ton of unhinged trouble. 

   Phil had probably guessed that much as well. What other reason would he have to warn him not to get too close to two people they’d recruited for SHIELD? The guy didn’t give two shits about his years spent at Nat’s side or all the video games they played with Sam sometimes. 

   Something else Loki did that took up his full attention was meditate. A lot. He also read like crazy. Otherworldly books that looked like they were a few hundred years old. 

   Clint also knew that Loki liked to slip out into the city under various guises, seemingly at random. He didn’t know what exactly the Asgardian did during those outings, but he could only assume it was no good. The same way he’d caused trouble before officially becoming an “Avenger”, just on a more low-key level. A few times he’d even tried to tail him. Tracking a guy that could disappear in the blink of an eye wasn’t exactly an easy task though. Fury hadn’t been pleased. 

   Not feeling up to cooking anything as he started to pull out a skillet, Clint popped a few frozen burritos into the microwave. He could have asked Jarvis to order something, but he didn’t feel up for actual talking. Artificial intelligence or not. 

   Sitting down to eat on the couch and binging Cupcake Wars, didn’t help distract him as much as Clint had hoped it would. Which again made him consider going out. It wasn’t like he’d hoped very hard anyways considering he’d literally been having sex with someone, the most desirable distraction, and still couldn’t get Loki out of his head.

   Clint told himself at least he tried as he slumped in his seat, eventually caving to flipping through the channels hoping something would grab him. He had hundreds of possibilities thanks to Tony, but it was still the first small vibration of his phone that snatched his focus instantly. As well as Loki’s own question that made him frown.  


Lokes Lane 7:47pm: Did I delete what? 


Sent 7:47pm: the picture? 


Lokes Lane 7:48pm: What picture? 


Sent 7:48pm: you know 


Sent 7:48pm: the picture…


Lokes Lane 7:50pm: Barton…


Sent 7:50pm: Loki… 


Lokes Lane 7:51pm: Pray tell how we are to pretend it didn't happen if you insist on bringing it up? 


   Grimacing, the question made him feel awkward. Loki was actually doing exactly what he’d asked him to do. It made him seem like an idiot. Clint wouldn’t even be surprised if the guy said as much. Actually, ‘You’re an idiot Barton’ sounded like a much more familiar message he would be happy to receive. 

   Clint decided to take it as a sign to let the conversation, the topic, go. Loki was prone to three behaviors anyways. Openly detesting or protesting what was requested, like he did with Steve or Natasha. Seemingly indifferent, like he was towards Thor, Bruce and Sam. Surprisingly protective, but only when it came to Tony. Although, he’d seen the Prince’s hackles rise a few times whether he admitted it or not when his brother was talked less than pleasantly about. 

   Personally, he’d always assumed he landed in the indifferent zone. Clint took his brushing off of last weekend as evidence as such, which told him he really didn’t have anything to worry about unless he pissed the Asgardian off. Since Loki found him more amusing than irritating, he didn’t find that likely. He really was letting this topic grate at his skin for no reason. Half assed ‘confronting’ the guy was obviously not going to help his mood. 


Sent 7:53pm: right


Sent 7:53pm : yea


Sent 7:53pm : sorry


Lokes Lane 7:57pm: Clinton Francis Barton, providing me with an apology without being under duress? 


Lokes Lane 7:57pm: You let Samuel best you during sparring the last three days. 


Lokes Lane 7:58pm: Why is it that you are behaving so curiously? 🤨       


   Clint huffed. Loki wasn’t wrong. He always beat Sam when they were on the mats grappling. Granted the guy gave him a good run for his money sometimes. 

   Sam wasn’t any kind of wrestler or scrapper and fought with a lot more uniformity. The kind that spoke years of military training, which were habits they were trying to break. Clint had accidentally got hit with a serious left hook by the guy yesterday while down on his back. It was a move he would have dodged effortlessly if his head had been in the game. 

   Loki and Thor hadn’t been working on the mats yesterday, instead choosing to watch the rest of them practice like normal. It was easier for all of them to just square off with Steve when they wanted a real challenge. Super soldier serum or not, he was still human. 

   Sometimes it was hard for the two Asgardians to adjust their strength, especially when caught up in a fun fight. Sure, Loki could heal them with a little persuasion, but puny humans could only take so much. Eventually they’d made the collective decision to save fighting them for when they had their gear. It was all about evading, disabling and learning unpredictable fighting patterns unknown to humans with them anyways. 

   Occasionally Steve would step up to the plate, feeling the need for his own challenge. He was still wary about otherworldly beings no matter how long they’d been around. It was only ever Thor he squared off against though, seeming to like him well enough. 

   Any time Steve called Thor an alien was one of the few times Loki’s hackles went up in regard to his brother. It was super cute, but he was smart enough never to mention it. Tony always made sure to blame the era the old mad was from so his friend didn’t throttle him. One of the reasons those two never got on the mat together was that they were all perfectly aware of the unspoken fact they would genuinely try killing each other. 

   Clint hadn’t been able to focus knowing Loki was standing there just… ogling him. He hadn’t seen it, but he had felt it and that was when he decided to hook up with Laura again. Prove to himself he was not hung up on the guy or something. Obviously, he had been wrong on some potentially terrifying level, but regardless knowing the man was watching him so openly with valid reason? If he’d been on a mission he would have gotten shot in the head or stabbed in the kidney. 


Sent 7:59pm : whatever


Lokes Lane 7:59pm: You’ve seemed, downhearted little bird. 


Sent 7:59pm: im not downhearted 


Sent 7:59pm: dont call me that


Lokes Lane 8:01pm: Touchy as well I see. Why ever not? 


Sent 8:01pm: im not your little bird


    Abruptly, Clint stood up to go get dressed. Apparently, he did need to get away from the Tower. Away from the whole week actually. New York City never slept so there was always somewhere to go or something to do. It was better than sitting on the couch brooding as his face finally threatened to heat. 

   Loki had always called him his little bird. It wasn’t sudden or strange. Clint had never cared because it actually felt kind of nice. As if it was something that was only for them. A personal connection instead of a professional one with no prior connections like ‘Hawk’ or ‘Lieutenant’ had been with Thanos.     

   Little bird was just a flippant nickname meant to toy with him. Loki did the same thing with Natasha and Steve. Otherwise known as the ‘little spider’ and the ‘captain’. 

   Any time Loki was being serious, he used everyone’s given names. Full ones. Clint still didn’t know if that was just an Asgardian thing or royal thing. Thor did the same despite everyone’s insistence the two of them use their shortened names. Sadly, the request never seemed to stick in their heads. 

   Buttoning his jeans, Clint realized that his sudden problem was that the nickname felt personal. Personal was exactly what he didn’t want to feel with Loki at the moment. It made the sensation lingering in his chest squeeze his lungs a little tighter. He wondered how bad of an idea it was to get completely smashed tonight.


Lokes Lane 8:02pm: You’ve never complained about it before, and I’m not the least bit sorry to say I will always think of you as my beautifully twisted little Midgardian bird. 


   Tugging his hoodie over his head, Clint grumbled to himself. The compliment was worded where it could be both approving and insulting. Unfortunately, he knew Loki. It was genuine approval. Unexpected praise that had him stuffing his feet into his shoes before snatching his phone back up. 


Sent 8:06pm: if youre trying to compliment me you can do better 🙄


Lokes Lane 8:06pm: Indeed, I can, but given our previous… private interaction, I doubted you’d be as amusingly receptive as normal. 


   Clint shot off a message before he could overthink discussing the topic he was again indecisive about touching. Besides, he needed to act normal to get Loki off his back about behaving strangely. If it made him feel better, that would just be a bonus. 

   It’s why defaulting to hustling while testing the boundaries of his alcohol consumption sounded like a great idea. By his pre-Avenger days it was normal behavior. Plus it was fucking impressive to see the results the next morning. Hangovers were better when you had three grand stuffed in your boxer briefs. Not his normal preference for underwear, but regular boxers didn’t exactly keep the cash safely secured. 


Sent 8:07pm: Since when has that stopped you? 


Lokes Lane 8:08pm: True. I do enjoy it when I manage to take you off guard. It’s cute. The manic glint in your eyes that follows always promises an entertaining challenge. 


Sent 8:07pm : yeah im sure you do


Lokes Lane 8:08pm: Mhmm. I enjoy many things about you Barton.   


Lokes Lane 8:09pm: You’re cunning. Mischievous. Ruthless. All things your fellow team members don’t appreciate the way I do. The little spider being an exception of course, but while she shares many of your traits, you make it the most important thing. Fun. You relish in your success which is what I enjoy. Greatly.  


Lokes Lane 8:10pm: Your resourcefulness and the ability to improvise within seconds are also very admirable qualities. Such things have allowed me to flourish over the course of my life. The power you know not to yield due to the others lack of limited perception? Even I can see, despite being a simple Midgardian, you are a force to be reckoned with.


   Jabbing at the elevator button, Clint let out a stuttered breath. It was mostly a disbelieving laugh, but something rushed through his body after reading Loki’s words. He wanted to call it heat, however he stubbornly refused. 

   As he moved downward, Clint pulled back up Loki’s messages and stared at them. He was most of those things. Loki expressing his appreciation of them? Savoring such praise from the Prince was going to be another guilty indulgence as he screenshotted it just in case.

   People, like Steve and SHIELD, mostly ignored those parts of him. The parts that were exactly what made him a badass undercover agent. It was stupid really, since not giving a shit and doing what needed to be done was over half the reason he’d been offered the job instead of serving prison time. Pristine do-gooders weren’t capable of getting their hands dirty the way he was, especially when they pretended to be some noble cause. 

   Striding through the lobby and security quickly, Clint racked his brain for if Loki had ever said something so complimentary to him. Flattering in a way that was real and outright instead of just simply implied that way it could be passed off as an offhand remark. He was a confident guy, but being appreciated for who he was? It felt kind of amazing, almost instantly boosting his mood. 


Sent 8:12pm: now that’s a compliment 


Sent 8:12pm: of course your crazy sadistic ass would get off on those things 😂


Lokes Lane 8:13pm: Oh Barton, that’s only the bare basics of what I ‘get off on’. 

Chapter 3: Challenge Accepted


As you see I said fuck it to the 5+1 trope cause whatever. The boys won. Fuck them.

Originally the second half of what was posted as chapter 2 but it was so fucking long it kept bother my OCD so here we are.

MRP Bingo 24: I2 - Dirty Talk

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

  It was his own fault really. Clint knew that as he stared at the most recent bubbles of their conversation. He was talking to Loki. Should he have expected anything else? 

   Loki always rolled with things. Effortlessly. One hundred percent without hesitation when he thought it would get a rise out of you. Based on the foundation of their current conversation, offering ‘get off on’ as a line was prime material for him to work with. 

   “Dammnit,” Clint muttered, deciding to slip into one of the taxi’s that hung out near the Tower instead of walking like he’d planned. “Uh… Quincy Street.” 

   Clint hadn’t had any specific destination in mind, but in his attempt to keep from imagining what Loki got off on he gave his old address. It was as good a place to start as any. He probably could do with checking on his apartment anyways and he was pretty sure he had a bottle of whiskey. Perfect for pre-gaming before hitting up the bar a few blocks down that the Russians had used as another laundering front. 

   Watching the car lights pass by traffic actually moving decently, Clint couldn’t find it in him to respond to Loki. Anything he responded with was going to come across as hostility or flirtatious. He wasn’t actually put out with the guy and he didn’t want to start pissing off the god on top of everything else. 

   If he responded with anything even bordering on suggestive, like he already had without intending to, the conversation was going to spiral. It would turn into humorous teasing and possibly even flirting. Something he usually enjoyed. 

   Before, that wouldn’t have bothered him. The problem was that now it would feel real. Any crazy shit that might get said, like the time the Asgardian mentioned visiting a brothel and Clint had suggested he take up the career, he would vividly imagine it. Hyper fixate on it without a doubt.

   Suddenly, Clint found his hoodie suffocating. He wanted to rip it off and roll down the window. The same way he gripped at his phone, wishing he could find it in him to delete their conversation thread. No matter how many times, how long he stared at Loki’s dick on his screen, he just couldn’t do it. It truly was blackmail material at its finest if the Prince ever decided he regretted it. 

   Worst of all, Clint found he actually liked the picture Loki had sent him when he’d looked at it later. Maybe even more than liked since he’d imagined licking the smooth pale skin of his crotch. It was fucking gorgeous, making his hand flex into a fist because that’s where he wanted it. God, he hated the moments he managed to openly acknowledge he wanted the guy. Lucky for him, his phone vibrated again which shook him from his thoughts. 


Lokes Lane 8:21pm: Personality characteristics I admire aside, you are tall. You have impressive reach for a being of your status. Enough to nearly match me, which is no small feat. You’re broader in your shoulders and chest though, but that is in no way a complaint. On top of your firm, solid form with rough holds yet fluid movements? All the things I truly desire, you are little bird.  


   Years of training kept Clint from letting out a manic laugh. It was a close call, but he stifled it before it could reach his throat. He was starting to think this was the beginning of his end. The descent into madness. How fitting would it be that SHIELD and Loki were the cause? Actually, very fitting. 


Sent 8:22pm: damn dude… 


Sent 8:22pm: talk about taking it up a notch 


Sent 8:22pm: fucking hell


Sent 8:23pm: you cant just say shit like that  


Lokes Lane 8:24pm: You wanted proper compliments. I gave them to you. So why ever not?


   Clint didn’t like that question because he didn’t like the answer. The answer made his skin tingle and filled him with the need to adjust himself. He settled for just moving his legs around a little instead of touching his groin though. If he’d been alone, he might have even told his dick to behave. 

   Alone was exactly what he wanted to be now that he was in someone else’s presence, whether or not they were paying attention to him. It led to him bouncing his foot impatiently in the backseat, waiting for his street. Seeing the total price climbing on the screen in the back, Clint was grateful Tony kept a tab going with the taxi drivers around the Tower. He hadn’t planned ahead for the cash he needed to dish out before actually going to the bar. 

   Clint wished he could have thought more about anything, on the drive to his place but his brain decided to tap out leaving him mostly fuzz as he got out of the car. He couldn’t blame it. Working through emotions was a bitch. It was why he had always resorted to physical altercations, or better yet blowing shit up. Shooting bad guys in the shoulder, or neck if they weren’t needed for interrogation, was even better. 

   Climbing the lowly lit stairwell of his complex, Clint wondered if just throwing himself down onto his old bed and screaming into the mattress like an emotional teenager would help anything. He actually found himself missing, his shabby place where it was just him. No Avengers, agents or Jarvis watching his every move. One of the multiple perks that came with being the owner of an entire building. It was his domain entirely. 

   Sticking the key into the lock, Clint pushed open his front door. He needed to turn on the fan to get some air circulating and probably throw whatever was in the fridge out, but otherwise the place looked just as cozy as the last time he'd dropped in. It also meant he didn't know where the remote was as he flopped down on the couch. Since he was mostly fantasizing about pulling the thirteen hundred thousand dollars out of his hidey-holes in the place and ditching the country, he didn't care enough to look. 


Lokes Lane 8:32pm: It’s quite alright, you don’t have to explain.  


   Sighing, Clint kicked his feet up on his coffee table. He didn't feel nearly as tense anymore as he decided how to respond to Loki. Who knew a dull car ride through the city could work such wonders. It was even better when he sat back up to finally pull his hoodie off, which he carelessly let fall onto the floor. 


Sent 8:36pm: good


Sent 8:36pm : not that there is anything to explain  


Lokes Lane 8:39pm: Of course not. 🙂


Sent 8:40pm: whats that suppose to mean? 


Lokes Lane 8:40pm: Now, don’t play daft darling. It’s amusing towards others, but not towards me. 


Sent 8:41pm: im not  


Lokes Lane 8:42pm: I’ve seen inside your mind Barton. I know you’re clever and while you can play the fool brilliantly, you can’t fool me.  


   Brushing off being called ‘darling’ and another subtle compliment, Clint tried to use the last message as a way to recall all the things he had originally disliked about Loki. The all-knowing attitude. Smugness he could feel through simple words. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

  Loki wasn't wrong. Of course he wasn't. He’d literally been inside his head and saw who he was. All the aspects of his personality. 

  Actually it was possible Loki knew more than that, but they’d never discussed what exactly they knew about each other after Thanos’s mind control. You didn’t just bring up some god's daddy issues when they were prone to frequent death threats, most of which weren’t just threats but promises. Shocking probably to most, Clint did possess some self-preservation. If he hadn’t he would have been dead over a hundred times by now. 

  It really was a waste of time to try and trick a trickster that knew him. A realization that easily took Clint back to the original reason he’d messaged Loki in the first place. He’d never acted bashful or embarrassed around the Asgardian before even when they could have been counted as enemies. If anything, he used it as a defense mechanism, so why was he starting now? 


Sent 8:47pm: you never answered the question btw


Lokes Lane 8:48pm: What question would that be? 


Sent 8:48pm: did you delete the picture? 


Lokes Lane 8:49pm: You are doing a very poor job of pretending you didn’t send me that picture you know.  


Sent 8:49pm: no shit 😑


Sent 8:50pm: you told me you were jerking off to my dick 


Sent 8:50pm : how do you expect me to pretend that didn’t happen? 


Lokes Lane 8:51pm : Now that was your idea Barton. Not mine.  


Sent 8:51pm : i didnt tell you to rub one out with me 


   “Ah fuck,” Clint muttered, hitting the backspace button repeatedly to late. “Great.” 

    Both of them had managed to turn conversations dirty in an attempt to make the other uncomfortable with far less before. Considering Loki seemed in a perky mood, enjoying his discomfort, Clint didn’t doubt for a second the guy would do just that. A part of him said good because it was normal. Another part, perked up with anticipation. The rest of him said ‘you’re a dumbass’.


Sent 8:52pm : thats not what i meant  


Lokes Lane 8:54pm : I’m perfectly aware it wasn’t your idea for me to ‘rub one’ out with you. I was actually referring to pretending it didn’t happen, which is failing spectacularly. Although I do enjoy the idea you finished yourself off at the same time I did.


Sent 8:55pm: we wouldnt get off at the same time no matter what


Lokes Lane 8:55pm : Not with that attitude. 


   Clint pressed his lips together, trying to suppress the smile that wanted to form. He couldn’t say he loved Loki, but he loved this. The back and forth they exchanged easily. It was hard, impossible, to resist trying to take the guy back down a peg. 

    Shifting on the couch, Clint bit his lower lip and looked around the empty space. It was still poorly lit since he hadn’t bothered to turn on more than the kitchen light, but it gave him a sense of confidence. Something that allowed his stomach to tighten with only slight restraint as his cock stirred to life. 

   Mentally he might as well have just said screw it as he pressed the heel of his hand against his groin. It wasn’t any actual attempt to control himself. The god was hot. He was alone. Aside from the fact Loki was Loki, was there really any downside to playing with him? As long as he didn’t do it in real life or tell anyone, he didn’t see why not.

   Clint figured the only real negative was giving Loki the satisfaction of indulging him, since was obviously getting off on their little exchange too. If he allowed himself the ability to imagine the scenario, he could think of a way to prevent it though. It’d be quite the sight to see the guy not getting his way. 

   Every time Loki didn’t get what he wanted or was met with a fight for it, Clint always smiled widely in response if he was around. Hell, even if he heard about the hissy fit that was thrown. He didn’t see how this situation would be any different. 


Sent 8:59pm: im not saying it isnt possible 


Sent 8:59pm: im saying i wouldnt let it happen 


Lokes Lane 8:59pm: Oh really? How exactly would you manage that? 🤔


Sent 9:01pm: squeezing your dick so hard you have to beg to me stop  


Sent 9:01pm : yanking on your hair until youre crying out  


Lokes Lane 9:03pm: Bold of you to assume I wouldn’t come in your hand to both of those things.   


   Swearing, Clint got up and went to the bedroom. As expected, when he threw himself down onto it, he was met with the worn softness that came from years of doing the exact same thing. The Tower’s mattress was stiff and durable. A good bed for someone that didn’t actually enjoy sleeping or fooling around on it regularly. 

   Groaning as he rolled over, Clint stared up at the ceiling as he groped himself through his pants. The sheets needed to be washed, having the stale scent that came from usage and time. He tried to think about that, but he was mostly thinking of Loki coming in his hand. One of the exact things he’d thought about too many times over the last week. 

    It felt better to openly accept the desire, away from everything that said he shouldn’t. Clint slipped his hand into his jeans and squeezed roughly at the swell inside. He hadn’t actually thought Loki, a proper pristine Prince, would enjoy getting manhandled. One of the exact things he loved about being with a guy. Maybe even more so when it came to the idea of it being Loki he’d be controlling.  


Lokes Lane 9:06pm: You call me a sadist, as if you’re not one yourself. I am what I believe your people call a switch in terms of pain. By all means darling. You can use me and mark me. My cock will be hard enough for you I won’t care. 


   Clint was reluctant, hard pressed, to pull his hand out of his pants to respond. He would do both of those things and he was starting to sport an erection that agreed. Still, he tried to reign himself in, imagining they were in the gym near the range.

   Most of the team didn’t venture towards the archery area unless they were already in discussion with him or needed to talk to him. If they were there talking like this as he drew back an arrow, Loki wouldn’t mean it. Outside of the Tower, surely it wouldn't be any different. 


Sent 9:06pm: youd say that until i did it


Sent 9:06pm: until i shoved my dick down your throat 


Sent 9:06pm: i wouldnt let you breath 


Sent 9:06pm: youd have tears in your eyes 


Lokes Lane 9:07pm: Norns that’s quite the picture you’re painting. You’re underestimating my abilities though. 


Sent 9:07pm: nah youd throw a fit when i came on that pretty face of yours


Lokes Lane 9:08pm: It’s still a painting. One I’d gladly be.


Lokes Lane 9:08pm: I confess I’d prefer it if you let me drink it. Satisfy a thirst I’m aching to taste.  


   Caught up in the moment, the fire that’d slowly taken over his body, Clint didn’t care how they’d gone from their normal hypotheticals to present tense. Loki spoke as if it were happening. As if it were something he wanted now. 

  ‘Satisfy a thirst I’m aching to taste’. Did that mean the guy was aching for him now? The way his cock was as he finally undid his pants and pushed down his boxer briefs. He had actual evidence on his phone that Loki had been aroused when texting him before, without more than two short messages of dirty talk. If Clint had been the true source of his arousal that is.  

   Last time Clint had already been hard when he’d accidentally sent that message to Loki. It’s what had given him the mental validation to wave his jerk off session as nothing. A lie told to make himself feel better. The conversation they’d exchanged then he definitely wouldn’t count as sexting though.

   Now it was a whole different story as he re-read Loki’s supposed ache for him. If it was bullshit, he would drown himself in a little bit, but if it wasn’t? Clint could totally imagine him finally shutting the guy up one day by just fucking his face until he was choking on his cock. A beautiful picture that made him want to grab the lube out of his nightstand. 


Sent 9:09pm: youd choke on it


Lokes Lone 9:10pm: Doubtful, but a risk I’m willing to take. If I make a mess, don’t worry darling. I will clean us up. I will have your cock glistening after you finish. My tongue is good for more than just words. 


Sent 9:10pm: god damn youre a cock slut 


   Dropping his phone on his chest, Clint mentally checked out. He was done for as he shoved his jeans and underwear down to his knees and he sat up, reaching for his night stand. Lube made everything better. A given really when he was thinking about his cock in a wet mouth, flooded with come and drool. 

   If Loki was such a cock slut, he doubted his cock would ever be dry. It sounded like he wanted to worship it. Lick it until he told him to stop. Clint wondered if that meant the guy liked being a cockwarmer since he was okay with being used. The idea of an all-powerful god, Prince Loki of Asgard, on his knees between his legs with a mouthful of spent dick? 

   Clint generously coated his right hand in lube before wrapping it around himself and falling back on the bed. It was with a blissful sigh that was everything he’d been wanting. Needing. So he could admit he was slightly disappointed to see Loki hadn’t texted back yet when he fished around for his phone. 


Sent 9:12pm: you know what that is and thats what you sound like right? 


Lokes Lone 9:12pm: If wanting my mouth on that impressive cock of yours makes me a cockslut, well… I guess I’m your cockslut little bird.


Sent 9:13pm: thats right 


  Sent 9:13pm: are you going to drool for it?


Sent 9:13pm: you just gonna bend over for me too princess?  


   Loki never wrestled. Clint never saw him on the mats in any form of bent over. Still, it wasn’t hard to imagine the guy in that position. Thanks to the leather he was prone to wearing more often than not, any time he rolled into a stance where he was down on one knee if you looked, his ass was well defined. Firm with a little swell that was made for hands to grip. 

   Starting to stroke himself, Clint thought about how many times he’d actually let his eyes drop to the guy’s ass. Loki was just impressive in a hand-to-hand fight, because he was always full of passion. It made for an impressive display. In truth that was no different than from the rest of him though. Knowing the god, he’d probably push his backside out for him temptingly. He’d definitely seductively strutted away from him before like a fucking peacock. 

   Clint wished now that he would have grabbed him. Wrapped an arm around his waist and just sat him down on his lap. He wondered if Loki would yelp, snarl or just wiggle his ass in response. No doubt once his cock would start to perk up he’d have shoved the guy away to pretend it hadn’t happened, which would result in a throaty chuckle. One he could now imagine silencing by burying his face in his crotch. 

   Opening his eyes when his phone vibrated, Clint slowed his hand. He hadn’t realized how quick his movements had become. Maybe it was just the excitement of finally feeling free to do what he wanted. Quickly he ignored the fact he recognized the feeling as pure unfiltered want. 


Lokes Lone 9:15pm: If I were to bend over you’d have to keep me there. A difficult task I promise you.


Lokes Lane 9:15pm: It’s a… dangerous position to say the least. I avoid it for a reason. 


   Whatever that reason was, Clint instantly wanted to know. What made simply bending over such a dangerous position? If anything that was one of the easiest positions for sex, especially when it came to anal. Before he could ask though, Loki was already messaging him again. 


Lokes Lane 9:16pm: I’ll let you know a secret darling. A very personal one.


Sent 9:16pm: tell me


Lokes Lane 9:16pm: I’ve been waiting for the right man to bend me over and breed me. 


   Clint moaned lowly, squeezing his erection tightly and thrusting up into his wet fist. Breeding kink in general? He was a fan, but not some die hard. The idea of breeding Loki though? A guy who always looked immaculately put together and above such primal behavior? 

    If the Asgardian was weak for it, Clint didn’t think he’d be able to stop once they started. He would place a large bet that Loki took his role on bottom in that scenario seriously and with dedication. Commitment and passion. Since he was great at playing his part on a job when taking on a different identity was required, he didn’t doubt the guy would look completely wrecked. 


Sent 9:17pm: fuck yeah 


Sent 9:17pm: i’ll breed you up real good babe   


Sent 9:17pm: i’d pump you full 


Sent 9:17pm: dont worry


Sent 9:17pm: i’ll do it again and again 


Sent 9:18pm: until your cute little ass is dripping with come like a spent bitch in heat  


Lokes Lone 9:18pm: Watch your mouth Barton. 


Lokes Lone 9:18pm: If we’re not careful I just might let you. 


Sent 9:19pm: close  


Lokes Lone 9:20pm: Close? I’m going to assume that means you’re close to coming? Oh little bird… Are you going to come with my name on your lips? 


   Clint shook his head no before he remembered Loki wasn’t there. He had to type out the response even though he didn’t actually want to. Well, he did want to, but he was on the verge of coming. It wasn’t going to take more than one more filthy sentence from the guy or maybe another minute and a half. Max. 


Sent 9:21pm: no 


Sent 9:21pm: grunting 


Sent 9:21pm: youd squirm 


Sent 9:22pm: like a needy little bitch 


Lokes Lane 9:22pm: A very accurate assumption, since that’s what it just felt like I was doing. 


Lokes Lane 9:22pm: -picture- 


   “Holy shit,” Clint breathed, taking in the bright vivid picture that popped onto his screen in the darkness of his room. 

   Gasping, once again in surprise, Clint came in his hand. It was an entirely unexpected rush. Usually when he was alone he needed to close his eyes to fully immerse himself in. He supposed he’d gotten that though as his fist lost its rhythm at the sight. 

   Loki had always been depraved and he knew that statement probably included all aspects of his life. It was just the guy’s personality. Clint hadn’t actually stopped to consider just what that might mean for the bedroom. Mostly because he was fixated on his green eyes dancing with mirth, his wet lips stretched around his cock and his ass spread for the taking. 

   Thigh twitching, he finally started to breath again as his erection pulsed over and over again. Clint finally was able to take in the picture then since his system seemed to be rebooting. It looked like Loki had taken in a mirror up close, but the guy was very clearly on a bed. One leg bent up with his foot flat, while the other fell open naturally. He supposed having magic, the god could have done something to make it a close up with minimum effort. 

   The openness of Loki’s long legs allowed him to see what looked like a purple vibrator still up his ass. Clint also noted how the guy’s erection wasn’t completely stiff like last time, but this time there was a large pool of come on his stomach. Some had shot up his left ribs and he followed the trail with his eyes. 

    Somehow, the little roll of flesh of Loki’s midsection from where he was leaning forward a bit made the whole thing sweet and innocent. Until he saw the lust heavy on his eyelids, weighing them down. It was as arousing as his lips slightly parted. Nothing beat the way he had his long hair down though and the way it was disheveled with one pale hand disappearing into the blackness, obviously pushing it out of his face. 

   Clint knew he would see that image in his dreams for the indefinite future. He would never be able to have sex with Laura again because a blissed out Loki, radiating lust and temptation was all he’d be able to see. The guy wasn’t just beautiful, he was flat out gorgeous. It didn’t even matter that the picture was technically filthy as hell because he was clearly proud of his depravity. Confident as ever. 


Lokes Lane 9:23pm: Sexting is far more exhilarating than I thought it would be when done properly. 🥵


Lokes Lane 9:23pm: You truly are perfect, little bird. 


Lokes Lane 9:24pm: Oh, I nearly forgot since touching myself was quite distracting. In regard to your original question? No, I did not delete the picture you sent me. Accident or not, you proceeded to call it a ‘freebie’. Something given to another without condition or charge. 


Sent 9:24pm: if you keep that one ima keep this one


Sent 9:25pm: how can you be gorgeous and so fucking filthy at the same time? 


Lokes Lane 9:25pm: It’s a talent few can master. 😇 Enjoy it all you want darling. You’re even free to ask for more. 


Lokes Lane 9:25pm: Should you manage to be so bold of course. 


  Either he was going to start living at his place, or he was going to start feeling like a rebel again. The kind that did coke in a small-town diner’s bathroom in between acts. He couldn’t even halfway pretend he wasn’t going to take that bait. It was probably just going to have to be in a fogged-up shower being the curtain where Jarvis couldn’t see or up in a tree somewhere. 

   Maybe he could call this the ‘try getting Loki out of his system’ method. Clint slowly trailed his fingers over the extra sensitive tip of his erection, a string of come stretching between it and his forefinger as he pulled away a little. Paired with tracing the Asgardian’s smooth sack with his eyes, the tingle of his toes fading as his cock gave a weakening twitch, he knew that wasn’t going to happen. If anything, as he had feared, he wanted the god more now than he had dared to think possible. He didn’t know what that fully meant yet, but he got the basic jist which was ‘you’re fucked’. 


Sent 9:26pm: dont think i wont


Lokes Lane 9:26pm: We shall see now won’t we? I wouldn’t dare push the boundaries of your obviously fragile sexuality. 


   A flare of annoyance flashed through his system, reminding him of the early days when he’d still taken every insult Loki threw at him very personally. He was in no way ashamed of his preferences. Well… maybe a little bit when they were a crazy god but for the time being he was going to consider that a technicality. How could the guy who he’d just gotten off with, sexted, think he gave a shit? 

   Being ambidextrous, flexible and good at improv came in handy as Clint turned his camera around. He sat up a little bit, not into the sitting position Loki had been in, but enough that the guy would be able to see his face along with his crotch. All of it, shaft, pubes and his hand shined from the flash thanks to the combination of lube and come. Paired with his scowl? It made for quite the image when he also had his erection pushed upright with his wrist where he proceeded to flip the guy off. 


Sent 9:28pm : -insert pic-


Sent 9:28pm: get over here and start licking 


Sent 9:28pm: its not fucking fragile  


   Stopping himself, Clint erased what he’d started to type. Feeling their heated competitive edge trying to surface, he had to hold back on challenging the guy. Offering something else shamelessly because it was about to become something bold and scandalous. Something guaranteed to get him in deep shit with SHIELD. Possibly even the Avengers as a team, but he cared a lot less about their opinions. 

   Everyone would probably have a problem with him bending Loki over one of the couches on the common floor so everyone could see he wasn’t ashamed to be fucking a guy. He didn’t know if the Asgardian would get off on that, but he probably would. Mostly because he’d like to see him embarrassed for once. Pale skin turned scarlet instead of the pretty pink he apparently sported when all hot and bothered. 


Lokes Lane 9:29pm: A generous offer from someone who has barely managed to meet my eye this past week. By all means, prove yourself the confident man I know you to be. The one in that picture. It is delectable. 


Lokes Lane 9:29pm: I doubt you can pull yourself together for such a task though. I’m about to wager a guess that our exchange last weekend has been the source of your mood. After this? Oh Barton… I’d like to see you try to be yourself in front of others when I’m around now.  


Sent 9:30pm: you know what? 


Sent 9:30pm: challenge accepted princess 


The things I'd be willing to do to get these pictures for us to eye fuck T_T they are hilarious and beautiful in my head

Chapter 4: Trying It Out


Another update? Wow. What's wrong with you BWPP?

I have the next chapter ready to. If you're nice I might post it as soon as I get a comment that makes me gooey cause I'm weak like that...

Hope you enjoy whatever this is <3

MRP Bingo 24: B4 - Object Penetration

Chapter Text

Sent 1:02pm: quit being a little tease 


   As his fingers typed out the words, he may have pressed against the screen a little too hard. It was a StarkPhone so it wasn’t bound to break, but Clint recognized the unnecessary force going into the action. Not that he was mad, irritated or upset. No, he was just battling with self-restraint. Something he always struggled with. 


Lokes Lane 1:08pm: I have no idea what you’re talking about. 😏


Sent 1:09pm: if you sway your ass anymore Steve might notice 


Lokes Lane 1:08pm: Hardly. The fool could have a woman take off her blouse in front of his face, tell him to have his way with her and he still wouldn’t understand what was happening. 


    Clint nearly snorted, but sucked it down since Nat was nearby. He wasn’t so sure Loki was wrong. Steve was oblivious like that and anything hinting towards romantic or sexual feelings? The guy either turned beet red or acted horrified.  


Sent 1:09pm: well Tony’s already been looking at you and he’s the genius


Sent 1:09pm: he can tell you're being weird 


Sent 1:09pm: its that look he has when he's trying to figure something out


    Loki, Tony and Bruce were at the counter talking. Bruce had made a late lunch for everyone to fill them up before going down to the gym. BLT chicken salad with whole wheat bread and honey mint lemonade. Clint could practically feel the guy’s pity on everyone. 

  Clint wasn’t complaining. Sure, he wouldn’t exactly be thrilled with stuff like edamame or quinoa, but he was capable of eating damn near anything. Orphan carnies trained as undercover agents randomly dumped in the bowels of the southeastern rainforests of Asia weren’t exactly picky people. He’d eaten some crazy shit that he was pretty sure would make Tony gag based on the way he’d wrinkled his nose as he poked at the cherry tomatoes. 

   Now, the team was lounging around the common space waiting for Bruce to give them the go ahead. He was insistent they rest at least half an hour to properly digest before working out. Clint hadn’t protested. Mostly because he’d eventually become too busy watching Loki subtly swinging his ass around the place and wondering if someone else might notice. 

   Loki hopped up onto the counter to sit down in one fluid movement and Tony leaned his hip against it as Bruce took a proper seat on one of the stools. It was ridiculous, but he was hardly one to talk with one leg thrown over the arm of the sectional. He’d already got a disapproving look from Steve who had been walking past him when he flopped down. The guy had proceeded to sit down gently, properly with his hands on his lap, next to Sam on the other end.

   Clint scrolled all his social media as he impatiently waited for Loki to message him back. It was kind of frustrating with him being right there, but he didn’t want to prompt any unusual interactions. Tony, Bruce and him were in a conversation. If he randomly tried to insert himself, it would draw odd looks or questions.  

   Instagram? Boring. Twitter? He didn’t want to read about people bitching over Supernatural and any of the recent political bullshit. Tumblr? Clint didn't exactly feel in the zone to get sucked down that rabbit hole of geekiness. Facebook for the win with its stupid, horrible memes.

   Movement caught his peripheral vision and Clint watched Bruce get up. He was shaking his head, walking around the counter. It wasn’t unusual to see him starting on the dishes, so he looked over to Loki and Tony. The two of which were leaning in close together.  

   Something about the interaction made Clint’s wrist flex. He watched closely as Loki continued to whisper in Tony’s ear. The smart bastard covered the space with his hand, preventing any hope of him lip reading. Not that he had much of a chance considering the angle.   

   Whatever Loki was saying slowly caused a wide smile to break out across Tony's face. The guy started to chuckle and when the Asgardian pulled away he had a pleased smile of his own. Clint really hoped it wasn’t jealousy he felt. No, it felt more like being left out of a joke. One you were a part of. 

   Clint forced his eyes back to his phone as Tony’s started sliding around the room slowly. Calculated. He was looking for something and he got the horrible instinct it was him since he was pretty sure he caught a glimpse of his finger pointing to Loki’s thighs. Some unspoken encouragement since no one demanded anything from the Princes. 


Lokes Lane 1:15pm: Now, don’t worry about him darling. He was just… curious about the source of my behavior.  


Lokes Lane 1:15pm: After all, Anthony introduced me to it and more. It seemed only fair he need not stress. Friends are supposed to ease each other's suffering or some rubbish like that. Ask Banner for the quotes, he’s quite fond of them. 


    Yeah, Clint had no plans to engage Bruce on philosophical or psychological guidelines regarding friendship. He had… friends. Kind of. Not really, but he wasn’t looking for some kind of therapist on how to make them. 

   It was kind of weird how comfortable Bruce had finally become around Loki. The same way the Asgardian had come to respect Banner’s intellect. He had a feeling the mutual friendship with Tony had something to do with that, but who knew. Maybe they’d just found peace in what had happened between them. Regardless, apparently they considered each other friends now. 

   Part of Clint hoped for that. He wasn’t entirely sure why. It’s not like he cared if Loki had friends, but it felt like the right thing to think. 

   Bruce was nice and he could see Loki getting along with him pretty good. Clint even liked him. The two of them just didn’t have much in common to hold that long of a conversation regularly. 

   Clint had heard rumors Bruce was secretly a stoner. He had a grow upstairs with seeds brought in from other countries. Considering the factor of the Hulk, he hadn’t risked poking around the guy’s floor yet. Besides, he seemed like the paranoid sort that would try to flush it all down the toilet if he thought someone he didn’t trust knew. 

   Shaking the thoughts, Clint re-read Loki’s message. Outside of the Asgardian needing how to make friends lessons apparently, it didn’t make a lot of sense. Tony had introduced him to what and how did that concern his behavior?  


Sent 1:17pm: what does that mean?  


Sent 1:17pm: he’s what?


Lokes Lane 1:18pm: Do I detect a note of jealousy, Barton? 


    Jealous of Tony? No chance. He had his own secret treasure trove of cash, could have plenty of partners if he wanted and genius status always looked like pressure. 

   Was Loki implying he was jealous of his relationship with Tony? How and why would that be the case? He was happy or whatever for the guys' friendship. 


Sent 1:18pm: no 


Sent 1:18pm: i just want to know 


Lokes Lane 1:19pm: You didn’t honestly think I’d ventured amongst the thousands of Midgardian stores here in search of a den of depravity just to suit my… needs. Now did you?  


    Sometimes Loki talked funny. Sometimes he talked cryptically. He was a Prince from another world in New York City. A den of depravity could be literally anything since Clint wasn’t exactly versed on Asgardian culture. 


Sent 1:19pm: cut to the chase


Lokes Lane 1:19pm: The vibrating toy that had me crying out your name the other day? It is hardly the only thing of its kind I possess. 


Lokes Lane 1:20pm: It’s called ‘Cheeky Charms’. Quite an amusing title, but simply put it’s an anal plug. 


Lokes Lane 1:21pm: I admit, while grounding and stimulating, it’s not as appealing as I originally expected. I assume it’s more fun when there is actually a reason to ‘plug me’. Anthony was wrong about wearing it casually just for fun. 


   Rubbing his forehand with one hand, he maneuvered it so he was scratching his opposite eyebrow. A position that gave him the excuse to tilt his face down and fucking hide. It was the only option he had to cover the smile that was trying to grow. If he didn’t let it happen, his face was going to start turning red. Not out of embarrassment but from the pressure of controlling his response. 

   How was he supposed to respond to Loki’s message? Fuck words. Physically, was there any other option than laughing? Clint didn’t think so as his shoulders started to shake. 

   Sam laughed deeply a little way away. Steve joined in before saying something he couldn’t focus to hear. God, he could feel Nat being two seconds away from looking at him. The church sign pic that said ‘god saw you do that’ followed by the words ‘I knew god was a creep’ below, was not funny enough to pass as an excuse. 

   Careful not to clear his throat, Clint took a deep breath. He wanted to let it out, but he held it instead as he calmly took in the information. The first time his brain started unhinging around ‘Cheeky Charms’ because that was stupidly specific and hilarious. 

   Mentioning their latest round of sexting? Okay, fine, he was a big boy that had renewed his motto of ‘fuck you’ towards everyone. It happened. Clint refused to let it bother him. He had bigger shit to deal with than getting his rocks off with Loki. At least his dick was still working and all his frustration wasn’t sitting low in his stomach anymore. 

  Saying he’d been ‘crying out’ his name was a bit dramatic, but whatever. Clint swept that under the don’t overthink it rug since this was a game they were playing. If you hesitated, you lost, and he planned to wipe the floor with Loki’s pretty face. 


Sent 1:22pm: are you saying you’ve been walking around here with a toy up your ass? 


   It was the only answer that was possible. Clint couldn’t decide if he should have seen something like that coming or if the guy had lost another marble. Sure, it was right on point for Tony, but Loki? Granted this was the same Prince that sent him sex pics with zero shame. 


Lokes Lane 1:22pm: Yes. It’s incredibly frustrating. My cock has been half hard since arriving.  


   Instantly Clint lifted his eyes and found Loki. It was direct without a single shred of subtlety. If someone caught him staring, they’d know it was for a reason. Actually, his expression might have even been a little hard. 

   Loki appeared normal as ever. Sitting there on the counter with his phone in his lap. If he had something up his ass surely that had to be uncomfortable. Still, there he was casually scrolling as Tony stood beside him talking back at Bruce. Clint refused to believe it. The green glance and single dark arched eyebrow he got after a second though gave him doubt. 

   Prince Loki of Asgard. Walking around a bunch of annoyance, friends and even his brother, wearing a butt plug. It felt like he was taking this attempt to toy with him up a little too far. Maybe it’s what he got for being completely steeled yesterday. All the gods suggestive smiles, close proximity and sultry tone doing nothing to shake his determination. 


Sent 1:22pm: bullshit


Sent 1:22pm: i dont believe you  


Lokes Lane 1:23pm: Believe what you will. My arse is still full and my poor cock is pitching a fit. 


Lokes Lane 1:23pm: How I will survive the next few hours is beyond me. 


Sent 1:23pm: show me 


   The request was already flying through the air, probably on Loki’s phone, before Clint thought it might be a bad idea. Of course, the guy had encouraged him to ask for pictures, but he hadn’t yet. A good opening or reason hadn’t presented itself yet and he wasn’t just going to sound stilted. 

   Asking, telling, Loki to send him a picture now was pretty damn spontaneous. Stupid as hell as well considering his own cock was starting to take an interest in the information provided. Thankfully his brain didn’t have enough power to imagine what that might look like. The idea was just that crazy to think about, let alone visualize. 


Lokes Lane 1:24pm: Of course, you ask now of all times. 


Lokes Lane 1:24pm: I’m afraid I can’t think of any easy way to show you at the moment.


    Clint took his leg off the armrest and sat up. Fuck Loki being insane, he was insane. Part of him just wanted to shove the guy into the bathroom so he could check himself. He couldn’t though, so a picture was the next best thing. Either put up or shut up.   


Sent 1:25pm: you wanted me to ask 


Sent 1:25pm: im asking  


Lokes Lane 1:26pm: Correction. You told me. You didn’t ask.  


Lokes Lane 1:26pm: Believe it or not, I’m busy. I can’t just pop off to drop my trousers and find an aesthetically pleasing angle of my naked arse for you. 


Lokes Lane 1:27pm: It will take far too long. 


Sent 1:27pm: no it wont


Sent 1:27pm: drop em, spread em, snap it, easy


Lokes Lane 1:28pm: We are due downstairs any minute and once I touch myself, I won’t be able to stop.


Sent 1:28pm: and whose fault is that?


Lokes Lane 1:29pm: Yours because otherwise I’d have no reason to subject myself to such endless torment.  


Lokes Lane 1:29pm: The fact you noticed, and I didn’t have to tell you later?  


Lokes Lane 1:29pm: Let’s not speak of this at the moment. 


    Fuck that. Clint very much wanted to talk about it. If Loki had really worn a plug for the last hour and half, minimum, for the sake of getting his attention? Well, he had it and even though the conversation had serious potential to make him start sweating thinking, he wasn’t going to let the guy out of it that easily. 

   Clint knew a few things that hit Loki with genuine arousal and not just entertainment. Pet names were one. It made him wonder if the guy had jerked off after all their banter pre-dick pic. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to know the answer to that because if he had what did that say? 

  Encouragement and confidence were number three and four. Both of which were probably part of the fuel behind half of their bad habits towards each other. Five onward? Ideally Clint would like to be alone for any serious dirty talk, but he’d cope if he got to visibly see Loki grow uncomfortable. Reality wasn’t always the same as fantasy though. It was probably a toss up whether he would or not. 


Sent 1:30pm: why not princess?


Sent 1:30pm: can't keep pretending for me? 


Sent 1:30pm: i just wanna see ☹️🥺


Lokes Lane 1:30pm: Watch if you wish then. 


   “Alright everyone,” Bruce suddenly said. “If you’re ready to go, go ahead. I’ve got a few other recipes I want to try so I’m going to be fixing dinner too.” 

   “Treats as well?” Thor asked loudly. 

   “Yes, dessert too,” Bruce answered. 

   Clint’s focus was split as he tried to take himself out of his conversation with Loki. He’d originally looked up to watch him, but then everyone started talking and Thor was walking into the kitchen where Bruce was standing. Both were behind the source of his attention. Tony was trying to sneak over towards his private elevator which caught his eyes too. If he was anyone else it would have been overwhelming since the group off to his left was starting to get up to with a little eagerness in their tones. 

    It was tempting, very tempting, to take his hearing aids out so he could just focus on Loki. Maybe so he could pretend everyone else wasn’t there. Warning signs seemed to pop up at that idea. 

   Adjusting his phone over to one hand, Clint held it so that the screen was facing his body closely. He wouldn’t put it past Nat for one second to sneak a peek if she got close enough. She didn’t respect anyone’s boundaries yet expected everyone to respect hers. Always. It was one of her more annoying traits. Usually it didn’t bother him, but apparently things were different when the subject of the attention would be Loki. 

   Clint stood up when everyone else on the sectional did. Sam, Nat and Steve seemed caught up in some kind of enthusiastic conversation. All of them appeared distracted enough that he finally let his eyes find Loki again. 

   Loki was watching him. Clearly waiting. He actually glanced at the group of people himself before bouncing his eyebrows once. It more or less said ‘watch this’ without words. 

   As Loki hopped off the counter, Clint felt his stomach muscles ripple at the sight. The man’s eyes fluttered shut before his feet even hit the ground and when they did his lips parted. All of it stood out vividly, leaving him unblinking. 

   Clint really hoped that was because Loki was in black Earth clothes. Including black jeans, instead of his Asgardian leather. A change up he’d dismissed upon arrival because he didn’t care what the guy wore. Now he questioned if there was a purpose behind the new look. He did appear a lot more relaxed. You know, before the whole getting to his feet and his muscles stiffened for a few. 

   It was kind of intense watching Loki’s body language change. Slowly his shoulders relaxed, jaw dropping a little bit more as he visibly inhaled before exhaling through his mouth. Maybe it was from the pictures the guy had sent him or the fact he’d imagined himself fucking him with a similiar look on his face. Either way it made Clint want to palm himself and do a lot of things. None of which were okay in real life. 

   Clint kind of felt stuck in place as Loki seemed to shake himself, neatly parting his hair with both hands from his forehead. As if the source of distress was the simple fact it’d gotten in his way. He saw him swallow though and the way his hips shifted again, uncomfortable or eagerly, despite standing still. He’d worn a toy a time or two. It was quite the decision to make when a plug hit the right spot. A rush of stimulation, grabbing the attention of your body. Mind. 

   Shoving his phone in his pocket, Clint quickly turned away. Since the door was shut and his back was to the others, he allowed himself the courtesy of his deep breath. One that would hopefully calm him down. 

   Loki’s little display didn’t confirm or deny anything. He was a showman, prone to theatrics. Known for trickery and deceit. It was hardly a difficult act to put on. Unsatisfied women and whores did it every damn day, fooling thousands of men who didn’t know how to get their partner off. 

   Clint regretted, mostly, looking back at Loki as he started walking. The smug bastard was smirking at him, like he’d won or made his point. He hadn’t done the former and the latter could be argued. So to make his own point he narrowed his eyes in return. 

   All it did was earn him a wide smile that was dancing with mirth. Loki lifted his hand and made a ‘come here’ gesture that obviously wasn’t made for him. It made him scowl until he caught Tony walking back from the otherside of the room from where he’d been slipping into the shadows. Clint turned away and hurried out the doors before the guy got a chance to notice him staring.  


Sent 1:32pm: dramatic much?

Lokes Lane 1:33pm: 😉

Chapter 5: Show Me Whatcha Got


1. The boys are forgiven because while I don't consider myself a good writer my wrist is fucking cramping like a *bitch*. Why? Let's say the reason can be open to interpretation.
2. Check the new chapter total. The next chapter means the story will be halfway over! It's almost all written and cute as hell.
3. Holy shit balls when did the fic get this long? Is that word count real? 😳🤯
4. I do hope some smut muffins are enjoying this... whatever the hell it is. Rare pair PWP insanity?
5. Happy update 💜💚

MRP Bingo: B5 - Nipple Play

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Lokes Lane 9:19pm: -insert pic- 


Lokes Lane 9:19pm: As you requested, Barton. 


  Hand halfway to his mouth, Clint paused what he was doing. The popcorn was old and had no flavor, but he hadn’t been shopping yet. Running out to the store and buying groceries when he wasn’t above eating just about anything? Until he decided what exactly he was doing with his place, he had no plans to stock up. He was gone more often than not for various periods of time anyways. It’s why Mrs. Janson was in charge of collecting rent most of the time. 

   Clint went ahead and popped the popcorn into his mouth as he studied the picture now on his phone. It was kind of weird that the first thing that stood out to him wasn’t Loki’s naked ass. At least as a whole.

   No, what caught his eye first and foremost was the fact the toy visible to him, hidden between his pale ass cheeks, was dotted with purple jewels. Again. Clint instantly clocked that as not a coincidence despite knowing it was usually three times that started a pattern. It was Loki. He was pretty sure there was no such thing as coincidences when it came to him. 

   Unlike previous times, Clint wasn’t surprised by the picture. Maybe it was because he had created an album of Loki’s nudes on his phone. Something he planned to let the guy know about some time to see how he reacted. Hopefully it wouldn’t result in a smashed phone, but if it did it’d be worth it. 

   Clint hadn’t exactly been expecting the picture. It didn’t fill him with confusion, disbelief or straight up overwhelming arousal like all the previous times so far. A good thing that allowed him to treat the moment with a bit of indifference. 

   Loki and him hadn’t messaged one another since their little exchange during lunch. Clint hadn’t seen him since leaving training around three either. The rest of his afternoon for him had consisted of bickering with other official SHIELD agents and Phil over his next assignment. 

  The mission he had coming up, Clint hated. Sure it was easy, but something about it seemed off. He’d originally thought his morals were growing back. Since he’d always maintained those though, he didn’t actually believe that was the root of his problem.  

   Hanging out at his apartment in the evenings now, was helping Clint detach himself from everything serious he had to deal with. It allowed him room to breathe and think a little clearer, the same way it had the first night he’d come back. A refreshing feeling that had him understanding just how consumed he’d become by SHIELD. 

   Clint wondered if part of his problem was becoming ‘domesticated’. The feeling at ease hanging out shooting the shit with the Avengers like some weird work family more and more frequently. Agents didn’t have family. All they had were targets, partners and handlers.

   It didn’t work that way for any of the others though besides Nat. So Clint wasn’t ruling out becoming domesticated as the source of his growing problem with SHIELD. If anything, it made sense. He wasn’t getting any younger and he’d been playing deadly undercover agent for a solid decade. Now he was protecting people, taking out bad guys in non-lethal manners, instead of just shooting an arrow through a politician's daughters neck in the slums of Sao Paulo at three am without context as to why. 

  Nat had told him earlier, as if he needed to be reminded of his job, that it didn’t matter what the objective was, he just needed to do the mission. It was hilarious since she wasn’t even on this one. The only time she went out anymore was when they needed a pretty face to infiltrate a major cooperation or needed a cute damsel in distress. 

  Phil had told him that he was the one that would make this mission quick. Afterwards he would properly reconsider his place in the agency if he wanted. Clint had told them both to fuck off. Mostly because he hadn’t known what else to say or do. Unless he wanted to ditch town and lay under the radar for the rest of his life or until SHIELD deemed him worthless, there wasn’t anything else he could do.  

  Needless to say, Loki’s ass had been the last thing on his mind over the course of the evening. It made the picture a welcome relief actually. Clint was pretty sure that was the case for the Asgardian too if his next message was true. If he really had worn the plug all damn day. 

   Magic seemed to make anything possible, but Clint found himself inclined to believe Loki. If for no other reason than the red skin that stood out in contrast to the silver handle. Constant irritation, like a toy rubbing your skin raw, would definitely do that to a person.  

  The color combo of muted red, silver and rich purple kind of made the picture tempting the longer he stared at it. All Loki had done was use a single hand to move one of his ass cheeks to the side enough that it revealed the toy. So really, it was cute and innocent overall. One’s that were close up, usually were. 


Lokes Lane 9:20pm: I swear I thought the day would never end. I’m beyond done with this. We will have to move onto something else. 


Sent 9:20pm : I dont think youre supposed to wear those all day


   Out of curiosity, not concern, Clint decided to google how long you could wear a butt plug. He wasn’t overly familiar with the toy, but Loki’s ass was pretty red right up against the handle and frankly he did not like the idea of wearing one all day himself. Maybe it was just because he wasn’t used to having anything up there that often.

   It turned out ten to twelve hours was fine according to most, although some recommended only thirty minutes at a time. Clint supposed sex educators knew best. Besides, Loki wasn’t human. He was stronger and more durable, which meant he could probably wear it even longer than that. 

  Clint didn’t have the faintest clue when Loki had put the plug in anyways. Had he done it right before popping in for lunch, or earlier in the morning? Either way the guy was around that ten-to-twelve-hour mark so he should be taking it out. Pausing, he frowned wondering why the hell he was acting like he cared.


Lokes Lane 9:21pm : Thank you for your concern little bird, but I’m perfectly fine.  


Sent 9:21pm: why did it take so long? 


Lokes Lane 9:21pm: Anthony and Banner. The three of us got caught up in theoretical's regarding physiologies of various humanoid species. Nonsense that’s of no interest to you.


Lokes Lane 9:22pm: Talks needed to be had as well, much to my… personal protests. 


   Dramatic pauses without flirtation or threats being at the end of them? Clint instantly wanted to know what that meant. Loki was leaving a lot of information out, but he was also right. In depth scientific theories weren't that much of an interest to him. 

  Talks to be had? Personal protests? Clint mulled over the wording and possibilities. 

  If Loki personally protested anything, you didn’t get it. Clint supposed it might be different amongst friends, but to him that just said he could get his way even easier. Why had he given in to whatever they were talking about? 

   Clint wasn’t going to ask. It wasn’t any of his business. He didn’t want to start getting overly personal with the guy, like what he talked about in his down time with his friends, so he decided to backtrack the conversation a little. 


Sent 9:22pm: feel good to be back at your place then? 


Lokes Lane 9:22pm: You truly have no idea. 


  “I’m starting to think I do,” Clint said into the room, his voice muffled by apes hoo-ing on screen. 

   Listening to the new Planet of the Apes movie echo around his apartment, Clint really was surprised by how relaxing it was to be back at his place. Out of uniform. Away from SHIELD and the irritation that had begun to creep its way up his spine the last few weeks in every way. Although if he was being real, it had been slowly growing for a lot longer.  

   The thing with Loki had sent him off balance. No longer tense though, it seemed like that little exchange had been more of a tipping point than anything. He didn’t want SHIELD all up in every aspect of his life, which they currently were. 

   Engaging with someone casually that wasn’t dedicated to SHIELD or just some rando one night stand in Europe? Something about it unsettled him, the way it had when he’d almost become personal friends with Loki, Tony and Bruce. Clint couldn’t help thinking that wasn’t a bad thing as much as the tiny Phil in his head said it should be. It made sense things would start going south with Laura when he started to contemplate that considering she was an agent too. 

   What was a life without SHIELD? Clint didn’t have a fucking clue. The only thing he could think of was bumming it forever. Putting arrows through some low lives, shooting pool with the evening crowd and playing poker at one am every weekend. He couldn’t tell if that sounded amazing or sad. It was better than traveling with the circus though, that was for sure. 


Sent 9:22pm: probably more than you think 


Sent 9:23pm: its so much better when you can just relax 


Lokes Lane 9:25pm: Relaxed will be an understatement when I’m done with myself. I’m going to make that ‘horny hell’ worth it. 


   ‘Horny hell’. Clint chuckled. If Tony knew what Loki was up to, the guy had gotten that expression from him. It sounded pretty fitting based on how the Asgardian had acted earlier in the day. He had to think it’d only gotten worse. 


Sent 9:25pm: you cant bitch when you did it to yourself  


Lokes Lane 9:27pm: I think at this point my bitching would be more classified as being a brat considering I did it for you. 


   Clint pursed his lips, nodding slowly as he took in the words on the screen. It was like when he’d been steeling himself yesterday morning, preparing for Loki to flirt with him. Endlessly. Something the guy had gone through on with all the winks and lingering gazes, doubled with breathy puns. 

  It was unnecessary considering Loki wasn’t around. Obviously. Clint couldn’t decide what the right thing to respond with was though. Since he was alone this time, he had the luxury of considering his options. 

   Did it sound a little weird that Loki said he’d done something pleasurable for him? Yes. Did it make his skin hot thinking about how a Prince had gone out of his way to make himself sexually miserable knowing he was probably going to get off on that information? Hell yes. Did it make his insides kind of weak and gooey? Now, that resounding yes was the mental hang up.  

   Loki was apparently feeling impatient tonight. He got another message before he could even respond. It was a good thing though considering he still couldn’t decide how to reply in a way that wasn’t outright expressing his satisfaction and approval. Something that gave away just how much he enjoyed that news. 

   Impatience was a pretty valid emotion response for an already prone to irritability god that’d been half aroused all day without relief he supposed. Clint couldn’t help imagining just how wound up the guy might get if he was actually edged in the middle of sex. Either he’d break into a desperate mess, or he’d throw you around to take care of the problem himself. The latter sounded most likely, exciting even, but the former was pretty damn appealing too. 


Lokes Lane 9:28pm: Tell me the knowledge I was walking around thinking of your cock what felt like every five bloody minutes, isn’t perking you up right now. Tell me it isn’t and I’ll never mention any of this ever again as you first requested.


Lokes Lane 9:28pm : I won’t even tease you when you do a piss poor job of pretending it didn’t happen yourself. 


   Yeah, no. Clint was not going to admit or try denying any of that. Loki already knew the answer and was just trying to goad him into giving him the satisfaction early. He wasn’t feeling so generous at the moment now that he felt more in control of what was happening between them though. Okay, maybe more accurately what was happening within himself and the desire he felt towards the guy.

   Caving so easily? Clint didn’t think there was any fun in that if he just rolled over, especially so soon. Seeing who would do that first, was kind of their thing because unlike Tony one of them always did. Location, subject and mood were what determined who. 


Sent 9:28pm: quit being a brat and just take care of yourself already   


Lokes Lane 9:29pm: First I have to choose how since ‘all’ isn’t an actual option.


   Lifting his eyebrows, Clint's first thought was ‘mood’. He’d been there before where he just wanted everything, but ‘all’ really wasn’t an option. It didn’t matter if the topic was, sex or food. A true disappointment when you were desperate for one or the other. 

   Loki had said, or implied, that he had a lot of sex toys. He also said Tony had introduced him to them. If that was the case, it was possible the Asgardian had a whole damn sex shop on his floor. Actually, they’d probably stuffed it all into one room which he was pretty sure would classify it as a sex dungeon. 

  Clint felt his eyes water holding back a laugh at the idea of Loki having a sex dungeon. It sounded hilarious, but it was also kind of hot. A mixture of amusement and arousal, interest and eagerness, took over as much as he wanted to keep playing indifferent. 

   Adjusting where he was sitting on the couch with both legs stretched out, Clint mentally batted his arousal to the side. Combining both Tony and Loki’s insanity, there were definitely more toys in his arsenal than he knew what to do with. He didn’t doubt even using multiple at a time, there would still be dozens of options left over. So it really depended on what the Asgardian was feeling, wanted to do or hoped to achieve. Besides a mind numbing orgasm.  


Sent 9:29pm: what do you got? 


Sent 9:29pm: something has to interest you 


Lokes Lane 9:30pm: I suppose the wand does intrigue me. It vibrates at the top instead entirely like the other. Formally put, ‘a more concentrated vibration with stronger motors made to create deeper sensation’, which is very enticing to think about with how nice the other was. 


   Biting his lower lip, Clint made a genuine noise of approval out loud. He watched porn. Not enough to give his devices viruses or anything, but enough that he saw a little bit of everything from category and genre to accessories used. The wand was no exception. 

   Girls. Guys. Everyone in between. Overstimulation looked good on all of them. Edging was just one of his own kinks, so watching the wand at work torturing people always got him hard.  

  Personally he didn’t own sex toys. He’d never used a lot of them either because they seemed more of a solo or established relationship kind of thing. Since he moved around a lot, it was just easier to take care of everything with his own hands and one-night stands didn’t come to his apartment either. Laura only got into his level because it was the Tower, not something personal. So it just wasn’t a collection he ever considered getting. Maybe he needed to think about changing that. 

   Loki had to be someone that would hate a toy like the wand used on him. Under someone else's control anyways. If the guy was using it by himself he might like it because while he seemed to have sub tendencies when it came to sex, Clint knew he liked being in control more than anything too. 

  Mr. Always in Control would be truly driven up a wall with a wand. Clint was half tempted to go ahead and acknowledge his own growing erection. If he got himself off while Loki was forced to sit back suffering through a slow, heavy rub? 


Sent 9:32pm: oh yeah


Sent 9:32pm: that’d be a good one to use on someone like you


Lokes Lane 9:33pm: You’ve used it? 


Sent 9:33pm: no but I see it in porn a lot 


Sent 9:33pm: i know it’s best when the person is tied up


   Clint put his hand in his sweats and squeezed his erection. He hadn’t stopped to think about the details at first, but all the videos he could recall people were tied up one way or another. It didn’t matter if it was just their wrists or full out bondage. Restraint was necessary with the way everyone arched, bucking for more they weren’t being given. 


Sent 9:34pm: you keep rubbing them constantly 


Sent 9:34pm: ideally with a gag 


Sent 9:34pm: it results in hot guttural noises or high pitched whines


Sent 9:34pm: no words just pure physical desperation that makes everyone weak with need


   Feeling himself getting overexcited, his erection starting to ache in his hand, Clint debated on going to the bedroom for the lube. Either way this was going to result in jerking off, whether it was purely alone or by sexting with Loki. He’d created an image that was just too good in his head to ignore as the god thrashed around. 

  Paired with scrolling back up to see the Prince’s cute little ass wearing his color? Red around the edges from being stimulated all day? Clint was willing to bet if he was to press a wand up against his perineum right this second Loki would start mewling without shame if he didn’t just start coming.   

  Spreading his thighs apart with the want to push on his own, Clint decided lube and space were both required as one of his legs fell off the couch. He decided it was for the best anyways. The popcorn was going to end up on the floor if he started tugging himself off where he was. He didn’t feel like cleaning that up or being mid-orgasm only for some chimpanzee to interrupt it with a grunt. 


Lokes Lane 9:36pm: Let’s see how I react then shall we?


   Clint felt his throat tighten with anticipation as he headed to the bedroom. The excitement for what was to come next, familiar. Everything a great round of any kind of sex should be. Exactly what he’d been missing all last week. 

   If Loki was playing with himself, he probably didn’t have any clothes on. Clint ditched his sweats and boxers in one go as he climbed up to the top of his bed. Obviously the guy was going to be hard too, just like he was as he fished out his lube real quick. 

   Imagining Loki playing with his cock, Clint could only think about how beautiful the guy’s crotch was. It made his own fingers lay flat against his pelvis, spreading out as he imagined smooth skin under his palm instead of his bush of pubes. He wasn’t going to start manscaping or anything, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find it hot as fuck on someone else.  

   Sitting his phone down, Clint put a solid layer of lube on his right hand. He grabbed the second pillow and put it behind his back, not wanting to actually lay down. A little too much eagerness was starting to pump through his veins for him to just kick back. If Loki was doing this, playing into one of his own kinks, he knew it was going to be good enough he wanted to savor it. The guy took pretty awesome pictures after all.    

   Would Loki actually have the toy buzzing against the head of his dick, or would he start slow with it further down his shaft? The skin was bound to be pulled tight one way or another, either hiding the pretty head of his cock or showcasing it. Clint couldn’t decide which he wanted. 

   Clint had played with someone uncut before and he’d enjoyed it a lot. He wasn’t sure he had a preference because dick was dick, but Loki’s was really fucking pretty the way it was. Maybe he just hadn’t been exposed to enough. Finding guys that were uncircumcised was difficult in America. It was that or he just liked the Asgardians and he didn’t know if that was okay. Just liking it because it was him, made it personal. 

   Anticipation started to slowly choke him as he stroked himself. Clint wasn’t in a hurry or anything, but Loki had to send a picture of this. He just did. If the guy didn’t he was going to be the one that felt like he would explode. 

  Asking for pictures is what Loki wanted from him wasn’t it? Clint quickly decided he needed to be a little more direct as the seconds ticked on with no new pop up. He was a little hesitant to ask it outright this time though because it sounded needy in his head.  


Sent 9:40pm: you can not not show me this


Sent 9:41pm: Loki 


Lokes Lane 9:42pm: I do believe I can. It’s called not taking a picture or hitting send. 


   God he was such a little smart ass. How did he like this guy again? Clint reminded himself he didn’t despite the way his fingers traced the slightly bulged vein on the side of his erection. At least he was pretty sure he didn’t. The blood in his dick tried to remember what the definition of ‘like’ was in this context, but it failed. 


Sent 9:42: Please? 


Lokes Lane 9:42pm: Please what? 


Sent 9:43pm: dude im already hard


Sent 9:43pm: what else do you want?


Sent 9:43pm: your ass is cute all plugged up


Sent 9:43pm: but I’d rather see you torturing that pretty dick of yours


Sent 9:44pm: that toys gotta be making you leak 


   Tugging upward on his dick, Clint made sure as much skin as he could manage gathered above his thumb and trigger finger. It showcased the tip of his erection and the pre-come that had started to leak from his slit. The result of thumbing at the edge of it as he continued to tease himself with unpredictable strokes. He didn’t want to lose himself before getting to the really good stuff. 

   Tempting the devil. It’s what he was doing. Keeping his erection standing tall and still, Clint moved his phone around to find a good angle with his camera. 

   It took a few seconds afterwards of him closing his eyes to wait for the right shot. Thanks to the lube it was a little harder to tell right away what shine was arousal and what wasn’t. Clint wanted Loki to undoubtedly be able to pick it out since he was a cockslut. Cocksluts weren’t that far off from come sluts, meaning they lived for wanting the d inside them one way or another. 


Sent 9:45pm: -insert pic- 


Sent 9:45pm: mine is just thinking about it


Sent 9:45pm: send me the pic Loki


   It was really a strategic move sending Loki a picture of himself first. Clint had to tell himself that six times before he believed it. Besides, it was just a regular dick pic meant to tempt the devil. Actually not that unlike the first one he’d sent the guy. Granted it did focus a little more on the head versus the whole length. 


Lokes Lane 9:46pm: Eager are we? I thought I would be the impatient one tonight. 


Lokes Lane 9:46pm: I’m sure you are happy to know you were correct. 


Lokes Lane 9:47pm: It’s almost unbearable. 


Lokes Lane 9:47pm: I move too much. 


Lokes Lane 9:47pm: You would definitely have to tie me up… or hold me down like you think you could manage.


Lokes Lane 9:48pm: -insert pic-


   Seeing the image pop up onto his screen sent a rush of excitement through him. It made his heart begin to race and Clint instantly started pumping himself. He told himself it was a reflex. Thankfully, that was an actual truth. Broadly speaking anyways. 

   The picture itself was much like the one he sent. It wasn't exactly spectacular and definitely had nothing on the sex magazine worthy one from a few days ago. Still, it was stipping to see the bright white toy pressed up against the sweet, shiny deep pink head of Loki’s cock. 

   As predicted, Loki’s slit was leaking. Leaking might have actually been a conservative word as Clint licked his lips. Obviously it was a little harder to tell with the picture being a still shot, but the guy had his foreskin pulled down as far as it could go.

   It allowed Clint to pinpoint a clear, defined wet trail that traveled down the smooth length of his erection. If Loki had been standing or bent over, his cock was jutting out inside of upright, there would be drops of pre-come on the sheets or floor. A potentially embarrassing thing for some, but nothing except desirable for him. 


Sent 9:48pm: look at you dripping


    Clint wanted to say something else. Something about how he was actually tempted to lick it up. Tease him more if he gets that excited and suck on the head a little, flicking the slit with his tongue. All while pressing the toy at the base of his cock to push that sweetness out for him. 

  Loki interrupted his little fantasy with another message. Clint let out a stuttered breath as he stopped himself. Apparently he’d be perfectly content to get himself off on that image alone. 


Lokes Lane 9:49pm: I know it's not the flesh you truly desire, but I couldn’t help myself. 


Lokes Lane 9:49pm: I wanted to imagine your mouth on me too.


Lokes Lane 9:50pm: -insert image-


   Exhaling a whistle, Clint took in the picture. It was one he had in no way expected. At all, on any level because so far they hadn't talked about a lot of different toys. 

  Clint wasn’t counting gags or any kind of bondage since they were vague and more or less in passing. Everything had also been focused on below the belt. Although thinking about it he supposed there was no reason the wand couldn’t be used on someone's nipples. 

  Something about seeing a gold chain stretched across Loki’s pale chest was enticing. It was almost as if it belonged there, clamped in place on his nipples. The buds were pebbled to a peak, ready to be played with. Clint questioned whether or not it was a royalty thing that made it look so right. He concluded yes, but it had more to do with the fact the Asgardian liked being called a Princess along with the way, as a Prince, he happily embraced the title.  

   Girls tended to wear nipple clamps more often than guys. He wasn’t sure why, but if Loki liked them and being called Princess he automatically was curious if he could get the guy into a pair of panties. Loads of men wore those, regardless of sexuality. Hell, he’d even worn them before.      

   Clint became hyper aware he needed to address Loki’s… fixation on his sexuality before he tried getting the man into a pair of panties. Maybe he needed to stop calling him princess too. He had a feeling that would be like trying to keep him from cussing though. 

  Personally he thought it was pretty damn obvious he was bisexual. If not from the dirty talk the other day, than from all the half assed flirting before they started sexting. None of the straight guys ever accepted such blatant behavior and even those that did, didn’t stay dedicated to the illusion so long. Awkwardness eventually winning out over the idea, or repulsion of actually doing something with another man. Plus, there were also things that only someone that wasn’t a male heterosexual or lesbian would understand.  

   Out of nowhere Clint developed a crazy theory that maybe Loki had low-esteem or self-doubt. The second he thought about it, it sounded absurd. Why else would he say ‘not the flesh you desire’ and still send the pic anyways though? It didn’t make a lot of sense to him. 

   Loki had a pretty nice set of man tits. Ones that were a dusty pink, perky and evenly spaced out. Both of them weren’t small either like some guys' nipples were. 

  Sure he didn’t have very defined pecs like his own, but there was enough muscle he could trace the edge with his tongue and squeeze it. If they were physically together, Clint would happily take one of those in his mouth to play with.

  Clint shoved that jumble of questions onto the back burner. He could discuss their sexualities more seriously another time. At the moment he was a little focused on tracing the odd shape of the clamp with his tongue and biting at the tip of his nipple.

   It made his own nipples stiffen under his shirt because ouch. Pinched and bitten? He’d have to suck on them to soothe it and make up for the poor treatment. No one had ever been that rough with his own. 

  Clint was pretty sure he needed to take the clamps off to do that. A beautiful sight to sadly lose, but he’d honestly rather just have his mouth on them. After all they were for him to play with if Loki was imagining his lips wrapped around him. The toy was merely a stand in. 

   Knowing Loki was wanting his mouth on his tits, made Clint’s cock throb in his hand. He hissed, his hips jerking a little at the idea of the guy in his lap. A position that allowed perfect, effortless access thanks to his chest being right in his face. It would be beyond easy like that, arms wrapped around his thin waist to keep him in place as he sucked on them. 

  Clint swore. No, he tried to swear and it came out as a hum of satisfaction. He blamed the fact he was sitting upright for that visual. It was a damn good one, he’d be happy to play out.   


Sent 9:51pm: you want me to suck on your tits princess? 


Sent 9:51pm: is that it?


Sent 9:51pm : i can do that 


Lokes Lane 9:52: You will? 


   Clint could hear the disbelief and hope through the text. He could hardly comprehend the idea of Loki having self-doubt. It just didn't sound right. Still, it was exactly what all the evidence was suggesting from previous messages. How could an arrogant Prince, a god, think after all this he wouldn’t put his mouth all over his fucking body? 


Sent 9:52pm: look at those perky things 


Sent 9:52pm: how could I not want those in my mouth?  


Sent 9:53pm: sucking biting… whatever makes you mewl for me im down


Lokes Lane 9:53pm: Yes. 


Lokes Lane 9:53pm: I doubt that will be a hard task to achieve if I'm being honest.


Lokes Lane 9:53pm: I'm quite noisy in the throes of passion.  


Sent 9:54pm: good


Sent 9:54pm: if my partners not crying out for more I'm not doing my job right 


Lokes Lane 9:54pm: You wouldn’t struggle to achieve that task with me. 


   Clint didn't doubt that. Not necessarily because he thought he was that good in bed. He was good, but he didn’t know if he could get a god off effortlessly or with only a few smooth moves like he could pull on some. No, it was just because he was a dramatic Queen.  


Lokes Lane 9:55pm: I can moan just imagining you touching me without it being stimulating. I'd be a mess with your hands on me. Your seed defiling me. I'd be even more of a lost cause with your cock inside. 


   Point proven. Clint didn’t think it was possible for him to actually turn on Loki that much. Sure the guy got aroused playing with himself, most people did. Now, getting turned out just to the idea of him without touching any of the sensitive bits? Totally dramatic. Luckily the rest of the message was dirty enough and realistic enough that he could believe it.  


Sent 9:55pm: if I'm sucking on your tits you can be sure I'm going to be buried in that ass 


Sent 9:56pm: balls deep babe 


Sent 9:56pm: they'd be my life line while I come inside you  


Sent 9:56pm: you like that right?


Sent 9:56pm: the idea of me breeding you up while I drag my tongue all over you


Lokes Lane 9:56pm: Norns yes. 


Sent 9:57pm: what else you got for me babe? 


   Having tossed out so many possible scenarios between them, Clint was having a hard time focusing on just one. It caused a hair of frustration as his fist sped up because all the dirty talk seemed to be falling onto him. Normally he wouldn’t complain, and really he wasn’t, but damn if he didn’t want to know what Loki was doing right now.

   Did Loki decide to just keep playing with his nipples? Was he tugging on the chain as he stroked his cock too? Had he gone back to playing with the wand and lost himself in the process? Better yet, was the guy already coming thinking of him buried in his ass while he sucked on every piece of skin he could reach? 

   Clint squeezed his eyes shut, gripping the base of his cock hard. Dropping his phone onto his stomach, he used his other hand to tug kinda painfully on his sack. The orgasm he’d felt threatening the outskirts of his nervous system had about snuck up on him. 

   Ignoring the promising tingle in his forearms that caused the hair on them to stand up, he focused on breathing. A difficult task because his high was right there for the taking. He was being greedy as hell wanting more from Loki, but the way he had to keep flexing his toes he didn’t really care. The Asgardian wasn’t one to let things go, and Clint almost managed to smile for being able to predict the guy so well when his phone finally went off. 


Lokes Lane 9:58pm: If I gave you everything, you’d have no reason to ask for more later now would you? 


Sent 9:58pm: didn’t anyone teach you it’s nice to share?


   “Fuck you,” Clint muttered, scowling at his phone. 

   Clint didn’t have the urge or desire to argue with Loki on any level. He decided maybe this was an opening he needed to show Loki what exactly they were really doing. How it wasn’t just them fucking around, his dick seriously needed taken care of now. Plus it was fun to show off. 

   Loki had the gist of the concept down, but he still didn’t know how to get the blood pumping outside of a picture. Clint vaguely registered that as an Asgardian issue. Of course he didn’t know how to word everything. Sexting was a human thing. 

   The lack of dirty talk suddenly felt like a compliment. Clint started sliding his hand up and down himself again. Loki probably wasn’t texting anything filthy because he was living off whatever scene he created. 

   If he said it, Clint was willing to place a solid bet Loki would follow through. The understanding made him a little lust drunk causing his mind to tingle. It also made his cock jump in his hand and he gathered some of the extra lube that had slid down towards the base to get ready. 

   Clint felt a little stupid flexing his calf muscles as he dug his heels into the mattress. A little less stupid when he adjusted his grip on his phone so it wouldn’t slide as he swiped quickly. He didn’t want to have to pause when he was in the process of pushing them over the peak. Well, more accurately himself but Loki was going to be in there somewhere. At the minimum in his imagination. 


Sent 9:59pm: k


Sent 9:59pm: I dont need more 


Sent 9:59pm: i know what id do


Sent 9:59pm: id put that wand right on the tip of your dick 


Sent 10:00pm: force the orgasm right out of you


Sent 10:00pm: until I have to reach around and grab one of your tits to keep you from getting away


Sent 10:00pm: maybe youd decide to be a good boy for once and hold it there for me


Sent 10:01pm: i need two hands for what i want


Sent 10:01pm: i need em both on your hips so I can pound that cute little red ass just right


   Grunting, Clint slammed his phone down against the comforter. He wanted to grab at something to hold on but the stupid thing was in the way. Leaving him to toss his head back and thrust up into his fist as he started to come. 

  “Ah,” Clint breathed, barely able to control his wrist as he twisted to get right where he wanted. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” 

  It seemed like even though he’d known he was going to come, the orgasm ripped through him from top to bottom. Actually, maybe more like from the pelvis outward based on the way he dropped his fist heavy against his pubes on the next down stroke. The picture was just too perfect to hold back on, imagining that he was what had been stretching Loki open all day. 

   The fact he had an actual picture of Loki’s ass like that he could ogle now? Clint wanted to pick his phone up and scroll back to imagine he was soothing all that sore delicate skin by coming on it. It was an impossible idea though as his cock pulsed, stiffening him completely, leaving him with nothing else to do than gasp. 

   Warmth pooling on his fist, Clint grunted through the breathlessness to get his body parts moving again. He gave into the panting right away, shamelessly, as he started to work himself through the rest of the tidal wave. It was drown or float and both felt like perfection. 

   Clint let the pleasure soak into his muscles, the bliss wrap around him like a blanket. He let the heat soak into his core and mind. Solo sessions weren’t ever as good as the real thing, but this one was a top contender. 

   Slowing his fist, his cock tiredly trying to keep expressing its appreciation, Clint took a deep breath. It resulted in a low moan as he exhaled. Everything felt easy and great again. The phone buzzing was annoying under his hand though. 

   Blinking his eyes open, Clint grinned. It was really only half of one, maybe a smirk, since his muscles were so loose still and he had no reason to force them into a position they didn’t want to go just yet. He wanted to laugh too when his phone buzzed again, but it just came out a breathless huff.  


Lokes Lane 10:02pm: don’t stop 


Lokes Lane 10:03pm: please


Lokes Lane 10:03pm: keep going


Lokes Lane 10:03pm: i beg of you 


Lokes Lane 10:03pm: please


  Smug as fuck. Happy as hell. Satisfied completely and undoubtedly. 

  Absolutely nothing about their exchanges today had been anything other than good. Basking in Loki begging him for something, sounding so desperate, Clint knew that meant the guy was right on the cusp of his own orgasm too. 

   Wiping his right hand on his shirt without a care, Clint went back to texting. He wanted to hear, read, see… whatever he could get of Loki coming undone.    


Sent 10:04pm: aw are you coming princess?


Sent 10:04pm: is that it? 


Sent 10:04pm: come on baby


Sent 10:04pm: use the toy for me Loki


Sent 10:04pm: the wand


Sent 10:04pm : press that pretty dick up against your stomach so it can’t get away 


Sent 10:04pm: can you feel me rutting against your ass? 


Lokes Lane 10:05pm: clean ton please


Lokes Lane 10:05pm: yes


   Clint cooed. Actually fucking cooed out loud because he noticed a major detail as he started to take in everything again with the fog of endorphins lifting a little. None of Loki’s incoming texts were normal. All of them were wrong and he knew why. 

   Loki was a stickler when he texted. No different than in person, but the point being he always used proper punctuation, capital letters and nothing was ever misspelled. It didn’t even matter if it was just one word. Everything was always done properly. 

  The fact he’d been able to reduce Loki to such… negligence? Sloppiness and the complete ability to quit giving a shit about anything other than what he was saying right then? Clint’s chest swelled with some kind of pride he wasn’t going to tell anyone about.  


Sent 10:04pm: are you using voice to text?


Sent 10:04pm: did i finally reduce you to tears?


Sent 10:04pm: are those beautiful green eyes wet? 


Sent 10:05pm: dont worry i wont let no one see 


Sent 10:05pm: i’ll kiss them away


Sent 10:05pm: i got you princess 


Lokes Lane 10:06pm: You're so… wanton, little bird. Carelessly unpredictable and downright sinful. 


Sent 10:06pm: and you love it 


Lokes Lane 10:06pm: I do. 


Sent 10:06pm: show me the mess you made baby 


Lokes Lane 10:07pm: -insert pic- 


  Sighing, Clint smiled a little wider when Loki sent him the picture as told right away. It was hardly a fifteen second pause in between messages. He didn’t even try to take a good one either, but that was kind of what made it look so delicious. Mouthwatering. 

  Effortlessly gorgeous as always in his defiled state, Loki was sitting back against his own mountain of pillows. It actually looked like he was in the process of coming, his erection still standing stiff and red. Arousal was gathered on the head in the picture, but there was a thick trail of it running down the length of it too. 

   The best thing about the whole picture might have been the fact Loki had his arm thrown over his eyes. As if he was hiding from what Clint kind of hoped was overwhelming pleasure. Ideally hiding those tears that he wanted to see. It was a good chance of being both since the wand the guy had been playing with earlier was laying right on his stomach. 

   Clint bit off a noise of pleased triumph, noting the shine on both the toy itself and skin around the top. It indicated Loki had been using it, possibly just like he’d told him to. Until his muscles betrayed him anyways, forcing him to drop it in favor of grabbing himself if he was refusing to let go of the phone. All of it said, he’d successfully talked the guy over the edge.  


Sent 10:07pm : damn thats good 


Sent 10:07pm : im gonna be spanking it to that for days 


Sent 10:08pm : im almost sorry i already blew my load 


Sent 10:08pm : i just couldn't stop thinking of pounding into you


Sent 10:08pm : would you look that spent stuck on my dick? 


Sent 10:08pm : nah youve come in that pic


Sent 10:08pm : im gonna finish and keep you waiting for more 


Sent 10:09pm : making all those sweet noises i know youll make 


Sent 10:09pm : meanwhile ima be like


  Sitting up, Clint took off his shirt and let it fall to the floor without a thought. He was hot and despite being finished, he wanted to be naked. It might have also had to do with the hunch that Loki had a thing for chests.

   Usually Clint wasn’t one to actually flaunt himself in bed. He wasn’t the one that put on the show, preferring to watch his partner instead. Still, he knew he had a good one that Loki might want to run his hands over. 

  Assuming they were face to face so Loki could look at him while he kept fucking him, the guy wouldn’t be able to see anything other than his upper body anyways. It had Clint angling for a lower angled selfie, highlighting his shoulders. Knowing he wouldn’t act any different or feel anything other than pleased as the Prince made weak noises for more? The soft bite of his lower lip, one sided smirk and sex eyes fell into place without him even needing to try. 


Sent 10:10pm : -insert pic- 


Lokes Lane 1:10pm: Look at me like that in person Clinton. I dare you. 


  Maybe it was the lingering high of feel goods that made him want to do it. Just to see what Loki actually did about it in return, because honestly what could he do? Anything dramatic would earn him the attention of everyone else and cause nothing but problems. It would raise questions neither of them likely wanted to answer. 

   Loki was prone to growling when pissed off. Clint didn’t doubt the guy would try backing him up against a wall. If he touched him or got in his face, the game was bound to be over cause one of them would no doubt give into the sexual tension in the air and kiss the ever-loving fuck out of the other. 

   Clint would take anything Loki tried to intimidate him with because he had the smug satisfaction of knowing that all he had to do was give the man that look and he’d crumble. What he wouldn’t give to see that actually happen. God, what he needed was a valid excuse for it to play out. 


Sent 10:10pm: Id think you’d know better than to dare me at this point Princess 😘


  The innocent back and forth they’d always exchanged regularly was fun. The sexting was turning out to be fucking amazing. The real deal? 

  Clint was distantly aware he should be worried he might go a little weak in the knees if they ever went there. It was the same awareness that told him he was far too relaxed, but it was a little too late. Already his fingers had easily transferred his thoughts to text without thinking things through. 

   Saying he’d kiss Loki’s tears away? Calling him ‘baby’ instead of just the casual ‘babe’ he used on people? Stating without shame that he would be masturbating to that thread of messages until he somehow magically got better material? 

   Rookie mistakes. Red flags. Warning bells. 

   Everything popped up telling him that he was a dumbass. Both as an agent and as a regular person getting involved with someone, even if the ‘involved’ wasn’t aiming for a relationship. Clint shrugged it off though because was he really either of those things? Maybe it was from being reduced to a simple mindset thanks to his fried brain, that his heart said ‘hell fucking no’.


The smut came out so much longer than expected 😭 I'm sorry?