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With a reluctant sigh, he began, eyes glued to the floor, "Fine, Kakarot. The truth is, I've… been seeing a therapist."

Chapter 1: Admission

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Chapter 1 - Admission

In an instant, Goku materialized behind Vegeta, the telltale sound of Instant Transmission leaving Vegeta startled. He jolted in place, his guard immediately up as Goku grinned, eager for their usual sparring session.

"Hey, ‘Geta! Ready for some training?" His enthusiasm chimed in his voice, but Vegeta's response was gruff and dismissive.

"Dammit, Kakarot! How many times have I told you not to just appear like that uninvited?” He snarled, arms tightly crossing over his chest as he turned to face him.

Goku chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, “Ah, right, sorry! But come on! We haven’t trained together in weeks, and I can feel myself getting flabby.” Goku pressed his hands together in front of his face, “Please!” He shot a smile at the shorter Saiyan before him, giving his best attempt at begging.

“Not now, Kakarot,” Vegeta rolled his eyes, turning back towards his dresser to grab his wallet. “I've got other things on my agenda," he mumbled. Avoiding eye contact, he quickly placed the wallet and a few folded up papers into his back pocket before heading for the bedroom door.

Goku’s eyes instinctively flickered toward the crumpled papers lazily hanging out of Vegeta’s pocket, and his face churned with curiosity. He’d be lying if he said his eyes didn’t occasionally wander to Vegeta’s ass every now and then, especially when he wore those slim-fitted jeans, but this time was different. He couldn't shake the feeling that his longtime rival and friend was hiding something.

Before Vegeta’s fingertips could collapse around the doorknob, Goku appeared in front of him, their faces only inches away. Goku flashed his teeth with a playful smile, hoping to figure out what was up with Vegeta, but also just happy to be so close to him. 

Vegeta hopped back three solid feet, throwing his arm in front of him as if to protect himself. “Good gods Kakarot, what the hell is wrong with you? What do you want?”

Undeterred, Goku’s brows furrowed, his nosiness getting the better of him. "Come on, ‘Geta! You've been actin’ so weird lately. What's goin’ on? You never miss training for anything. Except when Bulma was about to have a baby.” He put a hand to his chin, looking up in thought, “Hmmm, is that it? Bulma didn’t look pregnant the last time I saw her, but-”

“Bulma is not pregnant, you idiot,” Vegeta scoffed. “Nothing is going on. And even if there were something going on, it would be none of your gods damn business. Now leave!” He gestured toward the door, demanding for the larger Saiyan’s departure.

Despite Vegeta's vehement protests, Goku's concern only deepened. Ignoring the gestured dismissal, Goku took a step forward, his voice gentle but persistent. "Listen Vegeta, whatever’s goin’ on you can tell me about it. If I did something to… or… if something's bothering you, let me help," he urged, his worry transcending their typical rivalry. Vegeta, unprepared for Goku's genuine offer of support, hesitated for a moment before scowling again.

At Goku’s persistence, Vegeta's frustration only escalated. "I told you to back off, Kakarot! I don't need your concern or your pity. I can handle my own business," Vegeta snapped, his eyes flashing with anger. 

Goku, however, refused to back down, crossing his arms with genuine worry etched on his face. "Come on, Vegeta. We're a team, remember? If something's bothering you, we can talk about it," he pressed, his playful demeanor replaced by a sincere plea.

Vegeta's patience wore thin, and he powered up, energy crackling around him. "I said, leave it be, or I'll make you regret pestering me," he warned, the air heavy with the threat of impending conflict.

Goku's eyes sparked with excitement, and a broad smirk spread across his face. "Awesome! Finally we can get some training in!" He exclaimed, eagerly adopting his usual combat stance. 

Vegeta had long forgotten that he was supposed to be leaving at this point. His body was trembling. He was ready for this. He wanted nothing more than to pummel his rival into the ground. He readied his fist, poised to throw himself at his opponent when a knock echoed through the room. The two instantly stood upright again, turning their heads toward the door.

Bulma's voice followed, cutting through the tension. "Vegeta, you'll miss your appointment if you don't hurry up! Dr. Martin doesn’t like to reschedule, you know."

The interruption was met with an aggravated sigh from Vegeta, and a very shocked expression overcoming Goku. The larger Saiyan powered down, tilting his head at Vegeta while awaiting an explanation. His thoughts were running rampant in his mind. A doctor’s appointment? For what? What kind of doctor could Vegeta possibly be going to? He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know.

“What’s Bulma talking about? You’re seeing a doctor? Like a human doctor? What’s goin’ on with you?”

Vegeta bowed his head because he knew that he’d been beaten. He loudly exhaled in annoyance at Bulma’s unexpected and very loud revelation of his personal business. And now that it had been said, he knew he had no other choice but to tell Goku the secret that he’d been keeping from him for longer than he could remember.

With a reluctant sigh, he began, eyes glued to the floor, "Fine, Kakarot. The truth is, I've… been seeing a therapist."

Goku blinked, taken aback. “A therapist? Like someone you tell your problems and feelings to?”

Vegeta rolled his eyes, but didn’t respond.

"I-I didn’t know,” Goku said, stretching out an arm as if to comfort his friend. “How long have you been-”

“Goku?” Bulma’s voice called from outside the door. The doorknob jiggled before the door popped open. Bulma’s eyes flashed between the two Saiyans before fixating on Goku. “I didn’t know you were here. This is great!”

“It is?” Goku raised a brow.

“Oh, gods please don’t-” Vegeta groaned.

“Of course!” Bulma beamed, ignoring the shorter Saiyan’s complaining. “Vegeta has a, um… an appointment-”

“With his therapist,” Goku added.

Bulma’s lips parted as she glanced at Vegeta, then back to Goku. She quickly realized that Goku finding out was the fault of her announcement. “Right,” she rubbed her arm awkwardly, “Well, his therapist, Dr. Martin has been practically begging him to bring you along for weeks. Since you’re already here, this would be the perfect opportunity,” she smiled as she walked behind him and began nudging him toward the door.

“Hold on, woman,” Vegeta stopped both of them, grasping a hand onto each of their arms. Goku blushed at Vegeta’s warm touch, but neither of the other two noticed. Especially not Vegeta, who was dead set on telling Bulma off. “There is no way in hell that this idiot is coming with me. The only reason he even knows about this is because you couldn’t keep your big mouth shut. You’re lucky that I even attend these ridiculous sessions, let alone with-”

“Vegeta,” she gritted her teeth, yanking her arm out of his grasp. She stared him down, not uttering another word, but it seemed her silence was sufficient.

After several moments of this tension, Vegeta reluctantly crossed his arms and kicked the ground, “Fine, dammit. He can come.”

Chapter 2: “Couples” Counseling


Hi readers, I'm so glad that you're here! Just wanted to thank you all for the interest and encouragement so far. I have the next several chapters written and am in the process of editing. Will try to post at least once a week :3

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Chapter 2 - “Couples” Counseling

Therapy session #368: first session with Goku


Even though the therapist's office exuded an atmosphere of tranquility, with muted colors and a soothing ambiance, that didn’t stop Goku from feeling a bout of nerves. He fidgeted anxiously on the plush couch, bouncing one leg and twiddling his fingers together as he glanced around the room. The walls bore framed papers similar to the ones he’d seen hanging up in Bulma’s office, but with the name Dr. Linda Martin written across them instead of Dr. Bulma Briefs.

He exhaled sharply. He couldn't shake the fear about what might unfold during this therapy session. The last time he went to therapy, the counselor could read him like a book, and the mere thought that Vegeta’s therapist might uncover Goku's hidden feelings for Vegeta made him feel like passing out. For a moment, he considered using his Instant Transmission to disappear. 

Vegeta, sitting beside him, grumbled under his breath, clearly displeased about having Goku join the session. Goku shot him an apologetic glance, but Vegeta just crossed his arms, avoiding eye contact.

Dr. Martin, a composed and attentive figure, sat across from them, awaiting a response from a question she’d previously asked Vegeta, but Goku was too nervous to concentrate on what they were discussing. He watched as Vegeta took the folded papers out of his back pocket and handed it over to the woman across from them. Goku suspected that the papers were related to his last session.

"And you must be Kakarot," Dr. Martin turned her attention to Goku. The sound of his name brought him back to reality, and he was able to focus as she continued, "I’m so glad you were able to attend,” she smiled warmly at him. “Today, we have the opportunity for both of you to explore and understand each other better."

Vegeta sighed, clearly reluctant. "I don't know why we’re even doing this. There’s clearly no good reason why this clown had to come here."

Goku shifted uncomfortably beside him.

Dr. Martin observed the dynamic between Goku and Vegeta, sensing the growing strain. With a gentle smile, she began, "I believe having a joint session can be beneficial for both of you. It provides an opportunity for open communication and understanding. Now, let's explore ways to strengthen your relationship."

She turned her attention to Goku, who couldn't help but blush at the mere mention of the word "relationship” in the context of Vegeta. Me? In a ‘relationship’ with Vegeta? Goku’s mind began to explore the idea, but he forced himself to snap out of it. Even he knew that Dr. Martin didn’t mean that kind of relationship. 

Dr. Martin, perceptive as always, noticed the subtle change in his demeanor, but continued on. "Kakarot, what do you think could help strengthen your connection with Vegeta?" she inquired, her tone encouraging.

Goku rubbed his sweaty palms against his pants, his cheeks tinged with a light shade of pink. "Well, um, I don’t know. I think we’re a pretty solid team," he forced a chuckle. “Um, but also, I like to be called Goku. Usually only Vegeta calls me Kakarot.”

She nodded in response, "My apologies. Of course, Goku. And what about you, Vegeta? Anything in particular you can think of?"

Vegeta grunted, unimpressed by the question. "I don't need any of this touchy-feely nonsense. Training with Kakarot is sufficient for me."

“I see,” she jotted something down on her notepad before looking back up at the two of them, and posed another question, “In the realm of your dynamic, trust is a cornerstone. Can you share your perspectives on the level of trust between you two?"

Goku didn't hesitate, his earnestness shining through. "Well, I don’t know what a ‘quarterstone’ is, but I think I get the question,” he smiled. “I trust Vegeta with my life. I trust him with everything – my kids, the Earth, even the entire universe. He took care of the world while I was dead, and-oh,” he stopped, quickly realizing his mistake. He knew all too well that regular humans didn’t have the best reaction to finding out that people could die and come back to life.

He looked to Dr. Martin, gauging her response, but she seemed relatively calm. She nodded as if prompting him to continue. Goku’s face scrunched in confusion. He just had to ask. “Um, so, you know about that?”

“Of course,” she grinned, “I know quite a bit about your history, as well as Vegeta’s. Please, feel free to share as much detail as you’d like. It won’t faze me, I can promise you that.” 

Still, Goku hesitated. 

Smiling, Dr. Martin offered some more reassurance, “I’ve had some very… interesting clients over the years. Adding a few Saiyans into the mix doesn’t daunt me one bit.”

At that comment, Goku could feel his shoulders relaxing. He was free to share. “Right,” he laughed, sitting up tall and running his fingers through his spikes of hair before continuing, “Well, yeah like I was sayin’, he helped take care of my youngest son while I was dead, and he watched over the world. I trust him with everything.”

“Thank you, Goku,” Dr. Martin nodded. “And you, Vegeta?” she inquired, turning her gaze to the shorter Saiyan now.

Vegeta scoffed at Goku's sincerity, muttering something unintelligible under his breath. 

Dr. Martin, sensing the communication barriers between Goku and Vegeta, interjected with a thoughtful observation. "Vegeta, it's apparent that you still have some reservations when it comes to expressing your feelings. As we’ve discussed before, establishing open communication is crucial for building deeper connections.”

He crossed his arms as he glared at the floor.

“And Goku,” she fixated on him, “It seems you're also holding back certain thoughts from Vegeta." She raised a knowing brow at him, to which Goku’s cheeks flushed instantly.

She continued, "As a means to work on your communication, I suggest an exercise. After this session, take some time to write down three things about yourselves that the other might not know. It could be personal experiences, aspirations, or even fears. This exercise will create an opportunity for both of you to learn and connect on a deeper level."

Goku unconsciously let out a giggle, to which both Dr. Martin and Vegeta looked over to him in curiosity. “Sorry,” he held up his hands defensively, trying to force the laughter back down. “It’s just, this is exactly the same exercise that Chi-Chi and I had to do when we went to couple’s counseling.”

Vegeta’s lips parted. It was evident that he was not aware that Goku and his wife had been having problems, but he quickly shook away his shocked expression and turned to look at the floor once again. Why should he care about that anyway?

Goku elbowed Vegeta in the ribs, “Makes me feel like we’re a couple right now,” he laughed.

Completely red in the face, Vegeta shoved him away and stammered, “Sh-shut the hell up, you idiot! We are not a couple.”

Goku forced out a breath. Though he was well aware of this fact, damn did it still hurt. There was a fleeting moment when he considered bringing up the question that he really wanted to ask. One that Vegeta couldn’t possibly avoid. One that he questioned whether Vegeta would even admit to. Whether Vegeta had even told Dr. Martin about. But he couldn’t. The fear of rejection and humiliation took over, and he stayed mostly silent for the duration of the session, only giving brief and languishing glances to the Saiyan beside him.

Chapter 3: Memories of Day 1

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Chapter 3 - Memories of Day 1

Therapy session #1: six months after the Cell Games


“I can’t believe you’re making me do this,” Vegeta balled his fists beside him as he dragged his feet into the therapist’s office.

Bulma rolled her eyes. After the hundredth time arguing over this, she was tired of hearing his complaining. She retorted in a hushed tone, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the receptionist’s desk. “It’s either this, or you find somewhere else to live, because I’m not doing this anymore.”

The two sat in the waiting room in silence, several empty chairs separating them. Despite his disdain for any type of medical intervention, Vegeta rationalized that sitting on a couch for an hour a week and pretending to talk about some made up feelings would be easier than trying to find somewhere else to live with a gravity chamber, free food, and sex.

A tall, well-dressed blonde woman stepped into the waiting room, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose before clearing her throat and calling out Vegeta’s name.

“Hi, Vegeta,” she held out her hand, offering a greeting to which Vegeta ignored. She only smiled, slowly lowering her hand to her side, “My name is Dr. Linda Martin. Let’s head over to my office so we can chat.”

Letting out a groan, Vegeta obediently followed behind her, leaving Bulma in the waiting room behind them.

It was then that Vegeta, the proud Saiyan prince, found himself in an unfamiliar territory – a therapist's couch. Dr. Martin, a seasoned therapist with a keen eye for subtleties, welcomed him and gestured for him to make himself comfortable.

"Welcome, Vegeta. I’d like to start our session by understanding what your goals are with therapy," she inquired, her tone inviting openness. “What are some things you’d like for us to work on?”

Vegeta, sitting stiffly, scowled as he reluctantly responded, "I don't need any of this nonsense. That wretched woman insisted I come. She thinks I'm ‘depressed’ and 'anxious' or some other weakling nonsense."

Dr. Martin nodded understandingly, "It's not uncommon for loved ones to express concern. Let's explore that. Why do you think Bulma feels you might be struggling emotionally?"

Vegeta's eyes flickered with a mixture of annoyance and evasion. "I don't have time for her emotional nonsense. I'm a warrior. I should be focused on training and becoming stronger, not sitting on some fluffy couch and talking about my feelings ," he nearly spat with disgust.

Dr. Martin observed the layers beneath Vegeta's tough exterior and gently probed, "Strength is undoubtedly important to you. But sometimes, there are aspects of our lives that affect us more deeply than we realize. Perhaps there are moments that trigger certain emotions."

Vegeta's scowl deepened, but he couldn't completely conceal the conflict within. "Triggers? There's nothing that ‘triggers’ me."

"Okay,” she looked down, carefully choosing her words. “Bulma tells me that you two have a baby together, Trunks, is it?” 

Vegeta grunted in response, annoyed that his woman had been talking about him behind his back. It’s not like she was his wife or something. Not even really his girlfriend. Just some human woman that he’d had a fling with and accidentally gotten pregnant. Though he couldn’t deny how much he enjoyed the pleasant life that she allowed him to lead with her during his time on Earth.

“Let's consider your interactions with Trunks," Dr. Martin suggested. "Bulma mentioned you might not spend as much time with him as she would like. Any particular reason for that?"

He hesitated, the mention of his son causing a subtle shift in his demeanor. "Trunks is a capable warrior. He doesn't need me hovering over him. You humans just don’t understand that it’s not in a Saiyan man’s nature to concern himself with his children like that."

Dr. Martin paused for quite some time, tapping her pen against her clipboard and furrowing her brows as she pondered his answer. “Now I understand why Bulma insisted on me being your therapist,” she let out a light chuckled. “I see. So you aren’t human then. Could you tell me a bit about your people?”

Vegeta blinked, perplexed by her nonchalant response to his announcement.

She chuckled at his reaction, “You aren’t the first non-human on Earth to need a therapist, you know. Anyway, why don’t you start off by telling me about your family.”

“You already know about Bulma and Trunks.”

She nodded, “Right, but I meant the rest of your family.”

He squinted at her. Even though she and Bulma had spoken, it seemed she hadn’t really told her much. “They’re all dead,” he stared at her coldly, hoping this would deter her from any further questioning.

“I see,” she sighed, looking down empathetically,  “I’m very sorry to hear that, Vegeta.” He rolled his eyes at her, but that only encouraged her to press more, “Did they pass recently?”


The room was silent other than Dr. Martin’s pen, scratching across her notepad. “I’m going to make an assumption that they did not pass away here on Earth.”

“Good guess,” he grumbled.

“But you’re not the only one of your kind on Earth, am I right?”

Annoyed, he had a feeling she already knew the answer just by reading him. “Kakarot was the only other full blooded Saiyan, until he died. The rest are… half breeds.”

She thought for a moment, pressing her pen to her cheek, “That must be upsetting to know that there aren’t any other Saiyans on Earth.”

“Not just on Earth,” he corrected her, “In the universe. I’m the only one left.”

Her composure remained stoic, but there was curiosity in her tone, “What happened to the rest of the Saiyans?”

“Same thing that happened to my family. Killed,” he said casually.

“I’m so sorry, Vegeta. You must feel very lonely. Do you miss anyone from your home planet? Your parents? Friends?”

He scoffed, “I’m royalty. The prince of all Saiyans. Warriors like me don’t have friends, and certainly don’t miss anyone who was weak enough to die such a shameful death.”

Dr. Martin said nothing for several moments, a pained expression on her face. Finally, she spoke. “It must be very hard for you to be the prince of a fallen race.”

His eyes widened and his body stiffened. How dare this woman say such a thing to me? The nerve of her. Without realizing it, he was on his feet, the muscles in his arms and back flexing.

“I apologize if my comment upset you,” she said calmly, completely unfazed by his sudden aggression. “Please, take a seat and we can come back to this discussion later.”

“We will come back to this discussion never ,” he hissed, his jaw clenched.

“Sure,” she nodded, gesturing for him to sit back down onto the couch across from her. “How about we talk about this Kakarot that you mentioned instead?”

He stared at her for a minute or so before relaxing his body and taking a seat behind him. Sighing, his shoulders dropped, “I thought this was supposed to be about me. He’s dead. There’s nothing else to say about him.”

“I’d like to get some background information about all the important people in your life. Even if he’s already passed away.”

“That low class Saiyan is not in my life and he’s definitely not important to me. The only thing that idiot was good for was sparring,” he crossed his arms, eyes glued to the floor.

She smiled at him, “Sounds like he was a good friend for you.”

That got his attention. His eyes shot up like rockets, glaring at her. “Where exactly did you get your degree from? Because you must be the biggest moron on the planet. He and I were not friends. He was my biggest rival. And I’m glad he’s gone.”

“Are you sure about that?” She pressed.

He eyed her, “What the hell are you getting at, woman? Of course I’m sure!”

Dr. Martin paused, reading a blue paper she’d had attached to her clipboard. Vegeta instantly recognized it - it was a paper off of Bulma’s notepad from her lab.  What the hell did that woman write down? He squinted, trying to read off of the paper, but it was no use, and it hardly mattered anyway, because Dr. Martin was already exposing what was jotted down for her.

“Bulma mentioned that there was a certain… interaction between you and Kakarot, that she felt I should bring up. Vegeta do you know-”

“We will not be discussing that, and if you so much as hint at bringing this up again I will destroy this entire city with the single blast of my palm,” he held out his right hand, palm side up, for effect.

“Alright then,” she looked down at her notes, unbothered by his reaction. “We can put a pin in this topic, too,” she agreed. “Why don’t we get back to your son? Do you find it challenging to connect with Trunks on a more personal level, outside of training?”

Vegeta's jaw tensed, and he looked away. The therapist's words seemed to strike a chord, tapping into an unspoken truth. "I... I don't need to coddle him. He's strong."

Dr. Martin sensed there was more beneath the surface and decided to delve deeper. "Bulma also mentioned that occasionally she babysits Trunk’s friend Goten. She says when Goten is in your house, you experience panic attacks. That's a powerful emotional response. Can you share more about that?"

His fists were shaking by his sides, his Saiyan pride burning a hole from deep inside of him. "Panic attacks? Me? A Saiyan prince doesn't suffer from such pathetic weaknesses. I don't need help from anyone, especially not from a woman and this nonsense therapy. Bulma and her meddling are the problem here, not me!” he shouted. “I don't need to waste my time on this ridiculous Earth and its trivial concerns. I'm fine just the way I am." As Vegeta's frustration grew, he realized this therapy session was shaping up to be the longest hour of his life. And it would be the first therapy session of many to come.

Chapter 4: Forced Communication

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Chapter 4 - Forced Communication

Under the clear blue sky, Goku and Vegeta found a quiet spot away from the bustling sounds of Goten and Trunks sparring in the distance. The larger Saiyan took a seat in the wild grass, rubbing his palms across the surface before patting the ground and inviting Vegeta to take a seat next to him. 

Vegeta took note of this gesture, but opted to stand up instead. He had his own paper balled inside his fist. This is so stupid, he thought to himself. How easy it would be to simply destroy the crumpled paper with an energy blast and take off into the sky, leaving Goku and their sons behind. I can't believe Dr. Martin is making me do this, he could feel his body tense. Okay, I've got it. I'll listen to his list of three things, if that idiot even knows how to count to three, and then I'll make up an excuse and leave.

But before he could get a chance to formulate his plan any further, Goku, with his trademark grin, initiated the exchange, "Alright, ‘Geta, I wrote my three things. Lemme see yours!"

Vegeta scoffed, “No way. Why should I have to hand mine over first?”

Goku said nothing. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he held out his fist, silently challenging Vegeta to a game of rock, paper, scissors. A small, knowing smile tugged at Vegeta's lips. Goku knew him all too well. They exchanged determined glares, both fully aware of the stakes. The familiar countdown echoed in their minds, and on the call of "scissors," Goku revealed his opened hand in a victorious paper formation. Vegeta's scowl deepened, acknowledging defeat.

The larger Saiyan observed his discomfort, and offered a solution. “If ya want, we could read them one by one. Take turns. Y’know?” 

Vegeta’s frown lightened slightly. He didn’t want to admit it, but it wasn’t a bad idea. 

“You still gotta go first though,” Goku laughed, “Considering you lost!”

“Fine,” he grumbled, unfolding the crinkled paper. “Number one: I’ve watched every episode of Grey’s Anatomy. Twice.”

Goku blinked, momentarily taken aback. The revelation wasn't the deep, emotional disclosure he’d anticipated. Instead, it was a glimpse into a side of Vegeta that bordered on the humorous and unexpected.

Vegeta's scowl remained intact, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "What? It's mindless entertainment. Don't read too much into it."

The larger Saiyan burst into laughter, the absurdity of Vegeta's admission catching him off guard. It was a refreshing departure from the gravity of their usual conversations. As the laughter subsided, Goku, still chuckling, responded, "Earth's soap operas, huh? Who'd’ve thought?"

Vegeta grumbled in response, "Don't get used to it. That's the extent of my 'deep' revelations for now. Your turn, Kakarot. Impress me with your profound truths."

Goku’s smile slowly vanished. Licking his lips nervously, he unfolded his own piece of paper, and squinted at it as he attempted to read his own handwriting. “Um, right. Uh, number one: I also went to therapy for some time. With Chi-Chi, I mean.”

“Yeah, I remember you mentioned that when we had our… session with Dr. Martin,” Vegeta recalled. “It was couples counseling, right?” 

Goku nodded. 

Vegeta’s curiosity got the better of him, and he went on to ask, “Well, how did it go? Did it work?”

“Yeah, yeah, it was… well…” Goku paused, rubbing one of his arms, “We, um, we got divorced after a couple years of it. On and off. So, I don’t know.”

Divorced? ” Vegeta nearly choked. How could he not have known? He finally took a seat on the ground beside Goku, leaving only a few inches in between them. “When did this happen?”

Goku shrugged, “Around the time when I left to train with you on Beerus’s planet. I think she and I just wanted different things in life. Very different things.”

The two sat in silence for several minutes. Vegeta picked at the ground beneath them, plucking each blade of grass one by one and flicking it off to the side. He had a sudden urge to comfort the other Saiyan, but opted not to. Instead, he spoke, “I had no idea.” He thought for a moment, “But you two both came over to our house just last month-”

“We’re still close,” Goku interrupted. “On good terms or whatever. Just not together.” The sound of the wind and the screams of their boys fighting several miles away seemed incredibly loud now. “Anyway,” Goku slapped his knees, “Looks like it’s your turn now.”

“Right,” Vegeta cleared his throat, taking a look at his paper once again, “Number two: I miss being able to speak Saiyago.”

Goku, puzzled, tilted his head. "Speak in Saiyago? What do you mean?"

Vegeta sighed, a flicker of nostalgia crossing his face. "Saiyago is our native tongue. A language of pride, of our heritage. Back on Planet Vegeta, we communicated in ways that go beyond these Earth languages."

Though not fully grasping the cultural nuances, Goku sensed the sincerity in Vegeta's words. Ever the optimist, he grinned. "Well, Vegeta, you can still speak Saiyago with me anytime! Why dontcha teach me something?"

Vegeta's composure softened for a moment. "Fine, but don't make a mess of it." He looked up for a moment to think, then back to Goku. “Try this: Tara'ka, nora te'shi Kakarot. It means, ‘Hello, my name is Kakarot.’”

Goku smiled, looking Vegeta in the eyes as he turned his body slightly to face him. “Tehra-ka, nora-tee-shee Kakarot,” he forced out carefully, trying his best to mimic Vegeta’s accent.

“Not bad,” Vegeta smirked, “You sound like a regular Saiyan toddler with the way you’re butchering it.” He would never admit it, but hearing his native language out loud, even if not spoken entirely correctly, brought back a sense of elation that he hadn’t felt in decades. The sound of Goku’s laughter echoed against his ears, and his smirk morphed into a grin. 

In that fleeting instant, a charged silence enveloped them. Vegeta, against his better judgment, found himself drawn into the vortex of shared amusement. Their eyes locked. Goku’s alluring smile was enthralling, drawing him in until he found himself slightly leaning his body toward him. Goku’s eyes were beaming into him. Looking into Vegeta’s left eye, then shifting gradually to his right. Then down to his lips. Vegeta’s face turned red, and he swiftly regained his composure.

With a subtle shake of his head, Vegeta redirected the course of their interaction. Clearing his throat and adopting a stern tone, he grunted, "Go on with your next one, Kakarot. We don’t have all day.”

Goku’s lips tugged downward as he moved his gaze back to the ground. He picked up his paper that was resting beside him, and read, “Number two.” 

He spent hours figuring out what he was going to write for this exercise. He jotted down at least a hundred different things, ruined several dozen sheets of paper. 

Number two: Vegeta, the best part of my week is when we spar together.
Number two: Vegeta, my heart melts when you smile.
Number two: Vegeta, I’m in love with you.

He cleared his throat, trying again, “Number two: my favorite place to go is a good buffet.”

“Tch, I thought we were supposed to write things that the other didn’t already know,” Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Alright, last ones and then we can be done with this foolishness forever. Number three: the reason we haven’t been training together lately is because I know you want us to go all out with our forms, but… I can’t.”

“You can’t?” Goku looked up, “What do you mean you can’t?”

Vegeta sighed, “It’s complicated, but part of the reason is that Bulma wouldn’t allow it until I started going to therapy again and she could ‘see some results’.”

“Again?” Goku’s voice inflected. “So you’ve been going for a while then?”

Lips quivering, Vegeta was reluctant to speak, but he figured this would come out eventually. “I started going years ago, but stopped for a while. I only recently picked it back up after we returned from planet Cereal.”

“After you unlocked your Ultra Ego form,” Goku commented.

“Yeah. That moronic woman thinks it’s changed something about me. Something that frightens her. She also said she wouldn’t let me around the children until I went back to Dr. Martin to sort it out, and then of course that idiotic Destroyer God chimed in-”

“Wait, Lord Beerus knows that you’re in therapy too?” Goku’s brows shot up. Did everyone but him know already?

“No, you idiot!” Vegeta jumped in quickly, then shrugged, “He overheard Bulma and said it wouldn’t be a bad idea. He told me that even though the Ultra Ego transformation isn’t explicitly fueled by rage like our Super Saiyan form is, it is closely tied with other intense feelings, and learning how to understand and control those could be beneficial.”

Goku nodded, trying to fully comprehend what he was hearing. “And before that?” He asked, looking back over to Vegeta again, “When did you start therapy for the first time?”

Vegeta's eyes narrowed at Goku's question. He wanted to punch him in the gut for even thinking that he’d share something like that with him. So personal. So none of his business. A tense silence settled in. Goku waited patiently, sensing the reluctance in Vegeta's demeanor.

At last, breaking the silence that felt like an eternity, Vegeta's voice was hardly audible as he uttered, "Shortly after you died.”

Goku fell silent. An unexpected weight settled over him, causing his heart to sink. He was well aware that his death after the Cell Games had left an indelible mark on those closest to him - Chi-Chi, Gohan, Goten - but the revelation that it had impacted Vegeta on such a personal level took him by surprise.

Goku crumbled his paper in between his hands, his fingers shaking with nerves. His eyes danced across Vegeta’s face, watching as Vegeta scowled at the dirt. His mouth twitched, but somehow he found the courage to speak, “My third thing,” Goku took a breath, and softly exhaled, “Is that every single day, I think about the time that we kissed.”

Chapter 5: Memories of History


Goku's confession forces Vegeta to recall one of his past therapy sessions.

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Chapter 5 - Memories of History

Therapy session #52: one year of therapy


“So that’s when your son came back from the future and killed Frieza?” Dr. Martin inquired as she scribbled down some notes.

“Yes, and it was incredible,” Vegeta beamed with pride, “At first I was absolutely infuriated because there was another Saiyan out there who’d reached a level that I’d not yet been able to obtain, but once I’d discovered that he was actually my son… Well, I couldn’t have been prouder.”

It was a rarity for Vegeta to speak out so freely during a session, and Dr. Martin couldn't help but smile at his tremendous progress after nearly a year of grueling effort. “And after your son warned you and your friends about-”

“Not my friends,” Vegeta interjected as he adjusted himself on the couch, laying down and swinging his legs over the arm of the sofa.

“Right. Not your friends,” Dr. Martin corrected, “After he warned you and the group about the Androids, what did you do next?”

“I trained, of course. Alone.”

“You seem to really value solitude,” Dr. Martin noted, “You didn’t train with a single other person during that time? Not even once?”

Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but his words failed him. There was that one time. “No,” he lied, “Not until we were already preparing to fight Cell.” He focused his gaze on the popcorn ceiling, trying his best not to reveal his secrets through his eyes.

The two sat in silence for quite some time. It seemed he wasn’t fooling anyone. If anyone could read his body language by now, it was certainly his therapist. But it wasn’t just that - it seemed she really did know the truth.

“Vegeta,” she spoke lightly, “I just want to take a quick moment to remind you that whatever you tell me stays within this room. I won’t tell anyone what you say. Not even Bulma. But I can tell her how much progress you’ve made over the course of our very many sessions.”

He crossed his arms, brows furrowed as he continued to lay down, “So what? If I don’t tell you the truth, you’ll tell Bulma what a huge piece of shit liar I am? Is that how it is, woman?”

“Of course not,” she jumped in. “You’re not under any circumstance obligated to share these details with me, and that doesn’t at all impact my opinion that you’ve made some significant progress with your therapy.”

Vegeta eyed her in silence for several minutes, trying to find any hint of malice in her eyes, but of course, he found none. He sighed, “I’ll make a deal with you. I’m going to ask you something. If you tell me the truth, then I’ll tell you the truth.”

She nodded, the corners of her lips pulling upwards. “Ask away.”

He watched the gentle expressions on her face for a few moments before speaking again. “What exactly did that woman tell you?”

“The only thing that Bulma told me was that there was a day when you and Kakarot trained together, and after that day, you were different.”

Vegeta pondered this for some time. So he and Kakarot were truly the only two in the world who knew what had happened on that day. His shoulders dropped and his muscles relaxed. Blowing a breath of air out of his mouth, he supposed he owed Dr. Martin his end of the deal now.

“Alright, fine. But this information does not leave this room,” he growled as he sat up.

Dr. Martin nodded in agreement.

Letting out a sigh, Vegeta continued, “It’s true. I trained with Kakarot one time while preparing for the Androids.” He sat back, recalling that day as he prepared to tell her the story.


I scowled, crossing my arms. "Don't underestimate me, Kakarot. I'll wipe that grin off your face."

As we clashed, two warriors giving it our all, our movements were a blur of swift punches and powerful kicks. Kakarot showcased his agility, dodging my calculated strikes, while I demonstrated my impeccable precision, aiming for his vulnerable points.

Kakarot, always seeming to seek improvement, unleashed a barrage of strikes, each punch and energy blast faster than the last. The last one aiming directly for my face. But as the Saiyan Prince, skillful as always, I retaliated with a swift knee to Kakarot’s midsection, forcing him to fall back.

With a burst of energy, he powered up briefly, his aura flickering. "Come on, Vegeta! Show me what you've got!"

I smirked, charging my own energy up to full power. "I'll give you more than you can handle!" I shouted at him.

Then we clashed once again, our blows creating shockwaves that reverberated through the training grounds. I was incredible, once again landing a kick on my opponent, this time on his face, sending him flying backward and landing brutally on the rocky ground. He had only a moment to sit up before I, in a decisive move, tackled him back onto the ground, pinning him with a triumphant grin.

"A low class Saiyan like you could never defeat me, Kakarot. You've got a long way to go before catching up to me.” I dug my knee into his belly, just for the hell of it. I wanted to piss him off. To catch just one more glimpse of his Super Saiyan form.

At that moment, I half expected Kakarot to explode with anger. Hell, I certainly would have if our positions had been reversed. But instead, this bastard, he was actually laughing, chuckling right under me as I pinned him down. Did he think this was a joke? Some kind of a game? At what point had this big idiot stopped being afraid of his prince?

And suddenly, I had another thought pop into my mind. How much I’d thoroughly enjoyed the past half hour or so of sparring. Saiyan versus Saiyan. Going all out. At least, I was going all out. The adrenaline from our fight was coursing through my veins, and I felt so alive. And somehow, in the midst of all these thoughts, I actually found myself laughing right along with him.

This moment of connection between us… laughing together in the middle of a battle… It was like nothing I’d ever experienced in my life. The link we had in that instant was indescribable. And once we locked eyes, and I could see the pure innocence and joy beaming from his face, I-

I don’t know what came over me. I don’t know why I did it. It was just this intense craving I had to lean down closer to him. To gently press my lips against his. To run my fingers through his exquisite, full-blooded Saiyan hair and lose myself in him. And so, I did.

As soon as our lips met, I could tell that his eyes were wide open, probably in shock, but within seconds he relaxed under me. And his arms, which were no longer pinned under my tight grip, were running down my back, tugging at the fabrics of my shirt. He yanked my body down closer to his until our chests were touching.

His lips tasted so good, felt so good. I pierced my tongue into his mouth, feeling how wet and warm he felt on the inside.

He moaned deeply into me, and it caused my body to shudder. It wasn’t enough that his tongue was circling around mine. Fuck I wanted more.

Trailing my hands down his sweaty chest, I moved down further until my lips brushed softly against his neck. His hands were entangled in my hair, gripping onto me. With a deep inhale, I could smell his pheromones, and I knew how badly he wanted me too.

Fuck, Kakarot,” I whispered into him. My mouth was watering. I needed to take a bite.

“V-Vegeta- oh” he stammered, completely red in the face as I nibbled and sucked on his sensitive neck. He moaned again. Loudly.

With a smirk on my face, I looked up to meet his gaze. He couldn't catch his breath, his cheeks red from ear to ear. Gods how he wanted me. His fingers clenched harder into my hair, pushing me back down to devour his throat again. I obliged graciously.

I loved feeling him squirm under me. Almost as much as I loved feeling his erection pressed against mine. I knew he wanted me. I knew he wanted more. Hell, I did too. 

I wanted so badly to keep going with him. I wanted to grind my hips up against him. I wanted to kiss and suck on his skin all the way down his hot, sweaty chest. To rip each piece of clothing off of him one by one. To feast my eyes on his magnificent, naked body. To… Well, it doesn’t matter. Because we stopped. He pushed me off of him.

His face, gods, his beautiful face was completely flushed. There was so much lust in his eyes, but also something else - guilt? I removed myself from atop of him and watched as he sat up. I’m sure my face was just as red as his was. 

“Vegeta,” he said breathlessly, “Vegeta, I can’t do this.”

At that moment, his rejection hit me hard. I wanted so desperately to fly away from him as fast as I possibly could and to never see his face again. How could I have acted so shamefully? And how could he deny me? But I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t feel my legs. Hell, I couldn’t even take my eyes off of him.

“I’m married, Vegeta. Oh Kami! ” He cried out, “Oh Kami, Chi-Chi’s gonna kill me.” He shook his head, his chest rapidly moving up and down. I couldn’t stop watching him as he fixed up his tousled hair and unwrinkled his clothing.

I wanted to beg him, to plead with him not to tell his woman. Not to tell anyone. But I couldn’t speak.

“I-I have to go, Vegeta,” he rose to his feet, pacing back and forth, “I-I can’t-I… I’m really sorry.”

He didn’t even look at me. He just teleported away. He left. He didn’t even… Well, it doesn’t matter anyway, does it?


“So afterwards, did you two talk about it again?”

“What?” Vegeta glared at Dr. Martin. “Of course not. Why would we? It was a stupid mistake. Never gonna happen again. Not worth mentioning again.” He sighed before continuing, “The next time we saw each other, the Androids had arrived, and you know the rest from there."

“I see. Perhaps if you-”

“Enough!” Vegeta interrupted, his fingernails scratching anxiously against his arm, “Kakarot is dead. Gone. He doesn’t want to come back. He abandoned his family. His friends. Everyone. There’s no point in discussing this any further.”

Chapter 6: Good Communication

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Chapter 6 - Good Communication 

“Vegeta?” Goku’s soft voice brought him back to reality.

Vegeta blinked at the ground, trying to figure out how to respond to Goku’s little confession. So what if Goku thought about their kiss on the regular? What exactly was he supposed to do with this information?

He could feel Goku’s eyes on him, but he couldn’t turn his head to face him. His cheeks were stained red. He never wanted their kiss to be brought up again. Not ever. The memory of rejection - it was choking him by the throat.

Goku hesitated for a moment before placing a hand on Vegeta’s knee. It was snug and inviting, but Vegeta instinctively yanked his leg away.

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Vegeta growled, scooting an inch or two further away from the other.

“Oh, come on, Vegeta,” Goku rolled his eyes. It wasn’t often that anger crept into Goku’s tone when he spoke to Vegeta, but this seemed to be one of those rare occasions. “It’s just you and me here. What good does pretending do? I know you remember it.”

“Listen here Kakarot, I’m sorry if things didn’t work out for you and your woman but I love my wife, so don’t start-”

“You’re lying,” Goku pulled his knees to his chest, a scowl on his face, “At least about one part.” 

Vegeta’s shoulders jolted. What the hell? What does this clown know?

“Bulma told me the truth about you guys,” Goku went on. 

The shorter Saiyan’s body stiffened beside him, but he said nothing.

“She told me that you two aren’t together anymore,” Goku continued. “I’m sure you do love her, just like how I still love Chi-Chi, but you’re lying to me, and I don’t get why. What d’you have to gain from lying?”

“You don’t deserve the truth, you idiot!” Vegeta jumped to his feet. “Coming here was a mistake. I’m leaving.”

“Vegeta, please ,” Goku grasped onto his arm just before he could take to the sky. “Please don’t leave.”

“Get the hell off of me!” Vegeta yanked his arm away, a look of disgust crawling over his face, “You come and go as you please all the time, doing whatever the hell you want. So why can’t I have the same luxury? Why can’t I do whatever the hell I want? I’ve had enough of this. I’ve had enough disappointment and anger for a lifetime!”

“What’re you talking about, Vegeta?” Goku rose up to his feet, “You mean right after I cheated on my wife by kissing you back? Of course I left! I mean, Kami , I was so ashamed of myself,” he lowered his gaze, his cheeks turning pink.

“Great,” Vegeta grumbled, rolling his eyes, “Glad to know how ashamed you are about it.”

“Ah come on, ‘Geta, you know I didn’t mean it like that ,” he sighed, “I just never thought that I’d be the kinda person to hurt her like that. But still, I shouldn’t’ve taken off like how I did,” Goku’s jaw tightened. “I know that I hurt you.”

Vegeta snorted, “You couldn’t hurt me even if you tried.”

“Okay, fine,” Goku pinched the bridge of his nose, “I disappointed you, or whatever feeling you wanna call-”

“You abandoned me. For seven years. You left!” Vegeta shouted.

With Vegeta’s words, it became incredibly clear to Goku what they were actually arguing about - his death after fighting Cell. Was Vegeta truly that torn up about it?

“Besides,” Vegeta broke the silence, “You said it yourself. You didn’t want me. You were so frantic about your wife that you didn’t-”

“I never said I didn’t want you! You’re the one that said it was a mistake!” Goku interjected.

Vegeta, dumbfounded, glared at the larger Saiyan, “What the hell are you talking about?” 

“A week after we kissed when I tried to talk to you about it! You really don’t remember?” Goku stared down at him, “You kicked me out. Told me to ‘shut the hell up’ before I’d gotten a single word out of my mouth. Said you didn’t want to see me again unless I was there to fight you to the death.” Goku shook his head, “How was I supposed to read that situation, Vegeta?”

Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but the memories of Goku coming to see him began flooding back into his mind. He really had pushed him away, hadn’t he? 

Finally, he forced himself to ask, “What were you going to say to me?”

Goku blinked, “What d’you mean?”

“When you came over,” Vegeta repeated, “What were you planning to say?”

“I-I don’t really remember,” Goku rubbed the back of his neck. “It was so long ago. Right after we kissed, I went home and told Chi-Chi about it. She wanted a divorce. I kinda thought… maybe you and I could…”

Vegeta looked up at him, wide eyed.

Blushing, Goku went on, “Well, looking back, I guess I’m glad that you and I didn’t get together after that… it wouldn’t’ve felt right. And your rejection gave me and Chi-Chi another chance at fixing our relationship, even though it didn’t work out in the end.”

Staring up at Goku, Vegeta had a pained expression on his face, “So I was the reason that you two split up?”

“No, no,” Goku shook his head, “We’d already been having some problems, and I kinda had a feeling we weren’t gonna work out way before then. The kiss just added to the whole mess, I think.”

“And she… she knows that we…”

Goku grinned, “No. I told her that someone kissed me, and I kissed them back. After that she said she didn’t wanna know the details. She did eventually find out that it was a man though. That definitely made things interesting,” he chuckled.

“I-I’m not gay,” Vegeta whispered.

“Sure, you’re not,” Goku smiled. He let go of his breath, and went on to ask, “So that kiss… do you really feel like it was a mistake? Do you think that maybe… maybe it could happen again?”

Vegeta watched the other’s expression closely, trying to gauge how serious he was being. Sometimes with Goku, it was really hard to tell. 

His lips trembled, “ Gods, I-I don’t know, Kakarot.”

“You don’t know?” Goku’s eyes were wide. “Vegeta…” he sighed, his cheeks burning red, so nervous that he was going to get rejected again.

The shorter Saiyan rubbed his arm nervously, unable to look up.

In a bold decision, Goku confessed, “Vegeta, I… I want you. I have for so long.” His heart was pounding in his chest. He could only hope that Vegeta felt the same way.

All Vegeta could manage to do was scowl at the dirt in response.

The larger Saiyan was sweating anxiously as he asked, “Do you still want me too?”

Vegeta glared at the ground silently, his brows furrowed. He swallowed hard, but still said nothing.

“Come on, ‘Geta, say something !” Goku pleaded, “What’re you so afraid of?”

His lips quivered. The prince of all Saiyans afraid? He wanted to throw a punch straight into Goku’s nose just for suggesting such a thing, but instead he found himself taking deep breaths, searching for peace. When had he learned to stay so calm?

Vegeta hardly recognized his own voice as he answered, “I just don’t think I can.” His eyes were clenched shut, “I can't bring myself to… I can't… lose anyone else that I care about."

Chapter 7: Memories of Fear and Loss


Vegeta recalls a past therapy session, revealing his worst fears.


Sorry this chapter is on the shorter side :D After this they'll be longer :3

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Chapter 7 - Memories of Fear and Loss


“Come on, ‘Geta, say something!” Goku pleaded, “What’re you so afraid of?”

Vegeta hardly recognized his own voice as he answered, “I just don’t think I can.” His eyes were clenched shut, “I can't bring myself to… I can't… lose anyone else that I care about."



Therapy session #208: four years of therapy

“I already told you, I’m not afraid of anything,” Vegeta snapped.

Dr. Martin tapped her pen against her clipboard, pausing in order to carefully choose her words. “Bulma mentioned that you often have nightmares.”

That blasted, insignificant woman. “Bulma should just mind her own damn business,” he rolled his eyes. “And they’re not nightmares.”

With her brows furrowed, she exhaled sharply, “Okay, not nightmares. Then what are they?”

Vegeta thought for a moment before answering, “Just… just intense dreams. That’s all. Very vivid and lifelike. And… ” He was searching for the correct adjective in his mind. Horrendous? Spine-chilling? Torturous? He sighed, “They’re no big deal, really.”

“And they wake you up at night?”

“Well… yes.” He crossed his arms. This was so stupid. Why should my dreams be of any importance to this woman?

“What causes you to wake up from them?”

His lips trembled and his shoulders tightened. He knew he wouldn’t get out of this conversation without offering her something to go off of.

He sighed, “Frieza.”

“Frieza is the one that destroyed your home planet,” Dr. Martin commented, encouraging him to speak on.

“Yes, but it was more than that. I was a part of his army of men, the Frieza Force, for most of my life until I came to Earth.”

Dr. Martin leaned forward, her expression attentive, as Vegeta reclined on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. The air in the room felt heavy with the weight of unspoken memories. Vegeta's eyes flickered with a mix of defiance and discomfort. After a deep breath, he began recounting his past.


“Hello, monkey,” Frieza smirked as I entered his chamber of the ship. “Back so soon? Don’t tell me that mission was too challenging for you,” he taunted.

I was the leader of our most recently planned assault on Planet Zyrona. Out of all the men on the Frieza Force, I was the youngest to be the commander on our missions at age twelve. 

The thought of extinguishing innocent lives and destroying a world known for its beauty meant nothing to me, and I executed his plans perfectly. 

“Of course not. I carried out everything according to plan,” I reported dutifully. In reality, I wanted to punch the bastard in the face, but that would’ve been suicide.

Really? All according to plan?” Frieza rubbed his chin as he checked his scouter. “Then why, oh why have I detected some life forces still on the planet Zyrona, hmmm?”

My body tensed. “What!?” I cried out, “That’s impossible! I destroyed every living creature on that planet! I know I-AH!” 

He didn’t care to wait for my explanation. My skull was being crushed under his foot. His tiny, diminutive, repulsive foot. 

I heard him snap his fingers from up above me. Fuck. This is going to be a nightmare. And so it was.

His crew of four men took it upon themselves to chain me to the wall with their bondage of ki, and took turns beating the life out of me. They stomped on my stomach, kicked my shins, bashed my face in. I was vomiting blood, and my body was breaking into pieces.

For what felt like hours and hours it went on. I didn’t have a clock, and I certainly wasn’t focused on counting the time, so you’ll just have to take my word on that. Besides, I’d passed out from the pain too many times to count the minutes anyway. 

They took advantage of my advanced Saiyan healing powers, allowing my body to rapidly cure itself as much as it could, and then beating me to a pulp again.

I felt something penetrate through my abdomen. A sharp pain like I’d never felt before. A knife? A blast from a ray gun? A blast of ki? Who knows. It happened five or so more times, but I didn’t think to look down to watch.

But still, this fate was better than suffering through the wrath of Frieza himself, so I took it.

After it was over, and they’d finally released me, I began limping slowly toward the exit, just praying that I could make it to my quarters.

Then Frieza’s wretched voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Whoopsie!” I could hear his wicked grin without even having to look at him. “Looks like my scouter was focused on the wrong planet all along. It seems you really did wipe out all the living creatures on Zyrona. Good job, monkey.”


“I… I’m so… ashamed that I let myself cry in front of that bastard on planet Namek,” Vegeta stared into the floor, his hands tightly balled into fists. “I just... I wanted Kakarot to beat him. I wanted him to die. Even though, in that moment, I knew I was dying, I thought that if somehow that low class warrior could do the impossible, and kill Frieza, the world would be a better place.”

He clenched his jaw. He wanted to claw his fingers into his skin. He couldn’t look up, fearing that if he met eyes with Dr. Martin, he’d cry just like he did in front of Goku and Frieza. And he’d vowed that he would never let that happen again.

Dr. Martin reached for her box of tissues, and offered it to the Saiyan. He knocked it out of her hand and watched as it bounced across the floor.

“I shouldn’t be afraid of him though. That doesn’t make sense,” Vegeta’s brows furrowed as he focused his eyes onto his hands. “The bastard is dead. And I’ve long surpassed him in power. Why does it still affect me?”

Exhaling, Dr. Martin spoke softly, “Sometimes when we experience severe trauma, like what you’ve described, it can be extremely hard to move on from it. And not only that, but Frieza has caused you some significant pain in other parts of your life as well.”

Vegeta looked up, awaiting further explanation.

“He’s the one that destroyed your home planet, and killed your family. He took everyone away from you,” she said. “Are your nightmares only about the memories of Frieza hurting you?”

His face tensed as he shifted sluggishly on the couch, “No... I guess not. Other times he’s torturing Bulma, or Trunks. And occasionally even… even Kakarot.”

He was silent for a while, trying to wrap his mind around all of this. It was so strange to say it all out loud.

Dr. Martin nodded, “It can be very frightening and anxiety-inducing to think about losing the people that you care about.”

Chapter 8: Fearless

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Chapter 8 - Fearless

Goku’s brows were furrowed as he looked up in thought. He rubbed his chin, “Hmmm, so… lemme see if I understand.”


“No, no,” Goku held up his hand, “I wanna make sure I get it. So you don’t wanna be with me because you don’t wanna lose me. Did I get that right?”

“Kakarot, I-”

“Because if ya ask me,” Goku went on, crossing his arms, “That doesn’t make any sense. Maybe you can explain it to me.”

Vegeta's usual bravado crumbled as he navigated the treacherous territory of his deepest fears. His eyes, once unwavering and fierce, betrayed a vulnerability that he seldom allowed others to see. With a heavy sigh, he summoned the courage to voice the haunting apprehensions that had long lingered within him.

"Kakarot, it's not that I doubt your intentions," he began, his cheeks blushing pink. "But you have this tendency to vanish unexpectedly. And I can't ignore the reality that one day, you might just disappear, and I'll be left here, wondering if you're ever coming back. I've lost too much already, and I can't bring myself to go through that again. I can't… lose anyone else."

As the words spilled out, Vegeta's guarded facade crumbled further, revealing the raw emotion beneath. The fear of abandonment and the scars of past losses etched themselves into the lines on his face.

"Oh,” Goku looked down, “I think I get whatcha mean. I know I’ve got a habit of disappearing. Chi-Chi and I had this conversation a lot.”

Vegeta shifted his weight uncomfortably as he listened.

Still looking down at his feet, Goku continued, “I… I'm so sorry for what I did to you - leaving you like that.” He took a breath before trying to meet Vegeta’s eyes, “But I promise I won't leave you again. And if there's anywhere I gotta, you're comin’ with me. We're a team, right?"

Vegeta’s chest began to feel heavy as he stared into the ground. That was, until he felt a very warm set of fingers stroking his cheek. He looked up and immediately found himself locking eyes with Goku. His stomach was in knots. Goku was right. He was scared.

But he hardly had time to register the fear building up within him before Goku leaned down and crushed their lips together. Instantly, it seemed, his fears had vanished.

As the kiss grew deeper, Vegeta was sure that his lips were vibrating against Goku’s. He craved more. So much more. 

He plunged his tongue into Goku’s unsuspecting mouth, tasting his sweet, Saiyan taste. He ran his fingers through Goku’s thick locks of hair. He traced his tongue across the ridges of Goku’s lips, memorizing every bump and wrinkle as he lazily wrapped his arms around Goku’s neck. 

This is what he’d been wanting. This is what he’d been yearning for for so long. 

Cupping a hand on either side of Vegeta’s cheeks, Goku pulled his lips even harder into his own. He loved the taste of his prince. 

Vegeta bit down on Goku’s bottom lip, pulling it carefully and ever so slowly between his teeth.

Goku groaned in response. He kissed Vegeta hungrily, running his hands down Vegeta’s back. He felt every flexing muscle as he moved further and further down, stopping only once he’d reached Vegeta’s hips. He squeezed.

Their bodies were pressed tightly together now, and Vegeta’s hardened member was rubbing up against Goku’s thigh. 

It was impossible to ignore. Goku moaned again.

A trail of saliva was bridged between their mouths as Goku breathlessly pulled away. He held tightly onto his partner’s waist as he smiled down at him.

Unlike Vegeta, Goku had no hint of embarrassment or shame in his eyes, only lust and passion. Vegeta, of course, was completely red in the face, not even able to look up at the man he’d just devoured. 

Through baited breath, Goku suggested, “Let’s go to my place.”

“What!?” Vegeta raised a brow as he stepped back. His face turned even more red, “Y-your place?”

Smiling widely, Goku nodded, giving a light laugh.

Vegeta was almost tempted to ask ‘for what?’, but he wasn’t an idiot. He knew exactly what Goku wanted. And he’d be lying if he said it hadn’t crossed his mind too. But so soon? No. He couldn’t possibly.

“Tch, seriously? We’ve kissed one time and you think-”

“Two times now,” Goku retorted, a playful smile dancing across his face.

Fine,” he rolled his eyes, “Two times. We’ve kissed two times, and you’re already trying to fuck?”

“Fuck?” Goku blinked, “You mean like… sex?”

“I-” Vegeta’s face grew hot as he quickly shut his mouth. Perhaps he hadn’t read Goku’s intentions as well as he’d thought. 

Snorting, Goku held his sides as he began roaring with laughter. 

“It’s not funny, you idiot!” Vegeta shouted, his cheeks flushed.

“Okay, okay,” Goku replied through his muffled laughter. “Okay,” he said again, attempting to calm himself down. 

Vegeta crossed his arms, kicking some of the dirt beneath him.

“I’m sorry, ‘Geta, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. You just surprised me. I didn’t think…”

“You didn’t think what?" Vegeta spat, taking another step further away.

“I-I didn’t think… well, I wasn’t sure if you… y’know, wanted me that way,” Goku rubbed the back of his neck.

“I… you… what!?” Vegeta was absolutely astonished. “After we just… after we just did that? You weren’t sure if I-”

“To be fair,” Goku interjected, “A few minutes ago you told me you weren’t gay, so...”

Vegeta scoffed.

Frowning, Goku put a hand to his chin, scratching it as he looked up in thought. “Vegeta, I’m not sure if you already know this about me, but you know I’m a man, right?” He then whispered, “Like… with a penis.

Vegeta’s eye twitched. Without warning, he swung his fist directly into Goku’s face, sending him flying backwards. Dust flew all around them.

“Ow! Vegeta!” The larger Saiyan sat himself up on the piles of rocks he’d crashed onto, rubbing his nose profusely. “Come on, what was that for?”

“Stop playing around, you clown!” Vegeta shouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Goku stood up, shaking off the minor injury and walking back toward his partner. As always, he had a smile on his face.

Vegeta instinctively took a step back as Goku approached him. He still refused to look Goku in the eye, but that didn’t stop Goku from wrapping his large arms around Vegeta’s waist, and pulling him in closer. 

A hug - something Vegeta seldom ever did. Vegeta stood stiffly, his arms trembling by his sides as Goku held him.

“I’m sorry, Vegeta. Didn’t mean to laugh at you.” Goku nuzzled his face against Vegeta’s hair before releasing him from his embrace. “Really,” he added.

Tch,” Vegeta blushed as he stepped away, brushing his clothes off. “Why do you even want me to come over to your place anyway?” he grumbled. “To show off your new boyfriend to your ex-wife?”

Goku blinked. This was one blunder that Vegeta couldn’t undo. “My… boyfriend?” His voice inflected an octave.

The smaller Saiyan’s eyes popped wide open. Shit. Gods. Dammit. “I-no, no, I didn’t-”

“My boyfriend,” Goku repeated to himself as he looked up, his finger pressed to his chin.

“No, that’s not what I-”

“And I don’t live with Chi-Chi anymore,” Goku cut him off, “So, no, I wasn’t planning on showing you off to anyone. Yet,” he winked.

That little piece of information managed to stop Vegeta’s stammering. 

He peered up at him, “You don’t live together anymore?” He supposed it made sense, given that they’d been divorced for some time now. “I didn’t know.”

“Yeah, I have my own apartment not too far from the city…” Goku’s voice trailed off before he started again, “I just thought maybe you’d wanna kiss me somewhere more private,” he blushed. “But, if you don’t wanna then-”

“Let’s go.”

“Quick question first,” Goku grinned widely.

Grunting, Vegeta turned to him, raising a brow. His body was stiff, wondering what Goku could possibly want this time.

Goku chuckled, “How do you say ‘boyfriend’ in Saiyago?”

Chapter 9: Memories of Connections


y'all are killing me with all the encouragement I appreciate it so much <3<3

Chapter Text

Chapter 9 - Memories of Connections

Therapy session #301: six years of therapy - Vegeta helps the Great Saiyaman


“Well, Vegeta, we’re coming up on almost six years of our weekly sessions,” Dr. Martin grinned. “I’m thinking pretty soon we may be able to decrease the frequency of our meetings. You’ve made such excellent progress.”

Vegeta puffed. Decrease to never, hopefully, he thought.

“Is there anything in particular you’d like to talk about today?” she asked as she sat down on her armchair.

“Yes, actually,” he answered. 

Such an extraordinary response indeed that Dr. Martin found herself leaning in, her face resting on her knuckles, and her elbows resting on her legs, as she eagerly awaited to hear whatever Vegeta had on his mind.

“I want to vent about Kakarot and how he left his damn children here without a father,” he cracked his neck side to side as he spoke.”I mean seriously, who the hell did he expect was going to raise those boys?”

Dr. Martin nodded, but her curiosity piqued, “I see. But Vegeta, I recall that we’d discussed Goten quite a few years ago, and you ended up being alright with him being under your watch every now and then. Did something change?”

“What?” Vegeta looked up at her, “No, not the younger brat, the older one, Gohan. Or the… tch, the ‘Great Saiyaman’.” He used his fingers for air quotes as he spat out the ridiculous superhero name. “The damn idiot came over yesterday needing… I don’t even know what I would call it. Fatherly advice? Certainly not something that his mother would’ve been able to help him with,” he shook his head.

Dr. Martin’s brows furrowed, awaiting more detail.

Vegeta sat back against the couch, clearing his throat before beginning.


“Mr. Vegeta, sir?”

“Go away,” I grumbled as I prepared to slam the door of the gravity chamber.

Sir, ” the servant girl repeated.

“What!?” I spat. Why couldn’t everyone just leave me the hell alone? What could possibly be so important?

“Uh,” she stammered, “Y-you have a visitor, sir.”

My brows furrowed. A visitor?

I concentrated on the energy around me to figure out who could be trying to visit me of all people. Closing my eyes, I suddenly realized exactly who it was. 

Good gods how weak this boy had gotten. He used to be the strongest warrior among any of us, and that was when he was, what, ten years old? He must be close to sixteen or seventeen at this point, and he’s as thin as a twig. As I suspected, super hero work didn’t really count as training.

I grunted, not eager to give a warm welcome to such a weakingly as he popped his head around the young maid.

“Hey, Vegeta!” He held up his hand to wave. It suddenly reminded me so much of Kakarot that I had to physically shake my head to snap myself out of it.

“What do you want?” I snapped, “If you’re not here to train then I suggest you go back home,” I turned around to enter the gravity chamber again, but his hand stopped the door from shutting.

“I-I’m not here to train, but I really need to talk to you. Please,” he looked down.

I threw my head back and groaned, “Fine, dammit, but we’re going to talk under 50 times gravity.” I stepped into the chamber and gestured with my head for him to follow.

Once I turned the knob and heard his weight collapse to the ground, I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. Thank the gods that he couldn’t see my face.

“Now what is it that you want, boy? I haven’t got all damn day.”

“Right,” Gohan blushed, “Um, right,” he cleared his throat. 

Why the hell is he so twitchy? He’d better not be here to confess his undying love for me or something. Though I could hardly blame him if that were the case. 

Gohan began again, wiping his sweaty palms against his shirt, “So, I’ve been dating this girl at school,” his cheeks flushed red as he thrust his hands in front of himself, “Well, wait, wait not dating, but um… well I really like her and I-”

“Don’t tell me you’re here for the talk, are you?” I rolled my eyes. 

I was actually joking, but his silence answered my question. He couldn’t even look at me. Had his mother taught him nothing? 

My brow raised, “So you came here to ask me why your dick gets hard when you’re around her? Really?

“No, no!” He shouted. “I, um, I know about that. It’s just… there’s something else that happens to me, which I found out through… um, research… isn’t exactly normal. And I thought, maybe it’s not normal for humans, but…”

Shit. At that moment, I knew exactly what he was referring to. I myself hadn’t realized that it wasn’t a function of the human body until Bulma asked me about it years ago. 

Gods dammit, why couldn’t Kakarot be here for this? Why me? My cheeks grew hot too. Clearly neither of us wanted to have this conversation, but here we were.

I swallowed hard, “You… um… you’re asking about the… slick?”

Damn how his face got red. It would’ve almost been funny if it hadn’t been so gods damn awkward.

“Kami, I can’t do this,” Gohan choked as he wobbled to his feet despite the heavy gravity pulling him down. He was aiming for the door, forcing a single step in that direction before I interjected.

“Wait,” I called out. Why I did it, I have no idea. I saw his back stiffen, and he came to a halt, but still didn’t turn around. “Um, Gohan, it’s… it’s fine,” my shoulders slumped. “I can tell you about it.”

Unsure if it was because of my words, or his humiliation, or the overwhelming force of the gravity in the room, but Gohan fell onto his ass once again. The younger Saiyan placed his hands on the hard floor and rotated himself to face me, though he still kept his gaze low.

“Right,” I nearly choked out the words, “So when we… um… Saiyan men, get turned on--gods , um… we produce a sort of… fluid. Um, a fluid similar to that of human women, but… you know… from the… anal region-”

Gohan looked up at me in horror, “So you mean, I get wet like a girl?

I slapped my hand against my face. Vulgar little brat.

“S-sorry,” he whispered, looking back to the floor, “It’s just… it’s so weird.”

“It’s… totally normal,” I forced out, “It’s just for lubricating that entrance, um, if you want to use it like an entrance.”

I was sure by that point the flesh on my face must’ve been burning off of my body with how hot it felt. I could feel myself sweating through my uniform. I quickly turned around and fiddled with the knobs and buttons to decrease the gravity some.

It was quiet between us for a few moments before Gohan posed another question, “Is that normal for Saiyans? Um, to uh… use that as an entrance?”

“It’s normal for anyone,” I answered. “Just easier for Saiyans I guess. Since we have that trait naturally. Though there was quite a stigma around it back on Planet Vegeta, like there is in some places here on Earth.” 

I leaned against the wall, recalling the riots against homosexuality on my home planet. “It was even worse on the Frieze Force,” I added, though I’m not sure why I felt the need to give this kid all these details.

“Was it?” He looked up to me in curiosity.

“Yes,” the memories all came flooding back as I went on to explain, “On Planet Vegeta, there were many that believed homosexuality, and really anything related to um… anal sex, was a sign of weakness.” 

I peered down at the boy to see if he was interested in hearing more, and it was quite evident by the expression on his face that he was. 

So I went on, “With the Frieza Force it was different. They used rape as a form of conquest. Men, women, whatever, it didn’t matter. So anal came up a lot in that context. And the people that Frieza punished, even those on his force, often had the same fate.”

“So I guess it’s something I should steer clear of then,” Gohan whispered.

“No,” I sighed, “Not necessarily. You’re a Saiyan warrior. Do whatever pleases you. If someone has a problem with it, kill them.”

The corners of his lips pulled up slightly. He still seemed uneasy though, his body tense. “Um,” he exhaled with a staggered breath, “Is it… have you… done it before?”

I swallowed hard, unsure if I should tell him the truth.

“Sorry!” His eyes darted up to me, “I just… was only asking because I wanted to know…” he scratched his head, his face flushing with embarrassment, “If I wanted her to do that to me one day, you know with, um, whatever device or something… if it’ll hurt.”

Staring down at him, I briefly wondered if he was old enough to be having this conversation. But hell, he was asking wasn’t he? Better to hear it from me than someone else. With a shrug, I folded my arms over my chest, “Doesn’t have to hurt much. You have to work up to it.”

Gohan seemed to relax after hearing that. Certainly relaxed enough to get more bold with his questions, “So you, uh, you’ve done it before?”

My face twitched, “Yes.”

“And it was… good?”

We were finally able to hold each other’s gaze by this point, and for some reason, I felt the need to share something with him that I’d never shared with anyone else in the universe. 

“As I said, Frieza’s men weren’t exactly big on consent. And they had quite an affinity for taking advantage of our… special Saiyan trait of lubrication.”

His eyes widened.

Dammit. I’d hardly meant to scare the boy. 

With a sigh, I finally took a seat on the floor across from him, “But listen, kid, don’t let my experiences with it ruin it for you. With the right person, I'm sure it could be… enjoyable.”

The grin forming on his face actually made me feel good. Why?


“Vegeta,” Dr. Martin, her lips parted and her eyes brimming with tears, seized upon the significance of this breakthrough in Vegeta's emotional landscape. "Vegeta, this is a major step forward for you.” 

Her face was radiating with joy as she spoke, “While it may be irksome at times to care for someone else's children, just look at how absolutely far you’ve come. To make such a deep confession to someone, and to build this type of connection is incredible. "

His mind briefly paused, absorbing the therapist's words. He hadn't considered the progress he'd made in quite the same light.

“And so after that, what happened next?” She asked, leaning forward, ready to hear more.

“He asked me a few more questions, which I won’t be repeating here. Then he thanked me. And then I told him to shut the hell up, and never bring it up again.”

Chapter 10: Boyfriend

Chapter Text

Chapter 10 - Boyfriend

"Quite a home you've got here," Vegeta remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Yeah, I like it," Goku replied with a carefree smile. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen. I've got some instant ramen if you’re hungry!"

The kitchen was indeed the most stocked area of the apartment. Shelves were lined with various ingredients, all extremely simple to make into a meal. The fridge was filled with a variety of foods, predominantly focused on fueling Goku's training.

As Vegeta took in the surroundings, a thought crossed his mind. "Kakarot, you really don't have much here, do you?"

A small couch in the living room, a tiny table, and a stocked kitchen. He assumed the two bedrooms had some sort of furniture and decor, but he couldn’t be sure until he saw them. The bedroom. That thought stopped Vegeta in his tracks. Isn’t that what he came over here for in the first place?

Goku laughed, "Nah, not really. I like to keep things simple. No need for fancy stuff. As long as there's good food and good company, I'm good too."

Vegeta rolled his eyes, but a small, almost imperceptible smile played on his lips. He casually brushed his hand on the kitchen counter as he spoke, “Anyway, I don’t want ramen.”

“Oh, uh, okay,” Goku rubbed the back of his neck nervously, his cheeks tinged light pink. “Um, I’m not the greatest cook, but I’m sure I’ve got something else. What d’you want?”

“Take a guess,” Vegeta’s voice lowered as he stepped closer to him, leaving their bodies only inches apart. He looked up, meeting Goku’s eyes with his own. His cheeks were burning red as he briefly questioned himself. Certainly this cue would suffice for the average person to get the gist of what he wanted, but would it suffice for Goku?

Narrowing his eyes, a light smirk began forming on Goku’s face. He began purring as he quickly understood exactly what Vegeta was after. He licked his lips, stepping forward until they stood chest to chest.

“You want me, ‘Geta?”

Vegeta swallowed hard, taken aback by Goku’s sudden forwardness.

In a bold move, Goku leaned down and grabbed Vegeta behind his head, pulling him into a deep kiss.

After taking a moment to register what was happening, Vegeta immediately reciprocated, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around his partner’s waist as their lips pressed together. He eagerly glided his hands through Goku’s hair, pulling and tugging at the base. He’d been waiting for this moment for so long - to feel his Kakarot so freely.

Things quickly escalated when Goku forcefully slammed Vegeta against the wall behind him. The walls of the apartment building reverberated, but the two Saiyans paid no mind. Vegeta groaned at the sensation of his head being forced back. A wave of heat shot through his stomach and up to his face.

Goku effortlessly pinned him against the wall, his eyes trailing up and down his body before diving down to kiss his neck.

Vegeta suppressed a groan as he felt Goku’s teeth scrape against his skin. He found himself tilting his head to the side, giving Goku better access. He wrapped an arm behind Goku’s neck, pulling him in tighter. He was proud of himself for holding his composure so well under the circumstances, but that quickly ended when Goku chuckled into his neck. The hot air caressing his flesh made him dizzy.

“What the hell is so funny?” Vegeta grumbled.

Goku pulled his lips away, a mixture of lust and deep affection etched on his face as he gazed down at his prince. With a playful grin, he ran a finger down Vegeta’s chest, “Just how hard you are for me.” 

Still holding Vegeta’s gaze, admiring his flushed cheeks, Goku experimentally rolled his hips, grinding his erection up against Vegeta’s. Vegeta let out a gasp that Goku could only assume he’d meant to conceal. With more confidence now, Goku continued grinding his hips, groaning in pleasure at the friction forming between them. They were both undeniably hard at this point, and there was no hiding it.

Without warning, Goku bent down and scooped Vegeta into his arms, holding him tightly so they were chest to chest. He wrapped Vegeta’s legs around his waist.

Vegeta’s eyes widened, his cheeks completely red, “Kaka-”

Goku silenced him with a drawn out kiss, his fingers rubbing on Vegeta’s hips. Despite Vegeta’s initial hesitation, they were both purring loudly as Goku carried him down the hallway and over to his bedroom.

He kicked open the door and tossed Vegeta onto the bed. There wasn’t a night that went by that this exact scenario didn’t play in his mind. Licking his lips, he straddled Vegeta. He planned to dive down for another kiss, but Vegeta shoved his chest, forcing him back.

Blinking in confusion, Goku shuffled to sit beside him. His heart was pounding. Had he taken things too far?

A deep snarl emanated from Vegeta’s chest as he collapsed a hand around Goku’s throat. In one swift motion, he yanked Goku flat on his back on the bed beside him. The mattress quivered beneath them. He raised a brow, climbing on top of Goku, “You think you can just take me so easily?”

Goku laughed, “Yeah, actually. I think you want me pretty bad.”

Vegeta was about to protest, but his words were stuck in his throat with the way Goku was staring up at him.

Narrowing his eyes at the Saiyan on top of him, Goku gently played with Vegeta’s hair, a not-so-innocent grin crossing his lips. “I think you’ve been craving me.”

Vegeta’s cheeks began to blush, which only prompted Goku to taunt him further. 

He snickered, “I bet you’ve thought about me every single night.” His hand wrapped around Vegeta’s waist, pulling him down closer so their bodies pressed together. Their breathing grew heavier as Goku rolled his hips. His other arm crept behind Vegeta’s neck, pulling his head down until Goku’s lips could graze his ear. With a light chuckle, Goku whispered, “I bet you touch yourself to the thought of me every night.”

Vegeta’s gasp turned into a drawn out moan as Goku bit down into his neck. He was sure he was bleeding from the piercing impact of Goku’s teeth, but he didn’t mind. In fact, it was actually a welcomed treat. He’d hardly even noticed when Goku lifted his shirt over his head until he felt Goku’s hands skimming up and down his chest. It was evident that Goku was completely mesmerized by him. 

Taking advantage of Goku’s distraction, Vegeta sat up and placed both hands on the neckline of Goku’s shirt. With a half grin, he tore straight down through it, biting his lip at the sight of Goku’s now exposed chest and abdomen.

“Shi’yen,” he muttered under his breath.

His eyes were glued to Goku’s chest. Of course, he’d seen Goku shirtless more times than he could count, but damn did he look fucking hot while he was horny. His mouth watered. He needed more of his Kakarot.

With Vegeta straddling him in this position, Goku could now fully feel Vegeta’s erection pressing against his. He could also feel himself getting harder.

Goku growled, “Fuck, you’re already so hard for me.”

Vegeta’s cheeks burned. He was also getting incredibly wet, but he’d never admit that out loud.

He eyed Vegeta, smirking before pulling his head down and colliding their lips together once again. The kiss turned sloppy as Vegeta fiddled with the waistband of Goku’s bottoms, awkwardly shifting to pull them down. Goku wriggled, helping to get his pants and boxers onto the floor. 

As Vegeta pulled away, sitting upright to focus on undressing himself, Goku grazed his hands up and down Vegeta’s abdomen, feeling his bulging muscles and series of battle scars.

“Hey ‘Geta?”


Goku blushed, “You’re kinda beautiful.”

“Tch,” Vegeta’s cheeks turned pink, “Shut up.”

They were both completely naked now. The hair on Vegeta’s arms began to rise at the idea of being so vulnerable, but he forced any expression of fear off of his face. He instead focused on the throbbing feeling hitting his cock. He peered down to see Goku’s member pulsing against his. His lips parted as he took in the sight.

Unable to wait any longer, Goku slowly rolled his hips against the Saiyan on top of him, moaning as the friction between them rubbed on his leaking cock. His cheeks were flushed as he realized the wet sensation streaming down his dick was coming from Vegeta. He shuddered. Fuck he wanted more. He wanted to take him.

Just as eager as his partner, Vegeta leaned down to devour his mate, kissing him relentlessly across his lips and down to his neck. He sucked a bruise on him, relishing in Goku’s loud moaning and squirming before making his way down to his chest. He inhaled deeply, taking in Goku’s scent.

Impatient and eager for more, Goku tugged at the base of Vegeta’s hair, pulling a loud groan out of him. He could feel Vegeta tremble. “Yeah? ” Goku purred, “You like that?” He pulled harder.

Vegeta’s fingers curled into Goku’s chest as he attempted to regain his composure, but he couldn’t help but gasp as he felt Goku’s fingers lightly teased the tip of his cock. He sat up, hoping that putting some distance between them would help clear his head.

Goku raised a brow, lowering his voice, “You want more?” He experimentally gave his shaft a squeeze.

Vegeta groaned. Oh yeah, he fucking wanted more.

With a grin, Goku removed his hands from the other Saiyan. His confidence only grew as he heard Vegeta whine, clearly craving Goku's touch. Goku licked his lips, darting his eyes down to his cock, and then up to Vegeta’s mouth. 

“Why don’t you warm me up a bit, my prince?” He purred, “Then we’ll see how I feel.”

Hesitating, Vegeta scowled for a moment, debating if he should follow orders or not. It took him a moment to piece together that he was actually quite nervous.

Goku’s voice softened, “You okay?”

“Tch, I’m fucking fine,” he grumbled as he crawled backwards down Goku’s body, planting himself between his thighs.

“You don’t have to--hmmm,” Goku whined as Vegeta bit down into his hip.

Vegeta’s hand hovered over the tip of Goku’s cock, teasing him with light touches, but not giving him what he really needed.

Goku gently moved his hips up and down, trying to get more of Vegeta’s soft touch. His breaths were shallow. “Damn ,” he squirmed, “Please , Ve-Vegeta, I need…”

“Hmmm?” Vegeta licked up his inner thigh, stopping before his tongue reached Goku’s groin. “What do you need, my little Carrot?” His pride shot through the ceiling with the way he could turn Goku from an overconfident prick to a melting puddle of weakness.

Goku grasped onto Vegeta’s wrists, his face completely red as he begged, “Please, my prince. I-I need it.”

With a devilish grin, Vegeta wrapped his hand around the tip of Goku’s cock and stroked up and down the shaft. He didn’t want to throw a free compliment out to Goku of all people, but gods damn was his cock massive.

Shamelessly, Goku threw his head back against the bed as he moaned emphatically. The sweet sensation of Vegeta’s fingers rubbing against his sensitive head and vein sent him into a frenzy. And unlike the proud Saiyan prince, he simply didn’t have any qualms about being loud in bed. 

“Hmmm, you like this, huh, Kakarot?”

All Goku could manage to do was moan in response.

Seeing Goku like this, finally after so long of fantasizing and dreaming about this very moment - well, it was so much better than Vegeta could have hoped. Seeing him gasp and squirm under him, and cry out for more. Fuck , it was almost too much for him to watch.

Vegeta licked his lips as he eyed Goku’s cock. He’d decided he should finally do as he was asked. He took a breath, preparing himself. But as he lowered his head, lips just centimeters away from Goku’s tip, he froze.

The flashbacks - they hit him like a ki blast. His mind flooded with memories of unspeakable acts which were forced upon him. He wasn’t sure how long he’d stayed frozen in that position, but it suddenly occurred to him that Goku had been speaking.

Vegeta sat back on his heels, blinking in confusion, “What?”

Goku’s brows furrowed, “I asked what’s wrong. You okay?”

“I’m fine, you idiot,” Vegeta rolled his eyes.

“Do you wanna stop? You don’t have to… um… go down on me,” his cheeks blushed. “It’s okay if you wanna stop.”

Vegeta hesitated. No, he didn’t want to stop. Why couldn’t he speak? He swallowed, “No. Lay back down.”

Goku did as he was told, but still offered some comfort. “You know, ‘Geta, we don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. I’ll follow your lead on this, okay?”

“Shut up,” Vegeta grumbled before taking Goku’s hand and guiding it down to his cock, prompting Goku to stroke it.

Goku thought maybe they should discuss this a bit more, but as soon as he looked down, he was instantly hypnotized by the unadulterated girth that his partner was packing. He exhaled loudly.

The moment that Goku’s fingers collapsed around the tip of Vegeta’s cock, Vegeta couldn’t hold in the groans that were bubbling up in his throat. 

“K-Kakarot, fuck, keep going,” he pleaded, his voice not nearly as authoritative as he’d hoped.

He gasped at Goku’s warm touch, his hands so much warmer than his own. His muscles flexed across his body as Goku’s hand moved more and more rapidly. His breathing grew heavy, and his body wriggled unintentionally, causing his entire body to flush red. Vegeta’s hips moved autonomously, jerking his cock in between Goku’s fingers. He tried to return the favor to Goku, but he was having trouble focusing at this point.

He uttered unknown words of pleasure in Saiyago under his breath, “Fuck, eesoh nora Kakarot.

Goku smirked at Vegeta’s very much welcomed reaction. He wasn’t sure exactly what he was saying, but damn did he like hearing him say it.

At this point, Vegeta couldn’t stop himself from moaning like a fucking whore and grinding his hips back and forth against his partner. But gods he couldn't stand Goku watching the expressions on his face like this. Vegeta leaned down and buried his face into Goku’s bare chest, hoping to cover up how mortified he was. 

The way Vegeta’s body rubbed against his throbbing cock was driving Goku crazy. He wrapped his free arm around Vegeta’s back, pulling him in tighter.

“K-Kakarot, I’m--fuck,” Vegeta mumbled against Goku’s soft skin. He knew he was being selfish, getting all the pleasure without doing any of the real work, but he couldn’t help himself. And Goku certainly wasn’t complaining. Vegeta moaned his name two more times, unable to get any other words to pass through his lips. “Gods, Kakarot, eesoh, eesoh,” he begged quietly as he pressed his red face deeper into Goku’s chest.

Moving quickly, Goku grasped onto both of their cocks tightly, holding them together and stroking them simultaneously at a superhuman pace. Vegeta’s body trembled, his fingers clawing at Goku again. Goku’s lips pulled upward into a half smirk at Vegeta’s reaction.

Dammit,” Vegeta whimpered.

The feeling of their lengths rubbing up against each other forced them both to cry out in pleasure. Vegeta reached around, searching for Goku’s ass. He briefly considered asking Goku before going further, but his question was quickly answered as Goku gasped and moaned at his touch. Once his fingers found what they were looking for, he gathered Goku’s slick onto his finger and played with his entrance, gently circling around and stimulating the outside.

Mmm, ‘ Geta, please--I’m gonna--unf, I’m gonna- Goku whined, squeezing his arm around him tighter.

Hearing this, Vegeta’s toes curled as he and Goku reached their climax in sync, both of their fluids shooting across their chests as their hips rolled together. The dizziness set in as they gradually slowed to a stop.

They were both panting heavily as Vegeta laid on top of Goku’s chest. Goku didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he was thoroughly enjoying the close contact. He wrapped his arms around his mate to hold him tighter. They both stayed in that position, struggling to catch their breath, for several minutes before Vegeta was finally able to pull himself up.

He stood on his feet, looking at the absolute mess they’d made on themselves. Peering around the room, Vegeta was trying to find something to use to clean up. He turned back to Goku with the intention of looking him in the eyes, but he suddenly felt so utterly embarrassed. He simply looked at Goku’s cum splattered chest instead..

Clearing his throat, Vegeta uttered, “Do you, uh, have something we can clean up with?”

“Oh, uhm,” Goku propped himself up on his elbows, taking a second or two to think, “Um, you can just use my shirt that you tore up. Guess I can’t wear that one anymore,” he laughed.

“Right,” Vegeta’s cheeks tinted pink as he grabbed Goku’s shredded shirt from the edge of the bed. He cleared his throat awkwardly, “If you’re expecting an apology for the shirt, you’re not getting one.” The corners of his lips tugged upwards as he gently cleaned their mess off of Goku’s chest and belly.

He peered down at his own chest, “Perhaps I should shower,” he uttered, making a quick expression of disgust at the stickiness covering him.

“Sure, but… can we lay down for a minute?” Goku patted the bed as he scooted himself back toward the headboard.

Sighing, Vegeta rolled his eyes before laying down on his back, wiping the remainder of their cum off of him and tossing the shirt onto the floor.

Ever so tempted, Goku was dying to roll over and swing his arm over Vegeta’s chest, and hold onto him tightly, but even he was smart enough to know not to push his luck. He simply turned his head to sneak a glance at Vegeta.

Vegeta looked so peaceful, his beautiful naked body resting beside him. His eyes were shut and his arms rested behind his head. Goku could even hear the light purring emitting from Vegeta’s chest. It was truly everything he’d hoped for.

“What?” Vegeta’s eyes flickered open to glare at him.

“N-nothing,” Goku looked up at the ceiling again. “Was just wondering what all you were sayin’ in Saiyago.”

Vegeta’s cheeks blushed, “I-I didn’t say anything,” he forced out.

“Yeah, you did, ‘Geta,” Goku smiled, “While we were-”

“Alright, alright,” Vegeta grumbled, “I’ll tell you one thing and then you drop it.”

Smiling ear to ear, Goku nodded encouragingly as he rolled onto his side.


Goku’s brows furrowed, as he concentrated, “Keh-resh-ee?”

“Mhmm,” the shorter Saiyan closed his eyes again.

“What does it mean?”

Vegeta sighed, “Boyfriend.”

Chapter 11: Trauma


TW: rape, homophobia, self-harm

Chapter Text

Chapter 11 - Trauma

Therapy session #369: present


Vegeta sat in the waiting area, his leg bouncing anxiously as he anticipated the upcoming session. He already knew that Dr. Martin was going to ask him how his little ‘homework’ assignment with Goku went, and he was dreading having to tell her about the outcome. 

How humiliated he was - becoming mates with a low class Saiyan. No, not just that, but becoming mates with another man? It was something that he’d never seen coming in his future, and though he knew Dr. Martin would be nothing less than supportive, his stomach was still turning in knots.

“Vegeta? Are you ready?”

Exhaling sharply, Vegeta rose to his feet and followed Dr. Martin without a word. It was times like these that he'd wished he hadn't started going to therapy again. He briefly wondered how many more sessions Bulma would force upon him until he could call it quits.

“How have you been?” she asked, taking a seat.

“Fine,” he muttered as he found his way to the couch.

One corner of her lips tugged upwards as she looked down at her notes, “Did you and Kakarot get a chance to work on that communication exercise that I suggested during our last session?”

His lips twitched, but he didn’t respond.

Dr. Martin went on, “Of course, if you feel like the exercise isn’t needed then-”

“We did the exercise,” Vegeta interrupted, folding his arms over his chest, “But I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Oh,” she blinked, “Okay, sure. No problem,” she jotted something down on her notepad. “Is there something else you have on your mind?”

The weight of the recent exercise with Goku certainly hung heavily on his mind, but saying it out loud was just too much. He never expected such a seemingly simple task to stir up so much discomfort and lust and passion within him. Vegeta struggled to get the words out of his mouth. He knew this conversation was coming. Why hadn’t he prepared himself more? He was always training and preparing for battle - perhaps he should’ve applied the same principles here.

Finally, he spoke, “There’s one thing I want to discuss,” he stared down at his fingers as he twiddled them, “I think… " his mouth went dry, "I think a friend of mine might be gay. And I don’t know how to feel about it.”

Wearing an expression of genuine surprise, Dr. Martin certainly hadn’t anticipated this, though given Goku and Vegeta’s history, and Goku’s ever so obvious affections for Vegeta, she supposed it wasn’t entirely unexpected.

“Your friend,” she nodded, “Alright, then-”

“It’s not me,” he growled, averting his eyes from her.

“Of course not,” she affirmed, maintaining a calm and nonjudgmental demeanor. "It sounds like you're grappling with some complex emotions about your friend's sexual orientation. Could you share more about what specifically makes you uncertain or uncomfortable?”

“Well, for starters,” he opened up, leaning back against the cushions, “I don’t even really know if he’s gay.” His eyes bore into the floor as his mind took him back to the night before at Goku’s house. The third night in a row that he’d gone over there. The third night in a row that they’d done… whatever the hell that shit was. “Tell me this, woman,” he looked up at her.

She met his gaze, raising a brow as she awaited his question.

He cleared his throat nervously, “If a man does things of a sexual nature with another man, and he’s attracted to him, and he has… um… I don’t know… feelings, or whatever, for that man,” he took a deep breath, “Does that… make him gay?”

“Well,” Dr. Martin chuckled lightly, “Sexual orientation can be a pretty complex subject, but by definition, homosexuality refers to the attraction between people who are of the same sex, so yes, I would say so.”

His brows furrowed as he looked back down, the corners of his lips lowering.

Giving a sympathetic smile, Dr. Martin offered, “Let’s explore the discomfort you’re feeling from the idea of your friend being gay.”

Vegeta was silent for quite some time before confessing, “I suppose I’m just… confused.” He sighed as he laid down on the couch and rested his legs over the side. He stared up at the ceiling as he explained, “On Planet Vegeta, there were countless protests against homosexuality. ‘Protests’ meaning riots, brutal murders, burning people alive. It was… not a friendly place for homosexuality. Not that I’m worried about that here on Earth - none of these weaklings here could even dream of touching me,” he snickered, “But then there was my time on the Frieza Force, and-”

A pained expression crossed his face, and his body tensed. The two sat in silence for several moments as Dr. Martin patiently waited for Vegeta to gather his thoughts. His hands were trembling, which was really pissing him off.

He exhaled sharply before asking, “Doc… are you absolutely sure about the gay thing?”

She blinked, “Vegeta, if you-”

“Because,” he interrupted her, “What if my friend also had previous experiences with men that he didn’t enjoy? How could he be gay then?”

“I-” Dr. Martin’s brows furrowed. She tapped her pen against her clipboard as she held her breath, “I’m not sure I understand.”

Vegeta groaned loudly, throwing his head back against the arm of the couch. He quickly grasped the reality that he would indeed have to provide more details. He buried his face into the palms of his hands and took a deep breath.

Stop being such a fucking coward, he told himself before resting his arms by his sides.

He continued to look up at the ceiling as he tried again, “Say my friend had been forced to have sex with other men, and he… um…” his face twitched as he forced the words out, “He orgasmed from it, but he didn’t… gods, um… he didn’t want to do it. I just… I’m confused…. about that.” His shoulders slumped, and his eyes fell shut. “If he climaxed from other men like that, does that make him gay? Does that mean that he…” his breath staggered, “He actually wanted it?”

Dr. Martin could feel her heart sinking in her chest. She took a breath as she regained her composure. She knew better than to show Vegeta pity. She paused for a moment, carefully choosing her words, “I think it’s important for you and your friend to understand that an orgasm is a physiological response to stimulation. It’s a completely natural response that your body was designed to do. It does not mean that you enjoyed being raped - and no, it does not mean that you wanted it.”

He bit his lip. His eyes were beginning to water. Fucking stop, he commanded himself. Clenching his jaw tightly, his teeth dug into the inside of his cheek as he blinked the tears away.

“It’s also important to understand that,” Dr. Martin continued, “Being raped doesn’t mean you have to identify yourself any differently when it comes to sexual orientation.”

Vegeta considered this for a few moments. He couldn’t move from his position on the couch, laid out on his back with his eyes glued to the ceiling. He loathed himself for being so weak. He briefly considered storming out, but something deep inside of him was calling for him to stay. He needed answers. He needed help.

“What if-'' his voice cracked, “What if my friend can’t have sex with his current partner because it… it reminds him of his past experiences?”

Despite his best efforts, he couldn't hold back a small stream of tears rolling down one side of his cheek. His thoughts were beginning to ruminate. Fucking weakling. So vulnerable. Such a disgrace. I hate myself. I hate myself for this. He dug his fingernails into his arm.

“Vegeta,” she said softly, “Your wrist.”

His body jolted and he immediately released his grip on himself. He’d cut straight through his thick Saiyan skin, something he hadn’t done to himself in many, many years. He grumbled as he casually wiped the blood onto his shirt. 

Under normal circumstances, Dr. Martin would have to take considerably more drastic measures when witnessing patients harm themselves, but she’d gone down that route way too many times before with Vegeta to know that her typical tactics wouldn’t apply.

She took a breath, “Well, there are two answers to your question, I suppose.” She nudged the box of tissues on the table a few inches closer to him, though she knew he’d ignore the offer. “First and foremost, these are the sort of experiences that would be helpful to unpack during therapy.”

His jaw tightened.

“And second,” she went on, “Sex can be a very important component in relationships for some people, but not for others. It may or may not be a ‘deal breaker’ for the other partner, but this is something that needs to be discussed through open communication.”

Vegeta lazily threw his arm over his forehead, “I can’t tell him,” he uttered. “How could I? He’d never look at me the same way.” He felt like vomiting. “I don’t… I can’t lose him.”

Frowning slightly, Dr. Martin leaned in, “Vegeta, do you really think that Kakarot would leave you over something like this?”

His eyes shot open, and he found himself sitting up and glaring into her eyes, “Who said this was about me and Kakarot!?”

She pursed her lips before sighing, “Vegeta…”

“Ughhh,” he groaned as he leaned back into the couch,“You’re a wickedly evil woman, you know.” He ran his hand through his hair, pausing for several moments before speaking again. “He said… Well, on the first night, he said he was okay with doing whatever I wanted, but… what if eventually he wants more than I can give him?”

“This is exactly why you need to sit down and have a talk with him,” she leaned in. “If you really want this relationship to work with Kakarot, you can’t push him away. You need to explain to him what your boundaries are.”

He rolled his eyes, uttering under his breath, “Talking is for women.”

She sighed, setting her notepad down on the coffee table, “Vegeta, I can’t force you to agree with me. Do what you want. But I encourage you to consider how this will play out for you in the long run.”

Vegeta raised a brow.

“If Kakarot pushes you to do something that you’re not comfortable with, how will he know if you don’t tell him?”

“Simple,” he smug grin played on his lips, “I’ll just punch the idiot in the face. I’m sure he’ll get the message.”

Her shoulders slumped. She’d said her piece, and she knew once Vegeta began cracking jokes that he was done listening to her… for now, anyway. Shaking her head, she forced herself to move on. With a new thought popping into her mind, a playful smile crossed her lips, “So, you and Kakarot, huh?”


Chapter 12: Akira Toriyama


Hi friends, I think we are all feeling the same sense of loss following the passing of Akira Toriyama. His ingenious contributions to the world have influenced so many lives, and I feel so fortunate that I had the privilege to be his fan. May his memory be a blessing to his family, friends, and all those whose lives he has touched.

I wanted to do a tribute to Toriyama, but my art doesn’t compare to the amazing work I’ve seen other people create for him. Instead, I wrote this short chapter. I may need a few days before I can continue with the rest of the story.

As always, thank you all for your continuous support and encouragement.

Chapter Text

Chapter 12 - Akira Toriyama

“Vegeta?” Dr. Martin blinked as she checked the calendar on her phone, “I didn’t think we had a session to-”

“We didn’t,” he pushed his way into her office, Goku dragging his feet behind him. The two sat down across from Dr. Martin’s chair, wordlessly implying for her to take a seat.

She hesitated for a moment before sitting down, “Um, I do have an appointment with another patient at-”

“Cancel it.”

“Vegeta, I can’t just-”

“Please?” Goku looked up, his eyes puffy and his cheeks stained red.

Her eyes shifted between the two Saiyans before nodding. She shot her next patient a quick message, and then promptly turned her phone off. Something was off with these two. Something serious.

She took a breath, “What happened, you guys?”

They were silent for quite some time, their shoulders slumped and their eyes stuck to their feet. It was too much. Too hard to talk about. Finally, the words slipped through Goku’s lips, “We lost someone.”

Vegeta nodded, exhaling sharply.


“A friend,” Goku added. “He… he passed away,” his voice cracked as his fists clenched by his sides. His face dropped to the floor again.

Vegeta could only scowl, refusing to look up.

“I’m so very sorry to hear about your loss,” Dr. Martin sighed, “Were you all close?”

“Yes,” Goku sniffed. “Very.”

It was evident that he was attempting to hold back his tears. Scooting the box of tissues on the table closer to him, Dr. Martin spoke softly, “Crying is a very normal reaction when mourning the loss of a loved one. It’s okay, Goku.”

Goku gave her a brief half smile, a glint of water lining his eyes as he took a tissue from the box. Vegeta scoffed.

“Would you like to tell me about him?” She looked to Goku and then to Vegeta.

A few short streams of tears began falling down Goku’s cheeks, and his body trembled silently. He wiped his wrist across his face, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to speak.

Vegeta mumbled something under his breath before resting his hand atop of Goku’s and giving it a squeeze. His lips twitched, “He was an extremely influential Earthling that shaped our entire lives. We Saiyans owe him a debt of gratitude for the challenges he's thrown our way and the strength we've gained in overcoming them. That’s all I’m going to say.”

She nodded, “I… well, I normally wouldn’t suggest this to my patients, but… couldn’t you maybe bring him back to life with the Dragon Balls?”

Goku held back a quiet sob.

Vegeta sighed, his eyes lined with tears as he finally looked up at Dr. Martin. “Don’t you know that the Dragon Balls turn into stone once their creator has died?”

Chapter 13: A Lot to Learn

Chapter Text

Chapter 13 - A Lot to Learn

“You know, I’ve never seen this movie.”

Vegeta rolled his eyes, “Yeah, it’s a lot more enjoyable when you shut up during it.”

“Honestly, I didn’t think you ever took a break from training long enough to watch TV,” Goku chuckled as he scooped a handful of popcorn out of the bowl in Vegeta’s lap.

Eye twitching, Vegeta turned his head to tell Goku off, but gods did the other Saiyan look so fucking hot the way he was leaning back, shirtless on the couch. Vegeta’s facial expressions softened.

Oh Kami, that’s a lotta needles,” Goku chewed on his fingers, eyes glued to the screen.

Vegeta grunted. After all of the foes and powers this big idiot has faced over his lifetime, he was afraid of needles? 

“Y-you didn’t tell me this was a scary movie, ‘Geta.”

“Oh my gods, it’s just one scene, Kaka--hey!” The bowl of popcorn spilled over as Goku started burying his face into Vegeta’s upper arm, no longer able to watch the movie. “Come on, Kakarot, I didn’t know you’d be such a coward.” He used his free hand to ruffle Goku’s hair.

“I’m not,” Goku mumbled into Vegeta’s shoulder. He inhaled deeply, taking in Vegeta’s musky scent before slowly kissing his way up to Vegeta’s neck.

Vegeta was beginning to think that Goku wasn’t all that scared after all. Any excuse to get closer to him, right? Before he knew it, Goku’s lips were at his throat, and he found himself tilting his head to the side, allowing his partner to kiss him with ease. He exhaled sharply as he felt Goku’s lips press against his skin. His fingers clenched onto the couch as Goku’s teeth bit down into him. 

Fuck he was already getting hard. He hated the effect that Goku had on him. The warm touch of Goku’s hand cupping his cheek was inviting; he was embarrassed to admit how good it felt. Goku laughed into him as he threw his arms around Vegeta’s neck and gave him a light squeeze.

Vegeta’s body immediately tensed at the touch. With a low growl, he smacked his fist into Goku’s forehead, sending him flying off the side of the couch and crashing onto the floor.

Vegeta,” Goku whined as he stood up, rubbing the front of his head, “What was that for?”

“Nothing,” Vegeta grumbled as he rose to his feet and gathered his belongings off of the table. “I’m leaving.”

“What? Why-” But Goku’s question came too late, and he suddenly found himself alone. Of course he could easily sense Vegeta flying off in the distance, but he figured that teleporting over to him would only anger him more.

His shoulders slumped as he reached for the remote and turned off the TV. He wanted answers. He wished Vegeta would just tell him what was on his mind instead of jumping to anger and leaving, but it just wasn’t in his nature. Fortunately, Goku knew someone who did seem to know all the answers to everything, especially when it came to Vegeta. He put his fingers to his forehead, concentrating for only a moment before leaving his apartment behind.

“Hey Bulma!” He cheered, waving a hand in the air.

“Ah!” Bulma screeched, dropping the gizmo she’d spent the last 24 hours putting together. She gritted her teeth, “Goku!”

“Sorry!” he rubbed the back of his neck before running to help her pick up the pieces off the floor.

She sighed loudly as she sat back in her desk chair, coming to terms with the fact that she’d have to pull yet another all-nighter to put her machine back together.

Goku placed all the tiny screws and components on her desk before taking a seat on the other side. He swung his legs around, rotating the chair in circles.

“What is it, Goku?”

“Oh, um,” he stopped spinning and turned to face her, “Well, the thing is, I kinda was hoping to get your help with something.”


“Yeah, about Vegeta.”

She chuckled, “What did you do this time? Beat him in another fight? He’ll get over it eventually,” she said as she focused on putting some of the tiny pieces of her gadget back together.

“Well, not exactly…” Goku’s voice trailed off. “Um, Bulma?”

She was frowning at her gadget, but noticed his shift in tone. Lifting the microscope glasses from her face, she looked up at him.

Goku hesitated, his words stuck in his throat as he thought of the most appropriate way to bring up this topic. “Has, uh… has Vegeta talked about me lately?”

Her brows furrowed, “No? Why?”

His cheeks stained red. It seems like she doesn’t know about me and Vegeta. Should I tell her? Would it be a lie if I didn’t tell her? What would I even say? ‘Oh, hey Bulma, how do I make your ex-husband happy now that he and I are dating?’ He frowned. Does she even know that he’s into men? Would she care? Would she kick him out of the house? I probably shouldn’t tell her. Let Vegeta do it.

He cleared his throat,  “Uh, nothing.” He picked his words carefully, “I just keep managing to make Vegeta mad at me. I don’t get why. I feel like I’m just acting normal, and then he gets so angry.”

“Well, you acting like your normal self does tend to piss him off,” she laughed. Goku didn’t laugh, though. “Come on, what’s the matter, Goku? Since when do you care about Vegeta being mad at you?”

Goku sighed, “I just wanted us to get along better. It’s really hard to understand what he wants.”

“Ha! You’re tellin’ me! I was married to the man,” she snorted. “Listen, I know you two like to get rough with it while you’re sparring and whatever, but outside of that Vegeta is really particular about who talks to him and who makes physical contact with him and how.” She put her hand to her chin, “Hmmm, what else? Well, there’s a lot of things that set him off, but you get what I mean. He has some very specific boundaries.”

His shoulders fell, “Yeah, I got it. It’d be so much easier if he just told me instead of making me guess what I did wrong, but at least now I have a clue.” He thought back to the way that he’d hugged Vegeta, and wondered if that’s what triggered him.

“I think it’s really nice that you’re trying to get along with him,” she said as she flipped the lenses back down over her eyes. “Give him some time to cool off. He’ll come back around when he’s ready to talk,” she smiled as she went back to work.

“Right,” Goku grinned. “Thanks a lot Bulma! Don’t know what I’d do without you!”

Sure enough, Bulma knew exactly what she was talking about. Early the next morning, before the sun had even risen, a knock at Goku’s front door awoke him. Sleepily, Goku rubbed his eyes as he opened the door. Vegeta didn’t wait. He pushed the door all the way open and invited himself inside, plopping down on the couch and crossing his arms.

“Hey, ‘Geta,” Goku yawned as he took a seat beside him, leaving an entire couch cushion in between them. The two were silent for some time before Goku awkwardly cleared his throat, “Hungry?”


“Ya hungry?” Goku raised a brow, “It’s a little early, but I can make some breakfast.”

“I--what? No,” Vegeta grumbled.

Sighing, Goku rested his elbow on the arm of the couch, leaning his cheek into his knuckles. “So why’d ya leave yesterday?”

Scowling, Vegeta kept his eyes on the floor.

“Did I…” Goku took a breath, “Did I do something to upset you? Was it when I hugged you?”

“Just drop it, Kakarot. I’m here now.”

“But I-”

"Drop it, Kakarot," Vegeta gritted his teeth.

Goku, ever persistent, refused. "But Vegeta, if I did something wrong, I need to know what it was so I don't make the same mistake again."

The Saiyan prince's temper flared, his fists clenching at his sides. "I said shut up already!" he snapped, his tone sharp with irritation.

"Vegeta, seriously? Calm down."

With a low growl, Vegeta seethed, “Calm down!?” Suddenly, his rage erupted like a volcano, and in a flash of blue energy, he launched himself at Goku, fists flying. 

Goku, taken aback by the sudden assault, matched Vegeta's power, and soon they were locked in a fierce battle, their blows shaking the very air around them.

Realizing the danger they posed to his home, Goku managed to intercept Vegeta's attack, catching his flying fist with his hand. In that instant, Goku teleported them both to the safety of Kami's lookout. It was hardly the best place for them to have this argument, but at the time, it was the only energy that Goku could properly lock onto for his Instant Transmission.

Piccolo and Dende stared wide eyed at their unexpected guests, but the two Saiyans didn’t turn to look at them.

"Vegeta, we don’t need to fight over this!" Goku pleaded, his voice tinged with worry. “Just tell me-”

But Vegeta's mind was clouded with emotion, his thoughts a turbulent whirlwind. "I said shut the hell up and leave me alone!" he roared, his voice echoing across the lookout. His blue aura clashed with Goku’s as he threw himself forward, fists aimed for Goku’s face.

Losing what little remained of his smile, Goku found himself growling back at his partner. This was a fight he didn’t start, and a fight that he didn’t want. So he’d finish it quickly. In an abrupt and rather impressive move, Goku tapped into his Ultra Instinct power, swiftly avoiding Vegeta’s onslaught and kicking him in the neck.

With a loud scream, Vegeta’s body tore through the atmosphere, barreling toward the ground faster than the speed of sound. But Goku was ready for him. He teleported to his partner, catching him in his arms right before his body could crash into the earth.

Growling through his teeth, Vegeta flipped backwards out of Goku’s arms, and attempted to launch an assault once again. He unleashed his energy, attempting to ascend to his Ultra Ego form, but to his great disappointment, he lacked the necessary stamina. It seemed Beerus’s point about emotional control had some merit as he failed in his attempt to ascend further.

Still, he threw his fists at the larger Saiyan, to which Goku easily dodged. Goku grabbed Vegeta by the wrist and swung him onto the ground before pinning him down.

With a low snarl, Goku declared, "Vegeta, it's over.”

Struggling beneath Goku's relentless assault, Vegeta found himself unable to muster the focus needed to unleash his full power. He growled as he looked up to meet Goku’s gaze, but once their eyes locked, he felt a rush of blood run through his body. 

Something about being pinned to the ground by the only being on Earth that was (arguably) stronger than him - something about being held down by someone he knew didn’t want to hurt him, but certainly could, fuck it did something to him. Without thinking, he found himself lifting his head off the ground and colliding his lips against Goku’s. 

Goku blinked, momentarily taken aback by Vegeta’s reaction before relaxing his arms and shutting his eyes. They both powered down as they fell deeper into their kiss. He removed his grip from Vegeta, using one hand to hold himself up, and the other to cup Vegeta’s cheek. His tongue slipped past Vegeta’s lips.

Vegeta’s lips were burning, craving more of his Kakarot. Goku’s tongue in his mouth wasn’t enough. His teeth grinding against Vegeta’s lower lip wasn’t enough. No, he needed more. 

He threw his arms around Goku, pulling him in tighter as he rolled his hips into him. He wanted to feel Goku’s erection against his. His legs wrapped around Goku’s waist so he could pull the larger Saiyan down closer to him. Fuck, and he was right - Goku was already as hard as he was.

K’reshi," Vegeta gasped as Goku dove down to his neck, sucking hard on his throat.

Mmm, my Vegeta,” Goku purred as he trailed his tongue from Vegeta’s neck up to his ear. He gently pulled on Vegeta’s earlobe with his teeth, and Vegeta choked back a moan in response.

Running his hands up and down Goku’s shirt, Vegeta desperately wished that the fabric wasn’t there. Just as he was about to rip through it, a thought occurred to him. His eyes shot open. He started choking, frantically pushing Goku off of him.

“Vegeta!? What’s-”

“Your place. Now.” he rushed the words out, scrambling to his feet. “Those damn Namekians are right up there. Probably watching us.” He shot a dirty glance up to the sky.

Goku chuckled, “Might be a little too late for that.” He could sense Piccolo’s energy nearby.

Vegeta’s cheeks burned red.

“Don’t worry about them,” Goku gave Vegeta’s hand a quick squeeze before letting go. He gave his best goofy smile before leaping into the air, “Race you to my place?”

The sun was beginning to rise as they flew back to Goku’s apartment, but the air was still chilly. Goku had the strongest urge to fly closer to his partner. He wanted to hold his hand. To intertwine their fingers together. His brows furrowed. Would it be okay for him to do this? Would it make Vegeta upset again? He grunted in frustration.

As soon as they walked through the door, Goku planned to ask him what his deal was. What exactly was he allowed to do with him? What was gonna make him explode with rage again? He needed to know.

“Listen, Vegeta-”

Without giving him a chance to say more, Vegeta pulled Goku by the back of his head, crushing their lips together. Goku’s mind instantly went blank as he cupped Vegeta’s cheeks into his palms. Their breath mixed together into a passionate kiss, mouths and tongues entangling together.

Wait, no, Goku thought, I wanted to… uh… Fuck, ” he shuddered as Vegeta scratched his nails down Goku’s back. “Mmmm, V-Vegeta,” he pulled his face back, but Vegeta forced him against the wall, colliding their mouths together again and again.

Vegeta groaned into their kiss. He knew exactly what he was doing. He figured if he could distract Goku with enough lust, he could get him to shut up. After all, making out was a lot easier than talking. Goku moaned into his mouth before attempting to push Vegeta away, but Vegeta held his ground, running his fingers through Goku’s hair and down his neck.

“Mmm, ‘Geta-” Goku’s words slurred between their kisses. He could hardly breathe. He tried to push Vegeta away again, but his mate was relentless. Growing frustrated, Goku slammed his palms against Vegeta’s chest as he growled, “Dammit, Vegeta, listen!”

A smug grin on his face, Vegeta purred, “Make me.”

It took Goku a moment to register that Vegeta was screwing with him. Make him? Vegeta’s tone brought back fond memories of Goku’s relationship with Chi-Chi, and how much she enjoyed when Goku dominated her. With Chi-Chi it was much different though - he could hardly play with a fragile human. Goku’s lips twitched into a half grin as he effortlessly ascended into his Super Saiyan form. Now powered up, he began smiling erratically at his partner. He placed his hand on the collar of Vegeta’s shirt, and in one swift motion, he yanked Vegeta down onto the floor.

Of course, Vegeta could have chosen to ascend too and fought back, but he had a feeling that Goku wanted him this way.

“Fine,” Goku’s eyes burned a hole into his mate, “You don’t wanna talk? I can make good use of your mouth one way or another.” 

Vegeta blinked. He’d hardly expected Goku to take charge so eagerly. Or so effectively. The bulge in his pants hardened.

Clearing his throat, Goku readied himself to get into character. “On your knees,” he commanded

A rush of blood flowed downward, causing Vegeta to breathe heavily. He bit his lip, hesitating for a moment before doing as he was told. His cheeks flushed and his stomach churned as he understood what Goku was asking him to do. 

Goku untied the strings of his sweatpants and dropped them down to his thighs. He stared down coldly at Vegeta, giving him a silent command. 

Licking his lips, Vegeta leaned in closer. His heart was pounding.

Goku immediately recognized the expression of fear etched on Vegeta’s face. He pulled away, “You okay, ‘Geta?”

Scowling, Vegeta puffed, “Of course I am. Just shut up and let me do it.”

With his brows furrowed, Goku knelt down to meet Vegeta’s height on his knees. He put his hand on Vegeta’s chin, “You’d tell me if you didn’t wanna play, right?”

Vegeta was silent for a moment. His jaw tightened and his cheeks grew hot. He couldn’t fucking stand Goku looking at him like this with such pity and sympathy. He growled as he pulled Goku in for a quick and convincing kiss. At least if their lips were together, he wouldn’t have to feel Goku’s eyes on him.

Saliva bridged between their mouths as Vegeta pulled away. “Stand up, you idiot.”

Before Goku was completely back on his feet, Vegeta’s mouth was hovering over his tip, his hot breath hitting Goku’s sensitive skin. He could hear Goku’s shaky breath from above him. An arrogant smirk crept onto Vegeta’s face as he slowly began stroking Goku’s shaft; he loved watching his mate tremble from his touch.

Kami, Vegeta,” Goku gasped.

Vegeta’s mouth watered as he inched his face closer. Gods, he was so ready to taste him after all these years. He couldn’t deny how much he wanted him, even if he was nervous as hell.

Goku groaned as he felt a set of warm lips close around his cockhead. He gently stroked Vegeta’s hair as he eyes fell shut. 

Vegeta’s lips had barely gone past Goku’s tip, yet he had Goku panting heavily and desperately wanting to thrust. He could feel Goku restraining himself. He wanted to satisfy him. To give him more. 

Mmmm damn,” Goku uttered under his breath as Vegeta’s tongue swirled around his tip.

Diving down deeper, Vegeta’s spit was trailing down his chin as he managed to fit half of Goku’s cock down his throat. The in-and-out motion wasn’t as difficult as he thought it’d be to take given his history. He gently squeezed Goku’s balls, feeling them tense between his fingers. His cheeks were completely red as he looked up to meet Goku’s gaze.

Fuck, don’t you look so good with my cock down your throat, K’reshi,” Goku purred. 

It still wasn’t enough. Vegeta was hungrier than ever. He swallowed just a tiny bit more, and hummed a low ‘mmmmm’ around Goku’s pulsing cock - the vibrations sending waves of heat throughout Goku’s body.

Oh, Vegeta,” Goku’s voice cracked, his knees trembling.

Vegeta increased his pace, stroking Goku’s length with the half that his throat couldn’t yet cover, and tickling his inner thigh with his free hand. His eyes didn’t leave his mate’s.

Goku moaned loudly as he held back his movements. “Ah, what a-- fuck, good--mmmm,” he stammered as Vegeta finally forced Goku’s entire cock in and out of his throat again and again. Throwing his head back, Goku didn’t bother to stop himself from moaning loudly and calling out his partner’s name. His hips buckled. He was frantic for more. He wanted to--no, he needed to thrust. 

Just before Goku was going to ask if it was okay, Vegeta sunk his fingertips into Goku’s ass cheeks, yanking Goku’s entire body into him. Vegeta let out a gluttonous moan all around Goku’s cock.

“Unf… V-Vegeta,” Goku whimpered as he gripped onto Vegeta’s hair and thrusted his hips into him.

Suddenly, Vegeta’s body tensed. He found himself falling backwards out of Goku’s grasp, choking and gasping for air.

Goku stared down at him, wide eyed, “V-Vegeta!? I-” He couldn’t breathe.

Vegeta opened his mouth to say something, but no words would come out. The two seemed to be frozen in place for several drawn out moments before Vegeta could feel his body again. He swiftly used his arm to wipe the coat of saliva off of his cheeks and chin.

In a mixture of frustration, disappointment, and humiliation, Goku shoved his half-erect cock back into his pants before plopping down on the floor. He wanted to bury his face into his hands. How did he always manage to screw these things up? Why did he always have to ruin everything? Would Vegeta run out on him yet again?

“Sorry,” Vegeta mumbled as he slowly rose to his feet.

That got Goku’s attention. Vegeta? Sorry? Goku wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around his mate and tell him that everything was okay, but he couldn’t. Not without risking Vegeta flying off again. “It’s… it’s okay,” Goku whispered. “I just wish you would tell me what-”

Vegeta sighed, cutting Goku off. He extended his arm out to help Goku up, “I… um… I could go for some breakfast now,” he forced his best smile. After all, smiling and pretending that nothing happened was way easier than having an adult conversation about it.

Chapter 14: Nightmares


TW: please read the story tags

Chapter Text

Chapter 14 - Nightmares

Therapy session #373: present - an unexpected visit


“V-Vegeta?” Dr. Martin blinked, her eyes sunken. 

It was obvious that he’d awoken her. The shine of his glowing blonde hair beamed across her face, lighting up the darkened entryway of her home.

“I need to talk to you,” he looked her up and down. 

He’d never seen her outside of work like this before. At least not in her home in the middle of the night. He actually felt a little bad for waking her.

Yawning, she pulled out her phone and checked the time. Vegeta had never once come to her house and pleaded for an extra session, especially not at two in the morning. She decided it must’ve been important. 

“Come in,” she stepped aside.

He grunted, and powered down before entering. He’d almost forgotten that he was still in his Super Saiyan form.

“What’s going on?” she asked as he followed her into the kitchen. 

He watched her intently as she brewed a pot of coffee. If he was being honest, he wasn’t actually in the mood to explain what had happened, but he figured he’d already come over here and woken her up, so he might as well spill it.

“Getting with Kakarot was a huge mistake, and I don’t know what I’m going to do now,” he blurted out, rubbing his face in frustration. “How am I going to keep training with him now? What if I can’t? How will I explain that to Beerus? And Whis? And Bulma? And every-”

“Woah, woah,” she turned to face him, “Let’s take this one step at a time.”

He paused, catching his breath. She waited patiently for him to calm down.

“So, what happened so suddenly to make you feel like dating Kakarot was a mistake?” Dr. Martin asked as she poured the coffee into two mugs. She turned to hand him one. “You’ve been with him for what, a month now? I thought things were going well.”

His lips briefly parted before taking the mug into his hands. He scowled down at his reflection in the cup of black liquid. “He just… he doesn’t know how to shut the hell up.”

She blinked, “Okay…

Rolling his eyes, Vegeta grumbled, “Yeah, yeah, I know. You need more details than that.” He took a sip of the coffee before going on. “I fell asleep over there and the idiot woke me up for no reason, shouting at me. And then he wouldn’t shut up, so I-”

“That’s really what happened?” She raised a brow.

He scowled at her, always poking holes in his little anecdotes. With a groan, he relayed the full details.



I soared through the night sky, and couldn’t help but notice the city below was bathed in an eerie glow. An unsettling feeling clawed at me, but I dismissed it as mere nerves, the anticipation of seeing Kakarot again.

It had been nearly a month now since our first night together, and so far things had played out far better than I’d expected. Most nights Kakarot and I ended up in bed together in a very similar manner as the first time, but other nights we would spar, or play video games, or just relax and stuff our faces with an ungodsly amount of food. I was sort of hoping that tonight would be one of those nights.

As I approached Kakarot’s apartment, the disquiet grew. The surroundings seemed distorted. Standing before Kakarot’s door, I hesitated, trying to shake off the strange sensation. The walls of his house seemed to wobble, and a wave of dizziness washed over me.

After I finally knocked, Kakarot, with his annoyingly cheerful grin, opened the door.

“Hey, ‘Geta!” He flashed a smile as he grabbed me by the wrists and yanked me inside.

I soon found myself to be engulfed in a hug that felt suffocating. Panic clawed at me from the inside, a sensation of being crushed, unable to breathe. Before I could yell at him to back the hell off, Kakarot released me, wearing an odd smirk. Were his actions intentional? 

The walls were moving again.

“I missed you,” Kakarot said as he ran his hands down my arms.

Instinctively, I flinched before pulling my arms close to my sides. He knew I hated to be touched like this unexpectedly - at least, he should have known by now. I rolled my eyes, taking a step away from him.

“So what did ya wanna do tonight?” he asked as he walked over to the kitchen and put his dishes away.

Furrowing my brow, I began to think. I was going to suggest that we go for some sparring, but instead I found myself jumping two inches into the air when Kakarot suddenly teleported behind my back. His lips brushed against my ear and his breath sent a shiver down my spine. 

The room began to feel distorted, and somehow the colors of the walls seemed to darken.

He whispered as he rubbed his cheek and soft hair up against me, “Because I was thinking we could pick up where we left off last night.”

I shuddered. Well, it wasn’t exactly on my to do list for tonight, but when he put it like that. I could feel myself getting hard just from his words, my body responding out of habit to his touch. I suppose I could get into this, I convinced myself. Still, I had this stiffness in my muscles that wouldn't seem to go away. What the hell was wrong with me?

He spun me around and began undressing me. It felt a little rushed. Maybe too eager for my taste. Not really how we typically liked to go about these sorts of things, but I let it go.

I rose up on my toes to press my lips gently against his, but he began to devour me, kissing me roughly, biting my lip, groaning and grumbling like a wild animal. Normally, this would get me going like crazy, but tonight it felt… off. 

It took me a moment to piece together that I didn’t actually want this.

“Kakarot-” I began to protest, but he interrupted me.

“I want your lips around my cock again,” he said in a low growl.

Without realizing how I got there, I found myself on my knees before him. At what point had he gotten naked? I hadn’t noticed. I didn’t feel well.

“Go on,” he prompted softly. 

A smug grin spread across his face as his eyes flickered between me and his leaking cock in front of me. It would’ve been nice to talk about this first, but I supposed I did owe him another go at this after what happened that last time I went down on him.

“Fine,” I grumbled. My palms were getting sweatier by the second. “But… listen, Kakarot,” I cleared my throat, looking up at him. My cheeks were flushed as I forced out the words, “Don’t start thrusting or anything. Just… let me do it.”

“Sure,” he nodded impatiently as he fixed his stance.

The way he was rushing me felt so strange. It caused this hair-raising, oddly familiar feeling of fear to course through my body. But this was Kakarot. I could do this for him.

Licking my lips, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. My hands were tingling with nerves. Some mental preparation for this moment would’ve been nice, but it’s not like it’s the first time I’ve had to do this. A pang in the pit of my stomach told me that something was wrong. But this was Kakarot. Dopey, innocent, Kakarot. He’d never do anything to hurt me. I was safe with him.

Taking a deep breath, I moved in closer before gliding my tongue against his tip. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft, but didn’t get the chance to do anything else before feeling his full length rammed down my throat.

My eyes shot open, brimming with tears. It took all of my power not to vomit all over him. 

What. The. Hell!?

I wanted to pull away and yell at him, to scream at the top of my lungs, to punch him square in the jaw, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. My body was stuck. He held me tightly by my scalp, forcing me in place as he continued to use me like his little bitch.

I felt dizzy and sick.

Why is this happening?

I looked up at him in desperation. I knew that when he saw the tears rolling down my cheeks, he would immediately realize we were no longer playing, and he would stop.

But when I met his gaze, I found him laughing profusely at me. He ran his fingers down his face, mocking my tears. And Frieza, that bastard, stood beside him, laughing right along with him.


“Vegeta!?” Goku yelled as he shook Vegeta’s sleeping body.

Suddenly jolting awake, Vegeta sat up and shouted back, “ What!?”  

Vegeta’s body was trembling and drenched in sweat. He was panting, trying to catch his breath. At the sight of Goku sitting in the bed beside him, shirtless and half asleep, Vegeta flinched hard, nearly falling out of the bed as the memories of his nightmare bombarded his brain. He scrambled out of the bed and onto his feet.

“What happened?” Goku asked, crawling on the bed closer to his mate.

“N-nothing! Why the hell did you wake me up?” 

“Vegeta,” Goku said softly, “You were crying.”

Blinking, Vegeta’s eyes grew wide. He slowly brought his fingertips up to his cheek to feel the streams of liquid trailing down his face. So he had been. His thoughts began to cloud his mind. Stupid, defenseless, insignificant, piece of shit-

“What can I do to help you?” Goku’s tender voice interrupted Vegeta’s self-deprecating train of thought. He could see Vegeta’s chest rising and falling rapidly, and his brows furrowed as he saw Vegeta’s nails embedded into his arm. “Hey, ‘Geta,” Goku climbed over the bed to get closer to him.

Vegeta desperately wanted to tell Goku what was wrong with him. He wanted to tell him about the nightmares. About his fears and worries and boundaries and trauma. Why couldn’t he speak? The air was stuck in his throat. He felt like he was suffocating. The room blurred.

Goku was still trying his best to comfort him, “Hey, tell me what’s…” but his voice was fading into the background.

In truth, Vegeta wished that Goku would just be quiet for a few minutes and give him some space. He needed silence. He needed solitude. 

He tried to take a deep breath, and then another. After several moments, Vegeta did manage to ground himself enough to remove his stabbing fingernails from his flesh before causing himself any harm, but he still couldn’t calm himself down.

“Vegeta, talk to me,” Goku pleaded again, “Tell me what’s-”

"Will you shut the hell up, Kakarot!?" Vegeta snapped. “Just shut up!”

He needed space, time to gather his thoughts, but Goku's well-intentioned interference was pushing him further to the edge. 

“Vegeta,” Goku reached out to touch his arm in an attempt to console him, but this only triggered an explosive reaction. 

Vegeta’s body erupted in a surge of golden energy as he transformed into his Super Saiyan form. His eyes glowed with intensity, and he roared at Goku, pure fury in his voice. In a moment of sheer power, he forced Goku across the room using his energy alone. This sent Goku crashing into the wall behind him. 

Trembling with rage, Vegeta let out a deep snarl before smashing straight through Goku’s bedroom window, leaving a mess of shattered glass behind.

As Vegeta vanished into the night, he made his way to the only safe space he could think of.


“I see,” Dr. Martin nodded. “So that’s how you ended up here.”

“Right,” Vegeta paced across her kitchen. “All I really needed was a few minutes of peace and quiet to collect myself, and then I would have been fine. It was just a stupid, pathetic nightmare after all. But the idiot just wouldn’t stop talking!”

“And you told him that?” she asked, circling her coffee around in her mug.

Knitting his brows together, he grumbled, “Told him what? That I needed a few minutes of him shutting the hell up?”

She chuckled, “Well, maybe not those exact words, but yes.”

“Tch,” he crossed his arms, “Why should I have to tell him that? Shouldn’t it be obvious?”

Drumming her fingers on the table, she looked down for a moment in thought before asking, “Tell me this, Vegeta, Kakarot has some abilities that you don’t, right? Like Instant Transmission-”

“I can do that too,” he grumbled, “Just don’t want to.”

She glared up at him.

“Fine, fine, yes,” he agreed as his eyes met hers. “What of it?”

“Well, do his abilities include mind reading?”

He frowned at her, “Of course not. Why?”

She chuckled, “Then how did you expect him to know what you needed? Remember how long it took for us to work out the best tools for your panic attacks? And you expected Kakarot to just know?”

“I-” Vegeta blushed. His shoulders slumped. Shit. “Well, what the hell do I do now?”

She yawned as she sipped on her drink, “Go home. Go to sleep. Try again tomorrow.”

“I don't…” he sighed, looking down into his mug again, “I don’t enjoy being bad at things.”

Exhaling sharply, she led him to her front door, leaving him with one more piece of advice, “It gets easier as you go.”

He turned to walk down the front steps, but suddenly found himself swinging in a circle, calling out for her before she shut the front door, “Dr. Martin!”

Just barely stopping the door in time, she held it ajar, raising a brow, “Yes, Vegeta?”

His body stiffened as he shut his eyes, “I’m sorry.”

Two words she’d never heard from his mouth before. She blinked. If she wasn’t awake before, she certainly was now.

“You’re… sorry?” she asked, wondering if her ears had betrayed her.

He nodded.

“For waking me up?”

He sighed, “For everything that I’ve done to you.”

Her face twitched as she was reminded of their rocky history after the events of Majin Buu. Still, she thought about the unbelievable progress he’d made, and found herself smiling.

“I forgive you, Vegeta.”

Chapter 15: It’s Not Often That Beauty and Genius Come in Such a Nice Package

Chapter Text

Chapter 15 - It’s Not Often That Beauty and Genius Come in Such a Nice Package

Vegeta paced back and forth in his training room, his thoughts consumed by the looming apology he knew he had to make to Goku. Three days had passed since their explosive encounter, and with each passing moment, the weight of his actions bore down on him more heavily. He clenched his fists. There was nothing in the world that he hated more than swallowing his pride and admitting he was wrong. No way. He wouldn’t do it. No way in hell the words ‘I’m sorry’ would escape his lips ever again.

Perhaps he could just go over there and act like nothing happened. Pretend he hadn’t flung his boyfriend across the room and shattered his window into a million pieces. Yes, yes perfect, he rolled his eyes to himself as headed for the kitchen.

“Hey stranger,” Bulma grinned as she watched him from the kitchen table. He glared at her. He already knew a long line of questioning was coming his way. She went on, “I’ve hardly seen you around the last month or so, Vegeta. Where’ve you been?”

He crossed his arms, “Tch, I don’t owe you any sort of explanation on my whereabouts.”

“Maybe not, but you sneaking in at two in the morning every night is… disruptive.” She placed her phone on the table and turned her body to face him, “Listen, if you’re out training with Whis and Beerus again then you could at least let me know.”

“I’m not training with them,” he grumbled as he opened the fridge.

He really wished she’d just butt out of his life. It’s not like they were married anymore. What was it to her if he went off to another planet to train? Or if he was spending his time with someone else?

She frowned, “So you’re not out training, and you’re not here,” she tapped her foot. “Are you seeing someone?”

Out of all the humans on Earth, I just had to choose the smartest one on the planet, didn’t I? He puffed, “I don’t see why it matters to you.” He balanced several dozen plates and tupperware containers on his arms. He slammed the fridge door with his foot and carried the food to the table, not bothering to heat it up. “Besides,” Vegeta went on, “You’re seeing other people. Did I miss some requirement on my end about having to remain celibate after the divorce?”

“Well, no,” she sighed. “Guess not.”

Bulma was silent as she watched her ex-husband chow down on her leftovers, and her mind wandered to the question of who on Earth could possibly have been able to fill her shoes. She couldn’t imagine that there were many Earthlings that were cool with dating a violent alien that leaves unexpectedly for months at a time to train with gods and angels. Not to mention, dating someone that still lives with his ex-wife.

“Who is she?” Bulma found herself asking.

His eyes flickered up to her. He didn’t know whether to laugh or scowl. It was hardly fair that he had to disclose his sex life to her, when she had no such requirement on her end.

“Sorry,” she blushed, “I shouldn’t be asking that. It’s just…” she rubbed her arm anxiously, “If things get serious between you and her… well, it’ll be a hard adjustment for me and the kids if you move out.”

“I’m not moving out,” he blurted. His eyes darted back up to her, “If you’re fine with that.”

“But if you two get serious, won’t she-”


Bulma’s eyes widened. Perhaps she didn’t know her ex-husband as well as she’d thought.

“And no,” Vegeta chased the food around his plate with his fork, “He doesn’t care where I live. He knows I have children and that I live with you.”

“Well then, he must be the least jealous person on the planet,” she laughed as she looked down. “Maybe you can help me find a nice man that’s fine with all this alien shit and doesn’t get--wait--oh my gods,” she gasped as she popped her hands over her mouth.

His jaw tensed. Damn this woman.

“It’s—you’re… you’re dating Goku! Am I right!?” She jumped to her feet.

Vegeta’s cheeks flushed red, “N-no!” He stood up too, slamming his hands against the table, “Don’t be ridiculous, woman!”

“Oh my gods, of course,” she ignored him, rubbing her chin, “I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming.”

“There’s no one to see coming!” He blurted, “I mean, there’s nothing—that’s not what’s-”

“How’s the sex?” she asked. “Was always curious how he was in bed, but Chi-Chi never dished the details.”

He growled, “Vulgar woman, what the hell is wrong with you!?”

“Ah, come on, Vegeta,” she put her hands together, pleading with a wide smile, “I just wanna know the dirty details.”

He shook his head, “Drop it! There’s nothing to tell.”

“There’s nothing to tell as in, it’s bad?” her brow raised, “I can’t imagine that Goku could be that bad in bed.”

“There’s nothing to tell as in, it’s none of your gods damn business,” he hissed through his teeth.

“Oh, stop, Vegeta,” she giggled, “Don’t tell me you two haven’t done it yet!”

He scowled at her silently, a red tinge blossoming across his cheeks. Bulma finally fell silent. Exhaling sharply, Vegeta sat back down and put another fork full of food in his mouth. He desperately hoped that this conversation was over.


He groaned, “Gods, what is it, woman?”

“I…” she sat back down too, and rubbed her fingers across the table, “Well… when you and I were together… you were so quick to hop into bed with me. But with Goku, you’re…” she took a breath, “Were you just with me for the sex?”

He looked up at her, and could tell by the look on her face that she was upset.

“I mean,” she jumped in, “I know that’s all it was at first, but I thought…”

“Stop with this pathetic nonsense," he groaned. Sighing, he looked back down at his plate, "You know how much you mean to me.” He couldn’t make eye contact, but Bulma knew how genuine his words were.

She smiled. And after many years of knowing Vegeta, she knew better than to ruin a compliment by acknowledging it, so she opted to change the subject. “So you two really haven’t fucked yet, huh?”

His fingers clenched the table, leaving permanent dents in the wood, “Dammit, woman!”

“Well, it doesn’t help that you’ve been here for the last few days instead of over there,” she rubbed her chin, “Oooh, did you boys get into another fight?”

“I—what? No, of course-”

“Why don’t you go back over there and apologize for whatever you did?” She laughed playfully as she leaned back in her chair, resting her legs up on the table.

“I didn’t do any-”

She glared at him.

“Fine, yes, dammit, it’s my fault,” Vegeta grumbled. “I’ll go.”

As he flew through the air, he thought about how much Bulma had done for him over the years. Though he found it annoying that Bulma couldn’t seem to stay out of his business, he really did benefit from most of what she did. Like when she forced him to go to therapy for the first time.


“What the hell am I even supposed to talk about with this ‘therapist’?” I scoffed. 

The idea of therapy was completely unheard of for my people. If the Saiyans were still alive and I attempted to tell them of such a crazy notion, they’d think I’d gone utterly insane.

“Just tell her how you feel, I guess,” Bulma mumbled as she attempted to get our infant son to latch onto her breast.

“Tch, this is the most idiotic load of-”

“Alright Vegeta, if you want to live here in my house and use my technology to train and eat my food, then you’ll go. Otherwise feel free to go back to space and never come back.”

The nerve of this woman! And so nonchalant about it, too. “Fine, I’ll leave then,” I turned to walk toward the exit.

The woman’s shrill voice stopped me before I reached the door. “Seriously, Vegeta!” Her voice rang against my ears, “Why can’t you-”

“Why would I tell a complete stranger how I feel?” I crossed my arms, my voice echoing louder than hers now.

“Fine then, don’t tell her. Tell me.”

I snorted, “Gods, woman, you’re so fucking-”

“Dammit, Vegeta. Just tell me how you feel!”

The words were bubbling up into my throat, poised to erupt in an explosive roar, but something caught my breath before it could be released. I stood there, looking like an absolute fool with my mouth gaping open, and no words coming out. After a moment, my shoulders dropped. My scowl softened. 

It wasn’t rage that consumed me. Nor sorrow. Pride was a distant memory. What, then? Was it fear? Probably not. But then, what? Why were my nightmares growing more vivid? What triggered these sudden waves of panic whenever Kakarot’s children were near? Why did I feel the urge to claw through my own skin? Why did the notion persist that my existence held no purpose in this universe?

Kakarot was gone. I had failed to protect our people. His offspring now had only one living Saiyan to look up to, and that Saiyan was an absolute disgrace. Kakarot was gone, and all I could feel was… emptiness. A void.

“I feel nothing.”


Vegeta’s eyes clenched shut, regretting being so cruel to the woman. No, not just to Bulma, but also Dr. Martin. They’d both done some much to help him, and he knew he didn’t deserve it. Who was he anyway to benefit from so much care and sympathy, especially after he’d taken the lives of so many?

His thoughts were ruminating. How unlovable he was. How unappreciative he was. He didn’t even recognize either of their valiant efforts to help him. He quit going to therapy as soon as he got the chance, not even bothering to look back - not until Bulma quite literally forced him back into it.


“Ultra Instinct, Ultra Ego, Ultra Annoying, I don’t care what the hell it is!” Bulma shouted at him, “Ever since you achieved your ‘ special’ new form you’ve been two hairs shy of crazy. You’re going back to therapy!” she demanded.

“Not a chance in hell,” I folded my arms over my chest, “I’ve managed just fine without therapy for the last several years. There’s no way I’m going back again.”

Bulma frowned, “Well, I never agreed with your decision to stop going to your sessions after the whole Majin Buu thing, but I stayed quiet about it. But not anymore. Not when you’re like this. You’re starting therapy again and that’s that!”

“And who exactly do you propose should be my therapist?” I retorted.

“Well, what about going back to Dr. Martin?”

“Tch, you know precisely why I can’t go back to Dr. Martin!” I shouted, “Is your memory fading with your old age? She’d never agree to see me again after what happened!”

Her fists trembled by her sides as she held back a punch. Still, I’m sure she knew why I was being so nasty to her. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. “What if I could convince Dr. Martin to see you again?” Her voice was uncharacteristically soft. “I mean, it has been a few years. I’m sure she’s… well, I’m sure she’d be willing to hear me out at least.”

I scowled silently for a moment. Could Bulma really do it? She couldn’t manage to convince Dr. Martin to take me back after the whole murder thing. Why would this time be any different? It just wasn’t possible. There were some things in this world that not even Bulma’s money could buy.

I chuckled,  “Good luck with that.”

Yet somehow, she’d pulled it off.


Vegeta’s vision was beginning to blur. I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve them. After everything I’ve done to this world, I shouldn’t even be allowed to take part in it. He found himself hyperventilating in the sky, and had to stop mid-flight to catch his breath. His fingers clutched at his chest. When did his armor get so heavy?

“You alright?” a familiar, deep voice called out from behind him.

Vegeta groaned. Of course the Namekian would find me like this. “I’m fine,” he cleared his throat, rushing to fix his composure.

Piccolo folded his arms across his chest, raising a brow, “Yeah, sure looks like it.”

“What do you want from me?” Vegeta spun around to face him, his anxiety quickly turning into rage.

“Nothing,” he replied, unbothered by Vegeta’s change in tone. “I just wanted you to know that I’m… around. If you need an ear or something. Seems like you could use one.”

“Tch, I have enough of that already.”

“Right,” nodded Piccolo, “With the therapist.”

“Yeah, she can be a real--hey wait, how the hell do you know about that!?” Vegeta’s face burned red. There truly were no secrets on this Earth while Piccolo and Dende constantly observed everyone from the Lookout. “If you tell anyone about-”

Piccolo groaned. “Listen, I didn’t come here to start anything. I just wanted to make sure that you’re…” his voice faded for a moment as he chose his words, “You have a lot of people that care about you, you know.”


“I mean it,” Piccolo moved closer.

Vegeta snorted, "Glad to know how much you care about me. Can't say I feel the same way though."

Piccolo rolled his eyes, “I meant people like Goku.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me about Kakarot! You don’t know a damn thing.” Vegeta didn’t know it was possible to feel so humiliated.

“I know enough. But fine,” Piccolo uttered, perceptive as always. “Regardless, I'm serious, Vegeta. Whether you talk to me, or Goku, or your therapist, you need to talk to someone about these thoughts you’re having.”

“Shut up and stay the hell out of my business!” Vegeta shouted. 

He grumbled something under his breath about not needing to hear this nonsense from an ‘ugly, green, slug’ before quickly turning around and flying faster to Goku’s place. He just wanted to see his Kakarot and get this damn apology over with.

Vegeta's boots crunched on the gravel path leading up to Goku's apartment. His stomach twisted into knots as he rehearsed this rare apology in his head. Swallowing his pride, Vegeta raised his fist to knock, but stopped himself. He would not ask permission - that was beneath him. With a steadying breath, Vegeta turned the doorknob and invited himself inside.

Goku sat at the kitchen table, arms folded across his orange gi. His dark eyes studied Vegeta as the shorter Saiyan entered. Vegeta opened his mouth, scrambling for the words, but Goku cut him off, his typical goofy grin nowhere to be found, "Let's talk."

Chapter 16: Memories of Torture


TW: The portion of this chapter that is in between the stars **** contains graphic depictions of rape.

Chapter Text

Chapter 16 - Memories of Torture

Therapy session #370: ~3 weeks ago



The smoke stung my eyes as I surveyed the smoldering ruins of the city. What was meant to be a straightforward subjugation had spiraled into unmitigated disaster. I squeezed my fists so tightly that my gloves creaked from the strain. How could I have been so careless? Frieza had entrusted this prime planet's conquest to me - and I failed.

My breath came in ragged gasps as I tried to calm the panic fluttering in my chest. I knew better than to think my age would spare me from Frieza's wrath. One did not disappoint the supreme ruler of the cosmos without severe consequences.

I gritted my teeth as the hangar bay doors slid open, bracing myself for Frieza's cold fury. But it wasn't the tyrannical overlord himself waiting with narrowed eyes and a sadistic grin. Relief crashed over me like an icy wave when I saw it was Zarbon rather than Frieza. That respite was short-lived, however.

The emerald-haired warrior stalked towards me, his expression a mask of disdain as he looked me up and down. "Lord Frieza is… displeased with your failure, monkey prince," Zarbon hissed, his tone dripping with smug condescension. "He's assigning me to dole out your punishment this time."

I clenched my fists, fighting the urge to attack him right then and there. Getting reprimanded by Frieza's minions was infuriating enough, but having to endure that condescending tone from this preening peacock made my blood boil. Still, I knew better than to foolishly pick a fight I couldn't possibly win.

Sucking in a tight breath, I raised my chin defiantly. "Well? Get on with it then. I can take whatever pathetic excuse for a punishment you can dish out."

Zarbon's lip curled into a cruel smirk. 

I wasn’t sure how long had passed between the moment he started beating me to a pulp until now. My face was bloody. My ribs were broken. How Zarbon and the other men managed to get me stripped naked and on my knees I had no idea. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was wrong about being able to handle him.

“P-please,” I whispered.

“Oh, listen,” Zarbon chuckled, looking back at the other men, “The prince of all weaklings is begging.” I didn’t need to see his face to know he was wearing a smug grin.

The four or five others surrounding me laughed and cheered. 

I didn’t care that they were making fun of me anymore. I just wanted to go back to my room. I wanted this to be over already. I’d heard of this sort of thing happening to the others around here but I didn’t think… I didn’t think it would happen to me.

Zarbon had a hand on each side of my bare ass, spreading me open. I could feel him staring into me, examining me. My face burned red. My stomach was churning. I knew what was coming, and even worse, I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop it.

“Again,” he commanded.

Reluctantly, I repeated myself, my eyes glued to the floor, “Please.” It was just a word. It had no meaning to me.

My teeth tore into my bottom lip as Zarbon penetrated my entrance all in one go. I could feel his full length stretching me in an instant. Holding my breath made the pain worse. Inhaling caused my shattered ribs to sear. I wished they’d just stab me with the knife again instead. Anything would be better than this.

“Hmmm, yeah, that feel good?” he gripped onto my hips.

I gritted my teeth. No. “Yes.” I knew what would happen if I answered otherwise.

“Beg me again. Better this time.” His voice was repulsive. I wanted him out of me.

“Please…” I swallowed my pride. My knees were killing me as they dug into the hard tile floor, “Please fuck me.”

I wanted them to kill me. Death would’ve been better. It would’ve been less humiliating. Less painful. But they weren’t going to let me get off that easily.

“What a good, obedient little boy,” Zarbon cooed as he forced himself inside of me again. His hips hit against me and it forced my body to thud into the floor. “Mmmm,” he hummed, “I can tell how much you like it. Your little asshole is so wet for me. Frieza was right about you Saiyans.”

I held in my grunting. I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of hearing my pain. Was I wet? Sure, I guess. Warmed up? Relaxed? Interested? Definitely not.

“Can’t believe you got the brat on his hands and knees like that,” one of the others snickered from behind me. I couldn’t figure out whose voice it was. Lucky for them. Otherwise I would’ve killed them afterwards.

“Now,” he grazed his hand gently up and down my spine, making the hair on my arms raise, “You’re gonna take it like a good boy while I pound you.”

My fingers scraped against the floor as he slammed his hips into me again. A yelp bubbled up in my throat, but I held it back, gritting my teeth so tightly that I thought they might crack.

“Ah, so you think you can keep quiet?” he smirked from behind me as he thrusted again.

Fuck you, I thought. You won’t hear a sound from me.

Without warning, Zarbon reached around my hip and pounded his fist straight into my balls.

I shrieked.

The group cheered as I grabbed onto myself, my face falling forward onto the cold floor. Fuck it hurt. It almost made the pain of my back entrance undetectable in comparison. I thought I’d puke from the way the stabbing sensation shot up from my groin and into my stomach, but I wouldn’t allow myself.

“Aha, listen to him whimper. He loves it!” Zarbon announced as he snapped his hips harder into me.

Dammit,” I mumbled. I couldn’t take it. It fucking hurt all the way up to my throat and down to my thighs. It was burning.  I clenched tighter. I couldn’t breathe. I could feel myself being torn apart.

He pulled me back up to my elbows again by tugging roughly onto the base of my scalp. I almost thought my hair would rip from my head. The way he trailed his hands along my waist and hips made me nauseous.

Fuck,” he shuddered as he leaned down onto my back, “I love me a tight virgin ass,” he rolled his hips faster.

I whined. Fuck I just wanted it to end. I clenched my eyes shut so tightly that I hadn’t even noticed when Dodoria approached me. My eyes popped open at the feeling of his dick poking my nose.

“Open,” Dodoria glared down at me.

At this point in my life, there weren’t very many men on the Frieza Force that could overpower me anymore. But Zarbon and Dodoria - they could. They were older than me. Much older. And powerful beyond belief compared to me at the time.

My lips shut into a tight line. I refused.

Dodoria wrapped his hands around my throat. 

I wanted to yell, but suddenly the world felt fuzzy. No more oxygen. My body squirmed. My lungs were screaming. I think I may have mumbled the word ‘stop’ a few times, but it seemed the more my words slurred, the less meaning they had to them. Everything went black.

When I came back to reality, my mind was foggy. Something -- no, someone was choking me, but in a different way than before. This time, someone was ramming something down my throat.

I vomited. That woke me up.

“Oh, you disgusting little shit,” I heard Dodoria’s voice pierce my ears.

The pain of his fist colliding with my face almost managed to distract me from the pain of my ass being torn open. Tears filled my eyes. I watched as Dodoria pulled away, wiping my stomach contents off of him before shoving his member down my throat again.

My body was sore. I felt disgusting. Used. The way Dodoria held me in place and humped my face over and over. The way Zarbon moaned and snickered from behind me as he took what didn’t belong to him. The way the group of men surrounding us laughed at me. I’d never felt so small.

Ugh, such a dirty little slut you are,” Zarbon whimpered between thrusts. “I’m gonna cum if you keep clenching your tight little asshole around my cock like that.”

I tried not to. I really tried.

Suddenly, a warm sensation filled the back of my throat. Dodoria’s body was shuddering and quivering as he groaned. It tasted disgusting. I began dry heaving, but my stomach was completely empty at that point.

Even though I could feel his dick getting soft in my mouth, he still kept it in there as he held my face in his hands. He squished my cheeks together like a baby before giving me a slap on the face.

I should’ve taken advantage of his vulnerability while he was climaxing. I should’ve tried to push him away. I should’ve bit his fucking dick off. But I didn’t. Why didn’t I? Maybe if I’d tried to fight back a little harder, this wouldn’t have happened to me.

Then something else, some other fluid, really really hot and nasty filled my throat. Dodoria sighed in relief as he pushed his pelvis against my face. That’s when I realized what he was doing. He was taking a piss down my throat.

I choked, the vile liquid spewing out of my mouth and nose. It ran down my cheeks and chin, spilling onto my hands which were trembling on the floor. He stumbled back and finished his business on my face and in my hair. The smell of ammonia made me gag.

They all laughed again.

Finally, Dodoria backed off, but not before ruffling my soaked hair and thanking me for the ‘good time’.

I could feel my skin ripping as Zarbon continued to tear through me from behind. I prayed to the gods that he would finish soon. My body was limp, moving back and forth with each of his thrusts. His grip was too tight on my bruised shoulders.

He laughed devilishly from behind me, “I knew you couldn’t resist my cock.”

What the hell is he talking about? my mind snapped.

It wasn’t until he grabbed me by the throat and pulled me upright, forcing my back against his chest, that I realized what he meant. I looked down at myself. I was rock hard. I didn’t… I didn’t want to be. I didn’t know why. Was it true? Did I actually want this?

Mmm, Vegeta, you’ve been moaning like a whore for the last five minutes,” Zarbon whispered into my ear.

My body shivered. Was that true? I hadn’t noticed. I didn’t mean to.

“Tell me how good it feels, Vegeta,” he licked down my neck, giving me goosebumps across my body.

Tears rolled down my face, “It… f-feels… so good,” I clenched my jaw. Was that a lie? I couldn’t tell anymore.

What feels good?” He pinched my nipples between his fingers.

A drawn out moan fell through my lips as I fell back into his chest. I’d never been touched like this before. Why was my body doing this to me?

He tightened his arm around my neck, pulling me in closer, “Mmm, fuck that’s it. Let me hear how good it feels.” His hips slammed against me harder.

No, I told myself, stop it. It doesn’t… it doesn’t feel good… does it?

“You’re gonna be gaping wide open after I’m done with you,” he laughed as he hit a spot inside of me that made me mewl. “You gonna--mmm… you gonna let me see it afterwards?”

No. “Y-yes,” my voice cracked.

He kept hitting that same spot over and over again. I couldn’t form words. All I could do was moan against my will and grab onto the arm that was choking me. I was helpless. Weak. Pathetic.

Fuck, Vegeta, you can’t--unf… moan like that,” he whined, biting my ear. His breathing was growing more and more rapid. I could feel his chest rising and falling at random paces against my back.

This is it. It’s almost over.

But he took me by surprise.

“Oh, fuck,” I cried out as I felt his tight grip around my dick.

I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t know he would do it. He played with my tip. Just my tip. Then he tickled the underside with his fingers. It was the first time anyone’s hands other than my own had touched me like that. My skin was so sensitive. An unimaginable wave of heat was poised to burst between my thighs.

My body twitched.

With just one… two.. three strokes up and down my shaft, I could feel my body betray me as I climaxed in his arms. I cried out, throwing my head back against him.

“Such a good boy,” he uttered as he pounded me harder, faster, sinking his hips into me. He let out an awful moan, one that’ll be burned into my memory forever, and his body shook against mine. I could feel him pulse and twitch inside of me as he came.

I fucking hated him. I hated myself, too.

After a few seconds, he collapsed on top of me, causing my spent body to fall to the floor. He laid there on top of my naked body for what felt like forever before pulling out of me and slapping my ass. I couldn’t move. Not even when he grabbed my ass cheeks in his hands and spread me open again.

“Uh huh, just as I thought,” he chuckled, “You’re wide open for me now.”

He spat into my asshole. Just for the hell of it, I guess.

I clenched my eyes shut, wishing I could disappear.

“You know, it’s funny,” Zarbon uttered as he dressed himself from behind me. I was certain that whatever he was planning to say was, in fact, not funny. “Frieza actually commanded that we punish Nappa for this failed mission. Isn’t that right guys?”

A murmur of “yes’s” echoed in the background.

Zarbon chuckled, “But Nappa begged us to do it to you instead.”

My fingers twitched, almost curling into fists, but my body was too weak to move.

“Anyway,” he went on as he leaned into me, “I can’t wait until you screw up your next mission, Vegeta.” He snickered as he and the rest of the gang walked away.

I don’t remember how long it took for me to get up off the floor. I do remember how much blood there was. And how long it took for me to scrub the piss smell off of my body. To rinse the abhorrent aftertaste out of my mouth. To not feel his seed still leaking out of me anymore.


Taking a measured breath, Dr. Martin made a conscious effort to remain grounded. She knew how difficult it must have been for someone as proud as Vegeta to divulge such painful memories.

"Vegeta, thank you for trusting me enough to share these experiences," she said, her voice gentle but steady. "You've clearly been carrying an immense burden all these years. But you've also shown incredible strength and resilience to have survived it all." Dr. Martin leaned forward slightly. "I want you to know that you didn't deserve any of it. The responsibility lies solely with Frieza and his men - not you." She could see the slightest softening in Vegeta's intense gaze as she reaffirmed this core truth. 

Vegeta threw his head back against the couch, groaning and running his hands against his face, “I don’t know why things were so much easier with Bulma.” He shook his head. “In bed I mean. I never had any sort of issues with her, but with Kakarot I…”

Dr. Martin waited for him to finish his thought, but it was clear that he wasn’t going to continue. She cleared her throat, "That's a really insightful observation you've made about the difference in your relationships. Do you have any theories about why that disconnect exists with Kakarot specifically?"

She noted Vegeta's furrowed brow as he processed her words. She provided another gentle prompt, "When you think about the stark difference in how you feel around Bulma compared to Kakarot, does anything come to mind in terms of their contrasting traits or characteristics?"

After a long pause, she made one last nudge. "I don't want to put words in your mouth, but could part of it relate to their respective levels of physical strength and power?"

Vegeta fidgeted as he considered this, “Possibly. I guess with Bulma, I knew that even if she wanted to, she couldn’t… I mean… physically she…” he sighed uncomfortably. 

"I understand what you're getting at, Vegeta," she said gently. "With Bulma's human physiology, there was no chance she could overpower you, even if she tried. Whereas Kakarot, as a fellow Saiyan warrior with incredible strength, theoretically has that capability."

She paused, allowing that to sink in before posing a clarifying question. "But let me ask you this - do you truly believe, deep down, that Kakarot would ever actually try to harm you intentionally?"

Thinking for a moment, Vegeta shook his head softly, “No. I don’t think he would. I think it’s… just the idea that he could.” He drummed his fingers against the arm of the couch, eyes boring into the floor, “And there’s nothing I can do about that.”

"Well, Vegeta, you make a fair point. Kakarot’s sheer strength means he has the hypothetical capability to overpower you physically, despite both of your good intentions," she acknowledged calmly. "However, I want to reframe this in an empowering way," Dr. Martin's tone took on a more assertive guidance. "The reality is, we can never fully control the actions or intentions of others, no matter how closely we analyze their character. The only thing truly in our control is how we perceive situations and respond to them."

Vegeta shook his head in frustration, the tips of his upswept hair swaying slightly. "This whole thing is ridiculous," he scoffed, lips curling into a sneer. "I can't believe I'm wasting time analyzing my relationship with Kakarot like some kind of..." He trailed off again, unable to even give voice to the mockery.

Dr. Martin maintained her professional demeanor, recognizing the deflection as a defense mechanism. "Vegeta, I understand this is uncomfortable territory," she said evenly. "But dismissing these feelings won't make them go away. Perhaps it could be helpful to have an open discussion with Kakarot about–"

“Oh yeah, that's a brilliant idea!” Vegeta interrupted with a bark of laughter. "I can see it now… ‘Hey Kakarot, I'm terrified you'll hold me down and rape me up the ass, but let’s still be good friends.’ He'd never let me live that down!"


The Saiyan prince shook his head, still chuckling to himself. "The day I have a heart-to-heart about my feelings with that clown is the day I..." He smirked derisively. "Well, it doesn’t matter, does it? Seeing as that day will never come."

Dr. Martin pressed her lips together in a tight line. “He’s going to want to know why you’re so keen on avoiding him.”

“Like I care,” Vegeta puffed.

“I think you do care,” Dr. Martin leaned in. “You wouldn't be here talking this through with me if you didn't. And you know, a lot of gay men-”

He groaned, still not quite used to the sound of that sentence.

She cleared her throat before continuing, “A lot of men never have anal sex. You’ve brought up your nerves about having sex with Kakarot a few times now, but sex doesn’t just have to mean anal. I’d even argue that what you two are doing now is a type of sex.”

Vegeta averted his eyes, his cheeks blushing lightly as he crossed his arms over his chest. The words came out as a low hiss, “So? What’s your gods damn point?”

“My point is that you don’t have to engage in something that you don’t feel comfortable doing just because it’s what Kakarot wants.”

The ticking of the clock on her office wall filled the silence for several moments as Vegeta took in her words. His fingers anxiously squeezed and released the couch cushion beneath him. Finally, he muttered, “It’s not just what Kakarot wants. I… want it, too. I just don’t-” his eyes scrunched closed as he let out a staggered breath. “I can’t do it.”

"Vegeta, I really think it could be beneficial for you to have an open and honest discussion with Kakarot about this," Dr. Martin said in an even tone. "Keeping it bottled up will only let it fester."

Vegeta was already shaking his head adamantly. "Absolutely not. I don't owe Kakarot any explanations, especially about..." He waved a dismissive hand. "This nonsense."

"But by getting it out in the open-"

"I said no!" Vegeta's raised voice cut her off, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Why is that so hard for you to understand? I'm not airing my personal grievances and misgivings to him or anyone else!"

Dr. Martin remained calm and composed as Vegeta's energy spiked with his growing agitation. "I hear your resistance loud and clear. But the purpose wouldn't be to assuage Kakarot per se. This would be for your own-"

"Are you even listening?" Vegeta roared, shooting to his feet as his aura flickered around him. "I don't care about your blasted reasons! I outright refuse to have that conversation with Kakarot! End of discussion!" He glared at her, chest heaving, daring her to push it further. 

She simply held up a placating hand. "Okay, Vegeta, okay. I'm dropping it," she said firmly. “It goes without saying that you’re under no obligation to share any of this with Kakarot, but I do wonder how you’ll explain to him why you’re having so much trouble connecting with him.”

Chapter 17: Speak to Me


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17 - Speak to Me

A grimace flashed across Vegeta’s face as he awkwardly made his way to the empty chair beside Goku. I can do this, he told himself as he dragged the chair out. Just say the words like I practiced. He took a seat. Get it over with already. He made brief eye contact with Goku before looking back down at the table. Maybe I can just seduce him again. Then we won’t have to talk about anything.

He was half startled when Goku broke the silence.

“Vegeta, I’m really having a hard time here,” Goku sighed, running a hand through his wild hair. Vegeta scowled, but said nothing, so Goku went on. “I can’t keep doin’ this thing where we’re all good and happy one minute, and the next you’re throwing me across the room, or breaking my window, or taking off without even telling me what I did wrong. It’s killing me!”


“Dontcha' think I deserve to know what I did wrong?” Goku was doing his best to keep his voice soft. 

Vegeta was beginning to get annoyed at how sweet and sympathetic Goku was acting toward him. He didn’t want or need Goku’s pity. Still, he knew that Goku had a point. A simple apology wouldn’t suffice this time. He was going to need more - probably more than Vegeta could give.

“I… don’t know what to tell you, Kakarot,” Vegeta’s eyes dropped to the floor. “This is the way that I am. If you can’t deal with it, then I'll leave.”

Goku leaned forward, elbows digging into the table as he cradled his head in his palms. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, laced with frustration. "Look, Vegeta, I know how you are. You don't have to explain anything you don't wanna." He dragged his hands down, meeting Vegeta's obsidian gaze with an intensity that made the Saiyan prince's breath hitch. "But I need you to work with me here,” Goku pleaded, “At least tell me how to stop setting you off like this. Can't you give me that much?"

Vegeta scoffed, “You already know what my boundaries are.”

“No, actually, I don’t,” Goku leaned back against his chair. “I don’t know when or even how I’m allowed to touch you, or what I’m allowed to say to you.” Now Vegeta could hear the hint of aggravation creeping into Goku’s voice, “I mean, fuck Vegeta, I feel like I’m walking on eggshells around you all the time. Just tell me what to do to make you stop leaving me!”

Vegeta's eyes widened fractionally at Goku's uncharacteristic outburst, the coarse profanity hanging heavy and unfamiliar between them. Still, he couldn’t say a word.

"Well?" Goku pressed when Vegeta didn't respond. "You gonna give me some rules here? Or should I just keep puttin’ up with your mood swings and guessin’ when His Royal Highness will storm off again?"

The sarcastic bite to Goku's words snapped Vegeta from his daze. He felt his own anger bubbling up, hackles raised defensively. But underneath that familiar temper, a flicker of shame churned uneasily in his gut. He knew that beneath Goku’s tone lied the truth - he’d disappointed and hurt his mate to such a degree that he’d turned him into this.

"I..." Vegeta bit out through gritted teeth, hating how petulant he sounded. "I… apologize for my erratic behavior towards you, Kakarot. It's unbecoming of me.” He forced himself to meet Goku's steady gaze, seeing the other Saiyan wasn't appeased so easily this time. With a weary sigh, Vegeta pressed on. "The truth is… there are times when your presence simply..." he struggled for the right phrasing, "Triggers certain unwanted memories and reactions for me."

“Okay…” Goku frowned, fidgeting with his pants nervously. "So… what can I do? How do I… what can I do to make it better for you?”

"I don't need you to do anything," Vegeta responded quickly.

“Well clearly something needs to change,” Goku pointed out. "If you’d just level with me about what's really goin’ on here, I think that’d help."

The silence dragged on for several minutes as Vegeta fought the urge to fly out the front door and never come back. But he wouldn’t take the coward’s way out. He was going to finish what he started.

He took a deep breath before confessing, “I just… I don’t like being touched unexpectedly. Especially not around my neck.” His cheeks were turning red as he shifted uncomfortably on his chair. He couldn’t look up as he spoke, “I mean, kissing my neck or whatever is fine I guess, but hands and arms… I don’t want you to touch me like that.”

“Okay,” Goku nodded. “And what else?”

Vegeta’s eyes darted to him, “What else?

“Yeah. Tell me what else. That way I don’t do somethin’ to upset you again.”

If Vegeta was being completely honest, he himself wasn't really sure how to articulate what he needed from Goku. Still, his mind replayed the events of the other night, and how he’d reacted to Goku’s touch, and his words. He knew he needed to do better.

His breath was shaky as he responded, "If you see me… reacting strongly like the other night..."

"You mean when you were panicking?"

Vegeta shot him a withering glare before letting out a resigned sigh. "Yeah… sure. If I'm in that state, then just give me some space and silence for a few minutes."

Goku nodded slowly. "Okay… yeah, I can do that. And you'll let me know when you're ready to talk again?"

Blinking at him, Vegeta frowned, "What? Why would I do that?"

"Well," Goku scratched his head as he thought for a moment, "You said to give you a little time. I just figured you'd signal me somehow when you're past it and you wanna talk after."

Vegeta snorted derisively. "Don't be ridiculous, Kakarot. When have you ever known me to tell you such things?"

“But how’ll I know when I can talk to you again?” Goku whined, debating whether he should reach out to touch his mate’s arm or not. He decided it was probably best to keep his hands to himself for the time being.

“Dammit, I don’t know, Kakarot!” Vegeta snapped impatiently. “Just figure it out.”

“I dunno if I can do that though. I’m not really good at reading a room,” Goku chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. “Oh!” he snapped, “I got it. How ‘bout when you’re ready for me to pay attention to you again, you fluctuate your ki like this,” Goku gave a quick demonstration, shifting his energy in a funky wave.

Vegeta let out something in between a snort and a scoff, "Leave it to you to come up with one of the dumbest ideas imaginable." 

But despite his gruff dismissal, he was relieved to see that playful grin spread across Goku's face once again. At least some of the tension had been diffused.

“Alright, alright, we’ll have to think of something else then,” Goku chuckled. “But we can save that for later. Tell me what else.”

“What more could you possibly want to know?” Vegeta growled, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

“Well,” Goku tapped his chin as he thought for a moment, “When am I allowed to… y’know, hold your hand?”

Vegeta's eyes widened in disbelief. "You can't be serious! Have you lost your mind, Kakarot?" He shot upright in his seat, fists clenched. "We're warriors, not some lovesick fools! Don't ever mention that mushy garbage again!"

Goku flinched at Vegeta's outburst but didn't back down completely. "Aw c'mon, K’reshi. I just thought since we're... y’know… together, we could do stuff like that." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

“You’re so infuriating,” Vegeta grumbled, trying to sound annoyed. Deep down, though, he was relieved to hear Goku's gentle tone again - a tenderness he had sorely missed, not that he'd admit it. He exhaled loudly. "Fine, Kakarot, if it'll shut you up. But in the house only." He shot Goku a warning glare, daring him to push further.

But of course, Goku never could leave well enough alone. Now that most of the tension had been relieved between the two, what was remaining for Goku was mostly arousal. He'd been left alone for three days too long. If Vegeta hadn't shown up today, he certainly would've gone mad with his suppressed eroticism. And though Goku still wasn't perfect at reading his mate yet, he had a strong feeling that Vegeta was in the same boat.

Goku sat up straight, locking eyes with Vegeta as a sly grin crept across his face. "And when am I allowed to kiss you?"

Vegeta felt his breath catch in his throat as Goku's warm, calloused fingers stroked his cheek. He swallowed hard, struggling to maintain his usual aloof composure under that smoldering gaze.

"I… I suppose the same rule applies there," Vegeta managed, silently cursing the way his voice shook.

“Well, we’re here at home now,” Goku purred, leaning in closer. He could smell the pheromones of arousal emanating from his mate.

Vegeta’s heart skipped a beat, “Yes… it seems we are.”

Goku looked Vegeta up and down before closing the gap between them and pressing their lips together. It started out gentle as Vegeta relaxed into the kiss, but they were both hungry, desiring more. They’d been apart for too long. He bit down onto Vegeta’s bottom lip, causing Vegeta to groan. A low growl formed in Goku’s throat as he met Vegeta’s tongue with his own, swapping spit as they kissed over and over again.

Neither of them wanted to break away, but making out like this in these creaky, wooden chairs wasn’t satisfying Goku. He pulled away briefly so he could swipe his arm across the table, knocking down his empty plates onto the floor.

“On the table,” Goku commanded.

Vegeta’s eyes widened, “I--what? Who are you to tell me--hey!

Ignoring his highness’s egotistical rant, Goku grabbed onto Vegeta’s hips, giving him a squeeze before picking him up and tossing him on top of the table. 

Normally, Vegeta wouldn’t let Goku get away with manhandling him like this, but at this moment he couldn’t be bothered to punish him for it. The way that Goku was climbing on top of him and grinding his erection against his was causing his mind to spin. With a feral grin, Vegeta gripped onto Goku’s shirt and yanked him closer so they could crash their lips together again.

Goku purred as he stroked his prince’s hair and kissed his way down his neck, careful to keep his hands elsewhere. 

He murmured against Vegeta’s throat, “And when am I allowed to undress you?”

Vegeta’s heart was pounding against his ribcage. He licked his lips, “Now.”

Smiling widely, Goku quickly stripped away Vegeta’s clothing until nothing was left. He threw off his own shirt before laying back down on top of his mate and kissing down his chest 

He loved to tease his prince, pulling moans from Vegeta’s lips as he sucked on either of his nipples, tongue and teeth nipping at him. Vegeta did his best to hold back his grunts and groans at the sensation, desperately pawing at Goku’s hair. With slow, teasing and breathy kisses Goku made his way down Vegeta’s abdomen, lips pressing against each of Vegeta’s battle scars along the way. 

By the time Goku arrived at Vegeta’s groin, Vegeta’s cock was already hard and leaking with precum. Goku crawled off of the table and knelt down so he could be at mouth level with it, eagerly licking his lips as he watched it throb. Vegeta’s breath hitched with anticipation, feeling Goku’s hot breath caress his tip. Goku inhaled deeply, salivating from his mate’s scent. His fingers gripped tightly onto Vegeta’s hips. 

Goku’s husky voice made Vegeta’s cock pulsate even more, “And when can I put your cock in my mouth, my prince?”

Vegeta was always taken aback whenever the word ‘cock’ slipped through Goku’s lips. He stammered, his cheeks red from ear to ear, “Wh-whenever you want.” He hated the way his voice quivered.

This was all the invitation Goku needed before lowering his face and wrapping his lips around Vegeta’s hardened member.

Ohh f-f-” Vegeta groaned at the sensation. He kneaded Goku’s hair between his fingers.

Swirling his tongue enthusiastically around Vegeta’s tip, Goku couldn’t help but chuckle as he felt his mate tremble beneath him. He lowered his head more, swallowing Vegeta’s full length and holding it down his throat as he hummed around him. He knew how much Vegeta loved the vibration against his shaft.

Vegeta nearly choked. His voice broke as the words spilled out, “Sh-shi’yen, Kakarot… keep going.

Confident as ever, Goku eyed Vegeta before releasing his cock from his mouth with an audible pop. He stroked him while reaching down to cup Vegeta’s balls, and instantly noted how wet with slick Vegeta was. He licked his lips, closing his eyes as he imagined how good Vegeta must taste. He lowered his head again, licking up and down the sensitive parts of Vegeta’s tip.

“I wanna taste you,” Goku murmured as he kissed down Vegeta’s shaft.

Vegeta considered this for a moment, his face burning from ear to ear. Goku had gone down on him plenty of times, but never… down there before. He hesitated before nodding.

Satisfied with his prince’s compliance, Goku grabbed onto Vegeta’s leg and threw it over his shoulder before sinking his face deep into Vegeta’s groin.

“Oh, f-fucking dammm-mmit,” Vegeta whimpered as he felt a wet tongue lap against him. He banged his fist against the table, his eyes fluttering open and shut.

Goku tightened his grip on Vegeta’s hips, pulling him in closer. He circled his tongue around and in and out of Vegeta’s entrance as he took in his sweet taste. He moaned into him, exploring every inch of his prince, leaving no piece of flesh untouched.

Vegeta’s legs twitched and shook. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t stop himself from moaning aggressively and rolling his hips against Goku’s face. He was absolutely mortified at his lack of self-control, but fuck did it feel good. He nearly lost it when one of Goku’s hands found his cock and began stroking him again.

“K-Kakarot, fuck, k-keep going,” he ordered.

“Anything for you, my prince,” Goku purred into him. 

With one hand slowly trailing up and down Vegeta’s inner thigh, Goku’s desires got the better of him. He wanted more. He kissed his way up to Vegeta’s balls, taking them in his mouth and relishing in the way that Vegeta whined in his arms. It was evident that Vegeta was craving for Goku’s tongue to return to his drenched asshole. 

Goku’s fingers were eagerly inching closer to Vegeta’s entrance.

“Can I?” Goku peered up at his prince, fingers delicately playing with the sensitive skin surrounding Vegeta’s groin.

Vegeta’s face churned with nerves, but still, it would be futile to deny how badly he wanted it too. This is Kakarot, Vegeta reminded himself, Not the Kakarot from the dream. The real Kakarot. He bit his lip, giving a quick, anxious nod.

With his goofy, half smile, Goku gave Vegeta’s hip a quick squeeze before wetting his fingers with his tongue. He looked down at Vegeta’s entrance, holding back a snicker at the way Vegeta’s cock pulsed in front of him. 

Slowly, he circled his fingers against the outside of Vegeta’s entrance, paying close attention to the way that Vegeta’s body moved with him.

“You’re so fucking hot like this, ‘Geets,” Goku purred before collapsing his lips around Vegeta’s cock again and bobbing his head up and down.

Vegeta let out an ungodsly moan as he felt one of Goku’s fingers gently penetrate him. It was such an odd sensation - the feeling of being stretched mixed with a sharp, stabbing wave of pleasure.

Goku moaned around him, moving expertly and eyeing Vegeta as he moved his finger in and out, playing with Vegeta the same way that he would play with himself. He knew he had it right when he watched Vegeta’s mouth hang open in pure bliss.

Heat rushed between Vegeta’s thighs, shooting all the way up to his face. He never thought anyone could ever make him enjoy something like this. His toes curled as he felt a second finger make its way inside.

The words erupted from his lips before he could try to suppress them, “Ohh, m-my K-Kakarot-”

“Shhh, you’re doing so good, K’reshi,” Goku kept his movements slow and teasing, allowing Vegeta to get used to the new stretch.

For a fleeting moment, Vegeta felt guilty for receiving all the pleasure without doing any of the work again, but the thought quickly vanished when Goku did something inside of him that made his vision go blank. He cried out and melted into the table as Goku hit that spot again and again.

“Mmm, that’s it,” Goku grinned. “You’re taking it so good, ‘Geets.”

Vegeta could only respond in loud gasps and choked back moans.

Goku couldn’t get enough of the expressions on Vegeta’s face as he pleasured him. Still, the fabric of his bottoms was getting tighter. It was almost painful. He wanted more. 

“I don’t wanna push you,” Goku kissed and nipped at Vegeta’s inner thighs, “But I really wanna fuck you.”

Vegeta’s body immediately stiffened, so much so that the stretch that he’d grown accustomed to was now slightly uncomfortable.

“We don’t have to,” Goku quickly added.

“I-” Vegeta tried to relax again as he felt Goku’s hand rubbing against his thigh, “Can't.”

Goku nodded. It suddenly dawned on him that perhaps he and his lover had a bit more they needed to discuss. But he quickly decided he’d save that conversation for later.

“That’s okay, we-”

Vegeta cut him off, “Ask me again. Another time.”

Lips curling into a slight grin, Goku nudged his lips against Vegeta’s balls and murmured, “Will do,” before going back to their little game. 

He swallowed Vegeta’s full length again and pressed his fingers in deeper. 

Vegeta’s head smacked the table. “Unff-fuck, a’rye, K’reshi,” he pleaded.

Goku motioned his fingers to come hither, and Vegeta practically mewled, his head forming a crack in the wood beneath him.

“That’s it, ‘Geets, you like that, huh?”

“F-fuck, eesoh, K-Kakarot. ‘Ts sooo g-good-”

Over the last month, Goku quickly learned that eesoh and a’rye meant faster and harder in Saiyago, and he was always happy to deliver. 

It was all Vegeta could do to lay there on the table and spread his legs open more. He greedily tugged at Goku’s hair and arms, pleading wordlessly for his climax.

“How much am I allowed to stretch you, my prince?” Goku’s voice was teasing and arrogant. “Can you take another finger?”

“D-Dammit, Kakarot-” Vegeta whined, his eyes clenched shut and his back arching, “Fuck, p-please, more.”

“Mmm,” Goku moaned along with him as he added another digit into the mix. He picked up the pace, jerking off Vegeta at superhuman speed with one hand, and fucking his drenched asshole with the other. 

“Do you like that, K’reshi?

Vegeta didn’t trust himself to respond. It was bad enough that he was moaning out of control against Kakarot’s fingers. His face was burning. His entire body was hot. Nails digging into the table, he knew his orgasm was imminent.

And Goku knew it too. He sucked roughly on Vegeta’s balls and kissed up his shaft. 

Goku’s deep growl broke through the loud groans coming from his mate, “Cum for me, Vegeta. Let me taste it.”

He quickly sunk Vegeta’s cock down his throat, gurgling around it as he felt it throb inside of him.

Vegeta’s toes curled. “K-Kakarot, I’m gonna… fuck I’m-mmm… f-fucking cumming,his voice cracked as he thrust against Goku’s hands and mouth. He whined and whimpered as he reached his climax, his cum spurting down Goku’s throat.

Goku groaned as the thick ropes of cum shot into him, enjoying both the taste and sensation. He massaged Vegeta’s hip and waist gently, waiting until he was completely finished before pulling away.

Struggling to catch his breath, Vegeta was groaning with each exhale as he stared up at the ceiling. He put his hand on his chest, feeling how his heart pounded rapidly against his ribcage. He was slightly uncomfortable with the way Goku’s eyes were fixated on him. And gods that annoyingly bright grin he was always wearing. 

As Goku rose to his feet, Vegeta was reminded of the fact that Goku had done all the work yet again, and he hadn’t even received an orgasm this time.

“Kakarot,” Vegeta muttered as he sat up, “Do you want to… um… I can help you get yours, too.”

“My what?” Goku blinked as he sat down, wiping the mixture of fluids off of his face with his shirt.

Vegeta hopped off the table, “Ugh, you idiot. Don’t you want me to… don’t you want to… you know…? Lay down and I’ll return the favor.”

Goku raised a brow, “You’re still in the mood?”

No, my balls are fucking drained, Vegeta thought. But how could he deny Goku now after everything he’d done for him?

Sensing his hesitation, Goku frowned, “I don't wanna do it if you’re not into it, y’know.”

Vegeta grunted, taking a seat in the chair beside him, “But you didn’t get to…”


“So… don't you… want to?”

Goku reached down and picked up Vegeta’s clothes off of the floor, handing them over to him, “Are you asking if I want you? Because y’know I do. But only when you’re into it. Doesn't make sense to do it if you’re not in the mood.”

Some expression crossed Vegeta’s face as he snatched the clothing from Goku's hands and slowly dressed himself. Goku couldn’t tell if it was anger, embarrassment, or sadness. Probably some combination of all three.

Goku's heart pounded. He knew he was treading into dangerous territory, but he couldn't stand to see Vegeta tormented like this any longer. Taking a steadying breath, he spoke up, his voice wavering slightly with apprehension.

"K’reshi?" He wrung his hands nervously.

Vegeta turned to him, noting Goku’s change in tone. He raised a brow, awaiting Goku’s question.

"I didn’t wanna kill the mood earlier while we were… uh… but I…” Goku twiddled his thumbs in his lap. “Uh, I'm not trying to push you or anything, but we're partners, right, ‘Geets?”

Eyeing Goku suspiciously, Vegeta’s brow furrowed, “What are you going on about, Kakarot? You know you’re my…” His voice trailed off briefly as he attempted to ignore the deep crimson flush overwhelming his face. He averted his gaze as he murmured, “My boyfriend.”

“Okay, good,” Goku nodded, taking an unsteady breath. “So then, if something's bothering you, I wanna know what it is and how I can help. Like a few minutes ago, when I told you I wanted to... y'know... have sex with you." He felt his pulse thrumming in his ears as he waited for Vegeta's response, bracing himself.

Vegeta’s shoulders tensed. With a grunt, he swiftly leapt to his feet and paced back and forth beside the table, spending several drawn out minutes deciding whether he should open up or storm out of the apartment in a fit of rage. But the Prince of all Saiyans was no coward, and he would not take the easy way out this time.

"Listen, Kakarot," Vegeta finally grumbled, staring at a fixed point on the wall. "There are just… certain things from my past that still affect me on occasion. You've noticed."

Goku nodded slowly. "Yeah, I have. And I know there's more to it than you've told me."

Vegeta shot him a glare. "What's that supposed to mean?"

An unexpectedly rueful smile tugged at Goku's lips. "I might not be as smart as you, Vegeta, but I'm also not as dumb as you think. It doesn't take a genius to see you have some kinda… trauma. Like STDs or something.”

Vegeta's eyes went wide as his jaw dropped, sputtering incoherently as his face flushed red with rage and embarrassment. "Wha- STDs?! You… Kakarot, do you mean PTSD?"

“Oh, yeah,” Goku blinked innocently, “Yeah, that.”

The prince's energy flared, "And what the hell could a simpleminded clown like you possibly know about that?" Goku opened his mouth to speak, but Vegeta aggressively cut him off. "Save it, Kakarot! Your struggles don't change a damn thing about mine! It's none of your business!"

For a long moment, a tense silence stretched between them, the air thick and charged. Then, Goku's expression softened as he regarded his seething mate.

"You're right, it's not my business," Goku sighed, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "I don't need to know the details. Not unless you wanna tell me. But I think… it would help both of us." 

Vegeta’s mind raced as he tried to find the words. Part of him desperately wanted - no, needed - to finally unbottle the truth to Goku. To let someone in fully for once instead of shouldering the weight of his trauma alone. But the very thought made his chest constrict with panic.

What if Goku saw his anguish as a repulsive weakness? After all, Vegeta had always prided himself on his strength, his ability to soldier on despite everything he'd endured. To strip away that facade left him exposed, powerless. Worse, what if Goku tried to take advantage of that vulnerability? Use it to diminish him or even discard him altogether? The doubts swirled like a merciless gale.

But then Vegeta looked at Goku - really looked at him. At the warmth and openness shining in those gentle eyes. The care etched into his features. And he realized with bone-deep certainty that Kakarot would never betray him like that. This man had defended him to the bitter end more times than Vegeta could count. If he opened up his soul completely, Goku would honor it, not defile it.

The knot of dread in Vegeta's chest loosened. With a resigned sigh, he gave the smallest of nods.

“It’s not hard to guess what they did to me,” Vegeta confessed, eyes fixated on nothing in particular. “And why I am the way I am with you.”

Goku felt his breath catch in his throat, scarcely believing Vegeta was finally opening this door. He blinked rapidly, trying to process this unexpected vulnerability. 

He gave a solemn nod in response. "No… it’s not hard to guess," Goku agreed quietly, his heart aching for all the suffering Vegeta must have endured. Cautiously, he asked, "But what about Nappa? Or my brother Raditz? They were there too, weren't they? Didn't they, y'know, try to help you?"

Vegeta scoffed bitterly, shaking his head. "That traitorous fool, Nappa? He was in Frieza's pocket, just like the rest of them. Raditz, though..." his expression flickered with something like grief. "He got the worst of it." 

Goku clenched his fists, a muscle twitching in his jaw as he fought back the rage simmering inside him. How could Frieza be such a monster?

“It wasn’t just Frieza and his men that did it,” Vegeta frowned, guilt beginning to eat at him. “They made me… they forced me to…” he shook his head. "Damn those bastards," Vegeta snarled, his hands clenching into white-knuckled fists at his sides as his voice took on a razor-edge. "Nothing but sadistic cowards!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth hard enough for his jaw to creek. "They made me..." His throat grew impossibly tight as the memories threatened to drown him. "I was forced to torture him, Kakarot. To beat him and rape him repeatedly, just like Frieza and his men did to me." He shuddered involuntarily, hating himself for the tremors racking his body. Moisture pricked at the corners of Vegeta’s eyes, blurring his vision. A single rogue tear traced a scalding path down his chiseled cheek, much to his shame. He swiped at it furiously with the back of his hand.

Goku's heart clenched painfully in his chest as he watched the proud Saiyan prince unravel before his eyes. He ached to provide comfort, to wrap his arms around his mate and reassure him that he wasn't alone. But he held himself back, recalling what Vegeta had told him about giving him space.

For several agonizing minutes, a heavy silence blanketed the room, broken only by Vegeta's ragged breathing as he struggled to regain his composure. Goku stayed rooted in place, studying the other man's tense posture and clenched fists for any indication of whether he was alright or spiraling into a deeper state of panic.

Finally, Goku slowly rose to his feet. He crossed the room and gently reached for Vegeta's trembling hand. To his immense relief, Vegeta allowed their fingers to intertwine instead of swatting him away.

"Can I..." Goku asked hesitantly, his eyes full of sympathy and concern, “Can I hold you?”

Vegeta's jaw ticked, but after a moment he gave the barest of nods, grumbling out a barely audible "Fine."

Needing no further permission, Goku instantly enveloped Vegeta in a fierce embrace, pulling him into his broad chest. He held his mate tightly, overwhelmed by the need to shield him from the demons of his past, to provide the comfort and solace he knew words could never convey.

At first, Vegeta's body was rigid in his arms. But gradually, infinitesimally, the tension began to bleed out of his muscles until he was pressing his face into the juncture of Goku's neck and shoulder, shuddering almost imperceptibly.

"I'm so sorry, Vegeta," Goku murmured, wishing he could do more than just this. He rested his cheek against the top of Vegeta’s head, feeling the tickle of Vegeta’s hair on his face. "You didn't deserve any of that."



Hi readers, I had fun writing this chapter so I really hope y'all enjoyed it. Finally our boys had their much needed talk!

I have the next several chapters written, but they need to be edited before I can post. Work and life have been kicking my ass lately, so I may need more time before uploading them to maintain the quality. Rest assured, I'm 100% committed to continuing this fic :)

Thank you all for your continuous support, feedback, and patience!

Chapter 18: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Chapter Text

Chapter 18 - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Goku’s apartment was always freezing. The cold temperature made sense for someone like Goku, whose larger body seemed to radiate warmth like a furnace, but for Vegeta, the icy air made it impossible to get comfortable enough to fall asleep. 

Vegeta pulled the thin sheets tighter around his body, but it did little to trap in the heat. He grumbled to himself.

It was hardly an appropriate time of the day to be taking a nap, but this seemed to have become a routine between the two of them over the last few months. Spar, eat, pass out by late afternoon. And if the sun shining through the window wasn’t bad enough, Vegeta also had to put up with this incessant cold.

He could feel Goku’s body heat emitting strongly beside him. He was so tempted to scoot in closer and lay on top of his mate. He could just picture it - crawling on top of his Kakarot and leaning down into him. Nuzzling his cheek into Goku’s chest, feeling his heartbeat thud against his skin. He imagined Goku’s arms lazily wrapping around him, pulling him in tighter. He nearly began purring just from the mental image, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. 

The idea of snuggling up in Kakarot’s arms was just… Well, it was tempting - there was no denying that. Still, he couldn’t allow himself to be so vulnerable, at least not while Goku was awake.

"Pssst, Kakarot," Vegeta whispered softly. 

He eyed Goku for any signs that he might be awake. Goku was sprawled out on his back, drool dribbling down his cheek as he snored softly.

Vegeta murmured again, “My Carrot,” he gently shook Goku’s arm, “Are you awake?” 

He couldn’t be too careful when it came to this sort of thing. If he was going to sneak over and lay down with his mate, he needed to be absolutely certain that Goku was indeed deep into his slumber.

Reaching his hand out slowly, Vegeta’s fingers brushed against Goku’s cheek. Goku snorted at the light tickle, then went back to his less-than-graceful snoring.

This wasn’t the first time that Vegeta had snuck up against Goku’s side. He’d made this brave venture on a handful of occasions now, but never for more than a few minutes. At least not on purpose.

The longest time that he’d spent curled up in Goku’s arms was when he’d accidentally fallen asleep at his side. It was an afternoon much like this one, following a brutal sparring match (which he’d won, but of course, there was no need for him to brag about that). He just wanted to lay by Goku’s side for five, no no, just one minute. One short minute. But his eyes were so heavy, and his mate was so warm. Before he knew it, he’d drifted off to sleep. Luckily, he was a much lighter sleeper than his counterpart, and he awoke before Goku had.

Well, he certainly was not going to allow that to happen again. Never again would he be caught in that predicament. He despised the need for sleep. Nothing makes a man more vulnerable.

Just as he began to inch closer to his mate, eagerly seeking the moment he could secretly embrace him, an energy signature in the distance caught his attention. His body stiffened at the disruption until he realized who the energy belonged to.

“Kakarot,” Vegeta gave Goku’s shoulder a rough shake.

Goku’s eyes fluttered open and closed for a moment. He groaned before turning his head to the side and attempting to block out Vegeta’s voice.

Vegeta scoffed, asking louder this time, “Kakarot, why is your son coming over here?”

Goku’s eyes snapped open. He sat up, the bed shifting under them. 

“Oh, right,” Goku held his hand to his face as he attempted to wake himself. Swinging his legs off the edge of the bed, he grabbed his phone off the nightstand to check the time. “Almost dinner time. Guess we took a longer nap than I thought.”

Right. Well, one of them did anyway.

Vegeta frowned. He didn’t want to admit how much he wished he could have stayed in bed. He was so close to getting what he wanted.

Goku stood up, stretching from side to side, “Forgot to mention that Gohan, Videl, and Pan are coming over for dinner.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” Vegeta grumbled sarcastically before gathering his clothes off the floor. “I’m leaving.”

"Well, actually..." Goku rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Was gonna ask if you wanted to stay. Y'know, to have dinner with us?"

Vegeta paused, one arm through his shirt sleeve. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "And why the hell would I want to do that?"

Goku gave him a lopsided grin. "C'mon Vegeta, it'll be fun! We’ll eat lots’a food, and then we can all hang out together! Pleaseee,” he pressed his hands together to beg.

Vegeta snorted but didn't protest further as he finished getting dressed. "Fine, I'll stay. But I'm not making nice conversation or helping clean afterwards."

Goku chuckled, not at all surprised by Vegeta's gruff response. "Wouldn't have it any other way," he beamed.

Glancing out the window, Vegeta began to feel a bit uneasy about this idea. "And just how do you plan on explaining to your son why his father's greatest rival is here for a family dinner?" He smirked. "I'm not exactly known for being the 'hanging out' type of person."

Digging through his closet, Goku tossed out random items of clothing until he found a fresh set. His cheeks were pink as he forced out a response. "Well, I was thinking-"

"There's a first time for everything," Vegeta deadpanned.

Goku shot him a look. "Very funny." He started pulling on his shirt. "Like I was sayin’, maybe we could…" He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"We could what, Kakarot? Spit it out already!"

Goku mumbled something unintelligible, hastily doing up the buttons on his shirt.

Fuck he looks incredible in that shirt, Vegeta had to stop himself from drooling. Normally Goku was either wearing his gi, or opted to be shirtless around the house. He rarely dressed up. Not that button up top and jeans were considered fancy, but certainly more formal than Vegeta was used to seeing him in.

“Well,” Goku straightened out his shirt before turning to Vegeta, “Y’know, we’ve been together for a few months now, and…”

And? ” Vegeta pressed.

“Um,” his cheeks were turning redder, “I thought maybe we could just tell Gohan why you’re really here. If he asks.”

Vegeta's eyes widened in disbelief at Goku's suggestion. He sputtered, trying to find the right biting remark. "You can't be serious, Kakarot! Reveal our… relations to your son and family?" he puffed aggressively. "I refuse to be mocked and ridiculed by those idiotic Earthlings."

"Aw c'mon ‘Geets, don't be like that," Goku said, running a hand through his spiky hair. "If you really don't wanna stay, that's fine. I won't force ya." He looked at Vegeta with those big, earnest eyes. "But I gotta be honest, it would make me really happy if we could finally get this out in the open. No more sneakin' around, y'know?"

Frowning silently, Vegeta was unsure of how to respond.

Goku went on, "I just think my family should know the truth about us. But only if you're okay with it too. I get it if you're not ready."

Vegeta looked down at himself, taking note of his filthy, torn up battle suit, “I don’t know, Kakarot. I mean, I don’t even have anything decent to wear. I should just go home-”

"No wait, I got something!" Goku's face lit up as he dove back into his closet, tossing clothes every which way in his search.

Vegeta scowled as a balled up pair of underwear bounced off his head. "Unless you've been secretly hoarding stylish Saiyan armor, I doubt anything you own could possibly fit the Prince of all Say-"

"Aha!" Goku emerged triumphantly, a bundle of ill-fitting human garments in his hands. He shoved them eagerly at Vegeta. "Here, try these on!"

Vegeta stared at the frayed sweatpants and oversized t-shirt dubiously. "You can't be serious. These look like rejects from the wasteland."

"Oh stop!" Goku grinned mischievously. "I shrunk 'em by accident when I first started doing my own laundry."

Vegeta groaned but began undressing, his sharp eyes catching something on the sweatpants as he pulled them on. "Wait… Kakarot, what is this?!"

Stitched down the leg in faded fabric letters was the name 'SON GOKU.'

Goku snickered at Vegeta's outraged expression. "What? They're a classic look! The height of Earth fashion!"

"I am not appearing before your family in clothes bearing your name!" Vegeta snarled.

A sudden knock at the door froze them both.

"Uh… too late!" Goku chuckled.

It seemed Vegeta was out of time to change his mind. Or his outfit.

“Hiya!” Goku greeted as he opened the door.

“Hey, dad!” Gohan waved.

“Hi Grandpa! Oh- ” Pan blinked, “Is Mr. Vegeta here?” 

Goku giggled, kneeling down to ruffle Pan’s hair, “Wow, impressive! Much better ki sensing than your daddy had at your age.” He looked up at Gohan with a playful smile, recalling how little  and innocent Gohan had been at the age of three.

Gohan’s cheeks blushed red as he and Videl stepped inside. His eyes scanned the room, searching for the other Saiyan. He was actually pretty surprised that Pan had picked up on Vegeta’s presence before he had.

Vegeta groaned. Of course Goku’s granddaughter could pick up on his energy so quickly. He figured there was no point in hiding himself in Goku’s room any longer, now that his presence had been announced. He stepped out into the living room wearing a deep scowl on his face.

“Hey, Vegeta!” Gohan waved with a grin, “Didn’t know you’d be here.”

But Gohan’s smile quickly faded as his eyes scanned the shorter Saiyan. He instantly recognized the outfit that Vegeta was wearing, and his suspicions were confirmed when he saw his father’s name stitched into the left pant leg.

Gohan blinked, trying to make sense of the situation. Vegeta looked away, his cheeks flushing red.

“Well, I’m starving!” Videl broke the awkward silence, rubbing her hands together, “What did you have in mind for dinner, Goku?”

“Uh, whatever you guys want,” Goku took a seat on the couch, “I’ll order it.” He looked over to his son, waiting for a suggestion, but Gohan’s gaze was fixated on Vegeta. Goku’s eyes darted between them, trying to figure out if he should say something.

“Pizza?” Videl asked before taking a seat on the floor next to Pan.

“Yes!” Goku jumped in, hoping the topic of food would break the awkward tension between his son and his boyfriend. “Pizza would be great! I’ll go put the order in. The usual?”

Videl nodded.

Gohan hadn’t even heard the question.

Vegeta scowled.

“Right..” Goku forced out as he hopped to his feet and headed for the bedroom to get his phone. He was half startled when Vegeta popped up behind him.

“I’m leaving,” Vegeta grumbled.

“What? Why?” Goku stepped closer, “Don’t leave!”

“Kakarot, your son knows something is up between us, and I really don’t-”

“I’m sure you’re overreacting, ‘Geets,” Goku placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey, Videl,” Gohan whispered.


Gohan watched the hallway, listening closely to make sure his dad and Vegeta weren’t coming back out yet. “I think something’s going on with my dad and Vegeta.”

She frowned, combing her fingers through Pan’s hair. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I’m not really sure,” Gohan scratched his head. “But why would Vegeta be over here? And wearing dad’s clothes?”

Videl looked up at him, eyes wide, “He’s wearing your father’s clothes?”

He nodded.

“Weird,” she commented as she prompted Pan to play with the toys she’d brought for her. “Maybe they were just sparring and he needed something to wear? That happens sometimes, right?”

Not really, Gohan thought. “Um, sure… I guess.”

They quickly silenced themselves as the door to Goku’s bedroom creaked open. Pan watched them come back to the living room with a wide grin on her face.

“Hey Grandpa?”

“Yeah, Pan?” Goku beamed back at her.

“Mom and Papa were just asking why Mr. Vegeta is wearing your clothes.”

Gohan and Videl, completely red in the face, pursed their lips, staring at Goku and Vegeta wide eyed. 

“Uhhh,” Gohan forced an awkward laugh, "Kids, y’know? Always saying silly things..."

“But Papa, you-”

“It’s okay,” Goku interrupted before Gohan could cup his hand over Pan’s mouth. "Well, you see… the thing is..." Goku tugged at his collar, sweat beading on his brow. "Vegeta and I, we're kinda… um..."

"For the love of Beerus, Kakarot!" Vegeta snapped. "Kakarot and I are a couple, dammit."

Pan blinked, “A couple of what?”

Her innocent question after Vegeta's outburst just hung in the air, heightening the awkward tension. Gohan looked like he might pass out from embarrassment. Videl bit her lip, trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

Goku patted Vegeta's arm in an attempt to calm his irritated partner. "Ah heh… what Vegeta means is, well, you see Pan..." He scratched the back of his head. "We're, um, more than just friends and rivals."

"You're super best buds?" Pan asked quizzically.

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "We're intimately involved, you nit-wit child!"

"Vegeta!" Goku hissed, his face turning beet red.

Gohan finally found his voice. "Dad, Vegeta… you’re… together? Like, romantically?"

An uncomfortable silence stretched out as Goku nodded.

Videl could no longer contain her laughter, doubling over with a snort. Goku looked mortified. She got out between giggles. "Who would've thought big, bad Vegeta was Goku's secret lover!"

Vegeta's face flushed an even deeper shade of crimson. His jaw clenched tightly as he shot a withering glare her way. "I am no one's 'lover,' woman!" he spat out, clearly affronted. "I am the Prince of all Saiyans! Show some respect!"

Goku nearly reached for Vegeta’s hand, but quickly stopped himself, figuring this may not be the best time. "Aw c'mon K’reshi, she didn't mean anything by it..."

"Silence, Kakarot!" Vegeta rounded on him, jabbing an accusatory finger into Goku's chest. "This is precisely why I didn't want to disclose our personal matters!"

Folding his arms defiantly, Vegeta scowled at the group, daring anyone else to question or mock his relationship with his former rival turned partner. An uncomfortable hush fell over the room.

Just when it seemed the silence might stretch on interminably, Pan's high-pitched voice piped up, cutting through the awkwardness like a knife.

Pan looked up at Goku, “Hey Grandpa?”

Goku’s nervous gaze shifted to his granddaughter, “Yeah, Pan?”

“Wanna play? Bet ya can’t catch me!” She leapt into the air, smirking.

Letting out a carefree laugh, Goku launched himself at her, taking care to pace himself as he allowed her to take the lead. They burst through the front door as he chased her across the sky, her laughter echoing in the wind.

So,” Gohan rubbed his arm as he looked over at Vegeta. The three of them immediately felt Goku’s absence through the awkward silence. In an attempt to break the tension, Gohan cleared his throat, “So, um, should I start calling you ‘dad’ too, or…”

Vegeta snorted, “Shut up.”

“I think it’s really great,” Videl commented as she took a seat at the table, “I always kinda thought there was some sexual tension between you two,” she laughed. 

Gritting his teeth, Vegeta stopped a growl from emitting in his chest. Videl didn’t notice.

“How long have you two been… um… seeing each other?” Gohan asked nervously before taking a seat next to his wife at the table.

Vegeta scowled at him before rolling his eyes and plopping down on the couch. He rested his elbow on the arm of the sofa, and his cheek against his knuckles. With a sigh, he answered, “A few months now, I suppose. Maybe three.”

Three months and I had no idea? Gohan thought.

Despite his best efforts to push the intrusive images of his father and Vegeta together, doing gods-know-what, the thoughts came flooding into his mind. He shuddered. Still, he wanted to be supportive. He of all people knew how difficult this must’ve been for Vegeta, given what Vegeta had told him about his past on Planet Vegeta and with the Frieza Force.

“Well, I-I think it’s great, too,” Gohan nodded, “I’m happy for you guys.”

“Whatever,” Vegeta murmured.

The doorbell rang and Goku dropped from the sky, Pan perched on his shoulders. He appeared beside the delivery driver, startling the poor boy. The pizza man was balancing a stack of pizza boxes several times taller than he was.

"Whoa, did you guys order enough?" Videl laughed as the delivery person struggled under the weight.

“Well, we gotta have enough to feed four Saiyans!” Goku laughed as he gracefully took the tower of food inside.

Once they were paid and the mountain of pizzas was deposited in the kitchen, another ring of the doorbell made Goku perk up. He opened the front door to find Piccolo standing stoically at the entrance, his arms folded across his chest.

"Piccolo! Hey, didn't know you were coming over too!" Goku greeted cheerfully.

Gohan came up behind him, grimacing slightly. "Sorry Dad, I should've given you a heads up. I invited Piccolo to join, I figured it would be okay..."

Goku waved him off good-naturedly. "'Course it's okay! The more the better!"

He didn't miss the icy glare Vegeta shot Piccolo as the Namekian silently entered. Clearly there was some lingering tension there.

As they all gathered around the table, tearing into the multitude of pizza boxes, Pan piped up innocently. "So Mr. Piccolo, did you know Grandpa and Mr. Vegeta are a couple?"

Piccolo nearly choked on his slice. Vegeta gritted his teeth, his face reddening. Though he was well aware of their relationship at this point, it definitely caught him off guard to hear it announced like that.

An uncomfortable silence fell before Gohan cleared his throat loudly. "Alright, who wants more meat lovers'? This one's going fast!"

As the meal carried on, Goku's eyes kept wandering over to Vegeta's plate. He licked his lips when he noticed the last remaining slice of pepperoni pizza sitting there.  

While Vegeta was distracted, listening to one of Pan's rambling stories, Goku stealthily reached his hand towards the coveted slice. Just as his fingertips grazed the plate, Vegeta's fist came slamming down, trapping Goku's hand.

"Don't even think about it, Kakarot!" Vegeta seethed, his eyes narrowing dangerously.

Goku gave an exaggerated pout.

"It's mine, you ravenous fool!" Vegeta clutched the plate protectively. A golden aura began flickering around him as his power level surged. "I'll blast you into the next dimension before I let you take the last slice!"

The rest of the table went silent, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and trepidation. Gohan looked about ready to intervene before things escalated too far.

But then Goku laughed, completely unconcerned with Vegeta's simmering intensity. "Haha, okay okay! You win!" He pulled his hand back with a wink. "Guess that means you owe me one later though, right?"

Vegeta's aura disappeared as quickly as it came. He rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide the faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Idiot," he grumbled, taking an exaggerated bite of the pizza.

After their guests had finally left and the house was quiet again, Goku and Vegeta retreated to the bedroom, Vegeta flopping onto the bed with a contented sigh as Goku fired up a video game.

As Goku battled through levels, Vegeta watched him from the corner of his eye, a small smirk playing at his lips whenever Goku would let out a whoop of victory or groan in frustration. Eventually, he checked the clock.

"I should get going," Vegeta grunted, making a move to stand up.

But Goku quickly paused the game and turned to him, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "Actually… there's something I've been wanting to do with you.” His stomach churned. Today was a big step for Vegeta - Goku knew this. The last thing he wanted was to push his mate too far, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking.

Vegeta eyed him warily, one eyebrow arched. "What is it?"

Pink tinged Goku's cheeks as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, I… I was hoping maybe… you'd be open to just laying together for a bit?"

Blinking in confusion, a puzzled expression crossed over Vegeta’s face. “What the hell are you on about? We lay down together all the time.”

“Right,” Goku nodded sheepishly, “But I meant… um… y’know… snuggling up. Holding each other close.” Goku's cheeks were fully flushed from ear-to-ear now as he avoided Vegeta's intense stare.

A heavy silence stretched out as Vegeta mulled over Goku's request. Part of him immediately wanted to scoff and reject the idea outright. And yet, another part of him - a softer, more vulnerable side he had fought so hard to bury - felt a subtle longing at Goku's words.

Vegeta's gaze flickered over Goku's earnest, hopeful expression. Vegeta could have mocked him for asking for such a thing, hurled a searing insult to save face as was his usual defensive instinct.  

But instead, he found himself wordlessly shifting over until he was beside Goku. He then slowly lowered himself down until his head was pillowed on Goku's broad chest.

Goku sighed with relief, his arms coming up to gently embrace his mate. One hand instinctively wove into Vegeta's thick upswept hair as they both melted against each other's warmth.

Deep rumbling purrs began resonating from their chests, the contented sounds of two galactic warriors finally at peace. For once, nothing else mattered beyond this perfect moment holding each other close.


Therapy session #382: the next day

Vegeta sat stonily across from Dr. Martin, drumming his fingers against the arm of the couch.

"So," Dr. Martin began, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "How was your week, Vegeta?"

Vegeta was quiet for a long moment, his mind replaying the memory of being cradled so gently in Goku's arms. The sound of their synchronous purring still seemed to echo in his ears.

At last, the faintest quirk of a smile graced his lips.

"It was… good."

Chapter 19: Memories of Regret

Chapter Text

Chapter 19 - Memories of Regret

There were many things in Vegeta's life that he'd come to deeply regret. For instance, his role in the massacre of the Namekians during his first visit to their planet was undoubtedly one of his most shameful moments, a blemish on his conscience that could never be erased.

Though he’d done his best to restore their species and make things right, he knew there were so many other planets just like theirs that he’d destroyed and never looked back on. Countless atrocities that he was responsible for. Even if it had been under the guise of Frieza, it had been his own hands which were stained in blood.

As Vegeta laid in Goku’s arms, his mind began to chew over all of his past mistakes. Goku began absentmindedly stroking Vegeta’s hair, but this only distracted Vegeta for a moment.

There were a few regrets which were weighing particularly heavy on Vegeta’s mind today. Over the last few months, he spent more time than he cared to admit thinking about his behavior towards Bulma and Dr. Martin. He knew how poorly he’d treated both of them over the years - poorly being a severe understatement.

The memories of his regretful actions were continuously bombarding his mind.


Therapy session #365: ~4 months ago


“Thank you so much for agreeing to take Vegeta on as your patient again,” I could hear Bulma cheer from the hallway. “I know it’s been a while, but he really needs this.”

I grumbled to myself as I stretched my legs out. I hated sitting in the therapist’s waiting room. All these depressed, weak Earthlings around me made me want to vomit. What I really wanted was to return to Beerus’s planet to train.

“Hi, Vegeta,” Dr. Martin greeted as she stepped into the waiting room. “It’s nice to see you again.”

“Right,” I muttered sarcastically under my breath, “Sure it is.”

Her face twitched before her professional composure returned. “Shall we?” She gestured toward her office.

Groaning, I rose to my feet and followed her. Bulma tried to give me some ridiculous, encouraging smile as I walked past her, but I pretended not to notice.

“So, Vegeta…” Dr. Martin started as she took a seat.

I’m sure she said more after that, but I wasn’t really listening. It was rude, I know, but I found myself to be a bit distracted.

Dr. Martin’s office had changed so much since I was there last. Her chair was new. The couch was different. Even the coffee table had been replaced.

“Vegeta?” Her voice sliced through my train of thought.

What?” I snapped, sitting up to glare at her. 

It was the first time I’d gotten a good look at her in years. She looked older than I’d remembered. Sometimes I’d forget how quickly humans age.

She blinked, “I… was just saying, it’s been a while since our last session. How long has it been? Seven years or so?”

I grimaced. Gods, this was awkward.

“Well,” she cleared her throat, “I’m really glad that you’ve decided to start therapy again. You know it’s a great first step.” 

"Tch, don't even start with me on that," I spat. "The only reason why I agreed to this is to appease that nagging woman, and to improve on my new technique. It has nothing to do with your psycho-nonsense."

I couldn't tell if she was frowning or holding back laughter. Probably both.

"Of course, Vegeta," she chuckled uncomfortably, "I understand."

There was a thick silence that followed her words. Neither of us wanted to acknowledge the reason why I’d stopped seeing her for so long in the first place. Why was my stomach churning?

She hesitated before asking, “Did you manage to find another therapist after…” her voice trailed off.

“After you dropped me as your patient?” I raised a brow. “Yeah. And that was just wonderful. Bulma made me talk to some whack job named Dr. House. Saw him for several months before I called it quits.” I leaned back, pouting at the floor. “I shouldn't have even bothered. Therapy clearly doesn’t work on me anyway.” 

We both knew that last part was a lie, but there was no way in hell that she’d call me out on it.

“Right…” she blushed, “Well, Vegeta-”

“I know, I know,” I cut her off, “You don’t have to explain yourself. I wasn’t expecting you to take me back as a patient anyway.” I paused for a moment, glancing out the window to avoid eye contact. “I was actually surprised that Bulma managed to convince you to see me again after everything that happened.”

“That actually may be a good place for us to start-“

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I crossed my arms, leaning back against the couch. 

This new sofa was way more comfortable than the last one, but I still hated the change.

She began chuckling to herself. Quite likely due to my all-too-familiar demeanor. Seven years since she’d last seen me, and I was still my same ol’ grumpy self. 

“Sure,” she nodded. “Well, do you want to tell me what you’ve been up to for the last several years?”

The last time we’d talked was just before we’d defeated Majin Buu. Quite a few events had occurred between then and now, so I agreed to fill her in. I went on about my and Bulma’s marriage, and our divorce. About Trunks and my daughter. About my rivalry-turned-friendship with Kakarot, and my training with Beerus.

When I told her about the Tournament of Power, and how I’d fought alongside the group of people that I’d tirelessly denied being friends with over the decades, Dr. Martin couldn’t hold back her obnoxious smile. And when I mentioned that Frieza was there, she stopped me.

“You fought alongside Frieza?” she practically gaped at me.

I nodded, “Wasn’t my first choice as an ally, but he did the job alright.”

“That must’ve been hard for you, after everything he did.” Her voice was soft. I hated it.

My mouth twitched involuntarily, a scowl returning to my face.

“I’m proud of you, Vegeta,” she leaned in, “Really.”

She’s… proud of me? I felt like I’d been punched in the gut. My guilt was suddenly overwhelming. In a panic, I told her that I needed to cut this first session short, and I raced for the exit.

As I left, soaring in the sky in no particular direction, my guilt and regret began eating away at me as I recalled what I did to her.


Vegeta laid motionless, his cheek resting atop Goku's chest, the steady rhythm of the other Saiyan's heartbeat both comforting and tormenting. Goku's arm was draped casually around his shoulders, holding him close.

As much as Vegeta wanted to remain at peace in this position, even this moment caused his guilt to consume him.

His arrival on Earth all those years ago was driven by pride and bloodlust. The confident smirk as he flung ki blasts and crushed cities under his boots was seared into his brain. And then Kakarot - this pure-hearted warrior who fought not for vengeance, but to protect. Vegeta had tried to kill him. Even after joining the ranks of the heroes, echoes of his dark deeds still haunted him, whispering that he would never deserve the light that Kakarot offered so freely.

Lost in his spiral of self-loathing, Vegeta didn't notice Goku leaning down until soft lips brushed the crown of his head.

Goku murmured into Vegeta’s locks of hair, "I'm gonna go make us some food.”

They both knew that meant ramen, Goku's one and only culinary specialty. Just one more reminder of Goku's overwhelming kind nature. 

Still, Vegeta forced himself to nod, not trusting his voice.

As the solid warmth of Goku's frame slipped away, shaking the bed beneath them, Vegeta was alone with the remains of his fragmented psyche. 

All he could think about was Dr. Martin.


Therapy session #338: about 7 years ago - Vegeta's last session before the events of Majin Buu


“So Kakarot is coming back to life?” Dr. Martin gawked at me, wide eyed.

“Just for one day,” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t make this a big deal.”

“Got it,” she nodded, “No big deal.” She scribbled down some notes. “And you’re going to compete with him at the World Martial Arts Tournament? That sounds exciting.”

“I guess,” I grumbled. “It’s not like we can really go all out during it, but I suppose it would be a good chance for me to prove my strength against him once and for all.”

“I’m glad you get to see him again,” she smiled.

Ugh. What was it with this woman and all these mushy, gooey feelings? It’s utterly abhorrent.

“Hey,” I found myself saying, “You should come to the tournament and watch.”

“Oh,” her cheeks tinged pink as she pushed her glasses up her nose, “I… I don’t usually accept invites to public events with my patients…”

“Tch, it’s hardly an invite. Anyone can purchase tickets and go.”

“True,” she nodded.

“Just tell Bulma. She’ll find a good seat for you near the front,” I suggested.

At the time, I’d had this idea in my mind that if this lady saw me in action, witnessed me defeating my greatest rival, that she’d see how accomplished and whole I felt afterwards. And then she’d let me go free from these awful sessions once and for all.

But in retrospect, I think I’d actually invited her so I could demonstrate my true nature to her. I wanted her to see me for who I was, or who I wanted to be - a villain.


Vegeta grimaced as the memories came flooding back into his mind. He wished he could forget it all. He wished he’d never done such a terrible thing. He wished Goku were back in bed with him, holding him tightly.

His mind was racing as he ruminated on what he’d done.


“Bulma,” I grabbed onto her shoulder before she walked out the door.

“What is it?” she blinked down at me, one foot already outside.

My brows dipped down as I lowered my head. Shame was never a good look on me. My voice wasn’t nearly as demanding as I’d hoped. “When you make the wish to erase everyone’s memories of Majin Buu…” I tried to catch my breath. Why was this so hard for me?

“Yeah?” she prompted.

“Don’t erase Dr. Martin’s memory,” I forced out. “She… she shouldn’t forget what I did.”

“But Vegeta-”

“No,” I cut her off, “I can’t… I can’t sit in that office with her every week and pretend like I didn’t murder her in cold blood. She deserves to remember, and to have the choice not to see me again if she doesn’t want to.”

I folded my arms uncomfortably over my chest. It felt as though I was holding my body together, like if I let go, I might completely shatter.

Bulma seemed hesitant.

My patience was wearing thin, “I’ll find another therapist if Dr. Martin won’t see me anymore. Just… don’t erase her memory.” I loathed begging, but I hardly had a choice at this point.

I’m sure she was surprised by my words. Hell, I was surprised by my words. Nonetheless, she squeezed my shoulder and nodded in agreement before leaving.

But it was true. I’d invited Dr. Martin to the tournament. I knew exactly where she was sitting in the crowd. I was so full of rage and hatred. 

She thought I’d grown soft. Everyone thought I’d grown soft. Once I’d accessed that power from Babidi… I just… I needed to prove that I was as hard and cold as I’d ever been.

So when I aimed my palm charged with ki toward the audience of the tournament, I knew exactly who I was aiming for. 

I murdered her. 

Zero thoughts given. 

No remorse. Not until later, anyway.


Goku plucked the empty bowl from Vegeta’s hands. He asked if Vegeta was okay, to which Vegeta could only nod and grunt in response.

Vegeta thought back to the night when he’d shown up at Dr. Martin’s house in the middle of the night, needing an impromptu therapy session. He thought for sure that after he’d apologized to her, all his remorse would vanish. He hadn’t realized how wrong he’d been. There was nothing he could do to take away this regret.

It took Vegeta a few more minutes to force himself out of this death spiral of memories and guilt. It wouldn’t help. All he could do now was learn from his mistakes, and commit to doing better. He didn’t know what else he could do.

One thing he did know, however, was that when Goku turned to him and asked if he was ready to discuss having sex, he really did not want this to be another thing to add to his list of regrets.

Chapter 20: Unrequited?

Chapter Text

Chapter 20 - Unrequited?

“You said I should bring it up again some other time,” Goku raised a brow, rubbing his palms against his bottoms anxiously. “I thought maybe now would be good.”

Vegeta was quiet for a long time. Eyes piercing the floor, he sat stiffly on the edge of the bed facing away from his partner. His mind was spinning. One minute he was thinking about everything in his life that he’d done wrong, and all of the reasons why he didn’t deserve to be happy, and the next his mind was bombarded with images of him and Goku making love.

With each passing second, the crimson blush seemed to spread further across Goku’s cheeks. Goku was beginning to regret bringing up the topic of sex yet again. This wasn’t the first time he’d been rejected by Vegeta, and though he understood his mate’s reasons for hesitating, it didn’t mean the rejection didn’t hurt.

“I know we haven’t really talked about this,” Goku broke the silence, attempting to offer some solace. His words came out slower than he would’ve liked, “But I wouldn’t mind being the bottom. If that helps.”

Vegeta frowned, but still didn’t look up. He half chuckled, “You don’t want to do that.”

“I-” Goku shook his head, “What? Of course I-”

“Anal sex is a lot different than taking a few fingers up the ass, Kakarot,” Vegeta finally turned to Goku, a deep scowl on his face. “Obviously, if we were to do this, I would do my best not to hurt you, but it would still be uncomfortable at best.”

Goku narrowed his eyes, “I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, ‘Geets. Maybe it’s a little uncomfortable the first few times, but I…”

“You what?” Vegeta pressed.

He didn’t think it was possible, but somehow Goku’s cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as he stammered, “I… well I told ya’ before that when Chi-Chi found out I’d kissed another man… uh… we… well, things got… interesting in bed afterwards.” The corners of his lips pulled up into an uncomfortable grin.

Vegeta snorted, eyeing him in disbelief, “You let that Earth woman peg you?”

“I, uh… peg?” Goku rubbed the back of his neck.

Gods, you’re such an idiot,” Vegeta groaned, rolling his palm against his forehead impatiently. “You let her penetrate you?”

“Oh,” Goku laughed nervously, “Uh, yeah. She had this strap-on toy that I…” he shuddered. “Uhm, I really liked that one.”

Really? You don’t say…” Vegeta muttered, his curiosity piqued.

Goku nodded, scooting closer to Vegeta on the bed until they were only a few inches apart. “I won’t lie, I prefer being the top,” he intertwined his fingers with Vegeta’s. “But I’m happy to do it either way. Whatever you want, K’reshi.” He quickly stopped himself, not wanting to sound too eager, “Uh, if you want it, I mean.”

Vegeta allowed his cold fingers to be squeezed in between Goku’s warm hand. The worry lines were growing on his face. He could never forget the way he brought Raditz to tears and caused him to cry out in pain when they were forced to have sex under Frieza’s command. He couldn’t stand the thought of hurting his Kakarot in that way.

The words felt like blades scratching at Vegeta’s throat as they came out, “Give me some time to think about it.”

“Sure,” Goku gave a lopsided grin before taking Vegeta’s chin between his fingers and pulling him into a soft kiss.

Even after four months of having him, the sensation of pressing their lips together caused Goku’s heart to absolutely melt inside his chest. He’d never really understood the “butterflies in your stomach” feeling until he’d gotten with Vegeta. As he pulled away, he gently stroked Vegeta’s hair, feeling the grime and dirt between his fingers.

“Let’s take a shower,” Goku suggested, wiping his fingers onto his shirt.

Vegeta nodded, but took his time following Goku into the bathroom.

Showering together was something relatively new for Vegeta. Before dating Goku, he’d never once considered bathing with another person, at least not in an intimate sort of way. But this was now the third time for him, which meant he was much more comfortable with both Goku and himself.

He watched eagerly as Goku began to strip, absentmindedly biting his lip as his mate shed off his last piece of clothing. Observing his perfectly sculpted mate up and down, Vegeta’s erection was both immediate and inevitable. The moment that Vegeta stepped into the shower, Goku’s eyes wandered downward and took instant note of this. A wicked grin was tugging at Goku’s lips before he caressed Vegeta’s hips in his palms. 

“Already?” Goku purred, yanking Vegeta in closer.

Vegeta didn’t care to admit how good Goku looked with his hair weighed down across his forehead under the pressure of the water. He never knew seeing someone literally wet could be so attractive.

From the way that Goku was eagerly pawing at Vegeta’s waist and hips, Vegeta could tell that Goku wanted a taste, but he insisted that they both needed to get clean before anyone would be tasting anything. It was funny, the first time that they had showered together, when Goku asked Vegeta to soap up his body for him, Vegeta just assumed that Goku was being an idiot. That perhaps the big oaf didn’t know how to properly clean himself. Only when actually doing so did Vegeta understand how sensual washing someone else’s body could be.

Vegeta’s cheeks were growing hot and his breath unsteady as he scrubbed his mate’s shoulders and chest. His work was occasionally interrupted as Goku would hold onto his face and pull him in for a kiss or two. Vegeta couldn’t get enough of Goku’s lips. He couldn’t explain it, but Goku’s icy mint breath and his natural woodsy musk did something indescribably to suck him in.

He gasped for air as Goku began trailing kisses down his neck and chest, fingers kneading into his skin as he dropped lower and lower. Goku finally paused once he was on his knees, kneeling before his prince.

Groaning deeply, Vegeta’s body instinctively moved closer into his mate as he felt Goku’s breath and light fingers teasing his sensitive skin. Heat drew between his thighs. He clenched his jaw as he watched with anticipation, his mate licking and nipping at his inner thighs, fingers only barely grazing his hardened member.

Goku growled as he took Vegeta’s balls into his mouth, wishing he could stuff more in. At the sound of Vegeta’s choked back whimpering, Goku decided he was ready. With a devilish grin, he looked up into his prince’s eyes before swallowing his full length.

Mmm, dammit,” Vegeta murmured under his breath at the sensation, throwing his head back.

His cheeks began to pool with blood as his body reacted to the pleasure. Once he could force himself to look down, he was met with Goku’s piercing eyes, watching him intently. Vegeta’s heart nearly stopped. A stab of pleasure hit the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t help but gently rock his hips into his mate’s mouth and wonder if Goku’s ass would feel this good too. He moaned at the very thought.

As Vegeta watched Goku slide his cock in and out of his mouth expertly, saliva and water intertwining down Goku’s chin, Vegeta’s legs began to tremble. By now, he thought, he should certainly be able to last longer than this. It was almost embarrassing how quickly Goku could bring about his climax. The heat was building up in his groin. Vegeta shook his head firmly. Not this time.

“Fuck,” Vegeta muttered as he gripped onto the base of his cock, stopping himself from reaching his orgasm.

Goku was half-startled when Vegeta yanked him up to his feet by his hair and scooped him up into his arms. Vegeta didn’t even bother to turn off the water as he stepped out of the shower, water puddling at his feet.

Giggling, Goku stroked Vegeta’s jawline with his fingers, “Whatcha doin’, ‘Geta?”

“I’ve thought about it.” Vegeta responded matter-of-factly as he carried Goku bridal style out of the bathroom, both Saiyans still dripping wet. With his leg, he managed to slam the bathroom door shut, leaving the steamy room behind as he headed for the bed.

Goku didn’t know it was possible to be so stunned, anxious, excited, and aroused all at the same time as Vegeta tossed him onto the bed, the mattress quivering beneath him. His breath hitched when Vegeta climbed on top of him and began kissing him hungrily, teeth and growls and tongues intermixing. With the sharp waves of pleasure ringing through Goku’s body, he immediately knew that he was ready as he felt himself getting lubricated.

Vegeta sat up, scooting himself closer in between Goku’s legs as he stroked himself. He rolled his precum around the tip of his erection before pressing it against his mate.

“You sure about this, Kakarot?” Vegeta raised a brow.

With a bright grin, Goku nodded, pulling Vegeta in closer by the hips. He’d been waiting for this moment for longer than he could remember. Way longer than before the start of their relationship. Ever since their first kiss, there wasn’t a night that went by that he didn’t think about this exact moment. His heart was pounding as Vegeta held onto his leg with one hand, and guided his tip against Goku’s entrance with the other. He leaned forward, entering cautiously.

“You okay?” Vegeta’s voice was uncharacteristically concerned. He was blushing from his cheeks down to his bare chest.

“Y-yeah, just give me a sec,” Goku chuckled lightly as he tried to relax.

It took only a few moments for Goku to adjust to the stretch from Vegeta’s tip. It wasn’t much different than the toys that Goku would use when he was home alone. If anything, it was much better.

Vegeta’s palms were getting sweaty as he watched his boyfriend beneath him. His main concern was making this a pleasurable experience for his Kakarot, but he was also incredibly overwhelmed with a carnal desire to begin taking him already. He, too, had envisioned this scenario, along with the reverse of their positions, as he laid in bed each night.

Once Goku gave the green light, Vegeta began slowly rocking his hips, pushing just a fraction more of himself into his mate with each gentle thrust. Goku gripped the sheets, his cock twitching and his nipples poking out, begging for attention. Vegeta responded eagerly, fondling first one, then the other side of Goku’s chest, pinching his hardened nipples delicately between his fingers.

Ooooh, hmm-” Goku let out a drawn out moan, his cheeks completely flushed from ear to ear as Vegeta played with him.

Vegeta grabbed onto one of Goku’s legs and pulled it up, giving himself better access to go deeper inside. He knew he was hitting the right spot as he observed his mate’s expressions. Goku’s mouth was hanging open, eyes clenched shut as Vegeta thrust all the way in. He groaned loudly with each exhale as Vegeta’s balls hit against his ass.

Goku whimpered and quivered, his body moving along with Vegeta’s thrusting. He squeezed onto Vegeta’s arms tightly, wordlessly pleading for more.

“Yeah?” Vegeta spoke softly, “Feels good, huh?” He had to force his voice to remain steady. He knew that with just slightly less self-control, he’d be a hot mess just as Goku was.

Responding only in moans and whines, Goku began grinding his hips to meet Vegeta’s movements. The stretch felt so good. He didn’t bother restraining any of his sounds as he gave himself completely away to Vegeta.

Vegeta leaned down just a bit as he rolled his hips. “I was thinking, nora K’reshi,” he began, trailing his fingers down Goku’s sensitive chest and belly. The feeling of Goku’s muscles beneath his fingertips only made him harder. His voice came out as a low growl, “If I am the prince of all Saiyans, and you are indeed my mate, that makes you my little princess, doesn’t it?”

Goku’s eyes fluttered open, his face burning as he tightened his grip on Vegeta’s arms and moaned loudly. He turned his face to the side, attempting to bury his flushed cheek into the sheets.

Vegeta quickly caught on to his mate’s arousal, and decided to provoke him further. An arrogant grin crossed his lips as he gave a long stroke in and out, “How’s my cock feel, Princess Kakarot?”

Ohhh g-gods!” Goku cried, and with that, a stream of cum shot out from Goku’s cock, splattering across his lover’s chest.

Absolutely dumbfounded, Vegeta stared wide-eyed at Goku as he watched him struggle to catch his breath. Goku was trembling and groaning, recovering from his powerful and very unexpected orgasm. Vegeta paused, but did not pull out. He’d never made Goku finish so quickly.

“S-sorry,” Goku muttered with baited breath, his hand feeling his own heart race inside of his chest. “Didn’t know I’d like hearing that so much.”

Vegeta snorted, “Yeah, me neither. Good to know.” He peered down at his chest, “I suppose we’re done here?”

Goku frowned, thinking for a moment before answering, “I think… I think I can keep going actually.” He peered down at his still fully erect cock, pulsing and ready for more action. “Yeah, pretty sure I’m good to go. Fuck me harder this time,” he pawed at Vegeta’s chest eagerly, his voice becoming more like a growl.

“Oh?” Vegeta raised a brow before pulling back and snapping his hips hard against his mate. “Like this?”

Goku shuddered, “Unf, y-yes please--ohh.”

“This is what you want, little princess?” Vegeta teased as he thrust harder this time. “You want my cock like this?”

“Y-mmmm… yes, m-y prince,” Goku’s eyes squeezed shut as he pleaded. He nearly snapped the sheets in half between his clenched fists as he squirmed.

“Oh, fuck, your asshole feels fucking good,” Vegeta leaned down closer until his teeth were at Goku’s throat. He snarled, “So warm and wet and tight for me.”

“Unf--K’r--ohh,” Goku groaned unintelligibly as Vegeta sucked on his neck, leaving a bruise and teeth imprints behind. “M-more, please!” he managed to cry out. Vegeta was fucking him just right, and he didn’t know what he’d do if he stopped.

Vegeta’s face was just as red as Goku’s by this point. He never would have imagined sex could feel this amazing. He reached down between them to stroke Goku’s cock as he rolled his hips faster.

“How’s this my little Carrot? Tell me h-“ he shut his eyes before continuing, attempting to control the build up of heat in his groin. He knew he didn’t have much time left. “Tell me how much you like it.”

“`t’s--oooh… too g-good, my pr-ince,” Goku stumbled over his words. “Please,” he begged.

Vegeta peered up and snatched one of the pillows from behind Goku. He swiftly placed it underneath Goku’s hips, biting his lip as he adjusted himself.

“Mmmmm,” Goku blushed, “The perfect breeding position.”

“Fuck,” Vegeta’s eyes rolled back and he hammered into his mate, unable to hold back any longer.

Goku responded by digging his nails into Vegeta’s back, scratching down his thick Saiyan skin. He could feel himself being stretched. He could feel how drenched he was getting. He could feel the intense heat gathering both in his cock and deep inside of him as his body pulsed and throbbed in line with his mate’s.

“I-” Goku panted, cut off only by Vegeta’s hungry lips. All he could do was moan into his mouth. This was fine for Vegeta though. He didn’t need to hear what Goku was going to say because he already knew. Goku was getting close, and Vegeta was getting close too.

Vegeta pulled his face back, stroking Goku’s cheek with his thumb, “Where do you want my load, princess?”

Oh,” Goku’s eyes rolled back, “F-fuck… I--Kami, K’reshi d-do it inside!”

Hmmm,” Vegeta moaned with a satisfied grin as his hips rolled unevenly, pushing himself even deeper than he thought he could go into his mate. He tightened his grip onto Goku’s cock, stroking him exactly how he liked it as he brought Goku to his second orgasm.

Vegeta pressed their foreheads together as they reached their climaxes in sync. It took several long moments of moaning and shuddering before Vegeta could pull out. They were both still breathing rapidly together as Vegeta allowed himself to relax and lie down on top of his mate, cheek resting on Goku’s chest. Goku held onto him tightly as they purred together, enjoying the utter bliss. 

It wasn’t until Goku let the delicate words, “I love you,” slip off of his tongue that the peaceful moment was over.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Vegeta sat up and shot a glare at Goku. His brows were furrowed as he growled, “You what?”

Chapter 21: Memories of Panic

Chapter Text

Chapter 21 - Memories of Panic

Therapy session #26: ~6 months of therapy

"Let's talk about the panic attacks you've been experiencing," Dr. Martin nonchalantly flipped through her pages of notes. “Bulma mentioned that they seem to occur more often when you’re around Goten.”

Vegeta's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Tch, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, woman. I don't panic, not about anything!" He bristled, the mere insinuation provoking his ire. "Especially not over that brat being in my house," he spat derisively.

Dr. Martin maintained her professional calm despite Vegeta's hostile tone. "I understand this is difficult to confront, Vegeta," she said in a level, empathetic voice. "Denying or downplaying intense emotional responses can sometimes be a defense mechanism to avoid vulnerability." She gave him a meaningful look. "Acknowledging and working through these challenges is an important step towards emotional healing and well-being. Your inner peace matters, not just for yourself, but for Bulma, Trunks, and those who care about you."

Vegeta felt his jaw clench at her words, a sneer curling his lips. "You think I need your psychobabble concern for my 'well-being'?" He gave a harsh, mocking laugh. "I am the Prince of all Saiyans, an elite warrior! I do not experience panic, nor do I require coddling about my supposed 'inner peace'." Pushing himself to his feet, Vegeta's energy flared around him. "You waste both of our time with these ridiculous notions. I am in control of my emotions, not the other way around."

He turned on his heel, fully intent on storming out of the office and putting an end to this preposterous therapy session. How dare this Earthling woman presume to psychoanalyze him?

"Vegeta..." Dr. Martin's unwavering voice forced him to pause.

His back tensed. He puffed, "Panic attacks sound like some irrational, pathetic human response to being weak," he scoffed, his upper lip curling in disgust. "It's not at all what I experience when that child is around."

Rather than arguing or pushing back on his denial, Dr. Martin simply nodded, her expression remaining open and inquisitive. "I see. Then help me understand what you do experience when Goten is around." 

Vegeta slowly turned around, and Dr. Martin met his obstinate glare with a calm gaze. He opened his mouth, a biting retort undoubtedly on his tongue to rebuff her attempt at analysis. But something in Dr. Martin's poised yet compassionate tone caused him to stop. With an irritated huff, he crossed his arms tightly across his chest and turned his fiery glare toward the window.

"It's not… it's nothing like panic," he ground out slowly, as if carefully weighing each word. "That implies fear, a loss of control. And I am always in control of my mind and body, no matter the circumstance." He risked a sidelong glance at Dr. Martin, who continued watching him attentively, free of judgment. Releasing a slow exhale, Vegeta reluctantly continued as he made his way back to the couch.


I slammed my fist into the punching bag, sweat streaking down my brow as I pushed my body through the final reps of my evening training routine. At long last, I’d finally completed it, though not quite meeting the heights I was aiming for.

As I draped my damp towel around my neck and turned down the gravity level, a sudden creak of the door opening made me whirl around, hands raised defensively. But it was no threat - just that baby brat crawling clumsily into the gravity room.  

"Woman!" I bellowed towards the living quarters. "Kakarot’s damn spawn has wandered in again!"

I shot a look of disgust down at the little half-breed infant, but it simply grinned back up at me, drool dribbling down its chin. 

I scowled, waving him off brusquely. "Get out of here, boy. I've no time for your nonsense."

Of course, the oblivious brat paid no attention to my command. He only continued his advance, despite my growls of irritation. Scrambling up on his tiny, unsteady legs, he took his first feeble steps in my direction. Most people would be in awe while watching a child take their first steps, but I couldn’t possibly care less.

"Don't you dare," I warned, holding up a hand as he teetered precariously close. "I mean it, boy, stay ba--"

My words caught in my throat as the boy stumbled, tiny arms pinwheeling. On pure instinct, I shot out and snagged his wrist, saving him from diving face first into the tile floor. Those big, innocent eyes crinkled in delight at my intervention, unleashing a smile that damn near stopped my heart.

It was so achingly, disturbingly familiar. The same bright, dopey grin as his father’s… the man who sacrificed himself to save us all. A lump formed in my throat as the baby's chubby finger pointed squarely at me.

"Da...da!" He babbled brightly.

The blood drained from my face as those two simple syllables lanced through my chest like a white-hot blade.

"Don't..." I rasped, panic clawing at my throat. "Don't call me that, you blithering idiot!"

But the brat remained undeterred, grinning widely as he chirped again, "Dada! Dada!"

And just like that, a tidal wave of emotions I'd mercilessly stamped down came crashing over me - rage, regret, sorrow. My chest heaved with the effort of forcing air into my constricting lungs.

"Get out!" I snarled, feeling my control slip through my fingers like fistfuls of sand. "Get the hell out of here! Kakarot is gone! Kakarot’s gone! He’s dead, and he's never coming back, you stupid, insolent, little brat! Get the hell out of here!"

The boy recoiled, his face crumpling as I thrust him away from me with a violent shove. But I could no longer see through the haze of unrestrained anguish, self-loathing, and memories that battered me from all sides. Doubling over, I clutched at my heaving chest as the room seemed to spin violently.

"No… no, this was not supposed to happen," I choked out between ragged gasps. "I should have died that day… I..."

My legs trembled and buckled beneath me as the full weight of failure crashed over me in relentless waves. In the distance, I heard Bulma shouting, felt her arms trying desperately to steady me. But I could do nothing to stop the maelstrom of grief and panic that had finally torn free, leaving me utterly unmade.


Dr. Martin blinked at this unexpected admission. "Vegeta, what you're describing, that tightness in your chest and the sense of losing control… why do you think you begin to feel those things when Goten is around?"

“I haven’t the faintest idea,” Vegeta rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you the shrink? You tell me.”

Well, it was progress anyway. 

Dr. Martin took a few moments to decide how to best pave this conversation. She checked her notes quickly before prompting Vegeta to give some more information. “It must have been so hard on Chi-Chi and her eldest son, Gohan, after Kakarot passed away. It’s very generous of you and Bulma to help them out by babysitting Goten.”

“I couldn't care less what happens to his blasted children,” Vegeta crossed his arms. “He should be the one here helping his woman raise them and care for them. But instead his little brat is crawling all around my home, interrupting my training, disturbing my peace.” 

“Vegeta, Kakarot can’t-”

“And even worse,” his volume increased, “His woman comes over to our house nearly every week, too. I mean, she’s over all the damn time, crying about how lonely she is without him.” 

Taking this rare opportunity of Vegeta’s openness, Dr. Martin remained quiet, listening intently to his venting.

He went on, “Do you know how many times I’ve had to sit on the couch with her and Bulma, watching their ridiculous Earth soap operas because she just couldn’t stand to be home alone?” Vegeta found himself shouting at this point, standing up and balling his fists beside him, “I don’t even enjoy spending time with my woman, and now I have to spend time with his, too? I can’t take care of everyone!”

The room was silent for several moments as Vegeta took some deep breaths. He’d learned that tactic after the first few months or so of his sessions, and though he didn’t want to admit it, it really was helpful. Taking a seat back on the couch, he’d finally relaxed some. 

He spoke softly, “Kakarot should be the one taking care of his children and his wife. Instead he chose to die, and it’s all on me now.”

Dr. Martin paused briefly, frowning at her notes before looking back up at Vegeta. “Kakarot chose to die?” she asked.

Vegeta grunted, not really wanting to explain the entire situation, but going on anyway. “He tried to do some noble self-sacrificing bullshit to save his family and the Earth. It almost worked, but didn’t really. He died for nothing, all the while completely upstaging me. And to make things worse, he still refuses to come back to life,” he shook his head in disgust.

“Forgive my ignorance,” she interrupted, “But couldn’t you just wish him back to life? With the Dragon Balls?”

“Won’t work,” he crossed his arms, “As I said before, he doesn’t want to come back. He says that by staying dead, he’s protecting his family. He claims that without him around, no one will be threatening the Earth anymore.”

She pondered this for a moment, her brows furrowed. “Well, was he right?”

What? ” Vegeta’s eyes darted up to her. Certainly she didn’t dare ask such a question.

“Was he right?” she repeated. “Has anyone come to harm his family or the planet since he died?”

Vegeta opened his mouth to speak, but his voice was stuck in his throat. He quickly shut his mouth, his lips quivering. He was furious. Fuming. 

It took him several moments to collect himself before he could respond. “Why the hell does it matter if there hasn’t been any threats since he died?” His voice came out as a deep snarl. “If someone’s threatening your family, you kill them, you don’t kill yourself!” He shot up to his feet again, his ki dangerously rising. A small part of him felt rather hypocritical saying this about Kakarot, when he himself frequently dealt with these sorts of thoughts, but in this moment he couldn't care less.

By this point, Dr. Martin had discovered that giving Vegeta a minute or two to cool off before continuing oftentimes helped with his outbursts. She waited patiently, silently, for him to go on, as she knew he would.

In the moments of tense silence, Vegeta's anger began to wane, giving way to a more somber realization. The mention of Kakarot's role in maintaining peace unintentionally unearthed the deeper wounds that had long festered within him. He sighed, finally calm enough to sit down on the couch again and speak. 

"It's not just about the aggravation of babysitting his children," Vegeta admitted with a heavy sigh. "Every time that boy is around, it's like a relentless reminder of how much responsibility I have. Now there's yet another child and woman around for me to screw up."

“Screw up?” Dr. Martin raised a brow. “What do you mean?”

The Saiyan prince's gaze shifted, eyes clouded with memories and unspoken pain. The thought alone of Goku’s name carried a mix of sorrow and bitterness. His lips twitched, "Everyone in my life ends up dead. My family, my entire race, even… even Kakarot - they’re all dead. Soon enough I’m sure his brat will be, too."

Dr. Martin was silent until she was sure that Vegeta was done. She leaned in, determining the best way to give him some validation. “Vegeta, it's completely understandable that you feel this way. Parenting is a complex journey, and your concerns about being a good father and the fear of losing those you care about are valid.”

Vegeta leaned his arms against his legs, lowering his gaze to the floor. He was ready to accept his responsibility in all of this.

“Vegeta?” She caught his attention.

He peered up at her, awaiting her wisdom.

She caught his eye and held his turbulent gaze. "The intensity of your reaction makes complete sense when viewed through the lens of your history. Kakarot’s sacrifice, the guilt you harbor over his death, your complicated feelings toward him..." Dr. Martin shook her head slightly. "Of course the floodgates would burst open at that moment."

He couldn’t look back at her any longer, but she knew he was listening.

Dr. Martin leaned forward more, "The path forward will be challenging, I won't lie. But you've taken the first real step. From here, we can start building tools to handle those overwhelming fight-or-flight responses when they arise. Slowly, incrementally… you can learn to stay grounded and regain control."

Chapter 22: Do Better


Hey y'all, just wanted to say thank you for everyone's continued interest, kudos, and comments on this fic! <3

Chapter Text

Chapter 22 - Do Better

“I-” Goku’s cheeks turned bright red as he sat up, “I said that-”

Vegeta interrupted him with a snarl, “You love me?”

“Well… yeah-”

“Tch,” Vegeta cut him off again, dismounting from the bed, “You don’t know the first thing about love.”

Goku’s shoulders slumped, “What do you mean?” His heart sank into his stomach, “Of course I do! I’ve… I’ve loved you for so long-” 

“Yeah, I highly doubt that,” Vegeta muttered as he found one of his dirty outfits on the floor and began to dress himself.

“I…” Goku shook his head in confusion, “‘Geta, I don’t know what you mean.”

“How could you possibly think that you’re capable of feeling that way toward me?” Vegeta glared at him as he zipped up his jeans. “How could you possibly think that you love me when you fucking left me?”

“I-” Goku frowned, “I left you?”

Vegeta growled, “Oh, don’t be an idiot!” He began pacing the room, balling his hands into tight fists by his sides. “I’ve told you from the very beginning that this wouldn’t work. You left. You left your children, and your wife, and-”

Goku blinked, “Vegeta, what are you talking about? You mean when I died? After fighting Cell?”

Obviously,” Vegeta growled.

Kami, that was like over 15 years ago! I thought we were past this,” Goku shook his head in both frustration and disbelief. “I don’t even… I mean… how could you say that to me?” His voice cracked. “I was doing what I thought was right,” he stood up, his voice defensive. “I was a danger to everyone around me! I stayed dead to protect-”

“You abandoned us!”

“I loved you!” Goku yelled. “I loved all of you.”

“Oh, really?” Vegeta challenged, “That was how you show your love? By leaving?”

Yes, Vegeta, exactly. It was. It is. I left because of how much I loved you all.” Goku crossed his arms too, “You think I wanted to die?”

Vegeta scoffed, “Frankly, I don’t care what the hell you wanted.” He continued to pace around the floor, grumbling to himself before turning back to Goku, “You don’t understand what your little self-sacrificing stunt put everyone else through!”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Goku shouted back, “You know why I-” 

“No, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” Vegeta was fuming, his aura flickering as he retorted, “If you loved everyone so much, then why didn’t you stay and fight harder? Train harder so you could beat whatever enemy would come next? Why not?”

“I did try,” Goku’s eyes were lined with tears. He was angry, sure, but mostly just hurt. “I always tried.

“You didn’t though. You gave up!” Vegeta shouted, banging his fist against the wall, ignoring how it bent and trembled under his touch. “And you left me to clean up your mess.”

“No, I didn’t!” Goku insisted as he tried to step closer to his mate. “Vegeta, I need ya to trust me when I say-”

Trust you? ” Vegeta laughed maniacally.

Goku opened his mouth to respond, but he couldn’t. His heart tremored.

“You wanna know the real reason why I won’t let you touch me?” Vegeta seethed through gritted teeth. “Because the only thing I can trust is that you’re a selfish idiot who doesn’t care about anyone but yourself!”

Goku could feel his heart cracking. He wanted to shout right back at Vegeta, but he was so shocked that he couldn’t form a single word.

Vegeta paid no mind to Goku’s reaction as he went on, “You know nothing about the pain of real, genuine loss. You’ve spent your entire life here on Earth, dabbling in the privilege of using the Dragon Balls to revive anyone you’ve ever lost, and fix all of your mistakes.” He kicked the floor, “Well, not all of us had that luxury, Kakarot. I lost everyone. Our entire race. Completely obliterated.”

Goku didn’t know what to say. He took in a staggered breath.

Vegeta lowered his head, “And the one time I thought… I thought I could bring someone that I cared about back to life…” he sighed heavily, “You didn’t let us bring you back.”

“Vegeta,” Goku whispered, “I-”

But Vegeta only doubled down on his point, “While you were playing around in Other World, I was the one that helped take care of your infant son for seven years. I gave your eldest son his desperately needed fatherly advice. And I was there every single time that your wife needed someone to pick up the pieces that you broke. Not you. Me.

Goku was taken aback by a stabbing pain in the pit of his stomach.

“And then there’s me,” Vegeta murmured almost inaudibly, “You left me.”


“You made me think I was the only one left of our kind. The last true Saiyan,” Vegeta spoke softly as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, facing away from Goku. “I thought… I thought I’d lost everyone. The prince of a fallen race.”

“Vegeta, I’m so s-”

“And even worse,” Vegeta cut him off, whispering words he’d never dreamed he’d say out loud. “I missed you,” his voice cracked. “So much.”

Goku swallowed hard. 

After a moment of silence, Goku found the strength to stand up straight and walk toward his partner, sitting next to him on the side of the bed. He considered leaning his head onto Vegeta’s shoulder, or taking Vegeta’s hand into his own, or scooting over a few more inches so they could be closer, but instead he remained where he was, unmoving.

"I know you're hurting," Goku murmured, his voice heavy with empathy. "But I want you to understand my side of things."

Vegeta's eyes remained fixed on the floor, avoiding Goku's gaze. "Tch," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I already know your side. Earth's greatest hero takes an early retirement so he can enjoy a care-free afterlife in Other World. I don't need to know anything else."

Goku's heart sank at Vegeta's dismissive tone. He wanted nothing more than for his mate to understand the depth of his pain, and the weight of his decision. "That's not the full story though," he protested, turning to look at Vegeta's averted face. A familiar ache settled in his chest as Vegeta refused to meet his eyes.

"I don't wanna sound insensitive," Goku continued, fiddling with the sheets beneath his fingers. The words caught in his throat, "But you're not the only one who's been through somethin' traumatic. I-"

Holding up a hand, Vegeta aggressively cut him off, “Yes, yes, and I’m sure if I gave you the opportunity, you’d sit here for hours and talk my ear off with all of your many traumatic life experiences.” He shook his head, chuckling darkly to himself. “You have no idea how fortunate you are to have problems so trivial that you can actually form them into words.”

Goku recoiled as if struck, Vegeta's words piercing him like daggers. A heavy silence settled between them, the weight of unspoken pain and resentment hanging in the air. Vegeta's jaw clenched, a flicker of regret passing over his features as he realized the harshness of his words.

He didn’t need to look up to know that Goku was silently tearing up beside him. Shit, he thought to himself. I’ll catch hell for this later if I don’t make this right. He inhaled, preparing to dish out a quick apology, but he was too late.

The bed shifted under them as Goku rose to his feet, arms crossed tightly over his chest. He couldn’t even look at Vegeta as he spoke. “I think you should leave.”

Wide-eyed, Vegeta parted his lips in disbelief. He thought maybe he could argue and insist that he stay. He didn’t mean it. He should have just listened.

“Now,” Goku added.


“Hey,” Goku greeted meekly as he waved to Piccolo and Dende.

“Hey, Goku!” Dende beamed. “Everything okay? We don’t see you up here too often these days.”

“Yeah,” Goku nodded with little confidence as he walked past the Namekians. “All good. Just wanted to get away from it all for a bit.”

Piccolo raised a puzzled brow. The last time Goku came up here wearing that expression on his face and saying he needed to get away from everything, he ended up getting a divorce. He watched as Goku took a seat at the edge of the lookout, legs swinging off the side. After a short while, he decided to take a seat beside him.

It was calm, peaceful, for some time. Only the breeze was keeping their ears buzzing. That was, until Goku broke the silence.


Piccolo grunted, turning to face him.

“Do ya think…” Goku’s voice trailed off for a moment before he continued, “Do ya think I did the wrong thing to stay dead after fighting Cell?”

He was faced with silence for a moment or two before Piccolo finally answered. “I’m not sure I can answer that definitively, Goku. We all understand why you did it. Chi-Chi, your sons, all of us. And I have to say,” he took a deep breath, “I truly do believe that your sacrifice was well meaning, with the intention of keeping everyone safe. We have no idea what could have happened to Earth during those seven years if you’d decided to come back to life.”

Goku chuckled, “I think Vegeta might disagree with you there.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. That being said,” Piccolo went on, “You should know that your death had quite an impact on everyone.”

“I know,” Goku slumped back down. “Chi-Chi gave me a big lecture after I came back. And Gohan and Goten… well I think a lot about how much we missed out on so many years together.”

“Right, they certainly went through a lot after your death, but ultimately they understood your decision.” Piccolo frowned, “But it wasn’t just them, you know. Vegeta also had a challenging time grappling with your death. Maybe more than you realize.”

“Oh?” That got Goku’s attention. He sat up, turning to face the Namekian.

“I wasn’t planning on sharing this piece of information with anyone for Vegeta’s sake,” Piccolo’s voice rang with discomfort, “But it seems only fair that you know.”

Goku's brow furrowed as he studied Piccolo's uncharacteristically apprehensive demeanor. Little puzzle pieces began clicking into place. The strange interactions between Vegeta and Piccolo, the death glares Vegeta shot Piccolo's way whenever they were together… Whatever information Piccolo harbored about Vegeta had to be the cause of the tension. He began doing the math in his head, but his attention was pulled back to reality at Piccolo’s words.

“A few months after you died, I came across Vegeta in a deserted area of the planet, and I…” Piccolo scowled, unsure if he should continue.

“You what?” Goku pressed anxiously.

Piccolo paused for what felt like forever before completing his thought. “I have reason to believe that he was going to harm himself. Or worse.”

Goku’s lips parted. His face twitched. “He--what? H-How… what-” He grunted, trying to form a coherent sentence. “How’d you know that?”

Letting out a sigh, Piccolo shook his head lightly, “Can’t say for sure. He was out alone, and it… it didn’t seem like a typical training exercise. I can’t explain it, but I just knew.”

Brows furrowing, Goku looked down at the clouds hovering beneath them.

“The way that the blood dripped from his arms and wrists…” Piccolo’s voice went silent for a few moments before he whispered, “I just knew.”


The door to Capsule Corp burst open as Vegeta stormed through, his face contorted with fury. He was fully prepared to unleash his rage in the gravity chamber, letting the intense training session drown out the thoughts swirling in his mind. However, to his surprise, Chi-Chi sat at the kitchen table, her presence unexpected.

Vegeta's initial plan was to brush past her without a word, his sole focus on reaching the training room. But as he made his way across the tiled floor, Chi-Chi's voice cut through the tense silence. 

"Is something wrong, Vegeta? You look more irritated than usual." It was short and snarky, but well-intended.

He whipped around, his eyes narrowing as he barked, "Nothing's wrong, woman." The words came out harsher than intended, but he didn't care. Pivoting on his heel, he resumed his stride towards the exit, only to be halted once more by Chi-Chi's probing question.

"Did you and Goku get into a fight again?"

Vegeta's back stiffened, his muscles tensing involuntarily. A low grumble escaped his lips as he muttered, "Bulma talks too much."

Chi-Chi shook her head, her expression calming. "Bulma didn't tell me anything. Goku shares a lot with me."

“That talkative bastard,” Vegeta mumbled. Stretching out his senses, he suddenly realized that Bulma's energy signature was absent from the compound. "Where is she?" he demanded, his voice clipped.

"She took the kids out," Chi-Chi replied, unfazed by his brusque demeanor. "Do you want to chat before they get back? I promise not to share the details. It might help some."

Vegeta's jaw clenched, his pride bristling at the thought of confiding in the ex-wife of his long-time rival, now mate. Great, as if I don't get enough of this 'privileged and confidential' bullshit with Dr. Martin, he thought bitterly. Yet, despite his initial resistance, he found himself drawn to the table, sliding into the chair across from Chi-Chi.

An uneasy silence settled over the kitchen as Vegeta's scowl deepened. He quickly began to regret sitting down, feeling like a caged animal being studied under Chi-Chi’s eyes.

Undeterred by his standoffish demeanor, Chi-Chi leaned forward, her expression softening. "You know, I was married to Goku for a long time," she began, choosing her words carefully. "He can be a little… hmmm… why don’t you tell me what happened this time?” Chi-Chi asked gently. "Did Goku do something thoughtless again that got under your skin?"

Vegeta chuckled at her question, "You're damn right he did.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared down at the woman before him. “He thinks he understands what it means to have real genuine problems. He thinks he understands me. He thinks he's in love with me! That idiot isn't capable of love."

Chi-Chi's eyes widened in astonishment at Vegeta's unexpected outburst. "How can you say such a thing, Vegeta?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Vegeta snorted derisively. "You of all people should understand what I'm talking about. He left you and your children for seven years, for gods' sake!"

A mirthful laugh escaped Chi-Chi's lips, catching Vegeta off guard. She shook her head, "Goku only stayed dead to protect our family and the entire planet," she explained calmly. "And it's ridiculous for you to claim he doesn't understand trauma or that he doesn't have real problems." 

Quick on the defense, Vegeta opened his mouth to give some sarcastic retort, but Chi-Chi wouldn’t allow it.

Leaning back in her chair, Chi-Chi regarded Vegeta with a mix of understanding and reproach. "My ex-husband may be powerful beyond belief, but he's also experienced more hardship and loss than most can even fathom."

Vegeta’s eyes narrowed, “What the hell are you on about?”

She ticked off the examples on her fingers. "He was sent to Earth as an infant, his entire race massacred. He grew up alone, without knowing his heritage or his true strength. Time and again, he's had to watch friends and loved ones sacrifice themselves or be killed right before his eyes."


Chi-Chi interjected, “Then when his long lost brother finds him, he kidnaps his son! And on the very same day he finds out that he was the one responsible for killing his own grandfather.”

“His… grandfather?” Vegeta blinked.

"Who do you think Goku named his son after?" Chi-Chi arched an eyebrow at Vegeta's bewildered expression. She didn't wait for him to respond before continuing. "Grandpa Gohan was the one who found Goku as an infant and raised him in the wilderness. He was a kind, gentle soul who taught Goku everything he knew about surviving in nature."

Vegeta briefly wondered why this was of any importance, but also why he had yet to meet this old man.

Chi-Chi's expression turned somber. "Tragically, when Goku was still just a child, he accidentally killed Grandpa Gohan with his Saiyan strength during a full moon." She shook her head slowly. "Goku didn't find out the truth about his Saiyan heritage until much later. Can you imagine the guilt and anguish he must have felt, learning he had murdered the only father figure he ever knew?"

Almost embarrassed by his previous reactions, Vegeta’s gaze dropped down to the table. But Chi-Chi’s gaze only bore harder into him. "So don't try to tell me Goku doesn't understand real trauma or hardship. That day was one of the most psychologically devastating of his life. And the only way he felt he could protect his family was by killing himself. Can you even imagine how that must have felt?"


Chi-Chi scowled, leaving no room for argument. "Goku may seem simple at times, but he carries immense emotional burdens. Don't you dare belittle his understanding of pain."

Her voice softened, taking on a more contemplative tone. "As for love… Well, Goku expresses it through his actions more than words. I've never doubted his love for me or our sons, despite the separations and crazy adventures." She gave him a side glance, “But you of all people should understand that.”

Vegeta's throat constricted as Chi-Chi laid bare all that Goku had endured. He had been so consumed by his own pride and perceived slights that he failed to truly grasp the depth of his mate’s suffering.

Swallowing hard, Vegeta met Chi-Chi's unwavering gaze. "I..." he began, his usual bravado momentarily failing him. "You're… right. I hadn't considered the full scope of Kakarot's burdens."

His eyes drifted down to the table once more as shame crept up his neck. As a Saiyan raised to embrace strength above all else, he had desperately clung to the belief that his pain and isolation were unmatched. Yet here was the woman who knew Goku more intimately than anyone, revealing layer after layer of anguish he could scarcely fathom.

"I suppose I've been blinded to the true extent of what he's overcome," Vegeta admitted, his voice low and gruff with uncharacteristic vulnerability. Finally, he lifted his gaze to meet Chi-Chi's once more, a flicker of new understanding glimmering in his eyes. "You're also correct that I… understand the ways in which that clown expresses his affections more than I often care to admit."

Chi-Chi nodded.

A wry, rueful smile played across Vegeta's lips. "For all my supposed edge in emotional intelligence over Kakarot, perhaps I've been the bigger fool all along." He sighed, “I may owe him yet another apology.”

“Yeah,” Bulma’s words pierced through him as she stepped through the front door, “You do. And more.”

Vegeta groaned, “Oh gods, here we go.”

“Don’t ‘oh gods’ me!” Bulma snapped as she set down her shopping bags.

“You don’t even know what we were discussing!” Vegeta yelled back, rising to his feet.

Bulma snorted, walking over towards him, “I’m smart enough to figure it out. You did something insensitive to Goku, again, and now you need to fix it. No context needed.”

Vegeta huffed, “Dammit, woman, it’s not like I meant to make the idiot cry! I just-”

“You did what!? ” Chi-Chi's voice was laced with fury. 

Vegeta swallowed hard. 

Bulma shoved an unforgiving finger into his chest, “Vegeta, I don’t care what the hell happened between you two! You’re going to make this up to him! This is Goku we’re talking about. The sweetest, most kind-hearted-”

Gods, maybe you should be the one dating him,” Vegeta rolled his eyes.

To his great shock, Chi-Chi gasped with excitement from beside them as an idea popped into her head. “That’s it! What a great idea! A date. You’re going to take him out on a date to make this up to him.”

Vegeta snorted, “Yeah, okay, sure.”

Growling, Bulma’s voice echoed in his ears, “Vegeta, I swear to the God of Destruction if you don’t make this up to Goku I will personally see to it that you-”

“Why the hell do you care so much?” he interjected. “It’s my life! Why don’t you just leave me the hell alone?”

“It’s not just your life,” she jabbed her finger into his chest again. “Goku’s been my closest friend for as long as I can remember. He may be an idiot sometimes, but he’s a good guy and he deserves to be treated right.”

Oh, well excuse me, Princess Bulma,” he spat, “Remind me, when will it be my turn to judge how you treat your boyfriends? Hmmm?”

Bulma clenched her jaw, her fists trembling.

Vegeta’s narrowed eyes slowly relaxed as he realized who exactly he was talking to like this. With a sigh, he lowered his head, “Listen, Bulma, I don’t think he’s actually angry with me. I think I just… hurt his feelings. He’s a man. He’ll get over it.”

“I’m sure he will. In fact, he'll probably try to pretend like this whole thing didn't even happen for your sake,” Chi-Chi placed a hand on both Vegeta and Bulma’s shoulders. She looked up at Vegeta, “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give him a proper apology.”

“Tch,” he crossed his arms, “I never had to do that bullshit when I was with Bulma.”

Bulma raised a brow, “Yeah, and look at us now. Divorced.” 

Vegeta’s lips parted, but he’d run out of things to say.

Bulma’s voice had softened some as she stepped out of his personal space. “Vegeta, don’t you think you should learn from your mistakes? You could actually make things work this time around. Doesn’t Goku mean enough to you? Can’t you do better?”

He blinked, looking down at the floor. He loathed when she was right.