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Guardians in Paris!


With Marinette becoming the new miraculous guardian and losing master fu as her guide, she must do her best to guard the miraculous miracle box from the upgraded Shadow Moth, at least she’s not alone in the battle. Shadow Moth on the other hand, sees a great advantage, with not only a power up and a possible advantage over Ladybug being an incapable guardian but having a new ally who shares a possible interest! Meanwhile it seems like new faces are showing up in Collège Françoise Dupont.

Disclaimer: I own nothing other than part of the plot. Seeing as this will follow some of the plot from season 4.


Hello! My name is Star and it's been a really long time since I've last wrote anything. I have basically abandoned writing but I seek to reignite that flame if I can a fair warning early on though incase I do jump ship on this one lol.

I have also previously worked on a Miraculous and Shugo Chara story that I felt I couldn't completely. With that in mind and after some time I have return with a new story for a Shugo Chara and Miraculous Crossover!

So here are some notes to be aware before reading!

Shugo Chara Characters will have the following ages to fit with the Miraculous Story line.

Ikuto = 17
Utau= 16
Kukai = 15
Amu, Tadasa, Rima, Nagihiko = 14
Yuki and Kairi = 13

In this story Easter has yet to be defeated and has been prolonged for a few years. Yikes! Therefore some events in the anime/manga have happened while others have not for story wise sake. It’s a mix here and there. If anything, instead of the events happening during the 1-2 years it took (I think), the events happened in much longer periods of time. If that makes sense.

Also note that for the most part the canon information I will be using is that of the English version of Miraculous.

With out any further delays, here's a little prolouge.

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter Text

In the attic of the well known mansion of the Agreste family, stood Gabriel Agreste mixing and working with different minerals and tools, adding the final ingredient of a peacock feather.  A small explosion resulted within the bowl. With a dropper he took some of the strange liquid from the bowl and let it fall into the cracks of the peacock miraculous.


“Miraculous Repair yourself” He spoke, the jewelry shined and began to float. After a few more seconds it fell into his hands. Repaired.


“It worked!” Gabriel spoke seeing the fully repaired peacock miraculous, “It’s now safe to use” he added, placing it onto his shirt. A blue creature came out of the magical jewelry, having feather features, like a peacock. It wooed energetically. 


“I feel so much better!” It started floating about. “What happened?” it asked turning to face another purple creature just like it, minus the peacock features and instead having moth-like wings. Blabbering on it failed to notice Gabriel Agreste’s satisfying look at the now repair Jewelry and a more or so saner Kwami. 


“Nooroo, Duusuu... Unify!” Circles of lights began to form at the bottom of Gabriel’s feet moving up his body, changing his current white suit to a purple one, a cane magically appearing on his hand and a mask covering his whole face appeared. 


Gabriel could only laugh at his success. “With this I have a better chance at obtaining Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous’!” He hummed as he gave into his small glory before letting the transformation fall. Walking back towards the table he was working on, he reached for his phone, picking it up he scrolled through the contact list before clicking one of his contacts and calling, the phone rang a few times and then the person picked up staying silent on their end.


“This is Gabriel Agreste...” Gabriel Spoke. An amusing humming was heard on the other line.


“Oh Mr. Agreste, how are you?” the person on the other side asked pretending as if he just recalled who was calling them. 


“Hello Mr. Hoshina, worked, with the materials you sent” Gabriel glanced back to the minerals and items he had on the table he used to fix the Jewelry.


“That’s good news to hear Mr. Agreste, I can only assume you’ll be on board in helping us out here?” You can hear a smile on the other end. One that Gabriel didn’t seem to enjoy hearing, unless of course it was from himself.


“Of course.. However... it seems you are helping me out more than I am helping you,” Gabriel said with a hint of suspicion in his voice. He heard a laugh on the other end.


“That’s understandable, believe me you are helping us. As mentioned previously and for your kindness two of my employees will be residing at your place, one can do your dirty work to fight of those pesky heroes of yours, while the other can help you in obtaining more victims to akumatize, her manager will also be accompanying her and in return all we are looking for this magical egg that-”


And what is so special about this magical egg??” Gabriel interrupted it sounded ridiculous when he said it out loud. The Voice stayed silent, it pondered a minute debating their next words.


“Well.. you’ll be more cooperative knowing now wont you?” That ticked Gabriel off, he felt insulted. Had he not asked he was sure he would’ve been left in the dark. “Very well, the magical egg we are looking for is called the Embryo, it is said to grant a wish, any wish to anyone who obtains it. Very much like your Miracle jewelry, or however they are called.” 


“An egg that can grant wishes?” He asked aloud, shocked. A magical egg sounded ridiculous, much less a magical wishing egg. 


“Trust me, we were as surprised as you when we found out about the magical jewelry, that.. Can also grant wishes, but we only want the egg” 


“How am I supposed to trust that those are your intentions and not a trap to take the miraculous instead to grant your own wish?” Gabriel now worried if he made the right call asking the person for their help. 


“Now, now no need to get agitated. Trust me, our boss isn’t interested in that, he has his sight on the Embryo. Those are his orders. Magical trinkets don’t interest him. At least.. for now.” A laugh was heard on the other end ticking Gabriel even more but no more than hearing he wasn’t speaking with the one in charge. 


“Your boss?! Who am I speaking to then?” He felt more of a fool or puppet in someone else’s game. By now he knew it was too late anyway he had to continue on his part even if it means being a fool for a bit as long as he gets what he needs.


I apologize but our boss has no time for such conversations, I am in charge of every negotiation,” Gabriel stayed silent “ One other thing, while we’re on the topic, just as we won’t interfere in obtaining your magical jewelry, we hope you would do the same. Of course if you dare turn against us we’ll know and your son may pay the price” 


“LEAVE MY SON OUT OF THIS” Gabriel shouted he heard only a laugh in response, he was definitely getting tired of it.


“It’s only a warning Mr. Agreste, should you go after our magical granting wishing egg. As long as you don’t, nothing happens to your son. We gave you the information you needed to fix your jewelry, and assisted with the materials you needed without prior compensation, so it’s only fair you trust our word.” Gabriel was close to just throwing his phone right out the window or into the wall. But the deal was done the moment the peacock miraculous was fixed.


“Very well” Gabriel sighed, as long as he was only after the miraculous nothing would happen to Adrien. That’s all. “When will these employees of yours arrive?” Gabriel asked.


In a few days, I’ll let you know once they’re on their way, pleasure doing business with you Mr. Agreste. We’ll be keeping in touch.” The call ended. Gabriel sighed, rubbing his eyebrows.  


“It’s fine. It’s allowing me one step closer” He held the peacock miraculous in his hand giving it one last look at its now fix version before putting it under his tie. 


“In the meantime, I’ll try out my new powers until reinforcements arrives.” He said transforming once more.

Chapter 2: Guardian Meet up

Chapter Text

The bell rang to indicate the end of class and many of the students rushed out to enjoy their weekend freedom. While a few students lagged behind, among them was a pink haired girl slowly putting her books away in her bag. She yawned, she was tired and she swore the black circles under her eyes were evident to everyone.  


“Cheer up Amu-chan!!” a small voice cheered, the pink haired girl glanced up to see a small red hair floating little person in a cheer leading outfit waving her pom poms. “You only have to complete today's Guardian meeting and we go home!” the little person said. If only she could just go straight home.


“I hope so, Ran... last night’s X-Egg hunt was tiring.” Amu mumbled, placing her bag over her shoulders. Her guardian Characters Ran, Miki, and Suu giving worried glances over their tired person. Amu was now in middle school. Meanwhile their advances in finding the Embryo and stopping Easter seemed to have no end. Dealing with school and other teenage shenanigans didn’t help. Walking out of class Amu saw her friend, Rima, a short girl with long blond wavy hair wearing a black head band, who stood there waiting for her. Much like Amu, they both wore their middle school uniforms, which was the same design as their elementary one. Instead of the girls having red accents they now wore purple accents, while the boys wore green instead of blue. 


“Amu,” Rima greeted with a slight nod. Amu nodded and they both began to walk towards their destination past the whispers, awes, and squeals of their peers. Like that would ever get old. 


“I don’t get how you don’t look tired, Rima.” Amu pointed out as they exited the school building walking into a new path that led to a Green House, to them also known as the Royal Garden. Her comment earned her a piercing glare from Rima, only then did Amu notice the dark circles forming under Rima’s eyes, she also could’ve sworn she saw a dark aura surrounding Rima.  Amu could only muster a dry laugh in her defense. 


That's the life of a Guardian.


Both girls entered the garden and were greeted by a calming smell of tea and freshly baked cookies. In the middle of a garden was a table set up for eight, which made Amu and Rima wonder why, since the table was usually set for five. At the table waiting for them was Nagihiko, a boy with long dark purple hair and amber eyes, who was already sipping a cup of tea. Tadase, a blonde boy with ruby colored eyes, eating one of the cookies and Kukai, a boy with auburn messy hair and olive colored eyes who was bouncing a soccer ball around until he noticed Amu and Rima arriving at the table. Greeting them with a hearty “Hey!”


“Good afternoon Amu-chan, Rima-chan,” Tadase greeted as both girls took their seats, Nagihiko stood up and poured them tea and Kukai helped push their seats in, keeping the soccer ball under one of his arms. Their guardian Characters floating and greeting each other even setting up in their own little playhouse castle with their own tea and cookies.


“Afternoon Tadase-Kun” Amu said and greeted Nagihiko as he poured her tea.  


“Afternoon,” Rima said, taking a sip of her tea. Amu turned to Kukai 


“It’s a surprise seeing you here” She commented, earning a wink from him.


“Well.. todays a special occasion” Kukai responded, either he actually knew something or he was pretending, Amu was at least sure about that with the wink he gave.


“Yes, Kukai-kun will take part in this meeting, Tsukasa-san personally reached out to him.” Tadase spoke up, earning a questionable look from Amu, Rima and Nagihiko. “We’re just waiting on Kairi and Yuki-chan” This earned more questionable looks. 


“Yes.. It seems Tsukasa-san wants to speak with all of us current and former guardians” Nagihiko added, thinking about their situation. While normally their positions would end in elementary school, the guardians extended their branch onto their middle school years, with Easter nowhere near ending their search of the embryo and with no new Guardians arising to take their places, it was decided to allow Amu, Rima, Nagihiko, Tadase and Yaya to keep their current roles. Kukai still kept his role as a graduate guardian and Kiari kept his position as a sub Jack. The only difference is that their meeting takes place in the middle school’s garden.


“Is it something we should be worried about?” Amu asked and Tadase shook his head.


“We’re not sure.. at the moment Tsukasa-san hasn’t mentioned anything...” They stayed in silence pondering about the possible news Tsukasa would have for them. They weren’t even sure if it was good news or bad. Tsukasa never really showed much of his expression especially when it came to giving out important news, he always kept a gentle expression, which made it hard to read.


“Guuys!! We’re here!” A voice broke their thoughts after several minutes. Looking towards the entrance a girl with brown eyes and ginger hair in two pigtails waved happily at them. To her left stood a boy with green hair, green eyes and glasses and to her right stood a tall man with a very similar resemblance to Tadase except with light brown hair and purple colored eyes. 


“Yo! Yaya, Kairi!” Kukai greeted, earning a giant hug from Yaya, who was excited to see him. In the meantime everyone stood up to greet Tsukasa and Kairi. 


“It’s great to see everyone,” Tsukasa greeted, smiling at everyone who returned the greetings. After they were done everyone took their respective seats, minus Tsukasa who stayed standing.


“Now onto the big news.” Tsukasa started keeping the guardians on edge. His voice was serious, Amu could only gulp as she stared at what looked like a solemn expression on Tsukasa’s face. Silence and tension filled up the room as Tsukasa took in a deep breath. 







“We’re going to france!” He said cheerfully, taking out two small french flags from his pocket and waving them around. Amu could’ve sworn she lost her balance, almost falling from her seat. The next thing she did her friends joined in union.


Meanwhile, two middle school students, minding their own business, were walking out of the school when they heard yelling coming from the direction of the garden. Startled they turned to the sound of the yelling, looking back at each other they shrugged and continued on their merry way back home.


Back inside the garden Tsukasa let out a hearty laugh, still waving the flags. “That’s right! Hope you all have been taking your French lessons seriously!” 


“One moment!” Tadase started “is this true?” he asked and Tsukasa nodded his head. 

Yaya was the only one at the moment expressing her desire to have fun on their trip, jumping around. The others however were skeptical of the idea, surrounding Tsukasa for more information. Tsukasa’s smile didn’t fade but his eyes showed a bit of worry.


“I wish it was a fun overseas trip but I’m afraid this is a guardian matter that we will be dealing with.” Yaya started to sulk at the idea of working. The others took their seats to hear further on the matter. 


“What’s a guardian matter in France?” Kukai asked. Tsukasa scratched his head, despite preparing for this he wasn’t sure how the students would take on the matter. Nonetheless he knew it was a task they could handle.


“Well to start off, I received a letter from an old friend of mine.” Tsukasa took out a letter from his pocket and placed it on the table. Wang Fu was written on the side of the sender. “Something happened to them and in a normal situation I would have visited him in France myself. However that’s not the case, this friend of mine deals with a situation similar to ours.” Tsukasa paused.


“Do you mean Guardian Characters and X-Eggs?” Tadase asked, Tsukasa shook his head


“Close but no, something else, it’s complicated so I can only inform you from the little information he has shared with me.” Tsukasa began “As you know Guardian Characters, are fairies that help in aiding you to fulfill your dreams. Just as they exist so do other beings, powerful ones. My friend always kept his information vague, but there are other fairy-like creatures that exist, while they don’t serve the same purpose as Guardian Characters they lend their powers to individuals to keep earth’s peace. Unfortunately... one of them has fallen into the hands of someone who lost their way...” Tsukasa took a deep breath “while trying to save them my friend has planned to make a very great sacrifice, which by now I am sure has come to pass” Tsukasa smiled sadly.


“It was the best choice he could make and reached out to me to assist the person who would take his place. However, while I was preparing for this trip and doing my own research it seems there’s a reason for the recent increase in X-eggs here... Easter wanted us off their tail. They meant to keep us distracted from the bigger picture. Easter... has set their sights on catching the Embryo in France and most likely will find assistance with this wayward soul.” 


“Why?” Nagihiko was the only one who could even ask the question as they continued to process the information given. They weren’t even sure what to ask. Who is this friend of Tsukasa? What are these creatures he mentioned? What will they be dealing with exactly? And Why get involved in the first place? Kairi stood up, adjusting his glasses, with a heavy sigh he took his turn to speak. 


“Strange occurrences have been happening in France and Easter has caught wind of that. This makes them believe that there’s a chance of the Embryo appearing in France. They are already several steps ahead. I heard from my sister that Utau Hoshina is going to make her new song debut in France.” Kairi had a solemn expression. He knew what his sister was up to and she believed to know what he and his friends were up to, thinking he was still playing double agent. It hurt knowing he was betraying his sister but it hurt more knowing she wasn’t doing the right thing, and he had to do what he could even if it meant deceiving her.


“It seems Easter has been in communication with someone powerful in France, thanks to that a partnership has been formed, and Easter is making their move. Recently, There’s been sightings of X-eggs there, luckily they have yet to make an actual move towards them hatching or even threatening civilians, but who knows when they will. Easter is already several steps ahead of us.” Kairi continued. 


“And Unfortunately not all of us will go. Only a few in order to be able to keep control of the X-eggs and X-charas we have here, therefore Yaya and Kairi will stay here, since both have now found the ability to purify X-eggs and X-chara, they’re enough to keep them at bay, especially if they’re only serving as a distraction from the bigger picture.” Tsusaka added and Kairi nodded in agreement. Yaya can be heard whining in the back for not being part of the group that goes. 

“If we’re lucky and find new students with Guardians, it will help us control the X-eggs here. We are still learning as Guardians but we can at least guide them” Kairi said confidently. Kukai raised his hand.


“What will we tell our parents?” He asked, earning nods from the others debating how to tell their parents to let them go to France. Tsukasa couldn't help but laugh. 


“You guys don’t have to worry about it, that will be taken care of as I will personally reach out to them, if they ask, you were all chosen to participate in a student exchange program. Studies, flight and living quarters will all be covered, so they won’t need to worry, financially for the most part.” Tsukasa was the kind of person a parent can trust with their child, with charm and charisma who wouldn’t. 


The rest of the conversation consisted on what they would need to pack, their schedules and prepping their flight. Easter was already ahead by sending Utau, and who knows who else they were sending. Not to mention Tsukasa didn’t have any more information to give about the other fairy-like creatures or the powers that they may have to deal with.


‘I wonder if Ikuto will be there’ Amu wondered, the image of the blue haired boy made her feel upset. After all, Easter has yet to let either Utau or Ikuto go. Their battle is lasting longer than they would’ve hoped and neither side ever seems to get close enough to catch the Embryo. It pained her to know both siblings weren’t able to escape Easter’s clutches. Especially when she knew they wanted out and how close they were to at least freeing Utau from Easter’s clutches. She held a hand to her chest. Almost wanting to tear up, not only for Utau but for Dia as well, she was still an X- Chara and with Utau.  


“With this we’ll be able to head to France in two weeks,” Tsukasa sighed, it was a timeline reasonable enough to be able to convince the parents and play it off as keeping the exchange program in the low, afraid that their parents would say no. Amu herself knew her parents' reactions but was sure they would most likely allow her to participate, there would be a lot of crying from her dad but when was he not crying over his two daughters. Her mother on the other hand may be skeptical about it but she also knew it would be a chance for her daughter to expand her horizons.

‘Alright in two Weeks the Guardians Arrive in France’  Amu though clenching her fist to pump herself up. She wasn’t sure what to expect but she could only hope for the best. Whatever it was, she hoped they could obtain the embryo and free Utau and Ikuto.

Chapter 3: Floating Eggs?


Note: I think I made this one a bit more fast paced (?) Not sure if it's better than the pace of the last two chapters. I felt like I needed to get the story moving lol, I also divided this into two chapters because it started to feel longer. I haven't written in so long idk the normal word amount, and I'm pretty sure I wrote less in each chapter than I do now.

Also to answer one comment: Unfortunately this plot will not Involve any of the miraculous characters having Chara's

Chapter Text

Days have passed since Marinette became the guardian, and in that short time many things have happened. Marinette's life had turned upside down and she wasn't sure how to deal with it, at least for a few days, from Shadow Moth arising with now more powerful villains, to breaking up with Luka, to almost losing her group of friends and becoming a loner. Now after those troubling moments she was able to speak up and let her best friend Alya know about what's been going on, with that she was at least able to breathe more easily. She had someone on her side, who she could count on in her normal life. Of course that didn't stop the blue haired girl from overexerting herself trying to stop Hawkmoth, now Shadow Moth.

With his new powers he started akumatizing one civilian after another each day. Having to fight many of them again and again. Marinette has started to become a bit more desperate to find a solution, or at least hinder Hawk Moth for just a bit. Or if he could just give her a break from all the akumas that would be great.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug shouted as she threw her lucky charm into the sky fixing what the Akumatized villain did.

"NO! We were so close this time!" Shadow Moth shouted, hitting his cane on the ground, frustrated.

"Shadow Moth," a voice called, turning around shadow moth saw his assistant there, fixing her glasses and holding a clipboard.

"Nathalie! You're not supposed to be here," He started, Nathalie let out a small cough.

"I know, but I came to inform you directly that your special guests have arrived, '' Nathalie mentioned. This made Shadow Moth smile.

"I see, thank you Nathalie I'll be right down"

"Yes Shadow Moth" Nathalie gave a small bow before leaving.

"Ladybug you may have been lucky this time but let's see if you're a match for my reinforcements" Shadow Moth laughs echoing through his lair.

"Pound it!" Ladybug said along with her hero companion Chat Noir.

"Another day another villain defeated, isn't that right m'lady?" Chat Noir asked gleefully. Ladybug could only shake her head at him, tapping her feet in anxiety, she was ready to leave, taking her yo-yo out, swinging it, preparing to throw it..

"Yeah, see yo..u...later...?" Ladybug, stopped her movement, her eyes widened, she stayed silent staring at what was before her, the yo-yo in her hand now on the ground, or rooftop, she wasn't sure at what she was looking at. Chat Noir took in her sudden pause at her retreat and slowly turned to see where she was staring. Not far from them was a floating black egg.

"Did you order any breakfast to.. Uh.. float?" Chat Noir asked, they both watched the floating egg turn revealing a giant white X mark on it. "Treasure?" Chat Noir asked, receiving a hit from Ladybug. The egg floated about getting closer to them. Chat stayed in front of Ladybug holding his staff, ready to attack. "Could it be another akumatized villain?" He asked, watching it get closer, carelessly in a sing song voice they could only hear "Muuurrriii" Coming from the egg.

"I'm not sure, and what is it saying? what's Muri?" Ladybug asked yo-yo now ready to strike. Suddenly the egg stopped moving towards them. It looked like something else had caught its attention and looked around before flying away. "Let's go!" Ladybug shouted following the egg. Chat noir right behind. The egg continued its way throughout Paris, with unpredictable moves and Ladybug was getting a bit frustrated not being able to catch it. The egg came to a halt on top of a building the X mark on it was facing the Eiffel tower. It stayed still as if thinking.

"We can catch it now" Ladybug whispered, she lunged herself to catch the egg, but black figures passed between them startling Ladybug. "Ah!" she almost fell off the roof had Chat noir reached out any second later. Not that it would hurt that much anyway but still. Pulling Ladybug back onto the roof. "What was that?" Ladybug asked, the egg was no longer there and Chat noir's attention was now at the Eiffel tower.

"What the-" the Eiffel tower was slowly having a ring of black eggs float around it. The one they were following floated to join in the circle of eggs. This confused Ladybug even more, and the more it did the more her anxiety did too. Was this a new plan from Shadow moth? Is it a new type of Akuma? They just defeated one, and a new one is already out? She barely, no, she hasn't gotten any grasp on becoming a good guardian, she barely learned anything from the book.

"My lady" Chat Noir brought her out of her thoughts placing a hand on her shoulder, looking at her worried. Right, there's no need to be caught up in unnecessary thoughts. She had to focus on what was going on in person. "We have to go" Chat added confusing Ladybug, he pointed to her earring and showed his ring seeing both were on their last minute.

"Let's meet up at the Eiffel!" As fast as she could she stood up running, Chat watched her disappear, going the other way when he heard the final warning from his ring.

Ladybug sighed as she landed in an alleyway detransforming. Marinette sat down, catching her red kwami companion in her hands giving her a macaroon to eat.

"Hurry Tikki, who knows what Hawk Moth has up his sleeves." Marinette said as Tikki tiredly took a bite out of the macaroon.

"I don't think they're Shadow moth's doing Marinette" Tikki said, earning a confused and worried look from Marinette. Tikki gave her a gentle smile. "Don't worry Marinette, we can deal with it together!" Tikki said, trying to cheer her up by patting the hand she was sitting on. Marinette gave a small nod now wondering what to do. Standing up to peek out of the alleyway she saw the Eiffel tower was still being surrounded by the eggs.

"Mom! Mom, look over there!" A young boy shouted pulling onto his mom's arm pointing towards the Eiffel tower. His mom could only look at the tower in confusion.

"What are you talking about sweetie?" She asked.

"There! On top! The black cloud!" The kid persisted. "What is that?" He asked. His mother only continued to have a confused look. In her eyes there wasn't anything surrounding the tower. Not even a single cloud covered the sky either.

"Sweetie there's nothing there.. Now let's go or else we'll be late" She responded now tugging him along to continue their own walk. Marinette watched as they continued walking. The kid only continued to look back up at the tower.

"That's weird." Marinette noted, placing Tikki into her bag to let her finish her Macaroon, as she walked out of the alley way and started walking to the Tower. There she began to take notice of everyone's actions. She saw younger kids point to the tower, while the adult ones looked confused at the children's concerns. Others continued on their own walk, many still going to visit the tower itself. "It seems only kids can see it. Is it an Akuma that can only be seen by kids?" Marinette mumbled. Going once again into a spiral of thoughts.

"Marinette" Tikki whispered to get Marinette's attention, looking down Marinette saw Tikki nod, determined, she was ready. Looking around Marinette ran to hide herself and transform once again into Ladybug. 'Alright let's figure it out' Ladybug thought as she swung back to the Eiffel Tower getting up half way when Chat Noir joined.

"My lady" Chat spoke with a grin. Ladybug only rolled her eyes, continuing to make her way up the tower alongside Chat. Reaching the top they were now seeing a group of black eggs singing and circling the tower. They didn't seem to pay much mind to Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Well there's enough to feed us," Chat said, earning another nudge from Ladybug. Looking around she wasn't sure what could've attracted the eggs to circle around the tower much less their purpose.

"Tikki said they may not be Shadow Moth's doing" Ladybug said, she could feel some sort of power emitting from them but that's all it was, a feeling. Ladybug kept thinking and she only felt frustrated, it was clear they weren't Shadow moth's especially with the fact that if they were the moment they landed onto the tower they would've attacked instead they're still moving on their own singing about, not caring about Ladybug or Chat Noir being there. Since they're not akuma's, how was she supposed to handle it? Are they even worth handling? All they're doing is circling the tower and at the moment the only people that could see them are the kids, Chat Noir and herself. They haven't done anything either. Thinking and coming up with more blanks ladybug started to feel...

"Useless..." Ladybug mumbled as she began to feel frustrated, Chat once again placed a hand on her shoulder, not noticing the fact that one of the eggs stopped singing, turning to face ladybug with a question sounding 'muri'. Ladybug moved her shoulder away from his touch. She didn't need comfort, she needed answers. More eggs slowly started stopping noticing her behavior. Ladybug kept getting into her own thoughts. Chat noticed the chanting stop, the egg, all their X shape marks were facing Ladybug. Slowly they started inching closer

"Ladybug" Chat Noir spoke, taking out his staff ready to attack, Ladybug was brought back to reality now taking notice of the behavior change in the eggs. "I think we may have to prepare some scramble eggs" Ladybug shook her head, getting rid of her negative thoughts. She had to focus, she wasn't sure what to do but she would figure out something at least. The eggs in return started inching away scared of Chat's staff, once they realized Ladybug no longer had the negative thought she was having they looked at each other. Giving a final bounce before Ladybug or Chat Noir could react the eggs spread out all going into different directions.

"Maybe we can find the Easter bunny in charge of these eggs" Chat Noir noted as he slowly lost track of the eggs. Ready to follow at least one of them. Ladybug stopped him. "Shouldn't we stop them?" Chat Noir asked, now confused.

"For now let's return," Ladybug didn't want to admit this but something told her to hold back for now. No longer seeing a trace of the eggs she gave out a sigh "For now they don't pose a threat. They haven't done anything and they didn't attack us when we first arrived. Even when you pulled out your weapon they didn't become hostile, instead they fled. We don't know what they are or what they can do, the only thing I can tell is that you, kids and I are the only ones that can see them" Ladybug paused looking over Paris and down at pedestrians walking, minding their own business. "But not adults, otherwise they also would've panicked after seeing a strange black cloud circling the tower but they didn't... I'll see if the book has any information on them. Just be on alert if they cause trouble" Ladybug said

"Right, don't worry my lady, I'll always be here" Ladybug gave him a small smile, they did one small 'pound it' move and then they retreated.

Ladybug returned back to him, entering through her balcony into her room where her best friend Alya was waiting.

"What took you so long to return?" Alya asked. In her hand was her phone with a video displaying the battle that just occurred with the Akuma. Ladybug instead went straight to the guardian book.

"Something came up."

"With Chat Noir?" Alya asked almost in a teasing tone. Ladybug didn't react to it, focusing on the book in front of her flipping through it. "Ok, seriously. What happened?" Alya asked. Ladybug could only sigh again.

"It seems like there's something new, I don't know what it is or how to handle it. All I know is that they're floating black eggs" She admitted, feeling like she sounded crazy.

"Floating black eggs?" Alya questioned, that made Ladybug feel more crazy but she could only nod as she continued flipping through the book before her.

"And there's nothing here! Not even a drawing!" She was getting frustrated.

"Woah, Chill girl, we need to give you a break" Alya added slowly, reaching and taking out the book from Ladybug's hand. Ladybug shook her head.

"We can't, We have to figure out what's going on"

"And we will but for now we need to calm you down. Thinking about all of this will get you nowhere if you don't catch a break. Let's go get some cookies from downstairs and relax a bit" Alya said, placing the book down, and taking out her phone. "And maybe catch up on other things, I heard new students are joining the school after spring break" Alya shook her phone, almost enticing Ladybug to take the bait and she was fighting hard not to fall for it. Until a little orange fox kwami floated next to Alya.

"Tikki may also need a break" it said, and with that Ladybug was now back into Marinette, and the red kwami was once again in the palm of her hands.

"Ok a little break, but then we have to go back to figuring out what to do," Marinette admitted and Alya hugged her.

"We will" she said before pulling away, Marinette placed tikki on her desk and gave her another macaroon to eat in the meantime they get more. Both girls started heading down the stairs. "By the way I heard one of the students is a famous singer! Oh and then there's this other one who has a cool reputation, I heard she got accepted into any school she wanted and that no principal dared to defy her." Alya said, earning a laugh from Marinette.

"Are you sure it isn't just Chloe?" She asked at the mention of the last student.

"Oh I hope not! We already have one and we don't need any more of her in the world!" They laughed and it was something Marinette definitely needed. She would get back to her Ladybug business in a bit. For now She'll enjoy catching up on regular life with Alya.

Chapter 4: The Agresete’s New Guests


I tried to get an idea of the layout of the Agreste Mansion, I am still unsure about the layout lol so I will be making some stuff up about it. I am mostly confident on what the first two floors entails, but will modify stuff for the Second floor and make up stuff for the third floor, and use the windows as a base to determine an outline for it. Apologies if I confuse you!

Chapter Text

"Claws in," Adrien said once he landed safely in his room. Plagg sighed plopping down onto the couch.

"What an exhausting day of surprises" he grumbled.

"Yeah... Plagg do you have an idea of what that was about?" Adrien asked, sitting down next to Plagg, giving him a piece of camembert. Which he gladly ate in one bite.

"Beats me, I'll have to consult it with Tikki and see what she says about it, another one please" Plagg extended out his hand, motioning for more camembert. Adrien laughed, shaking his head giving Plagg another piece. This time Plagg was taking his time eating the second piece of Camambert, enjoying each bite he took. Adrien leaned back on the couch wondering about the event.

"It's definitely weird, floating black eggs. I wonder if Shadow Moth got a new power up. But how? They don't seem to be causing harm, Ladybug didn't use her yo-yo on them so maybe they aren't Amoks or Akumas?" He asked, staying silent, letting his thoughts run "So...what are they?" He asked himself. "Ladybug also mentioned, we can see them but not other people" Taking his phone in his hand and turning on the T.V with the other he searched. There weren't any reports of the eggs on the news or on the ladyblog. It was something he and the ladybug needed answers to, and the sooner the better. Adrien sighed, his thoughts wondered, the T.V being the only thing he was hearing.

"And once again Ladybug and Chat Noir have saved the day, Shadow Moth has yet to give up on the miraculous but we know that Ladybug and Chat noir are always ready to stop him! Next up rumors have been circulating about a famous singer spreading her career here at france! Here's Clara with more information!"

"Thank you Nadja, We're putting rumors to rest to confirm that famous Japanese Singer Utau Hoshina has arrived here in France! Spotting her at the airport hours ago. Miss Hoshina is expanding her career internationally! Parisians are lucky to have her first step is here in France! With a new album in the works, She is staying here indefinitely, concerts and shows are still to be determined so be on the lookout! She will also be joining the Agreste's-" Adrien looked back towards the T.V at the sound of his name seeing the blonde news reported in a small corner of the T.V as a video played of another blonde in pigtails singing.

"That right we-" Adrien started interrupted by a knock, he sat up properly and turned off the T.V in the process.

"Come in!" He answered, the door opened and Natalie walked in, Adrien met her halfway.

"Adrien, your father wants to speak with you." she said watching Adrien get up and walk up to her.

"My father?" Adrien asked and Nathalie nodded, reaching out to fix his shirt and hair a bit.

"Yes, do you recall when he mentioned having guests stay here?" She asked. Adrien nodded. He was surprised at his father's actions. He was told they would be having two exchange students staying with them. He wasn't aware his school did that or that his father would be allowing them to stay with them. He knew they had the space, he just never thought his father would actually let strangers stay in it. He doesn't even let his best friend visit! "They have arrived so we have to make a good impression" she said, giving him a small smile after moving a strand of hair.

"Of course," Adrien replied with a smile. Nathalie nodded and exited his room first. Adrien glanced back towards Plagg who flew to hide in Adrien's shirt pocket, before Nathalie could turn back around.

"Adrien" Nathalie called. Noting he wasn't walking with her.

"Sorry!" Adrien apologized, following right behind her. Adrien could already hear his father talking, but couldn't make out a word. From the railings he saw three people near the bottom of the stairs, two females and a male. One of the female's a woman with glasses and red hair, she was wearing a pale yellow suit and was talking with his father. The other two were teenagers; they looked like they were slightly older than him. The girl being a blonde with two pigtails, wearing a black and gray uniform, he realized it was the girl from the t.v. The other was a tall male in what would be the male version of the school uniform the girl was wearing, having blue hair and carrying a violin case on his back. Both were close and both were clearly interested in having a look around the place. Adrien was more surprised seeing little people floating around them, an Angel and Devil looking was around the girl and a cat looking one floating around the guy. It seemed like his father nor the woman speaking with him took notice of them, not even the teens themselves. Glancing at Natalie he noticed her demeanor wasn't changing either. Adrien decided to pretend he couldn't see them, he wouldn't want them to think he was crazy for seeing floating little people, then again he had a magical being in his shirt pocket, but nobody knew that.

Adrien and Nathalie had reached the top of the center stairs and caught the attention of both teenagers. He felt a cold shiver run through him, it felt more like glares rather than normal staring, they were almost piercing enough to make him want to hide behind Nathalie but he fought it. Nathalie cleared her throat to gain Gabriel's attention, as they continued down the stairs.

"Ah, Sanjou-san, this is my assistant Nathalie," Gabriel semi turned to introduce Nathalie to the red-haired woman.

"A pleasure to meet you, I'm Yukari Sanjou," Yukari greeted excitedly, extending her hand towards Nathalie.

"The pleasure is mine." Nathalie nodded, shaking her hand. Gabriel walked towards Adrien placing his hand on his shoulder.

"And this is my son Adrien Agreste"

"Hello, it's nice to meet you" Adrien spoke shyly, reaching out his own hand to shake Yukari's hand.

"Aw what a cutie you are! It's nice to meet you! Do you perhaps know how to sing? You and Utau can make a wonderful duo! Of course a modeling duo will also work!" Yukari spoke, shaking his hand, Adrien laughed before turning to look at his father curiously. Gabriel cleared his throat.

"Miss Sanjou, is the student's guardian and Miss Hoshina's manager" Gabriel explained to Adrien, he nodded, He wasn't really sure how the student exchange program work, to even question why the students needed a guardian to stay with them as well or that if a student was famous their manager can tag along too. "And Yes, it's possible, we would still need to work out the details for it." Gabriel responded to Sanjou's rambling in the background, placing a hand on Adriens shoulder.

"It will be nice working with you Miss Sanjou" Adrien responded. Gabriel nodded, then motioned towards the two teenagers.

"And these two are Utau Hoshina and Ikuto Tsukiyomi, they're siblings and our guests throughout this student exchange program" both gave a small bow in response.

"My name is Utau Hoshina, it's nice to meet you" the blonde responded first, Adrien shook her hand, hesitantly, feeling almost an air of hostility from the girl.

"It's nice to meet you Utau," Adrien responded.

"Ikuto Tsukiyomi" the blue haired continued but only gave a slight bow, Adrien followed suit.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ikuto." Adrien felt awkward at Ikuto's indifferent greeting but still gave him a smile. Gabriel once again cleared his throat to gain attention.

"Adrien, as you know they will be staying with us as part of a student exchange program" Gabriel said. "With your school wanting to expand the studies of its students, it's a good opportunity to be able to have two of them stay with us. You can also learn a thing or two from them" Gabriel said. Adrien was still curious about his father's actions but nonetheless accepted them, he started wondering if maybe it was some sort of improvement to their current lifestyle. After all he would have company and other teenagers to get along with and Utau was probably someone he could relate to by working on the entertainment business, though he might have to work on it.

"Both Miss Hoshina and Mr. Tsukiyomi here are skilled music wise." Gabriel added "Miss Hoshina is a singer and Mr. Tsukiyomi here can play the violin. Perhaps you can expand your musical studies throughout their stay here" Adrien nodded. Maybe his music lesson wouldn't be so boring anymore.

"Yes father," Adrien replied. Giving both teenagers a bright smile "I hope you both feel at home here" He added, earning a 'hmp' from Utau and a nod from Ikuto. He was a bit more sure about Utau's hostility and Ikuto's indifference. His eyes wandered a bit, catching glances at the little people floating. The angel looking on sounded very enthusiastic about the place, while the devil looking one sounded like it was ready to cause trouble and the cat one ended up on top of Iktuo's head taking a nap. Adrien quickly averted his eyes towards the ground when he noticed Ikuto's eyes move towards him, leading to a stare. 'I didn't mean to stare.. But what are those things? They don't look like kwami's at all, or maybe they're another kind? Or are there other kinds of Kwami's?' Adrien felt a hand on his shoulder that brought him out of his thoughts, looking up, it was his father's hand.

"Adrien please lead them to the guests room so they can get settle meanwhile we finish up with the paperwork this entails, later we can rejoin for dinner and you can give them a tour of our home if you'd like" Gabriel said,

"Yes Father" Adrien nodded, Gabriel walked away with Nathalie and Yukari into his office leaving Adrien with the two teenagers. They stayed silent for a while. Adrien cleared his throat.

"Um.. so you can follow me," he started, leading them up the stairs and they followed in suit "um so where are you from?"

"Japan" Utau responded with a scoff. 'Right.. I knew that... already' He shook his head.

"Oh that's cool! I have a gir- erm..friend who's also from Japan, she's a very skilled fencer." He played off, that didn't seem to spike their interest, he was glad they didn't ask about his own correction, but still felt embarrassed at the misstep. "um.. So why did you participate in the student exchange?"

"Our father wanted us to participate," Utau responded, "he said it was best for us to go overseas."

"Oh.." Adrien wasn't sure what to say. They continued up the stairs taking the right side until they reached black door halfway through the third flight of stairs, before the double doors at the end of the stairs. Opening the door it shows another two sets of stairs leading up to the third floor. Reaching the third floor the siblings noticed it consisted of a spacious hallway, to their left were 4 doors equally spaced. Meanwhile on the right side there were two doors on each end of the hall while the middle consisted of a giant double door. "You guys can stay here" Adrien motioned to the row of doors "the double doors in the middle is a sharing space for the guests." Adrien motioned to each door. "but the rest of the rooms are available so you can choose which one you prefer." Adrien proceeded to open some of the doors to let them choose. Both siblings walked into each room looking around. Each room was spacious in its own, and each had their walk in closets and bathrooms.

After looking at all five rooms Ikuto debated between the second and third room on the left side he entered the third room, glancing around until he reach the window, he notice the window was big enough for him to go through, it's the main factor he considered about both the second and third rooms, with the others having a smaller window. Looking out he saw the entrance of the mansion, it was a good view to see who entered and exited, currently he was able to see the large driver that brought them in taking out their luggage.

The window was the main advantage he saw of both rooms, even if it could be risky if he were to leave through the window, but it was one he could take. Ikuto set down his violin on the bed, turning around to see Adrien there. Adrien smiled, taking it as a sign that Ikuto had claimed the room. Turning to Utau who was at the moment just standing, like she didn't care.

"Your brother had chosen a room" Adrien spoke, gaining her attention and motioning to the room. Utau walked over to see his room and then the two next to him.

"I'll take this one, '' Utau said entering the second room Ikuto had considered. Adrien nodded. Now alone in the middle of the hallway he wasn't sure what to do next, He was able to see both siblings wander around their respective rooms. He also took notice of the little people floating around to explore too. He was now sure that the Angel and Devil looking one belonged to Utau. It wasn't much of a question for the cat looking since it was napping the whole time on top of Ikuto until they made it to their room.

A thud caught their attention as Placide, also known as Gorilla by Adrien, arrived, setting some luggage down. Adrien moved to the side so Gorilla could lay down the luggage in between both rooms. He grunted before proceeding to bring up some more bags.

"I'll let you two settle in then. Um.." Adrien hesitated for a second but still mustered up the courage "I hope you can both join us for dinner" Adrien added, and Ikuto nodded, as he grabbed one of his suit cases.

"Sure" Ikuto he added

"Great! I'll let you two settle then and let my father and Nathalie know which rooms you're staying in. She'll stop by to give you the keys to your respective rooms." with that Adrien left. Once he was out of sight and they heard the door close, Utau sighed, crossing her arms and leaned against the door frame to her room.

"Do you think he has any charas?" She asked Ikuto, both staring at the door he left through, a chuckle was heard.

"He must have if he could see us!" the little devil chara spoke up. The cat one floated towards her.

"I agree nya~! We should explore!" He suggested, ready to leave but was held back by Ikuto who grabbed him by the collar.

"No, if he can see chara's it's best not to wander about, Yoru" Ikuto warned. "Besides, we're not sure if he has any and we were told not to involve him, so we keep away" Ikuto finished, taking some more of his luggage into his room before closing it. Utau stayed a little longer wondering.

She saw the door to the third floor open watching Gorille bring in the last of their luggage, or more like the last of hers. She gave out another side. "You can leave those in the middle of the room" Utau stated, stepping aside allowing Gorilla to set down the luggage and bring the ones he left on the hallway inside. "Thanks" Utau said once he was done and left. Looking at her luggage she got ready to unpack. Thinking back to what Ikuto told her she grumbled.

""If that was the case then why do I have to work with him"

Chapter 5: Cats and Pigeons


Notes: As mentioned Previously the story will follow for the most part Season 4 of Miraculous, for any refreshers this chapter will include episode 4 "Mr. Pigeon 72".

I'm trying not to be too descriptive of what goes in the actual episode and instead try to summarize it.

Chapter Text

Ikuto and Utau were quick to adjust to their new surroundings, Utau was already going to different photo shoots and recordings to prepare for her upcoming concert, meanwhile Ikuto took it easy to explore around the city as well as getting more familiar with the ins and outs of the Agreste mansion, Especially with any secret lairs, unfortunately it seemed like Gabriel never leaves his office long enough for him to explore, he was sure it was because he didn't trust them yet and they didn't either.

Easter was clear in wanting to know more about the mysterious jewels Gabriel Agreste has in his possession and the ones he was practically hunting for, their ideas was to see if they can borrow the items for a bit to search for the embryo, of course they wouldn't be careless to just go in and take especially when they knew almost nothing of what that man was capable of, it would be a slow game for now.

Ikuto wasn't really content with the situation but he couldn't complain, his personal goals almost aligned with Easter's and he was curious about what these magical jewels entailed. It seemed neither him or Utau would get to know about them anytime soon. It has been a few days since they have arrived and the only time they have seen Mr. Agreste is through the window whenever they would enter or leave the mansion, and occasionally around the mansion.

As for Adrien they saw him daily, all three of them would usually have breakfast, lunch and dinner together, unless either Adrien or Utau were needed for work. Ikuto noted that Adrien saw him like a roommate or friend as he would often be asked to hang out with or be curious to know more about him. Ikuto wasn't too pleased about it but knowing he had to get along with him was a mission he knew he had to complete, it did mean he was going to put effort in it though, so his answers were usually short with Adrien, but fulfilling enough for Adrien not to think he was being bothered. Still Ikuto enjoyed his alone time, this gave him the freedom to roam about, and he had to take advantage of the situation. Especially with their new School being in the middle of their spring break. He was still wrapping his head around the importance of the miraculous jewels and so far he hasn't witnessed any of these Akuma's or Super Heroes that he was supposed to encounter. For now at least.

It was noon and Ikuto was taking a nap when he heard a knock, waking him up he waited and heard another, he yawned and sat up, by the third he stretched and walked towards the door seeing Gabriel's assistant Nathalie.

"Mr. Agreste would like to meet with you and miss Hoshina in his office" She said and Ikuto nodded watching her leave before closing the door. Scratching his head he got ready taping the egg Yoru was napping in lightly.

"Yoru, wake up" He said, Yoru barely woke up letting out a meowed sound, Ikuto shook his head opting to just carrying Yoru in his pocket and heading towards the office.

Upon arriving he saw his sister there along with her manager Sanjou, as well as Gabriel Agreste and his assistant Nathalie.

Now his work would officially begin.

Formalities was the beginning part of the conversation, and then were the roles, even though Ikuto zoned out most of the time he was still able to get the general idea. Utau would continue her work, as she would've done back home, sing to bring out x-eggs, and continue her regular jobs and events with the occasional addition of collabing with Gabriel's son to boost her popularity and maybe break a few hearts along the way if a rumor were to spread... As for Ikuto, himself during the day he would serve as Adrien's bodyguard. Despite what Gabriel did, he was concerned for his son's safety. At the same time Ikuto would report back anything that could help Gabriel either to Akumatize new people or if there was any word among the people about the superheroes that were ruining his plans, over all both of them had to lie low, and not to involve themselves too much into Gabriel's plans unless it was to help him..minor character changes where acceptable but full out transforming was off the table.

Ikuto wasn't too pleased about taking care of the blonde boy nor the restriction of where he goes and whether to transform or not but going against the idea wasn't worth the trouble. After today any time Adrien left home he would tag along. One thing was for certain Ikuto felt pity for the blonde, he was at the mouth of the monster and yet, he lived happy and naive to his father's actions. If anything the driver was the only other soul who most likely isn't fully aware but may have his own hunch. Their meeting concluded and they were dismissed, later sharing the news with Adrien about Ikuto.

By the time they did Adrien himself didn't like the idea of having another bodyguard much less having to be the guests living with him and was even questioning why his father would have an exchange student be his bodyguard, it wasn't making sense.

"It's fine" Ikuto interrupted the conversation between him and his father. "It's practice, to protect those I care about." Ikuto began looking out the window from where they were as a car came in and Utau and her Manager stepped out. Adrien began to understand. "It's an opportunity." Ikuto ended, it convinced Adrien, Gabrielle smiled at Ikuto when he glanced at him. It was a partial lie but it sold the idea and Adrien allowed Ikuto to be his bodyguard.





Ikuto flinched at the yelling, he was relaxing and attempting to take a cat nap in one of the loungers farthest from the pool. But hearing yelling from Bob Roth to Xavier Ramier and his pigeons back to Bob innocently talking to Gabriel Agreste, did not help. Ikuto sighed as he eventually gave up on trying to have his nap. Watching the scene before him develop for a few moments before losing interest in it once again. All he understood was that Adrien was doing an advertisement for a perfume, that involved him jumping off the diving board, doves, who were actually pigeons and a flower.

"Ikuto nya..."Yoru mumbles, rubbing his eyes and waking up from his own nap, his ears twitching as his eyes wandered to the upper levels of the floor, patting Ikuto at the same time to get his attention.

Ikuto looked around noticing two girls in swimsuits, both girls looked similar having blue hair except one had it short in a blue cap while the other had it in two pigtails in a pink cap. He was sure the pool was off limits to other civilians and the only entrance was blocked off by the gorilla bodyguard. Yet two little mice found their way in, too bad the cat wasn't away to let them play.



"Marinette, what are you doing?! Put me down right now!" Kagami whispered-shouted, struggling to get out of Marinette's grip, who was holding her up.

"There, he's looking at you. Look at him! Look at him!" Marinette spoke trying to make sure Adrien saw Kagami as he jumped off the diving board and he did, but landed flat into the water missing his queue to take the rose from the pigeon. This turned into more yelling from Bob Roth to Mr. Ramier. Ikuto arrived at the floor as Marinette and Kagami, getting closer to hear their conversation.

"-shame for me, for Adrien and for this ridiculously embarrassing situation." Kagami told Marinette, turning away from her "I'm leaving." Marinette followed her, grabbing her arm.

"But, it's because you were too far apart!" Marinette started, Kagami turned to face Marinette to refute her only to let out a small gasp.

"Being farther apart would be the best case for two trespassers" Ikuto spoke startling Marinette, who turned to face him and backed up.

"Oh! Uh..t-trespasser? N-No! We're not trespassing, we're just uh.. fellow. Civilians! Yeah civilians trying to enjoy the pool! Oh wow is that Adrien Agreste?" Marinette stuttered pretending to have spotted Adrien in the pool. "Oh is there a shoot going on we, uh we didn't know! Haha.. We'll be out of your way!" She continued as Ikuto watched in amusement at the poor excuses the girl was coming up with as she reached for her friend's arm and tried leaving.

Ikuto hummed at the answer as if openly debating whether to believe her or not. Marinette, believing she won, dragged Kagami out of there. Kagami couldn't help but look at Ikuto suspiciously.

"We're leaving?" Kagami wanted to confirm with Marinette.

"What? No, I have one last idea!" Marinette stated excitedly as they made a turn towards the stairs. Ikuto sighed, of course they weren't going to leave. He began to follow them to prevent them from making his job more difficult. He managed to reach Kagami grabbing her arm while Marinette pulled the other. Not having a good grip on Kagami to begin with, Marinette let go, stumbling back and onto Adrien both falling into the pool. Ikuto made sure Kagami was ok before walking towards the edge of the pool to see if Adrien was ok. He swam out of the pool along with the pigtail girl. He turned to Kagami who just glared at him.

"Who are you?" She asked, moving away from him.

"Bodyguard" He answered walking past her, and going down the stairs, still feeling her glares.

Reaching the right floor he saw the pigtail girl was speaking with Adrien while Bob was yelling at Mr. Ramier with Gabriel on the tablet screen. Before the call ended Ikuto was sure he saw a smirk on Gabriels face.

"Adrien '' Ikuto called, "sorry" he apologized as he got closer to Adrien and Marinette, his eyes following Marinette's who eeped, she knew she was caught, Adrien stood up shaking his head, Ikuto's eyes now on Adrien.

"I'm ok" Adrien reassured before turning to introduce Marinette to see her no longer behind him. "Where did Marinette go?" He asked and Ikuto sighed hearing the girl called out for her friend.

"Let's go" Ikuto said and Adrien nodded, looking back Mr. Ramier was no longer there and Bob stormed away ranting. The shoot wasn't going to be done today by the looks of it. Adrien walked on ahead to get to his bags first and Ikuto was going to wait for him in the same spot near the pool. At least that was what would have happened.

"W-what's going on!" Ikuto turned and saw pigeons inside the pool. He was surprised to say the least, all those pigeons and he only noticed them when someone called out. He didn't like this feeling. Bob was the one that shouted and next thing he knew a pink puff of smoke appeared and he turned into a pigeon.

"Let's go" Ikuto said, grabbing Adrien's arm, and both started running. Making a turn in one of the corners Adrien slipped, Ikuto stopped to help him get up, but it was too late a pigeon got to him.

"Adrien!" He heard looking over he saw a girl in pigtails in ladybug patterned spandex. The pigtails style must be in fashion. Ikuto jumped out of the way as another flock of birds try getting to him. Turning back he saw the girl go into one of the pools changing rooms.

"Damn it" he said. 'So much for keeping him safe' Ikuto thought annoyed, at this point he was jumping through the railing getting away from the birds. He was now analyzing what was going on. One thing he knew was that given the pattern design on the girl she was the Ladybug, Gabriel ranted on about and at the moment whatever was going on had two outcomes: either the Heroes that he heard so much about would return whatever is going on back to normal or Gabriel would win and his kid would return to normal, either way Ikuto still isn't planning on becoming a pigeon any time soon.

"Shadow Claw" He said, attacking a few pigeons, scaring them off. He looked over at the door the girl went in. If she were to come out anytime soon it would be bad if she saw his abilities but being locked inside one of the rooms wasn't going to get him any information either. Stalling as much as he could. Ikuto only stopped when he noticed a small black cat floating out of the door Ladybug had entered, he jumped back, and hid behind one of the pillars on the highest floor taking note that the pigeons were now ignoring him. He heard doors opening and in came a blonde boy in black spandex with black cat ears and a tail and the girl he saw earlier in the Ladybug spandex. He looked back at the door, he was sure the rooms didn't have any windows.

"A trap" he spoke as he watched the scene unfold. Ladybug and Chat noir were 'trapped' giving up Chat Noir gave up his ring and Ladybug her earring, undoing their transformations, revealing two teenagers, who then threw their miraculous into the pool luring in Mr. Pigeon to jump in. As he did the black cat came out from the pool and took his bird call. At the same time the two civilians disappeared. Ikuto kept his eyes on the black cat as it returned through the door the original Ladybug was hiding behind. Next thing he knew Ladybugs were floating around partially blinding him, before Ikuto knew it everything was back to normal and Mr. Pigeon turned back into Mr. Ramier, Ladybug was already talking to him. Soon another girl appeared in a fox themed suit. They spoke more and Ikuto watched Ladybug's suit change as well as take out a magical charm giving it to Mr. Ramier.

"So the girl's power is growing and she can now deflect the akuma" He said, sighing. He needed a bit more time to get used to how things work around Paris before reporting it all to Gabriel, especially when Gabriel himself barely provided the information he knew. Other than needing the Earring of Ladybug and the Ring of Chat Noir. So much for teamwork... But Ikuto was getting closer to understanding the situation. As of now he would just continue watching. He saw the girls leave and Ikuto joined Adrien.

"Are you ok?" he asked, Adrien nodded.

"Yeah sorry about that, what about you?" Adrien ask and Ikuto shrugged

"Those pigeons got to me" He said, Adrien couldn't help but give him a nervous smile.

"Well it's a great thing Ladybug was here!" He said proudly. Ikuto played dumb.

"Ladybug?" He asked, turning to where she and the fox girl were previously standing. Adrien had a moment of realization at that point.

"Of course! You probably don't know about her since you guys arrived there haven't been any attacks." Adrien spoke, Ikuto tilted his head in confusion. "I'll tell you more about it on the ride home, it's been a rough day." Ikuto nodded as Adrien went to get changed. Ikuto let out another sigh. This feels more complicated than hunting down the embryo at least then he was allowed more freedom to figure it out on his own.

Adrien finished and Ikuto walked out with him, stopping a few feet behind noticing the rain,

"Wow you kept it all this time?" Ikuto heard Adrien speak, in front of him stood one of the blue haired girls, the one in pigtails Ikuto caught sneaking around the pool, she was stuttering. Before they finally concluded trying to walk home together.

"Adrien" Ikuto began in an almost warning tone, catching once again a surprise Marinette.

"Right, Marinette, this is Ikuto, he's my new bodyguard, he'll also be attending school with us" Adrien introduced, earning a shy hello from Marinette. "Ikuto, this is my friend Marinette. She's in the same class as me." Adrien said to Ikuto, who nodded in response before motioning to the car stopping in front of them.

"We have classes to get to." Ikuto spoke, earning a sad smile from Adrien.

"Right.. Sorry Marinette, see you tomorrow at school?" He asked and Marinette nodded with a smile.

"See you tomorrow" She said, Adrien walked ahead and Marinette waved goodbye. Ikuto stood next to Marinette, as they both watched Adrien walk up to his car. He could've sworn he felt her glare at him, once Adrien entered the car and started looking through his bag. Ikuto could only chuckle, turning to face her getting into her personal space. She took a step back but tried to keep her ground.

"Little mice shouldn't try playing when the cat's around" He took a step back, watching Marinette's nervous look. He didn't need any more work and he was sure the girl was going to cause some trouble. Still he smiled and walked towards the car he could hear her walking away.



"I can't believe I'm already lost!"

"Don't worry Amu-chan!"

"Don't mind, Don't Mind!" The conversation caught Ikuto's interest. 'It can't be' he thought, turning to the sound of the conversation, on the other side of the block.

"Is that.." Ikuto started, his eyes widened as he started to recognize the pink hair, and the three floating people surrounding them.

"Ikuto?" Adrien asked, almost peeking out of the car to get into his vision. "Someone you know?" He asked as he followed Ikuto's stare, noting the pink haired girl in the distance. Ikuto shook his head.

"No" Ikuto entered the car, he knew his eyes weren't deceiving him "no one I know" he stated as the car drove off.

Marinette continued her way home and watched Adrien's car pass but only noticing the blue haired boy.

"Tikki.. For some reason I feel like things are going to get more complicated." Marinette said worried.

"Don't worry Marinette! It's just like Alya said!" Tikki started with a smile motioning Marinette to continue. Marinette took a deep breath in.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain" She said with a smile.