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Let go, but hold on…


Sharon and Andy finally come to some realizations.


I own nothing. Characters or otherwise.

Unbeta’d so please be kind.

Work Text:

Sharon Raydor’s stilettos rapped against the concrete floor of her building heavily as she made her way up to her home from the garage.  After another twenty-four-hour cycle of jumping from crime scene to person of interest to suspect, she was beyond exhausted.  As she turned her key and crossed the threshold of her condo, Sharon once again forced away serious thoughts of retirement.


She’d never given the idea any real consideration, but hearing Provenza wax poetic about it daily, and the way her body hurt, kept it fresh in her mind.  The sound of her lead detective’s voice echoed in her thoughts, and it made her smile.  Dropping her bag and closing the door behind her, Sharon had every intention of checking in on Rusty and running a hot bath, but suddenly a delicious smell invaded her senses.


Rounding the corner towards her kitchen, she was none too surprised to find Rusty leaning against the counter, a carrot he’d just taken a bite of perched between his thumb and forefinger.




“Hey, Mom.”


“What smells so good?” She kicked off her designer shoes.


“Um, I have no idea. I was just grabbing a snack before I headed out.”


“Headed out,” she paused in her typical inquisitive fashion. “Where are you going this time of night?”


“This time of night? It’s 7:30.”


Sharon looked down quickly, spinning the gold banded watch on her wrist. “So it is. I’m sorry, I’ve been up for so long the hours are beginning to run together.”


“I get it. I’m going out with Gus and some friends, but I think he can tell you what’s for dinner.” Rusty smiled, pointing behind her.


Sharon turned to find Andy standing in the living room, a mischievous grin wide across his face.




“Benefits of a boss who feels it necessary to work overtime even after an open and shut case?” He shrugged playfully.


Sharon smiled and moved toward her boyfriend, wrapping her arms around his waist and pushing up on her tiptoes to plant a chaste kiss on his lips.


Rusty took that as his queue and quietly disappeared into his room to grab his shoes. When Sharon and Andy parted, he tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her ear.


“How does eggplant parm sound?”


“I’m allergic to eggplant.” Her face dropped.


“I know, that’s why I made burgers. Turkey, of course.”


“You…” she grinned wide and rolled her eyes.


“I make exactly two decent things, burgers and a stiff martini. However, since I don’t drink and I know you prefer wine…” Andy moved past her to the refrigerator. “I took the liberty of pouring you a glass of Sauvignon Blanc.” He opened the door and pulled out a very chilled, very full glass.


Sharon tensed given his history with alcohol, but held out a hand and let out a long sigh, happily accepting the glass. “Thank you.”


“My pleasure. You’ve been working so much.” He planted another kiss on her pale pink lips.


“No more so than usual.” She kissed him back and took a quick sip, her green eyes slipping closed as the cool liquid settled in her stomach sending a radiant warmth through her.


“Too much, but that’s just my opinion. I worry about you.” Andy threw up his hands and moved toward the sizzling pan on the stove.


Instantly there was a change in the air between them.  Sharon couldn’t ignore the genuine concern that emanated from him, but she was at a total loss for words.  Their relationship wasn’t new, but it had been a long time since anyone had cared for her in this way.  She had completely and utterly closed herself off to affection of any kind years ago, thanks to Jack, and she couldn’t fight the emotion that suddenly pooled at the corners of her eyes.


Being a mother and a detective had been her primary focus for so long that the healthy attention of a man felt foreign.  As she snapped out of her thoughts, watching Andy skillfully work a spatula, Sharon had to wonder if opening herself to authentic sentiment could be so bad.  Rusty, who’d been watching from around the corner, recognized his mother’s struggle. His chin quivered as he watched her feelings play across her face, but knew in his heart she would make the right decision for her, so he quietly slipped out the door.


“What are your toppings? Lettuce, tomato?” Andy called over his shoulder.


Sharon cleared her throat. “Yeah um, and onions, ketchup, and mustard.”


“No mayo, no pickles?”


“Ick, no.”


“Whoa! Come on, really?” Andy scoffed then laughed.


“Why ruin a good thing?”


“You are a mystery, Sharon Raydor.”


The buzz of her wine had hit her by that point, and she shot from the hip. “A case you’ll just have to solve I guess.”


He couldn’t ignore the sultry change in her tone, but not wanting to move too fast he filed the notion away for later.  Placing a patty on a bottom bun, Andy adorned the burger with her requested accouterments and capped it.  He quickly threw together his dinner and then carried both plates to the dining room table, tilting his head at her.


“Come, sit.”


Sharon gladly obliged, setting her glass down and taking a seat.  As she settled, she crossed her left leg over the right and took off her glasses, laying them on the table.


“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”


“Trouble? Please…this is nothing, Sharon. You deserve much more. Seriously though, I hope you don’t mind me invading your space like this.”


Her spine suddenly went straight. “You’re not invading. In fact, I think it’s about time you considered this your space too.”




She pushed her plate aside and scooted her chair closer to him, putting a hand over his forearm. “Listen to me, we’ve been through so much, and since you went back to your apartment after the surgery, there has been only one thing missing from my life. You.”




“I’m serious. Long hours at work and dates are one thing, but…”


He took advantage of her pause. “It’s not enough for me either.”


That emotion she’d swallowed a few minutes earlier was suddenly back.  She knew long ago how she felt about Andy Flynn and it was time she did something about it.


“I love you.”


He stood and took her arm, pulling her to stand with him. “I love you too. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”


At that moment, it was as if the world stopped and nothing existed but the two of them.  Their dinner completely forgotten, Andy laid a blistering kiss against her mouth, and wrapping her long fingers into the hair at the base of his neck Sharon eagerly reciprocated.  Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he had her in his arms, carrying her petite frame down the hall.


Her protective nature was screaming in the back of her mind to scold him for bearing her weight, but the steady thrum of heat between her thighs drowned it out with a quickness.  He set her feet on the floor slowly, making sure she could feel his burgeoning need as he pulled her body close.  


“Andy…” Sharon’s voice came out in a ragged whisper, and she gently bit her bottom lip. “Make love to me.”


Words were no longer needed then, and he claimed her mouth again with a delicious pleasure.  As he ran his tongue across her lips encouraging her to part them, Andy slipped his fingers beneath the form-fitting waist of her gray pencil skirt, pulling up on the baby blue silk blouse she wore.  They parted only long enough to breathe and discard the offending garment to a distant corner of the room.  Sharon pawed at the buttons of his dress shirt, thankful he had long ago dispatched his jacket and tie.


When his shirt was gone, Andy took the liberty of stripping away his tank top.  Sharon ran her long slim hands over his hairy chest, suddenly enamored with the surface of his skin and the steady beat of his heart.  She could clearly see the marks left behind from his accident, and for a moment it brought her back to reality.


“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Her eyes never left his body.


He placed his index finger beneath her chin and lifted her eyes to meet his. “Listen, I know I haven’t been so forthcoming or necessarily trustworthy in the past when it came to my health, but I promise you—that’s over.  I need you Sharon, and I would do nothing to hurt you or jeopardize this once-in-a-lifetime chance I’ve been given.”


His words were so earnest Sharon’s heart fluttered.  Slowly and deliberately she put her hands behind her back, lowering the zipper of her skirt.  When it pooled around her feet, she looked down and kicked it away.  Andy’s body responded instantly.  It wasn’t as if he didn’t already find her astonishingly gorgeous, but seeing her there in nothing but her lacy purple bra and panties was almost overwhelming.


Leaning down, he put his lips just behind her ear, eliciting a hum of satisfaction.  When he moved to her collarbone, she sucked in a breath and had to force her brain to remind her legs to hold her.  Then he snaked his hand around her, skillfully releasing the three clasps of her brassiere.  Sharon shrugged herself free, warmth suddenly flushing her cheeks.  Perhaps it was self-consciousness, but Andy didn’t give her time to think about it.  Her skin was creamy and delicately soft, and he wanted to discover every inch.


It had been so long since she’d given herself to anyone that it was as if the feeling was brand new again.  Andy palmed her right breast, kneading it as if he were memorizing the feel.  The contrast of the coolness of his pinkie ring on her hot flesh made her nipple go rigid and he took the opportunity, lowering his mouth to suck at it blissfully.  Sharon’s skin prickled and arousal pooled at her apex.


She let him continue his ministrations for a few moments but quickly forced her eyes open pushing him back gently so she could grab at his belt buckle.  Andy let her finish undressing him, and when she ran her hand over the bulge tenting his boxers, he couldn’t wait any longer.  With masterly precision he lowered her to the bed, letting himself hover long enough to kiss her again.  When he left her mouth he continued the path he’d begun earlier leaving a wet trail over her other breast and down over her stomach.  Stopping there for a brief moment, he ran his hands over the slight marks left behind by her choice of motherhood.  


He kissed there too, because they made her more flawless in his eyes.  Having been a questionable parent for many years, he had learned so much from Sharon and she’d helped him get his family back.  Though the time had long passed, he suddenly saw an image in his mind’s eye of her full and round with child—an image only second to the vision she was before him now.  It was reassuring to know she didn’t feel the need to hide anything.


Moving himself lower Andy wrapped his fingers into the waistband of her panties, and she raised her hips to allow him to free her.  The scent of her arousal invaded his senses, his stiff member hardening to a lustful peak.  He wanted more than anything to feel her from the inside, but there was more he needed to give her first.  Pushing her thighs wide he ran a finger through her moist glistening folds, teasing first at her outer lips and then the inner, moving torturously slow and purposefully avoiding her straining nub.


Sharon hummed again and again, her eyes shut against the euphoric cloud that threatened to consume her.  As if he knew the exact moment she was about to slip away, Andy dove in, his hot mouth surrounding her clit, tongue lapping and circling like it was water and he was a man dying of thirst.


“Oh god!” 


She screamed not recognizing her own voice, not that she cared.  Sharon clawed at the pillows, the sheets, and everything in between before she finally found his hair.  Her long fingers wrapped into his locks, and she held on for dear life as she bucked her hips to match his motions.  Soon she felt the familiar coil of electricity and heat low in her belly, and she gripped him harder.  Andy licked and sucked and licked again, relishing when her whole body tightened for a moment and then released with another untamed scream. This time his name.


Gods she was beautiful, and as he watched her come down from the high, he slipped off his shorts and fisted his cock.  The tip wept from the sight before him and the luscious taste on his lips.  When she’d just started to catch her breath, Andy kissed his way up her thighs, then climbed back up onto the bed.  When she felt him hovering above her, Sharon finally opened her eyes.  She leaned up to kiss him, enjoying her taste on his lips.  Searching blindly, she was pleased to find him much harder than before and ran her hand the length of him.  Andy reached down gently and stopped her mid-motion.


“Please, Sharon. I need to be inside you.”


At that moment she would have given him anything, so she laid back with a mischievous grin, once again opening her thighs wide.  He said a silent prayer of thanks and reached down positioning himself at her entrance.  She moaned again when his tip broke her threshold, and Andy had to force his control.  Slowly he pushed his way inside, delighting in the way her face morphed with pleasure.  When he couldn’t go any further he held still for a moment but then pulled back and entered her again a little more forcefully.


The feel of her tight textured walls surrounding him was far more than he’d ever imagined.  As he began to build a strong rhythm, he couldn’t take his eyes off her.  With every stroke she continued to hum with delectation, then her eyes opened and locked with his and he knew they were completely in sync.  


“Harder!” Sharon growled out over the profuse waves of pleasure he was sending through her.


Without question, he followed her command, and with just a few more strokes her body tightened down around him.  When she cried out in ecstasy, it sent Andy soaring over the edge, pumping every ounce he had to give deep within her. Spent and searching for breath, he extricated himself from her and rolled to her side.  He took the time to kiss her once more before he wrapped her in his arms and held her body against him.


Neither had a sense of time as they lay there together letting their bodies calm.  As heart rates settled back to normal, Andy suddenly felt a warm moisture streaming down his chest.  Pulling just slightly away from her, he was shocked to see her crying.


“Sharon, honey, what’s wrong?”


“Nothing really, I’m just…”


Andy swiped at a tear running down her cheek with his thumb. “You can tell me.”


“I’m just grateful. There was a time when you hated me. I never thought things could be like this.”


“I’m sorry. You have to know that was a completely different man back then. One I’m quite ashamed of in many ways.”


She raised a palm to his cheek. “Never be ashamed. If not for that past, we wouldn’t have this future. I’m only sorry we waited so long.”


As always her words made him feel like someone worthy of love to the nth degree.  All along it had been her who had incited and encouraged him to find himself again whether she knew it yet or not, and right then and there he decided he would spend the rest of his life showing her. With another kiss, he tucked her head back against his chest and held on with might and main. Now was their time to relish in the afterglow and everything beyond.