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YorktownSMP | Drabbles/Oneshots


Once upon a time
in a place unknown
there was a dream.

No one knew who had dreamt the dream
but such a tiny dream it was.

The tiny dream began to think
"I don't want to disappear."
"How can I make people dream of me?"

The tiny dream thought and thought
and finally
it came up with an idea.

"I will let the humans come to me."
"And then, I will make them create my world."
YorkTownSMP is an alternate universe to canon DSMP and QSMP. It includes multiple sets of SMPs characters, another popular one being HermitCraft.

The story itself follows a mainly DreamSMP plot format, while branching off in certain other areas leaving room for creativity. QSMP characters and Federation lore are included, but most dynamics aside from certain ones are not the same. Most lore, especially concerning the eggs, has also been rewritten to work better with the plot,

The general plot is that Dream had won a realm(aka Minecraft server) during a Hypixel competition, going there and inviting many of his friends. But soon found that once you enter the realm, you cannot leave. People who weren't even invited by anyone have also begun appearing, and no one knows why.

Chapter 1: Introduction | Extra Info+Important Info.

Chapter Text

Hello hello!! This is my first time posting here, so please excuse any scuffedness you may find here LMAO.

You may be wondering, wow, what the hell is all this? Well I’ll tell you!

This fic is for a collection of drabbles/Oneshots I write for an SMP I’m currently in, YorktownSMP!

As stated in the summary, Yorktown is an alternate universe including many different smps, popular ones being DreamSMP, QSMP, and Hermitcraft! This means this universe includes characters and certain canon things from those various smps!

The main storyline follows a DreamSMP format with QSMP additions. It follows the general storyline of DreamSMP (Like with L’manberg and such), but has many additions and changes to the plotline itself.

The story to this day, is still continuing, as it’s a heavily roleplay/lore based smp, but I’ll be putting mostly everything I write or have written for the smp here!

One warning, is that the story in this smp includes many, many sensitive and heavy topics, such as; Kidnapping. Child experimentation. Alcohol abuse. Drug addictions. Child abuse. Child kidnapping. Child murder. Murder. Limb amputation. Cutting off of limbs in general. Wings getting cut off/wing removal. Violence. Torture. Mental abuse. Physical abuse.

These are uncomfortable and heavy topics, and while in these oneshots most of these will not be heavily focused on or heavily detailed if they are, but the story in general does include these warnings. Something else, is that each oneshot will have its own set of mini tags, detailing whether its fluff, angst, etc, while also mentioning what trigger warnings it may have. So just because the story in general includes these things, doesn't mean every chapter here will. Please read with caution if any of those topics are major triggers and keep yourself safe!

Something else I want to clarify, is a lot of the QSMP dynamics did NOT carry over here, as some QSMP characters don't even know each other until they arrived to the island. Such dynamics stayed the same, such as Cellbit & Roier, or Pac & Mike, but some did not. (Like Foolish is NOT Roiers dad here, at all, we don't even have a Vegetta in the smp yet man.)

Project Bluebird au here is also canon! If you aren't sure what that is, it's basically an au where the Federation artificially created some of the characters from QSMP. Here, they created El Quackity, Quackity, Roier, Baghera, and Jaiden. Foolish is also apart of project bluebird, but he wasn't created, he was found by the federation as a young child and taken into the project as his age matched the other subjects.

Before checking out the main oneshot chapters, check out some of this information below. I’m including important information about the world of this universe so you’re able to clearly understand how some things work better!


- What are realms?
Realms are basically what characters in canon call what we call different minecraft servers, different worlds, basically. For example, the hypixel hub is in another realm itself, as are other servers like the hive, cubecraft, etc. These servers as well as multiple others are canon here. The way to access other realms is by either going through a portal akin to a nether portal(still working out how the portal exactly looks) or accessing the realm list through a communicator. From there you can go to the realm hub, which is basically almost the base dimension of the universe, where you can access and go to any other realm you like.

- Hypixel.
Hypixel is canonically the biggest and most infamous realm known to anyone who’s anyone, having a reputation of people, mainly hybrids in particular, going missing, or being sold off to fight pits, where they’re forced to compete for freedom in various competitions(or, minigames as we know them). You cannot lose canon lives here however, unless a specific method or weapon is used, which only higher ups or guards know how to do. (Aka, idk what that’d be yet). Hypixel is a place many people have gotten trapped in, and certainly a place you yourself don’t want to be trapped in, and sometimes the only way to leave is by winning a realm in a competition.

- Communicators.
Communicators are similar to phones almost, a common thing sold in most realms. Through communicators, when entering a new world, the communicator will connect with all other communicators in the realm, where people have access to the main realm chat as well as private messages. Through communicators there’s also a section where you can access the realm list, where basically, you can use your communicator to teleport to another realm if you have it listed on your communicator. You have to specifically inlist the realm onto your communicator to do this however, through a special code or something of the sort.

- Different kinds of realms.
There are various kinds of realms.
Firstly, we have the community realms, like Hypixel, Hive, etc.
Then, we have public realms, which are similar to community realms, but aren’t as well known, and to find various public realms to join, you’d have to go to the realm hub to find advertisements and such.

Finally, we have private realms. Private realms are realms you can only access through specific permission, aka, you have to be invited via communicator by the owner of the realm. Private realms are often either sold or won as prizes in some servers, like hypixel for example. You can get different kinds of private realms as well, the most common though are the cheapest (these would be considered normal survival worlds for us).

The more you want in your realm and the more custom your requests are, the more expensive it will be, so keep that in mind when looking to purchase a realm.

To buy a realm, you’d have to go to the realm hub, there are multiple spots you can buy from depending on what you’re searching for.

Different realms also have different rules and content as well, so for example, speaking in our terms, modded servers are technically canon, as again, different realms have different content, so one realm could have something like waypoints, while another does not. Mods like pixelmon for example and such could be considered different realms too. When purchasing a private realm, you can get a realm with ‘modded’ content, but these realms go on the more expensive side, while normal worlds are cheap and easy to manage.

- Canon lives.
Canon lives differ in each realm, aka, some realms have multiple, some don’t. For example, in some realms, if you die once, it’s over. In others, you only die if someone kills you ten times, and other members of that realm gain more lives by killing you, so to get lives back you’d have to kill another (lifesteal basically), and in our smp, you have to die three times to die for real.

Respawning, however, is canon still. To lose a canon life, the way you die has to mean some kind of significance, or else it won’t count.

- Hybrids.
Hybrids are not known for being well liked among some circles, especially in bigger servers like Hypixel, as they’re viewed as cheaters or unrightfully blessed for having more abilities then the average person. Some hybrids are more respected than others, some hybrids are looked down upon, and some even are feared for what they are.

- Why is everyone trapped? How was the realm founded?
The SMP was won by Dream in a hypixel competition he won, to which, he was quick to enter and begin inviting close friends and family, however, something strange happened. Despite having ownership of the realm, it was found out that after entering, for some reason, no one could leave. No one truly knows why, not even Dream, and something even odder, people uninvited have begun to land in the smp when they didn’t intend to go to that realm, and instead were trying to travel to another one. (For example, X character used a portal intended to go to Hypixel, and instead landed in the smp, and now they can’t leave, same could go for using communicator to travel through realms. XD specifically chooses these people, although no one knows it’s his doing.)

Wilbur and Tommy had also arrived in the realm through realm hopping before the realm was closed in preparation to be sold in the Hypixel competition, and were the first on the island before Dream won it and took ownership.

- The Divine Court.
The divine court is the council of the gods across various universes, its commonly known as the divine court because, well, it's similar to a court, as those who are members of the council all co-exist together to uphold the rules and expectations of the world they watch over.

Each God has their part to play in the council, for example, Kristen is lady death, Foolish worked under her as a totem of death, but also watched over the sea, etc, etc.

Some believe the divine court to be a myth, as little to nothing is known about it outside of those personally associated, but the council lives on to this day, and will likely continue to do so till the end of time.

- QSMP+Egg lore.
Canonically, the QSMP, or Quesadilla Island, is a private realm. This realm is canonically where the Federation originates, and where some characters could have come from before getting stuck in the current realm.

Very certain qsmp lore is canon, but not all. It’s canon that it’s possible for people to have lived on the island, but the eggs had never been given out to islanders.

The eggs, themselves, were experiments. The federation took dragon eggs and collected DNA from various people across the realms, using those peoples DNA to hatch and grow the eggs, which resulted in the eggs having those peoples DNA. The eggs had never been given out, and remained in the federations custody as experiments until XD and Drista arrived in the realm and found the lab the eggs stayed at, the two taking most of the kids with them to the new realm. However, a rift had stayed open within the realm, allowing Federation members to slip through to the same realm XD and Drista took the kids to, and ending up stuck there as well, which is why the Federation is now on the island with everyone.

- Totem species lore. (Aka Foolish lore.)
Totems aren't born, they are created by the divine. The totem of undying was created by Lady death herself, so totems often work under her in some way. Whether a totem be some sort of angel, demi god, or something else of the sort, in some way, they'll be related to the divine.

Each totem has the curse of being reborn, the only way for a totem to truly die is from a divine weapon, or Lady death granting them peace in the afterlife.

The hunting of totems is often seen as a great challenge, both because of how rare they are to find, and because the challenge they bring when threatened. If you are to successfully capture a totem, expect great praise and LOTS of money.

Totems blood are a mix of blood and liquid gold, their blood slightly thicker and a brilliant gold color, but having most of the same astrobutes as gold. It's also edible, technically, some people have drank it before, erm..

Totems are created by being combined with four things, a totem of undying, the body part of animal, the body of a human, and a drop of divine blood.

Totems, in a way, have rankings almost, in terms of their divine power and duties. Foolish at one point was at the top of these rankings, working at Lady death's side and almost watching over the totems for her, but was demoted and now remains at the bottom of the ranks currently, he still has certain abilities from those times though.

Totems eyes are infused with human eyes and actual emeralds, the colors tend to vary depending on what the color of the human eyes were, but more often then not are some sort of green color.

Totems skin are soft like humans, but almost shiny, very subtly sparkly even, their skin will shimmer very slightly in the light.

- XD created dreams.
DreamXD has a certain level of control over the dream realm. He can access dreams, even other people's dreams, and is able to put certain people he chooses into customized dreams when they sleep.
This is what we use for crack or crossover episodes where characters from different universes or aus pop up. This way it makes sense in canon lore while also being able to have fun with it, and characters can forget whatever we choose as well, as in in case they learn certain spoilers you wouldn't want them to know. Example: yt!Tommy or yt!Tubbo is told something abt Tommy's future exile. We wouldn't want them to know this, so as it's a dream, they'd forget upon waking up.


With those out of the way, here below here I'll list some duo names to the duos for this stories lore in specific!

Stargaze Duo - Foolish/Cellbit.

Rooftop Duo - Foolish/El Quackity.

Brothers Trio - Tubbo & Dream & Foolish.

Smile Duo - Pac & Foolish.

Ghostbusters - Agent 18 & Pac & Foolish.

Joy Duo - Pac & Tallulah.

The Bluebirds - Foolish & El Quackity & Quackity & Roier & Jaiden & Baghera.

Letter Duo - Fred/Tubbo.

BrotherBears Duo - Fred & Agent 18.

Arctic Duo - Agent 18/WA15.

For some duos like clingy duo, bedrock bros, etc, will just have the normal duo names!


Before I end it here, I'd like to make something clear in that this fic only includes the fictional characters of these smps. These characters are not at all supposed to represent the content creators here, and one thing I'd like to say is I do NOT support Wilbur Soot by putting his character in this fic. Wilbur Soot in this universe is treated as a purely fictional character, and I do not support the cc or his actions in the slightest. Support victims, and have a wonderful time reading!