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Y/n Rogers never thought that she would be free. They told her that the men in her life were gone.

The three of them bound by strong bonds. Would they be reunited or will she be alone for the rest of her life?


Or will she rise from the ashes?

Chapter Text

The three musketeers.

Steve paused when he sees familiar eyes and hair blocking his punch. Familiar eyes that widen before the lower left eyelid twitches.

"Y/n?" Steve sees her eyes go wide and she rips herself away from the fight. He just stands there and watches her run.

"Hey cap, you ok?" Tony comes over to check up on him.
"Who was that?"
"Natasha says that she's the winter soldier. A trained killer..." Tony trails off. Looking at Steve. "You shouldn't be alive."

"She ran. She just. Left."


Steve looks over the footage again. He is sure now.

"Any idea who she really is?"
"Yeah. She's y/n Roger's. Born 10/30. She's my sister." Everyone looks over to Steve. "She is a hell of a fighter. Between us and Bucky we were unstoppable. Saved her ass from Hydra. She ended up dying saving Bucky."

"How sure are you Steve. That this is her?" Tony is looking over the footage. Steve brings up one frame. The screen sharpens and they see a scar by her left ear.

"Our pa gave her that scar. She was only fifteen. It was a broken glass bottle. Bucky and I had just gotten home and we found..." Steve stops himself. Tony sees his hand going into a fist.

"He was the only one I don't regret killing." No one was expecting those words to come from Steve.

"So she is a victim then." Tony goes over and starts tracking her. He had her photo. Now to see about finding her.

Y/n is on the street her head is pounding. Her brother was alive. But that wasn't true. The train crashed. She lost everyone. At least that's what they told her. But she knew that man. The uniform. The eyes. His voice. She knows that's her brother.


Her head was beginning to hurt again. She bit her lip as she kept going. Ok. She now has Hydra and the Avengers on her tail. Get somewhere safe. But where is safe? She frowns. The safe houses were not an option. In any way shape or form. Let alone the country. Fuck!

She moves. Without rhythm or reason.

Mexico. She could blend in and try to figure out her next move from there. But for right now she needed to find a place to crash. A place to rest.

"Any luck?"
"Sorry Cap. But there's nothing it's like she vanished." Tony had a sorry look on his face as he turns to look at Steve. The man nods.

"Ok. I'm going to grab Natasha and see if I can track her down."
"Steve, if I can't track her down what makes you think that you can?"

"She's my sister Tony. I grew up with her. I know her inside and out. Some things are just instinctual."

Tony isn't too sure of that. But he relents.

"Ok. But I want daily check ins. We don't know what's going on inside her mind right now Steve. She may be a threat."
"Don't remind me Tony."

Nat is by his side as they look over the world map.

"Somewhere sunny. I'm thinking."
"Like Mexico or the Middle East. Somewhere she can blend in."
"Let's say that she went to Mexico. Where would she hide?"

At the end of the day it was decided that Nat and Clint would go to Africa and Steve would go to Mexico.

Steve looked out the window as his partner for the mission drove. Wondering if she would be ok.

Y/n woke up panting. Her gun is unloaded and the safety is on. Doing a quick sweep of the tiny bathroom. One she is thankful for having a tub in it. Tipped on its side and somewhat broken but still. It gave her enough comfort.

Putting the gun to the side she doubles over and tries to count backwards from fifty to help calm herself. Not realizing that the counting devolves into a soft lullaby in Gaelic. Her metal hand goes over to touch the scar by her ear. She may be able to change her appearance but she could never get rid of that scar.

She paused. A memory of soft touches running through her mind. Soft words and sobs. Of arms pulling her into a chest.


The voice sounded safe to her. The word a comfort. She breathes for a bit. Feeling calmer than she had before.
A soft smile is on her face as she writes it down. The sensations. The voice and the tone. She closes her eyes and keeps writing for a minuet or so. Opening her eyes she sees a name that she isn't aware that she wrote. Rather two.

Steve and Bucky.

Men's names if she had anything to go off of. She sighs looking at the names. Wishing that she knew more. Instead she stands and stretches. Going over to the broken mirror put together with chewed gum.

Her hair was frizzy, the circles under her eyes were darker. Her tube top gave her a heavy reminder of what happened to her. The massive scar and the smaller ones from when she tried clawing at it. Tried to take it off. Her eyes closed as her tears trailed down its phantom path. Reaching up to make sure none of them truly fell. Looking down to the small bottle of water on the sink she grabs it and pours some out into her hand to rub on her face. Helping to wake her up.

The building had no water or power to it. It was mostly a drug den. Some of the people would give her money and she would keep an eye on people to make sure they didn't overdose. A few of them even going as far as to bring her food and supplies.

True the place got raided but nothing was ever found. Y/n would hide in the shadows. Keeping an eye on things.
Everything felt so bad to her. But it was honest. What drugs were given to her was left behind for someone else or dumped. She had enough death on her hands.

She straightened out the parents who brought their kids with them. Told them that in no uncertain terms that she would kill them if they didn't straighten them out.

The scare tactic worked for the most part.

The air is cool when she leaves. The sun slowly sinking. Now was the perfect time for her to be out and about. Yeah she was getting some looks but she tried to ignore them the best she could. Walking around getting some fresh air in. The building for the collective embassy was near by and many people employed there were from their own country. So seeing a white woman walking around wasn't that big of a deal.

Her outfit on the other hand is.

She had cut the sleeve off a dark blue long sleeved shirt. Just the sleeve so she could get some sun on her good arm. Those first rays of sun warmed her like no tomorrow.
Picking up a piece of fruit she goes to an ally way where her hearing picks up on some human trafficking about to go down.

Y/n paused her nibble and listens in. Debating if she should or shouldn't. Sighing she knew she would never forgive herself if she didn't do something about it.

"Any luck?" Tony checked up on A team and B team. It had been three months since y/n had gone missing. They were no closer to finding her then they where at the beginning.

"No. Nat and I came across a black market deal and are hoping to use that as a distraction right now."

"Ok but remember the main objective."
"Yeah no problem."

Clint hangs up the phone. Behind them they see a diplomat making his way over with a pair of people. Suddenly a bomb goes off. With so much chaos they miss seeing the man get shot. But not the woman that goes over to him and applies pressure to the wound.

Y/n sees him get shot in the chaos. She wasn't about to let him die if she had a chance. His guards were dead as well. Bullet to the head and chest. Painful way to go if you ask her. But he was only shot

T'Chaka is looking at the woman who is putting pressure on his wound. He knows that it's imposable for him to recover from this. Yet he silently thanks her as his life leaves him.

Since she had a gun on her she was taken into custody. Questioned with no regard for anything.
They smacked her around. Kept her in a room without anything. Things she was all use to.

When Clint and Natasha called Tony and told him what happened he got on the phone with Nick instantly. This was going to be rough.

Nick was able to convince the locals to release her to them. Somehow. He even met the son of the man that she tried to save.

They bring in the chair into and she looks over to Nick when he enters. She knows who he is. Sighing she closes her eyes. Giving her a chance to collect herself before he speaks. Opening them after a minuet.

"I've come to bring you home."

Home. A thought so foreign to her. Where was home anymore?

She nods. Her eyes becoming cold and dead.

"Do you have any requests?" Nick is being soft with her. She thinks about it for a second.

"A blindfold."
"If I ask, will you tell me why?"
"That was how I was forced to travel going on missions. Strapped down and blindfolded." Her voice is even. Dead pan. Eyes down. Not looking at him. Training Nick figures.

"This is wrong Nick. She hasnt fought at all. Outside of keeping quiet she hasn't done a thing." Natasha protested the treatment of y/n. She is next to Nick as they watch them strap her in. Watching as she moved slowly putting the blind fold on herself. Watching as she does something to her arm to make it go limp. This surprises them.

"I know Natasha. But this is protocol. She may be Steve's sister. We know what she is capable of. We can't risk anything right now."
"What about Steve? Surely he deserves to know what is going on."

"Give it some time Natasha. We need to know where her mind is at right now." Natasha isn't going to take this lying down.

"Three months before I drag his ass back Nick."
"I will allow that."

Y/n woke up again. Hand acting like she has a gun in her hands. Her stomach is churning.

Scrambling from the floor she makes it over to the toilet and pukes. Oh god. Not again. Not now. She begins to shake. But keeps gagging until everything is out of her system.
Her arm is latched to her with a custom strap so it wasn't just free dangling. They told her to not touch it. And she fallowed the rules.

God did she fallow the rules.

She complied. Told them what they wanted to hear. Told them the truth. But her body kept fighting her.
Soup and soft foods mostly. But her body didn't want to do much. Her body had shakes, chills. Sweating heavily and...

"Are you sure miss Rogers?"

"Check my symptoms. I'm fairly sure that's it." She's shaking hard now. Going over to the bench once she cleans up. Sure her mouth still feels like shit. But her stomach feels better.

"Would you permit Doctor Banner to draw some of your blood?"
"Yes. Too weak to really move." She switched sides so her right arm is hanging over the side of the bench. Her breathing feeds worse and soon she passes out.

Tony and Nick watch as Bruce goes over to her and checks her pulse. Before shouting orders that she needs to be taken to medical for treatment. That her heart is about to stop due to exhaustion.

"Tell Natasha to get her brother and to take the long way back."
"That's going to take some time. Steve moved on from Mexico and into South America. Argentina to be more precise."

"I digress. Get Steve's ass here."

Panic over takes her when she feels herself strapped down again and unable to move. She's shaking but keeps her eyes closed. Shifting enough to get a handle on what she's wearing.

Oh god! Please....

"Easy y/n. It's ok." Her eyes snap open. She looks over to her right.

In an instant she's not looking at the buff man next to her bed. But a skinny young adult that was shorter than her.

"Steve, why don't you go lay down? Your asthma is kicking you hard today."

A voice sounds in her ears. She can feel her lips move as she speaks. Memory? It must be.

"Doll is right Jerk. Between the pair of us we can keep your skinny ass alive." Another voice sounds off. Male, older than she but not by much. The tone is teasing. Light, joyful, comforting.

"Steve?" Fuck her voice sounded rough. Missing the flinch from Steve as his hand goes to raise the bed a little bit. The bed moving startles her.

"I'm bringing your head up a little bit y/n. I have some water for you. No worries." Once up enough to be comfortable Steve brings over the cup with a straw on it.
Y/n never felt this thirsty before in her life. It felt so good in both her stomach and throat.

"Thanks Steve."
"No problem." He puts the glass aside. Turning back towards her he gives her hand a light squeeze.

"I need to ask you some question. I want you to answer them the best you can for me. Ok?"

"Do you remember your name?"

"Y/n Rogers. Alias Winter solder. Hydras top assassin." The words flow from her lips before she has a chance to stop herself. Having the words beaten into her.

"Do you remember who I am?" Her brain short circuits for a moment. Her mouth hanging open in automatic response. But she stops herself.

"Steven Grant Rogers. You use to pull all the blankets into the dinning room during the winter. Mom would check up on you and make sure you weren't too sick. You pretended that you hated it but when your throat was raw Mister Simmons would give us some honey from his sister. I would heat up some water and give it to you for your throat." Her voice is soft. Growing softer as she looses herself in the memory.

"That still holds true."
"You said beer tastes like aged piss." Steve broke out laughing at that.

"Of all the things you remember that it?" Y/n relaxes a little bit more.

"Who was with us that day?"
"It was you, me, someone else that day. He gave me his coat as we walked home. Said something about a couch." She looks at him in question. Steve nods.

Steve looks over to Nat and Clint. The pair had tracked her things down and brought what they could of her personal effects. Mostly her journals and what not. Which they as a group where currently looking over.

"Steve, who is this Bucky guy?" Clint asks in a seemingly joking way.

"He was my best friend. The three of us were joined at the hip at times. As we got older and she hung out with us more I got into fewer fights then I should have." Steve smiles at the memory. Only for it to fall.

"She was the medic for his squad. Joined in later after he got shot at. Said that she couldn't trust him to not get his ass killed. That is until their unit went missing." Steve sat down holding the notebook in his hand. The team does the same. Looking over to him.

"They experimented on them. The entire unit. Some of them died but y/n and Bucky both got the sharp end of the shit stick."
"What were they trying to do?"
"Re create the super soldier serum."
"It failed?"

"It worked." The collective blood of the team all drops.

"It worked but not without scarring them both. Bucky was more withdrawn and y/n wouldn't let anyone touch her. The pair stayed close and often we would find them awake next to one another with the dawn." Steve rubbed his jaw lightly.

"She knocked me out when I tried to convince her to stay back. Stating that this was personal now."
"How did you lose her?"
"She fell off a train. Save me and the jerk both from it. I swear, I thought she was dead. Bucky was really broken up about it."

"Are you two sure that they were friends and not 'friends' there Steve?" Yes the air quotes were used. Steve looks over to Tony a little bit confused.

"What do you mean?" Before Tony could respond Natasha smacks him on the back of the head. Leaving Steve confused. But he relents.


How are you doing?" Natasha is checking up on Y/n. She's back in Hulk containment. Y/n is looking a lot better then she had before. Sleeping more. Not as much of a stick. After six months in total with her they agreed to let her have full range of motion.

"I'm ok. Is it Natalia or Natasha?"
"Natasha." Y/n nods. Bringing her feet up off the cold metal floor onto the bench.

"I'm sorry." Natasha knows what she is apologizing for.
"Your mind was twisted Y/n. Forced to believe and do things beyond your will." As Natasha talks she feels a pair of arms around her. The figure behind her is tall. Arms cross over her chest. Hands resting on her shoulders.

"It's ok doll. I'm out, you're out, and that punk of a brother of yours is a freaking elf." The memory leads her to smile a bit. Letting her hand rest on the metal of her bad shoulder.
Natasha is granted access when she starts vomiting again. Going over to her and rubbing her back a bit.

"Jarvis, keep Steve away from here."

Soft words in German flow from y/n without worry. Feeling safe with the woman.
Natasha pulled y/n to her chest. Humming softly. Letting y/n drench the shirt she wore with tears.

Steve goes over to her.

"What happened to Bucky?"
"He died. I'm sorry sis. I know how close you two were."
"Bullshit. He's not dead. He can't be. He made me a promise. No way in hell would he break it."

"It's true y/n. He died about two years after I took a dive." Steve looked at his sister sympathetically. "He was buried with full honors."
"I won't believe it until I see it for myself."

"Let me talk to a few people. Ok?"

Steve has his hand on her shoulder. Helping her move forward. Her arms are behind her back shackled. Armed men around her. Guns trained on her. Moving as they did. Making sure all ten of them had clear shots. Making sure that they kept her brother out of the shot. They get to his place marker. The dates clearly displayed.

"It's not him."
"No Steve, he made me a promise. Has he ever broke a promise before?"

"No Steve. It's not him." Steve knows what this is. Denial. He went through the same thing himself. Steve watches uselessly as she falls to her knees. Tears falling down her face.

"He promised to make an honest woman out of me." Her voice is soft. Steve's heart sunk. "He said that he had ma's rings. That when he knew he asked her if it was ok if he asked. She gave him her rings. Promised when he got back that he would make good on that promise."

"But you fallowed him."
"I had to. He hated fighting. Always did. But he did because he knew that your scrawny ass needed the backup. That it was dishonorable to have a woman fight as well. But I didn't care." She falls silent. She couldn't keep going. She felt a wave of cold wash over her. She doubles over. Letting her forehead rest on the ground.

Y/n kept to her room when they got back. She didn't understand why her brother was sticking his neck out for her.
She runs the wet wash cloth over her arm and the back of her neck. Standing at the sink she looks at the reflection in the mirror.

It has been said that if you look into the void the void will look back at you. But what if you carry the void within you? What if all you can remember is.

'Easy doll. I got you. It's going to be ok. Focus on my breathing.' She lets her hand fall. Tears silently falling as her eyes lock onto the scar near her ear.
Bucky had seen how much of a mess she was when they got back from whereever the pair went for the day. If her memory was right they had gotten into a fight too. His lip was bleeding. The sensation of jerking away from him when his put his hand on her arm makes her jerk in real time.

The look in his eyes.

That was the first time she saw him as anything other than her brother's friend. As someone who was worth staying close to.

Reaching up she feels the scar. Silently cursing her father. The rat bastard. She was young at the time and her father just went psycho. She tried to defend...

"I know that you're in the vent."
"Sorry. Wanted to make sure your ok."
"While I'm in the bathroom?"

"Fair point. I'll be in the bedroom when you come out."

Y/n finished up. Throwing on a shirt. The fabric dragged across her scar. Making it throb just a tiny bit. Breathing deep and slow.

She sees Natasha in the room.

"Why do you care?"
"I care because Steve cares. There is something that I need to show you." Curious y/n takes a few steps closer. Natasha bringing up a video feed.

Steve is pacing in the hall. Tony goes over to him.

"You really think it's her?"
"It is Tony. I know it is. You could throw us in a room filled with people and I would be able to find her. No worries. To find out that she survived. That she was in enemy hands for so long is... It makes my heart hurt. I told our ma that I would protect her. Hell, even Bucky did his fair share."

"Ok cap. Unload. What's really going on?"
"I read some of the reports. What they did to her."
"You think you failed her."

"I know that I did. Tony you weren't there. When we got them out she clung to Bucky. Whereever he went she went or was at least in hearing range." He sighs.

"Come on cap. Let's head to the den."

Tony handed Steve a cup of coffee. Before leaning across the top. Steve takes a sip.

"Bucky told me what happened to them. A botched version of what happened to me. They were experimented on together. The same room the same fucking time. Neither of them could look away from one another. He told me that he hated himself for not being able to protect her. I told him that he didn't need to be her only protector. Not anymore.
I failed her Tony. I don't know how she can be around me."

"You got her ass out didn't you? Back then and now. You got her home so she can heal. You didn't fail her.
Right now you're living with the guilt right? The guilt of not being able to protect your sister has to be weighing you down. But you have friends that can help you and her Steve."

"Thank you Natasha. For showing me this."
"We know how things can get. All of us." Y/n looks at Natasha.

After some time y/n takes a deep breath. Nodding to herself and getting the tie for her arm. Natasha is wondering what she is thinking.

"Please make sure that Steve is nowhere near Tony's lab for me."
"Because I'm about to die." Natasha watches as she leaves. Acting like she was on a mission.


Tony looks up when Jarvis alerted him to y/n wanting to talk to him. He looks over and sees her hovering in the doorway.

"Need help with the arm?"
"No Anthony. That isn't the reason why I came down. There is something that I need to tell you. It's about your parents." Now she has his full attention. Her voice is soft. But remorseful? It didn't make any sense.

"Ok. What about them?"
"They where in Hydra's sight before you where born." Tony stands. The gauntlet on his arm seals up.

"What are you saying?"
"I'm sorry. I had no control. I didn't want to."
"Y/n. Be clear. What are you telling me."

The tower shakes. Everyone is in the den minus Tony and y/n.

"Jarvis, what's going on!"
"It appears that miss Roger's confessed to killing Howard and Marie Stark." The team bolts to the elevator. It refuses to open.

"Jarvis, let us down!"
"I'm sorry Captain. But I can. Mister Starks orders."
"You are not telling me that you're going to let Tony kill my sister!" Steve runs over to the emergency stairs. Ripping the door off he goes running.

"Jarvis! Bring up the feed for the lab. Open communication." Natasha takes the lead as Steve goes off half cocked.

"Of course miss Romonoff."

She, Clint and Bruce look at the screen. Tony is in a full suit. Throwing y/n around.

"She isn't fighting back. Why isn't she fighting back?" Natasha is confused to say the least. Bruce is the one that figured it out.

"It's one of two things. One she has no will to live. That she has given up. Or two she thinks she deserves it." They watch as y/n is thrown into a corner. It hits her back hard. They see tears form in her eyes.

"Tony stop!" Bruce screams out. Trying to keep the green guy in check.

"Why? She deserves it. Every single ounce of pain."
"No Bruce. She killed my parents. She deserves it! She's a killer. The world would be better off without her." Tony has lost all reason. Lost to rage and the memory of grief.

"Tony, killing her wont bring them back."
"No but it will make me feel better."

"Tony, she may have done it but from what we have seen they tortured her. You know how it is out of everyone here what you would do in order to survive." Bruce watches as Tony has her neck in his grip. Over her squeezing. The way the camera is at they can't see his front.

Tony pauses. He lifts hand and fires at the cameras. Each one of them goes down.

"Jarvis, total isolation." The com link clicks off.

He lets his helmet flip up. Looking at her.

"We only have gauge records. What did they do to you?" He pulls away to look at her. She coughs a little bit. Tony moves off of her. Watching. She turns and she begins to cough up blood.


Steve gets down there and rips the door off. Running to the lab. His eyes going wide. Some of the robots were cleaning things up as...

"Get the hell away from my sister Tony!" Tony looks over from where he was patching y/n up. Rolling his eyes as he continues.
After trying to get into the lab a few times Steve takes a step back and tries to calm himself. To look at the big picture. To see that Tony wasn't harming his sister. But helping to remove the broken arm hanging at her side.

"I'm going to be ok Steve. Honestly this was going to the better ending to everything. Regardless of any outcome I was going to get roughed up."
"I asked her what they did to her. The records we have are vastly incomplete." Tony speaks softly and calmly. Looking up to y/ns face.

"I think I knocked something in your eye."
"I will heal. No worries." Her voice is flat. Tony nods.

"Ok. How is the implant?"
"Sore." Y/n didn't mean to but she slipped. That darker side of her created by Hydra took the pain.

"How long until your fully healed from this?" Tony asks unhooking some of the interior things. Making her breathe out a little heavier.

"Open wounds take five days internal organ damage can take fourteen days to twenty eight. Broken bones take fourteen days and fractures can take right to eleven." Tony had seen some of the encrypted files.

"Do you require any additional medical attention?"
"It is advised." Tony nods.

"At ease soldier. Once the arm is off we will get you treated." Y/n closed her eyes. Settling into a half state. Tony watched her relax.

"Jarvis, let Steve in."

"What the fuck was that about Tony? You attack her and then offer her help?" Steve is enraged. Ready to go a few rounds with Tony. Missing y/n's eyes flash open.

"Easy soldier. I have a handle on this." Tony kept his tone even for her. Y/n nods. Letting her body relax the best she can.

"You ever hear of split personalities Steve?"
"No. That wasn't a thing back then." Steve stops outside of arms reach of him.

"It's when someone goes through significant trauma and their minds split. It is rare that they share memories. Your sister is one of those affected."

Steve couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I asked her to tell me what happened. The soldier took over and told me what I wanted to know."
"Is she listening in? What all does she remember? Is this going to be..."

"Steve. Take a step back and think for moment. You being frantic isn't going to help her. Not right now. If you insist on being in here you can help me when I tell you to." At this Steve takes a few steps forward.

"How is she so calm right now?"
"He is acting like the mechanic that normally works on my arm." Steve looks at her. Her eyes are still shut.

"What do they refer to you as?"
"Soldier or Soldat. Or if my handler is kind Snow or Winter."
"Which do you prefer?"
"The last two."

"I need a third hand here." Steve helps Tony get the last little bit of the metal arm off of her. Once Tony was done he takes a step away.

"Go down to medical and get looked at." Steve will be with you."
"Thank you sir." Tony takes a step back as Steve helps her up and onto her feet.

"Come on Snow. Let's get you looked at."

When y/n wakes up her arm is missing with only vague memories. Tony. His rage. He...
She throws her head over the side of the bed and gags hard. Wanting to puke but unable to. A hand is light on her back. Rubbing in circles.

"It's going to be ok."
"I...I don't..."
"It's ok. Slow breaths."
"I don't want to remember." Steve feels his heart break. The five words that fallows makes him question everything. But he keeps going.

Steve looks at the team. All of them worried. Just then y/n and Bruce came in. The door behind them close. Locking them inside. It had been months since that fight between Tony and Y/n. She refused to have her arm returned to her. Her health was rapidly declining. Everyone agreed to an intention.
Y/n looks up and sees the entire team, including T'Challa standing around.

"Don't Steve. This isn't worth it."
"You need to take care of yourself sis. He may be gone but his memory still remains. Work towards a world he would be proud of."

T'Challa is the only one who meets her eyes as she looks around the room.

"And you are?" She's looking at T'Challa. Looking at him up and down. Looking at his guard as well.

"My name is T'Challa."
As if things were able to click she nods. Having a name.

"I tried to save your father. You don't get to talk to me about grief."
"I do not plan on it." He instantly switches to Xhosa. No one can understand what he is saying. No one but for y/n.
She sighs. Turning to look away from him. Eyes locked on the floor.

"Except for one thing." She looks over to him. Eyes locked. T'Challa can see the pain in her eyes.

"The offer is appreciated sire. Perhaps this is a good idea."

"You're not going to go with him y/n. Not until you tell me what's going on." Steve is worried about his sister. Y/n says something short and in Gaelic. In a dialog that only their family used. Steve felt his jaw drop eyes fallowing her as she left.
Steve turns to T'Challa. Locking eyes with the king. Whom speaks not a word but nods instead.

"Steve, what's going on?" Natasha asks softly. Unable to understand what y/n said.

"She didn't just lose Bucky back then." Nat lays a hand on her stomach. Steve sees this and nods.

Y/n takes a deep breath and slowly opens her eyes. Hand instantly going to the socket of her left arm. Relaxing even further into the bed below her.

"How do you feel?"
"Physically or emotionally?"
"The socket."
"I have an extremely high pain intolerance."
"How high?" Shuri asks. Y/n looks over to her.

"I stayed awake while giving birth, alone, with no pain killers."
"Yeah. I was more worried about my kid than anything else."
"Do you know what happened to them?"

"No. They drugged me and took them. I never even found out if it was a boy or a girl. My brother says to live for the future. But my future was in the past."

Shuri stays silent. One of the nurses helps her up. Throwing a cloak over y/ns left side. Hiding the socket. Out of habit y/n pulls it closer.
Shuri looks over and sees her brother. Looking over to where the nurses are talking to y/n.

"How is she?"
"Incredible. An incredibly high pain tolerance. But her heart is heavy. Her future is in her past. Did you know that she was a mother?"
"I did. She told me as such. She has her brother but she lost the man she loves and her child."

T'Challa watches as the one nurse helps y/n put a tube top on. Hearing her hiss as the edge of the top presses up against the bottom of her wound. Explaining that it was sudden and it shocked her.

"Her brother is going to want frequent updates. I had told him that she would want time to heal. A month or two. Outside of that I leave things up to you sister."
"Does this mean I get to mess with him?" Shuri has stars in her eyes in glee.



Y/n looks at the shack a smile on her face. Still the same.

"Others may find you. Will you be ok with that?"
"Yes. I should be. Sire...."
"No y/n. You have done nothing wrong. You tried to save his life. Let me repay you by helping you save your life." She gives him a low bow out of respect.