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What You're Willing To Overlook


Brenda and Sharon certainly have their differences, but sometimes it's worth overlooking the little things for someone you love.
Drabble-sized glimpses into their life together, inspired by flufftober spring edition prompts

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Chapter Text

“I find that good relationships sometimes depend... on what you're willing to overlook.” Sharon said softly, her hand on Brenda’s arm.

Brenda’s arm tingled where Sharon’s hand made contact and suddenly, right there in the bullpen, surrounded by her team, their eyes met and a realization hit Brenda like a lightning bolt.

“My office, Captain,” she commanded, standing up straight and moving quickly away, not even checking to see if Sharon followed. She knew she would.

“Chief?” Sharon asked, confused as she watched Brenda lock both doors and draw the blinds. “Brenda?” she gasped softly when the other woman turned to look at her with fire in her eyes. Brenda stalked closer, backing Sharon up until the petit blond had her pinned against the locked door. “What are you doing?” she breathed as Brenda’s eyes raked over her face.

Sharon might have made it more of a demand than a question. She might have pushed Brenda away and stormed out. Brenda drew courage from the fact that she did neither. She arched an eyebrow and brought one hand up to cup Sharon’s cheek. Brenda’s thumb stroked along her jawline as she thought about all the things she’d overlooked throughout the years.

Will, throwing her under the bus any time it was convenient.

Fritz, storming off to a meeting any time he loses an argument.

Fritz, pressuring her to settle down and start a family even if it was the last thing she wanted.

Sharon, always having her back.

Sharon’s sparkling emerald eyes.

Sharon’s knowing smirk that Brenda had wanted to kiss right off her face on more than one occasion.

“Deciding what I’m not willing to overlook anymore,” she finally answered and tentatively pressed her lips to Sharon’s.

Brenda was relieved to find that Sharon’s response wasn’t tentative at all.