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What happens when you take four arthropod-themed teenage superheroes and turn them into best friends? Ya get this. Four besties and a whole lot of shenanigans.

Peter Parker. Jaime Reyes. Karen Beecher. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Four superheroes. Four imbeciles.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Chapter 1: Chat Meets the Crew

Chapter Text

“My lady, I’m kind of lost here.”  

When Chat Noir was told to follow his partner Ladybug, he thought it was because of some Akuma attack.  

Not to mention that he missed her. Seriously, this was the first interaction between them after her week-long vacation to New York City. 

He was surprised when the real reason turned out to be that she wanted him to meet three of her best friends, as they had apparently been eager to meet him. Even more surprising when there was no one at the spot they were supposed to be.  

“Ugh, why is this happening?” Ladybug angrily paced around. “They said they would be here at this time! I swear, if Spidey’s pranking me again, I’m gonna-” 

Before Ladybug could finish her sentence, some type of orange, hexagonal portal opened right above her. Looking up, Ladybug said four words with a deadpan voice and face.  

“I hate you three.” 


In a few seconds, the portal dumped three people onto the hero of Paris before closing.  

The one on the top managed to land perfectly on his feet on top of the others, and was laughing at the predicament his friends were in. He wore a red and blue suit with a pattern across it that looked like webbing and wide white eyes. There was a black spider emblem in the middle of his chest.  

The other two were not so lucky.  

The one the spider was standing on had blue and black armor. He had yellow eyes and two insectoid arms on his back. 

And the one stuck between him and Ladybug had yellow and black armor reminiscent of a bee or wasp. With googles that looked like an insect’s eyes.  

“Beetle. You have. Ten seconds. To get off me.”  She spoke with anger in her voice. 

“If I wanted to, I would.” “Beetle” said before pointing to the one in the red and blue suit, still laughing. “But I can’t.”  

“Alright, alright” The spider hopped off, still chuckling. “In my defense, I didn’t spot you there.” He then looked directly at Chat Noir. “You must be Lady’s partner.” He held his hand out to shake. “I’m Spider-Man. Call me Spidey. Call me Web-Head. Just don’t call me late for dinner. Ya get me?”  

Chat Noir shook his hand. “Chat Noir. Call me Kitty. Call me bad luck. Just don't call me Hairball.” 

“Oh God, now there are two of them.” The bee said. 

“What have you wreaked upon us, Ladybug!” “Beetle” finally got up and pointed to himself. “Blue Beetle. Nice to meet ya. Always wanted to meet Ladybug’s boyfriend.” 

“WHAT!?!?!” With that, Ladybug gained the strength to throw the bee off her. “We are not a thing!” 

“Not yet anyway.” 


“I’m fine, by the way.”  The bee got up and dusted herself off. “Bumblebee. And quick question: why?” 

Chat Noir tilted his head confused. “Why what?” 

Bumblebee pointed to Ladybug. “Why her? You are WAAAY out her league.”  

“WE ARE NOT A THING!” Ladybug screamed. 

Bumblebee, Blue Beetle, and Spider-Man all burst into laughter.  

“So, how did you four meet?” Chat Noir asked.  

Bumblebee and Blue Beetle suddenly gained malicious grins, and it wouldn't be far off to say Spider-Man would be showing the same grin if his face wasn’t completely covered by his mask. 

Ladybug stood between the trio of arthropods and Chat Noir, cheeks redder than her suit. “That is unimportant!” 

“We kinda just crashed into each other in New York.” Blue Beetle said. “Literally. You should've seen it! Bumblebee clotheslined the hell out of Spidey!”  

“That is NOT how it went down!” Spider-Man said. “If anyone got clotheslined, it was Lady!”  

Before long, the three were giving conflicting, but equally embarrassing-for-Ladybug takes on how the four superheroes met, all while Ladybug buried her head in her hands, groaning. 

“You three make the worst first impressions.” 

“Thank you for the kind compliment!” The three joked, causing Ladybug to groan even louder. 

“…Your new friends seem pretty chaotic, my lady.” Chat Noir remarked.  

“Oh, you have no idea.” Ladybug bemoaned.