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Sky and Rain hit the waves!


Join Luffy and Sabo as they make their way along the grandline!


Umm follow along as they build their crew idk…. Summaries are hard….

Chapter 1: Set Sail!!


Ages! :

Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Ace 20
Scarlett 42
Mihawk 40

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A large man is hunched over a large box sitting on his living room floor surrounded by many scraps of wrapping paper and pieces of tapes. He wraps layer after layer around the large box, hoping to keep out his youngest from spoiling his birthday present before they have breakfast . As the sun starts to peek through the window slowly lighting up the living room, the front door of the home is slowly opened and in comes a young blonde-haired young man that looks like he hasn't slept yet. The man watches his second son try not to make much noise, the man could only look at him fondly as today is the last time their little family will be in this home.



The man stopped his present wrapping and decided to have his fun “welcome home, Sabo.” The young man jumped and let out a small scream, while the other laughed at his son who was catching his breath “ugh! Papa you can't scare me like that!” Sabo says as he  joins his papa on the floor. Scarlett waits for Sabo to get comfortable next to him before pulling him into a hug messing up his blonde hair. Scarlett couldn’t help but laugh as Sabo giggled along, trying to do the same back to his papa. “ Sorry, I had to do it one last time.” Sabo just sighs as they both stop, leaning more into the hug taking in his papa's warmth as he doesn’t know when they will be able to see each other again.

 “ How was the party? Was I right?” Scarlett asked as he looked around the mess he made. Sabo shook his head and pulled away from his papa to look at him as he tells him he was right again “ It was a good party. The food was good and the drinks were good, not as good as yours and Auntie Makino but good. Sighs and yes, you were right. Alice did confess she had feelings for me, it felt so awkward after I told her I didn’t feel the same.” Sabo could only cringe thinking back to the silence that fell around the group after they talked in private and the group could tell it the feelings weren’t mutual.  

Sabo was brought out of his thoughts by his papa’s warm hand on his shoulder “ Hey, at least you were honest with her and didn’t lead her on or something. Did she ask why?” Scarlett asked as he took a glance around the messy living room. Sabo could only nod as he felt a small blush work his way to his ears. “Yes, I told her that I could only see her as a friend and I already have someone I had feelings for.” Scarlett could only smirk at his son’s answer,ready to tease him. “ Ah yes, a certain bounty hunter who has made his way into your heart. The pirate hunter that is making waves across the blue.” 

Sabo could only blush harder as his father talked about the hunter, Sabo only saw him once in a small village and couldn’t get that green hair, those gray eyes and caring personality out of his mind. Scarlett could only chuckle at his son “don't worry Sabo. I was the same way every time I heard any news or saw Dracule’s bounty poster before I even met him. Just ask Sol he would tease me all the time.” 

At the sound of his name Sol took a seat on the couch behind the pair “yup, every time I saw him making those lovey dovey eyes at the news or poster I would tease the hell out of him until he was so red in the face. It only got worse when the two got together. Don’t worry, I won’t tease you about your little hunter, that’s Cerberus’s job.” He finishes with a big smile as Sabo could only laugh “thanks Sol.” 

Scarlett turned to the window and watched the sun as it slowly rose higher. “Looks like it is time to wake the birthday boy, going to come up with me?” Scarlett lifts himself and Sabo follows “of course!” The pair walked up the stairs to said birthday boy as Sol picked up the large box placing it on the table. 

The pair make it to the shared room and find the birthday boy already half off his bed snoring away without a care in the world. The pair get closer, sharing the same look of fondness and cup hands around their mouths and shout “Meat is ready!!” The boy rolls out his bed quickly and is ready to take off out the door only to be stopped by a pair of strong arms that always make him feel safe.

 “Hold on Luffy, we need to tell you something first.” Luffy stops his attempts to leave his papa’s arms and turns to him and Sabo who has joined in the hug “Happy birthday Luffy!!” The pair say with loving smiles that make Luffy’s heart fill with so much love. Luffy could only wrap his arms around them and hold them tighter as he laughs “ shisshishi thank you papa and Sabo! Now can we get meat?!” The pair could only laugh “Yes Luffy it's on the table let's eat!” Scarlett told him, Scarlett watched as Luffy's eyes filled with stars and the boy took off down the stairs. 


The group finished the amazing breakfast that was full of Luffy favorites, the group smiled and laughed chatting away as the food was down at a slice of cake before Scarlett finally put the box he had been wrapping in front of Luffy who was buzzing with energy. Luffy looked at the box with wonder but didn’t make a move to touch it just yet as he waited for his papa to sit down again. “This is from me,feather,Ace and Sabo. You can open it now.” 

After the okay Luffy tore through all the layers his papa put in just a few seconds and opened the box while his family cheered him on. Inside the box was a pipe with a tint of green and a smaller box that was calling him. Luffy focused on the small box and opened it to see a dagger much like the rest of his family. The sheath was gold and silver with designs of the sun and clouds,Luffy looked at it wonder and pulled at the blade. 

The air became electric as the power filled the space, Luffy could only pull the blade out all the way, he could only look amazed as a man appeared on the opposite side of the table. Luffy tuned out his family’s excited cheers as he could only stare at the man that had gold in his eyes. The man was the same height as his gramps but not as muscular. In gold and white robes that touch the floor with light brown hair that seems to flow down the man's back. After what felt like hours staring into each other's eyes the man spoke in a soft deep voice as if he was trying not to startle the boy. “Hello, little sun, my name is Apollo.”

 Apollo could only watch as the boy laughed and jumped across the table and landed into Apollo's chest wrapping his arms and legs around the man “ shishishi I’m Monkey D. Luffy and I am going to be king of the pirates!” Apollo held the boy close and listened as the boy threw question after question at him, unable to answer him until another man pulled him off, he could only think who dared take his master from him. 

“Luffy, give him a moment to answer! Hello Apollo! I am Sol, welcome to the family!” “Sol, you look so cool! Wait, Luna, you look so pretty!” Luffy shouted as he took off asking Luna, Cerberus, and Rex questions, excited to finally see everyone. Apollo didn’t know what to think watching as his master bounced with energy between the three. “You are blades, how unique.” Apollo said to Sol as he heard a hearty laugh come from his left side at the head of the table sat a large man that had a lot of power. 

“ Yes, this family is full of true masters. I am Scarlett, one of Luffy’s fathers, my blades are Rex, Sol, and Luna.” Scarlett got up and stood next to Apollo and pointed towards the group. “The blond boy with the scar is Sabo, one of Lufy’s older brothers, his blade is Cerberus the one is the blue dress. There are more blades in the family but they are not here right now but I'm sure you will meet them out at sea.” Scarlett informed him as Sol left the two to join the group. 

Apollo turned his head to the side confused “Sea?” Scarlett smiles as he watches Luffy being passed around for hugs. “Yes, the sea. Luffy and Sabo are setting sail to follow their  dreams. Don’t worry, you are in for an amazing adventure.” Scareltt walked a few steps closer to the group clapping his hands, getting everyone's attention. 

“Sorry to break things up but boys if you plan to leave today you need to finish packing and get ready.” Sabo and Luffy both froze before making a dash up the stairs, tripping each other trying to be the first into the bathroom even if there are two rooms causing everyone to laugh. The group starts to fill in Apollo and answer his questions while Scarlett gets to work cleaning the table. 


Sabo dropped his bag into the small boat and headed to the group of people that had come to say goodbye to them while they waited for Luffy to come back from Dandan’s. Sabo stopped in front of his uncle Woop Slap pulling the older man into a hug as he mumbled something about stupid pirates but Sabo knows he is just worried about them. “Yeah, yeah, uncle we will be safe and we love you too.” “Shut up brat!” Sabo could only laugh as he let the man out of his hold and turned to auntie Makino who looked like she might cry again. 

She quickly put him in her arms holding tight, “you guys be safe, look out for each other, don't forget to wear a jacket when it gets cold. Don’t talk to strangers.” She told him Sabo could only laugh as he listened to her ramble on. “Auntie, Auntie, I know. we have jackets but Auntie we have to talk to strangers to get crew members.” 

Sabo looked down at his auntie and could see the gears work around in Makino’s head as she came up with a new idea. “ Fine, then don’t talk to people that give you bad vibes.” Sabo chuckled as he pulled her close one last time before he was pulled back against a strong chest. “Makino is still a worrywart, they will be fine.” Scarlett told his younger sister as he tightened his arms around Sabo.

“Shut up Scar! Like you are any better, you are the one who was crying at the bar talking about what if they get lost? Or get too cold?” Scarlett could only laugh as Makino was telling the semi-truth,  he was at the bar but it was Makino who cried and asked questions until she fell asleep. 

Before Scarlett could defend himself a ball of energy crashed into his back with a laugh. “ Shishishi  Maki is crying again. Don’t worry we can kick anyone’s ass now and if we need help we call papa. Right papa?” Scarlett pulled Luffy off his back and pulled him into his hug that Sabo was still in. “Yup that's right Luffy, I take it DaDan didn’t want to come.” Luffy shakes his head no. “Nope, are you ready Sabo?” Luffy untangled himself from his papa as did Sabo who gave his captain a smile.  “ready when you are.”

 The two jumped onto their little boat with thier papa stayed on the dock tossing a small bag to Sabo. The boys peek in and see two snails and two pieces of paper. “ Snails and vive cards. I have a piece of each for me and your dad. Keep them safe and call if you boys need anything.” Scarlett could only laugh as the two jumped back onto the dock giving him one last hug.

 “ Haha get going before you lose more light. Tell your dad I say hi when you see him.” Scarlett told his boys as he knew Mihawk was heading to the east for them to meet and head into the grandline as well, the boys pulled away with smiles on their faces. Scarlett watched his boys jump back to their little boat and spoke to their blades he knew were listening. “Apollo, Cerbuers, watch our boys for us. Now get going you two.” The two young boys chuckled as they pushed away from the dock as the crowd cheered. 

Scarlett gives one last shout with a smile, “ May the sea grace you with calm waves!” Luffy laughs from his place at the bow of the boat while Sabo shouts back “May the winds guide your sail! Bye everyone!” The boys wave goodbye as they drift out further watching the group slowly start to turn frantic.  The boys at first were confused but started to notice the sea king rise from behind them. Luffy could only smile wide while Sabo could only laugh, taking a seat against the railing letting Luffy handle it. 

Luffy pulled back his right fist a good amount before shouting “ gomu-gomu no pistol! ” letting go and knocking down the sea king. Luffy could hear the cheers from the group at the shore and couldn't help but feel great. “Sabo, you ready for an adventure?”  Sabo could only smile up at his captain “of course Captain!” The two laughed as they started to drift with the waves, letting the seas guide them onto their new adventure. 


Woohoo!! Book 3 is here!

Super excited to start book 3! But there are so things I need to get out the way before ao3 decides to wipe everything I wrote again!

First! Tuesdays and Thursdays will be upload days with 1 chapter!

Second! I’m writing all of this on my phone so some chapters will be short or long. It’s just hard to tell still but I think I got the hand of it!

Third! I have no beta reader(s)! So if something seems weird or doesn’t make sense feel free to ask and I will try my best to explain without spoiling!! But if anyone wants to be feel free to let me know 👀👀

Fourth! A lot of this story will be focused on Sabo majority of the time! But some characters will have their moments!

Anyways hope you guys enjoy! See you Thursday!

Chapter 2: Meeting a chore boy


luffy 17
Sabo 20
Scarlett 42

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text



The two sail for a day before Sabo decides to finally sleep after all he has been awake for over 24 hours. “ Luffy, I’m going to sleep, keep watch, wake me if you need something.”  “ got it Bo!” Sabo laided against the railing while Luffy watched the waves.  Luffy did get bored after an hour as Sabo and Cerberus were still asleep, he might as well bother Apollo.

 “Apollo, can you tell me how to take care of you or tell me about things you like.” Apollo took form next to Luffy sitting on the edge of the boat with his feet almost touching the water. “I love the sun, I love the sea, I am just happy to see the world once again.” Luffy moves closer to the man listening to him. “ I don’t need much, just get proper oil and keep me clean most of the time and I will be happy, Master.” 

Apollo watches Luffy’s face show discomfort, “I am no one's master Apollo. don’t call me that, I am your partner, a friend, family. Call me Luffy or as you said little sun.” Apollo could only laugh with a big smile Luffy could see the tension leave Apollo’s shoulders “ Okay little sun, I hope we have a wonderful time.” Luffy could only smile up at the older man when he remembers something important to tell him. “Oh, before I forget I don’t really use weapons when I fight. So sorry that I plan to have you on my hip or back most of the time. Are you okay with that?” Luffy watches the shock on Apollo’s face before the man lets out a loud laugh also glowing in the sunlight.

 “Oh little sun, you are truly unique. I do not mind not being used for battles. I would like to be by your side. That is all I can ask for.” Luffy smiles at Apollo’s answer. “of course!”  Luffy tells him as he begins to ramble about the random things that fill his mind. 


It's the third day at sea and Sabo was still asleep when Luffy noticed the sea was forming a whirlpool. Luffy was quick to get moving, he was going to wake Sabo but he still looked like he needed sleep so he carefully emptied their largest barrel and placed Sabo in very carefully with the small bag that had their snails. He double checked he had everything, grabbing their pipes and headed into the very large barrel and closing the lid very tight. He could feel the boat start to rock violently back and forth. This went on for hours for Luffy, he could feel Apollo’s amusement while he could feel Cerberus didn’t like it one bit, but Luffy didn’t pay too much to her and just made sure Sabo was okay before he fell asleep as well. 


The next time Luffy woke he was still in the barrel and Sabo looked like he was waking up as well so Luffy broke the top, as he could hear people again. “Ah, I slept great!” Luffy cheered. In front of him were two men and he could feel two more behind him. “Ah there was a person in there!” “He could be a Hunter! Who are you?!”  The two shouted, Luffy paid no mind to them as Sabo was getting up as well.

 “ Luffy shut them up, they are too loud.” Sabo told his brother as he climbed to his feet. The group watched as Sabo took a place next to Luffy rubbing his eyes taking in their surroundings. “Okay, I am Monkey D. Luffy, nice to meet you!” The pair of brothers climbed out the barrel and Sabo stood off to the side letting Luffy deal with the people while he still woke up. 

Luffy turned to the person behind him ignoring the two who were still confused about who Luffy was. A young boy with pink hair and round glasses.   “ Do you know where the food is?” He watched the boy struggle to answer as he felt two swords heading for him. Luffy made quick work of them, the two blades broke at the swing of his fist and landed in the ceiling. “Now look at what you did.” Luffy told the two men as they stared at him in fear before they ran off scared, taking another one with them who was knocked out leaving behind the boy. 

 “Luffy, where is our boat? Why were we in a barrel?” Sabo questioned once he was more awake, Luffy felt the hair on the back of his neck stand as he heard Sabo’s not happy voice. Luffy just laughed and started to leave the room heading to the smell of food. “I smell food! Come on Sabo!” Luffy told his brother as he felt the pink haired kid grab his arm trying to pull him away but didn’t care. “No! go this way! there are more pirates that way!” Sabo caught up to the pair and listened to the crying kid that was trying to stop Luffy. But did not make any plans to stop Luffy after all he was hungry too and Luffy’s nose has never been wrong when it comes to food.  

Luffy led them to a storage room that was filled with boxes of food. Luffy jumped down and started eating from a box of apples, “Here Sabo eat!” Sabo caught an apple Luffy threw over his shoulder and took a seat next to Luffy and the pair ate a few when the boy started to talk. “M-my name is Coby. You’re Luffy-san and Sabo-san right? That was cool what you did! How did you do it?!” The brothers didn’t care to answer Coby’s questions; both were hungry after all.

 “Sabo, these are great!” Luffy shouts as he stuffed some in their bag while Sabo askes “is this a pirate ship?” Coby answers watching the two work their way through the box of apples “ No, it's a passenger ship being raided by Alvida-sama.”  Sabo nodded as he bit an apple at a much slower pace than Luffy.Luffy, himself finished two more apples as he finished stuffing their bag and grabbed a spare bag as he asked Coby. “well, doesn’t matter. Do you know if there are any boats onboard?” He asked as he stuffed more apples in his new bag.


Coby struggles to answer. “ I-I think so.” Luffy takes a break looking at the pink haired boy. “ Oh good! our ship got swallowed by this giant whirlpool.” As he finishes that sentence, a haki coated fist lands on his head. “OW! Sabo!” Sabo just sticks out his tongue while Coby is flabbergasted at the two. “Y-you mean that whirlpool?! No one could survive that!” Luffy just giggles as he turns to Coby with a smile. “It was a real surprise!” 

Sabo could only shake his head in disbelief at his younger brother as he looked to Coby, “So Coby are you one of those pirates too?”  The pair of brothers watch as Cody’s shoulders fall. “It was that day, I was going fishing on a boat but it turns out it was a boat heading for a pirate ship!It has been two years since. In exchange for my life, I’ve been forced to be a chore boy.” Luffy spoke up once Coby was done. “Man! You’re dumb and Stupid!”

“Luffy!” Sabo knocked him on the head again, as Cody’s shoulder’s dropped telling Luffy “you’re brutally honest.”


 Luffy rubs his bumps as he frowns at his brother then Cody “if you don’t like then run away!”  Luffy tells Coby, causing the boy to shake a little. “N-no way, No way I can't. Just the thought of Alvida-sama finding me. Scares me and makes me weak in the knees..” Luffy just laughs at the boy, “Oh, you’re a wimp too? Man, I hate you!” Sabo gives him another knock on the head “Luffy!” While Coby looks like he might start crying. 

The brothers go back to eating their fill of apples and Sabo finds another bag to fill with more apples when  Coby speaks up. “yeah.. that's right. If only I had the courage to drift the ocean in a barrel..there’s actually something I want to do too.. What made you guys set out to sea Luffy-san, Sabo-san?” 


Sabo could only smile as he put down his apple bag turning to the boy with a smile. “I'm going to be a writer! I will write the greatest story that everyone will know!” Luffy's eyes shine when he hears Sabo’s dream. “I’m gonna be the king of the pirates!” Luffy exclaimed as he jumped up in his place. Coby's face drops in shock while Sabo could only laugh.


 “K-King of the Pirates?!!” Coby sputtered out 


“Yup.” Luffy beamed at him


“Are you serious?! Is he serious?!” Coby shouted as he looked frantically between both brothers.


  “Yup” the brothers answered. 


“Wait, you're pirates?!” Coby blurted out with wide eyes.

Luffy answers with pride “yup!” Coby is still in shock but he has to keep asking questions. He has to know more about this pair of brothers. “What about your crew?!” “It’s just us for now. We are looking for more.” Luffy answered as he took another apple out of a box. Coby went still, Sabo could only giggle as he watched Luffy poke a frozen Coby.


“ I think you broke him Luffy.” Sabo explained as Luffy left the boy alone to join his side.  Coby jumped to his feet,quickly starting to pace the small room while looking at the brothers. “King of the pirates is the title given to the person who obtains everything in this world! That means seeking the great treasure of wealth,fame and power, The One Piece!” 

 Luffy bellowed with laughter, “yup!” Sabo just laughs, finding this whole situation funny. 


 “ Yup?! Pirates all over the world are after that treasure!” Coby shouted as he glanced at the brothers.


 “Yup!” Luffy said with a wide grin 


“No way! no way! there is no way you can stand at the apex of this great pirate era! No way!” Coby countered back causing Luffy and Sabo to get up from their seats. Stopping in front of Coby who is no longer pacing, both land hits on top of Coby’s head. “Why did you hit me?!” he shouted as he rubbed the sore spot. “Just because” the two answered as Sabo sat down ready to watch the show. 

Coby shakes his head while Luffy starts his little speech Sabo loves to hear. “It’s not about whether I can or not. I'm gonna do it because I want to. I've decided to be the king of the pirates so if I die fighting for that, that's fine with me!” Sabo shakes his head fondly. “Like any of us would let you die.” Causing Luffy to smile wide. 

“Come one Luffy, let's get a boat and get out of here.” Sabo said as he moved towards the door leading them back to where they came from with Luffy behind him. “I never thought about it like that, do you think I could do it too, if i'm prepared to die for it too?” Coby asked the pair of brothers, causing them to stop and watch as Coby stands tall with a new fight under him. “Do what?” Sabo asked curiously, “Do you think I could join the navy?” “Navy huh?” Luffy asked, Coby turned to face them with determination in his eyes.


“Yes! Catching bad guys is my dream! It has been my dream since I was little. Do you think I could do it?!” Coby blurted out causing Luffy to chuckle. “how would I know?”


 “No! I’ll do it! If I'm gonna be a chore boy for the rest of my life then I’ll break out of here and catch even Alvida!” Coby shouted cheerfully.

Crash! The ceiling came down when a voice in the dust could be heard. “ you’re gonna team up with him to catch who?! Coby!!” Sabo and Luffy’s haki tell them of the swords behind them. The two move out of the way as swords go through the wall and door. Luffy has his eyes on the woman that came down while Sabo stays alert. “You don’t seem to be Zoro, the Pirate Hunter.” Sabo hearts skips a beat while Luffy has no idea who Zoro is.

 “Zoro?” The woman shouts again, causing Coby to shake again. “ Coby! Who is the most beautiful of all on these seas?!” While Coby stutters out an answer,Luffy questions “who’s this big chunky lady?” Everything falls quiet except Sabo who is laughing so hard he is almost on the ground.  

Alvida lets out an angry shout “You runt!!” As she swings down her iron club right where Luffy and Sabo are standing. Luffy quickly grabs Sabo’s jacket and moves them out the way next to Coby. “Let's go!” Luffy pulls the two close and jumps through the hole heading to the top deck.  As he lands Sabo finally stops laughing and gets a hold of himself.

 “ Do you want help Luffy?” Sabo asks as he dodges a pirate pulling Cody with him, Luffy starts dodging the crew as they start to attack. “ No, watch the wimp!” Sabo pulls Coby out the way and stands near the railing as they watch Luffy stretched away from the group that was chasing him. Sabo smirks as everyone freezes watching Luffy in horror, “gotcha!” Luffy cheered as he shot himself back at the group taking them down. Coby asked, “what are you?!” Amazed at what he sees. Luffy laughs as he lands near the two.“I’m a rubber man!” Coby nods but Sabo can see he doesn’t know what that means and was going to explain when Alvida joined them on deck. “So you ate a devil fruit, I didn’t think those were real.” 

Luffy smiles as he takes out another group“ no one does!” Alvida makes a move for Luffy but he is ready for her. The two start their fight as Luffy dodges all of her moves, causing her to be more aggravated and she finally tries to take a swing at Coby and Sabo who were on the side only for Luffy to take the blow causing everyone to freeze. Once the dust settles there is only Avilda’s club against the deck, Sabo sighs as he knows Luffy is fine as it wasn’t haki, Sabo pulls Coby away as he knows Luffy is going to be more upset that she almost hit them.

 “Huh, finally that runt is gone.” Alvida said.Just as she finishes her iron club starts to crack until it turns into dust in her hand and Luffy stands tall with his straw hat covering his eyes. “ I’m done playing.” Luffy pulls his arm back and shouts, “ gomu-gomu no pistol!” As he lets go landing right in Alvida's face, pushing her all the way across the deck and out to sea. 

No one moves as they look at where their captain has gone. Luffy dust himself off and turns to the remaining crew. “ Get Coby a boat! He is going to be a marine!” The crew scatters following Luffy's order while Sabo comes over and wraps an arm around Luffy’s shoulders “ Breath Luffy. I am okay.” Since Sabo was first taken by his birth father, anytime Luffy was around when Sabo got hurt Luffy would be upset and worry until Luffy made sure Sabo was okay in his eyes. 

      Over the years Luffy got better at controlling himself but after Sabo’s accident he sometimes falls back into old habits. Luffy does as Sabo says and is able to calm himself just in time as the boat is ready. Sabo takes a look at the seas and sees three navy ships heading their way. “We got to go! Marines are coming.” The brothers head for the boat with Coby behind them. “Coby, why are you coming?!” Luffy asks as they jump onto the boat “because they will arrest me now!” Sabo uses Cerberus to cut the ropes holding the boat up and they free fall into the sea and the marines fire cannonballs at the ship. 

Coby and Sabo both work on sailing them out of there as Luffy watches out for the marines. “See Apollo, that was a fun adventure.” He can feel his blade chuckle against his hip. Coby turns to the pair of brothers once they are a good distance away from the marines.

 “ looks like we got away, if you guys are heading for the one piece that means you are heading for the grandline? That place is known as the pirate's graveyard, you know.” Coby tells them as he tied down a rope, causing the brothers to smile. Sabo took a seat against the rail while Luffy responded back, “yeah that's why we need a strong crew. What about the pirate hunter guy? What’s he like?”

 Luffy asks while Sabo goes still his heart is racing just thinking about meeting the hunter as Coby answers back. “ You mean Zoro? I heard he’s being held prisoner at a navy base.” “Aw he’s a weakling?” Both Sabo and Coby shout, “no he’s not!” Luffy raises an eyebrow at Sabo.

  Coby continues “ he’s as terrifying as a demon!” Coby stops as his mind tries to think why this guy would be asking about this feared man. “Why are you asking about him?” 


Luffy grinned from ear to ear as he swung his legs over the railing. “ I thought I might have him join my crew if he is a good guy!” Sabo breaks out a big smile while Coby is shocked,“you’re being reckless again!”

 Luffy whines “hey! He might be a good guy!” “He’s been caught because he is a bad guy! No way no way!”Coby frantically waved his hands around as he shouted. Sabo and Luffy both knock Coby on the head, stopping his rant “why did you hit me?” “Just because.” Is their answer again. 


Night has fallen, Sabo has watched while Coby and Luffy sleep, well Coby is asleep but not Luffy. “It’s been hours, Luffy go to sleep.” Luffy moves to sit up straight as he stares at Sabo who is watching the waves. “Why did you freeze when we brought up Zoro?” Sabo feels his ears turning red as his heart skips a beat. “no I didn’t.” Luffy rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he snorts.“You just did and your ears are turning red,” Sabo uses his hands to cover them. “ Do I need to hurt him for you?” 

Sabo stares at Luffy shocked, as his heart squeezes a little, Luffy thinks Zoro hurt him, oh how wrong he is. “No, he didn’t hurt me, he doesn’t know me.” Luffy shakes his head confused by his brother’s behavior. “Then why?” Sabo sighs looking up at the stars, trying to word it the best way when he gets the idea. “Luffy, you know how you get when you see Law’s bounty poster.” Luffy quickly turns a shade of red as his brother calls him out. Luffy covers his face with his straw hat whining “Sabo! You promised not to bring it up!” 

Sabo just chuckles at his baby brother's reaction. “sorry Luffy, I couldn’t think of how to explain it.” Luffy sighs, moving his hat away from his still very red face. “So Sabo has a crush on Zoro?”  Sabo nods, biting his lip as Luffy seems to think“ Okay then, if he hurts you let me know so we can beat him up together.” Sabo could only smile at his brother “okay Luffy now sleep.”


 “Night Bo!”Luffy said as he made himself comfortable against the deck next to Cody. “Night Lu.” Sabo tells him as he looks to the stars, hoping their meeting with Zoro will go well. 


aaaaahhhhh anyways brothers meet Coby and head to their next island hoping to get a certain swordsman!

Also that thing with luffy 👀 well we will have to see what happens there in the future.

See you Tuesday!!!

Chapter 3: A pirate hunter


Super long chapter!

Tags got updated!!!



Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Sabo looks out at the sea as they grow closer to the island, they have made it to Shells Town after two days. Luffy and Coby have become friends, the most important is Coby keeps Luffy entertained enough while Sabo tries not to freak out about meeting Zoro.

The hours pass by rather fast as they finally make it into the town. Coby and Luffy are little ahead while Sabo thinks of a list of supplies they will need as he looks at the stalls that lined the road. “Coby, let's go see Zoro first.” Luffy commented as he looked at a table filled with spices. At that name the townspeople jump enough for Sabo to be pulled from his thoughts and pay attention to Luffy and Coby. “Are you crazy?! The base here is run by Captain Morgan! Are you trying to get arrested?!” Coby shrieked as he looked between the brothers. Sabo and Luffy take notice that the townspeople jump to the captain’s name. 

“Who is this Morgan guy anyway?” Luffy asked as they continued down the road. Again the people jumped in fear and quickly  started to empty the streets that even Coby notices finally .“why are they running?!” He asked as he searched up and down the streets for danger but found nothing. 


“Captain Morgan is known for taking down some big shot pirates a few years ago. Anyways he got promoted. It was a big deal apparently.” Sabo answered, Luffy nodded along, not really listening as they made their way to the marine base to find Zoro. 


It didn't take them long to find him tied up against a wood post in a large yard. “Found him!” Luffy cheered as they reached the top of a stone wall that separated the road and the yard.. “if we cut the rope, he is free right?” Luffy asked as he stared at Zoro who seemed to be asleep. Coby starts to panic “no! There is no way of telling what will happen.” Cody goes off on a rant again while Luffy and Sabo keep an eye on Zoro. “He could kill you Luffy-san!” Luffy just laughs,brushing off Coby’s concern.“don’t worry I’m strong.”

 A rough voice calls out to them “ Hey you guys. Get lost. You’re an eyesore.” Sabo's heart skips a beat as Zoro lifts his head looking over the three before stopping on Sabo. Zoro makes eye contact with him and Sabo almost gets lost in those gray eyes. While Cody panics, a ladder is added to Sabo’s right side taking his eye off the man who is still handsome as he remembers. A little girl makes her way up the ladder, making it to the top turning to the boys with a finger against her lips. 

The trio watch as the little girl throws a rope over the wall and slides down holding something close to her chest as she races to Zoro. Coby panics again, causing Sabo to knock him on the head, finally making him quiet. While the brothers watch as she makes it to Zoro. “What?” He asks the little girl, “ you must be hungry! I made you some rice balls!” Sabo’s heart melted, such a sweet kid he thinks. 

“Do you wanna get killed, pipsqueak? Scram!” Zoro shouted at the little girl who ignored him as she pulled out the rice balls. “You haven’t eaten in two weeks,  here! it was my first time making them, I worked really hard on them.” Sabo can see Zoro grow tense at her words.“I'm not hungry. Get lost kid.” “But..” “I don’t want them, don't make me kick your ass!” 

The sound of a gate opening takes Sabo’s attention, “shit! Marines!” Sabo wants to get the kid out of there but it's too late. “It’s not nice to bully people you know. Roronoa Zoro.” A guy in a suit walks up to the two with two marines at his back. 


“Now there is another weird guy!” Luffy says, Sabo watches as the guy in the suit takes one of the rice balls,eats it then spit it out; they all watch as the man shouts. “They are too sweet, they are full of sugar. you’re supposed to use salt for rice balls!” He throws it down. 

The little girl answered back, “ but I thought they would be better sweet.” The guy in the suit takes the other rice fall and throws it into the dirt and starts to stomp on them. The little girl can only shout for him to stop, and when he does the girl is in tears. “ I worked so hard!” 


The man pulls out a paper from his suit. “ Did you not read the notice? ‘Those who help criminals will be executed.’ Navy captain Morgan.” The girl becomes pale at the name, while the man cackles at the little girl.  “ oh even kids are scared of my dad?” 

“Morgan has a kid?” The trio asked no one, the man pointed to one of the marines behind him “you. Throw this kid out.” The marine is stunned at the orders.“ I said throw it out! Or can you not follow my order?! Don’t make me tell my dad!” “Y-yes sir.” The marine moves to the girl who is shaking, “I’m sorry little girl. Curl yourself into a ball.” He whispers to her.

 He takes her and throws her over the wall, luckily Luffy catches her and they land just fine. Coby checks the girl while Sabo and Luffy are still watching Zoro. The man chuckled as he got into Zoro’s face.“You are stubborn, thinking you can stay alive.” Zoro clenched his jaw as he tried to lunge at the man. Scaring the man enough to cause him to jump away from Zoro. “Yeah, I will live the full month!”


The man just dismissed Zoro as he started to leave the yard. “Good luck with that.” “ Two weeks left!” Zoro snarled back as he watched the man take his leave with the goons behind him.


Luffy and Sabo wait until the coast is clear and jump over the wall. The pair make it across the yard, their eyes never leaving Zoro who was hung limp against the post, only stopping a few feet away. The pair can see the cuts and bruises and the sun burns that litter his body, Zoro could use a good bath too. 


“I heard you are a bad guy?” Luffy started as he took a closer look at Zoro. Sabo could only shake his head as his eyes landed on Zoro once again. “You are still here?” Zoro asked as he leaned his head back against the post taking in the strangers in front of him. “You are stuck here for all to see, are you really strong at all?” “Luffy!” Sabo knocks him on the head as they make their way closer to him.

 “Mind your own business!” Zoro shouts as Luffy rubs his head hoping there is no bump. “ if it were me, I’d starve to death in three days!” Sabo laughs, “you would be gone in two days Luffy.” Sabo can see Zoro start to grin. “I have more spirit than you. I will live through this. I swear it.” Luffy gives him a funny look. “What a strange person!” Luffy starts to leave with Sabo a step behind him. 

“Wait, can you pick that up for me?” Zoro asked.  Luffy crouched down to the mess of the rice balls with a face of disgust, “are you sure? It’s mostly mud now.” 


“ Just give me the damn rice balls!” Zoro shouted at Luffy, who threw it into Zoro's  waiting mouth and the man ate it all. “Thank you for the food. It was good.” Luffy has a smile on his face the whole time back to the wall. The two get over and follow the girl back to town. 


The group sits on some steps and listens to Luffy talk about Zoro eating the rice balls. “I'm so happy!” Rika cheered as she spun in circles when Coby asked, “Is he really as evil as they say he is?” Rika is quick to answer back, looking at the guys with urgency.“No! He let himself get crucified in our place.” The group is shocked at her words. 

 “ What do you mean?” Luffy asked as he took a seat on a barrel. Rika looks sad as she tells how Helmeppo, the man in the suit, brought a wolf into her family’s restaurant. How she tried to stop the wolf from eating  other people’s food and stopped hitting him because her mother dragged her away and said they would get in trouble. 

When the wolf was going to attack her, Zoro threw a chair at the wolf, knocking it out. Helmeppo got upset and tried to attack Zoro only for Zoro to beat him up. The two made a deal. Zoro stays on the post for a month and lives, he will be free and her and her mom would be safe, Zoro took the deal. If not they would be the ones on the post. That was two weeks ago. The girl is in tears by the time she is done telling the story. The guys are amazed by Zoro, when the sounds of glasses breaking and shouting reach their ears.

The group walk into Rika’s family restaurant to hear Helmeppo say “I've been bored lately, so I decided to execute Zoro tomorrow.” Sabo watches as Luffy loses control of himself as he moves quickly across the restaurant and punches Helmppo in the face, sending him into a wall. The marines follow after him. “ I'm Captain Morgan’s son you know!” Helmeppo shouts as he grabs his face that is turning red.

 “This guy is scum!” Luffy shouts as he heads up to throw another punch only Coby tries to hold Luffy back while Sabo takes Luffy side holding his arm tight. “I'm gonna tell my dad and he’s gonna execute you!” Helmeppo yelled as he struggled to stand. Luffy goes still and everyone freezes, Sabo lets out a dark laugh that sends chills down everyone’s back.

 Sabo takes a step in front of Luffy pulling out Cerberus whose blade lights up with blue flames. “If anyone is going to die, it will be you if you so much as touch a hair on my captain.” Sabo takes a step closer to Helmeppo, “ Sabo.” He stops at Luffy’s voice. “ Sighs you took away my fun Luffy.” Sabo puts Cerberus back on his hip and  shouts to Helmeppo and the marines. “scram!” Helmeppo and the marines run so did everyone else in the bar. “I'm going to have Zoro join my crew.”Luffy says as he fixes his hat and walked out the restaurant with Sabo right behind him. “Aye captain.” 


The two make it back to Zoro who is sleeping but he jolts awake as they got closer. “huh? You guys are still here? Got nothing better to do?”  The two informe his questions, Luffy steps forward, “I’ll untie you so join my crew.” Luffy tells him, Zoro could only look at the two in disbelief. “What?” Luffy could only roll his eyes at having to repeat himself again. “ We are looking for people to join our pirate crew.” 

Zoro snorts as he flexes his hands hoping to return some blood flow. “Forget it. Me stooping to a criminal’s level.” Sabo steps up to Luffy’s side and joins in on the conversation. “What's wrong with being a pirate?” Sabo asked, finally looking Zoro in the eyes, trying his hardest not to get lost in those gray eyes that make his heart race now. 


“Pirates are despicable. As if I'd wanna be one.” Zoro answers, causing Luffy to laugh at the irony. “you’re already known as an evil bounty hunter.” 

Sabo can see Zoro is getting to his limit with Luffy. “People can say whatever they want but I ain’t done anything I regret. I will live through this and accomplish what I want.” Luffy smiles at Zoro’s reply, taking a step back. “Okay but I’ve decided you’re gonna join me.”

 “Don’t do that on your own!” Zoro shouts as Luffy takes another step back, Sabo chuckles while Luffy looks smug. “I hear you use swords,” Luffy said with mischief coming off him in waves, Sabo can only laugh as he can see what Luffy is doing. “yeah but that asshole took them.” Zoro pouts as he falls limp against the post while Luffy only smirks. “I'll get them back for you.” 

Zoro feels as his eyes go wide and he tries to stand straight only to fall against the ropes cutting into his arms and legs more. “So if you want your swords, join my crew!” Luffy finishes and takes off to the base while running the wrong way. “you're getting on my nerves!” Zoro shouts while Sabo watches Luffy run off. 

“  Need help!” Sabo asks as he and Zoro watch Luffy run away from the base.  “No!” Luffy shouts back as he laughs making it closer to a wall. “Is he planning to bust into the base by himself?”  Zoro asked, confused by the strange guy, Sabo  just laughed at Luffy. 


“Luffy wrong way!” Luffy turns and stretches his arms all the way to the other side of the yard, stunning Zoro. “Who the hell are you people?” Zoro asked, amazed as he was confused at these two guys before him.

“I am Monkey D. Sabo, now let's get you out of here.” Sabo pulls out Cerberus and starts working on cutting Zoro out. “What are you doing?!” Zoro shouts at Sabo as cuts the rope. “Did you not hear me? We are getting you out.” Sabo answers as he gets one leg out and starts the other when Coby joins them pulling at the rope.


 “What are you guys doing? I still have time!” Zoro shouts, Sabo gets his other leg free and starts working on the ones around his stomach while Coby answers. “No, you don't, Helmeppo moved your execution to tomorrow.” “ What?” Zoro is in disbelief.

 “ What? Did you really think that spoiled brat would keep his word.” Sabo asks as he moves to work on Zoro's left arm that has some bad rope burns. “You seem like someone who keeps your word but news flash not everyone will.” Sabo finishes the last rope on his left arm and starts working on the right arm as Coby somehow only makes it tighter. “Coby, hold him so he doesn't fall. I almost got him out.” Sabo hears a loud crash followed by a laugh. “It seems Luffy is having fun.” 

Sabo cuts the last of the rope and catches Zoro with the help of Coby. “Easy, don’t try to move just yet.” Zoro just snorts as he opens his mouth to speak, a new voice makes its way to Sabo’s ears. He leaves Zoro's side to stand in front of the two as Coby tells Zoro what happened at Rika’s restaurant. “Anyone helping a criminal escape is to be executed. You are all with the straw hat?” It’s not hard for Sabo to know it is Captain Morgan in front of them.

Sabo takes a look around, it's about ten marines with Captain Morgan, not a bad turn out. Zoro answers “I’m with no one.” Sabo just shakes his head getting into a fighting stance as he pulls out his pipe that shines in the sunlight. 


“Captain Morgan, you are just as ugly as your son.” Sabo can hear Coby whimper behind him and can tell Morgan did not like his comment. “Kill them!” The marines all raise their guns and take aim, Coby is shouting in the back and Sabo looks at them with glee, itching for a fight. “FIRE!” 

A body drops in front of Sabo taking in all the bullets and shoots them back at the marines. “That won’t work on me!” Luffy stands tall fixing his hat laughing when Zoro speaks up from behind them. “Who are you?!” Luffy turns to him with a smirk “Me? I’m Monkey D. Luffy. I am going to be King of the Pirates! Oh I found swords. I didn’t know which one was yours so I brought all three.” “I use all three.” Zoro says as he moves away from Coby,moving to take the swords. But Luffy has other plans as he pulls them away. 

“So what is it going to be? Killed by marines or join us and fight?” Luffy asks with a smirk, Zoro chuckles as he moves to take his swords. “you are the son of a devil. I’d rather be a pirate then die here!” Luffy jumps up and down still with swords in hand causing Zoro to frown. “ woo hoo! I did it Sabo!” “Just give me the swords!” Zoro shouts as he takes the swords while Sabo takes a stand next to Coby, pipe in hand still as he watches the marines start their next attack. He goes to protect Luffy but Zoro beats him to it. 

Zoro uses the three swords holding back all the marines. “ I am a pirate now, going against the marines makes me a criminal. But let me tell you, I will follow my own ambitions!” Sabo can tell Luffy didn’t know that word. “ambitions?” “To become the world’s greatest swordsman! If you make me abandon my ambitions you end your life with my sword.” Zoro tells them, Sabo could only smile, of course Luffy finds someone with a big dream that matches his. “The worlds greatest? Huh, that sounds nice for a crewmember to the pirate king!” Luffy said with a wide grin.

Zoro pushes everyone back finally and the fighting continues Luffy goes after Morgan while Zoro handles the small fries and Sabo handles the stranglers who made their way to him.  The three fight their way around when Helmeppo shouts to Luffy. “ stop fighting straw hat or I'll blow pinkie's head off!” The field falls quiet while Sabo throws down another marine.

 “Coby isn’t scared of you! He’s not afraid to die!” Luffy shouts across the field as he punches Morgan in the chest. Sabo can see the boy shaking, slowly panicking. “Plus you don’t have the balls to shoot him. You are a wimp that hides behind your father.” Luffy added, Coby calms down and before Helmeppo can make a move Coby decks him in the face.

 Luffy and Sabo laugh while Coby cheers only to stop when Morgan charges at Luffy. The fighting continues but Luffy knows he has the upper hand as Morgan is losing steam. Luffy tuned out most of what Morgan was saying and decided he is tired of this guy. He pulls back his haki coated fist and launches straight at Morgan knocking the man down. 

“Gods I thought he would never shut up!” Luffy shouts as he fixes his hat and makes his way to Sabo who is sitting on a pile of marines. “I was wondering what was taking so long. Coby, nice hit!” Sabo says as Coby and Zoro join them, the group watch as the marines that are still standing cheer. “Wow, they really hate him.” Coby says as they watch a marine handcuff Morgan. “Yeah, well he was shit. Let's get out of here before they chase us out.” Luffy says as he wraps his arms around the group and jumps the wall and heads to town. 


Luffy and Coby lead the way to Rika’s restaurant with Sabo and Zoro not far behind them. Sabo and Zoro walk in silence as Sabo feels a new presence much like their blades clinging to Zoro, full of stress and worry. It seems Zoro is also a master of his blade. Cerberus takes to Sabo’s side “Little blue, you feel it yes? His sword is freaking out over him.” Sabo taps her sheath twice,yes, knowing it would be weird if he started talking to the air. Now that Zoro is a part of their crew Sabo should really teach him haki, that could help ease that blade’s stress. But he can think about that later he needs to get supplies first. 

“Luffy, I'm getting supplies! Zoro, if he gets too annoying, hit him on the head and try to get some food in you. I'll get you clothes so you can shower. Oh ask Rika’s mom for a med kit. Some of your burns need treatment. Later.” Sabo gives him a smile and turns down a different alleyway leaving the group. 

Zoro stands looking at the alleyway thinking Sabo has a nice smile until Luffy pats him on the back “come on Zoro, let’s get food! And you a shower, you smell.” Zoro lightly knocks him on the head “lead the way,Captain.” 


Sabo rejoined the group as the guys were stuffing their faces. “Luffy, you better have saved me some.” Sabo says he passed Zoro a bag of clothes. “Here clothes,”he said as he put down another bag full of things they might need and grabbed some food off of Luffy’s plate. “Thanks.” 

Sabo gives him a smile and goes back to eating while Zoro leaves to shower and change. “What is our move, captain?” Sabo asks, causing Luffy to pause his eating. “Easy, we make sure Zoro is okay then we leave if they don't chase us out.” Sabo nods and goes back to eating, thinking about what he is going to add into the new journal he just got.

 The two chat with Coby and eat until Zoro comes back in clean clothes and some bandages around his arms.  He takes a seat to Sabo’s right as Coby moved to sit next to Luffy earlier. Sabo passes him a few rice balls and goes back to listening to Luffy talk, trying his best not to blush as Zoro looks really good in the new clothes. Even if it was just a simple white t-shirt and black pants. “Thanks, for the food and the clothes,they fit great.” Zoro whispers to Sabo as he takes a drink of beer, Sabo fights down his blush as he gives him a  small smile “I'm glad.” 

The group fall into silence, each enjoying the quiet before they leave, only for marines to show up to their table. “The people of shells town thank you for your help. However, we as marines can not allow pirates to stay in our town.” Luffy nods as the group get up, Sabo makes sure to grab the bag he had and follows Luffy and Zoro past the marines. “Are you friends with them?” The marines ask Coby, causing Luffy to stop Sabo puts a hand on Luffy's back “we don’t know the kid, we kidnapped him a few days ago. You can have him.” Sabo gives Luffy a final  shove as the group walks out. 

The group make it to their small boat at the docks before anyone speaks again. Sabo is putting down the supplies and is getting ready to sail when he remembers. “ Luffy, you better not eat all the food. Or I will throw you into the sea.” Luffy jumps onto the boat with Zoro behind him and takes a seat. “Sabo, that is so mean.” Sabo pushes them out of the dock and they are off. 

The waves start to carry them away when Coby yells at them from the shore. “Thank you Luffy-san, Sabo-san, Zoro-san! Till we meet again!” Luffy jumps up and down waving goodbye only to fall into the sea. “Gods damn it Luffy!”  Sabo dives right in after him. Zoro could only watch in horror as the two disappeared under the water and reappeared. 

“Zoro, take him please.” Zoro can hear Luffy laughing and coughing as he pulls him up but his mind can only focus on how blue Sabo’s eyes were and he doesn't know why as he watched Sabo climb back in. “Zoro, if Luffy falls into the water, get him. Since he ate a devil fruit he can't swim.” Zoro nods, taking a seat once again watching the pair bicker and can't help but think what did he get himself into. 



Woohoo!!! Everyone’s favorite Moss ball is here!!!

Zoro is the first to join the brothers on their journey and Sabo is trying his best to not lose his mind over Zoro’s new outfit.

Also I updated the tags!!


See you guys later!!

Chapter 4: Learning something new


Content warning: nightmares!! Kinda detailed but still wanted to give warning!
Starts at angry shouts… ends at too much


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Three days at sea away from shells town, the sun high in the sky as the winds blow a calm breeze moving the small crew to their next island. The small crew all sat in their small corners they claimed. Zoro is doing sword maintenance with Sabo sketching out Shells Town as a journal entry , with Luffy bored out of his mind, as he got tired of listening to Cerberus and Apollo chatting away. 

Luckily Zoro’s voice pulls Luffy out of his boredom “Do you feel that?” Zoro picks up his head and turns it to the bow of the ship where Cerberus and Apollo have been sitting for the past few hours. “What do you feel?” Luffy asks as he watches Zoro become more tense as he stares at the bow of the ship.

 “I don’t know. It feels like we are not alone.” Sabo nods as that is what Auntie Makino would say whenever papa brought the others with them to the bar when it was empty. Sabo and Luffy share a look and Sabo gives him a nod. Luffy takes a deep breath preparing himself as it might sound weird,“because we are not alone.”

Zoro turned to his captain confused “what do you mean?”  Luffy tries to think of the way his papa told him about the swords all those years ago. “Blades have a soul and when you match them you connect with them, ugh! How did it go?” Luffy takes his hat off and runs his fingers through his hair, frustrated. Sabo decides to take over as Luffy starts to turn red in the face from overthinking.

 “When your souls are connected it allows you to interact with the soul. Most call those true masters. What you are feeling is my blade Cerberus and Luffy’s blade Apollo. They have been at the bow talking the past few hours as Apollo just joined the family and Cerberus likes to embarrass us.” Sabo continued as he put away his notebook giving the two his attention. 


Zoro takes his time thinking after a bit of silence Zoro asks another question. “ how do you know if you are a master?” Sabo lets out a hum as he remembers what his papa told him before. “It can be different for everyone but to those we know, most felt drawn to their blades or felt its power when they first touched it. I knew right as I touched Cerberus and pulled her out of her sheath and saw her across the table. Same with Luffy. However we do know someone who’s blade didn’t make herself known for 12 years until she wanted to show herself.” Sabo said as he thinks back to when he asked Luna about it once.

“But I know for sure that white one in your hand is your match. Cerberus and I could feel its worries when we left the base. Sometimes you can’t see the souls until they want you too. Or maybe they are waiting for you to learn observation haki. I'm sure once you learn that, you will see your blade. Plus if you are able to sense our two already, I'm sure you will have an easier time learning it.” Sabo answered as Zoro looks down at his blade in awe while Luffy can only chuckle “ Shishishi! Zoro is like us! How fun! I can't wait to see what they look like.” 

Zoro looked up at the two confused. “What do you mean?” Sabo moves to take a seat next to Luffy to face Zoro better. “When someone is a true master, the soul of the blade and the soul of the person match so well, a bond is formed. It allows the person to see and communicate with the blade's soul, if it wants to. But it is when the true master unlocks observation haki can they see other blades' souls just like the master, if the blade wants to. People who just unlock haki but are not masters would just see a fog of color around the blade or nothing at all. They would just feel another presence.”  The brothers watch Zoro sit straight up and become serious. “will you two train me how to use whatever haki is?” 

Sabo gives Zoro his blinding smile, “of course! it is going to be more training than you already do , I hope you are ready, I am a pretty strict teacher.” Luffy only nods along giving Zoro a look of sympathy. “good luck Zoro, Bo is a scary teacher.” Causing Sabo to jump on to Luffy tickling him while Luffy crackles up as storm as he tries to escape. 


“Zoro! Help shishishi !” Zoro could only laugh before offering his captain his hand before being dragged into the pile and soon the three let the day passby. 


The angry shouts echo through the woods while Sabo ran as fast as he could. Dodging trees roots and rocks trying to get away from the shouts. Oh how unlucky he was to be by himself right now. It was only him and his trusty pipe. As Cerberus is still in the hands of that man.But Sabo ran and ran until he met a cliff he couldn’t climb up with no place to hide from the angry group of men he pissed off by asking one of their girlfriends for directions. Just looking for a way back to him . Truly men could be so insecure but then again Sabo did beat the guy’s ass after he hit the girl. Oh how Sabo took him down was so good. 

Sabo decided he can't run anymore as the group have him surrounded, he fears he might have bit off more than he could chew as he was surrounded by 20 men. The leader and Sabo had a stare down before the group made their moves. Sabo was able to take down  5 men easily but his haki failed and missed the person behind him. They tried to hold him down by stabbing his left side, keeping the knife there. Sabo screams and tries to fight his way through taking out another two guys before being forced down as the leader lights a torch and burns the left side of Sabo’s face… oh the smell, the pain, the screaming…. It is too much…


Sabo jolted awake taking a large breath of air before quickly turned over the rail and emptied out his dinner. Sabo could feel a hand on his back trying to be comforting, as Sabo catches his breath and his heart stops beating so fast as the hand disappears for a second. He stayed there until a cup of fresh water was passed into his hand and the hand was on his back once again. 

Sabo finally feels somewhat okay and takes a sip of the drink and rinses out his mouth before he leans against the warm body that is behind him as the adrenaline has calmed down. “Thanks.” The two sat in silence until it clicked it was not Luffy behind him as he could finally hear his little brother snoring still. 

Sabo moved back to lean against the railing trying to sit in a more comfortable position. He now faces Zoro who looked concerned as he took a seat next to Sabo allowing their shoulders to touch lightly. 

“Nightmares?” Zoro asks as he turns his head up to the stars. “You have no idea.” Sabo sighs and does the same as Zoro, gazing at the stars. “Do you want to talk about it?”Zoro whispered as he peaked at a pale Sabo. Sabo knows it would help him but it's too fresh in his mind. The night he almost died, the day he failed…


He simply shakes his head, “nah, not this time.” The two sit in silence watching the stars as they listen to the waves and Luffy's loud snoring. “Do you know anything about the stars?” Zoro asks, bumping Sabo’s shoulders,watching as a smile graces Sabo’s face no longer looking so pale. “oh boy, you don’t know what you did.”  Sabo begins to tell story after story about the different constellations he spots, as it was one of favorite things to learn growing up. After a while he can feel Zoro's gaze on him and tries not to stutter his way into another story. 

He does this until his mouth feels dry and his eyes start to drop against his will, the last thing he remembers was the warmth he felt as he fell into a dreamless sleep no longer haunted by his past. 


The sounds of seagulls wake Luffy, he stretches out and sits up facing the sun as it was just above the waves in the distance. Luffy watches it for a few seconds and looks for Sabo who is peacefully sleeping on Zoro's shoulder while Zoro has his arm around Sabo holding him close, covering themselves with a blanket. Luffy could only smile, happy the two are getting along. 

Not long after Zoro wakes up and starts his morning routine and has breakfast with Luffy talking about random things that come to Luffy's mind before Sabo is finally awake. “Luffy, you better have saved me food.” Sabo grumbles as he starts his morning routine and finishes quickly as he is starving after last night. “ Shishishi, I did.”

Luffy says proudly with a laugh before finishing his breakfast. Sabo takes a seat next to his brother and starts to dig in. After a few bits,he remembers to talk about training. “Zoro, we will start your haki training today with just the basics then you watch me train with Luffy using it just for today. Tomorrow we will start on physical training.” Luffy starts to whine. “Why do I have to train?!” 


Sabo finishes his breakfast quickly. “because we have been doing this for years and we can’t slack off just because we are at sea now. How do you expect to fight Ace if you slack off training or any of the others.” Luffy crosses his arms against his chest and pouts. “Fine, you're right.” 

Sabo laughs and turns to  Zoro who looks confused by something. “A berri for your thoughts, Zoro?” “Who is Ace? and who are we fighting?” Sabo smiles at the idea of fighting beside Zoro again, especially against Ace. “Ace is my twin, one of our brothers and another captain on the grand line. Him and Luffy have plans to fight at some point to prove who is stronger. As for fighting, right now no one. but Luffy does want to be king, so we are bound to fight everyone at some point.” Zoro nods along when Luffy chimes in.

“Did we not tell Zoro we are brothers?” Luffy thinks back and he can’t think of the moment they did. “No, you didn't but I figured you were close friends.” Luffy chuckles “ we met when I was little, Sabo came home one day with Ace and never left. It was a great day then papa came home a few days later and it was even better.” Luffy was all smiles while Sabo thought back to when he first met everyone, it was truly the best that has ever happened to him. 

“Anyways, it’s the three of us with Luffy being the youngest then we have two older brothers both are captains. One on the grand Shanks and one here in the east Bugs.” Sabo adds on causing Luffy to nod along. “yup! And one gave me this hat that’s Shanks. It is my treasure and our promise that I will become a great pirate and give it back one day!” Luffy's statement makes them all smile.

“ Let's get started on your training,” Sabo rubs his forehead thinking of how to explain it in simple terms. “Haki is basically turning your spiritual energy  and using it for different things. There are three main ones that are used on the new world side of the grand line.Plus a bunch of smaller forms of it, but we will focus on the three main ones.” Zoro nods along, “what’s the new world?” He asked,Luffy smiled. “It's the second half of the grand line. Because there is a redline from the east to the grand, there is another one from paradise to the new world.” Sabo nods, proud Luffy remembered.

 “Yeah, all the big shots use it there and it can be pretty powerful stuff once you master it. So the first one that people use the most is Observation haki. It allows people to sense others and can help predict and avoid your enemy moves. It’s what will help you see your sword and ours.” Sabo takes a breath allowing his words to sink in before moving on. 

“Second one is called Armament haki. This helps protect your body like armor does. Best thing is, depending on the person, they can put it on objects like your swords, making them stronger plus it's a good defense against devil fruit users.” Zoro's eyes go wide, “what?!” The brother laughed. “yup! Check this out!” Luffy pulls out Apollo and focuses on putting out his haki allowing the steel blade to show up as a black blade. 


Zoro is amazed at what he is seeing. “ and depending on the sword, some are made infused with haki already or if you are crazy like our dad then you coat your weapon in Conqueror’s haki. That one is pretty rare to have and the most crazy powerful one. It uses your own willpower to overpower someone else's willpower, stunning them or if they are weaker they will pass out.”

Sabo can see Zoro’s brain trying to figure everything out at once, making him chuckle. “don’t push yourself to understand everything today. We will take it slow and just start with one and work our way up. Come one Luffy, up and put on a blindfold.  Use Apollo to defend, we are doing observation.” Sabo moves things around so they have a wider area to work with while Zoro helps Luffy with the blind fold. 

Both are done with Luffy standing in the middle, eyes covered and Apollo in his hand and Sabo not close to him but ready. The two start to move before Zoro knows it. Sabo uses Cerberus going full offense while Luffy dodges every swing. The pair continue this for an hour before taking a break.

 “ Did you have any questions Zoro?” Sabo asked “Why aren’t you using haki on your blade?” He asked with confusion written all over his face Sabo gave a small smile. “because I’m not trying to seriously injure Luffy. Plus Cerberus knows not to cut too deep when it comes to Luffy; she likes him too much to seriously injure him.” 

Zoro nods, seeming to understand and the two go back to training for another hour before switching, Sabo is now blindfolded and Luffy takes the offensive side. “Bo, do you want to use our pipes or just daggers?” Sabo puts his hand on chin thinking before he puts Cerberus on his hip holding out a hand, “pipe for me, Apollo for you. You need practice with him.” Luffy giggled as he swung Apollo in his hand,taking his position. “alright! Get ready!”

The two begin their training while Zoro watches from the sidelines fascinated watching the two. But his eyes kept pulling him to Sabo again and again, not that he minds. The two brothers spend another hour before Sabo starts to make everyone lunch, only to find all the food is gone. “LUFFY!” The boy laughs as Sabo chases around with Zoro laughing, as the sun moves high across the sky.



I have nothing to add soo I hope you guys are having a good day or night!

Chapter 5: Orange Town


Please read end notes! It would help me know what you guys would like!


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19

Nami 18
Buggy 37

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Another day passes, for the first time at sea the boys have no food. It is around mid day when Sabo was in the middle of training  Zoro, using the same method his papa did when he and his brothers learned haki. A blindfold and a stick while Luffy is bored sitting at the bow of the ship watching the clouds pass. “Ugh! I’m hungry!” Luffy whines again like he has been saying this for the past hour. After getting tired of watching the other two training. “Well it's your fault for eating everything after I asked you not to.” Sabo answers, allowing Zoro to take a break after all they have been training since Zoro saw Sabo was awake. 

“Ugh! It’s not my fault you didn’t bring fishing poles!”Luffy whines as Sabo sighs, turning to Zoro. “We are done for today, you did good. I’ll get the med kit for some of your bruises.” Zoro nods, taking a seat catching his breath. “Hey Zoro, you did good,” Zoro turns to his captain who is now smiling at him with pride. “You managed to dodge two of Sabo's hits! And you just learn what haki is, that's great work. When we first learned we took every hit. We couldn’t dodge any until two months into training.”

 Sabo takes a seat in front of Zoro, taking his arm and starts dressing the bruises as they start to form. “It's true and it took about two months to dodge more than five hits but then again we were kids.” Zoro smiles, feeling proud of himself. “I hope you can avoid most by the time we hit the grand line. I say we train your haki about two hours a day this week and next week. Then we go up from there but I would also recommend you work on strengthening your whole body as well. It will help with armament haki.” Sabo comments as he puts the last of the ointment and starts to clean up.  Zoro nods already thinking of a new workout plan by the time Sabo is done treating him when Luffy shouts. “A bird! Finally some food!”

The two watch as Luffy shoots up his arms to attempt to catch the bird only for it to fly away with Luffy in its mouth. “AAHHH!! Sabo! Zoro! Help!” Sabo is quick to his feet.    “ GODS DAMN IT! Luffy!” Sabo shouts as he follows the bird path while Zoro starts to row the boat very fast in the direction Luffy went, Sabo had to take a seat next to him so he did not fall off. “Is he always like this?” Zoro asks as he rows, “yeah. Sighs are you regretting joining us now?” Zoro just laughs. “not at all.” 

Zoro rows while Sabo notices the bird headed into the direction of an island he didn’t notice before. Sabo watches the water, “it seems there are people in the water, we will pass by them in a few minutes.” Zoro nods. “Do you see our  idiot captain?” Sabo keeps his eyes peeled and in the distance sees something fall onto the island while the bird flies away. “Yeah, I think the bird finally got rid of him, looks like it dropped him.” 

Just as Sabo finishes, people try stopping the boat for a ride. Zoro grunts as he keeps rowing,annoyed at the idea of stopping. “not stopping! You want a ride, then get on!” Soon three men joined their boat soaked and gave their thanks before pulling out knives. “We will take this ship in the name of the buggy pirates!” One shouts,they don’t get to say much after as Sabo punches each one in the face.“Row! Zoro take a break, these idiots can take us to the island.” Sabo takes a seat turning to Zoro who has a look he can’t describe, “you are pretty cool.” Zoro said to Sabo, causing his ears to turn red. Sabo turns back to the sea, hoping the blush doesn't make it to his face. Missing Zoro smiling at him. “thanks.” 

~~~~ meanwhile with Luffy ~~~

CRASH!! “Wow, that was fun!” Luffy cheers as he stands, dusting himself off as he just crashed into a house. He finishes as an orange haired girl enters, looking at him in shock. “Oh, is this your house?” Luffy takes off his hat and bows. “Sorry, I broke your house, the bird dropped me.” Luffy stands straight once again taking the girl out of shock. 

“Oh it's okay, it's not my house.” Luffy tilts his head to the side confused, “then whose is it?” The girl sighs as she starts to search drawers. “no one’s. This town was abandoned after the Buggy pirates raided it and took over.” Luffy nods hoping she can’t see his smile. What luck does he have to land at Buggy’s base.  After all, Luffy and his brothers helped Buggy come up with this plan.

 “What are you doing here then? Sorry I don’t know your name. I’m Monkey D. Luffy and I’m going to be King of the pirates.”   The girl looks at him in disbelief as she stops her search. “I’m Nami, I'm trying to get a map of the grand line from the pirates here.” Luffy nods, taking a seat on the table that somehow survived. “Why do you want the map?” The girl snorts as she goes back to searching. “because I am a navigator, maps interest me. plus the quickest way to 100 million in on the grand.” 

Luffy gives her a blinding smile as he jumps out of his seat. “join my crew!” “Huh?!” She shouted as she turned to Luffy. Luffy gave her a blinding smile. “join my crew! We need a navigator if we want to get to the grand line.” Nami shakes her head, “no way! I hate pirates! Why would I become one!” Luffy just laughs thinking Zoro said something similar. “How about I help you get the map and you join my crew!”   

Nami seems to think about her choices before coming to a decision .“ how about partners first then we see and I get first dibs on any treasure we find.” Luffy nods, “that is fine but we can talk more about it later now do you have a plan for getting the map?” Nami gives him a big grin.


 “Of course!” She talks about the plan as she ties a rope around Luffy who is half listening. She walks them out of the house and through the town headed to a large tent in the middle of the street. Luffy can spot a few members outside but what caught his eyes was Buggy’s first mate, beast tamer Mohji and Richie both Luffy has met and Nami is taking him right to them. 

Luffy can see Richie pick up his head and sniff the air, swinging his tail before looking at Luffy. Luffy tries his best to shake his head no while Nami walks up to Mohji who finally looks up at the sound of Nami’s voice. “Boss, I found this guy snooping around the base, probably looking for the stash.” Mohji finally looks at Luffy, who quickly gives him a wink and a smile but he puts it away the moment Nami turns around to look at him with distaste. 

“Where do you want him? I’m sure the Captain would like to deal with him first.” Mohji nods along not really caring what Nami is saying, just as he doesn't want to deal with Luffy’s nonsense that’s for his captain to deal with.“put him in the cage in front of the cannons, the crew could use some target practice. I’ll go get Captain.” Nami nods, pulling Luffy to the cage and shoving him in. 


“Remember to keep them busy while I get the map.”  Luffy nods, going along with everything while thinking of teasing the hell out of Buggy after all he hasn’t seen him in two years. 

Luffy waits, sitting in the cage not listening to the crew as they throw insults at him, when he feels a wave of haki cover him in a warm hug. Just like his papa would do, Luffy sends one back knowing his big brother was going to make a flashy entrance. Sure enough Buggy delivers, coming out of the tent sitting on a throne being carried by some of the crew,sits the high and mighty Buggy. Luffy couldn’t help but laugh the whole time as Buggy finally stops in front of the cage climbing down and standing in front of Luffy with a smug appearance. 

“What a runt like you sneaking around my base?” Buggy asked, holding back a smile and Luffy didn't hesitate to answer back. “I thought the captain was coming, not a clown.” It is dead silence, Luffy can see Buggy’s eyebrow raise off his head and laughs as Buggy starts to shout at him. 


“Who are you calling a clown brat! I am the all mighty Buggy, Captain of the Buggy pirates! Brat you will show me respect!” Luffy laughs as he can see Buggy trying his hardest not to smile. Luffy still has to keep this up until Sabo gets here so they can all have fun, “why is your nose so big? And why is your hair green? Did you eat too much seaweed?” Luffy says giving a big smile while Buggy makes a bunch of noises while his crew is getting ready to fire the cannon at their captain’s word. “You damn brat!!” 

Buggy gives him a wink before storming away and starts a speech about teaching Luffy manners when Luffy sees Zoro stand next to the cage and Sabo takes a seat on top of the cage. Sabo bends down looking at Luffy, “Lu, what are you doing?” Luffy smiles up at him, “play pretend so our navigator gets a map while teasing the buffoon!” 


Sabo laughs when he hears a loud scream, “it's Buggy you runt! And you, where did you come from?! Is that Zoro the pirate hunter! You have come for my head!” 

Zoro shrugs his shoulders pulling out his swords, “No, I don't even know who you are but hey I don’t mind taking you head. After all, you have my captain in a cage.” Zoro charges right for buggy with swords in hand. Zoro starts to cut him and everyone watches with glee as Zoro puts away his swords. “Too easy.”


As Buggy falls into a bunch of little pieces, But just as he finishes his sentence “Damn brat I was talking, you can't cut me!” Buggy shouts as he pulls himself together leaving Zoro shocked. “ I am the wielder of the Baro Baro no mi, cuts don’t hurt me!” 

Sabo watches from the top of the cage as he notices one of Buggy’s hands has a knife and is heading for Zoro from behind. Sabo throws Cerberus, who is going to be pissed for throwing her. But Sabo will not let Buggy hurt his crew mate like that. The blades clash with Cerberus, shattering the blade and landing in the ground near Buggy’s hand that is floating in the air. “Brat! What do you think you are doing?!” Buggy shouts as he turns to Sabo who is now standing tall with his pipe in hand looking pissed.

 Buggy knows he fucked up now, his little brothers look pretty pissed. Sabo clenched his hands around his pipe as he stared at Buggy with a furrowed brow. “I do hope you didn’t plan to stab OUR Zoro from behind.” The crew fell quiet in shock as no one saw Sabo before he spoke. “ Zoro, I got this clown. Go for that guy, he is right behind you.” Zoro turns to stop two swords that were coming down on him. 

“Luffy, get out of that cage so we can kick his ass.”Sabo tells him as he jumps down from the top of the cage. Buggy starts to sweat, his brothers are beasts when it comes to sparring, he hates sparring with them, they never go easy on him. Buggy puts his hands up, “wait! wait! I’m sure we can talk this out boys! I mean we have a lot to catch up with first! Like how’s Aunt Makino and Uncle ?! Come oonn boys!” Sabo just laughs before launching at Buggy and starts his attacks, while Luffy starts to chew at the ropes hoping to get out, while trying to keep an eye on Zoro who is kicking Cabji’s ass, already breaking one of his swords. 

Apollo takes a seat next to Luffy, “Need help,Little sun?” Luffy smiles up at the other man. “Apollo! Yes, Please! I need to kick my brother’s ass!” Apollo chuckles as he unties the rope as Luffy tries to squeeze through the bars of the cage but he can't fit. But Lady Luck is on his side as Nami comes running to the cage with a paper in one hand and a key in the other. “Nami!” Luffy shouts as she puts in the key in the lock and it opens. “YAhoo! I’m out! Sabo! Tag!” Sabo chuckles, jumping away from Buggy who is a little bruised from Sabo’s pipe while giving Luffy a high five. “Good Luck Bugs!” Sabo hears Buggy’s shouts and Luffy’s laugh before turning to Nami. 

“You must be the navigator Luffy was talking about. I’m Sabo, nice to meet you.” Sabo holds out his hand for a shake, he can see her hesitant but takes his hand for a quick up and down then Sabo lets go not wanting to make her uncomfortable. “Nami and I’m not your crew, just a partner.” Sabo nods not really believing her but he will play along for now. “So what is the map you wanted?” He asks as he turns to watch Zoro kick Cabji’s ass and win while Luffy is giving Buggy hell. 

Sabo will stop him soon before Luffy goes too far but not right now he is going to be a bit more petty. “A map of the grand line.” Sabo nods “Nice, we are going to need one when we head that way. Do you know how to navigate in the grand?” Nami looks at him confused, Sabo sighs as Zoro takes place next to Sabo sparing a glance to Nami. “Who is she?” “ Nami, our navigator and don’t worry Nami I will tell you how later. If you’ll excuse me, I need to stop my brothers before they actually hurt each other.”

The two watch as Sabo jumps in between Buggy and Luffy, with a swing of his pipe to each of their heads, they crash into the ground. “That is enough for you two, it's a draw.”

 Both groan as they sit up with a whine, “Sabo!!” Sabo sighs, placing his pipe on his back, pulling out Cerberus from his hip (as he got her during his fight with Buggy). Letting her blue flames light the blade as he crouched to their level, “do you want to continue? If you want to, it will be me and Cerberus.” Luffy and Buggy look at each other in fear and shake their heads no. 

“Good.” Sabo said as he placed Cerberus back on his hip when his ears picked up a voice he knows well now, “that was hot.” Sabo felt as his ears turned red. Oh Sabo hates he doesn't have his hat and goggles anymore, he hates he can’t hide because he was sure that was Zoro’s voice he heard. 

“Wow Bo, I don't think I have ever seen your ears so red.” Buggy said, amazed as he  finally got a good look at his little brother, did he finally notice Sabo’s scar. Buggy takes Sabo’s face into his hands, as worry fills him as he examines the large burn scar on the left side of Sabo’s face. “Come into the tent, we have some catching up to do.” Buggy tells his brothers once he lets go of Sabo’s face. He sighs as he stands leaving the two to address his crew. Luffy and Sabo head to Zoro who has a small blush and Nami who looks pale. 

Luffy stops in front of the two with a smile. “Nami, meet Zoro our swordsman and Sabo our writer. We are going to hang around for a while so Nami if you want, pick the crew’s pockets while we chat with Bugs.” Nami looks even more pale while Luffy and Sabo both wear matching grins. “Why do you look so pale? Oh! You have to try harder to take our money, we are pretty good at it.” Zoro laughs hard at her face while Sabo smirks at Zoro.

 “Why are you laughing, she took the thousand I left in your pockets while I have the other four. Now you have no money.” Sabo chuckles as Zoro stops laughing and checks his pocket to find them empty. “Sabo, you have five seconds.” Sabo crackles as he run away with Luffy right behind him. “Welcome to the crew.” Zoro tells Nami before taking off after the pair of brothers leaving Nami wondering what she just got herself into. 


After Zoro catches the brothers, Buggy holds lunch for everyone. Cabji spends time talking to Zoro about their fight while the other drinks booze. Nami convinced the crew into playing cards where she is wiping the crew clean of all their money. 

Buggy and his little brothers sit at a small table catching up on what has happened in the last few years since he last saw them.  Buggy has his doctor Angelo give Sabo a quick look at his scar while Sabo explains what happened 2 years ago to his older brother.Buggy himself was upset about the few details Sabo was willing to tell him and was ready to visit that island but Sabo reassured him there was no need as he had already dealt with them.


 Buggy was able to find some peace knowing they were dealt with as his little brothers  continued to tell him stories over their years apart. The brothers spent so much time talking they had to rush eating before Luffy and Sabo decided they would be leaving. 

Buggy being the good big brother he is, gave the crew food that should last them at least two weeks, as Zoro and Nami headed for the boat Buggy held back his brothers for a second. “Luffy, Sabo, would you like to join our brother alliance? It’s me,Shanks, and Ace.” 

“What is the alliance for?” Sabo asks


 “just a call for help if you need it. plus calls every now and then, just checking up.” Buggy explained


 Sabo nods as he turns to Luffy so was already smiling at the other captain.  “What do you think Captain?”  


“Of course!” Luffy cheered as he gave Buggy one last hug. “Remember, rematch in Loguetown in a few weeks, don’t be late!” 

Luffy shouted as he joined Zoro and Nami who had her own boat. Sabo gives Buggy his own hug, Buggy uses this opperity to whisper to Sabo. “Zoro is not bad for you. You could do worse.” Sabo pushes down Buggy’s captain hat as he pulls out of the hug with red cheeks. 


 “Whatever Bugs, take care see you soon.” Buggy fixes his hat looking fondly at his little brothers. “May the sea grace you with calm waves!” Sabo laughs, as he joins Zoro and Luffy on their little boat, pushing them off to the sea. “May the winds guide your sail!”


Hii!! Sorry but i found a plot hole that i haven’t explained at all in the series. Sooo here it is!

The haki wave with Scarlett and the boys when they feel the warm hug but aren’t near each other. Like in this chapter Luffy felt the hug then Buggy came out.

That is a form of observation haki in this series! However Sabo doesn’t explain it to Zoro, as it was a lot of information at once. And beacuse i forget things so it’s never explained in the story…. Soo sorry anyways i hope this makes some kinda of sense..


Also Important question!!!!! Are you guys okay with the two chapters a week? Or should i change it to three chapters a week?

I was messing around with the dates and if we keep going at 2 a week we would only barely make it to ch25 by end of June.

And if we did 3 a week we would be around ch40 by end of June.

And im sure by June i would be pretty far in writing. And as of right now i just finished ch 50 last night soooo.

Please let me know what you guys think!!! We stay at two or move to three.

Chapter 6: Syrup village


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Orange and red paint the sky as the sun starts to set. Luffy and his small crew are hours away from Buggy’s base known as Orange town heading to the next island. Luffy sits at the bow of their small boat, listening to Sabo and Nami talking about navigating in the grand while Zoro is close by watching the pair as he cleans his swords and Luffy couldn’t be happier. 

Luffy finally feels like he has started his journey, he has a boat even if it's small, he has a sword man, a navigator, a writer, and he is out at sea. Luffy couldn’t be happier, Luffy took off his straw hat checking if it needs repairs when he feels a hand in his hair.


 Luffy snaps his head to his left to find Apollo with a smile as he runs his hand in Luffy’s hair. Luffy smiles back before looking back at everyone making sure they aren’t paying attention to him before whispering to the other. “Hi Apollo.” Apollo chuckles “hello Little sun, your hair is quite fluffy.” Luffy giggles “papa says the same thing, it’s always like this.”

 Luffy lifts Apollo's hand, placing it in a different position making him almost go boneless. Apollo could only chuckles at the young boy, before turning back to watch the sun. The two sit in silence watching the sun set with Luffy leaning slightly to Apollo’s side as Apollo continued to run his head in Luffy’s hair until Sabo called that dinner was ready.


The sun is long gone and the moon is high in the sky. While everyone sleeps Sabo is on watch, writing and drawing away in his notebook with many ideas from his conversation with Nami. He sits at the same table with a small candle as his light source, checking the sea every now and then.

 They may be in the east blue but that doesn’t mean there are no dangers around,lurking in the shadows. Sabo sighs to himself as he tries to figure out how to draw Apollo’s robe as he reaches for his hat only to find it no longer there. 

Sabo couldn’t help but pout, he misses his hat and goggles. Sabo tries to make himself more comfortable in the chair when a soft chuckle reaches his ears. Sabo’s head snaps to the direction of the sound to see Zoro resting against the box he fell asleep at with a soft smile on his face. Sabo thought Zoro couldn’t get better looking, he was so wrong. The moonlight hits Zoro perfectly causing the other to glow in a way that makes him look eternal. Sabo watches as Zoro gets up and makes his way to the small table, pulling out the other chair and placed it next to Sabo’s. 

“I’ve seen you do that a few times and you pout right after, missing something?” Zoro said with a cheesy smile that is doing many things to Sabo’s heart. “Yeah, I guess you can say I am.” Zoro let out a hum as he nodded, giving Sabo his full attention.“The night I got my scars, I lost my top hat and goggles at some point. After wearing that hat for many years there are just some habits I can’t get rid of.” Sabo answers with a small smile “But hopefully when we get to Loguetown, I will have enough time to get a new one.” 

Zoro hesitantly asked “Can I go with you?” Sabo chuckles, surprised at Zoro's question as he is touched. “sure!” Causing zoro to give him a smile. The two sit in silence as Sabo goes back to drawing with Zoro at his side listening to the waves and the sounds of pen on paper. 

The two sit in silence until Zoro asks what has been on his mind, “Sabo, was that guy the brother you guys told me about?” Sabo’s pen stopped for a second before he continued drawing Apollo, “yeah, he is. I knew there was a chance for us to see him but I didn’t think it would be so soon.” He answered as he added the finishing details to Apollo’s outfit when it occurred to him they didn't know much about Zoro himself. 

“Hey Zoro, what about you? Do you have family here?” Sabo can feel Zoro relax further into the chair. “no, not that I know of.” Sabo feels his heart twitch in pain. “Did you grow up here in the east?” Sabo asks as he closes his journal wanting to know more of the man who is slowly making his way into Sabo’s heart.

 “Yeah, in a village with a dojo near the beach. The sensei there took me in and taught me and I met her there.” Sabo could feel a large wave of sadness coming from Zoro’s white blade at the mention of ‘her’. Sabo knew he might be pushing it but he is curious to know this swordsman “who is her? Your friend?” Sabo watched as a bitter smile made its way to Zoro’s face as he snorted, turning his head to the stars. 

“She was my best friend and the strongest person I had ever known.” Sabo watches as Zoro seems to get lost in his memories. “ We promised to train harder, become stronger together until one of us claimed the title of world’s greatest swordsman. She died before we could fulfill our promise.” Sabo watches as Zoro becomes tense and lays a hand on the hilt of the white sword.

 “So I plan to fulfill that promise, with her sword by my side, one day I will become the greatest.” Sabo couldn’t help but smile       “ and I am sure you will one day.” Zoro smiles, shaking his head “ Can you tell me more about the stars?” 

The two spend the rest of their time talking about the stars and stories from Sabo about his childhood with his brothers until the two move to lay on the deck side by side finally falling asleep. 


The following day the crew was all awake Zoro and Sabo training while Luffy tries his best to get a few hits at Sabo per his request. While Nami watches the boys trying to keep the boats on course to the next island. 

Luffy misses his shot on Sabo as he tripped over some rope causing him to fall overboard. “Luffy!” Sabo dives right in quickly catching Luffy before he sinks deeper to the ocean floor. The two gasp for air as they reach the surface with Zoro and Nami already waiting for the two. “Zoro, grab him please. Nami, can you help me up?” The two get to work, Zoro is able to pull Luffy on deck who is chuckling and coughing while Nami lands a hand pulling up Sabo. 

“Thanks Bo!” Sabo shakes his head pulling his shirt off and rings out the water “yeah,yeah whatever Lu.” Sabo gets most of the water but decides to leave his shirt off, throwing it on the railing to dry when Luffy’s voice reaches his ears. “We need a bigger ship.”  “There is a group of islands nearby, we might be able to get a ship there.” Nami said  from Zoro’s side, as Zoro is trying his best not to stare at Sabo’s defined chest or Sabo’s arm tattoos or the many scars that litter Sabo's chest and arms. 

 Nami heads back to her ship and starts looking for something while Sabo turns to Luffy. “What do you say, Captain? Keep going our way or make a stop in hopes of getting a boat?” Luffy gives his brother a smile, “Boat!” Sabo shakes his head with a smile while Nami comes back, placing a map on the small table. “Here, Gecko islands. it's not far from here, nothing much by smaller villages our chances at a ship are low.” 

As the group looks at the map Luffy just laughs. “doesn't matter, let's go there!” Nami sighs after seeing his face knowing it's a waste to suggest anything else. She starts going out orders as the others get to work fixing the sails and set course for the Gecko islands. 


It takes another day before the crew make it to a small island, the crew make their way up the shore docking their ships. Zoro and Sabo take to the front while Nami is yelling at Luffy about something. When Zoro freezes, popping one of his swords up an inch from its sheath “ Careful, I sense people..” Sabo nods, letting his haki roll out, feeling a few people around, they aren’t a real threat but he would rather be cautious.

 Luffy gets excited “where?where?” Soon the sounds of pelts land at Luffy's feet missing every one causing Luffy to laugh. Once they stop, the crew watch as pirate flags rise up from the cliffs, “So cool!” Luffy shouts but Sabo can hear Nami “is this the time to be impressed?” 

The sound of laughter comes from one of the cliffs, a boy with a brown bandanna, with black curly hair and a long nose in brown overalls starts to speak “I am Usopp, leader of the great pirates who reign over this village! People praise me and they praise me more! As ‘Captain Usopp’! If you are thinking of attacking this village, then forget it! My 80 million subordinates won’t sit by quietly!” “Awesome!” Luffy shouts with stars in his eyes while Nami sighs. 

Zoro looks at him in disbelief before turning to Sabo who shakes his head. “You’re lying aren’t you?” Nami calls out to Usopp. “Yikes! She saw through it!” Nami looks smug “see, you admitted to it.” The crew watch as Usopp starts to whine “I admitted it to her!” While Luffy is shocked “what?! He is lying?!” Sabo could only hang his head in shame “we failed dad.” 

Usopp speaks up again, “Curse you, you crafty tactician! 80 million may have been an exaggeration, but I do have great men under my command!” Sabo speaks up pointing to  a set of bushes where he feels the others. “ You mean the three in the bushes.” The flags stop moving before the screaming starts. “they found us! Run!” 

The three kids run while Usopp tries to stop them, “h-hey you guys! Don’t run away!” Nami makes her move to pick up one of the pelts. “ I’ve never heard of pirates using slingshots before!” Luffy laughs, “you’re neat!” “Hey, you ! Don’t insult me! I'm a very proud man!” He shouts pulling out his slingshot and pulls it back already loaded. “Because of my great pride, people call me ‘Proud Usopp’! You saw it yourself just now!” 

Sabo watches as Luffy pulls his hat down, already knowing what his little brother is about to say. With a smile Sabo pulls out Cerberus an inch, “my slingshot skills are far greater than your average pistol!”

 Luffy’s voice echoes along the cliffs. “Now that you’ve drawn your pistol, put your life on the line.” Luffy says in a serious voice Sabo watches as Usopp’s legs start to shake a bit. “I'm saying those aren’t for threatening people.”

 Sabo watches as Zoro smirks, popping out his blade as well an inch, “what you’re looking at now are real pirates!” Zoro says, Sabo lets Cerberus let out her blue flames as he takes his place on Luffy's right side giving Usopp’s an evil smile. 

The stand off doesn't last long as Usopp caves dropping to his knees. “ Real pirates definitely have a way more punch behind their words.. awesome.” Causing the guys to laugh, “we stole those lines!” Luffy shouts as sabo and Zoro put their blades away. Usopp’s eyes go wide as his mouth drops,  “Eh?” Luffy just laughs putting his hands on his hips. “From Shanks! A pirate I respect!” Sabo laughs as he takes a step to luffy side with a smirk, “I'm telling dad!” He says cheerfully causing Luffy to panic for a second.


 “No! Please don't! you know how he gets!” As Dracule tends to rant about Shanks being a pain in the ass even if they are best friends now. Sabo only shakes his head at his little brother.

Before Luffy can continue Usopp shouts “Shanks! You know red-haired Shanks!The great pirate?!” Both Sabo and Luffy answer “yup!” “Your dad’s Yasopp, right?” Luffy asked Usopp, who was so shocked by the question the boy fell down the cliff landing right in front of the crew.  “yeah.. my old man is Yasopp.. but how do you know that?” 


I’m still thinking about the uploads but if I change it I will let y’all know!

Also we meet Usopp!!!


Hmmm I have nothing else to say so I hope you have a good day!

Chapter 7: Syrup village pt.2


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


“yeah.. my old man is Yasopp.. but how do you know that?”


Luffy holds out his hand helping Usopp to his feet. “ You were all he talked about! Come one, let's get food and I’ll tell you all about it.” Usopp nodded as he started to lead the group to his village while he began to tell a story of his defeating another pirate crew. Luffy hung onto every word while Nami listened to the two while Sabo tried to keep Zoro from walking off the path. 




It’s not long before the group are sitting at a table and enjoying a meal. Luffy and Sabo both tell Usopp about their time with Yasopp until they finally change the topic about why they are here. It’s Nami who brings it up, “hey Usopp do you know anyone who sails and someone who can supply a big ship?” Sabo watches as Usopp nervously laughs “Sorry to get your hopes up but we are a tiny village. No one here does..” 


Zoro puts down his beer, pointing out the window. “What about the big mansion on the hill? ” Nami cuts in, “Ah, yeah Usopp do you think you can get them to help us out?” Sabo watches as Usopp starts to sweat and jumps out his seat. “You can’t go there!” Everyone stops for a moment as Usopp nervously laughs, “Would you look at the time! There is somewhere I got to be! I know the owners here so if you need anything just ask. Later!” The crew watches as he runs out the door. 


“Weird.” Sabo hears Nami say as everyone goes back to eating and drinking. The group relaxes and enjoy their meal until the door to the restaurant opens and in comes the three kids from earlier with their wooden swords at the ready. “Where is our captain?” One asked as Luffy rubs his big belly finally done eating. “That was delicious meat!” Sabo watches as the three grow pale and Zoro leans forward with an menacing smile. “We ate him.” 


Sabo chuckles at the horrified kids who turn to Nami, “Old hag!” They shout causing the rest to laugh while Nami yells at them lightly hitting them on the head. Sabo decides to be merciful and answers the kids question, “Usopp ran out a while ago. Say he had somewhere to be, after we brought up the mansion.” 


The three are no longer scared as they look between each other and turn to the crew. “oh yeah it's that time of day.” Sabo looks at the kids as he notices they had an idea where Usopp ran off to when Luffy asked them a question. “ Can you take us to the mansion?” The three send looks to each other unsure before asking “why do you want to go there?” Luffy sighs, sitting up more “I want to ask about a ship.” The three turn around and have a quiet conversation before turning back to the group. “Okay, we take you to Usopp. He is there. Follow us.” 


The group looks at each other before following the kids out and up the hill they go. 




The group made it to the fence that surrounds the mansion. “So why is Usopp here?” Nami asked while Sabo searched around the fence for a way in, The kid with orange hair answered her. “He comes here to lie.” Nami shouts in disbelief “ that's not okay! Why would he do that! What a bad guy!” The boys come to Usopp’s defense quickly, “he is not a bad guy! He does it to make her better. She has been sick for a long time so Usopp comes to cheer her up!” 


Luffy grinned as he looked at the young boys.“So he is a good guy! Well I’m going to ask her for a ship.” Sabo moves to Luffy as he watches him grab the fence and starts to stretch back. “Luffy not too far back, we don't need to go high.” 


“What are you guys doing?!” Nami shouts as the rest of the group tries to stop them. Sabo only chuckles, as the others all grab hold of them. “Hold on!” He shouts as Luffy lets go of the fence, launching them into the air and over the fence. Luckily Luffy didn’t send them into the sky and landed not far from Usopp. Sabo landed on his feet, the kids landed in some bushes, Nami landed next to Sabo while Zoro and Luffy landed hard on the path. 


“Are you okay? Do you know them, Usopp?” A girl's voice reaches Sabo’s ears, He finds a girl in a window next to Usopp who is shaken it seems. Zoro and Luffy stand dusting themselves off, “Yes! They are new recruits! They heard about my amazing tales and- ”  Luffy cuts Usopp off as he stands closer to the two.“No, we are not. We came to ask a favor, Miss.” 


A blonde girl in a blue dress leans out the one story window more, pointing to herself. “me? What do you need?” Luffy gives her his smile as he dusts off his vest. “we came to ask a ship-” 


Luffy didn’t get to finish his sentence as a new angry voice reached their ears,“Get away from Ms. Kaya! You are trespassing! Leave at once!” 


“Klahadore they are fine!” The girl yelled back as a man in a black suit walked towards the group only stopping a few feet away. 


 Sabo looks at the man and something doesn’t seem right to him.“ Careful Kaya!” Usopp said as Kaya leaned too far out the window. “Ah I see, Usopp I have heard a lot about you.” The man said as he looked at Usopp with disgust.


Sabo has feeling this isn’t going to be good, he places a hand on Cerberus and takes a place at Luffy’s back. “Of course you have heard of me! I am the great Captain Usopp if you admire me so much-”


the man interrupted Usopp’s ramble. “ I’ve heard all about your father as well. You are nothing but the son of a filthy pirate.” The air becomes tense and Sabo already knows where this is going. “Klahadore!” Kaya shouts while Usopp moves away from the window  as Klahardore continues. “Nothing surprises me. But I ask you to stay away from the lady of the house!” 


“Filthy?!” Sabo hears Usopp say to himself. “You and her are from different worlds. Do  you want money? How much do you want?” Klahadore says as he looks at Usopp with disgust.


 “Klahadore! Enough! Apologize to Usopp!” Kaya shouts from her window, almost climbing out of it.


 “What reason is there to apologize to this savage man,my lady? I am stating the truth. I feel for you. You must really hate your father for abandoning his family and village for his lust for treasure.” “Don’t you dare insult my father!” Usopp shouts as he moves to stand in front of Luffy and the others. 


“Why are you getting riled up for? Why not tell another of your lies at a time like this? About your father being a traveling fisherman or how you’re not really related by blood.” Kalahadore doesn’t get to say another word as Usopp rushes forward punching him once and Kalahardore is on the ground with blood dripping from his mouth. Kalahdore sits up as he wipes the blood from his mouth. “See, you went to violence. Like father, like son.” 


“Shut up!” Usopp shouts as he clenches his fists, keeping them tight to his side. “I’m proud that my father is a pirate! I’m proud that he’s a brave warrior of the sea! You’re right I am an exaggerator but I'll never lie about my pride to be related by blood to a pirate! I am the son of a pirate!” 


Kalahdore stood, dusting himself, opening his mouth to continue speaking the same things Sabo has heard all before.“Ha, a pirate, a brave warrior of the sea?That's a twisted way of putting it but you are proof of his savage blood! Running around telling lies, acting violent when you're angry! And on top of everything you cozy up to the lady of the house so you can get her fortune! The fact that your father is a pirate is enough proof you are up to a scheme!” 


Sabo can’t take anymore of this no sense he stands next to Usopp holding him back from hitting the man again. “Usopp stop!” Kaya shouts before Sabo can get a word out, “He isn't a bad person. He is just trying too hard to do what is best for me.” Sabo lets out a laugh causing everyone to look at him. 


“Oh my, how naive you are, miss. Usopp, let's go. We are not welcomed here. After all, we are sons of pirates.” Sabo pushes Usopp away from the man who just keeps going, “Yes, leave and never come back to this mansion.” Usopp starts walking away. “I don’t need you to tell me, I’m leaving and I’ll never come back.”


Sabo sighs watching Usopp walk away while the three boys start to defend Usopp, “our captain’s not that kind of guy! You Stupid head!” 

 “Stuipd head!”


Sabo hears Luffy join the boys, “Stupid head!”

 He turns to see Zoro hit luffy on the head as well. “why are you saying it too?” Zoro asked.The kids run behind Nami as Kalahdaore sends them a glare, which fires Luffy already trying to move to fight but Zoro is holding him back.


“Leave at once!” Kalahadore shouts again. Sabo could only sigh as he held himself back from kicking the man’s teeth in. “we got it already shut up.” Sabo walks to the group,pointing to the road that leads them out. “get going already.” Luffy stops moving at the sound of Sabo’s voice, Luffy can tell he is upset and doesn’t want to make him more mad so he starts to leave and the rest follow. As the group is further ahead Sabo turns to Kaya, “Miss, sorry for the disturbance.” He does a small bow and catches up to the group as they reach the gate. 


“Go Luffy.” Sabo says and Luffy takes off into the woods. Zoro sends him a look but he ignores it and walks down the path.




The kids lead them down a path near the edge of the village, Zoro takes a seat against the fence while Nami hops on to it. Sabo stands in front of them pulling out Cerberus for a quick look as the kids run off. She just needs a quick cleaning, nothing more. Sabo sighs again as Cerberus takes a place next to him.  “ Why didn’t you hit the bitch?” Sabo shugs, “ I did it a lot growing up. Learned there is no point.” Cerberus sighs and disappears as Nami speaks up. “Who are you talking to?” 


Sabo turns to her holding up Cerberus, “Cerberus was asking me something is all.” Is all he says taking a seat next to Zoro as Nami looks at him confused.  “Who is Cerberus?” Sabo holds her blade up for Nami to look at. “This is Cerberus.” Nami looks even more confused. “I'll tell you about it another time.” 


The three sit in silence until two of the kids come back after while sitting down and talking when Sabo feels something on his right shoulder, the same side Zoro is on. “So what did she ask?” He whispers. “Why didn't I hit the bitch. She didn’t like what he said but it's not like we haven’t heard it before. Plus it would put us on the girl’s bad side. If we want a ship from her it’s best to be good. For now.” Sabo answered.


Zoro hums and goes to ask something else when the little kid with glass comes running up to them shouting about a weird guy walking backwards. The others don’t believe him until the man walks up to them, “I’m not a weird guy! I am a hypnotist.” 


Sorry for the late update! I was busy! But I hope you guys enjoyed the new chapter! See you Thursday!

Chapter 8: Syrup village pt.3



Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

Check endnote for update news!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


   “I’m not a weird guy! I am a hypnotist.”  



Sabo sighs as the kids ask the guy questions as the guy is suspicious, it wasn’t until the man brought out something like a chakram. Sabo puts his hand on his pipe as he stands ready to fight if the guy makes a move at the kids. Only to watch the four fall asleep at the man’s chant.  Sabo sighs while Zoro  yells at the guy for falling asleep as well. 


The four wake up and the man leaves once again leaving the group once again at the fence. 


~~~~~ Meanwhile with Luffy ~~~


Usopp stares out at the sea from his seat at the cliff.  “I’m proud of my dad, he is a brave warrior.” “Yeah he is.” Luffy tells him even if he thinks Usopp is lying to himself. Luffy scares Usopp as he hangs upside from the tree. “Ah! What are you doing here?”  Luffy takes a seat nexts to Usopp looking out at the sea. “Don’t let what that guy says get to you.” Usopp freezes at Luffy's words. Luffy may not know what is going on with Usopp but he knows it’s better if he tells him about people like that man in the suit. “People say shit like that all the time and will always say it. There is no point in what they say.” 


The two sit in silence as they watch the waves until Usopp looks down the cliffs “it’s Kalahadore. What’s he doing here?” Luffy follows his line of sight “there is another weird guy too.” The two sit and watch as the two start to talk. 


“You have everyone ready for tomorrow’s attack? I trust you will all be ready at dawn. Jango.” The other man smiles “of course captain Kuro! The crew have been ready for weeks. They are just waiting on your signal to attack the village and kill the girl.” 


“Don’t kill her until I say so. I need her to write me into her will first. Only then can you guys kill her and everyone else.” Usopp gasps “they are pirates. I have to warn the village and Kaya.” Luffy stands up “OI! You can’t attack the village!” Usopp starts to panic trying to pull Luffy down again. “Stop, they are going to see us!” 


“Jango, you know what to do.” Kuro says, turning away as Jango steps closer swinging his chakram. “  By the time I'm done you will sleep. One,” “Luffy hide! He's going to hit us!” Usopp dives down to lay flat on the grass. “Two, Jango!” 


Silence falls around until Uspoos turns to Luffy and watches as he falls down the cliff. “Oh! I didn’t want to kill him. Oh well, Captain, what about the other one?” Kuro looks up at the cliffs as Usopp looks down in fear. “Leave him, it will not be a problem for our plan.” 


Usopp can only run; he has to warn his village and Kaya. He loves them too much to lose them. He runs and runs. He hears the call of his crew mates but he can’t stop. He has to tell everyone. 




Sabo doesn’t have a good feeling as Usopp ran by without Luffy. “ Something must be wrong. Captain looked so scared.” One of the kids says as they stare at Usopp who ran past them. Sabo turns to the boys “Did you know where he was before?” the one with pink hair answers, “when he gets sad he goes to the cliffs. We can take you.” Sabo gives them a smile “ can you please?” The three nod and start walking down the path. 


It’s not long before they make it to the cliffs and find no one. They spread out and looked for Luffy. “Nami be careful, that is a long way down.”  Zoro tells Nami as she stands at the edge of the cliff. As she moves back she catches sight of a red vest. “Found him!” She shouts pointing down the cliff. Everyone peeks over the edge and sure enough they see Luffy. Everyone but Sabo ran back into the woods and only stopped when they saw Sabo wasn’t with them. 


“Keep going, I'll meet you down there.” He says giving them a smile before jumping down the cliff as well. As Sabo falls he coats his legs in armament haki and lands near Luffy creating a big hole. Sabo knows Luffy is fine, and waits for the others to join him. It’s not long before Apollo appears in front of Luffy. “He is always reckless?” Poking at Luffy's head, causing Sabo to laugh “Always!” He answers with a smile before Apollo disappears shaking his head at the sound of running footsteps that are getting closer. 


“Sabo!” Zoro shouts as the group reaches them. It’s not long before Sabo gets hit on the head by Zoro “don’t scare us like that!” Sabo rubs his head and nods along while Nami looks at Luffy. “He is fine, just sleeping. Pretty sure that guy from earlier is the one who did it.” Sabo says as Zoro is no longer glaring at him and pokes Luffy. 


Luffy wakes up after a few pokes “hmm,that was a good nap.” He says as he stretches causing Sabo to laugh as he takes a seat next to him. “What happened Lu?” He asks and Luffy begins telling about the evil butler who is a pirate captain who wants the girl’s money and wants to attack the village. Causing the kids to take off and prepare for the attack. Leaving the group alone. Taking in the news. 


Sabo looks out at the sea and takes a sit next to Luffy. “No one is going to believe him.” Luffy nods while Nami looks offended, “what?! That's crazy of course they will! Pirates are coming! I'm sure they value their life’s enough to run while they can.” 


Sabo sighs as he looks to Nami whose logic is not wrong IF Usopp had not been a known exaggerator. “Didn’t you listen to the kids when we went to the mansion, he goes to lie about adventures, That butler has Kaya wrapped around his finger with his nice guy act. Especially if she thinks after what happened today was him trying to look out for her. It isn’t hard to put together that the whole village knows he exaggerates. So no one is going to believe him, not even Kaya.” 


Sabo watches Nami shake her head not really buying it but Sabo doesn’t care, he knows he is right. It’s not long when a roughed up Usopp joins them at the bottom of the cliffs. 


Sabo can see blood and quickly grabs Usopp’s arm getting a closer look at it. “What happened?” He asks as Nami hands him some bandages. “They didn’t believe me.” The group is quietly waiting for Usopp to keep talking. “They are going to attack but they didn’t believe me.. That’s fine I am a liar after all.. So if they aren’t going to believe me then I will just prove I am a liar. I will stop the pirates before they attack. That way everyone will be safe and I will just keep being a liar and everyone will be safe.” 


Sabo finishes wrapping Usopp’s arm and stands next to Nami as he watches Usopp go off rambling to himself before Luffy’s voice cuts him off. “So what’s our plan?” Usopp stops and looks at the group with wide eyes. “W-what?” He asked in disbelief, Zoro gave him a kind smile, “what? We aren’t letting you fight alone. It’s noble of you to want to protect them.” Sabo smiles as he wraps an arm around Zoro as he adds in. “ Plus, it will be fun. So what is the plan?” 


Usopp gets over his shock and starts to say his plan, he is going to take the help. They come up with a plan to cover the path up from the beach with oil on the south side of the village and stop them there.


 Only Sabo remembers something rather important if they want to stop them. “But what about the area with our boats? That leads to the village too doesn’t it.”  Usopp pauses and his eyes go wide, “Oh my gosh! I forgot about the north! It is the same over there!” Sabo nods, “then lets coat both areas with oil quickly and come closer to morning we will know where they are.” The group nod and get to work with their plans. 




Night has come and gone, Sabo is the first one up and starts to wake everyone up as they don’t have a lot of time left. Everyone is up and already putting the final touches on the south path they are at, as they finished the north last night. 


The sun is now higher in the sky and still no pirates on the south shore. “Did you hear that?” Nami ask as the guys pick up a barrel of oil. “Hear what?” Usopp asks. “It sounds like shouting. There it is again!” 


It takes a bit but Sabo faintly hears the sounds of shouting coming from the other shore.  “they must be at the north shore. Let's go.”  He tells the others causing Luffy and Usopp to drop the barrel and take off. Sabo was going to follow but stopped at Nami’s shout “Ah!Zoro!” Nami pulls at Zoro’s swords to stop herself from falling flat into the oil. “Zoro! Hurry, pull me up! The treasure!” Nami shouts as Sabo rolls his eyes as he walks closer only for Nami to pull Zoro into the oil and take off leaving him behind. “Nami!” He shouts as he slides down the hill. 


Sabo couldn’t help but laugh as Zoro struggles to get up. “Sabo! Stop laughing and help me up!” Sabo caughts his breath and plants his feet firmly on the ground with haki and stretches for Zoro’s hand. It takes a couple of tries before Sabo has Zoro's hand in his. Quickly Sabo pulls him up only he pulls too hard and Zoro lands on top of him as Sabo falls backwards into the ground. 


Zoro moves to get up, placing his hands on both sides of Sabo’s head “thanks-” He stops his sentence as he looks down at Sabo who is laughing with a bright smile. Zoro feels himself blush and quickly moves to stand, holding out a hand helping Sabo up. “You are welcome, come on, something tells me the fighting is starting.” Sabo tells him as he lightly giggles, taking off still holding Zoro’s hand as they run to the other shore. 




I have news!! I have decided to add Sundays to the uploading schedule!!! So starting April sunday 28 i will be posting three chapters a week!!

So expect chapters on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday!!

I decided since I’m impatient when it comes to waiting for new chapters, im just going to start posting them more! So i hope you guys enjoy the extra chapter!

Also the ending of this chapter is one of my favorites moments..

Anyways enough yapping from me! See you Sunday!

Chapter 9: Syrup Village pt 4


Ages: Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sabo and Zoro run with ease and make it to the north shore just in time as Luffy and stop the crew that somehow got past the oil. With a swing of his pipe Sabo takes down a section while Luffy and Zoro take down the rest. 


“It’s about time you showed up!” Nami shouts at the three.


 “You pushed me into the oil!” “Usopp, you didn’t say which way was north!” Zoro and Luffy shout while Sabo laughs. 


“Usopp, you okay down there?” Sabo helps him up, taking a look at his injuries, nothing too bad yet. Sabo nods while pushing him to Nami who looks fine as well. “Nice job holding them back.” He tells the two and moves back to Luffy and Zoro just in time to see Jango hypnotize his crew again. 


Sabo watches with wide eyes as they watch a man punch a piece of the cliff down with his bare hand. Sabo gets into a fighting stance,pipe in hand with a smirk Sabo turns to Zoro “ Get ready, it's going to be rowdy.” Sabo turns away and takes a few steps to the crew missing Zoro’s shocked look and small blush before he shakes it off and follows Sabo’s steps only for Luffy to run by him. 


Sabo hears Luffy scream as he runs by him arms stretched back “gumo-gumo no gatling!”  Sabo stops in his place and sighs “Luffy you idiot you fell for it!” Nami yells in disbelief. Sabo watches as Luffy takes down almost everyone and runs straight to their ship pulling the figurehead until it's completely off the boat. 


“He is crazy!” Someone in the crew shouts and Sabo can’t help but laugh at his little brother as the figurehead and Luffy both fall back into the sand. “Luffy!” Nami and Usopp shout. “He is fine!” He shouts at them and turns to Jango. “OI! Weird guy, you're mine!” Sabo walks a few steps only to stop as Jango shouts for more crew mates. Two guys show up crying.


 Knowing something is not right about their crying he backs up to Zoro, “Don’t let up Zoro.” He tells him just in time as the taller one of the two crew mates  the ‘meowban brothers’ attacks Zoro. Zoro stops him but Sabo is quicker and takes two of Zoro’s swords from the man and takes a swing at the other brother who was going to attack Zoro from behind. 


The two are holding off the brothers with Sabo still holding Zoro’s swords, “Is that all you got what was it burger?” Sabo taunts the one he is holding off. “It’s Butchie!” “And Siam!” Calls out the one Zoro is holding off. Sabo just shakes his head pushing back Butchie and giving him a good swing sending him down the path back to Jango who is still watching in disbelief. While Saim is sent back as well by Zoro. 


Sabo quickly passes Zoro's swords as the brothers get back up and ready for their next move.  “Thanks.” Sabo nods as Nami runs down the path passing everyone just as Sabo was going to warn her, Jango throws his chakram slicing Nami’s right arm. She yells and Sabo is pissed. “What the hell was she thinking?” He asks no one in particular when he feels someone’s blood lust coming from behind them. 


Sabo quickly turns as Kuro emerges from the forest. “You are late! You should have been already! Jango!” He shouts only for the brothers to turn on him. “You are not our captain!” Saim yells, “You have done nothing these last three years while we worked hard!” Butchie yells. The two seem to have forgotten about Sabo and Zoro for now. 


The brothers move to attack Kuro only to cut up a bag and Kuro to have them trapped in his claws. “You have five minutes to kill them before I kill you all.” Sabo can see the fear in everyone’s eyes but he didn’t care he was going for his target. “Zoro, can you deal with them?” Sabo asks as he watches Jango. “Yeah I got this, go get that guy.” Sabo smiles and breaks out in a run straight for Jango. Who throws another chakram towards Sabo once he sees him on the move. 


However Sabo knocks it away as he charges for Jango but doesn't get to hit him as he jumps away and begins a game of cat and mouse. Only the game stops as a new voice echoes along the cliffs. “Stop Kalahadore!” Sabo sighs, it seems Kaya came. “Enough Kalahadore! Please! You want my estate, yes. You can have it if you leave. Leave the village alone and leave from here and it's yours!” Kaya shouted.


Sabo takes a quick look around and it seems Zoro is done with the brothers as they both lay at his feet. Nami seems to have made it closer to Luffy who is still sleeping and Usopp is still down but he is the closest to Kaya. “Yes, I want your estate but I also like the village and its people. It is peaceful. And I want peace but I can't have that if any of you are still alive.” Sabo sighs as the girl drops a gun as Kuro is ready to strike her down only to cut Usopp who pulled her down getting cut instead. As Sabo sighs as he still chases after Jango who has made it to the top of the hill.


“Run Kaya!” Usopp shouts as the girl struggles to move but runs into the woods. “You are a pest!” Kuro shouts down at Usopp as he stomps on Usopp’s foot breaking it. “AHH!” Usopp shouts in pain, Kuro continues to put more pressure as he shouts “Jango!” The man moves fast and takes off. Sabo goes to follow him only to stop as Luffy’s fist rushes past him and hits Kuro in the face.  


“It’s about time! Deal with him! Zoro! Usopp! go after Kaya! Jango is going after her!” Sabo shouts before anyone could move the three kids jump out of the bushes and all hit Kuro with different objects. Sabo runs fast and quickly pulls the three boys away as Kuro takes a swipe cutting into the back of Sabo’s shirt. “Shit!” Sabo feels the blood start to drip but pushes past the pain and pushes the three kids into the forest “go help Kaya!” The boys get over their shock and run. 


Sabo takes a breath and turns back to the others and with different expressions but one that worries him the most is Luffy. Who is now walking up the hill with rage in his every step. “OI! Kuro I’m going to kick your ass!” Luffy shouted as he raced up the hill. “Usopp, take Zoro and go! Kaya needs you!” Sabo shouts as Kuro and Luffy start to fight with Zoro coming up behind Usopp. “B-but,” Usopp tries to push himself up, “don’t worry about me, just go!” He shouts once again, he can see the concern in Zoro’s eyes as Zoro puts Usopp on his back. “I’m fine really, now go!” 


The two nod and head off into the woods. Luffy is going toe to toe with Kuro and Nami is still near the boats. Sabo passes Luffy and Kuro and heads down to her quickly as he sees some of the crew getting up into fight positions surrounding her. Pipe in hand Sabo starts hitting bodies as he makes his way to save Nami from being attacked as she doesn’t have her staff and is still bleeding. 


“What are you still doing down here?!” Sabo asks as he hits away another pirate. “I’m going to get my treasure!” She shouts Sabo knows this girl is money hungry but this is a bit much. She must be going through something Sabo thinks why else should she risk being surrounded like this. “Fine, go search their ship. I'll hold them back.” “you’re the best, Sabo-sama!” 


Sabo sighs as he hears her take off. Sabo quickly takes down another crew mate and soon they begin attacking him again. It is not long before they are down once again.  


Sabo takes a breath, everyone nearby is down and Nami is back at her boat with a bag full of treasure and Luffy looks just about done with Kuro who looks pretty fucked up making Sabo proud. Sabo starts to move, pressing through the small sting of Kuro’s cuts as he watches the end of Luffy’s fight. 


Luffy has his arms and legs wrapped around Kuro holding him back while the crew that wasn’t attacking Sabo watches and cheers on Luffy. “You don’t have the right to cheer for me!” Luffy shouts in their faces as he stretches his head back and lets go hitting Kuro straight in the head. The crew hold their breath as they watch Kuro fall and the fight ends. 


“J-just who are you?” Someone asks “Monkey D. Luffy, I’d never lose to a pirate who ditches his name and runs from the seas.” It seems Sabo missed a lot of stuff but he’ll ask Luffy about it later. “I’ve never heard of that name.” “Well you better remember it. I’m the man who will be king of the pirates!” Sabo smiles as he watches Luffy throw Kuro into the crew, “Leave with this trash and never come back here!” 


The crew take off as Sabo and Nami make way to Luffy who is in rough shape but not too bad. Once Sabo is closer to Luffy, Luffy leans into his brother's arms. “Not bad Lu.” Luffy nods and lays on the ground with Nami and Sabo by his side. “You were really mad, what was that about?” Nami asks Luffy sighs “that is not how friends act..” Sabo watches Nami roll her eyes “well duh. But Kuro is the standard way when it comes to pirates.” 


Sabo shakes his head and looks over Luffy’s wounds, nothing Sabo can’t fix up. “I want meat.” Luffy whines as Nami starts yelling at him, causing Sabo to laugh.  It wasn't too bad Sabo thinks as Zoro and Usopp come up behind the trio with the kids behind them. “Glad to see you alive, Kaya.” Sabo said with a smile. 


Which gets him a hit on the head from Nami and something about being rude but he isn’t paying any mind to her as he looks over Usopp who needs some medical attention. “I wish to invite you all to the mansion as a thank you. We will give you fresh clothes and food.” Kaya offers, at the talk of food Luffy is up on his feet “what are we waiting for let's go!” 




After eating and resting the crew and much needed medical assistants the group is ready to hit the sea. Now down at the shore with Kaya and Merry, another butler she has. “This is for you guys!” Merry says as he gestures to the caraval. “It’s the going merry! I hope she serves you well.” The four look at the ship amazed and hop on and start to explore it. “I get my own room!” Nami shouts as she closes a door. “Sabo, there is a big kitchen!” Sabo chuckles at his brother while he looks around the top deck. It’s enough space for training. Soon the four are back together on the top deck looking down at Kaya. “Thanks Miss Kaya.” Luffy says with a big smile. 


Before she can say anything,yelling starts to come down the hill. It’s Usopp with a very large bag rolling down, lucky for him Zoro and Luffy stop it before he hits the merry. “Thanks guys!” Usopp says as he moves away from the two,taking off the large bag and turns to Kaya.


 “I’m leaving Kaya. I hope we can see each other again one day.” “I wish you a great adventure.” She tells him with a smile, Uspoo nods and turns to the crew. “I hope we meet again!” Luffy looks at him confused “what is he talking about?” Luffy asked Sabo with confusion on his face.


 “What are you anti-social or something?” Usopp asked, getting Sabo to laugh while Luffy looked even more confused.


 “get on!” Luffy says to Usopp who pauses, “really?!”Usopp asked in disbelief, taking a few steps closer to the merry.  “We are friends aren’t we?” Luffy said as he laughed at Usopp’s shocked face. 


 “I get to be captain right?!” Usopp yells as he joins the rest on deck “No way! I’m Captain!” Luffy shouts and the two start to bicker. 


“Captain!” Sabo yells, getting the two to stop before they get too into it. “We are waiting.” Luffy smiles knowing what his brother means. “Set sail!” He cheers, causing the rest to move with Nami’s orders and to the sea they go.


Action is something I’m still struggling with so I hope it was easy to follow along 😬

Also we are moving onto the next arc after a filler chapter that is next!!

Chapter 10: Welcome to Treasure island!


Small filler before we start our new arc!!


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Already hours away from Syrup village the crew are left doing their own thing aboard their new ship. Nami is looking over charts, Sabo is making a list of things they are going to need for the new ship. Luffy is painting while Zoro is getting ready to nap and the newest member Usopp is jumping down from the figurehead with a staff, “foolish pirates. You’d knowingly attack the invincible fleet commanded by Captain Usopp-sama of the going merry?!  Attack!” Usopp shouted.


Only to pause when he sees everyone is doing their own things, “sigh, show some interest in other people.” he mumbled.“IT'S DONE!” Luffy shouts holding up a very bad painting of a skull with a straw hat and crossbones. “Look, it's our pirate flag! Now that Usopp joined we needed to have our flag!” Luffy said proudly.


Everyone looks at the flag with different expressions. “That’s ours?” Zoro asks Luffy smiles,“Nice huh!” Sabo is trying to hold in his laughter after all Luffy looks quite proud. “A pirate's flag is a symbol of death. A symbol of fear!” Zoro adds as he tries his best not to make a face. “I do sense fear, fear of your talent.” Nami adds in, Sabo can’t take it and laughs, causing everyone to look at him. 


“HAHA! It’s a good attempt Luffy! But let’s leave painting to me and Usopp for now on.” Luffy smiles while Usopp struggles to think of something. “Yes, leave this to me, the gifted artist who’s drawn graffiti on walls for 50 years straight. When it comes to painting I'm in my own league!” 


Sabo smiles fondly as Luffy is impressed with the lie, Sabo starts looking for paint while listening to Zoro and Nami call Usopp old. It’s not long after that Usopp and Sabo start painting a new design, Sabo was in the middle of grabbing more paint when he saw Usopp was going to start a different design. “Usopp, let's stick to the original.” As he puts down the paint looking at staring hard at a now sweating Usopp. “Y-yes of course the original hehe!” And goes back to the original design. With the two working together it's not long before they are done with their new flag. 


“It’s done!” Sabo shouts, causing the rest to look at it as he and Usopp hold it up. “It looks good! I like it!” Luffy says  with Zoro adding in “so this is our mark.” “Usopp! Draw on the sail too!” Luffy says “alright!” Sabo chuckles from his spot along the railing, watching with pride that Luffy’s dream is becoming reality. 




The going merry now wears three new flags as Luffy stands at the bow looking at her with pride Apollo takes form next to Luffy “see Apollo, Now the Going merry pirate ship is all set!” “I see it, little sun! It looks great!” Sabo smiles at Apollo when Cerberus sits on the railing next to him. “It’s nice, Rex is great but this is nice for us.” Sabo nods along looking at Cerberus who looks content. “It’s nice for now but I doubt it will survive the grand line.” 


“What do you mean?” Nami asks from across the deck, getting everyone’s attention. Sabo sheepishly scratches at his neck. He didn't mean to say it so loud. Cerberus chuckles and leaves Sabo on his own, “ Well, the going merry will do good here in the east blue, it probably won’t last. The grand line is full of unnatural weather with pirates and marines attacking everyone. Don’t even get me started on Luffy being here. It is unlikely it will take us to the one piece. For something like that we should get a boat out of Adam’s wood.” Sabo lets his words fall onto everyone, he can see Luffy thinking it over while Usopp looks hurt and Nami is intrigued but no one gets to say anything as the sound of thunder breaks the silence. 




Luffy looks out at sea, as huge storm clouds form and the sky turns dark. Nami quickly checks her charts grabbing her binoculars and stands at the bow of the ship looking out to the distance. “Wait? That’s it! That's the island!” She shouted in glee. “What do you see?” Luffy asks, “ Treasure island.” She answered as she continued to look at the island. Sabo nodded as he remembered hearing about this island before at Makino’s bar from some washed up pirates and vaguely remembers a story his papa told. “Legendary treasure island. I've heard of it!“ Usopp adds 


“Yeah it's famous among pirates and its stories.” Nami continued, “That whoever gets near the island faces a god’s wrath.” Just as she finishes the rain picks up and lightning strikes causing Usopp to scream. “Are the rumors true? Is this storm its wrath?!” Usopp shouts, Sabo laughs already knowing what’s going to happen.

 “Sounds neat!” Luffy says

 “Luffy we aren’t-” Usopp said

“Of course!” Nami added in before commanding everyone to sail for the island. 




The crew pass the storm with ease, Sabo thinks Nami has a real talent for navigating as she got them through such a bad storm. The crew drops anchor and start to travel through the forest of the island. Walking through the forest Sabo notices there are a lot of weird animals and plants as Nami leads them. “It’s creepy.” Usopp says to Sabo while holding onto the edge of Zoro's shirt.


 “Rumors say an extraordinary treasure is somewhere on the island. A lot of people came here looking for it but left in terror before anyone could get to it.” Nami says from the front of the group, Sabo speaks up from Zoro’s left “Nothing scary here.” 


“ Apparently, a pirate's face turned into a boar's face. Another another’s mustache stretched out and strangled him like snakes.” Nami added making Usopp go pale, Sabo is worried the guy is going to hurl.


“That’s not real right?” Usopp asks Nami just shrugs her shoulders, “I’m sure the stories are exaggerated somewhat.” “You're not trying to scare me?” Usopp asks. Nami sighs while Zoro takes a step and lays down in the small clearing they reached. “I'm hungry. I'm going to sleep.” The crew watch him fall asleep with ease. Sabo looks at the other three who are baffled at Zoro and joins him on the grass.“My legs are tired. You guys go ahead.” 


Usopp and Nami both crouch around Zoro. “What nerves does he have to fall asleep here?” Nami asks while Luffy is looking through a bush. The trio start looking around the clearing going in separate directions. Sabo watches as a water drop hits Usopp’s neck causing him to scream in turn scaring Nami making her scream as well, he plays it off as if he is dancing. 


Sabo watches as a wolf approaches an unsuspecting Usopp and starts to lick his hand “Luffy-” Usopp starts but stops when he sees the wolf. At the same time a bat falls in front of Nami causing both to scream and fall onto each other. Sabo can’t help but laugh at the two scaredy-cats. “You guys are funny!” He says as they stand again. Sabo feels the animals enter his small field of haki so he just waits as someone is here. “Leave.” A voice calls out.


“Who’s there?” Luffy calls out as he looks around the sky.


 “Leave! I am this island’s protective god! Leave this island at once if you value your lives!” A man says, Sabo chuckles softly as he quietly stands.


 “A god?” Usopp asked,


“You guys are pirates, aren’t you?” The voice asked. 


 “Yeah.” Nami answered unsure as she looked through the trees. 


 “Just as I thought. Listen, just try taking another step into this forest! The instant you do, you will receive my divine punishment and meet your doom.” The voice shouts, Sabo watches Luffy’s confused face as he walks into the brush. “ This guy is weird.” “What was that straw hat boy?!” Sabo sighs as he slowly makes his way to the voice and feels the animals move in closer. 


“What are these things?” Usopp asked as the animals came into the light. “Humans I have transformed.” The voice answers and now Sabo is closer and can see what looks like a man in a box. “Then you really are a god?!” Usopp asks, Sabo really needs to teach him and Luffy when other people are lying.


  Luffy picks up a pig with a lion’s mane. “What is this?” “It’s a pig right?” Nami asks right as the pig bites Luffy's face causing him to stretch, scaring the man in the box. “What are you?!” Sabo is close enough and grabs the back of the box scaring the man, “He is a rubber person. He ate a devil fruit.” 


 The man lets out a scream, “ahh! Let go of me! And devil fruit! Don’t be absurd!” Sabo starts coming out of the bushes holding the older man, only for traps to go off sending spikes across the small clearing. Sabo drops the man as he defects a spike that was going straight for him. The man takes the opening to hide once again as a pile of rocks land on Luffy’s head. “How are you all right?!” The man shouted. 


 “There you are!”Luffy shouts as he can see the man in a bush, the man pulls out a pistol.  “Don’t move! Don’t move, I said!” A shot is fired off as Luffy takes a step, hitting him in the back stretching his skin, Luffy sighs as he sends it back. “Pistols don’t work.” Sabo says. “ But they surprise me, so I don't like them!” Luffy says as he turns to the man. The man takes off, dropping his pistol, starting a game of chase as Luffy,Nami and Usopp take off after him. 


“Sabo, you coming?!” Usopp yells, “Nah, you guys go ahead.” Sabo watches as Usopp nods and takes off. Sabo sighs, taking a seat once again near a still sleeping Zoro.


 As he leans back on his hands, he lets out a small hiss. It seems Kuro’s claws got a little deeper then Sabo initially thought as they have yet to go away completely. “You good?” Zoro asks in a groggy voice as he sits up looking at Sabo. “Yeah. Hey, can you check my back? Make sure it's not bleeding again. That fucker got deeper than I thought.” Zoro nods as Sabo turns, giving him his back. 


Sabo can hear Zoro take a breath as he pulls up the back of his shirt. It’s quiet for a few seconds before he feels Zoro's finger touch his back and slowly trace one of the wings on his back. Zoro's finger has a mind of its own while his eyes look at the many scars that fill Sabo’s back along with those black wings.“Ah, sometimes I forget about those. Nice huh? He didn't get them right?” Zoro’s finger comes to a stop in the center as Sabo feels him move away. Zoro clears his throat “No, they are fine and your wounds aren’t open.” Sabo nods, pulling down his shirt once again and stands holding out a hand to pull Zoro up. 


Zoro quickly grabs his swords and takes Sabo’s hand. Both stand a little too close together but they don’t mind. “Come on, I'm sure Luffy is doing something stupid.” Zoro nods and follows after Sabo, dropping Sabo’s hand. 


The two walk in silence, both mourning the loss of the other's hand. It’s not long before they find the rest sitting near a cliff. The two walk up with Zoro yawning,  “here you are.” He says taking Usopp’s cup and takes a seat “did you really sleep through all that?!” Nami asks as Sabo takes a seat next to Usopp patting him on the back.


“What did you guys find?” Zoro asked as he finished Usopp’s drink looking at the man in the chest. “a false god.” Nami answers while Luffy chuckles, “Zoro, help me get him out.” Luffy asked as he got up from his seat and started to pull at the man’s head while Zoro pulled on the chest. 


“Man, you really are stuck.” Luffy tells the man as he and Zoro drop back into their seats. 


“Because of my lack of exercise over the years this treasure chest fits together with my body now! if you try to break it, my body will be destroyed too!” The guy says, Sabo could only sigh “ he’s a strangely annoying guy.”


“So who are you people? You’re nothing like the others that have come.” The man asked Luffy chuckled as he gave the man a smile. “I'm Luffy! The man who’s gonna be king of the pirates! I'm gonna be king of the pirates and get the one piece!” 


Sabo watches the shock and disbelief on the man’s face. “The one piece! Don’t tell me you’re seriously planning to enter the grand line?!” Luffy nods, pulling out the map. “yeah we even have a map!”


“Don’t take it lightly! That place is hell! No! A graveyard! I've seen pirates who’d  nearly managed to escape the grand line! They looked almost like people who died and lost their souls!” Before the guy can say another word Sabo hits him lightly on the head “enough. If they come back alive, it's not all bad.” 


“Whatever and on top of that, rumors about the one piece spawn even more rumors there’s no telling what is true or not! It’s been some odd years since the start of the great pirate era. The one piece is already a dream with a dream beyond a legend!” Sabo sighs, hitting the man in the head hard enough to leave a bump. “SABO!” Nami shouts, Sabo takes his seat once again while Luffy and the guy talk, he kinda only half-listened. 


“Anyways even if we make it to the grand, earning as much and escaping is the best idea.” Luffy pays no mind to Nami’s words, “I will find the one piece! I have good luck!” Nami sighs looking at Sabo, “where does his confidence come from?” Causing him to laugh. “I will get it, you’ll see!” Luffy says chuckling. 


The man starts to speak about achieving a dream someday and Sabo is half listening as he talks about his old crew, and their search for the treasure on the island.He tells them how they found nothing and left him behind. He tells the small how he fell into an empty chest, stuck for years. Trapped on the islands he now calls home for the last 20 years protecting the treasure that he knows lays at the top of the mountain. 


Nami and Usopp are quick to agree in helping him, making Sabo roll his eyes at Nami. “aren’t you a thief that steals from pirates?” Luffy asked Nami, earning him a hit on the head. The crew began the journey to the mountain with ease. The crew all stand at the bottom, while Luffy slingshots himself up and reaches the top. 


“Well is it there?!” The man shouts up to Luffy. Sabo stands with his arms crossed already knowing nothing is there.  As the group shouts for Luffy he is at the edge with a chest “I found em! Six treasure chests!” The man cheered “My treasure! My treasure! Throw it down!” “No!” Luffy says, everyone but Zoro and Sabo are shocked. 


“What?” The man asked. “I said no.” “What nonsense are you talking about?!” Nami shouts “Yeah! That treasure is Gaimon-san! Toss it all down!” Usopp shouted back, only to be met with silence. 


“It doesn't matter.” Gaimon says but Usopp and Nami don't let up. “Straw hat. you’re a great guy!” Nami asks what he means. Gaimon talks about his feelings but he ignores them as they are empty, he asks. Shocking usopp and Nami. “Yeah. All six empty.” Luffy answered as he took a seat on top of a chest. 


Gaimon talks about treasure hunting with pirates, the gamble of the treasure not being there while the others listen. Sabo thinks back to a story his papa told him while Luffy and Ace were sleeping about an island with strange animals and a chest with nothing in it. “It’s a good thing we came! Otherwise it would be another 30 years later and you might’ve died not knowing!” Luffy says. “You’ve made this much of a fool of yourself! All you got left now is the one piece! Come be a pirate again with us!” 


Gaimon is crying his eyes out “You’re inviting me?! No one’s even tried to talk to me before they saw me like this! How many years has it been since I trusted someone?! Thank you.”  




The crew didn't stay long after that. Back to the going merry everyone says goodbye to Gaimon as he plans to stay and protect the animals of the island as they are his real friends.  The crew shouts their goodbyes as the set sail into the sunset.  


Pinterest board for a journey worth seeing!


If you are curious about Sabo’s back tattoo it’s in his section!! And the board is just simple things that I picture for the series!

Also what should Sabo’s title or pirate name be?? I thinks that’s what it’s called?? You know for bounty posters. Like Zoro has pirate hunter and Nami has Cat burglar. Right now I has something that feels basic. 🧐🧐 so if you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know in the comments!

Anyways sorry for yapping! See you next time!!

Chapter 11: A nice time


Ages: Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

With Treasure island behind and everyone just hanging around, Sabo decides it's best to start making dinner. Sabo starts making simple things like a bunch of meat for Luffy and starts making a small feast for the first dinner together on the going merry. 


It’s not long before Luffy is crashing in and already trying to get meat. “MEAT!” Sabo was quick to knock Luffy with haki stopping him, causing him to cry out. “Sabo! That hurts!” Sabo rolls his eyes with his smile going back to the stove to finish the last dish. “Whatever Luffy. Wait, I’m almost done, go get the others then you can have meat.”  Luffy gives Sabo a blinding smile as he throws the gallery door wide open. “Dinner is Ready!” Sabo can only smile at Luffy’s antics. 


“It smells great, Sabo!” Usopp says, taking a seat at the table as the rest follow. “Yeah it really does! Everything looks good!” Nami adds in while Sabo puts the last plate on the top. “Watch your plates, Luffy tends to grab everything. So dig in!” Sabo sits next to Zoro  as he places down a bottle of sake with some extra cups for Cerberus and Apollo. “Apollo, try this! It’s so good!” Cerberus tells him as she pours him a glass causing everyone but Luffy and Sabo to pause their eating watching as two glasses rise in the air. 


Usopp and Nami both scream, causing Sabo to laugh as he chugs his sake. “So Apollo how was it?” Luffy asks with a smile looking at the balde who has a pleasant smile. “It is surprisingly good.” Causing Sabo and Luffy to laugh while Cerberus pours him another glass. Zoro was already used to the two talking to the blades while Usopp and Nami were both confused and scared. “W-what just happened?!” Nami asked Sabo,“ Cerberus and Apollo had a drink.” He answered as he went back to eating, asking Zoro to pass him something. 


“W-who i-is Cerberus and Apollo?” Usopp stutters his question out as he fights Luffy's hand away from his plate. “Our daggers.” Luffy said bluntly as he grabbed more food off of Sabo’s plate.


 “Zoro, did you know anything about this?” Nami asks, getting over her shock. “Yeah.” He says as he takes a glass from Sabo “oi! Sabo this is good.” making Sabo smile as he pushes Luffy’s hands away, “Damn straight it is! Best sake from the grand line!” 


“Are we not going to talk about this?!” Nami and Usopp shout, causing Sabo to roll his eyes. “ We can after dinner. Now eat before Luffy takes half your plate.” He says just as Luffy makes his way to Nami plate only for her to hit him in the head.  Sabo just smiled and went back to eating while listening to Cerberus tell Apollo the ways alcohol has improved.




The rest of dinner went well, the table was filled with stories and laughter. After dinner was gone and everyone had their fill Sabo gave a simple talk to Nami and Usopp about Cerberus and Apollo as well as tell them about the start of their training in hand to hand combat and observation haki. Both were not excited, but agreed reluctantly. 


Sabo had sent everyone to bed and started dishes. What he didn’t know was that Zoro was still sitting at the table drinking. Sabo started to get too hot as he had worked over the hot stove and even if Sabo and his brothers were always in the forest Sabo still runs hotter than most people. Being annoyed by this, Sabo took off his shirt and threw it somewhere behind him and heard a small crash.


Sabo quickly spins thinking he just broke something only to see a startled Zoro with Sabo’s shirt on his head. Sabo couldn't help but laugh as he moved to the other pulling off his shirt, putting it on the table and picking up the dropped glass. “Sorry about that Zoro.” Zoro just shook his head and stood up making his way to the sink. “Don’t worry. Let me help with dishes, you have done a lot today.” Sabo nods as he stands on his side of the sink, “Sure you dry, I wash.”  The two work in silence, only the sounds of the waves echo in the gallery. 


“So are you going to make a move?” Cerberus asks from behind Sabo, causing Zoro to quickly turn around with a hand on a sword. Sabo shakes his head, “Easy Zoro it's just Cerberus. She is behind me.”  Zoro eases at Sabo’s words going back to drying, Sabo leaves Cerberus’s question unanswered as he and Zoro finish dishes. 


Finally out of the gallery, Sabo stretches under the moonlight taking a few steps and sits on the railing just outside the gallery door, looking at the stars, feeling the night breeze. “Go to sleep Sabo, I’ll take the night watch.” Zoro speaks softly as if he is trying to break the quiet atmosphere.


 Sabo sighs, hopping down the rail and stares at Zoro thinking what he is going to do is stupid but his dads didn’t rise a coward. Sabo turns to Zoro bending slightly, placing a quick kiss on Zoro’s cheek and quickly says good night heading into the boys room. Sabo can feel his face going red while Cerberus is laughing hard. 


Sabo takes a seat on the couch staring at a snoring Luffy, wondering what he was thinking before he fell asleep on said couch dreaming of the first time he caught sight of strange green hair and piercing gray eyes. 


What Sabo missed was a red faced Zoro who was stunned who was thinking Sabo has soft lips as he stared into the empty sea before pulling himself somewhat together. “good night Sabo.” He headed to the crows nest for his watch, only to think of the blond man with the bluest eyes and mesmerizing smile.




The next time Sabo woke, he found a blanket he never grabbed over him and a sleeping Zoro next to him. Zoro had his arms holding his head as it laid on the couch next to Sabo while the rest of him was sitting on the floor. Sabo watched the other for a few seconds as the sunlight started to peek through the window shining on Zoro’s golden earrings as if to blind Sabo even more. Sabo wanted to reach out and take one into his hand but stopped a few inches away and lightly placed a finger on his cheek right where he left his kiss the night before. 


Sabo only sighed and slowly got up as he planned on making breakfast and maneuvered himself around the sleeping Zoro and placed the blanket around him and headed out. Only to stop at the door giving one last look at the sleeping man who started to snore causing Sabo to chuckle and finally leave the cabin with a new shirt on.       




As Sabo makes breakfast he is soon joined by the others. Nami first, grabbing a cup of tea along with her plate while Usopp comes in with half asleep taking a plate from Sabo. When Luffy comes in, dropping himself on Sabo’s back for a quick hug before taking a plate. It’s not long after Zoro joins taking a plate as well as taking a seat with the others and soon everyone enjoys breakfast making small talk. It’s not long before breakfast was done, Nami was checking their course while Luffy and Usopp started to play around on deck, while Sabo started to clean up breakfast with Zoro helping with dishes. 


The two worked in silence, it was peaceful and the two were able to finish quickly. “ Thanks for the help Zoro.” Sabo said as dries his hands giving Zoro a smile. “It’s nothing.” he says as he rubs the back of his neck not looking directly at Sabo. Sabo nods as he starts to leave the kitchen only for Zoro to lightly grab his arm stopping him.


Sabo looks at him confused before Zoro places a small kiss on Sabo’s cheek. “Thanks for breakfast.” He quickly leaves with a blush. Sabo starts to blush all the way down his neck as he covers his face as he smiles into his hands. Sabo doesn’t know how long he was standing there before the sound of a cannon firing and loud shouting reaches his ears. 


Slow progress with Sabo and Zoro but progress nonetheless.. is that how you say it?? 🧐

Anyways see you Sunday!

Chapter 12: Straw hats needs a chef


Ages: Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17


Happy birthday Luffy!!!! 🥳🥳

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sabo sighs as he walks out the kitchen to find Nami beating up Luffy while Usopp fires another cannonball hitting a boulder in the distance. Nami and Luffy quickly looked at a shocked Usopp. Sabo smiles as he walks over to Usopp giving him a pat on the back. “That's our sniper! Great shot!” 


Usopp smiles and starts to tell a tale when Sabo feels someone new enter his field of haki. Quickly Sabo crosses the deck, pipe meeting swords with a man with a face tattoo. “How dare you filthy pirates kill my partner!” Sabo rolls his eyes quickly, disarming the man and taking him down with a punch to his stomach. 


Everyone didn’t move yet until Zoro’s voice echoed across the deck “Johnny is that you?” The man jumps up looking at Zoro like he is some miracle. “Big Bro Zoro!” “What are you doing here? Where is Yosaku?” Zoro asked as he came closer while the man started to tell Zoro what happened.


“He was dying and we were resting on the boulder when out of nowhere a cannonball hit it! It came from this direction.” Sabo watches as Luffy and Usopp get pale and start to cry. “Luffy don’t cry, the guy isn’t dead. You didn’t kill him.” 


Johnny quickly turns to Sabo with a scowl. “You guys might as well have killed him!” Sabo raises an eyebrow at the man before taking a quick glance at a pale Zoro before looking back at Johnny. Sabo lets out his haki and feels his friend on a small boat, Sabo knows he is alive but he can tell the man is sick but not dying yet.“the guy is sick not dead. Luffy, help Johnny here by bringing the guy on board.”


 The two move with the help of Usopp, “Nami can you get me some limes just in case.” Nami looks at him as she seems to understand and leaves for the haul. 


Having a moment alone with Zoro, Sabo puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, getting Zoro to look at him. “Your friend will be fine.” Zoro has his doubts but nods while they watch Luffy and Usopp lay the man out on the deck just in time for Nami to return with the limes. 


Sabo looks over at the pale man checking his eyes and mouth with Nami by his side and the two come to the same conclusion. “He will be fine. He just has scurvy. Meaning he hasn’t been getting vitamins from fruits and vegetables for a long time. These limes are a good start but he needs real food. Luffy, Usopp, go get more.” Nami explains to everyone. 


Sabo stands next to Zoro, “That means you guys haven’t been eating well for a long time. Come to the kitchen, I’ll cook you something so don’t attack us.” Johnny gives his thanks the same time his partner jumps up seeming to be better. 


“It's good to see you again Zoro! Who would have thought we would see you with pirates!” “Yosaku! It’s good to not see you aren’t dead!” Zoro answered back with a smile as he stood in front of his old friends. Usopp looks at the trio curiously, “who are you guys? How do you know Zoro?” 


The two smirk and strike a pose,

 “I’m Johnny!”

 “I’m Yosaku!”

 “Together we are the bounty hunter dou!”

 The man known as Yosaku stopped his pose giving Zoro a big smile. “ We used to work with Big Bro Zoro when he was a hunter too!” Then he fainted once again. “Get him off the deck and into a spare bed, he is still sick.” Sabo says as he leaves everyone on the deck, feeling Zoro poke him with his haki. Sabo’s eyes went wide as he turned to look at Zoro “Do it again Zoro!” 


Zoro looks at him confused as does everyone else, Sabo quickly stands in front of Zoro with a smile. “Do it again. I felt it.” Zoro tilts his head looking lost at Sabo. “What are you talking about?” Sabo shakes his head with a smile. “I felt your haki. It was poking me.” Luffy laughs while Zoro looks smug. “So try it again. Think of it as you reaching out for me with an invisible hand.” Sabo explained.


Zoro rolled his eyes but did what he was asked and sure enough it was a gentle poke coming from Zoro. Sabo could help but laugh as he put an arm around Zoro’s shoulders. “you did it! You are closer to unlocking it! We have to train more tonight!” 


Sabo let go and stepped away allowing Luffy to jump on Zoro’s back. “Shishishi! Zoro, good job! Now we can spar longer!” Sabo smiles at his little brother as he heads back into the kitchen to make snacks and a meal for their guests. 




It’s not long before everyone joins him in the kitchen listening to Nami talk about the importance of a chef. While Sabo passes out snacks and gives Johnny a plate of food. “I can't believe you guys don’t know anything about this! Having a chef onboard can save you lives from getting Scurvy and other illnesses. Thankfully we have Sabo so I don’t lose brain cells alone.”  Nami tells them, Sabo chuckles as he passes Zoro some rice balls he made with the leftover rice from Johnny’s meal. 


Zoro gives him a smile while he takes the plate and starts to snack while Sabo takes a seat next to Luffy, “So we need a sea cook!Then we will get one. Hey Johnny, do you know any places where we can get one?” Luffy asked,Johnny nodded as he finished his plate.  “Yeah, just north east of here, there is a restaurant. It’s the closest one to here. Oi Zoro, they say that guy you are looking for, Hawkeyes might be around.” Sabo watches as Zoro smiles but has a tight hold on his swords. 


Sabo can only sigh to himself, he knows Zoro is not ready to face his dad and so does Luffy from the looks of it. Luffy catches his eyes and shakes his head. They will not interfere, afterall it will be a proper duel and both are prideful swordsmen. 


“What do you say captain?” Sabo asks Luffy as he is captain and he decides where they will sail. “Let's go to the restaurant and get a cook!” Sabo smiles as he picks up the dishes while passing Johnny a vegetable soup for Yosaku. The man gives his thanks leaving them while Nami looks at Sabo confused. “What is it, Nami?” While everyone stays in their seats not moving just yet. “Why do you know so much and Luffy doesn’t?” Sabo couldn’t help but laugh while Luffy pouted. 


Sabo catches his breath as he messes up Luffy’s hair. “Growing up Luffy was never good at remembering things he didn't care about. My twin is the same so it was up to me to remember things so they don’t get themselves killed. Plus I like learning things.” Luffy nods with a proud smile, “yeah, you can ask Sabo about anything and he will know! 0h! Ask him about the stars and he will tell you all the stories!” 


Sabo chuckles as he goes back to the dishes, listening to the group head out to the deck to train with Usopp being the last to get up, Sabo takes his chance. 


“Oh, Usopp, hang out for a second.” Usopp starts to sweat as he finds Sabo intimidating. “Sure, Sabo what’s up?” Sabo gives him a smile. “I know you like to say you are captain when you play with Luffy but when we are in front of Marines don’t do it please. Just so there is no confusion.” Usopp looks startled to say the least but Sabo keeps going. “You are our sniper. Hold that title with pride because you are hell of a shot! Hell, I'm sure you will be better than your old man!” Usopp looks a little down when Sabo brings up his old man but Sabo won’t worry about it unless Usopp talks about it. 


Sabo gives him a pat on the back. “Before my spar with Zoro can we have a round? I really want you to unlock your haki because I know you have so much potential.” Usopp looks like he wants to cry but he holds it back and nods. “Of course I do! I am the great Sniper Usopp!” Sabo chuckles while Usopp runs out, probably to play with Luffy. 




After two days' travel, the crew makes it to ‘The Baratie’ which is just a giant fish shaped boat. Everyone thinks it is great, while they are getting closer Sabo spots a boat coming up on their right. “Marines.” The crew watch as a man comes fourth in a suit with arrogance surrounding him. Sabo decides to let Luffy handle things. 


“Who is your captain? I’ve never seen a pirate flag like that.” Luffy steps forward “that’s me! I’m Luffy, we just made a flag a few days ago.” The man seems to disregard Luffy as captain, finding the whole idea hilarious. “Ha! A child as captain is laughable! I'm a lieutenant Iron Fist Fullbody!” Sabo sighs, feeling Zoro move closer to his side, a calm presence that doesn’t make Sabo want to murder this guy. 


Fullbody looks at the two hunters that failed at staying hidden, peeking out from behind the door to the guys room. “I know you two! You finally got captured by pirates! HAHAHA!  How pathetic! You guys have only caught small fishes only to be captured by smaller fishes!” Sabo can see the two become angry at the man's words, Johnny throws out a bunch of bounty posters while shouting at the marine who is no longer listening. 


“Sink them!” Fullbody shouts while he wraps an arm around a girl. Sabo sighs, “Luffy, get it.” As he walks over picking up the thrown posters with Nami who stops only holding one poster with anger coming off her. It doesn’t take much for Sabo to put together things about Nami that make sense now. He takes the poster from her hands ignoring Johnny and Yosaku who are making things worse. 


“Don’t look at these stupid things Nami.” BANG! Sabo sighs as he turns to see a pouting Luffy and a hole in the restaurant. Sabo gives Nami a pat on the back as he takes the posters and puts them in his pants pockets ignoring the other two. 


“I didn’t mean to Sabo.” Sabo pats Luffy’s head, “let’s go talk to the owner then.” Luffy nods as they watch a group of angry chefs come out.   




Sabo told the others to stay on the going merry while he and Luffy handle things. Sabo and Luffy were led by the angry chefs as they walked into a room where Sabo guessed the owner was a little beat up from the blast. Luffy checks the man out and falls to his knees with tears going down his face. “I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to cut your leg!” Sabo laughs while the others look at Luffy shocked before the owner grants Luffy mercy. 


“What are you on about kid? That wasn‘t you.” Sabo stops laughing as Luffy wipes his face, glad he didn’t hurt the man. “Oh shishishi! That's good!” 


Sabo turns to the man as he pulls Luffy off the floor and pushes him to bow. “We are sorry about your ship. The marine fired at us and my captain tried to deflect the shot, only for it to hit your restaurant and for that we are sorry.” Luffy takes a peek and nods along with Sabo before they both stand straight. “Yeah sorry old guy!” 


The man sighs “and how to plan to fix the damages?” Sabo sighs they don’t have money like that right now. “We don’t have money!” Luffy told the man without a care in the world. “Well you have to fix it somehow, brats! You will be a chore boy for a year to pay it off.”the man tells them, Luffy takes a seat on the floor pouting.


 “Nope! Not a year! I waited ten years to sail. I'm not waiting any longer.” Sabo sighs, turning to the old man. “How about I fix the hole and Luffy works as the chore boy for free then you let us leave after it’s fixed.” 


The man thinks it over while Luffy gives Sabo a thumbs up making Sabo smile. “Sure, you got a deal kid.” Sabo smiles while Luffy cheers, “great! I’m Sabo and that is Luffy, my captain.” “Names Zeff but most call me head chef.” Before anyone gets to say anything more, the floor caves in and the three fall into the dinner hall. 


I hope everyone has a nice day / night!!! See you !!

Chapter 13: Meeting a chef


Luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

Chapter Text

Sabo quickly dust himself off taking a look around. The chefs are holding back a blonde guy and the rest of the crew is at the doors watching while Luffy is fighting Zeff about the floor. Sabo looks around and finds that shit marine. Sabo ignores everyone and grabs the marine by his suit holding him up by his jacket. “Oi! You piece of shit! Give me money to fix the mess you caused my captain.” 


Those around fall quiet now all watching Sabo, while the man starts to shake and tries to get out of Sabo’s hold. “What is wrong with you people?! Doing this to a lieutenant?!” 


Sabo looks at the man with disgust at the man’s behavior. “because you are shit! Now pay me motherfucker!” “Put down our customer!” A man comes in, Sabo knows this guy is no threat to him. “Sabo.” Luffy calls him giving him a look that Sabo knows Luffy is serious. Sabo drops the sorry excuse of a marine, “it’s your lucky day.” He tells the man as he kicks him in the chest. Sabo makes his way to Luffy while he listens to the blonde with a cigarette talking to the others around.


“Patty! Sanji! if you wanna fight, do it in the kitchen!” Zeff tells the two when a different marine comes running in shouting about an escaped man from Krieg pirates who is being starved by the marines. Sabo whistles while Luffy fixes his hat, excited to see what happens next. “wow what a wild restaurant.” Luffy whispered to Sabo. As the other customers start to freak out about pirates when the marine is shot down.   


A new man walks in wearing a gray tracksuit and gun in hand. Sabo can tell the man is staving. The man makes a demand for food only when the same guy who asked Sabo to drop the shit marine asks if he has money. Sabo sighs as the man gets punched for not paying for the food. Everyone cheers while Sabo and Luffy catch sight of the blonde guy walking away as the guy beats him up. Luffy and Sabo walk out to the balcony just in time to see the gray track suit guy laying on the floor.


“Hey, are you hungry by any chance?” Luffy shouts down at the man. The man says no, even when the blonde guy places a plate of food in front of him. “Just eat it. To me anyone who is hungry is a customer.” The man shakes his head no once again.


 “The seas are a cruel place. It’s scary to lose food and water on the seas. I understand how a hungry person feels more than anyone. You can die for your pride if you want, But if you eat and survive, don't you think there’s a future for you?” The man’s words hit the others to some degree as he started to cry and eat. Sabo smiles down at the two while Luffy lets out a laugh “Sabo, I found our cook!” 


“Hey you, it’s a good thing that he gave you food you almost died! Hey you cook, join my crew!” Luffy shouts down at the two while Sabo laughs at the guy's confused face while Luffy goes on “be the cook on my pirate ship!”  




Sabo and Luffy join the two down below. “You guys are pirates then why shoot the ship?” Luffy pouts while Sabo pushes his hair back. “we didn’t mean to! It was a stray shot!”  Luffy tells the blonde guy who just sighs.


 “In any event don’t do anything to this restaurant. The owner used to be a pirate captain.” The blonde told them, “I see. Old man was a pirate.”  Luffy mumbles as he takes a seat on the railing. The blonde explains that the restaurant is the old man’s treasure as well as explain how the cooks are just like pirates so there are always fights,scaring the waiters away. 


“That explains why he was trying to keep us here for a year.” Sabo says as he moves away as Luffy is getting impatient. “Oi, join our crew.” The blonde just says no, “no I refuse, your refusal.” Luffy tells the blonde causing the two to bicker; while Sabo watches chuckling to himself. The blonde says he has a reason to stay but Sabo knows Luffy is pretty stubborn.  


Before they two could go back and forth again, the man who was eating interrupted them. “I’m Ghin of the Krieg pirates.” Sabo gives him a smile. “I’m Sabo, that's Luffy my captain.” “I’m Sanji.” Sabo nods and listens as Ghin starts to talk about the grand line, just like everyone who is too cocky, they become afraid of it. Sabo shakes his head as he asks Sanji for a cigarette; the guy hesitates but gives it to him anyway. Sabo lights it and takes a drag,he gives his goodbyes to Ghin as Sabo has work to do leaving Luffy and Sanji. 


Sabo makes it back inside to see the others of their crew at a table eating already, Sabo can’t help but smile at their little group. Sabo walks up to Zoro’s right side, looking at the meals they had ordered. Happy to see his friends enjoy their meal. “Hey guys. We got a deal with the owner, so we will be here for a bit. Luffy is doing chores and I’m fixing the hole. So training with us is at a pause but still work on it yourselves.” Sabo says while the three are just staring at him as if they are in shock. Sabo takes a drag, blowing the smoke away from everyone. “What I got something on me?” He asked, confused by their stares. 


The three shook their heads no so Sabo shrugged it off. “Usopp, I hope you don’t mind if I borrow some of your tools.” “No, go right ahead.” Sabo nods, taking out his cigarette making sure to blow his smoke away from Zoro as he leans closer to him.“Okay, then I will see you later. Zoro, our spar is on hold for now. Sorry big guy.” Sabo places a quick kiss on his cheek and leaves the table that is now being very loud and a blushing Zoro behind as Sabo smokes without a care in the world. 




After grabbing a few things Sabo will need, he heads upstairs to start fixing the hole and is surprised to see Sanji there.  “Hey Sanji.” Sabo seems to pull him out of his thoughts, only getting a nod back. Sabo doesn’t mind and gets to work picking up the mess while Sanj just watches. The two sit in silence but it's not awkward, it's comfortable. Sabo finds pieces that can still be used and starts creating a trash pile.  


After a while Sanji breaks the sound of the hammer. “Is he serious?” Sabo pauses his hammering looking over his shoulder at Sanji. “who? Luffy? If so then yeah. When he asks you, he means it. Luffy is the type of person who does what he wants. So he wouldn’t ask you if he didn't want to.” 


The two fall back into silence when Zeff's voice calls out. “Eggplant! Get down here and take orders!” Sabo freezes at the name and so does Sanji before he starts to get up.  Sabo almost drops his hammer. “Little cook!” Sanji freezes looking at Sabo as a slow blush makes its way to his ears. 


“how do you know that name?” Sanji asked with a shake in his voice and a blush reaching down his neck. Sabo gave him a smile as he laughed. “hahah! Holy shit it is you! Now you have to join us! Papa and dad talk about your food all the time! They always brag about how good it is! You have to cook me and Luffy something please. We have been wanting to try it for years!” 


The more Sabo talked the redder Sanji got and by the end Sanji could only agree. “I’ll make something for you to taste then,see you later.” Sabo gives him one last smile. “I’ll hold you to it. later!” Sanji leaves conflicted while Sabo is happy he gets to try some amazing food his parents always talk about.




Sabo spends a few hours fixing the wall and is only a quarter of the way through when Zeff comes in to check his progress. “Huh, it's not bad, kid.” Sabo gives him a smile and goes back to work. Sabo knows it's good, after all he liked watching the woodworkers in their home village a lot and even learned a few things from them and Rex. “Do you have any wood stored away? I can’t give you all our supply.”  Sabo can hear Zeff thinking before another ball of energy comes into the room. 


“Sabo! I’m hungry!” Luffy shouts as he latches onto Sabo’s back causing him to laugh. “Sorry Lu. Ask Nami to make you something I still have a lot to do.” Luffy pouts getting closer to Sabo’s face, clearly searching for something. “Is Sabo hurting? That’s why he had a smoke.” Sabo gives him a smile even if Luffy isn’t going to believe him. “No, Sabo is fine, just wanted one.” Luffy hums, getting down from his brother's back with his arms crossed. “Well Sabo needs to take a break because you haven’t eaten since the morning and it's getting dark!” 


Sabo looks out the hole in the wall and sure enough the sun is setting and Sabo hasn’t even since breakfast. Sabo sighs, putting down his tools and turns to Zeff. “Is it okay to take a break? As you hear I haven’t eaten.” Zeff nods as he leaves, Luffy looks at the two curious if something happened. “Did old man say something to you?” Sabo shakes his head. “No, anyways, what should we eat tonight?” “MEAT!” Luffy shouts as he runs out the room while Sabo laughs as he follows. 




The two make it back to the going merry and head straight to the kitchen that is full of their little crew and guests. “Hey everyone.” Sabo says as he washes his hands while Luffy drums on the table chatting with the others. Sabo decides to make something simple for him and Luffy when he remembers that maybe the others haven't eaten dinner. So he called out over his shoulders, “hey! Did you guys eat dinner yet?” As he searches the fridge for some vegetables to make a stir fry with meat of course. “We plan to eat at the restaurant again later.” Usopp stuttered out. Sabo nods as he starts to cut up the food. “Good.” 


“Oh come on! Sabo, are we really not going to talk about it!” Nami shouts from her seat next to a stiff Zoro and a nervous Usopp. Sabo looks at her confused but doesn't stop cutting. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Nami eyes go wide “yes! You do!” Sabo is lost as he puts some oil in a lager pan that gets hot quickly and adds in the vegetables with some seasonings and goes back to cutting more vegetables. “No I don't, Nami. If you are going to keep talking, I ask you not to yell after all we have a sick guest.” 


That caused Nami to give a quick apology to Yosaku who was at the table too but he said it was no problem. She quickly went back to Sabo, “I'm talking about you kissing Zoro on the cheek today.” Sabo pauses for a second, as he thinks about what he did today and doesn't remember that. “I don't remember that.” He says calm because he really doesn’t but Cerberus the amazing woman who is always at his side takes form. “Actually little blue you did. When you let them know about the deal.” Sabo feels himself grow tense and hisses as he cuts his palm missing the vegetable he was cutting. 


Sabo sighs, quickly grabbing a towel applying pressure. Sabo turns around looking for the med kit. “Usopp, pass me the med kit. I sliced my hand.” Luffy is up by his side in seconds as Usopp quickly gives it to him from the other side of the island. “Let me see.” Luffy demands, Sabo just shakes his head “No Luffy, turn off the stove for me.” Luffy stares at his brother’s eyes before doing what he was asked. 


The room became tense after that. Their guest took it as a sign to go out on deck while Luffy hovered over Sabo, still worried as Sabo took care of his cut which was pretty big, almost the full length of his palm of his left hand. 


“I’m fine Luffy.”  Luffy crossed his arms looking at his brother. “Guys, can you give us time?”Luffy asked the crew. Who looked between each other and left the two alone. 


Sabo knew Luffy wasn’t going to let this go no matter what. “Sabo, there is something bothering you. Your haki feels different and you had a smoke which you never have unless you are hurting or worried about something. And now you cut your hand. So talk or I get papa on the snail and tell him Sabo’s brain is being stupid again.” Sabo chuckles as he puts the last bandage on his hand. Oh how many times has he heard that line in the last two years. Luffy still never did tell their papa though, not when Sabo scars hurt or when he grieves, smoking and drinking it all away. Sabo did have a feeling his parents knew but they just didn’t know what to do about it.


Sabo didn’t answer as the next words caused him to freeze completely. “Is it about Zoro fighting dad?” Sabo hears Luffy sighs as he goes back to cooking dinner for them. “Zoro is strong but dad is stronger. We know that and we know Zoro has potential, dad will see it too so he won’t kill him.” Luffy says as he wraps his arms around his brother holding him tight but not too tight. Sabo takes a deep breath. “I know Lu but it is still scary.” 


The two are silent the rest of the time Sabo cooks them dinner with Luffy still holding him tight. It’s not long after the two sit down at the table do the others join them, seeming to drop their conversation from earlier and instead talk about the restaurant. Sabo is mostly quiet but Luffy makes sure to kick Sabo lightly on his leg or wrap an arm around him letting him know he is there so Sabo doesn’t get lost in his mind. Sabo remembers he has the best little brother ever. 


After dinner Sabo went back to work for another hour before it got later into the night. Sabo caught only a glimpse of Sanji again but he seemed busy so Sabo went back to the going merry to shower and get some sleep as he has an early day tomorrow.  

Chapter 14: The calm


Luffy 17
Sabo 20
Zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17
Sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Sabo gets to the ship he finds Nami waiting for him with a blanket around herself. “Good evening Nami.” Sabo gives her a quick greeting just wanting to shower and sleep. “Wait, Sabo can we talk for a second?” Sabo stops and faces her. 


“I want to apologize for earlier. I should have put you on the spot like that.” Sabo nods, giving her a small smile. “We are good Nami, don't worry.” Sabo goes to move again but Nami stops him again “really I’m sorry.” Sabo gives her a light head pat as he walks past her, “it’s okay.”  


“Can you at least tell me why?” She asked, Sabo thinks about it and honestly he doesn’t have to explain anything to her. What happens between him and Zoro is no one’s business for now but he will only tell her a little for now. “It’s because I wanted to. Now I’m sweaty and tired. I want to sleep, I have an early day so good night Nami.” 




Sabo enters the men’s cabin finding the others playing cards with Johnny and Yosaku so he quickly grabs his clothes and heads to the shower that is empty. Sabo doesn’t take long and is out in ten minutes and heads back to the guys room. Everyone is still up so Sabo puts his dirty clothes away and grabs a blanket and heads to the back on the ship away from everyone. 


He finds a comfortable spot against the railing and lays on the back deck watching the stars as he drifts into a dreamless sleep. 


~~~in the guys room~~~


The guys had been playing card games until late in the night and everyone was falling asleep so Zoro started to put everyone into beds. Zoro laid Johnny and Yosaku down on the spare hammocks while Usopp went to sleep in his own hammock. Putting Luffy down was a little hard for him as the kid liked to latch on but Zoro got him under his blanket. 


When he was going to leave Luffy  when he grabbed his arm tightly. “Take care of Sabo too. He is sleeping at the back of the ship.”  Luffy whispered to Zoro. He nodded at the request, getting a sleepy smile from his captain as he finally let go of Zoro.


Zoro walked out of the guys room and started his search for their writer. He walked by Nami’s door and found the light off so he thought she must be sleeping. So he went on his way to Sabo.


 Zoro had noticed a lot about Sabo since he met him. He always just found himself searching for those blue eyes just hoping they were looking at him already. 


Zoro has never been in a relationship before, sure he has had his first kiss and has had sex but those people didn’t make his heart race the way Sabo does. None of them made Zoro feel warm and fuzzy when they looked at him. Or when he looks at them smiling or laughing. None of them made him feel the same way as Sabo did. None were gentle the same way as Sabo when he kissed his cheek. At first Zoro thought he wouldn’t want these feelings from anyone and just focus on his goal but he craves them from Sabo so much and he doesn't want it to end.


Zoro makes it to a sleeping Sabo who is curled on his side wrapped in a blanket. Zoro feels like his heart will burst, Zoro carefully puts an arm under Sabo’s back and the other under his knees and lifts him up. Zoro stands straight and waits as Sabo gets comfortable against him. Zoro waits a few seconds before heading back to the room, trying his best not to think about how perfect Sabo fits in his arms. 


Zoro opened the door with ease and tried to get Sabo in his hammock but Sabo held Zoro tighter and Zoro couldn't get him to let go. So Zoro heads to the couch (that is big enough for the two to sleep comfortably) and lays down with Sabo on his chest. Zoro makes sure they are both comfortable then places a kiss on Sabo’s forehead and whispers a soft good night. As he fell asleep holding Sabo extra close to him, maybe it was for the best that Sabo stayed in his arms always.




The next morning Sabo feels Cerberus poking at his haki trying to wake him up. Sabo knows he has to get up but he is so warm and comfortable, Sabo pulls the blanket closer and pushes his face into the warmth only for it to make a sound. Sabo is confused as pillows don't make noise until he feels an arm around his waist tighten “stop moving.” Sabo feels himself freeze at the raspy voice in his ear.


Sabo finally opens his eyes taking in tan skin, he slowly pulls away and sees Zoro and it clicks in his mind he is laying on Zoro. Sabo goes to move himself off but Zoro pulls him back down holding his head to his neck and tightening his hold on his waist once again. “Sabo,stop moving and go back to sleep. The sun isn't even up yet.” Sabo pouted but listened and made himself comfortable but didn't fall back to sleep right away. He just listened to Zoro’s steady breathing. 


At first Sabo was confused but now he can’t complain. Zoro feels great. Maybe Sabo will take more naps with him. Before Sabo even knows it he is back to sleep holding Zoro just as close. 




The next time Sabo wakes up, the sun is slowly rising, so he carefully pulls away from his comfortable pillow doing small stretches and putting the blanket back on Zoro with a small kiss on his forehead before he gets ready for work once again. 


The day passed by with ease. Sabo got to the wall and found a big pile of wood and got to work. Sabo only took little breaks when Luffy or Zeff came in with food or drinks or when Sanji came by. By the evening Sabo was done for the day with the wall being a little less than half way and it looks great. As Sabo cleans up, Sanji enters with a plate of food. “Oi Sabo, I got you dinner.” 


Sabo quickly drops his tools giving Sanji a quick thank you and digs in. Sabo finally understood what his dads were talking about: Sanji’s food tasted like heaven. “Sanji, it tastes amazing!” He keeps eating while Sanji explains the dish to him. The two talk until Sabo is done and part ways with Sabo letting Sanji know he really should join them. Sanji waves him off but Sabo has a feeling Sanji will join them eventually. 


Like the night before Sabo heads to take a quick shower and heads into the guy's room to find it empty. Sabo shrugged his shoulders and headed to his hammock, only to stop in front of it as it didn't look as comfortable to sleep on. So he takes his blanket and lays on the couch and slowly starts to fall asleep. 


It’s not long after when he feels someone else enter quietly when he is half asleep. Sabo feels something soft touch his head before someone moves him and joins him on the couch. It didn’t take much for Sabo to know it was Zoro, Sabo sighs as he feels his warmth and he slowly falls asleep with Zoro holding him closer. This happened for the next three nights. 




On the fifth day at the restaurant just past noon, Sabo was just about done with the hole when something massive entered his field of haki. Sabo put down his tools and headed out to the balcony meeting Zeff and the two watched as a huge galleon came in through the fog. 


I’m out of town so posting might be earlier or later on the days because Wi-Fi is spotty!!

Just a heads up!!

Chapter 15: kreig enters


Luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sabo looks at the looming ship, it's beaten and broken everywhere. Sabo lets his haki out and feels many men on the verge of death. “Hm, a lot of men on board, all too weak to move. Probably came from the grand. Cuts look like dad’s.” Sabo spoke to himself before shouting down to Luffy, who was on the bottom balcony looking at the ship as well with Sanji at his side. “Oi! Luffy!” Luffy turns to Sabo and nods. 


Sabo starts to head inside with Zeff behind him. “Oi! Kid, who is your dad?” Sabo gives the older man a smirk, “the same ones who call Sanji little cook.” Sabo gives him a wave and turns back heading inside. He quickly jogs down the stairs and enters the main dining room just in time to see Don Kreig beg for food and water with Ghin at his side.


Sabo sighs as he lights a cigarette as Sanji walks past him and heads into the kitchen. While Patty starts talking out his ass as Luffy joins him on his right, Sabo tries to keep a cool head for now. Sanji returns from the kitchen with a large plate of food and a bottle of wine for Kreig. Immediately the man starts to eat while the other chefs call Sanji a traitor and other stupid things like Kreig being the strongest in the east blue and that sets Sabo’s soul on fire. After all it is his papa that is the strongest in the east. Sabo quickly knocks that chef down, throwing out his cigarette, stunning everyone. 


“Kreig is a washed up pirate that ran from the grand! He is not the strongest in the east! And Sanji is doing his job as a fucking chef! I am tired of you assholes belittling him for doing his damn job! Which is to feed hungry people!” Sabo doesn’t get to say move as Cerberus is quickly in his hand and blocking Kreig from hurting Sanji.    


Sabo glares at Kreig who is shocked while no one else moves. Sabo catches a glimpse of gold under Kreig’s huge coat, meaning one thing in his mind.There will be a fight. “Oi, don’t touch our cook.” The two stare each other down until Kreig backs down as Ghin shouts at his captain about hurting the others and the ship. Sabo watches with Cerberus in his hand while he feels Sanji on the move again. Krieg picks Ghin up, breaking his shoulder even Sabo holds back a wince at Ghin’s screams. 


“Oi cooks! I want 100 meals to feed those on my ship!Many are weak and on the edge of dying of starvation!”  Kreig demands,Sabo sighs, he had been there, it was awful. Going without food locked in that dark room for weeks because of his birth family. Then the months he spent in the grey terminal barley eating the scraps he found until Ace came along. Ace and Luffy probably don’t remember but Sabo was sickly thin back then until Auntie Makino and Papa got him to eat food again. Sabo is pulled from his thoughts when he feels Luffy’s haki cling to him like a warm hug. 


Sabo quickly sends a wave back as he takes a seat on a table still watching Krieg talk about taking the ship and killing everyone. Sanji at some point got surrounded by the other cooks who are pointing weapons at him while Patty is looking in a hidden cabinet and pulls out a cannon launcher and fires at Kreig. Sabo takes out another cigarette, lighting it while dodging the bullets from Kreig. While the rest of the chefs are injured and on the ground Kreig starts to go on about being the strongest in the east, which Sabo already said he isn't. 


Not long after Kreig’s speech, Zeff comes back from the kitchen with a large bag of food. “Here, go feed your people.” Those still up start to shout at Zeff who doesn’t care to listen. “ It doesn't matter, those 100 men might not have the will to fight, after all they are all defeated men of the grand line.” Sabo smiled while taking out his cigarette, “Told y’all!” He shouts in the quiet room. “Yes, we are. Only because I didn’t have the proper information. But you Red leg Zeff do.” 


Everyone listens to Kreig talk about Zeff being a captain who sailed the grand line until he left. Kreig then makes demands for Zeff’s log book. “No, it is a testament of my journey with my crew.”  “Haha! With that book and a new fleet we will conquer the grand and I will reach the one piece!” Kreig shouts, Sabo sees Luffy move before he hears him. 


“Oi! The one who will find the one piece will be me! I will be King of the pirates!” Luffy shouts as he puts himself in front of Kreig. “Hahaha! A shrimp like you will be eaten alive!” Luffy clenches his fist, “I will be king!” “Oi! Luffy, Sabo, Need any help!” Zoro calls out from the staries with a shaking Usopp by his side. 


“What’s this?! Hahaha! A bunch of weaklings you call a crew!” “Hey! I have two more!” Luffy shouts getting more upset, Sabo puts out his cigarette as he jumps off his seat and takes place behind Luffy with Cerberus in his hand lighting her blue flames. “Get gone Kreig before my captain kicks your ass.” 


“We aren’t done here. This ship will be mine.” Krieg says as he takes his bag and heads to his ship. Leaving everyone tense, Sabo places a hand on Luffy's back giving him a small push bringing him out of his anger. “I'm sorry Sanji-san. This wasn't supposed to happen. He promised not to do anything. I’m sorry.” Ghin apologizes Zeff waves him all, “it’s no big deal. Sanji does what he wants just like every other cook here.” 


“It sure is his damn fault! If Sanji hadn’t fed that man-” Patty doesn't get to say another word as Sabo kicks him in the face sending him flying back crashing into tables. 


“I told you mothefuckers Sanji is doing his job! Do you have any fucking idea what its like to being fucking starving with no food or clean water for days,weeks before having  fucking food! Exactly you don’t so shut the fuck up!” Sabo shouts as Cerberus shakes in his hand.Sabo feels Zoro and Luffy poking at him with their haki as Cerberus takes to his back holding him tight.  


Sabo feels himself calm down as he takes a deep breath and turns to his brother giving him a nod. Luffy smiles as he turns to Ghin who is still on the floor and asks more about going to the grand line. Sabo searches the empty tables for any alcohol and finds a bottle of wine, he takes a swing while listening to Ghin tell his story. Ignoring Sanji’s and Zeff’s gaze on him. 


A story of their 50 ships being taken down by  one man with hawk-like eyes. Sabo laughs, getting everyone's attention, “haha you ran into Mihawk! You poor fuckers!” Sabo takes another swing of wine and takes a seat in the center of the floor. “You know Mihawk?” Zoro asks, Sabo gives him a smile “of course! Who doesn't know the world’s greatest swordsman!” 


Sanji finally speaks up “yeah and he holds grudges so best of luck Ghin.” Luffy laughs holding his stomach, “you probably woke him from his nap!shishishi!” He says as he catches his breath. Ghin looks at them in disbelief. “That is ridiculous! All over a nap!” Sabo gets up from his spot on the floor. “No it is not. That is just how the grand line is. More importantly, that is how Mihawk is. Trust me, I would know.” Sabo feels Luffy climb him back and hold him tight. “Yup, that is just how Feather is.He gets grumpy when he wakes up alone.” 


Sabo lets out his haki all the way, surrounding the restaurant and Kreig’s boat and the surrounding waters when he feels something familiar just enter. “Oi Luffy, you feel that.” Luffy smiles looking back at Zoro, “Zoro, get ready, he is here! It's so exciting! We need to get to the grand line after this!” Zoro freezes while everyone around looks confused.


 “Are you serious?” Zoro asks Sabo to turn to face him, giving him a small smile. “yes.” Zoro quickly gets down the stairs with Usopp right behind him. “oi,oi! Zoro you are seriously going to fight Mihawk?!” 


Sabo sees Sanji's eyes go wide ,“wow you guys are stupid. You all will be the first to die on the grand.” Zoro stops walking, turning to Sanji with a frown. “ Maybe but you didn’t have to call us stupid. When I decided to be the greatest swordsman I devoted my life to it. So the only one who can call me stupid is me.” Sabo let out a low whistle as he looked Zoro up and down, “that was hot.” 


Causing Zoro to blush while Luffy laughs getting down from Sabo’s back. “Same with me!”Sabo could help but laugh as he stands readying himself for what is to come. “What nonsense.” Sanji says. And of course Patty tries to ruin the mood. “Don’t you guys get how serious this is?! Mihawk will wipe out this ship!” Sabo turns to Patty with his arms crossed, “I take it you haven’t worked here long because Mihawk won’t touch this place. He loves it. And Kreig is about to get his ass handed to him by Luffy. So just worry about the small shrimp.okay.”    


Sabo hears Luffy laugh causing him to smile when suddenly shouting reaches his ears and the show is about to begin. 


See you Tuesday!!

Chapter 16: Zoro vs Mihawk


luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

Mihawk 40

Chapter Text

Everyone races out the door and watches as the giant galleon is cut down causing the waves to rock the floating restaurant. Sabo and Luffy smile as they both feel a warm hug. Before either can do anything else they hear Johnny and Yosaku  screams coming from the side of the boat. Quickly Usopp and Zoro pull them up while Luffy asks what happened. 


As luck would have it Nami threw them off and took the ship after acting weird all day but the guys said she was staring at Arlong's bounty poster.The two assume she is going for Alrong’s bounty, Sabo sighs as he thought he threw it out the day he saw it but he can’t deny that something else is at play. Usopp is angry while Zoro thinks she should stay gone but Luffy of course won't have that as she is his navigator. “Zoro, Nami is our navigator, I won’t have anyone else.” The two stare at each other before Zoro caves. “aye captain.” Luffy smiles, “Good, You and Usopp take Johnny’s boat and follow her. We stay behind to finish our work.” Everyone agrees to the plan when Sabo and Luffy shoot up from their spots and run to the other ship of the deck the same time Kreig’s men shout Mihawk has arrived. 


The two make it to a good spot on deck as they watch Zoro jump on a piece of the broken ship before landing next to the Mihawk ship. “Hawkeyes, I challenge you for your title!” Zoro shouts as he pulls out his swords. Mihawk jumps out of his boat and lands not far away from him with ease.


Sabo and Luffy can only watch as they can’t hear Zoro and their dad being too far and start to grow tense as they watch Mihawk pull out a small knife from his necklace. The duel begins with Zoro making attacks but is stopped each time by the knife. The brothers grow even more tense the longer the dual goes on. 


They watch as Zoro takes a fall when Mihawk’s voice reaches them. “What is your desire once you have power,weak one?” Sabo and Luffy move quickly, holding down Johnny and Yosaku from interfering in the duel as they shout about Zoro not being weak. 


“You will not interfere! Zoro does not need your weak asses to save him!” Sabo shouts as he holds down Johnny, never taking his eyes off of the two.  They watch Zoro get up and attack once again until Mihawk stabs him in the chest. “Why won’t you stop?” Sabo can tell his dad is intrigued by Zoro.


“Because any promises or pledges I made will become meaningless and I will never be able to come back to where I am now!” Luffy and Sabo watch as Mihawk puts away his knife and pulls out Yoru who is shining in the sun. “It has been a long time since I have seen someone like you. So I will honor you by taking you down with Yoru.” 


Sabo drops Johnny, taking hold of Luffy’s arm tight as they watch Zoro and Mihawk charge at each other. Everyone waits in anticipation for a second before the sounds of broken blades hit wood, Sabo holds his breath as Zoro sheaths his white blade and faces Mihawk arms wide. “Scars on the back are a swordsman's shame.” Zoro tells Mihawk. “ Magnificent!” Mihawk replies as he sends Yoru down across Zoro’s chest. Luffy and the others scream as Zoro falls into the water. Quickly Sabo jumps in after him. 


Sabo makes it to Zoro and his sword pulling both out the water and meets Usopp on Johnny's boat helping pull Zoro up who is bleeding out. “You hurt Zoro!” Luffy shouts as he throws a punch at Mihawk who doges while Sabo starts to look into the medical kit Usopp brought out. “Is he one of yours?” Mihawk asks as Luffy jumps into his arms. “Yeah he is my swordsman!” 


Everyone watches the two confused while Mihawk gives his youngest a small smile. “He is not dead Lu, Right Sabo!” Sabo huffs as he looks at his dad and brother. “Your lucky Papa made us learn first aid! But yes he will live! Doesn't mean I’m not mad at you!” Sabo goes back to cutting away at Zoro’s shirt when his dad yells at Zoro. “Roronoa Zoro! I will hold this title until you are ready! Learn about the world! Learn about yourself!” 


Sabo is about to pour alcohol on Zoro’s chest when he lifts his white blade. “Luffy, can you hear me?! Did I worry you? You need nothing less than the world’s greatest right?! I will not be defeated again!” Sabo watches as Zoro coughs blood with tears running down his face. “Until I defeat him, Until I become the world’s greatest! I will never be defeated! Got a problem with that King of the pirates!”  


“Not at all!” Luffy yells back causing Sabo to smile as he pushes Zoro's arm down, ignoring Johnny and Yosaku crying. “You did good, Zoro. I got you.” Zoro stares at Sabo making his tears fall harder. Sabo smiles, placing a quick kiss on his forehead “Rest Zoro I will fix you good as new!” 


Mihawk squints his eyes as he watches Sabo, “OI! Sabo, I saw that!” Sabo blushes as he turns to his dad. “Whatever!” Luffy laughs as Yoru takes Mihawk's side and Luffy hops down from his dad’s arms with Apollo by his side.


 “ Who are you!” Yoru shouts getting Apollo’s attention “I’m Apollo, I take you are the ones Scarlett was talking about. Nice to meet you both.” Yuro and Mihawk look between the two before Mihawk smiles down at Luffy. “Your papa never tells me these things! Nice to meet you Apollo. I would love to talk but it’s time I head out.” Mihawk tells the two as he and Luffy jump apart. 


Luffy smiles as he jumps out of the way of Kreig as the man tries to attack them  “okay! Bye Dad!” Mihawk laughs as he returns to his ship and sails away. 


Sabo finally got the worst to stop the bleeding on Zoro's chest when Luffy’s voice reached him. “Bye dad!” He shouts at Mihawk who gives him a wave and a comforting wave of haki he returned in full. “OI! Sabo, go with them after Nami! I got it here!” Sabo looks at the restaurant and finds Luffy hanging on the railing.


 “Alright! Sanji watch our captain! We’ll see you in Arlong Park! OI! Luffy, Sanji is little cook!”  Sabo laughs as he hears  an angry shout and an excited one. “Oi,Yosaku I need you to stay with Luffy so he knows how to get to us.” Yosaku nods, wiping his tears and jumps back into the water heading back to the restaurant. 


Sabo looks down at Zoro who is staring at him in shock, but Sabo doesn’t pay any mind to the quiet around him. “Usopp, open the cabin door and find me a towel for Zoro to bite on. Zoro, I'm going to pick you up and get to work.” Sabo picks him up as gently as he could and puts Zoro down on a bed just in time as Usopp finds a clean towel. 


“Thanks. Zoro there aren’t any pain meds so you are going to bite on this while I close you up then I will answer all the questions alright.” Zoro takes the towel into his mouth while Sabo sterilizes everything else. “Great, now you guys get the hell out. I don’t need you in here contaminating everything.” 




The two leave and Sabo gets to work. Sabo lets his haki out, wrapping Zoro in a warm hug hoping to lessen the pain as he stitches Zoro back together. Zoro does well only making a few grunts when they hit a rough wave but seems fine and before Sabo knows it he is done in an hour. “Nice, you should be fine if you don’t open your stitches. Get some sleep.” Sabo takes the towel from Zoro who is finally falling asleep after wrapping Zoro’s chest with bandages and wiping away the last of Zoro’s tears. 


Sabo sighs as he joins everyone on deck once again. The two are quick to stand “how is he?” Johnny asks, Sabo gives the two a reassuring smile as he wipes the blood off his hands. “He is fine, lost blood but he will live. I hope he can get enough rest before we reach Arlong park. Something tells me we are going to be fighting.”


 Usopp starts to shake as Sabo lays against the rails and stares up at the sky. “Usopp, I’m going to need you to have courage to fight. If you can’t fight then distract your opponent and run. Just keep them busy until you have the chance to run. We are dealing with old grand line pirates, and fishmen at that.” 


“ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU ARE GOING UP AGAINST MONSTERS! THEY WILL EAT YOU!” Johnny yells, making Usopp shake in fear “t-they eat people?!” Sabo gets up, hitting both in the head. “Enough!  First,they are not monsters, they are people. Second, they don’t eat people! That is a stupid rumor.” Sabo huffs as he sits back down when the door to the cabin opens and out comes Zoro. Sabo sighs looking up at him ,“Get your ass back to bed.” Zoro gives him a smile as he sits down next to Sabo, grunting a little. “Kinda hard when your haki isn't warm anymore.” 


Sabo winces, his haki probably felt like ice as it does when he gets mad. “Sorry about that.” Zoro waved him off and made himself comfortable against Sabo’s side. “ So what’s the plan?” Sabo looks at the other two, “Find out where Nami is and ask her why she left then wait for Luffy to get here. We’ll see what happens after.” 


Zoro lets out a hum as he finds the perfect spot to lay against Sabo. “Okay, sounds good now, can you tell me about the dad thing.” Sabo rubs his face as he knew this would happen but it doesn't make it easier to share something so personal to him and Luffy even if they are the ones who messed up.  “yeah, sure, however Johnny if you repeat anything I'm going to say I will kill you.” Johnny nods his head “I won't say a word big bro Sabo.” 


“Mihawk is our dad, there isn’t much to say.” Sabo watches the sky letting the news sink and then, “WHAT??!!” They shout, “your Mihawk’s kid!” Sabo sends a glare that shuts everyone up.


 “Any louder will you! But yes, we are his kids by law.” “You're adopted.” Zoro says from his side. “Yeah, we all are.” Zoro nods and gets comfortable as he lays his head against Sabo’s shoulder. “Still going to kick his ass one day. I'm taking a nap.” He mumbles getting Sabo to chuckle as he wraps an arm around Zoro. Sabo looks to the clear sky one last time before he closes his eyes as well. “I’m sure you will. ” 


“Are we not going to talk about them?” Johnny tried to whisper to Usopp who slaps him on the shoulder “shhh let's not talk about it! You saw what happened last time!” 


Sabo takes in the sea breeze, as his mind wonders how Luffy is doing. 

Chapter 17: luffy vs kreig


luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

Currently stuck at the airport since our flight keeps getting delayed! So here is the new chapter because I’m sure I’m going to get home super late.

Anyways here is the chapter and I will see you Sunday!

Chapter Text

“Alright! Sanji watch our captain! We’ll see you in Arlong Park! OI! Luffy, Sanji is little cook!” Sabo shouted as he sailed away, Sanji shouted back, “Don’t call me that!” “You’re little cook?!” Luffy shouts in glee as he hangs off the railing looking at Sanji. Luffy pulls himself sitting on the railing, “Hey old man! I help get rid of these guys, and I don’t do any more chores and Sabo doesn’t fix anything else.” Zeff laughs “okay brat.” 


Luffy laughs and takes out the first wave of lackeys and stays on a mast watching as the cooks start to fight back and get their asses kicked. Luffy winces as he watches them get wiped then Sanji jumps in saving Patty’s knife and takes on Pearl, a commander for Kreig as the guy sets everything on fire. Luffy can only watch until the mast he was on falls, sending him crashing into Sanji’s fire knocking down Pearl. “Chore boy!” 


Luffy gets up rubbing his head with a pout. Sanji pulls Luffy away as Pearl shoots out more fire bullets that Zeff stops from hitting the restaurant. Only to be knocked down and held at gunpoint by Ghin. “Ghin!Old man!” Sanji and Luffy yell as Ghin tries to get to Sanji to surrender the ship. Sanji doesn’t causing Pearl to get up again, hitting Sanji twice before Luffy even knew it. 


Sanji goes on to talk about Zeff sacrificing everything for Sanji who in turn is willing to die for Zeff as payback. This causes Luffy to see red so he throws a leg up and crashes it down on the deck breaking it. Sanji is quick to grab Luffy “What the hell are you doing?!” Luffy shouts in his face “Dying isn't something you repay kindness with!” Sanji stops, letting go of Luffy. “If I break the ship then no one gets it!” 


Luffy’s haki lets him know Pearl is up again but before he can move Ghin has already taken him down. Ghin tries to reason with Kreig to leave but the man won't listen. Luffy sighs to himself as he watches Ghin declare he will take down Sanji. Luffy decides to end things and go after Kreig. Luffy runs across the broken ship missing the spikes Kreig’s fires at him. Only to stop and jump back to the start when Krieg blows up the pieces Luffy lands on. 


Luffy quickly checks on Sanji and sees him get beaten down by Ghin who is crying again, “I can’t Don Kreig! I can’t kill the one man who showed me kindness!” “Then die!”  Krieg yells back as the lackys start to yell about poison gas. Luffy watches Ghin throw away a mask. Luffy takes two, throwing them to Sanji and Ghin as he runs at Kreig hoping to stop him from firing it. Only he is too late and without a mask as the bomb heads for them. Luck seemed to be on his side as Luffy found one at the last second before the bomb went off. 




As the gas clears Luffy quickly looks for Sanji and Ghin, who is deadly pale with blood starting to drip out of his mouth as he holds a mask over Sanji’s face. “Ghin!” They shout Luffy quickly takes off his mask putting it on Ghin. “Ghin, don't die for this man!” Luffy passes him to Sanji. “KRIEG I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!” Luffy hears Zeff tell the others to take Ghin upstairs while he heads straight for a laughing Krieg who is talking about Luffy dying. “me dying! Here to a weakling like you! No Way!” Luffy throws a punch and it lands, throwing Kreig back as he lands on the broken ship. 


“OI! Krieg! I will be King! I will find the one piece! And I will kick your ass!” Luffy throws another punch only to be blocked by a spear that explodes sending him backwards onto another piece of ship. “He is no match for Don Kreig Spear! It’s his strongest weapon! It makes Don krieg the strongest in the east!” Luffy feels Apollo getting hot on his hip making Luffy smile, “Don’t get so mad Apollo, we will put them in their place.” 


Kreig attacks once more and Luffy punches at the spear causing another blast but this time Luffy coats himself in armament haki to lessen the blast and it works. Kreig struck again and this time Luffy hit the spear with more force breaking it. Everyone watches in shock as the spear tip shatters while Luffy smiles. “I won’t die here!” Luffy charges once again while Kreig talks about it being unless as his armor is indestructible. 


Luffy smiles as he hits the armor and sees the cracks form, “Not so strong, is it.” Kreig jumps away and lands on a high post and Luffy follows by throwing another hit that sends Krieg for the water missing the bombs that landed at the bottom causing the post to fall. Luffy loses his balance and falls into a net as Krieg plans to take him under too. 


Luffy sticks his hands and legs out and twists all the way down to Krieg and slams him on to the restaurant deck while Luffy hits the water already sinking. 'Ah Sabo isn’t going to be happy about this Apollo.’




On deck Sanji watched the fight in awe as he watched Luffy continuously fight, Sanji watched as Luffy fell into the sea. Zeff starts to walk away “oi, get him. Devil fruit powers means he can’t swim.” Sanji quickly takes off his shoes and jacket “tell me earlier!” Sanji shouted as he jumped in, searching for Luffy. Sanji searches until he finally sees Luffy's red vest and quickly takes off the next, hoping for this boy to live. ‘Scar how did you survive raising him..’ Sanji makes it to the surface and gets on the deck quickly shaking the boy to wake up and be alive only to hear him snore. Sanji huffs as he sits next to the sleeping Luffy as Kreig goes crazy about his defeat. Sanji watches as Ghin punches him unconscious and turns to Sanji. “Sanji-san, tell him, I’ll see him on the grand line.” 


“You are going there again?” Sanji asks “even if I only have a few hours left I realized my captain’s ambitions became mine as might not be too late to fulfill them.” Sanji orders for a ship to be given to Ghin and his men who take it with gratitude. “We don’t have to return it right?” Ghin asks as he loads the last of his men “only if you are brave enough to come back.” Sanji answers as ghin waves goodbye. 




The next time Luffy woke up he was back in the restaurant. He quickly looked for his hat and Apollo “my hat! Apollo! Where are they!” “They are right there.” Sanji answered, pointing to a side table. Luffy cheered, putting both back on his person, turning to Sanji “oi where did those guys go?” 


“They left, Ghin says he will see you on the grand line.” Sanji explained as Luffy joined Sanji on the balcony. “To you?” “No to you.” luffy shakes his head “well are you coming too?” 


“My dream is the grandline, and one day I will but for now I will work here until the day the old geezer acknowledges that my food is good.” Luffy pouts “fine, I give up.” He says as his hand holds onto Sanji’s jacket. “Your hand hasn’t!” Luffy laughs and does let go as he looks out at the sea. “Hey, have you heard of the all blue?” Sanji asks, Luffy knows a little about it as Sabo read him a book once but Luffy doesn’t remember much. “No I haven't, can you tell me?” 


So Sanji does. He tells of a place where the four blues meet and all kinds of fish live there, it's every chef's dream. Luffy listens as he watches Sanji smile wide the whole time. Luffy knows he wants Sanji to join his crew but he has to wait a little longer. 




Not longer after the two chat meal time is here. When the two make it to the room Luffy can tell everyone is off, like they are nervous about something. Luffy tries not to mind it and eats with Sanji. But it's not long after they start to eat that everyone's energy changes. Patty starts it off by talking shit about the soup that Luffy is eating saying it's bad. Then the others follow, making Sanji more mad as he is the one who made it. It only got worse when the old man Zeff said it was the worst and threw the plate. 


Luffy sighed as Apollo took to his side “these guys suck.” Luffy nodded his head as he got more soup and Sanji ran out. “Y’all suck.” He said as he took his place on the floor. “His cooking is great, I don’t see the point of saying it's bad.” The others let out a breath “we know it's good.” Zeff answered, Luffy looked at him confused. “it's the only way for him to follow his dream. The grand line. Hey kid, since you need a cook will you take him with you?” 


Luffy finishes his plate “nope. I want him to come on his own.” Zeff laughs then a hole in the wall forms. It’s Yosaku and a shark with Sanji under it. Everyone is quick to help the two. 


Once Yosaku is checked out, he lets luffy know they are going to need him because of where Nami went. He agrees and the two get ready when Sanji gets Luffy's attention “Luffy, I’ll go. I will be your cook on your journey to being king of the pirates.” Luffy's eyes go wide before he jumps in the air. “ woo hoo! I have a cook! Come on, let's get going!” 




After Sanji packs everything and is ready to leave, the cooks all line up outside ready to send him off. Just as he is about to step on the ship Zeff’s voice reaches him “ Eggplant, don’t catch a cold.” Luffy watches as Sanji starts to cry with a small smile.  Sanji turns and bows,“Owner Zeff I will never forget your kindness!” The other cooks join in giving their wishes. Sanji joins Luffy on the boat and takes the rope off the deck as the small ship starts to sail. “OI! Old Man! May the seas grace you with calm waves!” Luffy shouts as he waves, watches as the man laughs and shouts back, “May the winds guide your sails!” Luffy smiles and turns to his new cook and Yosaku “so where are we going?” “Arlong park.” 

Chapter 18: straw hats at Arlong park


Ages: luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


After what felt like hours at sea, Sabo sighs from his spot on the rail with Zoro no longer in his arms as he smokes a cigarette from a pack Johnny handed him. Sabo tries to think of a plan as they have to search for Nami in someone else's territory. From what Johnny told him it’s a large island with a couple of villegas and  Arlong’s main base. Sabo can only hope Luffy will be here when they find Nami again. 


Sabo puts out the rest of his cigarette and lights another one ignoring the looks from Usopp and Johnny. Sabo feels a poke of haki and smirks around his cigarette and turns to Zoro who is seated at the bow of the ship.  “Was there something you needed, Mi Cariño?”  


Sabo watches as Zoro’s eyes go wide as his face gradually turns redder, Usopp and Johnny try to not watch what is happening but are failing miserably as they haven’t seen Zoro like this before. Zoro looks away from Sabo’s blue eyes as he gets up from his seat, moving across the small deck stopping in front of Sabo. 


Sabo watches Zoro’s every step, looking for any signs of discomfort from the bangedages and finds none when Zoro stops in front of him. Zoro bends slightly as his hand reaches for Sabo’s cigarette, taking it without a fight and throws it over the railing. 


Sabo smirks at the other, “that was your fourth one. If you smoke the whole pack you can sleep by yourself tonight.” Sabo loses his smile as he raises an eyebrow at Zoro. “Oh. And what makes you think I would sleep with you tonight Cariño.” 


Sabo watches the disbelief on Zoro’s face and can’t help but find it cute. Sabo chuckles as he stands, cupping Zoro’s  right cheek. “don’t look at me like that, you are injured. There is no way I am letting you sleep on the couch with me.” Sabo glances at the bandages as he pulls away from Zoro. 


“I may have a good hand but the risk of those stitches opening is something I don’t want. So until they are somewhat healed you will sleep on your own.” 


Zoro pouts at the other before sighing as he calls out to Johnny “Johnny where is your booze?” Leaving the others behind as he walks into the cabin while Sabo chuckles. 




After another hour, an island finally comes into view.  “There it is, Arlong park.” Johnny says. “Well we are here, So let's go look for the witch.” Zoro says as he gets his sword on his hip. 


“Are you crazy Zoro?! We need a plan first!” Usopp shouts with Johnny agreeing “yeah! Big bro Zoro, these are fishmen!” Zoro bushes both off. “ I don't care if they are fish, I am going to find the witch and fight my way if I have to, so you two just stay here.” 


Sabo finally comes out of the cabin at Zoro’s words and freezes before stomping over to Zoro. “Like hell you are! I barely had enough medical supplies to close that cut! If anyone is going to fight it's me! You lot can stay with the ship until I come back.” 


The two start to bicker over who is going to the island missing Usopp and Johnny who share a look before knocking the two down. 


“There, now Johnny lets come up with a plan.” 




Sabo watches as Johnny and Usopp come up with a plan from his spot where he and Zoro are tied to the cabin. It is simple : they will go through Gosa village and go from there. Sabo is quick to remind them not to be seen by the fishmen while Zoro is still trying to get free. 


However that plan goes out the window when they get spotted by fishmen at where at the same dock as the going merry thanks to Zoro yelling. Sabo sighs as Usopp and Johnny jump ship leaving the two tied up still. 


“I’m so beating Usopp’s ass when we spar next time.” Sabo says under his breath as the ship rocks and two fishmen land on the small ship and head for the two. Sabo tunes them out after they bring up Arlong and he watches the dock as another fishman takes off in the direction Usopp went in. Sabo could only hope Usopp isn’t seen by anyone. 


The two led Zoro and Sabo to Arlong’s base, on the way Sabo turns to Zoro looking over his bandages looking for any spot of red and finds none. Sabo allows himself to ease up a bit while he looks at their surroundings not much to see and before Sabo knows it they reach the gates. 


The two are led to in front of a big chair with Arlong sitting, the two fishmen push Zoro to his knees while Sabo sits criss cross getting looks from everyone. “Kneel before me human.” Arlong growls out. Sabo shakes his head “nope, I get on my knees for no one. So take it as is, Arlong.” 


Sabo watches the crew that are around while Zoro and Arlong talk or rather Arlong rants about being the superior species as humans are weak and below him. There are roughly 20 fishmen, most are weak and Sabo notices the lack of haki coming off everyone which is weird in his mind, after all they are grand line pirates. 


Sabo is pulled out of his head when Nami comes forth, wearing Arlong’s mark on her left shoulder. Sabo sighs it seems his theory is slowly coming together about her being a part of his crew. Zoro is upset while Sabo puts his focus on Nami while Arlong talks. “Ah you know Nami, she is our best commander with her specialty being betrayal. HAHA she would even take the money from her family and leave them in the dust if it meant she would get the treasure.” Sabo and Zoro watch the shift in Nami’s face, a look of anguish. 


Sabo listens as Nami and everyone goes along with it, but even Sabo knows it's far from the truth. Sabo glances at Zoro as he starts to shuffle in his place before he sends Sabo and Nami a look and jumps into the pool behind them. Sabo and everyone look at the pool in shock before Sabo breaks free of those weak ropes and jumps in after his idiot. 


Sabo quickly finds Zoro who looks shocked to see Sabo while Sabo glares at him and pulls them to the surface. “What are you doing?!” Zoro whispers to Sabo as the other pushes Zoro onto the ledge “you would make things worse for her.” Is sabo’s answer as he pulls his shirt off and wrings out the water before he is put into tighter ropes. 


“Throw them into the basement! I will deal with them!” Nami shouts as she walks away when the same fishman that was after Usopp comes in talking about their crewmate and a village. Sabo didn’t get to hear much as someone tries to pull Cerberus and loses a finger getting everyone's attention. Sabo gives them a feral smile much like his papa with mischief in his eyes. 


“My blade is cursed; anyone who touches it loses a finger or hand.” Arlong huffs as he tells someone else to take the blade only for them to lose two fingers. Sabo chuckles, sending chills down those who are still around. “I won’t do anything until I see my captain is here. I'm sure you will need your men Arlong, so the blade stays with me.” 


Arlong laughs and calls for Nami who is still around. Sabo curses as Cerberus likes Nami and won’t hurt her. “What Arlong?” “Take the blonde’s blade.” Nami raises an eyebrow and walks over to Sabo with no fear as Sabo and Cerberus both let her touch the dagger once before with consent. 


“Cerberus cut me and I will throw your ass in the sea.” Nami says as she grabs the dagger expecting a cut but gets nothing and pulls away from Sabo in shock. Sabo shrugs his shoulders as he and Zoro are pushed forward into the building and thrown into a room leaving a very confused Nami behind. 


Sabo lets his haki cover the building, the courtyard and much of the surrounding area to feel who is around. Mostly a bunch of lackeys but Nami and Arlong are gone, along with some of the more stronger men. So Sabo takes a break and turns to the pouting Zoro. “You would have made them question her loyalty to them and they are clearly holding something on her. You would have just made things worse for her.” Sabo says as he leans against the cold wall. 


“She clearly cares about us! Why didn’t she just tell us! We would have helped.” Zoro huffs as he faces Sabo who shakes his head with a fond smile. “We will but she has to want our help. Just wait for Luffy.” Zoro sighs as he leans closer to Sabo’s side making himself comfortable. “Why didn’t Cerberus hurt her?” Zoro asks as he leans into Sabo’s warmth.


“The same reason she wouldn’t hurt any of you. She likes you guys, yes Nami was lying and whatever but she is crew and a friend so Cerberus won’t hurt her. What I am worried about right now is Usopp. Those bastards are still looking for him.” 


Zoro sighs as he leans farther into Sabo’s side “he’s got it, he is great at running. He will be fine.” Sabo listens as Zoro starts to fall asleep into his side, Sabo couldn’t help but chuckle at the other as he takes watch. 




Sabo keeps watch over an hour feeling people moving around but none make any moves near where Sabo and Zoro are being kept which mean Zoro can get the rest he needs. Sabo leans his head against the wall when he feels Nami has entered through the gates. 


Sabo sits straight and whispers into Zoro’s ear “Zoro, wake up we have company.” Sabo doesn't think he has ever seen someone get up so fast and get red so fast, Sabo swallows down his laughs while Zoro leans back against the wall much like Sabo with a straight face ignoring the blush on his cheeks. 


The two wait in silence as Sabo feels Nami out the door and she is not alone. The door slowly opens and fills the room with little light as Nami’s heels click against the hard floor before she stops not so far away from the two. 


Nami throws Zoro’s sword down and Cerberus down  “leave the island before you die to Arlong. He has no mercy.” Nami says as she walks back to the door sabo speaks up “Luffy is coming, he will want to hear from you.” Sabo watches as she freezes before she continues to walk out shutting the door. Sabo makes no moves until Nami leaves through the gates and is out of the base.


Zoro starts to untie himself at Sabo’s nod while Cerberus makes herself known to Sabo. “Little blue… It’s so bad.” Sabo nods as he places her on his hip and turns to where she stands. “I know. But we have to wait.” Cerberus sighs as she nods and disappears leaving the two alone in the room. Sabo does a quick stretch before pulling Zoro by his shirt and checks out his bandages. Sabo lets out a breath of relief as nothing is broken and still holding in place. 


Sabo lets go of Zoro’s shirt and places a hand on Zoro’s chest feeling the change in the other’s heartbeat “you can have your fun with the guys in the courtyard but leave some for me.” Sabo smirks as Zoro does the same and the two leave the dark room and head to the courtyard. 




The two got work done, many of the fishmen were down with Sabo taking a few down himself but Zoro did most of the work. With the two now sitting side by side Zoro leans back on his hands and watches the sky while Sabo wipes the blood off of Cerberus as she hates the feeling of fresh blood on her. The two enjoy the peace until a new voice from the other side of the gates that lead to the  sea reaches their ears. “Moo-Moo! Dinner Time!” 



Mi Cariño= My sweet/ My darling in Spanish! It’s a super cute and cheesy nickname.

Same thing as in book 1,Spanish is added randomly in the story but lore is world gov. made everyone one language but some islands still use their own in secret! Spanish is the main language on dawn with Foosha village being the only village that uses it in their homes!!!!

Also sorry for the lack of notes, the airport was a shit show and all the travel but I’m home now! I do hope you guys are enjoying the story! See you Tuesday!!

Chapter 19: The crew learns the truth


Ages: Luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
Usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Moo-Moo dinner time!” 




Sabo and Zoro head to the wall with Zoro looking over while Sabo stays hidden just in case. “What are you doing?” Zoro asked, the man looked up at Zoro, “oh! It’s Moo-moo’s dinner time but he isn’t coming. I'm Hatchan, call me Hatchie! Who are you? Are you Arlong’s guest?” Zoro makes a quick glance at Sabo who nods and Zoro answers again, “yeah sure.” The man nods, “well Arlong isn’t here, he is out looking for a long nosed pirate who is running around while his friends are here. Arlong went to Cocoyashi village to get the guy.” 


Zoro looked down at Sabo who moved closer to him and whispered, “go get Usopp, I’ll stay here just in case he gets here.” Zoro nods while listening back to the fishmen. “hey how do I get to the village?” Hatchie points to a floating pot in the water while Zoro jumps over the gate, “get in! I will take you.” 


Sabo listens as the two leave and looks for some high ground to hide while waiting, Sabo looks around and climbs his way to the top of the porch and hides his presence just in time as the gates are thrown open and Arlong enters with his crew once again. 


Sabo listens as Arlong asks one of the downed men what happens. Sabo listens as Arlong finds out it was Zoro and Sabo but Arlong’s focus is Zoro being free after all he is a well known bounty hunter. Sabo sighs and thinks it is going to shit as Usopp is being dragged into the courtyard by another fishman and thrown out of Sabo’s view but he can guess he was in front of Arlong by the sound of Uspoo’s voice. 


Sabo listens as Usopp tries to save himself as someone starts to question how Sabo and Zoro got out. Sabo listens as the man brings up Nami. “I mean they clearly know her, and she was the only one who wasn’t cut by that guy’s blade.” another jumps in “her speciality is betrayal.” Sabo feels Nami enter his haki and listens as she raises her voice getting everyone’s attention. “Don’t make assumptions without evidence! I have been loyal to this crew the moment I put this tattoo on!” 


Arlong tries to reassure Nami it is only because they are on edge but he would never question her loyalty. Sabo doesn't buy that for a second as he hears Usopp ask Nami what she is doing here. The same fishman who brought Nami up to begin with, brings up a treasure map and Nami gets defensive and brings up once again she has been loyal to Arlong and their deal, why would she betray them after 8 years.


Usopp had enough of this and tries to grab his slingshot while everyone is distracted only for Nami to hit in with her staff. Usopp starts to shout getting Sabo to move and watches as Usopp throws a smoke bomb and tries to run away through the water only for Nami to stand in his way. Sabo watches as Usopp reaches for something in his bag and Nami stabs her own hand, getting  blood all over their hands as Usopp falls into the water. Sabo frowns at Nami hurting herself and takes off the roof and heads to the main gates where he feels Johnny run from.




Sabo makes it just in time to hear the loud shouts of Luffy and everyone as it seems Johnny told them what happened from his view. Sabo rans and quickly pushes Johnny out of the way as Sabo throws himself at Sanji laughing. “Haha! I knew you would come Sanji!” Sabo holds Sanji tight before Luffy pulls him off and wraps himself around his older brother and shouts at Sabo, “oi! Sabo, where is my hug?!”  Sabo laughs as he wraps his arms around Luffy while Sanji is no longer stunned and Johnny is no longer on the floor. “How can you be cheerful when Usopp was just killed?!” Johnny yells.


Sabo pulls out of Luffy's arms and turns to Johnny, “because he isn’t dead.” “Yes! He is! I saw it with my own eyes! That witch killed him!” Johnny yells getting closer so Sabo takes a step forward ready to fight. “I saw it with my own eyes. Usopp is alive. I was there. I saw everything including you missing everything and only seeing the end.” Sabo feels a hand on his back as everyone goes quiet and listens to the sound of footsteps coming to them. 


“He is not wrong, I killed Usopp. So leave this island. Take your boat and get out of here. Nothing here is any of your business.” Nami said as she stopped not far from the group. Luffy moves in front of everyone getting the closest to her “Nami. What happened? Why did you leave?” Sabo watches as Nami’s eyes go hollow and her words grow harsh. “None of your business, So get gone already, our partnership is over! So leave and never come back!” 


Luffy nods and throws himself on to the floor like a starfish. “I'm taking a nap.” Nami lets out a loud shout before she storms away shaking. Sanji takes Sabo's side “care to tell what Luffy is doing?” Sabo chuckles, “being a stubborn fool.” Sabo chuckles fondly at his little brother while keeping an eye on a sulking Zoro. 


“Did she kill him?” Zoro asks as he leans against a tree while Johnny and Yosaku whisper to each other. “Nah, he should be here soon. Sanji, can I get a cig? someone threw away the pack I had.” Sanji chuckles as he passes him one and lights it. Sabo can hear Zoro click his tongue and chuckles as Zoro had thrown out the pack Johnny had given him. He walks in front of the other while Sanji sits not too far away from them. “Got something to say?” Sabo asks as he takes a seat next to Zoro making sure to blow the smoke away from him.


“Nothing.” Zoro said as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree while Sabo chuckled before getting up and sitting next to Sanji. During their little stay Sanji and Sabo grew close and started to bond when the chef would bring him a late afternoon snack or drink and would chat for a little before Sanji went back to work. 


The two make small talk about the fight with Don kreig before Johnny and Yosaku let them and Zoro they would be leaving as they don’t wish to go against Arlong. Sabo understands as they are both out of their element the group say their goodbyes as Usopp finally makes it to them. 


“Finally! I found you guys!” Usopp shouts as he comes to a stop catching his breath. Luffy gets up as Usopp’s voice wakes him up and is quick to hug usopp. “Usopp! Johnny said you died then Sabo said you were alive but then Nami came and said you were dead! I knew you were alive!” Sabo rolled his eyes at his brother while Usopp tried to pry Luffy off him. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. Nami saved me. Arlong was for sure going to kill me to get Zoro there. I’m lucky I didn’t fuck it up.” Usposs finished as Zoro added in “So what now? We storm the base then?” 


“It’s no use, Arlong would still rule the island.” A new voice enters as a woman with blue hair comes closer. “Who is that?” Luffy asked “Nojiko, Nami’s big sister. Are you going to tell us why she joined them?” Usopp asks.  “Don’t get involved with the village. Leave Nami alone.” She answered Sabo puts out his cigarette and moves to Zoro’s side placing an arm around his shoulders. “No, she is our friend.” He said


Nojiko shakes her head “I wouldn’t say that if i were you. But I will tell you the story I'm sure that will make you want to leave after it.” Luffy stretches and starts to walk away past everyone “not me. I don’t care about her past. I’m going for a walk. Sabo, you know how to find me.” Luffy throws a wave over his shoulder and walks. Sabo chuckles while Zoro turns to Nojiko “We will listen but I doubt it will change our minds.”  


The guys all agree and sit in a small area and listen as Nojiko tells their story. A marine takes in two girls and starts to live in the village. She grows tangerine and raises the two girls by herself and is barely getting by. While a group of fishmen take over the island and attack the village asking everyone for 50,000 berries to live there or die. Nojiko tells how their mother sacrificed herself so her children could live. But it got worse as Arlong found Nami’s maps and took her and forced her to work for him. Nami made a deal with him to buy the village and she has been working towards that goal for the last 8 years. 


By the time Nojiko is done everyone has a new fire under them and can’t wait to kick Arlong ass. Nojiko starts to walk away “so now you know. I hope you leave.”


 The group watches her leave while Sabo gets up and dust himself off. “Well then I am ready for a fight, how about you guys?” Sanji and Zoro both grin while Usopp’s starts to shake “I-I suddenly came down with I can’t fight sickness.” Usopp starts to fake cough, getting Sabo to chuckle “I already told you Usopp. You are a great sniper, I'm sure you will be fine. just keep your opponent busy until they get tired then you can get a big shot and they will be down.” 


Sabo pulls Cerberus from his hip and starts to swing her in his hand “Cerberus I hope you are ready, my pipe is still on the ship.” Sabo smiles when he feels her laugh against his hand and turns to the group. “Well what are we waiting for? Let's get to luffy.” 



I hope this chapter was enjoyable! Next one will have our fighting scene and i hope it makes sense cause im still struggling with fighting scenes. One day i will get them down just not right now.

Anyways i wanted to give an overall update on the story. Currently im reaching closer to the end of Skypiea arc after struggling for like two weeks! I finally had a breakthrough and came back writing! It feels good to write again and it’s going good!

Anyways enough yapping from me! I hope you guys are doing good and have a great night / day!

Chapter 20: a fight for Nami!


Age: luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Luffy wanders around as he thinks about Nami.  He doesn't care about her past; he knows she has her reason but it didn't matter to him, she was his friend and that was all he needed to know. As Luffy walks he makes it to an empty village from his haki he can tell everyone is at a house on a hill including Nami. Luffy decided it's best to wait it out and look at the empty village and its many shops and homes. 


Luffy can see these people try to live the most they can but Luffy can feel the tightness in the air. Everything is so stuffy and not free like his own home village. Everything reminds him of high town but worse. Here no one is free and he hates it. Luffy feels the group enter the village and hides behind a building to listen as Nami faces the group. 


Luffy listens as Nami tells the group she will get the money back and she just needs time. Luffy can hear the despair in her voice when the leader of the group tells her they are going after Arlong. Now that is stupid in Luffy's mind as they are weak. Luffy peeks around his hiding place as he watches as Nami falls to her knees and cries in agony as she curses Arlong. Luffy moves from his spot as he watches her stab at her left shoulder tearing it to sheds with Sabo and everyone else not so far away. 


Luffy stops behind her and gently stops her hand. It stops her enough to breathe and slap his hand away. “Sniff you still here. Why can’t you leave?! This is none of your business! You know nothing about what happened here! Go away! Go away!” Nami starts to cry once again, her wails fill the empty streets until her throat is raw and looks up to Luffy. “Luffy.. help me..” she whimpers as her tears fall.


Luffy takes off his straw hat and places it on her head and walks away joining the others. “Are we fighting captain?” Sabo asks with a wild smile that Luffy matches “of course. Let's kick Arlong’s ass.” 




The group makes it to Arlong’s base and finds a huge group of villagers being held back surprisely by Johnny and Yosaku . Sabo watches as Luffy punches open the gates and shouts “Arlong get your ass out here so I can kick it!” Sabo laughs as their crew enter and are surrounded by what’s left of Arlong’s crew after Zoro and Sabo had their fun. 


Arlong puts himself in front of everyone and doesn’t get to say a word as Luffy punches him with a haki coated fist and sends him flying into the back wall. Sabo smiles with pride as the crew start to clash. Usopp starts shooting as Sanji starts taking down his opponents only with his feet. Zoro takes down a few before getting stuck in a match with a swordsman. And Sabo is having fun taking down any that come his way while listening to Luffy and Arlong fight. 


Sabo listens as Usopp takes off with his opponent going after him, Sanji is taking some heavy hits and Zoro is bleeding from his chest. Sabo takes a side step as someone tries to stab him from behind. “Oh you are different.” A new fishman stronger than the others starts to attack Sabo, quickly putting him on defense as the man uses haki on his knives. 


Sabo is quick to coat his arms and starts to doge and wait for his chance. The two go back and forth until Sabo hears a loud splash and Arlong laughs. Sabo quickly looks for Luffy and doesn't see him. “Luffy is in the water!” Someone shouts Sabo curses, he can't leave yet. Sabo listens as Zoro takes on Arlong and makes a move, knocking down his opponent in time to see Zoro being held by his neck as Arlong rips up all of his bandages. 


“Huh it seems you are already close to death.” Arlong voice reaches Sabo’s ears. Zoro coughs blood, as he speaks, “and you are about to meet yours.” Zoro says as he watched Sabo ran towards him in anger, punching the man with haki, sending him back a few feet and dropping Zoro into the water. “Sanji get him! Arlong is mine!” Sabo shouts as he tries to buy Luffy time. 


Sabo takes in Arlong’s state; it seems Luffy has gotten him good before he was thrown so Sabo will continue his work. Sabo sends a flying cut filled with haki slicing deep into Arlong’s arm causing the other to shout in pain. “Where did you weakling learn that?!” Sabo doesn’t answer and goes for the attack. Sabo hits land but so do Arlong’s causing Sabo’s side to hurt but it's not enough for him to tap out yet. He still needs Luffy who answers his wish “Sabo Tag!” Sabo smiles, landing one last punch on Arlong before jumping out of the way as Luffy lands and hits Arlong into the building. 


Sabo limps a little as he makes his way to his crew, most look in rough shape but not too bad at least everyone but Zoro as he is out cold. Sabo takes to Usopp’s side who is roughed up but still breathing. “How did it go, Usopp?” Usopp smiles wide “Did it just like you said and got him good!” Sabo smiles patting him on the back when the sounds of walls breaking and papers start to fly out a window. Nami let out a loud gasp as her eyes filled with tears. 


It happens for a few minutes before the building collapses with Luffy standing on top of the rumble and  Arlong not far from him passing out. “Nami! You're my friend!” Luffy shouts from the top of his lungs before falling back to laying the rumble while Nami clenches the straw hat to her chest as she cries.


Everyone cheers, happy to be free. Sabo walks over to Luffy when he feels someone new enter the crowd. Sabo turned quickly and saw the marines. Based on everyone else these guys were working with Arlong. Sabo decides to glare at the man, stopping him in his place long enough for Nami to beat his ass with her staff. That got Sabo to smile as he picked up a sleeping Luffy and threw him over his shoulder. 


Sabo makes his way to the crowd getting everyone's attention by clapping loudly “anyone a doctor? We could use some help.” Sabo gave them a big smile as two people came forward. “We have a clinic in the village follow us.” Sabo gives them his thanks and turns to his crew “OI! Johnny, Yosaku! Help Sanji and Usopp,It's a long walk. Can two people carry Zoro? He lost a lot of blood.” Two men come out of the crowd and are quick to help with Nami right behind them. 




Everyone got patched up and was resting while the village was preparing for its first party in 8 years. Sanji and Usopp were out helping the villages while Nami went off on her own but she promised Sabo she would be back. Luffy still sleeps with Zoro by his side on bed rest as he lost a lot of blood from Arlong opening his wounds again so Sabo sat with them to make sure they didn't do anything they weren’t supposed to. 


Sabo had a few scrapes and bruises but other than that he was fine. So he chatted with the doctors while swapping some first aid techniques as the doctor was impressed with Zoro's stitches from before. It wasn't long before Sanji and Usopp came back with plates of hot food waking up the two bedridden people. Luffy was quick and took a plate right out of Sabo’s hand and started to eat while Sabo chuckled, taking another plate from Sanji while Usopp passed Zoro his. 


The crew chatted about what was happening on the island as word made it around Arlong was gone for good. The different villages still standing all plan to come and hold a big party in Nami’s home village with talks of it lasting for days. At that Luffy ordered they stay for the party. Everyone agrees and finishes eating when the doctors come in giving everyone a check up. They said everyone but Zoro was good to leave and walk around. 


As Zoro tried to argue his way out of the bed Luffy was quick to push him lightly down and tried to whisper to Zoro but failed “if Zoro stays in bed for the night Sabo won’t smoke.” Getting Usopp and Sanji to chuckle at a blushing Sabo who stomps his way out the room. Zoro thinks it over before he lays fully down again getting luffy to smile. “You know Luffy, you are kinda smart.” Zoro says, smiling back at Luffy, getting him to laugh. 




Night time hits the village and the party has started. Luffy was eating food like crazy while Usopp danced with Nami and everyone, Sanji spent his time cooking with the villagers while Sabo sat on some boxes in an alley with a beer watching his crew with a smile. Sabo watched as the people smiled, laughed, and cheered without a care in the world, they were free. Sabo takes a sip of his drink before it is pulled out of his hand and chugged by Zoro.


Sabo chuckles as Zoro puts the mug back in his hand and stands in between Sabo’s legs. “You were supposed to be in bed.” Sabo smirks as Zoro wraps his arms around Sabo’s shoulders, Sabo places his free hand near Zoro’s hip. Zoro just shrugged his shoulders and held Sabo tighter. “Need something Cariño?” Sabo watches as Zoro starts to blush and hides on Sabo’s shoulder. Zoro groans, muttering to himself before he pulls himself back up. “What does that mean? And why does it sound so hot when you say it?!” Zoro asks as he puts himself back on Sabo’s shoulder. 


Sabo couldn’t help but laugh at Zoro for a full minute before he catches his breath and places a soft kiss on Zoro cheek “it’s a secret for now.” Sabo feels Zoro grow warm against him and chuckles as he turns to the party checking on everyone, who are still having fun. 


He feels a soft pair of lips land close to his, Sabo feels his eyes go wide while Zoro chuckles. Sabo smirks, shaking his head and looks into those gray eyes that make his heart race. “You missed.” Is all he said as he pulled Zoro closer, taking Zoro’s face into his hands and kissed him the right way. 


It was like a dream, everything fell silent to the two as if they were the only ones around. Everything felt perfect to the two, Sabo doesn't know who pulled away first but all he knew was they both smiled and laughed. “So.” Zoro said with a cheesy smile that matched Sabo’s “so.”


 “Be mine Sabo.” “Zoro date me.” Both spoke at the same time looking as a blush grew on the other “yes.” Sabo answered and didn’t wait,meeting Zoro’s lips halfway. The two kissed as the sounds of fireworks went off lighting up the night sky. 


AAAAA it happened! The ending! Just the two of them in an alley in each others arms taking that leap of the first kiss then asking at the same time *dreamy sigh* it’s one of my favorite scenes I wrote for these series.

I hope the action was easy to follow! Anyways
I hope you enjoyed this chapter see you Sunday!!!!

Chapter 21: to the next island


Ages: luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
Nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The crew partied with the whole island for four whole days and nights. Sabo couldn’t even remember the last time he partied this hard. On the fifth day, Sabo and the crew were all ready to set sail on the going merry as the villagers all gathered to say goodbye to Nami who has yet to show up. 


Sabo leaned against the rail as he looked at the clouds above, it was perfect weather to sail on. Sabo smiled as he felt a cool breeze brush against his face as he closed his eyes and turned to the sun when Cerberus took a spot on the railing. “Little blue, your man is blushing pretty hard.” Sabo smiled as he shook his head, “lets see how long he takes before he caves.” Sabo whispered to her. 


After Sabo and Zoro had gotten together, the pair hadn’t a moment alone as everyone dragged them around the party. They only got to see each other to sleep but haven’t had a moment alone together.


The sounds of yelling pulled Sabo back to the present as he watched Nami make her way through the crowd as the going merry started to move. Nami made it onto the deck with little effort as the crowd cheered and yelled as Nami dropped wallets and cash causing Sabo to laugh. Sabo turned to Nami and smiled “welcome back Nami.” Nami wiped her tears and smiled at Sabo “I’m back.” 


Sabo patted her on the shoulder where her new tattoo lays and heads to the front of the ship where his brother is. “Oi, Luffy where to?” Luffy smiles from his spot on the figurehead   “ To the grandline!” Sabo laughs as Nami takes to his side “you heard him ms.navigator.” Nami smiles “drop the sails! We are heading to Loguetown!”  The crew were quick to follow her lead and set course to their next island. 




Sabo sat at the table going over a budget book while Sanji made afternoon snacks for everyone. Nami was on deck with Usopp training in hand to hand while Luffy and Zoro did some light training as they all had slacked during the parties. 


Sabo worked on the numbers when Sanji took a seat in front of him as he pushed a fruity drink to him. Sabo stopped his writing and took a sip and was hit with home. Sabo smiled as he placed the drink down, giving Sanji a smile. “Death in the afternoon. Best drink to have on a day like this.”Sabo tells him.


 Sanji nodded as he flicked his lighter on and off, clearly nervous about something. “It’s good. I think it is the closest one I had that almost tastes the same as my papa makes it.” Sabo says as he goes back to writing and doing math when Sanji finally speaks what is on his mind. 


“Back at Baratie, when you gave Patty the speech about what it's like not eating…” Sabo nods and puts the book to the side and gives Sanji his full attention as things like this are important for a chef. “ Yeah, it was when I was young, I doubt my brothers remember but I was super thin because I wasn't eating, I didn't get a choice when I ate. Went weeks without food. It was after I met my papa that I was able to eat consistently and become a healthy weight.” Sanji nods as he tries not to think of his own past. “Do you still struggle with food these days?” Sabo smiles “no, I eat everything with no problem and I have no food allergy.” Sanji lets out a breath of relief as he feels the tension leave his body. 


Sabo smiles as he witnesses the stress of leaving Sanji, so he lightly taps Sanji's foot with his own “hey thanks for asking.” Sanji lights a cigarette “it my job.” Sabo shakes his head as he takes his drink and downs it before he heads to the book once more. 


The two work in silence mostly as Sanji asks Sabo for his opinion on recipes for the crew now and then. While the two discuss a budget for food as Luffy and Sabo both have large appetites and the crew got a new member. 


After two hours of work the pair take a break and hang out on deck with the rest of the crew. Usopp and Nami finished training while Luffy and Zoro are still going. Sabo hides his presence and takes a place behind Zoro who is wearing a blindfold and takes a shot at his lower back. 


Sabo smirks as Zoro doged the hit and Sabo throws another making his way all around Zoro who is dodging and blocking every hit. This goes for ten minutes before Luffy joins in the same way and the two brothers throw shots at Zoro who is missing every hit until Luffy slips and takes a fall over the railing. “Luffy!” Everyone shouts as Sabo dives over for his brother. 


Sabo smiles as he grabs his vest and pulls him above water. Luffy coughs while Sabo grabs hold of the rope Sanji throws at them and pulls them up. Luffy flops down onto the deck while Sabo laughs and shakes his hair to get rid of the water. Cerberus is hot against his hip as she and Apollo take form looking at the two disappointed but not surprised. “Apollo get used to it, Luffy loves the sea. Cerberus, you can’t be angry when you know I'm going after him. I have been doing it since he ate the damn fruit. I'm not going to stop now.” 


The two knock Sabo on the head causing him to wince while everyone looks amused but Sanji who looks confused. “Umm can someone explain.” Usopp takes the chance and begins the tale with Nami adding in bits but its all the same Sabo and Luffy have a magical power that lets them talk to blades. 


Sabo shakes his head as he walks to Zoro who looks smug against the railing. Sabo doesn't care that he is soaking wet, he is proud. “You did it. You unlocked part of your haki. Now you just need to work on control.” Zoro rolls his eyes as he pulls at Sabo’s shirt and kisses him. Sabo is quick to place his hands on Zoro’s hip ignoring the sounds of cheering behind him and throws a middle finger at Luffy as he pulls away. 


“Sanji, I'm hungry!” Luffy shouts as he makes a break for the fridge that has a lock on it now. “Then wait until I make dinner! Sabo, you helping me tonight?” Sabo pulls away from Zoro, who has a hold on Sabo’s arms. “nah got to shower and clean Cerberus.” Sanji nods and heads into the gallery while Sabo leaves Zoro with a quick kiss that leaves Zoro blushing and heads into the boys cabin. “What was that?!” Usopp and Nami yell, causing Sabo to laugh “we’re dating!” He says as he shuts the door to the cabin and searches for a light pair of clothes and heads to shower.




By the time Sabo is done with his shower and Cerberus, dinner is ready. Sabo joins everyone at the table as a fest is laid out for them to enjoy. Sanji hands Nami a plate first with a drink before passing plates to everyone else and the party starts. Everyone has a great time laughing and smiles with Usopp telling stories while Luffy listens with a sparkle in his eyes. Nami and Sabo are teaching Sanji how to get better at cheating at cards while Zoro watches everyone with a smile as he takes a drink when he feels someone beside him. 


Zoro turns and sees a man he has never seen before. A man in a traditional  white and blue kimono much like Zoro’s old sensei with short brown hair much like Zoro’s with tan skin and emerald eyes. The two stare at each other waiting for one to make a move. Zoro feels this man is not a threat and feels very familiar so he nods his head to the other. 


The man gives him a small smile “you, young swordsman have caused me quite the deal of stress.” Zoro can only look confused at the man, “ who are you?” The man looks over at the table and catches the eyes of the boy with the straw hat and the blonde his partner is taken by but both look away allowing the two to have their moment as they know the importance of the first meeting. 


“I am the blade you hold dear to you. Most call me by another name but to you I am Kazuha. I have been by your side for many years now. I’ve seen you grow into a great swordsman and I know you will only get better.” Zoro has no words as he watches the man take his drink and down it in one shot. “I look forward to the day you take that title. Enjoy your night. I will be around if you wish to speak.”


  The man disappeared just as fast as he appeared, leaving Zoro alone with his thoughts until feels a arm around his shoulder pulling him close and a joyful laugh near him. “OI, Zoro join us in a game of cards!” Luffy asks as take a piece of food off the table. Causing Zoro to chuckle “sure Luffy what are we playing?” The crew cheer as Nami passes out cards and they begin to play. 


After playing for hours of playing cards with a lot of screaming and cheating Sabo sends everyone to bed while he takes watch. Sabo climbs his way into the crows nest with a small blanket Nami passes him and his notebook and makes it over the rail and looks out at the sea as the wind is a soft breeze against him. 


Sabo watches the calm waves before taking a seat and writes under the moonlight with the sounds of the waves giving him peace as they head to their next adventure.  



A bit of an early upload!! Only because I got things to do and I didn’t know if I would remember to post😅

Quite a few things happened in this chapter! Zoro unlocking some of his haki was not in the works until later in the story but sometimes things write themselves. And he finally he got to meet the blade he holds so close! Really this whole chapter wrote itself because this wasn’t something I had planned. But I hope you still enjoyed it!!!

Chapter 22: luffy gets a bounty


Ages: luffy 17
sabo 20
Zoro 19
nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The crew traveled a few days falling into a routine of breakfast then morning training  with snacks from Sanji. Leading into the afternoon with everyone doing their own things. Sabo takes this time to nap somewhere while Luffy and Usopp play, Nami works on her maps, Sanji starts making lunch and starts preparing dinner while Zoro meditates or he joins Sabo and naps.


Today was no different. The crew ate and trained and were enjoying the afternoon with Usopp working on new pelts, Zoro and Sabo were napping together on deck while Nami was reading not far from them. Sanji came out with snacks and Luffy bored out of his mind as he tried to catch a fish. 


A sound of a new coos landing woke Sabo as he heard Nami complain about the price. “Leave the bird alone, he is just dropping the paper. He doesn't make the price.” Usopp said from his spot on the deck. Nami drops the coin in the bird's pocket and it is gone. Sabo gets up from his spot and looks over the paper with Nami as a paper falls onto the deck causing the two to freeze before they both yell. One out of excitement the other in fear. 


Everyone is up and rushes to the two as Sabo picks up a new bounty poster. “Holy shit Lu! You did it!” Sabo proudly show the poster off to the others.


 “Wanted dead or alive Monkey D. Luffy 30 million berries!” Luffy cheers with Usopp as he made in the photo as well. Sabo couldn’t help but laugh at the two. “Don’t you guys ever take anything serious, this puts us in a different league now.” Nami says from Sabo’s side, looking worried. 


Sabo laughs and raises his voice so everyone can hear him. “Yeah it puts us in a different league and people will come after us but it was going to happen anyways after all Luffy is planning to be pirate king. Why do you think I have had you guys training? We are going to have big shots coming for us. So be ready.” Sabo lets out a wave of haki that wraps around the ship coating everyone like a warm hug.


 Sabo watches as Nami,Usopp, and Sanji stop what they are doing confused at the feeling, while Zoro relaxes into it along with Luffy who sends one to Sabo. “I can’t wait for the grand line!” Luffy shouts as he starts to run around making his way to the top of the crows nest and looks out at the sea. 


Sabo shakes his head and turns to Nami “don’t worry too much. We can handle what is thrown at us for a while and if it gets too bad we already have allies.” Sabo pats her lightly on the back and climbs onto the railing taking a seat and listens to the waves. 




The crew went back to what they were doing before the poster while Nami and Sabo talked about the paper. It wasn't long before the crew ate lunch and sat on deck for a group meeting about what lays ahead for them. 


Nami sat at the head of the group with a map that showed the grand line. “Here it is the only way to enter. Reverse mountain. It’s the only why into the grand line from the east.” Everyone is following along when Luffy interrupts “well we need to stop for meat and to meet someone so where is Loguetown?” 


Nami points to a small dot on the map not far from the entrance of the grand. “Here, this is Loguetown. The last stop before-” Sabo cuts her off “before the end.”


 Luffy looks up to Sabo “it’s Gol D. Roger’s birthplace and where he died.” Sabo says as he looks down at Luffy who nods “I want to see it.” Luffy tells him,Sabo does too, their papa told them much about the late pirate king and it was a plan for the three brothers to pay respects to their uncle who couldn’t be with them. 


The crew watch as Luffy and Sabo both touch the necklaces as they have a sad look but no one has any idea what to say about that as Sabo brings the conversation back. “If the weather holds up we should be there tomorrow morning right Nami?” Sabo asked. Nami shakes her head, not going to ask as everyone has their own secrets. “yeah we should.” Sabo nods “let's make a list of supplies we need for sure and a list of something everyone wants. We can split up and get everything while Luffy is meeting someone.”   


Usopp frowns and speaks up “is letting Luffy on his own a bad idea because he just got a bounty? Marines are sure to be around.” Sabo thinks it over, with Buggy being around they will get into trouble but it shouldn’t be too bad as Buggy will get them out. “Nah he will be fine. The person he is meeting should keep him from getting caught.” Sabo answers and leaves while everyone starts making the list. 


~~~Somewhere on the grandline~~~


Pur-pur-pur-put-clank  “ Fire here!” An excited voice comes through causing the two on the other end to smile. “Hello Ace.” Mihawk answers as he watches the island get closer to them. “Oh! Hey dad! Did you see Lu got at bounty higher than mine!” Mihawk smiles as he listens to Ace laugh. “I did see, so did your papa, I thought he would never stop crying.” Ace laughs more when he hears his papa yell “I wasn’t crying! It was sweat!” Ace laughs “where are you guys?” Ace asked once he caught his breath. 


Ace heard sounds of moving before his papa’s voice came through the snail. “We are seeing Shanks to tell him about Luffy!” Ace whines “without me! Papa that’s so mean!” The two others laugh “you guys at least take pictures of their reactions to seeing you together.” Rex’s voice comes through “I got you covered little one.” “Thanks Rex!” 


“Well Ace we are here. talk to you later!” “Bye everyone! Tell my captain I’m doing fine.” Clank!  


Scarlett smiles as he opens his wings and turns to his husband “meet you there.” Mihawk smiles as he watches his love take to the skies and he schools his expression as he reaches the shore and is met with some of Shanks’s crew members. “H-Hawkeyes! What are you doing here?!” Someone shouts as Mihawk jumps ashore “where is your leader?” he asks and follows one of the crew mates as they take off into the woods. 


It was an easy walk to the top commanders and their captain all waiting for him. Mihawk wears a smirk as he enters the center. “Well,well Mihawk, what can I do for you? If it's another spar, can it wait, my hangover is killing me.” Shanks asks as Benn takes away his bottle of wine. Mihawk holds back his laugh as he watches his friend hold his head.  “No Shanks, I have no desire to spar right now. I came here with news I’m sure you will like.” Mihawk pulls out a rolled up paper from his jacket, holding it tight. “You once told me about a boy you gave your straw hat to. One you gave your left arm for.” 


Mihawk walks closer to the captain breaking out into a full smile he can’t hold back, shocking everyone around as Mihawk is not one to smile. At least around them. “One you made a promise for him to be a great pirate.” Shanks nods confused as he is intrigued. “I say he is off to a great start.” Mihawk releases the roll as Luffy’s face stares at Shanks. 


It is silent before Shanks jumps up taking the poster, “Anchor has a bounty!” The commanders are quick to gather around all wanting to see one of their favorites. “Holy shit! 30 million! That’s higher than firecracker’s!” Lucky Roux yells while the others nod along as they stare at the poster missing as Scarlett comes down, wrapping his arms around Mihawk looking at the crew fondly. “Yeah, our boy is great!” Scarlett says while everyone nods along not looking up at the new voice until Yasopp screams “Holy shit! Scar!” 


Everyone’s head shot up as they looked at their friends in each other's arms. Shanks pouts while Benn laughs as the rest look shocked. “That’s not cool, Scar.” Shanks tells them, Scarlett laughs as he holds Mihawk closer. “What? it's not cool to hold my husband or it's not cool you couldn’t feel me when I landed?”


 Shanks pouts harder and looks to Benn “Benn as your captain I think you should kick Scar’s ass for being mean to me.” Benn laughs at his husband “ not a chance Shanks, I would very much like to live thank you.” Shanks pouts as he looks down at the poster still in his hand “Luffy would.” Getting everyone to laugh. 


Shanks shakes his head and smiles at his friends “Let’s party!” The crew cheers “and you two have so much explaining to do!” Shanks tells the two, causing them to laugh as they follow the crew into a tent with tables and crew mates everywhere eating, drinking, singing.


“Come on you two! Tell me about Luffy and Sabo! Then we can get to you being together later!” Shanks yells as he grabs a bottle of wine and sits at a table with Benn by his side. 


Scarlett and Mihawk follow and Scarlett begins to tell of the two sailing out while Mihawk tells about his duel with Zoro and what he thinks about the kid. As well as about that kiss Sabo gave him. Causing an uproar  among everyone with Shanks leading it stating Sabo is too young for any of that getting the pair of fathers to laugh. 


Scarlett couldn’t even begin to think what would happen if any of the guys beside Sabo find out about Luffy’s crush. Not even his own husband knows. So Scarlett will laugh for now as the crew spend time asking questions and enjoy the party well into the night. 



Luffy gets his bounty and we get to see Scarlett and his sweet husband as they get to brag about their boys!!

As well as Shanks and crew going into older brother mode.🤣 Pooor guys aren’t going to know what to do with themselves once they know Sabo is actually dating Zoro.. 😂😂

Chapter 23: date in Loguetown


Ages: luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
nami 18
usopp 17
sanji 19

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Bang! Nami swings the boy's cabin door wide open as she takes a step in and yells “Rise and shine Losers! Loguetown up ahead!” She shouted. Causing everyone to roll out of their beds while Sabo falls on top of Zoro’s chest who moans in pain with everyone else. Sabo barley peeks at Nami who is very amused “you are so mean.” He says to her as he drops his head onto Zoro’s chest making him moan in pain once again. “Sorry Cariño you okay?” Zoro rubs his eyes and nods when Luffy’s laughter fills the room. “Oh my days! Sabo! That’s what you call him?” 


Sabo goes red as he stands up quickly and turns to his little brother who has a smile that only means trouble. “Lu.” Luffy shakes his head as he laughs “I won the bet! Shishishi, everyone needs to pay up! Who knew Sabo was such a softy!” Sabo grows redder as all the guys looking at the two when Usopp bites the bullet “what’s it mean Luffy?” Luffy laughs as he turns to the others “it means-” Sabo lunges to tackle down Luffy but he is a slippery fellow and takes off to the deck with Sabo hot on his heels. 


Zoro pats Usopp on the back “nice try.” And heads to wash up passing a laughing luffy and a very hot Sabo. What a morning he thinks. 




It’s late morning when the crew docks at the island. Nami gathered everyone around to pass out money Sabo managed to get from Arlong’s base. “Everyone knows the plan: Sanji, you get food, Usopp and I will get the other supplies, Zoro and Sabo you guys can go on a date and Luffy you better not get caught. We will meet back here.” Luffy laughs and takes off while everyone leaves. 


“Come on Zoro!” Sabo shouts, excited to spend time with Zoro alone as he take’s one of Zoro’s hands leading him through the market. Zoro smiles as he holds Sabo’s hand tighter and points to a stall “let’s check out that one.” 


Zoro and Sabo spend over an hour going stall to stall looking at all the different goods, never letting go of the other's hand. If one did they would grab it right back. After turning down another roll of stalls they came across an accessory store, ‘Blossom’s: fine goods’. “Hey Sabo, want to check here? Maybe you can find that hat?” Sabo looks through the window display that is full of different fashion accessories. “Yeah come on.” 


The two enter the store and look around in awe, the store is filled with a variety of things from jewelry all the way to clothes. “Wow.” Sabo looks around in awe letting go over Zoro’s hand as he grabs a blue jacket that felt so soft. “Do you guys need help with anything?” An elderly man with short white hair and blue glasses in blue overalls came out from the back of the shop. Sabo smiles “Yes, do you have any top hats and goggles?” Sabo asks the elderly man, who smiles. “Yes, follow me.” Sabo smiles wide and follows the man deeper into the store while Zoro is drawn to the jewelry case that is on display. 


Zoro looks at the different jewelry that fills the case from different colors and sizes when a pair of charms catch his eyes. Two small square gems, one gray that matches Zoro’s eyes, the other a deep blue matching Sabo’s eyes placed in silver that matches their shape. Zoro was lost looking at them; he didn't notice an elderly woman come to the counter. “Would you like a closer look at them?” Her voice spooked him enough he almost jumped. The woman chuckles at his reaction. 


Zoro feels Kazuha is amused as he catches his breath before looking at Sabo making sure he is distracted as he turns back to the elderly woman who had purple glasses in a yellow dress with her hair in a low ponytail. “Yes, I would like to see them.” The woman smiles as she pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the case. Zoro keeps an eye on Sabo who is heavily examining a hat while the woman sets the charms down. 


“Here they are. You can add them to any piece of jewelry or I can give you a chain. The stone can handle any weather or damage and it won’t break or form any cracks due to the work of a devil fruit. This is the final shape of the stones.” Zoro listens to her words carefully as he holds the blue charm and looks back at Sabo who is still busy. “How much for the set?” The older woman smiles “for you two, the set is 200 berries.” Zoro raises an eyebrow as that feels so cheap for what she had told about them. The woman chuckles, “I can understand your suspension however today is our last day here as we are closing the shop.” Zoro nods, checking to make sure Sabo is still busy as he pulls out the 200 and places it down on the counter. 


The woman smiles, taking the money and grabs a small box placing the two charms inside. “Would you like a bag?” “No, I will hold the box.” The woman nods, passing the box to Zoro who quickly puts it in his haramaki as Sabo joins the two with the man behind him. “Hey, were you able to get a hat?” Zoro asks, hoping Sabo didn’t see the box. 


“No i didn't but I found goggles for all of us.” Sabo answers with a smile while the old man places them in a bag “here you go young man.” Sabo takes the bag and places 500 berries on the counter. “You two have a nice day! Come on Zoro, let's find a sword shop!” Sabo says cheerfully as he takes Zoro’s hands and drags him out the shop after waving to the older couple. 




“Ah young love, remember when we were like that dear?” The woman asks while the man smiles as he makes his way over to her. “Hey, I think we are still like that.” The woman chuckles as the man pulls her into his arms. “Are you sure about giving him those stones?” The woman smiled as she looked at her husband’s eyes. “They match them well. And they were made by the finest craftsmen in Loguetown.” The man chuckles as he starts to sway the two. “Thank you, thank you. I was quite proud of our wedding charms. But I also know you loved them to death.”


 The woman lays her head on his chest as she reaches for the same gray charm that hangs off her husband’s neck. “Yes, I do love them. I wanted to give them to our child one day, a dream we couldn’t do. But when they walked in.. you could just feel their love. Much like how I knew you were the one for me. He came to the case, drawn to it and looked right at those charms I just knew, they had found a new forever home. Those stones get to witness another love story. It made me happy.” The man smiles as he places a kiss on his wife’s head as they continue to sway “if you are happy then I’m happy.” The woman chuckles as they slow dance in the closed shop as they fade away into the winds.




Sabo and Zoro walked hand in hand down the crowded road while Sabo talked about the hats he saw while Zoro paid attention to Sabo’s likes and dislikes to remember for the next time they look at hats. The two were lost in their world; they didn’t see the girl they were going to bump into. 


“Ow!” She said as she fell, dropping her book and glasses. Sabo and Zoro winced, Sabo grabbed her book while Zoro grabbed the glasses and froze. Sabo saw Zoro freeze and felt Kazuha panic as Zoro crushed the girl’s glasses with his hand.  Sabo watched confused as the girl shouted about her glasses that Zoro placed in her hands. Zoro said sorry and grabbed Sabo and walked fast down a random empty road away from the girl. 


“You two okay?” Sabo asks when Zoro finally came to a stop and pushed himself against a wall catching his breath. “I have no idea.” Zoro answered as Kazuha took form with Cerberus right beside him. “She looks so much like her it is unnerving.” The blade said as Sabo put it together just who he was talking about. Cerberus gave Kazuha a pat on the back while Sabo pulled Zoro into his arms holding him close. 


Sabo allows Zoro peace and quiet to collect himself before Zoro pulls away placing a quick kiss on Sabo’s cheek “thanks Sabo.” Sabo smiles, taking Zoro’s hand once again and leads them out the empty road and lands them in front of a sword shop. “Well let’s take a look.” Zoro said he opened the door. 


The two entered the empty shop and looked around as a man woke up from a nap at the counter. “Welcome, welcome anything you guys need help with?” the two walked up to the man “yeah I have 100 thousand and i need two swords.” Zoro said while Sabo let his haki out around the shop. Nothing really stands out except for two pieces, one upstairs  and another in a barrel. “100 thousand can’t even get you a half dull blade in this shop…” the man’s words trailed off as he looked at Kazuha. Sabo smirked at the man’s reaction, he knew the sword was special but now he is about to find out just how much. 


“T-that s-sword, can I see it?” The man asked Zoro, confused, looking at Sabo who nodded “sure.” Zoro and Sabo watched as the man’s hands shook as he held the sword, only pulling the blade out a little, much to Sabo’s surprise Kazuha didn’t cut the man. As Cerberus and the others hate when someone else touches them.


 “It’s real?! How much?! I can give you a million that could get you three good quality swords!” The man asked while Sabo chuckled as Zoro looked so lost and shook his head. The man only raises the price to 8 million as he places the sword on the table. Kazuha himself finds all of this amusing as did Cerberus. 


“I’m back, are you done polishing my sword?” A new voice enters the shop putting Zoro and Kazuha on edge while Sabo watches as the girl from earlier comes up to the counter. “Wow, is that Wado Ichimonji?!” The girl is quick to reach for Kazuha, only to be stopped by a smack from Sabo’s pipe. Everyone freezes unsure of what is about to happen while Kazuha sends out his thanks to Sabo as the blade could barely handle seeing her let alone her touch him. 


“Don’t you have manners? You never touch someone else’s blade without strict permission. Are you trying to lose a hand?” Sabo asked, completely baffled at the woman’s recklessness, you would think someone who wields a sword would at least know the consequences of touching a blade without permission. 


Zoro  smirks at Sabo, finding this all very attractive as he places a hand on Sabo’s back while Sabo glares at the girl who looks completely confused. “Sabo, she can look but do not grab it.” Zoro says while Sabo moves his pipe away from her as Kazuha takes place at Sabo’s side and whispers to him “thanks for that.” Sabo nods as he listens to the girl talk about the sword being the real Wado Ichimonji and it's worth 10 million. The owner starts to shout about the girl who is a marine ruining his business deal making sabo laugh at the girl’s flustered state. Zoro puts Kazuha back on his hip and looks at Sabo for help. Sabo points to the two barrels of swords with a sign above that says 50,000. 


Sabo stands to the side of the barrels watching Zoro looking through the swords, there are moments where Zoro looks up at sabo and Sabo is already watching him with a small smile that makes Zoro blush. “Hey you guys are the ones who broke my glasses and ran!” The girl shouts breaking their little world. Sabo sighs and pulls out 300 berries and puts them in her hand. “There now you have money as compensation as you clearly have a new pair.” The girl pushes the money back into Sabo hands. “I won’t take money from such heartless people.” 


Sabo shrugs his shoulders and puts the money back in his pocket and listens to her as she starts talking about the famous bounty hunter who also uses three swords. “So you are a fangirl?” Sabo asks as he is curious about where she was going with all this. “No way! I just think swordsmen like that are cool is all.” Sabo nods, smirking down at Zoro who is watching him.


“I think Zoro is pretty… amazing swordsman. I’ve seen him in action, it truly is a breathtaking sight.” Zoro blushes, tearing away from Sabo’s smirk as he searches the barrels. Sabo listens as the girl goes on about taking swords, the tops swords from her little book from criminals like Yoru from Mihawk as it is a top sword. As criminals and pirates aren’t worthy of such blades. That got Sabo just about ready to jump the girl as he doesn’t take threats to his family lightly but only stopped as Zoro pulled out the sword Sabo felt earlier. 


The girl gasped and quickly flipped through her little book while the owner went pale. Sabo and Zoro share a feral smile “its cursed.” Is all Zoro said while he examines the balde. “It’s Kitetsu III! It starts at 10 million! Sir, is it really 50,000?!” The girl asked the owner, who begins to talk about the tales the swords have been through that led to the previous owner's death but Sabo knew the truth. They are lost in madness due to rust and their owners weren’t able to handle the blade. At least until now. Sabo watches as Zoro throws the sword into the air and holds out his left arm as the sword spins in the air and falls back down into the ground completely missing Zoro’s arm. 


“I’ll take it!” Zoro shouts to the owner and places the blade on his hip. Sabo lets out a low whistle as he feels a new blade come from upstairs. It seems the owner is going to give it to Zoro. “This is Ryo-wazamono ‘Yubashiri’.” Zoro and Sabo both look at the blade, it will work well for Zoro. “Nice, Sabo let’s go.” Zoro takes the sword and places it on his hip and takes Sabo’s hand and heads out the shop “let’s get snacks Zoro!” Sabo says as they walk out the door. 




Sabo smiles as he picks pockets while Zoro keeps an eye out as they walk down a busy street another hour later after the sword shop. When Sabo grabs from the wrong person and grabs from a marine who was paying attention instead. “OI what do you think you're doing?!” The marine shouts right at Sabo’s face who pouts “ oi, Zoro get the other guy.” The two take down two marines and Sabo takes out their wallets and takes the money. “Come on, I’m sure their buddies are going to show up.” Sabo says as he starts to hear shouts from behind him causing Zoro to laugh as they run through the streets and find a hiding spot perfect for the two.


Sabo tucks Zoro into the corner and shields him from the open view of the road as they listen to the sound of running marines. Zoro smiles at Sabo while Sabo watches the opening following the shadows making sure no one sees them. Sabo leans closer to Zoro as a shadow gets too close to their hiding spot but before the marine could enter they are called away. Sabo lets out a sigh of relief and goes to pull away but Zoro catches him and pulls him down for a kiss that leaves them breathless. Sabo pulls away first “what’s that for?” Zoro smiled as pushed away from the wall “for a good date.” Taking Sabo’s hand once again leading them in the wrong direction to the docks but Sabo just chuckles and puts them in the right direction. 




The pair make it back docks at the same time as everyone else, Sanji and Usopp were loading a huge fish while Nami told them where to move with a huge bag at her side. “Hey guys!” Sabo said as he stood next to nami. “Hey, how was your date?” Nami asked as she went back to yelling at Usopp and Sanji “it was good.” Sabo said as he looked around for Luffy but didn’t see him as he put down his bag. 


“Hey have you guys seen Luffy?” As the winds started to pick up and the sunny sky disappeared as Nami looked at the sky. “We need to leave before we are trapped here by the storm. Usopp, stay and help me get the ship ready. Sanji, go with them and find Luffy!” Just as she said that two random people ran past “did you see that guy with the straw hat?! He climbed the stand and got caught by Buggy the clown and a bunch of pirates showed up!” 


The crew grew pale “shit! Let's go!” Sanji yelled as he jumped onto the dock and took off with Zoro and Sabo right behind him. “Luffy what the hell did you do?” Sabo asked as the three ran to the stand. 


One of my favorite chapters! Hope you guys are doing good!!!


Cariño (Spanish) = My sweet / Darling (English) !!

Chapter 24: luffy in Loguetown


Ages: luffy 17
sabo 20
zoro 19
nami 18
usopp 17
Sanji 19

Longer chapter ahead!!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After a great morning with teasing Sabo and a great breakfast sanji made, Luffy was more excited for the day ahead. Luffy walked the streets of Loguetown taking in the sights as he searched for a way to the stand. Apollo took to his side taking in the sights as well making comments about stuff while laughing at Luffy when he trips over his flip flops. “Apollo, don't laugh.” Luffy says as he pouts walking faster down a random street, when he feels someone’s haki poke at him.


Luffy freezes and looks around and finds no one. Luffy takes a breath and tries to sense that person only for it to disappear. Luffy scratches his head and shrugs it off for now, there is one thing he knows for sure it wasn’t his brothers. 


Luffy keeps on walking and looking at everything that catches his attention and somehow he ends up back at the port. “Damn it Apollo I got lost.” As he looks around Luffy finds a man with two cigars wearing a white jacket. Luffy smiles as he walks to the man “hey do you know the way to the execution platform?” Luffy asks.


The man looks down at Luffy, curious about who he is. “This place is bigger than my home village. I got lost on the way there.” “Why do you want to see it?” The man asked, causing Luffy to smirk up at him. “I want to see where the pirate king died.”  Luffy takes a step back “well if you aren’t going to tell me I go on my own.” Luffy takes a few steps before the man calls out to him. “Hey, follow the smoke.” Luffy smiles as his eyes catch sight of the smoke leading up some stairs. “Thanks smoke guy!” Luffy said with a smile and took off. 




As Luffy ran with the smoke trail he might have gotten too excited and took a wrong turn as he couldn't find the trail anymore. “Oops, back on our own again Apollo.” Luffy walks down a set of stairs when a sign gets his attention. ‘Bar gold roger.’ “Apollo, let's check it out.” Luffy walks down a set of stairs and enters a dusty,dark bar with an older man as its only customer. “Scram, we are closed.” The man said. 


Luffy pouts at the man “hey man, I'm just looking for directions to the execution platform.” Luffy takes a seat at the bar while the man asks him why. “I want to see what Roger did. Hey, who's that on the table?” The old man smirks down at the skull that sits at his table. “a man feared by most but taken down by Roger. Like everyone else, it was a time pirates feared the grand line and those who were on those waters. Roger being one of the bigger names out there. He came in here before and said he was heading for the grand line and he made it.” 


Luffy smiles as he shakes with excitement “man I can’t wait to get to the grand line!”  “You’re going?!” The man shouted as he got up from his seat “yeah I'm going to take the grand and become king of the pirates!” The man laughs as he makes his way behind the bar and puts two cups down “people like you almost make me want to keep this place open. And for you to say such a thing on this day after 22 years, I say we toast.” Luffy watches the man pour milk into the glasses and passes one to Luffy who can never say no to free things. The two clink glasses and drink while the man tells Luffy the way to the platform. 


Luffy finishes his drink and says goodbye and follows the man’s directions and makes it to the platform in the town square. Luffy looks at the looming stand and smiles “Apollo I got to see the top.” Luffy starts to climb with ease. Luffy makes it two quarters of the way up when someone shouts at him. “ I am Captain Smoker of the marines, you are under arrest Straw hat! Get down here!” Luffy looks down and sees the man from earlier with the smoke and pouts “Arrest me? No way! I’m heading to the grand line!” He shouts as he tightens his legs around the pole. 


“If you want to get to the grand, you need to beat me first!” Smoker shouts as Luffy leans back and looks down at Smoker with a feral smile. “Oh, I just have to beat you huh, I hope you are ready.” Luffy said as he threw a fist right at Smoker who stepped out of the way. Luffy pouts as his arm comes back to him “oi, don’t move!” Luffy loudly shouts as he jumps down from his place on the stand. Luffy stretches a leg back, going to kick Smoker who moves away causing Luffy’s leg to somehow get stuck in a fountain that throws him out of the square and across town. 


Luffy lands rough and pouts “Apollo that sucks, I'm going to take a nap.” 




Luffy slept for over an hour before Apollo was shaking his shoulders to wake up. “Little sun, we are wasting time and you have to meet Buggy.” Luffy goans as he gets up and takes a look around. “Yeah I know but where can we find him?” Apollo shakes his head fondly “look around here i'm sure you will find him.” 


Luffy nods and starts to walk, letting out his haki and feels Sabo and Zoro who are having fun it seems before he feels Buggy enter his field and it's not long before Buggy is right behind him in a hood. “Brat! I’ve been looking for you!” Buggy shouts causing Luffy to laugh. “Bugs!” Luffy laughs as he throws his arms around his brother “hi brat.” Buggy says fondly as he holds Luffy close and starts to walk into a small alley with Luffy now on his back. 


“Hey brat we have to put on a show today, it seems you have a habit of pissing off the wrong people and I got dragged into it.” Luffy laughs as he wraps his arms around Buggy’s neck “that’s not my fault people are jerks first.” Buggy shakes his head as he makes a turn and finds Richie by himself “Richie!” Luffy shouts as the lion lets out a small roar while Luffy jumps to hug the lion. Richie showers Luffy with kisses while Buggy laughs at the two while keeping an eye out for that lady. 


“Come on brat, I doubt you have eaten yet, then you will listen to the plan, got it?” Luffy pulls away from Richie “yeah, yeah, lets go!” Buggy smiles as he drags Luffy into a big restaurant and gets food at a table. Luffy starts to dig in while buggy does the same. Buggy finishes way before Luffy and starts to tell him what happened. “Someone got word to Alvida that we had problems and she is looking to join forces to take you down. So I joined her and made up some lies and the crew followed. Can't have someone stopping you for the grandline.” Luffy chuckles as he takes a drink “thanks Bugs.”


The two finish eating and split up as Buggy has to meet up with the others. Luffy waves bye and turns down a random street when the winds pick up taking luffy’s hat away. Luffy pouts as he starts to chase after the hat when he feels the same person poke at him with their haki. Luffy doesn't understand what they are doing as he chases his hat,he tries to reach out with his own haki but it disappears again. Luffy whistled as he finally reached his hat after who knows how long and looked around. 


“Oh I made it back to the stand.” Luffy said as he looked at the looming stand. “Let’s get to the top.” Luffy starts to climb once again hoping no one stops him this time. Luffy makes it to the top with ease and looks out at the view. It takes away his breath, as he looks at the busy square and the many buildings that lead to the seas. “wow what a view.” Luffy smiles as he holds his necklace “oh Uncle Roger watch me. I'm coming for your title.” Luffy chuckles as he feels a hand shake his head much like his papa does. 


“Oi! Straw hat get down here so I can kick your ass!” A woman shouts, Luffy looks down as a woman with a cowboy hat and a big club shouts at him. “Who are you?” Luffy asks down, the woman acts offended as she talks getting everyone's attention on her. “What? How rude? How could you forget the most beautiful woman in all of the east blue?! Especially after you hit me.” The crowd who were infatuated by her turned to glare at Luffy who was confused by the woman. “I-i have no idea who you are?!” Luffy shouts down at her.


“Iron club Alvida, you are under arrest!” Some man in a uniform shouts pointing a gun at her. Luffy looks at the woman again and his eyes go wide “A-Alvida?!” “Oh it seems you remember now Straw hat.” Alvida uses her charms to get the men to not arrest her when a bomb is thrown at the fountain causing pieces to fly and hit Alvida but they slide off her. Luffy watches it all amused at his big brother’s entrance. 


Luffy was going to shout at his brother when Cabji trapped him under some wood. “Straw hat it's been awhile, how is Roronoa Zoro?” Cabji asks as he takes a seat while Buggy goes on about executing Luffy. Luffy looks at everyone confused and whispers to Cabaji “hey what’s going on?” As Buggy winks at him. Cabaji laughs “it's part of the plan.” Luffy nods and watches as the crowd starts to run away from the Buggy pirates while Buggy makes his way up to Luffy. 


“Brat just go along with everything alright.” Luffy nods as Cabji passes Buggy a very dull sword. “After everything that happened, today is the day you die straw hat!” Buggy shouts as dark clouds cover the sky and the winds pick up. 


“Stop the execution!” Someone yells causing Buggy to stop while Luffy looks out at spots Sanji,Zoro and a very angry Sabo. “Oh we should have told him Bugs.” Luffy whispers to Buggy who is kinda pale now. “Buggy your ass better explain!” Sabo shouts pipe in hand. Buggy panics, one Sabo said his full name and not his nickname and two Sabo looks beyond pissed. “men! Stop them!” Buggy shouts in fear as Luffy watches as the three start taking down the pirates as Buggy continues with the plan and raises the sword once again. Luffy smiles wide and calls out to his crew as the winds pick up “Usopp!Nami!Sanji!Zoro!Sabo! Sorry I’m dead!” 


Just as the sword gets near his neck, lightning stickers the tower causing everyone to freeze and watch as it collapses. “Luffy!” Sabo shouts as he takes off beating everyone who gets in his way. Sanji and Zoro are right behind him as Sabo makes it closer. Sabo knows lighting doesn’t hurt Luffy but that doesn’t mean he likes seeing him hurt either. 


 Luffy gets out of the mess and puts on his hat once again and smiles at Sabo. “Wow that was close! Hey guys!” Sabo was quick to hit Luffy as he dragged him into a hug. “Don’t do shit like that again.” Sabo scolds while marines surround the area. 


“Oi, we need to go or we will never make it to the grand.” Sanji says as he takes down another pirate. Luffy laughs “then lets go!” The four take off passing marines and pirates alike as the rain starts to come down harder. 


“Luffy, you better explain what the hell happened!” Sabo shouts as the group runs down a random road “Shishishi! We had to put on a show!” Luffy shouts over his shoulder as the group comes to a stop in front of a woman wearing a marine jacket. 


“Roronoa, you have deceived me.” Zoro scoffs at her as it is the same girl from the sword shop. “I did nothing to you,it's not my fault you never asked our names.” The woman looks at Zoro with disdain as she pulls out her sword.


 “I will take Wado Ichimonji from you, so you can no longer taint it, you filthy pirate!” Zoro pulls out Kazuha and turns to Luffy “Go, I will handle this.” Luffy nods and takes off dragging Sanji who is yelling at Zoro “you hurt her and I'm kicking your ass Zoro!Sabo come on!” Sabo stands to the side watching the group of marines that joined them in the road. “go! someone has to make sure he doesn't get lost.” Sanji nods and takes off with Luffy by his side. 


Sabo watches as Zoro and the woman named Tashigi clash swords. It’s not long before Zoro has her pinned against a wall without her sword. “You will never take this sword from me.” Zoro puts his swords on his hip and starts to walk away with Sabo by his side when she shouts. “Why won’t you finish me?! Is it because I'm a woman?! You have no idea how hard it is to be this way when you are a woman with a sword! You don't understand how I wish I was born a boy!” 


Sabo watches as Zoro becomes angry at her words and turns back to her. “Listen here! I don’t like your very being! Your face looks like my close friend who died long ago! On top of that you are saying the same things she used too! Don’t imitate! You copycat!” 


Sabo chuckles as he grabs the back of Zoro’s shirt pulling him back to his chest wrapping an arm around his waist as the woman calls Zoro rude. “Now Zoro, let's go, you won your duel and we have places to be.” Sabo watches as the woman starts to blush as is Zoro causing Sabo to smirk. “Hey lady, you should take your loss and go while I am being nice.”  Sabo pulls away grabbing Zoro’s hand and takes off. 




Luffy and Sanji run down an empty road and catch sight of the port “I see it!” Luffy shouts as they run down the small hill and meet Smoker at the bottom. “didn’t I tell you you have to beat me first.” Smoker shouts over the heavy rain. “Sanji, go I got this.” Sanji looks between the two and runs down the road. 


“Oi Smoke man, let's have fun!” Luffy shouts as he throws a punch that goes right through Smoker. “That won’t work.” Smoker says as he huffs his cigars, Luffy smirks as his arm returns to him. “a logia devil fruit. I haven't fought one of you before, this should be fun!” Luffy charges right at Smoker and throws a haki coated fist landing right in the man’s chest causing him to lose some air. 


Smoker is stunned as Luffy throws another haki coated fist at him but Smoker moves fast away. Smoker takes a chance and punches Luffy down to the ground and places a foot on Luffy's back and holds Luffy's head down to the road. “This is the end of the line for you.” Luffy tries to wiggle out of the hold when he feels someone’s haki wrap around him in a hug. And a new voice reaches his ears. 


“I wouldn’t do that if i was you.” Luffy hears a rough deep voice as he tries hard to move “the government is looking for you.” Smoker says as Luffy struggles to break free as he is confused at the haki and a man’s voice. “The world waits for our answer.” “Who is there?!” Luffy shouts as the rain stops and the winds pick up causing Smoker to lose his grip on luffy. As the winds take Luffy away as the haki clings to him one last time and disappears. 




The winds drop Luffy near the port that is a mess of broken builds. Luffy shakes his head as he gets up and spots Sanji not far from him. “Sanji you okay?!” Sanji gets up with Usopp right behind. “Yeah Usopp you?” Usopp gets up and makes his way to the two “yeah there is Zoro.” He says as he points to Zoro who is clearly getting up. Luffy looks around searching for Sabo when he hears Zoro already doing that. “SABO!” Zoro shouts worry filling the man, Luffy searches with his haki and takes off not far from him. 


“Found him! Help me get him!” Luffy shouts as the three others come rushing. “Sabo!” They shout and push a piece of wall off of him. Luffy quickly grabs Sabo “Sabo!” shakes him lightly when he feels that same haki cover the both of them waking Sabo up with a jolt. “Lu!” Sabo looks around frantically searching “did you feel that?!” Luffy takes Sabo’s face into his hand “Sabo we need to leave.” Sabo nods and quickly stands “where’s the merry?” Usopp points out to the sea and not so far it's there with Nami waving her arms. 


“Let’s go!” Zoro shouts and starts to head out while Sabo takes a few steps and feels light headed,stopping him in place. luffy was quick to notice and put him on his back right away. “Lu,” Sabo said softly as Luffy shook his head and ran to a set of stairs and stretched “Sabo hold on! Everyone get ready!” Luffy said to the others who were quickly shouting no but it was too late and Luffy shot off with everyone. Everyone shoots over the sea with lots of screaming and laughing as they land on the merry with Nami already yelling at them. “Took you long enough!” 


The guys get up and shake off the fall while looking at the roaring sea. “That was fun!” Luffy laughed as he kept an eye on everyone. Sanji shakes his head “let's have a launching ceremony.” Sabo smiles as he follows the chef to a barrel of beer. “What’s that?” Usopp asked as they all gathered around. 


“Old sailor tradition, breaking a barrel as a crew telling the sea our dreams so she may guide us on a safe journey .” Sabo said as he kept his eyes on the guiding light in the distance.


 Sanji is first and stomps a foot on the barrel “to finding the all blue!” 


Sabo went next “to writing the greatest story ever told!”


 Zoro smiled “to being the world’s greatest swordsman!” 


Nami cheered as she slammed her foot down “to creating a map of the world!” 


Luffy's laughter fills the air against the rough waves and thunder “To being the king of the pirates!”


 Usopp hesitates but slams his foot down “t-to becoming a brave warrior of the sea!” 


Luffy smiles wide as they all raise their feet “TO THE GRAND LINE!” They shout as they slam their foot down breaking the barrel.


And we have reached the end of the east blue saga!! Omg crazy!

Now the next like three chapters are like fillers? Just a heads up

Soo yeah! Also I realized I never plugged my twitter (it will always be Twitter🤣) it’s @rosiec09. In case y’all need to get a hold of me or something!

Umm yeah I think that’s all today! Have a good one!!

Series this work belongs to: