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The weekend


They make the bed together, Louis with his clothes on and Harry still naked, and they laugh a bit about it. But Harry is also rather chuffed about the fact that Louis thirstily lingers with his look on his body more often than not.

When Harry is dressed too, he walks up to Louis, where he waits by the door.

“I wanna kiss you. Is that bad?” He whispers, crowding Louis against the back of the door, leaning in close to his face.

“I don’t care about the answer, just do it already.” Louis whispers back and grabs Harry by his neck and pulls him in.


In a universe where Harry's and Louis' respective relationships are idling - without them fully realising it before - they meet at a swinger weekend.

Louis is an experienced swinger goer, and even though Harry probably is the most attractive guy he's ever wanted to hook up with at a party like this, he's supposed to be just that: another swinger hookup.

Harry has never swinged before and soon finds it slightly hard to distinguish between the want for sexual exploration and the want for one particular guy.



SO happy you found this fic.

I'm beyond excited to interact with you, so if you want to, please comment! And if you like what you read I'm forever grateful for a ❤️.

I don't put any value, either way, in the swinger community, I simply thought it'd be an interesting angle for them to explore. Which it sure was.

I swap POV every other chapter, Harry's/Louis' (one or two exceptions where it fits better with the same POV twice in a row).


Chapter Text



Harry takes off his shoes and socks as soon as he steps onto the beach, burying his feet in the sun-warmed sand. Flipping down his Ray bans, he then looks over his shoulder to his wife and exclaims:

“Wow! What a place!”

Mia, who’s a few meters behind, nods and drops her bag in the sand whilst taking off her shoes as well.

Turning forward again, he lets the impressive view of the ocean stun him into silence for a while, until he feels Mia’s hand on his shoulder.

“Beautiful place indeed. This is going to be ace. How you feel?”

He shrugs and keeps staring out in the distance.

“Good. I guess? Definitely nervous, though.”

“Yeah. Me too.” She admits and pushes his shoulder slightly to get him going.

He picks up his bag and starts to walk towards the white wooden house situated right on the sandy beach, just a hundred metres or so, away. It’s a big, two-storey house, but he finds himself thinking that it still looks extremely cute and inviting.

There’s a pool on this side of it, and some kind of court – tennis perhaps? – as well. In front of it there’s a nice terrace with quite a number of wooden garden chairs and tables. On the beach, just in front of the hotel, there are sunbeds and parasols and also a tiny, very Caribbean looking, bar.

 “Our home for three, hopefully very interesting, nights.” Mia mumbles, almost to herself, and Harry bites his lip, feeling butterflies making themselves known in his stomach.

And that’s from only thinking about it. How will it feel, then, soon being in the actual middle of it...?

She has been the calmer one about this swinger thing, all along, and perhaps that’s how it should be, she being the one to first suggest it, and all. Harry was very much on board with the idea as soon as she dropped it, though, no need to deny that. But since he’s the analyser in their relationship, he will be the most likely to bother about things she probably doesn’t even acknowledge.

It’s a no brainer, though, they both want this.

Mia is already smiling at the woman standing on the small porch outside the front double doors, who has now noticed Harry and Mia as well. Currently talking to another couple, looking to be in Harry’s and Mia’s age, the woman laughs and gesticulates quite wildly, and Harry guesses that she must be Beatrice – the host of this event, the woman who supposedly is going to guide them safely through the three coming days. Three days that, at least from the very comprehensive information they’ve been sent prior to this weekend, are promised to really be something else.

“And here’s our last couple!” The woman exclaims when Harry and Mia are close enough to be on comfortable speaking distance, giving the other couple a polite smile and nod, and then turns to them with her full attention.

Hardly daring to look at the couple she was talking to at all, who now has disappeared into the hotel, Harry trains his eyes on Beatrice, who he is obviously very curious to meet.

He mirrors her genuine, happy smile and outstretched arms, and finds himself thinking that it feels strangely familiar and relaxed to engage in a group hug with her and Mia. It’s her job, of course, but she also seems to be a very warm person.

“You must be Harry and Mia.” Beatrice states, and takes a step away from them.

“Yes, very nice to meet you. And you are Beatrice?” Mia says, looking just as at ease as Harry feels, which, he thinks, must be a good start to all of this.

The butterflies are definitely calming down, and for the first time since they arrived, Harry dares to let himself think that this will be a fun few days, and that he really shouldn’t let his nerves come in between.

“Yes, I’m Beatrice, your host for this wonderful weekend! You are so very welcome; you are the last ones to arrive.”

And here he thought they were right on time. They must be an eager clientele, the people attending this swinger weekend, God knows what that even means.

He hasn’t got a clue what’s going to happen in this house for the coming three days and nights. Well, obviously, he and Mia have done their homework, and he has a pretty good idea, but that’s also all it is. He (or Mia) has never done anything like this before, and he knows he’s been making up a lot of assumptions of what will be going down, but now they’re here and there’s nothing he can do from now on but to find out for himself.

They walk inside the hotel, Beatrice asking about their trip here, and then she steps in behind the reception desk.

“So. Harry and Mia. Again, welcome! I’m so glad to have you here.” Harry’s struck by how radiant and colourful she is, starting with her red hair in a cool bob and her debauched makeup. ”We go by first names here, only. Please respect that rule and don’t ask for any private details,  unless that’s specifically agreed on.”

Ok. The more anonymous everyone stays, the better, Harry reckons and nods agreeingly. He can tell Mia thinks the same.

“You’ve got a wonderful room on the second floor, room 210. Just take the stairs here...” Beatrice points in the direction of a beautiful set of stairs behind her. “...and then your room is in the corridor to your right. Even room numbers to the right, odd ones to the left. Please, go and leave your bags and make yourselves at home in your room – but not for too long, because I’d like to have little gathering with you all in the main room in half an hour, or so.”

She hands over two key cards to Mia.

“And since this is your first time here, and at a swinger party in general, I’d like to recommend for you to keep your own room yours, and use the rooms available on the first floor to engage in whatever activities you’d like to do, together with others or for yourselves. I’ll tell you more about it at the gathering.”

She also hands over a small tote bag, which Harry takes. It’s tied together with strings in a neat bow, and he decides to open it once they’re up in their room.

Flashing them her contagious smile, she taps her fingers on the reception table top and says: “It’s completely normal and ok to be nervous or awkward, but I can promise you that once you’ve crossed your first line, you’ll be enjoying yourselves big time. I’m going to go through all the planned activities and common meals – and rules – in thirty. See you then!”

Harry and Mia take their bags, key cards and tote bag and heads for the stairs.

They don’t see any others, on their way to their room, and they assume everyone’s busy settling in for themselves.

“Right. So, what now?” Harry asks a bit absentmindedly, as he closes the door behind them. “Are we, like, taking a shower now, or...?”

Because that’s one thing he’s really thought about.

“Harry.” Mia deadpans and drops her bag with a thud on the floor. “Just...hold your horses, babe. We’re not going to, like, fuck the first person we see, ok? I’m sure there’s no stress in regards of that, we need to get to know each other a bit before anything like that happens. I trust Beatrice to guide us through this, as she promised. I’m positive she’ll even tell us when to shower.”

They may have been together for fifteen years, and married for ten, but he still blushes. One, he realises that his words may have come out a bit eager – which totally wasn’t his intention – and two, because of the way Mia so comfortably just used the word fuck.

He’s ridiculous, he knows it, but he can’t help but wonder if this place is going to bring out sides in her that he hasn’t seen for a while. It’s exciting, of course it is, but right now also slightly confusing.

They’ve talked about this a lot, obviously, so he decides not to dwell on it. They’re in this together, and they’re going to see this through together, as well as leave this place and continue with their everyday life on Sunday, together. All according to plan.

He wouldn’t be here if he had any doubts about them, or the whole swinger thing in general. And he’d lie if he’d say that he hasn’t been looking forward to this – being nervous and lost, set aside – and to meet the people at this event and finally get to explore.

He’s kept low key about his excitement for this weekend in front of Mia. Obviously, he tries to be as honest as possible – in everything he does – just like he expects her to, as well. But this specific info feels unnecessary to tell.

In the beginning, when they first started talking about it, he was very hesitant and slightly intimidated, alongside the excitement. And he’d like for her to keep that perception of his level of excitement in this. He surely doesn’t need to sleep with someone else to be happy in their marriage, and the thrill he feels about knowing that he most likely will have sex with someone else is, like, subordinated information. It won’t change them, or what they are.

They have talked it through back and forth, and over and over, and they’re well versed in how they like this weekend to play out. The most important agreement is that they trust each other and that what happens, happens. May sound a bit vague, but both thinks that imposing a lot of bans might rather be counterproductive. To be completely frank, they’re here to explore and light the spark, preferably together, but if the situation calls for it, they’re both ok with doing one or two discoveries on their own.

Mia has told him that she feels more at ease with Harry going one-on-one with a man, than with a woman, and he can understand her reasoning. He’s been with her for the past fifteen years and it’s natural for her to feel more conscious about her husband being intimate with a woman than a man.

As far as Harry’s concerned, the sex of the person doesn’t matter, and to be completely honest, he’s been kind of looking forward to (hopefully) get to be with a man again, after all those years. He remembers sex with the few previous boyfriends he’s had before Mia, as something very enjoyable. Deep down he knows he’s missed it.

Now, he’s made a choice, and he’s chosen Mia, so that has never been a thing, and nothing he’s thought that much about either. But as it has been brought up to date, that’s what he’s most tempted to be exploring this weekend.

Not long ago he did ask Mia if she wants to take the opportunity to try it out with a woman – she never has done so before – and even if she wasn’t overly enthusiastic about his question, she didn’t say no either. Since then, Harry’s been thinking that perhaps they could find a bi couple that they go well together with, and then everyone could get a little bit of everything.

Whatever happens, they’re determined to take any good chance there is to make some hot memories together this weekend. Memories that they hope will energize, and sort of kick-start, their own, slumbering sex life when coming back home. He loves Mia, no question about it, but the lust and desire part of their relation has relentlessly faded for the past years, and it’s definitely mutual. It’s not like he’s lost the drive, he still wants – and needs – to get off now, he enjoys that. Boringly enough it’s been to his own hand more often than not.

It’s probably a long shot, but if a weekend like the one coming up actually could help to turn their situation around, well, then it’s worth it, even if a certain amount of nervousness and awkwardness will be involved. Can those three days and nights open up their eyes, at least a little bit, to how good sex can be when everything falls into place, well, then they’ve come a long way.

Throwing Mia a quick glance, where she has started to unpack her bag, he just hopes that she’s as ready for this as he is.


Chapter Text


Louis throws himself on the hotel bed with a content sigh, holding the small tote bag in his hand.

“Let’s see if there are the usual thingies in here, then...” He mumbles a bit cheekily as he opens it.

His boyfriend sinks down in the huge armchair in the corner of the room, opposite of the bed, watching Louis with an amused look.

“Some flavoured lube and condoms, right?” Oscar guesses and smiles, eyes meeting with Louis.

“Yeah...” Louis agrees and soon holds up a couple of small pastel bottles in his hand. “Ha!” He says in triumph and digs deeper in the bag and pulls up a packet of condoms.

Then he makes a dramatic face, feeling around at the bottom of the bag, always up for putting on a bit of a show. “There’s more!”

Fishing up a slightly bigger bottle, he exclaims: “Massage oil! That’s new. I like!”

Oscar laughs briefly and shrugs.

“Of course you do, mister sucker-for-massages. Unfortunately, I still don’t understand your fascination with it. Messy, is what it is.” Oscar makes a face, and then adds, cheekily: “I hate when you go grumpy, though, so how about you find yourself someone special here this weekend, who’d love to give you a massage? Or two?”

Louis smiles back, gaze going slightly darker.

“Perhaps I should. And perhaps you can watch him giving me that massage? What if-“ He sits up in the middle of the bed and crawls on all four to the end of it, closer to Oscar’s armchair. “-you’d fuck him from behind in the meantime?”

He feels raunchy and wants to let loose a little, and Oscar doesn’t bat an eye, knowing how Louis likes to get in the mood when at things like these. It’s fun to do a bit of dirty talking, to rile themselves up a little, although they both know Louis isn’t particularly into three- or moresomes.

Oscar chuckles light-heartedly, but Louis can tell he’s spiked his interest.

“You’d like that, hm?”

“I would, yeah.” Louis mumbles, licking the bottom of his lip very deliberately. “I feel like being dirty this weekend, babe... With you. And with others.”

“I like the sound of that. And I know how dirty you can be at swinger parties... Seen you in action many times. Love it.”

“This weekend I feel particularly dirty, though.”

Oscar stands up and walks the few steps to Louis, where he’s still on all four at the edge of the bed. He slowly caresses his thumb over his jawline before he slides it into his mouth. Encircling his finger eagerly with his lips, Louis sucks it in obscenely, and lets out a low, deliberate moan.

“If it wasn’t for me wanting to save myself for tonight, I’d fill your dirty mouth with my cock right now.” Oscar hisses and Louis likes to have him exactly where he wants him. “God, you’re so hot...can’t wait for later.”

“What’s later?” Louis words come out a bit muffled, due to Oscar’s thumb pressing down on his tongue.

“Letting another guy watch me fucking you... Or...I’d like to watch another guy fuck you, as well.”

“An awful lot of guys, and an awful lot about me getting fucked, don’t you think?” Louis teases, never breaking eye contact, looking up at him seductively under his lashes.

“I love when you’re getting fucked, Louis, and you love it too.”

Well, he isn’t wrong, he does love it. He’s versatile and loves sex in different ways. But if one starts talking about preferences, bottoming isn’t at the top of his list. And Oscar knows this, he’s just being obstinate – since his preference is – surprise – to top.

Letting his thumb slowly slip out of Louis sucking mouth, Oscar takes a deep breath, clearly trying to steady himself a bit. Louis takes the opportunity to check in on him, regarding a new thing that has come up this time around.

“And you still wanna be with a woman?” He asks, light-heartedly, because he does feel relaxed about it, and he also doesn’t want Oscar to feel strange about it.

His boyfriend shrugs.

“Yeah. Would like to try that, if that’s ok with you.”

“Of course it is. We’re giving each other some space for such things as well, remember? I’m completely fine with it.”

“Cool.” Oscar smiles, and his gaze turns slightly cheeky. “But then, obviously, a male only three- or foursome, including you, is also very high up there.”

“Well. You know I’ll do most things but since we’ve been there and done that – and it’s never been my cup of tea – you may want to do that on your own as well.”

“I’m ok with that, if you are. As long as we always end up in this bed,-“ Oscar pats the duvet between Louis’ hands. “-spending our sleeping time together.” Oscar concludes.

“That’s the deal.” Louis agrees, and it feels like they’ve got this.

Like every time they’ve been away at weekends like this one. It’s always been good and never strange or awkward between the two of them. Louis feels very at ease about that bit.

Oscar turns around, looking out through the windows, over the soft, rolling waves. A few seagulls fly close by, and Louis absentmindedly watches them as they rest in the wind, staying at the same spot hardly without moving their wings.

He loves those weekends, he really does. It’s everything in one package; the vacation, the new location, the activities, and in this case, the beach and the ocean. Good food and drinks don’t hurt either. But most of all, he loves the excitement and curiosity it means being part of a completely new group of people, that trust each other with their hearts, really, before even knowing one another. They’re all here for the same reason, and that knowledge alone usually creates a great sense of belonging amongst the group.

They try to get away either to a swinger night, or for a whole weekend, like this one, twice a year. And since they’ve been together for almost five, they’ve been to a few by now. It has worked out really well, every single time, Louis thinks gratefully. Also, it’s really amazing coming back home after a weekend like that; thriving on the high from having been among equals, satisfied but also riled up for quite some time to come.

Louis is gay and Oscar is bi, and since they started going to swinger gatherings that have a bisexual focus, they feel they’ve found the concept that works best for them. For the past three times they’ve been away it’s been to mixed parties, where the organiser normally mixes gay and bisexual couples, and it tends to be a very good mix, and more fun than the ones that contain only gay couples. And there’s also the obvious reason: sometimes Oscar likes a bit of both. Even if he may prefer sex with people of the same sex. If it’s on the table, though, he surely craves it with a woman once in a while. Louis thinks it’s completely fine – and hot as well. He loves it when a man knows what he wants and dares to take it.

And he surely doesn’t analyse it in depths but somehow it’s made him realise that he’s actually quite comfortable with him and Oscar not being that attached to each other. Prefers it, even. Don’t get him wrong, Oscar is a great boyfriend. But. Louis just hasn’t felt that spark with him lately. Perhaps not...ever. But that’s not a problem, as said, and therefore, this arrangement is perfect. He loves for them being boyfriends, to have Oscar to share his everyday life with. They have a lot of sex as well, which is an important part in a relationship according to Louis. More so than for Oscar, but it’s working out well between them. And, they both like adding the swinger aspect to their relationship, both thinking that it gives it some novelty and spice. But he doesn’t want more out of their relationship. To Louis, Oscar is boyfriend material – not husband material. And it’s nothing wrong with that. Louis has never been with a guy that is husband material, so... In all honesty, he doesn’t even know how it should feel if the guy is. All he knows is that he’s not feeling it, not now, and never has. And that’s ok, he’s reconciled with the thought of never doing so either.

He’s forty-three and he has lived a lot. Even if love doesn’t seem to be something that comes easily to him, he thinks he’s in a good place. He’s managed without it so far, so it’s not like he needs to fall in love to be happy and content with his life.


Chapter Text

“You’re all very responsible people and have all gotten tested before this weekend. Thank you.” Beatrice says, matter-of-factly, at the gathering half an hour later. “But if someone wants to use a condom, do it! Don’t deny each other that, please. Remember that you guys have different preferences, and if someone is watching you doing something with someone, that doesn’t automatically mean that they want to do it with you, ok?”

Harry thinks that he hears everyone in the room hum in agreement. Which must be a good sign, right? Surely meaning that this is a good, reliable group.

“We’re here to explore, to give and take, have fun, and obviously – to have sex! But we’re also going to be respectful and responsive to each other – always. Ask for consent, for everything.” She adds.

Her voice is playful and captivating, but firm. She’s good at keeping everyone’s attention on her, getting the message across that she means business. Under her watch they behave, as simple as that.

They’re about forty people in main room, scattered around in sofas and armchairs and in chairs around a big round table. There are cozy lamps and homely plants placed in the sills of the smaller windows. The bigger floor to ceiling windows are framed by sheer, white curtains, and overlooks two directions of the premises: the beach with the cute little Caribbean bar, and also the huge pool area with everything it entails.

Beatrice is standing in front of everyone, her clear, pleasant voice rattling off the rules before they can get the party started. They’ve all received a leaflet with the program for the weekend. Activities are voluntarily, but all meals should be had together as a group. Their first joint activity – a pool party later this first evening – they’re all kindly asked to attend as well, to start getting to know each other.

Harry honestly wonders who the hell would pass on that anyway? Sounds like the perfect ice breaker activity to him, and when he whispers that to Mia, she agrees with him. They haven’t got much time together, so getting undressed and getting into the water together must be a great opportunity to start checking each other out, and to get things going. also probably carefully thought out by Beatrice and her co planners for this weekend.

Whilst Beatrice keeps on talking, Harry curiously, but subtly, starts to look around the room. And it doesn’t take long until he realises, to his embarrassment, that his gaze, time and time again, is drawn to one specific guy at the other end of it. He’s seemingly the same age as himself – and absolutely fucking gorgeous. And not only that, he’s magnetic, relentlessly pulling Harry’s attention in his direction, making their gazes meet again and again, apparently having no problem staring back at Harry every time the opportunity is given.

He’s almost intimidatingly attractive, to be honest. With his blue eyes, prominent cheekbones, cute lips and stylish hair, Harry can’t describe him in any other way than intriguingly striking. Giving his body a couple of quick once overs as well only results in Harry silently (and seriously) praying that this guy will see something in Harry that attracts him back. Because, just by looking at him, Harry knows that this guy definitely is someone he’d want to get closer to. If he’s allowed to be blunt – and he is, because it’s all inside his own head – he can see himself naked with this guy, being intimate with each other in the best ways possible.

Their eyes lock on each other, yet again, and now Harry can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that this man seems to seek Harry out in return. This time he smiles, and Harry reflexively mirrors it, and bloody hell, they’re flirting.

Then Harry notices how the man sitting next to the guy follows his gaze, and his eyes land on Harry as well. Which makes Harry kind of freeze, because he’s not completely sure how to act appropriately. He hasn’t got any experience from gatherings like this one whatsoever, but if he’s understood the codes correctly it should be free to flirt, and insinuate, and seduce, until the opposite is told. The guy next to Harry’s flirt – yeah, he’d like to call him that, he hopes he is – is clearly his boyfriend or something, because now he places his hand on attractive guy’s thigh. It could be interpreted as slightly possessive, but since the guy doesn’t break his eye contact with Harry, Harry reckons that what’s going on here is fair game.

The man with his hand on flirts’ thigh, smiles and nods, sliding up his hand in his man’s neck and gets a good grip around it, giving Harry a challenging look. Although, Harry funnily enough doesn’t interpret it as if he’s trying to scare Harry away, an invite. Is he silently telling Harry that they can be possessive about him together?

Oh, God, this is already fucking with his head, and he blinks himself out of the intense situation, forcing his eyes to land on Mia instead.

“Babe, have you... You know. Anyone in particular you...?” He says lowly, and Mia blushes, nodding, carefully looking straight ahead, trying so hard to be subtle.

“Aha? Who?” He asks curiously, trying to remember what everyone’s wearing in case she starts to describe him by his clothes.

“It’s a handsome guy flirting with me...but...he seems to be with a man, so... Well, I know you’ve said you wanted to try that out, but...”

“Yeah? There’re no buts for me. I still want that.” Harry reckons it’s best to just go for it, to be completely honest. “Who is it then?” He refrains from looking around, knowing that Mia still feels a bit conscious about the whole thing, wanting to be discrete. “Who is this guy trying to get with my woman.” He jokes with a mock offended voice and a roll of his eyes.

He fights every reflex to ask again, when she doesn’t answer quick enough, not wanting to come off as too eager. But he’d lie if he says he isn’t very curious. He’d love to try it out with a gay couple (where at least one of them is bi) – especially with one couple in here.

Feeling how butterflies awaken, just thinking about it, he looks at her encouragingly, but stays silent as he impatiently awaits her reply.

“Well...” She drags out, and Harry swallows hard because, fuck, here he goes again, meeting eyes with the stunning guy for the thousandth time.

God, he just can’t refrain from looking his way! And the bloke looks slightly amused, probably due to Harry’s embarrassed grin.

And this time Mia looks in the same direction, and the moment Harry realises that she shyly locks eyes with Harry’s flirt’s bloke, well, then he can’t stifle a shuddered sigh in anticipation, and in relief. Good God, are they really synced in this, he and Mia? For real? Is she...interested in the attractive guy’s man? Or have they perhaps agreed on this, or something, joining forces to bring Harry and Mia in?

It doesn’t matter, honestly, Harry is just kind of excited that this is happening at all.

“Aha.” He whispers and lowers his gaze.

It’s actually hard to handle this intensity, this tension building up in the physical gap between them in the room.

“Right. I think they’re checking us both out, to be honest. His man has flirted with me.”

Quite aggressively. But he doesn’t say that.

“No way.” Mia hisses, and he would recognise that excited shiver in her voice anywhere. “Ok, so...perhaps we could talk to them a bit more? At that pool party, for instance?”

Harry agrees with her, one hundred percent. And more. But he still hears himself say, for the sake of it:

“Yeah, good idea. But let’s keep our doors open still, shall we?”

She turns to look at him, curiously, and then she chuckles lowly.

“Jesus, Harry, you’re really in your element now, aren’t you baby? Being all open for a gay experience and all!”

“You like that?” He winks.

“Well, I think I do... It’s hot, in a way. Can I, or would it make you uncomfortable?”

“Uhm. Let’s see what happens, ok?” He’s been convinced, the whole time leading up to this weekend, that it’d be wise to, to the greatest extent possible, do things together.

But. With that said, being with a man, together with Mia, in front of her, even, does not feel like a walk in the park, like, at all. He’s not been with a man in fifteen years, of course he’s conscious about it! At the point when he met Mia, though, he had started to hook up with men only, so he had time to work up some nice experience.

“Now, let’s go and have a quick rest or whatever you want to do before dinner!” Beatrice wraps it up, flashing her gorgeous smile yet again. “We meet in the restaurant at seven o’clock, and after that, when we feel ready for it, we head out to the pool and have some fun, shall we? Don’t forget your swimming clothes, if you want to wear any!” She winks and is met with cheers.

Harry really needs to get back to their room, though - to breath and gather his thoughts, and sanity, and courage – to be able to go through with this night. Thinking that he’s probably not wrong presuming Mia has the same thoughts, he turns to her to say that they should leave straight away.

“Hey.” Harry hears to his left, and in the blink of an eye, Mia is whisked away by that man who’s been flirting with her.

Harry doesn’t miss the charming laugh he fires off at her, but soon it dawns on him that that can only mean one thing: the voice he’s heard to his left can only belong to one person.

Harry’s heart rate picks up in speed since he knows it before he even sees it; the most stunning man at this place – hell, perhaps on earth – is standing next to him, biting the inside of his cheek, eyes sparkling cheekily.

“I’m Louis. Nice to meet you.”

“Oh! Hi...” Harry laughs a slightly nervous laugh, and if he’s not mistaken his voice definitely sounds an octave higher.

They shake hands, and then he clears his throat, preferably wanting to recognise himself the next time he opens his mouth.

“Harry. It’s Harry. I’m...” He looks around and nods towards Mia, who now stands talking easily with the man who’s just taken her to the side.

She looks...excited.

“ with Mia, over there.”

“Mia.” Louis seems to taste her name in his mouth, nodding towards Mia and his man: “And I’m here with Oscar. The guy talking with your Mia right as we speak.”


“You know...” Louis leans in slightly. “...we got a bit blown away over there, looking at you guys. I think you’re gorgeous, Harry.”

Oh. Alright, they’re definitely up and running now. This could not be mistaken for a misinterpretation any longer, Louis and his man are loud and clear about their intentions. This is Louis not only flirting, but definitely hitting on him, and that knowledge sends the butterflies in Harry’s stomach into a bit of a frenzy again.

“Well, thank you.” Harry says, as steadily as he can. “So are you, Louis.”

Louis breaths out a bit dramatically, following up with a: “Phew!” and jokingly wipes a drop of sweat off his forehead, in a universal gesture for relief.

Holding up a hand level with Harry’s shoulder, Louis raises his eyebrow in a question, making Harry nod quickly. And then Louis’ sure hand grips over his bicep before he starts to caress up and down his arm. He does it a couple of times, slowly, and it feels strangely intimate, probably more than it should. A strong tingle runs down the whole length of his spine, making him swallow thickly.

“Would you like to get to know me a bit better, then?” Louis says lowly, after a long few seconds, the confidence evident in his voice.

“Yeah. Would definitely like to get to know you better.” Harry whispers, throwing a quick glance in the direction of Mia, this time not so sure he whole-heartedly means what he’s saying next: “And by the looks of it, we could perhaps hook up the four of us, together?”

The smile on Louis lips stays but turns slightly neutral. Harry has a feeling that the last word possibly hasn’t been said on this subject yet. And God knows that he’s open to hear other suggestions from Louis, should he have any.

Louis seems to be the guy who isn’t afraid of speaking his mind, and that’s a trait Harry likes very much. It’s a clear turn-on for him, confident guys, and girls, always have been.

As if Louis needs to be more attractive than he already is, Harry thinks almost a bit dejectedly. He can undoubtedly tell that he’ll be in trouble with Louis, one way or the other. Hopefully it'll only be the good kind.


Chapter Text

Louis showers with the bathroom door open, feeling a need to be able to speak with Oscar as soon as he comes up with a thought.

Which is happening now.


“Yeah?” It comes from somewhere in their room.

“You got the right vibes from her?”

After posing the question Louis finds himself physically cross his thumbs, because please sweet wife of God-sent Harry be the one for Oscar.

At least for tonight.

“I think so, yeah. She’s gorgeous. Hot.” The next time Oscar speaks, Louis hears that he’s closer. “What about her man? Harry, was it? Did you feel it with him?”

Louis rinses the shampoo out of his hair but manages to speak at the same time.

“Same. I’m interested.”

The understatement of the fucking year but sue him for holding back a bit. Nothing good would come out of doing the opposite.

“He’s rather-”

“...gorgeous, yeah, I’ve seen him.” Oscar interrupts and deadpans.

“Not more gorgeous than you babe.” Louis lies, because sometimes a man just needs to pull that lie.

It’s a white lie, though, because Oscar is handsome, no question about it. But Louis would be wrong if he said he doesn’t think Harry is the most attractive man he’s ever seen. Full stop.

He needs to tone down his excitement though, and he knows Oscar will do it to if needed. It’s just common sense, normal psychology, when being at a venue like this. Let your partner know that they are your focus and priority, and then it’s easier to let go of each other for the time you want to explore by yourself. It doesn’t mean anything, it just makes it easier.

They’ve done this many times and it has always worked out well. If they like the same man, they both go with him, and there’s never been jealousy involved. That’s why they’ve managed to do this for so long, Louis reckons.

“But we do a couple thing, yeah?” Louis checks, not sure what he himself wants anymore, to be honest.

He’d be just fine if Oscar wants to go in private with Mia, if it means he’ll have Harry in private at the same time. He’d be more than fine with that, actually. is perhaps the moment when he really should stop, and reflect over his own thoughts for a bit, because they’ve never crossed his mind like they do now, when swinging before. Ever. Deliberately wanting to be with a man in private this much. Which, by extension, really means that he doesn’t want Oscar in the equation.

And why the hell is that?

He shakes it off, he can analyse it later, if needed.

“You can be with him as well?” Louis sort of offers, when Oscar doesn’t reply, although that is not his first choice, heaven knows.

But he needs to put the option on the table. If he’s lucky, Oscar is enough enthusiastic about Mia – and feeling enough secure with Louis – that he doesn’t let any toxic feelings interfere with their decision.

Oscar comes to lean against the door frame of the bathroom, humming, Louis seeing him through the shower doors.

“Nah, I don’t want to be with him per se. I’m actually very drawn to her, she’s incredibly sexy.” He smiles and Louis shrugs, he’s got eyes, and he can see that she is, but he can’t feel it.

The perks of being gay.

Oscar continues:

“Obviously we should do it as a couple thing, it’s our first session this weekend. And also, I don’t think they want it any other way, either. It’s their first time at a swinger’s weekend, you know.”

Oh. Oh?

Louis almost forgets how to breath for a while, that info definitely spikes his interest, in many ways. And if he’s allowed to be a bit prejudiced, (and not so little at that, he’s aware) he’d guess that probably means that Harry is both sexually frustrated and eager.

Realising that it’s probably best to just leave his thoughts there for a while, before getting too excited about it, he lets the conversation sort of slow down. Instead, he concentrates on doing the last bits of cleaning himself up. Having waxed pretty much everywhere a couple of days ago renders him idled in that area, not having to shave, which is convenient and quite comfortable, actually. He only waxes his body when going to things like this, and it’s for egoistical reasons only. He loves the feeling of Oscar’s (or someone else’s) touch to his smooth skin, and he loves the way it looks. But otherwise, in the comfort of his and Oscar’s flat, he can’t really be bothered, and uses the razor whenever he wants that kind of feeling.

Walking out of the bathroom naked, in a cloud of steam, Louis towels his hair, at the same time as he starts to rummage in his bag to find the clothes he’d like to wear for the night. It’s only a façade, though, the clothes usually go quite quickly anyway.

Oscar has already showered and dressed and is fixing his hair by the mirror, smelling, and looking good.

“Are you excited for tonight?” Louis asks as he finds a pair of tight briefs and puts them on.

Then he pulls up his pair of black skinny jeans and goes for a black button down to go with it, which he lays out on the bed.

“I kind of am.” Oscar says and digs down into Louis bag to find a pair of socks for him. “They’re a nice couple. It’s not often we find a couple we both want to go with, right?”

“Right.” Louis accepts the socks but then, after giving it a second thought, he throws them back in the bag. “Don't need them. It’s warm tonight.”

Oscar shrugs, used to his boyfriend’s shenanigans when it comes to not wearing socks.

Louis gets dressed whilst thinking about the suggested foursome with Harry and Mia. He's more than fine with being more people in bed when it's with a hetero couple, because then they usually tend to be wanting different things, focusing on either himself OR Oscar. What he's kind of opposed to, is when it's a three- or foursome, men only, where everyone wants to be with everyone (which is what Oscar's really into). It's just not his cup of tea. He'd participate, if Oscar really would want him to, it's not like he'd hate it or something, but they've come to a good, win-win understanding, where Oscar goes alone to those sessions and Louis can focus on being one-on-one with an interesting guy...Harry, for example.

They know each other well enough by now, he and Oscar, that they don't even have to make plans for a foursome with Harry and Mia. Louis knows that both he and Oscar will make sure to split themselves into two teams, still sharing the bed with their original partner, but where Oscar will focus on Mia and Louis on Harry. This specific arrangement works perfectly for both of them when Oscar wants to be with a woman.

Louis is not only up for splitting into two teams, though, is the thing. Right now he feels more than up for going for separate rooms as well. Which...isn't his normal way of reasoning, especially not for the first night. It's hard to explain but if he'd give it a try it feels like he wants Harry for himself (good God).

Yeah, odd, as said, but he just doesn't seem to be able to shake the feeling. 

Knowing that Oscar seems to be very excited about Mia, though, is what makes him not dwelling on it too much. He's probably just kind of overwhelmed by Harry's charisma, and as soon as he gets to be with him for a first time, it'll probably calm down.


Chapter Text

Harry tries to not look around too curiously, when he and Mia gets to the restaurant at seven. It smells deliciously and Beatrice greets them at one of the round tables, seating six each.

“Sit together if you want to, but otherwise I usually suggest that you separate for dinner, just to get to know a few more people, you know?” She could as well have winked but her smile says it all.

Exchanging a quick look Harry and Mia nods, making the process short and going for different tables. Harry can tell that she’s searching the room on her way to one of the tables a bit further away. It’s not hard to guess for who.

And to be honest, Harry has already himself found that Louis hasn’t arrived yet. He would’ve spotted him in this group in a milli second, but he dares to think that he probably wouldn’t even need to see him to know that he’s here. That’s the kind of presence and atmosphere Louis brings into a room.

He takes a seat to the left of a bloke, probably a few years younger than himself, who’s already in a conversation with a woman to his right. They greet him smilingly and invites him to take part in their getting-to-know-each-other talk They’re both really nice, but Harry’s mind is elsewhere.

After a minute or so, a man sits down to Harry’s other side, and it’s with a slight disappointment that he notices that it isn’t Louis. Oh well, he needs to get to know other people here as well, he can’t get a complete hang up on Louis, there’s plenty of time to get to know him better later. After all, Louis had asked if Harry wanted to get to know him a bit better, and Harry unashamedly clings on to that.

The new guy tells Harry that his name is Lucas, that he’s here with his wife Lily, and that they’ve got two kids, just like Harry and Mia. Apparently, this is the second time they go on a swinger’s weekend, like this one, and – oh - they are both bi. Harry wonders if he’ll ever get used to be introduced to new people and get to know their sexual preference at the same time.

When Lukas politely answers a question a woman poses ahead of him at the table, Harry takes the opportunity to subtly look him up and down for a bit, just to realise that the first thing he can come to think of is that he’s not Louis. Obviously. But he’s nothing like him either, to be fair.

On the other hand, hadn’t Harry met Louis before this dinner, he probably would’ve rated this guy a lot higher.

He decides on the spot to try and be a bit more open-minded, and friendly, and inviting, like, in general, but particularly towards Lucas.

It goes a bit mushy in his head, though, when suddenly realising that a couple of hours was all it took, for him to change his mind set about this swinger party. Before coming here his expectations were high on the level of sex he’d be engaging in during this weekend – and he always imagined it with both men and women. Now, all he can envision is sex with Louis, to be honest, but he’s also decided to keep Lucas as a backup. However, he hasn’t even looked in the direction of another woman here, slightly odd. It definitely is, since he truly thought, before, that he and Mia’ would mainly engage in swapping partners with other couples. Like Lucas and his wife Lily. Now, when thinking about possibly getting it on with Lucas, Lilly isn’t even in that equation.

Odd, as said.

Harry’s thoughts wander to Louis again, and he really can’t explain why he’s this deeply affected by that man. It’s a feeling that goes beyond him finding him just gorgeous and sexy, it’s something more, something that’s hard to pinpoint. He wants to be with him, be close to him, feel his hair in his hands and smell his neck. It’s close to an urge, and yeah, Harry definitely has a hangup on him and probably should start acknowledging the red flags popping up left and right. But not just yet.

He needs to start seeing this for what it is, though, and that is – without a doubt – that Louis, on his part, definitely won’t settle for sex only with Harry. That’s just not going to happen. He needs to keep it real, and his head cool, and simply let all doors stay open.

They’re all good, and smart, and valid points, however...they all fly straight out the window when Louis suddenly stands behind his chair, with his hands on Harry’s shoulders.


It tingles where Louis’ hands softly squeeze over his shoulders, and Harry absolutely loves the signal Louis touch is sending. To Harry, but also to the rest of the table. Because even if no one in this swinger setting ever would come up with the idea of claiming anyone here, Louis gesture kind of does just that. But subtly. And this trait of possessiveness is very hot, and sits very well with Harry, indeed.

“Harry.” He smiles and takes a step to the side, so that they easier can look at each other.

“Hi.” Harry says, and there’s no way in hell he can play it cool, he’s just so happy to see him.

Louis then turns to look at Lucas, raising his eyebrows.

“And hello...?”

“Hi. I’m Lucas.”

“Hello Lucas.”

And now Harry is sure that Louis has been watching him and Lucas talking, making some sort of point here, but not sure what Louis is playing at just yet.  

“I can see that you’re having the pleasure of talking to Harry, here.” Louis keeps squeezing Harry’s shoulders, purposefully, a touch that is impossible for Lucas to miss.

“Uhm, yeah, I do.” Lucas’ eyes travel from Louis’ hands, to Harry’s face, and gives Harry an almost shy look. “Very pleasant.”

And boy, never had Harry thought, before arriving here, that two handsome men would be fighting for his attention at some point during this weekend. But here they are, on the very first night, at that. The tension in the air has thickened, and he’s in the middle of it. He’d lie if he’d say he wasn’t thrilled about it though, them making him feel attractive and wanted.

This whole swinger concept is new to Harry, but he does get the feeling that there is some sort of silent power struggle going on here. Is this them settling scores among themselves, as to who is going to be with Harry? First, even?

“So, you two have already met?” Lucas asks, moving his chair slightly closer to where Harry sits.

Louis smiles confidently and intimately pulls a strand of Harry’s hair behind his ear.

“We have. Right Harry? Very brief, though, and I hope to get to know you a lot better very soon. My boyfriend-” Louis searches the room quickly with his eyes and nods when he spots Oscar. “-is in fact in conversation with Harry’s wife, right as we speak.

Oh.” And it’s strange how quickly Lucas’ voice can turn from competitive to defeated in a jiffy.

Harry’s not sure if he’s supposed to interact here, like, at all, and in a nervous motion he absentmindedly reaches for his empty wine glass.

“Let me get something in that for you.” Louis is quick to say and gently takes the glass out of his hand, and leaves for the bar.

“Uhm, I don’t think he could’ve been more obvious if he so had carried a sign around with him.” Lucas smiles, a bit sadly, but it’s still a smile.

Harry finds himself being relieved that Lucas seems to be a good sport about this. And seemingly can put one and one together. Harry could’ve acted a bit more open mindedly about this whole situation, as he just minutes ago had promised himself he’d do, mind. But since he isn’t, there’s no point for Lucas to press. He’s not going to win this round.

“Look, I’m gonna move to another table. But-“ He throws out his arms and raises his eyebrows, in a silent question if they can hug.

Harry nods.

So, Lucas leans in and hugs him hard, and Harry hugs back, and it feels quite good and a little bit exciting. It was a long time ago he hugged a guy intimately, and even if this is no way near bordering on sexual, it’s stil nice with the feel.

Lucas whispers closely to Harry’s ear:

“I hope you – and Mia perhaps – will have time for some fun later instead.”

It’s kind of hot in a way, and without thinking Harry nods, remembering his promise to himself to keep the doors open.

“I’m definitely looking forward to that.” He deliberately makes his voice low and vibrant, physically feeling how Lucas shivers against him.

Although, he doesn’t know for sure where he stands in this, but he’s just going to go for it. Not let himself think so much.

Then Lucas’ hand comes up to caress Harry’s cheek, and he smiles at him, fondly.

“I like you a lot, Harry.”

And. Boy. This is weird but this is what happens at gatherings like this, right? Lucas looks at his lips, like he wants to kiss him, and Harry honestly wouldn’t say no, even if his mind is firmly set on Louis. The urge to finally taste the lips of a man is rather strong, and even if it would feel slightly strange to kiss left and right, he probably better just get used to it. Normal rules don’t apply, he needs to remember that.

The thought of kissing with someone who isn’t Mia, is kind of titillating. He hasn’t kissed a man for a very long time, and he decides to go for it.

It’s light and respectful, just slightly more than a friendly kiss, and it’s over before Harry knows it. Then Lucas stands up and leaves the table with a small wave.

Harry reflexively looks over in the direction of Mia, but she’s already in deep conversation with Oscar and another woman sitting at the other side of him. There’s no ambiguity when it comes to this, though. He and Mia are on the same page completely in regards of what they’re “allowed” to do with other people this weekend.

It's worse then, with Louis. He knows he’s being absolutely ridiculous here, but when he redirects his gaze to the bar, and meets eyes with Louis, where he stands waiting for Harry’s wine, he feels rather uncomfortable realising that he’s kissed Lucas right in front of him.

Though, judging by Louis’ predatory smile and eyes glued on Harry, he’s everything but uncomfortable. Rather, that kiss only seems like it has fuelled him on.

A competitor, to his fingertips. Taking what he wants.

Harry can’t help but to think that he'd love to be Louis' prey, wanting to succumb to his hunt straight away.


Chapter Text

Louis doesn’t recognise himself. Or he does, to some extent, but not completely. He has always enjoyed the chase of an attractive man at a swinger party, but he has never felt this competitive about it before.

Perhaps it’s because the attractive man in question happens to be the most attractive guy he’s ever seen in his whole life. Or perhaps it’s because he kind of wants to protect the unfamiliar feeling he gets when being around Harry, that feels so God damn good that he wants it to stay, no matter what.

Anyhow, he’s quite relieved that he managed to keep a somewhat cool head around that Lucas guy. And that he hasn’t embarrassed himself more than he already did. But damn it, the urge to punch that man off the chair next to Harry had been strong.

As said, he doesn’t recognise himself completely. He’s at a swinger club, they’ve only been here for half a day, and they haven’t even started to interact properly yet. Still, he doesn’t want anyone near Harry. Feels like he wants to send Lucas packing. Bloody hell, the guy has made it more than clear that he wants Harry, and for once Louis is kind of out of options. Because at a place like this, jealousy isn’t existing (shouldn’t, anyway, and everyone knows it). Sharing is caring, and an open mind taken for granted.  He has never had to grapple with things like this at swinger events before, and it’s kind of annoying.

Fuck. He’s so stupid. The way he already feels about Harry obviously is a problem and he’d be better off trying to cool it down.

But he wants him. Like, very much. Probably as much as he’s ever wanted anyone sexually, and he won’t stay away from him because of some cryptic feelings interfering with it all. Things like that can be dealt with afterwards, when getting back home, unwinding, analysing if needed, in the comfort of his and Oscar’s flat.

So far neither he nor Oscar has overstepped (between each other) at a swinger event. They’ve never had to come home afterwards, and deal with a sour taste or itchy feeling, about something that has taken place. And he’s not planning for that to happen this time around either. But. What is different is that he always tries to be honest with Oscar, about the guys he meets at those gatherings. Louis assumes that Oscar is too. Their jargon has always been a relaxed one, where they can comment on others, saying that someone is cute or sexy or even fuckable without it being such a big deal.

This time around, though, Louis isn’t so sure that he can speak his mind completely, because what he feels around Harry is weird, and he fears that this unusual twist may show if he talks too warmly with Oscar about him. It’s not like he’s doing anything wrong here, or is out of line, or deviate from their rules. He’ll just keep a bit of a low profile and tone it down, for the sake of domestic peace.

He’s here to have fun, to have sex, for crying out loud, and it’s not in his personality to hold back when he’s gotten his eyes on something he wants.

The dinner turned out to become an amazing one, at last. When he came back with Harry’s wine (and a glass of his own) the seat next to Harry was vacant, as expected. They had such a good time and the conversation between them went smooth. Even if the subjects were rather superficial, but they were it for a reason, and rightly so. It was him and Harry talking with each other, first and foremost, but the others around the table joined in from time to time.

God, Harry is such a blessing.

He’s like the sun himself; bedazzling and bright, and Louis can sit and watch him talk, or smile or eat for days on end if he was given the opportunity. Those eyes and lips are enchanting, the urge to kiss him growing stronger by the second. They could probably have kissed a long time ago, should they have just gone for it, but waiting – and flirting heavily – is a wonderful build-up, in Louis’ opinion.

By the time the dinner is over Louis can hardly take his eyes off him, and probably hasn’t for the past hour. Not even when he has taken bites of his food, and...yeah, call him creepy, but watching his mouth work is just something else. His perfect, puffy lips part, his inviting tongue peaks out as he puts the fork inside his mouth, and his jaw muscles clench sexily whilst chewing. Christ, that sequence is now forever etched on Louis’ mind.

He has got a good grasp of his body as well, which is (and Louis never thought anything else), one to kill for. Of course it is, what isn’t perfect with this man? He knows he’s going to see it without those clothes on later, and he doesn’t mean at the pool party. Which makes him impatient, he doesn’t want to wait any longer. They’ve beat about the bush enough, more than Louis normally can handle.

He stands up and resolutely takes Harry’s hand, silently asking him to come with. The dinner is over, and Beatrice has announced that the pool area is open and free drinks are to be obtained, both in the bar by the pool and in the cute one, right on the beach.

“Let’s go and find Mia and Oscar and get some nice drinks, shall we?” he suggests and Harry nods and smiles.

“Sounds like a very good idea.”

And suddenly, now feels like a very good time to kiss Harry for the first time. The urge, that’s been lingering for the whole dinner, is all of a sudden too strong to supress, and he squeezes Harry’s hand to get his attention, He can tell that Harry realises what he wants straight away, and even if he kind of knew that Harry is on board, it’s still a relief when he so easily leans into it, meeting half way. A relief, to realise that Harry wants, but also to finally have a taste of that alluring mouth that has teased him for so long now.

It's not like they’re putting on a PDA show, or anything, because people in general has started to loosen up and getting a lot more handsy with each other. The man and woman next to Louis hit it off already during dinner.

When their lips part, Louis has time to see that Harry kisses with his eyes closed. He seems to be the kind of person that gives a lot into everything he does, clearly including kissing as well. As simple as it was, the kiss was addictively good, and naturally, he wants to go again. But they’re on display, in the middle of the room, and since Harry seems to hesitate for a second, Louis rules against it. Hopefully there’ll be plenty of time to pick up on this soon.

Soon Oscar and Mia have left their table as well and meet up halfway in the dining room. Oscar has his arm around Mia’s shoulders and Louis can tell that Harry searches for his wife’s gaze, surely to check how she’s doing with everything. It is their first time at an event like this, Louis can’t blame him.

“Hey!” Louis greets them rather loudly and doesn’t expect anything but when his boyfriend leans in and gives him a big fat kiss on his mouth.

He likes to show the world who Louis belongs to, and, yeah, Louis normally likes that.

Harry looks a bit lost for what to do and Louis quickly parts their hands and puts his arm around his waist instead, in a reassuring gesture. It seems to make Harry relax a bit and puts the smile back on his lips.

“Let’s go and grab some drinks.” Mia suddenly says, raising an inviting eyebrow at Harry.

Louis can tell that this is her code language for being fine and wanting to continue the evening with Oscar. And to his delight, Harry actually turns his head and looks at Louis, as if to check if it’s ok with him. God, he’s the cutest, Louis honestly wants to devour him in one piece.

“Good idea.” Louis says instead, exchanging a quick look with Oscar.

“Yeah, good idea, let’s go get something delicious.” Oscar adds, and they’re just such a well-oiled old couple sometimes.

They chose to head to the cute beach bar, since most of the group seem to have gone for the one by the pool, currently being a bit crowded.

“Why don’t you and Mia sit down and me and Harry go and order the drinks?” Oscar suggests and even if it itches in Louis to keep close to Harry, he knows this is the right way to go about it.

Oscar keeps his feet on the ground. Louis trusts him blindly to guide them right when Louis gets a bit overly excited about things. When, because it always tends to happen with him in one way or the other, and especially so with Harry.

So, Louis sits down on one of the sunbeds, the parasol still upfolded, although the sun has disappeared some time ago. It’s heartachingly beautiful with the beach and the ocean and Louis suddenly feels a bit overwhelmed.

Mia follows suit and sits down on the sunbed next to him. To his surprise she speaks up quite immediately, apparently not so much the timid person he thought she might be, from what he’s seen so far.

“Did you have a good time at dinner?” She asks, looking at him curiously and kindly.

“Yeah, yeah. Definitely. Your husband is-” He weighs his words. “-very sympathetic.”

“So is yours.”

“Boyfriend.” Louis laughs briefly. “But yeah. He is.” He bites his lip, hoping that he won’t come off too pushy when thinking about what he’s planning to say next.

They’re at a swinger gathering after all and he reckons that now is as good a time to get things going as any.

“And hot. Harry’s really hot.”

She looks out over the darkening water, calm waves rolling in over the beach, nodding slowly as a small smile play over her lips.

“You’re fine with sharing him for a bit tonight?” Louis continues, quite frankly not sure what he’d do if she said no.

“Yeah, that’s what we’re here for, right?” She turns her head and meets his eyes again, and Louis still can’t detect anything but curiousness and kindness. “What about you? Have you shared your boyfriend before?“

“Uhm. I have. may be a bit strange the first time, but it’s also a great kick. Can be sexy as hell.” Louis breaths out. “As long as you trust each other.”

Narrowing her eyes she squints at him thoughtfully.

“Oscar told me you’ve been to quite a few events like this one, and that you prefer to be with guys. How would that work if...yeah, you know, if the four of us...” She lets him think of the end of the sentence for himself, sounding a bit insecure for the first time.

He’s actually grateful for her being this forward and fearless, bringing up the question that needs to be brought up sooner or later.

It’s a really good idea to sort that bit out before getting things started, he’s impressed and likes her personality.

“I’m gay, but I’m not scared of women, be so sure.” He says with a truthful, cheeky smile. “I mean, me and Oscar are open minded and feel comfortable with a lot of things. If you and Harry have anything particular in mind you’d want to do, I’m actually quite sure Oscar and I would be game too.” He winks, trying to make this easy. “With that said, I’m primarily interested in being with Harry, very interested, but there’s nothing stopping us from being in the same room, just swapping partners? How do you feel about that?”

She bites her lip to stifle an abashed smile.

“You know, I’ve never seen Harry with anyone else before. And we’ve been together for fifteen years, so, yeah...I feel a bit rusty about the whole thing.”

Keeping his face, but internally making kind of a happy dance, Louis nods understandingly.

“Don’t worry. It’ll all fall into place once we get going.”

She blushes, and he can’t help but bump her arm a bit playfully.

“Come on, that’s what we’re here for, isn’t that what you just said?”

“Yeah.” She agrees, turning her head to look at Harry and Oscar chatting away at the bar, whilst waiting for their drinks. “I’m just a bit conscious with an audience the first time I try this swapping thing.”

And for the first time Louis realises that he and Mia actually may be on the same page here, and that he, ruthlessly, could steer her in a direction where she actually helps him get his own, slightly hidden, agenda in place.

“I totally understand that. Sometimes it’s best to just do a bit of exploring in private, to get the hang of things in peace, you know.”

Still looking at Harry and Oscar at the bar, she nods, a bit more enthusiastically now.

“That’s exactly what I thought, too, that justified, like morally?”

And kill him for being a fucking snake, but by now he’s sure she wants to be alone with Oscar – at least for their first time – and he’s just not going to let up on the opportunity to end up exactly where he’s wanted the whole time: alone with Harry.

So, obviously, “Of course it is.” is what he says. “The four of us can, for example, agree on swapping partners and spending a little time in private, and then we could meet up and hang out together, or just go and do other things.”

He tries to not come across too eager about his own suggestions, but God knows he loves how this seemingly is turning out.

She watches him intently and then sighs, a bit defeatedly, but definitely in agreement.

“That’s actually exactly how I hoped it would be.”


Louis can’t help but feeling a tingle run down his spine because this is exactly how he hoped it would be too. Good God, is he really going to be spending some time alone with Harry? And very soon at that?

A thought hits him like a lightning from above. From what he’s gathered, talking with her, he’s actually pretty sure that Mia and Harry’s sex life isn’t exactly thriving. Moreover, she is probably more or less bored of having sex with her husband. And the thought seems so dizzying and impossible that he can hardly think it through. How is that even possible with a man like Harry? However, he really can’t judge. He has no credibility whatsoever to do so in that area, having grown tired of his fair share of boyfriends before Oscar, for no apparent reason at all.

“Right. So perhaps we can suggest this to Harry and Oscar when they come back and we’ll see how they feel about it?” Louis is actually so sure that Oscar will be on board that he already sees it as a done deal.

Because if he’s sure about Oscar’s take on this, he’s even surer about Harry’s. He doesn’t even know him that well yet, but he’s still very convinced that he’ll be as chuffed about this turn of events as he is.

Throwing a quick glance in the direction of the bar, Louis finds himself wishing for the two men to come back. He really wants to get this party started now, especially after his and Mia’s talk.

Oscar is scooping up two glasses in each hand, whilst Harry is carrying two small bowls, probably containing crisps or nuts, or something.

“You said you’re not scared of women and that you’d be game for pretty much anything...” Mia suddenly whispers a bit cheekily next to him, both having their eyes trained on the boys approaching them. “If it was the four of us, and I wanted it, would you actually sleep with me?”

He didn’t see that question coming with this little time left before Oscar and Harry are back, and he barks out a quick, surprised laugh.

“If you for some reason needed me – already having two stunningly sexy blokes in bed with you, mind – I’d sleep with you. It’s part of the game. It’d be fun. But I’m quite sure I wouldn’t feel it, the way I’d do with a bloke, if you know what I mean.”

“Feel it how? How would you know you’d feel it with Harry, for example?”

Her question may be posed a bit naïvely, but Louis won’t be fooled. She’s fishing, and he’ll give her something, but certainly not the truth, that much he knows. Because, the truth is, her husband happens to be the reincarnation of the man of Louis’ fucking dreams, that’s why.

The thought about Harry being some sort of perfect man stirs up so much within Louis. It was a long time ago he made peace with himself and came to the conclusion that he’ll never meet the man of his dreams – because that’s only fabricated bullshit. And he’ll never experience or feel real love – because that’s fabricated bullshit too.

Now, having his mind deceiving him like this, making him believe that Harry could be the closest he’ll ever get to all of that bullshit, is actually exhausting. It’s probably better to just go with it and not think too much.

In the same moment, Oscar and Harry return, and when they put down the drinks on the small side table, next to the sunbeds, Louis’ and Harry’s gazes meet.

It’s like a lock clicking into place, and the key being thrown away. They’re stuck in each other’s eyes, and it’s almost ridiculous how affected Louis gets by just being this close to him, completely drawn in by his intense, deep gaze. And he can tell Harry is going through pretty much the same realisation.

“Trust me. I just know.” Louis half chokes out, half whispers, as a late reply to Mia’s question.

But it’s Harry he tells it to, Mia long forgotten.


Chapter 7


It's getting a bit dirty...but it was inevitable, right?

Chapter Text

They end up staying where they are for a couple of drinks, talking and having a nice time. Harry notices, to his thinly veiled delight, how Louis and Oscar throw in some raunchy subjects to the discussion, surely very purposefully adding to the build-up. It’s not like neither Harry, nor Mia, normally are prude in anyway. Rather, Harry thinks that they’re holding each other back, to some extent, due to the new situation and how they don’t know how to behave in it. None of them are used to dirty talk, for example, and it feels awkwardly misplaced to, now all of a sudden, starting to throw around words that honestly only make them blush.

The alcohol and time make them both loosen up a bit, though, and all four of them get a bit handsy. It’s alluring to think that sexy things are going to happen between them later, he just doesn’t know what, or how.

After a while Oscar stands up from where he’s been sitting on Louis’ sunbed and walks over to Harry and Mia’s, squeezing Harry’s shoulder from where he stands next to him. Then he nods in the direction of the now empty space next to Louis.

Finally, is the only word that comes to Harry’s mind, and he doesn’t hesitate for a second when he stands up and moves over to where Louis sits. Louis smiles widely at him and takes his hand when he’s close enough, pulling him down to squeeze in next to him. Keeping their fingers entangled, Louis takes their joined hands to his mouth and kisses Harry’s knuckles, one by one.

Harry watches him, mesmerized. They have kissed, once, and it was awesome. He wants to do it again, but he’s not sure when the time is right. As if Louis reads his thoughts, he tilts his head slightly and fixates him with his eyes, Harry feeling every single hair on his body stand up.

“Do it.” Louis whispers teasingly, quietly, only for Harry’s ears, whilst kissing the last one of his knuckles.

“What.” Harry says, knowing exactly what he means, though.

On the other sunbed Oscar has made himself comfortable behind Mia. He’s leaning against the backrest, Mia resting with her back towards his chest, in between his legs. His hands are clasped over her stomach, just below her breasts, and it sure looks cosy. As they talk, she turns her head to look up at him, and they kiss.

Feeling strangely relieved seeing that – because Harry choses to interpret it as sort of a go-ahead to snog – Harry redirects his gaze to Louis and tilts his own head, pouting slightly with his lips.

“Kiss me.” Louis whispers thickly, and their smiles slowly fade, all focus on each other’s mouths now.

Harry slowly slides his hand around Louis’ neck and grabs his hair, pushing him firmly towards himself.

Louis doesn’t put up any resistance, and this time they kiss for real. Like, for fucking real-real, tongues and all, and Harry feels himself go dizzy and hard at the same time. The urge to kind of entangle his whole body with Louis’ is strong, but he stays where he lies next to him, although pushing his other hand into his hair as well.

Louis arms have come around Harry’s waist, and his hands squeezes his sides wonderfully. Then Louis smoothly turns a bit more on his side and the front of their bodies press against each other for the first time. Harry thinks that he feels fit and soft at the same time, definitely something he wants to explore more. When their bulges suddenly press against each other they both let out a choked moan into the kiss, followed by a soft chuckle.

Then Louis grabs the back of Harry’s neck too, almost a bit desperately, and firmly pushes him harder into the kiss. A few moments later they need to breath, finally letting go, panting restrainedly.

Another few couples have found their way down to the beach as well now, and suddenly Harry hears one woman declare:

“It’s ten o’clock! Time for the pool party!”

Oscar and Mia look up a bit hazily from their snog, and they all sort of come back to reality.

“Hold your thought.” Louis whispers into Harry’s hair before he moves to sit up on the sunbed, smiling against Oscar and Mia. “How are you doing over there? Ready for some partying?!”

“And you yours.” Harry replies cheekily, as he sits up too, discretely adjusting himself in his tight, light blue jeans shorts.

“Don’t worry about the hard-on-“ Louis says unnecessarily loudly, with the clear intention to embarrass Harry. “-you’re going to see more hard-ons than not, in a bit.” Louis winks playfully, and fuck him, Harry won’t let him win this one that easily.

“Oh, I’m not worrying, looking forward to it, would be a more accurate description.” He winks back, and oh, there comes that look in Louis eyes again, the one that gives Harry goosebumps from head to toe.

Louis doesn’t have to say a word, Harry can still see and feel Louis’ demeanour change into a competitive and possessive one, the one that Harry loved being the subject of earlier, and absolutely craves to be the subject of now.

Mia giggles as she stands up and Harry realises that he forgets to pay her attention when Louis is around, which is bad, and he blames the not so typical situation he currently finds himself in.

He reaches forward and touches her arm, getting her attention.

“You ok?” He asks and she nods, lips kissed puffy, arousal clear in her eyes. He hasn’t seen that look in her eyes for...ages.

“You?” She asks back, and he can tell it’s dutifully, not really interested right now.

He certainly can’t blame her; a lot of other things are filling up their heads right now. And he honestly thinks that’s good. He wants her to be hooked on Oscar, because that would give him some more freedom and space with Louis. It’s all fucked up, but in a strangely amazing way.

Oscar and Mia stroll a bit ahead of them, and since Louis stops them to kiss every other step, they fall further and further behind. And Harry couldn’t complain if he so had a knife against his throat. He feels happy, in a strange way, and so extremely, incredibly, utterly, anticipating.

When they get to the pool area Oscar and Mia are already in the water, talking with a couple of others in the corner of the bigger pool, drinks already in their hands. They don’t even look in Harry’s and Louis’ way and Harry pulls softly on Louis wrist, stopping him and nodding at the jacuzzi instead.

“You wanna get in there?”

Louis smiles and shrugs, ridding himself of his button up in a swift motion.

“Yeah, looks nice.”

Louis isn’t looking at the jacuzzi, though, but on Harry, and it’s a great feeling having his undivided attention. He can’t help but wonder how long it’s going to be like this, though, and for how long he’ll be the subject for Louis’ sole focus. But he also wonders how it’ll feel once Louis gets his eyes on someone else.

The thought makes his stomach clench, and he forces it out of his head. Because this is his problem, always analysing things one step too far. He should stay here and now, in the moment, and enjoy. What comes later, he can’t control anyway. Worrying about something unknown is right out stupid and only blurs the good feeling of the present.

“Got my swimming trunks up in my room.” Harry mumbles and watches as Louis stumbles out of his jeans.

“Good to know.” Louis says, cheekily, now standing only in his pair of black, tight briefs – and Harry's brain almost stops to function.

He’s gorgeous. Even more so now, with less clothes on. God, his body! It looks so...perfect. Lean and toned, and he’s got quite the few, sexy tattoos scattered randomly over his upper body. The tone of his skin is golden, tanned from the sun, looking so, so smooth.

“What?” Harry laughs a bit bewildered, honestly not following.

“Harry.” Louis deadpans and when Harry still doesn’t follow, he pulls him in for a hug, looking at him so tenderly. “Baby, you’re the absolute cutest.”

Ok. Harry likes to hear Louis say things like that, but it doesn’t help him understand more what the hell he’s doing wrong here.

Finally, Louis decides to have mercy on him and goes:

“I’m gonna go au naturel.” He’s faking a French accent. “I think you should too.”

Oh. Oh.

He gets it now.

Apparently, Louis thinks his inexperience with these kinds of things is cute, if the fond smile following is anything to go by.

He’s honest when saying that he thought Beatrice’s suggestion earlier was a joke, but when his gaze drops to the people already in the jacuzzi, he realises that he would’ve been the odd one out with trunks.

Fucking hell, embarrassing is what this is, but he’s a fast learner.

It’s not like he’d be shy about stripping off, he’s actually very comfortable being naked. Perhaps he’s not that used to parade around in front of strangers, but this isn’t ordinary strangers either.

“Right.” Harry mumbles, playing a bit abashed to get Louis’ sympathy, but really can’t wait to get out of his clothes too. “Thanks for setting me straight, mister Experience.”

Louis doesn’t reply and just pulls down his briefs and steps out of them.

Harry just about gets a half look of his heavy cock hanging between his legs, before he sinks down into the hot water.

“Damn...” Harry mumbles, quickly gripping his shirt between his shoulder blades and pulls it over his head.

As he unbuttons his jeans and rids himself of them, he feels Louis’ eyes seek him out, and tries not to be conscious and nervous about it. Instead, he puts his fingers inside the hem of his briefs and slowly pushes them down, his dick bobbing around a bit since he’s definitely not fully soft.  

Soon he steps down in the jacuzzi as well, and for the first time he acknowledges that there are others there, all smiling welcomingly at him.

Louis has made place for him next to him, and as soon as his ass has landed on the underwater seat, Louis’ hand is on his thigh. High up.

Someone says something, apparently trying to start a conversation, but Harry already knows that he won’t participate in it and therefore doesn’t bother to give it any attention. He’s far too occupied with the sensation of Louis’ hand close to his fucking cock, to do anything but remembering how to breath as well as not worrying about getting hard, naked in a pool with complete strangers.

One couple, that Harry knows also came here as a couple, are already getting it on. The girl has straddled her boy’s lap and is grinding down on him, already moaning softly. Harry’s thoughts wander briefly to Mia, but he doesn’t feel anything in particular. He knows she’s fine with Oscar, and as for himself, he’s having the fucking time of his life.

They are more sensing than watching the couple’s fore play, and it turns Harry on, making him want more of Louis’ hands.

When he turns to look at him, he’s already watching Harry from the side, biting his lower lip seductively and with a raised eyebrow. Harry’s not sure what his wordless question is, but nods anyway. Because he wants anything, to be honest. Louis can suggest or do anything, and Harry will be game.

With their eyes connected Louis squeezes Harry’s thigh once, before his hand slides upwards, and curls around Harry’s cock.

“Fuck...” Harry breaths out, eyes widening slightly.

Louis stares at him, intently,

“Yeah, fuck...” Louis whispers back, almost devoutly, his hand slowly starting to move.

He strokes him, agonisingly slowly, and Harry closes his eyes and leans his head against the backrest of the jacuzzi. He’s doing his utmost to stifle the sounds desperately wanting to escape his mouth, but it’s hard.

It almost drives Harry crazy, Louis is obviously teasing, and Harry needs more.

“You good there, babe?”

Harry feels Louis’ hot breath against his ear and nods, slowly opening his eyes again and almost expect everyone in the jacuzzi to be staring at him, but they aren’t. They’re occupied with their own things, most of them who are in the tub now engaged in various sexual activities. There’s one guy, though, on Louis’ other side, who aren’t exactly watching them, but rather looking down in the water, where Louis’ hand is moving.

Harry may have an exhibitionistic side to himself, but he’s never lived it out, until now, which means he’s never had sex in front of anyone else. So, as much as it’s a huge thrill, it’s also nerve wracking. He has thought about public sex many times in his life, but as he’s kind of living it right now, he realises that it sure takes some guts to actually go through with it. Yet here he is, a guy he’s known for half a day pulling him off in the middle of a cramped jacuzzi, for anyone to see.

A small party of three people suddenly stand up to leave the pool. They’ve been rather cosy with each other for a while now, and Harry hears one of the girls mumble, “Let’s go and get a room.” Louis’ hand on him is so good that he hardly can think straight, but he still wonders if that’s what he and Louis will be doing later as well. He wouldn’t mind – quite the opposite to be frank.

“You feel amazing.” Louis whispers hotly against his ear, and then nibbles at Harry’s wet shoulder.

“Your hand feels amazing...” Harry replies and blindly searches for Louis’ body under water, wanting to find something to hold on to.

He hisses as Louis grip tightens slightly.

“I’m just gonna tease you now, ok?” Louis mumbles lowly, his voice so sexy that Harry is close to ask him to please don’t stop talking. “You cannot come in the pool, alright?” Louis checks, and even if Harry is nodding, he secretly curses that stupid, stupid rule.

It would’ve been bloody fantastic to come in Louis hand, right now.

“However, perhaps...” Louis mouth continues to kiss lightly over Harry’s shoulder and neck. “...we could...”

Harry stifles an impatient moan by sucking in his lips but can’t help to reflexively thrust up into Louis hand.

“What?” He whispers, arousal and impatience clear in his voice. “What?!”

“...go to a room?”

Staring straight up in the dark night sky, Harry fights to stay on the right side of his orgasm, at the same time as Louis’ words send another tingle rushing through his veins almost violently.

The situation is so hot, Louis is so fucking hot, that apparently a soft, languid hand job is almost doing it for him.

“Yeah, fuck, let’s go.” Harry decides and uses all the willpower he’s got left, to move out of Louis’ grip.

There’s no way he’s going to be able to control himself continuing like this.

And since they’re not allowed any fluids in the pools...well. He lets out a deep breath and mumbles: “What about Mia and Oscar?”

“Yeah. About that. We never finished that discussion earlier but...I’m positive that they’re fine. They’re having fun as well and we can hook up with them after I’m done with you...”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Harry wants to know, as he slowly slides along the underwater seat, towards the small ladder.

“That Mia is fine with being alone with Oscar, and with you being alone with me. And Oscar and I already know where we have each other in this.”

Harry turns his head and stretches his neck, but still can’t see them from where they sit. Being so engulfed by Louis, Harry has forgotten about the world around him and he has no idea when Oscar and Mia sneaked away. Did Mia watch him getting wanked? Enjoying himself?

“I want to be alone with you.” Harry confesses and Louis slides after him through the water.

“I know.” Louis answers easily and curls his arms around Harry’s chest from behind, kissing him in his neck. “And we will.”

Louis bypasses the ladder and heaves himself up from the jacuzzi and grabs two fluffy hotel towels from a nearby shelf. This time Harry’s prepared, and his eyes quicker, which rewards him with a couple of seconds of full view of Louis gorgeous body.

Left with a slightly hanging jaw and admiration in his eye, Harry soon gets his act together and accepts the towel Louis is holding out for him. He gets out of the jacuzzi but can’t stop thinking about how hard Louis’ cock had been, and probably still is under that towel. Like that kind of hard that feels extra amazing inside. It was a long time ago, but Harry remembers how different it could feel. He’s a very decent size as well, which intrigues Harry immensely. Sue him, but he could argue that he’s kind of starved for dicks, and right now he feels a little bit like a five-year-old in a candy shop.

As Harry starts to walk, eager to get going, someone steps down in the jacuzzi, and Harry recognises him immediately. It’s Lucas, the guy he sat with at dinner – before Louis came and took his place.

“Lucas.” He greets, smiling to be nice.

Because Lucas was nice, it was just that Louis was nicer.

“Harry!” Lucas smiles back, hurrying down in the hot water, but seemingly recognising Harry straight away.

Letting out a content sigh when he sits down and the hot water engulfs him, he adds: “What a nice surprise, don’t go?”

“I’m actually on my way, but let’s meet up later at some point?”

He’s actually not deceiving him; he’s counting on meeting up with him at a later occasion. When Louis has moved on. Because he will, and Harry needs to remember this and keep his doors open. Harry is not planning on standing on the sideline watching Louis playing his way through the weekend.

“Would love that. But where are you going? It’s pool party time, stay. Please, Harry.”

Someone clears their throat behind them and Harry, who was just about to answer Lucas, closes it again.

“You coming, babe?” Louis says, loud and clear, and Lucas’ head snaps in his direction.

“Oh. Louis.”

Lucas is not using his happy voice.

“Hi you.” Louis says in a measured tone, smiling, but Harry would be blind not to see the fakeness of it.

It’s far from reaching his eyes, hell, it hardly goes beyond his lips.

“Ok.” Lucas quickly ignores Louis and fixates Harry with his eyes. “See you later then, Harry.”

“Yeah, see you later.” Harry replies, and he’s actually quite relieved to leave.

Louis and Lucas are both behaving ridiculously around each other, at least when Harry’s present, and he isn’t particularly keen on being part of that farce.

Louis hand finds a place on Harry’s lower back, and gently guides them over the pool deck. They get a better view of the big pool, but Mia and Oscar still can’t be seen.

“They seem to have left.” Louis observes and wants to keep going, pushing softly on Harry’s lower back.

“Where to?” Harry asks, suddenly feeling a bit on his toes.

Perhaps he has double standards here, but he’s a bit surprised that she just took off, without saying anything.

At least this first night.

Louis pouts cutely.

“To a room?”

“You’re ok with that?” Harry blurts out, suddenly unsure where he himself stands in all this.

It’s just that he and Mia hasn’t really agreed on something, and he really would have liked for them to have done that, to be honest. Louis says that she has said things to him, that she prefers for them to separate for this first time, but he hasn’t heard her say it yet.

“Yeah?” Louis sounds like he’s losing the plot.

“It’s just...”

Stopping and looking at Harry softly, Louis touches his arm.

“Hey... Harry. It’s ok. You love each other. Trust each other. Are you...getting cold feet?”

No. He is not. He’s just confused.

“There you are!” Oscar exclaims excitedly, a drink in each hand and a towel around his hips, coming up by their side. “We were just gonna have another drink and sit in that comfy lounge sofa over there.”

Mia is right behind him, looking happy as well.

Harry lets out a deep breath, immediately feeling calm again.

“Hi babe.” Harry says, taking a step towards her. “You ok?”

“Yeah!” She giggles, coming off as a bit tipsy. “You?”

Taking a step to the side, isolating them a little bit, he says:

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. It’s just...are you ok with me going with Louis for a while? Just the two of us?” He just needs to get it out there, he needs an answer.

She touches his hand, smiling.

“Yes, Harry. I am.” She sounds sincere. “Are you comfortable doing that?”

Having no doubts whatsoever, he nods.

“And are you ok with me going with Oscar in the same way?”

He nods again, because he is.

It’s surprising how well this has played out so far, and Harry hopes it’s a sign that the swinger concept actually is working for them.

“Have you done anything more than kissing?” She asks, a playful spark in her eyes now, and Harry almost breaths a sigh of relief.

“Yeah.” He says truthfully, shrugging. “He touched me in the jacuzzi. We’re planning on...continuing it somewhere.”

“Dirty!” She laughs briefly and Harry honestly wonders how it can feel so easy to talk about this with his own wife.

It’s good that he can, don’t get him wrong, but it’s also slightly confusing.

“We’ve been a bit handsy as well.” She confides.

Well, Harry didn’t think anything else, and he’s glad for her sake, she seems content.

Then Louis carefully comes and stands next to Harry again, without saying anything, though. Harry and Mia exchange a quick look and then she raises her hand in a wave.

“Have fun. See you later.”

They kiss, a quick peck on the lips, and before Harry knows it, he’s on his way, Louis right behind him. When they’ve almost reached the door leading into the hotel, Louis grabs Harry’s hand and squeezes it hard.

They both start to walk a bit faster, their impatience growing bigger by the second. By the end of it, they're almost running through the hotel, giggling at their own silly desperation


Chapter 8


It's getting hot in there.

Chapter Text

Louis doesn’t let go of Harry’s hand once, not even when they sort of have to push themselves through a few narrow door frames inside the hotel, to get to the corridor next to the dining room.

The hotel is rather empty, seemingly most people still out by the pool. When they get to the corridor, though, there’s one other couple standing at the small table, with key cards on display on top of it. All the guests in the swinger group have their rooms on the second floor. Here, on the first floor, are the rooms that are up for grabs for those who wants to be in private for a while. Louis is familiar with the concept, although the arrangements often differ a bit from place to place, also depending on the composition of the group.

This specific group is a mixed, mature group, and the description of the event is: “For those of you who are around forty years old, bi or gay, open minded, curious and trusting.”

This specific composition appeals the most to both of them, especially when Oscar has made it clear that he’s up for some swinging both ways. But Louis also likes it a lot. He likes the dynamic between the different orientations, it’s better than swinger parties for gays only, in their opinion.

And right now, Louis is more than grateful that they had chosen a mixed event, or he’d never met Harry. Harry, apparently a bi family father, but from what Louis has seen so far, he seems to be pretty hard into men.

“There’re still quite many vacant rooms.” The woman comments, smiling at Louis and Harry as they come up next to them.

The man picks up a card and takes the woman’s hand, starting to walk down the corridor.

Louis gives Harry a quick look, to make sure that he still looks game. He does, smiling rather darkly, whilst his eyes eagerly swipe over the table.

“Take number 111, that’s a cool number.” Harry squeezes Louis’ hand for emphasis.

Obviously, Louis reaches out and picks up key card number 111, and squeezes Harry’s hand back.

They’re impatient, honestly just wanting to get to the room, and close the door behind them. Louis can understand that Harry wants privacy, it’s his first time at an event like this, and he probably needs to be somewhat phased into it, to be able to relax completely in front of others. Also, Harry hasn’t been with another man in fifteen years, if he remembers correctly, and had the roles been the reversed Louis would’ve wanted privacy too.

What is more difficult to understand, though, is his own feelings about wanting to be alone with Harry. Normally, when going to a swingers’ party, Louis is quite exhibitionistic and wants to watch and be watched. That’s sort of part of it. Usually, it doesn’t really matter if it’s with Oscar or a completely unknown guy, he has no qualms about having sex in public (within the swingers’ community), and no problems in being relaxed and being able to perform in front others.

Right now, though – and this is the first time he’s felt like this, to be completely honest – he wants the privacy, craves it almost, because he wants Harry for himself. He wants to explore him, and them together, when they’re both relaxed and ready. And sorry, but he just doesn’t think that Harry could be just that in front of others his first night here. Even if it’s only his own wife and Louis’ boyfriend. It’s wrong to assume, and he’s normally no fan of prejudices, but he feels quite strongly that he’d like the conditions to be as good as possible. What if this is going to be his only time with Harry? Harry is new to swinger events, of course he would want to play around. So...Louis wants this to be good.

Once inside, Louis puts the card in the switch, just inside the door, which triggers a lamp to come on further inside the room. It’s a cosy light from a bedside lamp, but it’s still quite dark where they stand in the hallway.

He hears Harry close and lock the door behind them. Turning around to him, Louis immediately reaches for his towel and loosens it, letting it fall to the floor. He’s sporting a semi, and it’s kind of beautiful, he can’t describe it in any other way. How can a dick even be good-looking, it’s ridiculous, but it’s just so...perfect. Mouthwatering would be another accurate description of it.

He’s seen it through the water, and felt it, but knowing that he finally will get to have it, in all its glory, is such a satisfying feeling.

Loosening his own towel as well, letting it drop to the floor, he reaches for Harry’s cock. Tentatively at first, kind of weighing it in his hand, before he curls his fingers around it. The eye contact is intense, Harry staring at him with a look of both arousal and expectancy, and when Louis gives him a slow stroke and thumbs over the head, Harry lets out the most beautiful of gasps.

It ignites his own arousal even more, and he feels that his own patience is wearing thin. Thankfully, Harry seems to be in the same state, slowly having started to move backwards, careful not to lose Louis’ hand on him.

When the back of Harry’s legs hit the bed, they finally crash into each other. Warm, firm bodies entangle at the same time as their mouths meet in an urgent, passionate kiss. Louis hands roams Harry’s body, everywhere, wanting to touch and feel, but finally lands to rest on his ass cheeks, squeezing them tightly.

Soon Harry’s hand sneaks in between them and grips Louis’ cock, and then he takes his own as well, and starts to stroke them together.

“Jesus, Harry, that-“ Louis chokes on his words because this...this is fucking amazing! “-oh my God this is so good...” He hears himself moaning shamelessly now, not holding back at all.

He loves to let go like this.

Steadying himself with his arm around Harry’s neck, he drops his head backwards, knees feeling like jelly. He realises that he almost hangs off from Harry now, but Harry doesn’t bat an eye and instead places his other arm around Louis’ waist to keep him upright. As he ups the tempo, Louis seriously worries about his own stamina. If Harry keeps this up, Louis won’t last many seconds. But he won’t interfere, he’s going to let Harry do this as he wants. If he comes embarrassingly fast, so be it.

Their cocks feel wonderful against each other, and they fit so well together in Harry’s hand. He’s working them almost aggressively now, and if Louis is loud, Harry isn’t far behind. Louis loves Harry being so uninhibited, and this is exactly what he wanted to achieve by being with him alone, and in private. Exactly this.

But he is so fucking close now, and if he had let go completely, he would’ve come a long time ago. He doesn’t want that, though. He wants to hang in there for a little bit more, because Harry does. And he doesn’t want it to end already. Sure, they can go again, but this magic moment would be broken, and even if he’s desperate for release, he’s not ready for a pause right now.

In an attempt to distract himself for a bit, he comes back up with his head – and is immediately met by Harry’s lips on his. And he’s so hard and close it’s ridiculous, and...

...that’s when Harry suddenly loosens his grip on them, somehow sensing that it’s either that or Louis will come and sits down on the bed. Spreading his legs, he pulls Louis in between them, immediately diving down and nosing along the length of his cock. Louis is honestly starting to lose it for real now, and all he can think about is that he needs to be inside that mouth of Harry’s.

“Jesus, Harry, I’ve wanted you since I first saw you across that dining room...” Louis confesses, almost deliriously, staring down at where Harry’s plump, parted lips slide up and down over him.

“And I you.” Harry breaths warmly against his head, giving it a lick and making Louis dick shudder noticeably. “Can I?” Another lick, and yes please.

Then he’s inside, being sucked hard, and he mesmerisingly watches Harry’s cheeks hollow in every drag. More and more of him disappears inside his mouth in every suck, until his nose bobs against his crotch.

Ok. This is...good. His mind’s a mushy mess but he still manages to rate this as a once in a lifetime blowjob. For sure. It’s a fucking experience, and he just can’t believe that this is the first time Harry does this in fifteen years. Rather, he’s blowing him as if it’s job.

Soon he grabs Harry’s hair in desperation, silently giving him a heads-up, because he can’t get a word out. Harry looks up at him, acknowledging his warning, but keeps on going.

Fine. So this is how Harry choses for him to come his first time with him – and now he doesn’t want to hold back anymore, he needs this one desperately.

When the orgasm hits him, it’s almost violent, and his hands in Harry’s hair tighten, without him being able to do anything about it. He’s probably hurting Harry like hell, but if he does, Harry takes it on the chin and keeps sucking him through it, not missing a beat. Louis releases deep down his throat, whilst letting out a long, drawn-out cry. And Harry is no worse and moans obscenely, swallowing Louis’ load and licking his lips afterwards as if it’s candy.

When Harry pops off him, he grabs Louis by his hand instead, giving him one slow, hard pull and milks out the last drops of come, licking them up too. It has become very clear to Louis that Harry is the kind of lover that enjoys investing in sex, and it’s thrilling to say the least. That’s Louis favourite kind of lover.

“You’re unreal...” Louis whispers, massaging Harry’s head tenderly, wanting to make amends for his rough treatment of him earlier. “Hands down the best I’ve ever been blown in my life...” He doesn’t have to say that, but he wants to.

And it’s true. In the euphoric sex haze he’s still in, he catches himself thinking that he could settle for having sex only with Harry for the rest of his life.

But that he doesn’t say.

What is extremely tantalising about it all, is that they haven’t even fucked yet. The thought is mind blowing, because if this taster is anything to go by, Louis wouldn’t want to miss out on the real deal for anything in the world. To be completely clear: he rather dies than let Harry go, without having had him all the way.

Harry smiles and licks the corners of his mouth, looking like the devil himself. He’s still in the middle of his own arousal, the look in his eyes screaming of want and lust. And Louis, honest to God, could go again. He may just have been blessed with the orgasm of his fucking life, but he’s got no doubts that, with Harry’s help, he’d be back in the saddle in no time.

However. He’s had his fair share for now, it’s time to focus on Harry. And it’s not like it’s a duty, for that matter. Louis has longed for this part the whole evening, where he finally gets to sink his teeth into him and devour him whole.

And, with Harry comes a quite unfamiliar feeling of wanting to outcompete. Not that there’s anyone in particularly he’s thinking of, but he wants to be the best for him. Definitely during this weekend, but also someone he’ll remember. The thoughts are confusing, but as he’s done all the time before this, he pushes it all to the back of his head. There’s too much beauty to concentrate on in front of him.

Dropping to his knees, he sits down between Harry’s spread legs, and slowly, seductively pushes his thighs further apart.

“You want my mouth?” He whispers, and leans in against his straining cock and balls, pressing his cheek against them in a doting way. “Or anything else you prefer?”

“No. Would love that.” Harry’s voice has dropped considerably.

Louis is so very convinced that no one personifies Eros better than he does.

Jesus, Louis, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever met...”

It comes so effortlessly that Louis almost freezes, it hits him right in his guts. Because he wants to hear those words so much that it scares him.

He wants Harry to worship him the way he worships him.

Chapter 9


Something is developing between them...

Chapter Text

Harry can’t believe how good it’s been with Louis so far. Would Louis want to continue what they’ve started, say, tomorrow, Harry wouldn’t hesitate. Not for a single second.

However, as it is now, he’s hesitant about taking own initiative. His ground confidence is good, but he’s never been to a swinger party before and – as he’s assumed all along – Louis has surely planned to play around. He has been to those swinger things many times and he’s learnt what he wants to get out of a weekend like this. And the last thing Harry wants to do is making a fool out of himself, coming off as a clingy stumbling block.

No, it needs to be Louis who takes the next initiative, if things are going to continue beyond those amazing blowjobs they’ve just exchanged. The fact that he’s happened to grow quite fond of him, during half a day, isn’t enough.

When walking out of room 111 an hour later, it’s because Louis had received a text from Oscar, and not because they’d been done. The text had said that they (Oscar and Mia) wondered if they were ready to meet up again, at the pool area, to join the rest of their group for the party that apparently really had started to kick off.

At that point, Harry and Louis had still been lying in bed, still naked, talking. Their hands had lazily been touching in between them on the mattress, sometimes their fingers had entangled, and sometimes they’d been caressing each other’s underarms.

It had felt like the calm before the storm, somehow. Like they were only catching their breaths. Pausing.

And it probably would have been just that, a pause, if Louis’ phone hadn’t beeped, just as Harry rolled onto his side with the intention to kiss Louis. Louis had let out a cute, frustrated sound, before he’d grabbed his phone, and eventually had read the text out loud.

When Louis had been done, Harry had rolled onto his back with a disappointed groan. Covering his eyes with one arm, he’d shook his head and smiled incredulously. Soon he’d felt Louis’ finger poke his dimple.

“This is so not funny, why are you smiling?” He had pouted, and Harry had loved that Louis insinuated that he rather would’ve wanted to stay here with Harry.

Only the two of them.

“The timing is crap, I was starting to get in the mood for round two...”

“Tell me about it.” Louis had agreed and moved so that he was lying halfway over Harry’s chest.

Harry had slowly removed his arm and opened his eyes, just to be met by Louis deep blue ones, so close to his own.

“We still have time for a kiss, though. I know you were about to kiss me. Admit it.”

No more words had been needed, and Harry had lifted his neck eagerly, having found Louis’ mouth with his.

It had been intimate, probably too intimate, but Harry hadn’t been able help himself. He had wanted to kiss him, because soon it may be over and he doesn’t now when, and if, they’re going to be in this situation again.

So, Harry had simply rolled out of bed and had given Louis a challenging gaze.

“Join me?” He had tilted his head towards the bathroom.

“I told Oscar we’d be out in ten...” Louis had said but at the same time he’d quickly crawled off the bed as well.

“I’ll do us quick...” Harry’s deep voice had not correlated with his soft smile, and the combination had sent Louis mind into a spin.

“Fuck.” Louis had exclaimed and hurried past Harry, into the bathroom.

When Harry had entered, the shower had already been running and Louis been standing under the spray.

“Come on then, hurry up.” Louis had tried to take the edge of his blatant eagerness with a cheeky wink, but Harry was not to be fooled.

And he loved that Louis seemed to be just as eager as himself.

Harry had started looking around for towels, but soon had found out just how eager Louis was, when he’d felt Louis’ hand grab his wrist and pull him into the shower.

Let’s say that Harry hadn’t been complaining.

Wet, entangled bodies soon had led to salacious kissing. Everything a bit hurried, but Harry would’ve taken anything right now, anything he could get from Louis.

Not long after, Harry had decided to go for a rerun from earlier, and resolutely taken them both in his hand.

Louis had blurted out profanities and backed himself against the tiled wall, pulling Harry with him, with his arms around his neck, until the wall had stopped them. All the while Harry kept wanking them off, putting his other hand next to Louis head by the wall to steady himself.

Having leant forward, resting his forehead against Louis’, he had listened to his breathing and subdued moans, trying to figure out how far gone he’d been. Not having had to wonder for long, Louis had turned his head and buried it against the side of Harry’s neck, hissing:

“You’re making me come babe, are you there...?”

Yes¸ Harry had been there very much, and just as they’d come, together, he had found Louis’ lips, and kissed him sloppily through it all.

Knowing that they’d been in a hurry to come down, Harry had let go of them both, and turned the water slightly cooler. Washing himself quickly with bodywash and shampoo, squeezing in a kiss here and there, with Louis cramped next to him in the small shower.

Something that Louis had whispered, when reaching past Harry to grab the shampoo, had spiked his attention:

“You’re so amazing, Harry... I feel like we’re not done here.”

Harry had tried to be relaxed about it, smiling and raising a suggestive eyebrow.

“What you wanna do then?”

Apparently not having been able to keep his hands to himself, Louis had grabbed Harry’s post-orgasm-semi, and stroked him a couple of times, whispering:




Harry could definitely go with that.

“Ok...” Harry had mumbled and come up with a hand around the side of Louis’ neck, having caressed him slowly, ending up entangling his fingers in the back of his wet hair. “...let’s do it, then, hm? What’s stopping us?”

And the smile on Louis’ face had said it all – having made Harry wonder if they both were well and truly fucked.


Chapter 10


Is Oscar genuinely jealous?
And is Beatrice right?

Chapter Text

So. Walking out of room 111.

Louis touches Harry’s hand briefly with his own, before creating a decent space between them, flipping the key card around in his hand.

It’s been good with Harry. Really fucking good. He wouldn’t have mind staying for a bit longer, but here they are, about to meet their partners, who’ve just had sex. With each other. Welcome to the wonderful world of the swinger community. Screwed up, or hot as hell, that’s the question.

When passing the table with the laid out key cards on it, they both notice that a lot more cards have been taken now, and that people probably are getting the party started.

A couple of the rooms are “open” rooms, where people are allowed to come in and watch, or participate, if they get the go ahead. When passing one of those, he can’t help but stop and have a quick look, because there’s a woman being very loud, riding a man whilst another couple are doing it next to them on the bed. Louis assumes they’ve couple swapped and wonders if that is what’s going to happen between him and Oscar, and Harry and Mia next.

It hasn’t been said straight out, but it kind of lingers in the air. They’ve had private time with each other’s partners, now it’s time to tie it back together again, reconnecting with your partner and involve them in the next sex act.

Louis could do that. Of course he could. It’s just that he and Harry wasn’t done yet. Not just yet. He wants to have sex with him, making love. Fuck him. Being fucked by him. And he’s not sure he wants to do that with others watching, not their first time. That’s private, somehow, between him and Harry. He should obviously be shot for thinking like that at a swinger happening – it goes against everything this whole weekend is about – but that’s what he wants. He thinks Harry wants that too, is the thing.

How the fuck are they going to sort out this mess? Because, yes, it’s starting to become a mess, and he hardly knows how to go about it in a smooth way anymore.

Oscar and Mia are in the jacuzzi when Louis and Harry get there. Another couple and a woman are making out next to them. Oscar and Mia are watching them, clearly commenting on them, between the two of them.

“Hi guys!” Louis smiles and rids himself of his towel, sitting down on the edge of the jacuzzi with his legs down in the hot water.

Harry follows his example and sits down next to him.

“Hi love!” Oscar exclaims and comes up with a hand on Louis’ thigh, caressing him absentmindedly, but searching for his eyes. “You ok there? Had a good time?”

Louis nods, looking quickly at Harry, who nods and smiles as well, having entangled his fingers with Mia’s. Good, Louis thinks, Harry seems relaxed and at ease, and everything seems fine between him and Mia too.

They seem to be ok here, between the four of them, so he decides to go for it. To take it up a notch.

“We blew each other. And then Harry wanked us. Nice indeed.”

“Cool.” Oscar says, keeping his hand on Louis thigh, squeezing slightly at his words. “Two orgasms?”

“Oh yes.” Louis bumps his arm into Harry’s.

Harry clears his throat, looking abashed for the first time.

“Uhm, yeah, it was nice. Uhm...what did you guys do then?” Harry looks at Oscar first, then at Mia.

Good, Louis thinks again, enjoying that Harry is on board, wanting to continue to turn the jargon a bit raunchier between the four of them.

“We...” Oscar turns to look at Mia. “...made love.”

“Yeah.” She agrees, biting her lower lip and looking at Harry.

Harry nods, and Louis curiously follows their silent interaction, to try and grasp the atmosphere. And it isn’t changing. Louis likes where this is going. Mia seems relaxed about it and content with the situation. Oscar gave her a good time then, he thinks. Well done him.

“How?” Louis asks, letting his mouth hang slightly open.

“Started in missionary.” Oscar says with a sparkle in his eye, and both Louis and Harry nods at that, sort of encouragingly. “Then...”

“...from behind.” Mia fills in, looking a bit cheeky. “Finishing with me riding him.”

“You came?” Louis asks, question turned to Mia, and she nods.

“It was hot.” Oscar agrees. “Your wife is gorgeous Harry. You are gorgeous Mia.”

Louis is grateful for what Oscar is doing here, trying to tie them all together, building up for a session together. And he knows he’s doing it because he liked Mia and wants to keep her in the constellation for now. Just like Louis liked Harry and wants to have a go with him again.

Thoughts about wanting Harry for himself have slightly faded, for the simple reason that that’s not going to happen right now. Not if they’re going to be good sports about this and avoid threatening to damage any relationships.

He and Oscar knows each other so well, and in situations like this too, so they don’t have to talk this through. They can read each other, what they want and how they’re going about it. Harry and Mia, though, probably need a moment to themselves.

“Oscar, why don’t you and I go and fix us some drinks and leave Harry and Mia-“ He turns to look at them. “-to have a little talk about what you wanna do next?” Louis says easily, standing up (in all his glory) and reaches out a hand to help Oscar out of the pool.

At the bar they order four gin and tonics and whilst waiting for them, Oscar comes close.

“Got a bit turned on from what you told me you did with Harry.” He mumbles and slides a hand down to squeeze his ass cheek.

It feels very different from when Harry did it just a short while ago.

“Did you now?” Louis smiles back, but he’s a bit annoyed with himself that once they left the jacuzzi he can’t seem to stay in the mood.

But perhaps that’s not so strange. He’s just been with another man, had two orgasms, and is sated. Excuse him for not getting turned on by his man right in this second. It’ll change later. Everything will sort itself out later.

“What if I fuck you in front of Harry, you think he’d like that?” Oscar kind of presses on, and Louis immediately realises that he needs to thread those waters carefully.

He needs to be right fucking careful about what he says and does right now because that may set the course for the rest of this weekend. If Oscar gets the tiniest bit uncomfortable with Louis’ and Harry’s vibe, he’s going to call it off. And Louis, quite frankly, doesn’t want that to happen.

It’s not strange if Oscar gets a little bit more possessive about Louis in all this, than what Louis is about Oscar, since Louis isn’t interested in women in that way, and doesn’t get jealous of Mia in that sexual way Oscar can get jealous of Harry.

Louis is very aware of this and wants to stifle any bad feelings Oscar may have in regards of that, and not just because he wants to keep Harry in the loop, but also obviously because he cares about Oscar. He’d do anything to keep him comfortable and trusting, this is supposed to be fun and nothing else.

“I think he’d like that, yeah. And I know I’d like that.” Louis therefore says, looking him steadily in the eye the whole time.

Oscar seems happy with that, and they grab two drinks each and head back to the jacuzzi.

When they get there, that guy from the dinner (Lucas was it?) is sitting next to Harry, and what Louis presumes is his wife, is sitting next to Mia. Which can only mean that they must’ve taken their chance when Louis and Oscar walked off to the bar.

Ok, so this is an open event, everyone can be with anyone, so Louis has no right to sigh as high as he does. Oscar perceives his irritation instantly but seems to have a hard time understanding what it’s about.

Lucas clearly has a hang-up on Harry (hopefully not as big as his own), and openly wants him, probably is going to claim him too. That knowledge does strange things to his stomach, but he’s not going to dwell on it. Right now, the four of them had been in the middle of something, and this guy and his wife really should back off. It’s an unspoken rule, for God’s sake, Louis would’ve thought that the situation was quite clear to on watchers. But apparently not, or this guy is just thick. Probably the latter.

“Oscar, you haven’t met Lucas, right? And his wife Lily.” Harry introduces the man to Oscar, and Louis slips down in the jacuzzi, balancing the drinks, whilst nodding reservedly at Lucas.

Oscar greets them and sinks down in the hot water as well. He looks a bit confused, and Louis doesn’t blame him. Two others have taken their place in the matter of minutes, and Louis has turned into a right bitch, of course he’s confused. And Louis isn’t content at all with the fact that Harry and Mia don’t seem to have explained the situation to the new couple.

Or what does Louis know, perhaps they want them in on this too?

Oscar hands over one of his drinks to Mia and Louis makes a show of reaching over the new guy, Lucas, with his extra drink, giving it to Harry.

“Sorry, should have brought more drinks if I knew we were going to have company.” Louis says in a sassy voice, not meaning one word of it.

“Not a problem at all, I’ll go and get our own. Later.” Lucas smiles, friendly, and oh how Louis wishes that he would’ve been a jerk about it instead. “Sorry, did I take your seat or...?” He continues, and at that Louis shrugs.

He’s not sure how far he can take this without coming across like a complete idiot, but he sort of wants to make a mark too.

“We kind of had a moment here before, if you know what I mean?” He goes for light-hearted, smiling with a wink.

He doesn’t want to ruin the mood for the others by making a scene, but had it been only him and Lucas he would’ve spoken his mind, be so sure.

“Ooo, a moment!” Lucas parrots jokingly and leans back so that Louis is let in into his and Harry’s bubble.

Which...probably is a nice move, but Louis doesn’t want him here. Sorry.

Harry searches for his eyes, raising an eyebrow, and Louis raises one back. Lucas was sat here when Louis came back with drinks, it’s Harry’s call.

Harry squirms slightly and takes a sip of his drink, dragging a hand through his hair. It’s such a sexy move. Lucas very obviously, thinks so too, staring unabashedly at him, with his mouth hanging slightly open.

“We should get together, Lucas. Later. We were going to go and have some fun, the four of us, and I think we are good like that, for now.” Harry says, Louis getting caught by his deep, confident voice.

Louis notices that he consciously keeps his voice down, out of earshot of Mia, and Lucas’ wife, and even Oscar, since they haven’t decided on the foursome officially yet. Which can only mean one thing: Harry is on the same page as Louis here, not wanting anymore people in on this right now, they’re too many as it is already...

“I get it, no problem.” Lucas says easily and puts an arm around Harry’s shoulders, squeezing him slightly. “You’ve promised me twice now, I’m starting to think that you really do want to get together later, and in that case, I’m looking forward to it.”

Louis sees how Lucas winks at Harry, and Harry winks back.

Fuck. Harry flirting with someone else is rubbing him the completely wrong way and. He feels stupid about it – and he rightly should – but he can’t control the unruly feelings building up inside.

Oscar leans forward, from where he sits on the other side of Lucas’ wife and raises his glass.

“Cheers everyone!” He exclaims, probably sensing the tension. “To this weekend! Full of fantasies coming true, right?!”

They cheer to that and then, fucking finally, Lucas makes a move to get out of the pool, his wife joining him. Everyone mumble half-promises of making sure to see each other later.

When they’re gone Harry speaks up.

“Mia and I talked when you guys fetched drinks, and-” And he gets everyone’s attention on him. “-you wanna go and check one of the rooms out together?”

Louis knows this is the only option, and that Harry knows this too.

“We discussed the possibility of trying one of the open ones-“ Mia continues. “-but considering the...curiosity...around the four of us right now...” It’s clear that she refers to Lucas’ hang-up on Harry, Louis thinks. “-perhaps we should just go to a closed one to start with?”

Given the circumstances right now, this is their option. If Louis and Harry are going to find a way of hanging out a bit more, this is what they’ve got to work with.

The other couple, and the woman sitting with them, has started to get it on and Mia is watching them curiously. Suddenly the third woman reaches out an arm and takes Mia’s hand, not pulling on her, but holding her, as the man in the couple assumingly enters her with a finger or two. Louis watches Harry stare at them intently as well, and how his gaze lingers on Mia, probably wanting to see how she reacts to it, if she’s into it.

Mia bites her lower lip and lets her hand stay in the woman’s hand, and without anyone really knowing what’s happening, the woman’s hand is in her neck and her lips are on her mouth.

Louis can’t help but raise his eyebrows and exchange a look with Harry, who looks back at him with a dirty smile. Louis can tell he enjoys it, and if he’s going to be a bit conspiratorial about it, there’s a possibility of Harry enjoying it because it may open up for Harry and Louis to continue with what they’d started. Alone.

“Jesus.” Oscar mumbles next to them and slides a bit closer to Mia, asking if he can join in, and...what?

Didn’t the four of them just diss Lucas and his wife? In favour for going to a room, the four of them?

Louis wonders what the hell is happening this time around, seeing that neither he, nor Oscar, are behaving predictably, like, at all.

Mia and Oscar are kind of living in the moment, being spontaneous and going where the moment takes them, and...well. It’s not a bad turn of events, not at all. Louis knows he’s a bit unreliable right now, but there’s no bad intention involved, it’s just convenient for the way he’d like to proceed with Harry.

“Yeah, come here.” Louis then hears Mia whisper, and Oscar comes up close to her, his hand finding her breast under the water.

Soon he and Mia and the other woman are engaging in a three-way kiss, and Louis is pretty sure that Mia’s hand is moving over Oscar’s lap under the water.

Jesus. It’s kind of hot, seeing his boyfriend feeling good.

The woman has turned her attention to Mia and Oscar now, ignoring the other couple she was getting it on with before, and the next time they kiss, it’s only the woman and Mia, right in front of Oscar’s face.

“Uhm...looking cosy.” Louis comments, feeling the pull in his stomach and the twitch in his dick.

“Yeah.” Harry mumbles close to his side, and Louis is not surprised when he soon feels his hand finding its way to his dick.

“Mm, so good.” Louis mumbles, sucking in his lips to stifle anything that threatens to escape his mouth, not wanting the focus on them right now.

“You like watching your man making out with two women, hm?” Harry whispers lowly, darkly, as he nibbles at Louis’ shoulder.

“Uhm...” Louis swallows thickly, because Harry’s hand is good on him. “...what I like is where your hand is right now...” That’s more the truth.

“I thought we were going to a room.” Harry says, now letting out his tongue, licking up Louis’ shoulder and the side of his neck, sucking in his earlobe and breathing in his ear.

“Me to.” Louis pants, closing his eyes. “But I’m happy as long as that dick isn’t here.”

He himself is a dick for saying that, but he can’t help it slipping out. The low laugh coming from Harry is music to his ears.

“He’s not a dick.” Harry says it softly, no intention of stirring anything up. “Perhaps he’ll let you have his dick if you’re nice, you know?”

“Don’t want it. Not his.”

“Thought you wanted a lot of different dicks this weekend, hm?” Harry mumbles, and now he’s radiating sensuality, but Louis guesses that he’s fishing a bit as well.

And he likes that. That means that it’s not only himself that is wondering about those things already. He has assumed that Harry is her to experiment and explore, and definitely not has planned for settling with Louis only. But now Harry is kind of asking the same question, and Louis is curious what it means. Is Harry assuming the same thing about Louis – and in that case, is he bothered about it? Or not?

Louis hums in appreciation as Harry’s mouth works over his ear, and the only dick he can think of is...yeah, that one, the one he’s currently taking in his hand.

“Mm!” Harry moans against his cheek, moving his lips closer and closer, until they find his mouth. “Yeah, just like that...”

It’s a bit surreal, having come twice and still feel this horny for this man, but then Harry’s also is something else, which Louis has already ascertained a long time ago.  

Starting to stroke him purposefully but still discretely under the water, Louis quickly gives the others a look, and they’re more than invested in their own shenanigans, definitely developing into a threesome now.

Harry makes a good job of sitting still, only showing by the hotness he puts into the kiss, how affected he is by Louis touching him.

“Wanna fuck...” Harry suddenly whispers, a noticeable shiver travelling through his body.

And...ok. Louis wants that too. Like...ridiculously much.

“Yeah.” He swallows hard. “Tell me about it. Shall we head off?”

They could stay and continuing things, but it wouldn’t lead to them fucking. The downsides of doing anal; a bit hard to be completely spontaneous.

They need lube, they need condoms, and they need prep. And in Louis opinion they also need a nice bed so that they can relax properly and do this the right way. As said, Louis has an unfamiliar want of wanting to give Harry the best, and to be someone he remember when this night, and weekend, is over.

“Mhm, just-“ Harry looks in the direction of the others, a bit hesitantly.

“Hey!” Louis shouts out, impatiently, no time for games. “Lovely men and women over there, we’re going somewhere private, anyone wanna join?”

Louis thinks it’s a safe card and dares to open-up for the possibility. But he’s obviously counted on them saying no. They’re far to invested in what they’re doing by now, Louis is confident about that.

Oscar looks their way, pupils blown, clearly very aroused. Mia slowly turns her head and gives Louis and Harry a look, before she lands her eyes on Oscar. As if it’s them right now, being the couple checking in on each other. She shrugs and raises an eyebrow.

“Next time?” She asks lowly, but Louis hears her loud and clear, and knows that Harry does too.

Then she seems to realise her mistake and turns to look at Harry.

“Harry? Babe?”

“Do what you want, baby, I’m fine.” Harry says quickly, making himself sounding very relaxed about it, although Louis knows that he wants for them to go alone just as much as Louis wants. “I’m going with Louis. That’s all that’s going to happen.”

“However-“ Oscar mumbles, squirming slightly under Mia’s touch. “-I’m gonna need to head off somewhere, at some point, not allowed know...” He makes a swiping gesture over the jacuzzi.

Come in the pool.


“No one keeps to that rule anyway.” Louis mutters, tries for an easy laugh.

He just needs to get out of this pool. He needs to get his hands on Harry, and he needs Harry’s hands on him! With or without the whole fucking swinger group joining them.

Oscar seems to see his desperation, and since he’s probably as desperate himself, he nods.

“You go ahead.” Oscar says and Mia nods, smiling weakly, probably because the other woman is touching her in places that make her gasp.

Louis and Harry are out of the pool in a flash, Harry apparently a bit aware of his boner, covering it with his big hand. Which, obviously still not is big enough to hide his even bigger dick.

Louis reflexively licks his lips, feeling like a predator as he stares at Harry’s ass, walking in front of him.

Louis unabashedly leaves his towel by the edge of the jacuzzi, letting anyone who wants, to get a view of his blessed state.

“Hurry the fuck up.” Harry giggles into his hand, so that no one else than Louis will hear his eagerness, as he grabs his towel and holds it in front of his crotch when walking away.

“Déjà-vu feeling.” Louis mumbles closely behind Harry, when they reach the same corridor as they were in just an hour or so ago.

Good God, he’s so excited.

“Chose a room.” Is all Harry is saying, but they stop dead in their tracks when stepping up in front of the table, which is supposed to have the key cards to the private rooms.

The table is empty.

“No fucking way!” Harry blurts out, getting something wild in his eyes, and he turns around to look at Louis.

“People are busy bees...” Louis mumbles, trying to keep his composure, but he’s crazy disappointed.

What the hell do they do now? He’s so desperate for Harry that the thought of bringing him to his own room, on the second floor, is running through his head in a loop. Even if Beatrice’s hard recommendation is to keep the original couple’s rooms for themselves.

Harry is clearly doing some thinking of his own.

“We still have room?” He says and throws out the hand that’s not holding the towel, and Louis realises, somehow contentedly, that Harry’s is just as desperate as he is.


“Ok. Yeah, that’s an option...” Louis says hesitantly.


He isn’t entirely comfortable with the idea and can tell that Harry isn’t either.

Louis has already confirmed to himself, a couple of times today already, that reasoning the way he currently does around Harry, is completely out of character for him. But since he can’t decide what to feel, the best thing he can do right now is to accept that things may have changed within him. And perhaps that he will need to see things through a bit differently than he usually does at weekends like this one.

He is still under the impression that he and Harry would have most fun together in private. What has changed is that he cannot attribute it to Harry only, as being the cause for it (being his first time at a swinger thing, etcetera), but just as much to himself. He’s not particularly eager to be part of a constellation where he must share Harry. Or even worse, having to watch someone make him feel good. If someone is to give Harry pleasure, it should be Louis, and Louis only. But he obviously knows that this kind of thinking is immature and way out of line, so...he ends up in the same place as he’s already done so many times today: in self-denial.

There’s one more thing, and that is that they’re about to have sex. For real. And, in all honesty, no matter how cool Louis is about the swinger’s concept, that’s a pretty intense and private thing to do. Don’t get him wrong, he’s done it plenty before, but he thinks that the situation with Harry calls for other solutions. At least their first time. Why he feels this need of protecting and guiding Harry is still a big mystery – he knows he can look after himself – and perhaps the answer is more obvious than he lets on. Perhaps it’s not Harry he’s protecting and guiding, perhaps it’s himself?

Harry looks a little bit encouragingly at him, as if he knows that Louis will come up with a solution and just tell them what to do. It spurs Louis on, taking his hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

“Harry... I- We...” He’s not sure how to say it without sounding too cheesy or too intimate.

They’re still only two guys wanting to have sex at a swinger party, swapping partners. It’s nothing more than that and he doesn’t want to come across as too intrusive.

“I wanna make love with you...” He goes for that.

To say that he wants to fuck him suddenly feels too cold and impersonal.

Oh God, can he make up his mind?!

“...and I really wanna do that in private.”

Letting out a deep breath, Harry slowly nods and squeezes Louis’ hand back. Louis likes to think that Harry sounds relieved, just solidifying them being synced in this.

“Yeah. You’re right. I want that too. But how...?”

In a matter of milli seconds, Louis decides to take the plunge.

“We can go to my room.”

Harry bites the inside of his cheek, looking both thrilled and slightly worried.

“Is Oscar ok with that?” He asks lowly as his thumb comes up to his mouth and he absentmindedly starts to nibble on the side of his nail.

Good God, Louis can’t with his cuteness, so he leans in and kisses his lips quickly.

“I’ll text him and ask. And then they know where we are, if they wanna find us.”

“I don’t want them to join until after, though.”

And...good. Then there are no ambiguities about that.

“I know and that’s why we’re going there now, straight away, to get the fuck on with it.” Louis winks and pulls on Harry’s hand, steering their steps towards the big staircase.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Beatrice clears her throat behind them, and both Louis and Harry turn around in a swift motion. Louis can’t help but feeling like a little boy being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and he smiles, trying not to look embarrassed.

“You two have really taken a liking to each other, huh?” She says, smiling kindly.

“I think we have.” Louis answers, standing half behind Harry, because now he doesn’t feel entirely comfortable with his nakedness anymore.

“And you’re on your way to one of your private rooms, I suppose?” She more states than asks.

Harry is quick to reply this time.

“As soon as we get Louis’ phone, which is locked up in his room, we’re going to text Mia and Oscar... They’ll be joining us.”

It’s not completely true, though, because he can’t be sure when Mia is going to look at her phone the next time. Which, by the way, is in their hotel room. They aren’t allowed phones outside of their private rooms.

Louis gives him a warm, fond look; Harry tries so hard to appear as if they’re playing a fair game here. And Louis thinks they are, but Harry’s so unobjectionable, trying to justify themselves, like schoolboys in front of their teacher.

“Well, ok then, it’s your call. Just...” She is still smiling softly, turning her gaze to Louis, and her eyes are a bit firmer now. “...could I have a word with you Louis, please? Just a really quick one, sorry Harry.”

Louis feels his heartbeat pick up in speed but makes sure to remain calm on the outside.

This This is something he’s never experienced at a swinger’s club before; he can tell he’s going to be told off in one way or the other. Knowing Beatrice, from having been at several swingers’ parties that she has arranged, they have a friendly relation, but surely not one on a deeper level?

“Sure.” He says easily and leans forward towards Harry, saying in a lower tone: “The keycard is under the mat in front of the door. Make yourself comfortable...”

“Uhm, is everything ok? Should I really...”

“Yes. You should.” Louis assures him gently, caressing the side of his waste. “But can I borrow your towel, please?”

Harry shrugs and unties it, giving it to Louis, who wraps it around his own hips.

“Let’s go to my room for a sec.” Beatrice says and starts to walk in the opposite direction of the corridor where the common, private rooms are.

Louis hurries after her and soon they’re inside something that looks like a hotel room, a lot bigger and cozier than the ordinary ones, though.

“Have a seat, love.” She says and points at a small sofa by the window, whilst she sits down on the bed.

Doing as told, Louis doesn’t let her go with his eyes, wondering what in the hell is about to go down here. She doesn’t keep him waiting and gets straight to the point:

“I see the way you look at him, Louis. After only one day. What’s going on between the two of you?”

Louis isn’t obliged to tell her anything and he feels rather hesitant about talking about it at all. It’s too deep water, as easy as that. How is he supposed to be able to explain anything to her, when he can’t explain a thing of what’s going on to himself.

“He’s a sexy guy, you’ve got eyes. But I’m not the only one chasing him, you know.”

It’s annoying to realise that he sounds defensive, but he just doesn’t feel comfortable having this talk.

“But you’re the only one who gets to be with him. I’ve noticed.”

Ok, he’d lie if her words didn’t stroke him exactly the right way. But he keeps his face.

“Well, this is the first night, perhaps he’s not into being with many guys at the same time. I’m not either.”

“This is the second time you go with him. The same night.”

“Bea. Seriously.” He deadpans. “You keep track or something?”

“No, but like I said, I’ve noticed.”


“You are here, at this party, with your man, Louis. And you’re usually very strict about the sex only rule when you’re with others. But not tonight.”

“What?! It’s sex only with Harry! Honestly, what are you on about?” God, he’s so defensive it’s ridiculous, but this is an argument that would be very unfortunate to loose.

“Louis, please, don’t get mad. I really don’t want to interfere, but as this has developed, I just feel a... responsibility. I just to pose the question, you know what I mean? If you’re steering in the wrong direction here, without even realising yourself.”

Swallowing hard, Louis feels ridiculous. For so many reasons. He’s 43 years old and is behaving like a teenager who’s got no control over his hormones, and in addition is being called out on it. He and Oscar knows exactly where they have each other, but right now Beatrice makes him feel like a cheater.

“I... It’s not like...“ He hesitates, starting over. “He’s gorgeous. It’s hard to not be excited about him. But that’s all it is. Got nothing to do with me and Oscar. We’ve swapped partners, Oscar’s with Mia, remember? And soon it’s going to be all four of us, and later Harry’s going with someone else, and I am too.”

And fuck does he hate to think that last sentence out loud in his head.

“You told me once that you’ve never been in love, Louis. For real.”


“I don’t think that’s true anymore.”

Louis raises his eyebrows in a dramatic question, but then the penny drops.

“I think you’re falling for him without realising.” She clarifies and stands up from the bed, turning to look out the window. “Personally, I love Harry, he’s absolutely amazing in every way. I can understand if he overwhelms you. I just don’t want any unnecessary drama here, Louis. Before anything goes out of hand, just think it through, ok? Is it worth it?”

Louis doesn’t get a word out, can’t even think of anything to say.

“You’re gorgeous together, don’t get me wrong, and it’s not strange to develop some feelings, you know, it is very intense here. But if you’re falling in love and acting on it...well, there will be heartbreaks left and right... All I’m saying is that you may need to think about the consequences before you guys take things further.”

Confused. Confused doesn’t even begin to describe what he’s feeling right now. Also, something reminiscent of fear creeps up in the back of his neck. Because if Beatrice so blatantly is seeing this...well, then it’s not that farfetched to think that Oscar (and Mia, and others) have noticed as well. They’ve been together for five years, after all, and know each other inside out.

But in love? Please. It’s been one day. He’s never been in love for real, it’s not like he’s suddenly going to go and fall in love after only one day, half a day, even. Having Beatrice hinting at that is ridiculous.

Louis is horny, that’s what it is. He’s horny for the sexiest man at this party, sue him. It’s not like he’s the only one. In addition, isn’t that what this whole concept is about, anyway? They are supposed to have an excessive amount of sex with others than their partner, that’s what’s been asked for and agreed on.

And it’s not like Louis is going to go with someone he’s not attracted to, is it? That would be straight out strange.

Nah. Beatrice is out of the loop in this.

He finally manages to put together some thoughts and words in his head again, mumbling:

“Ok. I hear you, but I’m only sexually attracted to him, that’s all this is. I appreciate your concern and all, but I’m fine. Me and Oscar are fine.”

He stands up as well and she turns around, smiling at him, nodding softly.

“That’s good, that’s good. I didn’t mean to corner you, I just wanted to get it on the table, if there is anything to get on the table. Anyway... Thanks for talking to me Louis.”

“Thanks for caring. I’m-“ He points with his thumb over his shoulder. “-gonna head back then.”

“Yes, you do that. Have fun. And stay safe.” She smiles, and the smile is back to light-hearted.

When closing the door behind him, a slightly uncomfortable feeling lingers over him, all the way back to his room.


Chapter Text


Harry’s feels a bit out of place stepping inside Louis’ and Oscars’ room, trying not to snoop around too much, and ends up deciding to go for a shower.

Whilst standing under the water spray, he has time to think, and can’t help but being curious about Louis and Beatrice. What did she want to talk to him about, without Harry? Obviously, it must have been about them being on their way up to Louis’ couple room. But she’s not a cop, is she now. He had perceived it as a recommendation, not using their couple rooms for activities with other swinger goers, not a prohibition.

Just when he steps out of the shower again, Louis enters the room, and Harry guesses that there must’ve been a second key card under that door mat. Harry immediately feels a bit calmer, Louis looks his normal self, and pulls Harry in for a tight hug before any of them have said a word.

“Mm, you smell edible...” Louis groans into Harry’s bare shoulder and gives him a cheeky bite there. “I, on the other hand, smell like pool water. Let me have a quick shower as well and I’ll join you in a sec.”

They kiss, too short for Harry’s liking, though, and then Louis steps into the still steamy bathroom.

However, he comes out a second later, smiling a bit apologetic.

“Sorry, I’ll just grab my phone...”

Harry, who still have a few thoughts fresh in mind, doesn’t beat around the bush.

“You need it in there, do you?” Harry raises an eyebrow. “Did Beatrice, by any chance, tell you to text someone?”

Louis slows down in the middle of the step. Even if he still walks past Harry, it’s clear that he has reacted to his words. Reaching for his phone, which lies charging on the bedside table, he ends up standing still, with his back towards Harry.

“We did agree on texting Oscar and Mia, telling them that we were here.” Louis says, and Harry can’t really decipher what his voice holds, more than that it’s overly neutral.

“We did. But I also was under the impression that we would, uhm, delay that part slightly, and text them afterwards.”

Louis bites his lip, doesn’t seem to have an answer to that, and lowers his head sightly. Stepping up to him, Harry presses himself against his back, curling his arms around his chest from behind.

“Can you tell me what happened? With Beatrice?”

When Louis sighs, seemingly having trouble to find his words, Harry turns him around in his arms and cups his face with both his hands, gently raising his head until they look each other in the eyes.

Surprisingly, Louis leans forward and kisses Harry. It’s heated from the start, and Harry gasps right into his mouth, almost stumbling from the force of it. Louis’ arms quickly secure him in an even tighter hug, it’s almost something desperate about it, but it’s also so, so tender.

It soon turns into a snog out of this world. Harry forgets about anything that may have occupied his mind and willingly lets himself be laid down on the bed.

Louis lays on top of him and Harry spreads his legs to accommodate him better. Wiggling down in between them, Louis never breaks the kiss, and Harry reaches for his towel (that he never used) and rids him of it. Then he opens up his own but lets it stay put underneath himself.

And from there on it kind of goes with the speed of light. It’s urgent and crazy hot, Harry’s never experienced a for-play like this one before. And he certainly hasn’t been this fucking aroused during one in his life! If their blowjobs were otherworldly, he can already tell that having sex with Louis is going to be bloody next dimension.

He’s been with his fair share of boys and girls before he met Mia, but right now he realises that he has forgot how it truly can feel. They’re at this place this weekend for a reason, and now it dawns on him what that reason feels like. He and Mia hoped that they would be able to revive the spark in their sex life, by getting some new input and let others influence them. But this. This! Harry’s not sure how he’s going to be able to enjoy sex with someone else after this. Quite frankly, it feels like Louis suddenly has become the very reason for sex.

Shit. It’s so wrong to think like that, he immediately realises it, and also that he needs to get a grip. He’s euphoric because it feels so good right now, and it most probably is disillusioning him. When this is over and he has come down from whatever magic orgasm Louis is about to give him, he’ll be able to see things a bit straighter, he’s sure.

Louis goes down on him and sucks him good, leaving Harry in a moaning mess. But just as Harry has kind of gotten into Louis’ rhythm, Louis pops off him and searches Harry’s eyes.

“You’re something else, you know?” Louis whispers and bites the inside of his thigh playfully, before spreading his legs wider. “Tell me, do you like it?”

Harry raises himself up onto his elbows, staring almost incredulously at him, hair in a chaotic mess.

“I... I like to-” He starts but his voice cracks and Louis caresses the insides of his thighs soothingly.

“I know you haven’t been with a man for a long time, babe. Don’t worry, we’ll go slow...”

He says it so easily, and Harry relaxes into the calmness Louis radiates.

“Thanks.” He whispers back, in lack of anything else to say.

“What have you fantasised about?”

Harry bites his lower lip and is a bit distracted by Louis hand that has come up around his dick, stroking him lazily.

“I’ve fantasised about a lot of things, if I’m being completely honest...” And the slight tension in his voice has now been replaced by confidence and eagerness.

“Are you saying that you’re versatile?” Louis is clearly trying to fish for some information here, without making it too obvious or boring.

“If preferring different things at different times is to be versatile, yeah, then that’s me...” Harry makes an honest attempt of trying to think, because it’s hard with all those distractions. “I want you inside me, Louis, would you be up for that?”

Louis reflexively squeezes his dick a little bit harder and smiles darkly.

“Hm, let me think for less than a second – fuck, yes, of course I’d be up for that, babe, I can’t fucking wait...

“Sure? What you prefer yourself?” They can as well get it out of the world.

“I’d say it sounds like we’re pretty fucking compatible... I’m also a depending-on-the-mood guy.”

Lowering his head again, resting it on a pillow, Harry closes his eyes in anticipation. They’ve never been in this situation with each other before, but the little he’s come to know Louis, he can guess what’s coming next. Louis is an impatient guy and telling him that he wants for him to top is surely going to set off all sorts of ideas in his head, and Harry can’t fucking wait.

Giving his dick a quick, impatient (told you so) suck he then pops off again and reaches for the bedside table. He grabs the small tote bag and throws it on the bed next to them.

Rummaging around in it he has soon produced a small bottle of lube – strawberry flavoured, Harry notices, because of the red colour – and a couple of condoms. Then he hears Louis opening the cap and before he knows it Louis’ finger is inside of him.

Jesus...!” Harry blurts out, partly in surprise but mostly in pleasure, quickly realising how much he’s missed this feeling.

He’s having sex with a man for the first time in forever, and it’s so incredibly good. It’s almost scary how much he apparently has missed it.

Louis’ finger is perfect, soon being accompanied by a second, and Harry’s in awe of Louis opening-up technique. His fingers are gentle and rough in a wonderful mixture, resolutely working him into relaxation, so beautifully preparing him for receiving.

Harry is squirming on the bed. This is foreplay at its greatest.

Louis enjoys it immensely as well, Harry can tell, clearly getting off on pleasuring Harry, occasionally using his other hand on himself.

After a while Louis seems to have deemed that Harry’s ready. Honestly, he’s very grateful that Louis has taken control over things, because personally he doesn’t seem to be able to think one single thought straight. He is completely indulging in the rekindled feelings that have arisen from having Louis’ fingers inside. It’s a revelation, that he has missed gay sex more than he has let on, even to himself.

“Come on babe...” Harry whispers impatiently and touches Louis arm that is moving with his fingers going in and out of him.

Louis slowly pulls out and wipes off, then sitting up between his legs.

“It’s been a long time, don’t want you hurt.” He whispers back, leaning forward over him so that they can kiss.

“Want it to feel.” Harry mumbles into Louis mouth, catching his tongue a bit dirtily. “Missed this.”

He can tell that his words affect Louis in the right way, making him let out a choked off moan before he presses on the insides of his thighs to spread his legs even more.

“If you say so.” Louis mumbles, looking a bit caught up in the moment, but does his bit and reaches for a condom.

Smoothly rolling it on, he then moves into position.

There’s a knock on the door.

They both startle and freeze, Louis holding his own cock to point it against Harry’s hole, on the verge of starting to push in.

“What the fuck?” Harry whispers a bit groggily, eyebrows raised. “Who...?”

And Louis shrugs, looking like a thousand thoughts run through his head at the same time.

“Louis? Love, are you in there?”

Harry doesn’t recognise the voice immediately, but since Louis does, he concludes that it must be Oscar.

Oscar, the bloody boyfriend, how convenient.

Harry can’t hide his disappointment. Neither can Louis.

“Harry?” Comes another voice, and now Harry crawls slightly backwards, up on the bed, out of the slightly compromising position he and Louis are currently in.

“Mia?” He tries weakly.

“Don’t worry, they don’t have a key.” Louis whispers lowly and adds: “How do we do this, are we telling them that we just got here and were about to text them?”

“Yeah, ok.” Harry agrees and quickly stands up, reaching for one of the shower damp towels on the floor.

Louis does the same, and even if their hard-ons are starting to flag it’s quite obvious that they’ve recently been aroused. Moving through the room, Louis soon opens the door and Harry sees how he immediately leans in and kisses Oscar on the lips.

“Hi there handsome, good you came, we were just about to text you. All the common private rooms were occupied so we chose to go to our room instead and-“

Then he quietens, and Harry realises why.

“Hi.” The woman from the jacuzzi says and smiles a bit abashedly.

Harry just about catches that Mia detangles her fingers from hers.

And another realisation hits him.

“You were on your way here, weren’t you? The three of you? You didn’t know that me and Louis would be here.”

“Yeah.” Mia says, but she seems to think nothing special of it. “All the rooms were taken and... Just like Louis said: we needed someplace...”

She’s still behind Oscar, in the opening of the door, the other woman right behind her. Oscar looks a bit more uncomfortable about the whole thing, which makes Harry wonder if him doing this equals to breach some sort of understanding he and Louis have.

He thinks Louis shouldn’t feel bad about i though, because his boyfriend was about to do exactly the same thing.

“Right, so...” Louis says a bit hesitantly, looking back over his shoulder on Harry and then back at the three people in front of him, still just standing there. “You wanna come in here or what’s the plan?”

Oscar slowly shakes his head and Harry can tell something’s going to be said that Harry really doesn’t want to hear right now.

“Hey, Louis...babe. I think I need to talk to you. Can we talk?”

Harry sees how Louis nods and steps to the side, letting Oscar in. And Harry knows that this is his cue to leave. He really should.

Instead, he feels frozen to the floor, catching Louis’ gaze when he looks back over his shoulder again. He makes a discrete face, silently telling Harry that he’s sorry.

But that’s not good enough, far from. Harry has a worried feeling spreading throughout his body and he can’t even start to understand where it comes from, or what it means. He wants to tell Louis that he wants to talk, too! He hasn’t sorted out his thoughts yet, or what he wants to talk about, but he’s not happy with the fact that when push comes to shove, Oscar is the one to have Louis exclusively.

It's jealousy. He’d be stupid not to admit it, so he does. But it feels so strange and out of place thinking those thoughts right now, especially with Mia standing right here as well.

Louis backs a couple of steps backwards into the room and comes up level with Harry, saying lowly in his direction, without looking at him: “Everything’s good, ok? You’re good? I’ll see you later?”

Harry bites his lip, can’t hide all the confusing emotions running through his head, mirroring in his face.

“I don’t know Louis, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on here...”

“Me neither. And I think we need it out, you and me. But right now, Oscar’s worried and I need to check what’s up.”

“You mean fuck him calm.” Harry mumbles almost inaudibly, but the way Louis winces, it’s obvious that he’s heard him.

“No. I’m not gonna do...that.”

And Louis really shouldn’t need to reply to Harry’s stupidities, but the fact that he does probably says it all in regard to what’s going on between them.

“No.” Louis repeats, touching Harry’s arm quickly, discretely, asking for his understanding. “We’re not done Harry. And as much as it scares me, it also thrills me.”

Harry knows perfectly well what he means, he’s also scared and thrilled by this avalanche of feelings seemingly erupting every time he’s close to him.

“I’m gonna go.” He says instead of answering, walking straight out of the room, knowing that Louis is staring at him, because he can feel the hole his gaze is burning in his neck.

He slows down when he has passed Mia and she has closed the door after them, and the three of them starts to walk down the corridor.

“Shit, what was that about, are they jealous of each other?” Mia tries and Harry comes to a complete halt, looking at her a bit surprised, suppressing the irritation that is brewing in his stomach.

“Perhaps we’ve let things go a bit too far?” He’s testing her, just wanting to see what she has to say about things.

He’s not sure where he himself stands in this anymore, and the problem is that he hardly cares to care. All he can think about is Louis and, yes, that’s definitely part of the problem.

“What? You think so?” She asks, looking at the woman a bit uncomfortably, probably wanting her to leave just as much as Harry does. “We’ve only done what we agreed on, on beforehand...”

“Is it just sex then? He seems to turn you on quite hard, am I wrong?” Harry continues, and bloody hell if he isn’t in the wrong, making this about her when it really is him who is acting dubiously here.

But he can’t help himself. It’s almost as if he wants her to say yes and that she doesn’t know what to do so that Harry can go on and do his thing with Louis, with a bit less bad conscience.

Fuck. He’s never behaved like this before, he can confidently say that, and he certainly doesn’t recognise himself. When looking at Mia all he feels is frustration. He’s been with his wife for ten years, together for fifteen, and it’s been good. But he’s never felt anything close to what he’s felt for only one day with Louis.

If this weekend is the only time he’ll spend with Louis in his lifetime, then he’d want to make the most of it. And it’s wrong and sad and you name it, but right now Mia, who should be his number one priority at all times, especially here, doing this swinger thing, isn’t. Louis is, apparently.

So, Harry is about to let her down big time here. With or without her knowledge. He has already lost track of the promises his made to her, coming here. Not in regards of anyone else, hell no, but when it comes to Louis. He’s prepared to be sneaky about it and keep her in the dark, being a God damn idiot.

“That’s what trying sex with others is about, isn’t it? It has to be with someone that turns you on, in my opinion. But he hasn’t got to me, if that’s what you’re asking. I have no feelings for Oscar, but I like having sex with him.”


“He’s different. It’s something else happening when having sex. He does things differently from you, it’s fun with a new approach, but it doesn’t mean I like it more.”

Harry wishes her perfect answer would’ve been his too, but it isn’t. He pretends differently, though.

“I agree. It’s the same for me with Louis.”

“Ok. think they have another feeling about this? Has Louis said anything?”

“No. He’s fine. He’s like...professional about it.” He lies.

The woman standing with them suddenly clears her throat and points in the direction of the staircase, saying that she’s going to head on and that she hopes to hang with Mia later.

When she has left Mia takes Harry’s hand.

“Do we need a break from this swinger thing? Do we need to go home?”

Christ. Harry must bite his tongue to not answer too quickly. He couldn’t think of a worse idea if he so sat down and tried for years.

“No. No... Let’s just do what we’ve done so far. We’re good, you and me, right?”

She nods.

“Then let’s go down to that pool party and see what’s going on, shall we?”

What he honestly hopes is that she’ll find someone that catches her interest, getting her mind on someone else than her own husband, because Harry needs some time to sort his own shit out.

Having sex with her, with others, is not really on the top of his list right now. It’s not even on there. He doesn’t know exactly what is on his list, to be completely honest.

If Harry isn’t mistaken, Oscar acted a bit possessively when finding his man with Harry in their room, and that’s not strange. He also knows what possessive feelings can do to a man, for example wanting to claim your partner. And that thought makes Harry's whole body itch with unease. Louis and Oscar are alone in their room and there's nothing Harry can do about it.

He feels helpless and stupid, and all he can think is that he needs a distraction. Perhaps that's what has been needed all along, to avoid getting so strung up on one person.


Pool party.

He doesn't feel completely comfortable about his plan, not at all actually, but he reckons it may just need to be done, to move forward. There must be someone in this place who's enough interesting for him to be wanting to connect to. Someone who can help him get his mind off Louis for a bit. Perhaps making their relation somewhat healthier.


Chapter Text

It seems like almost everyone from their group (except the obvious two) have gathered in the pool area, the party already in full swing. Naked people are dancing and swimming, and not so few are being in various stages of making out and having sex. One couple is on a sunbed, with a couple of onlookers, one of which is joining them passively, caressing the woman gently, as she rides her man.

It’s a hot and raunchy atmosphere, exactly as it should be this far into the first night at a swinger weekend.

Harry feels like he has a parrot inside his head, repeating things connected to Louis over and over and over: his touch, his voice, his laugh... It’s really hard to try and think about something else when these thoughts constantly and aggressively fight for space.

He doesn’t want anyone else but Louis. It’s as simple as that. Even if this is the first time ever that he’s presented with the opportunity to “sleep around”, he doesn’t want to. Not anymore. He doesn’t want anyone but Louis.

Call him stupid and ridiculous but this is how he feels. Coming into this weekend, he had imagined himself sleeping with at least a few different men (and women, but he has known all along that he wants to get the gay curiosity out of his system first and foremost). Not once did he see this coming, getting a fucking hang-up on one man.

It’s honestly so, so strange, because everything is happening so fast and so strong – he doesn’t know how to handle it, there’s just no equivalent! And it’s pretty clear to him that, if he wants to leave this place with his sanity intact, it just can’t go on like this with Louis.

Therefore, he needs to take matters into his own hands, and expand his horizons. If he can’t control his feelings, he can at least try and control his doings. The sooner both he and Louis start to behave like they’re at a swinger party – and not on their honeymoon – the better, surely. He can still be with Louis (he’d honestly die if they didn’t get to finish what they’ve started) but just not exclusively.

Thoughts of Louis and Oscar alone in their room, talking things out, spurs Harry on. He’s jealous, yes, he is, and the most efficient way of pushing away that unpleasant, churning in his stomach, is to find a way to forget about it.

The easy way out would be Lucas, obviously. Sometimes there’s just no reason to complicate things. Harry has given it a quick thought, and hell, why not. He’s handsome, but most importantly, he has hit quite aggressively on Harry since they first met. He’d be an easy prey and, since Harry definitely isn’t up for any chasing, a natural choice.

And Harry has no plans whatsoever on going further than some kissing and snogging. If the timing is right, perhaps he’d be up for a hand- or blowjob as well. Anything to take his mind off things, really. However, the actual lovemaking bit he’s undoubtedly saving for Louis.

Looking out over the pool area, he can’t see Lucas, though, sort of an anticlimax. Mia wants to take off to the bar and chat with someone she recognises from dinner. Telling her to go ahead, and that he’ll be right behind her, is a lie, but not a very bad one. She’ll manage perfectly well on her own. Instead, he sits down in a sunchair, dodging eye contact with the people close by to avoid having to engage in their conversation. He needs to think. In peace. Plotting a new plan or something.

He’s not left hanging for long, though, because suddenly the double door to the hotel opens wide and Lucas, and a small entourage, walks out on the pool deck.

Harry soon recognises one woman as Lucas’ wife, and the other two as a couple he’s pretty sure that Lucas had at his table earlier. They all seem pretty cheerful, Lucas’ hand resting comfortably on the man’s lower back. It doesn’t take a genius to read the situation.

For some reason Harry’s heartrate picks up, and it hits him that he’s probably slightly nervous about what he’s about to do. Which makes him realise that this is a new feeling, and that he hasn’t felt uncomfortable whilst being with Louis, at all. Not once.

But this is a new situation and he’s not supposed to compare being with Louis – he’s supposed to, at least momentarily, forget about him.

He stands up slowly, deliberately not acknowledging Lucas, and walks out to the edge of the pool. Just for the attention.

And then he waits.

It goes even faster than he thought until he hears his voice, close behind.

“Harry? You’re alone?” Lucas sounds genuinely surprised.

And what he has done to have this man’s undivided adoration is beyond Harry, but it sure strokes his ego along the grain. And he can’t help but wonder if he possibly is to Lucas, what Louis is to him?

Here he goes again, drifting off in thoughts, about people he’s not supposed to think about right now.

He turns around, a smile already in place when their eyes meet.

“Lucas? Hi!”

Lucas’ smile says it all, and he seemingly relaxes and melts at the same time.

“What’ve you been up to, you cheeky bastard?” Harry continues and goes for jokingly, and Lucas catches on immediately.

“Probably the same as you! Hope you had a good time with whoever those were in that jacuzzi?”

“Might have had.”

Lucas stares at Harry intensely, and yeah, it almost gets a bit creepy. But he’s not trapping Lucas like this to analyse him, he just wants his hands to remind him that there’re not only one person here who can satisfy him.

“So. Harry.” Lucas’ voice drops and he reaches forward, touching Harry’s index finger with his own. “Got time for some fun then?”

“Oh, got time alright.” Harry’s smile slowly diminishes as he stares right back, a look that clearly is giving Lucas the shivers.

For a brief moment it almost makes Harry proud to realise that he’s the reason for Lucas going all mushy and seriously seeming to contemplate getting it on with Harry, even though he’s coming straight from a fucking foursome.

This is such a weird place, it truly is.

He throws a quick glance in the direction of Mia, and she’s comfortably engaged in a discussion with a small group by the bar. He’s not going to give himself a bad conscience about not letting her in on this thing with Lucas in detail, he’s just going to let it happen, and he knows she’s fine with it. It’s good to see how relaxed she’s been with Harry flirting and being with other men (man), especially since she hasn’t even been aware of him being attracted to both women and men, until very recently. Six months, to be more precise, which was the real starting point for them to open up about themselves, to be able to work on their relationship. It had become very clear, by then, that something was missing, and the talks eventually lead Mia to drop the suggestion about attending a swinger party.

It has surely been odd for him to see her with other women, as well. Like, how can two people live so close and share everything, but when it comes to it, they know so painfully little about one another. He’s still not sure if she’s truly into it or not, it can as well be the heat of the moment, and who could blame her.

Anyway, it certainly doesn’t matter, and they’ve definitely got some interesting talks coming up when getting back home. Hopefully those are talks that can help them rediscover the interest for each other, in a more honest and open way. Not only sexually, but also for who they are.

He hopes they can do just that; rediscover the interest. Hopefully there’s something to build on, feelings that are slumbering, and not gone.

“You’re so bloody sexy Harry, I’ve been dying to suck that big boy for a very long time now...”


Harry doesn’t consider himself shy, far from, but...Christ. He’s blushing.

“Have you now?” He replies as confidently as he can muster up.

Lucas sure is...straight to the point. Harry doesn’t care, he really doesn’t, even if he’s not exactly drawn to blunt people in the real world.

Taking Harry’s drink from him and putting it down on the side table next to the sunchair, Lucas sneaks his arms around Harry’s chest from behind. Harry closes his eyes and forces himself to get into it, feeling it, leaning into his touch. When he drops his head and rests the back of it on Lucas’ shoulder, Lucas’ mouth comes close to his ear and whispers:

“Yeah. I love a challenge when I see one...”

Oh God, Harry’s not sure if it’s sexy or if it’s too much, but hey, he’s made his bed and now he’s going to lie in it.

A hand slides down over his chest and stomach, and lands on his crotch, gently squeezing his soft cock. Harry lets out a surprised moan, cause things are going at light’s speed with this guy, he hardly can keep up.

“Would you let me?” Lucas bites his earlobe.

Well. That’s what the whole plan was, so...


“Yeah. Right here. On this sunbed.” He points to where Harry has just been lying, minutes ago.

Harry lifts his head but is still tightly wrapped in Lucas’ arms, his back tightly pressed against his chest.

“Please, Harry...” Lucas’ breathing is a bit heavier now. “I’d make you come so good...” And then he squeezes Harry’s dick again, for emphasis.

“Well...can’t wait for you to prove yourself then.” Harry growls, but fuck, he doesn’t feel as into it as he makes it sound.

Immediately, Lucas starts to back them towards the sunchair and when his legs hit it, he rather roughly pushes Harry down onto his back and rids him of his towel.

He’s not even beginning to get hard. The thing is, he’s not as conscious about it as he probably should, feeling like he doesn’t care as much about things when being with Lucas, and perhaps that’s good, what does he know.

Lucas doesn’t look disappointed, though. His eyes sparkle and he licks his lips, looking almost in awe of Harry’s nobler parts.

Not wasting one second, Lucas goes down on him, and bloody hell he’s dedicated to his task, alright. Unfortunately, for Harry’s part, he’s doing it rather than good, and Harry, who normally hasn’t got any issues with potency, is starting to get slightly stressed. This could actually become rather embarrassing. Why the hell did he think this would be a good idea again, someone please remind him?!

If it’s the stress that makes him break his promise to himself or not, he’s not sure, but once he’s lifted the restriction, his mind easily wanders to...yeah. Him. And once he sees his mouth in front of him, and his memory allows him to remember how his mouth felt, well, then things are starting to happen. Pretty fast.

Soon all he can see for his inner vision is Louis, and how those blue, sinful eyes look up at him through his eyelashes. His tantalising fingers inside of him is also very fresh in his memory.

When he opens his eyes the next time, he’s a bit dizzy, and it takes some time to understand what it is that he’s looking at, over Lucas’ bobbing head. As soon as he does, though, he jolts, and blinks himself back to reality.

Louis is standing on the other side of the pool, staring at him with a stone face.

“Fuck!” Harry blurts out and squirms slightly under Lucas’ mouth, feeling the surprise and uncomfortableness go straight to his dick.

Lucas seems to interpret his exclamation wrongly (who can blame him, really) and intensifies his efforts. It’s a chaotic situation and Harry just can’t believe his fucking unluck.

Moving a bit upwards on the sunchair, Harry makes Lucas’ mouth pop off, and Lucas raises a seductive eyebrow, mumbling:

“Go ahead baby, it’s ok in my mouth.”

And, no, it’s not fucking ok, and Harry doesn’t want this anymore and he certainly doesn’t want Louis standing there staring at him either!

“Uhm-... It’s-... I-...” He stutters a bit helplessly and lets out a weak meow as Lucas tries to catch his now flagging dick with his mouth again, but Harry moves away.

He’s had enough of this shit. What the fuck was he thinking?! It’s not even good, for crying out loud!

“I just realised...” Harry reaches for his towel and bluntly stands up. “...that...uhm-“

Poor Lucas looks rather flabbergasted, shaking his head slowly.

“Tell me this isn’t you leaving, Harry.” He says lowly, almost warningly, and Harry understands him!

All the way! He just can’t care to care.

“I’m sorry, I have to.” Harry says lowly and throws out his arms in a defeated gesture. “I’m so sorry, we can...can pick up later, ok? It was great, it’s not that.”

God, he’s such a bad liar, but Lucas probably wants to believe him so much that he actually does.

“What the fuck Harry, you were so close!”


“Yeah, I know, this emergency.”

Harry awkwardly backs away, tying the towel harder around his hips. Starting to walk away, towards the hotel, he doesn’t look Louis’ way once.

He knows he’ll follow.

Not really knowing where to go, though, - they need privacy, but a private room feels completely wrong right now - he heads for the large mingling room, where they had their first gathering earlier in the afternoon.

Once there, he stops in the middle of the room and waits.

Soon he hears steps, and they’re coming straight this way, not taking any wrong turns or looking in any wrong rooms or corridor. It’s fascinating that Louis knows, straight away, where Harry has chosen to go.

Harry turns around as Louis steps inside the room. He stays by the door, creating a bit of a distance between them, and looks at Harry with steady eyes. Their gazes linger on each other for a good minute before Louis opens his mouth:

“Didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Harry can’t make out if his voice holds anything more than that blunt sassiness he’s already come to like so much.

“Didn’t think you would come back so quickly.” He decides to just speak his mind, not completely sure where they stand right now.

They aren’t exclusive, or anything – obviously – and he surely doesn’t imagine Louis having those kinds of expectations on Harry. Far from. It’s just... If there’s anything else in his voice, and Harry’s not even sure if there is, but if, then it’s disappointment.

So. Harry doesn’t want to be too cocky about anything, right now, because if it really comes down to it, he’d man up in an instant, and admit that it feels dreadful thinking about Louis being with someone else. That’s the naked truth, and after this ridiculous escapade with Lucas, he has sure learnt that there’s no way getting around it. He just has to learn how to deal with it, if he’s going to continue to be with Louis this weekend.

“Couldn’t wait to get back to you again. Made it a quick one, the talk with Oscar.” Louis voice is softer now, slightly hesitant.

Harry bites his lip, gazes never breaking.

“I tried to forget about you and Oscar.” It could be such a stupid thing to say, but Louis looks like he totally gets it.

“By fooling around with that dickhead, though?”

“Hey. He’s done nothing wrong. It’s me.” Harry whispers, and he so desperately wants to get closer to Louis.

He takes a tentative step forward.

“You haven’t done anything wrong either.” Louis eyes travel up and down him, drinking him in, taking a step forward as well.

“Sooo...” Harry draws out the word. “You had a good talk?”

“Hm.” Louis raises an eyebrow. “We had a talk.”

“Is he jealous of me?” Harry just can’t help himself; he needs to know.

Needs to know if there’s anything that’s going to stand in between them from now on. Or even worse, anything that will prevent them from continuing what they’ve started.

“I mean, he’s got eyes, Harry. Who, in their right mind wouldn’t be jealous of the person getting to be with you?”

Louis says it with such certainty that it hits Harry right on the chin. Louis really means it. God, every time Louis confirms that he’s into Harry, it feels so, so good.


“We both care a lot about giving each other freedom at events like this one. He knows when to take a step back and breath.”

“Did he?”


Harry lets out a heavy sigh, clearly in relief, and Louis smiles fondly at him.

“And you? Did you succeed?” Louis asks softly, taking another step closer to Harry, and Harry reflexively reaches out a hand to compel him to come all the way.

Louis does and Harry puts a hand safely around his waist, pulling him in close.

“With what?” He mumbles, having forgot about pretty much everything now that he has Louis this close.

“Forgetting about me and...” Louis leaves out Oscar’s name and Harry loves that he’s so attuned, clearly not wanting to disrupt this intense moment.

“Not even close.”

They both laugh briefly at that, and then their faces are drawn closer and closer. When they’re close enough for their lips to grace over each other’s, Harry swallows and closes his eyes. There’s one thing he needs to get off his chest, and he knows it’s right out wrong to ask, definitely risking ruining the moment himself.

“Did you fuck?”

The strangest bit with this question is that this is a place where people are supposed to do just that. For some, especially with one’s partner.

But now it has come to the point, where the only person Harry doesn’t want to see Louis with, happens to be his boyfriend. He just can’t stand the thought of the two of them being intimate. And he has started to hate what they share, and that Oscar gets to have Louis always.



“We snogged.”


“I snogged him real good to get him to shut up.” Louis chuckles and his warm breath caresses over Harry’s mouth. “He wanted to know that we’re ok and a snog apparently sealed the deal.”

“Are you? Ok?”

Louis stiffens slightly in Harry’s arm, that he holds around him, but he doesn’t back off.

“Harry.” He says, a slight warning in his voice.

“No. I wanna know, Louis. Seriously, I feel like I’m going crazy. God, I really am going crazy...”

Louis sighs softly and pitches back slightly, looking into Harry’s eyes.

“No. Everything’s not ok, if you wanna know. It obviously isn’t since I’m here with you right now.” His hand comes up to cup Harry’s cheek, caressing it tenderly with his thumb. “If it’s of any consolation I’m just as confused here, as you are, Harry.”

“Louis, fuck...” Harry breaths out, mind starting to spiral, wondering where the hell this conversation is going.

“I’m feeling kind of...out of character... This is not me at a swinger event, you know?” Louis drops his hand from Harry’s face and drags it over his own mouth instead, almost a bit desperately.

Things aren’t directly said straight out right now, but he can read between the lines, and it does nothing for the butterflies that slowly but surely are starting to awaken in his stomach.

It feels like the most natural thing in the world when they both lean forward at the same time, connecting in a gentle kiss. It deepens, but it’s not getting out of hand, and when they break it Louis whispers:

“I gave it a bit of thought whilst talking with Oscar and... Well, I couldn’t help but think that a place like this surely must be the worst place someone like you, Harry.”

Harry pouts a little bit, curious where this is going.

“Had I met you at home, I would’ve known to stay the hell away – I recognise a red flag when I see one. You’re a red flag to me, because...I can tell from a million miles that I’ll be drawn to you, relentlessly, which...isn’t very convenient when being in a relationship.”

Humming in understanding, Harry wants to hear more. And Louis gives it to him.

“Meeting you back home would’ve made me well pissed – the missed opportunity and all, you know – but I probably would’ve been sensible about it, thinking that the grass never is greener on the other side of the fence. But here...” Louis takes a deep breath, steeling himself. “ I’m allowed to get a taste of that grass, legitimately, and...”

“And?” Harry knows he sounds eager, but Louis words stroke Harry like soft kitten fur against his cheek.

He tries not being too affected, but it’s almost impossible to keep his composure.

“...and it’s hard to walk away and don’t look back, you know what I mean? Especially if that grass is fucking vibrant green, just like your eyes.”

“Baby.” Harry says softly, can’t help it, putting both his arms around his neck now.”

“Aren’t you afraid of falling even deeper into this?”

“I am.” Harry whispers, but it feels so strangely good standing here like this, listening to Louis’ confessions. “And I’m already at a point where I’m scared to death about having to say goodbye on Sunday.”

“Fuck, we’re so screwed...”

“Well.” Harry tries to sober up a bit. “Coming here this weekend, I was determined to have a good time... And, really, it’s pretty simple: I will have the best time if I spend it with you, and be miserable if I don’t, so that’s what I want to do. The consequences... Well, I’ll deal with them next week.”

He sounds more light-hearted than he feels, because he just can’t see an alternative, and if he inevitably is going to be depressed next week, he can as well spend the fuck out of this weekend with Louis, right?

Louis nods, not being able to hold back the cutest, abashed smile.

“Why the fuck does it feel like I’m cheating when I’m with you??” He kind of complains, twirling a strand of Harry’s hair around his finger and then securing it behind his ear.

His words make so much sense to Harry, he’s been struggling with the exact same thoughts himself.

“Because-“ Harry licks his lips and takes the plunge. “-this is more than sex.”

It’s not like there are any ambiguities here,

They know what this is. There’s no point in denying that they both recognise when an attraction goes beyond the sexual one.


One weekend should also be short enough for them to let themselves fall deep into it, only to, on Sunday, being able to let go, and for the following week piece themselves back together.

Should go, right?

It’s a calculation’s game, but Harry is more than willing to take the gamble. Actually, he’s willing to defy fate quite excessively, when it comes to Louis.

“Technically we’re not cheating, I get it. It is what it is. Come here.” Louis pulls him in for another kiss and that’s that.

This was the talk they needed, and even if it really hasn’t cleared anything up, it feels like they’re on the same page and want the same thing. They may be digging a bloody deep hole for themselves, but apparently they both are prepared to try and claw themselves out of it, come next week.

“Let’s go.” Louis whispers softly when they’ve kissed for a while.

Harry whines but knows exactly that this is the only right thing to do tonight. It’s been a lot, they need to come down, separately.

Louis cards both his hands through Harry’s hair before stepping away and taking his hand.

“When will I get to sleep with you Harry, hm? Feels like I’ve waited long enough, you know.” He smiles as he pulls Harry with him.

“Something to look forward to tomorrow, perhaps?” Harry says with a crooked smile, just as annoyed as Louis that they haven’t gotten around to do it yet.

But he prefers it like this, no question about it, and he knows that Louis does too. Because once the opportunity presents itself, he’d really want for them to have time.

Good God, he can’t wait.

They separate, after they’ve left the room, Harry going straight to his room on the second floor, and Louis going out to the pool area to tell Oscar that he’s calling it a night. Harry probably should go down there and find Mia as well, but he asks if Louis can tell her that he went up on his room to sleep. It’s been a draining evening, and he can’t be bothered about anything but having his own space for a while. He’s sure Mia will understand.

He's fast asleep, but wakes up, when Mia crawls down behind him. She’s warm and smells newly showered, and she puts her arm around him and her face between his shoulder blades. Hearing her fall asleep in a matter of seconds should probably be calming, but instead he stresses over the fact that it just doesn’t feel right.

This is so much more than falling for another guy. God, he has kids at home for crying out loud. There’s a lot of things to stress about, to be honest, but it’s not until he, in his head, is starting to go over his and Louis’ conversation from earlier this evening, that he finds peace and falls back to sleep.


Chapter Text

Louis wakes up the next morning, and lies staring in the ceiling for probably an hour before he makes it out of bed to pee. Then he takes another shower, it wasn’t many hours ago he took one, just before he went to bed.

Having gone back to his and Oscar’s room shortly after his and Harry’s talk last night, he’d spent quite some time showering and thinking, until he fell asleep. Alone.

Oscar hadn’t come back to their room until five o’clock this morning. Louis had pretended to sleep, had been too tired to talk. Everything about his boyfriend’s whispers and touches, when he’d slipped down between the sheets, had screamed bad conscience, which...yeah, Louis just couldn’t be bothered at that time of night.

The knot in his stomach, already there from everything that had happened with Harry, had only tightened, though. Not necessarily from worry over where Oscar had been or what he’d done, not at all actually, but rather that the situation clearly had started to spiral out of control.

And apparently not only for himself.

Oscar may have thought that he’d been quiet and careful coming back to their room, trying not to wake Louis up. But Louis, who was wide awake in the quietness of the early morning, had heard him take a thorough shower before coming to bed, still smelling of alcohol through his toothpaste breath. And before falling asleep he’d whispered: “Sorry, I fell asleep.” in Louis’ ear, lying on his side of the double bed, his body not even touching Louis’.

Now, his boyfriend is breathing evenly, fast asleep. He snores occasionally, which he only does when he’s been decently drunk the night before. And he’s got a hickey on the side of his throat.

It’s nothing alarming, though. Nothing of this worries Louis for real. What is worrying him, though, are the complicated thoughts that all this combined provokes within himself.

Thoughts like:

Will his bad conscience make it easier for me to go with Harry today?

Can I stay the night with Harry now that Oscar has stayed the night with whoever (probably Lucas)?

Why am I not bothered about my boyfriend breaking one of the few rules we have at swinger events, not coming back to sleep for the night?

Why am I not jealous or feeling possessive of him?

Another hour passes and Oscar wakes up. It feels like he kisses Louis dutifully, and the tight hug he offers him feels uncomfortable for both of them. And. He’s not hard. Not the slightest, and that is definitely a red flag because Oscar always gets aroused, at least to some extent, when cuddling in the morning. So, he’s worn out from the night before. Which shouldn’t be a thing at a weekend like this, and normally isn’t, but becomes one when adding everything up.

Oscar pulls back quite quickly, probably realising his state as well, grabbing for his phone on the bedside table.

“Don’t wanna cuddle?” Louis says neutrally, but really, it’s a challenge.

Just for the sake of it, because he’s not in the mood either.

“Huh?” Oscar pretends to be busy with his phone. “Of course I wanna cuddle, babe, I just...uhm...” He fiddles with his phone, and something catches his interest.

Louis studies him from the side, biting the inside of his cheek, as he sees him reading a text and Oscar’s eyes turn amused.

“So, Oscar...” Louis says, and it sounds wrong using his name and not one of all the nicknames he has in store for him.

But it’s also what feels like the right thing to do. “...who were you with, last night, then? Who did you fall asleep with?”

“Oh.” He puts down his phone and shrugs, not meeting Louis gaze. “Lucas. Sorry for the falling asleep bit.”

“S’ok, I guess. Can't really help if you dropped off, can you.”

“Yeah. But...that’s still not ok.”

“The guy who’s been sweating for Harry, right?” Why is it that Louis can’t help himself in situations like these?

Oscar’s face drops slightly, but he soon pulls himself together.

“Perhaps he has. But not only for him, apparently.”

Louis isn’t sure how to interpret that. Or that he understands why he says it. But perhaps that’s not important. It feels important, though, that Oscar is behaving differently. Louis doesn’t really recognise his pattern or can predict his moves.

“How was he?”

“Well. He was fun, I guess?”

“Like any other guy at any other swinger party – or fun-fun?”

Oscar wrinkles his eyebrows.

“What’s that supposed to mean Louis? I know I got back late. But I fell asleep. Told you already.”


Now Oscar sits up in bed, the duvet sliding down his chest.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were jealous.”

“Aha, would you?” Louis isn’t entirely sure why he’s trying to make him sweat for a bit, but it kind of feels right.

Would they be in a normal situation, Louis would genuinely have wanted to know. That he doesn’t care, in that way, isn’t really the point right now.

“Yes. I would.” Oscar clears his throat and seems to rethink his strategy, his face softening. “Honey. You’ve got nothing to worry about. And he was nothing out of ordinary. Nothing beats you, you know that.”

His voice sounds sincere, but the words come out sounding slightly rehearsed – as if going on auto pilot. He’s not investing in their conversation, that’s what it is. His mind is somewhere else.

But. Having that said, from what Louis can sense, he’s pretty sure that Oscar’s not smitten by Lucas, other than sexually. It was most surely a hell of a night, and Oscar will probably want to go with him again, but Louis’ guts tell him that it’s nothing more than that. And that’s already way better than he’s currently straying boyfriend. He really has no right to continue grilling him like this.

However, that Oscar is blissfully unaware of. So, Louis can continue to be an idiot of a boyfriend for a little longer.

“And you topped?”

“Mhm. Both of them.”

And, uhm, say what? Oscar sees his confusion and offers: “Lucas and Mia.”

“Oh, Mia as well?” Louis’ interest in the conversation has officially spiked.

Did Harry spend the night alone as well? What did he think about that? He doesn’t know about Harry’s and Mia’s arrangements in detail, but it probably wouldn’t be farfetched to take a guess that it didn’t sit all that well with Harry if she didn’t return for the night, either?

“A threesome.” He continues. “A bi threesome. Wow, you didn’t hold back yesterday, did you, babe.”

Louis keeps his voice neutral, and frankly, he still feels neutral about it.

“No. I didn’t. Thought that when the opportunity presented itself, I’d better just go for it. You should’ve been there too; think you would’ve liked it.”

Louis shrugs and smiles, leaving the answer hanging. No. He most surely wouldn’t have.

“Was a bit tired and was happy going to bed.” Is what he says.

Oscar laughs and shakes his head.

“Doesn’t sound like you, though. You normally go all-in at those things, sure you’re ok?”

“I’m fine.”

Louis has another question, can’t quite let it go just yet.

“So, all three of you all fell asleep in that room?”

“Yeah, but apparently Mia woke up earlier – and decided to not wake us up – because she was gone when I came to, at half past four.”

Oscar is definitely not besotted with Lucas (or Mia), Louis is sure. He wouldn’t be this relaxed about the whole thing if he was.

Which ridiculously enough almost makes Louis disappointed. Somehow, it would’ve been easier with this confusing Harry-thing, if Oscar would’ve had similar thoughts – but about Lucas – himself.

They’re past the subject now, though, Louis can tell. Oscar isn’t interested in digging deeper into the conversation, and he himself honestly isn’t either.

“So. What’s on the agenda for today then?” Oscar is the master of changing subjects and is pulling it off yet again.

He puts the phone away and reaches for the leaflet programme lying on the bedside table.

And just like that, they’re ready to take on the new adventures of this weekend. Superficially, obviously. Because Louis is ironic here, and he feels more frustrated than ever.

He can’t really put his finger on it right now, but things have changed. Even if Oscar is not out of line or anything, he’s definitely behaving differently. It’s as if their relationship has loosened up during these last twenty-four hours. As if their connection, their rules, have lost their importance, somehow.

Louis could understand it, if it was only Louis behaving like that, since he admittedly is overwhelmed by Harry and, yeah, has caught feelings for him.

But Oscar? Why is he this dull? This disinterested? A little bit less keen on keeping an eye on Louis?

Perhaps it’s been like this for some time, perhaps it’s just Louis who hasn’t noticed until now. What does he know. But, yeah, things definitely have changed between them.

“There’s a boat trip after lunch. Visiting some café on a small island.” Oscar reads from the leaflet. “If we wanna stay here instead, it’ll be a beach volleyball tournament down at the beach.” He raises his eyebrows and smiles wide. “And, oh! Tonight’s karaoke and game night, apparently.”

Louis hums, immediately wondering which activity Harry is going to pick.

“What’s game night?” He asks, a bit absentmindedly, looking at the clock hanging on the wall.

It’s nine am, and his stomach is growling. He’s been awake for a couple of hours now, and could really do with some breakfast.

“It’s a bit cryptic, listen to this: Come and have fun at our game night! Bring your curiosity, courage and playfulness, and don’t forget your horniness too, and we can promise you a very interesting and fun session! We meet in “Common open room 1” at 21.00. See you there!”

“Sounds like a sex game.” Louis states and suddenly feels a bit excited. “Beatrice has never had one of those before. Sounds fun, or what do you think?”

“You’ve always been more for games than me. I love karaoke, you know that!”

Louis pouts and starts to get dressed.

“I need to eat.”

“And I need to sleep.” Oscar decides and crawls under the duvet again, yawning, before winking at his boyfriend.

Louis sighs but accepts that Oscar has had a night that was a lot busier than his and probably is knackered. He’s a social guy, he’ll find someone to talk to at breakfast. Perhaps Harry’s there, even.

The thought of that possibility makes him get dressed rather quickly, but even so, Oscar is fast asleep when he’s done.

He takes the key card, that’s not in the switch, and puts it in his back pocket, instead of under the doormat. Walking down to the restaurant he can’t help but feeling real excitement for the day and night to come. Last night he and Harry had hinted at continuing where they’d left off, at some point today. Honestly, the thrill he gets, thinking about it, is ridiculous.


Chapter Text

Breakfast is the one meal they’re not specifically asked to have together as a group (since they all may have different sleep schedules). Harry and Mia are among the first to enter the restaurant at half past eight. None of them could sleep for longer.

They exchange friendly hellos with the few that are there, all more or less familiar faces by now. And although they yesterday may have seen each other in compromising situations, the atmosphere is easy and relaxed.

Sitting down at an empty table, Mia seemingly wants to talk in private. Harry is always open for talks and discussions and analyses, but right now he’s a bit wary about it all, since he can guess what she’s looking to talk to him about.

“I left you, to go to bed alone.” She makes a small grimace, clearly showing that she’s not happy with how she’d behaved.

Taking a small bite of her toast, she then admits: “I’m ashamed, Harry.”

“It was ok.” He says sincerely and reaches out to stroke her hand reassuringly.

Then he starts to peel one of three eggs he’s got on a plate.

“Don’t know if I would’ve been as understanding as you are right now, if you’d behaved like I did yesterday.” She scolds herself.

Fuck. You don’t know how I behaved yesterday.

She shouldn’t be the one with a bad conscience here, he should. And yet here he is, feeling no weight on his shoulders whatsoever.

“Honestly, Mia, we trust each other, right?”

She nods.

“So, if I wouldn’t have been ok with you banging those two gorgeous lads last night, I would’ve said so.”

“Harry!” She exclaims, outraged, immediately putting a hand over her mouth. “I didn’t!”

“You did!”

The both laugh out oud, and it’s liberating being able to do so, in the middle of this strange conversation.

“Well.” She bites her lip almost nervously, taking a deep breath. “I did, and that’s why I’m ashamed.”

He almost feels a bit amused, she’s cute, sitting there blushing, probably feeling well dirty.

“That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We agreed on letting each other run free. Try things, take inspiration from other people... Hopefully everything we do here strengthen us in the end.”

Although, as the words leave his mouth, he just finds them sounding so empty, and to be honest they’re probably just a bunch of bullshit. He just doesn’t believe in that anymore. He may have done so before they got here, but since meeting Louis, pretty much everything he’s believed in is kind of messed up.

“But why did you leave? Why did you go to bed alone? Why didn’t you have some fun with someone, slept with someone? Lucas? Louis?”

Hearing Lucas’ and Louis’ names in the same sentence makes his smile drop rather quickly, and he hurries to take a huge bite of the egg. At least half of it disappears into his mouth, and he’s got the time it takes to chew, to think.

“I hung out quite a lot with Louis yesterday. It was fine. I was just...done for the night.” He says when having swallowed his bite.

“Did you, like, sleep with him?”

“No. We blew each other.”

“Do you want to? Sleep with him? Or anyone else? Wasn’t it that you wanted to try...?”

He shrugs.

“Yeah? I’m in no hurry.” That’s the fucking lie of the year, but it fits in with the nonchalant stance he’s decided to take in regards of Louis.

It’s an act, but he’s doing it for the greater good. He’s on a mission to devour Louis the rest of this weekend, in peace, and the more relaxed Mia is with him being around Louis, the better. And the more space they’ll be granted.

Call him manipulative, or whatever, but he’d rather like to see it as some degree of planning, for domestic peace. Things that may seem more serious to Mia than what they really are, well, why would she need to know about them? If Harry’s slightly tantalized by Louis, so be it. He’ll make sure to get the best out of the attraction between them, and in the end, he’ll handle it in a neat way, when parting on Sunday.

He had time to think last night, quite a lot, and it has all become very clear to him: he and Louis is inevitably going to come to the fuck part, and they surely won’t hold back once they get the opportunity. They will need their space and time, as simple as that.

Therefore, it’s good if Mia’s not worried about him being around Louis, and even better if she longs to be around someone else later. Oscar, for example. Or Lucas.

Christ, isn’t this a weird place, when he and Mia have been with the same man, the same day, but at separate occasions.

The way Harry’s mind is working right now may not be completely uncomplicated morally wise, but he’s not worried that he’s lost his inner compass, not yet anyway. What he does from now on, with Louis, can be seen as egoistic, sure, but he’d also like to think that he’s considerate at the same time.

It’s hard to calculate what amount of interaction with others, at an event like this, is morally acceptable. Because it’s kind of already slightly decadent, the whole thing, and he and Mia know where they have each other and what the other wants to explore – and achieve – by being here this weekend. Do they really need to know so much more, in detail, than that?

“How was it to be with a woman?” Harry asks, starting to peel the second, out of his three eggs.

This is something good that will come out from their time here; their will and ability to talk about more intimate things. Harry can’t remember that they ever had any problems with that during their first years of relationship, but the last few years they just haven’t taken an interest in each other in that way.

Harry loves to dig into subjects like this, though, and he really thinks it does good for a relationship knowing about private stuff about each other. And talking openly about how the other part in a relation wants things is hot.

Mia blushes, though, and Harry can tell that she’s well on her way on closing up, like a clam. Her whole body-language screams it.

“I don’t know. Weird?” She says hesitantly, and Harry doesn’t believe her.

She may not be hooked on the thought of being with other women, it’s hard to read her in regards of that. But she does want to explore, and Harry thinks that she likes that bit a lot more than what she lets on.

“Did you let her touch you?”

She wrinkles her eyebrows.

“Shut it, Harry. We can talk about this in private, not here, there are...”

“...people here, and they’re not prude, babe.” Harry deadpans. “You could jump up and ride me right here and we’d only get appreciative looks and people cheering us on, you know that.”

She sighs and Harry gets more determined for them to talk by the second. Call him obstinate, and he won’t object, but he’s curious to know if there’s been any development in their relationship.

Giving him a long look she reaches for her glass of orange juice, probably to have something to occupy her hands with.

“It’s Different. She...well, she got me off.”

“No way!”

Now Mia blushes, a bit more, and gives the room a quick look-around.

“With her...hand?” Harry’s curious, and it’s actually quite fun watching her this outraged from talking about such private things, in a public restaurant.


“Fuck.” Harry’s happy for her, this is definitely something new, and if it’s a thing she wants to explore, this is the perfect place for it. “And then you went with two guys! Jesus, Mia, what a fucking way to start this weekend off, huh?! Tell me!”

“Harry, what... I mean, do we really need to do this now? Here? I know that we’re going to share everything with each other, and so on, but isn’t it hotter if we do that in a more sensual setting and not in a restaurant nine o’clock in the morning?!”

Harry shrugs.

“Ok. Whatever you want, babe.”

And when he breaks eye contact with her and flicks his eyes around the room a bit absentmindedly, Louis suddenly enters. Alone.

He steps into the room, so relaxed and confident, looking around with a smile, and getting a lot of attention back. There’re not many of them there yet, but those who are, turn their heads and consciously seek him out, wanting to acknowledge his arrival and say hello.

Harry guesses that that’s what Louis does to people. It probably doesn’t matter if it’s one or a hundred new faces, he’ll have their attention – until he doesn’t want it any longer. It’s probably not a farfetched guess either that he’s got that role in a friend group as well. A humble, caring, and fun leader. Lowkey strong and confident – and charismatic at that.

Harry can’t take his eyes off him, and it doesn’t take long for Louis to spot him back. Immediately, when their gazes meet, a smile breaks out in his face. But he stays put just inside the door, biting his lip, and glancing between him and Mia.

“Louis!” Harry says quite loudly and waves a hand. “Come sit here.”

Mia looks a bit confused at Harry, but then she sees Louis, who has started to walk in their direction.

“That’s ok?” He asks and she immediately nods, only looking happy and friendly.

“Where’s your man?” Harry asks when Louis pulls out a chair at their table and sits down. “Sleeping in, or?”

“Nothing could wake him up right now. He was pulling an all-nighter, isn’t that right Mia?” Louis says cheekily and smiles at Mia – who, bless her, blushes heavily.

“Well. He was fast asleep when I left, so he wasn’t awake all night, don’t let him fool you.” She smiles, uncharacteristically shy.

“That’s so typical him, saying anything just to get some more sleep.” Louis replies easily, nodding at a waiter a bit further away.

Then he turns to Harry, eyeing him intently before sighing a bit playfully.

“And you? Had a good sleep?”

“Yeah, thanks, I did, yeah.”

It feels like they have a short conversation in silence after that, speaking their inner thoughts through honest eyes.

The waiter comes to their table and Louis orders pancakes, with everything to go, including ice cream. And a coffee. Harry hums amusedly, thinking he’s so cute, ordering exactly what he wants, not a care in the world.

“So.” Louis continues, looking between Harry and Mia. “What activity are you guys looking at doing today? Island café or beach volleyball?”

Mia and Harry replies exactly at the same time, but different answers. Mia goes for beach volleyball and Harry for the island café. They look at each other and laugh, and Louis joins in.

“You sound exactly like me and Oscar, going for different things. But that’s good, right? To be able to do what one likes?” Louis offers and Harry eyes him curiously, wondering what’s coming next. “Looks like you can team up with Oscar then, Mia, and win the whole tournament. Whilst me and Harry here go and eat some nice cake!”

By now, Harry’s used to feel the butterflies awaken in his stomach as soon as Louis says or does something. And here they go again, flapping around inside of him, making him bite his lip to stifle the uncontrollably big smile that wants to break out in his face.

“Cool.” Mia says and finishes her tea. “Hope he’s good at it, because I really like to win.”

Laughing out loud, Louis pats her arm and shakes his head.

“Sorry, I don’t think he’s ever played before... But you never know, he may be a natural talent!”

Mia laughs as well, shrugging.

“He better be.” She mutters and looks at the clock on the wall. “I’m actually going to go and work on my tan for a bit, are you coming Harry, or...?”

Louis puts a hand over Harry’s on the table, but still looks at Mia when he says:

“Would actually be nice if you’d wanted to keep me some company whilst I have my breakfast? Please?”

“Of course.” Harry mumbles.

He hadn’t expected anything else from Louis at this point.

And that’s that. Mia leaves them with a nod and a smile. And they’re alone.

They just look at each other for a good minute, without saying anything, before Louis coffee arrives. He takes a sip of it and Harry watches his every move intently.

“Island café, huh?” Harry then says, lips quirking upwards. “Funny, I could’ve bet my life on you being the sporty guy, choosing the volleyball tournament, you know?”

“Oh, you don’t know me that well then, Harry.” Louis sassies and takes another sip of his coffee, as Harry starts to peel his third and last egg.

“But I can tell that you like cake-“ Harry bites his lip and makes sure to suck him in hard with his eyes. “-and other sweet things.”

“I do.” Louis says lowly, gaze so intense, but Harry is sure he sees a glitch in his otherwise very composed appearance.

A very small one, but still. He’s affected by Harry’s words. Good.

Harry realises that Louis’ hand still lies over his, on the table, stroking his thumb over his knuckles. It’s a small gesture, but so very intimate.

“Hey, you ok being with me today?” Louis asks genuinely, checking in from yesterday.

“I am, yeah.” Harry answers on an exhalation, slowly turning his hand in Louis grip so that their fingers intertwine.

Harry brings up his other hand to Louis’ cheek and slides his thumb over his lower lip. Relaxing into Harry’s touch, he opens his mouth slightly, never breaking eye contact.

“Wanna kiss you, you know.” Harry whispers.

It’s just a statement, that he leaves hanging, because he doesn’t feel confident enough about moral rules and shit here, to just go with his gut feeling.

And to be frank, no matter how hard it may be to keep within the boundaries at this place, he knows that this isn’t even a blurred line. Kissing like this would be an overstep, no matter how they try and wrap the truth. They’re not engaged in any swinging sexual activities of any sorts; this is pure affection. Passion if you want. Nothing else.

“I want that too.” Louis says, though, and sounds a lot more confident in his belief.

He pulls slightly on Harry’s hand over the table, clearly showing him what he wants.

That’s the final blow to Harry’s defence, and when he starts to lean over the table, Louis quickly meets him halfway.

Harry kisses him lightly, almost innocently, but when Louis starts to move his lips, Harry goes with it. There’s no force strong enough to hold him back from kissing a wanting Louis, and before they know it they’re full on tongue kissing – and God help him but Harry will never ever tire of this.

“Want more of you.” Harry hears Louis whisper into his mouth, panting quietly, and he sounds so aroused. “Wanna know how making love with you feels.”

When their lips break apart the next time, Harry whispers back:

“Wanna let you find out.”

Harry can feel Louis smiling against his mouth.

“When?” He replies quickly, sliding his hand into Harry’s hair and tugging slightly on it.

“Morning horny, hm?” Harry chuckles lowly but finds himself place his hand on Louis thigh and squeeze rather hard.

“A bit.” Louis smoothly moves his chair closer to Harry. “Feel for yourself.”

Since they’re here, in this very strange but allowing setting, Harry does. Sliding his hand up his thigh, he finds his bulge, and cups it firmly, eagerly feeling him out, eyes glued on each other.

“Mm.” Louis clearly tries to hold back the moan escaping his lips, by swallowing thickly, but it doesn’t work that well. “Oh, God...” He whispers restrainedly. “...need you to touch me for real...” A touch of desperation to his voice now. “Wanna go for a walk?”

Harry bites his inner cheek, smiling teasingly, but feeling kind of lost in all feelings bombarding him right now.


Someone clears their throat from a bit of a distance, and Louis, who already had started to get up from the chair, sits down again. It’s the waiter, holding a whole tray with Louis’ pancakes, and whatnot.

“Oh.” Louis says, surprised and disappointed, and Harry can’t but laugh out loud at his expression. “Thank you so much...” He says weakly to the slightly confused waiter and watches the tray be put down in front of him.

When they’re alone again Louis smiles that cheeky smile of his and mumbles:

“Jesus, all I wanted to indulge in right now was you.”

“Eat.” Harry prompts him. “Need some energy for later, right?” He winks, and Louis obediently puts the fork in the pancake.


Louis eats rather quickly, Harry’s almost worried he’ll get some stomach cramps or something, and ten minutes later they walk out onto the beach and starts to stroll along the shoreline. Hand in hand. It feels both strange and really, really good. He’s only hold hands with Mia for so long, and this is so different. Louis hand holds him in a tight, strong grip, and soon they entangle their fingers in each other’s as well.

It's another warm, sunny day, and quite a few from their group have found their way down to the beach. One couple is skinny dipping.

They only need to walk a couple of hundred metres further off, to be completely alone. It’s quiet and peaceful, the small, calm waves from the ocean the only thing that move and make a sound.

Suddenly Louis starts to jog towards a gathering of sand dunes, roughly pulling Harry with by his wrist. Looking back over his shoulder, with his hair flying in his eyes, he laughs, and Harry...well, he’s happy. He knows, here and now, that Louis makes him happy.

Landing them in the middle of one of the dunes –  it’s like an eroded, wide hole, free from view from outside – Louis throws himself down on his back and pulls Harry over himself, in between his open legs. It’s a cosy little place, only for them.

They laugh together whilst trying to find a nice position, where Harry can melt into Louis’ body comfortably. He lifts one of his legs over one of Louis’ thighs, so that he straddles it, and pushes down. His hip presses against Louis’ dick, and his own grinds against Louis’ upper thigh. He’s game, and he wants Louis to know.

They lie like that for a while, enjoying the closeness from each other’s bodies, feeling themselves growing more and more aroused. Soon they start to kiss as well, and it turns eager and hot.

“I’m sorry, but my experiences from sex on the beach aren’t magnificent...” Harry says amusedly and breaks their kiss in favour of talking. “...sand fucking everywhere.”

“I’m skilled in keeping the sand out.” Louis smiles back, caressing Harry’s cheek. “But let’s keep it simple... I’m gonna blow you now. Then we can fuck inside the hotel, in a bed, far from all this sand, ok?”

The thumb on his cheek feels gentle but also demanding, and it falls silent between them for a few seconds, both turning slightly more serious. Harry just lies there, on him, staring down in his eyes.

“You wanna trust me with that? Give it a try?” Louis mumbles after a while, voice low and raspy.

One hand travel down the side of Harry’s neck, the other one finds its way down his back, and lands on his ass cheek.

Harry can’t help it and grinds down hard, feeling how their hard cocks press against each other’s through the fabric of their shorts.

“I can live with you giving me a blowie, yes.” Harry mumbles cheekily against his mouth, ghosting over his lips with his own. “As long as you are as skilled in keeping the sand out as you promised.” He grinds down again for emphasis. “Doing the love-making inside is a great idea...and I’m actually rather impatient for it, so can we just-?”

Louis laughs lowly and lifts his head a little bit, to connect their lips. Engaging in a short but passionate snog, Louis then moves his body in a way that tells Harry that he wants him to move up over his chest.

“Take them off.” Louis says and dips his hand inside the back of Harry’s shorts, trying to shove them down, but it doesn’t work until Harry helps with one of his hands too.

Harry’s cock springs free and Louis lifts his head again, making sure to get a long, good look, before he curls one hand around it and starts to stroke.

“Yesss...!” Harry hisses and bites his lip, throwing his head slightly backwards in pure pleasure.

Soon Louis pushes Harry forward over his chest and opens his mouth in an inviting gesture. When Harry is close enough, Louis sticks his tongue out and licks the tip.

It twitches and jumps against Louis tongue, before he finally sucks him in, and hollows his cheeks for the right pressure.

“Perfect...” Harry whispers, not moving where he sits straddled over Louis’ chest, Louis head the only thing moving. “So fucking perfect Louis...”

When Louis pops off and takes a deep breath, he mumbles:

“Wanna do the job now, hm?”

And Harry nods, not missing a beat and pushing inside Louis’ mouth as Louis pliantly rests his head back against the sand, relaxing his mouth and throat.

Fuck, this is hot, so, so fucking hot, Harry thinks when staring at where he thrusts in and out of Louis’ tight mouth. The sight is almost enchanting, his worry line deepening and his mouth hanging slightly more open the closer he gets.

Louis moans so beautifully, not in a pornographic way, but rather softly, as if he genuinely can’t get enough of having Harry’s cock halfway down his throat. One of Louis arms is hugging Harry’s ass cheeks, steadying him, and the other has sneaked somewhere behind Harry, and given how it’s moving Harry reckons he’s pulling himself off at the same time.

Harry is gentle, but Louis urges him on by pushing Harry’s ass harder towards himself. If he means for Harry to go harder or faster isn’t entirely clear, and when he does both, he is rewarded with a long appreciative hum from Louis.

He’s close, so he reaches a hand behind himself, and takes over from where Louis is working himself. The position is slightly awkward, but he still gets a good grip and starts to wank him in the same beat as he’s fucking his mouth.

Holy Christ, Louis is truly something else with his mouth, making it feel so good, with just the perfect pressure and no hands. He seems to enjoy that bit, to give oral, and his heavy, leaking cock in Harry’s hand doesn’t contradict that guess either.

“I’m coming...” Harry warns, not long into the session at all, and sue him for low stamina, but he’d like to see the person who can hold off longer against Louis mouth.

He pants and tightens his grip around Louis’ cock, speeding up his strokes even more.

When he comes, he pulls out and wanks himself with a long, loud groan. Holding his dick over Louis’ face, he shoots and shoots, and coats his cheeks and mouth in white. Opening his mouth, Louis uses his tongue to obscenely lick the come from where he can reach, and then he comes in Harry’s hand. Harry contentrates on keeping up a constant speed, at the same time as he's riding out the last of his own orgasm as well.

“Pheeew.” Harry breaths out and moves down his chest a bit again, still moving his hand, but slower now, over Louis sticky dick.

When he finally lets go, he lifts one leg over Louis’ chest and moves off him, sitting on his knees in the sand next to him.

“That was fucking awesome.” Louis states, voice slightly raspy, as he smilingly wipes some come off his cheek. “I can’t believe my luck getting to be with you like this.”

Harry laughs and hits him fondly on his arm.

“Says the one who takes it like a God. Jesus, Lou...”

The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily, and Louis doesn’t seem to react to it, so Harry refrains from commenting as well.

Louis raises himself up on his elbows and grabs for Harry’s hand in the sand, entangling their fingers tightly.

“We can catch our breath for a minute, but then...shall we-”

“Yeah.” Harry exclaims, before Louis has even finished the sentence, not needing to think it over at all. “We definitely should.”

“Ok.” Louis smiles and bites his lip seductively. “When? Before or after the boat trip?”

Harry shrugs, squeezing Louis fingers tenderly.

“Being realistic about it, it’ll have to be after. We’ve got like-“ Would he have his mobile on him he would’ve looked, but since it’s locked into their room, he goes for a good guess. “-an hour before we need to get a cab to the harbour and the boat. In that hour we need to shower and get dressed. And. When we finally...” Harry caresses his fingers up Louis’ lower arm, up and down. “...get to make that love we’ve been talking about for a while now, I really want for us to have time, Lou. To do it properly.”

Louis nods emphatically at that. Those words affect him, which pleases Harry. They’re on the same wavelengths in this.

Making himself sit upright again, reaching for his shorts, Louis changes the subject.

“A swim in the ocean on our way back?” He suggests and Harry agrees easily.

He loves water and swimming, and even better when it’s in the ocean. Putting on their shorts again, they walk out in the water and Louis immediately disappears under the surface. Presumably he’s longed to wash off his sticky face and Harry certainly doesn’t blame him, although it is hot to see his own come slowly starting to dry on him.

Then they swim their way back to the hotel beach, and walk out of the water, where quite a few of their swinger friends are sunbathing. Including Oscar and Mia and Lucas, lying with some distance from each other, talking with some other people close by.

They get a towel each from the hotel’s common towel shelf, and Harry walks up to Mia, and Louis to Oscar, a few sunbeds away.

It feels slightly forced to seek out their partners like this, after the sexy time they’ve just shared, but Harry guesses it’s just part of the package with a swinger weekend. Something he’ll have to get used to.

It’s his first time doing the swinger thing, but he honestly doesn’t think that this weird feeling inside would’ve felt any different if this was his tenth time. Something is wrong with what Louis is to him, in a good, forbidden way.

Yet again, he pushes the thought to the back of his head. It can wait, and be dealt with when this weekend is over.

Harry looks up, over the shoulder of Mia, and finds that Louis already is looking at him. Oscar is currently talking to him, and he is nodding absentmindedly, whilst keeping his stare on Harry. A small smile enters his lips, looking well cheeky and Harry can’t help but wonder what he’s up to. Louis moves slightly to the side, probably to get out of Oscar’s sight, and mimics a clear:


And winking. And when Harry feels the heat creep up his neck and a pleasant tingle travelling down his spine, he feels forced to lower his gaze to not be too obvious, either to Louis or the people around them.

He scolds himself for his own reaction, because come on! He’s forty, he can surely act more mature when being flirted with. Being around Louis certainly has turned a lot of things upside down, though, so perhaps this is just another thing to get used to.

The next time their eyes meet Louis looks so bloody smug and content that Harry could walk up to him and fondly punch him in the face.

There’s obviously no question about it, Louis has noticed Harry’s teenage antics, and is more than happy to let Harry know that he has, at that.

He’s a cheeky bastard, a trait that Harry, by the way, loves in people he hangs out with.


Chapter 15


Moral dilemmas.
Public PDA.
And soulmates, do they exist?

Chapter Text

The boat trip is cosy, that’s how Louis would like to describe it. The boat in itself is quite small, the bottom flat, and they’re going at low speed, close to the shoreline. Alcohol free drinks are served, together with some sun warm, chopped fruit, and the guide says a few words here and there. It takes about an hour to get to the picturesque island, which is situated very close to the mainland. Apparently, there’re even organised swimming groups out there, with an escort boat, every hour or so.

The café is right on the beach, buzzing with people, clearly a popular place among the locals. Their small group – they’re twelve that have chosen to go on this trip – are split into three tables. Louis and Harry come to sit with a woman and a man, who, like Louis and Harry, have come here together but not originally is a couple.

To summarize, it’s good to spend time with this “couple”, to put things in perspective, but the realisations also leaves Louis sort of giddy. He can tell Harry has pretty much the same thoughts running through his head, given the confused gazes they exchange rather often. They both know that it’s kind of an unwritten rule not showing PDA in public at swinger gatherings, if you’re not an original couple – it’s barely ok behind closed doors either.

But it’s so hard not to. So, so hard.

The other couple doesn’t seem to have this problem, though, staying put in their chairs and talking and smiling in a friendly, but nowhere near an evocative, way. Louis and Harry, on the other hand, have already squeezed each other’s thighs under the table, and touched hands over it, countless times, and having clear difficulties in breaking eye contact. The atmosphere is very sexually charged, which (unfortunately) must be obvious to their table friends. Louis hasn’t got a clue how to not be so obvious, though – to not touch Harry is honestly a minor impossibility.

An impossibility – and also a wanted one.

It has gone so far that Louis – who always obeys by the unwritten no PDA rules, at every swinger event he’s ever attended – now suddenly has opened up for the possibility to deviate from those rules, when not around Oscar (and, in this case, Mia). Like now. When they’re with Oscar and Mia, though, he’ll definitely try harder than he does now.

Louis orders a cake that is a local speciality, whilst Harry goes for a fruit salad with ice cream and whipped cream and some warm chocolate sauce. They’re delicious, both of their deserts, and they end up sharing most of it. It’s too good, and cosy, not to.

“Here, take the last strawberry.” Harry says and pierces it on his fork, shoving it around in the last chocolate sauce on his plate before bringing it to Louis mouth.

“Mm, thanks babe.” Louis hears himself say.

He does react to his own choice of words, but they also roll off his tongue so easily that it doesn’t even feel wrong.

Opening his mouth, Louis knows very well what they both are thinking: this is what he looked like, taking Harry’s cock in his mouth, a couple of hours ago. Now, it’s a strawberry, and it’s strange how a berry can fuck with your mind. When Harry slows down the fork, as it nears Louis open mouth, Louis peaks out his tongue and licks some of the chocolate off it. Harry’s intense gaze sucks him right in, and when biting down on it, Louis and Harry’s eyes are stuck in each other’s.

“Fuck, this is good...” Louis moans lowly, and the world around them has ceased to exist.

“It is, isn’t it.” Harry whispers and leans in, and Louis isn’t even surprised when he finds himself being kissed, and he doesn’t hesitate to kiss him back.

It’s a slow and soft kiss, tasting of strawberry and chocolate and Harry. Harry has moved out on the edge of his chair so that he can reach Louis better, both his hands high up on Louis’ thighs.

The kiss goes on and on and Louis soon needs to feel him more. He caresses his hands up his arms and sneaks them around his neck, finding his hair and massages his long curls thoroughly. Harry lets out something reminiscing a whimper against Louis’ mouth, and when Louis pulls again, he’s rewarded with the same incredible sound.

Someone is clearing their throat and Louis slowly opens an eyelid, seeing how both the woman and man are staring at them, and the woman opens her mouth to speak.

“Uhm, can we watch?” She says lowly, looking from Louis to the man sitting next to her, and back at Louis again. “Watching you...continue this? And perhaps we’ll do things as well.”

Louis breaks the kiss with Harry and realises that his breathing is heavy.

“Yeah? You wanna watch us get it on?”

“Yeah.” The woman and man say in unison.

Leaning back slightly so that he can look Harry in the eye, he makes sure to get a go-ahead nod, and then nods himself.

“Lead the way.” He says and smiles darkly, taking Harry’s hand and stands up at the same time as the couple does.

Since they’re not currently on swinger territory he feels obliged to pull down his t-shirt and cover the front of his shorts. So does Harry, with a cheeky grin.

Everything’s paid for in advance, and they only have their mobiles with them, which are allowed outside Beatrice’s premises. They follow the couple, who surprisingly seem to have a clear plan in mind, steering their steps to a lounge area behind the café, looking out over the beautiful ocean.

“I’ve been here before.” The man says explanatory, looking over his shoulder, and Louis nods, feeling Harry squeeze his hand in anticipation. “And I told Lisa here that I wanted to show here a cute place. A good place to be cosy in, as well.”

They walk through the lounge area, though, to Louis surprise. At the end of it, there’s a cliff, and when they climb over it, the tiniest beach Louis has ever seen reveals itself. It’s probably no more than five meters wide and there’re a couple of meters of sand until it reaches the water. Above the sand there’s grass for another few meters, and then only cliffs surround them, almost like an open ceiling room.

“Wow!” Harry exclaims and walks a couple of steps out in the water, looking back at the other three. “This is beautiful, thanks for showing us.”

The man, who apparently is called John, just smiles and watches Harry and Louis take the place in, in peace, for a few minutes.

“Right.” Louis says after a while, looking straight at Harry. “Come here.”

They haven’t talked about what’s supposed to happen now, but since Louis knows that they’re both in on it, he guesses that it’ll come naturally to them. He’s had sex in front of others on many occasions, but he’s not sure how Harry feels about it. This is his first time having a deliberate audience, as far as he knows, but he trusts him to speak up at any point, should he get uncomfortable.

People do a lot of things outside of swinger parties, of course, but since he knows that Harry’s been in a relationship that for the past years has been idling, he just doesn’t think they’ve been very dissolute when having sex.

However, the vibes he’s getting from Harry right now are hot. He’s excited about this and definitely spurred on by having Lisa and John here with them. And Louis is incredibly glad for their initiative. Almost about to burst back at the café, after that insanely hot kiss, Louis had wanted Harry so much it almost hurt. Now an opportunity has arisen, that means that they won’t have to wait until getting back to the hotel to get off. Even if it wasn’t that long ago they had a cosy moment inside that sand dune, he’s horny for Harry again. As it feels right now, he’s not sure he’ll ever feel completely sated together with Harry. He’d always want him again – and again.

Harry slowly walks up to him where he stands on the grass. Lisa and John take a step back, and kind of disappear from their immediate sight. Without a word Harry shoves down his shorts and steps out of them, his heavy semi bobbing deliciously between his thighs. Louis licks his lips in anticipation – Harry’s so big, intimidating and alluring at the same time –and Louis has certainly given his dick quite some thought lately. Or, more precisely, how he’d feel to have inside.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Louis whispers, but enough loud to make sure the others hear him. “Show us that beautiful cock of yours. Let’s see how big and hard we can get it, hm?” He may be putting on a show, in terms of speaking a bit louder than he would if it would’ve been in private – but it’s a hundred percent genuine as well.

“I know how good you can suck it.” Harry mumbles, clearly following Louis into their own sex bubble, and God, his confidence right now is so fucking hot. “Fuck, want your mouth on me so bad, Lou.”

“You’ll have it, baby, just stroke yourself a bit for me, will you please? Just until I’m in position...”

Harry grabs his own cock without hesitation, and strokes it slowly, thumbing over the head, and letting quiet, sexy moans slip out of his mouth.

Ridding himself of his clothes, all of them, Louis then falls to his knees in the soft grass and puts his hands on Harry’s hips. Leaning in, he licks the parts of his dick that he gets access to around Harry’s hand, until Harry lets go and lets his arms hang relaxed along his sides.

This time around, Louis is the one doing the job, and Harry being the passive one. But it’s the same act; Louis blowing Harry, and Louis absolutely loves it. Soon he goes wild on him, and it doesn’t take long until Harry signals that he’ll come. Interestingly, the signal is a silent one, where Harry drags his thumb over Louis’ cheekbone, just a little bit harder than his other touches. Louis just nods, that he has acknowledged, and is prepared.

It’s quickly over with, which is no surprise with the build-up, the surroundings, and their small audience. Louis also suspects that Harry doesn’t hold back either, letting the drawn-out and more intense sex be only between the two of them. This is a show, and they both enjoys it being just that, a show.

They both act out when Harry comes. Harry being very loud, and Louis letting him spurt over his face. He was in the mood for swallowing but reckons it’s more fun for John and Lisa to watch, doing it like this.

Immediately after Harry’s done, he stands up and surprisingly lifts Louis up and hooks his legs around his waist. Carrying him to a flat part of the cliffs, he lowers Louis onto his back, spreads his legs and dives down over his cock, starting to blow him roughly. Fuck, Harry is an animal, being right out dirty, and Louis absolutely loves it. This is why he’s at a swinger party, he thinks about him, trying to keep his sanity as Harry is about to suck his brain out his dick.

He lasts no longer than Harry did, probably even shorter, and the orgasm is so fucking hard he almost wriggles off the cliff. And he can hear himself shout out in pleasure, which...yeah, he’s loud. Harry has a hard time staying on him with his mouth, but he persistently does, and doesn’t pop off until Louis has calmed down, and come down.

Harry decides to swallow, making Louis guess that Harry thinks they should give Lisa and John some variation. And he certainly doesn’t complain.

Licking the corners of his lips, Harry comes back to stand between Louis’ legs, watching him fondly. Then he leans down over his chest and kisses him a couple of times in quick order, whispering “So fucking hot baby, bloody hell.”

When he takes a couple of steps back, Louis sits up on the cliff and unabashedly watches him stand there, in his naked glory and look like a fucking God. His hair is dishevelled and he’s got a faint blush over his chest and neck. Eyes still dark and lips puffy from being put into such pleasant use. He’s so beautiful it hurts. Like, for real, not just the expression.

To have something else to do – rather than to stand up and throw himself at Harry, and declare his love for the man – Louis points at his shorts lying in the sand, with a cheeky smile.

Harry smiles back, but picks them up and throws them at Louis.

“Why so shy, sexy?” Harry teases, but at the same time, Louis sees how it dawns on him that they actually do have company.

Louis doesn’t blame him, because honestly, he himself hasn’t thought about John and Lisa being there until just now.

They both turn to look at them, where they sit, a small distance away, in the grass. John’s stomach is sticky with come, but his dick is apparently back in his shorts. His hand is in Lisas swimming pants and, well, she seems to be about to come. She’s leaning on her hands behind her in the grass, head thrown back whilst John’s hand is working fast.

Louis can appreciate that it’s kind of hot, even though he thinks it’s hotter to know that John has orgasmed from his and Harry’s shenanigans. Turning to look at Harry he sees that he’s affected as well, looking at both Lisa and John. He wanders what it’s like to be equally drawn to a man and a woman.

He himself realised in early years that yes, a woman can definitely get him off, but the real pull in his guts is only present with a man.

With a small whine she comes, and John squeezes her tit and breaths against her neck. And that’s that, the session is over. For all four of them.

Louis realises that Harry has come closer, so close that their arms touch, and Louis grabs for his hand and smiles reassuringly at him.

“That was amazing, Harry, I came so fucking hard...”

“Me too.” Harry grins, almost a bit shyly, but confidently so.

“You liked it? Showing them how good we can make it for each other?”

“Mm. More than I thought I would.”

“I’ve always known there lives a little devil inside you, begging to come out and show himself.” Louis teases and drags a hand through Harry’s hair.

“Perhaps you’re right.”

Harry kisses him quickly, almost a bit hurriedly, as if he suddenly has realised – again – that too much PDA is inappropriate. And Louis just won’t have that anymore. They’re way past inappropriate in that case, so why start bothering about it now?

So, he deliberately turns the kiss deep and deliciously hot, and Louis couldn’t be happier for the fact that they’re not done with each other yet. The best is yet to come, if asking Louis, because he absolutely loves the actual fucking bit, when it comes to sex. He loves everything sexual with Harry, but holy fucking God how he looks forward to being with Harry all the way, later.

“Thanks for the show.” John smiles, and now they’re both standing up (when did that happen?), Lisa straightening her clothes.

“Glad if you liked it.” Louis smiles, stepping away from Harry but keeping their hands linked. “You had a good time too, right?” He adds with a wink.

They laugh, all four of them, in some kind of odd mutual understanding, and then Lisa points over her shoulder.

“Perhaps we should head back to the group.”

On their way back Lisa and Louis end up a few feet behind John and Harry and she says, lowly:

“Your chemistry is sick.”

Louis has a vague idea what she means but plays dumb, raising his eyebrows.

“You and Harry.” She clarifies. “The sexual tension between the two of you, good God, Louis!”

Not completely sure how to reply to that, his answer drags out, and she continues, before he manages to get any words out:

“And not only the sexual one... The attraction between you two goes beyond that, to be honest. You’re like...soulmates or something. Sorry, I really don’t mean to say anything intruding here, I know you both are happy in your relationships, but I just wanted to say it. You’re a beautiful swinger couple, if you know what I mean.”

Louis smiles and annoyingly he can feel himself blushing, because it feels so good to hear her say it. It’s like a confirmation that he’s not going insane here, that what he feels so strongly inside, also is clear to people on the outside.

Even though it somehow probably should make him worried, it's only the opposite.


Chapter 16


It's happening.
The question is: is it it enough to get it out of their systems?

Chapter Text

“She called us a beautiful swinger couple.”

Harry laughs, a bit taken aback by Louis words, but also immensely proud over them, in some weird way.

“Did she?” He says and holds back the delight in his voice, taking a sip of champagne from the glass he’s holding in his hand.

Mia and Oscar, and a few others, are standing in their circle, but currently engaged in other conversations.

“Yeah, she didn’t mince her words to be honest.” Louis lays it on. “Also saying we could be soulmates.”

Biting his lip Harry tries to stifle a smile, but he loves what he hears, so he doesn’t manage. He looks up at Louis through his eyelashes and their gazes meet, Harry holding it deliberately, feeling like he searches in Louis’ eyes to find out what he really means by telling Harry this.

He’s hard to read right now, though. It’s almost as if he’s shutting Harry out on purpose, hesitatingly waiting for Harry to react first.

“Well.” Harry says, and takes another sip of the bubbly drink, quickly checking that the people around them still are focusing on others but them. “It’s no secret that we go pretty well together, is it? If we know about it, others do too.” Looking in another direction, he intends to give potential onlookers the impression that their conversation is much more light-hearted than it is. “We saw each other across that room for a reason.”

“For a reason?”

“Drawn to each other, without knowing why. But now we do; we’re a bloody gorgeous, soulmate swinger couple – didn’t that woman just tell you that? And that we go well together...for the purposes we are here for this weekend. And she can’t be wrong now, can she?” Harry knows he both looks and sounds mischievous, but he wonders if Louis can see through his façade.

He probably can, he seems to be good at things like reading people and situations. The thought doesn’t make Harry nervous, but it honestly makes him think that it’s not going to be long now, until one of them cracks.  

Louis breaths out and nods.

“No, she can’t be wrong.”

It’s been a good but busy afternoon since they had gotten back from the boat trip a couple of hours ago.

The beach volleyball tournament had been at its end, only the final left. And Oscar had waved them over, as they’d come walking along the beach from the main road, shouting that he and Mia was one of the teams in the final. That he’d been excited had just been the beginning.

So obviously, any other plans that had occupied their minds on the bus trip back to the hotel, had quickly been put on hold. Harry hadn’t even dared meeting Louis gaze, knowing that they both probably had been equally disappointed in how the events had unfolded.

However, when they’d recovered from the small shock, they’d had a really good time down at the pitch, cheering the finalists on, together with most of the rest of the group. It didn’t take Mia and Oscar all the way, ending up second place, but overall, it had been a good time.

After that, Mia had called for celebrations, which made them end up in the beach bar, drinking celebratory drinks, barely giving them enough time to head back to their rooms and freshen up for dinner.

“Hey...” Harry lowers his voice, immediately getting Louis attention.

He feels rather bold, after everything that’s happened between them this afternoon, spurred on by Louis obvious investment in their swinger relation as well.

“It was hot earlier.”

The smile coating Louis' lips is very suggestive.


“I enjoyed them watching.” Harry almost feels like he’s professing, but he wants to, he likes to talk like this with Louis.

It sets off all sorts of pleasant feelings inside, as well as being a bit out of line, a bit naughty. But no one needs to know. No one except the two of them.

Louis nods encouragingly. So, Harry continues:

“And then I forgot about them. Completely.”

He can swear Louis swallows thickly, even though they’ve got some space between them, and then he feels his fingers touch over his own, briefly, but the touch is lingering long after.

“It’s funny, you know...” Louis’ voice is only a whisper. “ different everything is with you.” At Louis’ words they turn to look at each other again. “I love the exhibitionistic part of swinging, and I love showing off with you... But I also, very strongly...that I want to protect some of what we’re doing, and will be doing, from others...”

Harry can’t take his eyes of him, mesmerized by his words, because he is definitely opening up, and as much as it’s music to Harry’s ears, as much it’s scaring him to death.

“Like, later, when...we’re gonna make love... I wouldn’t want anyone else to be part of it.”

This is the first time anyone of them has said it out loud like this, and Harry finds himself wanting to take Louis in his arms and hug him hard. This is Harry’s thoughts, exactly, just coming out of Louis’ mouth.

“Naturally.” He almost chokes, breathing through his nose to calm down.

They really are having a moment here. And apparently Louis isn’t done yet:

“It’s just...I’m a bit confused, that’s all. Because I’ve never felt like I’ve wanted that before. It’s new territory.”

Now it’s Louis who’s professing, and Harry is in awe of his courage, speaking his mind even if it may be a bit...deep. He feels like he’d like to talk to him in privacy, though, so that he doesn’t shut down because of all the people around them that risk to overhear. And he’s interested in furthering the conversation, seeing what turns it could take, and perhaps end up in places Harry hasn’t dared to think about yet.

“You’re not the only one confused, be so sure.” He mumbles and offers Louis a soft smile. “Can we talk about this later?”

“I’m not sure it needs to be talked about. Perhaps shouldn’t be talked about, even, I don’t know. I just wanted to let you know.”

Harry gets it. They’re touching on forbidden subjects, which, should they be opened, may not be able to be closed again. Knowing this very well too, he’s still too curious to let it go this easy.

He’s not scared, is the thing. He’s not scared of exploring why things are developing the way they are with Louis. That alone should probably make him want to shit himself, but it doesn’t. He’s curious. Even if it’s a dead end for them, as in taking this unreasonable passion and attraction and do something about it, he’s still interested to hear what Louis thinks about it. Perhaps it’s just to get his ego rubbed in the right way, but then, so be it.

“I’m not much for burying my head in the sand. Even if this is nothing, and that we should leave it at nothing, I’m still pretty taken aback by everything that’s happening here, and it really wouldn’t hurt sharing it with someone. And that someone could obviously only be you.”

Now. Harry really didn’t intend to speak his mind completely unfiltered like that, but...that’s apparently what happens, and now he can’t take it back. Right now, he wishes he could, though, given the look he gets from Louis. It’s not as impressed as he hoped it would be.

“It may not be for the greater good, if you know what I mean.” Louis says and purses his lips, and Harry can tell that this won’t be talked about anymore right now.

And soon Louis turns to take part in the conversation Oscar’s involved in, to his left.

Obviously noticing what Louis says, Harry still doesn’t put too much thought in it. Louis seems a bit shaky, and Harry’s not stupid; of course, this whole thing between them has thrown him a bit off track, he just said so himself. To be frank, they’ve got until Sunday, and they’ve decided to go for it until then. But that’s it. Perhaps he’s being a bit unrealistic about this nagging feeling of wanting to talk. Where is it supposed to lead them anyway? Perhaps this is what Louis already has come to terms with?

They’re all a bit tipsy, both from the celebratory drinks earlier and the champagne now, and in addition Harry is starving. He’s almost prepared to start eating napkins when he finally hears Beatrice clap her hands to get their attention.

She welcomes them to tonight’s dinner and also reminds them of tonight’s two activities: karaoke and game night. Harry hears Louis and Oscar argue a bit about what activity to choose. Unfortunately, he doesn’t hear which one they choose in the end. But he coldly calculates on Louis letting him know when the time comes.

Mia leans in and whispers that she thinks that they should socialise for a bit, with some new people, at tonight’s dinner. She’s right, of course, however Harry wouldn’t have minded the company he thinks that they both really prefer.

She pulls them towards one table further into the room and of fucking course she finds a the one where Lisa (from today’s boat trip) and her husband (that Louis hasn’t met yet) already sits. Since Mia doesn’t know yet any of what happened today (obviously he’ll tell her when it’s a good opportunity), she’s completely oblivious, clearly believing that Lisa and Greg – as her husband’s apparently called – are completely new company.

Harry’s gaze sweeps across the room until he spots Louis. He and Oscar have ended up with four people Harry doesn’t recognise, but if he’s doing the maths, one couple consist of two guys. And if Harry doesn’t remember completely wrong Louis has, at some point, mentioned Oscar’s foremost desires for this weekend which are: sleeping with a woman, or women, and getting it on with more than one guy at the same time.

Trying not to think too much about what might run through Louis and Oscar’s heads in regards of that right now, he chooses a chair that places him with his back towards them, thinking that he’ll get most peace during dinner, like this. Mia wants them to socialise, so...

Just for the record, though: he and Louis have a plan for tonight. They’ve had a plan for a long time now, to be honest, but the opportunity has slipped through their fingers all day long – or, more accurately, they’ve decided to wait for the right one – and sometime tonight, that opportunity will come.

A few minutes later the last two seats at their table are taken, and to Harry’s bewilderment it’s Lucas and his wife that have come to sit with them. Let’s just say that Harry never in a million years thought Lucas, voluntarily, would approach Harry again, after that slightly catastrophic blowjob moment they had yesterday. But hey, this is apparently the place to be if wanting surprises.

Lucas is, and has always been, a really nice guy, though, and his smile is relaxed when he sits down and starts to small talk with everyone around the table. Well, at least that’s a relief. He doesn’t seem pissed at Harry either, which must be considered a good start to this dinner.

Sometimes, during dinner, Harry’s mind wanders to his and Lucas’ shenanigans by the pool yesterday, and one: he just can’t believe that Lucas’ mouth has been on his dick, and two: it’s even harder to understand that Lucas isn’t more disappointed in Harrys unexpected behaviour, than what he appears. Lucas has been very persistent so far, though, and in the beginning of this weekend Harry was fairly certain he’d try something out with him. And, yes, he now has, but they were interrupted, and Harry’s feeling about it is that, for his part, it’s very unlikely with a continuation. Call him a sap for wanting only Louis, but he can’t be bothered about any how’s or why’s anymore. It is what it is.

Lisa doesn’t mention today’s escapades, which Harry thinks is for the best. They exchange a few knowing looks, though, and that’s definitely enough for now. He really doesn’t have the energy to have everyone engaged in a story about the show he and Louis put on for Lisa and John – her swinger man – especially not when that would be news to Mia. As said, he’d like to tell her for himself first. If it feels relevant to do so at any point.

They have a surprisingly nice and fun dinner, the six of them, and they all get along really well together. Lucas lays surprisingly low, even if he, after only a couple of glasses of wine, starts to flirt discretely with Harry. For real, where’s his self-preservation instinct? Where’s his integrity? He must’ve realised that Harry isn’t whole-heartedly into the thought of going with him, and Harry can’t be that interesting to him either, surely? Lucas may be one big ego boost for Harry, and even if this is a swinger event Harry still feels that he should be a fair player and keep it honest, for everyone’s sake. Perhaps he needs to be clearer with him. But the earlier conviction of the good in keeping his doors open may not completely have left him. Even if it has changed slightly since Louis declared that he’s not interested in anyone else either – right now – things can change quickly.

God, this whole swinger thing feels confusing, sometimes intimidating as well, and perhaps he’s just not a natural with this kind of concept. He probably likes the exhibitionistic part of it, but so far only if it’s executed with...yeah. That one person that seems to be having taken over his whole fucking mind.

At the end of dinner, everyone seems so very friendly and in tune with each other, and when Lisa’s husband suggests that they all go to an open room and see what happens, everyone seems game. Harry finds himself nodding as well – after all, this is exactly what Mia asked for – but perhaps not so much his wish, in the end.

Reflexively, he seeks out Louis across the room, and to his relief, Louis is already watching him, quite intently. He doesn’t shy away even for a second, when Harry looks back at him, although he’s being obvious. Instead, he raises an eyebrow and tilts his head, silently asking Harry can we talk? When Harry nods, Louis stands up as well, and immediately walks over to Harry’s table – Harry the only one left, now that the others has moved in the direction of the open room.

“They wanted to go to an open room.” Harry blurts out as soon as Louis is within earshot.

“Ok.” Louis says a bit warily, biting his lip. “Perhaps you should go as well, then? Would seem a bit strange if you didn’t, right?”

“I guess. But-”

“And Oscar wants a foursome.” Louis also blurts out, interrupts, looking slightly put off.

Staring at Louis, Harry realises that these are the words he didn’t know he’s been dreading – until now – and he sure tries to keep a neutral look but fails miserably.

“Fuck.” He says, realising that his emotions are getting the better of him, and lowers his gaze to the floor.

Instantly, he feels how Louis grabs his hand and squeezes it hard, making Harry look back up. At him.

“Harry. Obviously, this isn’t how I thought this weekend would play out, but...I honestly don’t want anything more than what you and I do. And will do. I just...don’t want to.”

Harry swallows thickly and raises an eyebrow.


“And so, I won’t.”

Harry breaths out, the relief immediate.

“Why do you want me to go with the others, then...?” He whispers, feeling like a little kid who’s asking his teacher for guidance.

“Because I was thinking perhaps, I could join you guys, and then I’ll whisk you away for a bit?”

Harry smiles, a bit giddy over the fact that their minds always seem to be so tuned in on each other, thinking so alike.

“What about Oscar and...the guys?”

“He’ll be fine being the three of them.”

“Without you? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. We’ve talked about it.”


“Yeah, at dinner.”

“What does he think about you going with me...again?”

“I don’t know. And I don’t need to know everything either, to be honest. As long as he doesn’t say a hard no, we’re here to explore, and I told him we haven’t fucked yet and then he understood. I think. That we need to get it out of our systems, kind of, even if that wasn’t my exact words.”

Need to get it out of their system... Yeah. That’s what this is.

And he also realises that he and Mia has a thing or two to learn from Louis and Oscar’s communication skills. Having thought that he was a decent talker, he’s slowly becoming more and more aware that he finds quite a lot of things hard to bring up with Mia. Both here and at home.

“Ok, so...” Harry leaves the sentence hanging, and Louis smiles and touches his cheek briefly.


Harry smiles back and nods, as Louis starts to walk backwards, back to his table.

At the same time, the other five from his dinner group walk out of the room and he goes to follow them.

It’s only them, in the open room, and Greg throws off his shirt and kicks off his shoes already by the door. Someone has become a bit eager from dinner, apparently.

“I’m an open minded guy-“ He declares with a smile and unbuttons his jeans shorts. “-but I’m not into blokes, sorry guys-“ He smiles at Harry and Lucas. “-although I won’t cringe if we get close in any way. If it’s ok with you Lisa and I can start out on the bed and anyone who wants to join in, joins in?”

It's a suggestion everyone find fair, and clothes are starting to be shed, thrown all over the floor. When Greg and Lisa crawls on the bed and immediately starts out a foreplay, Harry notices Louis entering the room. But he stays in the doorway, watching.

Harry is standing behind Mia, massaging her shoulders slightly, watching Greg going down on Lisa.

“Why don’t you join them?” He whispers in her ear, telling himself that he’d suggest that even without the ulterior motives he very much has right now. “I wanna watch you. And then I’m gonna go and have sex with Louis.”

Ok, the last sentence may have been a bit blunt, but he needs to get it out somehow, Louis already having sorted that bit out with his man. He shouldn’t be so much worse at this; he just needs to step up his communication game.

And unsurprisingly Mia turns around and looks at him, slightly bewildered, eyebrows wrinkled.

“Aren’t you staying here?”

“For a while. But you know there’s one thing I haven’t tried, and I’d like to do that. Tonight.”

“Like what?”

“Going all the way.”

“Thought you two already had done that?” She shrugs. “But sure. I just don’t understand why it must be with Louis all the time.”

“I feel comfortable with him. I haven’t done this for ages, remember?” He puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I need to do it with someone I’m calm with. And quite frankly, I also need some privacy, don’t think I would be able to go through with it in a public setting.”

It’s a mix of truth and bullshit, but regardless, he only wants to save her from unnecessary, intrusive thoughts. That’s all it is.

“Are you nervous?” She says, softer now, when Harry’s arms sneak around her stomach from behind.

She’s taken off her top but still has her bra on.

“Perhaps.” He mumbles.

And that’s only the truth.

Moments later Harry finds himself sandwiched between Mia and Lucas, who apparently has come up from Harry’s behind. Stroking Harry’s shoulders, he then goes on to start kissing his neck, mumbling “Can I?” against Harry’s skin. Harry needs to remind himself, over and over it seems, that being with others here isn’t cheating, neither on Mia nor on Louis. Mia turns her neck and spots Lucas’ cuddling Harry, and only hums appreciatingly, even coming up with her hand to touch his cheek briefly. Welcoming him into this intimate moment. So, she’s obviously fine. But  the feeling of knowing that Louis is watching them, can only be described as itchy.

Throwing a quick glance to his side, he catches Louis gaze, and...yeah, right, ok. He probably tries to look neutral, but there’s no way he can conceal that unimpressed look in his face. Not to Harry, anyway.

It sets off a strange feeling of contentment, in Harry, which can only be explained with him being slightly pleased knowing that Louis clearly dislikes seeing Harry being courted by another man. Perhaps he’s even a bit jealous about it.

Harry is a genuinely kind soul, and don’t get him wrong, but this opportunity is too good to not act on, just if ever so innocently. Call it giving himself a self-confidence boost or just an experiment in exactly how uncomfortable Louis gets with Harry being in another man’s hands. It’s just too interesting to pass up on. And this could also be a chance as good as any, to rile them both up a little, if Louis only takes this the right way. They are after all on their way to fuck for the first time, Louis can’t be completely unaffected by that fact, no matter how experienced he is in situations like this, can he?

So. Harry stays in Lucas’ grip, even tilting his head so that more space is given for Lucas to kiss his neck (poor man being played like this, but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right). Then he leans with the back of his head on Lucas’ shoulder and comes up with a hand in the back of his head, hearing a gasp escape Lucas’ mouth. Eyes glued to Louis’ the whole time.

When Lucas grips his cock through his trousers, he’s already started to fill up, but that’s from the hot stare he’s exchanging with Louis, and nothing else.

And when Lucas’ hand slips down inside the front of his jeans, it’s time to wrap it up.

“Hey.” He says softly and puts his hand on Lucas' wrist, making him withdraw his hand from his trousers.

“Why?” He asks, close to Harry’s ear.

“Have someplace I need to be.” He squeezes Lucas’ hand in a reassuring way and then slides out from between them.

“Go up there, enjoy yourself baby.” He says to Mia with a smile, and she smiles back.

Then she directs her gaze to Lucas, and bless her, Harry thinks, because she takes Lucas’ hand and pulls his arm around herself, in the same way as Harry has just been standing. And he knows that she’s doing it to ease Harry’s departure. Helping him out.

That’s his cue, and he walks towards the door, where Louis is still standing, still staring. And when getting there, he walks right past him, out into the corridor.

Taking a couple of steps, out of sight from the room they just came from, Harry stops and turns around.

“I’ve already grabbed a key card.” Louis says, and Harry can tell he means business.

No smile, only dark eyes, and definitely an erection inside those jeans.

“What number?” Harry feels the tingles chaotically running up and down his spine.

“111. Thought you’d like that one.”


Harry smiles to himself and starts walking towards that door, feeling Louis come up from behind and beep the card against the handle with his chest against Harrys back.

The door to the now slightly familiar room swings open.

Harry walks straight inside, up to the bed, in the darkness. When he reaches the edge of it, a lamp comes on, as Louis puts the card in the switch.

Sitting down, he waits for Louis to come up to him, and when he does, he straddles his lap immediately. Carding his hands through Harry’s hair thoroughly, he whispers:

“Still wanna feel me inside you?”

Not much patience left there, apparently, and Harry silently thanks him for moving this forward in exactly the right speed. When Louis leans in for a kiss, Harry meets him eagerly.

“Yeah...” He pants into his mouth, the anticipation almost too much. “Want that so fucking much.”

“Hm.” Louis hums and continues to kiss him hard, hands travelling down Harry’s neck, pressing firmly around it.

Then he suddenly climbs off and starts to undress, unceremoniously, nodding for Harry to get on with it as well. Harry quickly sheds his trousers and pants and shoes and socks, but then has a naked Louis back on lap, continuing the kiss passionately. Louis pulls on his shirt desperately, and Harry helps to wriggle out of it, lips hardly disconnecting the whole time, which must be a feat in itself.

There’s impatience in everything they do, so the kiss is soon broken and Louis stands up and spreads Harry’s legs with his own, as he walks in between them and pushes at his chest. Harry lies down and crawls backwards up the bed, Louis following him on his knees.

“Let’s just do it...” Louis mumbles as he lies down over Harry, grinding their dicks together. “I ran out of patience twenty-four hours ago...”

It’s fast and hard and Harry just loves it. He kind of knew that finally getting here with Louis would be grand, but Louis’ pushiness and assertiveness turns him on even more than he ever could have anticipated.

Harry let’s out a long, aroused moan and squeezes Louis ass cheeks hard. It was a long time ago he felt this comfortable in bed, strangely enough, and it brings out traits in him that definitely have been slumbering.

“Want you to fuck me so good, Lou...” He groans dirtily, and presses Louis’ groin towards his own. “So hard, so fast, so good...”

Louis breath hitches in his throat, but not for long.

“I will.”

Harry pulls one leg up to the side, giving Louis all the access and space he could want and need, and Louis moves to sit up between his legs.

He’s felt so sure about coming to this point, even though it was fifteen years ago he last did anal, and it has made him think, all along, that he must’ve missed it. Now he knows. He has missed it, and he can honestly not wait to feel Louis inside. A small strike of nervousness is present, but he wouldn’t be human if it wasn’t, would he? And if he’s read the situation rightly, Louis is going to guide them through this, even if Harry kind of lose it.

It turns out to be great, alright. Of course it does. And Harry can hardly believe how good it feels when it’s finally happening. Unsurprisingly, Louis takes command and gets them started, but it doesn’t take very long until Harry wants, and needs, to join the fray. It’s just the way he loves to do it, both parties engaging wholeheartedly, and Louis seems to be just as game.

Rather quickly he can determine that Louis hands down is the best partner he’s ever had, period. Being so incredibly present and attentive and fucking skilled, Louis takes him places his never been, even though he realises that this is far from everything, with Louis. This is them doing it urgently, purposefully, because they just can’t fucking wait. Thinking about the possibilities laying ahead of them, when being slightly more patient and allowing themselves more time to be curious, is slightly dizzying, to be honest.

Like the last time they were in this room, when they so abruptly got interrupted, Louis reaches for a couple of packs of lube and condoms from his trousers on the floor. Then he uses his teeth to bite one open and coats a couple of fingers.

There’s no way Harry can be reasonable right now, not with the extremely long and hot build-up for this occasion. Indulging completely in Louis touch he moans loudly and almost desperately pulls Louis in close, close. Hooking his leg around Louis’ waist and both his arms around his neck, he probably gives him a physically hard time trying to work Harry open, but Louis miraculously manages to do so, with flying colours at that.

“Ready?” Louis suddenly mumbles against his mouth, and Harry, almost a bit groggily, opens his eyes and their gazes meet.

“Never been readier...” He mumbles back and loses all grips he has on Louis with his arms and legs, sinking down on his back on the duvet.

Completely pliant. And so very ready for Louis to take them further. That’s what feels right, in this specific moment. Perhaps the situation just is getting to him, or perhaps it’s Louis’ obvious control of the situation, that just makes him want to be able to feel and indulge. But he knows he’s in for a ride, and he’s going live in the now and make sure to remember this.

If remembering correctly, he wasn’t usually a passive guy back then. In fact, he knows he normally liked to be a very active bottom, even wanting to top from time to time. However, he’s got a clear inkling that with Louis, one time is never going to be like another. And fuck, he wants to experience all of it.

Without Harry fully realising, perhaps because he’s in an aroused induced haze here, Louis has moved and has a hand against the back of Harry’s knee, pressing his leg up against his stomach. And something’s taken his fingers’ place, alluringly nudging at his entrance. At the same time Louis’ hand curls around his straining cock and slowly starts to stroke him.

Harry recognizes a distraction when he’s given one, and obviously knows what’s about to come. Sure enough, a second later Louis pushes in, doing it carefully and slowly, but nowhere near uncertainly, stroking his dick purposefully the whole time. Sucking in his lips, Harry chokes on a moan and breaths heavily through his nose, pressing his eyelids together. Jesus Christ, it’s been a while, and honestly, it feels like Louis is going to break. In sort of a good way. Oh, God, he’s missed this feeling, so much. It burns, and the intrusive pressure is crazy, but please he wants more and more and more.

“Breath, baby.” He hears a whisper somewhere close to his mouth and he nods, swallowing thickly, before letting out a long breath.

Louis takes the opportunity and pushes in the last bit, bottoming out, and staying there, calm and still.

Harry opens his eyes and finally feels himself relax completely, throwing his other leg to the side, opening up as much as it goes for Louis.

Burying his face against Harry’s neck, Louis seem to use all his willpower to stay still, determined to let Harry adjusted to his intrusion in peace. It takes a minute or two but then Harry pushes his hips slightly upwards and Louis raises his head, meeting Harry’s gaze.

“You feel so perfect...” Louis whispers softly and slowly, slowly pulls almost all the way out.

Pushing back in again, Louis makes Harry cry out, he’s overwhelmed, he can hardly function from all the feelings and impressions going on everywhere in him right now.

Louis quickly gets a nice, good rhythm going and Harry can’t help but being in absolute awe of how perfectly Louis makes love. It’s as if he knows what Harry wants, what he needs, and how to push all his buttons.

When they’ve reached a close to perfect sync Louis quickly speeds up and his thrusts get harder. Harry moans right out and arches his hips, angling himself together with Louis, to get there. He wants to feel him the deepest there is, to feel skin slap hard onto skin, feel how their bodies unite in the best way possible. Soon Louis is hitting his spot over and over and fuck, there’s no turning back from that.

It's the hardest, longest orgasm he’s ever experienced. Full stop. He’s not even capable of registering if Louis is coming as well, or what the hell’s going on outside of his orgasm bubble, but he hears Louis cry out as well and given the rough thrust following, Harry reckons he’s in for a hard one as well.

As soon as Louis slows down Harry pulls him towards himself and hugs him again, wanting to feel him impossibly close, yearning to kiss him. And they do.

It’s so beautiful and good that he almost feels emotional, suddenly realising that it was a long time ago he cried after sex. In his youth, he often let the tears come, but now he hasn’t for many years.

Louis puffs out a short laugh against Harry’s mouth, and breaks the kiss, staring down at him through his damp fringe.

“You ok there sexy?”

Harry laughs as well, licking his drying lips, trying to get his breathing under control.


“Me too.” Louis smiles softly, coming up with a hand to Harry’s face and wiping under his eye. “Very ok.”

There are so many things he wants to say, but every single one of them would probably come out wrong, inappropriate, in a way. The words coming to his mind are simply too intimate for him to say out loud, so he just keeps his mouth shut.

When Louis carefully pulls out it immediately feels wrong; Harry wants him there, liking the physical connection far too much. And despite the small amount of time that has passed, he still has gotten used to him, how he feels inside.

Taking off the condom and tying it, Louis drops it on the floor and crawls back to Harry, where he’s moved to cosy up under the duvet. They lie in each other’s arms, in silence, for quite some time, and Harry can’t help but wonder if perhaps they both are equally shocked at what in the name of God just happened. He himself needs some time to come down, anyway.

“Was it like you remembered it?” Louis asks finally, his voice cutting through the silence they’ve just shared, softly and pleasantly.

The question is...well, hilarious, to be honest. Harry let’s out a short, barking laugh, quickly covering his hand apologetically with his mouth. But  he knows his eyes sparkle when meeting Louis’ gaze.

“Sorry, sorry... It’s just...” He shakes his head and can’t stop giggling, and he hopes he’s not about to lose it here, or something.

Louis, rightly so, looks slightly puzzled.

“...fuck Louis, it was nothing like I remember it...” Harry quickly continues and strokes his thumb over Louis cheek bone affectionately.


“Of fucking course it was better, Lou, it was bloody, fucking-“ He makes a strangled noise, because there are no words to describe how nice it is to fuck with Louis.

Louis’ puzzled expression disappears, in favour of a smug one, and boy, Harry could’ve seen that coming.

He’s not in the mood for bantering, though. He can gladly give it to him, he even wants him to know that he’s been Harry’s premium lover so far. In life.

“Amazing?” Louis finishes Harry’s sentence cheekily, and Harry can’t do anything but nod, knowing that the smile he gives Louis probably is far too fond to be appropriate.

He probably shouldn’t analyse so bloody much.

They lay in silence for another few minutes, before Harry clears his throat and mumbles:

“Guess it’s time to go back?”

Louis has his arms around him, as Harry rests his cheek against his chest. It’s warm and safe, feeling Louis’ hot breath in his hair on top of his head.

“Yeah, I guess.” He whispers into his curls, making Harry looks up at him, because he doesn’t sound convinced.

Not at all.

“I think that if we don’t go now, we won’t be able to get out of this bed, like, at all.” Harry clarifies.

Louis smiles but doesn’t say anything. There’s something in his eyes that catches Harry’s interest. He may be trying to make himself hard to read, but Harry knows he can see some affection and possessiveness in his eyes, and it sort of screams to Harry that Louis isn’t done with Harry yet.  

However, they have gotten it out of their systems now, haven’t they, and if there’s anything left lurking around, well, then they’ll have to deal with that later. It’s time to go, it’s getting close to karaoke and game time and...just thinking about that makes Harry cringe and wish that there was a way of being ablet to stay in this bed.

It’s as if Louis clings on to Harry’s hesitation and mumbles:

“Would it be so bad then? To not be able to get out of this bed? Stay here all night?”

There’s a cheeky sparkle in his eye, and it’s there to disguise the serious undertone to his question, but Harry still hears it. Loud and clear.

“I’d survive.” Harry catches on to the playful tone. “But if we’re intending to leave this place with the same partner as we came with, well...” Harry smiles and leaves his words hanging, but Louis eyes pierces right through him.

“Hm.” Is all Louis says, and finally eases his grip around Harry.

Whilst Louis starts to reach for his clothes, Harry starts to strip the sheets off the bed and throws them in the big hamper outside the bathroom.

They make the bed together, Louis with his clothes on and Harry still naked, and they laugh a bit about it. But Harry is also rather chuffed about the fact that Louis thirstily lingers with his look on his naked body more often than not.

When Harry is dressed too, he walks up to Louis, where he waits by the door.

“I wanna kiss you. Is that bad?” He whispers, crowding Louis against the back of the door, leaning in close to his face.

“I don’t care about the answer, just do it already.” Louis whispers back and grabs Harry by his neck and pulls him in.

It’s hard to describe the kiss, Harry thinks afterwards, when they walk side by side through the corridor. But it has left him kind of...speechless. It hadn’t been a sneaky peck, or a full-on snog either, for that matter. It had been...warm. Passionate. It had involved tongues, but just as much wanting hands on necks and rough fingers in hair. Like a foreplay. Or at least like a promise of something more to come.

Harry may feel speechless, a bit giddy, warm – feelings he recognises, but is convinced can’t be real already. It’s been one and a half days, and they may have hung out in an abnormally close and intimate way during this time, but it’s too fast to develop anything genuine in such a short amount of time, surely. They do go extremely well together, though, he can give them that, both in and out of bed. And it is easy to confuse love-feelings with the kind of euphoric feelings that follows good sex. Especially now, when he’s just had the sex of his life, and has come in a way that certainly could become addictive.

That may actually be what’s happening here, Harry thinks. The more he thinks about it, that could be a reason as good as any, for the confusion he experiences. He has mixed up his feelings big time, because of how amazing it has been to be fucked by a man again, after all those years. An amazing man, at that, so it's probably not strange at all for him to be this hung up on everything that has to do with Louis right now. Everything added, it's like it's made for intrusive thoughts to enter his head, making him mix up his feelings in a blissful mess.

It’s him and Mia, he shouldn’t forget that, in this deceiving, euphoric state he’s in, and has been in ever since he met Louis. He’s been with Mia for fifteen years, and there are reasons for that. She’s an amazing person, the best mum to their wonderful kids, and he loves to hang out with her. The sexual spark may be gone, but how many couples has it, after fifteen years, anyway? And also, that’s why they’re here, isn’t it? This, what he has just experienced with Louis, is the energy and awakening he’ll bring home from this weekend.

However...he can't seem to shake the feeling that all those are lame excuses, made up to help him convince himself of something that doesn’t really add up otherwise.

When he gets some perspective on it all, perhaps he’ll see things clearer.


Chapter 17


Fun and games.

Chapter Text

They walk straight to the open room, but there’s no one left, so they continue to the main mingle room, next to the restaurant. And that’s apparently where everyone has gathered, it’s crowded and noisy and it seems like people are generally excited about the common activities that soon are about to start.

Louis hesitates in the doorway, and Harry stops behind him, whispering:

“You alright there Lou?”

And Louis feels his heart skip a beat because he loves the nickname, and he loves the genuine concern in his voice. He’s always so genuine, in everything he says and does.

“Yeah. You?”

He feels Harry’s hand squeeze his shoulder from behind in reassurance, so he continues walking into the room. Then he suddenly remembers:

“Hey, Harry, what are you-“

“Game night. If you’re going.” Harry answers before Louis has even finished the question.

Good. They’re on the same page in regards of that. Too.

Then they split up and move in different directions. In the corner of his eye Louis sees how Lucas grabs Harry’s arm and pulls him into a circle of people, probably the same that was sat at Harry’s dinner table, who went to the open room afterwards.

Lucas is starting to get on his nerves, to be honest. He’s going to make it his fucking mission to make sure that the man doesn’t get into Harry’s pants throughout this weekend. Actually, he can’t stand the thought of anyone getting to have Harry the way he’s just had him, and that’s obviously a fucked-up thought at a swinger weekend, but hey, welcome to his intrusive thoughts, everyone. Harry has made an absolute mush of his brain, and he can’t think straight when it comes to anything right now.

“Babe!” Oscar slings his arm around his shoulders and kisses his cheek. “Alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. You?”

And it’s not until now that he realises that Oscar probably has come straight from a threesome.

This is so crazy. In any other universe, Louis would’ve been a bit antsy and curious about the whole thing, especially if he himself hadn’t participated, but now... Well, now, he doesn’t feel a thing. He’s not even particularly interested in how it happened, who did what or if Oscar liked it.

“Weekends like this one fucks with my head, but in a good way I think.” Oscar says, a bit surprisingly, and now Louis’ real interest is spiked for the first time.

“What do you mean?”

“I think you know what I mean. We sleep with other men. And women. And we like it. Doesn’t it ever dawn on you that that’s a bit sick, being in a relationship, and all?”

“Well. It’s not the first time we’ve done it, and our relationship has survived, right?” Louis realises that he doesn’t even know if he means the words coming out of his mouth, or not.

Survived. That’s what fucks with my mind. This shouldn’t be something our relationship survives, it should be something it benefits from, gets stronger from!”

They’ve talked about this so many times. Louis wonders why Oscar feels compelled to dig deeper right now. He hasn’t noticed that Oscar’s been having these thoughts before, during this weekend. Rather, he’s been very relaxed about everything.

Or has he really? Louis has been quite a lot in his own, Harry-induced bubble, when thinking about it. Perhaps he’s missed the warning signs? Has he been careless and callous, in regards of his own boyfriend...?

He'd like to think not.

There’s another option as well, of course...

“Good threesome?” Louis finally asks, his gut feeling telling him that Oscar’s sudden doubts may stem from the session he’s just participated in.

“Mm.” Oscar replies immediately, a thoughtful smile slowly spreading over his face, accompanied by a faint blush creeping up his neck. “I enjoyed it.”

But then he goes serious, and his worry wrinkle deepens.

“And as much as I did enjoy it, it also left me with so many thoughts. Too many.”

“About us?” Louis kind of knows where he’s going with this but needs him to say it for himself.

“Yeah. For example.”

Louis shrugs, offering:

“There will be more swinger weekends we can attend. And there are swinger nights everywhere in London. We can pull a couple once in a while at the club, as well. There’re options, Oscar.”

Hearing himself saying this makes him cringe, though, because he suddenly realises that he probably is rather ambivalent about the whole concept if he’s to be completely frank about it. These are well-rehearsed words, that may fit with his and Oscar’s lifestyle, but perhaps not with Louis’ believes in general.

“I know, Louis, but the question is: would we want to do this-“ Oscar flaps out an arm towards the room. “-in a serious relationship?”

Ok, so this is something Louis is very hesitant to talk to Oscar about, since he has a clear feeling of them not thinking alike in the matter. Perhaps they once did, but they’ve slowly grown in different directions in their relationship. To Louis it has rather been a question of when than if, they would start to acknowledge this – together.

Had that time come now?

In the corner of his eye, Louis registers Beatrice entering the room, which consequently means that the activities are about to start.

“Does that mean that you don’t think we’re in a serious relationship?” Louis asks, because it’s a natural follow-up question, but he’s oddly blasé about the answer.

“It just doesn’t add up, does it? I don’t have any answers, all I’m saying is that things have got me to think.” Oscar look at Beatrice, seemingly a bit stressed about wanting to talk to Louis because she starts up the fun and games for the night. “I love you, Louis, that much I know. I want to be with you, and I guess I’m starting to wonder if...swinging...can be such a big part of our lives – as it’s been so far – if we were to take our relationship next level? I love you, and perhaps I don’t want to share you this much anymore, you get what I mean? And especially not if we were know, start up a family and such.”

“Deep.” Louis chokes out, slightly shocked and unable to think out a good answer.

Because, fuck, this is a surprising - and definitely wrong - turn of events.

Jesus, he really thought Oscar had started to shake about their relationship. That he had started to doubt, and perhaps even was feeling pulled in the other direction, away from it all. Louis had even briefly entertained the thought of Oscar being on the verge of breaking up with him. And the thought of that is more appealing than the alternative...

Good God, what is wrong with him? Those thoughts may have lurked in the back of his head for quite some time now, but before coming here this weekend, he was not having any plans on acting on them. Not already. He and Oscar were fine, everything had been as usual, their relationship still a very convenient one. Louis loves sex, Oscar can almost match him in that, he’s a good guy, they have fun together. As simple as that. The fact that Louis doesn’t feel a lot is nothing new – he can’t remember that he’s ever felt in love.


No. No. This is outrageous and too spontaneous, even for him. He needs to get a grip, and right away.

Oscar gives him an unimpressed look, but they don’t get to elaborate because Beatrice suddenly claps her hands together.

They’ve already decided that Oscar is doing the karaoke and Louis the game night, but now Oscar more or less whines:

“We don’t do anything together this weekend!”

“You’re right.” Louis feels obliged to agree. “Tomorrow, ok? Whatever happens tomorrow, we’ll do it together?” A sudden stroke of bad conscience and confusion over the straying thoughts he’s just grappled with, makes him want to make amend, at least for now.

But one thing is painfully clear: he and Oscar has some talking to do when coming back home. Louis is not ready for a serious relationship with him, and definitely not to start up a family! Christ. Is that really what Oscar wants?! Their relationship is supposed to be fun and games, nothing more, nothing less. That’s why they’re here this weekend, for crying out loud. Yes, they certainly have evolved in different directions in the relationship, and perhaps this is even Louis’ clue to finally let himself realise that their relationship has reached its end.

Louis’ deceiving answer eventually puts a small smile on Oscar’s lips, though, and Louis knows they’re good for now. He’ll deal with whatever comes out of this next week. Right now, he’s so incredibly fucking eager to go to that game night with Harry that he hardly can sort his thoughts. He loves a bit of a game, but what’s more, he knows he’ll get to be close with him again. He’s missing it, even if it was only an hour or so that they had an incredible experience together. Incredible isn’t even enough to describe it.

Beatrice gives them the conditions for the different activities and points in different directions. People are talking and laughing and moving around, but...all Louis can focus on is Harry on the other side of the room.

Right now, he’s standing with his side towards Louis, talking to someone. The way he’s gesticulating with his hands whilst eagerly explaining something, throwing his head back when laughing, and pouting with that ungodly ass just standing there, makes Louis crazy with want to be close to him.

Starting to walk through the room (Oscar’s left), Louis watches Harry turning his head and catch sight of him. Harry’s smile falters slightly, but certainly not in disappointment. Rather, he looks at Louis in awe, his jaw slightly dropping, and eyes narrowing, putting all his focus on Louis, the person he was talking to quickly forgotten. Bloody hell, being under Harry’s scrutiny must be intimidating even for the most confident of men, but it’s also addictingly wonderful.

Slowly turning around, facing Louis head on now, Harry drops his company in a heartbeat. The way Harry has of being this attentive, appreciating, admiring, certainly does things to Louis. Excuse him for wanting to rip this man’s clothes off, right fucking now. It is a swinger event, after all. It would be accepted for them to fuck on the spot. Honestly, he can hardly believe that they just did that, having such a good time in room 111. He’d very much like to go again.

Taking a few steps towards Louis, Harry meets him in the middle of the room, and then they just stand there for a while.

“Game night.” Louis finally hears Harry mumble, and sorry for him already having forgot.

“Yeah. Game night.”

“Let’s go.” Harry says and holds out his hand, which Louis takes without hesitation.

They move to the open room (number 1, apparently) where quite a few people have gathered. It seems like the bigger part of the group is at the karaoke event though, which makes this a nice crowd.

“Now, this is going to be interesting!” Beatrice smiles and moves to the middle of the room, holding up what looks like a pack of cards, just bigger. “You’re a brave group and you’ll have so much fun, I promise. I’m gonna get you guys started, and then I’ll move over to karaoke for a while, to get them going as well. And then I’ll be back and check on you again, ok?”

She looks around and everyone’s nodding, someone’s whistling and Louis feels Harry squeeze his hand. Oh, they’re still doing that, holding each other’s hands... Well.

“First of all-“ Beatrice speaks up again. “-you’re going to do a truth or dare sort of thing, but without the truth...”

More whistles and a few among them clap their hands excitedly.

“...and the second part of the game night is hunting for points. Which means that you divide into pairs and performs different tasks, and the pair who’s scramble together the most points wins. And it’s a good prize, people, keep that in mind!”

Louis turns to exchange a look with Harry, and he looks back, smilingly, whispering:

“Sounds easy enough, I’m sure we’ll win.” And then he winks.

Louis laughs softly nodding.

“Sure babe.”

Beatrice waves around the cards in the air and makes a gathering gesture with her other arm.

“Come here everyone, sit down in a ring and get comfortable.”

Louis looks down and realises that the carpet actually is very fluffy and comfy looking, and loads of pillows are scattered around on top of it. Sinking down on a purple, velvety big pillow, probably the biggest one there, he scoots to one side of it and taps with his hand on the other half, for Harry to sit down on.

“Thanks.” Harry smiles, almost abashedly, and goddamn it why does he have to be so bloody cute all the time?!

Louis realises that he lingers with his gaze on him for far too long, Harry turning to look at him with a raised eyebrow.


“You’re cute, that’s all.” Louis can’t help it.

He’s a spontaneous guy, he’s not used to withhold a lot of things, whether it’s with boyfriends, or friends or family. Harry’s none of those, but they’ve hung out a lot, and it feels like they’ve developed a rather strong and deep connection already.

Harry’s smile rewards him instantly. Somewhere in the back of his head Louis scribbles down a mental note, to try and chase that beautiful smile out of Harry again and again and again. It’s simply addictive to be in the receiving end of it. Therefore, he repeats:

“You’re so bloody cute.”

And now Harry’s smile is even wider, and dimples are popping, and eyes are sparkling and Louis can hardly contain himself.

Perhaps that’s why he touches Harry’s cheek, and Harry immediately puts his own hand over Louis’.

“Now, let’s get this thing started, shall we?” Beatrice says and steps inside the ring of people, slowly spinning in a circle as she speaks, to make sure everyone can hear her. “You go clockwise. Pick up a card and do what it says. You have ONE chance to pass, and once you’ve used that one, you have to do what your next card says – or you’re out. And if you’re out, you can’t win the prize, so chicken out wisely.” She winks and suddenly her eyes linger on Louis, and her gaze travels to where their hands are connected on Harry’s cheek.

Steeling himself, he doesn’t react reflexively, by pulling his hand away. Instead he softly caresses Harry’s cheek a couple of times, before slowly letting his hand fall to his own knee.

His earlier encounter with her, where she more or less wanted to force him to think hard about what was going on with Harry, is fresh in mind. He’s a grown up, though, and in the end, he’ll do what he wants. Period.

“Right.” She says and draws out the word. “Louis, why don’t you start?” She puts down the pack of cards on the floor and points at the top card. “You play this round for an hour, or so. Be brave. Be dirty. And most important of all, have FUN!”

Louis stares at the top card, knowing that the others are watching him, curiously. Reckoning that he better just get on with it, he reaches for the card and silently reads it to himself first.


“Christ.” He says, mostly to be a drama queen, because that’s a pretty soft start, and something he doesn’t feel uncomfortable with doing at all.

Most of all he’d like to do it to Harry, obviously. But he also needs to think a bit strategic. There’re probably a lot dirtier things coming on those cards, so if he needs to spread out his dares among the crowd here for a bit, to not be too obvious with Harry, the wisest thing would be to choose someone else for this task.

“I’m coming for you later...” He mumbles next to Harry as he crawls out in the middle of the ring and searches for one of the guys that Oscar had the threesome with, that he has noticed is here as well. “Ok, my card said: make someone’s nipple hard, so...”

The crowd cheers loudly around him, and Louis thinks that the atmosphere is really good. He doesn’t even know the threesome-guy’s name, but he’s sitting in a dressing gown and makes an easy target.

“Can I...?” He asks and the guy smiles, nodding approvingly.

Louis kind of knows how to go about this, to make sure to complete his mission, and speedy at that. So, he sneaks both his hands in under his gown, close to his neck, and light as a feather he caresses it off his shoulders, making him shiver slightly. Both his nipples stiffen immediately. But the crowd wants more, they want him to use his mouth as well, and Louis understands that. That’s what this is all about, after all, and he’s never been one to chicken out.

So, he leans in and takes one nipple into his mouth and sucks it thoroughly, moaning a couple of times as well, just for the sake of it.

The guy lets out a gasp, playing the game well, and needless to say, his nipple is very hard.

Louis leaves him and crawls back to his place, during applause and cheering, and then someone immediately urges Harry, who’s next in line, to take a card. Which he does, and everyone’s curiously watching him go over it in private first.

“What does it say?!” A woman shouts and laughs, pressing her palms against her thighs in anticipation.

Harry looks cheeky and he stifles a smile by biting his lower lip.

“Uhm. My card said: ask someone to show them theirs, and you’ll show them yours.”

He puts on an appearance of slightly abashed, but his eyes reveal him, Louis sees it clear and plain. Harry is comfortable, enjoying this, especially when he notices Louis’ lingering gaze on him.

Another round of laughs and cheers and Harry keeps his gaze down when he makes his choice. Louis is happy to see that he goes with Louis’ tactic and chooses someone who isn’t Louis for this rather easy task as well.

Harry walks on his knees to sit himself down in front of Lisa, the woman they hung out with on the boat trip, and says in his characteristically dark, low voice:

“Can I see yours? I’ll show you mine.”

She laughs but easily lifts her short skirt and pulls her panties to one side. As soon as she’s done so, Harry pops the button to his shorts open, pulls down the zipper and then his briefs and gives her a good look of almost everything, still managing to keep his dick from falling out completely.

And that’s it. The person to Harry’s left picks up the next card.

Louis didn’t notice how Lisa’s pussy looked, but he sure noticed that mouthwatering cock of Harry’s, that not long ago had been his, and his alone. Jesus, he looks so smart and soft and edible, and Louis sure hopes he gets to experience a lot more of him during this evening.

The others take their cards in turn, and at one point Louis is challenged to a kiss with tongues for a full minute, by a pretty girl in long blond hair. At another, Harry is asked to fake an orgasm, and has a man straddling him and riding his lap. He’s doing it so good, making Louis wonder how many of the people in the ring either got a bit wet, or hard.

The next round’s apparently going to get a bit raunchier, Louis can tell when reading his second card.


It’s still an easy one, Louis debates with himself, and looks around the crowd as he reads it out loud. If he takes someone else for this one it won’t be suspicious if he chooses Harry for a couple of really dirty ones, which he suspects is coming sooner or later.

“Nice!” Someone shouts and Louis nods, making the choice of person in his head, and smilingly crawls up to a man he knows is at least bi.

“You ok with this?”

“Wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.” The man says, expectantly, and changes his position slightly to accommodate Louis coming closer.

Carrying out his task, he glances at Harry on more than one occasion, who is unabashedly staring back at them. Everyone stares, but Louis only cares about the awe and hunger he sees in Harry’s eyes.

The guy Louis is working on is getting hard and people around them are starting to make appreciative, dirty noises and low comments, and he reasons that he’s succeeded in his mission.

“Wow. Thanks for...the awesome treatment.” The guy who’s body Louis has been undressing and kissing for the last five minutes, whispers seductively, pressing a hand on his erection a couple of times and smiles cheekily.

“Thank you for a great body to work on.” Louis says dutifully and drops back down next to Harry.

It looks like Harry wants to comment but it’s his turn and instead he reaches for a card.

“Fuck.” He mumbles as he reads, and then smiles darkly, looking around the expectant crowd. “Am I going to be the first one to use my pass?!”

“NOOO!” It immediately comes from the whole group, peer pressure at its finest.

They’re all so game that it’s almost ridiculous. Louis gets an urgent feeling of wanting Harry to do what’s on that card on him, no matter what it says. So, he turns to look straight at him, and Harry throws him a glance back, raising an eyebrow. Louis nods, almost invisibly, silently telling him that if he wants to go through with this task, Louis is here to do it with him, all the way.

Pick someone to show your oral skills on.” Harry cites from the card and sucks in both his lips, clearly trying to stifle his excitement and, for the first time during this game, slight discomfort.

“Yes!” Someone shouts and claps their hands. “Finally, a good challenge!”

Louis feels a tingle running down his spine, because this one Harry is definitely going to take with Louis, and this is intimate. And hot. Louis is completely on, but the question is, is Harry? He has an exhibitionistic streak, they’ve concluded that a long time ago, but he hasn’t got the experience to perform in front of others. Anyone could chicken out on a thing like this, without blame.

“Sounds like a fun one, though...” Harry fires the group up, licks his lips and looks straight at Louis. “Are you up for this one, Lou?”

Louis takes a deep breath and nods, anticipation rolling heavily through his system, because getting a blowjob from Harry isn’t exactly chickenfeed. It’s a fucking experience. Being one of the lucky ones who has experienced Harry's oral expertise is to be regarded as privileged.

Louis definitely feels like a privileged man, especially now, knowing that he’ll be blessed once again.

Harry could go for sucking Louis’ fingers or toes or something a bit less hardcore, but Louis is pretty sure Harry’s going to go for the real deal. Like Louis, he doesn’t seem to be someone who chickens out that easily.

Harry is in front of him in no time, both hands surely on his trousers, starting to unbutton them, taking him out without hesitation.


Louis gasps, surprised at the speed and impatience in Harry’s actions, but slowly leans back on the pillow and spreads his thighs invitingly for Harry.

“Mouthwatering.” Harry whispers and looks up and meets Louis’ gaze.

And now Louis realises that he’s looking into the eyes of someone who’s on a mission, someone who’s oozing of sex and lust, and is looking forward to tear Louis apart. Slowly. Bit by bit.

Audience or not.

Jesus, he’s in for an experience, alright, and he positions his hands securely against the floor behind himself, readying himself for a bumpy ride.

The way Harry opens his mouth wide, before he’s even close to his cock, is so hot in itself that Louis involuntarily let’s out a small whimper. Licking his lips expectantly, he wants to feel Harry enclosing him now. It takes a few seconds of Harry’s tease before it happens, though, but when it does Louis closes his eyes and throws back his head, vaguely hearing the audience gasp in complete consensus with him.

And then it all happens very fast, and it’s being just as good as he remembers it. Perhaps even better, now that he knows what to expect. Because Harry has clearly set out to make it a quick round, which is a fair deal. Both of them have let on that they prefer the more intimate kind of sex to stay between only the two of them. And even if Louis would’ve wanted to stifle the orgasm, just for a bit, Harry gives him absolutely no say in it. Harry’s giving him his all, which is quite overwhelming, to be honest, and he sends Louis into a blissed space quite immediately.

Yeah, about that. Harry’s task didn’t say anything about making the person come, but that is surely what Harry’s about to do here. Louis is helpless, couldn’t oppose even if he tried, being at Harry’s mercy completely – he’s going where Harry’s taking him.

Opening his eyes slowly, still in a complete haze, Louis taps Harry’s cheek once, lightly. Silently letting him know that he’s going to blow as soon as Harry pushes the button. Harry just hums in acknowledgement and swallows him down whole one last time, which, of fucking course throws him over the edge.

Not even being able to be bothered about anyone else in the room, he feels Harry pop off him, wanking him perfectly through it and catching his load in his other hand.

They have exchanged a few sex preference secrets so far, and Louis happens to know that Harry likes to swallow. Considering the public setting, and consequently all the pairs of eyes watching them intently, Louis can only guess that he probably considered it to be a bit too intimate for that. And he agrees with him on that one.

Staring down at Harry’s hands around his cock, meeting his eyes through his eye lashes, he watches him lick those sinful lips.

“Fucking hell, Harry!” He blurts out, both awe and admiration in his voice.

The crowd, that’s been pretty loud the whole time, starts to cheer even louder, almost standing ovations, and that kicks Louis right out of his and Harry’s bubble...

...and he gets a sudden, odd feeling that the crowd in the room is intruding on his and Harry’s moment. It’s been good, hell yes, but he realises quite immediately that he hasn’t gotten off from having people watch him in the same way he has historically. It’s been solely thanks to Harry and his mouth and hands, so...

The realisation is slightly unsettling and feels natural at the same time. It’s progression, of some sort, in a direction he’s never taken before.

After that Louis strongly feels that nothing really can trump this moment, and that he wants to whisk Harry away and hold him in his arms under the stars, or something. It’s confusing him, but he plays along for the rest of the game. When he is given the task, his last one, of getting someone aroused, it’s easy to say that it would be unpolite not to reciprocate Harry’s earlier generous treatment of him. And reciprocates he does, so much so that Harry happens to come in his briefs, with Louis’ hand on the outside of his jeans.

The dare-game has been really hot, but it has also been a show, and now the feeling of wanting to have Harry to himself has become quite urgent.

He’s so done with this public setting that he can throw up on it, to be honest, and he wonders if Harry feels the same at all.

When it’s all over and they’re supposed to team up two and two for the point-hunt game Harry pulls Louis to the side and clearly tries to look casual to the others, but whispers:

“Hey. Lou. Can we skip this part and go for a walk or something?”

Louis realises that he probably looks a bit taken aback, depending on the fact that he honestly can’t believe that he and Harry are so good damn synced. Hadn’t Harry asked this now, Louis would’ve. He’s had the words on his tongue for a while.

“Or...” Harry hesitates since Louis doesn’t immediately answers, and searches for his gaze. “...sorry, that was perhaps...”

“No. No!” Louis grabs his wrist emphatically but is interrupted when he suddenly is handed a card from Beatrice.

“I take it you two want to team up.” She says and smiles. “We’re going to draw the teams, but I can make an exception for you guys if you want to.”

She looks at where Louis has grasped Harry’s arm, and he’ll be damned if she isn’t sensing that something’s going on here, possibly realising that they’re about to leave.

“Uhm, thanks Bea, I... I’m not sure we...”

Harry gently frees himself from Louis’ hand and instead he puts it on Louis’ lower back, pressing softly.

“We were just leaving.” He says lowly and looks straight at Beatrice. “Sorry if we’re ruining anything but we need some space, it became quite intense there for a while...and...” He turns to look at Louis. “...I really don’t fancy sharing him with anyone else right now.”

He’s so blatantly frank and confident about the whole thing, and Louis silently thanks him for being the strong one right now, standing up for them, really.

“Oh. Oh? Ok.” She says and looks a bit surprised but nods.

Feeling Harry push gently on his lower back to get them going, Louis nods once at Beatrice and starts walking.

“Uhm, Louis. Harry. Sorry, I-“” Beatrice comes after them and clears her throat. “Let me just say... You’ve got an amazing chemistry between the two of you. I-“ She looks straight at Louis. “I shouldn’t have interfered earlier. Sometimes things just happen for a reason, right? That’s all I wanted to say.”

Louis honestly doesn’t know what to say to that. Harry clearly hasn’t got a clue what she’s talking about and...well, Louis hasn’t either. She’s a bit enigmatic about the whole thing but he obviously understood earlier that she wanted to warn him for being confused by feeling good from sex and real feelings. And now...yeah, now she seems to want to make amends? Because he and Harry looks genuine together?

Does she think they’re in love? Already having decided to go with each other, leaving their partners?

Because then she’s wrong.

Obviously, he and Harry aren’t blind. Or deaf. Or emotionless. They know there are sparks igniting when they’re close enough. Quite heavily so, at that. Also, they’ve said a lot of things to each other in the heat of the moment, which have been close to love declarations. And they’re definitely feeling it, when spending time together, in or out of bed. The feelings are real, no question about it.


It’s been such a short time. And just as short left. There’s no point analysing anything further, because nothing can happen beyond this place, there’s simply too much at stake to jump spontaneously.

Louis may be rather clear over the fact that he and Oscar won’t last. He has known that since they first got together, it’s nothing dramatic really. The only surprise is that it seems to happen rather sooner than later, but it is what it is.

But Harry? Leaving a loving wife and children? For Louis, that he’s known for a weekend? No. No, he can’t encourage that, splitting a whole family up for...momentary passion.

They’ve definitely clicked. But love? Well. Louis knows that what he feels when being with Harry is something completely new, and it can very well be love, for all he knows. The feelings are so strong and overwhelming, and they just keep on increasing in strength the more he is together with him. Almost to the point where he’s starting to get a bit worried about what this is doing to his head.

Would they both have been single and met in a bar, he wouldn’t have hesitated. Not for a second. He would’ve been so happy and grateful to have met him...

But current circumstances don’t allow for anything more than sex and fun.

As it was set out to be from the beginning.


Harry pulls on his hand.

Time for a walk.


Chapter 18


They talk.
There's a lot to think about.

Chapter Text

They take a walk on the beach. Side by side, hands in pockets to start with. It’s dark but the moon is out and shows them the way. They walk past the sand dune where they got intimate for the first time, and Harry knows that they both think about it.

Harry pulls his hands out of his jeans pockets and deliberately swings one of them in a way so that it touches the back of Louis’ hand. When Louis feels it, he immediately grabs him and entangles their fingers. Then he lifts their hands to his mouth and kisses one of Harry’s knuckles softly.

They keep on walking, past their sand dune, and the voices and music from the hotel area slowly diminishes. Soon it has disappeared altogether, the only sound accompanying their silent steps in the sand the lapping of the waves.

“That’s a nice cliff, let’s sit for a while?” Louis suggests and Harry agrees immediately.

The cliff is rather flat on the top and they can sit quite comfortably. Louis sneaks his arm around Harry’s waist and pulls him slightly closer - and it just feels so right. Putting his arm around him too, Harry sneaks a thumb inside the hem of his shirt, stroking his soft, warm skin there absentmindedly.

They sit like that for some time, staring out over the black ocean in silence, cosying up in the warmth from each other’s bodies. After a while Louis takes something out from his pocket. As he waves it in front of Harry’s eyes, he realises that it’s the card from the gaming night earlier, containing the tasks for the second part that they didn’t participate in.

“I’m glad we agreed on skipping this part.” Louis says and sneaks a glance at the card. “Our challenges, as a team, would have been even raunchier than the dare-game.”

“I got tired of it. Had enough of seeing you with others, to be honest.” It feels right to speak his mind.

He feels safe here.

“Was it?” Louis asks and leans his head on Harry’s shoulder.

“Mhm. Starting to think this swinging thing might not be for me, you know?” He has thought about it, but he’s still not sure exactly what he thinks.

He wants to throw it out there, though, to hear what Louis has to say about it.

“To be completely honest, Harry, I think that I’m starting to wonder the same thing. Me and Oscar had a conversation earlier, and his conclusion was pretty much that if our relationship was to become more serious, we couldn’t continue like this, going to swinging parties left and right.”

“Why?” Harry can guess, but he’s curious to hear more.

Although Louis’ words give him a knot in his stomach.

“Well. He’s getting a bit possessive, perhaps? Or just older and wiser? Thinking that this-“ Louis nods in the direction of the hotel. “-isn’t a responsible way of living? Especially not if...if...”

Harry turns his head and looks at Louis’ profile, fairly certain why he suddenly fell silent.

“Especially if you become more serious and get married? Have children?” Harry continues for him.

“Something like that.” Louis turns his head as well, and even if they sit too close to be able to look at each other properly, Harry thinks he looks slightly sad.

That’s nothing compared to how Harry feels about hearing that they’ve talked about taking their relationship next level and settle down, though. Getting serious and stop running at swinging events, like the one they’re at right now. Harry knows he’s way out of line reacting at that information the way he does, but he can’t control those feelings bubbling up inside of him when it comes to Louis. He has almost gotten used to feeling this much around him all the time.

“However...” Louis mumbles and now rests his head on Harry’s shoulder again. “...I’m not ready for that. Not with him.”

Harry must steel himself not to address that immediately and too spontaneously, and instead he clears his throat, swallowing thickly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Louis is quiet for a while, and Harry wishes he could see his face. He waits, and waits, and finally Louis takes a deep breath, apparently ready to speak.

“We’ve been heading in different directions in our relationship for some time now. I’ve known that he isn’t my forever person since pretty much from the start, and honestly, even if I’ve known he’s more invested, I’ve still thought it was mutual... We go well together, obviously, but we haven’t got what it takes to build our relation past what we have now.”

Biting his lip, Harry gently moves away a bit from him, so that they finally can look at each other. Because...because what? Harry really didn’t see this coming, not at all, and for some very strange reason he almost feels deceived of this information. The confusion must be visible in his face because Louis laughs briefly and puts his hand on Harry’s thigh, reassuringly.

“Don’t worry about it.”

Harry has so ridiculously many questions but feel that he can’t do much about them. This is neither his business nor the right time to dig because he feels so fragile about the whole thing that he doesn’t know what to do with the answers.

“This is a strange place.” Is what he says and looks out over the ocean again. “It does strange things with my head.”

He feels Louis’s gaze burn on him from the side, but keeps looking straight ahead.

“What does it do to your head?” Louis asks, lowly, almost carefully.

He knows where he’s going with that question and he knows that he probably shut this conversation down, but he just doesn’t want to. Like a stubborn five-year-old he’s too curious about everything to step down. And the raging feelings within himself spurs him on.

“I’m just thinking that this whole thing is complicated.” Harry starts, hesitatingly. “What I’ve been telling myself for the past day is that I’m confusing euphoria with feelings. Because that must be the natural explanation.”

“For what?”

“For what I’m feeling. Around you.”

“Why do you tell yourself that?”

Louis voice is soft, but it has something persistent in it, and he’s still looking at Harry intensely from where he sits, Harry senses it strongly. It’s so easy and safe to talk with him, though, and his immediate feeling is that he just wants to talk it all out, right now, right here.

“Because it’s the easiest way to deal with it?” He says thoughtfully, completely honestly. “Closing off every thought I think about this before I let it wander too far. It’s such a strange situation and...I just don’t know how to deal with it.”

“Hm.” Louis hums and Harry realises that it’s not only his thumb stroking his skin on his lower back, but his whole hand is resting there now, warm and reassuring. “Go on.”

It’s equally scary as it’s deliberating to finally open up about this. And that Louis seems so chill with doing it too. Harry has no idea how deep or far he’s willing to go, but it’s a relief to be able to at least somewhat be able to discuss this with the only person it is possible to discuss it with, right now.

“I’m confused. Obviously. We’ve clicked so well, Lou... It’s as if I just want more and more of you and I don’t know where it’ll end... I can’t see it ending, perhaps that’s the problem.”

Oh God, he’s really spilling now, and he knew that if he’d open the door just the tiniest bit it’d be very difficult to close again. And he knows himself, all he wants to do right now is fling it open wide and discuss this into depth. He wants to know what Louis thinks, how he feels, fuck, even what his plans are.

But Louis is unusually quiet, and Harry gets the feeling that he’s steeling himself to let Harry talk. He doesn’t want that, though, he wants Louis to participate, to spill too. But he has started, and he just can’t stop.

“I know this isn’t cheating, technically...but, like we’ve touched on before, it sure feels like it... And the only explanation I can come up with is...uhm...”

He swallows again, this is a tough one. Suddenly he feels Louis hand around his cheek, gently putting some pressure to it to turn his face to look at Louis.

“What, Harry?”

Louis’ voice is so soft, so inviting, and Harry slowly raises his eyes to meet his.

“I think I have a guilty conscience.”

Louis bites his lower lip, and his gaze is so incredibly intense that Harry has a hard time to keep looking into his eyes.

And then he’s quiet again. Waiting. It confuses Harry slightly, because why isn’t he participating in this? It’s so fucking hard to put all this into words, he could’ve done with some help from Louis. And...he wants some kind of reassurance that he’s not alone in those thoughts, as well.

“"I think I have a guilty conscience because I feel so much around you. It’s like I’m being with you...for dubious reasons. I’m not sure what’s what anymore, you know what I mean?”

Louis nods and caresses Harry’s cheek, where his hand still rests safely.

“This weekend was supposed to be some sort of sexual awakening, or whatever... Kicking my feelings to life, and all that. And that surely happened, alright, and way beyond. It’s like I’ve lost all control and gone into overdrive... You’re driving me fucking insane, Lou.”

“Oh, God, Harry...” Louis gasps and puts his other hand around Harry’s other cheek now, cupping his face quite firmly.

Harry misses his warm hand on his lower back, but this is good as well. And now he decides that he’s going to let Louis be the next one to speak. He himself has said enough, and his heart feels like it’s about to jump out of his chest in anticipation to hear Louis' thoughts on this.

They are quiet for a few minutes, Harry can tell Louis has an inner debate with himself, and Harry patiently (or more accurately impatiently) waits.

“You drive me insane too, Harry.” He says finally, letting his hands slide off Harry’s face and land in his own knee. “I just feel that-” He takes a deep breath. “-there’s more at stake for you than for me to...act on anything, if you know what I mean?” Louis sounds a bit hesitant and a bit pleading, at the same time.

And, yeah, Harry kind of does, but it’s also frustrating with that insight. However, after Louis revelation about his view on his and Oscar’s relationship, Harry definitely gets what he’s saying.

Because he hasn’t had those kinds of thoughts about Mia. Or about their relationship. Or their future. Not at all, not even one time.

His reality is his family, and it hasn’t crossed his mind that anything, at least in his near future, could change that. He’s made a choice to stay married and be a family father, and his intention, all along, has been to stick to that.

This is the first time in fifteen years he’s even scratched the surface of questioning that, and that’s what feels so fucking confusing. He has started to doubt his relationship with Mia because of a man he’s known for two days, and who has managed to turn his whole life image upside down.

“Me being married, you mean? Having kids?” He says, not shying the subject.

Biting his lip, Louis fixates him with his eyes.

“I already know I won’t stay with Oscar...” He says, a bit stubbornly. “’s easier for me to jump into something. Taking a chance. The stakes aren’t that high for me.”

“Jumping into what?”

Louis gives him a look of come on, you know perfectly well what I mean but complies, and whispers:

“I would want to be with you, Harry, if there was the slightest possibility....”

Now it’s Harry’s time to gasp and he takes a deep breath, knowing that he probably looks slightly wild.

“I haven’t prepared myself for something like this...” He replies lowly, wondering how in the hell he’ll be able to put his thoughts into words, and still make it understandable, when he hardly knows himself what’s going on in his mushy mind right now. “I mean, I’m so drawn between my heart and mind, telling me different things...”

And, God, here comes that, by now familiar, urge to touch Louis sweet face and kiss those beautiful lips – so he does.

Louis leans in immediately, and Harry lets himself be pulled into his arms, the kiss so soft and warm to start with, though relentlessly increasing in heat. Soon their tongues find each other, and their hands their way under one another’s shirt.

There’s so much in this kiss that Harry gets tears in his eyes, but he ignores them as they start to fall. It’s just so incomprehensible that something so good can make him feel so completely lost at the same time.

They end up lying entangled on the hard surface of the cliff, kissing like there was no tomorrow, or any day after that, until Louis finally makes a small whimper, accompanied by laugh.

“My back hurts like hell.”

And when they sit up again Harry sees a stone that Louis has been lying on and he makes a compassionate pout, carding a hand through Louis’ hair.

“Poor baby.”

Louis pouts back, making a pain staked face to elicit even more compassion from Harry – and he looks so fucking cute that Harry just needs to kiss him again. And when he breaks it, Louis follows him in his movement, hanging on to him and nibbling at his lower lip. They just can’t get enough.

“Let’s go back.” Louis whispers and finally lets go, and Harry doesn’t want him to.

He could stay here for a while. For many reasons. One of which is that they haven’t come to any conclusions. It all feels so unfinished and open ended and it itches not knowing what the fuck is happening now.

It’s not like Harry is completely unrealistic about this, thinking that they would be able to talk it out for an hour and then have all the answers, no,   . But... He’s not sure he grasped exactly everything Louis said, and what he meant with it. Is he breaking up with Oscar? He said they had it coming, so it’s not because of Harry? But he wants to be with Harry, or...? Was that just an alternative he left hanging, perhaps he’s not sure himself?

But most of all he’s unsure of what he thinks about all of this himself. What about his own relation and situation? That’s where most of the confusions lies, for sure. He’s never opened up for those kind of thoughts before. How does one even know that it’s time to leave a relationship, in favour for a new one? Can it ever be worth it, leaving something so precious as a family, just because the attraction and passion missing can be found elsewhere?

He's struggling. He’s struggling so bad, and it’s clear that Louis is intending to leave him sorting those thoughts out for himself.

He would’ve loved for Louis to tell him to just stand up and leave everything and come with him, though. Harry can’t say for sure that he wouldn’t have done it.

But Louis is right, of course he is. This is a huge thing, and Harry needs to think it through for himself. Just as Louis has done on his part. It’s Harry’s decision to make, eventually. Louis cannot do it for him and he’s clearly mature and man enough to realise this. And to stand back.

As Louis scrambles to his feet, he reaches for Harry’s hand, and he takes it, letting himself be pulled up. And then Louis doesn’t let go of his hand until they’re back at the hotel.

Before they step inside the front doors, they kiss again, and Harry just never wants to let go.

Part two of the gaming night is just about to end. The karaoke party was heard from far away on the beach, at one point Harry could’ve sworn he’d heard Mia sing, or shout rather, and Louis had laughed out loud.

Harry and Louis wait for the others from the game group out in the corridor and join them when they all comes out from open room 1 and walk into the karaoke room. The atmosphere is on top, and Harry slumps down in a sofa, watching and listening Lisa sing a duet with Lucas. It’s quite amusing, and he’s actually grateful for something that can ease his rather heavy mind for a moment.

Louis sits down on the armrest next to Harry, and the sofa soon gets crowded with the additional audience from the game group.

“Babe! Louis!” Oscar suddenly comes up to them and smiles widely. “You wanna sing with me, hun?”

“Never in a million fucking years, love.” Louis smiles back and takes a sip of his champagne, that has just been served them.

“I was thinking we could sing our song.” Oscar insists, and Harry can tell that Louis squirms slightly where he sits.

“No. I’m sorry. You won’t get me up on that stage. Our song or not.”

Harry looks the other way, trying to focus on something else, getting his raising feelings under control. All he can think, though, is that he wouldn’t have accepted a no. He would’ve taken Louis hand, kissed it, looked him deep in the eye and told him to come and sing with him. And he knows Louis would’ve come with.

His gaze haphazardly ends up on Lucas, who’s talking with someone Harry doesn’t even recognise, and he can’t help but wonder how this weekend would’ve played out if Louis wouldn’t have been here, if they never would’ve met.

The most likely outcome would’ve been that Harry would’ve had spent a lot more time together with Mia. Probably quite some time together with Lucas and his wife. Harry isn’t even sure he would’ve spent time alone with him.

Without Louis here, Harry’s sure this weekend would’ve been more like he had expected it to turn out, when he and Mia talked about it before they came here.

Perhaps he wouldn’t even have reflected over his own relationship, like he’s kind of been forced to do now, because of Louis. Perhaps he would’ve returned home and continued to live his life as if nothing’s happened.

He get’s a knot in his stomach. A huge, painful knot, and Harry just knows he wouldn’t have wanted that. Not that he knows what he would’ve wanted, but it certainly wouldn’t have been to live his life like before he met Louis.

His thoughts don’t make sense, they’re making him crazy.

Without Louis here this weekend... He can’t even think the sentence through, it feels impossible.

What if he never would’ve met Louis?

What if he never would see him again after this?



Chapter Text

The late evening continues in the lounge, with drinks and snacks – and people are getting a bit raunchy, some staying and some leaving for a room.

Louis watches Harry from a distance, as he’s courted by Lucas, yet again, but also how he dismisses him. He shouldn’t, probably, but Louis is nevertheless thankful for it.

It had started with Harry, absentmindedly, looking in Lucas’ direction, from where they were sat watching the karaoke participants perform one hilariously bad song after another. It seemed he’d been deep in thought, probably from what they’d been talking about just before. But Lucas had – obviously – taken the non-existent bait, though, and come over to them, in a rush.

When Harry had excused himself to go to the restroom, Lucas had followed him, as the most natural thing in the world. Louis had been so close to grab him by his neck and push him down in the sofa and tell him to stay, but he hadn’t. Harry hadn’t said anything either, so...

Now, they’ve come back, but was stopped by a couple of people and are now standing on the other side of the room, talking.

Louis feels so unsure and at unease about the whole thing, but he tells himself that that’s perfectly normal, seeing where they are right now. He has left Harry on his own, to sort out his thoughts, and come to a conclusion about how he wants to proceed. If he wants to proceed, that is.  And even if he’s dying to beg on his knees for him, all he can do is wait. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if knowing that he’d tried to push him in any direction, and then it turns out that they don’t fit together in the end anyway. These are big decisions, and they’re to be made responsibly and wisely. He’s told Harry where he stands himself, he can’t do more right now.

Lucas doesn’t seem to take a no for an answer, though, Louis notices and locks eyes on the scene across the room. Even if he respects Harry, and doesn’t touch, or gets too close, without checking in with him, he definitely courts him persistently. And if Louis isn’t completely out of the loop, he’s flirting quite heavily. Harry is distant, but talks and laughs with him, and Louis wishes he’d come back to where Louis still sits in the sofa.

Suddenly Harry makes a move to walk away, and Lucas quickly grabs Harry’s wrist, and keeps him back. Louis reflexively gets on his feet, silently cursing Lucas to let the fuck go of him or I’ll come and fucking punch you in the face.

The problem is, Oscar has invited the two guys he had a threesome with, to where Louis sits, and he craves his attention. Fragments of what Louis hears of their conversation, tells him that Oscar wants a repeat – with Louis participating this time.

It’s not going to happen.

Louis is as game as Harry seems to be with Lucas on the other side of the room. He just hasn’t found a good way of letting Oscar know yet.

And honestly, it’s bloody annoying that Oscar insists on suggesting things like this, although he knows it’s not Louis’ first (or second, or even third!) choice at a swinger gathering.

Perhaps it has become a harder no to Louis, than it’s been before as well, he’s not sure. But nevertheless, Oscar should really take the fucking hint!

“Babe?” Oscar asks a bit hesitantly, probably realising that Louis hasn’t heard a word of what he’s just said or asked. “We’re invited to Paul and Carl’s room for the night, should we want. And for the record, they’re ok with us being in their room, and Bea won’t be consulted about it either. Louis, are you...?”

“Uhm.” To avoid any unnecessary drama Louis decides to do this a bit smoother – and, in all honesty, not to scare Oscar away from going with these guys without Louis.

He wants him to do that. He fucking wants him to, and it’s so wrong, but feels so right.

“Do you want that, Louis?” Oscar pushes, touching Louis’ arm for emphasis. “If you don’t, that’s ok, I can-“

“No.” Louis interrupts, shaking his head and caressing Oscar’s cheek, a lot more tenderly than what feels natural. “You go. I’m tired. I hope I’m not coming down with something...”

“Then I tell them that we-“

“I said you go, babe. I want you too. I’ve had my fun for today, don’t worry about me. I just wanna sleep and I don’t mind you spending the night in their room.”

“That’s not what we agreed on, though.”

“No, it wasn’t, but I’m telling you now that I’m ok with it. For tonight.”

Oscar gives him a sceptical look, and Louis does his utmost to look tired and convinced at the same time.

“You ok with me going with-“

“Yes!” Louis blurts out, impatiently now, because Lucas has moved awfully close to Harry on the other side of the room and he just needs to get over there. “Sorry babe-“ He adds quickly. “-I’m not feeling well. Sorry for lashing.”

Oscar gets something soft in his eyes and tilts his head, caressing Louis cheek.

“Ok. If you say so. But tomorrow you’ve promised that we’ll do everything together, right?!” He leans in and kisses him lightly. “Cannot wait, babe.”

Then Oscar redirects his attention to one of the other guys, Paul or Carl, and Louis thinks that he does that very easily.

Not dwelling on that, Louis gets up and starts to walk through the room, until he gets to where Harry and Lucas stand, Lucas still with his hand around Harry’s wrist.

“Hey.” Louis says with a smile, but his voice is too firm to fool anyone that he is as happy as his smile. “Everything alright here?”

Both Harry and Lucas snap their heads in his direction in slight surprise.

Lucas releases his grip on Harry immediately and drags the same hand though his own hair.

“Yeah. We’re fine.” Lucas says, sounding a bit impatient, glancing at Harry. “This gorgeous man is just so hard to get, I don’t know what to do to make him come with me.”

It’s probably meant as at least a half joke, but Louis isn’t laughing, and now his smile is gone as well. He fixates Lucas with his eyes.

“Perhaps you should step back, then? I mean...if he said no?”

Lucas’ friendly face drops rather quickly, and Louis hears Harry gasp lowly. Honestly, Louis isn’t looking for trouble, he really isn’t, but there’s just as much as he can take in regards of Lucas’ persistency of courting Harry. Enough is enough.

“Hey, calm down, ok? Where the hell did you come from, anyway?” Lucas says, irritation clear in his voice. “Leave us alone.”

Louis turns to look at Harry, feeling a physical sting in his heart only from looking at him, because he’s so God damn beautiful.

“Harry. You want him to get his fucking hands off you, yes or no?”

Raising his eyebrows, Harry almost looks amused, and clears his throat.

“Uhm, aren’t you busy over there anyway?” He tilts his head in the direction of where Oscar and the other gay couple stand, talking.

Louis slowly realises what the situation might have looked like.

“No.” He says simply and shakes his head. “We were just talking, why?”

Harry’s amused eyes get accompanied by a challenging glint in them, and he presses:

“Just talking, huh?”

And that tone in Harry’s voice is new to Louis. It’s hard to place it, but he thinks that Harry sounds slightly...jealous.

Oh. So, this is a jealousy game, then? Louis is jealous of Lucas, and Harry is jealous of Oscar, Paul and Carl. Splendid.

And why are they even jealous in the first place, anyway? They had a really good talk earlier, on the beach, and even if Harry’s got some hard thinking to do, it’s pretty clear that they fancy the fucking pants off each other.

“Oscar is up to something with them, but I was planning on hanging out with you, to be honest.”

Louis deliberately ignores Lucas completely now, and stares expectantly at Harry.

“So, what do you say?”

Harry’s lips slowly start to quirk upwards in a sinful smile, his eyes quickly going darker and his voice alluringly suggestive, when he mumbles:

“I say yes.”

Lucas’ jaw has slightly dropped as he looks from Harry to Louis and back to Harry again, clearly surprised at what’s going on right in front of his eyes.

“Then I say let’s go.” Louis winks and grabs Harry’s fingers, pulling him slightly towards himself.

Harry comes easily and he steps up close to Louis, with eyes that stare mesmerized at Louis’ lips. The only thing better than to have that mouth on him right now, is to have that mouth on him in private, so he uses every bit of self-control he has and puts a finger on Harry’s lips, whispering:


Harry lets out a cute whine in protest, but Louis knows it’s more for show than anything. Because he feels Harry’s curious and undivided attention on himself.

Lucas takes a step back and slowly shakes his head in disbelief.

“Harry?” Lucas sounds defeated and Louis should probably feel sorry for him, but he honestly couldn’t care less. “The fuck’s going on between you two?”

Louis knows that Harry has dismissed Lucas’ invitations so many times by now that there probably isn’t anything he can say that won’t sound flat and retrospectively constructed. And it’s not like Louis doesn’t understand that he probably is extremely annoying to Lucas here, but he can’t be arsed, and he wants to save Harry from the trouble.

“We’re having a moment here.” Louis replies in Harry’s place, sounding a bit sassy even if he tries not to. “We’ve had quite a few, to be honest, and I think it would be for the best if you just quit your chase of Harry once and for all and leave him be, ok?”

Harry looks the other way, embarrassed, but Louis would be blind if he didn’t see the clearly chuffed smile that he’s trying to hide as well.

“You know what, Louis, I think it would be for the best if you just shut the fuck up and go and fuck yourself.” Lucas snaps at him sourly.

Grabbing Harry’s hand Louis pulls him with, and they don’t even manage to leave the room before they both burst out in suppressed giggles.

“What in the fuck was that, Lou?!” Harry demands, wrapping his arm around Louis’ shoulders as they stumble through the corridor.

“I hate competition.” Louis mumbles cheekily, and chuckles contentedly at the same time.

It feels so good to have Harry squeeze him like this, only the two of them on their way somewhere, wanting to be with each other. Alone.

Louis has a plan for where they’re going, and Harry just tags along, following Louis blindly. When they suddenly find themselves standing outside of Louis’ door, on the second floor, Louis senses how Harry stiffens slightly, and how he looks at Louis from the side. When Louis lifts his arm to blip the door open, Harry puts his hand on Louis arm, stalling him.

“Hey. Lou. Is this...”

“It’s ok.”


“Oscar is spending the night at Paul and Carl’s. And... I wanna spend the night with you. So much.”

He does want to spend the night with Harry, but strangely enough, the first thought that comes to his mind doesn’t involve sex. It involves talking, spooning and sleeping together. He wants to continue their talk, hear what Harry thinks about it now that he’s getting some perspective on it. He wants to hold him, feel him, smell him – anything that includes having him close. And it would be so amazing to fall asleep with him, as well as have him by his side when waking up. Obviously, the desire to have sex with him is urgent – he honestly can’t see it not be with Harry – but the difference now from when they first met, is that he wants more.

“I... I can stay for a bit but... Yeah.” Harry throws out his hands a bit helplessly, but Louis understands, sure he does.

Harry has promised to fall asleep with Mia, it’s their arrangement, and of course he needs to keep that promise.

Louis tries not to be disappointed, because for a bit is better than nothing, and he should treasure the time he gets with him instead of getting disappointed due to greed.

“I just want to spend time with you, be close to you... It’s late and we’re tired and we don’t have to have sex or anything if you don’t want to.” Louis hears himself say, for reasons he’s not sure of, he just wants Harry to know that.

It’s meant as no pressure, but by saying that he wants more than sex inevitably also makes it more intimate. Louis realises that, and he wonders if Harry does too, and if so, what he thinks about it.

He blips the card and opens the door, inviting Harry to go inside before him. Walking behind him into the middle of the room, Louis almost bumps into his back when Harry suddenly stops and turns around.

“As much as it’s thoughtful of you worrying about me being tired and all...” Harry smiles darkly and slings his arms around Louis’ neck. “...I wouldn’t pass on some sexy time with you for anything in the world, Lou...”

A tingle travels down Louis’ spine, making him shiver in Harry’s arms, and Harry bites his lip as he notices.

It’s been quite some time since they got each other off during the game, and they’ve had time to recharge. Louis is definitely horny, but then again, when it comes to Harry, he can’t see how he ever would not be.

He swallows thickly. Well, if that’s how it’s going to be, he won’t be the one holding back.

Talks and cuddles and sleep can still be done. But later.

“In that case, I’d like you to fuck me, Harry.” Louis whispers seductively.

He has given it some thought and he’s actually a bit anxious about suddenly realising that the whole weekend has passed, without them having tried it that way as well. Whatever happens on Sunday, this is something he truly wants to experience with this man.

Harry groans and his hands immediately come up in the back of Louis’ neck, carding his hands through his hair firmly.

“Straight to the point, I see.” He stares at Louis almost transfixed, mouth slightly open.

He’s so sexy like this, clearly starting to get turned on, and his head visibly working with so many possibilities.

Nodding, Louis lifts on Harry’s t-shirt and puts his hands on his warm back, starting to caress over his muscles and soft skin.

“You really are versatile then?” Harry mumbles sexily, but it’s clear that he’s checking in as well.

“I am.” Louis confirms.

At least he is, when being with lovers like Harry. Or there has actually never been anyone like him before, but at least with guys he’s felt something for. Normally, when hooking up with guys at swinger parties, he wants to top. The reason is simple: he generally prefers to top, since it’s his preference and since he hardly gets to do that with Oscar at all. And he’s quite sure that, should he ever get the opportunity to have sex with Harry on a regular basis, that’s how they’d do it nine times out of ten. But once in a while, he gets an urge to feel it.

Just like now, with Harry.


His plan was to take Harry here, to his and Oscar’s room, which will be free for the whole night. However, this plan is easily overturned when Harry mumbles:

“Not here though. I know a place.”

Louis chokes slightly and raises an eyebrow in surprise.

“A place?” He deadpans, but his interest is spiked, and it’s definitely a turn-on with Harry taking own initiative like this.

“Well, it’s a shed, really.” Harry tries to look abashed, but all he radiates is excitement. “A cosy shed, though. And very...private.”

Fuck times a hundred – Louis certainly hopes that this shed is close by.

They start to walk out of the room, Harry grabbing Louis’ hand and Louis letting him take the lead.

“Why a shed, though? How can that be better than a comfy king size in my room?” Louis sassies, when they walk back through the corridor again, down the stairs and out of the hotel.

“Because-“ Harry stops and turns around, putting the hand not holding Louis’ hand, against the side of his neck, pressing there gently. “-because I’m gonna get you so loud, Lou, and I really don’t want you to be conscious about that, worrying that someone’ll overhear, or something.”

Louis has never heard Harry’s voice this deep before.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

“Get us to that shed. Now:” Louis growls and Harry chuckles, starting to walk again.

They walk behind the hotel, crosses a few sand dunes, and reaches the beginning of a sparse, small forest. It only takes a minute, and then Louis spots what must be what Harry calls a shed, but what Louis rather would call the smallest cottage his ever seen.

“Jesus. It does look really cosy.” Louis agrees. “So fucking cute.”

“Wait till you see the inside.”

“I might not pay much attention to it, to be honest, because I need you to fuck me as soon as that door closes behind us.” Louis breaths, voice aroused and demanding.

“Oh, believe me, Lou, I will.”

He loves how easily they get into this sexy, dirty mode together, riling each other up, consciously and unconsciously simultaneously building for what’s about to come. It seems like a bit of naughty talk get them both going and Louis thinks it’s well hot when it comes so naturally and confidently from Harry.

Being prepared for Harry unleashing his pent-up sexual arousal immediately upon entering the small house, Louis flexes his back muscles before roughly being more or less thrown against the back of the closed door. Louis intently and passively watches Harry as he impatiently tears on Louis’ clothes, managing to rip his t-shirt off and unbutton his jeans. But that’s about as far Louis patience goes and then he quickly helps to step out of his trousers and briefs.

“Undress.” Louis then rasps because he wants him naked too.

He needs him naked. Now.

And Harry does, quickly and smoothly, pulling out a couple of small packages from his pocket before he discards of his trousers on the floor.

Tearing one of them open with his teeth, he spits the tiny plastic piece on the floor, and then lifts one of Louis’ legs and hooks it around his waist. His hand sneaks around Louis’s ass, and Louis is both prepared and not when two of his fingers suddenly have found his asshole and sink in, without hesitation and as deep as they go.

And Louis cries out loud in surprise and pleasure and bangs his head back against the door. The stretch is awesome, and the sexual want following is almost overwhelming.

Harry’s fingers feels so big, and obviously his cock will be even bigger inside of him, so Louis sets his impatience aside and lets Harry do his job. And the thing is, job is clearly the wrong word here, because Harry makes it so much more than carrying out a dutiful task to get Louis prepared to take him.

Whilst his fingers work wonder (now having found his spot as well) Harry starts to kiss him, first on the lips and then down over his neck, and when he bites down on his earlobe and hits Louis’s spot at the same time Louis cries out loud again.

“Take your time.” Harry hisses against his ear and wiggles his fingers against his spot for emphasis. “You’ll need it.”

And ok... That definitely sets off all sorts of tingles in Louis’ body, because obviously he knows Harry’s a decent size by now, and that’s even an understatement. It’s going to be a stretch, and that’s exactly why he hardly can wait.

It’s amazing and dizzying being in the receiving end of a for playing Harry, and if Louis didn’t know better (he can’t come from being fingered, without any other stimulation) he’d honestly be a bit worried that he’s on the verge of orgasming already.

Speaking of which...

“Fuck! Stop!” He shouts and pushes on Harry’s chest, pressing the leg Harry holds around his hip downwards. “Oh my God, oh my God, I’m gonna fucking come...!” He blurts out, in a haze of arousal and confusion.

Because can someone enlighten him about how in the bloody hell he ended up here, about to come without being wanked, again?!

Harry pulls out and wipes off, grabbing Louis hair with his other hand and fixates him with his eyes.

“Don’t do that, ok?”

Ok. Ok.

Louis nods emphatically, panting heavily, his head feeling like mush.

“I don’t... I don’t know what the fuck happened...” He rambles and bites his lower lip, finally feeling how he gets his orgasm under control.

“My fingers happened.” Harry growls into his ear before he takes a step back and looks at him. “And as much as I want you to come from them, that’s for another day. Now it’s time for my cock to happen.”

Louis swallows, the anticipation so heavy he can hardly breath, and he willingly lets himself be led further into the tiny room. At forty-three, and in for his third orgasm today, he’s hornier than he’s ever been, and that’s not even an exaggeration. He’s staring at Harry expectantly, mumbling:

“Would really appreciate it.”

Quickly looking around, Louis realises that the only bed in here is an old-fashioned bunkbed in intricate wood.

“I know what you’re thinking...” Harry says with a smile, and Louis smiles back at him.

“What am I thinking?”

That’s a small bed.”

“No. I’m not. I think it’s a very cute bed. However-“ Louis links his index finger with Harry’s and pulls him in the direction of it. “-I was thinking it’s only possible with one position in that one. From the side. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to take you from the side. To start with, anyway.”

Chuckling lowly, darkly, Harry raises an eyebrow.

“Christ, you know how to give a man some good old performance anxiety, don’t you? How many positions are you expecting me to take you through?”

“Three must be a minimum, right?”

They laugh together, but this time Harry finds a wall that he pushes Louis’ back up against, grinding down roughly on him.

“Anyway.” He grunts close to Louis’ ear. “We’re not using the bed.”

As he grabs Louis’ hair with both his hands and gives him a particularly hard grind, Louis lets out a long, loud moan, totally not able to keep it in. Reflecting on Harry’s words from earlier, Louis realises that he definitely wasn’t bullshitting. He’s going to get Louis loud alright, and he can tell this is only the start of it.

“Fuck, you’ve scouted this place, haven’t you?” Is what he says, and pliantly tilts his head in the way Harry pulls.

“Through the windows, yeah. Easily found the key under some flowerpot. A beautiful, yellow one, by the way... Then I calculated how far your screams would travel though the wood...”

“You dirty bastard...” Louis whispers, but he has run out of patience and energy for tease and jokes.

He’s ready. He wants Harry to take him, and to be quite frank, he doesn’t care where. For his part they might as well drop to the floor and get on with it. He’s open, Harry’s hard, they’re both oozing of want – why are they even standing here?

He must’ve lost himself in thoughts for a second, and the next he knows he feels himself being lifted by Harry, his legs secured around his hips. As he starts to walk in the direction of an armchair, Louis clings onto him like a koala.

Putting him down, onto his feet, in front of the chair, Harry turns him around with his back to Harry. Then he makes him kneel in it, resting with his arms on the backrest, somewhat leaning forward on it. As Harry gets into the chair as well, on his knees between Louis’ slightly spread legs, Louis feels himself being caged in, with Harry’s hand gripping the backrest as well, and his chest pressing against Louis back. He can also feel the pressure of his impressive, hard cock against one of his arse cheeks.

Another single package of lube is ripped open, of which some is additionally spread over Louis’ hole, and the rest over the condom Louis just has sensed that Harry has put on. Which means they’re seconds away from finally doing this.

Harry drags the head of his cock up and down over Louis’ hole a couple of times, giving him time to get into the right head space, and to relax. Which he does quite quickly, and silently tells Harry so by wiggling his ass slowly, back towards harry.

Grabbing his ass cheeks Harry spreads him wide and finally pushes in.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Louis falls forward and groans into his arms, Harry smoothly following his movement and continuing to sink inside.

He goes slowly, slowly, and doesn’t stop. Not even when Louis reflexively moves forward, because the intrusive stretch almost gets unbearable, he doesn’t stop. Instead, he bottoms out in one excruciatingly, slow, and purposeful go, and Louis can only go with it.

Usually not being the quiet type when having sex, his own sounds still surprise himself, because fuck, he’s never heard himself moan this loud in his life. But there’s just no other way to do this, he needs to let it out or he’ll burst.

“Holy fucking Christ Harry is this how it fucking feels...?” Louis rambles and tries to breath sort of evenly, but fails miserably.

“My cock?” Harry’s voice is raspy and heavy, but there’s also something slightly amused in it. “Yeah, babe, this is how it feels.” He probably deadpans, Louis isn’t sure since he can’t see him, but Harry’s hand nevertheless feels soothing and safe where it caresses Louis’ lower back.

“I meant your size!” Louis cries out, his breath hitching once again, and he reaches down to give his still hard cock a few strokes of comfort and encouragement.

Harry is quickly there and pats Louis’ hand away, enveloping his dick with his own hand, and starts to stroke him slowly, whilst still keeping completely still inside of him.

“A sucker for size, aren’t you?” Harry mumbles, but if Louis listens really carefully, he can hear that he’s strained.

He bloody well should be, Louis is about to die from all kinds of things here, so Harry having a hard time holding back isn’t more than fair.

“Lucky you I’m the biggest one you’ve ever had then.” Harry continues in his ear and Louis smiles to himself through a few breaths, because Harry may be assuming here, but he’s not wrong.

He lets out a pathetic whine, which apparently is a noise Harry appreciates, if his growl and clenching hand over his dick is anything to go by.

Louis is about to tell Harry that he’s good to go, to beg him to please get moving, but he only opens his mouth and then Harry slowly detaches his body from Louis’ back, and his hand from his cock, and whispers with his lips wetly pressed against his shoulder blades:

“That’s it, baby, you’ve relaxed good, just let me know if I go too hard on you.”

And as Harry withdraws and grabs Louis hips with both his hands, Louis can only surrender to him. Letting his head hang heavy between his shoulders and closing his eyes in big anticipation, he feels how Harry’s first thrust is slightly tentative – but it’s still more powerful than any first push-in Louis has ever had, and it’s absolutely fabulous.

The kind of controlled force in it pushes Louis physically forward, making him hit his chest against the backrest, but his hips securely stabilized by Harry’s strong hands. Lifting his head slightly he manages to focus his gaze on his forearms and sinks his open mouth down over one of them, biting wide around the flesh.

“Oh no babe, you’re not doing that.” Harry says darkly from behind, grabbing his hair and pulls his mouth off his arm. “Let it out instead.”

Oh. Oh...

Harry pulls out and drives back in, slowly letting go of Louis’ hair as he obediently lets his moans out into the darkness of the cottage instead of smothering them against his arms.

It’s nothing short of absolutely fantastic, and Louis cries out “Oh fucking yes!” when Harry presses his hands down on his lower back, apparently making his ass angle perfectly for Harry to hit straight onto his spot. And he’s getting close, very close.

Suddenly, Harry pulls out and slaps his ass cheek twice, stepping out of the chair to give Louis some space.

“Chose a position of your liking.”

A tingle travels through Louis’ whole body as their eyes finally meet, when he turns around and sinks down comfortably on his ass in the chair.

“Ok.” He mumbles a bit groggily, as his eyes kind of get stuck on Harry’s cock bobbing heavy in front of his face, the skin thin condom hardly noticeable. “Can you reach if-“ Louis hooks his legs up on either armrest, spreading widely and drawing a gasp out of Harry. “-I sit like this?”

Without even bothering with an answer Harry moves into position, standing in front of Louis and sinking down with one knee on the chair cushion. Holding his cock down to get level with Louis, he gently drives inside and gets back to work.

The pause has been enough for Louis to be able to calm down slightly. Now he can indulge and enjoy instead of withholding, and it’s absolutely amazing. It’s so good Louis could cry – he’s never felt anyone so perfectly big and hard and assertive as Harry, and it’s as if his inner fantasies are coming to live.

The sounds escaping Louis are getting more and more spontaneous, and he just knows that he’ll be getting to hear this afterwards (Didn’t I tell you I’d get you loud?!), but right now he couldn’t care less.

Again, Harry stops his pounding and pulls out, dragging a hand unconsciously sexy through his dampening curls on his forehead.

“Three positions, right?” He smiles and licks his lips, adjusting the condom slightly. “What’s the third gonna be?”

And to Louis delight he realises that Harry seems to be needing this break for more reasons than changing positions, as he watches him squeeze hard around the base of his cock.

“You like riding?” He chokes out and Louis immediately gets to his feet, deadpanning:

“If I like-? Harry, what the-  Yeah of fucking course I do!” Louis blurts out impatiently and makes way for Harry to sit, where he just sat himself.

Then he straddles Harry’s lap and sinks down on his cock without hesitation, and good God, his cock hits him just right.

“I’m gonna come like this.” He warns as he starts to ride him fast, soon throwing his head back in pleasure and letting out constant ah:s and oh:s and fuck:s.

And by that he also tells Harry that there won’t be any more changes of positions.

“Gonna come too.” Harry’s voice is thick, and he guides his hands under Louis’ ass cheeks, relieving him slightly. “Jeeesus, me too Lou, are you...?”

Louis can’t help but give him a small smirk, not so secretly enjoying the fact that Harry’s having a hard time drawing this out much longer. It’s kind of good to know that Harry enjoys this just as much as he does himself.

“Yeah.” Louis pants and lifts his head to look at him. “Touch me? But only if you’re really fucking close because I’m gonna blow as soon as you do, ok?”

Harry’s hand is there in no time, and Louis wasn’t lying, it feels like he’s coming from one stroke, and that’s probably what happens as well. But Harry is just as close, and when Louis feels him grabbing his hips in a steady grip, he hands over all control and feels how Harry starts to fuck up into him with relentless speed and force – and Louis screams because there’s simply nothing else he can do.

It takes a while, but when Louis finally starts to come down, he immediately leans forward and sneaks his arms around Harry’s neck, cuddling his face into the side of his throat, humming contentedly.

God, Harry, I never wanted it to end.” He whispers and licks up a drop of sweat rolling down his temple.

“Me neither.” Harry says softly, carding a hand through Louis’ tousled hair, and Louis thinks that he’d like to hear his raspy post sex voice this close to his ear forever.

A softie inside a beast.

They sit like that for a while, quietly, listening to how their breathing slowly calm down.

There are many feelings brewing below the surface, more and more the longer time he spends in Harry’s proximity. In the beginning of the weekend, when those kinds of feelings popped up, he was more excited than bothered. Then he got bothered, only. And now...well, now he’s kind of excited again, but hesitantly so. He still doesn’t know much about Harry’s thoughts on this, since they talked.

Tomorrow it’s Saturday and their last day and night here. Then it’s thank you and goodbye.

Louis still has hope, though. That’s the last thing that leaves you, isn’t that what they say? And quite honestly, Louis would go insane if he didn’t have hope to cling on to.

Louis feels Harry squirming slightly beneath him and sits up straighter, looking at his face. Harry’s still inside, but has started to soften. It’s amazing sitting like this, and he’d like to stay, but perhaps Harry is uncomfortable. He should really move.

“No.” Harry says immediately and tightens his arms around Louis when he starts to pull off. “Please, just one more minute...?”

Apparently, he didn’t squirm because he was uncomfortable. So, this being yet another thing they’re touchingly in agreement about. Just imagine them being together... Falling asleep together, waking up together, cuddling like this whenever they feel like they want to. Having sex on a regular basis...

It is a tantalising thought.

Louis bites his lip and leans forward again, their chests touching, Louis’ lips ghosting over Harry’s neck. And Harry’s hands caress Louis everywhere, mostly over his ass and in his hair, not helping his sex-hair at all.

“This was so good.” Harry finally mumbles and softly pushes on Louis to be able to look at him. “You’re amazing, Lou. In bed.” He grins, perhaps a little bit abashedly, which is very uncharacteristic for him.

“In bed, huh?”

Louis is fishing, he knows he is, but sue him then.

“You know what I mean.”

“You’re pretty good yourself.” Louis grins back. “Almost knocked me out with that orgasm, mind you.”

This time Harry pulls his hair slightly and then lets his hand caress down the side of his neck, staying cupped around it. It’s an affectionate move.

“I love being with you.” Harry continues, and Louis almost holds his breath.

“I love being with you.” He puts both hands in the back of his hair.

Harry shows his big white teeth, consequently making his dimples pop and Louis just shakes his head in some sort of disbelief. He’s so unearthly beautiful and Louis never wants to let go.

So, the natural reaction is to do just that, before everything gets too fucking good, and he pulls off and stands up in between his thighs. Reaching down he gently takes off the condom, ties it and throws it on the floor.

“We better not forget that one.” Harry chuckles and keeps his hands on Louis ass, keeping him in his private space.

“Imagine the surprise if the owner of this cottage- ah!” Louis breath hitches as one of Harry’s hands caresses around his hip and a finger drags along the length of his dick. “Jesus.” Louis pants, and his dick being everything but subtle, twitching and jumping at Harry’s light touch.

Harry’s smile is contemplative, and his eyes are fixated on Louis’ cock. Louis feels everything but exposed, though, it’s rather the opposite. He thrives in Harry’s stare, delighted to know that he turns him on just by being here.

“Harry.” Louis warns, though, as his finger continues to trace along the vein, excruciatingly slowly.

They can both see his dick fighting to fill up again, and Louis only helplessly stands there and lets Harry have his way. There are not many things that could make Louis break up this moment, it’s so strangely intimate, even if it’s kind of blunt, and he gets a feeling that Harry thinks, while doing those kinds of things as well. He looks like he’s deep in thought, actually, and even if it’s scary as hell, he wants him to do just that. They both know very well that Harry’s got a lot to think about, and they’re short on time.

Louis has been in deep water for a while now, and maybe this is Harry stepping out a bit deeper too? He can only hope so. They may not have a lot of time at their hands, but Louis still firmly believes that he shouldn’t stress an answer out of him. Harry must search and find it within himself, by himself.

“I love what we just did.” Harry whispers as he a bit clumsily gets on his feet as well. “You’re amazing, Lou.”

And Louis watches him intently now, because this is definitely Harry trying to open up, initiating something that Louis just doesn’t know what it is just yet. Harry has already said those things, kind of, and still he keeps saying them; cute, short sentences, almost as if he’s testing his own boundaries, contemplating how much he is prepared to say, how much he can say.

It’s nerve wracking, to be honest, especially for an impatient guy like Louis. He gets surer and surer about his own feelings by the second he’s with him, and he knows what he wants.

He is prepared to jump. He is so prepared to jump.

Because he wants Harry.

Once he came to that conclusion and allowed himself to dare think it out loud in his head, it’s as if all the feelings inside are growing and multiplying by the second, and soon, he won’t be able to keep them in there.

He truly wants Harry, and he’s prepared to jump, and his feelings are overwhelming. He’s never had those kinds of feelings before, and without knowing he just knows.

He loves him.

And call him crazy, he does it himself all the time right now, because how can someone, who hardly been in love for all his life, suddenly fall in love in a couple of days? That shouldn’t be possible, right?

But he knows what he feels, and it feels like Harry is the man of his dreams.

Screw if they jump together and the relationship fails. It doesn’t matter. Louis knows that he at least wants to try.

He would never, ever forgive himself if he let Harry go, without letting him know this. He's tried to be fair about it, a gentleman, and not impose his thoughts and wants on him. Wanting him to come to conclusions based on his own beliefs. But like he said, he needs to be able to live with himself after all of this, as well. If Harry calls it off, so be it, that's beyond his control. He still wants him to know that he fell in love.

Right now, though, he is pinning his hope on Harry having the same feelings for him as Louis has for him, and that he also dares to act on them.

Hope is the last thing to die, right?


Chapter Text

Persistent thoughts occupy Harry’s mind the whole way back to the hotel.

Breaking up a long-term-marriage isn’t just something you do on a whim, not when you’ve reached the mature age of forty and knows better than to act on spontaneous, temporary flared-up emotions.

And especially not at a swinger weekend, the very epitome for allowed cheating without catching feelings.

Head over heels they’ve been thrown into a situation that is hard to grasp, and even harder to get an overview of.

Harry has started to come to terms with his bad conscience, in regards of breaking up an established and loving family – because those things happen. It’s sad for everyone involved, but should it come to it, it’s doable. It still hurts like hell thinking about having to tell his kids that he’s the culprit for ruining their sense of family security. However, they’re ten and twelve, they’re not babies, and he’s actually pretty sure they’d be able to talk it through in a good way.

However, there are other factors in this to consider as well, which aren’t that straight forward.

One. What he and Louis is experiencing right now could very well be a blinding, deceiving love, based on sexual attraction and mind-blowing passion only. Only. A “love” like that could, in that case, sink like a ship as soon as they move out of the bubble that this swinger weekend really is. Being faced with everyday life and its challenges together can be a shock to anyone, and not so lovey-dovey as it is here, on a sex vacation at a hotel on a beach.

Two. The secrecy of a swinger event. As a goer you don’t know who the others are, and it’s supposed to stay that way. You don’t share personal or private information, hell, Harry doesn’t even know Louis’ surname. And naturally he doesn’t know where he lives or what he does or who he is – for all he knows Louis can be a bloody serial killer, about to snare his next victim. Or, maybe he lives on a remote island in the distant ocean somewhere. And. Louis doesn’t know about Harry’s life back home either, which...could become a challenge as well.

Three. The normal way of getting to know each other will never be on the cards for them. It will never be natural for them to go on a date and talk and learn about each other, without it ending in bed. The sexual attraction is so strong that there’s no way they’ll take a few steps back, and start from the beginning, when coming back home. No way. Therefore, they both need to have a decision in place, in regards of their current partner, before meeting up at home. Harry is not interested in engaging in a sneaking around and/or cheating game.

Those are unknown factors that Harry obviously needs to consider when weighing his decision back and forth, about taking the plunge or not. He wouldn’t be responsible if he didn’t.

His responsible side is trying to fight his emotional side, though – for balance, at least – but it’s been a losing game from the start, and that’s clearer than ever.

He knows nothing about Louis, and Louis knows nothing about him, but when thinking about spending normal, everyday time with him, outside of this, at home, the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. Enough said about that, really.

It’s a very strange situation right now, though, where they both have kind of exposed themselves to each other, but where only Louis openly has taken the plunge and admitted that he wants to give them a serious try.

And that he’s ending things with Oscar.

Louis seems so sure, and that’s obviously very reassuring to know. It feels incredible, even. In fact, Harry can’t stop smiling when thinking about it.

However, Harry just can’t rush the decision. He may feel sure as well – irresponsibly so – but he needs to think this through, and he’s not done yet.

He does feel bad about not being able to come to a decision as fast as Louis did, and to keep him hanging like this. But, on the other hand, he’s very sure that Louis wants him to do this right as well.

They talk on their way back to the hotel, but Harry can hardly concentrate on what Louis is saying. His mind is overcrowded with thoughts and his body with emotions – he puts up a façade and absentmindedly pretends that it’s all good.

Louis isn’t stupid and notices, and after a while he kind of gives up, and talks to Harry through touches instead. He understands, and that’s good enough, right now. The last bit they walk hand in hand. In silence.

After a quick kiss in the foyer, Louis heads off to his room, where he’s going to spend the night alone. Harry’s heart aches of want to be there, with him, and he knows that Louis can see it in his eyes. But there’s not much he can do about it; he and Mia are decidedly going to fall asleep together. It’s probably for the best anyway, because he really needs some time alone with his thoughts.

Hopefully he’ll get a good night’s sleep on it as well, and wakes up enlightened, surer of how to proceed.


The day before departure.

Harry had gotten a decent night of sleep but had woken up far too early. The sun and ocean had been awake though, so he had gone down to the beach and cosied up on a sunbed. There, he had stared into the distance for a couple of hours.

Now he’s walking back for breakfast, and he knows that he’s come to a few crucial conclusions. It feels both challenging and good at the same time. There’s no way out of this without pain and tears but he’s better prepared for that now.

Harry notices that Oscar is sitting at a table with Paul and Carl and a couple of others, but Louis is missing. He must’ve decided to sleep in then. Perhaps he’s a sleepyhead in the mornings? Someone Harry could surprise with breakfast in bed?

He brought his mobile with him to the beach and has texted Mia that he’s on his way. So, when he gets there she’s already there, sitting at a table with another couple, and Harry takes a seat as well.

They talk about the day that they have ahead of them, and apparently, it’ll start with Fun and games by the pool, right after breakfast. Then they’ll have lunch together, and after that there’s another excursion planned for the afternoon.

Tonight, there’ll be a Goodbye Dinner with a band playing (“to get everyone started” as it says in the programme). The last point on the agenda for today, is an interesting one, indeed. They talk a bit about it around the table because they’re not really sure how it’ll work and be carried out. Everyone has got their own ideas and suggestions, each better than the last.

Beatrice has planned for a Group Session, which, according to the leaflet everyone is encouraged to participate in, in one way or the other. If it’s to look, or touch, or help out, or engage in the sexual acts, that’s up to each and every one for themselves to decide. There’re about forty of them in the group, so, yeah, this can certainly be interesting.

Louis doesn’t come down for the whole of the breakfast and...Harry misses him. And he catches himself smiling to himself, when imagining him warm and soft and cute between the bedsheets.

However, when they move out to the pool area Harry spots him immediately. He lies on a sunbed on the other side of the pool, Ray Bans covering his eyes, and he looks so relaxed that he could pass for sleeping. Almost. Because when Harry stops and stares at him, not holding back the genuine, wide smile breaking out in his face, Louis’ lips quirk upwards ever so slightly, and an eyebrow slowly rises over the rim of the sunglasses.

He’s flirting, ever so subtly, and Harry’s insides goes completely bonkers.

So much so that he can’t hold the stare and looks to his side instead, making an honest attempt at trying to collect himself.

“Babe?” Mia calls him where she has sat down on a sunbed. “I’m gonna go for a swim, are you joining me?”

“Yeah, just a sec.” He lies and steps out of his flipflops.

Then he goes to the towel shelf and grabs a few towels, one of which he spreads over the sunbed next to Mia’s, and one he puts down to use as a pillow.

She walks away towards the pool, comfortably naked, and Harry thinks that they’ve come a long way since Thursday.

Shedding his clothes as well, all of them, he lies down on the sunbed and grabs the third towel, putting it loosely over his crotch. Then he takes a deep breath and steels himself, slowly looking back at where Louis is.

Louis’ Ray Bans are lowered now, resting on the tip of his nose, and Harry can see his gorgeous blue eyes perfectly. He’s staring right back, not even trying to be subtle about it either, teasing hard. And Harry is totally mesmerized by him, as usual. He can’t do anything but look, with wide eyes and a jaw that has dropped a little, and as he drinks him in, he wonders what his move is going to be.

Louis cards a hand through his hair, and leaves his arm to rest behind his head, in a relaxed pose. Then he pulls one leg up, bent at the knee, and arranges himself in his navy-blue swimming shorts. And it’s not a discrete motion, he’s rather grabbing himself, before he lets his fingers trace along his full length. The he teasingly drops his hand next to him on the sunbed, not moving.

It’s nerve wracking, to say the least, and Harry feels his pulse race. Slowly he moves further out on his sunbed, sitting on the very edge of it, and lets the towel slide off him in the process. Treating Louis with his semi works wonders, apparently, making Louis licks his lips and put his hand back over his crotch.

There you go, Harry thinks, pleased. He definitely wants this game to keep going.

People are having fun around them, and Harry and Louis definitely wouldn’t stand out if they were to become a bit raunchy. And Harry wants that. He craves it. He wants to show Louis that he’s missed him during the night and morning they’ve spent apart.

He also wants to show him, that the time he has spent thinking, has resulted in him wanting Louis even more, if that’s even possible.

Regardless, from early on, they’ve been in deep agreement on making the most of this weekend, in regards of why they’re here in the first place. And it would be an awful waste of good – no, amazing – sex not hooking up with Louis again. And again.

Louis still hasn’t made a move over there, so Harry decides to go for it.

Lying down on the sunbed, with the backrest raised, he drops the towel to the ground altogether. Letting one of his legs fall off the sunbed, he’s giving Louis a really good view when he starts to pull himself off. It’s soft and leisurely, but apparently very effective.

Fuck.” Louis mimes and licks his lips, his eyes travelling down Harry’s body, lingering on his hardening cock for a while, and goes back up again.

Harry only answers with a smug grin and keeps the lazy pace. He’s putting on a show, and he is getting hard, but he has no intentions of getting off. Not here. Louis’ reaction is perfectly enough.

Take it out.” Harry mimes, finally, letting his gaze drop to Louis’ groin for emphasis, promptly meeting his eyes again.

So, Louis slowly pushes his trunks down and hooks them right under his balls, smirking darkly, silently saying:

Look what you do to me.

And, yeah, Harry has got eyes, alright, and Louis is quite hard as well, and Harry wants to feel his erection, so bad.

“Sexy.” Harry mimes.

Want you.” Louis replies and thumbs over the head before grabbing his cock firmer, giving himself a couple of tugs. “Can we?

Harry takes a quick look around, noticing that no one’s paying attention to them, and Mia is playing some sort of volleyball in the pool. But he’s not sure exactly what Louis’ intentions are.

Wanna fuck.” Louis clarifies as if reading his mind, and hooks a finger over his lower lip, pulling it down seductively.


Harry wants that.

He wants that a lot.

Their pretty hot session in that cute cottage yesterday is still very fresh in mind, and he’s been yearning for a repeat ever since.

He scrambles up from the sunbed and wraps the towel around his hips, watching how Louis is doing the same.

Then he feels a hand on his shoulder from behind and turns around in surprise. It’s just that it’s no surprise anymore, to have Lucas showing up at pretty much all times.

“I’m not gonna push, don’t worry!” Lucas hurries to say and lets the hand that has just rested on Harry’s shoulder, slip down in the pocket of his swimming trunks. “It just got a bit weird yesterday.” He carries on. “Louis acting all possessive, and what not. But then I couldn’t help but worry that I might have done something wrong, and just wanted to check in with you. Are we ok?

“Uhm.” Harry doesn’t even dare to look in Louis’ direction right now and wants to end this conversation rather sooner than later.

But he has always thought that Lucas is a good guy and there’s really no need to be rude. This is a strange conversation, though.

“No, don’t worry, we’re good. Totally.”

“He’s such a lucky guy, getting to have you all for himself.” Lucas blurts out and Harry still can’t read what he’s getting at.

“We’re not exclusive.” Is what he says, God knows why.

It sounds more than weird. Of fucking course they’re not exclusive, this is a swinger party! They’re not supposed to be anything but the complete opposite, for crying out loud.

“Oh, are you not?” Lucas says mock surprised, but Harry decides not to bite. “It has kind of come off that way. Anyway, I’ve hoped all weekend to be your next, Harry, I guess that’s no surprise, by now. The blowie the fucking highlight of this weekend, to be honest... But I’ve accepted there won’t be anything more between us. It’s you and Louis.”

Well. He’s not wrong, exactly.

It’s hard to watch him, though, because he looks so sad.

Harry takes a deep breath and decides to just do it, strangely feeling like he owes it to Lucas:

“I really like you, Lucas. You should know that. Hadn’t it been for...” Harry feels Louis’ gaze burn from the other side of the pool but needs to finish this. “If it’s of any consolation, I’ve fallen head over heels for Louis, that’s why I’ve acted weirdly. And I’m sorry for having let you on, and then taken it back. It really wasn’t my intention to play you. But...Louis has really gotten to me, I...I like him. A lot.”

To Harry’s surprise Lucas’ gaze softens and he nods.

“I know.”

“You know?”

“Sure. I saw it coming already from the start. It’s cute...hadn’t it been for your wife and his boyfriend.”

“I’m not saying that it isn’t complicated.”

“You wouldn’t be the first one to stray at an event like this. People fall in love with other participants at swinger parties all the time.”

Harry shrugs.

“Well... It really wasn’t my intention; I just haven’t been able to control it.”

Lucas gives him a curious look.

“You’re a gorgeous match, I’ll give you guys that.”

And Lucas’ words make him strangely proud. Yeah, they’re a hot couple, alright, can be no question about it.

“So.” Lucas draws out the word and Harry knows what’s coming. “What are you going to do about it?”

Harry lets out a brief laugh, shaking his head. There’s no way in hell he’s going to share his inner thoughts about Louis with anyone else before he’s told Louis.

“It’s complicated.”

“You’re a tantalizing guy, Harry, to more people than Louis. Me, for example, you had at hello. You’ll be haunting my dreams probably for a long time after this weekend is over.”

“God, I’m not worth the bother.” Harry laughs.

“I think you are. I can understand why Louis has fallen head over heels for you too.”

Harry’s heart skips a beat, because...his words kick him in the guts. The have fallen for each other, and Harry just can’t believe this is happening. Apparently clear to others as well...

Suddenly Lucas turns his head and breaks out in a fake smile.

“Oh, hi.” He says and Harry follows his look.

Louis is standing a couple of metres away, in his navy-blue shorts, his beautiful, tanned, and toned body on full display. The Ray Bans are pushed up in his hair, holding his fringe back.

Smiling apprehensively, Louis looks from Lucas to Harry.

“What’s up?” He says, and Harry can feel himself drowning in his blue eyes.

Lucas clears his throat.

“Just talking. I’m gonna...” Lucas points in the direction of the pool. “...go for a swim. Good luck, guys.”

And then he leaves, and Louis gives Harry a curious look.

“What was that all about?”

“He was a bit worried about yesterday.”

“I may have been a bit hard on him.” Louis mumbles, and for once he seems to have a conscience extending beyond Lucas.

“I said we were cool.”

Louis tilts his head slightly.


“He, too, seems to think that we go well together. You and me.” Harry smiles softly and Louis mirrors it directly. “I’m just thinking... If he’s seen it, others probably have as well.”

“Well, neither Oscar nor Mia has addressed it yet, have they, and there’s nothing wrong with two guys going well together...” Louis says lowly.

And then he suddenly feels it, an urge, surging through his body, loud and clear and relentless. A feeling of readiness. This is it. This is what he, unknowingly, has been waiting for.

The feeling of clarity.

“Let’s go.” Harry whispers impatiently, voice raspy and unsteady. “Let’s take this somewhere else. I need to talk to you.”

Louis swallows thickly, a hint of worry in his searching eyes, and Harry gets the impression that he knows exactly what’s going on here. But there’s also a sigh of relief, which hints that he’s been waiting for this, as well.

“Yeah, baby, yeah.” He whispers emphatically, touching Harry’s cheek tenderly. “Let’s go.”

Harry leans into his touch and can’t help but kiss his hand, wanting to kiss so much more of him.

When they turn to walk away there’s a little gathering of people not so far away, and one of them clears their throat perhaps a little bit too loud. Harry recognises the woman making herself known, but he hasn’t spoken with her this weekend. Until now.

“What’s going on between you two?” She asks, and Harry probably has a very good idea of what she’s getting at, but throws Louis a quick glance of complete incomprehension, for the sake of it.

Louis plays along and throws his arms out in a silent “What?

When Harry takes a better look around, he realises that the small group of people are following their exchange curiously.

“Nothing.” He chokes out, ignoring the others stare and concentrates on the woman. “What do you mean?”

“Perhaps you need Mia and Oscar to be here?” The woman continues and someone has the audacity to hum in agreement.

A cold shiver travels down Harry’s spine, and he realises that even if they’re subtle, this is no good at all.

And how in the bloody hell does she know their connection with Mia and Oscar? Do people here have that good of a grasp?

The look he gets from Louis tells him that his thoughts go roughly the in same direction. How and when did their business become someone else’s again?

Louis barks out a short laugh and rolls his eyes in clear annoyance.

“We’ll ask Mia and Oscar to participate in this discussion when the time is right.” His tone is a bit playful but holds a lot of firmness to it as well.

And he’s looking everything but amused.

“Do they know that you’re overstepping, though?” Another woman chimes in, and Harry watches Louis turn around in her direction so fast his neck could as well have snapped.

“You shouldn’t assume a lot of things, though.” And now his voice is slightly louder, sharper.

Harry bites his lip and nods in agreement. And tries to not put too much importance at Louis’ tone, but bloody hell it’s sexy.

“Louis is right. And can you please move, we need to get through.” He says softly, putting his hand on Louis’ lower back, guiding them forward.

The small crowd disperses – only to present Oscar, showing up from nowhere.

“Fuck.” Louis mumbles under his breath, and Harry couldn’t agree more.

Oscar looks around, clearly a bit intrigued why there are people seemingly engaged in talking with his boyfriend and Harry.

“Think you need to have a talk with your partner.” Someone says and then someone else inhales deeply.

But after that, thank God, they slowly pull back and leave them alone.

Harry doesn’t pay attention to who it was that spilled the fucking beans but he’s honestly starting to get frustrated with this stupid bunch.

The intrigued look in Oscar’s face has been swapped for a slightly worried one, a wrinkle visible between his eyebrows as well.

“Louis, what-?”

“Look.” Louis interrupts, taking a deep breath. “It’s...a bit complicated right now and I need to talk to Harry about something. And then we’ll talk, you and me.”

“You promised for us to be together today.” Is what he says, sounding like a little boy not allowed to join the game. “The whole day.”

Harry can’t help but throw him a flabbergasted look, wondering what in the hell that has prompted that.

“I did. Now...something came up, I’m sorry babe. I’ll be right back.” Louis squirms and Harry impatiently takes a couple of steps forward.

“Uhm. There’s an excursion at two pm.” Oscar mumbles and grabs Louis’ hand. “You and me?”

Louis clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable, and shrugs.

“We’ll be done by then.”

And now Harry can really understand Oscar’s confused and worried look, but he doesn’t care. He and Louis were interrupted at the worst time ever and now he only wants to get on with it.

Then Louis takes a few steps as well, which Harry takes as their clue to get going.

Harry is in such a hurry Louis falls slightly behind and soon he hears him shout:

“Harry, where are we going?”

Stopping momentarily, Harry turns around and grabs Louis’ hand.

“Do you really need to ask?” He says and gives Louis his cutest smile.

Louis apparently needs to think for a second, before the penny drops and he breaks out in a smile as well.

Five minutes later they step inside the tiny cottage, the shed, and Louis locks it from the inside. It looks different in daylight, slightly bigger, and it has colours. The armchair, for example, is dark green.

“Wow, I’m getting some rather pleasant flashbacks.” Harry mumbles and Louis laughs right out, grabbing Harry’s neck and squeezing it meaningly.

“But we need to use the time wisely.” Louis mumbles, releasing his grip and letting his hand caress down his back.

“I don’t know anything wiser than to fuck, though.” Harry blurts out and almost blushes at his own bluntness, but soon feels very smug when Louis laughs again.

“Let’s sit in the chair.” Louis suggests and points at the armchair that they spent some raunchy time in yesterday. “And talk.”

Harry wonders how on earth they’d be able to talk there, in a chair that’s too small to fit them both, as well as sets off all sorts of memories from yesterday. But he sits down and when Louis comes to straddle his knee he can only smile and grab his hips firmly.

Louis starts to grind down on him a couple of times, seemingly not being able to help himself, and Harry lets out a few appreciating moans.

Good God they’re supposed to talk, and Harry was really in the mood for talking, he was so ready and prepared to finally have this conversation with Louis, and...

He just can’t help himself, that’s the problem. Louis ignites so many unstoppable feelings racing through his body, that the only thing that goes through his mind is that perhaps they can have sex first and talk later.

Harry leans up and starts to kiss Louis, and it all leads to an intense snogging session, so forceful that Harry soon starts to fumble with Louis’ button.

Swatting away Harry’s hand, Louis sits up straighter, breathing heavily, with a dirty smile on his lips. His hair is completely dishevelled from having been carded roughly by Harry’s hands.

“Babe. You had something you wanted to talk to me about...” Louis says a bit groggily, his lips adorably puffy from the kissing.

And bless him, he suddenly looks so worried.

Harry instantly wants to put him out of his misery, has meant to do so for some time now, but there’s just been so many distractions.

Harry takes a deep breath and quickly tries to compose himself, feeling how his immediate arousal slowly gives way to a slight nervousness, but also a very firm determination.

“Ok.” He says and rearranges himself slightly under Louis, keeping his hands steady around his hips. “I’ve had some time to think. Last night and this morning...”

Louis’ hand comes up and tenderly fastens a strand of Harry’s hair behind his ear.

“Go on.” He nods softly.

Momentarily looking down in his knee, feeling that he needs to gather some strength and courage, Harry then looks back up and straight into Louis’ eyes.

“I wanna try, Louis. I just wanna try and see where this – you and me – goes, because...I can’t see myself saying goodbye to you tomorrow, to never see you again.”

“Oh baby...” Louis almost whimpers and puts both his hands around Harry’s face.

He smiles fondly and patiently waits for him to continue.

“This is such a strange situation and so many uncertainties...but no matter how much I try to think everything through again and again I only end up thinking about you, and how much I want to be with you.”

“And I want to be with you, Harry...” Louis whispers, and this is so God damn cheesy, and Harry just loves it.

And he barks out a short laugh, shaking his head in slight disbelief, because this is really happening now. Louis has jumped, and now Harry finally is taking the leap too, and they’re sitting here, telling each other that they want to be with each other. Not just now, not just this weekend, but also moving forward.

He can hardly believe it. It’s dizzying.

Louis seems to be thinking the same thoughts, staring at Harry as if checking with him that he really means it, and Harry just nods. He nods and he smiles, and Louis nods and smiles back, and it feels like they suddenly are surrounded by a big soft bubble of plush fondness.

“So, are we really doing this then?” Louis whispers and leans in to rest his forehead against Harry’s.

“Yeah. We are.” Harry answers, without hesitation.

And he feels his body shiver from butterflies and anticipation in a pleasant mix, but obviously, there’re some uncomfortable and hard feelings lurking in the background as well. It would be strange if it didn’t, though, and he can only acknowledge and accept that those things are going to be part of the deal as well.

They both lean in at the same time and kiss. And this is definitely a new kiss, it almost feels like a kiss of promise. It’s so tender and intimate and addictive, and Harry catches himself thinking that he’s so grateful that he’ll be getting to continue to do this.

God, Louis, what do we do now?” Harry whispers when they break the kiss, foreheads still pressing against each other’s.

“We start a new chapter of our lives.” Louis answers easily, and even if Harry doesn’t see him, he knows he’s smiling cheekily.

And it feels so right. It feels so God damn right, and even if this, being with Louis, is euphoria, there will be hard times coming as well.

He hopes it’ll all be worth it in the end.


Chapter 21


H&L's exclusive focus on each other leads to complications.
Love is in the air.

Chapter Text

Louis presses his hands around Harry’s cheeks a bit harder before letting go, and card them through his hair instead. It’s impossible to get enough of touching him, therefore he keeps going.

This beautiful, beautiful man in front of him has just told him that he wants to give them a try, and all Louis can feel right now is love.

His head is spinning, he feels dizzy and happy – and in love. He’s so relieved with the way this is going that he could cry. Which makes him think that he has wanted this so much more than he has let on, even to himself, probably with the sole intention of saving himself from heartache, should Harry’s decision have turned out to be a different one.

It’s been a difficult time since he decided that he needed to step back and wait for Harry to let the pieces fall into place. Impatiently, he has waited, although all he wanted to do was to beg him to take his hand and jump. Now Harry has taken his hand, and he has jumped, and all Louis wants to do now is to go home and find out everything about him. And he’s eager to let Harry in on his life too.

“I think I love you, Harry.” Louis whispers and sits up, where he’s straddling his lap.

He looks him deep in the eye and caresses his cheek softly, trying to convey everything that he feels into this moment.

Harry takes a deep breath and kisses Louis hand on his cheek.

“Only think?” He teases, with that deep, alluring voice of his, and they both laugh briefly.

“No. I know.” Louis says lowly and drags his thumb over Harry’s plush lower lip, staring a bit transfixed at how he relaxes his mouth and let it fall slightly open. “Because I’ve never felt like this before. And I can’t stop thinking about you. And... I want to be with you. All the time.”

Darting out his tongue, Harry licks Louis’ thumb, and they exchange a hot look.

“I think I love you too, you know.” Harry says softly, his smile getting wider and wider. “Jesus, this is insane, Lou, I can’t even believe this is happening right now!”

They start to giggle. First lowly, a kind of soft chuckle, but that soon turns into something slightly louder, and Louis can only explain it with them being overwhelmed by the situation. His body jumps in beat with Harry’s laughter, and he throws his arms around his neck to have something to hold on to.

After a while they calm down, but the warmth is still there, radiating between them. And they touch, touch, touch – there’s absolutely no way they can get enough of that bit.

“I’m so fucking happy that I met you.” Louis whispers, he just needs to say it. “I can’t wait to get to know you better. It’s insane that we know so little about each other, it’s, stupid and so exciting at the same time.”

Harry nods, but now his smile slowly diminishes, and he looks slightly serious.

“I wanna save that for when we get home, the getting to know each other part.” Harry says thoughtfully. “And to keep it the way it is, whilst being here.”

Louis thinks that he knows what Harry is getting at, having had time to think about this part himself.

“And...I think we should take the discussion with Mia and Oscar when we get home. I really need time to think through what I want to say to her, what I need to get off my chest. As it is now, I may have a vague idea...but it’s too big of a thing to just rush through. I want to do it as right as possible...”

“Of course.” Louis says softly, because...of course!

There’s no way he’d want to rush this through with Oscar, even if he’s made up his mind and is surer, about what he and Harry are about to do, than ever.

“And I agree.” He entangles both their hands and rest them on Harry’s chest. “I obviously want to do it right with Oscar as well, and this isn’t the place to have a discussion like that. I feel like shit about that part, to be honest...but everything else-“ He squeezes Harry’s hands for emphasis “-feels fucking amazing.”

Pulling on their entangled hands, to get Louis closer, Harry reaches for his lips and kisses him, and as he does the smile returns to his lips.

“It does feels amazing.” He confirms against Louis lips, continuing: “Ok, so we’ve got a plan, then.”

“Yeah.” Louis agrees and he feels how he’s starting to lose himself in Harry’s alluring lips.

Settling into the decisions they’ve made, Louis is starting to feel more relaxed, and a lot calmer. It’s definitely for the best – for everyone – to pretend as if nothing has happened for the rest of today and tomorrow, and to break up with Oscar and Mia when they get home.

He knows for sure that he’ll feel the distress and heartache full on, as soon as he and Oscar are back home, alone, having that dreaded discussion they need to have as soon as possible.

But until then, he’s found his peace in Harry.

“This place really messes with my head, you know...” Harry chuckles and rearranges, not so subtly, under Louis in his lap.

Louis obviously feels Harry’s erection against his ass and knows that he’s got one of his own as well. He’s not sure what he wants right now, though, because this moment is so beautiful, and he wants to cherish it. Being pretty sure that they’ll be that couple that goes bananas with sex, as soon as they have free reins to do so, he’s not worrying about missing out on something here.

But Harry seems to have gotten slightly stuck, bless him.

“...I keep getting flashbacks from yesterday...” And now Harry’s voice drops. “...and my body screams at me that it wants a repeat...”

Well, putting it like that...honestly, who is Louis to be difficult about it?

Also, he reckons there will be plenty of opportunities for them to just sit and have moments as well. A bit of sexy time with Harry wouldn’t exactly hurt, coming to think of it...

Louis licks his bottom lip and smiles seductively.

“Your body, huh? I think it’s your dick screaming, to be honest.”

A dirty smile enters Harry’s face as he wiggles softly under Louis.

“Is that a yes? I mean, now that we’re here and all...”

Louis absolutely loves Harry’s sex drive and has at numerous occasions this weekend touched at the thought that he finally may have met his match.

Barking out a short laugh, Louis grabs a handful of Harry’s hair and pulls.

“As much as my dick tells me it’s a yes, my brain tells me that we need to head back for lunch and-“ Louis pulls one more time, just because he loves the sound coming out of Harry’s mouth when doing so. “-the excursion.”

“Right. The excursion.” Harry deadpans and makes an unbearably cute pout. “And someone has promised his boyfriend to be with him all day.”

“Oh God...” Louis groans, because he had already forgot about that, and it sure doesn’t sound like a good plan to him, right now. “Fuck.”

“Yeah, fuck.” Harry deadpans again, and he’s joking, but Louis also loves that Harry makes sure that Louis can hear the hint of jealousy in his voice.

“When we get home...” Louis kind of holds his breath when he says that, because it still sounds completely surreal. “...perhaps we can make sure to have a lot of time at our hands, hm? No stress. Just ongoing sex.” He laughs, to smooth it over, but he knows, that Harry knows, that he’s just speaking his mind.

Harry sits up a bit straighter as well and Louis grabs the opportunity to hop off his lap and stand up in between his spread thighs. It feels like it’s now or never. Would it be up to him they’d stay here until tomorrow.

“Sounds like the best idea I’ve heard in a very long time...” Harry moves to the edge of the chair and reaches for Louis hand, apparently not ready to stop touching him just yet. “I wouldn’t let you out of bed for days.”


Louis could work with that. Like, definitely. Just imagine getting to have Harry all to himself, in peace, doing what they feel like doing, for as long as they want.


Harry laughs, and Louis suspects it being due to Louis dreamy expression, but he can’t help it. He’s got some things to look forward to, alright. And he certainly hopes that that day isn’t too far away.

When they walk back to the hotel Harry seemingly can’t stop himself from whining about Louis promise to hang out with Oscar the whole day. And, no, it’s far from ideal, but Louis haven’t got a clue as to how to get out of this one, without telling him about his and Harry’s far-reaching plans. Which, they’ve already established, is something they want to avoid at all costs.

“Perhaps we still get an opportunity at some point.” Louis hears himself say, almost soothingly, when they return to the hotel area.

Not sure who needs the comfort of his words the most out of the two of them, to be honest.

It’s almost as if Oscar is waiting for them when they come back, and when they from a distance see him standing by the entrance of the hotel, Harry smoothly veers away from Louis so that it appears as if he’s coming alone. He hopes Harry feels ok with this, at least it saves them a lot of questions.

“There you are.” Oscar says when he turns around and spots Louis.

He smiles weakly, and Louis knows that his own smile isn’t much more confident.

“Lunch?” He asks, mostly to have something to say.

But Oscar won’t have it. Obviously.

“You’ve talked with Harry? About what?”

Straight to the point. And he’s prepared for it.

“We had a strange encounter. With someone from here. Hinting at us that we should check with you and Mia if you were ok with us “overstepping”, as they described it. Rude, I’d say, because they don’t know about any of our arrangements and really should mind their own business.”

Oscar looks surprised, and perhaps a bit relieved as well, and Louis feels like a douche bag. And he should, because he is one. A lying one, at that.

“Oh. What did you do then? Overstepping, and all?” Oscar smiles, showing Louis that he’s on his side.

“I guess we showed each other some affection. It came reflexively.”

“Ok.” To be frank, he doesn’t look completely sure about anything, but seems to want to let it go, and so he does.

“So, if you hear someone bullshitting, you know the background.” Louis may have built a fragile case for now, but it’s not going to be only to his advantage.

When having the discussion with Oscar next week, all those stupid lies spilling out of his mouth right now will be backfiring big time.

“You’re not pissed about last night or anything?” Oscar is checking and Louis needs a second for the penny to drop.

“Oh, about your threesome? Or overnight party? No. Of course not.” Why would I? is what first comes to his mind but then...the penny drops.

Oscar has been outside the box and bent the rules for a bit, and now he wonders if Louis is reacting to it by being overly close with Harry. It’s good thinking, but he couldn’t be more wrong.

And then Louis can’t help but ponder about the fact that in a loving relationship, a healthy amount of jealousy should probably be present in a discussion of this kind. From Louis side. But he isn’t feeling it, not one bit, and it’s...sad, to be honest.

And it must be some sort of a sign.

Oscar seems chuffed about Louis’ answer, though, probably just relieved and not analysing so much. And then he wants for them to kiss and...yeah.


Louis hardly sees Harry during lunch. Oscar is making sure to drag Louis with him, every step he takes, and he’s not surprised when they end up at a table furthest away from where Harry sits. Thankfully none of the intruding women from earlier happen to sit with them either. And even if it’s nice, and fun conversations are going, Louis can’t relax, and he catches himself discretely looking around for Harry more often than not. It’s frustrating, though, because Harry sits with his back to him, seemingly always deep in conversation with his arms flapping and body shaking from laughing. He’s put up his hair in a bun, and even from this distance Louis sees a lose strand he’d like to put behind his ear. Followed by a kiss to it.

They end up going on the secret trip, both of them, and Oscar and Mia (and most of their group). It turns out to be a trip to a “free spirited” nudist beach, which apparently means that it’s green light for any activities that one wants to engage in, naked. There are other people there too, which some in their group apparently find interesting.

Louis isn’t sure if he’s imagining, but it feels like a few of those who’d called him and Harry out at the pool earlier, are watching him – them – a bit closer. He doesn’t care, to be honest. They’ll soon be water under the bridge, anyway – and Harry won’t. Focusing on what matters, he tells himself and turns to look the other way.

They keep almost an unnecessary low profile, he and Harry, Louis thinks, because it wouldn’t be strange if they got a little bit handsy with each other, would it? When Harry winks at him from a distance, and then follows a little group of people down in the water for a swim, Louis’ stomach clenches of want to be there with him. But he stays on his sunbed, not sure if this is some sort of silent agreement between them for the rest of the weekend, or not.

Oscar drops down on the sunbed next to him, two drinks in hands, and wiggles his eyebrows.

“We can’t spend time on a beach like this without getting a bit dirty, can we?”

And Louis recognises that look in his face immediately, and he’s so not on and feels so lost, because how in the hell does he get out of this one?

There’s not much Louis can do when Oscar goes down on him but closing his eyes and trying to get in the mood. He feels even more fake when he catches himself thinking that he’s grateful for Oscar doing a good job, so that he comes quickly. Before Harry and Mia come back up from the water.

His conscience is far from clean when he doesn’t offer to reciprocate, Oscar clearly being turned on and ready for it. But he just can’t. He pretends that he gets sand in his eye and apologises to Oscar, who naturally laments about it and demands to have a look, after which he pours water in his very healthy eye.

Louis is also very careful to put a towel over his post orgasmed dick when Harry is suddenly coming walking on the beach from the water. His hair is dripping, and water droplets sparkle on his toned, tanned chest – and Louis just can’t close his mouth. Especially not when Harry’s dick is swinging in that alluring way, just begging for Louis to come and taste it. Luckily for him, Oscar is talking to Lisa on the sunbed next to them, sipping on his drink, so Louis can wink at Harry and silently tell him an appreciative “Wow.”

Harry smiles back, but there’s a wrinkle between his eyebrows, so Louis mirrors it and raises and eyebrow.

Tilting his head towards the towel over Louis crotch, Louis realises that Harry must’ve seen Oscar blowing him.

Sorry.” He mimes and shrugs, not sure what else to say.

Harry is close enough to be able to say something out loud, without Oscar hearing it.

“You made me jealous.” He says, voice deep as he comes up right next to Louis’ sunbed.

Oscar throws them a glance but then turns back to the woman.

“Didn’t enjoy it anyway.” Louis mumbles, and draws an evil smile out of Harry, but he realises that it’s actually true.

He would’ve done anything to have Harry’s mouth on him instead, though.

Walking to a vacant sunbed a little way off, Harry sits down and starts to towel his hair. Louis can’t help but notice that nothing’s going on between Harry and Mia. The spark’s just not there. She’s still in the water, and whilst being in there, both of them, they were hardly physical with each other at all. They speak a lot with each other, though, and laugh, and Louis is honestly happy to see that because he’s pretty sure it means that they’re genuinely, good friends. Perhaps they even can stay friends after what’s soon about to happen.

He wonders if it’ll be the same between him and Oscar. Sadly, he just can’t see it happening, after blatantly having replaced him with Harry. So, it’ll probably just be for the best if they cut the ropes. Since he hasn’t any huge emotional distress about it it’ll soon be clear to Oscar that Louis was in it for sex, at least for the past couple of years, and if Louis was Oscar, he wouldn’t have taken it. Like, at all.

It's sad, but also just another revelation popping up lately. It’s no news to him that he isn’t in love with Oscar, and he’s been fine with it, and cherished their relationship without overwhelming emotions. The way his body and mind go into a state of readiness and dizziness every time he even thinks about Harry, speaks for itself, though. He knows that this is love that he feels.  

It’s an amazing feeling, and he’s been needing to take quite a few moments lately, simply to stop and reflect about it. It’s as if he constantly floats a foot over ground, the butterflies never go to sleep entirely, and Harry being inside of his head twenty-four-seven. As said, it’s an amazing feeling and more than anything he wants it to stay. Gratefulness is only the beginning of what he feels when knowing that it will.

There’s one thing that’s nagging him though, and he decides to address the issue when they return to the hotel in the afternoon. Most of the group has stopped in the reception area for a while, before they’re supposed to go to their rooms to prepare for the evening. Louis catches Harry alone, moving up to stand next to him resting their backs against the counter. They both look out over the room, seemingly relaxed and not too invested in each other. Mia and Oscar are close by, but both are engaged in separate discussions. By the sound of it, Mia is talking about the upcoming evening with Beatrice, and Louis clears his throat discretely.

“Hey sexy. You looked hot on the beach today.”

And he knows it’ll draw the biggest smile out of Harry, but he didn’t know it would make him blush. It’s ever so little, but Louis notices it, and loves it. It’s because he’s surprised him, and he makes a mental note of doing this more often.

“Didn’t look too bad yourself.” Harry says lowly, licking his bottom lip.

“Just wanna let you know that I strongly oppose sharing you with anyone.”

“Says the one who just willingly let himself be blown by his ex.”

Ok... There are actually a few errors in that sentence, but Louis gets the gist of it. And ok, he may have a point, but that wasn’t even the point.

“I’m not comfortable with the group sex session tonight.” He says instead, still trying to look casual to onlookers, pinching his lips between his thumb and index finger.

“Me neither.” Harry agrees and shoves his hands down the pockets of his shorts. “God, this place sucks right now.”

“Just one night to go.” And Louis can’t believe that it has come to this.

Never had he ever in his wildest dreams thought that he would want a swinger weekend to be over with, so that he didn’t have to worry about having to engage in sex with others. Good God, what on earth has happened to him?

“What do we do?” And the question from Harry is very genuine.

“Haven’t thought too much about it...but faking it is one solution that comes to mind... Not proud of it, but I really don’t wanna do tonight.”

As so many other things that have been brought to a head this weekend, this is just another one. He does no longer want to have sex with others. And by that he means others than Harry, which...includes Oscar. And he definitely not wants to be forced to watch Harry have sex with others – the sheer thought of it makes his stomach clench violently.

He doesn’t even want to have sex with Harry if someone else is watching, right now, and...well. That’s a first.  

He can’t but admit it, he’s gone possessive about him, and the feelings he harbours for him are quite frankly all over the place. He’s so in love with him that he can’t think straight.

“Faking it how?” Harry’s voice is ever so low and he turns his head the other way to look at a seagull picking something up from the ground close by.

“I might actually...” Louis drags a hand over his own forehead. “...not be feeling too good. Feel hot. Got a headache. So typical...”

“What about me?”

“Yeah, what about you?”

“We can’t be feeling sick both of us at the same time, it goes without saying. Would be the worst fucking cover up in history.”

“True.” Louis hums and smiles cheekily to himself as he continues: “Ok, but listen to this, I just came up with the perfect story for you. You go a bit bananas with the booze at dinner, pretends having to lie down and...out of the blue falls asleep.”

Harry stares at him as if he’s grown two, no five heads, and even if he’s looking utterly unimpressed, he’s trying to stifle a laugh as well.

“And-“ Louis carries on, being in his element. “-that way I don’t have to worry about that fucker Lucas taking advantage of you whilst I’m not here either.”

Now Harry bursts out laughing and covers his mouth with one hand, slowly shaking his head.

“So, just let me see if I’ve gotten this straight. Your plan is to get everyone’s sympathy for feeling a bit under the water yourself, whilst I am supposed to make a complete fool out of myself and very maturely get pissed and fall asleep, huh?”

“Something like that, yeah.”

They both snicker lowly, and Louis throws out his hands.

“Fine! You can choose then. I can be the drunkard.”

“Aaaw, what a gentleman.” Harry’s fingers swiftly brush over his, and Louis can swear it feels like being pleasantly electrocuted. “I’ll actually go with the headache, then.”

Louis bites his lip hard to stifle the smile that he knows is beyond fond, and lowers his head, staring at his feet.

Thank you, Harry.”

“You’re welcome.”

Louis punches his arm discretely but hopefully it’s at least a little bit painful, and leaves his side to go and pretend that he’s interested in Oscar’s conversation with someone.

A low moan comes from Harry’s direction and Mia turns her head and looks at him, a wrinkle between her eyebrows.


In the corner of his eye Louis sees Harry caress his arm where Louis punched him, but contradictorily say: “Just a headache, no problem.”

“Your head hurts? Have you had any water today? It’s probably the sun.” Mia states and asks for a couple of bottles over the reception desk.

Louis exchanges a quick look with Harry and gives him a meaningful nod, knowing that this is the last he, and anyone else, sees of him for the rest of today.

He has some acting to do himself, later, but honestly, he doesn’t feel intimidated about it at all. Actually, he rather enjoys putting on a show now and then – to be the star of the night and the centre of attention, and all that.

Pretending having gotten one too many glasses of champagne later that evening turns out to be no punishment at all. It’s fun to fool everyone, even if Oscar looks slightly alarmed when he jumps up on the table and dances, once dinner is over. He’s quite content that he manages to leave the party with grace and his honour intact – at least he’s under that impression himself – and he kindly rejects Oscar’s offer to keep him company, with the excuse that all he needs to do is to sleep it off.


Chapter Text

“Where do you live?”

Harry feels a bit dumb posing the question, but he just needs to know before they go. He’s had the whole weekend to ask, but somehow, he – and Louis – have just continued on the same path of unspoken rules and established community codes as everyone else, not bothering with any private or personal information about each other. It’s been understood, between the two of them, that all of that will be addressed at a later point.

But now it itches in Harry to now where Louis is going.

“Doncaster.” Louis says and looks at Harry curiously, almost as if he’s expecting Harry to make a scene about it.

They’re standing outside of the hotel, Sunday after lunch, bags by their feet in the sand. Almost everyone is there, the atmosphere is great, people chatting away and laughing, seemingly very happy and content about the weekend.

“Ok. Ok... Good. Ok.”

Well, it’s not ideal, but it’s doable. Everything’s doable when it comes to them, and they’ll make anything work. It’s just... Doncaster? Really, of all places?

“Three and a half by car.” Louis offers with a smile, and Harry gasps.

“How can you say that if you don’t know where I live?!”

“You’re a London boy, Harry, you couldn’t hide it from a cat.”

Harry laughs but raises a very deliberate eyebrow.

“Ok.” Louis confesses and scratches the back of his neck. “I overheard you and Mia talking about it at one point.”


“I could be. If you reject me.”

They laugh again. For the hundredth time. It’s a noticeable tension between them, though, and has been the whole morning.

The tension comes from both the imminent goodbyes that are to be said, and the sexual tingle that’s constantly present and lingering between them since they first laid eyes on each other.

They’re so not done with each other.

Harry lets a few pleasant memories from the weekend pop up before his inner vision, hot and charged moments with Louis; in the sand dune, in the jacuzzi, in Louis’ room, in the cottage... And he’s childishly delighted to having learnt that sex is of biggest importance to them both – and perhaps that’s why it’s so incredibly good as well.

With that said, Harry knows by now, that the curiosity and interest for each other goes a lot deeper than the palpable sexual attraction. There’s so much to explore about each other and Harry just can’t wait to get started.

“Oh. And what do you think then?” Harry asks, almost a bit nervous about the subject because it feels strangely intimate talking about this.

“About London?”

“About the distance.”

“As said, three and a half hours by car. I’ll survive. What do you think yourself?”

It goes without saying that he would’ve preferred to have Louis closer, but it is what it is. It’s not like it’s a dealbreaker. And in all honesty, Harry doesn’t know what would be. He’s not letting Louis go for anything in the world.

“We’ll make it work.” He settles for and Louis smiles with his whole face and God, the need to kiss him is crazy.

Refraining from it, he sees Louis gaze drop to his mouth and realises that great minds think alike.

“Fuck, next time I’ll see you I’m gonna kiss you till your lips bleed.” Louis mumbles and bites his lower lip, and Harry can only nod in agreement.

That would be ok with him, yeah.

“So.” Harry pulls up his phone from his front pocket and fidgets a bit with it. “You gonna give me your number, or what?”

Slapping a hand over his mouth, Louis looks right out horrified.

“Jesus! I’ve totally forgotten about that!” Louis stares at Harry as his thoughts clearly continues to spin. “Oh my god... What if...?!”

Harry laughs it off and shrugs.

“We would’ve found a way. Just type it in, alright.” Harry pretends to be laid back about it, handing him his phone.

But the truth is, had they left this place without each other’s names and numbers Harry would’ve made it his fucking life mission to find Louis – and he wouldn’t have been averse to resort to unconventional means to succeed either.

Louis quickly pulls up his own phone and gives it to Harry. He types in Future Husband, laughs to himself, and erases it. Harry will do and he leaves it at that. He’s got his reasons.

Hoping that Louis won’t be as secretive as Harry, and actually type in his surname, Harry intends to give him a good old stalker googling as soon as he gets home.

Just when they hand their phones back to each other (discretely), Oscar comes up to them, which means that Harry must curb his curiosity to look what he typed in and shoves the phone down his pocket.

“Ready to go?” Oscar asks Louis and then pulls Harry in for a goodbye hug, whispering: “Thanks for taking so good care of my man.”

“Right back at ya with Mia”. Harry replies and cringes when hearing the outrageousness of their conversation.

Would he ever get used to this, if going to more swinger parties, that’s the question?

Then he and Louis hug, and they linger too long in each other’s arms, but it can’t be helped.

“Love you, baby.” Harry whispers, as his mouth passes Louis’ ear, and the words catches in his throat.

Because this feels hard. Even if he knows that they will continue this, he doesn’t want to wait. Moreover, a wait that feels uncertain because he doesn’t know how long it’ll be. They have quite a few, tough things to sort out at home before they can get in touch, and he doesn’t know how long it’ll take for everything to kind of fall in place.

He’ll miss Louis. He’ll miss him a lot.

“Love you. Bye babe.” Louis whispers back, and Harry gasps from feeling Louis’ hand grip his neck and squeeze it quickly.

And then it’s time.

The car ride home is quiet. There’s a lot to process, both together and on their own and Harry guesses that they start on their own. Mia is driving and Harry looks at her from the side, wondering how she has perceived this weekend, like, for real. What does she think have been the ups and downs? Since they haven’t really talked about it at the hotel at all, it’s hard to guess what’s going on in her mind.

When they get home the house is quiet and empty, the kids are still with his mum, and they’ll stay there until tomorrow. That was decided at a point where he and Mia thought they would be so buzzing and horny from the weekend that was, that they’d need a night on their own to get it out of their systems and come down, before the kids would be coming back.

They couldn’t have been more wrong; however, they do need this night on their own for other reasons. Harry’s not looking forward to it, far from, but it needs to be done. He’s been a bit ambivalent about when the right time is to bring things up. Having done a lot of thinking during the three-hour car ride home, he’s become pretty convinced that he rather gets it done and over with rather sooner than later. Not that it’ll go that quick to come to terms with everything, but at least get the ball rolling. Fuck, his stomach clenches just thinking about it. Especially when his kids come up for his inner vision.

In the next second, though, his thoughts wander to Louis, and he immediately gains renewed energy and strength and will to take the plunge and just go through with it.

“Let’s have a glass of wine and go sit in the garden.” Mia says and drops her bag in the hall, kicking off her shoes, sounding tired. “We need to talk, right?”

Harry feels his heart skip a beat, because...she sounds rather harsh and a bit dejected at the same time, and that’s not what he’s expecting at this point. And why is it that she thinks they need to talk? Of course, they need to talk about the weekend and everything, but her voice tells him that that’s not the kind of talk she’s thinking about.

“Uhm, yeah, sure.” He says and drops his bag as well, heading for the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of white from the fridge.

Balancing two glasses in his other hand he finds Mia already having taken a seat in one of their huge lounge sofas out on the terrace. The pool looks very inviting after the hot car trip, but he realises that swimming will have to wait.

She has put up her feet so that she has taken up the space of the whole sofa, and Harry goes to sit in the one opposite of her.

Filling up the glasses he hands her one of them, and she hasn’t even leaned back against the plush cushions before she says:

“That went straight to hell, right?”

Harry, who’s in the middle of tasting the wine, coughs slightly and puts his glass down, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

“I beg your pardon?”

“This weekend. What a bloody fucking mess.”

And...he has a hard time knowing how to react, because he didn’t know she thought it’d been bad, and for sure not that bad. Has he been so completely disillusioned about her experience of it all, and in addition so caught up in Louis, that he hasn’t even noticed that she’s thought it’s been awkward?

To his relief she somehow continues to explain it:

“It feels like we should’ve been more prepared for it. You and me. Prepared for what was about to hit us, you know what I mean?”

He nods and thinks that he gets what she means. Recognising his own thoughts and insecurities in what she’s telling.

“I feel like I went a bit crazy with everything that was up for grabs... Like, not knowing where I could say yes or where I should’ve said no and now-“ She looks up at him and there is genuine regret in her eyes. “-I feel like I’ve let you down. I feel like I may have excluded you from things that I shouldn’t have, just because my own want of exploring took over.”

Ok, now he’s actually a bit confused, and he realises that he’s been so occupied with his own conscience that he hasn’t reflected on the possibility of Mia grappling with the same sort of questions. She has explained it well, though, he couldn’t have expressed it better himself. However, he’s obviously got one more layer to it, and that’s the one he’ll need to start to peel off and let her in on.

“I feel the same.” He says and hopes that she can tell that he means it, and not just copies what she’s saying. “And to me it’s not just a feeling. I know that I’ve let you down, Mia. I spent a lot of time with Louis in private, which probably should’ve been done together with you, had it been done properly. Oscar probably should’ve been invited a lot more than he was, as well.”

“I slept with so many men...” She says lowly and looks almost a bit astounded over herself. “...and a woman as well.”

Harry laughs softly and finally Mia smiles as well.

“Well. We said we wanted to try new things. Wanted to get a revival, light the spark again...” He tries, and he can feel that they’re closing in on the subject he dreads but knows that he’s about to open up.

“But with each other. Not separately, right? That wasn’t the plan from the beginning, surely? But somehow, we ended up there, anyway. I... I have spent a lot of thinking about why that happened.”

He looks at her curiously, wondering where she’s heading with this.

“And you come up with...?”

“Well. To start with, I think we can both agree on the fact that nor your nor mine sex drive is dead. But...the sex drive between us, is.” She makes a slightly sad face. “Am I right?”

Taking a deep breath he nods, realising that the talk he needed to have with her already is well under way.

“Secondly. Having sex with Oscar was a revelation in itself. He talked about Louis both before and after sex. It wasn’t until I got a good thinking about it that I realised I didn’t mention you, not once. I wasn’t interested in mixing my private life with the swinger life, which we had agreed on beforehand that we should do. It was more like...allowed separate cheating, than doing it together, you know what I mean...?”

He understands perfectly well, to be frank.

“Thirdly,” She’s in a roll and keeps going. "To me it seems like we, together, are strangely unaffected by everything that happened at that swinger party. Both whilst we were there, but also now, afterwards Don’t you think? Have you been jealous at any point this weekend, for example?”

Her voice is slightly forced and has a touch of desperation to it, and he knows that right now she wants him to comfort her, to talk it down and soothe the situation. Four days ago, he would’ve had so many comforting words on his tongue ready for her, but now he only bites his lip and stays quiet. And it hurst him to see how she immediately understands that things have changed, just not how yet.

Their gazes meet and he lets it be silent for a while, waiting her out in case she’s not ready for him to continue. She’s not crying but her eyes are shiny, and she looks at him expectantly.

He takes a deep breath and wonders where he should begin, really. It’s clear that he’s not the only one who has thought about it seriously already. Mia has never been one to duck for difficult discussions, always ready to sort things out. She needs to get closure in this as well, but he’s painfully aware that she probably isn’t prepared on the closure he’s thinking about.

“I think that what you’re saying is spot on.” He says and grabs the wine glass and takes a couple of sips. “We were so stuck on the thought that sex with others would get our relationship going again... For some, that probably works. But I have a feeling that that’s only for relationships resting on stronger foundations than ours...does. Oh baby-“ He puts down his wineglass again and drags a hand over his face, slightly agitatedly. “-I think we were doomed from the beginning, our relationship was already hanging on a delicate thread, and going there this weekend was only the final blow to it. That’s what I think.”

“Final blow, huh?” She repeats lowly, as she lets it sink in, and then a tear spills over and travels down her cheek.

“It forced us to address difficult issues with our own relationship, I think.”


“Like...” He swallows thickly. “That we haven’t been in love for quite some time?”

“But I love you, Harry.” And now more tears spill over.

“I love you too, baby... I just think...” God, this is so hard, but he’s also immensely relieved that they’ve opened this conversation up, and he’s rather sure about the fact that they actually agree on this bit. “...we love each other more like friends.”

The really difficult part is what comes next, and he thinks hard about how to address it, when she blurts out:

“Did it feel like I was cheating on you this weekend?”

He knows he needs to set things straight, right now.

“No.” He’s completely honest. “But, if speaking for myself, I grappled with the moral aspect of it all. I know that I acted extremely dubious, on many occasions.”

She looks at him with a raised eyebrow.


Fuck. This is it. He drags both his hands through his hair and knows that he comes off as nervous. And he is. Christ, he really is.

“I fell for Louis.” He says and meets her gaze, chewing on his lower lip.

“Ok...but...” She shrugs. “I kind of noticed that.”

He shakes his head.

“No, not like that... It was sexual attraction, but also...something more.”

“Ok?” Now she sounds more wary and wipes a stray tear off her face.

“Fuck.” He looks down in his knee, steeling himself. “I really fell for him, Mia.”

“What does that even mean?” He hears her whisper and when he looks up again her eyes are piercing him, searching his very soul for answers.

He reaches for his glass and empties it, never breaking eye contact.

“I know it sounds fast and...probably ridiculous in some way...but I think I love him.”

“Oh my God, Harry...?” She gasps and puts a hand over mouth.

But he’s started this and he’s going to finish it.

“It was a swinger weekend, and I was allowed to have sex with him... But I soon realised that it wasn’t only sex that pulled that hard... To start with I told myself to step away, to take responsibility, to move on to someone else... But I couldn’t. And in the end, I realised that I didn’t want that, either. I wanted him.”

He feels that his own eyes are glossy now, there are so may feelings circulating, and he feels it deep in his heart, how much he loves Louis. How much he misses him already, right here and now.

But he also knows that he wants nothing but the best for Mia. When looking at her, sad and small, in the huge sofa across of him, he knows that he’d give anything to keep her as his friend. Should she want to, he’d be forever grateful. If there’s anything he can do to make this easier on her, and on their changing relationship, he’ll do it.

He opens his mouth to continue, but she shakes her head and holds up a hand, effectively cutting him off before he’s even started.

“Hold on. Hold on one second, here... You surely can’t have fallen in love love with someone you met two days ago?”

“Almost four.”

She sighs impatiently and he shrugs.

“I think I have, though. It’s...insane, I know that. It is for me too. But I think I have.”

Now she grips her glass and downs half of it, looking a bit shocked, and he didn’t expect anything else.

“When were you going to tell me?!”


“But when did you know...?”

It feels unnecessary to say that it was love at first sight, there’s really no point and doesn’t fill a purpose for the bigger picture. It’s about decency too.

“I don’t know, I spent so much time with him and by the end of it I started to feel like I was cheating on you and...that was kind of when I knew.”

Biting his inner cheek, he watches her downing the rest of her wine.

“It was a combination of realising that what I felt when being with him didn’t go away after we’d...yeah, at the same time as I understood that our marriage in reality already was over.”

Mia has always been a responsible drinker, always, and that’s why he doesn’t even flinch when she pours another glass – for herself only – and immediately takes a couple of big sips of it. If that’s what she need right now, he won’t stop her.

“Ok, so we’re getting a divorce, is that what’s happening here?” She says after a good few minutes of silence.

It’s hard, this. So hard. The words catch in his throat, because going separate ways has popped up in his head as a possibility quite a few times lately, but he has never let himself think it through for real. And when doing that now, it’s dizzying, almost as if the ground is opening up underneath himself.

And he thinks that she surely must’ve contemplated the possibility of their marriage being on the verge of cracking down, herself, but probably not all the way in the lines of divorce. That’s why she suggested the swinger weekend, after all.

Hadn’t it been for Harry falling head over heels for Louis, who knows how long they would’ve stayed in their relationship?

“I think we’ve come to the end of it, yeah.” He says softly. “I think we should get a divorce.”

It’s fast, a rushed decision, definitely, but he also knows that there will be consideration time and such, before their divorce would even be considered to go through anyway. This is him jumping, no throwing himself off a cliff, but it has never felt righter either.

She’s quiet and finally, slowly puts both the bottle and the glass away, leaning back in the sofa. When she starts to cry, he almost feels relief, because tears must be coming sooner or later, and in his world sooner is better.

“Come here?” He whispers tentatively, and lets out a relieved breath when she doesn’t hesitate and quickly moves from her couch to his.

They sit there and hug each other for a long time. The crying is quiet and calm, and it takes a long time before any of them speak.

When she does, finally, she mumbles that she’s got so many questions, and he says that he has too, and that he hasn’t got answers to all of them, but that he promises that they always will try and find a way to go forward, together.

He hears her talking about the kids, and the house, and their common friends and already booked holidays – and her worry-list can probably go on forever. And he gets it, of course he does, and he wants – and tries – to reassure her that they will get through all those things, together. The hardest part will be their children, but with communication and mutual respect they will come a long way. His kids will always be his priority, no matter what, and he’s sure Louis will be on board with that as well. And he’s not saying anything will be easy, it won’t, but it’ll be doable. And he’s more and more convinced that what’s going to happen, will truly be for the best.

When they go to bed, he likes to think that it’s with lighter hearts than a few hours earlier. They’ve talked and cried a lot of things out already. When she says that this probably was inevitable, he hopes that she really means it.

They’ve decided to go slow and break it to the kids in parts, and that’s what’s happening during the coming couple of weeks. Harry thinks it goes alright, or at least as good as it can go when talking about these agonising things with their own children.

What nags his mind, slightly, is that he’s not sure when the right time is to get in contact with Louis. He wants to at least text him because he's so, so, so eager to be in touch with him again. But he also don't want to, just yet, because it feels like he wants to have verything in good place before he does. For his own, and his family’s sake, he thinks that the pace at which they’re going forward with everything is good, but his whole body is also itching for Louis. In any form. A simple text or a quick hello on the phone would be enough for now, just to settle his slight distress about the fact that he hasn’t reached out to him yet, and that he hasn’t been contacted by him, either. He stands strong and convinced in his own feelings, but it’s not for nothing that he in some weak moments worries that Louis perhaps wasn’t as sure as he was. What if he has started to doubt, or worse changed his mind.

That’s why his heart almost stops when he, a Monday morning two weeks after their goodbyes outside of the hotel, receives a text from a certain Louis Tomlinson. He’s just opened the board meeting he’s supposed to lead when his phone flashes. There’s no sound on it, but his eyes are still drawn to it as if he subconsciously knew it was going to deliver a surprise, right in this very moment.

He can’t recall ever having experienced any problems with his professionalism before, but there’s a first for everything. Getting completely lost, he just stares at his phone for a good minute, before he stutters out an excuse and hurriedly leaves the room.

Locking himself in the nearest toilet and loosening his tie, he sinks down on the closed toilet lid and opens the text with shaky hands.

Hi Harry. This is apparently the longest my patience lets me refrain from texting you, hence this text, but then you should also know that I’ve climbed the walls in the process. For the past thirteen and a half days, to be more specific. Just can’t wait any longer, miss you incredibly much. Kind of need to see you very soon. Hope you miss me too. Love L.


Chapter Text

Hi Harry. This is apparently the longest my patience lets me refrain from texting you, hence this text, but then you should also know that I’ve climbed the walls in the process. For the past thirteen and a half days, to be more specific. Just can’t wait any longer, miss you incredibly much. Kind of need to see you very soon. Hope you miss me too. Love L.

Harry :
Lou. Wow, Lou...! I realise I’ve held my breath for this text for thirteen and a half days and now I can finally breath – I know you’re thinking “sap” right now and let me throw some more wood to the fire: you’ve made me the happiest man on earth. Which is obviously an understatement. Anyway. Need you and miss you. How’s your calendar looking upcoming weekend? Love H.

Louis laughs out loud when he receives the reply, just minutes after he pressed send himself. And suddenly he feels like he too can breathe again, for the first time in said thirteen and a half days.

He’s not been worried as such, but he’s been immensely impatient and itchy about not being in touch with Harry at all. Having fallen pretty hard for him has made it a huge challenge to try and get through the days without going straight out crazy with missing him.

If there ever was anything it’s cleared now. Xxx

He hits send without thinking. That’s how sure he is.

Dinner and hotel in London Sat to Sun...? <3

A gasp leaves his mouth and his heart is doing a very good job of trying to beat itself right out of his ribcage. Fuck yes! He wants that very much. In fact, had Harry asked for them to meet up tonight he’d dropped everything and taken the first train.

Unfortunately, now there’re five long days and nights left until he finally sees him again. He’ll get through, just about, but he’ll get through.

It's a date. Can’t fucking wait! Excuse my language.

And now only seconds passes before he receives the reply.

Love your language, babe. I’ll book something and send you the details. And a car at 3 pm on Saturday, if ok? (Address?)

And. Uhm. Say what? A car? From London?! And who the hell, if he may ask, is going to drive that car back and forth between London and Doncaster, for like seven hours, if not Harry?

Louis is 43, for crying out loud, he should be able to get himself from one place to another – and one would also think that Harry trusts him sorting that out, right?

This is confusing as hell. But. He also thinks that this courting manner of Harry is extremely hot, and let’s just say that it sits quite fucking right with him.

Louis texts him back with his address without further questions.

Hell, let him send that car – and Louis will take it from there.


Saturday comes quicker than Louis ever could’ve wished for. Perhaps having been drenched in work lately has helped.

Because now he’s finding himself standing in the front of the only mirror in his small flat – except for the one in the bathroom – with an hour to go until a car supposedly is picking him up.

A few questions popped up after they texted about this weekend date, but he has left them unasked, in favour of taking it eye for an eye tonight. Since then they’ve texted quite extensively during the whole week. They’ve kept it on a nice and easy level, that has become increasingly flirty and suggestive the closer to Saturday they’ve gotten.

He’s naked, straight out of the shower, and examines his body slightly critically for the first time in the two weeks that have passed. It’s been two weeks of high ups and low downs, and he hasn’t cared about his appearance much more than making sure he’s presentable at work.

Last night he went to the hairdresser, so he’s content with his hair, dragging a hand in his styled back slick and arranges his fringe one last time.

And since he had a Brazilian just before he went to the swinger weekend, he’s still smooth and hairless (and can’t do much about it even if he’d wanted to).

Almost good to go, he just needs to pick out clothes, and he wants them to be on the exact right side of cool and flattering. In the end he settles for tight, black jeans and a stylish white button up, on which he rolls up the sleeves. Should be appropriate for both casual and more formal, he reasons since he has no idea which hotel or restaurant Harry’s picked out for them.

However, given this privately arranged ride to London, he has his suspicions that this weekend probably is going to be on a slightly higher level than he’s used to. A tingle runs down his spine. Not so much for the possible luxury, or whatever, but rather for the unknown. Bloody exciting is what it is!

His small overnight bag is packed with two changes of clothes, a charger for his phone and a small toiletry bag. He’s thrown in a bottle of lube and a whole packet of condoms as well, even if he trusts Harry is coming fully prepared. He is expecting sex, and he thinks Harry does too. In all honesty, he doesn’t think they’ll be able to keep their hands off each other, not with the track record they have. Especially not when this date includes a hotel night together. It’s not like anything’s very subtle here, and why would it be? He’s longed for Harry, and he’s longed to have sex with him, and even if he is dying to get to know everything about him as well, he knows it’ll be inevitable to get a few urgent things out of their systems first.

The car is waiting for you outside. Don’t stress, it isn’t going anywhere until you’re in it. See you at the restaurant, can’t wait! Xxx

Louis reads the text again and looks at the clock on the wall. It’s five to six and he takes a lap around his flat to turn off the lights, before he grabs his bag, flat keys, and phone, turning off the music on the go. Stepping out he’s not very nervous since he knows he’s still some hours away from seeing Harry.

He knows that’ll change the closer to London he gets, though.

The car waiting for him...isn’t just any car. Of fucking course Louis should’ve expected that, but he didn’t. He knows an expensive car when he sees one, especially if it’s crazily oversized, shiny black (like, straight out of the factory), has tinted windows and comes with a driver that currently has stepped out of it and holds the door to the backseat open for him.

“Mr Tomlinson, please.”

“Oh. Thank you. Really, no need to-“

The driver just smiles and closes the door behind him.

The inside is spacious, almost like a black taxi, and he can almost walk to his seat without crouching too much. A glass of champagne awaits him on a fixed tray, and he can tell that the driver waits to drive off until Louis has secured the glass in his hand.

He may be older and wiser, but still drinks the champagne without even questioning it. The thoughts run through his head, though: he doesn’t know Harry. He may, for all Louis knows, be a crazy person, intending to kidnap him and make him his sex slave (uhm.). The champagne could be spiked with lethal levels of whatever, but bloody hell, he’s also got life experience and is a slightly better judge of people than he was when he was younger, and this situation tells him that he can sit back and relax.

So, he does. The car ride is long, but he actually enjoys it. The bottle of champagne is placed in a wine cooler between the seats, and the bubbly drink is perfectly cold and delicious during the whole trip. After a while on the road, he and the driver start a little conversation and then they continue it until Louis realises that they’re arriving in London. He’s been responsible with the alcohol and just feels a light, pleasant buzz when the driver finally slows down the car, and declares that they’ve arrived at their destination.

Perhaps the champagne helps, but he’s still not nervous when he steps out of the car and is met by someone he presumes is working in the restaurant. She’s got a wide smile in her face and reaches out a hand and greets him.

“Mr Tomlinson, welcome to Blueberry Sky. I’m Claudia, let me show you to your table, Mr Styles is waiting for you.”

He shakes her hand and can’t help but smile when he hears Harry’s surname for the first time. Mr Styles. Indeed.

“Thank you...” Louis says a bit hesitantly, because even though he was prepared for some sort of upper-class restaurant, he can tell this is more than that.

He’s not sure what to make of it, though. Is this Harry’s showing off (which...would be fine, probably) or is this his everyday life (which...would be slightly staggering).

They don’t know much about each other, but Louis has portrayed Harry as an ordinary guy. Given everything that’s happened here so far, he realises that he’ll probably need to re-evaluate that assumption, but he can only wait and see.

This is a very luxurious restaurant, no doubt about it, and the car ride and the driver and the woman leading the way through the restaurant right now, kind of speaks its own language.

All thoughts crowding in his head fly straight out the window when he spots Harry, though, sitting at a slightly secluded table in the back corner of the room. When he looks up and their gazes meet, he immediately gets up to stand, waiting for Louis with outstretched arms.

“Mr Styles, your company has arrived.” The woman smiles as she kind of hands Louis over to Harry’s warm arms. “I’ll leave you to it for a second, and then Maurice will be right back with you to take your orders.”

Harry mumbles a “Thank you Claudia.” but his whole focus is directed on Louis.

He looks so bloody perfect, in his black blazer with a baby pink shirt, generously unbuttoned, and the colour so beautiful and tantalizing against his sun-tanned skin. Together with the tight, dark black jeans and shiny, light brown quirky dress shoes he’s wearing, he looks so casual, in a very stylish way. Loius is no connoisseur of fashion – although he likes to dress good and knows how different clothes can favour his own appearance – but even so, he can easily tell that Harry’s outfit is high quality, and probably very expensive. Looking like this, it’s not hard to imagine for example the businessman Harry Styles at all.

It's a stark contrast to the casual clothes Louis saw him in for the whole swinger weekend, that’s for sure, bloody hell he is a sight for sore eyes. Mesmerised, Louis knows he is no longer just looking at him, he’s staring, because he’s so fine he could cry.

The hug is close to bone crushing, and Louis eagerly breaths in Harry’s alluring scent, as if he’s been starving without it. Which he sort of has. He can tell Harry is doing the same thing, as he feels his strong hands squeeze around his lower back firmly, pulling him in even closer.

“Oh God Louis...” Harry whispers emphatically, and Louis really can feel his genuine emotions radiating through his voice and body.

“Yeah...” Louis breaths back, keeping from saying anything more right now because he knows his voice would be a shivering mess.

After a while Louis takes a step back so that they can look at each other, arms still entangled around each other’s waists. There’s no way they can stifle the smiles breaking out in their faces, and Louis wants to kiss him so bad. He hesitates, though, since he feels a bit lost about the PDA bit, etiquette wise. This restaurant is slightly intimidating, and he’d prefer to wait for Harry to take the first step when it comes to kissing here, rather than unconsciously making a fool out of himself. It feels like Harry knows those things, consequently it’s safer to leave it to him to decide when the time’s right.

Harry is apparently still able to read his mind and comes up with a hand to cup Louis’ cheek gently.

Baby, can I kiss you? Missed you so much.”

And that’s that, Louis doesn’t even answer and instead meets his lips halfway and kisses him with two weeks’ worth of pent-up longing, and want, and lust. He’s is more than pleased when feeling how Harry does the same, and then even intensifies it, seemingly completely unfazed about their whereabouts.

“Jesus.” Louis breaths out, when they finally break apart, discretely panting for air and smiling like maniacs. “I think I need to sit down to, uhm, not being too obvious.” He blushes slightly as Harry’s eyes drops to his crotch for a second, and then finds their way back up to Louis’, his gaze having darkened considerably.

“Yeah, let’s sit down.” He agrees and straightens out his buttoned-up blazer slightly, before pulling out the chair for Louis.

At least his got a blazer covering his excitement over kissing Louis, Louis thinks a bit enviously, but feeling safe again when sitting down on the offered chair.

“Well, thank you.” Louis smiles cheekily and lets himself gently be pushed closer to the table by Harry before he takes his own seat.

“Wow, that was a very nice greeting.” Harry mumbles and Louis physically shivers when he hears how low his voice has dropped.

That voice sets off all sorts of memories of the amazingly good sex that’s gone down between them before, but he mentally slaps his own cheek to get out of the gutter. He’ll surely need to get used to Harry using that voice in other settings than when in the middle of the act.

“It was.” Louis agrees and shakes out his white cloth napkin and puts it over his lap.

Just like Harry’s just done.

“Wow, what a place.” He continues and looks curiously at Harry, hoping to get a clue or two about what’s going on here. “Thanks for the ride, by the way. And the champagne!”

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Harry gives a quick deliberate look over Louis shoulder, and within seconds there’s a waiter by their table, holding a fancy looking bottle in his one hand and a white linen napkin in his other. “Champagne?” Harry asks as the waiter stands waiting.

Obviously. But Louis nods politely and says “Yes, please.” and the waiter, who introduces himself as Maurice, pours champagne into their glasses. Then he gently puts the bottle down in an ice cooler on their table and puts down opened menus for both Harry and Louis in front of them on the table.

Maurice takes a step back and Louis knows he’s supposed to look in the menu, but his eyes get stuck on Harry instead. In all honesty, here’s so much he wants to talk about before eating, but he also knows that they’ve got plenty of time and that there’s no need to stress.

Looking up from his menu, Harry smiles, clearly aware of Louis hardship of redirecting his gaze anywhere but on Harry, and he reaches out his hand over the table and entangles his fingers with Louis’.

“You see anything you like?” Harry mumbles suggestively, and Louis isn’t missing the double entendre.

“Definitely.” He answers, firing away a hot smile at Harry. “Will check if there’s anything I’d fancy in here as well.” Louis taps on the menu, eyes still on Harry.

“God, I’ve missed you.” Harry says with a sigh, squeezing Louis’ fingers for emphasis and Louis squeezes back, noddingly.

“And I’ve you.”

They sit like that for a while, loosing themselves in the possibility of finally being able to look each other in the eye, and to touch, even if it’s only their fingers that are connected.

Finally, with effort, Louis breaks their eye contact and looks down in the menu, giving it an honest go for the first time since Maurice presented it to him. Maurice, the poor waiter Louis has completely forgotten about for some time now.

To be honest, Louis is rather flabbergasted about the lack of courses on the menu, because shouldn’t a place like this hold a vast selection of food to choose from? He can count to five courses respectively of starters, mains, and deserts, and to each course there’s a matching wine.

“Isn’t it a bit rich that a place like this doesn’t let you choose what wine you’d like to have with your food for yourself?” Louis blurts out because that’s exactly what comes to his mind.

Which...judging by Harry’s surprised look, he immediately regrets saying. God, why is it that he always experience troubles with his brain to mouth filter in one way or the other? Why can’t he for once just be quiet and feel the situation in? Fuck.

This is clearly a comfortable environment for Harry - and Louis really wasn’t that annoyed about the matched wine, he just felt slightly controlled by it. And needed to say it. Fuck again.

“I’m sorry, I just-“ He taps a finger over his own lips, looking regretful.

“No. No, you’re completely right. That’s a fair point.” Harry bites his lower lip and continues: “This, though-“ He points at the menu. “-is a restaurant where we can’t do that. What we can to do, though – which isn’t very common at restaurants like this one, mind – is that we can pick which three courses from the menu that we want.”

He says it so easily, as if it’s obviously a groundbreaking feature for this restaurant, whilst Louis just sits there and wonders how else they would get something to eat if they don’t get to pick it out for themselves.

Having narrowed his eyes and gotten something cheeky in them, it seems like Harry is steeling himself for Louis comeback. This time Louis is prepared, though, and bites his tongue carefully.

“Sounds amazing.” He replies easily and needs to look down in the menu to keep a straight face and refrain from joining in on Harry’s low chuckle.

When he looks up again, he bites the inside of his cheek and puts down the menu. Feeling the need to rectify his earlier bluntness.

“Everything looks nice here. I absolutely adore food, and I’m sure I’m gonna love anything there is on this menu. So. I’m gonna go for what you’re having, Harry.”

Harry eyes him for a few seconds, probably contemplating if it’s worth to put up a fight or not, and finally settles for an: “Ok. Why don’t we just have Maurice chose for us, shall we?”

He looks up at Maurice, who takes a step closer again, and eagerly waits for Harry’s orders.

“We’ll have whatever your recommendation is for the night, Maurice, thank you.”

“Sir?” Maurice looks confused, and almost a bit upset, but then quickly gathers himself and picks up their menus. “Are you sure, sir?” And then he finally gets his act together and hurriedly nods: “Of course, I’ll sort that out for you, sirs.”

Harry nods with a kind smile and then turns his focus to Louis again, and that’s when it hits Louis, like a lightning from above. can’t be, can it?

This is Harry in his element. He seems very comfortable and at home at this secluded table, seemingly completely unfazed by the strange setup with the menu and the unusual course names, and the matched wine. And he doesn’t even flinch at Claudia and Maurice so familiarly attending to him and Louis, as if they were fucking royalty.

It can.

“Jesus, is this-“ Louis searches for answers in Harry’s gaze, and if he isn’t mistaken, Harry’s look gets almost expectant. “-is this your restaurant, Harry?”

“Bloody hell, Lou, that took you long enough!” Harry barks out a laugh, but Louis quickly notices that even if his eyes sparkle in amusement, they’re also slightly wary. “What gave me away?”


Chapter Text


“What gave me away?”

Louis jaw drops and his eyes go big, staring at Harry in awe.

This he didn’t see coming, like, at all.

“No way! Why-“ He throws out his arms. “-why didn’t you say something??”

They’ve been here for a while now, mind, and Harry has definitely had many possibilities to bring this up. But he hasn’t, and that obviously makes Louis’ brain stepping up a gear.

Harry grins like a little boy and, wasn’t it for the hesitation and slight nervousness exuding through his body language, Louis could easily have mistaken him for solely being chuffed about his surprise.

But he’s clearly worried about something, and it’s not difficult to figure out about what. He’s nervous about Louis’ reaction to this recently revealed information.

Leaning a little bit forward, over the table, Harry says:

“You wanna come sit next to me instead?” And he pouts a little with his plush lips and Louis is completely and utterly done for.

Good God can a man get any cuter?

And it pulls him out of his jumbled thoughts, momentarily, as he walks around the table and tentatively sits down in the chair next to Harry. Harry’s arm comes around his waist immediately and Louis bites his lip almost abashed, it’s just so amazing being this close to him again.

“Wanted you to kind of figure it out on your own... Wanted you to get some kind of feel for it, before I give you my side of the story – if that makes any sense at all?”

But he doesn’t wait for Louis to answer that, and instead pulls him closer by his waist, and kisses him.

And Louis sort of forgets what’s just been said, and if it does make sense or not, whilst he drags his hands through Harry’s soft, long hair, focusing on how wonderful it feels to be able to do this again.

They keep it visibly decent, and no one needs to worry about what they can’t see. When Harry’s hand travels down from Louis’ lower back, to land on his ass and give it a firm squeeze, Louis moan right into his mouth.

Jesus. I really have missed everything about you.” Louis whispers when they reluctantly break apart.

Arousal and want are clear in his voice, he hears it even himself, and it leaves no room for mistaking what he's referring to.

Biting his inner cheek seductively, Harry nods and smoothly pulls Louis’ shirt out of his trousers so that he can sneak in a hand to rest against the warm skin on his waist.

“Wanna give you everything later.” He mumbles with that softly rumbling voice of his. “Everything.”

Louis is almost overcome by impatience, and quite frankly all he wants to do is to grab Harry’s hand and pull him with, to a place where they can actually do the things that he knows are running through both of their heads right now. Taking a second to breath, with his forehead resting against Harry’s, he slowly sits back on his chair, and then they smile widely at each other.

Promises of things to come.

But. There is a present as well, and quite a lot is happening in it right now. Louis feels his curiosity and caution clash in an equivocal mix, because Harry’s worry obviously rubs off on him even if he can tell that that’s the last thing he wants.

As if the clouds suddenly part and the sun peaks out, Louis gets what this is all about.

Harry obviously has had plenty of time to think about it and worry about it and plan for it in his head – whilst Louis, in this very moment, fights to get his head at least somewhat around it.

“Right. So...this is your restaurant? You own it?”

Harry nods.

“And you work a lot?” Louis more states than asks, and he eyes Harry intently for his reaction.

To his slight surprise Harry lets out a long breath, almost as if he’s been holding it for a long time, and now finally finds relief in the fact that Louis quickly seems to be grasping what’s weighing Harry down here.

“Yeah. I do. Even if it’s a lot less than before the kids came.”

He’s eyeing Louis just as intently back now, as if trying to decipher how he reacts to his answer. And he tilts his head in a slightly challenging way, that urges him to go on.

So, Louis does. He bites his lip and gives everything a good think, before tentatively continuing:

“ can’t just uproot your life and leave, to, let’s say Doncaster...since this is your restaurant, your life, right?”

“Something like that.” And now Harry raises an eyebrow and makes a sad face at the same time.

Yeah, Louis is definitely starting to get a sense of Harry’s worries. And at the same time, it’s so bloody adorable that he cares so much. He’s clearly scared out of his mind that these are conditions that may not be compatible with the way Louis wants to live his life.

The thing is, he just can't entertain those thoughts right now. Not when finally sitting here with this paragon of a man, the taste of his lips still lingering on his own. It’s really fucking hard to think straight, when all he wants is to spend his whole God damn future with him.

Harry’s still quiet, waiting, but for what? Louis isn’t quite sure that he can think of more worries that this – the fact that Harry owns a luxury restaurant in the centre of London – can bring with it.

“Harry.” Louis calls for Harry’s attention and fixates him with his eyes. “I can tell there’s something else you’re thinking about as well, what is it?”

“Oh...” Harry is clearly pulled out of his complete focus on Louis. “Uhm. My job...well, this restaurant specifically, comes with some publicity as well.”

“What??” Louis blurts out, because...yeah, he’s a bit lost for words since he’s not exactly familiar with how things like that work.

And he really didn’t see this aspect of it coming either.

He’s still not scared, though. A bit confused, but not scared.

“Harry.” He deadpans and smiles confidently.

He feels confident about it, strangely enough.

“You think you can scare me off that easily?”

And now Harry smiles a genuine, warm dimpled smile for the first time since they started talking about this, and his other hand grabs Louis’, entangling their fingers almost desperately.

“Oh babe... You have no idea how relieved that makes me... I understand that this can be a lot, and that you’ll need to think things through, but...God, I realise I’ve been so worried about how you'd actually feel about all this...”

Louis has so many questions, though, he would hardly even know where to begin. In addition, his mind is constantly losing track, or at least every time Harry touches the bare skin on his lower back, or his hand. His hands feel so warm and confident and assertive, and he drifts off thinking about what he knows that they can do...

Mentally slapping himself out of the gutter he swallows, and says:

“We don’t know each other, Harry, it obviously would’ve been naïve of us thinking that everything would be a walk in the park, coming together like this... Not that I ever, during the past two weeks that I’ve thought about possible scenarios have guessed on this specific one, but, you is what it is.”

Clearing his throat, Harry slowly gets more serious and soon the words come pouring out of his mouth:

“I took you here tonight, Lou, because, like you said, we don’t know anything about each other and I kind of wanted you to be thrown straight into it, to get a good sense of what being with me really entails... However, this may be a big part of me, but it’s not everything either, you know. And it has worried me to death that you wouldn’t wanna be a part of this lifestyle, and-“

“Babe. Babe!” Louis interrupts, for the sole purpose to interrupt, not knowing exactly what to say, but he just wants him to stop talking like that.

Sure, he understands that this has occupied his mind for a while, with all due reason as well, probably, but he would never ever have jumped into something with Harry hadn’t he been prepared for things getting tough as well.

“Right, so you are a busy man, and you work a lot. And you can’t leave London because your life’s work – your restaurant – is placed here. So are your kids – and believe me when I say that I’ve given that a thorough thought. And you’re some kind of celebrity in the restaurant business, I get it. At what level are we talking about here?”

“Low key, definitely low key. Occasionally getting recognised on the street by the odd food lover or two, that sort of level. Papped once a year, perhaps. However, my private life hasn’t been that interesting to the public, so to speak, so there’s obviously a risk that the interest increases for a while if...uhm...”

“If I come into the picture?”

“Yeah.” Harry smiles abashedly. “Which is what I’m hoping for.”

“And?” Louis is so strangely intrigued by all of this because he’s never ever been even close to something like this before.

Intrigued, in a good way. Curious. And he always has this feeling of security around Harry. He would have in situations like the ones he describes as well. It would be completely new to him, and perhaps awkward too. But it doesn’t sound like it’s on a very intimidating level anyway? He could deal with this, he’s honestly not that worried.

“Well.” Harry squirms slightly. “I have some public commitments from time to time as well. Mostly things behind closed doors, charity events, and such. I’m spoiled with not having to do a lot of marketing, but there’s the occasional radio or tv show I kind of need to attend. And since quite a few of my guests at the restaurant are celebrities – real celebrities, now, not like me – and I’ve gotten to know some of them over the years, I go to high profile dinners and parties sometimes as well.”

There’s no way Louis cannot take his face between his hands and kiss the worried wrinkle between his eyes that has been stuck there for a while now, because what he’s trying to here is just adorable. He obviously needs to be honest, but he also tries to downplay the importance of it, and through it all he’s eyeing Louis intently trying to grasp whether Louis possibly could be ok with this sort of lifestyle, or not.

He leans into Louis’ hands and kisses the fingers he can reach, hope very clear in his eyes.

“I mean-“ Louis starts softly, trying to think what parts of this he can go with straight away. “-I wouldn’t be that bothered with the public interest in you – or us – to be honest. I don’t know anything about things like that and it doesn’t sound like you’re the equivalent of Alex Turner or something anyway.”

“Alex Turner?!” Harry barks out a loud, short laugh and Louis mirrors it, dropping his hands from his face and instead entangles them with Harry’s hands again. “Who the fuck is he? I’ll surpass him in celebrity status any day.”

“Cheeky bastard.” Louis warns, smile growing bigger. “Careful now, we’re talking about a hero of mine.”

Harry’s eyes sparkle and he squeezes Louis’ fingers.

“Of course. My fault. Beg your pardon.” But his appearance tells of the complete opposite. “But...” He continues and bites his lip, holding his breath. “...are you ok with this, Lou, is that what you’re saying?”

Knowing that he probably smiles like a real sap Louis shakes his head slowly, although he means to nod.

“Of course, I am, you idiot. There aren’t many things that could make me jump off this train. And having a hard working, passionate about his dream, half celebrity, God of a man aren’t exactly any of them, to be completely frank about it.”

They laugh together and Harry quickly leans in and searches for Louis lips. When they meet, there’s so much feeling in the kiss that Louis needs to stop and breath for a second because he’s honestly on the verge of passing out.

“Though we would’ve been in a rather intricate situation would I have my own restaurant in Doncaster, you know...” Louis whispers against his lips and he already knows what Harry will say before he hears him clear his throat and kind of deadpans:

“You put in your surname on my phone, Lou.”

Wanting him to have to work a bit more for it, Louis just lets out a hum and waits for him to continue. Which he soon does.

“So, I googled you. Obviously.”


“And I happen to know that you work as a teacher, and the last time I checked there was exactly twenty-seven open positions for teachers in the nearby area, so...”

“You're not so little cheeky, are you now, Harry?” Louis says teasingly, but good God what a lie it would be pretending not to be chuffed off his tits about Harry’s words.

“And you don’t have any kids. Not that you know of, anyway.” Harry adds and one can tell that he knows he’s probably overstepping, but he clearly can’t help it, it’s too good to leave out of the banter.

“Oh my god, you really are a stalker! I knew it already back at the hotel! What do you know about other things that may hold me back, huh?!” Louis exclaims with an unimpressed pout, mockingly scandalised but can’t stifle the laugh bubbling out of him.

“Like what?!” Harry barks out, white teeth and deep dimples on display, and wow, is there even a possibility of not loving this man forever and ever?

“My sick, old auntie. Who, by the way, depends on me.”

“You can’t fool me that easy, babe, you don’t have an aunt.”


“Uh-hu, no uncle either.”

Louis detangles one of their hands and points a finger in Harry’s chest.

This is why you put yourself down as Harry, just Harry :-) in my phone!”

“Of course, it was. I couldn’t have you googling me, could I now?” And now Harry’s laughter softens, and... It’s a joking tone but definitely a serious matter, he’s got a point, obviously.

“Wanted you here in person, with me, when talking about those things...” He’s vulnerable again, and Louis absolutely loves how easily he lets it show.

“I’m here now. And we’re getting through this rant of yours together, aren’t we?” Louis winks, but his voice has also gone so, so soft.

To him it feels like they’ve passed their first bump, and that Harry perhaps is reasonably content with Louis’ reaction to his reveal so far. A reveal that in all fairness seems to have been tougher for Harry to process on beforehand, than it’s been for Louis to receive it.

There’s still a lot to go through, forward, but Louis is so sure that there aren’t many hick ups that could make him change his mind about Harry. And he hopes that he is managing to convey this to Harry. To make him understand that he’s got nothing to worry about, really.

And Louis curiosity grows by the second, about everything that surrounds Harry, and he realise how enormously much there is to get to know about him. It’s strange to have fallen in love with someone who’s history is a blank slate, and Louis sincerely wonders if it’ll even be possible to have room for all the feelings he knows will emerge for every new side of Harry that he gets to see and to know.

“What do you do here?” Louis carefully changes the subject. “I mean, are you just bossing around or are you actually doing some real stuff, like cooking, or...?” Louis smiles cheekily and Harry chuckles fondly.

His foremost supporter. How did he even get this lucky.

“Oh, I do a lot of real stuff, don’t you worry, you cheeky monkey. I’m still the manager and the executive chef-“

“Bossing around it is, I see.”

“-but now we’ve grown to have a co-manager and a head chef as well, which cuts my workload considerably, which means...” He looks meaningly at Louis. “-that I can lead a pretty normal life workwise. I still make sure to be involved in pretty much all parts of this restaurant, though, whether it’s to compose a new dish, or hiring a new chef, or changing the curtains to another colour...”

“Would you let me help you?” Louis smiles and looks at him under his eyelashes, abashed and confident at the same time.

“Oh, baby...” Harry’s eyes almost go a bit shiny, and Louis just knows that this can work out so well between them. “Baby, of course you can...” He whispers, in awe, and almost looks as if he can’t believe what is just happening here.

“This is so fucking cool, though, Harry, I’m, like, childishly impressed! It’s an amazing restaurant. Sorry about the fit about the matching wine earlier.” Louis grins and pulls them right out of their sappy fit.

“Don’t worry about it. As I said, you had a point.”

“Stop the lies, I had not. But I’m willing to learn. Since I love good food I’m actually pretty eager to be served-“ He looks down in the menu and reads out an incomprehensible name of a starter. “-on a daily basis. I think I can get used to fine dining, you know.”

“I hope it doesn’t feel too overwhelming.”

“Babe. I thought I made that clear? This is your life’s work, I’m nothing but impressed and in awe of what you’ve achieved. I was kind of prepared for anything, you know, coming here tonight. Overwhelmed, hell yes, of course I am, but discouraged? No. I want to be with you, Harry. And I want everything it entails to be with you. As simple as that.”

Harry’s finger is still caressing, almost unbearably seductive, just under the hem of his shirt. Unconsciously Louis moves into it, a bit closer to Harry, and Harry’s looking like he wants to pick him up in his knee.

“I decided on showing you this part of me first, to kind of get it over with, but I could as well have taken you to my favourite eating-place, a very insignificant pub out on the countryside, that makes a smashing Sunday Roast. It’s something with the gravy...” Harry laughs a cute, abashed smile. “Or to my best friend’s B&B down in Ryde, on Isle of Wight. One of my havens, I love it there.”

“But you chose to take me to...” Louis needs to throw a glance at the gold-plated menu on the table to refresh his memory. “...Blueberry Sky.” He says softly. “And I’m glad you did.”

Louis turns his hand in Harry’s, so that he can kiss the inside as well, and Harry mumbles a tickling “Sorry.” into the palm of his hand, and then they entangle their fingers, tightly.

“So, this is a Micheline star restaurant you’re managing here?” Louis is actually quite chuffed being that well-versed in the area, to even know about that phenomenon.

“Uhm-” Harry laughs, looking cutely embarrassed mixed with endless pride. “-three, actually.”

“Three?!” Louis exclaims, slamming a hand over his mouth when he realises how loud he is. “Three?!” He repeats, shout-whispering, through his fingers, staring incredulously at Harry. “Stars?! Oh my god, isn’t that, many as there is?”

“Well, yeah.” The grin Harry’s giving hasn’t an end to it, and Louis thinks it’s too gorgeous to be left unattended to.

Leaning in, Louis pouts excessively, and Harry immediately gets the hint. God, if he isn’t the most receptive, perfect boyfriend of all times, then Louis doesn’t know what he is.

The kiss gets a bit sloppy, though, because of their wide smiles, but it’s lips against lips and that’s all Louis craves right now.

“And now when I’m at it-“ Harry mumbles cheekily against Louis’ mouth. “-for the past couple of years this place has become the most visited fine dining restaurant in the UK. Celebrities show up every day. Tonight, for example, there are two people here who I thought might spike your interest a little bit extra.”

“What?” Louis grips the table to stay grounded and not starting to look around too obviously, even though they are rather secluded from what’s going on in the rest of the restaurant.

“Ha! I knew you would be the starstruck type...”

“How can I be starstruck when I don’t even know who’s here?? Now tell me!”

Oh God, he clearly enjoys this a lot, sitting there with his smug smile and pretending to hesitate about the appropriateness of gossiping about his own guest.

“Ok. Just because it’s you, Lou. But you owe me.”

“I’ll do anything.” Louis fixates Harry with his eyes, and they both get a bit stuck in it for a few seconds.

All sorts of dirty fantasies run through Louis’ head, making his eyes darken a shade or two.


“It’s Noel.”

Louis chokes on his own air at that and puts down his glass of champagne with a slight bang on the table.

“Now...” He says, voice a bit strained. “...there’s only one Noel and I hope that you’re fucking not kidding me right now, Harry.”

It’s beyond him how Harry can even begin to know how explosive this information is to Louis and given Harry’s pleased expression he’s definitely very well aware.

“No, I’m not, it’s Oasis-Noel.” Harry confirms and bites his inner cheek. “He’s making you a bit hard, isn’t he?”

“If I wasn’t already, he would’ve, yeah.” Louis sassies, but honestly, all the joking set aside, he is already mentally starstruck, and he won’t even begin to be ashamed of it.

“Ok. So, if Noel made you hard, then the other one’s gonna make you come, I’m sure.” Harry makes an invisible nod out into the restaurant, which Louis follows with his eyes and holds his breath whilst doing so.

Squinting his eyes, he can only see a lot of people and can’t focus on anyone particular and turns his head back to look challengingly at Harry.

“Gazza.” Harry says easily and adding: “And, yes, that Gazza. I’ve already attended to them, but should you want to meet any of them we can go and-“

“No way...!” Louis is childishly letting all his emotions show in both face and body language. “No way, Harry, is my favourite football player all times here for real...?”

Thankfully Louis is already holding his hand over his mouth, by now, and he forces himself to look down in the table for a second so that he doesn’t unwittingly makes a fool out of himself staring at any of them without even realising.

And he makes his outmost to keep his voice down, but he’s not so surprisingly failing miserably, when hissing: “What...what is this place?! Can I just move in here and sit and watch people?”

If he started to get a bit starstruck from Harry, well, then this is obviously next level. One of his by far greatest idols in music, as well as in football – what’s his luck really?!

“I need to see them, though.” He breaths out, eyes almost popping in excitement. “I wanna spy on them, somehow.”

“I don’t think you have to be scared of being seen, if they don’t know you, you know? You don’t have a restraining order against you, have you? Just gotta check.”

Louis deadpans silently, impatiently, and Harry chuckles so smugly he could punch his mouthwatering bicep. But he doesn’t and waits for Harry to point a discrete finger in their direction.

“Poor guys, not even knowing they’ve got a creepy, drooling groupie this dangerously close to them.” Harry mutters but Louis slowly raises his gaze and discretely turns his head.

And there they are.

From where he and Harry sit, in the well-placed gap between the half wall secluding them from the rest of the restaurant, Louis sees both of them. They sit at their respective tables, which are placed in line, so Louis has a perfect, discrete spying view just by sitting there.

“This is so insane...” Louis whispers, jaw dropping and eyes almost watering from staring so hard. “You did this.”

“Glad I could impress you with something.” Harry huffs mock offended.

“Yeah, you’ve impressed me, alright.” He slowly tears his stare from the other tables and looks at Harry. “Was this so wise, though, huh? Playing the fucking trump card at the first date – how the fuck are you going to top this now, eh? Ever thought about that?”

They laugh softly together, and Louis reaches out to touch his cheek.

“Noel and Gazza and...Hazza, all my three favourites in the same place. This is my lucky night alright.”

“Oh, you haven’t seen lucky yet, baby, be so sure.” Harry goes, firing off a seductive, dark smile.

And... Ok.

Louis is sure that the tingle violently travelling down his spine, making him shiver, is very visible, but he doesn’t care. God, he loves his life, this is so God damn exciting – all of it! And quite frankly, Noel and Gazza have nothing on his Hazza, nothing at all. He’s so gorgeous it’s almost painful to look at him, and all Louis wants is to be closer.

“How did you know- You really did stalk me?!” Is what he says, because the alternative is too sappy for the situation, Louis needs to put him in place for his behaviour.

“Already told you.”

The first course arrives as they still giggle about what’s just been said. Digging in on the beetroot with goats’ cheese, sprinkled with some walnuts and honey on top – a course which is called something completely different than simply what it is – Louis suddenly finds his confidence unexpectedly dipping.

As he spikes one of the garnishes with his fork, possibly an asparagus with some black drops of unidentified dressing on it, his patience has already worn thin, and he needs to address Harry with the reason for his uncertainty.

Hazza.” He calls for his attention, and he loves how the nickname feels on his tongue. “Tell me. What are your thoughts on having stalked me on the internet then, huh? Finding out that I’m a secondary school teacher, living in a tiny flat and most probably won’t leave a lasting imprint on this world whatsoever.” Louis goes for light-hearted, joking, but it does weigh strangely heavy on him.

Harry immediately fixates him with his eyes, and his whole demeanour changes, suddenly screaming of meaning business with what he’s going to say next. Slowly leaning back on his chair, he puts down his fork and knife, the eye contact almost intimidating. It’s clear that Harry has seen through him, and that he knows that there’s some seriousness behind the easiness. And if there were doubts in Louis before, all of them are gone as Harry slowly shakes his head. He doesn’t even need to say anything, Louis knows.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Harry says anyway, eyebrows wrinkled letting Louis know, loud and clear, that he’s unimpressed by what he just heard.

The cheeky smile Louis has tries to keep up, slowly dies, and he just shrugs.

“Let’s face it. This-“ Louis gestures at their table. “-is what I apparently get in the package, like you so eloquently put it at some point. What I throw in and contributes with in our mix, on the other hand, isn’t-“

“Lou.” Harry raises a hand and interrupts him, shaking his head again. “Don’t even finish that. Please.” He doesn’t even ask, just tells him.

Usually, Louis isn’t easily intimidated, but now he is. Harry is using a slightly different tone, a rather decisive one, saying that he’s not having it. Although feeling a bit embarrassed, mostly about his own insecurity, he still insists:

“I needed to get it off my chest, though.”

Dragging a hand over his mouth, Harry seemingly thinks it over for a couple of seconds.

“Look, Lou, I don’t see this-“ He makes a swiping gesture with his arm in general. “-as a bigger achievement or success than anything else that people do. You, being a teacher, for example, is incredibly interesting and impressive to me. It’s two different things, they can’t compare.” He takes the linen napkin from his lap and dabs at his mouth. “I obviously can see where you’re coming from, and I certainly understand your thoughts on it, but please believe me when I say that what gives me the biggest thrill in life can’t be bought with money.”

Harry reaches out and intertwines their fingers again. And Louis loves when Harry makes his you-mean-the-world-to-me face, like the one he does right in this moment, and it makes him go all mushy and fond and wanting more.

“I’m dying to get to know you, Lou. Starting today. And that’s honestly everything I could’ve ever asked for.”

Louis kisses him quiet, he can’t take it anymore, he’s to good, to cute, to fucking everything, and it’s strange, isn’t it, how a person can shut down an insecurity in a bloody instant.

“I love you Hazza.” Louis whispers into his mouth when he unwillingly breaks the kiss.

They probably would’ve continued kissing for a long time hadn’t it been for the main course arriving, together with a fine, red matching wine.

The conversation flows so easily between them, and now, that they’ve ticked off another bump in the road, Louis feels light at heart and can go all in on worshipping the man he’s come three and a half hours by car – his car, but nevertheless – to see.

And the best part, Louis thinks still, is their inability to letting each other be, physically. There’s a need to touch each other, constantly, which results in them ending up eating just with the fork, since their knife-hand is needed somewhere else.

After dessert, and yet another glass of matching wine (which they topped up, leaving them pleasantly buzzed), the evening at the restaurant is clearly coming to an end. They are both squirming a bit impatiently in their chairs and the anticipation is getting more and more palpable.

Finally, Harry clears his throat and suggests:


And Louis realises that they haven’t had a discussion about where they’re spending the night.

“Are we”

A tingle travel with the speed of light through his stomach and he can’t believe that he’s actually going to spend the night with Harry. There’re no words for how much he has longed for this.

“Yeah, just seven floors away. I thought that would be convenient.”

“You own the hotel too?”

“No. No...” Harry laughs, almost a bit abashed. “It’s a collab, of a sort. Good for the hotel, good for the restaurant. Quite many of the guests come travelling, actually, so it’s a win-win.”

And then he wiggles his eyebrows insinuatingly and says:

“It’s not often I pull the owner card, but tonight I did, to make sure we got the suite.”

Louis smiles, feeling a blush creep up his neck in heavy excitement, and apparently Harry’s whole demeanour is starting to wear him down. Biting his lip, he stands up and eagerly reaches for Harry’s hand. He’s got no patience sitting here any longer, he needs to have Harry for himself. Now.

They thank Maurice a bit hurriedly, Louis barely noticing that Harry doesn’t pay, but of course he doesn’t.

Then he feels Harry tug on his hand, gently, and they’re on their way.

Feeling surprisingly nervous, all of a sudden, Louis takes a deep breath and lets himself be lead behind Harry. They slip out into a corridor, just behind where they’ve been sitting, thereby avoiding the exposure of walking through the restaurant as Harry’s company. It’s a nice gesture, sparing him that, and he squeezes his hand a little harder in appreciation.

“Mr Styles. Mr Tomlinson.” Claudia greats them, as they arrive at the entrance of the restaurant. “Hope you’ve had a great evening.”

“Oh, very.” Harry smiles and lifts their joined hands, kissing the back of Louis’ softly, giving him a hot look.

“Thank you, it’s been great.” Louis replies, feeling his neck going warm, at the same time as he tries to push down the impatience rushing through his system.

“You’ve got the card to your room?” She looks at Harry and Harry pats the pocket in his jacket.

“I do, thank you.”

“Let me know if you need anything. Enjoy your night.” She smiles neutrally and nods to them both. “Breakfast will be brought up to your room at ten tomorrow morning.”

Harry says another “Thank you.” and instead of walking towards the front door, through which Louis came, they take a right, and soon enters the lobby of the hotel.

And instead of leading them towards the main lifts, Harry takes them to the other side of the impressive stairs in the middle of the lobby, where Louis spots another set of lifts.

“The left one.” Harry says and Louis feels his eyes on him, expectant and curious of Louis’ reaction at once.

And Louis has got no problem whatsoever in showing how excited he is. One thing is that they’re on their way to have some fucking mind blowing sex (he already knows it’ll be, which is rather mind blowing in itself) but he’s never stayed in a suite before either, and sue him for being childish, but he’s jumping on his toes to finally get up there and see it.

It’s not like he’s never afforded himself some luxury. He and Oscar had certainly treated themselves to some fine dining and hotel nights, from time to time. The thing is, that fine dining and those hotel stays were luxurious in their terms, whilst this is something completely else. Exciting is what it is. Harry has clearly been determined to throw Louis into this part of his life head first, perhaps also to test him a bit, so it’s no surprise that he apparently hasn’t planned on holding back on the room either.

Pulling up the key card from his pocket, Harry blips it against one of two buttons in the lift, and they start going up. Louis moves so that he stands in front of Harry, slowly backing him into the wall.

“Are seven floors away enough for a kiss?” He mumbles and Harry smiles invitingly, spreading his legs so that Louis can come even closer.

Louis doesn’t hesitate and steps in between them, pressing his lips hard against Harry’s plush ones. It gets heated in no time at all, but even so, the soft ding from the lift is soon heard, and it comes to a halt.

When the doors open, Harry just pulls Louis closer and continues the kiss, Louis managing to mumble:

“Don’t wanna go down again, do we?”

He feels how Harry smiles against his mouth.

“It won’t go anywhere until we say so, it’s ours. And I love some lift-kissing... Can we stay, just for a minute?”

And now Harry turns them around, being the one pressing Louis against the lift wall, and he kisses him deeper and harder by the second. It’s an impressive snogging session. Louis realises that his pleasant erection has started bordering on uncomfortable, where it strains against the inside of his trousers. And it has been for a while now, and Louis’ patience isn’t known to go be gentle with him, so he grabs Harry’s hair hard in both his hands, and forcibly pushes him away.

“Please tell me you have other plans for us than staying in this lift kissing for the rest of the night.” He breaths out heavily and Harry grins darkly, unabashedly adjusting himself in his trousers.

Holding up his hands in mock defence he rasps out:

“I’ve had two weeks to think this through, Lou, of fucking course I’ve got plans for us, I just hope you’re ready for them.”

Louis has time to think that he hopes it isn’t possible to pass out from someone’s hotness, because this he surely doesn’t want to miss for anything in the world.


Chapter 25


Aaand they go out with a BANG! Or what do you think?

I’ve got separation anxiety, for the fic, but even more so for you guys! 🫣Just want to thank you over and over and over again for all your patience and pep and kind words along the way. 🩷

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

This is what he has longed for, what he has dreamt and fantasised about for fourteen agonisingly slow days. Exactly this.

Getting to know him and everything about him comes later – first this.

Louis’ is deliciously deep inside of him, pounding at a constant, perfect speed and force, moaning emphatically against his ear from behind every time he drives in.

It feels so good he could cry.

And come.

But this is their second time, and they both want to drag it out for a bit longer, so he’s not going to. Pulling gently on Louis’ hand that is stroking him makes Louis let go, and instead he grabs Harry’s ass cheek firmly and spreads him wider, mumbling how good he looks like that.

This time around it’s deliberately slower and softer and not as aggressively urgently desperate as it had been when they had stumbled out of the elevator just an hour or so, ago. They had barely made it to the enormous sofa standing in the middle of the even more enormous living room of the suite, before Louis had pushed inside. How they had managed to prep and get Harry ready on their chaotic way there is still a mystery, at least to Harry. On the other hand, he can hardly remember what the fuck had went down there, to be honest, more than that they’d both screamed their way through their orgasms. And that it had probably been the most intense sex he’d ever had. So far.

Harry is kneeling on the seat in the jacuzzi, which is placed in the middle of the spacious terrace belonging to the suite. More or less hanging over the edge of it, Harry is a panting mess, steadying himself with one hand against the wooden floor beneath the jacuzzi. Louis works them relentlessly towards their relief, standing thigh high in warm bubbling water, his other hand pulling in Harry’s long wet hair, forcing his head slightly backwards in a strained position.

But it only feels good, he welcomes the awkwardness in how he’s half lying over the hard edge and his neck being bent back, and now, in addition, Louis cages him in with his body draped over Harry’s and bites his shoulder hard as he comes.

Harry cries out in surprise and pain but doesn’t pull away from his teeth, letting him have his way as the orgasm surges through his body. When done, Louis almost immediately pulls out and discards of the filled condom, which is an unexpected move since Harry hasn’t come yet – and clearly have wanted to do so for a while. However, Louis seems to have a plan, of course he has, and slaps Harry’s ass cheek, mumbling:

“Turn around and get up on that edge.”

A tingle runs down Harry’s spine in anticipation, wondering what his plan is, as he turns around and sits down where Louis had suggested. He doesn’t need to wonder for long, though, as Louis kneels where Harry has just been doing the same thing, and spreads his thighs determinedly. Without any further ado he sucks him in and draws a long, hard moan out of him. Hardly having time to catch his breath, Harry feels two of Louis’ fingers wiggle their way inside of him, and soon presses perfectly on the right spot.

Needless to say, Harry comes pretty immediately. Slightly overwhelmed at that, since the orgasm hits him so fast that he’s not prepared for it. Needing to steady himself, he grips Louis’ shoulders with both hands in order to not slide down in the jacuzzi.

Making sure to swallow every drop, to be a bit responsible with the water Louis mumbles cheekily afterwards. Then he pulls Harry down with him in the warm, bubbly pool and entangles their bodies, finding a pleasant position for them both against the backrest.

They lay like that for a while, seeing the warm steam from the pool water rise above the surface, watching the stars and listening to the sounds of the city by night, somewhere far below them. And they talk. For real. It’s peaceful and intimate and Harry can’t remember when he last felt this content and at ease.

But he also knows that this is the calm before the storm because they’re not done with each other just yet. So be it that they may be pretty worn out right now – but wait an hour and they’ll be as good as new.

For them, this night isn’t primarily about sleeping, but rather an opportunity to actively make use of some more time together. Tomorrow it’s time to go separate ways, and even if they now know that they’re equally prepared and eager to get serious with their relationship – and that they’ll make everything in their power to meet up again as soon as possible – they still don’t know when that next time will be.

“Lou?” Harry whispers when they’ve been quiet for a while.

He cards his hand gently through his hair before burying his nose in it, taking a deep sniff  and then follows up with a kiss on the top of his head.

“I have an idea I wanna try on you.”

Louis moves slightly in his arms and looks up to meet his eyes.


“I’ve been thinking about this for a while...or at least for two weeks – more than that would’ve been strange, right, since I didn’t know you before that –  but... Anyway.” He rambles, he knows he does, and perhaps it’s because he’s gotten a bit nervous, but that’s not strange either, given the meaning of the question he has on the tip of his tongue.

“I’ve tried to prepare myself for my worst nightmare, which is the possibility of you not wanting to move to London. Which would’ve been fair. But devastating! So I kind of made a plan B, just in case.”

“A plan B?” Louis blurts out, eyes crinkling in the way Harry has learnt that they do when he gets that expression of fondness mixed with curiosity in them.

“Yeah. Well, it’s a plan B that I want to go through with, even if you want to move to London, so to speak.”

Nodding, perhaps a bit hesitantly, but still, Louis reaches up to his face and rearranges a few curls that has fallen down over his eyes. “What is it, babe?”

“Well, it includes me spending time in Doncaster. Whilst we get to know each other...” Harry continues, searching for Louis’ genuine, first reaction.

And it’s surprise. And disbelief. And anticipation.

Good so far, then.

“Whilst you decide if you really wanna do this or not - and by that I don’t mean us, but the move. Here, to London.” He quickly adds when Louis immediately gives him a disapproving look.

“Are you gonna come and visit me in Doncaster, is that what you’re saying?” Louis wrinkles his eyebrows so much it’s almost comical and Harry smiles fondly.

“Yeah. Can I?”

“But what about the restaurant?”

“I can take a holiday, Lou.”

“So, you’re going to spend your holiday in fucking Doncaster?” And Louis sounds so flabbergasted that Harry can’t help but laugh right out, and Louis soon follows his example.

“It’s not so much about Doncaster as such, Lou... Christ, that would’ve been...odd, I’ll give you that.” They both chuckle, again. “I wanna spend some of my holiday there. To be with you.”

He knows that he looks just as sincere as he feels and Louis tilts his head, biting his lip. Smiling.

“And-“ Harry is in a roll.

He has thought quite extensively about this and has wanted to tell Louis for two weeks now. Now that they’re finally here, when he gets to do that, he’s so impatient.

“-for once I will shamelessly take advantage of my position and grant myself a slightly longer holiday than usual.”

Louis raises an eyebrow.

“What if I can’t take as much time off work as you can? I hope you’re aware of the fact that there’s only as much one can do in Donny, you know. If you’ll have to wander the streets day in and day out alone, whilst I’m working, I guarantee you’d be bored to death in no time.”

“Bored to death, being at the same place as you? Uhm, I don’t think so. And anyway, I’d come and help you out at school.” Harry honestly means it.

Louis punches his arm softly, but there’s no way Harry misses the extremely pleased expression in his face.

“I know that my amazing colleagues won’t even bat an eye, on the contrary, they’ll probably welcome me getting the fuck out of their way for a while, to be honest.” Harry adds.

“Ok.” Louis seems a bit lost for words and shrugs. “I’d...I’d love that.”

“You would?”

“Of course I would.”

Now Louis turns around completely in his arms and looks into Harry’s eyes intensely. And his smile goes wider and wider whilst he does so.

Continuing, Harry mumbles: “Want to get to know everything about you, Lou. Your life, and work, and family and friends... I’d be so happy if you wanted to show it all to me, and if I could experience it in place, with you...”

“That would be so great, baby...”

“Hopefully you’ll soon be spending a lot of time in London, with me, but at least then I would know who you’re talking about or what the place looks like that you’re referring to, and so on.”

“When are you thinking?”

“Well...I could come up for a couple of weeks from whenever it works for you? It’s the summer holidays in schools soon, right?”

“In two weeks.”

“Ok, uhm... Don’t know if I’ll survive another two weeks without you...” Harry feels truly devastated just thinking about it.

“No, you idiot, I’ll come down next weekend again and then you come up the next weekend after that and stay those couple of weeks you’re talking about. I’ll be on holiday then. How does that sound?”

“Like I’m going to die of excitement right now...” Harry grins and his heart is beating fast.

Because he just cannot believe that they’re sitting here, planning for their shared future. At least the beginning of it. And he wishes so hard that it is the beginning, as well. They may only just have started to get to know each other, but it feels like they’re already part of something bigger, something lasting... In all honesty, he can’t really see an end to this.

When he thought that his feelings couldn’t become happier, stronger, more fulfilling, that’s when Louis, as the most obvious thing in the world, says:

“I’ll keep on coming down here, looking for a job in the weekends, and as soon as all the practical matters are sorted out...I can find a place. I’ve got some savings that keeps me going for a while, and-“

And, yeah, that’s where Harry needs to stop him.

“Lou.” He clears his throat, feeling a bit out on deep water again. “Lou, look...”

This is another thing that they haven’t talked about, but which will obviously be a natural part of their shared life – because it’s just the way it is. Depending on Louis attitude towards the matter it could be a possible dealbreaker, but he certainly hopes not.

He hopes it won’t be a thing at all.

“...I just want to make it clear that money isn’t an issue here. You’ve probably already guessed as much, and I don’t want it to be a big deal either. When you’re with me, my money is yours, ok? Anything you need will be taken care of. Please?”

Looking at Louis, he sees how his eyes narrow slightly, and how he gives Harry’s words a good think. Harry would’ve been surprised if he’d done anything else, but he still catches himself holding his breath in anticipation of his answer.

“I see.” He says after a while, pinching his lower lip between his thumb and index finger. “But I’m a man who value my own independency. Quite highly.”

“I know that you do. And I obviously respect that. This has nothing to do with that, though...” Harry moves to sit up a bit straighter and pulls Louis with him. “I just don’t want money to be the reason that we’re kept apart, if it doesn’t have to be, you know what I mean?”

Probably knowing exactly what Harry means, Louis still keeps quiet, contemplating, but he nods and shrugs. Continuing to rearrange their positions, Harry spreads his legs and pulls Louis in between them, having his back resting against his own chest. He sneaks both arms around him and kisses the side of his wet neck. Louis hums contentedly and Harry can’t help himself but stare down at where Louis’ cock head pokes up of the water. Hugging him a bit harder he hums as well, giving them a second to just sit there and feel.

“If it could help, and speed up the process of getting you here, I’ll provide for us both. It’s not even a thing. We’re getting you a flat and a car and a new job and then we can focus on what’s important, hm?” He whispers intimately against his ear and Louis squirms slightly in his grip, caressing his hands up and down Harry’s thighs that are caging him in.

“And if you miss your family and friends, you just go on a plane to get back there for a while, or we fly them down here...”

“Or we go there together...”

“Would want that so, so much.” Harry bites down on his shoulder for emphasis. “And when all the practical stuff is sorted between me and Mia, and the kids are feeling a bit more secure about this whole thing, I hope we can start talking about moving in together...”

Tilting his head to one side, Louis lets out a soft moan. “Ok, I get it, money isn’t an issue...”

“Damn right it isn’t, thank you, Lou.”

“...but I know what is, though.”

Harry stills for a second and mumbles: “Ok?”

“Your hard-on paining my back.”

“Oh!” Harry exclaims both surprised and relieved and pushes his groin even harder against Louis’ back. “This, you mean?”

“Ouch. Strange how it can hurt like this on the outside when...”

“...feeling so good on the inside, huh?” Harry hears how deep his own voice dropped and loves Louis gasp as a reaction to it.




They’re ready again.

Harry has already had two tantalising bottom experiences tonight and no matter how much he’d like a third, he knows he needs a break from it. What’s better then, than having a boyfriend who can swap?

Correct, a boyfriend who can swap and who’s yearning for it.

It’s unbelievable, Harry can’t even understand how he ended up here, in heaven or wherever it actually is that he is. Excuse him for seeing the world a bit blurred right now, but the man of his fucking dreams has just turned around and grabbed Harry’s finger and pushed inside of himself, slowly riding it over his thigh.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

He doesn’t hesitate to grab Louis’ cock and start pulling him off, because he seems so eager and so very aroused already, definitely further gone than Harry.

This might very well just be a quick pit stop on their way out of the jacuzzi.

Soon he’ll get it confirmed, Louis wants a quickie for himself, and good God if this isn’t the most effective way of getting Harry going as well. However, he doesn’t want anything else but to please Louis right now, all he’s aiming for is to get him off as fast and as good as possible.

When he thinks he’s ready for it, Harry gives him a second finger, and Louis keeps on riding without missing a beat in the process. Moaning louder and louder, Louis suddenly chokes and throws his head back, and obviously knowing that Louis is seconds away, Harry focuses on his intention of catching as much as possible of his load in his hand, and to not let it end up in the water.

“Fuuuck!” Louis cries out, and the water splashes around them as Louis rides out his orgasm wildly over Harry’s fingers and thigh.

Harry is pretty chuffed when he realises that he’s got a reasonable catch of Louis’ load and throws his hand over the edge of the jacuzzi, letting it drop off outside of it instead.

“Jesus!” Louis smiles and carefully moves off Harry and stands up in the middle of the jacuzzi, post orgasmed dick bobbing big and yummie between his legs. “All that talk about moving in together... Fuck, Harry, couldn’t contain myself.”

“No shit.” Harry sassies and smiles, as he caresses a few fingers over Louis’ twitching cock. “Now we’ve fallen out of sync, though, so let’s get out of this water before we turn into prunes, ok?”

They step out and get towels and walk back into their room. Louis closes the terrace door behind them and even if the suite is enormous, it’s still cosy to be inside again. Harry lights some candles and grabs a bottle of champagne that has been left to its own devices in its cooler, while they’ve been more preoccupied with each other than what’s probably justifiable.

“I’d like to think that we’re perfectly in sync, actually.” Louis whispers seductively as he accepts a glass of champagne from Harry. “What do you think we did back there, hm? I’m open and ready for you now babe...”



Harry takes a large gulp of his champagne and watches Louis intently as his eyes darkens.

This is absolutely ridiculous, and yet still he can’t come up with one single reason for not taking Louis up on his offer.

Meeting up Louis this weekend he knew there was going to be sex. A lot of it. But he also thought there would be A LOT of talking. Now, they have talked, but perhaps the distribution between the two hasn’t been entirely balanced, so far.

However, talking can be done on the phone as well, during the whole week, actually, until they see each other next weekend again. Sex, on the other hand, is much more fun in reality than on the phone, so...

The choice isn’t that difficult to make, when Louis takes both their glasses of champagne and puts them down on the coffee table, gently entangling their hands and pulling him with towards the bedroom.

“You’re not the only one who’s done some thinking before meeting up tonight.” He says as they step into the heart of the suite, with a bed that is the biggest Louis has seen in his entire life.

It’s excessive, it obscene, but good God it’s inviting as well!

However, his excitement about the bed is soon forgotten, as he processes what Louis has just said.

“Is that so, hm?” He detangles their hands and instead pulls him in for a hug, keeping their faces at a distance so that they can look at each other. “Tell me.”

“Well. There’s something I like to do, but that I haven’t done in years and years... Haven’t met anyone I’ve felt comfortable doing it with. Until now...”

Now, this is exactly the kind of talking that spikes Harry’s interest and he couldn’t be more game right now even if he tried.

“I love a good old-fashioned kink myself from time to time.” He mumbles and lets his hands caress up Louis’ back and land around his neck. “Tell me.

They’re both oozing of confidence and there’s no awkwardness lingering in the room whatsoever. Which leads to neither of them making excuses for themselves or letting any uncertainties linger in the air.

It’s just them, and what they want, and complete trust.

Trust in each other, that they’ll be open and honest about everything they do. No hard feelings if one of them isn’t into a specific thing, or if someone needs to interrupt and stop in the middle of something.  

“Oh, it’s good old-fashioned, alright.” Louis mumbles and puts his hands over Harry’s where they rest on his neck. “Let me get the things and then you’ll do what you please with it, ok?”

His voice is soft, but fuck, the assertiveness in it doesn’t escape Harry one bit and almost has him on his knees.

On his way to his small bag that he has placed on one of the big armchairs standing by the floor to ceiling window, he throws up the duvet invitingly and Harry gets onto the bed.

“We smell like pool water; you ok with that?” Harry mumbles a bit cheekily and gets himself comfortable against the huge, fluffy pillows. “No shower?”

There’s an excessive amount of pillows as well, and it’s so comfortable that Harry for a second lets his mind slip to how good they’re going to sleep here afterwards.

He’s not surprised at all when hearing Louis answering:

“You’re going to smell of sweat and come and me in a mo, let’s take the shower then instead, shall we...”

And if Harry didn’t know better – and to be frank, what does he know really? – he’d think that there was absolutely no end to the amount of sex they’re going to have before this weekend is over.

Louis crawls up on the bed and lies down next to Harry, but he’s not close enough for their bodies to touch. He reaches out his arm and places, what Harry soon recognises as a couple of dark blue blindfolds and armbands on his stomach, before he sinks back on the pillow with his head.

Good God, how is Harry going to survive this man?! He knows he has said that he’s the man of his dreams, and he’s not fucking kidding.

Here he is, so easily and obviously spread out next to him, and with one action fulfilling Harry’s every dream and desire.

Harry tentatively picks up the bands and folds in his hands, feeling the soft satin material slip between his fingers, whilst his brain is kicking into gear.

Jesus, if it was ages ago for Louis since he engaged in something like this, it’s been even longer for Harry.

Biting his lip seductively, feeling hot all over, he tightens the blindfold between his hands and gives it a tug. And as he turns to look at Louis, he sees how his eyes follow his every movement, almost in awe – and definitely in anticipation.

Slowly he lowers his hands over Louis’ face and secures the blindfold behind his head.

This should only be a case of relying on his muscle memory, right?


Louis wakes up, sun piercing through his closed eyelids and Harry’s hands gently caressing his chest.

“Baby?” He hears Harry’s soft voice somewhere in the distance, demanding his attention.

But he’s so not ready to wake up. Why are they waking up at this unholy hour again, can someone remind him? They’ve been making love all night, including having the hottest blindness fetish session of his fucking life, and he could really do with some sleep now. Thank you very much.

“No.” Is all he can come up with and stubbornly keeps his eyes closed.

Yes.” Harry coos and now his hands are around his face.

“Hazza...sweet baby...” He whispers and shoves Harry’s hands away. “If you value your own life I would close those curtains again, come back to bed, spoon me and wake me up when we need to check out.”

Harry huffs out a laugh and, oh, apparently kisses him and...well, who is Louis to deny him that.

“I changed my mind. You can wake me up an hour before we need to leave this room so that we can continue...this.”

He almost falls asleep again whilst they’re kissing, it’s so slow, and good and dreamy, and Harry’s lips are so plush and purposeful... But then Harry startles him by pulling off the duvet, and now Louis doesn’t think he’s such a teddy bear any more.

“Hazza! I fucking warn you...!” Opening his eyes – because he does mean business now – he sees Harry standing there, with the sun behind him, surrounded by a radiant glow, as if bathed in a halo of light.

And he must be an angel, right?

He kind of loses the train of thoughts of his earlier rant, and quietens, just staring at Harry and wonders what in the name of God that just hit him. Feeling like he’s got jelly in every limb and a head full of mush he doesn’t know what else to do than to reach out a hand towards him.

“I love you Hazza.” He whispers, weakly, and he means it so much that his chest gets tight.

“That’s not gonna get you more sleep.” Harry sassies, but since he’s so unimaginably sensitive he sounds more touched and in love than anything else. “I love you too, you know.”

Harry takes Louis’ hand, but he also holds out his other hand, which is holding a dressing gown. A huge, fluffy, cosy dressing gown, but it feels so misplaced?

“Come back to bed.” Louis whispers, eyeing the dressing gown suspiciously, but Harry just smiles, his gorgeous dimples deep and seductive.

“You're going to join me on the terrace for breakfast...”

Uhm. No?

Come back to bed.”

“...and I think you wanna wear this.” Harry swings the gown in his other hand.

There’s more than one thing that doesn’t make sense right now but in a peculiar way he doesn’t feel like putting up a fight and instead does as Harry says.

He remembers Claudia saying yesterday something about breakfast at ten this morning, so even if it doesn’t feel like it, at least he must’ve gotten a few hours of sleep. And if room service is on its way, he can surely admit that his plan of staying in bed for a quick morning blowie perhaps needs to wait. Breakfast may do them good. They can go back to bed later.

It's a beautiful morning, the sun is up, and the air is already warm. The chairs at the table are big and cosy and, engulfed in his big, soft dressing gown, Louis crawls up in one of them. He smiles at Harry across the table.

“I hope the breakfast menu isn’t in line with the gibberish you had me chose from yesterday.” He winks, very clearly, because in all honesty he’s very excited about diving into the mystery world of food that is Harry’s.

He just needs to be little bit more difficult about it. Just a little bit, than he can let go.

When there’s a knock on the door Harry is quick on his feet and Louis actually feels his stomach rumble in anticipation.

Harry talks lowly with the room service guy, and then they laugh, a bit odd. But it’s not until the guy, pushing the room service cart in front of him, comes out on the terrace, that Louis understands that something’s very wrong here.

Because that’s definitely not someone working at the hotel.

It’s, in Louis’ opinion, the most talented and charismatic British football player that has ever walked on earth. Which leads him to two questions:

What in the name of God is he doing here, on the terrace of Louis and Harry’s hotel room?


Why is Harry wearing that smug face?

Regardless of his questions, he can't get a word out. He stares, his jaw is slowly dropping, and the worst thing is that he can’t do anything about it. He could as well start drooling, only having to accept it, and that would be the memory Paul Gascoigne would have of the strange, starstruck man on Harry’s terrace.

They introduce themselves and it’s soon pretty clear that Harry and Gazza know each other. Like know-know each other. The conversation is flowing freely between the two of them, and when Louis has managed to get his act together, at least somewhat, he starts to participate too. Tentatively at first, but then his curiosity gets the best of him, and after a while he just can’t hold himself back, letting question upon question easily roll off his tongue.

He's such a nice lad, Gazza, and they have a great breakfast together. Louis feels Harry’s eyes on himself more often than not, observing him with so much admiration in his eyes that Louis feels like a million dollars.

“See you soon.” Gazza says when he stands up to leave, and when Louis realises that his words are directed at him, his heart gets so full he can hardly breath.

Because it can only mean that Gazza already knows that Louis is here to stay.

Harry has told him.

It turns out that they don’t have to adhere to any specific time to check out. Of course they don’t, and they stay in bed until Harry’s driver calls and asks what time he’s going to give Louis a ride home to Doncaster.

“Wish you didn’t have to go.” Harry whispers where they stand entangled, down in the hotel lobby.

“The kids aren’t gonna wait for me in the morning, you know.” Louis tries a bit light-heartedly, but quite frankly he just wants to throw up.

It feels so incredibly wrong to leave Harry.

But he also knows that this is just the beginning, and that he’ll be forever grateful for the two favourite weekends of his life, of all times. Also, he knows that there will be so many more added to those in due time.

His first favourite weekend was obviously the swinger weekend, the last for a foreseeable future by the way, where he under quite turbulent and passionate circumstances met the man, he until then had believed didn’t exist.

And the second favourite weekend, this one, was when everything so easily fell into place, with said man, leaving him with no doubts whatsoever that he’s spent those past two days with the man he’ll grow old with.

He may feel sick about having to leave Harry for now, but honestly, life is good.

Life is so, so good.




There are open ends in this fic and I’m honestly ITCHING to explore them.

But. With that said.

THIS fic has reached its end - it was all about the swinger weekend and the follow up weekend - and everything else following on those two weekends is a completely different story.

Thank you so incredibly much, love K.