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Remnant's Bizarre Duo


Jotaro Kujo and Kimi Aoi, each from different worlds, found themselves given a second chance to start a new life as they ended up in the world of Remnant together. There, they will learn to adjust their new home as they meet new friends while fighting against the Grimm, and they starts having feeling for each other as well as starting a harem. Kimi's idea. JotaroxKimixHarem. Lemon.

Chapter 1: A Bizarre Couple Arrives on Remnant

Chapter Text

A Bizarre Couple Arrives on Remnant


(Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Universe)


“(So, this is where it ends?)” A man thought feeling his life fading from his body.


This man is Jotaro Kujo, the third Jojo hero of the Joestar family and a father his daughter who is the sixth Jojo hero, Jolyne Cujoh. Jotaro had just gone through his latest adventure, tried his best to help his daughter and friends to fight against a madman he wants to reset the whole universe in his own image, they gave everything they got against the madman priest, but it was too late. The man has attained the power to accelerate time forward to the point where everything is nothing and the universe is reset again, all so he can create a world of peace with humanities destiny that way. Which if you ask Jotaro and comrades, this was insane and stupid believing their world is fine just the way it is, but in the end they all fall at the hands of that man priest.


In the moment his body is rotting and decaying from the acceleration, it feels as time has stop for him without his Stand Star Platinum, everything slowing down because of his mind and it’s showing Jotaro his whole life, all the way from the day his was born to today seeing himself and the things he went through in life. The time when Jotaro first discovered his Stand when he thought it was an evil spirit possessing him, when his grandfather Joseph explained about Dio taking over his great-great grandfathers body, all the journeys and battling against other Stand Users he and his friends went through, and the final battle against Dio. He also sees himself meeting Josuke and new friends, fighting against other Stand Users including one insane man with explosive power. There’s even the time when he met his wife and Jolyne was born.


Seeing all this made Jotaro wish he could’ve spend more time with his family and not so much on his work with the Speedwagon Foundation consider his danger life with Stands and other bizarre supernatural things. If Jotato could think of one word everything he’s been through in life up to this point; it would be Bizarre.


“(Even though my life was pretty fuck up, it wasn’t all that bad.)” Jotaro thought, smiling for the last time before his body has completely vanished into nothingness.


“Awake, Jotaro Kujo.” An echoing divine voiced called out.


Jotaro suddenly shot his eyes open seeing an empty white void all around not even sure if he’s touching the ground even though he feels his feet standing on something.


“Where am I… Am I dead…is this the Heaven? Or Hell?” Jotaro asked.


“Well, yes and no; yes, you died during your battle against Pucci and no, this is neither Heaven or Hell.” The divine voiced explained surprising Jotaro looking around to find someone but not a signal person to be found.


“As for ‘where’ you are, let just say you’re somewhere in between those places.” The divine voice added answering the older Kujo’s first question.


“Okay, who are you?” Jotaro asked feeling suspicious of this mysterious voice.


“Do not fear, you could say I’m a friend with a ‘special’ offer for you.” The divine voice assured to Jotaro that he is no threat.


“What kind of offer?” Jotaro asked.


“An offer for a second chance in a new life.” The divine voice answered shocking Jotaro.


“Alright, you got my attention.” Jotaro said, he still doesn’t trust this voice, but something was telling him to listen to guy.


 “You will be brought back to life in your youngest age of when you first started you adventure and will be transported to a new world.” The divine voice explained about the offer.


“Really, but what about my old world?” Jotaro asked, wondering why couldn’t he just be brought back there.


“Because your old world is no more, it has been reset into a different timeline, thus you have no home to go back to.” The divine voice explained. Figures that has to be the case.


“Yare yare daze, I guess there really is no other option.” Jotaro signed, sad that he couldn’t see his daughter and everyone.


“Do not worry, you will still have your Stand Power, including your ability to stop time, and there’s a bonus when you get to this world and meet your partner.” The divine voice mentioned, Jotaro became confused of what the voice meant by ‘partner.’


“Wait, there’s going to be another person being brought back as well?” Jotaro asked, curious of what this partner is like.


“Yes, as we speak my brother is talking to her right now about the offer.” The divine voice said. So, this partner is a she, hope she’s friendly or at least cooperative.


“Now, Jotaro Kujo. Are you ready?” The divine voice asked.


Jotaro did some deep thinking, going to another world like being in entirely different universe would sound exciting and he would start over as a teenager meaning he could try to be a little more open to others and maybe find love again, maybe with this partner girl. Who knows, it’ll be something way more than what Jotaro has experienced in the past. What could go wrong.


“Alright, I’m in.” Jotaro accepted the offer.


“Excellent, prepare yourself for you sure to have a ‘Grimm’ of a time!” The divine voice punned, Jotaro did the ‘really’ look.


“Sorry, my brother told to do it, thinking it would brighten the mood.” The divine voice signed, before Jotaro is engulfed in a bright light for an instant and then vanishes. Off to the new world.


(In another universe)


“So, Kimi Aoi, what do you say?” A deep and divine voice asked.


“Hmm, let me get this straight: you’re some divine-being like God, woke me telling me that I’m offer to start a new life in another world, and I’ll be pair up with a guy from another world who is also offer the deal as me.” Kimi summed it up, making sure she didn’t miss anything.


“Yep, that’s about everything we’d cover.” The deep divine voice said nodding his head, if he even has one.


The girl, Kimi Aoi has lived her whole life on a strange world of floating islands and kingdoms inhabited by other strange creatures beside humans, like humanoid-dragons, people with four to six wings, a squishy blob, giant men with horns, and some hybrid of half humans and half other creatures. Even being a high school student, she went on an epic adventure with her fellow classmates and her little brother who’s at the certain of mostly everything along with his lover to find certain powerful weapons and years later, saved the world from the apocalypse. She had a great time with everyone until one day she was killed by an assassin who had a grudge against her brother despite her ultimate defense power, but she didn’t mind accepting her death knowing her brother will live a happy life with his lover.


That is until she finds herself in the black void and a mysterious voice spook up saying about wanted to give Kimi a second chance in life in a new world that’s unlike her old one. Normally, she would reject and wants to go back to her brother and friends but seeing as she died thinking it would be best to leave as it is. And who knows, maybe this partner will be a respectful gentleman but also tough as he can hold his own in a fight.


“Alright, Mister God, I, Kimi Aoi, Former Student of Musashi Ariadust Academy, accept your offer of being reborn into a new world!” Kimi said proudly while sticking out her large breasts as they bounce a bit.


“Great! Oh, and just a few things to tell you before I sent you there: one, you won’t the power from your old world, it’ll be a little different but similar. Two, when you get to that world find a man name Ozpin, he’ll help you learn about your new world. Three: watch out for Grimm. And four: two certain parts of your body will feel ‘different’ than before.” The deep divine voice listed.


“Got it! And what do you mean by two certain parts of my body?” Kimi asked.


“Bye!” The deep divine voice said, ignoring Kimi’s question and sending her away in a bright light in an instant.


(Emerald Forest)


Jotaro is seen sleeping on the ground calmly like he hasn’t slept in days or weeks until he groans a bit as he starting to wake up from his slumber, he slowly opens his eyes seeing a bunch of very tall trees and a blue sky above them. Jotaro rose himself up sitting on his butt then stretches his arms for a sec or two.


“Man, that almost felt good to not wake up.” Jotaro said before pushing himself up on his feet. He brushes some dirt and dust off himself then he notices something familiar, like what he’s wearing now.


His black trenchcoat with the tall collar that stands up, gold chain on the left, black pants with the triangle pattern belt, black shoes, even his signature hat with torn back that makes it look like his hair is merging with it. The very clothing Jotaro once wore in his high school days is all here and looks all fresh like it’s brand new from a newly clothing store.


Jotaro also wanted to check one last thing.


“Star Platinum: The World” Jotaro shouted as everything around like a falling leaf has stop completely in midair.


All of time has been frozen.


Jotaro look to his right to see his Stand, Star Platinum appeared by his side looking like the day he discovered it when he locked himself in jail and still as powerful as ever. Jotaro counted how many seconds have pass until he reaches his limit to 5 seconds.


“Now, Time will Flow Again” With that, everything has started moving again.


“Okay, now that that’s been check out, better go find my partner and-agh!” Jotaro suddenly tripped over a rock making him fall face first to the ground.


“Great, barely a minute in another world and… huh?” Jotaro noticed something in his hand, something soft and squishy yet big than his hands as he heard a moan or two.


Jotaro slowly raises his head to see a big orb of flesh in the palm of his hand and turn his head to the right from where the soft moaning sound is coming from to find a girl sleeping on the ground and she opens her eyes then turn to see Jotaro grabbing her breasts. She looks back and forth, guessing the situation and smirks.


“My, such a forward man, groping a defenseless sleeping woman of all things.” The girl teased with a playfully look, Jotaro quickly shot himself back on his feet.


“For your information, it wasn’t on purpose.” Jotaro said before turning and trying figure out where to go from here.


“Perhaps, though at least that mysterious God voice could’ve at least drop in a bed.” The girl complained as she dusts herself clean. Jotaro eyes widen on what she side.


“Hold on, mysterious voice? I’ve met a mysterious too, guess that makes you my partner.” Jotaro said, hard to believe he would meet her in a weird and awkward way.


“I can tell you’re telling the truth, I’m Kimi Aoi.” Kimi offered her hand to Jotaro with a greeting.


“Jotaro Kujo.” Jotaro greeted back, shaking hands with Kimi though couldn’t help but stare at her insanely large breasts.


“(I don’t think there’s anyone in my old world that are as big as hers.)” Jotaro thought.


Kimi soon got a good look at herself, long wavy light brown hair that is adorned with lengths of white cloth and length almost all the way down to her feet. Wearing her school uniform of Musashi Ariadust Academy. Though she did find something very different about herself than normal on two parts of her front side; her breasts have grown bigger than they were before. Once were H-cups now grown to K-cups.


“Oh my, so that’s what he meant by ‘two certain parts’ not that I’m complaining.” Kimi said, find this very interesting thinking she could use this in a fight somehow.


“A-anyway, we should go find a town and see what they’ll do next.” Jotaro suggested.


“Oh, that reminds me, the God who sent me here told me we should go find a man named Ozpin.” Kimi informed.


“Alright, let’s hope he can help us. Anything else?” Jotaro asked, wondering if he mentioned more to Kimi.


“Yeah, he said to watch out for the Grimm, but he didn’t answer for some reason.” Kimi wondered what are these Grimm that God mentioned.


“Well, looks like we’ll find out for ourselves once find this Ozpin person and find out what world we’re on.” Jotaro said before he starts walking away.


“You’re right, it’s more fun to see it in person than hearing it from others.” Kimi stated as she caught up with Jotaro walking by his side.


“By the way, what was that weird floating man thing I saw next to you earlier?” Kimi asked, Jotaro became shock that Kimi can somehow see his Stand.


It could be that she’s either a Stand User herself from her old world or something similar to that of a Stand.




If Kimi saw Star Platinum, then…


“You we’re already wake before I found you.” Jotaro stated with an angry tone.


“Guilty as charged, you were shouting out loud that I was force to wake up from my beauty sleep!” Kimi said without denying it.


“Yare yare daze, this is a hell of start of our new life.” Jotaro signed. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea to begin with.

KO a new story is born and hope you all enjoy it!


It’s another triple Crossover with Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, and RWBY. Jotaro and Kimi have been sent to the world of Remnant to start their new life together as they’ll find their way to Beacon, fighting against certain black creatures, meeting new friends, and some erotic-romance moments. Hope Remnant is ready for these Bizarre Duo.


KO comment, favorite, and follow through on how this new story will go!