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Part 20 of Miraculous What If...?

What If... Ladybug and Chat Noir had to go on a Miraculous scavenger hunt?


When Master Fu is robbed, Ladybug and Chat Noir find themselves in a race against their enemies to recover the Miraculous.

Chapter 1


New chapters will be posted daily.

I do not own this show or these characters.

Inspired by MARVEL studios What If...?

Chapter Text

“Okay, this next one is long, so I hope you have some snacks.”


“Our story begins a few months before Stoneheart…”


Fu had the Miracle Box out for its monthly cleaning.




Three masked men stormed in.


“Grab anything of value!”




One of the men pushed Fu into a wall.


By the time he came to his senses, they had left.


“Master!” Wayzz cried, “The Box!”


Fu looked and, with dread, realised it was gone.


“Wayzz, shell on!”





The thieves were driving through the night in a truck when something landed on the roof.


“What is that?”


A green shield smashed the right-side window, and Jade Turtle glared at them.


“It’s a superhero!”


The driver turned sharply to try to shake him off.


In the back of the truck, the Miracle Box fell off a crate, spilling the Miraculous on the bed floor.


One of the thieves tried to hit Jade Turtle, but he effortlessly blocked it and hit back.


The truck's back door, which hadn’t been shut properly, swung open. One by one, the Miraculous fell out.


Jade Turtle managed to reach the driver and grabbed the wheel.


“What are you doing?!”


Jade Turtle turned the wheel, causing the truck to head toward a wall.




The forcefield softened the blow, ensuring no one was killed.


The thieves groaned in pain.


Jade Turtle ran to the back and saw the open door.




He looked in and saw the empty Miracle Box. He searched the truck but could only find the Ladybug earrings and Black Cat ring.


“No, no!”


Police sirens could be heard in the distance.


Jade Turtle left the truck and tried to retrace its path, but it had turned so many times it was hopeless.


He de-transformed.


“Master, what happened?”


“I did it again, Wayzz. I lost almost all the Miraculous.”


Wang Fu sobbed as his Kwami hugged him.

Chapter Text

“Fu looked high and low but could not find a single Miraculous.”


“Then came Stoneheart, and Fu was forced to hand out the only Miraculous he had left, and things went as they do in many timelines until just before Volpina…”


The Fox pendant in the second-hand shop caught Alya’s eye.


She went in and brought it.





When she arrived home, she went to her room to see how it looked on her.


She was not expecting the orange glow and the tiny fox-like being.


“Where am I?!” The creature asked.


“What are you?!” Alya asked back.


“I am Trixx, the Kwami of Illusion. How do you have my Miraculous?”


“Miraculous? Like what Ladybug and Chat Noir have? You’re what gives superheroes their superpowers, right?”


“Not bad,” Trixx admitted, “And the Guardian has given out the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous? Why?”


“I don’t know who that is, but Ladybug and Chat Noir have been fighting a supervillain named Hawk Moth, who turns people into Akumas.”


“Akumas? Someone has found the lost Butterfly Miraculous?”


“Sounds like there’s a lot I need to catch you up on.”





They spent the rest of the day and night exchanging information, and the next morning, Trixx had a request for Alya.


“I need you to take me to the Guardian.”


“Okay, but I have to go to school. I’ll take you straight after, I promise.”


Trixx nodded and went into her bag.





Alya couldn't believe her luck, an interview with Ladybug’s best friend!


She was about to post it when Trixx came out and said, “Shouldn't you verify this first?”


“Lila said it would be okay.”


“And what about Ladybug? Shouldn't you at least try to talk to her first?”


Alya wanted to post it anyway, but she knew Trixx was right, “Fine, it’s not like it’s going to take long for Hawk Moth to send out another Akuma.”


“I’m concerned by that statement. For several reasons.”





Alya was having her lunch when the meteor appeared.




Before she can do anything, a fox-themed superhero appears, catches the meteor and hurls it back into the sky.


Alya watches footage of the hero flying back to the ground before addressing a crowd.


“I am Volpina, the only superhero Paris needs!”


“Wow, another hero!” Alya exclaims.


“That’s no hero,” Trixx growled, “That’s an Akuma doing a poor impersonation of one of my former holders!” 


“How can you be so sure? Just because she’s fox-themed doesn’t mean she’s impersonating your holder.”


“It’s not just that she’s a fox. As the Kwami of illusion, I knew that meteor was fake the moment I saw it, and Her costume is remarkably similar to Húlí’s. Now that I think about it, the Grimoire had an illustration of her costume in it.”


“Slow down a second,” Alya said, “What Grimoire?”


“A book about the Miraculous. It disappeared the same day as the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous.”


“Then Volpina could be a lead to Hawk Moth!” Alya realised.


“Yes, but we have more immediate problems.”


Alya looked at the Kwami in confusion.


“Think about it. Why would Hawk Moth create a fake Miraculous holder?”


“To trick Ladybug and Chat Noir! We have to warn them! But how?”


“You wearing a Miraculous, are you not?”


Alya squeed, “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”


Trixx smirked, “Let’s show this imposter what a real Fox can do.”





Alya ran across the Parisian rooftops.


Even as she was in a hurry to find the heroes before it was too late, the fangirl in her was screaming in delight.


Then she spotted Volpina and the two heroes gesturing in the other direction.


“Stop!” Alya cried, “Get away from her!”


The three of them turned and looked at her in shock.


“Who are you?” Ladybug asked.


“I’m, um, Rena Rouge,” She said, ”The real holder of the Fox Miraculous.”


She pointed at Volpina, “This scam artist is an Akuma!”


“She’s lying, she’s the Akuma! She’s trying to distract us while Hawk Moth gets away!”


“Hawk Moth?!” Rena said and noticed the figure on the next rooftop.


“How do you know that’s Hawk Moth? We don’t know what he looks like.”


Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at them in confusion.


“How do we tell which one’s telling the truth?” Chat asked.


Ladybug thought. She had been suspicious of Volpina from the start, but that didn’t prove anything.


“What is the Fox Miraculous’s power?” She asked the two foxes.


“Creating Illusions,” Rena said.


“Flight and superstrength,” Volpina said at the same time.


“That didn’t clear anything up,” Chat said.


“How did you get your Miraculous?”


“I’m a descendent of its former holder,”


“I bought it in a second-hand shop.”


“A second-hand shop?” Ladybug asked.


“Yeah, my Kwami was confused about that too,” Rena admitted. 


Kwami, Ladybug thought. Rena knows about Kwamis, but does Volpina?


“You, what is a Kwami?”


“Um…” Volpina said, “It’s the title of my superhero teacher.”


“Wrong answer,” Ladybug said as she and Chat Noir closed in on her.


Volpina snarled at Rena, “You ruined everything!”


She created a fog that engulfed everything in sight.


Rena felt a kick in her back, then her side.


“Two can play at that game, Mirage!”


She created a dozen copies of herself.


“Big mistake!” Volpina’s voice called out from the fog, “Now you're on a timer. I, however, don’t have that problem.”


The copies started disappearing as Volpina stealthy took them out.


“She has backup!” Ladybug said as she ran out of the fog, holding a Lucky Charm fan.


She turned it on, and the fog dissipated.


When it cleared, there were two Chat Noir’s.


“Not again,” Ladybug said, “Okay, what did you say the first–”


Rena threw a pair of rocks at the Chat Noirs. One caught his rock while the other was hit on the head.




The illusion faded to reveal Volpina rubbing her head.


“Or we could do that,“ Ladybug said.


Rena tackled Volpina and the two of them rolled around as they fought.


"You shouldn't have interfered!"


"Interfering is what heroes do."


Rena grabbed Volpina’s necklace and ripped it off.




Rena smashed it, realising the Akuma.


Once Ladybug cast the Miraculous Ladybug, Volpina turned into Lila.


“Lila?” Ladybug said.




“I… totally overreacted and… never should’ve spoken to you like that. I’m sorry.”


“Forget it, Ladybug; you were right, we’ll never be friends.”


Rena was stunned. Lila wasn't friends with Ladybug, and the hero hadn’t reacted well to the lie? Good thing Trixx talked her out of posting that interview.


Lila began to walk away, but Rena jumped in front of her, “Hold on, We’re not done yet.”


“We aren’t?” Ladybug and Chat asked.


“Where’s the book?”


Lila, Ladybug and Chat froze at those words.


“What book?” Lila said.


“Don’t give me that. Your Akuma costume was very similar to one of my predecessor’s, which means you must have seen it in the missing book of superheroes, the one that disappeared at the same time as the Butterfly Miraculous.”


“I don’t know anything about Hawk Moth!” Lila said quickly, “All I know is that the book belongs to Adrien!”


Chat’s mind whirled. Does that mean father is… no! He couldn't be!


“I ran into Adrien,” He said, “He was looking for a lost book he borrowed from his father.”


“I have it,” Ladybug said, “I found it in the trash next to the place where I confronted her.”


“You stole it?!” Chat said. Any sympathy he had for Lila evaporated.


“Of course not!”


The three heroes glared, “What I said wasn't right,” Ladybug said, “But neither is stealing.”


“Save the lecture!” Lila sneered and stormed off.


This time, Rena let her go.


“We have a lot to talk about,” Ladybug said.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes information from the Miraculous Secrets card game. If you don't know what that is, check the link.

Chapter Text

The three heroes approached the massage shop.


I know this place, Rena thought. I’ve received Chinese treatments here.


They entered to find the shop’s owner.


“What can I do for Paris’s superheroes?”


“Wait, you the one that healed Tikki when she was sick,” Ladybug said.


“That is not the only time we met.”


Ladybug gasped, “You’re the old man who nearly got run over!”


“I helped you too!” Chat said, “I helped you when you dropped your cane.”


Does everyone know this guy? Rena wondered.


“Those were tests to see if you were worthy of the Miraculous.”


“You gave us our Miraculous?” Ladybug asked.


“Yes, I am Wang Fu, the Guardian of the Miraculous,” He sighed, “Or at least I was.”


“Master, it wasn’t your fault,” A new voice said.


The voice belonged to a green turtle-like Kwami.


“They were my responsibility, Wayzz.”


“What happened?” Chat asked.


“Many years ago, I made a mistake that led to the destruction of the Order of the Guardians. I managed to escape with the Mother Box but lost two of the Miraculous and the Grimoire.”


“One of those Miraculous was the Butterfly, wasn’t it?” Ladybug said.


Fu hung his head, “Yes, and a couple of months ago, I failed again. Thieves broke in and stole the box. I caught up to them, but most of the Miraculous fell off their truck before I could retrieve them.”


“And we hadn’t seen any of them,” Wayzz finished, “Until now.”


“Everyone looked at Rena.


“I found the Fox Miraculous in a shop. I had no idea what it was until I tried it on.”


Fu scratched his chin, “My I speak to…” He looked at her questionly.


“Rena Rouge.”


“Rena Rouge alone for a moment?”


Ladybug and Chat traded looks and nodded.


Once they went outside, Fu said, “I need to know who you are.”


Rena had been expecting this, “Because you didn’t pick me, and you need to know if I can be trusted?”


“That, and we need to speak to Trixx.”


She nodded, “Let’s rest.”


Fu raised an eyebrow, “Interesting.”


“You remember me?”


“Of course, you were a strong contender for the Ladybug Miraculous.”




“Well, too bad for Tikki, she’s mine!” Trixx said.


Fu chuckled, “I’ve missed you, Trixx.”





Once they finished talking, Alya transformed back into Rena Rouge, and Ladybug and Chat Noir were invited back in.


“Guess what, I was almost chosen for your Miraculous,” Rena told Ladybug.




“Ahem,“ Fu coughed pointedly.


“So, are you taking back Rena’s Miraculous?” Chat asked.


“No, with so many Miraculous unaccounted for, we will need all the help we can get. Now Rena tells me you have something to show me, Ladybug.”


She nodded and brought out the book.


“Ah, this is indeed the Grimoire I lost that day.”


“But why would Gabriel Agreste have it?” Rena asked.


“Let’s go ask him,” Chat said grimly.


If his father was Hawk Moth, he needed to know.





“There are more Miraculous in Paris!” Hawk Moth exclaimed in excitement.


“But that new hero said she found it in a second-hand shop. How could the Guardian be so reckless? Unless… he doesn’t have them! Which means I have an opportunity to get more Miraculous! But first, I must put on a little show to conceal my identity from the heroes.”


He powered up an Akuma before de-transforming.





Fu looked up as the heroes returned.


“It’s a dead end,” Rena said, ”Gabriel was Akumatized.”


“So he can’t be Hawk Moth, right?” Chat said with relief.


“That’s very probable.”





Alya deleted Lila’s interview from her phone.


“I can’t believe I fell for her tall tales.”


“Don’t feel too bad,” Trixx reassured her, “She has one of the best silver tongues I’ve ever heard.”


“Thanks Trixx.”


She looked at Adrien talking to Marinette.


“I’m glad Master Fu allowed Chat Noir to return the book to Adrien. His father would probably have pulled him out of school if he thought Adrien had lost it.”


Alya went back to her phone.


“What are you doing?” Trixx asked.


“If we’re going to find the other Miraculous, we need to start looking.”

Chapter 4


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Pound it!” Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rouge said.


“That’s another Akuma defeated,” Rena said.


“But also no sign of the missing Miraculous,” Ladybug noted.


“It’s only a matter of time,” Chat said.


“But will whoever finds them be friend or foe?” Rena wondered.





A few hours later, Queen Bee was waiting for something to happen so she could make her debut.


But nothing did.


“Where’s an Akuma when you need one?!” She complained.


She needed to become a beloved superhero and once she was popular enough she would reveal herself and prove to her mother she was worth her time.


Then she saw the Metro.





Marinette knew something was wrong when the train sped up.


As people screamed, a face appeared on the TVs.


“Passengers, have no fear. Watch Queen Bee in action. You can thank me later.”


“A new superhero?”


“Who is it?”


The train continued to speed along.


“Is she gonna save us or not?”


“She’s not going to pull it off,” Marinette said.


Fortunately, she was able to slip away to transform.





Ladybug, Chat Noir and Rena Rouge were able to stop the train and save the passengers.


Queen Bee was talking to Nadja’s camera, “You’re welcome. It was nothing. I was merely–”


“Queen Bee! This was your doing!”


“Oh, Ladybug you’re too kind! This was teamwork.”


“Teamwork?!” Rena said incredulously, “You didn’t help at all.”


“It’s worse than that,” Ladybug said, “She used her Miraculous to paralyse the driver to create this situation to make herself look good!”


“Who cares? We saved them, didn’t we?”


“Completly irresponsible!” One of the passengers said.


“Breaking news, our new hero is not so heroic,” Nadja said.


“Give me that Miraculous,” Ladybug ordered, “You’re clearly not cut out for this.”


“No way! My father gave me this!”


Not that he knows it’s a Miraculous, she thought.


“That Miraculous was lost. It wasn’t his to give.”


“Finders’s keepers, losers weepers.”


Queen Bee made a break for it.


“Hey, come back!”


But when they got outside, there was no sign of her.


“Ladybug! You said that Miraculous were lost,” Nadja said, “And not long ago, Rena Rouge turned up, not to mention Hawk Moth. How many more Miraculous are there out there?”


“No comment.”





Marinette watched the news speculating on the Miraculous.


“Tikki! I said too much! Now the public knows about the lost Miraculous!”


“They would have figured it out anyway,” Her Kwami reassured her.


Marinette sighed, “I guess so, but what about Queen Bee?”


“With her obsession with the spotlight, she’ll show up again.”





Chloé scowled as the news condemned her for nearly causing an accident.


“Ungrateful losers!”


“My Queen, please, return me to the Guardian,” Pollen begged.


“Not a chance! I need you to show everyone that Queen Bee is the best hero!”


Chloé thought for a moment, “If there are more Miraculous to find, then that means I can find them to make my own team!”


21/5/2024: it has been pointed out to me that without being humiliated by Audrey Chloé actions don't make sense, so I added some dialogue that will hopefully make it more believable.

Chapter 5


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Alya had created a page on the Ladyblog to speculate on the missing Miraculous. To everyone else, it would just look like typical fangirl stuff, but in reality, it was a way to get people to post pictures of jewellery that might be Miraculous.


“You realise Hawk Moth might be monitoring this?” Trixx said.


“It’s a risk, but Master Fu agreed that we must take some chances if we’re going to find them first.”


A new photo was uploaded showing some jewellery in a shop window.


“See anything familiar?” Alya asked.


Trixx looked at the photo. At first, it seemed like this would be another disappointment, but right at the corner, he saw a thumb ring.


“The Rooster Miraculous!”





The three heroes walked up to the shop.


“So who’s going to buy it?” Rena asked.


“I can afford it,” Chat said, “But I would have to explain why I brought an old thumb ring to my–”


“No clues to your identity!” Ladybug said.


“My legal guardian,” Chat finished.


“Just tell them you were buying it as a gift for a friend,” Rena suggested.


But when she looked in the window, she gasped, “It’s gone!”


“Someone must have brought it,” Ladybug deduced, “How are we supposed to find it now?!”


A figure kicked her in the back, and she fell forward.


“You don’t need to. It’s right here.”


The figure was a girl with an orange and red costume with feather patterns.


“She has the Miraculous!” Rena said.


“Yes, I brought it after sending that photo. I knew it would bring you here.”


“You set a trap,” Ladybug said as she got up, “Why?”


“Because I hate you, Ladybug, and I will destroy you. Oh, and by the way, you may call me Fortunata.”


Rena threw her flute, but Fortunata grabbed it and threw it into her face.




Chat tried to grab her ring, but she caught his wrist and threw him into Ladybug.


“How is she so good at fighting?” Chat asked.


“The Rooster Miraculous can give its holder any ability they want,” Ladybug said, “She must have given herself good fighting skills.”


“You catch on quick,” Fortunata admitted, “But it won’t help you, especially when I take your Miraculous.”





Fu watched the live footage of the heroes fighting the new supervillain.


“They’re in trouble. Wayzz, shell on!”





Nino watched the fight from his hiding spot.


“Oh man, they look like they’re in real trouble.”


The heroes were on the ground, and Fortunata was reaching for Ladybug’s earrings.


He grabbed a bin lid and threw it like a frisbee.


“My hand!” Fortunata cried and glared at Nino.


“Umm, hi.”


Fortunata jumped at him, throwing a punch.


Nino closed his eyes.




A forcefield surrounded Nino, protecting him from Fortunata’s hit.


Nino opened his eyes and saw his saviour was an old man in a turtle costume.


“Master!” Ladybug cried, “What are you doing?!”


“My duty,” Jade Turtle replied.


Fortunata examined the newcomer, “Are you the one who gave them their Miraculous? Interesting.”


“I will give you one chance. Surrender the Rooster Miraculous.”


“Hmm… no.”


She threw a kick at him, which he blocked with his shield.


Jade Turtle’s decades of experience made him a more even fight, but those years were also his weakness.


Jade Turtle’s back aches, causing him to collapse.


“Lucky me,” Fortunata said and yanked off the Turtle Miraculous.


“No! The heroes cried.


Fu looked around. The fight had attracted a crowd, and the news copter hovered in the sky.


“Now let’s see what happens if I use two Miraculous at once.”


But before Fortunata could put on the Turtle Miraculous Ladybug’s yo-yo wrapped around her hand.


Chat snatched the Turtle Miraculous out of her hand.


Fortunata pulled her hand free and was prepared to try to take it back until she heard police sirens.


“Another time,” She jumped to the rooftops.





That night, Fu and Wayzz exchanged one last hug.


“Are you sure, master?”


“I have been exposed. I almost lost your Miraculous today. I can’t keep you with me anymore.”


Wayzz nodded sadly, “Goodbye, master.”


“Goodbye, old friend. Wayzz, I renounce you.”





Nino entered his room and saw a small box.


“Huh? What’s this?”


He opened it, and a green light appeared.


“Hello, my name is Wayzz.”





Orikko looked fearfully at his new holder.


“I may not have defeated you today, Ladybug, but I did manage to humiliate you.”


Lila smirked, “And I’m just getting started.


Roosters are a symbol of good luck in Italy so I named Rooster Lila Fortunata which means lucky.

Chapter Text

Alix walked into class with a scowl on her face.


“I recognise that look,” Max said, “Your brother has come up with one of his theories again, hasn’t he?”




“What is it this time?” Kim asked.


“He found a pair of glasses that he claims are proof that aliens visited the planet in the past.”


“How does a pair of glasses prove that?” Alya asked.


“He says he carbon-dated them and that they're five thousand years old.”


Several people in the classroom suddenly became interested.





Ladybug was waiting on the rooftop for her teammates.


They arrived at the same time.


“Is this about the glasses?” Chat asked.


“How did you hear about that?” Ladybug asked, surprised.


“I heard about it too,” Rena said.


“Me as well,” Carapace added.


He had only been on the team for a short while, but he had already become a dependable ally.


“Great,” Ladybug said, “Word must be getting out.”


“Which means at least one of our enemies will have heard about them by now,” Chat said, “We need to get going.”





“Surely there must be some mistake,” Max said.


He had come with Alix to the Louvre to see these glasses for himself.


“I thought that too,” Alim said, “But Jalil is right. These glasses really are five thousand years old.”


“Which proves aliens were here in the past!” Jalil said.


“Kind of jumping the gun, aren’t you?” Alix asked, “There are other explanations.”


“Like what?”


“Well, maybe they were built by someone who was ahead of their time, like our ancestor who built the pocket watch.”


Alim looked uncomfortable.


“Or it could be–”


“Where is the Miraculous?!” A screeching voice demanded.


Queen Bee had arrived.


“Miraculous? What Miraculous?” Jalil asked.


Alix rolled her eyes, “She means the glasses.”


“Oh,” Jalil said in disappointment.


“Exactly! And as a superhero, I need to confiscate it!”


“Hand them over to the girl who nearly crashed a train?” Jalil asked, “I think not.”


“I never thought I would say this,” Alix said, “But I agree with my brother.”


Queen Bee snarled.


“Oh no, Queen Bee’s here,” Chat sighed as he and his teammates arrived.


“Ladybug! They won’t hand the Miraculous over!”


“We didn’t say that,” Alix said, “We just said we wouldn’t give it to you .”


“How dare you!”


Queen Bee stepped forward and ran into someone she couldn’t see.


“Hey! Who was in my way?!”


“That’s a good question, actually,” Rena said, “Mirage!”


She created a fog that revealed the outline of someone invisible.


“Fortunata!” Ladybug cried out.


Fortunata lunged for the Kubdels, but Ladybug yanked her away with her yo-yo.


“Run!” Ladybug told them.


They scrambled, but in the chaos, Jalil dropped the glasses.


“Where’s Max?!” Alix cried.


Said boy was hiding behind an exhibit as the heroes (and Queen Bee) fought Fortunata.


“Catch me if you can!” She taunted.




Queen Bee tried to hit her but missed, knocking over a statue.


“Can you not destroy historical artefacts?!” Carapace shouted at her.


“Big deal! Ladybug will repair the damage.”


“That’s not the point!”


Max moved a little farther away, and his foot nudged something.


He looked and realised it was the glasses.


I could take the Miraculous and hide before Fortunata notices, but there’s no guarantee I will get away, so the most logical course of action is to use it myself.


He put the glasses on, and there was a flash of light.


“Who are you, and what are you doing with my Miraculous?!”





Fortunata was running circles around her enemies.


“You can’t catch me!”


“I’ve known her for less than five minutes, and I hate her already,” Carapace said.


“Speaking of five minutes, I’m running out of time,” Rena said.


But with an invisible enemy, there was nowhere safe to recharge.




A portal opened above them, and mud fell out of it, covering the whole area.


“Eww! Get it away from me!” Queen Bee said.


The mud had also hit Fortunata, rendering her invisibility useless.


“There she is!” Ladybug called out, and they all attacked her.


“I’m out of here,” The villain said and jumped out a window.


They pursued her, but she had disappeared into the city.


“Who opened that portal?” Chat asked.


“That would be me,” Said a new figure who approached them, “You may call me Pegasus.”


“Good to meet you,” Ladybug said, “Would you mind if we took you to talk to someone?”


“Can I send a message to tell my friend I’m okay first?”


“Of course, and Queen Bee, we need to talk about–”


She turned to see Queen Bee had vanished.


“Not again!”


“Look on the bright side,” Rena said, “We recovered a Miraculous and got a new teammate. I’d say that’s a win.”

Chapter Text

While Rose was visiting the Liberty, something caught her eye.


“What’s this?” She picked up a pink anklet.


“Oh, I found that on the streets a few weeks back,” Anarka explained, “You can have it if you want.”


“I couldn’t!”


“I insist, and frankly, it doesn’t suit me or the kids.”


And so Rose took the anklet and received a big surprise when she tried it on at home.


“Oh, you’re so cute!”





The team were fighting the latest Akuma.


“You think you can outrun Speed Demon?”


“Get ready,” Ladybug said into her communicator.


Speed Demon ran toward her and Chat Noir.




A portal opened in front of Speed Demon.




Speed Demon caught on to a lamp post, stopping him from running through the portal and into their trap.


“You almost had me there.”


Speed Demon knocked them both down.


“Shell-ter!” Carapace shouted as he and Rena ran forward.


Speed Demon was trapped in a forcefield.


“This won’t contain me!” Speed Demon ran around inside the forcefield, hitting the sides until cracks started appearing.






Dozens of duplicates of the heroes appeared.


Speed Demon snorted and, in the blink of an eye, passed through all of the Rena’s and Carapace’s until he found the real ones.






“Too easy, now I will take your Miraculous for–”


“Hi there!”


Everyone turned to look at a girl dressed in bright pink and wearing a skirt.


“Umm… hello,” Speed Demon replied.


“Can you give up your Akuma, please?”


“And why would I do that?”




A parcel appeared and opened, and a vision of a man winning a race appeared.


A smile appeared on Speed Demon’s face, and he held out his Akuma object.


“Huh,” Ladybug said.





“So what do we call you?” Rena asked.


“Pigella, and I suppose you will be wanting this anklet?”


She reaches down to take it off.


“Whoa, hold on,” Ladybug said, “You willing to hand it over?”


Pigella nodded.


“Just like that?”


“It’s the right thing to do.”


The heroes were stunned.


“I don’t think that will be necessary, but you’ll have to reveal your identity to the Guardian.”


“Really? Yay!”


She starts hugging everyone.


Why does this feel familiar? They all wonder.





Hawk Moth looks out his window.


“You had a lucky escape today, Ladybug and Chat Noir, but someday your luck will run out!”


Bunnyx scoffs, “What a weirdo, making speeches where no one can hear him… hey, wait a minute.”

Chapter Text

It was a quiet night in Paris until someone broke into a jewellery store.


The thief put as much as he could into his sack before the police arrived.




He ran.


“I said freeze!”




A ball flew out of his hand and through a wall.


“What the?!”


The police officers took out their guns, but as they were pulling the triggers, a riot shield appeared in the thief’s hand, deflecting the bullets.


The thief rammed them aside and jumped through the window.


The officers ran after him, but he had vanished.


“Was he an Akuma?”


“If that was the case, he would have caused more trouble instead of running away, and didn’t you notice his costume? He was dressed like a dog.”


“Oh no, that can only mean one thing.”


Another Miraculous had been found.





“So this dude found the Dog Miraculous and decided to become a jewellery thief? Carapace asked, “Real imaginative.”


“You’re assuming he wasn’t a jewellery thief before,” Chat pointed out.


“I’m more concerned about the type of jewellery he stole,” Rena said.


“What do you mean?” Ladybug asked.


“The only jewellery he stole was animal-themed.”


Everyone instantly understood the implications.


Pegasus was the one who said it out loud, “He’s after the other Miraculous.”





That night, everyone split up to watch over jewellery stores around the city.


“Everything is quiet,” Pigella said.


“Same here,” Rena added.


“Keep your eyes open,” Ladybug tells them before closing her yo-yo.


She returns her sight to the store she is watching over.


Are we doing enough to search for the Miraculous? She wonders, but then, what else can they do? If there had been an easy way to find the Miraculous, they wouldn’t be in this mess. 


The sound of a window being smashed brought her out of her thoughts.


“Someone is breaking in at my store! Stand by until I have confirmation.”


The thief ran out.


“It’s him.”


Ladybug followed from the rooftops.


He soon arrived at a warehouse, now all Ladybug needed to do was wait for her team to arrive–


“Surrender villain!” Queen Bee’s voice called out.


Ladybug groaned, of course.




The thief summoned a smoke grenade and threw it at Queen Bee.


“Hey! *Cough* *Cough*”


The thief ran inside toward the warehouse, but Ladybug jumped in his path.


“Get out of my way girl.”


“I’ve beaten bigger and scarier guys than you.”


“I’m not some angsty teenager or Pigeon enthusiast, Fetch!”


A gun appeared in his hand.


Ladybug went behind cover as he fired. She didn’t know if her suit could protect her from bullets and wasn’t keen to test it.


The thief was closing in on her position when he was attacked from behind.


”I am Thief Catcher! You will surrender your Miraculous to Hawk Moth!”


“Like hell!”


The thief shot at his new opponent.


“Never thought I would be glad to see an Akuma,” Ladybug said.


Thief Catcher dodged the bullets and rushed forward, hitting the thief in the head.




The thief lay on the floor unconscious.


As the Akuma reached for the Miraculous, Ladybug tackled him.


“Oh no, you don’t!”


Queen Bee had finally recovered from her coughing fit and noticed Ladybug fighting the Akuma while the thief lay on the ground.


She snuck over and took the Miraculous from around the thief’s neck, turning him into a scruffy-looking man.


She started to leave.


“Hey!” Ladybug cried out as she noticed what was happening.


“You can handle this loser without me, Ladybug!” Queen Bee shouted as she leapt away.


Ladybug ground her teeth and kept fighting the Akuma.


“Your little friend has abandoned you.”


“She is not my friend!”


A portal opened behind the Akuma’s back, and Chat jumped out, hitting the Akuma with his staff.


“Sorry,” Pegasus said, “It took a while for us all to get in one place.”


The other heroes came out of the portal.


“Never mind that now, just focus on the Akuma.”





Once the fight was over, Ladybug filled the others in on what happened.


“I can’t believe we allowed Queen Bee to take another Miraculous!” Rena said.


“This might not be a total loss,” Ladybug said, “When Queen Bee showed up, the thief didn’t try to run away. He ran toward the warehouse.”


“Which means he must have something important in there,” Carapace realised.


They searched the place while Chat watched over the thief until the police arrived to take him into custody.


“I found something!” Rena called out.


It was a collection of stolen goods, but what caught her attention was a locked box.


With her enhanced strength, she was easily able to rip the lid off.


Inside were some horn-shaped hair clips and a circlet.


“The Goat and Monkey Miraculous!” Ladybug exclaimed.





Chloé looked at her prize and got out her phone.


“Sabrina, come over here. I have something for you.”

Chapter Text

Gabriel was enraged.


“Everyone is finding Miraculous but me!”


“Then maybe a change of strategy is in order,” Nathalie said.


“What are you suggesting?”


Nathalie showed a picture of the Guardian, “A new target.”





Fu thought about how things stood. One of the Miraculous he lost all those months ago had fallen into evil hands, and another two into the dubious care of Queen Bee while they had retrieved five.


His musings were interrupted when an Akuma teleported in front of him.


“My master wants a word with you!”


“Ziggy, bleat it!” Fu shouted.


Grey Goat hit the surprised Akuma in the face and fled.


“Snapshot! Teleport to him again!”


Snapshot touched the picture of the Guardian on his phone, but nothing happened.


“I can’t! He no longer matches the photo!”


“Then chase after him the old-fashioned way!”





Grey Goat managed to lose his pursuer long enough to call Ladybug and explain the situation.


“Hang tight, we’re on our way, Master Fu.”


“Not fast enough!”


Snapshot jumped down from a building and pointed his phone at him, “Cheese!”


He added the photo of Grey Goat to his phone.


“You won’t be able to escape me now!”


“Don’t be too sure of that, “Genesis!”


Snapshot became encased in chains, “You think these can hold me?”


He touched another picture on his phone and disappeared before reappearing in front of Grey Goat.


“Now you’re on a timer.”




A cage appeared around Snapshot, “How are you doing that?!”


“I’m a grown man. I don’t have a timer.”


They went on like this for a few minutes before the heroes started arriving.


“Having a problem with paparazzi? I know the feeling,” Chat said before trying to grab the phone.


“Get away! It’s mine!”


“Look, I like spending my time on the phone too, but you need to put it down sometime,” Rena quipped.


“Mind your own business!”


Ladybug’s yo-yo wrapped around the phone, allowing her to snatch it.




Ladybug smashed in on the ground.


“Slick skills,” Rena said, “Have you ever stolen a phone before?”


“Umm, no, of course not.”


“Lies!” Bunnyx exclaimed.





When they returned to Fu’s current address, they were in for a shock.


“Someone broke in while we were gone!” Fu said.


A quick search revealed that his spare tablet was missing.


“I had all my translations of the Grimore on there. Whoever has it now has access to its secrets.”


“I think we all know who that is,” Ladybug said.





Gabriel looked through the tablet Nathalie had stolen until he found the page on how to fix a Miraculous.


“Well, I certainly know what to do with this.”





Fu approached the house. As long as there were Miraculous in his possession they were at risk.


Fortunately, he had already found someone for the Goat.





Nathaniel stared at the little creature that had appeared when he opened the little box.


“Can I use you for inspiration for my art?”


“...I’ve never had that reaction before.”

Chapter Text

Hawk Moth had been quiet since he had stolen the tablet.


This gave the team a chance to concentrate on finding the remaining Miraculous.


“Any new leads?” Ladybug asked Rena while they were on patrol together.


She shook her head, “We’re still checking the jewellery stores, but no more have turned up there, and the Ladyblog is not turning anything up. I’m just relieved that Fortunata hasn’t tried to give herself the power to locate Miraculous.”


“Oh, I have no doubt she has tried, but if it was that simple, Master Fu would have been able to find the Butterfly and Peacock decades ago.”


“I guess so. Now I have an image in my head of her trying for hours before giving up.”


They both laughed at that.





A few days later, Hawk Moth made his move.


“So what do we have?” Ladybug asked.


“This Akuma has ice powers,” Pegasus informs her, “He’s called Blizzard.”


“Be on your guard. We don’t know what Hawk Moth could have learnt from the Grimoire.”


The heroes surrounded Blizzard.


“Seven against one? That seems a little unfair,” He gave them an evil grin, “Oh wait, I’m mistaken. It’s seven against two.”


A giant monster made of ice appeared.


“What is that thing?!” Pigella squeaked.


“That is my new friend, Ice Age.”


Ice Age roared and shot a beam of ice from its mouth.


Pigella, Pegasus and Rena were caught in the blast and frozen solid.


“No!” Carapace cried.


Ice Age shot another ice beam at him.




The forcefield blocked the Ice Beam.


“Caprikid, unfreeze the others!” Ladybug cried out.


The newest member of the team nodded, “Genesis!”


He created a campfire next to the frozen heroes.


“Oh no, you don’t!” Blizzard tried to put the fire out, but Ladybug and Chat Noir blocked the blast by spinning their weapons.


“H-H-Hurry!” Chat got out in a shivering voice.





Fu was watching the fight on the news.


“A Sentimonster! Hawk Moth must have Peacock Miraculous.”


He got out the Monkey Miraculous. He wasn’t completely sure about the candidate he had found, but he was out of time.





The frozen heroes were almost thawed out.


“Just a few more seconds,” Caprikid said.


“You don’t have a few more seconds,” Blizzard said.


Ladybug and Chat Noir had ice all over their bodies.


“I w-wish M-Master Fu had f-figured out t-the power-up r-recipes,” Ladybug said.


“Can I join the party?” A new voice asked.


A boy using the Monkey Miraculous jumped over.


“Who are you supposed to be?” The Akuma asked.


“The name’s King Monkey. Remember it. Uproar!”


He threw his staff in the air, and a toy polar bear appeared, which he threw at Blizzard.


“Is this a joke?”


He attempted to freeze King Monkey but shot out water instead, “Huh? What’s going on?!”


“I messed with your powers.”


He tried to use his powers again, but as before only shot water.


“I’m not done yet. Ice Age! Live up to your name!”


The Sentimonster shot his icy breath at King Monkey, who dodged.


At that moment, the frozen heroes broke free of the Ice.


“I-I n-need h-hot c-choco!” Rena exclaimed.


“P-Pegasus, portal Ice Age away!” Ladybug said.




The Sentimonster fell through the portal and landed in Antarctica, startling some penguins.


The heroes approached Blizzard.


“Let’s talk about this!”


They held him down and searched him for his Akuma object, but when Pigella tore some bracelets, a butterfly wasn’t the only thing that came out.


“A feather?” The Pig hero asked.


Ladybug caught them with her yo-yo, “Miraculous Ladybug!”


Once everything was unfrozen, Ladybug took everyone to a rooftop.


“That feather was an Amok, which means that creature was a Sentimonster, a creation of the Peacock Miraculous.”


“Hawk Moth found another Miraculous?!” Rena said.


“Or he had it all along. It was lost at the same time as the Butterfly.”


“Then why didn’t he use it before?”


“I can only think of two reasons. Either he couldn't find someone to use it until now, or he couldn’t use it because it was damaged.”


“What makes you believe that?” Pegasus asked.


“Using a damaged Miraculous is dangerous, and one of the things in the grimoire was instructions on how to repair a damaged Miraculous.”


“Which means Hawk Moth is more powerful than ever,” Chat Noir said grimly.





Gabriel and Nathalie de-transformed.


“We almost had them,” Nathalie said, “If it wasn’t for King Monkey, we would have won.”


“Which makes it all the more imperative we find the remaining Miraculous to deny Ladybug and Chat Noir any more allies,” Gabriel replied.

Chapter Text

Since Hawk Moth had repaired the Peacock Miraculous, every Akuma was now accompanied by a Sentimonster.


“And I thought fighting Akumas on their own was hard!” Marinette complained.


“You have a great many challenges, but you’re doing well, Marinette,” Tikki reassured her.


“And we haven’t made any progress on any of the lost Miraculous.”


“Something will turn up. With this many people looking for them, they’ll all be found, eventually.”


“My concern is the type of person who finds them.”





The people of Paris were enjoying their day until their possessions started disappearing.


“My watch!”


“My purse!”


“My lunch!”


The heroes arrived quickly.


“What’s going on?” Pigella asked.


“I think this will answer your question,” Chat said and held up a tiny man in his fingers.


“Let me go!” He said in a high, squeaky voice.


“The Mouse Miraculous,” Ladybug said. “We’re going to have to round them all up.”


“Then it’s a good thing I’m here!”


Ladybug sighed, “What are you doing here, Queen Bee?”


“Why I’ve come to help, of course.”


“They stole something of yours, didn’t they?”


“How did you–no, of course not.”


“And who is this?” Pegasus asked.


Queen Bee was accompanied by a girl using the Dog Miraculous.


“Hi, I’m Miss Hound.”


“We’re going to need all the help we can get on this one,” Rena said.


“Fine,” Ladybug said, “But I’m keeping my eye on you,” She said to Queen Bee and Miss Hound.





“Please give those back,” Pigella said to one of the little men.


“No!” He tried to run with his prize, but Pigella grabbed him and put him in a glass jar.


Miss Hound put another one in her jar.


“Let me out! I have rights!”


“Okay, what are they?”


“I… um…”


“You don’t know, do you?”


“Shut up!”


Chat pounced on another one.


“You don’t have to take the cat theme that far, you know,” Rena said.


“We’re catching mice-themed supervillains. When am I going to get another opportunity like this?”


“They’re all just one supervillain.”


“You know what I mean.”





In Hawk Moth’s lair, the two supervillains were making plans of their own.


“We have an opportunity to claim another Miraculous,” Hawk Moth said.


“An opportunity we will not let pass by,” Mayura added.





Ladybug had just captured another Mouse duplicate when it was sucked out of her hands by a strong wind.




The duplicates were being sucked into a giant vacuum Sentimonster.


“I am Pest Control! I will claim this Miraculous for Hawk Moth and Mayura!”


“Mayura?” Ladybug asks.


“Guess now we know what our new Peacock friend is calling themselves,” Carapace said.


“What do we do?” Pigella said, “If even one gets away, we will lose the Mouse Miraculous, but we can’t let the Akuma get to it first.”


“Actually,” Ladybug said, “That’s exactly what we need to do.”


“Huh?” Everyone said.





“This is getting too hot,” One of the Mouse villains said, “Unite!”


All his clones recombined with him.


“I got quite a haul, but I think that is enough excitement for one–”




Pest Control and his Sentimonster had broken through the wall.


“How did you find me?!”


“I was given the power to track the signature of your clones. When you recombined, there was only one signature left… you.”


The Sentimonster grabbed him with its hose.


“Excellent, now take the Miraculous to–”




The Sentimonster froze.




The Mouse Villain wiggled free, but as he did, a ball hit the Mouse Miraculous.


“What kind of weapon is that?”


He jumped toward a window.




The ball flew through the air, hit the Miraculous and disappeared.




The former Mouse Villain hit the window and slid down.


 “Wow, they did a surprisingly good job,” Carapace said as Miss Hound gave Ladybug the Miraculous.


“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Queen Bee shouted.


Ladybug looked at her, “Train. Crash.”


Queen Bee pouted as Ladybug walked over to Pest Control who was been restrained by the other heroes.


“Thanks for doing the hard work for us, Hawk Moth!” She said before breaking the Akuma item.





In his lair, Hawk Moth screamed in rage.





“Now, Queen Bee, you and your friend… they’re gone, aren’t they?” Ladybug said.


“Yep,” Rena said.


“For someone so loud and obnoxious, Queen Bee is surprisingly sneaky,” Chat remarked.





“Why did we sneak away?” Sabrina asked.


“Because they would have taken my Miraculous.”


“But if we talked to them–”


Chloé glared at her.


“Yes, Chloé.”


When she was gone, Barkk floated in front of her face, “Why do you let her talk to you like that?”


“She’s my best friend.”


The Kwami looked at her doubtfully, “She doesn’t act much like a friend.”


Sabrina looked away.


“Please, hand my Miraculous over to Ladybug.”


“I can’t go behind Chloé’s back!”


“Loyalty is an admirable quality, but when you give it to someone who hasn’t earned it, it doesn’t end well,” Barkk warned.

Chapter Text

Kagami was practising her sword work in the park when the Akuma alarm went off.


Her phone said it was nearby so she hid in a bush.


Her hand brushed something, and she looked to see a beaded choker.


She picked it up, I wonder…


She put it on, and her suspicions were confirmed when a small dragon appeared.


“Greetings, young lady.”


“How is it that the Miraculous keep being found by their usual holders?”





Polymouse spun her jump rope to block a hit from the Akuma.


She had not thought she could be a hero because she was afraid all the time. But Mullo had convinced her to give it a try and found was better at it than she thought.


She and the others were luring the Akuma Lockout into position.


“You can’t escape forever!” The Lockout shouted as he and his Sentimonster chased them.


They were almost in position when a new figure relentlessly attacked Lockout.


The newcomer knocked the Akuma away from where they wanted him.


“No, no, she’s ruining the plan,” Ladybug muttered from a nearby roof.


Lockout was knocked into Ladybug’s building, causing her to lose her balance.




She threw her yo-yo around a lamppost to stop herself hitting the ground.


“What’s this? A trap?” Lockout said.


He shot a beam from a metal gauntlet at Ladybug, and a metal box appeared where she had been.


“No!” Chat cried.


The newcomer stared in shock, realising she had messed up.


“Wind Dragon!”


She turned into wind and entered the box.


Polymouse breathed in and out to control her fear as she faced the Akuma.





Ladybug watched as a girl materialised out of wind.


“I’m so sorry,” She said, “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”


“It’s okay, you had no way of knowing we had a plan,” Ladybug reassured her, “What’s your name?”


“You may call me Ryuko.”


“Well, Ryuko, if you can get me out of here, we can come up with a plan B.”


“I have an idea about that. How long can you hold your breath?”


Ladybug put her yo-yo over her mouth, turning it into a breathing apparatus.


“Okay then. Water Dragon!”





The box bulged until water burst out.


“Impossible! My boxes are unbreakable!”


“From the outside, perhaps,” Ladybug said.


“But not the inside,” Ryuko finished.


“No matter, I’ll just trap you again.”


He raised his gauntlet, but before he could use his power, Ryuko shouted, “Lightning Dragon!”


She turned into lightning and struck his metal gauntlet.




The Akuma came out of the shattered gauntlet.


“Gotcha!” Ladybug said.





Ryuko faced the other heroes, “I’m unworthy of this Miraculous. I will surrender it to you.”


“Hold on, dudette,” Carapace said, “There’s no need for that.”


“Yeah, one mistake doesn't mean you should retire,” Ladybug said, “Trust me on that.”


“But I was taught to always be perfect.”


“That’s impossible,” Rena said, “We all have made mistakes at one time or another. It’s human nature.”


“But my Miraculous is the Miraculous of Perfection.”


“And mine is the Miraculous of Destruction,” Chat replied, “That doesn’t mean I should destroy everything in sight.”


“I didn’t think about it like that,” Ryuko bowed her head, “Thank you for giving me another chance.”


“No problem,” Ladybug said, “We just need to take you to the Guardian, and then you’re officially on the team.”


Ryuko gave a small smile.

Chapter 13


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Another day, another Akuma attack.


The heroes had the Akuma cornered.


“You can’t defeat me! I’m–”




A blur slammed into the Akuma, knocking them through a wall.


“Umm, thanks,” Chat said, “And who are you?”


“I’m Tigre. It’s nice to meet you.”





Tigre smirked as the heroes led her to the Guardian. They were far too trusting.


Ladybug opened the door.


“Master, another person has found a Miraculous.”


“Let them in, Ladybug.”


The Guardian was sat on the floor with his legs crossed.


“Hello, I am Master Fu.”


She spotted a tablet, no doubt it had valuable information on it.


“Now I must ask you to reveal your identity to me if I’m going to let you keep that Miraculous.”


“Of course.”


She pretended to reach for the Miraculous but then leapt for the tablet.


It turned into mist along with the Guardian.




“Did you think we would just take you to the Guardian without checking if you were trustworthy first?” Rena’s voice echoed around her.


Tigre ran for the door, but Ladybug and Chat Noir blocked her path.


“Give us the Miraculous,” Ladybug ordered.




She lunged forward.




A forcefield appeared around her, which she shattered, but it stopped her momentum.


“You can’t win this,” Chat said, “You’ve used your power and only have five minutes before you turn transform back.”


“Then it’s a good thing this is not my only Miraculous, Orikko, Roaar, Unify!”


“Fortunata!” Ladybug exclaimed.


“Actually, in this form, I’m known as Tigre Fortunata.”


She ran for the window.


“Stop!” Ladybug called out.


She jumped through and was confronted by Ryuko and Pegasus.


Ryuko pointed her sword at her, “Surrender.”


“I prefer a… Sublimation!”


She flew into the air.


“Voyage!” Pegasus opened a portal and tried to grab her, but she dodged.


“Wind Dragon!”


Ryuko caught up to Tigre Fortunata and got her in a chokehold.


Tigre Fortunata snarled and directed them toward a building.


Ryuko’s back was scraped against the building as Tigre Fortunata pressed her against it while they continued flying.




Tigre Fortunata hit her in the stomach and Ryuko gasped as her hold loosened allowing Tigre Fortunata to break free.


Ryuko landed on the streets as the villain continued flying away.


Thanks to her powers Ryuko was not wounded, just winded (ironically).


By the time the other heroes caught up, Tigre Fortunata was long gone.





“Orikko, Roaar, Reverse Morphosis!”


Lila wiped her forehead, “That was disappointing… and exhausting. Why am I sweaty?”


Neither Orikko nor Roaar answered since she didn’t directly ask them. Neither felt inclined to tell her that using multiple Miraculous would have consequences.


Tigre is Italian for tiger.

Tigre Fortunata means lucky tiger.

Chapter Text

Nadja was reporting on the news.


“Tonight, the Grand Palais hosts the most eagerly awaited event of the year! The sensational fashion show of the famous designer Gabriel Agreste! And a major event always brings prestigious guests: Mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois, is expected to attend the show with his wife, the great and highly respected fashion queen–”


Chloé turned off the news feed.


“Hurry, Sabrina! Everything has to be perfect!”


“And this will be the first time she’s seen her mother since she left?” Barkk asked Pollen.


“From what I can tell, yes.”


“Wow, I almost feel sorry for her.”


Sabrina did the finishing touches on Chloé’s makeup, “Done.”


“Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go!”


“Aaaand now I’m back to hating her,” Barkk said.





The fashion show was going well, but when Audrey dropped something from her bag, several eyes widened.


“Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! I’ll fire whoever designed this bag!”


She picked up the Ouroboros bracelet.


“Audrey, where did you get that?” Gabriel asked.


“Oh, I brought from… someone, I can’t remember who.”


“I need to use the bathroom,” Marinette announced.


“So do I,” Adrien added.


“As do I,” Gabriel declared.


“Me too,” Nathalie said.


Marinette’s and Adrien’s friends also said they needed to use the bathroom.


“Why is everyone…?” Chloé began before Pollen whispered to her.


“We need to go too!”


Chloé dragged Sabrina away.


Audrey looked around in confusion, “Is there something in the water?”





The Akuma and his dog Sentimonster were the first to arrive.


“Give me that bracelet!”




“Don’t worry!” Queen Bee declared as she and Miss Hound arrived, “We will protect–”


“Out of my way!” Audrey pushed her aside as she ran.


“But…” Queen Bee said.


Tigre Fortunata jumped in front of Audrey.


“I’ll take that!”


“You will not!”


Audrey ran the other way into the heroes.


“Mme. Bourgeois,” Ladybug said, “You need to–”


“No! The bracelet is mine!”


Audrey was surrounded on all sides.


“Watch Dog, attack! The Akuma ordered his Sentimonster.


The giant dog lunged for the heroes.


“Sublimation!” Tigre Fortunata said and sped forward at super speed.


“Shell-ter!” Carapace trapped Audrey in a forcefield, which Fortunata ran into and collapsed.


“Let me out!”


“Gladly,” The Akuma said and smashed the forcefield.


“Get away from her!” Queen Bee shouted and ran.


Audrey pushed Queen Bee into the Akuma and made a break for it.


“Seems like she doesn’t appreciate your help,” The Akuma told Queen Bee.


Queen Bee was silent.


Ladybug and Chat Noir jumped in front of Audrey.


“Please give us the Miraculous,” Ladybug pleaded.


“What Miraculous?”


Everyone stopped fighting.


“The bracelet,” Chat said slowly, “The thing we’re fighting over. The Snake Miraculous.”


“It’s a Miraculous?”


“Wait a minute,” Tigre Fortunata said, “You were risking your life for what you thought was a regular bracelet?”




“How can you not know it’s a Miraculous?” Rena asked, “The Kwami would have appeared the first time you put it on.”


“The what?”


Everyone stared at her.


“Did you put it on?” Polymouse asked.


“Of course not! It doesn’t go with any of my outfits.”


“Then why do you want it?” Miss Hound asked.


“It’s mine! No one takes what’s mine!”


Everyone continues to stare at her.


“You're an idiot,” The Akuma said.


“How dare you!”


Ladybug grabbed the bracelet while Audrey was distracted.


“Give that back!”


Ladybug tried to swing away.


“Not so fast!” The Akuma said and shot a laser gun at her, forcing her to dodge and drop the Miraculous in mid-air.


Rena held her hand out, “I got it!”


“Clout!” Tigre Fortunata sent Rena flying.


The Akuma shot Tigre Fortunata, which sent her in the other direction.


The Miraculous hit the floor.


Everyone dived at it.


From the pile, Queen Bee emerged with the Miraculous.


“Give me that!” Audrey ordered.


Queen Bee glared at her and said quietly, “No.”


“Do you know who I am?!”


“Far too well. Venom!”


Audrey backed away in fear, but Queen Bee jabbed at the Akuma that had been standing behind Audrey.


“Get out of my face,” She said to Audrey.


The look she gave the older woman was enough to make Audrey leave without any further trouble.





Unsurprisingly, Tigre Fortunata got away in the confusion, but what was surprising was what Queen Bee did.


“Take it,” She gave the Miraculous to Ladybug, “I don’t want it.”


She and Miss Hound left.


“Shouldn't we go after them?” Chat asked.


“No, they did good today,” Ladybug decided, “What kind of heroes would we be if we rewarded that with more fighting?”


“We still need to take their Miraculous. Queen Bee won’t do so of her own free will.”


“Yes. But that is a problem for another day.”





In her room, Chloé was crying into her pillow while Pollen tried to comfort her.

Chapter Text

The police had been called in to stop a bank robbery.


They had the building surrounded for ten minutes before the robber showed up.


“Hands in the air!”


He threw a safe at them.


“Look out!”


They jumped to avoid it.


“I think he’s using a Miraculous,” One officer said.


“You think?!” His partner replied.





The heroes soon arrived.


“Since we aren’t experiencing time paradoxes, he must have the Ox Miraculous, which makes him immune to other superpowers,” Ladybug said, “Viperion, are you up to using your power?”


It had been only two weeks since he received his Miraculous, and he already started to feel the toll of living through disastrous timelines.


Viperion nodded, “I am. Second Chance!”


Chat and Ryuko attacked the Ox villain, but his powers protected him.


“Ha ha ha! You can’t hurt me!”


“We know,” Chat said, “We just needed to distract you.”


“Lucky Charm!”


A red and black-spotted cage appeared in the air and landed around the Villain.


“Got you!” Ladybug said.


The villain touched the cage, and it dissolved.


“Oh, c’mon!”


“Second chance!”


“If he touches a Lucky Charm, it dissolves,” He informed the team.


“Okay, that’s going to cause problems,” Ladybug said.


This time, Ryuko tried to contain him.


“Wind Dragon!”


A cyclone surrounded the villain, but he just walked through it like it wasn’t there.


“Second Chance!”


“Gift!” Pigella cried, and while her power showed his heart’s desire. He did not feel any different than before.


“Second Chance!”


“It’s no use,” Viperion said, “No matter how indirectly we use our powers, he’s still immune.”


“Then maybe we don’t use our powers on him at all,” Chat Noir suggested.


The villain was preparing to leave with his stolen goods when someone threw a bin at him.




Someone else threw a bit of rubble, causing him to stagger back.


“Quit it!”


A car flies through the air and into the villain.


“Get this off me!”


He slowly pushes the car off himself, but just as he gets it off, Chat Noir steals the nose ring, “Yoink!”


The villain's costume disappears, “Oh man!”





“So,” Ladybug stated, “One more to go.”


“The Rabbit,” Chat said, “The most dangerous of all, even more so than Hawk Moth’s.”


“What do we do if it falls into the hands of another villain? With no way to time travel, we would be helpless.”


Chat took her hand, “We won’t let that happen. We can’t.”

Chapter Text

Alix was in her room when her watch started beeping.


“Huh? Since when can it do that?”


She opened it, and a hologram of a woman dressed like a rabbit appeared.


“Alright, mini-me, you have a job to do…”





Marinette’s day was interrupted by a Wolly mammoth appearing in the middle of the street.


“What the…?”


She looked around and saw people from many eras of history appearing and disappearing.


She found a hiding spot, “Tikki, spot on!”


She was about to leave when a voice called out her name, “Ladybug!”


Alix was running toward her.


“You need to see this,” She held out her watch.


“Your family heirloom?”


“No… well, it is. But that’s not all it is.”


She opened it, and a hologram appeared.





“Alright, mini-me, you have a job to do. After you have watched this, you must show this message to Ladybug and then her team. I’m you from the future. You are holding the Rabbit Miraculous, which we use to become the hero Bunnyx, the hero of last resort. Which means we generally only act when everyone else fails. But the Miraculous you are holding is a time travel duplicate, you need to find the one native to your time today because if you don’t, it will mean it will never get sent back in time to become the watch you are holding in your hand, thus creating a paradox. By the time you show this to Ladybug, you will already have witnessed the results, and it will only get worse. You will find Ladybug at–”


Alix closed the watch.


Carapace rubbed his forehead, “We’re going to have to get used to this sort of thing with you, aren’t we?”


“Probably,” Alix answered.


“Oh, you definitely are.”


“Why didn’t she tell us where the Miraculous is?” Pegasus asked.


“Maybe because I may know where it is,” Rena said.


Everyone turned to her.


“Since when?” Chat said.


“Since I found out Alix’s family watch was a Miraculous, I saw a post on the Ladyblog with an identical watch. At the time, I thought they might have been made by the same person.”


“How did you know about my family heirloom?” Alix asked.


“Um, you were Akumatized over it.”


“Wait a minute,” King Monkey said, “I thought Miraculous were really hard to break. How’d you manage to do it?”


“And how come your Kwami didn’t appear when you got it?” Carapace asked.


“Never mind that now,” Ladybug said, “Chat, Rena and I will take Alix to find the Miraculous while everyone else will minimise the damage the paradox is causing.


An ancient Greek ship appeared in mid-air above them.


“Wind Dragon!”


Ryuko caught it and gently put it in the Seine.





Ladybug, Chat and Rena ran across rooftops as chaos engulfed Paris.


“How much farther?” Alix asked from Ladybug’s arms.


“A few more miles,” Rena answered.





“Fire the cannons!” A Pirate captain ordered.


The cannonball headed toward the Liberty, but Minotaurox deflected it with his mallet.


“So cool,” Juleka murmured. She was in a real-life pirate battle!


“This is not what I expected when I got this job,” Minotaurox said.


“We rarely get what we expect,” Pigella told him.


The pirates fired another cannon that Minotaurox also deflected.


“That’s it!” Pigella said and grabbed the mallet.


The pirates fired a third time, and Pigella hit the cannonball back at the ship, causing it to sink.


“Wow,” Juleka said, “You’re awesome.”


Pigella blushed.





Knights were attacking City Hall.


“Not again!” The mayor cried.


“Lightning Dragon!” Ryuko used her power to electrocute them.


“...a little much, don’t you think?” Pegasus asked.





“Genesis!” Caprikid created a giant cage.


“Come and get me, you overgrown lizards!” King Monkey shouted to lure the T-rexes into the cage.





Carapace, Viperion and Polymouse were using the space power-ups. They flew through the air, dodging laser fire.


“Are they fighting… aliens?” A man asked.


“Apparently,” Another said and nonchalantly drank his drink.





Queen Bee and Miss Hound took cover as Romans fired arrows at them.


“Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”





Hawk Moth and Mayura had their own problems.


“How did these ninjas get into the lair?!” Mayura shouted as she blocked a sword strike with her fan.


“I don’t know!” Hawk Moth shouted back, “They just appeared!”





“This is the place,” Rena said.


It was a clock repair shop.


Ladybug and Chat entered.


“Ladybug? Chat Noir? What are you doing here?” The shop owner asked.


“We’re here about this pocket watch,” Ladybug showed him a picture on her phone.


“It’s a Miraculous,” Chat explained, “And we need it to resolve the current crisis.”


“A Miraculous?! I found it on the sidewalk and have been keeping it in case the owner turned up. I wasn't expecting Paris’s heroes to ask for it.”


Ladybug and Chat Noir ran out with the watch, but Rena and Alix were nowhere to be seen.


“Look out!” Rena’s voice called out.


Someone Ladybug couldn’t see tried to grab the watch.


Ladybug held on and kicked out. She was satisfied to hear a grunt of pain.


Tigre Fortunata appeared.


“You’re not getting this Miraculous,” Ladybug told her.


“We’ll see about that. Clout!”


She punched Chat, and he flew into the distance.


“Chat Noir!”


Tigre Fortunata grabbed her hand, “Give it to me!”


Both of them fought over the watch as time fell apart around them.


Rena appeared from thin air and pulled the villain away from Ladybug.


“Not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?”


Chat returned, a fierce look on his face.


“Lucky Charm!” Ladybug called.


Tigre Fortunata knew the odds were turning against her, “Sublimation!”


She broke free of Rena and flew away.


Alix came out of a nearby bush.


“How did she use her power more than once?”


“She’s using her Miraculous for evil. That has allowed her to use her powers without a timer, but it’s dangerous. We have timers for a reason.”


Ladybug handed the watch to Alix.


Fluff appeared in a flash of light.


“Is it yesterday already?”


“...yes,” Alix answered.


“Okay, say, ‘Fluff, Clockwise’ to transform and ‘Burrow’ to use your power.”


“Fluff, Clockwise! Burrow!”


Bunnyx ran into the portal, and a moment later, she reappeared out of another.


“Paradox resolved.”


“You dropped the other watch off?” Ladybug asked.


“Yep, it’s your turn now.”


Ladybug nodded, “Miraculous Ladybug!”


Everything was returned to its rightful place in time, and the damage was undone.





Ladybug and Chat Noir made an announcement to the media that all the Miraculous had been accounted for.





Gabriel snapped his tablet in half.





Chloé huffed in disappointment.





Lila had a deranged look on her face. She looked down at the purple veins on her arms.

Chapter Text

Tigre Fortunata watched the heroes fight the Akuma. It was only a matter of time before one of them needed to recharge. Then she could steal their Miraculous.


Ladybug swung away.


Tigre Fortunata couldn’t believe her luck. It was the one she wanted revenge on the most, and it would finally be hers!





Ladybug jumped into the alleyway and hid behind a big bin, “Spots off!”


As she fed Tikki, a shadow fell over the alleyway.


“Ladybug! Oh, Ladybug!” Tigre Fortunata’s voice called out.


Marinette and Tikki looked at each other.


“I know you’re here!”


Tigre Fortunata walked toward the bin.


She was about to go around the corner when someone kicked her in the back.




She got up and faced her attacker, Rena Rouge.


Tigre Fortunata growled, “You! You always ruin everything!”


She threw punches at Rena that she dodged.


“Ruin everything? Do I know you?” Rena asked.


“YES!” She yelled, “You can’t keep your nose out of my business! You and Ladybug!”


She pulled back her fist, “Clout!”


Carapace jumped in front of her.




Tigre Fortunata destroyed the forcefield.


“YOU WON’T GET IN THE WAY OF MY REVENGE!” She shouted like a lunatic, “SUBLIMATION!”


Tigre Fortunata became engulfed in flames.






A toy fife fighter hit her, and her flames went out.




She looked up at the rooftops to see half of Ladybug’s team standing on the rooftops, including Viperion, whose bracelet indicated he had activated his power.




Ladybug came out of hiding, “We suspected that without any new Miraculous for you to find, you might get desperate, so we set a trap.”




She ran for Ladybug, but she collapsed before she could reach her.


“That’s what you get for unifying all the time,” Ladybug told her.


The other heroes grabbed her and began to take her Miraculous off.




In a flash of light, she was exposed.


“Lila?” Ladybug said, “I should have known.”


Lila thrashed in the heroes’ arms, and they discovered she was wearing makeup to cover purple veins.


“You shouldn’t have used your powers more than once,” Ladybug told her.




“Don’t blame them. You chose to use the Miraculous for evil,” Ladybug told her, “This is the price, but we will help you if we can.”




The other heroes were unnerved. Ladybug had told them the girl was no friend of hers. But it was one thing to find out someone was a liar and another thing entirely to learn she was a crazed supervillain.


Ladybug walked down the alleyway and opened her communicator, “How are you doing with the Akuma?”


“We have him trapped,” Chat answered, “We just need you to purify the butterfly.”


“I’m on my way.”





The police dragged the struggling Lila to the police van.


“I know Master Fu said using multiple Miraculous all the time would make her unstable,” Chat said, “But… wow.”


Ladybug nodded and looked at the Rooster and Tiger Miraculous in her hand, “At least these are safe now.”

Chapter Text

Chloé watched the news.


“Paris gives a warm welcome to its newest heroes, Purple Tigress and Rooster Bold.”


“Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! These losers have only just started, and people love them, but they treat me like a criminal!”


“You crashed a train,” Pollen pointed out.


“I’ll have to up my game to get them to love me instead.”


“Why do they have to love you instead of them? Can’t they love everyone equally?”


Chloé started coming up with plans.


“Oh, Chloé,” Pollen said sadly.





The next time an Akuma struck, Queen Bee and Miss Hound were watching from the sidelines.


“Chloé, this is reckless.”


“What’s reckless about it? They’ve already defeated the Sentimonster. We just need to wait for them to wear the Akuma down and finish it off ourselves. It’s completely safe.”


Miss Hound knew from her father the dangers of interfering with a police arrest. How much worse would it be to interfere with the defeat of a supervillain?


But try telling Chloé that.


“Okay, now’s our chance.”


Queen Bee jumped toward the Akuma, “Venom!”


The Akuma, a woman dressed like a jester, grabbed Ladybug and used her as a shield to block Queen Bee’s top.


“Ladybug!” Chat cried.


The Akuma kicked Queen Bee away, “Thanks for the save!” She said mockingly.


“Put her down!” Rena snarled.


“Good idea, I only need her Miraculous.”


But before she could take them Miss Hound threw her ball into her face.




Purple Tigress used her bolas to yank Ladybug to safety.


“Sublimation!” Rooster Bold gave himself the power to shoot fireworks and distract the Akuma.


Chat Noir took Ladybug and carried her over to Queen Bee.


“Unfreeze her. Now,” Chat ordered in an angry, quiet voice.


Queen Bee meekly snapped her fingers, and Ladybug was moving again.


“Stay out of our way,” Ladybug said and turned to the Akuma.





Once the fight was over, Ladybug returned to Queen Bee, “I’ll ask one more time, hand over your Miraculous.”




Ladybug nodded to her teammates, and they grabbed Queen Bee.


“Hey! Let go of me! Miss Hound!”


Miss Hound looked down and took off her Miraculous.


Queen Bee stared at her in disbelief.


Ladybug removed Queen Bee’s Miraculous, and she turned back into Chloé.


“Why am I not surprised?” Ladybug said.


“Please! I’m nothing without my Miraculous!”


“If you’re nothing without it, you shouldn't have it,” Ladybug told her.


“But I wanted to be a hero.”


“No, you wanted to be famous. That’s not a hero,” Ladybug said, “That’s a celebrity.”


“Not to mention the train incident,” Rena said.


“Why does everyone keep bringing that up? Ladybug would have just brought everyone back.”


“Is that what you think? That I can bring anyone back no matter what? Chloé, the Miraculous Ladybug has its limits.”


“It does? Well, it worked out anyway.”


“It almost didn’t.”


Everyone turned to her.


“What do you mean?” Chloé asked.


“I was on that train.”


Everyone was stunned.


“What?” Chloé whispered.


“If I hadn’t been able to transform in time, no one would have come back that day.”


Chloé turned white, “I didn’t know…”


“Oh, now you care?! Just because you know I was one of your victims?!”


Chloé wilted.


Ladybug continued to glare before sighing.


“Maybe there is a hero inside of you, but… I don’t see her.”


The heroes left Chloé and Sabrina as it started to rain.





“That was harder than I thought it would be,” Marinette said.


“It had to be done,” Master Fu reassured her and took the Bee and Dog Miraculous.


“My failure all those months ago has been put right.”


“But our job is not done,” Marinette said, “There’s still two Miraculous left.”





Gabriel paced in his lair.


“We are severely outnumbered,” He said to Nathalie, “If we have any hope of taking the Miraculous, we must think bigger.”


“There’s our plan for Heroes’ Day.”


“No, with this many heroes, we may not get enough negative emotions for the Scarlet Akumas, but now we have fixed the Peacock Miraculous, we have another option.”

Chapter Text

Heroes’ Day had arrived, and everyone was celebrating.


Well, almost everyone.


The window in the lair opened.


“Mayura, you have been my most faithful ally, and now I reward that loyalty.”


He sent an Akuma into her brooch.


“Scarlet Mayura, I give you the power to create as many Sentimonters as you wish.”


“I accept this power. Soon, your dream will become a reality.”


She was covered in red and black before turning into a red version of her supervillain self.


“And if that’s not enough,” She said, “We have our souvenir from Tibet.”


“I still think we should have used it immediately,” Hawk Moth said.


“Considering I found it in ruins that it almost certainly caused, I think our caution was wise.”





Marinette got out her macaroons. With her team to rely on, she had enough time to plan her Heroes’ Day deed.


“Those look delicious!” Tikki said.


“Don’t you eat any. Those are for the whole school.”


“Surely they won’t miss one or two?”


“No, Tikki!”


They were interrupted by a giant made of lollipops walking past the window.


“It looks like Mayura has created another Sentimonster.”


“Not just one,” Tikki said.


Marinette turned to where she was looking and saw more Sentimonsters on the news.


“Tikki, spots on!”





“Gift!” Pigella used her power on a cat Sentimonster, but the present was empty.


“These Sentimonsters have no will of their own,” Pigella reported.


“Good,” Ryuko said, “No moral dilemmas here. Lightning Dragon!”


She struck the cat, knocking it backwards.


“Clout!” Purple Tigress sends a spider Sentimonster into the air.


“There’s too many of them!” Carapace said as more Sentimonsters turned up.


“We need backup,” Ladybug said.


“You don’t mean…?” Rena asked.


“We have no choice. We have two more Miraculous, but we don’t have time to explain everything. We need people who know what they’re doing.”


“Sabrina, I can understand,” Rena said, “But Chloé?”


“Can we afford to be picky?”


A giant flying leech with eyes all over its body flew toward them.


“Point taken.”


Ladybug went to find Master Fu.





Chloé and Sabrina were hiding at the school.


This was the first time they had been alone together since they lost their Miraculous.


“Why didn’t you fight back?” Chloé asked.


“Against Ladybug? The hero who has saved us more times than I can count? You seriously have to ask that?”


Chloé didn’t have anything to say to that.


Ladybug jumped in from a window.


“Ladybug?” Chloé asked, “What are you doing here?”


“You want a chance to prove you can be a real hero?” Ladybug held out the Bee and Dog Miraculous.


“Why?” Sabrina asked.


“We’re outnumbered and can’t risk bringing in rookies.”


“Fair enough,” Sabrina said.


“I won’t let you down again, Ladybug,” Chloé promised as they took the Miraculous.





Hawk Moth and Scarlet Mayura arrived at the Eiffel Tower.


“Ladybug, Chat Noir, if you want to keep this city safe, surrender your Miraculous to me.”


“Not a chance, Hawk Moth,” Ladybug said from a rooftop. Her whole team was standing beside her.


“If you want our Miraculous, you’ll have to take them,” Chat Noir said.


“So be it,” Hawk Moth said, and Scarlet Mayura sent the Sentimonsters to attack.

Chapter Text

The Sentimonsters attacked the heroes, only for them to turn into mist.


“It’s a trick!” Hawk Moth shouted.


A portal opened behind them, and the heroes ran out.


“So, you’re Hawk Moth and Mayura,” Ladybug said.


“Finally came out of whatever hole you’ve been hiding in?” Chat asked.


The Sentimonsters headed toward the Eiffel Tower.


“Shell-ter!” Carapace created a shield around the tower.


Several heroes threw their weapons at Hawk Moth, who deflected them with his cane.


“Alright, kids. Watch what a man who's got nothing to lose can do!”


Scarlet Mayura gave him a disapproving look as she fought off Caprikid and Rooter Bold.


What’s that about? Chat wondered, maybe they’re a couple.


Some of the Sentimonsters had been trapped inside the Shell-ter with them, which some of the heroes fought off.


Minotaurox was facing an archer Sentimonster.




The archer became frustrated that its magic arrows couldn’t hurt him.


Several Sentimonsters surrounded Rena.


“Mirage!” Rena shouted, and all the Sentimonters now looked like her.


They began attacking each other as the real Rena slipped away.


A snake Sentimonster snuck up on Ladybug.


“Look out!” She pushed Ladybug out of the way.


“Hissss!” It prepared to strike again.


“Venom!” Queen Bee hit it with her top.


Ladybug smiled in thanks. Queen Bee was more effective now that she was in synch with the rest of them.


The Sentimonsters outside were attacking the Shell-ter, and cracks started to appear.


Among them was a giant metal giant with spikes that Ladybug really didn’t like the look of.


Hawk Moth continued to block thrown weapons.


One of the heroes ran up to Ladybug.


“Did you hit it?” Ladybug asked Miss Hound, who nodded.


“Fetch!” Her ball teleported Hawk Moth’s cane to her hand.




She broke the cane on her knee, and Mayura turned into what the heroes assumed was her usual costume.


The Sentimonsters all disappeared just as the Shell-ter collapsed.


“Give it up, losers!” Queen Bee told the supervillains.


The heroes had them surrounded.


“You think you’ve won?” Hawk Moth asked, “We have one more trick up our sleeve.”


“Yum, yum! Miraculous!”


Another Sentimonster that looked like a purple frog appeared.


“Are we supposed to be scared?” King Monkey asked. The Sentimonster was about the size of a dog.


“Wait, how did one of Mayura’s Sentimonsters survive?” Pegasus asked.


“I didn’t create it,” She answered, “After my Miraculous was repaired, I revisited the site where we found the Miraculous in the hopes of finding more but instead found what seemed to be a statue but was actually a dormant Sentimonster.”


The heroes stared at the Sentimonster. All but Queen Bee and Miss Hound had heard the story of the Sentimonster that had destroyed the order and knew what it was capable of.


“But if you don’t think it’s intimidating enough, I can rectify that,” Hawk Moth said and sent an Akuma to the Sentimonster.


“Stop him!” Viperion cried, but too late.


“Feast, I am giving you the power to track down and consume every single Miraculous and cancel out the powers of anyone you catch!”


“Wait, what?” Queen Bee asked.


The Sentimonster became much bigger and wrapped its tongue around Viperion.


“No!” Ladybug cried.


It swallowed him whole.


“Resistance!” Minotaurox cried out, but that didn’t protect him from being swallowed too.


“Genesis!” Caprikid tried to block Feast’s mouth with a giant ball but just swallowed it with ease.


“Sublim–” Rooter Bold said before Feast swallowed them both.


“Multitude!” Polymouse turned into dozens of clones, but when one was swallowed, the others disappeared.


“We’re losing too many people!” Rena cried.


Soon, only Ladybug and Chat Noir were left.


“My, how the tables have turned,” Hawk Moth gloated.


“Lucky Charm!”


Ladybug got a metal detector.


She remembered that Master Fu said he put the Amok inside his staff. Could it have been made of metal?


“Do you trust me?”


“Always, m’lady.”


She pulled him toward her and allowed them to be swallowed.


“Well, that’s one way to surrender,” Hawk Moth said.





They entered a void filled with many objects in bubbles… de-transformed.






“Are you kidding me?” Chloé’s voice rang out.


They turned to see their friends floating about.


“What…?” They said.


“Yeah, yeah,” everyone here is a superhero,” Alix said in a bored tone.


She had been through this a dozen times in the last few minutes.


“I… what?” Marinette said.


“Girl!” Alya said, “Do you have a plan?”


Marinette came back to her senses. She no longer had the Charm, but they had a lot of people to help with finding the staff.





“So, are we supposed to get Feast to spit them out or go in after them?” Mayura asked.


The Sentimonster disappeared.


“What?” Hawk Moth said.


A group of teenagers appeared, using pieces of cloth they had found inside to hide their faces before they transformed into the heroes.


“Lucky Charm!”


Ladybug threw a water balloon charm at Hawk Moth, hitting him in the face.




While Ladybug caught Feast’s Amok, Queen Bee ran forward.




Hawk Moth was paralysed.


Mayura fought hard but was overwhelmed.


When the Miraculous were removed they finally discovered the identities of their enemies.


“Nathalie? Father?”




Neither Chat Noir nor Nathalie said anything as the police arrived.





The news of Hawk Moth’s defeat was rivalled by the reappearance of the Guardian’s temple.


The team met with Master Fu.


“How are you, Adrien?” Fu asked.


“As well as could be expected,” He replied, “We think Nathalie will keep my secret.”


“Luckily, Gabriel couldn’t see or hear while paralysed,” Alya said.




Fu was silent for a moment, “I owe you all so much. You have made almost all my mistakes right.”


“Think nothing of it… wait, almost all?” Marinette asked.


“Yes. Not all the Miraculous were at the temple when it fell and have been lost in the years since, though I believe I found a lead for the Eagle Miraculous in America.”


The heroes exchanged glances before Marinette said.


“Want any help with that?”


“The Scavenger Hunt continues.”

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