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Did Percy just wrestle a Magic Crocodile?


Charlie managed to get himself into a circle that does some cool stuff-namely rescuing animals. It's his first mission; Help free the dragons that are currently very illegally being smuggled out of Romania. His friend mentioned that another guy who helps out time from time will be joining them, they've helped out for years!

So why is his little brother Percy here?

Chapter Text

"Charlie!" Richard called

"Yeah what is it Dick?" Charlie calls back, chucking a bucket of dragon dung down the Shute

"You free tonight?" Dick asked

"Yeah why?" Charlie said

"We've got a job going on and I was wondering if you'd join?" Dick explained "So you in?"

"Sure!" Charlie said

"Cool, this'll be your first one won't it?"


"I should probably mention though-we've got another guy joining us, he's not exactly a member per say but he has helped us out quite a few times over the years"

"Oh can't wait to meet him then" Charlie grins

Several hours later he finds himself waiting with Dick and the other for the 'mysterious other guy' to join them.

"Sorry about the wait" Dick says "He needs to come from abroad"

"Oh he lives outside the country?" Charlie asks

"England I think" Dick says

"Huh maybe I'll know him them?" Charlie says

"Wait and see mate" Dick tell him

There's sudden PoP and someone else has arrived.

"Percy!" Dick cheers

"Percy?!?!" CHarlie says flabberghasted "Wha-Huh? I'm confuzzled"

His little brother Percy was standing in front of him. Why the hell was he here?!?! Didn't he have duties at home?!?! His law abiding, ministry high up, smart, little brother helped illegally rescue dragons? And he'd apparently been doing so for YEARS?!!? 

"Oh Charlie?" Percy asks confused "What are you doing here?"

"Rescuing dragons" Charlie answers "You?"

"You didn't tell me Charlie was joining?" Percy questions Dick

"You guys now each other???" Dick says confused

"Dick" Charlie sighs "Percy is my little brother"

"Huh? Ooooohhhhh" Dick said "Huh you do look alike"

"You've known me for how many years Dick?" Charlie asks

"Not as many as I've known him" Dick gestures to Percy "How come no one told me?"

"We're both called Weasley, Dick" Percy says "Not a hard connection to make"

"Right well anyways...let's get going" Dick says

And they all follow suit. 

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