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Horrible Taste


Harry told Malfoy he likes him, and things went out of hand from there.

Basically a bunch of smut. I got this bad boy-ish Malfoy that I just had to get out of my head. Don't worry, things will eventually work out in the end, and he is also kind of sweet.

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Harry was sitting quietly at the bar counter of Zigzag when Malfoy kicked open the door. 

‘I'm parched!’ He complained, then before Harry had the chance to stop him, Malfoy grabbed the drink he was having and took a gulf. 

Right before he spat it right back, as though the absinthe was an unrealistically beautiful colour of emerald, it tasted awfully bitter and reacted strangely with the salt on the rim of the cup, Malfoy took the orange slice on the cup and place it on his tongue, but no luck, the orange was terribly sour. He looked up at Harry with hatred in his sharp silver eyes: ‘Salazar you have horrible taste in cocktails.’ 

Harry simply shrugged: ‘It's not for you.’

Malfoy ignored him, didn’t seem guilty or apologetic at all despite being two hours late for their date, and said to the bartender with a teasing smile: ‘Get me two fingers of Firewhiskey and...give him a Ladies Favourite.’ Then he turned and exclaimed, ‘Next round on me!’

The club cheered, and Malfoy carelessly dropped a handful of gold into the money jar. He looked sharp as always, with the black casual suit with a deep v neck and the white windcoat. His platinum hair was slicked back but a bit tousled now as a result of wearing a wig all day, and his voice was a bit hoarse, all signs that he had been in court today. He noticed Harry staring, took a sip of his Firewhiskey and smiled at Harry, baring his canine a little. 

And Harry could smell Malfoy's scent of daffodil. Harry usually kept his scent at bay, while Malfoy took pride in being a strong Alpha and always made his presence known with his scent. Harry's own Alpha brain reacted to another Alpha's scent, but only gently, as the scent was clear and fresh, reminding him how daffodils blossoming over shining golden river in warm spring days, evidence of Malfoy's good mood. 

‘I take it you won the case?’ Harry asked. 

‘When have I ever lost a case.’ Malfoy said, ‘But you owe me. Why do you think I’m two hours late? I had to file a bunch of stupid reports. If your man make such idiotic mistakes again, I won't go out of my way like this time to save your arse.’

‘Everyone makes mistakes. Got to give the new Aurors some chances.’ Harry said, Malfoy snorted noncommittally. But Harry knew, he was all talking. It wasn't the first time Harry went to him with a difficult case, though every time he had to put up with Malfoy's acerbic attitude, Malfoy never really turned him down. 

‘Whatever.’ Malfoy said, raising his glass again, ‘I'm not doing this job because I like it, so don't push it.’

True. Harry knew Malfoy became a prosecutor mostly to save his tarnished family name, personally he wasn't one with a bleeding heart or a keen sense of justice. In fact he had a rather dubious view of black and white, and walked the earth in his own unabashed way. But Harry believed he secretly liked his job, enjoyed taking the worst of human beings apart on the holy ground of court. And he didn't mind being the hero, as long as no one pointed it out to him. 

And somehow, it was deadly attractive to Harry. 

‘ you have another case for me...?’ Malfoy asked after a long silence. 


‘Then why did you ask me to meet you here?’ Malfoy seemed confused. 

Harry felt a bit frustrated, and resisted the urge to facepalm. He downed his own drink--what Malfoy ordered for him, wine too sweet to his taste with a hint of chocolate aroma, the kind only Malfoy would appreciate with his sweet tooth--and rose from his seat: ‘Nothing, really. It’s late. I think I just had my last drink.’ 

Malfoy seemed suspicious, as Harry left the bar, he could feel Malfoy following him out. 

London's spring was unpredictable, and it started to drizzle as they walked out the bar. Malfoy seemed annoyed by the rain, cursed under the breath, but he still chased after Harry, caught his wrist under a pheonix tree: ‘Potter, come on. Spit it out. Why did you ask me to meet.’ 

Harry sighed: ‘The meeting is why, Malfoy, I asked you out.’

Malfoy blinked in confusion, then he repeated: ‘You asked me out. As in...?’ 

‘I like you, Malfoy.’ Harry said, ‘I like you.’ 

‘Oh.’ Malfoy finally got it, and his silver eyes widened. ‘You like me. You.’

Harry nodded in resignation.

Then all of a sudden, Malfoy burst out laughing. The bastard had the gut to laugh at him: ‘You. The great Saviour Harry Potter. Like me? Like, like-like me? Oh praise Merlin and Morgana. You, asked me out and confessed your liking of me?’

He laughed so hard that he almost doubled over.

Harry...sort of expected this. It's not like he expected that once he told Malfoy he had romantic feelings for him, Malfoy would immediately declare his undying love for Harry and they would live happily ever after. There was always the possibility that the rather cruel Slytherin would laugh in his face and he would never hear the end of his teasing.

Harry just wanted to tell Malfoy how he felt. And Malfoy's reactions...were Malfoy's reactions.

‘Alright. I guess it's good night then.’ Harry sighed, ‘I promise this won't cause you any trouble. We don't see each other at work very often, and work is work alright?’

He turned to leave, but Malfoy caught his wrist again.

‘Sorry Potter.’ He said, ‘But you got to admit it's funny.’

And he proceeded to laugh some more.

Harry's heart felt very raw. And he would very much leave to hide in the safety of his own apartment and perhaps drink some more. But it felt weird to wring his wrist out of Malfoy's grip.

‘Sorry.’ Malfoy coughed to stop himself from laughing, and he apologised. His brows furrowed as he looked to the side, the tree only held off the rain for so long and the drizzle slightly dampened his hair, thus the annoyed expression was back on his face, ‘Ugh. I'm not trying to break your heart or anything but...I'm not sure if I can do gay. Never considered the possibility.’

Homosexuality was a bit complicated between Alphas, it's not just that Alphas were usually taller and more muscular, but the compatibility of scents. Alphas and Omegas use their scents to attract and console each other, but Alphas use their scents to fight each other. Not all Alphas could tolerate other Alpha's intense scent during sex without punching the other, let alone be aroused by it. Harry knew from experience that he was one of them. In fact, he knew from experience that he would be aroused by Malfoy's intense scent, as back in the days in Hogwarts, Malfoy enjoyed imposing his scent on Harry, no holding back at all, and Harry had gotten used to how his scent and magic would force their way into his body, heating up his core and scrabbling his brain, even lingering around him like it would never fade.

He fought back with his scent, of course, Malfoy would scrunch his nose and criticise the banality of his scent--his scent smell like the most common grass, green and simple--and he would be riled up, ready to fight like a silver wolf that would pounce any second and break Harry's neck. Harry had enjoyed the antagonism, but indeed never once did Malfoy show any sign other than provoked.

‘You uh, want to try?’Harry asked.

He immediately felt stupid for asking the question, yet Malfoy ran his hand through his hair, Harry's eyes couldn't help but followed the slender fingers: ‘Actually, yes.’

He could hardly back down now.

Godric this was going to end up messy for him. Harry took a deep breath: ‘Your place or mine?’

‘Mine.’ Malfoy said firmly as he apparated them.



It's actually not the first time Harry's been to Malfoy's apartment.

Of Course, he no longer lived at the Manor, as his relationship with Lucius deteriorated after the war. Partly he still looked up to the sneaky opportunist and longed for his recognition, but he also couldn't stand the old bastard. The Manor was still where he spent the holidays, as there's nothing not to adore about Narcissa, especially her desserts.

Malfoy's apartment was kept unusually tidy that it looked like a page pulled out of modern decoration magazine, filled with impersonal colours of black, white and green. The only signs of someone living there were the unified bottles of seasoner with various states of usage and a few case files stacked on the coffee table. Harry was here a few times preparing trails with Malfoy, and Malfoy held a few small parties that needed Harry to bridge with Ron and Hermione or a handful of other Gryffindors.

His bedroom, however, was a first. The room carried on the impersonal neat style, with a king size bed and Slytherin green bedding.

The strange surrounding, somehow, made Harry feel a bit nervous.

‘You want me to...’ Harry tried.

‘Yes. Please.’ Malfoy said, ‘I'm not very sure how this works.’

Harry nodded a bit rigidly, then he started with taking off his clothes. Malfoy leaned on the door frame in a way it looked like he was ready to flee any time, his arms folded making it clear that he wasn't going to help, and he watched with a slight frown.

Harry found it hard to make it some sort of strip show under such conditions, especially he had no idea how to strip tease in the first place. The experience he had with other Alphas, they were eager to take him, he never had the need to persuade or seduce. He wasn't exactly timid about stripping in front of Malfoy though, he got nothing to be ashamed or afraid of, his body golden and athletic as the result of persistent training, and Malfoy didn't have that old criticising look in his eyes as Harry bared himself.

When Harry took off his shirt with a rather swift motion though, Malfoy blinked quite quickly for a second.

He stripped himself bare, noticing Malfoy's unreadable eyes lingered on his half hard cock for a brief second, and carefully, he approached Malfoy. Malfoy didn't move, simply looked up into his eyes, a slight detested and challenging expression in his cold eyes.

Harry knelt down, cupped his hand over Malfoy's crotch as he did so, unzipped the fly and pushed the clothes down. He pressed his face by Malfoy's cock and looked up at Malfoy with his emerald eyes, carefully releasing his scent, Malfoy looked back with unreadable expression, yet quickly looked away, his scent pushed down instinctively, habitually, forcing Harry to yield.

Instead of pushing back as he usually did, Harry threaded his scent with Malfoy's, Malfoy seemed confused, as instead of meeting the usual resistance, his scent was embraced, Harry let his scent and magic touch him, wrap around his naked body, and he opened his mouth, taking Malfoy's cock in.

Malfoy's breath hitched, his cock started to fill in Harry's mouth, and Harry sucked on it.

For the first time, Malfoy reacted, his hand pressed on Harry's head, his fingers buried into the messy curls, as if he was trying to pin Harry there, to stop him or keep him there, Harry wasn't sure.

So he raised his chin and took Malfoy's cock deeper, he knew exactly how to move his tongue along the shaft, and Malfoy groaned. Harry couldn't help but feel satisfied with himself, he felt Malfoy's hand tighten in his hair, but he wasn't pushing Harry away, and Harry worked his tongue around the growing girth as much as he could.

He didn't have time to spare though, so he had one hand around his now fully hard cock, and the other reached behind himself, cast wandless and wordless (of course, with his mouth full) cleaning spell and lubricant spell, and pressed a finger in.

Malfoy could definitely see what he was doing, he closed his eyes, but couldn't help but buck his hips, slamming against Harry's throat, his grip in Harry's hair painful.

It took Harry a few minutes but he stretched himself enough for the third finger to be able to slip in, taking sweet breaths around Malfoy's cock. He took Malfoy's cock into his mouth as far as he could before gently let it slide out, finally taking a good look. There was no other word to describe Malfoy's fully erect cock than beautiful, it looked like a work of art with rosy pink flushed through the pale white colour, the bright red top slightly pointy and shining with saliva and precome, curved upward proudly like the unabashed Alpha standing before Harry. It throbbed before Harry's eyes, which reminded Harry somehow of Malfoy raising a single brow when he was teasing Harry, and he couldn't help but smiled.

Malfoy flicked his finger and demanded: ‘Bed.’

Harry got up and lied on the bed, but Malfoy frowned, immediately and roughly pushed his shoulder and pressed him face down into the bed, Harry was caught off guard and he instinctively tried to push himself up, but Malfoy straddled him, he felt Malfoy's hands on his arsecheeks, pushed his arse up a little, then thrusted three fingers in.

Harry moaned into the bedding, somehow it felt different having Malfoy's fingers in his arse, he could imagine the meticulously maintained nails, the slender fingers and the hard knuckles. He wasn't really gentle, scissored his fingers ruthlessly, just hastily made sure Harry was soft and wet enough, and Harry felt the hot tip of his cock pressed at his entrance.

Malfoy had Harry's arsecheeks in his iron grip, spread to the point Harry felt his face burning, then his cock thrusted all the way in.

Harry cried out, his back tensed and he clawed at the bedding. The tiny hole wasn't designed for this, despite the preparation, he felt difficult to adjust to Malfoy's brutal intrusion, but Malfoy didn't seem to care, didn't give him the time to adjust before he pulled out and thrusted in again.

It was the first time Malfoy fucked an Alpha in the arsehole, but he got the grip in a few thrusts, Harry could tell Malfoy was good at sex, from the way he moved his waist, probed different angles and changed his pace. Harry pushed back catering to the thrusts, but before he had the chance to enjoy, he felt Malfoy hastily pulled over a pillow and pressed it over his back, so hasty that his hand pressed on the back of Harry's head, the rings on his hand collided with his skull painfully.

The pillow covered most of his face and back, leaving only his arse. He knew what it meant--that Malfoy didn't want to see the distinctively masculine part of his body, and wanted to block the gland at the back of his neck to stop the release of his scent. The acknowledgment felt like a bucket of ice chilling all the way down his spine.

He felt heartbroken and humiliated that his eyes stung with tears, yet despite he was used as a hole, he could not deny the pleasure Malfoy's ruthless fucking and his intense scent brought him. He felt self protective and riled up, his body tensed to resist the pleasure, but right then Malfoy's cock brushed his prostate.

His arse involuntarily clenched around Malfoy's cock, Malfoy cursed, slapped his arse hard and kneaded, forcing him to relax, he realised that must be Harry's sweet spot and he targeted it ruthlessly, fucked through the spasming hole and slammed into the gland. Despite Harry's psychological resistance, his body gave in to the pleasure, soft against the bed with his arse raised high in the air.

He couldn't possibly expect Malfoy to care for his cock, but Malfoy didn't need to. The almost cruel attack on his prostate wasn't healthy but it was stimulating enough, Harry closed this eyes and let himself be taken away by the fierce pleasure, cumming all over Malfoy's bed, his arsehole clenched and spasmed, Malfoy groaned, his grip painful on Harry's hips as he thrusted a few more times and knotted, cummed inside Harry's arsehole.

The knot stretched Harry's hole that he felt terribly full, it was usually Harry's favourite part of the sex, but today it was awkward waiting for the knot to fade, Harry felt Malfoy's forehead against the pillow at the back of his neck, his breath heavy after the intense sex.

But, the result was clear.

Harry pushed himself up once the knot faded, and Malfoy let him, his cock slipped out of Harry's arse, and he moved out of Harry's way. Harry got off the bed, began to pick his clothes up and dressed as fast and casual as he could.

Malfoy sat there on the bed, his legs open and the soft pink cock rested cutely against the dark trousers, he raised a hand and cladded over his face: ‘I don't think...’

‘I know.’ Harry interrupted him.

Malfoy looked at him from between his fingers, and very rarely, he looked like a child who did something wrong: ‘Sorry. Your scent...I feel like fighting. A strong desire to hurt you. I don't think I can control it. If you keep staying here...I might trash you. I don't like the feeling. I don't think I'm gay.’

It actually didn't sound that bad, Harry felt his sore body heating at the words, but then, he couldn't forget the hurt and humiliation when Malfoy covered him with the pillow. This wasn't working, and that happens.

He suppressed his scent as much as he could and said easily: ‘It's fine. Don't worry about it. I had fun. Night Malfoy.’

And he apparated, not sure if he could take another second.



It had crossed his mind that Malfoy might tease him about sucking his cock and taking his knot like a bitch, but then, he wasn't surprised Malfoy didn't say a word to anyone--like he said, he wasn't gay. He left bruises on Harry's arse, and around the time the bruises healed, Harry finished picking up the pieces.

Not much changed, as the few times they crossed paths at work, Malfoy extended help as usual, without any sign of awkwardness, which was a good thing.

So it surprised Harry when he finished washing his hands in Zigzag , looked up and saw Malfoy staring at him through the mirror.

It was Malfoy's birthday, and he was invited to the party, he went with a carefully selected gift---a box of specially made lozenges, the formula from Snape's old textbook. Everything went smoothly and normally, though he still felt his gaze attracted to Malfoy all the time. The birthday boy was dressed in dark green silk shirt with butterfly collar that showed off his collarbones and white pants that outlined his long legs, Parkinson got an unusual amount of glitter on him after rounds of game and punishment, drawing Harry's eyes to every highlighted sexy features of his body, and Harry got slightly aroused by his unsuppressed scent, the way his fingers held the glass, his collarbones and the way he smiled.

Except that every once in a while he would remember the humiliation of how Malfoy was unable to look at his body when he fucked him, and his mind would wander.

He stilled when he saw Malfoy's silver eyes in the mirror, took him a second to ask: ‘...What.’

‘...Nothing.’ Malfoy said, his cheeks a flowery pink as a result of binge drinking, ‘It's just that I've been thinking...’

He walked up to Harry, before Harry reacted he had his arms around Harry's waist, and began to unfasten Harry's belt. Harry's stopping hands were weak at best.

‘About that night.’ Malfoy said as he roughly pulled down Harry's pants, his index finger drew a line from Harry's perineum to his arsehole, he murmured cleaning spell and lubricant spell, and dipped a finger in, ‘I think...I didn't do it right.’

‘You are drunk.’ Harry said, his hand pushing at Malfoy's arm, the movement bared part of Malfoy's chest, Harry caught a glimpse of the Sectumsempra scars he put there and froze.

‘Maybe.’ Malfoy said, his lips brushing over Harry's cheek, whispering sweetly in his ear, he looked straight at Harry through the mirror, with a shade of rosy red at the end of his eye, he looked like a handsome devil, his chin rested childishly on Harry's shoulder and his scent trickling down like rough caress, ‘But it's my birthday. Will you let me have my way with you?’

And Harry just couldn't say no to that.

He ended up bending over a toilet with his pants dropped around mid-thigh, with his hoodie on the only visible part of him was still his bare arse.

He had tried to hold his scent back, but Malfoy still had trouble controlling his violent urge, he slapped Harry's arse hard as he quickly worked three fingers into his arse. The preparation was rough and hasty as Malfoy's birthday party was still going on outside, the fingers thrusted in and out, making the entrance redden and swell a little. He seemed to remember where Harry's prostate was, pressing it showing no mercy, but his fingers were still probing, looking for something else. Harry was about to stop him when he suddenly brushed over a particularly smooth spot, Harry couldn't help but gasped, and Malfoy smirked complacently.

Alphas couldn't bear babies, but as the sex only firmly sets in around puberty, they were born with a gonocoel that could either develop into a uterus or deteriorate. It was extremely sensitive, contracted upon touch, and Harry felt his thighs trembling the moment Malfoy teased it with the tip of his finger.

‘Sorry that I missed this.’ Malfoy said as he pulled out his cock and stroked it, ‘Have you ever tried getting fucked there?’

Harry shook his head.

He had thought the gonocoel had fully deteriorated, some of his past flings did tried to look for the orifice but none found it, and he just assumed.

‘I've fucked Omegas there before, and they loved it.’ Malfoy drawled, sliding his cock over Harry's hole, his expression a tipsy nonchalance, ‘An Alpha slut like you, I think you are going to be addicted.’

Harry moaned as Malfoy's cock split him open, crushing over his prostate, he didn't waste any time and immediately started looking for the orifice. The moment he hit it, sweet sparkles numbed Harry's arse, he craved that feeling like a bitch in heat, Malfoy seemed to get it, and he slammed into the spot hard and fierce, Harry might have screamed, because the next moment he had Malfoy's hand over his mouth, the cold family ring digging into his cheek: ‘Easy Potter, they are going to hear you all the way over the bar.’

Right. No one could know. He was a dirty secret in the bar's toilet.

Harry closed his eyes but then Malfoy pressed his cock on the orifice and twisted, crushing over the spot, and he moaned into Malfoy's palm. He could smell his own scent flooding out of his control, dense and juicy like crushed grass, and he wanted it like crazy, wanted Malfoy to abuse his hole till it was so swollen that he could feel it all the time.

Time was of the essence, Malfoy was provoked by his scent and he had no luxury to be gentle, he slapped Harry's arse again, reddening the arsecheeks as he fucked Harry hard and alternated between crushing over Harry's prostate or the orifice, Harry wouldn't be able to stably stand without Malfoy grabbing his hips.

Harry also had a few glasses of various cocktails, without holding back, it didn't take long for him to cum untouched again, though this time Malfoy pulled out after a few hard thrusts, and cummed on his arse instead.

He scooped up the cum and pushed them into Harry's hole as much as he could, teasing the still sensitive flesh after orgasm, then he leaned down and bit, hard, sunk his teeth in the firm flesh of Harry's arse and Harry groaned, knowing it would leave behind a bloody bitemark.

‘They are going to miss me at the party.’ Malfoy said with a lazy smirk as he straightened his clothes, ‘Happy Birthday to me.’

Then he left.

Harry stayed there for a few seconds, until the spunk on his arse had gone cold, and he spelled them away and apparated straight home, as this was the first time he had sex in a public toilet and he felt dirty. Not because of the magically well-cleaned toilet, fortunately or unfortunately.



He avoided Malfoy after that.

Nothing too obvious, of course, they weren't exactly colleagues anyway, so it wasn't difficult.

Perhaps it was the mind blowing sex he had been having, he felt his rut approach with agitation. With the Wizarding World rather peaceful during the hot summer, he even took a few days off to have a proper rut.

But the least person he expected to see when he answered the doorbell was Malfoy.

The blonde looked up at him from under the stairs and smirked, flashing his white teeth.

‘...Can I help you?’ Harry asked.

Malfoy walked in as if he owned the place, and looked around critically. Harry held a rather small loft compared to Malfoy's apartment, the room was mostly red and gold and warm exactly like the Gryffindor dorm, and it was cramped with all kinds of domestic and personal stuff such as pillows and plushies and books, with pictures filling the walls.

‘Salazar. This looks like the lair of a hamster with hoarding mania. I think these junk live here, and where do they stock you, under the stairs?’ Malfoy said, then he eyed Harry up and down, making Harry feel a bit self conscious in the old crimson T-shirt with a golden snitch on his chest and frayed old grey joggers. ‘And you need to upgrade your wardrobe. I doubt any charity shop will accept your donation.’

‘Upstairs, actually. I feel comfortable this way.’ Harry said, ‘And you're here to criticise my taste in clothes and apartment?’

‘Heard you took a few days off, came to see if you are okay.’ Malfoy said as his eyes surveyed the pictures on the wall, most of them were about Ron, Hermione, and Harry's other friends, and there were ones about Rose, but Malfoy took up a great part too, smiling brightly and confidently, usually teasing the Harry standing by his side.

‘...It's my rut, so I took a few sick days, that's all.’ Harry said, looking anywhere but at Malfoy.

‘Oh.’ Harry waited for Malfoy to leave, but that didn't happen. When he looked up, Malfoy had opened his arms and motioned for him to go over. ‘Well come on then.’

Harry didn't move.

‘Come on.’ Malfoy said as he walked over to Harry, pressing him on the wall, his eyes looked pretty at such a close distance, a tantalising curve with long and pale eyelashes draped under, lidding over the poisonous silver eyes, his smile devilish, ‘It's better to spend your rut with me than alone, you know that.’

‘Malfoy.’ Harry said, and there was suppressed anger in his voice, ‘Please leave.’

But Malfoy ignored him. He leaned in and kissed Harry.

It was unexpected. And Malfoy was a good kisser, he kissed in a slightly juvenile and show-off sort of way, but soon he kissed Harry hungrily like he wanted to devour him, and Harry found himself liking it. Harry doubted this time would be much different from the emotionally traumatic experience of the previous times, but the sex was great, and he found himself giving in, melting in the kiss.

When the kiss finally slowed down, Malfoy bit his bottom lip teasingly then said: ‘Lead me to your bedroom. Unless you want me to fuck you on the wall. Then perhaps your couch, and your carpet, and your stairs...’

Harry did not lead him upstairs.

Malfoy turned him around, pulled his pants down and fucked him there, then he did pick Harry up, kissing him as he teased the orifice with each thrust.

The position allowed the cock to fuck particularly deep, Malfoy pinned Harry on the wall and impaled Harry, making the orifice take the weight and crushed over it as he twisted his waist.

The initial lubricant from the spell dried off, but somehow the stimulation made Harry's arsehole slick like an Omega, and they were both excited by it, Harry felt his need unsaturable because of his rut, all he could think about was keeping Malfoy's cock in his arsehole and have it slam against the sweet spots. It didn't matter if Malfoy made him spread his arsecheeks for him or his hole was fucked a lewd colour of red, swelling pitifully yet still sucking greedily on Malfoy's knot, the orifice had also swelled after the repeated stimulation, but it only wanted to be abused harder.

When Malfoy carried him up the stairs with his cock still fucking in Harry's arse though, one heavy step, and the tip of the Alpha's cock breached the swollen orifice and stuck there. Orgasm tore through Harry and his scent exploded, he cummed hard, all over Malfoy's abdomen and chest, even on that handsome face. He had thought the gonocoel had fully deteriorated, but no, apparently there was still a tiny room enough for Malfoy to breach in. The fat little ring of muscle clenched around the sensitive head of Malfoy's cock so hard that Malfoy almost dropped him, they barely made it to the platform of the stairs and Malfoy bit down on his shoulder, his fangs breaking the tanned skin, and he knotted and cummed into Harry's deteriorated gonocoel. The moment the knot forced open the orifice and hot spunk hit the sensitive wall of the gonocoel, Harry cried out and came again.

Malfoy looked up at him with red rimmed eyes as he licked his bloody bitemark, like he hate Harry with all his being, or something else just as intense.

But Harry wasn't the only one addicted, for the rest of Harry's rut, Malfoy fucked him in all possible positions on the bed, filling the tiny underdeveloped gonocoel with his spunk, until the swollen but loosened orifice couldn't hold it anymore and excessive amount of white fluid would leak out of Harry's arsehole as Malfoy spread the cheeks, then Malfoy would fill it up all over again. Harry couldn't help but remember it, how it felt to be invaded in the most sensitive part of his body, until the thick head of the Alpha's cock could fuck easily in and out of the orifice, how it felt when his prostate and orifice were fucked swollen that he could feel their distinct presence, that a slight clench or movement would make him hard, send him back to the spiral of lust again, and how it felt when the warm spunk leaked out of his arse, making a mess in the crack and down his thighs.

Malfoy had trouble being gentle with their Alpha scents constantly provoking each other, Harry enjoyed the familiar feeling of being bullied by Malfoy's scent, but Malfoy couldn't help but be rough, pushing Harry around, grabbing his hair or holding him with too tight grip, biting and sucking his body or slapping his arse and thighs, leaving bitemarks and bruises. He also had a vile mouth on the bed just as off the bed, calling Harry his bitch when he had his arse high up in the air and his whore as he fucked the head in and out of the loosened orifice, forced Harry to agree to bearing his baby when he knotted and filled Harry to the brim with his spunk and consoled Harry he would fuck him again and give him more when the cum leaked out.

It wasn't bad at all. Except that it didn't mean anything to Malfoy. They didn't talk about it, and really when Harry's rut ended, he just wanted a long sleep.



Malfoy came again the next month on Harry's rut, and he fucked Harry again. When he was done, holding Harry from behind and his knot was still buried inside Harry's abused arsehole, Harry said: ‘This can't happen again.’

Malfoy lifted a brow and said in a cruel way: ‘Why. You can't possibly tell me you didn't enjoy it.’

Harry said with as much patience as he could manage: ‘Because it's not what I want. It's not that I don't know what kind of person you are like, Malfoy, I know that when I fell for you. But I like you. I want to be liked back, not used for fun.’

Malfoy's grip on his waist tightened.

The knot hadn't fully faded yet, but he pulled out nonetheless, it felt like a part of him was ripped away and Harry flinched at the pain, he closed his eyes, and Malfoy apparated away without a word.

And yet, he came back just days after, when it was his rut. He stormed into Harry's loft, his scent sharp and heavy and grabbed Harry like vines.

‘I want you.’ He said, ‘I need you.’

He was a heartless bastard yet it was so hard to resist him when the familiar scent attacked Harry, forcing him to yield and persuading him with lust.

‘I can't help you with your rut.’ Harry said through the hot kisses, ‘Go find some other Omegas. Or Alphas.’

‘I still don't think I'm gay.’ Malfoy said carelessly as he pulled Harry's legs open and squeezed himself between, as if he was unable to read the situation, ‘I hate the scents of Alphas, make me all riled up.’

Harry seriously wanted to punch him, but then Malfoy kissed and bit a trail down his body, and took Harry's cock into his mouth.

It felt different when Malfoy's rutting and he wasn't, this time he was the one craving Harry, couldn't bear to stop touching Harry. Yet a rutting Alpha was dominated by the instinct to mate, and they saw other Alphas as rivals for the right of mating. Malfoy seemed more easily provoked, he cursed colourfully, yet he tried to constrain himself from leaving marks on Harry's body.

Perhaps because it was no longer Harry's rut, the repetitive abuse of the orifice felt different this time, it throbbed and ached, the symptom getting stronger and stronger with each time Malfoy cummed into the deteriorated gonocoel that eventually, Harry put his hand on Malfoy's chest to stop him: ‘Wait...’

Malfoy didn't want to be separated from him, he's got like a hundred tricks, playing the cards of cute or pretty or piteous, he could always get what he wanted when he knew he didn't deserve it. Usually even Harry let him get away with it, but not right now, as the pain is growing intense.

Malfoy quickly realised Harry resisted him for a concrete reason, and despite his rut wasn't over, he carefully pulled himself out of Harry's body.

‘You...alright?’ He asked hesitantly, not sure what to do.

‘I...don't think so.’ Harry frowned, his hand covering his lower stomach and there were beads of cold sweat on his forehead, ‘I think I need to go to St. Mungos.’

Malfoy was unusually still and quiet, it took him a while to say: ‘Okay.’

Harry struggled to get up, the pain was rather excruciating, he looked up at Malfoy for help, only to find Malfoy looking at him with an empty expression. And he realised--Malfoy weren't going with him.

‘...Malfoy.’ He said.

‘I can't...alright?’ Malfoy finally moved, he found Harry's clothes and began putting them on him clumsily, ‘You uh, want to firecall someone?’

‘You won't take me to the hospital.’ Harry stated, ‘When you did this to me.’

‘That's exactly why I can't go to the hospital with you okay?’ Malfoy said, brows furrowed in irritation, ‘I'm in rut and you...’

‘You don't want anyone to know we've been fucking.’

He could smell his own scent, intense and bitter, like freshly mowed lawn, all the grass blades bleeding from the cuts.

‘Potter.’ Malfoy said as he grabbed Harry's jacket for him, the dark material made a stark contrast with his trembling pale fingers, ‘Be reasonable. It is one thing that you got fucked into the hospital. A totally different matter that, got fucked into the hospital’

‘I don't know why I bother.’

Harry was in pain, he didn't want to say one more word both because of his aching gonocoel and his broken heart, he calmly grabbed the jacket from Malfoy, and slammed the bedroom door on his way out.



Without any examination of his partner, the best the healers could do was guessing. They believed that Malfoy might be a significantly outstanding Alpha, something the academia was debating whether to name as Enigma, that his scent and magic would sometimes stimulate a secondary development of other Alphas. So Harry's gonocoel probably was deteriorated, but was stimulated to development again since he started having sex with Malfoy.

To what extent would the secondary development go, however, they were pretty sure he would eventually be fine and wouldn't become an Omega, but other than that, the healers weren't certain about anything. Which was just fantastic.

Harry was hospitalised for two weeks to have his vitals and hormones monitored daily, which meant he had to spend his birthday in St. Mungos.

The only good thing was, as a workaholic, he had a lot of sick days that were about to expire, so he got that covered.

He wasn't hospitalised for a glorious reason, therefore he only told the few best friends, and even to them, he kept the reason vague. The one person he couldn't fool though, was Hermione. She studied Harry's medical record and sighed: ‘Just when I thought your days of being hospitalised are over. I have to admit though, this is a very novel reason to be hospitalised. Bet you didn't see it coming.’

‘Sort of did.’ Harry sighed and lied back in the pillows, ‘I knew I would end up in a hospital bed involved with him, just not like this. It's actually better than I expected.’

His brilliant yet sometimes annoying best friend looked at him from over the clip board: ‘So it's Malfoy then.’

Harry froze as he realised she had been tricking information out of him, then he looked down: ‘You could have just asked. It's not like I wouldn't tell you.’

‘I know.’ She said as she put the record down, ‘I just still enjoy being right.’

Harry smiled just a little.

‘I take it things aren't going smoothly?’

‘When has anything that involved me ever went smoothly?’

‘I'm thinking you are not the problem.’ She said, her honey brown eyes warm and caring, ‘You know you will always have us, right?’

‘He'll get there.’

‘What?’ Hermione wasn't sure what Harry was saying.

Harry was about to answer her when the door knob turned and Malfoy walked in. Hermione widened her eyes as she saw Malfoy, and Harry tilted his head to get a better look.

Malfoy had on a white silk shirt with golden peacock feathers embroideries, his hair slicked back with a few loose strands framing his face. But on the bare forearms where he rolled his sleeves up, aside from the black ring of tattoo around his arm covering the dark mark, there were quite a few wide stripes of bruises, the red and purple distinct on his pale skin, and he had a cut on his right cheek, the blood clotted now but tainted and ruined the classy shirt.

He looked horrible. Compared to him, the cake looked surprisingly intact and perfect.

It was a rather beautiful chocolate cake with strawberries, frostings and chocolate chips on top, he placed it on Harry's bedside table and said casually: ‘Not sure if you already have a birthday cake but there's no law saying one can only have one birthday cake on their birthday right? Mother baked this for you. --Can I talk to you?’

Harry looked to Hermione: ‘If you have anything to say, I'm sure you can say it with Mione here.’

Malfoy looked at Harry from under his thick eyelashes: ‘You certain?’


Malfoy nodded, pulling a chair over to the side of Harry's hospital bed: ‘Got to warn you though, you have horrible taste in men.’

Harry wasn't yielding.

Malfoy dropped down in the chair, his shoulders slightly closed and hands folded before his crotch in an insecure position, yet he spoke carelessly: ‘The first time I fucked you,’

‘Okay.’ Hermione interrupted immediately, ‘Thank Merlin fucking Ambrosius. I'm leaving.’

She strode out of the door like her dress was on fire, locked the door behind her and threw a few privacy charms.

The room was silent for a few seconds, then Malfoy looked up at Harry, his silver eyes vulnerable and clear as he continued unabashedly: ‘The first time I fucked you, I was trying very hard to make sense of what was happening. I couldn't look you in the eyes because all I could think about was your eyes are so bloody green and your pretty face was so bloody close to my cock. And I couldn't fuck you looking straight at your face. I went along, because I couldn't resist, but I also didn't know what was happening. How I was fucking you. It was like, I suddenly woke up halfway through, that I saw your flushed face when you were moaning, and I realised, I was fucking you. And the first thing I did--I still don't know why I did it, was grabbed a pillow so I wouldn't see your face. I think--I think I panicked. I couldn't stop, because it was you, but at the same time... I couldn't figure out what to do because it was you.’

He raised a hand and covered the gland behind his neck: ‘I said I'm not gay, because it was strange to me, Alpha's scent induce the worst part of me, makes me want to fight, bite, hurt you. I wasn't getting the hang of it, and I didn't like the feeling. And I tried thinking about fucking another Alpha, and I hated the idea.’

‘I know I've been a dick.’

‘A huge dick.’ Harry helpfully provided.

‘Is that a praise or metaphorical...?' Malfoy tilted his head and teased, Harry glared at him, and he looked away, ‘Fine. I've been a huge dick. I've been...trying to figure out what is going on. I need to know if I'm doing it right. I need to know if I can do it all. And I need to know if I can control myself. I think...part of me still have trouble understanding Harry Potter likes me and I've been fucking him and he likes that too. Because I'm a packaged deal, with my horrible personality and my horrible past. Like I said, it would be an entirely different matter that the great Saviour got fucked into the hospital by an ex-death eater. I don't know if you are ready for my troubles. But I wasn't ready to see you trapped by my troubles. What's worse, I don't think the future's all flowers and sunshine. I could try, but I'm going to fail again.’

Harry listened quietly, then he lifted a hand and motioned his own cheek: ‘What happened with...?’

‘This?’ He touched his cheek, the bruises on his arms seemed even more obvious as he moved, ‘Went back to the Manor today. Talked with mother, she baked you the cake. And I told father. That I fucked you, and I liked it, even though it might not work out between us. And he sort of had a mental meltdown.’

‘Gods.’ Harry somehow wanted to laugh, ‘I wish I was there.’

‘Well it wasn't exactly pretty. There were spells flying and he broke his favourite cane. Mother lost a tea set and she was so angry--actually, remind me to buy her a new set.’ Malfoy said, then he pulled out a small box, opened it and put it on Harry's bed, ‘Here. Happy Birthday.’

It looked like a ring box, but lying inside was a blank badge. Harry looked up at Malfoy, but Malfoy's expression wasn't giving anything away.

He picked it up, shook it a little, and suddenly the badge turned bright red and into the shape of a heart, and bold words appeared. It read: MALFOY LIKES HARRY. And when Harry pressed the badge, it changed to: A LOT.

He looked up at Malfoy.

Malfoy looked back with his expression open: ‘You can wear it if you want. I don't mind anyone knowing.’

Harry looked down at the badge.

‘Again, I'm sorry for everything.’ Malfoy said, ‘But I have no idea how to make it up. You can help me out, otherwise I'll just muddle through somehow. Either way, you are not getting rid of me anytime soon.’

Harry had no doubt. Malfoy had his own bad boy sort of charm Harry just couldn't be immune to. Otherwise he wouldn't have risked his heart and went through all that. Malfoy could always get away with it, no matter how much he annoyed Harry sometimes.

‘I'm an adult. I can handle going to the hospital by myself once or twice.’ Harry said easily, looking up and into Malfoy's eyes, ‘But I'm going to need someone for my rut for the rest of my life.’



Hermione peeked her head in, when she looked around and made sure Malfoy had left, she let out a deep breath. She looked up at Harry and said: ‘You know he could have changed the clothes and healed the wounds before he came here right?’

Harry nodded: ‘I know.’

He was still playing with the badge in his hand. Hermione read the words upside down easily, and smiled: ‘I guess it all worked out in the end.’

‘Told you he would get there.’ Harry said, flipped and tossed the badge in the air, then caught it with ease.

Sure it was once out of his hand, but it never had the chance to escape.

Like he said, he knew what kind of person Malfoy was when he fell for him. Malfoy was different. When he was presented with the destination, he wouldn't go straight over like Harry would. His first instinct was probably run. He would go as far and as circuitous as he could, all the way around the world if possible. But he would get there. He would always get there.

And Harry didn't mind waiting.