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Every Part of You and Me


For years Fuuko lived vicariously through To You, From Me. Now she desires to act out her favorite tropes from anime, manga and other media. And Andy is more than happy to fulfill her every desire.

Chapter 1: Cowboy/Farmer's daughter


Reuested by CertifiedLoverGirlxxx
Theme song for this chapter:
Fearless by Jackson Dean

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the hazy glow of a dying sunset, dust danced gracefully along the deserted dirt road as Andy ambled along, his horse's hooves rhythmically thudding against the parched earth. The vast expanse of the open planes stretched before him, a seemingly endless ocean of golden wheat rippling in the gentle breeze.

As he rode a distant silhouette of a farmhouse gradually emerged on the horizon, a solitary harbor of possible company amidst the vast emptiness. Curiosity piqued Andy nudged his horse forward, the weary animal also eager to find respite after the long trek.

Drawing closer, he could make out the flickering glow of a lamp emanating from with the dwelling, casting a warm inviting light into the darkness from behind faded lace curtains. With a weary sigh, Andy dismounted and tethered his horse to a nearby post before approaching the weathered wooden door.

His knuckles rapped lightly against the worn green paint, the sound echoing through the still night. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing a vision that stole the breath from Andy's chest.

Standing before him was a petite woman, her hair black as midnight, cropped short around her ears. Her eyes, the color of sunlit amber sparkled with warmth. Her figure was voluptuous, encased in a yellow dress patterned with tiny white flowers.

"Hello." She greeted warmly though cautious. Her gaze looked behind him as if trying to determine if he was as alone as he appeared.

"Pardon th' intrusion Miss," Removing his hat he apologized. "I was passin' through and was hoping to intrude upon your hospitality through the night. I'd gladly repay yer family through chores or some other means. I have little money unfortunately."

Biting her lip the woman stuttered, "Ssure! I was just finishing preparing dinner. It might be different from what you're used to though."

Andy nodded gratefully, assuring her that any meal she was willing to share was most welcome as he stepped over the threshold of the cozy farmhouse. The air was thick with the heavy scent of home cooked meals and wood smoke, wrapping around him in a tantalizing embrace.

The woman directed him to the living room assuring him the meal would be on the table shortly. Settling in a worn armchair by the fireplace he could hear the domestic clatter of cabinets and china, The open doorway gave him a view of the home's mistress flitting about the kitchen nervously. It was obvious she did not often have company, much less strange men at sunset.

"It's ready!" She called.

Making way into the room Andy was quickly treated to the smell of roasted vegetables, sesame and chicken. The room was large, the floor checkered black and white while the walls were adorned with green tile halfway up and fresh white paint above it. A modest stove and icebox stood against the far wall while a large sink dominated another. A small wooden table with a cheery flowered tablecloth sat in the middle with 4 chairs. Upon the table sat 2 meals on opposite sides. There was a bowl of rice laid beside another of pickled turnips adorned with sesame seeds. Nearby a plate of apples sat next to a plate of roasted chicken atop a bed of soy glazed broccoli.

"Smells wicked sick." He assured her pulling out his chair and plopping down heavily. 

Smiling brightly she laughed, "I'll try to remember that after you've tasted it. Nothing beats my mom's version."

Momentarily distracted by the sound there was a pause before he quickly asked, "So your parents won't be joining us?"

This woman was young, maybe 20. The thought of her alone out here set him inexplicably on edge. 

"I-it's just me right now. M-mmy father had to take my mother to the next town over, she's sick. They won't be back for almost 2 days." She confessed smoothing down the tablecloth nervously. 

Inwardly taken aback by her admission to being all alone he questioned, "Why don't you have a relative staying with you?"

"My parents came over from Japan before I was born. My mother was promised to another man and they fled to America in order to be together. They actually bought this farm with my mother's stolen dowry."

Impressed with the story he supplied. "Takes courage to make that leap. And faith th' person your doin' it with is the one."

"I don't know of many people more in love than my parents." She smiled. "I hope to have husband who loves me half as much some day." Then she let out an embarrassed squeak jutting out her hand across the table. "Oh I'm Fuuko by the way! Fuuko Izumo."

Taking her hand in his he clasp it firmly. "Andy." 

They ate in comfortable light conversation. The food was as good as it smelled to which Andy complimented the cook. Fuuko smiled and blushed vibrantly. Soon the meal was complete and the pair cleared the dishes and loaded them into the sink. Andy washed while Fuuko dried, the pair barely a hand's width from each other. Once the dishes were complete Andy turned to her and leaned into her space towering over her tiny frame.

"Nooww," He drawled slowly. "About my repayment."

"Rreepayment." She stuttered turning red once more, Andy backing her up against the sink.

Leaning further down he spoke directly into her ear, his breath tickling her hair, "I promised to repay you for the meal and a place to stay. Perhaps there's wood to be cut..." His gaze lowered to the neckline of her dress. "Some milking to be done." His hands slowly came towards her chest.

"Ooh! Yyes!"" She sputtered. "We do have a cow! There's some wood my father wanted split, aaand chickens! There's chickens to be fed." She finished in a rush.

Andy lifted an eyebrow and she smiled contrite but he nodded and went along. "Well seems ya got a decent list fer me. I best get cleaned up and to bed then."

"Oh. Ok." She sounded disappointed. They stood there a moment longer before she seemed to remember herself and offered, "You can take the guest room. It's more comfortable than the couch."

With that she headed out of the kitchen and beckoned him to follow her up the stairs. Once on the second floor she showed him a large bathroom with a claw footed tub for him to wash up. She directed him to a door down the hall and informed him that would be his room. After, she excused herself to ready herself for bed. He watched her walk briskly down the hallway and enter the room across from his. Amused at her hasty retreat, yet slightly exasperated by her rejection he letvout a breathy laugh mixed with a sigh. From the way she had stared at him intently through dinner and the quickening of her breath when he had closed the space between them in the kitchen he as certain she desired him. Turning on the water he undressed slowly, his muscles tired and sore; his mind though quickly settling on the image of Fuuko. He wondered what type of nightwear she was currently changing into. Was it a cotton tank top and shorts? Or a silk nightgown? The images his mind conjured caused his balls to grow heavy. He was contemplating reaching for his hardening cock when the door opened.

 "Oh!" Fuuko shrieked in surprise. "I'm sorry I realized I forgot to give you towels and I heard the water...." She then realized the man before her was naked. Tall, toned and very, very naked. "Sssorry." 

She threw the towel at him and slammed the door. Andy stared at the door a moment listening, hoping she would come back. But the door down the hallway closed and remained so. Groaning inwardly he turned the dial to cold and stepped under the shower's spray. That night he became determined that he would seduce Fuuko and fuck her so well that the mere thought of him would leave her aching years from now.

The next morning dawned hot and still. Andy awoke early and crept down the creaking stairs to prepare breakfast. Hearty bacon blanketed the house in it's pleasing aroma just as dawn broke. Golden brown biscuits sat piled high on a platter in the middle of the table. Andy had just cracked the 4th egg into a pan when Fuuko made her way down the stairs.

"Andy?" She questioned rubbing sleep from her eyes. 

Turning to the doorway his breath caught once more at the sight of her. Her hair was mussed, sticking straight out on one side, her cotton night shirt was falling off one shoulder in a delightfully tantalizing way.

Clearing his throat and turning back to the stove he offered a "Mornin'." over his shoulder adding another egg. 

"You're up early." She observed coming to sit at the table.

Andy didn't face her but he could hear the sleepy smile in her voice.

"Well you gave me a bit of a list last night. Figured I should git and early start." He reasoned shrugging a shoulder.

"List?" Came her questioned reply. Then she remembered. "Oh! Yes, the chores."

Turning to the counter he dished two scrambled eggs onto one plate while depositing three over-easy to another. He placed the pan back on the stove before extinguishing the flame and carrying the plates to the table. The pair ate in awkward silence as Andy watched Fuuko from across the table. Fuuko for her part stared intently at the tablecloth, nibbling at a biscuit, seemingly at war with herself over something. Finishing his breakfast Andy placed his dishes in the sink. 

"You don't mind cleaning up do you? I figured I'd get started. Unless there's something else you'd like me to do here in the house? Something that needs taken care of urgently." He leaned on the table smirking at her, eyes blatantly appreciating her state of undress.

Broken from her mental haze Fuuko turned her wide eyes to him and blushed. "Uuumm... I know my father definitely wanted that wood cut. Th-the ax is just inside the barn."

Nodding Andy drew back from the table and exited the back door. He quickly found a large wood pile stacked next to an old stump. Removing his shirt he strode to the barn and quickly located the ax. Returning to the yard he set the first log in place and got to work. As he stacked the split logs he stole glances at the house, specifically the kitchen window that overlooked his workspace. While he couldn't see Fuuko, he could feel the heat of her gaze on him burning hotter then the sun blazing down. Working up a sweat he made sure to circle the stump giving a full access view to his bare top half. If he was facing the house he made sure to flex his chest as he swung the ax down. If he faced away,  the muscles of his back would ripple on the upswing.

Maybe two hours later Fuuko appeared at the door wearing a gauzy white dress calling, "I made lemonade!"

Setting the ax down he gratefully moved out of the sun and followed her into the house.

Inside the ceiling fan spun at full speed offering a welcoming breeze. Moving to the table Andy picked up one of the glasses and quickly chugged it down. He could feel Fuuko's gaze on his throat as he swallowed it greedily. Lowering the cup he noticed a pitcher sitting on the table as well. Reaching for it he poured another glass. Fuuko continued to stare as the condensation ran down the inside of his arm and down his chest, mingling with the glistening sweat.

Smirking at her he questioned, "You're not thirsty?" nodding to the glass halfway to her mouth.

Fuuko let out a squeak of embarrassment before taking a long drink. Lowering the cup a small amount remained on her lips. 

Becoming impatient and giving into temptation Andy quickly stepped closer and lowered his head to capture the tart liquid on her lips. 

A first he kissed her softly. Just allowing the weight of his lips to press against hers. But when she didn't push him away he applied the barest amount of pressure sliding his lips to the corner of her mouth and kissing it delicately. The cup she was holding thumped against the table as Fuuko's hands instantly tangled into the hair on the back of his neck, pulling him closer, her own lips pressing back against his with demanding pressure. Eager to oblige he walked her the half step to the edge of the table and slid his hands down the backs of her thighs scooping her up and placing her on the table. 

Andy still towered over her but the change in height made deepening the kiss much easier for him. As he slid his tongue forward seeking permission to enter he briefly wondered at how a kiss could feel like home.

Fuuko's lips parted with a welcoming moan and he eagerly dipped is tongue inside tasting the lemonade but also something that he inexplicably knew was her. Their tongues slid across one another as their hands explored. Fuuko's hands tangled roughly in his hair while his grasped onto her waist,  firm but gentle. 

Moving to the corner of her mouth once again Andy trailed opened mouthed kisses down her neck, his tongue collecting the barest traces of sweat that had formed on her skin. 

"Aaandyy" She moaned tipping her head back allowing him better access. 

Moving one hand to her back he continued peppering her neck with kisses as his other reached for the buttons on the front of Fuuko's dress and thumbed them open. Once the fabric became loose he nudged open the neckline with his nose, his tongue trailing lines across the skin as it was exposed. Leaning back slightly a moan escaped from his chest at seeing Fuuko in her current state. A pink bloom stained her cheeks and spread down her chest. Her gauzy white dress hung half open, her breasts barely contained by the fabric as her chest heaved with labored breathing. The fact she wasn't wearing a bra ignited a new wave of desire more carnal than before. Pushing the fabric from her shoulders he latched onto a breast and sucked on the taught nipple. Fuuko's back bowed as she grabbed at his shoulders, a mewing cry egging him on. Giving the teat one last pull before moving to the other he replaced his mouth and gently rolled her nipple against the palm of his hand. He gave the second breast the same attention as the first before moving back to the original. 

"Anndy." Fuuko panted her hands grasping at him as desperately as her voice had become. 

Barely removing his lips from her, "Such perfect fucking tits. I want to live between them with my dick deep inside you." 

Groaning he placed his face between her breasts and sucked and nipped at the tender skin. Wrapping her legs around his waist Fuuko bucked and cried out the sound filling the entire house. 

"Sick! Wicked sick." Andy crowed as he gathered her close in his arms shaking his head side to side between her milky breasts. He placed one last kiss on her chest before standing fully once more. 

Fuuko looked up at him from beneath hooded eyes and grabbing onto his belt loops pulled him closer, his mouth decending to hers once more. Slipping a hand under her dress he moaned into her mouth finding no barrier between his hand and her wet folds. She wasn't wearing panties either. 

Separating her folds he gently rubbed the pad of his tumb against her clit, the action causing her hips to buck and her thighs to open slightly. The remnants of her pervious orgasm aided in easing a finger into her but then she stiffened and he instantly stopped. 

"Wwaiit!" She commanded pushing at his shoulders. "I-i'm saving that for marriage."

Andy pulled his hand away but raised a questioning eyebrow. Fuuko turned scarlet as she stammered,

"I-I wwant to wait for...that..for my husband." Her eyes were trained on his chest, refusing to look at him. "Bb-but willing to try something I heard about. In town."

"And what did you hear?" He inquired, extremely curious; dipping his head to her level trying to catch her eye.

"Hmmm." She groaned. "I-I heard whhat I aa-sssume was a saloon girl talking about...taking a man...a-h hmm.. around the back."

Andy was tempted to ask what the hell she was talking about but then it dawned on him. He stared at her a long moment then promptly bowed in front of her to fling her over his shoulder. Stomping out of the kitchen he took the stairs 2 at a time so quickly Fuuko's shriek of surprise was still echoing in the kitchen as he kicked open the first bedroom door they came to.

Tossing her on the bed Fuuko landed on the bed with an undignified thump.

"Wwhat was that about?" She demanded her hands balling into fists.

Andy towered over her at the foot of the bed staring down at her with barely contained hunger. The front of her dress still hung open her breasts rising and falling rapidly with her breathing. The hem of the garment barely covered the patch of hair between her thighs, the moisture that collected there practically winking at him from beneath the fabric. 

Taking a steadying breath he tightly explained, "What yer asking for.. it ain't something to be done over the kitchen table. At least not the first time."

Understanding dawned on her face and she blushed scarlet quickly looking away. "Oh. Ook." 

"Fuuko I'm more than willing. But I want to make sure yer sure. And even if you are we can stop any time. I ain't rotten enough to keep goin' when a girl says she can't take it."

Andy looked down at her intently. After a long moment of silence Fuuko looked up at him and realized he was waiting for her to reply. 

"I u-understand." She assured giving him a nervous smile. "I want this. And I want it to be with you."

Letting out a shaky breath Andy removed his boots and socks before removing his jeans, the soft thud of them hitting the floor echoed in the otherwise still room. Fuuko's gaze roamed over him, drinking in his form like he was the last cup of water in an endless desert. He could tell when she got to his dick upon hearing her sharp intake of breath and the doubt that filled her eyes.

"Like I said. Any time you wanna stop, say the word sweetheart." 

Fuuko nodded but a determined look took over her face as she rose up on her knees and removed her dress. Crawling backwards up the bed she settled against the pillows and lifted an eyebrow at him as if asking what he was waiting for. Placing his hands on the mattress he stalked up the bed towards her, his smile wolfish and his gaze hungry. 

Greedily he pressed his lips to hers settling his body half on top of her. As he raked his hand through her short hair she threw a leg over his hip and ground against his thigh. 

Letting out a half chuckle, half groan he warned, "Careful. I might end up in the wrong hole if you keep that up."

Blushing once more Fuuko loosened her grasp and Andy leaned up further on his forearm gazing down at her tenderly. He kissed her softly taking his time to enjoy the feel of her lips, to always remember the way she looked beneath him, her hair like a puddle of spilled ink against the white cotton sheets. Dust was floating in the air around them like tiny stars and time seemed to stand still. 

Trailing his free hand across her body Andy let out a low chuckle seeing her nipples instantly tighten into hard peaks. 

"So sensitive sweetheart. Need to get you nice and relaxed." He crooned.

Fuuko arched as his hand trailed along her side. "Ssuure. Relax. I-I'm relaxed." 

Letting out a disbelieving "Hmmm." He continued running his calloused hands over her smooth skin. She gasped and twitched as they made their way over her hip before letting out a moan as he switched directions and gripped her ass firmly. Andy continued like this for quite some time, simply running his hands across her body pulling gasps and moans in equal measure from deep within her. He marvled at how sensitive she was but more so at the look she was giving him. Her gaze was clouded with lust, but she looked at him with such fondness and adoration it was like a punch to the gut. No one had looked a him like that before. 

"I'm gonna need some help gettin in your back door." He grinned slightly at repeating her euphemism. "You got anything? Scented oil perhaps? "

His words took a moment to work through her pleasure fueled haze but eventually Fuuko managed to form "Dresser. drawer. " Nodding towards the chest of drawers next to the bed. Reluctantly lifting himself off of her he opened the top drawer and smirked at seeing her array of underwear displayed before him. He felt around a moment before finding a bottle wrapped up in a pair of hosiery. 

"Fuuck" He groaned. "Little Fuuko isn't as innocent as she appears." Opening the cap the scent of jasmine flooded out. "Do you use this to touch yourself? Maybe I should watch you."

Fuuko pressed her thighs together and moaned helplessly as she threw her arm over her face in embarrassment. Andy's dick twitched painfully at the sound and mental image of her going to town on herself with just her fingers. Would she think of him the next time she felt that urge? He'd make sure of it. 

Returning to the bed he kissed his way across her ribs and smiled. "Maybe later. Right now I'm going to get you ready. Just keep breathing nice and steady sweetheart."

He gently guided her to flip over and pulled at her hips raising her ass into the air. 

"Mmmh. Look at that pretty little starfish." He spread her cheeks giving them a firm squeeze. He felt her clench. "Fuuko sweetheart I'm going to be doing more than lookin at it. No need to be embarrassed." 

With that he placed a quick kiss against the taught bud making her gasp.

"If you say so." She conceded still wriggling from the unexpected sensation. 

Pouring some of the oil on his hand he assured, "I do say so. All puckered and tight. Almost makes me feel like busting just looking at it." Bringing this thumb to the opening he lathered the oil around it drawing slow circles. "Got a bit of work to do first though."

Fuuko hummed in response so he gently pushed his thumb inside. She stiffened and hissed in a breath.

"Easy, easy. I told you to keep breathing. Is this ok?" 

After a moment she replied, "Yeah it's ok."

Slowly pumping the digit in and out he waited until he felt her relax before saying, "I'm gonna switch to my pointer. Tell me if it's too much and I'll stop. Just keep breathing." Fuuko nodded and took another deep breath. He removed his thumb and waited for her next inhale before inserting the next finger. She didn't tense as much as before but Andy could tell there was a moment of discomfort. He once more slowly pumped the finger in and out a few times before informing her of the addition of his middle finger. The added finger caused her to tense momentarily but soon she relaxed once more. Feeling confident Andy scissored his fingers outward the movement tearing a gasp and then a moan from Fuuko.

Stopping instantly he questioned, "Are you ok sweetheart? We can-"

"Don't stop." She whined pushing herself back onto his fingers. 

Surprised he obliged stretching his fingers apart as far as he could. "Sick. Wicked sick. Watching you fuck my fingers is making me wild. Gotta be patient though." He reminded himself. 

With that he carefully added a third finger into her asshole stretching the opening as far as he could. Fuuko moaned and arched lower giving him a full view of her drenched slit.

"Fucking hell sweetheart. Look at that. So wet, so wanton. I'm gonna be taking my fingers out now..fuck." He panted his mouth literally watering at seeing her so undone. "Gotta get my dick in there. I'll be gentle though. I promise."

With that he squirted more lube into his hand and lathered her hole once more before running it up and down his length. Lining up to her entrance he pressed the tip of his cock against her asshole with gentle, constant pressure, but not enough to penetrate.

"Fuuko I need you to squeeze your asshole tightly for me."

"Wh-what?" She sputtered over her shoulder. 

Still keeping up the gentle constant pressure he repeated. "I need you to squeeze. Just 20 seconds. It'll exhaust the muscles when you relax and make it easier for me to slide in"

Doing as instructed Fuuko squeezed against the pressure of the tip of his cock. Once she relaxed he slid a 3rd of the way in.

Gripping her hips to stop himself from the desire to press in further he let out a strangled. "A-aagain."

Tightening around him Fuuko squeezed and then released the muscles, relaxing and drawing him in further. After another cycle Andy was fully inside and ready to cum instantly. Her channel was unbelievably tight, the muscles strong but velvety. Withdrawing slowly he began with small shallow thrusts. Fuuko let out a whimper and he nearly stopped but when she reached beneath her and fondled her clit he was lost. Pumping in and out the wet sounds of flesh slapping against flesh fuled his euphoria along with Fuuko's gasps and moans.

"Aaandyy. Fuuck!" She cried.

"That's right sweetheart. Just like that. So eager for my dick. I'll make sure to fuck you so good you'll never call out anyone else's name ever." 

Leaning over her he grabbed ahold of one of her breasts, the mound bouncing in time with his thrusts. Pinching the nipple he grinned as Fuuko fell apart beneath him. Her juices coated his balls and thighs as he watched shivers ripple down her sweat covered back. 

"That's my girl." He crooned possesively as he thrusts became erratic, his balls tightening. "M-mine."

With a final thrust he spilled into her before slumping over her back. They were silent beyond their labored breathing for a long moment. 

"Uhmm Andy...can you move? You're heavy."

Huffing out a grunt Andy carefully slid out of her ass and flopped down on the bed beside her.

"Sorry sweetheart. Didn't realize what all this role play getaway you planned entailed. Especially the part of me doing manual labor." He raised an accusing eyebrow. 

"I-i panicked!" She retorted as he pulled her into his arms. "We both agreed to commit."

"Yeah that's true." He conceded. Then a grin split his face. "Though it's not every guy who's girlfriend's fantasy is himself ya know."

Smacking his chest Fuuko chastised, "The other Cowboy Andy was a gentleman."

"Sure sweetheart. You keep telling yerself that. You've got no idea of what thoughts you inspired back then." He challenged wiping a sweaty section of hair from her forehead. 

"Wh-what! What do you mean?!" 

Laughing fully he replied, "Let's just say that the fantasy I cooked up is partly inspired by our time spent together back then. Back when your spitfire was just being ignited."

"That makes no sense! Andy! What do you have planned? " She questioned but her lover pulled her closer and eagerly pressed his lips to hers.

Her questions were soon forgotten as Andy pulled her into the shower for their the next round of lovemaking. 







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