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Part 35 of The Worst Akumas

Ghost Emperor


Ghosts invade Paris.


Rated Teen because characters become ghosts.

This continues from Vampire Lord, Zombie King and Alpha Wolf but can be read on its own.

I do not own this show or these characters.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

The ghosts were everywhere.


“Take this!” Bunnyx tried to hit Ghost Emperor but flew right through him.


“How do we fight something we can’t touch?” Chat asked.


Miss Hound threw her ball at the Akuma in the hopes of finding the Akuma object, but no luck.


“We have to keep trying,” Ladybug said, “Who knows what horrors people are going through right now?”





“Boo!” A ghost cried out.


The teenager didn’t look up from his phone.


“Hey, what’s the deal? Why aren't you scared?”


“Dude, I've survived supervillains that could turn me into anything or kill me in many imaginative ways. Why would I be scared of a transparent floating guy?”


The ghost didn’t have an answer for that.





“I will have my revenge on the one who wronged me!” A ghost dressed in 19th-century clothes cried out to a family.


“But… none of us wronged you,” The father said, “We weren’t even born when you died.”


“...then I’ll take revenge against you, his descendants!”


“That doesn't seem fair,” said the son.


“And how do you know we’re his descendants?” The daughter asked.


“This is his house.”


“We only moved here a few years ago,” The wife said, “We’re not related to anyone that lived here before.”


“...sorry for bothering you.”


The ghost left.





A woman was having a cup of coffee.


The ghost of a teenage boy cackled. This was going to be great.


The door slammed shut on its own.


The woman groaned, “I thought they fixed that!”


She got up and closed the door.


The ghost frowned. She was supposed to get freaked out.


He tried again.


When the woman returned, she found her cup had been moved slightly.


She sighed, “Kids and their pranks.”


The ghost was getting annoyed now. It was time for the A material.


He revealed himself.


“Woo! I am a ghost!”


The woman rolled her eyes, “Very impressive kids. The things you can do with technology these days.”


What’s wrong with the people of this century? The ghost wondered.





Ladybug and her team were backed into a corner.


“You’re finished Ladybug and Chat Noir!”


Ghost Emperor’s army caused the building to collapse on the heroes.


“Yes! I’ve won!”


The ghosts of the Miraculous Team emerged from the rubble.


“We appear to have become ghosts ourselves,” Ghost Ryuko said.


“Wait, that’s not supposed to happen!” Ghost Emperor complained.


Ghost Rena hit him in the face.


“We can hurt him!”


Ghost Chat hit him with his staff.


“Ow! No fair!”


Ghost Carapace hit him with his shield.


“Ahhh! Quit it!”


Ghost Viperion threw his lyre.


“Stop that!”


“Clout!” Ghost Purple Tigress cried and hit Ghost Emperor with her full power.


He collapsed lifeless.


“You killed him!” Ghost Pigella cried out.


“I didn’t mean to!”


A ghost that looked just like Ghost Emperor came out of the first Ghost Emperor.


“ does that even work?!” Ghost Ladybug asked.


Bunnyx paused and looked for the right portal as she grumbled to herself.


“Stupid vampires, stupid zombies, stupid werewolves, stupid ghosts, stupid Gabriel!”





Shadow Moth was getting frustrated.


With the horror-themed marathons on TV this weekend, there was no shortage of Akuma opportunities.


Except that every time someone came close to being Akumatized, something would miraculously improve their mood.


For the fourth time that night, he sensed someone who could be Akumatized.


He was about to begin his usual speech when someone kicked him in the back.




He hit the wall of his lair.


“Four apocalypses!” Bunnyx shouted, “You caused four different monster-themed apocalypses, and I’m sick of it!”


Shadow Moth got to his feet and tried to activate his lair’s defences, but nothing happened.


“I took the liberty of deactivating your little toys before I arrived.”


“You dare challenge me! I have full access to my powers!”


“So do I,” Bunnyx replied, “And if you do the maths, you’ll realise I have way more experience with a Miraculous than you. Burrow!”


She disappeared through a portal and came out another behind Shadow Moth and hit him in the back of the head.


“Ohhh,” He groaned.


Bunnyx picked him up and threw him across the lair.


He began to crawl away.


“Oh no, you don’t!”


Bunnyx put her foot on his back and pushed down.


“Now, let me make something clear. No. More. Monster Akumas!”


Shadow Moth grunted in pain, “Yes!”


She pulled his arm behind his back, “Ever!”


“Yes! Yes! Anything!”


Bunnyx released him, “That’s better.”


She returned to her Burrow and sighed in satisfaction.


“I’ve wanted an excuse to do that for years.”


I had way too much fun writing Gabriel being beaten up.

Series this work belongs to: