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one of your girls


In another reality, Touya was saved before it was too late, and Keigo was saved into a different life. But, they are still destined to meet, just in another setting. Both being very young in the profession they work at, and very successful, they eventually cross paths and build a connection neither have experienced before..

I was inspired by One of Your Girls by Troye Sivan. Enjoy.


Happy DabiHawks week for those that celebrate! I'm still working on chapters, thus I am slowly releasing the small chapters I've been working on. I'm hoping this gains enough traction to which persuades me to finish the fic :^) Please share!

Oh! Also, the POV do change back and forth. Just a heads up.

Chapter 1: Touya's POV

Chapter Text

Touya’s agent quickly came running in, basically bombarding his office. Touya was busy editing the photo shoot he just had a few days ago, before being disrupted by his agent, Toga. Toga knew that Touya needed his office cleared and by himself when he was editing the photos he took, he needed it for focus. 

“Touya, Touya, Touya!” She sat on one of his chairs in front of his desk and slammed her hands on his desk. “I have news for youuu!”

Touya arched his eyebrow with slight annoyance, “Oh it better be because I certainly lost my focus on the editing I was doing, but that’s no biggie.” Touya’s singing voice filled with the slight annoyance he was withholding.

“Trust me. It’s good.” She looked into his eyes as she pulled out her phone and showed him an email. “I made the liberty of getting in contact with Keigo Takami’s agent… and we have a booked session with him! Can you believe it? The Keigo Takami!”

Touya offered a half smile. “Really? That’s it? Yay. Cool. Alright, let me finish what I started.” His eyes shifted away from her and went back to glaring at the screen of his desktop computer.

Toga’s smile didn’t faze, but she made a slightly puzzled look. “Sir, I don’t think you heard me. We will be working with-“

“Yes yes Keigo Tamako, or whatever his name is. Yes, I heard you.”

Takami… Let me ask you something sir, do you know who he is?”

“… A model, I’m assuming?”

“Sir, he is the hottest , most popular model. He’s been modeling since he was a kid! He’s only gotten better since then. Not only that, but to book with him is so hard! I think this could be so good for our brand! You, as the hottest in the photography business and him as the hottest model!”

“Hmm. Never heard of him.”

Toga frowned, “Well that’s because you’re always busy with your nose stuffed in your cameras.” She started to feel a little insulted as he kept analyzing the screen and making corrections. “Can you at least act a little excited? It’s been months of me getting into contact with them. I worked my ass off for this.”

Touya softly sighed, stopped, and turned his chair over so he could face her. “Yes, darling, thank you. I appreciate your efforts. I trust in whoever you decide we do business with. But, for me, this will be like any other model. All of them, being my muse. I don’t believe in being excited for one person over all else. We all were born from atoms as we will eventually all turn into dust that becomes the dirt that we step on, at the end of the day.” He offered her a small smile.

Toga rolled her eyes and softly sighed, “You’re so depressing. You speak like you’ve never been in love. But,” She smirked at him. “that’s probably the best response I’ll get from you. I’ll take it.” She got up from the seat and happily trotted out of his office.

“Just because we’re close doesn’t mean you can diss me like that! I’m still your boss!” Touya hollered as she hopped out.

“Mhm yeah, got it.” Toga kept her smirk on her face and left his office.

Touya rolled his eyes and shifted his attention back to the screen. Keigo Takami… He pondered on the name. Hmm, until we meet.