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Part 4 of Miraculous vs. Vampires

Miraculous vs. Vampires: The Counterattack


The vampires strike back.


I do not own the show, these characters or DC comics.

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The vampires had the hideout surrounded.


They had confirmed that Shadow Moth was here and were eager to begin the attack. Since the farm had been destroyed, the vampires in Paris had been forced to ration blood, so they were very thirsty.


Rena Rouge looked at the deformed creatures that were the result of Marinette’s experiments, failures they may be, but they had their uses as expendable muscle.


She gave the signal, and they swarmed the building.





The sounds of battle echoed throughout the building.


“How did they find us?” Félix asked.


“We’ll worry about that later,” Shadow Moth said, “For now, we need to concentrate on surviving.”


He opened his cane.





The Kamiko champions joined the fight.


“It’s rude to come uninvited,” Black Cat said as he stabbed a vampire in the heart with his staff.


He then came face-to-face with someone he never expected to see again.




She bared her fangs at him.


His heart sank as he realised how they had found them. There was only one thing they could do for Ondine now.


He swung his staff at her but was blocked by King Monkey, “Back off!”


“So you survived. I’ll make sure to correct that.”


“Bring it on, pretty boy!”


Lady Beetle, for once, faced someone she was happy to fight, “You had this coming a long time, Chloé!”


She punched her in the eye.


“My face!”


Lila tried to attack her from behind, but Lady Beetle spun around and kicked her, “And you must be Lila.”


Lila’s eyes turned red as she glared. 


“Mind if I join in?”


Vesperia tried to jab Lady Beetle with her top, but she backflipped away.


“Good to see you, sister,” Chloé said.


“Wait, I thought you hated her,” Lady Beetle said.


“Oh, I did,” Chloé said, “But after we turned, we got closer.”


“Turns out eating your mother alive is a real bonding experience,” Vesperia added.


They gave each other fanged smiles.


Shadow Moth and his son’s former bodyguard (currently called Gorilla Guard) fought side-by-side.


“We’re pushing them back!” Shadow Moth shouted.


That was when the vampires revealed their secret weapon, giant bat-like vampires.


“What are those things?!” La Música asked.


They overwhelmed her, and she screamed as they tore her apart.


Shadow Moth cut one of the creature's heads off, “Keep fighting! They’re not invincible!”


“Simon says fight each other!” Simon Says threw his cards at the creatures, who immediately did as he commanded.


He was about to throw another card when he was grabbed in a bear hug by Nora, “Sorry, I can’t allow you to do that.”


She bit her fangs into his neck.


Magician of Fortune was using his powers to make many vampires disappear.


A bloodied flute emerged from his chest.


Rena appeared out of thin air behind him, “That’s enough of that.”


Lady Beetle knew the tide was turning. They had to retreat.


She stabbed her Lucky Charm wooden stake at Lila, but she grabbed Chloé and pulled her in front of her,


The stake went into Chloé chest.


“No! Vesperia cried out and glared at Lila, “I’ll kill you!”


Lila ran as Vesperia pusued her.


Black Cat and King Monkey fought with their staffs like they were swords.


“Uproar!” King Monkey created a cat plushie and threw it.


Black Cat ducked and ran forward, “Cataclysm!”


He hit King Monkey in the chest.


“You…” King Monkey turned to dust.


“Kim!” Ondine cried and lunged at Black Cat.


She pinned him to the floor, “I’ll skin you alive!”


Lady Beetle stabbed her with her stake before she could try.


“We need to go,” She told him.


“But we were just getting started,” said a voice.


They turned to see Rena and Nora.


Shadow Moth and Gorilla Guard had noticed the creatures had gradually become more human-like, and then Shadow Moth spotted one he recognised.




It was unmistakably Bob Roth, but Shadow Moth had watched The Owl kill him during the attack on the farm.


Gorilla Guard killed Bob with a stake.


Shadow Moth shook himself. He would have to figure it out later.


“Hello, Gabriel.”


No, he thought, not her.


Nathalie approached him, “Why do you resist? We have Emilie back.”


“As a monster.”


Nathalie scowled at him, “You would know all about turning people into monsters.”


He couldn't look her in the eye.


Nathalie hissed and attacked, but Shadow Moth stabbed her with his sword.


“Forgive me.”


Lady Beetle and Black Cat squared off against Rena and her sister.


“I’ve always wanted to meet you,” Rena confessed, “Marinette always spoke so highly of you.”


“Well, know you have,” Lady Beetle replied.


“The boss lady is very eager for you to join the winning team,” Nora told her.


“Even after we have killed nearly all her friends?” Black Cat asked.


They exchanged smirks, “That won’t be an issue for much longer,” Rena said.


“What are you–” Lady Beetle’s question was interrupted by Rena swiping at her with her flute.


Nora cracked her knuckles as she walked toward Black Cat.


Why do I get the big one? He wondered as he dodged a fist that shook the ground.


Vesperia was hot on Lila’s tail.


I’ll never be able to face her in a fair fight, not that she would fight fair when she could avoid it.


She led Vesperia to Shadow Moth and Gorilla Guard.


“Venom!” Vesperia tried to paralyse her, but Lila curled into a ball, tripping the Miraculous holder.




Vesperia landed at Shadow Moth’s feet, who promptly beheaded her.


Lila slipped away in the chaos.


Lady Beetle threw her yo-yo at Rena.


“What did you mean before? About your dead friends no longer being a problem.”


Rena deflected the yo-yo and said in a sing-song voice, “I’m not telling!”


Black Cat kept dodging Nora’s fists.


“Stand still!”


She charged, but Black Cat leapt over her.


Nora smashed through the wall, causing the ceiling to cave in on her.


“Nora!” Rena cried and glared at Black Cat, “Mirage!”


A thick fog surrounded Lady Beetle and Black Cat.


“Oof!” Black Cat said as he felt a hit in his stomach.


“Aah!” Lady Beetle was hit in the head.


Rena kept hitting them with attacks they couldn’t see.


Lady Beetle closed her eyes, and moments later, she caught Rena’s fist in her own.


“How did you–”


She stabbed her with her stake.


“I heard your footsteps,” She told Rena as she turned to dust.


She picked up the Fox Miraculous before they escaped out of an emergency exit.





The survivors gathered at another hideout.


“Are you sure we’re safe here?” Félix asked.


“Ondine has never been here,” Gabriel replied, “I’m as sure as I can be, but we have bigger problems. During the battle, I recognised one of those creatures as a vampire who I know for a fact we had killed before.”


“How is that… possible?” Socqueline trailed off.


“What is it?” Gabriel asked.


“Rena said something strange about the death of her friends not being a problem for much longer.”


“You don’t think…” Félix said.


“Well,” Gabriel said, “We know that the Ladybug Miraculous can resurrect the dead.”


“Only to undo things her enemies have done,” Félix pointed out.


“Before all this, we learnt that the Miraculous are limited only by our imagination,” Gabriel told them, “I believe Mlle. Dupain-Cheng is exploring just how much power she has.”





Lila entered the room.


“You wanted to see me?”


Ladybug’s yo-yo fell from above and wrapped around her throat.


Lila struggled as Ladybug’s voice came from above, “Did you think no one noticed what you did? Did you think I wouldn’t find out you killed one of my friends?”


“I… Didn’t… Gabriel…”


“You lured her to him.”


“Going… kill… me.”


“Because you killed her sister to protect yourself.”


Ladybug landed in front of Lila. Her yo-yo string hung from the ceiling like a hangman's noose as it continued to choke her.


“You and I have never liked each other, Lila, but I gave you a chance even after learning that wasn’t your real name.”


Lila’s eyes widened.


“Yes, I know your little secret. You gave yourself away when you went out of your way to kill your ‘mothers’ to keep your secret.”


Ladybug ripped her wig off.


“I thought your skills might be useful… but you’re far too unreliable.”


She tugged on her string, and it cut through Lila’s throat like it was butter.


“Good riddance,” Chat Noir said as he emerged from the shadows.


Ladybug hugged him, “There’s only four of us left.”


“You almost have it,” Chat reassured her, “Soon, you will be able to bring everyone back and then not even death will stand in your way.”

Series this work belongs to: