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Being a quirk less is one of the hardest things in today's society, even more so if you don't have anyone with a quirk in your life. So Y/N decides to become a hermit to hide from the world. It all is working out great. Until one day on a grocery run, you run into one of the more deadly members of the league.


Please bare with me here, I am a bit rusty at writing.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When quirks became the very foundation of society, was when the once normal people were doomed to fail. Quirks were almost necessary for even the most basic of things. Want to go to a good school? What's your quirk? Want to get a good job that involves flipping burgers? How many arms do you have to optimise patty flipping. The human race was evolving and the world with it. Clothing stores that once only housed different sizes now had different shapes as well. One would almost thing that discrimination wouldn't exist with how many different people existed now.

Y/N L/N, born quirk-less into a family of powerful quirks. Once your parents found out, they distanced them-selves. They moved you to a different country with a nanny to be raised away from them as to not ruin their reputation. Of all places, they chose Japan. One of the biggest quirk hubs in the world. Practically everyone had a quirk here. The nanny did her best and for the longest time it was going well. That is until she fell ill and died of some unknown illness. At this point you were 18 and your parents cut all contact. Any money you had was used on the nannies medical bills and you couldn't easily get a job. So you became a shut in.

You needed money so you decided to become and anonymous publisher. You wrote books under the code name "The modern Hermit". Not very creative but your books were written to be a companion to women who were lonely..... so essentially you wrote porn. Porn with a story but porn nonetheless. At first people were slow to purchase it but eventually you were making a lot of money off of the books you wrote. There was no reason to go outside, especially since grocery delivery was so affordable now. Life was pretty good. You were fine with being alone, you had been for so long already. You didn't know what you were missing.


"I do apologise, but do to the influx of criminal activity, all delivery personnel will be disbanded. Without proper protection, they no longer wish to deliver in some locations" Your local news station states one Sunday morning.

Your spoon dropped from your hand, the current bowl of cereal you were eating was no forgotten as you looked at the screen in shock. This was the absolute worst possible thing.

You groan and walk to the kitchen "There has to be stuff in here still. There is no way I am going out today..." You state in irritation.

Your fridge was sad and your pantry was not much better. A grocery run was in the cards today after all.


Following a very specific path, you had managed to get your groceries and were now leaving the overly crowded store. You hadn't really gotten dressed so you looked a little peculiar walking down the street in your slippers and loose fitted jammies.

"I would have to call this trip a success. As long as I can make it home without any issues" You huff to yourself.

You decided to cut the trip in half and cut through an alley. That decision became instant regret once you watch a man burn another man into ash. You freeze as the mans cold blue eyes lock on you.


Time stood still for a moment as you both just stared each other down. Your moment of terror left you as it became frustration. This is the one time you come out in public, like hell you were going to have it messed up by some sleazy low-life.

"Can you like.... move over a bit. You're in my way" You say with a slight edge in your tone. The man raises a brow and steps more into the light.

His hair framed a face covered in burn scars. You wanted to laugh as the irony since he seemed to have a fire quirk.

"Then move me" He says with a confident smirk.

"Nah I would rather us just move on with our daily lives. You go one roasting people and I will just walk back home and forget this interaction even happened, thanks" You say starting to step around him.

He steps back in your way, his mouth seemed to be smiling but his eyes were murderous "Or how about I just burn you to ash" He begins to hold up a hand.

You may be quirk-less but you were still quick. As fast as a cat on speed, you reach into your grocery bag and throw a carrot at the man, it hits him in the forehead.

"What the fuck?!" He reached up and held his forehead "Was that a fucking carrot?" He asks in anger. But you were already gone.


You lock the door behind you as you make it home at last. You sigh in relief and begin to put your food away "At least that whole situation is over at last"

Unknown for you, a certain man had put you on his hit list.