AO3 News

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Organization for Transformative Works Elections News

The OTW Elections committee is pleased to announce that the timeline for the 2024 election for new members of the Board of Directors has been posted!

This year's election will be held August 16-19. This means that the deadline for volunteers to declare their candidacy is June 21.

As usual, the election membership deadline is June 30. If you're interested in voting, please make sure your membership is active as of that date. Please note that your donation receipt will be dated in US Eastern Time, so if your donation is listed after 19:59 on June 30, 2024 on the receipt, you won't be eligible to vote. If you are unsure whether your donation was made before the deadline, please contact our Development and Membership Committee by using the contact form on our website and selecting "Is my membership current/Am I eligible to vote?".

You can find out how to become a member on the Elections website, or if you're familiar with the process, you can donate here!

If you want to know more about the election process in general, you can check out the Elections Policies.

We're looking forward to an active election season with ample communication between candidates and voters, and we hope you'll be a part of it. Don't forget to follow the Elections committee on Twitter/X to keep up to date with the latest news!

If you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact Elections.