The Path to Eternity AU

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A collection of fics that are set in a world where:

- Lloyd's top 3 in affection: Colette, Sheena, and Zelos
- He goes on the exsphere journey with all three of them :)
- Lloyd's lowest affection is Kratos.

- The summon spirit of memory exists as the elemental opposite to Verius
- The memory gems you collect are fragments of her core.

- Mostly centered towards the summon spirits and Kratos somehow because I like them
- Filling in plot holes is fun


This series is a collection of short stories that fill in the gap between ToS and the fic I (hopefully) plan to write "The Path to Eternity". Not all the short stories have anything to do with its plot, they just exist in the same AU in my head lol.

"The Path to Eternity" is set 100 years after the end of ToS, when Derris Kharlan returns.
Lloyd meets up with Kratos. They admit that the promises they made before parting have yet to be fulfilled; Lloyd has trouble finding the remaining exspheres since after 4000 years of use, they keep popping up all over the place. In ruins, in heirlooms, in lost mines. Kratos could not find a proper place for the half-elves of Cruxis to live. The elves and the summon spirits originally moved out of Derris Kharlan and into Aselia for a reason, after all, and in the past century Kratos sees for himself that the ancient elves truly did exhaust all their options before giving up on their planet and leaving it behind.

Meanwhile, Emil finds that the splitting and merging of the two worlds have caused the boundary between Niflheim to weaken in unexpected places. He will have to leave a large portion of his power behind in order to keep the Ginnungagap closed while he investigates, and he will need help to make up for his lost power. Luckily, he's made powerful friends during his time as a human, and some of them are still around.

A new journey to save the world (and a world beyond), with Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Raine, Kratos, and Emil.
This is the path to eternity.


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