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Parker Luck

Chapter 73: Fast Track


Continuing his tyrsts with the Eternals, Peter's stamina is put to the test when Makkari learns about them and wants a piece of the action too.


Chapter 73 of Parker Luck
Asterisks; * is sound and ** is flashback
Part four of the Eternals arc
Speech in all italics indicates sign languages
Sorry this one is so late, I was busy with something else and then circumstances seemed to be conspiring against me.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The interior of the once grand spacecraft of the Eternals the Domo was, not to put too fine a point on it, a mess. Millennia woth of stuff had accumulated, from priceless historical artifacts to worthless junk collected by Makkari.

A token effort had been made to clean it up but with it being abandoned again as the speedster had soon filled up the empty space with even more stuff. One new addition, courtesy of Phastos, was a video phone array that allowed Makkari to contact the rest of the team and vice-versa. It hadn't had much use as after the return to Earth, Makkari had decided to explore the world. With her powers that didn't take all that long so multiple trips were made and multiple souvenirs were collected.

In a rush of motion and with an aftertrail of golden streaks, the speedster raced through the ship before coming to a stop in its laboratory turned impromptu storeroom. Feeling pleased with herself, she found places for her latest acquisitions and admired them for a moment before checking over the rest of the ship. In the cockpit her attention was caught by a blinking light on the console which indicated missed calls.

Most of the messages were from Druig and all essentially said the same thing; he missed her and wanted her to join him in his Amazon commune. For a while after they all reunited, her and Druig had rekindled their romance but for the speedster, as much as she cared for him, it was too hard for her to stay in one place for too long. They both knew it wasn't in Makkari's nature to settle down, she needed to run free and broke it off.

With some regret she deleted the messages and moved onto the next one which, surprisingly, was from Ajax. Makkari had almost forgotten that Ajax was alive and was thrown for a moment. The healer's message wasn't long, simply telling her she wanted to talk to her and to call her back. Ajax believed that things should be spoken about directly not through a message.

Ajax answered straight away when Makkari called back. "Makkari, good to see you." She signed, she'd made an effort to learn sign language so the speedster didn't have to rely on lip reading to understand her.

"You too. It's been a long time, I'm glad you're back." Makkari messaged back. With her residing in the ship and later with globetrotting Makkari hadn't properly seen their leader in centuries beyond a brief reunion after the healer's return from her coma. The two caught up for a while with Makkari telling about her adventures and Ajax about her new life amongst humanity. Makkari was surprised to learn about Ajax's new lifestyle but agreed that being a teacher suited her and wondered if she should spend more time amongst humans as well.

Ajax's next message came as if she'd read the speedster's mind, "You know, most of us are all living with humanity, maybe you could as well? Even if it's only for a little while?" She invited. "It might help. You and Druig both spend too much time isolated, I don't think it's good for you." There was compassion in her reproach which made Makkari realise that the healer did have a point and she looked away pensively. When she turned back to the screen Ajax signed to her again "I heard about the two of you. I'm sorry, do you want to talk about it?"

Makkari grimaced but shook her head, "What’s to say?" She replied, "I know he cares about me and I still care about him but I just don't think we were meant to be." Druig's preference for isolation and stability contrasted with Makkari's free spirited wanderlust so it seemed like they just didn't work out together.

"I understand. I'm here if you change your mind." Ajax sympathised and Makkari thanked her.

"Good to talk to you again. Glad you're back." The speedster was about to hang up but the healer waved to catch her attention as she wasn't done. It hurt Ajax to see any of her fellow Eternals in any kind of pain and she had an idea to make Makkari feel better.

"I want to help you Makkari and I think what you need is something to take your mind off of things for a while." Ajax's gestures and expressions were exaggerated to emphasise that her words were important. She broke off for minute to text something to Makkari "This is my address, come by and we can talk more." And with that the call was ended.

She then sent another message but this time it was to Peter. 'A friend of mine is coming to stay for a while who's just left a relationship and I think she could use some comfort from you.' Of course Peter knew exactly what she meant by that. As well as simply figuring it out Ajax had confided in him the other day not long after he'd slept with Sprite that he'd been pushing him and the younger Eternal together as she wanted the other ladies to get the same experience as she'd had with him and that she wanted him to have some fun too. He hadn't particularly minded but was somewhat annoyed that she hadn't told him about it outright.

'No problem." He messaged back "What do you want me to do?' They concocted a plan for arranging it. Ajax had considered just telling Makkari outright that getting laid would do wonders for improving her mood but felt a certain amount of subtlety was needed.

A couple of hours later and Makkari had arrived. After embracing, they went inside to talk and Ajax got straight to the point. "As I was saying, I think what you need is a distraction from things, something to focus your energies on rather than running around aimlessly and hoarding things." She told Makkari. "I'm not saying stop doing those things if you like them but I think focusing on something will be good for you. Maybe a job? I've been teaching and I've found it to be a very rewarding experience, very fulfilling." She managed not to smirk at her double entendre but the small twitches didn't go unnoticed by the speedster's excellent facial reading.

"What kind of job?" Makkari was curious but didn't press about Ajax's expression. "What could I do?" She usually did let her hearing loss bother her but she knew it did limit things she could do to an extent. She was also uncertain about working as she'd spent little time with humanity.

Ajax lay a reassuring hand on her knee but took it off to sign "As it happens my school needs a substitute gym coach for a while which I think would work for you. I can put your name forward if you want." She handed a sheet detailing the job to the younger Eternal who skimmed through it. It seemed simple enough and it was only temporary and she had to admit that it might not be such a bad thing to be busy for a while. "I'll think about it." She agreed.

A little later she agreed to try, for Ajax's sake if nothing else. With a faked résumé, a fake ID and a personal record from Ajax and she got the job.

"Is Ms. Makkari the friend you were talking about?" Peter asked Ajax after class. He'd noticed the sudden arrival of the attractive woman at the school not long after Ajax had brought up a friend needing help and knowing of the healer's plans, felt it was a reasonable guess. The healer smirked and confirmed his suspicions so it was time to put their plan into action.

The first step was waiting until the speedster had settled into her new role. Luckily Makkari managed to get into the swing of things relatively quickly as teaching gym wasn't particularly hard for her thanks to knowledge she'd picked up over time and her own passion for fitness. Her and Ajax would talk at the end of each day and Ajax mentioned Peter a couple of times, saying he was one of her favourite students.

Peter's part of the plan was to talk to Makkari and find a way for them to spend time just the two of them where he could work his charm and let his pheromones do their thing. "Excuse me Ms. Makarri." Peter hesitantly signed after getting her attention, he knew some sign language but not very well and spoke as he signed. "I was hoping you could help me with something."

"What do you need?" She asked him and Peter spun a story about wanting assistance on some exercise routines which Makkari thought was strange as she had noticed how even after a rigorous gym class he still seemed barely out of breath but went along with it anyway.

The next few weeks, Peter stayed after school where Makkari would guide him through a series of exercises and, little by little, his pheromones began to affect her. The speedster couldn’t help but notice her growing sexual attraction to the teen and decided to confide in Ajax about it. "Have you ever... thought about a student as something else?" She asked one day, she'd been mulling it over for a while and wanted to get Ajax's opinion on it.

It seemed Peter's pheromones were taking effect on the speedster Ajax noted to herself. "In what way?" She decided to explore to see if she'd guessed correctly and by how flustered Makkari appeared, she had.

"I mean as more than a student." The attraction to someone other than Druig was a strange feeling for Makkari. She'd had a few sexual encounters throughout her time on Earth they had always just been to ease her needs and more often than not had simply been with whoever was willing rather than out of any kind of desire for them.

Wanting to ease her friend's conflict, Ajax decided to come clean. "I do know what you mean. Peter isn't just one of my favourite students, he's also been my lover." She signed and Makkari's eyes widened in surprise but she hadn't finished yet, she was going to give her the whole truth. "And not just mine either, I know he's been sleeping with Sprite and with Sersi when we visited her. And I plan on introducing him to Thena later."

To say Makkari was surprised was an understatement, one human laying with three of the Eternals women; but dots connected in her head. "Is that why you invited me here and got me the job Just to be another notch on your boytoy's bedpost?" She got up to demand angrily.

"It sounds bad when you put it like that." Ajax admitted, "But I did it to help you. I really did think you'd be happy teaching like I am and I thought it'd be good for you to spend less time alone. I also wanted to help you get over Druig. You don't have to romance Peter, you don't even have to fuck him if you don't want to, I just thought getting some would make you feel better. I'm sorry."

Makkari's anger vanished, she could tell the healer meant well and to have earned Ajax's favour, as well as Sprite and Sersi's, Peter must be pretty special. "Is he really that good?" Curiosity had snuck in and mingled with the desire she'd been feeling.

Ajax's mouth curved into a grin, "Very. He's got stamina to rival yours, he's always eager to please and he's pretty skilled. The others have said so too."

The thought was a tempting one for the speedster who was now giving it serious thought. It wouldn't hurt to have a little fun and if Peter lived up to the reputation Ajax gave him then she might be in for a good time. She felt what Ajax had said about the teen's stamina had been an exaggeration but hoped it wasn't too much so as she was yet to find a partner who could keep up with her for more than a few minutes. "I suppose if he's willing." She signed causing Ajax to laugh and tell her that he definitely would be.

The next day when Peter came for his after school lessons Makkari figured now was as good a time as any. "Peter, Ajax told me everything about you and the others." She came straight out and told him.

It took a moment for Spidey to figure out what she'd said but before he could respond she carried on. "I don't know if you're really as good as she says but I want to find out." And with that she began to strip off.

If Parker hadn't fully understood what she'd said he got her meaning clearly enough when her clothes hit the floor. "Oh we're doing this now." He realised as more of her coffee coloured skin was exposed as more of her outfit was removed. He followed her lead and impressed the speedster with his physique and hoped to do the same with his actions.

The pair came together with the Eternal taking the webslinger's rod in her hand and stroking it. Quick to be fully hard, Peter let the speedster caress his hardness and gently pushed his hips into her strokes. Her hand was fast but gentle as it went up and down his cock. Returning the favour, Parker's fingers found their way into Makkari's slit and made it their job to rub the walls. His stroking got the Eternal wet in next to no time and allowed him to slide the fingers in deeper, sinking to the knuckles before long.

This was just a warm up of course and the heat grew as they went on. Makkari took her hand off in order to spit on it, providing a layer of lubrication on the teen's length. Similarly, Peter felt his fingers getting slick with the Eternal's juices and both of them could feel the tension continuing to grow as the stimulation increased. Peter's fingers pushed harder and deeper whilst Makkari's hand got faster still. Arousal filled the pair's bodies and was mixed with excitement at the taboo nature of it which just encouraged them to keep at it.

"Eat me out." Makkari instructed him, wanting to see the young man's skills for herself.  Peter's knowledge of sign language wasn't comprehensive enough to understand her fully so she made it easier for him with the more universal sign of splitting her fingers and wriggling her tongue between the V.

That he understood.

Once the coffee skinned woman had sat on a bench, Peter knelt before her with his fingers returning to her slit. This time two pairs entered her and both worked to flex and rub and the doubled effort had her whimpering. Peter curled his fingers, scissored them open and shut and pushed them in and out, getting her ready for his tongue. It wasn't long before he felt she was ready so it was time to really begin.

The whole time he'd been fingering her, he'd also been building up spit on his tongue so when he started licking her she was soon wet. A wet slapping sound came as his tongue pressed against her folds. Wasting no time, Peter began moving his tongue around, one minute he was roughly dragging it against her whole slit, the next he was carefully weaving through the flushed lips. Both ways felt good to the Eternal but nothing particularly special. That didn’t stop her from giving small pleasured moans as he lapped away as he was certainly seemed to be giving it his all as Ajax had said.

Copious amounts of spit were generously layered over Makkari's entrance which was thoroughly wet thanks to Peter's efforts. Her own juices contributed to it as well as the pleasure was making them flow out. Peter's chin and mouth grew sticky as he went on eating the speedster out, even more so once he slid his tongue in. As he slithered his tongue into the wetness he tasted her juices which were now flowing readily out. His tongue moved in a spiral as it journeyed deeper into the wet hole, running along her inner walls. He eventually reached as far in as he could go but he was far from done as he eased his way back out, a slurping sound accompanying the action.

His attention was turned back to the Eternal's outer folds once again, this time with greater vigour, lapping at them until they were dripping wet. He quickly went back to his real objective though and plunged his tongue all the way back in. No sooner had he reinserted his tongue than the muscle came alive. He wirggled it from side to side and curled it up and down, his movements one minute being small and gentle but the next they were wild and frantic. He was determined to lap at all of her and his tongue moved around like a thing possessed.

Despite his speed though he was also thorough in his efforts to please. He lapped at the wet hole, gathering her juices on his tongue and letting the taste of her fill it as he worked at every inch of her inner folds. Makkari was starting to think perhaps his reputation was deserved as he seemed to know just where to lick at to send a powerful surge of pleasure through her and make her moan.

A new trick increased the volume of her strangled cries when the brunette's tongue seemed to blur inside her. Peter knew that usually worked wonders with women and it seemed Makkari was no exception as she cried out euphorically as he devoured her pussy. Adding to it were his lips which were sucking on the speedster's sensitive lower lips whenever they could, displaying impressive coordination.

The flow of juices increasing also told him that the Eternal was getting close. Peter kept at the same pace, no faster or slower and still gave plenty of attention to as much of the soaked walls as he could. His rhythm was interpretation by his head being pushed forward but he adjusted and concentrated on slurping at her deepest parts and her core with the same fervour as he has been.

Makkari felt surges of pleasure fill her, basking in the sensation of having her slit so skillfully eaten and simply let it consume her. Her head tilted back with a low moan as she reacher her peak. For the first time in a long time the speedster didn't just cum, she squirted, her hot pussy juices arching out and splattering over the hero's face.

She kept his head in place as she climaxed and didn't let go until it ended and he had slurped up as much of the release as he could. She grinned at him as he pulled away, panting and sticky faced, conveying her pleasure with just a look.

Actions spoke louder than words and Makkari expressed her desire to repay the favour, and to get a taste of the teen's cock, by guiding him onto the bench and attaching her mouth to his shaft. Her soft lips ran up to the head of his member where they gently pursed around it before moving back down. When she repeated the movement it was with her tongue which lightly brushed the sensitive rod. It took considerable self control for her to go slowly but for once she didn't want to go quickly (for the moment at least) and restrained herself from going all out right away.

That said, she was still impatient to get going. Her tongue grew wetter to slather over the wallcrawler's rock hard dick and layer it with drool. Although she didn't use her powers she still licked over all of the hardness in very little time, favouring speed over thoroughness. As soon as Peter's cock was lubricated enough for her liking, she took him into her mouth.

It felt a little strange having a cock in her mouth as normally she preferred to get straight to it but it wasn't unpleasant for her either. Peter seemed to enjoy it as well, judging from his pleasured expression. She stayed in place for a fee moments with just his cockhead between her lips and sucking on it but quickly got bored of that and lowered her head to take more of him. She was able to push herself to sink down and with effort she took most of him in but needed to release him for air.

The licking of Peter's shaft had him leaking precum and strands of it connected Makkari's lips as she released his cock. The stickiness allowed her to take him more easily the second time and this time with a combination of increased lubrication and effort she managed to deepthroat him. She'd never taken an entire cock down her throat before but didn't take any time to register this as she was so focused on doing a good job.

More seed oozed from the hero's cockhead as the speedster bobbed her head up and down. She was still going relatively slowly as she adjusted but it was getting easier with every movement and she was liking how he tasted.

Seeing that the Eternal was adjusting quickly, Spidey felt it was time to put some effort in as well. Short sharp bucks of his hips pushed his hardness more forcefully into her mouth, surprising her at first but she didn't falter in sucking him. He gradually increased the power and speed of his thrusts with Makkari continuing to take it like a pro. It wasn't long before he was pumping his hips with considerable force and Makkari was still taking every inch. She wasn't just taking either and was still plunging her head up and down, meeting his thrusts.

It hadn't taken long for the two to get into a rhythm as when Peter thrust upwards, she pushed her head down which ensured every inch of the rock hard rod was buried in her throat. As Makkari sucked him off, the taste of his precum filled her mouth as the stickiness was pasted over her lips. She licked up what she could but with how fast her head and his hips were moving that wasn't much and more of it leaked as she kept up her blowjob.

Peter had been saving up his load ever since he'd gotten Ajax's message to conserve his energy but the gap had affected his resistance. He could feel pressure building inside and with Makkari's enthusiastic sucking it was growing fast. He didn't know how much longer it'd be until he blew so he chose to try make it sooner rather than later by way of furiously facefucking the speedster, knowing she could take the pace and thrusting hard.

His increased pace threw Makkari, for about a second, as she was soon matching his speed with ease. The hardness slipped smoothly in and out her mouth and throat, leaving behind a trail of precum as it did. Feeling confident, Makkari showed the hero a taste of what she could really do by bobbing her head at super speed. Her head was quite literally a blur and to Peter it felt like her lips were sucking in every single inch of his cock all at once which after just a few short minutes was all he could take.

Saltiness was all Makkari could taste as the teen came without warning. The hot cum spilled down her throat in spurts that trickled down which then splattered into her mouth and then onto her face as she slid her mouth off. Thick white dollops painted her face and dripped onto her athletic body, contrasting with her darker skin. She licked some of it up, both from on her face and from the source but she left most of it in hopes of encouraging Peter.

It certainly encouraged her at any rate. Having had a taste of Parker, she wanted more and it felt like there was a fire inside her which could only be quenched with a good hard fucking. Spider-Man recognised the gleam in her eyes and knew what she wanted even without words.

The bench had been fine for the oral but wouldn't serve their needs any more. With that in mind the Eternal vanished in a blur of gold to return a split second later with a mat. She gestured for Peter to lie down on it and the instant he did she was straddling him. Not for very long, as her pussy was all but begging to be filled and she wasn't about to deny it.

She rose up so the tip of Peter's cock was just touching her hot entrance. Anticipation heightened their feelings until they could wait no longer and as if on the same wavelength, they both moved at the same time, Makkari sinking down and Peter surging upwards. The wetness of the speedster's slit and of the wallcrawler's member allowed Peter to slide easily into Makkari and her to take him with little difficulty. Makkari groaned as she felt herself being filled and it was all she could do to stay loose so Peter could fill her all the way.

Peter lifted himself up to push his cock fully into the waiting wetness. No sooner than he had when Makkari, displaying impressive muscle control, clamped tight around him. "Oh fuck!" He cried out, not that the Eternal could hear him but even if she could she was preoccupied with the euphoric sensation of being full of cock. Her walls were soaked already and her pussy juices ran down the length sheathed inside.

As eager as she was though, she still needed to adjust and she wanted to savour the sensation of fullness before she got moving. With the juices flowing out and coating Peter's length, she began to move. She only rose up a little bit and very slowly but smoothly and the next time she rose a little higher and a little faster. Helping her was the teen's hands holding onto her waist to guide her.

With her efforts and Peter's assistance she was soon getting into a rhythm of rising and falling on the member and getting used to being fucked again. Parker was restraining himself as although the Eternals could take more than a human, he was still relatively gentle, only moving his hips slowly but upping the pace as he did so.

Makkari felt all warmed up after a little longer of the sedate pace and decided it was time to really go for it and lifted herself the highest she'd gone, over halfway up Peter's cock and followed it up by pushing down harder. The second time her movements were aided by Peter who's hands gripped tighter to make her move faster and harder and his hands weren't doing all the work as his hips were moving as well. The hero's previous gentleness was quickly being replaced by a more forceful approach with his cock bucking upwards and sliding into the speedster's slit.

After a cry of pleasure, the Eternal had a single, simple, demand "Harder!" Which Spider-Man understood perfectly and was more than happy to oblige her. Both grunted in pleasure when the hero thrust up with more power. An increase in speed soon followed from the pair as well which made them moan even more. They didn't just go up and down either as Makkari twisted and rocked as she rode Parker who angled his cock to rub against her walls as she bounced.

It wasn't long until any hesitation had gone and the speedster was wildly riding the wallcrawler cowgirl style. Their bodies met with a smacking sound as skin slapped against skin which was accompanied by a duet of euphoric moans as hero and Eternal fucked.

Makkari's whole body seemed to tremble every time Peter went into her and an expression of pure euphoria was fixed on her face. Peter was in a similar situation as he thrust up into the warm wetness with as much speed as he could and with considerable strength. Precum provided lubrication, leaking from Makkari's tight hole and from Peter's hard rod. "Harder! Faster! Fuck me!" Her demands came in a flurry of gestures and were promptly met by her lover, making her moan even louder.

Gripping her waist tightly as an anchor, Spidey pumped his hips as fast as he could. He knew he couldn't compete with a woman with super speed but he would be damned if he didn't try which didn't go unnoticed by Makkari, mainly because of how good it felt but also as he was the only man who'd even come close to keeping up with her.

She took that as a challenge though. It was time to go all out and her body blurred and glowed gold as her powers took effect. Her previous wild riding was nothing compared to this. "Oh God!" Peter cried out in ecstasy at the warm wetness engulfing his hardness over and over again at inhuman speeds. The smacking sound became constant as Makkari jackhammered onto the rod, with it only being unsheathed for less than a millisecond before she plummeted back down, her wetness swallowing every last inch of him.

Like when she gave him a super speed blowjob, Spider-Man felt like his whole cock was being squeezed by a warm, soft vise all at once. It was even better this time as her pussy felt better than her mouth and made better still by her enthusiasm. It was looking like one of the very rare situations where his partner outlasted him as he was beginning to tire. He still had plenty of energy left though and wanted to use it all to give Makkari the best fuck he could, using both speed and power and raising his whole body off the mat to plough her.

The speedster was too caught up in her euphoria to notice Peter slowing as every time he entered her, filling her all the way up, it was more pleasure than she'd ever felt before. As well as her speed she used other tricks such as her powerful pelvic muscles to hug his hardness and rocking back and forth to add to Peter's pleasure and her own.

Peter's reserves were draining fast with the furious fucking he was giving Makkari and his juice slick cock's pumps were slowing down. He could also feel himself getting closer and closer to his release. Makkari's eyes were closed in pleasure so he couldn’t let her know he was about to cum but he wasn't about to stop pounding her until he couldn't anymore so kept going until he finally burst.

Makkari was surprised by the sudden spurt of cum into her pussy, especially the volume of it as he'd already cum earlier. She wasn't complaining though as although it felt strange it wasn't an unpleasant feeling and she slowed down to enjoy it. Although moving at a more normal pace, the Eternal still felt good and continued to ride even as she too felt herself getting close to cumming.

She went up and down at varying speeds, one minute blurring at incredible speed and the next barely moving. The last of the hero's hardness was put to good use bringing her to her release which came with a moan and a shudder. Her mind went white as she climaxed, pleasure consuming her as her hot load rushed out.

After the pleasurable high finally came to an end, Makkari lay next to an equally spent Peter. He'd done an excellent job in her opinion but if it was to be a regular thing, they needed to work on his stamina but they had plenty of time to practice. 

She couldn't keep the smile off her face for the rest of the day. "You weren't kidding about Peter, that was the best fuck I've had in ages." A still satisfied Makkari told Ajax later. The healer didn't say anything but Makkari could read Ajax's smug expression like a book, saying to her; 'I told you so.'

The speedster's grin grew, "Thena's in for a treat."


End of Chapter 73
Next Chapter: Idle Worship
Marvel's new plan of only focusing on 'big successes' gives me the impression there'll be less variety of characters.
I struggled with this one the most of all the Eternals chapters so far and tbh I don't think this was a particularly good one.