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A Merman's Coral Reef

Chapter 2: Alternative Ending


I just want to say that this is all Pinkpiggy93's fault. This was supposed to be short and sweet, but then she went and was an annoying little shit in the chat, showing me angsty drawings and this is me retaliating. One does not HAVE to read this, if you want the sweet ending in the first one ^^

Chapter Text

Crowley is happy that Aziraphale loved the coral reefs, after all the hard work he put into shaping them for years on end. Here they dance together, in their own little world, fingers intertwined as they move closely together in the waters, scales shimmering and hair weaving about. There’s no music but the sound of their own heartbeats and contented laughter, and it’s all Crowley’s ever wanted, all he’ll ever desire.


Crowley should have noticed the disturbance in the water, he’s sensitive to this kind of thing considering he is doing his very best in keeping private so no one finds out about his magic, the magic he has to hide away from his own people, but he’s too delighted with Aziraphale’s awe to notice, too happy with this sweet and soft intimacy to properly realize what is happening, before that awestruck expression is wiped from Aziraphale’s face only to be replaced with agony, and Crowley feels it too, the searing pain of being cut. It is as if time is suddenly halted, all that Crowley seeing is the pain painted on Aziraphale’s face, and the blood ascending the water behind him, before suddenly the blonde is jerked away with a shriek of pain, faster that Crowley can react. He can see the harpoon in his tail though, and that jolts Crowley into action.


The redhead lurches after, but he is unable to grab Aziraphale before the blonde is pulled away, much faster than Crowley can swim, due to what he realizes with horror is a deep cut across his tail, and soon the other merman is gone in the dark, and Crowley is left alone, heartbroken and alone, in this beautiful coral garden he had been so excited to show Aziraphale.


Aziraphale who is now gone. Crowley brought Aziraphale close to the surface, and now he is gone.