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Chapter 3: Race and Albert talk.


Race and Albert meet up and come to an agreement


Sorry for not having this up before the holidays! I kinda forgot about this 😶 I wrote like half of it and just remembered now.

(Honestly how do I see some of you on the top of the tag for days at a time where do y'all get the motivation)

Anyway, enjoy the last chapter and I'll get some longer stuff out soon:)

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

***-***-****: Hey Al, this Race. How about meeting up sometime?

     When making the bold choice to put his number on the cup, Albert didn't think about the implications and the possibility that Race might message him. The fact the boy did still shocked Albert when he got the notification. 

     The idea of meeting up with Race made Albert anxious. Four years without a word and then suddenly meeting up and acting like best friends again didn't seem healthy. It took over a year to get over Race with the help of family and friends and he had barely got any sleep the month following their official breakup. Once the news came out that Race was returning, Finch strongly advised him to not let his feelings take control so quickly.

     And Albert had agreed that it wasn't going to benefit him mentally. But seeing Race in person again… 

     His conscious said no. Definitely not a good idea to reply to the blond. But some part of him wanted to reconcile. The two helped each other through tough times. Race helped Albert with his mother's death and Albert helped Race through his various foster homes. They were close. Inseparable even. How could he throw that all away?

       But if they were so close, why'd they fall apart so easily? 

      One of the things Race didn't miss about his hometown was the cold. In LA, the typical temperature was around 68 degrees fahrenheit in December. But in the Midwest, it got down to the negatives. For the first time in four years, Race woke up freezing - despite 3 blankets. He loved winter here. 

     Rolling over, Race caught a glimpse of the time on his alarm clock - which read "6:15" in red, blocky letters - before he promptly rolled off the bed and onto the wooden floor. The impact made a bang - the one you'd expect when a body hits the floor - and Race cursed under his breath, hoping he didn't wake up his family. 

    But he was proved wrong when his door creaked open and Romeo stood in the doorway. 

    "Are you okay?" The 9 year-old boy asked

    "I'm fine Ro," Race fought his way out of the tangled mess of blankets, "I just fell out of bed,  did I wake you up?"

    Romeo nodded slightly. "Why are you up so early?"

    "I'm usually up at this time in Los Angeles," Race stood up and wrapped one of the blankets around his shoulders, throwing the others on the bed. "Not used to being back home." 

    Romeo shifted slightly and yawned.

     "You seem tired, how about you go back to bed?"

     "'m not." Romeo shook his head 

     "Well- I don't think we woke anyone else up, what do you say to going downstairs and watching TV?"

      Albert really did hate his job sometimes. 

      He still caught his co-workers staring at him like he was fragile and could break at any moment. Which he wasn't. Just because his ex-boyfriend/best friend was back in town just to do some stupid project doesn't mean he was back for Albert. The message from last night was probably just to talk about whatever the documentary was. Albert shouldn't keep his hopes up and he shouldn't be coddled.

      Trying his best to ignore the stares and the message from Race, Albert continued doing his job. He knew he'd have to face the music at some point; that didn't stop him from avoiding it as much as possible. 

      When he went into the back room to get ready to close up, Finch was waiting for him. As much as he loved Finch, the boy had been a pain in the ass for the last few days. 

      "If this is about Tony-"

      "I'm just saying that giving him your number wasn't the best idea." Finch cut Albert off. "You were really hurt when he left, and I don't want to see you hurt again."

       "You don't have to worry, I'm a big boy now." Albert joked. 

        "Sure we'll go with that." Finch rolled his eyes, sitting on the counter. "But be careful dude."

        "I will, I promise." 

        The problem was that Albert tended to be impulsive. And impulsively and decision making don't corporate. So when he got home that night, Albert ignored the possible consequences again and messaged Race back. What's the worst that could happen?

       The more Race thought about it, the more fucked he was. 

       He and Albert made plans to have dinner at the same exact restaurant they had their first date. He and Albert we're just meeting as friends. Because it would be immature to get back together with your ex-boyfriend after having dinner with him for the first time in four years. He and Albert were mature adults now. They weren't going to get back together. 

      That didn't help his nerves, however. Even when he got to the entrance of Jacobi's, he felt like a teenager again. It was so stupid. He shouldn't still have feelings for Albert. He shouldn't have feelings for that smart, beautiful man after he's been away for years.

       Yet, here he was. Trying to hide his flushed cheeks as he looks at Albert from across the table. Like an idiot. 

      "So how is life?" Race asked in an attempt to break the tension. 

       "Okay. Noah graduated a few months ago," Albert replied. Doing the math, it would make sense that Albert's youngest brother would have graduated recently. Nevertheless, it hurt to know that Race had missed that much time. "How- uh- how is the hollywood business?" 

      "Oh, y'know." Race gestured as if Albert would know what being an actor was like. 

      "No, I don't know." Albert chuckled. "But it's gotta be busy if it's kept you from visiting for four years." 

       "Yeah that's- kinda on me." 

       "If I'm being honest," Albert started. "I'm glad you're back. Even if it's just for a project." 

       Race was definitely fucked. 


      Albert ended up having to walk Race home after a miscommunication with his driver left him with no ride. On the way home, they passed a local park and Albert suggested they take a break. Race doubts it was because he liked the cold, because even people who are used to Midwest winters hate them. 

     "So," Albert said after five minutes of silence. "When do you go back to LA?" 

      "Two months." 


       "That reminds me actually," Race said "I- uh- I don't like how things ended." 

      "Me neither." 

      "And of course you don't have to do anything with this information but I think I still have feelings for you." 

     "Me too." Albert admitted 

     "Wait- what" 

     "I've been dreading you coming back Tony. I don't think I was ever really over you." 

     Race was shocked when Albert reciprocated his feelings in 10th grade (Though it was painfully obvious to everyone except him), but for it to happen twice - Race felt like he won the fucking lottery. 

    But then he remembered why they broke up in the first place. He couldn't just quit his job and move back. And long distance didn't work. It sucked. Reality often does, however. 

    "You know it's probably not going to work." Race said. 

    "I know." 

    "We tried." 

    "I know." 

     The two lasped in silence again. Albert eventually decided that they should just go home. Race knew they still had time to talk about this. But he also knew he wasn't going to sleep that night if it wasn't addressed. 

    "How about- how about we try being friends again first," Race asked when they reached the doorstep. "See where that goes?" 

    "I'd like that." 



Hope you enjoyed this. Sorry if it seemed rushed. This was gonna be longer but I didn't have the motivation so here's a small three part story. I do appreciate kudos and comments on what you thought. I plan to write more Ralbert and newsies fanfiction in general in the future so hopefully I didn't have the worst writing in the world. (Post-writing I do have the idea to possibly do a follow-up if this ends up going well)

For clarification: I was originally going to write a story where Race and Albert become lovers again but when writing this last chapter I liked the idea of them staying freinds for now because Race is eventually going to have to go to his new home and it just doesn't seem realistic for things to go back to normal immediately. It's more of a "hey I haven't seen you in a while and I maybe still love you but we need to get there again so let's wait" type thing. I love Ralbert but weirdly I didn't write this like I had originally planned.

Thank you so much for reading. Thank you especially to my friends for encouraging the idea. I probably wouldn't have actually written this without you. And again, my Tumblr is @/coolbugfactsdotcom if you want to drop by:)

Until next time,