
Work Header

The Hex

Chapter 13: Awareness


Peter is back! :D


I am so so sorry this took so long! Writers block and work don't mix well. :/

I have a plan! :D

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Peter gasps, his memories -his life, really- coming back to him. How did he get here? He registers some kind of hat on his head. It felt heavy, but one hand going up to his head confirmed that it was some kind of baseball hat. It really shouldn’t be that heavy.


He looks around, noticing that he’s on a couch, the twins to the right, farther down, Vision. 


To the left… Erik? Why is he here? 


How is he here? It doesn’t make sense. Last he knew, he was stuck here. Did… did they find him?


That would certainly explain some things…


Is the hat some reworked version of Erik’s helmet to fit in more? 


Is Erik under someone’s control? 


The mere thought of that freaks him out. He has never been one to submit to anybody . Ever. 


And he’s smiling, it looks so genuine . He looks as if he got Nina and Anya back. Maybe, in his mind controlled state, this is the same as that. Maybe he remembers something like that, but with this version of life?


Peter smiles. It’s bittersweet, how he gets to see him happy about him. But he never will be. Not really. 


He runs in circles, trying to get a plan. Then he realizes he's running . Running, as in his mutation.


Did Vision’s not work all the way? Was someone trying to block his mutation when he was mind controlled? 


Maybe this reworked helmet managed to stop his powers from being blocked. Was it even possible to block powers like that?


He knows Billy should know he’s back to normal, so that’s something. But there’s still Erik and Vision…


He just needs to find a way out of here and bring everybody with him. That’s two things. 


Oh, and don’t trust purple. Easy enough, right?


But he needs more information. Time to talk to the twins. Well, telepathically talk to Billy. 


If he knows how to talk into people’s heads yet. He probably does, but he has no idea how being a telepath is. 


Well, he needs to try something . Might as well try this. 


“Billy? Can you hear me?”


He feels a tingling in his head, but nothing he can really make out. 


“I’m me again, that helps.”


And then he remembers-


Jean and Charles always said his mind went too fast with his speed. And without his speed, Billy heard him. Now…


He sighs. One attempt shot down. He just needs something else. But he can plan. 


Or try to. Plans were never really his forte. He just went into the action. 


He doesn’t have much of a choice now, does he?


I hope you enjoyed~!

If you've seen the finale of WandaVision, what did you think of it? I think it was awesome, even if they could've done some things better.


Welp. I wrote that.

Please comment! They give me a reason to keep writing~! :)

Thank you for reading~! :D

(Shameless Self Promotion~ I have some other Marvel things, if you want more!)