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Part 1 of Love of The Venusian Rose

Crimson Thorns of the Venusian Rose


"I can't believe I just kidnapped a super hot guy!" A not-so-typical romantic action story. Comedy and tragedy will ensue.

kuranako, minakoxkurama, venusxkurama, yuyumoon. Art by Alicezap

Chapter 1: Chance Encounters


Notes I kept in mind when writing.

Remember, these characters are far more complicated than they first appear. They’re mostly human, and huge messes. This is the story of them stumbling through their messes, together. Naoko Takeuchi and Yoshiro Tagashi didn’t have time to expound on their complicated relationships. Kuwabara and Kurama are incredibly good friends, both willing to sacrifice themselves for the people they care for. Yusuke might act a fool, but he’s seen some shit, and he’s not about to take anyone’s shit, especially against his friends. Hiei wasn’t shown love in any capacity, other than a few tears from a woman who still threw him from a cliff. All Hiei had learned about it was from watching his sister, and thereafter when he met Yusuke and Kuwabara. Keiko was a normal girl trying to get her ditching friend through school, and ended up loving her friend who turned out to be part demon. Even with Shinto and Buddhism more prevalent there, many people are superstitious and would cast stones even in modern times at someone who would love a demon.

Usagi has lost her friends several times, and although now she knows the truth about them and their Star Crystals, she has always had fears and doubts, as any normal person would. She’s not alone, however, and knows this, and leans on the other girls and Mamoru when she doubts herself. Minako and the other girls are reincarnations of their past selves, they are not exactly the same. So although they have the memories of the original senshi, they aren’t the same personality wise either. Their souls, however, are the same, thereby carrying whatever divinity they were all born with to this life. These girls, all of them, are struggling between their duties in their past lives, and their dreams in this one.

A few adjustments are going to be made. The senshi are going to train harder to protect Usagi, becoming more sentai like and using martial arts like the 90’s anime. The guy’s relationships are going to be built more along with the girls. Elements from other mediums will be used when I can fit them in or where I personally like them to go. (i.e. Musicals, Authors Notes and Interviews, some headcanons, anime, and anything else I can get my hands and brain on) The majority will be built in their manga form. I don’t claim to be an expert, and don’t own either Naoko Takeuchi nor Yoshiro Togashi’s works or spin offs. I’m just a ditzy fan who couldn’t let the concept of two franchise powerhouses who happened to get married go without a crossover of their series! (And since Yusuke and Usagi have their own respective lovers, that leaves them out imo)

I really want to keep true to the mediums, but, as I said, I’m a rabid fangirl, so I had to label this accordingly. XD The fact of the matter is, Kurama and Minako are my faves in both series (Don’t get me wrong, I freaking adore all the others too, but these two are my steez) and I was really depressed there wasn’t more stuff out there for them. So here I go, hopefully my dedication to this doesn’t waver. (I’ve got tons of other stories partially written and ideas down, but I rotate my fangirling through several series.) No guarantees, but I’m liking what I got so far. It’s alright if you don’t like this, as I really wrote this for myself, but I want to share it with people who will get joy out of it.

I am super meticulous over details (Or try to be, I’m really just a creative scatterbrain armed with obsession, a computer, thesaurus, and the web) so I’ll try and reference as much of the material as I can remember.

For Japanese Translations, I use Jisho. org, it is such a good resource!

Kuso - damn; damn it; shit; crap

Mou - tsk; dammit; jeez; come on; what the hell.

Senshi - soldier; combatant; warrior

Akuryō - evil spirit.

Kitsune - fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes)

Yōkai - ghost; apparition; phantom; spectre; specter; demon; monster; goblin

Akage-san - Mr. Redhead

Yôko - As per the official translation in the manga; (Latin Name: Vulpus Mirus) A fox of great age that has attained supernatural powers. The most famous subspecies has 9 tails. Primary Abilities: Shape-shifting and casting illusions.

Ningen - human being; human; person; man; mankind; humankind

Ojou-san - young lady

Sayonara - goodbye; so long; farewell

Kami - god; deity; divinity; spirit; kami

Something I noticed about some Japanese authors and stories is their purposeful misspelling of superstitious things. Like Youkai vs. yōkai for instance. I'm not quite sure if it's part of that particular person's beliefs or just something accepted in media, perhaps in fear of facing the yōkai's wrath, but I love it, so I'm going with it!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Crimson Thorns

Art by Alicezap

Something happened to me there… in the Cauldron … I brought it back with me, but… I can’t remember what it was. . .

(Oh! - Girls Generation)

(Finale ~ Dancing in the Moonlight - Sailor Moon)

(Oh My Girl - Fifth Season)

“Stop right there!" A half-tailed, sailor suited woman called, ocean blue irises fierce behind her red domino mask as she points at a group of three menacingly. The young men with… is that pantyhose tied around their heads? Mou! What kind of idiotic disguise is that! Turn near simultaneously toward the her voice, their jaws dropping in shock and fear. "You should be ashamed of yourselves! Not only are you endangering the lives of innocents, you’re damaging precious women’s underwear with your dumb faces!" They gape stupidly at her, posing with one hand crossed over her chest, fingers spread wide while the other held in front of it with three fingers flexed to frame her face as she shouts."That’s right guys! My codename is Sailor V! Pretty Sailor Suited Soldier of Justice! Sailor Venus is now on the scene!"

Kuso! It’s Sailor V!" She smirks deviously at the sweat pouring down their faces. Hello! My name is Aino, Minako! I’m an 18 year old budding idol. My blood type is B, my favorite food is curry, I like playing pranks, my favorite school subject was physical education, and… throwing a jewel encrusted crescent boomerang, the guns in the three men’s hands are cut in half, avoiding any bullets inside with incredible precision. Catching the boomerang with her back facing the men and looking over her shoulder, she grins wider with her free hand waving a ‘V’ sign at them,

“Maybe you guys should reconsider careers. Like being a cashier at a convenience store, or lawn care professionals, because this really isn’t working that well for you." I’m also a crime fighting superhero named Sailor V. Not many know this, and those who do… A young man with curly blond hair in an undercut and an extremely grumpy expression on his visage glowers at the men shaking in their boots, still watching Minako warily. He nods to her, albeit reluctantly as he heads toward her apprehended criminals. They have become very important to me. The man’s smart looking tailored suit doesn’t match his disgruntled disposition as he berates the… they can’t be that much older than me… wayward young adults sporting artillery. Smiling wanly, the cleverly disguised teen looks down at the misguided group being led away in handcuffs. Still cute as ever, Wakagi-san!

A young woman, likely in her mid 20’s, paces quickly to the suited man dragging one of the criminals by the arm. Looking behind him toward herself, V winks and smiles as the long, rust brown haired woman waves with a giant grin. Natsuna-san! Chuckling to herself, the energetic vigilante nods and leaps high into the air, easily sailing through the skies. I don’t usually work as Sailor V. In fact, another little known secret is I’m actually a Sailor Guardian, Sailor Venus. Codename: Sailor V is just another alias I go under. Taking a deep breath of air, Minako smiles happily with the breeze whipping past her thigh length golden locks, held back with her favorite bright, candy red ribbon. The red and white sailor suit top waving in the wind, shoulder pads and navy blue sailor collar drifting back with her hair. Giggling lightly as a plane soars over her head, it looked like she could reach out and touch the bottom with a gloved hand. There’s just way too many crimes popping up lately to be normal...

She sighs as she hops into the alley several feet away from the eyes on the street. Pulling the transformation rod from her pocket, she holds it before her chest while closing her eyes. Willing the energy back into rest, swirls of power and clothing pull back into the precious artifact. Opening her eyes dreamily, the flood of normal, everyday ki and sunshine flowing back around her. "I should get with the girls and tell them-” her breath freezes in her chest for two reasons. The first, a beautiful red haired man stood before her, emerald colored eyes incredibly curious and surprised all at once.

Oh wow! He’s gorgeous! Long wild locks daring to be tamed by that ponytail holder. Such bright green eyes, and kissable lips- oh wait. She pauses from her rose tinted fantasy, or scented? He saw me detransform! Ah crap! Artemis is gonna have kittens! Love’s guardian is sure her face is fettered in panic as she puts her hands to her cheeks and hops from foot to foot slightly, oblivious to the man’s confusion and slight amusement. Wait a minute, I can turn this around! I’m Sailor V, I got this!

"Pretty cool special effects huh!" Throwing in a 'V' sign and a cheesy smile for emphasis. She sees a skeptical scarlet brow raise, his lips twitch as though trying to hold back a laugh. Her ribbon droops along with her as sweat nearly pours down her neck. Come on pretty boy! Where’s your doubt in weird superpowers and girls in cute uniforms! She laughs anxiously before hearing voices from around the corner, some avid Sailor V fans still in fervent search of their daring role model. Azure gems widen in greater panic as she rotates between flailing her arms out around her and curling her fingers in front of her mouth in mounting horror.

"What-do-I-do-what-do-I-do-what-do-I-do!" Far past paying any mind to the lightly chuckling jean clad stranger, she runs in panicked circles, again arms flailing before running straight at him. "Moon Power Transform!" The flash of light blinded him long enough for her to run up to him. "I’m-sorry-please-forgive-me!" With no time to question it, she wraps an arm around the guy's waist, quickly sweeping his legs out from under him to crouch and leap in a single bound to the top of the four story building next to them. Booking it even faster than when she was late for school, she reaches the edge in seconds, frightening away a flock of birds resting there. The arm around her shoulders tightens in mounting protest, but she’s already flying to the next building's edge.

His body freezes against her as she lands easily, not needing to roll even with just her Sailor V abilities as she makes a mad dash for the next rooftop. Not looking at the poor guy’s face as she repeats the running and jumping with about twenty more buildings, she finally finds some private shrine stairs to stop on. Setting him to his feet quickly, and leaping back a good distance, she begins to panic even more. Minako doesn’t see the man nearly fall out of balance after being placed upright again, just turning around and fanning her face with both hands. I kidnapped him! I literally picked up a super hot guy and kidnapped him and now-he’s-looking-at-me-oh-my-gosh!

She feels her cheeks flush with more than exertion as the guy watches her with a mixture of astonishment, amusement, and slight worry. She feels herself bow forward and straightening again before rambling in near hysteria, “I’m-really-sorry-about-kidnapping-you-but-you-saw-my-secret-and-they-were-coming-and-I-panicked-and-I-”

“One moment V-san, if you would?" Blinking at him for a moment, taking in his breathy, gentle baritone as her harried mind went temporarily blank. Apparently satisfied that she’d stopped her frenzy for a second, he continued. "I’m not hurt, incredibly surprised, mind you, but perfectly fine. Your strength and agility are a marvel, to be sure, further proof of who you are I suppose. I promise I won’t tell anyone about this." She releases a whoosh of breath she had been unknowingly holding. "Besides, who would believe me anyway?" He smiles at her kindly, this attractive, and somehow forgiving stranger whom she had kidnapped, by the way. Feeling the breath enter her lungs again, slender hands clench as her lips part to take it all in like a beggar before replying in a chastised voice,

“Really? Are you sure you’re not angry?" Lapis irises hidden behind curly bangs meet verdant green as she expects to be really laid into like a certain overbearing feline, yet as she stared deeply into that mysterious gaze, the frazzled heroine felt none of the anger or consternation she was expecting within them.

“I’m sure V-san. It was quite an experience, one hopefully we neither speak of, nor repeat, but one nonetheless." Another whoosh of air expels from her as she bows forward and puts her hands on her knees for a little rest after that marathon.

“Ugh, I am so freaking glad, because how in the world do I tell the others, ‘oh by the way, this super cute guy knows about our secret!'" Long sunny tresses block her view of him as he laughs lightly, his voice taking on a teasing tone as he needles,

“‘Super cute,' hmm?" Flying back up faster than either expected, her body cherry colored and her lips popped open to reply, but words lost on her for a moment before she turns lightly away, a hand on her cheek as she stutters,

“W-well, yeah, you’d have to be blind to not notice-” before she finishes, she feels the stir of emotion in the air, a heavy glare weighing on her, and a snake woman standing behind the man emanating jealousy. Eyes desperately wide, she darts toward him swiftly and tackles him, not expecting a tumble down the hill to the side of the stairs. Quickly covering his head and shoulders with her body, she takes the brunt of the impact as they roll down the hill together. More scrapes and aches are added to her body as she collides with tree trunks and bushes. Finally stopping when her temple collides with something solid.

Lashes fluttering half open when she hears a voice, Minako groans lightly and sits herself up on her elbows, pain lancing through her shoulder and head at rhythmic intervals. She feels a hand lift up her chin to meet worried forest, forcing her to grit her teeth against her body's nerves. Breathing in through her nose and out her mouth she mumbles grumpily, “I’m fine, where did the akuryō go-”

“You detestable couples! Always saying such disgustingly sweet things to one another!" Blinking in confusion, she looks over her shoulder, wincing as it strained the claw marks on her shoulder and back to raise a brow at the woman behind her, snarking,

“Uh, I think you got the wrong idea. He’s hot and all, but I just kind of kidnapped hi-” She flushes brightly, not daring to turn around and see her sweet prize’s expression. I really hadn’t meant to kidnap him… She currently leaned against the… oh wow… he’s packing quite a bit! His surprisingly muscled chest, taking in the warmth for a moment as she continues to gain her barings while the beast squawks so loudly,

“Liar! You’re all liars! I won’t forgive you for this!" She sighs dramatically while grumbling with narrowed eyes at it,

“Why do all the weird ones attack me?" She hears the man supporting her give a breathy chuckle close to the shell of her pink ear,

“Have a proclivity for strange beings do you?" Finally managing enough exasperation to face him, the manhandled performer glares nonplussed into his own entertained stare from behind her face accessory while she groans,

“Don’t even get me started, this one is low on that particular totem pole!"

“You dare ignore me!" Grumbling again, she flashes an annoyed look at the snake-like monster before them saying quietly to the man next to her,

(Ai no Hourousha live - REVO)

“Stay in those bushes over there,” pointing to some bushes several feet away. "It shouldn’t take me long to take her down, but she’s still dangerous, so be careful." Turning to finally look into shining ivy irises above her shoulder, the aching superhero beams lightly before adding, “Got it?" He frowns faintly, looking like he might argue, but sighs in resignation and bobs his head as she adds, “On the count of three. Ichi." Her eyes go back to the akuryō’s she whispers, “Ni." Her hand slips casually into a pleat of her V fuku as she shouts, “San!"

Throwing her crescent mirror like a boomerang, she jumps from her lying position fluidly, feeling the pain but ignoring it easily. She hears the man book it to the bushes as she marches toward the jilted creature who dodged her weapon and was now heading right for her. Leaping nimbly, she passes above the chimera-like thing in a flip she uses to kick it’s back, knocking it to the ground. Springboarding from there, she half turns, catching her mirror and landing on her feet some yards away. Minako watches carefully as it angrily and swiftly stands, growling maliciously before it throws what looks to be flame charged… nails? That’s nasty! It grew its claws out quickly and shot them at her as an attack!

(White Destiny - Pretear)

Cringing in disgust, she jumps lightly to the left, avoiding the first few volleys, before it just charges toward her. Ocean blues wide in shock, she manages to jump to the right, still getting grazed across her bow before doing a spin kick to the back of its head, knocking it off balance. "Looks like old V isn’t going to cut this one." It’s stronger and more vicious than she had expected, so with no other choice, she pulls out a heart shaped crystal, raising it above her head and shouting, “Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!" Feeling that flush of energy rush through her body, she nearly gasps out loud as the power flows from the crystal around her in gold stars and ribbons. Kami, I always forget how amazing this feels! Even better than my V transformation!

Having not needed to transform other than weekly training drills she sets up with the girls, the sensation always catches her off guard. Her movements, however, were ingrained in her body as she leans back slightly on her white and yellow knee high boots, the dual layer yellow and orange satin skirt fluttering freely as the back bow’s thin ribbon floats teasingly around her waist. Her shiny navy chest bow flows out further than she remembers, I love how much freer my chest feels in this! Her left white gloved hand clutches her right elbow, spinning on her heel as the stars whorl around her, she brings her right gloved hand up to flip her bangs away from the Venusian symbol adorning her forehead before the tiara manifests over it. Tucking the flowing gold strands behind her ears before running a hand through the bulk of gold hair flowing around her. She smirks sensually before posing her left arm before her stomach and right high in the air, as though to grab a portion of the sun. The Guardian of Love and Beauty feels more than sees the energy around her form the same symbol adorning her brow before dissipating in flashy sparkles.

The nimble snake woman looked startled, even more so when Minako parts her mango colored lips to speak. "You violate and torment innocent couples passing through here, and worse yet, assuming an innocent guy and girl even is a couple!" She could swear she heard a sound like someone muffling chuckles behind her. "You can’t force love on others! And you most certainly can’t destroy it either!" The creature gapes even wider, seemingly more and more stunned as the bouncy half-tailed leader poses her right hand pointing to just above her brow, feet spread apart and left hand on her hip as she continues in a chastising manner,

“Bishoujo Senshi, Sailor Venus! The Guardian who fights for Love and Beauty, protected by the alluring planet Venus!" Dropping her hands to her sides she glares heatedly at the jealous akuryō as she exclaims, “In the name of Venus,” her left hand moves to her hip as her right hand points directly at its face before shouting proudly, “I will punish you with Love!" Feeling the wind pull through her hair, she barely winces when it screeches in absolute rage before screaming,

“Then YOU are the one I must destroy! Any form of love will suffer my wrath!" Cornflower irises narrow dangerously, before slowly melting into glittering gold as she growls passionately,

“Bring it on jealous puss!" She could swear she heard something fall in the bushes behind her, exactly where she left pretty boy, but she wasn’t too worried. No nefarious energies were there so she concentrated solely on the big bad before her. Its answering screech turns into a cascade of fire balls as she leaps up out of the line of fire, shouting midair, “Venus,” closing her eyes and kissing her palm lightly, she quickly reveals fierce, fully glittering gold irises and grabs the heart energy her kiss created. "Love and Beauty Shock!" The rose adorned chain flowing from the heart in her hand glows gold, following her hand as the peppy warrioress lashes it downward toward the serpent below, energy manifesting completely into a physical chain in a figure eight.

The monster is split in half with the pure energy flowing through the chain, allowing her to land some ways away unaccosted. Eyes narrowing at the easy win, she whispers darkly, “That was too easy, what’s she up to…” Before her thoughts could go further, her heart nearly ground to a halt as the two halves seemingly healed up, separated, now leaving two whole halves. Her fierce gaze widens in surprise while she grumbles darkly, “Of course it can split itself into pieces, why not." It must have split before Love’s Wrath hit it, that’s the only way it could survive Love’s pure energy like that. Now the question is, will it do it again, or better yet, is the split weakening its strength? "That’s the real question." Wanting to test it one more time, she quickly lashes the two halves nearly simultaneously, they once again evade and divide.

“You have to use a different attack! At the very least something it can’t predict!" His once calm voice was heightened to a desolate level, causing her to look back a moment to catch his stare and hopefully assure him she would be fine. Shining leaves gape in awe as they behold the liquid marigold roiling in her own, she smiles sensually and winks merrily,

“Aww, you’re so sweet to care, but I’ve got it pretty boy. Find yourself a new hiding spot and stay low." How often do you see fights like this, handsome? Looking back at her opponent in time to see a bombardment of fire nails rushing toward her, she whips the balls right back easily enough, hoping against hope that it might take them out. The akuryō’s silhouette’s were still fine, unfortunately, which meant another method of attack would be needed. "Well then, how about this! Venus,” the chain wraps around her waist as Minako puts two fingers to the symbol adorning her forehead, “Crescent Beam Barrage!" Several beams of light are released from her fingers as she points at the evil serpents, its screams of agony echoing in the forest. Three of them were direct hits, their bodies dissolving from exposure to Love’s energy. The final, and likely original one, hissed raggedly, having barely moved away from the attack, the black feel of jealousy only deepening as the battle progressed.

Walking forward menacingly, she swings her chain lightly, the rotations able to turn into a wrathful attack at a moment's notice as she barks, “It’s over, stay still so this can go quickly and painlessly for you." Its reptilian eyes flicker to the blondes left briefly, and before it even thought of harming the man she was protecting, she shouts, “Venus Beauty Mark Striker!" She pokes her cheek, where energy builds before she points to her target, several blades manifesting from the Sacred Moon Sword. The only attack at the moment that utilized her teleportation ability, the swords disappear from sight before embedding into the beast's heart. It’s vicious scream of rage rattling the thick branches of the trees nearby, yet not disturbing the slowly setting sun the frightened fowl flew toward. Its eyes full of loathing turn toward her as she makes her way closer to it. "You… you disgusting woman! You will rot… all of you loving people!" The last part it spat with such venom, she was sure the very thoughts were poisonous.

(Utsuro na Tsuki no Shita de - REVO)

(Lovelyz - Doll)

So much so it led her to this… “I hope that hideous love you so covet… will spite you! All of you! May your insides… rot like your disgusting visage!" Her glimmering honey gaze dulls for a moment as she recalls darkly, you don’t have to worry about that. The kind of love most seek is out of my reach. A terrible smelling miasma rose from its still melting corpse, making her instinctively cover her nose, but she quickly realized the compassionate charmer was standing next to her. Blindingly fast, she grabs him and leaps away from the weaponized air around the dissipating body. Setting him to his feet easily, the protector of romance stands in front of him looking back at the particles vanishing as she reveals darkly, “It’s poisoning the air, so you stay here while I cleanse it." She feels his fluffy forelocks shift against her cheek, his hands tightening on her arms, not realizing she was still clutching his waist as she looks back up at him.

“Cleansing?" Backing up a bit and releasing her hold on him, his hands slide down her gloves tenderly as she replies with a gentle beam,

“Love, in its truest form, is purifying of the mind, body, and soul. Since I encompass it, I have plenty to give to the area around the body, and maybe…” Her eyes slowly fade to ocean waves, falling to his chest as they go unseeing and a hand moving to her heart. "It’s the only way that thing will ever be able to feel what it should really be like. To love selflessly." The idol-of-many smiles sadly at him, touching a hand above his own heart before flitting lithely away, back toward where the air still festered with hate. Pulling the compact back out from her skirt, she lifts it toward the sky between both hands and shouts, “Venus Power Crescent Shower! Wash away this hate and fill it with love!" Her power explodes into beams of light, looking for the world like a meteor shower raining down upon the Earth. The scent in the air already shifting to the sweet smell of ambrosia with a tinge of sunshine. She feels the wind carry around her, spreading the purity throughout the wooded area, and carrying the gentleness of love with it.

Smiling lightly, she lids azure irises to serenely behold the area around her, shimmering like an aurora borealis with sparkles lingering in the air. Love is such an incredible feeling… bringing the compact down between her hands, the sound of his light steps reaching her side, turning to look around at the spectacle as the gentleman’s mellow tone breathes, “Incredible. It smells nice, and incredibly pure. How are you faring V-san, or should I say… Venus-san." Turning lightly on her feet, Minako tilts her head at him, slightly confused until he reminds her, “Your back, although it’s likely that adrenalin prevents you from feeling it." Huffing lightly, she turns away from him minutely before waving her right hand carelessly,

“I’ll be fine, I’ve survived worse." The painless fighter was walking away when she feels a light tug on her right gloved hand, the redhead’s own gentle as he says,

“You may have, however you shouldn’t needlessly suffer for it. I… I wish to treat your wounds for you, if you would let me." Surprised lapis flit to forest, her petal peach lips open slightly to speak, about to deny the help when she studies the emotion in his gaze further. Noting determination, worry, and quite a lot of curiosity within them, she closes hers and sighs wanly before grinning playfully at him. With a sly look, she moves closer, nearly toe to toe as she holds his right hand with hers and hums lightly,

“I know what you want mister, and you're not getting my civilian name, nor info on me or the akuryō I fight. But~” and here she presses a finger to her chin and winks cutely, “I think it’s more romantic like this anyway, parting with nothing but aliases after fighting jealousy itself. Kind of like a fantasy romance story, isn’t it?" Rosy lashes flutter in bewilderment for a second, then a gentle, tingle inducing laugh bubbles from his mouth, a fist coming up to cover it as he inquires,

“You are far more bold like this, aren’t you?" Giggling lightly, the Avatar of Love tilts her head and nods, tugging on his hand to get them moving before someone comes to find them in the woods. Namely a fire breathing Martian who was visiting this place as she finally recognizes where she’s landed them. She’d have a field day seeing me flirt shamelessly with a guy I saved. Oh well, he started it by teasing me earlier.

“Can’t help it; love is a fickle thing you know?" She just hears him huff, before observing,

“You very much are like the thing you protect, Venus-san. If someone ever were Love, I’ll always imagine it now as you." Turning warm lapis jewels toward him, she beams in delight even as she remembers something.

“Oh! I should probably change first!" Pulling the energy back into the crystal as she closes her eyes, she feels her regular outfit that day flutter back around her, leaving her in her jean jacket wrapped around a long sleeved teal undershirt, cute red vest, khaki shorts and her matching brown loafers comfortable enough to wander around in. She was already expecting it, but the recession of power left her body trembling now that it had to deal with the claw marks on her back and shoulder. Gritting her teeth, she clenches a fist as her lashes flutter open, allowing her to see the worry on the sweet guy’s face. Concentrating, she breathes in, and back out, allowing thoughts of the pain to flutter away and blocking it out. Smiling lightly, she nods to him and chirps breezily, “Lead the way!"


____________ ~Kurama~ ____________


(Shadow - f(x))

(Moonlight Melody - Red Velvet)

Had anyone told him he would be technically ‘kidnapped’ by a strange, blond girl wearing a red ribbon, who also happened to be the infamous Sailor V he’d heard of, Kurama might have questioned their sanity. Low and behold, not only was he kidnapped by her, which is an admittedly embarrassing scenario in and of itself, but she protected him from a C class yōkai. That said, he definitely couldn’t prepare himself for the over the top, sensually posing Guardian of Love if he tried, a bundle of energy when a normal human, but highly flirtatious and… I can’t believe part of her abilities is… It was a testament to his restraint, certainly, to not react at all even as she walked next to him where the scent of her wetness still lingered, forcing him to fight his senses and breathe through his mouth.

Never, not during any of his time as just a yôko, nor as a human, has he smelled something so incredibly divine. No ordinary ningen smells like this… even with my precautions, it’s still difficult to control my instincts. He looks to his right quietly, assessing her once again as they nearly reach his own apartment. Buttercup hair reaching the top of her thighs sashayed with the breeze, her body moving confidently, but not with the sensual undertone that she did when she was Sailor Venus, and he had to wonder if it was a conscious effort on her part to walk like a normal human girl. Or was it the young woman who decided to take advantage and communicate this way with her lithe body. Whatever the case, she seems determined to make this as difficult as possible for me, conscientiously or not.

The fluidity of her movements, even while injured, were quite impressive and made him wonder at her flighty behavior earlier. That is, until she trips on her own feet and nearly falls on her face were he not quicker, catching her left arm easily. She sighs gustily, before looking up at him with a quirky grin, laughing lightly at herself as she mumbles an apology. Resisting the urge to sigh to himself, he finds himself flabbergasted at this young girl who, for all intents and purposes, was your typical human woman. Yet, what others didn’t see was that she was still injured, having been so while protecting him, a complete stranger. What they also hadn’t seen was her beautiful, confident form fighting a yōkai manifestation of human jealousy. That moment, when Venus looked back at him, her smile sensuous and eyes a liquid gold, the enchanted fox nearly stopped breathing. It wasn’t often he found himself lacking breath either because truly, he had seen some incredibly beautiful things and people, yet this would be the first time he had been caught unawares.

Yet now she looks so different, completely disguised despite having the same hair color and silhouette, except her height. It was interesting to note the differences as they approached the multi story complex he now calls home, she mumbles, “That’s Mamoru-san’s complex…” under her breath, likely not expecting him to hear. He’s incredibly curious who ‘Mamoru-san’ is; however, when he walks up to the door he registers her gasp of awe as she chirps, “Ooh, ritzy! You’ve got taste, Akage-san!" Shaking crimson locks, he chuckles lightly and replies,

“It’s decent for the price I suppose." He hears a crescendoed squeal of ‘eh!' before Venus’s civilian form stutters,

“Th-this place is in the middle of the shopping district! What are you, a business tycoon?" Opening the door to the lobby for her, he smiles mysteriously while replying teasingly,

(One of These Nights - Red Velvet)

(Simple and Clean Piano Cover - Utada Hikaru)

“Oh? I thought we were keeping our identities a secret, for… ‘romance’s sake,’ was it?" Pausing to look up at him, she looks surprised for a moment, delphinium blues whirling like petals in a breeze with powerful emotions. Then, like the sun after a storm on the sea, a beautiful smile blooms across plush lips, forming a brilliant grin as she confirms,

“Yeah! That’s right!" She turns lithely while she walks backwards into the lobby a few feet, leaning to the side endearingly, silky hair slipping over her jean jacket while she trills, “This day has definitely turned for the better because of you. Thank you." Kurama feels his eyes widen, the sincerity in her words, the battering of his senses, and her heartfelt smile needle at his carefully built walls. Perhaps I am growing soft as Hiei says. It’s been a while since anyone has won this much of my trust so quickly and easily. She seems to follow a similar behavioral pattern to Yusuke and even his own human mother. Even stranger, however… She knows nothing of me. We have no relation, no idea of the other’s lives, and yet… she protected me, heedless of our familiarity and even now, if I truly wanted to…

The darkest parts of himself salivates at the oblivious woman before him, completely open to whom she believes is an ordinary human, everything she is calling to the predator within.

Prey .

Had I been how I was before, her back is to me and would be dead within moments. He won’t deny what he is, but he must admit, it disturbs him sometimes to realize that had he not come to experience this world as he had, the people he has come to care so deeply for may not be in his life as they are. If they lived at all after meeting me. Forest green irises half lid softly, a gentle smile alighting his face and dark thoughts melting away as he admits, “Yes, you’re quite right, this day has become quite a memorable one." Shining lapis gems pop open over cherry cheeks, the charismatic warrior’s hand comes up to her mouth with fingers curled slightly in front of glossy lips. Her flushed countenance changes to demure, looking away and smiling reverently. They use the elevator, and as he stands in front of his apartment, he hears her whisper ‘no way,’ while glancing up at him and back to the ground repeatedly. Making him incredibly curious as to why she was in such disbelief, but it was something he could ask her about later on.

When they enter his rather spartan apartment, she looks around curiously, the expression almost childlike in nature and incredibly disorientating compared to everything he’s learned about her so far. This woman has more layers than I could ever have imagined from simply meeting her normally. Able to maneuver around unlayering his coat and shoes whilst watching her easily, the vulpine strategist takes in every minor detail of her study of his abode. Strangely, rather than appraisal of its looks, the first things her eyes focused on were the balcony and door to his bedroom, as though… She's keeping an eye on entrances and exits. Interesting. More and more he’s realizing she’s quite militaristic, if her posture while fighting wasn’t enough. Even in civilian form, her back is quite straight, her walk just shy of a march, and her senses always alert to immediate danger. Before he walks off to find his first aid kit, he stops a moment to watch as she approaches the glass separating the balcony cautiously, opening the sliding glass door and peering up first, before looking down over the city.

After grabbing his homemade kit along with a bowl of water and washcloth, he moves back into the living area and catches her glancing at the plants he has on the patio, as though assessing a threat. Thankfully they hibernate while I’m here, otherwise I might have a powerful, angry soldier on my hands. He’s certain his assessment of her training is correct, although to regular people he’s sure Venus would look much more normal. Speaking of chikara… her energy is familiar, yet completely different than anything I’ve felt before, but where, and more importantly, when had I felt it. He doubts he’s met someone like her when he was still a thief, but… those legends of the Guardians of the Silver Millenium. Very few remained, even when I was a kit, and yet…

He soaks in her shimmering sunflower tresses, full and reaching past her thighs easily, a silky vermillion ribbon tying her strands into a half tail at the back of her head, and although now a civilian, her body was indeed quite appealing, but nothing like the draw he felt before. The kind of draw one should be wary of, almost freeing in its presence, and loosening even the tightest of lips, a worrying power indeed. Kurama’s tentative, yet sensual touch of her gloves earlier was enough of a warning to mind himself around her. It made him wonder then if the legends from that time referred to the young woman before him. But it couldn’t be… could it? That was from prehistoric times, she would have to be thousands of years old. Watching in amusement, the girl sneezed lightly from one of the plants, although the pollen at the moment wouldn’t hurt her. Not my idea of someone who’s name struck awe and fear in the hearts of both humans and demons. Moving to the couch, he sat down and spoke lightly,

“Are you ready, Venus-san?" Blinking in a slightly bemused manner, she looks at him sheepishly before moving easily around the other side of the couch and without much prompting, begins stripping her own layers off. Turning away from him after she’s down to her long sleeved turquoise shirt, grimacing slightly as she peels it up over her head, he’s once again shocked at her easily revealing herself to him. Interesting… She's not ashamed of her body, so why is she shy at times? Pulling golden tresses over her left shoulder, she quickly unlatches the clasps to her bra and pulls it off her chest. Holding her arms over her breasts, the sensual senshi sits still for a moment as he dips the washcloth into the bowl of water he brought with the kit. Gently running the cloth over her wounds, he huffs lightly as he asks curiously, “You get hurt often?" Pouring some hydrogen peroxide on the cloth, he watches as she tilts her head slightly and shrugs her uninjured shoulder.

“Not necessarily. I have gotten hurt before, but usually I’m pretty good about dodging weapons." The caring kitsune’s eyes narrow slightly in reminder of how she got her wounds, watching the bubbles dance around the edges of the slowly weeping claw marks.

“I see. My apologies then." Not allowing him to wallow any, she chirps,

“Not at all! It’s my job to protect people. Also,” waving her left finger in the air as though in chastisement, “you wouldn’t have been there had I not brought you there." Lightly patting the peroxide along the wounds on her shoulder, the emergency medic hums in acknowledgement before prying,

“It’s your job? It seems more like a dangerous hobby to me." Hoping his wording was just right, he hears her snort and reply,

“I consider it my job. I have the power, so why not? Besides, I’m living every kid's dream of being a superhero!" He can’t help the smile crawling across his lips as he teases,

“Ah, so you admit you are a child, then?" Emerald irises dance at the indignation in her voice,

“Hey! Just because you’re ashamed of your inner child doesn’t mean I have to be! And don’t give me that crap about being an adult, everyone has an inner child, some just embrace them more than others." He chuckles lightly, putting down the bloody washcloth in the bowl, picking up an herb mixture he made himself and dips his fingers in.

“You’ve caught me, I’m afraid. My inner child is certainly starved for affection." Waves of humor roll from her shoulders while Venus giggles mischievously,

“Oh, don’t worry, your inner child seeing mine is gonna start a riot, just you wait." When his bare fingers run along her back, she jolts. Kurama pauses for a moment, waiting for feedback, but receiving none, he chuckles softly to put her at ease and cautiously returns,

(To Nowhere - Yuki Kajiura)

“I certainly hope not. But taking into account how children tend to take on the behaviors of others, it certainly wouldn’t be surprising." She laughs lightly, nearly fakely actually, then she suddenly goes still and quiet for a moment. Another trait he wouldn’t attribute to her in typical conversation, before interrupting his thoughts,

“Be careful when you go out from now on. It’s difficult to place, but your energy… it’s drawing things to you." He paused with the bandages in his hand, verdant gaze wide in astonishment as she adds, “It’s not loud mind you. But the universe works in mysterious ways, and draws those with certain energies together." She turns and smiles back at him over her shoulder for a moment, “Like us. This city in particular is an energy carrier, like a stream that leads to the ocean, it draws us to one point.” Startled for a moment, he breathes in, then back out before replying,

“Ah, that’s good to know. I hadn’t realized such a thing was occurring. How do you know?" Not including the many times it’s drawn trouble to me. Turning her head back over her shoulder as he starts to wrap bandages over the claw marks, he hears her recall,

“A friend of mine is accurately intuitive. She told me the other day that I’d meet someone with incredibly unique energy, but I didn’t feel anything until you just touched me." He pauses a moment, hands hovering over her shoulders when his protective patient continues, “She said the flames sent her a message for him, that he must be wary of the city, and the energies surrounding him. Some seek to help, others… well, let’s just say they’re not great." She looks at him again, blue morning glories overflowing with emotions he’s unable to decipher, her dainty hand reaching out to take the bandages and wrap around her front while offering, “You’re a nice guy, and definitely deserve this warning. If you ever are in need of help, just call my name, and I’ll hear you." The worldly yōkai blinks in bewilderment and repeats,

“Just say ‘Venus’ and you’ll be there? How are you able to hear?" He can feel something within him tangle at the sight of her absolutely venereal smirk over her shoulder, small bare shoulders move as she passes the bandage back to him, assuring,

“I have a link to that name. No matter where in the world someone is, if they feel threatened and say my name, I’ll find them." He hums in thought, taking the bandage roll and wrapping around her back tightly, passing the roll back over her shoulder as he asks,

“If I feel threatened… I see, thank you V-san. I’ll remember that." Although I doubt I’ll need to. “Earlier, you called that thing an akuryō. Is that what it is?" It’s an apparition, but she was convinced otherwise. He notices her breathing getting heavier, her arms squishing against her body and hands somewhere in front of her chest as she whispers,

“It’s what my friend who gave you the warning calls them. Really, it’s just a blanket term for malicious entities we don’t know much about." Watching his hands when he passes the bandages to her front, he considers the little bit she’s said. They don’t know about demons quite, they just know enough to kill. I’d best be on my guard with them. Thankfully my energy isn't fluctuating today, otherwise she might try to kill me, or certainly be more on guard. It’s still difficult to quell his instincts, especially with her neck bared to him, but he’s not survived this long on falling to base impulses so easily. Grabbing the bandage she passed back to him, Kurama wraps it around her shoulder again, eyeing the small smattering of light freckles on Venus’ shoulders, fingers slipping lightly at the edge of the bandage to check the tightness. Nearly there.

Although not quite an awkward silence, the tension in the air is palpable as he takes the bandage back from her to wrap up to her front again, noticing now that although she had mentioned being wounded before, he saw no scars. Was she lying? Or does she have healing abilities she didn’t wish me to know of? He thinks back to how she was leaving, as though she was just going to jump from their location to elsewhere. Was she going to heal herself, or find someone who could? Perhaps… “You said you had been injured before, but I don’t see any scars on your back. Do you have some sort of healer?" She tenses, the bandages sitting in her hand and waiting to be passed. Slowly, he takes the bandages, her words cutting through the silence.

“You're quite curious, aren’t you? Be careful, what’s that saying, ‘Karate kills the cat’ or so they say." He sweat drops slightly, lips twitching as he tries to hide his laughter. Is she trying to threaten me, or just warn me?

“It’s ‘curiosity kills the cat.' You haven’t heard the rest though, have you?" He can smell the extra flush of embarrassment, again attacking his senses as she huffs in front of him while grabbing the bandage wrap from him. Ivy irises catch hers as he smiles mischievously, finishing with, “‘Satisfaction brought it back.'”

(Labyrinth - Yuki Kajiura)

“That’s…” he can feel her hesitate, holding the bandages hostage as Love’s champion contemplates what to say. "There’s a reason that there’s no scars, but I really shouldn’t say anything, especially to someone I just met." Finally passing the bandages back to him, the investigative yôko continues to wrap her shoulder as he remarks,

“So none of the above, hmm. That’s quite a puzzle to leave me with. So if you didn’t heal it, and someone else didn’t, that leaves very few possibilities." He stares hard at the sun-blessed beauty’s back, the pieces slowly falling into place. After all, he and three others had experienced as much. It’s incredibly cruel that such a vibrant young woman has had to experience this. "You’ve died… haven’t you?" Sensitive ears pick up her breathy intake, lightly muscled arms clenching to herself as she goes completely still. After a few moments of heavy quiet, her voice rings lightly,

“How… how could you know that?" He takes the ends of the bandages and ties them off, lips pressed tightly together, memories dredging up an instance of a child that was torn from this world far too soon. By my own hands.

(In the Garden of Sinners - Yuki Kajiura)

(Moonsong - Adrian von Ziegler)

“I’ve seen some strange things Ojou-san. Your friend was right earlier, her claim that energies are drawn to me. Some of them had a similar experience, but are quite lucky circumstances worked in their favor." When she turns toward him, he’s wholly unprepared for her expression of melancholy, and with the waxing crescent moonlight shining in on them, she looks ethereal. One arm covering her breasts as she smiles at him sadly, whispering,

“I hope their deaths were painless." He swallows thickly, emotion he thought he controlled roiling as he states,

“Yours was not." Glassy blue delphiniums reflect more light as she hums,

“No, they weren’t." Leafy green irises widen in horror as Kurama nearly demands,

(Inari’s Song - Danny Fortress)

“You’ve died multiple-'' Venus cuts him off, lush forest widening in shock as her mouth slants softly over his own. To his consternation, an aural connection begins to flow between them, feeling like fire burning through his veins as he tries valiantly to reign his instincts in. She freezes against him for a moment, as though she were surprised by this as well. Doll-eyes dilate before silken petals pull lightly at his, the erotic sensation causing him to suck in a breath and allowing her to deepen the kiss with a quiet moan. Blond lashes flutter closed, nose lightly endearingly pink as she presses closer to him. Warm thighs slide along his hips while she nibbles his mouth roughly, air escaping through his nose to avoid growling deeply.

Her hand unsteadily rests on his shoulder, clenching the material of his long sleeved, off white shirt, the other sliding up to gently cup his cheek, rose strands caught lightly between her fingers. Bare, warm breasts press softly into his clothed chest, pebbled nipples melt sensually into his pecs, this time the groan isn’t withheld. She pulls back a hairsbreadth for air, only to mold her mouth back into his own much more erotically. His calloused hands come to grip her face, thumbs brushing tinted cheeks lightly while he tugs carnally on her lips, drawing on the intense flavor of her.

Her lips were glossy and tasted like peaches, and her scent, which he had been avoiding taking deep breaths of because of her delicious smelling arousal, consisted of sunflowers, lilacs, oranges, ambrosia and… she has a slight scent of the ocean… Although it doesn’t smell recent, moreover it seems to be a part of her… The bewitched fox feels a shiver run down his spine when her aura spreads tenuously, powerfully encompassing as it caresses his own, as though trying to feel him in every way possible. It certainly is tempting to respond... How in the world does she know how to do this?

The warmth he feels from her, from the petals covering his own and the body melting into his, and that tantalizing aura the ravishing guardian used to stroke his own nearly possessed him. I’ve never met someone with such an incredibly powerful, sensual soul. It was addicting and heady, the touch of one’s soul completely bared was something he’d never dreamed of. So very intimate that if he were a lesser being, he might fall to such temptation. To so fully expose oneself in such a manner could lead her to losing this beguiling, powerful soul. The smell of her fresh blood interrupts his thoughts, drawing him back to the present and to the gorgeous, mad-woman currently trying to devour his mind and damned soul. Pulling back from her, quite reluctantly, he mentally adds, he can’t help but take in the incredibly erotic image she made.

Sunflower lashes beat slowly over reddened, lightly speckled cheeks, swollen lips pant heavily as gorgeous yellow topaz gently rise to his own verdant. Her emotions were easily read within those jewels as his mind reiterates, she’s so expressive, it’s incredibly daunting. Her tantalizing energy begins to withdraw, caressing his own lightly before receding into a slowly more coherent woman. His gaze is drawn downward where his nose tells him her wounds had opened up again from their foray into this lunacy. Taking her chin in his hand, he tilts her head to the side to get a better look at her slowly spotting bandages, frowning slightly as he contemplates,

“It seems we helped reopen those wounds, Miss." Passionate eyes flitter closed again suddenly, the strength in her body leaves as she pitches forward. Thankfully she was already in his lap and he easily caught her, her face resting against his neck. Surprised by her immediate loss of function, Kurama inquires worriedly, “Are you alright, Ojou-san?" Venus’ breaths puffed and stirred his forelocks lightly, her own merigold treses softly tickling his neck and chin as her body trembled lightly. Becoming more worried, he wraps an arm around her waist, the other coming to touch her cheek lightly as he inquires,

“Miss? Please answer-” he feels her lips move against his neck, the movements surprisingly clear as she mumbles nearly drunkenly,

“Gimme… a minnut. I think… ‘ll b’ fine. . ." breathing out starkly, he relaxes slightly, holding her gently until she recovers enough to move. Since that disturbing lapse in decorum moments ago, he carefully avoided thinking about the body pressed generously against his and focused instead on the implications from these past few minutes. Venus hadn’t realized how depleted she was, which means she wasn’t fully in control of this then. She did all of this subconsciously… looking at the silky strands curled into him, glinting emeralds soften as he realizes, she’s this strong already, even without having complete control over herself. Incredible... The Sailor Guardians are much more powerful than I’d heard.

The hand holding the back of honey locks moves to her uninjured shoulder, shifting the loose strands along the way as he moves. Using his shoulders for support, she lifts her face from his neck, breathing more even now. Lidded liquid gold meets his wantonly, causing the air in his lungs to hitch as she whispers, “What are you? I’ve never felt…” The enthralling warrior’s cheeks flush endearingly, a hand coming to her lips as her expression becomes distant. His own rough fingers catch hers, holding them gently as he answers,

“I’m just as mystified by this as you, Ojou-san. I do know, however, that whatever this is, it’s dangerous. Most of all for you it seems." Detrimental to my sanity, is more like, the normally calm vulpine thinks wryly as her sentimental gaze expands, tender mouth open while she whispers,

(Emil - Sacrifice)

“Oh! Oh… you… you’re right…” At that moment, a deep, aching sadness flashes through those beautiful, prism-like eyes. The melancholy expression that consumed her features tore at something inside him, eating away at his walls as she releases her hold on his shoulders and wrapping her arms around her breasts. Canary tourmaline irises bleed a deep, perilous sea blue while she looks away from him, smiling in agony and saying with determination, “Yes. You’re absolutely right." What? What in the world is she thinking now? He’s finding more and more with her that although her emotions are open, her thoughts are far more complicated than he could have imagined.

His arm around her waist comes up to her shoulder with his other hand, to support her in every capacity he could. Before he can grip her, she leaps easily from his lap to her pile of garments at the other end of the couch, back toward him and buttercup falls swaying hypnotically, the waxing moon casting her form in a divine light. Although she had lost strength a moment ago her body now moved meticulously, slipping her garments on quickly and efficiently while he worried, “Wait! Your wounds are-”

“It’s alright." Venus’ voice is like a song in the breeze, the seasonal sadness carried along with it to him and clenching his heart in a vice while she adds, “I’m a Sailor Senshi, if I couldn’t handle a few wounds, what sort of soldier would I be?" Lapis lazuli shine at him over her uninjured shoulder, a heartbreaking smile on her lips as she continues, “Thank you for everything Akage-san. Not just for treating my wounds, but also for allowing me to be… for even just a moment…" Her anguished smile gains warmth, "an ordinary woman." Ivy greens widen in surprise, she moved easily toward the door while he was distracted, forcing him to stand swiftly as she slipped her shoes on. Kurama calls out in panic,

“Wait a moment, Miss!" She’s done slipping on her shoes before he makes it two feet toward her, and to his astonishment, she turns toward him easily. Sunshine hair follows her body's movements while a glowing, gentle smile appears on her face, a finger in front of her lips as though to remind him to keep her a secret, she whispers lovingly,

Sayonara, Akage-san." In a blink, her body disappears, leaving only tiny yellow sparkles behind; they too eventually fade away, leaving no trace of the flirtatious Guardian of Love. He stands numbly for a moment, watching the spot she once stood without a thought. Finally thrust out of his temporary paralysis, his mind begins to spin like a wheel. She can… teleport? It’s just one amazing thing after another with her, isn’t it? While not transformed either. His shock turns quickly to embarrassment, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as he realizes she got one over on him, again. That little vixen! It’s not often anyone can slip one past me, let alone twice. Huffing with a dark laugh, he shakes his wild locks with a mischievous smile, his instincts clamoring around inside him with excitement. It’s been a while since I’ve met someone who can keep me guessing. To keep his mind from wandering to dark places, he considers what’s happened in the past few hours.

A senshi, possibly from the Silver Millenium, made off with me when I accidentally discovered her Sailor V identity. She also ‘protected’ me from a yōkai, is the ‘Guardian of Love,’ whose sensual aura inspires strange emotions in those around her. My touching of her gloves at the shrine, as well as while we kissed… he swallows thickly, lips pressing together as though trying to feel hers once again. Breathing out his nose, the pragmatic thinker moves swiftly past the emotions to continue, has an incredibly powerful soul, and can use teleportation. She is well armed too, a veritable army in a small package.

The entranced academic is reminded again of her countenance when he pointed out how dangerous the situation was for her, and like a switch was flipped, she came to her senses quickly while the melancholy that overtook her… she didn’t feel as much, even over her own deaths, and yet, with just the mention of danger… it was like something took over her. His hand on his chin in contemplation, his other supporting the elbow as he continues to ruminate. What in the world could have garnered such an agonizing reaction? Leafy greens narrow darkly at the door he still stood before, a frown prominent on his face as he wonders, Miss… what could make you feel this way?

A memory from moments ago flits through his mind, reminding him of his earlier assumptions. ‘...what sort of soldier would I be?' He considers the words carefully. A soldier, one who protects anyone nearby without a thought to themselves. Who doesn’t fear danger for themselves… His eyes widen in realization, heart constricting as he grimaces in conjunction with the emotional pain. She’s protecting me. Giving a self-deprecating smile to no one, he murmurs to himself, “Where have I heard that one before..." He still hadn’t forgotten Maya, the young human girl who loved the supernatural, nor his resolve to keep her safe. My, how the tables have turned.

Sliding a hand through crimson bangs, he sweats lightly and sighs openly, heart in turmoil as he looks once again, to the spot Venus disappeared from. And here I thought my human life was already getting complicated again. His step-father’s promotion of him to being the CEO of the newly opened Minato-ward branch was sudden enough, with this being his first day officially moved into the big city. Only a week had passed of fully unpacking his previously delivered furniture and boxes, and thinking a nice stroll around the area to gauge his new surroundings was a good idea, came across the legend herself only an hour afterward.

Although Kurama had been to Minato on occasions when Hatanaka-san had been getting the new building up and running, it was only now that he had met the city's complicated golden protector. And what a perplexing creature she is! So childlike and brash some moments, incredibly enticing and sensual in others, and even brooding and melancholy as well. It was like watching the colorful gems of a kaleidoscope rolling within the device, the tumbling rainbows awing any who dare look within. Yet, only one eye was able to perceive it while the other had to remain closed off to the rest of the world. And now I’m getting poetic.

Huffing to himself, he turns from the door in front of him and heads over to the couch to relax while he continues to ruminate. I’m sure Yusuke would have a laugh, and Kuwabara would be ecstatic. Smiling lightly, the thought of his old friends eases the pain lancing his chest as he admits to himself, I do rather miss them. Perhaps I should give them a call? Tell them about her and perhaps... Ivy irises narrowing, he decides simply, I need to find out more about this. About her. How to find her though… I suppose starting with that area tomorrow is the most logical start. His thoughts continue to roil even as he prepares for sleep.


____________ ~Minako~ ____________


Minako blinks as she stands in the hidden lunar headquarters unseeing for a moment while she recalls the encounter again. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, azure eyes grow foggy as she remembers the tingle of something from that moment, but what, she’s not really sure. Whatever it was, it was definitely dangerous. Dangerous to my heart. “What in the world was I thinking, kissing the guy like that!" Doe-eyes clear up to stare darkly at her reflection in the polished stone floors, muttering to herself, “You done messed up Minako. Men like him are dangerous, but…” both hands go to her cheeks with steam practically blowing out her ears. It was a spur of the moment thing, to keep him from asking anything else, but kami! Sighing to herself, she puts one hand to her cheek, and the other fans her flushing face as she groans,

“Mou, men that are super smart, handsome, and nice that I can’t have shouldn’t exist. It’s just gotta be against some sort of cosmic law." Or an all consuming evil entity laying a trap, one of those ‘too good to be true’ situations. Still… It won’t hurt to keep these memories for a rainy day right? Her face flushes as she’s reminded of the incredibly fit body beneath the baggy clothes. He definitely works out, he’s one of those Bruce Ki kind of guys! The muscles are deliciously, densely compact! It’s then she remembers just how she knows so much about his muscles. Ocean waves shrink as the pupils expand, her lips popping open to try and breathe deeply. Oh. . . oh kami… he must have felt my… more steam escapes her ears while blood from her nose runs down her chin. Before she can reminisce further, a voice pierces the glowing silence, startling the Soldier of Love,

“Mina-chan! What in the world happened! You were supposed to be here hours ago!" When she turned to look at Artemis over her shoulder, she’d forgotten about her nosebleed, making him wail, “The hell? Your nose is bleeding!" Quickly stuffing fabric up her nose, she argues,

“No it’s not."

“Yes it is! Get in the healing chamber before you bleed everywhere!" Lapis gems roll up, doing as the heckled feline asks while she adds to her earlier assessment; beautiful, kind, dangerous smart men I can’t have are definitely a cosmic curse.



We got some cameoes! Natsuna Sakurada is Superintendent-General of the Metropolitan Police Board and a closet Sailor V fan, and Mina's friend from the manga! Toshio Wakagi is Special Officer of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police, and Natsuna's indentured servant XD This is the specific artwork that I based Natsuna's look on (considering there's multiple renditions from Takeuchi herself) If you've never read the Sailor V manga, I'd highly suggest it! It's got a lot more characterization for Mina, though it's before she awakens, and it's really cute and sad. I use Miss Dream for Sailor Moon and Sailor V personally. We also have mention of Maya Kitajima from the Yu Yu Hakusho manga, and now, the Two-Shots special, as I said at the beginning, I love referencing the other materials, so here we are, right off the bat!

Mamoru Chiba’s apartment (The same as Kurama’s) - 1-chōme-10-3 Azabujūban, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0045, Japan (Thanks to these mad lads for figuring this out!

Mina being ‘turned on’ while transformed came from the Sailor V Manga, Volume 1 Chapter 1. (It's a fan translation, but whatever, its awesome!) I took some liberties with this as it’s not really described in the Sailor Moon Manga, but the fact that her weaker form is like that, I can only imagine more power means more horny energy.

In the original concept for the Sailor Moon Manga, Venus' eyes were going to change to gold when she transformed. I like the idea, so I'm going with it!

Mina’s energy smelling nice comes from Chapter 4 page 126, when she purifies Puchi Pandora’s noxious fumes from her decaying body. Then before that, Chapter 2 page 51 has Taku describing Mina’s floral mouse.

In case anyone was curious how ‘~’ works, here it is as I use it a lot for speech. The tilde was first used in the polytonic orthography of Ancient Greek, as a variant of the circumflex, representing a rise in pitch followed by a return to standard pitch.

Mina tends to mistake words in Japanese for one another. Kyōkishin is ‘curiosity’ in Japanese. Kyokushin Karate is a style of stand-up fighting and was founded in 1964 by Korean-Japanese Masutatsu Oyama.

Bruce Ki - Definitely a pun on Bruce Li! I love the gag of the two series using puns on famous people, places, or things that are copyrighted, so this is definitely gonna continue!

I take it from Mina being able to use her Crescent Boomerang and transformation pen even after awakening to Sailor Venus as ‘she can use her V abilities and powers in her Venus form.'

Another thing that bothered me is at the end of the Sailor Moon manga, none of the Senshi got upgraded attacks. Naoko Takeuchi was strapped for time, so I’m guessing she just wasn’t able to include it, so now I’m coming up with them!

Venus, Crescent Beam Barrage - I changed the name from the anime version of Crescent Beam Shower, which is quite similar to Venus Power Crescent Shower.

Venus, Beauty Mark Striker - An upgrade of Wink Chain Sword, with teleportation!

The height change thing I read somewhere, but it’s most noticeable when Chibiusa first gets her transformation in the Black Moon arc, going from around 7 years old looking to 10 or 11, also Hotaru’s height changes during the Dream Arc. Though it could be the way the senshi are drawn, I like to imagine all of them change height, aging up, not only to better disguise themselves, but to be closer to their most powerful ages (Like Genkai’s age reversing to her most powerful when she taps into the Spirit Wave Orb)

Azabu Juban seems to be a supernaturally inclined city, and though stuff happens in other cities, it’s as though like the Poltergeist report movie for Yu Yu Hakusho, it has incredibly powerful spiritual points. If you’ve consumed a lot of Japanese media, you’ll notice in the ones with spiritual stuff, there’s spiritual points in cities that can change the flow of energy in the earth around that city. (See Fullmetal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin in the anime’s final arc, X the movie, etc.) This comes from the Feng Shui philosophy that is part of Tao, or ‘the way,’ a Chinese religion based on the way of nature.

I just realized that the majority of the human guys in the Sailor Moon universe are pretty well put together (Mamoru, Matoki, Assanuma, etc. ). It’s the girls that got issues lmao.

Chapter 2: Illegally Handsome Men


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Minako no Theme - Sailor Moon Crystal OST)

Yawning, the half-tailed blond covers her mouth lightly, not in an attempt to be polite, but to keep flies from flying in. I would have taken my normal route today to meet with the girls, but there was construction everywhere! I just don’t understand why they needed to work on four routes, four! All four of which I have to use to get to that particular cafe. Sighing dramatically, doe-like ocean blues drift to her cute galaxy cat themed tote, filled with romance VHS’s Usagi wanted to borrow. The only positive besides meeting the girls is the cute outfit she’s got going on. Even on off days, I always gotta be in style. A soft jean long sleeve button down underneath a beige sweater, paired with a pleated black skirt, black loafers, and of course, her signature red bow.

Speaking of style, why do I have such crap luck with gorgeous men? Minako’s nostrils flare with her anger as she clenches her free fist in front of her. The first hottie I like in a while and he just has to discover my secret identity! I mean, really! What sort of terrible thing have I done to warrant such bad karma- her world tilts quickly, sending her falling through several bodies and squished more to the middle of the car, the only thing keeping her upright is a hand with a vice grip on her arm. A bright flush steals over her cheeks, her hair as harried as her temperament as she growls, “Ugh, this day sucks!"

“Already? But you’ve barely started the day, Ojou-san." Blinking in astonishment at the deeply smooth, breathy voice, her flush deepens as she gapes. Low and behold, wide azure gems flick upward at her scarlet haired benefactor from the day before. Unable to help herself, the star struck wonder stutters with a squeak, “Eh~? A-Akage-san!” Before she can comprehend much else, a hand covers her mouth and she’s pulled into a lithely muscled chest. Soft strands of forelocks tickle her cheeks as she hears him excuse them to the once sleeping passengers on the train. Lidding lapis lazuli in a mild glare, she contemplates the wrongdoings she’s committed in the world as his quiet tone admonishes,

“Mind the others on the train, Miss. Although I too, am surprised at this turn of events.” His calloused hand slips from her face, sifting softly through her own honey strands. I wonder if he did that on purpose? Ugh, get it together Minako! You can’t have him! Darting her gaze back toward him from beneath her side swept bangs, it's then she realizes what he’s wearing, yesterday having been a Friday. He must be a workaholic. He’s wearing a dark blue two piece suit, neatly pressed along with his white dress shirt and a simple yet silky red tie. Simple brown briefcase in his hand completes the ‘typical businessman’ look. Strangely though, he held a small paper bag with handles in the same hand. I wonder what he brought for lunch?

Blinking at him in confusion, he smiles easily, tilting his head at her as though encouraging her questions. Not really needing the prompt though, because quiet she was not, she asks bluntly, but softly this time, “Are you on your way to work?" The businessman nods lightly, returning,

“I suppose you’re seeing some friends?” Her bewilderment must show as he chuckles lightly, adding, “You’re certainly not dressed for work, nor primary school. By process of elimination, it’s one of the few other things you could be doing.” Nodding at his assessment, the playful warrior inquires slyly,

“Oh yeah? So what’s the other things I could be doing?” Shimmering emerald meet glittering ocean waves as his mouth quirks,

“Making mischief, shopping, or going to college. Perhaps even all three.” Giggling airily, Minako admits,

“The first two are always on my list. The last not so much.” Her breath nearly leaves her in a rush when his smile grows and stealing the last of her air as he returns teasingly,

“Ah, good to know what to expect from you in the future.” He wants to see me more? Before she could respond to the witty remark, he continues, “What I’m curious to know is why you took this train today considering I’ve never seen you use it before now.” Sighing noisily, and causing a few still grumpy passengers to look at them with consternation, the frustrated entertainer answers,

“All other routes to this little cafe my friends like are blocked. Either by construction, or some other absurdity. It’s almost like some forces are at work here because I really wasn’t expecting to meet you again.” Her aptly named ‘Akage-san’ raises a single perfect brow at her before asking,

“Our meeting wasn’t that bad was it?” Pooching her lips at him for being able to play her heartstrings like a fiddle, she grouses,

“I don’t have many more secrets now, thanks to all that!”

“Some would say that’s a good thing, Ojou-san.”

“I say it’s boring. If there’s no more secrets left, what’s there to learn about someone?” Forest green stares at her in surprise, her response duping him for a moment until, strangely, his gaze looks older than he appears.

“Even without all the mystery, people are complicated. As such, even when you think you’ve learned everything about a friend, there’s always something new to find.” It’s her turn to be bewildered by his reply, intrigued even more by this man who seems to be your average upstanding citizen. Not including his stunning looks and overall perfection he seems to exude. He moves and speaks so smoothly, nothing like any normal person I’ve met. Except… Setsuna is that way too...

“Huh, I never thought about it that way. You sound like a really smart and wise friend of mine. She always tells us stuff like that. And tries to keep us out of trouble.” The gorgeous gentleman huffs with laughter, the sound like a gentle breeze in the stuffy train car.

“If your friends are anything like you , I imagine she has her work cut out for her.”

“Hey! I’ll have you know I’m one-of-a-kind! The only one who comes close is Usagi-chan! But she’s…” Minako contemplates for a moment, trying to come up with an explanation for her beautiful, wayward princess as she looks away in thought. “She’s naive, and incredibly sweet. She’s not super smart, nor very athletic, and can be scatterbrained, but she has such a strong heart.” Staring into her memories of the moon bunny, she smiles warmly as she remembers the pure guardian’s incredible growth up to and beyond the Galaxia incident. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than my friend becoming so strong, so confident when faced with so much adversity. I couldn’t be more proud of her.” The ribbon wearing superhero blinks before looking back up at Akage-san, noticing a dazzling smile light up his features as he whispers sincerely,

(Sleepwalking - Lindsey Stirling)

“Your adoration for your friend is incredibly endearing in itself, Ojou-san. With someone like you by her side, she would never be able to fail.” The flush Minako feels from his compliment, spreads through her whole body and makes her stomach fill with butterflies. Tingles run slowly up and down her form, ending with a warmth gathering between her thighs. I’ve never had a guy compliment me on my loyalty to Usagi... Ah! Abort! Abort! This is not what I need right now! Swallowing thickly, the perky performer fidgets her hands around her tote strap in a fluster. Gaze darting to his chest while her side swept bangs hide her pink nose, squeaking breathlessly,

“Oh, um, it’s not really that great…” She’s more awed when she feels him gently tilt her head back toward him, his countenance so blindingly tender that her heart throbs in exquisite pain. Not noticing his fingers drifting delicately from her chin to her shoulder, he iterates softly,

“But it is. Not many have such wonderfully supportive friends. Your loyalty is quite a gift.” Her fingers curl in front of her lips, the frail color smattering her cheeks darkening to a deep red, his soulful eyes holding hers captive. This guy… he’s... There’s no way he can really be this- The hopeless romantic’s awe turns to alarm when she feels the weight of hungry eyes on her, along with the pretty boy stiffening in front of her, bringing her attention away from the leer and back to him. The large hand holding the briefcase and paper gift bag moves around her to her back while his other hand pulls her shoulder toward him.

(Prophet’s Dream - Yuki Kajiura)

(Sleepwalking - Lindsey Stirling)

Blinking in shock, she feels his toned pecs and abs through his suit jacket against her hands and chest, a flush lighting her cheeks as she squeaks,

“H-hey! What-”

“Apologies, but I need you to stay close for the rest of the train ride." Breath minty and warm as it washes over her neck and ear, breezily moving some of her loose curls, his whisper makes her flush brighter. She feels shivers run up and down her body as she mumbles,

“What’s wrong?" She looks up into his face only to find it glaring hard at another of the passengers, the look actually incredibly intimidating. That’s right, he wasn’t afraid of the fighting yesterday either, oh damn. If he looks this good while being protective, I’m gonna- Pressing her thighs together and biting her lip slightly, Minako feels another wash of heat and pressure growing and tightening down below. Leafy irises pop from being narrowed, quickly darting down to look at her, almost like he knew where her thoughts were going somehow. Please tell me he isn’t some sort of mind reader! Ugh, damn it all! Just kill me now, pretty please!

Akage-san’s mouth opens, and she can feel his heartbeat pick up beside her ear as he snaps his jaws shut while he quickly turns away, his scowl growing more ferocious, and… Is it just me, or are his features a little different… His hand tightens on her shoulder, while she presses her cheek back to his chest, ear resting over his pattering heart as she stares up at his visage. It’s so strange, I could swear his face is longer, but that’s not possible. The considering star breathes in deeply, taking in his scent again after experiencing it in his apartment. Something woody, fresh cut grass, herbs, fresh cotton, and. . . a rose garden? One hand reaches up and curls her hair around her finger as her eyes flit to the passenger that’s earned her benefactors ire to help cool the heat pooling between her thighs. The man was sweating heavily, he too wore a business suit, but he looked incredibly greasy, and quite a bit older than them from the wrinkles on his face.

Azure seas widen when the man’s beady eyes meet hers over her shoulder, the hunger the same one she felt moments before. Minako’s face contorts in disgust as she darkly realizes, eww, he probably tried to grope me! The one time I’m on a train with this guy, I nearly get felt up. Her incredulous expression turns toward the redhead acting as a ward toward perverts. She sweat drops slightly when his features relax before turning to look down at her again. She pinks before closing her eyes, crinkling her nose and groaning inside, damn it, now I want him even more! Shaking her head to get rid of the sensual tremors again, she takes in his expression which appears to be sweat dropping from her crinkled face, and states rather loudly with a malicious grin,

“It’s sweet of you to protect me Akage-san, but don’t worry. If I ever feel anyone’s fingers where they don’t belong, they’re getting broken ." Several people nervously move away from her, leaving the bold diva beaming wickedly with a hand proudly on her hip, and her rose haired ‘protector’ blinking in shock at the immediate, and virulent reaction of the people surrounding her. Looking up at him, she winks cutely while sticking her tongue out in quite a deviant manner, obviously enjoying the terror she’s causing. His verdant gaze closes lightly, a hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he sighs in exasperation, making her snicker mischievously. 

Both stick together when they exit the train car, and at the same stop strangely enough , swiping their passes across the turnstile sensor. Checking her balance quickly, Minako looks back up and sees Akage-san waiting for her, making her heart flutter as she grins eagerly. “So how far is your workplace?” He quirks his lips, replying simply,

(Stars Align - Lindsey Sterling)

“Only about five blocks from here, so it’s within walking distance.” She purses her lips, trying to imagine where he worked from the buildings she knows around here. Climbing up the steps of the station toward daylight, Minako blinks when she bumps into the mysterious office worker’s back. Pressing her hands gently against the surface, she’s about to ask what’s wrong when she hears him murmur angrily, “Apologies, but it appears I’ve dragged you into my problems, Ojou-san.” Confusion clouding her features, she moves her head slightly to look around him, only to find three large burly and two lanky men standing in front of them. Their features were quite strange, giving her an uncanny valley feeling while looking at them.

Her focus turns to the man in front of her as he demands, “Is there a reason you’re blocking our exit? If not, then move.” His comforting and gentle voice was gone, and in its place was a stark callousness the fearless idol hadn’t expected from him. The danger in his tone sent shivers of dread down her spine as the men before her rumbled harshly in a language she’s never heard before. It sounds a little bit like what Latin Ami-chan and her mom’s said, but garbled through a bad walkie talkie and then said backwards... To her astonishment, she realizes that Akage-san is keeping her behind him out of sight. He’s seen me fight, he knows I’m a senshi, and yet he… her heart throbs again, that this man knowing she could fight for herself and him, would still do his best to keep her from getting involved in something that wasn’t her issue.

To her surprise, the dignified redhead retorts darkly, “Do so, and you will regret it.” His inflection, combined with the underlying threat furthers her uncertainty in the situation and adds to the cosmic soldier’s frustration. What the heck is going on here? Who are those guys? And how does Akage-san understand them? So, just like every other daunting occurrence in her life, she counters this with her same questionable logic. I don’t like the sound of those guys. They’re in our way. I’m starving and I will toss these losers down these steps if they don’t move. Popping out from around her newest friend’s arm, she growls,

“Okay, I don’t know who you are, but if you don’t move within the next 10 seconds, I’m gonna move you myself. And it won’t be pretty.” Just as she figures, the five men tense, hissing something in their language and, if Akage-san’s tight shoulders and clenched fist was anything to go by, it wasn’t nice. Snorting in derision at them, Minako moves around him while glaring darkly. “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The Senshi in civilian form is caught off guard by a harsh tug on her elbow, being maneuvered back by the rose colored stranger again just as some weird energy is swung by her face. Lapis irises reflecting shock, she feels her temper flare at the ruthlessness they’ve just displayed. Before Akage-san can cage her behind him again, she slings her bag of VHS’s at the one’s head, hitting him in the center of his forehead.

Breaking free of the grip the businessman had on her, she rockets straight at the same guy, high jumping and slamming her knee into his jaw. Doing a bicycle kick, she uses his chest as a springboard, twists and flips backward to avoid the fists flying at her from either side, allowing the other two big guys to collide. One of the lanky guys moves toward her, but before he could even lift an arm, Minako bounces from her landing on the ground. Kicking the lanky guy in the temple with her heel quickly, she uses her continuing momentum to handspring between the two who collided and was beginning to stand. Sweeping her leg out when she ended in a crouch, the warrior princess takes one's legs out and slams her knee into his jaw while he fell. Spinning up, she uses the force she’s kept from her movements to high kick the other's head. Lightly dancing back from the two on the ground, she jumps up above the other who was trying to kick her, and placing her hands on his shoulders, vaulting overhead and spins herself around to knee him in the back of the head.

Flipping from his back to land in a defensive stance in front of Akage-san, Minako prepares for the last skinny one to come at her. He doesn’t disappoint, charging like a bull with his fist raised, and leaving his sides completely open. Shifting her stance, she lets him into her space before grabbing and rotating around his arm, sliding smoothly to his side. Using her momentum to elbow him in the back of the head, she smirks gleefully as she tosses him down the steps to their side, thankfully not taking anyone else with them.

(Il vento d’oro - Yugo Kanno)

She prances lightly to her tote, checking the VHS’s inside before pouting lightly. Darn, most of them didn’t make it... Turning back to her bewildered companion, Minako decided the amount of shock on his face was totally worth the damage to her romance VHS collection. Deciding to prod him back to life, she dances back up to him and stands on her tiptoes. Smacking glossy lips noisily to his cheek, she feels him jump slightly from her, causing her to laugh brightly before squeaking in confusion when he tugs her away from the scene. Catching on to his breakneck pace quickly, she squawks contritely,

“Hey, why are we running away?” Not letting loose of her hand, Akage-san drags her several streets away, barely waiting for the crosswalks to change. Pulling her through an alley, he stops suddenly, catching her when she runs into him before asking smoothly,

“You didn’t sense it, did you? They were not human.” Fluttering sunny lashes in puzzlement, she counters,

“Sense? I saw something weird in them, but my sixth sense isn’t as well trained as Mars’. They really weren’t human?” Pining his sight on the entrance to the alley, seemingly waiting for them to come tumbling around the corner.

“No, they were not. Not all that are inhuman are evil, however, they are fine examples of why that stigma is kept.” The social butterfly watches his expression in contemplation, his ivy green irises burning with ferocity, he stands slightly in front of her and poised for movement. He still won’t take advantage of having me here with him. I’m not used to that. He’s so... “You shouldn’t have been involved in this. If you leave now, I will make sure they don’t follow.” And now he’s giving me a chance to leave. He has such a noble spirit. Smiling in admiration, she shrugs and counters,

“It’s too late now, I already decked them a good one. But I do know of a place to go where casualties will be less likely.” The brave humanitarian turns to stare back at her perturbed, his verdant glare flashes as he asserts starkly,

“No, this isn’t your problem Miss. Although you are strong, you shouldn’t be-” Pressing a gentle finger against his lips, Minako slides her other hand down his arm to clasp his fingers within her own softly and chiming,

(Cornered Layton style - Phoenix Wright)

(Darkside - Lindsey Stirling)

“That’s sweet of you to say but~” here the half-tailed idol winks, smile growing threatening as she finishes simply, “I’m a soldier, my duty is to defend the innocent. If these guys are preying on anyone, whether it be a handsome businessman, or a woman and her child, I’ll step in between no matter what. Being my business or not, I can’t let anyone be hurt.” The look that overcomes his beautiful features is a strange one, something like a cross between awe, shock, and… Is that a slight blush- Akage-san’s free hand takes the digit from his lips, forest greenery focused intently on his fingers wrapped around hers, he murmurs,

“Be that as it may,” his thumb rubs across her knuckles tenderly, causing her heart to beat faster and butterflies to stir up again. The handsome gentleman finally catches her eyes, the emotion twining in his ivy shaded irises impossible to untangle as he continues, “You shouldn’t have to shoulder the world's troubles. Don’t you have your own hopes and dreams? Do you always put others' issues before your own?” The Minako gazes into his eyes, her countenance pensive for a moment before fluttering honey lashes closed calmly.

“You may think it has nothing to do with me. That anything that happens to anyone else doesn’t. However,” stormy ocean waves crash into his own stunned emeralds as she declares, “Neglecting anything that could possibly become a threat to my precious person would be derelict of my duties.” Smirking wryly, the celestial protector adds with a chuckle as she focuses on his calloused hand clasping hers, “Not to mention the tongue lashing I’d get for ignoring someone in trouble.” Bringing her attention back to his face, she smiles warmly at the astonishment he displayed while she winks and pops her hip out, “I know a good place to fight these guys, so just follow me! Oh, but will they be able to pursue us?” Blinking out of his paralysis, the cool academic seems to consider her for a moment, eyes full of wisdom she couldn’t even fathom as he answers hesitantly,

“Yes... they will follow us.” Grinning mischievously, Minako hops closer excitedly and chirps,

“Well what are we waiting for? We’ve got a trap to set for those goons!” She just laughs at him when Akage-san nearly falls in exasperation. Pulling on his hands, almost causing him to drop his briefcase and the paper bag, he about collides into her as she dances jovially back out from the alleyway, gaping, long wild haired suit in toe. Startling several people walking by with her joyful cackling, dragging a heavily sweat dropping man behind her. They reach a street light, the two slowing to a stop, the media darling rolling back and forth on her heels as he runs a hand through his red bangs and sighs. While they wait for the light to change for pedestrians, the young idol glances around, looking for their prey. Cornflower irises catch the weird faces of those men a distance away, just now passing the alley the two of them were in just moments ago.

Pressing herself into the scarlet haired nobleman's arm still grasping her hand, the half-tailed blond keeps her eyes on the ‘orcs’ as she whispers with a grin, “There they are! So are you going to tell me why they’ll stay on our trail?” Excited gems glance up at her partner in crime as he watches her cautiously,

“They can sense us, like I was asking you earlier. As you pointed out before, my energy is unique, so they will find me.” Smirking, she looks back toward the crosswalk just as it turns green, gripping his hand tight while shouting gleefully,

“Alright! Race you to the park Akage-san!” Without turning to see him, she hears him huff with a laugh behind her, then in only a few strides she hears his breathy baritone next to her.

“As long as you don’t run into anyone. It’d do us no good to keep this pace and then run into-” beaming smugly, Minako dodges around the woman in front of her without looking, tittering at the astounded expression on his visage, Akage-san still moves smoothly around the innocent pedestrian while being led by her. Winking cutely at him and wagging her free hand’s index finger, she taunts genially,

“Why do you look so surprised?” Weaving around another person easily without looking ahead, they come to another crossroads and she presses herself close again, continuing eagerly, “I used to train by dodging and countering meteor showers, this is nothing on that!” Love’s avatar falls forward laughing when he sweat drops heavily and chokes on a breath,

“That’s certainly one way to train.” She bounces on her heels again, meeting verdant with glittering lapis jewels as her voice pitches excitedly,

“So how do you move so well? I’ve got a friend who moves like you do, but she’s older than she looks.” The light turned green again, causing her to tug his arm lightly as they dart around the next corner. When they come up to the pedestrian stop, she gauges his expression as he watches her quietly,

“Hmm, it’s something like that.” Smiling genially, Minako responds,

“I thought so, you move with more confident assurance than other people I’ve seen. You feel older too, but at the same time, you don’t have any past injuries or hindering due to old age. It’s bizarre.” The sweet heartthrob smirks mysteriously,

“You are very observant. More so than many others I’ve met.” His emerald gaze pierces the walls she’s put up around her heart as he adds, “I will tell you in time, but I wish to keep this to myself for now, Miss. So please,” His expression is sad yet beautifully warm as he clenches her hand gently, “Allow me to keep this one.” Surprised at the compliment, she parts her lips as she inquires seriously,

“It won’t hurt anyone? This secret you hold?” He’s quiet for a moment, before answering,

“Not your precious person, certainly.” Breathing out heavily, the civilian form Senshi nods, smile plastered on her face as she affirms,

“Good enough for now, Mr. Mysterious.” She feels resistance when she tries to move forward, blinking and turning back toward the athletic businessman who wonders,

“By the way, why are you still holding my hand?” He lifts his captive hand up to her, raising a perfect brow as she answers easily,

“Because otherwise you might try to sneak off without me.” Forest green eyes shine in shock, his hand slackening in hers as she adds, “You’re the type of guy who would rather handle his business on his own, even if you might get hurt without help. It’s commendable, believe me, I prefer to handle things myself too. But sometimes,” here she moves closer, pulling his hand that she held delicately above her chest, pressing the knuckles where her heart is as she smiles genuinely at him, winking. “It’s okay to get help from someone. Even if she’s mostly a stranger.” Akage-san’s gaze smolders for a moment, before an enchanting smile lights his face, gaze tender as he admires her softly,

“You are a wonder, Ojou-san. You are right. It is difficult for me to get help from others.” The hand holding hers clenches causing her to flush as the expression on his face glows, a beautiful warmth there. “Thank you for reminding me. I need it every now and then. I hope you will continue to jog my memory when I forget.” The pink on Minako’s cheeks darkens and extends down her neck, her lips parted in awe as she stands frozen. Chuckling, he draws on her hand, taking the lead while she dazedly follows. When she stops next to him, her sea blue gaze flits up to his face shyly,

“I will... You should smile like that more often. It makes you look and feel even more gorgeous, which I didn’t think was possible.” Verdant irises widen in astonishment, watching her carefully before a flush lights his cheeks at her sincerity. Giggling mischievously, she holds her free hand curled in front of her mouth as she coos, “Aww, and that blush makes you even more irresistible! Careful, or you’ll have every girl on this block chasing us!” He huffs lightly as leafy foliage lid at her, teasing her back with a light smirk,

“Ah, I’m afraid one chasing me is quite enough. So I suppose you shouldn’t make me smile too much then, Ojou-san.” The star struck celestial gapes, the cheek in his voice and the audacity in his bearing as he stared at her in expectance, awaiting a certain response had her heart flipping. Well, she supposed as an entertainer she ought to put on a show for him then! Fluttering her lashes lightly, just enough to look innocent, shining lapis irises widen just so as she inquires,

“What~? So who's the one that’s chasing you?” He was stunned for a moment, ivy green gaze which looked more like cogs in a machine, alight in amusement,

“Hmm, that’s for my ears, and not yours I’m afraid.” Putting on her best pouty lips, she hops up and down as they continue to move at a quick pace.

“Aww, no fair! I wanna know! Gimme the details!” They reach another stop, allowing Minako to pout mercilessly at him, only adding fuel to the brilliant smile Akage-san was trying to hide. Upping the ante on her antics, she wiggles his arm childishly as she grouses, “Mou! You’re so unfair Akage-san! Throw a girl a bone!” Out of the corner of her eye, she catches the ‘space invaders’ even further away, somehow not able to keep up with them despite her fooling around with him as they waited for the light traffic to go by. He looks back as well, studying them for a moment before replying to her teasingly,

“Oh, your sullen posturing frightened them away.” Smacking his arm, which causes him to laugh lightly, the tenacious actress chides crossly,

“I did not you jerk. If my kicks didn’t do that much, I really doubt my puppy dog routine will do much.” Smirking in victory, the playful brainiac accuses,

“Ah hah! So you were trying to dupe me! And then you abuse me when you don't get your way!” Snorting and pointing at him, she retorts with sass,

“I barely tapped you, unless you bruise like a peach, tough love is good for you! And of course I wasn’t trying to dupe you, I did. You’re smiling handsomely again.” Blinking in bemusement, Akage-san’s stunned silent for a few moments as she beams, her tongue poking out the corner of her mouth along with the ‘v’ for victory sign with her free hand. At his light flush, Minako smiles gently for a minute, admiring how cute his features are with that little bit of extra color. Broken from her admiration, she glances behind them, noticing the bridge trolls were gone. There’s a familiar scenario, how many movies have I seen with this little twist in it. ‘They’re no longer behind you, but now in front, setting a trap.’  Pressing a finger to her lips and humming, she whispers at the same time he murmurs,

“An ambush.” Surprised, both look to one another in amazement, not expecting to echo each other. Grinning mischievously, the peppy sleuth remarks candidly, “Aww man, now we’re thinking like partners in crime! Can you imagine the trouble we could get up to!” The enigmatic office worker sweat drops heavily and shakes his scarlet locks as he retorts,

“We will not . I’m in enough trouble as it is, and dragging you with me was not a part of the plan.” Fluttering golden lashes mildly, she wraps herself around his arm, a hand against her cheek as she retorts,

“I came of my own volition, so don’t feel too bad. Hey, wait, are you part of some sort of supernatural Yakuza! Ah! I could be your femme fatale!" He nearly falls over at the excitement in her voice, and before she could pry further, a meat bun is shoved into her mouth, effectively stopping her escapade as he denies,

“No, I’m not a part of some sort of Yakuza, but I have some experience with the supernatural. That's why they’re after me now." Pouting at him, she can tell he’s trying not to laugh at her as she moves a hand up to hold the meat bun she’s now chewing on. Shrugging, the undaunted snack connoisseur continues to munch away as she replies,

“It was a good guess." Here she smirks and winks while teasing, “And~ you didn’t deny the other parts, so there’s something!" Sighing openly at her, Akage-san shakes his head,

“Would you stop if I told you to?" Taking another bite out of the meat bun, she sing-songs,

“Nope~! It’s only a few more blocks to the park, there’s this section that no one really goes to because of the ghost stories and superstitions. It’ll be perfect for us, unless…” a cheshire grin consumes her features as Minako challenges him, “you’re scared of curses?” Huffing a laugh, the logical thinker stares at her while he reasons,

“Not particularly, but I also have the Guardian of Love with me, so of all the people to be stuck with whilst under a curse, you’re my best bet.” A blush the color of his long, wild locks stains her face and chest again. He smirks at her, apparently pleased with her flustered emotional state, causing her to bite her lips as she turns her glowing face away, grumbling,

“You… I can’t tell if you’re serious or not. Either way it’s devastating.” Akage-san barks with mirth while quiping,

“Your expressions are worth any lasting emotional damage, I assure you Ojou-san.” Clenching her fists and puffing her chest up, the fierce diva glowers up at amused leafy green irises while growling,

(Ai no Hourousha - Linked Horizon)

“For you maybe!” Seeing a delivery truck up ahead, forgetting her anger for a moment, she tugs on the redhead’s hand while shouting, “There’s our ride!" She hears his exclamation of ‘wait, what?' but ignores it mostly as she instructs, “When I say, jump, you jump Mr. Redhead!" She can just feel the exasperation coming from the man behind her, but it only made her smile bigger and laugh giddily as she sped up. "Ready, and…” Minako visually runs over her trajectory again and smirks gleefully before shouting, “Jump!" Drawing on his hand, she leaps from the sidewalk to the truck turning onto the street to their right, giving them an opportunity to jump into the open doorway.

She’s incredibly surprised to feel her handsome partner in this escapade land in with her perfectly, her tucking him in behind her and out of eyeshot of the doorway as she turns to the occupants. Smiling cheekily, she chirps, “Morning Ryu-san! Heya Ken-san!" The older of the two men snorts with humor while the younger actually guffaws heartily at the hectic stow away in greeting before the elder smirks,

“If we’re see’in yah this morning Jou-chan, considering you haven’t done this in a while, you must be running late?" Pouting at him cutely, the candy apple ribboned prankster groans,

“Ken-san~!" Shaking his head, the older man with shaggy black hair and 5 o’clock shadow gripes,

“Do yah have to call me that? Even the neighborhood kids call me Ken now!" She can’t help but grin when she hears the younger of the two’s answering snickers, and, oh wow. Minako was amazed when she turned to look over her shoulder slightly, having felt a vibration against her back. Finding Akage-san’s shoulders shaking as he pretended to stare out the doorway at the scenery puts a proud grin on her lips. Looking back at the two delivery men, she shrugs before revealing,

“It sounds way cooler than Senjo-san, so yes, I do. Besides, those kids probably think you’re the coolest delivery guys now." ‘Ken-san’ rolls nearly black eyes, the brown haired delivery man ‘Ryu-san’ was chortling as he asks between puffs of breath,

“So, since we’ve established our ‘cool’ names, where are you heading? What about your friend?" Looking back at the foxy scholar she’s shielding from the outside world, she flutters sunny lashes once before gazing back and saying in a serious tone,

“He’s wanted by some bridge trolls, so I had to help him." Wagging her finger at the younger man, she adds, “This is an escort mission of the utmost importance, Ryu-san." She can feel the huff of breath and several shivers leave the man behind her, likely in laughter while ‘Ryu’ groans lightly,

“Aww man, can we all agree escort missions are the freaking worst!" The older man sighs gustily,

“Yah kids n’yer games. Anyway, it’ll take a little bit to get back to Azabu Juban proper, considering all the other blocks are under construction." Smiling lightly, the Senshi’s leader shakes her head and corrects,

“Go to the park instead, I’ve got a plan for our ‘alien friends.’” The two men eye her critically, before looking to one another, then turning back and nodding to her. Both smirk and adjust their caps, both of which shift enough for her to see the lightly glowing crescent moons on their foreheads. 

“Will do Jou-chan. Damn, I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes." She can’t help but smirk deviously as they reach the park, turning toward her drivers, she waves at them and grins,

“Thank you for the ride! Be wary of cave trolls wandering about!” Akage-san turns to the two nicknamed men after stepping out of the truck with her,

“Yes, thank you.” The older man waves at him before dismissing gruffly,

“Eh, don’t worry about it, just take care of our little lady here and we’ll be even. Kami knows she needs someone to keep her from blowing everything up.” She pipes indignantly,

“Hey! At least I get the job done! If there’s collateral damage afterward, that isn’t my fault!” The two delivery men chortle while the redhead at her side chortles lightly. Pouting at them, Minako closes one eye and poses by lifting her long blond hair with her hand behind her head, grousing, “You guys are just jealous of me and my fantastic ability to take bad guys down.”

“So long as it don’t involve flames or explosions, yeah, yer pretty good little miss.” The casual businessman next to her huffs with laughter, scarlet hair fluttering lightly when he shakes his head, admitting,

“I’m rather curious about your track record when it comes to destruction of property now, Miss.” ‘Ryu-san’ guffaws before replying,

“We can all trade stories another time, for now though we gotta make our route.” Grumbling at them with a hand on her hip, the sassy actress retorts,

“Yeah, you better get back to work, or I’ll work you two over!” The younger one yips before shouting,

“Gun it old man! I don’t wanna die yet!” Snorting when the vehicle peels off into traffic, she glares after them before turning to Akage-san at her side, chiding,

“You are a terrible instigator, you know that?” Snickering, an ivy gaze catches hers as he raises his hands with the briefcase, conceding,

“Guilty as charged, Ojou-san.” Slapping him lightly on the abs, which forces a startled ‘hah’ from his smiling, beautiful mouth, she strides away from his cackling form past the park's gates.

“Come on then, Mr. Jester, we got some goons to crack!”

____________ ~Kurama~ ____________


Kurama watches the blond walk in front of him, her hips sway with her steps, although whether intentional or not, he couldn’t say. Earlier with our little teasing game, she was able to blind-side me. It’s incredibly difficult to tell what she’s thinking. He had been shocked when they met on the train, and he had been skeptical at first. But her scent, energy, and movements were already ingrained in his mind, there was no mistaking the civilian form of Sailor Venus. When she fell back, he moved without hesitation to help her. Then when that man tried to touch her, he felt his hackles raise, spirit snapping at the scum in defense of her. Instead of being frightened, she threatened to break anyone’s fingers who touched her without permission. Now that he’s seen her fighting even as a civilian, he could believe it. She was lithe as a dancer, awing the crowd around them as she took the apparitions down.

But she hadn’t realized they were demons. She admitted she can’t sense them. That gave him pause, considering when she touched him , she knew he was different. She’s not interacted with yokai much it would seem. Even stranger was her holding his hand earlier, it surprisingly wasn’t offensive to him. Rather, the typically reserved fox was reluctant to let go. And she allowed me my secret for now, instead of demanding it from me. I wonder why… The courageous enchantress looks back at him, morning glories fluttering under sunflower lashes while she searches him with a serene expression. Those times that she’s like this as well, pensive and wise beyond her years, who in the world are you Sailor Venus?

When she touched his lips, that exquisitely determined look in her eyes, he felt his heart rate increase. Kurama couldn’t decide which expression he liked more, the one of undying love and devotion she had when talking about her ‘precious person,’ or her dignified, resolute smile when she told him she would step in no matter who was in need. A beautiful soldier. He had never, in his long lifetime, seen military personnel carry themselves as she does, and hide it so damn well . I imagine there’s many people who see her and don’t realize the depths to her soul. The noble guardian was full of curiosities, both in personality and unconventional intelligence.

She hit the nail on the head with her assessment of him being older than his looks. She said she had a friend who was similar, someone like me? It should be impossible, as in all his years, there were no records of anyone even attempting what he had done, yet he couldn’t rule it out entirely. More than anything, however, the inquisitive investigator wanted to know the intensity of emotion this breathtaking guardian held for her ‘precious person.’ He’s seen many cross others faces: gentle love, adoration, determination, camaraderie, and several others. Yet with that instance on the train, he’d never seen something so fathomless, the endlessness he felt from it overwhelming. Even still, although they’ve known one another all of half a day, he feels incredibly protective of her, and strangely, she felt just as defensive of him.

It’s one confounding thing on top of another with her, and the situations they find themselves in together are just as perplexing as their peculiar bond. She still hasn’t noticed it. From his discerning eyesight, he watches in mystification as her soul reaches out for him, as though pining for him. She is none the wiser. Inquisitiveness wins over logic as Kurama allows his energy to unfurl a bit, gently twining it with hers for just a moment before retreating back into himself. Sensitive ears pick up a gasp, her arms wrapping below her breasts as she looks around wildly. Putting on a mask of confusion, he asks lightly, “Are you alright?” Venus blinks and turns toward him, cheeks stained pink and pupils blown wide, glossy lips parted to take in a deep breath,

“Something… I felt something just now and it…” her face flushes further, and as he walked behind her, the smell of her arousal echoes from earlier on the train. It was difficult to hold myself back at the time, between that fool trying to touch her, and her arousal at something I said or did, though what I haven’t the foggiest. It’s not often he finds himself very nearly transforming in public, he’s usually able to find someplace to hide himself when he’s on the verge. To the nature warrior’s awe, she was able to diffuse his anger, prevent his transformation, and averted any more perverts without his intervention.

A woman of many talents, although she doesn’t seem to realize it. The civilian senshi stops and allows him to approach, although he keeps his distance to keep himself from inhaling more of her sensual bouquet. Sunlit lashes flutter over blooming blue delphiniums, her hand over her heart as she stares into the distance, before turning to look at him, smiling sheepishly. “It must have just been my imagination. It just felt like something brushed against me, but in a weird, personal way.” Tilting his head and hand on his chin, Kurama mulls over her words carefully. She disbelieves her senses? I wonder why? Perhaps her time here on Earth has corrupted her training as a senshi.

(Good Night - Dream Catcher)

(Busters - Grapes)

The Venus shakes her head and mutters, “Nevermind, let's go Mr. Redhead.” Perturbed by her easy dismissal of her insight, he vows that when all is revealed, he’d help her hone her abilities. After all, he can attest that heightened understanding of their surroundings has saved him and his friends countless times. They tread further into the park, and as Venus had said, it was pretty empty. He watches as she looks around carefully, a finger to her chin as she seems to ponder something deeply. Once again, her natural switch in character always throws him off as the vigilant fighter inquires,

“Is there something in particular you are looking for?" Morning glory irises swing his way, baby doll wide and serious for a moment, finally answering quietly,

“Just checking for other civilians. There’s bound to be a battle here in a bit, so I want to keep casualties to a minimum." The way she speaks, it’s quite professional compared to what he’s dealt with in the past few hours, once more making him question what goes on in that head of hers. Striding as she is, studying her surroundings with a keen eye, she truly does look like the ancient Sailor Guardian whose name she carries. If it wouldn’t draw her attention so much, Kurama would check for people for her. From what his other senses could pick up however, they were indeed, alone in the park for now. The sensual soldier turns back to him, pink lips tilting up in a small smile as she instructs,

“You should find someplace to take cover, though these guys aren’t strong,” her swirling sea blues shimmer with a fierce light as she finishes, “The weak ones tend to be nastier." She isn’t wrong. Although the S-class demon doesn’t want to be protected once again , he also didn’t want to reveal everything he was capable of just yet. He wished to gauge her capacity for empathy for yokai before he revealed himself. I really would rather not fight with her, so for now, I’ll have to continue playing the role of ‘helpless human.' Not like this would be the first I’ve had to do this. 

Still, it always galls him, not enough though to show his hand yet, but the feeling even now wouldn’t abate. I never disguised myself on raids back then, and being the vain creature I was, preened when I was recognized. Already resigning himself to hiding out of the way, Kuram asks, “Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?" Venus smirks mischievously, wagging a finger at him as she assures,

“Did you forget who you’re talking to?" Winking cheerily, she grins and tilts her head toward the right, her right hand held close to her cheek. The pinky and ring fingers fold slightly while the other three fingers are fanned out with her fingernails facing away from her face. "I’m Sailor Venus! Super heroine and pretty Guardian of Love and Beauty! They’ll have to be nothing short of a space monster to take me down!" Closing his eyes and sweat dropping slightly, the entertained kitsune’s smile twitches between laughing and exasperation as he inquires,

“You read a lot of manga, don’t you?" Her confidence is put on a burner as she gazes at him in amazement, gasping,

“Oh wow! You’re not just smart, you’re a super genius aren’t you? How’d you know?" He nearly falls to the side in disbelief as he explains,

“Your poses are some I’ve seen in the manga my friends like to read." Her cornflower irises light up in excitement as she exclaims,

“What! No way! That’s so cool! Which one did I just use then! Tell me-tell me-tell me!" This is not a conversation I was expecting to have, at any point in my life. Sighing lightly, Kurama’s eyes lid halfway as he answers reluctantly,

“... It looked like one from Jo Jo’s Peculiar Adventures, correct?" The vibrant young woman had, scarily enough, sparkles in her eyes as she squeals,

“You are one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met, you know that? That’s right! It’s one of the biggest manga right now!" He didn’t think his incredulity in this situation could increase, but here he stood, before a teenage human girl that may or may not be an ancient soldier who guarded the Moon Kingdom, being admired for having been coerced to read a picture book. What in the world have I gotten myself into…

“I… I see…” He’s been in many situations, but the unreality he feels when in this woman’s company was something to wonder about. Putting a hand to her hip, Venus leans toward him slightly, one eye closed as she wags a finger and thumb at him.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, a lot of manga aren’t meant for kids ya know. It’s just an entertainment medium." The ancient yôko feels his whole body in his sigh while crimson lashes close, pinching his fingers to the bridge of his nose, he murmurs,

“That doesn’t inspire any pride, Miss." She laughs lightly, turning away from him and striding along, she chides,

(Sailor Moon Transformation - Bob Summers)

“You can’t hide your inner nerd from me, Mr. Redhead! Just you wait, I’ll help you realize your full geeky potential!” The rose colored apparition just shakes his head, responding wearily,

“I believe I’ll agree to disagree on this one.” He sees The energetic senshi’s lips move to reply, but she pauses, looking toward where they came quite seriously. They’re here. She pops a hip out and shrugs lightly while chirping,

“I guess it’s time to transform! Could you hold my bag for me?” Kurama turns back toward her a few feet away as she tosses the VHS’s toward him. Catching the tote easily, she pulls a heart shaped crystal from her skirt pocket and holds it above her head. "Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!" He’d seen it once before, but was too shocked at the time to really pay attention to what was happening to her during her transformation. It started with her fingernails, going from unadornment to a glowing orange manicure. Her whole body was dappled in orange and yellow light, like the heavens were blessing her element, and strangely enough, her body looked as though it were see-through, and he could see her chikara sparkling from within. Shimmering ribbons burst free from within the crystal, wrapping loosely around her when she spun. After spinning around exactly two times, she pulls her right hand up above her left shoulder with the crystal, as though preparing to throw it, instead she seems to spin three more times and guide the ribbons. She was entrancing, the way her movements guided the ribbons to wrap around her graceful arms, limber calves, and shapely waist.

Crossing her arms over each other, she raises them above her head, the pose seeming to cause an explosion of power to arise from her feet in a counter spin. Stars and energy swirl around her for a moment, before thinning out and revealing her clad in the Senshi’s attire, golden hair dancing above her as her hands spread down by her thighs. The celestial being spins on her heel, her left hand holding her right elbow, her tangerine colored lips open gently as her bangs part, revealing the glowing symbol for Venus before being hidden behind the jeweled tiara. She moves the loose buttercup strands away from her face, fingers spread as she smiles happily at him. Venus spins one more time before raising her right hand to the sun, the left perpendicular beneath her chest; stretched as though she were grabbing something to her side.

(You and I - Dreamcatcher)

The remaining energy forms her symbol behind her posing body, her sensual aura clouding his senses once more. Before he realizes it, the enticing creature makes her way toward him, hips swinging rhythmically as she chimes, “Alright! Sailor Venus is all prepared and raring to kick some orc butt!" Punching a fist into her other hand with a smirk tilting the edges of her mouth, the Guardian of Love looked thrilled to pieces. Sweat dropping more, Kurama isn’t sure which he’s more concerned about: her excitement over all of this, or her switch to narrating herself. I’m starting to feel like I’m on some peculiar adventures myself around this woman. Although she’s incredibly vexing, he also can’t help feeling a bit more endearment toward her enthusiasm over fighting. Almost like a certain punch-happy ramen peddler I know.

“I know you would prefer to demolish them, however, they would do more good to us alive." Tilting her head to the side, expression inquisitive, he adds, “So we can get information on why they want me, and who sent them. I highly doubt their leader is among them." Putting a gloved index finger to her lip cutely, doll-like sea waves roll up in thought before flicking back to him, creamsicle colored smile brilliant as she praises,

“You’re pretty good at this, aren’t you? Yeah, it makes the most sense to figure this out." Staring deeply into his eyes, she reaches out slowly, as though to touch him in a reverent fashion. Merigold lashes flutter, breaking away from whatever had hold of her as the rogue demons’ auras come within a few meters of them. The goons found them easily enough, surely thanks in part to her chikara as Sailor Venus, and like flies to fruit, the bakemono swarmed toward her, many eyes wide as they took in the heavenly sensation she made.

"W-who the hell are you?" She tilts her head, a hand going to her hip as her hair sways behind her shoulder, the movements looking enticing and surreal. She truly does so naturally in this form, it’s quite impressive. The combination of her aura, the scent of her arousal, along with her beauty make her a formidable foe to most opponents. He glares darkly, the yokai who sought him out stare hungrily at her form, and while he’s unsurprised by their reaction, he feels disgust at their blatant lust. He is, however, astonished by her taking their stares in stride, shifting her stance, she raises her right hand to swipe in front of her. Ending to point at the symbol hidden beneath her tiara as she declares,

“I am Bishojo Senshi Sailor Venus!" Swiping her hands to her sides, she adds, “As the Guardian of Love and Beauty,” she points at them with a fierce expression and exclaims, “I will punish you with love!" Already able to predict their reactions, he expected the leers on their hideous faces as the biggest one jeers,

“‘Punish us,’ huh? The only one getting punished here is you, sweetheart. You ever taken on three demons at once? Cause’ with those looks and that scent, we ain’t going to go easy on you!" They begin cackling, jeering at one another in amusement. Glancing at the glowing beauty before him, he’s startled by the devious smirk on her lips, apparently unimpressed by their words as she retorts in distaste,

(Cornered Jatello Remix)

“I don’t think you boys could handle me all together, let alone one on one. So keep dreaming troll face!" He’s highly tempted to laugh at the dumbfounded looks on their facades, however, he has no time to do so because she moves toward them swiftly. Their expressions morph to fear after she shouts, “Venus, Love and Beauty Shock!" Kissing her palm, purifying energy in the form of a heart appears, sending the apparitions before him into a frenzy. The golden chain adorned with roses and pearls lashes toward the frantic yokai, nearly invisible with the speed she maneuvers it. Screams of agony echo from them as the chain slices like butter through their thick skin. I certainly don’t envy them. Whipping is rather painful, even with her cutting back her purifying power.

(Ruthless - Yuki Kajiura)

(Corsican Corridor - Yuki Kajiura)

They certainly don’t last long against her onslaught, being as it’s only moments before she wraps them in her chain, sealing it together with her energy. It’s to Kurama’s discomfiture, however, that she bends over right in front of him in order to meld the links together. Turning away before he got an eyeful of whatever undergarments she was wearing, he’s about to clear his throat when he’s interrupted by her watch ringing. Pausing in bewilderment, the voluptuous warrior turns toward him and says quickly, ‘I gotta take this!' before heading to the edge of the clearing. He could hear bits of her conversation, even at this distance, and it sounded like it would be a few moments. Swiftly approaching the demons who were still bound and incredibly confused, his smile turns slightly malicious when they notice him coming closer, one looking like it might scream.

Using as little of his energy as possible, with the precision of a supernatural surgeon, the spectral vulpine had vines wrap around their mouths quickly. Silencing any and all protests they would have voiced. "Ah, there’s no need for you to alert her. After all, I wouldn’t want her knowing exactly why you would be seeking me out, so we’ll keep this short. Between the four of us." The last part was said in a low growl, one he knew would send chills down their spines. Kneeling next to one of them, the one who spoke lewdly to Venus, he inquires lightly, “Would you be more willing to speak now? I have some rather underfed seedlings I could try. Or-”

There’s muffled screaming against the vines, bringing a vindictive smirk to his face as he nods smoothly, “Alright, I suppose you wish to speak then?" Easily hiding laughter building in his throat at the look of relief sagging the yokai’s face, Kurama motions for him to speak as the vines lower slightly.

“W-we were h-hired to find a male in his 2-20’s with long, w-wild red hair and green eyes who lived in this a-area." Putting a hand to his chin, leaf green irises watch the cretin carefully, scenting the air lightly for deceit while looking for liars’ ticks.

“Alright, what were you hired for?" 

“To… to determine your strength. And if weak enough, subdue you." Humming lightly, he nods and inquires,

“And who hired you?” The apparition looked as though it were about to speak, however, it convulsed along with the others. As though something was killing them from within. A remote activated poison! Gritting his teeth, the vexed botanist grabs the shoulders of the one he spoke with and hisses, “Tell me who hired you! Quickly!” Damn, it’s too late! Whatever it was attacking them from within was also dissolving any evidence of them being there. Sighing heavily as they dissolved completely, sensitive ears pick up light steps approaching from his right shoulder, a sweet trilling voice gasped,

“Oh no! What happened here?” Standing from his kneeling position, Kurama turns to look at the shocked blond in a sailor suit, responding truthfully,

“Some sort of remote release poison I’d imagine. One that dissolves the thing it inhabits upon activation.” Astonishment contorts her features as she looks down at the spot the demon once occupied dejectedly.

“That’s… horrible. Not even giving them a chance to fight back…” It’s understandable, such cruel methods were all but typical in Makai, but to a pure guardian like she was… is it possible for her to empathize with us?

“It is an unfortunate truth. Many use such methods to ensure silence in their subordinates.” Resting a calloused hand on her shoulder and squeezing in comfort, the sympathetic academic assures her, “No matter their plans, whatever information they wanted from me means they’ll come for me again. That gives me a distinct advantage here since they’ve already failed once.” Gentle features fill with worry for him as Venus counters with a waving finger,

“The problem remains of when , though. As much as I want to, I can’t stay by your side all day, everyday! So that leaves the method I told you about before if something happens.” Knowing she wanted the reassurance, he nods cordially and promises,

“If I need help, all I need to do is say your name, correct?” Something I likely won’t need to resort to. The warmth in her smile causes his heart to twinge slightly, her arms held behind her back as she confirms,

“That’s right! I’m glad you remembered that!” Hearing a bell toll in the distance, the exuberant warrior gasps while squeaking, “Ah shoot! I’m late for brunch!”

“Ah, how unfortunate.”

(Plastic Love - Late Nights)

(Sis Puella Magica - Yuki Kajiura)

“Oh! I know! How about I give you a ride!” Sweat dropping slightly, Kurama dares to ask,

“And… how exactly are you-”

“Teleportation, silly! I just need to be touching you and viola~! Problem solved!”

“...admittedly I’ve been quite curious how you do it.”

“It’s actually pretty easy, by using something everyone else uses. The stars!” Verdant gaze wide in surprise, he inquires further,

“You use constellation positions to teleport you where you need to go?”

“Yup! And with my energy, as long as you’re my only passenger, and the end position is here on Earth, it’ll be a snap!”

“I… see.” Without much prompting, Venus strides up to him lightly, pulling the glove off her right hand and taking his within it. Threading her dainty fingers with his, she steps up nearly chest to chest with him, smiling brightly again to reassure him.

“All I need to know is the general location, and with my strength, I can carry you where you need to go.”

“If I can describe the exact building, would that suffice? Without the use of your ‘transportation’ from our first meeting?” The playful warrior nearly blows a raspberry trying to withhold her laughter, rolling jeweled lapis irises upward, a finger tapping her lower lip in thought, she affirms,

“Yeah, if I could recognize it. You don’t want a piggyback ride this time?” Kurama gives her an incredulous look before reciting a brief description of the building. Thankfully, her eyes lit up, understanding crossing her features as she cheers, “Alright! Route Venus is prepared for travellers!” Nearly snorting at her antics, he focuses instead on the possibility of an answer as he wonders,

“So how does your teleportation work?” Delphinium blue roll up to reflect the sky, a finger poking her lip again as she recites,

“Mercury once described it as particle physics. By using high amounts of my energy, I can get them to do what they naturally wanna do, and that’s move! No compressing, no pulling apart matter to put it back together, nothing like that.” The voracious learner nods his head in understanding, sorting through his knowledge of the science while hyacinth irises glance at him for a moment, smiling teasingly,

“Do you need a distraction?”

“Hmm? What do you-” She quickly hops up against him, pressing her soft lips against his. Their souls twine delightfully, warmth curling his insides at the sensation. Although not nearly as physically sensual as her first kiss with him, he finds himself unseeing while the scenery around him changes. A few moments pass before he realizes they’re on the roof of his workplace, the warm glossy petals pull away to grin impishly at him. Blinking out of his confusion, he opens his mouth to chastise her, but she cuts in cheerfully,

(Asian Dancer - Fox Capture Plan)

“Nothing like jumping into a cold lake to adjust to the temperature, right?” Sighing in exasperation, Kurama closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose as he chides,

“Yes, except the lake in this instance is high energy physics instead of meteorology. Please allow me a moment to prepare next time we ‘jump.’”

“Aww, don’t be a wet cat! You’re fine! All in one piece and still just as handsome!” Glad for another distraction, the corner of his lips quirks as he begins straightening his work clothes, needling,

“Ah, glad to know I’m still up to your standards then, Miss.” He notices her color out of the corner of his eye, making the smirk expand as he finishes his adjustments with the tie. “Thank you for getting me here. I would have been rather late were it not for your abilities.” The  astral dancer’s flush expands, consuming her neck quite adorably were he to admit it, while she opens her apricot glossed lips and looks away,

“Even though you’re being a bit of a meanie…” Buttercup side swept bangs tilt back his way to reveal glittering cornflower blues glancing up shyly as she finishes, “You’re welcome, Akage-san” The playful kitsune smiles gently, the look causing her to gaup at him as he chuckles,

“Well, far be it from me to make you endure my meanness and sour your quality time with your friends.” Venus blinks, before chittering brightly, the sound sending pleasurable tingles down his spine. Her eyes were closed with tears at the corners of her lashes, her fingers spread before her lips while her cheeks were pinked healthily over subtle freckles. Something about the image of her before him, so happy and carefree, tugs lightly at his heart. When she reveals her lapis faceted irses once more, the melancholy joy on her countenance throws him for a loop as she twitters,

“I’m glad you understand my hardships, Mr. Redhead!” Gazing at the door on the roof, the thoughtful warrior asks, “Do you need me to kick down the door for you?” Sweat dropping at her casual use of violence on business property, Kurama assures her,

“I can get back in. You needn’t worry about that.”

“You’ve got a key to that door?” Smiling cryptically, he tilts his head while glancing at the door,

“Something like that.” Buttery sunset lips pressed tightly together, as though debating speaking when she seems to recall her meeting with friends.

“Shoot! I better hurry!” The ancient demon flutters crimson lashes when she releases her transformation, her stylish street clothes fluttering around her knees as she dashes toward him. Grabbing her tote from him, the maelstrom of human spirit winks and sticks her tongue out while she calls cheerily, “Thanks for holding my bag, Akage-san! I’ll see you later! Don’t have too much fun without me!” And without much more prompting, she vanishes before him. Chuckling lightly to himself, Kurama shakes his forelocks gently before commenting quietly,

“I doubt work will be nearly as interesting as you are, Venus-san.” Walking toward the roof’s entrance after a few moments of silence, the thief turned businessman grasps the handle of the door lightly, smiling wanly. Thankfully she won’t be seeing these old skills just yet, as I doubt she would leave it alone if she knew. And would likely want to learn, the little mischief maker. The vines recede from the lock back into his sleeve as he turns the handle, the thought of the chaos agent taking to his skill set made him shiver in horror. The amount of trouble she could get up to would increase ten-fold. He decided then and there that were their friendship to continue, he definitely would not let her see his abandoned trade in action. Although some part of him must admit he’s quite curious how she would do with such abilities.

Huffing at the thought of causing absolute mayhem by teaching a sailor guardian , of all people, a thief’s skills. Kurama allows himself a moment to ruminate over the scenarios for the humor of it all, before pushing such delightful pandemonium away to don his ‘Shuichi Minamino’ persona for the work day. I’ll save the thought for later, if only for comedy and curiosity’s sake. I should call Yusuke and Kuwabara later though, although not much, I do now know something else of import relating to those incidents. Thoughts of Venus and the wild adventures they seemed to have in the entirety of knowing her, slowly move to the back of his mind as he easily comes up with an excuse to feed his human subordinates. For the rest of the day, however, little things would crop up, reminding him of the sprightly, fascinating soldier who lived the most tumultuous, yet noble, life he’d seen in a while.


____________ ~Minako~ ____________


(Windy Summer - Anri)

(Bouncing Walk - Fox Capture Plan)

Mina teleports onto the roof of the cafe she meant to be at an hour ago, running her fingers through handfuls of honey locks as she looks around the ledge of the building for witnesses, before leaping to the ground below nimbly. Trotting lightly around to the cafe door with her bag of VHS’s bouncing brokenly against her hip, she bursts through the door and huffs shrilly, “Sorry I’m late, girls! Got caught up in an incident on the subway!” Many of the other patrons whipped around in shock to guage who was disturbing their peace, meanwhile, blatantly ignoring them the sporty performer moves toward the girls she saw through the window. She hears many groans before a classy, ebony tressed woman chastises,

“Quiet down Mina! There’s no need to announce yourself everywhere you go!” Blinking innocently, the half tailed senshi presses her index finger to her bottom lip in wonder as she chimes,

“Eh~? Wait, you mean I don’t, Rei?” Rei growls lowly as the others sweat drop, the blond bun head hopping up and waving her hands placatingly,

“Aww, that’s alright! All that matters is you’re here, and that we don’t get kicked out…” The ponytailed brunette with pretty rose earrings adds,

“Usagi-chan’s right, and besides, we haven’t seen each other in a while! Let’s not start it out by fighting.” A pixie cut, blue haired woman with glasses watches with a slight frown on her nude colored lips, asking,

“What happened? Did you run into some trouble?” The jovial atmosphere drops into a somber tone until Minako waves her hand lightly, dismissing the idea easily,

“My romance collection got crushed on my way here, that’s what! And the nerve of them! They didn’t even try to replace my broken ones!” The fire reading priestess raises a brow at her before snorting delicately,

“And good riddance, you don’t need to watch that brain rotting garbage anyway.” The other three slump against the table as the protector of melodrama pouts greatly, the girls groaning in tandem,


“We’re supposed to be diffusing arguments, not making them!”

“But I wanted to watch them…” Tossing the bag of murdered media next to Rei, just to spite her, Minako responds poshly,

“Just because you don’t have romantic pursuits in mind, doesn’t mean the rest of us aren’t hopeful.” Gazing at the annoyed idol in contemplation, the guardian of war questions lightly,

“I thought you didn’t need that kind of thing in your life?” Smiling wanly, waving ocean blues swing over to her with a wink, replying quietly,

“I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try, ya know.” Gaining momentum, the peppy entertainer clenches a fist and pumps it eagerly, chiming, “So what if I don’t succeed! I’m not the kind of girl who gives up so easily! I’ll experience every bit of romance I can!” Putting her foot on the chair excitedly and nearly knocking it over, Minako declares, “Aino, Minako is all fired up! And there’s nothing that can stand in my way!” Makoto grins along with her and exclaims,

“That’s the spirit, Mina-chan!” Ami smiles gently, Usagi giggles spritely, and even Rei quirks her lips warmly at the Guardian of Love. The pigtailed princess hops lightly in her seat as she cheers,

“That’s right Mina-P! You’re on a roll!” The vibrant star raises a hand to her lips, chittering with laughter into her palm as she thinks brightly, these are my girls. They’re the most important part of my life, and although I might not be able to get the romance I want… The drop-dead-gorgeous admiring smile of Akage-san, who was far more than a good-looking face, flashed across her mind. But I’ll help him anyway I can. The beautiful, blushing, vanilla colored bun head was in the center of the booth, surrounded by glowing girls who'd die for her, over, and over again. Her happy energy encompassing the civilian senshi nearby in her tender chikara’s embrace, exuding love and purity. For her sake, I’ll protect this world and it’s kindest people. Minako’s eyes flutter closed, heart full to the brim with dreams, though unattainable, and the love of these magnificent, and stunning women.


I'd like to thank my buddy Nate for inspiring to post this story, because really, I was debating on just keeping it to myself. He thought some others might like it though. Another buddy Raab checked some of it over, and also said I should post it. It also inspired him to watch Yu Yu Hakusho and Sailor Moon again!

This was the hardest chapter to write so far, as I already had like 6 other chapters mostly written when I decided, 'I need to write number 2!'

Crescent Moons on their Foreheads - I always found it interesting that in the Sailor V manga, Adonis was considered just a foot soldier in the Venusian army. He was transferred to serve under the Shitennou and died along with the senshi and the civilians (Barrel) during the Fall of the Silver Millenium. So I figured, “If there is one foot soldier, why not more?” So here we are, with a few more Lunar soldiers. On top of Adonis, the alliance probably sent soldiers from other planets too, just saying!

The park is based on Toyama Park, which is within range of their walk. It sounds pretty spooky.

Meteoroids enter the earth's atmosphere at very high speeds, ranging from 11 km/sec to 72 km/sec (25,000 mph to 160,000 mph)! Meteoroids of more than about 10 tons (9,000 kg) will retain a portion of their original speed, or cosmic velocity, all the way to the surface. A 10-ton meteroid entering the Earth’s atmosphere perpendicular to the surface will retain about 6% of its cosmic velocity on arrival at the surface. For example, if the meteoroid started at 25 miles per second (40 km/s) it would (if it survived its atmospheric passage intact) arrive at the surface still moving at 1.5 miles per second (2.4 km/s), packing (after considerable mass loss due to ablation) some 13 gigajoules of kinetic energy.

On the very large end of the scale, a meteoroid of 1000 tons (9 x 10^5 kg) would retain about 70% of its cosmic velocity, and bodies of over 100,000 tons or so will cut through the atmosphere as if it were not even there. Luckily, such events are extraordinarily rare.'s%20atmosphere,25%2C000%20mph%20to%20160%2C000%20mph).

VHS (short for Video Home System)[1][2][3] is a standard for consumer-level analog video recording on tape cassettes. From the 1950s, magnetic tape video recording became a major contributor to the television industry, via the first commercialized video tape recorders (VTRs). At that time, the expensive devices were used only in professional environments such as television studios and medical imaging (fluoroscopy). In the 1970s, videotape entered home use, creating the home video industry and changing the economics of the motion picture and television businesses.

Chikara ちから - force; strength; might; vigour; vigor; energy

Ki き - spirit; mind; heart

Mina-P is Usagi’s nickname for Minako in the manga. In the Eternal Edition of the manga, it was said that at the time the manga was written, it was ‘cute and hip’ to put P at the end of things for endearment, such as Naru’s mother who owns a store called Osa-P, and Luna-P. It’s also become a suffix in modern lingo for affection, as stated in this response, “When Sailor V(enus) first appears, she is a mysterious, unknown, admired enigma to Usagi and the others. However, over time, they get to know Minako. While Usagi loves all of her friends deeply, she comes to feel a particularly special bond with Minako because she views Minako as more like herself than the others. (In the early manga and anime, in what ways Minako is more similar to Usagi than Makoto is to Usagi or than Rei is to Usagi is not so clear but, as the series goes along, they are portrayed as a kind of kindred combo.”

Bakemono ばもの - goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre; specter

Chapter 3: Roundtrip


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

City Tour!

Art by @alicezap

(Simple and Clean Piano Cover - Utada Hikaru)

Since it was now Sunday, Kurama was finally free to look around the area he now lived. I was going to sooner, but things have been stirring. Although there had been some semblance of peace in Makai, the awakening of the Silver Millenium Senshi had caused a ruckus. On top of that, Ningenkai being plagued by a darkness even greater than the yōkai inhabiting the other world caused a great disturbance. So, instead of coming to this apartment a week before he was to begin work at his new position, he was there giving assurances that he would investigate the matters further on this side. Did they really believe I would ignore something happening right under my own nose? ‘They’ being the council that helped Enki with his work, as the Demon King himself had faith in Kurama and his attachment to Human World.

Wearing a simple blue shirt with black stripes and jeans, his burnt orange coat over the top, he looked like every other human wandering the Azabu Juban shopping district. The late morning was still slightly chilly, having been walking for about two hours now and making several intersecting circles around the block he lived in. The sign read ‘Sendai Zaka' and looking at his map, he made mental notes of special structures on his way to speed up the process. Using that time to go over the information he’s gathered so far, he’s compiled it into the next steps he needed to take. One of them includes… Gaining Venus’ trust. She’s the key to finding out what’s been happening here in Ningenkai the past three years. Even the vast surveillance of Reikai couldn’t account for anything when darkness enveloped the world.

The cool investigator feels chills skitter down his spine at the absolute desolation he’d felt those times. Even with all his demonic strength, his senses alert for ill signs, nothing could prepare him or the others for suddenly having their very souls sapped from their bodies. When they came to, they contacted one another and passed on experiences, but were unable to rectify anything, only garnering more questions. The first time was when he heard a name he hadn’t heard in many years. Sailor Venus. Though the name Sailor Moon seemed more common among the masses, and yet… The name Sailor Venus is still uttered by yōkai mothers to keep children in line . So, when the opportunity to move to the city where most of the Sailor Senshi sightings came from, he couldn’t have been luckier.

And the fates weren’t done yet. One week is all it took to find her, or rather, for her to find me . Stopping at a crosswalk, he stares across the way evenly, mind conjuring memories of the strange, but powerful warrior. They use the stars and high energy physics to move about, likely able to make leaps between planets as well. The science and amount of power required to do either is definitely a sign of advanced knowledge, like the knowledge of the Mercurians. Lending more credence to her actually being the original Sailor Venus. Kurama strides across the street when the light changes, thoughts still running like a well oiled machine. That is, until an energetic whirlwind hits him from behind, nearly bowling him over with a shriek.

“Ah! Gomen, gomen! Are you oka-Eh~! Akage-san~!” Crimson lashes flutter as he registers the incredibly sweet scent of Venus in her civilian form, and her tinkling voice caressing his ears. Turning from leaning forward to regain his balance, he sees the guardian of his thoughts standing next to him, hands over her lips in shock, delphinium irises expanded in fear. She was donned in a floral print cropped t-shirt, a light blue jean skirt with lacy edges, some simple black leggings, and her seemingly signature red bow tied in it’s half tail as she clutched a cinched white purse to her side. Concerned ocean depths focus on him as she inches closer and cries in near hysterics, “Oh no! Are you alright! Please tell me I didn’t take out a limb or two!”

Snorting with laughter, especially at the fact that she’s caught him off guard, again, the redhead shakes his head with an amused expression, assuring, “I am fine Ojou-san. Just surprised is all. You were running at full speed, weren’t you?” Flushing brightly, the sunny haired imp curls her fingers in front of her mouth as she admits,

“Eh, he he, possibly... But Akage-san, what are you doing here? Are you shopping for something?” Motioning with his hand that they should cross, Kurama strides alongside her as they continue the conversation.

“I’m simply getting acclimated to the area. When I moved here, I wasn’t given much time to explore. So I’m rectifying that now.” She hums lightly, nodding in acquiesce.

“Ah, got it. Hey! So you’re not doing anything else today?” He blinks in surprise for a moment as he looks upon her, trying to wrap his head around what he knew she was suggesting. She’s making it easy, too easy to get information from her. It worries him that she’s so willing to associate with him, a literal stranger. She doesn’t know about our spiritual connection, so is she like this with everyone? Or does she naturally sense the bond?

“I’m not doing anything else today... why? Is there something in particular you wish to do?” Grinning excitedly, Venus wags a finger and announces,

“How about I give you a tour? I know this city inside and out, and if you want to know something in particular, I could probably tell you about it!” Although expecting the offer, he can’t help but ask,

“But weren’t you just in a hurry-”

“Yup, so if we run, we can escape him!” The incredibly bewildered plant wielder allows Venus to pull him around a corner, noticing out of the corner of his eye a white cat running toward them. Before he can ask why they’re being pursued by a feline, he feels her tug him into her arms quickly and jumps to the roof of a building. Alarmed by the man handling, he's quieted when the pretty senshi puts a finger in front of her mouth and pushes his head down slightly, focusing on the cat in the crowd. The tenacious feline turns it’s furry head back and forth, sniffing the air slightly before moving on. Now incredibly interested in this story, he asks,

“Is there a particular reason you are being hunted down by a cat?” Smiling nervously, she waves a dismissive hand and answers,

“He’s a bit like my jailer at the moment, and I'm a criminal on the run.” Sweat dropping heavily, the ex-thief himself slowly iterates,

“So you’re telling me… that this cat has the Sailor Venus on the run? That’s hard to believe.” She stares at him hard for a moment, the seriousness on her face startling as she asks,

“You’ve seen supernatural stuff, and a white cat chasing me down to catch me is shocking to you?” Huffing with laughter, he concedes,

“Alright, this isn’t the most astounding thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s quite high on that list.” Giggling lightly, the tickled heroine responds,

“That’s good, because there’s more where that came from. Come on, we should have lost him for a little bit. After all, I ran around this block five times to get my scent down here so he’d follow it and not me.” He can’t help but be stunned that she knew how to fake a trail for someone with a strong sense of smell, and then wondering with a sweat drop how much she does this to know such a thing. Quite often I bet. Hopping to her black heeled feet, civilian Venus grins easily and laughs, “Alright, come on Mr. Redhead! We’re burning daylight by just hiding here!” Huffing with humor, he stands smoothly and follows behind her through the roof door that was, thankfully unlocked. Strangely enough, she still snuck around quite obviously, rousing a pointed remark,

“You realize if you act like a criminal, you’ll be treated like one.” Pouting back at him, she crouches and sneaks out the back door of the restaurant like a panty thief in a cartoon and chides,

“Don’t be such a spoil sport, it makes it more fun!” Sighing heavily, Kurama asks himself again how he got roped into all this. Ah, right. Her soul is tangling with mine and has started a bonding process I’m too curious about to reverse. If I even knew how to correct it. He follows behind her bouncy, crouched form leisurely, trying to look inconspicuous for both of them. When they get toward the opening of the alley, she springs up from her slinking position and traipses like nothing happened at all, adding to his bewilderment. I’m eventually going to get used to this. Chittering maniacally, Venus turns back toward him playfully and asks, “Alright, what parts have you seen so far, and what do you want to see? After that we’ll go from there.”

Looking away and studying their surroundings, the tantei's strategist lists, “Important landmarks, convenience stores, subway stations, hotels, restaurants, and areas with supernatural stories to them.” She hums, an index finger pressed mildly to her lightly freckled cheek as she contemplates his request.

“That shouldn’t be a problem. There’s a lot of landmarks and ‘haunted’ areas along the way, although most of the supernatural stuff that tried to eat people got destroyed by us senshi.” Nodding in acknowledgement, Kurama’s emerald gaze moves back down to her as he states,

“I’m not surprised. I’ve heard you ladies are quite diligent in your work.” He’s bewildered by the look of solemn calm on her face, having expected from his limited knowledge of her personality, to boast about it.

“Yes, we are. We have to be, because failure isn’t an option for us.” He stares at Venus for a moment, baffled by the sudden shift in emotion before she closes her eyes. Taking a breath and smiling wanly, she tilted her head back and toward him. “Anyway, you found a good place to start, this is the Azabu Juban Station. Down that way is our first stop. But first,” Love's champion dances toward a store as she waves him over. “Some ramune would be good while I’m showing you around. Do you have a map? It’ll help with memorizing the layout of the city.” Kurama nods quietly, still a bit perturbed by her somber declaration earlier as he shadows her into the shop.

(Windy Summer - Anri)

“Welcome to my shop! Is there anything I can help you with today?” Plastering on a smile, the now peppy fighter bounds in front of the counter, chiming,

“I’m just getting us some drinks.” The mustached old man with round bottle cap shaped glasses raises a fluffy brow, before closing his eyes, which seemed to be consumed by his brows when they’re shut, replies,

“Ah, it’s to the back, jou-chan!” Heading to where he pointed, she walks up to the sliding door cooler, looking at the choices. Glancing to the side, she asks lightly,

“You want something?” Humming slightly, the enchanted fox answers,

“Sure, we’ll likely need it and some water while we walk around.” Nodding, the half tailed blond grabs two bottled waters along with a melon soda. Watching him decide on a jurokucha, she smiles and moves back to the register. Tugging her purse around to her front, the blond puzzle begins digging through her small purse but is cut off as he refutes,

“You are showing me around the city, the least I can do is pay you back for it.” Azure gems blink rapidly, quite obviously stunned, before beaming brightly and accepting.

“Ah, alright. Arigatou.” Nodding in appreciation, the old man grins, although with his giant mustache, it simply consumes the majority of his face.

“That’s right. I thought I’d seen you around before young lady. This young man, though, I’ve never seen before.” Handing the bag to Kurama, the shorter old man nods and greets, “Welcome to Azabu Juban! I hope you enjoy your stay here!” Smiling politely, returns cordially,

“Thank you. I believe I will with my tour guide here.” Smirking faintly when Venus blushes and fidgets with her purse as the shop proprietor chortles heartily,

“That’s the spirit! Now hurry along, the day is still young! With lots to see and do! ” Trying vainly to hold in his amusement, he nods to the man before turning to a suddenly rushing cosmic whirlwind. Deciding to tease her a little, considering she seems more affable than before, he prods,

“What’s wrong, Ojou-san? That man was friendly enough-” He feels a light slap to his arm as she groans,

“That old man was way too excited about helping us! And you weren’t helping!” The playful kitsune can’t help the laugh that tumbles out, grinning mischievously,

“What do you mean? I only told him you were my tour guide.” Pouting up at him, the theatrical warrior squeaks,

“It wasn’t that ! It’s… ah! No~ it's too embarrassing! I never thought it’d look like...” She flushes, hands going to her face as she looks away from him, his inner yokai rumbling suggestively. Oh? She’s shy, is she? I wouldn't think that with how bold she usually is. He can feel his yōki stirring beneath his skin, the instincts of a predator rearing up at the sign of weakness. With a bit of concentration though he was able to keep it under wraps, and leaving a vulnerable looking knight of the Moon Kingdom unaware. Making certain his ki was secured, Kurama smiles genially and assures,

“There’s nothing like he’s implying going on, so you shouldn’t let it bother you.” Pooching her lips further, stain lightening on her cheeks as she iterates,

“I mean, yeah… but my job needs me to be seen as single, so…” Ah, a job in one of the more ludicrous of businesses.

“You work in the media then, and if I had to guess, I’d say you must be an idol or star of some sort.” Delphiniums swing his way, doe-like with surprise as she gapes,

“Oh wow, how did you- oh right, super genius, I forgot.” Huffing with laughter, he twists the top on the bottle, the plastic popping merrily as he responds,

“It's a simple deduction, but I’m surprised you’re still willing to help me. It’s difficult getting into the industry, is it not?” Snatching the map he had in his breast coat pocket, sending shivers along his spine from the caress, the multi-faceted performer shrugs before agreeing,

“It is hard, but being an idol is more than just putting my face on stage. It’s about inspiring others to do better for themselves. Idols are supposed to lead by example, so caring more about my image is natural. If, for whatever reason, they want me to suddenly abandon you because ‘we look like a couple,’ then they can shove it. That’d be a terrible example I’m setting for others.” The compassionate businessman studies her countenance as cornflowers rove over the lines of the city map, golden silky strands tickling his chin gingerly as he praises quietly.

“That’s quite an admirable approach. Hopefully with your influence, things will change for the better then.” Marigold lashes flutter as she gazes back up at him, her momentary look of amazement fading into a gentle smile as she concedes,

“Yeah, hopefully, because it’s pretty cutthroat in this business. Thankfully the problems of a bunch of petty people is low on my worry list.” Looking back at the map, she points to a spot on it before stating, “We’re here right now, so if we take this road all the way up,” dragging a dainty finger along the road lines, Venus stops at a particular spot. “We can use Tokyo Tower to get a better view of the surrounding area. Plus on the way I can show you a few shops that’ll let you onto the roof if you ask.” He stares in wonder at her understanding of what he wanted.

“You’ve asked them before?” Nodding as she began leading them where she intended to go, she answers,

“Yup, sometimes you just need a hiding spot within the city. And rooftops make the perfect escape route from normal people.” The spirit fox has to admit, he’s slightly awed by her network in the city.

“Out of curiosity, why are they willing to help?”

“Because Sailor V asked them as a good friend of mine when she helped them out.” She winks at him, grinning conspiratorially while he laughs lightly, agreeing,

“That helps. You certainly have a lot of connections in this city.” Folding the map up and sticking it in her purse, Venus shrugs before responding,

“I have connections in a lot of places. It’s how you get anywhere in the media.” Rose colored lashes beat softly as he acknowledges,

“Understandable. Well then, Miss Connections, where are we heading first?” Staring at the map for a moment, she decides,

“From where we are now, you’ll get to see where the ‘6 P.M. Demon Bus’ was.” Narrowing his eyes, he inquires,

“‘6 P.M. Demon Bus?’”

“Yup, urban legend said that if you’re riding the Sendai Hill at exactly 6 o’clock, you’d never be seen again. It turned out to be one of our first enemies. It’s no longer the case now, but that doesn’t mean people don’t still scare each other with ghost stories of it.” Kurama wants to dig deeper, but it would be far too suspicious to pry at this stage. Instead, he responds airily,

“I see. That’s quite interesting.”

(Prism - Lindsey Stirling)

“Then a little farther than that is where we killed a vampire who was trying to eat our friends' classmates.” He pauses a moment, mind processing what she had just said as the disbelieving vulpine asks,

“... like European legends vampires?”

“Yup, Sailor Moon and I defeated her and her mother. She was living in the embassy of U Country. If you want, I can tell you the details I remember from the fight.” Again, she was being far too transparent for his comfort.

“I would like that, but I must ask why you seem fine with giving me such information.” Morning glories flit from the map to his face, not particularly perplexed by the skepticism as she answers,

“You were fine with my fighting, so you’ve seen battle before. On top of that, you’ve shown me you’ve got a head for combat, so why not? Besides, it’s better for you to know about the dangers you can face here, considering how easily you draw them to you.” Watching her carefully, Kurama nods in aquisice, doubts still clouding his mind as she strides forward with him following in curiosity. Tucking the map half haphazardly into her purse, Venus guides him toward the bus stop and reads the sign quickly. “The next one is coming in about 8 minutes, so I guess I can fill you in on Lilica Hubert and her mother right now.” A shock goes down his spine at the second mention of the vampiress’ maternal figure.

“She was a transfer student at our friend’s school. She became quite popular with the students and was said to be the daughter of an ambassador, but it was a lie. Lilica ate the students who followed her, or would have, had we not destroyed her before she could. Her mother had already bitten some of the other students, had full control of them, and she used them to fight against us. Thankfully, Chibiusa was already suspicious and came to us for advice, and funnily enough, it actually worked. Ami-chan looked up the legends in a book of myths, and since Mako-chan was making Yakiniku, she added a bunch of extra garlic to it.” The enchanted fox’s face goes slack, incredulity emanating from every fiber of his being as he interjects,

“You… just did what the old myths said?” Nodding emphatically, the nonplussed star turns toward him and finally noticing the disbelief on his visage, asks,

“Uh, is something wrong?” Closing verdant eyes and sweat dropping, he scratches his temple as he clarifies,

“You ladies gave advice to your friend, from a human book of myths? With no further research?” Blinking rapidly and poking a finger to her face, she replies candidly,

“Well, yeah. We didn’t know anything about vampires, at least not until after that. It made it a lot easier when we met Dracul.” Lush forest greens pop open, he nearly falls over at the unworried answer, and even more so that they might have met the Dracul.

“You’ve met Dracul? Legendary ancient vampire who is said to be the father of all vampires?” Giggling cheerily, the poppy ribboned beauty corrects,

“He said that’s just what humans say about him. Really, he’s not weak to hawthorne stakes, nor garlic, he’s got a reflection, he can’t be burnt with a cross or holy water. He’s not even weak to sunlight, and Sailor Moon tried milk on him, so he sat us down like a disappointed dad and scolded us for trying those superstitions.” The bus pulls up and she prances on merrily, followed by a stupefied Kurama thinking about the girls bumbling their way into an ancient and powerful being like Dracul. Sitting in one of the seats, watching the scenery go by, he tries to remedy his vision of the senshi now that he knows they just stumble into trouble. I do believe he met his match in innocence and naivete when he came across these ladies if that’s the case. Continuing to sweat drop in incredulity, he remembers something else that caught his attention in the previous story.

“You said one of your friends' names is Chibiusa, but another was called Usagi. Are they related?” She blinks at him for a moment, apparently startled by the question as she answers,

“Wow, uh~ yeah, Chibiusa is Usagi’s daughter.” Nodding in acceptance, he itterates,

“So Usagi-san must be older than you then.” The energetic media darling at his side freezes, sweating bullets before turning away and squeaking,

“Uh, yeah, something like that!” Ivy vines gleam and narrow, eyeing her and the scent of deceit lightly perfuming her. Interesting, that whole strange story was the truth, yet with the mention of this woman’s name, it causes her to lie. This is the first time in our acquaintance she’s misled me fully. I wonder why? It only takes a few moments to get to their next stop, apparently, to which the flustered young woman pounces eagerly out of her seat and out the door. As they got off the vehicle, Kurama asks warily, “What happened after that? Is Dracul still alive?” Venus pauses for a moment, staring blankly ahead before she resolves his questions,

“He was wounded in the final fight. He’s still alive, but he’s sleeping more often than not now.” Confounded more and more by their struggles, he vows to at least try to teach them a little caution with their continued acquaintance. As they begin to walk up a slope, her explanation continues, “Back to Lilica, Chibiusa had super stinky breath the next day, and was asked by a teacher to take her homework to her-” A hand on his chin, the ancient yôko considers her jump in topic. She doesn’t wish to talk further on Dracul, though I understand that he may want privacy. Still it rankles not having all the mysteries solved. But… watching the blond chatter animatedly soothed his soul in such a strange manner that he couldn’t be frustrated. With how much of her life she’s shared with him as well, these stories of vampires and malicious enemies who inspire ghost stories, he really couldn’t ask more of her.

“-Sailor Moon and I arrived just as the mother was pursuing some grade school boys-”

“Wait, grade school ? They were just children?” Lapis gems flicker away, a cold sadness washing over him as she spits,

“A lot of our enemies attack kids. Children have a lot of untapped potential, so they make pretty good targets.” His stomach twists, viciousness rippling along the surface when her trilling voice assuages,

“Most of the time we’re either able to save the kids before something happens, or we are able to heal them. Thankfully most of the time the little ones push whatever happens out of their minds.” Or have nightmares of it, surely.

“That’s when Sailor Moon and I arrived, Lilica herself was going after Chibiusa. I used my crescent boomerang and stopped the mother from touching the boys, and our introduction was distracting enough to prevent the little vampiress herself from moving. We kicked their butts, and when Sailor Moon used her healing abilities on them, they turned into flowers.” Kurama pauses, bewilderment etched into his face while he asks,

“Flowers? Do you know what kind?” The heroic star crosses her arms, head tilting back to stare thoughtfully at the sky for a second before finally revealing,

“I think it might have been like a carnation. Whatever it was, the petals pulled themselves off and the stem wilted.” He nods, eyes unfocused as he mulls over the information. “You know, now that I think about it, I think Chibiusa said she ate flowers too. I wonder why?” Shaking his head, the flora specialist replies,

“Perhaps Dracul might know?” Her delphinium’s bloom in excitement as she exclaims,

“Oh~ Good idea! You’re so smart! It’s like having another Mercury around! Except less yelling at me and more smiling!” The exhilarated investigator huffs with humor, shaking his head before teasing,

“I imagine she’s trying to help you grow, not just simply chastising you for whatever wrongs you might have done.” Pouting quite adorably, the sporty industry artist refutes,

“No way! She’s super scary when she’s angry! But she’s also got those, ‘I’m disappointed in you, so I really don't need to yell’ kind of vibes sometimes too! It’s so cruel!” Venus’ pout turns to excitement when she points to a mansion that seems abandoned, “This is it here! U Embassy where those two stayed.” Gazing at the gates that prevented their access, he imprints the image to memory as he requests,

“Could you bring out the map?” Sun drenched lashes quiver in question, then likely realizing his line of thinking, the spunky warrior nods and pulls the harried map from her purses confines. Taking the crumpled map and smoothing it out, he easily finds their place and puts a mental note on it to come back later. Looking back to her, Kurama quips,

“Could I hold onto this? It might survive longer.” Venus rubs the back of her head sheepishly, pink spreading across her nose as she mumbles,

“Yeah, it might be better if you handle it.” Lips tilting good-naturedly, he folds it correctly and tucks it back into his breast pocket of his orange jacket. Making their way further, they come across red torii gates as his guide explains, “This is the Hikawa Shrine, and right across the way here,” a bell tolls in the building facing it as she finishes, “is the Ando Memorial Church, where all the teenage girls dream of one day being married! Isn’t it pretty!” Smiling gently, the crimson haired demon asks,

“You as well I suppose?” She pauses in her excitement, blinking for a moment before turning away quickly, blond hair swishing as her voice becomes strained,

“Yeah, of course!” Why does she suddenly sound so forlorn? Turning back toward him animatedly, though he can still smell her distress, the chaotic eyeful beams with melancholy while waving him forward animatedly toward Hikawa Shrine’s torii. He promises to come back to this topic later as he stands before the gates. Without a doubt, he can feel immense purity and power on the grounds, lending credence to it being a sacred space. Thankfully, although quite annoying, it’s not harmful, at least, not until someone directs the energy he suspects. Then she turns to him and stares up in question.

“Did you wanna look around the shrine, or do you wanna keep going?”

“We can keep going, unless you need something here?”

“Nope, I’m good.” Turning right after exiting the shrine, she points out Dai-azabu Hills Forest Tower, Sunhill International School, Castle Dai-azabu, until they come to a signpost marking a slope called Daikoku-zakasa. “Hill Spot helps to mark Daikoku-zakasa, so it should be difficult to miss.” They pass a few gyms and restaurants until at the end of the slope he sees a large space with six decent sized Zelkova trees. The atmosphere is quite peaceful, relaxing him further as her sweet scent continues to guide him along.

“What is this place?” Lush leafy irises study the greenery around him, listening for her trilling voice to explain.

“This is Patio A-Juban. This is where our Kemi-chan statue is, and a lot of people come here to unwind. It’s nice isn’t it?” Kurama glances down at her with a genuine smile, the dappled light dancing across her golden tresses enchantingly, ocean depths washing over his softly as he responds amiably,

“Yes, it’s quite beautiful.” The alluring senshi grins happily, asking,

“Did you want to stop here for a bit?”

“No, I’m quite alright. Do you need a break though?” Shaking her head and spreading her feet to shoulder width distance, she slaps a hand to her chest with a determined look before chastising,

“It takes a lot more than a little walking to tire me out! I can go on like this for days!” Smirking to himself, his verdant gaze turns away as he states,

“I see. Well, shall we continue then?” She grins eagerly, skipping playfully beside him.

“Yeah! Next up is the Juban shopping district. It's full of shops of all kinds: food, souvenirs and gifts, clothes, games. Whatever your mood, Juban shopping street probably has it. It actually has one of my favorite places.” She pulls out her melon soda and breaks the seal, drinking a bit from it while continuing to walk, while Kurama grabs the water out of the plastic bag he carried, taking a few swigs, returning it to the bag. Moving around another few blocks, they reach a street lined with store fronts, passersby peeking at the goods inside every few steps. Motioning to one gingerly, she grins eagerly and guides him to what looks like a clothes shop. Several generic greetings are called from inside until a woman comes around the corner.

“Ah! Ojou-chan! How can I help you today?” The spirited stylist beams before asking,

“Can we go to the roof?”

“Sure, no problem! Just let me know if you need anything else!” Escorting him to the roof door, she opens it easily and leads him out to the empty roof, watching him look around for a few moments.

“You probably want to see this on the map, huh?” Nodding, Kurama moves closer and pulls out the map, memorizing where she’s pointing. The quiet is broken by his cell phone ringing, forcing him to move away and mutter,

“Apologies, but I need to take this.”

“No problem, I’ll just be shopping down stairs. Come find me when you’re done!”

“Alright.” Smiling at her, he waves as he flips his phone open. “Hello Yusuke.” There was a boisterous laugh before the punk teases,

“Man, and here I was hoping you’d finally use the traditional phone greeting.” Snorting while staring at the tower touching the sky, the spirit kitsune responds easily,

“Very funny Yusuke. Now has anything happened on your end?”

“Aww, come on! Ooh... does that mean you really can’t say it?”

“The real question is can you say it, Yusuke? Or are you really Yusuke?”

“Alright, alright~ yeah, I found something. Don’t get’cher panties in a twist.” Smirking in victory as he knew the ramen peddler wouldn’t want to say something so childish, he waits for the toushin to explain. “Hiei said the violence is hitting a critical point. There’s gonna be another war there, and surprisingly it isn’t just over who’s gonna be King.” Narrowing his eyes into the tower, he responds,

“I thought as much. I warned them that this might occur.”

“Yeah, except they didn’t listen. Now we got yokai overloading the border, Hiei’s in a shit mood, and as usual, my backup is practically non-existent.” Huffing lightly, the rose haired fox chastises,

“He only worries for the future he might provide for Yukina. You know this.”

“Yeah, he and everyone else! I think you and Hiei are the only single guys around here, and if I get no help, Keiko’s gonna widow herself.” Snorting in laughter, Kurama jokes,

“It’ll be a crime of passion, certainly.”

“Gee, thanks Kurama, that makes me feel better.” He hears the sound of something getting kicked before the mazoku continues, “What about you? Getting any further in your half of the investigation? Last time you said you may have found a lead.” Hesitating for only a moment, calculating warrior replies cautiously,

“I’m learning a few things, but nothing on what we really want. I am getting close to something however, as they sent some ‘guests.’”

“Eww, what happened to them? You know what, nevermind, I don’t want to know.” The sound of exaggerated gagging could be heard, causing Kurama to sigh before explaining,

“I did nothing to them, and got no information from them. They were poisoned remotely. Whoever is at the top is cautious, but also quite careless. They only provided a description of me, not who I was nor my associates.” Although they wouldn’t have known about Sailor Venus even if they did do the minimum amount of research.

“Wow, even I know that that’s stupid.” He couldn’t help but prod,

“Yet you’ve still done things that could be considered ‘stupid.’”

“Hey, if it’s my best option, you can’t blame a guy walking a tightrope act.”

“The other lead, well, I’m working on it right now.”

“Oh yeah? Is it just me, or are you being cagey about somethin?” The horticultural yokai had to admit, sometimes Yusuke was far too keen.

“Yes, well, when one deals with emotions, they must be cautious.”

“Ooh~! Well, well, well! Are you actually trying to honey trap somebody!” Now actually pinching the bridge of his nose, the exasperated apparition growls darkly,


“Alright, alright! Don’t get mad at me! That’s just what it sounds like.” To dirty minded individuals perhaps.

“Back to the topic at hand, I believe she trusts me to some degree and is sharing some of what she knows.”

“But it’s nothing we really need.”

“No, but it is useful. Always remember, all information is useful to someone.”

“So for the guy with the big brains, it’s progress, got it… You sure you’re not-”

“Finish that thought, Yusuke, and you will regret it.”

“Geez! Okay, message received. Fox Boy is in some serious need to get laid to get his humor back, got it!” He can feel his energy fluctuate, only the slightest bit and manageable, but it’s noticeable to him either way. Which means it might possibly be noticeable to her. Scratching his temple lightly, crimson lashes close as he sweat drops as he realizes, It’s quite close to when I usually transform so my temper’s rather short . “Anyway, I’ll be able to come down in about a week, tops. Almost got everything here handled, and then we can play good cop bad cop with her and get what we-”

“It’s not that simple. She’s… Have you heard the legends of the Sailor Senshi?”

“Uh, that’s a non sequitur, but sure I’ll bite. No, should I have?” Breathing out his nose, Kurama then explains,

“They are guardians who protect the planet against anything that would try to destroy it. They are powerful Yusuke, and I’ve only met one . ” There’s silence on the other end, before he hears that the playful candor has faded from the ex-detective’s voice,

“If you’re this worried about it, it must be serious.”

“I heard stories as a child, Yusuke. Not in the past 21 years, but from before . They painted a female warrior who was capable of destroying armies, decimating fleets, and merciless toward evil. A particular one can do all that.”

“...shit, that’s the one you’re with, isn’t it?” Glad that the tantei’s leader was taking this serious, he iterates,

“Yes. I’ve already felt her energy, and it is ancient and powerful. Though she is childlike at times, naive to a fault, and far more human than I had ever imagined, she can throw all of that aside in a moment. The change is sudden and disorientating, from a lamb to a fierce warrior.” There’s a shuffle on the other end before a reply is formed.

“You admire her. That’s a pretty difficult thing to do.” The vulpine fighter stares in an unseeing silence for a moment, body calm but mind in turmoil while noting the truth in those words, admitting cooly,

“Yes… I suppose I do.”

“Honestly, that’s good to hear. If she’s able to catch your attention, she must be something.” Huffing with a light laugh, Kurama nearly whispers,

“She’s more like a maelstrom of complications. I have difficulty keeping up sometimes.”

“We’ll see about that. Introduce me when I get there and we’ll see how her whirlpool holds up to lil ol me.” His body seems to age in that instant, thinking about the repercussions of introducing the pair. Immovable wall meets unstoppable force… Exhaling lightly, the archaic yôko states,

“I must go Yusuke, I’ve stayed up here too long already.”

“Yeah, yeah. Work your kitsune magic, Fox Boy.” Sighing in endearment and exasperation, said fox replies,

“Be safe Yusuke, and please don’t do anything foolish.”

“Who, me? C’mon Kurama, I’m the very definition of safe!”

“Remind me, what’s your death count again?”

“Alright, fine! I promise I won’t go stirring up trouble in Demon World.”

“Thank you. Goodbye Yusuke.”

“See ya later Kurama!” Hanging up the phone, the amused vulpine gazes at nothing for a long moment, mind sorting around his newest revelation. Forcing himself back into focus, he pockets the device and pins the thought for further consideration while navigating the stairwell leading back to the shop below. When he returns to the main area, his emerald irises find the noble guardian easily, happily browsing through some stylish sporty pieces. He can feel his gaze softening, his lips desperately fighting a smile as he watches her flutter spritely around the racks, not a care in the world. Within moments, if something were to happen, that happiness would dissipate like fog preceding a storm. He’s seen many cases of madness, but as he watches this woman chatter excitedly to the store’s proprietor about this and that, he hears no falsities, smells no deceit, and sees no hesitation.

Surely this is taking its toll on your sanity, becoming attached only to have to throw it aside. Why then do you keep trying? Just then, ocean waves splash against his forest, emotions swirling within their depths. He can’t help but be awed by the radiance of her when she smiles warmly, calling to him. Setting aside his worries for a moment, he moves back to her side, a paper bag with some items she must have purchased on her shoulder with her purse as she calls to the owner,

“Have a good day! Thanks again!”

“No problem sweetie! Any time!” They walk along the sidewalk, her pointing out different store fronts, what they sell, and the times anything within might go on sale.

“You might be a business tycoon, but you should still shop smart.” He couldn’t argue the logic, so they continued until they came across a small shop with a red banner. Looking at him excitedly, she hops in front of him while Venus babbles, “Hey, do you want some taiyaki? This place sells them!” Shaking his head, as he really wasn’t hungry at the moment, Kurama answers,

“Not really, but we can stop so you can grab some if you want.” Jumping in the air enthusiastically, she turns and calls back,

(Konton to Souzou No Kikagaku - Fox Capture Plan)

“Alright, I’ll be just a minute!” Keeping his eyes trained on her as she walks over to the chef, the furtive yokai feels a gentle breeze stir his forelocks, bringing with it the smells of the people all around them. None of them are a danger at the moment. Rose lashes lid as he watches the blond beauty chat animatedly with the chef, nearly vibrating with energy as the snack is made. He couldn’t hold back the tilt in his lips as he’s reminded of her naivete, her seemingly endless enthusiasm for the most mundane things, and that makes him realize something. Perhaps it makes more sense for her to throw herself into these things heedlessly, as I now see she’s always prepared for… her own death. The word tastes bitter, especially in regards to this woman before him, prancing giddily as she holds her food covetously to her chest.

(Phoenix - Lindsey Stirling)

When she’s close enough, the Kurama inquires, “When you enter battle, are you always prepared for your death?” She pauses for a moment, head tilted sideways in contemplation before the sunny knight asks in return,

“Where did this come from?” Holding her darkening lapis with his own verdant, he requests,

“Please, answer the question.” Her visage is worried, but she answers truthfully,

“I must be, because the enemies I usually face are stronger than me.” Crimson bangs shade his eyes from view, lips pressed tightly as he admits,

“It’s admirable, to still enjoy your life as you do, even more so because you know you may not be able to for long. However,” Ivy irises glint with hints of cold honey, the fierce stare narrowed at her as he itterates, “Don’t allow it to be the reason you do everything.” Venus is quite for a moment, fully blooming morning glories reflecting many emotions back at him as she slowly, gently smiles blindingly as she breathes,

“That’s sweet of you, to care so much for me.” Sun drenched lashes close as she exhales softly, “But I’m wild and crazy because I want to be, not just because I can be.” His confusion must show because when she focuses on him again, she giggles endearingly. “When I transform, or when danger comes, I do let go of my earthly attachments to fight. I was trained as a soldier, but what I want to be is this.” She spreads her arms out and spins lightly on her feet, golden hair swirling around her like the magic she invokes. When she finishes the rotation, azure gems latch onto his leafy ones as she grins, “I have many dreams, you know. My top one though, is to protect my precious person; she is my first priority. My greatest dream. I have many more, but I’m full to bursting sometimes with how much I want to do!”

Kurama’s narrowed eyes smooth out a little as he states evenly, “I see.” Breathing out starkly, his lips tilt at the corners as he responds, “You are something else, Ojou-san.” Sticking her tongue out at him, he shakes red hair as he points ahead, “Well, shall we continue, or do you want to sit down to eat that?” Clutching the straps of her purse in one hand, the other holding the pastry, she chimes,

“I can walk and eat at the same time! Onward!” As they advance, she points out more important shops or things of note until they reach a storefront that had an European crown along with the word in large red gradient letters. On either side were the words ‘game’ and ‘cafe’ in yellow letters matching the outline of the crown. The grin on the peppy performer’s face was incredibly large as she leads him toward the automatic doors. “C’mon! This is it! My favorite place in this area!” As they walk over the threshold, he sees another aspect of her he hadn’t known about. Arcade cabinets lined the eisles, boys and some men playing on the games with only a few women present. A blond young man with short hair turns toward them, donned in a blue and white striped apron that was tied around his neck and waist.

(Supersonic - Fox Capture Plan)

“Hey, Mina-chan! How are you? It’s been a while since you came in here!” Laughing jovially, the aptly named ‘Mina’ rubs the back of her head as she explains,

“I’ve just been busy with work, y’know. Next time I come, I’ve got souvenirs for you though!” The curious kitsune studies the interaction carefully, the young man perking at the mention of gifts.

“Ooh! Sounds good! You better be back soon then!” The energetic worker looks toward him before recoiling and apologizing, “Oh, hey! Sorry about that, I was catching up with Mina-chan, being as she was one of our best customers. The names Furuhata, Matoki. Yoroshikune.” Nodding back politely, Kurama greets,

“Minamino, Shuichi. Hajimemashite.” The halftailed gamer at his side looks surprised for a moment, as though not expecting him to introduce himself. Smirking, he teases, “All you had to do was ask my name. I’d have given it to you.” Pouting slightly, ‘Mina’ retorts,

“But that’s not nearly as fun!” Huffing with laughter, it turns into heavy chuckles at the look on Furuhata-san’s face.

“Wait, how long have you known each other?” Pretending to consider it seriously, the playful plotter looks off to the side before answering,

“Well, I suppose if we do this in hours-” A tiny elbow bumps his side, causing air to rush between his lips softly as she interrupts,

“Big brain here means to say we’ve known each other for two days. Three if you count today.” The man is shocked for a moment before choking,

“Th-three days! But you two seem so close…” Mina looks at Kurama while grinning cheekily,

“I guess we’re just kindred spirits!” Both men sweat drop causing the blond male to laugh heartily, replying,

“Well, if he’s as you say he is, he’ll like this place then! We’ve got all the newest arcade machines available, and if we keep going, we’ll have to expand!” The bright media darling hops in excitement before gushing,

“Oh, that would be amazing~! I can’t wait!” Her lapis eyes glittering so happily had him huffing in humor as well, looking back to the short haired blond.

“I’m sure I’ll have fun, who couldn’t with her entertaining them?” Closing one eye and wagging her finger at him, the trendy connoisseur goads,

“You say that now until you lose to me at everything! Just because you’re new here doesn’t mean I’ll show you mercy!” The proprietor smiles and shakes his head, chiding,

“He won’t hang out with you anymore if you have bad sportsmanship.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t destroy him too badly! I’ll even let him win a few.” Both of them sweat drop before Furuhata-san sighs,

“You’re one brave man, Minamino-san.” Snorting with laughter, he retorts easily,

“We’ll see.” The bouncing athlete darts animatedly further in, fluttering between aisles until she comes across a free machine. “Akage-san! I found one!” Smiling in amusement and slight bewilderment, he follows where she’s now sat herself, which happened to be some sort of fighting game. Sitting next to her, the strategic salaryman gazes at the characters bobbing on screen, the free fight stick covered in a splash of colors.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get rocking!” Shaking his crimson locks airily, he takes hold of the fight stick and hovers his hands over the buttons as Mina fishes through the menu excitedly, choosing an arena and her own character quickly. Looking through the stats and button combos, he picks his own character, and before the match begins, he asks,

“I’m rather curious, why don’t you use my name? You’ve heard it already.”

“That’s easy, because you didn’t give it to me to use, you gave it to Matoki-san.” Gleaming emerald lid faintly as he mumbles,

“I see, then I give you permission to use my name. It’s not a physical object to receive.”

“Yeah… but names have power, Minamino-san.” He glances at her soberly for a moment, gauging her mood, and finding she was detached once more. Names are sacred to supernatural entities. Focusing back on the screen shows the two fighters raring to get at one another, an announcer shouting ‘Round one, fight!’ Although fighting games weren’t his favorite, he wouldn’t say he’s a slouch at them either. Yet, here was this tiny blond woman, keeping him on the ropes and getting hits in when he least expects it. She’s good, but I suppose she has the right reflexes needed for games like this. Lips tilting slightly, and getting a good idea of her strategy now, goes on the offensive, blocking and countering most of her attacks. Her surprised outcry, followed by her groan of defeat and flopping against the cabinet has the impish apparition guffawing brightly, shifting the atmosphere as he inquires,

“Do you want a rematch?” Barely a second passes before the spunky loser uses the machine to push herself higher and get closer to his face, chirping,

“Of course! One round isn’t enough to gauge someone’s true skill!” He grins while responding evenly,

“If you say so.” They continue to play several rounds, the wins moving back and forth with Mina in the lead until she looks up and squeals excitedly,

“Hey! That arcade is free! Let's play that one!” Kurama couldn’t help teasing,

“Ah, afraid of losing?”

“I’m not afraid of anything! I just thought I’d give you a break!” The enchanted fox grins mischievously at her pout as she turns away, stomping toward the next arcade. When they stand before it, he’s startled to find that it was a Sailor V cabinet.

“This is…” Grinning devilishly as she finishes,

(Moonlight Densetsu Eurobeat Version - Moon Lips)

“Yup, it's Sailor V’s arcade machine. Go ahead, try it! It can be two players, but it’s less challenging in some ways, more so in others. So I wanna see how you do solo. But I gotta warn you, it’s pretty tough.” Fluttering crimson lashes in intrigue at the warning as he sits down to the controls, incredibly interested in whether or not this game was actually hers or made in her image. Pressing the closest button to start, the sound of magic powering up begins, the ribbons flutter and stream across and envelope the screen, distracting enough that you don’t see the game loading up. What he sees next is an image of a chibi Sailor V encircled with energy, eyes closed beneath the red domino mask and hair floating upward, before settling into a fighting stance with her hair relaxed again, the words 'Let's go! Keep moving forward! Defeat all enemies on the screen!’ flash across the top.

So it’s a side scroller, possibly a platformer too. It looked like there was a stage completion bar at the top, a horizontal gemed bar at the bottom, connected with a circle cut pink jewel encircled by a round bar. Perhaps a life bar? A gold bead sits next to the circle gauge, with a wing sitting at the 10 o'clock position on the life bar. Then a strange set of a heart, a wing, and a star bar in the top right corner which was empty at the moment. From the chart at the top of the button panel, the first button was a light attack, next a medium, the last heavy. Pushing the stick up made the sprite jump, which he notices makes the compass at the top flutter slightly. The direction I need to go I surmise.

He presses the purple button and studies the screen as the crescent boomerang is thrown, the gold bead loses a small slice of color. Pulling the stick back sharply he finds a barrier popping up in front of the chibi blond. Figuring it wouldn’t hurt to try, he moves the stick and presses several buttons, smirking when it makes rather elegant and fast combos, and when using directions with the purple button, special combos are possible. It’s quite good for a cute looking arcade game. He’s startled to see the Sailor V chibi on screen turn to him with a smile and say, “You got it all figured out?” Blinking in shock, he turns to the beautiful superhero at his side who’s grinning quite a bit as he intones,

“This is no ordinary game.” Nodding rapidly, she leans into the side of the cabinet smugly with her arms crossed, head tilting to the side as she adds,

“Just keep playing, you’ll find out more.” Now quite wary, he turns back to the screen and moves the stick to the side, moving the sprite forward through some chibi detailed caverns, he comes across the first enemies. Snorting lightly at the grinning, socketless, long haired and blue skinned fodder, he maneuvers Sailor V easily. Kicking, punching, and sliding the zombie looking creatures to death as he moves forward quickly. To his further astonishment, he notices he has to react quicker and quicker, their attack patterns changing faster for each one defeated, though not quite challenging him yet. It gets harder I bet, with each level cleared. Looking at the stage completion chain, the third mark was hovering higher than the rest with the next one being a tiny circle with horns. The boss I’d imagine.

During his bouts with the monsters, he noticed the stars, hearts, and wing items in sometimes difficult to get to areas, making him assume that they were collectables. As waves upon waves of fodder fills the screen, he keeps up his rhythm and continues to mow down the enemies and collecting the majority of the items until the screen unlocks from V’s character and shows a… Is that a giant green dinosaur with tiny, vestigial wings? Sweat dropping slightly at the strange ‘boss’ he notices a cat in a swinging cage, watching raptly as the giant lizard screeches before beginning an attack cycle. Spewing fire, he pushes the stick back for her shield quickly, incredibly surprised by the dexterity needed to react to that. I wouldn’t be surprised if many were killed by the sudden attack. Kurama hears Mina gush,

“Wow Minamino-san! Not many make it even this far, let alone without dying!” The spirit kitsune is more bewildered when another voice adds,

“For real, this is crazy! She’s really good at this!” He feels his temple pulse before the golden beauty at his side chastises,

“Excuse you, but he’s a man! ” Huffing with a laugh, he concentrates more on the pattern now that the boss’ health is down to half. This is quite intricate for a video game. It’s adding a new attack into the mix, firing molten strings into the air which wiggled energetically before coming at Sailor V. There were three in all at the moment, and although he could block the main monster’s fire breath with the shield, the separate strings could get behind it. It was the first blip of damage he took, and although Mina gasps and moves closer to his shoulder, her silken hair dragging lightly across his jacket clad arm, he wasn’t worried. It was a small chunk of health, with much more left, and he learned his lesson here. The shield is not all encompassing.

Seeing the special gauge was full, he’s about to press the purple button when the bouncy artist interrupts, “Press the heavy attack and purple buttons at the same time and roll the stick for your ultimate attack.” Ultimate? Doing as she says, he’s awed when the chibi Sailor V winks at him and pulls the crescent boomerang from her pocket, raising it into the air between both hands and shouting, “Venus, Crescent Beam Shower!” Beams of light rain down upon the dino kaiju, it’s pain sound effects echoing as it’s barraged by the attack, it’s life bar draining down to nothing. Before he can react, soft arms are thrown around his neck with an elated, “You did it Minamino-san! That was really good!”

He’s flummoxed by the character on screen turning to him too and praising with a smile, “Thank you so much, you did an excellent job! You’ve helped me save the day! But don’t stop now! We gotta keep going!” Once again, her warmth seeps into him steadily, her sundrenched locks faintly tickling his neck as he sweat drops lightly. Mina pulls back a bit to look up at him, and realizing their proximity, flushes brightly before turning away with wide doe eyes. The chirpy superhero’s hands come to her steadily burning cheeks, her glossy lips parted as though to say something but nothing comes out. All the while the people around them are stunned silent for a moment, then one shouts,

“What attack is that! I’ve never seen it before!” Likely glad for a distraction, the avid gamer looks back at the person who talked and while pulling some loose hairs behind her ears, responded easily,

That is Sailor V’s ultimate attack, where normally it’s just the one blast, this one is multiple, and if timed right, it can take the boss’ gauge to half or lower, depending on what level you’re on.” They all gape at her like a fish out of water, meanwhile, Kurama adds her deep knowledge of the game to his checklist under ‘likely has something to do with the game.’ The boys surrounding them seem to have become more of her fans, several grabbing free machines as another one cries out,

“Are you guys done cause I want to try it!” Several agreements and excitement echoes around them as Furuhata’s comment solidifies his suspicions,

“This is almost a daily occurrence, unfortunately even now I have no idea which merchant sent me this machine, so there’s only a handful here.” Studying the new stage which was inside a castle now, he prods lightly,

“Is this the only place in Tokyo with this game?”

“Yeah, actually, which is one of the reasons why this shop is so popular.” Glancing sideways at the surprisingly quiet senshi by his side, his lips tilt gingerly as he responds,

“I see. Well, I suppose we should-”

“You should keep going.” Rose lashes beat in shock as she continues, “You had fun right? We were here first, so they’ll just have to wait.” Many groans were repeated around them, but she had captured his confused ivy with her lapis gems. Her expression was pensive, however it wasn't upset, more it was deeply inquisitive. It was worrying, seeing the gears turn behind usually bright and carefree irises. As she had already refuted his first excuse, however, he seemed locked into this game for now. Sighing, the indulgent fox continued through the castle level, and as he suspected earlier, the enemies were only getting harder, testing more and more of his dexterity considering it was only a simple game. But is it really? Just a simple game when it’s testing my very real battle experience?

The next boss consisted of what must have been a blue dragon, but as the battle began, six orbs began circling it while it also breathed fire. Interesting, it’s limiting my main methods of attack. The special gauge built up over time from landing physical hits on the opponents, so with this, his attacks are finite. She said if I timed it right, it could take it’s life down to half or more, so she was likely talking about this. Leafy eyes narrow, concentrating on dodging the volley of attacks as he comes up with a strategy. Adopting a diagonal jump and hit rhythm, Kurama is able to chip away it’s health, the sound around him growing as more people watch him easily adjust when it breathes fire at him.

He hasn’t lost any more health yet, and watching as the health bar dips below half, he’s expecting it when it changes strategies and starts tossing the ring of energy balls at him. Sliding and jumping over the laser orbs, the intuitive fighter continues his barrage while occasionally resorting to tossing up a quick barrier when he knew he couldn’t dodge. Once he reaches a certain point, he hits the sequence of buttons needed for Sailor V’s ‘Ultimate move’ and watches as it drains the health until nothing remains, the dragon releasing a last roar of anguish. Smiling at the victory screen lightly, verdant seek out morning glories and once finding them, is captivated by the emotions swirling within. What surprises him more is the smell of arousal drifting from her, her lips parted as she stares at him longingly.

(Brave Enough - Lindsey Stirling feat. Christina Peri)

Quite unsure what he’s done to garner such a reaction, he breathes through his mouth again, desperately wishing for more space in here. Thankfully she becomes distracted by the people around them talking, some asking him about his strategies, and prying knowledge of the game from her. He’s slightly perturbed when one of the boys questions, “Hey, you look familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?” She waves her hands frantically at them in a negative answer before reaching over and tugging on him with a beautifully wistful smile on her lips, giggling tightly as she states,

“We gotta get going, he just got to this city so I’m showing him around!” Although the tilt to her lips warmed his heart, the smell of melancholy and tears tore at his insides. What makes you such a dichotomy of heart and body, Mina-san? And why… He watches her golden hair sway, her fingers warm around his while her trembling leaves him feeling starkly cold. Do you feel so much pain?


Author Notes

Sorry I had to leave you on a cliffhanger, lmao. (Although not a big one really) You should really listen to the last song, as it gives a little insight into how Mina’s feeling. As for the name of the chapter, it comes from one of my other favorite series, DEVIL MAY CRY baby!

Idol business is incredibly cutthroat, and has been since the 90’s. An idol is a type of entertainer whose image is manufactured to cultivate a dedicated consumer fan following. Talent agencies commercialize idols by recruiting preteens and teenagers with little or no experience in the entertainment industry, and market them as aspiring stars. There is a lot of competition between companies and team members, it can get really petty between members as well. There’s a lot of training involved, weight is measured daily (Which isn’t surprising given they fine you if you’re over a certain weight in Japan, which is crazy), particular genres and routines are picked for the members so even if they want one thing, if it’s not popular, it won’t be used. Contracts are written differently for different members, and trainees aren’t paid, so many have a side job.

Check this article out for why Yusuke was trying to get Kurama to use the 'traditional greeting.'

I had fun with the arcade part. Hell, I had fun exploring Azabu Juban without actually ever having set foot there. Are there some inaccuracies? Of course, I’ve never seen it myself, just images and a sweet article that almost literally takes you on a walk through there without video. I was nearly in tears when I found that. Trying to figure out what all the bars and gauges meant in the Sailor V game in Crystal was interesting too, having to revisit what I knew of fighting and platformer games. I won’t say I’m a super nerd when it comes to old games, but I’m pretty nerdy. So I kinda sorta geeked out on it. Hopefully I made it interesting though.

Otherwise, I’d say Kurama is a tea drinking kind of guy, which is why I went with Jurokucha (十六茶) which is based on the concept of, “a tea that blends 16 (Juroku means sixteen in Japanese) good ingredients in an exquisite balance”.

Torii - is a traditional Japanese gate most commonly found at the entrance of or within a Shinto shrine, where it symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred.

Taiyaki - a Japanese fish-shaped cake, commonly sold as street food. It imitates the shape of tai (鯛 red seabream), which it is named after.

Toushin is a word that literally means "God of War" in Japanese.

Mazoku are special types of Elite and powerful demons. Mazoku also means "Tribes Of The Devils"

Hajimemashite はじめまして - How do you do?; I am glad to meet you

Yoroshiku よろしく - best regards; please remember me; please treat me favorably (favourably); please take care of;

Kaiju - Kaiju is a Japanese genre of films and television featuring giant monsters. The term kaiju can refer to the giant monsters themselves, which are usually depicted attacking major cities and engaging the military, or other kaiju, in battle. The kaiju genre is a subgenre of tokusatsu entertainment.

Tokusatsu - Tokusatsu is a Japanese term for live action film or television drama that makes heavy use of special effects. Tokusatsu entertainment often deals with science fiction, fantasy or horror, but films and television shows in other genres can sometimes count as tokusatsu as well.

Chibi ち - small child; pipsqueak; small fry; small, cute versions of manga, anime, etc. characters, typically with oversized heads

All of the spots mentioned can be found here on this site:

Chapter 4: The End of Night


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kurama playing Sailor V Arcade!

Art by Alicezap

(Lost Girls - Lindsey Stirling)

(I Talk to the Rain 2021 recording - Yuki Kajiura)

What is wrong with me! I’m a Sailor Senshi! I’ve faced greater monstrosities the world over. And yet… She stops running with Shuichi in tow, not able to look at him just yet as she breathes out her nose. I want so much. Things I’m not meant to have. Just be happy with his friendship, Minako! Taking a deep, cleansing breath and pushing her thoughts away, she locks them all back within before turning toward him with a big smile plastered across her face, hands clasped together against her right cheek. “Phew, I didn’t think we’d end up trapped in the arcade for so long! And you’re really good at video games! That was so cool!”

And I found out a few things about you today Minamino, Shuichi. Her memory of him so focused on something, yet still so alert to their surroundings stirred her insides deliciously. You play video games, are really good at them, and to top it all off… She studies the concerned look on his face, trying desperately to hold onto her false expression as his glittering emerald irises bore into her. You know how to fight, and have fought before… but how, Shuichi? But more importantly, why? She tries not to let her face fall at the thought that this sweet guy was forced to fight, perhaps even for his life from the skill he displayed. Whoever they are… if they hurt him again, they had better watch out, cause now he’s friends with Sailor Venus!

His pensive look and lush verdant gaze reflect his doubt with her facade, but after finding her resolve, her lips tilt truly warmly for him. His stare softens and although the suspicion is still there, he seems to concede to her for the moment. “I occasionally dabble in video games, when I have free time. My mother had gotten me a console when I was younger, so whenever I wasn’t studying or gardening with her, I would practice with it.” Grinning happily, she remarks,

“That was nice of her. I practically had to beg to get mine!” He smirks while teasing,

“Yes, but you didn’t study that much, did you?” Groaning, she throws herself around the nearest street lamp, clinging while dramatically whimpering,

“It’s too hard! My brain isn’t wired that way!” Huffing with laughter at her dramatization, the playful bookworm gently tugs her away from her pole and hands her the melon soda the distressed warrioress must have forgotten to grab at the arcade. “Oh! Thank you Shuichi-san!” Shaking his head at her while she drinks heavily from it, he chides,

“You shouldn’t drink it so fast or you’ll get-” A small ‘hic’ erupts from her throat, making her blink and flush in embarrassment, turning to pout full on at him as he laughs openly at her newest plight.

“You can be such a jerk.” Huffing the last of his laughter away, he counters easily,

“Had you really thought that, you wouldn’t want to be near me. It seems to me you rather enjoy being teased.” Puffing a cheek out, she’s about to argue when he adds, “You’re using my first name already?” She blinks, holding an arm behind her back and looking away as she chides,

“You get to be all cool and mysterious with your super secret business, gardening hobby, and video gaming prowess, so I have to be secretive with my name. You already know so much about me, but I barely know anything about you, so we’re still pretty uneven!” She’s dumbfounded when she glances back at him when he’s silent, his features twisted in a grimace. Having never seen the expression on his level, cute face before, she’s thrown, then nearly awed when Shuichi agrees,

“You are right, of course.” Smiling gently, Minako shrugs before asking,

“You still want me to show you around Mr. Cryptic?” It’s his turn to flutter scarlet lashes, wonder prevalent across his face before turning to that disastrously handsome smile.

“I would like that Mina-san. Thank you.” Grinning widely, she hop spins until she’s facing the way they were running again to hide her growing flush, skipping a few more times for good measure while motioning with her free hand, “Well then c’mon! There’s still a few more things to see! And it’s already almost dinner time!” After walking a few meters, they turn right and continue on for a few more meters, turning left, and left again to a large and quite artistically designed building. Studying the patterned windows on the structure carefully, he didn’t notice her gaze glued to him, that heat she felt before coming back full force.

Why does he have to be so handsome looking at a dumb building! It’s like… ugh, this is awful! I’m attracted to studious guys I can’t have! Breaking her eyes away from him, she narrates,

“This building houses a lot of different stores, most of which are high dollar specialty merchandise. One of the stores is run by a friend of ours’ mother. It’s called Osa-P.” The gaming sightseer nods in understanding, turning toward her as she motions for them to keep moving. She points out the local convenience store, a produce market, a few three and four star restaurants, a supermarket, a french style restaurant, and a crepe shop on their way. More notable landmarks being Nanima Inari Shrine, which he made a strange face at, and Momoiji Waterfall. He didn’t react adversely to Hikawa Shrine, so why this one?

They come across another of her shops with roof access, and keep moving toward the Tower of Tokyo. When they stand before the tower, the golden haired guide points toward a spot full of flags, chiming, “That’s Hebizuuka, it was said that snakes used to occupy the stone chamber, and around that bend is a spot where the bats like to gather so people come here to watch them.” And~ another weird face for my records. His pensive look with sweat drops are quite noticeable, yet still terribly charming. I wonder what caused it? Though she wanted to ask, something about his body language told her to refrain, as though… he doesn’t realize it makes him defensive. Well, at least it’s not too bad of a memory, with his silly, and totally cute expression! Keeping from prodding him, this time, she skips lightly toward their next destination, letting him follow quietly behind. By the time they reach it, it’s past dinner time and paying the fee, both make their way to the elevator. Leaning back against the wall, she feels her energy finally wean away from lack of sleep.

(Sleepwalking - Lindsey Stirling)

Fluttering her lashes closed, she lets herself exhale slowly and push her exhaustion aside. It’s the past, there’s nothing I can do about it now. And yet, anytime she slept, she was plagued by nightmares, old memories rehashed into new and terrifying forms. Ever since we came out of the Cauldron, it’s been like this. For three long years. She couldn’t drag the other girls down with her, not when they were all living their best lives now. For now. When she opens her eyes again, Minako finds a hand under her chin and one on her forehead, lidding her gaze at Shuichi who sports a concerned frown. “I thought so. You’re exhausted. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Blinking wearily, she grins wanly while batting gentle, calloused hands away. You don’t get all those from just gardening. “I’m fine, just hungry.” Que her stomach seconding the statement, causing her to flush and him to hide his expression behind his bangs for a moment, as though debating arguing. Then, a warm chuckle tickles her ears while he chides,

“You should have said something. You pointed out several restaurants on our way here.” It’s her turn to smile sheepishly as she whispers,

“I… kinda forgot?” Or I just wasn’t hungry until now… which is really weird for me… His smooth baritone huffs lightly,

“Well, a few moments here and we can remedy that. But please, next time don’t push yourself for my sake. I can survive going without seeing everything from up here, you on the other hand, will not live without food.” The doors to the elevator pop open, several people waiting to mill in as they step out. She’s awed when she feels his hand at her back, guiding her gently and keeping her near him in the crowd, his rosy forelocks brushing her ears occasionally as they move, letting his floral and herby, yet absolutely sexy scent fill her nose. Flushing lightly, she feels a twinge in her loins and an urge to grasp onto him in some way prickle into her fingers. Keep it together Minako. Exhaling through barely open lips, she crosses her arms to keep from reaching out to him.

“So, what were you thinking of eating? Like you said, we already passed a few restaurants, so you’ve got a few choices. Anything particular?” They stride over to the observatory window and gaze out over the area, verdant irises studying the scenery with a discerning eye, and once again making her swoon inside. This is getting ridiculous, why am I getting turned on from watching him concentrate? Sighing at herself, the lovelorn media darling notices his hand move away from her back while staring out at the glowing city, using it to pull the map out of his jacket pocket to compare what he sees to what’s on the map. Damn map…

“I’m not a picky eater, so whatever you’re in the mood for will suffice.” Biting her lip gently, she turns away and takes in the breathtaking view to get her mind off the way-too-good-looking-for-his-own-good sweetheart next to her. For a moment, she considers allowing herself to relax in his presence, but remembers the goons from the previous day, and like lightning went through her, she strains her waning senses as much as possible. After scanning the area pretty thoroughly, if she says so herself, she doesn’t detect anything abnormal, not yet anyway… She’s still startled when a hand touches her back again, the warmth sending tingles down her spine as she turns toward him, sunny strands curling around lightly stained cheeks. Her heart leaps into her throat at the tender smile he gives her, tilting his head toward the elevator. “I’m done here, so let’s get you fed, shall we?”

If this guy keeps smiling like that, I’m going to melt! Holding a hand over her pounding chest, she nods shyly before whispering, “Yeah…” Marigold lashes beat as he keeps her close to him, steering them clear of the crowds still lingering, even during dinner. Getting into the elevator, this time with a small smattering of other people, the two stick together and brush arms, to her excitement. His hand moves to his side as he stares cooly at the elevator doors, ignoring the other passengers who are suddenly staring at them. Is it really so surprising for the two of us to walk around together? An older lady smiles lightly and praises,

(Crystalize Remix - Lindsey Stirling)

“Oh, you two are such a cute couple! You must have such beautiful children!” Minako flushes head to toe, gaping thoughtlessly and when she peeks at Shuichi from under blond bangs, his typically even expression is also smeared with pink. Trying to get the situation reeled back in, considering the other passengers are now twittering and grinning in a knowing manner, you don’t know anything! She flails in a squeak,

“Ah! wait, um… we’re not-”

“Oh, you are such a sweet, shy thing! There’s no need to be embarrassed! I wish I could see pictures though… Oh! You wouldn’t happen to have any on you would you?” Putting her hands to her face, the planetary guardian can’t stop the nuclear meltdown from happening, her vision blurring and knees buckling from lightheadedness. Thankfully, he seemed to notice before she hit the ground, catching her quickly around her waist and arm. There’s a few horrified gasps and worried cries as he supports her weight easily, calmly explaining,

“Apologies, but she’s a bit frail at the moment. It’s nothing to worry about.” To their continuing anguish, the same nosy birdy coos as she completely, wrongly assumes,

“Oh! You’re expecting another? My, my! I really wish there were some pictures now! You ought to carry some photos of them with you! But I suppose you must not have been expecting to be gone for too long, considering your wife’s condition!” The steadily shrinking soldier can feel the painful mortification coming from her partner-in-shame, who was still holding her up, others in the elevator striking up conversations about what their children would look like. Oh my gosh, this can’t be happening! When the doors open, they couldn’t get off fast enough, she even let him carry her bridal style out of the building. The old woman’s voice echoing behind them, “Carry pictures with you next time, dears!”

When they get far enough away, he sets her down gently, allowing her wobbly legs to adjust to her own weight again before snorting gingerly in humor. “Quite a presumptuous woman, hmm?” She groaned before squeaking,

“Just ‘presumptuous?’ She was coming up with our children for us. Why are old people so freaking weird!” Chuckling lightly, how can he be so calm about this! He responds wisely,

“They’re usually just lonely, or oftentimes I find that they are bored.” Her eyelids flicker at his assessment, exasperation coating her voice as she can’t help but ask,

“You sound like you’ve got experience talking to those types.” She’s shocked when he sighs openly, staring in the direction the were going to travel before admitting,

“My stepfather’s family has been badgering me to get married. That, or trying to ‘arrange’ a meeting with one of their friends’ daughters.” She feels her stomach twist at the idea that he’s met with other women. He’s not mine, I can’t claim him so get over it, dummy! Grumbling, she returns with sympathy,

“I know what you mean, sometimes it’s my parents, others it’s the people I work with. I’m still young! There’s so much I want to do! And really… it’s-” Minako cuts herself off, realizing she almost revealed her innermost thoughts. It’s for the best... We never agreed to it, but we all uphold it. The words that Adonis last spoke to her as he slowly faded away always echo in her mind... “You will be hopeless when it comes to love…”

For all eternity.

Smiling in melancholy, her heart twists in grief while she shakes her head, correcting, “Anyway, there’s this one place nearby that has a nice selection of fresh seafood and vegetables for a decent price. What do you say?” Looking back up into Shuichi’s lush, ivy greens, she’s surprised by the concern growing within them, prompting her organs to flitter at his care. Shuichi… You make me want this more and more, sweetheart. Despite something within her writhing in agony, she nips it in the bud ruthlessly, and before he could question her further, she grabs his hand and tugs him in the direction of the restaurant. “Come on, I’m practically starving here!” Keeping hold of his warm hand until she was sure he’d not ask her anything, she finally lets go when they get within a block, but… She feels so much colder than before. I’m getting too attached…

When they stand before the place, he stops to read the specials on the board outside while she walks up a set of stairs to go in. “Irasshaimase!” Smiling at the staff, who are receptive of her as always, considering how many people the well-established idol introduced to this place and her status, which always drew a crowd after she left. It's nice to be famous, at least with these guys, who are discreet for me while I’m here. Their waitress for the day has curly chestnut hair held in a low, side ponytail, with warm hazel eyes and donned in a tan, traditional short sleeved yukata with red patterned trim, a black apron with the same pattern as the trim on the pockets, and matching pants. Though she didn’t have very striking features, she still had a sweet look to her as she calls,

“Em-san! How many have you brought for us today?” I asked them to call me Em while here, the English pronunciation of M. Looking back over her shoulder for Shuichi, but figured he’d be here after checking the daily specials out. Returning to her inquiry, Minako meets a warm gaze and answers brightly,

“Tochinomi-san! A place for two, onegai.” The endearing ‘chestnut’ blushes cutely before mumbling,

“You always sound so excited when you say my name!”

“It’s so natural and earnest! And you remind me of someone dear to me, so it makes me happy!” There’s a flash of another brunette across Minako’s mind, one whose beauty was gentle and adorable, who was her elemental opposite and doting like an older sister. Tochinomi-san’s face glows brighter, a hand going to her cheek shyly as she smiles and flaps the other to cool her face,

“It’s no wonder everyone loves you, Em-san!” The embodiment of Love feels her heart sting as she thinks, not everyone… The words never reach her peppy fan’s ears as she continues, “Right this way! You’re in luck, there’s a back table where you’ll have a lot of privacy.” Shaking off the negativity, Minako returns with a grin,

“Thank you for the consideration!” She notes some of the patrons glance at her suspiciously, though thankfully, with so many avid admirers who want to look like her, she just appears to be another huge fan. Thank goodness. I love the spotlight, but I can’t get anything done with people chasing me all the time! Shuichi catches up to her just as they move in further, the table in back truly mostly isolated, to her relief as they get seated. Beaming, Tochinomi-san hands him a menu and recites, “Hello! I’m Tochinomi-san, and I’ll be your server today! We change our menu daily, but the Taakoma set meal is always available.” He’s reading the list over even as he inquires with that breathy voice of his,

“What is it?”

“Iwanori shirasu rice, sashimi, fried mackerel in tatsuta, chawanmushi, pickles, and miso soup.” He hums lightly, considering his options carefully yet quickly, as the debonair gentleman requests easily,

“I’d like the seafood mix bowl please.” Their genial server smiles politely, bowing cordially before whipping out a notepad to jot down his order.

“Right away, sir.” Grinning lightly, the impish performer waits till Tochinomi-san wanders away to burst,

“You really aren’t a picky eater! So you weren’t just saying that to be nice?” He smirks at her from across the table, nodding his head smoothly, fluffy forelocks shifting across his chest hotly as he iterates,

“I don’t make it a habit to say what I don’t mean. Lies have a tendency to be exposed eventually, so no, I don’t usually say things to ‘just be nice’ if I can help it.” The tilt to his lips grows into a downright mischievous beam as he adds, “If I do recall, you keep telling me I’m a jerk for my honesty.” Flushing brightly, she puffs out her cheeks and seconds swiftly,

“You are! You’re so rude!” Chuckling with a hand in front of his mouth, he concedes,

“I won’t deny that, however,” lowering his hand, his gaze piercing as he goads, “you must admit that you enjoy it.” She gapes as he smiles smugly back at her again, leaning back in his chair incredibly casually. He’s winning all of our arguments! I can’t let that fly! A determined look crosses her face as she argues,

“I obviously enjoy attention, as I am an idol, but I won’t let you slander my character! Just because I want to be looked at doesn’t mean I like being scrutinized in such a manner.” Sticking her tongue out at him for good measure, she grins smugly and crosses her arms, waiting for his rebuttal, but to her surprise he doesn’t immediately give one. Instead, an incredibly devilish gleam cuts through Shuichi’s leafy eyes as he concedes,

“Not a bad counterargument, and your character is not defamed from such a thing. Just the opposite really, it shows that you will meet challenges, even while conversing.” He glances away for a moment, attention being caught by something, though he makes sure to meet cornflower irises while he ends with, “It says much about you. Good things, of course.” Minako blinks when she sees something akin to approval flash across his features, gone in an instant when the food is brought out, and to her elation, he looks incredibly pleased by what he saw. She smiles excitedly, pushing the fluttering feeling away, using the oshibori to wash their hands while chiming,

“Looks good doesn’t it!” He nods emphatically, grabbing his pair of chopsticks while she grabs hers, and while glancing over his bowls, she decides, “Why don’t we trade some! I’ll give you some of my rice in return for some of your tataki!” Huffing with laughter, he grabs one of her extra bowls and puts some of her requested food into it.

“If you want some, you don’t have to trade with me. I don’t mind sharing with you, Mina-san.” She feels her eyes widen, lips popped open as she questions excitedly,

“Really? See, you can be really sweet when you want to! You should still try some of the rice, it’s absolutely delicious!” She stares questioningly into his shimmering emerald as that heart melting smile reappears, carrying her heart away with it as the enthralling mystery man yields,

“I suppose if you don’t mind sharing, I’ll take some.” Trying to cover her fluster with a cheesy grin, she puts some of the rice into another bowl and hands it over. Her organs feel like they’ll leap out of her when their hands touch, and if it weren’t for his quick, fighter's reflexes, she would have dropped the bowl. His lips quirk a bit, taking the bowl back to his side as he asks, “Are there many more spots to see here?”

“Uh, yeah! There’s lots! But there’s only a handful left to show you for today, which I can do on our way back to your apartment.” Before taking the first bite, she puts her hands in prayer as she trills, “Itadakimasu~!” Popping a bite of the fish she traded with him, she closes her eyes and hums happily, thoroughly savoring the flavors tantalizing her taste buds. When she swallows and bats blond lashes open, she notices his stare on her with a glowing smile, as though admiring something about her. Blinking in confusion, the food gourmet squeaks, “Is something on my face?” Shaking wild red tresses, he chuckles,

(Simple and Clean Musical Cover - Utada Hikaru)

“No. It’s simply I’ve never seen anyone enjoy what they have eaten quite as thoroughly as you do. Honestly, I’m a little envious of you.” Tilting her head in uncertainty, she waits a moment for him to continue, “You have a way of appreciating little things that most overlook. It’s a wonderful trait to have, especially given both of your lines of work.” She can feel her cheeks staining a dark pink at his compliment, sending delightful tingles up and down her spine. Trying to regain some semblance of calm, she takes a deep breath through her nose. This man will be the definite death of me. Pushing some of her loose golden strands back behind her ear, and gazing at Shuichi from under her fringe as she mumbles,

“It’s just… When I like something, I really like it. I’m either all in, or not at all.” Still blushing, doe-eyes are rolled toward the ceiling as she pokes a finger to her cheek, adding, “I just can’t help myself, I dive headlong into everything. With the dangerous situations I’ve been in, I’ve had to act fast or lose everything important in only moments.” That heady, pensive stare he used to concentrate on the game was now aimed at her, sending pitter-patters through her stomach. Kami, he’s gazing at me so intensely! Her lips part unconsciously as the compassionate heartthrob’s expression shifts slightly into a smirk,

“Some would call that passion.” Oh my gosh! The way he says that! Pouting lightly to hide her flush, Minako shuts her eyes and puts her chin in her hand, waving the other while correcting,

“That's Mars’ thing.”

“Just because she represents it doesn’t mean you don’t feel it, Mina-san.” Re-aligning her chopsticks, she grabs something else from her plate, thankful that he didn’t bring attention to her pinked face as she considers,

“Well, sure, I got that. What I’m trying to go for though is a little different. There’s passion, and then there’s what I’ve got going on, which I would describe as more ardent than anything.” Once again, he seems slightly startled by her insight, before appearing appreciative of her random tidbits of awareness. The spellbinding tease’s mouth quirks oh so handsomely as he observes,

“I see, you’ve thought about this before then.” Shrugging, she tosses a slice of fish in her mouth, chewing and swallowing before responding,

“Of course! ‘always turn your mistakes into lessons.’ She is the guardian of War and Passion, and being as different as we are, it’d be silly to use the same words to describe us both.” Eating a few more bites, she feels him studying her heavily, but wants to finish her food first. Sighing in content with her eyes closed, she grabs one of the last bites on her plate. Sunny lashes flick back open to his intense stare again, but she just smiles gently and asks, “You done, Shuichi-san?” He nods lightly, beautiful scarlet locks drift across his cheeks as he returns,

“You are as well?”

“Yup! Let’s pay and head to our next stop.” The well-known actress tries paying, but he insists on covering for her.

(Stars Align - Lindsey Stirling)

“As I said before, you’re taking time out of your day to show me around. It’s the least I can do.”

“Well thanks! Next time I’ll get it though!” His beam of happiness melts her from the inside as Shuichi accepts,

“Next time then.” Gosh, he’s so impossible! Handsome, an annoyingly… cute playful tease, and such a nice guy! How does he exist? She bites her lip as they wander away from the restaurant and back out to a setting sun, taking little glances at him as they headed toward their next stop. He’s not a bad person, despite his strange energy. No bad guy I’ve met was comfortable enough to joke with me like he does, but… Watching the sun settle for a moment, she feels the wind brush her face as she takes in the world around her with all her senses. Fluttering blond lashes closed, the breeze tugs on her silky locks as though pulling her toward something. These incidents aren’t unrelated, are they… Then she senses it, eyes of a malicious nature watching her closely.

Is it them? Or someone else?

Revealing ocean blue waves flecked with gold, he stares at her in confusion. Smiling warmly to ease his worries, Minako keeps a track of their stalker as she waves her hand carelessly. “The place I want to show you next is one of my favorites. The girls and I used to meet there all the time. Now whenever we have time to, we sneak over there.” He sweat drops lightly, irises lidded as he adds,

“You’re not actually going to sneak there are you?” Hearing the consternation in his voice makes her titter as she chimes,

“No, but I might do that in the near future! Good idea, Shuichi-san!” His incredulousness could be felt for kilometers, she was sure, as the the hopeful cutie pleads,

“What can I do to convince you not to sneak around in public? And especially in my company?” Cackling at the turn in conversation, and the advantageous change in subject, she nearly falls over while she chirps gleefully,

“Absolutely nothing! It sounds like a fun way to pass some free time!” His face falls, a sweat drop and a sigh of exasperation her reward as she chitters maniacally. Although tempting, they reach Crown Fruit Parlor without sneaking and as they walk through the glass door, they’re greeted by the wonderful sugary, fruity smells of the cafe. Turning to glance over her shoulder, she grins eagerly. “Welcome to Crown Fruit Parlor! Any cool confections you can think of, this place has them!” Lush verdant irises study their surroundings keenly, taking in the couples and groups sitting at the tables. He blinks before looking back to her and asking,

“Wait, we’re eating here too?” Grinning mischievously, the parfait enthusiast wags a finger at him while explaining glibly,

“Uh, yes. What we ate earlier was just a snack. Now this is the main course!” His jaw literally dropped, making her laugh heartily as she makes her way toward a small booth. When she sees a certain carrot colored ponytail bob toward them, her smile widens as she calls cheerily, “Una-san! Ohayou!” The adorable waitress blinks, then a bright smile lights up her face as she dances lithely around customers to reach them.

“Ah! Mina-chan, Ohayou! How are you feeling today? Have you been helped yet?” Grinning at her return in enthusiasm, Minako greets,

“I’m pretty good today, so no worries. And no, we haven’t been helped yet.” Unazuki grins eagerly before deciding,

“Alright, I’ll help you today, cause I really want to know about your new friend!” Spring green eyes drift to Shuichi across from her as the ritzy performer groans,

“Mou, you don’t have to emphasize ‘friend’ you know! And he’s just that, a friend!”

“Mmm-hmm, whatever you say Mina-chan- oh wait, does Usa-chan and the others know?” Smiling sheepishly with closed eyes and a sweat drop, she mumbles,

“No, not yet.” Their giddy friend squeaks, demanding eagerly,

“Alright! Fess up! I want details, details~!” Cackling lightly, Minako replies,

“Okay, okay! I will after we order!” Pulling out a notepad excitedly, Unazuki asks,

“Orders then please! Unless you want the usual Mina-chan?”

“Yeah, that’ll work for me, what about you, Shuichi-san?” He had already been looking over the menu at the center of the table curiously, lifting his gaze to their perky attendant and causing her to flush.

“I’ll just stick with some green tea.” Unazuki winks animatedly as she chirps,

“Coming right up! I’ll be back with your orders!” She dashes away and, almost into a few customers in her eagerness. Snorting with laughter, the trendy artist explains,

“Like I said before, all of us girls and Mamoru-san come to this place. And considering she’s Matoki’s little sister, the guy we just met at the arcade, we all know each other.” The handsome inquirer tilts his face toward her curiously.

“Mamoru-san?” Nodding emphatically, she responds,

“Yup, Usagi-chan’s fiance. They’re getting married in a few months.” His wise gaze glimmers as he smiles gently,

“I see. Well, if I meet Usagi-san-”

When, Shuichi-san. Because you don’t just meet me and not my girls.” He blinks in bewilderment before correcting,

When I meet Usagi-san, I’ll have to congratulate her and Mamoru-san.”

“You’ll probably meet them sooner than later, considering where you live.” Once again his expression is perturbed as he catches on,

“Wait, does that mean-” She grins before he even finishes, “one of them lives in the same complex as me?”

“You got it. Mamoru-san lives there, and Usagi-chan is always visiting. In fact~” Shuichi sweat drops when she points a finger at him, “He lives in the apartment next door to yours. So we could probably introduce you guys at any time.”

“That’s…” Adopting a serious expression, Minako reminds him soberly,

“When we said you attract weird energies, we weren’t joking. You found me and literally live next to my best friend after just moving into the city. The fates would have found some way for us to meet.” His leafy stare narrows at the table in thought, a hand coming to his chin. She keeps the silence, deeply within her own thoughts too when their drinks arrive. Unazuki giggles lightly as she sets the orders down, whispering conspiratorially,

“I’ve gotta let management know I’m taking my break, so I’ll be back in a sec!” Once again nearly bowling the other patrons over, the easily distracted foody grins faintly toward her tall glass of deliciousness, the bottom clear layer ruby red, then an opaque light green layer, a clear orange layer, and a final solid yellow layer, topped with sliced fruit arranged in colorful sections of each topped with whipped cream and a cherry with a sprig of leaves. Picking up her spoon, she takes a bite and shivers in delight, her pallet tingling happily while he asks in amazement and slight pain,

“What is in that?”

“This is a drink they made especially for me. I requested it and they’ve added it to their menu. I call it ‘Fruits of Love' while everyone else calls it ‘Midsummer's Night,’ though I don’t know why.” She can see the wheels in that well oiled mind working as she continues, “Starting at the bottom, it’s got pomegranate cherry jelly, the bottom green layer is an apple kiwi tea yogurt, the orange layer is rose mango tea jelly, the top yellow layer is pineapple banana yogurt topped with sliced mangos, pineapples, coconut, kiwi, pomegranates, bananas, cherries, and myrtle leaves. Don’t ask me where they get the myrtle leaves, I haven’t a clue.” His gaze is wide while his mouth is popped open slightly.

“You… you requested this?”

“Yup. Why, what’s wrong?” Pinching the bridge of his nose and shutting scarlet lashes, he grunts,

“What you have in your hands is not just a dessert, it’s using almost every natural aphrodisiac known to man.” She blinks for a moment, looking like nothing registered... then,

“So is that why I’m always horny leaving here?” He chokes on his tea, not having expected her to straight up say it. Snorting with laughter, Minako adds, “And here I thought I was just losing control of my hormones.” The purveyor of forbidden fruits grins when she sees the pink in his cheeks, whether from her honesty or from the choking, she’s not sure, but it’s cute either way. Pulling a hand through his rosy bangs, the agonized scholar huffs,

“Yes Mina-san, that would be why.” Unazuki chooses that moment to come sit next to the Minako as she asks,

“What’s going on over here? Are you alright?” She blinks at him, who’s sighing before answering,

“I believe Mina-san just learned why others call that desert ‘Midsummers Night.’” Holding her own simpler parfait, the cafe gossip gapes at her seatmate.

“Wait, you didn’t know why?” Raising a squiggly sunny brow, amused dessert aficionado counters,

“Huh? No, why would I?” Unazuki’s head tilts to the side in disbelief, pastel green eyes blown in shock as she questions,

“Mina-chan… didn’t you grow up abroad?” Shrugging undisturbed, the sugar buff answers,

“Nope, I did travel abroad though. And I didn’t go to any foreign classes or college. So what’s it about?” She’s surprised to see him adopt a lecturing air as he answers,

“It’s a famous play by William Shakespare, it involves political dissension, romance, and the supernatural. The play is set in Athens, and consists of several subplots that revolve around the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta. One subplot involves a conflict between four Athenian lovers. Each section ends with the implication that sex was involved.” Both girls stare at him unabashed, gawping before her fellow parfait lover gasps,

“Wow, are you a walking textbook?” Minako beams mischievously as she notes,

“No, but he’s a super genius. It only took him a few seconds to recall all that.” Wearing an expression that could only amount to a pout, Shuichi defends,

“You make that sound like a bad thing.” Winking cheerily at him, the delighted fighter giggles,

“It’s a you thing, Shuichi-san, so it’s not bad. However, you’re talking to one detention devotee here, and the master truant of study there.”

“Hey! I got better grades than you did!”

“I’m sorry for your loss.” She smiles impishly at the look of exasperation coating Shuichi’s face, a sweat drop running down his temple as he stares at her nonplussed. Unazuki groans before redirecting,

“Okay, we’re getting off topic here. My name is Furuhata, Unazuki. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Minamino, Shuichi. It’s nice to meet you as well.” The energetic stewardess pokes a finger to her lips as she contemplates,

“Minamino… Minamino… I swear I’ve heard that name somewhere before…” Mouth quirking, said Minamino quipped,

“Hopefully nothing bad was associated with it.” Grinning teasingly, the devious diva prods,

“Ooh! Maybe someone’s been bad mouthing him in here! Come on Una-san! You gotta remember the juicy bits!” The garden-variety-business-man’s gaze flits to her in bafflement as Unazuki grumbles,

“Ugh! I’m trying Mina-chan, but I see so many people, it’s hard to say.” Glancing slyly at Minako, the study truant taunts playfully, “Well, even if I remember, what’re you gonna do about it?” In absolute seriousness, the heroic Venusian bursts instantly,

“I’m gonna find them, and then whoop their butts of course!” Both of them slump in their booth seats, Unazuki snorting with laughter before responding,

“They had better watch out then if I do remember, you hear that Shuichi-san? You have a cute bodyguard now!” Shuichi sweat drops with his eyes closed, his expression at a loss as his eyelid twitches.

“So it would seem, though I must request you speak with me before assaulting anyone on my behalf, Mina-san.” The ponytailed chitchat laughs spritely while chiming,

“Fat chance of that! Once Mina-chan has a goal, she goes at it until it’s done or she’s knocked out, whichever comes first!”

“That’s right- Hey! That makes me sound really stupid!” Slapping the other girl’s arm softly, Minako glowers sourly at the younger Furuhata sibling, who guffaws openly at her as he tries to mediate,

“Ladies, please settle down, we’re disturbing the rest of the establishment. As for tracking down bad rumors, I appreciate the help, but really I can handle it on my own.” Wrapping her arm around Unazuki’s, the snazzy sleuth purses her lips at him before asking,

“Are you sure? You’ve seen me fight, so it’s not a problem. If it’s a male pride thing that’s just silly. We all have our specialties, you shouldn’t have to put up your dukes if you don’t have to.” Shuichi’s smile is genial as he assures,

“I will be fine. Besides, silly rumors are nothing to get arrested over, you realize.” Snorting with humor, Minako boasts,

“Who's gonna turn me in? How embarrassing would it be for them to tell officers that a spunky teen tore them a new one?” He pinches the bridge of his nose as Unazuki giggles and adds helpfully,

“She’s got a point!”

“No, she most certainly doesn’t. Such archaic ideas will get you into trouble, Mina-san.” Waving a hand, the messy imp brushes off his concern as she digs back into her parfait,

“Well one thing is for sure, someone knows about you and possibly has bad intentions. I’ll help watch your back!” Humming around the giant bite of deliciousness, Minako doesn’t notice the sigh of surrender across from her, as her seatmate eats her own parfait beside her. Deciding the conversation was at an end, the inquisitive civilian queries eagerly,

“So! How long have you two known each other?” Being as her mouth was busy with savoring her dessert, the mysterious businessman answers for her,

“For two and a half days, give or take.” Unazuki gasps then squeals,

“Eh~! Two and a half- but you two don’t act like it!”

“Yes, well, it’s difficult to be a stranger with that one.” Swallowing her mouthful, the social butterfly grouses,

“Hey! I’m a person, not a thing, Shuichi-san!” The orange colored ponytail bobs while the sassy, T.A. graduate crosses her arms as though pondering while she notes,

“You’re not wrong.” Jaw dropping, Minako whips toward her bench partner to scold,

“Mou! Whose side are you on, Una-san!”

“The honest one!” While the media darling’s brows curl lightly, he chuckles to himself while diverting them from arguing further.

“It has most certainly been some of the most adventurous two days I’ve had in a while.” Pointing her spoon at him, Unazuki observes candidly,

“I can imagine. Not many realize the amount of energy hidden in Mina-chan. Speaking of hidden, what happened to the rest of your parfait?” Both redheads blink when they stare at her nearly empty 20 centimeter (7.87 inches) tall glass as Minako replies airily,

“I ate it all, where else could it have gone?” Shuichi grimaces as the playful worker’s eyes widen in mounting awe,

“But it’s only been seven minutes since I gave it to you…” Snorting in humor, the agent of good food lifts her chin and resounds,

“Yeah, that’s easily enough time to go through it.” Surprisingly, it’s her newest acquaintance who ponders sickly,

“Did you even taste it?” Puffing her cheek at him, Minako huffs before answering,

“Of course, and it was divine~!” Stars explode in her eyes as she holds her hands to one cheek, swooning over it’s taste as Unazuki wonders,

“Alright, but why did you eat it so fast?”

“Uh, so I could get to the cherry pomegranate layer?” Both of her booth partners are quiet for a moment, expressions hidden by their fringe as the speedy eater looks back and forth between the two. “Uh, guys?” A sigh escapes the waitress by her side as she flops onto the table, face touching the surface as their longtime friend cries in confusion,

“I just don’t understand that logic! Why don’t you just request they switch the layers around?” Looking at her like she said something completely impossible, the affronted star retorts,

“Because it’s funner this way! It’s like opening a present! I have to go through a few more delicious layers to get to the yummy finale!” A bark of laughter cuts off anymore conversation between the two as Shuichi throws his head back, holding his stomach and gasping,

“Like presents? That’s why you had it made that way? It’s incredibly clever, even if it is a little strange for something like food, of all things.” Chuckling the last of his humor away, he looks directly into Minako’s doll-eyes as he praises, “It’s such a unique way to see things. You have an incredibly outward way of thinking Mina-san.” Her cheeks alight with heat as he gives her that heart melting smile again, adding, “You may not be a good study, but your mind isn’t suffering that loss. It’s refreshing really, and reminds me of a friend of mine.” Perking up further at the mention of some of his history, she wonders eagerly,

“Oh yeah? They apply weird logic to things too?” Lips tilting indulgently, he explains,

“Oh yes, and as with you, he certainly hasn’t been at a loss for it.” Both girls are watching him in awe when the after school athlete snaps to first, turning to their dumbstruck busgirl while chiding,

“See, I might not have better scores, but I’m still smart in my own way!” She doesn’t notice the look of adoration on his face, nor Unazuki catching it and gawking in shock. Flicking orange lashes, the older girl looks back to Minako before conceding,

“Alright, you might not be book smart, but you should still keep up some studies. Like my uncle always says, ‘You never stop learning!’ So just because you’re not dumb, don’t get cocky!” Winking at her lax booth mate, the red ribboned fighter grins and wags a finger while agreeing,

“Yeah, yeah. Ami-chan always says that too, so I’ll keep it in mind when I have some free time in the studio. Put that brow away!” The higher tester raises her brow in a knowing manner, recalling Minako’s bad habit of brushing studying aside. They’re both startled when a breathy baritone intercedes,

“Don’t worry, I can always help her with some of her studies if she wishes.” Both girls turn toward the saintly office worker, one with teary lapis gems, the other new bud green as Unazuki agrees,

“Yeah, she could probably learn a lot from having another good friend.” Taking a look at her watch, she sighs before standing spryly, “Well, my break is up, so enjoy the rest of your trip and be safe! Trouble likes to find you Mina-chan, so try and keep Shuichi-san out of it!” Pooching her lips dourly, Minako objects,

“I don’t get into it all the time!” Wagging a finger at her playfully with one eye closed, Unazuki rebukes,

“Usa-chan says otherwise~!” Waving a hand at her offending finger, the actual-literal trouble magnet smiles cheekily as she relents,

“Fine! I’ll stay safe, but we’re gonna have to talk about what Usagi-chan said, considering she’s a little tale-teller and embellishes details in her stories.” Chittering lightly, her rumor-hoover friend cheers,

“For sure! Thanks for coming,” turning to their booth buddy, she continued, “and it was nice meeting you, Shuichi-san!” Nodding politely as he leans back, responding cooly,

“It was a pleasure, Furuhata-san. And thank you for having us.” Beaming brightly, the bubbly youth cheers lightly,

“Not at all! It’s always nice to see Mina-chan and the girls! All of you will have to come together next time.” Smiling brightly, Minako promises,

“Next time I’ll bring them. Until then, take care Una-san!” Waving cheerily at their retreating waitress, the energetic foodie glances toward Shuichi across from her and titters,

“So, how are you liking this city so far? Is it pretty different from where you’re from?” Crossing his knee over the other, he relaxes further and drinks the last of his tea before answering,

“It’s certainly more busy, but it’s not terrible. Even with the size, it sacrifices little of the nature I’m used to in Sarayashiki. The people are incredibly nice as well, it’s better than I could have imagined. And thanks to you, I have many more acquaintances than I would have on my own.” Shrugging easily, she scoops some jelly out of her nearly empty glass, stuffing the spoon between her lips and talking around it.

“It’s nice to not feel alone in a new city, and although I’m sure you’d be fine, it’s good to have people to go to for questions or companionship.” The smile that moves her heart so swiftly returns as he murmurs,

“Yes. I believe you are quite right.” Pink suffusing her ears, she finishes the last of the parfait, nodding when he asks if she wished to continue. As they approach the counter with their bill, she insists she pays this time, citing, “Considering it was a surprise trip for you, you weren’t prepared to pay for this. And mostly because I can’t resist their parfaits, so I’ll get this bill!” He looked slightly bewildered for a moment, but strangely his tension eases while he relents,

“This time.” Grinning at him, she turns back to the cashier who smiles appraisingly at them. After leaving and moving down a few blocks, she motions toward a door and pointing up, indicating another building which the town’s newest cutie could utilize. Greeting the patrons, their once rescuer voices her request, and as before, they agree readily and the two head on up. Taking out his map, Minako points to the spot they are now before asking,

(Hikari - Utada Hikaru)

“You notice something about all the roofs we’ve visited?” Sparkling emerald studies everything in the distance, particularly…

“The Tower of Tokyo is visible on all of them.”

“Yup! So if you do lose your way, just come up here and see where the tower is compared to where you need to go.” She circles on the map where T.O.T is located with a pink pen she managed to find in her purse. “All you really need to know is the location of the place you want to go, what direction it’s oriented from the tower, and if you keep a compass with you, you’ll never get lost in the city.” Nodding in appreciation, Shuichi comments,

“You’re quite good at this.” She grins softly as she admits,

“You gotta be when you can leap across the sky.” Her cheer vanishes for a moment as she gazes into the distance, lapis irises lid part-way as she focuses on the building across the street. The eyes she felt earlier are moving away, along with her chance to possibly find out more information on her companion’s attackers. Without turning back to him, she inquires, “You know how to get back to your apartment from here, right?” The Guardian of Love hears his confusion as he affirms,

“Of course, but why are you-”

“Someone’s been following us since we ate dinner. They finally left. If I follow them, I might be able to learn more about the guys who are after you.” There’s a sharp intake of breath before she’s spun gently toward him.

“You shouldn’t go after them alone! It’s foolish to run into a situation before knowing any details!” The romantic senshi finally flits lapis gems into worried verdant, knowing flecks of gold glittered within the depths as she declares,

“If I leave them now, we may not get a forewarning again.” Capturing his eyes with her own, she insists, “I’m a soldier first and foremost, Shuichi-san, this is my life, the military life. As such, my first and greatest duty is the protection of her, so If there are any threats to her or the world she loves, the people she’ll one day love, I will find them, and I will eliminate them. No matter what I stand against.” His lush gaze grows with emotion, many of which she can’t identify, not yet, as her beloved debonair asserts,

“Be that as it may, I can’t allow you to do this alone-” Pushing herself onto the tips of her toes, petal soft lips tangle with his firm ones to cut him off, and that strange, intimate energy passes through them in a delicious coil. This is so strange, I don’t recoil from him as I did Ace. Even with all my training to react negatively to sensuality, he… A twinging pleasure builds between her thighs, feeding into a hunger she had never allowed herself to quench with another. I like this feeling, this sensation… but this is not a path that I can take.

It’s forever closed to me.

She pulls back gradually, reluctantly, their mouths making a gentle sucking sound before they get carried away. She slips away easily, hopping up on the ledge of the maintenance storage while glancing down at the back of his head. Stunned ivy irises swing to where she stood as Minako calls out,

“Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!” Overwhelming love flows through her, consuming every part of her being as she twirls within. Donning her guardian uniform, Venus stares sadly at him, entreating, “You shouldn't have to waste your life worrying about a silly girl who protects this world from greedy darkness. And…” Smiling in melancholy, she wishes heartfully, “You should be worrying about that secret job of yours, not over someone attacking you at any time. I’ll take care of it, Shuichi-san.” Snapping out of his shock, he shouts in concern,

“No Mina-san! Wait! You haven’t fully recovered yet!” Pressing a kiss to her fingers, a heart appears in her hand and she throws it to him, the heart landing on his cheek as she winks and jumps away. Knowing that the little bit of energy she imbued into him would keep him safe, she felt secure leaving him on his own now as she dealt with their newest ‘stalker.’ Glaring darkly past the glowing, settling sun, the gilded warrior catches sight of her target 20 meters (65’) away. He’s going incredibly slow if I could catch him this quickly. What’s he up to? Although she didn’t bring him with her, she took Shuichi’s advice seriously when he told her it could be dangerous. It’s always dangerous for me, but I will overcome anything to keep everyone safe. Especially… Her cheeks color as she recalls the quick kiss the enamored warrioress just stole, touching her lips tenderly before focusing on the task before her again.


I used this site as a reference for dishes in the actual Isoya Taikoma restaurant.

Irasshaimase いらっしゃいませ - Traditional Japanese greeting to customers. Literally means, “Welcome to our store.”

Onegai おねがい - Please

The uniform I chose for this restaurant is one I found here,

Tochinomi とちのみ - Chestnut

Oshibori - a wet towel which is used to clean your hands before eating.

Itadakimasu いただきます - thank you (for the meal just served); I receive (this meal)

Tataki - たたき: raw/very rare skipjack tuna or beef steak seared on the outside and sliced, or a finely chopped raw fish (Japanese jack mackerel or Sardine), spiced with the likes of chopped spring onions, ginger or garlic paste.

Iwanori Shirasu Rice - A popular dish in the Shonan region of Japan made with shirasu, or baby sardines.

Sashimi - is a Japanese delicacy consisting of fresh raw fish or meat sliced into thin pieces and often eaten with soy sauce.

Chawanmushi - literally "tea cup steam" or "steamed in a tea bowl" is an egg custard dish found in Japan. Unlike many other custards, it is usually eaten as a dish in a meal, as chawanmushi contains savory rather than sweet ingredients.

Miso Soup - The base of traditional miso soup is a simple combination of dashi and miso. Dashi is a basic Japanese soup stock, made with dried bonito flakes, kelp and anchovy. Dashi is used extensively in Japanese cooking. Miso is a fermented paste created from a mixture of soybeans, sea salt and rice koji.

‘Turn every mistake into a lesson’ is something Naoko Takeuchi had down as Minako’s motto, so I decided to add it here!

One sad thing that’s quite noticeable about all these guys is… they don’t usually resolve the scars on their hearts. They just keep moving, never stopping for consideration (Often times they can’t, afterall, there’s no time to stop and think about how fucked everything you just saw and experienced was as the world’s ending). So even though they work with their partners well, there are a lot of old wounds just festering in their minds. Say what you will about them having ‘super minds that can just deal with shit,’ with the exception of Kurama and Hiei, all of these guys began their journeys at 14, 13 for Mina. And really, even Kurama and Hiei have their baggage that wasn’t fully dealt with at the end of the series. So honestly, this is like a train crash waiting to happen o_O

So throughout both series, they either change the names, or reverse the names of the places they cite, so I like doing the same :) That’s where Tower of Tokyo comes from, or as Mina nicknamed it, T.O.T.

Chapter 5: Occam's Razor


Nudity Warning!

Gaijin がいじん - Foriegner

Senpai せんぱい - senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate;

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Darkside - Lindsey Stirling)

Landing several buildings away when the guy stops in a park, a few street lamps lit the area, and yet darkness lingered at the edges, almost alive as it clawed eagerly at the light. Ooh, creepy. If there were anywhere bad guys would gather, I suppose… Minako watches closely as the figure glides through the lamplight, before standing at the edge of the glow. He’s studying something, voice slightly pitched and unhinged, before leaping toward the treeline and scuffling with someone else there. There’s a bit of screeching and howling, before a figure is tossed into the lamp, denting it and slumping with a groan to the ground. Before the stalker could get in the final blow, she throws her crescent boomerang, slicing through the air in front of the ghoul when it dodges her attack. Although no real damage was done to its body, she still cut through its shirt.

Jumping down between the two, her golden hair sashaying around her hips as she glares darkly at the malicious entity. “You just damaged city property, on top of crippling someone! That is unforgivable!” Pointing to her tiara, she cries out, “I am Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Venus! Guardian of Love and Beauty! And in the name of Venus,” she moves her hands to her side before pointing with one hand at the figure cloaked in night, her other moving to her hip. “I will punish you with Love!” A mad cackle answers her speech as the stomach curdling voice goads,

“Oh~? So you’re Sailor Venus~! My, my! What a scrumptious little thing you are~!” Ocean blue irises bleed to gold as she bares her teeth at him, a voice behind her coughing wetly,

“Ugh, what a creep!” Reminded of the guy who’s injured, she calls back quietly,

“Are you okay?” A snort answers her first before a playful, deep voice jokes,

“Well, I’m not dead yet, so I’ve got that goin for me. And a beautiful warrior is standing between me and my would-be executioner, so honestly, I’m probably one of the luckiest bastards alive at the moment, so thanks for that.” The embodiment of Love huffs lightly as she quips,

“If you have the energy to joke, you should save it for staying alive, dummy.”

“Aww, and name calling me already? I’m both flattered and wounded by your words, Ojou-sama.” Huffing, she keeps her stare pinned to the perp while chastising the one behind her,

“Just save your breath, flatterer.” The one in front of her sniffs the air, expression curious before contorting into a hideous grin as he keens,

“Oh hoh~! What a delectable scent! I’ve never smelled something so enticing before! I simply must have a taste!” Minako is shocked by his speed as he crouches before her, his hands gripping her hips as his head nears her skirt. Molten irises glinting with venom, she backhands him across the face, forcing him to release her legs, and kneeing him in the jaw for good measure. Absolute. Bastard! Grimacing lightly, she looks down at her wrist, which now has bite marks carved through several layers thanks to the cretin who now lay some meters away. This guy is such a… Gritting her teeth, her ki flares brightly from her anger, frightening the man behind her if his cry of ‘kuso!’ is anything to go by. She knows he won’t be hurt, but to the two unused to her power, it’s probably a pretty intimidating display.

However, instead of crumpling like she thought it might, the disgusting pig in front of her groans and licks its lips pervertedly, smearing the traces of her blood across his chin. “Oh… such sweet nectar, and yet not as satisfying as your, honey, would be…” Minako feels it’s sad eyes trail from her stomach to the tops of her thighs hungrily, inciting her to scowl furiously and shout,

“Not in your life you nasty thing!” Not wasting any more time being ogled, the astral warrior charges and shouts, “Venus,” kissing her palm and winking, she grabs the energy and throws it while roaring, “Love and Beauty Shock!” Her gilded rose chains twist and writhe toward her target, skimming the beasts shoulders and side as it narrowly avoids being impaled by them. When she gets close enough, she clenches her left fist not holding her chains, and waving the hand that did, had him arcing away from the brilliantly burning purity. Narrowing her merigold gaze, she builds energy in her right palm, and when within range, she just knew the creep would try grabbing her again.

Timing it right, as the idiot had stepped within her range, she pulled the chains back, causing them to flex downward. When he takes the bait to bend around them, she delivers a fierce uppercut that has him flying into the chains that have rounded back from her motions, a scream of agony erupting from him. Flicking her wrist, she twirls the chains in a shrinking spiral around him as they draw back to her, lancing its flesh like a knife through butter. When the ends snap together, the kinetic energy blasts the monster away from her and into the tree line outside the lamp's light. Leaning back into a military straight stance, her chains coiled at her feet, she glares darkly at the area the body was tossed, while the man she was protecting goggles,

“Shit lady! You are one hell of a whip wielder. Using one is hard enough, but three!” Sighing in exasperation, she looks over her shoulder at her cheerleader, irises roiling with yellow topaz as she chides,

“Thank you, but just be quiet and recover!” Feeling its vulgar, beady eyes skimming her form, the incensed soldier timed it right again as he pounced from the trees, and right into her knee to its nose. Cringing when it screeches in anguish, she quickly spins into a roundhouse kick, sending it flying into the bushes again, and silencing the beast’s noise. Fuming darkly at the area she had just tossed it, she states to the injured man, “He’s likely going to run now, so I’ll need to leave you. Will you be alright on your own?” The guy coughs wetly as he replies flippantly,

“Go ahead, Ojou-sama. I’ll just… relax here for a bit.” Nodding, she runs toward the tree line faster than any normal human should, leaving the man laying limply against the bent up lamp.


____________ ~Kurama~ ____________



(Ningen no Dougu/ Human Tools - Yuki Kajiura)

“Man… that was one hell of a woman. Y’know… it’s kind of cute how you’re looking out for her.” A smooth baritone dips into a rolling growl,

“Do not speak of what you do not know.” The impudent man grins cheekily before needling,

“I know if I had a chance with a woman like her, I wouldn’t let her leave my sight either.” A blade is pressed tightly to the yōkai’s neck, Kurama’s energy fluctuating in agitation as he puts his hands up. “Whoa! Easy there, I was only jesting. No need to take this so-”

“Tell me why two demons would be fighting to the death in the middle of a human city.” It’s clearly a demand, not a question, though the apparition didn’t seem truly worried about a grass blade to its throat. Shrugging, he answers wetly,

“I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I guess. Nothing much to it. That, or…” he looks at the forest meaningfully, before adding, “I got too close to that guy's hunting grounds.” Removing the blade from his throat, the crimson haired fox moves around to the front, finally getting a good look at the slumped figure. Curling shoulder length black hair, chin length bangs, and a cocksure smirk across his sharp, human looking face; he would be quite handsome, if he weren’t fraying Kurama’s already unraveling nerves. Glaring darkly at the unfortunate soul, he warns,

“I don’t have the patience for games at the moment, so if this turns out to be another of your ‘jests,’ rest assured, you will wish for a quick death.” The pest waves large hands, sweat dropping heavily as he chokes,

“Roger! Uh, give me a sec, my ribs are almost knitted back together.” Turning and staring off to the woods, the critical warrior waits patiently for the fool to heal enough to move, using his ki to probe for more problems. Although no other living energies stand out… there’s several traps laid, magic and regular. And… Glancing down at the recovering stranger, he notes the nearly imperceptible difference between this one’s energy, and other yōkai. He’s not quite a normal yōkai, yet he’s not human… I wouldn’t have realized had I not been checking for traps. A few moments later, the mysterious demon sighs in relief and stands back up, brushing the blackened, raggedy cloak he wore off. Kurama motions with his head toward the forest where the man had said the hunting grounds might be, and seemingly confused, the dark haired spirit asks,

“Aren’t you gonna follow them? Make sure she’s alright and all?” Smirking darkly, the rogue investigator remarks,

“After what she demonstrated, I sincerely doubt she’ll be injured. Moreover, she’s more likely to obliterate him with her energy alone.” He can feel the admiration in the stranger’s tone as he recalls,

“Yeah, she got pissed and flared her ki. For a minute, I thought I was a goner. Never felt that much purity at once and have it not burn like a mother-”

“She’s quite precise, and only seeks to destroy those she deems a threat. She’s very protective of her friends.” His temporary partner blinks at him as Kurama turns, hands stuffed in his pockets, to head toward the woods the sick yōkai’s scent came from. He hears the others light footsteps as the man concludes,

“Like you.” Pausing in his strides, the enchanted fox looks over his shoulder at the taller demon,

“Yes, and?”

“I just think it’s pretty cool you have such a powerful ally.” Scoffing at the disregard of her personage, he corrects,

“Her power is nothing without her kindness, as you previously felt.”

“Which brings me to my next point, are you sure we can leave her on her own?” Quite irritated with the rambling demon, he turns to spurn the man directly when he notices the concern etched into the others features, gazing in the direction Venus pursued her target. “I mean, yeah, she’s hella strong, but that guy, he was a piece of work.” Now anxious himself, he demands quickly,

“What do you mean?”

“That guy wasn’t expecting her to drop in, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have traps laying around here. Like the one I must have tripped to let him know I was nearby.” Clenching his hand in his pocket, the thief turned businessman concedes,

“There’s a chance she may be heading toward something of that sort, however…” staring into the woods where the apparition was leading him, Kurama advises, “Do not underestimate her. She is much more than just a soldier. If there is one thing you should learn about ningens, their conviction and faith carry far greater weight than any individual’s raw power alone.” Things are blessedly quiet for a few moments, until...

“Y’know, I think you want to be more than friends with-”

“Finish that statement, and your ribs won’t be your only concern.” Waving his hands in surrender down at the incensed fox’s back, he yips,


(I Talk to the Rain Live Version 2019 - Yuki Kajiura)

Weaving their way through the trees methodically, Kurama followed his senses and led them carefully around the traps, rousing a prying, “You’re pretty good at this, you maneuver around traps before?” Keeping himself from sighing in irritation, the restrained kitsune returns,

“I should think it’s obvious.” The man sighs himself before stating bluntly,

“You really don’t like me do you?”

“I don’t like unknown variables. You and the other one are such things.” And you act like someone familiar, but that’s not always a good thing. The dark haired man nods before agreeing,

“That’s understandable. So I’m guessing you aren’t a surprise kind of guy then?” Huffing, Kurama confirms,

“No, I’m not.” They reach a clearing, and lying in various states of decay are the bodies of several humans, mostly female as both stare with narrowed eyes,

“Yeah, this is definitely not the kind of surprise anyone wants.” Frown etching itself further onto his mouth as he reveals,

“Most certainly, considering this is evidence of the first case of a demon murdering humans in the past four years.”



____________ ~Minako~ ____________



(Nowhere - Yuki Kajiura)

The determined warrioress feels every nerve in her body like advanced machinery, no slip or space between parts as she pushes her senses as far as they can go. Although her body burns steadily from her muscles working, it’s that pleasant, high kind of burn you get from pushing your body to its limits. Legs cycling lithely, her molten eyes stay glued to the shadow hopping from tree top to tree top, mind working furiously as she tries to figure out his game plan. He’s probably leading me to a trap, the freak. Time to turn the tables. Gritting her teeth, she takes aim and shouts, “Venus, Crescent Beam!” Her aim and time perfect, she nicks it’s leg and causes the thing to falter, missing the branch he intended to land on.

Rushing toward the falling figure, she shouts, “Venus, Love and Beauty Shock!” Kissing her palm and flicking her wrist, first downward then back up, causing a ripple in the three chains to arc toward the body. The form twists, barely dodging the ends, but thankfully, she was prepared. Taking her crescent compact, she shouts, “Venus Crescent Boomerang!” Just as she’d planned, it slashed open the slippery cretin’s shoulder. His scream of pain echoes in the forest, disturbing the night fauna into the dark sky. Standing tall before the bent over creature, she growls,

“End of the line buddy, now fess up. Why were you following the redhead?” She hears a few swears beneath its breath before the beast snears,

“It’s… a... secret~!” Baring her teeth in anger, she snarls,

“Then I’ll ring it out of you!” Grabbing the chain from her waist, she nearly has it wrapped around the sicko’s neck, but another set of eyes focus on her back, causing her to shift her weight to her left leg. Dodging to that side, burning canary tourmaline pierce the scumbag behind her as the avenging senshi throws the weaponized compact, the attack sudden as they had thought they caught her off guard. Her resolute gaze is dispassionate as the smell of flesh burning finally fills her nose, the literal backstabber throwing something at her feet, light and sound distorting her senses. Arms crossing in front of her face to protect from attacks and the light, she tries to use any other perception to keep an eye on her opponents.

(I Talk to the Rain 2019 recording - Yuki Kajiura)

Much to her dismay, when the disorienting light fades, the two monsters are long gone, forcing her to clench her fists and teeth in frustration as she tries to find any more of them. Turning her body to and fro, she finds no trace of them left as she hisses, “Damn, I can’t believe I lost them!” The wind combs strongly through her marigold locks, the sliver of moonlight glinting starkly off the silky strands like the burning rage in her eyes. Letting the Whip of Love dissipate into glittering sparks, she glares heatedly into nothingness as she promises darkly, “I will do everything in my power to keep him safe. You can count on it!” Focusing on her power within, she teleports from the spot in the forest to a few buildings away from Game Center Crown.

Ensuring there was no one else around, she teleports inside and stands before the Sailor V Game, nodding to the character who winks back. The floor slides open to allow her access to the steps as she heads down into their Lunar Command Center. Walking up to the console, the Soldier of Love directs the system, “I need the recording of my fight a few moments ago, and any other disturbances this evening analyzed. Energy fluctuations, temperature differentials, and any other material I could use to triangulate those figures’ positions.” Standing before the Lunar supercomputer, she hears a voice confirm,

(Here Slow Cover - Junna)

Yes, Sailor Venus. It will be done... Why don’t you get some rest and come back tomorrow evening? You have work tomorrow as well.” Sunflower flecked ocean waves narrow as she snips,

“How can I possibly worry about sleep and work when there's a monsters like them on the loose?” The room’s quiet before the system responds,

You are already at your limit Sailor Venus. Your vitals are haywire and the adrenaline rush will wear off soon. You need rest, your human body requires it. You will be no good to us too exhausted to stand, let alone fight.” She wanted to fight, her soul called for it, but she knew Boss was correct. She could already feel the weariness down to her bones, despite her training, yet she still wasn’t quite convinced.

“...If anything happens, you will alert me, whether I’m awake or at work, right?” Another pregnant pause before it assures,

Yes, Sailor Venus.” Nodding, Minako turns and begins to walk up the steps before stopping and calling out,

“Goodnight Boss.”

Goodnight, Lady Venus.” Releasing her transformation before she comes out of the arcade, she jumps when a white feline falls to his feet before her.

“Where have you been Mina! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Blinking lightly, she quips,

“Finding trouble. My mission was successful by the way.” Artemis grits his teeth while yowling between them, impressive.

“You find enough trouble as is! You don’t need to be in anymore!” Holding a finger to her chin, she becomes serious as she informs him,

“I came across some real creeps today. One even bit me.” Revealing the deep bite marks on her wrist, he gasps,

“Oh Mina… if only the healing chamber was functional...” Shrugging, she brushes her thigh length hair off her shoulder as she begins the trek to her comfy apartment.

“I hadn’t intended to break it, you know. It’ll probably heal in a few days, anyway, so quit worrying.” The devil-may-care fighter notes light kitty pads on the cement behind her preceding the sound of his posh voice,

“Mina! I can’t stop worrying about you! You get hurt so much, and I can tell you’re worn out.” Oh Artemis… Looking over her shoulder at him, she smiles warmly before replying,

“Thanks Artie. That’s sweet, but I’ll be fine. I just need a little rest now is all.” She can feel slit spring green irises stay on her back as she turns back forward, the feeling of love and worry weighing them between her shoulders. Lapis lazuli gaze at the line of moon left in the sky, doll eyes glowing as they seek answers for the events of the day. Finding herself mesmerized by the last bits of light, she simply allows her body to guide her back home, energy slowly bleeding from her body as he follows her silently. When they reach the apartment door, her catty advisor asks quietly,

“Who was the man you dragged with you?” Ah, there it is. Beaming at the memory of the beautiful and mysterious Shuichi, she recalls,

“He’s someone I keep running into. For the past three days we somehow, some way, keep finding each other. It’s like… a strange dream I don’t want to wake up from.” Going inside, she shuts the door behind her advisor, exhaustion sinking in as she hears her partners voice pitch while he scolds,

“Mina… it sounds almost like-”

“You know I can’t, Artemis. I...” Using her bangs to shade her face from view, Minako begins unlatching her bra, slipping it and her shorts, leggings, and underwear down her legs, stepping out of them as she whispers tiredly, “Is it wrong to want to make friends? To protect an innocent from harm? To...” Pulling her t-shirt over her head, she walks toward her pile of laundry in a basket, honey hair falling loose when she unties the ribbon, swaying like a halo around her hips.

It’s such a unique way to see things. You have an incredibly outward way of thinking, Mina-san.”

Raising her head to stare at the hanging moon once more, she ends with a melancholy, “...want someone new to notice me, for me?” She knows if she weren’t so fatigued, she might have even cried. Not a chance. Aino, Minako doesn’t cry. Grabbing some mismatched pajamas and slipping them on messily, the forlorn guardian hears a soft sigh and a sad lilt,

“Mina…” Climbing tiredly into bed, she grabs some peroxide and bandages from a bag by her end table, dumping a generous portion of the liquid on her wound. The sizzling sound and slight pain not really registering as she wraps the bandages loosely and ties them off.

“Goodnight, Artie.” Feeling a small weight by her hip, she hears a quiet,

“Goodnight, Mina.” Finally allowing her body to relax, ocean blues slowly close and allow the awaiting nightmares to take her.


___________ ~Next Day~ ___________



(Sanctuary Mree cover - Utada Hikaru)

(Kawaii Takurami - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

Minako knew she would wake up tired, it was about 2:30 when she finally got home, but she felt like her body was ready to give out. I guess that’s what happens when you get about 30 minute naps between nightmares on top of waking up five hours later for a year straight. Sitting up blearily, hair a tangled, curly mess until she could run a brush through it, she yawns loudly, only slightly disturbing the Artemis pile on her bed. He was still sleeping surprisingly, so doing her best not to wake him, she slowly crawled out from under the blush colored, gold heart print bedding, a perfect find for me! The heated floors made mornings more tolerable as she gradually awoke, arms up in a fantastic stretch as she glanced around her room. The ceilings were taller than a normal apartment, being a studio LDK, feeling empty compared to her tiny old room, even with all of the things from home. Though Arty complains I should be growing out of my old girly stuff, the killjoy.

Two shelves sat at her bedside, filled with her favorite plushies, to spite him, but now she also had a few awards on top, along with some pictures of her travels and friends. Above her bed was a sheer, half canopy lined with fairy lights, the new-in-thing with girls, which she had to have, to her resident fuzzball’s irritation, and some fake vines to make it feel a little more cozy. A window covers the wall to her right, which had a rococo-style-painted-folding-screen, what a mouthful, to block the light out in front of it. The images were some sort of classical paintings, three different ones for each panel, and all featuring nude ladies and cupids, the norm for the era. Too bad it isn’t that one. The mythical being herself thought it hilarious how skewed the legends had become in the modern era, even as new ones were created, and also misinterpreted. The embellishment of oral tradition.

She had asked who the artist was, but all the gift-giver, one Sakurada Natsuna, could tell her was that it was called ‘Goddess,’ which suited her just fine! I’ll have to have someone look at it to figure out the artists. It was a house warming gift, and pretty intricate, meaning a huge price tag, to which the superintendent general had only laughed, ‘The guy owed me a favor, so think nothing of it!” I wonder what that guy did to have to owe Natsuna-san… A few leafy potted plants decorated her apartment, some hanging, a few sitting on the floor unobtrusively, courtesy of Mako-chan, of course. Though Minako had to set an alarm on her phone to water them, or ask the plant enthusiast herself to come care for them when the famous starlet was on tour. Though she chose ones that didn’t need much watering anyway, thankfully. A mural decorated the wall a meter or so to her left, light pink camellias grew from the bottom, over the top of a pastel mint blue background and yellow butterflies fluttering around the cups of the flowers.

It’s perfect for me, considering the different colors I can match with it! The walls were a simple cream color, a walk-in closet, powder room by the entrance, and high security, though that didn’t stop problems from happening within. Does it ever? It would be pricey if she hadn’t known the owner and hooked the landlady up, sometimes giving her free VIP backstage passes to Minako’s concerts. Sometimes it pays to be famous! Not to mention connecting her gracious landlord with a ‘close friend,’ Sailor V, to solve a few cases discreetly throughout the complex. Thieving neighbors and property destruction, mostly, though there was that one abuse case, which I put a stop to real quick. So now, with all her contacts, she was sitting pretty, or standing in her case right now in the walk-in closet, enjoying all these luxuries at a steal.

Running a brush through her ends gently, Minako groggily works her way up to keep from damaging it, studying her collection to figure out what she wanted to wear today. Dresses? Nah, I want comfortable, too stuffy. Shorts? Maybe… Or~ compromise with a skirt! Tops? Underwear… Gathering her outfit for the day after taming blond locks, she pads sleepily into the shower, putting her clothes in one of the alcoves and plucking her PJ’s off clumsily. Grabbing some ‘wake up’ bath salt from her self care collection, she runs the tap to a nice, warm temp, tossing some of the orange and rosemary infused soak in. Leaving that to set, she plopped on the stool and began lathering shampoo in her hair after running the sprayer over herself. Going through her bath routine blankly, she puts her hair up and nearly falls into the tub when she tries to climb in.

Okay, tipsy, take it easy there. A slight burn caught her attention, reminding her that she does have some puncture marks on her wrist, which were apparently irritated by her scrubbing and choice in essential oils. Too bad! I like this smell so deal with it! As she lounged in the warm water, which was turning a bit pink, she looked at her hands which shook beneath the surface. Gritting her teeth, she clenches her fist before loosening it and running her fingers through her hair. Focusing intensely, the shakes disappear before Arty could notice, and nag on her for being so careless. Pouting at the thought, she stares into the sandy tiles surrounding her, eyes closing for just a moment…

Endymion… Are you taking their side? Over your own people?

The horrified soldier startled awake at the flash of a sword, but there was no one there, only the remnants of a memory that repeated in her head, along with two others. Stupid nightmares. Huffing in frustration at herself, she splashes water on her face, inhaling the yummy scent to help clear her recollection’s odor. Breathing in deep, she exhales slowly through slightly parted lips, allowing water to drip from her body as she stands from her quick dip. Towel drying quickly, she puts on a sheer cyan jacket, pink scarf tied cutely behind her neck, monochrome tie dye sleeveless tank with a giant daisy in the center and the text ‘kiss me I love you’ at the bottom, paired with a doily chiffon skirt. Finished looking decent, she applied some hair oils and blow dried her silky tresses, her lidded gaze reflecting back in the mirror in her powder room, her makeup was sprawled out in a mess because she really didn’t want to dig through the bag for anything right now.

And I still have to get dressed, do poses for the photo shoot, go over that new ad, and go over the songs for my new album… Ugh, can today be over yet? Worn out from everything, she just applied enough concealer, a touch of foundation and no shadow, considering she’d get a new look once inside the studio. I need a vacation… Hair now dry, she brushes it again and puts it in two pigtails with braids, picking up her white kitty purse from the corner of the room where she tended to toss it, being her most used one, to Arty’s exasperation. At least I always remember where I put it. Grabbing the first aid kit she kept in here, she quickly disinfects and wraps her wrist, doing everything like Ami-chan taught her, but her bandaging job is… At least some of it is a little tight?

Shrugging, she slips on some black ankle boots over knee high dark blue stockings, eternally grateful for the wonderful invention of pocket dimensions, otherwise I’d lose all my stuff when I transform! Looking at her watch communicator, Minako gasps at the time, not enough to use the bathroom, let alone to eat, wah~ just thinking about food is making my stomach rebel... On her way out the door, azure gems glance toward the floor length mirror sitting before her front door, trailing her form critically before coming across her strained features under layers of makeup. Flinching at the sign of weakness, she huffs at herself, pulling her lower eyelid down at herself and sticking her tongue out.

Giggling lightly, she feels her spirits lift greatly from the silly face, even if she did look cute with braids done into her twin-tails. I think I’ll take the bus today, for a change in pace. It’s less attention grabbing than a limo or my bike, anyway. Turning to look over her shoulder, she waves her bandaged hand at a slowly waking Artemis and chimes, “I’m going! I’ll be back later tonight!” The concerned look on his face nearly gives her pause as he responds quietly,

“Be careful Mina.” Beaming benignly, she winks and blows a kiss, running out the door while hollering back,

“I will!” Glad that today she was focusing on modeling, and although oftentimes grueling to stay in one position, today she’d take it over recording or practicing a dance routine at the moment. Hopping onto the bus at the stop, she nearly doesn’t make it before the doors close, sighing in relief when none of her clothes are caught. Batting her lashes innocently at the peeved driver, the mischief maker grins and waves her injured hand at him, making the man sweat drop at the terribly loose wrapping. Sitting in a seat toward the front, she watches out the window and wonders if Shuichi found his way home. He’s a smart guy, he’ll be alright, and I also…

She recalls the kiss she blew to him, a little bit of her energy that’d zap any baddies that tried to hurt him. Can never be too cautious… Glancing down at the already unraveling edges of the dressing, the weary star huffs in exasperation as she lifts the sad and limp bindings up to her face before humming, “I’ll have to re-wrap them when I get to the studio.” Blond lashes flutter when she feels someone watching her closely, tilting her head toward the glass to look at the reflection, she notices a gorgeous redheaded woman staring at her. She looks like a pinup of Jeshika Bunny… She might be staring atmy sad bandages. Snorting to herself, she leans back and relaxes a bit against the seat, staring mindlessly at the clouds until the vehicle stops.

Lapis irises flicker as she focuses back on her surroundings, realizing she somehow zoned out for three stops and is at the one she needs. Hopping up with energy she really didn’t have, she darts out of the seat and through the doors, skipping toward the studio as she notices the stare still locked on to her back. Weird… is she some sort of enemy? Making sure to memorize the feeling, she makes it to her workplace just in the nick of time. Leering at the racket, the receptionist hisses, “Aino! Quiet down! There’s no need for you to crash through everything!” Rolling sea blue waves, Minako chirps,

“But how else will you know I made it on time? Watch, if I come in quietly one day, you’ll think somethings wrong!” Groaning, the older yet still pretty woman behind the counter slaps it with a fan before nagging,

“Just get in there! They’ve been waiting for the past ten minutes now!”

“Hai~!” With that, her extraordinarily agonizing day began with, of course, being scolded by Oshira-san, her choreographer for her injury.

Oshira-san’s real name is Oshima, Rakii, combining her first and last name to make Oshira, or ‘Pushy Orchid.’ She’s a definite ‘Tiger Mom’ because she’s always on our case about one thing or another, even more than the manager! But she’s got a weakness for sweet and salty snacks, so most of us bring something in when we know we’re going to be late, or do something to make her angry. Ebony irises narrow severely at her, prompting her to wave with her floppy bandaged hand and earning gasps from the rest of her crew. Too bad I don’t have any peace offerings for her today…

“Aino-san! What in the world happened to you?” Sweat dropping as the bright fashionista padded forward, her good finger scratching her cheek as she lies,

“Uh… I got bit by a wild squirrel in my apartment?”

Why are you phrasing that like a question?”

“Because it looked like a squirrel, but it was hard to tell through the panic.” Even though her expression was severe, the ‘Pushy Orchid’ was really pretty, with long dark hair held in a high cone-like bun on her head, and bangs shoulder length in front of her ears. She even had a beauty mark below her left eye, and though she’s strict, she’s still a pretty nice person, she just holds everyone else to her own standards, which are really high.

“I don’t even know what to do with you sometimes…”

“Help me wrap this better?”

“I suppose that’s a start.” Rosso-san, a shaggy dressed middle-aged man with darkened sun glasses, indoors mind you, shuffles over with a med kit, smiling slightly as he jokes,

“It happens, kiddo. At least you lived to tell the tale, not everyone survives a vicious squirrel attack!”

“Mou~! Rosso-san! I can tell when you’re teasing me!”

Rosso-san is a very strange man, like that weird, but loveable uncle everyone talks about having on TV. He's a gaijin, but because his Japanese is flawless, we can't tell where he's from, and he always says it's a secret that even our CEO Saitou-san can't reveal! He's really nice though, other than the teasing! He’s our wardrobe designer, and a really good one at that, but he doesn’t wear anything nice himself, he just likes making pretty and cute clothes for us. She’s reminded of what he told her once, and though strange, she just rolled with it as he explained to her,

I love old European fairy tales, but rather than be a prince or princess, knight or villain, I rather liked the fairy-god-mother characters. Doing magic and making the princess and prince pretty while cheering them on made me happiest! Call me the Mulberry Godmother!” She giggles airily as Oshira-san grumbles at him for nearly dropping the box, his hand coming up to rub the back of his shoulder length, kinky walnut hair. We don’t know why he likes mulberry either…

Another teen walks up with a giant box on wheels, looking almost like a tool box for cars, but bubblegum pink and filled with cosmetics instead, her hair a mousy brown, but in twin half tails and cut just below her jaw.

“Here, let me do your makeup while we get you fixed up for this shoot.”

Tomi-chan is our resident makeup artist and your typical teenage girl; boy chaser, gossip girlfriend, idol worshiper, and study truant, but she also speaks her mind without hesitation, and doesn’t mind getting into trouble for it. We get along for the most part, but she’s really opinionated and sasses everyone equally, including me! She’s like the rebellious younger cousin you both can’t help but love for that attitude, and hate when she turns it on you!

Senpai, did you get punched by the squirrel? Because that concealer is just barely keeping your dark circles hidden. You’re lucky I’m a magical girl with makeup or we’d have a real problem.” Exactly what I mean! She can be such a brat!

Tomi-chan~! Rude~! You could be a bit more sympathetic to my pain! It’s not like I want to be attacked or sleep-deprived!” Nonplussed, she pulls a few things from her giant kit to begin making Minako over while sighing theatrically,

“I’m sorry your beautiful skin is suffering from your brutal rodent assault and active imagination. My suggestion? Over-the-counter drugs and eat more fresh fruit or veggies if you can’t rest. But don’t do hard drugs, it dries out your skin.” A compliment, an insult, and unwanted advice… thanks Tomi-chan…

“Mou~!” Of course the jokester king has to pipe in, and not in her defense,

“Cut her some slack, Tomi-chan, she’s under a lot of stress! Can you imagine the horror of being attacked by a cute, and nearly harmless, long tailed rat?’”

“Next time one gets in, I’ll call you to get rid of it then!” The chin length sandy brunette, who looked more like a star himself with his bomber jacket, partially unbuttoned purple dress shirt, and jade earrings with a matching jade choker, grinned cheekily.

“Sure, if you’re not incapacitated first!”

Darehara-san is the nickname we came up with for our cameraman, which means ‘who’s stomach’ because his belly announces when a session is ending, otherwise he complains about food the whole time. His real name is Harasaki, Daren, and he’s an absolute pain. He’s constantly teasing us, and a terrible skirt chaser, but he’s an incredible photographer, videographer, and editor. A rarity for all three, to our surprise. And although he tends to get distracted by women and his stomach, he’s not a bad person, never forces anything or chases after girls when they say ‘no,’ and has gotten into trouble protecting the girls here on a few occasions, of which they’ve become incredibly grateful that I know Natsuna-san and Wakagi-san. Puffing her cheeks up at him, which has her apparent ‘mahou shoujo’ whine in frustration, Minako grits,

“It caught me off guard! That won’t happen again, so I’ll have plenty of time to drag you over to get it!”

“Ya know, you could become the first squirrel wrangler! I bet your popularity would skyrocket if you pulled off a stunt like that!” Tomi-chan chokes between giggles,

Oh my gosh, do not say anything like that in front of Saitou-san, he might actually try and get that angle!” Rosso-san chuckles faintly,

“No kidding, and possibly ruin Mina-san’s career indefinitely, rather than bolster it.” Darehara-san rubs his scruffy chin while pondering,

“Hmm… I bet there are other squirrel wranglers out there.” Squigly brows twitch in exasperation, which has her makeup-guru make a noise of irritation as she moves back with puffed cheeks, fussing,

“Stop wiggling so much, Mina-san! You’ll make me smudge your makeover!”

“You're asking the most dramatic member of our studio to actually do the impossible, Tomi-chan.” Their manager, Tachi-san, adjusts his square glasses, shifting short, layered mahogany tresses, not a piece out of place on him as he stares her down with sharp hazel irises,

“Aino-san, don’t fight with any more animals, as many can carry various diseases, some can even…” A dark shadow crosses his face while his glasses shine and obscure their ability to look him in the eye, “Cause you to lose your hair, teeth, flesh, and more often than not, can also lead to organ failure, of course.” They all sweat drop in silence, his seriousness not waning at their horrified and disgusted expressions, all of them wondering the same thing as their dirty photographer asks,

“Uh… you’re joking, right?”

“Not at all.”

Tachi-san is the cool-as-a-cucumber manager and scheduler. And though he jokes, sometimes it's really hard to tell because he has such a good poker face, and super cheating glasses. Like how when we ask what city he's from, he says he's a French nobleman, but he never speaks it, even when we ask, so we're pretty sure he's never been there… Not only that, as cold as he seems to be, he does care about us, both legally and in a strange, roundabout emotional way.

And~ this is only part of the studio team, Cool-Glasses manager, Tiger Mom, Mulberry Godmother, Magical Makeup Brat, and Dirty Camera Man. There’s much more to them, and even more members to be introduced, but this will have to do for now. I’ll explain more later on when I’m not so tired… Sighing while holding her features still, the exasperated performer hums,

“I’ll try not to...” Moving only lapis gems around the big studio, she wonders, “Where’s Saitou-san?” Their personal fairy godmother bobs his head faintly after he grabbed the first wardrobe she was going to pose in, answering lightly,

“He went out after a phone call. If I were to guess, he’s setting up another gig for you.” He’s not here now, but Saitou-san is our CEO, Sugao Saitou. Interestingly enough, he’s a busy body, never able to stay still or just sit at a desk, he’s on his feet and always interacting with people. He’s really flamboyant and theatrical himself, and tends to overreact to everything we say or do, as though his life depended on it. This company is actually called Saitou Company, but that’s lame, so all of us here call it Kaizen Agency instead, to his dejection.

“He does know there’s only one of me, right?” Without looking up from his clipboard, Mr. Manager comments offhandedly,

“He’s probably hoping you'll multiply before then.” Steam blows out her ears as her eyes blow from the embarrassment, prompting Tomi-chan to cough on a breath and stop embellishing her canvas, both whipping toward him as she chokes,

Oh my gosh! Is that in her contract?” Not helping, Gossip Girl!

No! Who in their right mind would sign that?” Minako’s only would-be-savior was, at the moment, struggling for air as she nearly screeches,

Shocho! That would be absolutely scandalous! The public would be outraged!Unharried, Tachi-san writes something on his clipboard while explaining calmly,

“You all jump to such silly conclusions. Perhaps he was expecting her to bud like a plant, or just split apart like some of the more interesting myths, or… he’s planning on making a cloning facility. Whatever the case, we’ll just have to work around only having one Aino-san… For now.” Sweat dropping with a huge flush, her facial artist flopped onto the toolbox with an incoherent squeal as Minako thinks,

This is going to be a long day…

Two hours of photoshoots in sitting and standing poses for a popular fashion magazine, and moving locations in the studio, switching props and backgrounds for an advertisement with a new ‘game changing’ lotion called Puku Puku. It sounds cute, though. Going over the songs for her new album, which included ideas for subjects, deciding on an overall theme, planning for the cover and deciding if it’ll be commissioned by an artist or if they'll do something themselves, not to mention sharing the lyrics she had already written for some of them. By the end of the day, her breathing was heavier, her body feeling a bit cooler than normal, and pins prickling her fingers, earning her remarks from their commander-in-mellow-delivery.

“You’re not doing so well today, Aino-san. How long have you been having trouble sleeping?” Waving him off lightly, she huffs,

“I’m fine, they’re just nightmares. They’ll go away eventually.” Blinking, he stares from over his square glasses while informing her,

“Some say dreams are our mind's representation of the subconscious, so struggles in dreams, or in this case, nightmares, are hurdles you won’t face in the waking world. So instead, they interrupt your night's rest.” Sighing irritably, the sour media darling huffs, her bangs flipping up from the air passing between her lips,

“Thanks doc, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I don’t think anyone would want to be your doctor, Aino-san.” Gaping for only a second, she hisses back in annoyance,

“Hey! Are you saying I’m too messed-up for help!” Adjusting his spectacles smartly, he retorts,

“If the shoe fits, Aino-san. But not to worry, all of us have problems. Yours just happens to bowl everyone else over with you.”

“Mou! Thats-” A commanding, yet smooth feminine voice cuts in quickly,

“Alright you two, enough of that. Shocho, we need a new schedule written up since Aino can’t perform the rest of the week. Aino, no more getting too close to wild animals, they will bite.” Pouting at ‘Tiger Mom,’ She whines petulantly while baring her teeth,

“I didn’t corner it! It cornered me!” Oshira-san sends a pointed look at Minako before reminding,

“Whatever the case, we’ll need to adjust for this now.” Tomi-chan’s girly, yet chill tone admits,

“We’re just teasing you, senpai. We’ll work around this somehow, because that’s what makes us professionals, right everyone?” She beams and nods in reassurance at the starry eyed performer,

“Thanks Tomi-chan! I’m glad you’ve come to my aid!” Darehara-san’s stormy bass sounds from a few feet away, drawling,

“Y’know, now that I’ve thought on your little ‘squirrel problem’…” Both girls groan as she flails angrily,

“You’ve been thinking about that his whole time?” Their supposed ‘French nobleman’ raises a brow at her while asking,

“You’d rather he think about his stomach?” The ‘stomach’ grins at her while rubbing his chin in thought, ignoring their commentary and gloating,

“We called it something different when I was younger. So it’s ‘bitten by an animal’ now, hmm?” Everyone pauses, before swinging to look at him as he grins cheekily. She questions suspiciously with narrowed eyes,

“What do you mean?”

“Oh, y’know, young love and all that!” The girls squeak in embarrassment, Tachi-san sighs painfully while ‘Tiger Mom’ growls ferociously and whirls on Minako,

“What~! Aino! Is that true?” Gaping at the complete betrayal of expectations, the double-crossed idol nearly screeches,

“N-no way! What is wrong with you, Darehara-san! I thought we were done talking about this!” The stubble covered man laughs uproariously while everyone else chitters in excitement and worry. Huffing angrily, She pouts while groaning, “Mou! This is way too deep to be an out-of-control secret boyfriend! I’m out!” A chorus of chatter echoes at her from behind, but she’s beyond worrying about what any of them will think now. As if I can have anybody! Getting on the bus to get back, she doesn’t feel ‘Jeshika Bunny’s eyes on her anymore, giving her a bit of relief. Plopping onto the seat, sunny lashes close for only a moment, and once again, the stops pass her by without her notice. Popping up straight, she looks around frantically, unsure of which stop she’s at until the person behind her pipes up,

“We’re at Sendaizaka.” Not looking at them, she whips out of her seat as she calls,

“Thank you!” Dashing off the bus before it moves again, she nearly bounces on her way home, desperate to just flop down in bed and nap for a bit. If only I could sleep for more than half an hour at a time. Pushing her key in the lobby door, she feels her small boost of panicked energy begin to wane, leaving her stomach dropping heavily as every step feels cumbersome. Why am I so tired? Is my wound infected? Deciding to check on the bindings when she finds her room, she stumbles into the elevator and leans against the back, trying to gain her equilibrium back. A ding brings her back into consciousness, sending a jolt down her spine as she fumbles through the hall, heading toward her door. Almost there! Gritting her teeth, she finds her apartment, and after missing the lock a few times, pushes the door open and falls inside.

Feeling a paw on her face, blond lashes flutter as azure meets frightened flower bud green. “Mina! What’s wrong? What’s happening to you Mina?” Heaving a breath out, she pushes herself onto shaking arms, kicking the door closed as the worn warrioress mumbles,

“It might be infected…” Before Artie can say anymore, her blood runs cold as a deranged voice intones,

“Oh? So you are a human! And a weak one at the moment!” Glaring heatedly, she growls,

“No thanks to you! What did you do to me?”

“Nothing much, just left a present for you in the wound. Now that I’ve found you again, we can become one sweety!” Grabbing the crystal from her shirt, she shouts,

“Venus Crystal Power, Make-up!” Her transformation takes him by surprise as he doesn’t move, nor look away, instead staring greedily at the ribbons and stars enveloping her clothless form. When her attire reappears, she points a finger angrily at him as she cries, “I won’t let your darkness plague us anymore! In the name of Venus, accept Love’s punishment!” The creature looks giddy, grin nearly splitting it’s hidden face as it crows,

“Ah, that wonderful scent! I must have it! Give it to me!” Dodging his attack, she watches in horror as he takes a wall down, exposing the neighbors to the frightful show. Feeling her heart lurch, she screams at them,

“Get out! Get everyone out now!” The family runs frantically, holding one another as they fly out the door, shouting to the others around them. Sweat drops from her temple as the worn guardian struggles to maneuver around the thing’s frantic attacks, each one more desperate than the last. And with each miss, more and more walls crumble until only the corners of the room remain. He wrecked my apartment! My beautiful apartment! Feeling herself slow more and more, she pushes her body harder and harder to keep up, ending up moving around it feverishly until a blow finally lands to her stomach. Smacking into one of the few remaining corners, the other supports follow suit as the thing cackles, screeching,

“Soon, soon! You’ll be mine soon!” Closing one gilded iris, Minako tries to sit up on her knees, pushing against the floor with all her might. A crack resounds in her ears as she tries to look up quickly, only for everything to go dark. Awakening to the sounds of chaos all around her, she grits her teeth and pushes herself to sit up, realizing that she managed to land in a corner, preventing her from being crushed by the collapsing building. Artemis! Looking around frantically, she coughs dryly before differentiating the cacophony of sounds around her.

“Mina! Mina! Please, answer me!” Artie! Pushing herself out of the corner she was holed into, she drags herself up to her feet, groaning,

“I’m here Artie! I’m over-”

“Please, help me!” Realizing someone else was trapped nearby, she chokes on dust before calling out,

“I’m almost to you, hold on!” Expanding her senses, she feels several more energies nearby, and several more pinned below. Oh, no! I have to get them out of here! In a flash, a man with white hair and a crescent moon on his forehead lifts the rubble from the woman in front of her, pushing it aside and kneeling down to assess her injuries. She’s about to approach when the echo of a cackle comes from behind her, forcing her to turn and catch a blade with the nightly vigilante’s Crescent Mirror. Artemis’ posh voice grows frantic as he screeches,


“Go Artie! Help the other people here! I’ll hold him off!” She’s shocked by his strength as he tosses her into a plane of flooring, her body bouncing bonelessly as she shouts in pain. Feeling a body crawl on top of hers, she glares maliciously with glinting yellow topaz at it, finally getting a good look at his face. It would pass as a human if it weren't for its eyes being completely blacked out, and the three crests of flesh running vertically down from its hairline. He had a defined jaw, but when he opened his mouth, another was hidden inside and snapped at her face while he keens,

“Oh, you’re so pretty! So good I could gobble you up!” Cringing in disquiet and pain, the embodiment of Love seethes,

“Get off of me you creep!” Drawing her right elbow to her left shoulder before bringing it into his temple ruthlessly, knocking him to the side, allowing her to shove him off and leap away. Quickly scanning the area around her, she doesn’t feel any other energies on the premises, including Artemis, feeling immensely grateful for that. Focusing back on the monster in front of her, she glares at the creature that stumbles to its feet, cackling in a cliche’d way as it charges. Jumping easily over it, she hadn’t expected it to predict her so well, and was entirely unprepared for it to toss rubble and dust at her. Covering her face with her arms, she doesn’t see him come for her, nor with her senses frazzled does she feel him near.

Within moments, she’s pinned beneath something solid and heavy, suffocating slowly as pain radiates throughout her entire body. I have to get out of here! Please, take me someplace safe! Using every ounce of ki she can muster, the particles around her energize and within moments, the weight is lifted from her, leaving her rag dolled on cool tile. Choking on a breath, her transformation dissipates as her street clothes wrap around her once more. Ugh… where the hell am I? Knowing she couldn’t rest just yet, Minako pushes herself up tiredly on her elbows, not able to see a thing in the darkness. Where’s the light? Dragging herself to a wall, she lifts herself onto shaking knees, hand wandering the wall until, luckily, it hits the lightswitch.

With illumination, her ‘safe haven’ is a bathroom, quite ordinary and was previously clean, but was covered in red. The heck? Did I teleport myself into a murder scene? Sleepy eyes wander around and find the trail following, scarily, her. It’s now that she registers a throbbing pain in her waist and looking down, realizes she’s bleeding. Dammit, not on my clothes! Putting a hand to it, she grabs the towel she saw moments ago and presses it to the wound. Picking her clothes off gradually, a struggle to be sure, she finally gets herself unclothed and, low and behold, she hears a door open. Great, now somebody’s going to get a peep show. Preparing herself for someone to find her, she’s quite startled to meet wide emerald irises, scarlet forelocks drifting lightly with his movements, and wild waist length layered locks looking more heavenly by the moment. My safe haven...


Notes: Too many notes XD


I took a note from Togashi’s naming convention and was like, ‘Yeah, that sounds good’ and looked up meanings later and made a few of their personality quirks around it.


Oshima, Rakii, or Oshira - Oshi おし - push; pushing; authority; forcefulness; boldness; audacity; persistence. Rakii is her first name, so taking ‘ra’ 蘭姫 -which means "orchid." The nickname means ‘pushy orchid.’ A lot of times in Japan, they’ll combine the first and last name of a person to make a unique nickname, and even get a meaning from it.

Tomi 富美 - Tomi - means "wealth." 美 means "beauty."

Darehara だれはら - Dare だれ - Who, hara はら means abdomen, belly, stomach. - Daren - means "who." Harasaki 原崎(はらさき) meaning meadow, original, primitive, field, plain, prairie, tundra, wilderness./ meaning promontory, cape, spit.

Tachi 太地 - means "thick." means "ground."

Saitou Sugao is a reference from PGSM ^ - ^


I think the senshi’s energy sensing abilities come from knowing an energy. When the baddies first attack, their energy is new and not anything they’d faced before. But human energy is something that remains mostly the same between normal people.

I was sad to see Boss not used again in Sailor Moon. It's such a mysterious figure, but I figure it has to be someone with knowledge of the senshi’s training, knowledge of the senshi themselves, only interacts with Sailor Venus and Artemis, and must be someone between Queen Serenity and Sailor Venus in military position…

So I’ve changed Mina’s apartment a bit. Before, it was based on the info I’d gathered about idols, and how little money they actually make compared to what they sell. But in PGSM, she’s pretty well off, using limos, dressing all fashionably, so I decided to go with the ritzy life she lives in PGSM more, plus for the reasons Mina names in the story, she managed to nab one from a fan of hers and some mini-quests for the troubled tenants. (Like several games where everyone groans at the fetch quests from NPC’s) Plus I got to have fun and look up stuff to throw in her room to describe, and inevitably get destroyed (TдT)

Mina’s room design was inspired by this artwork,

The freaking perfect bed comforter for Mina!

Mina’s apartment is based on this,

LDK is living, dining, and kitchen all in one room.

Mina’s folding screen,

Wall mural,

You’d be surprised when the first cell phone alarms were available. In 1994, they had the IBM Simon, which you could put into alarm mode, and was the FIRST smartphone!

Bath salt recipe,

Was researching and found this little informational,

Pinup - a poster showing a famous person or sex symbol, designed to be displayed on a wall. The word was coined in the 1940’s though the practice was documented in the 1890’s.

Jeshika Bunny is a reference to Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Can you guess who she saw ;)

The Idol life in Japan,

I want to write a bit more about the talent agency Mina works for later on. Honestly, I don’t know much about the idol industry, so I did a bit of research, watched a few youtube videos from some ex-idols in the business (It’s some messed up stuff, lemme tell yah) here’s some links if you wanna see the dark side of kpop,,,, So, after getting a bit angry about all the real world stuff, I turned to Show by Rock for inspiration. Plus PGSM has her as an actual idol, but she’s a solo artist, and it only skimmed the surface of the idol world, so I wanted to expand it a bit.

Rosso-san aka, ‘Mulberry Godmother’ can mean a few different things in a few countries; It can be an American shortened form of Greek Rossos: of Italian origin, although usually assumed to be an ethnic name from Rhōssos 'Russian'. A surname that means ‘Redhaired’ in Italian (northern): from the adjective rosso 'red' and can be used as a nickname for someone with red hair, a red beard or a ruddy complexion and also as a personal name.

Tachi-san aka, 'Cool Glasses Manager' description by Mina was inspired by yyh4ever's translation of Interview from the "Yu Yu Hakusho Official Character Book Reikai Shinshiroku" (2005)

Q: "I heard from a friend that Kurama has a model, but what kind of person is he?" (Mari Ishikawa, Ibaraki Prefecture)

A: "This was written in the postscript of the Weekly Shonen Jump Table of Contents. The model for Kurama is a friend of Togashi-sensei. It seems that he's a quite peculiar person, such as claiming being a French aristocrat even though he's Japanese." <- THIS IS THE INSPIRATION FOR OUR SEXY FOX BOY EVERYONE XD

Chapter 6: Late Night Revalations


Nudity Warning!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mina's Injuires

Art by @alicezap

(Inari’s Song)

He’s quite surprised when he gets home from work late, having stayed to finish a few things before the next morning he didn’t want waiting for him, only to smell blood permeating this floor of the complex. Moving closer to his door, he realizes it's not just any apartment. It’s mine. Unlocking it swiftly, he steps inside and closes it quietly and re-latching the mechanism only to freeze in recognition. It’s her blood! Flicking on the lights, although he really didn’t need it to know that blood was present, and following the stronger scent, runs to the bathroom and finds it open. Quickly pushing his way in, he’s startled to see the playful woman leaning against the tub’s base, a blood soaked washcloth held to what he assumes is the wound. His shock is compounded when he realizes she’s completely naked.

Swallowing and turning his head away, Kurama inquires, “Are you alright Mina-san? What happened?" He hears her laugh quietly to herself before answering,

“Eh… I kinda got myself in a bind…” Huffing with laughter, despite the ominous situation, he chides,

“Yes, I noticed. What I want to know is do you need some help?" He must have surprised her, as there’s silence for a moment before her warbled reply,

“I’m terrible at this, so yeah, I’m gonna… just. . ." her voice peters off, forcing him to look back at her and swiftly catch her before she fell. Blood begins to soak into his white dress shirt sleeves supporting her limp body, her silky golden tresses roll softly over his arm, stained scarlet from her injuries. He can feel a frown pulling his lips down, concern etched into his movements as he sets her carefully onto the tile floor, wrapping the towel around her waist and tying it. From the feeling of her energy, she was completely unconscious, so he felt safe to use his yōki to repair the majority of her wounds. She doesn't seem to know the difference between reiki and yōki just yet, and I'd rather keep it that way.

Rolling the dirtied sleeves up to his elbows and pressing calloused hands to her bare stomach, he pushes his energy into the injury and for a moment, he felt some resistance. A warmth pulses against his arm, her soul reaching out to caress him softly, sensually. He stops, the powerful energy swiping his cheek playfully before laying to rest again, leaving him reeling. What is this energy? It feels so familiar… And better yet, how is she doing this? For most creatures, the ghost protects the soul, and yet she’s able to bypass it and touch his own. I hadn’t known anyone else could manipulate their soul to such an extent. Yet it’s not the same as mine, it must be utilized in another manner.

Shaking crimson locks aside, he focuses again on the weeping hole in Mina-san’s side. There’s no struggle this time, in fact, it feels almost like… she’s deriving pleasure from this… Leaving him to once again struggle against the taste of pheromones in the air. A gasp resounds from her, soft head turning slowly to expose her slender neck. Emerald irises fleck with cold honey yellow, pupils dilating as they lock on to the unprotected, smooth flesh seemingly submitting to him. She is going to drive me to madness… The spirit fox puts a lock on his roiling instincts while he continues to pour youki into her.

Going into a meditative state to push his senses that her spirit stirred aside, he ignores the physical stimulus surrounding him and picks apart what he knows of the situation. Her wound is far too wide to be a normal weapon, it looks more like… some sort of pole? Perhaps a spike? The only other major injury was the wound on her wrist that smelled of another demon’s poison. Glaring darkly at the memory of the repugnant creature, he ensures to disrupt the scent’s signature and poison with his ki. You shouldn’t have been involved… I’m sorry, Mina-san

When the wound is little more than tender, healing pink skin on the surface he slows his energy to a stop. Pulling away his hands he exhales through his mouth, and before the little temptress could ensnare him again, he stands and leaves the room. Going to the closet, he grabs some large towels and a washcloth, and goes back to her side. Putting a towel over her midsection to give her some privacy, and avert temptation, he reaches over and fills the tub with warm water while he puts the other on the towel bar for later. Though I don’t want to get blood in the tub, it’ll be easier to soak her than just spraying her down. Slipping his arms beneath her back, he’s careful to wrap the towel around her chest and waist, his other arm going under her legs and lifting her against his chest.

Placing the unconscious senshi gently in the water, there was already some blood washing away making this grueling task much easier on him. Kneeling next to her and taking the wash cloth nearby, he soaks it easily with one hand, the other holding her upper body against him as he begins running the cloth gently over her. Starting with her shoulders, in hopes that the water would just wash the rest of the blood below away as he works, he pauses when he examines her right shoulder. The claw marks should be here… there’s not even a blemish, let alone any open wounds. It’s only been two days, there should still be something. Turning her to rest more on his shoulder, Kurama moves her waterfall of gold hair aside to peek at her back, noting no marks there either.

Leaning her back to rest easily against his arm, he can’t help but note her soft countenance as he considers this new discovery. Perhaps she does have some sort of healer. It’s been less than two days since I treated her. Calloused fingers prod the area on her neck gently, her head lolling toward him more followed by the curtain of satin, some strands curling sweetly against her pale cheeks. Gently sweeping the cloth across her face to wipe away any remaining dirt, he’s surprised by the amount of make-up she used on her face, but not just for beauty purposes. Incredibly dark purple bruising under her eyes reveals how she may have been injured so badly. How long have you been avoiding sleep, Mina-san? Better yet, why?

Feeling slightly exasperated at the trouble magnet, he can’t help but smile tenderly at her aquisice to him for treatment. She knew she could heal elsewhere, and more so knew I wanted information from her. Yet she still indulged my curiosity. Finally closing his eyes and allowing himself to sigh aloud, he mumbles humorously, “You, Mina-san, are quickly becoming one of the most fascinating creatures I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, in all my years. That is quite the feat." Reaching over her with one hand, he gathers some soap he mixed himself on the saturated cloth and lathers Mina-san’s shoulders. The scent of tea tree, sage, rosemary, lemon grass, clove, rose, ylang ylang, and sandalwood permeate the damp air, cleansing most of the air of her blood and pheromones to his relief.

I’ve seen many people, interacted with many, but I have yet to meet someone with her particular qualities. Perky, flirtatious, shy, determined, kind, fierce, protective, honest, and with her utilization of her own personality as a weapon, she’s quite resourceful as well. After washing most of the blood off, the charmed botanist pulls the stopper from the tub to empty the muddied water to fill it with a clear tap. However, her exhaustion has been her downfall, and now will likely take more time to heal. Frowning at the thought, he slows his motions, emerald eyes going unseeing as he feels a chill go down his spine.

She would go so far to protect me as to fight while in this state… Likely knowing of the foolishness and still proceeding. Once the tub was filled enough, he took the sprayer over her head gently, honey fringe swept back while avoiding getting too much on her face. Why would you risk so much to protect a veritable stranger, Mina-san? He’s surprised by how distraught he’s become over the thought, lips tightening along with his breath as he runs his fingers through her silky hair to ensure saturation. He finds himself relaxing from the motions, perplexing him further as the ball in his chest loosens.

(Sakura Flute Cover - Traditional)

(The Unknown - Bonnie x Clyde)

Interesting, I’ve only ever cared for my mother like this, and never to this extent. He’s torn between relaxing fully to enjoy the movement and pausing to analyze this new, bizarre feeling of contentment. Is it due to her soul touching mine? It feels like I lose control of myself with her… He studies her for a moment, the golden senshi’s soft features now at ease and breaths light through glossy parted lips. Had she truly tried to control me however, I would have known. No, her soul is only, curiously enough, nuzzling my own. But why? What could cause something like this? In all my years… wringing the water from her hair with his free hand, and gathering shampoo into his free hand, he begins messaging it into her scalp. I’ve never experienced something like this.

Lathering it into a foam, he slowly spreads it from the roots to the lightly stained tips, making sure not to tug too roughly on the strands. Bundling her sunny locks in his fingers and dipping her lower, Kurama rinses the soap out of her hair gently, and to his continued befuddlement, enjoying taking care of the bold warrior. Smiling wryly, he recalls what he told her before when the yōkai had been seeking him out. Trouble indeed, but there are still many things I wish to know, and unfortunately for me… After ensuring all the shampoo was cleared out, he grabs handfuls of satiny tresses and gently wrings them out, ensuring not even residue remained from her blood. This incredibly distracting woman has a few of the answers I seek.

Switching to the conditioner, he smooths it through her darkened, saturated hair, the motions easing him further. To his surprise, he hears her mumbling something in her sleep, an airy smile appearing on her lips as she nestles against his hand in her hair. Red lashes flutter for a moment, warmth curling around his demonic core steadily, a pensive yet soft look overcoming his concentrated features. When she stills, falling back into a deep slumber, he analyzes his own reaction to Mina-san. I find a defense against her sensuality, and she rebuffs me with my species’ equivalent of reassuring me. She can’t possibly know what such things mean to a yôko, an enchanted fox. Deciding that taking his time would fray his control further, he rinses the conditioner out by dipping her into the still warm water.

When her hair is clear of all soap, he pulls the plug on the tub, the gurgling sounds echoing loudly in the previous quiet as he lifts her out. Sitting on the stool, he grabs the towel off the sink and wraps it around her shiny locks, his attire becoming more soaked while he smiles wryly. I was planning on bathing when I got home anyhow. Now comes the hard part… Gently absorbing the water from her hair, he then wraps it around her shoulders as he lifts the one she bathed in. Tossing the drenched towel in the tub while the meticulous scholar takes care of his puzzling guest, he pulls the drying cloth from her shoulders to wrap around her form. Sighing lightly when some of his wild rosy strands stick to her shoulders, he pulls his hair around his neck to the left side, before maneuvering her to settle easily in his arms.

Lifting her from his lap, he stands easily and makes his way back into the bedroom. Stepping up to his western style platform bed, the king size makes her slight frame look that much smaller in comparison as he lays her down on the top of his white bedding. Returning to the closet, he grabs a spare dark blue yukata and moves back to her side, lifting her limp body up from her back. Juggling the clothes around, he manages to wrap her in the robe while keeping her modesty. Taking the soaked towel back into the bathroom, he puts the two towels into the sink, preparing to bathe himself.

Going back to her, he lifts her easily off the covers, shifting her to take all her weight in one arm, he pulls the covers down and lays her back down, pulling the blanket over her. Going back to his closet to grab a fresh towel, he looks back at the Guardian of Love resting in his bed, smiling lightly at the sight before turning and going back into the still damp washroom. Putting the dry towel on the bar, he unrolls his sleeves and eyes the blood stains critically, deciding they could be removed in a little while. Methodically unbuttoning his dress shirt from the neck down, he untucks it from his work pants to pull the dirty attire off and drapes it over the drying bar with the towels.

Stepping out of his dress slacks, he picks them up and lays them over the other clothes on the sink, grabbing the hinoki stool and turns on the sprayer, exhaling when the warm water peppers his skin. Going through his bathing ritual by body memory, he turns his ruminations to a list of things to do when he gets out. Now that Mina-san’s not facing the possibility of dying, I need to work on the stains in my clothes, nothing a little bit of demon strength soap can’t take care of. Now that he’s looking, Kurama sees a pile of women’s clothes on this side, blood covering every inch of them. And now I know why she was undressed. Running calloused fingers through his hair in both exasperation and to clean the rose locks of the conditioner he used. When the water runs clean from him, he turns off the tap and wrings his hair out, watching as the last few droplets land by his feet. Grabbing the towel, he pats the dampness from his fleecy locks.

Walking into the closet, he dries himself off and grabs a t-shirt and pajama pants from a drawer, changing efficiently and making his way back and grabbing all the soiled clothes, Mina-san’s included, and makes his way to the kitchenette. Plugging the sink, he turns the faucet on cold while the pragmatic businessman grabs a jar from one of the cabinets and measures it out. Dumping it into the slowly rising water, he grabs the pile of clothes and one by one, scrubs the mixture into the stains, watching as the blood lifts from them. Smiling lightly, he leaves them to rest in the homemade detergent after turning the spout off, drying his hands with the dish rag he kept near the sink.

(Emil, Sacrifice - Keichi Okabe)

Grabbing the cleaning spray, he gets to work on the ruby stains littering the hardwood floors. It’s not a giant mess, but there’s certainly splatters everywhere. Taking a dark washcloth, he begins to scrub the smaller spots first, spraying the bigger ones and leaving them to soak. Just as he was finishing up, he’s startled when he hears a cry of pain from his bedroom, moving swiftly to gauge the cause only to find her twisting in torment. Moving swiftly, he pulls back the blankets in case she somehow managed to injure herself, but found no open wounds, and smelled no blood. Quickly looking back up at her face, the compassionate demon finds it scrunched in agony as she whispers brokenly,

“Kunzite… please don’t… I don’t want to…” Blinking in shock, the implication of those words… did someone… Please don’t tell me. . . and I just… His stomach turns, fists clenched tight enough to bite his fingernails through his palms. Swallowing thickly, he calls out to her,

“Mina-san! Mina-san it’s okay, no one will hurt you!" Her whimpers continue, forcing him to move closer to try and shake her awake. "Mina-san! Please-” He barely has time to react, one moment his hand was touching her shoulder, the next he had to block hers from striking his carotid artery. For a moment, he doesn’t breathe, a bead of sweat trailing his temple as astonished emeralds meet horrified azure. A glowing mark appeared on her forehead, the symbol for Venus from his limited knowledge of foreign mythology. The most shocking thing at the moment though, wasn’t her striking out in her sleep. I didn’t really need to stop her, she had realized I wasn’t her attacker before she hit. Watching the fierce warrior carefully, he whispers gently,

“Mina-san? Are you alright?" If there is one thing in his life he never wants to see again, it’s this woman’s face consumed with abject horror. The hand near his neck is pulled away quickly, a flurry of merigold tresses all he can see for a moment as he hears feet pad swiftly to his balcony. Following the terrified guardian, he nearly shouts when he sees her unlocking and sliding it open."Mina-san! Please wait! I-”

“Please stay away! I might…” Her voice trails off, the melancholy he had seen before returning with a vengeance when she wraps her arms around herself, turning away and finishing brokenly, “It’s not safe to be around me." Kurama’s forest tinged stare widens as he comprehends her fear at the moment.

“I’m not hurt Mina-san. You don’t have to worry about that." The waning moon frames her silhouette ethereally as she looks over her shoulder at him, tears at the corners of anguished irises.

“...I’m so, so sorry. I didn’t mean-”

“I’m not hurt, Mina-san. Please, don’t fret over that. What I want to know is what happened? Do you want to talk about your dream?" She shakes her head quickly and looks away, gripping herself tighter, effectively closing him out with her body language. Frown tilting his lips downward, the concerned kitsune continues to watch her back silently, contemplating his options quickly. I don’t think touching her is a viable option, considering what the subject might contain. Talking with her isn’t yielding many results, so that leaves… should I? Mina-san begins to move toward the balcony, forcing his hand earlier than he wanted. Pushing his ki to reach out to her, he tenderly strokes her cheek, making her gasp and look back at him in surprise, her hand covering her mouth.

Ocean blues roil with several emotions, thankfully the fear he saw earlier had lessened, and was replaced with something like awe. Smiling gently, he murmurs, “There’s nothing to fear from me, Mina-san. Whether that’s hurting me, or being hurt by me." She turns toward him, a hand on her heart as she whispers in wonder,

(Emil, Sacrifice Cello Cover - Keichi Okabe)

“You… what was that?" Distraction success. Taking a few steps toward her, the soulful kitsune informs her,

“I used my energy to grab your attention. I apologize if it was uncomfortable." Her cheeks flush slightly as she looks away shyly,

“It wasn’t bad per say. It was…” Her other hand comes up, fingers spread while the index finger touches her lips, her blush deepening as she finishes, “It feels really intimate. I mean, we’ve kissed but-” She cuts herself off quickly, both hands coming up to cover her mouth as she flushes down her chest, inciting him to chuckle warmly.

“It is an intimate thing. Whereas most people interact physically, using our energy to touch one another is far more intimate. We’re touching each other with what is essentially our souls, our essence, without any such barrier." He’s nearly at arms length from her, her azure irises flit up to his verdant as the skittish soldier jumps slightly from his proximity. He stops before her, allowing her to come closer if she wants, but otherwise leaving space between them as he continues, “You were doing this to me before, don’t you remember?" Blond lashes fan softly, her head tilting cutely as she considers,

“I… did that?" As I thought, she wasn’t doing it consciously. Smiling lightly at her, he holds his chin and teases,

“Yes, whilst keeping my mouth busy." The color in her face darkens, and to his shock, her nose bleeds as well before her knees buckle. He moves quickly, catching her by her back and behind her knees, sighing lightly before chiding, “You may be awake, but you’ve lost much blood, and now… you’re losing a slight bit more. Please be more careful." He’s trying his damndest to keep from laughing as she puts her hand to her nose, as though not having realized it was happening. Picking her up easily, he walks to the bed and places her gently on the sheets, turning to grab a tissue from the box on his nightstand. When Kurama faces her again, doe-like delphinium blues peep up at him from beneath side swept golden bangs, despite the dribble of blood around her fingers, it was an entirely too endearing image.

(The Unknown - Bonnie x Clyde)

Making sure to sear the sight into his mind, the caring apparition smiles tenderly at her as he hands the napkin to her, asking in the meantime, “If you don’t want to talk about this, then how about how you were injured?" Wiping her fingers and nose with the tissue, Mina-san looks shyly to the side while mumbling,

“There was a guy, I guess a yōkai? That’s what the other one called him, he was waiting in my apartment for me… I let my guard down..." Running a hand through his red locks, he studies her carefully before pointing out,

“Your wound was conducive with that of a pole, although I’m not sure of the particulars." Cornflower blues flicker in shock for a moment,

“Wow, that was fast, Shuichi-san! Yeah, a pipeline went through me." He sweat drops faintly, ivy greens popping as he chokes,

“You… how in the world did you get yourself out of there?" Tilting her head and poking her cheek with a finger lightly, she responds,

“By teleporting of course. But it’s weird… this is where I ended up, even though I’ve only been here once." The cautious academic becomes pensive, deducing her choosing this place by nature itself.

“Since I treated your wounds and you touched my soul, you felt safe here I suspect. And I imagine in your sorry state, you unconsciously chose someplace you could heal easily." Her lips pop open, awe displayed on her visage as she squeaks,

“How do you know that!" Smiling teasingly, he replies cryptically,

“All creatures work by that logic. It’s simply natural for you to do the same." Blushing brightly, Love’s Guardian growls indignantly,

“Are you calling me an animal mister!" He chuckles lightly before joking,

“Ah, so you are paying attention! I was afraid your mind had suffered from your impromptu nosebleed." He’s quite elated when she tosses a pillow at him, the activity telling him she’s feeling much better. Easily catching it, he’s startled by his own bark of laughter when she hisses at him,

“Mou! You are such a jerk! I don’t know why I thought I was better off here!" Huffing the last of his humor away, he counters easily,

“Had you truly thought that, we wouldn’t be here, speaking now would we?" Her answering pout is too much, his shoulders shake as he turns away, nearly getting pelted with another pillow. "Alright, alright. There’s no need to torment the furniture for my transgressions, is there?" Without missing a beat, she answers glibly,

“Absolutely. Anything of yours will suffer with you." Running a hand through his bangs, Kurama shakes his head at her while inquiring,

“You’re the grudge holding type, aren’t you?" Grinning impishly, the little devil cheers,

“Yup! So don’t make me angry!" Que her stomach growling, as though in agreement and eliciting more laughter from him, much to her chagrin. Smiling indulgently, he turns and walks toward the kitchen, saying over his shoulder,

“Well, to avoid incurring your wrath, it would be best to give offerings wouldn’t it? I don’t have much on hand, but I have leftover fried rice and some eggs. How does omurice sound? It’s easy enough to make." He hides the excitement he feels at her answering coloring, nor the subtle whiff of pheromones she gives off that stirs his instincts into motion. It would be better to keep her from knowing about this part of me. Especially if she was assaulted in the past. His instincts would likely frighten her, and there was more to her story he wished to know. Smiling lightly, and knowing the reaction she’d have, he pulls a simple mellow yellow apron with spring green trim out of the drawer. He hears her gasp, before tinkling giggles fill the apartment as she asks,

“Where did you get that! It’s so cute!” Chuckling warmly, he replies easily,

“My mother got it for me. When I asked why she got this one, she simply said it was cute, and no one would see me wear it. Well, now you have.”

“Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but you make that apron pop!” Pulling the rice, eggs, and ketchup from the fridge, he sets them on the kitchenette counter, pulling oil out from one cupboard down below and plates from one above.

“Thank you. I don’t mind as it does its job well.” He’s about to crack some eggs to mix, only to raise a brow once again as she’s by his side. Holding back from sighing aloud, the concerned vulpine admonishes her, “You should at least stay on the couch, although your wounds are healed, you're still drained from the blood loss." As though just remembering, Mina-san touches her stomach under the robe, which was also still exposing the deep ‘v’ of her ample breasts as she asks,

“Oh yeah, how did this happen? It was a pretty nasty wound!" Closing his eyes in an effort to stave off his own appetite, he requests,

“Could you fix your robe first? It’s still parted Mina-san." A quick squeak followed by the most struggle he’d ever heard to close a simple garment ensued, making him sweat drop again. This woman is the very definition of chaos. However… he hears a small eep, more rustling, then finally she mumbles ‘I’m decent.' He smiles to himself while he thinks, she’s quickly becoming one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met, and I know quite a few characters. He almost didn’t understand it, so surprised was he by her sudden admission,

“Aino, Minako. That’s my name." Lush ivy irises grow and dart to her, her face pinks lightly as she looks away, one hand pulling her loose hair behind her ear before adding, “I mean, we’ve kissed, you’ve seen me naked, and you’ve helped me every time I’ve needed it,” her morning glory gaze slides to the clock on his nightstand, numbers flashing three in the morning, making her grimace, “even on a work night. And now you're cooking for me, I think you’ve more than earned it." Beautiful Child of Love, that’s her full name. Releasing a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, Kurama confided quietly,

“It’s nice to finally have a full name for you, Minako-san."


____________ ~Minako~ ____________


The way he says my name, it should totally be illegal! Minako can feel her cheeks flushing again, blond lashes flutter as she looks away with her hands on her cheeks. And why is he so happy to hear my name? It’s just my name, it’s nothing special… Azure gems flick back up to him, that absolutely gorgeous, warm smile on his lips while she states, “It’s not that amazing… Shuichi-san." The expression he wears next has her heart stopping, before stuttering to a start again when he rebukes in that breathy baritone,

“On the contrary. Your name suits you so well, Beautiful Child of Love." Feeling faint, she’s surprised when she feels his arms wrap around her, his clean and earthy, herby scent, which she now realizes that she smells on herself, drifts from him while a chuckle leaves his murmuring lips, “Perhaps I went a bit too far, hmm?" Pouting up at him, and the amount of power the pretty boy has over her, she sighs,

“It’s not fair! I want to help you…” She’s dazed when he sets her in a nearby chair, meeting a beautiful emerald gaze, her cheeks ablaze while he smiles gently,

“You are by talking to me. Cooking is quite simple, so keeping me company is all I ask for." Is that really all he wants? Or is he… he moves easily, no hesitation and no sign of exhaustion at all, it’s unbelievable. Distracting me? Ugh, why is this guy so hard to figure out! Pooching her lips out at him, and wanting to see him falter a bit, she inquires innocently,

“Really? You’re way too nice, Shuichi-san. You must have a hundred girlfriends running around here." She decides giddily that seeing his taken aback expression as often as possible was now her new secret mission; as the absolutely adorable widening of his lush verdant gaze, and smooth lips part in shock at her bold statement was just too delicious to pass up. She’s stunned when he recovers quickly, shaking that gorgeous scarlet colored hair in humor before turning back toward the stove, responding airily,

“Afraid not, I’m not seeing anyone at the moment." The media darling’s jaw drops open, shock vibrating through her body as she squeaks disbelievingly,

“Wh-What~! No way!" The busy cook jumps slightly from her voice to her internal delight, as it caused the muscles in his arms and shoulders to bunch delightfully, before he looks at her with a sweat drop on his temple, chiding,

“It’s three in the morning Minako-san, please keep your voice down." She nearly hops out of her chair to lean towards Shuichi and hiss,

“How can I be quiet when you’re single! That’s crazy!" Curling her fists in front of her chest and bouncing lightly in her seat, she continues heatedly, “That’s like saying the universe is against ugly and beautiful single girls! It’s devastating!" He turns toward her, the eggs sizzling steadily as the confusion on his face grows until he mumbles in bewilderment,

“... I’m not sure given any amount of time, I’ll truly understand where your thoughts and similes come from." Crossing her ankles, since she was momentarily forbidden from moving off the seat, she pouts at him while grumbling,

“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean? I thought it was a pretty apt description!" The put out idol hears him sigh as he turns back to the omurice, flipping it deftly straight from the pan to a plate at his side as almost an afterthought, landing perfectly of course. Puffing her cheeks at him, Minako glares at his back indignantly as she gripes internally, is there anything this guy can’t do good? This is the greatest curse to befall me, in any of my lifetimes.

“It means no matter how much time I’m given, it may very well be impossible to predict or fully understand anything you do Minako-san. I usually have a pretty good read on the people around me, and yet, you surprise me everytime we meet. Multiple times during our meetings." Honey lashes flutter in astonishment as she summarizes,

“You’re upset you can’t figure me out? That’s silly. Even my friends for years can’t figure me out." The charitable heartthrob looks startled at the revelation, as though she just stated the impossible before inquiring,

“You’re so unpredictable, even your closest friends can’t foresee what you’ll do?” Shrugging easily, she turns lithely in the chair to sit on it sideways, lapis blues rolling up to the ceiling in contemplation,

“Most of the time. I just don’t think the way normal people do. And I’ll have you know, Mr. Smarty pants, it’s saved me more times than I can count." Love doesn’t really think, she feels. Minako hears a huff of laughter as the last omurice is tossed onto another plate, the stove fire turned off as he grabs the two plates and turns to the counter she’s seated at. Setting the plates down and taking a seat himself after grabbing water and sets of chopsticks, he responds,

“I can imagine any opponent would find you difficult to fight. You certainly do have an interesting thought process, Minako-san." Puffing her cheeks out as she grabs the other pair of chopsticks, the astral sailor gripes,

“You make me sound like a science experiment… itadakimasu…” He chuckles lightly, shaking rosy locks and holding his own chopsticks as he assures,

“You aren’t, Minako-san. It’s just incredibly puzzling to keep up with your leaps in logic. And I want to understand you." Burning pink from his last statement, she turns away from beguiling ivy eyes, heart pattering she puts a hand to her cheek and queries,

(Still Learning - Halsey)

“Why do you want to understand me? Yeah, I’m Sailor Venus, but you…” He’s only been interested in the supernatural and... He’s been asking about me. Aino, Minako. After he somehow perfectly pops the food in his mouth, chews, and swallows his bite, Shuichi’s breathy baritone caresses her ears when he responds,

“But you are Sailor Venus, not the other way around, correct?" She feels a jolt through her body, sea blues popping fully to swing to his gentle verdant. She’s barely conscious of a hand coming up to her heart, cheeks flushed and mouth open to breathe,

“That’s…” To be seen as me, not Sailor Venus is… she can feel tears building at the corners of her eyes, her head bowed down as she tries to control her breathing. Even us, as senshi, don’t always differentiate between past and present. Sometimes I live as Aino, Minako who dreams of being a big star. But most of the time I have to abandon everything I’ve come to love once more to fulfill my true dream and duty. Gazing back up from under her side swept sunflower bangs, her heart panging when she met worried forest green, his whole body strung as though he were preparing to leap from his seat to her side. Seriously, how can such a sweet guy be single! It’s just not fair! To assure him, if only a little, Minako smiles sadly,

“It's… not that simple…” Looking toward the omurice before her, picking a piece of it and chewing slowly, she hums with a light smile as she compliments his excellent cooking. Gosh, can he be anymore perfect? All the while she contemplates how to tell him the complications of what she is. Swallowing the bite before he thanks her, she decides, “I am Sailor Venus, but at the same time, I’m not. Not the original anyway. I’m a reincarnation of the original Sailor Venus, the same soul, but now a different person than I was then. I’ve regained most of my memories of that time, and added to who Minako is here on Earth." Taking another bite, she’s not prepared for the exhale of breath across from her.

“One of your deaths. My apologies for bringing up such a dark subject." Shaking blond locks, she smiles wanly at him and soothes,

“It’s alright, it’s just… a strange situation for all of us. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish ourselves now from who we were then. Especially in the middle of a fight." A pang of recognition flashes across the absolute sweetheart’s handsome face as he recalls,

“Like how much more sensual you are when transformed. I suppose that’s influence from your original self." Nodding and taking another bite, she adds,

“And how sometimes even in my civilian form I seem a little… eh… different?" His smile turns mischievous as he teases,

“Ah yes, like kissing strange men to keep your secrets." The surprise-lip-locker’s face and chest glow brightly as she squeaks,

“I… I wasn’t thinking about what would happen after at the time! Hey!" She had leaned over the counter to slap his shoulder, but he leaned back while chuckling, looking entirely too gorgeous for her to be truly mad at him. Instead, she steals a bite of his food and sits back down and grumbles, “Mou! You are so rude sometimes!" Stuffing the stolen morsel in her mouth and looking off to the side, trying to stay angry as she hears Shuichi huff the last of his mirth away,

“No you weren’t, and that’s what puzzles me most about you. I have a few friends who act impulsively as well, but never have they done anything as brash as the pure chaos you seem to revel in daily." Swallowing the bite down roughly, she pooches her lips and glares at him while she puffs,

(Nature - Girls)

“Hey, I’ll have you know it takes talent to live life as wildly as I do, and still fight crime and triumph over evil!" He chokes this time, startling her enough that she bursts out laughing at him, falling out of her chair and holding her stomach as she smacks a hand on the floor with tears at the corners of her eyes. Hearing him cough lightly to clear his throat, she looks back up at him, wiping tears away as she grins impishly, adding, “Bit off more than you could chew?" She watches as Shuichi runs a hand through his red bangs, showing off toned forearms as he sighs,

“Are you done eating? If so-” There’s barely a beat before she leaps back into her chair, pulling her plate toward herself and quickly shoveling several bites in,

“Nomph! Mmph nomph dun net!" He looks incredibly panicked as he jumps up, hands reaching out as though to stop her,

“Ah! Please don’t rush or you might-” Swallowing the mouthfuls down roughly, nearly choking as her glass of water is shoved into her hands, Minako immediately brings it to her mouth and gulps down the whole thing. Setting the empty cup back down to the table roughly and breathing out noisily, cheeks stained in both embarrassment and recovery from loss of air. Blinking to bring him back into focus, he’s right next to her, leaning on the counter with his eyes closed and sweat dropping with a hand covering his face. Marigold lashes flutter as she watches him take a deep breath in and out, as though calming a frantic heartbeat. Did that really scare him?

“Are you alright?" He breathes out his nose, turning his face toward her to pin her with an incredulous verdant gaze as he admonishes,

“I’m the one who should be asking you. There was no need to come so close to actually choking, Minako-san. I wasn’t actually going to take your food away." Pouting at him, she rebukes,

“I’ve stuffed my face more times than I can count when the teacher left for five minutes, I’m not gonna choke and die that easily! And besides,” here she wags a finger at him, an ocean blue eye closed with a hand on her hip as she chastises, “You looked totally serious! And I’m serious about my food!" Leaning on the counter for support, his long, wild hair tilts with his head while the hottie chef sweat drops more at her, eyes closed and eyebrow twitching as he concludes,

“Yes, now I know just how serious you are about food." Sticking her tongue out at him, the daring starlet turns back to the omurice and grabs a piece with her chopsticks, nearly finished now since she shoveled more than half of it away. Meanwhile, she hears water running, and when she peeks back up at him, another glass of water is sitting in front of her. Blinking in grateful amazement, the infamous connoisseur swallows her bite and thanks,

“Oh, arigatou!" Taking a few more bites, slower this time, she remembers her inquiry earlier went ignored. "Oh yeah! You never answered my question earlier! How am I not six-feet-under?" Seating himself down on the other side of the counter again, he looks at her in surprise, before smiling wanly,

“Ah, well, you probably wouldn’t believe me even if I told you, I’m afraid." Raising a squigly sunny brow at him, she crosses her arms and declares,

“I’ve fought the servants of an evil consumed planet at the edge of the solar system, a malevolence that was born from the sun, and a dark agency trying to take over the world through idols. Whatever you’ve got is just another day at work for me." Grinning smugly, she feels just a little too much joy at his dumbfounded look as she waits for his answer. Regaining control of himself, Shuichi looks pensive for a moment, before relenting,

(Himitsu - Yuki Kajiura)

“You’ll have to regale me with those tales later. As for how your injuries are gone, I healed you with my own energy." Her mouth gapes, breaths seizing for a moment as she considers this. He can… heal with his energy? Even with as dark as it is? Air flows back into her lungs as she spirals into memories, gasping in surprise,

“You… you can heal with your energy!" He’s a healer! Just like… her azure gaze becomes pensive as she retreats into her memories. 'Silver, shoulder length hair drifts lightly, matching silver irises set like stone within the frowning countenance. The general’s uniform shifting softly with the breeze as he looked upon her wound, a calloused hand wrapping around her arm as he pushed energy into her.' No, he’s not like him. Coming back to herself, Minako feels a hand upon hers and that gentle, breathy baritone she’s coming to know,

“Minako-san… are you alright?" Cornflower irises darkly turbulent as she looks away from his worried gaze, stating,

“I was just remembering someone I once knew. Someone who could heal as well." He looks hesitant before pressing,

“Was his name Kunzite?" She can’t help the jerk reflex associated with that name, confirming the caring genius’ thoughts as he continues darkly, “I know this may be difficult, but please, tell me he didn’t… force himself on you." Wavering sea irises are nearly consumed with pupils as she corrects quickly,

“It was never forced! I...” A hand on her heart, she feels it slowly bleeding from the memories. Not allowing the pain to consume her, she asserts, “I meant it. What I said before. Associating with me is dangerous..." It’s why I stopped talking to Hikaru. Naru-chan and the others have been involved in more instances than they had any right to be, and we don’t hang out with them nearly as often as I did Hikaru. His curiosity hasn’t abated in the slightest, to her mounting terror.

(Melodie - Yuki Kajiura)

“Your wording… I’m not sure…” Please… don’t figure it out! Closing her eyes tightly, pressing her lips in a thin line, she doesn’t comprehend the rest of his words, mind churning with nightmares she sees nearly nightly. 'Her princess lies upon the stone stairs, her pure white gown now stained a violent red. Her breaths freeze entirely, body becoming numb to physical pain as absolute agony seizes her soul, tortured screams shaking her to her core. Words are shouted, but her mind is beyond comprehending. All she knows… is that her dearly beloved is gone.' The Avatar of Love feels tears streaming down her face, sunflower lashes closed tightly as the memory after becomes the nail in her coffin. 'Silver eyes glow eerily green, possession taking full hold over the general as his face twists into tortured wrath, turning his blade toward Venus. Feeling painfully hollow, she simply lets pure rage take over as she follows the motions, battle hardened instincts taking over as he-'


Blond strands lay pooled in her lap, her face tilting down toward the redhead in front of her, apprehension lining Shuichi’s gentle face as his calloused hand holds her cheek. Turbulent seas meet troubled ivy green, confusion overcoming her expression for a moment before realizing she was lost in a memory. It’s just that stupid, an old memory. Way to go, letting something small get the better of you in front of Shuichi. He probably thinks you're a wimp now. She nearly jumps out of her skin when the feeling of comfort flows around her, forcing doll-like eyes down to his kneeling form next to her chair. She parts her lips to speak, but to her consternation, it comes out lifelessly,

“I’m not afraid of being hurt or dying... I just don’t want to lose any more people I love." There’s a flash of indescribable pain on his face, a grimace twisting his features moments before she’s tugged from her seat and into his lap on the floor. Her golden hair swirls around them like a halo, his arms slipping around hers, toned muscles bunching behind her back as the generous guy wraps her up tightly in his strong embrace. Lapis gems popped in awe at the immediate feeling of relief in her taut body. So warm…. And he smells so nice. Her body relaxes against him bonelessly, feathery lashes flutter closed as the dark memories are swept away, her cheek pressed gently against defined pecs. His breathy baritone taking on a forlorn quality,

“You may be surprised to know, but I feel the same. You aren’t alone Minako-san. My sincerest apologies for making you relive something so terrible." Struggling to lift heavy limbs to return the hug, Minako feels her worries melting away, a stroking sensation begins along her back, but strangely, it wasn’t physical. Vulnerability and strength war within her, days on end of fighting her inner demons wearing her thin. Will the nightmares stop if I stay here? With him? Nuzzling into his t-shirt and taking a shaky inhale, near silently she whispers,

“Can I stay here tonight?" There’s an intake of breath next to her ear, before an exhale,

“Yes. I’ll take the couch-” Shaking her head and snuggling deeper, she murmurs,

“I want to stay beside you." Tightening her hold on the considerate thinker, she takes a deep breath in of his earthy scent, whispering heartfully,

“I trust you."

She feels his hold loosen, the hesitance clear in his body as he breathes,

“How… Can you trust a stranger? We only met days ago." Cuddling further into his chest before pulling back, she meets his conflicted gaze confidently,

(Wink - Turn it into Love)

“Because even though your soul is incredibly dark,” moving on instinct alone, the she sits up higher and takes his cheeks tenderly in her hands, bringing his face down and pressing her forehead to his affectionately. Closing her eyes and exhaling gently, her voice never wavers as she finishes, “the love you feel is so pure, so tender… yet incredibly strong as well." Opening gentle ocean blues, they crash into shocked lush verdant. Smiling sweetly, the incarnation of Venus and all-things-love-related assures him, “Anyone who feels such a love so strongly could never be a truly evil person. Besides..." a teasing tilt tips her lips as she finishes, “I was at my most vulnerable here today, even so I don’t feel anything wrong with my body." As though he were trying to get her to doubt him, he counters darkly,

“I healed you. Perhaps I healed more than you thought." He thinks he’s talking to a normal, teenage girl. Lidding cornflower blooms from view, she exhales quietly. He’s wrong. Sailor Venus wasn’t my only incarnation. Smiling gently again, she whispers against his lips,

“You might not understand, but I would know if you did something to me, even if you healed the physical signs." Shuichi blinks, before inquiring curiously,

“... please explain." Once again, she wonders how such an innocent sound can come from such a gorgeous man. Revealing azure irises and smiling benignly at him, her voice husky as she declares,

“I am Sailor Venus, the Guardian of Love. My body would remember, even if I don’t." Strangely, he seems to relax slightly, his lips moving nearly against hers.

“... you… can feel the love in someone’s soul?" Nodding gently, her forehead still against his, she murmurs,

“Yes. And yours…” She stares tenderly into his eyes, small hands gently stroke his cheeks with her thumbs. The bewildered expression turns to slight reverence as Minako kisses his forehead gently, imparting confidently, “is particularly warm Shuichi-san." Thanks to being inside the Cauldron, abilities I lost in repeated reincarnation have returned to me, like this one. Moving away from his face to gaze deeply into his glittering emerald eyes, the earnest princess smiles heartfully, “Your love is incredibly beautiful,” grinning happily, she adds, “Just like you are on the outside." She’s delighted to see a flush rise along the bridge of his nose, and smiling warmly, she kisses his nose lightly, laughing freely at the look of astonishment on his face.


____________ ~Kurama~ ____________


The enchanted fox feels his heart constrict, parallels with this woman becoming far too many to ignore. Perhaps I came to the wrong conclusion. She wasn’t forced upon, but instead… she watched the one she loved die. He’s incredibly shocked, however, when Mina asks him to sleep with her. Not in a sexual manner of course, but for comfort. Then she tells him what his love feels like, of all things, and he can’t help the color across his cheeks. The words looping in his head for a few moments. “Yours is particularly warm, Shuichi-san… Your love is incredibly beautiful… Just like you are on the outside." It’s to his personal embarrassment that he recognizes the signs of immense pleasure from her praise. Am I becoming so tamed as to derive enjoyment from such sentimentality?

To his greater shock, soft lips press gently against his nose, leaving the light peach smell of her faded lip gloss behind. Although not an incredibly terrible thing, his nostrils flare and twitch from the cosmetics’ remnants, prompting him to burn brighter and rub his nose of the irritants. The embarrassment of being caught off guard, once again, far outweighing the minor physical ailment. Unable to leave it be, his mind works on a counter as she watches him with a beaming grin, unknowing of the ‘danger’ she’s in. Nothing too terrible, I still need to learn more, so perhaps… although it’s quite childish… he smiles at her warmly, the look one he knows will win her over. Doe-like eyes blink several times, as though disbelieving of the image before her. It’s then he enacts his maniacal plan.

Still holding her in his arms, he moves his hands slowly so as to not take her attention away from his visage, and once in place, presses his fingers lightly into her sides. "Ah!" Mina’s whole body jumps, likely an attempt to get away, but he wraps one arm around her middle and pulls her back into his lap, grinning deviously as she squeals, “No-no-no-no! Stop that!” She wriggles mindlessly in an attempt to loosen his hold, her breasts bouncing softly against his chest, all the while Kurama chuckles,

“Oh? But I’ve only just started Minako-san!" Admiring her flushed cheeks, open mouthed laughter, and tears in the corners of her eyes nearly distracts him from her rasp,

“S-Stop! I can’t… if you don’t I’m g-gonna p-p-pee~!" Smirking at her, he stops his fingers for a moment, grinning in satisfaction when she has to hold onto his shoulders while gasping for breaths. The bewitching beauty’s robe loosened, allowing him a view of her bountiful cleavage, again. Holding back another sigh of exasperation at her inability to wear the yukata properly, un-wrapping the arm holding her as he quips,

“We may want to put you in something else, as you can’t seem to keep the yukata together, Minako-san." He’s surprised by the quick ‘hmph’ before she wags a finger in his face and fires back sassily,

“Like me and Usagi-chan say, ‘your life can’t fall apart if you never had it together!' That includes yukatas!" He can feel himself sweat dropping immensely, his whole body slumping from the ridiculousness she’s now brought into his life.

“...that isn’t something you should be proud of." The maniacal giggle she tries to stifle sounds more like a chipmunk chittering than it should. This time unable to contain the sigh, he picks her up beneath the legs and back easily, placing her on the bed while he looks for some old pajamas to wear. Going back into the living room of his apartment, he finds her still seated on the bed, her yukata fixed, to his inner relief. Smiling lightly he hands her the clothes, turning to clean the counter of their food when she whispers gently,

(To Nowhere - Yuki Kajiura)

“Thank you, Shuichi-san. I’ve never had someone take care of me before…” The calculating demon blinks in confusion for a moment, tempted to turn and meet her eyes, to gauge the truth within them, but hearing the rustling of clothes keeps him from doing so.

“Really? You’ve never had someone take care of you?"

“I’m usually the one taking care of everyone else." He nearly snorts with laughter at the thought, but remembers the absolutely adoring look on her face at the mention of Mina’s ‘precious person.'

“Your ‘precious person.' They are the one whom you care for." He hears the smile in her voice as he tosses the scraps of omurice out before putting the dishes in the sink, turning the water on and grabbing the washcloth and adding soap.

“Yeah, she’s not good at a lot of things, but her heart is pure as gold. She needs all the help she can get!" All he can reply with is a quiet,

“I see." It reminds me of my mother. Although she has several of her own talents, whomever she speaks of sounds as though she doesn’t have typical skills. "There must be something she can do well." She answers with a happy pitch in her voice,

“She accepts everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from. Such a large, open heart needs to be protected. Adored..." Kurama’s heart stutters, stomach dropping to his feet as he murmurs,

“You love her."

“Yes. Dearly, but she is not mine alone. All of us love her, both of them, as they protect everything important to them as well." Strangely, his heart beats normally again, relief flooding his system. Why am I reacting this way?

“The other senshi."

“Yup! That’s right!" Striding back toward the bed, his gaze filled with the image of beautiful sunny tresses swirling around her hips and across the bed, the breathtaking warrior’s aesthetic, heart shaped face filled with blooming cornflower eyes wearing his pajamas, legs beneath her and off to the side. The view was incredibly distracting as his brows furrow, and reigning in his responses before she notices, it’s not often anyone can stir me as she does… Exacting more control over himself, he remembers her words and finds himself unable to comprehend loving someone as she does, never having felt that form of love himself,

“You love her as a lover, correct?" Nodding her head, she smiles up at him benevolently, replying softly,

“It’s much stronger than that. It’s a selfless love, one that continues to give and knowingly receives nothing in return." Emerald gems widen, lips parting as the gobstopped yôko gapes,

“That’s. . ." To love, knowing you may never have those feelings returned… she must have… “You have an incredibly strong heart yourself, don’t you?" She flushes, nose and cheeks pink while she looks to the side, her countenance incredibly endearing as she answers embarrassedly,

“I wouldn’t say that… I just do what I must to keep those important to me safe." Smiling gently, the doting vulpine turns the lights out, switching the lamp on his night stand while he sits on the bed next to her, rebuking,

“And it’s that thought process that strengthens your heart. You are stronger than you believe, Minako-san." Delphinium blues flower beautifully toward him, the awe within them tugging at his heartstrings as Mina innocently queries,

“Really? You think so?" What could have happened to make you doubt yourself so? Smiling genuinely, he replies earnestly,

“Yes, really." The blush spreads further, a dainty hand coming up to touch where her heart is, it’s as though she keeps assuring herself it’s there… He considers asking about it, but is interrupted when she bounces excitedly, face and mouth animated as cries out,

(Little Letters - Paper Aeroplanes)

“Ah! I’ve been telling you so much about myself, but I barely know anything about you, Shuichi-san! Where do you work? Do you know how to fight? Did you just move here?" Sweat dropping at the rapid fire questions, Kurama’s smile twitches, trying very hard not to laugh aloud while he raises his hands in a placating manner,

“Whoa, one question at a time Minako-san!" She bobs impatiently, making him finally lose his composure and laugh heartily as she groans,

“Mou! You’ve asked all of the questions! I can’t help I’ve got a bajillion of them at the top of my head!" Shaking crimson locks, he pulls the plain white blankets back motioning her to the other side as he replies candidly,

“I suppose it’s understandable, but we can continue the conversation as we lie down, Minako-san. Although I must warn you my story isn’t nearly as interesting as yours has been." She pouts at him cutely, inciting him to sweat drop more while she moves to the pillows on the other side.

“I’m not tired though…” que a yawn escaping her as the perky maelstrom lies sideways on a pillow, his huff of humor making her sulk more as he assures,

“Your mind might not be, but it’s obvious your body is."

“It’s not fair… why aren’t you tired?" He smiles kindly, the petulant tone tickling him deeply as he reflects on the answer, I’ve had much more time to learn to control my responses and impulses, Beautiful Child.

“I’m quite used to running on very little sleep. And you are still recovering from blood loss, so it’s no surprise you’re struggling, Minako-san." Pulling the blankets over them, the indulgent businessman turns toward her as he recalls her questions,

“I work for my step-father’s computer programming company. I do know how to fight a bit. And yes, I did just move here." Delicate lips press together in thought as she stares deeply into his verdant gaze, her voice like the sound of a crystal glass as she nods,

“Oh wow, so you’re a really strong computer nerd? Cool!" He closes his eyes as he groans,

“I’m nothing of that sort. Don’t compare me to such." The cosmic hero titters lightly, a hand covering her mouth as though to hide her snickers while she retorts,

“See, and you talk like one too!" Had she not looked so endearing hiding her laughter vainly behind a dainty hand, he might actually be a little aggravated. Smirking slightly, now knowing an interesting weakness of hers, he pokes her side lightly, enjoying the ‘meep’ that escapes her and the giggles that tumble from her lips as Mina scooches away.

“I see you want an encore of earlier." Tugging on her waist before it was out of reach, he pulls her back toward him as she squeals,

“No! I do not want an encore of-eh?" She blinks delphinium blues quickly, seemingly surprised when she’s pressed closer to his chest. Unfurling his energy, he strokes her back with it gently, feeling the tension in her body leave steadily, he smiles warmly as he murmurs,

This should help you with your nightmares, hmm?" Doe-like eyes widen as Mina gapes at him in shock, making him quirk his lips as he reminds her, “Your nightmare earlier. And the dark circles under your eyes, the combination an indicator of recurring nightmares. And from your fading strength, I’d say this has been happening for a while." Her expression falls, pouty lips part in surprise as she goes quiet, looking unseeingly at his chest and making his heart clench. Pressing his face against her hair, Kurama whispers, “It’s alright. It sounds like your life hasn’t been easy." Stray honey strands tickle his chin as she nods softly, another realization taking hold. "You haven’t told anyone about this, have you?" This time, she shakes her head, causing him to sigh in exasperation. "May I ask why?"

(Crying Alone - Yuki Kajiura)

“I’m their leader. I’m supposed to be strong for them." Of all the childish things she’s said and done, this one’s at the top.

“A leader isn’t always someone who’s physically or mentally the strongest. A leader is only as such because of those who serve under them. Without the strength of their comrades, a leader is nothing." She flinches slightly, clenching fingers in his shirt as the troubled senshi whispers,

“But they’re so happy, how could I be so selfish as-”

“Would they really be upset with you being honest? Would they want you to suffer like this?” She’s quiet for a moment before mumbling,

“It’s stupid though. They’re memories; dead and gone. And yet…” small hands clench his shirt tighter as the tense guardian breathes, “It feels like I’m reliving those moments all over again. Compounding the helplessness I felt at the time. It’s… It’s almost more than I can bear." The pained apparition’s arms tighten around her as his heart throbs, the petting of his energy changing to simply embracing her along with the rest of him as he concedes,

“Sometimes it is. And that is why you should rely on your friends more. They can help you. I want to help you. I’m sure it’s the same for them if they knew." He feels her body tremble, a wet spot soaking through his sleep shirt as she cries silently. "You don’t have to be silent on my account Mina-san. If it hurts, let it out." She sobs softly, still holding herself back as he moves one of his arms to her head to pet the hair gently, whispering, “You have nothing to fear of me. I won’t think less of you for this." Her keen of despair twists his insides, and although incredibly daunting, he holds her tightly as she lets herself finally heal, even if only a little. It takes a while, but she finally falls asleep, Mina’s breaths calmer than before and the feel of her far more peaceful. Running his hand over her cheek, Kurama’s gaze grows more adoring as he notices the rouge staining her cheeks. I’m glad I could help, Beautiful Child.


I’m taking a few liberties with the characters and story. My logic here, at least in regards to Kurama using his energy to heal, is his incredible precision and control over his soul. I mean, we’re talking about a guy who literally pushed his own soul out of his old body, and reconnected with a new one. That shit sounds hella complicated. This ain’t no tapestry, ya can’t just take a piece of one cloth and sew it to another all willy nilly. But his crazy ass took something that’s likely a concept, as no one else in the series references other characters being able to do it, and ‘made it so!' As such, I don’t see it being that far fetched that he can manipulate his energy in this manner.

Another thing is Yukina actually can heal humans with her energy, and although their powers are quite different, using energy to repair damage seems similar in universe. The biggest difference when Yusuke died the second time was the need to replace Life Energy. From the sounds of it, one is like taking a dose of placenta extract to speed up recovery (really, it’s a thing, look it up!), the other is like an actual blood transfusion.

Another thing about Kurama is he’ll put his body on the line to learn something about his opponent. (I. E. how every fight he’s in he pretty much ends up handicapped somehow. ) I don’t imagine he’d be much different when learning other things. He’s not afraid to get hurt, and being as old as he is, he knows tricks to keep himself alive in the most dire situations. The only thing he really fears is losing the people he cares about. Several times he’s been willing to die for others.

Japanese bathrooms are a little different than western ones, but I left it a bit ambiguous other than the stool, so people aren’t too shell shocked, If you’re curious, a Japanese washroom (bathroom toilet and tub are separated) You wash your body first, then soak in the tub, the tub isn’t supposed to be used until after you’ve washed yourself.

Hinoki Stool - Found in baths throughout Japan, hinoki bath stools are used to sit on and wash before proceeding into a bath for a soak.

So you may or may not be surprised to know that humans do, in fact, produce pheromones, but it’s mostly centered in our fluids such as sweat, spit, and I’m sure you can guess the rest XD

I imagine Kurama being like people who don’t like strong perfumes, or are allergic to them. So, having a sensitive nose like he does, he’d probably make his own, especially while on his own. Herbal Shampoo and Conditioner Herbs - Chamomile, Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Rose Petals or Leaves, Nettle Leaves. On top of that, he’s incredibly practical, so for convenience's sake, he probably has a mixture of stuff to take out demon blood from salvageable clothes.

Itadakimasu 頂きます - to receive; to get; to accept; to take (humble). Said traditionally before eating.

There’s a lot of parallels to draw between Mina and Kurama (Honestly, until I started writing this, I hadn’t realized either) Not where people would think, like history or anything, but with their convictions. Neither want to lose their loved ones, and will do anything to keep them safe.

Also, the memory of Kunzite is inspired by this amazing Venus x Kunzite fanfic called I Lived my Life in Silver/Gold. The story is split into two parts, one is from Venus’ point of view (Silver) and the other from Kunzite’s (Gold). It’s awesome and if you’re interested, you should totally look it up. The author is VenusUnchained.

Chapter 7: Daily Hijinx


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Lucky Ending - Vickeblanka)

(Blessing - Yuki Kajiura)

    Kurama wakes slowly, curiously struggling for consciousness. No matter how late I’ve stayed up, I’ve always awoke before dawn. The only difference this time is… her scent reaches him before her visage does, or rather, the top of her golden crown. Her body is incredibly warm with sleep and pliant on his arm, which had fallen asleep sometime in the night, though with ease it’s ignored. He presses his nose into her silky tresses and inhales gently, barely disturbing the strands with the intake. It’s incredibly disturbing, how a human can smell so good, both in body and spirit. Pushing the last vestiges of sleep away, the enchanted fox looks behind himself toward the clock. 6:49 am, quite a bit later than I usually get up this time of year. Turning back to the blond snuggled to his chest, he smiles sincerely at her lack of reaction to his movements. Either she’s used to me, or the trigger was the nightmare.

    Gentle breaths stir and warm the air around his pajama shirt, and upon closer inspection, a line of liquid dribbled from her parted lips. Raising his free hand up to his mouth, he chortles lightly, having difficulty keeping from laughing aloud as he connects the pieces. She’s definitely comfortable with me if she’s drooling in her sleep. Shaking his head slightly at Mina’s lack of decorum, he moves away from her to start his day, only to be latched onto by surprisingly strong arms. Blinking in bewilderment, he releases a shout as he’s tugged back under the blankets by a rather soft and cuddly blond.

    Sighing heavily, verdant irises search the face below his for coherence, and finds a happily sleeping countenance murmuring gibberish. Sweat dropping at the absolute obliviousness in the resting senshi, the spirit kitsune considers how to slip out of the trap he’s managed to build for himself. Poke her in the sides, or try to slip away again? Feeling playful, he smirks marginally and pokes her waist, the reaction immediate and intense as she squeals and reels back. Nearly falling off the bed, he manages to catch and pull her back to him by a flailing arm, saving the dazed blond from a nasty spill onto the hardwood floors. This is one way to start my day.

    “Good morning. Are you awake yet?" Dewed morning glories blink up at him in confusion, then much like the sun rising steadily in the morning sky, emotion grows and shines in affectionate eyes as she murmurs,

    “It’s... morning?" Chuckling lightly, he unwraps his arms from around her and moves to the edge of the bed, finally able to leave it’s confines.

    “A bit later than usual for me, but yes, it is." Walking toward the kitchenette, he nearly falls over laughing when he hears a groan and a resounding ‘poof.' Looking back toward her, the fierce guardian has ensconced herself into a lump within the blankets, resembling a caterpillar cocooning more than a human girl. No longer holding it back, he lightly, his mirth rewarded with a low growl from the comforter fortress.

    “You’re way too chipper for this early in the day." Huffing the last of his humor away, Kurama continues to set up for tea on the stove as he inquires,

    “Ah, you’re not an early riser then, I take it?" An incredibly dramatic, muffled sigh emanates from the bedding as she gripes,

    “Mornings are forbidden in my book. You can’t possibly have a good morning every day!" Measuring the loose leaf tea from an unlabeled tin to his liking, he concedes,

    “Certainly, but I very much doubt it’s as obvious as it seems to be with you." He can just imagine the massive pout on her visage, making him smile wider as she grumbles,

    “Hey! I’ll have you know an honest heart is a valley of warblers* in itself!" A puff of laughter escapes him, shaking his head with a tilt still alighting his mouth. He looks back at the sulking young woman clenching his bedding around herself like a layered shell. Mina now sat up with her pinked cheeks puffed out petulantly, long sunny hair curling and sticking out in random places, vibrant delphinium blue irises glaring lightly at him, old pajama top the secret vulpine lent her low on one shoulder. It never ends with her unconsciously tempting me, does it?

    “It’s ‘An honest heart is a kingdom in itself.' But yes, your earnestness is one of your more endearing traits." A healthy flush steals across her nose at the compliment, her body squishing into the cocoon as though to hide. Even by her scent earlier, I can tell she’s recovered quite well, although it’ll take a few days for her to get back to 100 percent. The water was near boiling now, so turning the switch to cut the flame, he leaves the kettle and strides toward the closet as she mumbles in embarrassment,

(Fake Wings Amalee cover - Yuki Kajiura)

(Blessing - Yuki Kajiura)

    “I guess it can be said that way…” smiling to himself, he grabs a pre-ironed set of work clothes and walks into the bathroom, grabbing a wash cloth on his way. Hanging the suit set on the door hanger, he pulls the pajama shirt over his head, crimson tresses ruffling and tickling his skin as he grabs the cleaning cloth and runs warm water in the sink. Putting some soap on the rag, he washes his chest in amusement, still finding the messy beauty’s sign of trust in him endearing. Trust… he stops his motions for a moment, considering himself darkly. She truly trusts me. Knowing and feeling how dark my soul is, yet not knowing exactly what it is. Kurama’s buttoning his dress shirt as he comes back from the rumination, turning to grab the slacks from the hanger.

    When fully dressed, he begins his grooming routine, looking at himself in the mirror. Rose lashes flicker over forest green irises, and although he got barely any sleep, he looked and felt well rested. Could she have touched me with her energy again while we were sleeping? His stomach twists slightly, a frown pulls the corner of his lips down as he finishes brushing his hair, darkness reflecting in his eyes. I should tell her. Mina’s given me every opportunity to earn her trust, and yet… I haven’t returned the favor. Vermillion fringe drapes over his face, hiding his reflection from view as he clenches his fists. But would she accept me for what I am? Would she befriend… a demon?

    He can’t help his hesitation, as the senshi’s reputation was ferocious when it came to forces of darkness. They were said to eliminate anything they thought evil, or a threat to their princess. Looping the deep sea green tie and tightening it around his neck, he’s finished preparing physically for a day at work. Would it come down to that? Surely she suspects something about me, but what conclusion has she come to? Should I. . . reveal the truth? He remembers her empathy over the demons who were poisoned, something that didn’t align with the legends the ancient yôko had heard. Pressing his lips together tightly, he inhales deeply and pins the thought for further consideration later. For now, I have other things to worry about. Hearing a thump and squeak from the main room, he huffs in humor, like that.

    Wondering what on earth the energetic blond was getting into now, he moves silently back into the living area. What greets him there has him lean against the doorway, laughing outrightly as the bundle of trouble is wound tightly in his comforter on the floor, squiggling in a bid for freedom. Trying desperately to regain his composure, he chortles, “Minako-san, what on earth are you doing!" The frustrated answering growl only serves to make his snickers resume as she shrieks indignantly,

    “Quit laughing and help me you big jerk!" Shaking thick forelocks, a teasing light in his irises as he quips,

    “Ah, such inspiring words from someone who needs my assistance." Marigold brows curl adorably, teeth grit in righteous fury as she flails harder, quickly using all the energy she had made up through sleep. Huffing lightly, he strides toward her, kneeling down at her side and lifting her up easily from lying face first on the floor. Pulling her against himself so she didn’t fall as he unwrapped her, he pulled gently on the ends of the comforter to free a fully pouting Mina. Turning that mopy look on him, Kurama sweat drops, instead of inspiring guilt as he suspects it’s supposed to, it instead emphasized her plush, pink lips.

    Huffing and shutting crimson lashes to avert his diving attention, he asks, “Is there a reason you’re so cross with me?"

    “You laughed at me." He blinks in confusion for a moment. He recalls her fragile confidence, especially in this form, and feels his heart ripple. She took offense? What could have happened to make her feel so insecure at such a small slight? Taking her chin gently in hand, he tilts her face up to meet his sincere lidded eyes as he corrects,

    “I laughed, but it was your situation that amused me, not seeing you suffer Minako-san. I wasn’t belittling you." Her mouth parts in surprise, morning glories bloom beautifully as they capture his own verdant, her lengthy, silky tresses strewn carelessly around her neck and shoulders. A flush gathers on her cheeks as hesitant innocent features probe his,

    “Really?" Pulling more fabric edges away, her confined form is slowly revealed to his unraveling control as he murmurs,

    “I do not actively seek to hurt those undeserving of it. Please trust me on this." Trust… Her face is stained darker with red, mouth open and breathing heavily, reminding him of her weakness at the moment. Ivy irises narrow in consideration as the sweet seductress puffs with renewed conviction,

    “I do Shuichi-san.” This woman… his heart twists again, this deception hurting worse than any other as the warming yokai touches her maroon smudged cheek tenderly, her bright eyed expression incredibly charming. Pressing his forehead to hers in mimicry of what she had done to him the night before, he’s nearly consuming her breaths as he whispers,

    “Thank you, Minako-san.” The urge to give in, to taste her and devour every ounce of her was strong, and all the more reason he quickly swept her legs onto his arm and picked her up bridal style. She squeaks cutely, her chest wiggling with vigor to his mounting distress as he places her on the bed, sans the comforter. Picking it up off the floor, he spreads it back over her, trying hard to clinically inform her, “You will need to call into work today, considering your struggle with the bedding just now. You used up quite a bit of energy in your little fight here. And,” here he meets her gaze as he finishes with, “You can stay here for today, as I imagine you’ll pass out if you make it a few feet out that door. Which means your teleportation is also out of the question then.” Delphiniums bloom delicately, wide in surprise and lush with emotion, the color tempting him in many ways as he moves to continue his ritual preparation for work.

    Kurama could feel her pouting ki, putting a tilt to his lips as he got out 2 cups and pours himself some ocha. Smiling fully when he looks over at Mina as he carries a cup with him, her eyes inquisitive and innocently beguiling as he explains, “I wasn’t sure if you wished for a cup, but I thought I’d make one anyway. It's something I made myself.” She takes the cup carefully, blond lashes flutter lightly as she stares at the character on the porcelain.

    “Aww, it’s so cute! It’s a fox right?” Huffing with a laugh at the memory, he concedes,

    “Yes, well, my friends got it for me as a joke. I thought you might appreciate it.” Tilting her head curiously, she asks,

    “A joke? Because it’s a cute animal character and you’re an adult?” Smiling mysteriously, he answers methodically,

    “They like to tell me I’m fox-like, and get me gifts based on it.” She hums slightly, looking back at the chubby fox face painted onto the yunomi pensively before giggling gently. Warmth permeating around her while the natural temptress grants,

(Elements - Lindsey Stirling)

    “Yeah, I can see it a little bit. A wily fox, huh?” Her gaze becomes distant, as though seeing into a memory again as she whispers, “I’ve seen a few foxes at the zoo, but there was this one time one came up to me.” The nature academic blinks in astonishment, although he shouldn’t be considering their curiosity. His own rearing up at some insight into her perspective, he inquires,

    “What happened?”

    “Oh, it just sniffed me, and I guess I smelled safe enough because it just followed me for a while. I was visiting the temple with my family at Mt. Takaoi when I lost my parents. The fox stayed with me until I found the path leading back to the temple, where it just sat at the other end, as if to keep me from going back that way. When I turned back around to thank it one more time, it was gone.” Holding his chin in thought, tea in his other hand, Kurama informs her,

    “It was likely an apparition. How old were you?”

    “I was 8 at the time, I think.”

    “You’re lucky it didn’t spirit you away.” Tilting her head to the side, gold drenched hair drifting around her shoulders as Mina refutes,

    “It didn’t feel like something bad, in fact it felt friendly.” So it wasn’t a demon. More likely one of Inari’s messengers. Now he’s incredibly interested in her history, given what he’s noticed of her.

    “Do strange things like that happen often?” Sipping the tea he had given her, she nods, adding,

    “All the time. Some of them are good, some evil. As senshi, we don’t always react to bad situations quickly, but we prefer not to assume every weird thing that happens is out to get us.” Kurama frowns slightly, gaze soft as he asks,

    “You get taken advantage of for it though, don’t you?” Drinking more of her tea, she sighs lightly and answers,

    “Well, yeah. More often than not, we get ourselves into pretty bad messes. But it’s worth it for the times we find friends rather than enemies. And even more when our Princess is happy.” Verdant gaze widens when he catches the one word.

    “‘Princess?’” The bright guardian nods easily, blinking when she questions him,

    “My ‘precious person.’ I didn’t say she was a princess?” Pulling pensively on the tea, he watches her truly confused expression before setting his cup on the bedside table and folding his arms across his chest.

    “No, I hadn’t realized that’s what she was. I see now why she is so important to you.” Slurping the last of her ocha loudly, making him withhold a sigh as she finishes and nods, smiling brightly.

    “She is. She is the one who we senshi live for.” He pauses for a moment, heart clenching lightly as the worried kitsune inquires quietly,

    “You do not live for yourselves? I can understand protecting someone important to you, but that’s-”

(Simple and Clean Piano Cover - Utada Hikaru)

    “Didn’t I tell you Shuichi-san?” Her expression is solemn, grim determination prevalent as Mina continues, “We are soldiers, destined to die over, and over again. To always be reborn to keep our Princess safe. We accept this fate, and it is ours to uphold as we see fit.” Her grin then was passionate, her soul full of warmth as she finishes while staring into his own. “We fight to protect this world our Princess loves so much, and good people like you who live in it. We take pride in being able to fight, even if it’s for an eternity we’ll keep going, or until someday we have to be replaced with new senshi. That’s what it means to be a Sailor Senshi.” Kurama is silent for moment, mind reeling from this information as he questions morosely from behind rosy bangs,

    “You will do so until your soul fades away?” Without hesitation, she smiles and affirms,

    “Yes, no matter how long we’ll be here for. Because our princess… her power allows her to live eternally.” Forest colored irises are wide in shock, mouth parted as though to respond, but he finds himself at a loss for words. His human heart nearly stops, and the benign expression on her visage is heartrending as he tries to process what she’s just revealed. Their princess is eternal, so long as she is not killed, which is why the senshi protects her so fervently. His hand clenches his sleeve as he’s caught viciously between admiring their pure nobility, and pitying such a miserable existence. Apparently seeing something in his expression, the beautiful warrior expounds,

    “It might seem terrible, but really we’d have it no other way. It’s our greatest wish to keep our princess safe.” Releasing his sleeve slowly, the enchanted fox releases a breath through parted lips as he responds,

    “I see. That is quite a noble view. Not many could withstand such an undertaking, and yet you do so with such grace and enthusiasm.” Her beautiful cornflowers bloom, so full of emotion she looked close to bursting, cheeks tinged prettily before touching a hand to her face and looking away, murmuring

    “Oh, that’s-” A light beeping interrupts anything she was going to say, reminding him that he was behind on getting to work.

    “Ah, apologies, but I need to get going. Please, remain in the apartment at the very least until you recover.” Verdant irises remain on the bed bound woman until she nods lightly in assurance. He grabs the briefcase from beside the kitchen island and turns to grin gently at Mina over his shoulder, “Take care of yourself today and use this time to rest, Minako-san.” To his amusement, she sighs and flops back onto the pillows, groaning,

    “Hai~! Have a good day!” Turning to the door and twisting it open, Kurama pauses a moment to promise,

    “I will, knowing you are well and safe now.” Closing the door behind him, he strides down the hall confidently to begin the day, likely to be full of thoughts of the noble soldier who stole into his life.


____________ ~Minako~ ____________

(Someday the Dream Will End - Nobuo Uematsu)

(First Light - Lindsey Stirling)

    Minako sighs, a hand lying beside her face and flush prevalent in her cheeks as she mulls over his parting words to her. He’s such a sweet guy! He feels unreal most of the time. Pressing her nose into the pillows, she breathes in his scent and burns redder. I’m becoming more and more perverted with him! Pooching her cheeks out while turning her face away from the fluffy headrest, she tiredly considers her options while lying comfortably under the covers. Putting her hand into the air, she tried to reach the little pocket dimension, but her energy was too weak to even spark it slightly. Pouting, she looks around curiously, trying to figure out where his phone was, and finding what she needed on the nightstand, she grins in triumph. Now to get over there…

    Staring longingly at the device, she contemplates moving her noodle-feeling body closer while just absorbing the warmth in the comforters. Ugh, too much work, not enough energy. Fluttering blond lashes closed, she can almost feel his arms around her again, clutching her tightly in comfort. Nuzzling into the pillow, the Embodiment of Love can feel sleep tugging at her again when her watch begins to buzz. Eyelids beat blearly as she answers with a croak, “Uh, hello?”

    “Mina! Are you alright?” Oh, Artemis! Smiling wanly, she mumbles,

    “Yeah, I managed to make it.”

    “I’ve been trying to call for hours, Mina! Where are you?” He’s been trying to call? Blinking some more, she sleepily admits,

    “In a guy’s apartment recovering, I guess.”

    “You guess? Mina, where in the world are you? I’ll come right now and-”

    “Whoa, whoa, whoa! I’m alright Artie! He helped me out so I’m doing pretty good now.”

    “Mina, this is crazy, just tell me where you are!”

    “No way! You’ll ruin my peace! Let me rest for a few days and I’ll be on that guy again later.”

    “What? No, Mina-”

    “Bye Artemis!” Minako hangs up before he could say more, lashes flit in confusion when she thinks on it a little further. He’s been calling for a while? But why did the signal come through just now ? Deciding to think on that one a little later when she’s better rested, she remembers the reason she was trying to move in the first place. Groaning in frustration, she pushes herself up on her elbows and pulls her sleepy form to the edge of the bed. Picking up the corded phone, she hears dial tone and begins punching the numbers.

    “Keizen Talent Agency, Suki speaking.”

    “Hey Suki, It’s Aino. I can’t come in today.”

    “What~! First you're wounded, now you’re skipping-”

    “I am not! You should know better than that! I helped make that agency!”

    “...Fine. Well what is it this time?”

    “Have you seen the news yet?”

    “The news?” The bleary idol can hear fumbling and tv static over the receiver before newscasters talk about exactly what she thought they would. “...Well then. I guess when you’re doing better get the paperwork around and we’ll work it out. But you know if you take an extended leave...”

    “Yeah, yeah, you may have to find a replacement. Then I’ll just have to make myself another spot!” There’s a snort on the other end as Suki scolds,

    “You are the craziest person I’ve ever met, and this business lives on crazies. Alright, I’ll let Shacho know.”

    “Thanks Suki! You may be grumpy, but I can count on you!” The receptionist hisses,

    “You better be! I’ve gotta deal with your antics!”

    “You wouldn’t know what to do without me!”

    “Live in peace.”

    “Whatever, talk to you later!”

    “Get well soon missy.”

(Inochi no Tobira - Yuri Amano)

    “Will do!” The mushy star hangs up the phone, eyes drooping before she thinks no more...


__________ ~Dream~ __________

    It’s different this time… A man with gorgeous white blond curls stands before her, a card drawn as his body dissolves into particles from the hole in his chest, his voice echoing eerily,

    “I will read your love fortune…” He needn’t have bothered, his words always hammering a nail into her heart, as damning to her as a death sentence while he reveals the face of the card. No! It was different this time, not the same as her memory because it bore Shuichi on the card, with a sword through his chest, eyes sightless, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth and his hand outstretched toward the symbol of Venus, his expression of pained hope.

    “Ah!” Sitting up quickly, she pants while looking around wildly, looking for any remaining traces of the nightmare. That’s all it was, Minako. A nightmare. Let it go. Gazing at the clock, it reads 4:17 pm, meaning Shuichi only had a few more hours of work before he got back. I should get up before then. Still shivering from the horrible imagery, Minako sits up quickly to try and shake the feeling off, repeating a weak mantra in her head. Just a nightmare… it was just a nightmare...

    She’s surprised to find her clothes from yesterday clean and sitting on the island stool. Picking them up, she blinks when she finds all the stains completely gone. How in the world did he do that! Oh wow, she flushes when she finds her silky, lacy orange panties and matching padded bra, no dark spots present on them either. He even got them out of these! Which means he… Ah! Steam escapes her ears as her hands fly up to her cheeks, knees pressed together to hold her up as she squeaks in embarrassment. Fanning her face to fight the heat in it, she gathers her clothes in her hand and just before she’s going to hurry into the bathroom, she stops. Why am I changing in the bathroom? No one’s here so… humming lightly with cheeks still stained, the bouncy blond nods lightly before giggling. A sudden bout of dizziness hits her, forcing the embodiment of love to sit back on the bed until it passes.

    Huffing lightly, the weakened senshi gripes internally. Ugh, this sucks! I can barely walk right now! Why am I so weak? Setting the clothes on the bed, she looks down at her lap for a moment, letting her energy build back up to at least change. I already slept enough today! I wanna do something!

    Finally able to stand, she unbuttons the pajama top the gorgeous redhead had lent to her, body suddenly incredibly sensitive to every brush against her skin. Flushing further, her bouncing breasts are slowly revealed, making her intake a greedy breath. Why am I getting so turned on right now! Glancing away from herself when she slips the sleeves off her shoulders, she takes in the furnishings in his apartment to distract herself, finding them a little bland for such an interesting guy. Maybe that’s why I’m so excited. Now that’s just sad, getting horny over being in a guy's apartment... Out of the corner of her eye, she sees what looks like a mirror covered by cloth against the wall. Why did he cover the mirror up? The one in the bathroom isn’t. Now incredibly curious, she walks up to it and gently pulls the cloth off, revealing… It looks like an ordinary mirror.

(Himeboshi - Yuki Kajiura)

(Between Twilight - Lindsey Sterling)

    However, when she looks at her reflection, Minako squeaks in shock as it shows off all her naked curves. I’m such a dummy! I’m still naked while noseying about Shuichi’s apartment! Ears flaring with the rest of her, she hurriedly grabs her panties and bra, lamenting the sensitivity as she continues to pull on clothing. Nearly tumbling a few times, she manages to stay upright as she looks into the mirror again, her face as red as the owner’s hair. But as she settles her gaze upon her face, her heart settles into her toes as she takes in her features. I’m so plain… I… I wish I was pretty… Smiling wanly, she sighs and closes her eyes, shaking her head. He’d never be interested in a girl like me anyway.

    Pouting at herself in the mirror, she sighs and turns away, deciding to explore the apartment more. At least until he gets home. Looking around the heart of the apartment, only the basic furniture and some plants. Like Mako-chan’s apartment! Similar to Mamoru-san's apartment, it was an LDK style with a separate studio style bedroom, only including a TV and armchairs, long, dark wooden rectangle table and matching wooden chairs. What she’s really interested in though was… Time to take a peak at more of his style! Sneaking blatantly to his closet, she opens the door and steps inside, surprised by the spaciousness.

    Turning about to get a good look at everything in the small room, because that’s what it really was, absorbing the different outfits and styles the artistic fashionista found. I didn’t know he had so many! She’s in awe at all the different types of attire: suits obviously, but there are button up shirts in a variety of colors, long sleeved shirts in different patterns, khakis and tight jeans, leather and cloth coats, but her irises were set on the different styles of traditional clothing. A white outfit that looked like a da gua fu with gold trim, navy blue cuffs, and a pink belt. A beautiful sleeveless changpao inspired one in the same emerald color of his eyes, with a rolling ocean pattern along the shoulder. The undershirt and pants were an off white color with black cuffs and a yellow ribbon to tie around the middle.

(Ai no Kiseki - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

    Her cheeks turn pink at the thought of him donning the attire, a gush of heat rushing through her as she gently touches the emerald fabric. Wow, it’s satin. I wonder what he wears them for? The diva in her looks for tags on where it could have been made, but doesn’t find any. Even if it were custom, it would have had someone's signature on it somewhere, so that means… Oh wow, did he make it himself? Now she was really impressed, a guy who could cook, clean, and sew? Shuichi’s like a unicorn! Even if most guys cook and clean, they can’t sew! Sliding the fabric through her fingers, she exhales gingerly, gaze distant as she imagines him sitting quietly somewhere comfortable and sewing the garments. Giggling dreamily with her fingers curled in front of her mouth, she twirls away, forgetting for a moment that she had been dizzy earlier.

(Melodie - Yuki Kajiura)

    Squeaking when things spin faster than she was, Minako falls over and into a set of drawers, a strange feeling tingling up her spine as a ‘pop’ resounds. Blinking the stars away, she sits up and turns to look at the wardrobe she crashed into, and finding one of the drawers had popped open. A gasp of horror escapes her, as there was a blood stained garment inside, and from the dirt faded color, it was supposed to be a light yellow. Reaching her hand out slowly, almost petrified to touch it, she gently grasps the fabric and pulls it out. Holding it up, it's another cheongshan looking outfit but without any patterns, just blood splotched in so many places… Is… this his? Walking back over to the other ones, she held it next to them, and it was only a few inches shorter.

    Trembling, she pulls the ragged outfit to her chest, curling herself around it as she falls to her knees. He was younger when this happened… it looked like some of the edges were scorched… so either someone threw fire balls at him, or… explosives. The Goddess of Love could feel her blood boiling, knowing someone had hurt such a wonderful person so badly and may possibly still be out there. That’s why he knows how to fight, because he nearly… Her nightmare comes to mind, his sighless eyes, blood running down from the corner of his mouth- Hugging the clothes closer to herself, her heart breaks knowing at some point he was probably alone, with no one to help him. Don’t worry Shuichi-san, I’ll keep you safe. Sighing out her stress, she folds the outfit back into the drawer softly, promising she’ll ask about it at some point.

    Putting on a brave face, she huffs and stands back up, recalling why she came this way. I should probably brush my teeth, I definitely don’t want dragon breath anymore! Going into the bathroom, she looks under the sink to see if he had an extra toothbrush. Aw, no such luck. Resigning herself to violating his personal belongings even more, she begins her wake up routine of tooth, hair, earring, and body care. Finally feeling more alive than she has in the last day and a half, Minako makes a note to let him know she had to use his things. He seems like a pretty private guy. I hope he doesn’t mind… but I suppose it’s better than stinking when I talk. Exiting the bathroom, she walks back into the living area and checking the clock, sees an hour has passed.

    Ugh, I’m starving! Sorry Shuichi-san, it’s fridge raiding time! Moving quickly to the kitchenette, she opens the ice box door and peaks inside, glancing around for anything that might be edible. “Hmm, fresh veggies, a carton of stock, eggs, some sauces… aww, but nothing’s ready for me to eat…” Humming to herself, the sporty media darling considers her options at the moment. I could order something to come here, but he’s not supposed to be here today, so the neighbors would get suspicious… Plus I don’t want Usagi or Mamoru to know I’m here either. Which left only one option… His kitchen may not survive… Oh well. But what should I make? “I guess soup will work, it’s easy enough right?” Nodding to herself, she grabs the soup stock, the vegetables, some rice, and the chicken already sitting in the fridge. “Alright! Chef Minako is all fired up!”


____________ ~Kurama~ ____________

    Leaving work as soon as he can, Kurama makes his way quickly through the tram system, heading eagerly to his apartment where more answers hopefully await. And hopefully not a mess, if her delivery friends were anything to go by . It’s when he’s several meters from home he senses the demon whom she helped the other day waiting for him. “State your business.”

    “Geez, and here I was hoping for a nice warm greeting from a friend.”

    “I do when said friend doesn’t bring trouble.”

    “I’m just giving yah a warning for your little lady, that’s all.” His voice pitches deeper as his instincts claw out.

    “Warning?” The other yokai flinches from the sound, likely hearing the threat in his tone at anything coming near her.

    “Y-yeah, I’ve been tracking that guy since we fought, and he’s been scouring this area for any sign of your woman. Just yesterday he was snooping around over there.” He points to three buildings away, making the protective herbalist tense as he continues, “I’ve been keeping an eye on this area since then, but he hasn’t come back yet.”

    “Why are you helping us?”

    “Why wouldn’t I? She stepped in and saved my ass, and you helped with my investigation last night. Besides, like I said, you remind me of someone.” Although wary of the apparition, he made some good points, however… “C’mon, what’s the worst that’ll come from heading this warning, being prepared early?” Narrowing emerald eyes at him, the guy puts his hands up in surrender as he sweats, “Anyway, that’s all I really needed to say, just keep her safe Red.”

    “I don’t need you to tell me that.” The stranger chuckles before vanishing, leaving Kurama to make haste to Mina. Reaching the door to his apartment, he smells something cooking inside, which is strange, especially considering who was in there. Is she really well enough to cook? Opening the door, he calls out, “Minako-san? Are you alright?” Timed quite well, a trilling voice like sliding a finger along a glass rim responds,

    “Hai! I made food!” Sighing in relief at her answer, he removes his shoes and strides down the hall to the living area looking into the kitchenette. She’s sitting down at the table, a pan filled with soup in the center on top of an oven mit, two bowls on either end with her sitting at one. Smiling gently, he puts his briefcase against the leg of the table as he inquires

    “So… may I ask what you’ve made?”

    “Uh… It's supposed to be ojiya!” Pressing his lips together to keep from smiling, the keenly nosed fox nods, already knowing from the smell it was… not quite ojiya, more like a combination of zosui and ojiya with no salt and mushrooms added.

    “I see, well, I’m sure you’re famished having made it, so let's dig in shall we?” The lovely cook nods happily, about to grab the pan with her right hand only and tip it to serve, but he quickly intercepts,

    “Ah, there’s no need, I’ll get this for you. You’re tired and should’ve been resting anyway.” She gawps at him, grousing,

    “I’m not that bad y’know!”

(Fake Wings - Yuki Kajiura)

    “How many dizzy spells have you had today?” Her silence is answer enough, making him smirk lightly. “I had thought as much from your complexion. Please just rest, I know you wish to move about, but you are hindering your recovery.” Kurama can feel her pout aimed at him when he gazes back into the kitchen, what he sees has him sweat drop in exasperation as he asks, “You only made this , correct? Why is there rice flour all over?” Turning back to gauge her response, she’s become sheepish and is poking the table with a finger, an all together sweet gesture if it weren’t for the mess in the kitchen.

    “It… it fell on me when I was looking for pans…” Although that's what Mina said, he can hear the ring of a half-truth in there, leading him to conclude,

    “You lost your balance, didn’t you?” She flinches, making his worry increase as he kneels in front of her, taking her face in his hand he queries,

    “Were you hurt?” Roiling ocean depths crash into his, surprise and fear the greatest emotions reflecting within. His heart twists, that she would think he’d simply be angry with her and nothing else. Frowning slightly, the patient ex-thief waits for her to reply quietly,

    “No, I’m fine-”

    “Please don’t lie to me. You haven’t moved your left arm since I’ve come in.” There’s amazement in them now, before a wan smile tugs her lips upward.

    “You’re really sharp. Yeah, it’s just a bruise though, it should be-”

    “Could you show me?” Pouting, the hesitant hero stares at him for a moment, contemplating something, before sighing and moving her arm so he could see. Leafy green irises narrow when they find the elbow mottled in a bruise, and when touched, she grits her teeth as he states,

    “You had to put it back into place, didn’t you?” She shrugs, pointing out,

    “I’ve been vaporized before, bones popping out of place is just a little uncomfortable in comparison.” Kurama’s eyes widen in dread as he hisses,

    Vaporized? ” Finally realizing some sort of mistake, she sweat drops before looking away, squeaking,

    “I’m just saying! This barely even hurts! Just don’t think too hard on it, Shuichi-san!” One of his eyes actually twitches with his mouth agape as he retorts,

    “How can I not think on it, Minako-san!” Pooching her lips out, Mina responds dryly,

    “Because what’s done is done, nothing we can really do now , Shuichi-san.” She really thinks we shouldn’t- “Please, Shuichi?” It was heart wrenching, that beguiling voice begging for something when he’s heard it deliver threats in defense of others. Sighing, he compromises,

    “At least let me heal it for you.” She blinks lightly, wonderment consuming her features as he stands to retrieve a chair and sit next to her. Finally allowing himself to after all the worrying, the discerning kitsune smells something he hadn’t in a while, sending shocks down his spine. What in the world is my blood and dirt doing on her? And is that- That’s when it clicked. Damn, she went into the closet! I thought she might, but I wouldn’t have anything to worry about. It was sealed, so how did she... Perhaps an ability I have yet to learn about?

    He has the urge to sigh, and although fought it off easily enough, it still didn’t alleviate his apprehension. I’ve already seen she’s a busy body, even when injured she continues to move about carelessly. She likely became bored and curious of me, and my sense of style apparently. Although quite irritated at her infraction of his privacy, he continues to heal her arm while asking lightly,

    “So, other than dinner and injuring yourself, did you do anything else today?” The perky performer flutters sunny lashes at him, a dark expression passes over her face as she tries vainly to chirp,

    “I… I saw your clothes. They’re really cool! I like the changpao looking one that matches your eyes!” It’s Kurama’s turn to feel grief, knowing that she was incredibly concerned for his well being by her bouquet, but trying so hard to hide it. She told a half-truth… I knew it was foolish of me to keep it, but I couldn’t bring myself to part with it. “Do you make those clothes yourself?” Rosy lashes raise toward her as he responds easily,

    “I do.”

    “Wow, they’re really well made! I’m actually super jealous!” He smirks lightly, replying,

    “Thank you. Sewing is really quite simple, I could teach you if you’d like.” And hopefully keep that busy mind of yours occupied. He can smell her hormones stir, and from her intake in breath, Mina’s shocked by him again.

    “... I don’t know how good of a study I’ll be, considering my patience level is nearly zero.” Sweat dropping at her assessment, he retorts,

    “You have patience, you simply need to expand it to other things.” She’s about to respond when the scrupulous vulpine interrupts, “Now how about we eat, since you went through the trouble to make it.” She flushes as he pulls his hands away, unconsciously moving her arm as she whispers,

    “Okay…” Although wanting to dig further into this, he also didn’t want her efforts to go to waste. Pouring a serving into each bowl, he sets back down next to her and picks up a pair of chopsticks. It looked normal enough, with egg on top, green onions, rice, carrots, but instead of mushrooms, there was broccoli and water chestnuts. His lips tilt upward at her juvenile tastes, smiling lightly he asks teasingly,

(Prism - Lindsey Sterling)

    “Do you dislike mushrooms?” The disgusted look on the cute starlet’s face said it all, making him chuckle lightly as he continues, “So you are a picky eater then?”

    “Not… usually. Mushrooms are just evil incarnate.” Huffing with laughter, he needles,

    “That sounds exceedingly childish.”

    “I guess I’m just a child then!” She sticks her tongue out at him, inciting him to grin mischievously as Kurama warns,

    “Careful, show your tongue to the wrong person and they may take it.” Doll-like delphiniums widen in shock, mouth gaping as Mina covers her lips in a squeak, mumbling from behind her hand,

    “What does that mean?” Shrugging airily, he grabs some rice and veggies with his chopsticks while responding,

    “Take it as you will.” Popping the food easily into his mouth, he’s correct in his assessment that she probably forgot salt.

    “What? No! I need an explanation!” Smirking, he retorts cheekily,

    “Perhaps that means you’re too young to know then.” Standing to go to the fridge, the experienced demon pulls out soy sauce and brings it back to the table, admiring her puffed up cheeks and pouty glare. Her arms pushing her chest together as she tries to make herself bigger in, an adorable really, but futile attempt of intimidation.

    “I am not!” The body of a woman; the heart of a child; the training of a soldier.

    “Your words and behavior thus far says otherwise.”

    “Mou~! You are being ridiculous!”

    “Is that the pot calling the kettle black?” The struck diva gapes in shock, silent for a moment as he prods humorously, “Perhaps you should eat now.” Pooching her lips out, she grumbles and shovels several bites into her mouth, chewing maliciously while staring pointedly at him. He can’t help but laugh at the look of disdain that comes across her face as she looks down into her soup. Smiling playfully, he pushes the soy sauce toward her, making her glance up at him under blond bangs. Red stains her nose and cheeks as she grouses,

    “Thanks…” Kurama lets a silence settle over them as they finish eating, and as he takes the dirty dishes to the kitchenette, he realizes it’s far worse than he had thought. Closing his eyes and sweat dropping heavily, he wonders at the sort of struggle that happened here. She was wearing quite a few vegetables herself… Mina looks shy for a moment, poking her index fingers together as she squeaks, “Mmm, I’m sorry, but I had to use your toothbrush this morning… and probably tonight too.” He nods easily, assuring,

    “I thought you might, so think nothing of it for the moment.” She sags in relief and breathes,

    “I’m glad, I’m sorry I’m intruding so much.”

    “Had I felt that way, I wouldn’t have let you stay.” He’s surprised at the look of determination that finally wins over her shyness, a bit worried what she’s become resolute about.

(Passion/ Sanctuary Mree Cover - Utada Hikaru)

(Blinding - Florence + The Machine)

    “Hey Shuichi-san? I got a huge favor to ask of you!” The bewildered yôko sweat drops faintly, the sparkles in her azure gems speaking volumes as he replies slowly,

    “Alright… what is it?” The ecstatic troublemaker bounces excitedly in her seat while squeaking,

    “I’ve been needing to see this since I found it, but could you wear that green changpao I found in your closet! Pretty please?” His first instinct is to preen, a beautiful, spirited woman admires me, yet history with fangirling humans gives him a sense of wariness from the request.

    “Why do you need to see me in it?”

    “Umm, why don’t I need to see it on you?” She raises a hand and lists off, “For one, you’re handsome, so not being seen in those beautiful clothes would be a tragedy for both of us. Two, I’m an idol and draw inspiration from everything , which includes other people’s styles and how they came to be. And~ three, I’m a sucker for clothes, traditional included, but yours seems to be a new twist on the traditional styles, which is amazing Shuichi-san! So I need to find out more! What better way than to have the maker model them and explain the process!” Checking her over for any of the usual signs of trickery or falsity reveals none, making him falter. Kurama’s astonished, and quite embarrassed to feel a moderate flush on his cheeks, and her earnestness wasn't helping the heat any. It was an incredible ego boost certainly, having the Guardian of Love and Beauty herself want to admire him in such a manner.

    What takes him aback the most though, is the true desire to not just study his physicality, but the skills and definition that shaped his taste in attire. He’s been admired for his looks worlds over, and occasionally mistaken for being effeminate, but Mina’s not satisfied with just knowing the surface. She wants to understand me, as I wanted with her. For him, although he’s known to be quite vain, the fact that she wants to learn more about him, as a person, has heat rushing through his body. A particular part of his anatomy reacts, forcing him to fight back the sensation else it shows in his clothes as he responds cooly, “I suppose I could.” The stunned happiness shown like the sun on her visage as her exuberant aura encompasses the room.

    It takes more concentration than he expected to curb the desire to touch her, pushing him to turn and say over his shoulder, “First I’d like to shower before dirtying my attire.” Her incandescence glows brighter, leaving him in awe of the magnificent creature gracing his home. Even if it’s unconsciously, she’s literally baring her soul to me again. The honored tailor hurries to the bathroom to close the door, separating himself from temptation as he bemoans her efficiency in tilting his balance. Until her, I’ve never been so close to losing control. Sighing heavily, he tries to plan out the encounter as much as possible, all the while going through bathing motions without flaw.

    Running a comb through his hair lightly, he walks back into the closet and picks the changpao inspired robe and it’s matching under attire. Donning the clothes meticulously, he toes on the shoes and walks back out of the bedroom and into the living room where his audience awaits. Her gasp of awe was heartening as she stands and closes the space between them, her arousal full and present to his detriment. The magnificent guardian seems to be in a trance, reaching out unconsciously before stopping herself and locking morning glories with his verdant. “Um… can I touch it?” Depends, Beautiful Child, on what you mean… breathing out his nose, he replies simply,

    “You may.” Her palpable excitement is back, washing him in waves of radiant joy as dainty fingers lightly caress his arm. Pushing his senses away to help in meditation, he concentrates on the expressions flitting across her soft features. First it was awe, her touch running up and down the seam line of the sleeve, tugging on it lightly to test its strength. Petal peach lips part as she breathes,

    “It’s incredibly durable, yet it’s so soft!” Kurama smiles affectionately at the slowly morphing look of exuberance, the pads of her fingers trailing up his shoulder to the changpao, sending shivers down his spine. When she trails her hand lightly down his chest, running the tips over the ocean pattern, he feels his instincts begin to clamor against his carefully constructed control. It’s unconscious, really, when he grasps her hand before it descends to his nipple. Sea blue waves flit to ivy green in shock, only to widen and flush as Mina squeaks,

    “Ah! I’m sorry! I can get carried away with texture and patterns.” Breathing out through his nose, he replies mildly,

    “Understandable. It didn’t look like you were completely here.” The color on her cheeks deepens, that passionate gaze trailing down to his hand grasping hers, then moving back up to his again. Glossy lips part gently, exaggerating the highly appealing texture, one he’s felt several times now. Like smooth velvet, soft and luxurious, a sensation easy to get lost in. He hears a name from her lips, but it isn’t truly his , and the spell is broken.

    “Shuichi-san?” Shaking crimson forelocks, the sidetracked botanist returns,

    “It’s nothing. You’re wondering about the pattern?”

    “Yeah, it’s ocean waves right?”

    “Yes, nature is both a symbol of power and unpredictability, the ocean itself able to whittle away even the most fortified materials. It's patience is incredibly admirable.” The admiring artist runs her fingers along the edge of the waves again, nodding lightly,

    “So when you wear this, you’re focusing that kind of energy?”

    “Yes, the combination of elegance, strength, and patience is the center of my style.” She smiles brightly, letting him bask in her sunshine for a moment while she giggles,

    “It’s exactly what I’d expect you’d want to wear. That describes you perfectly!” Rosy lashes flutter as Kurama echoes,

(Snow is Falling - Kalafina)

    “Even strength?” Her expression sobers as she confides,

    “You have a strength of spirit I’ve not seen in many others, and from what I’ve learned about you, a will to match.” She reaches a hand up and gently cups his cheek, azure irises becoming melancholy as Mina whispers, “You have muscle definition in places you’d need for fighting, and the Sailor V game is designed to test a person’s actual skills and abilities. The fact that you made it past the second stage without losing more than one portion of life means you have some incredible training.” Emerald gaze widens as she pleads, “You had no choice, did you, but to learn to fight as you have.” He remains quiet for a moment, contemplating what to say, and how to say it to reassure her without giving too much away.

    “Yes, I’ve had to learn to fight, but it hasn’t all been bad. Please don’t worry about me, no one who has hurt me will ever do so again.” Precious lapis gems look between his as she questions hopefully,

    “Really? You’re safe from those ones?” Grasping her hand gently, and without his input threads his fingers with hers as the compassionate yokai assures,

    “Yes, I am.” For now. He’s shocked into silence when she presses herself against him, marigold locks float ethereally behind her as she exhales in relief, mumbling,

    “I’m so glad. You don’t deserve to be hunted by those guys, let alone anything else.” He feels his heart twist at the worry he caused her. You’re wrong, Beautiful Child. I’ve done many terrible things. Things that’d even turn the stomach of a powerful soldier like you. Although unsure at first, he eventually wraps an arm around her back, the other clutching her fingers a little tighter, as though to keep her from disappearing. The remarkable knight snuggles further into his chest, her whole body relaxing into him, making a warmth spread through his entire being. She’s not even touching my soul at the moment, so what is this? It was different than when he hugged his mother, different from the one armed hugs he traded occasionally with Yusuke or Kuwabara. Something different than either, is it… a new form of love I’m experiencing?

    It’s when she tilts her head back to look at him, beguiling delphinium meeting his that Kurama knows which one, and bemoans his fate as she tears all his walls apart with a simple tilt of her head. Honey bangs curled to the left side cutely, soft pink lips open as she inquires,

    “Are you alright, Shuichi-san?” He sweats lightly, forest green irises lidded as he responds calmly,

    “I’m fine, Minako-san.” His human heart stutters at her brilliant smile, gaze gentle with warmth as Mina chimes,

(In the Garden of Sinners - Yuki Kajiura)

(Quiet Romance - Yuki Kajiura)

(Himeboshi - Yuki Kajiura)

    “Good! You’re too gorgeous right now not to be okay, Shuichi-san!” The former bandit feels a tinge of pink color his cheeks at her blunt compliment, forcing him to move back and hide his eyes with vermillion fringe.

    “You are something else, Mina-san...” And far too good for someone like me… “Such compliments coming from you means quite a bit.” Her radiant, close-eyed grin was entirely too sweet to match up with the legends he’d heard. Yet I find it difficult to imagine that they’re all false. The more I get to know her, the more I want of her. Taking the hand he held in his, he curls her fingers and presses his lips against the knuckles, deep verdant irises taking in the sweet flush across her nose, morning glories gape in awe as her mouth hangs slightly. Beautifully tempting, he finds it hard to keep from gravitating toward her, but does so regardless.

    Rubbing his thumb against her back tenderly, he smiles when he sees blond lashes flutter half closed, her guard low enough to finally outwardly show her exhaustion. “Perhaps we should continue this another day. You’ve exhausted yourself in your excitement.” And just as he figured the little enchantress would, her face perks back up, body hopping against his softly as she rebukes,

    “No I’m not! I was just… uh, relaxing slightly! Yeah!” Continuing to move his thumb gingerly along her back, Kurama hides a grin when she shivers, her body telling him in touch and scent exactly what he needed to know. Pressing her closer to himself, he huffs into her flushing ear,

    “I can feel your fatigue, Mina-san. Please, go get changed while I clean up.”

    “But I made the mess! I should be the one who-” Kissing her forehead delicately, as he knew it would distract her, he murmurs against her,

    “How about next time you make a mess, I’ll let you clean it then?” Mina sighs faintly before humming warmly, his energy stroking her back along with his thumb as he continues enticing her to his line of thinking, “Thank you for doing your best, it’s not easy moving with so little energy, yet you made the effort anyway.” The calculating fox can tell he’s winning when Mina tilts her head back slightly, so his lips were pressed gently against the bridge of her nose as she mumbles,

    “You don’t play fair…” Smiling against her, he teases,

    “What’s the saying? ‘All's fair in love and war?’” She moves back from him, pouting endearingly at him as he laughs lightly. “Alright, let's get ready for sleep before you find more mischief to get into.” Using his hold to push her faintly toward his bedroom, and therefore the closet of clothes, all the while she sticks her tongue out at him again. Quickly, he catches it with a thumb and forefinger, grinning with mirth as he reminds her, “I told you to be careful with that tongue of yours.” Releasing it easily, her whole body flushes as she runs to the room and jumps on the bed. Sighing at the noise, he turns back toward the messy kitchen and rolls up his sleeves, preparing to tackle the destruction quickly.

    Swiftly cleaning the disaster, with not a spot on his attire, he turns when he hears the door open back up. The disaster master is dressed in another of his old pairs of matching pajamas, stains still high on her cheeks as she asks, “Do you need some help?”

    “No, I’m done now. I’ll be there in a moment.” Drying his hands with a towel, Kurama moves gracefully through the door, smiling warmly when he sees her already snuggled under the covers. Going into the closet and changing quickly, he goes through his nightly routine before he comes back out to find her already asleep, lips parted slightly as she lays on her side. he reaches for a seed in his hair and grows it quickly and with as little energy as possible, taking a vial he had in the closet, he stores some of the pollen inside before stopping it. Storing the vial on his nightstand, he shrinks the plant back into a seed and stows it into his hair.

    Sitting on the bed, careful not to wake her, he slips beneath the comforter and is startled by slender arms wrapping around his ribs and waist. Holding his breath, he’s completely off guard when Mina snuggles into him lovingly, a sigh of relief leaving her lips as she settles. Softly releasing his breath, he blinks before wrapping his own arms around her, smelling her comfort increase with the action, he relaxes only slightly. I’m sure I’ll have an unwanted visitor tonight. Threading his fingers through her golden locks, he lets his senses encompass him with her sweet scent, calming him enough to sleep lightly.


Keizen けいぜん - shining; radiant; bright.

Yunomi - A yunomi (Japanese: 湯のみ) is a form of teacup, typically made from a ceramic material, being taller than wide, with a trimmed or turned foot. Unlike the more formal chawan tea bowl which is used during the Japanese tea ceremony, the yunomi is made for daily (or informal) tea drinking.

Minako seems to have image issues in both series. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and always says, “I wish I was pretty.” Never paying any attention to her body or admiring herself in any other capacity. It’s a terrible way to live, especially as she’s the guardian of love.

Mina the fashionista would probably know what Kurama’s martial arts uniforms looked like. As such, I had to do research and honestly, his cool looking attire wasn’t limited to one particular country or style. He really seemed to combine a few of them into one. So I went with what it mainly looked like.

Da gua fu is the traditional chinese tunic Donnie Yen wore in the Ip Man movies. If you haven’t seen them, they’re AWESOME!

A changshan (Chinese: 長衫; pinyin: chángshān; lit. 'long shirt'; [ʈʂʰǎŋʂán] (About this soundlisten)) is a traditional Chinese dress (or robe, long jacket or tunic) worn by men. In function, it is considered the male equivalent of the women's cheongsam (qipao). It is also known as a changpao (chángpáo 長袍, "long robe") or dagua (大褂, dàguà, "great jacket").

Jokki (Korean: 조끼) is a type of vest, while magoja is an outer jacket. Although jokki and magoja were created at the end of the Joseon dynasty (1392–1897), directly after which Western culture began to affect Korea, the garments are considered traditional clothing. Each is additionally worn over jeogori for warmth and style.

For Zosui and Ojiya recipe.

Chapter 8: Silent Oath


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(Beyond the Bounds Cello Cover - Zone of the Enders)

(Garan no Dou - Yuki Kajiura)

Even though his human ears weren’t as good as his demon, Kurama heard when someone landed on his balcony. Glancing down at the golden blond head curled against his chest, his anger heightens at the cretin for daring to come near. Outwardly he pets her wild strands just as he uses his energy to stroke her own, calming her further into a deeper sleep. To ensure Mina wouldn’t wake up, he gave her the Nemuru pollen he stored before sleep on his nightstand, letting her naturally breathe it in. Now able to easily remove himself from her grasp, he unwinds her arms from around himself and puts them together next to her cheek.

Barely containing his demon form, he walks from the bedroom silently, emerald irises filled with hatred turn toward the terrace on which his Ga Tojiru Hogosha had a hold of someone. It’s namesake is simple, Guardian of Binding, but it’s abilities were vast thanks to his youki and cross breeding. Treading without sound, he stands before the ensnared demon, yowling like a cat with it’s tail caught. Without thought, he transforms, body morphing soundlessly and seamlessly into his former self. The creature quiets a moment, frothing at the mouth when it catches sight of him only centimeters away, hissing belligerently,

“Who the hell are you? Where’s my little beauty?” Smirking maliciously, the silver haired fox rumbles,

“I’m afraid she’s out of your reach, and safely in mine. As for who I am, well, I am known as the Yôko, Kurama. So tell me worm, who do you work for? Certainly not the king, nor the previous lords are so foolish as to attack me.” The demon gapes stupidly, obviously having not been privy to the information. Huffing with a dark laugh, he mocks, “Ah, you must be expendable for them not to forewarn you of me.” Before it can shriek in anger, a vine wraps around its mouth, allowing only a muffled noise to be heard. “Let us take this elsewhere, as I wouldn’t want to wake my sleeping beauty.” Its rage was palpable, and even though it was only a B class yokai, it understood his claim on her in demon terms. Although how this ingrate made it to lower B class is beyond even my vast intellect.

Encouraging the plant to grow, he grabs on and rides it up to the roof along with his bound prey. Stepping off onto the building’s ledge, under the cover of the new moon and cloudy skies, he’ll be able to interrogate the imbecile without interruption. Grinning with fangs, Kurama gazes evenly at the yokai as it continues to grapple against it’s entrapment. “It’s no use struggling, the only thing you can hope for now is a quick death, and that depends entirely on any relevant information you provide me.” Allowing the vines to loosen enough for it to talk, it growls,

“I’ve got nothing to say to you, bastard!” A truly sinister smile consumes his face as he intones,

“For now, I suppose. However, if there is one thing you should know, it’s that I do so enjoy the chase.” Giving a silent command with his energy, the plant begins to secrete a neuroinflammatiory chemical that seeps into the demon's skin, making it cry out in panic.

“What are you doing to me?”

“Only what is required, of course. You made your choice, and now you’ll revel in it.” There wasn’t much more he needed to do, simply wait for the effects to kick in, and unfortunately for them, he won’t need to linger for long. Not limited to excruciating pain through his nociceptors, hallucinations from the deepest parts of the psyche, not to mention the slow drain on one’s energy. Nothing like feeling your body slowly die to add to all the other ailments. It was truly one of his more heinous creations, the perfect interrogation tool if the ruthless vulpine didn’t feel like bloodying his hands. Even more sinister was the fact he still could inflict pain from the outside, and even through the internal agony, the simpleton would still feel it.

Watching dispassionately as the creature begins to writhe in torment, its mind finally being assaulted by pain and fears trapped within. Binding it’s mouth closed before it screams, he continues to wait with muscled arms crossed, biding his time until the thing was more amenable to his will. When it’s nothing more than a sniveling, wretched mess with a mouth he asks again, “Answer my questions and I will kill you quickly, who do you work for?” Releasing the vines constricting its face, the enchanted fox allows it to choke out,

“A-Azura! Azura sent us!” It can’t be… that's far too similar to… but I can’t rule it out. Narrowing citrine irises at the weakened yokai, he growls lowly,

“What else can you tell me?” It keens in agony, twisting however it can as it squeals,

“Why… Why am I still alive? It should have activated by now…”

“Oh, you mean the poison? Simple, if it's remotely activated, all you need to do is disrupt the signal, something of which is done quite easily.” Grinning darkly, Kurama adds maliciously, “Which means I have all night to get what I need out of you.” Stepping forward, he advises, “There’s no need to prolong your suffering. Tell me everything you know.”

“I- I please… just kill me…”

“Soon, however, there’s still something you’re hiding from me.”

“Ah… hah… even I don’t know… what they have planned for you… but one thing is clear…” It grins at him as it admits, “You’re still useful to it. It wants to know your strengths… and weaknesses, and doesn’t care if you know they are looking.” Hearing the ring of truth, and feeling that was all it really knew, the ancient ex-thief’s cold luminous eyes narrow slightly as he rumbles,

“We shall see. It’s time for you to go, however.” Ordering the plants to constrict, he watches coldly as its body is crushed, the vines absorbing the demon’s blood back into itself. Striding easily back to the ledge, the monster botanist steps lightly off the edge and lands quietly onto his balcony, the Ga Tojiru Hogosha following and returning back into it’s planters. Treading silently back into his apartment, he finds himself unwilling to return to human form, and easily discerns the reason why. Opening the door to his bedroom, cold honey eyes warm as they catch sight of golden locks curling sweetly around the oblivious beauty’s resting form. I want to feel her in this form as well. Silver tail swishing behind him, he moves soundlessly to the side of the bed, just watching her sleep for a moment.

(Magia Acapella - Yuki Kajiura)

Pulling the covers back, he slips beneath them lithely, eyes trained on her face for any sign of coherence. Finding none, he lays on his side with an elbow propping his head up, silver ears perking at the small sounds her body makes. Clear lungs, strong heart beat, blood rushing through tender veins. Looking at her right now, vulnerable and weak against anything he could do… He runs fingers tipped in deadly claws along her soft cheek, tracing the shape of her face gently, he can easily imagine blood running down the path he made. Pulling his fingers away, the spirit kitsune considers his dark thoughts carefully as he pulls his fist back to his chest, forcing his claws to bite into his own skin.

The small amount of pain helps clear his mind, gazing down at the wound as it seals up within moments. Licking the blood from his claws, Kurama glances back up at Mina as she sighs gently, a flush high on her cheeks as she mumbles happily, “Shuichi-san… Mmm… That’s… Bad for you, y’know…” Smirking, he huffs with humor before murmuring smoothly,

“Dreaming of me already, are you? Or rather my human facade. You so easily attach yourself to others.” No… Once again reaching out to touch her skin, admittedly to reassure himself she was real, he recalls their first meeting and her chastisement of him when she saw through his offer for help. She is wise, when she wishes to be. No, this beautiful creature, she… Tenderly sliding the pads of his fingers along her jaw, stopping only when he reached her open lips. Despite the darkness within me, and not truly knowing me, she’s trusting me with her life. The calculating fighter feels something stir and tingle in his chest, smirking with a huff of laughter as he realizes what it is. My human heart is reacting, drawing me back into that form. And here I thought I was losing touch with my ningen self.

Knowing he would relent and change back soon, he moves closer to her, tilting her head toward him as he whispers sinfully, “Before this part of me leaves, I must even our odds, despite you not remembering it.” Taking in her breaths greedily, the rogue apparition murmurs against her lips, “Stealing from me, the Legendary Thief Yôko, Kurama would normally be punishable by death, for you however… I’ll just take back some of what you’ve stolen.” In this form the softness of the delectable siren’s lips is amplified, causing the ache in his counterpart to grow. The subtle peach flavor of her lip gloss is much more pronounced now, the velvety texture allowing him to shift and taste more of her. The movement causes her hair to release a bit more of her exquisite scent, forcing a groan from his throat. To his shock, he feels familiar arms wrap around him and pull him against her, the kiss growing more fervent.

Parting softly from her pliant lips, he watches critically as her ocean blue irises appear from under marigold lashes, expression dreamy as she mumbles, “Who’re you?” Grinning mischievously, he murmurs against her lips,

“Perhaps a phantom of your dream?” Brushing softly against silky petals, he traps her moan in his throat, prompting a trilling sound to vibrate from his chest. When he withdraws from her for a moment, she whispers sleepily,

“No, dream phantoms don’t... have love in their hearts.” His lemon gaze expands in awe, a smirk appearing on his face to hide it as Kurama responds quietly,

“Then, perhaps I already devoured some of yours.” A warm smile appears on her visage as sunny lashes flutter close,

“If you need it... I have plenty to give. But love is unique… and yours feels like some’n else’ I know…” Luminous demon eyes lid halfway, watching as Mina relaxes in his arms again, leaning forward he whispers darkly into her ear,

“If you allow a demon to take from you, it may not stop until you’re empty.” Marigolds bloom, locking with his tourmaline irises lovingly as she sighs,

“Then take every drop, Shuichi-san.” The wickedness within wants to devour her, but it’s tempered by his humanity as he enfolds her mouth, pulling deeply on tender lips while she keens. Silver tail flicking in excitement, he pulls playfully on her mouth, rumbling,

“You strain a man’s will, Beautiful Child.” Leaning back and away from temptation, he gently strokes her soul with his own, adding some charm as he murmurs, “Go back to sleep, it’s nothing but a sweet dream now. Your Shuichi will be by your side when you wake.” It’s been a very long time since he used his charm on anyone, but from her drowsy conversation she wouldn’t put up much resistance. Blond lashes beat faintly as she begins to succumb to lethargy, her lips move without breath, but the vigilant warrior can read her meaning all the same. I want to meet you. Smiling genuinely, he replies deeply,

“And you will, someday…” Her body fully relaxes, her arms loosen from around him and flop uselessly by her head. From the sound of her pulse, the little temptress has fallen almost immediately into a deep sleep again. Playing lightly with the golden strands that decorate his pillows, he considers this aspect of humanity. Demons don’t kiss, not in the ningen’s sense of it. It leaves one’s soul open to manipulation. No, they bite, scratch, and claw to mark one another. Mar the others flesh to claim them like possessions. Kissing is something solely invented by humans. Pressing his forehead against hers, another gentle sign of human affection he now appreciates, he closes warming luminous eyes. You are not a possession, no, you are a powerful, beautiful creature with incredibly free will. Showing weakness before such a being is against my nature, and yet… for you, I just might. Allowing his demonic energy to fade, silver strands bleed to red, his larger yokai frame shrinks to a more compact size, emerald irises open to Mina’s slumbering visage. Nuzzling his nose against hers softly, he murmurs,

“It would seem you’ve won every part of me, Mina. And with you I may find my destruction or salvation.” Rolling onto his side, Kurama pulls Mina against him tightly, as though afraid she might disappear. His restless soul settles when she unconsciously wraps her arms around his middle, snuggling deeper into his chest and sighing happily. Lightly tangled locks fluff against his bed clothes as she mumbles,


“Sleep well… Mina.”


____________ ~Minako~ ____________


(Magia Piano slow cover - Yuki Kajiura)

(Passion/ Sanctuary Mree Cover - Utada Hikaru)

The first thing Minako felt was such wonderful warmth, she just wanted to curl up and go back to sleep. She felt so safe, snuggling against the center of the heat adding to her comfort. This is so nice… why doesn’t Artemis feel this comfy all the time? That’s when she remembers it’s not her particular feline that she’s cuddling with, and is instead a handsome, kind redhead whose very locks were tickling her cheeks and nose. Huffing out a breath to move the strands, she recalls the strange dream she’d just had, sending shivers down her spine at the memory of his lips. A silver haired fox man was kissing me while I slept. And it felt like Shuichi’s love…

Covering her mouth in embarrassment, azure irises widen in surprise, she looks up into his still sleeping face, features soft and unlike his normal teasing countenance. He looks like an innocent child like this. Reaching out, she nearly touches his skin when her hand is captured, emerald gems slowly revealed to her as Shuichi whispers, “Taking advantage of me while I’m sleeping, are we?” Her cheeks explode with color as she stammers, “N-No! I was just- eh, checking to see if you were awake!” Gently squeezing her fingers, he lays them between the two as he teases,

“Oh? So you always test your friends’ awareness this way?”

“No! I mean, well, uh, that’s-” He chuckles lightly, assuring,

“I was only teasing you. How are you feeling?” Still pinked, the flustered senshi pouts,

“I’m alright, just a little tired still.” It’s then she feels her heart miss a beat, vision blurring at the edges, causing her to close her eyes tightly and press her hand to her chest. Ugh, this again. Even though I’m not sick anymore, I still get these sometimes. Golden lashes flick open, she’s rather shocked by the look of worry across his features, quickly assuaging his anxiety, “Don’t worry, this happens sometimes. I just need more rest.” And a quick call to Ami-chan. The expression still remains on his face as the sweetheart murmurs,

“What happened? The heart usually doesn’t do that on it’s own, it’s triggered by something.” Yeah, the leftovers of a previously incurable disease. Sweat dropping lightly, she mutters,

“Uh, well… it’s… um…” How do you tell someone something like this? ‘Yeah, I’m not dying now, but just in case, we keep treating the symptoms as they pop up.’ I don’t want his pity… but he’s asking sincerely.

“It’s that upsetting, is it?” Her mouth pops open, heart sinking at the sorrowful look in his compassionate forest green irises,

“It’s just... it’s not as bad as you think-”

“Are you dying?” Although he kept his voice calm, Minako could feel the love in his heart tremble.

“Not anymore. It’s a few leftover symptoms from when I did.” Shuichi’s mouth parts, and she could see his heart dropping as she quickly adds, “I’m better now! And one of my friends is a doctor, so she can help me. Don’t look so upset! You’ll get wrinkles early!” She squeaks in shock when she’s tugged against his warm chest, curling around her as though to protect her from all the evils in the world.

“I’m not worried about my appearance so much as watching you struggle. You truly are a wonder, Mina-san.” She hums lightly as she looks up curiously, as though asking what he meant. “My mother also went through such hardships, but thankfully she has recovered. You ladies have incredible strength to go through such pain” His mother? Just the mention of her has his love shining brilliantly, now alerting her to why his love seems to stand out among his dark soul. He cares deeply for his mother… It’s… sublime… Unwrapping one arm to touch his face tenderly, she breathes,

“It’s… It is difficult for us to suffer through it, but it’s excruciating to watch for the people we love. You are the strong one Shuich-san. I bet through the whole thing, your mother was more worried about you than herself.” She’s awed when the gentle businessman presses his face to her hair, whispering,

“I believe you are right. Thank you for your wisdom. Though you’ve once again proven my point.” Blinking lightly, the snuggly darling meets his gaze as she asks,

“Wait, I did?”

(Koibito ni wa Narenai Kedo - Sailor Mercury Single)

(Girls Instrumental Cover - Katriel Layton)

“It’s not important. But I do need to get around for work, even if I would rather lounge in bed and chat with you.” The Avatar of Love feels her face heat up from his words, and although innocent enough, could be misconstrued if he wasn’t careful. He begins to unwrap himself from her, laughing lightly when she clings to his waist playfully.

“No~! Call in!” Shaking scarlet locks, he gently pulls her arms from around his waist as he rebukes,

“It’s very tempting… but I’ll have to pass this time, Mina-san. You are a terrible influence, you realize.” She plops down under the covers lazily, her face peeking out to watch him chuckle cutely and turn away while she groans,

“But you’re so comfy…” Snorting in humor, Shuichi opens the closet door while joking,

“Well, glad to be of service!” Popping up from the blanket cave, the drowsy athlete throws a pillow at the door as he closes it, muffling his laughter, she pooches her lips out while crying,

“Mou! You can be such a tease!” Flushing, she doesn’t have to hear much to imagine him changing as he goads,

“Oh? So I’m not a jerk anymore?” Huffing while hugging a pillow to herself, the now perky blond closes an azure eye and retorts,

“You still are! But for now just calling you a tease will do!” Minako blinks when he opens the door, stepping out in a dark brown tailored suit and tie. He looks gorgeous in everything!

(Gentle Scene - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

“I suppose that’ll do for now.” When he strides out of the bedroom, she hops out of bed with the comforter, dragging it with her as she plops belly down onto the couch. She props herself up on her elbows, swinging her exposed legs back and forth in the air as her temporary chef moves around the kitchenette. Keeping curious irises trained on him, she watches him go through his morning routine of tea, grabbing two cups again and sharing whatever he made with her. When he sees her position on the furniture, he sweat drops lightly before chiding,

“You can’t drink anything like that.” Sticking her tongue out playfully, the astral warrior corrects,

“I’m talented, so I can drink anything, anywhere!”

“I… highly doubt that Mina-san.”

“What, have you ever drank anything in zero G? It’s tricky, but doable!” A giant sweat drop appears on his head as he asks,

“Although I’m incredibly curious about the circumstances that lead to that, I also feel it’s something I really don’t want to know.” Chittering mischievously, she responds,

“Probably not, but one of these days you’ll probably hear about it anyway!” Smiling lightly, Shuichi shakes his scarlet locks and turns toward the kitchenette. Perking up, she unwraps herself from the blankets and leaves them on the couch, legs wobbly like she was walking a tightrope as she made her way toward him. Tripping on her own feet, she falls forward until strong arms catch her easily, the smell of herbs and wood, fresh cut grass, clean fabric and roses fills her senses as she’s picked up lightly and righted onto her feet.

“If it’s anything like the daily discord you live in now, I can’t even begin to fathom what sort of trouble you found in space.” Giggling, Minako tilts her head back to look into inquisitive verdant irises,

“Oh, you know, the typical space pirates that want ultimate power, or some ancient, three headed demonic space dragon that decided to nest nearby our sovereign state. The usual.” Feeling his chest shake with laughter made her heart soar, the deep thrumming sound stirring her soul. Sunflower lashes flutter closed in peace as he mutters cheekily,

“Only you would consider space variety pirates and a demon dragon to be casual fare.” Humming, she assures,

“There are way wilder things that have happened, but it’s probably not appropriate for new-ish friends.” That incredibly sexy, mysterious smile appears on his lips again as the sly hottie retorts,

“You needn’t fear, I’m no prude. I won’t judge you for your past actions.” Blinking at him innocently, she wonders,

“Really? Even if I had to raid a Jovian brothel run by snake-women and chase down a blob-like alien that looked like Jappa the Huut completely naked?” He was absolutely quiet for a moment, and for a few terrifying seconds, she thought that maybe she’d actually offended him. Then he pushed the nervous starlet away slightly, turning to the side, enveloping her ears in that delightfully spine tingling hearty laugh of his. She could almost swear she saw a few tears at the corners of his eyes.

“Ah, hah, how in the world did you end up naked?” Shrugging nonchalantly, she beams before regaling,

“Well, like I said it was a brothel and- hey! Don’t give me that look! It’s not what you think! I thought you weren’t judging!” Giving her an incredibly vulpine grin, Shuichi pulls a chair up for her to sit in again as he moves to dig in the drawer with his cute apron, teasing,

“Oh yes, I believe you.”

“Ugh, look, just because I’m the Guardian of Love doesn’t mean I live a completely debauched life.” At least, not anymore! “I had a legit reason okay!” Raising a scarlet brow at her, she pouts back before continuing, “Well, the brothel girls saw me in my senshi form, and well, I guess they really liked the way I looked. So, I’m also assuming they didn’t know who I was, and tried to strip me right in the middle of the establishment and everything, other patrons watching and all!”

“Tried, it sounds like they succeeded.” Groaning, Minako closes her eyes in embarrassment, shaking both fists in front of her chest while hissing,

“There were too many! I’m not the type of person to kill crazy people just because they’re getting handsy!” Pressing his lips together as though holding in laughter, he murmurs,

“I have the feeling there’s more.” Pausing in her tizzy and beating doe-eyes at her enraptured host swiftly, she glances away bashfully while mumbling,

“Uh, well, this part’s a little…”

“I’m waiting.”

“Well, I guess they had sensitive noses too, because they were squealing something about smelling my, uh… ‘arousal’ and worked even harder to get me naked.” He chokes on a breath before laughing harder, wheezing,

“You… The Sailor Venus. Fearsome warrior and protector of Earth, was accosted by brothel girls because they wanted a taste of you!” Body bursting with color, the heated celestial grouses,

“Quiet you! You wouldn’t understand, it’s something I kind of can’t help in that form!” Interest piqued, he muses with a playful grin,

“Oh?” Becoming shy, she looks up at him through her bangs with her head bowed,

“You really wanna know?”

“Well, now I’m incredibly curious.”

“In my senshi form, as corny as it sounds, the power of love coursing through my body really turns me on. So I’m stuck, the entire time I’m transformed, horny as a dog. It sucks even more when I’m injured, I can’t even finish myself off!” Shuichi looks like he’s struggling to breathe, leaning against the counter and barking with laughter. Sighing dramatically, Minako huffs,

“I’m glad my problems amuse you.”

“You certainly have interesting ones.”

“Shuichi-san, you have no idea…”

“I get the sense that I will soon, Mina-san.” Watching as he takes ingredients out of the cupboards and fridge, she fidgets on her chair at the island, willfulness pushing her to fiddle with the buttons on her borrowed pajama shirt. “It’s alright, you don’t have to feel so helpless you know.” Perking up at his voice and blinking at him in astonishment, his gentle smile becomes all the more heart warming as he finishes, “You can mix the eggs up if you want to help.” She brightens immediately, popping up and down in her chair as she cheers,

“Ooh! Yeah, I got it! We’re having them scrambled then?”

“Yes, I thought you might like them that way, if your destruction of the omurice was anything to go by.” Puffing her cheeks out, the swift eater grumbles,

“Hey! I remember somebody threatening to take my food away!” The cheeky heartthrob huffs gingerly as he sets a mixing bowl, utensils, and ingredients in front of her while he quips,

“And I recall telling you I wasn’t actually going to take it away.”

“I know that now, but you should see us girls when Chibiusa-chan around if you want life-threatening food drama!” Leafy green irises glance at her as he tilts his head curiously,

“Really now?” Grinning, she begins mixing the seasoning and eggs together as she guffaws,

“Chibiusa-chan can be pretty bratty, especially when it comes to getting attention, so usually her method of attack involves stealing Usagi-chan’s food. Then the two start fighting, and we’ve been kicked out of a few places because of them!”

“Really? Against a child?

“Yup, I mean really though, Usagi-chan is still a kid herself. Even if she did grow up physically, she’d eternally stay a child. It’s what makes her so fun to hang out with!” Shuichi chuckled lightly, having added rice to the cooker and was working on the fish and soup.

(Nostalgic Soshite Romantic - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

(Hikarisasu Niwa, Illusion - Revolutionary Girl Utena)

“I see. She does sound rather interesting, especially considering you find her entertaining.” Smiling brilliantly, the giddy performer chirps,

“Crazy, huh? Honestly, with them it feels more like found family than just friends.” She can hear the adoration in his voice as he reveals,

“Hmm, I understand the sentiment. Some of my friends I feel that way with as well.” A bit surprised, though with his gentle yet impish nature she shouldn’t be, wonders,

“Wow, really? That’s so cool! I’m glad you found people like that!” Tone filled with awe and a bit of , but… why? He murmurs tenderly,

“Yes, and from what I hear, it’s a rare thing to have.”

“Yup! Oh, are you not having natto?” The attentive smooth talker smirks at her while replying,

“If you didn’t like mushrooms, I figured you didn’t like natto either.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet! You can have natto though if you want!” Minako’s confused when she sees him place a colander full of leafy greens in the sink and wash them.

“That’s alright, there are many other things I can have. I keep many vegetables on hand, some of them I’ve canned myself, so we can play around with the menu a bit. That’s the most interesting thing about cooking, adding different ingredients makes the dishes entirely different.”

“You make it sound so fun! I just hate the dirty dishes part at the end…” he pulls a bottle of oil from near the fridge and places it on the counter near her, taking the beaten eggs from her.

“Thank you for the help. I do agree, dirty dishes are the worst part of cooking. Here,” he apparently grabbed something else while by the fridge. “Could you divide this into these dishes?” It was a glass jar with what looked like vegetables inside some liquid.

“Wow, do you make everything yourself?” Shrugging as Shuichi goes back to the stove, he responds,

“If I can. Not only is it cheaper that way, it’s also healthier as well.”

“And good for the earth! But do you buy the vegetables?”

“No, my mother has a garden and gives me the excess. She usually gives me too much, so instead of letting it go to waste, I can what I don’t immediately use.” Swinging her legs back and forth under the chair, the Embodiment of Love smiles gently before sighing,

“That’s so great that your mom helps you out.” Turning from their breakfast over the heat, he looks incredibly perturbed as he asks,

“Yours doesn’t?” Sweat dropping lightly, she laughs nervously,

“Oh, well, I guess they do.” Now his beautiful ivy irises are brimming with concern as he gapes,

“You guess? What does that mean?” She spoons out some of the tsukemono, but stops when she feels his heavy stare on her head. Blinking, she’s startled by the concern carved into the caring sometimes gentleman’s visage, inciting her heart to ache from the earnestness found within him. He’s so sweet… yet so infuriating! I’ve never met such an amazing, mischievous guy like him… There’s a ring in her soul, one she’s uncertain of its meaning, but makes her feel so light. Cheeks pinking at the slow, but strangely wonderful twist in Minako’s heart, prompting her to touch her chest dreamily. At his raised brow, she snaps out of her dreamy thoughts to blurt,

“Uh… Well~ you see…” Ugh, and why does he always ask really hard questions! “My dad helps me out sometimes, but my mom whines about everything!” Doing her best high pitched witch voice, she cries, “Minako, you should study more! Minako, you can’t hang out with your friends! Minako, you should buy me this purse, I raised you! Minako, do this, Minako do that, blah-blah-blah. Ugh, she always tells me what to do!” He chuckles lightly, interpreting,

“She only says those things to help you, although it would seem she doesn’t quite understand your personality.”

“Exactly! She really doesn’t know me all that well, her own daughter! And I’ve tried to do things with her, but she’s so annoying! She doesn’t listen to me when I try to talk to her.” Shuichi looks sympathetic as he advises,

“Unfortunately, some people just aren’t capable of having an open mind. Although you can be quite difficult, you realize.” Puffing a cheek out, the miffed idol retorts,

“Hey! I’m not that bad!” Grinning at her in return, he explains,

“Not in that sense. However you are incredibly wilful, and many adults expect those younger than them to listen to everything they say without question.”

“Pfft! If I did that, my Princess would have died long ago.” Watching him turn off the stove, she hadn’t even realized the crazily perfect handyman was done cooking until he moved, she was so worked up. He strides to her inquisitively after he grabs two glasses from the cupboard,


“Totally, Queen Serenity wanted to take months of research to react to a threat. I couldn’t stand by and watch as something like that grew until it was unmanageable. Yeah, sometimes you need procedures for these things, but bureaucracy takes too much time! Especially when something as precious as her is involved!” He places some tamagoyaki on her plate as well as some fish, granting,

“True enough. So I guess you aren’t one for authority then?”

“Yeah, no, that's a definite big no. The police are dumb. The citizens pay good money to keep them employed and they don’t do anything! I know they don’t, I’ve worked with them!” Sitting down in the chair across from her at the table, he chortles lightly,

“I see. I thought that might be the case.”

“I’m really that obvious, huh?” Taking a bite of the breakfast he prepared, Shuichi swallows and nods, closing his eyes to recite,

“Quite. You were more than willing to destroy business property, threatening your delivery friends, not to mention kidnapping, although non-threatening in nature, is still another law broken. That's in only the four days I’ve known you.” Minako chokes on a bite of rolled egg, swallowing thickly as she cries,

“Mou! I thought we weren’t going to talk about that!” Laughing lightly, Shuichi adds,

“I’m only teasing. Truth be told, I myself am not much for authority either.”

“Eh? Really! But you’re in the computer industry aren’t you? That means a lot of rules and regulations right?” After eating another bite, he agrees,

“Yes there are, some of those aspects are tedious, but learning new things is something I rather enjoy.” Giggling warmly, she remarks,

“That sounds like my friend Rei-chan. When we were still in school, she actually had the gall to say she came to our study sessions because she didn’t have anything else to do! She was studying with us for the sake of studying!” She can feel her whole body flush when he shows her that breath-stopping smile again. It was just so soft, so sweet, but most of all, it’s the gentle passion she feels shining from within him that makes her realize what the sense of rightness in her soul was earlier. I… I’m in love with him…

“Ah, a fellow enthusiast then. You’ve mentioned Ami-san, Tsukino-san, and now Rei-san. You are quite close to them then, I take it?” Heat still prevalent in her ears, the suddenly aware guardian stutters quietly,

“Y-yeah, we are. They are precious to me, along with my other girls.” When the gorgeous soul smiles at her again, his gently affectionate expression twists her heart again, her stomach fluttering with her new knowledge.

“I see, I’m looking forward to meeting them.” I can’t love him… Even while her soul felt like it was torn asunder, she beamed at his genuine interest, one that usually spelled trouble from such a dark soul, but with him… He’s not simply evil, he’s had to taint his soul to keep himself alive. Wanting to share at least a part of her life with him that wasn’t public, she recounts,

“Well, there’s also Mako-chan who loves cooking, any excuse she can get and she’ll bake for us. Oh! And she loves plants too! Her apartment is full of them!” He looked surprised for a moment, before settling on fondness for her enthusiasm while she continues passionately, “Then there’s Haruka-san, she’s a race car driver and flies a helicopter to boot, then Michiru-san is a professional violinist and she’s the one who helped me get into the idol business, Setsuna-san is an incredibly adept researcher who also has a fondness for children and works in a kindergarten, and Hotaru-chan is Chibiusa-chan’s best friend who may or may not actually go on a killing spree if anyone hurt her. Ah, and poor Mamoru-san who lives next door, he’s the most normal among us and just has to deal with all of us being so flashy.” Shuichi’s exquisite laughter graces Minako’s ears again, melting her heart further as he catches his breath.

“Now I am incredibly curious about them. And here I thought you would be the most exuberant of the group.”

“Nope, we’re all pretty crazy, and actually, that’s how we all came to be friends! We never really fit in with most people, so we were considered outcasts.” He blinks in surprise before inquiring,

“Even you?” Bemused, and drinking some of the matcha, she answers,

“Yup, even me. Although it wasn’t as outward as some of the others, I still had problems. Like you just pointed out, I don’t do well with authority, so any figures of that sort always had disputes with me.” Nodding, the endlessly curious mind eats some of the fish before questioning,

“You said you worked with the police, when was that?”

“Oh, I was 13 at the time.” He pauses with shock before wondering,

“You were only 13? I didn’t think the law would allow that.” Grinning slyly, the impish hero amends,

“Maybe for normal 13 year olds, but not Sailor V!” The astonishment on his face was infused with something she hadn’t expected, admiration, adding to the butterflies in her tummy.

“Ah, that explains it.” When they finish eating, he puts the dishes in the sink, but before he does them, she cuts in, “Hey, leave them and I’ll do them in a bit. It’ll give me something non-dangerous to do while I’m stuck here right?” Scarlet lashes flutter as he recalls,

“I thought you didn’t like doing the dishes?”

“I don’t, but I’m really not doing much right now anyway, so it’ll give me something to do!” And~ it’ll get me brownie points! And there it is, that absolutely dazzling smile of his. He’s gotta stop that or I’m going to have a heart attack!

“Thank you. You will be alright on your own, Mina-san? Should I call someone over for you?” Aww, he’s so freaking sweet! Now I wonder how I couldn’t fall for him! Outwardly answers warmly,

“I’m calling my friend here in a bit, if you're fine with a stranger coming over?”

“Your health is more important than my privacy, Mina-san. Go ahead.” Minako smiles eagerly and chirps,

“Kay! Have a good day!”

“I will. Message me if you have any problems. My number is on the notepad next to the bed.” Blinking, she leans around the bar and hangs over slightly, as though somehow able to see through the wall to catch sight of it. Shrugging and deciding she’d investigate later, she replies,

“I will! Sayonara, Shuichi-san!” He waves lightly back at her before he walks out the door, locking it behind himself. Sighing heavily, she stands and huddles back under the covers on the couch warily, flicking her only loose wrist in the air, making the pocket dimension activate. Sorting quickly with her mind, the senshi-on-a-mission finds the communication watch and with slight hesitation, flips it open and calls Ami. It surprisingly didn’t take long for her to answer, glasses adorning her heart shaped face appeared in the watch front.

(Girls in Love Won’t Stop! - Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon S Ongaku Shuu)

(Silver Millennium theme - Takanori Arisawa)

“Mina-chan, what’s wrong? Is there some sort of-”

“Whoa! Slow down Ami-chan! I just… Could you come to me? I can give you the address-”

“No need, I’ve traced your location already.” Sweat dropping heavily, Mina slumps slightly as she croaks,

“Wow, you work fast!” And before she can say anymore, she senses her comrade teleporting into the living room. Standing in a dark blue pencil skirt, white blouse, light blue ribbon around her collar, and topped off with a lab coat was Ami-chan, deep blue hair still trimmed short but looking as pretty as ever. Her expression was serious as she walked over to Minako bundled on the couch. The water warrior came prepared, apparently, as she pulls the stethoscope from her neck and asks

“You’ve been feeling bad lately?” Sighing, as she knew Ami-chan’s good doctor bad doctor routine by heart now, and knowing she was in for the scolding of her life.

“Uh, I lost a lot of blood a few days ago, so I think it might have set something off balance.” Wincing in advanced, she still jumped slightly when her friend scolds,

“Mina! I can’t believe this! You’re already in a precarious state! It’s only been a year since you’ve recovered! You should be more careful!” Ugh, I always feel like she’s my mom when she’s like this. Pouting at the fierce Mercurian, the blanketed patient groans,

“It’s not like I’m trying to die here! I just haven’t-” Stopping herself before she blurted anything out, she slumps down for a moment before remembering Shuichi’s advice. ‘They wouldn’t want to see you in pain, would they?’ Humming, she continues, “I haven’t been sleeping well, Ami-chan. I have constant nightmares, rehashed memories given new, terrifying forms.” The furrow between Ami’s brows smooth out, pure concern prevalent across her features as she inquires,

(Sad Memories - Sailor Moon)

“Why didn’t you say anything? We could have-”

“You guys are all living your best right now. I…” Lapis gems meet night sky blue sadly, smiling with melancholy, “How could I take away any of your peace? Intrude on your happiness?” The water senshi gains a somber look, her hands clenching before her chest as she chides,

“You could never make us miserable with your problems! Mina-chan… you are our family! I may scold you for being derelict in studies, or a terrible patient… but I want you to succeed! I want you to be healthy! If you need someone to talk to, my ears are always open! And if not me, surely the other girls would have no problem helping you!” Minako could feel tears at the corners of her eyes, her heart throbbing painfully all the while her smile grew bright. You guys are the best friends a girl could have. Rubbing the liquid away, she giggles softly,

“Oh Ami-chan! I’m sorry for not sharing this… I just-” Sighing, Ami-chan pads forward and puts a hand to Love’s shoulder.

“I understand, you didn’t want to be a burden on us. But keeping this from us will only make us worry for you more. We love you too much to lose you Mina-chan.” Nodding lightly, she grins before confirming,

“Hai! I won’t keep anything from you guys anymore!” Taking her stethoscope pieces and inserting them into her ears, the young doctor answers,

“Good, and let's keep it that way.” Blowing warm air on the head of the instrument, she moves the metal gently across Minako’s chest, stopping for a few moments at a time before finding another place to listen. After what seemed like a small eternity to the impatient media darling, the guardian of wisdom removes the pieces from her ears and records something in her notebook. “Well, it certainly is arrhythmia with cardiac syncope, and while normally it isn’t a problem in most people, it was one of your symptoms before. Thankfully I’ve studied up on it since then, and we caught it early this time, so all you need to do is take this medicine I’m about to prescribe, along with an iron supplement, and you should be battle ready in a few weeks.”

“What! Weeks! Ami-chan, I can’t-”

“Oh, but you will, Mina-chan! Doctors orders!” Writing something on another piece of paper, Dr. No-fun continues, “And speaking of secrets, whose apartment is this? Because yours was never this clean.”

(Love’s Miracle - Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

“Hey! I take offense to that! And how do you know I haven’t changed my ways!” Giggling sweetly, Ami-chan points out,

“Because I had to scold you about telling us anything and taking care of yourself, so no life changing epiphanies have occurred to you. So that only leaves either you’re staying with an idol friend of yours, and considering there’s no memorabilia or posters up anywhere, so by process of elimination…” Studious sapphire irises lid suspiciously as they glance down into Mina’s. “You're staying with a man. And next to Mamoru-san's apartment, no less.” Leaning away from the accusing stare, the Goddess of Love giggles guiltily before chiming,

“I was gonna say something eventually! It just took me a little bit, you know! I’ve only known the guy for four whole days!” A scandalized look crosses the pure warrior’s face as she flushes deeply,

M-M-Mina~! You can’t just stay in a strange man’s apartment~! That’s just asking for trouble!”

“Oh, don’t be such an old noodle, Ami-chan! He’s not a bad person at all! In fact, he’s the one who told me to talk to all of you about my nightmares!” A look of shock flashes across a nymph like visage before Ami asks,

“Really? Wow, he’s smart too!” Pouting hugely at the now far too interested brain of the senshi, Minako grumbles,

“He is. Way too smart. With a smart mouth to boot!” Snickering spritely with her eyes closed, the water wielder teases,

“Oh? It sounds like he’s a match for you then!” The athletic performer pauses, honey bangs hiding her expression as she looks away for a moment, humming quietly,

“I suppose so.” Minako can feel a heavy gaze on her face before she hears Ami-chan moving around, and before she can consider anything further, she feels her free arm plucked up into small, smooth hands. Blinking, the sunny noble turns toward her blue counterpart as a cuff is placed on her upper arm. The stethoscope is placed on the inside of her elbow as the medical student keeps track of her pulse. After inflating the band and recording the numbers, Ami-chan deflates the cuff and takes it off.

“So what you’re saying is you stay here for something other than this guy?”

“Uh, my apartment kind of got blown up.”

“Wh-What~! Minako!”

“What?” Gobstopped by the ridiculousness in the statement she supposes, the Mercurian chokes,

“You could have stayed with Mako-chan! I’m sure she wouldn’t mind!”

(Sadness Dic BGM- Bob Summers)

“Well, yeah… but…” Mina’s cheeks pink while she confesses, “I- Ugh, okay, so maybe I do like the guy! But really I…” Looking away in melancholy, Mina sighs, “I want to protect him, he’s so kind and gentle, teasing and mischievous, he’s perfect in every way, you’d think he’d have no problems. But his energy is strange, incredibly dark, and yet his love is so sweet and strong! The kind we’re supposed to protect. But there are monsters after him, Ami-chan. I don’t know why they want him, but I’m going to find out. That’s why I was hurt; I was trying to find answers.” A dark night sky studies Minako’s expression for a moment before breaking out into an indulgent smile.

“You really are alike, you know. You and Usagi-chan. Bravely diving head first into things, even if you know barely anything of the person you’re protecting.” Ears darkening, the protective fighter puffs up her face as she rebukes,

“All of us do that, even you Miss Brainiac!” Smiling lightly, Ami-chan titters while admitting,

“While that’s true, you and Usagi do so with such enthusiasm. That tenacity would be enviable were it for anything else.” Sighing while tilting her head, the bed headed blond pouts,

“Hey, I’ll have you know my tenacity is one of my strongest points!” Chuckling amiably, the doctor in training agrees easily,

“Yes, it really is. Well, for now you're stable, so I’ll write down instructions on what you should take, and when.”

“Oh! Could you write me a hospital release too! My studio will fire me if I don’t have it! Pretty please, Ami-chan!” Sighing, the Mercurian adjusts her glasses before conceding,

“Oh fine. Give me a bit for that, it’ll take a little longer to write that up accurately, considering we’ll need to fake those documents…” Winking airily, Minako wags a finger at Ami-chan while she goads,

“You make it sound so scandalous. We can’t help it if the forces of evil tend to put us out of commission sometimes!”

“Yes, it does happen. Although, you could have used the healing chamber for this, if it weren’t out of commission because of someone...” Puffing a cheek out childishly, she grouses,

“Look, I said I was sorry already! It’s not like I try to break everything!” Covering her mouth while she laughs, her sailor sister assures,

“I’m only teasing! Only you would be capable of breaking out of the healing chamber before it’s finished when you psychically heard Usagi-chan crying!” All she knew was she heard her princess crying, and although it was over the trauma from the Sailor Stars incident she found out later, what mattered at the time was getting to her precious person. So she willed herself to move.

“I-I thought it was serious! And it’s not that hard to get out of!” With a somberness expected of one being told of their impending death, Ami-chan iterates,

“Mina-chan, it disables your neurological functions completely. Medically speaking, you shouldn’t have been unable to wake up on your own!”

“Eh, whatever it does, it doesn’t stop me!”

“Yes, we found out the hard way when you busted out of it. Thankfully it was mostly finished with the process, so the minor cuts healed on their own without scars.” Shrugging lightly, the willful soldier assures,

“Well, even if it left scars I would just look cooler!”

“Oh, Mina-chan… What are we going to do with you?” Chittering giddily, Minako retorts,

“Never be bored! Thanks for everything, Ami-chan! I can really count on you when I’m in a bind!” The gentle smile on Ami-chan’s face was so warm, it felt like rays of sunshine after a good rain.

“No problem, Mina-chan. And please, do remember that we will always be here for you whenever you need us, even if it’s just to chat for a little bit.” Grinning mischievously, the perky prankster jokes,

“Be careful what you wish for, Ami-chan! I might just take you up on that offer!” Minako’s ecstatic to see a sweat drop grace calm and beautiful Ami’s temple as the she hesitates,

“Oh, you know what I mean! Don’t be unreasonable please!”

“I got it! I’m only teasing you!”

“Behave yourself, oh, and here, give this to your new friend. And do not read it! It’s for his eyes only!” In spite of the minor pang of jealousy, the blanket bundle sniggers while gasping,

“What! A love letter already? But you’ve not even met him yet!”

“W-w-w-what~! No! That’s not it at all!” A rash dots the prudish senshi’s nose, sapphire irises impossibly wide as she squeaks, “I’m your doctor! And as the one housing my patient, I have some instructions for him! Don’t be ridiculous, Minako!” Laughing outrightly at her smart friend frantically fanning herself, Minako snorts,

“Alright, don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m messing with you Ami-chan!” A frown turns the corners of the Mercurian’s mouth as she chides,

“Mina-chan! You’re terrible!”

“Ah, but you wouldn’t have me any other way, Ami-chami*!”

“Don’t call me that! Oh, you! I don’t even know what to say to you sometimes!”

“Just knowing you love me is all I need!” Giggling lightly, Ami-chan scolds,

“You better! Now I gotta get going, I’ve got an exam in an hour to prepare for!” Grimacing, the study truant waves listlessly at the thought of homework,

“Good luck, Ami-chan!” Shaking her head at the contorted expression on her friends face, the harried doctor titters,

“I may need some on this one! Farewell Mina-chan! And don’t do anything rash!” Grinning cheekily, the couch potato teases,

“Don’t worry, I will!” Just as her form is fading, the studious tech wizard gapes and squeaks,

Mina-chan!” And poof! There she goes! Minako laughs spritely, huddling the comforter tighter around herself as she sinks into it deeper, snuggling down into its warmth. And it still smells like him! She feels her heart warm at the thought of him being right about her friends. I’m so stubborn sometimes! I don’t mean to be, but I can’t help it! Standing and heading toward the kitchenette, she grudgingly washes the dishes, ensuring there isn’t any remaining crud on any of the spaces or gaps in the utensils. He keeps everything so clean in here, he'll probably rewash half of this stuff if I didn’t get everything out.

Blinking in drowsiness, love’s guardian dries her hands and heads back to the bedroom. Closing the door behind herself, she falls noisily onto the mattress, cuddling happily into the pillows as sleep slowly seeps into her.


Tojiro 綴じる - Binding

Hogosha 保護者 - Guardian; protector; patron; parent. = Ga tojiru hogosha が綴じる保護者 - Binding Guardian (Might be wrong, I don’t speak Japanese myself so if it is, let me know!)

Honestly, the first thing I based the plant on is Pete Piranha from Mario XD But then I found this beauty,, A sundew have little tentacles protruding from their leaves, and some species are vine like.

*Chami - Tea house. Mina is teasing Ami about their study times, especially when Ami was really cracking down on them in the side story. Ami brought instant tea and sandwiches so Mako didn’t have an excuse to take her time to make anything. That’s also one of the reasons Ami likes sandwiches so much, she can eat them while studying. And instant green tea? It’s got decent amounts of caffeine in it to help keep you awake to study ∗˚(* ˃̤൬˂̤ *)˚∗

Tamagoyaki - literally "grilled egg" is a type of Japanese omelette, which is made by rolling together several layers of fried egg. These are often prepared in a rectangular omelette pan called a makiyakinabe or tamagoyakiki.

Tsukemono - literally "pickled things" are Japanese preserved vegetables (usually pickled in salt, brine,[1] or a bed of rice bran).[2] They are served with rice as an okazu (side dish), with drinks as an otsumami (snack), as an accompaniment to or garnish for meals, and as a course in the kaiseki portion of a Japanese tea ceremony.

Space Pirates is definitely a reference to Metroid, Demonic Space Dragon is a reference to Desghidorah, aaaaaaand Jappa the Huut is Star Wars. I really can’t help myself with references, and honestly, the source materials do it too, so it fits!

Chapter 9: Unexpected Guest


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

(A Crystal’s Sparkle - Revo)

Although he was incredibly anxious about leaving a sick Mina behind, she had said her friend was a doctor, and if he was right… Possibly one of the other senshi. Minako Aino, Usagi, Chibiusa, Ami, Rei, Mako, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, Hotaru, and Mamoru. Mina is Sailor Venus, and there are nine other senshi. That leaves two extra whose identities would be unknown. Kurama’s thoughts are interrupted by a knock at his office door, prompting him to call out, “It’s open.” One of his juniors opens the door, poking their head in to announce,

“Shocho, I finished the reports you requested, is there anything else you need?”

“No, that’s quite alright, you’re free to go.”

“Uh, have you eaten anything sir? The receptionists said to check on you.” Smiling politely, the businessman replies,

“I will be leaving in a moment as well, so tell them not to worry.”

“Understood, have a good evening sir.” Checking the reports thoroughly before he leaves for the day, Kurama’s surprised to sense someone he hadn’t seen in quite a while. Smirking, he walks to the ceiling to floor windows, watching the city move along while greeting,

“Hiei, I’m glad you’re doing so well.” A shadow moves from against the wall, hand tucked into a pocket beneath a black robe as a man of shorter stature strides toward him.

“Normally, I wouldn’t have bothered coming here, through this human infested city, but there was someone in your apartment.” The fox spirit freezes, turning toward Hiei, asking quietly,

“Is she alright?” A harumph from the shadowed form assures the plant handler that she should be fine.

“She is alive. I was going to kill her, but she had your scent all over her. I didn’t think you’d take a human lover.” Smiling mysteriously, Kurama retorts,

“I have not.”

“Could’ve fooled me. She sleeps in your nest, smells like you, and you are drenched in her scent as well. Any demon with a nose would know she’s yours.” Clenching his fist in his own pocket, the pensive kitsune responds,

“It’s a delicate situation.”

“If by delicate you mean rolling in something’s scent that’s like sex given body, then yes, it is.” Nearly sighing at the apparition’s tart demeanor, Kurama replies,

“She was injured fighting a demon, on my behalf, believing I was an ordinary human. I couldn’t leave her be.” There’s a pregnant silence, nearly inciting a sigh to leave him until Hiei retorts,

“Then she’ll be torn apart, and leave us in peace.” Shaking crimson locks, the former thief chides,

“You didn’t see her fight, Hiei. She is far too noble a creature to allow death. If you believe her smell is potent now then you would be insane when she unleashed her power. Her scent was unlike anything I’d ever smelled in all my years.”

“Your nose is better than mine, so should I assume this is your insanity speaking?”

“Far from it, she’s helping refine my sanity by challenging it. Do you mind checking on her for me? She has a tendency to get herself into trouble in my absence, as you might tell.” Though the umbran bandit acted as though it were a chore, Kurama knew he would do it anyway, having heard the concern in his fellow’s tone,

“‘Not insane,’ huh. I’m only doing this because I owe you.”

“Thank you.” Hiei is quiet for a moment, then suddenly blinks in shock, glaring at the city as he hisses,

“You didn’t say she had such honed senses!”

“What happened?” Finally gazing back up at the rose haired warrior, blood red eyes narrow,

“She could tell I was watching her. She even had the gall to threaten me.” Chortling with a hand over his mouth, Kurama returns,

“I hadn’t realized her awareness was so attuned. It explains a few things. Where was she?”

“At the pharmacy, picking up human medicine.” Why is she out of bed! At least with my scent on her, most demons will steer clear of her. Except of course… “No one, Kurama, not demon or otherwise has sensed when I use the Jagan. What the hell is she!” The strategic yôko is quiet a few beats, deciding how to word his findings without revealing too much, I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise, afterall, before admitting,

“Have you heard the news in Makai? For the past three years, strange things have happened in this world.” Fiery irises focus on him as Hiei answers,

“Yes, a darkness deeper than our own has consumed the world several times. What of it?”

“Enki and his council had asked me to look into the mysterious occurrences. I found information on several female warriors who fought off those creatures, and claimed to be Sailor Guardians protected by the solar system planets.”

“Get to the point, fox.” Glancing calmly at the slowly fuming Jagan wielder, Kurama asks instead,

(People are People - Yuki Kajiura)

“Tell me, did you sense anything strange from her?”

“Other than her scent and yours, n- wait… that can’t- you don’t mean-” Revealing a vulpine grin, the playful thinker answers,

“Yes, she’s one of them. And with her scent, physicality, and energy, she draws more trouble than even Yusuke when he’s looking for it.”

“And you’re sleeping with it.” Sighing lightly, Kurama reprimands,

She is a person, Hiei, please treat her with some respect. After all, you may be too young to remember her legends, but I certainly am not.” That got more than a passing glance, the flame demon narrows his eyes skeptically while inquiring,

“Legends? She has legends?”

“Yes, a ferocious protector of her sovereign who would wipe entire fleets out on her own. She was feared by the young lords of Demon World at the time, and it was said that even the gods themselves feared her wrath.”

“So, you’re telling me that this girl, who is living with you from your strong scent on each other, had the lords before even Mukuro and Raizen, dread angering her?” Smiling lightly, Kurama affirms with mirth,

“Yes, that’s right.”

“And you are letting her stay with you.” His amusement grows, knowing where Hiei’s mind was going,

“That’s correct as well.”

“You are insane, fox. You’re playing a dangerous game.”

“I’m not using her, if that’s what you’re getting at. I am… curious. If you had a chance to learn about a legend such as this, would you not take the chance?”

“Not if it meant being purified for it. Only you and Yusuke would be insane enough to toy with them.”

“I told you, I’m not-”

“You didn’t deny sleeping with her earlier.” Putting on his most innocent face he could manage, which in his opinion was quite so, the enchanted fox gasps,

“Hiei, I hadn’t realized you were so invested in my love life.” A flush steals over the koorime’s face as he growls,

“I could care less about such nonsense!” Chuckling lightly, he knew Hiei would leave, having been teased enough for the moment and allowing Kurama to finish his work for the day. However he had one more thing to say. “Hiei.” Ensuring the jaded shade stopped, Kurama requests, “Please watch out for her until I make it home.” Hiei looks over his shoulder at the taller of the two, huffing before flitting away. As close to confirmation as I’ll get for now. Trying with difficulty to concentrate on his work, the salaryman-disguised yōkai was at least relieved to have someone watching over her while he was away.

Making his way home as quick as possible, and although he knew she was fine, and that the honor bound swordsman was likely there watching over her, in his own, strange way, he couldn’t help the excitement of learning more about her. Arriving at the floor of his apartment, he could make out the smell of the previous day’s dinner, and an unidentified individual. Feminine, rain, lilac, hydrangea, fresh air, lemon, cassis, antiseptic, and books. Must be her doctor friend, and if my hunch is correct, one of the senshi. Making sure to embed the scent in his memory he unlocks his door, and steps inside to a voice chirping,

(Poetry Toward Hope - Linked Horizon)

“Welcome back, Shuichi-san!” She must have reheated it, timing it quite well. Slipping his shoes off and hanging up his coat, Kurama moves further inside to see the food sitting out on the table, smiling warmly.

“Ah, you didn’t have to, Mina-san.”

“But I wanted to! And I didn’t have much else to do either!” Feeling his human heart patter, he calms himself quickly until he sees her stiffen. Lashes flutter as he inquires,

“Is something wrong?” He’s incredibly shocked by the severe look on her countenance as she moves quickly in front of him, her stance one that keeps his body covered as she replies darkly,

“Someone’s watching me. Stay behind me Shuichi-san.” He opens his mouth to explain, but catches one of the shadows in the room moving, and apparently so does Mina as between seconds there’s the sound of a clash as he shouts,

“Hiei, stop!” A final clang is heard, the golden haired senshi on one knee, holding a crescent shaped mirror against her neck, the only thing between the soft column of her throat and the sword the fire apparition held. Her eyes didn’t hold defeat however, instead they held such ferocity that even Hiei was watching her warily, and to Kurama’s astonishment, she held a shiv in her other hand. Where did she get that? The sour shade’s tenor interrupts the shocked foxes musings as it seethes,

“Girl, what is that made of?” The viciousness melts off her face and surprise replaces it, to his inner relief.

“What, never seen a woman’s compact? You know, for putting on makeup?”

“It’s not a simple human device, fool. This sword should have cut through it easily.” Fluttering blond lashes, the beautiful warrior stares contemplatively at Hiei, then preceding to answer with snark,

“Maybe that sword isn’t as sharp as you think it is.” Before either could move anymore, Kurama places himself between them, putting his back to Mina as he chides,

“Must you test her in such a manner, Hiei?” The little shadow looks entirely unapologetic, convincing the elder kitsune that it was payback for his embarrassment earlier. I suppose I’ll have to teach him the time and place for satire later, preferably after Mina is sleeping. Meanwhile, behind him she coughs into her hand and drops the compact. Dropping to his knee at her side, Kurama worries,

“Are you alright?” Glinting azure irises catch his as she pants,

“I’ll be fine, I just pushed myself too hard. I thought he might be a threat.” Sighing, the enchanted fox turns an unimpressed look toward the Jagan’s wielder, earning a sweat drop from the shorter yokai as ruby irises glance away.

“That’s understandable. Please, let me help you to the couch.” Gentle ocean waves lock with his as she gasps,

“Oh! But dinner is…” They both look to the table and smiling lightly, Kurama corrects,

“To the table then. Hiei will be eating with us.” There’s an angry hiss of ‘what’ behind him, but one look over his shoulder silenced the grumpy dragon summoner as the compassionate flora wielder helped the courageous soldier to her feet. To his consternation, her body was trembling, having pushed herself immensely at the threat of danger. Even still, she managed to defend herself from our fastest member, and it looks like she had a plan in mind had I not stopped them. Emerald eyes shift to the utensil held tightly in her hand, as though she still wasn’t convinced of Hiei’s amenability. Leading her to a chair, he settles her in the seat softly, curiously asking while pointing at her weapon of choice,

“What’s this?” She glances to where his attention was captured, pinking slightly before hiding it in the sleeve of the dark blue pajamas she borrowed. Though he was perturbed by the reaction, it was their resident shadow that reveals,

“It appeared in her hand, though it looked like it came from her skin.” Shocked, Kurama looks between the two, prompting her to hide her face from them.

“It’s alright, Mina-san. I’ve told you before that I wouldn’t judge you for anything and I meant it.” Fiddling nervously with it, she shyly whispers,

“Although my main element is love, I have power over metal too.” Glancing toward the Hiei, he sees interest there as well.

“So with what you both have said, this shiv came from inside your body. Your own metals that all humans have naturally.” Sunny locks bounce with her nod as Mina takes the metal and, miraculously, presses it back into her own skin.

“The chain I use is part energy, part metal. Depending on how I need it, I can push it to be purely energy, or in rare cases now, full metal.” Pulling the lid off the stove reheated meal, Kurama spoons out servings to three dishes, warning his ex-partner in crime that it would need soy sauce, stating,

“I see, so in emergency situations, like just now, if you need a weapon you have access to it, however…” The garden manipulator watches a sweat drop appear on her pale temple as she affirms,

“Yeah, at times like now, when I don’t have much in my body to begin with, it can be pretty bad.” Huffing at the turn in events today, he sits at the place next to hers, ensuring the two spitfires were separated. Glancing toward her to gauge how weak she was, he notices her chopsticks shaking as she slowly brings it to her lips, wrapping them around the tableware conscientiously. It was incredibly disheartening, seeing this powerful young woman struggle with something so simple, and from a shift of his eyes back, Hiei seemed to be watching as well. Although unsure of her reaction considering present company, Kurama offers,

“I could help you eat that, if you want.” To his wonder and delight, her entire face turns red, causing the dark apparition to his side to smirk. With a look directed at him, the darkness dragon’s wielder pouts, actually pouts at him, before turning away, grumbling as he stuffs his face. Knowing no sour comments would come from the surly apparition, Kurama turns his attention back to the charming vigilante at his side. She’s staring intently at Hiei, as though waiting for a scathing remark, before shyly accepting.

“Alright, if it’s not too much trouble, Shuichi-san.” Smiling at her warmly, he assures,

“Not at all. As I said before, my mother had fallen ill as well. At one point she needed this kind of assistance.” Glancing toward the shady yōkai, he sees comprehension appear in the bloodgem irises, nodding lightly in acknowledgement. Smirking to himself at the younger's understanding of the situation, he easily switches to using her chopsticks, raising them to her mouth as she moves her head forward for the bite. When she closes her lips around the pieces slowly, he feels the more feral part of himself growl in satisfaction, her cute expression of pure bliss tempering that, yet stirring his heart to beat faster. He’s surprised when he hears a voice conclude,

I see, so it began with her reminding you of your mother.’ Feeling the need to sigh, yet refusing to do so, the demon botanist admits,

          Some of her circumstances have paralleled with Kaa-san’s. But truly, she’s her own person. How many do you know would attack a threat in another's home, as weak as she is at the moment? Grabbing another bite for her, he chuckles lightly as she wipes some of the soup from her chin, having leaned too far forward and made a slight mess of herself. The pink staining Mina’s cheeks entirely endearing as Hiei answers within his mind promptly,

          ‘Only those fools, and perhaps you, given the right circumstances.’ Once again, her happiness is contagious, stirring Kurama’s human heart in ways he’d never imagined as the koorime states, ‘That may be how it started, but it’s different now, isn’t it.’ Taking more food between the wooden utensils, the calculating kitsune retorts,

           Is there something you’re getting at?

          ‘Yes, you feel much more than simple protectiveness over her. This is much deeper. It can be used against you.’ Smiling gently, he continues to feed her, each bite she takes continuing to delight her, just as it did in the restaurant and cafe.

           I know. That’s why I’m helping her, she was injured because she believed I would be. She hums with joy, the novelty of it never fading to his amusement.

           ‘You needn’t feel guilt over her decision, fox. She made her choice.’ She was nearly finished, all that was left was the broth which she said she could handle. Kurama watches with a critical eye as she, still trembling lightly, lifts the bowl to her lips and slurps noisily. Just like with the tea. Directing his thoughts toward Hiei, he replies,

           I can’t allow her to end so simply. She’s full of life, dreams, and hopes, and yet so completely throws everything she loves away to protect it. He could feel the secret twin’s stare into the side of his face, heavy with camaraderie at the notion. As the kind, yet fierce bundle of energy finishes her soup, she blinks lightly at the caring vulpine, having realized that he hasn’t touched any of his food. “I’m sorry, your food’s probably cold by now…” Shaking fiery locks, he assures,

          “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine, Mina-san.” Taking up his own chopsticks, he begins eating the cool food, allowing a small silence to shroud the table. It was when she stared at Hiei for a period, a confused look on her face that disturbed the peace when the focus of the stare growls,


“It’s strange… you’re looking at me right now, but it’s not the same eyes.” He’s baffled by her words, but the flora specialist understood.

“You are confused that his eyes watching you now are different from the one he watched you with earlier.” At her nod, he continues, “I suppose an explanation is in order. But you must promise me you won’t attack Hiei.”

“He’s your friend right?” The flame bandit snorts, but doesn’t say anything to the contrary as Kurama answers,

“Yes, he is.”

“Then I won’t attack him.” Assured by her growing curiosity, he explains,

“Well, Hiei is a demon, you see. And although at the moment you see two eyes…” Thankfully, he needn’t ask as Hiei pulls the headband off his third eye, revealing the Jagan. Mina gasps,

“Whoa! That’s it! That’s the same eye that was watching me earlier!”

“Hmph, interesting. Not many can feel when I look at them with the Jagan, let alone tell the difference between them. You have extremely fine senses for such a dopey girl.”

“Hey! Watch it, short stack!”

“Alright, that’s enough, you two.” Waving a hand toward her, the calm mediator imparts, “This young lady's full name is Aino, Minako. I am incredibly curious about your awareness, Mina-san. As Hiei pointed out, it’s very fine tuned, even for a fighter.” She glances at the Evil Eye’s owner, as though questioning if she should say anything in front of him. “It’s alright, Mina-san. He won’t tell anyone anything.”

“Hmm, well alright. That one’s easy. How many senses can you rely on in space?” Both men blink, Kurama smiling slyly while responding,

“Not many, I’m afraid.”

“Exactly, which is why I trained myself to feel someone's sight on me, and to tell whose it is. The majority of monsters I come across have some form of sight, and sometimes they have tools to watch me from a distance. And with such little other awareness to work with, I had to find some way to keep myself and others around me safe.”

“Couldn’t you train your spiritual awareness?”

“Well, everything I fight would have to have spiritual energy for that to be a viable option. And as Mars is the one with spiritual awareness, it’s better to keep our team well rounded. Not only that, there is a lot of stuff giving off energy out there: the stars, planets, energy particles, etc. Feeling something watching me was a better option for me. Especially considering a lot of the jerks would use those energies to hide their own. Some of the crazier ones would even use the event horizon of a black hole to keep anyone from finding them.” Hiei looked bemused, the knowledge-starved kitsune becomes even more inquisitive than before as he remarks after a bite,

“That’s quite dangerous, clever, but dangerous.” The stellar traveler becomes animated, doe-eyes wide as she grouses,

“Especially for me! I’m the one who has to go near the dang thing to get them!” Smiling, though he was still a bit concerned, he questions,

“Why were you going after them?” She becomes more serious as she extrapolates,

“On occasion, when either the Queen or the Millennium Council wouldn’t act on a threat, I’d take care of it myself.”

“In other words, you would act without your government’s agreement, and you would do so knowing a punishment was awaiting you when you returned.” Shrugging lightly, she nods,

“Of course. No matter what they could do to me, it was worth it to keep her safe.” The churlish Jaganshi’s interest only grows as Kurama digs further,

“If you don’t mind my asking, what sort of punishments would they give you?” Putting a finger to her bottom lip as she looked at the ceiling in thought, she provides,

“It depended on how much I’d mouth off to them, or how much of another planet's surface would get messed up. Sometimes it was just isolation other than my duties with my princess, others it was disabling my energy and throwing me to the soldiers during training.” Feeling his worry growing, the foxy spirit questions,

“‘Throw you to the soldiers during training.’ Did the soldiers harbor animosity toward you?” Mina meets his eyes again, expression somber as she bobs her head,

“Yeah, considering us Senshi ranked higher than all the military personnel, with only the Council, Court, my princess and Queen who ranked above us, it was always a sore spot for them.” Ivy irises narrow, and though he didn’t have evidence that she’s suffered any sexual abuse by them, he can’t imagine jaded soldiers would miss an opportunity to mar such beauty and power.

“And took full advantage of the situation.” Her smile is genuine and impish, wagging a finger at him with a wink as she assures,

“Of course. I didn’t make it easy for them though, that’s for sure!” Noting no darkening in morning glory irises, nor the scent of shame or any sort of pain, soothing his concerns a bit. Either they held much more honor than any other foot soldier I’ve heard of, or she’s blocked it out quite well. Hoping it wasn’t the later, he puts on a front for her, smirking lightly as he agrees,

“Naturally. You spoke of a ‘Millennium Council,’ might I ask what they are?” Putting a hand to her cheek, she gazes at the table with consideration,

“Mmm, well, they were elected officials to help with negotiations with the other planets and the people of the Moon. Kind of like a hash of foreign affairs and social services in modern times, they didn’t help with laws or anything, or with the Queen’s duties. They were the go between for citizens and the rulers of the other planets to keep the peace. All except Earth of course.” That’s interesting… Kurama couldn’t help but ask,

“Why not Earth?” The Moon Kingdom’s knight purses her lips in annoyance, cornflower irises gaze out the patio door while her scent suffused with consternation.

“Back then, it was said they considered the inhabitants of this world like heathens and simple minded miscreants, to be guided but never to be interacted with. But honestly, I think they feared those who lived on this planet because they had so much potential.” Hiei snorts in derision while concluding,

“They sound like a bunch of spineless cowards. They’re too weak to control even the simplest of humans.” Grinning mischievously, she chirps back,

“That’s what I thought too! It’s nice we agree on something!” Laughing lightly, the trickster vulpine adds,

“Glad to see you two are bonding.” Innocent azure irises blink in bemusement at him, before a bright grin spreads across her face,

“Yeah!” Of course the dour fire apparition had to sneer,

“Don’t get so excited, you fool.”

“You should learn to be nice to people, Mr. Grumpy Pants!” Smiling wanly at the short-tempered duo, the tickled yôko puts his chin in his hand while he quips,

“Well, that lasted all of five seconds.” Turning toward him, Mina’s marigold brows curl adorably as she puffs heatedly,

“It’s not my fault he’s such a meanie!” Snickering with a hand over his mouth, he teases his dark clad fellow,

“Yes, Hiei, why are you being such a meanie?” It was worth the wait earlier on revenge for the greatly embarrassed expression on Hiei’s face, causing fierce delphiniums to swing toward him and nodding with vigor. Grounding his teeth together, he growls angrily,

“Shut up! You’re both idiots!” She gasps, hissing in return,

“Hey! That’s no way to talk to your friend!” Kurama interrupts the growing feud, though quite entertaining, to point out,

“More importantly, despite Hiei’s surly attitude, not all demons are malicious. Some prefer to live a peaceful lifestyle to the destruction their brethren are known for.” Her ire is extinguished abruptly, doll-eyes expanded in shock for a moment, feather lashes beating in thought before comprehension alights her expressive visage.

“Oh, I get it. So they’re just like normal people. Only superpowered.”

“An interesting analogy, but yes.” Of course, the brusque fire demon warns,

“You’d do best to assume all yokai are out to get you, otherwise you might end up someone’s snack.” The benevolent smile that crosses her visage, instead of anger, catches him off guard, prompting the botanical kitsune to smile lightly as the peppy star retorts,

(Kaine/ Salvation, Final Fantasy Orchestral Version)

“If we did that, then we wouldn’t have all the friends we’ve made. A lot of them are misguided, or felt threatened by what they didn’t know, or like the case with the other planets' rulers, they’re envious. Only when we show them what love looks like, feels like, do they realize how empty they were on their path.” Both men stare at her as she adds with a severe expression, “How can we possibly resent something that’s never been given the chance to be different? Sailor Moon taught us to have compassion for the enemies we destroy, because even though it’s a sign of weakness, it’s the bravest thing we can do, give someone a chance to be something else.” Turning to look out the window, as though into a memory, she continues,

“We’re soldiers. Trained to kill anything that didn’t feel like us, showing no mercy to those called our enemies in that time of war. We never asked questions, only blindly doing what we thought we must to protect our Princess.” Closing her eyes, she smiles wistfully before looking back up at them. “We were reborn here in this time of peace, and although strife is always nearby, we’ll never return to how we once were.” Leaning back and giggling with a finger to her lip, she recants, “No, Sailor Moon wouldn’t let us. She is what kept us from becoming the same as the creatures we destroy.” It’s times like these, studying her reflective countenance that shifts fluidly between soldier and idealist, when her hidden wisdom learned through horrific experiences I’ve yet to hear draws me in all the more. Gathering himself from his ruminations, Kurama asks,

“What are the creatures you must destroy?” Mina’s expression is the darkest he’d ever seen, a severity that didn’t suit her sweet features, and yet remained intimidating all the same.

“Monsters so evil that they should not be allowed to live in our world. Many aren’t just negative, they’re more akin to a black hole, devouring everything and leaving nothing in its wake. If they are allowed to stay in this world, it would become barren like the other planets.” His stare is gaping as he infers promptly,

“That’s what happened to the other planets? A creature came and drained them of their resources?” Frowning slightly, she hedges,

“I can’t tell you the particulars, but the info that was archived in our database surmised that their ruin wasn’t natural.” To both their astonishment, Hiei mocks,

“You expect us to believe all this nonsense?” Shrugging easily with an impudent close-eyed look on her face, she retorts,

“Eh, it doesn’t matter to me if you believe me or not, it’s actually probably better that you don’t.” Infuriating the cloaked yōkai more, the playful spirit smiles genially at her, promising,

“I believe you Mina-san. Anyway, thank you for answering our questions. If there’s anything you would like to ask us, please go ahead.” There’s a look of excitement on her face as the cosmic starlet cheers,

“Really? Alright~! Well, there is something I’ve been meaning to ask for a few minutes. Do demons have a good sense of smell?” Sweat dropping slightly at the non-sequitur, he plasters a smile on his face and reveals,

“Many of them do, but not all of them.” Crossing her arms, she nods spritely while accepting,

“Oh, that makes sense then. So that weirdo was smelling me, I thought he was just trying to creep me out.” At least you needn’t worry about that one anymore, although you may never know that. Outwardly, he confides,

“Afraid not, and from what you told me earlier, he won’t be the last either.”

“Well, I wanted to pull their attention from you, so I guess I got my wish. Eh~ wait! Does that mean they can smell us girls on our periods and when we’re horny too~!” Nearly falling over from her ability to perceive the most crude details, Kurama is about to respond when Hiei sneers,

“Idiot.” Rounding from panicking, she clenches her hands into fists at her side while morning glories burn like embers.

“Hey! It's a legitimate concern here, you little jerk!”

“Calm down, and yes, they can smell your menstrual cycle and arousal as well if they get close enough. Really, it depends on the species, but most of them would have to stand within a yard of you.” He’s startled when the brisk swords master smirks,

(A World Where Flowers are Scattered - Revo)

“There are foxes, though. They have a particularly good sense of smell.” Hiei! The adaptable plotter can feel a vein throb at his temple, his mind turning quickly on how to conduct damage control without revealing anything. He’s startled back abruptly when Mina squeals, her hands balled in front of her chest,

“Foxes? There are fox demons?” Hiei smirks while Kurama cuts in,

“Yes, there are demon counterparts to human animals. But they are very different in a number of ways, not limited to being more powerful.” She pauses for a moment, silky hair floating around her waist airily as she adds,

“Oh, and probably smarter than human animals too.”

“Yes, they are. Given time, they gain enough power and intelligence to take on a human-esque appearance. And, with more time than that, they can cast illusions among other abilities.” He hadn’t expected her exuberance over the subject, though it was a promising reaction considering the alternative.

“Whoa! That's so cool!” To both men’s shock, she bounces in her seat, breasts following her movements far too faithfully while her fists curl to the active mounds, cheeks fettered in pink as she squeaks with… sparkles in her eyes, “Do the fox ones keep their fluffy ears and tails?” He feels his dubiety grow, which the absolutely gleeful koorime notes, to the older ex-thief’s dismay, as he’s finally able to respond,

“... Some species do.” To his embarrassment, she dances eagerly in her seat with her eyes shut tight, cooing while shaking her clenched hands rapidly,

“Ooh~! I wanna hug one!” Actually falling from his chair slightly and catching himself on the table, he hears Hiei snickering under his breath ‘you already have, stupid girl,’ though she’s quickly panting tiredly from the motions. Kurama disrupts the effervescent darling’s cute, yet detrimental wiggling swiftly, both to keep her from passing out and to prevent her from interacting with too many wild apparitions.

“You really shouldn’t, any animal that feels cornered is bound to lash out.” A giant pout consumes her face as she heaves forlornly,

“They wouldn’t want hugs?” Sighing openly, as really, this discussion has become absolutely ridiculous, he expounds,

“Afraid not. Most disguise themselves as, much like their human world counterparts, foxes and other spirit animals are hunted for their rare, and sometimes powerful pelts.” Her gasp of horror startles them both as she cries,

“That's horrible! Alright you two! I gotta rely on your ki senses to help the fox people!” Now the flame apparition is outright laughing, adding to the actual fox demon’s discomfiture as he concedes,

“I suppose we could be on the lookout for ‘fox people.’” He can’t help but smile affectionately, even with a sweat drop at her chair-bound happy dance, whether she was weakened or not, her liveliness at the littlest things was a joy to behold. Both are surprised when her excitement pauses, long lashes bat with some sort of revelation as she brings her hands to her cheeks, blurting,

(Flower Dance - Dj Okawari & tabeyellow)

“Oh yeah! I need to go shopping tomorrow, so we can start then!” He believed she was at her limit in surprising him, but here she was, already making plans to seek out ‘helpless’ kitsune. So soon? Then, like watching masks changing in theater, her zest vanishes and is replaced with despondence as Mina groans, “Aw, but if what you say is true, anytime I go out I’ll have to deal with rando yōkai...”

“No you won’t.” Blinking in bemusement, she tilts her head at the fiery apparition before asking,

“Eh? Why not?” Knowing what he was implying, Kurama sent him a look, of course, that meant she would notice and have more prying questions.

“Hmm? What’s wrong Shuichi-san?” Realizing it was too late, as her inquisitiveness rivaled his own, he raises a brow at Hiei calmly, the younger catching the veiled warning within the action and sweat drops in response.

“You can leave whenever you want, most demons won’t come near you. Not with his scent on you.” She blinks in confusion for a moment, looking between the duo, quirking her head and swirling her brows while she asks,

“Why would smelling like Shuichi-san make the yōkai avoid me?” The quietly dangerous botanist sees the opportunity to intervene, though from their last silent interaction, he wouldn’t be interrupted or undermined on this.

“I told you before I had a reputation among apparitions, so any who smells me on you will not wish to anger me.” Of course her ocean irises light up with enthusiasm, fists cuddled beneath her chin as the honey tressed diva gasps,

“Ooh! So you really are part of the supernatural yakuza!” He chuckles genuinely, assuring the churlish shade that he wasn’t angry without words, inciting Hiei to answer her with a huff,

“I would say we’re more like boogeymen to them now.” Her glossy lips pooch out as she squeals,

“What~! That's even cooler than the mafia!” Kurama smirks while grabbing their dirty dishes, reminding them,

“They certainly know to steer clear of us, most of the time.” His previous partner in crime crosses his arms haughtily, and though the cleanly vulpine had taken their utensils to the sink, the kitchenette was still within talking distance of the table.

“The ones coming after you right now are fools.” Easily keeping with the conversation while scrubbing the dishes down, he agrees,

“Yes, they were never told of me.” She whips around in her chair, obviously making herself dizzy for a moment, prompting him to appear quickly by her side and leaving the last utensils for a moment. Holding her elbows gently as she has a hand to her head, she inhales deeply before looking up at him, azure irises full of life her body didn’t reciprocate as Mina gapes,

“Wait, so there are some who don’t know about you?” Ensuring she had her balance, his hands unconsciously slide down her arms to hold her wrists delicately as Kurama exhales,

“Apparently not.” Watching the interaction carefully, Hiei leisurely comments,

“You’d think after two tournaments those morons would learn.” Clasping her hands gently, her gaze flitted to him in shock as the tantei’s strategist retorts,

“Or they were in denial.” She flips back toward himself and tugs on him mildly, her eyes widen beguilingly with awe as she squeaks,

“Whoa, tournaments~?

“We were coerced into a tournament where demons compete for a wish. The other was to decide the ruler of the Makai.” She leans toward him, worry prevalent in her shaking body as she shouts,

“What! Is that why that torn uniform was in the closet- Ah!” She covers her mouth with a hand, but it was too late, although he was smiling on the inside, he put on his best frown as he chides,

“Looking through my things were you? I don’t appreciate the breach in privacy, Mina-san.” Pressing her hand to her heart, she looks up at him through blond bangs, quite obviously trying to look endearing as she sulks,

“I was bored… and I didn’t think I’d find anything like that in there.” The hopelessly honest beauty did look thoroughly chastised, however, so he relaxed his expression and simply stated,

“Please just ask me next time. Although reluctant, I would have shown everything to you.” When she gazes back up at him with glittering lapis gems, he knew he couldn’t stay mad at her anyway, especially when she saw the coast was clear and smiles genuinely, promising,

“I will next time, for sure.” It’s then she yawns quite widely, putting a hand over her mouth to cover it as Kurama chortles,

“It would seem you’ve tired yourself out with everything today. You should get changed and cleaned up for bed.”

“Aww, but I wanna stay up and talk to Goblin Boy!” The dragon’s keeper snorts, standing from his seat before retorting,

“Moron. Like I would want to stay in your presence longer than necessary.”

“You are so rude! Hey! Get back here you big jerk~!” She tried to move from her chair to pursue him, but he swept her legs out from beneath her, carrying her bridal style to the bedroom. “Shuichi-san~! What’s the big idea! I need to show that little-” She flushes brightly when he presses his lips to her forehead, the sound of her heart hammering in her chest putting a tilt to his lips,

(Rain goes Up - Yuki Kajiura)

“You’re tired, and don’t deny it, I can see it in your movements. You are using every bit of energy you have to stay angry at the moment.” Mina’s big pout up at him was nothing short of adorable, lips pooched out as she denies,

“I’m not-” And another yawn interrupts her as he sets her on the bed, moving into the closet, he pulls another set of old pajamas out and walks back into the bedroom. When he finds her dozing while sitting up, he laughs quietly, setting the clothes beside her as he touches her cheek and tilts her head back. Pausing for a moment to take in her innocent charm, golden satin locks curling sweetly by her cheeks, faintly flushed cheeks, light freckles sprinkled across her button nose, and relaxed countenance, he’s highly tempted to close the distance between them. Internally shaking the impulse away, considering he’s already fed his deviancy the day before, he instead calls softly,

“Mina-san, Mina-san! You should change before you sleep, silly.” Delphiniums flourish languidly after golden lashes lift, glossy pink petals parting with a hum as she mumbles,

“Mmm… sleep?” If she lets herself be anymore endearing, she might melt if I left her in the rain. Chuckling, the enchanted fox whispers,

“If you don’t get changed, I’ll have to use your favorite reward again.” He knew she would understand when he slides a hand down to her waist, fingers pressing in gently, making her scooch and moan as she whines,

“Mmm… no… Mmm, sleepy. Don’t pokey.” Leaning away from her, and grinning mischievously at her oblivious visage, he cautions,

(Snow Falls - Garden of Sinners)

“If you’re not changed when I come back, I’ll have no choice but to poke you.” Several grumbles and incoherent noises followed him as he left the room huffing with laughter. Heading to the roof where he knew Hiei waited, Kurama walks toward the ledge where the fire apparition stood.

“So she’s the one the detective was talking about. Your ‘lover.’” Releasing a tired breath, the witty supernatural gardener retorts,

“You both have too much time on your hands if you’re so concerned about my affairs.” The shorter demon’s brow twitches as he snips,

“His words, not mine fox.”

“And yet you use them.” Knowing he’d won the argument, once again, Kurama changes the subject with slight humor, “Onto more pressing matters, what have you found out in Makai?” Hiei’s stance straightens, demeanor becoming more choleric, likely because of some perceived failure as he grumbles,

“Anytime we catch one of their henchmen, they dissolve and we get no information from them. We did find a fortress they holed up in for a while though. And an artifact that they were studying that we’ve taken in.” Already making plans and calculations, the relic savant nods while holding his chin in thought, musing,

“Good, I’ll make it back to Makai when I can. At the moment however, they seem to be coming to me.”

“Yes, and with limited information. I can’t tell if their leader is a genius or a fool.”

“Could be both.” Hiei grunts, stuffing his hands in his pockets while resounding amusedly,

“Undoubtedly.” Feeling an unabashed stare on himself, Kurama waits patiently until he hears a tenor state baldly “You spoil the girl.” Grinning at the return to their previous discussion, and knowing the short spit-fire was trying to get back at him for earlier, he returns easily,

“No more than you spoil your girls.” He can imagine the pink staining the testy shade’s face as he growls,

“Shut up.” Having expected him to leave then, the elder apparition is internally startled when he’s proven wrong. “You picked the strangest girl I have ever seen.” That is what you’re stuck on? Sighing internally, Kurama puts his own hands in his dress pants while he corrects,

“Hiei, we’re not-”

“You may not have announced itl, but you have feelings for her.” Becoming wistful at the truth in those words, he smiles ruefully as he hums,

“‘Love and a cough cannot be hidden,’ I suppose.” He’s further startled when Hiei assures,

“She feels the same, you know.” Clenching his hand in his pocket, the pensive yôko carefully concurs,

“Yes, she does, but something is holding her back.” A ruby stare is pinned to his facade, alerting him before anything is said that a question would be asked.

“Do you know what it is?” Hiding his expression with his fringe, he answers quietly,

“She fears drawing her enemies to me.” Hiei’s silence is short before responding with exasperation,

“You’re both morons.” Huffing with muted mirth, Kurama quips,

“I believe I heard a saying that goes, ‘Only a fool deals with a fool.’” There’s a playfulness, to his surprise, when the possessor of the Jagan snorts,

“Watch it, fox.” Smirking in an entirely vulpine manner, Kurama teases knowingly,

“You could just say you’re worried about me, it won’t hurt you, you know.” The shading returns to his face as Hiei growls,

“If you are done, I’m leaving.” Taking on an entirely impish innocence, the trickster fox inquires,

“So soon?” Turning back toward him, the flying shadow’s face twisted in embarrassment while he snarks,

(Quiet Romance - Garden of Sinners)

Yes!” Que the angry form blending back into the night, disappearing without a trace. Chuckling lightly, Kurama shakes crimson locks before heading back into his apartment. Washing the rest of the dishes swiftly, he glances into the bedroom and spies Mina snuggled into the blankets, the pajamas he leant her hanging off her shoulders. Long, golden locks swirl around her form, her small hands curled next to her cheek as she snores lightly. Making his way to her side, he touches her cheek with the pads of his fingers tenderly, tracing a path from her cheek to her chin as he murmurs,

“You seem to have won another difficult person over. Your true power lies in your strong heart and convictions, Mina.” She mumbles in her sleep and reaches up to touch his hand, prompting him to withdraw from her with a smile, pacing to the bathroom for a shower before bed. Getting the smells of the day off himself, he moves back to the bedroom where sleeping beauty has sprawled out over the bed. Huffing at her messiness, he climbs in on the other side, and is rather surprised, when she turns and curls herself against him. Her scent is only slightly distorted by the pharmacy she visited earlier as he presses his nose against the top of her head. She’s so warm… Wrapping himself around her, the heat seeps into every fiber of his being, relaxing his mind and body easily into the deepest, most recuperative sleep he’d ever had.


Here’s the statements on Japanese Business Honorifics:

The president of a Japanese corporation is referred to as the 社長, pronounced shacho. 社 (sha) is the kanji for company or firm.

This should not be confused with 所長(shocho) which can be used for a general manager, chief or director at any branch of a company. Shocho is the highest position at a branch, but there is only one shacho in a company.

Black holes,

I love the fact that all of Kurama’s friends that know him well are wary of him. Everyone thinks Yusuke is the loose canon, but even he is concerned about what Kurama thinks or does, evidenced in both the manga and anime. In the Sensui arch, when they discover info about the Chapter Black tape, Kurama admits he was interested in seeing the tape, and Yusuke glares at him in suspicion as Kurama assures him., then in the manga only, there’s two moments where Kurama is incredibly offended by being mistaken for a girl, his face is chibi-fied, but his expression is hidden, as though it’s something horrifying and everyone immediately has to do damage control for him. I love it XD

あほに取り合うばか (aho ni toriau naka) English Translation: “Only a fool deals with a fool.”

Have you heard the English saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”? Well, this Japanese saying has a bit of nuance like that.

The word aho in Japanese is stronger than the word for baka, but they both mean “idiot.” So it’s saying you’re a greater fool for trying to fight with a fool.

恋とせきとは隠されぬ。(koi to seki to wa kakusarenu) English Translation: “Love and a cough cannot be hidden.”

Like when you’re sick and you can’t suppress a cough, love can’t be hidden. It’s always obvious when someone’s in love!

This one’s just cute and I like it!
惚れた病に薬なし (horeta yamai ni kusuri nashi) English Translation: “There’s no medicine for falling in love.”

Horeta means “to fall in love”. Yamai means “disease.” And kusuri nashi means “there’s no medicine” or “there’s no cure.”

Together, it means there’s nothing that can fix love-sickness.

Chapter 10: Stir Crazy



Sexual Themes!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Blessing - Yuki Kajiura)

(レイと仲間たち - Sailor Moon Eternal)

When she begins stirring, she hears a breathy baritone whispering gently into her ear, “It’s time to get up, Mina-san.” Trying hard to get her foggy brain to work, she mumbles,

“Mmm, don’t go… you’re warm…” Minako hears a soft chuckle, a calloused hand brushes her cheek, the thumb rubbing the cherry as the voice murmurs,

“I’m making breakfast.” She felt a shift in the bed, making her pout further as she reached out and latched onto the firm body moving away.

“Later. Sleep now.” A deep chortling rumbles beneath her arms as the voice answers,

“Mina-san… You like to make things difficult don’t you?” Humming lightly, she presses her face against the clothed heat, the mirth making the muscles she pressed her nose against clench and ripple with the movement. A hand runs through her hair gently, pulling the locks away from her neck and exposing it to the colder morning air. Groaning, she burrows herself deeper into the body around her, making the owner huff in humor as she finally mewls,

“But I’m comfy…” She feels a finger poke her face lightly, making her grumble under her breath as she finally remembers who the body belongs to. “Shuichi-san~!” His body trembles with amusement as she tries to slap the offending finger away, instead smacking her own face. Shuichi barks with laughter as she whines in both pain and wakefulness, pushing herself up on her hands, the lazy senshi now realizes that she was snuggled against his stomach, lying in his lap. Ignoring the flush across her nose, she glares up at him, how is he so gorgeous even this early in the morning! Unfortunately her grumpy energy is lost on him, being as she only comes up to the bottom of his chest and has to crane her neck up. Ignore the pain girl and concentrate that Minako ferocity!

“Don’t give me such an angry look, Mina-san. I wasn’t the one who hit you.” Pushing her knees beneath her, she sits on them and tries her best to hold a sour expression at him, now at shoulder height on him. Why does he have to be so darn tall! When his snickers continue, the media darling puffs her cheeks out petulantly before snarking,

“No, but you were poking my face. Well now I’m up and grumpy, thanks jerk.”

“Ah, apologies princess, but I had thought you might like breakfast fresh.” Biting her lip lightly, she crosses her arms and looks away with a glowing face,

“Well, yeah, but I want my beauty sleep too!” Chortling lightly he stood from the bed, retorting,

“You certainly have nothing to worry about missing a few hours, Mina-san.” Her whole body flush at the compliment as he holds a hand out to her, beckoning her with that beautiful smile. Taking his hand shyly, she’s surprised at the strength her morning playmate used to help her up, pressing her softly against himself as he murmurs, “Don’t worry about such things, ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ afterall.” I’m melting, I’m seriously melting~! Nuclear meltdown imminent, she couldn’t do much more than nod her head robotically as he chuckles and leads her to the bathroom. Pushing her gently inside, he teases, “You may wish to get your routine done now rather than after I leave. I should have breakfast done by then.”

Blinking out of her stupor, she whorls around to squeak, “Wait, are you telling me that I stink?” He snorts before closing the door, avoiding the toothbrush that slaps against the wood, causing sounds of mirth to filter through under the door. “Mou! You are such a jerk!” Glowering at where he once stood, Minako gripes to herself, “He’s so rude sometimes!” Turning to the shower, she turns the water to near scalding, going back to the closet for towels before setting them on the sink. Testing to see the water’s temp, she peels his borrowed PJ’s off, sniffing them for odors. That’s strange, they don’t smell that bad, in fact, they still smell like laundry soap. Lifting up her arm, she sniffs it and deciding that wasn’t it either, curls her blond brows in frustration as she silently curses him for making her paranoid.

I don’t wash my hair everyday to avoid damage, but I do wash my body everyday. Sighing, she sits in front of the sauna stream, humming happily at the warmth it provided for her poor, cool skin. Minako feels her vagina twinge between happiness at the warmth, and horniness as she remembers she was in Shuichi’s lap. It’s been about a week since I last played with myself. Ugh, this sucks. The one time I don’t have Artemis around is also the one time I’m in a hot guys house. It just sounds so wrong to pleasure myself in his bathroom, but also super hot. Tilting her head from side to side as she adds the herbal shampoo to her hair, she comes to the conclusion that unlike Shortstop, Shuichi was not a demon, therefore he wouldn’t smell it.

And besides, even if he never knows I did this, it’s still payback for telling me I smell! Satisfied with her assessment, she nabs a generous amount of conditioner animatedly and smooths it through her hair. After getting it nicely saturated, she grabs her red ribbon off the counter and ties it in a bun at the back of her head. No oils means I gotta leave the conditioner in for a bit, even if this one isn’t moisturizing. Smirking deviously, she puts the shower sprayer back on the holder and begins to lather soap all over herself. When she got to her crotch, the sensitivity was off the charts already, and the washcloth came back with her juices on it. Aww man! This ought to be intense!

Using the sprayer to get the suds off, her hand follows the stream, softly trailing down her left breast. Instead of continuing further though, she takes in a breath as she grabs a handful, squeezing generously as she catches her nipple with her thumb and index fingers. Pressing her thighs together, the saucy Goddess exhales quietly and hangs up the shower head, letting it spray freely on her lap. Continuing to massage her chest, her other hand slides between her legs, the water helping slicken her folds as she glides her fingers around. She gasps, warmth curling in her vagina and spreading up to her lower stomach. Pinching her nipple harder, she spreads her thighs apart to guide her sticky fingers into her flesh, the heel of her palm rubbing a circle as she moans silently. Pulling her fingers to the edge of the opening, she slips them back in, her core clenching deliciously.

Tilting her head back, she keens softly, flush high on her cheeks as she drags her digits along the walls and labia. Oh, this feels wonderful! Now, to add provocative imagery… Immediately, an image of that absolutely ravishing redhead lying in a sensual position on a bed, bare as the day he was born appears in her mind's eye. She feels a powerful twinge in her sex, her moan louder than she had anticipated. Quickly covering her mouth with the hand playing with her breast, she pumps herself near wildly, tears at the corners of her eyes as she pulls the hand away from her mouth. Pressing her lips together, she pulls the hand from her lower lips and grabs her other breast, free hand diving down and into the folds.

She lay on her back, silky sheets tantalizing her skin before he even touched her. Her breaths increase as he crawls over her gracefully, well defined muscles rippling beneath soft skin as his lips descend upon hers. His lips weren’t very soft, but they were plump and fit so well with hers, distracting her from him sneakily rubbing his cock against her labia. Groaning against his mouth, her thighs tighten around his hips as she arches her back off the bed, pressing hardened nipples against his. She cries out when she feels his tip press into her entrance, the walls clenching tightly in anticipation, gushing eagerly as he pulls back teasingly. Keening against his questing tongue, she desperately runs her fingers through scarlet locks as she pushes herself against the head.

It’s his turn to growl deeply against her mouth, allowing her to bite his teasingly as she pants, “It’s not so fun when it’s done to you, is it?” Minako shouts in pleasure and shock when he quickly shifts his hand up to pinch a nipple, hard. Clenching her fingers in his wild hair and her vagina tightly, she tilts her head back and allows him to nibble on her throat ardently. Wrapping her arms tighter around his neck, she feels the head of his cock pushed slowly into her as he rumbles against her neck,

I could do just this for a while if you wish, Mina.” She knew she wouldn’t last against that kind of teasing, but begging didn’t sound appealing. So instead, she ground herself down on him, slipping Shuichi further inside herself and clenching around the small amount she could. She’s incredibly satisfied to hear his hiss against her throat as she whispers,

You could, but you’d be missing out.” Sliding her calves and toes up his thighs sensually, she pushes on his ass unabashedly to get him an inch deeper, gasping out his name as he growls and leans his head back. Fierce emerald clash with melting ocean as he murmurs against her lips,

We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” She flushes when he pushes deeper, arching against him again as she clamps down around him, crying out,

Oh! Y-yes!” The heart-stopping hottie’s lips consume hers, drowning out her keening as he presses all the way in, before pulling out slowly. His free hand curls into her own golden locks, tugging lightly as he tweaks her nipple again, pushing back in at just the right angle. Azure irises pop open as she screams into his mouth, her fingers and toes curling as he sets an absolutely devastating rhythm. His dick slinging into her upper deep spot at just the perfect interval, drawing tears from her eyes as he leaves her breast, sliding under her arm to grip her shoulder and pull her down more. Wrapping her arms tighter around his neck, the venereal starlet pulls her knees up higher to let him plunge deeper, crossing her ankles at his lower back.

Gripping and tugging his tresses restlessly, she’s unprepared for when he releases her mouth to unravel her hands and ankles, only to hook them over his shoulders, all without missing a beat. She can’t help the scream of pleasure, her eyes shut tight as all she can do is feel. Feel her chest bouncing sporadically with his thrusts, the heat of his body against hers, the coil of pleasure building more and more, the slickness of their skin, and the delightful tugs on her hair. Her sight comes back at her talented lover’s beckoning, his velvety baritone coaxing, “Come for me Mina. Look at me.”

“Ah!” Her face pinks as she feels her walls throb, her juices covering her fingers as she continues to pump and roll her clit. Panting heavily, the shuddering teen quakes under the intense orgasm, nearly falling over as her thighs tremble. Kami, that was intense! Sitting in silence for a moment, panting from the voracity of that finish, she remembers where she is and realizes she might be taking too long. At least I just gotta wash out my hair. Heaving a heavy, satisfied breath, She grabs the sprayer and unties the ribbon, letting saturated locks fall down her back. Quickly rinsing everything out, she throws her hair into a towel and wraps another around her waist, walking into the closet.

Putting on another pair of pajamas, this one a pastel green with fatigued blue accents that would clash horribly with his hair. His mom must have gotten it for him… and possibly be testing how much he loves her by buying all this stuff. Shrugging as it’ll go well with her hair at least, Minako pads spritely through the bedroom to the main room, calling, “Sorry about that, had to make sure I wasn’t stinky anymore!” Sunny lashes flutter in confusion when she spots the man of her fantasy setting food onto the table, wearing that silly yellow and green apron over his work suit as he quirks his lips at her. He’s smiling… but it’s not a true one… I wonder why?

Tilting her head and putting a finger to her lip, he must have noticed her distraction as he teases, “If you don’t hurry, it’ll get cold.” Nodding, she grins happily as she hops to the table, plopping sloppily into a chair as she retorts,

“You think cold food would stop me?” Snorting, Shuichi concedes,

“No, I suppose not.” She can’t help but watch him worriedly out of the corner of her eye, the tension in his body nearly unseeable if she weren’t looking for it. I can’t still stink… so is it… there’s no way he could tell… Putting her hands together, she calls lightly,

“Itadakimasu.” He echoes her softly, gracefully eating and not reacting to the flavor. He’s really deep in thought… Taking her first bite, she tries to cheer him up a bit by cooing, “Oishii! It’s yummy!” His smile in return is gentle, as though seeing her effort for what it was, he’s too smart!

“Thank you, Mina-san. There’s plenty, so help yourself to as much as you want.” Forcing a grin back, she tucks in with gusto, hoping it would set him at ease as she responds messily,

“Fanks! Em wew.” It got her desired response, his smirk is playful as he laughs softly,

“Chew and swallow before you choke again, silly.” The food buff swallows her mouthful quickly, grumbling,

“I already told you I’ve not choked yet, I’ll be fine.” His head tilts so sweetly, she’s surprised as he implores softly,

(Fairytale - Yuki Kajiura)

“Nonetheless, be careful. For me, if you would?” She can’t help the glow to her cheeks at the entirely endearing image he made, nodding mechanically as they ate in a, strangely, comfortable silence. When they had finished, her accommodating host picked up their dishes and suggested, “You should get some more sleep.” She can’t help but flinch away, lapis gems growing in fear from the nightmare she’d had the other day, still floating in her consciousness. He seems to notice, his eyes widen as that unbelievably clever mind works quickly on her reaction. His beautiful features are torn with grief as he kneels in front of her, a calloused hand touches her cheek tenderly as he whispers, “You still have nightmares when I’m not here, don’t you?” Darting hesitant pupils to her side, she hedges,

“It’s alright, I just gotta be a big girl and-”

“You’re suffering from recurrent nightmares, which in turn interferes with your ability to protect your princess.” Sweat drops from her temple as she glances back into his ivy colored irises twining around her heart. Touching a hand to her chest, she explains quietly,

“It does, but I have to fight my own demons, I can’t keep relying on everyone else to-”

“We just discussed this, you are not a burden to anyone. We want to help you. Until we can find the root cause of this, allow me to help you.” Smiling at him in melancholy, Minako counters,

“But you have to work…” Smirking lightly, Shuichi stands from his position and sits next to her on the couch.

“I do, but there are precautions I can take to help you.” Tilting her head in curiosity, she wonders,

“What is it?” His expression is serious as he clarifies,

“A transferral of energy. It isn’t as strong as using my soul to soothe you, but transferring some of my energy should suffice until I return.” She feels her heart squeeze, both in anticipation and fear, but for him. Moving herself until she’s nearly face to face with him, she breathes tearfully,

“You can’t! What if you need that energy? What if something happens to you! I could never forgive myself!” She’s shocked when he closes his eyes, then gently pressing his forehead to hers, he assures softy,

(Sis Puella Magicka - Yuki Kajiura)

“I will be fine, I have plenty of energy to spare. Please, let me do this for you, Mina-san.” Doe-eyes wide, she feels her cheeks burn, her heart pounding in her chest and her love for this man growing more and more. We shouldn’t be like this… but it feels so right. Marigold lashes flutter closed as his arms wrap around her, pulling her closer, her legs folded to the side of his thighs as Love’s soldier warns,

“If you do this, be careful, I’m sure knowing about bakemono, you know you would draw more of their attention to yourself.” The gorgeous sweetheart hums lightly, those mysterious yet passionate emerald irises meeting hers as he promises,

“I will be careful. I give you my word.” Breathing out slowly, she mumbles,

“Alright, I’ll agree to this. So what do I-” She can feel her heart pound harder when he smirks mischievously,

(Himeboshi - Yuki Kajiura)

(Sanctuary Mree Cover - Utada Hikaru)

“Nothing, just relax and let me in, Beautiful.” His compassionate eyes shut as one hand presses gently against her stomach beneath the pajama top, an aural warmth flowing from his fingers into her skin. She can’t help the gasp that escapes her, his own inhale stirring delicious things inside her as his thumb rubs against her stomach sweetly. What is this? It feels so sensual… yet so sweet... Closing azure gems slowly, a gentle flush consumes her cheeks as she pushes herself closer to him, the back of his hand touching his own stomach. Nuzzling her forehead against his, Minako feels the air around her stir with the movements, gold locks mixing with rose.

Her nose brushes against his fondly, and to her surprise it causes him to heave in a breath, his startled verdant gaze briskly revealed. Staring into him unabashed, her thigh slides smoothly across his lap, planting at his hip as her hands massage deeply along his chest before climbing slowly up his dress shirt to his shoulders.. Shuichi groans quietly, rubbing his nose against hers in return as his hand around her back caresses her waist tenderly, “Mina… you’re testing my restraint.” Her face burns at his words, a gush of warmth rushes through her folds while her gaze lids ardently. Moving her face away from his, she sprinkles leisurely, open mouthed kisses along his chin and jaw, kneading up into his fleecy hair gradually, working her fingertips into his scalp as she mewls against his skin,

“But this feels so good~” She feels him shiver as her fingers continue the motions, catching his earlobe delicately with her teeth, forcing a guttural sound from his throat. His hand grips her waist tightly, yet not painfully as she nibbles on his ear with a sigh, trailing down his neck and sucking on the soft flesh blissfully. The hand on her stomach twitches along with the pulse below her lips as she releases it to mouth words against it, ‘I want you to feel good too.’ He releases his hold on her waist to clench into the fabric at her side, his breathy baritone deepens enough to send tingles down her spine as he rumbles,

“Mina-san… You are maddening.” Blond lashes flutter as she pulls back just as the hand on her stomach is removed, his sigh of relief palpable as she watches him in question. Focused emerald irises hold her captive as he murmurs sourly, “Please, don’t do that the next time. It requires quite a bit of concentration to ensure I don’t overwhelm you with my energy.” The glowing performer pouts as she defends her decision,

“It felt nice, and I kinda got carried away…” He gives her an incredulous look, as though questioning her sanity as he returns,

“It’s not surprising that you receive pleasure from an energy transfer, but the fact that it’s enjoyable for me to give you energy as well is incredibly distracting. You needn't add to it.” Sunny lashes beat in wonder as she stutters,

“Y-you felt it too?” Narrowing his stare at her, the logical gentleman confirms,

“Of course. We’ve connected several times now, not including this one, and this is the closest we’ve bonded, I’d have been surprised if I hadn’t felt anything.” She gapes at him, unconsciously trying to pull her fingers back, but suddenly realizing her digits are entrenched in his wild locks, trying gently yet increasingly desperately to untangle them. He huffs with humor while taking one of her hands in his, admonishing,

“If you struggle further, I might have to cut off my hair, Mina-san.” Her face solar flares as he chuckles lightly, using only one hand mind you, to easily untangle her from his mane. Of course he has to rib, “Now that was easy, wasn’t it?” Pouting up at him, Minako grouses,

“Says the guy that can do anything! Mou!” A sly look comes over his visage as he murmurs,

“Hmm, anything? There are a few things I can’t do, but I’ll leave that to your imagination.” Cornflower irises are stunned, her cheeks stained darker as he blinks before barking with laughter. “Ah, it would seem your mind is straying, Mina-san.” Her face burns painfully as she grits her teeth, closing her frustrated gaze, she puts her hands on his shoulders for leverage as she tries to stand from his lap. She’s shocked by the resistance on her back, as he has both arms wrapped around her and holding her in place while he murmurs, “You shouldn’t be moving too much just yet, the chikara isn’t quite settled and would likely make you dizzy.” Glowering at him, he just smiles back gently, making her pouty anger lose power.

Not wanting to let him get the upper hand, she moves quickly, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Her silky hair flows around them ethereally, his body tensing up having been taken completely by surprise, yet seemed to settle from her faint touch. Pulling back slowly, only a few centimeters from Shuichi’s stunned face, she meets his bewildered stare grumpy, yet affectionately, “Thank you, even if you are just teasing me.” For a moment, she feels an unimaginable pull to him, nearly following the invisible path as he breathes,

“Only as much as you do, Mina-san.” Before their lips brush, his PDA goes off, bringing them both back to the present as he blinks away the magnetism. Pulling the pager out of his pocket, he looks at the screen, sighing lightly as she squishes herself chest to chest to see it too. The Venusian princess barely notices the intake of breath when she’s cheek to cheek with him, reading aloud,

“‘Could you take a look over this proposal-’” She’s startled when her nose gets flicked as he moves away and chides,

You should be getting back to sleep, not nosying in my things again.” Covering her assaulted feature with a hand, she grumbles,

“I can’t help it, I’m curious...” Picking her up bridal style, he carries her back into the bedroom, lying her in bed as he admits,

“It is one of your more endearing traits, although quite troublesome at times.” Pooching her lips up at him, his eyes drawn to the movement while she grouses,

“But you’re so mysterious, I want to learn more about you!”

“In due time, Mina-san. We can discuss this more later, for now please rest.” Already feeling exhaustion pulling at her body, she mumbles,

“Mmm, but… I don’t wanna…” Even with her lids shut, she can hear him chuckle and something press against her hair as the caring heartthrob whispers,

“Only you would fight against sleep this hard. Though if you fear your nightmares, I can’t imagine what they could be.” Before she falls completely unconscious, Minako hears his words echo, “Please, tell me about them someday.”



____________ ~Kurama~ ____________



(Fairyland - Yuki Kajiura)


He watches quietly as she falls right to sleep, so weak and pliable before him. Smiling warmly, he softly strokes her cheek before moving away, making his way to the bathroom. Taking a look at himself in the mirror, he tilts his head up to gauge what damage she’d left on his neck. Never thought I’d have to worry about hickies on my neck. Thankfully, other than a few small off color blemishes and the new tangles in his hair, she didn’t leave much evidence behind. Snorting at himself, he grabs the comb from a drawer and works the tangles back out of his mane. Kurama exhales when he finally finishes pulling the comb through his mildly tamed strands, he’s reminded of the time. Once again I’m running behind, thanks to a consistently trouble making beauty.

Fixing his tie, and glad his hair lays the way it does as it covers the slight discoloration, he makes his way into the living room. Sighing the scent of her arousal out of his senses, he’s still reeling from what he’d heard in the bathroom. I had sent her there to clear her decadant scent that strengthened with sleep. And though she tried to be discreet, and likely thought I wouldn’t know, however… Mina’s gasps and moans were quiet by human standards, but his sensitive ears picked up on every nuanced sound. Including… the sound of her fingers sliding through slippery, tender flesh. He knew there might be a few problems with having her there for an extended period, but this was one he had not foreseen.

Although I should have, she is a healthy young woman in most regards. Although wild and naive in most aspects, she certainly knows how to handle herself in this one. But her reaction to receiving energy was... Grabbing his briefcase and the bento he prepared with breakfast, he suddenly recalls the beautifully intense expression on her face when he began giving her his energy. The memory has his feet pause just before the apartment door, his breath caught at the adoration she’d shown, for him, still kept staggering him. Although others had gazed upon him with lust, camaraderie, and gentle parental love from his mother, he’d never felt this kind of affection aimed at him. He’s seen others who have shown it, who had received it, but this is… He’s startled at the heat in his face, and when he touches his cheek, he finds he’s flushed.

Putting a hand over his mouth, he vainly tries to wish it away, only ensuring it’s darkening, especially when what she mouthed against his throat returned to him as well, ‘I want you to feel good too.’ He hadn’t expected such a bold reaction to the transfer, and furthermore, he really hadn’t been prepared for her to line his jaw with wet, airy kisses. The enchanted fox had nearly lost his concentration, and when she caught his earlobe with her teeth he barely withheld his demonic nature. The little noise the surprisingly sensual warrioress made, which he could only equate to the hum of delight she made when eating had him locking down his senses, using finance equations to quickly recenter himself.

And when the little vixen took sips of my neck, I was about to go mad. Swiping a hand through his bangs and taking a deep breath to steady himself, he pushes himself out the door and onto Azabu Juban’s busy streets. Letting the spring breeze sweep away the roiling feelings he struggled with, he fully dons his human facade, his soul begins to settle. Making his way toward the train station a few blocks away, he’s surprised when a shadow flits to his side, “Maybe you’re the one who needs to be watched instead of that girl. You’ve foolishly given her almost half of your energy supply. And...” The crimson eyed demon sniffs the air openly before grumbling, “It seems you enjoyed yourself a bit. You’re the last person I’d expect to fall for that.” Huffing lightly, Kurama recants,

“I’ll be fine. Even if I am attacked before I recover, I have ways to defend myself. Also, I know you can tell nothing of the sort happened.” Hiei snorts derisively before responding,

“Yes, if the morons know nothing of you, as they have been. Any apparition with a small bit of intelligence will know to attack your weaknesses, which has now increased by one.” Quirking his lips lightly, the tickled yôko stops at the crosswalk along with the fire shade, joking easily,

“Ah, that would be quite the stir, wouldn’t it? Being slain by a lower class demon from my own hubris.” He chortles at the twisted scowl adorning Hiei’s face as he growls,

“You’re a damned idiot just like that oaf! I should just leave you to die!” Kurama’s smile is innocent as he looks up at the sky, a hand to his chin in wonder,

“Oh? Yet I’m quite certain someone asked for a Giji Kurīchā for someone that pummeled them.” He didn’t need to look to know embarrassment had flooded his fellow apparition,

“Che! These situations are different!”

“Really?” At the former thief’s knowing glance, Hiei looks away before grumbling,

“At the very least take a few precautions while you’re exposing yourself, fox.”

(Corsican Corridor - Yuki Kajiura)

“I have, Hiei. You needn’t worry so much.” The dragon wielder harrumphs before flitting away, leaving Kurama to smile after him before continuing toward work. Taking the subway, it takes a few more minutes to get to work, entering through sliding glass doors. Greeting the receptionist cordially, ensuring he didn’t have any messages from her, he strides to the elevator. Calling for his floor, he’s unsurprised when one of his coworkers steps into the lift from another floor.

“Ohaiyo, Shochō! You get my message?” Nodding easily, the calm salaryman answers,

“Yes, I only just arrived, however, so I haven’t yet checked your proposal.” The young man rubs the back of his head in nervousness as he replies,

“Ah, my apologies Shochō! I hadn’t realized…” Humming lightly, Kurama’s lips tilt casually as he assures,

“It’s alright. I’m usually here earlier, however I’ve been side-tracked in the mornings as of late.” He could hear the interest in his juniors voice as the man inquires slyly,

“Oh?” Shaking crimson forelocks, the academic vulpine counters in a firm tone,

“It’s nothing to be concerned about. Just a few mishaps.” The short haired brunette at his side frowns sadly, as though hoping for some sort of juicy tidbit of drama. It would seem everyone is concerned with my personal life now.

“If you say so, Sir.” At least this one knows when to quit. The elevator door opens a few floors before his own, the man walking out and bowing before the door, requesting, “Let me know what you think later, Shochō!”

“I will, Takara-san. Thank you for your hard work.”

“No problem, Sir.” The elevator doors close, leaving Kurama on his own for a few more moments. Feeling the drain on his energy, he smiles to himself at the irony of his position at the moment. Only a few days ago Mina was the one who leaned against the wall. An image of the exquisite noble in only a button down shirt of his pressed sensually against the wall, his hips pushing against hers while his teeth dig into her neck roughly in contrast to her light drinks of his takes over his mind. A certain part of his anatomy reacts, causing him to sigh and run a hand through his bangs again, and with focus only he could achieve, banished the thought. Only she could inspire more deviousness in me. With a ding, the doors open to reveal the floor he needed, forcing himself forward and hiding every bit of his struggles expertly.

Moving gracefully to his office, using the key to open the door, his sparse workspace is revealed, clean and organized. Setting his briefcase on his desk and he sits down in the chair, turning the computer on to begin his day. When lunch time came around, he pushed himself from his desk, much earlier than usual, however considering how much energy he gave, it was prudent to begin replenishing it sooner, rather than later. And though he could have eaten lunch in his office, he preferred not combining such spaces. Though this is why I avoid the area around this time normally… Many of the workers sat around the break room, chattering enthusiastically about many topics, but when he was spotted the talking erupted into excited exclamations. “Shochō!”

“Shochō! Are you joining us for lunch today?”

“What do you think, you moron.”

“He could be here for another reason, you know!” Sighing within, a sweat drop appears on his temple as Takara-san laughs lightly, chiding the others,

“This is why he avoids eating with us, you know! You guys just can’t leave him in peace!” Of course there’s a huge uproar in response, quing Kurama to begin regretting this decision until his junior cuts through the din, “You’re just proving my point!” The crowd quiets but continues quibbling, putting a quirk to the spirit kitsune’s lips as he strides to Takara-san’s table.

“I suppose this means I should come down here more often? So its not such a rare occurrence?” His grinning coworker crows,

“Yeah, probably, Shochō. Seeing you down here at this time is like the chance of seeing a tsuchinoko. Incredibly unlikely.” Another huge sweat drop appears on Kurama’s temple as he closes his eyes, lips twitching. They’re really comparing my interacting at lunch like seeing what humans consider a cryptid? His glasses wearing compatriot grins humorously while motioning, “Well, you can sit here if you want, but I warn you, you don’t want to sit at the Uwasa table.” Now sincerely wondering if he should be concerned about the topics being spoken, though no one has come forward with any formal complaints, the incredulous yōkai mutters,

“Dare I ask?”

“Eh, just listen for a minute and you’ll see what I’m talking about.” His worry builds exponentially, though he’s astonished to hear, quite clearly, “Did you hear the news? The condo Aino, Minako was staying at was destroyed!”

“What~! No way! Is she alright? Why does this always happen to the good idols!”

“They say she made it out, but is on leave until further notice.”

“Aww man! I had tickets to her upcoming concert!”

“I did too! She’s the greatest idol of all time! Have you heard about what she does in her free time? She visits sick kids in the hospital and donates her money to them!”

“Wow, really? I never knew that! That’s so sweet!”

“And get this, the company she works for right now almost went under, but she single handedly saved it, using her own money to keep it afloat! How crazy is that!”

“I hear even the yakuza are afraid to bad talk her! That’s intense!”

“No way!”

I heard that she ‘gets around’ if you know what I mean! All the male idols can’t get enough of her!” There's several loud outcries, many of which are outside the group.

“That’s not my Mina-chan! She’s a virgin, ya hear!”

“No one that good looking and successful at her age is a virgin, stupid!” Staring in exasperation at the lunch he brought, Kurama considers the strangeness of what he’s hearing from what he knows. She is inexperienced with intimacy, though not so much as to be entirely innocent if her actions today are anything to go by. But the other things he didn’t know. They believe it to be the truth, from their tone, but it could just be rumors. Takara-san sighs as the man gripes,

“This is why I avoid coming here, myself. Thankfully though, I don’t have your presence among the company.” Nearly falling forward from the bluntness, the attention magnet reveals,

“It’s not always been a blessing, I’m afraid.” The shorter man grins before ribbing,

“I bet, if this is anything to go by. I can’t imagine what junior and highschool was like for you.”

“They certainly honed my patience.” Takara-san laughs lightly before pointing out,

“It could be worse, I suppose. You could be the poor girl they’re spreading rumors about.” Glancing discreetly back at them, Kurama agrees,

“Yes, I suppose it could be that. I must ask, do they often speak of Aino-san?”

“More often than not, but sometimes the subject varies.” With a grin that resembled a certain ‘ghost helper,’ whom he  displayed several behaviors of, the cheeky worker gambles airily, “I’m willing to bet they’re waiting for you to leave before gossiping about you, you know, behind your back like typical school kids.” Another similarity to his aptly named spirit friend, Kurama huffs softly at the wager,

(Interlude - Yuki Kajiura)

“As long as it doesn’t disturb their work ethic or hurt anyone, it doesn’t matter if they do.” His kōhai looks surprised for a moment, before replying,

“And that’s why you’re the boss, and not us.” Smirking in knowing, Kurama states,

“You seem moderately reasonable, at least when it comes to boundaries.”

“Ah, well yeah, that’s two fold. You keep me employed, and my grandmother always said, ‘The mouth is the source of disaster.’” The entertained academic chuckles lightly as he assures,

“Well, your grandmother is wise.” Takara-san nods while grinning,

“I like to think so. Anyhow, if you come back here again, this is what you can expect.”

“I see. You said you don’t usually eat here, so why did you decide to come here today?” His lively employee sighs before admitting,

“I usually go to eat with my friend at his workplace, but he had something come up and our plans fell through. How about you, Shochō? Any particular reason you're down here now?”

“Well, it’s simpler than failed plans. Normally I wait until later to eat, but today I was particularly hungry.” Takara-san covers his mouth while chortling,

“That is much simpler! And here I thought you were a more complicated person! Glad to know you’re human too.” Kurama could feel himself laughing darkly within, his demonic nature brushing beneath the surface calmly, yet threateningly. Ah, ignorance is bliss, or so they say… Smiling mysteriously, he accepts,

“I try to be. This business can be complicated on its own.”

“True enough. Well, it’s almost time for work again, I’m gonna get cleaned up beforehand. Have a good day, Shochō! Oh, and thanks again for the feedback!”

“Good idea, Takara-san. I believe I will as well. And it’s not a problem. Have a good day.” Standing from the break room table, he makes his way back to his office, easily overhearing the switch in subject to him as he shuts the door. A human’s curiosity can be a dangerous thing. Boarding the elevator, he leans back against the wall, crossing his arms and closing his eyes for a moment. My energy is returning at a reasonable rate, within the day I should be back to normal. Fluttering crimson lashes open, he gazes quietly at the doors, thoughts of his ki making him wonder what trouble his house guest is getting into. Hopefully getting rest instead of finding mischief, but with my luck, it’s found her.

Finishing up for the day, the fighter of the garden variety weaves around pedestrian traffic for the afternoon, easily missing being touched by those around him. Making good time from the subway, he’s standing before his apartment door in record time, entering quietly as he calls, “Tadaima!” He’s shocked to hear her voice come from the bedroom with a tinge of nervousness.

(Fake Wings Amalee cover - Yuki Kajiura)

“H-hai! I'm here, Shuichi-san!” Making his way there, when Kurama spots the beautiful guardian sitting on his bed, he’s stunned into silence. “Eh, heh heh… Uh… I think something unexpected happened…” Swallowing thickly, he breathes deeply at the long, golden hair curling down the bed and across the floor in waves, her nails sharpened to a point and dainty fangs behind her lips as she covers her mouth shyly. Going toward her, he’s completely entranced by the vision she made before him, so much so that he nearly forgot to respond to her observation,

“I’ll say. Do you feel alright? Are you hurt anywhere? I’m so-”

“I feel just fine, Shuichi-san. Way better than before, It’s just…” Pressing her thighs together, she curls her fists in front of her chest with her eyes closed, whining, “I just really gotta pee~!” He falls over slightly, inquiring,

“How long have you been holding it?” Turning to find a pair of scissors and nail clippers, and glad he had the foresight to own some despite his razor plant collection, he hears her groan,

“For at least the last hour...” Finding them, he makes his way back over to her, gently pulling the literal fountain of locks around to get an even cut.

“Why didn’t you cut it yourself?” Quickly snipping the bulk off so she could at least manage to relieve herself without making a mess, she grouses,

“I did! It just grew back!” Since it was my energy that caused this, using a minimal amount of my ki should enable me to keep it cut. I’m just glad so far that this is all that’s happened. Sighing lightly, the improvised demon barber instructs,

“Go ahead and go, I’ll even up the ends when you’re done.” Turning to look at him, Mina winks lightly and cheers,

“You’re my hero! I’ll be back!” Huffing with humor, he replies mirthfully,

“I’ll have to remember that. I’ll get a chair set up in the kitchen, so meet me there.” He hears her trilling voice echo from the bathroom,

“Hai~!” Standing from the bed, he looks down at the sunny strands consuming his floor with a sweat drop. Grabbing a garbage bag from the kitchen, he treads back into the bedroom to collect the incredibly long ends. Visually measuring some strands, although he had a good idea from his first glance, it came to be… 182 centimeters (6’). Impressive, and she still has another 91 centimeters (3’) still attached, it’s no wonder she couldn’t move much. Packing as much of the excess loose strands as he could in the bag, it still nearly spilled over the top. I never thought my chikara might change her physically. If anything, I had thought her body might reject it. But surprisingly… Sliding his thumb over the silk, he’s reminded of the smell of her arousal, potent even as a human. And how easily, even greedily she accepted my energy.

Dropping the threads into the bag, he glides silently into the living area and sets it by the island, grabbing a chair from the table. Pulling it out far enough from the eating area, he moves smoothly into the kitchenette, gathering a shoulder covering cloth from a drawer and laying it on the back of the chair. Glad to see her with a bounce to her step again, he motions to the seat in front of him, smiling when she plops heavily onto the chair. Now that her hair was somewhat manageable, she leaned forward to let him grab the covering. Ensuring the peppy starlet was covered, Kurama begins clipping the ends of her fine tresses, evening out the mess he had to leave earlier.

He’s surprised when she chimes, “You know, it’s been a while since I had hair that long.”

“Oh?” She swings her feet back and forth beneath the chair, bringing an indulgent smile to his lips, she just can’t sit still can she?

“Yep, it was like that when I lived on Venus.”

“When you lived on Venus? Truly?” Giggling airily, she responds,

“Yeah, although still not inhabitable on it’s own, even back then, with some tech it was really nice to live on.” Running the comb through her marigold hair, he inquires,

“What was it like?” Although I’m curious about this ‘tech’ she’s talking about, I doubt she’ll tell me so easily, and I want to keep her trust. She hums in thought before ruminating,

“Well, the clouds were usually yellowish colored, while the sky itself was bluish green and was especially pretty when they mixed together. The plants were incredibly brightly or darkly colored, probably due to the acidity in the air. There were mountains and valleys, of course, but you had to watch where you walked because even then, there were acid pools, which were always a bright, luminescent blue. And there usually was a light pink fog in the air, it never cleared so, unfortunately, you could never see the stars. But when night came, it was never truly dark because the acid puddles would glow, reflecting in the fog.” He smiles gently, her nostalgic tone infectious while he remarks,

“I see. It sounds like a fascinating world. Too bad I can’t see it for myself.” As he had stopped his motions, Mina turns toward him with an sly grin as she retorts,

“You will eventually. I have something that can show us that time.” Shocked, the curious kitsune inquires,

“Really?” Turning back around, she confirms,

“Yes, really. I’ll show you sometime!” Smiling warmly, he acknowledges,

“Thank you. I’d appreciate it. Although I must say, it sounded like a much more difficult place to live in than here.” Humming, she returns,

“It was. Our bodies are much hardier as senshi because of our home worlds. Venus’ temperatures were still pretty harsh, then Jupiter still had massive storms that if you didn’t have tough skin, would slice through your body like wet paper.” Sweating lightly, he chuckles as he responds,

“Interesting, were the other planets as well?”

“Oh yeah, they weren’t much different. Still as dangerous then as they are now!” Humming in response, he states,

“I’m done back here, now for your bangs.” She stands from the chair, and turning it as she sits back down and chirps,

“Okay!” Grinning lightly, he warns,

“Close your eyes.” Doing as he asks, the spritely protector trills,

“Mmm hmm!” Combing her hair forward, Kurama divides what will be the bangs section from the rest as she asks, “How was your day? It must have been harder with less energy…” Smiling gently from the innocent inquiry, he answers,

“It was alright. Really, all that was different was that I ate lunch a little earlier than usual.” Her lips pull down in a frown as he snips the bulk of hair away from her eyes.

“I still feel bad…” Huffing softy, he assures,

“There’s no need. You slept well today, didn’t you?” She hums an affirmative. “Then that’s already well worth it.” After adjusting the length a little, her fringe rests the way it did before as she inquires shyly,

“You’re sure?” Brushing some of the loose trimmings from her cheeks, he holds her face tenderly and promises,

“Quite. Now, I believe you wanted to go shopping today, right? How about we do that after I trim your nails and do something about your fangs?” Plush lips part in a silent gasp, revealing said, admittedly adorable incisors, excitement palpable in her aura as he pulls the nail clippers from his pocket, taking her hand in his as she squeaks,

“Really! But aren’t you tired? I don’t want you to pass out or anything…” Delicately parting her fingers to more easily trim the excess nail, the plant specialist-made-nail-trimmer assures,

“I’ll be fine so long as I eat soon.” Her sweet features still hold a hint of worry, though she nods with a flush as he works carefully on her fingers. Glancing up at him bashfully, Mina asks,

“If you’re sure. Since that’s the case, what do you want to eat? I chose everything last time, so if you tell me what you’re in the mood for, I can probably find something for you.” Taking that into consideration, he contemplates aloud,

(Minako no Theme - Sailor Moon Crystal)

(Quiet Romance - In the Garden of Sinners)

“Hmm, perhaps something with some vegetables and liver as it would hasten my recovery.” She bobs her head before asking,

“Alright, any price preference, proprietor talkative preference, how far…”

“Nothing in fine dining, we can just stick with walk-in service. Talkativeness is a category?” Grinning cheekily, she crows,

“Of course! Some owners don’t just talk, they give you their entire history if you’re new. I know you’re a patient guy, but some things can wear that thin real fast.” Rumbling lightly, Kurama adds,

“Then I’m alright if they wish to talk. That is, after all, the best way to get information from them, such as supernatural encounters. Many people won’t talk about such phenomenon unless you have an established relationship.” Her head bounces and morning glory blues sparkling, her free hand by her ear in a fist,

“Wow! You’re really good at this! Are you really a businessman and not actually an investigator?” Quirking his lips, he responds teasingly,

“I can’t be both?” The alluring soldier flops her cheek onto her shoulder, grousing,

“No! That’s not fair to the rest of the world! You being so talented is slowly stealing the potential from everyone else! It’s gotta be!” He barks with laughter as he finishes clipping her nails and retorts,

“I don’t think it works that way, Mina-san. Nice try though. Besides, what would you do if I weren’t as ‘talented’ as you say?” Pouting up at him with her head tilted to the side, she puffs,

“Not be nearly as pampered as I am, with you somehow knowing about everything I need help with.” Standing and pushing the nail clippings into a small trash can, he comes back to stand in front of her, a look of contemplation on his face as she asks, “What’s wrong?” Pressing his lips together, the actual supernatural detective curls a knuckle in front of his mouth in thought as he replies hesitantly,

“Your fangs are the last thing we need to fix, but using a file is out as I don’t keep a tooth file on hand, unfortunately.” She sweat drops lightly as she responds honestly,

“If you had a tooth file, I’d have to wonder why you had one and I’d probably try to look in your mouth.” He chortles at her audaciousness, though he really should have known,

“You would be so daring as to prod something that might be dangerous. Well, there’s one other option…”

“Okay, now I know you’re teasing me! What is it? Don’t leave me in suspense~!” Sweat dropping heavily, he closes his eyes to calm himself as he answers,

“I can try to manipulate the energy that’s already inside you, but that requires us to…” Honey lashes flutter as he finally manages, “kiss…” Plush lips open as Mina flushes with wide cornflower irises,

“W-we… gotta kiss?” You’re nervous now, after doing that how many times to me? Snorting at her and her strange boundaries, he crosses his arms and locks with her gaze, stating,

“I hadn’t wanted to use this method, as although it’s more accurate, it’s also more intimate. There is the possibility we could find another method-”

“It’s alright! I-um…” Fiddling with her newly trimmed fingers in her lap, her blush extends down her neck as she whispers while glancing up at Kurama demurely, “I don’t mind it, if it’s you, Shuichi-kun.” Her earnestness and the new suffix to his human name makes him swallow and dart his darkening emerald stare away, rebuking sternly,

“You should mind. It’s… Although the first time you were being spontaneous, the last time was…” He was shocked when she stood and pressed herself against him gently, smiling affectionately as she touched his cheek.

(Star Locket Melody - Sailor Moon)

“You’re so sweet. You shouldn’t feel like you’re taking advantage of me. If anything, I’m the one taking advantage of you! I never thought I’d- well, nevermind that.” Love’s guardian stares at her other hand on his chest unseeingly, her smile becoming melancholy as she looks up and continues, “The point is, you’re handsome, sweet, smart, and talented. Do you want to waste your effort on someone like me?” He’s taken aback, given whiplash quite suddenly, that she felt that way about herself. Why would she… doubt herself so much? But she’s so confident when… It’s then that he realizes the difference and recalls what the wistful senshi had said about her transformation. ‘My past self was incredibly confident, but I’ve changed since being here.’

For the worst, in this matter. Just how deeply does this self doubt run? Ivy green irises soften, his heart twisting in agony that this beautiful, kind woman feels herself so unworthy of affection. Is this also why she… doesn’t admit her feelings? She feels… This time the pain shows on his face, and to his consternation, she misunderstands by the wounded expression across her visage. Even through her pain, she makes the effort to smile at him, though not nearly as bright as her usual exuberance. “It’s okay, we can find another way! That way you don’t have to-” Tilting her chin back, he cuts off the strain in her trembling voice, and the smell of salt that threatens to tear him apart.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, the enamored demon pulls her against him, the warmth of her form soaking into him steadily. Closing his verdant gaze, he simply allows himself to feel; the glossy texture of her peach flavored lips, the puffs of soft breaths as she moans quietly into him, her dainty hand that clenches in his button up while the other threads into his crimson locks. The hand on her chin moves to rub softly along her cheek, silky strands tickling his fingers as he wipes away the tears she couldn’t hold back. Distracting him further was the smell of her delicious arousal, stirring the darker parts of him more and more in turn.

Before he lost too much focus, he shifted his energy within her, and to be sure it had worked, it’s not an excuse… He swipes his tongue teasingly across her lips, smirking lightly when he hears the tiny gasp. Not entering until she felt comfortable, she slowly meets him halfway, tangling together in such an erotic manner that it tests his control. Clenching his hand in the pajamas Mina borrowed, he pulls her tighter against him, enough that he’s sure she feels him hardening. He’s quite surprised, and delighted, to sense the heat in her cheeks as he tugs on her tongue with his. With a little noise of bliss, she pulls back slightly to change the angle before diving her tongue back into him, drawing on his lips ardently and mimicking certain movements that were not lost on him.

She makes an elated sound again, her hand loosening from his shirt and palming the muscle in his pec amorously, sending his instincts clamoring at the wonderful touch. Although this was an enjoyable avenue to travel, Kurama knew there was a purpose to this, besides catering to my deviancy. Touching her canines cautiously, he doesn’t hit any points and considers this mission a success. Retreating from her sweet, addicting and sassy mouth, the wet sound of their lips parting and the line of saliva coating her tongue makes a very excited part of him twitch. If she didn’t feel it before, she certainly does now. Already accepting his fate, he awaits some sort of embarrassment or awkward silence from her. Instead her hands slide up his chest and onto his shoulders, gaze still adoring as she pressed herself against him experimentally, forcing a hiss through his teeth as he gritted them and a surprised gasp from her.

If ever there was a time he regrets adhering to his mother’s human moral standards in society, this would be the one. Although you feel wonderful, Mina, now is not the time. Putting space between them quickly, he chokes, “Don’t do that, it makes it more difficult to will it away.” The pure look of fascination on her red stained face, along with a hand in front of the enticing creature’s mouth, as though to vainly hide behind it, were nearly too much. This is torture in every way, shape, and form and has been a long time coming for the wickedness of my past. I’m certain of it.

(Fairyland - Yuki Kajiura)

“But… doesn’t it hurt for guys to… not finish?” Sighing openly because really, he should have expected this kind of curiosity from her, the calculating vulpine informs her candidly,

“If said men don’t know how to handle themselves, then yes, it can be painful. However with concentration it’s simple to ignore.” She bites her lips worriedly, face glowing brightly as she inquires,

“So you’ll be alright? You don’t need to-”

“I’ll be fine, Mina. Don’t worry about it. The important thing is your fangs are gone now.” Her countenance burns darker, to his inner delight, the color chasing down her neck to her, don’t go there, his drop of formality with her having a rather interesting affect on her scent. Excitement, affection, admiration and… there it is. He won’t address it openly, but anytime she looks at him, this particular scent is woven between many others, tantalizing him as he’s come to realize what it means for her. Love, lust, and forlorn. Though to his thankful distraction and detriment, she must have remembered the other part of his statement, as her mouth pops open to allow her to touch her canines with her tongue, the muscle peeking out from her lips clumsily as she chimes,

“Oh! They are!” Oh, to be so oblivious to her own sensuality… Deciding a warning for the future was in order for her sake, both of ours really, quirking his lips, he intones,

“I’ll warn you once, don’t do such intimate actions to someone you don’t intend to be with in the future. Not all men strive for absolute control over themselves as I do.” Though even I have my limits, Beautiful Child. Her face is nearly atomic, doe-like delphiniums looking up at him endearingly as Mina squeaks,

“O-okay.” Huffing at the chastised, but unrepentant expression on her visage, he shakes rosy forelocks and pokes her on the nose as he informs her,

“We need to change first, then we can go. You behave until I’m ready.” Covering her nose in shock, she gapes before grumbling,

“Mou! You can be such a jerk!” Smirking at her, Kurama teases,

“But I’m the only jerk you can stand, I’m sure.” Blond lashes flutter in astonishment before her flush spreads down her chest again. I’m almost certain now someone is out to torment me. Turning away from temptation, he’s through the doorway when he hears her mutter under her breath,

(Sis Puella Magicka acapella- Yuki Kajiura)

“Ugh, it’s not fair that I fall in love… when I know I can’t have it.” He freezes, his body hidden by the wall as his human heart throbs painfully. She can’t? Is it simply the dangers? Gazing at the wall as though to see her through the obstruction, wide emerald eyes try to comprehend the meaning behind her words. No… that felt like she was withholding something more… but what could it be? Frowning deeply, he’s troubled by the thought while he turns to head into the closet again, grabbing a set of street clothes. Mina allows me to see so much, and yet there is a part of her she shields from me desperately. What is it that you won’t share with me? You’re so open about everything else, so what do you have to hide?



Itadakimasu いただきます- ‘I humbly receive’, used at mealtime like ‘let's eat,’ ‘bon appétit,’ or ‘thanks for the food.’

Oishii おいしい - good(-tasting); nice; delicious; tasty

Takara たから - treasure

Uwasa うわさ - rumour; rumor; report; hearsay; gossip; common talk

Tsuchinoko - ‘A stubby, snake-like creature, the Tsuchinoko became a national sensation during the 1970’s, when a number of sightings and supposed live captures of tsuchinoko were reported.’ It’s pretty much Japan’s version of the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, etc.

This bit about Mina donating money to the hospitals and visiting sick kids is from the PGSM series, and as I said, I want to use everything from all the series I can. (It might take a while for everything to be mentioned, but one way or another, I’ll find a place for everything from the different interpretations that I can) I thought it was interesting what they did with the series, although it was incredibly different from Takeuchi-san’s idea. Mina was much more serious, and although she is at the right times, I love her goofy and go-get em attitude (Although it’s up in the air if she’s like that sometimes to keep the other senshi from worrying.)

Ghost Helper - Yūsuke is a combination of the kanjis 幽 (yuu: ghost) and 助 (suke: the kanji means "assistant” but is also a common suffix to form a boy’s name). It could be translated as “ghost boy” and connecting his name and surname we have something like: Yusuke Urameshi - a ghost boy cursing you.

I used this Japanese saying, “The mouth is the source of disaster.” It was based on something my Grandma once told me. ‘If you want to keep your nose where it’s at, you better keep it out of other people’s business.’ This is something my great great uncle, apparently a 6 something tall German man used to tell my grandma when she was asking about too much.

The description for Venus is from the game Destiny, which had some stunning environments.

The energy transfer thing, once again, donating Spirit Energy is different from Life Energy. As I pointed out before, Yukina’s demon energy works on humans, and although what Kurama’s done here might not seem quite right, it’s like the difference between eating food, and getting an IV full of the same nutrients. It’s energy that’ll burn, but it’s not as good as your own natural energy. It’s much easier for me to think of it as having a metaphysical body. I try to apply as much science and knowledge from the real world as possible, and from the reminder of a good friend of mine, in the Thor movie they explain, “Magic is just science you don’t understand yet.” I freaking adore that! (Yeah, I’m a big dork. But that’s cool with me)

Chapter 11: Journey to Shibiya


Emergency make-up kit,

Some of the make-up Mina might have in her emergency kit,

Mina’s makeup look inspiration,

Just a little extra, someone made sailor senshi make-up looks!

Okay, don’t burn me on a pyre! Yes, the English replacer songs for Sailor Moon’s Dic/Cwi dubs are my guilty pleasure, not to say they’re any better or worse than the songs they replace, I just like them. And considering they probably wouldn’t have been made without the Sailor Moon Anime series, I consider them freebies that Mina can claim. Yes, it’s a bit on the quiet side for Mina, but in PGSM she actually has a bit of a range on her genres, and many artists experiment with their bands, it’s how the creative process works. If you go outside your comfort zone, the possibilities are endless!

I’ve been laughing to myself because of all the people on tumblr grumbling about Kurama’s color coordination. Honestly (Being as I’m a redhead myself and don’t really avoid any colors) I thought all his outfits were good matches with his hair, but just to be sure I didn’t do him justice, I looked up what redheads ‘should’ wear color wise. (Again, I ain’t no fashionista or anything, I just like colors and I wear them, whether they look good or not is never on my mind)

Here’s an idea of what the skirt looks like.

Genkan - The genkan is the welcome pit just inside the front door that serves as a gathering place for shoes, spiders and guests. When you enter a Japanese house, you leave your shoes in the genkan and proceed into the rest of the house in slippers.

Something that tickled me to death here was the fact that, yes, foxes do purr! In fact, they can make 15 different sounds, and one of them is cat-like! I’ve been learning so much about foxes, and although Kurama doesn’t really exhibit a lot of fox-like tendencies, it’s there if you look! Playfulness, stealthiness, and intelligence (After all, their dens being underground or in a hollow allow them to sneakily move around, hence the saying ‘Sly as a Fox.’) are all important parts of his skills and personality. He acts like the straight man among the group, but really, he’s constantly tossing shade at all his friends, and they don’t always catch it. I figured given the right circumstances (i.e. soul bonding, falling in love, etc.) would bring out more of his true nature. After all, he is a ‘fox of great age and wisdom who gained magical abilities.’ A yôko.

Kitsune (狐 Kitsune, lit. Fox), also known as Yōko (妖狐 Yōko, lit. yōkai Fox)

So this is a sexy little tidbit I discovered when I looked up what you call ‘butt dimples.’ Lmao. Apparently these anatomical markings can ‘help one have a great time in bed and achieve great levels of orgasm.’ The dimples assist in blood circulation and because of their very 'strategic' placement near the pelvic area, climaxing is supposed to be easier. Not having them isn’t the end of the world, considering it's used as a description for surgery. Here’s another one I found called, ‘Apollo’s Belt.’

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Solitude - Replus)

Going over his preferences, Minako decides to go a little out of their way to a store he might like. After all, he’s got nice, yet casual taste. And I also really just want some comfy stuff to wear here. Not that the pajamas weren’t soft, they just weren’t super stylish to wear all day. At least in front of a hot guy, and this one in particular. Sighing at her terrible luck, she tries to wait patiently as he showers and changes. Fluttering blond lashes when she hears the closet door open, she perks up, turning to look over the back of the couch. Shuichi was wiping his face with a towel over his shoulders, wearing a simple, spring meadow green button down with dark washed jeans.

Oh no. He’s way too gorgeous to be real… Moisture was weighing down his rose colored hair and clinging to his cheeks as passionate emerald irises meet hers. “The bathroom is free now, so whenever you’re ready, get dressed and we can leave.” Humming in response, she continues to stare at the handsome visage before her, startling when he clears his throat. Flushing down to her toes when he leans toward her, whispering humorously, “Get dressed, Mina.” Ocean waves expand in embarrassment, she hops off the couch cushion quickly, disappearing into the closet with a loud ‘bang!’ Putting a hand on her heart and sighing as her back leans against the door, she tries to comprehend what happened earlier.

We… we almost… Although incredibly mortified now, at the time, it felt so right. How many guys would have taken advantage of the moment? And with his reaction, he was definitely interested in that. With her heart pounding, her trembling fingers touch her lips, her cheeks glowing bright as she recalls the incredible kiss she just had. Even if he was just doing it to rearrange his energy or whatever, it was still… She’s kissed a few times, more often than not when they were unconscious, but that counts in her book. That wasn’t anything I’d experienced in this life, but in my previous ones… the flustered royal couldn’t help but feel him when his bulge twitched against her, making her cheeks burn hotter now. More shocking than anything was what she wanted to do to him, forcing blood to dribble down her lips and chin.

Darting to the bathroom, she grabs some tissue and plugs her nose, rinsing her chin off quickly as she throws herself into dressing back into the only outfit she has at the moment. Monochromatic blue tie dye sleeveless top with a giant daisy and the text ‘kiss me I love you’ at the bottom, sheer cyan jacket, pink scarf tied in a bow, and thigh length white doily chiffon skirt. Now to do my hair! It’s been a few days since I’ve done anything with it! Hoping against all hope that the pocket dimension would work with her having the playful heartthrob’s energy, she waves a hand and voila! Her light pink saddle purse appears, dropping into her hands as she hops lightly in excitement, “Yes! It worked!” Pulling out four pink hair ribbons, she grabs her cute brush and runs it through silky strands, straightening her lengthy fly aways, she begins braiding two small sections. Humming lightly, and trying desperately not to think about what had just happened and oh my gosh I humped him!

(Fake Wings Harp Cover - Yuki Kajiura)

Accidentally tugging on the tail she just put in her hair, she grimaces before finishing tying the bow in her second twin tail. Going for her emergency make-up kit, she does her moisturizer, concealer, gotta hide those dark bags! Fixes her brows, and starting with a light shimmer on the inner corner of her eye, she works it toward the center, blending it down below her lash line too. She adds a metallic gold leaf to the outer corner of her lids and blends to the outer third of her lids, ending her upper eyeshadow look with a small, blended wing in a coffee shade. For the bottom, Minako blends her lash line with a bit more of the coffee, and ends with lining a shimmery, warm patina green in the center and blended to the outer corner. Running a coffee colored pencil around her waterline and lash line before coating her lashes in mascara the same color as her shadow.

Taking a tinted moisturizing balm, she coats her bottom lip with a sweet peach color, rubbing her lips together to spread the shade and with a bit of blush blended into her cheeks, she considers herself ready for the outside world. Winking at herself in the mirror, the energetic stylist makes a kissy face at herself before giggling and whirling away from her reflection. Passing by the end table, she notices the letter sitting on top and remembers Ami-chan’s orders. Oh, I need to give this to Shuichi! I’ll hold onto it until after dinner. It was strange, and gave her pause, but something within told her to hold onto it. My intuition usually works for fighting… but not anything else. Tucking the letter into her pocket, she walks into the living room where Shuichi looks really surprised when he catches sight of her. He strides toward her, shimmering forest green gaze roves over her hairstyle as he reaches her, “You decided to change your hair today? Make-up as well…. where did you get it all?” Smiling lightly, she shrugs before replying,

“Yeah! You must not have been around girls a lot if you’ve never seen one wear makeup and change her hairstyle! I gotta change things around every now and then! Otherwise it might get boring! And where I got them is a secret~!” Shuichi’s expression is one of incredulity as he comments,

“I doubt you could ever be boring, Mina. In fact, you seem to bring your pension for chaos with you wherever you go.” The look on his face was what one wears when gazing at a guilty party. Shrinking back from his drilling stare, the agent of chaos pouts up at him,

“Why are you looking at me like that? You should be thanking me! I’m making sure you don’t die of corporate mundanity!” Smirking at her, he retorts,

“Oh yes, what a terrible fate to befall me.” Reaching out to take her chin gently, verdant eyes pierce through her, stealing her breaths as he grins cheekily, “How fortunate for me that a beautiful, stylish woman has come to disrupt my daily doldrums.” Face pinking lightly, and the recent clot in her nose holding thankfully, with a hand curled before her heart, she whispers,

“You really think I’m beautiful?” His thumb rubs the line of her jaw as he replies smoothly,

“Remember, I don’t say what I don’t mean, Mina.” Visage glowing brighter, her heart flutters, and before she realizes it, he’s moving away from her. Azure gems wide in confusion, she’s shocked further when he presses a napkin to her nose as he teases, “I must admit, it’s rather cute that you get nosebleeds from compliments.” Starting at the word nosebleed, she ‘eeps’ before grabbing the tissue frantically and holding it to her nose in embarrassment. His charming laugh echoes around her as she glowers at him in mortification, squeaking,

“Ugh, you are the worst!” He’s already at the kitchenette sink, running water over a cloth and taking her chin in his hand again,

“Tilt your head back, it’ll help with clotting.” Doing as he says, her impish host gently washes her lower face, chortling, “You are the first person I’ve come across who bleeds so freely from their nose. I had only ever seen it happen in cartoons.” Making sure he could see the sulky pull on her lips, Minako’s startled when he smiles gently, finished with cleaning her face. “Now, now. There’s no need to guilt trip me, although your attempt to do so is quite adorable.” Keeping his hand on her chin as she swallows a small amount of blood, the mystery man comments, “You know, in cartoons the only reason a person gets a nosebleed is-” Slapping his arm, she closes her eyes and groans as the blood rushes to her face again, forcing her to gulp down more as he huffs in humor. “I suppose I should quit so we can eventually eat and do your shopping.” Glaring at him as she couldn’t do much else at the moment, she’s startled when he gently rubs the line of her jaw in comfort.

Quivering blond lashes shut and relaxing at the motions, she gently clutches his wrist and strokes the joint with her own thumb. “This is a good way to start, Mr. Tease.” His other hand rests gently on her hip, the warmth enjoyable as he replies lightly,

“Well, if it pleases her majesty, would you like a glass of water?” Humming an affirmative, she’s sad to feel his touch leave her as he adds, “I’ll be a moment then.” Lapis irises reveal themselves dreamily to the ceiling, flicking down toward where the good-looking redhead was filling an empty cup while she held the cotton to her face. Hearing his muffled chuckling, the lively pop artist narrows her eyes once again, she glances down to really drill in her ire when the refreshment is hovered in front of her face. Taking the offering, she asks him,

“Can I tilt my head down now?”

“Certainly, as long as you don’t have any more licentious thoughts, you should do fine.” Grousing as she tilts the glass back, she takes a few swigs before growling,

“How can I help it when we just-” She cuts herself off, her face going solar and Shuichi quickly shoves a new tissue under her nose and tilts her head back, washing more blood down her throat. For a moment all she can do is moan in misery until the excitable senshi feels him stand behind her, pulling her toward him by her hip, the heat from his body soaking into her through his thin button up. He’s trying to comfort me… Her cheeks lighten slightly, warmth filling her heart as she mumbles against the paper, “Thank you.” The hand on her hip moves up to her waist as he murmurs in turn,

“I’m partially to blame for starting this. I know how excitable you are, and although entertaining occasionally, I hadn’t meant to prolong it.” Ingesting another spoonful of copper tasting liquid, she shivers at the taste before replying,

“I know you’re not trying to hurt me, but I can’t help it! I-”

“You don’t need to explain, Mina. I understand.” Expansive blue seas glance at him from laying her head back on his chest, his own ivy greens watching her affectionately as she asks,

“Really? Are you sure?” He nods lightly, scarlet forelocks drift with the movements, tickling her ears as he insists,

“I’m sure. So, where are we heading?” Humming lightly, she answers,

“Well, first we need to go to Azabu Juban Station.” Tilting his head in question, the enigmatic office worker removes the cotton from her face as he queries,

“I’m curious, you showed me several shops here, why make the trip to the station?” Turning in his arms, Minako states,

“It’s three-fold, one is because although the stores around here are good, this one is my store. Two, when I looked through your clothes-”

“Snooped, you mean.” Rolling azure waves upward, she snorts,

“Yeah, that. I thought you might find this store more your style. And~ number three! Because there’s a really awesome restaurant nearby that we can eat at first. Considering the store we’re going to is open until 9, we should have enough time to eat and then shop!” His chest vibrates with amusement as he remarks,

“Alright, if that’s what you want to do. Are you feeling better?” She trills,

“Mmm hmm! Just need to wash this taste out! Swallowing blood is not great!” The eccentric gardner smirks mysteriously and replies,

“It has a taste, that’s for sure.” Taking a few swigs of water, the currently twin tailed blond moves away from his comforting presence, unfortunately, to set the glass on the counter before turning to gaze at him over her shoulder.

“I’m good to go now! It’s grub time!” Smiling at her thoughtfully, Mr. Smarty-pants responds playfully,

“Your favorite time, I suppose.” Adjusting her purse on her shoulder, the stylish performer gives him the ‘v for victory’ sign while sticking her tongue out.

“Of course! Because people bond over food! Especially good food!” Long lashes fluttered at her in amazement, apparently her explanation wasn’t what he was expecting. That heart wrenching smile makes another unexpected appearance, stopping her in her tracks as he quips,

(Mysterious Starlit Sky - Sailor Moon OST)

“You’re absolutely right, Mina. You have a fascinating mindset.” Her lips part silently, lapis gems shimmering with so many emotions she’s nearly overwhelmed. I’ve fallen for him hard. And when he says such things to me, I can’t help but fall harder. Plunged deeper into the vastness of love without any hope of saving myself. All she can do is let herself be swept away in the feelings until he himself wakes her up, which seems to be his plan as he blinks in confusion before moving toward her. Vision tunneled solely on the man in front of her, he reached out and brushed her cheeks tenderly, leaning forward and whispering, “Mina? Anyone home?” Starting back up swiftly, she quickly spits out,

“Oh! Right! Time’s a-wastin, Shuichi-kun! Let’s go!” She nabs his hand and pulls him to the genkan, slipping out of her slippers and into her ankle boots in a flash. Shuichi shouts in alarm and nearly falls over as she rushes to open the door, finally slowing when his smooth baritone chokes with amusement,

“What’s the sudden rush, Mina?” The ruffled idol barely allows him to put his shoes on before squeaking,

“Oh, I just figured a little exercise might be good for us before dinner!” Darting out the door with his struggling form in tow, she leads through the late crowd of Azabu Juban to the station nearby. Swiping their cards over the ticket machine, he asks,

(Protect the Stars - Sailor Moon OST)

“What station are we getting off at?” Weaving her fingers with his, she responds,

“Shibiya Station.” His voice thrums lightly as he states,

“Then we can sit in a further car, and find some seats.”

“Oh, you’re right! Awesome!” They board the metro and shockingly find an empty seat, sitting next to one another in an emptier car as the speakers announce the next stop. Leaning against the back along with him, still pink from both the run and the embarrassment earlier, she comments, “Might as well get comfortable, we’ve got 16 stops to go.” The rosy haired mischief-maker sits back as well, crossing one leg over the other with his free hand in his lap as he returns,

“True enough. Will you be napping?” Shaking her head, Minako retorts,

“I’m fine. What you did helped a lot.” He slides his thumb over hers, her body tingles while her heart throbs delightfully from the motions, her free hand comes up to her chest as he murmurs,

(Make a Wish - Yuki Kajiura)

“I’m glad.” Pressing her legs together, she swings her feet back and forth as she glances at the passing scenery. The first five stops were pretty routine, the crowd coming and going within moments, but on the sixth stop, she felt a heavy, malicious stare burrow into her. It feels similar to other akuryō I’ve fought. Blond lashes beat lightly, slowly turning to study her watcher until something covers her view. Hot breath murmurs in her ear, the smooth baritone sending shivers through her body,

“Keep your eyes on me, Mina. Don’t look away.” When he removes his calloused grasp from over her vision, the same hand turns her face toward his. Emerald gems hold her own lapis as he takes his palm from hers to wrap the arm around her shoulders, his previously free one twining with hers as he continues, “When you feel my energy, don’t worry, it’s to take care of something.” Now incredibly curious, she queries,

“What is it?” His strange ki shifts, and though she tries to trace where it went, she couldn’t keep up with the ultra fine string once it left him. How does he have such fine control over a tiny string of chikara? And how will that little of it help? She perceives the weight of more eyes on them, most feeling scandalized at the ‘open display of affection’ they were sharing as Shuichi responds,

“A low level yōkai, but it’s a troublesome one.” Snuggling into his cozy side, the affectionate media darling nuzzles her face into his chest as she whispers back,

“So we should get rid of it. But we’re in public, how do we do that without scaring everyone?”

“Don’t worry, I am right now.” Glancing up into his visage, she asks wonderingly,

“You are? But I can’t trace your energy…” The slyness that pulls at his lips has her breaths catching as he remarks,

“There’s a reason that although I have strange energy, most can’t find it.” Crashing seas expand, mouth dropped and sex throbbing excitedly at the combination of confidence and devilishness, apparently finding another kink of hers. I’m discovering a lot of fetishes with him… her face heats up, the clot in her nose from earlier somehow holding, making his expression downright devious as he grins. Long fingers slide through the golden silk from around her shoulder, revealing her ears more as he inquires, “Oh? Did I say something you like, Mina?” Gasping quietly, although he must have heard from the darkening of his ivy colored irises, she stutters,

“S-Shuichi-kun! You’re going to get me bleeding- ah!” He has the audacity to smirk further, his digits toying softly with her earrings as he murmurs,

“I suppose that is a downside, now isn’t it?” Minako’s about to sass him, but realizes that the glare she felt before was gone, and when she turns to study it, the foxy wise-ass tugs her into his chest, chuckling against the top of her head, “I didn’t say to look yet.”

“Mou! Shuichi-kun, what’s going-”

“Just a few more moments, Mina.” Glowering at his pecs petulantly, her intake of breath stirs his scent, rose garden, geraniums, ylang ylang, fresh cut plants and herbs, white musk, something rooty, sandalwood, and something… dark. Relaxing more into him, she snuggles deeply into his chest, and is shocked when she notices he’s tense, his muscles beginning to loosen from, strangely, her huddling. Slowly closing her azure irises, she feels his exhales softly stirring the loose hairs on her head, and feeling a bit bold, presses a kiss just above his heart. He freezes, making her wonder if she went too far, before she hears a sort of… It almost sounds like… purring? Giggling faintly, the highly entertained teen questions with relish,

“Shuichi-kun… Are you a big kitty? Because you’re purring!” Said redhead goes completely still again, his arm wrapping around her tighter as he reprehends stoically,

“That’s silly, Mina. Maybe what you’re hearing is the vibrations of something below the car.” Shaking her head lazily against his body, Mina squishes her nose further into him as she continues her muffled teasing,

“Nope. No matter what you say, from now on, one of your many talents is purring for me.” The giddy little deviless was expecting more resistance, so when he changed gears, she was caught incredibly off guard.

“Oh? Were that the case, it’s only for you is it?”

“Eh~? Well… Uh, yeah! It’s too cute for you to do for everyone. I’m the only one who gets to hear you purr, got it?” She feels his chest rumble as he releases her back, letting her sit back up on her own as she looks around curiously. Before she can really get a good gander at her surroundings, her chin is gently pulled back in his direction as Shuichi asserts,

“If I could, I would promise that it’s only you that gets me to do so.” Her cheeks warm gradually, his forest greens reflecting complete honesty that has her heart twisting exquisitely. Kami, I can’t win with this man! Pouting up at him, she mumbles,

“You’re impossible, you know that?” Smirking handsomely, he retorts,

“If that were true, then I wouldn’t be here, now would I?” Narrowing lids to slits, she slaps his arm gingerly with her free hand as she grouses,

“You know what I mean, Mr. Know-it-all! And I know you do. You're too smart not to!” He chuckles quietly so as to not disturb the other passengers as his arm comes to rest on her back delicately, grinning,

“Perhaps I do, and… You can look around now as well.” Blinking confusedly, Minako glances around herself, unsurprised by the various looks of amusement and scandal lining the occupant’s facades as she doesn’t find anything out of the ordinary. Come to think of it, it’s eyes aren’t on me anymore… Argh! He distracted me again! Puffing her cheeks out, she fumes,

“You are such a sneaky guy! You kept me preoccupied so you could do something!”

“Maybe. But then I have to ask, what did I do?” Poking the crafty mastermind in the sternum with her dainty finger, she warns,

“I’ve got my eye on you, wise guy! I’ll figure out your trick!” The sly smile on his face rankles as he returns,

“You can most certainly try.” They both hear the announcement over the loudspeakers for their station, and with one last pointed stare at him, she pushes herself to sit up fully and stand, sunny twintails caressing her arm, but a tug on her hand brings her attention back to her irritatingly fascinating bench partner. She beats her eyelashes, confused until he brings her hand to his lips to place a chaste kiss on it. Oh, he’s so good! How can I fight back against that! Deciding to just go with her flow, something that usually gets her into trouble but whatever, that’s for future Minako to worry about. She calls upon her older memories for confidence as she stands spritely, tugging playfully on his hand and pulling him from the seat.

(Give and Take - Calica)

Huffing with laughter, he rises from the bench and gazes at her with such intensity she almost forgets her plan for revenge, but when they move through a few cars to get closer to the doors, she puts her plan in motion. Making sure he was walking just behind her, she began to walk with a swing to her hips and with her inherent athleticism, she knew the movements looked absolutely divine. Deciding to up the ante, using her free hand, Love’s soldier flips one of the tails off of her shoulder, aware of his hand clenching hers. That’s right buddy, you’re messing with the Goddess of Love! If you wanna play, I’ll win! She senses his lingering stare roving along her thighs and ass, her breaths growing unsteady from the thrill of being focused on by such an incredible man.

For the ‘pièce de résistance,’ she turns to look over her shoulder with a calm, yet passionate glance at Shuichi, her lips tilting in a secretive smile as she winks cheekily. Turning back forward she wonders what kind of expression he’s wearing, until a charmed and, surprisingly amorous gaze bores into her neck, bristling gooseflesh across her skin. Making it to the section with the doors, she’s startled, yet jubilant when he takes her hand and switches with his other so he can put a hand on her back, tenderly stroking the curve of her spine with his thumb. This feels so good. So right… but it shouldn’t be… Shutting lapis gems, she leans back into his form behind her, the strange aura of tranquility she feels when he touches her always leaves her split between enjoying the sensation and fearing his control over her.

HIs tender caress trails from her back to her waist, much easier for him to continue soothing her with motion, she quivers in rapture as her soul sings with joy. I should fight this more. I shouldn’t encourage him like this… but I can’t help it. Especially when he only goes as far as I’m comfortable with. He’s so gentle with me… It’s as though the energy he’d given her sensed her struggle, as it seemingly coils within her body like a cozy house cat, radiating affection. That’s strange, it’s like it moved… It was like… Patting her stomach faintly without much thought, a breathy baritone tickles her inner ear as he inquires, “Is your stomach hurting, Mina?” And like standing in the middle of an aisle of falling groceries, her trance collapses and she’s brought outside of her surprisingly… domestic thoughts. Cheeks blooming with color, Minako stutters,

“Eh! Ah, oh no. It’s nothing, Shuichi-kun. Nothing!” She can feel his skeptical stare digging into the side of her rouged facade as she fiddles with the end of her skirt, her other occupied when his longer fingers weave around the top of hers, encompassing her mildly. As much as he likes to poke fun at me, he truly is a nice person. Vowing to never mention where her thoughts had just gone, her body shifts with the force of the train stopping. The loudspeaker announces ‘Shibiya Station,’ and in turn the 6 o’clock rush on and off the transport as Mina looks back at him, “Are you ready?” The long haired businessman snorts quietly,

“Need you ask?” Sticking her tongue out at his taciturn answer, she squeaks when he pinches her just to the side of her left back dimple. Slapping him on his arm with the back of her fist airily, Mina leads him past the ticket machine, swiping as she goes and waiting a moment for him. Taking his hand again, the glowing guardian paces toward the restaurant of her choice, with his taste in mind, calling back excitedly,

“I can’t wait to introduce you to one of my favorite places! It’s not Michelin starred or anything, but it’s a nice, clean place. And~ it’s staff are pretty open to talking, so either they’ll talk to us, or to other patrons.”

“Are you going to inform me about what we’re eating?” Whirling around on him, the ecstatic connoisseur wags a finger at him with an cheeky wink, declaring,

“You’ll find out in a minute, and the suspense it’s part of the experience!” Shaking scarlet forelocks, he heaves a breath out before smiling indulgently,

“I would think someone who fights crime has plenty of suspense in their life.” Drawing him towards the delicious smells wafting around the city streets, she assures,

“It’s only a few more minutes for the walk.” He nods in return until she stops and puts a finger to her chin, “Oh right,” spinning to face him, she narrows her eyes at him before admonishing, “I haven’t forgotten what happened earlier, I’m just leaving it for now since I’m starving, and you must be too!” Holding his free palm up in surrender, he responds placatingly,

“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of it, Mina.” Her cheeks pink at the lilt he puts on her name, He is so trying to butter me up with that! Rotating back forward and continuing embarrassedly, she mutters near silently,

“Men like you are dangerous to a girl's heart.” She could swear his hand flexed in hers, before squeezing gently as she found the restaurant entrance. He couldn’t have possibly heard that… He just squeezed it coincidentally...



____________ ~Kurama~ ____________



(Interlude .hack//sign - Yuki Kajiura)


Mina’s small, but warm fingers were weaved between the spaces in his hand, leading him toward an establishment that smelled strongly of curry. Is this one of her favorite foods? Standing just behind her as she waits for them to be seated, letting him have a few minutes to go over everything that happened in the last few hours. The first thing he thought of was her immediate distraction when he was done with his shower, doing wonderful things for his vanity and amusement. Then there were her nosebleeds, which were in Kurama’s opinion, the funniest and cutest thing he’d ever seen, as he’d never, not in his many years walking either worlds, seen someone actually show overwhelming excitement in such a manner. Even when Kuwabara gets his moments, the most I’ve seen from him is steam.

Once again, this woman is proving to be an anomaly even among the extraordinary he lives with, constantly keeping him on his toes and testing every bit of his sanity. Sitting down in a booth, as Mina had requested, his mind turns to the events on the train. It was small, nearly unnoticeable to others but it was clear to him, looking like several dark, nebulous tendrils, glowing white tips dripping upward and swaying as the car shook from the boy's neck and shoulders, and had tried to attach itself to Mina. Although quite weak in terms of physical power, once the Katsuryoku Nusu attached itself from eye contact with the victim, it devoured the hosts' positive energy until all that’s left is the negativity. From the look of the person it had clung to before, they were quite close to the end of their tolerance, and considering it prefers those who are mildly spiritually aware, it had been with them for a while now.

Despite him being rather reluctant to use his abilities in public, he didn’t have much choice if he wanted to keep her safe. It was tricky, as it had infected the boy’s body thoroughly, several minor spindles standing upright and though one would think the tallest one the target, however that would be an immense mistake. Although not quite the same as human world fungi, this type is similar in that it’s difficult to uproot once settled in the spirit, the whole mass within able to propagate if even a small bit remained. The most inconvenient part, besides the enticing beauty’s brilliant energy being targeted, was that the vigilant fox had to use his vines for manipulation as he’d prefer not to project his ki around other humans, even with his control. It only takes small exposure to even a hidden aura for a human’s sixth sense to develop, as Maya taught me… Using the shadows, many of which were its own negativity creating a miasma like dark atmosphere that the weak filament bulbs could barely pierce, along with cracks and crevices to his advantage.

The vines had swiftly made their way up and over to just above the creature, spaces in the car's plating worked in his favor. Waiting for the right moment to strike, the deepest shade being from a west standing skyscraper passing over the train, quickly and mercilessly, the curls bind the thing and he sends jolts of his chikara through it. They writhe and squirm in death throes, his power too much for the weak thing, a squeal emanates from its shriveling form like the release of air from a boiling lobsters shell. With the last of its strength, it tried to spread over to her by touch, pushing the boy to physically turn toward them, the hosts face gaunt and listless. Lanky body lurched to them in a tired shuffle, bumping other passengers on his way, trying to spread to them as well. Having predicted this outcome, with immense precision, the other vines that had grown from the main strike with ferocity, cutting it off and constricting it near instantly.

The tendrils that tried to leech onto the others were whittled away from outside in, imperceptible to the humans around them. He dissolved the thing into nothingness, no signs he could see and feel that it remained, though the boy had immense damage to his soul, and still may not make it. I can only hope he finds the will to carry on, something important to hold onto. While he had worked, he had a bit of a time distracting her from the danger around them, her soldier’s sense telling her something was wrong. She had struggled against him for a bit, her curiosity and protective instincts telling her something dangerous was in the vicinity, before settling and looking for the world like a flustered lover as he kept her from watching. Being one of the few creatures in existence that could effectively distract him, Kurama had to concentrate that much harder to destroy the bakemono when she had snuggled against him, but he couldn’t fault Mina for being so affectionate.

(Fox Rain Hyu Cover - Lee Sun Hee)

We certainly received some attention for that. But I couldn’t risk Mina glancing at it as I worked, nor seeing me manipulate plants at all. When she kissed his chest, just above his heart though… I hadn’t realized I could make that kind of sound considering my form at the moment is incapable of it, so perhaps it was a minor, partial transformation then… Thankfully, he’d long since perfected the art of keeping his cool under pressure, multitasking a second nature for him as he teases her, keeping her attention on himself. Smiling over the top of her head, Mina teased him about being a cat, and though it vexed his pride, he couldn’t help but tense faintly. Is this when she becomes frightened of me? Will she realize what I am? To his confounded wonderment, she claims his purring for herself after he gave her a completely rational excuse, now refusing to believe anything otherwise.

Mina… Are you really so desensitized to the unnatural that a human purring is now considered a normal trait? He couldn’t help it then, picking on her and praising her in turns, his arm still holding her close while she’s baited easily, allowing him to retreat the plant back into his hair. It’s become habit now, keeping her within reach, touching her and taking in her scent even when he’s long since memorized it. Delphiniums flash with determination as she catches onto his little diversion, prodding him in the chest and unknowingly stirring his instincts more. He smirked as she promised she'd figure his ‘trick’ out, and with his goading the train announced their imminent arrival. The charmed kitsune couldn’t help but rile her further, pulling her petite hand to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles, meeting doe-like irises. Surprise, and most certainly passion glows from within that emotional kaleidoscope gaze, but he also spies something that has him both leery and titillated, trouble.

She’s planning something. I suppose I’ll find out momentarily. The continually unpredictable guardian tugs him enthusiastically from his seat, his chortles of humor chase her as he lets her lead him through the cars. When they pass the first few, it’s then he watches in shock as the naughty little vixen begins to walk with a swing to her hips. To his detriment, taking her free hand, she shifts her marigold locks over her shoulder and releases more of her delectable bouquet, his fingers clenching reflexively. For a moment, he studies the smooth undulation of her walk, the motions mesmerizing until he sees her glance at him over her shoulder out of the corner of his eye. The devilish expression steals his breath, the seductive tilt to her lips and the enticing mischief glittering back at him sends shivers down his spine. The trance breaks when she grins and winks brazenly, making him huff with a laugh at her playfulness.

When they stood in the car waiting for their stop, he rubbed her back tenderly, moving closer as he switched hands to drift and run circles along her waist. Kurama’s elated when she relaxes and leans back, the hormones in Mina’s scent indicative of happiness and contentment, with a small tinge of worry. What could she be worried about? On their way to the secretive restaurant, her words that he wasn’t supposed to hear struck him in a way he hadn’t expected,

Men like you are dangerous to a girl's heart.”

You’re right Mina. Men like me are dangerous to you. For you to know this, yet still want to be near me is… It was heartening that she wasn’t going into this blindly, yet also crippling to know the truth in those words, as Kurama had already used his knowledge of her crush on him to his advantage. Whether it was to protect her or not, it’s still exploiting her feelings. He feels his heart twist painfully, the guilt he’s battled with throughout their friendship rearing its head as he follows Mina pensively down the sidewalk. Now he sits across from her in a booth, checking entrances and exits and any concerning energies while they wait a small distance away in case their conversation, as it tends to, meanders in a private direction. With his hearing, he would pick up any relevant information, so instead he watches her as she orders curry ramen giddily before turning toward him. “What do you want, Shuichi-kun? They have pork liver here!” Putting a smile back on, for her sake, he responds,

“I’ll probably get that. I’d also like-” Pointing at the portions, curry flavor, spiciness, mildness, and toppings, he completes his order with some oolong tea to drink, gazing at the fairly glowing woman across from him. Her radiant expression softens the ache a bit, allowing true contentment to reflect on his visage as she chirps,

“I love coming here, but I don’t get to very often.” Humming airily, he nods and leans back, crossing one leg over the other, his hands clasped on his knee as he queries,

“Due to your job, I assume?” Bobbing her head, she affirms,

“Yeah. I mean I do get to eat pretty nice food most of the time, but I like these places because they feel a lot lighter, way more friendly and less stuffy.” His lips tilt humorously as he agrees,

“Yes, they do tend to have higher expectations at those restaurants. And from what you said earlier, I could see how this environment appeals to you.” The exuberant connoisseur grins cheerfully as she chitters,

(Unbalanced Kisses English Cover - Hiro Takahashi)

“Exactly, and I already have an authority problem, so the only reason I ever go to those things is for work functions or because they have exceptional food.” The Makai ex-thief is about to reply with satire, though she wouldn’t know it was, when he hears the diners speakers playing ‘Unbalanced Kiss’ to his further amusement, gaining his own equilibrium back to add to the conversation.

Within the broken mirror

I clearly see your reflection

Tears roll down your face, tears roll down your face

As your finger traces the edge of the new moon

“Food certainly tastes better with good company. One of these days I’ll have to bring you with me to one with my friends. Although we might not be able to go back to the establishment, it would certainly be a good memory.” Her eyes light up like fireworks, hopping fervently in her seat, her fists by her shoulders she cheers,

“Sounds like fun! Now I really wanna meet your friends! We’ll have to see how many places they can get us kicked out of!” Chuckling at Mina’s enthusiasm, and noting a few more patrons wandering in, though it was a chatty couple from sound of their conversation as he jokes without pause,

“We’ll have to make sure it’s the bad ones though, that way we can continue to have a few nice places to go to.” To his entertainment, she winks and wags a finger at him, crowing,

“If you really want a riot, we’ll add my friends to the disaster mixer and the place might not be left standing.” Close-eyed laughing at the thought, and from what she had said about her own group, Kurama had to agree.

Who is that I'm calling out to

I can see you walk away from me

Time and time again, time and time again

You will find me knocking on your door

Continuing to huff with mirth, he doesn’t show his surprise when several people glance their way, staring at her with curious and studious expressions. Looking back to one another, groups of restaurant goers discuss whether she’s actually Aino, Minako or not, though thankfully none bother them yet, but it’s only a matter of time before one becomes bold. From what my coworkers discussed, she’s rather famous, so it shouldn’t be shocking that fans might notice her. During his observations, he catches her tenderly satisfied expression, as though she just accomplished something. The question is what did she achieve? To add fuel to his inquisitiveness, her expression becomes quite smug as she giggles at him.

“I’m quite curious what else you find humorous here, Mina.” Shaking her head, the wags a finger while winking, lips pursed as the devilish little vixen chimes,

“Sorry Shuichi-kun, but that’s another secret!” Opening his mouth to retort, he’s interrupted by their food being placed before them, along with the oshiburi. Giving her the ‘this conversation isn’t over yet’ look, he glances down to the curry sitting in front of him, the smells actually quite decent for how fast it was prepared. Washing his hands and taking the western style spoon, he fills it part of the way with curry drenched rice and liver and brings it to his mouth, the taste palatable. What he’s really interested in though was… Gazing from under his lashes, he studies her as she uses her chopsticks to fish some noodles from her bowl, not letting them drip or separate from the rest of her food as she wraps her lips around the utensils, sucking them up noisily as she smiles happily. The entertained yôko can’t help but mimic her joy, but mostly because the soup was dripping down her chin as he handed her a napkin, her cheeks bright from elation and embarrassment.

As you share an unbalanced kiss with me

I hope you can feel us getting closer to love

And may your fear and your tearful deceptions

Both come to rest in my heart

Smirking in amusement, he’s about to eat another spoonful when she squeaks, “I can’t help it! Ramen is messy!” Knowing it would only rile her further, he nods sagely before taking a bite and humming in a disbelieving tone,

“Mmm hmm…” Watching her cheeks light up like a red bulb as her thin brows curl cutely, he adopts an innocent expression as Mina grouses,

“Don’t be rude! What about you, Mister Perfect? Can you eat them without getting soup everywhere?” To his surprise, she pushes her bowl of noodles towards him, holding her chopsticks out to him as he blinks for a moment. When he studies her fathomless ocean depths, he notices a hint of worry and hope, making him realize she’s trying to share her food to help him recover faster. Pressing smooth lips together, Kurama hides melancholy emerald gems with crimson bangs as he murmurs,

“Of course.” Mina, you are far too kind for your own good, it’s what attracts the darkness to you. Taking the proffered eating implements, and with little thought to it, deftly pulls a small mouthful out of the bowl, dangling it for a second to allow a few drips to roll down the ends. Though there was a bit more of a spicy aroma than he usually preferred, but he could tolerate any heat really, easily picking apart the flavors and finding hers buried beneath the herbs and stock. It was difficult to resist ribbing her anymore, especially being rather enthralled with her spectrum of emotions. His lidded irises capture hers, and bringing the chopsticks to his lips, gracefully takes the bite full and sorting through the tastes until he finds hers, shutting crimson lashes and savoring the bouquet he could catch on the juice soaked wood.

Oh my love!

Slurping the noodles lightly, not a drop of liquid dripping anywhere as he chews thoughtfully, lashes lifting to meet hers and although he expected it, the sweet flush and gentle heat in her cornflower gaze still made his human heart pick up speed. It would seem I’ve lost at my own game. Licking his lips faintly, her pupils following the movements, he calls her attention back with a quiet rumble, “Thank you for the bite, Mina.” He watches amused as she blinks when she re-focuses on his eyes, pink face going several shades darker as she pouts at him,

“You didn’t spill any! Not a drop!” Her eyes narrow slightly, his smile one of expectant playfulness as the typically messy starlet adds, “Are royalty or something? Because they're the only ones trained to eat that nicely.” Oh the irony… The infamous bandit chokes on a breath, shoulders shaking as he chortles,

“Not at all, though I’m uncertain whether to be flattered or not from your tone of voice.” To his bemusement, she just watches him for a second, morning glory irises full of concern as she finally answers,

“It’s a compliment, as I know a thing or two about nobles and the training they have to endure to reach that level of dexterity.” Pushing the noodles back to their owner with the eating implements on top of the bowl, he extrapolates,

“So you were present during her training?”

(Nothing at All - Sandy Howell)

“You don’t want more ramen?” Ivy colored irises soften, hearing the silent plea to change the subject for what it was, even if he wanted to needle her more. Lips tilt tenderly as Kurama assures,

“I’ll be fine with my curry. If I need more I’ll order it, but thank you for the offer.” Mina curls a hand to the side of her jaw as she angles her head, confirming hesitantly,

“You’re sure?”

“I’ll be fine, Mina, though I do appreciate the concern. If you don’t mind, we can continue this conversation at another point so we can get to your shopping.” Sagging in relief, she blinks, eyes flit toward the ceiling, listening carefully before smiling gently,

You've been there for me no matter what the cost

My best friend since we believed in Santa Claus

You have always stood beside me

And I want to let you know

“Ooh, I like this one.”

“It is quite nice, though I’ve never heard of it.” She pinks adorably, and as he listens carefully, his eyes widen as he inquires,

“You sang this?” Looking off to the side, the suddenly bashful vocalist whispers,

“Yeah, but don’t say that out loud. Not unless you want more attention than we get on our own.” Gazing back at his food with a nod, the sound sensitive yōkai continues to take in the song, the nuances of her trilling, soft voice in the piece immensely calming and tantalizing his ears. She did admit she was in the media business. So she’s an artist?

“It’s beautiful. May I ask what inspired this?” Cornflower blues soften and lid halfway, her lips tilt to such a benign, exquisite visage that his heart throbs with want, to have such an expression aimed at him more often. I find myself craving more of her attention everyday… Playing idly with her chopsticks in the bowl, she rests her head lightly on her shoulder as she describes,

“For this one in particular, I wrote it for my friend and confidant, Rei-chan. No matter what I have to say, I can always go to her with my problems and complaints. And although she’ll gripe about my flittiness, she never turns me away. When things feel too heavy to carry and I need a shoulder to lean on, she’ll be there to share the burden. We don’t always see eye to eye, but our goals are the same, so when I need someone to bring me back down to earth, she’ll give me an earful.”

I'll be the one who hears your prayer

Don't have to ask me, I'll be there

I'll be the friend you'll never have to do without

When you have nothing at all

You'll still have nothing to worry about

“She sounds like a good friend.” Her gentle look turns into a light flush as Mina glances away shyly, muttering,

“Yes. I’m so lucky to have such wonderful friends.” Granted Kurama knew she liked him romantically, he can sense something deeper in her tone when she speaks of her friends, for her princess, and now this Rei. Perhaps it has to do with her origins. Friendship might work differently on Venus, and although she is not the same person, she is still influenced by many things from her previous life. Interesting… Her emotions are so incredibly complicated. I’m learning much from her and the feelings she shares. Just then, he picks up a disturbing conversation a few meters away, on the other side of the restaurant between two teenage girls.

“Hey, we should get going, I don’t want to end up one of those disappearances in the forums.” He doesn’t need to look to hear the nervousness in the others voice as she gasps,

“Wait, you mean the increasing ones around here? I can’t believe the news has been hiding all that! And they’re denying it!” That’s surprising, human media rather enjoys making a spectacle of things.

“Yeah, they hide stuff like this all the time, and especially because of who is missing.”

“Doesn’t that make it less likely for us to be another one?”

“I wouldn’t count on it. Just because we’re not involved with fūzoku doesn’t mean we won’t be taken.” Sex industry… So prostitutes are going missing, though the girl is correct, that may not be the limit, but the majority. And those who work the industry are not usually considered worthy of an investigation…

When I was lost inside a forest of dismay

You always knew just how to help me find my way

In a world that's so uncertain

I will promise this to you

So there is something happening here… this is either a fortunate opportunity, or… He watches the unaware warrioress slurp her noodles with mahogany staining her cheeks, her expression one of embarrassed contemplation. Likely sensing the ancient strategist's gentle stare, she glances up at him from under blond lashes shyly, as though he might read her thoughts, and normally he’d be amused. An unfortunate turn in events for me, if I have to reveal my abilities. I managed something just a little bit ago, but… Her face glows brighter when he smiles in humor for her, hiding the mechanical mind moving several steps in several directions to better plan for mishaps. I would prefer to go there on my own, or at the very least call someone else so I don’t raise suspicions. He turns his study to his food, leaving her fluster in peace as he eats slowly, not really tasting anything as he considers something else.

If I leave this for later, what are the chances that she might somehow sense something and come to the area to investigate? Or better yet, somehow manage to stumble into trouble there all on her own? She’s nearly finished with her ramen, picking the bowl up and drinking the broth noisily, to his continued exasperation, her dessert being set before her to finish. No, having seen the things she gets herself into, she’d more than likely get herself involved in some capacity, willingly or not. Although he looked focused on his meal, he watched her with his peripheral vision, now that she thought he wasn’t watching, she was relaxing and enjoying her food to the fullest, to his satisfaction. That’s all the more reason to risk revealing my true self and ensuring at least she won’t be alone when facing this.

I'll be the one who hears your prayer

Don't have to ask me, I'll be there

I'll be the friend you'll never have to do without

When you have nothing at all

You'll still have nothing to worry about

When you have nothing at all

You'll still have nothing to worry about

Nothing at all

Mina gives a rather cute sound of happiness from the taste of the broth, visibly shaking from excitement as she exhales with a melty smile. I’m not sure the circumstances, but from what she’s said and what I’ve seen, she’s been avoiding involving the other senshi, and therefore, even with her promise to let others help, she’d likely go off on her own into dangerous situations. Nearly finished with his plate, Kurama takes his time, considering she’s still working through his, allowing him to ruminate further, although many demons are quite lax in this day and age, she has a knack for finding the aggressive ones. Taking a drink of his tea, he can’t help but let his lips tilt softly at her enthusiasm, not many of the people he knew take such joy from eating, the sight heartening and yet, there’s an underlying darkness knowing what he does. Savoring a meal like she may never taste another…

(I Want You - Savage Garden)

He extends his senses out a bit, checking around them again to ensure their safety, for her, most especially, and still not finding anything untoward just yet. Perhaps I’ll overhear a specific location with a little patience. She’s finished her ramen, and eagerly takes the spoon and dips it into her treat, excitement palpable to his amusement. It would seem that my options are limited, thanks to her vibrant aura and mastery over finding trouble. She’s become far too important for me to leave this up to chance. His stare softens at her in thought, not when I can make the odds more in her favor. He’s startled when he reopens his senses, ears catching an English song play next, and though it was a bit difficult to keep up with, the relevant lyrics made it worth the effort.

Any time I need to see your face

I just close my eyes and I am taken to a place

Where your crystal mind and magenta feelings taken shelter

In the base of my spine, sweet like a chica cherry cola

I don't need to try and explain, I just hold on tight

And if it happens again, I might move so slightly

To the arms and the lips and the face and the human cannonball

I need to, I want to come stand a little bit closer’

“Mina, do you know what this song is called?” The poetic lyricist gazes at him with a deer-in-headlights look before answering,

“It’s called ‘I Want You’ by an Australian band called ‘Savage Flora.’ I don’t understand the lyrics, but it’s pretty catchy isn’t it? They’re becoming pretty famous in the industry.” The plant specialist nearly chokes around a mouthful of curry, the irony on the name not lost to him as he huffs,

“Yes, they’re quite interesting…” The lyrics are quite apt for my feelings at the moment, easily able to recall her image, and she won’t know what hit her when I come to her. She hums lightly, dipping her spoon in, bringing a generous amount of the gelatinous dessert to her mouth, moaning and shivering in delight, her body wiggling with her euphoria as he narrows his eyes at her. Does she know of no other way to express her love of dessert other than sounding like she’s in the arms of a lover? Thankfully he’s distracted by one of the staff calling back to someone in the kitchen, her words echoing lightly over the din,

“Don’t worry so much! I’m not walking today, I’m taking the bus. Yes, yes, I’ll call you when I get home, Anomi-san~! Stop being such a worrywart!” A dark haired bob pops out of the kitchen while grumbling,

“You’d better! I’m serious, Kasumi-chan! There’s some nasty business happening at night lately!” So even the staff are aware and cautious about this. Yet still no location…

“Hai, hai~! See ya!” Another form leaves, and another takes its place in the establishment as he refocuses on Mina’s more turbulent sea gaze before him, the conversation having been shouted, much to the other staff's grievance. The parting prompting several patrons to question the workers, to which many either gave empty assurances, or the more chatty began to regale them with tales of several disappearances, not all being sex workers, as the ladies earlier had discussed. So others have vanished as well… the majority being those considered socially invisible, and therefore, the least likely to be investigated. Keeping his thoughts off his face, though she seemed to sense his mood as her lips flatten, her gaze concerned. Not wanting her to worry more than she was, Kurama smiles tenderly, conveying with his body language that it would be alright. I’ll make sure of it.

Breathe in and get a bit higher

You'll never know what hit you when I get to you

Oh, I want you, I don't know if I need you

But oh, I would die to find out

Oh, I want you, I don't know if I need you

But oh, I would die to find out’

I'm the kind of person who endorses a deep commitment

Getting comfy, getting perfect is what I live for

But I'm looking and the smell perfume, it's like I'm down

On the floor and I don't know what I'm in for’

Although now more on guard, the adaptive guardian still keeps up airs of obliviousness as she hums, “Mmm hmm! I like the sound of it, but I’m really curious what they’re saying! Do you understand them, Shuichi-kun?” Finishing his own dish, and placing the utensils on the plate, he answers skeptically,

“I do…” Humorously and unfortunately...

“Ooh! Can you tell me?” Narrowly avoiding a sigh, the reluctant polyglot shares,

“He speaks of someone driven to the brink of sanity by their want of another person. Unsure if they need the person, but as he states, ‘I would die to find out.’ It’s a refreshing point of view, considering the mostly clean and poetic lyrics to most music right now. Instead it’s raw, untamed emotion given voice, and much more relatable to anyone who’s been overwhelmed by their feelings.” Her sea filled irises widen, surprised with something, though he’s not sure what, before she smiles warmly and returns,

“Oh yeah? It sounds really cool! You’re right, a lot of times lyrics are refined to sound really nice, but that sounds like love right there. Being overwhelmed by everything you feel.” It’s then someone enters the establishment, his steps trembling even as he sat sluggishly at the bar. From his scent, he’s not been on drugs, yet the stench of trash and other detritus you’d find in a filthy alley cling to him. He sinks into the bar stool, his elbows falling onto the counter and likely leaning forward onto them for grounding, many of the others in the restaurant quieting at the man’s disturbance. Even those with weak senses can feel his unrest, perhaps this is the information I’ve been looking for, and if I’m especially lucky... this might be linked to Azura.

Conversation is time and place of the interaction of a lover

And the nick of time over talkin using signals, using words

Can be likened to a deep sea diver who is swimming

With a raincoat, come stand a little bit closer’

Oh, I want you, I don't know if I need you

But oh, I would die to find out

Oh, I want you I don't know if I need you

But oh, I would die to find out, die to find out’

Kurama sweat drops at the last lines of the song, the manic nature taking on a new, darker twist with the arrival of this man. Must be the dark humor I’ve picked up from Hiei. The cheery atmosphere was quickly dissipating as the man’s deep voice shook while requesting, “Sake please. The whole bottle… and the strongest one you got…” A man trying to forget something… The drifter caught Mina’s attention as well, though the shift in the air was reason enough to focus on him, her visage clearing of emotion as she glanced back toward himself, but he could tell she was listening closely. After a few moments of resting at the bar, the other staff shoot concerned looks at him, but since he seemed harmless enough, everyone in the surrounding area picked up their conversations again, likely in the hopes of normalizing what they’re experiencing. The bartender manages to make his way back to their newest customer with his order and inquires lightly,

(Silent Hill - Akira Yamaoka)

“You sound like you’ve been through hell, are you doing alright, okyaku-san?” Lifting himself from his arms, the despondent man heaves a deep breath, as though trying vainly to calm himself. Taking his chosen beverage, he tosses the bottle back, drinking quite a bit of it before exhaling noisily, gruff tone whispering,

“If you only knew…” Apparently looking up at the wait staff serving him, the gravelly traveler croaks, “Hey mister, avoid going near Dōgenzakai tonight. Something ain’t right over there…” The fox kept his gaze locked on Mina’s, the two sharing a silent conversation as the radio announced the 7 o’clock news. Looks like we have a location…


The thing about Yu Yu Hakusho and Sailor Moon is when they use actual mythical creatures or figures, they aren’t the same as in the original legends. So here I am, trying to come up with characteristics that aren’t part of the yōkai’s mythology. And that’s if they actually use one for it’s basis, as Goki is completely made up. It’s kinda easy, kinda hard? If you’re curious, here’s a link to what I based this off of. https://yō, but I also got a lot of ideas for the look from the Phantoms in Noragami too, The real life inspiration, which in all honesty is where a lot of the good horror stuff comes from is here,

Nothing like cordyceps for the soul! Or ‘the horror of having your spirit body infected with a sentient demonic fungus’ XD Fairy fingers, white worm coral, or white spindles are what the things standing up from fungus is called,

For shits and giggles, here’s the yōkai real world myths for ones in Yu Yu Hakusho we’ve already seen: https://yō, https://yō, https://yō, https://yō,

Certain stimulus can increase happiness, like touch and hugs :),, Mina would get either the Seasonal Spicy Chicken and Tomato Curry 980 yen ($8.90) or more likely the Curry Ramen with lightly Crisped Chicken, and since you can customize, she’d definitely get the max amount of noodles (because why not?), I think Mina would be a spice loving kind of girl, and get a 5 spiciness added to it. Kurama, to get his energy back up (Since you can customize!), would probably get the Pork Curry Sauce with 400g of rice (add 110 yen) with standard level spiciness, level 2 mildness (because I’ve never seen him eat anything sweet, but I don’t see him really disliking it either. Survival means you can’t be picky, and I’d think he’d be a survivalist), the toppings being Vegetable Curry with Pork Liver (From the Stamina Curry)

And of course, anytime she’s able, she’d get a dessert too XD She’d definitely get the Mango Lassie Pudding.

Oshiburi - A wet towlette provided to wash your hands before you eat.

I really love the idea that the senshi all have really complicated feelings for one another. Love isn’t something that’s so simple to define, and with its many variations, combinations of them will happen. Lovers who are also best friends, a friend who’s like a mother, a mother who’s also your friend, a sister you can confide all your secrets to… so why not have friendship with something more between them? Whether it’s sisterhood or lovers' love, we may or may not find out. And Mina being the incarnation of Love herself I’d imagine would have even more complicated feelings. So there we go!

Fūzoku (風俗)
"Manners", also "customs" or "public morals"; commonly used to refer specifically to the sex industry, although in legal use this covers, e.g., dance halls and gambling, and the more specific term seifūzoku (性風俗), is used instead.

In many countries, drug abusers, homeless, and sex workers are considered ‘less than human’ and are easy targets, as the police tend to not investigate what they consider, ‘vagrant’ or ‘better off dead.’,,,,

Anomi - 海乃光
海 means "ocean." 乃 means "in other words, you." 光 means "light."

Kasumi 霞 - this name is immensely popular, unisex and has 105 different meanings, but for this I chose ‘haze.’

Okyakusan おきゃくさん - guest; visitor. Customer; client; shopper; spectator; audience; tourist; sightseer; passenger

2 Chome-25-17 Dogenzaka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan

Chapter 12: Horror Stories


I like crazy scenarios. I also love horror.

This chapter and the next few are the epitome of ‘put them in situations.’


Adult Themes: Nudity, Adult Entertainment, Sexual Depictions.

Dark Themes: Mentions of Violence, Drugs, and Graphic Death.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Femme Fatale!

Art by Alicezap

(Mysterious - Hello Venus!)

Walking out of the curry place, Minako glances up at Shuichi soberly while inquiring, “Did you want to check that out first? It isn’t far from here.” He shakes scarlet forelocks in the negative as he expounds,

“If it’s time based, then we’ve already missed whatever happened to that man. With getting the things we need, at least we’ll have accomplished what we set out to do. We can still check it out before we head back to the apartment.” Nodding, she takes his hand and tugs gently, putting on an excited grin as she shouts,

“Alright then! Off to do one of my favorite things in the world. Shopping!” She giggles maniacally at the look on his face as they stop for a light, ribbing, “I’m guessing you heard from your guy friends what it’s like to shop with a girl. Don’t worry, I can tell you’re pretty tired, and you wanted to investigate that alley and all, so I won’t take as long as I usually do. But we do have to get one thing straight.” Releasing his hand, she wags a finger at his face with a hand on her hip, his hands in the air in preemptive surrender and expression sheepish as she continues, “You are tired, so if there’s anything bad in that alley, leave it to me. You’ve done so much for me, let me help you in whatever ways I can.” His face adopts a serious look as he rebukes,

“Mina, you don’t know how my energy will react with your transformation, in this instance, we’ll need to work together as there’s too many unpredictable variables between us.” Pouting up at him, his own expression unchanging as she pooches her lips further, trying her hardest to keep up her stance in the argument. Instead of winning as per her usual bullheadedness, she finds herself studying his face in detail. Deep, mysterious leafy green eyes, soft jawline, thin nose, full lips, long rose colored hair. Ugh, I’m losing! Sighing in resignation, the normally stubborn starlet concedes,

“Alright Mr. Brains, you use that head of yours and I’ll try and coordinate with you.” The absolutely breathtaking smile the dashing sweetheart gifts to her makes up for the mar on her pride, heat spreading over her nose as he takes her hand and murmurs,

“Thank you, Mina. I’m glad you understand.” Sulking at him, she closes one eye and with her free hand, she waves it back and forth at the side of her face as she chides,

“Yeah, yeah. I let you win this time, but next time I won’t give up so easily! Because you ought to know, Shuichi, that Aino, Minako never surrenders!” Deciding to mess with him more, she swings her free hand in a circle and hops back on one foot, two fingers spread as she puts them up to the corner of her eye and winks with her tongue out. He chortles at her antics, replying lightly,

“You are something else, Mina. I’ve not had a dull moment with you.” Chittering mischievously, she tugs him toward the entrance of the clothes store chiming,

(Venus ‘Morning Star’ - Rainbow Note)

“Glad to be entertaining you as well.” Walking to the womens clothes section, already spotting a few pieces she wants to try, he asks in surprise,

“You do all this to amuse yourself?” Humming an affirmative, Minako plucks a few things off the hangers, turning to look over at him as she inquires,

“Wouldn’t you?” Shuichi’s stunned countenance makes her giggle brightly as she adds, “You know quite a bit about me, so can you really blame me for wanting to have some fun?” His lashes flutter airily as he replies,

“I suppose not. It is one of your more delightful attributes.” Beaming playfully, she takes an armful of clothes toward the changing rooms, teasing,

“Why thank you!” The attendant takes her clothing choices and leads her into the dressing room, letting her try on the clothes. After rotating between attire, she finds six outfits she likes and hops them up to the register, his steps trailing after. Turning to look back at him, that terribly hot tilt to his lips, not fair, she asks boldly,

“Hey, would it be alright if I have these delivered to your apartment? That way we don’t have to carry these on the train.” Nodding, he agrees,

“Yes, it would be best. Just take one outfit for tomorrow with us.” Bouncing on her heels, she trills,

“Will do! Thank you, Shuichi!” That sweet smile of his nearly melts her insides as the cashier stammers,

“Uh… H-have a g-good day…” Glancing back at the heart eyed retail worker, the possessive fashionista desperately wants to give the woman a glower, but couldn’t. He’s not mine to claim… Simply settling on pressing her lips together in a thin line, she’s surprised to feel a hand at her back, gaze flicking up to his verdant irises as the enthralling gentleman, sometimes… Inquires gingerly,

(Lovesick Girls - Blackpink)

“Are you ready to go, Mina?” Grinning ecstatically, she bobs her head quickly, humming happily,

“Mmm, hmm! Have a good day!” Rejected! So long, floozy! It was a miracle she kept her face in an innocent smile, considering she just wanted to smirk and stick her tongue out at the other girl. I do kinda feel bad for her though, he’s such a gem! She could swear she heard a cough come from him as he led her through the doors and back onto Shibiya’s streets, causing her to look up at his face curiously. Vibrant leafy irises are staring ahead steadily, before swinging down to hers, smirking at her sexily as he states,

“To that alley then?” Leaning forward before swaying smoothly back upright, she quips,

“Yup, I told you it would be pretty painless. I usually keep an eye on what’s in that place once or twice a week. Just in case they get something I like in stock.” He sweat drops as he smiles in disbelief, wondering,

“You have that much free time?” Taking the hand that was on her back, Minako twines her fingers with his, remarking,

“Hey, just because you work at a fancy desk doesn’t mean you stay where you work longer than me. My hours change, depending on how much needs to be done, sometimes it's 9 to 9, others, like doing a live performance, is pretty much an all day event, with only 30 minutes for food, maybe twice, and a few hours for sleep. Our crew is pretty hard working, so more often than not, we’re there until we finish a set, or poses depending on what’s been written.” His neutral expression doesn’t give much away as Shuichi admits,

“I hadn’t realized how dedicated you were to being a musician.”

“Mmm, I’m not just a musician. Although being an idol has a bad stigma attached to it now, I do a lot of different things, like stage plays, acting for television or dramas, modeling, etc.” He seems shocked as he confirms,

“An idol ? I suppose I should have known. Though I don’t associate enough with that part of our culture to really make a good assessment.” Shrugging easily, she assures,

“It’s fine, you don’t seem the type to chase stars anyway.” He huffs in amusement, agreeing,

“As interesting as that might be, I think I’ll pass.” She chimes with laughter and swings their hands playfully, skipping toward their newest destination. Crossing a few streets, taking about eight minutes in all, they find the area the man had talked about, and already she could see it wasn’t the nicest of areas. When they reach the opening of the alley the man had talked about, he pauses, his face pulled into a strange expression as she inquires, “What’s up?” His lips twist like tasting a lemon as he points to a sign, and when she reads it, the flustered fashionista realizes why he’s reacting as he was. Her whole body lights up several shades as she stammers, “This is-is a…”

“It would seem that way. And although it could be chalked up to hallucinogens, his was a look one wears when seeing the supernatural for the first time and barely surviving. Rather than avoid it, this should be the start of our investigation.”

“Yeah…” The caring thinker gazes at her for a moment, lips pressed thin as he remarks,

“From here on, you won’t be able to come with me into these places. You’re not of age for adult entertainment yet, correct?” Raising a curly brow and widening her azure irises, she retorts, admittedly, very petulantly,

(Hwaa English Version - G Idol)

(Gerudo Valley Unplugged - Koji Kondo)

“You won't be able to ditch me that easily! I’ll have you know I don’t need to be, Mister!” Grinning at his befuddled expression, the trickster queen takes her Crescent Compact from her bag, expounding dramatically and raising the closed mirror up to his face, “What you’re about to see is one of my greatest tools for investigation. You absolutely, positively, must keep this a secret, okay?” He blinks in bemusement before nodding with an indulgent smile until she chimes, “Oh, and I’ll need to hide this too!” Without much thought, Minako nonchalantly tosses the bag of clothes in the air, and to his immense shock, it disappears out of nowhere. Before he can ask more, she holds the compact in the air and intones, “Moon Power, Transform! Change me into a young-adult femme fatale!” And with a whirling of power, her athletic body is consumed and changed to her desire, sun drenched hair gathering in sensual waves at the side of her head, pinned in place by an intricate rose barrette. A burgandy, sleeveless corseted dress made in chic shimmering fabric with a ruchette bosom, fit like a glove around her waist and upper thighs.

Black 16 button opera gloves with ribbons and corseting up the sides accent the dress, thigh high shiny black heeled boots and black necklaces of varying lengths dangle deliciously from her neck. A pair of ruby colored earrings dangle spheres shortly from her ears, her face aged up slightly with matching voluptuous cherry red lips, sensuous smoky cat eyes and smooth shadow on the hollows of her cheeks. The left side of her neck was exposed except a few curls tickling against her throat softly, the show of skin beguiling yet tasteful. Blinking the light away, the camouflaged media darling looks to Shuichi’s expression to gauge what he thinks, and she’s not disappointed; his wide, ivy green irises are bright with awe while his mouth is open as though to say something, but no words are forthcoming. Grinning cheekily at him, the newly donned man-eater asks eagerly, “Well, do I look like I’d fit in?” Watching near deliriously as his faint adam's apple bobs when he swallows thickly, but states cooly,

“That you do. A little too well, I’m curious though, where did your bag go?” Smirking mischievously, she retorts,

“Oh, you know, space girls gotta have space pockets for space shopping.” Raising a brow skeptically, he retorts,

“With you, it’s not anything so simple.” Drawing on the energy of the transformation to distract him, the momentary seductress feels her lips curl invitingly as she titters,

“I feel like you’re giving me a backhanded compliment, Shuichi. ” Giving the beautiful gardener a smoldering stare, she watches with satisfaction as the shock darkens to desire, his lips pressing together and nostrils flaring as she catwalks her way over to him. With a gloved candy-apple red nail, she runs the tip from the center of his meadow green dress shirt up his neck gradually, her lips nearing his and taking in his breaths like she was starving for air as she whispers, “So, you think I’m pretty? And look,” sliding her other hand up from her thigh, dragging it along his own, to his hip, along his rippling, toned stomach muscles, until she reaches the top of her left glove, pulling a card out for him to see. “I even have a valid I.D.” The normally composed heartthrob’s hungry gaze slides to her fingers, his larger, calloused hand coming up to wrap around hers, studying the info on it.

(The Moment - Vargo)

Pressing her cherry red lips together, her sex stirs deliciously , between him checking me out and his intense expression when he concentrates on something, I just can’t win with him! Good thing this power lets me take on a cool, powerful-lady-persona. After reading through it quietly, he smirks carnally, pulling her palm up to his lips, pressing heated kisses along the vein on her wrist, devilish emerald gaze glittering as he rumbles, “You’re playing dangerous games, Mina . Be careful of who you enthrall .” Exhaling sharply at a nip, she presses herself into him and utters,

“You should know by now, I live my life dangerously.” Minako swallows thickly when his lips tilt perilously, his irises gilded for a flash as he murmurs deeply,

“I most certainly do.” Was that real? His eyes were… gold flecked… right? As though flicking a switch, he releases her hand and holds out his arm for her, like the perfect gentleman making her heart throb with want. Sliding her hand through and holding his upper arm tenderly, fiery azure meeting burning verdant as the heat from his body soaks into hers where they touched, asking,

“Are you ready?” Glancing down at her, Shuichi stares in silence for a second before questioning,

“I am. But are you ready? You realize what will be inside, correct?” Feeling the transformation’s calm take hold, she answers,

“Yup, I got this. Lead the way, handsome.” Even though I’ve seen this a thousand times over on Venus, what I’m not going to say is that you are the reason I’ve been getting overly excited lately, Shuichi… And here’s hoping that doesn’t include watching naked women strip in front of me with him. He nods in acquiesce, guiding her gently toward the establishment with a cool expression, although she knew he wasn’t angry, something felt decidedly threatening about him at the moment. It’s like he’s protecting me from something, but what?


____________ ~Kurama~ ____________


(Old Fashioned Fairytale - Yuki Kajiura)


Kurama had to give her credit, Mina was quite tenacious in her want to protect him, she’s so very naive, it’s a miracle she’s even as kind as she is. A far too tender heart for the cruelty she has been dealt. Her determined expression, along with her defensiveness of him nearly had him giving in, just so he could see that brilliant smile aimed at him once more. He could feel amusement rise up when she moves with a flare, posing flamboyantly as he felt relief when she acquiesced to him, warning him that she wouldn’t give up so easily next time. No Mina, I imagine you’ll continue to challenge me in every way, shape, and form. Thankfully, as she had said, the shopping didn’t take long, and the clothes did seem nice for relaxing in. When she admitted she did everything to amuse herself, he had to question it, her strangeness continuing to catch him by surprise hourly as she responds nonchalantly, “Wouldn’t you?”

Her quirky query posed so easily had him stunned, and when she extrapolated, he understood the sentiment of humor relieving sadness. With his compliment, she gave him the smile he was looking for, and what a wonderful feeling, knowing he caused her happiness, and that effervescence was aimed at him . Walking toward the checkout, after she asks to have her clothes sent to his apartment, he confirms the arrangement was fine with a warm tilt to his lips, her ocean waves becoming distant as she gazes adoringly at him. The cashier stares at him as well, and although normally he’d just ignore the attention, at his side notices the look as well, and once again, she defies his expectations. Instead of getting snippy with the woman, a look of jealous resignation crosses her features, as though he were beyond her reach. Is it because you fear me being injured, or is it your severe lack of confidence?

Settling a hand on Mina’s back, her irises flick up to his in wonderment, her grin as she bids the clerk a good day was effervescent and impish, making him cough quietly at her shenanigans. Their talk about her work finally reveals her occupation, and though it was a lucrative business for CEO’s, he knew being an insider on business, it wasn’t very profitable for the workers themselves, and yet the exuberant performer spoke passionately about her and her coworkers efforts. Your conviction is a powerful thing, and I hope that never changes, Mina. Making their way to the alley where the man had indicated, the scent of drugs, blood, and bodily fluids reaches the sensitive fox’s nose, his lips curling in displeasure at the reek as the young senshi walking at his side glances up at him. Although not ideal, I need to investigate this, with little else to go on for my own attackers, other than the name Azura. Blinking at the obvious contorting of his visage, she asks, “What’s wrong?” Not really needing to explain, he points to the sign, the place one he’d heard of, and from her reaction, she had as well.

She stammers, and he understands her hesitation as he answers her. Not many can fake that kind of hollowness, let alone the disbelief of what he couldn’t understand. Watching the beautiful blond for a second, Kurama reminds her of her age, and in return, she gives him another shock with her versatility. With the call of words of power, she transforms into what she asked, her form gaining some height on him, as well as being clothed in a delectably tight, alluring corseted dress, delicate fabric bunched around her breasts in a mahogany red, midnight black gloves with corseting along the edges. Enticing thigh high boots cling to her body as several different lengths of black necklaces adorn her neck, her blond hair becoming richly wavy and pinned to the left side of her head with an intricate rose pin, her face done up distinctly, the dark look around her eyes contrasted with the cherry red lipstick. The right side of Mina’s neck was completely exposed, tender curls dusting her skin in tantalizing ways as darkened lapis gems flutter open.

(perigo - Jade Baraldo)

When her irises flick to his, her face is nearly unrecognizable, and if he hadn't seen her transform, he would be convinced that the woman who stood before him was not the civilian form of Sailor Venus. Her scent still has some of her tones, however it’s changed enough that most with a strong nose would be convinced they were different people. Kurama could see a slight change in the way she carried herself as well; it wasn’t the absolutely mouth watering way she looked or moved as Venus, no, but this was still quite eye-catching. When her lips tilt brazenly, he knows it’s the same woman wearing a convincing facade as she inquires if she’ll fit in, A sheep in wolf’s clothing. Being blunt, he’s rewarded when she uses that magic on him , making him bark with laughter on the inside, and although he hates to admit it, his love for her leaves him susceptible to it. Little vixen! Her voice lilting just right, wrapping around his human name like silk, delphinium blues tainted with dark promise as they bore into him while she catwalks toward him, hips swinging darkly and drawing him in.

Oh, how fun it would be to let loose and play with you, Beautiful Child. He withholds a growl when she caresses his chest with a dainty gloved fingernail, point blunt as it drags teasingly up his pec and over his clavicle, her hooded stare keeping his arrested as plump berry lips inhale his breaths greedily. When she asks him oh so innocently what he thinks, and follows with taking her other hand and slides it heavily along his thigh, he feels his control slipping further and further from his grasp. She’s good… Her altered scent still worked quite well to unravel his thoughts, along with her digits climbing delightfully higher to his hip, running warm fingers along his clenching stomach. When teasing pads reach his chest, they twist toward the left glove’s edge to pluck a card from within and showing the item to him, her voice tickling his inner ear as the admittedly talented actress reveals what it is.

Deciding to take control back from the little devil, he takes her tender wrist and studies the picture ID closely, and just as she said, it looks official. Mina Ise, age 23, residence, identification number… The picture on the plastic card even looked like the woman standing toe-to-toe with him, except her eyes weren’t nearly as provocative as the creature before him. Grinning inwardly at the confidence she held in this form, he elects to reward her by bringing her fragile wrist to his lips and planting a line of heated, lingering kisses while the human-formed yôko’s darkened irises entrance hers. Choosing to warn her of tempting the wrong people, although he was quite impressed with her transformation’s abilities, her beauty, scent, voice, and allure were already there, but now with this added charm, she’s going to draw a crowd.

Though he should have known better, he’s still both thrilled and exasperated when she reminds him of her penchant for trouble. Stubborn little vixen! Then I’ll have to play my cards just right. Smirking in the dangerous way he used to in his yōkai form, he watches in satisfaction when her throat moves with a swallow, feeling his demonic energy roil predatorily beneath his human skin. Knowing he’d won this round of temptation, he releases her hand and the power he holds over her, the sly fox holds out his arm in a gentlemanly gesture. He can tell by the fire in her cornflower gaze that she enjoyed his gesture, let alone the perfume of arousal consuming her current sinful form. Burning the image of her disguise into his mind, he decides to ask about this ability later as she asks if he’s ready. As ready as I can be with such a provocative woman on my arm. Answering her in an affirmative, he has to question if she’s ready, if her reactions to him of late were anything to go by.

He is shocked to find, however, that an immense, and false feeling calm settles over her like a vail, garnering more questions from him about her transformation as Mina confirms she knows what’s ahead. Bestowing him a pet name he supposes she’ll be using in the establishment as part of her cover, he tips his head in aquiscice before leading her smoothly toward the entrance while settling a cold expression on his face. Even though he could see curiosity in her eyes at the dispassionate visage, his gaze flicks to hers and with just a look he knows she’ll understand, relays that he’ll explain later as they approach the bouncer. Though the guard drank her svelte form in like a starving man, his look seemed to be enough to keep unwanted comments from his lady’s ears. Paying the admission, they enter what Kurama knew would be a strip club from the scents he caught from outside, but it was the high quantities of blood that he caught between that drew his attention.

Demon and human. I may need to come up with a plan to send her out if it’s anything like what I’m thinking it is because… It’s either a yōkai killing its own and innocent ningens… or…

It’s the other way around…

(Pink - Elliot Lee)

(Adrenaline - Cloon)

There is a definite possibility… that this could be linked to my attackers or at the very least, connected to that. He couldn’t help but think of the Chapter Black incident, and although the Black Black club was no more, that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be more disgusting beasts to take their place. That’s not something she needs to see, whether she has before or not. The place was small, a hole in the wall really, so although the scent of blood was there, it was from someone entering the place, not the establishment itself. Someone who comes here has been killing both, or, several of either species. When they walked in, they handed over their receipt and were directed toward a set of stairs leading down, and when they reached the bottom they walked into a room with a rotating stage in the center. Booth seats were at either end of the room with tables and chairs in between, with stools at the very front row and barely any room between them, but to his relief, everything was polished to a shine with barely any dust or odors.

Then the patrons noticed them, all eyes and conversation silent as they made their way over to an empty table in a mostly full house, the reek of various body’s arousal heightening to an irritating degree. Pulling the seat out for her, the guised senshi smiles sensually before sitting properly, strangely bringing forth a longing for her usual messy plopping she does when sitting. Taking the seat next to her, the vigilant fighter checks the room over discreetly for threats and exits, finding only the one exit, businessmen, a handful of what looks to be college students, and a few women who continue to eye them lewdly. After making some mental notes of the individuals after his first glance over, he annotates two who stuck out to his intuition. A disguised demon and… a human? After getting settled in their seats, a male who looked to be one of the fraternity members approached them, proceeding to strike up a conversation with the evening’s star and completely ignoring him.

“I’ve not seen you around here before, babe, out to see some sights?” Frowning prominently, he watches the whelp’s movements for tells and finds the student wasn’t trained, stood confidently, and from his lack of awareness, was just an idiot. However stupid, the insolence of this one is… Smokey cat eyes slowly move to the man, lapis irises calculating far more than he expected as a gradual tilt appears to her lips as she imparts,

“Out to stir up chaos. My lover and I are looking for some excitement, do you know of any other places besides this one?” Well worded, Mina. The boy looked disappointed, but still hopeful to Kurama’s exasperation as he answers eagerly,

“Oh yeah, there’s a few good places if you're looking for some wild entertainment! The bar around the corner is a pretty good time, then there’s a gambling joint down the road, not to mention the love hotel on the next street over.” Delphiniums flick to ivy green and nod, turning back to the overly excited suitor as she grins with sultry,

“Thank you for your help. The show should be starting soon so you should get back to your friends.” The insistent man looks back toward his companions, who are now snickering and waving at him, making him frown and adopt a more determined look, asking optimistically,

“So we can talk after the show?” Some people are just asking for trouble with their ignorance... Sniffing delicately, Mina curls her fingers and studies her gloves snootily, stating indelicately,

“If you have information for me, we can talk. Otherwise, my evening will be full I’m afraid.”

“Alright! I’ll be waiting!” Finally leaving, the experienced vulpine in unwanted advances, cataloged from the entirety of his human school experience and an especially wicked crow demon, to his disdain, prompts him to warn,

“You shouldn’t have given him the time of day, his type won’t leave you be.”

“And that’s what the heels on these boots are for.” He blinks mildly at her wicked grin, huffing with repressed laughter as the first woman walks in for the strip show, and being something he’d seen many times in his previous life, he instead keeps his senses on the other patrons. Most were typical hormone driven humans, but his focus shifts to the two that had caught his attention earlier, time now allotting him to study them closer. The one was a demon, whom he could see through their simple human disguise, its true form instead like an incredibly lithe, dark red volcanic rock, porous skin embedded with gold and glittering jewels in varying patterns, with yellow instead of whites for eyes and red irises with blue pupils. Their scent and form is rather ambiguous. The other was an ordinary looking human man, and although he seemed quite unremarkable, something about him set off alarms in Kurama’s perception.

My intuition hasn’t led me wrong yet, so I’ll need to keep an eye on that one.

(Master - Jo Jo’s Bizarre Adventure)

(Take it Off - Ke$ha)

When the first dancer walks up to the stage dressed in a short kimono, it’s then he smells the alluring guardian’s anxiety, and when he glances at her tenuously, he takes note of her hands clenched tightly, morning glory blues expanded more than they were before. Oh? She seemed fine with this earlier, so I wonder why she’s nervous now? As the body artist twists and undulates in a coordinated manner, the woman’s clothes begin to come off, dark eyes only on him and trying to draw him in. The perfume of embarrassment at his side, however, easily keeps the majority of his attention on its creator, beguiling him in ways the performer’s image couldn’t. As if all of Mina doesn’t constantly distract me. It’s then he understands when her lashes beat softly, demure irises flick to him for a moment before a beautiful hue stains her face, and the cover price for the place is justified to his humored mind. Oh Mina… You willful little thing, you should have left when you had the chance. Though I wouldn’t have been nearly as entertained as I am now if you did.

When the decent looking woman on stage strips to nothing, he thought the chaste seductress might sink into the chair with how much she pressed herself against it to escape the sight. Unsurprising to him however was the scent of arousal gradually enshrouding her altered bouquet, and when morning glories flit to his again nervously, it reveals why she was uncomfortable. Would you be fine with this on your own then, I wonder? As the adult entertainer spreads her folds for the crowd however, is when Mina puts a crooked finger up to her teeth and bites down, a small noise escaping her throat that sounded far more arousing than it really should have. Turning his burning ivy gaze away from her to hopefully help calm her nerves, he leans back casually and watches without emotion as the woman winks at the crowd and glances his way, inserting her fingers into herself wetly.

With his attention supposedly on the evening's show, she seems to settle down for a bit, although still quite compromised from the potent tang of spices that reach his nose. The first set finished, the dancer walking off stage to do a photo shoot, many men and one or two women going to grab the erotic material. While that happened, the supernatural investigator turned to his bewitching inspection partner to reveal, “I believe I’ve found what we’re looking for. Follow my lead when the time comes.” Sighing painfully, her demeanor tempers with the topic and diversion, painted lips pulled downward at him as she confirms,

“Got it. So there is a problem then?” Narrowing his stare at the stage, he remarks,

“Unfortunately.” She turns back away, the sting of sadness permeates the air as her quiet voice laments,

“That’s too bad.” He takes her hand and tenderly slides his thumb over hers, clenching the fingers interlaced with his in comfort as he agrees,

“It is.” Wanting to bring her mood back up, he decides to needle, “Though I must say, this has been a rather interesting presentation.” Turning a skeptical glare onto him, and shaking their connected hands animatedly, she grits,

“Oh yeah, I’m sure this has all been a great experience for you! You big, huge jerk!” Oh my, she’s definitely mad, she used words that mean ‘big’ twice in a row. He couldn’t help the dark chuckle within, outwardly he does so faintly while assuaging her wounded pride adroitly,

“Of course. I have a spirited, beautiful woman at my side. I couldn’t ask for more.” Knowing the blatant compliment would both appease and rile her, thereby kindling her repose, she replies just as he planned,

“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, buddy!” Smirking at her, he acknowledges,

“No, it won’t. But the truth always does.” Giving her a victorious grin, Kurama watches in undisguised pleasure as Mina colors more, but the wide eyed awe and admiration, he’s decided, is worth any price as she glances away demurely, mumbling,

“You shouldn’t say such things so easily...” Rubbing his thumb over the soft skin of her hand, he lifts it to his lips and holds her gaze as he kisses the knuckles tenderly, rumbling,

“I say only what I mean, koi. ” Black coated lashes fan upward, affection heady within cornflower blues as she leans against his shoulder, bringing the hidden undertones of her soothing scent closer and alleviating him of the stench clogging his senses. The crowd goes quiet again as the next entertainer walks on stage, and this one dressed as a cowgirl who seemed fixated on both of them, making the latter sigh humorously. He had to admit that it was quite entertaining how much attention the pair gathered, but she easily stole the entire show on her own. She pushes herself further into his side, cheeks aglow again at the highly provocative way the woman winked and grabbed herself for them.

Watching the woman on stage strip to nothing dispassionately, and although he was incredibly amused from his partner’s reactions, he kept his other senses on the two he considered suspicious. Quite certain they wouldn’t do much now, he still had the impression of something off about the one, digging at him in such a way that continuously kept his awareness partially on him. What is it that bothers me so about a ningen? It’s when the bare body leaves the stage for photos that the incognito soldier whispers darkly, “Shuichi, I can feel eyes on me.” Strange… is that… worry in her voice? The stoic plant wielder inquires,

“What does it feel like?”

(Sanctuary Dusk Cover - Utada Hikaru)

(The Moment - NuSound)

“Hunger, but not just for sex.” As I thought. It doesn’t seem likely, but I can’t shake the feeling that something is off about that one… His fingers clench her tinier ones, and although she’s not shaking, he can smell her subtle anxiety as her countenance takes on an unfeeling appearance. Bringing her hand up to press an assuring kiss to the back, he puts on a soft smile for her as she exhales imperceptibly, ocean waves rolling against his as she beams at him warmly. Pulling her hand back into his lap, he continues to caress the back with his thumb as the show goes on, her muscles relaxing from his attention . As the unclothed stripper spreads her knees and herself for the crowd to see, the hand holding his clenched tighter, and when he perceives movement at his side, his gaze narrows in on her thighs pressing together. Wanting to make her more comfortable, he whispers reminiscently into her ear,

“Do you need a distraction?” She exhales in return,

“What?” Keeping his eyes on the stage, although not paying any attention to the woman touching herself on display, instead turning his attention to Mina as he switches the hand holding hers to his left. Knowing that she would look his way, he keeps a straight face as his free palm drifts faintly up her waist, gradually ascending in a reverent manner to her back, stroking along her shoulder and arm. Her embarrassment heightens, but she also smells of adoration and comfort. Leaning down to her ear, he whispers assuredly, “There's nothing wrong with being shy and brave, going out of your comfort zone to help others. Nor finding appreciation for beauty, whatever it’s form.” Lips tilting faintly as the tension leaves her body again, her head settling gingerly into his shoulder as she nods, giving him hope that she would gain faith in herself, with a little time.

Kurama feels two jealous glares bore into his face, to his amusement, noting the one is the strange human. Deciding to pull more of their ire to himself and away from disturbing her warmth snuggled into him, he wraps his arm around her waist, gaze staying on the stage as his fingers draw patterns into her side. Pressing his nose against the crown of her head, the anger intensifies to his delight while he massages her clasped hand with his thumb. The dance ends, and with it their peace as the bothersome individual from before strides up and asks lightly, “Are you enjoying the show, honey?” Feeling the need to sigh build, he’s shocked when she retorts,

“I always enjoy spending time with my love. And he feels the same, isn’t that right, handsome?” Smirking at her subtle dismissal of the irritating man, Kurama confirms,

“Of course, love.” As he glances up into the fool's eyes, he notes the loathing aimed at him and is sorely tempted to rub it in the man’s face. Loving you is giving me foolish inclinations, Mina. Instead, he ignores the moron and watches the crowd gather for photos of the previous actress, keeping tabs on the two that caught his attention, who strangely enough, haven’t moved much at all. In fact, the most that’s happened between them is the demon who had an arm around two women also seemed to pay more attention to the ladies with them than the pictures. He glances back at the insistent human when he asserts,

“Like I said earlier, there’s a few more places around here to have fun, we should go there after this.” Are you really so blind? Catching the sunkissed diva’s azure irises to gauge if she wanted assistance, she winks at him before meeting the pests adoring stare, inquiring,

“Do you have any new information for me?”

“Uh, yeah actually. That is if you like scary stories.” Meeting cat eyes, the calculating fox nods along with her as she replies,

“What happened?”

“Well, apparently girls have been disappearing around this area. No bodies, no sign of a struggle, and all the friends and family have alibis, they just up and vanish.” Kurama watches as she falls silent, stare contemplative as the man asks excitedly,

“So we can go out after this?” Smiling coyly, she denies,

(On our Knees feat. R.O. - Konoba)

“You did pretty good, but I’m not in an open relationship. I’m happy with this handsome man right here.” Taking her hand from his grasp gently, she turns the calm kitsune’s face lightly, dark lashes falling closed as she leans up a little bit in a motion he knew all too well now. Shutting his own slowly, his breaths become heavy as he meets her velvety mouth part way, turning his head to change the angle and sink deeper into her ardent kiss, pulling on her plush lips teasingly. Only seconds pass before their souls twine sensually, the sensation making his groin twitch in excitement, and from the quiet moan, the heat of her cheeks, and from the sweet arousal perfuming her body that she felt the same. Though reluctant, a soft sound is made from their gradual separation as his view flutters, Mina’s dreamy eyed expression the first thing coming into focus, drawing a warm smile to his countenance as he stares in admiration at her. The moment is broken when he hears the other man whine,

“But you said you would!” Done with the man’s incessant ignorance, Kurama retorts cooly,

“She never said she’d do anything with you other than talk. And now you’ve talked.” He hears the boy’s friends call from across the way,

“Give it up man!”

“Nah, bro, he’s still got a chance, keep going!”

“This is just sad…” To the protective yōkai’s bewilderment, the dancer dressed in the short kimono cat walks up to them and declares,

“Why don’t you go back to your boys and leave this little lady to me?” The irritant looks quite put out, but when the bouncer moves toward them, he finally takes the hint and goes back to the laughing and consoling group. As the club’s guard gets to them, he demands,

“He gonna be a problem?” The evening’s entertainer in modified traditional clothing with lilacs decorating the sleeves glances at Kurama, her bangs trimmed perfectly straight, with another layer cut a bit longer before her ears, and not a hair out of place. Her ebony colored eyes give the impression of being dilated with how dark the iris was, maroon painted lips and lightly blushed, high cheekbones add to her image of ‘Yamato Nadeshiko’ that others seemed so fond of. The ideal Japanese beauty… Having such strict ideals isn’t always a good thing. He’s reminded of the conversation with Koenma on exactly why Yusuke had been chosen as detective, making him grin internally at the memory of his morally gray friend’s indignant expression when hearing the thought process. And a rather convenient circumstance for Spirit World, certainly.

Turning his mind back to assessing their supposed ‘savior’ from a rather troublesome situation, she seemed to hold herself with subtle inner strength, especially apparent when she only lifted her chin slightly to look up at their lookout. “No, I think he finally accepted defeat.” The broad, uniformed man nods before telling them,

“Alright, enjoy the rest of the show.” The graceful young woman smiles at her guard slightly and assures,

“We will, Goei-san.” Preceding security leaving, the other dancer who had been interested in them both comes running out toward them, crying aloud,

“No fair Niko-chan! I wanted to talk to them first!” This one wore a dusty colored, camouflage cowboy hat, an olive drab green half vest with brown fur trim barely fastened between her breasts. What is supposed to count as shorts, but really were more like jean underwear with how little it covered her derriere, and shoulder length bleached-sandy blond hair, the bangs curling across her rounded face from a side part, expressions childlike and ranged. Ah, and her exact opposite, and reminding me a bit more of Mina. Though this one moved with immense confidence and a devil-may-care attitude, likely using her motions to distract others into giving her what she wants. Though he doubted it, he still erred on the side of caution, and using his senses on the women, checked for signs of danger or ill will, and found none.

At the very least they aren’t involved directly with our investigation. Waving a matching maroon manicured hand, the now named Niko-san retorts aloofly,

“Then you should have acted first, Akemi-chan.” Although the identified Akemi-san puffs her cheeks out angrily, her polar opposite ignores it to glance between himself and the sultry cloaked knight as she inquires, “You two are the most beautiful couple we’ve had grace our establishment. So, we’ve come to assess you.” The apparent ‘cowgirl’ pulls out a chair and sits in it backwards, glaring at her coworker who sits daintily and with a glare of her own in chairs opposite themselves. Kurama feels himself sweat drop, while Mina giggles faintly,

“Oh! You are so sweet for saying so! Really though, we’re just like every other couple-”

“Not in the slightest. You two have an… aura? Something is special about you besides being overly attractive.” Akemi-san presses the chair onto two feet, pushing her chest against the back and forcing the flesh to nearly spill from her top as she cheers,

“For sure, we’ve never had everyone in the room stop what they're doing to look at who’s standing at the door!” The need to sigh is growing as his wavy haired enchantress shrugs a shoulder daintily while quipping,

“You flatter us! Honestly, we just heard about this place from some of our friends, and wanting to explore a bit, we came here.” Both ladies share an enthralled stare pinned to Mina as she talks, to his mounting humor, until she finishes and the two exhale longingly, pouting at him as the wilder dancer grumbles,

“You’re so lucky! Oh! We haven’t gotten your names yet!” The sunkissed imp closes a lapis iris with her chin on her hand, wagging a finger lightly,

“My name’s Mina.” They then turn their gazes to him, the young woman balancing on the chair’s eyes filled with appreciation of him, while the aloof performer emits a perfume of arousal as she ogles him quite openly. It’s when Mina’s aroma shifts to one he’s now identified from her earlier reaction with the cashier, combined with her despaired acceptance has him wanting to release a sigh at the cuttable tension in the air. Oh boy…

“You can call me Shu.” They nod excitedly, and though reluctant to draw anymore of their adoring attention, he takes the opportunity to inquire further with actual workers in the area.

“Actually, we’d heard about some disappearances around here. Do you know anything about that?” Both faces twist as though tasting pure citrus as Akemi-san groans while flopping her head down, grousing sourly,

“Ugh, more rumors about that? We’re going to lose business at this rate!” Niko-san watches him carefully before asking,

“How did you find out about this?” To Kurama’s surprise, Mina cuts in darkly for him,

“I knew one of them. And he’s here helping me investigate this before anyone else gets hurt, or worse.” Everyone at the table falls silent, including himself, his shock hidden as he considers what she’s just revealed. It doesn’t feel like a lie, but it’s a half truth. She’s not said anything about someone she knows disappearing, so… how in the world did she do that? The striptease artists before them gain somber countenances as the rocker on her chair whispers,

“Gotcha, I’m sorry to hear that.” She sounded genuine, the duo’s gazes darkened as they stared sightlessly at the table, reminiscing, if he were to guess. Then, as though psychically coming to an agreement, they share a look with one another before gazing evenly at the impressive sleuth, Akemi-san determinedly giving, “In that case, we’ll do what we can to help you.” Nodding seriously, Mina relaxes a bit as she responds,

“Thank you.” The two women smile in varying ways, but the feeling of camaraderie was the same between the three suddenly, bringing a confused tilt to his lips at the respect gained, sweat dropping slightly before he’s hit with a recount of when she defended him and the strange, but amenable yōkai. She connects to those who are troubled, strangely, no matter the situation. The realization subtly gives him the reason she was able to tell the half truth so well, and only adding to her quirky, yet invariably useful abilities . She’s not a sex worker, easily discerned by her scent… Which means she can identify with being a victim… There’s a slight pain in his hand, and when he releases it, the compassionate kitsune notes he had his fist in a vice grip unconsciously, leaving indents in his palm that he’d need to heal without her notice. Mina… what has happened to you to give you such daunting insight? Though it was distressing, it made sense for this newfound skill he’s learned of, making him wonder, what other techniques have you acquired from your harrowing exploits?

Bringing his mind back to the situation at hand swiftly, the darkening circle of thoughts not being able to be answered at the moment, so instead he turns back to observation, the lights dimming around them as he questions, “I believe the last dance will begin soon. Is it alright for you to be out here?” Niko-san smirks coyly before revealing,

“Oh, it’ll be fine, we’ve already done our jobs and made our money, coming out here and interacting with the audience is also good P.R. for us anyway.” Sweat dropping lightly, he blinks when he feels a soft body press into his side further, pinned blond locks block his view of the expression on the phenomenal heroine’s face, the sting of anxiety seems to be much lower than before, but still quite strong as the lights cut overhead completely and spotlights are pointed toward the rotating stage. When the next lady walks out, he has to admit the outfit was quite eye-catching, and obviously meant to look like a western style wedding dress. A corset set clipped to white thigh high tights and high heels, with a layered lace train and a lace veil, all with her holding a bouquet of white roses. What caught Kurama’s attention, however, was Mina’s reaction to the attire because she seemed quite awed, dark shaded morning glories wide, fairly glittering even, and glossy lips parted, her body leaning forward as though to go to the dancer.

(Inochi no Tobira - Yuri Amano)

The two watching her reaction look disappointed, interesting…. So they have interest in us both. Akemi-san inquired, “Oh, is she your type?” Black lashes beat softly when the spell is broken, her demeanor returning to a calculating air, staring emptily at the woman twirling in front of them. Her voice is even, far more so than he’d ever heard as she states,

“No. I was just seeing things.”

“Oh? What did you see?” The infinitely puzzling soldier is quiet for a moment, before responding in a stilted manner that startled him all the more,

“Something impossible, but it’s gone now.” What did you see? He couldn’t help his own curiosity, yet he could see the internal struggle behind her enthralling eyes, halting his own inquiries, but not Niko-san it seemed.

“What? Was it your friend?”

“No. It’s nothing. My mind was just playing tricks on me.” She’s not spoken one falsity, so what is it about this erotic actress that affected Mina so- It’s then the scrupulous yôko remembers another strange reaction the noble golden guardian had, but that one was in front of the church. Weddings. What is it about weddings and churches that would cause her to react in such a manner? That’s when he connects all of the pieces, and his heart twists in absolute agony. With her being Sailor Venus, having many enemies, and her loyalty to her princess, she’s given up hope on ever finding someone to love. And yet with me… He studies her visage carefully, finding the deep sorrow she tries to bury within, bearing it silently. She’s fighting with herself to keep me at arms length, hurting us both.

He has felt much pain through all his years, and yet, this was one of the worst he’d ever felt, right next to when his mother was dying. Mina… I can never leave you alone now, not like this. Taking her hand gently, her black lined eyes on him heavily as he pulls her hand to his lips, meeting her eyes tenderly to whisper, “Such dreams are never out of reach. Please don’t give up, koi .” Twinkling lapis gems expand, mouth open in wonder as she mutters,

“How did you know?” Pressing kisses along her wrist affectionately, he holds her gaze captive while murmuring,

“Simple observations.” She blushes lightly as she argues shyly,

“That’s not a ‘simple’ observation, you know.” The lilac clad woman snags the opportunity to learn more about them by interrupting quickly,

“Wait, ‘dreams?’ What dreams?” His lips turn up deviously as Mina grumbles,

“We should be watching the dancer, right?” The two pouted before turning back to their fellow, allowing him to notice the stage performer was already stripped of her train and veil, she was now teasingly unhooking the garters, cheeks brushed pink like a blushing bride as she undulated her body to the music. A huff of endearment nearly leaves him, Kurama picking up the paradoxical darling’s arousal and mortification surrounding him again, prompting him to tenderly stroke her wrist in an effort to calm her. When she sinks into his arm more, thighs squeezing together to relieve some of the pressure he’s sure has built up, it’s tempting, she’s tempting him to act upon long abandoned impulses. Especially the beautiful emotions that would cross her visage, leading him to imagine what expressions she might make in the throws of passion, or the sounds that would leave those plump lips, the smell of her honey from my touch, the feel of her-

Restraining his libido and pushing his thoughts away, lest he be crude and act upon them, he keeps memorizing her ever revolving facade while also monitoring the actions of the suspicious parties across the way. The bride themed performer unclips the corset easily, not a full one then , freeing bouncing breasts to the crowd's excitement, but the image was nothing new to him. To the composed fox’s wonder, the heady bouquet he’s coming to crave pervades Mina’s disguised scent with the bare chest presented, confirming his earlier theories and adding to his struggle . She’s still fighting it, but not nearly as hard as earlier. As long as she knows someone else is comfortable with her, she’ll become more confident. The woman tugs her panties down and displays her flesh to the eager front seaters, while the soft sound of lips being nibbled tickles his ears, the cool facade only helping her minimally now.

You make it incredibly difficult to leave you be, Mina. I want to see how you react to everything .

Reining his thoughts back in, he exhales softly, releasing the lascivious ideas and letting her recover from her discomfiture, continuing to rub her hand in some form of assurance. After a few passes on the rotating stage, the erotic wedding entertainer stands back up from exhibiting herself for consumption, cat-walking back off stage for a photos. Exhaling heavily, the carnal knight loosens her grip on his palm and relaxes at his side while the two exotic artists before them turn back toward them, Niko-san immediately demanding, “So what’s this dream you had, because I doubt it was to be a stripper.” Akemi-san nearly falls off her chair as she hisses back,

“We’re erotic dancers! Erotic. Dancers!” The half kimono clad woman rolls dark irises, waving a lilac manicured hand at her stage coworker, responding tartly,

“Whatever. So?” Black lashes beat for a second before Mina seems to get her poise back, answering slyly,

“Oh, it was nothing special, and besides, I have newer, better dreams.” The logical vulpine looks down to her in surprise, her quick recovery a marvel as Niko-san asks,

“Well? What are they?” With a seriousness that overrides her attire’s magic, something he realizes is the soldier within speaking, the Guardian of Love reveals starkly,

(Angels Piano Tribute - Within Temptation)

“I want to be able to protect everyone important to me.” The inquisitive duo blink at her in astonishment, his own stare lidding softly, acknowledging that she was diverting their attention from what he’d discovered, but also telling the truth. It was Akemi-san who responds first,

“You’ve been through a lot, haven’t you? Not many people say that sort of thing seriously, let alone that being their greatest dream.” Mina stares at the table in thought, voice distant as she admits,

“Something like that.” Wanting to take the attention away from her suffering, he redirects,

“Is there anything you know about the missing people? Perhaps similarities, or last locations?” The pair glance at one another, the calmer one replying,

“They were female, and from what I hear, they were all exceptional beauties. They were all seen in different spots before their disappearance, and none of them had the exact same friends and coworkers in common.” The strangely quiet enchantress raises a fist to her lips, gaze narrowing as she asks in a, strangely , dark tone,

“Do you know what their jobs were?” The two look to one another in confusion before the bleach blond confides,

“They were strippers, but they kept to themselves, usually. But… there were rumors that they were… sex workers on the side for extra cash.” It’s like the warmth in the air was suddenly sucked out, yet it wasn’t yoki that drew the energy, but something else . The other two noted it too, goose flesh running up their arms, frantic eyes glancing around warily, as though trying to find some sort of monster in hiding as Mina’s voice becomes eerily low, even to him ,

“They would .” The girls look confused as she ruminates quietly, “Prostitute cases aren’t usually investigated, along with a few select others, since they’re considered non-loses. Which makes them easy targets.” His gaze narrows, what she’d said before coming back to him and gathering his sympathy, “The police are dumb. The citizens pay good money to keep them employed and they don’t do anything! I know they don’t, I’ve worked with them!” The twosome are rightly horrified, with Niko-san gasping,

“You’re serious… And investigating like this… you’re not with the police, so then you’re a private investigator?” The Venusian warrior’s poker face is nigh perfect as she tilts her head,

“I am.” No lies. Yet I know for a fact she’s Sailor Venus… So she considers herself one then. Akemi-san quietly assessed her, before mentioning, “Actually, from what I heard, another thing they had in common were some rough patches in life… just like you .” The dancer duet peers intently at Mina, yet she’s not shaken, not in the slightest. In fact, Kurama felt a warning in his mind as she seemed to consider something, but he had already come to the same conclusion she did as she casually intones,

“Guess I’m changing jobs for a moment then.” Leaning back to beam at him in an absolutely devilish manner, she offers teasingly, “So handsome, are you going to be my first client, or my pimp?” Barely resisting the urge to fall over, opting to close his eyes with a twitching smile instead, his brow ticking at her swing in tolerance for the sensual, it leaves him confounded where her threshold lies. Because I’m thoroughly baffled by your reactions. But it’s the steel in her gaze that lets him finally understand her new stance on the erotic, and all other shifts when the situation calls. I see. So with a goal in mind, you can set aside your feelings and accomplish your objective. Now that was a rationality he could appreciate, and coming from someone so vivacious was incredibly awe inspiring. Feeding my mind, body and soul… you taunt a starving fox with a meal, Beautiful Child. Following her example, he closes away his passions staunchly while the curious pair recoil with distress, the more mature of them chiding,

“You shouldn’t be joking about this!” Taking his hand in hers, he studies the dangerous tilt to her cherry colored lips as she argues,

“And why not? If they want me,” She tilts her head with innocent daring, lifting her chin confidently and lidding her eyes as she challenges boldly, “they can come get me. ” Flicking ocean waves into his emerald, Kurama returns her silent question with a nod, assuring his approval with the plan and encouraging Mina to meet their eyes fiercely, “At the very least, their attention will be on me and not someone less prepared to handle the situation.” The two are stunned, and using their paralysis, he and his magnificent rose stand, preparing to leave them be when they jump to their sides, making him blink in confusion as he notes his valiant partner has gained a tag along as well, with Niko-san asserting on his arm,

“Well then, as it’s our jobs they’re using to lure these women, we’ll come with you. And besides…” It’s then that he doesn’t feel as agitated with the strange woman around his limb, her dark gaze meeting Mina’s fiery azure as she finishes, “We’ve lost someone too. And it’s about time we do something about it.” When the long-lived yôko catches his courageous beauty’s stare, they share quiet communication as they both agree, it’ll be dangerous, but they can help with our cover. Diminish not the bravery of these young ladies. Glancing at their attire, more than likely, she inquires lightly,

“Don’t you guys need to change? I thought those were your dancing outfits?” Akemi-san pipes with a giggle,

“Oh, every now and then we walk around in our outfits for advertising! The boss actually expects it!” As they’re walking along the alleys, towards a love hotel, of course, the demon from before walks ahead with their ladies of choice, and behind was the strange human who seemed to be alone. Although this demon hasn’t shown aggression nor smells of blood, it may be prudent to keep an eye on them, either being a possible accomplice, or victim. Without studying the crowd, he could tell all eyes were on the sultry warrior and her swaying hips as she passed, and though she kept up small talk with the other two, from the subtle sharpness of her aura, she was on guard. Catching her eyes, she bobs her head before returning to the conversation, confirming his curiosity without words, the hungry one is following me.

Checking the throng of bodies for any other possible attackers, vantage points, and dangerous ki, yet once again, only the apparition and the human register as notable. Though that doesn’t mean there isn’t something else at play here. Keeping tabs of the key components around them, he still finds a few moments to take in her dignified attitude, even while possibly being hunted, whether human or not, it’s never a pleasant feeling being cornered. Although they aim to take from her and kill her, they don’t see what he knows with certainty. That their actions have angered the Moon Kingdom’s knight, and that although a sheep when in a house of pleasures, she became a protective lioness when innocents were involved. Or rather, victims who could become friends with her princess someday.

Chuckling faintly at something the girls had said, the noblewoman in question glaces up at him, prompting a slight smile as he eases, “Are you ready? Because we’ve arrived at our next destination, it would seem.” She must have been paying some attention, because she’s sighing lightly without even checking where they were, instead grousing,

“It figures they’d come here. ” Now the other two are batting their lashes in confusion at her, who looks nonplussed about the scenario but grimaces at the thought of a love hotel, to his inner mirth. When they notice the location, the errant cattle wrangler grins,

“Well, we did want to fit in, right?” Mina huffs before letting him lead them through the door as she accepts,

“That we did.” Hiding his humor at her vexation, he’s pleasantly surprised when they take in the artistic touch to the decor, the lobby color coordinated with sculptures and tapestries adding a dash of luxury. For all intents and purposes, it was an ordinary hotel, with only subtle vending machines that housed condoms being unique, tucked between ramen and water dispensers that went nearly unseen as he walked up to the wooden counter. The current ‘client’ requests a room for them, and to the shy femme fatale’s horror, the man behind the counter gapes at the three women with him as he registers them with disbelief, handing him the room key as the clerk grumbles nasally,

“Enjoy…” Trying quite hard to hold in his laughter, the dual sensual performers chortle at the despondence in the man’s voice as they walk away, the suspect behind them greeting the clerk quietly as he hears his steps head toward the bar. Unlike the clerk, that one isn’t despondent with groups. Heading to the elevator, he notes the man's steps precede a piano beginning to play and pins the information for later, he’s the pianist… it’d make it perfect for him to spot prey, certainly. Inputting for the third floor, she huffs,

“You’d think we’d just heisted his family fortune he didn’t know about or something.” The women flanking them wheeze with more guffaws as Kurama grins mildly, quipping,

“I suppose he might see it that way, though he hasn’t the slightest idea what we’re really after.” Niko-san adds cheerily,

“And it’s not often men come through here with three girls. The most is usually two and the ones with money don’t come here, they either have a pent house prepared or they’re bachelors and use their own place anyway.” Black lashes beat rapidly in disconcert as Mina questions,

“Really? Wow, I suppose I should have known.” Akemi-san inquires,

“Why is that?” Smiling coyly, his Evening Star responds,

“I keep up on what some of those types do. Apparently not everyone though…” The vintage styled dancer hums,

“I didn’t think you’d watch rich people.” Snorting with levity, Mina mutters darkly,

“Oh, I do, when they do things to catch my attention.” It’s amazing really , the three women discuss what madness celebrities can get up to, all the while Kurama doesn’t hear, nor smell any lies from her. Being an idol, she’s already on the know for many of that sort, but with the way she says it, and with our investigation of these possible murders, she’s led them to believe she prowls the underbelly for corruption. She’s able to paint herself as a private investigator of a different sort. Perhaps then, more like a vigilante. He’s quite impressed, whether from the transformation or her natural skill, it only amplified her effectiveness in this field and solidified his decision to bring her along. Though he knew he could convince her to leave before, with how much he’s learned of her spirit now, he knows she would only come back and likely at a bad time.

This way, her chaos is a bit more controlled. When the elevator stops, the doors open and a couple stand before them, gawping unsightly as the foursome glide by, the herder themed of the three winks lightly and spanks herself, chortling at the excited look on one's face, but the other’s becoming quite jealous. He can feel himself wanting to laugh and sigh at the same time, these ladies…

“You know, I think after this, we should all really party sometime. It’d be fun!” Sweat dropping at their companionable giggles, he normally didn’t mind mischief, however… I have my work cut out for me, with not only Mina’s admittedly entertaining chaos, but two innocent humans who revel in disorder as well.



I had to take a few notes on what characteristics a ‘femme fatale’ have and how that’d translate to Mina’s transformation abilities. They have clear shaped brows with cat eye makeup to create a dark look to their face, and of course the red lipstick to bring out the sexiness in them. ‘They had either long, side-parted waves, like Rita Hayworth and Veronica Lake, or shorter pin curls, like Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner. The waves and curls shows the softness and the feminine side of the character.’

I used a combination of this dress, and this one for Mina’s transformation, except, of course, in red. Her hairstyle being like the 1940’s Veronica Lake, but with shorter bangs that still sweep over the eyes, and pinned to one side. The actual pin itself is like this, but a red rose pin.

In the Sailor Moon anime and manga, Usagi’s and Minako’s disguise pens give them not only the ability to change their physicality, it also instills some of the skills required for the form.

Goei ごえい - 1. guard; convoy; escort

Niko 仁心 - 仁 means "benevolence." 心 means "heart."

Akemi 明心 - 明 means "bright." 心 means "heart.

A good resource for Japanese names (although you can’t just search specific ones in the website and have to find it with a search engine) is this place, They have quite a few names listed, how many meanings the names can have, and the characters used to make it as well as the hiragana for them.

This is the bride outfit for the last dancer, it looks like this, combined with this and finally this,

I based the strip club off of one in Dozenyaka,139.6971079,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOXOq7GIky49d6lFvGJqi20AMH7lb8oraO2yXT6!2e10!3e12!!7i3240!8i4320!4m11!1m2!2m1!1ssuper+strip+theater+shibuya+japan!3m7!1s0x60188ca9eee0cbc3:0x35ca1a43e20d48d0!8m2!3d35.6589531!4d139.6971492!14m1!1BCgIgAQ!15sCiFzdXBlciBzdHJpcCB0aGVhdGVyIHNoaWJ1eWEgamFwYW5aIyIhc3VwZXIgc3RyaXAgdGhlYXRlciBzaGlidXlhIGphcGFukgEXcGVyZm9ybWluZ19hcnRzX3RoZWF0ZXKaASNDaFpEU1VoTk1HOW5TMFZKUTBGblNVUkJaMWxwWlZsUkVBRQ

If you don’t think insistent wooers aren’t a thing, there’s lots of cases of unwanted pursuits, and even worse is when they turn violent. Mina here knew she could handle herself, but here’s a few articles about the subject,,

Chapter 13: Trail of Clues


Personal Note

I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for reading this so far! (Don't worry, I'm not done yet, and don't plan on it for a while) I have pretty bad anxiety, (from irl experience and a few online) so I was expecting to get cankerous comments, but you guys have been super, so thank you for that! (Though I still get antsy when posting new chaps, considering how wild I like to make this story ;^ ^) It’s so amazing that there’s so many people who like this! (With my old writing skill and all) And I’ve been going back and updating old stuff as my writing gets better, so thank you for sticking with me through this!

Other Notes

It might seem strange, openly asking about goings on here, but women are severely underestimated all the time, and Mina knows this, and takes full advantage of it here, rather than waiting for info to come to her (She’s not often a patient person, lmao). Though this article is from America, it still applies, and probably applies even better in Japan, This one shows why this method would work so well,

So! Japan’s drinking age is supposed to be 20, even in the 90’s, but it’s rarely enforced, plus nomikai is huge in Japan (business drinking),, and religious intake of alcohol being the norm, and festivals have drinking too (They have lots of festivals throughout the year), so it’s not uncommon for underage drinking,

As funny as the episode with Minako two timing was (see Dream Arc of the anime, Episode 141, Storm of Love: Minako's Grand Two-Timing Plan), I want to go more for Naoko Takeuchi’s version of Minako’s outlook on romance, which this interview clarifies a bit,

In Roman mythology, Venus can give military victory, sexual success, good fortune and prosperity. In one context, she is a goddess of prostitutes; in another, she turns the hearts of men and women from sexual vice to virtue. She is also known as the Goddess of motherhood and domesticity. I love the thought that she is the protector of children and prostitutes, the easiest targets for predators. (Children are small and usually weak, and no one investigates when prostitutes dissappear) That’s why in the last chapter she was so angry,



Adult themes: Drinking, sex, violence.

Dark themes: Drugs, coersion, human trafficking, dubious consent.


I do not condone the use of alcohol (or sex) by minors, but it does happen, and is oftentimes used in coercion and manipulation of others (Not always just women or minors, though they are the biggest targets). Always play it safe and cautious when with people you don’t know…

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Siren - Kailee Morgue)

Although she put on good airs for them, Minako was still upset at the turn of events earlier. I didn’t know I could react so intensely to something like that. Her soul roiled when the girls had recounted what they knew of the missing women, somehow she knew they would be prostitutes. I feel a connection to them, not necessarily being one, but… they are important to me. Which brought a flush to her cheeks knowing what they did, and it made her uncomfortable that they were a big part of herself from those times. Some Love Goddess I am… ashamed of sex, never had a boyfriend, not beautiful, and embarrassed of hookers. Could anyone be anymore more un-Goddess-like? She couldn’t help the sour pout on her face as they stand before their ‘hotel room,’ her chest darkening at the thought that, although they wouldn’t be using the room, they were, in fact, going to be in a room where people had sex.

She barely kept from putting her hands to her cheeks as she’s reminded, someone had sex in here!

Pushing the embarrassing thoughts away for now to keep up her calm persona, Shuichi opens the door to their room, and she had to admit it was especially extravagant. Just my taste! With warm wooden floors run diagonally to the entrance, some modern white cabinets at the far end of the mid-sized room. One wall was painted a chocolaty brown, the other had a wood grain pattern on it, darker than the floor, but lighter than the painted wall, while the bedding was white with a gold leaf patterned brown blanket at the end. When they moved into the room, they looked back into the stained glass windows installed in the wall preventing any viewers from the hall door. There was a tray with a bottle of wine sitting on a table cluttered tastefully with some fruit, a high end T.V. at the foot of the bed as Akemi-san plops on the bed, while the guised senshi settles a bit more delicately, bringing an affectionate smile to her delightful ‘escort’s face and a snort from Niko-san. Curling the corner of her painted lip, Minako inquires,

“Alright handsome, what’s the plan? From that look on your face, you seem to have some idea.” Tipping his head, he assures,

“I do. We’ll split up, you three investigate the top floors for anyone outside their room who might talk and the lobby, while I investigate the storage and back.” The dirty minded cowgirl grins deviously as she crows,

“Men do like the back, don’t they?” Snorting in humor with a hand over her mouth, the playful diva uses the other to flick the stripping troublemaker’s ear, the later squealing as the kimono donned dancer asks,

“That seems a little strange to split us up so unevenly.” Nodding in acknowledgement, he explains,

“It will be less suspicious if a group of girls is asking questions of people than a couple.” Akemi-san pipes in helpfully,

“We could be swinger couples!” It takes a bit of concentration to keep from laughing aloud at the sweat drop that appears on his temple, emerald irises closing in exasperation as he retorts,

“As interesting as it would be to try and pass as that, I have a few objectives in mind. One is to gather information before we attempt anything, and two is to assess their strengths and weaknesses before we strike.” The two sexual theater women blink in shock as Minako’s lips tilt down, seeing what he was trying to do through the lines in his words. He wants to keep them out of danger, but doesn’t want to dismiss their brevity. Meeting his gorgeous, expressive irises, she reluctantly agrees,

“I don’t like the idea of you going alone, but I understand why you want us to gather info. Don’t worry, between the three of us, we’ll find something.” Shuichi’s smile is effervescent, nearly melting her worries away as he consoles affectionately,

“How about this: in one hour, we meet back in this room, and if I don’t return here on time, you three-”

“Stir up some chaos!” The nonplussed look on his sexy face was almost too much, bringing a grin onto the dark attired fashionista’s facade as he corrects easily,

“Do not stir up chaos, you’ll only make it more difficult to predict their movements and easier for them to kill their target.” Feeling merciful for him, she adds,

“It’s like why it’s better to not have a flashlight on when someone breaks into your house. The bad guy can see you, but you can’t see them.” Akemi-san’s expression brightens as she cheers,

“Oh! That actually makes sense, I’ll have to remember that the next time I have a stalker break in.” To his mounting concern it, Niko-san adds,

“Same. Although I do keep a baseball bat by my bed.” Smirking deviously, Minako finishes,

“Oh, I don’t think anyone will bother me since the news of the last one.” All three look to her for an explanation as she shrugs easily, “Let’s just say everyone saw the error of his ways.” The performer pair gape in shock while her genius hottie interprets,

“‘If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.’” All of them stare at him in confusion until he explains, “It’s a quote by a famous Italian diplomat, who gained notoriety for his work known as The Prince, exemplifying his reputation for being ruthless in political machinations. He was quite brilliant for his time.” The femme fatale smirks, lifting herself off the fluffy bed as she prances up to him lightly, glove clad fingernails dancing along his shoulder and neck as she purrs,

“Mmm, I knew there was a reason we’re partners, handsome. Smart men are the most dangerous of all.” Closing her eyes, she pressed her lips to his softly, gradually, savoring the texture of his as much as she could, before pulling back just as slowly. Pulling on his mouth succulently, his firm lips just as responsive and tantalized by their exquisite touch, taking just as much time as she did to separate, kami we’re bad… Azure gems flutter open and darken with adoration as she softly parts from him, feeling far too genuine with her attraction to him, and falling for him further. Free falling is more like it… She’s surprised when he meets her gaze fiercely, murmuring against her lips for only her to hear,

“The pianist in the lobby, be wary of him, and don’t go anywhere alone with him.” Trimmed brows curl as she breathes,

“What? Why?” He shakes his head, scarlet forelocks tickling her chin as he pleads,

Please. Trust me on this.” Smoke lined doll-eyes widen, the immense concern in his usually smooth baritone raising the hair on her neck, prompting her to forgo her curiosity and simply nod for him. Her quiet concession soothes him, a sigh leaving his lips that he pressed to her forehead softly, as though relinquishing something absolutely precious and feared it would shatter like glass, bringing a stutter to her heart. What is he so… not afraid… not for himself, anyway… Wanting to take his worry away, even if for just a moment, Minako takes a draw on him for distraction, not letting them linger like before while mumbling into him,

“Alright… be careful, love. I won’t forgive you if you get hurt.” His hands wrap around her hips, forehead pressing to hers as he smiles almost… reverently…

“Understood, koi. You take care as well.” Grinning sensually, she fixes his collar compulsively as she reiterates,

(Loneliness - Dated)

“We’ll take care of the upper floors and the lobby, you handle the rest then.” he nods, forest green irises warm yet sharpened to a fine point, and just this once, she’ll trust the more dangerous part of the investigation to someone else. Someone I’m beginning to trust with my life. His hands slide from her hips reluctantly as she strolls away, motioning to the girls with a ‘come hither’ finger as she turns her head to glance over her shoulder, cooing, “You better not be late, handsome, because you won’t like what might happen!” Her and the girls snicker mischievously as they leave the hotel room, his answering groan loud enough for her to hear in the hall, making her chitter louder as they close the door behind them. Smirking at her cohorts, she informs them,

“We should start with this floor and make our way down. We’ll take the stairwell in case there's stragglers in it.” The pair nod as they make their way toward the end of the hall keeping close to either of the femme fatale’s sides as the performer who reminds her eerily of Rei-chan inquires calmly,

“You love each other deeply, don’t you?” Cherry lips tilting in a self-deprecating smile to herself as she considers despondently, It’s all a show… a ruse… he could never feel that way for me.... And even if he did… we could never be together. Instead, she lets her feelings swing and agrees heartfully,

“Yes. In fact I’d…” They pause their walking, the duo leaning around to gauge Minako’s expression as she whispers, “I would die for him.” To protect the people my princess might come to love so dearly. No… It’s not just that, not anymore… When she surfaces from her thoughts, Niko-san and Akemi-san’s features are full of awe, stares wide as she shakes her head, insisting, “We should get going so he can leave too.” Both nod, and to her surprise, they take either of her arms gently, nearly drawing a flush to her cheeks as both smile in varying ways. The naughty kimono stylist in a mellow, yet sassy manner, the silky, lavender petal covered sleeves brushing her arms, whereas the wild farm wrangler’s sleeveless arm clenches hers hard enough to push half shirt camo breast into her. Pouting faintly, yet unable to truly feel sour at the pressure of assurance, the Moon’s lead warrioress instead smiles back at them, before moving toward the stairwell.

Akemi-san opens it up for the three of them, letting them saunter toward their first victim, their door opener taking the lead as she asks in a faked accent, “Ha-llo ha-ney! You know were three gur-ls can hay-ve some fun to-night?” … Uhh, not only is she using the wrong words in some parts, but what kind of accent is that? Because I know that’s none of ours, and I’ve heard a lot of foreigners and they don’t sound that bad speaking our language! The quite plain man looks up, confusion on his face for a moment while he probably sorts through her butchered speech, when a sleazy grin overcomes his features, eyes raking her form interestedly. Wait… it’s actually working? That’s like, multiple things slapped into one sentence!

“Wow, your pronunciation is really good!” Oh my gosh, he’s not really going to… “For starters, you could come to my room and I’ll teach you and your friends things they won’t in any textbooks.” Their head investigator nearly laughs out loud, both from disbelief and hilarity that this is actually working as the rodeo performer blinks coyly, wondering,

“Reely~? Oh~ thank you soo match!” Well, at least it worked… Having watched the interaction closely, Minako can easily tell that he’s not doing anything shady, other than being horny in a love hotel, alone, or cheating on his lover, the ass, so curling a finger before her lips as the man approaches Akemi-san, she intervenes,

(Boss Bitch - Doja Cat)

“You forget we have other business to take care of before pleasure, dear. Have a good evening.” The playboy is gobstopped as the trio continue down the stairs as though they’d never spoken to him.

“W-wait, hey! Come back!” Glaring over her shoulder darkly, glossy lips tilt up in a malicious smile as the cloaked guardian pins him in place,

“Sorry, but we’re quite busy.” Knowing her fighters aura froze the moron in place, she guides the girls down the stairs as the camouflaged wild child whistles in amazement, chirping,

“That was super cool! How’d you do that?” Grinning wickedly, Minako admits,

“When you get enough unwanted advances, you learn to get real evil.” Niko-san’s lips tilt with admiration as she praises,

“You really are something, Mina-san. Able to win a crowd with your beauty and mystery, and deter unwanted advances with just a glance.”

“Yeah! Not many can perfectly pull off the bad bitch vibes!” Nearly blowing a raspberry trying to hold in her laughter, the golden fighter cackles daintily,

“That’s one way to put it. But thank you, it takes practice to perfect the art.” The elegant nadeshiko chuckles breezily,

“It must be for you to be so well equipped.” Agreeing with a simple tilt of her head, Minako lets Akemi-san push the door open once again, the artistic hallway leading to the posh lobby, and a small area off to the side that must be the bathrooms. Glancing around, the focused soldier feels the familiar small energies of a few humans in the lobby, and deciding to hit there, she leads the ladies past darkened barred dividers lit by large screens with rotating ads, past darkened alcoves with few lights highlighting pieces of art, and into a darkened area with ambient light around a grand piano and a bar. The person playing gentle tunes dressed finely and looked so normal, not someone who needed to be monitored. But Shuichi wouldn’t say anything unless he was truly concerned, but why? What’s… It’s then she does feel something, like a slow creeping along her neck she would have missed otherwise, as though a cold bead of sweat were running down her nape in mid summer. What is that? It’s so subtle…

She’d felt something a bit similar before, but she couldn’t tell where she’d felt it, or more importantly… when. Kowai! Another thing that unsettled her, was she couldn’t tell where it came from, so she kept the man in mind as they moved swiftly past him, studying a few people gathered at the chairs and tables surrounding the pianist. Huh, this must be some sort of hidden attraction here, with so many sitting at tables and not… well… She couldn’t help but pink at the building’s main use, quickly moving on to categorizing threats along with entrance and exits, including the door behind the bar. Though where it led was up in the air, but if she had to guess, it was probably the kitchen. So far, the place was pretty secure, with only that weird chill to her senses, otherwise a few normal people sat around the tables, looking at any newcomers entering the room.

Only a handful of horny people here are staring at me now… Does that mean who ever eyed me like that… figured out I could sense them? Not many things could inspire a cold sweat in her anymore, not after everything they’d been through; like watching Usagi-chan disappear from sight, being injured, or worse, if she’d have to watch her precious princess die once more. Suppressing shivers at the thoughts, she considered this muted danger that she couldn’t pinpoint, that may have learned her ability to read anyone looking at her so quickly… This was a new kind of dread for her, and kept her body strung like a bow, waiting to snap at any little movement. Relax… you’ll scare the girls…

(Urges - Lucas King)

Niko-san had been watching her carefully, as though feeling her muscles flex enough to be noticeable. Lips tilting as she meets each woman’s gazes to set them at ease, she leads them to a table where a man and woman are conversing, the two laughing at a joke one of them told until they notice Minako and her dynamic duo sauntering up to them. “I’m sorry to bother you, but you wouldn’t happen to know of anything interesting going on around this area would you? I’m afraid I’m new in town and these two can’t decide where they want to go.” Akemi-san and the prim diva make a point to glower at one another, the couple before them blinks and glance to one another in confusion, before the guy states,

“Uh, there’s a gambling joint down the road, and some- uh…” The light brown haired man’s eyelids flicker in thought as he pauses, continuing with hesitation, “Stripper joints around here too.” Nodding in acknowledgement, the sunny haired seductress feels the brash rider’s arm tighten on hers, as though holding something back while she looks to the woman with him, inquiring,

“What about you, any interesting events happening today?” The woman blushes lightly before shaking her head and answering shyly,

“No, sorry.” To her chagrin, her senses weren’t going off, which means… Neither of them are involved either. Too bad it couldn’t be that easy. Shrugging elegantly, Minako forgives airily,

“Not a problem, have a good evening.” Showing the dancer team away with her, they go to the other tables, asking similar questions and getting similar results, quickly winding down to the bartender and the pianist. Him again… He was dressed in a cocoa colored suit that was neatly pressed, beneath his coat was an evergreen vest contrasted with a ruby tie. His hair had been combed to the sides and slicked back with product, leaving an off center part in his ash brown locks, and a few strands loose near the divide. Deciding to bite the bullet, and see what this guy’s got, she strides up to his side as he plays, her posse in tow as she presses boldly, “Sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if you knew of anything fun going on around here?” To her confusion, his fingers continued to move over the keys for a few more moments, slowing as though it were part of the song, before ending on a dissonant note. Ending a song without a resolution… That’s not eerie or anything…

“You’re not… having fun now?” She couldn’t name it, but between him not meeting her eyes, and the stilted, suggestive manner he said it already had her adding him to the weirdo-perverts list she had that was growing from being here. He didn’t have any other tells, even when, surprisingly, he turned up toward her, but with a close eyed smile that just added to her disconcert. Ugh, I’m already done with this conversation. It’s no wonder Shuichi told me not to associate with this weirdo. It was strange though, had she pointed this out to anyone else, she probably would have been made out as crazy, afterall, smiling at someone so happily isn’t a bad thing, it’s just… No, there’s no doubt, something’s wrong with this guy, and the way he hasn’t looked me in the eye… is he the one who was…

“It’s a bit tame here, at the moment. We’re looking for something a bit more… wild.” She studies him closely, focusing on bodily movements and twitches, tone, words, and her sixth sense as he responds slowly,

“There are… many wild things here, you need only look, dear.” She’s shocked to find, other than his strange manner of speaking, there’s no other tells that he was lying or involved. Either he’s an amazing liar, or he’s just a little socially awkward and I’m being an absolute jerk... She’d feel a bit bad about judging him if it weren’t for the situation at hand, though she didn’t sense him being anything other than human. Damn! If only Rei-chan were here, she’d be able to tell me in an instant whether he’s human or an akuryō in disguise. Nodding, she eyes him warily before conceding,

“Oh, I’m sure. Have a good evening.” He turns back toward the piano gradually, his lethargic movements unsettling her further while he hums under his breath,

“I most certainly will…” Still a bit uneasy about the guy, she leads the girls away, hoping she might feel that gaze again and confirm her suspicions, but no such luck this time. Though she does feel the dark haired belle’s inquisitive stare as she wonders,

“I’m curious how you know if they are involved.” Heading toward the bar, for now, just to sit down and watch the goings on for a little bit as more people wandered in, the cleverly guised soldier informs them,

“There’s a few different ways to tell, but mainly I have an instinct for it. Asking those kinds of questions, were they the suspect, would prompt some sort of response in most people with something to hide.” Both women gaze at her in shock as they ask near simultaneously, to her amusement,

“An instinct?”

“How does that happen?” Staring at the counter with a light, lidded glare, Minako intones,

“Through intense training and survival.” They swallow thickly, Niko-san recovering first as she observes,

“I think you’re wrong about your assessment, Akemi-san. She doesn’t just have the vibes of a bad bitch, she is one.” Shoulders shaking in laughter, something she desperately needed right now, the whip aficionado grins playfully and quips,

“Men be warned.” The three chortle with humor as they sit on stools, the sound of someone walking through the entrance catching her attention, an older couple from their appearance. Watching their movements closely, the one has a limp, likely an old injury, while the other moves quite slowly. Definitely not the signs of a killer. They find a table and sit down carefully, closer to the pianist while talking quietly. Just a spirited older couple who likes live piano, and besides… Narrowed lapis gems wander over the room, settling on each of its occupants while her other senses expand outwardly to try and find something noteworthy. Other than the strange guy, there’s only that sense of foreboding… but I can’t tell if he’s the source or not… It’s different from the tingling in the back of her mind that youma gives her… and yet it’s actually very similar. That’s disturbing. She hears the pianist change tunes as Akemi-san asks in worry,(Outsiders - Lucas King)

“Is something wrong?” Smiling in assurance at the duo, Minako returns,

“Not yet, but I’m keeping my guard up.” The bartender moves in front of them, having been serving another customer further away and asks politely,

“What would you ladies like to drink this evening?” He wore a dress shirt with the top buttons undone, some crinkly chest hair peeking through. They allow that here? It seemed so ritzy. Black dress pants with black suspenders holding them up, his dark hair stuck up in different directions, along with his almost weasel features, reminding her of their guessing fiasco with Chibiusa’s love interest. That was a horseman though, this one’s more like a mongoose. Smiling coyly nonetheless, she requests,

“I’d like some Choya Yuzu, if you could. And do you serve any sweets here?” He nods with a small grin, studying her over while pulling a menu out from under the counter.

“That’ll be coming up, and just choose whatever you want from the menu, Ojou-sama, and I’ll have them bring it to you.” I just can’t catch a break from them, can I? At least the guy at the first table was decent. Lips tilting up happily, despite the roving stare from the man, she peruses the menu while her current partners announce their drinks of choice. I don’t like drinking, but it can’t be helped if I want to blend in better. Watching as he sets the drink in front of her, and taking a sip, the plum liquor with a tropical splash of yuzu, grapefruit, and tangerines burning only slightly as it goes down. Thankfully I’ve developed a pretty good tolerance for this stuff. A far off memory brushes her mind with visions of pilfering the princesses sweets and drinks under the pretense of teasing, but sadly at times, found them to be poisoned. I’m not as strong in this form, but it’s still better than nothing. Putting her cup back down, she glances back up at the pair at her side, both staring holes into her head as her kindred free spirit babbles excitedly,

“You like sweets? I wouldn’t have guessed that looking at you!” Mouth curling devilishly, causing the guy manning the bar to inhale noisily, the royal connoisseur purrs,

“You’ve got to balance the sour with the sweet, you know.” Akemi-san giggles spritely as the poised lilac stylist smirks deviously while commenting,

“Very true, everything about our lives is a tricky balance, too much of one thing could be our end.” Akemi-san leans forward, breasts squishing against the counter without a care as she cheers,

“I’d like some of what she’s having too!” The upper twenty-something drink mixer gives a crooked smile, checking her out as well while confirming,

“Coming right up, little lady.” Taking a pen attached by a wire, he touches a surface, selecting something and informs her, “It’ll take just a moment.” That’s real, ritzy… Overly so even… She winks while calling,

“Yes! I’m so excited! I’ve never had a caramel raspberry cake roll before!” Snorting before taking a drink of her flavor for the evening, Niko-san teases,

“It suits you, Akemi-san. Decadent with a touch of fruitiness.” Minako chitters, a hand in front of her cherry painted mouth daintily while said ‘fruit’ growls angrily,

“At least I’m not a- hey, wait a minute, should I take that as a compliment or an insult?” Chortling with a slight discordant tone, the modernized purple flower puts her empty glass down as she queried the bar keep with melancholy,

“Could you get me another? I’m gonna need it…” Wait… that’s… The Goddess of Love notes a wavering red thread connecting the two together, and focusing further, the line solidifies into a thin bar between them. Quite surprised at the recovery of this particular ability and now of all times, she smiles warmly at the potential linking them. A level of love is growing, but how far it goes is up to them. Waving a hand from her still leaning position, she teases,

“She gave you both, so you can choose to react to either one, or both. Personally, I’d go with both.” Grinning at the two women as their chatter crescendos, it’s only interrupted when their cake is brought out, calming the developing storm between the duo as Akemi-san sniffs at the toasty brown roll set before her, red speckles dot the surface as a pink cream helped create the swirl it was known for. Taking her own fork, Minako suggests with a cherry smile, “You should eat it while it’s fresh, leave it too long and the air will make it stale.” The oblivious eater nods happily before digging in, squealing excitedly at the taste while Niko-san looks on longingly, although it was well hidden from others. But not from someone who could feel the twist of pain in someone’s heart. Lips tilting sadly in camaraderie, Venus’s incarnation nudges the yearning body artist while remarking, “You know, if you want something you should speak up. Keeping things to yourself will only make you miserable.”

A guarded gaze meets ocean waves appraisingly, glinting midnight softening as her breathy tenor returns, “You sound like you speak from experience.” Black painted lashes beat softly as Minako hedges,

“Wasn’t there a saying like that? ‘Sensation is the best teacher?’” Laughing quietly, Niko-san corrects,

“Close, it’s, ‘Experience is the best teacher.’” Flapping her hand carelessly, Minako responds mildly,

“Eh, I guess it can be said like that.” Digging into her roll, she hears the hesitant lover ask for a portion of Akemi-san’s cake, a small argument taking place before they finally share the same fork, eventually taking turns feeding each other, bringing a gentle expression to the lovelorn heroine’s visage. That’s a step in the direction you want, Niko-san. To her, it was a relief as Niko-san had shown exclusive interest in Shuichi. Frowning to herself, the cursed celestial considers the feeling darkly, something within her answering her silent question. Maybe… she throws herself at men because she doesn’t think Akemi-san wants her… trying vainly to fill the void with something, even if it’s… more pain…

She takes a deep swig of her drink before taking a slow, aching bite of her roll, no longer tasting anything. An unrequited love… Glancing at the girls softly, she soothes some of the ache by assuring herself, she’s still got a chance, even if I don’t. Just seeing another’s love should be enough. Looking into the swirling liquid in her hand, she reminds herself of another thing in her previous thought. Shuich’s not mine to have, stupid Minako. You know what happens to men that I love. I have to keep my distance… and~ I’m doing a great job. All the times she’s kissed him, the wonderful heat of his body, and his… I want him so badly… Brooding at her lot in fate, she berates herself with a frown, Be happy you can feel what love you’re given. The bar keeper interrupts her inner thoughts with a simple,

“I heard a moment ago you ladies were looking for something interesting tonight?” Blinking in surprise at him, she gives a slow, sultry smile as she inquires innocently,

“Oh? Do you have something in mind?” His grin is one she knows all too well, this one’s definitely involved in something here. Glancing to the girls, they all nod silently as they promise, “After we finish this, we’re down.” And for a moment, those hungry eyes flicker onto her, nearly causing her to jerk in her seat as she studies the area subtly for the look, but all too soon, it disappears, making her stomach drop a bit. He’s good, I’m not sure how he knows that I can sense his eyes on me, but he’s preventing me from finding him this way. Swallowing the last of her cake, the dynamic duo finishing as well, they stand from their seats, following the accessory to something, though I’m not sure to what just yet, he switches with someone else to mind the customers, and as they leave, those eyes follow her for a moment, flicking away before she can pinpoint them again.

(Tongue-tied - Emily Portman)

So here’s a question: Just how many threats are we dealing with here? Or… are they in cahoots with each other? Entering the elevator again, the man who was showing them ‘something exciting’ was rubbing himself not-so-subtly while eyeing them all up, turning her stomach as she finished. And which option is worse? Her fist clenches, and meeting Akemi-san and Niko-san’s glares, she can see the subtle anger brewing at the man’s audacity as the elevator climbs past the third and fifth floors. Silently, Minako assures them through a nod that they were safe, that after this, all of them would be safe. Without prompting, she feels a bit of her power leak through as it did earlier, Love embracing her practitioners. She shouldn’t have been surprised by the extension of comfort from her ki to them, but she nearly didn’t turn away in time for them to miss the molten gold eyes of the Goddess hidden within.

More worrying though, was the man’s gaze burned into her with suspicion and strangely, ravenous want, as though he felt her assuring them, and received some sort of pleasure from it. Revolting! Her absolute fury at any who would harm those under Venus’ protection had actually frightened her a bit, especially when both Shuichi and the girls had felt the effects of one of her more malicious old abilities. No one associates love with anything negative, however… Wars have been waged over love. Obsession, jealousy, and envy all fall under love’s darker aspects. But you were forced into the most despairing of all. I’m sorry you had to experience the absence of love, Shuichi. A flicker of a memory hits her then, some handmaid's whispering fearfully that when Princess Venus became enraged, the air was sapped of warmth, leaving only a sense of emptiness in its place.

The more of her older memories she recovers, the greater she worries about what she is becoming, and yet she’s even more deeply connected to those things within herself.

She tries not to focus too much on the wrathful twist growing in her soul as they reach the seventh floor, fewer doors lining this hall than the others, though it was decorated more opulently. So is this where they lead potential victims? They’re brought to a door toward the middle of the hall, nearly cringing when she hears groans and keening from the other rooms they pass by. Gulping down air heavily, the glowing noble finds that although she’s mortified by the noise, she was also… Gosh, am I becoming a huge pervert or what? Strangely, she felt her core throb with want, but her mind conjured an image of Shuichi below her, she was sitting on his lap and his face consumed with pleasure…

Eee! Too much! Too much! Working hard to push the kinky thoughts away, she’s thankfully, yet not, distracted when the disheveled creep gets a response to his knocks, and opening the door, he announces to the host that they have ‘visitors.’ Letting the rest of her previous shame wash away, leaving only her calm focus to go through with this self imposed mission. These women need me. She feels a shudder of repulsion go down her spine when he sniffs unabashedly while they walk by, his eyes fixed on herself with such desperate longing, making what Shuichi and Hiei once said come to mind. “Some demons have a strong sense of smell…” Making sure he couldn’t tell she’d seen what he’d done, she’s definitely considering that as an option. Or… he’s just a huge creep and likes smelling girls for kicks.

But now that it was in her mind, she couldn’t completely dismiss it, along with her sixth sense prickling… Okay, a slight possibility has moved up to pretty good odds that he’s a yōkai. Another disturbing thing was that while awfully suspicious, she doesn’t perceive any familiar eyes when they enter the large room that was more like a presidential suite. So none of these men were in the strip club? So that gaze was only in the bar… they’re not together then. She takes a quick look around the room, a chic embroidered couch, carved glass centered coffee table, several plush armchairs with fluffy throw pillows surrounding it and a large bed sitting behind a large tv like a room divider, and being on the seventh floor, there were no escape routes for the other girls. So they’re either going to try to force us or…

Coercion with drugs.

She feels her ire build even as her disguise cools her features to a neutral confidence, letting her study the room further for weapons or any other important details. The room was white walled with luscious red fabric hung in front of the walls for a luxurious aesthetic, the floors white birch and ebony stained wood striped diagonally. The lighting was a soft white with red mood lighting inset into the ceiling, casting a hazy crimson across the canopy over the soft looking round bed. The headboard was curved with hearts decorating both it and the bed, and if she looked closely… There’s a faint black shine on the platform next to the bed, so there’s a camera there…

(Thirsty - Good Girls)

There was another door, and though she had thought it was the bathroom, she reconsiders when she hears faint moans and grunts through the R & B playing. Ugh, I can’t wait to leave here! Her senses pick up the metal of a few weapons hidden beneath the bed and in their pockets as the men’s eyes immediately go to herself, slimy leers tracing every centimeter of her form as the untidy bartender introduces them, “These young ladies were looking for some entertainment and I thought you might appreciate their company.”

“Wonderful, Kongōki-san! Thank you for showing our guests here. Do you have a break soon?” Wicked gray eyes glint while smirking at her intently,

“Soon enough, so I’ll be back up here to celebrate with you, Shijiyō-san.” There’s something more off here… She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something else was tickling her sixth sense, and it bothered her immensely. More hidden demons maybe? Well, all I can do for now is study my surroundings and react swiftly to whatever’s coming. The man, Shijiyō-san, was a bit older, likely in his early to mid 30’s, a surprisingly close shaven jaw topped by stormy gray irises, black bangs hung down past his one shrewd eye in spikes while the other was combed back, but his hair didn’t seem to want to be tamed and still flared out. He looks like a human version of a falcon. He wore a champagne-gold two piece suit, a copper paisley vest underneath and a coral reef colored tie tucked in, complimented by a deep teal handkerchief. And though it was pretty fashionable, she’d seen his type before, and knew why he dressed in that manner.

Light colored suit to seem well-off and fun, with warm and sensual undertones to incite comfortability and passion. His gaze pierces hers, though whatever seduction he tried was lost on her, considering her alertness to their possible schemes, following his beckoning hand, “Good evening, ladies. Come in, come in, have a seat with us! I promise,” she hears the sly drop in his voice as he assures with a carnal hoarse, “we don’t bite. Rather, we enjoy a woman’s company.” This one’s good, had I been anyone else, I might have thought him charming. She should have known that their resident cowgirl enjoyed playing the fool as she chirps,

“Most usually do, honey. So what’cha got to drink? I’m thirsty!” They moved toward the four men seated on the couch, five women already in the arms of a few of them as she sits next to what seems to be their ringleader, his mouth tilting smarmily,

“Whatever you ladies like. At the moment though, we have Nikka Whiskey and Yonaguni Kusu.” Nikka… and Kusu, so one of these might be drugged. Nodding, Minako flicks her gaze to Akemi-san and their traditional-spinning performer as she agrees,

(Perigo - Jade Baraldo)

“I’ll take a glass of the whiskey.” I’ll try this one first, then the other. She feels him move a bit closer, his nostrils flaring with a barely hidden malicious grin as he grabs the bottle and pours her a glass from the tray on the table. Another is poured for the attired ranch tamer, but thankfully she didn’t actually drink it, winking in a signal that she was only pretending to, and doing a damn good job hiding it too. She must have already experienced this kind of thing… The horrifying thought prompted Minako herself to actually take a mouthful, and though it burned, the high alcohol content meant it would, but it was soothed with a slight buttery flavor and sweetened with honey, caramel, berries, and vanilla with a small orange tang. If it’s drugged, I’ll become drunk in a few moments. Shijiyō-san leans a bit closer to herself, and though she really doesn’t want to, she turns to face him, angling herself toward him but she kept an eye on the men surrounding the other two as he asks,

“So I’m curious what made you ladies come here?” Knowing the other two were relying on her for excuses, thankfully, years of pretending to be others and the calm of her transformation inspires her to say,

“We came with a man before, but wore him out, so we’re looking for someone else to have fun with.” The group of men cackle uproariously, the man at her side moving close enough to brush arms with her as he smirks down at her,

“Well, you’ve come to the right place, beautiful. What’re your names?” Though she absolutely hated the smell of his cologne, probably because it isn’t his… What she could make out was some sort of tree, bitter orange, pepper, ginger, cinnamon, extra spiciness to go with the fires of hell he’ll be burning in, leather, why do rich people like leather so much? Cedar, a few flowers, to hide some of the evil, and of course, the whiskey they were sipping on. Combined with a faintly musk scented aftershave has her wanting to wrinkle her nose, but Minako instead starts calmly,

“Mina.” Of course their enthusiastic playgirl bounces, attracting the men on either side of her to eager globes. Please don’t draw more attention to yourself…

“Akemi!” The blossoming elegance covers her mouth demurely as she informs them,

“Niko.” The protector of innocents feels a hand take hers, the ringleader-of-a-possible-evil-organization next to her kisses her knuckles lightly, though unlike when Shuichi did it, respecting her body and boundaries, this felt invasive and repulsed her intensely. It’s a good thing I’ve dealt with this kind of mission before, or I’d knock this idiot on his ass before learning anything! Putting on airs, she’s not surprised when Shijiyō-san continues to hold her hand, stroking the back softly as he responds smoothly,

“Delighted. Shijiyō, Arai. Born to be a businessman, if you couldn’t tell. And these are my partners,” He rattles off names to go with the faces of his associates, and though they stick to her memory, she’s more interested in getting the information she needs from him. Even just the smallest thing will do. “Though I’m quite excited to get to the main course, I do enjoy getting to know beautiful young ladies a little bit.” Although she held an aloof mask, she knew exactly what this was and where it was leading. This is where he finds out if we’re unwanted by society. While he tried to serenade her with his gaze, the other men were closing in on her girls, and were very close to just openly groping the ones from before, yet they all took desirous glances at herself. Ugh… What lechers! Well, I wanted their focus, now I got it. “How about we start with what you do for a living? A beautiful young woman like you could have any job you want, surely.” Lips tilting just so, she counters,

“Not at all. I jump around from job to job. I don’t stay in one place too long.” Not even a lie…

“Oh really? Whatever for?”

“It’s terribly uninteresting, you’re typical sob story, really.” He lifts her hand to his mouth again, pressing more kisses to her knuckles as he soothes,

“Not at all, I’m rather riveted by you already. I can only imagine what sort of story you have.” Without looking at them, she can tell the men’s bewitched eyes have crawled into the girl’s personal spaces, and soon they might get handsy. Well, I do watch romance and dramas for a reason.

“I don’t have family, they all passed when I was young. I was adopted a few times, but they were all abusive or controlling, looking for an outlet for their misfortunes. So, I got myself into trouble, and when I came of age, I left, drifting from city to city until I came here.” They stopped closing the space between the girls, staring unabashedly at Minako as the twisted businessman at her side ran a hand down her arm.

“You poor thing. Don’t worry Mina, we’ll take good care of you. We’re all experienced men here and can give you anything you need. Here, have another drink.” Here we go. Too willing and he’ll be suspicious, too abrasive and he’ll become disinterested in me. She doesn’t look away from him, but she feels Akemi-san and Niko-san watching her closely. And they’ll go for them. He’s going to pour the whiskey again, since she polished the glass off, but she stops him,

(Goddess - Jaira Burns)

“Actually, could you pour me some Yuzu?” He nods, switching bottles and trying to hide a corrupted smile as he agrees,

“Yes, of course, beautiful.” As he fills the cup, she wonders,

“You would give me whatever I want… at what cost? I’ve found in my experience that nothing comes free.” Taking a drink of the spirits, she watches him closely as Shijiyō-san responds vaguely,

“A night with a beautiful woman isn’t reward enough?” It was disconcerting, yet logical, her control leaving at the clear disregard for women they had, and what made it all the worse, was had she not known there was a problem here, that something horrific was happening to women, she might fall for their masks along with the other women. Those smiles wouldn’t quite look sinister, and these dreadful feelings I’m getting would be ignored. Working to calm herself, words flowed through her mind like an old incantation she’d long forgotten, empowering her more and making it all the harder to cap her ki. I am Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, who would met punishment to those who have violated my sacred tenets. For a blood-chilling moment, she thought her eyes might give her away, but something within evaporated her fear, allowing her to regain composure.

Grant me power so that I may smite these foolish men and protect those under my sign. She leans against him, both in a sensual manner and with a bit of reserve, her aura loosening from her grasp to… curl in a way toward him, like a finger in a ‘come-hither’ manner… Wait… is this what Shuichi was talking about before? My energy touching his? But this time…

I’m luring this disgusting wretch to his ruin…

Though she still didn’t fully understand it, just trusting in the forces she once had, she meets muted coffee irises and lilts with sultry, “Men are greedy, and are never satisfied with only a moment. You would take everything we are and throw us away. So tell me,” she’s close enough to smell his offensive cologne and aftershave, but she’s able to withhold her grimace as she finishes, “what would you do with me? Just take my body? Twist my soul for your amusement? Break in my heart and dignity like new shoes?” She grabs his tie and pulls him close, nearly brushing his lips as she growls, “Because I may be a wanderer, but I won’t be wrung dry like an old rag by anyone.” When he tries to connect their lips, she moves back and turns her head away, closing her eyes and releasing his tie slowly. “I’ve been through too much to lose who I am here.”

Strange… it felt like… my chikara was layered with my voice… She can feel his famished stare, the others nearly drooling as well even while his hand slides around her back, forcing lidded seas toward him as he grins, “No, my dear, you would be treated like royalty, a beauty like yours far too great to be passed around to the highest bidder.” There! She nearly glares, but the small admittance alone wasn’t enough for her, she wanted specifics, are they just stealing prostitutes off the street to sell for worse things, or… She feels herself sway slightly, causing her to grip the revolting trafficker’s jacket lightly to help keep balance while he takes the chance to draw her nearly in his lap, chuckling, “So strong, yet such a sweet weakness to liquor. What a ravishing creature you are…”

Gritting her teeth, she flicks lapis gems toward her group, noting the men were trying to encourage the girls to drink, and thanking her stars that her two were still paying attention, narrows her eyes at them in warning. It’s drugged. She feels her chin tilted back toward him as he wonders, “What’s wrong, sweetling? The alcohol hitting a bit too hard?” She focuses back on him as she asks,

“What will happen to them? Will these girls be safe?” It’s then that there’s a crash, and when she looks back, one of the women who was here before them had fallen into the table, the men laughing boisterously while the others gasp, their showy-camo charmer shouting,

“What the heck? What was-” The two men surrounding her grab her and pull her back to the couch, her eloquent counterpart demanding,

“What’s the meaning of this? Unhand her!” It’s then the mongoose-man, Kongōki-san, comes back in, several black outfits in his arms as the other men restrain her duo. The man closest to the poor girl who passed out and collided with the table leers,

“Looks like she’s had a little too much!” The barman smirks maliciously as he quips,

“I take it I made it just in time then?” The furious fighter’s face is drawn back to Shijiyō-san at her side, his eyes not leaving hers as he smirks,

“Oh yes, indeed you did Kongōki-san. As for your question earlier, my lovely Mina, the men will take very good care of them.” She struggles lightly, not using as much of her strength as she could to make him believe he had the advantage as she hisses,

“What are you planning for us and who are you really?” She watches him lick his lips lewdly, drawing a grimace from her as his smile curls cruelly,

(Beautiful Mayhem - DeathbyRomy)

“Well, you are going to be mine, and I already told you, you’re little friends are going to ‘entertain’ my business partners before being sold for a very nice price to some other friends.” She glares at him fiercely, teeth bared as he cackles unhinged, “And I told you already, doll! I’m just a simple businessman, though my trades don’t always stay in this world.” What? Deciding she’s gotten at least enough to know, without a doubt, he’s guilty of trafficking, it’s about time to turn this charade on its damn head and bash a few together. Breaking the nasty man’s hold on her, she elbows him in the chin for good measure, bounding midair in her heeled boots, she aims carefully, despite feeling off kilter, and kicking the four men holding her girls in the head, leaving them to barely make a sound and release the pair. Landing with a wobble, she manages to make it look like a showy wiggle, I hope, glaring at the other men before intoning with warning,

“Let them go.” They look at her in shock, women and men alike in awe as the unkempt mixer walks up to her, the material in his arms more clear now that he walked within leg’s length. Are those… The outfits were a thin black leather with chains in the crease of his arm. They were going to- She couldn’t complete the thought through her rage as he approaches her haughtily,

“Now, now, there’s no need for all of this-” When he took another step, she gave him a roundhouse kick to the jaw, the things in his arms flying to the ground as the girls screamed, her little team was thankfully much calmer, but still astounded by the turn in events. She knew once she escalated this, they would pull the weapons out, threatening the women for her cooperation, but… They were unprepared for her.

Love and metal are my elements.

Swift like the wind, she bounds up to one of the men before he could pull his hostage in front of himself and, since he had the most metals on him, she reaches into his pocket and twists all his weapons to her desired shape, tearing through pockets and all. Taking a hold of it, a long, yet small linked chain comes from within his coat, a startled sound escaping him, and before he could inform anyone of his arms change, she elbows him in the chin, knocking him out easily. Another stands to bodily take her down but she easily dodges his attempt and strikes the back of his head with her knee, sending him over the back of the couch, the other men standing around her. 7 left. And you still won’t beat me.

When they reach for their arsenals, she takes her newly acquired weapon and whips each one out in quick succession, leaving them all standing around dumbly at her accuracy, even while having been drugged. It’s a good thing fighting with a concussion is pretty similar, except, you know, the nauseating pounding in your head. When they come back from their awe, three lunge in an attempt to overwhelm her, inciting her to leap up high and kick down onto the back of one’s head, forcing him to crack his nose into the ground as she flips over the other, letting the remaining ones slam into each other like old cartoons. Smirking while spinning quickly, she wraps the chain around the other guy who escaped becoming a loony toon, flinging him back over the couch and listening to him knock his head into the table. Several glasses fall off and shatter, the women squealing in shock and tripping over themselves to get away. Glancing toward the last ones, who raised their hands in surrender, she motions to her dancer set to come to her side as she discreetly adjusts the chain to have clickable links.

Looking at the outfits that they were obviously going to make the women wear, she watches Akemi-san’s face morph to deviousness as she asks while clapping her hands, “Ooh! Wanna play dress-up with our new dollys?” She hears Niko-san approach her elbow and with a chuckle, she sneers delicately, “Oh yes. I do believe this is fitting, though not near enough to repent for what they were planning to do to us.” The three standing in front of them look horrified, stuttering briskly,

“W-what? They’d never fit us!” Minako snorts in derision before replying coldly,

“Who said they had to?” The three cringe, and when she gives them an impatient look, they quickly strip while she studies the closed side door in thought to avoid getting an eye-full, the noise stopped, so they’ll be coming out in a minute. The question is, how prepared are they for a fight now? Will they take hostages? At least I have a weapon now… Her debate is interrupted by the rowdy cowgirl’s giggles, to the lecherous men’s continuing embarrassment,

“Whew! It’s no wonder you have to drug girls to get any!” The still body-shy sailor nearly glanced back before thinking better of it, letting the girls get their revenge for being manhandled and forced into something they didn’t want as the refined entertainer agrees,

“Ugh, yes. I’ve seen some disgusting things, but that is by far the worst.”

“S-shut up woman!” Minako did glare at them then, and thankfully they were mostly covered as she growls,

(Bang Bang - Sohodolls)

“Do as they say, or you won’t have functioning parts anymore, jerkwads!” She nearly blushed when she focused, thankfully their junk was covered, but they were still pouring themselves into the too small outfits, which were splitting at the seams to the women’s humor as her newest sidekick seconds,

“Yeah, dickwads!”

“Yeah assholes!” She couldn’t help but startle at the conscious women jeering at the men in front of them, snickering as they were nearly fully attired. If you can call it that. To her mortification, one of the men swallowed thickly, but he was growing… uh, hard from all the attention, inciting her to flick her eyes toward the door again. Someone’s either discovered or just revealed a fetish or two. Just as they finally got into the uncomfortably tight looking things, which were literally just harnesses wrapping around and between the chest and crotch with decorative chains and a choker, black leather gloves stretching around hairy arms and thigh high leather heels, for the two who could squeeze into them. Ouch, those are probably painful when they don’t fit.

Taking the chain, she’s about to bind the unconscious leader now that they’d gotten some revenge for such a horrendous plot, when the door to the other room opens. Blinking in surprise at the handful of men with a large crowd of flushed, stumbling nude women under their arms, they look upon the scene, first with shock, then with anger as the one roars something the gilded femme fatale doesn’t understand, a growling language of some sort that set her hair on end. It sounded a lot like those guys who chased Shuichi and me to the park! The women heard the threat in the man’s voice, becoming immensely frightened as they suddenly screamed shrilly in terror, disorienting everyone in the room as they darted for the door. What the hell? Minako’s shocked to see Kongōki-san and Shijiyō-san get up off the floor and run behind them, apparently not as unconscious as she thought, the men from the other room following behind.

“Oh no you don’t!” She tries running after them, but realizes the drug has taken full effect, making her stumble and unable to catch up to them. Damn it! If I transform, it wouldn’t be a problem, but I can’t here without causing suspicion! Gritting her teeth, she glances at one of the men in leather, and with a mischievous grin, she gets an interesting idea, hopping up on his shoulders and nearly falling off from over shooting. Constricting her thighs around his neck to keep stability shamelessly, she orders, “Go after them!” Everyone surrounding her is stunned, the man she chose to ride choking as he squeaks,

“A-are you insane?” Still holding the chain, she slaps his nearly bare ass as she calls,

“Giddy-up, boy!” He shrieks and starts running, Akemi-san’s hysterical laughter following behind her, just as she hears a muffled sound and hollering,

“Whoo-hoo! Ride on cowboy!” And with a crack of something, oh boy, what did she find? Another man bursts around the corner, and with surprising speed, they cover a bit of ground to the escaping businessmen and naked women who took the stairs several at a time. You won’t escape!


Faked accents are awful, being quite offensive, but, the science is there, many people find foreign accents attractive, so although Akemi failed miserably with keeping a clear one, if the person doesn’t know the origin, it might work,

Kowai こわい - Spooky, eerie, frightening, dreadful.

Resolving notes make a song end with finality, while unresolved notes make a song end without resolution, as though there should be more, but it was left incomplete. This can be used to symbolize a sequel, an implied ending, letting the viewer complete the story themselves, or… an event about to take place (think horror movies). A good example of this is ‘Nameless song’ from Dark Souls 1. I learned about it here,

Some science on how to tell if someone is lying,

Minako - Choya Yuzu
Choya flavored, this Ume liqueur is perfumed with yuzu, a fragrant Asian citrus with a lime-like taste, yellow grapefruit and tangerine. A very fresh umeshu to enjoy as is or in a cocktail.

Yuzu - a citrus fruit and plant in the family Rutaceae of East Asian origin.

In case you were curious when touch screen technology was invented and mass produced.

Mobile phones existed in 1997, as crazy as that is to believe.

When Mina mistakes things, it can range from small, easy mistakes to large ones, but we’re just sticking with small ones right now. I’m not big brained enough for huge teasers.

Taiken たいけん - (practical) experience; personal experience; hands-on experience; first-hand experience

Taikan たいかん - bodily sensation; sense; experience

Mongooses are an invasive species in Japan,, so I figured I’d go with that rather than something you’d find pesky in any other country.

Niko's behavior is something I've seen in several series (my biggest inspiration is Ushio Amamiya from Gentlemen Alliance Cross), and was curious if it’s really a psychological thing. This is what I found.

Hearing sex sounds can turn some people on, I imagine the Goddess herself wouldnt be an exception,

Love hotel suite inspiration,

Kongō-ki 混合機 - Mixer, blender.

Shijiyō 市場 - market (financial, stock, domestic, etc.); marketplace; exchange

In Japan, the falcon symbol is good luck and wealth and is seen as bright and healthy. The word “hawk” literally signifies the ability to remain calm and act without fear or complete relaxation. Falconry is also an ancient art in Japan that’s still practiced to this day.

Nikka Whiskey From The Barrel. Sweet honey, caramel, vanilla cream, and fruits including berries, plums, dates, and oranges. The vanilla cream reinforces the grain whiskey's presence, providing slightly buttery flavors that add wonderful richness and feel.

Yonaguni Kusu
‘The scent is fruity and delicate, rounded with notes of ripe fruits. The taste has fruity complex notes of pears, green apples, bananas that are long, fresh and spicy. The three year aged version of Awamori from Sakimoto Shuzo'

Shijiyō’s cologne is this,, I did a bit of research, starting from here!, afterward, I went to my favorite perfumer’s website,, and chose a scent and found that top cologne for men that was introduced around the 90’s. (I can’t help it, when I do senses, I like to have a basis, so although he’s a creep, it had to be done.)

Submissive harness,

I actually found a horrifying drug that can make a person compliant to the demands of their assailant without losing all their senses. The drug is burundanga, or scopolamine, derived from nightshade plants, and there are countless stories about how criminals in Colombia and Ecuador use the drug, which is said to remove a person’s free will, to assault victims or rob them.

Chapter 14: The Devourer



Adult themes: Drugs, Sex, Violence, Gore, Kinks

Dark themes: Sexual Assault, Extortion, Corruption, Human Consumption

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(I Pray - Idenline)

Once the troublesome trio closed the door, Kurama let himself settle listlessly on the bed, a hand going to his bangs tiredly. His breaths had paused abruptly when he accidentally overhears Mina’s quiet words in the hall, leading to his current turmoil at the moment.

I would die for him.”

No Mina, I’d never want such a thing to pass. It’s all the more reason to keep you as far from danger as possible. Though with your penchant for it, I have my work cut out for me. Huffing to himself in mirth, he considers the human adage of ‘feeling your age,’ and how it might apply to millenia old beings like him. Shaking his head to rid himself of such silly and useless thoughts, he stands back up, listening to the triplet heels approach the door at the end of the hall, opening it and the trail of a new conversation is closed off. Moving toward the door, her changed scent still clung to the air lightly, forcing him to pause a second to take it in before he followed the blood trail in the hall. Striding the opposite way the ladies went, he uses the stairwell to go down, following the smell wherever it may lead.

Stopping in front of a particular door on the second floor, he senses the apparition within the walls, and although they were now more common in Ningenkai, it was still worrying. There was no scent other than sex from the crack below door, however, so he moved on with his speculation to the blood track in the air. It forked between a hallway, and the main entrance, with the hallway leading to an exit sign, and the only thing at the main entrance was the bar, and likely kitchen there. Ensuring no one was looking, he snuck through the hall towards the exit, and although he mentally mapped most of the place from the front, he needed a better picture if he wanted to navigate without being seen. Finding an empty ally, the former thief jumps from window sill to window sill on the opposite building, reaching the rooftop of the building, noting the amount of rooms from a glance at the ledger, and their own room, estimates where possible routes through and around the building would be from this end.

I’ll need to look from the other side as well, but I can’t take too much time before Mina and the ladies bring attention to themselves, if they haven't already. Thinking about the turbulence magnet brought both a smile and cringe to his visage as he ran across the roof, bounding to the next and stopping to add missing details before leaping onto the next. He lands soundlessly on the side opposite of where he started, keeping to the shadows as he travels quickly, emerald irises scanning the alley darkly as he scents the most blood here, blocked off by a privacy fence at the back and a rusted delivery truck taking up most of the front. Jumping in front of the fence easily, he takes in the disgusting scene, sickly looking women bound and left on the dirty ground, nearly bare, and slumped practically lifelessly against the walls.

(III IV - WhiteNosieBlackVoid)

(Kairo - Riley Ella)

Besides the awful state of the women, what worries him most is the scent of Makai permeating the space, telling him more about the situation than words. Illegal human trafficking. Someone is making money off of the barrier being down. Expanding his senses to ensure his privacy, Kurama moves silently, staying in a crouch as he feels only the most minute signs of life, along with the scent of hard narcotics obscuring the ladies forms. With this strong of a smell, they're lucky to be alive at all. Unfortunately, I don’t carry the seeds to extract this from them on me. Glaring fiercely in thought, he made plans to get some assistance for them as he contemplates, the next question is, was this forced, or coerced? Standing and looking toward the closest alley door, he frowns deeply while holding back cold anger, perceiving only a few bodies behind the door. They smell human, so is this a deal between the two species, or are they innocent parties?

It’s then he feels a demon crossing over the border, and thinking quickly, imbues some of the plants around him with his energy. Ensuring that they were dormant, and his ki was fully hidden, he uses the cover of shadow from the truck to watch who comes out of the portal. They were in a human disguise, of course, but beneath the veneer, it was most certainly a yōkai, though it might pass as human to most. However, the goat-like irises, and the triplet purple tendrils extending from both sides of his spiky, layered black hair extending down his back would be a dead giveaway. He wore an orange scarf with yellow triangles around his head, glossy transparent brown, one shoulder chest armor, Demon Orhmu shell, I suspect. Tight tan pants topped with a belted hip armor of the same material, overtop of a decorative blue and orange geometric patterned hip scarf with yellow tassels.

Along with deep blue curled toe shoes, he was also adorned with many rings, necklaces, and bracelets as well as ankle bangles decorated with many jewels, as though wearing every piece he had. My first guess was a scout, but he’s rather finely dressed for that. Continuing to study the man carefully, the spirit fox tracks the colorfully dressed demon checking over the women, kneeling down for some and with a touch, his energy coats them, as though an illusion were being cast. Interesting, so their scout also ensures others won’t see the women. He must come through to make sure it’s still active, and recast those that have weakened. Thankfully, his own power, even in human form, was high enough to continue to perceive them, letting him focus on keeping tabs where the man went.

Making some rounds, he finished with his task and looked to be ready to leave, and though Kurama wasn’t sure what the full extent of his power was, time was of the essence, and he couldn’t let this opportunity slip away. So with nary a moment's notice, the Kanto dandelions in the cracks of the building surged to life, the spores like glue as the illusionist walked by, ensnaring his foot and flaring up quickly, the paste covering his mouth before he could scream. Securing him to the wall, the calculating vulpine moves from his spot by the truck, strolling up to his prey calmly, “I will not harm you if you cooperate, so tell me what is happening here?” Allowing the adhesive to dissipate, the man’s purple irises were blown as he whimpers,

“W-who are you?” Glaring mildly, Kurama declines,

“That’s not important. I want to know who you work for, and where any other humans and apparitions you’ve captured are being held.” The frightened demon nods rapidly, body shaking as he stammers,

“I-I’m not sure the name of the boss. H-he just hired me to cast spells on the, uh, ‘product’ in the alley here.” The astute warrior lets his fierce leafy gaze lid as he rumbles,

“Interesting. You make excellent mirages, and yet… you are a terrible liar. Perhaps I’ve been too lenient with you.”

“W-what? N-no! I’m not lying!” Running a hand through his hair, Kurama draws a seed from it, and allows it to grow in the palm of his hand, the thick fronds unfurling and producing a light yellow cone. Taking the seed, he expounds,

“Perhaps you would be more forthcoming if you were in a similar state to these unfortunate ladies. Very few realize it, but the sago palm produces several toxins, one of which is a neurotoxin that I’ve bred to be stronger. So what do you say?” Holding the seed up, he prowls closer while suggesting, “Wish to give it a try? Because you needn’t ingest it, the sap from it soaking through your skin will suffice.” The once terrified creature chuckles, a shadow crossing his features even while rendered immobile, he’s planning something.

(Dawn of the Living Dead - Karl Casey White Bat Audio)

“It’s no wonder the boss warned me about you. You are a fearsome opponent, and rather intimidating. However…” Violet irises glance up at the cool strategist, square pupils dilating as he adds, “I’ve got a few tricks of my own, old man~!” To Kurama’s shock, the spores holding the strange yōkai to the wall loosen and fall away, no cuts, no breakage, nothing like he’d expect if someone was to free themselves. Leaping back, he studies the other’s movements carefully, watching as the extravagantly attired spirit brushes the adhesive off, as though… It’s as though I reversed and removed my yōki… He tilts his head coyly, an incredibly malicious smile spread across his face as he leers, “Well, as much as I enjoy entertaining you, old man, I gotta go. Reporting to the boss and cutting our losses here and whatnot, you know the drill, I’m sure. But~ I’ll leave my little friends here to keep you from dying of boredom~!”

Several imp like creatures aparate before them, while the apparition takes what looks like a sticky note from his pocket between two decorated midnight nails. Holding the elbow with his free hand, the showy illusionist smirks smarmily before twisting his fingers so his thumb touches the paper, disappearing in a spiral of dark chikara into the page. What? How did- The introspective warrior is interrupted by the little magenta imps with chubby, pig-like bodies and geometric patterns printed into their flesh like their summoner's scarves. They might be mistaken for a childs toy, with their irises rolling in their whites freely, if they weren’t trying to skewer him with tiny cyan tridents held in their orange trunks. They’re fast! Dodging around them, he tries using his Rose Whip, but to his further astonishment, it glides right through them, not dispersing the image, nor making any marks. So they’re truly illusions? Allowing one to get close, it slices into the side of his wrist, though shallowly enough to not be too harmful, dismissing the idea that it’s not real quite effectively.

I can’t hit it, yet it can hit me, perhaps the caster needs to be eliminated? Narrowly avoiding them, their image, nor their strength was fading away with their masters' leave, which ruled out the originator. So they're either completely independent of their summoner, or reliant on something else. I don’t sense his energy around here anywhere acting as a generator of sorts, and though my senses are not as strong as Kuwabara’s, his faint signature is still notable- He was nearly clipped on his cheek by one of the little weapons, the damnable cretins using those not so vestigial wings to fly. I need to come up with something fast, as these odds don’t bode well. Sorting through scenarios quickly, he goes into an active meditative state as he moves, delving into the recesses of his mind for answers. Interestingly enough, the things fluttering around him suddenly vanished, almost as though the solution really was in his mind.

What in the world? Perhaps it was timed? So they must have been hallucinations… yet they were able to injure me. I don’t know how he freed himself either… He would have to mull over it more later, as he needed to find information, though more than likely, this little stunt was meant to buy time for their entourage to escape. Glaring at the spot he had come from, the meticulous kitsune darts to it, checking for any signs remaining of the strange character, chikara or otherwise, and finds nothing but the natural rift to Makai here. Heading through, he notes the location in Demon World for record, and opening his senses as far as they can reach, nothing stands out to him. The boss warned him… is it Azura? It’s a definite possibility… Once again, a piece of knowledge has slipped through my grasp. Taking the time to look the area over, he doesn’t find any physical remains either, no footprints or otherwise.

They are very thorough, covering their scent trail and all. Returning back to Ningenkai unaccosted, he spots the women still leaned against the wall, softening his gaze as he reminds himself to help them later. I can’t pursue those who escaped, but I can keep investigating this place. Approaching the back door to what he believes is the kitchen or food storage, stepping up quietly to the exit, he uses Shushi Abura liquid to keep the hinges and handle from squeaking. Turning the lever to open the back door, having seen earlier that this exit was not an alarmed one, and already perceiving the four chefs gathered on the far side of the room in the kitchen, he sneaks to the right and into storage easily.

(Sentou Kaishi - Honma Yusuke)

Ears tuned to any minute noise, he mostly hears mundane conversation from the occupants in the previous room, discussing finance troubles, while he examines the shelves surrounding him in the dark. With his enhanced eyesight, he could still gather it was an efficient, and simple layout, two freestanding shelves were far enough from the walls, which were also covered in shelving, so one could push old product to the front and load the new from the back. The space was large enough that several crates were stacked in the corners, and to the center back was a door which must have been the freezer, if the cool temperature emanating from it, and the lack of strong scents were anything to go by. Another set of footsteps approaches the door to the kitchen, and though Kurama knew he was out of sight, he still erred on the side of caution, sinking further into the shadows as a voice inquired rather suggestively, “If I procured more… cuts… could you prepare them for me?”

“After we grade it, sure, we can do that.” Cuts? They cook meat anyone brings? I’ve never heard of that here in Human World…

“I thank you again…” He listens as the man walks away, now taking in the sound of his familiar gait, the words and tone sending the same warnings through his mind as before, in much the same manner as the pianist did. Him again… Looking toward the freezer, he makes a mental memo to check the contents in a moment, instead scrutinizing the room with a discerning eye. The thing that stood out to him the most were the crates he hid beside, especially when he saw no nails holding the top on the one. Something they get into often? Using minimal energy, he summons some vines to lift the lid carefully, and with a peak inside finds several plastic totes. Interesting, not something I’d expect in a kitchen pantry. Manipulating the tendrils further, he lifts the top crate in the air steadily, allowing him to pull a tote out. Sifting through the documents, he notes several receipts, itineraries, numbers, and from the looks of it, recipients and accomplices.

Human trafficking to Makai. It’s as I thought, and with these diligent notes, Spirit World has several individuals to track down. Memorizing the names on the list, he returns the files for Reikai to find later as he turns his attention back to the freezer. Using his plants once again, he opens the door carefully after adding oil to the hinges, the chilled scent of human and demon blood getting much stronger. Don’t tell me… Looking upon the meats hanging toward the back, several are of mundane human variety animals, however… Maneuvering around the full meat hooks without touching any, the scrupulous yôko glares darkly as he spots ones that look eerily familiar, having seen several of their corpses, both marred and prepared in this manner. Not all my marks were sane or moral, certainly…

He holds back a grimace, clenching a fist, he can’t help but wonder if the events are related, but only comes to the most logical conclusion. They can’t do both together, having too many disappearances would gain authoritative and media attention, and not just fodder for the rumor mill, the ladies spurned occupation notwithstanding. If that’s the case… He can’t help the sweat drop of incredulity at this turn in events, for the chances of these things happening at the same time were… Well, they were nearly negligible, and yet, here they are, crossing over like a maniacally weaved thread of fate.

Unbelievable… There are two separate crimes taking place here at the same time.

Now the question was, did these cooks know what it was they stored? Or did they idiotically assume these were cuts of exotic species? Cringing at the thought that these people were unknowingly consuming either, he notes to himself to get rid of these things later, and contact Spirit World as soon as possible. He may also need to interrogate these idiots to find out the truth… I can’t start malicious, as they may yet be innocent parties. To his bewilderment, several new footsteps sound from the alley, heading his way. Swiftly hiding between the crates in the room he’d stolen away in, he watches in curiosity as seven men dressed in varying colored suits and dress clothes come in from the back door. From the tattoos he spotted spiraling past the cuffs of some of the men’s sleeves, and the missing finger on one of them, they weren’t there for pleasant conversation. This just escalated a bit. So the yakuza are involved as well?

Not to mention the bloody odor clinging to them like a second skin, no matter the perfumed products they slather themselves with. Deciding to watch as this goes down, Kurama remains crouched and out of sight, listening to them shake down one of the chefs, something about payment or lack thereof. Sweat dropping slightly, he’s really considering checking the place for curses with this new situation, listening as the leader of this group pushes the fearful cook into some pots and pans. I’d rather not, but I may need to step in to prevent more violence from taking place here. To his greater shock, a throng of naked women come streaking through, screaming hysterically and actually trampling the gang members. What? Running after them were several figures in business attire and… barely any clothes at all, but before they could get through the back door, two lassoes snagged the group, tugging them back and knocking the yakuza down again when they tried to stand.

(Sweet But Psycho - Ava Max)

(I my me - Polysics)

To his further astonishment, he hears the tinkling of Mina’s voice, soothing his soul while simultaneously making him sweat drop heavier as she comes into view… Is she riding on the back of yōkai in human disguise? And if he’s not mistaken… The camouflaged lower level demon was wearing an… overly small harness costume, for women if I’m not mistaken, along with another who came in right behind them, his mischievous beauty along with their newest cowgirl friend riding on their backs.

What... the fuck is going on?

Akemi-san grins in excitement as she cheers, “Woo-hoo~! We caught them Mina-chan!” Narrowing verdant irises at the bottle in her hands, Kurama feels incredulity throughout his entire being as the urge to drop his head in hands overcomes him. Of course, now that I’ve taken in the strangeness of this whole scenario, I can smell the alcohol on their breaths, even… oh Mina... Worse yet, he could smell the same inhibitors on her that the women in the alley had, along with the hysterical bare ones who ran through. She’s been drugged as well? I’ll need to treat her, and soon before anything worse happens to her.

Though he’s a bit reassured of Mina’s health by not only her accuracy while under influence, but also her continued vivaciousness as she sits atop the… interestingly attired apparition. If she’s still able to capture a group of spirits and humans on the run, she’s alright for now… Not only does she have a lasso, made of metal, mind you, she seems to be improvising for lack of a riding crop. With a snap of the leather straps on the man’s back, which causes him to groan and blush, dear lord, he lowers down to the floor, the wild camo woman copying her, letting the ladies stand on their own. With that corseted red number and gloves she’s wearing, she certainly looks like a dominatrix. The sultry smirk she aims at the businessmen has them quailing and rumbling as his impressive femme fatale demands, “What’s this ‘other world’ you were talking about? And where are the other women you took?”

They don’t answer, two in particular glaring at her as she returns the look, hers far more fearsome than theirs as she tilts her head, shadow making her face more severe while her azure irises nearly glow golden. “You know it’ll hurt less if you do, or more, whatever you’re into.” He feels his disbelief grow as he considers while glancing at the group she lassoed, her tenacity is great, to be interrogating them with her position on sensuality while several are not fully dressed… To the ancient spirit’s further surprise, he watches Niko-san saunter in, bemoaning,

“Must we cater to their deviancy? It’s just pathetic.” Meanwhile, the man stuffed into another gimp harness she had on a leash is aglow with heat, her cutting words doing the opposite as he rubs his thighs together for friction, prompting her face to twist in disgust.

“Sorry doll, but they’re still useful.” Glaring fiercely at the men on the floor, Mina demands, “So, now that we’ve caught back up, mind telling us about this little operation you’ve got going on here? Between the kidnappings around here, drugs you’ve used, and the assault, not to mention including the ‘work’ you went on about, I’ve got plenty of questions I want answered.” Before anyone could, the loan sharks seem to come back to themselves as they sit up, growling,

“Who the hell d’ya think ya are?” One of the other’s calls back, trying to talk the fuming hotheads down, but they don’t take heed, snarling maliciously at her. Taking her free hand and tossing wavy blond locks back, looking down at them over her nose, she intones,

“Currently, I’m in an alright mood. If you keep up that attitude, though, you might make me angry. And I’m quite ferocious when angry.” The leather clad subs squeal excitedly while the suits gathered in bundles begin to try to scoot away, some cursing at her under their breaths. Only Mina could cause such chaos… But it sounds like she found the other half of the trafficking ring. One of the men yells before tearing through the metal links, quickly lunging for the guised senshi with demonic speed. Not wasting a second, Kurama bounds from his own hiding spot, catching it’s undisguised clawed hand before it reached her chest, clenching it’s wrist to the point of breaking before growling angrily,

“You will not touch her.” Taking its arm to the side, he tosses it bodily into the alley wall beyond the door, the sound of a crack echoing before he pins it with a rose he withdrew from his hair. Ignoring its screech of pain and the exclamations from the dancers behind Mina, he glances over his shoulder and states,

“You should transform, it’ll be easier to handle them.” Morning glories bloom with a tinge of wrath, before nodding seriously, taking her transformation pen for V out and shouting,

(Galaxy Supernova - Girls Generation)

“Moon Power Transform!” Turning his gaze away from the blinding light, he uses the opportunity to bind the demon he’d thrown with the vines from his flower of choice. Studying the temporarily sightless people around him, he sees only one that seems to have escaped the light show and was trying to flee the scene. Using his own yōkai speed to cut him off, the ex-Makai bandit chops the human gang member on a nerve in his neck, knocking him out cold. When the light fades, he hears V’s voice proudly proclaim, “Taking advantage of innocent people looking for thrills is uncalled for! Codename Sailor V! Soldier of justice! The pretty sailor-suited soldier, Sailor Venus, is on scene!” The mafia and business men are gaping along with the culinary staff, silence consumes the room briefly before two of the yakuza curse and follow the other’s example. Except, Kurama was standing between them and their exit as he calmly remarks,

“You won’t be leaving here, I’m afraid.” Of course, they had no way of knowing what exactly they were up against, and as such, reply,

“Outta tha way pretty boy!” He’s a bit shocked to hear one of the other gang members hiss through his grit teeth again,

"Stand down, you morons!" Though the man tried, like stampeding gazelle, they wouldn’t listen, prompting a sigh from the master martial artist as the runners got within range. He moved quickly, disabling the two the same as the other, his human speed still being too much for them. Another one his heroic partner leapt into the air, kneeing him in the side of his head and knocking him out cold. The strip artists behind her shout out,

“Holy shit Shu-kun! You’re strong as hell! And oh my god! D-did I strip tease Sailor V~!” Although smiling internally at the praise and realization, he looks to the one whose opinion mattered most to him, and is quite surprised when she hops up close to him, nearly nose to nose if not for his height, hands curled into fists beneath her chin, eyes wide with a sparkles as she squeaks excitedly,

“Suteki! That was so cool! You are amazing, Shu~!” Feeling his cheeks tinge faintly with heat, ivy irises expanded for what feels like an eternity, admiring the beauty of her passionate visage. It goes without saying that I would die for you as well, Mina. A tingling warmth consumes him as he smiles at her, tilting his head as he responds,

“Thank you, though you should be paying attention to your targets.” Now sun colored lashes flicker as she seems to come back to herself, nodding she beams at him with a wink and salutes playfully,

“Roger that!” They’re both a bit astounded to hear the mafioso who tried to stop his buddies call out,

"Akemi-chan! Are you alright, doll?" Kurama senses Mina’s incredulity as well, not to mention the subjects coworker as she responds with a chirp,

"Yup! I'm alright, thanks to Sailor V, that is." I suppose I shouldn't be taken aback by all this, considering everything that's happened already… The scruffy man fawns over the dancer enthusiast, who just giggles in return as his energetic soldier blurts,

“Akemi-san! I didn’t know you were with the yakuza!”

“Yup, my uncle is the oyabun’s second in command! I love my uncle to bits, so I got to know the family!” As the two conversed excitedly, the debtors tried to sneak by, likely to escape whatever the mobsters had planned for them. Not yet, I’m not quite done with you two. They startle when the vigilant yōkai stops them, letting shadow consume his visage to add to his imposing figure.

"There are a few questions I have for the two of you, so stay and chat with us for a while, won't you?" The pair sink to the floor while tipping their heads mechanically, nearly in tears as they await their fates. With the loan sharks involved, I’m not surprised. The body salesmen seem to have given up as well, seeing what they were up against and how quickly both fighters took down the unruly gang’s associates, allowing the ladies to bind them with various odds and ends without a fight. At least that bit has been handled. Furious stomping comes from the bar, one the cunning investigator didn’t recognize as a figure fills the doorway, catching everyone’s attention. Hmm, would this be the manager? The possible head of this particular love hotel walks into the room with authority, just as she was done tying the suits up, demanding as he turns his head to eye everyone in the kitchen,

“What in the world is going on here? Who are you people? Explain!” The loud individual’s heart was pumping hard, the scent of rage, drugs, including a hint of the one on the women in the alley, and fluids permeating his being and revealing what Kurama needed to know. He’s involved as well. To his astonishment, his beguiling warrior looks up and with a furious countenance, answers rather coldly,

“Human trafficking, drugs, and assault. It was all happening in your establishment, if your bossy grandstanding is anything to go by. Were you in on it?” Not bad, Mina. The greasy man dressed in tacky finery reels back, as though being slapped across the face. Oh? Hadn’t expected to be accused so soon, did you? His face turns purple with outrage as he fumes,

“What! How dare you accuse me of such a thing, I would never-” Tuning out the words, he listens carefully to the tonal fluctuations and, just as they suspected, the man was hiding something. Interesting, perhaps he’s being paid off for his silence on the matter? And from the scent, he’s also been participating. Taking the reins on the interrogation for a moment, the sly fox asks,

“So you knew nothing about what was happening within this building? That seems quite inept for a business that is supposed to cater to the patron’s needs.” His face is twisted with wrath, just as Kurama wanted as the slovenly boss near screams,

“What did you say to me? I don’t need to explain myself to you! What would you know about running a business anyway, you nobody!” Keeping the humor off his face with difficulty, Kurama returns calmly, much to the idiot’s growing ire,

“We’ve been investigating these disappearances, and as for what it takes to run a business, well, knowing what your employees do on work time is common knowledge. Only the incompetant overlook the actions of their workers, especially when people have gone missing nearby.” Glancing over, he sees Niko-san discreetly pull her phone from a pocket, and with a few presses of the buttons, he’s certain she’s called emergency services as the short tempered oaf’s veins bulge at his temple,

(Unlimited Logic IschmarVI - Noriyuki Iwadare)

“That’s none of your damn business! And who cares what happens to a few worthless prostitutes?” Now he can’t keep the smirk off his face as the tricky kitsune inquires,

“Prostitutes? When have we ever stated what the victims were?” The proprietor's face drains of color, everyone around them watching the exchange raptly, many with differing aromas of anxiety and awe as they wait for how this pans out. He doesn’t give up, however, as he seems to get an idea, coming back smug,

“It’s all over the news! The media loves that kind of crap!” You’re digging yourself deeper, pathetic fool. Giving an entirely vulpine grin, Kurama retorts,

“The media hasn’t covered any of this. Had you said something else, we may have believed you, but fortunately for us, you’re quite bad at covering your trail.” There’s a swift inhale, before the corrupt wretch bellows,

“Why you- there’s nothing here to connect me to those disappearances! You’ve got nothing on me, moron!”

“Not only has my esteemed colleague here gone undercover, and discovered this half’s operation, I met with your ambassador from the otherside, and though he slipped through my grasp, the women he left remain in the alley, cloaked for now and struggling for life. And, I’m sure with a little incentive, some of these traffickers here would give us confirmation on your involvement.” He thought it might come up as one of the mafia members objects,

“Wait, we came from that way, there were no women in that alley!” Nodding, the studious supernatural specialist puts a hand to his chin, extrapolating to clear up any doubts,

“They are camouflaged, you won’t be able to see them. With Sailor V’s help, they’ll become visible once more.” The crowd is understandably shocked, his beloved companion included, while there’s several shouts of astonishment.


“How’s that possible?”

“There’s no way!” Explaining for the other’s sakes, and to ensure he could prove they were guilty beyond any uncertainty, Kurama answers,

“Sailor V’s pure energy will dispel the illusion and allow us to see them. So if the women are revealed…” Mina jumps in with glee,

“Then that means your building is involved, and with all of these witnesses, it’d open an investigation, requiring testimonies from any important parties on the premises at this time, and that includes you, creep!” Putting a hand on her hip, she points at the seething hotel keeper with her palm to the ceiling, three fingers curled and her thumb out to the side with her head cocked to the side, glimmering honey tresses swinging along her back and waist as she orders, “Fess up now, jerkwad, and we may not have to shove justice straight down your throat!” He ground his teeth in frustration, very visibly steaming before declaring,

“Proof! Give me proof that these ‘women’ are in the alley way like you say! Otherwise you’re just spouting hot air!” You won’t weasel your way out of this. With a wave of her hand, she strides to the back door, and though she might not be able to see through the spell, she shouts aloud with her crescent compact between her palms,

“Venus Power, Crescent Shower! Reveal the truth to us and purify these corrupt lies!” Though the others took their eyes from the petty lowlife, the ruthless yôko kept his gaze trained on the swine, grinning darkly when several gasps were released, the ladies' conditions on full display for them.

"I don't believe this…"

“But why couldn’t we see them before?”

"There's been talks on some broadcasts about demons really existing and magic and stuff."

"Yeah, but you don't usually take that crap seriously."

"Well, how do you explain this then, idiot!" He shouldn’t have been surprised the asinine slime would try to deny everything again, and once more, Kurama wouldn’t let him get away with this revolting exploitation. Without question, you will pay for what you’ve done.

“You can’t get me for anything, they only have your word to go off of! And if those scoundrels say anything, they'll regret it!” The lavender performer’s lips tilt in amusement as she turns back toward him, refuting,

“That’s where you’re wrong. I have emergency services on the line at the moment, and they heard this. And we all know that they record every conversation. You are sunk, scum, so turn yourself in quietly.” Kurama’s glowing ray of light adds blithely while stepping protectively in front of Niko-san,

“Not only that, I’ve worked with the police before, and they’ll take my word over yours! You’re done for!” The cur’s screech of anger hurts their ears, multiple veins bulging on his sweaty head as he roars,

“You won’t keep me in there! I’ll be back, and I’ll ruin all of you!” To the logical demon’s shock, it’s the loan sharks who step up, what must be the highest rank of them growling,

“You low life son of a bitch! You won’t get away with nuthin! The pen’ll be the place you r̃ot, temee! I done some shitty things in my life, but hurtin’ women and children?” There’s a deep fury in the mobster’s eyes as he rumbles with bared teeth, shaking his head like the tiger he resembled, “You don’t fuck with ‘em. We got some friends in the slammer, and they’ll enjoy toying with tr̃ash like you, ketsumedo yar̃ou!” They’re not a part of this then. The enraged manager’s face twists as he squawks,

“Some punk ass gangsters want to threaten me? I’ll have your damned heads for this!” Before the situation could escalate further, Kurama darts behind him, hitting the back of his neck and knocking him out for the police that should be coming soon. Standing back to his height again, he looks to the dancer duo as he requests,

“Could you look after the ladies in the alley? They need as much help as you can give them.” Both blink in surprise before nodding with determination, Niko-san assuring quietly,

“We’ll take care of them.” Thanking them solemnly, he’s startled still when she stands in the doorway, turning back to give him a lidded stare and a playful smile as she continues, “And I must admit, you’re one of the most interesting men I’ve had the pleasure of meeting, Shu.” Raising a brow at her, he’s startled further when Akemi-san pipes in from around her form,

“For sure! You’re stronger than you look!” Chuckling gingerly, the part-time detective replies,

“Thank you. And it’s been interesting working with you both.” The two move out to the alley as, to his astonishment, the leader of the yakuza nods to him with a grin,

“A ladies man, eh? Gotta say, this wasn’t how this was ‘spose to go down, but it wasn’t a full waste. It’s nice to know guys like you are out here protectin’ women, no matter their occupation.” Not sure when he gained so many strangers’ respect, he decides it wasn’t important as Kurama returns,

“And I’m glad you aren’t involved with this. I had my doubts at first, I have to admit.” Shaking giant sawtoothed chops that lead into similarly pointy side spiked hair, the head of this little group sneers at the unconscious body on the floor,

“Notta chance.“ Glancing back at the shaking food service employees, he threatens lowly, "You're lucky, you got one more week to get the money, otherwise you'll be donating your organs to pay off your debt, got it?" The ones who owed nod frantically, nearly falling over with relief as the embodiment of tigers turns toward the reborn fox to continue, “We’re gonna blow this joint before the cops get in. Rather not deal with that mess.” Interesting, he’s indirectly asking if I’ll stop them. Not seeing any reason to now with their lack of involvement, Kurama instead offers,

“I’d advise splitting up your men and going different ways at intervals, it’ll look less suspicious.” The brown haired tiger grins big as he guffaws,

“Damn! I knew I liked you for a reason! We got room for more if you wanna join. We could use a guy like you.” You haven’t the slightest. Sweat dropping from the irony of the position extended to him, the previous terror of demon treasuries refutes,

“I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on that, but thank you for the offer.”

“Ah well, our doors always open if you want to really live life.” Oh, if only they knew… Just bobbing his head to the group, the ‘big cat’ of the group tips his head to Mina as well, congratulating,

“You’re just as strong as they say, V-san. Hopefully we don’t end up on opposing sides one day.” She beats sunflower lashes as she hums,

“Well, you’re a lot more decent than any other yakuza I’ve met, so I don’t have any worries.”

“Heh, I like your spunk, little lady. With that kinda faith, I won’t worry either. So long, tantei, Sailor V.” He watches with a slight smile as they gather their downed members like rice sacks, and do as he suggested while splitting off after saying goodbyes to Akemi-san. He huffs with laughter to himself while Mina snorts,

That was unexpected! Akemi-san knows the yakuza, the trafficking ring, the yakuza being here, and… wait, earlier you said you met his ‘ambassador from the other side,’ what did you mean?”

“I’ll have to explain that later, with fewer ears around.”


“You two,” The culinary specialists jump at being addressed, quivering where they stood as Kurama questions,

(You Know What I Mean - Dated)

“The meat in this freezer, do you know with 100% certainty what they all are?” They take baffled glances at one another before answering,

“Uh, to be honest, most of them, yeah, we know the animal it’s from. But there’s a few that one of our co-workers brings in to have made for himself, and any others who ask for something special.” Resisting the urge to curl his lip in revulsion, he doesn’t hear a lie from the ones words, nor the heart rate or hormones increase from the others, assuring him of their innocence in this case. They really had no idea… Glaring down at them, he rumbles darkly,

“Don’t give them to anyone else.” Both bob their heads swiftly as he turns to Mina and orders, “Don’t eat anything offered by anyone. I’m going to go check us out and will handle it momentarily.” She stares at him in confusion as she asks immediately,

“What? What do you mean, ‘handle’ it? Shu-kun, what’s going on now?” Narrowing his gaze at the freezer, he hedges,

“I’ll tell you this later as well, for now, please let it go, Mina.” He had expected her to pick a little more, her curiosity great, but thankfully she seemed to heed his tone as she pouted up at him for a moment. Then, after reading something within his pleading gaze, closes her eyes and sighs, giving him an understanding look,

“Alright. I’ll keep my questions for now. I got this handled, so go do what you gotta do. And… thank you, Shu.” Crimson lashes flutter as he stares in bewilderment at her while she chimes, “You protected me. I wasn’t expecting him to move so fast. Thank you for keeping an eye out for me.” Lidding leafy green irises faintly, Kurama murmurs heartfully,

“You needn’t thank me. I’ll always do what I can to keep you safe.” Delphiniums expand in awe, her cheeks lighting up as she flicks her stare down in embarrassment, a gloved hand coming up to touch her face. Smirking in mirth, he traces the pair of eyes on him, finding the dancer duet’s heads peeking in the doorway, grinning at him in a knowing manner, their humor growing with him catching them. Huffing with a ‘don’t make trouble’ expression, Niko-san and Akemi-san titter and go back to helping the women in the alley, leaving him to make the trip back to their room. Speaking quickly with the receptionist, the boy from before confirms its vacancy with that same, envious look as the tickled vulpine turns back the way he came.

(Ulotnosc Mysli - Whitenoiseblackvoid)

Passing by the room with the apparition within, he sniffs unobtrusively, checking to ensure nothing untoward had happened, and once again coming up with nothing, assuring him once and for all of their lack of involvement. Noticing a presence drift to his side, he quickly twists to face them as their gravelly voice inquires, “Would you like to join us?” Narrowed eyes focus on the volcanic rock yōkai standing in front of him, gem encrusted body relaxed as Kurama denies,

“I’m quite fine, thank you. I would expect someone of your carriage to find such human conventions tedious.” Their lips tilt minutely as they expound,

“I find their pursuit of worldly pleasures intriguing, as I’m sure you do. The human’s innovations on the subject are almost awe inspiring, are they not?” Meeting their true forms multicolored irises, he responds,

“They can be.” Studying them closer, he notices some of the gemstones missing from his hands, though already there was another peaking through a few spots on their lava rock skin. Interesting, those are removable? That’s when he recalls their species, though now they weren’t considered a part of this case, the information would always be useful for future reference. Ishi Akuma - An extremely rare jeweled yōkai whose body produces many similarly rare and precious gems, and are hunted for the ability. They’re nomadic because of this and are extremely difficult to find. Bowing forward slightly, the regally held apparition questions,

“You came in with the gorgeous blond, correct? A party of three? And yet, you do not possess the glow of satisfaction about you.” Yet here this one stands, much older and more powerful than any record I’ve seen, fearlessly enjoying the pleasures of Ningenkai... Moving from in front of their door, he lids his gaze at the light gold suited Ishi Akuma calmly and retorts,

“I’m here to investigate only, nothing more.” They nod in content, reaching for the door handle before they infer with their back to him,

“Ah, and you suspected that I might be involved with whatever grievances. I seek this world’s flavors, not war.” It glances back at him slowly, meeting his eyes calmly while sharing, “As a parting gift for realizing I was innocent, I’ll let you in on a little secret, brother. The one you seek moves without observation.” Narrowing his gaze, the concerned protector demands,

“What do you mean?” Turning back toward the door, they proffer,

“This area has had many problems, you’ve only found one. And it consumes beauty most of all.” What? He wonders what they’re getting at, when they walk into their room, closing the door gradually as they look back at him one more time. Their colorful stare says many things, but what caught his attention most is their emphasis on consumption.

If I procured morecuts… could you prepare them for me?”

He’s still after Mina! Emerald irises flash with wrath as he rushes quickly back through the bar, gaining exclamations from the patrons which he ignored easily. Upon reaching the scene, he spots her just turning back toward the pianist who was raising some wire above her head. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as her blond tresses formed a halo around her form, her doe-eyes wide in shock as the monster swung the cable down to wrap around her neck. Not wasting a moment the Kurama bounds forward and hits the man in the back of his head, sneering at the scent of human and demon flesh on him, though he was thankful that his sun drenched tenshi had the forethought to raise that nearly indestructible compact up. If she could get her armor in, she would have been able to strike back and save herself. Glaring angrily at the form dropping from the hit, incensed rogue hears her squeak,

“Darn you’re fast!” Kneeling down and tying a twisted towel around the man’s wrists, he explains,

“I thought this man might be our target, but he wasn’t involved with the trafficking.” Her usually expressionate eyes glaze over, staring at the floor as she whispers,

“But you were right about watching out for him… and he was about to…” Shading his face with rose bangs, he confirms,

“Yes, he was the one who watched you with hunger.” One who devours demons and his own. Glancing back up at her, he watches her swallow uneasily as she wraps her gloved arms around herself, emotions flowing through her again, thankfully, as she exhales shakily, lashes fluttering closed as she breathes in deeply,

“What a relief that he was caught. He kept me from feeling his eyes when I talked to him earlier, so I couldn’t…” Having tied the man down well, the stove staff came in from the alley having given the women some wrapping they found. Chirping like frightened birds at the new body added to the tally, he exhales to himself quietly, explaining to them quickly what they didn’t know. That there was another predator among their numbers. “Shu-kun…” Her melancholy lilt has him twisting back toward her in mild panic, wanting to rid her of the thoughts as she continues, “Thank you. If you weren’t there…”

“You were not helpless. Had I not interfered, you already had a plan to save yourself.”

“Still, you deserve it for being so quick!” Mina clenches her hands on her elbows, tightening her arms into herself as she adds, “You warned me about him, and I could feel something wrong. Yet he seemed so friendly, I would have doubted myself if I hadn’t been on guard the whole time.” Although a warrior in every way, she still holds such purity… He wants to hide her from the world, to protect that kindness she’s kindled for the sake of her princess, yet he wants her to become stronger, more confident in herself. It’s quite the dilemma… He wasn’t one who hid the truth from others, skewing things by omission? Certainly, but she seemed to be looking for answers, and it would be a disservice to her to deny her the choice. You’re not alone, Mina. Whatever you may feel, you can share with others. With me.

“Wicked souls disguise themselves as ordinary people to lure their victims in. You cannot always be prepared for it, because to do so would condone anyone who might have a chance to change.” Someone like me… Kurama stands from his handiwork and analyzes the other criminals who were apparently bound with several cloths tied together, and moving over them to ensure the knots hold, tugs on them several times, waiting for a reaction from her.

(Vermillion pt. 2 bloodstone remix - Slipknot)

“‘Wicked souls…’” Her forlorn tone draws his gaze to her, enticing his eyes to soften at her bowed head as she seems to debate something internally. This is why I didn’t wish you to be involved, Mina. This darkness is insidious and taints even the purest of hearts. Taking her hand gently, when he’s sure she’ll follow, he puts the other palm on her back, leading her out the back door and away from where the actress duet were tending to the listless women. She’s disturbingly lifeless as they trek to the other side of the building and past several small, darkened shops as the caring botanist turns her toward him, holding her by the shoulders.

“Are you alright?” She nods blankly, facade becoming impassive while the smell of turmoil obscures the pretty vigilante’s natural bouquet.

“I’m fine.” Tilting her head back toward him and drawing his energy out to caress her back, he presses his forehead against hers, murmuring tenderly,

“Please don’t lie to me. I won’t think any less of you for showing weakness to me.” Lapis gems flick up to meet his forest, her features distorted by the mask as she asks softly,

“Really?” Humming quietly, the lovestruck botanist assures,

“Yes. You are always safe expressing yourself to me.” Pulling her into his embrace, he gently wraps his arms around her, relaxing along with her at the warmth emanating from her small form and drawing his ki across her back tenderly. Pressing his nose against her head, he takes in her gradually content perfume to clear out the other odors and replace them with hers. Just as he’s managed to calm her with their soul bonding, his instincts have him tensing, warnings going off as he glances around cautiously, triggering her to question,

“What’s wrong?” Pressing his finger to her lips without looking, then rotating her to where she was behind him while he tried to find the source of his intuition, wrapping an arm behind him to keep her shielded. He keeps himself poised for attack if need be, so when an ear splitting crack echoes around them, he chokes and his sight trembles from the strain. The few seconds it took to recover from the noise, he felt a push on his back, and as he was falling, he turned and watched in horror as a gangly, large bony arm took a hold of Mina. Springing from his hand back to his feet, he pounces toward her but her body is dragged too swiftly into the wall, her heart-rending scream of panic the last thing he heard before she disappeared. Teeth grit in fury, his form messily shifts as he opens his more acute senses, claws piercing his palm yet his face settled into an aloof visage.

When nothing catches his attention on his aural, auditory, and olfactory perception, he stalks toward the wall she disappeared through, pressing his free hand against it. There’s no indentation, nor any sign a portal was here, there’s not even a scent trail from wherever it came from. Narrowing citrine irises, he growls lowly, bearing his fangs at the helplessness felt while a sweat drop rolls down his temple from holding this form with so little energy. Giving her my energy has turned against me in a way I could never have imagined. Clenching the fist against the building, silver bangs hide his silently seething expression as he hopes against hope that she remains alright until he can find her again.

This area has had many problems,” The missing prostitutes, the corrupt manager, the businessman making deals between worlds… and the ‘special’ meats consumer…

you’ve only found one. And it consumes beauty most of all.” He had thought the apparition was talking about the human devourer…. But he should have known. Why would a demon fear a single ordinary human for his disturbing tastes? I was careless!

Because they weren’t talking about a human .

In the colorless hush that preceded her disappearance, he breathes a name that’s become so precious to him...



I’ll give you a hint, Mina’s not been taken where you think she has…

The devourer was inspired by both the Happy Mask Salesman for looks (He’s also undeniably creepy, but super cool XD) and this description of American Psycho’s inspiration from Christian Bale, who based it on Tom Cruise’s interview on ‘Late Night with David Letterman’ Christian Bale had said, 'He has an intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes.'

Demon Orhmu - Inspired by the Ohmu from Nausicaa

Sago Palm toxicity,

Active meditation,

Meditation and Martial arts,

Shushi しゅし - Seed, seed pit.

Abura あぶら - Oil, An oil is any substance that is liquid at ambient temperatures and does not mix with water but may mix with other oils and organic solvents. This general definition includes vegetable oils, volatile essential oils, petrochemical oils, and synthetic oils.

Shortening of fingers is a Yakuza thing, where if one makes a mistake or offends the boss, the finger is cut off and offered to the boss as atonement.

It’s a Yakuza thing to roll the r’s in their words, so I have it here as this, ‘ r̃ ’ Surprisingly, for a criminal syndicate that deals drugs, prostitution, and extortion, they do have a moral compass, and probably wouldn’t abide hurting women and children. (If they do, well… these ones don’t, lol)

Oyabun おやぶん - Yakuza boss, boss; leader; kingpin; chief; head (e.g. of a crime syndicate)

Suteki すてき - lovely; wonderful; nice; great; fantastic; superb; cool

Tenshi てんし - Angel

石 悪魔
Ishi Akuma - Jewel Devil. Ishi いし - 1. Stone 2. jewel; precious stone, Akuma あくま - Devil

Something about Mina being able to dispel the illusion here, in the Sailor Moon series, whenever an illusion pops up, the senshi falls for it every time. However, if, a; one of them figures out it’s an illusion, they can will their way out of it. Or b; if Sailor Moon uses her purification abilities on it and dispels it for everyone else. I did it in the first chapter, showing off Mina’s purification ability from the Sailor V manga as it’s actually a pretty important bit here. As for the Yu Yu Hakusho aspect, the closest thing they have to purification is Genkai’s technique she used on the human team from Itchigaki, which still isn’t quite purification, as it encourages one's own will to overcome control. The other instance is Sensui’s Sacred Energy, which is still not quite right either, so the Sailor Moon half is all we have to rely on for how yōkai energy reacts to purification.

Even Botan’s healing energy isn’t considered purifying, nor Koenma’s, but thankfully, Sailor Moon does, in fact, have a few handful of instances where yōkai attack, so there is a point of reference in at least one of the series.

One thing to also note about yōkai in Japanese mythology is it’s a blanket term for any spirits, supernatural entities, and other natural manifestations in their culture. As such, it includes a lot of different things, both good and evil as yōkai can be both. In the Sailor Moon manga, you have Touhi from the ‘Melancholy of Makoto,’ and Bonnoun from ‘Ami’s First Love,’ Sistern from ‘Rei and Minako’s Girl School Battle.’ As for the Codename Sailor V manga, Mina purifies Nyanyan, and sideways purifies ChuuChuu (With a… ‘Venus Brand Mosquito Repellent Incense Typhoon,’ which incense is used to purify the air, so I’m rolling with it), but Wanwan just gets dunked XD.

So I’m a huge Ace Attorney fan too, and, well, Kurama would make a good Edgeworth/Mitsurugi here :D I’m not nearly as talented at writing out those wacky scenarios as Shu Takumi and the other writers of the series, but I had fun with this and it makes a little sense? Hopefully…

So a little confession, I based Akemi’s look and some personality off of Mina in the PGSM series, with loads of extra goofiness, and Niko off of Rei, with a little more snobbiness as an homage to the Reinako ship. I’m sure it’s super weird, but I really like all the different ships for both series, and though Kuranako is my OTP, I wanted to give the others a little nod (other than the complicated stuff the senshi has going on.) So eventually you’ll see some hints to some of the others (I probably won’t be able to fit ALL of them in, unfortunately, but I’ll try) I’ve already got the set up for another, they just need to be seen together.

Chapter 15: Test of the Heart



Dark Themes: Psychological and emotional conflict, religious reference

Yūrei ゆうれい - ghost; specter; spectre; apparition; phantom

Kaijin Jyosei - Kaijin かいじん - ash; embers; complete destruction

Jyosei じょせい - Woman, female

Dansei だんせい - Male, man

Bouken ぼうけん - adventure; venture

Douken どうけん - insight; discernment

Iie いいえ - No, nay.

Kyūkonki (吸魂鬼, literally translated as "Spirit-Sucking Demon")

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mina in Another World...

Art by @alicezap

(Eliezer’s Waltz - Disparition)

Minako tried prying the flaky hand from her wrist, cringing when her fingers slipped and came away with a dark gray powder, like touching a moth and just as awful. She shakes herself from her stupor and shouts, “Let me go!” It’s now she sees the place she’s been dragged to, and quite honestly, it’s one of the strangest places she’d ever seen. That’s saying a lot considering I’ve been all over the galaxy. It looked like a black and white marbled world covered in cigarette tar and peeling ash, plumes of brown, gray, and black smoke curling about and just as hard to breathe in. Yuck! Get me out of this disgusting place! Grabbing her Sailor Crystal, she exclaims, “Venus Crystal Power, Make Up!”

Cringing, her body is consumed with pain as her V transformation unravels from around her, but the energy from her senshi transformation doesn’t enfold her. I’m still too weak to henshin as Sailor Venus! Shuichi’s energy can only be used for my human body! Glaring at the charcoal hooded creature shedding cinder, she demands furiously, “What are you, and what do you want with me?” It’s then she feels it, what should have been love glowing from within is more like the scent and look of lighting a tiny match, the small flame devouring itself and stinging her Love’s sense. She cringes at the sensation, its voice slithering into her head adding more shivers up her spine, leaving what felt like a sludge trail in her mind.

Oh sweet child, your energy so pure. Your beauty will sustain me for centuries more.” Ocean waves widen in dread as its other digits fly up to grip her neck, causing her to choke desperately for breath, digging her fingernails in a bid for freedom. ‘Yes, struggle with all your might, child. Despair gains a delectable spice after all hope has slowly drained away.’ Opening her mouth to try and take in air, she feels tears at the corners of her lashes and saliva dribbling from the corner of her mouth. I gotta… get my transformation pen out! It begins to draw energy from her, making her weaker with every second, every nail she digs into the brittle shell loosening as spots cloud her vision. No! No! Darkness creeps from the edge of her sight, gradually tunneling her eyesight until only a small image of the cloaked bakemono’s featureless face remained. Suddenly a loud bark and screech echoes around her dully, like hearing sound under water as the scene before her changes, her body ragdolling to the ground senselessly.

Coughing dryly, she rolls onto her side numbly, spitting out the dribble and trying to get to her elbows, turning her head toward her would be savior. The vulnerable senshi is shocked to see a small silver fox with its teeth dug into the monstrosity’s neck, a black icor splashing from the wounds as she works harder to sit up on her elbows. Panting heavily, she pushes herself up with strain, forcing her knees beneath her hips as her spun gold locks pooled next to her sweating arms. Glaring up at the battle happening near her, she clenches her fingers against the shaking in her limbs, cursing herself all the while as the creature tosses the kit from its throat, bellowing its anger and revealing the cloak was, in fact, its skin sloughing off. Kami, that’s gross! But at least now I can get to my pen! Pushing herself slowly to her feet, panicked azure irises watch as the monster closes on the snarling little vulpine, reminding her to grab the pen while leaning over, holding it up and calling, “Moon Power, Transform!”

With a flash of light, and slight disorientation on her part from sitting up so fast, her attire changes into her Sailor V suit, even though it’s not as strong, it’s her only option right now. Stumbling slightly from dizziness, she nearly gags from vertigo as she holds up the compact with both hands, snarling, “Hey nasty! You should look in a mirror!” It turns toward her as she rasps, “Venus Crescent Beam!” The pillar of light captures its form and reflects it within the mirror, purifying its negativity and wiping it from existence in a blinding instant. Collapsing hard to her knees, she wheezes with a hand to her chest and the other wobbling as it barely keeps her up. The adrenaline was slowly ebbing away, leaving her heavy body weaving side to side, until a fuzzy snout brushed her cheek, a wet tongue flicks her ear sadly as Minako tries to focus on it. Like Artie… When he smoothes against her face with his nose again, it knocks against her mask as she huffs in humor,

(The Bridge - Unwoman)

(Ghost I - Nine Inch Nails)

“Hey, watch what you’re doing… little stinker!” His responding chuff has her tinkling with laughter as she asks, “What are you? I didn’t think anything else could live here...” Rubbing along her arm like a cat, she blinks and huffs at his cuteness.

Even as she realizes it is definitely not a normal fox.

He helped me, and my senses aren’t reacting badly… So it can’t hurt to trust him right? Conviction lighting her masked features, she chimes breathlessly, “Yeah, I’ll figure that out later. I really need to get out of here.” Clamping her teeth, she pushes herself back to her unstable feet, lurching slightly, before gathering her balance back and ambling forward recklessly. Gasping for breaths, she stops every few steps, nearly blacking out each time as the furry little thing whines at her in worry. Ugh, why do I feel so weak, Shuichi gave me some of his energy, so… It’s then she remembers the monster stealing some of it.

It must have been what he gave to me. Even while he’s not here, he’s still protecting me… Closing her eyes and taking a small, shuddering breath of ashy air, she coughs a bit before opening one eye to assure, “I’m alright little guy, I just gotta… put some pep to my step, ne?” The adorable-little-ghost-kitsune spins in a circle happily before he seems to trot in a particular direction, leading her to ask, “Are you taking me somewhere?” He nods with a vulpine grin, bushy tail wagging happily as he begins to walk in that direction, getting her to cry out, “Wait! Ah, umm… As long as I go in that direction, can I carry you?” He blinks in what looks like puzzlement, considering her request before he lopes back to her, sitting at her feet patiently.

Giggling happily, the cheered senshi kneels down and scoops him into her already heavy arms, holding his feet with that arm while the other snuggles him to her chest. His fuzzy head and large ears rub her neck and chin as he nuzzles against her, making her titter in joy and push herself to hold him carefully, whispering, “Thank you. I feel better holding you already!” He bark-squeaks at her, encouraging her answering laughter as he nestles into her sailor suit top, tickling the top of her breasts with fluffy silver fur. “He-hey! That tickles, you silly thing!” He chitters at her, snorting playfully so the air brushes her throat and chest that he wasn’t leaning into. Threading her fingers through his thick fluff for comfort, she looks back up at the expansive ruinous world she’s found herself in. It was disorienting, light reflecting in some spots, while others seemed to infinitely absorb it, leaving her reluctant to go near them. Actually, what am I even walking on? Shifting her armful with a twist to the side, staring down at the patch of white she stood on, not looking solid at all, yet it was better than the smears of ash and fog that filled most of the space.

Taking a deep inhale, she takes small, hesitant steps forward, being consoled by the sweet little specter as she wanders in the interminable space. Eventually, the only light around her becomes the glowing cracks in her surroundings, along with brown clouds that float about, being strangely able to emit their own dull shine. Several times, the glimmers shone just right, enough to make her shut her aching eyes and falter as she dragged her feet, prompting him to nip at a few strands of her hair, the tug startling her enough to bring her back to attention. Smiling wanly, she mutters while nestling in wooly fuzz, “Thank you. I needed that.” He butts his head against her clavicle, warming her heart and seemingly revitalizing her with his little signs of affection. Petting the metallic fleece more, she staggers her way through the dismal clouds surrounding them, lapis gems trying desperately to stay open in this nightmare like world of shadows and light.

The dazed warrioress isn’t sure how long she limped along, her floofy tag-along tweaking her hair to keep her focused, and if she stumbled off course, he guided her back with a pluck and a point of his nose. Why are you helping me little guy? The lights shimmering from the cracks around her shift hard into her eyes, forcing her to flinch away involuntarily, pressing her face into her buddy’s smelless fluff to escape the agony in her retinas. Feeling his whiskers caress against her cheek, he yanks on her tresses slightly, enough to reluctantly draw her leaden head from its comfy-tiny body. Pouting tiredly at him, she’s bewildered to see she’d been walking while not looking... or did the space shift? I wouldn’t be surprised, I can’t feel much of anything other than this awful exhaustion.

Concentrating on what she could, a faint ki she recognizes but can’t recall at the moment pulses, revealing a gap that looks different than everything else she’s seen in this place. Is that… burnt wood? The charred grains could barely be made out until she got closer, her nose telling her that something was still burning. Hugging the guiding-cutie in her arms closer, she swallows nervously as she stares at the luminous red-orange lining some of the edges, the floor on the other side alight as well. Glancing behind her, the way she had come seems endless, whereas this dimmed fire pit at least looks slightly different. Oh well, nothing discerned, nothing gained right? Stepping forward warily, the sound of crackling and snapping sends shivers down her spine as she waddles cautiously across the blackened floorboards. Instead of squeaking like she had thought they might, the spots she stepped on seemed to groan, as though her weight was too much for it in its current state.

Where am I? Dragging her feet slightly when she stumbled forward, she’s unprepared for the vicious sounding growl from the little fox’s throat, fur bristling as she felt insatiably jealous eyes on her. Kami… There’s so many eyes… What's going on? Minako feels a shiver crawl down her spine as she spots the owners of the unsettling gazes, her heart in her throat as she tries not to take in too much detail of these disgusting creatures. As if that thing earlier wasn’t enough. They looked like burnt corpses, flesh and clothes peeling from bone as glowing, spectral pupils floated in empty skulls. But… these are different from that one… What frightened her the most about them wasn’t the state of their bodies, or the glowing eyes, but the severe lack of love emanating from within. Instead, a gluttonous hunger festered like an open wound, their souls void-like and seeming to suck her in, grasping perilously at her in hopes of taking something she embodied so fully.

This… this is horrible. What are they?

Their malicious desire to take everything she was away and keep it covetously had her stomach dropping below her feet, her heart twisting at the completely warped nature of these creatures. And yet… they don’t feel like the thing that grabbed me earlier. I think they’re…


Stormy seas widened in horror at the conclusion, the intense and violent envy she was surrounded with had her unconsciously tightening her grip on the furious furball in her arms. No. Calming herself into a stoic bravado, she remembers determinedly, I am Sailor Venus, Guardian of Love and Beauty. The Goddess Venus incarnate, assigned to protect my princess. I have to get back, I need to be by her side. And…

A playful, handsome, warm smile crosses Shuichi’s face in her mind, adding longing to her myriad of emotions.

(The Curse - Agnes Obel)

There are people I have to protect! I can’t falter!

Bringing her guard up sharply, the bolstered vigilante’s mask-clad-eyes narrow, even as fatigue threatens to pull her under, her arm holding the small fox’s feet slips slowly into her pocket for her weapon, her other still holding his waist. Spreading her feet apart gradually, her fingers brush the metal of the Crescent Compact as an incredibly deep, smoky rumble draws her attention.

“That’s a good look, keep that up and you might just make it out of here.”

Shocked, she glances in the direction of the gruff voice as it continues from the doorway at her left, “Run along, I’ll keep them here.” When she studies her would-be rescuer, cornflower irises expand as they take in a very tall man, over 182 centimeters (6’), skin gray and cracked, blackened from burns with most of it on his limbs. A long, possibly muddy green trench coat and what must have been regular, unwashed blue jeans at some point, now were slowly smoldering at the ankles and wrists, any shoes he might have worn were long turned to ash as well. What was most distinctive though, was his face, all harsh angles and more European in appearance than she’d expected of someone in this place, his hair in a standard military crew cut as calm, bloodshot hazel irises regard her evenly. Putting a stiffness in her body she most certainly didn’t feel, she makes her way toward him and the doorway to a dense, reddened and glowing fog.

It’s from the fires burning… How long has this been... Subtly embracing the protective kit, Minako pads over to the man’s side and when she passes him, she turns back to ask him, “Why are you helping me?” With his back still to her, the intimidating man answers simply,

“There’s not too many silver foxes around. If that one’s with you, then he’ll probably want to see you again. Do me a favor when you get back. Tell the redhead that he’ll need to get a hold of his friends to close this portal.” She blinks, about to inquire about who the fox belongs to when he continues, “I owe a friend of his my thanks. And… the living don’t belong in a place like this. Your soul is too bright... too pure for a place like this.” This place… It can’t be… Could it? With a saddened expression, she tilts her head slightly, mumbling with a melancholy tinge,

“You’re not coming?”

“Don’t worry about any of us. We’re all here for a reason.” They keep themselves here? Or… are they being kept here? Cuddling her comfort-bundle closer, she bows her head mournfully while lilting,

“Thank you. I won’t forget this. Could I have your name?” He puts a hand in his pocket, his head leaning back as though looking up into the heavens while admitting,

“Those who find themselves in a place like this leave their names among the living.” This place… it would make anyone feel like atonement is out of reach… Her heart aches heavily, her face becoming somber as the soldier within recognizes the sound of guilt, prompting her to intone,

“Someone who has the capacity to protect something is never beyond redemption. I hope that someday, you find what you are looking for here.” She hears the smile in his voice when he responds,

“That’s more than I could ever ask for. Thank you.” Sun kissed hair swishes gently with her movements as she walks away, each step agonizing as she concentrates on keeping steady, her heart in her throat as she leaves the loathsome ghouls with the kind man behind her. I know the darkness of guilt, and sometimes, living with it is a hell in itself. Maybe then… that place is an escape for him… experiencing excruciating spiritual pain to distract him from what torment lives in his heart. Her eyes burn with unshed tears, vocal cords closing with repressed sorrow as she pushes herself further away, leaving all of them to their suffering. Love’s personification feels snuffling against her chin and remembers the ball of fur in her arms, warming her soul as he huddles closer to her neck and easing her own pain. Wanting to reassure him, she croaks,

“It’s okay… I’ll be okay. We just have to keep going.”

She’s barely conscious of how long it took. Step by exhausted step, by aching step, she stumbled forward, the scenery shifting the slightest and becoming a thick darkness, considering the fires she left behind, with no other illumination around her. All she can comprehend is the bone deep fatigue, that is, until her companion leaps from her arms, startling her. “Ah! Wait, where are you going?” Standing on his hind legs, he presses into something as though to try and push through, and as strange as it seemed, there really shouldn’t have been anything where his paws were. “Something is there… Should I…” He yips excitedly, bushy tail wagging and ears perked as she puts a hand above her kitsune friend, the air rippling as she chimes like a prayer, “Shuichi…” To her awe, she hears his smooth baritone like words through water as he hesitates,

“Mina? Mina, is that you? Where are you?” Black dots dance across her vision as she trembles,

“Yeah… the wall is… undulating like waves on water. Maybe we just need to…” Focusing as much power into her hands as she could, she quavers as her sight tunnels, panting heavily as the sound of the kit barking at her feet slowly penetrates her ears. She’s shocked when she finally notices that the same ki is emanating from her skirt pocket, and as she glances down, her body tilts forward, air rushing past her like a tornado. The change is so drastic, an amazing warmth she hadn’t realized she was missing seeps back into her body, and the face of her handsome, kind redhead appears before her. Is this a dream? Am I really… She can’t help the tears on her lashes while she spread her arms to wrap around him, inciting Minako to shout in elation,

“Shuichi!” Maybe it was her delirious mind whispering beautiful lies her heart wants for truth, but he looked so happy to see her. More than happy… As she falls into his cozy chest, being enveloped by him entirely, his natural scent calms her frazzled nerves while she relaxes bonelessly against him. His elated expression… it looked like… his greatest wish had just been fulfilled. He lowers them down to their knees, his strong embrace easing all her worries as he whispers against her ear,

“Mina… Thank goodness. Are you alright?” Fluttering her eyes closed in relief, she burrows her nose into his neck as she mutters,

“Someone… helped me. He said to tell you… to call your friends to close this portal.” She can feel his confusion as he inquires quietly,

He told you to tell me? But who-” She’s no longer listening, now that the dangers were gone, her body needed to heal, and with him, she would be safest. The sweet, brilliant love in his heart soothing her into an alleviating sleep as she clings to the feeling, knowing that here, in his arms, love wasn’t scarce.

There was someone in his life whom he loved dearly, and though she may not be his most precious person, he was still happy to see her again.



____________ ~Kurama~ ____________



(Corsican Corridor - Yuki Kajiura)

He was in a kneeling position for a while, having changed back from his yōkai form to conserve energy at some point, and only later would he recount the exact time. Clenching his fingers against the wall, he notes some footsteps heading his way, and from the sound, they were their two newest acquaintances, likely hearing the horrid crack in the air when the portal opened. Standing and masking his distress, he glances at them as they stand at his side, Niko-san asking worriedly,

“What was that sound? Are you alright? Wait, where’s V-san?” Gone. Hiding his bleeding hand in his pocket, Kurama states,

“I’m not quite sure, the noise was incredibly disorienting, and I lost sight of V-san going after it.” Both were immensely concerned, and so were the chefs who peeked out from around the doorway curiously, but to assuage their fears, yet unable to fully quench his own, he concludes, “V-san is strong. Whatever it was, it likely regrets garnering her attention.” The duo smile lightly, bobbing their heads while Akemi-san grins at him mischievously,

“That’s so true. Well, as long as you’re okay, we’ll get back to helping the girls and waiting for the cops.” Tilting his head in return, he looks up at the wall while agreeing,

“That would be best. And do be careful when you investigate sounds like that. You never know what might be waiting for you.” The two gain grave expressions as the flower themed dancer consoles him,

“Don’t worry, we won’t go looking for trouble, not after all of this. But, like you just said, V-san will be there if we need her, right?” Shaded emerald gems stare quietly at them, the pair seemingly having unwavering faith now, just from his words, adding forlorn to his pool of nearly unmanageable emotions. They didn’t see her get taken, her scream of panic, nor the fact that she is an ordinary woman in many ways, and yet… Allowing the faint light of the moon to illuminate his face, he nods his head at them, confirming,

“Yes. She told me so once herself.” Glancing at the fraction of the celestial body above them, he continues, “She has a special attachment to her name, and can hear when someone calls out for her while in danger.” When there’s only silence for his words, the despondent fox looks back upon them, their faces awe filled as the playful cowgirl mutters,

“That’s amazing… Now I really want to be like V-san!” She takes on a rather terrible impression of a fighting pose, likely imitating what she’d seen on TV and making a silly face while doing it. “She’s so cool, and strong too! And super pretty! Ooh! Maybe I should dress like V-san and grow my hair out for the next show! How well do you think it’d sell?” He chokes on a breath, and though he worried for the subject herself, the conversation was certainly humorous, garnering a sigh from her opposite who crosses her arms, shaking ebony locks disbelievingly,

“You’re already mimicking the idol Aino, Minako-san. Now you want to abuse V-san’s popularity too?” What? The two aren’t paying attention to his guard dropping at the new knowledge, just continuing to chatter as usual.

“She’ll be even more popular!”

“At least hold off on that thought while she’s chasing another criminal for our sake, and we’ll do what we can for the women here too.”


“Come on, Akemi-san. We’ll be over there if you need us, Shu-san”

“Fine~! I’m coming!” Kurama was still quite stunned, unable to do more but wish them safety as they wandered away.

“Be careful, ladies.”

“Hai~!” Although rather amusing that she was mimicking Mina doubly, he didn’t have the heart to tell them she may not be able to save them this time. That she was taken, not going after another threat. They have faith in her. Perhaps, even while knowing the truth, I should as well. Tightening his fist, he studies the waning crescent above him, trying desperately to channel some of its peace even while overwhelmed by darkness. Please… please let me find her alive and well. Or at least… Tell me how can I find her when she’s beyond my reach? It’s then he feels a pull to the part of the wall he stood before, one that was recognizable, and yet not. What? Suddenly, Mina’s voice came muffled through the wall, calling his human name reverently. Gaping, he quickly questions the voice, and when she responds sluggishly, he feels his worry increase.

(Yes to Heaven - Lana Del Rey)

It must have drained her quite a bit, but she’s alive! Pressing his palms close to where she had disappeared, he senses his own energy on the other side, pushing toward him. What in the world is… Nevermind that, this is my chance! Channeling his ki from both ends to possibly weaken the boundary, he directs and matches the flow and quite quickly, just as she had said, the wall wrinkles unnaturally. To his shock and elation, the beautiful golden senshi in her Sailor V attire tumbles into his arms, though she’s covered in soot and the air around her smells of decay. The elated yōkai constricts her with as much strength as was safe for her, still cuddling her form to himself. She’s safe… She’s alive…

He’s shocked when she tells him about someone helping her, and how they said to ‘tell his friends to close the portal,’ but before he can inquire further, she loses her transformation and falls asleep in his arms. What in the world happened in there? And where was she? There’s not many places he knows of that could smell so strongly of decomposition as thankfully, it wasn’t her own body that emitted the stench. Strangely though, along with the other was the odor of burning wood, and with the various species of apparitions, there’s no telling what she had run across. Breathing a sigh of relief, he nearly collapses fully into her himself, until he hears multiple footsteps around the corner, likely the police finally arriving at the scene.

Lifting her beneath her knees, and ensuring she was fully unconscious, he takes his rose seed from his hair and imbues some of his chikara into it, and uses the whip to help him climb the building. Stumbling slightly on the landing, he kneels with her torso leaned against his chest and though he’d rather not stay here, whoever informed her was correct in that he needed Reikai to close the wormhole to wherever she’d just come from, and an investigation opened for the missing humans and demons as well. Since unlike Yusuke, he’d never received the communication compact, he’d need to astral project in order to inform them of the problem, but there’s the conundrum. I can’t just go up to Spirit World while we both lay here, defenseless.

Although Kurama would prefer to keep demon plants out of the equation in Ningenkai, to keep them safe while he was away, he’d need to set up a parameter around them in the event that anything had followed her. If they did, however, they might go after innocent people down there before even looking up here. Beginning to feel himself wear down after alighting the seedlings with power, some hide themselves behind his back while a few bury themselves in the cracks on the cement roof, letting him curl Mina closer to himself. Concentrating on nudging his ghost from his body, he feels himself pop out and propels himself quickly into the sky, wanting to take as little time as possible to ensure he’d have energy to take them home and probably bathe her, again. It’s becoming far too frequent, and now, with my feelings as prevalent for her as they are, I don’t want to take advantage of this.

It takes a bit of time finding the Gates of Judgment, but he soon lands before the castle, and is greeted by ogre security walking toward him. “Koenma will see you now.” Raising a brow, but keeping the surprise off his face, he follows them inside, passing the constantly frantic workers shouting out orders, he’s led to large, ornate double doors. They stand at the sides as he opens one and strides in, finding the typical heaps of papers stacked on the desk at the other end of the room, nearly hiding the toddler ruler while Gouki, of all people, sweeps the floor angrily, nearly bringing a smile to the ex-fox thief’s face. Oh? This is new. When he’s noticed, his former ‘ally’ only curls his lip at him with a seething glare before getting back to work, grumbling all the while as Koenma remarks,

“Well, well. I wasn’t expecting you for a while more, but with the missing humans, I’m not too shocked you’re here. And don’t mind Gouki, he’s working off some of his sentences after finally accepting the offer.” Your information is getting better, but that’s not all that’s brought me here. Kurama nods and begins without preamble,

“A portal has opened to somewhere unknown in Living World as well and it needs to be closed.” The papers go flying as the childlike prince slaps his desk and screeches,

“What! To ‘somewhere unknown.’ What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it means. I don’t know where it goes, but a friend of mine found herself pulled through. I had no access to where she was taken, but she came back with the smell of ash and rot, so I imagine it’s someplace Ningenkai shouldn't be anywhere near.” The calculating warrior watches stoically as Koenma sucks furiously on the pacifier, arms crossed and eyes closed as he tilts his head down toward the desk. Pressing a button, he turns to the disgruntled Kyūkonki and orders,

“Gouki, go with Jorge.” Gouki’s irritable expression doesn’t change, just an eye twitch as he bows stiffly and answers,

“Yes… sir.” Rather amused with this turn in events, Kurama hears Jorge’s lumbering gait before he comes tumbling through the doors, hollering frantically,

“Y-yes sir? Is there something you need?” The suckling sound increases with the Reikai prince’s fury as he shouts,

“Something I need? There’s something the Human World desperately needs you dolt! Get the SDF over to… Where was it again?”

“Shibiya, Dōgenzakai to be exact, in the alley behind a love hotel there.” Both spiritual beings and apparition look bewildered as Koenma inquires,

“Wait… A love hotel? That sounds more like Yusuke’s prerogative than yours, Kurama.” Smirking lightly, the wily fox retorts,

“In this instance, I had reason to believe there was demon activity there and went to investigate. Though whether I do or don’t partake in such things isn’t any of your business.” The small princling pouts at him petulantly as he grumbles,

“Well, no, it isn’t our business since you’ve not caused any trouble since living there, but it’s still mildly disturbing to think about.” Wanting to sigh greatly, Kurama prods,

“Isn’t there something you should be getting to?” Startled into compliance, The infant-in-chief shouts,

“Oh, right! Ogre, launch the SDF, right now! And take Gouki with you!”

“O-oh, uh, yes sir!” The two dart through the doors, though one far more reluctant than the other, leaving them both in would be silence, if not for the blue haired eavesdropper outside the door, as Koenma questions,

“Now then, is there anything else you can tell me? Did your friend say what was on the other side?”

“She passed out before I could get anything else from her, but I’ll question her once she wakes back up.”

“‘She?’ Did something happen to one of the girls?” Although Kurama knew this might occur, he still felt reluctant to speak of her and so needed to word this carefully.

“She’s safe now, the only worry is if anything followed her.” Slowly looking more and more suspicious, the wiser royal states,

“I see… With you avoiding using the name, it’s not one of the usual girls of the group. So someone new, then?” Not bad, you're getting better, certainly.

“Not particularly, I just wish to protect her privacy as she’s recovering from the trauma.” She’s not new to our group or this world at all. In fact, I’d say most would know her name, carrying with it quite the reputation, even here. He frowns while whining,

“I’m not going to blab to everyone who it is, unlike someone I know.”

“Yes, but here there are ears everywhere, including… squatting behind the door. Botan.” Turning to look at her easily, the perceptive yôko huffs at the chastised look on her face as she chuckles guiltily, waving a hand with a kitty face,

“Who, me? Why Kurama! I never!” Slapping his hands on the desk, Koenma roars,

“Botan! This is a private conversation, I should have you sentenced to a hundred spankings for that!” The blue ponytailed ferry girl looks horrified as she backpedals,

“What! Now there’s no need for all of that-”

“I’ll be taking my leave then, as we’re both vulnerable where I left us.” Both gape in astonishment at his easy dismissal while he steps away, the spoiled Reigan shouting,

“Wait, you haven’t given me a full report on this! I need more info!” Glancing over his shoulder cooly, Kurama comments back,

“I’ll turn it in later. And one more thing Koenma.” His gaze is dark as it bores into them, broking no further arguments when he reveals, “Search the food storage of the love hotel, there is human and demon meat being served to humans. As well as paperwork hidden in a crate about a human trafficking ring for Makai being held there.” He’s not surprised by the echoing cries of disbelief and disgust behind him as he shuts the door.

(Magdalene - Akira Yamaoka)

Shaking his head, he saunters back toward the River Styx and heads back down to his body and Mina, who was still sleeping safely and soundly, thankfully. Sitting himself back into his body, he slowly comes-to physically, tightening his grip back on her much warmer body left to his care. Even if she was covered in some of the worst scents, he still pressed his nose to the top of her head and sifted through the traces to find her natural perfume. Exhaling deeply, he can feel the tension draining away as part of the situation has been resolved, and within a few moments, he hears heavy footsteps indicative of armored boots. Glancing over at the building next to him, he spots the younger, more reasonable SDF captain who tilts his head at the protective vulpine, standing carefully with her steady in his arms.

Staring down at the spot where the portal formed and tilting his head at it, the new leader nods and motions to his team, pointing where he had been directed as they jump down into the busy alley, completely unseen by the humans wandering the area. Two of which Kurama recognized, triggering a bit of sadness that she wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to those who were so inspired by her. Perhaps, one day they can all meet again. Apologies, Niko-san, Akemi-san. Forest irises are drawn back down to her curled up safely in his hold, and though she had changed back to civilian clothes, her exposed skin was still smudged with smoke residue and… What’s that beneath her scarf? Sliding it down softly, his frown intensifies as he sees marks in the shape of bony fingers around her throat.

Those bruises on her neck… Did it try to… Deciding he’d better spend his time getting her back to the apartment, he slides her scarf higher, then setting her down gently, he moves in front of her and pulls her arms up over his shoulders. With diligence, Kurama carefully maneuvers his hands under the motivational beauty’s thighs and lifts her onto his back, adjusting her with a few bounces to be more comfortable before gazing toward the mostly risen moon. I am most grateful that she’s safe and in my arms again. Closing his eyes, he exhales slowly, allowing himself to fully feel her weight and heat against his back, a gentle breeze caressing his face and forelocks when there was none all day.

Thank you.

A stronger wind seemingly carries his thoughts for him, but to where, or to whom, he wasn’t certain, and though he didn’t particularly care for deific entities, he couldn’t help but feel as though the moon had granted his wish. How strange, even when mother was dying, I never looked to anyone else for help or answers. Yet with her… Glancing back at the sweet visage resting against his shoulder, his gaze softens as he realizes her influence has brought about strange changes in his thoughts. Shaking his head of the unusual insight, he uses a minimal amount of energy to draw the seedlings back to himself, and although it frightened Yusuke before, seeing the little vines climbing up his form, his darling sleeper remained none the wiser. I suppose I’ll just have to deal with curious bystanders on the sidewalk.

Thankfully with the late hour, not many would bare witness to them going back home, leaving him to assure the few who would that everything was fine, hopefully using the free time between to ruminate on everything that happened tonight. Glancing down into the side street that fronts the building he stood on, he searches for another area to jump down to and finds another alley on the opposite end of the establishment, and what luck, a fire escape for him to use as well. Climbing down became easier with the steps, and softening his stroll so as not to disturb Mina nearly as much, he got some smiles and a few disapproving looks from other pedestrians. To keep the questions to a minimum, considering his unconscious partner, his best option for traveling back would be a taxi, and with that in mind, the demon investigator flags one down.

After setting her into the seat, and preparing himself for the assault of smells, as usual for these things, he gives directions to his apartment after he climbs in.

Tugging her delicately into his side to provide heat while threading his fingers through hers, he hears the driver's hoarse inquiry, “Partied too much, huh?”

Humming faintly, Kurama responds easily, “Unfortunately, but I suppose that’s why I’m here.” The man’s croaking chuckle made him want to sigh as the cab operator adds,

“And a good thing too! She’s too pretty to be wandering the streets alone, the world isn’t the way it used to be, especially in Shibiya.” Flicking ivy colored irises up to meet their chauffeur’s eyes in the mirror, the curious yôko questions,

“Is that right?”

(Midnight Driver - Minako Yoshida)

“Sure is. There’s a lot of gang activity and missing folks in Shibiya. I should know, my kids go to school there. And it used to be such a good city too.” Even this driver has heard the rumors… Staring down in thought, he wonders darkly, has she come here by herself? It’s difficult to remember sometimes when looking at her, but she’s strong, incredibly so and could take care of herself, but he couldn’t help his concern. Especially since this wasn’t the first time she’d been so grievously injured, though from her words it doesn’t happen often, let alone her disregard for those injuries. Expression becoming incredulous he reminds himself humorously, she’s also bullheaded and stubborn and just may not care about worsening her lesions. He responds to the information quietly,

“I’ll be sure to remember that.” The vehicle’s operator nods solemnly before complimenting,

“You’re a good kid, keep your girl safe now son.” Sweat dropping at the obvious misunderstanding of ages, Kurama decides it’s not worth correcting and instead affirms,

“I will.” Thankful for the end of the conversation, he only waits a few more minutes for the car to pull up to his apartment, and paying the driver for his time pulls his sleeping beauty onto his back again and carries her in. Inclining his head at security for the place, he calls the elevator and waits patiently, smiling at her muted breaths stirring his neck hairs. As he boards, her arms twitch and fingers flex open and closed as she begins to come to, the doors closing and shielding them from view. You really are strong, it’s only been an hour since you came back to me, and here you are, waking up already. Exhaling in immense relief imperceptibly, he teases her gently, “Ah, your timing is impeccable, we’re almost back to the apartment.” Her incoherent grumbling makes his smile grow as he queries, “How are you feeling?”

Wrapping her arms around his neck loosely, her limbs and pads brush his hair daintily, sending shivers down his spine while she nudges her nose against his neck tenderly, her lips tantalizing his skin.

“Like I’ve been chewed on by an excited puppy. But what’s new?” Snorting at the simile, he jokes lightly,

“Well, at least it wasn’t a vengeful puppy that might have eaten its toy mistakenly.” Her resounding groan has him laughing out loud and cursing inside, the cool air from her exhale making him shudder again until the elevator doors opening pull his attention back to their surroundings. Strolling through the hallway, he prods, “Can you stand on your own for a moment? I need to get my keys.” He’s surprised and incredibly distracted by her hand pulling away from his chest while Mina drowsily huffs,

“Which pocket? Cause I don’t think I can manage that.” Sweat dropping at the complications she constantly provides, he nearly jumps out of his skin when her hand touches his hip on the wrong side.

“Mina… You’re groping the wrong side…” The exasperated plant specialist finally lets out a sigh when she puffs against his now overly sensitive neck, her trilling voice insisting,

(Solitude - RE Plus)

“If I was going to grope you, I wouldn’t limit myself to your hip, that’s for sure. Which pocket is it in?”

Never, not in all his years, had he felt so exhilarated yet tortured by a response, causing a lapse in attention that allowed her to, strangely, wrap her lips around a tendril of hair at his neck and tug mildly. Like a young fox trying to get attention. Thankfully his control over physical impulses were nothing less than superb as had he allowed it, she would’ve been pressed tightly to the door and more bruises added to her neck from his bites. Instead, he manages to growl,

“Must you do that? And it’s as I said, it’s in my front pocket on the other side.” Whining lightly, she releases the bit of crimson from her mouth while she switches arms clumsily,

“Why not? What’s wrong with… Oh… it’s because he did it, that’s why. Where’s the little guy?” Raising an eyebrow skeptically, she manages to glide painfully close to his groin as he responds calmly,

“‘Little guy?’ No one else was with you, Mina.” Her hand paused with her finger through the key loop, to his trepidation, as his beloved temptress now sounds perturbed.

“The little fox kit who guided me back to you…” Kurama is stunned silent, his mind turning furiously through scenario’s like a well oiled machine while she continues, “He was so nice, and such a pretty silver too. He didn’t let me give up, and even protected me against the yūrei.” A silver fox… That can’t- Coming back from his ruminating quickly, he states quietly,

“Mina, the keys. We can discuss this inside.” Languidly, she pushes the metal into the lock and turns the knob, his worry increasing in bounds while to his detriment, yet relief she nestles her face into his neck again. Pushing the door open, he closes it behind them as he sets her down on the floor to check on her tottering form. Tilting her face toward him, he’s agonized by her melancholy expression as she rasps,

“... Is he dead?” Wanting to ease her heartache, he rubs his nose against hers in comfort, murmuring quietly,

“No. It just can’t take form here in this world. In fact, I’m sure it’s resting quite comfortably at the moment.” I’ve underestimated her. She didn’t know how he did it, but he could sense the energy inside her, curled protectively around what he could only imagine was the base of her soul, as hers was a rather complicated one. Not so much her physical strength, but underestimating the metamorphosis of my energy inside someone with such power. It actually gained its own manner of sentience. Manifesting itself in that form to better protect her. I should have seen this coming, considering her soul is truly ‘not of this world.’ He meets her doleful delphiniums as she whispers hopefully,

“He is?” Longing for her sunny happiness again, he presses a lingering kiss to her forehead, shutting verdant eyes and brushing his cheek to hers affectionately before rumbling passionately,

“Yes. I’ll tell you about it later, but for now, I want to get those shoes off and get you into a warm bath. You still have a chill to your skin.” To his mollification, her forlorn countenance smooths to exhausted content as Mina wobbles into him, scooching slightly closer to be flush against him while muttering,

“... You… better.” Brushing his nose against the top of her head, the compassionate yôko reaches for her shoes and slips them off gingerly, his arm under hers for support. When he’s done with his own as well, he picks her up below her knees and carries her to the bathroom, setting her on the floor in front of the tub and turning the water on to a cozy temp. Gradually, he works the pins and holders from her hair, releasing plumes of her bouquet while she shakenly pulls the scarf from her neck, revealing the awful bruising again. It protected her… I protected her… The stark reminder of her struggle twisted his insides, though he pushed it aside to inquire carefully,

(Boom Boom Ba - Matisse)

“Would you be willing to share some of your experiences with me?” He’s astounded by her drowsy nod as she pulls off her jacket, revealing the silly shirt he, admittedly, thought was cute.

“Yeah… If you want, just turn around and sit there and I’ll tell you while I clean up.” He turns away from her immediately following her lifting her shirt, assuring,

“Alright. Just tell me whatever you feel comfortable with.” His noble rose’s drooping hum of confirmation didn’t make him feel any better, and when he hears something with padding fall to the floor, he has to force darkening thoughts away while she sighs,

“The first thing I saw was a... weird… marbled world of ash, strips of charring peeling from… the walls? Nothing really looked solid enough to be walls though…” Wanting to give her a moment to catch her breath, Kurama intervenes,

“That’s alright, even if it seems unreal, I won’t judge you, Mina.” He could feel the smile in her voice as she replies,

“Thank you. Yeah, it was a world of soot, and the thing that grabbed me was charred too... it’s hand leaving that burn powder behind and it’s body wasn’t clothed… its skin was sagging from melting and sloughing off. It didn’t have a face, but it spoke to me through my mind, and it sounded hollow and windy.” It sounds like a Kaijin Jyosei or Kaijin Dansei, or Ash Woman/Man, a creature that dwells in spaces between worlds, typically keeping close to areas of high tension, both sexual and emotional. They’re physically weak, but specialize in ambush tactics. There were also rumors… She grabs the sprayer after stripping and begins to wash off the smoke and dust before continuing, “It spoke telepathically, and really weirdly as it tried to choke me. When I was on the brink of passing out, I could feel my energy drain as it… toyed with me, saying, ‘Despair tastes better after all hope slowly fades away...’”

His instincts roar within him at the phrase, disgust prevalent to his core as she proceeds, “That’s when the fox kit appeared, he had the thing by the throat while I recovered, I had already tried my Sailor Crystal, but I didn’t have the energy for it. So while they struggled, I used my transformation pen and thankfully, I could change back into Sailor V. The little guy kept it off me until I was ready to purify it. After it was gone, he led me a certain way, but I…” The partial owner of the kitsune guardian’s ki could hear the hesitation in Mina’s voice, the fear palpable as he interprets,

“It’s alright to be scared of something like that, Mina. Anyone would be.” Anyone should be scared, if the rumors are true.

The Kaijin Jyosei/Dansei is created from the intense emotions imbued in the ashes that escape from hell itself. Mina… The creature you met was…

“I’m not afraid of places like that, or it’s monsters. I was… I was scared of being alone.” His heart throbs horridly, more and more of her inner workings making sense as time goes on, to his elation and misery. The sound of water being disturbed tickles his inner ear, curbing the battle within as she adds, “I carried him, and when I reached some wooden boards that were burnt, things got weirder. Going through the crack in the wall, I was in some sort of temple, and the little guy was furious with something. Turns out, there were a lot of charred skeletal… I… think they were human… Shuichi… They felt like abysses, trying to take whatever they could of me. But they… they were once human.” His chin bows to his chest as his fingers bite into his palm again, wanting desperately to hold her, to comfort her in whatever way he could. For someone so full of love to meet such voracious monstrosities…

Only my ki was there to protect you.

“It’s best not to dwell on it, Mina. You will only hurt yourself on something not worthy of such concern.” She’s silent for a while, only the swishing of water and her shuddering breaths perceptible, until,

“That’s what he said too… They had me and the little guy surrounded, and for a moment, I thought we’d have to fight our way out. But a very tall man who wasn’t quite all bones told us to get out, that he’d keep them at bay. To leave all of them behind, because they were meant to be there…” She must have been… but it shouldn’t be possible.

“What did this man look like, if he had any discernible features?”

“He wore a long, dark green coat, some unwashed jeans, and hazel eyes with a military regulation haircut. He also had a very European look to his face.” Thankfully she wasn’t facing him and able to witness the shock across his features, the description spot on with one person in particular, and if it is who he’s sure it is. She was walking through literal hell, between that creature and what Genkai alluded to. He… he kept her safe. And also told her to have me contact Spirit World, all without telling her anything… Although the man had been a menace to them, it would seem he wasn’t completely beyond redemption. Perhaps he regained some humanity with his death. “His voice was of someone full of remorse and self depreciation. He said someone as pure as I was didn’t belong there. So I… I told him that anyone willing to protect something was still redeemable. And you know what? He actually thanked me!”

For someone so disfigured by wickedness, to be told such a thing would certainly soothe the soul, even if only a little. Smiling pensively, Kurama declares, “I imagine he would. You really do say the right things at the best times, Mina.” The captivating knight goes quiet for a moment, embarrassment rampant in her tone as she whispers,

(Beside You - Phildel)

“Thanks, Shuichi. It’s true though, being motivated to care for either a living being or even just an ideal or concept is a sign of someone with the capacity for love. And destroying anything like that would be against everything we fight for.” And that, Mina, is why your ideals are so noble. You didn’t even question or attempt to kill a demon aura kit, even knowing it wasn’t normal. Perhaps I could… “Anyway the rest was just me making my way back here.” He hears the water splash softly as she moves, the sound of arms and breasts pressing wetly against the smooth edge of the tub teases his mind’s eye while she asks, “So what did you mean little guy is comfy? Can I just not see him?” Infinitely appreciative of facing away from her, for his pink tinged nose from both what he could perceive, and the only solution he could think of, he answers hesitantly,

“If I were to theorize… My protective intention was imprinted in the energy I gave you. Somehow, it gained semi-sentience when you were in danger, and manifested itself in a form best suited for the situation. I can only guess that your unique origins are the variable here, in this instance.” She’s silent for a moment, making him wonder what was going through her head before she babbles in mortification,

“Oh my gosh… we-created-a-spirit-baby-together?” The pink turns to rouge and spreads to his ears, triggering a cough while she squeals, the sound helping him regain his composure to correct gruffly,

“It’s not a baby… per se. It’s more like a summon, if you will. Though my energy alone isn't enough to gain such abilities. Something within you was the catalyst, Mina.” She exhales lightly, moving in the water and swishing liquid around her loudly, likely dunking herself further underwater while Mina whispers to him,

“So it’s because of something in me, and your worry for me?” Exhaling softly, the soul academic agrees faintly,

“Yes.” She sounds hesitant as she wonders,

“What will happen to it? Will it stay with me?” He was afraid she’d ask, as the answer wasn’t one she would like.

“It’s energy, Mina. It will all get used eventually.” He could feel her sadness swell as she comments despondently,

“...There’s no way to keep it?”

“No.” It’s said under her breath, where he shouldn’t have heard, but his demonic senses allow him to discern it,

“So it’s another one I’ve killed...” He jolts bodily, anguish for such a forlorn statement stinging harshly. What? Why would she… Thinking over a response, he finally advises without revealing he had heard her despair,

(Kiki’s Song - Mree)

“There’s no need to feel sad for it. Just like the white blood cells in your body, it’s been made for the purpose of keeping you safe and healthy, and sometimes, in order to best serve you, they will make that sacrifice gladly.” The heroic starlet is silent for a moment, stoking his apprehension until her answering huff of laughter makes him narrow his eyes slightly,

“You’re so sweet, Shuichi. Thank you.” Kurama exhales silently and gently smiles. The genuine thanks with a happy tinge in her voice sends his human heart pattering while he replies affectionately,

“Anytime, Mina. Are you doing alright? Do you need anything?” He needn’t see her face to smell the embarrassment clouding her scent as she swallows,

“How do you do that?” Chuckling airily, he jokes,

“Do what?” She grumbles back tartly,

“Know that I need help, Mr. Smarty Pants!” Grinning to himself, he quips,

“Wait, you do need help?” He laughs aloud when she growls,

“Ooh~! You make me so mad sometimes!” She’s quiet for a moment before admitting, “I can’t stand up… I… I’m sorry.” Closing ivy greens, he assures,

“If I had a problem with it, I wouldn’t have asked. Are you done now?” Humming an affirmative, he stands and walks back into the bathroom with an extra towel. Tossing it lightly to her in the tub, he looks away as she splashes around a bit to catch it, wrapping it around her middle while he rolls up the sleeves of his button up. I suppose it’s pointless as the rest of my shirt will be wet as well. Force of habit. Gathering another towel, he places it on the comforter preemptively and returns to stand around the corner from her until she requests him to assist her.

“I’m ready.” Mina’s resigned whisper had him sighing fondly at her frustration, though he wouldn’t express it in front of her. Her shame at any weakness was deep seeded, and as proven before, she didn’t respond well to others finding humor in it. She had proven how strong she really was several times over, both in word and action, so for her to be so unsatisfied with herself was dismaying. Perhaps with time, she’ll learn she needn’t prove anything more to me. He couldn’t help but take in her honey silk twisted up on her head with a ribbon, alluring flush consuming her face and chest above the towel, and sweet lapis gems averted from him. Keeping any reactions to himself, the adoring kitsune kneels next to the tub, he picks her up easily, her weight absolutely nothing to him as he keeps her against him.

“I’m sorry I’m getting water everywhere…” Shaking his head, he places her delicately on the cloth at the end of the bed, allowing him to walk into the closet and open the drawer with pajamas in it.

“Iie. You’re far more important than the wood, Mina. Here,” He passes a set to her and holds a hand out, finishing, “just hand me the towel and I’ll put it outside to dry.” When he feels the soggy cloth in his palm, he strides to the patio and folds it across the railing. Returning to the room, he finds her with the bottoms nearly all the way up, covering the important bits, to his relief and detriment, while shimmying moderately to slide them the rest of the way up. Exhaling quietly with humor, he queries, “Are you ready?” Pouting up at him with her hair still wrapped up, he takes that as a ‘yes’ and pulling back the bedding, he moves her up gingerly, handing her the towel to dry her hair, then going back to the bathroom to grab his comb and some alcohol with cotton balls to clean her ears.

(You - Vietra)

When he approaches her again, she has pulled the ribbon out of her hair, finger coming through it, and although it’s such a mundane thing, it’s incredibly mesmerizing. The motions drawing him in and comforting him all at once, especially the way the dreamy eyed sailor tilted her head downward, the waterfall of sun colored satin flowing across the towel induced warmth to spread through his body. Cornflower gaze lidded as dainty digits slide through fragile looking strands, visage contemplative and lips pouty as she continues to work tangles out steadily, his stare finally catching her attention. “Oh, hey Shuichi.” Beating lashes faintly, she smiles tenderly as she holds out a hand for the comb and cotton swabs, thanking him softly and leans her head at his frozen stance. “Is something wrong?” Gentling emerald gems, Kurama strides up to her and hands over the utensils, admitting,

“You looked quite content doing what you were before, I didn’t want to disturb you.” She shakes her head as she pulls the comb through the end of her locks, reprimanding,

“You’re never disturbing me, Shuichi.” He can feel his stare darkening as he asks mildly,

“Do you want me to comb your hair? That way you can clean your ears and earrings?” She blinks in awe before beaming tiredly at him.

“Yeah, that’d be nice. It’s been awhile since anyone’s brushed my hair for me!” Taking the comb back from her, he sits behind her and delicately slides the utensil through her considerably long hair. Although keeping much of his attention on removing tangles deftly, he watches as she removes her earrings and places them a few centimeters from herself, taking the swabs and alcohol and cleaning her ears without much thought. Swallowing back his anxiety, he decides it’s about time he begins giving her some of his own trust, prompting him to murmur,

“Mina? There’s something I want to ask of you.” She hums and looks back at him, interrupting his work on her hair.

“What is it? Do you need help?” Smiling tenderly at Mina’s immediate willingness to help, the enchanted fox assures,

“Not help, but it’s something private that I don’t share with many others.” Her delphinium blues widen in excitement as she cheers,

“Ooh! A secret! You can tell me anything! I’ll keep it for you.”

“Thank you, Mina. Although the majority of people know me as Shuichi Minamino, there is another name I go by with my closest friends. If you don’t mind….” The sweetheart turns toward him fully, doe eyes locked onto his as he finishes quietly, “could you call me Kurama?” Her soft lips part with her intake of breath, the sound of her tinkling voice sends his heart into a frenzy as she lilts,

(Fukurou German Version - Kokia)

“Kura-ma... Kurama! …It’s strange though, for some reason, it suits you more than Shuichi does.” The way she said it… I hadn’t expected such an intense reaction to her speaking my name. There’s a flush developing on his cheeks, which she notices with relish as she grins, her hand cupping his face and tickling rosy strands while she giggles, “Oh~! That’s such a cute look! I love it, Shu- ah, Kurama!” Her chiming, close-eyed laughter loosens any remaining trepidation and eases the pain of deceiving her, the other dainty hand joining the first as his bewitching ray of sunlight holds his face between her palms. Kurama’s forest gaze widens when she moves closer, her thumbs rubbing his skin gently as she apologizes softly, “I’m sorry to have worried you so much. That’s why you told me your name, right? It’ll take a lot more than that to kill me.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him to her for a warm, soft hug. “I’m here, and I’m alright, Kurama.” His eyes lighten as he exhales mildly, questioning her quietly,

“How did you know?” He can hear the smile in her voice as she admits,

“The look on your face was one I’ve seen far too many times in the mirror.” Brushing her cheek to his, Mina adds, “If ever something like that happens again, try to remember no matter how long it takes, I’ll come back to this world.” “Back to my princess, and back to you.” Rubbing his thumb along her back, soul twining tiredly with hers as he closes his eyes, tension leaving his body, he responds,

“I’ll try.” He’s startled when she moves back from him, morning glory blues wide as she inquires,

“Oh yeah! Could you grab my clothes from the bathroom for me?” Crimson lashes beat in confusion as he confirms,

“Certainly, just one moment.” Although incredibly befuddled by her sudden need for them, he stands with effort and comes back with them from the bathroom, sitting on the bed beside her. Watching in curiosity as she digs in the skirt, she pulls a letter out, handing it to him with pooched lips.

“My friend asked me to give this to you, and I wasn’t allowed to read it.” Smirking at Mina’s obvious frustration, he easily unfolds and reads the words on the paper, smirk disappearing as the studious yōkai takes in what’s written.

To Minako’s Mysterious Friend,

I don’t know you yet, but I wanted to thank you personally somehow for looking after our errant friend. She means a lot to us and the fact that she adores you is both heartening and concerning. I can only hope you have the best of intentions as she heals in your care. Though, with the look of your apartment, you aren’t some frat boy or another Idol, so I’m optimistic. If your friendship becomes strong enough for all of us to meet, you should prepare yourself for an inquisition, because more than anything, we aren’t just friends: we’re family, we’re supporters, and we’re loyal. Nothing anyone says or does can falter that devotion. Not even death. I have faith that you’ll take care of her though, as she most assuredly does for you.

She doesn’t realize it, but it’s easy to love someone like her, one who is so full of energy, loyalty, and deep affection. But with our duties, we aren’t allowed such luxuries, so please, for all our sakes, don’t fall for her.


Mizuno, Ami.

Smiling wryly, he sighs internally and resists the urge to run his fingers through his bangs. Apologies Mizuno-san. It's too late for that now. What was strange about the letter, however, was the faint aural imprint he felt from it. Not normal energy like a trap lying in wait, more along the lines of… She put her heart and soul into this, imbuing it with her intent, and if she’s anything like the beauty beside me, she didn’t do so intentionally. Staring hard at the remarkably well thought out words for a moment, in that they said much yet revealed nothing of their identities had he not already known, Kurama realizes which senshi must have written this. Ah, this must be Mercury, Guardian of Wisdom and Intelligence. But it’s strange…

Her ki has a familiar tinge to it as well… Where have I felt it before?

It bothered him, because now he’s sure it was recent that he’s perceived it, and yet he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Glancing back at the delightful subject herself, he notes the concern covering her visage as he soothes, “She was giving me some instructions. Don’t worry, Mina.” Her expression was one of disbelief as she states flatly,

“Ami-chan doesn’t usually make threats, but I doubt that my med instructions were all she wrote in there.” Sweat dropping internally, as showing any signs of doubt now would alert her toward the truth, all the while he simultaneously admires their knowledge of one another. As Mizuno-san said, they are incredibly loyal and knowledgeable of one another. Working a gentle smile onto his facade, he questions faintly,

“Ah, so your girls tend to threaten outsiders?” Fiddling with earrings rolling weightlessly on the comforter, she muses,

“I would with any of them too. Like I said before, we were all outcasts, we didn’t fit in with anybody but each other. So when something threatens to tip the status quo…” Putting the letter in the end table beside his bed, Kurama watches as she quickly puts her earrings back in and, holding the blanket for her after, lets her crawl underneath and snuggle down comfortably as he sits beside her.

“It’s quite commendable, being so fiercely protective of your friends.” Lying on her side with her head plopped on the pillow, she stares listlessly at the window past him while she declares softly,

(Half Pain - Bana)

“They’ve gotten me through some of the toughest places in my life, I wouldn’t trade my girls for anything in the world.” Caressing her face delicately to move her hair behind her ear, verdant irises meet ocean waves, her attention drawn back to him from his touch as the reverent apparition murmurs,

“I hope to meet them soon then.” Mina beams while sliding her hand over his, plush lips open as he belatedly hears her melodic voice tinkling,

“You will. Ami-chan was already pretty eager to meet you, Mr. Popular!” Her smile was mildly impish as he slyly responds,

“I wouldn’t be so if you weren’t so heavily admired first.” Taking her shock as an opportunity, Kurama smirks as he pulls her hand to his mouth, placing a tender kiss on her knuckles and watching in triumph as a tender flush spreads across her lightly freckled nose. Glancing to the side in embarrassment, she argues,

“You’d have tons of fans if you wanted.” Snorting at the thought of more fans from his school years, he holds back a sigh of exasperation, chortling,

“I’d rather not encourage such behavior. I much prefer the down to earth people you’ve introduced me to.” Moving to stand, his lips tilt upward when she asks,

“Really? Wow, so you don’t like a lot of attention?” Glancing over his shoulder at her, he begins unbuttoning his dress shirt, chest still hidden by the undershirt as he answers cooly,

“I don’t hate it, it’s just trying to deal with flocks of people who don’t see me as I am, instead seeing what they want to.” What I want them to. She hums slowly before suggesting,

“That’s kind of inevitable though, isn’t it? Being an idol myself, there’s a certain amount of ambiguity I have to keep in order to have some privacy. And considering how curious people are, it just motivates them to pursue the unknown more.” Pausing in his work, Kurama turns toward the insightful actress, forgetting his current state of dress as he agrees,

“You’re right.” Smiling at her affectionately, he insists, “You really do have a beautiful mind, Mina. Thank you.” She had sat up by that point, allowing him to watch her previously pink face flame brightly, like a flower blooming gradually, the red color complementing her sundrenched hair and azure gems. Allowing her a bit of peace to stew in her bashfulness, he walks into the closet, not closing the door fully as he changes mindlessly into a pair of pajamas. Striding back out, he chuckles lightly when he reaches his side of the bed, Mina’s face still glowing and lapis irises blown as he climbs beneath the comforter. She squeaks adorably, and before she could create space in modesty, he wraps an arm around her, bringing her close as he assures,

“There’s no need to feel ashamed, Mina. Besides,” Pressing his face against the top of her heated head, he continues softly, “We’ve slept like this several times now, and we’ve not done anything untoward with one another. You’re safe with me, Mina.” Kurama’s surprised to hear her voice chime,

“I know, it’s just… I don’t want you to feel obligated to comfort me just because I-”

“Minako.” She pauses in her rant, golden lashes flick leisurely as she leans her head back to gauge his expression. Brushing errant silk strands from her eyes, he corrects, “I’m not obligated to do anything I’ve done. I do so because I want to. I don’t know what happened to make you feel like this, but I never do or say what I don’t want to.” Expression still mildly timid, her innocent gaze holds his own as she whispers,

“You want to be near me?” Closing his eyes, he leans forward and presses his lips against her forehead, her small intake of breath music to his ears while he confirms easily,

“Yes, you and all your beauty and mischief, Mina.” Nuzzling tenderly against her bangs, he smiles against the strands when her arms slip around him, cuddling closer as he begins caressing her soul with his own again. When his loving Morning Star begins to drift off, she mutters sleepily,

“Thank you, Kurama.” Tingles fill his body while a tinge of pink alights his nose, memorizing the cadence of her voice wrapping around his name. His true name. The way she says it, it’s not like any accent I’ve ever heard. That or I’m over romanticizing finally sharing something so important with her. Carefully stroking her cheek, he watches her breaths puff softly in light sleep, hard pressed to completely elicit the same beauty in memory. Taking in her constant bouquet of sunflower and orange oil in her skin care routine, lilacs in the mouse she uses, her natural ambrosia, and the slight ocean breeze that matched her gorgeous eyes. Strangely though, he’s starting to notice new scents, ones he’d categorize as bergamot and amber slowly becoming more fragrant in the time he’s known her. Five days. We met five days ago, and remarkably, it feels like a lifetime has passed while learning Mina. Reminding himself to ruminate on this new development later, the critical rogue allows himself to be lulled comfortably into sleep.


Notes: Not all my notes fit at the end, and were spoilers so...


My idea behind the little fox summon was… honestly it just popped into my head XD But there’s a few myths of things created either by body parts (Greek Myths) or simply coming into being (Creation myths for both Greek, and Shinto) Though Kurama doesn’t know the exact reason why, and probably thinks it has to do with Mina being from another planet, we know that Mina is the incarnation of Venus, so I don’t think it’d be too far fetched for their energy to combine and make something.,,

Not only that, but a very large part of Japanese myths for yōkai have them come into being from powerful emotions, such as the Ubume, or a woman who had nearly, just, or gave birth but died from it, and her anxiety creates a spirit to try and help her baby (if the baby doesn’t make it, it tries to give an undeveloped fetus to a stranger, inevitably killing them from the weight) Or Bakezōri, which are tattered sandals that gain sentience after being abandoned and filling with malice XD Add to that both Sailor Moon and Yu Yu Hakusho both emphasize the strength of emotions; Usagi’s love for her friends and Mamoru help her wield the Silver Crystal and make things right again, Yusuke’s love for his friends and Keiko help him make tough decisions and get that extra boost of strength he needs for victory. Mina and Kurama accidentally making a summon from their combined energy and emotions isn’t so strange.



The image I had in mind for the world of Ash at the edge of hell.

So both series have multiple dimensions, even tiny pocket dimensions, such as Mercury’s Hyperspatial Sphere Generate in the anime, or the Uraotoko from Yu Yu Hakusho, which was Itsuki’s pet whose stomach was its own separate dimension. So although the space between Human World and Demon World has a cool Tron grid going on, I take this to mean that it doesn’t always have to have that pattern between worlds. That maybe the ki and emotion filled ash from the depths of hell has eroded through after millenia of burning, and a creature found and made its home there.

So I had found some research someone else did a while ago about the temple you see Toguro head toward after talking to Genkai in the anime, though it’s lost to me now (I spent several days looking for it!) This is the series of pics,

I did my own research, and found there are three large events in Japanese history that destroyed temples, one is The Great fire of Meireki (明暦の大火, Meireki no taika), also known as the Furisode Fire, destroyed 60–70% of the Japanese capital city of Edo (now Tokyo) on March 2, 1657, the third year of the Meireki Imperial era. The fire lasted for three days, and is estimated to have claimed over 100,000 lives. Legend says it started The fire was said to have been started accidentally by a priest who was cremating an allegedly cursed kimono.

If not that, then another huge incident with destruction of temples is the Haibutsu Kishaku, (廃仏毀釈) (literally "abolish Buddhism and destroy Shākyamuni") or the destruction of 18,000 Buddhist temples during the Meiji Era. It’s a term that advocates the expulsion of Buddhism from Japan.[1] More narrowly, it also indicates a particular historic movement and specific historic events based on that ideology which, during the Meiji Restoration, produced the destruction of Buddhist temples, images and texts, and the forced return to secular life of Buddhist monks.

The last one it could be is the destruction of temples in WWII. There were several places air-raided, including several temples. In particular, one of the most similar temples to the one depicted is Zojo-ji, which has survived natural disasters, fires, and the air raids, although many parts of it were destroyed. Zojo-ji is 628 years old, and although there are some minor differences, such as the shape of the windows, it feels like they referenced this painting in particular called ‘Snow over Zojo-ji Temple’ (1921) by Hasui Kawase that looks incredibly close to the last image of the temple in Reikai hell, just mirrored.,_Tokyo)-IMG_9360.JPG. I checked out a few different temples, and they don’t look alike, so it might have really been the inspiration.

Or all of the above, because needless to say, these temples have been through a lot. (It’s no wonder some Japanese media depicts hell as burning temples…) I thought about making a tumblr post with the pics side by side for comparison, but it felt kind of… disrespectful to do that? Or maybe like changing the names of youkai in media, it’s a sort of tradition to not make direct comparisons to actual landmarks.

So something a lot of people overlook because of his misdeeds was how Genkai said younger Toguro was once kind, but he loved too much and believed he was invincible, so when his students were slaughtered, he cracked. (That’s not to excuse the absolute bullshit he put everyone through though, the crab-basket-mother-fu-) It’s something I really like about the Dark Tournament and Black Chapter arcs in Yu Yu Hakusho. They're terrible people, but they were once good, and with a bad turn of events, became villainous. After being killed by Yusuke, he seemed more… at peace when Genkai sees him, as though some of the weight was lifted from him, while the rest would be with his time in hell. 10,000 years, for 10,000 cycles in fact, ‘until your soul ceases to exist.’

So I added in Gouki as a little nod to the Yu Yu Hakusho Stage Play 1, where the actor for Gouki was kept on as Koenma’s assistant, and was actually really polite XD I thought it might be disorienting though, having Gouki do a 180 on people, so I kept him surly and jaded. Though there IS that little bit at the end of the manga that Kurama said about ‘youkai being brainwashed into misbehaving…’ But I can’t imagine something considered a ‘spirit sucking demon’ to be super nice. Even Raizen, after denying his human-required diet, wasn’t EXACTLY the nicest, he was still wild and rough. (That unintentionally sounded naughty… 0 /// 0)

Chapter 16: Dream Memoir


Inspiration for the room:

Bedding - Red satin flower patterned bedding,

Bed Canopy,

Memory Outfit:

For Mina’s dress,
For Mina’s hair,
For Mina’s Bow,
For Mina’s Earrings,

Tan たん - (cute) suffix for familiar person

Kurama’s suit,, with an emerald green tie to match his eyes.

Mina’s makeup bag, just add cut iridescent stars,

Cloud 9 - In September, 1896, cumulonimbus, the greatest cloud in the world, was listed as Cloud 9 in a new cloud classification, and so to be on cloud nine became like floating on the tallest cloud on Earth.

Yatta やった - hooray; yay; whee; yowzer; whoopee; yes!

The Epic of Isara is inspired by Legend of Zelda, meanwhile, Draken Chronicle is Dragon Quest and Endless Reverie is Final Fantasy inspired. It’s only some of Kurama’s game collection, as I don’t think he’d stick to just one genre if he could beat Goblin City.

Rei's Companions レイと仲間たち, Rei to nakama-tachi - Track 27 of Sailor Moon Eternal Collection OST.

Fox Knowledge.,are%20fighting%20over%20the%20females.

Chipmunk knowledge.,with%20others%20of%20their%20species.

Ferret Knowledge., Mina would definitely be a ferret XD

Baka ばか - 1. idiot; moron; fool 2. trivial matter; folly; absurdity 3. stupid; foolish; dull; absurd; ridiculous

Liver is super good for you, so when you're injured or sick, it helps! This is the restaurant's inspiration for the food. By the way, Yakisoba is apparently bad for you…

Yakiniku 焼き肉 or 焼肉 - "grilled meat", is a Japanese term that, in its broadest sense, refers to grilled meat cuisine. It commonly refers to a style of cooking bite-size meat (usually beef and offal) and vegetables on gridirons or griddles over a flame of wood charcoals, often using skewers.

Yakisoba 焼きそば - "fried noodle" is a Japanese noodle stir-fry dish. Usually soba means buckwheat, but soba in yakisoba means Chinese noodles (Chuuka soba) made from wheat flour, and are typically flavored with a condiment similar to Worcestershire sauce.

Hashi - Chopsticks

Koi こい - (Romantic) Love

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Kiss - Yuki Kajiura)

Although Kurama never had dreams like this before, he could tell it was the world of sleep from the distinct dulled sense of smell. Not to mention Mina was sleeping soundly in a large, red apple colored bed, and from the bare shoulders and the top of her exposed chest, even in the near darkness, he could tell she was bare beneath the rose patterned sheets. I would contrive a scenario to torment myself even in sleep. And so in character as well, being as she’s completely oblivious. Quickly taking in the room, rather than ogle her in such a helpless state, dream or no, he notes the domed ceiling, panels so lovingly carved into several colored precious stones rather than stained glass. The details are incredible considering many of the stones looked similar to ones he knew of, and yet something was decidedly different about them. Strange…

It really shouldn't have been possible for such a fragile stone to be curved or polished as it’s been here. Or so I thought. Dreams are typically illogical, but this is… Taking in the murals, despite the deep shadows, they tell epic tales he’d never seen before, with many of them involving the sea and what seemed to be an either nude or gold clad blond, reminding him immensely of the one currently barely hidden behind gold mesh canopy. Awakening his curiosity with a passion, enticing his academic mind as much as the beautiful stones it was made from. The pricelessness of these pieces would draw the eye of any fanatic, and plenty of art thieves, though it would be the mystical power of the guardian who called this place home that would draw Yôko Kurama’s interest.

The supports for the walls and ceiling were made of a material similar to peach moonstone, and shaped like very intricate Grecian pillars he’d seen in school books, arching above the walls that were polished sheets of what looked to be marbled white spirit quartz. How they managed to smooth everything here, I’m uncertain, and is a testament to the artist’s advancements in architecture, geology, and artistry. A large vanity sits near the door, just as luxurious as the rest of the room, appearing to be morganite with carved scrollwork and a matching powder chair. It’s then the flora fox focuses on a peculiar flower, blooming on a finely carved end table at the golden beauty’s bedside, his mind grinding to a halt at the exotic plant before him, and although it’s not a color he’s seen before, he knew the species. Roses.

These, however, had pearly white petals on the outside that delicately blended to a dusty pink, then smoothly to a deep, yet brilliant red toward the middle. The ends were pointed and curled at the edges elegantly, all surrounded by gold vines that spiraled up the sheer curtains surrounding the bed. This is… I’ve never seen such a thing before… spirit flowers, luminescent flora, but not actual gold vines. On top of this, despite the lavish look, there were only a handful of pieces in the room, the vanity, the bed, the side table with the exquisite bloom and no wardrobe to speak of. No pictures, memorabilia, or anything else I’ve come to expect of Mina, and all her little belongings. His apartment has become more lively, not only from her presence, but from the clutter she brought with her as well; bottles, bows, earrings, clothes, makeup, and he’s expecting more to make their home in his.

Glancing toward the only light source as a way to parse the setting, arched windows emit only the faintest glow on one side of the room, rich coral curtains effectively blocked out most illumination from outside, keeping him in the literal dark about their location in this dreamscape. Where is this? I couldn’t possibly have come up with this on my own… A loud knock upon the ornate door, possibly carved from two large candle quartz slabs, brings him from his rumination while Mina grumbles incoherently, turning away from the racket. What surprised Kurama the most, however, was the tinkling voice that gave him some insight into the situation, echoing around him ethereally. ‘I’ve never been a morning person, so it wasn’t all that shocking that Arty had a hard time waking me up.’ The only conclusion he could come to was incredible. This is Mina’s dream. I’m in her dream, perhaps even a memory.

He watches humorously as the door opens, and before he could take in the shadows form, a chandelier unfolds from the ceiling seamlessly, the spaces it left being mechanically hidden away without any marks or noise, to his awe. The illumination dances without stuttering across the walls, gradually lighting every corner until all the stones glitter with opulence, earning a groan from the gold, circle canopied bed. Wherever this is, its technology is a marvel, to be sure. To his continuing astonishment, it wasn’t a person but a white cat who came through, striding up to the bed, parting the mesh, and hopping on top of the comforters. That marking, it’s the same as... The subsequent yowl from the beasts mouth brought him back from his thoughts and nearly had his ears ringing as it screeches,

Venus! Why are you sleeping naked again!” She snorts with laughter before sitting up on her elbows sleepily, covering her mouth with the pretense of a yawn as he catches the mischievous grin hidden from the feline. He himself has to swallow back the desire to take in her bare form as she pulls the covers from herself, revealing a beguiling body he’d only seen glimpses of when she transformed. Thankfully I kept occupied the once I had to bathe her. Running his fingers through crimson bangs, he wants to look away for her modesty, but doesn’t want to miss any crucial information, especially where his troublemaking rose was concerned. Oh? She’s my rose now, is she? Stoppering his rumination when she parts the curtains and bounces to her feet, the patient kitsune feels himself sigh as her breasts wiggle enticingly with her movements, and to his mirth, the cat is about the shade of his own hair as it hisses, “I’ll be out in the hall, so get dressed already!”

The playful enchantress giggles spritely as the mortified creature bounds quickly back out the door, leaving her to stretch lazily with one arm above her, the other bent and holding it up as her muscles flex desirably. Reminding himself of the opportunity to possibly learn more about her history here, if he’s correct, he steels himself against the visual onslaught, even as she grins eagerly and begins dancing artfully around the room until she reaches her vanity. Still undressed, she sits on the scroll legged bench, her curves emphasized from the compression as she looks in the mirror, globes pressed to the top as she turns her head this way and that. Her thoughts echo around him again as she recounts, ‘It always amazes me how different I look now. No one who saw me from before would recognize me anymore.’

(To Zanarkand with Violin Cover - Nobuo Uematsu)

She smiles gently at her reflection, closing her eyes and shaking her head as she picks up an incredibly intricate pen that has the symbol for Venus on top, that seems to be surrounded by an asteroid belt. ‘I’ve become Sailor Venus, Guardian of Love and Beauty. A soldier that serves Princess Serenity who will become the inheritor of the Illusive Silver Crystal.’ Her blond lashes flicker open gradually to look deeply at herself, continuing in her mind, ‘It’s incredible to think that if fate had allowed it, I wouldn’t have such a powerful mission and a beautiful Princess to protect.’ Her thoughts are interrupted by a knock on her door, and when she bade them enter, a young woman peeked in, grinning from ear to ear as she stepped fully inside. She looked like the Roman statues Kurama had seen in his advanced class books, with incredibly rounded hips, a poochy stomach to contrast Mina’s femininely sculpted abs, and her hair was a slightly wavy, rusty brown that went past her hips, with a matching set of humored irises as she inquires playfully,

Admiring thyself in the mirror, Milady? Careful, or you may become trapped in your visage and never leave again!” The bold servant takes a hairbrush from a drawer and begins to pull tangles from the long, honey tresses as the alluring knight titters,

Mayhaps, then, I require the beauty of another to pry mine eyes from such vanity, Aurora?” Both girls giggle heartily as ‘Arty’ hisses,

Quit playing and get ready, Venus!” Sticking her tongue out at the door, her tinkling laugh of delight lightens the beguiled yōkai’s heart as she teases,

I’d much prefer to greet everyone like this!” Aurora chortles lightly, he himself rather enjoying seeing Mina as she once was while ‘Arty’ screeches,

Absolutely not! Remember your station and the responsibility you carry.” Strangely, he becomes solemn as he recites darkly, “You are not only representing your people, but the princess, this kingdom, and all living things in this galaxy itself. You have only gained more responsibilities with this position, not less than you had before." She sighs and stands fluidly, and yet she moved with an added weight to her small shoulders, confirming while turned away from them,

"Believe me… I know." The underlying edge in her voice said more than words, and had Kurama’s lips tightening, bringing back their conversation when she woke from his healing. Her princess’ power… She said it allowed her to live eternally, so if any other obtained it… It might work that way for them as well. And many seek immortality. She gives an exasperated look to her lively attendant, who then turns a reproaching glare to the sweat dropping cat advisor, who looks rightly abashed in return and drops his head with a pout. The stunning soldier leaves them to ruminate on her words as she walks to the wall and, to his continuing shock, presses her hand to it, lines appearing in the panel before pushing in and sliding into the wall itself, revealing a closet the length of the room. The technology of this time was a marvel, hopefully I’m allowed to see more… With a touch from Aurora, the heaviness is slightly lifted and easier for Mina to bear as she’s helped reverently into a flowy, shimmering golden dress that made her body absolutely delectable, the shift of tone welcome while the two nearly dance together as she’s dressed with delicate smiles. It’s good to see her have support no matter the period, even if one of them is a surly, blunt cat.

One length of thin cloth was used for the entire outfit, wrapped over each breast which barely hid her nipples as it swept below her ample chest. While barely any cloth hid what lay between her legs, her well defined thighs taunted the beholder as they tried to part the fabric to reveal the form beneath. The ensnared academic felt infinitely grateful that this tantalizing creature had lived before his time, or he might have done something incredibly foolish after finding more than power within her. That thought had his stomach dropping, knowing how he might have reacted to her before being shown any kindness. I would relentlessly pursue her, taking what I wanted when I had her, and trying to kill her after using her for all she’s worth, so no other could have her beauty, loyalty and strength.

Clenching his fists hard, he would have bled if he could in a dream, offsetting the upbeat atmosphere in the room as the object of his musing brushes loose cloth across ‘Arty’s nose playfully. Tittering at the furious kitty swipes aiming for her ankles, she steps skillfully around small, quick paws even in her heels, the assault continuing for her head next when she sat back down at the vanity, effectively raising the mood of even her brooding council. The two ladies make an excellent team in raising morale. Dodging them deftly, all the while putting teardrop gold dangle earrings in effortlessly, her glowing mirth assuring him of what she might have done had they met in the past, turning his own lips up.

Or… I might have tried to keep her locked away from the world for multiple uses, but knowing what I do now, I definitely wouldn’t have come out of it whole and unharmed, in either scenario, with that strength turned against me.

The humorous visual of her ferocity, and subsequent throttling and maiming of him brought a full grin to his countenance, as it all would be well deserved. Meanwhile, the doting chambermaid shakes her head, dexterously fashioning silky strands into an updo with a tender lift in her lips. The amount of care Aurora, and even in a sense ‘Arty’ gives to Mina is more than any serviceman I’ve ever seen. I’ve heard of knights, samurai, and other notable figures with retainers and servants, but between the grandeur of this room, and the reverence given to Mina despite the teasing and harsh guidance… She's no mere soldier. Was she nobility before she became Sailor Venus? Or… are there rulers over each planet? And a chosen royal from each one becomes a soldier for the princess who holds eternal life, and perhaps even greater power still…

The crescent marked cat grumbles reluctantly at his failed attempts to scratch her, “At the very least your training is paying off.” The teasing woman re-styling sunny tresses smiled wide while agreeing,

Yes, milady is so very strong! The princess should have no worries so long as you live!” Kurama nearly shares her mischievous countenance as the amorous senshi glances back to her hairdresser, cooing,

Oh? Then fair lady, shall I demonstrate that strength that men so fear? I’m told that it is most pleasing.” Both women’s echoing laughter brings a smile to his face as ‘Arty’ yowls,

Not a chance! Quit propositioning your chambermaid! Such behavior is unbecoming of a Sailor Guardian!” Appreciating the ladies’ continued humor, the plant specialist watches Mina wave a hand at the talking feline as she corrects snottily,

There’s no harm in a little friendly flirting. You’re all just shriveled, old, prudes here, Arty.”

Any more comments, and I’m going to destroy that pretty face of yours, missy!” Both women giggle with mirth as the feline glares while reminding her, “I’ll give you details on today's itinerary after Aurora gets you prepared. Meet me in the Chamber of Conference when you’re done. And no distractions!” Rolling lapis irises to the ceiling, the seductive soldier snorts,

I doubt you’d let me get more than five minutes in before interrupting, and effectively killing the mood.” The rusty haired chambermaid guffaws as a white tail flicks in aggravation, glowering kitty face narrowing at her as he sashays out the door, throwing back,

(Make a Wish, Sis Puella Magicka Cover - Yuki Kajiura)

You know what’s at stake, Venus.” As though cold water was dumped on her, Mina dips her head down, bangs hiding all but her lips and nose as he notices her jaw clench. ‘Of course I know what's at stake. I could never forget it.

The scene shifts to two little girls walking along a pearl blue, brick lined path hand in hand, ethereal crystal trees lined their walk as they made their way to an intricately carved, white spherical gazebo by a silvery clear lake. Its shape matched the palace nearby, and a look into the dark sky made him realize it was Earth he saw above them, not the moon, with what looked to be an arcing aurora borealis enclosing them, hammering home the point that this might be a past memory and no normal dream. We’re really on the moon…The two padded spritely toward it as the shortest one asks in a pure, sweet voice,

Hey, Venus? Are you really going to protect me? Even from the… the…” The child that could have been made from sugar, as far as he was concerned gulped, turning her head so that he could see her cherubic face, bright sky blue irises wide as she stares at her elder in trepidation while she finally works up the courage to whisper, “From the darkness?” When he paced around them, he got the shock of his life when he beheld their features; the candy voiced one was white haired with pigtails, adorned by small buns on the top of her head and holding a large white rabbit stuffed animal. Just as cute as her voice and question, and from the look of her, she must be the princess Mina always talks about…

Meanwhile, the elder was a face Kurama recognized, but smaller and all the more adorable with her mini sailor soldier’s attire next to the candied princess. He realizes he was holding his breath, the awe at seeing his gorgeous housemate as a child caught him entirely off guard, not to mention how sweet it was to see that even as a child, she was still looking after someone. His visage fills with content as he watches the two interact, with all the innocence that he might have held far before becoming a yōkai, as a simple young kit. I haven’t thought about such things in a very long time. The small ray of sunshine glances down at her teary eyed royal, a warm smile on her facade as she kneels before the future ruler, their hands still clasped as Chibimina declares confidently, “I would lay down my life to keep you safe, Princess. Fear not the darkness, for our light will keep it at bay.

Even as she smiled, the impish senshi had a sweat drop on her temple as her thoughts echo, ‘Considering the Queen just scolded me into oblivion for telling such frightening tales, and scaring you to near death.’ He chortles with mirth at the revelation, the more he learns of them, the more endeared he becomes, watching contently as the shorter child puts a pudgy finger to her mouth,

Even the scary ones in your stories?” The mini protector grins mischievously as she assures,

Of course!” Standing with a fleurish, she makes exaggerated hand gestures with each fabled antagonist as they’re named, “Evil witches, sea monsters, wicked gargoyles, and demonic forces will fall to me, Princess!” The little princess’ giggles ring with a mesmerizing serenity, the likes of which the ancient kitsune had never heard before, soothing his soul with just the sound, while the elder’s happy chittering like the warmth of the brilliant sun. These two… even if I were in my yôko form now, I would feel both protective and covetous of such purity. The reassured noble beams at her champion, whose hand she was still holding, tugging as she hops toward the domed pavilion and cheering,

(Secret Game Live - Yuki Kajiura)

Then I’ll have nothing to fear ever again! Come on Venus! Let's play!” The heart throbbing affection on Mina’s face tugged at everything within him, a love so encompassing that it radiated through the memory, suffusing his own soul with its vibrancy. Incredible… this is her love for her princess… Closing his eyes, he basks in the emotion like warm waves of water on a sunny beach, and though his sixth sense is slightly overheated from the intensity, he adores the feeling. It’s so powerful and filling… It nearly hurts to be here… He walks along with them, watching her expression closely as the gaiety disappears when her oblivious sovereign hops ahead, hands still connected as the fierce defender’s expression becomes one of solemnity. ‘You are my love, my responsibility Princess. You radiate such purity and innocence, and yet, there are those who would steal that light away.’ Glaring with ferocity into space, as though gazing among the stars for those very beings, already preparing to face that wickedness at her young age.

To be so small, and yet charged with such duties… His heart sinks further when she gives him more insight again, repeating what she’d once told him, and knowing such a thing at her age. ‘I would die over and over to protect your happiness. Over…’ Another small leap, and a chiming laugh as she finishes darkly, ‘and over again.’

Shifting back to Venus’ bedroom, her thoughts shook with anger, but more than anything else, were filled to the brim with resignation, the feeling bitter to him as Kurama wondered bitingly, What more could they ask of you? Mina is reassured by Aurora running fingers through her half updo, insisting,

Don’t worry about him, Venus. Truly, I’ve never seen so many reserved people on one planet.” Her hair is now loosely braided, the plaits looking like the bows of stage curtains and wrapping around a half tail, an ivory bow with a princess cut topaz jewel in the center, offsetting her golden hair and dress beautifully. She certainly looks the part of royalty, no matter her form. Standing from her vanity, she approaches the rather interesting closet setup, leaning down and grabbing a pair of ivory strappy sandals to match her bow, the enamering royal sits back on her powder stool, Aurora kneels down and slides the stilettos on. The lady-in-waiting smiles tenderly as she holds Mina’s calves even after doing the straps and whispers, “Your mother would be proud, my princess.”

The impish noble gains a serious countenance as she stares emptily at the wall, replying quietly, “That is how all mothers act, even as their hearts are torn asunder.” His eyes soften as his heart throbs with pain, now knowing what agony he would have unknowingly inflicted upon his own mother, and from the sounds of it, she did so with the knowledge that it would… Aurora appears melancholy for a moment as she admits,

It’s a shame you were chosen for this path, you would have made a wonderful mother yourself.” The compassionate apparition swallows thickly, his organs traveling to his throat in despair as his beautiful, courageous rose flutters blond lashes shut and smiling gracefully, yet her voice wistful as she intones,

I’m far too impatient and childish myself, Aurora. It’s better this way.


__________ ~Waking World~ __________


His eyes flick open, his breaths coming out in pants as he pulls his arms in toward himself, only then remembering the sleeping guardian in his arms. Pressing his face to the top of her head, Kurama inhaled her scent, allowing it to lull his racing heart as he contemplated what he just saw and experienced. Was I really in her memory? And if it was, then… Emerald irises lid in anguish as he pets his free hand down the back of her buttercup head, his mind completing his last thought sadly, She doesn’t allow herself love not just for fear of her enemies, but something more. So much so she’s resigned herself from being a mother, even if she’s considered it, perhaps because of her duties? Threading his fingers in satin tresses, he finally relaxes tense muscles as he muses while continuing to take in her enchanting bouquet. I'd heard of those who took an oath of celibacy to better serve their monarch or patriarch. If that’s the case…

(Fox Rain Roel Cover - Lee Sun Hee)

Rubbing his nose to the crown of her head he realizes in melancholy that, even if he were to give up on anything more than friendship, their souls have twined too deeply to completely separate. So, even if all I can do is stand by your side, that will have to be enough. Making his decision, he curls further around her and tightens his embrace gradually, crimson lashes shutting lightly as he lets her sleeping warmth seep in through his whole body. Even with bittersweetness filling his soul, he couldn’t help but smile tenderly when she began to stir, bringing up a burning question he needed to ask. What more is holding you back? Pulling back so the adamant vulpine could watch as she slowly regained consciousness, like watching the sun rise in the sky she so resembled, making him huff to himself. Only you could make me sound so sappy, Mina. It was to his humor that Mina hadn’t drooled on him this time, prompting him to slide his fingers up to brush some fly away strands from her softly pink cheeks.

His heart patters faster when she hums faintly, velvet lips pouty as her hands clench into his pajamas gradually, nuzzling her face into the bed. Caressing her head affectionately, he nearly chuckles aloud when her nose twitches minutely from some of his forelocks tickling her, a snort escaping her while she grumbles incoherently. He laughs quietly, although the sound must have still disturbed her as sunny lashes beat to reveal dewey delphiniums to his perusal. She still seems to be lethargic as she stares at him unseeingly for a few seconds, blinking languidly before finally focusing on his compassionate gaze, asking haltingly, “Kurama?” Feeling his entire being ease with comfort, he continues to stroke her hair as he answers humorously,

“Yes what is it, Mina?” To his growing amazement, she reaches up and touches his face lovingly, pads running along his cheek before fleetingly lining his jaw, as though unsure if he were real. Although quite nice, he’d rather find out and remedy whatever wariness clings to her as he questions, “Mina? Are you alright?” She startles, morning glories flicker for a moment before she shakes her head slightly, putting on a peppy smile that didn’t reach her eyes as she chirps,

“Yup, just a little tired, Kurama.” Stopping his petting of her hair, he moves his hand to her chin, keeping her focus on him as he demands,

“Don’t lie to me Mina. Something is troubling you. Please, tell me.” Her eyes are doe-like as she pauses, then,

“I had a… it was a memory dream. Reliving events of the past, though not the ones that cause nightmares.” Nodding, Kurama inquires,

“Was there a woman named Aurora in it? And ‘Arty’ as well?” The lethargic siren is taken aback, mouth popped open as she squeaks,

“How did you…”

“I believe I shared the dream with you.” Doe-eyes wide, she whispers,

“But that shouldn’t be possible… unless…” The look on her visage is both awe and, to his worry, fear as she touches his face lightly, staring at him as though trying to see something before shaking her head, mumbling, “There’s no way…” Tilting his head, he inquires,

“What is it?” Smiling wanly, she replies teasingly,

“Nothing~!” Smirking at the playful nervousness in her voice, he pulls her closer while murmuring,

“Ah, but I’m afraid my curiosity is now piqued, considering your hesitation indicates this is not ‘nothing.’” To his growing amusement, she sticks her tongue out at him as she tries scooching away, inciting him to quickly snatch her tongue between his fingers, grinning ferally as he rumbles, “I’ve warned you twice, now I’ll have to consider this an invitation.” And with an impishness he hadn’t felt since he was a kit, the frisky yôko uses the hand she lied on to wrap fully around to tickle her exposed side, causing her to squeal with her tongue still caught. Laughing fully as she closes her lips around his digits, trying to pry them vainly from her as he uses light pressure on her sides, her hands coming up to his poking her waist. Although he could easily overpower her, he lets her push him away even as Mina bites his fingers testily, forcing more chortles from him as he releases her.

Glaring at him cutely, she hisses, “You are such a jerk! I told you it’s nothing!” Lips tilting in what he knows is an alluring look, he insists,

“And yet, it still rings of a lie. So tell me, Mina, why are you lying? What is there to hide?” Pooching her lips out adorably she retorts,

“How could you know that! I’m telling you, I’m not lying!” Taking the fingers she nipped, he tilts her chin faintly, thumb stroking close to her pert little mouth as he lists,

“Your jaw twitches, you sweat faintly, and your eyes flick to the right when you lie.” Sweet cornflower irises expand in shock, her nose suffused with pink as she denies weakly,

“I do not! You are so rude, Kurama!” Watching her lips form the shape of his name was quite distracting as he smiles indulgently at her, remarking,

“You can keep denying it all you like, however…” Pushing her onto her back easily, he straddles her legs as he digs gently into her sides, eliciting another peal of laughter as she tries to slap his hands away, failing miserably. Smirking at the tears forming in the corners of her lashes, he feels her buck to try and throw him off as he maneuvers around her trembling fingers, avoiding her prying deftly. She doesn’t realize what she’s doing… Kurama wills his libido down from her thrashing, until she pants,

“S-stop! I-I can’t anymore! Kurama~!” Swallowing thickly, he stops for a moment, allowing her to breathe heavily, her hands curled by her head and face flushed as the breathtaking enchantress gazes at him with lidded delphinium, sunny locks curled around her cheeks, neck, and shoulders enticingly. Mina, you’re far too tempting for someone like me. He ensures that he memorized this moment while she catches her breath, then likely realizing he’s staring at her, she glows brightly in embarrassment as she peeps, “What?” Smiling dotingly, leaning on his left elbow, he smoothes some strands from her cheek as he hums,

“Just admiring you, and all the trouble you bring.” The heat upon her nose darkens as she defends,

“I can’t help it! Just like how your energy draws people to you, mine does too! And…” She seems to demure slightly as she questions, “You admire me?” Pressing his forehead to hers, he confirms,

(Gently as she Goes - Robin Wright)

“I do. There's much to admire about you.” Azure irises flick between his forest green, searching for falsities and, when finding none, he’s astonished to smell her fragrant arousal, and more so when one of her hands tangles with his forelock subtly, sending delightful tingles down his spine. Her lightly freckled cheeks burn darker from the compliment as she glances away shyly, whispering in return,

“Then there’s that much more to love about you, you know.” Just as he knew it would when he registered the praise, the fox spirit's own face heats from her words while Mina just so happens to look back at him, her eyes large with awe as she studies him. To his delight and slight mortification, the spirited fighter giggles sweetly with her lashes shut, dainty digits stroking his steadily warming face as she chirps,

“Aww, I love it when you blush! It’s so adorable!” He frowns promptly, leaning away from her with a dubious look on his face as he grumbles,

“‘Cute’ and ‘adorable’ isn’t something I like being associated with, Mina.” To his shock, she wraps toned arms around his neck, lifting herself to him using his own body as leverage to rub her nose to his, voice tinkling as she assures,

“Oh, don’t be mad! It’s not always a bad thing to be called cute by a girl! In this case, I’m telling you that you’re so handsome I can barely contain myself!” Once again, blood rushes to his face at the compliment, lowering himself and in return, her back down to the pillows gently as he exhales painfully and shuts his eyes before murmuring,

“You could have just said so.” He nearly falls over when a fiery excitement fills her entire being as she rebukes,

“No way! Cute is just so much better!” He’s about to mutter more on her choice in words when velvety petals touch his lips oh so delicately that he’s questioning whether it occurred or not, until she grins cheekily at him and pushes him onto his back. Blinking in confusion, he’s surprised she had the strength to do so, let alone straddle him as she chitters excitedly, “Now I’ll see if you have some ticklish spots!” Snorting at the thought of her prodding his body for sensitivity, he’s far more worried about her bouncing on his lap, and…

She’s pushing his shirt up.

Grabbing the edge of his pajamas and wrenching them back down, Kurama yelps, “Mina! You can’t just strip me! What are you-”

“I wanna know your ticklish spots!” So says the sensual imp with an enormous pout, fingers running along the clefts in his abs and prompting a thrilled, “Ooh! I knew you were built but hot damn, Kurama~!” Sputtering between laughter and titlation at her touch and exclamation, he grabs her hands and yanks her forward to keep her wandering fingers at bay. Holding her a fair distance from his face, as she’s quite likely to try kissing him for a distraction, as usual, he informs her,

“I know you’re trying to distract me, and I’ve let you off a few times now, but I have several questions I would like answered.” Pooching her lips at him, she insists,

“I wasn’t trying to distract you…” Raising a single brow at her, his skeptical stare bores into her until she relents with a sulky expression, “Much…” Perhaps if I keep her above me, she’ll feel more inclined to answer, feeling a bit of leverage over me. He begins promptly,

“From what I saw in your memory, you resigned yourself to never being a mother, but why? Did you take an oath of celibacy?” It would explain why churches and brides make her melancholy.

“Not… exactly. We all could, but none of them made me take it because of what I was.”

“What you were?”

“Venusian. It would be cruel to tell someone who communicates through… uh, that, that they’re not allowed to do so ever again, now wouldn’t it?” A wicked excitement surfaces while the highly entertained spirit iterates,

“You communicate through… sex, do you?” Pinking quite sweetly, Mina hurries,

Used to, I’m not who I once was, remember? Anyway, yeah, more often than not Venusians would pull a friend aside for casual stuff, and typically have multiple partners.”

“Oh? And did you?”

“N-No! You saw the memory of me as an eleven year old, I was already serving my Princess, and I can tell you right now that Venusian children function similar to human kids when it comes to that.” There was a lie in her denial, interesting…

“How strange, although most of that was true, you showed your tells again at the beginning. So, you had several partners?” Shaking her head vehemently, she nearly shouts,

“Not as Sailor Venus! My duties took precedence!”

“So there is more. You were once a noblewoman, and to serve your princess, you revoked your status and became a soldier.” Delphiniums pop in shock as she whispers,

“How did you…” Kurama smirks darkly as he reminds,

“I’m an investigator, Mina. Putting together pieces to a puzzle like this is quite routine for me. And although I didn’t have that last bit of information, your reaction told me everything I needed to know.” She sulks blatantly at him, forcing him to hold in raucous laughter at her ridiculous attempt to guilt trip him, although her charming features do strike a particular chord in his soul. If I’m not careful, the little vixen could learn to wield her beauty against me. Smiling faintly when the shy Morning Star tries to pull away from him, even with his waning strength at the moment, was still more than she had as she whines,

“Mou! You are so sneaky! I can’t believe you-” Her body shifted forward in her effort to chastise him, accidentally grinding into his now hardening cock, causing him to inhale sharply, and her to cry out breathily. Both freeze, succulent pink lips divide in shock as a brilliant cherry red burns her whole body, forcing a barking laugh from his throat while she continues to go darker still. Knowing what might happen before it did, he heaves her wrists into one of his hands to keep her balance while grabbing a tissue, and, just as he’d thought, her nose bled quite heavily. Chortling with resumed mirth, he comments airily,

“I’m continually fascinated by how you can be so amorous, yet also get nosebleeds from something as simple as friction. Your inability to stay consistent is impressive, Mina.” Having released her so she could hold the paper to her nose, he grabs a few more before turning back to Mina, who has tears at the corners of her eyes as she groans,

(Someday - Tatsuro Yamashita)

“Ugh, I’m so glad you’re having fun, Kura-tan!” Sweat dropping at the absolutely immature name play, the exasperated yōkai chides,

“Aren’t we a bit old for childish nicknames?” Blowing her cheeks out in an infantile manner, Mina denies petulantly,

“No!” That’s when his internal clock warned him about the late hour, and sure enough, he only had an hour to get to work. Heaving himself up tiredly, he replies,

"We'll continue this conversation later, as I still have some questions unanswered."

"Hey! What about my questions?"

"I told you I'd answer any you ask."

"What did you do on the train yesterday?" Smirking, he returns cheekily,

"Nothing really."

"You just said you'd answer any questions I had!"

"And I did, that was my answer."

“Mou!” He didn’t think anything of it, really, considering how close they’d been in the past few days, so when he moved her off of his lap and onto the bed propper, in which she had to dramatically flop onto her side, for his benefit surely, he started undoing his pajama buttons while standing to hasten his clothing ritual. Sliding the shirt down his shoulders, he hears an intake of breath, and curious, he turns toward her, only to turn his face away again in amusement as she stared gobstopped at his back. He’s not surprised by her blunt, “What do you do, climb buildings before work?” Snorting in humor, he replies gaily,

“I have a strict exercise regiment that you’ve been… impeding slightly.” Opening the closet door, Kurama doesn’t shut it fully as a cover for his inhuman hearing while his devilish angel retorts,

“Well, had I known, I would have encouraged it!” To his greater mirth, he hears her addendum under her breath, “Especially if it keeps you looking like that!” Huffing from the hilarity of her lewd words in conjunction with her pure reaction to more sensual things, he continues to change, slipping on a white sleeved undershirt before ironing his work clothes since he didn’t have time the previous night. I’m continually amused by her duality, and confounded by the line she draws, though it might be wavy rather than straight, from my experience. When he finishes ironing his dress shirt, and pretending he hadn’t heard the last part, he returns easily,

“When I get home today, I’ll go through some forms then.” He nearly drops the iron when she rebukes,

“Call in!” Sighing openly, as really, he should have known better where she’s concerned, he shoots back,

“Not today. This will only be my third week having worked there, Mina. That’s not a very good impression, you realize.” Finishing his pants, he chuckles lightly when he hears her bleat,

“Aww, that’s no fun! Aren’t you tired? You should rest for the day!” Ah, because being around you allows me rest, koi. Smiling to himself, he begins on the fitted matching jacket as he counters,

“I’ll be fine, it’s you I’m more worried about. You don’t have much energy left, and barely any of mine either. So please, listen to me and actually stay in bed today.” The charmed businessman can imagine the giant pout on her face as she puffs,

“It’s so boring though! I don’t like sitting around!” Ensuring all the seams were aligned, he dons his work clothes efficiently, despite exhaustion forcing his limbs a little out of his perfect self-mastery. Walking into the bathroom attachment to run the comb through his hair quickly, he calls back,

“There’s a game console under the living room TV. You can play that while I’m gone, though you really should be completely resting, Mina.” Finished with combing his hair, he loads toothpaste onto a brush as Mina cheers,

“What! That’s awesome! Why didn’t you say so before!” Cue her dainty feet pounding from the bed and into the living room, a tumble is heard and the crash of something he hoped doesn’t hurt her as he spits and rinses his mouth out. I don’t know if I’ll ever feel secure in leaving her alone anywhere. Making his way into the living room, he finds an overturned dining table chair and the object of his thoughts on the floor, rubbing her ankle with a wince. Exhaling with a wan smile, he moves to her side and kneels next to her, taking her hand away from the already bruising joint as he huffs,

“That’s why. You must be careful when you’re weakened, Mina. You don’t have the same bodily control you do with full energy.” He barely withheld the urge to snort in humor when she turns a pitiful pout at him, but her change in expression was abrupt and quite disorienting as she stares with a rouge across her visage, prompting him to wave a hand in her face. “Mina~?” She comes back to herself with a nearly audible snap as she babbles,

“That suit looks amazing on you! Teal is definitely your color!” Sweat dropping heavily, his lips twitch as he gives her close eyed smile. Kurama was flattered, though he hadn’t chosen this particular set with anything in mind, the teal suit piece set with a white dress shirt and emerald tie just the next in line, but her strange ability to distract herself from pain was highly concerning for many reasons.

“Ah… Thank you. You need to take better care of yourself, Mina.” Standing to grab his medical supplies, he notes her gooey gaze fixed on him, and realizes the awestruck guardian probably didn’t hear. I’ve never met a more easy person to read, yet difficult to understand, and I’ve come across many who were trained to be illusive. Sighing as he takes hold of the bandages and a stint, he comes back and gives her an incredulous look, and flicks her forehead softly, earning a small cry as he reiterates, “Take better care of yourself, Mina. Will you be able to feed yourself today?” Keeping the wrapping tight around her ankle and the stint, he catches her rub her assaulted skin with a large pout, confirming crossly,

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine, Kurama! But what about you?”

“I can get something on the way.” I could, though I likely won’t. To reassure Mina of his health, however, he worded it in a way she would accept without realizing he hadn’t truly agreed. She blinks lightly before nodding, watching him quietly as he continues to dress her twisted ankle, noting how small and feminine hers seem to be in his hands. Even with her athleticism, it doesn’t detract from her softness… When he finishes, she tries to stand on her own, and once more makes him worry for her health when she accidentally steps on her injured ankle and falls into his open arms. Lifting her legs off the sore one, the unhindered salaryman begins walking toward the bedroom when she flails slightly as she pleads,

(love - See-Saw)

“Wait! I want to send you off! Please Kurama?” Gazing down into the sweetly entreating face, he exhales through his nose before turning and carrying her to the door and setting her down. When she’s comfortable on one foot, he narrows his ivy irises onto her as he reproves,

“You had better stay off that foot and pay attention to yourself, because if I come back to you having more injuries, I won’t be happy.” Mina’s pooching her lips and playing with her fingers as she mutters in an admonished tone,

“I will.” Smiling gently, he caresses her cheek tenderly before bending down and grabbing his briefcase, turning to unlock the door as he iterates,

“You better, Mina.” As he was about to open the door, he feels a tug on his free hand as she whispers affectionately,

“Kurama, wait.” Turning toward her, he wasn’t prepared for her to press her lips to his softly, pulling on flesh and blood with an ease neither should find, nor for energy to flow into him that decidedly wasn’t his. Mina, how in the world are you- She tilts her head faintly, drawing him deeper into her thrall, teasing little nips working a groan up his throat until she pulls away slowly, grinning triumphantly at him as he resurfaces to chastise,

“What in the world did you do? You don’t have much energy to spare, you realize-”

“I rearranged your energy, like you did with me!” That’s not going to work with me, little vixen.

“That’s not likely, as I-”

“Oh! Look at the time! You’d better get going if you don’t want to be late after only three weeks of work!” Glowering at her newfound ability to use several of his words against him, Kurama promises,

“We’re not done yet, so rest assured, we’ll talk about this later, Mina.” She sticks her tongue out at him, inciting him to pinch it lightly before shaking his head and walking away, continuously wondering how in the world he ended up with such a sweet, beautiful, irksome little devil in his home.


____________ ~Minako~ ____________


(Doll - Lovelyz)

Minako sighs as she leans against the door, sagging to the floor tiredly, she still beams to herself at giving Kurama that last little boost of energy. And~ he couldn’t refute it because he’d be late to work! Also got another kiss from him! I’d call that a success! Putting her hands to heated cheeks, she melts a little inside remembering the feel of his lips again, Twice! I kissed him twice today! And… Her nose threatens to bleed again remembering the feeling of his hardening... shaft against her. I’ve felt him before… but that wasn’t directly on my… mmm… Heart pattering in excitement, she feels her vagina twinge from the memory of it, breaths quickening as she’s highly tempted to touch herself. But I’m so tired~! Like I said, horny and injuries don’t mix. Pursing her lips at her twisted ankle that he so delicately wrapped for her, she pushes her urges away to ‘take care of herself,’ as per doctor's orders. Speaking of which…

Using the wall for support, she makes her way back to the bedroom with a limp, and getting to the end table where she had kept the letter yesterday, she pulls the drawer open and with a rattle, her medicine rolls into view. Ugh, taking medicine is the worst. At least it's only one a day. Making a face as she dumps a few in her hand, and tossing the rest back inside when she catches one with a finger, puts on the topper and stows them back away in the end table on her side. My side… cheeks staining at the thought of claiming any part of his apartment, she's reminded of what her handsome roommate said and experienced earlier.

'I believe I shared the dream with you…'

Shared a dream… She didn't want to believe it, considering what it would mean for them, but it's the only way it could have happened. I don't know how to project my dreams or thoughts to anyone, and he hasn't seen any other dreams, so all that leaves is…

We've Soul Mated.

It was a hard pill to swallow, since they couldn't act upon it, even if she had told him it wasn't forbidden.

It would be unfair, to only be given a partial love.

Not to mention her priority is always her princess, and would be asking for unimaginable pain to make her abandon her lover and possibly even children to go to Usagi's side. I couldn't imagine how a little kid would see that…

The Embodiment of Love shakes her head swiftly to clear the agonizing thoughts away, no use in dwelling on it now, making her way to the kitchenette to grab a glass of water. Swallowing the nasty medicine down, her expression sours as she flails in frustration at the taste. “Ugh, that stuff is vile! I hope I don’t have to take it that long…” Though she hadn’t eaten yet, she didn’t think it’d hurt anything to brush her teeth before breakfast once in a while. Hobbling her way to the bathroom, she relieves herself with some struggle and after washing her hands, sweat drops at the mess she left on his bathroom counter last night before the whole ‘got lost in another dimension’ debacle. I forgot to put everything away! Her makeup still layed on the counter, but what shocked her was the fact he didn’t put everything away, or toss it in the garbage, like most guys might, instead, he simply gathered them into a pile. I wonder why?

Shrugging and not thinking too heavily on it, she happily removes the toothbrush and toothpaste from her orange toiletry pouch, with cute little iridescent stars engraved into it, scrubbing the icky taste out with a passion. So long nastiness! Till we meet again! Grinning brightly at her reflection, she takes a few bottles and her brush from the pile, working her way through her morning routine. After getting freshened up, she still felt a bit sluggish, so she figured she’d put her new clothes on later and shuffled back into the living room in messy PJ’s. Just as she was about to dig into the newly discovered game console, her phone rings, vibrating against wood back on the bedroom stand.

Groaning, because she really didn’t want to go back, but it was probably important, either the girls or the agency, but if it’s some dummy trying to sell me something, I’m gonna find out where they live. With immense effort, Minako retraces her steps before wandering to the stand, flopping onto the covers and crossing her legs as she answers it. “Moshi moshi. Minako speaking.”

Minako~! Where are you~! I’ve been looking everywhere for you~!” Our overly theatrical CEO, Saitou-san. The screeching nearly made her ears bleed as she sighs with a tilt of her head and closes her eyes.

Shachō… you’re giving me a headache…”

“Ah~! Gomen, gomen, gomen!” Opening sea blues to glare at the wall grumpily, she grumbles,

“You’re still yelling. And I’m laid up in a private hospital to recover, with strict orders not to let anyone in so I can recover in peace. No work, no drama, no nonsense. My parents don’t even know.” Actually… I’m surprised mom has called yet.

What~! B-b-but Mina-chan~! We still-”

“Nope, doctor's orders. If that’s all you’re calling about, I’m hanging up and not answering until I leave.” He splutters, fishing for words through the panic he’s probably feeling, though she really couldn’t bring herself to feel sorry for him, considering how much he blows everything out of proportion. The media darling nearly guffaws when the phone is wrestled away from him, Tomi-chan’s voice chiming brightly,

“Mina-chan~! Get better soon! We made a card for you, but we can’t give it to you so you’ll get it when you come back.” Magical Makeup Brat. But she can be sweet too!

“That’s alright, and thank you, Tomi-chan! Is everyone else there too?” There’s a chorus of noise in the earpiece, making her cringe and pull back the receiver, but she can’t be mad as she hears everyone struggling to be heard, wanting to give her their well wishes, despite sometimes being pains in her butt, and she’s able to name each one as they overcome the others.

“Get better soon! And make sure you clean everywhere thoroughly! Or you’ll get a bad infection!” Ochira-san, our Tiger mom. Cringing at the implication, Minako squeals back,

“That’s so embarrassing, Ochira-san!”

“That doesn’t make it any more untrue, Aino-san!” She’s super relieved when a more airy, laid back timber is overheard,

“I’m sending you good vibes, kiddo! And I have lots of new designs for you to try!” Rosso-san, resident Mulberry Godmother.

“I can’t wait, Rosso-san!” The next tone she recognizes is a higher pitch, but still a smoky thrum that’s usually saying dirty stuff, or complaining about his belly not being full.

“Get better soon! It’s not as fun when I can’t tease you too!” Darehara-san, infamous Dirty Camera Man.

“Can’t you be nice to everyone, for once?”

“Not a chance!” A tenor added to the choir, the monotonous intonation telling her exactly who this was, even as he made a thinly veiled joke. Ya jerk!

“And try not to get attacked by anymore squirrels, or we’ll have to hire animal control to bodyguard you.” Tachi-san, the Cool-Glasses Manager.

“Or you could learn to talk to animals, Shochō!”

“Why learn when I run the circus?” Pursing her lips, the cross actress snips back,

“Excuse you! I’m a star, not a tiger! That’s Ochira-san!”

“Now wait just one moment-” To Minako’s surprise, Suki cuts over the din, bringing a bigger smile to her face,

“And don’t come charging through the doors when you get back here! They’ve started squeaking because of you!” Grinning mischievously, Minakot pipes,

“Or… maybe your grumpiness scared them into squeaking!” The chorus of laughter had her beaming at the wall, giggling as well at the incoherent noises their surly receptionist made, interrupted by Ochira-san worrying,

“Really though, Aino-san, please take care and recover fast, it feels different without you here.” Lidding azure irises softly at the admittance, Minako returns heartfully,

“I will. And thank you, everyone, for the phone call. I miss you guys too!” She should have known Darehara-san couldn’t just leave it on a good note as he hints,

“It’s too bad you had to get injured in order to take a few days off for yourself, though.”

Darehara-san!” The ‘recovering’ idol guffaws brightly, reminding him,

“There’s only one of me, remember? So until Saitou-san figures out how to clone me, my schedule is booked, and no vacation in sight!” That got them started as they shout at the aforementioned CEO nearly simultaneously,

Saitou-san!” Smirking at the chaos ensuing over the line, she’s startled when Rosso-san chortles lightly,

“Do get some rest, kiddo, and I hope to see you soon!”

“I will, and same to you! And could you tell the others too, after they’re done manhandling Saitou-san.”

“Will do!” When she hears nothing but dial tone, she pulls it from her ear and stares at the cell phone in her hand, gaze distant and heart warming from their concern. I can’t go back, not yet, not while those weirdos are after Kurama… and now me too. I’d just put them all in danger. Thanks to Ami-chan though, I can take my time to figure out what this all is. The memory of their self-imposed doctor draws her gaze to the drawer at Kurama’s side of the bed, and without thought, she pulls on the handle and reveals the letter Ami-chan wrote to him, curiosity too much to curb.

And though she wondered about the contents, for sure, it’s as she hovers her fingers over the letter itself, the envelope lying partially on top, that it emits Mercury’s energy, though not just Sailor Mercury. I’m not the only one who awakened old powers in the Cauldron. Exhaling in wonder, Minako lets herself glide her fingers along the ki-infused paper, blood pumping at the recollection of this power and the name it went by.

Caduceus. The Goddess of Wisdom’s blessing over those who travel, whether through space, or dimensions.

It was hard to remember, but the aura was the same as the one she felt in the ash world, and when she found her sweet partner again. The power one inherited only by the royal family of Mercury, which Sailor Mercury was reborn from, just as she herself… I am the incarnation of Venus, just as the others are incarnations of their royal houses' chosen warrioress. Coming back from her thoughts, she just had to nosy about the letter, it can't hurt anyone if they don't know, right? Gently peeling the paper from the bottom of the drawer, she reads over the contents, and although it was vaguely threatening, the part about it being easy to fall for her was… A-Ami-chan~! Why'd you have to write something so… Her face was hot, heart beating wildly in her chest as a hand came to her burning cheek, lapis gems watering from the fever running rampant through her body.

I didn’t know it was… easy to love me… Swallowing thickly, she notes he hadn’t lied, there were directions for her medicine, but it was small in comparison to the heartfelt words imbued with Ami-chan’s original power. It’s so hard to believe that we’re actually getting our old powers back… Putting the letter back into the drawer, and the envelope back on top, hopefully her detail-oriented love-interest wouldn’t notice if it’s off by a few centimeters, she closes it mindlessly and sits quietly. Then, to put some pep back in her step and get her mind off of the others finding her easy to love, me! I’m easy to love~! That makes me so happy~! She bounces to her feet and, forgetting her bad ankle, squeaks and falls back onto the bed, the pain enough to bring her back from cloud 9 and crashing back to reality.

Grr… Stupid ankle! Sliding off the bed again, she limps back into the living room, and remembering the promise of video games, she nearly vibrates with excitement. Hopping faster to the living room TV and plopping giddily onto the floor in front of the entertainment console, being mindful of her ankle, of course, she opens the cupboards and… Yatta! Score! Look at all these babies! Beaming in triumph, she looks through the small collection of games within, pretty happy with his taste, although some were too complicated looking to hold her interest. Lovely Fight, Goblin City, The Epic of Isara, Draken Chronicle, and Endless Reverie. Man, he’s got so many good ones! Deciding to go with Endless Reverie, a turn based strategy exploration game, she puts it in the slot and picks up the controller. Chittering giddily at the upbeat start up music, simply starting the game to get right in.

(Kpop 8 bit mix 2020 - Darnu Pop)

She’s surprised there’s no save files, but she’s happy anyway considering there’s no possibility of accidentally erasing his. The avid gamer starts her little journey with the adventurer, who was ambiguously clothed, and even with the profile art it was still difficult to tell what they were. I like to imagine it as a girl! A beautiful heroine like me! Watching the dialogue roll by, and while it was interesting, she’d seen it dozens of times and wanted to get into the exploration part. No matter how many times I play this one, I’m always finding something new! Moving around the map, she works through the copious overworld battles, leveling quickly as she goes away from the game's intended path to find hidden treasures. Though there are some high level monsters just waiting to ruin my day around here.

As the eager gamer parses through the digital forest, her enthusiasm peters out, making her eyes droop blearly, the figures on the screen fuzz together as her head tilts down. Blinking and shaking her head, she tries to throw off the exhaustion, resuming her trek in make believe forests full of silly sprites and devastating monsters. Feeling a jolt, her ocean blues flick open, glancing around warily until she realizes she fell to the floor, the knock waking her back up. Heavy eyes glance up at the screen, and it’s to her surprise that she sees a little fox sprite, hopping around her character, text appearing in the narration at the bottom of the screen, ‘A mischievous fox has joined your party!’ Fairly nearly blowing a raspberry at the TV, the drifting hero of her own story mumbles sleepily, “That’s way too close to be a coincidence…”

Blond lashes beat weakly, everything weighing hundreds of kilograms as a delightful warmth presses against the right side of her body, inciting her to nestle into it dimly as it vibrates quietly. What… is it? Trying to raise her arm to touch it, she could only manage to lay her arm across her stomach, prompting a voice to murmur, “Oh, Mina. You should have just gone to bed, stubborn little vixen.” Smiling dreamily, Minako whispers back,

“Wanted to play…” She hears a huff of mirth that blows the strands on her head, her body settled delicately on something soft as the smooth baritone chuckles,

“Yes, I could see that. It didn’t look like you got very far, though.” Humming a breath through her nose, the heat leaving her side making her groan,

“No… stay… you’re snuggly...“ His chortling is comforting as he compromises,

“If you let me, I’ll cover you with the blanket, silly.” Nodding faintly with a frown, she hears him walk away, and is startled from sleep when something fluffy is pulled up to her neck, and a springy weight to her forehead encourages her to gaze upon the body above her. Golden lashes flutter as she focuses weary irises on…

“Kura… ma?” Her teasing sweetheart smiles down at her, tucking the edges of the comforter around her as he murmurs,

“Yes, it’s me. You seem to be incredibly disoriented. Are you alright?” Sighing while putting a drowsy hand to her head, she answers sluggishly,

“Yeah… Just have to regain my equilibrium…” Blinking leisurely, she notices a frown on his face as he scolds,

“It’s because you gave me energy, isn’t it? You shouldn’t have done that if it would leave you so exhausted.” Lips tilting gently, the delirious senshi mumbles merrily,

“It was worth it. You had an easier day at work right?” The sour look on his face loosens as he admits,

(If I Were, Same but Different - Vashti Bunyan)

“I did. But please, consult me next time you plan to be so reckless. It’s… dismaying to see you in such a state.” Staring at his conflicted expression, she exhales noisily and gives in, just to get rid of the worried frown pulling at his lips.

“Fine… Really though, we didn’t have much time to talk about this anyway.” Kurama’s hand smoothes up her bangs, staying on her forehead to check for a temp as he allows,

“Yes, there wasn’t much time, however there could have been had someone not kept me in bed for so long.” Blowing air up at his hand, she retorts,

“Hey! It was you who kept us in bed, buddy, snuggling me against you, even.” Where she had expected maybe some embarrassment, or at least a pause, he jovially recalls,

“Ah yes, and your avoidance of my questions. You do realize you are only ensuring my hunger for that knowledge grows, right?” Pouting up at him, she grouses,

“Your friends are wrong about you. You’re more like a cat than a fox.” Choking with laughter, he teases,

“Foxes are quite curious too. But say I’m a cat like you claim, what are you then?” Grinning cheekily at him, Minako chirps,

“If you’re a cat, then I’m the fox!” His bark of laughter was always a treat to hear, especially when he nearly loses his balance and has to hold himself up with the sofa. Beaming joyously, she’s awed when he meets her gaze, an incredible amount of affection for her within as he considers,

“Well, you’re certainly curious enough to be a fox. Mischievous, playful as well, so you have many of their traits.” Smiling genially at him, she notices,

“You like foxes, don’t you?” He seemed stunned for a moment, one of the rare instances where his ivy irises are wide, though she’s starting to learn what brings it out. Foxes, sincere compliments, and surprise kisses! The mysterious academic’s whole countenance is pensive as he confesses,

“I do. They are insatiably curious, yet most won’t act on that inquisitiveness. It’s quite a waste, but I suppose that’s how they survive.” Staring at the reflective look on his face, she feels her heart patter faster, body searing while watching him thinking about anything. What is it with me and my weird crush on him? It's like everything he does is attractive to me! Pretty confused by the statement, she inquires,

“What else do you know about them?” He’s broken from his thoughts, and, when he gazes at her, it’s with some surprise and suspicion. Puffing her cheeks out, she tries to sit up against the back of the couch as she adds crossly, “What’s with that look?”

“I’m simply surprised you want to know, is all. I didn’t think animal knowledge would be something you’re interested in.” Shrugging her shoulders, though the couch soldier could feel a blush on her cheeks as she racks her brain for a believable excuse. Finally responding tartly,

“Well~, we’re trying to save fox people right? I figured I should know what I could about them so I don’t get bit for not understanding them.” Still looking skeptical, but she knew it was reasonable enough, he begins in a lecturing tone,

“Foxes tend to be solitary and stick to themselves. They avoid other animals and most people as they’re quite shy and timid, though to say everyone of them is the same is a misnomer. Not all of them abide by the rules.” Bobbing her head in agreement, although she was listening more to the sound of his voice rather than any information he was giving, she asks,

“They eat other little animals right?” Lips tilting upward, Kurama dips his head in agreement as he answers,

“Yes, though they’re omnivores and will eat fruits and vegetables as well.” Making a thoughtful noise to herself, she wonders,

“That’s pretty cool! Since we’re on the topic of animals, if I were an animal, what would I be?” He seems to consider this quite seriously for a moment, before ribbing,

(Rei's Companions - Sailor Moon Eternal OST)

“You’d most likely be a mischievous little monkey.” Glowering at him intensely as he grins unashamed, she tosses one of the cushions from the couch at him, only to watch angrily as he caught it, guffawing at her attempt to maim him while Minako growls,

“You are so rude!” He’s still shaking in humor a few feet in front of her as he placates,

“Calm down, there’s no need to assault me or my furniture. I was only joking.” Pursing her lips petulantly at him, Kurama smiles at her affectionately, continuing, “If I were to hazard a guess, you are quite like a chipmunk or squirrel-” Que her grabbing another pillow and throwing it too, inciting more laughter from him as he holds his hands in surrender, although she still didn’t land a solid hit on him. “Now, now, there’s no need for all this! I promise I have a good explanation!” He sits delicately on the sofa next to her, though she tugged the blanket beneath him and almost flipped him if his balance wasn’t so darn good. Giving him a glaring side-eye, he simply smirks charmingly while explaining,

“Chipmunks are energetic, quick, cute creatures with large, beguiling eyes,” his calloused hand tilts her chin to meet his smoldering gaze as her sultry teacher at the moment murmurs, “with a nice softness, and… puffy cheeks when filled with food or angry.” She smacks his arm lightly, starting his chortling all over as she hisses,

“Baka-baka-baka!” Grinning mischievously, he grabs her wrists that were about to batter him all over again for his slights, assuaging between breaths,

“Alright, apologies for slandering your character, Mina. But I’m happy to note you seem more awake than before.” She pauses in her fury, sunny lashes flapping like butterfly wings as she huffs,

“You could have gone about that a nicer way!” Rumbling into his fist, he replies,

“Yes, I suppose I could have, but it wouldn’t have been as fun!” Using the hand he had now freed, she makes to swipe at him, but he catches her wrist again and tugs her forward, touching his forehead to hers. “Perhaps a chipmunk doesn’t quite fit, you're much more than a helpless animal. So then, a more appropriate match would be a ferret. And before you get angry, they are energetic little hunters, very social, and quite fierce, fearless critters. Though short, they will fight with things ten times their size and are tenacious, pursuing things on land and in air.” Though slightly appeased by the better assessment, the newly adorned ‘ferret’ still had to give him some sass.

“Mou! You might be buttering me up now, but you’re still in hot water, mister!” Kurama looks entirely unbothered as he rubs his nose to hers and he loosens his grip to hold her hands tenderly, smiling warmly,

“Would dinner make it up to you?” It’s then she smells a few yummy things having been cooked, getting her tummy to gurgle urgently and him to smirk in victory. Just you wait, I’ll get you back! Glowering at his ability to placate her ire with sweet words and actions, she reluctantly agrees,

(If I could Ride a Bike - Chevy & Park Bird)

“Fine, Kitsune-san! I’ll forgive you this once, but you’ll have to work hard to stay in my good graces!” He gives her a suggestive grin as he leans away, and pulling her hand to his lips gently, his stare captures hers while he kisses her knuckles in a slight bow, rumbling against her skin with sultry,

“Yes, hime-sama.” She feels her cheeks flush, his breath ghosting along her flesh and prompting a few shivers as she mumbles beneath satin fringe,

“You’re a terrible tease, you know that?” His expression is passionate as he responds,

“One of my vices, I’m afraid. I thought it quite apt, considering what I’ve found out about you.” Turning a shade of ruby, she glances away shyly and whispers,

“It’s not all that strange.” Staring at her incredulously, he remarks,

“A noble born on the planet Venus who probably gave up the life of luxury to become a soldier who protects Earth from invaders is not at all strange?” Pursing her lips petulantly, Venus’ princess grouses,

“Well, when you say it like that… I suppose it might be a bit weird.” She feels the sly ‘fox’ draw on her hand softly, guiding her gently to her wobbly feet which gave out and had her collapsing against him, to her delight and consternation. Exhaling faintly, she feels his chest move with his words as he inquires,

“Are you alright? If you need, I can help you to the table.” Knowing it wasn’t a fight she could win, she gives in easily,

“Yeah, it seems like I need the help.” Knowing her face was going to glow brighter, she resigns herself to being carried again, though it really can’t be helped. I need to conserve as much energy as possible either to help with healing, or in case of another emergency. Catching his eye, she advises, “I know you’re tired too, so just let me use your shoulder an- eh~!” He’d picked her up princess style, holding her with ease as he walked to the table and, understanding what he needed without words, wrapped her arms around his neck. Burrowing her forehead against his neck, he releases her back to pull out the chair for her, and wraps his arm around her waist to balance her while he settles her in the chair.

Making a sour face at him, she chides, “You could have said, ‘No, that’s alright, I can pick you up.’ Mr. Showoff.” He tilts his lips charmingly, scarlet strands framing his face way too sexily while he quips,

“I thought you might like the surprise, Mina.” Cheeks cooling slightly at his silly excuse, she’s about to chastise him more when a container and chopsticks are set in front of her, prompting her to blink and drool slightly at the smell as he explains, “I wasn’t certain what you liked, so I made you some vegetable chicken yakisoba, minus mushrooms, and beef liver yakitori to help recover your energy.” Lapis gems glitter in awe while Minako places a hand to her heart, breathing out,

“Oh, Kurama... you are a total sweetheart! Thank you so much!” Shaking rose forelocks, his lips tilt indulgently as Kurama responds,

“Not at all, Mina. Your energy kept me going today, and from what I’ve seen, you’ve suffered without it.” Humming a negative, she gazes into whirling forest green eyes fervently and refutes,

“If I can do anything at all to help you, I will. You deserve it, Kurama.” To her joy, his nose pinks minutely, quickly being hidden beneath his bangs as he seats himself across from her, his smooth baritone quiet as he replies,

“You say things like that so seriously, it’s incredibly… stirring. Thank you, Mina.” Picking up and breaking the chopsticks while beaming kindly, she assures,

“No need to thank me, Kurama. You may be a strong guy, but I still want to support you in any way I can. You’ve been through a lot, from what I’ve been able to see.” He had grabbed his chopsticks then, and, though she’s unsure, she could have sworn she heard him mutter, ‘more than you could ever know.’ When she’s about to ask him to repeat it, he murmurs,

“You are very kind, Mina. Beautifully kind, yet so fierce and sweetly playful. It’s a devastating combination.” Body aglow with heat, she nearly drops the utensils as her mouth drops open in shock, a hand comes up to her face as she looks away bashfully,

“K-Kurama, that’s… You really think that?” He chuckles across from her, remarking,

“Mina, I’ve told you before, I don’t say what I don’t mean. That you doubt both what I say and yourself so much is alarming. What in the world makes you so dubious of such things?” Bowing her head in reflection, the disbelieving fighter states,

(Thank You Stan Revision MS - Dido)

“I… it’s… mmm…” How do I explain this? There’s just so much… She’s startled when the compassionate rogue interrupts her perturbed thoughts quietly,

“Apologies, I let my personal feelings get in the way of seeing your own. It’s obvious something terrible has happened to you to make you like this.” She looked toward Earth’s moon in disturbing silence. Toward her beautiful, innocent princess. She had been called here to eradicate a particularly strong rebel force, but when she arrived, all she found was an angry woman and- “Mina?” She hadn’t felt him spin her chair toward him, nor the hand on her face as she clears the lingering scent of blood out of her nose. It’s a memory, stupid.

Just. A. Memory.

One thing that had always disturbed her, no matter how much it may or may not happen, was that of a woman’s anguished screams.

“Mina! Please, come back!” Minako jolts, body panicking for a moment from his voice before she finally sees Kurama kneeling before her, hands on her cheeks and emerald irises wide with fear as she swallows, smile cracking even as her explanation is stinted,

“I’m fine. Sorry, I got lost for a moment.” A look of torment crossed his features as he mutters,

“Never apologize for feeling what you do. I won’t ask again, but you should know if you ever need to talk, I’m right here.” That’s right. Nodding listlessly, Minako almost misses when his thumbs rub her cheeks tenderly before standing and pulling his chair over next to hers, watching her like a hawk while she ate lifelessly. He cares. They all care. Ami-chan’s note had been a bit of a shock, but it really shouldn’t have. It’s just so hard for me to open up to anyone when I’ve been expected to do everything on my own, and the things I’ve done… What would they think of me then? He himself hadn’t eaten much, making sure she was taken care of first, and twisting the vice around her heart and throat, but she couldn’t do it. I can’t cry now, not after all the crying I did yesterday.

Instead, she tries to redirect the attention back on him by stating, “You should eat more. Do you want some of mine?” Huffing lightly, he murmurs,

“You would be more concerned about me. No Mina, I’m fine with what I have.” I didn’t mean to make you sad... She spies some yakiniku on his plate, and though her heart still throbs with pain, she beams softly with an idea, quickly stealing a bite of his food and pops it into her mouth. Chewing with a flourish, she glances at him sneakily, noting his fond gaze on her as he reproved gamely,

“Oh? So that was permission to steal mine then, was it?” Nodding unrepentantly, Minako’s shocked when he actually snaps up some of her noodles.

“H-hey! You little thief! I’m the only one who can steal here buddy!” His grin was absolutely vulpine as he intones,

“Is that right? Perhaps you should better defend what’s yours then.” A smile suits you best, Kurama, even if it’s a cheeky one. Pouting up at him childishly, she swiftly tries to snatch another piece of his meal, but is thwarted by his pair of chopsticks. Gaping at his impertinent expression, he inquires coyly, “Is something wrong, Mina?” Tugging on her hashi proves fruitless, his strength still great even while tired as she groans,

“Kurama~! Let it go~! I’m starving~!” Smirking at her deviously, he quips,

“And let you pilfer more of my meal? You should have thought of that before you started this little game, Mina.” Pursing her lips at him, she recalls grumpily,

“You let me eat it before!” Lips still tilted upward, his ivy irises narrow faintly as the skilled chopstick-wielder answers,

“Yes, but there’s a big difference. You acted with manners last time.” Marigold brows furrow as she considers what he’s said. Acted with manners, what did I… oh!

“Can I have some?” Smiling warmly, he confirms,

“Yes, since you asked politely.” He releases her chopsticks so she can grab a bite, popping it into her mouth happily, it’s then she feels his stare drill into her, prompting her to turn questioningly at him as he continues to watch her unabashedly. “You look much better enjoying what you’re eating.” Swallowing her mouthful thickly, she blushes a bit before returning,

“And you look better smiling!” The cosmic sailor beams proudly at the cute flush on his cheeks again as he exhales,

“Thank you, Mina.” Giggling, she gets back to eating, snagging some of his and putting some of hers in his container. When she had finished, he took their dishes to the sink, grabbing a glass of water and taking it into the bedroom. Smiling in melancholy as he comes back, picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom and setting her on her feet, holding her up against the sink. Going through her nightly ritual of teeth brushing, hair brushing, face washing, and when she requested he leave, thankfully able to manage to relieve herself on her own. Washing her hands with some effort, she’s about to call on him when he knocks on the door, “Are you ready, Mina?”

How does he do that? Minako calls back, “Yeah!” Smiling at him from her place on the floor, having worn herself out getting her pajamas back on, he picks her up gingerly and carries her to the bed. The comforter was already pulled back when Kurama sets her down, his soothing voice assuring,

“I’ll be back in a moment, try not to get into trouble in the meantime.” Sticking her tongue out mischievously, and now knowing what he’d probably do, pulls her tongue back in before he can grab it, making a face at him. What she hadn’t expected was for him to pinch her cheek and pull lightly, forcing a garbled noise from her throat as he chortled, “There’s more to catch on you than your tongue, Mina.” She whines slightly, his fingers promptly releasing her abused skin to walk into the closet, her tongue coming back out to taunt him while his back is turned. When the closet door closes, the strained starlet sighs while plopping backward onto the pillows, putting an arm above her head as she shuts golden lashes, breathing out slowly.

Minako hadn’t realized any time passed before he seemed to appear next to her, he had a glow about him, though she’s not sure why, just brushing her bangs back softly, whispering, “Sorry for waking you, I was just…” Blinking blearly, she mumbles,

“Is-k… I dun-mind ‘rama.” His lips tilt warmly, thumb smoothing over her forehead as he murmurs,

“Silly woman, just rest.” Humming lightly, she closes her eyes and snuggles further under the blankets, feeling incredibly cozy now that she’s laying in the bed. And when he gets in… The bed dips when he climbs in, pulling the blankets over himself and just as she’d hoped, he pulls her to him, wrapping around her and releasing an intense feeling of relief that just consumes her. The avatar of Venus sighs hugely in comfort, prompting a chuckle from behind her, “Better?” Humming happily she nods minutely, letting his heat seep into her body as his arms tighten around her gently, enveloping her entire being in comfort as her wonderful sweetie rumbles quietly,

“I’m glad. I’m sorry for dredging up more bad memories.” Twining their fingers together, she pulls his hand to her lips and kisses his knuckles tenderly, whispering more coherently,

“Bad memories make us appreciate the good ones, and you’re helping me with that perfectly.” She hears a quick inhale behind her, before once again, that wonderful purring sound emits from his body. Mmm, so comfy! She feels him nestle his face against the top of her head as he breathes out,

“Mina… That means a lot to me. Thank you.” Venus incarnate makes a noise of affirmation, sleep already dragging her away, not even registering him saying one last thing. “You mean more to me than you could ever imagine, koi.”


Extra Notes

For the stones I name in Mina’s bedroom in the memory, this is a list of stones associated with the Moon:, as for Kurama knowing their names, it’s simple: What good thief wouldn’t know the difference between precious stones and plain old rocks? And for hangups about him knowing human stones, after he ditched Yomi, he soon left his bandit group and lived in human world, before eventually jacking Shiori’s womb, lmao. He didn’t much like humans, but I figure he’d learn about the stones in ningenkai in his time there, out of boredom if nothing else.

So this is only my opinion, and inspired by a fanfiction I read called ‘Of the Many Flowers’ by Thai Tea Addict because of its dark twist on Kurama’s past sexual partners, where he took many to bed, and ended up killing them all for various reasons. To me, it makes the most sense if he did bang a lot, but I like to think he would be more interested in his trade and gaining power. If he did have sex, he would have massive ulterior motives (rather than just threaten to kill someone, and probably do it anyway), and I also imagine he’d be a perfectionist at this skill too, to completely ensnare his prey XD That’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate beauty, but he’d prefer use over looks.

Ami's note.

Hermes was the one who invented the lyre in Greek mythology, which Ami uses in Mercury Aqua Rhapsody. He was also the only Olympian capable of crossing the border between the living and the dead and carrying the souls of the dead in Hades. In time, he came to be known as “the conductor” or “the leader of souls.” People also called him “patron of travelers and thieves,” and the “shepherd of men.” So I thought it fitting that Ami is able to imbue her ki, unconsciously or not, into an object to help someone cross boundries in another dimension.

The name of Mercury’s power.

Caduceus is an ancient Greek or Roman herald's wand, typically one with two serpents twined around it, carried by the messenger god Hermes or Mercury.
"Flanking the third looking glass are Mercury, god of trade and profit, identified by his caduceus and broad winged hat, and Euterpe, Muse of music, holding a flute."

Interestingly enough, the Caduceus is often mistaken for the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and is never depicted with wings, and is the traditional and more widely used symbol of medicine, though the Caduceus is sometimes used by healthcare organizations. But it's usually frowned upon by healthcare organizations since it's representative of business and profit.

Don’t worry, there’s more to come about the senshi and their old forms :)


Kurama’s motivation

So from my interpretation of the English translation of the manga, Kurama didn’t steal for monetary value alone, though I’m sure he turned over a few things, he found a fascination with breaking locks and codes, which eventually turned into a desire to rule Demon World. Which turned into a need to find powerful artifacts and spells, so when it came to the legends of the senshi, he would be interested in their powers and abilities, and is also why he studies his opponents so much, to gauge their use and application and decide if they were worth recruiting. He would totally try to recruit the senshi and bite off more than he could chew with Mina. XD

Rose inspiration: Inspired by the story of Aphrodite’s myth, where it was said to have blushed or been stained red when Aphrodite cut her feet on its thorns rushing to the aide of her dying lover Adonis.

Mina's Moon bedroom.

So a few things about the opulence of Mina’s room in the Silver Millenium: One, Queen Serenity literally gifted all the senshi castles when they were born, as stated in the Dream arc, act . Each one is even designed different from the shots we get of Magellan, Mina’s very own space castle circling Venus in the Sailor V manga, and in the Stars arc, Act 53, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto check on their own castles, and they're all unique. To me, it’s not so far-fetched that the inner senshi’s rooms in the Moon Kingdom’s castle are really luxurious. After all, they made an oath to give their lives for the princess, so it’s like getting a final meal, but every day. It’s also why I wrote Mina’s behavior that way in the beginning, enjoying everything while she can.

Another thing is it wouldn’t be so surprising if the senshi brought some things from their home planets for their permanent stay. So Mina, being the diva she is, would probably have someone come do the ceiling for her, and the vanity is from Venus too. And if you’re curious, I do have a lot of cultural and political stuff planned out for each of the planets, but that’ll be a bit further on, so for now, just a little tidbit here and there.

Kurama's use of third person.

Kurama has these interesting times where he refers to himself in the third person, which a lot of people have interpreted as separate personalities, but it didn't feel right to me. We get a good demonstration in both the anime and manga of someone who has multiple personalities, and the trauma that caused it. So I looked it up and found an actual psychological condition people have called illeism, or referring to oneself in the third person rather than the first. A lot of people, especially media, has a tendency to contribute doing this to being characterized as narcissistic, self-obsessed and detached from reality. Some examples of people in media who've done this is LeBron James, the main character in American Psycho,

That’s not actually the case, as this study in this article finds out,

Instead, the experiment used little to no help public speeches to induce a stressful environment, and the groups who referred to non-first person writing exercises to prepare were more at ease, comfortable, and had more self control when they gave their speeches. Sound familiar?

And that's not to diss the people who go with multiple personality disorder, their stories are their own, they can do whatever they want with it. But this is mine, and since the English translation of the manga states that the fetus Kurama took over had no soul, this is how I interpret his behavior.


I thought it strange that it never showed any retainers or palace staff, we only see soldiers at the most (Which is pretty disturbing if you go only by that…). So, I figured Takeuchi didn’t have time to draw any, and though maybe the moon kingdom didn’t need staff, it would be silly and kind of empty to expect only 6 people, moon kitties and maybe the soldiers to stay in the palace. So I figured the senshi brought a retainer from their home planets as a familiar face, a loyal servant, and as an ambassador of a sort for each of the inner planets. There also couldn’t be too many people wandering about with assassination attempts and possible infiltration and betrayal, so only a handful of people work within the palace.

She was reborn on Earth like the majority of the others as a character in the Sailor Moon universe, and it’s inspired by a particular picture of the character. I’ll reveal who it is later on.

Chapter 17: Nightmarescape


Joushi じょうし - (one's) superior; (one's) boss; the higher-ups

Shiagaru しあがる - Finished

Kuzu くず - waste; scrap; garbage; dregs

Aimai あいまい - vague; ambiguous; unclear

Kawaii かわい - cute; adorable; charming; lovely; pretty

Tamagoyaki - literally "grilled egg" is a type of Japanese omelette, which is made by rolling together several layers of fried egg. These are often prepared in a rectangular omelette pan called a makiyakinabe or tamagoyakiki.

Tsukemono - literally "pickled things" are Japanese preserved vegetables (usually pickled in salt, brine,[1] or a bed of rice bran).[2] They are served with rice as an okazu (side dish), with drinks as an otsumami (snack), as an accompaniment to or garnish for meals, and as a course in the kaiseki portion of a Japanese tea ceremony.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(In my Mind’s Eye - Priscilla Hernandez)

When she opened her eyes, it wasn’t to a bed or a handsome redhead holding her close, but instead to a large expanse of forest, with trees so tall she could swear they would tower over skyscrapers. The ground she was laying on was incredibly soft, and there was a light breeze blowing, but what stood out the most was the red hued sky with dark lavender clouds, and a weird smell in the air. Sitting up sleepily, Minako wipes her eyes while frowning in confusion, because everything seemed a bit… Sharper, why is everything so finely detailed? If I stare long enough, it almost feels like I could see the veins in the leaves. She picks up chittering in the distance, a few insects and what might be bird sounds in the surrounding dim forest.

It’s actually really dark here, isn’t it? Through the noises of nature, she's surprised to hear talking, but when she puts her hand against the bedding… Oh! I went through it! Blinking at the barely discernible colors, blond lashes flutter as she tries to catch it again, but gets the same result. She’s shocked to find what seems to be an animal’s shape, but… It’s the size of a tiger! Sweat dropping slightly, she moves back very slowly as she stammers, “Uh, p-pretty cool pad you got here, buddy! Uhh, if it’s c-cool with you, I’ll be going now! Buh-bye!” Standing slowly, she realizes she’s still in her pajamas as her bare feet step quietly away from it, startling when it gets up from lying on the ground, the top of its ears reaching the crown of her head.

She jumps back nimbly, glad for the return of her abilities as she takes a battle stance, completely unarmed. I can’t feel my power! Preparing for it to come after her, the beast prowls toward her calmly, a gasp leaving her when it finally steps into the smallest bit of light from what might possibly be the sun. Her breaths were stolen by this beautiful creature, a silver colored fox stood before her, all harsh angles and blood red eyes with no pupils, yet even those terrifying features became eerily enchanting on it. It saunters forward confidently, yet frighteningly enough, when it moved there was no sound, not any grass shifting, nor any crunching from the dirt. How does he do it?

(Awakening the Forest - Antti Martikainen)

(Forest of the Elves - Jonathan Segev)

The wind blows around them, or rather, she sees it stir his fluffy coat, and although a faint glow was hitting it, the strands shimmered in such a way that it seemed to blend in with the light. Captivated by the giant, pretty kitsune, the awe-struck warrioress reaches a hand forward, the tips of her fingers nearly touching his snout when he gives a frightening grin. Before she can react, he crouches and leaps over her, bounding quickly through the blackened woods, even with his weight he’s still silent. I can’t let him get away! Running after him swiftly, dodging around branches and strange looking critters as she keeps him in her sights, but he’s so freaking fast! He moved through the woods so fluidly, it was incredible to watch, but proving far more difficult to maneuver through as gracefully as he did with just her normal strength.

He’s no ordinary fox, that’s for sure! Unfortunately, although she’s definitely not out of shape, the crafty thing shakes her a few minutes after her pursuit, causing her to stop where she was to gain her bearings. Spinning in place steadily, she gauges her surroundings and realizes that wherever he led her, it was deeper into the woods. The inky depths grew thicker, shapes losing contrast with the rest of the area, leaving her groping while almost completely blind. “Mou! Why is it so dark here! What kind of monster forest is this!” Stumbling through what felt like an endless abyss, she focuses on the voices in the distance and, with nothing else to go on, she follows them to their source.

Thankfully, the closer she came to the noise, the brighter the area became to her until she came upon a camp of… Eww, unless they’re wearing really ugly masks, these guys look like Dead Moon Circus dropouts. One had scales and a bit of a snout, another had a hairy body and fierce teeth, while some had somewhat human-ish features, yet they all wore sleeveless white attire in a similar design to Kurama’s changshan inspired outfits. Some were slightly modified still, but they all seemed to be a group of some sort, and by the weapons they carried, they weren’t part of a book club. Golden lashes beat softly as she listens to them laugh raucously, several holding flask looking containers as one cackles throatilly,

Where’er ‘e went ain’t nuna our b’sness. Boss can ‘andle ‘imself, ya skads!” Ocean waves narrow in confusion as Minako whispers to herself,

“What’s a skad?” A nasally sounding one pipes in,

I second that~! Remember that time when Shiagaru and Kuzu followed him? When the Joushi came back, we asked him what happened to them, and he just cocked a grin and said ‘they learned an important lesson.’ When we went lookin for them, they were petrified of him and never went asking again.” They all crow in mirth as she wondered who this ‘boss’ was when another added,

How about when Yomi led a group of men into a fortified stronghold to their deaths, Boss came in and cleared the vault with ease!” Laughing uproariously, the most human looking one with elf ears recalls,

Let’s not forget the time that gorgeous siren tried seducing him for his head, and ended up missing by morning, never to see the light of day again!” She gasps, azure irises wide in horror as they all seem to fall over themselves in their humor, nearly knocking over a table laid out with papers as she wonders, What sort of monsters laugh over such things! How awful! The angered guardian is about to leap out there and give them a piece of her mind when an unsettling fog rolls in. It covers everything in the clearing in a dusty green color against the flames as the darkness seems to deepen despite the fire. A voice that, if she were to describe it, was the darkest, richest chocolate in the world covering a razor sharp blade, with an undertone that feels as though in a constant state of luring you in.

(Lupercalia - Faun)

Chattering like old birds, are you?” The leader of the senshi startles as someone stands directly behind her, catching her completely off guard and adding to her anxiety. I didn’t sense him at all! Turning to take in his features, she’s disappointed to note that even with his light colored attire, she couldn’t see through the darkness enveloping him. The only thing she could truly make out was the yellow cat-like irises that cut through the depths of the blackness surrounding them like a knife. A cold, calculating aura emanated from him, sending chills down her spine, and not the good ones. What is he? An enemy? All the men jump, having not heard him either as they squeak, monstrous creatures like them actually squeaking…

Boss! Dammit, we can never hear when you’re coming!” With the ‘Joushi’s bass gliding smoothly through her ears, and although she felt the wickedness from every fiber of his being, his voice drew her in like a moth to a flame. Minako’s whole being shivers just from the sensual vibration in his timber, her heart pounding from nerves and, admittedly, a bit of excitement. Ugh, now is not the time to be admiring some creep’s voice! Please be super ugly and not super hot and make this even more annoying!

Then perhaps you should focus more on training your dull senses, and less on telling children's stories.” With a hand to her chest, she tries to gaze into the… Damn, how tall is this guy! He’s way~ taller than Mamoru-san! He’s the tallest guy I’ve ever met! The mountainous man’s slit irises that she could see, and yet strangely, he didn’t seem to meet hers as he kept his narrowed stare on the beast who spoke last. When he walks forward she couldn’t react in time, but to her bewilderment, instead of bowling her over, he walks right through her. Falling on her butt with a small cry, Minako’s lashes flicker wildly in confusion as she gawks unseeingly at the forest as he continues silently around the perimeter, as though staying in the shadows for a reason.

We were talking about you Boss! And why these morons should leave you to your business!” His expression was lost to her, but his confident movement at the edge of the light and the tone he employed when speaking had all of them hanging on every utterance, displaying his mastery over manipulation and his revelement in it, to her dismay. This is bad, this kind of guy is...

Oh? Then you were consciously revealing crucial information to an unknown party?” Love’s Guardian freezes, a cold sweat running down her back before her training kicks in, pushing her to put her weight on her hand as she springs up near effortlessly, crouching into a fighting stance as she glares determinedly at the cat-eyed man, prepared to fight what she deemed the biggest threat. Definitely the biggest threat here, and bad for my sanity! To her astonishment, there’s a hellish screech across from her, and to her fright, there were… It looked like snakes or vines wiggling on the ground, constricting around something in the bushes.

She hears the strange creatures pleading to their leader, but she couldn’t pay any mind to the prattle as she watched the apparent eavesdropper get dragged out by… Its roots… like tree roots. She’s seen Mako-chan work with nature, laughing when she found out sunflowers moved with the sun, which inspired the girls to hang out at the nature lover’s house all day to watch as she spun the pot holding the sunflower. And just as she’d said, it slowly tipped towards the sun every time, all of them awed and giggling when they noticed it’s movement. Watching this tree constrict around someone and slither along the ground, bobbing almost merrily as it scuttles to pause in front of their leader completely unsettled her. She’d seen many things in all her lifetimes, but nature moving like that was insanely disorienting, making her stomach drop to her feet as the captive pleads for his life.

Throwing all her fears away, she steels herself for whatever may come as the spectral plant commander rumbles in a way that’s oddly familiar, “So tell me pest, what’s your goal? My head? Riches? Or… something else?” His pause was intentional, pulling his listeners in raptly like a spider sinking its poison into a fly, misleading and relaxing the prey. The vines loosen around the things mouth until they can pant,

I… I was paid to bring back your head, yôko.” Studying the scene before her, Minako narrows her eyes as she comprehends what it means, Demon Fox. The kitsune yōkai moves forward slightly, and with the movements, she sees long, silver colored hair slip over his shoulder softly, a complete contrast to this creature’s behavior as he intones,

Ah, if you tell me who hired you, I may let you keep your pay.” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, he would actually let an assassin get away? The captive beast quickly spills,

Aimai! Aimai paid me!” She hears the smile in his voice as the twisted yôko praises,

Very good. Such honesty should be rewarded.” Warnings rose in her mind at the terms, and just as she’d feared, a moment later a flower bloomed on the tree’s branches, and unfolding quickly it revealed a giant, bulbous head with sharp, layered teeth. She watched in abject horror as the prisoner screamed in terror before its top half was bitten off. To her shock, the roots began to constrict on the rest of the still twitching corpse, squeezing the blood and flesh to a pulp and absorbing it all into itself. Clenching her teeth at the visual onslaught, she hears the others hiss in squeamishness as the most talkative one groans,

Damn! I git chills e’ry time ya do that. Ya skads see that? If ya want ta keep yer heads, ya do as the boss says and mind yer business!” She hears the monster chuckle faintly, remarking,

Aptly put, but I don’t need a spokesperson.” She could hear them swallow thickly as the underling chokes out,

(Beauty and the Beast - Yuki Kajiura)

(Ghost Bride - Adrian Von Ziegler)

Yessir!” And they just move on to looking at papers spread out on a makeshift table, as though nothing had just happened. Is this wartime or are they just marauders? Walking over to the papers spread out, the Venusian soldier realizes what she’s looking at are maps for some sort of fortress, and the goal seems to be a particular room. Reaching out to touch the area, she’s startled when the shadowed demon fox does as well, their hands would be touching if he were physical. Pulling her hand back quickly, she gazes up at him and, to her further awe, he seems to be looking at her as well, those citrine eyes burning like hellfire and yet the shading doesn’t allow for a clear picture of his features, instead the fire’s light dances spritely around them, only granting a brief glimpse at what might have been a beautiful face.

Oh no…

To her continuing astonishment, he reaches out for her hand, and this time, they don’t just pass through each other, his hand slightly cool as it wraps tightly around hers. She gasps as he pulls her hand to his face, and although still quite distorted by darkness, she feels his lips wrap around each one of her knuckles slowly, headily as he murmurs carnally, “You shouldn’t be here, tempting little rose. Naughty girls will be punished…” She makes a small noise in the back of her throat, sounding a lot like a whine as he spreads her fingers and takes a digit into his mouth, his fangs sliding dangerously against her skin. Coming back to herself when he bites down softly, pricking her finger, she tries to tug her hand from his half heartedly, with him humming in approval at her taste.

“So sweet… It's no wonder so many want a bite of you, Beautiful Child.H-how does he know my name? Feeling his tongue slide along her finger hotly, her insides curl deliciously and a powerful tug from between her legs elicits a moan from her. He pulls her to himself, allowing her to feel the delightfully sculpted body beneath the robe, and yet she still couldn’t see more than a few patches of his face from the glow. Although her lower lips are soaked, she still tries to fight it as a highly muscled arm wraps around her back, preventing her immediate escape. Minako’s stunned when she feels his hardening length against the bottom of her chest, reminding her of this immense height as she gasps,

“L-let me go.” Releasing her finger from his mouth, once again the tone he injected into his voice was manufactured to entice her,

“Oh? Are you certain?” He withdraws his arm from around her as the Joushi holds her hand almost tenderly, calloused, clawed fingers tilting her head up towards him. His tongue swipes his lips slowly, savoring a small bit of blood that had escaped his mouth in a strangely errotic display as he chuckles, “When you catch the attention of a fox, I’m afraid you’ll never be able to escape.” Leaning down, she knows what he wants as he tilts his head to the side faintly, his features almost clearing up as he comes close enough to feel his calm breaths. No…

Trembling minutely, she closes her eyes tightly, gritting her teeth brutally, trying in any way to move her body but the traitorous heat consuming her wouldn’t obey, instead her vaginal muscles clench in anticipation of taking him into herself. The keen ache pulling at her sex hungrily for him, to have him pound inside of her wildly shocks her, a reaction she hadn’t felt the like of in a long time. A mind numbing want to pull him deeper, to drive him mad with need of her sheathed around him, of letting him spill into every part of her, slaking their desires with one another. Of coming closer to the edge with every throb, push, and pull they make, claiming him for herself as she cries out in ecstasy. Repeating the motions over.

And over.

And over until she’s exhausted and wholly satisfied... No! It shouldn’t be like this! I can’t lose myself like this! His face comes closer, the details nearly clear when the Embodiment of Love growls to herself angrily, I’m more than just a body to give and take pleasure. I’m a soldier. Clenching her fingers in the cloth on his chest, his lips nearly caress hers as she remembers her most precious thing. ‘A pigtailed princess spins in a circle on the moon, her layered white dress making her angelic as she giggles happily. Then everything changed to a pink bedroom, a pigtailed teenager smiles softly as she explains what happened when they had all been destroyed, the sadness behind sky blue irises impossible to take away, and yet… there was a strength there that the princess never held until now.’

You make me proud to serve you, Usagi.

Resolve strengthens her nerves, letting her glare heatedly at what must have been the embodiment-of-her-old-ways, ghosts of the undisciplined and pleasure-seeking Venus, it’s then she realizes something else from Usagi’s own growth.

This is not the love I want. The love I want… A teasing grin and handsome laughter fills her head, bright scarlet hair and playful emerald eyes fill her heart to overflowing, and the caring love she chose to protect, but could never have gives her full control.

If I could have it, I would want Kurama’s love… Not this!

Finding her voice, she pushes the body away and screams at the beast who nearly claimed her with all her might. “I won’t let you! I only want Kurama’s love!” When she looks up with embers of indignation burning in her eyes, his gleaming cat-eyes are wide in astonishment, as though he’d never been refused before as she shouts again, “If all you wanted was an easy girl, you’ve got another thing coming you big, nasty jerk! So leave!” Shutting her sunny lashes, she commands furiously,

“This is my dream. Go Away!”


__________ ~Waking World~ __________


(We can Hear your Pulse - Origa)

The cosmic sailor’s eyes startle open, and when she felt a weight around her, she feared it was that too-seductive-for-her-peace-of-mind kitsune yōkai from a moment ago. Why are foxes out to get me now! So, she pushes the body in front of her away harshly, blinking in confusion when she hears a noise of discomfort and a much more gentle baritone asking in alarm, “Mina? Are you alright?” Panting softly, she throws her arms around his neck and buries her nose into his chest, exhaling loudly as she lets her body relax. When Kurama wraps his arms around her, she feels tears at the corners of her lashes, but with relief that she was able to fight back against it. Against my weakness. She flushes lightly when he presses his lips against her head, the feeling so warm and gentle in comparison to the raw, carnal possession she felt with that evil yôko.

This is so much better… He rumbles softly, familiarly, why is it so- “Did you have a nightmare?” Swallowing thickly at the reminder, she shakes her head quickly, quivering faintly as she tries to center herself from the near loss of control. I don’t care if it was just a dream, I’ve been too lax with myself lately. She nearly jumps when rough fingers brush her messy hair away, sliding down her cheek delicately as it tilts her head toward him tenderly, inciting her heart to pound harder. Like letting myself fall in love… His expression is worried as well as stern when he chides,

“Why do you insist on lying, Mina? I’ve told you I can tell, and not only that, you look petrified of something.” Gripping her fists tightly into his clothes, she falters,

“It wasn’t my memories, it… was more like a fight with myself.”

“A fight… with yourself? Whatever for?” Shutting blond lashes to give her a moment to collect herself, she gazes into his emerald irises as she whispers,

“My duties work against my nature. For years, I haven’t had problems with it, but that dream… It’s like everything I trained myself for was for nothing.”

“You’re supposed to remain unattached.” Nodding, Minako confirms,

“Yes, so I trained myself to have a different response to those situations.” Her darling gentleman looks concerned now as he wonders,

“What response were you supposed to have?”

“A fear response. I feel sick to my stomach, get a cold sweat, and a sense of danger.” He’s horrified by the answer, pulling her into a tight hug as he murmurs,

“You shouldn’t have to train a response for something that’s supposed to happen naturally.” She studies his countenance for a moment, looking for something she realizes she won’t find… He doesn’t understand… Of course not, only the other senshi would truly understand. Sighing quietly, she explains,

“I’m willing to sacrifice that. I have to. I can’t let myself be controlled by anybody, because if I did…” She’s surprised when he strokes her hair softly, and that strange invisible petting sensation also starts, relaxing her more as he finishes,

“Your princess would be in danger. I suppose it’s a noble notion to abstain from such dalliances.” Giggling softly, the tickled soldier snuggles further into his comforting heat, commenting,

“I love the way you talk. It’s cute.” Kurama huffs against her hair as he returns,

“I suppose I’ll take the compliment, silly Mina.”

“I like when you talk like that too. I think I just like listening to your voice.” Now his shoulders are shaking from chuckles, his hand gently pulls her face from his chest as he teases,

“Oh? Is that why you don’t seem to understand what I’m saying sometimes? Or rather, most of the time?” Pouting up at him, his irises flick to her mouth for a moment as she denies,

“I understand what you say… I’m just thinking about a lot…” His chest vibrates with humor as he needles,

“Ah, that must be it! So I suppose that means I’ll need to repeat myself more often with you. Just to make sure your brain wasn’t busy the first time I spoke.” Pursing her lips at him, once again drawing his attention there, she snorts,

“It means you should keep talking because I like your voice, not your sass buddy!” Pressing his forehead to hers, he grins mischievously as he reveals,

“I’m afraid it’s a fixed package. I can’t separate the ‘sass’ from the voice, so either you get both or none.” Staring tenderly into his lush forest green eyes, she concedes,

“I guess I’ll just have to learn to fight back then, Cocky Foxy!” The usually quick-witted hottie blinks stunned while Minako beams impishly, dainty fingers pinching his cheek and tugging lightly and chittering at his stretched face.

I was paid to bring back your head, yôko”

Her mirth drops from the memory, and the erotic creature who tried to tempt her. That was just something made up in my head… Right? Glancing up into his features, the sympathy and worry that consumed them was nothing like the horrid demon from her dream. They’re so different… It's just a coincidence.

A coincidence that involves four separate occasions where foxes were brought up around him.

Her lashes beat softly as his expression becomes increasingly concerned with her silence, the tenderness and emotion so open compared to the structure of that beast’s words. That’s something Rei would point out, and yeah, maybe she’s usually right, but I don’t have that kind of ability. I don’t receive warning signs in my dreams, nor does anything feel bad with him. I’m happy with him. Reaching up to stroke his cheek lovingly, her fingers brush achingly close to his mouth and linger dreamily. I love him. She can feel her face drop along with her heart, mouth thinning into a line to hold back her sorrow as his free hand takes hers, his voice tickling her eardrums still not enough to curb the sadness. I can’t have him. “Mina, what’s wrong? Mina-”

(I talk to the Rain - Yuki Kajiura)

Pressing a finger against his lips lightly, lapis irises meeting leafy green as she assures, “I’m alright. I just had a weird dream is all. It spooked me a bit.” Taking her fingers again, Kurama weaves them together comfortingly, asking quietly,

“Could you tell me?” Biting her lip unconsciously, the appraising dreamer considers his request carefully, before finally deciding on,

“It was just inspired by the game and all the fox talk, I guess. I woke up lying against a tiger-sized fox, and at first, I thought it might hurt me. But it kind of… ignored me? It ran, so I chased after it, but I lost it. I heard voices so I followed where they were coming from, and found a bunch of guys sitting around a camp. They were telling stories about their ‘boss’ when he appeared at the camp, but the shadows kept me from truly seeing his features. What I do know is that he… eh… mmm…” He nodded gently to assure her he wouldn’t judge. “His voice was like dark chocolate covering a razor, it drew me in, but I could feel that he was dangerous. At first, he called out someone watching them, and I thought I’d have to fight. But there was someone else who had been listening to their conversation.”

“Then… it was the craziest thing, the tree came to life, it grabbed the man in the bushes and… it kind of walked? Over to their leader, and he commanded answers and the guy actually admitted he was after him! And then a... flower grew on the tree and became a big~ mouth, and ate the guy’s top half! And… the tree squeezed the blood out of the guy? It was pretty gruesome… But the weirdest part was afterward, they all gathered around some papers on a table thing, and since I finally realized it was a dream, I went over to look. The leader… he… he saw me. That’s what makes me question if it’s a dream or not. But I’ve never had visions before... He took my hand and put my finger in his mouth and… he had fangs.

Her attentive listener’s expression grew darker, as though finding the scenario more and more… regretful? “He said my blood was sweet, and that it was no wonder so many wanted a taste. Then… he said my name, well, its meaning anyway. And then he… it was…” As though hearing her hesitation, he offers,

“If you do not wish to tell me, you don’t have to…” Ocean waves lid in concentration as she reveals,

“It’s just mortifying. It felt like he was threatening me, but instead of feeling angry or sick as I’d trained myself… I felt lust, greed, and an insatiable hunger.” Covering her face with her free limb, Minako continues with a waver. “I’ve felt a small fire, a spark of passion, but not that uncontrollable urge. It was like… something was feeding some sort of black hole inside of me, and he was preying upon that weakness.” Pulling her arm from her eyes, he captures her gaze compassionately,

“Mina… there’s no reason to feel ashamed for something beyond your control. In your dream even.” Glancing away, she objects,

“Even if it was just a dream, that lapse in my judgment could be fatal. The thought that there’s a chance someone like him exists is frightening.” He flinches minutely, but she felt it and asked curiously,

“Kurama? What is it? Did you remember something?” He’s quiet for a moment, as though thinking through something quickly before shaking scarlet forelocks, returning,

(Kareina Kanjo piano version - Yuki Kajiura)

“No Mina, it’s just the thought of you feeling distressed that bothers me.” He did look disturbed, but his darkened ivy irises were hiding something deeper within. Shutting his eyes from her curious gaze, Kurama sits up and pulls the blankets away from himself as he intones, “I’ll be back in a moment, sit tight for me, Mina.” She hums in confusion, pushing herself up as well and watches him walk through the closet and into the bathroom, grabbing a box from under the sink, he pads, silently again, back to his side of the bed. Sitting down with one leg folded, he digs into the box and draws some alcohol and small bandages out.

Blinking in befuddlement, she inquires, “What’s the stuff for?” Lips pressing together pensively, he takes her right hand and holds it up, which was the one she was laying on, the pad the menace-of-a-fox bit into was bleeding. What? Gaze wide in surprise, the shaken avatar of Love whispers, “But… I thought it was a dream!” His stare is introspective as he murmurs,

“Perhaps it was. There have been cases of people carrying wounds from traumatizing dreams into reality.” Like regaining injuries from a recurring nightmare. She nods slowly, his hands gentle as he cleans the puncture with the alcohol swatch, and then wraps an adhesive bandage around her finger. To her awe and elation, he brings her digit to his lips, and presses a tender kiss against the wrapping, prompting a tiny gasp to escape her. Flushing lightly, she squeaks,

“K-Kurama?” Smirking slightly, he explains,

“I’ve been told that terrible memories can be soothed by good ones. So, I wanted to replace the memory of that nightmare with this.” Her heart aches from being so full of joy, moisture gathers at the corners of her lashes as a delighted laugh leaves her throat, free hand coming to her mouth while she closes her eyes.

“You’re doing a good job then! I’m feeling much better now!” When azure irises take in his beautiful features, her compassionate attendant’s lips are tilted upward, but his emerald gems are glinting in melancholy. Wanting to erase the emotion from him, she acted instinctively, and although he had been watching her, he’s caught completely off guard when she slots her lips over his. Fluttering blond lashes shut, she slides her free hand up to his shoulder while she shifts her thighs closer to him. I just can’t help myself with him… His fingers wrap around hers as he inhales abruptly, apparently having forgotten to breathe when she startled him.

She can’t help but smile slightly against his mouth, pulling tenderly on his lips as his arm wraps around her exquisitely, enticing tingles to spread through her body and a deep groan from him. That strange, wonderful spiritual petting he’d talked about begins, eliciting a small whimper from her throat. His hand on her waist holds her tighter, filling her with a secure warmth as he tugs her closer, pushing her chest into his and igniting a sweet fire throughout her body. She’s reluctant when he leaves her mouth, the wonderful sound of their lips separating sending her heart into chaos as he whispers, “Mina, what are you doing?” Pressing her forehead to his lovingly, Minako smiles,

“You’re more handsome when you’re not upset.” He gapes, ivy green irises now empty of thought as she giggles cheerily, his expression souring faintly as he scolds with a sigh,

“What have I said about teasing men?” Grinning cheekily, she chirps,

“Not to tease immature men!” She titters at his sweat drop until he releases her hand and starts tickling her, sending her into peals of pained laughter as she shouts, “No! Stop that~!” She wriggles madly as his wrought iron arm keeps her from slipping away, the mischievous smirk widening as she tries slapping his hand from her side. “Kurama~! Stop it or I’m gonna-” Kurama stops, mercifully as tears of mirth stream down her cheeks, prompting him to wipe softly below her eyes as he admonishes,

“Don’t tease any men, as even though I have much patience, I too have a breaking point, Mina.” Blinking in surprise for a moment, she then realizes that she’s sitting in his lap, and he has a bit of a hard-on, pressing into her… oh my… She blushes brightly, ears super fiery as she stutters,

“A-ah! Well! I think you are sufficiently happy now! Job well done Minako!” Pinching her cheek lightly, she squeals and flaps her hands while he raises a rose colored brow, leafy irises narrow as he inquires incredulously,

“Oh really? So this constitutes a job well done to you? Perhaps then, you need to be taught a lesson on rewards for a job well done, Mina.” Her words are distorted from her face being stretched as the pained diva warbles,

“I wasn’t trying to do that!” Releasing her tender face, she glowers at him as she rubs the assaulted flesh, letting him muse,

“No, but sneaking kisses on a man will certainly test his restraint. So how about we take this conversation to the kitchen and away from any more temptation.” She stares for a long moment, prompting his scarlet colored brow to climb again as she remarks,

“You can still do that in the kitchen-” The testy hottie pinches her thigh lightly, stunning her more than hurting as she yelps, his arm leaving her form slightly chilled as he moves from the confines of the bed and walks toward the closet, turning to catch her huge pout over his shoulder while he reproves,

“You most certainly can, however I wouldn’t advise pushing that, Mina.”



____________ ~Kurama~ ____________



(9 Ghosts I - Nine Inch Nails)


When I realized it was a memory, I knew what might happen, but I hadn’t planned on frightening her. To see her, feel her by my side as I looked over maps as my former self awakened dark impulses I hadn’t felt in millenia. And although it was a dream, her blood tasted so sweet, so rich that it was nearly my undoing. Her irises darkened with lust, and the perceived perfume of her arousal pulled apart every ounce of my control. Mina’s soft little moan, her voluptuous body pressed tightly to mine, and the part enamored, part fearful shine to her eyes heralded the predator within me. But of course, she didn't know that it was me, and so, when she demanded I let her go, it stung.

When she shouted that ‘Kurama’ was the one she wanted, I was both elated and agonized by the statement. She couldn’t have known better, I wouldn’t let her, but the fact that she broke free of my thrall because it felt like a betrayal to me soothed me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. And when we awoke… He could still recall the worry he felt when he smelled blood upon awakening, but the fact that it came from the hand she nearly lay upon both waylaid yet also compounded his concern. She brought the injury back with her. There were only a few things he knew of that could cause this: The trauma was so great that her body reflected the injuries, the more logical was he moved in his sleep and bit her himself. But I never felt myself move, further proven by my position. The other was their soul link was so strong, and their own power great enough that anything done to one another within their dreams would reflect in the waking world.

So help us if it’s the last option, she may give in to curiosity and passion would spurn us both. Listening to Mina’s thoughts and fears, and how he’d inadvertently added to them twisted every part of his insides, making him feel nauseous when she was concerned about his demon form’s realness. If she fears my demon form in a dream, then she’s not ready for me to truly reveal myself. And to his growing despair, Kurama considers the notion of never telling her at all and just helping her where he can. It might be for the best… Deciding she had been comforted enough for him to treat the wound she bore from him, I didn’t think it would… He told her he’d be back and heading to the bathroom, he retrieved the med kit from under the sink and strolls back to her side.

(Beyond the Bounds Cello cover - Maki Kirioka)

When she asks what’s wrong, he holds up her finger that was still bleeding, a small stream having pooled on his sheets while they had been talking. Her shock was expected, though the scent of resignation was worrying, he revealed some of his thoughts to help alleviate her concerns. She became pensive, her bouquet of emotions disappeared entirely, causing his disquiet to increase exponentially, and prompting drastic measures. Taking the finger he’d cleaned and bandaged, he kisses it, the gasp of surprise and subsequent perfume of happiness assuage his anxiety somewhat as she stutters adorably. You deserve some happiness for what I just put you through…

Explaining his reason for kissing her finger brings forth that brilliant smile of hers, like the sun revealing itself after a foggy morning. She glows with delight, and although he felt elated that she could grin like that after such an experience, he couldn’t help the sadness of keeping so much from her. And, as she seems to have a talent for, she sees right through him to what lies within, likely acting on an instinct that takes him off guard. Once again, she uses kissing as a means of distraction, but not from getting information from her, but from his own thoughts. The enticing beauty slides her dainty fingers up his chest and squeezes his shoulder soothingly, his hand clutches hers firmly as he remembers to breathe. As she slides her mouth sensually over his, he watches her smile while drawing on him fondly, memorizing her blissful expression and wrapping an arm around her back with a groan through his nose.

Unfurling his energy, he glides it along her back, inciting her own to twine delightfully with his, and with her sinful little whimper, his control was nearly undone. The enchanted fox’s hold on her waist tightens, her arousal filling the air and, to his pleasure, she’s become completely relaxed in his hold and several positive hormones prominent in her bouquet. Although it was absolutely wonderful having her warm breasts pressed to his chest, her lips brushing enticingly against his, and her soft thighs heating his, he needed to nip this in the bud, now.

Separating from her with an exquisitely succulent noise, he watched her come back from his touch dreamily, and her obvious reluctance to part from him gave him pause. The vision she made with spun gold locks curled from sleep, lips swollen from his attention, and blue delphiniums lidded with unsatiated desire had him questioning his decision to stop. Only you could test my will like this, Mina. When he finds the words, all he can ask is an idiotic question. And take away my ability to speak. To his astonishment, she takes the inquiry in stride and tenderly squeezes their foreheads together, imparting to his wonderment,

“You’re more handsome when you’re not upset.”

Such a simple phrase, and yet his heart pounds, his expression open with his shock until she giggles, helping to ground him again as he admonishes her for teasing him. Of course, he should have known she would give him more cheek than listen to his warnings. ‘Immature men’ she says… Feeling a sweat drop down his temple, her cheery chittering both thrilled and irked him in turns, so he turned to what worked on her for both fun and a bit of punishment… tickling. Her peals of tormented laughter brought a small smile to his face, Mina pleading for him to stop only making his grin wider.

The downside, which was also an upside all at once, was in her effort to escape him, she arched her body against his which allowed him to feel every glorious dip and curve. Even worse yet, she had found her way into his lap while trying to get away from his fingers, How does one do that? Her wonderfully heated thighs were now splayed around Kurama’s waist as well, adding to the sensory overload. Bountiful flesh bounces with her movements while she blushes prettily, tears at the corners of her lashes from her pained laughter creating another beautiful image he imprints into his memory. As a kitsune yōkai, he’s no prude and never had been, though now he had to uphold certain standard human social behaviors for his mother’s sake. However, carnal pursuits had lost their luster long ago in his discovery of code and seal breaking, which of course led eventually to high risk thievery.

Being wanted, he couldn’t expose himself in such a manner with the higher stakes, and with his preoccupation in those thrills, his starving mind was fed and had kept him quite satisfied. Perhaps I’ve become weakened by inactivity then, to be so moved by her. When she pleads for him to stop again, he does so knowing she was at her limit, streaks of mirth having leaked from her lashes while she pants heavily from exertion. Sighing to himself internally, he reflects bleakly, No, Mina is an enticing creature on her own, let alone my lack of mental stimulation. Wiping the water tracks from her cherry cheeks, he reprimands her goading of men, and the little vixen hadn’t even realized what she was doing. She truly doesn’t understand her beauty and sensuality…

When her body flares red, her humorous assessment of making him ‘sufficiently happy’ almost had him laughing, but to keep up his disapproval of her behavior, he instead pinches her face. Pulling lightly to stretch her visage out cutely, she scrunches her nose comically while flapping her arms, making it all the harder to commit to being frustrated with her. Even with his threat of a ‘reward,’ she only seems embarrassed about her cheek being stretched and sitting on his erection more than anything else. I will never understand your threshold for shyness when it comes to sexuality. Releasing her red flesh to finish lecturing her on her conduct, he advises they take this to the kitchen when, invariably, the maddening noble retorts with a cheeky,

“You can still do that in the kitchen-” Did she really just- Pinching her thigh lightly, the exasperated apparition unwraps his arm from around her and stands quickly, her startled squeak and subsequent jump followed by her near tumble from the shock only served to endear him to her more, though he wouldn’t let her know that. Troublesome little rose would most certainly use it to her advantage.

“You most certainly can, however I wouldn’t advise pushing that, Mina.” He turns away to hide his smile as he walks into the closet to iron his clothes and change. Closing the door and hoping she can sit still for the duration of his morning ritual, he begins ironing his pants, listening carefully as she bemoans him to his amusement. I now have verbal proof of her love… It was powerful, knowing she cared so much, but agonizing knowing she may never say what they both want to hear. Perhaps that's what draws me to her even now, her dedication to such a cause, which has kept her purity, if her reaction to her own boldness is anything to go by. Finishing the creases on the bottoms, he sets them aside and begins on his shirt.

It’s curious though, why she always resorts to kissing of all things… One side down, he moves to the other side as he recalls something she told him before.

I haven’t had hair this long since I lived on Venus.’ Emerald irises narrow in thought as he concludes, As strange as it sounds, it must be a social response from her planet, if human legends are anything to go by. Done with the sky blue dress shirt, he moves onto the dark gray jacket, wondering in shock, Is it normal, then, for her to fall onto those actions when panicked? That being her origins, and if there’s some grain of truth to the legends… Then, the Guardian of Love, Sailor Venus, quite literally communicates with her body… Sighing at the implications of such a thing, Kurama reminds himself, It’s only a theory, the only way to find out anymore is to ask her, that is, if she doesn’t use that body of hers to speak for her first. The worst part is, although Mina seems to have memories of her past life, if that all were truly the case, then she must not have them all.

If she did, she’d be perfectly aware of what she was doing, and would be far worse to approach. Innocence and bashfulness is hard to fake, especially with a nose like a foxes. With the knowledge I possess, she couldn’t hide what her physical responses were from me. Completing his ensemble for the day, he changes brusquely, especially when a chirp of surprise leaves his room as he hears her try to stand and fall quite hard to the floor. Oh Mina… Heading back into his room with the top two buttons undone and no tie, he kneels down where she’s fallen, sweet visage scrunched in pain until she notices him, and tries to hide it. She had fallen on her arms, and without a word, he tenderly lifted one and pushed the sleeve back for his examination.

(Mes mots tes Lèvres Douces - Laurie Darmon)

“It’s alright! I probably just bruised it, is all.” Just as she’d thought, just a small bruise on the arm is developing, prompting him to sweat drop slightly.

“You’re fine otherwise?” She glances at him, morning glories doe-like as she stares at the bit of his neck and chest that was exposed. Smirking faintly, the preening vulpine tips her head back with a single finger on her chin, forcing her to meet his amused irises as he repeats, “You’re fine, Mina?” The color staining her nose is entirely endearing as he thinks, No, that kind of naivety can’t be faked, and although she has her moments, she’s not very experienced with sensuality, at least, if my theory is correct, for right now. She burns brighter, mouth gaping as she ‘eeps’ cutely and stuttering,

“I-I’m fine! See! Even my finger made it!” Que the bundle of trouble’s bandaged finger centimeters from his nose for inspection, and, had Kurama not focused on her strange expression combination of nervous eagerness, would have crossed his eyes. Taking her proffered hand with a raised brow, and moving it away so he doesn’t strain his vision, this one actually seemed to have a slight wrist sprain. The same spot she got a sprain the other day. Now sighing openly with his lids closed for a moment, the intuitive caretaker stands and treads silently to his side of the bed, grabs a cloth from his end table drawer and proceeds to wrap it around her wrist. She focuses on his work, tilting her head in confusion until he admits,

“My mother gave this to me. Although I could grab some actual bandages, I thought you might like the colors on this more.” She stares reverently at the cloth as he ties it a bit tightly, smiling softly at the vibrant roses decorating the antique green fabric.

“She gets you a lot of cute things! She must be very nice.” Chuckling quietly, he confirms,

“She is. She’s one of the kindest people I know, and she had to put up with me.” Just as he’d hoped, her tinkling giggles echoed around him as he chided lightly, “You shouldn’t stand so quickly, take your time as I haven’t even started breakfast yet.” Pouting up at him, she grumbles,

“I wasn’t trying to fall, you know…” Grinning gently, he returns,

“Certainly. But please, for my sake and sanity, be more careful.” Delicately taking her uninjured hand, he easily hoists her up and, just like he thought, her legs were still a bit weak as Mina fell into him immediately. Huffing in amusement, he holds her tenderly, keeping her upright as she curls her fingers into his shirt and mumbles,

“Ugh, I hate feeling this weak…” Her muffled breaths caress his chest through the thin fabric as the sympathetic businessman reminds her,

“Don’t let it get you down. The fact you can move at all is a miracle, really. So you needn’t push yourself.” That stunning countenance leans back to meet his stare charmingly, her lips pooched out and tempting while she grouses,

“I know it’s expected to be a little weak, but I hate staying still! Do I look like I enjoy staying still?” Although she was asking seriously, he couldn’t help but tease,

“Ah, so meditation is out of the question then?” Her utterly incredulous look has him chortling quietly, petting her hair softly to ease her consternation. “So play the games I have here and you’ll be fine.” To his astonishment, she asks,

“What about you? Are you feeling well enough to go into work? You should call in!” Snorting softly, he smoothes some flyaway strands from her velvety cheek, easily able to hold her with one arm while countering,

“Silly, I’m doing just fine. Once again, calling in this early in my career would be unheard of.” Sticking her tongue out as though in disgust, enticing him to catch that little morsel himself, but he resists the urge while the child-like fighter sulks up at him.

“You work too hard! You should relax a bit too!” Sweat dropping with his eyes closed and mouth twitching as he tries not to laugh too much at her, he assures,

“I’m fine Mina! Honestly, working like this isn’t difficult for me.” Pressing his forehead against hers, he strokes her face softly and captures doll-like morning glories, knowing it would distract her immensely, purposefully murmuring, “You just worry about recovering, because that is what worries me the most at the moment. Alright Mina?” And, just as he’d wanted, she stares at him dreamily, lost in his indulgent gaze and the sound of his voice. To completely win her over to his way, Kurama nudges her nose tenderly, watching as her lids flutter shut softly, a tinge of pink along her faint freckles as he whispers, “Mina? Will you relax today?” He feels her smile more than sees as she hums an affirmative, inciting him to grin faintly at his win while he continues softly, “I’m glad, now I can work without distraction today.”

This time she makes a noise of confusion as he rubs her visage affectionately, noting how unguarded she’s become around him. Your faith in me is heartening, koi. A shiver inducing warmth spreads throughout his entire body, even his demon core is moved as he takes in her scent quietly. Taking a few more seconds to appreciate the feeling coursing through him and her ever addicting scent, he sweeps her off her feet delicately, chuckling airily when she squeaks in surprise. “H-hey! Kurama~! What are you doing?” Carrying her bridal style to the living area, he places her on the bar stool by the counter as he informs her,

“I’m going to finish up in the bathroom then start breakfast, so keep out of trouble until then.” Mina’s cute pout puts a tilt to his lips as he turns back to his room, her trilling voice following him with indignation.

“I don’t always get into trouble while you’re gone!” Glancing back at her petulant countenance, he remarks,

“And yet you can barely move. History has proven otherwise with you, Mina.” Striding away, he catches her groan behind him,

“Mou! I can’t help that trouble likes me!” Passing the doorway, the playful entrepreneur throws over his shoulder,

“No, I suppose not, if it weren’t for the fact that you look for it.” He smiles at the incoherent noises coming from her as he closes the bathroom door. Finishing his morning routine and, sensing the temperature rising, ties his crimson hair into a low ponytail. I have a high heat tolerance, but the moisture and wind I’m picking up will make me look unpresentable in a business establishment. He simply preferred his hair longer as it made it easier to carry seeds, an old habit he’s glad he hadn't let go of, and has lately proven itself useful.

Slipping a peach colored tie around his neck and knotting it effortlessly, he makes his way back into the kitchen with his ironed coat over his arm. Reaching the island she still sat at, she was glowering at the ceiling childishly, to his amusement, while he placed his jacket on the coat hanger by the door. Folding the sleeves of his shirt flatly, so as to not cause any wrinkles while they’re rolled, he pads back into the kitchenette with no reaction from his cute resident gremlin. “Are you going to ignore me now?” Turning to look at her before beginning preparations for food, he huffs in humor when he sees her cheeks are puffed out as she tries valiantly to keep up an angry appearance.

(Kaze ni Naru - Ayano Tsuji)

It was for naught with him, however, knowing from her scent she wasn’t angry, just a bit ruffled from losing their little verbal battle. Pulling the silly yellow and green trimmed apron from its hiding place, his lips tilt lightly as he hears her minute movements disrupt the air. Tying the strings around his neck first, before binding the waist he ponders aloud, “Well, I suppose since I’m alone now, I can add natto and mushrooms to the menu. I rather enjoy them, and maybe add the mushrooms to the omelet?” He can’t help the burst of laughter when she screeches in horror,

“No! That’s disgusting Kurama! Don’t you dare!” Turning to look over his shoulder at her amusedly, Kurama pretends to be surprised.

“Oh! I had thought you might have disappeared Mina! So glad you could join me!” Her expression sours immensely and a glare that pierces the side of his face, to his mirth, as she hisses,

“You are such a jerk, you know that?” Chuckling gingerly, he washes his hands and gathers the ingredients onto a cutting board next to the stove while he sasses,

“The jerk making you breakfast, mind you.” Loading two servings of washed rice into the cooker with measured water, he turns it on and leaves it be while he prepares the miso soup. His sensitive ears picks up the sound of Mina slumping onto the counter while griping,

“You may be an awesome cook and handsome as all get out, but you’re still a jerk. Life is so unfair! Why are you so sweet but so sassy! You’re like super sour candy that I can’t stop eating!” Choking on a breath, and subsequently needing to catch the stock jar, he wheezes,

Sour candy? Really, Mina?” Turning back toward her, he finds her head in her hands and face smooshed from the pressure, making quite the hilarious fish face at him. Snickering under his breath, he picks up the distorted sound of her sing-song trill,

“Uh, yes~! It describes you perfectly. A super sour coating over an incredibly sweet and chewy goodness!” Huffing from the hilarity of such an assessment, he remarks,

“Hopefully you don’t act on it and actually try to eat me.” The admittedly hungry cook himself smiles at the sound of her unrepentant tone,

“No promises. Especially when I’m omelet-less.” Beginning the aforementioned omelets, he quite obviously feigns his terror at the idea.

“Ah! Please don’t eat me, your Hungriness!” Her tinkling laughter filled his body with warmth again, nearly driving him to miss flipping the eggs when he stopped to just enjoy the noise. Saving the food, and grabbing the set of prepared fish to sear, he’s startled when the spirited darling confides with admiration,

(I Swear - Yuki Kajiura)

“You know, you’d make a great dad.” His breaths stop, and his ears sear with color he’s sure, as he turns the statement over in his head. Me? A father? ...I’ve never really thought about it, truly. Family had badgered him about settling down, but he always listened to half the story, wary of their intentions and how much concern they truly had for him. I’ve never had a mate, nor a litter to concern myself with considering my insatiable greed. Even while I’ve been here in Ningenkai, I never considered it an option, at least, until mother started hinting at it as well. Fully staring at the brilliantly smiling vision sitting at his counter, countenance exuding that genial benevolence that touches him to the core. I most certainly can’t have a bad day now, with all this positivity whirling within.

“You think so? I haven't had much experience with children…” Although what I consider as infantile is a bit different than what you do… “But you have, correct? In the hospital?” She blinks in surprise, wondering,

“Where did you hear that?” Reluctantly pushing the comforting feelings aside so he can continue preparing an unburnt breakfast, Kurama turns back to the pan and miso on the stove while answering,

“Apparently my coworkers are terrible gossips, and you are typically their favorite subject.” He hears the weariness in her words when Mina confirms,

“Well… they were right in that regard. I was in the hospital so often, and although it was terminal, it wasn’t nearly as painful as some of the kids there. I couldn’t imagine being so young and suffering so much.” He plates the fish silently, considering her thoughts on her situation as he points out,

“It was only a little while ago, right? You aren’t that old yourself, at least, not your body.” Taking the finished fish, tamagoyaki, and sliced vegetables to the counter, she divides the portions for them silently for a moment as he goes back for the tsukemono and miso soup.

“I was 16 when it started. But those kids… There were newborns up… And so many of them didn’t make it…” Thankfully he had sat the bowls down before she spoke, or he might have risked dropping them at her melancholy intonation. Stroking along her face comfortingly, he soothes,

“Yet they weren’t alone, Mina. They had you.” Her expression lifts with his assurance, lashes fluttering shut as she leans into his touch, sighing in comfort.

“That means so much to me. Thank you, Kurama.” Smiling affectionately, he moves his hand away but before it leaves her face, she captures it and kisses his thumb softly, giving him such a sweet tilt to her lips that he stopped to stare completely. His lapse in attention allows her to take his fingers and place soft kisses on all of them, meeting his wide verdant irises lovingly as she did so. “You really are a sweetheart, please... don’t ever change Kurama.” She beams cheekily as she adds with another kiss to his thumb, “Terrible sass and all.” Never had his heart beat so hard, nor had he known it could be filled so completely, so full that it actually hurt. It worried him a bit, the sudden pain, but he knows it’s not health related, so it must be…

Is this what it’s like? To be blindly, madly in love? I’ve heard it described before, but I never thought… He swallowed thickly, taking silent, deep breaths to center himself as he ponders, to feel so much for someone that it aches deeply when they make you happy? How much further can I fall? The sun to his quiet garden winks cutely as she adds, “And also thank you for always keeping me fed! I’d wither away without you, Kurama!” Reining in his emotions quickly, before he reveals too much of himself at once, he pulls away and returns cooly,

(Can I Have the Day with You - Sam Ock ft. Michelle)

“I should be the one thanking you Mina. You’ve added adventure to my life.” And inner turmoil… “You’ve opened my eyes to many things.” Including… madness inducing love. He reaches into the fridge, with the hand she sprinkled with kisses, and retrieves a jar of some chilled sencha he usually had for hotter days, grabbing the simple rose and hibiscus syrup on his way. “One of those things was what your people were like.” Going back for soy sauce and some glasses, he pours the tea and syrup over ice, her face lighting up at the green and pink mix.

“My people? You mean Venusians?” Grabbing two pairs of black lacquered chopsticks, he takes a seat next to her at the bar and nods, handing one to her.

“Yes. Although everyone has a certain body language they exude, yours is… much more pronounced.” She flushes prettily, having eaten a few bites herself while he had spoken. He takes the time himself to deftly pull some fish into his mouth, chewing a bit and swallowing while she finds an answer.

“My body language isn’t that loud…” Narrowing his eyes incredulously, Kurama recalls,

“Mina… You use kissing when you panic as a means for distraction…” Her face explodes with color as Mina stutters,

“I… Well… you know… that’s…” He sighs lightly before plucking some fresh cucumber slices as he wonders,

“So you really didn’t realize what you were doing? Mina…” He can literally see nervous sweat flying off her as she clenches her fists in front of her mouth and bouncing as she cries,

“I can’t help it! I act impulsively!” Snorting in humor, he takes a graceful bite of rice before teasing,

“Ah! I hadn’t realized!” Puffing her cheeks at him again, she growls,

“Alright, wise guy! Since you brought it up, that big brain of yours must have been working on something.” Smirking at her irritated admittance of his wisdom, Kurama concedes,

“I did. You can correct me if I’m wrong, but from your behavior and my knowledge of Greecian legends, can I assume you’re people were very… shall we say amorous?” She chews quickly on her mouthful and swallows so she can explain,

“Yeah, that’s a pretty good assessment. Even family interacted in a way that modern society would frown upon.” Eating a bit more food, the calculating academic nods and comments,

“Yes well, the modern age has some rather strange ideas on natural behaviors, and the ones considered ‘deviants’ tend to have a healthier outlook.” Just as he suspected might happen, simply speaking of sex casually had the Guardian of Love glowing from mortification, which was entirely absurd to him. The peculiarity of a species that would shame each other for learning about themselves in such a manner. Though he could understand being safe for the infantile ones, most have rather narrowed views on these matters, and it showed so harshly in her recent behavior. That’s why she has such bizarre boundaries, her homeworld’s ingrained culture opposes what she’s learned in her second life here. She takes a few quick nibbles in embarrassment to build up gumption, then responds,

“You… you think so? You don’t see it as something bad?It’s perturbing to see her so divided… Drawing on the glass of tea pensively, he assures evenly,

“Not at all. There’s nothing to fear if you take precautions and choose your partner wisely. It can relieve stress, help balance the chemicals in your body, and of course it can be pleasurable. Although it’s not absurd if you abstain from it. I myself do so because I prefer the pursuit of knowledge over pleasure.” Her expression falls, his stomach falling with it before she gains a determined resignation, to his worry, prompting him to assure, “Though if I found someone I felt that kind of love for, I might share myself with them.” She blinks in shock, a soft pink alighting her ears as she glances away and bits her lip for only a moment, before lilting hopefully,

(Someday the Dream Will End piano - Nobuo Uematsu)

“You would? You would do that for someone?” His ivy colored gaze lids gently, mouth pulled taught at the waver in her voice, inciting him to divulge,

“Rest assured, I would do anything for the people I love. And now, that includes you, Mina.” She looks taken aback, as though awed by the revelation as she falters,

“Really? Even me?” Smiling tenderly, Kurama brushes sunny bangs aside and meeting blue delphiniums, he repeats patiently,

“Of course, Mina. You’ve become very important to me.” To his astonishment, tears gather in her lashes and before he can ask what’s wrong, he finds Mina wrapped around his neck, her words muffled by his shoulder as she warbles,

“I’m so glad I met you, Kurama.” It was odd, the feeling that time had stopped around them, though he knew instinctively that it hadn’t, that it did for no one. But for this instance, I don’t mind the lapse in logic. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulls her closer to himself and nuzzles the top of her head fondly, closing his eyes and just enjoying the tingling feelings running through him, murmuring back heartfully,

“I am as well, Mina. I am as well.” No matter what happens between us, I will always watch over you. Even if… Even if you end up hating me for what I am. Tightening his hold around her, she snuggles into him deeper, now simply curled on his lap, her legs nearly trapping his arms around her. Although he wanted to stay here, enjoy being against her pleasantly temperate form for hours, and relish the immense comfort he gained being close to her, he knew it was about time he finished cleaning up and left. To his bewilderment, she pulls back from him a little bit, heart shaped face held in a quite obviously fake-innocent expression, questioning mildly,

“So~ let’s say hypothetically, I come here with a dead body because I accidentally killed someone, would you help me find a place to hide and bury them?” Nearly choking on his breath from the ludicrous idea, the amused yôko lets some laughter through as he decides,

“Depending on the circumstances, I suppose I just might.” Snorting at her little fist pumps of excitement, obviously forgetting she was on his lap and could fall, not to mention nearly hitting him in her cheer. He considers that his sunny heroine likely trusted he would keep her balanced and safe. Maddening woman.

“Alright! Well, I’ll hold you to it then!” Shaking his head, he admonishes,

“That doesn’t give you leave to ‘accidentally’ kill someone, Mina…” Her now exuberant smile was heartening compared to her resignation earlier, and so with his mission accomplished, he sits her back on her chair while informing her, “I need to get going here in a few minutes, so you finish up while I-”

“What about yours? You didn’t eat much…” Looking to his plate, he had eaten less than half, so to ease her worry he compromises,

“How about I give you a box to put it in, and I’ll take it to work?” Her worry doesn’t abate as she inquires,

“You really want this for lunch?” Looking for said box and a thermos for the tea in his cupboards, he finds the old ones his mother used to send with him to chūgakkō and, considering it had several cartoon characters on it, he knew she’d enjoy it. “I would rather not waste food if I can.” Setting the robin's egg blue top down so she sees the chubby gray cat-like creature on the front, he holds back a snicker at her squeal of elation, listening raptly as she chitters,

“Oh my gosh! It’s My Neighbor Toroto! Aww, he’s so cute! Ah! And could you grab some ketchup and stuff?” Raising a rosey brow at her, Kurama ponders,

“Why do you need them?” Mina grins flippantly,

“Duh! To make your lunch cute for you!” Sweat dropping faintly, he tries to maneuver out of eating decorated food as he implores,

“There’s no need to go out of your way so much, Mina. It’ll be fine just like it-”

“No way! It makes your day so much better when you eat something cute like this! Believe me, I know how to make a kawaii bento.” Resigning himself to having a strangely adorable meal, although it warmed his heart that she was determined to help him have a good day, he shuts his eyes with a twitching smile, conceding,

“Alright, while you decorate my food, I’ll finish getting ready.” She was already pouring soy sauce onto the rice, using the chopsticks to mix it while her tongue poked out the side of her mouth endearingly, chirping back without looking up,

“Okay~!” Retreating into the bathroom, he brushes his teeth quickly and straightens his tie while rolling down his sleeves, pulling the apron off and folding it into a square. When he reenters the dining room, he grins indulgently at her satisfied expression staring down at the bento lid, fists curled under her chin excitedly as morning glories flit to his when he allows his steps to be heard. He’s sure had she been able to, she would have been hopping in her seat from the buzz of energy her visage exudes. At least she’s happy. But did she have to be part of her work? The immaculate salaryman was always impressed by the mess she makes of herself time and again, making him worry a bit for the contents, to which she seems to have read his expression. “Don’t worry! It’s still edible!”

“So how much actually made it into your creation?” Pouting at him endearingly, she grouses,

“Mou! You are so ungrateful! It’s the best, I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. You’ll see!” Brushing her golden fringe from her eyes softly, he tilts his head and reassures,

“Of course it is. You embellished it.” The savory artist obviously wasn’t expecting that answer, shock fettered across her countenance as he reiterates, “Are you done eating yourself? I’ll get the dishes after I take you to clean up in the bathroom.” Rouge staining her lightly freckled nose, she counters,

“I’m feeling a lot better now! I should be able to manage on my own!” Gazing at her in concern, he remarks,

“There's no need to push yourself, rest as much as you can to build your energy back up.” Knowing she was stubborn about these things, he catches her elbows as she slides off the bar stool, somehow managing to stand on her own two feet after having fallen earlier.

“See! I got this.” And~ que her stumbling on her own steps, and him thanking his own forethought for staying close enough to support her. Pulling her arm over his neck, he helps her amble into the bathroom with a stern reprimand,

“Please listen when I tell you to conserve your energy.” He nearly sighs at the puffed up cheeks reflected in the mirror huffily, releasing her arm from around his neck and ruffling his crimson tresses, he states lightly, “I’ll be quick with the dishes, so let me know when you’re ready for bed.” Crossing the threshold so he’s not tempted to grab the devious tongue he knows she stuck out at him, as she often does, he washes everything swiftly, still worried for her waning strength as he dries the counters. Returning to the bedroom with a glass of water, he places it on the nightstand and pulls the comforter back, standing in front of the bathroom door and calling, “Are you ready, Mina?” A small hum is his only answer, triggering him to open the door, frowning sadly when he sees she’s leaned against the sink for balance and panting.

Not hesitating, the bandit turned prince, it seems, sweeps his royal troublemaker off her feet and carries her back to the bed, placing her delicately on the bed sheets and pulling the blanket around her shoulders. Recalling her need for medicine, he asks, “Where’s your prescription?” Blond lashes flutter sleepily before pointing blearily to the nightstand he set her water on, and pulling the drawer open and taking the bottle out, he extracts one capsule with lithe fingers before returning it. Sitting her up, he rumbles gently, “Open up Mina, you need to take this.” Fighting exhaustion desperately, she pops her mouth open sleepily, while he gives her the dose as was prescribed on the bottle, and helps her hold the water to make it easier to swallow. Pleased that she was well taken care of, he lies her back onto the pillows, her breaths already evening out as he chuckles airily.

“You could have avoided this, stubborn little vixen.” Leaning down, he presses a tender kiss to her forehead, pulling back to whisper, “Get some rest, Mina.” Reluctantly leaving her side, he checks the perimeter again, ensuring that his ‘security’ was in place and active. When he passes by the counter, the silly lunch box and her specially arranged lunch lay inside, though he hadn’t had a chance to look quite yet. I’m intrigued yet apprehensive of what she’s done to it. Opening the lid, Kurama is quiet for a second or two, until he can’t help the laughter bubbling from his chest. A messy little fox face made from rice peaked back up at him, the beni shoga was pushed into a heart shape in its soy sauce stained hands below its nose.

The fish filets, which included some of hers to his slight annoyance, were to the left of its head in the corner, the tamagoyaki above that and surrounded by nori, cucumbers, carrots, and squash lining around the foxes ears. Though she had little time to do it, she gave it a shaky smile, beady eyes, and heart shaped brows with ketchup. The miso soup was in the bottom layer of the two tier bento, which she’d made out to look like a swamp of some sort. To his continued astonishment, he felt a small bit of her energy imbued into the pieces, making him sweat drop with a worried smile. “It’s no wonder you were so tired, you really do put yourself into everything you do, don’t you, Mina?” Closing the lid and wrapping a plain green cloth he found in a drawer around it, he heads for his jacket, slipping it on quickly and although on the verge of being late, once again, he can’t help but feel excited for the prospect of lunch today.


Personal Note


I’m sorry about not updating the grammar for so long, but unfortunately something huge got in the way. I lost the majority of usability in my hands. The docs are still unsure why, but if I use my hands for anything more than eating right now, they burn painfully, like fire until I can’t move them anymore. This little bit has taken me longer than I wanted to type out. I’ll update when I can, but it’s dependent on how bad my hands are on any given day.

I have a few chapters written, but I’m the only person going through and correcting things, reading through for understandability, etc. And with my breathing problems I’ve had for the past few years, it’s sometimes difficult to see if something is confusing or not, so you’ll have to be patient with me if something doesn’t seem right. I reread my story every few months, so I’ll eventually see it, and I also sometimes change my mind on content, though I try to make it as little changes, rather than anything big.

I just updated Sanguine Leaves, and put them both in the Love of the Venusian Rose series, and I managed to update the Halloween special called Spooky Tales of Love and Vulpine.


So I don’t think it’s ever mentioned how big Kurama’s full fox form is, and though he likely started off small, from the height of his demon form, I’d say he’s a big boy, so I decide he’s about the size of a tiger, but of course he’d be more thin like normal foxes, meaning more flexibility and capable of sneaking around.

Delicious sounding Rose and Hibiscus Sencha,

Toroto (Totoro) Lunch box!

Instead of weenies for the heart, she uses Fukujinzuke instead, and imagine it to be quite a bit more messy too.

Hugs are antidepressants!

The handkerchief,

Color matching,

Listen to half the story - はなしはんぶん聞く Japan’s version of ‘take it with a grain of salt.’

Beni Shoga - There's a strong ethos throughout Japanese cooking of recycling ingredients and creating as little waste as possible. Beni shoga, bright red slivers of ginger, are one such example of ingredient reuse. They are made with umezu, the leftover brine from making umeboshi.

Personal Note:

Sorry to leave you guys off on this chapter, but I have some bad news; I'm getting surgery tomorrow and won't be able to write for a while. I'm planning on posting new chapters again in January, and have already started the next chapter and some outlines for more, so until then, I wrote a few holiday chapters last year that I never posted because they were a lot further along in the story, and had some spoilers. So reader beware! There will be some spoilers for future events in them!

I should be able to at least post something while recovering, and while I'm at it, I want to separate this story into parts, as I only just really paid attention to the doc I have this on and… it's 412 pages long o _ 0 And although I think these sites can handle that, I think it'd be better to separate them into a series. So, I'll leave a link here for the start of the next one, it'll only be a summary for now, but come January it'll start filling out.

Hopefully everyone enjoys the holiday ones, because I had fun writing all the warm fuzzies in them, and some raunchy stuff too, and that little bit of dark chocolate that has to sneak its way into the story because Yu Yu is part horror, and Sailor Moon has some sucker punching horror in it. (I literally reeled back when I first read the manga and saw skelly Mamoru, let alone all the other stuff)

The timeline I've got is a birthday present for Mina in October.

Then I'll post the first chapter of the Christmas one in the beginning of November (I know, everyone hates when holidays overlap, but I don't have a turkey story written for this XD Maybe someday I'll challenge myself to write a somewhat serious bit where Mina tries to wrestle a turkey or something, who knows)

The next Christmas one will be in the beginning of December, and the last one I wrote will be around the 19th. So take care, and I hope you look forward to what I'm able to post until January!

Series this work belongs to: