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Ongaku Sentai: Rizumuranger.

Chapter 5: RizumuBeasts Part One: Main Heroes beasts




The Gattais will probably have their own chapter...

Chapter Text

The RizumuBeasts are as old as the concept of rhythm itself. While the first one is RizumuFish, the second one to come into existence, RizumuLion, is the unanimously agreed leader of the pack. They only gained a connection to the Henshin Grid after Shugorei tamed and befriended them, allowing the connection to form. They also developed a fondness for Mamoru, RizumuElephant especially. When Mamoru needed to use their powers, RizumuElephant was the one who bonded to him.

The RizumuBeasts, like so many other mecha before them, are confirmed to be completely sentient beings allowing their users to use them. However, each one of them has an established personality with their own niches, quirks, and differences. The RizumuBeasts have stated themselves that this is because music is so different and widespread that each of them has to be so vastly different to even encompass a kind. They are also confirmed to be actual-beasts prior to bonding with the current generation.

During the war against the ImagiDrains, the RizumuBeasts fought powerfully and as a unit with each other and their bonded. However, RizumuCondor's bonded got corrupted by the ImagiDrain, and therefore corrupted RizumuCondor into DarkRizumuCondor. The rampaging RizumuBeast went crazy, killing RizumuEagle before being defeated. The damage needed was done though, and the ImagiDrains were able to scatter almost all of the RizumuBeasts across the globe. Only RizumuLion, RizumuShark, RizumuGiraffe, RizumuRhinos, and RizumuAxolotl were left, along with a very badly injured RizumuElephant. The former five gave their essences to solidify the six of them into stone, with Mamoru caretaking them.

Eons pass until the five core RizumuRangers arrive in the cavern the remaining RizumuBeasts were sealed in, and play their instruments, awakening RizumuLion, RizumuShark, RizumuGiraffe, RizumuRhinos, and RizumuAxolotl respectively, as the beasts are turned into mechanical forms. With their champions chosen, the RizumuBeasts could now return to action without jeopardizing the safety of RizumuElephant. And this allows the entire RizumuCollection to eventually be found, purified, or resurrected, resulting in all of the RizumuBeasts using a fraction of their essences to revive RizumuElephant.

The Main RizumuBeasts consist of:

-RizumuFish: A jade-green flying fish, this creature is very classy, yet easily insulted, and will go from trying to deescalate a situation to rapidly encouraging its escalation in mere seconds. Their chosen fighter is Modoru, as while they originally feel that he's been wasting his potential, once Modoru gets his act together, RizumuFish decides to call out to him. After Modoru's sacrifice, RizumuFish is very vocal about their grief, and only agrees to serve Kokan once he proves he's not just a RizumuRanger based on nepotism.

-RizumuLion: A red lion, this creature does serve as a reasonable leader, but will fight tooth and nail for their pride's safety. In fact, RizumuLion was the one who convinced Rex that Shometsu could be saved, as they didn't want to lose RizumuCondor again. The reason that Rex was chosen in the first place is because of his unrelenting protective spirit, although RizumuLion tried to get Rex to lay off on the self-destructive parts of that. The only thing that can get RizumuLion to break his fearless facade is Drainking himself, but that only means Rex is the one who has to help his RizumuBeast through his pain.

-RizumuShark: A royal-blue shark, this mighty beast of the oceans is the most "feral" of the bunch, but in a good way. They're very gruesome, but knows how to tone it down, and intentionally hams up the "Sharks can smell blood" trope, interrupting conversations to yell "WHERE!?" when they even hear any word connecting with blood. Kazuma was chosen as RizumuBlue because of his tenacity, and when Kazuma's parents betrayed them all, RizumuShark openly devoured them after the final battle concluded.

-RizumuGiraffe: A yellow giraffe, this one is very talkative, but also a bit cowardly. They handle their fear by mainly being an assisting force, not in the mainshow, as an arm, cannon, or leg. Modoru was chosen because of their similarities, and the two got along quite well. However, after his death, RizumuGiraffe decides to finally stop being a coward after bonding with Kokan, and becomes the head for Rizumu-Oh Metal and parts of the head for RizumuJin and Grand RizumuJin.

-RizumuRhinos: A black Rhinoceros, this being is a powerful one, and causes massive destruction wherever they go. This being is very steadfast, and takes to being the main legs just to stomp on the opposition, their preferred way of finishing opponents. In fact, they finished Nagai, Iyashi, and Kokan's parents this way, stomping on the two abusers as repayment to Nemuri for her service. Nemuri was in fact chosen because of her steadfast determination, with RizumuRhinos advising her to be more open and accepting with herself.

-RizumuAxolotl: A pink Axolotl, and the most lighthearted about the original five, this one is the most whimsical. They aren't that strong OR large physically, a major reason why they choose to only be a foot, but they make a great duo with RizumuRhinos, riding on their back. Iyashi was chosen for her kind nature, despite her burying most of that nature within for a while. RizumuAxolotl also helps with a lot of strategy for the planning of Mecha combinations.

-RizumuGorilla: A green gorilla, their instrument was found by Yoi as she was desperately searching for a way to free her friends, and she got into contact with the sleeping spirit of RizumuGorilla. The carefree nature of RizumuGorilla irritated the future Green Rizumuranger, but she eventually calmed down, and after going through a test that RizumuGorilla set up, became worthy of the power. They may be carefree, but RizumuGorilla knows when to sober up and stop pulling their punches. When that happened, they united with Rizumu-Oh without the other Rizumubeasts that made up RizumuHercules, and provided the firepower to take down a Monster of the day

-RizumuWolf: A silver wolf who's instrument was first found by Meiyo's biological parents, and has been a close family relic of his. A chance encounter with Rex early in the series while Rex was carrying around the RizumuBass provived the spirit of RizumuWolf a small bit of rhythm, enough to begin trying to communicate with Meiyo. Meiyo was initially terrified of the voices he was hearing, but once RizumuWolf was able to demonstrate their protective nature, Meiyo decided to go on the vision quest presented, and unlocked the power within the RizumuIntrument.

-RizumuCondor: A purple condor, they were corrupted during the final battle against the ImagiDrains and were forced to kill RizumuEagle, the guilt helping further drive the RizumuBeast into insanity. DarkRizumuCondor debuts after getting freed by ShocKyoryu with the rest of the ImagiDrains. The corrupted bird makes consistent morbid humor, bringing it to uncomfortable levels. However, they genuinely cared for Shometsu, feeling immense guilt over his death, and working hard with Mika, choosing her as she wanted to repay her "debts to the world," for all the good she had gotten in her life.

-RizumuEagle: A cyan eagle, they hold no resentment against RizumuCondor for being corrupted and murdering them. However, their spirit still wanted to fight. This is a major reason why Shugorei allowed Shometsu and RizumuEagle to partner up in the afterlife as RizumuPhantom, the two of them sharing the desire to avenge the innocent. After resurrection, RizumuEagle happily reuinites with their siblings, and willingly accepts Shometsu's choice to step down after the battle.

-RizumuElephant: A white elephant, they can carry the entirety of the RizumuBeasts within them and along their body. They were sealed away in stone to heal from immense battle damage, but was healed by the combined melody of every RizumuInstrument. RizumuElephant's known Mamoru since he was a young boy and HikariWhite, choosing him due to his immense drive to be a light for the universe as one of the Super Sentai. It was this drive that allowed RizumuElephant to accept Modoru as a successor, having a hunch that Mamoru was planning on trading his life with Shugorei for the lives of Modoru and Shometsu.