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Fall in love with me.

Chapter 4: Back

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after 4 years. 

Jimin picks up the call while helping nami, one of the toddler from child care. 

“oo jin-hyung" He answers, eyebrows furrowing in confusion as why his hyung is cheering and saying he has a good news? Probably something related to his restaurant. 

"What's the newss? What some celebrity came into your restaurant again or what? " Jimin teases, chuckling. 

"Oh no it's totally another thing" His hyung answers. 

"Then tell me fast hyungiee~" Jimin sing songs. " Should I?" Jin teases. 

" Okay so the news is yoongi is coming back after 4years tomorrow! " He clutches his phone. 


"Yah jimin-ah you there? " Seokjin asks after he hears nothing just the younger's breath and other children voices in background. 


"Hyung don't throw a prank on me now come on" The omega complains chuckling hollowly. 


"Yah jimin-ah seriously, I'm serious yoongs contacted me just a few hours ago and you can check the news as well!" 

What? No way. No way yoongi is coming back

"Yah joon what the hell did u break again oh god-" That's the last thing he hears before his hyung ends the call. 


The omega doesn't waits literally flying to the room where the TV was playing some cartoon, he snatches the remote and changes it to a news channel. 

And true what jin said, the war ended and all the armies who were enlisted between years 19-20 were being retired. 

His hands start to shake, tears forming in his eyes. No. Jimin. Don't. 

He inhales and calls back his hyung. 

"Hyung, saw it" His hyung laughs. 

"See I told you na, and I need a help actually" Jimin hums, "yes? What is it? "

"Tomorrow yoongs is coming around 9am at incheon airport, pick him up yeah? " Jimin grips his phone. Why him? 

He gulps" No one else's free tomorrow? "

"Nope I asked everyone and you know yoongs probably will want to see you the first anyways~" Jimin rolls his eyes to his hyung's teasing. 

"Shut upp. Alright I will pick him up " And the call ends. 


"I'm looking.. Okay? " The omega mumbles watching himself in the mirror. 

Wearing a yellow sweater, a puffed jacket because it's hella cold outside, been snowing. He also takes his beanie wearing it while his blonde locks peak outside. He looks good jimin decides before he sees his watch 9:30.

"Shit I'm late" Quickly he grabs his wallet, keys and makes his way to airport with heart beating faster than ever.  

It's been 10 minutes already he has arrived in the airport, it's bussing full with people coming to pick their family members who were serving in the military. 

He tries to find the elder but it's so crowed and he is late and he regrets not getting yoongi's phone number earlier and now jin's is not picking his call. He sighs, shoulders slumped and shrieks when he feels a hand over his shoulder. 

Turning he gasps, when his own honey eyes meet those sharp feline eyes. 






Yoongi knew it was jimin who was coming to pick him up, jin informed him and it would be a lie if he said he wasn't pleased with the news. 

His whole existence was itching to meet the younger he missed so much and he couldn't wait. 

Even in the crowd he knew it was jimin, yoongi still remembered the omega's scent after all. So being the confident guy he was he turns the guy. 


Pride spreads through his body as he finally stares at the surprised shocked omega. 

"Y-yoongi hyung" Oh yoongi feels his knees go weak at the omega's sweet soothing honey voice. 

Fuck, can i just kiss him already? 

"jimin-ah" He finally mumbles smile hidden through the mask he was wearing. 

"Gods are you okay? You- you are not injured r-right? " Oh fuck he is fucking going to fullfill his dream yoongi decides as the omega hurriedly starts to check his body. 


Yes, yes I'm going to fullfill my teenager dream that is marrying this guy who is right infront of him. 

"I'm fine jimin-ah, all good and healthy" He answers, eyes focused on the younger who's quite looking everywhere except his face. 

The omega exhales, "I'm glad"

"Yup, it's cold why don't we go already? " The alpha suggests not because it's cold because it's so crowed and he wants to spend some alone time with his( not yet) omega. 

"Sure let's go! " The omega exclaims, a big yet nervous smile on his face as he leads the way. 







Jimin almost couldn't believe it was their yoongi standing right infront of him if it wasn't for the scent and of course those sharp eyes of his hyung which he remembers so well. 

It was hard to believe it was their yoongi because their yoongi went to army with mint hair, skinny as fuck and pale. 

Now the yoongi  standing infront of him was big like big, he stood tall ,powerful, raven hairs and almost fading scar crossing from his left eye and as he speaks jimin feels his mouth agaped again because oh god his voice has gotten deep not that it wasn't deep 4 years back but it's different today, it was raspy yet smooth. Everything about him screamed, hot

Jimin felt himself getting more and more nervous as they made their way to his car. Yoongi was only wearing his army uniform jimin noticed and he tried to make some lil conversation so he won't feel more nervous than already he was. 

"Hyung aren't you cold? You should have wore a jacket" His hyung chuckles making the omega raise his eyebrows. 

"I'm wearing warm clothes inside, don't worry minnie" And it doesn't take a second the omega feels his cheeks going warm. 

Minnie. God's what's wrong with him, how much he wants me to fall for him huh? Jimin bites his lips as he thinks and doesn't even notices the alpha has taken the keys from his hand untill the alpha speaks. 

"Let me drive" Jimin blinks, "are you sure? Aren't you tired? " The alpha shakes his head at him so jimin shrugs before sitting into the passenger seat. 


Why he is so handsome? Jimin thinks as he stares at yoongi who's driving one hand in the starring another at the gear, looking confident and smart. 

"Park jimin, give me the address"

"Huh? O-oh yeah" Embarrassed jimin hands yoongi the address of his apartment while the alpha chuckles. 

"I asked you 2 times but you were zoning out" Yoongi says smirking , and jimin fiddles with his hands in the lap of course, of course yoongi had catched him ogling his smirk says it all. 

"How's everyone doing by the way? " Jimin feels glad the elder asked a question because his cheeks feels like they have been set to fire and his mind is blank as fuck. 

"Everyone's great hyung, jin and joon hyung opened a restaurant 2 years ago it's going really well, hobi opened a dance studio where he teaches hip-hop and tae is working as a teacher in a art school" Yoongi nods as the omega speaks, sneaking glances as the omega talks because fuck, jimin looks to adorable. 

"What about you? " Yoongi asks. 

"Well, I work 3 days in a child care unit and i also teach contemporary dance at hobi's studio other 3 days. " Jimin finally feels the air around them was comfortable. 

"I see.. Well hoba's dating now or still single? " Yoongi asks even though he directly wants to ask jimin if he is still single. 

"Oh! He is dating one of the choreographers, she is really nice" He smiles as he remembers the day he met ji-yeon, hobi's girlfriend. 

"Good for him, what about you and taehyung? " Yoongi asks, hands itching as jimin answers. 

"Tae too! He is dating a alpha named jungkook, and well I'm not dating anyone" Yoongi smiles under his mask. 

Ah such a good news

"I see." They arrive at jimin's apartment, yoongi walks behind the omega as jimin leads the way inside his apartment. 

It's warm yoongi notices and smells heavenly. Jimin shows yoongi the other room he cleaned yesterday. 

"This is your room, sorry if it's still a little bit messy I tried to clean it yesterday" The omega mumbles but to yoongi the room is perfect. 

"Where is your room? " The alpha asks looking around. Jimin doesn't questions yoongi why he was asking about his room but shows anyways. 

"My room" Jimin opens the door of his room before he can enter his room the alpha enters walking past jimin.

Directly he flops into the soft bed which freaking smells heavenly. Jimin raises his eyebrows, arms crossing in front of his chest. 

"Comfortable" Yoongi says removing his mask, jimin's breathe hitches as he stares at yoongi. 

Jimin clears his throat, "hyung you should freshen up" He says softly and the alpha blinks at him before nodding, he gets up from jimin's bed and goes out on his way shuffling jimin's blonde hair while the other had his breathe hold. 

"Said right cutie" The alpha says while messing the younger's hair chuckling he leaves. 

While jimin stood their like a robot. 

"What the fuck just happened ? " The omega mumbles while touching his hair. 

"Did he just play with my hair? Called me a cutie? What in the duck? !" Jimin whisper yells, cheeks red.