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Chapter 5: Chapter


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Wei Wuxian would be lying if he said he hadn't dreamed about what Lan Zhan would look like in wedding robes. But seeing it and imagining it are two different things.

Lan Zhan looked amazing. Wei Wuxian doesn't know how the hell he didn't take Lan Zhan to his bed the moment he saw him.

Damn, how did he wait for the banquet to end? Oh yes, he knows. Lan Zhan was so happy to receive the blessing of his family and the good wishes of all the Wens that Wei Wuxian simply couldn't interrupt those sweet moments!

Plus, he can't deny that he really (reallyyyyy) enjoyed the whole warm and loving atmosphere. He had resigned himself to not having his siblings on his wedding day, or at important moments in his life. But they were there, and now he knows that they will be in all important moments.

Unexpectedly, they received visitors two days before their wedding. Lan Xichen had informed that he would arrive days before to have a talk with Wei Wuxian and his brother. (Actually, he arrived earlier to threaten Wei Wuxian about how much he hoped his brother would be immensely happy throughout his life.) But in the end not only did Lan Xichen arrive, next to him came his uncle, Lan QiRen, and the leader of Nie Sect, Nie Minjue.

Nie Minjue could not hide his disgust at seeing Wen Qing and Wen Ning together with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji but he also could not hide his astonishment at seeing the group of old Wens.

he expected to see the army that Jin Guangyao claimed Wei Wuxian had in his possession, however, none of that was found. There were just several old people trying to live their lives in a rather poor land.

—Now do you understand why I never trusted Jin Guangyao and his father?

It's more than clear on Lan Xichen's face how he feels about all of this. Nie Minjue and his brother were right about the Jins, and the only liar had always been Jin Guangyao.

—We'll talk about this next month at Koi Tower. We can't let those idiots continue doing their thing!

If there is something that Nie Minjue hates more than Wens, it is when men with power, like Jin Guansha, take advantage of the most vulnerable.

Wei Wuxian had a long talk with his brother-in-law and his uncle? about how much he had to take care of Lan Zhan with his life. As if he didn't already know!

But he could actually understand their concern. They probably didn't expect to see Lan Zhan living in such conditions.

—My brother must be happy throughout his life —Lan Xichen tells him as he slowly drinks his tea. Wei Wuxian knows that Lan Xichen will surely make hom suffer if he does not fulfill their request. Lan Zhan was his little brother, the only brother he had.

He was only concerned about the well-being and happiness of his loved one.

And Wei Wuxian can swear on his life that he will make Lan Zhan happy.

Approximately two months later the cultivation world accepts that the remaining Wens are not dangerous people and that they can live wherever they wish. They decide to accept the Lan Sect's proposal and live in one of their lands. It is the Sect they trust the most, they do not plan to risk going elsewhere.

Wei Wuxian is not consider anymore as a danger to the other sects the moment Nie Minjue states that he has never had negative intentions towards anyone. All sects believe that statement because how can you doubt the most righteous person in the cultivation world? Furthermore, the announcement that the righteous and noble HanGuang Ju had married Patriarch Yiling reassured them even more. If anyone could keep the alpha in check it would be him.

Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and the other Wens say goodbye to the burial mounds one morning. The place they lived in for several months was left behind, it would just be a bittersweet memory that they could look back on whenever they wanted but it would definitely be a place they would never want to return to.

Wei Wuxian does not return to Lotus Pier even if Jiang Cheng tells him that it is his home. Wei Wuxian knows that his brother will ask questions about the absence of his sword or his lack of help with the Juniors' training. He's not ready to say it yet, maybe he never will be. However, Jiang Cheng tells him to take care of himself wherever he wants to go.

And he does that.

Together with her husband, they travel to places they have never known. They know forests too vast to be fully explored. They visit beaches that have the most beautiful sunsets they have ever witnessed. They eat the most exotic things they ever thought they could eat.

At night, they both sleep next to each other. Sometimes, they are too tired to make love. Sometimes, just a few hugs and kisses are necessary to convey how much they love each other.

For some time, that is their routine; wake up, travel, eat, help villages in danger and sleep in each other's arms. But one day everything changes.

Lan Zhan falls ill.

Wei Wuxian goes crazy because her husband hasn't been able to eat anything for a few days. Once Lan Wangji takes a bite the food will be thown up. His face is now terribly pale, he refuses to have anyone besides Wei Ying by his side.

Wei Wuxian ends up insisting that Lan zhan needs to see a doctor. Lan Wangji first refuses but after seeing his husband's worried face he accepts that he needs help.

—You're not from around here, are you? —The doctor, a middle-aged man, asks them.

Wei Wuxian shakes his head, wondering if that's why his husband is sick. Should they have stayed in Gusu, away from the food that ended up making his husband sick?

—Given his condition, it is natural that he rejects local food. He needs to return to his place of origin.

—Condition? —Wei Wuxian frowns and caresses her husband's hand, it a bad thing?

—he is pregnant, at least two months pregnant.

Wei Wuxian's world stops, and for a long time it seems, because the next minute he returns to consciousness the doctor is gone and his husband is staring at him.

—We are going to be parents—The alpha says, with a trembling voice.

—We are going to be parents—his husband confirms.

They both hug each other for a long time. Wei Wuxian can't help but cry. His little family was about to add a new member.

That night Wei Wuxian sleeps against his omega's belly. He hadn't noticed it before but that area has a different aroma. It's a milky scent, one he's smelled on several pregnant omegas from Lotus pier . A smile forms on his face because, as the months go by, his husband will only smell like hot milk; announcing his pregnancy to everyone.

The next day they take their things and continue on their way to Gusu Lan. Wei Wuxian would have liked to visit her brother but Lan Zhan is too affected by unfamiliar smells and foods that he simply doesn't want to stress him out anymore.

Old QiRen, his uncle, is not happy about the news, or at least that is what he tried to show that day. But as the days and months passed he made sure to feed his nephew with different fruits, vegetables and foods. He was the one who insisted on bringing the doctor every week to check the health of his nephew and his future great-nephew, because, in his words, they had to be cautious!

(A-Yuan would be too pampered by him, everyone believed it, and they will see it once A-Yuan is born)

Lan Huan was happy for both of them when he heard the news, and he was probably even more happy because it meant that he would not have to produce an heir for the family and could marry the person he loved. (If someone saw Sect Leader Nie more often in the Cloud Recesses, no one dared to say anything)

Lan Wangji spends hours in the Sect's library searching for a way to help his husband cultivate a golden core. Wei Wuxian had said that it didn't matter whether or not there was a way to create a new core. But then Lan Zhan had cried against his chest, saying that without a core, the years they would spend together would be fewer.

Lan Zhan was right. So, for the next following months they go to the library in search of something that can give them hope. Just when they were about to lose it they find a dual cultivation book.

It could work, but it would take years. But Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji decided to give it a try. Since Lan Zhan was too horny (thanks to the pregnancy) this was a win-win situation.

The day A-Yuan is born is a very cold day. Gusu is completely covered in white, you can't distinguish a person from the snow if you don't pay attention.
Lan Wangji cries, Wei Wuxian cries, and even old QiRen cries because A-Yuan is the smallest, reddest, prettiest thing they've ever seen.

Wei Wuxian is in charge of creating a crib and many wooden toys for his son, which won't be able to be used for a few years, but who cares?

While he cuddle his son and sings a song, he thinks life can't be better.

In fact, it does.

Not long after, Lan Wangji becomes pregnant again, how could that happen if he took contraceptives? Well, dual cultivation increased their fertility and neither of them bothered to research that!

A-Yuan ends up having a younger brother shortly after he turns one year old. His name is Jingyi and he ends up being the opposite of A-Yuan. If A-Yuan is a quiet child, that doesn't cry at night, Jingyi will be the one who keeps them up late at night! Does A-Yuan eat all of his food? Well, Jingyi gets to throw everything he gets!

Four years pass and one day, as Wei Wuxian comes from the forest with his two children at his sides, he feels it.

it is small, he can barely feel it but it is there; a little energy in the place that had been empty for many years.

Wei Wuxian runs home and his children try to follow him. Too excited and elated, he takes his children and run with them in arms. Jingyi screams with excitement and A-Yuan clings to his father's arms with great fear.

The moment Lan Zhan sees him he knows what's going on. The sparkle in his eyes is enough to know what's going on in his mind. They both hug each other, with their children between them. The children make a moan but Wei Wuxian just laughs.

Lan Zhan breaks the hug and touches his belly. “I also have news.”

Their children wonder what the hell their parents are talking about but when they see both of their smiles they can't help but smile too.


In my mind the Wangxian or Xianwang? he ends up having at least seven children. Every day is every day! Also, they have the task of growing the core of WWX and that task will give them more children eventually ;)
In case you're wondering, LWJ is expecting twins this time. Things will be too chaotic in the next few months with four kids in his care!

Does WWX ever return to Lotus pier? Not really, just visiting. Together with LWJ he ends up having a house near Gusu. Neither of them want their children to have an education as dense as in Gusu, and WWX knows that LWJ will end up hating Lotus pier because of how different it is from his old home. So they just go visit both places.




I finally finish this! Translating from spanish to english was more difficult than I thought it´d be. Sorry for all the mistakes you can find here. You are welcome to read my other fics, those are all in spanish.


Let me know what you think so far :)