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Part 1 of Beautiful Roses and Holiday Spirits

The Spooky Tales of Love and Vulpine


Minako's birthday is here! And what does she get as a present? Maybe a few thrilling spooks, a handful of haunted birthday parties, some possibly cursed dates with her naughty foxy lover, and some delicious Halloween goodies, so what better gift could a girl possibly ask for?

Chapter 1: Minako's Tricks


So there was this one time Mina and Kurama went on a ghost date on a haunted mountain...

Written for Mina’s birthday! Please note it is a rare-pair ship and a crossover with Yu Yu Hakusho, so if you don’t mind that, please enjoy!

There might be a few chapters making short stories for these, and since it's a Halloween thing, it'll only be updated between October and November of each year. I'll try to complete the short stories, but no promises!


Lots of notes, lol.
Shacho しゃちょう - company president; manager; director

愛子- Aiko - 愛 means "love." 子 means "a word that comes after a woman's name, child."

Mino 美濃 - 美 meaning beauty, beautiful./ 濃 meaning concentrated, thick, dense, great, undiluted. This is an actual family name,

Together it makes ‘Love child of immense beauty’ (I use immense as an inbetween that makes sense for concentrated, dense, undiluted, etc.)

Gomen ごめん - I'm sorry; my apologies; excuse me; pardon me

Adding the particle ‘ne’ makes a shortened —and thus (much) more informal or familiar version of gomen nasai 御免なさい

Arigatou ありがとう- thank you, thanks (Shortened and informal version of Arigatou gozaimasu 有難うございます)

Hattori 服部 服 meaning clothing, admit, obey, discharge./ 部 meaning section, bureau, dept, class, copy, part, portion, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine.

Maa まあ - come now; now, now (when urging or consoling)

Minakoi - Kurama's nickname for Mina. A combination of Minako, which means 'Beautiful Child' and koi, adding an i, ‘i’ い or (意) on it’s own can mean feelings; thoughts, or meaning (like someone’s purpose!). Making, 'Beautiful Love.'

Kure-bi - Mina's nickname for Kurama. Although not as clever as Kurama's, Kure-bi 暮れ美 - 暮れ kure meaning sunset; sundown; nightfall; dusk. 美 bi meaning beauty. When combined, they translate to ‘the beauty of nightfall,’ in reference to him being a beautiful yōkai, and yōkai typically having a preference for night, and being a dark creature himself. It also sounds cute too, so that's a plus!

Bakemono ばけもの - goblin; apparition; monster; ghost; phantom; spectre; specter

O-Jizo-san - ‘All across Japan, there are small stone statues called Jizo that are found along travel routes and temples. Most Japanese affectionately refer to this Buddhist deity as "O-Jizo-san.” According to belief, Jizo statues are depicted as Buddhist monks who guide and protect all living beings. Beloved since ancient times, these serene figures are said to offer compassion and assistance to those who truly need it.’

Stacking small stones - ‘Another purpose of the Jizo is to protect the spirits of children who have passed away. It is said that when a child dies before their parents do, they are not able to cross the river to the afterlife and so their days are spent making towers of stones to help gain merit for their parents in their own afterlife. However, mean spirited yokai (妖怪/monster or demon) knock down these stone towers each day, so the children begin their Sisyphean task anew. As an act of kindness, travelers build stone towers in front of Jizo to reduce their workload, and you can find an interesting Jizo called Sainokawara (賽の河原/children’s limbo) along the Kumano Kodo where thousands of stones have been piled up in front it - the combined effort of hundreds of travelers over the years.’

Makunouchi bento - a popular type of Japanese bento which consists of mostly rice along with fish, meat, pickles, eggs, vegetables, and an umeboshi (a salt pickled plum). There are also other kinds of food such as chestnut-rice, sweetfish sushi, and meat-and-rice-casserole forms.

Karaage - is a Japanese cooking technique in which various foods—most often chicken, but also other meat and fish—are deep fried in oil.

Tamagoyaki - A Japanese rolled omelet with dashi and soy sauce.

Umeboshi - pickled plum


Fruit Sando,

Kayari Buta - piggy shaped mosquito repellent,

Yako - Wild fox. The most common name for them is Nogitsune, but Mina was making a pun from him being a yôko.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kuranako Halloween

Art by Alicezap

(Ghost Bride - Adrian Von Ziegler)

Here’s a spooky story for you. Let me tell you about the time I was almost turned into a ghost bride on my 19th birthday…

It all started when Kurama was asked to come to a conference in Fukioka, Japan’s most innovative city, and to her surprise, he asked her to come along with him. “I thought that you might be interested in seeing the sights in the city, and~ perhaps take a vacation with me for your birthday?” Of course she said yes! And so Minako disrupted the agency’s plans, not falling for Shacho’s crocodile tears, and the literal sound of money being lost as the guys toss bills over his head like confetti. Meanwhile the others congratulated her on finally taking an actual vacation that didn’t involve her being injured first. Mou! They’re such brats sometimes! All of them! And after raining on her own friends' parade since they’d been planning a surprise party for her, but she assured them they could celebrate when she got back,

“After all, how often do I get to take a vacation?”

So now, here she stood, three days into this awful conference, waiting as her beloved fox was released from that dreadfully boring afternoon meeting he’s wasting away in, being glared at by some wrinkly old receptionist disapproving of anyone not part of the all-important-meeting. I even gave her my name and she was told it was fine if I waited, so why’s she so grouchy! Maybe it was the pretty guardian’s youthful appearance, or her long, silky blond hair held with her signature red ribbon in a half tail, or the cute halter dress with burnt orange and cream diagonal stripes, making her look like a 40’s sexy pinup girl. Very nice! To give it a more modern look, she added fancy, yet simple little white gloves, made out of a thin Italian cotton so as not to draw too much attention, along with a gold beaded bracelet on one hand, and a gold bangle with a square blue topaz on the other.

Combined with cute, flamenco red hoop earrings, and a faux leather red belt with a white closure to add some interest to her waistline, she was definitely a bit more to look at than the glass and metal scenery and the few sad, fake potted plants. But the one thing she loved the most about her current outfit was the birthday gift her foxy lover got her when he found out about it; the base was a large gold crescent moon, two fire opal-like teardrop shaped gems with their points facing north and south. Each one was set inside smaller crescent moons with their openings toward the tips of the teardrops, two gold beads decorating the tips of the moons. Along the sides were more gold beads of increasing sizes toward the moons’ touching bottoms, with two blue gems similar to blue topaz on the east and west sides, with what looked like a pearl centered between the two and gold scrolls leading to the blue topaz.

Though it was a bit older than she usually liked, she absolutely adored his gift to her and made her feel like a damn princess again when she wore it. Which was everyday, to his humor, despite what he told Minako when he gave it to her…

They were surrounded by many different species of roses, simulating her garden back on Venus as he murmured silkily, “I hope you don’t mind this for your birthday.” He reveals the beautiful pendant to her nestled inside an orange box with a yellow cushion, taking her breath away as he continues, “Though it doesn’t have any special abilities, I thought you might appreciate its design more than I ever did, considering how many of your things are themed like this.” She couldn’t believe it, glancing up at him mutely, his lips tilting upward at her childlike wonder, explaining without needing her to ask, “These are Makai variants, of course, but they’re equivalent in nature to fire opals, topaz, and pearl set in gold.” He pulls it from the box and stepping behind her, he gently brushes her satiny hair over her shoulder, latching the choker-length rolo chain around her neck, letting the pendant settle just below her clavicle.

Barely laying a finger on the gems, as though her touch would be enough to break it, Kurama presses a lingering kiss to the back of her neck, whispering against her skin and sending shivers through her body, “When I found out about your birthstone and favorite gems, I remembered this, which strangely, I never got rid of. But perhaps you might learn its secrets?” It takes her a few moments to find her breath, whispering with awe,

What did you think it did?”

I was after another item when I took this one, but I had heard rumors that it was an attempt to replicate the power of you senshi, which from the look of it,” he makes his way back around, smirking playfully as he hints, “I believe it was modeled after the only one any yōkai have ever seen...”

The golden warrioress couldn’t help but flush, both from his suggestion and the fact that an apparition might have modeled jewelry in her image. It’s flattering, actually, even if it was only for my power. And although it was definitely aged, he seemed to keep his, ehem, findings well polished, so it looked like it had passed down in his family for several generations, rather than being a few hundred year old demon jewelry. That’s so romantic~! She giggled and squealed a little bit, earning more of the desk biddy’s fury, but just ignored it as she continued to admire the thought and love he always put into everything he gave her. It did make her wonder though what this necklace's power was, if they succeeded, that is, and why it was with whatever he had, eh, acquired back then. And he even kept it, despite not really having any need for it. Pressing her lips together, she stares at her precious gem in her compact while whispering to herself, “It’s almost like he kept it for me…”

(Romance - Yuki Kajiura)

Although they’d never talked about all the things her love bandit had hidden away in Demon World, she can’t see him keeping anything without purpose so… Yeah, I’m definitely seeing it as he somehow knew, in some distant future, that we’d meet and give it to me! Chittering to herself and staring fondly at the reflection, moving a bit to make the gems glimmer like flame in the sunlight, nearly missing the elevator doors open, and a flow of businessmen walk towards the lounge area she occupied. Almost immediately spotting him, since he was hard to miss in his dark steel blue blazer and matching slacks, simple white shirt, and cerulean and black striped tie, not to mention his vibrant scarlet back-length hair, cut into many layers and looking as wild as he was.

So handsome~! Minako jumps up airily and runs toward him enthusiastically, calling to him brightly, “Shu-kun!” And even though she’s probably making a spectacle of everything, he still smiles tenderly before catching her when she reaches him, wrapping her up with his warm embrace while chortling,

“Miss me, did you?” Pulling back to stare up at him lovingly, she beams and admits without shame,

“Terribly! It was so dreadfully boring without you here!” Pressing a gentle kiss to her hair, he chuckles,

“Well, now I’m done with the conference. So it’s just us the rest of the trip.”

“Yay! Come on, I’m absolutely starving! We gotta try the food in this restaurant I heard about!” Laughing outrightly when she starts to pull him away eagerly, Kurama nearly trips over himself as he guffaws,

“Alright! Alright! There’s no need to drag me away!”

“Your other half is as cute and energetic as ever, Shocho!” She pauses in her mission, having completely forgotten about his associates, some of whom were pretty nice, so the excitable idol turns back toward them with a fluster, sweat flying from her temples as she bows quickly,

“Ah! Gomen ne! It’s good to see you again!” Real smooth, Minako… Flinging back up, her hair swirling around her arms and back almost revealing her surprise for her kitsune lover as the older gentleman chortles quietly,

“Not at all, Mino-san. Rather, seeing you is always a breath of fresh air among these cold walls!” They know me as Mino, Aiko-san, a pseudonym I go by when going incognito on tour to keep Kurama’s family safe from the paparazzi. Kurama’s stare focuses on her back for a moment, probably noticing some of the lace and beads there, the heat from his gaze completely searing her like the sun as she stutters out distractedly,

“A-arigato!” It’s then her least favorite of his co-workers comes up, smarmy as-all-get-out while adding,

“Exactly. A sweet little breeze needing to be swept off her feet.” Unlike the others who simply greeted her with a traditional bow, this one was practicing western tradition for the entirely wrong reasons. Disgusting weirdo! When the guy reaches for her hand, probably to tongue her skin like he did the last time they met. And of course, I can’t be rude since it’s supposed to be a respectful thing and all but no one else can see the ruse… To her astonishment, she feels a pinch to her side, making her yelp and jump a few feet into Kurama’s arms, completely bypassing Creepazoid’s attempt at grossery by using her natural jumpiness.

Blinking up at him, as he was smirking quite smugly at her, he chuckles unrepentantly, “Sorry, I must have misjudged the distance when I crushed the bug on your dress, it wouldn’t do to have it crawling all over you, after all.” Sighing in relief, Minako sags in his hold dramatically as she coos,

“My hero~!” The others laugh lightly, some ignoring and others snickering at their esteemed colleague who had just tried to kiss her hand, and was thwarted by her compassionate businessman’s antics. Saved! He’s lucky too, cause I’m in the mood to bop the guy one! The kindly old man grins at them as he seconds,

“I’d say! Well, let’s not hold you two up any longer. Enjoy your day, Mino-san, Shocho, and have a good vacation as well.”

“We will, Hattori-san. You and the others take care as well.”

“Will do, Shocho!” There’s several more echoes from the others, but of course the nasty-pig-man was ogling her like he was starving, nudging her closer to her trickster demon’s side as they practically skip out the doors, well, she skips, and he’s somehow able to keep up. When they get to the chauffeur she ordered, they sit in the back seat and she grumbles with righteous fury,

“What an absolute creep! You’re his boss and he’s still trying to make moves on me in front of you!” He wraps his arm around her waist gently, and without prompting, she tells their driver directions to the restaurant she wanted to eat at while he hums,

“You needn’t worry.” Glancing up at him, she notes a wicked gleam in emerald irises that means a world of pain for that idiot, making the vengeful fighter a bit giddy at watching the fallout. “There are a few things I’ve been noting down, so he might not be our partner much longer.”

“Thank goodness! What a gross person! Can I be the one to punch him off the property?” He chortles into his fist, eyes closed before meeting ocean waves humorously,

“Hmm… I’ll let you get one in, the rest though, is mine.” Her mouth pops open in an ‘o’ shape, that tone in his voice revealing just a little bit of his anger as he continues to smile amiably for her. Ooh! That guy’s in for it! Kurama never lets his frustration slip, so he’s pretty furious! Wrapping her arm around his, she snuggled against him while humming happily,

(Sigh of the Rose - Shinkichi Mitsumune)

“Alright~! I guess I can do that. On a better note though-” She began telling Kurama about a restaurant she found, locals telling her it’s one of the best around and not super expensive, though they both were able to handle any bills thrown their way. Though he definitely makes more than me. After eating and chatting about all the things she liked and disliked about the city, they head back to the hotel, which would be the last day they would stay here before going to their real vacation spot. Or spots! Momichi Seaside Park! Cruises around Nokonoshimia Island! And all the food on the way~! They had a few more days to themselves, so there were a few things she wanted to do, but right now… Time for the surprise~! Well, Minako was going to give him a surprise, if it weren’t for a certain ferry girl literally raining on her parade.

“Oh, thank goodness you two are already here! There’s a bit of a problem-”

“It’s gonna have to wait! We’re going on a date!” Botan reeled back a bit at the bite in the Venusian soldier’s voice, but this happened so damn often, something always came up and they had to help handle it. We’re on vacation! Go away! Looking sympathetically at them, the ponytailed blunette puts a hand to her cheek lightly as she frets,

“Oh dear, well, you see the thing is, it can’t wait! The former King Enma let it go on too long now already, and all the spirits in the area that should have been ferried have all vanished! The others wouldn’t make it out here in time to save more!” Of course! It has to be now and not in a few days after our vacation! Minako’s curly brows tick for a moment until she realizes what ghost hunting on a mountain trail could mean for them. Spooky ghost stuff, cuddling close to my sweety, maybe some kissing and~… oh my gosh! We could go on a ghost date! Although her temper had cooled a bit at the turn of thought, she didn’t want to give them any leeway, otherwise they might do this more often, and I can’t have that! Touching her shoulder and sliding his palm down her back placatingly, her darling yôko tries mollifying her gently,

“Maa, maa! It’s fine, Mina, we have a few more free days, so we should still have some time together.” Giving him a pouty face to keep up the act, he chuckles softly while brushing her bangs behind her ear with his free hand, assuring, “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on losing any time with you, koi.” She couldn’t help but melt at his Looking back to the soul guide, he asks, “Where are we heading exactly?”

“Mt. Hiwara. I’ve already marked it on the map here.” A ghost trail? Ooh! Even better! Gotta play this up good~! She hands over the map, letting them study it over as the not-so-salty sailor grumbles convincingly,

“A haunted mountain. Fantastic.”

“I’m really sorry about this! At least it’s a beautiful location!” I’ll bet! Botan was none-the-wiser, looking more and more apologetic, so to really sell the whole thing, Minako blows her bangs up in false frustration with her hands on her hips,

Fine! I guess we’re going on a ghost date then!” On the inside, she’s chittering mischievously, absolutely thrilled at fooling them and enjoying every moment. You’ve been played by Aino, Minako, renowned actress and idol extraordinaire! Both of them sweat drop at the activity’s name before asking near simultaneously,

“A what?”

“Well, I’m not going to let ghost investigating ruin my vacation, so wherever we’re going,” she turns to Kurama determinedly while proclaiming, “We’ll just have a date while we do it!” He huffs lightly, smoothing the hairs by her ears with his thumb while musing,

“I suppose we will.” Glancing back to the startled reaper, he asks, “Is there anything else you can tell us?”

“Unfortunately no, we’ve skimmed the area but not found anything significant; no energy fluctuations, no malicious entities, nadda. It’s incredibly mysterious, and Koenma’s pulling his hair out on this one!” Snorting at the last part, he confirms with a nod,

“Leave this to us, and no spying either, if you would?”

“H-hai…” Ha ha! Called out! Tittering mischievously, the impish starlet sticks her tongue out at Botan, who covers her mouth with her pink kimono sleeve nervously, leaving with a guilty giggle and flush. When they were sure they were alone, he snickers into his fist with shaking shoulders, eyes closed in mirth for a moment while quipping,

“You like to give them the run-around, don’t you?” She gives him her most innocent look when he glances at her, prompting more laughter from him as he smirks, “You didn’t have to do all of that to keep them from bothering us any more. Though I suppose now at least Botan will think hard before coming to us with another case.” Sticking her tongue out at him when she realizes the jig is up, she folds her arms behind her back cutely while she returns,

“You know how they can be! If they think they can put a spin on it I’ll like, they’ll do it all the time! And they know if I want to do it, you will too.” Beaming at him heartfully, she tilts her head as she confirms, “Because we’re in all this together, right?” Wrapping her up in his embrace, she snuggles into him easily, hugging his waist as he nuzzles her head softly,

“Yes, of course.” So they began planning the trip, and to her surprise, her hottie detective requested that she bring an overnight bag and supplies for roughing it in the woods.

“I’m uncertain how long it will take, but I’d rather us be over prepared than not.” Ugh… no straightener for my frizzy morning hair… So reluctantly, they stopped by a store and bought more appropriate clothes for hiking; hers being some thick, taupe colored tights, an eggplant pleated skirt with suspenders, cause I’m staying fashionable even while hiking, dammit! And a low cut, pink cardigan over a creamsicle, ‘v’ neck shirt, along with some cute mauve hiking boots with a little fur around the cuff. After changing her earrings to simple red dangle ones, she had to make the biggest decision of the day… "To wear sexy lingerie while hiking, or not to…" It sounds hella uncomfortable… It was a tough decision, because Minako did so adore it, the soft, lacy bodysuit halter top and its deep 'v' that reached her belly button from her neck, pushing her breasts in.

Elastic edged with more lace continuing from the halter, crossing behind her neck and shaping a rounded kite to just above her tailbone, framing a lot of her bare back like a piece of art, which she knew seeing her bare back drove her yōkai lover wild. Mmm… I love getting him to lose some control! To add even more sexiness to it, there were two strings of pearls across the back, adding a touch of elegance to the piece, a little bow tied just at the tailbone, and of course… Crotchless! Ooh~! So naughty~! She couldn’t help but burn with a passion, both hands going to her cheeks as she swung back and forth on the balls of her feet in excitement while giggling, and though it wouldn’t really help her much up in the mountains, good time ruined… Or… with the overnight bag… She drools slightly with the naughty possibility, deciding she definitely should keep wearing it, many women have suffered over the years for fashion! After all, even if he didn’t get to see it just yet, she felt…

I feel sexy, beautiful, and powerful in it… I don’t wanna take it off.

Face glowing more shyly, because it seemed forbidden to feel that way about such things; she bites her lip faintly before deciding secretly, no one else but me and Kurama will know about it, so it won’t hurt anything! Although Kurama had told her it wasn’t bad to want such things, to enjoy herself while wearing and doing those things, she still had to build herself up for them sometimes. “You are the Goddess of Love, after all. It’d be more strange if you didn’t find pleasure and happiness in them.”

I usually don’t mind doing those things in front of others, because the world only sees a mask, they don’t see me. But Kurama has seen all of me, and loves me… for me.

He’s so amazing, handsome, smart, strong, gentle…

I’m scared to disappoint him.

It was still difficult to shake the thought that being this way was corrupt, taboo, and would push him away, as though her ‘purity’ was her only draw. But he understood, and though he always bolstered her confidence with compliments and words of encouragement, he never complained when she shied away from these things again and again, though it’s becoming easier with his help. He’s so wonderful~ After tossing several extra things into her pocket dimension, I am not roughing it without a futon and tent! He finished changing himself, donned in an evergreen coat over a simple black turtleneck under a mellow-yellow, ribbed sweater and dark washed jeans, on top of some mean-looking, military style hiking boots. Hot~! Grabbing a cute pink backpack with some corseting, he grabs one with graph-check white lines on a navy background and an orange bottom, the stylish celestial traveler fills it and her pocket dimension with overnight supplies.

The backpacks are our cover if anyone sees us, since it’d be weird if we said we were hiking without supplies. When they were finished, to which she’s sure he had some sort of mental checklist, like he does everything, they take the chauffeur service to the mountain around mid afternoon. Botan was right, for sure, as they stepped from the vehicle and sized up the mountainside before them, that unlike most other peaks around the big cities, this one looked entirely like wilderness, even on the map, and it was actually breathtaking. Large trees towered over them, different shaped leaves and heavy boughs sway with the mountain air rolling down its side, while smaller parasitic bushes and climbers cling to the varying shades and textures of bark. Nothing about the trail in front of her felt insidious, there was actually a nice tranquility to the quiet hum of insects, the whistle of the leaves, and little rustles from digging bunnies and other forest critters darting through from their intrusion.

Taking in a deep breath, fresh mountain air with overgrown greenery, wet rocks sitting on rich earth, and a slight ozone smell fills her lungs, making her feel so refreshed already. There were two stone lanterns at the beginning of the path, moss crawling part way up the shaded sides and sweet little white flowers, whose petals almost looked like little butterflies sitting on stems, drifted in front of the decorative feet of the lanterns merrily. Cute! When her graceful boyfriend moved, she followed as he trekked the unmarked path, easily moving over the bumpy terrain deliberately, not making any noise as he did, whereas she sounded like she was stomping in comparison, the dull thud of her boots in her own ears making her seem more clumsy than she actually was. So sneaky!

(Forest Interlude 2 - Jarboe & Kris Force)

What had her heart melting though was the fact that he could be moving faster; it’s obvious he was used to walking through this kind of foliage silently, yet he was only a few steps ahead of her at all times, keeping close even when she knew his human form’s speed and agility in a place like this. The thought he always gave to her had her heart aching keenly, a blissful tug on her core that although it was a bit longing, it was that sweet precipice between yearning for him and immense affection. I want to give you so much… Minako couldn’t help staring at his tall back maneuver minutely around little branches or loose gravel, his gorgeous red hair shifting softly around his backpack lightly as he kept a studious eye out on their surroundings. Gosh I’m so freaking lucky! As much as she loved admiring him, she needed to keep watch too, or she’d be super mad at herself for being inadequate. Bad Minako! Get it together! Glancing around the whimsical curls of vines around bushes, small beams of sunlight sprinkled across her skin through the treetops, warming parts of her face and giving her warm fuzzies.

Lidding lapis gems up at the dots of light, she takes a deep, cleansing breath in and releases it, focusing on her task again and looking around for anything notable. As they reach more of an incline, giant roots twine above the surface, big leafy plants grow between sizable rocks and a few birds tweeting are all she can find, nothing malicious or bad around to her senses. Huh, is it really haunted? While they made their way up the dirt path with a hush, surrounded by too many species of plants for her to possibly name, she wondered, “Kurama, do you feel anything yet? It feels so peaceful to me…” He stops walking, glancing around himself quietly before murmuring,

“No. But that’s exactly it. Even from here, we should be able to sense something. Yet the forest feels undisturbed, and…” Kurama looks back to her somberly, iterating, “Even more, the peaceful feeling you get is from this being a sacred place, and though it doesn't hurt me, it’s still a disquieting feeling. Especially since something is happening here, if Reikai is checking into it.” And here I thought it would be a simple dumb ghost and we could play around for a bit. She knew when to take him seriously, since he was more in tune with the supernatural and all, and if he might be concerned, so should she. Stepping close to him, the astral soldier takes his hand gently, threading their fingers together slowly as she whispers,

“Are you worried?” He clenches her digits tenderly, tilting his lips back at her while replying truthfully,

“A little bit. It’s a miracle they took action even now, considering the only reason anyone did is because the spirits had gone missing, and that makes more paperwork for everyone there. Otherwise, it seems like a normal mountain.” Nodding back, the calm of the chaotic forest path suddenly felt like yawning jaws, the trees lining the edges looking more like the ridges of a throat, and the light breeze it's restless breath as it waits for them to stumble in. She gets shivers at the metaphor, and although she’d fought many creatures of similar creepiness, the fact that nothing was off up front, and instead seems to be hiding itself made it so much worse. That’s just silly, it’s a forest, right? My mind is just playing tricks on me… Deciding to take her mind off those thoughts quickly, she latches onto his sentence like an anchor while moving forward again.

“Does that happen a lot in Spirit World?”

“More often than they want, certainly. And though Koenma isn’t the most reliable ruler, he is leagues above his predecessor, his father Enma, in regards to his concern over this world’s people and demons alike.”

“Huh, so this is kind of like a backlog of things that needs to be done then?”

“Correct. As much as we dislike it, this is something that needs to be investigated.” She makes a noise of agreement, not expecting her compassionate sweetheart to turn toward her to confess, “I do apologize for interrupting our vacation with this line of work. We’re supposed to be relaxing and enjoying time away from it, for your birthday even, and yet you’re making the most of this and helping me, as you always do.” Meeting repentant forest irises, an exact match for their surroundings, actually, Minako beams lightly before correcting,

“I know I made a fuss to keep them in line, but as long as I’m with you, I don’t mind it. And it is pretty here.” She observes the scenery closely, taking in all the faintly bobbing foliage and little critters scurrying about. “It’s still a nice dating spot, creepy-horrible-things happening to the souls around here and all.” Grinning and wagging a finger up at his nose, she jokingly orders, “And I won’t be convinced otherwise!” He laughs softly, the sound something she always loved hearing, along with his adorable purring, reminding her that she might need to right some wrongs, though he probably doesn’t see it that way.

“Maybe I should be the one to apologize… I wasn’t very nice to Botan, and it was super selfish of me to act like that to keep you from being put on more cases.” Staring down at the ground when he turned toward her, she sighs, “I just get so greedy with any time I have with you. It feels like we don’t get a lot to begin with, what with our work schedules and my performances, so I…” Calloused fingers caress her jaw tenderly, tilting her head back up to meet adoring verdant eyes, he assuaged her guilt lovingly,

(Breath of the Forest - Adrian von Ziegler)

“Not at all. I feel the same, really, and covet every moment I can have with you.” She flushes brightly, free hand coming up to cover her heart while a handsome grin crosses his features, his thumb rubbing into her cheek as he admits, “Recall that I was a thief, koi, so believe me when I say,” he leans down, stealing her breaths and sight with a lingering, steamy kiss, leaving her dizzy and heart fluttering while he murmurs against her lips, “I know what it means to be greedy.” There’s a fierce ache between her thighs from the dip in his tone, his yōkai form coming through, reminding her that he is probably the most fearsome creature in this forest right now. And he’s mine… Kurama brushes her mouth several more times, each one stinging her core so wonderfully, saturating the lacey little thing she wore underneath until he lets her catch her breath.

“Hmm, you are so very tempting, aren’t you?” Blinking golden lashes hazily, the bewitched celestial realizes she clung to his coat with her free hand, her other woven with his as he stroked the back of her palm with his fingers. Coming back slowly from his theft of her heart, she makes a noise of confusion, knowing he said something but she couldn’t quite recall what, but he doesn't seem surprised. Chuckling, he kisses her bangs affectionately before reminding her, “We ought to get going, ne?” Bobbing her head softly, still a bit flustered from his wonderful kiss, she lets him pull her further into the forest and tries really hard to focus on the things around her, rather than licking her lips at his mesmerizing kisses and comforting scent. A beautiful rose garden, sweet geranium, yummy ylang ylang, fresh cut plants and herbs, clean sandalwood, soft white musk, earthy tree roots, and something deliciously dark…

Rounding another bend in the barely-there road, she notices something that pulls all of her attention to it, making her smile and giggle cheerily, "O-Jizo-san!" Kurama repeats the name quietly in confusion as she darts to it, going to her knees in front of the little baby-faced statue that was beaming back up at her benevolently. Glancing quickly back at him, she questions, “Have you ever seen a Jizo statue, Kurama?”

“I have. Mother took me to a few temples as a child, though I’ve not often seen them outside of that kind of setting. I’ve heard these ones in particular are to guide travelers, are they not?” He stands behind her curiously, making her chitter brightly as she answers easily,

“Yup! But they also guide lost children.” Looking around swiftly, she stands to try and find some nice, flattish rocks and, after looking behind a big one, finds a few good prospects, and taking them back, she stacks them largest on bottom, to shortest on top. She can tell her curious scholar is still a bit befuddled when she’s finished, so she adds on, “When children pass away before their parents, they say that the kids don’t have the merit of their family because of their short lives. So when you see this statue, it’s a good reminder to help the kids out and stack some stones for them, which is how they try to gain virtue for their passage into the afterlife.”

“Interesting. You seem quite fond of it. And do you believe that?”

“It’s more like tradition for me, but it’s a nice thought, that someone is looking out for lost kids, and that strangers would be willing to go out of their way to help them, even this deep in a forest.” Putting her hands together, Minako bows her head and prays silently.

If anyone loses their way, please guide them back to where they are safe.

Opening cornflower irises dreamily, something in the air definitely shifts, and though it doesn’t feel malicious…

This haunted mountain doesn’t feel malicious either…

What’s going on here? Did Kurama notice anything? She stands gracefully, glancing around without moving her head in case she could find something, and hopefully not worry Kurama. After scanning things quickly, nothing stands out, just a gentle mountain breeze trying to ease her confusion while he replies with adoration in his tone, “Very true.” He must not have felt it. Should I tell him? Gazing back at him, she notes that even though he was smiling at her lovingly, his guard was still up, and was probably still keeping an eye out on everything around them. Meeting depthless verdant irises, she divulges, “Just now, I felt something kind of… shift? You didn’t notice anything, did you?” His expression flattens soberly before rumbling with a tinge of anger, he’s angry that he missed it…

“No, I didn’t. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. it’s just… strange…” Kurama studies her closely, probably looking for anything in her soul that might be off, but doesn’t find anything. He then turns to their surroundings warily, meticulously picking apart what he sees and feels, even as he comes away the same as her.

“Everything about this is strange.” Turning back toward her, he tips his head to her while deciding, “And though I don’t like it, all we can do at the moment is meet everything as it comes.” He smirks cheekily as he jokes, “Something we’re quite used to by now, I'm sure.” Blowing air between her lips with repressed laughter, the adaptable senshi seconds,

“No kidding!” Her tummy rumbles a bit, prompting her to meet his ivy gaze while suggesting, “Actually, despite the circumstances, this is a pretty good spot to stop and have a picnic, don’t ya think?” Now that she’d studied the area for stones, just across from O-Jizo-san was a nice open spot at the foot of a giant tree, with enough space for two people and their picnic basket, surrounded by more above ground roots. It was actually almost like it was going to hug or cuddle whoever sat there, “It looks so nice and cozy~!”

(Fairy Forest - Adrian von Ziegler)

“It certainly does. I suppose we can’t fight on an empty stomach, can we?” Grinning while tugging him to the spot eagerly, she chirps,

“Nope!” He rumbles with laughter at her along the way, making her smile too, because she knew that even though he quipped at her playfully, he did it for her, not wanting her to dwell on it. Silly, I’m going to anyway, and you know that… Still, she plays along, appreciating his effort to keep her calm nonetheless, even reaching into her dimension pocket to pull out the rainbow, herringbone blanket with cute little tassels she just purchased. Which boasted ‘waterproof backing’ so hopefully it holds up, because she’s probably going to use it for sleeping too, if they needed. Tossing it messily to the ground, her meticulous kitsune huffs in humor before going over and fixing it to fit just right, he’s such a perfectionist, it’s adorable! Meanwhile, she pulls her cute oval picnic basket with a romantic doily lining out, the thought of their food in it had her mouth watering already.

My melon ramune! Makunouchi bento with a shumai dumpling, tamagoyaki, fried shrimp, fried chicken cutlet, hamburg steak, karaage with lightly fried vegetable strips, a small vegetable salad, croquette, fried vegetable-meat roll, umeboshi and a small amount of Neapolitan pasta~! And for dessert, a fruit sandwich with kiwi, strawberries, and navel oranges before they go out of season~! Licking her lips excitedly, Minako plops down on the decorative mat messily, her hair swirling around her airily while she pulls her bento out, along with his torigomoku onigiri, his jurokucha and her ramune, and tosses the water between them. Lastly, she sets the basket to her side after grabbing a pair of chopsticks, and with much aplomb, scooches close to him, thigh touching thigh as she nearly squeals, “This is so romantic~! Don’t you think so?” He’s already chortling, taking a sip of water and unwrapping the onigiri while she continues, “Sharing a bento in a haunted forest, that’s not-so-haunted I guess? But that-makes-it-extra-cursed because it feels too nice with people's souls disappearing, while O-Jizo-san watches us eat happily, just before sunset~!”

She breaks the chopsticks for use as he laughs lightly, concurring, “It’s definitely intimate, if not for the possible jilted bakemono that might be prowling the underbrush.” Munching on some rice as he takes another graceful bite, as always, he’s handsome doing anything, the reminder of their first meeting making her nearly choke on a piece of karaage,

“Wouldn’t that be ironic! It’s even almost a month later, isn’t it?”

“It would be off by four days.”

“Darn. Fate be damned, then.” It’s his turn for his food to go down the wrong pipe, though Kurama doesn’t cough any this time, considering he’s able to guffaw after a few seconds,

“It would after everything we’ve been through together.” It was always a joy getting him to laugh, garnering a snort before chittering tumble from her lips while she pops some of the vegetable salad in her mouth. He takes a drink of his chosen tea mix, letting her chew a bit and grab one of the fried shrimp, and to his astonishment, the generous connoisseur aims it at him, insisting,

“Here!” Closing his eyes and chuckling lightly, he meets her expectant stare while murmuring,

“I haven’t even finished the onigiri yet.”

“That’s alright! It all mixes in your stomach anyway, and I love feeding you! You’re so cute~!” He huffs slightly, emerald irises tender as he relents,

“Very well, though I insist you are much more endearing to feed.” She pinks lightly, biting her lip faintly as he moves closer, opening his mouth to bite into the morsel and looking so damn cute! Before taking a nibble though, he raises a brow at her before scolding,

“Stop biting your lip, or I’ll find something else for you to bite.” Gaping at him and face burning fiercely, she almost dropped the chopsticks as he snagged the shrimp gingerly, leaning back and chewing with a smug glint in his eyes. Why you- Pouting at him with all she had, he didn't seem bothered as he held the rest of the shrimp by its tail as he monched his mouthful. Ugh, why is he so handsome! I just want to smack him sometimes!

“You can be such a jerk sometimes!” After swallowing, her dashing scoundrel chortles lightly while teasing,

“Only sometimes?” Flicking his arm faintly with a finger, he pops the tail into his mouth and rumbles merrily while raising the arm she swiped, as though expecting her to knock him again.

“More than sometimes, sometimes!” He’s eaten his bite by now, continuing to laugh genially at her prominent frown and curly brows, not intimidated by her grumpiness a bit. Huffing, because Minako just couldn’t stay mad at him and his darn beautiful face, she snatches up some vegetable salad and holds it out for him, grousing, “Here, Naughty Fox! Eat your veggies!”

“A terrible punishment, to be certain.” Glaring at him mildly, she still stuffs the little bundle in his mouth when he opens it, earning a daring smirk despite being slightly aggressively fed. He watches as she gathers some for herself, popping it into her own mouth with her nose in the air, chewing grumpily until she’s done,

“I could do something worse, you know.” Hot breath and warm lips caress her neck sensually, his free hand slowly slides up her waist, skimming the side of her breast and adding to the molten pool of desire suddenly building. Wait! We’re eating right now! “Ah! K-Kurama~! W-what are you-” He nibbles up to the lobe of her ear, gently bumping her red dangle earring aside to press saturated kisses behind her ear.

“Mmm~ I thought it was obvious.” Kurama leans back to reveal gold flecked ivy irises, the combination always so enthralling that she barely hears his answer, “I’m seducing you from being cross with me, however minor it is.” Breathing shallowly, she still tries to narrow ocean waves at him as she whispers,

“Little sneak.” He brushes against her mouth tenderly, just teasing the surface since they were eating, after all, before moving back away to eat more of his onigiri with a grin.

“So I’ve been told.” Pursing her lips, she stares at him as he gobbles up the last few mouthfuls, looking ever-so-pleased with himself. Too--sexy-for-your-own-good-jerk! Chomping on some of the dumpling with a vengeance, since the sour guardian couldn’t get back at him just yet, she’s shocked when the chopsticks are taken from her. Gaping at him, she’s about to whine for them back when he grabs a bit of the hamburg steak, and holds it out to her expectantly. “Forgive me?” She couldn’t help but sigh, pouting up at him and his ability to rile her up and cool her back down with loving touches and sweet gestures,

“One of these days I’ll be able to resist your dastardly charms! But~ for now, I guess I’ll forgive you.” Opening her mouth a bit, he delicately places the food in her mouth, letting her chew while he chuckles back,

“Good for me, until then.” Snapping up some rice, he holds it out after she swallows, a fond glint in his verdant gaze as she wraps her lips around the morsel, leaning back and crunching it while he gathers more. Suddenly he stops, tilting his head back, her vigilant honey narrows his eyes and sniffs daintily before informing her, "Strange… It’ll rain within the next four hours, so we'll want to find some shelter before then." Watching him carefully, she squawks,

(Byssan Lull - Jesse Harlin)

"Eh? But we’ve only been up here for a few hours! And we’ve not found anything big yet!” Frowning, she feels disappointment welling up because that means… More time spent ‘working…’ He already looks empathetic, probably about to apologize until she states, “We could just teleport back to the hotel until it passes." In spite of the distressing news, he continues feeding her, though with much less energy, to her dismay,

"We could, but rain, and even nighttime, might be when our soul-stealing friend is most active. That's why I advised we come prepared, as I wasn't sure if the investigation would end sooner." Snatching the chopsticks from him with vigor, Minako swipes some of the karaage and holds it toward him, even while she groans,

"Mou~! Do we have to rough it?" Chuckling at her aggressive offer, he takes it easily and after swallowing, he states,

"It seems it will be necessary, this time." She sighs, snagging some of the fried vegetable meat roll up for him before grumbling,

"At least I still get to snuggle with you." Clutching her waist a bit more, his lips tilt adoringly and after eating the morsel, he verifies,

"That you do. How about a compromise? I can find us a cave to hole up in, rather than being mostly exposed to the elements in the tent." She can’t help but hop in excitement, the prospect of being more comfortable raising her morale as she swirls the chopsticks joyfully,

"That'd be nice!” Retrieving some tamagoyaki and pressing it into his mouth, she adds exuberantly, “Then we could probably make a warm fire too!" Grabbing some wipes he must have snuck out while she wasn’t looking, Kurama cleans his fingers he grabbed the shrimp with and encourages with a smile,

"That’s the spirit." He took a drink while she grabbed another bite from the bento, and after she finishes, she wonders hesitantly,

“But… Why is it strange that it’s going to rain?” He seems to be mulling over how he wanted to respond before finally revealing,

“Because there wasn’t going to be any rain for a few more days.” A bit confused, because weather was just weather and it kind of did that, right? Otherwise meteorologists wouldn’t suck at their jobs so much. But first she was curious about how he knew that,

“Did you see that on the weather?” Keeping her gaze steadily, he reveals,

“My senses are quite keen, as you know. But one of the things I can tell is what the weather will be for the next few days, the humidity levels, and air pressure as well. So I don’t typically watch the weather. As for why it’s strange… It’s because it suddenly changed.” He stares out into the woods pensively, eyes lidding further as though to try and parse out his thoughts, “Weather doesn’t normally change suddenly like that alone. Another front must come through, but I don't smell it. You were right earlier. Something in the atmosphere did change, but it wasn't natural.” The implication was pretty unsettling, but to her surprise, the cosmic heroine hears some furin chiming further ahead on the path, and though it normally would be pleasant to hear, it seemed to punctuate his concerns.

Staring in the direction thoughtfully, she almost couldn’t help but be lulled by the sound, commenting quietly, “It is weird, but nothing feels bad around here, right? O-Jizo-san even has some furin keeping him company…” She doesn’t look back at him, still listening to the distant echoes of the wind chimes as her critical yôko touches her arm worriedly,

“Mina… What are you talking about? There is no chiming to indicate furin...” Raising a squiggly brow, she snorts with a laugh while scolding,

“Come on, Kurama, don’t tease me like that! You can hear it plain as day!” Staring back in its direction, she mumbles dreamily, “And it’s super pretty…” He shakes her shoulders slightly, jarring her from listening and contradicting her with urgency,

“Mina, I’m not pranking you. I don’t hear any furin.” It’s then that the forest goes eerily silent; no wind sifting through her honey locks, no birds or insects chirping happily in the daylight, just a suffocating quiet, and even more disconcerting, as though it was responding to his statement, the chiming that had captivated her was now gone.


Her stomach flips, sending a chill up her spine as she swallows and smiles tightly, “Ah, maybe I just heard things then! Sorry about that.” Minako’s shocked when he takes her chin and keeps her gaze, studying her intensely to find anything malicious within her, his abilities have saved me more times than I can count…

“No Mina, we’re looking for the cause of several soul’s disappearances. You aren’t just hearing things, rather, it’s likely targeting you.” So it’s doing that on purpose? After searching her over for a few minutes, he frowns deeply before revealing, “There’s nothing trying to possess your soul, and it’s not been damaged or changed in any way, so I can only surmise that it’s trying to lure you to it with those sounds. Has anything else strange occurred that you thought might be normal?”

“Ah… no, I think this is the first time.” Kurama sighs, bowing his head before murmuring guiltily,

“I should have made you stay behind.”

“What? No way! I wouldn’t have stayed even if you tied me up!” Giving her an exasperated look, he returns tartly,

“It’s a tempting thought.”

“Mou! You know I-”

“Minako.” She pauses, his use of her full first name always drawing her attention with its seriousness as he states, “Every time something like this happens, you are always the one that gets targeted, and though it’s understandable, being as beautiful as you are in mind, body, and spirit… it grates knowing others want you as well, and they want to taint what makes you so magnificent.” The incarnation of Venus pinks at his incredibly sweet compliments, but she doesn’t want him fretting over her, he worries about enough as it is, she was, after all, a senshi despite her appearance.

“Kurama, you know I’m not weak, I can defend myself too.”

“Yes, but you are naive at the worst of times, and though not unintuitive, you dismiss many warning signs you should be heeding.” She was about to protest more when he presses his forehead to hers and shuts scarlet lashes, adding heartfully, “Please understand that although you are strong, one of the strongest women I know, you are not invincible, and your sweet, curious and playful nature is attractive to many creatures of varying strengths, it will only take one time to twist your enchanting spirit into something you’re not.” Galaxia… The reminder had her holding her tongue, comprehension easing her argumentative reaction and filling her with a keen ache at the thought of it happening all over again. Usagi already had to go through that, I couldn’t imagine another person having to see me turned into a monster.

Bowing her head and watching her dearest fox from under marigold fringe, she mumbles reluctantly, “Got it. I’ll be careful and not follow any weird or creepy things by myself.” His gaze narrows skeptically as he counters,

“Although I want to believe that, you have a tendency to pursue enemies when they run.” Huffing at the admittedly true assessment, she grouses back,

“You expect me to let the bad guy get away willingly, especially if I can run after them?”

“Which is why I’ll have silver hair again, though not because of my demon form this time…” Pouting at him, she’s about to give him lip until he requests, “At the very least, allow me to put a tracker seed on you so if you do take off, I’ll be able to find you.”

“If it’ll make you feel better.”

“It would, yes.” So Minako turns away from him, his dexterous fingers gliding softly through her tresses as he attaches the seedling to her half-tail so it wouldn’t bother her scalp, yet would be hidden from sight. Now she had the beautiful raspberry edged, sunny orange rose in her bow as a form of protection, and this seedling to keep track of her if they get seperated, anymore gifts from him and I’ll be a floral tank for any unsuspecting baddies. The image had her smiling lightly as she teases him,

“Do I get a leafy shield too? You know, to add to my eclectic arsenal of flower weapons?”

“I could, technically, and make you more well rounded as a whole against any malevolent entities.” Giggling cheerily before looking back at him, she declines airily,

“That’s alright, I think I can handle myself without any more guard plants, thanks.” She gasps when soft lips nip at her neck faintly, deepening with each nibble as Kurama rumbles between them hotly,

“I could give you a different form of protection, if you’d like.” She burns at the suggestion, having had his energy unconsciously protect her when she was trapped in that strange in-between dimension with the Ash Woman. Though that time he’d given it to her through kissing, they discovered another way of giving energy to one another… He’s so naughty sometimes!

I love it!

Gulping thickly, and though her insides heated wonderfully at the thought of him being inside her, her heart swelling because he was trying to distract her from the unnerving things that just happened, she thought it might just be a bit bold of them to do that on a haunted mountain. He’s always trying to keep me perked up and happy… Even if it’s in the spiciest way possible! So instead the charmed noble stammers while touching his cheek tenderly,

“T-that’d be asking for trouble, Mister Tease.” He smiles against her throat as he hums lightly,

“And when have we ever refused it when it was given?” Scratch that, he’s naughty all the time! A particularly hard bite had her mewling quietly while his mischievous hand drew patterns along the side of her breast, enticing her walls to squeeze in excitement as she pants,

“Naughty Fox!” He leans back with a searing smirk while chortling,

“Always with you, Minakoi.” His hands return to his side as he begins putting away their leftovers, as though he hadn’t just stirred her up with his touch and words, prompting her to growl,

“You’re impossible, you know that!”

“I’m actually quite the opposite, I am here and exist, so I am quite possible.” Pursing her lips at him, she blows a raspberry and hops up and away before he could catch her, reluctantly gathering their things before they got back to searching the mountainside for another few hours. The sun had nearly set by the time her foxy-forest-navigator found a cave for them to hole up in, to her relief, since she really didn’t want to try to navigate in the dark. Been there, done that! It blended in with the rocky cliffs surrounded by persistent trees, which a few were growing a little crookedly from the angle of their spot on the side of the cave. She’s a bit shocked he found it, actually, though all his senses were stronger than hers, and he can predict the weather? Who could stand a chance against him?

The path to the opening was packed with dirt and gravel, a few stubborn patches of grass leading to it, and with the splashes of the setting light through the canopy overhang, it looked hauntingly enchanting. Wow! He heads inside first, the height enough for him to walk in without bending over, but further in it shrank, going deeper into some unknown place. But for now, the entrance was what they were working with, and after studying the walls and deeper part quietly, Minako pads in slowly after him, a hand to her chest as she takes in astonishingly pretty walls. Looking closely, there were little splotches of white on some of the surfaces, looking like polka dots on the rock and glittering prettily in the dying light of day, enticing her to take a closer look. The spots turned out to look like dandelion poofs, and now that she was right next to it, she spotted a cluster of white in the cracks in the wall, a few jagged pieces sticking up.

She’s about to touch it when his voice cuts through the spell, “Please don’t touch the quartz clusters, Mina, as whatever’s on the surface will soak into your skin.” She jumps, spinning fast like a misbehaving child with her hand in the cookie jar, spotting him kneeling down next to a pile of brush littering the ground, looking eerily like an animal’s nest. Uh oh… Tip-toeing up to him, she clutches the shoulder of his coat in a fist, tugging softly as she asks nervously, “Uh… Kurama? Doesn’t that mean something’s living here?” Crouching with him against his arm, she whispers loudly, “We should go, right?” He’s not too concerned though as he glances at her, correcting with a serious expression,

Was. The scents are very old, so I imagine something occurred and required them to vacate this cave.” Fluttering honey lashes up at him as Kurama stands again, bringing her with him since she clutched his arm, continuing to comb the cave with his razor sharp emerald gems and super senses, she’s sure, while she interprets quietly,

“Something like~ a-soul-stealing-bakemono?”

“It’s a possibility.” Waiting while he studies the little hidey hole meticulously for anything else, and when he’s satisfied, he looks down to her and assures, “It’s safe. It’s even big enough for the entire tent, and with a little manipulation, I’m sure I can encourage the plants out front to move enough for the fire.” He’s quietly considering something for a few seconds before meeting her gaze, musing, “Although I don’t like being any further than arms length from you in situations like this, it’ll be most efficient to have you begin setting up camp here while I find some kindling just over there.” Deciding to balance her nerves with some fun, she beams brightly while joking,

“Don’t worry about me! I’ll do my best! And it’s a good thing you’re a plant whisperer, cause I’d just cut them all down.” Like the fun-loving battler had hoped, he dips his head in amusement, eyes closing and a sweat drop running down his temple while he chortles,

“Certainly. And prevent their undue suffering.” Opening his eyes, he fixes his adoring stare to her as he murmurs, “Stay vigilant. I’ll set up a parameter, and though I’ll still be within eyesight, anything could happen while we’re separated.” Returning his affection, she kisses his jaw softly as she promises,

“I will.” Pressing his lips to her bangs, she lets go of his arm and watches him set his bag on the ground at the edge of the walls, rosy locks free to sway at his back like a tail as she wonders, “Is it alright to leave that? I know you won’t be far, but what if this thing keeps you from coming back here?” Mouth tilting at her concern, her debonair demon assures her over his shoulder with a tilt to his head,

“I am quite capable of hunting, koi, so don’t worry for me. Do you remember how to light the lantern?” Lapis gems wide, she makes an affirmative sound, prompting him to continue, “Please do so within the next few minutes, and place it near the entrance, setting the tent up toward the back. And don’t forget the mosquito repellent.”

(A Stray Child - Yuki Kajiura)

“Got it.” He watches her for a few more moments, before nodding and striding into the dimming light silently, and as he said, he was within her line of sight, while she held the hand she’d grabbed his coat with to her heart. He’ll be fine, he’s a yōkai, remember? He’s scarier than the things in this forest. She tried to believe it, but she still couldn’t help but fret over him, especially in a weirdly safe feeling mountain with missing souls and wind chimes. Because he’s mortal… just like everyone else. It was easy to forget, both him being an apparition, and him being just as alive and… killable as she was, but unlike her… Us senshi are able to be reformed easily because of our Sailor Crystals, but he…

Shaking her head quickly, Minako tries to clear the distressing thoughts, not wanting to psyche herself out and tries to distract herself by setting up the tent before she has no light. Though her ever conscious sweetheart had her prepared, reminding her to open her pocket dimension and take out the lantern and matches he had her buy. He’s so darned smart! Using the last bit of sun to see, she fiddles with it, trying to replicate how he showed her earlier in case she had to, and manages to fill the lantern with oil, though she does spill some on the ground, and after striking a match and lighting the wick, casts light across the cave and making the rocks shimmer. Ooh! So pretty and sparkly! Grinning at the fact nothing caught on fire just yet, she sets it near the opening, well away from where she was going to set up the tent. And~ the oil I spilled…

Then taking the cute little kayari buta out, she lights it and places it a few feet away from the lamp, admiring the adorable little piggy working hard to keep bugs and mosquitoes away. Before throwing herself at the tent, she recalls Kurama giving her a quick guide to setting up the tent, and even took the time to write out instructions for her, which she found immensely distracting. His handwriting is so nice~ She imagined him writing a love letter to her, all the mushy details and heart aching sentiment included, putting a deliriously happy smile on her face. Hugging it to her chest and giggling excitedly, she spins around the tent parts, as though she were dancing, until a light jingle brings her attention back. Pausing her silly thoughts, she touches the beautiful pendant he gifted her, a sense of calm washing over her even as her heart aches fiercely.

Closing her eyes, she takes a deep, cleansing breath to ease the overjoyed pain in her chest, the pleasure that filled her core still throbbing even as the wonderful sting fades, causing her to press her thighs together for friction. Glancing back at the edge of her vision, his form is barely visible in the dark, but she didn’t need to fully see him to imagine his handsome features, the determined set in his face when he did any task, and his inhumanly perfect movements that she appreciated very much. Bad Minako! Putting a palm over a scorching cheek, she fans herself quickly, even in the chillier weather. Gosh, even when he’s not here he makes me feel so much! Opening her eyes again, her pulse slows a bit as warm flutters fill her stomach, bringing a gentle beam to her lips and slow tingles work their way through her. The love-struck idol sighs out her excitement and dirty thoughts to try and focus on her next mission, tackle the tent!

Skipping over to where his bag was, she slings hers from her shoulders, not minding if it crashed to the ground with so much padding on it, and with her precious letter, which she gives a light peck for good luck, she’s ready for the battle of the century. Setting her guide in a safe-ish place, she tugs the tent out of her dimensional pocket, loosens the ties around the bag and flips it upside down, hopping up and down with the casing to get it to gradually drop out. Get-out-get-out-get-out! It tumbles to the ground with a dull thud while she throws the empty bag to where their things were, and watching as everything unfurls, she separates the poles, the mesh fabric, and the plain old fabric, which she thinks is the bottom. I mean, what else could it be? The other one is shaped differently. So she starts with that one, spreading it out over the flattest part of the cave, then remembers she should probably brush all the crud and rocks from the spot. Man~! Now I gotta move everything!

Pursing her lips childishly, she looks around for something to broom the stuff out, because she was not going to use her hands for this. An actual broom would be nice! Not really finding anything useful, she’s reminded of her beloved foxes ability with trees when she sees the shadows of the forest moving subtly in the night breeze, and although she’s sure it won’t be as effective, she’s found her broom. There were a few trees outside this cave!

So snapping a few branches off the nearby foliage, and finding a tall stick, she uses some rubber bands from her purse to hold it all together and, tada! Broom! Suddenly the furin sound again, inciting her to glance up from her little project and look around, trying to spot the source of the sound. Then a piercing stare is fixed on her, unblinking and unwavering in its intensity, nearly suffocating her really, yet it was so hard to pin down what exactly the emotion behind them was. Longing? Hunger? Envy? And then it was gone before she could try to find it, leaving her a bit disoriented as the stellar soldier wonders if she truly felt it. I couldn’t breathe, it was so heavy, so it’s gotta be real, right? But it was so fast, here and gone in an instant, making her think it might have been a wandering spirit, but not the thing they were looking for. Or my imagination. After all, Kurama would have noticed it too.

Should I say anything? She wasn’t sure, but she’d definitely keep an eye out, as he said, she did tend to ignore things if no one else felt them. There have been a few times I sensed something when he didn’t… So, with a portion of her attention on her surroundings, yet seeming for all the world like she dismissed what she felt, after all, it might be waiting for when my guard is down. She sweeps all the gunk and debris from their spot, pretty well, if she-does-say-so-herself, and after chasing a few bugs out with a ferocity, she’s ready to set it all up. Finally! Looking at her lip-printed cheat sheet, and though she’d been distracted before, this time she doesn’t let herself linger, grabbing the giant flat tarp-thing and flops it down where she swept, and pulls the corners even. She then looks at the pile of mesh-and-other-stuff next to the poles, sweat dropping because it all looks the same! Where’s the front and the back?

Bringing her beautifully written instructions to her nose comically, she notes it says the front and has a picture, but… Where! Where is the front? Sunny brows curl in frustration as she grumbles out loud, “Ugh! Why do people have to make this so complicated! Just make the front super noticeable!” So she starts pulling the tent different ways, trying to find something that might be the front, and after struggling for a few minutes, she growls and tosses it in the air. Blowing out a raspberry as it lands on top of her somehow, groaning in irritation while sitting on her knees, stewing in her annoyance, just as an amused baritone jokes,

“I see the tent got the best of you.” Gasping, Minako tries spinning around toward him, but only manages to wrap the stupid thing around herself, squeaking before falling over and struggling to escape the monstrosity.

“Ah~! Urgh! This. Stupid-” Another pair of hands helps her get untangled from the unintentional trap, then when she’s finally exposed to the cooler night air, and inevitably, her incredibly humored boyfriend, he chuckles,

“Trying to ‘become one with nature,’ as it were?” Blowing her messy bangs away from her face, she grumps,

Real funny, smart guy. I was trying to set up the tent, but it’s hard to tell which way is the front!” He caresses her irritating fringe away from her eyes, smiling at her tenderly while soothing,

“It is rather difficult to tell with some of them. So after I start the fire, how about I help you with this?” Pooching her lips, she decides while staring at his absolutely gorgeous, smug face,

(Lullaby - Yuki Kajiura)

Fine~! Let’s see your kitsunebi, O’mighty Yako!” Chortling faintly, he kisses her on her forehead gently, then standing elegantly, he helps her to her feet as well, letting her see the pile of sticks he found as he returns cheekily,

“I don't need magic to set you on fire, Minakoi.” Her jaw dropped at his dirty pun, stuck between laughing and flushing in second hand embarrassment, though he didn’t seem to have that problem, guffawing uproariously when he peaked at her face. Making his way over to the pile, he starts setting up while the mortified media darling squeals and waves her arms wildly,

"Kurama~! Oh my gosh! That was terrible! Don’t-look-so-proud-of-yourself-Mister!" He had turned toward her with that irksome little ‘I got what I wanted’ smile of his, the fire just a small smolder as Kurama boasts,

"Why shouldn't I be? You make the cutest of faces for me, koi. So it’s worth any silliness on my part." Standing with her feet apart and hands on her hips, she bends forward slightly to tower over him while grousing,

"Mou! You can be such a little stinker!”

Your little stinker.” Growling at his ability to always get in the last word, she stomps and turns away, going back to the problem-of-a-tent and sitting next to it on her knees, digging around it again to try and find the damned front. Moments after she started tugging at it, a gentle heat filled the air, the smell and sound of burning wood snapping tickling her ears, and a body squats behind her, nuzzling against her neck as a smooth baritone murmurs affectionately, “There’s no need to peck at the tent, Mina. Here, allow me to help.” Of course he could ease her anger, making her melt with his touches and kisses so easily, enticing her to relax again as he walks her through the process, this time with the thing itself. And of course it was simple to find the front, now that she looked at it without rage-tinted-glasses, the rest of it followed quickly until it was up and accessible. To her shock, instead of using the metal anchors that it came with, he coaxed roots from between cracks to hold the ropes down, fully dispelling her ill feelings just like the magical appearance of his abilities.

It reminded her that she was pretty much on a hiking date with her teasing mystical yôko, and that no matter what happened, as long as she was with him, she could overcome anything. Including some weirdo stalking me. Nodding with a loving smile, Minako takes out the picnic blanket mat and tosses it inside after shaking out the dirt, adding the sleeping bag and some extra pillows and blankets inside to make it cozier, for me, anyway! Sitting in the doorway of their cover, she takes her boots off and sets them outside the entrance, watching as he did the same while she sat beside him. He had both their backpacks and set them in one of the corners, after which she pulled him back to sit beside her, snuggling into his side happily and shutting blond lashes softly. Sighing with comfort when he returns the affection and wraps his arm around her waist, she bathes in his natural heat and the blaze crackling at the front of the cave, nearly lulled to sleep by the peace she felt.

So nice~ It’s when he mentions their clothing that she’s startled back to wakefulness, “We should probably change into sleepwear before you fall asleep in my arms, hmm?” Panicking slightly, she fairly pops away from his side like it was on fire, and she had been burned while stuttering,

“A-ah! I thought we were going to sleep in these?”

“Silly, we just hiked through several miles of woods, who knows what we might have picked up along the way. Sleeping in these clothes when I told you to bring some would be foolish, don’t you think?” Swallowing because Oh my gosh! I’m-still-wearing-sexy-lingerie cause-I-like-to-feel-sexy-and-we’re-still-in-spooky-woods-so-we-really-shouldn’t-do-that-here were super embarrassing things to admit to, but not changing in front of her boyfriend whom she’s had sex with many times would be super weird too, so now~ she’s stuck. What-do-I-do-what-do-I-do-what-do-I-do! Too late, she took too long to respond and let him scent the air, probably smelling the huge amounts of nerves she felt and wondering why the sensual protector was anxious about this. There it is!

(Je T’aime - Bloomfield)

Lovely verdant narrows at her in suspicion before Kurama questions calmly, “Minako. What are you hiding?” No! I can’t answer that without revealing the truth or he’ll smell the lie! He even said my full name without being cute! Sweating profusely, she backs away slowly on her hands, flustering more when he follows with a determined glint in his eyes, causing her to stammer,

“A-ah, w-well, ya’know, uh, that’s-ah!” He pounced on her, pinning her to the blankets by her hands, the necklace he’d gotten her making a faint tinkling sound as it slides down the chain to the blanket, all while he rumbles darkly,

“Minako. Don’t try to lie to me. What. Happened.” Her mouth dries up, unsure why he was suddenly so angry, yet there was so much worry in his luminous stare, confusing her more. What? Why is he- His gaze softens at her expression, asking quietly, “Why do you feel the need to hide this from me? If something happens you know I can help you, and what’s more, we know something is going on here-” What? He already guessed? Did he sense something? Honing in on his assumption, she interrupts him unthinkingly,

“I’m not hurt or anything! I uh… it’s just…” Biting her lip, she feels now would be a good time to admit to feeling those eyes on her, and maybe distract him from the other thing? So taking a breath, she reveals, “I heard the wind chimes earlier… and felt a really weird stare on me, but it disappeared before I could find it.” He watches her for a moment, studying her features closely again until he deems her soul safe, replying,

“I see. Thank you for informing me, though I don’t understand why you would hesitate… Unless there’s something else you’re hiding from me.” Minako sweats nervously with doe-eyes, having hoped he’d focus on the main problem and not dumb little ones like this, I mean, he was up in arms about it earlier!

“You didn’t sense anything? And shouldn’t you be a bit more worried about some weirdo watching me in the woods than anything else right now?” Tilting his head, her super-genius investigator’s gaze lids softly while he agrees,

“It is worrisome, and I will find a way to deal with it. However, our trip to the Makai was filled with far more unknown dangers, and even more often. And, if you recall, we did some rather enjoyable things while there, with added benefits.” She burns at the memories, and though he was right, it was one of the few times she was hoping for him to get distracted. Yet here he was, studying her face curiously for any hint at what might be the other problem, making her cheeks darken and pushing her to look away shyly. Then as though testing what she was trying to hide, he gently brushes one of her suspenders from her shoulder, inciting her to squeak and hike it back up quickly, body flaming at the thought he might see what was under her outfit. And of course, that had him raising a brow at her, because he’d seen her naked before, and knew she enjoyed what he did to her, so now he’s even more suspicious. Mayday! Mayday! What startled her more was when he captured her gaze with a sultry tilt to his head, murmuring with heat and tickling her inner ear so damn good,

Mina.” Immediately her sex throbs, her dirty thoughts earlier and her unfulfilled yearning for him saturated her lacy underwear completely, distracting her from noticing the calculating glint that flickers through lemon flecked irises. He leans down leisurely, forcing her heart to beat out her chest in expectation, her lips parting for him as he closes the distance and draws succulently on her, forcing her eyes closed in bliss. She doesn’t realize what he’s doing when he slides her suspenders from her shoulders this time, since she always looks forward to him undressing her and the pleasure that follows, heat scorching her veins when he untucks her shirt while running his hand up her ribs to cup her breast. Mewling against his languid, deep kiss when he gives her a few gentle squeezes, her free hand goes to his shoulder, kneading up to his neck adoringly, toying with scarlet strands softly while her shirts are pulled up. It’s only when Kurama separates from her suddenly, looking down at her stomach that she figures out his plan, and that he succeeded.

Oh no! He distracted me~! Glowing brightly at his continued silent staring, the scantily clad guardian squeaks weakly, “I uh-you see, uh-” His expression changes from surprise to absolutely carnal lust, though his voice is still even when he states,

“I hadn’t realized you kept this on, even while hiking.” Swallowing thickly, she squeaks,

“You saw?” He smirks hotly, that damnable look one that always undoes her since it reveals the trickster he tends to reign in when with others, quipping confidently,

“Have you forgotten who you’re with, koi? I make it my business to know what others seek to hide.” The fire flickering behind him draws the shadows more deeply across his features, truly living up to her nickname for him, Kure-bi, ‘beauty of the night.’ He leans down toward her, his pads on her ribs tracing the trim gingerly and sending tremors through her from sensitivity, enticing her further while he rumbles teasingly, “Lace lining your back is quite noticeable, and when you consider the game we enjoy playing with your undergarment choices, I always pay attention.” Steaming at the reminder, because it was fun to wear cute and sexy things and have him guess what set it was, she exhales some of her mortification away while trying to explain shakily,

“I just… it was really sexy… and I felt sexy in it, so I didn’t want to take it off… and we tend to do naughty things when I wear these, so I…” He caresses her temple to her chin with the back of his fingers lovingly, eyes lidding sensually as the enchanted fox concedes,

“Understandable. Commendable even. However,” his eyes are nearly fully citrine now, and shaped more like his yôkai form’s narrower ones, letting her know that he was very close to transforming and taking away both their breaths. “I’m quite certain this is not one I’ve seen before, Mina.” Shivering at the dip in his voice on her name, her core clenching at the promise in his words and wetting her panties more, and from the darkening of his eyes, he could smell it. Taking her chin so she couldn’t look away shyly at what she saw, he murmurs sinfully against her lips, “Hiding such a delectable thing from me, you should know,” his forelocks brush from her shoulders against her cheeks and ears, the hand pinning hers wraps around it tighter as he growls, “naughty girls will be punished.” Before Minako could refute him, because she did wear it up the mountain, chafing be damned, but he cut off her complaints with an absolutely smoldering kiss.

(Floating feat. Khalid - Alina Baraz)

He sipped on her over and over, her free hand coming up to stroke his cheek softly, moaning with every nibble and little movement he made, tantalizing every centimeter of her mouth. The seductive kiss-massage sent tingles along her spine, tugging her heart through her mouth and drenching her inner thighs, enticing her to spread them and rub his with her legs tenderly. She mewls into his draws on her when his cock is ground into her, showing just how much he wanted her, and making her want him all the more. He switches to nipping down her neck, letting her take in greedy breaths while protesting weakly, “Ah~! I was going to show you! It’s all Botan’s fault~...”

“We did go back to the hotel, you could have then.” She doesn’t even think about it when he tugs her clothes up, automatically lifting her arms to help him, and after he tosses them aside, he’s already mouthing around the edge of the gorgeous lingerie. She struggles to form sentences from his scorching bites, breaths short as she threads her fingers in fleecy locks,

“I thought… that this was time sensitive? Which means we can’t do fun things like… Mmm…” Kurama moved the fabric aside to take one of her nipples, lipping and laving it thickly, sending sparks through her veins as he releases her to rumble and meet her lapis gems,

“If this damnable thing is stalking you, then doing this might incite it to target me instead. And should it become enraged that you were taken by me, well…” He bites down her breast, murmuring darkly against her sensitized skin, “Then at least it won’t want you, and will shorten the amount of time it takes to find it as it openly attacks us. And I’ll take great pleasure in destroying it for it’s transgressions.” Flushing brightly at his mouth’s movements and words, heading for one of his favorite spots, and hers, the glowing Goddess can’t help but think wildly,

Only Kurama would be crazy enough to use emotional manipulation on an unknown, soul-stealing entity to make it jealous of him having sex with me…



A dress slip is an undergarment worn beneath dresses or skirts to make them lay correctly on the body, and can be half or full. A half slip is from the waist to the knees, making a skirt lay correct and can also be called a petticoat. A full slip usually extends from the shoulders down to the knees, with several different shapes for the chest to go with different styles of dress. Oftentimes they’ll have lace trim and other decorations added to them, and are usually made out of a nylon or silky textured fabric.

Momichi is Momochi Seaside Park,

Nokonoshimia is Nokonoshima Island,

Minako’s outfit switch,

Mina's hiking boots,

Kurama’s hiking boots,

Mt. Hiwara is Mt. Iwara,

Mountain cave inspiration,,,,, this one is perfect ->

Quartz growing on mountains,

Mineral’s can look like ‘snowlfakes’

Survival skills: fire placement,

Handheld oil lantern,

Some tips for oil lantern use,

The sleeping bag,

More sleeping bags,

The tent,

More tents,

How Mina messes up tent set up,

It's a legit thing to have a change of night clothes for backpacking trips,


Fukioka is Fukuoka City, Japan.

White gloves,

I couldn’t find the original tumblr post for Mina’s dress inspiration here, so I posted it here. It’s not mine, and I can’t find the original artist,

Not quite the same dress, but pretty close,

Gold blue topaz bangle,

Flamenco red hoop earrings,

Birthday necklace inspiration,

So, I’m not sure anyone is really into this stuff, but I thought I’d share the meanings of the stones in the necklace, so here are:

Blue Opal is beneficial for enhancing communication and learning to speak out more boldly and freely. It can also be used to stimulate visions and creativity.
Pink Opal is a calming and soothing stone that is helpful for meditation. It has also been used for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Pink opal is connected to the energy of love and can be used to let go of old ways of being.
Red Opal helps create positive thoughts and action by balancing the right and left sides of the brain. It can also be used to calm aggressive or hostile energy.

Especially connected to the third eye and throat chakras and is a great stone for meditation. Work with blue topaz if you want to communicate your truth and your desires clearly. Blue topaz helps you connect to your intuitive abilities and your higher self.

Symbols of purity, faith, innocence, and integrity. They are connected to the energy of the moon and have been used to increase fertility and create more ease in childbirth.

The metal gold as well as the hue of gold, hold great importance in the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, as gold represents positive, vibrant energy and invites good fortune to your home. Gold is symbolic of money, wealth and prosperity.

Positive thoughts, action, balance, calming, boldness, foresight, creativity, truth, intuition, communication, purity, faith, innocence, integrity, fertility, wealth, good fortune, prosperity.

So interestingly enough, after finding this site,, I found out that not only was Mina born on a Sunday, but that Sunday’s gemstone is- Topaz. I was confused for a while because Blue Topaz is representative of Mercury, Imperial Topaz is Mars, and Colorless Topaz is Neptune. It’s driven me a bit bonkers for a while that not only is her other gemstone Topaz, but it’s an unspecified Topaz. There’s several! Which one are we talking here? Now it makes sense though, as it’s her birth day gemstone, not necessarily her birth month.

Cute Mina backpack,

Cute Kurama backpack,

Mina wears naughty lingerie for the occasion ;P

Cute picnic blanket,

Just because it was fun to look at them, here’s more picnic blankets!

Cute picnic basket,

More picnic baskets!

Konbini - Convenience stores in Japan, which are awesome!,

The bento Mina got,

Animals can predict the weather, and even some people, so I imagine Kurama would be able to,

Chapter 2: Foxy Treats


A tasty treat for a naughty trick.


Sexy times~
If gruesome descriptions of sex isn't for you, skip this chapter, it's pretty much all smut.

Otherwise enjoy gratuitous amounts of raunchy details~

Anata あなた - dear; honey
美名恋 - Minakoi - Beautiful Love. It’s Minako + i, ‘i’ い or (意)
on it’s own can mean feelings; thoughts, or meaning (like someone’s purpose!)

こい Koi - (romantic) love
Kurebi 暮れ美 - くれ kure meaning sunset; sundown; nightfall; dusk. 美 bi meaning beauty. When combined, they translate to ‘the beauty of nightfall.’

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Soul Ballet - Exotique)

This has got to be the best birthday ever… Or the wildest. Maybe both~. Minako shivers as he mouths down her breast, her cheeks darkening while Kurama lips the bottom roughly a few times while warm, calloused hands glide down her sides. Both the bounce from his steamy love bites and the beautiful contrast of his soft strands trailing faintly along her chest force a moan from her throat, the chain on her necklace tinkling as the pendant slides. Kneading her palms up sculpted shoulders slowly, she tangles her fingers in wild scarlet locks, grazing his narrow hips with her muscled thighs while he moves downwards oh-so-slowly. Lapping at her ribs, he nibbles on the flesh teasingly, the jolts of pleasure enticing gasps to fall from her mouth while his hot tongue traces around her skin after each tweak damply. Brushing her fingers through his hair tenderly, she whines as he nips around her belly button leisurely, inducing harder tremors from the delightfully aching pinches and soothing licks that gradually deepen. Oh~ So good!

Mouthing her stomach in a delectable massage, his hot breaths leave cooling trails around her navel before dipping into her belly button. Her body is set to fire, stings of euphoria scorching through to her sex, absolutely gushing from the feathery flicks in and out, his mouth sucking on the edge gently between dives of increasing pressure. His aura rolls along her own, the seductive energy washing her form with prickles as it enfolds her in extra gorgeous sensations. Oh kami~! The things he does to me! Keening loudly, her knees close around his waist tightly, feet rubbing restlessly along his jean clad leg and thighs trembling from the shocks of ecstasy, her fingers twisting lightly in his hair for grounding. His growls vibrate softly through her stomach, forcing cries from her as she arches herself into him, liquid coating the lace framing her labia thoroughly.

To her disappointment, he stops toying with her belly button after a few more sips, instead slowly drawing lower with every mouthful he takes, his palms kneading into her flesh down to her hips. The enthralled Guardian groans at the heated marks he left behind, the trim he caught in his path soaked with his saliva and cooling them so nicely, allowing her some coherence as she whimpers with a stutter, “K-Kurama~! S-so good~!” Her foxy lover’s ki fluctuates as he rumbles against her mons, nipping her skin through the lingerie as he murmurs with that absolutely mouthwatering demonic undertone,

“You as well, Minakoi. Your taste is always…” Her heart beats like the wings of a butterfly, between his scrumptious voice, his painstaking attention to her body, and his energy coiling into her so damn carnally, she couldn’t help but swallow hungrily around air in anticipation. That devious muscle in his mouth collects the honey built up on her inner thighs, pressing against the skin heavily as though to squeeze every drop from her flesh, prompting a gasp from her as she throws her head back, and a moan of insatiable want from him. “So damn decadent. I can’t drink enough...” Sucking on her skin greedily and leaving burning hickies in his wake, she cries out at the prickling sparks shooting up her body, the spiral of pleasure building higher, but so damn slowly. Such sweet torture… His tresses curl and tickle along her bikini line and lower navel, sticking to her dampened skin crudely, yet she couldn’t deny the heat coloring her entire body at it.

H-he’s so raw like this! I love it~!

Biting her lip harshly, her abs and legs quiver from the tension he’s winding up by cleaning around her aching pussy, but not satisfying her hunger, meticulously finding and savoring every trace of her. In a painstakingly lethargic wave of sensation, he sips on any honey coating her panty line and crawls tauntingly across the lace, tugging on it slightly and sliding his tongue beneath to catch any of her juices that had escaped him while petting her cheek with his aura. Oh kami! Trying to shift her hips into his face to get him where she wanted him, he holds her down and with only a flick of gilded emerald gems up toward her, he leans back slightly with the elastic between his teeth, and releases it. "Ah~!" Although it wasn’t a hard snap or overly tight on her, with her sensitivity from his carnal kneading, it felt like another pinch of his teeth but on her vulva, getting Minako to keen loudly and draw her feet back toward herself, digging into the blanket.

Tightening her grip on Kurama’s rosy locks, she pants heavily from the pulses of pain, yet she gasps with bliss when his chikara smoothes along hers while lipping the edges of the trim toward her other thigh, making sure to let his tongue catch the crease just above her clit. Shaking uncontrollably, she releases a cracked whine while arching her back, tears gathering on blond lashes as she presses herself further into the blankets for some sort of grounding. “K-Kurama~! K-kami~! You’re s-so-” She cuts herself off with a cry, his nibbles turning into bruising sucks as he travels downward, tracing down the inside curve of her cheek and gluttonously lapping up every drop of her like a dying man. His energy winds around her slowly, squeezing into her as though trying his damndest to become one with her on every level and twisting her heart with joy at the thought.

Choking on her breaths, she fidgets with his feathery strands fitfully, the venereal petting, pleasurable pinches and pussy-clenching licks so close to her gnawingly empty sheath had it drooling in anticipation. So close! He diligently cleans the other side, as though making a spiral of insanity into her flushed vulva, driving her to the edge of tolerance. “P-please~! Kurama! More! Give me-” She only gets a peek of lidded forest flecked with gold before his mouth blessedly wraps around her folds, sending scorching electricity through her core and inducing a mewl of ecstasy. He encompasses her opening and mouths her flesh as though nibbling on decadent fruit, and taking pulls of her juices like fine wine. Hiccupping at the jolts shooting through her, her thighs try closing around his head, but calloused hands held her down, letting him draw from her weeping sex without interruption.

Whining repeatedly at his ravenous sucks on her creases, the sensual senshi flexes her digits against his scalp with each mouthful he toys with, her breaths stuck in her chest from sensation and a deep growl echoing from his. The sex sevant’s energy dips into her more aggressively, dropping her jaw and cracking noises of delight leaving her at the completely sinful caresses. S-so good! When she’s finally able to take in air, she inhales sharply, her breasts vibrating with her tremors and petering gasps caught in her throat, her lashes shut tightly at the layers of stimuli assaulting her center. Pressing her burning cheek to her shoulder tensely, the pressure in her core builds swiftly until he stops sucking on her ruffles and instead starts lapping her essence from the creases around them. Heaving in generous amounts of air after being wound up and teased for so long, water tracks down her reddened face in some form of relief since he was taking his time playing with her.

(Naked - Sabrina Claudio)

A cracking cry escapes her lungs when he takes a fold into his mouth, sucking on it almost like he was actually planning on eating it, pulling as much of it as he could in. Twisting her body in euphoria, her pads grip his hair and loosen with the tides of stinging pleasure, her shaking thighs soothed slightly from his temperate hands kneading into them. The chain on her neck jingles with her twitching movements, sweat sticking the edges to her skin like an iron and contrasting so sweetly with his soft hair and bedding. Panting and keening as he methodically drinks from each of her petals, she nearly begs when he finally dips his talented muscle in. Gasping repeatedly as he curls his tongue in and out, his slick warmth sends breathtaking tingles through her core, finally giving her what she wanted “O-oh~! Kurama~! Yes! Ah-ahn~!”

His aura sinks against her waist heavily while he rumbles into her flesh, shooting pulses through her sex and tightening the coil within more from the combination. Flicking that sensitive spot inside her lightly, then harder with each slow dive, ejects multiple high pitched moans and shudders from her at the building intensity. Searing from the completely raunchy sounds he creates as he feasts on her, his nose sliding wetly along her hood, teasing her clit wonderfully and spiraling her closer to the edge. Combing twitchy fingers through fleecy locks, Minako tugs lightly on handfuls while whining in a stammer, “K-Kurama~! Please! I need you to-” Without warning, he sucks a fold into his mouth, pinching it softly and rolling it between his lips, a near scream ejecting from her chest and involuntary spasms from her body.

His calloused hold on her thighs keeps her from moving too much from him, but her grip on red tresses has him groaning lowly, sending extra shudders of delight through her core. Releasing her flesh with a lewd, wet sound, Kurama torments another part of her labia, causing fresh drops to run down her temple as she struggles for breath between cries of pained elation. Tendrils of his energy dip into her like hot, buttery quills, sending thrills of stinging ecstasy through her senses and twisting her heart, body, and soul into knots with the devastating combination of stimulus. She almost missed one of his hands unwinding from around her thigh, though when he slid a finger into her, toying with her G spot and alighting her nerves, it prompted her to throw her head back with a trembling keen.

Her fairly desperate inhales were now flavored with sweat and musk, his ever present undertone of a rose garden, flowers and herbs, and the wicked tinge she’s come to associate with his carnal yôki, adding fire to the pool in her belly. Arching herself up off the blanket, her feet drag back and forth on the surface restlessly, spiraling so damn close to her finish that she could barely breathe. She’s shocked when he lips her clit and tongues her opening, drawing repetitive mewls from her and pushing her that last little bit into an orgasm, the pressure snapping and euphoria consuming her, finally letting immense relief sing through her veins. The release of tension in her vagina floods her with delightful pulses, near soundless whines squeezing from her lungs from the delectable paradise, which she shares with him by feeding him her energy. Gasping through her pleasure, the celestial idol shivers heavily from the intense exhilaration of cumming and giving a part of her herself to him, being drawn out more from him continuing his motions. His gluttonous sucks turn blissful thrums of ecstasy into agonizing pleasure after too long, curling her toes and drawing petering keens from her throat, screwing her eyes shut and water tracking down reddened cheeks from the relentless toying.

(You let me Fall - sssfinxxx)

Slowing his movements, thankfully, her ero-kitsune takes deep swallows of her juices while brushing her sweet spot more languidly, allowing her to take full, yet shaky inhales as her devilish darling drinks contently from her. Panting as he stimulates her to keep her honey flowing, she slides her pads through his fluffy hair tenderly, only jolting slightly with the pricks of oversensitivity in her sex. Kami… I love how much he craves me… Watching with burning cheeks as he drinks from her like she was a fountain, the absolutely smuttiest slurping noises echo around them, she pets his hair back softly, not minding the stickiness that spread along her digits. He doesn’t either… Swallowing in anticipation between heaves, because she does taste pretty good, her heart pounds in her ears at what was to come.

His gulps become decadent pulls on her vulva when her flow stops, insatiable lips taking each of her petals and sucking on them leisurely, yet meticulously, relishing even the slightest residue that remains of her. Exhaling long, blissful whines at his attentive mouth’s motions, Minako arches her chest and presses her head deeper into the bedding at the biting tingles alighting her vagina. The necklace’s chain jingles with her movements, the metal like a brand on her skin from absorbing her body’s temp. When he’s finished cleaning her thoroughly, he loosens his grip on her thighs and lifts himself up onto his elbows, revealing the bottom half of his face was totally covered in her essence, enhancing the burning in her ears. Smirking at her in the flickering dimness of their tent, he sits up on his knees, one hand massaging her thigh lovingly, the other collects her fluids from his chin with his thumb, his aura flicking her face playfully.

“Thank you, koi. Never doubt, you are the most mouthwatering creature to grace any world. It’s no wonder you draw so many to you.” Blushing at his wholehearted compliment, along with the reminder of what exactly was going on around them and why they were here; the crackling of the fire safely in front of the cave, the smell of burning wood and night air, the damp heat in the tent and her own musky scent, which Kurama continued washing from himself with his fingers in a satisfied manner. Finally able to catch her breath a bit after being strung like a bow for so long, she sighs and closes azure irises with her hands held loosely by her head,

“You are so insatiable, anata, I thought you might torment me longer.” As though in apology, he leans back down, reverently kissing the edge of the lace on her stomach as he switches his kneading to the other thigh. Lipping her skin deeply, yet tenderly, in a completely heart melting contrast to his earlier savage hunger, electrified barbs ripple through her with each searing pull on her skin. The succulent sound of his mouthful smooches tickle the venereal princess’ inner ear perfectly, sending delightful shivers down her spine. Kami… the things you do to me, Kurama… His erotic ki strokes along her chin, leaving a glowing path of tingles that sooth her body and heart while he crawls gradually upward, his warm nose bumping gently against her flesh, moist breaths tickling her stomach tauntingly as he murmurs,

“I thought about it.” Of course you did, you meanie… “However… I prefer you being… amenable to giving me more later.” Moaning quietly at his teasing caresses, his palms digging into her hips and waist delightfully, the languid rhythm he uses adding to the intoxicating sensations pulsing across her abdomen, limiting her speech to a husky stutter,

“N-naughty Fox…” Her insides curl hotly from his deliberate, soft bites, strands of scarlet trailing behind his damp kisses and his pleased, low purrs reignite the desire he just relieved. Panting faintly at the slow build of passion, she reaches down toward him to comb his hair affectionately again, triggering him to turn his adoration to her hand instead. Her wicked incubus’ heated exhales raise tingling goosebumps along her arms while his lips pull on the heel of her palm, kneading it generously like a professional masseuse. Though I’ve never had one use their mouth before him… He’s so good at this! As though hearing her thoughts, ivy irises glance up at her sensually, the ring of citrine around his pupil has grown, the shape narrowing to be more like his yōkai form as he quips into her palm,

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.” Glowing brightly from the truth in that statement, and how he always gets the last word in, Minako gasps as he nips to the tip of her fingers, placing sex-fluttering kisses on the pads and filling her stomach with butterflies. Her lungs freeze when he captures her gaze, mouthing back down her palm and nibbling on her wrist, tongue tracing along her arteries lightly and coating her vulva in more of her juices. Mewling at the magnificent dual sensation of being slightly ticklish, but also immensely pleasurable, it entices her soaking passage to squeeze longingly again. Her free hand strokes fleecy tresses back from his temple lovingly, heaving in air quickly when he catches the limb he’d been sprinkling gentle bites on, dragging his tongue along the delicate skin. Body trembling harder in expectation, her thighs rub against his enticingly while her toes stroke along his calf, reaching the ball of his foot when she stretches a little and gaining a small smile from him as he kisses closer to her inner elbow.

(Stay - sssfinxxx)

Sucking on the skin in the crook of her arm and fondling her spirit with his, pulses of electricity shoot through her with intensity, a cry leaving her throat as her other hand comes up to cling to his sculpted shoulder for grounding. Red locks slide weightlessly along her arm and breast, the angel strands inducing shivers as it pools on her sensitive skin airily, teasing her through the trim and adding another layer to the sensory inebriation. Petting back his hair gently, and loving the view of his concentrated features as he works, and better yet, that she was what Kurama was so focused on has her sex throb with absolute want for him. Yet there was also intoxication in his dual colored irises, reminding her that touching her like this, almost aggressively attending to her like this was something he enjoyed doing, heightening her own excitement. He bites up her shoulder gradually, pricks of rhapsody stinging her skin and garnering a yearning clench from her starving core, releasing groaning gasps from the embodiment of Love and content growls from him.

Sliding both hands into rosy tresses, clutching his head to her as he digs his teeth into the juncture of her neck tenderly, her body bending impulsively at the delightfully sharp nicks. He nibbles the chain playfully as he mouths gradually upward, tickling her sensitive skin and triggering keens of ecstasy to echo around them. His hot palms caress up her ribs sneakily, cupping her breasts and squeezing lightly, forcing a quick inhale and her hips to move upward into him for more friction. He rumbles against her jaw, quickly finding her lips and taking deep drinks from her, at the same time his chikara flows into her, enfolding her other sense in intense pleasure, causing her heart to leap into her throat from the decadent layers of feeling and taste. Warm honeyed muskmelon with a little salt. His steely length grinds down on her, sending shocks through her sex and igniting her craving for him more, her form shaking harder beneath him.

Returning his thirsty lip-lock heartfully, she presses herself into him further, walls fluttering when he gives her globes another knead, her mewl of pleasure devoured by him. Drawing her calves up, she wraps them around his waist, letting them brush against each other more solidly and stimulating their nerves, groans leaving them both through their noses. The deviant yôko tugs a few extra longing pulls from her before his body heat disappears from over top of her, enticing her to open her eyes dreamily from his bewitching kisses. The sound of his belt jingling reaches her before she sees him unlooping it, evoking a hungry swallow from her pussy and a stream of liquid to dribble down her ass. Panting softly, she sits up to touch his abs, tracing just above his slowly exposed hairline and, to her eagerness, his completely erect cock, lidded leafy gaze smoldering at her and inviting her fingers to trail down.

Faintly lining the slit of his penis, gathering the liquid and prompting a quiet hiss from him, she brings it to her lips and licks it from her fingertip. Mmm, delicious! A light flavor, like tofu, with a bit of salt, a slight metallic tinge, and a savory, nutty aftertaste. He grabs the cheeks of her bottom harshly, thrusting against her and shifting the lace to tighten on her mons and outer labia, ejecting a cry from her as Minako throws her head back. Gripping his coat lapels, she tugs him down and wraps her lips around his, sucking on her flavor seasoning his mouth and tongue, groaning with him as their saliva mixes again. Nibbling on him amorously, she slides a hand up to push his coat off his broad shoulders, her other unfastening his jacket and revealing his sweater and turtleneck. He palms her derriere heavily, rubbing himself against her repeatedly and stretching the trim taught around her sex, layering euphoric sensations until she’s nearly ravenous.

Working off his outer layers faster, she may have torn the thread of a button in her rush, giggling along with his humored rumbles as she finally manages to push his coat off, releasing plumes of his heady scent and garnering a thirsty clench from her vagina. A beautiful rose garden, sweet geranium, yummy ylang ylang, fresh cut plants and herbs, clean sandalwood, soft white musk, earthy tree roots, and the deliciously dark tinge of his aura… Crying out from the mouthwateringly sensual needles of Kurama’s ki burning across her and his continual bumps against her crotch, the elastic stretching and loosening teasingly on her sensitive flesh with each of his movements. Jerking on the bottom of his shirts, she separated from his tasty mouth for a moment to lift them over his head, his arms raising up to help her along, his red mane falling back around his shoulders sexily.

Happy to be touching his bare chest, she runs her pads down his heated muscles adoringly, pressing wet kisses to his soft skin and earning a small gasp of bliss from him. Thick bites line her neck as her digits trace the clefs in his abs, prompting a mewl of joy to leave through her nose and blow along his pecs. Brushing saturated mouthfuls to his nipple and licking the pebble teasingly, a growl vibrates below her lips, her fingers drawing patterns down his happy trail to the tip of his dick. Blunt teeth knead into her shoulder, ejecting a moan from her as the sensual astral grips his length delightedly, wrapping around him tightly and twisting upward, encouraging precum from his throbbing head. As he hisses against her skin, she takes advantage of his distraction, pushing back against the hands massaging her ass so that she could take him in her mouth. The necklace slid along the chain to bounce airily between her breasts, the faint brush adding goosebumps to her skin while the light jingling filled the air.

Whining in euphoria, she sucks on his cock greedily, running her tongue along the slit and rotating her hands to get more of his juices out. His deep groans tickle her inner ear so nicely, enticing her to take more of him in and stimulate him with the roof of her mouth. One of his hands moves her hair over one shoulder sweetly while she tongues along the artery on the bottom of his penis, drawing him in deeper and letting him brush the back of her tongue tauntingly. “Fuck Mina! You’re fantastic, koi.” She hums around his pulsing shaft, the vibrations garnering a low growl of content as she leans back a bit, swirling her tongue around him as she reaches his tip before going down again. His deliciously salty liquid dribbles onto her taste buds, triggering her to pull back and circle his slit again, sucking lightly to try and get more from her scrumptious hottie. His aura curls around her tightly, tines of his sinful power spurring down her back and between her cheeks teasingly, like incredibly blissful pins pushing into her nerves, prompting a long, reedy moan through her nose.

(Deira City Centre Libercio Remix - Night Lovell)

Sweltering palms follow his chikara, gripping the globes of her butt generously before stroking downward, his digits feathering over the lace and so terribly close to her exposed vulva, enticing her walls to squeeze around nothing, craving him with a ferocity. Taking him in deeper, her throat tightens around his head, his searing length bobbing up against her gag reflex in excitement, but she fights it down for him. Her folds quiver when he slips his fingers under the lace, tugging faintly with every plunge she goes down on him and sending stings of pleasure through her insides, but never fully satisfying her. Moaning through her nose, his hand weaves with blond locks at the back of her head, guiding her to swallow more of him, and harder. Letting him take control, and focusing on his taste and keeping her reflex in check, Minako strokes along his hips, shifting his pants down his thighs further and kneading his muscles with her palms, his breaths becoming short as he thrusts into her mouth.

Sucking on him when he pushes in, her saliva coating her lips dribbles down further, arousing her to wrap a hand around the base she couldn’t reach, spreading her stickiness through coarse hairs with a gentle tug. His soft, yet firm tip bumps against her throat eagerly, prompting the passage to close reflexively on him again, though she wasn’t as prepared this time, moisture gathering on her lashes while she inhales deeply through her nose. Suddenly, and quicker than she thought he would, he’s drawn out of her mouth and she’s pushed back onto the sleeping bag, honey tresses swirling around her head as a gentle tinkling rings out, the chain on her neck sliding up her throat. Another jangle has her realizing his pants are gone and exposed every blessed centimeter of him, her breaths coming out much more heavily. Saliva building now for a different reason, her heart nearly beats out of her chest when his slippery cock head is pressed to her flushed pussy, just that little bit of contact with Kurama’s scorching shaft has her insides squirming deliciously.

Then his venereal ki soaks into her like rays of a dark, sensual sun, burning slightly, but warming her heart and soul so fully that she ached madly from it. Crying out and closing her eyes tightly, he draws his fingers along her chin, enticing her to look him in the eye as he sinks into her slowly, her palms jumping to his shoulders for grounding. Her thirsty walls wrap around him snugly, absolutely drenched from his wonderful torment, ripples of bliss spreading from her entrance at finally having him. Sucking in air, she clutches his shoulders shakily while she rubs her knees against his hips fitfully, meeting nearly lemon irises as his tip delves into her a little more. Keening at the pulses of sensitivity singeing her nerves, the enamored starlet can’t help but screw her lashes shut at the pleasurable intrusion. Forcing herself to relax a little more, he sinks in further, his gaze lidding carnally as he brushes her lower lip with his thumb.

Running her palms up the sides of his throat gently, cupping his cheeks while her mouth parts with his touch, he pulls back slightly, only to plunge in more, sending delighted shivers up her spine. As she gasps at his movements, he takes the opportunity to press his pointer finger into her mouth, prompting her to close her lips around it and toy with it with her tongue, cleaning her own honey from his skin. Her face scorches from the sensual intoxication, water tracking down her jaw from all the stimulus, and causing her teeth to clasp on his finger roughly as a whine of pained ecstasy leaves her when he sinks in deeper. The lip of his penis head catches on the first ring of muscles, forcing a cry from her chest as he edges against it before withdrawing, teasing the sensitive tissues rather than fully pushing through. Twisting in elation as much as she could, she mewls at the soft torture, his heated head sliding nearly out to tease her inner folds before delving back in to test the circle of her walls.

Moaning wantonly when he presses in past the muscles, her delicious yōkai stares at her with narrowed, sultry luminous gems, tugging his cock back through her band of flesh lightly, testing her senses and driving her out of her mind. Crying out at the repeated motions, jerking bodily at the electrified waves that overwhelm her nerves, his pad slides to the back of her tongue, nearly hitting her gag reflex. Biting down on his digit impulsively, much harder than she had wanted to, he growls back lowly, the noise tickling her inner ear and adding to the cocktail of sensations bewitching her body. His other fingers tighten on her chin, gripping Minako’s skin enough to dig in slightly, all while he rocks in and out of her halo of muscles leisurely, taking away her ability to breathe as her abs shudder from the intense pleasure. It was mouthwatering, being toyed with in this manner until her walls loosened up enough to let him slide in easily, and he knew what it did to her. It wouldn’t take her long, and knowing him, that was the whole point; he wanted her to be exhausted with satisfaction, to coat him entirely in her essence and parade it around for whatever had been stalking her. Kami, he can be so terrible, but delicious!

Licking the cut on his knuckle from her teeth apologetically, she tries to keep his gaze through blurry vision, liquid leaking from her lashes at the sensory overload. Trembling fingers sift through his scarlet forelocks at his ears sweetly, hiccuping with each of his strokes along her loop of tissues, begging with cornflower irises that he go deeper. His expression flickers to adoration for a moment, loosening his grip on her chin and instead caressing her cheek and jaw as he grants her silent request. Panting with each of his languid plunges, his cock tip brushing her deep upper spot every time, tightening the coil in her core. Arching her chest toward him in ecstasy, a tinkling barely registering in her mind while his pace slowly increases, lust-filled emeralds watch her expressions raptly, her gasps of elation and restless fingers in his hair encouraging quicker snaps of his hips. Groaning over and over at the heady pulses alighting her sex, tingles spreading throughout her lower half as she bounces from every strike to her sweet spots, her head lolling back into the bedding for grounding.

Digging her foot into his calf shakily, her toes flexing with his motions and tensing when he starts biting her neck thickly, adding to the hot mix of sensations scorching her. Keening wantonly as Kurama’s mouthful pinches drag wildly down her chest, teeth leaving burning marks as wet strands smooth silkily over the hickies, his thrusts continue to hammer flawlessly against her sweet spots. Heaving in the cool night air, and the musky scent of presex misting every inhale, stings of pleasure shock her pussy and ignite the top of her breasts as he nibbles her skin, nosing the lace aside playfully. She cries out when he sucks a nipple into his mouth, kneading it with his teeth gingerly as the bewitched soldier's arms wrap around his neck fully, clutching him to her heavily and inciting him to sip on more. Shivering from the waves of bliss consuming her, water drips down her cheeks from the amount of stimulation, saturating the bedding below her even more. S-so good!

(Fire On Me - Faraon)

He switches his attention to her neglected mound, mouthing the perky pebble deeply, groaning through his nose and loving playing with every part of her, let alone how close he was probably getting to his own release. Flicking her peak with his tongue, he massages her breast hard, a keen of pained ecstasy falling from her lips, triggering her to grip his slick length, his own growl harmonizing with her. She tightens her walls around him, heightening both their pleasure as he forces himself through her tissues densely, yet still plunging into her sweet spots so thoroughly. Their souls wind around one another lovingly, hot tendrils slotting together until they blend into one another, the intense ecstasy of being filled and embraced by her enchanted fox’s very essence, and sharing herself in return filled her heart to overflowing, the ache so sweetly harsh that it sent tingles down her spine. Her breaths scatter with her thoughts as she reflexively swallows around him, making every sharp impale send bolts of sensitivity through her core, streams of tears falling from lidded ocean irises.

The warmth of his mouth suddenly leaves her globe, leaving the cooler air to raise goosebumps on her skin. When she tries to meet his gaze her arms are slung from around his neck, and between thrusts, her ankles are thrown over his shoulders, allowing him to push her thighs into her body and penetrate so much deeper. Harder. Throwing her head back quickly with a scream, she hiccups openly with clenched eyelids and hands on every pound into her, nerves fraying with excessive sensitivity, the slow build of pleasure now spiraling too fast into her climax. Jerking with every drive into her, fingers twisting fitfully into the blanket by her head, providing only a minimal amount of solidarity as he batters Minako’s senses with his engorged cock.

Pushing her cheek into the bedding, sweat coating her temple and sticking golden bangs to her contorted features, noises of tortured delight leave her throat and synchronize with squelching, meaty plunges into her sopping sex. The visceral sounds, their soulful touches, combined with the waves of electrified pulses in her walls snap with overwhelming euphoria, high pitched moans repeating with the relentless surges shaking her body. The immense relief consuming her left her feeling like she was floating, tingles running up and down her spine and raising bumps on her skin in rhapsody. Her intoxication intensifies when his energy flows into her, triggering her to give her own in return, the incredibly delectable sensation of receiving such an essential part of him and giving herself back had her inhaling sharply.

Her very being burns with rhapsody at the exchange, Kurama’s ki sending shockwaves through her in a way physical pleasure couldn’t, satisfying every part of her. When she comes down from her orgasmic high, her body is trembling hard, jolts of agonizing bliss scorching her nerves as a scalding, slick length ravages her smarting center. Whimpering at the oversensitivity, her thighs keep bouncing against her chest doggedly, that merciless erection like red-hot forged steel burying into her and melting her walls in tortuous pleasure. Then he falters, rumbling with tremendous bass as his cock head stutters against her cervix, a jet of liquid coating her muscles and feeling so much cooler than the burning shaft it came from. Mouth parted to whine breathlessly at his short dips into her, she shivers when his cum trickles deeper, contrasting so damn good with the next squirt splashing her tissues.

When his movements stop completely, his lidded stare is fixed on her expressions, taking in every detail as she pants heavily from the strain on her body. Feeling wonderfully tender like she does after good exercise, and with a few more breaths, the thirsty guardian meets citrine irises with sultry, letting him know that she was ready for more. Unhooking her heels from his shoulders, the chain jingling around her neck as he rests her knees at his sides, allowing his cum filling her to the brim dribble out slightly, evoking shudders throughout her body at the delicate trail it leaves. He weaves his fingers with hers lovingly, leaning down to slot his mouth to hers, pulling on her deeply, deliberately as he remains inside her and slightly soft from climaxing, but with her abilities as Venus, he’ll be hard again very soon. We both love that one. Returning his decadent draws on her lips with closed eyes, she smoothes quivering thighs along his hips, the ball of her foot massages into his calf affectionately as her walls swallow around him reflexively.

The fierce growl that leaves his nose has the hair on her neck stand on end, but she knew it wasn’t an aggressive one, it was pleasured and once again, hungry. It was expected, yet she’s always slightly startled when he transforms while inside her, the dashing Sex-God’s cock expanding and stretching her around him, triggering a groan of slight pain from her. Abs shuddering at his demon form’s chillier body temp, it soothes the heat in her tissues, enticing a moan of bliss through her nose. A low, bassy rumble answers her noise, his larger mouth nibbling on her playfully as clawed fingers stroke hers affectionately, the longer digits and palms engulfing hers easily. Drawing on her lips slowly, succulently, as though savoring the taste of decadent food, and not her lips, forcing her heart into her throat while silvery tresses ghost over her ears cover her skin in goosebumps, coating her lower lips in a gush of liquid. Sliding wobbly thighs up his hips, she gasps when he dips into her lightly in response, only moving a small bit, but it sends prickles of aching euphoria through her.

(Dark Sun - Asadov)

Mewling against his thirsty kiss, garnering a smirk and a delighted purr, his fluffy tail brushing against her knee teasingly while he throbs with excitement inside her. Shivering from the multiple sensations ravishing her, Minako can’t help but whisper his name like a prayer when she takes in air, prompting a spine-tingling growl from him and more honey sliding down her cheeks. He releases her mouth to nip down her neck, murmuring in his sharp, yet chocolaty smooth bass, “Such a delicious, exquisite creature you are. And all of this for me?” He’s biting down her shoulder, vines wrapping around her wrists to pin them above her head so she couldn’t do anything to ground herself, letting him have complete control over her. Kami, he’s so savage! With his fingers free, he brings them to honed fangs, slicing the razor-edged silver nails off to safely toy with her flesh, and drive her to madness.

Using newly clipped digits, he traces the curve of her breasts from the top, dragging the lace across her skin delicately, reaching bare flesh and cupping them generously. Gasping at the deepening grip on her globes, his thumbs stroke the inner exposed skin sensually, inciting her to turn her head into her shoulder and quake at the mounting pleasure. As Kurama continues to leave bruising pinches on her shoulder and neck, elongated digits slide up to pinch pert nipples, getting a yelp for his efforts, her back arching off the bedding at the stings of ecstasy, the tinkling of the chain rings out as it slides around her neck. His energy becomes sharper, more devastating as it strokes along her waist again, the darker tinge even more sinful than before and stinging her erotically. Then one of those dangerous, talented hands crawls down her abs, the other continuing to toy with hardened pebbles, stimulating shaking muscles as he reaches the apex of her thighs.

Trembling from the beautiful sensations he covers her in, she keens when his pads slip through her sex, gathering their juices and spreading them along her flesh. Fighting with the tempered bindings restlessly, the beguiled royal twists with a breathless mewl from the added shocks through her vagina, her ear pressing to the blankets beneath her. Tingles of delight run up and down her spine when one of his velvety ears brushes against her jaw, as though teasing her with what she couldn’t reach at the moment, inspiring her to tilt her head towards the softness. Of course he moves before she can snuggle it, giving her a smirk against her throat and dragging his canines across her skin without making any marks, ordering without words that she stay still, sending a thrill of prickles through her form. Shaking uncontrollably at the waves of euphoria consuming her; the playful love bites that will definitely bruise, large palm massaging her breasts carnally, and the other digits petting her folds so damn good, she’s already close to cumming again.

Her stomach flutters with jolts of ecstasy when he moves inside her, just a shallow bob to test if she had adjusted to him, and when his cockhead slides sleekly through the loops of tissue wonderfully, he begins thrusting slowly. Gasping at the excessive fullness, his chilly head strokes into her walls heavily with each movement, electrifying her core in surges as he leans back to watch her. Screwing her eyes shut and crying out without closing her mouth, each leisurely dive into her still jars her body when he bottoms out, her demonic lover’s movements full of power despite holding himself back for her. Just when she thinks she might get relief again, his fingers stop playing with her clit, and his palm abandons her mounds.

When she manages to crack her eyes open through the deliciously deliberate plunges, he licks her juices from his fingers while continuing his motions easily. Chest heaving from watching his sensual display, smoldering citrine irises fixated on her features, and his leisurely pace holding her in suspense has her panting with wet gold lashes, “Kurama-ah~! Y-you’re such a-ahn~! T-errible tease~!” Of course he takes that as incentive to be more of one, his engorged dick hammering into her harder, bouncing her chest with the movements and alighting tingles of sensitivity through them. He’s so terrible and wonderful! She presses her temple into her arm strung above her head, brows cinched in agonizing bliss while watching him pound into her, her soaked folds making a raunchy sound with every soaked stroke and jingle of her necklace. His decadent chikara digs into her, searing Minako’s spirit in wonderful tides and adding to her physical trembles. Taking the pads he cleaned, he caresses her burning cheek faintly, returning impishly with heated bass,

“You make it incredibly worthwhile to tease you, koi.” With his next thrust, she wraps herself around him tighter, keening loudly as he dragged his dick-tip through her muscles thickly, sending torrents of ecstasy through her core. A thunderous growl leaves him, the digits on her face gripping her chin, while his other hand dug into her hip, his drives into her becoming harsher, stimulating her walls so damn deliciously that the pressure was wound up again. Instead of continuing to burrow into her like this, he suddenly pulls out, flipping her onto her bound hands and knees, satin marigold tresses roll down her arms softly in contrast to his slippery length slamming back into her within a breath. She cries out with every impale in this position, Kurama’s solid tip striking into her deep lower spot so good, shock waves of euphoria scorching her nerves as he guides her hips back into himself with heavy smacks. The extra forceful hits multiply her quivering, making her barely able to keep holding herself up as she mewls breathlessly, mouth held open to try and take in more air.

(Dark Colors - Baila)

Long fingers dig into her hip slightly, cool balls slapping damply against her clit with a loud snap, the liquid dribbling down her folds and running along her mons has her heart twisting painfully in ecstasy. Shivering at the lewd sounds and the tickling of their mixed fluids on her stomach, she clenches her fingers into the blankets, spirals of her sunny locks shifting on her hands and the blankets while she jerks on shaking arms, completely lost to sensation. The delectable rush of his swollen shaft, slickened with their cum ravaging her pussy, rigid girth propelling through her tissues, tip lip catching on each ridge encircling him has her eyes screwed shut and heaving in air soundlessly. Moisture leaks from long lashes, landing on her fists and the tops of her breasts when they jostle forward with momentum, brushing the Venusian princess' arms erotically. A chilly palm slides up her back, massaging into her muscles along her spine before tracing along the edge of the lace, goosebumps rising from the tender touch contrasting the punishing rhythm he’s set.

When his fingers line back to her lower back, she knows what he’s looking for, sliding under the trim framing her skin and dipping into the dimples just above her butt delicately. Shaking harder at the care he gives her flesh, she keens near silently and listens intently when he rumbles richly, “I do so love seeing you like this, my Evening Star. Your sweet hands bound willingly, body trembling with pleasure, highlighting every curve and dip in your skin,” fleecy strands flow across her back, adding extra shivers throughout her form from the softness, even while his brutal thrusts never waver, claps echoing from the force, and his smooth, dark voice ghosts over her skin like a sudden night breeze. “Flush coating you heavily from ecstasy, the variety of noises that come from you with every touch, your sensitivity to everything I do to you,” strong digits knead the skin around the dimples he loved seeing, making her stomach muscles quiver from his work, and causing her to swallow around the skillful deviant heavily.

Stroking a bellowing groan from him and inciting him to drag his leaden penis through her drenched grip densely, a choking sob leaves her at the immense, body-jerking euphoria he shoves through her. That exquisitely wicked chikara of his needling between her breasts with pins of heaven, filling her with heart-throbbing sensations. His larger form engulfs hers as he leans over her, his growls so deep that it vibrates through her body while she just lets herself be overwhelmed by him, “And the intoxicating grip you have when filled with pleasure, coated in my come and flavored by your ambrosia, making a damnably delicious concoction for me, Minakoi.” Bending her head downward to loosen some part of her body after he’s wound her up so much, her hair pooling by her hands daintily and trickle airily over her knuckles.

She’s shocked when her arms are swept out from under her, only his hand on Minako’s upper chest all that was keeping her from falling, lowering her gently to her elbows without missing a beat. Shivering at this new, delightful position, rocking forward with every hammer into her, mewls of bliss drop from her loose jaw as she keeps her ass in the air for him. He growls thunderously, gathering her honey tresses into a fist and pulling her head back slightly, his other palm traveling up her back, toying with the pearls across her spine faintly while his girthy cock plunges into her sensitive tissues. “My favorite, however, is your absolutely tantalizing soul: so sweet, yet delectably amorous. You, koi, are a feast for all the senses, and wrapped up so nicely for me, like a scrumptious,” damp breaths mist her shoulder before teeth dig into her flesh leisurely, yet thickly, enticing breathless whines from her as he bites up to her ear, “little treat.” Shocks of pleasure on every level tighten that wonderful coil of pressure, igniting every nerve and bringing her so close to relief, her walls sucking on him hard to coax him into cumming with her.

Tightening his grip and tugging her head back harder, Kurama’s ardent nips sink in further as he snarls wildly, his angle adjusting slightly and pummeling into her cervix, sending blinding bolts of ecstasy through her core. The tip of his erection shoves through quaking muscles as she climaxes, consuming her body with racking euphoria and lighting her body over and over again. The spine-tingling pleasure radiates outward, weakening every limb until she can only lie bonelessly with soundless screams. The overload of sensations left her feeling weightless, nearly out-of-body really, only the tingles spreading through her entire body letting her know that she was still anchored. Prickles rack her form in surges, like the rays from the sun having a more physical impact on the skin, warming gently yet burning until her senses go numb.

(Midnight - sssfinxx)

The intoxicated sailor’s mind comes back from the immense, beautiful relief sluggishly, her breaths labored and muscles shaking intensely, but she was also being jostled heavily by something. Silver strands mix with her gold, tickling her neck and ears as hot, damp pants raise gooseflesh on her skin, along with something sharp digging into her shoulder, leaving scalding marks behind. Next to return was his floral, clean, and dark scent mixed with her sweat, saliva, cum, and that strangely sweet and salty flavor of her own juices, making a savagely sexy and raw cocktail that almost drowned out the tinge of night air and burning wood that crackled outside. It’s then feeling in her ass and vagina returns, scorching stings rush along her walls as a dense length pounds into her with squelches and meaty slaps. Although a bit painful, she manages to take control of her aching walls, squeezing his furiously plunging penis and drawing a fierce snarl from him, catching his tip-lip every time he moves within her grip and wringing out his own climax.

He bites down on her shoulder with force, lightly piercing the skin and yet, as he always seems to, it somehow isn’t painful. Thrumming roars echo next to her while her lustful rogue’s steely cock head thumps against her still smarting cervix, though when creamy, cool semen jets into her walls, she exhales in relief, his sporadic stutters spreading his mixture. The hitched rocks against her squeezing more of his essence into her, the small stream caressing the sensitive passage and bringing a brighter flush to her face. A slick tongue smoothes over the marks he left, cleaning the blemishes and lulling the small ache they drummed in her senses, heightening her bliss as she’s filled to overflowing. Shivering heavily from the thick rivulets of ejaculate leaking down her mons, trickling to her navel and soaking into the blankets, it eases her heated skin when the night air chills it.

Firm lips nip softly on her neck as he purrs deeply, fluffy tail brushing teasingly along Minako’s hips and thighs, comforting her intensely after that incredible orgasm. Strained muscles begin relaxing beneath him, weight barely felt because he levered himself up even after finding his own release, letting her breathe deeply and freely. Sunny tresses unfurl over her shoulders as he opens his fist, the airy sensation sending tremors of delight down her spine, the free palm stroking her arm tenderly as he rumbles against her neck, “It’s a good thing your people were such purveyors of unrestrained pleasure, and developed a solution for it, or we might have a few more things to be concerned with.” Huffing with a pout at him, because he didn’t sound very upset at the thought, the Naughty Fox! And though he was teasing her as he usually did, she rubs her cheek into a velvety ear, smiling at the swivel it does from being touched while she mumbles,

“You say that as though it’s my fault…” He chuckles against her throat, the vibrations and air blowing through his nose cause her to press her shoulder against his chin to stop his ticklish laughter. Instead of moving like she thought he might, he turns his attention to her clear, bare skin, nibbling and licking it between his reply,

“For being delectably tantalizing… infinitely interesting… and your sensually devastating soul, I’d say much of you would be far less addictive were you lacking your beautiful and spirited personality.” Blood rushes to her cheeks from Kurama’s sweet praise, especially in his yōkai form, though his usual form of flattery like this is a bit more… raunchy, for sure. Turning toward him a bit more, and finding his cheekbone in her peripheral, she presses a lingering kiss to his cool flesh, prompting him to tilt his head toward her, free hand leaving her arm to take her chin and tilt her head back enough to suck on her lips at an angle. Slotting their mouths together more, she barely notices his knee shifting over her left leg until his dick draws back inside her, garnering a quivering mewl from her. His fingers leave her jaw, sliding down the captivated Goddess’ skin as he steals her breath with firm lips, his penis tip drags slowly, deliberately through her still smarting sex, enticing cracking whines from her.

(When We slowed and reverb - Tank)

His mouth goes back to her throat, biting her flesh generously as his pads trail down her waist to her hip playfully, sending delightful shivers down her spine. She chokes on air when he shifts her free knee forward, putting her into a slight bowing position and forcing her back to arch to help support herself. He delves into her faster, caressing the rings of her walls to perfection, waves of ecstasy electrifying her once more, causing her fingers and toes to clench reflexively into the blankets. Tightening her walls around his pistoning shaft and forcing him to pound that much harder into her, his engorged head snatches on her muscles as he brushes her sweet spots, filling her with shocks of pleasure and expelling repeating mewls from her dropped jaw. Tines of carnal, crackling ki spur sharp rhapsody through her, drawing quick inhales and shaky, small exhales from her.

Shuddering from the tingles burning through her veins, the entrancing fox’s palms massaging into her upper back and thigh, the beads from the lace and chain tickling her skin airily as she moans with her head down, “O-oh Kurama~! You-ah~ hah, ah~! F-feel so good~!” He rumbles between thrusts, his hand on her back sliding to her waist while his other leaves her thigh, only to deliver a stinging smack to her ass, a cry of pain and surprise leaving her even as he grips the burning cheek thickly. Her whole body scorches with both soreness and bliss, the sloppy plunges of his drenched erection echo around them lewdly, building gorgeous pressure faster. Another slap has her keen with a hiccup, her vagina clamping around his cock fiercely and prompting a low, feral growl, getting him to grip her waist and a generous amount of her butt. His hammers become absolutely savage, setting a punishing pace and ravishing her deep upper and G spots so damn deliciously, Minako’s body shakes uncontrollably from the euphoria.

Then between rams he moves his leg from over hers and pulls both her thighs up around his waist, her feet automatically lifting to touch his back, opening her more and allowing him to ram into her with even better depth, triggering a cry of agonized pleasure. Rocking with every slam, her globes bounce sharply as torrents of lightning arc through her veins, her walls fluttering with sensitivity as she spirals quickly toward her climax. The chain from the necklace caresses her heated neck gently while the pendant swings between her breasts, sticking slightly from sweat, her tissues straining from being stretched and swallowing his cock’s battering movements. Bowing her head to rest on her arms bound in front of her, she whines and quivers heavily from the intense ecstasy ready to snap; her warm tears trailing down her skin, the dampened claps of his hips hammering against her ass, the auraul petting he gives her, and their sensual juices blending together covering her lingerie framed stomach, create a heady aroma that she heaves in readily.

Nearly sobbing at the sensations, she tries to hold back her climax as long as possible, to tease him with her rings of tissues into cumming with her. Kurama kneads her thighs generously while he ravages her passage, brushing against her cervix heavily as several dark growls vibrate the air around them, raising the hair on her neck and forcing the pressure to release furiously. Nerves lighting on fire and relief flooding through her body steadily, every part of her prickles with cutting euphoria that rivaled the sun, soothing the ache he had built up again. Letting herself luxuriate in the tides of bliss, drifting weightlessly in the sensation and the lack of it all at once, it slowly grows too strong after a time, bringing her mind back to the physical world. Rapid tingles in her limbs become stabbing, her head lolled on her arms weakly as her body jerks jaggedly, her skin sticky and absolutely drenched down her lingerie, but scorching strokes continue along her convulsing walls, sharpening aching pins with the rapid pace snatch her immediate attention.

Keening breathlessly with each hit, the enraptured heroine tugs restlessly on the blankets, toes curled painfully against the curve of his tense back, naturally following the rotating motions of his hips as he drives into her with such a blistering passion that she swallows around him reflexively over and over again. He snarls brutally as his motions stutter, heated tip pressed to her cervix as chilly cum floods her vaginal muscles, calming the pleasurable ache and invoking a shaking sigh from her. He falls over her, palms releasing her thighs to run alongside her ribs, deadly fangs grazing her shoulder deliberately followed by thick, tender licks. She trembles harder as a steady trickle of semen rolls deeper inside, ejecting a cracking moan at the delightful sensation and triggering her core to milk him for more. Her sinful lover groans and leaves harder bites, meticulously making marks without piercing her skin, dipping in shallowly, despite the hiss of over-sensitivity, to give her more of his wonderfully cool fluid.

(A Little Longer - sssfinxxx)

He’s so good to me… Tugging on his shaft hungrily, sucking every drop of him she could manage into herself greedily, she rubs her cheek against a velvety ear lovingly and earns bassy purrs. Shuddering at the spill over sliding down and soaking into the lace, the excess traveled all the way down to her breasts and rolling over the already soaked trim. The wonderfully cool night air calms heated skin as a large hand covers hers slowly and affectionately, his elongated nose brushing her neck, soft breaths stirring the hairs at her nape and ears ticklishly. Giggling between pants, she shivers when his lips tilt against her shoulder, he purposefully flicks his ear against hers, getting more tittering from her. Shivering and sucking in a breath at him throbbing within her, heart still pattering from the workout he gave her, she pulls on him inside her lightly, earning a groan of agonized pleasure as he rumbles after,

“You are a heavenly tonic to all the senses, my Evening Star, and yet the teasing cause of my ailments.” His chillier body lays more snugly against her, his mouth lipping at the nape of her neck as he finishes with a purr, “And you’re all mine to savor.” Flushing hotter at his pet name and his covetous addiction to her, Minako swallows down saliva between slowing breaths as she mumbles,

“Sweet talker.”

“And yet you crave my silver tongue, among other things.”

“You’re terrible, Naughty Fox!”

“I’m truthful.” She’s about to grumble at him more when Kurama kisses her neck sweetly, his fingers squeezing hers gently before releasing them, his cock suddenly sliding out of her heavily, tip-lip catching on her tissues and causing her to moan huskily. More of his cum rolls down her mons, the cooling trail tickling her abs as she exhales noisily while sitting up,

“Look what you did! You’ve made me a huge mess!”

“Hmm, a delectable mess.” She didn’t have much time to figure out his statement before his tongue was caressing her folds, ejecting a breathless keen and renewed trembles from her. Delightful tingles scorch her pussy as that talented, wet muscle slides through her creases, collecting their erotic cocktail and groaning at the flavor, sending her heart pattering wildly. Clenching her fists and toes reflexively with every swipe, she presses her forehead into the blankets for grounding as lightning courses through her core. He sucks on her with a meticulous ferver, savoring every petal’s residue in such a reverent manner that she spirals tighter again, her abs twitching heavily from the pleasure jolting through her. Cracking whines shake from her lips as she arches her back further, sensations wracking her nerves from the multiple orgasms.

She gasps weakly as he drinks from her contently, feathery tresses tickling the enthralled starlet’s thigh in contrast while he holds her hips to keep her from moving. Heaving in breaths between creaking mewls, his tongue dips in and out of her while he lips her soaked flesh skillfully, as though eating a rare delicacy that melts in your mouth, adding to her tremors. Panting through the ecstasy shocking her core, his nose brushes against the sensitive skin just below her other hole, intensifying the torrents searing her center. She wasn’t prepared for his energy to brush against her again, stroking downward before injecting a portion of himself into her, corrupting her aura so sinfully and replicating what they had done earlier, but just as intensely. Before she lost herself to orgasm, she floods her own chikara into him, more than she had earlier, earning strained moans from her enchanted kitsune as he drank feverishly from her.

(Candles - sssfinxxx)

Crying out hoarsely from the multitude of sensations, the pressure that had been building slowly suddenly snaps with giving herself so fully to him, sending a harsh rush of relief through her body and igniting delightful tingles all over. A wave of coolness washes over her before the prickling returns, her own pitched exhales tickle her ears along with the snapping of the fire, with only his lewd sucking interrupting her recovery. Shivering hard from his greedy slurping, she gasps with a stutter, “K-Kurama~! Ah! Ahn~! You’re so-oh~! Bad!” He rumbles with a smirk, even as he sips on the edge of her opening lightly, ejecting a drawn out mewl from her while she twitches uncontrollably from the euphoria singeing her. After giving her folds a few more teasingly slow licks, he leans away from her over-sensitized flesh and allows her to breathe freely. As she gathers herself more, he traces her skin softly, lining the lace that started it all while murmuring with humor,

“Yet you still let me indulge, my most generous Evening Star.” Ears burning because she does love how much he enjoyed her taste, even if he did keep drinking until it was painful. My Dirty, Naughty Kurebi! Swallowing down her own pervy thoughts, she manages to shift her weight to wobbly arms as blond strands trickle down her shoulder softly, Minako’s trembling lessening when he begins to massage her hips and thighs lavishly, releasing a sigh of bliss from her. Though when he started lipping up the curve of her spine, her shakes were renewed, but for a different reason, tingles of pleasure alighting her body from adoration, along with fluffy locks that trail her back and sides. Moaning quietly at the completely wonderful kneading Kurama was giving her, soothing her tense muscles after that arduous workout. It usually is with him, transformed or not!

He leaned over her slightly, manipulating her flesh and nibbling up her back, brushing her hip down her calf with his bushy tail, prompting her to look over her shoulder at him with a bright flush and stutter, “O-of course I do! I like when you enjoy something, and since it’s me, it’s even better.” She’s surprised when they’re both shifted back and she’s lifted onto his lap, her necklace tinkling with her movements, and his length still slightly hard, though it’s only pressed to her tailbone. Nuzzling his face to her neck after sliding silky strands aside, a velvety ear flicks against hers teasingly as he continues to stroke her thighs. His cool, muscled arms enclose hers comfortably, firm lips leaving gentle kisses on her throat entice her heart to flutter with warmth, sending prickles of delight throughout her body and butterflies to beat in her stomach.

Closing her eyes and returning his affectionate gestures happily as one hand fondly caresses his cheek, the other traces one of his larger wrists faintly, trimmed claws reminding her of his darker nature. Someone who can protect mercilessly, yet can be so gentle and sweet with me. It made her ache fiercely at the thought that he would soften himself for her, something that didn’t come naturally to him. At least until he lived as a human. Taking her hand from his wrist, she twines her fingers tenderly through the fur on his tail, gaining bassy purrs from stroking one of his most sensitive spots. “You really are far too benevolent, my Goddess.” Body flaming when he says her old title so reverently, all while he kneaded her hips with his palms and scattered sultry kisses along her shoulder, the embodiment of Love inhales deeply, taking in his intoxicatingly dark, floral scent mixed with sex and fire before pressing her lips to his silvery temple and assuring,

“You deserve all the love I can give, anata.” I may not be able to give all of myself to you… His hands stop their movement, instead wrapping around her waist and completely encompassing her form in his arms, squeezing her still wet breasts upward slightly as the raunchy sweetheart snuggles her to himself. But I can give you everything else Love has to offer. Although his body temp was lower than a human’s at the moment, being what he was, it was still so incredibly relaxing being held by him, especially when he rumbles against her ear so affectionately,

“And I’m all the more grateful you would choose to give to me, koi.” Turning her face toward his, drawing him into a soft, yet passionately deep kiss, parting slightly to tug on his bottom lip teasingly and receiving pleasured growls back. Sucking on his mouth ardently, heat building in her body again, they’re both pulled from each other when his arm sticks quite noisily to her chest, the fabric attached to him for a second before recoiling back on her once more. Pouting up at him when he chortles deeply, she grumbles,

“Even though you cleaned me up down there, I’m still a mess up here!” Que his growing smirk as she gestures down her drenched breasts and stomach while he teases,

“And who is it that likes being filled by me?” Pooching her lips at him, because it’s so true, I love that feeling! Minako still huffs,

Anyway! I need to wash off, so is there a river or something nearby?” Luminous lemon irises narrow at her as he refutes,

“It’s too cold for you to wash, if you’d let me continue to lick you-”

“It’d still be sticky! And we need to be here, right? So I can’t just teleport to our hotel. Besides, I can navigate in space, and nothing is colder or hotter than that!” Ha! You can’t fool me mister! Kurama looked a bit disappointed before finally conceding,

“Hmm, too bad, that. There is a small river nearby, and if you’d let me, I could help you wash and keep warm in my other form.” Although she loved him dearly, she knew what would happen if she didn't set some limits, prompting her to scold,

If you’ll be good, Naughty Fox!” His tail slides along her calf playfully, fluffy fur tickling her skin and inducing little giggles from the sensation while he rubs his nose against the back of her ear.

“If you insist…” Nudging her head against his gently, her hands sliding around his arms across her stomach, she smiles warmly before turning and kissing his bangs lightly, twining her fingers through his, she pulls his hands loose and moves to stand from his lap.

“I do. Now let me get dressed in peace and we’ll get cleaned up.” Of course he couldn’t leave her be, and as she stood, he nipped the top of her butt quickly, getting her to squeak as he rumbles saucily,

“Of course, love.” Grumbling at him with an intense flush, she rubs the spot he bit gingerly, swiping toward him without strength and purposefully missing, the air stirring metallic bangs as he grins back mischievously. Although the usually balanced warrioress tried to stay steady on her feet as she collected her clothes, he’d made darn sure she was putty after he was done, so now her legs wobbled like a newborn’s as she fairly collapsed trying to wriggle into her taupe tights again. Might as well put on the dirty stuff again than mess up clean clothes. She’s surprised to feel an arm around her waist to stabilize her before she can fall over, prompting her to blink and look back at him as he murmurs, “Here, let me help you.”

Although every time he touched her she felt fire flood her body, he astonishingly enough used himself to support her without copping a feel, letting her lean against him. Grabbing her ‘v’ neck shirt, the indulgent yôko helped her into it with care, pulling her fine locks through the neck hole while she slipped her arms through the sleeves and doing the same with her sweater. Cheeks searing at his, admittedly, sweet gesture, she should’ve known it wouldn’t be chaste long with him, starting when firm lips caress her neck gently, smoothing down her layers as he kneels behind her. She hadn’t realized he’d grabbed her suspenders until he began hooking them on the back of her skirt and sliding it up her thighs, nibbling his way up her body and renewing her shivers.

K-Kurama!” He grins against her upper back while pulling the straps around her restless arms, humming,

“Yes~?” Moving away before he could nip on her anymore, she chastises,

“You’re distracting me, Kurebi!” As usual, he gets wide-eyed, at least, as much as his narrowed citrine would allow, acting all innocent even as he joked while drawing his fingers down her arm,

“I wasn’t supposed to?” Brushing wandering hands away reluctantly, and wagging a finger at his handsome, elongated nose for good measure, Minako corrects,

“You know I can’t control myself with you! So you’re supposed to be the more reasonable of us!” He snorts with a grin before refuting gayly,

“Not in every case.” His amused gaze never leaves her as she struggles into her boots, his palms go to her waist to help her balance as he offers, “I could carry you there, considering the state of your muscles, at the moment.”

“Eh? W-wait a moment, I’ll be fine in a bit so just-ah ahh~!” He’d taken that moment to literally sweep her off her feet, and moving swiftly, Kurama zipped the tent behind them between breaths, his powerful legs showering their fire in dirt and moving them across the land at a breakneck pace. She immediately felt the temp drop in her skin from the rush of air and the time of year, though thankfully it didn’t take long to reach the river he spoke of with his speed. When he set her down, she still couldn’t quite stand on her own two feet, getting a tickled chortle from him as a warm body supported her from behind. Turning toward him, she sees scarlet forelocks slide over her shoulder as he murmurs against her ear,

“I should be able to keep you warm like this.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” He’s so pampering afterward~! Snuggling against his already toasty body, she nods softly as he kisses her neck and to her further shock, pulls a few seeds from his hair. Watching him grow them inquisitively, he smiles and answers her unspoken question, “These are for us to wash with. Just bundle them like this…” he wraps the cloth he tends to carry around the herbs and ties it off, looking much like bundles of sage she’s seen in temples as he finishes, “and now we have a cleaning bundle. It’s not as nice feeling as having soap, but it’ll clean our skin off.” The perky soldier hums back lightly, beginning to strip down along with her errant lover, hoping that this at least won’t become some sort of fiasco…


If you think it’s weird licking the belly button, no matter the gender, it’s an actual thing! The muscles in the abdomen are connected to the genitals, so when you tease it, it’s like softcore sex and can actually get your partner to cum!,
Semen is most virile when kept at 20º Celsius (68º Fahrenheit) Any liquid lower than 25º Celsius (80º Fahrenheit) feels cold in comparison to our normal body temp of 36.6º Celsius (98º Fahrenheit),
You can definitely have multiple orgasms,
Cervical climax is a thing!
The smell of sex,
Tibetan Monks really can raise their body temp, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Kurama knew these kinds of techniques for survival,
Waterfall meditation,
Herbal soaps,, Bath soaks,

Series this work belongs to: