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None But The Lonely Heart

Chapter 2


Jake has to come to terms with some things and Troy has to interfere in some things. Also, Noah just can't believe Jake went to see a psychic.


A/N: Look at me publishing another chapter already! This isn't like me and I am enjoying it. You know there are only four Emma and Jake stories on this site? I can't believe more people don't love them. Jake and Emma are adorable! If anybody tells you otherwise they are wrong. So, here is the second chapter to this little piece of fiction. And don't worry I have something planned for Jayden and Emily too. I also don't own The Power Rangers. I feel like I should point that out.

Chapter Text

“I can't believe you went to see a psychic.”

Noah is berating him as he decides whether or not he wants to call Emma again. He knows she is out of town, but he has so much he has to say to her. There had been so much he had over looked and now Emma wasn't picking up her phone. She was probably talking to Gia right now or she didn't want to talk to him. He wouldn't blame her if that was the case.

He was blind and he just wanted to make it up to her.

“Do you think Emma knew?” Troy asked as he sat down on the couch next to Noah. He grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. Noah stopped mid-rant and Jake was thankful for the change in subject.

“She could have,” Noah answered the question. “It would explain her sudden trip to go see Emily.”

“Emma wouldn't have kept that from me.” Jake scoffed at the idea she would do that.

“Really?” Troy shot back. “You were into Gia and Emma would never do anything to hurt best friend.”

Jake sighed and rubbed his hands on his face. It hurt him to know that Emma could have kept this to herself because he was an idiot. Emma deserved a better soul mate. She deserved the kind of love that Noah and Troy had found in one another. They had something pure and deep. Jake was just a mess at this point.

“What am I going to do?” Jake asked the universe as his two friends looked at him with pity in their eyes. Thankfully, Troy's phone went off and his former leader got up from the couch.

“I need to take this, but things will work out.” He answered his phone and walked off into the bedroom he shared with Noah.

Noah got up from the couch and booted up the X-box. He grabbed a controller for himself and then got one for Jake. Video games might not be a long term solution, but they would take Jake's mind off of things for the time being. Jake accepted the controller and they started to play a game.

“Thanks for calling me back.” Troy said as he say down on the bed.

“No problem,” Jayden told him. “I was just busy when you called earlier, what's up?”

“Emma is with Emily right now.” Troy came out with the information he knew Jayden would want. He ended up telling Jayden everything that had happened. The former Red Ranger let out a sad chuckle.

“It's not easy to have all that hit you at once. I feel for Jake. My heart goes out to Emma too, though. She had to have known, just like I'm sure Emily knew during our time as Power Rangers.”

“I think Emma knew too but Jake didn't believe me.” Troy told him.

“Of course he's not. I didn't think Emily would keep that from me, but she did. Emma had a good reason to keep her guard up.” Jayden sounds sad and Troy knows he is thinking about Emily.

“I'll let you go Jayden. I should probably check on my Pink and your Yellow.” That earns a chuckle from his fellow Red and they end the call. Troy scrolls until he finds Emma's name and he pushes the green button. He has no doubt she will pick up and after two rings, she does.

“Hello Troy.” She greets him and it sounds like she had been crying.

“Hello Emma,” He responds back. “Are you alright?”

“I feel like everything has just blown up in my face.” She answers him honestly. Emma would never lie to Troy. They had been through so much together.

“When are you coming home?” He asks her.

“I'll be home in a couple days. Is Jake alright?” She asks him. Her voice is a little shaky and he wishes he could hug her right now. He didn't like seeing any of them in pain. They were his teammates and his family.

“He's had better days but Noah is taking care of him,” Troy let out a small laugh. “And it sounds like Noah is kicking his butt.”

“Well, Noah picked a great time to finally beat Jake at a video game.” She laughs and Troy smiles to himself.

“Put Emily on for a minute.” Troy tells Emma. She seems confused but does it anyway.

Emily manages to get a greeting out and Troy drops a bomb on her. “He knows and he's looking for you.”

He knows a million questions are running through the blonde's head. He doesn't have answers to those questions. He just thought that she should know the truth.

“I'll come back with Emma,” She tells him. It's the only thing she can do at this point. “I'll see you later Troy.” She gives the phone back to Emma and they say their goodbyes.

“Well, Jayden knows and I need junk food.” Emily tells her and Emma agrees with that plan. They get a pizza delivered and spend the night talking about their boys.

Troy wanders back out into the living room. “Emma will be home in a couple of days.” He tells Jake and Noah after they pause their game.

“That's who called you earlier?” Noah asks and Troy shakes his head.

“No, that was Jayden. I called Emma after I talked to him.” He informs them and Jake looks upset.

“She'll talk to you but not me?”

“It's different,” Noah tells his best friend. “Emma and Troy have a special bond.”

Jake thinks back to the time that Emma and Troy were inseparable. He had thought the were soul mates, but he was wrong. She was just helping her leader out as he came to terms with the fact Noah was his soul mate. Troy had never believed in all this soul mate stuff until Noah came into his life. Emma had helped him open his heart and trust feelings. Jake wondered if Troy and Noah would be together right now if it hadn't been for Emma.

In that moment he had never been more proud of her. But he also hated himself more than he already did. She was helping Troy because she didn't want to see him end up like her. And he realized Troy was right, Emma had known.

“I'll see you guys later.” Jake gets up and leaves their apartment before either of his friend's can respond.

“Should we go after him?” Noah asks and Troy shakes his head.

“He needs to figure this out on his own.”

A couple days later, Emma and Emily pack their bags and catch their flight out West.

“I'm nervous,” Emma says to Emily as she looks out the window before they take off. “You think they'll be there?'

“I don't know,” Emily replied “Troy didn't say if they would be or not. He'll be at the airport with Noah though.”

They fall silent as both women think about what is waiting for them on the East Coast.

The plane lands and they disembark. They grab their luggage and go to look for the boys. They find them and notice Jake is with them. “You got this.” Emily tells her as they head towards them.

Emma is nervous but she knows Emily is right.

The blonde greets Troy and Noah with hugs and smiles. Troy informs her that Jayden doesn't know she came back. “I figured, but I know where he is.” She replies as she stands in between Troy and Noah. All three of them watch as Jake and Emma make a beeline for one another.

“I'm so sorry,” He tells her as he gathers her up in a hug. “I was blind and I wish I had seen the truth sooner.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for Jake,” She tells him as she hugs him back. "We'll figure this out.”

They pull away from one another and walk together in front of their friends.

“How long have you known?” He asks her.

“Since our Ranger days.” She replies and he isn't mad at her. He's mad at himself.

“I'm going to make it up to you.” He tells her and she stops him. She pulls him down to her and plants a gentle kiss on his lips.

“Just be with me and we'll call it even.”

Jake agrees and they walk out of the airport, ready to start this new chapter together.