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Getting Caught

Chapter 19: Nicole


Once again a big thank you to you all for keeping me motivated. And a tremendous one to TheShadowsEdge for her continuous help plotting and correcting it all.

Chapter Text


Nicole was both exhausted and in need of getting all her energy out. The last couple of weeks had been grudging. The kids had been on their worst behaviors, she had to reprimand Dean at work and that had serious consequences at home. She still wasn't pregnant… She really needed it all out of her system. As pissed as her husband was, at least he seemed to understand her need for some alone time. Without thinking, she had left home in her yoga pants, her running shoes on and had started driving. She didn't know what to do with herself. She wasn't accustomed anymore to having time for herself. Old habits die hard and she found herself in Santa Monica jogging in the sunset. She had forgotten how much she loved the smell of the ocean, how much she loved running freely, watching the bystanders and the wonderful nature around her. She was not really dressed for it, her everyday bra was starting to irritate her but she knew it was a one time chance. It'll heal soon enough.

About 15 minutes after she started, she saw him. Of course, she recognized him right away. He was her father after all. She couldn't really tell if it was his long lean figure or the way he held himself, maybe a mixture of both. In the orange hues of the ascending sun, she couldn't even see the color of his hair. The woman, though, it took her to move closer to recognize her. She seemed so tiny without her heels, so small without her usual dress and jacket. There, in her fathers arms, wearing a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt, her very slim figure was more than accentuated. Nicole had never noticed how long her legs were, but she imagined her father did a long time ago. She didn't look powerful anymore. She seemed so soft, lovely even. The last rays were shining in her wavy hair, accentuating her golden and reddish tones. Her green eyes seemed surreal, sparkling like the most precious of emeralds, when they were usually more akin to a jade.

Nicole decreased her tempo, fascinated by what was going on in front of her. The two adults were looking at one another, lost in each other's gaze. She was sure a spaceship could jump in the sky and they would not notice it. They were smiling softly, a tender expression on both their faces she had rarely, if ever, seen before. Her father brought one of his hands to the woman's face, caressing her cheekbone with the pad of his thumb. In response, she tilted her head, a very subtle movement. Nearly as subtle as the way she moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. Slowly, they moved together and their lips met. Sharon's hands went to her lover's shirt, gripping it before releasing it to caress his chest and finally to cup his face. The kiss was slow, tender, nearly chaste. They pulled back, huge smiles on their faces, looked into each other's eyes before resting their forehead together. Nicole noticed then that the other woman had a few tears running down her cheek. Her father kissed them away before reclaiming her mouth for a longer but ever so gentle kiss.

"Not dating, my ass!" She all but screamed moving closer to them before running away when they pulled apart and saw her. She stuck her tongue to her father and accelerated her pace, laughing carefree. She never heard her father call after her. She'll never believe she witnessed their very first kiss anyway.