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Domestic Bliss with a Twist


Loki has finally found a way to have Yggdrasil stable without him spending eternity alone. With his immensely stronger powers being the God of Stories and the ability to change/alter the timelines he decides to use his powers to settle down with Mobius (Don) in another timeline. Years after meeting this version of Mobius and having a relationship with him they two settle down.
It starts well until he realizes this timeline the Avengers and his family are still alive except their Loki is dead. He knows he could go to another timeline to avoid trouble but Loki already attached himself to Don and his kids decided to continue living in this timeline just to be a "low-key" cover. All Loki wants to do is spend the rest of his life with Don and his kids as a stay-at-home parent.
To his dismay, he ends up having to deal with the Avengers, Thor & his parents, and evil forces intervening in his domestic life.

Chapter Text

“Loki~” a soft deep voice cooed as the light beamed gently on his closed eyelids. “Come on Loki, the sun is shining, and the coffee is hot.” Don’s voice said as Loki opened his eyes to see Don fully dressed for work in his button-up shirt and cargo shorts that Loki had grown to find attractive on the man.

“Well good morning to you honey~” Loki pulled himself up from their bed as he looked at the alarm clock that rested on the nightstand. “Good morning love, sorry for the late start.” fixing his hair as Don gently sat next to him at the edge of the bed. “Isn’t a problem for me Lo, you deserve all the rest you can get. Beauty sleep is important.” A soft smile was given to Loki as he pulled Don closer to him and he embraced him in a long kiss.

“Ewww! Dad and Loki are doing it again!” Kevin stated as he interrupted as Sean followed behind him, both giggling mischievously. Don and Loki pulled away as the two ran downstairs.

“Looks like we have to continue this another time. I’ll make you a plate downstairs.” Loki giggled as he stood up and with a swift hand changed out of his pajamas into more comfortable causal apparel consisting of a black sleeveless turtleneck, black jeans, and comfortable dark slip-ons. “How do I look?” Don rubbed his neck as he laughed a little. “Sometimes I forget you can do that. All that magic stuff.” He waved his hands jokingly. “Wish I could do all that magic, if I could tax season would be a breeze, I’ll tell you that.” “Keep dreaming love.”

The two headed downstairs to the kitchen as Don ran to grab a piece of toast and a cup of coffee. Loki leaned against the counter seeing the scrambled eggs and bacon Don had made while he was sleeping. He could tell they were a bit overcooked but that didn’t stop Loki from taking a few bites from his plate. All that mattered was that Don had good intentions and wanted to do something nice for him since Loki had taken on most of the domestic responsibilities. The two, still in their honeymoon phase, kept each other busy as Sean and Kevin were getting ready for school. It wasn’t until Don noticed the stove clock that he was running late.

“Damn it, I need to go or else I’ll be late!” Don started quickly shifting around the kitchen trying to get ready. “Where is it? Where did I-” “Your phone and wallet are in your back pocket, your keys in your front left pocket like always, and your lunch is in the fridge. Now be safe and have a wonderful day love.” He kissed him goodbye as he took his car to work.

Loki smiled as he headed to the fridge to pull out two paper-bagged lunches, he knew Kevin and Sean were on their way downstairs from the loud battering and teasing of the two kids. “Boys, you ready to head out. You don’t want to be late for your education.” As he said that the two rushed into the kitchen grabbing their bookbags and lunch bags. “Now Kevin make sure you eat what I made, I know you throw out the vegetables I pack for you and Sean please make sure you eat all of you’re lunch, I don’t want to hear how starving you are when you get home. I pack you two meals that are both nutrient and delicious for children as you need to grow.” Both rolled their eyes as they looked inside to see what was packed.

“Sweet PB and J with no crust!” Sean and Kevin were both happy when they saw their favorite sandwich and a small bag of Doritos. “Don’t forget about your veggies and ranch! It’s important in your diet.” Loki stated matter-of-factly.

“We always do, ma!” A sneaky little lie Kevin stated as they headed into the minivan with Loki. “Oh sure you do.” Loki rolled his eyes as they hopped in. “We do eat our veggies, we aren’t lying we swear.” Sean also engaged in this lie which Loki wasn’t fouled so easily. “You know I know when you’re lying, right? I can tell you right now I know a lie like the back of my hand.”

“What is it like one of you’re superpowers or something?” Loki smirked as he nodded his head pulling out the van from the driveway. “Let’s just say I have a bit of history around it.”




As Loki pulled up to Kevin and Sean’s middle school dropping them off he noticed his newfound friends gossiping in the parking lot. Pulling up, he stopped making sure his kids were all set before unlocking the vehicle's doors. “You got everything?” They nodded in unset. “Good, now you boys have a wonderful day and please don’t do anything too mischievous. I get a prank or two but don’t get into a problem, I don’t want your father and I having to go down to the office again.”

“We won’t.”

“Good! Now get educated, love you!” Loki said as he watched them enter the school. As he parked his van, he stopped by two of his dear friends whom he met two years ago. Cameron and Beth, two of his school parent friends, three got to gather when Loki started dropping Kevin and Sean off it was a way for him to try and socialize with other people.

“Morning Loki, how’s it going!” Beth asked as she sipped on her morning latte. “Good so far, I have some arrangements to deal with today. Decided to start planting my Marigolds, with the boys around I keep having to replant them.”

“Sounds harsh, I mean can’t you just use that ‘magic’ you have to fix them.” Cameron butted in. “I mean I could but what's the fun in home improvement if you could do it so easily? And even if I did I would be abusing my powers.” The three of them stood there chatting up.

It wasn’t until a blonde middle-aged woman came towards them. “Oh shit, look out Shannon’s coming.”

“What could that dreadful woman want?”

“Beth, Cameron... oh, and Loki... Did you hear about the bake sale next week?” She stated in a very overly cheerful tone one that Loki could easily notice that cheerful venom she had.

“Yes, we were quite aware that every February we have a bake sale, Shannon. So glad you could remind us.” A fake smile he returned with the same passion and aggression as the woman before him. “That’s great! Just wanted to remind you since last year you brought store-bought cookies instead of baking, wanted to make sure to remember that it’s a BAKE sale, not a store-bought sale.” She laughed as Loki rolled his eyes. “I’m quite aware of that and to be fair that was last time, this year I have quite the recipe to show for.” Cameron and Beth looked at Loki and Shannon’s little passive-aggressive battle between the two waiting to see the next move.

“Oh, that’s great! Just wanted to let you know there are some changes this year.”

“What kind of changes?”

“Well, this year we’re making sure all baked goods have no peanuts, no dairy, no artificials, no eggs, and no processed sugars. All baked goods must follow the allergy and dietary guidelines, but I’m sure you’ll pull it off, I mean I’m sure your little ‘magic’ makes it so easy.”

“No magic needed, I’m beyond skilled enough to follow these peculiar rules.”

“How wonderful! I’ll see you next time then Loki.”

“You as well, it was such a pleasure.” Shannon walked off to the other group of parents, leaving the three to just stand there in annoyance. Loki waited until she was far enough away for her to be absent-. eared. “Fucking bitch...”

“How the hell do they expect us to make cookies and shit when everything we can’t use is the literal ingredients to make them!”

“No kidding Beth, I don’t know about you, but I have a feeling perky Shannon taught of this bullshit.”

“As much as I enjoy a bit of a challenge, I might have to use my powers for this. I don’t even think any human can accomplish that ability.”

“Speaking of powers. Why don’t you use your powers for like- I don’t know being a superhero or something? I mean you can do anything you want with your powers, and you just use them for making chores easier and baking?”

“Well Cameron, if you must know I don’t do the whole “superhero” thing because I much prefer a laid-back life instead of constant danger and chaos. Being a hero just isn’t what I want in my life, and it wouldn’t be good for Don and the kids. I mean they’d be in constant danger; I’d never be around, and I mean there’s so much I can say as to why it wouldn’t be a good idea.”

“But Loki you could be an Avenger! I mean you might be like Dr. Strange or Thor or I don’t know one of those cool guys! You could save the world, but you rather stay home cooking dinner, picking up after the kids, and watching reality TV all day.”

“It’s a lot better than you realize.”

“Whatever, anyway I got to go pick up the wife's dry cleaning.”

“I better head out as well, don’t want to be late for work.”

“Well, I’ll see you two around I better get a head start on the bake sale. I need to up my game up this year.”

As they disbanded, Loki huffed looking at himself in the mirror. “You did good Loki, they still haven’t found you and we live in a zero-crime area. Nothing but a nice, slow, boring suburb.” He drove heading to the local Shop’n’Drop to get groceries.

Little did Loki know that his relaxing domestic life was about to take a turn.