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In the Life Of

Chapter Text

"Mon Amour, you are giving me a ring?" Jean-Claude asked. "It is much too soon to be thinking of marriage or even engagement. I have not had the proper time to court you."

Harry was blushing and had to remind himself that Jean-Claude was from a different century.

"It's a Day Walker Ring." he informed. "That's what I've been searching for this entire time. I have the last remaining book with the spell in it but my sister, Rosie, took it out of my library thinking it was something else. Anyway, it's done now, and I want you to have it. You'll have to hide that you are a Daywalker from the Master of course but you can do that by just....."

Jean-Claude cut Harry off with a deep toe curling kiss.

"I love it, Mon Amour." Jean-Claude breathed against his lips. "Words can not express how grateful I am for this gift or what it means to me."

"Who needs words." Harry maoned. "If you're going to kiss me like that then you better follow through."

Jean-Claude put the ring on his left ring finger and lifted Harry up to sit on his desk. He had every intention of following through. His love deserved it.

Harry woke hours later sore and wondering when the hell he'd fallen asleep. Jean-Claude had been rougher than normal in his excitement and wanting to show him how much he loved him. He reached out and grabbed his cell phone.

"Potter." he listened to Dolph on the other side.

Another day, another crime scene.

Harry enjoyed watching Jean-Claude roam around his lab without touching anything. He answered every question he was asked and still got his work done.

"Hey, Dolph, it's me. That hair you sent me isn't human. It's wereanimal." Harry explained. "Closest match I can find is a weretiger but my source...."

"Just say your boyfriend. We all know that's who's feed you information."

"ZERBROWSKI!" Dolph growled at him. "Go on, Harry."

"Says that there is only one known weretiger in the state and that they wouldn't do this. That they would get sick just looking at anything grusome. Says they refuse to kill."

"That's interesting. So we're looking for an unknown weretiger. I want you to meet this weretiger. I don't want a name or job or anything. We'll have nothing to do it. Just meet them and feel them out. I trust your judgement. Assure them that you aren't sharing any information with us. We don't want it unless they are dangerous and yes you can use those words."

"I'll ask my source to set it up."

Jean-Claude had set up the meeting at the Lunatic Cafe but couldn't be seen out in public yet during the day. So Harry had to by himself. He looked around when he arrived. Jean-Claude had told him who he was looking for and described her in vast detail so he picked her out right away and walked over to the table. There was a code system in place before he could sit down though.

"Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?"

He said it in a low voice and she blushed a bit but stood and offered her hand.

"You must be Dr. Potter." she said.

"And you must be Christine." Harry shook her hand and they sat down. "I'm going to cast some wards that will make it so no one can hear our conversation. I think that is wise considering the topic that we are about to discuss. If you wish for someone else to sit in on the meeting please get them or send for them."

He wasn't stupid. He'd been here before. This place was always crawling with Shifter energy. This was a base for them and he knew it. He was letting them know it.

"Oh, uhm...just a moment." She went to whisper with one of the waitresses who nodded. A second later a delicious looking man with lilac eyes appeared and joined them at the table. "This is Nathaniel..."

"Oh, I know who he is." Harry stated. "I've watched his show a few times."

"Did you like it?" Nathaniel asked giving him a seductive grin.

"Down boy, I have a boyfriend who would punish you for flirting with me." Harry cast the wards. "Now then, Christine, I want to start by saying thank you for coming. There have been two murders that is the work of a weretiger. They left fur behind. Jean-Claude vouches for you and I believe him. I did not tell the police your name or anything about you. I will take an Oath if that is what you need me to do. My boss says that they aren't interested in your private information or name as long as you aren't the one that they are looking for. I'm merely here to feel you out as a formality."

It took a bit for Harry to convince them that RIPT was really not interested her but slowly she accepted it and the interview began. It turned into a nice chat between the three of them and even some laughing as they drank their coffee and ate their lunches. Harry eventually took down the ward.

"Miss. Christine, I want you to be very careful until the police catch this person. The two victims were blond females about your age and worked as Insurance Agents. I'm not supposed to tell you that but I like you so please be on your guard at all times or find some where safe to stay."

With that, Harry shook her hand and left. He hadn't meant to scare her but she needed to know. He drove home and called Dolph.

"We've got a problem." He stated. "I think this is a hit and he can't find his target. I think he's sloppy. Thing is if he is a weretiger in town looking for the one I just talked to then he should know that the females that he's killed weren't weretiger. Meaning not only is this a hit but this guy is a serial killer. I've already got the one I just talked to scrambling to find safety within the community. You'd better handle this or they will." he listened to Dolph. "Once it gets out in the community they will rise up and take action. It's only a matter of time."

Harry told Jean-Claude how much he'd liked Christine and that he had officially met Nathaniel. He then told him his thoughts on the situation and Jean-Claude confirmed that if the RIPT couldn't handle it soon and it got out that this tiger was after Christine the Wereanimals would handle it.