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Ryan Ross Oneshots

Chapter 14: Bladder Control (Ryan/Brendon)


Ryan really has to go, but all the bathrooms are full. Brendon has a solution.


Brendon makes Ryan have an accident in his lap.

(read notes at the end for updates and my hiatus.)


i hate myself for making and writing this. sry for any errors.
idk what compelled me to write this but bladder control is interesting

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Panic! at The Disco had recently finished their first tour, Nothing Rhymes With Circus, and the boys needed a break. They had rented a cabin in the mountains for a few weeks. They had lost their edgy, emo haircuts and outfits for the most part.

Brendon was sitting on the couch at 9pm, watching some shitty DVD and sipping on tea. "Hmm,"

Ryan emerged from his room a few moments later, wearing a black Beatles tee-shirt, some white socks, and a pair of grey sweatpants. Ryan groaned quietly, his short brown hair slightly covering his eyes. Ryan looked over and Brendon and sat down next to him. They had been dating for a year or two, but they kept it incredibly private. The fans had zero clue that "ryden" was real. Ryan crossed his legs, squirming and wiggling.

See, he really needed to use the bathroom, but both of them were taken and he knew it'd be a while. Pissing outside wasn't ideal, Ryan didn't want any of the neighboring cabins to see his dick. He just sat there whimpering, his eyes glued down the hallway at one of the bathrooms. Brendon noticed the poor boys distress, but didn't seem to know it was a bathroom issue. He mindlessly pulled Ryan onto his lap.

"You okay, Ryry?" Brendon murmured as he leaned over and nibbled on Ryan's neck, his hands starting to make their way across Ryan's stomach and hips.

Ryan pushed away Brendon's hands from his stomach, rolling his eyes. He could tell Brendon didn't seem to realize the problem, but he knew if Brendon figured it out he would want to press on Ryan's stomach because his bladder being so full would make him squirm and it would press against his g-spot.

"I'm fine,"

Brendon grinned impishly as he tilted his head and gave Ryan a look that spoke of skepticism. "Uh huh, you sure?" Brendon teased gently as his hands went back to Ryan's flat stomach and he started rubbing in circles.

"What's bothering you?"

Ryan suddenly gave a high whine, trying to force his legs together as Brendon gave a particularly deep rub, "Don't do that," Ryan warned, shaking his head.

It was evident in his face that Ryan was dealing with something. He wasn't really hard or anything, but he really had to pee badly. He knew Brendon would take it as a dare, but it was a genuine warning. He was embarrassed, he didn't want to accidently piss himself and especially not on his boyfriend.

Brendon raised an eyebrow as he tried to read Ryan's expression and words, "Don't do what? What's the matter, hm?"

Brendon continued to massage is abdomen and evidently didn't care for the warning. He wanted to tease Ryan because he thought that Ryan just wanted to fuck around, not knowing the poor boy had to piss like nothing else.

"Brendon, I'm serious," Ryan warned again, his tone shifting from lighthearted to serious.

He really had to pee and did not want to have an accident on Brendon. Both bathrooms were still taken. Not to mention how it was hailing outside so he couldn't even go out there.

Brendon's curiosity was piqued now, noticing the serious change in Ryan's voice and pulled his hand away, "What's wrong, Ry?"

Brendon's tone was soft as he watched his boyfriend's discomforted face, "What do you need?" He cooed.

"I need to, uhh..," Ryan trailed off, his eyes darting down the hall towards the bathroom as he sighed, "Neither of them will get out of the bathrooms, I, uh, I can't hold it anymore," He said quietly, his face reddening up from embarrassment.

A light realization crept into Brendon's eyes. "Oh..," He murmured softly before wrapping his arms around the older, "Oh Ry, you poor boy," he murmured, kissing Ryan's temple as he looked down into Ryan's eyes, "Just let it go if you can't hold it anymore,"

"In your lap..?" Ryan asked in disbelief.

Even though the floors were hardwood, it would be hard to clean up if he went on the floor. Peeing on clothing was an easy choice. Then, when one of the guys would finally get out of the shower, they could both clean off. Though, Ryan seemed apprehensive on the idea so far. He felt bad and embarrassed.

"In my lap. My pants can be easily cleaned," Brendon's voice was soft as he tried to calm Ryan down, "Trust me. I won't be upset," The lead singer's look was soft as he continued to comfort Ryan, "Just go, Ry. You've been holding it a long time. I'm sure that has to hurt,"

"I'm embarrassed," Ryan mumbled, squeezing his legs together.

"Shh, it'll be okay. Let go, Ry. You've been holding it too long. It's better than you wetting yourself on the floor," Brendon's voice was soft, trying to be as comforting as he could, "Go ahead, Ry. Make my lap warm,"

The way Brendon dirty talked him, telling him to make his lap warm, it make Ryan get a bit turned on. A little more dirty talk would send Ryan over and make him go. He couldn't believe he was about to pee himself in Brendon's lap.

He held it a bit longer, his thighs twitching and pussy pulsing, "Bren, I cant,"

"Why not, baby? You're about to pee your pants, I think my lap would be a much better place," Brendon teased softly, his grip on Ryan's legs tightened, "Just let it go,"

"If I do it in your lap, my pants are gonna get wet," Ryan pointed out. Based on how Brendon's cock was riding beneath him, Ryan realized why Brendon suggested his lap.

Brendon was into it.

A knowing grin spread across Brendon's face as he whispered into his boyfriend's ear, "So, why not just take them off then?" Brendon murmured as his hands started to slide Ryan's sweatpants down.

"Brendon," Ryan said under his breath as Brendon pulled his boxers and sweats off, leaving his aching pussy right on Brendon's lap, "I cant go,"

"You can't go? What, too shy about your boyfriend holding you in his lap while you piss on him?" His voice was teasing yet soft as he dirty talked the boy.

Ryan whimpered, a little bit of pee dribbling out from his pussy onto Brendon's clothed bulge. He hid his face in his hands from embarrassment, trying to hold in his pee. If Brendon kept dirty talking, it'd all come out.

Brendon tilted his head and smiled down at Ryan before his lips curved into an excited grin, "There ya go," he murmured, his voice sultry, "That's a good boy,"

The lead singer chuckled quietly as he noticed the pee weakly dribbling out, it was quite cute as Ryan struggled, "Keep it coming, Ryry, c'mon,"

"Brendon," Ryan choked out, a little more spilling out.

It was warm, making Brendon's lap warm like he had asked. Ryan was still trying to hold it in, but he couldn't help it when his pussy quivered. If Brendon so much as pressed on the guitarist's tummy, he would spill out.

Brendon's breath hitched as he felt the warm liquid seeping on his lap. He was enjoying himself, and it only made him even more happy to see that Ryan was fine with it so far. He chuckled softly to himself before his smirk turned into an amused grin.

"Atta boy," he murmured, pressing right on Ryan's stomach as he tilted his head, "Keep going, I know you can do it,"

Ryan gasped as Brendon pressed against his bladder, forcing Ryan to give in. Pee seeped out of his hole, getting Brendon's lap all wet. He hid his face in his hands and gave a choked, embarrassed cry as the liquid continued to gush out.

Brendon's grip tightened on Ryan's legs as he pressed again, forcing more pee out. Ryan could feel the pressure of the singer's hand on his bladder, forcing him to squirt. A small puddle was starting to grow on his lap and Brendon didn't seem affected by it.

Brendon's smirk stayed on his lips as he tilted his head, "That's my good boy," he murmured.

Ryan whimpered and let a little more out. Brendon leaned back a bit, now he was able to see the stream coming from Ryan's pussy. He was just dribbling and leaking, obviously the boy didn't want to give in yet out of embarrassment. Brendon could see Ryan's pussy contracting and pulsing as little streams spewed out. All it would take is a little more force for him to just completely pee himself.

Brendon laughed softly even more as he watched the liquid leak out of his boyfriend, it was quite adorable, Brendon thought, so he pressed down more. He knew exactly how much pressure was needed to force Ryan over the edge.

"Come on, baby," he murmured encouragingly, his grip tightening more on his boyfriend, "Let it all go, okay?"

After what felt like an eternity, his whole bladder was finally emptied out all over Brendon's lap. He didn't uncover his face, he was still incredibly embarrassed especially now that he had emptied his bladder all over his boyfriend. The craziest part? Brendon was getting incredibly turned on and nearly came in his pants right then. Pee dripped off Ryan's pussy onto Brendon's crotch.

Brendon's grip loosened once Ryan was finally empty, he could feel warmth dripping down his crotch now. His breath had picked up and he was panting, his grin widened as he looked down at his newly wet lap.

Brendon's hands slid slowly up Ryan's legs as he smiled, "What a good boy," He praised, "Better?"

Ryan mumbled into Brendon's shoulder, his face a fierce red, "Fuck you,"


it's currently 1:43am and im listening kurtis conner vrg podcast.

sorry for the unannounced hiatus, i've been focused on school and lowkey my parents are about to divorce i will not lie gangnum.
it was also my birthday so apologies guys i was planning to write and then forgot
got a better laptop so (hopefully) expect new shit
expect ryan ross/dan keyes (skittle/giant!!!) ive been on a rydan kick recently
i have 3 oneshots (ry/bren bondage finally, ry/pete cock warming, and another ry/pete) in the works and a few ideas conjured up in my brain
i found such a good prompt on twitter, need to decided who i write it about... (probably dan or pete)

if you have a request or prompt, please post them in the comments. 90% chance i write it so shoot your shot!