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The Greed

Chapter 2: Rooting For Her


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The sun dangled low in the sky, casting long blankets of hot light over Sweet Apple Acres as Twilight arrived. By now she had moved Spike onto her back, as she couldn’t risk the snail’s pace she held with him gripping one of her valuable legs. Among a bustle of ponies working to secure the farm, Twilight made a beeline for Applejack.


“Applejack! I’m glad to see progress so soon. Things are getting dangerous in town already.”

“Darn, already?” Applejack said with a shake for her head. “We’re working as fast as we can. Big Mac, Caramel and I are building walls and such. Granny and Apple Bloom are prepping the house and barn for guests.” She pointed with her hoof at the various spots as she spoke.

“That’s fantastic. I knew I could count on you,” Twilight said with a small smile tugging on her lips. “I need to get to the point of why I’m here though. You may not like it.”

“Well, shoot.”

Twilight sighed. “We need to take roots from your trees.”


“Roots?!” Applejack gawked. “How in Equestria am I gonna feed Ponyville through a crisis if you kill all my dang trees?!”

“Just a few,” Twilight said, holding a hoof up toward Applejack. “I’ve been doing some reading, and we need apple root to treat the plague.” Applejack thought about that.

“Alright. If it helps the cause,” She said with gritted teeth.

“Thank you so much AJ. We’ll need that right away- Sweetie Belle was bitten badly by an infected pony.”

“Sweetie Belle? Poor filly. Rarity must be all up in a tizzy over her. Apple Bloom ain’t gonna like hearing that neither.” Applejack said. “You best get to it. Don’t leave them girls waiting.”

With a nod, Twilight got to work. Her horn lit up, and she tore a chunk of root from the nearest tree. Stubborn as the ponies who cared for it, the wood took many tugs to relent. Once she got a good piece, she tucked it in the saddlebag and turned hoof to leave.

As she was almost off of the property, she saw Fluttershy pass by with a train of critters behind her. Fluttershy was too absorbed in her task to notice Twilight, and she opted to simply smile toward her pegasus friend and continue with her own business.


“You’ve been quiet, Spike,” Twilight said as she made her way back to the castle.

“This whole thing’s really got me freaked out, Twilight,” Spike grumbled, shifting slightly atop Twilight’s back.

“Me too. I try not to think too much about it, but that was a pretty graphic scene earlier. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“I’m worried about Sweetie Belle.” Spike hopped off so he could walk beside Twilight and see her face. “And Rarity too. Everything’s so messed up.”

“I know. Just keep your chin up, okay? We’ll fix everything as fast as we can.”

“Right. I’ll try.”


Just as they reached the castle entrance, Pinkie Pie hopped up, carrying balloons and a box, seemingly from Sugar Cube Corner. A short distance behind her, Zecora trotted forward.

“Heyyy Twilight!” Pinkie Pie said. Twilight tried not to focus on her stained hooves.

“Hi Pinkie! What’s all this?”

“I brought Zecora! I thought she might be able to help you. I also brought some goodies for Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Nothing cheers me up quite like a good dessert!” She exclaimed.

“That’s very thoughtful. Good to see you Zecora.” Twilight smiled.

“I hear there are sick ponies galore. Mind opening the castle for us four?” Zecora asked.

“Not at all. Try not to touch anything though- we don’t know how this sickness spreads yet.”

“I thought that might be the case. That is why I brought a mask for my face.” As she said this, Zecora pulled out several face-masks. She handed them out, and put one on herself.

“Thank you so much Zecora. That was a great idea!” Twilight said as she opened the door for her friends.


As they all trotted about the castle, they filled one another in on their experiences. Twilight talked about seeing Applejack and Fluttershy. Zecora and Pinkie Pie talked about seeing another infected pony on the way through. Mr. Cake had been injured by it while doing a delivery, but he’d insisted he’d disinfect it on his own.


“And while the first took a bite from the head, this time it was a hoof from which it fed,” Zecora added. Twilight nodded. She’d have to remember that for her notes.

“It went a-chomping after my hooves too! But I was faster. It couldn’t get me!” Pinkie exclaimed.


Before Twilight could fully ponder this onset of new information, the group found Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was propped on a cushion, her head being wrapped in gauze by Nurse Redheart. Rarity was hovering over the procedure, practically breathing down the nurse’s neck. Starlight was a few tail-lengths back, taking notes with her horn alight. All eyes met the ponies and dragon that entered the room.


“How are you feeling?” Twilight asked the filly, who looked up and sniffled. Despite being bandaged, she didn’t look much better than before.

“She told me she can’t see well,” Rarity said, nuzzling her sister’s cheek. “She’s been very overwhelmed.” She leaned in to whisper to Twilight. “It’s making her act… odd.”

“In what way?” Twilight asked as Starlight strode to greet them. She lifted her notes to record, however-


“I brought cupcakes! ” Pinkie cheered, waving her balloons like a maniac. She went to give them to Sweetie Belle. She didn’t take them, and they flew up to the ceiling with a soft thump . A confused look struck Pinkie’s face, but it was wiped away by a mask-covered smile as quick as it arrived. She sat the box in front of Sweetie. “I thought I’d throw you a teeeeeny-tiny get well soon party! I brought balloons and cupcakes and-” She tossed out a bunch of confetti. “Confetti!”


Sweetie Belle’s eyes look glazed over, squinted towards Pinkie Pie. “Thanks Pinkie.” She muttered, her voice as low as ever. Pinkie raised a brow.

“I know what’ll cheer you up!” Pinkie Pie said with a smile. She opened the box, which held a dozen lavender-swirled cupcakes with colorful sprinkles on top.

The instant the box was opened, Sweetie Belle retched, her whole body tense as it careened forward. Her horn sparked slightly with pale green light, and she covered her mouth with a hoof to keep her stomach contents inside. Seeing this, Rarity steps in front of Sweetie.

“Pinkie Pie!” She snapped, before taking a deep breath as Pinkie cowers. “I know you mean well, but it is not the time! Sweetie Belle is sick and does not want your cupcakes!”

“Of course! My bad, my bad…” Pinkie Pie muttered, grabbing the box and smashing it shut. Her ears up against her head, she backed out of the room. “Hope you feel better soon Sweetie Belle!” She shut the door. Zecora followed soon after.


Rarity immediately flipped around, and knelt to Sweetie Belle’s level. With ginger touch, she pushed the filly’s bangs back out of her face. “Are you alright darling? Is your tummy upset dear?”

“Y-Yeah, but it’s okay,” She mumbled. “I just… couldn’t eat those. Even thinking about it…” She retched again, and Nurse Redheart was ready with a bucket this time. Rarity held her mane back as she emptied her stomach into it.


“Geez,” Spike muttered.

“Geez is right,” Twilight said. “Even just seeing cupcakes made her violently ill. Are you writing this down, Starlight?”



Rarity approached the group. “Let’s go chat elsewhere. Sweetie Belle is lying down for a nap.”


Upon entering the halls, Rarity leaned in towards her friends. “Sweetie Belle kept telling me about how good I smell. She’s never done that, at least not to this degree. She kept leaning in to sniff my horn.”

“Sniff your horn?” Starlight questioned, her pencil scribbling away. “That’s so strange.”

“I wonder what that means.” Twilight said. She suddenly grew wide-eyed and tense. “Oh! I forgot the apple root!” She pulled it from her saddlebag with her magic, the tile below glistening pink with it’s light.

“I’m just glad it’s here. She can have it when she’s awake.” Rarity said with a sigh. They all went just across the hall, into the library. The mares sat on cushions while Spike wandered towards the shelves.


They sat and chatted about the day’s events, Twilight mashing the root with a mortar and pestle as they did so. By the time Rarity had shared her stresses of the day, the root was now a fine paste.


The library doors swung open with wham, and there stood Zecora and Pinkie. Pinkie looked a bit deflated, a frown evident even with her mask on.

“We have all had many worries today, and I believe Pinkie Pie has something to say.” Zecora said. Pinkie stepped forward.

“I’m so sorry, Rarity. I got super carried away,” She said.

“Oh darling, I know you meant no harm. I’m sorry too. These nerves have really gotten to my head, but I still shouldn’t have shouted like that.”

“No, don’t be sorry! You’re just worried about your little sister!” Pinkie said. “Truth is, I’ve been feeling really scared and guilty since I took out that infected pony. I’ve been trying to be super-duper happy to make it go away.” Her eyes went low as she kicked at the ground.

“Aw, Pinkie. It’s okay to be afraid,” Twilight said with a smile.

“We all are right now,” Starlight added.

“We appreciate the joy you give us! But please, don’t feel any pressure. You cannot possibly be happy all the time.” Rarity said.

“See, it is as I told you before,” Zecora began as she strode to Pinkie. “Your friends are not upset with you, that is for sure.” She put a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder.

“Thank you Zecora,” Pinkie said. “Thank you everypony!”


“Uh, guys?” Spike called from across the room. He stood at the window, looking out at the sky. “Is it just me, or has the sun… not moved in a while?”

Everyone scrambled to Spike’s side, clambering to see out the window. Twilight gasped.

“You’re right, Spike,” She said, her voice wavering. “It still looks like morning. That can’t be right!”

“What does that mean, Twilight?!” Spike yelled, looking up at her.


She did not answer.


Thank you for reading Chapter Two! As always, theories, thoughts, and feedback are welcomed! :D


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to hear thoughts, theories, and feedback! Have a good day! <3