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Tyrannic Passion

Chapter 63: Wonder


TW: Rape elements

Peach sleeps in, and Margery battles with her feelings. Gortash takes advantage, and an unlikely situation ensues.


Enormous chapter, I know, haha. Also, I've made a spotify playlist I will be keeping up with containing all of the songs in the fic so far, if anyone is interested <3:

Chapter Text

“Right before I close my eyes
The only thing that's on my mind
Been dreamin' that you feel it too
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you…”

Margery lay in bed that night, after stopping in to help clean up the dining hall after the King and Queen’s wedding, only to see that the servants had finished most of it by then. Deciding to retreat to her room for the night, with a leftover bottle of wine, her cheeks were red with alcohol blush as she closed her eyes, thinking about the wedding and how well everything went. She couldn’t help but admire how beautiful her Queen looked, the dress she chose was incredible.

The beautiful floral mesh sleeves, the silk fabric of the long dress skirt, the way it pushed up her breasts… Opening her eyes, she furrowed her brows. Margery knew she shouldn’t be thinking in such a way about her Queen, it was distasteful, and if the King found out he would certainly have her head.

Sighing, she closed her eyes once more, and tried to bury the thoughts deep in her mind, snuggling up to her pillow. Less interesting thoughts of her daily morning tasks buzzed through her head, and she felt stress creeping back up on her as she thought about the fact she had to be up at the crack of dawn, as per usual with her job. The image of Peach’s beautiful smile flashed in her head, and how blissfully happy she looked that evening, one of the happiest days of her life, she imagined.

‘Stop it, Margery, she is your Queen. Have some respect.’ Her mind snapped.

Then she heard it, the just barely audible sound of a woman moaning through the wall.

At first she thought she was just hearing things, she was quite tired, after all. Then she heard it again, and her eyes flew open, her brows lowering in confusion as she sat up, listening closely. She heard a soft, repetitive thumping noise, and the words ‘Yes’ and ‘Fuck,’ and her hand flew up to her mouth in embarrassment. It was Peach’s voice next door. The thought of King Gortash naked, and in a sexual manner, made Margery’s stomach turn. However, the though of Peach naked in a sexual manner…

Her heartbeat speed up, and her face was as red as a tomato.

Frustrated, she lay back down onto the bed, turning over and pressing her pillows against her ears, trying to drown it out for her Queen’s privacy. However, the moaning only got louder, and the sweet sound of Peach’s voice in such bliss made her loins burn. She could’ve sworn she heard the word ‘Daddy,’ but assumed she’d just misheard it. That would be odd.

The soft thumping turned into pounding in the distance, the moans of her mistress only growing more frantic, and Margery’s hand moved down to rest on her thigh, her breathing escalating as she grew excited. ‘Stop it, you’re being repulsive.’ She thought. The slick feeling between her thighs only made her feel more disgusted with herself, but she knew she simply couldn’t help it. Her voice was driving her crazy, and she thought of her familiar scent of jasmine and vanilla, and how pretty her eyes were, how they matched her hair…

Before she knew it, she’d moved a hand beneath her dress, slipping beneath her panties as she tried to ignore the negative thoughts telling her to stop. ‘This is wrong…’ She thought, but her fingers found her clitoris, and she couldn’t stop herself. Peach’s moans of ecstasy occasionally melded into whines of helpless desire, and she imagined it was herself pleasing her Queen, how sweet she would taste…

“…Ah…” Margery panted, her free hand moving up to grasp one of her breasts and fondle her nipple, thinking of how beautiful her lady’s body was the night she requested a massage, how wet she herself was as she tended to Peach’s sore muscles… “…Mmn…”

As Margery continued listening, she thought of how beautiful her face must look right now, how her lips were likely parted and her brows turned up in ecstasy, and she began to pant faster, the circling of her fingers becoming more desperate and quick. Hearing Peach cry out in bliss was all she needed, and she turned her face into her pillow as she orgasmed hard, a small cry leaving her own lips as she bucked her hips against her fingers softly.

Feeling a wave of relief wash over her, the stress of the day melted off, as well as some of her sexual tension. Margery took a deep, shaky breath. ‘Only this once.’ She thought in her defense, and certainly wouldn’t entertain such a thought in the future.

At least, she would try.

. . . . . .


Enver sat up in the light of early dawn, getting ready to start his day, as he looked down and saw the sleeping form of his new wife in his arms. Leaning down, he placed a gentle kiss on Peach’s forehead, before gently slipping his arms out from underneath of her and getting out of bed. Following his normal morning routine, he brushed his teeth and got dressed in his usual robes of authority, the magical fabric resistant to any dirt or grime. After slipping on each piece of his gauntlet, he then quickly ran a comb through his hair, before fluffing it with his fingers, until it looked just right. Spraying on his expensive cologne and deodorant, he then stepped back into the bedroom, his dark eyes glancing over at his woman.

Peach lay in bed still, wearing nothing but the sheet that covered a scarce amount of her body, her thighs and breasts in full view. Gortash wondered how such an image of perfection happened to cross his path, and chalked it up to incredible luck. He’d met a lot of people in his life thus far, but very few of them chose to stay, and especially not for his sake. In contrast, solely for his promises of power or money, the easiest ways to manipulate those into doing his bidding. This woman, however, was incredibly different. She chose him, the power and money were simply perks she could take or leave, even if she had gotten pleasantly used to them.

Enver stepped over to the bed once more, leaning down and softly brushing her hair out of her face, before planting another kiss on her temple that was more tender than he would ever let anyone see. He made his way to the bedroom door, and stepped into the hall, closing and locking it behind him quietly.

Margery glanced up to see Gortash as she made her way down the hall, and she smiled politely, giving him a respectful bow. “Good morning, my lord.” She greeted, her voice keeping its usual soft demeanor as she spoke, although she was much more timid near him when Peach wasn’t around.

“Good morning, Margery.” He replied, a charming smile on his face as usual. "How was your rest?" He asked her, with such a sweet tone that it caught her a bit off guard - she was never sure if this version of him was a facade, or if he was being genuine in his kindness. "I hope Peach wasn’t too loud last night, and didn’t disturb your sleep." He said, his smile widening in a suggestive manner as he began to walk. He knew she had a crush on Peach, he could tell simply from the way she looked at her. Enver certainly didn’t blame her, his wife was a beautiful woman, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t make her squirm a little for it.

“Uh- N-No, your highness.” Margery replied, walking alongside him and trying to keep up with his pace. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment, unsure of how else to respond to such a question.

Gortash glanced at her as he chuckled softly. "You know, you can be honest with me, Margery." He said, his voice low and seductive as he smirked, looking forward again. "I know how much you admire my wife."

The hallway was empty as they walked, and Margery felt a bit insecure as she walked beside the King, especially when he stopped to face her. “O-Of course I admire the Queen, your majesty. I respect her greatly.” She smiled innocently. “A-And you, of course.” She added, although she didn’t mean that much at all. In fact, since the incident with Evelina, the King frightened her somewhat, always making her feel small and slightly threatened. She looked up at him politely though, maintaining her poker face.

However, he could sense Margery's fear, even as she tried to hide it. His smirk widened as he took another step closer to her, his tall figure towering over her. “Come, let’s have this discussion somewhere private, shall we?”

Margery’s heart skipped a beat. The last thing she wanted was to be alone in a room with the man, but she couldn’t exactly refuse. “Okay.” She spoke, though it came out as a hoarse whisper.

Gortash smirked, before ushering her through a door further down the hall, an old storage room with abandoned tables and chairs against the walls here and there, most covered with protective sheets to keep them clean. As she stepped inside, the room seemed to feel smaller, and she felt somewhat claustrophobic as he spoke again behind her, closing the door.

"You're a terrible liar, my dear." He said softly, his tone laced with a bit of amusement. "I know you look at her, your eyes always linger on her when you think no one's looking.”

Margery turned to face him slowly, watching as he clicked the lock on the door into place with a flick of his finger, swallowing nervously. “I… I ensure you, King Gortash, I’m uncertain what you’re implying. I am just doing my job.” She stuttered, feeling her hands clam up as her heart rate climbed slightly.

Enver took yet another step closer, and she took a reflexive step back, before her hands touched the wall behind her, and she realized she was cornered.

"Oh, but I know you better than that, darling." He purred, his voice lowering. He reached up to caress her cheek, his fingers grazing gently against her skin. "I know what you think about, when you're alone in the privacy of your own room at night.”

Feeling a rush of panic at his proximity, embarrassment flooded through her at his words. “I-I don’t know what you mean, my lord…” She stuttered, utterly caught off guard.

Gortash's smirk widened into a devilish grin as he watched her reactions. He leaned in closer, his hand still gently caressing her cheek. "You can try to lie to yourself all you want, my dear, but you can't hide your true feelings from me." He whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "I know you fantasize about her, about what it would be like to touch her... But you're too afraid to act on your desires, aren't you?"

“…I would never do such a thing, my lord. I would never disrespect you or the Queen in such a way.” She spoke, trying to keep her voice from quivering due to her nerves and grimacing as she felt him touch her face, though she tried to hide it as well.

"In fact, I can see it in your eyes every time you look at her…" Gortash went on, ignoring her as his hand trailed down from her cheek to her neck, tracing the side of her throat. His voice grew low and seductive as he leaned in closer, his lips grazing her earlobe. "I can give you what you want…"

Her entire face flushed red with anxiety, the feeling of his lips on her making her skin crawl. “M-My King…” She stammered, “That isn’t… you must be mistaken…”

Gortash chuckled darkly, his breath warm against her skin as she tried to lie. "Don’t play coy with me, darling. I know desire when I see it." He purred, his fingers moving further down her neck, and to her shoulder. "I know how much you want her, and I can give that to you." He said, his voice husky and seductive. "All I ask in exchange for your loyalty, is for you to serve me." He whispered, his lips barely brushing her ear.

Margery looked confused at this, “B-But… I do serve you, your highness…?”

Smirking at her innocence, his fingers traced lazy circles against her skin. "No, my sweet," He murmured, his voice low and intimate. "Not like this..." He slowly moved his hand down from her shoulder to her waist, his grip tightening slightly as he gently pulled her closer. "I want to see your devotion, your adoration. I want to see you completely, utterly at my mercy." He whispered, his eyes burning with desire.

Feeling uncertain as to what brought on his sudden desire for her, Margery felt her stomach lurch slightly, although the possibility of being able to be intimate with Peach… that was another thing entirely. However, the thought of having to serve the King in order to do so was completely disconcerting. Her breathing had sped up slightly now, to her confusion, and her body began to react as he squeezed her. This was the man that killed her friend, that killed Evelina. Peach may have held the blade, but Margery knew what truly conspired, it was plain to see that he had forced her hand.

Visibly uncomfortable, her soft eyes looked away and she began to tremble. “My King, please…”

Gortash grinned slightly, noticing the way her body trembled slightly under his touch. He could feel her heart racing under her skin, and it only served to drive him further. His wife had certainly kept his hunger sated for quite a while, but he couldn’t deny how he craved such a sweet thing as Margery since she came into his employ, how naïve and fragile she was… The fact he’d seen Peach stealing glanced occasionally made this the perfect opportunity, she practically held the door open for him.

“Please what, my dear?” He purred, his hand slowly trailing down her hip, and to her thigh, gently caressing her through the thin fabric of her work dress.

Margery wanted nothing more than to ask him to let her go, to release her from whatever this was, but for some odd reason, she didn’t. Rather, her body began to heat up against her will, her eyes slightly lidded. Even at the age of 19, she’d never had a partner before, always devoting her time to her work, and keeping her head down. King Gortash was much older, and a cruel person, certainly not her type… so why did she feel this way?

“M-My lady would be upset if she witnessed this…” She spoke nervously, her eyes looking anywhere but at his. Margery was afraid of him, that much was true, but she couldn’t blame herself after what she’d seen.

He chuckled softly, finding her submission quite endearing. “Would she now, my dear?” He whispered, his grip on her tightening slightly, “Well, then perhaps we had better finish this quickly.”

His voice was low and seductive as he leaned in closer, his eyes meeting hers for a brief moment before he pressed his lips to her neck.

Margery stifled out a sound of discomfort, but it only came out as a soft moan, making her squeeze her eyes shut in mortification. “P-Please… The Queen…” She whispered, her eyes beginning to well with tears.

Enver smirked against her skin, "My, my, you are a good little servant..." He whispered, his hand slowly and gently trailing up her dress. "And a good little servant does as her King asks..." He murmured, his breath warm and heavy against her neck as he continued to press soft kisses against the sensitive skin.

Feeling his hands trail up the skin of her upper thigh, grazing her panties, she shivered slightly. Her body seemed to want this, but her mind absolutely did not. “Please stop…” She whimpered, a tear rolling down her cheek. She prayed silently that someone, anyone, would knock on the door for something. “She’ll be so upset…”

Pulling back slightly, his eyes locked on hers as he smiled. “My dear, my wife has always taken an interest in you, even if she’s never said it out loud.” He mused, his voice low and seductive as his thumb gently brushed her cheek. “She’s quite fond of you, and I’ve heard her speak your name in her sleep more than once.” He whispered, his eyes burning with desire. “I can’t say I blame her, you are quite enchanting…”

“W-What…?” She asked, stunned. ‘Peach… likes me too?’ She thought in disbelief. “Surely there’s some kind of misunderstanding, perhaps she sees me as a sister, o-or even a daughter…?”

“Oh, you sweet, innocent child…” Gortash whispered, his hand gently tracing her jawline before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “She desires you in ways that are most unsisterly, I assure you.” He spoke, his eyes locking onto hers in an intense gaze.

Margery turned even redder, the realization making her excitement rise considerably, even if he was dangerous to her health. Her eyes looked up to meet his apprehensively, her heart rate speeding a mile a minute.

Gortash noticed the way her eyes met with his, and chuckled softly. He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her face as he looked down at her. “Do you like that, my dear?” He asked, his voice even more seductive and low, as he gently cupped her chin.

She felt as if she were frozen, unable to think clearly as her mind swarmed with images of Peach and her together, their bodies entwined and their mouths pressed together hungrily. She simply nodded once slowly, feeling as if she were in a daze of lust as she looked back at him.

His smirk widened into a devilish grin, his thumb gently tracing her lower lip. “You’re as innocent as a lamb… yet I feel fire within you, burning hotly under your skin…” Enver whispered huskily. Leaning in closer, his lips brushed against hers for the briefest of moments, teasing her with the possibility of more. “All you have to do is say the word…”

Margery shuddered, her breath warm against his lips as she considered his offer, before she whispered, “O-Okay…”

Gortash’s eyes lit up in desire as she spoke, his heart swelling with dark affection. Without hesitation, he leaned in and softly captured her lips with his, kissing her gently at first and then with more fervor. His hand moved down from her chin to her waist, pulling her in closer as he deepened the kiss, unable to hold himself back any longer.

A tiny whine left her throat, and she was unsure what to feel at this point. On one hand, the thought of Enver made her uncomfortable, on the other, a blazing inferno of lust was burning in her loins with need. She was afraid, however, as she’d never had intercourse before, but to have a chance at being with Peach was a thought that overwhelmed them all.

She felt herself begin kissing him back, although she was completely inexperienced, and could hardly keep up with him. Her breathing increased nervously, his hunger beginning to overwhelm her. Noticing, he chuckled softly, finding her inexperience endearing, and slowed the kiss, gently guiding her as he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, coaxing her to open her mouth. As she finally yielded, he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth as he held her close.

Margery’s hands instinctively came up from her sides, from being clenched fists to relaxing slightly, and she hesitantly rested them on his chest. The anxiety she felt was as if she were touching a wild animal that could snap at any moment, and her fingers trembled slightly. Her tongue was trying to figure out what to do with his, as her thighs became slick, and she felt herself slowly relenting further.

Enver’s breathing grew heavier as he continued to kiss her deeply, enjoying the way her tongue clumsily explored his. He ran his hand up her thigh, gently lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist as he moaned softly against her mouth.

Margery let out a soft gasp, and hearing him did something odd to her body, sending a jolt of pleasure through her groin. She whimpered softly, feeling confused and utterly needful.

Breaking the kiss, Gortash leaned in close to her ear, his breath warm against her skin. “Your innocence is quite endearing.” He whispered, before nipping at her earlobe, and trailing soft, teasing kisses down her neck.

She panted heavily, his kisses on her neck feeling… oddly pleasant, and her eyes fluttered closed as she whispered, “I’ve… I’ve never…”

“Shhh…” Gortash murmured softly as he felt her struggling to speak, “You don’t need to say a thing, darling.” He whispered, the sound of her panting only serving to drive his lust even wilder. Without warning, he gently bit down on the sensitive skin of her neck, his teeth grazing against her as he held her close.

Letting out another small, surprised gasp, her thigh around his waist reflexively gripped him tighter, a ripple of pleasure coursing through him as she did. She felt something hard pressing against her through his robes, a wave of heat running through her as she realized what it was.

With a low rumble in his chest, he began to occasionally rock his hips slightly, grinding against her as his breathing became heavier and more strained, continuing to leave hickeys down the side of her neck.

Margery unexpectedly found herself wanting more and more, and Enver couldn’t help but smirk as he continued to kiss and bite at her neck, hearing her quiet moans beginning to slightly increase in frequency. Suddenly, he lifted her up effortlessly into his arms, his lips moving back to her ear. “You’re so delicate…” He purred, his breathing heavy. “So innocent… and yet you crave my touch so willingly.” He whispered, holding her against wall with his body.

Margery felt as if she were under some kind of spell, her body reacting to him so strongly. What was previously extreme discomfort turned into overwhelming need as she stared at him with lidded blue-green eyes, unsure of what to say. His own burned with desire and a hint of something darker, more animalistic, as his hands began roaming over her body hungrily.

“You’re so responsive to me…” He murmured, his breath coming out hot against her skin as he pressed against her. “You’ve never been touched this way before, have you?” He asked.

Margery shook her head, feeling a twinge of an embarrassment, the ends of her dark blonde curls tickling her shoulders as she looked up at him innocently. She had absolutely no experience, this felt so foreign to her, but so… neglected, at the same time. Overdue.

Gortash gently threaded his fingers through her hair, bringing her face closer to his. “I thought as much…” He whispered, slowly tracing his index finger along her jawline. “You have no idea what I’d like to do with you, darling…” He purred, his lips mere inches away from hers.

She flushed pink again, “L-Like what…?” Margery whispered, though part of her was afraid to know.

He chuckled lowly, feeling her body heat up even more under his touch. As he leaned in closer, his lips brushed lightly against hers as he spoke. “I’d like to make a mess out of you…” He murmured, his voice dripping with desire. “To completely and utterly wreck your innocence…”

Margery swallowed nervously, a shiver running down her spine at his words. Her eyes flicked down to his lips, a feeling of dark curiosity blooming in her chest. “But… not to… hurt me?” She asked.

“Oh my dear, I’d never dream of hurting you…” He lied softly against her lips, his voice a seductive whisper, “Not unless you asked me to.” He added teasingly, placing a gentle kiss on her bottom lip, before continuing. “No, my precious little flower... I’d simply do anything to make you moan for me… to make your body tremble and ache in need…”

She could barely sit still at his words, them causing a surge of fire in her belly. She needed it, it made her sick to admit, but she needed him, now. Her lips meeting his eagerly, begging him for more.

Gortash responded eagerly to her kiss, devouring her hungrily as he grabbed her face with a hand, his tongue slipping into her mouth and exploring her sweet taste further. His teeth gently bit down on her bottom lip, pulling on it softly before returning to the kiss, and she moaned softly. He grinned into the kiss, his hand on her thigh beginning to trail up her leg and under her dress. His fingertips were light and teasing as they danced across her inner thigh, inching upwards slowly but purposefully, wanting to hear her react.

Her eyes held so many questions, all of which she had no way of putting into words, as she felt his fingers grazing her wet panties and she shuddered slightly in excitement. Gortash couldn’t help but chuckle darkly as he felt her, his fingers gently tracing her over her panties as he felt the dampness through the thin material.

“Mm… already so wet…” He whispered, his voice tinged with sultry amusement. His fingers slid the front of her panties to the side, teasing lightly against her entrance. “And so needy…” He purred, the hint of a smirk on his lips as he looked at her.

Margery whimpered softly as she felt her vulnerability spike, feeling him touching the most private spot on her body, putting her trust in a man that had done terrible things to people she cared about. However, her breathing escalated sharply, and she was softly panting again, her eyes begging him to go further.

Gortash slowly slipped a finger inside of her gently, feeling how she tightened around him as his thumb pressed against her clit. He whispered a praise against her skin, “Such a good girl…” He murmured.

Margery’s eyes lit up softly with pleasure, a small gasp leaving her lips as her walls sparked with tiny bolts of bliss. “Oh…” She breathed, looking up at him with a mix of uncertainty and desire.

His gaze darkened even more as she responded, feeling her gasp softly as bliss coursed through her. “That’s it, darling…” He purred, his thumb rubbing slow circles around her clit as his fingers crooked, teasing her sweet spot.

“Mmn…” She moaned, her brows turning upward and her mouth agape slightly, as the tiny sparks grew into bolts with every move of his fingers, and she felt herself press against his hand firmer in need.

Gortash grinned, his finger moving inside her and his thumb pressing slightly firmer. “Does that feel good, darling?” He whispered, his breath hot against her face. “I’m going to make you feel even better, would you like that…?”

“Yes…” Margery panted through the pleasure, “…Please…”

Smirking at her response, he felt her breath against his face with each needy pant, and pressed his lips to hers, tangling his tongue with hers once more. “Good girl…” He whispered between kisses, his fingers moving faster and harder, wanting to hear her react.

As she moaned against his lips, he sent wave after wave of euphoria through her loins, and she felt her clit becoming incredibly sensitive and firm. He groaned lowly into the kiss, feeling her pleasure growing the longer he worked her. Swallowing her moans hungrily, he enjoyed the sweet sounds that escaped her as his tongue continued to dance with hers, and he increased the speed and pressure of his fingers, wanting to see her fall apart in his arms.

And just like that, she did.

Letting out a soft cry against his mouth, her clitoris was enveloped in an explosion of ecstasy, her eyes squeezing shut tightly as her body shook against him and she orgasmed. Gortash felt her body shudder against his as she came clitorally, and he moaned in approval. He continued to move his thumb for a few more moments to guide her through her orgasm, the feeling of her in his arms, coming undone against him, overwhelming him.

As she whimpered, her tongue danced with his hungrily now as her lust skyrocketed, and her clitoris felt incredibly sensitive. In only a minute or so, she came again hard, letting out another shrill cry against his lips as she quivered.

Enver groaned as he felt her body respond again so quickly, and he continued kissing her passionately, his fingers moving greedily for more as he felt her coming apart once again. She was so sensitive, so responsive, completely falling apart against him, and he loved it.

Margery broke the kiss for air, gasping and breathing heavily as he brought her closer and closer yet again, his finger thrusting faster now as she began moaning louder, but attempting to be quiet so nobody else would hear.

His eyes were ablaze with need and desire as he listened to her loud gasping. “Let me hear you…” He whispered against her lips between gasps, wanting to hear her moans grow louder. “Don’t hold back…”

Her eyes met his with worry, “But… W-What if the Queen hears us…?”

Gortash’s face twisted into a cruel grin, the thought only serving to excite him even more. “Let her hear.” He said darkly, his voice low and seductive. “It’ll make all of this even sweeter, knowing that she knows I’ve made you mine.” He moved his hand up and slid it around her throat, gripping it firmly but not hard enough that it hurt.

A bolt of panic shot through her core as she felt his fingers around her throat, fear flashing in her eyes as her hands moved up instinctively to rest on his arm in nervousness. ‘What is he doing…? I’m behaving!’ She thought with worry and confusion.

He chuckled darkly, noticing the panic on her face and the way she gripped his arm, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. “Are you afraid?” He asked, his thumb resting on her pulse, feeling it quicken. He didn’t loosen his grip, but instead he tightened it ever so slightly, his fingers squeezing against her neck lightly. He watched her every move closely, drinking in her fear, excitement, need, and desire.

“Y-Yes… Please my King, don’t hurt me…” She whimpered, her eyes beginning to tear up as she believed he was about to start strangling her.

Gortash grinned sinisterly as she admitted her fear to him, drinking it all in as he felt her pulse throbbing under his fingers. “Such a good girl, submitting so willingly to me, even while you’re so scared...” He murmured, his voice low and seductive. “Do you know why I’m doing this, darling?” He asked, watching as tears began to spill from her wide, beautiful eyes.

“No… What have I done wrong to displease you…?” She began, “Please, I’m sorry, my King.” She whispered as tears fell down her face.

A cruel chuckle left his lips as he listened to her desperate apology, “You’ve done nothing wrong. In fact, my dear… this is just another form of submission.” He explained as he tightened his grip a bit more, just enough that it was a little difficult for her to breathe, feeling her pulse jump under his hand as fear coursed through her and his thumb gently stroked her skin.

Margery stared back at him in confusion, unsure as to what he meant. She was incredibly unfamiliar with what people did during sex, and this was all unfamiliar territory. “You’re not going to hurt m-me…?” She blubbered anxiously.

His smirk widened, his grin turning more sinister as he saw the confusion and uncertainty on her face. “Oh, my dear…,” He said tauntingly, not letting go of her neck, “Of course not. Unless you make me.” He added the last part with a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with dark desire as he watched her. “Have you never heard the word “submission?” He asked, his voice low and seductive. “It’s very simple… It simply means giving me control. Control of your body, control of your pleasure…”

“Oh… okay…” Margery squeaked softly, calming down slightly. This was simply what he enjoyed, it seemed. He wasn’t really going to hurt her, although part of her kept her guard raised just in case.

Enver smiled at her response, his grip on her neck slowly lightening to a less intense pressure, but still present. “You’re doing so well, dear,” He whispered, his thumb continuing to gently stroke her flushed, sensitive skin. “Let me show you how good it can feel to let go…” His voice, low and seductive, was like a sweet melody to her ears, a melody that beckoned, and led her into a world of sin.

She nodded slightly, looking back at him with a mix of curiosity, desire, and need.

Gortash’s eyes darkened again, and he moved his fingers faster, pressing firmly against her sweet spot, his thumb circling her clit just as his grip on her throat tightened again, preventing the proper flow of air for just a moment, “Now, tell me… do you trust me?”

“Ohh…” Margery moaned softly, before his question threw her off guard. What was she to say? She couldn’t tell the truth, could she? “I… Of course, my King…” She nodded hesitantly, looking away as she lied.

Enver smiled devilishly as he saw her hesitation, “Oh, you’re far too sweet, darling…” He said tauntingly, before he tightened his grip around her throat, almost completely cutting off her air flow, his fingers working her faster than before. “Tell me… do you really trust me? Because it seems now… that you’re lying, and we can’t have that, now… can we?” He growled softly, watching her reaction.

Her face contorted into one of pleasure and slight fear as she met his eyes once more. “I… I can’t… breathe…” She whimpered.

Gortash’s eyes gleamed with dark desire as she spoke to him breathlessly, the control and dominance he had over her evident. “You’ll breathe when I let you, sweetheart.” He said with a small chuckle, his fingers continuing to work her at a harder pace. “Why don’t you tell me… just how much you trust me… hmm?” He purred.

“Ohh… Mmgh…” Margery choked out, her face becoming red as she felt the headrush from his grip. She was scared, but the pleasure felt so good. “I… I don’t… know…” Was all she could get out.

Chuckling lowly, his grip on her throat loosened slightly as he saw her face grow red. He watched her closely, wanting to see what she would do, what she would say. “You don’t know…?” He echoed with a questioning tone, his fingers working harder, faster. “Let me help you figure it out…” He whispered. His grip on her throat suddenly tightened again, completely restricting her ability to take in air.

Panic spread in Margery’s eyes, bolting through her body as her adrenaline surged, her hands gripping at his hand as she stared back at him with startled confusion.

Gortash simply drank it in as he looked at the confusion in her eyes. “Let yourself go, darling…” He whispered lowly, continuing to work his fingers inside her, ignoring her hands reaching up to grasp at his. “Just a little more… that’s it…”

In a split second, Margery’s eyes fluttered back as she came hard against him, her walls clenching as her body betrayed her mind in one fell swoop.

A low groan left his lips as he felt her walls convulse around his fingers and he whispered, “That’s it… come for me…” His finger moved slowly inside her, letting her ride out her orgasm. “Isn’t that so much better…?” He purred, loosening his grip on her throat.

Margery shrieked for air, a sob of panic leaving her lips as she began to cry again, overwhelmed by the conflicting emotions of fear, pleasure, and lust. She continued gasping for a moment before she spoke, “Y-You said… you wouldn’t… hurt me…” She breathed shakily.

Grinning widely, his eyes gleamed with amusement. He loved how she was so conflicted, struggling between the feelings that he was giving her. “I didn’t lie, darling. That was just a little demonstration…” He purred, leaning closer to her to stroke her cheek with his free hand. “Did it hurt?” He asked, knowing exactly how she’d respond to that.

She thought for a moment, and technically it didn’t hurt her…

“It… It scared me…” She whispered honestly.

He couldn’t help but chuckle, the sound dark and lustful as he drank in her fear. “You’re so adorable when you’re scared,” He whispered, a smirk staying on his flushed lips. His thumb moved in circles around her clit, wanting to feel her shudder against him again. “So… tell me your answer. Do you trust me?” He asked again, wanting to see if her response was different.

“Mmm…” She breathed, closing her eyes briefly as pleasure began throbbing through her clit once more. “No…” She spoke without thinking, before her eyes shot open in realization, and she stared at him once more in terror.

“Oh?” He prompted, still working her body with his fingers, “And why is that?”

“You… you frighten me…” Margery panted, “I’m afraid… you’ll hurt me…” She whimpered through her pleasure.

“Is that so?” Gortash whispered, a cruel chuckle leaving his lips as he heard her admittance of fear. “Then why are you letting me make you feel so good, hmm?” His thumb increased the pressure just a little, rubbing harder in small circles. “If you really want me to stop…” His fingers came to a halt, pulling back from her.

“N-No…!” Margery whimpered needily. “Please.”

“Please, what? You have to say it. Tell me what you want.” He teased, his finger remaining still inside her, feeling her tremble against him.

“Please… don’t stop… I want you to keep going… I want more…” She whimpered.

Gortash grinned, a low groan leaving his lips at her words. “That’s a good girl…” He praised her softly, his fingers resuming their work, moving faster, harder. He wanted to hear more moans from her, to make her come again.

“Ohh… I want more…” She moaned.

“More, hmm?” He smirked, “Do you want me to make you feel good, darling? Make you feel so good you see stars?”

“Yes… I want more than just your fingers…” Margery whispered, her face turning beet red.

Gortash’s smile widened at her words, “Oh?” He asked teasingly, his fingers slowing down as he pretended to consider her request.

“M-Mhm…” Margery breathed.

His fingers came to a halt, “Why don’t you show me how much you want it, then?” He whispered, gently pulling his fingers away from her.

She looked at him, confused, "Wh-What do you want me to do...?" She whispered nervously, feeling unsure as to how she should proceed.

Smirking, Enver’s eyes gleamed with desire at her response. “Take my belt off and kneel for me.” He demanded softly, setting her back down on her feet.

Margery blushed, and reached down slowly, fumbling with his belt before managing to unbuckle it, and it fell to the floor with a clank as it hit the wood floor. Gortash reached down to remove his robes, his eyes watching her closely, taking in the way she flushed with desire and uncertainty.

She kneeled down gently, looking up at him as he slipped his robes off, her eyes then travelling down his body. Seeing his muscular arms, his abdominal muscles, it made her feel oddly hot, and she was unsure why. She despised him for what he’d done, the slightest touch from him before making her shudder, and now it was all she wanted… all she craved, as she looked up at his body.

“Do you like what you see, darling?” Gortash teased lightly, his voice low and seductive. “Go on, feel me, run your fingers along my skin…”

Swallowing nervously, she sat up further on her knees, her hands softly resting on his abdomen, and her breathing escalated as she felt how firm it was, how hot his skin felt against her dainty hands, how masculine…

Her eyes flicked up at him once more warily.

Enver smiled and took her hands in his, moving them along his sides, her soft, gentle fingers touching his body. Margery gasped softly, her insides aching with need, and he moved her hands further down until they reached the laces of his trousers.

“Go on,” He encouraged her quietly, his trousers shifting with each word, "Take them off for me.”

Her heartbeat was fluttering like a hummingbirds wings at his words, as she whispered, “O-Okay…” She swallowed again as her throat ran dry from nervousness. Gently pulling at the laces, she untied his pants, sliding them down with gentle tugs as her cheeks burned.

Gortash’s breathing was slow and steady as she worked on his trousers, the muscles in his abdomen shifting slightly as she untied the laces. “That’s it…” He reassured her, giving her a smirk as his pants moved down and pooled at his ankles, his excitement fully visible through his boxers.

Her eyes glanced over it, before looking away, and then they met his once more.

He smiled, his eyes watching her closely. “Shy now, are we?” He asked teasingly, seeing as she’d looked away in embarrassment. “Is this your first time seeing a naked man? How adorable…” He purred.

Margery nodded, her anxiety and lust mixing into a cocktail that made her feel dizzy.

This only made Enver’s smile widen, “How precious…” He teased in a low whisper, his hand lifting to gently run along her cheek. “How about you explore me a little? Touch me, feel me…” He encouraged, his eyes gleaming as he watched her.

“Yes, my King…” She whispered softly.

Margery had never seen, let alone felt, a man’s privates before. She wasn’t sure what to expect, and it made her quite nervous. What if she touched him the wrong way and he didn’t like it? What if she hurt him somehow?

Trying to ignore the probing thoughts in her mind, she slowly reached a hand up and placed it on the firm outline on his boxers.

It felt warm, and solid, but also somehow soft at the same time.

She moved her hand along his length, until she reached the tip, and it felt somewhat firmer there.

Gortash let out a low groan as she tentatively touched him through the cotton fabric of his boxers, his eyes closing as her hands moved about. It was quite adorable seeing her uncertainty, knowing she probably had no idea what she was doing. Her touch was light, as if she were afraid she’d break him if she pressed too hard.

Lowering her hands, she moved to the bottom, where she felt a soft pillowy lump.

She glanced up at him once more, to make sure he wasn’t displeased.

He opened his eyes again when he felt her fingers move lower, looking her in the eyes, seeing the way she searched his face for approval.

“You’re doing so well, my dear…” He reassured her, moving a hand down to cup her cheek. “Do you want to take them off? Feel me without them getting in the way?” He asked teasingly, his voice low and seductive. “Go on, I know you want to…”

“Okay…” She whispered, a bolt of pleasure quivering through her core as he reassured her. She took a quiet, deep breath, steadying herself before she reached up and slowly pulled down his boxers.

Gortash’s breath hitched slightly when she pulled down his boxers, his excitement now completely exposed and hard in front of her face. He watched her closely, taking in her expression as she looked at him, his own eyes gleaming with desire. “Go on, darling… touch me,” He murmured, his fingers gently rubbing her cheek.

Margery glanced at his throbbing erection, her eyes wandering over his length as she reached out and felt his shaft. It was so smooth, but firm, and there were veins here and there that she could feel softly under her fingertips. It was throbbing, and felt hot, and her fingers moved upward until they reached the top again. It was rounded and smooth, with something glistening on it that she assumed was sweat, or something. She glanced up at him again shyly.

“Mmmm…” He groaned, enjoying the feel of her soft fingers on him. He looked down at her, “You’re doing so good, darling… don’t stop…” He whispered softly.

Margery flushed, before focusing on his length once more, and she felt the tip. It reminded her of a very odd mushroom cap. It was slippery, but smooth under her fingertips, and there was an indented line that ran from the middle to the underside of it, and she felt it slowly and curiously.

Gortash’s breathing shook slightly as she touched the tip of his length, his back arching slightly in response. He groaned quietly at the feeling of her fingers gently stroking him, his breathing becoming slightly heavier. “That’s it…” He moaned. His fingers continued to gently soothe her cheek, before moving gently along her jaw.

Her breaths came slightly faster as she felt her body grow incredibly excited at just the sight, let alone the feel of his body, and she traced her fingers back down his shaft, over some of his veins before reaching the soft spot she found before. It was like a bag of something, and as she felt it, it was rather odd feeling, but not in an unpleasant way. She moved her fingers around on it, almost as if she were massaging it, and it had a strange texture, but was very soft.

The feeling as she traced her fingers all the way down to his balls had him breathing heavier, his head tilting back slightly in response. He groaned in pleasure, his back arcing and his muscles clenching as she massaged them gently, his eyes closing. “You’re quite good at this, dear…” He groaned softly, his voice somewhat shaky with excitement.

Margery felt a little more confident from his remark, and she moved to wrap her fingers around his shaft, holding his member in her hand as she explored it.

“You know… you can do a lot more than just feel me…” he whispered, his lips curving into a grin.

She looked up at him, confused, “What do you mean?”

Gortash chuckled softly, his fingers gently threading through Margery’s hair, caressing the strands gently. “Put your mouth on me…” He commanded softly, his voice low and seductive.

“M-My mouth…?” She questioned softly, her head tilting slightly. Glancing back at his length, she leaned in and placed a tiny kiss on it, before looking up at him. “Like this?”

“Yes… just like that…” He groaned quietly as he looked down at her, the kiss sending a small shiver down his spine. “Mmm… just try using more than that, darling…” He murmured, watching closely with his eyes, waiting to see what she’d do next.

‘…More than that?’ She thought, when she realized, ‘He wants me to… lick it…?’ She wondered. That seemed rather unsanitary, but she would at least try it.

She leaned in, giving his shaft a small, uncertain lick.

He gave a quiet groan as he felt her warm, wet tongue run along his length, his eyes closing momentarily. “That’s it…” He moaned softly, his voice trembling slightly with pleasure. He brought his hand to her head, not to force her, but simply to card through her hair softly.

His sounds only further encouraged her lust, and she licked him again, longer this time. It didn’t really taste like much of anything, it just felt interesting on her tongue. She licked it up and down slowly, before moving to his tip, and looked at the shiny wet surface warily.

“…What is that?” She asked warily.

Gortash smirked, “That’s precum…” He responded quietly, his breathing heavy as he looked down at her once more. “It means you’re doing well…”

She raised an eyebrow, “Oh…” She whispered, feeling a swell of confidence once more. ‘This isn’t so bad…’ She thought.

Margery gave his tip a small lick, and immediately winced at the bitter taste. ‘Gods, that’s awful…!’ She thought in disgust, regretting her actions.

He chuckled, “Don’t worry, dear… I know it’s bitter, but you’ll get used to it. Just keep going, I know you can do it…” He reassured her, looking down at her with a gentle smile.

Her brows furrowed slightly as she stared at it, before she took a deep breath, and she tried again. ‘If I could just get it all off…’ She thought to herself, and ran her tongue over it once more, trying not to let it make her gag. ‘Yuck…!’

Gortash moaned softly as he felt her tongue on him again, but he noticed her slight discomfort. “You don’t have to-” He began, though she cut him off by sucking on him slightly, and he groaned softly at the action. “Oh…” He managed to say, a shiver running down his spine, “Mmm… keep doing that…”

She swallowed with a wince, before she nodded, and went back to doing what she did before. She lightly licked it, the precum mostly gone now to her relief, before sucking softly.

Enver’s hand tightened slightly in her hair, though not enough to fully grasp it. A bead of sweat began to roll down his forehead as he tilted his head back, a breathy moan escaping his lips, “Y-Yes… just like that…”

The sound of his pleasure made her lust increase tenfold, and she held his shaft with one hand, pushing his tip into her mouth a bit more as she sucked with slightly more intensity. She wasn’t sure how hard to go, as she didn’t want it to hurt him.

As he moaned with even more intensity, his back arched slightly, her name falling from his lips in a breathy huff. “Mmm… Margery…” He groaned, “Just like… that… ah, yes…” His hand gently tightened in her hair again, his head falling back as he moaned her name between heavy breaths.

She was panting now, she could breathe just fine, but his voice was starting to drive her nuts. She felt the urge to push him in deeper, so she did. Then she gagged.

Margery choked, pulling him out. “…S-Sorry…!”

“Ah… it’s alright, darling…” Gortash reassured her, looking down at her with a smirk. “You wanted to push me in, huh?” He said in a low voice, his hand gently soothing her hair once more. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it…”

She looked up at him cautiously, but she nodded, swallowing uncomfortably for a moment. This time she pushed him back in slowly, making sure she didn’t go all the way back, and her hand on his shaft started feeling him again. The skin had an odd elasticity, and moved easily beneath her touch as she rubbed it, and she wrapped her fingers around it to try to move the skin all at once as she worked his tip with her lips.

“Mmmm…” He moaned, his voice low and breathy, “That’s it… don’t stop…” His head lulled back slightly, his breathing growing heavier as he groaned her name once more.

‘Oh, he likes that…?’ She thought, continuing to move her hand back and forth and pulling the skin gently as she went. Margery sucked a little harder, trying to gauge what was too much or not enough as she looked up at him.

Her sucking grew more and more intense, and Gortash groaned, his breaths growing heavier as he let out a breathy moan. “Ah… darling…” He groaned out, “You’ll make me finish… if you keep… mmmmm… keep this up…” He groaned again as he spoke, his eyes locking with hers for a moment before he looked away.

Margery played with his tip with her tongue as she sucked, swirling it around as she moved her hand faster, again watching for any negative reaction to be certain.

That seemed to make him shiver slightly, another groan falling from his lips. His grip tightened in her hair as his muscles clenched slightly. “Gods… if you don’t stop…” His breath hitched in his throat, “I’m going to… Unnggghh…!”

Gortash groaned loudly as he came, his hips lifting slightly as he groaned out her name, breathing heavily for a moment as hot, gooey fluid burst into Margery’s mouth, assaulting her tongue with the most bitter, disgusting taste she’d ever experienced in her life.

She pulled away, spitting on the floor out of reflex as she gagged, trying not to vomit.

Enver tried not to laugh at her reaction, his shoulders shaking lightly as he stifled a small chuckle. “I… did warn you…” He said softly, though it was difficult to do so with his breath so ragged.

“T-That was…” She stuttered, a look of utter disgust on her face, “That tasted terrible…”

He stifled another laugh, and nodded lightly. “I know it is… but as I said, you’ll get used to it.” He leaned down slightly, gently stroking her cheek with a smirk, “Now… now that you’re finished with that, perhaps I could return the favor, dear?”

Margery’s face lit up red, “Oh… Okay.” She spoke softly, slowly getting to her feet.

He smirked at her reaction, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “Get up on the table, dear.” He instructed, gesturing to a table the right of them, his eyes watching her closely as he spoke.

She looked confused, but she smoothed out her dress and sat on the edge of the table timidly.

Gortash watched her with hungry eyes, his smirk widening. “Lay down, dear…” He whispered lustfully, “I want you comfortable…”

Margery nodded slowly, and took a deep breath as she slowly leaned back, laying down on the table on her back as he asked, her calves dangling awkwardly.

Gently moving her so that she was laying in the center of the table, he lifted her legs onto it as well, his smirk widening as he watched her. Once she was settled, he moved closer, his hands gently moving up her legs to her hips, gently rubbing them. “You’re rather tense, dear…” He purred, looking into her eyes as he spoke.

She flushed pink again, “It’s… it’s just… new…” She spoke in slight embarrassment.

He nodded lightly, his smirk softening as a small smile formed. “I know… I can help relieve the tension…” He whispered, his eyes gleaming with desire as his hands gently pulled her dress up, running his fingers slowly along her bare thighs.

Her heart rate spiked slightly, not just from nerves, but sudden excitement, and she was soaked.

Gortash’s smirk widened ever so slightly as the scent of her hit him, his eyes gleaming as he watched her. “Now, darling…” He purred in a lustful whisper, “Let’s take this off… shall we?” He gently took the skirt of her dress in his fingers, though he didn’t do anything other than holding it for the moment, looking into her eyes for confirmation.

Margery nodded apprehensively, her body feeling like it was on fire with lust, and she would certainly feel much better with it off. She watched as he slowly pulled the dress up over her waist, running his fingers along her stomach for a moment, before taking the dress and removing it entirely, looking at her as his fingers moved along her skin. “How stunning you are, darling…” he murmured softly. He ran his palms over her abdomen, admiring the smooth skin, and his fingers ran up towards her chest. She was wearing a blue silk bra and panties, but she felt entirely naked now, and slightly vulnerable as she looked up at him with pink cheeks and innocent eyes, unsure what to do with herself.

He chuckled lightly at her expression, smiling down at her. “You don’t need to be shy, darling…” He assured her, running a hand along her side, “Just let me take care of you…” He purred, moving his index and middle fingers along her sides, up to her chest and to her shoulders, gently hooking her bra straps.

“Y-Yes, my lord…” She whispered, trying to make herself relax as she let him touch her.

Gortash’s smile widened slightly at her words, gently slipping the straps of her bra over her shoulders, his touch feather-light as he gently slid it off, leaving her top half completely bare. “No need to be so formal, my dear…” He purred as he spoke, gently running his fingers over her chest.

“I… I am your employee, your hired servant for the Queen, my King. I… I don’t wish to disrespect your… title…” She started politely, before her breathing became heavier, and she felt breathless as he touched her breasts.

He chuckled, leaning down and nipping lightly at her neck. “You don’t need to say such formalities here, sweet girl…” He purred against her skin, his palm moving gently against her breast. “All you need to worry about right now is feeling good...”

Margery moaned under her breath, “W-What shall I call you, then…?”

Gortash grinned, his voice lowering to a low purr as he nipped at her neck again, his teeth grazing her skin lightly. “I want you to say my name, darling. No titles, no formalities, just my name…” He murmured against her skin.

She felt uncertain, wondering if this was some test to gauge her loyalty, but it seemed at least somewhat genuine. Although it would feel quite odd, she’s only ever known him by title, but she supposed she could try. “Okay… Enver…” She breathed.

His grin widened, and he nipped at her neck again with an amused chuckle. “There we go, darling, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He murmured against her skin, his hand gently massaging her breast again before he pinched her nipple gently, rolling it between his fingers.

“Ohh… that feels good…” She moaned softly, a look of pleasure spreading across her features as she watched him.

“Good…” He purred lowly, his voice growing deeper as he watched her react to his touch. “Now… are you ready for more…?” His eyes grew hungrier, and his other hand moved down her side, sliding underneath her lace panties.

“Y-Yes…” Margery breathed, her eyes looking up at him needily.

Gortash smirked hungrily, his breath catching in his throat as he met her gaze, and he gently pulled her panties off. Pushing her legs apart slowly, he moved down between them as he let out a low hum of approval. “Good girl…” He whispered lowly, his breath lightly ghosting across her skin, tickling her just slightly.

‘Is… Is he going to…?’ She thought, confused, ‘That can’t taste good…’ Margery grimaced internally, but then again, his fluids didn’t taste good either, but she still enjoyed pleasing him, to her surprise.

He could practically hear her thought process, reading her like a book as a smile formed on his face. “Ah, so that’s what you’re wondering about, darling?” He purred in amusement, running his fingers up her inner thigh, “If I plan on eating you as I made you do to me just moments ago?”

“I…” She started awkwardly, “Um, won’t it taste… bad?” Margery asked, feeling embarrassed for asking, but she was genuinely curious.

“Don’t worry, dear…” Enver purred, gently rubbing his fingers against her, “You’ll taste much sweeter than I do.” He murmured, gently pressing his fingers against her, and he pressed a kiss to one of her thighs, trailing it upwards.

Margery began to pant slowly as he neared her sex with his mouth, feeling herself growing even more aroused as she thought of the pleasure it might bring. She relaxed her body, taking a deep breath as she let him take over.

Gortash gently kissed her center, and the tip of his tongue ran up along her entrance, tasting her sweetness as he heard her breath hitch softly at the sensation.

Feeling him spread her folds gently, she moaned softly as he continued to taste her, before he placed a slow kiss on her clit, making her gasp softly. Margery slowly sat up on her elbows curiously, staring down and watching him as he began, the sight alone making her mind go wild.

He licked her gently, and his eyes locked onto hers as she sat up to look at him. “You taste delicious…” He murmured, his eyes gleaming with desire, and he flicked his tongue against her clit lightly, making her leg shake slightly.

“Ah…” She breathed, the sensitivity of her leg suddenly flinching surprising her, it was much different than how his fingers felt, it felt better. “Mmn…” She moaned softly.

Enver grinned as he watched her response, his fingers gently rubbing her thighs as he flattened his tongue against her, running it slowly over her. His eyes flicked to her face every few moments as he watched her reactions, his lips wrapping around her clit and sucking lightly.

Margery’s face contorted into pleasure, “Oh my…” She breathed, “Ohh…”

He gently ran his tongue against her with a hum as she let out a moan. The feeling of her gently shaking as he licked her was incredible, and only made him want to hear more of those delicious sounds she was making. He wanted to hear her begging for him, and he ran his tongue over her again, his head turning slightly for an even better angle to work with, staring into hers with a hungry gaze.

“Mmmn…” Margery whined softly, the pleasure intense as her mouth fell agape slightly. “Ohh…”

Gortash groaned softly against her, sending a tingle up her spine as his eyes flickered to her mouth, watching it fall open. He gently began sucking her clit again, which only made her moans louder.

“Ohhh yes…” She breathed, “That feels… incredible…”

His eyes gleamed as she praised him, his tongue continuing to work against her as he listened to her voice, the sound driving him insane. He sucked on her gently, his head moving slightly to continue working her with his tongue, desire pooling inside him quickly.

“Oh, Gods… Oh, please…” Margery whined blissfully, her fingertips pressing against the table helplessly as she felt herself release against his mouth, “Ohhh!” She cried softly.

Gortash’s eyes closed for a moment as her sounds drove his own desire up. He continued to work against her, his tongue working at an even faster pace than before as he listened to her begging. After a few long, torturous moments, he couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He needed her. Slowly pulling his mouth away from her, his eyes looked up at her with a predatory gaze. “Lay back, darling…”

Margery was panting softly as she did as he asked, a look of worry crossing her features for a moment. “I’m… I’m a virgin…” She whispered, “Is it… going to hurt very badly?”

He hummed thoughtfully, his hands gently holding her waist as he leaned down to her ear. “It shouldn’t hurt too badly, darling…” He murmured, nipping at her earlobe. “But there will be a little pain… it’ll pass quickly though.” His breath was hot against her skin, and she could feel the heat and hardness between his legs against her.

“Oh… Okay…” Margery replied nervously, looking up at him vulnerably.

Gortash groaned quietly as she looked up at him, her submission driving him wild. “That’s a good girl…” He murmured against her skin. He grabbed one of her legs, gently propping it over his shoulder, her body shifting under his as he prepared her.

She took a deep breath, readying herself for any pain, and she looked up at him once more with desire.

He gently aligned himself, looking down at her, his breathing heavy with anticipation. Reaching to cup her cheek, his thumb gently stroked her skin as a comfort. “Look at me, darling…” He breathed. Her gaze met his, and after a few moments, he gently pressed forward, pressing into her slowly.

“A-Ah…” Margery groaned softly, “It hurts…”

Enver gently shushed her softly, his voice soothing as he spoke. “Shh, it’s okay… it’ll pass sweetheart...” He murmured softly, his thumb gently stroking her cheek, “Just focus on me…” He purred, “Focus on my voice… breathe…”

Margery was momentarily surprised by his sudden softness toward her, and she was shocked that he could be so gentle. She stared into his eyes as the burning, stinging pain grew exponentially and he stretched her hymen open.

“Agh!” She cried, tears welling in her eyes as her hands came up to grip his forearms to steady herself. “Gods…”

“Shh…” Gortash soothed her gently, his breath leaving him as he heard her cry out in pain. He gently pressed his lips to her again in a gentle kiss to help distract her, one hand gently rubbing her leg that was over his shoulder. He stayed there for a few moments, staying still as he whispered against her skin, “Shh, darling…” He nuzzled her softly, “The pain will pass.. it’ll be okay…”

Margery nodded, whimpering softly as tears fell down her cheeks. “It’s really… b-big…”

He couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his lips, and he gently nuzzled her. “I know sweetheart…” He murmured, kissing her cheek softly, “You’re doing so well…” He gently wiped a tear off her cheek with his thumb, his gaze softening slightly. “Just give it a second…. It’ll start feeling good soon…”

“O-Okay… a-ah…” She winced, her eyes squeezing shut momentarily before she looked back up at him.

“Breathe, my dear…” Gortash instructed gently, “You’re doing so well… just breathe…” He nuzzled her again, his thumb gently stroking her cheek as she looked into his eyes. His breathing was ragged as he held himself still, desperately trying to hold himself back from moving.

Margery took a deep breath, focusing on her breathing as she was instructed, in through her nose and out through her mouth. “Ungh…” She gritted her teeth.

“Don’t clench…” He murmured. He gently peppered her jaw with kisses, “Try to relax…”

She did her best to do as he said, whimpering as he was nearly fully inside of her now, letting her adjust. Her entrance was stinging, and she was likely bleeding a little, but she was enduring.

“Ah…” She breathed.

Gortash groaned softly as he felt her walls completely envelop him, he leaned down and pressed a kiss on her shoulder, his breathing ragged. “Oh, sweet girl…” He murmured, his eyes closing as he relished in the feeling, “Mmn…” He pulled back slightly, gently trailing kisses down her neck, “Does it still hurt…?” His voice was huskier than before, his breath leaving him.

“Not as bad as it did at first.” She replied shakily.

“Very good…” He murmured. Gently, ever so slowly, he began rocking his hips against her, a grunt of pleasure leaving him as he did.

Margery whined softly in pain, before she felt a small bolt of pleasure inside of her, and realized how full him being inside of her made her feel. It was an odd sensation of pressure, but the more he moved, the stronger her pleasure became.

“Oh…” She whimpered.

“Good… let it feel good…” He murmured softly, gently kissing her skin. He groaned softly as he slowly picked up the pace of his hips, his breathing picking up a bit more as he leaned closer to her.

“Ohh…” Margery began moaning as her pleasure increased, looking up at him in slight awe of the intensity.

Gortash groaned softly at her moans, his gaze locking onto hers as he took in her expression. The way her face twisted in pleasure was incredible, and he increased his pace just a bit more, leaning down to kiss her passionately.

“Mmmm…” She moaned blissfully against his mouth as her tongue swirled with his hungrily.

He moaned against her mouth in response, his tongue immediately battling hers, and he quickly deepened the kiss. As they kissed fiercely, he began increasing his pace even more, his fingers gently clawing into the skin of her thighs as he let himself get carried away in their kiss and the feeling of her around him.

Margery felt a strange pressure building up inside her core, as if her walls themselves were feeling tighter, and she became more vocal as he moved faster, whining against his lips as her pleasure grew.

Gortash growled against her mouth at her whines, his own moans muffled as he felt her walls tighten around him. He was desperate to hear all of her noises, and he increased his speed slightly more as a result. Shifting slightly, he pushed her leg a bit higher on his shoulder as he kissed her again hungrily.

“Mmmmnn…” She moaned as his position allowed him to drive deeper inside of her, the pleasure becoming almost overwhelming as the table creaked beneath them. She felt her brow begin to sweat as she trembled, her tongue swirling with his.

Enver’s own moans became more unrestrained as she grew tighter. He felt himself getting close, and as he did, he began thrusting more frantically against her, his breathing becoming more labored and heavy. He gently pulled away from her mouth, kissing her neck in a desperate display of lust.

“Oh, Gods… Oh…!” Margery moaned loudly, “E-Env-er…!” She cried, her body clenching around him tightly as she climaxed, the new sensation utter euphoria. “Ohhh!”

Gortash groaned softly, her voice reaching new decibels as she came, her walls tightening around him so suddenly, and it pushed everything over the edge for him. He gently, albeit reluctantly, pulled away from her just in time, his release landing on the table. “Unnghhh…!” He growled.

Breathing hard, he gently set her leg back down as he held himself over her, looking down at her sweating, panting form. She was a mess as she gazed up at him lustfully, her face still one of pure bliss. “That… That was…” She stammered.

He gently shushed her, his breath still a little strained. He leaned down and pressed an unhurried kiss to her lips, his hand gently cupping her cheek as he deepened it for a moment before pulling away. He leaned down and nuzzled her, “You were incredible, darling..” He whispered softly against her neck, “How are you doing? Are you okay?” He asked in a low, soothing voice.

“Y-Yes… I’m okay, it doesn’t really hurt much now.” Margery spoke, looking away, before looking back up hesitantly, “…Can we do that… again?”

A low, pleased hum left him as she asked, and he leaned down, “Yes we can, darling…” He murmured, and gently kissed her again. “We can do this as many times as you’d like..” He breathed against her, his mouth grazing against her neck as he spoke.

“Mm…” She moaned, feeling an odd sensation blooming in her chest, though certainly it wasn’t affection. This man had committed horrible atrocities, one of them even being murdering someone she knew, yet somehow… Her nerves began melting, almost to a level of security, and it concerned her slightly.

A low hum left his mouth as he heard her moan, and he gently buried his face into her neck, his hands gently exploring her body as his mouth pressed against her skin. “Gods, you’re beautiful…” He murmured softly, “So beautiful… Come here,” He spoke softly as he began to shift her onto her belly, resting her head on the table as he pressed against her from behind, and she moaned needily in response. He gently pressed her further into the table, his breath picking up slightly, and his hands gently caressing her sides and thighs as he positioned himself a bit. Enver gently nudged at her entrance, teasingly rocking his hips against her without pushing in.

“Ohh… Please…” Margery whimpered.

Gortash moaned quietly, her pleading was enough to drive him wild. He leaned down, gently kissing the back of her neck before he began to push inside of her, a low moan leaving him as he did.

She winced once more, feeling herself being spread back open, but it wasn’t nearly as painful as before. “Mmn…” She whined needily.

He groaned deeply, his hands gripping her thighs a little tighter as he filled her again, “Gods… you feel amazing...” He growled, his mouth gently nibbling her neck as he slowly began rocking against her.

“Ohh, yes…” She moaned in pleasure, her head tilting back slightly.

“Good girl… you’re doing so well…” He murmured against her skin, his hips beginning to move against her with a quicker pace.

“Enver… oh, please…” Margery moaned as her pleasure mounted higher.

Gortash groaned loudly as his pace quickened a bit more, and he leaned down and gently nipped at her ear, his hand gently grabbing her hair and pulling her head back slightly. “Yes… good girl…” He panted out.

“Oh, yesss…” Margery continued, “That’s… so… good…”

Enver grinned slightly, his mouth beginning to make more hickeys and love bites along her neck. He groaned as he felt her walls grip tighter against him, and he groaned, “Gods, you’re so tight…”

Margery was practically dizzy with pleasure, her back arching as she clung onto the table, his hand gripping her hair oddly increasing her pleasure.

“Please… Enver…!” She whimpered, nearing another climax.

A low moan left him at the way his name left her, his hips thrusting against her just a bit rougher as he let everything drive him. “Good girl…” He purred as he heard her whimper, “Take it…” He groaned as he gently pulled her back a bit rougher against him, his teeth gently nibbling at her neck.

“Ohhh…!” She moaned, feeling him beginning to pound her. “Yes… hard… like… that…!”

His breath hitched as he heard her, and Gortash complied all too eagerly. He began to pound into her, “Gods, I need more…” He growled.

“Yes… please… ohhhh!” Margery cried, tears beginning to form in her eyes as her pleasure climbed.

He groaned against her skin as he heard her whine and plead. “Come for me, darling…” He panted out against her neck,

“Ohhhh!!” Margery screamed, a shrill cry of utter ecstasy that was one of the most beautiful things he’d ever heard. “Yes! Enver…!” She cried as she orgasmed, tossing her head back.

Margery’s pleasure filled cry was enough to push Gortash over the edge with her. He groaned her name as he pulled out just in time. He panted deeply as his spent release hit the floor, and he slowly laid out over her, gently burying his face into her hair.

She panted shakily, whimpering softly as her body felt completely exhausted, and she rested against the tabletop.

Gortash stayed on her back for a moment, panting softly against her. He nuzzled her hair, his breathing steadily beginning to regulate. After a few moments, he gently pulled away from her, standing up so he could look down at her, as she moved to stand and face him. “How are you feeling?” He murmured, his thumb gently stroking her cheek and neck.

“I’m… I’m so tired…” She moaned softly.

He let out a chuckle and gently kissed her, before pulling back as he spoke, “I’ve put you through it, my poor darling..” He murmured, “I was a bit rough…” He admitted, gently running his hands through her hair.

“It felt really good… that way…” Margery whispered.

Gortash gently nodded at her admission, his fingers gently massaging her scalp. “Good.” He spoke softly, “You did perfectly…” He praised, gently pressing a kiss to her head. “Do you mind if I clean you up?” He offered calmly.

“Clean me up?” She asked.

“Wash the mess off you?” He asked, smiling softly. “I’m sure you’re feeling very unclean right now. Let me run you a bath and clean you up…” He murmured softly, his hand gently trailing over her ribs.

“B-But… the Queen.” She spoke, feeling a surge of panic as he mentioned running her a bath in their quarters.

“Relax, dear,” Enver gently shushed her, looking down at her with a gentle expression. “I will speak with her. It will be fine.” He said softly, gently leaning down and gently kissing her temple. “Let me take care of you…” He murmured softly.

Margery nodded apprehensively, “Okay…”